Mike kitlas birthday

The Birthday Boys Subreddit

2013.12.07 05:12 The Birthday Boys Subreddit


2013.07.19 05:16 GoldenShowerCurtain Anarbor: The Subreddit

A place to discuss any and everything Anarbor.

2020.02.24 13:06 hemightberob slopheads

A home for all the slopheads. We're smashin the plates! The Sloppy Boys are a Party rock band featuring members of The Birthday Boys: Hometown Homeboy Mike Hanford, Greek God Tim Kalpakis, And Professional Cool Guy Jefferson Dutton. 3rd album Paradiso out now.

2024.06.01 20:55 Ronnie9495 Am I the asshole for causing family drama and cutting off my grandma?

I 29F have a very tight-knit family on my moms side. My grandma is the head of our family. She has 4 children, a son and a daughter (my mother) with her first husband, and another son and daughter from her second. 3 of her children have their own kids. My uncle, a son, and the oldest cousin. My mom, me, and my 2 brothers. My aunt and her 2 daughters and son. All of us cousins were raised to be very close with eachother, even though our oldest cousin, I'll call him Mike, lived with my uncle in a town about 4 hours away since we were little. The rest of us live within 10 miles of each other even now that we are adults.
My grandma isn't married and, in general, is a very hard woman to get along with. She had a severely abusive/neglectful childhood with alcoholic parents. She is always fighting with or angry with people and openly complains about everything and anything. For example, she likes to complain that her birthdays as a child were never celebrated, but every time her husband at the time or kids (to this day) throw her a party or do something special for her, she complains about every detail in front of everyone and will pout and be sour. If she doesn't get a celebration or something special done for her, she is worse.
The same goes for every holiday that includes family gatherings. She is also extremely impatient and nosey. She will ask for help with things around her house like hanging curtians, changing a light bulb, and fixing her security cameras (which Im pretty sure she intentionally messes with to ask for help) but if no one can come within 5 minutes or less, she will lose patience and do it herself. She will then complain that she's hurt herself doing the task and make a scene any chance she gets to everyone about how no one ever helps her when she asks.
My husband, my cousins husband, and my 2 brothers always help her as soon as they can with anything she needs. All of us are adults with our own families/houses/jobs/kids, etc. and don't always have the ability to drop everything and run to her aid at a moments notice.
She is constantly doing/saying things and pushing boundaries with everyone. We all love and respect her, so she has gotten very comfortable saying/doing whatever she wants to whoever she wants whenever she wants without repercussions.
Last year, my oldest cousin and the oldest grandchild/nephew passed away unexpectedly and tragically at 32 years old. This has turned our whole family upsidedown as we are all very close to each other.
Since Mikes death, my grandma has been an absolute nightmare. Screaming at and picking fights with other family members in the hospital while Mike was in the ICU on a ventilator. She told my uncle, Mikes father, that "this is why I told you you should have had more kids" as Mike was on his death bed and my uncle was trying to process losing his only son. She told my mom she "expected it to be one of her kids to die first, not Mike" because our father is an alcoholic, and it's hereditary. My 2 brothers and I are no contact with my father now because of his alcohol abuse and narcissistic personality, and so much more. None of us have ever, or currently have a drinking problem.
She continues to make Mike's passing all about herself every chance she gets, even going as far as to say she is the one grieving the most. She makes sure everyone knows she's the one hurting the most from this loss.
She refused to eat or sleep for months after his death, which made her already awful behavior that much worse. She even got rid of all of her furniture because "All she can think about is Mike sitting at /on them" because he stayed with her occasionally when he came to town maybe once or twice a year. She got laughably small furniture to replace it becsuse "no one ever comes to see me anyway"
I am also very outspoken and I don't mind conflict as long as it's necessary and at the right time. I tend to call my grandma out when she has overstepped her boundaries or made hurtful and unnecessary comments, but I dont every single time because it turns into a shit show no matter how small the issue is.
Things came to a head last week when they set Mike's head stone, and my uncle was finally ready to bury his ashes.
First, my grandma complained about the engraving of the headstone. It lists Mikes parents, our Grandpa, and step grandmother (they are still married, and she has been around since before any of the cousins were born), then my grandma. She was upset by this because it didn't say "grandmother" by her name and "people who don't know our family won't know I am the real grandmother" and is paying to have it reengraved to say "maternal grandmother" by her name.
My family is mixed, extended, and very large as we include family from all sides of each member. So, the funeral was a medium gathering of all the closest family members.
My cousins last name was Harrison, which is my mother's maiden name. That side of my family is big into race cars, show cars, racing, and just all things motorhead in general. Myself included. So to honor Mike, he was driven in his and his father's shared race car, followed by my mom in hers, and our other uncle in his. It was a beautiful tribute and totally what he would have wanted, as working on that car was his and his dads favorite hobby to do together.
After the fact, some family posted things about how he was honored "in true Harrison fashion" and "Harrison style." None of us thought anything of it, except that we were honoring Mike and his family name. But we were wrong.
The next day I had several family members/friends sending me screen shots of a post my grandma made saying "yesterday wasn't just the Harrisons, I was there too and (her family name) were represented too." Then she tagged and thanked specifically her sister and nephew for "being there for me so I had family" as if her entire family wasn't there surrounding her.
I had enough of her drama, and I'll admit a years worth of frustration with her bubbled up, and I decided to comment on her post.
I said that we are all one family, and Mike would be disappointed with the separation she insinuated by last names because he was proud of his family roots from every angle. This, of course, made her fly completely off the handle.
She texted me telling me "that's what she meant, and I needed to stop being defensive" so I explained to her how it came across with her choice of words, and if that's what she meant she should have worded it different. And also that it was unfair to insinuate that the only family she had to support her were her sister and nephew when we were all there supporting each other. She became enraged. She began spam texting me the most mean and terrible things she could think of, most of which was telling me that I am just as awful and hateful as my father, and that everyone in the family thinks so, and doesn't like me. And "I will never know what she really thinks of me, but if I did, I would be really mad," a direct quote from one of her messages.
I wasn't too bothered by any of this because I know none of it is true, and she was just trying to hurt me. I was only upset because it was clear that she was going above and beyond to insult me in the worst way. So I told her I was finished with the conversation until she could be calm enough to have a rational discussion instead of just throwing around insults. Of course, she continued, but I stopped responding. But because I didn't respond, she went to my mom to tell her the same rude things about me.
One thing about my mom is that she is the most patient, docile, sweet, and genuine person I know. She often gets walked on because of her calm personality, especially by my grandma and my father while they were married. I can count on one hand how many times I have seen her angry, and her fuse is extremely long.
I had kept her up to date with the text thread, so she already knew what was going on in real time. So even though I am 29, my grandma going directly to her talking nasty about me sent her into complete mama bear mode. I have NEVER seen my mother snap like she did. She immediately called my grandma and Lost. Her. Shit. I did not know my mom could yell that loud, and let me tell you, the woman did not stutter once. Not only that, but despite my grandma using profanity and screaming incoherently at the top of her lungs, my mother kept her vocabulary classy but stern. Aside from telling my grandma to "shut the hell up for a second," the call ended with my mother telling my grandma not to speak to her or her kids again. Which is not a thing my mom would say lightly or just in the heat of the moment. She stood on business, and it was clear.
About 40 minutes after this conversation, my grandma texted both my mom and I an "apology" that read, "I am sorry my post hurt and upset you. I am sorry for today." Which neither of us replied to. My grandma took all of us off of her Facebook and specifically blocked me. We have not seen or spoken to her since. Tomorrow will be exactly a week.
My mom and I have no plans to reconcile any time soon because we feel she took it way too far this time. Being called out on her bad behavior caused her to escalate much more than nesccary and aim for the throat with her words. We have both had enough of her saying anything she wants no matter how mean without being held accountable.
Our entire family is supporting us and have told us they are glad someone finally said something to her. I know my mom and I did the right thing, even if we could have gone about it more gently. But with how close our family has always been, we both feel somewhat guilty for sticking to our guns and putting some distance between us and my grandma for a while.
I personally will not be fixing anything with my grandma until I get a real, genuine, heartfelt apology from her for the things she said to me... I feel like I deserve at least that. So... are we/am I the asshole?
submitted by Ronnie9495 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 20:50 Ronnie9495 Am I the asshole for causing family drama and cutting off my grandma?

I 29F have a very tight-knit family on my moms side. My grandma is the head of our family. She has 4 children, a son and a daughter (my mother) with her first husband, and another son and daughter from her second. 3 of her children have their own kids. My uncle, a son, and the oldest cousin. My mom, me, and my 2 brothers. My aunt and her 2 daughters and son. All of us cousins were raised to be very close with eachother, even though our oldest cousin, I'll call him Mike, lived with my uncle in a town about 4 hours away since we were little. The rest of us live within 10 miles of each other even now that we are adults.
My grandma isn't married and, in general, is a very hard woman to get along with. She had a severely abusive/neglectful childhood with alcoholic parents. She is always fighting with or angry with people and openly complains about everything and anything. For example, she likes to complain that her birthdays as a child were never celebrated, but every time her husband at the time or kids (to this day) throw her a party or do something special for her, she complains about every detail in front of everyone and will pout and be sour. If she doesn't get a celebration or something special done for her, she is worse. The same goes for every holiday that includes family gatherings. She is also extremely impatient and nosey. She will ask for help with things around her house like hanging curtians, changing a light bulb, and fixing her security cameras (which Im pretty sure she intentionally messes with to ask for help) but if no one can come within 5 minutes or less, she will lose patience and do it herself. She will then complain that she's hurt herself doing the task and make a scene any chance she gets to everyone about how no one ever helps her when she asks.
My husband, my cousins husband, and my 2 brothers always help her as soon as they can with anything she needs. All of us are adults with our own families/houses/jobs/kids, etc. and don't always have the ability to drop everything and run to her aid at a moments notice.
She is constantly doing/saying things and pushing boundaries with everyone. We all love and respect her, so she has gotten very comfortable saying/doing whatever she wants to whoever she wants whenever she wants without repercussions.
Last year, my oldest cousin and the oldest grandchild/nephew passed away unexpectedly and tragically at 32 years old. This has turned our whole family upsidedown as we are all very close to each other.
Since Mikes death, my grandma has been an absolute nightmare. Screaming at and picking fights with other family members in the hospital while Mike was in the ICU on a ventilator. She told my uncle, Mikes father, that "this is why I told you you should have had more kids" as Mike was on his death bed and my uncle was trying to process losing his only son. She told my mom she "expected it to be one of her kids to die first, not Mike" because our father is an alcoholic, and it's hereditary. My 2 brothers and I are no contact with my father now because of his alcohol abuse and narcissistic personality, and so much more. None of us have ever, or currently have a drinking problem.
She has made Mikes passing all about herself every chance she gets, even going as far as to say she is the one grieving the most. She makes sure everyone knows she's the one hurting the most from this loss. She refused to eat or sleep for months after his death, which made her already awful behavior that much worse. She even got rid of all of her furniture because "All she can think about is Mike sitting at /on them" because he stayed with her occasionally when he came to town maybe once or twice a year. She got laughably small furniture to replace it because "no one ever comes to see me anyway"
I am also very outspoken, and I don't mind conflict as long as it's necessary and at the right time. I tend to call my grandma out when she has overstepped her boundaries or made hurtful and unnecessary comments, but I dont every single time because it turns into a shit show no matter how small the issue is.
Well, things came to a head last week when they set Mike's head stone, and my uncle was finally ready to bury his ashes.
First, my grandma complained about the engraving of the headstone. It lists Mikes parents, our grandpa, and step grandmother (they are still married, and she has been around since before any of the cousins were born), then my grandma. She was upset by this because it didn't say "grandmother" by her name and "people who don't know our family won't know I am the real grandmother" and is paying to have it reengraved to say "maternal grandmother" by her name.
My family is mixed, extended, and very large as we include family from all sides of each member. So, the funeral was a medium gathering of all the closest family members.
My cousins last name was Harrison, which is my mother's maiden name. That side of my family is big into race cars, show cars, racing, and just all things motorhead in general. Myself included. So to honor Mike, he was driven in his and his father's shared race car, followed by my mom in hers, and our other uncle in his. It was a beautiful tribute and totally what he would have wanted, as working on that car was his and his dads favorite hobby to do together.
After the fact, some family posted things about how he was honored "in true Harrison fashion" and "Harrison style." None of us thought anything of it, except that we were honoring Mike and his family name. But we were wrong.
The next day I had several family members/friends sending me screen shots of a post my grandma made saying "yesterday wasn't just the Harrisons, I was there too and (her family name) were represented too." Then she tagged and thanked specifically her sister and nephew for "being there for me so I had family" as if her entire family wasn't there surrounding her.
I had enough of her drama, and I'll admit a years worth of frustration with her bubbled up, and I decided to comment on her post. I said that we are all one family, and Mike would be disappointed with the separation she insinuated by last names because he was proud of his family roots from every angle.
This, of course, made her fly completely off the handle. She texted me telling me "that's what she meant, and I needed to stop being defensive" so I explained to her how it came across with her choice of words, and if that's what she meant she should have worded it different. And also that it was unfair to insinuate that the only family she had to support her were her sister and nephew when we were all there supporting each other.
She became enraged. She began spam texting me the most mean and terrible things she could think of, most of which was telling me that I am just as awful and hateful as my father, and that everyone in the family thinks so, and doesn't like me. And "I will never know what she really thinks of me, but if I did, I would be really mad," a direct quote from one of her messages.
I wasn't too bothered by any of this because I know none of it is true, and she was just trying to hurt me. I was only upset because it was clear that she was going above and beyond to insult me in the worst way. So I told her I was finished with the conversation until she could be calm enough to have a rational discussion instead of just throwing around insults. Of course, she continued, but I stopped responding. But because I didn't respond, she went to my mom to tell her the same rude things about me.
One thing about my mom is that she is the most patient, docile, sweet, and genuine person I know. She often gets walked on because of her calm personality, especially by my grandma and my father while they were married. I can count on one hand how many times I have seen her angry, and her fuse is extremely long.
I had kept her up to date with the text thread, so she already knew what was going on in real time. So even though I am 29, my grandma going directly to her talking nasty about me sent her into complete mama bear mode. I have NEVER seen my mother snap like she did. She immediately called my grandma and Lost. Her. Shit. I did not know my mom could yell that loud, and let me tell you, the woman did not stutter once. Not only that, but despite my grandma using profanity and screaming incoherently at the top of her lungs, my mother kept her vocabulary classy but stern. Aside from telling my grandma to "shut the hell up for a second," the call ended with my mother telling my grandma not to speak to her or her kids again. Which is not a thing my mom would say lightly or just in the heat of the moment. She stood on business, and it was clear.
About 40 minutes after this conversation, my grandma texted both my mom and I an "apology" that read, "I am sorry my post hurt and upset you. I am sorry for today." Which neither of us replied to. My grandma took all of us off of her Facebook and specifically blocked me. We have not seen or spoken to her since, and tomorrow will be exactly a week.
My mom and I have no plans to reconcile any time soon because we feel she took it way too far this time. Being called out on her bad behavior caused her to escalate much more than nesccary and aim for the throat with her words. We have both had enough of her saying anything she wants no matter how mean without being held accountable.
Our entire family is supporting us and have told us they are glad someone finally said something to her. I know my mom and I did the right thing, even if we could have gone about it more gently. But with how close our family has always been, we both feel somewhat guilty for sticking to our guns and putting some distance between us and my grandma for a while.
I personally will not be fixing anything with my grandma until I get a real, genuine, heartfelt apology from her for the things she said to me... I feel like I deserve at least that. So... are we/am I the asshole?
submitted by Ronnie9495 to dustythunder [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:01 YouPatheticWorm1958 Happy birthday to former Rangers netminder Mike Dunham.

Happy birthday to former Rangers netminder Mike Dunham. submitted by YouPatheticWorm1958 to rangers [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:08 Morrisseyluvsme Happy Birthday Mike!

Happy Birthday Mike! submitted by Morrisseyluvsme to thesmiths [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:29 whathesigmasquidward My ex freind group are ruining my life again amd again...

sorry if tthis super long and complicated, but you need to get the full story so it makes sense. [hope i get to update you guys]
so it started about 7-8 months ago, so my best friend (now my ex-bestfreind) started spreading roumours about how i was a bitch and didnt hang out with her and blaming me for things i didnt do or were a misunderstanding but she JUST wouldnt listen to me and we just fell apart because she never gave the effort to our relationship and i just gave up trying to initiate evrything. but we were neutral for a while.
exactly 6 months ago we had a school trip where we went to taiwan a i developed a crush on this guy(ill call him Mike) because he is the hottest boy ill ever see and im notbsure ull get over him but, on that trip he was in my group and he stuck to my side and even carried me on his houlders for a taks we needed to complete. he carried me a few times later on and everybody, even the teachers were shipping us together.
everyrhing was going smooth until some people went into our room and stole my MAC squirt gloss(26 usd), my fav mascara(21usd) and my snaks i brought. and after i found out i was originaly mad and stormed out of my room demanding my stuff back( my roomates things also got touched but onlyiner were stolen) and everybody crowed around my room and it bevame so chaotic amd ubearable and my freinds i made along on the trip came to hep but i couldent take it and locked myself in the toilet. eventually my freinds told the teachers while i was in the toilet and people got punished but nothing serious, like having a group talk and having to sit on the teacher's table. but the boys blamed me for getting me into trouble and didnt give my stuff back. and on that night where the people had a talk i had to list down the things people took in front of the teacher and i was trying so desperatly to keep it in but i started to tear up from the over crowding of emotions and she saw that soso told me to take a peice of paper and write the studf down and heading back to my room i started crying and my freind (not in the room) started covering me and mike asked if i was ok and omg that was really made me confirm he was my crush and that i wanted to be their friends. and eventually after the trip i confessed my feelings and he said he liked me back but tbh i didnt believe it bc it sounded fake? but after that i asked him for the truth and he told me he said he liked me bc he felt bad for me. so after that my friends invited me to a sleepover for my freinds birthday and i was acting spoilted (i was stressed about tests) and that was my fualt. but i think thats when they started talking behind my back also to my ex bestfreind and im so stupid to belive that they reallt liked me. and its pathetic really, so first some chain reactions happened 1. mikes friends started teasing me and tauting me saying i got rejected (when i never asked him out??) 2.my freinds started spreading roumors that i was a fake f1 fan bc my freind was and there was also gossip about how mike liked her but FIRST OF all my dad was semi professional race car driver so idk where they got that from 3. talking smack about me being a pick mr for crying and laughing in front of boys?? and key info someone made a gossip account for all the international schools in the area and some individual schools made one includong ours and people blamed me for it becuse i took a screenshot and reposted one of them (that was me being dumb) but i have proof it was not me [if you want it just ask for it in the comments] and i explained over and over again that i was not it and started posting about me and calling me names like bitch, whore, so on and so on and then the school found out there was an acvount and one of tje teachers told my mom to delete my insta account (i was pissed at this bc i message everyone on insta and keep up w people/trends) and i posted on my story(private account btw) saying how the teacher was a **(if i said it i would be prob banned tbh) it wad stuff about how much i hated her. and i got called to a school administrations offic and got suspended for a week becuae off that and people kept on gossiping about me more and over this week i think is when my ex bestie and my new freinds got together and planned everything. also i was at an all time low at that point and tried killing myself once but i failed. but what happened next was 1. freind A was the main hater on all of this told everyone she hated me 2. everyone turned their backs on me 3. i was an outcast and my old freiind group said they were sorry and wont do that again and PROMISED but guess what, here we are 4. they slowly showed signals to me 5. i started to notic how i was always at the back of thr group just following them and notknowing about code names 6. i picked up on some clues about me being code name gummy 7. aking them about it 8. them denying 9. the next day coffesing 10. me getting kicked out from that group
and now i have found a few freinds that are in a group but im not in it se somepoepe in that group dont really like me. and on another school trip recently i was hanginf out withthem because they were in my group along with freind a and ig she felt left out bc i wad laughing witb them and wanted to exile me away agin, so she staryed physically pushing me away from them and it made feel so fucking crappy. and im pissed at her for neing such a skank. i just cant do this anymore because i feel that im desperate for my freinda attention that is being stolen away from freind A and i am constanly finding myself in the same position, following at the back of hthe group when i was finnaly happy, she just has to ruin it al to make me suffer.. i dont know what to do next, please help me
submitted by whathesigmasquidward to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:31 sweetxsecret Mike (Acrobat) 5th Birthday Letter

Mike (Acrobat) 5th Birthday Letter submitted by sweetxsecret to IdentityV [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:33 juliunicorn314 Ghosts Survivor: Round 18 VOTE TWICE

Round 18 deadline: Saturday 1st June, 11pm GMT

Hi peopleee!!! It's getting harder and harder to choose our least favourites, but we still have up to 10 rounds to go! Let's find out which episode is leaving now...
Fools. It may have looked like from the last results that The Bone Plot would be eliminated next, but surprisingly, both Gorilla War and Fools gained more votes, the former with 6 and the latter with 8. Therefore Fools is now out of the game.
Which episode will leave next in Round 18? It's up to youuuuu.


Vote for the *2 episodes** that you like the least. The episode that gathers the most votes will be eliminated with the 11th place in this game. Make sure you have watched all episodes before voting and don't vote more than twice. (I don't think you can anyway)*


Round 17 results
Living Episodes: (SPOILERS!!!)
S1E2 - Gorilla War:
S1E3 - Happy Death Day:
S1E5 - Moonah Ston:
S2E3 - Redding Weddy:
S2E4 - The Thomas Thorne Affair:
S2E5 - Bump in the Night:
S3E1 - The Bone Plot:
S3E3 - The Woodworm Men:
S4E4 - Gone Gone:
S4E7 - It's Behind You:
S5E5 - Carpe Diem:
Episodes that have been sucked off:
34th place: S5E7 - A Christmas Gift
33rd place: S3E7- He Came!
32nd place: S2E1 - The Grey Lady
31st place: S2E2 - About Last Night
30th place: S4E5 - Poached Guests
29th place: S4E1 - Happy Holiday
28th place: S1E4 - Free Pass
27th place: S5E2 - Home
26th place: S1E6 - Getting Out
25th place: S5E4 - En Français
24th place: S5E6 - Last Resort
23rd place: S2E6 - Perfect Day
22nd place: S3E2 - A Lot to Take In
21st place: S3E4 - I Love Lucy
18th place: S3E6 - Part of the Family & S4E2 - Speak As Ye Choose & S4E3 - The Hardest Word
17th place: S4E6 - Not Again
16th place: S2E7 - The Ghost of Christmas
15th place: S5E3 - Pineapple Day
13th place: S1E1 - Who Do You Think You Are? & S3E5 - Something to Share?
12th place: S5E1 - Fools
submitted by juliunicorn314 to GhostsBBC [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:26 GrimmestGhost_ The "You're the Band" Problem

This is essentially a follow-up to my makeshift Fazbear Frights timeline. There's one particular story that I wasn't sure what to do with, and that's story 12.3 - You're the Band.
The rundown of the story (spoilers inbound) is that Sylvia's son Timmy has become obsessed with Freddy's since learning about it online. For his birthday she buys him a Freddy head from a shady online auction, after which he seemingly becomes possessed by it and recalls vivid memories of the murders there (which are described exactly like Into the Pit). The murders are said to be thirty years ago at this point. When a shadow entity lures Timmy away, Sylvia gets help from Mike, the security guard at the defunct Freddy's, to find Timmy and return the head (which Mike says had been stolen from the building).
So needless to say, this story is a bit problematic when it comes to canonicity. We have a seeming direct connection to the games through Mike, but at the same time, the time this story takes place makes it contradict the games but also other FF stories. Adding to problems is the fact that it's seemingly referenced in the Stitchline Epilogues as well. In Epilogue XI Larson has been trapped in the ball pit memories by Eleanor. In the memories he goes to the ball pit to try and find a way out, only to be taken to a different memory each time where he fights Eleanor. The four memories these fights take place in are the scrap yard from To Be Beautiful, the attic of a house, a kid's bedroom, and the empty warehouse where Kasey lived in Dance With Me.
I've seen people connect the unknown bedroom to You're the Band. In the Epilogue, the bedroom is described at following:
"He was in a kid's bedroom - a little boy's, from the look of it. The comforter on the bed was light blue and decorated with race cars. A poster showing Freddy Fazbear and his friends hung on the wall over the bed."
The problem here is that in You're the Band Timmy's room is only vaguely described. There's no mention of a race car comforter or a Freddy poster. In fact, in the story Freddy's is only a distant memory with Sylvia being unable to find much of anything to do with it; she ends up having to make homemade Freddy's decorations for Timmy's party. So Timmy having a poster of Freddy doesn't really fit.
But that might not be the only possible YTB reference in Epilogue XI either. The strange attic Larson fights Eleanor in might also be a reference to the story. It's described as follows:
"Larson emerged into a dark room. Something metal brushed up against his cheek; it felt like it could be the pull chain for a light fixture. He reached up and pulled it, and a bare, dim, bulb cast a faint glow over the room. The walls were bare wood and sloped like the contours of a roof, and the room was cluttered with with cardboard boxes labeled Winter Clothes, Christmas Decorations, and Fishing Poles/Tackle. There was an old rocking chair and a table full of knickknacks - figurines, a large brass candelabra, a glass paperweight - the kind of stuff that nobody really needed but that people had a hard time letting go of for some reason. A large antique trunk sat in the far left corner of the room."
YTB is the only story in FF to describe an attic, and while it's not as detailed as the one described here, I thought it was worth mentioning. I'm not sold on either of these being a refence to YTB, but if they're not, I also don't know what stories they're referencing.
Back to the main problems with YTB though, it's mainly the time it takes place. We have references to to modern technology like laptops and smartphones, Timmy learned about Freddy's from the internet, etc. The story is pretty clearly meant to be set in the modern day. In fact, if we take the "thirty years ago" literally we can place it in 2015. This brings new problems though: the first is that the Freddy's building is still Freddy's and sitting abandoned. This contradicts the epilogues, especially Epilogue X, where Larson is tracking the history of the Freddy's building.
"For days now he'd been trying to trace the history of the building where he'd found the ball pit. But he'd landed in a quagmire of real estate transactions and business permits. The building had been the home of so many failed ventures that trying to follow the transfers was making Larson's eyes burn."
We know that by the time Into the Pit takes place (either 2020 or 2023) that Jeff's Pizza, the last occupant of the place before the Epilogues, occupies the space. However, if Fazbear gave the building up in 2015, 5 to 8 years isn't really enough time for all the ventures implied in Epilogue X.
Another problem is Mike. If this really is Michael Afton, than the events of Sister Location haven't happened yet. While there would be enough time for SL to happen in between 2015 and 2023, that's not the only problem. In YTB the band is still intact in the abandoned building, which means Follow Me hasn't happened yet either. This would mean that Follow Me and Sister Location have to happen in between 2015 and 2023, which admittedly isn't impossible, but does drastically throw off the timeline.
There's also the Puppet being there when it seems like the Puppet wasn't being used after 1987, but that's whatever I guess.
So that's all the main problems with You're the Band. Even after writing all that I'm still not sure what to make of it. Is it Stichline? If so, how do we resolve the timeline issues. Is it not? If so, what are the attic and bedroom in Epilogue XI referencing?
TL;DR You're the Band is really confusing.
submitted by GrimmestGhost_ to fnaftheories [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 18:42 sparkle0406 S6 E19 What was Mike going to do when he entered Katherine's house after finding out she picked up MJ?

Before Mike found out that Katherine picked up MJ from a birthday party, he told her not to talk to him ever again. He then says that she's never seen him get angry and if she wants to, just talk to him one more time.
When he entered Katherine's home and told MJ to leave, what do you think he was going to do or say to her? I know what she said led to the events that happened, but I'm just curious what your thoughts are in terms of Mike?
submitted by sparkle0406 to DesperateHousewives [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 18:27 sparkle0406 S6 E9 Do you think stabbing herself was Katherine's playing all along?

What do you think was Katherine's plan when she picked up MJ from his birthday party? Do you think her intent was to stab herself all along and that's why she made brownies and had the knife in her hand? Do you think it just came about when Mike said all those things about how their relationship meant nothing? I just don't understand what her end game was. She tells Mike that she needed to talk to MJ again to let him know that what the two of them had was real. But I kind of doubt that that's where she was thinking it would end. Any thoughts?
submitted by sparkle0406 to DesperateHousewives [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 00:04 juliunicorn314 Ghosts Survivor: Round 17

Round 17 deadline: Friday 31st May, 11pm GMT

Hey Butt Ho's!!! So Round 16 left us with two episodes tying with the most votes, meaning that we sadly have to say goodbye to both of them today. Here are the two unfortunate episodes...
WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? & SOMETHING TO SHARE?. Both of them gathered 5 votes each in total, 2 more then the next most voted episode - The Bone Plot. Since they tied, they will both be eliminated in tied 13th place.
Will The Bone Plot be the next to go? Or will they results be unexpected? It's up to youuuuu.
Vote for the episode that you like *the least. The episode that gathers the most votes will be eliminated with the **12th place in this game. Make sure you have watched all episodes before voting and don't vote more than once. (I don't think you can anyway)*


Round 16 results
Living Episodes: (SPOILERS!!!)
S1E2 - Gorilla War:
S1E3 - Happy Death Day:
S1E5 - Moonah Ston:
S2E3 - Redding Weddy:
S2E4 - The Thomas Thorne Affair:
S2E5 - Bump in the Night:
S3E1 - The Bone Plot:
S3E3 - The Woodworm Men:
S4E4 - Gone Gone:
S4E7 - It's Behind You:
S5E1 - Fools:
S5E5 - Carpe Diem:
Episodes that have been sucked off:
34th place: S5E7 - A Christmas Gift
33rd place: S3E7- He Came!
32nd place: S2E1 - The Grey Lady
31st place: S2E2 - About Last Night
30th place: S4E5 - Poached Guests
29th place: S4E1 - Happy Holiday
28th place: S1E4 - Free Pass
27th place: S5E2 - Home
26th place: S1E6 - Getting Out
25th place: S5E4 - En Français
24th place: S5E6 - Last Resort
23rd place: S2E6 - Perfect Day
22nd place: S3E2 - A Lot to Take In
21st place: S3E4 - I Love Lucy
18th place: S3E6 - Part of the Family & S4E2 - Speak As Ye Choose & S4E3 - The Hardest Word
17th place: S4E6 - Not Again
16th place: S2E7 - The Ghost of Christmas
15th place: S5E3 - Pineapple Day
13th place: S1E1 - Who Do You Think You Are? & S3E5 - Something to Share?
submitted by juliunicorn314 to GhostsBBC [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 22:12 cdq1985 My grandfather asked me to grab his mail for him today.

My grandfather asked me to grab his mail for him today. submitted by cdq1985 to PoliticalHumor [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 18:01 JoshOfArc Beauty is a Fickle Line Call...

Beauty is a Fickle Line Call... submitted by JoshOfArc to clevercomebacks [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 17:34 annoyed__rabbit I (18F) currently studying. So see there is a preety sweet guy .. let's name him Mike...So Mike is the kindest and sweetest guy I have ever met. I met him in my coaching classes. In classes we have a pretty diff between girls and boys grps.

I (18F) currently studying. So see there is a preety sweet guy .. let's name him Mike...So Mike is the kindest and sweetest guy I have ever met. I met him in my coaching classes. In classes we have a pretty diff between girls and boys grps. So I liked him at first and decided to talk to him for some stupid reason. He helped me and then we exchanged insta...even on that day we talked abt some stuff for like 1hr and even he in beginning stated that "The girl on my pfp is my bestfrnd ...meko laga tujhe pata hona chaiye". First sign I thought he liked me....so from that day we started talking much. Ut was like he used to sometimes stare at me in class he was genuinely worried for me when I got sick in the class. Even when our sir took us to the movies after interval he came and sat on the seat just infront of me. Once we were out with sir for some educational fest and at that time between the guys he was eyeing me. On 2nd April I just sent him a random text stating that I like him ...and deleted it in 1sec ...but he saw it on notifications. I got pretty embarrassed but after pissing him off for a while I did say that....when I told him I too felt that he has a crush on me ...he said that whatever I saw (apart from him staring at me ..ps I did not tell him) he said he was just being a nice guy. I know he is emotionally available person and even he is pretty nice to his frnds and just I would say a family guy but he just didn't want me. He asked to be frnds. And so we are but now I feel that I am just annoying him and he does not talk to me like he used to in the initial time so I did not either. It's his birthday coming and I am not sure should I msg him at 12 or not...And being stuck... recently I was talking to other guy from the same class in a frndly way...Like I used to ask him doubts and that stuff... recently he sent me a reel stating that "I check my phone all day to see her text but guess what she spends her day without caring abt me" . I jusr played it as a joke and shook it off. But now he msgs me and I feel annoyed that's why I thought Mike must be annoyed from me too. And the guy who likes me is a bit healthy kinda..but his personality is great so I don't mind being frnds with him . I am just stuck and don't wanna do anything ..helppp what should I do??
submitted by annoyed__rabbit to dating [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 16:08 justlookawaybruh I don't like my friends anymore

(English is not my first language, execuse me for any mistakes)
I feel so alone and misunderstood. i am a 16yo girl and i always feel bad when I'm with my group of friends, which is composed of me, 3 guys (luke, mike and sam) and a girl (kate).
Kate seems to like me but i don't like her because she's so annoying. Like, she sat behind me at school for a week straight and she did nothing but "playfully" tease me in a physical way (like touching my hair, touching my spine with a pen, putting her fingers in the sides of my belly). Yes, we like to tease each other, but enough is enough and she seems to know absolutely no boundary. Also, she invades my privacy a lot, i can never text anybody because she'll be staring at my phone. ALL THE TIME.
mike also loves to tease me like kate, with no limit. He likes to pull my hair (he also sits behind me). And he knows i hate the smell of cigarettes, so whenever he smokes, he tries to "pass" the smell on me, like on my hair and clothes.
Luke has never made an effort to talk to me and it really seems like he doesn't like me. I tried to talk to him about his hobbies, things he likes... nothing in return, just vague answers.
Sam is my personal favourite, because we actually have something in common and he seems to understand me more when it comes to not knowing something, while the others are way more critical. I have really nothing to say about him, he just has some troubles reading the room, sometimes (today, he threw a heavy backpack on my head because he thought i would grab it).
i don't know what to do, these are my only friends and i am so scared of ending up alone. Everybody else in my class hate me because i get high grades but don't want to let others cheat from me. My friends" don't like this as well and criticize me a lot and call me names.
Also, i made another post, talking about my birthday. everyone paid me back except for Luke which refuses because "it was your birthday, so you offered (i paid for him, because he didn't have the money). i don't owe you anything"
submitted by justlookawaybruh to TeenVent [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 16:06 justlookawaybruh i don't like my friends anymore

(English is not my first language, execuse me for any mistakes)
I feel so alone and misunderstood. i am a 16yo girl and i always feel bad when I'm with my group of friends, which is composed of me, 3 guys (luke, mike and sam) and a girl (kate).
Kate seems to like me but i don't like her because she's so annoying. Like, she sat behind me at school for a week straight and she did nothing but "playfully" tease me in a physical way (like touching my hair, touching my spine with a pen, putting her fingers in the sides of my belly). Yes, we like to tease each other, but enough is enough and she seems to know absolutely no boundary. Also, she invades my privacy a lot, i can never text anybody because she'll be staring at my phone. ALL THE TIME.
mike also loves to tease me like kate, with no limit. He likes to pull my hair (he also sits behind me). And he knows i hate the smell of cigarettes, so whenever he smokes, he tries to "pass" the smell on me, like on my hair and clothes.
Luke has never made an effort to talk to me and it really seems like he doesn't like me. I tried to talk to him about his hobbies, things he likes... nothing in return, just vague answers.
Sam is my personal favourite, because we actually have something in common and he seems to understand me more when it comes to not knowing something, while the others are way more critical. I have really nothing to say about him, he just has some troubles reading the room, sometimes (today, he threw a heavy backpack on my head because he thought i would grab it).
i don't know what to do, these are my only friends and i am so scared of ending up alone. Everybody else in my class hate me because i get high grades but don't want to let others cheat from me. My friends" don't like this as well and criticize me a lot and call me names.
Also, i made another post, talking about my birthday. everyone paid me back except for Luke which refuses because "it was your birthday, so you offered (i paid for him, because he didn't have the money). i don't owe you anything"
submitted by justlookawaybruh to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 15:34 tikibot2 Happy 2024 Birthday to Mike W. Barr!

Happy 2024 Birthday to Mike W. Barr! submitted by tikibot2 to StarTrekBookClub [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 13:41 I-DID-SUZANER Happy belated anal…

Happy belated anal… submitted by I-DID-SUZANER to DabblersAnonymous [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 10:29 Ilovehmradio Happy Birthday to Mike Dupke 🍻🤘(May 30th, 1974)!!! #MetalBirthday #MikeDupke #waspnation #JohnMellencamp #heavymetal #hardrock #IloveHeavyMetalRadio

Happy Birthday to Mike Dupke 🍻🤘(May 30th, 1974)!!! #MetalBirthday #MikeDupke #waspnation #JohnMellencamp #heavymetal #hardrock #IloveHeavyMetalRadio submitted by Ilovehmradio to HeavyMetalRadio [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 08:14 witchywoman713 Relief + regret? Maybe? Idk

My dad was born in 1965, cusp of boomer and gen x, but definitely shares many of the qualities of the boomer stories here.
I don’t even know where to begin. I loved my dad fiercely and thought we had an amazing relationship. We were super close, almost best friends. Turns out I was just his golden child and the second I held a boundary about how poorly I finally fucking noticed (late 20s) that he was treating me, there I was by the wayside. He absolutely fits the description of narcissist, self centered hypocritical boomer.
It got worse once he voted for trump. I (drunkenly but in no uncertain terms) told him he was a hypocrite, and I expected more of him. He was a “fiscally conservative, socially liberal” type; meaning he liked to collect his ragtag team of social outcasts to feel better about himself but still have no qualms voting against the interests of those he claimed to care about. He literally taught me better than how he was acting. He didn’t take kindly to that interaction.
So very very long story short, we were low contact when he died in 2020. I felt a lot of things. Remorse, sadness, regret, grief, numbness…. But mostly relief.
I was, at the time, with someone I thought I’d be with forever, (spoiler alert) didn’t turn out that way; and when my dad passed from a random freak fishing accident, I thought back to all of my fantasies of weddings and kids. I always pictured The father daughter dance and him walking me down the isle. I thought about how he might get his shit together and finally put some fucking effort into our relationship if he was ever a papa. My younger sister had just confided in me weeks earlier that she was pregnant and had no interest in telling Mike until she had to. He died before she got the chance. This is understandably still very hard for her even though she was his scapegoat and they had a much rougher relationship than he and I did.
I am now childfree, and have no intention of continuing misogynistic rituals of “giving away“ if I do ever get married, but logic and emotion are very different things.
Anyways, now I am in a serious relationship again and his mom showed up somewhere I was and I was a bit offended he didn’t make the effort to introduce us until I realized, I would feel the same. If my dad was still here, I don’t know that I would want to subject my partner to his bullshit. I think about birthdays or holidays where I’d have to intercept comments about my partners supposed “femme appearance” or lack of pension (as if that fucking exists in the states anymore?) Or whatever dad heard on faux news, or whatever the fuck else. And i feel sad that I won’t get the thing I always envisioned but also relief.
Can anyone else relate?
I love myself, my life, my pet children, my people, my community I have built and rebuild many times in many places and sustained over my entire adult life; and I feel oddly grateful I only have my mom and stepdad to deal with. I recoil thinking of what it would be like during this election to still be in contact with my dad and wicked stepmother.
Please share your stories and remind me I am not alone.
submitted by witchywoman713 to BoomersBeingFools [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 07:10 random-guy0320 I just want to put it out there

Before you start this is quite long and I apologise for how badly it’s written I don’t really have have an excuse for it. I just want to tell someone what I’ve been through. Be warned I talk about abuse, drug abuse and suicide. This isn’t every thing but it’s what I’ve been writing over the past few days.
When I was 5, I remember Mum and Dad fighting every night, shouting at each other. One night, my mum screamed at my dad to leave the house. All I can remember is crying my eyes out, begging him to stay, while he told me that it was what my mum wanted. It worked, and he didn't leave.
On my 6th birthday, Dad came home late from work. I later found out that my grandparents missed a London show to stay with me. He didn't even say happy birthday when he walked in, with me and my friends present at the time. This led to a big argument between Mum and Dad, ending with Dad leaving the house despite my tears, begs, and pleas for him to stay. To this day, I probably feel deep down that it was my fault for not convincing him to stay at the time.
Mum met Wilf, a regular at the pub my aunt worked at. He eventually started living at our house. I constantly had to change my attitude towards him, talking badly about Wilf when with my dad, and talking badly about my dad when with my mum.
Dad met his girlfriend at the time, Stacy. Like Wilf, she was a convicted drunk driver. One day, when Dad picked up me and my sisters, we came back to his place to find her drunk. She pulled a kitchen knife on my dad. We had to barricade ourselves in my sister's bedroom, with me helping to keep the door closed as Dad tried to call the police. She ended up barging into the room, causing me to be pinned against the wall and the door, with her holding the knife against my throat while threatening my dad. We managed to get out of the house without any injuries and stayed at my nan's that night.
Wilf left my mum when the money from the divorce ran out. My mum went to the local pub, asked about his ridiculously high tab, and threw a glass at him. She slipped, cutting her arm. He left her shortly after. The day he left, she had a full mental breakdown. In the following weeks, she gave my sister a black eye when she was 7 because she didn’t feel well and didn’t want to go to school. My dad stepped in and had my sisters live at his house. He also started court proceedings to gain legal custody of all of us.
I stayed with Mum through all of this, seeing her through the worst of times. She began using a lot of cocaine, though she would never admit it. I could see it in her behavior: staying up all night, sleeping through the day on the sofa because she wouldn’t sleep in her bed due to the emotion, always blowing her nose with blood in the tissues, passing it off as a “cold,” the sudden bursts of energy, and the sluggish comedown. It’s easy to see now, but I never questioned it because that was my mum.
Now, a year into the court proceedings, with social workers constantly showing up at school to speak to me away from my mum, I lied about everything at home, saying I was completely fine and happy. I repeated her words, saying if my sisters lived with her, everything would be better. Throughout all of this, I let myself be deceived and manipulated by her lies about my dad and herself. Dad won in court. I was waiting outside the courtroom when solicitors and social workers came out to tell me and my grandparents (on my mum’s side) that I would now have to live with my dad. All I remember is screaming at them while crying, "I’m not fucking living with him!" My grandparents got angry, my nan cried, and my grandad shouted at them. They finally left, telling me I had a day to collect my things before moving in with my dad.
Things took a drastic dive after this. Mum realized my sisters weren’t coming back, and it made her worse than before. When we got back from court, I just remember being cooped up in the house for days. I didn’t go to school for a week because Mum convinced me that if I went, my dad and the police would be waiting at the gates to take me, and I believed her. I couldn’t sleep, anxiously waiting for a police officer and my dad to knock on the door to take me away.
From then on, she would emotionally manipulate me further, making me feel like my dad was the root of all my problems, telling complete lies about him. I believed her and didn’t speak to him for months. When Mum got really bad, I would go back to ignoring him. I found out later that at this point, he felt at his lowest, and it was my step-mum who convinced him to wait, telling him I’d eventually be ready to speak to him. For that, I feel terrible.
At this point, she started having drastic mood swings because she wouldn’t take her bipolar medication. She would hit me when it got really bad, but most of the time, it was insults about my weight and the fact I didn’t go out with my friends, despite the fact I only stayed home for her. This reinforced the confidence issues I was already having. She would shout at me for minor things. The worst times were when I wouldn’t go to the shop to get her a Mars bar after I had PE last period at school. I told her I would go in a while, not right after getting home. I ended up calling my grandad after locking myself in the bathroom as she yelled, "Why the fuck did you call my dad? Why don’t you call your one? Oh wait, you can’t, can you?" She led me to believe he didn’t care about me.
She used to tell me that if I ever went to live with my dad, she’d kill herself. That led me to take a lot of time off school. At the end of Year 10, I had 54% attendance because I believed that if I went to school, she’d do something to hurt herself.
At the time, she also let random people live at our house, people she met through her coke dealer. We had her coke dealer stay at our house for 2 months. Every day I went to school, I worried that I’d come back to find the house taped off by the police, with Mum being arrested for harboring him. I also met more coke addicts through them, people who were at their lowest, having to deal with their problems along with my mum’s.
My best friend J was there to witness it all. He told me every day at the bus stop he’d wonder if I’d show up to school. Hearing that now saddens me because I made him worry like that.
I scavenged for £3 a day to buy something for lunch. Once, I had to beg her dealer for £2 to pay for own clothes day because Mum told me to. Some people say I should have just shown up and said something to the school, but I wasn’t going to do that and potentially get Mum into trouble with social services. She had told me that anything bad I said would have me forced to live with my dad. At this point, I’d rather die than do that. He tried to give me a £20 note, but I refused, saying I only needed coins because I didn’t want us to be in debt to him. I understood how this worked.
He was at my house every Friday night. Mum would buy us takeaway and alcohol, and she seemed normal when they were there.
On my 15th birthday, I had some drama with a kid named Mike (not his real name). He was hanging around with some people I knew in secondary school despite being home-schooled after being kicked out of my school and another secondary school. He was extremely rude and racist to some in our friend group, and I called him out on it. This led to problems between us. It ended with him coming to school on my birthday, brought by what I thought was a friend. It’s one of my two regrets in life that I didn’t knock him out right there. But I couldn’t because I believed that if I punched him, I’d be forced to live with my dad, a thought I dreaded. He ended up breaking my friend group because most of them decided to suck up to a rich kid rather than side with me, or they tried to stay out of it. My friend J was the only one who stuck with me.
This next bit gets dark, so trigger warning for suicide.
At this point, I thought about ending my life. Mum’s mood swings and abuse were too much. I’d lost all but one of my friends. I’d missed so much school I thought I was going to be a failure. I didn’t want to be the son of a monster like I believed my dad was. I planned to overdose on my mum’s medication, mainly her diazepam for depression and bipolar, because she frequently told me she wasn’t taking it. All I thought to do was leave a note saying, "If you had taken them, this wouldn’t have happened." I just wanted my mum back, not the person she had become. The only thing that stopped me from swallowing the pills was thinking of Joe and his parents, who were always so caring to me. I thought how selfish it would be to put them through that, as he was the only person who could make my mum calm down and keep me smiling through it all. At this point, I loved Joe coming over. I hate to think of him like this, but J was the only way to keep my mum “normal” as she’d never be nasty to me when he was around. Otherwise, she’d constantly throw insults at me that affect me to this day. I’ve since told him this, and he doesn’t hate me for it. He was just being his normal self, telling me he’d seen glimpses of my mum ### Document Rewrite:
Mum's true nature, and that he understood why I was always happy to hear he was coming over. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to repay him for that.
At some point, I started to see my dad again. I stayed at his place over a weekend, and my sister A stayed with my mum. When I was dropped off, the plan was to have my other sister, R, there too. However, she refused to step foot in the house after the last time she was there, as Mum made her really uncomfortable. But what happened is not my story to tell.
Mum started shouting at my dad to “help me out here.” At this point, she had started dating her coke dealer driver, who got involved. My dad rightfully told him to back off, saying this was about his and Mum’s kids. He ended up fighting my dad, and I broke down. I’d had enough of the torture; I snapped, realizing that staying would lead me down a dark path. I tried to force myself between them and just swung and punched this 6’5" giant thug. Somehow, it caused him to stop and just look at me. All I could do was push my dad outside. I hadn’t realized I’d been punched in the process until I noticed my coat was ripped down my side and I saw a bruise the next day. I ended up getting a deep scratch from Mum as well, as she clawed at my face while I tried to hold the door shut.
The police arrived, and we explained what had happened. All my dad wanted was for my sister A to be removed from the house so he could take her home. They ended up arresting my dad. They never gave us a straight answer why they arrested him, but then again, emotions and adrenaline make it a bit of a haze. All I have is a video of them cuffing my dad and walking him to the police car. One of the officers had to drive my dad's car home, as my stepmum only had an automatic license and my dad’s car was a manual. My infant half-brother was crying as we got home with my dad missing.
They held him for the full 24 hours. We spent hours trying to find him a lawyer who could speak to him. He didn’t even get a phone call until an hour before he was released, as they didn’t question him until then. The next day, I took the day off school and went with my stepmum to pick up my dad, while my nan from my dad’s side looked after my sister and brother. As we were waiting, my mum and her boyfriend saw me in the car. She started to plead with me to go home with her. All I could do was stare straight ahead as she spoke to me through the passenger window. I ended up breaking down as she went into the police station, while her boyfriend sat on a bench outside staring at us. We realized that they weren’t going to let my dad out with my mum in the station. I still don’t know what she was doing there. Eventually, my dad got released.
My dad and I wanted to press charges against my mum’s boyfriend for assault. This would have led him to prison, as he has a history of violence. But nothing came of it due to a lack of evidence.
Dad got me into school properly. My anxiety was through the roof, often causing panic attacks at school or making me feel really unwell. I tried many times to get out of going, as was a habit of mine, but he’d encourage me to go. He was quite harsh, getting irritated at me being genuinely sick in the morning. I understand now that it was probably just my anxiety and body’s response to get out of school. But he just stuck to the fact that “I’d rather you go and get sent home than you not going at all,” and I definitely understand why he did that.
Due to my lack of attendance, I was very behind in school. When it came time to sit for GCSEs, I had to be moved from triple science, the subject I always excelled in. It was a real kick in the stomach. At this time, I realized the reason for hating my dad was for nothing, and I wanted to try and make it up to him by showing him that I was good at the same things as he was during school, that I had taken the same interest in science as he did. I felt that with them moving me down, I was disappointing him.
When GCSEs came around, I knew it was going to be difficult. I tried as hard as I could, but in the end, I only came out with three passing grades: a combined science grade of 6-7 and a 4 in maths. I failed English and all the other subjects I chose. I had wanted to attend sixth form in my secondary school, but on results day, I was told that the only option would be for me to essentially retake GCSEs. I ended up breaking down as I realized that allowing myself to be manipulated and taking all those days off meant I now had to face those consequences. I felt like my life was over. All my friends would move on, and I would be the kid that didn’t do anything with his life. But my dad encouraged me that it wasn’t over. We ended up going to the local college near his house, and I was told I’d be able to take a forensic science course, the same one I wanted to take at sixth form, along with English classes where I’d retake the exam. I also started working over the summer, as Dad would give me £20 a week for my train to and from college, but anything else I’d need to provide for myself.
Through college, I slowly came out of my shell, making some friends and really getting along with my teacher. He was young and felt more like a friend than a teacher. I think he could see that I’d been through things and wanted to help me work through some issues. He asked me to stay behind after class to ask me if I was okay, and for once, I didn’t lie about how I was. I think it really helped, and I’m glad I’m able to keep in contact with him.
I tried really hard in college, and during this time, I slowly began to see my mum again. She told me that her boyfriend had left her, but she didn’t fall deeper into darkness. She insisted she bounced back, got a job, but wasn’t able to keep it and had to move back in with my grandparents. Although after a year they did get back together, I started to see her still after that. Most of the time, her boyfriend wasn’t at the house, and that’s how I wanted it.
This is when the pandemic hit. Like everyone else, I was stuck at home with online classes. During this time, J and I started to play PlayStation every day, eventually having me play with a guy named L, whom he met playing Overwatch. Over time, the three of us became very close, as L was our age as well, just from the Midlands. Eventually, he had his friends start to play with us, and it became the five of us. I can honestly say they are my closest friends in the world, with some of us going to university in the same city. One of their birthdays was during the pandemic, and we’d talk about actually meeting each other in person. We decided we’d all hop on a Zoom call and drink with each other. Honestly, it’s kind of lucky they were who they said they were.
Towards the end, when lockdown was starting to be lifted, my mum texted me to tell me my godfather was in the hospital and to send him a get-well-soon message. He’d had kidney problems before and would always bounce back, so I did, but with one of my biggest regrets: saying, “Don’t die yet; we still need to have a drink together,” as I’d just turned 18. Then I got a call a week later from Mum, crying and telling me he’d been given a day to live. He’d gotten COVID and was in critical condition. All I could do was start crying, thinking that my last words to him were to not die. I went to my dad, as I hadn’t told him he was in the hospital and he’s not spoken to my mum in tears. He took the phone and calmed me and her down. He ended up passing the next morning, not from COVID but from a line infection from all the IVs he had and his body not being able to fight the infection. I spent the whole day in my room crying that he was gone. I went to college the next day, trying to keep my mind off it, but after my first class, my other teacher stopped me from leaving, asking what was wrong as I seemed distant the whole class. I just broke down. All she could do was ask why I was there, saying I should have stayed home.
His funeral date was announced, and my mum asked if I wanted to come up a day prior to be with his wife and kids, who I’d grown up close with. She asked if my sisters wanted to come as well. A did, but R said she’d come with Dad on the day. On the day, I thought I could be strong for his kids and my sisters, but I couldn’t. I’d always looked up to him the same way as an uncle, and I couldn’t stop crying the second I walked into the church. After the ceremony, Dad was ready to take me and my sisters home. A wanted to stay for the wake, and Mum said she’d drop her home. She never did, and I was angry that she’d use an emotional time to try and manipulate my sister to stay with her the same way she did with me. but in the end my dad couldn’t go through another long battle and left her to live where she wanted I know she went through struggle living with mum as she was in and out of jobs and her boyfriend leaving her again for good but I just told her that if she needed her brother I’d be there as soon as I could
There’s a lot of events that I didn’t include because this would be even longer but I got out there what I wanted. I do want to say my life is a lot better but I’m still facing some family issues but overall I’m a lot happier I’m really sorry that this is so long and that I’m not looking for sympathy there are people who deserve it a lot more than I do just wanted to get this out there
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2024.05.30 03:28 blueishbeaver What's On - GIG GUIDE - CLASSICAL, RAVE, GRUNGE, JAZZ - THIS WEEKEND


Metro Arts is wrapping up their Dance24 program this month with workshops, performances and live music. Check the line up here (PDF!): https://metroarts.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Dance24-Festival-Schedule.pdf
All over town:
What: For King + Country Where: BEC When: Sun ... sometime Info: https://www.brisent.com.au/for-king-country/ from $60
What: Soulergy Where: Felon's Barrel Hall When: Sun 1600 Info: Free entry
Who: Ben Howard Where: Fortitude Music Hall When: Friday, Saturday Info: https://secretsounds.com/touben-howard-tickets-2024/
Who: The Dandy's - Goin' Places Tour Where: The Valley Loft, Fortitude Valley When: Sat 1900 Info: Tickets from $22 https://www.thevalleyloft.com.au/gallery-1
What: BIG BOP ~ b2p in the courtyard When: Sat 1400 -2200 Where: echo+bounce 596 Stanley St Gabba Info: $15 on the door, more info https://events.humanitix.com/big-bop-b2b-in-the-courtyard
What: Warehouse Rave Where: NO.ONE Headquarters, 39 Coruna St, Albion When: Sat 1200 - Sun 1200 Info: $80 https://premiumrare.ticketspice.com/tie-dye-shenanigans
What: Tranny Pussy In The USA Fundraiser Show Where: Cyber Palace Bunker - 89 Gipps St, Valley When: Sun from 1800 - 2230 Gorgina, Lilith, CSW, xwhere3djentwolfx https://www.facebook.com/events/8195286397165920/
Venues with heaps on:
MOONDOLL FESTIVAL Mansfield Tavern Sat from 1100 to 2330 $35 https://tickets.avclive.com.au/outlet/event/9c35ee0b-d88e-4f38-b16b-2c02028d596b live music, art displays, market stalls, a fashion show, roaming performers, fire and LED light shows, a special menu and so much more!
TILL YA DEAD // We the Hollow Official // Rad Shack // Black Vatican Death Squad // Preemo Trash Music // Adriatic // Violet // Malina Claire // Not Telling // Cosmica // Gabrielle Kerr // Systematic Machine // Motherboy // Unentitled // Brett Bites // The Phosphenes Band
The Zoo Fortitude Valley https://www.thezoo.com.au/
What: Reputation: The Show (Taylor Swift) When: Thursday 1930 Info: https://reputationtheshow.com
Fri - Alice Phoebe Lou - SOLD OUT Sat - Closure In Moscow Time - 2000 $77 Sun - Underscores Time - 2030 $57
Black Bear Lodge Valley https://blackbearlodge.ba
Thurs - 1900 Lune, Patient 67, World All Around - $20 Fri - 1900 Chutney - $24 Sat - 1900 LOVELOVELOVE: Everyone Feels Like A Movie w/ Toby Hobart and Lottie McCleod - $21 Sun - 1800 Safety Hazard, It's Acrylic, Safety Hazard $14
The Bearded Lady West End https://www.thebeardedlady.com.au/gigs
What: Dave Graney and Clare Moore (Rock) Thurs - 1930 $40
What: The Gloomin - An Evening of Dark Sounds Fri - 1930 - 2330 8:00 - 8:30 // Edith Thomas Furey 8:50 - 9:30 // Locust Revival 9:50- 10:30 // Diaspora the Explorer 10:50 - 11:30 // Ancient Channels $22
Who: Funky Miracle Live When: Sat 1400 - 1600 $10 On The Door
Who: CHOOF with Exit-Ploom, Skirmisher and Awful Noise When: Sat 1930 to 2330 $17
Who: Brunswick Street Parade Live When: Sun 1400 - 1700 $10 All Ages
Who: The Last Valley, Thee Gronks, Piss Off, Heavy Liquid When: Sun 1900 - 2300 $15 or $20 On The Door
FLOAT THE BOAT Where: Diffuszed Studios, 39 Balaclava St When: Sat 1500 - 0100 Info: 8 Mile Yacht Club Fundraiser https://www.facebook.com/events/457162446834017/
Line up: Helios BUTTERZ Sean Edwards BlairWave Wob Fully Sik DJ Al Fuego Dead Pixel
Lefty's Music Hall Paddington https://leftysmusichall.com.au/gig-guide/
What: Chloe Marks and the Mayhem When: Friday at 2200 What: Mike Beale Band & Silk and Oak When: Saturday at 1830 & 2200, Respectively
What: Nahko and Medicine for the People When: Sunday 1900 from $74
The Brightside Brisbane 27 Warner St, Fortitude Valley https://www.thebrightsidebrisbane.com.au/events
Fri and Sat - 10 Year Birthday Party Massive Line-Up: https://tickets.oztix.com.au/outlet/event/5f234543-3a36-4969-84c1-b6b65ae6572a?utm_source=theBrightside&utm_medium=EventFeed
Sun: Banshees Vol 7 w Alison Road, GRXCE, JERM $15, $20 on the door https://tickets.oztix.com.au/outlet/event/9dc653b6-5bc9-4a9a-81ec-da10d6fadae6?utm_source=theBrightside&utm_medium=EventFeed
The Cave-Inn 47 Balaclava St, Woolloongabba https://www.thecaveinn.net/upcoming-events
The SunBears, w/ Silk n' Oak & Dishpan Hands Thurs, 1800 - 2200 Elbury, w/ Ambition Road & Cedarsmoke Fri, 1800 - 2200 $12
Big League (Melb.), w/ Gold Stars & the Valery Trails Sat, 1800 - 2200 $15
Close Enough for Country Sun, 1600 - 2100 Weekly country, blues, folk, rock, eclectic open mic night.
TOMCAT BAR Who: Live Fiction, The Baby Breaks, OK-36 Where: Level 1, 210 Wickham St, Valley When: Sat from 1900 Info: Free Entry, 18+ https://www.facebook.com/events/2107612749638008/
What: Saturday Sesh w Mak and Friends Where: ElecTea 12A Gladstone St, Brighton When: Sat 1700 - 2000 Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/414835451318864/
Who: Aoife Turas Where: Finn McCool Fortitude Valley When: Sat 1730 - 2100 Info: Free Entry https://www.facebook.com/events/418490754350670/
Cardigan Bar Sandgate https://cardiganbar.com.au/shows
Thurs 1900- Open Mic Fri 1900 - Vinyl Night Sat 1500 - 1800 Blues Jam Sat 1930 - The Walters Sun 1600 - The Panic Merchant
GREEK CLUB What: Greek Experience Where: 11 Besant St, South Bris When: Fri 1900 Info: Nostimos Restaurant www.nostimosrestaurant.com.au
4ZZZ What: Pass The Aux and Locked In Carpark Gig Where: 264 Barry Pde, Valley When: Sun 1300 - 1400 Info: All ages, free entry, language and content warning
Club Southside What: Greg Berriman Where: 76 Mt Gravatt Capalaba Rd When: Sat 1800 - 2200 Info: Free live entertainment
Pacific Golf Club Carindale What: Mark Bono Where: 430 Pine Mountain Rd When: Sun 1300 - 1700 Info: Sunday sesh
What: Music in the House: Hillbrook Anglican School Where: QUT Galleries and Museums When: Sunday 1100 - 1200 Info: Get ready for a morning of enchantment as the strings take centre stage at Old Government House! https://www.facebook.com/events/808814697799016/
What: Perfumes of the East Where: QPAC When: Sun 1500 Info: https://www.qpac.com.au/whats-on/2024/southern-cross-soloists-perfumes-of-the-east
What: JMI Live with Nicki Parrott and Dave Spencer (Jazz) Where: 10 Exhibition St, Fortitude Valley When: Thurs 1930 Info: From $20 https://events.humanitix.com/nicki-parrott-and-dave-spicer
Doo-Bop Bar, Brisbane CBD https://doo-bop.com.au/ Multi level venue featuring Jazz and Piano music (Free Entry!) Performances from 1800
Ticketed Event at Doo-Bop this weekend: Flamenco House - Basement Bar Sat 1900 - 2100 $30 https://doo-bop.com.au/events/flamenco-house-2/
submitted by blueishbeaver to brisbane [link] [comments]
