Unblock attachment

I miss you

2024.06.02 03:32 NorthmanNerd I miss you

Dear E. T. E.,
I am sorry that I wrecked our friendship by impulsively showing my true, strong feelings towards you. When I put my hand on top of yours, and told you the funny little fumble you did those slightly over 2 years ago was “Kind of cute”, I immediately regretted it, even though it is what I truly feel. When I asked if I could walk you home, what did you then think? I hope you did not suddenly think I was some creep, who wanted to force myself on you and into your home. The only reason I asked was I would love to talk for another 10-ish minutes more. I am wondering if this is truly some sort of avoidant tendency? I do not truly know the reason that you blocked me. We spent so many hours playing board games, laughing, chatting, opening up about our lives. When we reminisced about the summer courses, I told you something you had done 2 years ago that you did not quite recall for the alcohol you had drunk that evening, and you seemed to smile so genuinely and widely, even, I swear, blushing. I thought it was a good sign, so I made the move. But I think I may have been too hasty. Now I regret it. I may never see or speak to you again. You are the person I care about the most in this world, and I never had the courage to tell you that. You knew I liked you, at least 2 years ago. I thought you liked me too, which is likewise why I did what I did. Of course, you may also simply been super excited about becoming much closer friends, getting to know each other and found yourself uncomfortable and unable to do so knowing the other person had such strong seemingly romantic feelings towards you while you did not have the same towards them. And did not want to hurt their feelings. But I wish you’d be direct instead, I’d be able to take it, distance myself for a time, ride myself of these feelings and only just be a friend. Or perhaps you are angry at me for trying again even though you had told me you were not interested in dating where you were in your life at the moment, but then again that was over 2 years ago and a lot can change in that time. Including feelings, yours, if you had any, having gone too…
Remember our coffee “date” after the movie? You put your foot on top of mine, and rubbed it there. I never knew whether you thought what you had it on was the table’s foot. It was dark after all. But the smiling, blushing face I seem to recall you giving me makes me think you did in on purpose? Was it flirting? Did you like me back then? You did this for 30 minutes… before we parted ways. For the last 15 or so minutes I had suddenly pressed my leg and knee into yours. You seemed to feel it and know, but you did not remove your leg or knee. Even if the foot thing was an accident, the leg thing was definitely flirting. That’s what your old “roomie” M. told me too, when I told her of our meeting. Another reason I asked if I could walk you home, that Thursday a few weeks ago, is that I never got the chance to do so back then. I think I was too chicken? I remember it was dark, there was a light drizzle over Copenhagen, the streets illuminated by pi k and blue neon signs. You had stood up when you announced it was getting late and it was time to head home, then mentioned you had your bike but asked me if I was going home by train and bus? Many people have since told me this was your way to trying to make me ask if I could walk you home that night. I wish I had done it…
So, now you know part of the reason why I had asked. But now, I need to tell you, the reason I even was impulsive enough to make a move was that I have been in love with you for around 8 years… the first time I saw you, on that tour of the college building, in 2017, I immediately crushed hard. Your dark brown hair with its slight reddish sheen, your long dark translucent floral print skirt, tall and confidently moving around. And your eyes, with their dark green hazel-ish pupils, with its glint every time you’d smile… I was smitten on the spot! Throughout that course I only crushed harder and harder… you were so intelligent, having practically a database of TV Tropes inside of your head! I also felt we’d often steal glances at each other, in the theatre, in the dining/meeting room, and elsewhere. The kind where you’d look away when you noticed the other looking at you…
After 5 or so years of our courses, we’d gotten to know each other enough, too, for you to declare me to be the nerdiest person you knew as you teased me, with mock anger, for not having seen a particularly nerdy movie… this moment, when I told you, was that made you smile that way I really love. Both the actual moment - and the long, warm good night hug that followed - and your smile at hearing of the moment, will be moments that will stick out in my brain forever. True core memories.
You grew a little distant in the months that followed our first 1-on-1 outing, but you also had people to see you hadn’t seen in a year for COVID… I regret being pushy in my texts in this period of time… I am so sorry! The flirty moment between us, though, had me very confused, especially for the text I got the next day as I wrote to you that I liked you and would like to ask you out on a “proper” date. M. told me your reaction was probably just you being a little taken aback, perhaps scared, at what this “proper date” thing would really mean. That’s why I started thinking you may simply have an avoidant attachment style? I thought perhaps eventually, you’d trust I’d never reject you, or judge you. After all, I have been in love with you for such a long time. Now for nearly a decade. Almost a decade… even if you don’t have romantic feelings for me, even if you once did but lost them, I know I won’t be comfortable having you in my life, supporting you, getting to know you better, at all, after nearly a decade. Please, I hope if you ever read this letter that you won’t be too overwhelmed and disappear even more. I really hope that you will unblock me. In any case, we really need to talk…
I hope your imminent trip to one of your favorite Asian nation is a lovely one!
With love, L.S.
submitted by NorthmanNerd to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 01:53 Think__Estate Success story

Hi everyone.
I want to share a success story.
For context, my ex boyfriend and I were together for 3 years. Last year, he suddenly started changing and eventually kind of ghosted me and left me wondering what happened. In our last conversation he said that we were like "oil and water" and that our relationship will never work. I wanted to work things out but he did not. A week later, when I asked him something, he told me that he needed to be honest with me and that he was seeing someone else and proceeded to block me everywhere.
It's needles to say that I was heart broken. At the beginning, I did not try to manifest him back consciously. I was extremely sad, I fell into depression, cried my eyes out and looked for healing and moving on. I could not believe he left for someone else when he was talking about marriage a month before that. I started therapy, started to exercise, read a lot of books about healing attachment, etc. I knew I was part of the fall of that relationship, but still hurt. I did realize that prior to the breakup I was feeling insecure, anxious and kind fearful that he would leave me for someone else (we were long distance), and, voilà.
Once I felt better, I started wishing he was happier with this person, but, at the same time, I wished he was back. I started imagining him back, telling me he loved me, cuddling, telling me he was sorry, etc. Everything was simple day dreaming, while sending him love and best vibes. I would even tell him "I love you", when I closed my eyes and saw him in front of me. After a month like this, I just accepted he was gone with someone else and that I was ok. I felt better and better. Long story short, seven months after my ex broke up with me, he came back telling me everything I imagined. It was a pretty impossible situation because he was living in another country and I thought I would never hear from him again because the breakup and the relationship was very difficult. But yet, it happened. I could not believe my eyes.
Now I don't want to be with him, but that is another story.
Moral of the story is: even in seemingly impossible circumstances, things happen. It takes time, but when you realize you are ok and will be ok without this person and you are happy with yourself and life it's when things happen.
I have to add that I stayed away from social media, never trying to check if he unblocked me or not. I just focused on myself, healing, wishing him well while holding onto my desire of him being back and kept living life, focusing on me and my projects.
submitted by Think__Estate to manifestingSP [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:39 kisou47 Worried that I ended my first relationship on impulse

I(31f) broke up with my partner(27m) 2 nights ago, but I’m unsure if it was impulsive. This was my first relationship ever, so I might have been naive about many things we went through. We’ve dated for about 6 months. It was an on/off relationship at first but things have been going steady until now.
We have been arguing a lot recently, but I think it’s partly due to birth control affecting my emotions. I’ve barely been using the patch for 2 weeks. There was a moment I even threatened to break up over something insanely trivial, that I eventually called myself out on it and apologized.
Our final day together involved jealousy. He left me with his homeboys to bum cigarettes off 2 girls, but ended up talking to them for 10 minutes right in front of me. I had flashbacks to the times he got jealous of things like my gay male friends, me greeting his uncle figure with a hug, me seeing a male gynecologist, etc. Leaving me with his friends that I barely know to talk to 2 girls for so long felt so disrespectful compared to the things that made him jealous. So that led to us arguing the rest of the night. During our arguments, I did say I wanted to stop using the patch and see if my moods get better and maybe our relationship can become ok again. But we kept repeating the same things in the argument and it was reaching absolutely no resolution, so I ended up grabbing my stuff from his place and initiated no-contact. Also, during those arguments, he asked multiple times if I wanted to break up and I said no. But as the arguments intensified, my urge to leave the relationship intensified as well. I’m worried that I have avoidant attachment and it joined forces with my messed up hormones, making me say mean things and leave the relationship in the heat of the moment. He did not want to break up with me.
I am also feeling guilty because his mom is dying and has been hospitalized for a while. I am also going through serious stuff on my end. I feel like I should’ve been more understanding because we’re both being affected by unfortunate circumstances, and maybe I shouldn’t have ended the relationship.
I am unsure if I did the right thing. I am considering unblocking him in case he needs support if his mom passes, but maybe that’s just me subconsciously trying to continue seeing him.
submitted by kisou47 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:46 Illustrious_Fox_4584 What advice do I give my best friend whose boyfriend cheated on her?

If anyone could give me advice on what to say about this situation or just their input me and my best friend would appreciate the thoughts of others. I’ve known my best friend who we’ll call April (18F) for nearly 15 years now. Back in August of 2022 right before our senior year she started talking to one of our close friend’s cousin who we’ll call Diego (16M). They started dating January 2023 and everything seemed to be going fine. However recently on one of her family trips that she brought him on she found out that he was flirting with this girl (20? F)and she would give him money. It isn’t some random chick either it’s his dad’s girlfriend’s daughter so I guess you could say his stepsister. He had apparently been doing this from October of last year up until January of this year. April never found out because Diego kept on deleting the messages he would send her. To make matters worse this was a girl my best friend expressed discomfort in so Diego on his own accord blocked her but when all this went down he admitted that he would block her when April and Diego would meet up then unblock her afterwards. There is kind of a lot of different things that I’m too lazy to get into so I’ll sum up what I think is important: 1) Diego would flirt with his stepsister so she would send him money 2) They meet up a couple times without my best friend knowing 3) Diego would block and unblock the stepsister so April wouldn’t find out 4) when Diego texted stepsister about it with my best friend on screen share she said something along the lines of you didn’t delete it and tell her the truth your not gonna make it seem like it was just me 5) Diego admitted that he liked his stepsister when April and him were together at some point in the relationship but I think he now denies this There is probably more that I just don’t remember but this is basically it off of memory. Also before any of y’all say flirting is not cheating we are not one hundred percent sure he didn’t do anything else when they would meet up so I just still put it as cheating. I don’t know if it matters but Diego is younger then us he is currently a junior in high school. To me the obvious choice would be to leave him but I want to point out that they are both very attached to each other and have a big bond I guess. I mean like if me and her are on FaceTime fifty percent of the time he would be on face time too but on another device. He was always invited to any family activity she had. They went to prom together, a lot of firsts together, so knowing her I dont think she would want to leave him. (She broke up with him already I mean completely cut off) I personally think she should leave him but I guess what I’m telling her isn’t really helping her in that as she is quite literally still texting/seeing him everyday (partly due to their jobs). So I’f y’all could give me advice on what to tell her or straight up give your opinions about it I would appreciate it. Also last thing I will most likely be showing her the comments as she knows I’m posting this and does not know what to do so if any of y’all want to leave something directly at her.
submitted by Illustrious_Fox_4584 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 14:19 Extreme-Anteater4453 Stuck in a confusing situation with someone (M19) - Need advice

Hey everyone,
I'm a 19-year-old college student and I'm feeling lost about a friendship. I have good grades and no trouble with schoolwork, but socially I'm just lonely. I have friends, but I still feel isolated.
Recently, I cut off contact with my closest friend and others because of attachment issues (I think?).
Here's the backstory: There was this person I was really close to for 6 months. We developed feelings for each other and talked daily. Due to past experiences, they decided they couldn't pursue anything serious and wanted to just be friends.
This hit me hard. I couldn't sleep, had panic attacks, and felt depressed for months. It even affected my exams. We agreed to stay friends, but I wasn't ready. I blocked them everywhere.
We were still classmates, so seeing them daily while pretending everything was okay was awful. They seemed happy and carefree, which made it worse.
One day, they asked me to unblock them. I ignored them at first, then unblocked them without saying anything. We slowly started talking again, mostly about school stuff. I tried to distance myself by replying late, but these small talks became a habit.
For them, it meant nothing. They enjoyed talking, but it wasn't the same for me. It was confusing and painful. Finally, I brought it up. I asked why we were talking again if we agreed to stop.
They said they didn't realize we were talking daily and just liked sharing things. They also said they were feeling down.
I told them I didn't want to get close again. It made me happy to talk, but the risk of getting hurt was too much. They agreed.
We stopped talking for a bit, but then they texted again about schoolwork. Here I am, a year later, still stuck in this cycle.
I don't know why I keep doing this. They seem to see it as casual, but I get hurt. It bothers me when they talk to other guys. I'm always there for them, but they're not there for me in the same way.
Now, I only reply to their texts. I don't want to initiate contact, but I can't seem to fully cut them off.
What should I do?
If I need to end this completely, how do I approach it, considering we're classmates?
submitted by Extreme-Anteater4453 to RelationshipIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 20:01 bubblegumfan2 I ended things with my best friend in the shittiest way possible, and i don't know how to move on from it.

So this happened a few months ago and i honestly, can't seem to move on. for some context i used to have a friend called skittle (fake name). Me and skittle are online friends and we grew pretty close together. She was my favourite person and i really did like her a lot. But i left, and i dont know how to move on from it. I never really had any friends irl. I am pretty overweight and im generally shy. I did have a few friends tho but they all just kind of ignored me. So when i became friends with skittle, i honestly got really attached. She showed me what a healthy friendship was like. Even the most basic things she did made me feel so happy. Messaging me first, watching the videos i sent her, etc. Those just made my day. We both also used to be in a friendgroup. But then some things happened which i wouldn't want to go in detail. But the summery is that skittle made a lot of people in the server uncomfortable (yes we are discord friends) and some people in the server generally didn't like her. This resulted in her getting kicked out of all our friend group servers and yeah. Most of us cut her out but a few still kept in contact with her. I was one of them.
(I just want to make it clear that im not putting the blame on anyone but myself. )
So ever since then my closest friends have been telling me to leave her because in their eyes she would just hurt me and that i deserve better and shes a terrible friend to me. Honestly, these words got to me. I always trusted people a bit too much and i just ignored all the red flags in a person. So for once in my life i just didn't want to get hurt again. So i left.
I messaged her and told her i that i didn't want to be best friends anymore and she really did get upset. I did almost end friendship with her twice (both unrelated to this) so i get why she was upset.
She told me that most of her friends left her around this time (it was almost our 1 year anniversary) and that she was building up the courage to tell me this. She also told me a lot of things which i cannot recall right now. I told her that she made many of my friends uncomfortable and that i didn't want to get left by them too.
I genuinely don't know why the fuck i said that. It was 1am, my brain was just not working and i should have waited till morning to speak to her.
We kind of just stopped talking? she didn't unfriend/unfollow me from any of the apps we had each other friended.
after we ended our conversation i was kind of in denial. I just got on my pc and texted my other best friend and at that time i felt that I was going to be okay. But i was indeed, not.
literally a few days later I sent her a long message telling her that i was sorry and that i would change and to please just give me a second chance. I was like, DESPERATE to have her back in my life. She said she doesn't think we can be friends anymore and i asked her to please leave all the servers i invited her to and unfriended her (we still had each other friended on discord for some reason)
i then, AGAIN SENT HER A PARAGRAPH APOLOGIZING AND ASKING TO BE FRIENDS AGAIN. WTF WAS I THINKING??. She said no and she blocked me. I'm not proud of what i did after that. I'm not proud of any of the things i did in this post. I asked our mutual friend to pass on an angry text message about me BASICALLY GETTING MAD AT HER FOR NOT BEING FRIENDS WITH ME AGAIN?
after i kind of pulled my shit together I did apologise to our mutual friend and to her when she unblocked me (pretty sure I had to talk to her about something but I don't remember that conversation that well).
we did have a few more conversations about stuff and in the end, I decided to block her. Now fastforward to this month. I have been moving on from her a bit and i don't think about her as much as i used to. But all of a sudden, She's talking to me again. I found out that she unblocked me and is replying to the messages i send in a server we have in common. and its starting to make me feel all the pain again
To be frank,
i still miss her. I still miss all the fun we had together, I miss our vcs, texts, gossip, I miss everything about her. And now she's back. and it hurts. I'm trying to ignore her as much as I can but it still hurts. My heart thinks that there still might be a chance of reconciliation while my brain thinks otherwise.
The thing is, I'm don't want to be friends with her anymore. I'm glad that she moved on and is living her best life. But i just feel so guilty. I hurt the person who I told i loved the most. I told her that I would protect her from all the bad in the world. I told her I would never hurt her. I told her I would stay by her side. I PROMISED to fucking love her till the day I die.
And I left.
I just left like all those words meant nothing. I hurt her. I, the person who vowed to always protect her, HURT.HER. I feel, so much fucking guilt. I just wish that I could have ended it in a better way. I just wanted to end things peacefully. I never meant to hurt her so much.
I'm trying so hard to move on from this but I cant. I cant handle the fact someone got hurt because of me.
So please reddit, tell me, how do I learn to forgive myself and just move on? How do I accept the fact me and her can never be friends again? I just need advice from an unbiased person.
submitted by bubblegumfan2 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 16:26 Presticals Standing water in shower drain

Standing water in shower drain
We have standing water in our shower drain, not sure why or how to get it to drain. Or, is this normal?? You can hardly see in the photo, but there’s standing water about 5 inches down into the pipe.
Background: we noticed the standing water after smelling a foul smell after coming home from vacation (1 week) where nobody had showered in there for a week.
We also had work done on the drainage pipes about 4 months ago when we had a leak in the drain. Plumbing company went in from outside, fixed the issue, and re-attached the drain cover onto the drain.
I’ve tried using Drano on it to potentially unblock or unclog any blockage, but it’s still not draining.
Any assistance or advice is appreciated, even if it means calling the plumber back.
Thanks all.
submitted by Presticals to Plumbing [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 16:26 DocKnocker Fixed Up a Free Sony PS LX-510

Fixed Up a Free Sony PS LX-510
My first post in this sub. I wanted to share this in case anyone else is looking up tips on fixing one as I had a hard time finding info myself. Apologize for the long post but I like to be thorough.
My friend is moving and gifted me his father’s old turntable. It looked pretty rough, with a dust cover completely snapped in half and missing a hinge, and it had all these scuffs and scratches. He suspected it need a new tone arm drive belt, but didn’t know much else about it. I took it home since I was looking for a vintage unit and I love vintage Japanese tech. It turned on, lit up, and the platter turned so that was a good start, but no sound came from the stylus and the tone arm wouldn’t move. So I cracked it open to take a look.
Inside, there is a small motor attached via a tiny belt to a gear. That belt was stretched out so I ordered a replacement. That gear attaches to a wheel that had a string loosely attached to it. That string then went into the “guts” of the turntable behind the tone arm assembly, but I noticed some other wheels around which the string may wrap. I then found this online manual, https://archive.org/details/manual_PSLX510_SM_SONY/page/3/mode/1up and restrung the string. The string and wheel translate the motor movement to move the tone arm. Once everything was in place the arm moved, but reluctantly. Some dielectric grease got things moving more smoothly.
The big issue was getting the arm to drop. There’s a magnetic counter-weight in the tone arm assembly that, when it drops, it releases the tone arm which should then also drop. That didn’t happen for me, and I spent weeks trying to figure it out. I could found no vids or pics to help, but then I figured out it was missing the stylus cartridge! I ordered a P-style cartridge (and a pre-amp), and the weight from the cartridge is what drops the arm. I hooked everything up and it sounds great! I’m super happy with it and it is now my primary turntable.
How it work: When the stylus is in contact with a record, it moves inward (left) while the assembly is stationary. At the other end of the stylus arm is a metal plate that rests between and light and a sensor. As the arm moves left, the metal plate at the other end moves right and blocks the sensor. When the light is blocked, it triggers the motor to turn, which drives the wheel and string, which then moves the tone arm assembly a few millimeters. This moves the tone arm to the right, which then unblocks the light sensor, which triggers the motor to stop turning. This process repeats to the end of the record. Then, another sensor determines the record has ended, and the assembly returns to the original position and stops the platter from turning. There are manual controls for lifting/dropping the tone arm and moving the assembly.
There is also a sensor beneath the platter then detects the size of the vinyl (e.g. LP vs 45”). This tells where the tone arm should drop for the respective sizes. However, it does not like any transparency in a vinyl and will not auto play those. But, you can move the rubber mat to block the sensor and it will default to an LP size.
Impressions: I was very impressed with how sturdy the components are. The metals and plastics are all super thick and strong. But this thing was made in Japan in the 70’s so I guess that’s how they did things. Also, it seems over-engineered to the point of absurdity. I’m not sure what problem this was trying to solve, but that’s what I love about it. Nearly 50 years old and I’ve never seen anything like it. And I love bringing old things back to life.
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2024.05.29 13:51 ptexpress Run and never look back

I heard you having sex with him when I went over to check on him in December. I left and blocked him. Didn't know who you were then. Didn't have a name or a face or a story attached to your sex noise.
An 8-page handwritten letter came in my mail a few weeks ago. He said he was in love with you the whole time he was also with me, blah blah. Because what better explanation for cheating than true love?
I knew about you when I was dating him. Not the part where you almost got back with him 3 months before and decided not to. But the part where he didn't want to have kids with you. He said he was open to having kids, just not with you. Because you were emotionally immature and couldn't get along with his kids. He said he loved you, even though you were none of the things he looked for, not pretty, not smart, not cultured, untraveled, you'd lived in Camden all your life.
You kept breaking up and getting back together. He made you sound like a person with no needs, no boundaries, and no standards. Like he was with you only because you were "easy." And that right there was the red flag I didn't lean into.
He wrote me the letter the same day he broke up with you, the day before he started his new job, right after taking you on that amazing in-between-jobs vacation. I unwisely unblocked and talked to him. It's 3 weeks later, and guess what, he's already in another relationship, with that woman who was a friend and client whom he texted a lot when I was still with him.
Run, Tricia, run, and never look back. He isn't the "almost right" guy and lost love of your life. He's just a psychopath who fakes love so well.
submitted by ptexpress to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 11:56 No_Light_blahblah r/WhatShouldIDo

Hi, I believe that I am remaining anonymous. I have a situation that has plagued me for 5 years. I am a gay man, 21 who fell in love w his high school best friend when I was 16 and he was 14. It started when I was a junior in highschool and he was a freshman. We both did cross country and he immediately made his way to varsity because he was way faster than me. For the two years that we knew each other in HS, everyone hated him because he has a cocky personality, but I was drawn to him. We bonded and had an amazing friendship that accumulated into a relationship by the end of our first year knowing eachother. This was a bit problematic bc his family was hyper religious. To explain more, his church told him that he would die a sinner and forever burn in hell for ever having any feelings for a man. His parents hated me bc we did get in trouble with the XC coaches for skipping practices to hang out together. This was the only time that we could find alone bc I was in AP classes and he was in lower courses. We had a massive fallout during the beginning of his sophomore year and my senior year due to the pressure of peers and their homophobia bc they suspected that we were more than friends. We didnt talk for 4 months until i reached out to him and we became best friends again. I helped him pass his classes in secret and we rekindled our bond. I ended up asking him out (he did the first time) on the same date that we first starte dating, and we were happy for almost 4 months. At that point, I was in college and he was a junior. I visited every weekend and made sure he knew I loved him, but we could not communicate regularly during the week bc of his parents. I had bought him a burner phone so we could talk, but eventually he left me on delivered for 2-3 days on end. At that point I cheated on him and confessed the day after. We worked it out and he said we could work through it. By the end on our almost 6 month relationship he was practically noncommunicative again. I broke up with him bc I did not want to be chasing after someone who talked about liking girls and other ppl when i only wanted him. I apologize bc I can not remember what happened so far ago. I do remember that I was laying in bed during my sophomore year is college. He was a senior in HS at the time. I remember laying in bed while texting him and we broke up 2 weeks before our 6 month anniversary. I had several presents ready for him and dropped them off after we broke up. One of the presents I delivered was a bracelet that showed a picture of us when we first met when you shove a light on it. After the second break up, we didn't have any contact for a year and a half. I was now a junior about to graduate and he had recently been forced out of community college. His parents refused to drive him to the classes that he paid for and he eventually had to drop out. After a few months, they eventually pressured him into the military bc they would not take him to his job interviews and used his joblessness to criticize him and call him useless. He unblocked me around christmas and I send him a text. We agreed to meet up and have been in contact since he turned 18 and I turned 20. Sadly, he moved back in with his parents and they refused to take him to his community classes even though he was paying for them. In the end, they forced him to go to the military and we finally got I touch again. We rekindled our friendship and have been talking since Dec. 2023. We hung out and started being fwb, but he gradually placed more restrictions on our 'relationship'. I put that in quotations to emphasize that we were never a 'thing' but more than friends. It is now May, 2024 and he no longer wants to do anything at all. I have put hours and money, depriving myself of food and simple pleasure to enable us to go to raves and parties together. I do not expect to buy his affection, but a certain part of my mentality tells me that anything I work towards will become true. This is not the case. He has been evidently clear that he does not want a relationship now that he is 18 almost 19. I have just turned 21 and graduated from university. My biggest puzzle is that he has finally accepted himself as bi, but he does not want me. He does not want a relationship and wants us to return to when we were kids and didn't date. I simply can not think of him in any way except my partner. I love him, and I love every part of him. I remember when kids would corner him in the bathroom and intimidate him bc he didn't fit into the ideal of a varsity kid, even tho he was. I remember everything. I remember everything we went through together, including having weapons drawn on us. But as adults, he doesn't want us to be together in any sense except friends. I have tried for months to only e his friend, but when we started talking again in Dec 2023, we quickly became fwb again. We are now 5 months along in our friendship and the conflict has reach a turning point. We recently had a fight in which he said that I made him uncomfortable with the extent that we took things. I simply can not thing of him as anything but my forever partner and he can not see me as anything more than his friend for the time being. I am so confused considering that we have cuddled in my room, in my car, and under the stars. I want to emphasize that we have been together through everything, and I have asked permission before approaching him, but he is not interested in me. He has been evidently clear this last time around that he does not want a relationship, and I have been evidently clear that I do. This is something that created resentment between the two of us, especially since I have seen him make out with other girls at raves and parties. I am asking you guys if you have any advice to a mutual ground that we can meet on bc I can not lose this man. He is my best friend above all else, but I am so in love with him that it creates tension in our friendship. He will not budge and I can not remove him from my heart. There's is an emphasis on the fact that I can not remove him as my first love in my heart, and even though he told me I was his first love, he will not accept anyone as a partner due to his upcoming military service. I will put forth more emphasis on the fact that he does get with girls, but refuses any attachment beyond hookups. This is the hardest part for me and leads to a majority of our arguments. This most recent argument has been the most significant because he stated that I make him uncomfortable when I want to cuddle or hold him while we are in the mountains and looking at the stars. I have done a poor job to explain out dynamic, but I hope that someone has some advice beyond "drop him". I can not leave this man if I tried. I do love him with every fiber of my being, even if it hurts me in the end.
submitted by No_Light_blahblah to WhatShouldIDo [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 11:09 e_eke College circle of friends difficulties - please enlighten me for the situation that I'm dealing with.

Hello I will be a second year college student (19 years old) this next academic year. It was a long story since it's a whole semester but I'll make it direct to the point. I have these 4 girl friends in my circle and I am the only guy in the group. 3 of them are single and the other 1 is in relationship. Our bond was good at the first, but when the second semester of first year started I feel something was wrong. the girl that have bf act different. She make me feel invalited my efforts such as the group activities and in our circle. I thought she want me to leave and don't want me to be part of the circle because of her actions. So I used silent treatment and keep avoiding them for 2-3 weeks. They were asking if I having hard time or if there was a problem because they've known me a guy who always struggling in life. But I just told them "nothing". I couldn't really say it because I'm not good at expressing of how I feel. So what I did is, I only talk to those 3 except her. Her actions kept me draining, So I blocked her on Social Media and I even leave in our group chat. I opened up to my other 3 girl friends of how I feel, later on I found out that my friend (in relationship) is guilty towards the situation and she told me that her boyfriend was jealous on me so she decided not to tell me about this because It's not my fault and there will be chance that I will keep my distance.
The next day I unblocked her on facebook and explain my side. She also explains her side. The scenarios that I make up of my mind was wrong and all are mistaken. The problem was her boyfriend (we're not the same university), he was uncomfortable when we are together. He wants her to cut me off but in her response she directly coudn't do that because we're in the same circle so she told her boyfriend not too engage too much and keep her distance from me. For the things that I overthink was all mastaken and she explain that it is not her motive to exclude me from the group after that she blocked me even though I have something to say. I felt blind and dumb for the situation. I still considered her as a bestfriend these days but she already decided to detach herself from me, no wonder she's not reciprocrating my efforts. Even though they don't want me to know about that, in order for me to prevent distancing myself from them yet her actions makes me want to leave. I'm the one who is having a hard time with the situation. If they just told me earlier then I will have the idea and not to overthink too much.
I decided to leave the circle and I already talked with my 3 friends even when I'm not in the circle anymore, I want us to still be friends gladly they agree. I really don't know what will happen to me this next academic year since I don't have a circle. I actually have deep attachment with them that I can't really replace or I couldn't find any new circle. Is it really okay for me to hangout with them sometimes despite I'm not part of the circle? I need advice on what should I do and what should i prioritize to think, enlighten me.
submitted by e_eke to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 09:22 HutchSwillCo Miele middle spray arm not spraying/spinning (no, it's not clogged)

Miele G1600 SCU
noticed dishes on the top (cutlery) and middle (glassware) racks not getting cleaned after repeated washes.
I've checked ALL the spray arms - top, middle and lower - all are completely free of any debris
The filter in the sump is clean and clear.
Top and bottom arms rotate and spray - I can hear their spray rotating against the door, and see them spinning if I interrupt the cycle by opening the door. I can see that the middle arm doesn't spin at all. It's always in the same place. I can see it shudder slightly from a water pressure change when I open the door but that's it.
Does any one know the plumbing of this or have a service manual? I'd like some background before I pull this apart. I am an experienced repairer of everything from car engine overhauls to micro soldering cellphone PCBs, including many years repairing ancient fisher and paykel dishwashers.
The middle arm is fed by a supply pipe at the rear that runs out of the back of the RH wall. This is all clear and unblocked as far as I can tell. The top spray arm seems to have its own supply plumbing concealed in the washer enclosure.
My guess is the pump outlet split off to each of the spray arm feeds is somehow blocked for the middle arm. Either that or there's not enough water pressure ie the pump is faulty. Nothing else indicates this is the case though - plenty of water pressure in the other two arms.
Appreciate links or advice for Miele specific plumbing or service manual information.
Update/Solution: Blow out the pipes: 1. Remove all the spray arms and baskets so that the rear supply pipe has no arm attached. 2. Run a cycle for a few minutes (quick cycle works).
Hopefully a large flow of water comes out of the middle spray arm pipe and hits the door of the dishwasher. This allows a large pressure differential to form across the blockage and helps blow out debris in the plumbing that wouldn’t happen with the spray arm attached. In my case I suspect it was an edamame bean husk that I found in the water afterwards. Hope that helps someone.
submitted by HutchSwillCo to appliancerepair [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:39 Straight-Serve-397 Lever issue? Brake bleed

Lever issue? Brake bleed
I’ve been trying to bleed my front brake on my MTB. It’s a Shimano deore 4piston and only a year old. Following regular bleed videos etc incluí g park tools, I have to apply a lot of pressure to force oil through the system into the reservoir cup screwed into the brake lever.
This seemed odd. Ultimately I took the brake hose off the brake lever and, with the cup containing oil still attached , squeeze the lever - nothing comes out. My understanding is I should get oil on each squeeze.
Any advice on how to unblock the lever?
submitted by Straight-Serve-397 to bikewrench [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 21:18 blissedlotus some things that might help, insight on the journey

I'm just going to ramble about some things that have been coming up for me lately, because I know I'm not the only one going through it, and sometimes those bits of inspiration or wisdom or intuition that come through need someone else to say, yeah, that's happening to me too, for us to believe that it's also happening to us. We also need guidance that comes through us, because it's meant to find someone else who needs to hear the same things.
I don't know about you, but I've been inundated lately with feelings, thoughts, visions, telepathy, some astral stuff, and the energy of my twin. I feel him getting closer, I feel his wanting to reach out, I feel his love and all the good things about us returning, and I'm not assuming anything, but just observing it, enjoying the loving feelings without having expectations, but flowing with it, just noticing what's there and seeing what I need to do in myself to be open to all possibilities.
Every place you feel resistance (fear, insecurities, worry, doubt, blame, anger, like it's not possible, or wishing it was different) is a place we have to look at and figure out why it's there. We're responsible for our own perspectives, our own lives, our own happiness, our own sense of self, our own peace, to find how to do that, to protect our energy, despite what's happening in our lives.
The twin flame path is one of enlightenment, to get to where you are grateful for yourself and your life, no matter what. That you're living your authentic life, no matter what. That you're comfortable, safe, secure, satisfied with your own existence, as it is. As a by product of you embodying your own purpose and being, you will attract the love that you are. It's not about control, it's not about obligation, attachment, what others are supposed to do for you. You stay in your power and believe in yourself and your own path, and what is for you will come to you, in divine timing, when it's time, not when you think it's time. You don't know everything. The universe does.
The art of surrendering is not an easy place to arrive at because often it is through the universe bringing you to your knees again and again, losing people, places, money, jobs, lovers, your twin, friends, beliefs, health, sanity. This journey brings you to rock bottom over and over through moments where you are so miserable with yourself and life that you have no choice to let go of all the thoughts that keep you from being who you're meant to be. To letting go of all your attachments in life (how it's supposed to be, what others are supposed to do, etc)
It's in cycles over the past years that I've learned to let go of the things that are troubling me, the fears that keep coming up, the things I need to heal, that I have to face repeatedly. My feelings of self worth, my codependency, my attachment styles, the way I see life, the deeply engrained beliefs I had about myself that were put in my head by others. We have to get back to the truth of who we are, what we really are, a neutral unconditionally loving consciousness.
In that place, you will have an understanding of your twin flame and your journey that gives you peace. You will know that this is all happening the way that it's meant to, that there's no mistakes. That your twin has to do what they have to do, and so do you. This is how it's meant to be right now, as it is, for a reason. To learn, to overcome, to choose yourself, to set boundaries, to learn how to love yourself properly instead of letting a relationship with anyone else control you. You learn that the only thing you have control over is yourself, and that's all you can fix, and you can create a life you love for yourself, no matter what anyone else is doing.
On this journey I have realized a lot of people in my life weren't reliable, weren't unconditionally loving, weren't for me, weren't good for me, and I've battled a lot of issues learning to accept myself so much that I don't give a shit what anyone else thinks about what I'm doing or how I live or how I am. I know I am how I am, this is it, I'm doing the best I can considering what I'm going through. I'm the only one who truly knows how hard it is, so it's my job to support, nurture, encourage, and love myself through whatever I'm going through. It's no one's job but mine to make sure I'm okay first.
I've distanced myself from everything that isn't in alignment with what I want for myself. I barely talk to a lot of people now, I am a bit of a hermit, but I've been finding more and more where I'm meant to be and with whom. I'm okay alone most of the time, and because of how this has all affected me for real in my real life on a daily basis, I'm very cautious and careful about what I spend my energy on. Lately I've been on a break from work, and I did nothing but journal, sleep, write, draw, cook a little, and have basically been a slug. Something like that would've made me feel really guilty because it wasn't productive, but I've just known that I needed it and no one gives a fuck anymore about what I do, so I have arrived at a place where I can do what I want, even if it's nothing, and it's really freeing, to allow myself to be myself without judging myself.
I see lots of questions about knowing if someone is your twin and all of that so I'll answer that. I didn't know until after we were in a relationship that ended. We were in a committed loving real relationship. I don't think I would've known we were twins without us actually being in a real relationship. I wouldn't have had all of the things he said, all the things that happened between us to reflect on to know how real it was without all of that. The sexual experiences were spiritual, still are. The way we understood each other and accepted each other as we are was unlike anything I'd experienced before, the way that we felt safe and trusted each other was on a level that I'd never had with anyone else. I know that despite what happened to us, our struggles in real life with each other, that we both can't possibly love another person this much, because it's heaven and ecstasy all tied up with the agony and the longing and the confusion of knowing that this exists and that it's hard to hold.
It's something that is so intense that it scares us, the truth scares us, the vulnerability, the depth of emotion, the intensity of how it feels. It's something that makes us feel like it's not real. One time my twin and I were talking about us and how it felt and I was like it's hard to believe this is real, and he said, it's real, it's real, over and over trying to convince me. I wouldn't know that he felt the way he felt, to the degree that he did, if we didn't go through all the things we went through, and then his not being able to stay away all these years.
I see lots of comments about what an ass someone's twin is, how toxic they are, how they don't want this, blocking and unblocking and all these ridiculous things. This isn't a game, this isn't some infatuation, this is a spiritual journey you're thrust upon because at some point you asked for it, because this journey was meant to be for you, so stop focusing on what they're doing wrong, and make your life the way you want it to be, and they'll join you when you are unconditionally loving to yourself and able to be in that place.
I realized how I needed to reparent myself and grow the hell up, that I wasn't taking responsibility for my own life. That I choose the abusive people in my life, that I let people treat me bad, that I gave and gave to people and systems and work that didn't give back but just drained me. That I was surrounded by people who criticized me and insulted me, instead of being there for me. That I was letting life be shitty to me because I didn't believe that it truly could be better, because that's what I'd lived with my entire life, dysfunction. But it could stop with me. I could choose to live differently because I know that's the way to be.
If you're really a twin and on this journey for real, there's no escaping it. You will be continually faced with your own shit to heal, and all those negative places you visit in your mind are about you, not about what someone else needs to do. You have to accept your circumstances as they are, and see what you can do to make your life better, for you. Stop talking to people, stop answering calls and texts, move, break up with people who don't treat you right, stay away from negative people, stop trying to get people to like you or love you, stop telling yourself you aren't enough, stop working in a job with assholes around you, do what you want to do for you, and the rest will fall into place.
I met my twin 7 years ago, and it has been a life changing experience ever since. I was in a terrible place when we started dating, and he showed me that there was more, he showed me all that I am, he showed me that I was worth loving mess and all. He began the process of opening me up to remembering that unconditional love exists and that it was always what I was meant for. And then the long journey to facing all of my wounds and issues and inner child wounds and traumas and struggles began, to move them out the way, so I could get back to my innocent, childlike, reborn self that can see life in a positive way, as a positive experience, that I'm in control of. I have the power to create the life I want, by working on myself, to create the feelings inside of myself that I want reflected to me in my outside life.
So, if I love myself unconditionally, as I am, then what loves me comes to me. Not immediately, but it unfolds. The mindset, the higher perspective, the peace, the empowerment, the confidence, the knowing, the intuition, the faith, the good relationships, the better job, the place to live, the finances, all of it. When you trust yourself, that you're doing what you're supposed to be doing, taking care of yourself, letting the universe deliver what's best for you, it comes to you. In divine timing.
I know the idea that divine timing and things like everything happening for a reason are hard to believe, and we want to say well this shitty thing that happened to me wasn't supposed to happen, it shouldn't have happened, it's not fair. While of course no one wants bad things to happen, to anyone, they do. This is life, we're human. Shit happens. But I'll say that while I'm not happy about my terrible parents or my abusive exes or my chronic illnesses or the state of the world, I know that all of that is part of my experience, and that it happened to me, and that I can learn from it, heal from it, change from it, become better because of it, overcome it, recover from it, and become the version of myself that protects myself as best I can from the rest of the world, and from my own fearful thoughts.
I'm not writing all of this to be like well, I have it all figured out, and this is how it is, and this is how you should be, but to show the others on all stages of their journey that this is where you can end up. At peace, self assured, empowered, detached from outcomes, living in faith, understanding that what happens to me isn't to torture me but to help me evolve, knowing that I'm in control of my own life and fulfillment.
Knowing that whatever happens with my twin is for me, and that it'll evolve the way it's meant to, us not being together now isn't a great tragedy, it's the way it's meant to be, even if I don't understand now, I will. I know that it's all turning out exactly as it's meant to, there's nothing to figure out, there's no mystery to solve. I see how people are, I respond in the way that's right for me. I feel my way through life, I listen to myself and follow the way that makes me feel most alive. I go in the direction that feels right to me, because I trust myself now. I don't profess to have it all together, and I suppose in terms of societies' standards I may never have it together, but how I feel about myself and life is all that matters, no matter where I am at any given point.
This journey isn't easy, it turns us inside out for a reason. We were meant to evolve, to become more of ourselves, to know ourselves, to understand more about our own existence and our purpose, to figure out how to make life easier on ourselves. We weren't sent here to suffer, humans do that to themselves, our fears are the only things that hold us back from having the lives we want. And even when we're fearless, we have bills to pay, and colds and flat tires, and storms and earthquakes and root canals and dirty dishes and shit happens. We have to accept all that we are in this life, and our circumstances, and take it moment to moment, with our visions and dreams and wishes in mind and go that direction, no matter how we feel.
We are strong, we are courageous, we are brave and we are resilient and beautifully made just as we are. We were meant to enjoy life, and eventually, you'll go through enough experiences to figure out how to do that. To stop those voices in your head that tell you that you don't deserve it, that tell you that you're screwing up, that tell you that you aren't doing enough, that tell you you aren't enough, and all of that is lies, bullshit, that was put there by other people.
You're love, you're not all that other crap. You don't have to hold yourself back anymore. You don't have to stay small so others won't be bothered by your changing. You can't fix others, you can't make them different. You can only love yourself and when you do, you will see your life around you start to love you back. Patience is necessary. Forgiveness, to yourself is necessary. Acceptance is hard but it is key. Letting yourself feel what you feel is necessary to get through it to the other side. Learning how to take care of yourself, regulate your own nervous system, learning how to place healthy boundaries is going to help you enormously on this journey as you navigate it.
I don't know if this helps anyone, but I see so much negativity, doubt, blame, confusion, and suffering out there, and it really isn't necessary and so maybe something here will help. As long as you're blaming others and not focused on yourself you're giving your power away, you're focusing on things you can't control, and that will keep you stuck, focusing on yourself might not feel easy, but once you start it'll get easier and you'll see how this works and it'll make more sense.
Facing myself and why I am the way I am is one of the hardest things I've had to do, but on the other side of so much healing, I know now that it was totally worth it. I've never felt the way I feel about myself and life now, and while it's not all blissed out all the time, acceptance creates peace, and after a lifetime of chaos my peace is very valuable to me. It's a good place to live. The terrible voices don't haunt me anymore and I know that anything is possible now. I hope that for you as well. I hope that in this next cycle you find the solid centered authenticity of yourself and get good at living in your truth, creating a life you love and feel good in.
When you get there, you'll understand everything about your twin flame journey and you'll be grateful for all it taught you, instead of feeling like it was a lot of unnecessary torture. It's here for you, so you'll become the powerful, solid, loving, compassionate, honest, authentic, capable, trusting, open, tender, strong, wise, joyful, fulfilled soul you were always meant to be, before life did what it did to you. You were put here to enjoy life. Find your way there.
submitted by blissedlotus to twinflamed [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 21:07 DareDisastrous3612 A girl I used to talk to blocked me? Is it stupid to reach out?

A while ago I matched with a girl on tinder, we hit it off immediately and texted for hours each day for about two months. We met up a couple of times but it was in the middle of exam season and she really struggled with the pressure so had to focus on that only. I basically got too attached and said some stupid stuff, I basically told her I was attached and also got mad because she kissed some guy at a club (I was mad that she texted me to tell me, not that she did it, I hadn't kissed her yet we weren't even in a relationship). We got on pretty well and I basically texted her and we had a convo and cleared up some confusion about what had happened, and once I decided it was resolved I told her respectfully that I was going to remove her main and private Instagram off my follows and followers because I just wanted to move on from the situation, but reiterated that there was no beef and if she seen me in public she shouldn't be afraid to say hi or whatever. I was going to get a major surgery in the weeks following that so I basically just wanted to put her out of sight out of mind because I knew my mental health was going to be in a bad place due to not being able to walk for two months during recovery (she only knew I was getting surgery, not how severe it was). For about 4 months after this I would look up her Instagram every now and again just to see what she was at, but I never reached out or anything - I had surprisingly put it behind me very quickly and didn't really have any strong feelings for her despite telling her I was attached. But randomly the other day I noticed she blocked me, I hadn't checked up on her account in a couple of months now - so she could have blocked me anytime in the past couple of months and I wouldn't have known. I can't understand why but I guess my main idea is that she regrets what happened and just blocked me to stop looking me up? I doubt that she hates me because blocking me 4 - 6 months post contact comes across a bit weird. I noticed that her private Instagram still has me unblocked though. The thing is that I would be open to talking with her again, I have another surgery coming up really soon but my mental health is a lot better right now, and when we first started talking I had just moved to this new city and she was the only person I could talk to whereas now I have more friends and stuff. Would it be really stupid to follow her private IG to test the waters, or is it best to just leave this one in the past?
submitted by DareDisastrous3612 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 14:07 Live_Independent4628 My (18M) ex-girlfriend (18F) came back for the second time. What should I do?

Up to 6 months ago, I never spoke to a girl, then this cool girl texted me and time goes by and made me her boyfriend, hut after only 15 days she broke up with me saying that I'm too attached to her and that she uncomfortable with me (she blocked me the day we had our 1st kiss, the 14th day) 2 months go by (we were in vacation from school) we got back to school, she saw me, i smiled back, later that day she unblocked and texted again, I was dumb enough to let her make me her boyfriend again. 13 days go by, and she blocked me again, and broke up with me again. Not giving a clear reason. 2 months go by, she stalking my social media, i checked these accounts and found sth abt sui*ide, so i texted and i was like maybe she needs help.turns out she's fine and just missed me like the ither time, so now we talkin again, I don't know what stage is this called but dumb enough again i flirted with her once, but she kinda pushing me. And now she traveled alone outside of city for her 1st time without telling me.
submitted by Live_Independent4628 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 07:22 nobodyex Is she dropping signs? Or NC is making me delusional

So my ex gf and I ended our 2 yr relationship and we are almost 3 months into NC. She broke up with bcz for her I wasn’t doing enough and I was not meeting her needs in a relationship for time and attention anymore and It sincerely had a bad effect on her mental health.
Yesterday I went to a coffee place with a friend to do some work and to my surprise she was there ( not really, It was a calculated move, she had to study and I knew she would be there cuz we used to go to that place all the time)
I didn’t wanna act like I am panicking or afraid, so I said “oh shit” to myself and I calmly sat in a table where we can’t see each other and not acknowledging her existence , she was avoiding eye contact at all costs, she didn’t leave tho
I had just noticed couple of days before that she unblocked me on Facebook, I acted cool and I didn’t send any friend request or msg, I try to respect her choice of NC and not seem desperate and needy ( been there before😬)
Back to the coffee place, after few minutes , she went outside with her friend for a smoke and they sat just right in front of me, there was a transparent glass separating us,I could see everything, she could too but she sat in a way not facing me exactly, I acted cool as usual, This seemed intentional to me, This happened 3 times.
I noticed she was wearing a ring I gifted her and she was smoking an abnormal amount of cigarettes, like a lot!
We didn’t have any contact whatsoever
If this happened 2 weeks ago I would be running to her to apologize and try to make us work again (only to get rejected probably) but I’ve been movin on and hitting the gym.
And one thing I learned, Is that the more desperate and needy you look the less respect she has for you.
When I was leaving, she looked up to me for the first time, I didn’t look at her (It was unexpected)
So where do I stand? Is this a sign that she wants me to approach her? Should I or should I wait? Bcz I do wanna give her time to heal and I wanna do this the right way.
Or this is normal and I am being delusional and feeding into the idea that she still wants me?
Ps: she’s an anxious attachment one
submitted by nobodyex to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 06:50 nobodyex Is she dropping signs? Or NC is making me delusional

So my ex gf and I ended our 2 yr relationship and we are almost 3 months into NC. She broke up with bcz for her I wasn’t doing enough and I was not meeting her needs in a relationship for time and attention anymore and It sincerely had a bad effect on her mental health.
Yesterday I went to a coffee place with a friend to do some work and to my surprise she was there ( not really, It was a calculated move, she had to study and I knew she would be there cuz we used to go to that place all the time)
I didn’t wanna act like I am panicking or afraid, so I said “oh shit” to myself and I calmly sat in a table where we can’t see each other and not acknowledging her existence , she was avoiding eye contact at all costs, she didn’t leave tho
I had just noticed couple of days before that she unblocked me on Facebook, I acted cool and I didn’t send any friend request or msg, I try to respect her choice of NC and not seem desperate and needy ( been there before😬)
Back to the coffee place, after few minutes , she went outside with her friend for a smoke and they sat just right in front of me, there was a transparent glass separating us,I could see everything, she could too but she sat in a way not facing me exactly, I acted cool as usual, This seemed intentional to me, This happened 3 times.
I noticed she was wearing a ring I gifted her and she was smoking an abnormal amount of cigarettes, like a lot!
We didn’t have any contact whatsoever
If this happened 2 weeks ago I would be running to her to apologize and try to make us work again (only to get rejected probably) but I’ve been movin on and hitting the gym.
And one thing I learned, Is that the more desperate and needy you look the less respect she has for you.
When I was leaving, she looked up to me for the first time, I didn’t look at her (It was unexpected)
So where do I stand? Is this a sign that she wants me to approach her? Should I or should I wait? Bcz I do wanna give her time to heal and I wanna do this the right way.
Or this is normal and I am being delusional and feeding into the idea that she still wants me?
Ps: she’s an anxious attachment one
submitted by nobodyex to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 06:48 nobodyex Is she dropping signs? Or NC is making me delusional

So my ex gf and I ended our 2 yr relationship and we are almost 3 months into NC. She broke up with bcz for her I wasn’t doing enough and I was not meeting her needs in a relationship for time and attention anymore and It sincerely had a bad effect on her mental health.
Yesterday I went to a coffee place with a friend to do some work and to my surprise she was there ( not really, It was a calculated move, she had to study and I knew she would be there cuz we used to go to that place all the time)
I didn’t wanna act like I am panicking or afraid, so I said “oh shit” to myself and I calmly sat in a table where we can’t see each other and not acknowledging her existence , she was avoiding eye contact at all costs, she didn’t leave tho
I had just noticed couple of days before that she unblocked me on Facebook, I acted cool and I didn’t send any friend request or msg, I try to respect her choice of NC and not seem desperate and needy ( been there before😬)
Back to the coffee place, after few minutes , she went outside with her friend for a smoke and they sat just right in front of me, there was a transparent glass separating us,I could see everything, she could too but she sat in a way not facing me exactly, I acted cool as usual, This seemed intentional to me, This happened 3 times.
I noticed she was wearing a ring I gifted her and she was smoking an abnormal amount of cigarettes, like a lot!
We didn’t have any contact whatsoever
If this happened 2 weeks ago I would be running to her to apologize and try to make us work again (only to get rejected probably) but I’ve been movin on and hitting the gym.
And one thing I learned, Is that the more desperate and needy you look the less respect she has for you.
When I was leaving, she looked up to me for the first time, I didn’t look at her (It was unexpected)
So where do I stand? Is this a sign that she wants me to approach her? Should I or should I wait? Bcz I do wanna give her time to heal and I wanna do this the right way.
Or this is normal and I am being delusional and feeding into the idea that she still wants me?
Ps: she’s an anxious attachment one
submitted by nobodyex to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 06:48 nobodyex Is she dropping signs? Or NC is making me delusional

So my ex gf and I ended our 2 yr relationship and we are almost 3 months into NC. She broke up with bcz for her I wasn’t doing enough and I was not meeting her needs in a relationship for time and attention anymore and It sincerely had a bad effect on her mental health.
Yesterday I went to a coffee place with a friend to do some work and to my surprise she was there ( not really, It was a calculated move, she had to study and I knew she would be there cuz we used to go to that place all the time)
I didn’t wanna act like I am panicking or afraid, so I said “oh shit” to myself and I calmly sat in a table where we can’t see each other and not acknowledging her existence , she was avoiding eye contact at all costs, she didn’t leave tho
I had just noticed couple of days before that she unblocked me on Facebook, I acted cool and I didn’t send any friend request or msg, I try to respect her choice of NC and not seem desperate and needy ( been there before😬)
Back to the coffee place, after few minutes , she went outside with her friend for a smoke and they sat just right in front of me, there was a transparent glass separating us,I could see everything, she could too but she sat in a way not facing me exactly, I acted cool as usual, This seemed intentional to me, This happened 3 times.
I noticed she was wearing a ring I gifted her and she was smoking an abnormal amount of cigarettes, like a lot!
We didn’t have any contact whatsoever
If this happened 2 weeks ago I would be running to her to apologize and try to make us work again (only to get rejected probably) but I’ve been movin on and hitting the gym.
And one thing I learned, Is that the more desperate and needy you look the less respect she has for you.
When I was leaving, she looked up to me for the first time, I didn’t look at her (It was unexpected)
So where do I stand? Is this a sign that she wants me to approach her? Should I or should I wait? Bcz I do wanna give her time to heal and I wanna do this the right way.
Or this is normal and I am being delusional and feeding into the idea that she still wants me?
Ps: she’s an anxious attachment one
submitted by nobodyex to heartbreak [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 06:47 nobodyex Is she dropping signs? Or NC is making me delusional

So my ex gf and I ended our 2 yr relationship and we are almost 3 months into NC. She broke up with bcz for her I wasn’t doing enough and I was not meeting her needs in a relationship for time and attention anymore and It sincerely had a bad effect on her mental health.
Yesterday I went to a coffee place with a friend to do some work and to my surprise she was there ( not really, It was a calculated move, she had to study and I knew she would be there cuz we used to go to that place all the time)
I didn’t wanna act like I am panicking or afraid, so I said “oh shit” to myself and I calmly sat in a table where we can’t see each other and not acknowledging her existence , she was avoiding eye contact at all costs, she didn’t leave tho
I had just noticed couple of days before that she unblocked me on Facebook, I acted cool and I didn’t send any friend request or msg, I try to respect her choice of NC and not seem desperate and needy ( been there before😬)
Back to the coffee place, after few minutes , she went outside with her friend for a smoke and they sat just right in front of me, there was a transparent glass separating us,I could see everything, she could too but she sat in a way not facing me exactly, I acted cool as usual, This seemed intentional to me, This happened 3 times.
I noticed she was wearing a ring I gifted her and she was smoking an abnormal amount of cigarettes, like a lot!
We didn’t have any contact whatsoever
If this happened 2 weeks ago I would be running to her to apologize and try to make us work again (only to get rejected probably) but I’ve been movin on and hitting the gym.
And one thing I learned, Is that the more desperate and needy you look the less respect she has for you.
When I was leaving, she looked up to me for the first time, I didn’t look at her (It was unexpected)
So where do I stand? Is this a sign that she wants me to approach her? Should I or should I wait? Bcz I do wanna give her time to heal and I wanna do this the right way.
Or this is normal and I am being delusional and feeding into the idea that she still wants me?
Ps: she’s an anxious attachment one
submitted by nobodyex to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 02:30 Tammy_Midnight Spell suggestions?

Good night to everyone! (Is night where I'm from).
I have been having a little issue for a while, I've been in therapy but my instincts says it's a problem beyond therapy and it might be more spiritual than anything. I had an ex-crush/FWB/Lover who I spent almost 1 year and something together, we had dates, we had well, you know, and we also had a lot of moments that could mean that he wanted me to be his gf. The problem this issue I have started after he blocked me for a while and then unblocked me but without replying to my messages.
I've tried my best to get over the situation, I've literally unfollowed him from everywhere, blocked his number, protect my energy by using spells like for example "return to sender" (I used a version where basically I put the intention in a paper, put a black candle on top and I also cleaned my whole space before and after the spell), or "cut connection" (I used a mirror to try to get the energy that still has attached to me and cut it off, then clean again the whole space), but I still have trouble. Another thing is that every time I try to move on, there's always something like a signal that automatically puts his name in my mind, I've tried to block it, but it oversteps for some reason. And I also have got some of his posts because we share friends in common, and is always when I'm ready to leave.
Is there anything I might be missing? Like I said, I've tried talk it on therapy and I came to the root but still I cannot seem to be able to move on. My friend who suggested to do the spell, also suggested it might be soul bonding. If that is, could I do a cut cord ritual to stop this connection and finally heal? This is just driving me crazy and I feel like I'm stuck, I do not miss any of what happened, but I did forgive myself.
submitted by Tammy_Midnight to Witch [link] [comments]
