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Chuck 01x04 teleplay review

2024.06.02 05:20 arvarnargul Chuck 01x04 teleplay review

Intro: In a series of reviews that will begin (or return) here; we are going to try and take a critical look at the Chuck series, especially the unfolding of the story as scene through the teleplay. In this case we are assuming multiple things about a potential watcher:
What is this all for: This started as a project to improve my critical reviewing skills for a hobby of movie script writing and analysis. Chuck happens to have published 3 original scripts and all the text of every episode has been published to a searchable database. This affords an opportunity to break from my movie writing woes and infinite revisions to just have fun enjoying Chuck and trying to deepen my understanding of the intersection of script writing with filmography and visual editing. Having said this, it should be known I have no affiliation to the show, no additional insider knowledge, and I do not write scripts for a living. So, consequently, feel free to ignore everything I say :). I do hope, however, we can go on this journey together and appreciate the excellence that is a love story called Chuck.
So, don't freak out, and lets get started.

Chuck 01x04 (Chuck vs the Wookiee): TEASER - We open with the gang playing "Know Ya!", which isn't actually a real board game, but based on the game Paddles. It's amazing that Morgan can't stand Ellie/Awesome being in love/winning, but marches triumphantly whenever he gets a question correct. I also like we see, in frame, Chuck watching Sarah pick off olives; he's beginning to notice things just like a real spy. The deep sadness and yet storied confliction on Chuck's face when he discovers Peaches 1 and Peaches 2 was great.
For those who don't know about dogs:
I find it very interesting how Sarah has "spidey sense" about potentially being watched. At no point previously did either Sarah nor Casey display this trait and I'm not totally sure how an open window was enough to do this; I wonder if Sarah's comfort being around Chuck's family is causing her to develop a "feeling of being watched" as she is comfortable with the Bartowski's? For those who missed it, Sarah talks about having a sister I think at the time this was just a throw-away line to protect her cover, but in season 5 Sarah does actually have a little sister if you count the little girl she rescues One last thing about Sarah here, when Bryce is being discussed, I really like how it was played where she acts quiet and shocked, but not saying anything. The facial expressions of Yvonne here are really special and you can tell Sarah lives a life of secrets. This is carried outside when Chuck asks Sarah about her relationship with Bryce. She is totally looking down and to the right, a classic indication of an emotional response searching for rationalization (ie. she is clearly lying)
As they end the game and exit to the courtyard, there teleplay of Chuck does something I've been wanting to see forever; they switch perspective to keep both characters in camera and follow them around from a 3rd perspective. We know this is supposed to indicate they are being watched, but I really enjoy getting to see them together reacting and talking instead of the constant close-ups and cuts. Normally Chuck will be shot with something between a medium close up (MCU) and Medium Shot (MS) to emphasize their characters and highlight their faces and expressions. This works really well because Chuck's cameras are typically either shoulder level or hip level based on the operators moving through their space. In many more modern TV shows, the technology of boom cranes and gyroscopic gimbals allows for content to be show from ground level to overhead giving directors the opportunity to tell their story through a variety of shifting profiles. If Chuck were shot today, we would see everything from full body shots all the way to extreme closeups without the need for continual jump-cuts and re-shoots because the technology is there. At least for this episode, it's nice to see the director explore more hip/knee level motion and more cowboy framed shots when having a distant observer perspective. https://www.studiobinder.com/blog/types-of-camera-shots-sizes-in-film/ does a fantastic breakdown of all the different shot type and camera perspectives for you want to read more!
As we transition into Sarah's hotel room, did anyone pick up on how NICE this is? She has double sinks, a king bed, a sitting mirror, free standing tub, and a great view. I doubt any agency in the "real world" would ever spring for something like this for multiple years for one of their agents, it's fancy! Enter Carina, tell me, who saw Sarah fight with a soap sock and think of iCarly and the famous "butter sock". Also during this fight, why is Sarah wearing a golden bikini? I know she is about to get into the shower, but what plausible reason is there for her to a) wear a bikini at all and b) it to be a bright golden yellow?? If you slow this fight scene way down, you will notice Yvonne's strikes actually come close to hitting Mimi as she has had a lot of training, whereas Mimi's strikes are miles from Yvonne and she just over-acts their impact. The most noticeable is the kick into her table, Sarah goes flying back, but we can tell from the angle, Carina missed her by a good 2 ft. This was just some sloppy editing and not getting the camera into position. I give it a pass because you have probably 3 camera operators wearing stabilized camera rigs trying to rotate around a room with 2 girls fighting and they just missed the angle by like 2 feet. I did really like at the end of the fight Carina had the option to go for the gun but instead went for the fish. If you didn't know they were not enemies before, this should have been a big clue! Carina calls Sarah's life in LA boring #1


Carina aka: Maria Elena Argalberdi was born Jun 16, 1978 in Alberdi Argentina with a Buenos Aires passport. Maria Elena is actually the name of a famous song in Mexico and eventually had a movie. This Chuck learns on Flash #1 and is the precursor to meeting the general for the first time. I know I've mentioned this before, but to reiterate; the pictures in Casey's apartment are all wrong; he has photos of Chuck and Morgan that don't happen until season 5 (lost footage) he has a map of Echo Park and Malibu already on display, and he has tactical information for each member of the Buy More (which he has no reason for at this time). It is interesting they talk about an opium cartel in Afghanistan as Afghanistan is known for it's huge poppy fields for heroin drug money.
The NADAN-I-NOOR diamond:
We open back to see Carina and Sarah looking at classified files within the restaurant. THIS IS AGAINST THE LAW, you do not look at classified files out in the open and especially not where there are clearly other customers around. Venturing into the BuyMore, there is a monster truck rally on the TV's showing grave digger and reaper, two famous trucks from this time period. Morgan wants to spread his wings and be the fourth wheel to the perpetual 3 wheel party and Sarah, ever the schemer, literally glows when she thinks of the plan to have Carina go on a date with Morgan. I THINK this was just to help maintain their cover, but also maybe Sarah is just needling Carina? If you look in the back of the store when Chuck is talking to Sarah and Carina, there is a really cool Nerd Herd poster that says "Bringing peace to your computer emergency". "if a yawn could yawn" is Carina calling Sarah's job boring #2. One thing I really like with the double data is the way the camera jumps between the couples: boy/girl, boy/boy, girl/girl. I think they way they try and keep private conversations via screen time is a really nice, typical, teleplay trick that really works well here. In a "real" environment, everyone could hear everything, but by splitting the camera focus or playing with perspective, the viewer clearly knows "this is a conversation between girls the boys don't hear it". We see Chuck noticing Sarah picking off olives #2 while they watch a movie about penguins: who mate for life, present their love in the form of rocks, and are pack animals. In Chuck's bedroom as he talks to Morgan, Chuck has a box of King Edward Invincible underneath bongos; for those who don't know this is a famous box for mild tobacco cigars. So I wonder what Chuck is up to in his free time :P.
On the Nerd Herd call with Carina, she opens a bottle of wine with a butter knife. This is actually a pretty famous thing that is done all over the world with everything from a key to a saber. In fact they make a specially type of knife with an extra wide blade for this it Italy. I do want to ask the question; is Carina dressed in red lingerie (Chuck's favorite color she stole from Sarah) really necessary for this scene? I know that Carina is all about improvising and she often uses her sexuality to progress her cause (Casey), but I think we could have gotten away with just the top. I can certainly see the rationalization for going this far, but I think as an artistic choice it wasn't necessary. What IS necessary however is to talk about how Chuck's world implodes when Carina tells him about Sarah and Bryce. Also the perfect act transition ending right at Chuck's jaw dropping and the work boyfriend!


I'll say it again, the back an forth with Chuck and Sarah should have been a medium close up, shoulder level straight on shot instead of the constant cuts. Seeing their reaction in real time would have been easier and it would have allowed the Weinerlicious to be maybe 15 ft smaller to not need so many cameramen rotating. "Unless talking to your boyfriend is a matter of national security, the ketchup bottles won't refill themselves". Why yes it IS a mater of national security for Sarah to talk to Chuck... also if any one of us stood up to our boss like Sarah did, I'm pretty sure we'd be fired on the spot!
Malibu is ~2hours for Echo Park with standard LA traffic. Seriously, how do girls in high heels walk down stairs; we see Carina and Sarah walking sideways so there is enough space on each step to fit their shoes. Girls, how do you do that and not fall especially with narrow staircases and 3-6inch heels! Inside the room with the stone there is a bust of Cesare, archenemies, da vinci, and biblical David. There is also some famous paintings the best of which is Vemieer's "young girl with a pearl earring" which is rather appropriate considering it's meaning. There is also a Van Gogh of man in a wheat field and a Monet in one shot too. If ANY of these paintings were real instead of reproductions, they would be worth millions, in fact the young girl with a pearl is estimated at 40million, which is 1.5x the sell value of the Nadan-I-Noor! If we take a look at the engineering drawing of Flash #2 on the pedestal, we would see this design creates a closed circuit around the tongs the diamond rests on; which might explain it's red hue. If a person were to touch the diamond, it would close the circuit on their body allowing the 4000volts to travel through their heart. A person can die with ~20volts, though it's usually more like 50 in most occurrences. 4000volts is enough to kill a herd of elephants and completely overkill for a person. Also the amount of power that would take is more than the city of Malibu... this is to say the trap is real, the numbers are complete nonsense; thinking lightning! Nice shot by Sarah with the plate (there are some great bloopers on this too where she misses badly)! A remote controlled jet ski... i'm not even going to calculate the nonsense for this; it's just total nonsense. Almost as much nonsense as Casey using his phone to track Carina's call. That would take minutes, even with today's technology to back trace like that and way more power than just pushing a button on a razer flip-phone from the 90's!
back at the house, Chuck i playing halo with the legendary skulls as his weapon; this is nice because in the BuyMore at the end of the episode there are dudes dressed as master chief! I really like the changing perspective here with Chuck and Morgan. Chuck's reactions remain in focus while Morgan tells a story behind him, then it switches as Chuck starts to move around until bringing both into focus for the final line "we still have each other and that's really sad". The side cut to Sarah picking locks to the hotel door is classic early 2000's TV and i'm all for it, even if it is super cheezy. BTW as someone who used to lock pick in college, that's .... not how that works, but good try. We get our Flash #3 on the diamond in Morgan's back nuclear explosions. I wonder if the refractive capability of a diamond this pure is enough to focus laser to induce fission or if the value of selling the diamond is enough to buy nuclear material on the black market? Either way, we end the act with... the man with the golden gun!


Chuck uses Sarah's plate move against Carina, nice inter-episode call back; he's clearly watching/learning, but his aim is terrible. This was actually clever as Sarah has perfect aim for she is a professional, while Chuck is still definitely a civilian and has no aptitude for fighting. I really like both these types of simple call backs but also how seemingly throw-away lines/actions help tell the broad story of the show. Chuck talking to Carina also shows Chuck has this weird, innate aptitude to get people to re-evaluate themselves and grow internally. You can watch Carina "grow in real-time. When we get to the hotel and Carina opens her trunk first there are a few glocks, a couple rugers, and a 1911; then she switches to blades and we see some folders, some strait blades, an illegal gravity blade (still illegal today), and a kbar... nice selection! Carina, always the flirt, gives Chuck some very insightful works about the nature of being a spy, but also maybe some way to get through to Sarah.
Inside the hotel we see Carina and Sarah speaking; Carina is speaking Swedish, while Sarah replies in Polish. "Om jag slänger nycklarna till dig, kommer du tappa dem då?" which is Swedish for "If I throw you the keys, will you drop them?" Sarah answered in Polish: "Tylko jak rzucisz jak twoja mamusia", which means "Only if you throw it like your mommy". This is just great!
I want to talk about how fast Chuck managed to find an address for DC, print a label, open a box, put the label on, and get the diamond there all before the door gets broken. Somehow on screen time this is like 10seconds, but in real life this would have to be like 3minutes minimum? Either that door is remarkably strong or... TV magic??


Even with all the flirting, as we say goodbye to Carina >! for now !< she is still joking with Casey and every the professional. I like how they show when it's "game time" it's all about the job, but spys can be people too! Carina still calls Sarah's life boring #3 (the common trifecta of episode repeats).
Sarah's face when Chuck brings the pizza with no olives is the reason I think Yvonne makes the perfect Sarah. She exudes the hidden beauty needed and has the acting to so such emotion for Chuck being sweet. The whole scene with Chuck and Sarah asking questions, then Chuck backing off, then Sarah acting stoic like she WANTS to open up but doesn't know if she can really trust Chuck, is ready to move on from Bryce, and should for the nature of her job. This was probably the most well acted 20seconds of the entire episode. Finally, we hear Sarah's middle name is Lisa. Now we never officially know if Chuck hears this or not both due to camera focus and distance, it's never officially confirmed in the entire show. When the intersect is updated in season 4 we see Sarah's picture and it lists Lisa as a middle name, so we assume it's official, but it's never confirmed at any point. Finally, I really like how they end the episode with Sarah closing her eyes as the fade to black.

Few notes: There are 5 official songs in this episode:

I think this was a great episode and really showcased what they can do when additional cast members join the team and when they are not afraid to play with perspective. Mimi as Carina is a great addition to the ensemble and I wish we saw her more, but every time she drops in, it's always a wild episode and it's fantastic. Watching Chuck learn about Sarah and seeing Sarah start to open up is a good way forward and heck Casey had some of the best humor in the episode. Overall, it was fast paced, had some nice character development, as funny in the best way, and moved the main theme along, 8/10.
submitted by arvarnargul to chuck [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 20:19 tfb1000 Anyone ever notice a lot of the popular shows of the 2000s had interesting/sad parental situations?

For example, Drake and Josh’s parents are divorced. iCarly with Carly’s mom, Sam and Freddie’s Dads’ out of the picture. Zoey101 living thousands of miles away from her parents. Even on Disney with Zack and Cody’s parents divorced, Hannah Montana’s mom dying.
Why do you think this was a reoccurring theme during this era of kids shows?
submitted by tfb1000 to nickelodeon [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 05:12 OGHeartlessFox My life and where i feel i died

(Well this is gonna be a long read but i feel snice i feel lifeless as it is, maybe it won't be pointless... i will try to paragraph it to make it an easier read i know my spelling can be rather bad )
I will try to keep it cheery
Me:30, pron: IT, thing, creature (explain why, as i go why) height: 6ft , race: mixed: native, African american, white (basic explained) Black hair, brown eyes. (ADHD, serve aunxity, crontic depression, phyco mark 4, soicalily appectable spilt personality)
Let start with middle child i was unwanted birth that even the world tried to kill at birth (bubbled blue baby) born into a family of pure toxicity that got refined to a super toxic syrup.
Mother: was abusive pathological lier who liked to be called ""The" Bitch" with a massive bingo addiction and selling at pawn shop addiction.
Father:... i just met him though a homeless older lady i'm renting a room to..
Ok, life story time
My frist memory of life was waking up light in my eyes and crying, to have a guy come over and hit me upside the head bouncing it off the crib or playpen (same thing to me and having it bounce off the bottom)
Thing don't get better, enter step father 1, C an abusive drunk who shock like a chiwowa and likely weighed about the same as one too, skinny boney creep, who i heard later had his own kids he was not allowed to be around for pedo reasons.
Because of my home life when i started to go to school...... i was a bully, i thought showing someone you cared was taking there head and punching it a bunch of times or get um with cooties (yes as a kid i did the bully with cooties things) i even bit a teacher hand, because i took a bag of popcorn out in the middle of class and was eatting it, they tried to take it and MUNCH..... i do bite.
So rare times i was not kicked out of school i was kept home to hide bruises or wrose
Home i would get beaten my stuff sold so my mom could take off to bingo and the drunk Ass C would slam are head in coners for hours on end leaving us standing there, beaten wrose if we tried to sit or move (we- me and older my brother)
Rest of the time we would spend time locked in are room with few toys we hid or stole because if not are mother would find a way to sell them, we get in fist fights who toys belonged to who, all the teddybears were mine he garbbed those little "action figures" DBZ and megamanX Only time as a kid that was even a little cheery
We did have a rare getaway from the abuse at my uncle and nana house. He was an OG gamer... who still lived with his mom looking at it now and she was the sweeted old lady who loved winnie the pooh for eor, never getting mad and when something bad happened to her she go "oh bother' and never get mad, she spent her days coloring fuzzy winnie the pooh picture with glitter gel pens.
We go there and watch are uncle play videogames, (lunar, FF and wildarms series being his fav and computer games a lot of find its) he was highly diabetic but din't let it bug him or other.
It was rare cases.. for me, my brother was living with my nana till i was born because my mother was "too young" and left him there (she was around 30 at the time) and "only brought him back to have older brother for the daughter she was happy she was about to have" oh boy, lets get into that.
I was meant to be born female mother getting ultra sound after ultra sound hope to like the mouth before birth, all said "it's a girl" pink teddy bear was gotten for me and everything.
.. well when i was born i came out a she-male, but like hell my mother was gonna put up with that, she din't even want a boy let alone a reminding mix so she had are family doc, who delivered me after begging him, hormones supplement to make me more muscling... (though side i heard she din't even give them all to me)
So now i have female view on life and half male messed up body, this effected me though life as well.
Skip Past a lot of abuse pretty bad abuse and Fast forward alittle the middle of grade school i was giving a school count, who taught me to bottle up all my emotion and like a volcano find a useful way to explode (at this time school would qourtine me away from the other kids at breaks as i was too "voilent and can't be handled in public setting")
They hit a cord with me or something, because i started to bottle my emotions .... all of them.. and after moving to a new school i had din't view on life, that no one would like me if i was a bully... and fate, i started to get bullied no phyical, verbal "girly eyes" "fergy" "girly boy" my mother would always shave me and my brother head, so you can guess on why i got those comments...
So i cut my long lashes in half with sissors (learned way later they don't grow back) and started eatting like hog to gain weight and by the end of middle school i weighed 310lb and started wearing baggy clothing (now its just part of my style) and started to become popular after we moved schools again.
But then frist phyical fight, not started by me, happened well i was being a goaly for soccer (i hate sports) as i was fastest blocker... but i'm a zoner, i was staring at the sky because, my team seemed dom and the ball was rarely even touching are side of field, well a ball flew past me.
A guy on are team came up all pissed telling me get out of the net and they were taking it, i laughed and just said no.
He punched me in the face, i blacked out and swug back and one punched him, for real he was on the ground and the techer sent me in to get sent out with 2 other sudent escorts, in my view then i din't need to ne escorted in let alone by 2 girls who were parcicularly cheering i knocked him out because they hated him.
Looking back i feel kinda stupid, bad etc. as the one after that kept asking me out and i kept saying no, later found something dark out from my brother crush and got slapped hard in the face for turning her down....
At that point i started online datting to find out what "love" was and how you should show emotions making many friends and a lil gourp of bestfriends that i consider real fam, screen name should be fine, fang, tiger, kairi, darkangel and belz.
Becoming popular at each school i went to but at this point, i was already starting to mentalily break down from bottling all my emotions taking abuse at home in stride and my mother just had other kid, My sister S
And just before i started highschool a new abusive boyfriend (all 3 of us have different last names) and he was around the same age as my brother.
My nana willily dies...i hate hospitals... they said she was gonna die if she din't get help and even then she may end up in a hospital bed... she told no one, went home and died in the night with my brother sleeping beside her as she was his safe hidding place, his real mother
And At this ponit my brother was "fook this shat i'm out" and ran away from it all. Leaving me and are new sis with mr new abusive and are mother... CRACK, CRACK.. i start get a voice in my head that not mine i try to brush off and zone out on the internet when i was home spending my days talking to other none stop.
The new stepdad getting wrose and wrose, by the look of his teeth was doing crack snice he was like 14 and smoked a lot of pot, (i really hated it at this time as i promised my nana i'd not smoke, drunk or do drugs) and we moved out to a area in the middle of no where... twice... i grew my own pink roses (not sure the name of the rose but they grew to the size of baseballs :3) in one place as there was noting not even schools for miles and i had to go the whole year and half no school till CAS found us.
Then we moved to this other place where they moved a couch in front of door and i got to go to school but rarely i had to climb out the window to catch the bus i became big there knowen as the brick wall with feet and candyman (i would only have bags of candy for food and would never eat them just thorw them at people jokely i found were looking down as i walked though the school at break, brick wall for sending a guy flying by tackling him because i heard he phyical attacked a girl on the bus to school (crack crack)
Then then things just got wrose because crazy step dad, stabbed my mother in the back with a steak knife, twice, my mother hated hospital with a passion so she layed towel on the sofa filled herself with pain pills and layed on her bleeding back He took her money and took off only coming back to drop off little food now and then (he had all her bank cards) so my mother would not die
Me, i became the cook, my sister parents figure, the piss and shat bucket changer and the blood mopper (cracky de crack)
I started fade in and out of reality at this ponit my friends saying i was off my partner at the time...looking back it seems i keep getting used for something... they were just happy to see me put it simple. (Online R)
I was starting to lose weight from lack of food baricided in a house with a mother who would cry in pain and to get help with something... for a whole year...this night when she cried for help with something
SNAP, welcome my spilt personality (don't learn till way later) to the world i black right out at midnight playing dragon quest,( the crudy one where the whole game underground) appertly i called the cops, the hospital after ripping the phone from my mother hand and filping the shit away from the door couch etc. Flinging down the steps were i was staying. So they could get in.
This is what i was told, i just remember falling asleep or something playing the game and waking up at hospital sitting in a chair where a doctor was talking to me about how they could see my mother ribs though her back and trying to figure out how she still alive or how long she been like that.
I was sent to my toxic aunts, things don't get better i had to break up with the person i was with for like 3 years, i told her my mother was in the hospital there reply was "so what?" And i would not have access to internet at my aunts, her two faced ways is beaten by none other.
Her place was trashy all garabe hidden in a room, she has 4 adopted native kids at this time as she native and lives on the rez (my native is from my dads side she not related to me by my uncle here is someone who highly whipped and or a cranky bas, who never leaves his room and only eats pizza and vodka for every meal.
I got shoved under the stairs like a hairy potter knock off and became a i live in maid and baby sitter, my sister got a new room built for her, My family gose wack-o for a girl me and my aunt always bumping heads as i found her view on reason to have kids are way off from mine
hers: "so when i'm gray and old i have someone who has to take care of me"
Mine: to give someone the life i never had, to see someone raised happy without abuse.
Taking she would hit one in the head before he was even given his drunken infants meds, lack of abuse is not how she dose things.
At this time i was just turning 19 i missed out on school, to not look evil from the outside she sent me to native adult ed.
What a wild ride that was, day one i come into a gimp (he called himself it, back off) a small guy with limpy bone issues who already been alive longer then docs told him he would being builled out of school, and if you can't tell i at this ponit i went from bully to anti-bully, the teacher not stoping it, said one cricle tomarrow and he free to go.
I sit hehind him on the bus and ask him what its all about and what happening he was sniffly looking out the window, so after i left him alone.
But the next day i stood up in front of everyone and told them right out how sad and fooking pathetic they are for doing it to him and they need to leave him alone and say sorry, leaving the cricle and sitting back at my desk, oddly it worked some right out said sorry to him and he stayed, me and him becoming good friends are 3rd bud jesus joining in, (lol not the real one just a richy guy who looked like him, his dad owns the native smoke shops on the rez the rack in a lot here)
But soon the who class was being buddy with me for one reason or other, one because he knew i therw the fight he picked because he wanted to look tough(note if someone darts behind you and puts you in a headlock if your taller leaning down will almost filp then over your back) one was a big big lacross player who liked me because i was the only one who would face him in sports as he was knowen for breaking fingers
Simple J liked me because he was well. Simple (nickname given to him by class) Etc. I could go on i can usely tell why when someone takes interest in me and yay then boo i got to use internet again during breaks.
I was able to give my best friend gourp my number etc. So i could talk to them whenever and made a new friend... evil rears it head, this person was close so i went to go hang out never seeing them before, to meet the human verison of miss piggy, matching nose and all who black mailed me into dating her as she had me meet up with her, who was underage (her profile said 18 she was 15 turning 16).
Saying she would call the cops and i appocehed her at the park (where she planed for us to meet up) din't think much, agreed thinking i just had to wait for her to delete the pictures she took of me showing up.
Not so simple, my aunt came to pick me up and they started talking and my aunt seemed to have no issues there i was 19 almost 20... even inviting her over...
Welp, when she did come over i was rrr tooken avenage of, she gave me a drink, bottle of pop, that she apparently popped one of her dad Vags in, she found well cleaning then she used her weight well i was trying to just play my game and igore her even being there, Right in my aunts basement stealing my virginity
But my evil aunt got revenge for me without even knowing, she was just trying to get rid of me, as when she was talking about going to Disneyland my aunt tagged me along, talking to her parents the works, so i got free road trip from canada to Florida, best part was her rich grandpa liked me better then her (he owns both a orange field and race track)
It pissed her right off and soon as we got I was set free, now tanned from the heat and richer a experience, i only mention the tan thing as soon as i got back all the girls in adult ed oddly wanted to talked to me a lot more.
I honestly din't care, well... i had s crush on one, but my bud said there was a new girl that showed up who been sitting in my spot (best spot, near a window and a cupboard so i could lean back) and was just out the day i came back.
She came back the next day, she acted shy saying sorry for taking my seat and class started to rumble with whisper and rumors, oh boy wish i listened now....
My gimp bud told me he liked her and i was trying to get him out of a twisted 3some so i talked him into giving his number to her.... ahhh the fail... he walks up drops his number on the floor, picks it up and hands it too her saying " i think you dropped this"
That odvii din't work, i joked around about it after with him and he bet me i could not do better, at frist it was empty bet with bud for fun, simple is i could not do it using near the same method, simple was just for a date.
Next day i wrote my number in a book with a little drawing ( use to love drawing...) of a gothic heart, and end of the day same as him, i handed her the piece of paper i notice she had her hair put up differently so i said "nice hair, text me some time".
Soon as i was on the bus she was messaging me, talking to me etc. I asked her out on a date as that was goal, she thought i was asking her right out and told me i had to wait a week as she needed to break up with someone who cheated on her.
....evil...when it seems when someone knows how to get at ya, next day right after texting one other for the whole night, she came in with my first and last name written down her pant leg <\3 in perment marker.... red flag for others are not mine, i like clingy protective type..
Right after girl in class started telling me the whispered rumors i heard before, "she a slut" "she a shemale" (look who your talking too...i wanted to say but i pull off a cute/handsome guy or so i'm told still say i'm an ugly monster. ) "she stole my boyfriend back at ~other school i've been to before~" (that girl was dense and din't remember we had seince class together then, likely cause she stromed out 5 mins back then) "she using you" .... how i should have listened....
Put it simple by day 3 of that week we were dating by a month she was talking about wanting to marry me, so 5th month i got her a promise ring (she never took it off and i think she still even wears it now that she hates me)
But... month 7 thing went down hill after one of the days she was staying over (we became like glued at the hip always together).... her drunk partly retared jailbird snuck into my aunt backyard and into a tent with my sister and her friends who were camping out back, my aunt went into digger mode asking her if he has "touched her" etc. To see if she could cuff him for money...
(My ex: S for short from here) But after this S slowly started to change being a lot ruder, aguring over small thing but then would turn around and cling to me.
S started to drive a wage between me and everyone saying i would leave her or cheat, all my fam friends started to go for diff reason, like kairi use to call me big bra, and i use to call her lil sis
S would say: "w.e she likely just trying to sleep with you and she has a big brother kink, i don't like you f--king talking to her"
So one by one she picked them off and even driving a wage between me and my fam, got kicked out because well she was sleeping she was moving her head around on my lap i was watching tv with my cousin and my uncle came out and started spazzing thinking she was doing the bob bob right in front of my oldest cousin, she din't help me defend myself, just rushed out side to wait for me and my uncle to stop aguring.
Homeless S let me sleep in a tent out front of her place, where she sleep with me the place had no power and it was summer so it was better outside anyway..
... then me and her did do the steamy, and we got more err bold with it after that, gonna get acused for being bold, may as well do it, but it was more out of trips with adult ed etc.
Seemly we got closer the more i pushed away other... but near the end of adult ed we got in a fight at school it left me crying hiding under the steps and seemly every girl there but S cheaking if i was ok, when i wanted to be left alone.. still wondering who they singeled though the window at to show where i was hiding.
After adult ed she drove wage between the last friend i had, gimp as at this point i told her about why i talked to her in the first place, she laughed told me she just threw his number out thinking he handed her trash but was reasonably pissed it was a bet, so she wanted me to stop being friends with him...
Year in i had no one, gave them all up for her frist time snice like 12 i was not soical but having her was enough....
2 years we were still glued to the hips, showered togethered, if one went out the other fallowed and i working on getting us a place and not live with her mother who hated how close we were. (Her mother once even slept with one or her boyfriend before, seemly din't like seeing her daughter happy)
If you can't tell we both had bad pasts, but she kept getting meaner, colder and ruder as time went on and i would struggle to find ways to avoid fighting and just talk things out....like we have 2 years up to this point
Nope, by year 3 things din't get better, i was fed up and was gonna break up before it got too bad..... dam my weakness... she beg and plyed even saying she would have a kid with me because she knew i wanted one at the time... and things would change...(spoiler they din't) for frist few month it seemed like thing were back to normal and we were are lovey dovey selfs and well..... i helped her though pergercy and even there for a delivery so fast it made a doctor laugh and joke they almost dropped my lil girl.
We din't even get out of the hospital and my aunt already called CAS and had are kid tooken, funny the fail me as a kid but stick there nose in and ruin my family that would have been fine without them.....
Because CAS stress my ex went back to being rude toxic and mean and year 4 she cheats on me with and tells me crying i forgive and move on... we were fighting to keep are kid from my child collecting aunt (at this ponit has 4 adopted my sister and my brothers 2 kids) everytime they leave the damage they did would have me and S aguring and they would show back up to start again, i guess are place did turn to shit after each time from the stress.
Year 6 she cheats on me with are neighbor, i catch it as i was out side walking around with are daughter as she was crying and i wanted to get her some freash summer air and i seen her making out with him though an open window.... i go home put my daughter in her crib, closed the door.... walked to the living room, found the part of the wall i knew had a metal beam and BANG... din't forget but likley factured my neck, came too with a worried S and her mother and ambulance driver over me.
Told her after why and what i saws, S called me a lier and said she dint, i dropped it unless she acused me of even thinking of cheating, i say (in an agurement her yelling at me and acusing me) "i only have eyes for you, i'm not the one who cheated twice" bad move i know those agurement usely got wrose...
So we got couple count, as we both wanted to fix thing or so she said.
Year 7 together At this point it was becoming daily she agure with me over stuff we could talk out. Fighting with 3rd time this time she was being abusive not just toward me but are kid... i stood by as she froced are little girl in a conerr and shoved bar of soap in her mouth till blood and bubble came out.....
..... i failed, i failed as parent i failed at part of my dream... i let what happen to me happen to my kid...
.... S started started spazing saying she never wanted a kid and i made her (scoll back up, dose that seem like making her? I never said it was one or the other type deal i was tired of being treated like crud and even talking could have worked it out...... i just wanted the cuddly loving time together, no fight....)
She knew about my spilt personality and hated/loved him, he my rude and lewd side i bottle up snice a kid, i'm kinda emotionaless... now..as i only know love...
8 years in 1 month from getting are daughter back fully for 3rd time the wrost of the wrost my stress had the voice in my head (spilt) going crazy from years of stess and aguring over pointless shat, this time the fact i do love her... each time she said i din't felt like a bomb of blades set off in my heart....
after 2 hours of aguring Me:I do love you S: "no, you f--king hate me" Me; S i lov ~ cut off~ S: NO YOU F--KING DON'T Me: S I ~cut off~ S: you fucking hate me stop lieing
I just wanted to get it out, i blacked out, kinda (we slowly been coming aware of what the other doses) i garbbed a cup and therw it at the wall, you know shock factor, when someone dose something they usely don't giving them a momment of silence to say what they need too...
..... it bounced off the wall and clocked her upside the head she sat there still pissy giving me a puzzled look as i jumpped up with a shock and worrried look on my face.... or the blood running down hers....
..... i darted out the door and across the hall to the same neighbor she cheated on me with asking for the phone freaking out and called the cops on myself and ambulance for S before running back to make sure she ok as back in adult ed i learned frist aid (medi certification) and had to make sure she din't pass out and was ok giving her wet cloth to add pressure....
When cops showed up, from shock of what i did and because i felt like a monster..... i asked them to charge me for it.... stupid me again... as they put on a not contact order too... and well S few stitches in her head knew i never meant to hurt her.... came back coming in saying she can't see life without me lies and that she was Rrrr "tooken avenage" of by a old friend she went to hangout with well I was in a cell... got her drunk and high and ya, other details i din't need like he had a tiny cruved thing and it hurt etc.
Stupid me for believing her i took her back in, told her we can't agure as we shouldent even be around one other...
..... well she was pissy one day cause we could no longer go out to see are daughter together and it was my turn to go see are daughter.... she fallowed pissy yelling and screaming and stood in the middle of the road yelling at cars to " just hit me" because she wanted me to skip the visit with are kid and just spend it with her.... cops showed up of crouse... and i got cufffed again... because the whole no contact order set up.
..... S came back again....she din"t want to be away from me and promised she would stop..... week later middle of the night she yelling at me again and ahole acrosss the hall looking for any reason to call was given it, cops show up and she trys telling them she the one who keeps coming back and not to cuff me .... they do and soon as they do she trys to punch one in the head and ends up cuffed and on the ground.
3rd breach they told me they still plan to let me go later that night As every time they show up i show corporations well she aggressive
We both get taken in and they had to move me from the prison to one under the court house as she was screaming though the police sation for me, after last time i talked to her she told me they told her they let me go to get her to calm down and found out that whole week S kept going back to that guys place everytime or when she told me she was going to her moms. I helped her move things into her mothers serectly
And talked there... she not pull the whole sitting in front of the door to stop me from leaving bit in front of her ma.
Or the 2 face i love you and i hate you.... she choose just hate this time.... and her break up was clear and final.... broken and hurt i walk home and get jumpped by 3 guys friends of mr raa" take avenage" er
Already broken i let it happeen and just layed spelt in the snow after.... it was right before new years...... pictures still on my phone what i looked like after my face shallowen out etc...
I died that night....... she took everything from me and left me hollow she broke everything so i came bafk to holes in the wall noting to my name but this cracked screen phone im still using now....
Theses past 3-4 years (everything empty and hollow so lost track of my best friend time management) i went to therapy 2-3 years ago and learned of my spilt and how its triggered and told to lean on my creative mind to think up ways not to be suicidel, aka i guess why i'm putting this.
I fixed up the holes in the walls, panited, removed carpets cleaned my cal king bed, after paying it off, payed all bills she left behind, and started getting stuff tv, computer, tab, hack i even got a VR headset, i don't even use.... honestly no one to play VR with seems kinda boring....
I dislike i lost my muse to draw or the will as i use to draw daily....
I hate how i've been alone now due to picking what i thought was ture love..
Sick of this emptyy feeling, hollow hole where a heart once sat
2 months and like 12? Days till i'm 31 and the only time i spent even a little happy was with a person who treated me like dirt and hates me now i tryed to talk to her a year after keep the promise we made together like 2 years in that even if we broke up we would stay best friends.
To get " you should have tired harder back then" and got blocked
I gave up everything i had... ether way i plan to try to be soical and talk to other again after hiding in my dark hole this long avoiding everyone and everything, just to notice i no longer know where to start.....dead at the starting line.
A life of misery where the good karma at? Am i meant to live a life of pain? Why? When i put my self though hell even now
Helpping homeless with a room till they find a place, i keep in my room locked away and give them my place pretty much.
..... i want my heart back... i want to love again.... i want someone to hold.... but likely.... die alone... i'm seemly already there....
This post took me 4 hours, it's likely no one will read and even less will care...
But still wish everyone the best of wishes in life from my litttle hole in hell.
Well, Thanks for coming to my ted talk (hope that made ya smile) (or that) (or even that lol)
Lighten the mood after something so heavy, take it from someone with chortic depression who still smiles at everyone even though the pain, it really helps.
submitted by OGHeartlessFox to lifeinapost [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 04:39 MiniLover08 [USA-CA] [H] Splatoon 3, ACNH, DS Lite, DS Lite Games, Oculus Meta Quest 2 Headset and Controllers [W] PayPal

Hi there! I have a few items for sale
Splatoon 3 with case - $48 shipped
Animal Crossing New Horizons - $48 shipped
DS Lite Metallic Pink + Case - $130 shipped
DS Lite Games:
Metroid Hunters, ICarly, Tom and Jerry Tales, Mario and Luigi Bowsers Inside Story - $10 + ship each
Animal Crossing Wild World - $20 + ship
Oculus Meta Quest 2 Headset & two remote controllers - $200 shipped
All prices are negotiable, please let me know if you’re interested in anything! I can have it shipped ASAP. And I can provide pictures, I can’t add a link to the post for some reason!
submitted by MiniLover08 to GameSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 22:25 Mr-cybermann trying out topsters 3, am I in good taste?

trying out topsters 3, am I in good taste? submitted by Mr-cybermann to Topster [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 21:48 Reverse_Midas Mühle R41 baseplate + R89 top plate = best of both worlds?

Mühle R41 baseplate + R89 top plate = best of both worlds?
Hi, I`ve been shaving with DE razors for about 5 months and since then I was constantly trying to improve my skill and techniques in order to get shave results that would be comparable with cartridge razors.
At first, following opinions from this very subreddit I went and bought my R89 and to be honest I immediately fell in love with this kind of shaving, but unfortunately shaves were far from cartridge level. So i began experimenting, one of the things that I did was buying R41 head beacuse many people on internet said that it`s much more efficent while also being much more agressive. After some time my view on prons and cons about those razors picture as following:
  • little irritation after one pass
  • hard to get nicks after one pass
  • very inefficent
  • requires weird angle in order to work best
  • in order to get clean shave I have to do multiple passes and it really messes up my facial skin
  • cuts very close to the skin
  • allows for much more natural angle
  • it`s much easier to cut yourself by accident
  • tears up epidermis
I recently had an idea - what would happen if one would mix top and base plates of different razor heads. After few tries i got those results:
R41 baseplate + R89 top plate (please, do not try this) :
  • bends razor blade as it presses it down into open comb grooves
  • tears up epidermis much more than R41
R89 baseplate + R41 top plate:
  • ideal shaving angle (in my opinion)
  • less blade exposure than R89
  • efficency comparable with R41 or even better
  • little to no skin irritation after multiple passes
Here are some pictures with KAI blade attached, I know that blade is misaligned in R89 photo - pretend like you haven't seen it :P
side view
top view
I`m curious if some of you guys have experimented in such a way with different razors and what those results were ^^
submitted by Reverse_Midas to wicked_edge [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 18:13 robertoblake2 Advice for Lost Young Men (5 Year Plan)

As a man turning 40 I feel that I can offer some advice to younger men in their 20s and 30s that might feel lost or abandoned by society. I didn’t begin to really put my life together until I was about 25…
I’ll tell you a bit of background so you can see if this relates to you and then give you a 5 year life changing plan that I wish a mentor could have given me. (I have nothing to sell you). I’m sharing this because I see young men struggling and society and the government don’t care…
The following is not to brag but to give you some hope and show you what is possible.
In a community college dropout, lived in small military towns. Have ADHD. Child of divorce and the oldest for 4 kids, grew up in a single parent home and before that my parents would fight and argue a lot (it was pretty bad). I had severe depression (you know what that means). When I left the workforce I was making about $35K 12 years ago in NC. Rent for a 3 bedroom house back then was $960 a month for context.
I’ve now been a business owner for over 10 years, I earn over $150K after taxes and business expenses (I live frugally and put a lot away for retirement when I can, and paying off debt and mortgage early) I have been a homeowner for 3 years now with a 5 bedroom home in Georgia (US).
I won’t tell you my net worth but I’m not a millionaire but I will be when I pay off my house in 5 years just based on home equity and property values in my area.
Buying my house and doing renovations dropped my credit score to 720 but at peak I did figure out getting to an 800+ when I bought my home.
Here are the areas every young man needs to work on and I will give you the 5 year outline for this.
The sooner you start the better this works.
Let’s start with where you want to be in 5 years and set some milestones and goals for you:
These 10 self improvement goals are more or less completely in your control if you are able bodied.
You will also need to eliminate vices and distractions which will be the hard thing.
It was hard for me too so don’t feel discouraged, just keep at it:
These things take up too much time, energy and money that hurt your self improvement and development
The most important and immediate thing you can work on is your appearance.
Find a celebrity or high achiever with your height and complexion , if you’re not severely overweight, try to match body type or weight if possible.
Start capturing images of how they dress. Pay attention to colors that would go with your skin tones and the fit for your height and weight.
Look at jackets, hats and pants as well as sneakers and accessories, until you can afford a nice watch just get an affordable fitness tracker and layer an Oura ring.
If you’re a Christian just wear a simple cross under your shirt, nothing fancy.
Your goal is to build a capsule wardrobe that makes it easy to dress to impress.
Don’t worry about name brand, just try to get the look on a budget.
Simpler advice is to get some plain black and white shirts both short and long sleeve, crew neck, v neck and turtlenecks, and then get them fitted to your body measurements.
Get non colors of black, white and grey.
Get dark blue and black jeans, khaki slacks.
White sneakers, black Chelsea cut boots, tan or wheat timberland boots, and a pair of brown loafers.
Also get a black leather jacket and a brown leather jacket.
With this simple wardrobe if you can’t figure out dressing, no man can go wrong as long as he’s in decent shape. Keep it simple.
For grooming and hair care, if you’re black and want to grow your hair get cornrows and keep your beard trimmed don’t bother with growing it too long. If you want to appear younger stay clean shaven. This also is the easiest choice.
Any man look good with a military haircut so for most of you get one of these.
Most important, never dye your hair an unnatural color and avoid dying all together as the chemicals damage your hair and lead to balding later and can also affect testosterone levels.
If you wear glasses don’t be insecure about them, just dress well and have good posture and a good haircut.
If where glasses try to look professional and serious but also smile and try to be charming and use few words, but speak with confidence and don’t be afraid to lean in more when you talk to people.
If you have teeth issues you actually don’t need health insurance, get private dental insurance on a $25/month plan with United or Delta Dental, you don’t need health insurance or an employer to get dental.
To help with additional out of pocket cost get Care Credit.
Get a checkup and cleaning twice a year.
By focusing on working out and health and nutrition and using the military standard to train yourself you can avoid a lot of health problems.
Work your way to doing 50-100 pushups a day. It doesn’t have to be in one session but that should be the goal one day. Get a $30 pull up bar from Amazon and a $15 ab ball.
Every morning do 50 flutter kicks , 50 leg lifts and 50 crunches and 50 bicycle kicks.
So this again in the late afternoon.
You also want to start lifting weights, focus on chest press, leg press, bench press, arm raises and arm curls.
5 miles on a treadmill every other day with the goal of getting from a 12 minute pace to a 6-7 minute pace within 1-2 years.
This will give you tremendous stamina and endurance.
The goal here is lean muscle.
For diets and nutrition, everyone is different but pritoize protein and caloric deficit and maintenance.
Carnivore and Keto are extremes, most people do best with something moderate.
Learning to cook will save you money and make you more attractive.
It also is a good stress relief activity and can be fun.
There are some key areas of focus here:
Learning another language gives you more options in life but also just makes you more interesting and attractive to people.
There are also no downsides to being a better communicator overall. Take up Toastmasters locally to become a better speaker and develop confidence as a public speaker.
Your intelligence is not static and can be improved upon.
To the best of your ability improve your reading comprehension, start with reading at least 12 of the literary classics in 1 year so that you have more in common with higher status individuals.
Do this in year one.
If you prefer listen to them as audio books as most are free with an audible membership, and most might also be free on YouTube and Spotify .
Also read 6–12 books a year around things like money and finance (I will teach you to be rich, millionaire next door, your money or your life, rich b*tch)
Listen to podcast when you work out, but not entertainment , comedy or anything like that, but things that will make you smarter. There is time for entertainment when you feel more comfortable with your lifestyle.
I’m not saying no entertainment ever but I would prefer you indulge in it with friends as a social activity, that way it’s more meaningful and a better use of time.
Fun with friends, productive on your own.
Also making reading and working out and your hobby your fun is ideal.
For intellectual hobbies, taking up an instrument or up close magic, or art is ideal and it is impressive and attractive. It’s a hobby that also can help you gain some social status. Chess is also a good one.
I avoided student loans, I’m not going tell you college is scam (it probably is or most men) but predatory student loans are 100% a scam and usury.
Go to college if you can avoid debt with scholarships and grants. Major in something with a guaranteed good outcome that solid carries social proof like computer science, medicine, or law.
If you want to study what interest you go to community college or do school part time and work and pay it out of pocket and with Pell grants.
The most important thing is to gain a valuable skill set and you don’t need college for that.
Examples are 3D Modeling, Graphic Design, Email Marketing, Ad Management, Copywriting and Video Production and Editing.
These skills will still matter even with AI and will continue to pay well.
In the meantime ask the parents of friends about their work and career and who the highest paid person they know without a degree is and what they do for a living , if possible get an intro to them.
Meanwhile gain employment with full time hours. I don’t recommend retail or food services no matter what anyone says.
As a man get a labor job like Amazon or UPs for 2-3 years. A labor job will help with fitness and you might get to listen to books and podcasts while you work.
It will also put you around other men majority of the time , and you might be able to find like minded men who want to improve and get out.
You might even find older men who you can learn from the mistakes of.
Spend your free time developing a side hustle and use this to help build your energy fund or house fund faster.
A house fund is $25,000 not 20% down. Trust me on putting just 5% down and controlling your cost. I got into my house for $16,000 and it’s gone up $120,000 in 3 years.
You will want to live frugal which is why you eliminating a lot of things outside of self improvement.
Learn financial literacy and about building credit or repairing it on your own. I had as low as a 550 at one point in life and currently have a 700+ and used to have an 800+ when I bought my home. (My parent didn’t help me with any of this)
Key areas are credit, savings, budgeting, investing, taxes and retirement.
If you go into a corporate career (I went into advertising and marketing) find a mentor and set yourself in the promotion track and do everything to build industry social proof and accomplishments.
Go to networking events in your industry and I recommend the book Conference Crushing by Tyler Wagner.
This is the real reason you will want to ditch your vices since it will let you afford travel and adventure.
Plan a yearly trip and save $500-$1000 if you travel with friends a lot this becomes better and more affordable.
If you have to stick to the U.S. then travel to destinations like PEURTO RICO, Alaska, Las Vegas, New York, and Los Angeles.
Places that allow you to take great pictures and have interesting stories.
If you can save up $300 for your passport then get that and travel to Mexico, Laos, Greece, Iceland and Japan.
These have options where a week will cost you less than $1500. With friends you can do more for less.
I also recommend trying to learn another language or at least a few of the words for the languages of the places you travel.
Get Global Entry, Clear and PreCheck, this will cost you around $600 but is better than a game console.
Status does matter in a human society and you need to gain some.
In the path that I have laid out that would translate to being a higher earner and having an interesting lifestyle as well as a few hobbies or talents that would be appealing.
I don’t think you have to go out of your at to impress people don’t buy fancy cars or watches or name brands unless you want to for yourself.
However pursue awards and achievements that are hard to come by and hard to not acknowledge.
You may have noticed an absence of daring or relationship advice here. If you do these things you probably won’t need it as you will be able to attract enough options.
But for the sake of comprehensiveness have friends and family who have your best interest at heart look for someone for you /:’ make sure they know your taste and red flags and the things you want long term.
Taking action in your own life is the best thing for your mental health of you would not benefit from talk therapy as men tend to need to SEE change and transformation into with life to be mentally health…rather than feel heard and validated.
Vent to other men you trust and who have similar and shared struggles and background to you.
I also personally recommend turning to faith and embracing stoicism and also many of the tenants of bushido.
(I didn’t lock the post I don’t know why the mods did so I can’t reply to people and help with any questions they had … 😢 if someone can get the mods to I am happy to try reply when I can to help whoever. 🙏🏾
submitted by robertoblake2 to findapath [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 23:01 ranjandatta [dk] generated colors from background

[dk] generated colors from background submitted by ranjandatta to unixporn [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 23:54 brittanypdeluca Song from Roller Coaster Tycoon (or a game like it?) that I’ve been looking for for YEARS. Please help me solve this mystery!

I used to play what I believe is Roller Coaster Tycoon (or some other roller coaster game because the pictures of that game don’t look quite right) when I was young, and there was this one song that I loved so much. I cannot remember the name or artist, all I know is that it will be on the tip of my tongue and then my brain starts singing Kiss Me by Sixpence None the Richer or weirdly the iCarly theme song? It’s not either of those songs, but I think the instrumentation must be similar. Lots of 2000’s era guitar and it’s a girl singing. I don’t believe it’s a song that’s only meant for the game.
The only lyrics that might be in it that I remember are “Honestly I see” or “Somebody I see” and then it goes blank. I’ve been looking for years. Please help!
Kiss Me- Sixpence None the Richer
iCarly Theme Song-
submitted by brittanypdeluca to NameThatSong [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 10:32 Garfieldlover911 Did this guy like me or was i delusional.

there was this guy i had a class with last year and we shared an elective. I’ll make bullet points of the events correlating to the end -First day we met in class he talked to me asked me to rate his outfit and joked around asking how much my fit cost. -Made my friend make a gc with everyone in class just so i can have an excuse to follow him on instagram - Followed eachother -sent instagram reels on the gc and matched eachothers energy - One time My friends we were at the table in class making fun of eachother and saying our lookalikes and my friend pulled up icarly and said i looked like her and the guy came over to join in and defend me and said “icarly used to be his childhood crush and that shes’s hot” - We got partnered up for an interview project and sat next to eachother - He would ask me to rate his outfit and shoes - We had to go out and take pictures of eachother and i told him how I’m worried about how I look and he said “you look good to me in every photo” - He associated the color dark blue with me i assume - We got put into a gc together and talked to each other in it - There was a girl in it who liked him too and hinted it but he ignored her and kept giving hints about his crush and described her which was all my features and said she was in the gc - A friend sent thirsttraps of girls on tt and he replied damn to every and she sent mine and asked who it was before saying anything - followed both my tiktok accounts - Offered me snacks when we snuck out of class - His friends said he liked me - Random accounts would text me and say weird stuff and that he liked me - followed most of my friends on ig - his sister viewed my stories -he gave advice when I was at my lowest - his friend asked me if i liked him and i said no stupidly - his friends would follow me on social media - then he ignored me randomly 2 weeks before graduation I have trouble figuring it out because I was stupid back then and blinded by the signs because i thought it was all a joke and that he didn’t like me because i heard it from a friend of a friend and he never gave me attention at school. There were more details I left out but nothing special. He has a girlfriend now but all I need is mental clarity so that I can move on with my life from that person.
submitted by Garfieldlover911 to Crushes [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 16:26 TadpoleMaximum1099 Porn bombed on Zoom Funeral

Funny, Horrifying, Funeral Story: A friend asked me to manage the Zoom for his mother’s funeral recently (she passed while staying with him far from where she lived). He needed to be able to deliver the eulogy and let relatives share stories, so I was going to help the boomers with their mics/video etc. The meeting had a passcode required, and he wouldn’t know a lot of her friends, so we opted for no waiting room, as we couldn’t vet people anyway. Plus, I hadn’t heard of anyone zoom bombing since 2020. No worries, right? Turns out, found out afterwards someone also shared the link on a public Internet forum she was popular on. This was a detail I did not know. 5 minutes into the first story from his uncle, the screen goes haywire with full screen, close up pornography complete with loud moaning and crazy music. Momentarily stunned, I begin furiously looking for the “remove” option, taking nearly 15 seconds to kick them out. We side text. “Holy shit!” Says it. “That was Joe G, I know them, they would never do that. Maybe they were hacked?” Boom. Another non video account suddenly goes full screen. Different pron, equally loud craziness drowning out the uncles eulogy. It takes me 8 seconds to kick them out. “How TF do I create a waiting room After the meeting is started?” I google as fast as I can. And right as I find the button, video #3 kicks off. More closeups of someone aggressively uh, well you get the idea. In 5 seconds I have them booted and a waiting room added. Sorry late arrivals, no more admissions. “For everyone on the zoom, sorry about all the unexpected, uh, dongs. Seems like the internet has produced some disrespectful guests.” He says as his uncle finishes his story. “Wait! I have a story!” Shouts his father (her long ago ex husband) as he drinks and smokes weed on the zoom funeral (I had to mute his dad’s mic repeatedly throughout). “Well, dad we have other people speaking first, but you know what, go ahead.” “This one time in the 80’s, she and I went down to Mexico to bring back a WHOLE LOAD of Marijuana. And the plan was we take the money to a plane, and they give us the marijuana. But when we gave them the money, the plane flew away and Never Came Back! The plane Never came back!” An awkward pause falls over the zoom funeral. “Well dad, that sounds like a federally incriminating story, but now we’re going to hear from her friend Bob.” “Well she and I dated in high school But it was kind of challenging cause I also wanted to date her sister (also present on the zoom call)! But it seemed like not a good idea to try to date two sisters…etc etc”… 😬😬😬
And as a final chefs kiss, after calling several attendees afterwards, a significant portion of the room had a different zoom view up, and never even saw the pron (they just heard loud chaotic sounds and thought someone had a mic on). So they had no idea why he repeatedly referenced “dongs” during his mother’s funeral. And finally, when we reviewed the zoom recording, it only recorded the slideshow he was playing with her pictures, so while you can hear the craziness on the recording, you can’t see the people or the porn. My friends mother was obviously a funny, eclectic lady, and he and his family have chosen to remember it as a funny send off that she would have found hilarious, rather than horrifying. And now I have a wild, funny funeral story for the rest of my life.
submitted by TadpoleMaximum1099 to funny [link] [comments]

2024.04.21 04:56 Revolutionary_Key325 Vampire Syndicate: Gangs of Moonfall

Vampire Syndicate: Gangs of Moonfall
Although I am not going to play this game, as I am not into “pron”, I couldn’t help but review it on Steam due to my interest in vampires. I was left wondering why some of the pictures on the games Steam look hyper-realistic and some are cartoony? Has anyone played this? Please do not respond too graphically.
As I mentioned, this game is on Steam. I will not link to it because it has much more graphic pictures on the site than I thought it would, but feel free to check it out- IF you are 18+ please!

submitted by Revolutionary_Key325 to CoffinbaitClub [link] [comments]

2024.04.20 00:54 UserImSoHot iPartyWithVictorious was Garbage

On June 11th 2011 Nickelodeon aired iPartyWithVictorious a crossover between the cast of iCarly and Victorious, it was a massive success. Watched over 7.3 million viewers at the time of release. So how did they manage to make this a terrible crossover between two of Nickelodeon's greatest tv shows?
The Timing. The special came out when iCarly was on a decline in quality so they didn't seem to care about the Timing or the show. The special was a 3 part episode special so for some reason they decided to air the special directly after iOMG the episode aired where Sam confesses her feelings for Freddie by kissing him. The episode ended on the kiss, so when the special aired it started with Carly, Sam, and Freddie acting like the kiss never happened. Almost like the special happened before iOMG happened in universe. This didn't make any sense, why did they air this special after the biggest breakthrough throughout the series and the Fandom?
The Plot. The plot of the special revoles around Carly and her new boyfriend, Carly finds out that her boyfriend has been cheating on her with Tori Vega after discovering a picture of him and Tori on TheSlap.com. While in Los Angeles Andre's uncle managed to sell a house to Kenan Thompson to which he was hosting a small party. And Rex ended up tweeting about the party so more people than Andre wanted came which is how the iCarly gang find out and head to Los Angeles to confront Carly's boyfriend and Tori. They Carly and Tori end up meeting, make a plan, and humiliate the boyfriend and the cast sing their theme songs together and it ends.
Plot wise it's alright but the party idea was not really necessary. If two different shows were going to be in one special they should revolve around a plot that was correlate with each other. The plot could have revolved around instead of a party a massive event at Hollywood arts and the Victorious gang would be in charge of the event and have trouble figuring out what the event would be about that the iCarly gang would hear that Tori Vega would be performing and they'd be able to confront her about the boyfriend and humiliate him and the two gangs singing their theme songs for the event performance.
Characters. There was no point of Gibby being apart of the special, as stated before this was during the decline in quality of iCarly and one of the reasons was because Gibby became a main character and eventually made his character more of a funny character to an annoying character. While Carly, Sam, Freddie, Spencer, and Gibby had big roles. The Victorious gang besides Tori had barely any big roles in this. Jade, Beck, Robbie barley had any roles just besides being apart of the Victorious crew. Cat barley had any dialogue because they made her have a medical condition that prevented her from speaking so she had to communicate through a text to speech application. They made Trina have to take care of two children for some reason. The character besides Tori barely interacted with any of the cast of Victorious. Going to the back to plot, the special could have been better if the Victorious crew had more major roles and they'd actually interact with the iCarly gang and they could have helped Carly and Tori expose the boyfriend.
All I have to say about the special, still liked it when I first watched it back in 2011. But still could have been better.
submitted by UserImSoHot to icarly [link] [comments]

2024.04.19 17:04 wiklr Quiet on Set Timeline


Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV

Reddit Research


(Note: Some Film/TV show dates are when it was released or when a documentary related person appeared in an episode)
1986 - 1991
1990 * The Willies): Brian Peck (director & producer), Kimmy Robertson
2019 * March 14 - JustJared Drake Bell & Josh Peck spotted at a business meeting * March 15 - Drake Bell teases Drake & Josh reboot * March 18 - Seventeen interview of Drake Bell * November 16 - All That (Revival) Season 11 airs * December 16 - Deadline reports Turner & Hooch reboot (Disney+)
Let me know corrections / things to add. Organized references to follow.
submitted by wiklr to QuietOnSetDocumentary [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 07:05 nostalgia_history Memories

Memories submitted by nostalgia_history to 2000sNostalgia [link] [comments]

2024.04.12 17:41 W34VV3R Could you help me decide whether this should be a referral?

I'm an optometrist and trying to decide whether this patient should be referred to a specialist for a glaucoma evaluation. Female, 69yo, no complaints of changing in vision. IOP is 18/22 mmHg measured with iCare tonometer. Her visual acuity is 20/20 in both eyes. I'm unsure if the optic nerve looks unusual. I think there is some nicking on the right side. She didn't let me take other tests than a fundus photo. Light cataract so the pictures aren't great either. What's the best course for this?
submitted by W34VV3R to Ophthalmology [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 05:32 BiggerGeorge Any more AI chatbots recommendations?

Here is the original post made by me: Any NSFW AI chatbot recommendation? (List updating) :
The same post you saw from another person is actually stealing my content.
(Updated in 04/23 2024)
For the convenience of new friends, I made a name list below. If I missed something, or you want to add more to the list. Please leave a comment:
SoulFun: Free trial, great quality of LLM, 20+ lifelike pre-trained and well-designed characters (including female/male/anime). Free for NSFW chat. Need payment for NSFW images. 3000~4000 words of memory.
Pi: A good chatting partner and AI assistant
Character ai: Best and most popular chatbot platform.
Faraday.dev: Uncensored local models with immersive text adventures
Poly.ai: With careful character predevelopment you can get a decent memory/chat going
Avatar.One: Fully 3D AI chatbot where you get video and image selfies. Its automated so you can trigger emotes in the chat itself
Erogen: Beautiful interface with nice nsfw chatbots
fams.ai: Decent chat, memory, pics. What I dont like - free content limited
Kindroid: Unfiltered, good memory. Selfies, phone calls, you can send pics of yourself (Paid). Good consutomer serive. Cons:
rosytalkai: unique LLM offers chatting experience/picture generation/voice calls/Free trials
Chub Venus: Pros: Long and detailed contexts. Lots of attractive characters. Cons: It's hard to set up the API Key.
Poe ai: Using AI model from Claude or GPT, but need to learn how to jailbreak to access NSFW contents. Free messages every day. Very good memory and smart chatbots
Sakura FM: Prons: Unlimited free messages. Multiple AI models. Message edition and continue generation. Decent memory. Needs: Better content consistency. Less repetition. More actions or dialogue. More personalities.
nsfwcharacterai.com: Pros: 50 free messages daily/Detailed chat/unlimited contents/regeneration doesn’t cost your count/easy registration. Cons: Bots can be glitchy at times/Sometimes the bot will lead write the story for you/the filter sometimes works very well.
messengerx.io: Pros: Good SFW/NSFW image generations/Good characters and memory/You can earn money with your own character. Cons: Needs better UI.
RoChat: Using GPT4 and Claude 3, plus a pretty robust character creator.
Digi: 3D animation, it looks great. Not sure whether they have NSFW. They have a very nice Discord community.
Janitor: Free to use, massive number of Characters. No generated images. 6000 words of memory.
MySentientAI: Collaborating with real streamers (such as Amouranth) and making AI copies of them
CrushonAI: Diverse Character Selection, detailed and vivid response, user-friendly interface and intuitive character creation mode. Giving free credits after doing daily missions.
Me4U.ai: Authorized Al clones of celebrities. Plus audio and image functions
Moemate.ai: NSFW AI chatbots with multi-functions (Image interactions, voice, photos)
Pephop.ai: Very easy to use. No need for API key settings.
DreamGF: Vast amount of realistic AI girls created by other users
Joyland: Lots of characters from anime, movie, and oc etc. Free 50 messages every day.
ehentai.ai: Vast amount of Anime/hentai AI girls for sexting and hot images
AIdungeon: A text-based adventure-story game.
GetIdol.com: Realistic characters personalities
Chai ai: 70 Free messages/3 hours, no queue, good responses
easyerp ai: 60+tags of characters
Cutechat.ai: Looks like a real chat platform
Yodayo: Great for hentai fans to chat with anime characters
Haven chat: Characters have strong personalities
FantasyGF: Realistic NSFW AI girlfriend platforms
Alphazria: One girl with different scenarios
Juicy AI: 7000+ characters. Long and descriptive contents
Dopple.ai: Another Free NSFW AI chatbots
Gptgirlfriend: 25 000+ NSFW Characters including anime and realistic ones
Nextpart.ai: Supports voice chat, scene generation, and crypto payments
Privee AI: Different models available 70b to gpt4. Images Generation. Simple and advanced creation mode.
aiAllure: Pros: NSFW LLM characters and in-chat NSFW image generation. Create custom character based on just 1 image Cons: only 30 free messages/images per day
submitted by BiggerGeorge to ArtificialInteligence [link] [comments]

2024.04.10 12:38 goki7 Any AI chatbot recommendation? (Updated list)

(Updated in 04/10 2024)
For the convenience of my friends, I made a name list below, refer the post from chatbots. If you want to add more to the list. Please leave a comment:
SoulFun: Free trial, great quality of LLM, 20+ lifelike pre-trained and well-designed characters (including female/male/anime). Free for NSFW chat. Need payment for NSFW images. 3000~4000 words of memory.
Faraday.dev: Uncensored local models with immersive text adventures
Poly.ai: With careful character predevelopment you can get a decent memory/chat going
Avatar.One: Fully 3D AI chatbot where you get video and image selfies. Its automated so you can trigger emotes in the chat itself
Erogen: Beautiful interface with nice nsfw chatbots
fams.ai: Decent chat, memory, pics. What I dont like - free content limited
Kindroid: Unfiltered, good memory. Selfies, phone calls, you can send pics of yourself (Paid). Good consutomer serive. Cons:
rosytalkai: unique LLM offers chatting experience/picture generation/voice calls/Free trials
Chub Venus: Pros: Long and detailed contexts. Lots of attractive characters. Cons: It's hard to set up the API Key.
Poe ai: Using AI model from Claude or GPT, but need to learn how to jailbreak to access NSFW contents. Free messages every day. Very good memory and smart chatbots
PlayMe App: Multiple AI models, most of them are safe for work. Free messages and voices, and pics. Fun conversations, especially for some niches.
Sakura FM: Prons: Unlimited free messages. Multiple AI models. Message edition and continue generation. Decent memory. Needs: Better content consistency. Less repetition. More actions or dialogue. More personalities.
nsfwcharacterai.com: Pros: 50 free messages daily/Detailed chat/unlimited contents/regeneration doesn’t cost your count/easy registration. Cons: Bots can be glitchy at times/Sometimes the bot will lead write the story for you/the filter sometimes works very well.
messengerx.io: Pros: Good SFW/NSFW image generations/Good characters and memory/You can earn money with your own character. Cons: Needs better UI.
RoChat: Using GPT4 and Claude 3, plus a pretty robust character creator.
Digi: 3D animation, it looks great. Not sure whether they have NSFW. They have a very nice Discord community.
Janitor: Free to use, massive number of Characters. No generated images. 6000 words of memory.
MySentientAI: Collaborating with real streamers (such as Amouranth) and making AI copies of them
AIdungeon: A text-based adventure-story game.
GetIdol.com: Realistic characters personalities
Chai ai: 70 Free messages/3 hours, no queue, good responses
easyerp ai: 60+tags of characters
Cutechat.ai: Looks like a real chat platform
Yodayo: Great for hentai fans to chat with anime characters
Chai: It seems like only supports mobile phone apps
Haven chat: Characters have strong personalities
FantasyGF: Realistic NSFW AI girlfriend platforms
Juicy AI: 7000+ characters. Long and descriptive contents
Dopple.ai: Another Free NSFW AI chatbots
Gptgirlfriend: 25 000+ NSFW Characters including anime and realistic ones
Nextpart.ai: Supports voice chat, scene generation, and crypto payments
Privee AI: Different models available 70b to gpt4. Images Generation. Simple and advanced creation mode.
SpicyChat : Free, but need to queue. You can pay to skip the queue. No generated images. Around 2000 words of memory
CandyAI : Good quality NSFW photos but you need to pay. Average level of chat.
MuahAI : Text+Image+phone call (US number only). Free for chatting, payment for image and phone calls
submitted by goki7 to ArtificialInteligence [link] [comments]

2024.04.09 04:39 hyperjengirl I really hope people start talking about Dan Schneider the way Quinton did.

This is a long post, but it's about an even longer series, so hopefully it's not overbearing.
So I've always been uncomfortable with the way fans talk about Dan Schneider. It often veered into conspiracy and speculation and Heard/Depp-trial levels of armchair psychology and "body language analysis." There's also an uncomfortable amount of people (usually, it seems, from 4chan) who pat themselves on the back for "starting the conversation" while also finding quirky little rhyming nicknames about Dan Schneider, because child molestation is inherently funny and if you criticize the way we talk about it then you must be defending the child molester. This only stuck out to me more after reading about Alexa Nikolas and especially after reading I'm Glad My Mom Died. We have literal accounts from people who worked with Schneider personally, and the abuse that he facilitated on set, so why do we need to drown that out by fetishizing the foot logo of an animation studio where Schneider didn't even work (I believe he mostly worked at Nick at Sunset) or acting like the dismal-as-always Nicktoons schedule is some sort of reaction to the recent documentary?
So I was... a little hesitant to watch Quinton's video. I did trust him to take a more thorough analysis than most, but I admittedly mostly only know him through this "mini"series. When I first started watching it, I actually had to take a break because I started reading the comments, and literally the second top comment was another TikTok rumor that started from obsessively analyzing on-set videos -- the Jerry Trainor one. This particular rumor very much gets to me because I think it sets up a false dichotomy where the only adults on the sets of these shows had to be those actively fighting the toxic individuals or actively supportive towards them. I think people want to continue stanning Jerry without addressing the harsh likelihood of him not being able to fix the culture of abuse without putting his safety or livelihood (or that of others, especially the children) at risk.
When I finally watched the video.... I think "pleasantly surprised" is an understatement. I finally felt like I wasn't alone, like I wasn't crazy. The rules he laid out were exactly my own feelings, and it was extremely refreshing to see a discussion of this man's career and allegations using only confirmed sources from those who knew him. I know Quinton alluded to having stronger opinions than he said in the video due to not wanting to be sued, but I don't care what people think as long as they don't equate it to the information we've been given by those directly affected by Dan Schneider's abuse. I'm aware many allegations haven't been discussed yet due to only recently coming out in Quiet on Set (which I've likewise put off until I'm in a good mental space), but some of it really deserves to be discussed. Like, as a prospective female screenwriter, I was appalled to learn about the treatment of Christy Stratton and Jenny Kilgren. I don't think it's as heinous as the crimes of Brian Peck, but it's still horrendously sexist and abusive, and I'm sorta disappointed that I saw more people conspiring about a goddamn foot logo than talking about the way Dan Schneider abused his adult and child employees. I was also grateful that he didn't get caught up in onset drama from decades ago between teenagers, while also addressing the culture the adults set up that led to it.
I was also very grateful for the way Quinton addressed the foot stuff. I have held the opinion for a while now that the internet is too obsessed with accusing innocuous things as being fetish humor (I've seen people call poops jokes on Fairly OddParents fetish humor, or even a little kid being surprised to see a dog's penis a "bestiality joke," which honestly says more about the person watching it than the show itself), and Quinton took the words out of my mouth. Frankly I think people focus on the foot stuff more because it's more unusual (to be blunt, I think some people are more conditioned to accept the oversexualization of teenagers if there's not a weird fetish involved), but the blatant, more traditional sexual imagery is also pretty terrible. That said, he also opened my eyes to just how prominent this imagery is in these shows, and I do agree that it's a mix of innocuous humor and most likely fetishy humor. I found feet funny in a "random = funny" way as a kid, but my sense of humor was also heavily influenced by iCarly, so it's kind of a chicken/egg situation.
His speech near the end was brutal, but important to hear. iCarly is a significant series in my development. Seeing a show about kids making content helped me realize I wanted to be a TV writer. I've even been to the set during a rehearsal! And I do genuinely think there's some funny jokes and fantastic actors involved, and surely there are writers who were not knowingly complicit in this abuse, or who didn't want the show to be full of creepy material. But for the past few years it's just been impossible to watch without thinking about the suffering the cast and crew underwent, and I don't think you can completely erase the impact Schneider had on these shows. He's likely responsible for a lot of what we enjoyed about them. He's also likely a terrible person, because terrible people can still make great shows. I like that Quinton gave a more well-rounded perspective of Schneider, putting his work in the context of his history as a sitcom actor (he really bit a lot of plot ideas, huh?) and acknowledging his support of Drake after his rape, without denying he likely had an overall negative impact on the work culture at Nickelodeon. I also appreciated the obvious point that this abusive culture towards child actors is not exclusive to Schneider or even Nickelodeon. I think it's productive to talk about abusers as people, so we can recognize patterns of behavior and understand their motivations and nip it in the bud before they get too big.
Overall, I think this is my favorite video Quinton put out during the series. I feel for him, as I can tell this series has put a lot of pressure on him to talk about some serious subject matter, but I've enjoyed seeing him grow as a creator and take the production of these shows more seriously, finding a middle ground that's unfortunately rare in these communities. The Quiet on Set conversation had triggered intrusive thoughts while also frustrating me as people seemed to see this as a clout opportunity instead of a jumping-off point for a serious discussion about abuse in children's television. So this was just the dose I needed to feel safer looking into it again.
And then I went on the BoJack Horseman subreddit and saw people speculating over which animal Dan Schneider would be in the TV show, and seeing people make jokes about any picture of little girls' feet being the product of a Schneider show, ho ho ho!!!!
Baby steps, I guess.
submitted by hyperjengirl to QuintonReviews [link] [comments]

2024.04.03 15:04 dremolus Would you say the 80s has the weakest set of Best Picture winners post-Golden Age?

Would you say the 80s has the weakest set of Best Picture winners post-Golden Age? submitted by dremolus to Oscars [link] [comments]

2024.04.02 04:55 Mammoth-Bass9675 I was at the wedding.

so here are the things you need to know about the Shourtney wedding.
  1. The person who officiated Shayne and Courtney was weird??? Kept asking if he could join them?
  2. It was catered by the Spud Hut.
  3. There was a couple in sunglasses, one was wearing a long coat and the other one had a huge ass.
  4. There was some guy crying a lot, I heard someone calling him “Straight Chanse”.
  5. Someone kept yelling “SHUT UP”.
  6. Angela kept gatekeeping the mushrooms? Said she was gonna take them to Joshua Tree. Whatever that means.
  7. The invitation had “Shayne from iCarly weds Courtney” written on it.
  8. Kathy Bates was there.
  9. There was some weird guy with a katana??
  10. I think he also had a plus one who was not in the wedding dress code. She kept saying that she was horny.
  11. There was a private detective smoking there.
  12. Spencer was watching Family Guy.
  13. Shayne wanted to guess everyone’s vows?
  14. Shayne was in a full split during the first dance.
  15. Ian and Anthony were there, having a food battle.
  16. Noah had RGB lights on his head.
  17. Olivia kept eating pringles??
  18. Keith was there too, wearing a new hat asking for soul food.
  19. Tommy was editing a video.
  20. Arasha from Marvel was there.
  21. Erin Dougal ordered coffee to the venue.
  22. Marcus was in his track outfit.
  23. Luke lingered during the vows.
  24. Top Management got Covid.
  25. Trevor kept playing runescape in the waiting lobby.
  26. Rhett and Link were there too, they tried to re-buy smosh.
  27. Josh had his scooter there. Said it was efficient.
  28. Courtney Freakin Miller destroyed everything, said she deserved it?
  29. Courtney burped.
Using a throwaway account because of obvious reasons. Might update. These are all the things I remember. It was a fun wedding. Will post pictures ASAP.
Update: We still don’t know if it was a prank or not.
submitted by Mammoth-Bass9675 to smosh [link] [comments]

2024.03.28 13:43 wiklr Dan Schneider vs Drake Bell

For the past few days, I noticed an indirect defense of Dan Schneider by pushing forward the narrative that the verbal abuse and sexual harassment he was accused of was not as bad as other abusive behaviors outlined in the documentary. Technically he did come off looking better in comparison to two convicted pedophiles. But in between the hierarchy of those wrongs, also included Drake Bell's own abusive behavior.
Through out these discussions, I couldn't quite identify why I'm sensing a rivalry between Dan and Drake when neither of them spoke ill of each other. That is until I heard this line from Quinton Reviews video (01:28:16):
"Dan Schneider will never work in television again. I think this is for the best. Dan Schneider needs to go back to working in television like Drake Bell needs to go back to touring high schools around the country with his band"
Most of the comments around the cycle of abuse referenced Brian Peck's abuse of Drake, and not often compared to Dan's alleged abusive behavior.
In his recent video, Quinton argued that the documentary couldn't criticize Drake because they owe him. And that it wouldn't be "finished" without him. He pondered further that the documentarians were exhibiting the same bias like those who don't have a problem with Dan privately.
Quinton referenced Kate Taylor's Business Insider article at the end of his video. And yet her reporting stood on its own without Drake's involvement. Some research likely used for the documentary goes as far back as 6 years, since Rick Ellis started investigating Dan in 2018 too. There were also enough cast and crew members who participated in this documentary like Bryan Hearne and his mom, Kyle Sullivan, Katrina Johnson, Giovonnie Samuels, Alexa Nikolas and other sources to create a tighter story.
I'd even counter-argue that while Drake Bell is the more recognizable figure for marketing purposes, he also serves as a liability to the entire thing. Putting him front and center not only makes him a prime target of the criticisms, he can also be used to discredit or downplay issues surrounding Dan Schneider and Nickelodeon.
Making him relevant and popular again also meant his child endangerment conviction and other abuse allegations would reach a wider audience than it was first reported. Drake coming out with his story was a double edged sword, with the risks outweighing its benefits.

PR Campaigns

Quiet on Set placed a spotlight on Nickelodeon's former child actors and actresses being harmed in tv productions. And Dan Schneider parting ways with Nickelodeon since 2018, allowed the studio to distance itself from the scandal. The speculation that the documentary was made as PR for Drake seems like a case of projection from the major network and powerful Hollywood figure, whose reputations required more fixing.
Quinton tweeted:
I do kind of regret mentioning the Drake Bell stuff, the public opinion on that trial massively shifted between when I recorded that material & when I posted it. But the main thing is that we're obviously in the middle of a massive PR campaign and it's frustrating to deal with.
It could be frustrating when popular beliefs suddenly gets challenged. In 2021, Drake had no real defense. The sentencing video included numerous and severe allegations against him and he didn't personally contest any of it.
In court, Drake was called "a danger to children" and The New York Times even reported he "will have to register as a sex offender." Two statements that makes the messaging clear: this is a predator and a pedophile. Two years later, the NYTimes would make a retraction:
A correction was made on March 18, 2024: An earlier version of this article misstate the punishment that Drake Bell was given in a child endangerment case. He was given probation and community service, but was not required to register as a sex offender.
The same article linked back to an interview with Dan Schneider, that was published two weeks prior (June 30, 2021). It contained a cover picture of Dan smiling, sitting on a tree, an incredible sign of hard hitting journalism. It's also the same article Quinton used as a source for his video.
The interview addressed alleged misconducts and gave Dan the last word on each one. A similar approach can be seen in his apology video posted from his own YouTube channel. It was labeled as an exclusive by The Hollywood Reporter but instead of a reporter, he answered questions from an iCarly actor.
The interview included a rebuttal that seemed to mirror Drake's legal troubles at that time:
As for interacting with fans online, he said that he did so “only in very public ways” that were fully transparent to his colleagues. Among the teenage actors on his shows, he added, texting was often the preferred mode of communication.
“I never interacted with actors in any way, texting or otherwise, that should make anyone uncomfortable,” he said.
Rick Ellis criticized the piece as "whitewashing" of Dan's past behavior:
The article spends a fair amount of time reminding readers of Schneider's genius and the underlying thread from the comments and Schneider's remarks is that it would be a shame if he wasn't able to continue to share his magical creative touch
The NYTimes article also reported that Dan was looking forward for a new show to be greenlit, aside from developing other projects and a pilot intended for kids and families. So in the midst of Drake's arrest and sentencing was a less than flowery profile of Dan Schneider's attempts of going back to television and settling some rumors surrounding his ousting from Nickelodeon.
Some are throwing a wrench at the documentary by framing it as Drake's rebranding / redemption arc when it was Dan who was inching for a come back since the 2021 NYTimes piece.

Dan as the Fall Guy

Quinton used the quote below to frame Dan as a "semi-retired guy being blamed for everything" (01:41:08)
Dan Schneider is singlehandedly responsible for everything that went wrong in Amanda Byne's life
Quinton argued that instead of placing all the blame on Dan, we should focus on "the cultural system that consistently trades in the mental health of children for millions of dollars." The (not so) funny thing about this is that Dan himself claimed the jokes and sexualization as "innocent" that kids found funny and "approved" by the network - absolving himself of any power and influence he had in the process. Dan was and still is part of that system.
Later he argued that fans use Dan as the fall guy for all the things fans hate but not the ones fans love like Helen and Spencer's characters. Accidentally stripping Yvette Nicole Brown and Jerry Trainor's efforts in bringing those characters to life. Nickelodeon isn't exactly known for writer-driven shows ala Succession. Dan also already got a ridiculous amount of credit from a lifetime achievement award to a New York Times piece comparing him to the Norman Lear of children's television.
Dan became the face of the scandal because he did market his own brand in his own shows, as seen in Quintons own video (00:28:45). Dan inserted his social media username "danwarp" and promoted himself using Nickelodeon shows to amass an online following, giving him direct access to fans. Contrasting his claims from the NYTimes article that "it was never his goal as a showrunner to be popular or recognized." There's also this thread that cited old articles where he allegedly told a reporter: "I'm Daniel Schneider, I think you've heard of me."
In another article, he said he was ashamed that one his first acting gigs was a "teen exploitation film." Ten plus years later, he created shows serving sexual innuendos sly enough to pass S&P censors and sexualized teenage actresses to an audience of unassuming children. The idea that his legacy is something he was once ashamed of is some kind of karmic justice.

The Case Against Drake Bell

Quinton also tweeted:
Very annoying to deal with thousands of people inundating you with the information that Drake Bell didn't purposefully sext a 15-year-old, he claims to have accidentally sexted a 12-year-old. So it's fine and he wasn't culpable for his actions!
A similar type of argument was also included in his video (01:23:45):
When he goes to trial and is sentenced 3 years ago that now everybody magically thinks that didn't happen.
It's easy to look reasonable against a ridiculous claim. But the sexting did happen as it was the part where both the prosecution and defense agreed to. Regardless of his intentions, Drake still accepted responsibility that his actions harmed the victim.
In the tweets, Quinton alludes to a single victim. But in his video, he accused Drake of victimizing multiple minors, implying full awareness of their ages:
I've read a couple rumors that referenced other victims, one of the incidents set in a high school. In the beginning of the video, Quinton told his audience he won't be including any rumors without sources. And yet his treatment of Drake's case highlighted a disconnect from his surgical and nuanced analysis of Schneider's wrongs. Strikingly opinionated instead of factual. And raises eye brows when one the few references he used for research was likely a puff piece.
Quinton also said (01:20:57) :
Brian Peck was hired by Tollin and Robbins Productions. Dan Schneider had no role in the hiring process. And Brian (Peck) was not a registered sex offender when he was hired to work on these shows.
This claim is from Dan's apology video but it was not listed under resources Quinton used. So instead of saying, "Dan said he was not involved in hiring Brian Peck" it's presented as an undisputed statement of fact.
In 2002, the Los Angeles Times article cited Dan and Brian working together in a comedy boot camp for kids. A year later Brian Peck would be arrested for abusing a minor. Drake's father stated in the documentary that he previously reported Brian to executives. And when Drake was asked if any executives talked to him during the case, he said only Dan was there for him.
There weren't any known animosity between Dan and Drake. However Drake's legal issues on attempted child endangerment, disseminating material harmful to juveniles and texting a minor sort parallels to Dan's toxic workplace behavior endangering child actors on set, creating sexualized content for children and communicating with young actors and fans. The only difference was Drake was convicted and Dan wasn't even arrested. Drake ended up as the perfect foil, both as a sword and shield to Nickelodeon's biggest scandal.
The documentary is also not just about Drake Bell's life. He is just one of the many voices that has bravely come forward to criticize institutions of power and systemic problems in the entertainment business. The documentary is also founded on investigative journalism that allowed allegations against Dan Schneider to be taken seriously. Some question the motives behind producing the documentary, instead of noticing its infectious effect on former Nickelodeon cast and crew coming forward. And lastly, the public coming to terms with their childhood experiences in relation to their media consumption.
submitted by wiklr to QuietOnSetDocumentary [link] [comments]
