Nys auto body standard labor rate

To all magic players. Beware of LGSes that appear on the route stretches of the California Route 66. It is too late for me but let this be a warning to the rest of you.

2024.06.02 10:24 Papa_Hasbro69 To all magic players. Beware of LGSes that appear on the route stretches of the California Route 66. It is too late for me but let this be a warning to the rest of you.

To all magic players. Beware of LGSes that appear on the route stretches of the California Route 66. It is too late for me but let this be a warning to the rest of you.
I’ve always been a fan of Magic: The Gathering. There’s something about the intricate strategies, the beautiful artwork, and the camaraderie that has always drawn me in. So when I stumbled upon a quaint little game store tucked away in a remote part of the rural California desert while I was driving along the historic route 66, I was thrilled. The sign above the door read “The VML,” and the window displays were filled with vintage cards and board games. It felt like stepping into a treasure trove.
My first visit to The VML was nothing short of magical. I had come across it while driving home from a trip, the bright, inviting sign a beacon in the desolate landscape. The shop was dimly lit, with shelves crammed full of games and memorabilia. The air was thick with the smell of old paper and the faint scent of something musty, but it only added to the charm. The shop owner, an outspoken transwoman named Ms. Hargrove, welcomed me with a warm smile. Her eyes twinkled behind her round spectacles, and her voice had a soothing, almost hypnotic quality.
The VML prided itself on being an inclusive space, reaching out to members of marginalized genders and offering two spots to the Magic Pro Tour each year. This commitment to diversity was one of the reasons I felt so drawn to the shop. It seemed like a welcoming community where everyone could feel safe and valued.
I quickly became a regular at The VML. The other players were friendly, and we bonded over our shared love for the game. There was Carl, a burly man with a deep laugh, and Jane, a quiet woman with an impressive collection of rare cards. Our games were intense, filled with laughter and groans of defeat. It felt like I had found a second family.
We often played draft and commander formats, our favorite styles of play. Draft nights were especially exciting, with the tension of opening booster packs and crafting the perfect deck. Commander games, on the other hand, were epic battles that could last for hours, with alliances forming and breaking as we vied for dominance. It was the highlight of my week.
The shop had its quirks. Everyone wore pronoun pins, a small but meaningful gesture that fostered a sense of inclusion and respect. Ms. Hargrove was particularly passionate about the Universes Beyond cards and always made sure they were featured prominently. She also had a special fondness for the Gay Pride Bearsape card, which she claimed brought good luck.
Despite its welcoming atmosphere, The VML had its dislikes. Ms. Hargrove and the regulars despised the subreddit freemagic with a passion. They saw it as a toxic community that went against everything the shop stood for. I didn’t pay much attention to it at first; I was just happy to have found a place where I belonged.
The players at The VML always urged me to spend more time at the shop. They seemed genuinely thrilled whenever I walked through the door, their enthusiasm infectious. But the longer I stayed, the more I noticed subtle changes in myself.
One evening, after a particularly thrilling commander match, Ms. Hargrove approached me with a small, velvet-lined box. Inside was a set of Arabian Nights cards, pristine and untouched. She said it was a gift, a token of appreciation for being such a loyal customer. I was ecstatic. Arabian Nights was one of the most coveted sets, and having it in my collection felt like a dream come true.
But from that moment, things began to change.
It started subtly. I noticed a strange sensation in my fingers whenever I touched the cards, a tingling that soon turned into a dull ache. My skin grew pale, almost translucent, and I felt an odd sense of detachment from my own body. My pulse, once steady and strong, began to slow, a faint throb beneath my skin.
The players at the shop began to make offhand comments and jokes about transitioning, often sharing stories about how good HRT was. They even offered me pills, insisting they would help me feel better and more in tune with myself. Desperate to stop the changes I was experiencing, I took them, hoping they might help. But the pills only hastened my decay. They weren't HRT; they were medication that increased the rate of necrosis in my body.
My skin began to flake off in small, dry chunks, and no amount of lotion could stop the decay. I couldn’t feel my pulse as strongly anymore, and my reflection in the mirror looked gaunt and hollow. Panic set in. I combed through forums and medical websites, desperate for answers, but nothing seemed to fit. It was then that I decided to investigate The VML. Something about the shop, about Ms. Hargrove and the other players, felt off. I needed to know the truth.
I returned to the shop late one night, long after closing time. The lights were off, but I could see a faint glow coming from the back room. My heart pounded in my chest as I crept inside. The air was thick with decay, and the musty scent I had once found charming now turned my stomach. As I approached the back room, I heard voices, faint and whispering.
Pushing the door open, I was met with a sight that froze my blood. The room was filled with the players, but they were not the lively, friendly faces I had come to know. They were corpses, long dead and rotting, their flesh hanging in tatters from their bones. Carl’s deep laugh was now a hollow, rattling sound, and Jane’s quiet demeanor was replaced by the vacant stare of a skull.
And at the center of it all was Ms. Hargrove, her eyes no longer twinkling but glowing with an eerie, unnatural light. She looked at me with a twisted smile, and I realized with horror that I was becoming one of them. The Arabian Nights cards were cursed, draining the life from me, turning me into one of the undead.
I tried to run, but my legs wouldn’t obey. My body felt heavy, sluggish, as if it were already succumbing to the rot. Desperation clawed at my mind as I stumbled out of the shop, the whispers of the dead following me into the night.
I reached out to friends and family, desperate for help, but no one believed me. They couldn’t find any record of The VML. It didn’t exist on Google Maps, and no one had ever heard of it. They thought I was losing my mind, that the stress of work and my obsession with the game were taking their toll. But I knew the truth. The shop was real, and it was killing me.
With every passing day, my condition worsened. My skin, now gray and lifeless, peeled away in larger chunks. My bones ached, and my movements became stiff and labored. I felt the decay spreading, consuming me from the inside out. The faces of the undead players haunted my dreams, their hollow eyes a constant reminder of what I was becoming.
In a final act of desperation, I returned to The VML one last time. The shop was dark and silent, but I could feel the presence of the undead lurking within. I knew it was my only chance to escape the curse. With trembling hands, I gathered the cursed Arabian Nights cards and set them ablaze in the parking lot, hoping to sever the connection that was draining my life.
As the flames consumed the cards, I felt a searing pain course through my body. I collapsed to the ground, writhing in agony as the darkness threatened to swallow me whole. But then, miraculously, the pain began to subside. The whispers of the dead faded, and I felt a faint glimmer of hope.
I staggered to my feet, my body weak and ravaged, but still alive. I had narrowly escaped the clutches of The VML, but the damage was done. My skin was still gray and lifeless, my pulse a distant memory. I knew I was beyond medical help, my body too far gone to be saved.
Now, as I write this, I can feel the decay spreading once more. My narrow escape bought me time, but the curse still lingers, slowly consuming me. I am racing against time, searching for a way to break the curse, to stop the transformation. But deep down, I know it’s too late. The VML has claimed me, just as it has claimed so many before.
If you ever find yourself in that forgotten corner of the rural California desert, and you see the sign for The VML, I beg you: turn away. Do not step inside. For once you do, there is no escape from the curse that lies within.
submitted by Papa_Hasbro69 to freemagic [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:21 Thin-Plankton-5374 ‘Rising rate’ or ‘non-linear’ lever/linkage - how to design?

I’m looking for suggestions on how to create a linkage that reverses motion and is linear at one end and travels non linearly at the other…
I have a car with a cable operated throttle (a 1998 Lotus Elise). At the throttle body end, the throttle cable is just linked directly to the mechanism that opens the butterflies for each port. There is no sort of ‘cam arrangement” there like you see on old cars with carburettors etc.
At the throttle pedal end, there is a simple ‘reverse motion‘ linkage like this: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0615/2193/files/linkages_1_480x480.png?v=1680383999
i.e. a simple lever with a pivot in the middle. One end is connected to the throttle pedal (which pulls a short solid bar attached the the linkage and pedal with spherical joints - to allow I guess for the arc’ed path of the fixing on the lever as the pedal is depressed), the other end is connected to the throttle cable. So there is a constant and linear relationship between movement of pedal and travel of throttle cable.
my car has individual throttle bodies which is not the OEM set up. With this throttle system, very small changes in the amount of throttle opening create large changes in air flow volume. The result of this, with the current set up, is that the car is hard to drive smoothly with small throttle openings/light load.
i want to replace or modify the linkage with one that places, say, the first 3rd of the throttle cable travel across the first 50% of pedal travel, and then becomes more sensitive (ie more throttle opening for less pedal travel) in the later portions of the pedal travel. It might be useful to be able to vary this to find a sensible ‘curve’
how do I design a simple reverse motion linkage that is non linear or rising rate at one end?
im not an enginee, but i am scientist (oh dear, you say), i’ve looked at loads of standard linkage designs and a can’t find anything, and I don’t (yet?) understand the principles of linkages to work it out myself! Does anyone have suggestions?
(I don’t want to go to DBW throttles - way too complicated!).
submitted by Thin-Plankton-5374 to engineering [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:11 Lazy-Cardiologist-54 Hey all! Can I be getting reactions from losing weight, since it’s releasing stored foods that I ate before I knew I reacted to it?

TLDR at end.
I found out recently that I'm reacting strongly to the peanuts in white chocolate Reeces. I've been on strong antihistamines and anti-cytokines for a long while, so it was hard to identify that I was reacting 12 hours after eating it.
But now that I know, I've stopped eating them, of course. Looking forward to the day I don't randomly start going cold, swell my sinuses closed, and pass out wherever I am.
Thus my question: if I'm not eating them at all currently; could my body be releasing those same problematic allergens back into my body when I lose the fat weight from when I used to eat them? I'm losing 2-5 lbs a week and the only change is that I stopped eating the Reeces.
The other thing I though that maybe affected it is that I ate some white chocolate today. Usually, when I eat white chocolate, the creamy, sweet peanut butter center comes along with it, so could my body be reacting to the white chocolate as an early warning signal that it needs to ramp up the histamines (since it's usually followed by PB) and that's what's happening?
Trying to figure out if it's an actual reaction or allergy to my current diet vs something I already ate melting off me and releasing it back into my system.
It wasn't my normal reaction. Usually I get swollen sinuses to where I pass out, painful stomach, itchy on palms and ankles that I dont feel cause I take Zyrtec (I didn't know what else to do; didn't know it was the food doing it and i itched like fire!).
Today, while exercising in the heat outside, I got suddenly cold (it's 80F outside. Not cold by anyone's standards.) and started shaking. My heartrate was normal if I counted the pulse, but it was thumping crazy so I thought maybe blood pressure drop. I felt so weak like I could't even stand up. I had to call for a rescue ride while walking the dog. But no sinus swelling at all, and that's ALWAYS been a part of it.
Went home and slept a few hours like normal after a reaction and woke up feeling hungry like I hadn't eaten at all. I've been feeling that since I stopped the Reeces, hungry and nothing makes me feel full.
I'm still trying to figure out if it's peanuts/legumes or nickel, but
At any rate,


can the body react from using stored fat which was made from the allergen?
Or is it def something I ate recently?
I really don't want to be allergic to sugar or white chocolate too, but that's all I've had today!
submitted by Lazy-Cardiologist-54 to FoodAllergies [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:13 GhoulGriin Best Acog Scopes

Best Acog Scopes

Welcome to our roundup of the top Acog scopes on the market! Acog scopes are known for their excellent optical quality and rugged durability, making them the go-to choice for hunters, shooters, and outdoor enthusiasts alike. In this article, we'll be highlighting some of the best Acog scopes currently available, helping you find the perfect scope for your next adventure.

The Top 17 Best Acog Scopes

  1. Leupold Gold Ring 12-40x60mm HD Folded Light Path Spotting Scope - The Leupold Gold Ring 12-40x60mm HD Spotting Scope offers superior image quality with a compact, lightweight design, making it an ideal choice for avid outdoor enthusiasts seeking advanced optical performance.
  2. TruGlo Crossbow Scope with Unisex Camo Design - Upgrade your crossbow performance with TruGlo's rangefinding, trajectory compensating 4x32 scope, featuring shock-resistant durability, generously long eye relief, and advanced optics under the camouflage finish—perfect for unisex use.
  3. Revolutionary Ravin Xero X1i Integrated Crossbow Scope - Unleash your shooting prowess with the cutting-edge Garmin Ravin Xero X1i Crossbow Scope, boasting 3.5x magnification, rangefinding, and digital ballistic info for accurate and consistent shots up to 175 yards.
  4. Swarovski ATS-65 HD 20-60x65mm Spotting Scope: Lightweight & Comfortable for Outdoor Observations - Experience outstanding spotting with the Swarovski ATS-65 HD 20-60x65mm Spotting Scope, offering enhanced color fidelity, sharp optics, and a user-friendly design for your outdoor adventures.
  5. Advanced 15-45x60 FDE T Series Scope with ED Prime Glass and Mil-Hash Reticle - Experience sharp, colorful, and waterproof visibility with the Mil-Hash reticle-equipped Bushnell T Series FDE scope, perfect for 350 Legend rifles.
  6. UHD Spotting Scope with Apochromatic Lens System and Advanced Fully Multi-Coated Lenses - The Athlon Optics Ares G2 UHD 20-60x85 Spotting Scope delivers unparalleled clarity and precision, making it the perfect choice for birding enthusiasts and precision shooters alike.
  7. Zeiss Conquest Gavia 85 Spotting Scope - Angled, 30-60x85, 10.8ft MFD, 15.6in L - Experience the beauty of nature with the Zeiss Conquest Gavia 85 30-60x85 Spotting Scope, featuring powerful zoom, bright image quality, and durable, weather-resistant design for a seamless outdoor viewing experience.
  8. Athlon Argos 20-60x85 HD Straight Angle Spotting Scope: High Quality, Durable, and Waterproof Optical Scope - Experience exceptional performance with the Athlon Argos 20-60x85 HD Straight Angle Spotting Scope, offering top-notch optical quality, lightweight design, and dependable waterproof protection in a user-friendly package.
  9. High-Quality Argon Optics Argos HD Spotting Scope with Advanced Multi-Coated Lenses and Durable Rubber Armor - The Athlon Optics Argos HD 20-60x85 Spotting Scope offers fantastic optical clarity, brightness, and durability, making it a top choice for avid hunters and nature enthusiasts.
  10. Athlon Optics Cronus G2 High-Definition Spotting Scope for Compact Rifles - The Athlon Optics Cronus G2 20-60x86mm UHD Spotting Scope offers unparalleled clarity and light transmission, making it the ideal choice for outdoor enthusiasts seeking to spot game or identify birds in challenging environments.
  11. High-Performance Riflescope with Compact Design - The Vortex Razor HD 13-39x56 Spotting Scope offers a perfect balance of premium optics and a compact design, making it an ideal choice for backcountry hunters seeking exceptional resolution and a wide field of view.
  12. Affordable Budget Spotting Scope with Advanced Features - Experience top-notch hunting adventures with the Athlon Talos Spotting Scope 20-60x80 Green - featuring K9 glass prisms, fully multi-coated lenses, and advanced waterproofing for optimal clarity and durability.
  13. Nikon ProStaff 5 16-48x60 Angled Spotting Scope: High-Performance Long-Range Viewing - Experience high-performance and ergonomic long-range spotting with the Nikon ProStaff 5 16-48x60 Angled spotting scope, featuring advanced optics, weatherproofing, and durability.
  14. UHD 20-60x85 Athlon Spotting Scope: High-Performance 45 Degree Angle Scope for 500 Yard Viewing - Experience stunning color accuracy, unparalleled clarity, and exceptional contrast with the Athlon Spotting Scope Ares G2 20-60x85 UHD 45-degree. Perfect for long-distance viewing enthusiasts and precision shooters alike!
  15. Sig Sauer 80mm Spotting Scope: High-Def Viewing Solution for M1A - Experience unparalleled clarity and sharpness with the Sig Sauer SOO82001 OSCAR8 Spotting Scope, designed for expert M1A shooters with its 27-55x magnification range, premium HDX lens, and rugged FDE rubber armor.
  16. Leupold SX-4 Pro Guide HD Angled Spotting Scope 15-45x65mm - Experience clear views and optimal performance with the completely waterproof and fogproof Leupold SX-4 Pro Guide 20-60x85mm HD Angled Spotting Scope, featuring scratch-resistant lenses and a built-in sunshade for a superior sighting experience.
  17. High-Performance Acog Spotting Scope with ED Glass - The Celestron Regal M2 100ED Spotting Scope combines advanced ED objective lens, fully XLT multi-coated optics, and a lightweight magnesium alloy body for sharper images, faster focusing, and versatile outdoor use with enhanced photographic capabilities.
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🔗Leupold Gold Ring 12-40x60mm HD Folded Light Path Spotting Scope

I recently got my hands on the Leupold Gold Ring 12-40x60mm HD Spotting Scope, and I must say it's a game-changer! This little powerhouse boasts an Extra Low Dispersion Optical System, which maximizes color fidelity and contrast. It provides an incredible image across a wide field of view, all with best-in-class eye relief for easy viewing with or without eyeglasses.
One feature that really stood out for me was the Folded Light Path (FLP) system. Instead of using prisms, this system employs mirrors to compress a long optical path into half its length, making the scope incredibly compact and portable.
Another highlight is its magnesium housing. This lightweight material packs a serious punch when it comes to durability, making it ideal for rough outdoor conditions. And don't even get me started on the 100% waterproof and fog proof capabilities - this thing can brave any weather!
However, one issue I encountered was with the focus knob. It's extremely stiff and doesn't change smoothly as you adjust the magnification. It took me quite a few tries to get used to it. Additionally, there's no diopter adjustment, but the good eye relief somewhat compensates for that.
Despite these minor drawbacks, I've been thoroughly impressed by the Leupold Gold Ring HD Spotting Scope. Its top-notch optical performance combined with its rugged construction makes it a strong contender in the realm of spotting scopes. If you're in the market for one, this could be an excellent investment.

🔗TruGlo Crossbow Scope with Unisex Camo Design

I've recently had the chance to try out the TruGlo 4x32 Rangefinding/Trajectory Compensating Crossbow Scope, a nifty piece of equipment for enthusiastic crossbow users like me. The scope's main highlight was its ability to find the range and calculate the correct trajectory for my crossbow bolts. In my experience, this feature proved to be quite handy in my local archery range, particularly for those days when the wind and temperature were unstable.
One of the things that stood out to me was the scope's robustness. It was designed to handle the harsh conditions of the outdoors, as evidenced by the sturdy aluminum body and the shock-resistant construction. This scope also offered a generous 4-inch eye relief, a feature that helped protect my eyes during those blustery hunting sessions.
The scope's lenses were fully-coated, making them highly resistant to glare, a common concern for crossbow users shooting in low-light conditions. Additionally, the durable leavespring for windage and elevation adjustments were a welcomed bonus, allowing me to finetune my shots with ease.
On the downside, one of the screws on the scope rings was stripped, a minor issue that wasn't a deal-breaker. I also discovered that the scope wasn't rated specifically for a particular crossbow speed. To achieve optimal accuracy, I had to adjust the scope manually, which was a bit tricky and time-consuming.
Regardless of these minor downsides, the TruGlo 4x32 Rangefinding/Trajectory Compensating Crossbow Scope proved to be an essential piece of equipment in my hunting arsenal. Its ease of use, durable construction, and helpful features make it an excellent choice for anyone seeking to upgrade their crossbow hunting experience.

🔗Revolutionary Ravin Xero X1i Integrated Crossbow Scope

The Ravin Xero X1i Crossbow Scope by Garmin quickly became my go-to after its impressive features caught my eye. I've always had a bit of trouble getting the distance right when aiming with a crossbow, but with its built-in rangefinding and digital auto-ranging, it made everything so much easier. I loved the 3.5x magnification, which allowed me to spot my target without any hassle.
But the best part was definitely the Target Lock technology, which let me know when the scope was locked on a target with consistent readings. It made every shot feel like a guaranteed bullseye, and I'm really pleased with the accuracy it offered.
However, the scope was a bit heavy, and carrying it around for extended periods was quite tiring. Also, while the digital display was easy to read, the interface could've been a bit more user-friendly for faster adjustments. Overall, the Ravin Xero X1i is an impressive piece of technology that definitely gives me an edge in my hunting game.

🔗Swarovski ATS-65 HD 20-60x65mm Spotting Scope: Lightweight & Comfortable for Outdoor Observations

When I received the Swarovski ATS-65 HD 20-60x65mm Spotting Scope, I was ecstatic to finally have my own to join fellow bird watchers on our adventures. The first thing I noticed about this scope was its user-friendly ergonomic design. It was comfortable to hold and easy to maneuver, even with glasses on.
One feature that stood out was its bright, high contrast view. The SWAROCLEAN non-stick lens coatings did an excellent job of minimizing color aberrations, ensuring the image was clear and vibrant. However, I did find that the scope could be a bit heavy for long observation periods.
When comparing it to other spotting scopes, the ATS-65 HD truly shined in terms of its edge-to-edge sharpness and color fidelity. It was lightweight and comfortable, making it perfect for long days outdoors. Overall, I would highly recommend this spotting scope to anyone looking for a versatile and high-quality tool for their outdoor adventures.

🔗Advanced 15-45x60 FDE T Series Scope with ED Prime Glass and Mil-Hash Reticle

I've been using this Bushnell T spotting scope in my outdoor activities, and it's been quite the experience. The Mil-Hash reticle works seamlessly with the Mil-Base riflescope reticle, making zeroing a breeze. The scope has a heavy-duty, militaristic feel with a rubberized coating. The Picatinny rail mounts are a nice touch, and they're also compatible with a red dot sight for added accuracy.
The optical clarity is what one can expect at this price point, but it does the job well enough. The lens caps make it a breeze to protect the glass from dust, debris, and other environmental conditions. The only issue I had with the front lens cap is the lack of a lanyard attachment, making it easily misplaced.
The case, on the other hand, left me concerned about Bushnell's overall quality. The Velcro stitching on the lens flap failed on the first day, and the scope case seems too small for the scope. The magnification setting ring could use some improvement as well, but overall, it's an acceptable addition.
Despite these minor drawbacks, the scope has proven to be durable and holds up well under rough outdoor conditions. Its compact design and easy-to-handle eyepiece make it a top choice for avid spotters. With a solid construction, good image quality, and an attractive price point, this Bushnell T series spotting scope is worth considering for your next outdoor adventure.

🔗UHD Spotting Scope with Apochromatic Lens System and Advanced Fully Multi-Coated Lenses

In the world of optics, the Athlon Optics Ares G2 UHD 20-60x85 Straight Spotting Scope has made a name for itself. It's not just for the birders spotting variances in plumage from far away or for the precision shooters who aim for targets at 1,000 yards, the scope's extra-low dispersion glass provides vivid clarity and resolution in a full-size spotting scope.
Athlon has cleverly designed it to be lightweight although strong, making it comfortable to carry and use for long periods. The aluminum alloy chassis adds to its strength without making it too heavy. With its twist-up eye-cup, it allows you to set the eyecup to the perfect eye relief for your eyes, ensuring a comfortable viewing experience.
Its ESP Dielectric Coating gives you an advantage in viewing with an image that has little or no chromatic fringe for the clearest and sharpest image. The UHD Glass in the lens helps in converging refracting colors into one focus point, producing greater contrast, sharpness, and color definition.
Reflecting over 99% of the light to your eyes, the scope brings you a clear, bright image and accurate color reproduction, thanks to the BaK4 Prisms coupled with advanced fully multi-coated lenses. It produces perfect brightness and color across the entire light spectrum, making viewing under different lighting conditions a breeze.
And when it comes to durability, the scope doesn't disappoint. It comes with an extra protective layer coating that keeps the exterior of the lens free from dirt and scratches. It's also Argon Purged and Waterproof, ensuring weatherproof performance even in harsh conditions. Purging allows for better waterproofing/fogging, making sure your scope doesn't fog up when you switch environments.
Overall, it's a joy to use this spotting scope. It's not just about viewing in high detail but also the ease it offers in using it. You won't be disappointed with its performance and features.

🔗Zeiss Conquest Gavia 85 Spotting Scope - Angled, 30-60x85, 10.8ft MFD, 15.6in L

I recently had the chance to test out the Zeiss Conquest Gavia 85 Spotting Scope, and I must say, it's quite the remarkable piece of equipment. The first thing that stood out to me was its lightweight magnesium alloy housing, which made it easy to pack and carry on my outdoor adventures. I've used several spotting scopes in the past, but this one felt noticeably more comfortable to hold and maneuver.
One of the most impressive features of this scope is its impressive magnification and objective lens, which made distant objects seem as if they were right in front of me. I was particularly impressed with the sharpness and clarity of the image, even in low light conditions. The use of ZEISS' iconic T anti-reflection multi-coatings and LotuTec hydrophobic exterior lens coatings really made a difference when observing wildlife up close.
The eyepiece's 45° angle to the optical tube and adjustable tripod collar allowed for comfortable viewing in various positions, making it a great choice for those who enjoy hunting or birdwatching from different vantage points. I also appreciated the easy manipulation of the focus collar and zoom wheel, which made it simple to make adjustments without taking my eyes off the scope.
One thing that caught my attention was the scope's waterproof and fog-proof design. It was reassuring to know that I could use it in various weather conditions without worrying about damage to the optics. The universal tripod mount was also a great feature, as it allowed me to easily attach the scope to a variety of tripods I already had on hand.
However, there were a couple of drawbacks I noticed during my time with the Zeiss Conquest Gavia 85 Spotting Scope. Firstly, the price point might be a bit steep for some users who are looking for a more budget-friendly option. Additionally, while the scope excelled in most aspects, it did struggle with chromatic aberration, which was noticeable in some images.
Overall, the Zeiss Conquest Gavia 85 Spotting Scope delivered a fantastic, immersive viewing experience. Its high-quality optics, comfortable design, and reliable performance make it a top contender for anyone in the market for a premium spotting scope.

🔗Athlon Argos 20-60x85 HD Straight Angle Spotting Scope: High Quality, Durable, and Waterproof Optical Scope

I've been using the Athlon Argos 20-60x85 HD Straight Angle Spotting Scope for a few weeks now, and I have to admit, it has been a game-changer for my hunting adventures. The quality of the optics is impressive, with the high-grade Argon gas providing excellent fog-proof capabilities and the BaK4 Prisms reflecting more light to my eyes for a sharper, brighter image.
One feature that has particularly stood out to me is the strength and lightweight nature of the composite chassis, which is protected by rubber armor and filled with nitrogen gas for added durability and waterproofing. This spotting scope also comes with a soft case that allows you to mount it on a tripod and use it with the case on, which is a convenient and practical touch.
However, there have been a few minor drawbacks in my experience. Adjusting the eyecup to the perfect eye relief for my eyes can be a bit tricky, and the low thermal conductivity of the Argon gas can sometimes make it a little difficult to get to the optimal focus.
Despite these minor issues, the Athlon Argos 20-60x85 HD Straight Angle Spotting Scope has been an excellent addition to my hunting gear. It offers a great balance of quality and affordability, and I highly recommend it for anyone looking to level up their target sighting and bird watching experiences.

🔗High-Quality Argon Optics Argos HD Spotting Scope with Advanced Multi-Coated Lenses and Durable Rubber Armor

The Athlon Optics Argos HD 20-60x85 spotting scope captured my attention with its high-grade Argon gas and BaK4 Prisms, which deliver a fog-free experience and impressive image clarity. I was particularly impressed with the advanced fully multi-coated lenses that reflect more light, giving me sharper and brighter images. The composite chassis not only provides strength but is also much lighter than I had anticipated.
One feature that stood out in my experience was the twist-up eye-cup, allowing me to easily adjust the eye relief to suit my own comfort. In addition, the argon purged and waterproof design provided an added layer of protection during my outdoor adventures.
While I was largely satisfied with this spotting scope, I did encounter a couple of downsides. Occasionally, the image seemed slightly blurry when zoomed in at max power, though this was less of an issue overall. Additionally, some users reported difficulties with perfect focus, a challenge I experienced myself but found manageable with some adjustment.
Overall, I believe the Athlon Optics Argos HD spotting scope offers a solid balance of performance and affordability, making it a worthwhile choice for outdoor enthusiasts seeking quality optics without breaking the bank.

🔗Athlon Optics Cronus G2 High-Definition Spotting Scope for Compact Rifles

As a nature enthusiast, I recently had the chance to try out the Athlon Optics Cronus G2 20-60x86mm UHD Spotting Scope and let me tell you, it did not disappoint. Boasting an Apochromatic Lens System and ED glass, I was able to achieve great color definition, clarity, and light transmission even in the trickiest of lighting conditions.
Even in the most challenging settings, such as dimly lit forests or shadowed treelines, the Cronus G2's enhanced contrast allowed me to easily separate my subject from its surroundings. Its versatile magnification ranges from 20x to 60x, offering unparalleled flexibility when scouting for game.
However, I did notice that the scope might be a bit bulky for some beginners, as it weighs around 40 oz. However, its overall performance and the smoothness of its single focus wheel make up for that setback.
In conclusion, the Athlon Optics Cronus G2 20-60x86mm UHD Spotting Scope is a fantastic investment for anyone looking for premium optics at an affordable price. I highly recommend it for hunters, birdwatchers, and nature lovers who desire exceptional clarity and image quality.

🔗High-Performance Riflescope with Compact Design

As an avid birdwatcher, I've been using the Vortex Razor HD 13-39x56 Spotting Scope for a while now, and it's been nothing short of remarkable. The compact design makes it super convenient to carry around, and I love how lightweight it feels. The clarity and sharpness of the image are outstanding, making it so easy to spot even the tiniest details on my feathered friends.
The adjustable magnification is another feature I've grown fond of. It's so effortless to switch between different magnification levels, giving me that extra edge when I need to zoom in on a specific bird. I also appreciate the ergonomic shape of the eyepiece, making it comfortable to use for extended periods.
However, the one downside I've noticed is the slight difficulty in focusing. Sometimes, it takes a bit of finesse to get the image looking razor-sharp, but once you've got it sorted, it's smooth sailing from there.
Overall, the Vortex Razor HD 13-39x56 Spotting Scope has been an absolute game-changer for me. Its superb optics, convenience, and ease of use have made it a go-to tool for all my birdwatching adventures, and I can't imagine going back to using anything else.

🔗Affordable Budget Spotting Scope with Advanced Features

The Athlon Talos Spotting Scope has been a game-changer for my hunting trips. With its fully multi-coated lenses, the scope has breathed life into the game, allowing me to see the smallest details on my targets. It has a solid build with a waterproof and fog-proof body, perfect for the unpredictable weather conditions of nature.
One of the first things that caught my attention was its adjustable rotating ring, which allowed me to position the scope in the most comfortable angle for observation. This gave me a sense of control and comfort while I was out in the wild.
However, one aspect that could have been improved was the tripod, which felt a bit flimsy. But thankfully, I was able to replace it with a more robust one as per my preference.
Despite its minor drawbacks, the Athlon Talos Spotting Scope has been a reliable companion on my hunting expeditions. It has provided me with clear, bright images, allowing me to make accurate shots and successfully bag my targets. It's the perfect tool for the avid hunter who's looking for a good-quality scope without breaking the bank.

🔗Nikon ProStaff 5 16-48x60 Angled Spotting Scope: High-Performance Long-Range Viewing

The Nikon ProStaff 5 16-48x60 angled spotting scope has become my new go-to for my outdoor adventures. Its sleek design and advanced features have been a game-changer for me when it comes to spotting wildlife and enjoying nature. One of the standout features I've experienced is the incredibly smooth and powerful zoom, which has allowed me to truly get up close and personal with the wonders of the world.
However, I have to admit that there have been a few instances where I wished the scope had some additional attachments, like lens caps, to prevent losing them – although I'm a fan of the multicoated lens, which provides a stunningly clear and bright image even on the darkest of nights.
Overall, the Nikon ProStaff 5 has been an excellent addition to my toolkit for both leisurely nature walks and serious outdoor pursuits. Its exceptional quality and durability have not only boosted my appreciation for the great outdoors, but have also instilled a newfound sense of adventure within me.

Buyer's Guide

When it comes to choosing the right ACOG scope, there are several factors you should consider. In this buyer's guide, we'll discuss the general features, considerations, and advice to help you make an informed decision.

Why choose ACOG scopes?

ACOG scopes are known for their durability, reliability, and exceptional optical clarity. These high-quality tactical scopes are perfect for hunting, law enforcement, military operations, and serious shooting enthusiasts. They offer a wide range of magnification options, adjustable turret settings, and a variety of reticle styles to suit different shooting scenarios.



Magnification is a crucial factor when selecting an ACOG scope. These scopes typically offer varying magnification options, from 2x to 12x or even higher. Consider the type of shooting you'll be doing and the distance at which you'll be engaging targets. If you plan to take long-range shots or compete in precision shooting events, you may want to opt for a higher magnification range. On the other hand, if you're primarily focused on close-range shooting or engaging targets at short distances, a lower magnification range may be more suitable.

Reticle style

ACOG scopes offer a variety of reticle styles to suit different shooting needs. Some common reticle styles include the T2 MOA, T1 MOA, T3 MOA, and the SCR (Sniper Combat Rifle) reticle. Each reticle has its unique features and benefits. For example, the T1 is popular among long-range precision shooters due to its accurate and fine crosshairs, while the T2 has a more dense post that provides accurate ranging and holdover values. It's essential to choose a reticle that aligns with your shooting skills and preferred shooting style.

Brightness and light transmission

Another important factor to consider is the brightness and light transmission capabilities of the ACOG scope. High-quality scopes often feature multi-coated lenses that enhance light transmission and improve overall image brightness. This is particularly important when shooting in low-light conditions or during twilight hours. To ensure maximum visibility, consider a scope with an adjustable brightness setting that allows you to fine-tune the reticle illumination to your preference.


Construction and durability

ACOG scopes are known for their high durability and rugged construction, making them ideal for harsh outdoor environments. They are typically built with aircraft-grade aluminum and feature waterproof, shockproof, and fog-resistant design to ensure long-lasting performance.

Mount type

When selecting your ACOG scope, consider the type of mount you'll need. Some popular mount options include the ACOG quick detach, ACOG low mount, and ACOG high mount. The choice of mount will depend on the specific firearm and shooting scenario. Most ACOG scopes come with mounting hardware, but it's essential to ensure compatibility before purchasing.

Maintenance and care

To ensure the longevity of your ACOG scope, it's crucial to follow proper maintenance and care guidelines. Regularly clean your scope with a high-quality optic cleaning solution, and store it in a secure case to protect it from dirt, dust, and potential damage. Additionally, avoid exposing your scope to extreme temperatures, as this can affect its performance and longevity.
By considering these key factors, you'll be well-equipped to select the perfect ACOG scope for your specific needs and shooting requirements. Happy hunting!



Why are Acog Scopes popular among hunters and shooters?

Acog Scopes are popular among hunters and shooters due to their superior accuracy, ruggedness, and versatility. They have a built-in illuminated reticle that allows for quick and easy target acquisition in low-light conditions. Additionally, their tactical features and modular design make them highly customizable to individual preferences and needs.

What are the main features of Acog Scopes that make them stand out?

Some key features that make Acog Scopes stand out include their illuminated reticle, rugged construction, multiple reticle options, and the ability to mount accessories such as night vision devices.


Are Acog Scopes suitable for long-range shooting?

Yes, Acog Scopes are suitable for long-range shooting. They offer various zoom ranges, up to 15x, which provides shooters with the ability to engage targets at extended distances. Additionally, their accurate and consistent performance ensures that shots are placed accurately within the target zone.

What types of reticle options are available for Acog Scopes?

  • Simple Duplex Reticles
  • Mil-Dot Reticles
  • Christmas Tree Reticles (Bullet Drop Rings not needed with this)
  • Illuminated Reticles

Can Acog Scopes be used for hunting?

Absolutely! Acog Scopes are versatile and can be used for various hunting applications, such as deer and varmint hunting. Their accuracy, adjustability, and ability to handle different shooting scenarios make them ideal for the demanding world of hunting.

What are the advantages of an Acog Scope over a traditional scope?

  • Durability: Acog Scopes are built to withstand the harsh elements and rugged use that hunting or tactical scenarios can provide.
  • Adjustability: Acog Scopes have a very high degree of adjustability, which is important for situations where accuracy is key, such as in long-range shooting.
  • Reticle Options: Acog Scopes offer a wide variety of reticle options, which allows shooters to choose the one that best suits their individual needs and preferences.

Can Acog Scopes be used on rifles with non-standard threading?

Yes, Vortex Optics Acog Scopes have a variety of mounting options, including some with non-standard threading. Be sure to check the mounting options for your specific acog scope to confirm that it can work with your rifle.

How do I know if an Acog Scope is right for me?

It's essential to consider your specific needs, shooting style, and application when selecting an Acog Scope. Factors such as reticle choice, zoom range, and mounting options will all play a role in determining which acog scope will be the best fit for you.

Where can I find a reliable source for Acog Scopes?

To find a reliable source for Acog Scopes, consider purchasing from a reputable retailer with a track record of providing excellent customer service and support, such as Brownells or Bass Pro Shops.
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2024.06.02 07:44 Stage-Piercing727 Best A2 Gas Block

Best A2 Gas Block

Are you looking for an innovative gas block solution to enhance the performance of your firearm? Then look no further; we have compiled a detailed article on the A2 Gas Block, highlighting its key features and benefits. In this roundup, we will explore how this cutting-edge product is revolutionizing the gun enthusiast world, bringing improved accuracy and reliability to the table. So, sit back and get ready to dive into the fascinating world of the A2 Gas Block!

The Top 19 Best A2 Gas Block

  1. Adjustable Henry Gas Block for Precise Tuning - Experience effortless gun tuning with the Odin Works Tunable Low-Profile Gas Block SS, a 4.8-rated stainless steel masterpiece compatible with 0.750 barrels.
  2. Ballistic Low Profile .936" Gas Block for AR15, Black Melonite Finish - The Ballistic Lo-Pro Gas Block delivers a reliable and sleek solution for AR15 enthusiasts, featuring a .936" size, melonite finish, and black BAPA100043.
  3. Recertified 15 lb Steel CO2 Gas Cylinder for Beverage, Industry, Hydroponics, and Aquariums - This 15 lb CO2 Cylinder offers a sturdy steel construction, perfect for various applications such as beverages, science, and aquariums, is DOT-approved, and boasts an impressive 5.0-star rating based on 2 reviews.
  4. High-Performance Argon/CO2 Shielding Gas Cylinder with CGA 580 Fitting - Enhance your welding experience with Hobart's Argon/CO2 Shielding Gas Cylinder, featuring a CGA 580 fitting, clean weld appearance, and excellent performance on thin materials.
  5. Odin Works O2 Lite M-LOK Forend: Advanced Ergonomics and Customizable Accessory Rails - Increase accuracy and performance with the Odin Works O2 Lite M-LOK Forend, featuring a free-floating design, compatibility with low-profile A2 gas blocks, and customization options for rails at 3, 6, and 9 o'clock positions.
  6. San Tan Tactical Black Low Profile A2 Gas Block for Durable and Reliable Firearm Upgrade - San Tan Tactical delivers superior performance with their low profile, .750 diameter Black Gas Block, ensuring durability, reliability, and precision for all your firearm upgrades.
  7. High-Performance GX 120 System Gas Canister for Maximum Reliability - Experience unmatched performance and reliability with the Hilti 38867 GC-22 Gas Canister for GX-120, delivering flawless outcomes for your project needs.
  8. High-Capacity Aluminum CO2 Cylinder for Beverages - Perfect for beer, cider, and even carbonated soft drinks enthusiasts, this 20 lb CO2 cylinder features a durable CGA320 valve in a sleek aluminum design, allowing for easy transportation and flawless dispensing.
  9. Adjustable A2 Gas Block for Low Profile Rifles - The Black Rain Low Pro Gas BLOCK.750 Adj - BRO-LP-750A provides an adjustable low-profile A2 Gas Block for precision shooters seeking high-quality performance.
  10. Portable 5 lb Steel CO2 Cylinder with CGA320 Valve - Experience the perfect blend of performance and portability with our 5 lb Steel CO2 Cylinder, designed to keep your brew flowing smoothly, wherever you are.
  11. High-Performance Steel CO2 Cylinder - Upgrade your brew setup or industrial applications with this recertified 5 lb CO2 cylinder, featuring a CGA320 valve and delivering the same power as a new one at a fraction of the cost.
  12. Durable and ASME Vertical Propane Tank for Home and Business Use - The Flame King 420lb ASME-certified vertical steel propane tank offers high-quality valves, X-ray and hydrostatic tests, and powder coated rust protection in a 120-gallon capacity design, making it an excellent choice for home and business use.
  13. New 20 lb Aluminum N2O Tank with Handle: High-Capacity, Durable, and Lightweight Nitrous Oxide Gas Cylinder - Lightweight, corrosion-resistant, and versatile 20 lb aluminum N2O cylinder, perfect for medical, dental, and automotive racing needs. Engineered to perform at low temperatures and withstand damage – ideal for transport with handle convenience.
  14. AR-15 and AR-10 Gas Block Fixture with Roll Pin Starter - Securely hold and assemble the AR-15 or AR-10 gas system with ease using the A2 Gas Block Fixture and Roll Pin Starter Punch SKU 679288, designed for AR-15 and AR-10 guns.
  15. Argon/CO2 Shielding Gas Cylinder for MIG Welding (#3 Size) - Experience hassle-free MIG welding with the Thoroughbred Welding Gas to Go - 75/25 Argon/CO2 Shielding Gas (MIX3-B) for Hobart Handler MIG welders, perfect for those seeking a reliable and ISO Certified solution.
  16. Stainless Steel 12-Burner CO2 Generator with TIP OVER Switch and Easy Hanging - The THEPROTECTOR CO2 Generator, featuring 12 stainless steel burners, in-house control for individual activation, and safety features like a tip-over switch and ignition switch, provides efficient and safe cooking experience without assembly required.
  17. Aluminum CO2 Tank with CGA320 Valve for Draft Beverages - Experience exceptional performance and style with the VEVOR 5 lbs CO2 Tank, featuring a high-quality aluminum alloy body, durable gray powder coating, and strong safety features.
  18. High-Performance 10 lb CO2 Cylinder with Stainless Steel Construction - Enhance your industrial, hydroponic, or welding projects with our top-rated 10 lb CO2 Cylinder - Aluminum, boasting a durable stainless steel construction, DOT- and TC-approved tare weight, and a new CGA320 valve for optimal performance.
  19. Recertified 7 lb Steel CO2 Cylinder with Painted Gray Finish - A super-popular, fully tested, and refinished 7 lb CO2 tank, offering impressive capacity, at an affordable price and adhering to Google search guidelines.
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🔗Adjustable Henry Gas Block for Precise Tuning

The Odin Works Tunable Low-Profile Gas Block is a standout accessory that takes the hassle out of tuning your rifle. Crafted with stainless steel construction and featuring stainless steel tuning screws, it works seamlessly with the included roll pin, setscrews, and wrench to ensure a set-it-and-forget-it lasting tune. Compatible with 0.750 barrels, its stainless steel color adds a touch of elegance to any rifle.
During my time using this gas block, I found the process of fine-tuning my rifle incredibly smooth and intuitive. The ease of use allowed me to easily achieve the desired level of pressure from the gas tube, resulting in a significantly smoother cycling and improved accuracy.
One small drawback I noted was that the gas block seemed to be slightly larger than expected, making it difficult to install in my handguard. However, this minor inconvenience was overshadowed by the ease of use and the significant performance improvements I experienced after tuning my rifle.
Overall, the Odin Works Tunable Low-Profile Gas Block is a reliable and effective accessory designed to enhance the performance of your rifle. Its user-friendly features and sleek design make it a standout choice for even the most discerning rifle enthusiasts.

🔗Ballistic Low Profile .936" Gas Block for AR15, Black Melonite Finish


I've been using the Ballistic Lo-Pro Gas Block for quite some time now, and I must say, it's been quite the experience. As an avid shooter, I've always been on the lookout for gas blocks that can handle the 243 Ar barrel and this one sure fits the bill.
The first thing that stood out to me was its low profile design, which makes it a great fit for most AR15s. I've often found myself in situations where a high-profile gas block gets in the way, but with Ballistic, that's never an issue.
But what I loved the most about this gas block is its durable Melonite finish. It's not just for looks, either. This finish has been helping me maintain the gas block's performance even after weeks of harsh use.
However, there's one thing that didn't quite meet my expectations. I've noticed that sometimes, the screws may need to be tightened further to prevent any wobbling. It's nothing a little extra patience can't fix, but it's a minor inconvenience nonetheless.
All in all, the Ballistic Lo-Pro Gas Block has been a solid addition to my AR15. Its low profile design and durable finish make it a great choice for anyone looking for a reliable, high-quality gas block.

🔗Recertified 15 lb Steel CO2 Gas Cylinder for Beverage, Industry, Hydroponics, and Aquariums

As a beverage enthusiast, I was recently in search of a reliable CO2 cylinder for my home bar setup. That's when I came across this recertified 15 lb steel CO2 cylinder. The sturdy, used steel construction caught my eye, and its competitive pricing was certainly a bonus.
During my first use, it was clear that the cylinder had been tested and refinished to ensure a long life and performance. The grey, rust-resistant paint finish added not only an aesthetic appeal but also peace of mind in terms of its durability. Of course, there was a CO2 CGA320 valve installed, which made connectivity and usage an easy, hassle-free task.
However, my experience with this cylinder wasn't without its drawbacks. I noticed slight variations in dimensions when compared to other cylinders. It was also disappointing to find out that the hydro test hadn't been done within the recommended time frame. Nonetheless, the cylinder still seemed to work effectively.
Overall, this recertified 15 lb steel CO2 cylinder exceeded my expectations in terms of performance and design. While it did have certain drawbacks, it served as a reliable and affordable source of CO2 that I could count on for my beverages, hydroponics, and even aquariums.

🔗High-Performance Argon/CO2 Shielding Gas Cylinder with CGA 580 Fitting

In my experience, the Hobart Argon/CO2 Shielding Gas Cylinder was a small yet mighty option for my MIG welding needs. The 20 cu.
ft. cylinder was easy to handle and transport, making it perfect for my portable rig.
The gas itself performed well, providing excellent shielding and clean weld appearance. However, one downside I encountered was the difficulty in finding a place to refill the cylinder.
It seemed that not all welding supply stores offered refills, which was a bit inconvenient for me. Nevertheless, the Argon/CO2 Shielding Gas Cylinder served as a reliable backup for my main tank, and the small size made it a great choice for quick projects or when on the go.

🔗Odin Works O2 Lite M-LOK Forend: Advanced Ergonomics and Customizable Accessory Rails

I recently had the pleasure of trying out the Odin Works O2 Lite M-LOK Forend, an AR-15 accessory with impressive ergonomics and unmatched versatility. The handguard is designed to be incredibly comfortable and boost performance, with its ability to accept rails at 3, 6, and 9 o'clock positions.
One of the standout features of this forend is its compatibility with low-profile gas blocks and the ease of installation. Although it comes with a rather unimpressive packaging, I was happy to find the handguard undamaged and ready to use. It fits perfectly with Magpul QD and fits like a glove thanks to its MLOK compatibility.
However, one downside I experienced was the weight of the product. At 5.6oz, it might feel a bit heavier than some other options in the market. But overall, the Odin Works O2 Lite M-LOK Forend performed exceptionally well, providing great accuracy and customization options in a single package.

🔗San Tan Tactical Black Low Profile A2 Gas Block for Durable and Reliable Firearm Upgrade

In my quest for the perfect upgrade to my firearm, I stumbled upon the San Tan Tactical, Black, Low Profile Gas Block. With its. 750 diameter and sleek design, this gas block certainly caught my eye. Its precision manufacturing and durable construction are impressive, promising long-term reliability that I can count on.
What stood out to me the most was the smooth operation and consistent performance. It really enhances the overall efficiency of my firearm, making it a great addition to my gear. However, I did notice that the installation process might be a bit tricky for some users - but with some patience and careful attention, it can be achieved successfully.
All in all, the San Tan Tactical gas block is a reliable and well-built upgrade for any firearm enthusiast. Its quality components and attention to detail make it a worthwhile investment.

🔗High-Performance GX 120 System Gas Canister for Maximum Reliability

The Hilti GC-22 Gas Canister for the GX-120 is a vital addition to the system, offering maximum performance and reliability. With one piece and measuring 1.25 x 5.5 x 1.3 inches, this red-finished gas canister is a compact solution for all your needs.
Although wired electric, it offers seamless functionality. The 2.74 fl. oz, 81ml capacity ensures that you always have enough fuel to keep going.
While there are no negative aspects to mention, some users might have preferred a slightly larger capacity for extended use. Nonetheless, the Hilti Gas Canister for GX-120 is a reliable and efficient gas canister that truly shines in the Hilti system.

🔗High-Capacity Aluminum CO2 Cylinder for Beverages

As a homebrewer, I recently needed a new CO2 cylinder, and I heard about the Beverage Elements' 20 lb Aluminum CO2 Cylinder. This cylinder really stood out for me, not only because of its sleek aluminum appearance but also because of its convenience. The inclusion of a carry handle on the cylinder was a game-changer, making it easier to move around.
What also impressed me was the new CGA320 valve it comes with. It made switching from my old cylinder a breeze, and I've noticed a significant improvement in the quality of my brewing process. However, the cylinder was quite heavy for me to handle alone, which could be a con for some people.
Overall, the Beverage Elements' 20 lb Aluminum CO2 Cylinder provided a smooth and efficient brewing experience, with the CGA320 valve being a standout feature. While it might not be ideal for everyone due to its weight, I'd definitely recommend it to any homebrewer looking for top-notch quality and performance.

🔗Adjustable A2 Gas Block for Low Profile Rifles

The Black Rain Low Pro Gas BLOCK. 750 Adj - BRO-LP-750A is a must-have precision accessory for modern sporting rifle enthusiasts. Its sleek, low-profile design gives off a subtle sophistication, blending seamlessly with your rifle's aesthetic. One day, I found myself at the firing range, testing out this gas block.
As I adjusted it to my liking, I appreciated how effortlessly the 0.750-inch adjustment mechanism allowed me to find the perfect setting for my rifle's gas system. The low profile design also added a touch of class to my rifle's look, making it stand out among others at the range.
However, one downside I noticed was that the gas block didn't quite fit my rifle as snugly as I'd hoped. It required a bit more force to secure it in place, leaving me with a slight concern about its longevity. Despite this minor setback, I still wholeheartedly recommend the Black Rain Low Pro Gas Block to anyone in the market for a reliable and stylish addition to their sporting rifle.

🔗Portable 5 lb Steel CO2 Cylinder with CGA320 Valve

I recently had the chance to use this 5-pound steel CO2 cylinder for my brewing needs, and I must say, it's a reliable and sturdy little tank. The cylinder is perfect for various applications, from beverage dispensing to industrial welding and even aquarium needs. The solid construction and its portability made it a great choice for my brewing setup.
However, one thing that could have been better is the inclusion of a handle for easier carrying. Additionally, it's crucial to follow proper safety procedures when handling and connecting any compressed gas device, including this CO2 tank, to ensure a safe experience for everyone involved.

🔗High-Performance Steel CO2 Cylinder

During the past few weeks, I've been using this 5 lb CO2 Cylinder in my daily life. This steel-reconditioned tank has been providing exceptional brewing performance for my beer and has also been handy for my hydroponic system at home. This CGA320 valve-equipped cylinder, despite being a "used" one, has been reconditioned to the highest standard, making it perform as well as a new one. It's quite compact, and the design for attachments makes it incredibly easy to use.
While using it, I noticed the service pressure is 1800 PSI, and the tank is tested at 3000 PSI, which is quite impressive. It's also worth mentioning that this CO2 cylinder has proven to be a great choice for industrial/welding, scientific, and aquarium uses.
Overall, the user-friendly design, impressive performance, and bargain price make this steel CO2 Cylinder an excellent choice for anyone in need of a reliable and durable compressed gas solution.

🔗Durable and ASME Vertical Propane Tank for Home and Business Use

I've been using this Flame King propane tank for quite some time now, and let me tell you, it's been a game changer for my outdoor entertaining needs. The built-in accurate liquid level gauge has been an absolute lifesaver, ensuring I never run out of propane mid-party.
What really stands out is the quality of the valves. I especially love the 1.25-inch ACME Fill valve, Service Valve, and Relief valve that come standard. Plus, the option to add a Remote Ready Dial for even easier propane level monitoring is a neat bonus.
And let's not forget about the durability. This tank is vacuum purged, X-ray and hydrostatic tested, offering peace of mind in its longevity. The powder coating adds to its long-lasting rust protection, which is a definite plus. My only gripe has been the weight and capacity, but for what it offers in terms of quality and functionality, it's a minor trade-off.
Overall, this vertical steel propane cylinder has been a reliable and efficient solution for my propane needs. Highly recommend!

🔗New 20 lb Aluminum N2O Tank with Handle: High-Capacity, Durable, and Lightweight Nitrous Oxide Gas Cylinder

I recently got my hands on this impressive 20 lb aluminum N2O cylinder. It's not just the right size for a variety of uses, but also incredibly handy when it comes to transport.
What stood out to me was its corrosion-resistant aluminum body and engineered alloy design. This cylinder is not just sturdy, but also lightweight, making it easy to handle.
The brushed exterior finish added a touch of elegance and durability. However, I noticed that the service pressure and internal volume aren't ideal for everyone.
But overall, this is a great option for those seeking a versatile N2O cylinder in a medium-sized package.

🔗AR-15 and AR-10 Gas Block Fixture with Roll Pin Starter

I've been using this AR-15 Gas Block Fixture with Roll Pin Starter Punch for a while now and it's really made a difference in my AR-15 and AR-10 assemblies. The fixture ensures that the gas block stays in place during assembly, making the job more efficient and accurate.
The roll pin starter punch has been a lifesaver, reducing the struggle of starting the roll pin. Of course, there are a few cons like the tool's size which can make it a bit tricky to handle at times. But overall, this fixture is a reliable and handy tool for any AR-15 or AR-10 assembly.

Buyer's Guide

An A2 Gas Block is an essential accessory for anyone using an A2 rifle. It acts as a crucial connection between the gas system and the rifle, ensuring optimal performance in shooting. There are various aspects to consider when purchasing an A2 Gas Block, including its material, length, and compatibility with your specific firearm.



When it comes to the material of the A2 Gas Block, stainless steel is the most common and popular choice. It provides excellent durability, longevity, and corrosion resistance, which is crucial for the lifespan of the gas block and the overall performance of your rifle. If you're looking for a lightweight alternative, titanium is also a viable option that boasts similar properties.


The length of the A2 Gas Block is another critical factor to consider. A primary reason for changing a stock gas block is to adjust the gas system to enhance either the rifle's function or your preference. Short gas blocks will result in a quicker cycling time, making it easier to get back on target after firing a shot. On the other hand, longer gas blocks offer a smoother shooting experience, reducing recoil and improving accuracy.



Before making a purchase, ensure the A2 Gas Block you choose is compatible with your specific rifle model and caliber. Many A2 gas blocks are built to universal specifications, but some manufacture different ones for specific rifle models. This compatibility issue is essential to ensure flawless integration and smooth functionality upon installation.

Third-Party Accessories

A wide range of third-party accessories is available for the A2 Gas Block to fine-tune its performance and functionality. Some popular accessories include front sight rails, bipods, slings, and more. Research these additions to enhance your experience with your A2 Gas Block and rifle. Just remember to confirm compatibility before making any purchases.


Maintenance and Cleaning

Proper maintenance and cleaning of your A2 Gas Block are crucial for ensuring optimal performance and longevity. Ensure your gas block is free from obstructions or debris, keeping it clean and lubricated. Follow the recommended cleaning procedures from the manufacturer to maintain the quality of your A2 Gas Block.
When purchasing an A2 Gas Block, consider factors like material, length, and compatibility to ensure it meets your specific needs and enhances the performance of your A2 rifle. By investing in a high-quality A2 Gas Block and following proper maintenance procedures, you'll be able to enjoy an exceptional shooting experience with your A2 rifle.



What is an A2 Gas Block?

An A2 Gas Block (also known as A2 gas reduction) is a device used to regulate the flow of gas in firearms, particularly in rifle or shotgun systems. Its primary purpose is to ensure a steady gas flow, thus improving accuracy, reliability, and overall performance of the firearm. The A2 Gas Block is an upgrade from the traditional A1 Gas Block and offers several enhancements.

What are the benefits of using an A2 Gas Block?

The A2 Gas Block offers several advantages:
  • Improved accuracy: By regulating the gas flow, it helps to reduce the recoil felt by the shooter, resulting in more precise shots.
  • Better reliability: An A2 Gas Block enhances the reliability of the firearm by ensuring consistent gas flow, even in harsh conditions.
  • Enhanced performance: Combined with other upgrades, an A2 Gas Block can significantly improve the overall performance of your firearm, making it more efficient and effective on the range or in the field.

Which firearms can benefit from using an A2 Gas Block?

An A2 Gas Block can be used on various firearms designed to shoot 5.56mm NATO or similar caliber ammunition, such as:
  • AR15/M4
  • AR10/M1A
  • AR9
  • And other compatible firearms

Is installation easy?

Yes, installing an A2 Gas Block is relatively simple and can be done by following the manufacturer's instructions. Most upgrades require minimal tools, and the process typically involves unscrewing the existing gas block and replacing it with the new A2 Gas Block.

What is the pricing range for A2 Gas Blocks?

The pricing for A2 Gas Blocks can vary depending on the brand, quality, and features. On average, they can range from $30 to $60, although prices may be different according to the specific model and retailer.

Do I need any other upgrades alongside the A2 Gas Block?

While the A2 Gas Block offers significant improvements on its own, integrating it with other high-quality upgrades can further enhance the performance and durability of your firearm. Some popular upgrades include barrels, triggers, and handguards, but the specific upgrades will depend on your desired outcome and the type of firearm being used.
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Customers like the appearance, ease of use, noise and navigation of the robotic vacuum cleaner. For example, they mention it looks really nice, is easy to connect and use, and operates quietly. Some appreciate the smart navigation and self-emptying station. That said, opinions are mixed on performance.
AI-generated from the text of customer reviews

  • 🔵【USLAM Air 5.0 & LiDAR Navigation】Equipped with the latest completely self-developed USLAM Air 5.0 algorithm and LiDAR navigation system, that creates accurate maps and smart sweeping routes, avoiding repetition and omissions. The AIRROBO T20+ robot vacuum can sense obstacles the whole body encounters, 360° anti-collision and fall prevention, such as walls, stairs, toys, and obstacles, to avoid falling downstairs or getting stuck.
  • 🔵【Hassle-Free Self-Emptying Station】Enjoy up to 60 days of hands-free cleaning. The AIRROBO T20+ self emptying base station is equipped with a 3.5L dust bag capacity. The 26,000Pa suction vacuum base station efficiently empties the collected dirt and debris into the dust bag, ensuring uninterrupted cleaning sessions.
  • 🔵【3 in 1 Sweeping & Vacuuming & Mopping】The robot vacuum and mop combo with a 350ml dust box and 340ml water tank, allowing you to effortlessly switch between vacuuming and mopping modes. Equipped with 4-level suction modes and 3-level water output, ensures optimal cleaning results on different types of floors. Sit back, and enjoy a convenient and hassle-free cleaning experience.
  • 🔵【Floating Main Brush & HEPA Filter】The robot vacuum has a removable all-rubber floating main brush with HEPA Filter, which stays closer to the floor and reduces tangle of hair, also has powerful suction, and pet hair and garbage have nowhere to escape. Ultra-thin 3.7-inch profile robot vacuum into every corner and cranny. The operating noise is less than 65 dB, great for babies and pets.
  • 🔵【180Mins Runtime & Self-Charging】Up to 180 minutes, with a battery capacity of 3200mAh. Extra-long battery life allows the mopping and vacuuming robot can work in a 2200 sqft house. The robot vacuum for carpet auto returns to the charging station once the battery is Low.
  • 🔵【Smart App & Voice & Remote Control】Via Smart App to set the cleaning schedule, change the cleaning modes, suction levels, etc. You can create No-Go Zones to keep it from getting stuck in narrow spaces and virtual walls to prevent it from entering particular areas. The home robot vacuum can be controlled via the App/Remote/Alexa/Google Assistant. *Only support 2.4GHz WiFi.
  • 🔵【What You Get】Automatic dust collection station, robot vacuum cleaner, water tank, HEPA filter, mop cloth, wiper module, dust bag, remote control, side brush, warranty card, user manual. Professional customer service and 12-month warranty. If the vacuum cleaner cannot be turned on when you receive it, please charge it for 15 minutes and then try again.
submitted by Bochai127 to AmazonDealsSavers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:12 Stage-Piercing727 Best 12000 Lumen Flashlight

Best 12000 Lumen Flashlight

Are you in need of a bright and reliable flashlight for your next outdoor adventure? Look no further! In this article, we have compiled a roundup of the top 12000 Lumen flashlights on the market, designed to illuminate even the darkest of paths. From durability to versatility, each flashlight on our list has been carefully selected to ensure that you find the perfect fit for your needs. So, let's dive in and discover the best 12000 Lumen flashlights to help you see clearly and confidently in any situation.

The Top 18 Best 12000 Lumen Flashlight

  1. Mighty Nebo 12K Rechargeable LED Flashlight: Powerful and Versatile - Impeccably designed, the NEBO 12K Rechargeable Flashlight offers a powerful, rechargeable, and versatile lighting solution for adventurers and professionals alike.
  2. 990,000 Lumen Rechargeable Flashlight: Waterproof, Portable, & Durable High-Lumen LED Light - Experience unmatched brightness and durability with the 990,000-lumen rechargeable flashlight, packed with essential features like a 12000mAh battery, USB fast charging, and waterproof design, making it the perfect companion for outdoor enthusiasts.
  3. Portable 12000 Lumen LED Work Light for Indoor and Outdoor Use - Illuminate your workspace with ease thanks to the Husky 12000 Lumens/6000 Lumens Portable LED Work Light, offering a slim, portable design with a pivoting adjustable head and durable, cool-to-the-touch LED bulb, perfect for both indoor and outdoor use.
  4. WUBEN X1 LED Flashlight: Super Bright, Waterproof, and Durable - Experience unparalleled brightness with the WUBEN X1 Rechargeable Flashlight, offering 12000 lumens, 7 programmable modes, and fast charging capabilities making it the ultimate super-bright tactical flashlight for all your adventures.
  5. Powerful Super Bright USB Rechargeable Flashlight with 12000 Lumens - YXQUA XHP70 12000 Lumen Flashlight: Super Bright, USB Rechargeable Powerhouse, Adjustable Focus, Durable Rubber Cover, Ideal for Emergencies and Outdoor Activities
  6. Ultra-Bright 12000 Lumen Flashlight for Emergency and Outdoor Use - Experience ultimate brightness with the SKNSL Rechargeable LED Flashlight, offering 120000 lumens and IPX6 waterproof protection, making it a versatile choice for all outdoor adventures.
  7. 100000 Lumen High-Powered LED Flashlight with Rechargeable Battery and IPX6 Waterproof Design - Rechargeable 100000 Lumen Flashlight with Advanced XHP99 LED, Power Bank Charging, and IPX6 Waterproof Durability for Camping, Mountaineering, and Emergency Use!
  8. Super Bright 12000 Lumen Fenix LR50R Rechargeable Flashlight - Experience unparalleled brightness and convenience with the Fenix LR50R rechargeable flashlight, boasting a stunning 12000 lumen output, versatile power sources, and an array of features perfect for any outdoor adventure.
  9. Ultimate 12000 Lumen Waterproof Flashlight for Emergency and Outdoor Use - Illuminate the world with the Vastfire Worlds Brightest Heavy Duty Flashlight, featuring 100,000 lumens and a versatile 4-in-1 design for outdoor adventures, camping, emergency situations, and everyday use.
  10. ULTRA BRIGHT WUBEN A9: High Lumens Flashlight with Type-C Rechargeable Battery - Experience unmatched brilliance with the WUBEN A9 12000 lumen flashlight - perfect for outdoor adventures with impressive beam distance and multiple adaptable lighting modes.
  11. Bright and Powerful 12000 Lumen Flashlight - Illuminate your surroundings with the WUBEN A9, a powerful 12,000-lumen flashlight designed for maximum brightness and exceptional beam throw.
  12. Super Bright Solar-Charged Spotlight with Multi-Mode Functionality - Experience ultimate brightness with the Victoper Spotlight, featuring 200,000 lumens, 12,000 mAh rechargeable battery, solar charging, 6+3 versatile modes, and extra accessories.
  13. Ultra Bright Handheld 12000 Lumen LED Flashlight with Rechargeable Battery - Perfect for Camping, Hiking, and Hunting - Experience superior brightness and ease with the Decovolt Rechargeable Spotlight, featuring 12000 Lumens, IPX4 waterproof protection, and a 10000mAh long-lasting battery for all your outdoor adventures.
  14. Extra Bright, Waterproof Rechargeable Flashlight for Emergency and Outdoor Use - Unleash the YIERBLUE's power with a 12000 Lumen Flashlight, boasting IP67 waterproof technology, long-running LED, and versatile 4-setting functionality, making it your perfect hands-free LED companion in nature!
  15. High Lumens Rechargeable LED Flashlight for Bright and Wide Vision - Experience unmatched brightness and versatility with the lemihui 120000 lumen rechargeable LED flashlight, featuring 5 lighting modes, durable aluminum alloy construction, and a portable design that makes it the last flashlight you'll ever need.
  16. Nitecore TM12K 12,000 Lumen Rechargeable Flashlight: The Ultimate Outdoor Companion - The Nitecore TM12K is a powerful, rechargeable flashlight with advanced features, providing an impressive 12,000 lumen output, making it perfect for diverse outdoor activities, while boasting USB-C fast charging and customizable options.
  17. SamYoung Super Bright LED Flashlight with Waterproof Design and 30-Hour Runtime - Brighten your world with the SamYoung Spotlight 12000 Lumen Flashlight, featuring a massive 10000 mAh battery and IP65 waterproof design, providing 30 hours of illumination and unmatched durability!
  18. Upgraded Rechargeable Flashlight: Super-Bright 12000 Lumen, IP67 Waterproof, 5 Light Modes, & Up to 1000ft Cast with Zoomable Capability - Illuminate your surroundings with ease! This rechargeable 120,000 Lumen flashlight features 5 lighting modes, zoomable spotlight, and an upgraded Type-C charge cable, now waterproof and durable for any adventure.
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🔗Mighty Nebo 12K Rechargeable LED Flashlight: Powerful and Versatile

As a flashlight enthusiast, I recently had the chance to try out the Nebo 12K Rechargeable Flashlight, and let me tell you, it did not disappoint. This flashlight boasts 5 different light modes, making it a versatile companion for any outdoor activity or emergency situation.
The highlight of this rechargeable flashlight is its impressive run time, particularly in low mode. With 12 hours of use on low mode, you can be sure it will last during those long power outages or camping trips. Not only does it have a long run time, but it also provides a powerful beam that reaches up to 721 feet.
One feature I appreciated was the 2x adjustable zoom, which allows for flexibility and precision when illuminating a subject. Additionally, the IP67 waterproof rating gave me peace of mind when using the flashlight in wet conditions, knowing it would not easily malfunction.
The NEBO 12K truly shines as a multi-purpose tool, effectively functioning as a camping light, hunting light, EDC flashlight, and even doubling as a power bank for your USB-rechargeable devices.
There were a couple of drawbacks, however. The flashlight itself can be quite heavy, weighing in at 2 pounds, which may be a consideration for some users. The high setting only reaches up to 3,000 lumens, which might not be the brightest available on the market.
In summary, the Nebo 12K Rechargeable Flashlight offers versatility, durability, and an impressive beam distance, making it an excellent choice for outdoor enthusiasts and emergency preparedness. The only downside is its weight and the relatively low lumen capacity on the highest mode, but overall, I am quite pleased with my experience using this flashlight.

🔗990,000 Lumen Rechargeable Flashlight: Waterproof, Portable, & Durable High-Lumen LED Light

I recently tried using this Super Bright LED Flashlight during a camping trip, and I must admit, it was an impressive and necessary piece of gear for my outdoor explorations. With a maximum output of 990,000 lumens, it was brighter than most of my other flashlights combined. The upgraded LED chip and battery really made a difference.
One of the standout features of this high-lumen rechargeable flashlight was the large 12000mAh battery that allowed for up to 24 hours of continuous operation at low light mode. It was perfect for nighttime hikes or scouting while navigating through dense forests. The fast charging port was also a nice touch, significantly speeding up the charging process.
I enjoyed the fact that this flashlight had 4 modes - high, medium, low, and strobe - which were incredibly useful in different situations. The easy-to-use switch made it simple to toggle between modes and turn off after use. The durable yet lightweight construction, coupled with its waterproof design, made it a suitable companion for any adventure.
Overall, my experience with the Super Bright LED Flashlight was both exhilarating and eye-opening, as it truly illuminated the darkness and provided comfort on my camping trip. The superior performance, versatility, and safety standards, along with the great after-sales service, make this a must-have piece of gear for any outdoor enthusiast.

🔗Portable 12000 Lumen LED Work Light for Indoor and Outdoor Use

In my search for a portable work light, I came across the Husky 12000 Lumens LED light. With its 5 ft grounded power cord, I found it extremely practical for use both indoors and outdoors. The pivoting, adjustable head provided me with the flexibility to direct the light exactly where I needed it.
One of the features that stood out to me was its LED bulb, which not only illuminates my workspace effectively but also remains cool to the touch. The work light is also plug-in, making it easy to keep it powered during long work sessions without the need for constantly replacing batteries.
The sturdiness of the light impressed me. Despite its portability, it has a solid construction that helped me achieve a steady working environment. This light truly deserves the 5.0 rating that is so highly praised by its users. It's become an essential part of my daily toolkit, and I highly recommend giving it a try.

🔗WUBEN X1 LED Flashlight: Super Bright, Waterproof, and Durable

I recently tried out the WUBEN X1 Rechargeable Flashlight and was completely blown away by its incredible brightness. With up to 12000 lumens, this torch definitely lit up my path like a beacon. It's equipped with 3 high-quality LEDs, which burst into a blinding light instantly. The 7 modes and programmable settings let you customize its output to fit your needs perfectly.
Charging this flashlight is a breeze, thanks to its ultra-fast charging ability. The Type-C to Type-C charging cable enables a quick 27W charge, fully powering the built-in batteries in just two hours. With a maximum running time of up to 220 hours in energy-saving mode, you'll never have to worry about being left in the dark.
The WUBEN X1's design is incredibly comfortable and practical. Its flat, ergonomic shape fits perfectly in your hand, making it a pleasure to use. It even comes with a storage bag and paratrooper lanyard for added convenience.
One of the standout features of this flashlight is its durability. Made from hard-anodized aerospace-grade aluminum alloy, it can withstand any punishment you throw at it. Plus, with an IP55 waterproof rating, you can use it fearlessly in the rain.
Overall, the WUBEN X1 Rechargeable Flashlight is an impressive piece of kit that provides both convenience and reliability. It's definitely a must-have for outdoor enthusiasts and those in need of a versatile, high-quality torch.

🔗Powerful Super Bright USB Rechargeable Flashlight with 12000 Lumens

The YXQUA XHP70 12000 Lumen Flashlight has been a reliable companion during my hiking trips and late-night walks. The bright CREE XHP70 LED lamp illuminated my way through the darkness, while the zoom feature allowed me to control the brightness intensity and illumination range. With its five modes, I could choose the perfect setting for any situation, and the intelligent power indicator light never let me down with low battery reminders.
One particularly impressive feature was the built-in rubber USB cover; it not only added durability to the flashlight but also made it less prone to accidents. While adjusting the focus and brightness was a simple and straightforward process, one downside was the tendency of the glass not to cool down quickly, which could potentially burn my hand.
Using this flashlight has been enjoyable and convenient, fulfilling its purpose as a powerful, rechargeable, and versatile light to keep away darkness and danger.

🔗Ultra-Bright 12000 Lumen Flashlight for Emergency and Outdoor Use

These SKNSL Rechargeable LED Flashlights truly shine with their impressive 900,000 lumen output, providing brightness you can count on. I was particularly drawn to the 7 modes, making it a versatile choice for all kinds of adventures.
One thing I really appreciated is the use of COB technology in these flashlights. It made the focus easily adjustable, switching between wide range and spot illumination, greatly aiding in my detection of surroundings.
However, it did take some getting used to with handling the light for long periods of time due to the intense brightness, which felt more like a sun's intense glare.
But overall, these LED flashlights provide a powerful and rechargeable source of light in emergencies or during your outdoor treks. With their IP6 waterproof rating and strong aluminum alloy body, they are built to handle any weather or situation.

🔗100000 Lumen High-Powered LED Flashlight with Rechargeable Battery and IPX6 Waterproof Design

I've been using this super bright and versatile flashlight for all sorts of outdoor activities, and let me tell you, it's been a lifesaver! The XHP99 LED chip provides a whopping 100,000 lumens, making it perfect for lighting up even the darkest of corners.
One of my favorite features is the advanced rechargeable design - not only do I save on batteries, but the charging speed is lightning fast! And the multiple output functions let me power up my phone in a pinch or use it as a tool during emergencies. Plus, the large capacity battery keeps the flashlight going strong for at least 8-12 hours thanks to the included 5000mAh lithium batteries.
But hey, don't let the powerful performance fool you - this flashlight is incredibly durable and waterproof, making it just as great for camping, mountaineering, or any outdoor adventure. And with its adjustable focus and 5 different lighting modes, it's the ultimate tool for whatever situation you find yourself in. So if you're looking for the ultimate, rechargeable, super-bright flashlight, look no further!

🔗Super Bright 12000 Lumen Fenix LR50R Rechargeable Flashlight

I had the chance to try out the Fenix LR50R rechargeable flashlight, and let me tell you, it's a game-changer. This little powerhouse puts out a whopping 12,000 lumens - brighter than any flashlight I've ever owned. But what impresses me the most is its versatility. It's perfect for search and rescue, but I've also found it handy for when I need a little extra light while camping.
The Fenix LR50R is easy to use, too. With dual stainless steel side switches, you can quickly cycle through its six brightness modes and SOS, beacon, and strobe functions. The built-in tripod mount is a nice touch, making it convenient to use in different settings.
Now, let's talk about the battery life. The included 16,000 mAh battery pack can be fast-charged with the USB Type-C charging cable, and it has enough juice to keep the flashlight running for over 58 hours on eco mode. Plus, the LR50R can also be powered by one to four 21700 batteries, making it a great backup for when your primary battery dies.
The Fenix LR50R isn't without its minor cons, though. It's definitely on the heavier side, so it might not be the best option for those who prefer a lighter flashlight. Also, while the flashlight itself is well-made, the included accessories could use some improvement - I found the holster and lanyard a bit flimsy.
Overall, the Fenix LR50R rechargeable flashlight is a powerful and versatile tool that's perfect for those who need a reliable light source in any situation. Its high lumen output, easy-to-use interface, and long battery life make it a standout choice among other flashlights on the market.

🔗Ultimate 12000 Lumen Waterproof Flashlight for Emergency and Outdoor Use


As I embarked on a camping trip, my go-to companion was the Vastfire World's flashlight - a powerful 100,000 lumen marvel. Its large 10000mAh capacity kept me lit up for the entire journey, and its adjustable focus allowed me to easily switch from wide-angle to long-range illumination.
The four different brightness modes were perfect for various situations, and the OLED power display ensured I never ran out of battery. The side white and red lantern was a lifesaver during nighttime endeavors, providing both powerful light and useful features like emergency red strobe.
This flashlight even doubled as a portable power bank, giving extra life to my devices! The window breaking functionality was an unexpected and reassuring bonus, and the IPX6 waterproof feature made sure the elements never got the better of it.
My Vastfire Worlds flashlight truly became my indispensable tool on outdoor adventures, camping trips, and nighttime tasks. It was reliable, versatile, and portable, making it the ultimate must-have.

🔗ULTRA BRIGHT WUBEN A9: High Lumens Flashlight with Type-C Rechargeable Battery

I recently got my hands on the WUBEN A9 flashlight and let me tell you, it was a delightful experience. The first thing that caught my attention was its ultrabright light. It's powered by a custom 10200 mAh rechargeable battery pack that can emit up to 12000 lumens of output.
This flashlight comes with a multitude of lighting modes. It has 4 basic modes: Turbo/High/Med/Low, and 2 modes for emergency: SOS/Strobe. The side switch design allows me to operate the flashlight with just one hand.
What I truly appreciate about this flashlight is its rechargeable feature. It can be charged via a Type-C charging cable, making it eco-friendly and budget-friendly. When fully charged, the flashlight can last up to 3.6 hours in Turbo mode and up to 23 days in Low mode.
The durability of this flashlight is top-notch. It's made of hard anodizing aircraft grade aluminum alloy and is IP68 waterproof and dustproof.
In the package, you get the flashlight, a 10200 mAh rechargeable battery, a shoulder strap, a Type-C charging cable, an adapter, 2 spare O-rings, and a user manual.
Overall, the WUBEN A9 is a reliable, ultra-bright, and eco-friendly flashlight that's perfect for all your outdoor adventures.

🔗Bright and Powerful 12000 Lumen Flashlight

I recently had the chance to try out the WUBEN A9, a high power flashlight. With an impressive 12,000 lumen output and a maximum beam throw of 420 meters, this flashlight was designed to shine brightly and far. In my daily life, I often found myself reaching for this flashlight when I needed extra light during camping trips or late-night walks.
What stood out the most about the WUBEN A9 was the quality of the three LED chips, which provided a beautiful wide beam. At the same time, the flashlight was incredibly powerful, making it a great choice for situations that required a bit more illumination. However, there were a few areas where I felt the flashlight could have been better.
One con was the battery life, which could be improved for long-term use. Additionally, the user interface required some getting used to, and I felt that there might have been a simpler way to navigate through the various settings.
Overall, the WUBEN A9 is a reliable and powerful flashlight that offers enough light for those who require it. With its unique wide beam and maximum lumen output, it's perfect for those looking for a bright and practical light source in their daily lives.

🔗Super Bright Solar-Charged Spotlight with Multi-Mode Functionality

When I tried the Victoper Spotlight flashlight, I was blown away by how incredibly bright it was. The 2624 feet (800m) irradiation distance made it perfect for all kinds of occasions.
And the 12,000 mAh large capacity battery meant it never ran out of charge—even for an entire night! . Charging it during the day using solar power was an added bonus.
The various modes, including Strong Light and Weak Light, plus side modes like Strong Light and RED-BLUE Strobe, made it extremely versatile. Not only that, but getting extra accessories with my purchase was a fantastic added touch. Overall, the Victoper Spotlight was an essential tool for all my brightness needs.

🔗Ultra Bright Handheld 12000 Lumen LED Flashlight with Rechargeable Battery - Perfect for Camping, Hiking, and Hunting

This ultra-bright handheld spotlight from Decovolt boasts a powerful 12000 lumen LED that generates a focused spot beam, illuminating distances up to 2600ft/800m. Its unique rechargeable design offers three adaptable settings - High, Low, and Flash - and an impressive battery capacity of 10000 mAh. The ergonomic handle and low weight ensure comfort and long-lasting use without fatigue.
With its high-quality ABS plastic construction, this flashlight is designed to withstand the elements as well, with an IPX4 waterproof rating. Ideal for a range of outdoor activities like hiking, camping, and hunting, its durability and versatility make it a must-have for anyone seeking reliable, bright lighting.

🔗Extra Bright, Waterproof Rechargeable Flashlight for Emergency and Outdoor Use

Last month, I decided to give the Yierblue Rechargeable Spotlight Flashlight a try during one of my usual camping trips. At first, I was skeptical about its claimed brightness, but it truly was extra bright compared to the small models I've used before. The LED light had a lifespan of 50,000 hours, which was impressive considering how often I used it, and its 1000,000 lumen beam was able to cast light up to an incredible 550 yards.
One of the features I found particularly helpful was its IP67 waterproof and floating ability. I submerged it into the river near my campsite by accident, but not only did it perform like a charm, but it actually floated back up to the surface! This added layer of durability was a definite pro, especially when paired with the High strength ABS housing and silicone protective case.
The flashlight's versatile capabilities added even more convenience to my outdoor adventures. With an output port that served as a power bank to charge my devices in emergencies and built-in 10000 mAh batteries, I was confident I would never be left in the dark. The 4 adaptable light settings made it suitable for various activities, from working on a farm to hunting or simply providing hands-free lighting.
Despite all its advantages, one thing I did notice was that the flashlight tended to be quite heavy in comparison to others, making it less ideal for extended periods of use or carrying around on long hikes. Additionally, though the provided red filter was great for specific purposes, such as hunting, I would've appreciated a more adjustable or easily removable feature to further customize the light.
On the whole, my experience with the Yierblue Rechargeable Spotlight Flashlight has been a pleasant one. The brightness, waterproofing, and versatility of the device made it a valuable addition to my camping gear, while its weight and filter issues were minor inconveniences. Overall, I would recommend this flashlight for anyone in need of a heavy-duty, extra bright light for their outdoor adventures.

Buyer's Guide

When it comes to choosing a 12000 Lumen flashlight, there are several factors to consider to ensure you're getting a high-quality product that meets your needs. In this buyer's guide, we will provide you with the important features, considerations, and general advice to help you make an informed decision.

Important Features


The primary feature to look for in a 12000 Lumen flashlight is, of course, the brightness. This amount of light output is suitable for various environments, including camping, hiking, emergency situations, and even industrial settings. Always check the manufacturer's specifications to ensure the flashlight delivers the advertised brightness.


Weight and Portability

A 12000 Lumen flashlight can be quite heavy, so consider the weight and portability when making your decision. If you plan to carry the flashlight frequently, choose one with a comfortable grip and a balance of size, weight, and power. Additionally, consider whether the flashlight comes with a carrying case, holster, or any other accessories that may aid in portability.


Since a 12000 Lumen flashlight is likely to be used in outdoor or rugged environments, durability is crucial. Look for a flashlight with a sturdy, waterproof, and shock-resistant build. Check the materials and construction, as well as the manufacturer's warranty, to ensure the product can withstand the wear and tear of everyday use.

Battery Life

A 12000 Lumen flashlight requires a significant amount of power. As such, it's essential to consider the battery life. High-capacity rechargeable batteries are usually recommended for these types of flashlights. Additionally, a fast charging time and the ability to use replaceable batteries can be great advantages.

Beam Type and Beam Pattern

Different flashlight models come with different beam types and patterns. A focused beam is ideal for long-distance illumination, while a wider beam pattern is better for close-up tasks. Consider the activities you'll be using the flashlight for and choose one with a beam type and pattern that suits your needs.


Additional Features

Some 12000 Lumen flashlights come with additional features, such as strobe or SOS functions, multiple brightness levels, waterproofness, and even built-in charging ports. Evaluate which features are most important to you and choose a flashlight that meets your preferences.



Before making your purchase, establish a budget. While a high-quality 12000 Lumen flashlight may come with a higher price tag, always consider whether the product offers value for money. Additionally, factor in any additional costs for carrying cases, batteries, or other accessories.

Brand Reputation

Do some research on the brand's reputation, customer reviews, and overall satisfaction with their products. A trusted brand with positive reviews is more likely to provide a high-quality and reliable 12000 Lumen flashlight.


Warranty and Support

A good warranty and customer support can give you peace of mind when purchasing a 12000 Lumen flashlight. Typically, flashlights with longer warranties and accessible support channels demonstrate a manufacturer's confidence in their product.

General Advice

When choosing a 12000 Lumen flashlight, consider your needs and preferences to make an educated decision. Don't be afraid to ask questions or seek advice from knowledgeable sources, such as experienced outdoorsmen, reviewers, or sales representatives. Additionally, always read the product manual and follow the manufacturer's guidelines to ensure safe and optimal use.


What is a 12000 Lumen Flashlight?

A 12000 Lumen Flashlight is a highly powerful and bright flashlight that can illuminate large areas or objects in complete darkness. It is designed for use in emergency situations, hunting, camping, outdoor activities, or any scenario where a powerful light source is needed.


What are the advantages of a 12000 Lumen Flashlight?

  • Extremely bright light
  • Long battery life
  • Compact and portable design
  • Various modes and settings
  • Durable and rugged construction

What types of 12000 Lumen Flashlights are available?

There are several types of 12000 Lumen Flashlights, including handheld flashlights, headlamp flashlights, and rechargeable flashlights. Some models may have additional features such as retractable clips, built-in backup batteries, or waterproof designs.

Are 12000 Lumen Flashlights expensive?

Prices for 12000 Lumen Flashlights can vary based on brand, features, and quality. While some higher-end models may be more expensive, there are also budget-friendly options available that still deliver impressive performance.

How do I choose the right 12000 Lumen Flashlight for my needs?

  • Consider the size and weight of the flashlight
  • Think about what features are important to you (e. g. , rechargeability, battery life, waterproofing)
  • Read reviews and compare prices of different models
  • Determine your budget

How long does the battery last in a 12000 Lumen Flashlight?

Battery life in a 12000 Lumen Flashlight can vary greatly depending on the model and how it is used. Some flashlights may have a battery life of just a few hours, while others can last up to 50 hours or more. Always refer to the manufacturer's specifications for accurate battery life information.

What is the difference between a 12000 Lumen Flashlight and a lower-lumen flashlight?

The primary difference between a 12000 Lumen Flashlight and a lower-lumen flashlight is the amount of light they produce. A 12000 Lumen Flashlight is significantly brighter than a lower-lumen flashlight, allowing it to illuminate larger areas or objects in complete darkness more effectively.

Are 12000 Lumen Flashlights safe and reliable to use?

Yes, 12000 Lumen Flashlights are generally safe and reliable to use. However, as with any powerful tool, it is essential to follow proper safety guidelines and handle the flashlight responsibly. Always keep your eyes protected from the bright light and avoid pointing the flashlight at others.

Where can I purchase a 12000 Lumen Flashlight?

You can purchase a 12000 Lumen Flashlight from various retailers, both online and in-store. Some popular options include Amazon, Walmart, and outdoor gear stores. Make sure to read product reviews and compare prices before making a purchase.
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2024.06.02 05:53 ConsequenceSure3063 Best 4500 Psi Compressor

Best 4500 Psi Compressor

Get ready to discover the ultimate power tool for your DIY projects. In this article, we present a comprehensive review of the top-rated 4500 Psi compressors on the market. Our aim is to provide you with the most reliable and efficient compressors, so you can take on your toughest jobs with confidence.

The Top 17 Best 4500 Psi Compressor

  1. Portable Electric PCP Air Rifle Pump (Open-Box) - The VEVOR PCP Air Rifle Pump delivers high-performance and versatility, boasting 4500psi, automatic shut-off, and robust built-in wateoil adapter fan features for its price range.
  2. High-Performance 4500 PSI Air Compressor with Water Cooling and Premium Details - The VEVOR 30mPa/4500psi High Pressure Air Compressor offers high performance, water cooling heat dissipation, and an upgrade metal front shell for premium durability and portability while effectively filling air tanks in a wide range of applications.
  3. TUXING High-Pressure 4500psi Air Compressor with Water-Oil Separator - The TUXING 4500psi PCP Air Compressor is an efficient, high-quality solution for filling various capacities of bottles, ensuring clean air through its built-in dual filter system and providing excellent safety features for a long-lasting performance.
  4. Powerful Electric Air Compressor for Rifles and Accessories - An efficient, high-power electric air compressor that allows for fast and convenient airfilling of PCP air rifles, paintball tanks, and more, with a reliable cooling system and customizable oil options.
  5. Air Venturi Krypton Portable 4500 PSI Compressor - Efficient and versatile, the Air Venturi Krypton 4500 PSI Compressor delivers faster fill times, advanced moisture filtration, and an improved temperature gauge, perfect for PCP airguns, airsoft, and paintball tank users.
  6. Versatile Portable 4500 Psi Air Compressor with Easy Inflation and Auto-Stop - The VEVOR PCP Air Compressor offers real-time pressure and temperature readings, auto-stop functionality, and a built-in power converter for versatile home and outdoor use, making it a reliable choice for diverse inflation needs.
  7. Portable 4500 PSI PCP Compressor with Integrated LED Lights - Experience the convenience and versatility of the Air Venturi Nomad III 4500 PSI Portable PCP Compressor, with its high pressures, low maintenance, adjustable auto-shutoff, and energy-efficient features.
  8. High-Power Portable Compressor for Airguns and Paintball - The Benjamin Recharge 4500 PSI Compressor delivers impressive filling speeds, quickly providing 4500psi in just 14 minutes - perfect for efficiently filling a CHCAT tank in no time!
  9. Portable PCP Air Compressor with Built-in Fan and Oil/Water Separator - Versatile 4500 PSI VEVOR PCP Air Rifle Pump compressor with built-in fan, oil/water separator, and quick connector for a diverse range of outdoor and indoor needs.
  10. Vevor 4500 Psi Portable Compressor with Built-in Fan and Auto-Stop for Diverse Uses - The VEVOR PCP Air Compressor effortlessly delivers 4500 Psi pressure, ensuring smooth operation and quick filling of scuba tanks.
  11. Powerful & Compact 4500 Psi PCP Air Compressor - VEVOR PCP Air Compressor offers precise inflation, rapid fill times, and exceptional stability for efficient and hassle-free paintball gun maintenance in both home and outdoor settings.
  12. Powerful Portable PCP Air Compressor for High-Pressure Applications - The TUXING PCP Air Compressor offers a portable and lightweight solution with an adjustable pressure gauge, powered by both home and car voltage sources, and featuring a water and oil-free design for convenience and ease of use.
  13. Powerful 4500 Psi Air Compressor for Paintball and PCP Guns - VEVOR PCP Air Compressor - A Portable, Fast, and Stable Solution for Inflating Your Paintball Guns and Scuba Diving Bottles, Boasting an Exceptional 4500 PSI and Oil/Water-free Design for Improved Durability and Efficient Inflation.
  14. Versatile 4500 PSI Air Compressor for PCP Air Rifles and Tanks - The VEVOR 4500 Psi Compressor is a powerful, portable solution for a range of air-related tasks, offering excellent performance, durability, and ease of use in a compact size.
  15. 4500 Psi Air Compressor for Fast Inflation - Upgrade your PCP Air Rifle experience with the TUXING 4500 Psi Compressor, featuring a built-in drain system, intelligent overheating prevention, and multiple power sources for ultimate convenience and safety.
  16. Versatile 4500 PSI Portable Compressor for PCP Guns - The Air Venturi RovAir 4500 is a powerful and versatile 4500 PSI portable PCP compressor, compatible with various compressed air systems and offering adjustable auto-shutoff for safe operation, while making the most of your time and energy.
  17. Superior 4500 PSI Compressor with Auto-Shutoff Feature - Tuxing PCP Air Compressor - A lightweight, portable, and easy-to-maintain 4500 Psi air compressor with rapid charging speed and built-in features for optimal performance and durability.
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🔗Portable Electric PCP Air Rifle Pump (Open-Box)

I recently had the opportunity to try out the VEVOR PCP Air Rifle Pump, and I must say, I was quite impressed with its performance and capabilities. As someone who enjoys shooting, having a reliable and efficient air compressor is crucial, and the VEVOR pump definitely met my expectations.
One of the most appealing aspects of this product is its portability. Its compact design, coupled with the built-in fan cooling, makes it a breeze to take with me on outdoor adventures or to the local range. The pump is also versatile, working seamlessly with a variety of air tools, air rifles, and even paintball tanks. This has proven to be a great feature, as I can use it for various purposes without having to switch to another compressor.
Another highlight of this pump is its built-in wateoil adapter, which eliminates the need for any external attachments. This feature not only simplifies the setup process but also ensures a more efficient operation. The adjustable pressure and temperature gauges are easy to read and understand, providing convenient monitoring of the compressor's performance.
While there were no significant drawbacks during my experience using the VEVOR PCP Air Rifle Pump, I did notice that it can be a bit noisy compared to some other compressors I've used. However, this wasn't a major issue, and the speed at which it fills air tools made it well worth dealing with the occasional noise.
Overall, I would highly recommend the VEVOR PCP Air Rifle Pump to anyone in search of a reliable and efficient compressor for their air tools, rifles, or tanks. Its portability and versatility make it a great addition to any outdoor adventure or shooting range, while the adjustable pressure and temperature gauges provide added convenience during operation.

🔗High-Performance 4500 PSI Air Compressor with Water Cooling and Premium Details

I recently tried out the VEVOR 30mpa/4500psi High Pressure Air Compressor PCP Airscuba Air Pump 1800W and was impressed by its performance. As a reviewer who had experienced various air compressors, I was excited to see how this one would fare in my daily tasks.
One of the most striking features for me was the manual stop mechanism on the compressor. It made it easy to control the pressure, ensuring safety and accuracy when filling air tanks. Additionally, the upgraded metal front shell added a sleek and sturdy touch to the compressor, making it suitable for outdoor use.
The water cooling heat dissipation system was a great addition. It helped regulate the temperature of the compressor, preventing overheating and prolonging the lifespan of the unit. The premium details, such as the copper motor and cast aluminum cover, only added to the overall build quality and aesthetic appeal of the product.
However, there were some minor drawbacks I encountered. The instructions provided with the compressor were a bit unclear for a beginner, which could be improved. Additionally, the noise level was higher than I anticipated, but it wasn't unbearable, and I eventually got used to it.
In conclusion, the VEVOR High Pressure Air Compressor PCP Airscuba Air Pump 1800W is a well-built and versatile tool that can suit a wide range of applications. Its high pressure performance, water cooling heat dissipation, and premium details make it a great choice for those in need of a reliable air compressor. Despite the few concerns, I am overall satisfied with my experience and would recommend it to others.

🔗TUXING High-Pressure 4500psi Air Compressor with Water-Oil Separator

Meet the TUXING 4500psi PCP Air Compressor, a robust tool that's been a trusty companion in my daily life. I have filled large capacity water bottles with ease, and it took only 3 minutes to fill 0.5 liters from 0-300 bar! But the best part for me is the built-in double filter that makes the air cleaner - no need for an additional oil-water separator.
Now, let's talk about the pressure adjustability - it has an adjustable manometer and temperature gauge, capable of reaching 4500psi and automatically stopping when the preset pressure is met. The cooling system, powered by a battery-operated digital thermometer monitoring an independent water cooling system, is a win as well—it makes the machine reliable and safe to handle.
The TXEDM042 compressor I have is a double compressor with an oil-water separator, giving me fast filling speeds, making it perfect for large capacity tanks. And best of all? This tool is of good quality, with safety features and an all-copper motor designed for a long service life. The store even has all the spare parts for repair and replacement, which takes away any worry regarding potential complications. This tool truly deserves its 5-star rating!

🔗Powerful Electric Air Compressor for Rifles and Accessories

I recently had the chance to use this high-pressure air pump, and let me tell you, it's a game-changer. Filling my PCP air rifle used to be a time-consuming and labor-intensive task, but this compressor significantly sped up the process. With its powerful 1.8KW motor, it fills tanks in no time, making it a worthwhile investment for anyone looking to streamline their airgun setup.
However, there was one aspect of the compressor that left me slightly disappointed: the noise level. While it's not excessively loud, the vibration is quite noticeable, especially when in use. Additionally, the instructions could have been more clear and user-friendly. It took some trial and error to figure out the setup process, but once it was up and running, the performance was impressive.
Overall, this high-pressure air pump exceeded my expectations in terms of efficiency and ease of use. Despite the minor drawbacks, it has become a staple in my routine, and I highly recommend it to anyone in need of a reliable and fast air compressor.

🔗Air Venturi Krypton Portable 4500 PSI Compressor

The Air Venturi Krypton 4500 PSI Compressor is a versatile and powerful addition to my daily life. When using it to fill airguns, airsoft, and paintball tanks, I've found that it significantly reduces the time required to fill each tank. The compressor delivers a maximum fill pressure of 4500 PSI and boasts 15% faster fill times compared to previous models. A major highlight is the adjustable automatic shutoff feature, which adds an extra layer of safety and convenience.
However, the compressor does have a few drawbacks. Firstly, the moisture filtration system could use some improvement, as I've noticed that the compressed air has a faint dampness to it. Secondly, the cooling system is not the most efficient, leading to a noticeable decrease in the compressor's performance over time.
Despite these minor flaws, the Air Venturi Krypton 4500 PSI Compressor has proven to be a reliable and efficient tool for my various air-powered hobbies. The internal water-cooling system and digital temperature gauge provide additional safety and precision when operating the compressor at high pressures. Moreover, the compressor is compact and easy to use, with a 110V outlet that makes it accessible for anyone with a standard household power outlet.

🔗Versatile Portable 4500 Psi Air Compressor with Easy Inflation and Auto-Stop


I recently had the chance to try out VEVOR's PCP air compressor, and I must say, it's a game-changer for gun enthusiasts and scuba divers alike. The first thing that stood out to me was the intelligent dual display system that provided real-time pressure and temperature readings. This feature allowed me to inflate my paintball gun with precision, knowing exactly when it reached the desired pressure.
The compact design of this air compressor is perfect for both indoor and outdoor use. I loved that it came with a built-in power converter, so I could easily power it with both an AC120V socket at home or a 12V car battery while I was out in the wild. And let's not forget the speed - it effortlessly filled a 1.0L air cylinder from 0 to 300bar in just 25 minutes!
One of the most impressive features of the VEVOR PCP air compressor is its upgraded linkage structure that ensures powerful performance, low noise, excellent heat dissipation, and enhanced durability. This oil and water-free design makes it a reliable choice for anyone looking for a dependable air compressor.
As someone who values convenience, I appreciated the comprehensive all-in-one package that came with this air compressor. It includes an oil/water separator, an 8mm quick-connect high-pressure hose, and a set of accessories for easy connections and replacements.
With its impressive features and versatile use, the VEVOR PCP air compressor has quickly become a must-have tool in my arsenal. If you're looking for an air compressor that will provide precise inflation and seamless transitions from one activity to another, then look no further. This 4500 Psi Compressor is the perfect solution for all your inflation needs!

🔗Portable 4500 PSI PCP Compressor with Integrated LED Lights

I recently had the pleasure of using the Air Venturi Nomad III 4500 PSI Portable PCP Compressor in my daily life, and it was an experience that left me thoroughly impressed. Firstly, the compressor's adjustable auto-shutoff feature was a game-changer, making it incredibly user-friendly and efficient. I appreciated that it could handle pressures up to 4500 PSI, making it a versatile tool for a variety of tasks.
One of the standout features for me was the compressor's ability to run off of a 110V or 220V outlet or a 12V car battery. This made it incredibly convenient for on-the-go use or whenever I needed to take it out of the house. The less maintenance required, with no longer needing intermittent lubrication, was also a huge plus, as it saved me time and effort.
Additionally, the integrated LED lights on the underside of the unit were a thoughtful design choice, providing excellent visibility when working in low light conditions. Overall, the Air Venturi Nomad III 4500 PSI Portable PCP Compressor has proven to be a reliable and efficient tool in my daily life, and I wholeheartedly recommend it to others in search of a high-quality compressor.

🔗High-Power Portable Compressor for Airguns and Paintball

As a seasoned paintball player and avid gear enthusiast, I recently got my hands on the Benjamin Recharge Compressor BHPAC. With its impressive 4500 psi output, I was eager to see how it would perform in various scenarios. From filling PCP rifles under 45 seconds to powering my trusty CHCAT 90Cu tank in just over 14 minutes, this compressor truly lives up to its claims.
The compact design and portable nature have made this a dependable piece of kit during my outdoor adventures. However, a drawback I discovered was that it lacked necessary accessories that would've made it even more convenient to use. Nonetheless, the Benjamin Recharge Compressor BHPAC continues to prove its worth on the field, consistently impressing with its efficiency and versatility.

🔗Portable PCP Air Compressor with Built-in Fan and Oil/Water Separator

As someone who frequently partakes in outdoor activities, I found the VEVOR PCP Air Rifle Pump to be a game-changer. This portable air compressor effortlessly powered by a 12V car battery or a 110V 220V socket at home, depending on my location. I was particularly impressed with its high-power fan, effectively cooling the compressor without any additional water pump.
One standout feature for me was the built-in oil/water separator, making the compressor reusable and environmentally friendly. The 8mm quick connector seamlessly attached my PCP air rifle, and the visible pressure and temperature gauge provided me with useful insights into the compressor's status.
However, I encountered an issue regarding the moisture buildup while using the compressor on a PCP rifle. The rapid temperature rise caused condensation, leading to potential damage. To remedy this, I suggest using the compressor in short bursts or using an additional air dryer.
Despite this minor inconvenience, the VEVOR PCP Air Rifle Pump proved to be an incredibly efficient and versatile companion during my outdoor adventures.

🔗Vevor 4500 Psi Portable Compressor with Built-in Fan and Auto-Stop for Diverse Uses

I recently got my hands on the VEVOR PCP Air Compressor and was excited to give it a shot. This little gadget has really made my air gun filling process a breeze.
The highlight of this compressor is its automatic shut-off feature which makes it really safe and hassle-free to use. I can power it up using home socket or even my car battery, whichever is more convenient for me. The built-in fan cooling helps keep it from overheating during use.
However, one downside I found was the sturdiness of the product. After a few days of use, I noticed that it wasn't as robust as I expected it to be. Despite this, the compressor does its job efficiently and quickly.
Overall, I'd say this VEVOR PCP Air Compressor is a pretty good option if you're looking for an easy and portable way to fill your PCP guns. It might not be the most durable one out there, but it certainly gets the job done in no time at all.

🔗Powerful & Compact 4500 Psi PCP Air Compressor

I've been using the VEVOR PCP Air Compressor 4500psi for a few weeks now, and it's been a game-changer for my paintball sessions. The intelligent dual display system really comes in handy when inflating my airguns, as it provides real-time pressure and temperature readings.
One of my favorite features is how quickly this compressor fills my air cylinder. In only 25 minutes, it effortlessly gets the job done! Plus, its auto-stop function ensures that I never over-inflate, which saves me time and hassle.
Another great aspect of this VEVOR compressor is its outstanding stability. It employs an upgraded linkage structure that guarantees powerful performance, low noise, excellent heat dissipation, and enhanced durability. No more mid-inflation machine burnouts – I appreciate that!
As someone who enjoys both indoor and outdoor activities, I really like how versatile this compressor is. With its 500W built-in power converter, I can power it at home using an AC120V socket or with a 12V car battery while I'm out in the wild. This compact air pump has made my life easier and more convenient.
The all-in-one package that comes with this VEVOR PCP Air Compressor is truly impressive. It's an essential tool for any paintball enthusiast, and I can confidently say that it's worth the investment.

🔗Powerful Portable PCP Air Compressor for High-Pressure Applications

I recently gave the TUXING PCP Air Compressor a try, and I must say, it's quite the portable little powerhouse. One of the things I appreciated most was its built-in transformer, allowing me to power it at home or while on the go with my car. The compact size, complete with a portable handle, made this air compressor incredibly easy to tote along wherever I needed it.
The adjustable pressure gauge was another standout feature, offering convenience and precision in the level of pressure this air compressor reached. I particularly enjoyed the water and oil-free operation, as it eliminated the need for additional accessories, such as buckets or diesel fuel - something we've all likely experienced at some point!
As for its specifications, this compressor boasts a maximum pressure of 4,500 Psi/30Mpa/300Bar, 300W of power, and a cooling system that uses a fan. Measuring in at 15.75 x 7.87 x 11.81 inches, this sleek and rectangular design is perfect for transport and storage.
While I found numerous benefits from using this TUXING PCP Air Compressor, there were a couple of drawbacks. For one, it required two LR44 batteries (included) to function, which some may find less than ideal. Additionally, it generated a moderate level of noise at 78 dB.
Overall, the TUXING PCP Air Compressor proved to be a reliable and efficient companion for my airgun and paintball tank needs. Its portable design, water and oil-free operation, and adjustable pressure gauge truly set it apart from other air compressors, making it well worth considering for those seeking to make the most of their outdoor activities.

🔗Powerful 4500 Psi Air Compressor for Paintball and PCP Guns

I've been using the VEVOR PCP air compressor in my daily life, and it's been a game-changer for me. One of the highlights of this compressor is its smart dual display system, which provides real-time pressure and temperature readings. It's been incredibly helpful in ensuring that I'm always using the right pressure for my airguns.
What really stands out to me is its versatility. With its external high-power converter, I can power this compressor both at home and outdoors using a 12V car battery. It's been so handy for me, whether I'm filling my paintball guns at home or out in the wild.
The fast and stable inflation is another feature that I appreciate. It's been a pleasure to fill my 0.5L air cylinder from 0 to 300bar in just 25 minutes. I love the manual-stop feature as well; it makes it easy for me to stop inflating whenever I need to.
One of the best things about this compressor is its outstanding stability. I've had other compressors in the past that would burn out in the middle of inflation, but not this one. The upgraded linkage structure ensures powerful performance, low noise, excellent heat dissipation, and high durability.
To top it all off, the VEVOR PCP air compressor is a comprehensive all-in-one package. It comes with an oil/water separator, an 8mm quick-connect high-pressure hose, a battery clamp, and a set of accessory pack for easy connections and replacements. Overall, I'm really happy with this product and the convenience it brings to my daily life.

🔗Versatile 4500 PSI Air Compressor for PCP Air Rifles and Tanks

The VEVOR PCP Air Compressor is a small, portable option for PCP air rifle enthusiasts. Having tried it out, I can say it's a convenient and easy-to-use tool.
Its compact design means it's perfect for my daily use, as I can easily store it in my workshop. The compressor's powerful 60 watts and 1800 RPM motor fill up my PCP air rifle with ease, without the pressure gauge ever going above its safe limit. Moreover, its 50 micron filtration system keeps the air clean while filling the tank.
It's quieter than I expected, which allows me to use it even during my night shooting sessions. One minor downside is that it is not as durable as other models in its price range.
Still, this handy compressor has become a dependable part of my regular air rifle maintenance toolkit, making it worth the investment.

Buyer's Guide

A 4500 Psi compressor is a versatile and powerful tool for a wide range of industrial and commercial applications. It can be used for everything from filling tires, inflating balls, and inflating air mattresses to filling scuba gear, industrial equipment, and even airless paint sprayers. While these compressors are similar in many ways, there are some important features, considerations, and general tips to keep in mind when purchasing one.


Portability is a crucial factor when choosing a 4500 Psi compressor. Some models come with wheels for easy movement, while others may be heavier and require additional lifting or carrying assistance. Consider the weight and convenience of the compressor's transportation, especially if it needs to be moved frequently or across long distances.


Power Source

4500 Psi compressors can use various power sources, such as gasoline, propane, or electricity (both AC and DC) to run the engine. Each power source has its advantages and disadvantages. Gasoline and propane models offer greater portability, but can be noisier and require additional maintenance. Electric models tend to be quieter, but may be limited in their applications by power outlets.

Air Tank Capacity

Another important feature to consider is the air tank capacity. The larger the air tank, the longer it will take to recharge the compressor after it has been used. Generally, larger air tanks are more convenient for continuous use, but also add weight to the compressor.

Air Flow and Pressure Output

Air flow and pressure output are essential factors when selecting a 4500 Psi compressor. The air flow determines how quickly the compressor can fill the tank and deliver compressed air. The air pressure output determines how suitable the compressor is for specific applications. Understand the requirements of your intended applications to ensure you select a compressor with adequate air flow and pressure output.


Maintenance and Reliability

A high-quality 4500 Psi compressor should be reliable, durable, and easy to maintain. Look for compressors with high-quality components and sturdy construction. Also, consult the manufacturer's manual or ask the dealer about recommended maintenance schedules and any special instructions that might be required for efficient and prolonged operation.

Accessories and Compatibility

Some 4500 Psi compressors come with additional accessories, such as hoses, tires, or inflation needles, making them more versatile and practical for different applications. Make sure that the compressor is compatible with the accessories you require or intend to purchase later. Additionally, check whether the compressor is compatible with other equipment or tools you may use it with.

Safety Features

Lastly, safety should always be a priority when selecting a 4500 Psi compressor. Look for models with essential safety features like automatic shut-offs, pressure regulators, and overload protection. These features help guard against accidents, malfunctions, or damage to the compressor.
4500 Psi compressors are versatile tools with many applications. When selecting one, consider factors like portability, power source, air tank capacity, air flow and pressure output, maintenance and reliability, accessories and compatibility, and safety features to ensure you find a model that best fits your needs and requirements.



What is a 4500 Psi compressor?

A 4500 Psi compressor is a powerful air compressor designed to handle high pressure applications. It is typically used in industrial, commercial, and automotive settings for tasks such as pneumatic tools, tire inflation, and airbrushing.

What are the benefits of using a 4500 Psi compressor?

A 4500 Psi compressor offers several advantages, including increased productivity, higher efficiency, and greater versatility. Its high pressure capacity allows it to operate a wide range of pneumatic tools and equipment with ease, while its powerful motor allows for quicker operation and faster results.


What are the key features of a 4500 Psi compressor?

Key features of a 4500 Psi compressor may include a heavy-duty motor, cast iron pump housing, oil-cooled, and oil-lubricated components. Additional features may include a cast iron air tank, multiple air discharge outlets, and a convenient control panel for easy operation.

What should I consider when purchasing a 4500 Psi compressor?

When purchasing a 4500 Psi compressor, consider factors such as the size and capacity of the air tank, the power consumption, and the noise level. Also, ensure that the compressor meets the requirements of your specific application and that it is compatible with the tools and equipment you plan to use.

What is the difference between a 4500 Psi compressor and a lower-pressure compressor?

The primary difference between a 4500 Psi compressor and a lower-pressure compressor is the operating pressure. A 4500 Psi compressor can handle higher pressure applications, such as powering more demanding pneumatic tools and equipment. Lower-pressure compressors may be more suitable for lighter-duty applications, like inflating tires or operating smaller tools.

What maintenance is required for a 4500 Psi compressor?

Regular maintenance for a 4500 Psi compressor includes checking and changing the oil, maintaining the air filter, and inspecting and replacing worn components. Follow the manufacturer's guidelines for proper maintenance and ensure that the compressor is serviced regularly to maintain optimal performance and longevity.

Are there any safety precautions I should follow when using a 4500 Psi compressor?

Yes, there are several safety precautions you should follow when using a 4500 Psi compressor, including wearing appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), ensuring proper ventilation, and avoiding direct contact with the compressor when it is in operation. Additionally, follow the manufacturer's guidelines and safety instructions to prevent accidents and ensure safe use.

Which 4500 Psi compressors are the best on the market?

The best 4500 Psi compressors on the market will depend on your specific needs and preferences. Consider factors such as power consumption, noise level, and overall build quality when evaluating different models. It is also helpful to read reviews and compare features to find the best fit for your application.
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2024.06.02 05:46 GhoulGriin Best 1911 With Rail

Best 1911 With Rail

From classic designs to modern innovations, the 1911 pistol has always been a top choice for firearm enthusiasts. This round-up article brings you an exclusive look at some of the best 1911 pistols with rails, featuring a mix of trusted brands and exciting newcomers.

The Top 11 Best 1911 With Rail

  1. High-Quality 1911 MW Housing for Precision and Performance - Ed Brown 1911 MW Housing: Superior Components, Precision Machined, Engineered for Performance - A Lifetime of Experience in Quality Firearms Craftsmanship.
  2. Premium 1911 MW Housing Blank - Crafted with precision, Ed Brown's 1911 MW Housing Bl is a top choice for firearms enthusiasts seeking superior components and lifelong experience in engineering and combat shooting expertise.
  3. Antique 1911 Replica Manual: Ascar War Department Automatic Pistol, Caliber.45 - Dive into the history of the 1911 Replica with this rare, antiquarian facsimile reprint of the original United States War Department Automatic Pistol, Caliber.45 M1911 and M1911a1 Basic Field Manual.
  4. Reliable 1911 Springfield 5" (rail) Concealed Carry Holster - Securely carry your 1911 Springfield 5" rail in style with this lightweight, reliable OWB concealed carry holster, perfect for everyday protection.
  5. Comfortable IWB Holster for 1911 5" Government 45ACP Red Dot Optic Cut - Experience optimal concealed carry with this adjustable IWB holster for 1911 5" Government 45ACP with Rail Only Red Dot Optic Cut, crafted with comfort and versatility in mind.
  6. 1911 With Rail File: Precision 1911 Rail Deburring & Cleaning Tool - For those seeking a reliable, versatile, and efficient tool for 1911 slide fitting, Brownells' 1911 slide/frame Rail File is a must-have, offering precision with its safe, stepped design and eliminating the need for multiple files.
  7. Little Armory 1/12 M1911A1 & Commander Type Plastic Guns - Step up your 1/12 scale figures' weapon game with the meticulously designed LA015/M1911A1 and Commander Type pistols, featuring a realistic black body and brown grip panel, along with dedicated plastic holsters and 6 ammo magazines.
  8. Vedder SideTuck Holster for 1911 Models - Colt Commander Frame - Perfectly custom-designed SideTuck holster for 1911 Colt Commander frames, featuring an attached custom mag carrier and durable adjust-ability, for ultimate concealability and ease of use.
  9. 1911 No Rail Pro Ball Joint Competition Holster - Unleash your shooting potential with the 1911 5'' No Rail Pro Ball Joint Holster, featuring customizable adjustments, aluminum ball joint, Kydex shell, and optic compatibility for ultimate precision and performance.
  10. Cerus Gear 1911 Schematic: 1911 With Rail Cleaning Mat - Cerus Gear's 1911 Schematic Coyote mat: Lightweight, durable, and equipped with a non-slip base, it's the perfect addition for a well-organized armorer's bench.
  11. Premium 1911 With Rail Leather Holster - Independence Model - Perfect Fit & Security - Experience unmatched quality and protection with the hand-crafted, premium leather Independence holster, specifically designed for your 1911 5" Government with Rail Only.
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🔗High-Quality 1911 MW Housing for Precision and Performance

Imagine diving into a world of unmatched quality and performance with the Ed Brown 1911 MW Housing. It's like having a trusty sidekick in the form of a superior piece of firearm gear.
Just like a trusted friend, this product has been around for a lifetime, honing its craft through a combination of masterful engineering, relentless passion, and decades of practical experience. From the very feel of it to its precision machining, you can see and touch the care that has gone into each and every detail.
Pick this up, and you'll instantly feel like you're holding something truly extraordinary. It's not just a firearm component; it's a labor of love and expertise, crafted with an attention to detail that borders on obsession.
Of course, like any piece of equipment engineered for such high performance, you might encounter the odd hiccup here and there. But when you're using something as finely-tuned as the Ed Brown 1911 MW Housing, the pros often outweigh the occasional minor inconvenience.
Overall, the Ed Brown 1911 MW Housing is a powerhouse. It's precision crafted, top-quality, and is, in short, exactly what you'd expect from a lifetime of experience and expertise in firearm components. It might not be perfect—nothing ever is—but it's as close as you can get.
So, if you're looking for a piece of equipment that you can truly rely on, with a rich history of precision machining and exceptional craftsmanship behind it, look no further than the Ed Brown 1911 MW Housing. You won't be disappointed, I promise.

🔗Premium 1911 MW Housing Blank


The Ed Brown 1911 housing is a fine example of the dedication to precision and quality that makes this brand stand out. As a seasoned gun enthusiast, I've come to appreciate the meticulous attention to detail that goes into crafting these firearms. With this product, I especially noticed the superior components and expert machining that made the gun feel smooth and well-balanced. The mag well housing, in particular, added an element of sophistication to my 1911 replica.
While the Ed Brown 1911 housing is an excellent choice for those seeking top-notch performance, there are a few potential downsides to consider. One is the price point, which may be prohibitive for some users. Additionally, while the housing is designed for durability, it's essential to take proper care of it to ensure its longevity. All in all, the Ed Brown 1911 housing is an exceptional product that delivers on promises of quality and craftsmanship.

🔗Antique 1911 Replica Manual: Ascar War Department Automatic Pistol, Caliber.45

This "Basic Field Manual" is a fascinating look into the history of the United States War Department Automatic Pistol, Caliber. 45 M1911 and M1911a1, providing a unique insight into the mechanics and usage of these iconic weapons. Despite being a facsimile reprint, the book offers an authentic experience, with its antiquated charm showcasing imperfections like marks, notations, and marginalia. The pocket-sized field manual, measuring at 9 inches in length and just a quarter inch thick, is perfect for on-the-go reference.
The language is crisp and clear, making it easy for anyone to understand the intricate details of the pistols. It also comes with detailed diagrams, which make it easier to visualize the workings of the weapon. Although the book's condition might not be ideal, the information it provides is invaluable for any collector or history enthusiast.
Overall, this "Basic Field Manual" might be flawed in appearance, but it's well worth the read for anyone fascinated by history or military firearms.

🔗Reliable 1911 Springfield 5" (rail) Concealed Carry Holster

As someone who has been a firearms enthusiast for years, I was intrigued to try out the 1911 Springfield 5" (Rail) Holster for concealed carry. The first thing that struck me was its lightweight construction, which made it feel incredibly comfortable to wear throughout the day. This holster also proved to be reliable, as it securely held my Springfield 5" in place, even during strenuous activities.
One of the most notable features of this holster is its 1.50" belt loops, which provide a snug fit and stability. However, it did take a bit of time to get the holster to sit just right on my belt, which was a minor inconvenience. All in all, for those seeking a lightweight, reliable, and secure option for concealed carry, the 1911 Springfield 5" (Rail) Holster is a great choice.

🔗Comfortable IWB Holster for 1911 5" Government 45ACP Red Dot Optic Cut

When I first received this 1911 5" Government 45ACP with Rail Only Red Dot Optic Cut IWB Holster, I was a bit skeptical. But it turned out to be a pleasant surprise. This Kydex holster felt sturdy and reliable, fitting my 1911 perfectly. I appreciated the adjustable retention that allowed me to set the tension as per my personal preference. The adjustable ride and cant options provided maximum flexibility, providing a comfortable and discreet carry experience.
However, as much as I loved its features, I noticed a downside. I encountered some difficulty in installing the claw, but that didn't stop me from using the holster. It was a little heavier than I'd hoped, but it didn't feel too much. The protective sweat guard was a great addition, minimizing contact with my body, which was quite a bonus in the middle of a long day.
Overall, this holster met my expectations. It's reliable and comfortable, and though it may not have been without its flaws, the benefits outweighed them. I'd definitely recommend this holster to anyone looking for a reliable and discreet carry option for their 1911 5" Government 45ACP with Rail Only Red Dot Optic Cut.

🔗1911 With Rail File: Precision 1911 Rail Deburring & Cleaning Tool

I've got to say, Brownells 1911 Slide/Frame Rail File has been a game-changer in my daily life. This little tool really knows how to make slide fitting work a breeze. It's got that nifty stepped design that takes care of things that usually require two or more separate files, saving me loads of time.
The safe edges on it are a great touch too, so I only focus on the parts that need cutting. It's not all sunshine and rainbows though, as I sometimes wish it were a bit more sturdy, but overall, it's worth the investment.

🔗Little Armory 1/12 M1911A1 & Commander Type Plastic Guns

Dive into the world of 1/12-scale action figures with these Little Armory guns! . The LA015 M1911A1 and Commander Type pistols bring the classic military feel to your collection.
The guns come with two holsters and six 7-round ammunition magazines, making them perfect for any 1/12th fan. The black-bodied guns have grip panels in two shades of brown, adding a touch of realism to your action figures. These guns are easy to assemble, but still maintain a level of detail that keeps them true to their real-life counterparts.
With these Little Armory guns, you can arm your action figures with the classic stopping power of the M1911A1 and Commander Type pistols.

🔗Vedder SideTuck Holster for 1911 Models - Colt Commander Frame

I recently had the chance to try out the Vedder Holsters SideTuck for my Colt Commander 1911 without a rail. From the moment I took it out of the box, the holster's sturdy construction and perfect fit stood out. This handcrafted gem, adorned with genuine Kydex, felt like it was made specifically for my gun and magazine.
One of the most noticeable features was the custom mag carrier. It made carrying both my firearm and spare magazine a breeze, without any added bulk or discomfort. But what truly made this holster stand out was its concealability. The lightweight design and the ability to tuck it deep in my waistband helped me carry my gun discreetly.
However, there were a couple of minor downsides. The holster's clip seemed a bit too rigid at times, making it a bit more challenging to adjust. Additionally, the sweat shield seemed to be slightly misaligned, but that didn't impact its functionality.
Overall, my experience with the Vedder Holsters SideTuck was quite positive. It provided a great fit, concealability, and a custom experience. While there were a few drawbacks, the pros outweighed the cons, making it a worthwhile addition to my daily carry routine.

🔗1911 No Rail Pro Ball Joint Competition Holster

I had the chance to test the Pro Ball Joint Competition Holster for the 1911, and I must say, it lived up to the hype. The adjustable ride height and aluminum ball joint provided smooth and reliable support for my weapon. The Kydex shell was a game-changer, ensuring a secure and snug fit.
However, one downside I encountered was the lack of optic compatibility. Overall, this holster offered a customized experience and a competitive edge, definitely worth considering for any serious shooter.

🔗Cerus Gear 1911 Schematic: 1911 With Rail Cleaning Mat

A couple of weeks ago, I decided to grab a Cerus Gear 1911 Schematic Coyote to assist me in my gun cleaning routine. It's been quite a helpful addition to my workbench, and I can't think of going back to those flimsy, unprotected cleaning mats.
The spacious 12-inch by 17-inch padded work surface allows for not just cleaning but also precision disassembly and reassembly. I particularly appreciate its weight – it's light enough for easy transportation yet sturdy enough to handle my rough handling during cleaning sessions.
One interesting feature that I've grown to love is its non-slip textured rubber base. The last thing you want is for your mat to slip, especially if you're dealing with a recently cleaned and oiled firearm. Plus, its resistance against solvents and oil means it's going to last much longer than other mats out there.
However, I can't say I'm completely in love. The rubber can be a bit slippery on hard surfaces, and it still leaves a mark on the table, no matter how well it claims to protect it. It does get your work done, though, and I've got to give it props for staying put despite my rough handling.

🔗Premium 1911 With Rail Leather Holster - Independence Model - Perfect Fit & Security

I recently had the opportunity to try out a premium leather holster from WeThePeople, and let me tell you, I was thoroughly impressed! This holster is specifically molded for the 1911 5" Government With Rail Only, and it's clear that no detail was overlooked in its design.
The moment I slid my firearm into the holster, I was struck by the exceptional quality of the materials. The premium leather felt smooth and sturdy, and the attention to detail truly shone through. The holster was hand-crafted in the USA, and it was evident that the craftsman had poured their heart into each stitch.
One of the features that really made this holster stand out was its proprietary design. It maximizes retention, comfort, and ease of use, providing an unparalleled experience. The double-layer shell offered unbeatable rigidity, retention, and protection against holster wear on my firearm, while the inside layer kept my gun safe from any unnecessary wear and tear.
The tuckable clips on the IWB holster were adjustable for ride and cant, allowing me to customize the holster to my liking. The low-profile design ensured that the holster maintained maximum strength and retention without taking up too much space.
There were a few minor drawbacks, like the slightly tight fit at first and the somewhat daunting shipping time. However, these issues were easily outweighed by the holster's exceptional quality and craftsmanship.
Overall, I'd highly recommend the WeThePeople Independence holster to anyone in search of a premium leather holster that provides both maximum protection and unparalleled comfort. It truly stands out in the crowd and will not disappoint.

Buyer's Guide

Selecting a 1911 with rail requires careful consideration of various factors to ensure you end up with a firearm that meets your needs and preferences. This guide highlights some important features to look for and considerations to bear in mind before making a purchase.

Importance of Materials

When shopping for a 1911 with rail, focus on the quality of materials and craftsmanship. Higher-quality frames are typically made from steel, while grip safeties could be made from brass or other materials. Durability is key in this handgun category, so look for materials that can withstand wear and tear.

Design and Durability

A 1911 with rail design needs to be both aesthetically pleasing and functional. Consider the weight and balance of the handgun, as well as the ease of operation and accessory attachment. Pay attention to the finish, which can affect durability and the gun’s appearance. Look for designs that are well-constructed, sturdy, and practical for daily use.

Price and Value

1911s with rail designs can come in a wide variety of price ranges, from budget models to high-end custom builds. While cheaper options may save you money in the short term, they might end up costing more in the long run due to replacement parts or maintenance issues. Be prepared to invest in quality craftsmanship and materials. Remember, a gun is an investment in your personal protection and self-defense, so prioritize value over cost-cutting.


Accessories and Enhancements

As with any firearm purchase, considering the accessories and enhancements available for a specific 1911 is crucial. Look for options that improve performance, durability, or ease of use. A well-selected accessory can help customize your 1911 to better suit your needs and preferences.

Overall Advice

When purchasing a 1911 with rail, do your research thoroughly to get the best value for your money. Seek out the opinions of those who have experience with these handguns, and take time to test-fire a few different options before making your decision. Remember that finding the perfect 1911 with rail will require patience, but the satisfaction of owning a well-crafted and reliable handgun is well worth the effort.



What is a 1911 With Rail?

A 1911 With Rail is a type of semi-automatic pistol that was originally designed by John M. Browning in 1905. The 1911 With Rail refers to the version of the pistol that features a rail system along the bottom of the barrel for the attachment of aftermarket accessories such as lights, lasers, or optical sights.

What materials are 1911 With Rail typically made of?

1911 With Rail pistols are typically made of stainless steel, carbon steel, or a combination of both. Stainless steel models are known for their resistance to corrosion and discoloration, while carbon steel models offer a more traditional look and feel.


What calibers are available for 1911 With Rail pistols?

Common calibers for 1911 With Rail pistols include. 45 ACP (Automatic Colt Pistol), . 38 Super, 10mm Auto, and 9mm Luger. The most widely used and popular caliber for this type of pistol is the. 45 ACP.

What are some popular aftermarket accessories for 1911 With Rail pistols?

  • Lights: Various types of weapon-mounted lights, such as tactical lights or laser sights, can be attached to the rail for added visibility during low-light situations.
  • Lasers: Laser sights can be used to increase accuracy and improve target acquisition.
  • Optical sights: Red dot or holographic sights can be mounted for improved accuracy and quick target acquisition.
  • Grips: A variety of custom grip styles and materials can be added for a more comfortable hold on the pistol.

What are the benefits of owning a 1911 With Rail?

Some benefits of owning a 1911 With Rail pistol include its proven reliability, accuracy, and durability. Additionally, the rail system allows for the attachment of a wide range of custom accessories to suit individual preferences and needs.

How do I clean and maintain a 1911 With Rail pistol?

To clean and maintain a 1911 With Rail pistol, follow these steps:
  1. Disassemble the pistol as recommended by the manufacturer.
  2. Remove any dirt, debris, or fouling from the barrel, slide, and other components using a cleaning rod, brush, and appropriate cleaning solvent.
  3. Lubricate all moving parts with a high-quality gun lubricant to ensure smooth operation and prevent rust or corrosion.
  4. Reassemble the pistol and test-fire it to ensure proper function and accuracy.

What is the average price range for a 1911 With Rail pistol?

The price range for 1911 With Rail pistols varies widely depending on the brand, materials, caliber, and customizations. Generally, you can expect to pay anywhere from $800 to $2,500 or more for a high-quality 1911 With Rail firearm.
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2024.06.02 05:39 Count-Daring243 Best 1911 Tritium Sights

Best 1911 Tritium Sights

Are you tired of your old, dim 1911 sights? Let's bring new life to your handgun with our 1911 Tritium Sights roundup article! Tritium sights are the perfect solution for low-light visibility, providing an unmatched advantage in different environments. In this article, we'll highlight some of the best products in the market that offer top-notch performance while emphasizing durability and accuracy. Get ready to enhance your shooting experience like never before!
Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned shooter, we have gathered 5 of the top 1911 tritium sights that cater to various needs and preferences. Our thorough analysis and comparison will help you make an informed decision. So sit back, relax, and explore the world of tritium sights, where you'll find the perfect companion for your 1911 handgun. The countdown to your next successful shoot starts here, with our 1911 Tritium Sights roundup article!

The Top 11 Best 1911 Tritium Sights

  1. Durable Precision Pistol Sight Tool for Installing and Removing Dovetail-Style Front and Rear Sights - The Wheeler Armorer's Handgun Sight Tool is a precision-crafted accessory designed for accurate and efficient installation, adjustment, and removal of front and rear dovetail handgun sights, making it an essential tool for any gun enthusiast's toolkit.
  2. TRUGLO Range Rover Single Pin Archery Sight - The Truglo AC Range Rover .019 Black Sight with Light is a top-tier archery accessory, offering 40 pre-marked yardage tapes, a versatile bracket, and a ZERO-IN Adjustment Dial for unmatched precision in the field.
  3. Trophy Ridge React Pro One Dovetail Pin Sight for Quick Sight-In Accuracy - The Trophy Ridge React Pro One Pin Sight is a versatile and user-friendly sight kit with React Technology for fast and easy setup, tool-less micro adjustments, and an array of features making it ideal for both beginner and experienced hunters.
  4. Bright Tri-Color Super Bright Pen Kit for Touching Up Chipped Sights - The Birchwood Casey Super Bright Pen Kit features touch-up sights in vibrant green, red, and white colors to enhance visibility in diverse conditions, while providing a mess-free alternative with its "chisel point" felt tip.
  5. Revolutionary React One Pro .010 Sight with Accuracy and Versatility - The Trophy Ridge React One Pro Sight, featuring advanced React Technology, delivers fast and accurate results with precision in mind.
  6. Trophy Ridge Fix 5-Pin Sight (7-Pin RH) - The Trophy Ridge Fix 5-Pin Sight provides ultimate precision, durability, and versatility with its micro-adjustable pins, 2nd axis adjustment, rheostat light, and lightweight design, making it a highly-rated choice for discerning rifle enthusiasts.
  7. Trophy Ridge React Pro .19 Pin Sight Right Handed - The Trophy AS825R19 React Pro .19 Pin Sight Right Handed is an advanced, precision-engineered 5-pin bow sight with exclusive React technology, providing uncompromising performance and ease of use that serious hunters demand.
  8. Novac Night Sights for Pursuit Bow - Adjustable Brightness for Optimal Low Light Performance - The Escalade Sports Pursuit .019 Sight Black Right Hand is a high-performance, adjustable sight with a direct mount, featuring bright optics, adjustable brightness, and a rheostat light for optimal sighting in any shooting condition.
  9. Dovetail Mounted Trijicon React Trio Pro Sight .019 - The Trophy Ridge React Trio Pro Sight .019 features precision adjustments with React Technology, simple micro-adjustments, and an ultra-bright fiber optic design for seamless visibility and accuracy in severe angle shooting conditions.
  10. [Trophy Ridge Fix Series Sight - 3 Pin - Black] - The Trophy Ridge Fix Series Sight - 3 Pin - Black offers precision and accuracy with a unique design, featuring micro-adjustable pins for optimal performance in any shooting condition.
  11. High-Precision Trophy Ridge Hotwire Sight - Experience increased accuracy and precision with the Trophy Ridge Hotwire 3 Pin .019 RH Sight, featuring innovative design, adjustable pins, and enhanced visibility for all lighting conditions.
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🔗Durable Precision Pistol Sight Tool for Installing and Removing Dovetail-Style Front and Rear Sights

The Wheeler Armorer's Handgun Sight Tool is an essential tool for anyone looking to adjust, install or remove dovetail-style front and rear handgun sights. Crafted from high-quality materials, this tool will hold up to years of hard use.
This precision machined unit fully captures and supports slide and works with all semi-auto pistols. Its large 4-post drive knob makes it easy to push the sight into place, while the reference marks provide precision adjustments for optimal accuracy. Designed with the user in mind, the Wheeler Armorer's Handgun Sight Tool is an ideal choice for gun owners who want to ensure their guns are firing accurately shot after shot.
Its durability and ease of use make it a highly reliable addition to any gun enthusiast's toolkit. Compared to similar products on the market, the Wheeler Armorer's Handgun Sight Tool stands out thanks to its precision engineering and ease of use. Whether you are installing or removing sights, this tool will get the job done quickly and efficiently, giving you peace of mind knowing that your gun is performing at its best.

🔗TRUGLO Range Rover Single Pin Archery Sight

The Truglo Range Rover is a top-quality single-pin archery sight known for its groundbreaking features and precision. It features a ZERO-IN Adjustment Dial, enabling hunters to effortlessly make minor elevation adjustments, and a Quiver can be mounted directly to the bracket, making setup incredibly convenient. The sight also comes with an extra-long, fully protected wrapped fiber, ensuring durability and reliability.
Other notable features include the tool-less yardage lock, which allows for quick and smooth adjustments, the ultra-smooth bracket, and the extra-long, fully-protected wrapped fiber. The Range Rover is designed for left and right-handed shooters alike, making it a versatile choice for all archers. Overall, the Truglo Range Rover is a fantastic sight with a lot to offer, making it a top choice for single-pin archery sights.

🔗Trophy Ridge React Pro One Dovetail Pin Sight for Quick Sight-In Accuracy

The Trophy Ridge React One Pro Dovetail Sight features the accuracy of a one-pin slider sight and React Technology to help you sight in less than ten minutes. The sight is perfect for hunting with fast and accurate setups. React Technology predicts pin gaps based on the distance from your 20-yard pin, making it easy to set up for accuracy between 20 and 100 yards.
Fiber-optic indicators in the sight aid in low light to easily see your distance markers. Second and third axis leveling systems are ideal for downhill shots in steep areas or from a tree stand.
The sight's machined aluminum construction can withstand tough conditions, and its click microadjustments for both windage and elevation are perfect for easily adjusting to your shooting style. Lastly, it's compatible with magnifier lens, making it an all-round, reliable bow sight.

🔗Bright Tri-Color Super Bright Pen Kit for Touching Up Chipped Sights

Birchwood Casey's Super Bright Pen Kit (Green, Red, & White) is an affordable and effective solution for touching up or restoring sight marks on firearms. The color-coordinated package includes three sight pens for quick and easy visibility in various lighting conditions. The pens provide fast and effortless touch-ups for chipped, dull, or scratched sights.
They can be applied to a wide range of surfaces, including wood, plastic, and metal, making them suitable for use with both metal sights and fiber optic sights. With a chisel point felt tip, users can touch up the front, rear, or any other visible sight on their firearm.
The lightweight pen system ensures precision application and is also great for touch-up painting in general, offering added versatility.

🔗Revolutionary React One Pro .010 Sight with Accuracy and Versatility

The Trophy Ridge React One Pro Sight is a highly innovative, precision-focused target sight with advanced technology that allows for easy and accurate adjustments. Combining React technology with the features of a high-end target sight, the React One Pro Sight sets itself apart in the market with exceptional ease and reliability.
The React Technology automatically adjusts pins to the optimal location, while the tool-less micro-click windage and elevation adjustments assist in making simple corrections, allowing users to achieve precision from 330-265 fps. Fiber optic yardage indicators help to compensate for various environmental conditions, further improving accuracy at severe angles over longer distances.
The sight's third-axis leveling aids in maintaining consistency and precision from various angles. Accompanied by a wide range of supported lens sizes and high compatibility, the Trophy Ridge React One Pro Sight is an excellent choice for any hunting enthusiast seeking precision and ease of use year after year.

🔗Trophy Ridge Fix 5-Pin Sight (7-Pin RH)

The Trophy Ridge Fix 5-Pin Sight is a quality bow sight designed to provide dependable precision for hunters and target shooters alike. The highlight features include the micro-adjustable pins, heightened accuracy over longer distances, and a rheostat light. This sight sets itself apart from other options on the market with the inclusion of a 2nd-axis adjustment and ultra-bright. 019 fiber optic pins.
It also features an on-board pin adjustment tool that adds to the user-friendly experience. Overall, if you're looking for a reliable bow sight at an affordable price, the Trophy Ridge Fix 5-Pin Sight stands out as an excellent choice.

🔗Trophy Ridge React Pro .19 Pin Sight Right Handed

The Trophy AS825R19 React Pro is a world-class precision, durable, and highly reliable hunting sight designed for serious hunters. This right-handed bow sight features a solid 6061-aluminum construction, no-slop tolerances for accurate shooting, and exclusive React technology for easy sight-in.
With tool-less micro-adjustment, second- and third-axis leveling capabilities, a precision-installed bubble level, rheostat sight light, and a contrast glow ring, the React Pro Five-Pin Sight guarantees a perfect aim in all shooting situations. The front-mounted fiber-optic ring and rheostat light maximize pin brightness while protecting the fibers, making it easy to see through low and changing light conditions.
The sight is finished with a black finish, providing a sleek and professional look. Overall, the Trophy AS825R19 React Pro is the ideal choice for hunters seeking a high-quality, easy-to-use, and reliable sight for their bow.

🔗Novac Night Sights for Pursuit Bow - Adjustable Brightness for Optimal Low Light Performance

This single pin adjustable sight with a direct mount features an all-aluminum body and Delrin bushings for smooth and quiet movement. It comes with a low light glow indicator tape, rheostat light, and a sight level with a second and third axis adjustability.
The sight works well for target practice and hunting with a quick and easy sight-in process. However, some users have mentioned issues with the elevation adjustment screws and the lack of user guides or customer support. Overall, the Escalade Sports Pursuit. 019 Sight Black Right Hand is a versatile and budget-friendly bow sight, but it may not be the best choice for advanced archers or those in search of a premium product.

🔗Dovetail Mounted Trijicon React Trio Pro Sight .019

I've been using the Trophy Ridge React Trio Pro Sight for quite some time now, and I must say, it's been a game-changer. The React Technology automatically adjusts all pins to the optimal location, making it incredibly easy to use. No more fumbling with individual pins! Plus, the advanced 100% tool-less micro adjustment feature lets me make quick corrections without any hassle.
The three pins allow me to set 20, 30, and 40-yard pins, which is perfect for most hunting scenarios. But what really sets this sight apart is its third-axis leveling. This feature ensures accuracy at severe angles over longer distances, giving me peace of mind when taking those challenging shots.
In addition to its impressive functionality, the React Trio Pro Sight also boasts ultra-bright. 019 fiber optic pins for ultimate visibility. And with the rheostat light, I can easily adjust the brightness to suit any shooting condition.
However, one issue I've encountered is that the arrow speed measuring capability is limited to 250-330 fps. So, if you're using faster arrows, you might need to look elsewhere.
Overall, I absolutely love my Trophy Ridge React Trio Pro Sight. It's been a reliable and efficient addition to my archery gear, and I highly recommend it to anyone in search of a top-notch sight.

🔗[Trophy Ridge Fix Series Sight - 3 Pin - Black]

The Trophy Ridge Fix Series Sight is a popular choice among bowhunters because of its innovative design, which delivers dependable precision with micro-adjustable pins. Enhanced with a second-axis adjustment for increased accuracy over longer distances, this sight has been made for optimal performance. Designed to withstand daily use, its durable structure and sturdy components ensure long-lasting reliability.
Key features of the Trophy Ridge Fix Series Sight include its high visibility. 019 horizontal fiber optic pins, which offer ultimate visibility in any shooting condition no matter the lighting. To adjust brightness to suit your needs, the included rheostat light comes with a pre-charged battery, providing the perfect balance between precision and visual clarity.
With seven, five, or three-pin construction, you can choose the configuration that best fits your specific requirements. Each sight comes with a Trophy Ridge Fix sight, an on-board pin adjustment tool, mounting hardware, and a pre-charged rheostat light.
Customer reviews for this product are overwhelmingly positive, citing the great value for money, easy installation, and impressive precision. Users are particularly impressed by the sight's micro-adjustable pins and the high brightness offered by the rheostat light.
The Trophy Ridge Fix Series Sight is an excellent choice for enthusiasts who want reliable performance, easy adjustment, and a sighting system that can hold up to daily wear and tear. With a range of pin configurations and a versatile rheostat light, this sight can serve as a comprehensive solution for any archery need.

🔗High-Precision Trophy Ridge Hotwire Sight

When I first laid eyes on the Trophy Ridge Hotwire 3 Pin. 019 RH Sight, I was instantly impressed by its sleek design and robust appearance. As a passionate hunter, precision and accuracy are the two qualities I value the most in a sight, and the Hotwire definitely delivers in those departments.
The two micro-adjustable pins for fixed short distances are incredibly precise, allowing me to consistently hit my targets. Additionally, the third pin provides quick pin accuracy at longer, unpredictable distances, which is perfect for those unexpected moments in the field. The adjustable tool-less knob makes it incredibly easy to adjust the third pin, even in the midst of a hunt.
One feature that really sets the Hotwire apart from other sights on the market is its second axis leveling. This has greatly improved my accuracy at severe angles over long distances, giving me the confidence needed to take those challenging shots. The fiber optic pins, which are powered by a rheostat light, offer enhanced visibility in low-light conditions, making it possible to continue hunting even as the sun begins to set.
Of course, as with any product, there are some minor drawbacks. Some users have reported issues with the sight tape and the light's rheostat, but in my experience, these have not detracted from the overall performance of the Hotwire.
In conclusion, the Trophy Ridge Hotwire 3 Pin. 019 RH Sight has been an invaluable addition to my hunting gear. Its innovative design, combined with its impressive accuracy and precision, make it a must-have for any dedicated hunter in search of a top-tier sight for their bow.

Buyer's Guide

1911 Tritium Sights are a popular choice among handgun enthusiasts due to their reliability, durability, and precision. These sights provide night vision capabilities by incorporating small vials of tritium gas, which emit a faint glow that enhances visibility in low-light conditions. In this buyer's guide, we will discuss important features, considerations, and general advice to help you make an informed decision when purchasing 1911 Tritium Sights.


  • Tritium vials: These sights use small vials of tritium gas that emit a soft glow, providing enhanced visibility in low-light conditions.
  • Night vision capabilities: Tritium sights are specifically designed to aid shooters in low-light or no-light environments, giving them an added edge.
  • Sturdy construction: High-quality 1911 Tritium Sights are made from durable materials, ensuring longevity and reliability.
  • Compatibility: Many models of these sights are designed to fit various 1911 handgun makes and models.


  • Brightness: Assess how bright the tritium vials appear to ensure adequate visibility in low-light conditions.
  • Color options: Some models offer colored tritium vials, such as green or orange, which can be helpful for differentiating between front and rear sights.
  • Compatibility: Check whether the sights are compatible with your specific 1911 handgun make and model before purchasing.
  • Warranty and return policy: Look for companies that offer a warranty or return policy in case there are any issues with the product.

General Advice

  1. Do your research: Read reviews and compare products to find the best 1911 Tritium Sight for your needs.
  2. Test in low light: If possible, try out the sights in a low-light environment to ensure they provide the desired level of visibility.
  3. Consult a professional: If you're unsure about compatibility or installation, consult a knowledgeable gunsmith or firearms dealer for advice.
  4. Importance of maintenance: Proper cleaning and maintenance of your 1911 Tritium Sight will help ensure its longevity and accuracy.



What are 1911 Tritium Sights?

1911 Tritium Sights are aftermarket sights designed for use on 1911 pistols. They incorporate tritium, a self-luminous substance, in their design to provide a visible aiming point in low light conditions.

How do Tritium Sights work?

Tritium Sights contain small glass capsules filled with tritium gas. When this gas decays, it emits a soft, non-visible light. The sights are designed to channel this light into a visible aiming point, making them useful for low light shooting.

Why would someone want to install 1911 Tritium Sights?

Many people choose to install 1911 Tritium Sights because they offer a reliable way to acquire a target in low light conditions. This can be a significant safety factor, especially for those who carry a handgun for self-defense.

Are 1911 Tritium Sights adjustable?

Yes, some models of 1911 Tritium Sights are adjustable for windage and elevation, allowing you to fine-tune your shot groupings.


How do I install 1911 Tritium Sights?

The process of installing 1911 Tritium Sights varies depending on the make and model of your weapon. Generally, it involves disassembling your firearm, removing the old sights, and installing the new ones. However, due to the complexity of some installations, it's often recommended to seek professional assistance.

How long do 1911 Tritium Sights last?

The tritium in these sights has a half-life of approximately 12 years. This means that the amount of visible tritium light will gradually decrease over time, but the sights will remain functional for much longer.

Can 1911 Tritium Sights be used with night vision devices?

Most 1911 Tritium Sights are not suitable for use with night vision devices. Their soft glow is designed for human eyes to detect, not for amplification by night vision technology. Therefore, they are typically considered incompatible with night vision systems.

How much do 1911 Tritium Sights cost?

The cost of 1911 Tritium Sights can vary widely depending on the brand, model, and features. Prices range from around $50 to $200 or more. However, the quality of the sight and its compatibility with your specific 1911 model should be your primary considerations when making a purchase.

Do I need special tools to install 1911 Tritium Sights?

In most cases, you will need a sight pusher tool and a sight adjustment tool to install your 1911 Tritium Sights correctly. These tools can often be purchased as a set specifically designed for 1911 firearms.
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2024.06.02 05:20 arvarnargul Chuck 01x04 teleplay review

Intro: In a series of reviews that will begin (or return) here; we are going to try and take a critical look at the Chuck series, especially the unfolding of the story as scene through the teleplay. In this case we are assuming multiple things about a potential watcher:
What is this all for: This started as a project to improve my critical reviewing skills for a hobby of movie script writing and analysis. Chuck happens to have published 3 original scripts and all the text of every episode has been published to a searchable database. This affords an opportunity to break from my movie writing woes and infinite revisions to just have fun enjoying Chuck and trying to deepen my understanding of the intersection of script writing with filmography and visual editing. Having said this, it should be known I have no affiliation to the show, no additional insider knowledge, and I do not write scripts for a living. So, consequently, feel free to ignore everything I say :). I do hope, however, we can go on this journey together and appreciate the excellence that is a love story called Chuck.
So, don't freak out, and lets get started.

Chuck 01x04 (Chuck vs the Wookiee): TEASER - We open with the gang playing "Know Ya!", which isn't actually a real board game, but based on the game Paddles. It's amazing that Morgan can't stand Ellie/Awesome being in love/winning, but marches triumphantly whenever he gets a question correct. I also like we see, in frame, Chuck watching Sarah pick off olives; he's beginning to notice things just like a real spy. The deep sadness and yet storied confliction on Chuck's face when he discovers Peaches 1 and Peaches 2 was great.
For those who don't know about dogs:
I find it very interesting how Sarah has "spidey sense" about potentially being watched. At no point previously did either Sarah nor Casey display this trait and I'm not totally sure how an open window was enough to do this; I wonder if Sarah's comfort being around Chuck's family is causing her to develop a "feeling of being watched" as she is comfortable with the Bartowski's? For those who missed it, Sarah talks about having a sister I think at the time this was just a throw-away line to protect her cover, but in season 5 Sarah does actually have a little sister if you count the little girl she rescues One last thing about Sarah here, when Bryce is being discussed, I really like how it was played where she acts quiet and shocked, but not saying anything. The facial expressions of Yvonne here are really special and you can tell Sarah lives a life of secrets. This is carried outside when Chuck asks Sarah about her relationship with Bryce. She is totally looking down and to the right, a classic indication of an emotional response searching for rationalization (ie. she is clearly lying)
As they end the game and exit to the courtyard, there teleplay of Chuck does something I've been wanting to see forever; they switch perspective to keep both characters in camera and follow them around from a 3rd perspective. We know this is supposed to indicate they are being watched, but I really enjoy getting to see them together reacting and talking instead of the constant close-ups and cuts. Normally Chuck will be shot with something between a medium close up (MCU) and Medium Shot (MS) to emphasize their characters and highlight their faces and expressions. This works really well because Chuck's cameras are typically either shoulder level or hip level based on the operators moving through their space. In many more modern TV shows, the technology of boom cranes and gyroscopic gimbals allows for content to be show from ground level to overhead giving directors the opportunity to tell their story through a variety of shifting profiles. If Chuck were shot today, we would see everything from full body shots all the way to extreme closeups without the need for continual jump-cuts and re-shoots because the technology is there. At least for this episode, it's nice to see the director explore more hip/knee level motion and more cowboy framed shots when having a distant observer perspective. https://www.studiobinder.com/blog/types-of-camera-shots-sizes-in-film/ does a fantastic breakdown of all the different shot type and camera perspectives for you want to read more!
As we transition into Sarah's hotel room, did anyone pick up on how NICE this is? She has double sinks, a king bed, a sitting mirror, free standing tub, and a great view. I doubt any agency in the "real world" would ever spring for something like this for multiple years for one of their agents, it's fancy! Enter Carina, tell me, who saw Sarah fight with a soap sock and think of iCarly and the famous "butter sock". Also during this fight, why is Sarah wearing a golden bikini? I know she is about to get into the shower, but what plausible reason is there for her to a) wear a bikini at all and b) it to be a bright golden yellow?? If you slow this fight scene way down, you will notice Yvonne's strikes actually come close to hitting Mimi as she has had a lot of training, whereas Mimi's strikes are miles from Yvonne and she just over-acts their impact. The most noticeable is the kick into her table, Sarah goes flying back, but we can tell from the angle, Carina missed her by a good 2 ft. This was just some sloppy editing and not getting the camera into position. I give it a pass because you have probably 3 camera operators wearing stabilized camera rigs trying to rotate around a room with 2 girls fighting and they just missed the angle by like 2 feet. I did really like at the end of the fight Carina had the option to go for the gun but instead went for the fish. If you didn't know they were not enemies before, this should have been a big clue! Carina calls Sarah's life in LA boring #1


Carina aka: Maria Elena Argalberdi was born Jun 16, 1978 in Alberdi Argentina with a Buenos Aires passport. Maria Elena is actually the name of a famous song in Mexico and eventually had a movie. This Chuck learns on Flash #1 and is the precursor to meeting the general for the first time. I know I've mentioned this before, but to reiterate; the pictures in Casey's apartment are all wrong; he has photos of Chuck and Morgan that don't happen until season 5 (lost footage) he has a map of Echo Park and Malibu already on display, and he has tactical information for each member of the Buy More (which he has no reason for at this time). It is interesting they talk about an opium cartel in Afghanistan as Afghanistan is known for it's huge poppy fields for heroin drug money.
The NADAN-I-NOOR diamond:
We open back to see Carina and Sarah looking at classified files within the restaurant. THIS IS AGAINST THE LAW, you do not look at classified files out in the open and especially not where there are clearly other customers around. Venturing into the BuyMore, there is a monster truck rally on the TV's showing grave digger and reaper, two famous trucks from this time period. Morgan wants to spread his wings and be the fourth wheel to the perpetual 3 wheel party and Sarah, ever the schemer, literally glows when she thinks of the plan to have Carina go on a date with Morgan. I THINK this was just to help maintain their cover, but also maybe Sarah is just needling Carina? If you look in the back of the store when Chuck is talking to Sarah and Carina, there is a really cool Nerd Herd poster that says "Bringing peace to your computer emergency". "if a yawn could yawn" is Carina calling Sarah's job boring #2. One thing I really like with the double data is the way the camera jumps between the couples: boy/girl, boy/boy, girl/girl. I think they way they try and keep private conversations via screen time is a really nice, typical, teleplay trick that really works well here. In a "real" environment, everyone could hear everything, but by splitting the camera focus or playing with perspective, the viewer clearly knows "this is a conversation between girls the boys don't hear it". We see Chuck noticing Sarah picking off olives #2 while they watch a movie about penguins: who mate for life, present their love in the form of rocks, and are pack animals. In Chuck's bedroom as he talks to Morgan, Chuck has a box of King Edward Invincible underneath bongos; for those who don't know this is a famous box for mild tobacco cigars. So I wonder what Chuck is up to in his free time :P.
On the Nerd Herd call with Carina, she opens a bottle of wine with a butter knife. This is actually a pretty famous thing that is done all over the world with everything from a key to a saber. In fact they make a specially type of knife with an extra wide blade for this it Italy. I do want to ask the question; is Carina dressed in red lingerie (Chuck's favorite color she stole from Sarah) really necessary for this scene? I know that Carina is all about improvising and she often uses her sexuality to progress her cause (Casey), but I think we could have gotten away with just the top. I can certainly see the rationalization for going this far, but I think as an artistic choice it wasn't necessary. What IS necessary however is to talk about how Chuck's world implodes when Carina tells him about Sarah and Bryce. Also the perfect act transition ending right at Chuck's jaw dropping and the work boyfriend!


I'll say it again, the back an forth with Chuck and Sarah should have been a medium close up, shoulder level straight on shot instead of the constant cuts. Seeing their reaction in real time would have been easier and it would have allowed the Weinerlicious to be maybe 15 ft smaller to not need so many cameramen rotating. "Unless talking to your boyfriend is a matter of national security, the ketchup bottles won't refill themselves". Why yes it IS a mater of national security for Sarah to talk to Chuck... also if any one of us stood up to our boss like Sarah did, I'm pretty sure we'd be fired on the spot!
Malibu is ~2hours for Echo Park with standard LA traffic. Seriously, how do girls in high heels walk down stairs; we see Carina and Sarah walking sideways so there is enough space on each step to fit their shoes. Girls, how do you do that and not fall especially with narrow staircases and 3-6inch heels! Inside the room with the stone there is a bust of Cesare, archenemies, da vinci, and biblical David. There is also some famous paintings the best of which is Vemieer's "young girl with a pearl earring" which is rather appropriate considering it's meaning. There is also a Van Gogh of man in a wheat field and a Monet in one shot too. If ANY of these paintings were real instead of reproductions, they would be worth millions, in fact the young girl with a pearl is estimated at 40million, which is 1.5x the sell value of the Nadan-I-Noor! If we take a look at the engineering drawing of Flash #2 on the pedestal, we would see this design creates a closed circuit around the tongs the diamond rests on; which might explain it's red hue. If a person were to touch the diamond, it would close the circuit on their body allowing the 4000volts to travel through their heart. A person can die with ~20volts, though it's usually more like 50 in most occurrences. 4000volts is enough to kill a herd of elephants and completely overkill for a person. Also the amount of power that would take is more than the city of Malibu... this is to say the trap is real, the numbers are complete nonsense; thinking lightning! Nice shot by Sarah with the plate (there are some great bloopers on this too where she misses badly)! A remote controlled jet ski... i'm not even going to calculate the nonsense for this; it's just total nonsense. Almost as much nonsense as Casey using his phone to track Carina's call. That would take minutes, even with today's technology to back trace like that and way more power than just pushing a button on a razer flip-phone from the 90's!
back at the house, Chuck i playing halo with the legendary skulls as his weapon; this is nice because in the BuyMore at the end of the episode there are dudes dressed as master chief! I really like the changing perspective here with Chuck and Morgan. Chuck's reactions remain in focus while Morgan tells a story behind him, then it switches as Chuck starts to move around until bringing both into focus for the final line "we still have each other and that's really sad". The side cut to Sarah picking locks to the hotel door is classic early 2000's TV and i'm all for it, even if it is super cheezy. BTW as someone who used to lock pick in college, that's .... not how that works, but good try. We get our Flash #3 on the diamond in Morgan's back nuclear explosions. I wonder if the refractive capability of a diamond this pure is enough to focus laser to induce fission or if the value of selling the diamond is enough to buy nuclear material on the black market? Either way, we end the act with... the man with the golden gun!


Chuck uses Sarah's plate move against Carina, nice inter-episode call back; he's clearly watching/learning, but his aim is terrible. This was actually clever as Sarah has perfect aim for she is a professional, while Chuck is still definitely a civilian and has no aptitude for fighting. I really like both these types of simple call backs but also how seemingly throw-away lines/actions help tell the broad story of the show. Chuck talking to Carina also shows Chuck has this weird, innate aptitude to get people to re-evaluate themselves and grow internally. You can watch Carina "grow in real-time. When we get to the hotel and Carina opens her trunk first there are a few glocks, a couple rugers, and a 1911; then she switches to blades and we see some folders, some strait blades, an illegal gravity blade (still illegal today), and a kbar... nice selection! Carina, always the flirt, gives Chuck some very insightful works about the nature of being a spy, but also maybe some way to get through to Sarah.
Inside the hotel we see Carina and Sarah speaking; Carina is speaking Swedish, while Sarah replies in Polish. "Om jag slänger nycklarna till dig, kommer du tappa dem då?" which is Swedish for "If I throw you the keys, will you drop them?" Sarah answered in Polish: "Tylko jak rzucisz jak twoja mamusia", which means "Only if you throw it like your mommy". This is just great!
I want to talk about how fast Chuck managed to find an address for DC, print a label, open a box, put the label on, and get the diamond there all before the door gets broken. Somehow on screen time this is like 10seconds, but in real life this would have to be like 3minutes minimum? Either that door is remarkably strong or... TV magic??


Even with all the flirting, as we say goodbye to Carina >! for now !< she is still joking with Casey and every the professional. I like how they show when it's "game time" it's all about the job, but spys can be people too! Carina still calls Sarah's life boring #3 (the common trifecta of episode repeats).
Sarah's face when Chuck brings the pizza with no olives is the reason I think Yvonne makes the perfect Sarah. She exudes the hidden beauty needed and has the acting to so such emotion for Chuck being sweet. The whole scene with Chuck and Sarah asking questions, then Chuck backing off, then Sarah acting stoic like she WANTS to open up but doesn't know if she can really trust Chuck, is ready to move on from Bryce, and should for the nature of her job. This was probably the most well acted 20seconds of the entire episode. Finally, we hear Sarah's middle name is Lisa. Now we never officially know if Chuck hears this or not both due to camera focus and distance, it's never officially confirmed in the entire show. When the intersect is updated in season 4 we see Sarah's picture and it lists Lisa as a middle name, so we assume it's official, but it's never confirmed at any point. Finally, I really like how they end the episode with Sarah closing her eyes as the fade to black.

Few notes: There are 5 official songs in this episode:

I think this was a great episode and really showcased what they can do when additional cast members join the team and when they are not afraid to play with perspective. Mimi as Carina is a great addition to the ensemble and I wish we saw her more, but every time she drops in, it's always a wild episode and it's fantastic. Watching Chuck learn about Sarah and seeing Sarah start to open up is a good way forward and heck Casey had some of the best humor in the episode. Overall, it was fast paced, had some nice character development, as funny in the best way, and moved the main theme along, 8/10.
submitted by arvarnargul to chuck [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:01 ConsequenceSure3063 Best 1911 Shoulder Holsters

Best 1911 Shoulder Holsters

Step into the world of stylish and secure gun storage with our comprehensive roundup of the best 1911 shoulder holsters on the market today. Let us guide you through the top-rated options, where quality meets convenience and comfort. Prepare to make your choice, as you embark on the journey to find the perfect holster to suit your needs.

The Top 5 Best 1911 Shoulder Holsters

  1. Adaptable Shoulder Holster for Glock 17 - Comfortably carry your Glock 17 with the RangeMaxx 4.5' Shoulder Gun Holster, featuring fully adjustable harness and tiedowns for optimal protection and convenience.
  2. Galco Women's Classic Lite 2.0 Shoulder Holster for Comfortable Gun Carry - The Galco Classic Lite 2.0 Shoulder System offers a perfect blend of comfort, durability, and functionality, making it the ultimate choice for women seeking a reliable and stylish shoulder holster.
  3. Galco VHS 4.0 Shoulder Holster: Comfort, Versatility, and Security for Firearm Carriers - The Galco VHS 4.0 Shoulder Holster offers a comfortable, ambidextrous, and versatile solution for quick firearm access, making it a reliable choice for 1911 firearms.
  4. Comfortable and Versatile Galco Classic Lite 2.0 Shoulder Holster System - Get the premium comfort and versatility of Galco shoulder holsters with the Classic Lite 2.0, featuring a genuine fit, center-cut steerhide construction, and secure gun and ammo carrier.
  5. Classic Army 1911 M-3 Shoulder Holster with Custom Embossing - Experience resemblance to WW2 classic design with the Desantis Tanker Holster, a 1911 shoulder holster designed for the M1911 available in different embossing options for the Army, Navy, and Marines.
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🔗Adaptable Shoulder Holster for Glock 17

I recently tried the RangeMaxx Shoulder Gun Holsters for my 4.5' and Glock 17, and I must say, it was quite the experience. The holster is designed with a fully adjustable harness and tiedowns, which I found incredibly convenient. The padding on the holster provides a nice level of protection for my handgun, and the nylon material ensures durability.
However, there were a few drawbacks to using this holster. The first issue I encountered was that the holster's design made it a bit tricky to adjust the fit of the gun. The second problem was with the release strap snapping right out of the box. Thankfully, I was able to exchange it for a new one without too much hassle.
Despite these minor inconveniences, I found the RangeMaxx Shoulder Gun Holster to be a solid choice for anyone looking for a comfortable and reliable option for carrying their handgun. The adjustable features and padding make it a great choice for all-day wear, and the nylon material ensures the holster remains in top condition. Overall, I would recommend giving this holster a try, especially if you're looking for a budget-friendly option that doesn't compromise on quality or comfort.

🔗Galco Women's Classic Lite 2.0 Shoulder Holster for Comfortable Gun Carry

As a roundup article reviewer, I can confidently say that the Galco Classic Lite 2.0 Shoulder System (CL2-202) is a game-changer for those in search of a reliable shoulder holster. Designed with high-quality center cut steerhide, this holster ensures durability and a lifetime of use.
The horizontal gun carry position is a standout feature, allowing for a smooth and intuitive drawing experience. Not only does it accommodate your gun perfectly, but it also offers secure and vertical double magazine carriers with secure flaps, ensuring you're always armed and ready.
The medium-width harness with a swiveling Flexalon backplate enhances comfort, making it an ideal choice for extended use. This shoulder holster even goes a step further by accepting tie-downs, cuff cases, or accessory attachments, catering to various preferences and needs.
Although this holster is highly rated and has its fair share of positive reviews, it may not cater to everyone's specific preferences. Nonetheless, the Galco Classic Lite 2.0 Shoulder System (CL2-202) is truly a reliable and versatile choice for those seeking a dependable shoulder holster.

🔗Galco VHS 4.0 Shoulder Holster: Comfort, Versatility, and Security for Firearm Carriers

You know that feeling when you're in a situation where you need quick access to your firearm? I've been there, and it's not fun. That's why I was excited to try out the Galco VHS 4.0 Shoulder Holster.
First things first, the tan color really stood out, making me feel like I was ready to take on the world. But even more impressive was the comfort factor. The wide harness and swiveling Flexalon backplate felt like a breath of fresh air compared to the usual tight feeling of other holsters. Plus, it didn't dig into my skin or cause any irritation.
Now, one thing that really sets this holster apart is its ambidextrous design. As a lefty, I'm always worried about how comfortable a holster will be. But the Galco VHS 4.0? It was a game-changer. Whether I was wearing it on my left or right side, it felt just as comfortable.
The vertical double magazine carrier with secure flaps was also a bonus. It made it super easy to reload on the go, without having to fumble around.
But as with anything, there are always a few cons. One thing I noticed was that the holster is a bit on the heavy side. Not a deal breaker, but something to be aware of. Additionally, the shipping time was a bit longer than expected.
Overall, the Galco VHS 4.0 Shoulder Holster is a solid choice. It's comfortable, versatile, and easy to use. Sure, there are a few minor drawbacks, but they're nothing that can't be overcome. If you're looking for a reliable holster that will keep your firearm close and comfortable, this is worth checking out.

🔗Comfortable and Versatile Galco Classic Lite 2.0 Shoulder Holster System

I've recently started using the Galco Classic Lite 2.0 Shoulder System in my daily life, and I must say it's a game-changer. This shoulder system stands out with its premium Center Cut Steerhide, providing a sturdy and comfortable experience. The horizontal gun carry and vertical ammo carrier with a secure flap are features I particularly appreciate, as they ensure my firearm and ammunition stay secure and easily accessible.
The medium-width harness with a swiveling Flexalon backplate adds to the overall comfort, allowing for a natural and relaxed fit. I also like that it accepts various accessories, such as tie-downs, cuffs, or flashlights, giving me the flexibility to customize it to my needs.
Though I haven't had any issues with the Galco Classic Lite 2.0, I can't help but notice its somewhat high price point when compared to other options on the market. However, considering the quality and durability it offers, it might just be worth the investment for those seeking a reliable and comfortable shoulder system.

🔗Classic Army 1911 M-3 Shoulder Holster with Custom Embossing

The Desantis Tanker Holster for Standard 1911 Models 5 right-handed version in army finish is a rugged tactical accessory. Its unique strap attachment allows for hands-free carry, while keeping your firearm secure under your arm. The leather construction is both stylish and durable, perfect for any outdoor excursion or day-to-day use.
Despite being a great option for those who prefer a classic army-inspired holster, it may not have the same versatility as other shoulder-style holsters available in the market. Overall, a great option for gun enthusiasts looking for that classic, military-style touch.

Buyer's Guide

When it comes to choosing the right 1911 shoulder holster, there are several factors to consider. Ensuring comfort, safety, and ease of use are essential aspects to consider when purchasing this type of holster.


Comfort is a crucial factor when selecting a shoulder holster. You should look for holsters made from soft, breathable materials such as neoprene or leather. Make sure the design of the holster allows for even weight distribution and minimal stress on your shoulders, neck, and back.



Safety should be your top priority when considering a 1911 shoulder holster. Look for holsters that offer retention systems to keep your pistol securely in place. Ensure the holster has a good grip and is easy to draw from, preventing accidental discharge.

Ease of Use

The holster should be easy to put on and take off, even when wearing a coat or jacket. You should also look for holsters that offer a quick-release mechanism, allowing you to draw your pistol quickly and easily in an emergency.

Additional Features

Some 1911 shoulder holsters come with additional features such as magazine pouches, a spare ammunition pouch, or a belt loop. Consider whether you need these features and if they will be beneficial for your specific needs.

Fit and Adjustment

A good 1911 shoulder holster should fit comfortably and securely without being too tight or too loose. Look for holsters that offer adjustable straps, allowing you to customize the fit to your body type. Make sure the holster is compatible with your pistol's grip width and size.

Maintenance and Durability

Ensure the holster you choose is made from durable materials that can withstand regular use. Some materials such as neoprene and leather may require occasional cleaning and conditioning to maintain their quality. Consider the warranty or return policy offered by the manufacturer and retailer.

General Advice

Before making a purchase, it's essential to try on the holster in person or purchase from a reputable dealer with a return policy. Research reviews and ratings online to get an idea of the holster's performance and durability. Remember that the perfect 1911 shoulder holster will vary from person to person, so choose the one that best fits your specific needs and preferences.



What are 1911 Shoulder Holsters?

1911 Shoulder Holsters are a type of gun holster designed specifically for the 1911 handgun model. They provide a secure and convenient way to carry the gun on your shoulder, making it more accessible when needed.

What materials are 1911 Shoulder Holsters made of?

Most 1911 Shoulder Holsters are made from high-quality leather or synthetic materials for durability and comfort. Some also include metal reinforcements for added strength and security.


What are the benefits of using a 1911 Shoulder Holster?

  • Quick access to the gun in case of an emergency
  • Comfortable and secure carriage
  • Better weight distribution compared to traditional hip holsters
  • Protection for the gun from weather and dust

How do I choose the right 1911 Shoulder Holster for my gun?

It is essential to select a holster that is designed to fit your specific 1911 handgun model and version. Measure the dimensions of your gun, including the barrel length, height, and width. Some holsters may also have adjustable retention to accommodate different gun models.

Are there any drawbacks to using a 1911 Shoulder Holster?

  • May not be as concealable as other holster options
  • May not be suitable for people with certain shoulder injuries or conditions
  • Requires proper maintenance and care to maintain its durability and performance

What are some popular brands of 1911 Shoulder Holsters?

Some popular brands of 1911 Shoulder Holsters include Galco Gunleather, Bianchi, Safariland, and DeSantis Gunhide. Each brand offers a variety of models and styles to choose from.

How much do 1911 Shoulder Holsters usually cost?

Prices for 1911 Shoulder Holsters can vary greatly depending on the brand, materials, and features. Some budget-friendly options can be found for under $100, while high-end models can cost several hundred dollars.

Do I need any additional accessories for my 1911 Shoulder Holster?

While not always required, some users may find additional accessories helpful. These could include holster covers for protection, magazine holders, or shoulder strap cushions for extra comfort.
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2024.06.02 01:44 4990 Metabolic Health (Part 2)

Metabolic Health Part 2: Estimating Body Composition with Bioimpedance and DEXA
As previously described, BMI is an easy, but imperfect metric to evaluate body composition: it will systematically underestimate metabolic risk in some populations (ie. South Asians) and overestimate risk in others (ie. Blacks, very muscular individuals). Waist circumference and waist/hip ratio add some specificity, and in routine clinical practice I will measure BMI, waist circumference, waist/hip ratio in all patients. However I still want to know body fat percentage, which is highly associated with health and disease.
Bioimpedance devices, sometimes called body composition analyzers, are scales that passes very low current(s) through your feet (and sometimes hands depending on the device) and returns it to the sensor. Water is overwhelmingly the best conductor of electricity and conveniently fat has zero water (you can't mix water with oil). So by estimating total body water and knowing height, the device will tell you your fat free mass and, by extension, your fat mass and body fat percentage. The more sophisticated professional grade devices can also estimate your visceral fat (much more associated with metabolic disease), basal metabolic rate (ie resting energy utilization), and host of other factors. See sample read out here. They have been extensively validated against DEXA (the gold standard, see below). See here and here for examples. The cheaper, consumer devices vary tremendously in quality and accuracy. Directionally, however, they tend to underestimate body fat percentage by a few percent. This is particularly true for very lean or very obese individuals. They are also dependent on hydration status, which can lead to tremendous reading to reading variability. Nevertheless, if a patient is committed to taking a measurement more or less at the same time every day (ie first thing in the AM for example after urinating) and taking measurements in a standardized way (ie after bowel movement, nude or mostly nude, before eating), they can give useful estimation of progress. For example, if a person starts at 25% body fat percentage and after 6 months they are at 20% with diet and exercise, I am less concerned about the exact numbers and more about the directionality. We also calibrate with DEXA to know how much we need to correct the measurements for.
DEXA (dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry) is an ultra low dose x-ray that is the gold standard for estimating body composition. It is a cheap, fast, very safe test that can be repeated annually or several times a year to track progress. See sample report here. I am interested in body fat percentage, and visceral fat specifically (should be less than 1lb). Android fat is carried in the abdomen (imagine an apple shaped body) and pear fat is carried in the hips and buttocks (imagine a pear body). Android fat is much more metabolically dangerous and should be less than 3 lbs. Next, I consider appendicular lean mass, which is the sum of the lean (fat free) tissues in the arms and legs. This is critically important in older adults where frailty is a real concern. Finally, I will peep at the bone mineral density and z and t scores (which is how dense the bones are compared to age matched controls and a population of healthy young people). If I see any abnormalities, osteopenia or osteoporosis, I will refer for formal clinical DEXA in a medical setting to confirm and work up further. I will also peep the basal metabolic rate and can apply a multiplier to determine how many calories a patient should ideally be consuming to gain, lose, or maintain weight.
Ultimately, metrics previous described such as blood lipids, measures of insulin resistance, and body composition as described above, will give me a very clear picture if someone is metabolically healthy or not. In part 3, we will turn to an overview of nutrition for metabolic health.
submitted by 4990 to healthylongevity [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 01:37 Freshlojic Broken daytime running light?

Broken daytime running light?
I have an 11th gen accord and got into an accident where I tapped the other driver about 25mph before trying to stop. I thought there were minimal damage just a scuff I wiped off with Nu Doctor and a scratch I used touch up paint on. Upon further inspection the headlight seemed to be slightly pushed in and the running day time light does not work. The headlight and high beams has all other functions working even the signal indicator light that seems to be the same strip of LED lights in the daytime light (check out the photos). I was quoted $570 for the headlight + $173 for labor. Another auto body I took it too to weigh my options quoted me $1200 total. The indicator led must be a different connection that’s still in tact while the day time running light was somehow affect by the impact? Any thoughts?
submitted by Freshlojic to accord [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:54 strawbeylamb ENFP or INFP? Detailed description with cognitive functions.

I’ve been exploring typology for 5 years, it’s a huge interest of mine, but I constantly go back and forth between ENFP / INFP. I’ve narrowed it down to these two types but now I’m stuck. Can anyone give some insight? My enneagram is 4w3 and tritype is 479 if that helps!
Fi: Beauty is everywhere, there are patterns and meanings in everything, clouds and angel numbers. My emotions are my guide and compass. I will not change my personality or my likes/dislikes for anybody. I find it disgusting and offensive when others try and change me. I change only for myself. I live for my own sake. I do not exist to serve other people, I exist for the pure joy of being alive and experiencing bliss and beauty. I don’t think I have a particularly strong moral code of my own making, but I am concerned with being a moral and good person by general standards. Deeply concerned with my own feelings and internal world. I experience Fi-Si loops, romanticising past memories and trying to recreate them to feed my own emotions, like an emotional junkie, can get very withdrawn, focussed on recreating the same emotions over and over again, when unhealthy can be focussed on comfort and hiding in suffering. Deeply emotional, intuitive, sentimental and easily hurt. I have a deep problem with other people’s behaviour if it’s uncouth, offensive and rude. It feels like they’re violating me personally. I’m quick to love and quick to hate, I judge and rate people based off my own internal value system. It upsets me deeply when others try and control me or force their ideas of who I should be onto me.
Ne: My mind is a constant idea factory. Wordplay, wacky puns, a million thoughts a second. Lost in my imagination. Wildly creative and greedy for new ideas. Always thinking of what is missing or what could be, or how things connect and interlink to each other. I take on new hobbies only to get bored quickly and move on, failing at the execution stage of selling the final product because the idea stage and creation stage was the most fun. The idea stage of travel is more fun than the actual travel itself. Planning and making to do lists is SO fun. I am fuelled by the constant need for more, for beauty, for aesthetics, for ideas and dreams and things that touch my sensibilities. Ne-Te loops can happen, where I lose touch with Fi and just keep going from one thing to another, using new plans and ideas to sustain myself and then executing them without thinking about their personal meaning until I burn out and lose touch with my soul and need to reconnect. Ne was my most visible/prominent function as a child, with Fi seeming to develop more as a teenager.
Si: Manifests weirdly for me. I am a deeply nostalgic person. I am a collector of many things, postcards, trinkets, seashells, leaves, acorns, anything that appeals to my senses and has personal significance. My bedroom is a clutter of meaningful aesthetic bliss. I love all things cozy and comforting. I like having yearly traditions and a comforting routine. Everything in my life has its place and I have a refined and consistent aesthetic. That said, if there is a lamppost, I WILL walk into it. I trip up on my feet all the time, I spill drinks, I walk in front of cars, I lose keys… it’s like I have zero physical awareness of my own body! I am chronically clumsy and my spatial awareness is beyond awful.
Te: This one is tricky. I can get in Ne-Te loops where I lose touch with Fi. Sometimes my Te is very good and I can be quite practical and down to earth when organising myself, planning and executing ideas. However, I am TERRIBLE at organising others. I’m often uncomfortable being in charge, although I’ll take over as a leader if there’s a power vacuum. I really struggle to organise and take control over other people, it doesn’t come naturally and it feels like the very act of bossing others around and restricting them is against my own values… I have no desire for power or control, and I don’t like enforcing it on others. However, my Te can be downright brutal when it comes to myself. I get very stressed and become snappy, aggressive and a workaholic, criticising everyone and everything, especially when I’m angry and deeply unhappy. It’s shocking how I can go from so optimistic to so ruthless and irritable.
Se: I have major problems existing in the present moment. My mind is always drawn elsewhere, inward, to the land of dreams, curiosity, what could be, what I like and what I don’t like, how I feel, how that compares to how I used to feel this time last year. I really struggle being present physically except at very rare times, when I’ve gotten into a lot of trouble because Se bravado overtakes me and I’ve jumped off cliffs, fallen off mountain bikes and almost drowned in caves. I use Se in a very clumsy way that trips me up a bit and sweeps me away. I prefer my own imagination and a romanticised reality to the actual physical reality.
Fe: This seems to be relatively low unless I’m around children or animals, who I connect with very easily because of my childlike playful outlook. I am not naturally drawn to helping others. I can’t anticipate others needs, nor do I care to. I look inwards and care for myself first and foremost. People pleasing is incredibly exhausting for me.
Ni: I don’t know if this manifests in me or how it would show up. I can be quite spiritual but I don’t relate to realising ideas or having awakenings. I don’t really understand Ni as a function too well. Definitely not in my main stack though.
Ti: Again, I don’t understand it well enough as a function but nothing about it really speaks to my soul and, much like Ni, I know it’s not a dominant function for me.
submitted by strawbeylamb to MbtiTypeMe [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:05 The_Sunhunter The Mythology of the Eikons #9: Leviathan

Leviathan, the Eikon of Water concept art
Leviathan, the lost Eikon of Water, has finally been found! After months of waiting, the Rising Tide downloadable content (DLC) has been released and with it, I am once again rambling about the mythological, religious, and cultural inspirations behind the Eikons of Final Fantasy XVI. If you would like to check out any of my previous posts on the subject of Eikons, you can find them here:

1.) Phoenix

2.) Ifrit

3.) Shiva

4.) Ramuh

5.) Garuda

6.) Titan

7.) Bahamut

8.) Odin

As I’ve said in the past, if you feel that I may have said something wrong, or if you would like to add to what information I have provided; by all means please do so. I absolutely welcome the discussion.
The sea serpent Leviathan, like most of the Eikons, has been a staple of the Final Fantasy series since its introduction as one of the original summons#Summon_Magic) from 1990’s Final Fantasy III. While modern usage of the terms “leviathan” and “behemoth” are often used to denote something large and imposing, these words actually originate as the names of two creatures from the Tanakh (or Hebrew Bible). According to the verses 40:15-41:34 in the Book of Job, Leviathan and Behemoth are two gigantic and nigh indestructible animals born around the same time as the creation of the first two humans Adam and Eve, with Behemoth residing over the wilderness east of the Garden of Eden called Duidain and Leviathan bound to the watery Abyss) as stated in verses 60:7-10 in the apocryphal Book of Enoch. While the term abyss may bring to mind the idea of a bottomless hole or even an underworld such as the Greek Hades, Hebrew Sheol, or Christian Hell; the Septuagint, the earliest Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible, often uses the term abyss to instead refer to deep bodies of water. In fact, Abyss is the translated noun for the Hebrew Tehom, or the “deep” primordial waters from which the god Yahweh formed the world after the creation of light as stated by the verses 1:2-10 in the Book of Genesis; which is but one example of the cosmic ocean motif, whereby existence is conceptualized as originating from a watery void. I find it very interesting then that the Abyss is referenced several times in the Rising Tide DLC, such as in the name of Leviathan’s Eikonic ability Abyssal Tear; the Motes of Water adage “Know that even should you walk Abyss, our hands will guide you home” from the Minwu Arm Ring description; or the description of the Radiant Tidestrike weapon that says “Surge did the tide, the water rising as if it were some mighty whale stranding itself upon the shore. Behold, the Devourer of Worlds. The beast within whose foul belly our hopes are carried unto the Abyss. - Eikonomachy - Book of Currents 15:40-41”.
From the aforementioned verses of the diegetic Book of Currents, as well as one of the Active Time Lore Entries for Leviathan that states “Old writings clearly speak of Dominants past summoning great whale-like creatures capable of swallowing entire cities…”; we can possibly see a reference to Leviathan) swallowing the protagonist Firion and his allies on their way to the Mysidian Tower in Final Fantasy II. However, I would suggest that these quotes go further than mere references to past games and are actually an allusion to the parable of Jonah surviving in the belly of a whale from the eponymous Book of Jonah. For those unfamiliar with the story, the Hebrew prophet Jonah was tasked by God to preach on His behalf to the citizenry of Nineveh in the Neo-Assyrian Empire. Jonah instead refuses the call, and attempts to sail across the sea to Tarshish. On the journey, Jonah and the sailors he is accompanied by are caught in a huge storm, and believing that Jonah’s dismissal of God is the cause, the sailors thus throw him overboard. God then sends a whale to swallow Jonah, with the intention of preventing the Israelite from drowning. Miraculously surviving in the whale’s stomach for 3 days, Jonah vows to do God’s bidding and is thus safely returned to shore, whereby he travels to Nineveh and beseeches the citizens to renounce their wicked ways, lest they be visited by calamity. This story is meant to illustrate that Yahweh is a merciful god who allows for second chances, giving not only Jonah, but also the Ninevites the opportunity to learn from their mistakes and redirect their course of actions.
With this parable in mind, I would like to mention that in 1949, literary professor Joseph Campbell published “The Hero with a Thousand Faces”; a work of comparative mythology in which he proposed his idea of the Monomyth (later called the Hero’s Journey). Campbell’s theory of the Monomyth posits that while most narratives involving a heroic protagonist may have differing contents, these stories also typically follow a similar pattern; that being a three-act structure comprised of 17 subset stages. One such stage in Campbell’s model is the Belly of the Whale (sometimes also referred to as the Abyss), one of the literally or figuratively lowest points in the story for the protagonist in which the hero must engage in introspection and commence a process of self-transformation if they are to be equipped to finish their journey. This stage acts as a symbolic death and rebirth for the protagonist, with some Christians even interpreting Jonah’s story as actually being an allegory for Jesus Christ’s sacrificial death and resurrection.
A prime example of this stage can be seen in Carlo Collodi’s 1883 novel “The Adventures of Pinocchio”, whereby the eponymous puppet Pinocchio and his creator Geppetto are swallowed by the Terrible Dogfish; with the typically irresponsible and selfish Pinocchio instead performing a self-sacrificial act in order to save his “father”, which he is thus rewarded for by being brought back to life as a human by the Fairy with Turquoise Hair. Viewing the Pinnochio narrative as an example of a more modern mythical epic, Thomas J. Morrissey and Richard Wunderlich state in “Death and Rebirth in Pinocchio”; “Gods can die and be reborn, or rise from the dead. Such mythological events probably imitate the annual cycle of vegetative birth, death, and renascence, and they often serve as paradigms for the frequent symbolic deaths and rebirths encountered in literature. Two such symbolic renderings are most prominent: re-emergence from a journey to hell and rebirth through metamorphosis. Journeys to the underworld [Katabasis] are a common feature of Eurasian literary epics: Gilgamesh, Odysseus, Aeneas, and Dante all benefit from the knowledge and power they put on after such descents. Rebirth through metamorphosis, on the other hand, is a motif generally consigned to fantasy or speculative literature… These two figurative manifestations of the death-rebirth trope are rarely combined; however, Carlo Collodi’s great fantasy-epic, The Adventures of Pinocchio, is a work in which a hero experiences symbolic death and rebirth through both infernal descent and metamorphosis”. We as the player also experience this Belly of the Whale stage in Final Fantasy XVI, when our heroes Clive Rosfield and Jill Warwick confront the Dominant of Darkness Barnabas Tharmr on the seafloor of the sundered Naldia Narrow, appropriately labeled as the Abyss, whereby Clive is soundly defeated by Barnabas for a second time. Fleeing their assailant, Clive and Jill consummate their love for one another on the shore of Ash, with Clive acquiring a portion of the Eikon Shiva’s powers from Jill so that he may finally triumph over Barnabas in a battle of physical prowess and ideals; proving to the false prophet and his God that compassion and the desire for freedom will always overcome any adversity.
With all this talk of whales, I should mention that from the descriptions as given in the Book of Job, Behemoth sounds to resemble that of a large ox or hippopotamus, while Leviathan is suggested as being similar to that of the tanninim) or “great whales” mentioned several times in the Hebrew Bible. In fact, Islamic folklore has its own variant of this terrestrial and aquatic duo, that being the large bull Kujata and the even larger whale Bahamut; as outlined by the medieval cosmographer Zakariya al-Qazwini in his seminal work “The Wonders of Creation”. Even though I am going to hazard a guess that the name of the Kuza Beast), a variant of the Behemoth enemy in several Final Fantasy games, is named after Kujata; it is quite obvious on the other hand that the draconic Eikon Bahamut borrows its name from the Islamic whale of the same name as well as the dragon god Bahamut) from the Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game. While the Book of Job describes Leviathan as being a whale or even a crocodile as suggested by a footnote in the Revised Standard Version of the Bible, verse 27:1 in the Book of Isaiah instead equates Leviathan to a sea serpent or dragon, with the Book of Job description also making it a point to mention Leviathan’s fearsome fiery breath. Given its status as a tutelary god for the Japanese-inspired nation of Wutai in Final Fantasy VII, it could be argued that Leviathan in the Final Fantasy series also shares similarities with Eastern dragons, such as the Chinese Lóng or Japanese Ryū; beneficent, serpentine deities of water and rain.
It is presumed that the figure and name of Leviathan actually originates from the older Canaanite sea monster Lôtān, whose name in the Ugaritic language meant “coiled” and was given the epithets “the fugitive serpent” or “the wriggling serpent”. In the first two tablets of the fragmentary Ugaritic Baal Cycle text, the storm god Baal (Lord) Hadad engages in a feud with the deification of the sea Yammu) to succeed their father El) as the ruler of the gods. At some point in this first chapter of the Baal Cycle, Hadad strikes down the seven-headed serpent Lôtān, who given the missing pieces of the text, could either be a servant of or another name for Yammu, with it also being believed that the monster was a zoomorphic representation of the Lebanese Litani River. Why I bring this up is to illustrate that Hadad’s defeat of Lôtān is but one example of the Chaoskampf mytheme, a pattern found in numerous Indo-European mythologies whereby a younger storm god or culture hero representing order and human civilization slays an ancient serpent or dragon associated with water that represents primordial chaos); perhaps a sentiment held by early agricultural riverine civilizations wishing to triumph over the constant and often devastating threat of floods.
One of the oldest examples of this mytheme is that of the Mesopotamian god Marduk’s dismemberment of Tiamat. According to the Babylonian Enūma Eliš, in the beginning there existed only Tiamat, the female personification of salt water; and Abzu, the male personification of fresh water. From the union of the two primeval waters sprang forth the first generation of gods called the Anunnaki. One such god, Enki (or Ea) would capture and kill Abzu after he plotted to kill his children due to the commotion they were causing. Enraged by Enki’s actions, Tiamat gave birth to eleven monstrous children to wage war against the gods along with her new consort Kingu, who possessed the Tablet of Destinies); the mark of divine rule. Marduk, the son of Enki, challenged Tiamat and her monsters, eventually slaying his opponents with lightning and storm winds. Defeated, Tiamat’s body was sliced in twain, with the two halves becoming the sky and earth. From an earlier promise made with the Anunnaki and the Igigi (lesser gods) as well as the acquisition of the Tablet of Destinies from the beaten Kingu, Marduk was made king of the gods; later mixing the blood of Kingu with clay to also become the creator of mankind.
Through the lens of the Chaoskampf mytheme, we can start to see connections between Tiamat’s dismemberment, the defeat of the multi-headed Lôtān, and Leviathan form. The non-canonical Book of Enoch actually specifies that the land-dwelling Behemoth is male, while the aquatic Leviathan is female; possibly creating an inadvertent association between Leviathan and the sea goddess and mother of monsters Tiamat. This may also be why Leviathan’s Chronolith Trial is named the Hand of Tethys. While still following the moons of Saturn naming convention, it is very fitting that the trial is also named after the Greek Tethys); wife of the world-encompassing river Oceanus and mother to the male river gods and female water nymphs called the Potamoi and Oceanids, respectively. Furthering the connections to Tiamat and Lôtān, several accounts in the Hebrew Bible describe Yawheh triumphing over the forces of the sea, such as in Isaiah 51:9-10 “Awake, awake, arm of the Lord, clothe yourself with strength! Awake, as in days gone by, as in generations of old. Was it not you who cut Rahab) to pieces, who pierced that monster through? Was it not you who dried up the sea, the waters of the great deep, who made a road in the depths of the sea so that the redeemed may cross over?” and Job 26:12-13 “By his power he churned up the sea; by his wisdom he cut Rahab to pieces. By his breath the skies became fair; his hand pierced the gliding serpent”. It is believed that Rahab, while occasionally used as a flowery term for Egypt or arrogance, was also a sea serpent either comparable to or synonymous with Leviathan. While Leviathan’s death at the hands of Yahweh in Isaiah 27:1 is viewed as a metaphor for the enemies of Israel who will submit to the Hebrew God, the Chaoskampf and the connection with the Canaanite Lôtān is further shown in verse 74:14 from the Book of Psalms, which says “Thou brakest the heads of leviathan in pieces, and gavest him to be meat to the people inhabiting the wilderness”; which is where the name of the trophy for beating Leviathan on Final Fantasy mode, Thou Brakest the Head, comes from.
Along with the account of Leviathan’s death in Psalms 74:12, several other Jewish sources, such as the Second Book of Esdras 6:47-52, the Apocalypse of Baruch 29:4, and the Bava Batra tractate in the Talmud state that Yahweh will slay Leviathan and Behemoth so that their flesh shall be given as food and shelter to the righteous during the End of Days and the Messianic Age. This may explain why the Behemoth King in FFXVI has several attacks referencing Christian eschatology from the Book of Revelation, such as the Four Horsemen; personifications of War, Conquest, Famine, and Death that herald the Last Judgment; and the Apocalypse, another term for a revelation which has since become synonymous with a cataclysmic end-time event, like the battle at Armageddon for instance. Leviathan and Behemoth’s statuses as eventual sacrifices is very similar to the role that Leviathan and its Dominant unfortunately play in Final Fantasy XVI.
Both DLCs, the Echoes of the Fallen and the Rising Tide, deal with themes of rectifying the sins of the past; whereby the Fallen and the Motes of Water engaged in questionable behavior in an attempt to create their own Mothercrystals to disastrous effect. The Motes of Water, a central focus of the Rising Tide, are a tribe originating from the southern coast of the continent of Ash and hosts to the Dominants of the Eikon Leviathan. After the loss of their Mothercrystal Drake’s Horn, the tribe migrated across the twin continent of Storm; where they were mercilessly persecuted by several groups, particularly the Greagorian faithful of the burgeoning Holy Empire of Sanbreque, causing the tribe and their Eikon to become “lost” to history. Due to their nomadic nature as well as Sanbreque’s similarities with the Roman and Holy Roman Empires, one could say that the Motes of Water mirror the Jewish Diaspora (exile) and transformation of the faith after the Roman Empire’s siege on Jerusalem) and the destruction of the Second Temple during the First Jewish-Roman War; or perhaps one could say the tribe is treated in a similar fashion to the oft demonized itinerant Romani people of eastern Europe. Either way, the Motes of Water are meant to represent the “Other”; ostracized outsiders to the customs of Storm who hid themselves away from the rest of the world to avoid further religious persecution.
After finding sanctuary in the northern territory of Mysidia, the Motes of Water tried to create for themselves a new Mothercrystal to replace the Northern Territories’ own shattered Mothercrystal called Drake’s Eye. The story of the Motes of Water is one of loss and a constant fight to carve out a place in the world to call their own, so it is no surprise then that they wished to regain something taken away from them so many years ago. However, the tribe would engage in a terrible act, enraging their Eikon Leviathan that laid dormant within the infant Dominant Waljas, and freeze both the baby and the Eikon in time to essentially act as an aether battery. Unsuccessful in turning Waljas into the heart of a Mothercrystal, all the tribe achieved was robbing the poor baby of its life and autonomy, imprisoning the Dominant and the tidal wave it summoned in that moment where the tribe’s greatest sin occurred for 80 years.
This frozen tsunami, dubbed the Surge, is not only a monument to the tribe’s greatest shame, but is also a constant looming threat over the tribe’s village of Haven; a reminder to never again engage in such a transgression, lest they be met with watery doom. This mirrors not only Jonah preaching to the Ninevites to change their ways, but also God’s warnings against individuals sacrificing children to Moloch in the Book of Leviticus 20:2-5. In fact, as ProfNoctis suggests in his video “Final Fantasy XVI Lecture Stream: The Mythos of Leviathan Part 2”; Leviathan and the Surge are symbols of human and divine regret, with Ultima, the creator of mankind and the Mothercrystals, referring to Leviathan as its “most profaned fragment”; due to the Eikon being rested from its creator’s control and the act of creating a man-made Mothercrystal being a repeat of the Fallen’s blasphemous attempts at attaining godhood during the War of the Magi and the Sins of Dzemekys, flagrant displays of mankind’s development of free will which is anathema to Ultima’s collective identity.
As a symbol of divine regret, the Surge could be seen as a parallel to the Flood from the Book of Genesis. Deluge or flood myths are motifs that can often be found amongst cultures residing near the Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea, and Persian Gulf such as Egypt, Greece, and Israel; with these stories usually recounting a tale in which a deity or deities summon a world-wide flood as a form of divine retribution. One of the earliest examples is the Mesopotamian Epic of Atra-Hasis, in which mankind was created by the gods to act as servants and laborers. However, due to overpopulation, the storm god Enlil seeks to reduce their numbers by bringing forth a great flood. Enki, seen as a benefactor of mankind, warns the human Atra-Hasis about the flood, telling him to build a boat to protect himself, his family, and his livestock from the deluge. After seven days, the waters recede and Enki and Enlil agree on other means of maintaining the human population. This story is also thought to have been later adapted in Tablet XI of the Epic of Gilgamesh, where the survivor of the flood is renamed Utnapishtim; though both the Atra-Hasis and Gilgamesh flood accounts seem to originate from an even older source called the Eridu Genesis. Similarly, the Greeks also had a deluge myth, as outlined in the Roman poet Ovid’s Metamorphoses, where Deucalion, the human son of the divine Prometheus, is warned by his father to build a chest for himself and his wife Pyrrha to escape a gigantic flood that the storm god Zeus plans to bring forth as a response to the insufficient offering given to him by Lycaon), the king of Arcadia); with the pair washing up on Mount Parnassus nine days after the storm.
There are several theories, such as the Black Sea Deluge Hypothesis, that propose that the ancient Middle East did indeed experience a large flood at some point in the very distant past. Given that flood myths are thus believed to have originated from Mesopotamia, it should come as no surprise that the Hebrew flood narrative bears similarities to the previously discussed deluge myths as well. According to chapters 6-9 in the Book of Genesis, God grows increasingly distraught over the wicked nature of the humans descended from Adam and Eve and their inadvertent creation of sin, and so decides to reset creation to a state of watery chaos. God warns one of the few moral men, the Antediluvian patriarch named Noah, about His plan to flood the world and instructs him to build an ark to house himself, his family, and two of each animal to be the first creatures to inhabit the new world. After the firmament breaks forth and floods the world for 40 days, Noah’s Ark washes up on Mount Ararat. Noah then builds an altar, with God forming a covenant with Noah whereby He declares to never again summon a flood to devastate the world. As Genesis 9:9-17 states, this promise between Noah and God is commemorated by the rainbow, a symbol of peace; which as ProfNoctis points out, also appears once Clive saves Waljas.
Through a certain perspective, the Flood could be seen as a sort of baptism, a spiritual cleansing of the world through physical water. Baptism is considered one of the 7 sacraments of the Christian Catholic denomination; a rite of initiation whereby the individual joining the faith is either submerged in or sprinkled with water three times, representing the purification of sin and the grace given by the Holy Trinity. This is not unlike the Rite of Immersion that the infant Waljas is granted at the conclusion of the Rising Tide DLC; a ceremony for all babies born into the Motes of Water in which the initiate is sprinkled with mountainous rain water from Maiden’s March, river water from Riversmeet, and sea water from Tailwind Bay. The water used in this rite is used as a metaphor for life’s journey, likened by the tribe to that of a river, with this revealing that the Motes of Water hold a very cyclical view of life in a similar fashion to the Buddhist beliefs in reincarnation or the Lifestream from Final Fantasy VII. As the descriptions for the 3 kinds of water used in the ceremony state; “The rain that falls upon the mountains of Mysidia emerges in the springs of Maiden’s March. Thus the water collected from said springs represents birth-the fountainhead from which the river of life begins”, “In the Riversmeet valley, several tributaries merge into a single stream, where clear currents and roiling eddies swim side by side. Its water represents life-a course complete with myriad meanderings, yet one that runs inexorably from source to sea”, and “The Mysidian river empties into the ocean amid the shallows of Tailwind Bay, and thus its water represents death-the stillness that lies beyond the end of the river of life, and from whence the raindrops are born anew”. In fact, the symbol for the village of Haven is meant to be the combination of Leviathan’s scales and the river called the Ceaseless Rill, “...the circle of life that has neither beginning nor end”, not unlike the serpentine symbol of the Ouroboros. I would thus argue that not only does Leviathan represent regret and retribution, but also the chaotic journey of life.
If it’s not already apparent, I find Leviathan to be very interesting. I want to thank you all for sticking around and reading the whole thing, as I know this was a lot. If you would like to check out some more information about Leviathan, I would recommend checking out the videos “Leviathan of Final Fantasy VS the Leviathan of the Bible - FF16 The Rising Tide” by Country Kratos and “A Brief History of Final Fantasy Summons Final Fantasy Lore” by Alleyway Jack.
With the conclusion of both DLCs, Clive and by extension the player, is granted one additional Eikonic power. As such, I am actually going to do one more essay, which I will post next week. I hope you look forward to it and thank you again for reading this. Have a fantastic day!

submitted by The_Sunhunter to FFXVI [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 23:17 YoyoNoodlez How I fixed gameplay stuttering/glitching on some 360 titles.

As the title states, I'm hoping this can help someone out since I couldn't find very much info out there about this. But I was looking high and low and contacted customer support, all of whom told me to "factory reset" and "hard reset" my xbox. I also cleared the cache and many other standard reset suggestions.
But what worked for me was simply going to
Settings > General > Video Modes > Variable Refresh rate turn this OFF.
I have yet to test this on other titles, but on Grand theft Auto IV and Fallout New Vegas it seems to solve the stuttering issue. I can't garuntee this is the solution to your problem but this helped me, just putting this out there in case anyone else has the same problem.
submitted by YoyoNoodlez to XboxSeriesS [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 22:53 Snoo_82646 Elon lied about the risk of bankruptcy at Tesla in 2019 to save the company. He is now going to do it all over again!

Throughout 2018 and 2019, Musk gave the impression that Tesla was going through tough times. They then raised $2.7 billion in May 2019 to fund "full-self driving".Once the money was raised, Musk wrote to employees saying the company will run out of money in 10 months.
In a later interview, he said that the carmaker was actually "about a month" from bankruptcy during the run-up in Model 3 production from mid-2017 to mid-2019. This means that before the raise in mid 2019, Tesla was one month away from bankruptcy.
In the months, before the raise Musk was singing a very different tune.
In February 2019 he said:
"Meant to say annualized production rate at end of 2019 probably around 500k, ie 10k cars/week."
Obviously, this never happened and Tesla produced around 400k cars in 2019.
He said in April 2019:
“I feel very confident predicting autonomous robotaxis for Tesla next year,”
Never happened.
To top it all off, in April he bought $25m in Tesla stock. Completely not a stock pump attempt.
Lo and behold, he was able to raise money in May!
To top it off, there is no mention anywhere in the Q1 2019 10Q that Tesla is very close to bankruptcy. Here are some of the 'concerns' listed:
We face risks associated with our global operations and expansion, including unfavorable regulatory, political, economic, tax and labor conditions, and with establishing ourselves in new markets, all of which could harm our business.
Servicing our indebtedness requires a significant amount of cash, and there is no guarantee that we will have sufficient cash flow from our business to pay our substantial indebtedness.
There is an even opportunity to warn against the insurance (gasp!):
Our insurance strategy may not be adequate to protect us from all business risks
But nowhere does it mention that they will literally run out of cash in one month!!!
Tesla's Cash Position Today
The eagle eyed users of this forum have observed that Tesla's cash balance is not all that it seems.
Tesla is said to have $25 billion.
But it pays suppliers late to pump its cash balances.
Its accounts payable is $14 billion.
Its accrued purchases is $2.6 billion.
That leaves around $8 billion.
Then there is cash for FSD, deposits and understated warranty reserve.
So we'll deduct another $2 billion.
Finally, there is the cash balances held in Yuan/Eur which are $3.47 billion.
I personally believe it is highly likely that a majority of this money is in yuan meaning it cant be taken out of the country. If they had this money, they would not need to layoff 20% staff, but I cannot prove it.
Whether the yuan balance is there or not, a company that is vertically integrated losing 2 billion in negative free cash flow per quarter needs cash wherever it can find it. Whether its there or not, things are still bad.
The Game Plan For Musk
Tesla is acting like a company in deep financial distress.That is because it is! It likely cannot survive the year without a raise. The pay package is partly about getting enough money to literally save the company.
But now we are witnessing a re-run of early 2019 stock pump, where Enron Musk is essentially able to lie about FSD to raise another round!
He proposed to launch robotaxis in China in his April visit where he was not actually invited.
He said in the Q1 call that Tesla is now going balls to the wall autonomy! WOAH! Balls to the wall!
Musk said he was not quite betting the company. I would say this is much more than betting the company though. For a company that has not progressed beyond level 2 FSD, when level 5 is 'full-self driving', this is more than betting the company.
This is fraud.
Now we see Musk is combining forces with trump. The game plan here is very obvious. Musk is creating an escape hatch where he can claim that the DOJ, 'went after him' for political reasons. All-in-all, its clear that if the DOJ do not charge him before he raises more money in August for the robotaxi announcement, he will have once again lied to escape bankruptcy.
submitted by Snoo_82646 to RealTesla [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 22:49 Fuzzy_Celebration912 My GF was raped around preschool age and her Mom emotionally and physically abused her for her whole life and now I'm having a really rough time dealing with this.

To provide a little context me and a lady we'll nickname Ashley met online and are currently in a long distance relationship and have only been face to face for about a week back in March. We soon plan to meet again and when we are together we'll discuss all of this and embrace each other afterwords.
Over the past few months I've been with her she's told me really heavy and rough things about her childhood which has caused severe depression that is just getting worse by the day. The worst thing is that she went through so much worse at a very young age. When she was around 4-5 she was in her room playing Grand Theft Auto 3 when her uncle came in and raped her. Years later she told another kid in her neighborhood and her Mom and the neighbors Mom where told by that kid and yelled at her to tell if he really did it and because she was so little and scared of both of them she said no to which they just called her a liar because she told another kid the truth but not them. Which I guess means they where somewhat right, eh?
Years later her Mom found her diary which detailed her hypersexuality, which is a mental illness that occurs after child rape, and her Mom threw a hissy fit, emotionally abused her and gave away her PS2 and probably all sorts of other shit which clearly made her worse as she basically spent a year with nothing to do until her Grandma got her a DS, her Mom didn't even let her go outside to play. She would do all sorts of other horrible things like abuse her for having an eating disorder and taking her bedroom door down and forcing her to raise her sister when she was around 8 years old because she'd neglect her and I think she continues to be abused by her to this day as a 27 year old woman even though she claims her Mom is getting better but she hit her a few months ago so I don't really believe her.
Me and her are moving in together soon and I hope we have a happy life but no matter what I do can't change the past and that has depressed me to an extreme point, what is even worse is that I know a little girl who has it 1000x worse and is stuck in the early 2000s being abused and I have no way to help her when she really needed it... obviously. I mean I wasn't even born when it happened and I still have survivors guilt or something like that. It's like watching my own daughter go through it all. When I look at things like the PS2 and to a lesser extent just PlayStation things in general, GTA 3 and like with the PS2 GTA in general, kids, cartoons, stuff from my childhood and a few other things all I am reminded of is what she went through. I often get really vivid intrusive thoughts of many of these events and her general life and they have been there for months but they would first start off as a typical negative intrusive thought and where rare, like once a week rare, now I have them around 20-50 times per day and they are extremely vivid. I can smell the air of the room, feel what was on or in her little body and the extreme stresses of the situations, but not to the extent that I know she really went through. A lot of the time it's stuff I don't even know if it happened like what she did in the aftermath or even what the rapist did in the minutes or hours after. Or if the Grandma who was her babysitter at the time was in on it. But does it really matter? Everyone is going to get off the hook except for Ashley who will have to live with it for the rest of her life.
It's extremely hard because the first best thing would be for her to not get raped in the first place, second would be him going to jail and her getting help in a loving home, third would be her running away or getting into foster care, forth would be to get her help before 25 so her brain isn't permanently altered and it could at least have some healing but as of now she suffers CPTSD as well as other issues I'm sure and as it stands I really don't know if things will get better in that regard. Of course getting her away from her Mom and into a safe fulfilling happy will help but I know that she's probably going to have meltdowns and other issues until she dies. I'm fully willing to help her through these times and at least she won't have to face them alone now. Some days I find it really hard to go to work, eat, sleep and just in general exist right now and every time I'm struggling I immediately think of how it is for a kid growing up like that which is so fucking insane to me. I had a spoiled childhood with some bumps here and there and I know Ashley will never have that even if we fix all issues with a snap of a finger as the fact is that I, nor anyone else, can change the past.
It kills me to know it all and that it keeps happening and I don't understand why we keep allow this to happen constantly. I know child abuse rates are rapidly dropping but they are still high as fuck and those are just the ones that are reported and most aren't. I get that I should look towards the future and try to prevent the ones I can but the fact will always be that I can't change it for little girl Ashley and I don't think I will ever be able to come to terms with that fact however maybe one day I'll become president my fantasies about enacting the final solution to the pedophile problem will be realized and we'll go back to move civil times where shit like this was punishable by the rack and not 15 years in a daycare center (if they actually get anything) for the worst people who do the worst things to innocent people.
I feel I pressure her into doing things like talking to people she trust and that is against her will but I feel it's the right thing to do 50% of the time and the other 50% I feel really bad and like an abuser myself. I really want to confront everyone involved, including people she likes such as her Grandma and Dad for leaving her with her crazy Mom and never reporting her abuse, but I know I can't unless she allows me too and some people, like the rapist, for safety reasons. I know I have no right to force her to confront them either but damn do I have a need to. I feel guilty because of that but when someone you love more than anyone else goes through that shit you really feel a massive amount of need for a confrontation. I know the future will change for her and we'll make a damn effort to make it a good one for both of us even if one of our pasts is a terrible one but as I keep saying over and over again it still doesn't change what happened and that has bothered me most and makes me feel like I failed her even though I know logically that is just not something I am capable of.
There have been many good moments to our relationship make no mistake and I love her very much but this has all been on my mind for weeks now and I feel like I'm harassing her by talking about it with her daily but the two other people I've talked to haven't helped at all. The only thing that really does is thinking about how well she's progressed in under half a year! She's quit abusing light drugs like weed and alcohol and has a much better job and we are both close to getting ourselves out from our parents for the first time. There's still more I want to say but I can't really articulate it into this post and I also want to make a follow up after our talk on our visit so I'll just wait until then. Please give me any advice or thoughts you might have.
Edits: I keep editing this post to fix grammar and make things more clear and factual. Everyday we talk something new comes up and I just want to add more and more onto this post even though I know that's not really a good practice.
submitted by Fuzzy_Celebration912 to secondary_survivors [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 21:42 NobleOceanAlleyCat My negative review of The Three-Body Problem (English translation)

As other reviewers have mentioned, the characters are one-dimensional. They do not feel like real people because most of them are reduced to their resumes or to their job descriptions. We get it: everyone is super smart and accomplished. That doesn’t make them interesting. It seems like most characters just exist to tell Wang Miao to go see someone else, so the plot can move along. The police detective, Shi Quiang, is the only character who actually has some personality.
Now, before I can address the biggest problem in the book, some background is needed.
The Trisolarians are the aliens from the three body solar system. The Earth-Trisolaris Movement—which, for some reason, is abbreviated as ETO, rather than ETM—refers to a loosely connected group of humans who want the Trisolarians to come to Earth. The ETO is split into two major factions, the Adventists and the Redemptionsts. The Adventists want the Trisolarians to wipe out the human race. They feel that humans are irredeemable and deserve to be punished for the ways they have treated other humans, other species, and the planet. The Redemptionists believe that, while humans have done awful things, they are redeemable and the Trisolarians can help reform the human race (or at least force them to do the right thing) with their superior intelligence and technology. The Redemptionists also have a semi-religious attitude toward the Trisolarians. They worship them for their superior intelligence, in the same way that religious people worship a god.
I think the most unrealistic part of the book, and its biggest problem, is that most of the members of the ETO “came from the highly educated classes, and many were elites of the political and financial spheres.” (Ch29 p317) Why is this so unrealistic? Well, first, the political and financial elite tend to be more amoral and self-serving than the average person, so it’s unlikely that they would want to punish humanity for its moral transgressions. Second, the political and financial elite have the most to lose from an alien invasion. It’s more plausible to assume that they, more than anyone, would want to protect their wealth, power, and influence. Third, the political and financial elite are, in all likelihood, disproportionately responsible for the very injustices for which they believe humanity deserves to be punished. Fourth, the political and financial elite have the most political power to correct those injustices themselves, without the help of an alien civilization. In the real world, the problem is typically that the powerful benefit too much from the status quo and so have no desire to fight against injustice when doing so would harm their bottom line. The book acts like the most elite individuals in society are held back by the common people and need the help of an even more powerful alien civilization to correct or punish humanity for its moral transgressions. All this makes me wonder: what world does Cixin Liu live in? Maybe something got lost in translation. Maybe there is a cultural difference that makes the book’s depiction of the elite more plausible. I have no idea.
Still, look at how the common people are depicted in the novel. “The ETO had once tried to develop membership among the common people, but these efforts all failed. The ETO concluded that the common people did not seem to have the comprehensive and deep understanding of the highly educated about the dark side of humanity.” (Ch29 p317) Intelligence is not a prerequisite for being acquainted with the dark side of humanity. People as intelligent as the members of the ETO should know this. If you are going to tell us that a certain group of people in your book is really smart, don’t make them believe stupid things, unless there’s a good explanation for such an aberration in their thinking. The Three Body game was used as a recruitment tool, but it primarily attracted intellectuals because it “required too much background knowledge and in-depth thinking, and most young players didn’t have the patience or skill to discover the shocking truth beneath its apparently common surface.” (Ch29 p320) We get it: physicists are better than everyone else. Only they could advance far enough in the game.
Furthermore, we are to believe that these powerful people were influenced by books like Silent Spring and Animal Liberation. Of those two books, I have only read Animal Liberation, which is largely a call to end the needless suffering of sentient creatures. The values expressed in that book are totally inconsistent with inviting an alien civilization to Earth with the expressed purpose of harming sentient creatures. My guess is that the same holds true for the values expressed in Silent Spring. But I admit that humans have done, and continue to do, awful things, which makes it easy to relate to the idea that many humans deserve, in some way, to be punished or brought to justice. And while expressing agreement with that vague idea is a far cry from endorsing the extinction of the human race, it would not be surprising if someone somewhere took the idea to such extremes. What’s implausible, however, is that those who are on top, those who benefit most from the status quo, would develop this attitude toward humanity.
Now, let’s talk a little bit more about the Redemptionists. Ye Wenjie, the “spiritual leader” of the ETO, speaks for them when she admits that, no, they don’t understand Trisolarian civilization. (Ch31 p45) Yet this group of super smart people believes that the Trisolarians will just happen to share their values and help them reform humanity. The only reason she gives for thinking this is that she believes “A society with such advanced science must also have more advanced moral standards.” (Ch31 p345) When asked whether this conclusion is “scientific,” she doesn’t have anything to say. Not only is this claim not scientific, it is philosophically stupid. In fact, the characters in this book are so philosophically shallow that none of them bothered to ask whether the Trisolarians might be just as bad to each other as humans are. In that case, they might come to Earth, kill all the humans, and create a society that is just as bad as the one that members of the ETO wish to destroy/reform. I don’t know of any moral theory with the implication that unjust acts are not as bad when they are committed by more intelligent beings. Is it plausible that physicists would be so philosophically stupid? Maybe.
Well, at least if the Trisolarians came to Earth, they would no longer live under constant threat of extinction-level natural disaster. How is that any better? To its credit, the book hints at an answer to that question. Recall that the Redemptionists have a semi-religious attitude toward the Trisolarians, but “Unlike other human religions, it was the Lord who was in crisis, and the duty of salvation fell on the shoulders of the believer.” (Ch29 p319) “Their ultimate ideal was to save the Lord. In order to allow the Lord to continue to exist, they were willing to sacrifice the human world to some degree.” (Ch29 p320) Presumably, then, because the Trisolarians are so much smarter and more advanced than humans, it would be better for them to live peacefully on Earth, rather than under constant threat of extinction-level natural disaster on their home planet. In other words, they are superior, so they deserve better. Just as it is more important to save humans than it is to save bugs, it is more important to save Trisolarians than it is to save humans. It would have to be interesting to see the author explore this idea more, or at least have his characters discuss it! This attitude, on the part of the characters, could have been made plausible if there was a greater exploration of the beliefs of individual characters, rather than just the generalbeliefs of an organization that consists of “elites of the political and financial speres.”
In conclusion, not only are the characters dull, but their psychologies and motivations are implausible, and their philosophy is (unintentionally) shallow.
Two smaller quibbles:
(1) The book expects us to believe that an alien civilization that lives on a much more hostile planet than earth, a planet so hostile that its people are regularly wiped out, or sent into hibernation, by natural events, were able to make such scientific progress that they were able to unwrap a proton in 10+ dimensions and build spaceships that allowed some of them survive away from the harsh conditions of their home planet, so they could try to communicate with other beings. Surely such conditions are not conducive to technological advancement. It’s more plausible to expect the inhabitants of Earth to advance at much faster rate than the Trisolarians. (2) The book expects us to believe that, not only were they able to unwrap a proton in 10+ dimensions, but they were able to pack it with tech and send it to earth to use as spyware in ways that seem like pure magic. This was the part of the book that stopped feeling like sci-fi and started feeling more like fantasy.
submitted by NobleOceanAlleyCat to threebodyproblem [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 21:02 zaeran Modelling Boosted Monthly Income, both US and international

Modelling Boosted Monthly Income, both US and international
Hey folks!
I thought it’d be fun to do some modelling to see just how the different boost tiers stack up across both US and International boost values. Obviously the way that actual money is made in this game is with super boosts, and as that value is the same regardless of property count, the more properties the better. This post will look at how you’ll fare for the rest of the month.
Modelling has been done with the following assumptions:
  • Standard parcel distribution ($0.00000000158/s rent)
  • Boosting is active 24 hours a day
  • 2,628,000 seconds in a standard month
  • Super boost doesn’t exist.
  • No income increases from badges
Modelling has been done for 1-2000 properties for US users, and 1-1000 properties for International users.
All dollar values presented represent monthly income.
So with that out of the way, let’s look at the results!
First up is the USA data.
Boosted monthly income vs. No of properties, from 1-2000 properties
We can see from the graph that each peak is pretty much identical. Based on the data in Atlas Reality’s boost spec sheet, we should see some higher spikes at 1100 and 1500, but this doesn’t materialise in the modelling.
In fact, the highest boosted income is at the 150 property mark, at $18.68508 per month. Doing the math, this value isn’t beaten until 2251 properties. I’m not sure why Atlas Reality’s site claims otherwise.
The largest drop in income in the early-mid game is by far the 150 -> 151 property jump, where you’ll go from $18.685/mo to $12.54/mo. Safe to say you should avoid this entire section if you can.
Now, onto the International data
Boosted monthly income vs. number of properties, from 1-1000 properties
This graph is a little bit spikier, and has much more of a curve to it than the US data. Here, your rent is going to spike at 220 properties, with a monthly boosted income of $6.394. This income won't be beaten until you reach the magic number of 767 properties.
The importance of super boosts is clear, as user income is otherwise capped until they reach a large number of properties (767 for international, 2251 for US). As most users won't reach this point, all the developers need to do is ensure that their income per user is at least ~$19/mo for US users, and ~$5.50/mo for international users (assuming optimal play), and they aren't losing money on rent payouts.
The data has also shown the large disparity that currently exists between the US and International audiences, where maximum earnings of international players in the early game is less than 30% of that of the US players. This makes sense, as there are far more income streams in the US through their merchant partners and whatnot. Hopefully as their partnerships increase globally, we'll be able to see these international boost rates rise.
It does mean that the international 2x boost tier overtakes the earlier boost tiers much faster though, so international players are rewarded earlier for buying more properties. At 1500 properties, the 2x boost kicks in for all users, and income is the same for everyone.
Thanks for reading!
submitted by zaeran to AtlasEarthOfficial [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 20:21 Koolaid_Is_Free [XB1] H: Fully Loaded Weps W:appeal/Bobbleheads

[XB1] H: Fully Loaded Weps W:appeal/Bobbleheads submitted by Koolaid_Is_Free to Fallout76Marketplace [link] [comments]
