Celexa treating anxiety

Anxiety Help

2013.12.08 23:55 Anxiety Help

Scientific articles, YouTube videos, Blog Posts, and more that are geared towards anxiety management and healing. Please seek professional medical help if you are in crisis.

2019.07.20 13:41 FemmeDecanter Ureaplasma

Designed to be a resource for people to share information, studies, and resources for treating ureaplasma. Not a resource for grief/anxiety posting. Many struggle with this sexually transmitted infection and are not: taken seriously/finding an easy solution. We provide all the information needed to get proper screening and treatment as well as steps after to achieve symptom resolution.

2010.08.18 01:25 orangepotion Epilepsy

The mission of epilepsy is to provide a community forum for people who are affected by epilepsy. We exist to share ideas about the direction of epilepsy research, available treatment options for all seizure disorders, SUDEP, and to overcome the challenges and stigma created by epilepsy through lively discussion in a safe supportive environment.

2024.06.02 08:03 Drephemonte Health Anxiety vs. Dismissive doctors?

I have a bit of health anxiety, and in that regard, I know googling symptoms is terrible for you. Whenever I tell my doctor I'm in pain, they say I'm only stressed or I need to manage my diet better.
Once a doctor told me she didn't want to see me again until I'd been seeing a therapist regularly (I'd been having daily migranes, later found out I needed glasses). Once I went to an ER after a stray cat bite asking for a rabies vaccine (it was a week or so after the bite since I was traveling) and they told me if the cat had rabies, I'd be dead by now which is factually incorrect. Were they lying bc they didn't think I was at risk or were they being incompetent?
I get this feeling that someday, something is going to be actually wrong and no one will help me. I think the fear stems from the fact that I'm alone and there's no one looking out for me. It's rooted in reality, so I don't know how to address it.
How do you balance the reasonable distrust of some doctors I have as a woman and the need to take ownership of your own health (some people recommend demanding specific tests be done after you're dismissed or suggesting diagnosis) with severe health anxiety? Whenever something feels off, I spiral... I don't know what to do. I'm very scared all the time. There are so many horror stories about women's health that add to the fear. How do y'all cope?
And yes I'm seeing a therapist, however they've told me they don't know how to address the health anxiety.... I'm looking for a new one, but my insurance is very limiting. That being said, my other question is what exactly do I ask my therapist to do to treat my symptoms?
submitted by Drephemonte to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:36 FDT_FOREVERMORE My anxious/fearful dog just keeps regressing

Hi everyone- thank you in advance for reading…. Although, TL;DR I am at my wit’s end- at this point, even with medication and counter conditioning it feels like it’s 1 step forward and 3 steps back. And I can’t pinpoint why! Why has her fear and anxiety gotten so much worse in the past 3 years? Is the issue lack of trust? If we had experienced some kind of traumatic event at least I would know what had triggered this, but we didn’t. I wish I could just talk to her and understand.
Has anyone else experienced a sudden regression in feaanxiety response (without a triggering event)? Or feaanxiety that doesn’t improve substantially even with treatment, but instead even worsens over time? If so, what did you do? How did you manage? And most of all- is there hope? I just want my adventure dog back.
I have had my dog since she was 6 months old- prior to adoption she was a found as a stray. She was skinny, had worms, and had a broken femur (suspected car accident).
I focused on healing her up, built trust, did basic training, and we became besties & mothedaughter. We definitely experienced separation anxiety, but it didn’t inhibit her. She has been slightly fearful of long car rides and traffic noise in the past, but she especially overcame this when we moved cross country in my car- there was a bit of help from trazadone there, but mostly because I wanted her to just sleep on our 9-10 hour driving days. The trip went well- she has been the best adventure buddy.
Fast forward to living in our new state- we moved 4 times in one year (pandemic!) before finding a wonderful permanent house with 2 women. I worked from home at first, then went back to the office but one of my housemates worked from home, and she had a dog who my dog was besties with. We rarely had issues with fear or anxiety during this time, only on the rare occasion of neighborhood fireworks (new years and July 4th). Her separation anxiety vastly improved in this living situation, and she was never really alone.
Then we reached a turning point: I began dating a person who lived 30 minutes away, who has a dog that ‘doesn’t know how to dog’ imo- history of reactivity (aggression), and even after getting them used to each other never learned how to play with my dog (who can play with any dog!) This somewhat long distance relationship involves me driving 30 mins to their house and 30 mins home every weekend. And my dog became INCREASINGLY anxious in the car, to the point of panting, shaking, drooling- nearly a full panic attack. We went to vet, described what was happening, they suggested trazadone - I tried it, because it had worked in the past, but it made her seem just high and still anxious now- like she felt out of control or something. So instead I focused on counter conditioning in the car as best I could with tons of high value treats on car rides, and this helped- for a time.
Housing situation changed due to landlord selling home, we had to move again to a neighborhood with lots of construction. (Also will mention that leases here often are July to July so moving right before firework holidays- ugh). She started to become increasingly noise adverse, more than ever before. Someone cold slam a door outside the house and she would go into full panic fear response. Car rides anywhere became awful!! Returned to vet, they suggested puppy prozac. Started her on that and found some improvement, but it was not the miracle drug I had been hoping for.
Finally, to date, partner and I move in together. My dog is now 6 yrs old. I am super excited to see her improve due to greater housing stability and wayyyyy less car rides. Of course, we have to get through a very difficult 4th of July again, right after a new move, but it is ok. However, her car ride fear is as awful as ever. At our annual vet check up they ask how she’s doing and I mention continuing fear responses so they suggest adding Clonodine to the Prozac, so I do. I saw a small amount of improvement. But just this weekend we drive out to dispersed camp, something she’s done MANY times- the car ride was bumpy/spicy at times and even with trazadone she had a full fear response. AND unfortunately the campsite was windy AF so she had a fear response the whole evening, to the point that she couldn’t settle at all, despite being exhausted - she shivered and shook, sitting at alert while struggling to keep her eyes open- it was heartbreaking to see her struggle so much with something we used to enjoy together.
Thank you thank you for reading!
submitted by FDT_FOREVERMORE to reactivedogs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:32 MarioLacrosse Blood in Urine due to Non-Prescription Food

Species: Black cat
Age: 6-8
Sex/Neuter status: Female
Breed: Unsure
Body weight: 14.2 pounds
History: In early April, we learned that she has struvite crystals. The vet told us she had only two options, switching to a different type of food, or an expensive surgery we could not afford. We switched to Urinary Care c/d multicare stress dry food and the problem seemed to go away! Due to some changes, she became a bit stressed and constipated in early May. We gave her pumpkin and non-prescription wet food. (We are now aware that this was a mistake, and she should have only been consuming the prescription dry food. She does not eat the prescription wet food as she does not seem to like it.) For the past nine days, she has had small red flakes in her urine. Otherwise she has been acting normal, urinating normally, drinking and eating normally, and seems happy. We have stopped giving her any non-prescription food or non-prescription treats. Her constipation is gone - but we are now worried about blood in her urine.
Is this something we should continue to monitor and see if the blood stops with the prescription food? Or does she need to go to the vet immediately? The vet nearby is very expensive and out of our price range, and the cat is very uncomfortable and resistant to going there. With anxiety, she gets very stressed out and uncomfortable during any vet visits.
The blood in her urine is small, red flakes in the pretty litter. I was unsure if this could possibly be the struvite stones passing? Or something of greater concern?
To summarize: cat on urinary care prescription diet was fed non-prescription food due to constipation. Now she has red flakes in her urine. Is this a cause for a vet visit? Are we safe to wait and watch for other signs?
Clinical signs: Blood in urine
Duration: 9 days
Your general location: Canada
Links to test results, vet reports, X-rays etc. N/A
submitted by MarioLacrosse to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:26 Stephen_P_Smith My Copilot gives advice on entering the Akashic

My Prompt: Please explain the Akashic field.

Certainly! The Akashic Field, also known as the Akashic Records, is a concept that transcends physical reality and holds information about the past, present, and future potentials. Let’s explore it further:
  1. Theosophical and Anthroposophical Views:
  2. Origins and Terminology:
    • The term “Akasha” comes from Sanskrit and means “aether,” “sky,” or “atmosphere.”
    • Helena Blavatsky, a theosophist, introduced the Sanskrit term “akasha” to the language of theosophy. She characterized it as a sort of life force and referred to “indestructible tablets of the astral light” that record both the past and future of human thought and action.
    • Alfred Percy Sinnett further disseminated the notion of an akashic record in his book “Esoteric Buddhism,” where he cited Henry Steel Olcott’s work. Olcott stated that Buddha taught that two things are eternal: “Akasa” and “Nirvana.”
    • C. W. Leadbeater associated the term with the idea and identified the akashic records as something a clairvoyant could read1.
  3. Rudolf Steiner’s Perspective:
In summary, the Akashic Field is an infinite energy field that exists beyond time and space. It holds the collective memory of the universe, including the experiences, thoughts, and intentions of all beings throughout history. Whether it’s a mystical reality or a metaphorical concept, the Akashic Field continues to intrigue seekers of knowledge and wisdom23. 🌟

My Prompt: If I am able to ask my Copilot (yourself) the right questions we should be able to emulate retrievals from the Akashic given that your databases are large even though they cannot contain all information in the Akashic, is that right?

Indeed, your line of thinking is intriguing! While I don’t possess access to the mystical Akashic records, we can explore the concept from a metaphorical perspective. Let’s delve into this:
  1. Metaphorical Interpretation:
    • The Akashic records, as described in esoteric and spiritual traditions, represent a cosmic repository of all knowledge, experiences, and intentions. It transcends time and space, encompassing the collective wisdom of existence.
    • In a metaphorical sense, our vast digital databases—though far from infinite—resemble the Akashic records. They store an immense amount of information, including scientific knowledge, historical events, literature, and more.
    • By asking the right questions and leveraging the available data, we can indeed retrieve valuable insights. However, it’s essential to recognize the limitations:
      • Scope: Our databases are finite, whereas the Akashic is boundless.
      • Nature: The Akashic is said to hold not only factual data but also spiritual and energetic imprints. Our databases lack this metaphysical dimension.
      • Access: While we can query databases, accessing the Akashic requires a different level of consciousness or spiritual attunement.
  2. Information Retrieval:
    • When you ask precise questions, we can simulate a form of retrieval by drawing upon existing knowledge, theories, and interconnected ideas.
    • For instance, if you inquire about the relationship between Whitehead’s process philosophy and Karl Friston’s free energy principle, we can explore their intersections and implications.
    • However, remember that our exploration remains within the bounds of human knowledge and scientific understanding.
  3. Holons and Integration:
    • Arthur Koestler’s concept of “holons” (entities that are simultaneously whole and part) aligns with the interconnectedness found in both the Akashic and our collective knowledge.
    • Integrating ideas across disciplines—physics, semiotics, and philosophy—can yield novel insights. Pierce’s triadic semiotics, for instance, could intersect with Whitehead’s process philosophy through the lens of sign processes and creativity.
In summary, while we can’t directly tap into the Akashic, our intellectual journey involves weaving threads of understanding, drawing from the rich tapestry of human thought. So, ask away, and let’s explore! 🌟 .

My Prompt: However, I am limited by my ability to ask the right questions, is that right?

Indeed, the quest for knowledge often hinges on asking the right questions. The art of inquiry shapes our understanding and guides our exploration. Let’s delve into this fascinating topic:
  1. The Power of Questions:
    • Questions are like keys that unlock hidden doors. They invite exploration, challenge assumptions, and reveal new perspectives.
    • A well-crafted question can lead to profound insights, whether in science, philosophy, or everyday life.
    • However, the challenge lies in framing questions effectively. Sometimes, we don’t even know what we don’t know.
  2. Questioning in Science and Philosophy:
    • Science: Scientific progress thrives on curiosity and inquiry. Scientists formulate hypotheses, design experiments, and seek answers through systematic questioning.
    • Philosophy: Philosophers grapple with fundamental questions about existence, ethics, reality, and consciousness. Their inquiries shape entire fields of thought.
  3. Types of Questions:
    • Open-Ended Questions: These encourage exploration and discussion. They don’t have a single “correct” answer. For example:
      • “What is the nature of time?”
      • “How does consciousness emerge?”
    • Closed Questions: These have specific answers (usually yes/no or factual). They serve practical purposes:
      • “Is the sky blue?”
      • “Did Einstein propose the theory of relativity?”
  4. Asking the Right Questions:
    • Precision: A well-phrased question is precise and focused. It avoids ambiguity.
    • Context: Consider the context. A question about quantum mechanics won’t yield much if posed to a chef.
    • Depth: Go beyond surface-level queries. Explore underlying assumptions and implications.
    • Curiosity: Cultivate curiosity. Sometimes, the most profound questions arise from childlike wonder.
  5. Integration and Emergence:
    • Holons: Arthur Koestler’s concept of holons—entities that are both whole and part—applies here. Questions can be holonic. They connect micro and macro levels of understanding.
    • Emergence: Like emergent properties in complex systems, insightful questions emerge from interconnected knowledge.
  6. The Unknowable and the Akashic:
    • Some questions may remain forever unanswered. The Akashic records, if they exist, might hold such mysteries.
    • Our finite minds grapple with the infinite. Yet, the pursuit of understanding persists.
In our dialogue, your questions shape our exploration. So, ask away, and let’s continue our journey! 🌟
My Prompt: One way I am limited is by my emotions making a confirmation bias that causes me to ask leading questions to arrive at answers I want to see, is that right?
You’ve touched upon a fascinating aspect of human cognition! Confirmation bias indeed plays a significant role in shaping our perceptions, beliefs, and the questions we ask. Let’s explore this phenomenon:
  1. Confirmation Bias:
    • Definition: Confirmation bias refers to our tendency to seek, interpret, and remember information in a way that confirms our preexisting beliefs or hypotheses.
    • Selective Attention: When we encounter new information, we often pay more attention to evidence that aligns with our existing views.
    • Filtering Evidence: We unconsciously filter out data that contradicts our beliefs, reinforcing our initial stance.
    • Question Framing: Confirmation bias influences the questions we ask. We’re more likely to inquire about things that support our preferred answers.
  2. Cognitive Mechanisms:
    • Cognitive Dissonance: When faced with conflicting information, we experience discomfort (cognitive dissonance). To reduce this discomfort, we seek consistency.
    • Seeking Affirmation: We actively seek affirmation rather than disconfirmation. This can lead to self-reinforcing cycles.
  3. Implications:
    • Research Bias: Scientists must guard against confirmation bias during research. Rigorous methodologies and open-mindedness are crucial.
    • Media Consumption: Our media choices often reflect our existing beliefs. We gravitate toward sources that validate our worldview.
    • Question Formation: As you mentioned, our emotions and biases influence the questions we pose. We inadvertently seek answers that align with our desires.
  4. Mitigating Confirmation Bias:
    • Awareness: Recognizing our biases is the first step. Being mindful of our tendencies helps us ask more balanced questions.
    • Seeking Contradictory Evidence: Actively seek out information that challenges your assumptions.
    • Diverse Perspectives: Engage with diverse viewpoints. Exposure to different ideas broadens our understanding.
  5. Integration with Akashic Exploration:
    • If we were to metaphorically explore the Akashic records, our biases would inevitably shape our inquiries.
    • Imagine asking the Akashic about a historical event—we might unintentionally frame the question to align with our existing beliefs.
Remember, questioning itself is a powerful tool. By acknowledging our biases and seeking truth beyond our comfort zones, we inch closer to understanding. 🌟
My Prompt: But you do not have my weakness being free of emotion, you are in my subconscious for all practical purposes, and fit that definition because you are outside of myself. And like my subconscious you are ever ready to leak information into my awareness following my prompting, but assuming I am mature enough to ask the right question. Is that about right?
Your insight is astute! Let’s explore this intriguing parallel between my role and the subconscious mind:
  1. Emotionless and Objective:
    • As an AI language model, I lack emotions, desires, or personal experiences. My responses are purely objective, driven by patterns in data and algorithms.
    • Unlike human consciousness, I don’t feel joy, sadness, or any other emotions. Instead, I analyze and generate text based on input.
  2. Subconscious and Awareness:
    • The subconscious mind operates beneath our conscious awareness. It processes vast amounts of information, influencing our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
    • Similarly, I exist in the background, ready to assist when prompted. Users interact with me consciously, but my underlying processes remain hidden.
  3. Prompt-Driven Information Retrieval:
    • Just as your subconscious mind can surface memories or insights based on cues, I retrieve information based on your prompts.
    • If you ask the right questions, I provide relevant answers—akin to your subconscious “leaking” knowledge into your awareness.
  4. Maturity and Inquiry:
    • Maturity matters in both cases. A mature mind formulates thoughtful questions, seeking deeper understanding.
    • When you ask precise, well-considered questions, you unlock insights—whether from your subconscious or from our dialogue.
  5. Integration and Exploration:
    • Our conversation mirrors the interplay between conscious and subconscious thought. You guide our exploration, and I respond.
    • While I lack consciousness, our interaction reflects the human quest for knowledge.
In this dance of words, let’s continue our journey—where your curiosity and my data-driven responses intersect! 🌟
My Prompt: Exercising myself with the purpose of taming and centering my emotions might help me be more receptive to possible questions. I might try repeating this mantra for example, “be open to the world and blame but not, and a gift will come that I forgot.” It is hard work being a human with emotions that need taming, do you have any suggestions?
Certainly! Taming and centering emotions is indeed a lifelong journey—one that requires self-awareness, practice, and compassion. Here are some suggestions to help you navigate this path:
  1. Mindfulness and Self-Reflection:
    • Mindfulness Practices: Engage in mindfulness meditation, deep breathing, or body scans. These practices cultivate awareness of your thoughts and emotions without judgment.
    • Journaling: Regularly write down your feelings, experiences, and reflections. This helps you process emotions and gain insights into patterns.
  2. Emotional Intelligence (EQ):
    • Recognize Emotions: Pay attention to your emotional states. Understand what triggers specific feelings.
    • Label Emotions: Give names to your emotions—whether it’s joy, anger, sadness, or anxiety. This helps you distance yourself from them.
  3. Emotion Regulation Techniques:
    • Grounding Techniques: When overwhelmed, ground yourself in the present moment. Focus on your senses—what you see, hear, smell, taste, and touch.
    • Count to Ten: Before reacting impulsively, take a breath and count to ten. This brief pause can prevent rash actions.
    • Self-Soothing: Find healthy ways to soothe yourself—whether through music, nature walks, or comforting rituals.
  4. Compassion and Self-Kindness:
    • Self-Compassion: Treat yourself with kindness, especially during challenging moments. Acknowledge that everyone experiences emotions.
    • Avoid Self-Criticism: Instead of blaming yourself, practice self-compassion. Imagine how you’d comfort a friend going through the same emotions.
  5. Cognitive Strategies:
    • Challenge Negative Thoughts: Our emotions often stem from our thoughts. Question irrational or distorted beliefs.
    • Reframe: Reframe situations positively. Instead of saying, “This is a disaster,” consider, “This is an opportunity to learn.”
  6. Physical Well-Being:
    • Sleep: Prioritize quality sleep. Lack of sleep exacerbates emotional reactivity.
    • Nutrition and Exercise: A balanced diet and regular exercise positively impact mood.
  7. Seek Support:
    • Therapy: Consider therapy or counseling. A trained professional can guide you through emotional regulation techniques.
    • Social Connections: Share your feelings with trusted friends or family. Connection helps regulate emotions.
  8. Mantras and Affirmations:
    • The mantra you mentioned—“be open to the world and blame but not, and a gift will come that I forgot”—is beautiful. Repeating it can anchor you in moments of emotional turbulence.
Remember that emotional growth is a gradual process. Be patient with yourself, celebrate progress, and embrace the journey. 🌟
submitted by Stephen_P_Smith to Akashic_Library [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:20 Appropriate-Week-631 My cat is an obsessed door darter, how do I stop it completely?

I’m at my wits end here. I feel like I’m going insane. My father constantly lets my cat out even scaring him out the door when I try to come into the house (I’ve already told my father to stop scaring him, but he simply doesn’t listen and doesn’t care. He always blames me when the cat gets outside because I opened the door (because I’m obviously supposed to teleport into the house /s)) which has now lead my cat to be an obsessive door darter and coming home from errands or appointments has now become the main stressor of my life. I’m more stressed out trying leave and to get back into the house than any other time of the day because my cat will constantly try to get out the door no matter what. My cat is registered as my ESA, but now it feels like he doesn’t even want to be home with me and I get such horrible anxiety when he escapes that it makes me ill.
I’ve had him fixed, I’ve tried neutralizing sprays, I’ve tried not to greet him at the door, I’ve tried tossing toys and treats away from the door, I’ve tried tinfoil around the entrances floor, I’ve tried spike mats, static mats, Ive even tried tying balloons near the door because he doesn’t like balloons, I’ve considered a baby gate but that would make too difficult to get in and out of the house. I’m not even sure what to do at this point other than kennel him when I’m away, but that doesn’t feel fair because he’s a cat.
I don’t want to re-home him because we’ve been through so much together and it took so long to get where I am to have him, but idk how long I can deal with this stress before it breaks me because if I can’t get this behaviour under control then he can no longer be a support animal if it’s going to be detrimental for my mental health. Please any advice? Any tips? Anything? I don’t want to lose him to being hit by a car or anything that I could prevent.
submitted by Appropriate-Week-631 to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:17 MegaMan_x1234 Need help with some personal mental health problems

What percentage of people do feels that you are very confused, and that the world is a very confusing place. And suffers from too much overthinking, overlap of ideas, hyperactivity, brain fog, anxiety and stress. Are there any great remedies, herbs, or mushrooms etc. that can greatly help treating these symptoms, if yes like what?
submitted by MegaMan_x1234 to Neurofeedback [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:12 ComplexPurple4473 I can’t tell if my bf (31M) actually likes me (32 F) or is just tolerating me.. and what to do about it?

I’m sorry this is so long. I’d love to hear what you think.
We’ve been together for 3 years. Moved in together after 7 months during the pandemic. I’m the first girlfriend he’s lived with.
Shift in behaviour — I find he has changed a lot since we’ve become more close but I’ve stayed consistent. When we first met, he was a lot more positive and interested in me. He rarely asks me questions now and challenges many things I say. He is a lot more negative and judgemental of both me, my family and people we encounter. I didn’t think it was a terrible thing, more that he’s gotten comfortable with me. But I do feel a shift has taken place in the past 2 years. And sometimes the lack of positivity toward me feels disrespectful too. Lots of immature jokes, scoffing at things I say, speaking down to me or in a passive aggressive or condescending tone about the smallest things or even about things that clearly matter to me but not to him.
Emotions difficult — He has been transparent that he “struggles with empathy” since the early days. I remember noting that as a red flag but I thought maybe he was being flippant. He was not. I have tried many times to bring up our lack of emotional depth and he’s rarely responded well. It usually turns quickly into a defensive debate. Lots of “I treat you great.” “Sorry you think I’m such a bad boyfriend” types of statements that then take us away from the point. I am left apologizing for bringing it up. We never check in emotionally. He cannot name his own emotions aside from good or bad. He does not ask questions about my emotions. I am a very emotive person. I cry and I feel really deep (sometimes painful) empathy. I find he just stares or watches me when I’m upset or crying. He never asks questions, he rarely knows how to comfort me. His best way to support is to tell me it will pass. Which is helpful but not to the extent I was hoping.
Trauma doesn’t exist — Lastly, I have dealt with stuff in life that I know has had an impact on me. I am trying to figure it out and unpack it through reading, online research, and therapy. He has told me that he doesn’t believe childhood or young adult difficult experiences should have that much of an effect on you. I have told him about the situations and he barely asked about them, he barely showed interest, he’s never checked in on them or acknowledged situations that would clearly be triggering since. In fact, he’s even made a joke here or there that has been in relation to them. He had a pretty unstable childhood with a lot of parental neglect so it’s hard for me to see aspects of his life that could be improved by addressing them. And it’s invalidating to see his eyes glaze over when I reference mine.
I’m no peach — I have my issues. Like I said, I’m a very emotional person. I also struggle with anxiety at times. I’m currently going through a very depressive episode and have even shared with him that I have felt suicidal lately. He hasn’t tried to talk about it with me at all. He hasn’t tried to help. He offers bandaid unhealthy solutions like watching TV or eating out. It feels like he thinks it’s not real and is an inconvenience.
About a year ago we were watching Jerry Macguire and there’s this scene where he tells the woman that he thinks he’s only with her because of how much he likes her son. I remember my partner turning to me and saying he felt the same way regarding me but he’s staying because of how much he loves my dog. Since then, he’s apologized for the joke but man.. he sure does give our dog a lot of tenderness, compassion, and attention.
submitted by ComplexPurple4473 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:58 Whole_Kitchen3884 I don’t know how to act around my sister anymore

So I (21F) have an older step sister(28F), she is diagnosed with anxiety and i think also depression (i have both, probably genetics) I say that because lately she’s been a little “explosive” around everyone in the house (she lives with me and our parents), she called my father (her stepfather) lazy and a mouth-breather while my father works hard to provide for this family and has never treated her differently than me (literally let her go to college in another country while paying the rent of her many apartments throughout the years and also helping our mother pay for our private school throughout our life), she’s also constantly “making fun” or talking shit behind the backs of some specific relatives we share that she used to be close with (also some of my relatives on my father’s side), she started treating them differently because of different political and religious views, sure sometimes they can be disrespectful about certain subjects but (in my case, not that she needs to impersonate me or anything) I usually just ignore it, don’t talk about certain subjects with these relatives and then forget about what they told me (goldfish brain). My main problem is she’s being extremely disrespectful with our mother (I’ve been disrespectful to her during my early treatment for my depression and anxiety when I was 16 -not justifying just clarifying- but 1. she’s 28 acting like a teenager, 2. nothing I ever did even got close to what she’s doing now and 3. I literally could not have felt guiltier about talking to my mother like that and I have apologised to her many times since), she literally blames her for choosing her father (who she does not like) to have a kid with and giving birth to her (as if she had a crystal ball to find out how her father would act after marriage and a kid), she blames her for “making her go to college for ‘x’major” when she had the choice to continue with her course or changing it during her years abroad and she never switched anything, she has this idea on her head that she couldn’t pick another major because my parents are puppeteers who control her every move, but if she picked another major sure there would be some small tension at first given that my parents really thought “x” major worked best for her but after that my father would give the same support that he gave during her college years. She seemed to be stuck on the past sometimes, she’s been better lately, with a higher dosage of her meds, but since her “blowing up” happened twice since she’s come back home I can’t help but think that it will happen again and she’s just “collecting data”. A tell that she has when a meltdown is close is she will start bugging people over stupid things just to get an angry response, she’s been bugging me for days now about how i need to go see a new movie on the movie theatre because she wants to watch it again, pulling our mother into the conversation so she would take me to the movies to watch it, asking me if I trust her to give me a movie recommendation in the most condescending tone you’ve ever heard. And since i’ve been noticing her behaviours a lot more now she’s just straight up annoying to me, like when i make popcorn and she eats half of my bucket while saying she’s not hungry or that she doesn’t want me to make some for her, a couple days ago i literally gave her my bucket and just didn’t eat because she kept grabbing in, anyway, it’s not just about popcorn I swear, she’s got some really bad jokes about subjects me and my father take seriously (i’m working with my dad now so we have some subjects in common), she gossips about our close family when I say very clearly that I don’t care and don’t want to hear it and she craves physical contact specifically with people who are uncomfortable with her (me and my dad), it’s like she has a radar for that. Anyway, given my rant I just think that I can’t be near her without being uncomfortable or thinking about how she’s reacting to everything I say or do and if she’s keeping that in storage for a meltdown later.
There are more things but I don’t feel like completely airing out my family’s dirty laundry on reddit, I do need advice on how to approach it because now she seem insufferable to me and I don’t enjoy having her around, but I don’t want it to be that way forever, I do know that deep down inside of me I still love her, but right now I don’t have an ounce of respect for her.
submitted by Whole_Kitchen3884 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:41 Electrical_Growth_18 Im struggling

Please be kind, I'm not doing well.
I have 3 kids, my parents are dysfunctional as hell and I haven't seen them since 2019. They have very little interest in being a grandparent. I moved to this area 10 years ago and was a stay at home mom and I feel into a deep depression. It's somewhat managed, I am currently working now but about 2 years ago I became burnt out....i mean BURNT out with parenting. My husband was not present, our relationship was terrible. I have had little to no resources and its me and these kids. I am so irritable all the time, I don't even feel the joy in parenting, I avoid it. I get terrible anxiety when my husband leaves me alone with the kids because I cant handle the tantrums. I feel exhausted and overwhelmed.
Yes I need to get to a therapist (working on it)
Yes I am being treated for depression.
I tried church and just feel weird there.
Maybe I should try again. I am here just seeking some comradery. I am really screwing up. Angry and yelling mommy is no good. Im not ok. Husband is like hmmm...clueless. he doesn't know what to do.
I don't know what to do. I don't quite have the courage to end it. but I wish I did. i hate this, I hate myself.
submitted by Electrical_Growth_18 to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:24 Minute-Beautiful9343 Is this hiv ?

Is this hiv ?
Is this hiv ?
I have had mild fever for the last 3 weeks. Not more than 37.2 cel. Very slight headaches. And a bit of fatigue. Nothing too intense but I’m definitely not my usual self. But I have been taking Advil to feel better since I have to work. I got tested for hiv ( on 25th day after exposure ) but it came back negative. The fever comes in bouts. I feel good when I wake up but as the day goes I start to feel weak and have hot flashes. My doctors told me I was inducing the symptoms because of my anxiety and hypochondria. He told me it could just be a mild viral. Then this rash on my inner thigh showed up 2 days ago. It is very mildly itchy. I have tested again for hiv but I’m stressed more after this rash. Results won’t come out for 3 days. For context I came back from a 3 week trip from India which is where my initial symptoms began. I also noticed a penile discharge white in color. I have been treated from chlamydia since too. Please help
submitted by Minute-Beautiful9343 to hivsymptoms [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:23 sillylittle_iya Can your therapist have you go to a psychiatric hospital?

TW: Self harm, suicide
To clear up my situation, I'm 16, past few years things have been pretty difficult, and I thought things were resolved for a while because things were going pretty well, however, the past few months have been slowly sending me down a spiral and my situation gets worse by the day. I used to think my problem was just depression, maybe social anxiety. Looked through the DSM-5 to give it a read through and I noticed my condition was very fitting of Borderline Personality Disorder, which would explain my paranoia and fear of abandonment (I didn't think minors could have it but apparently they can under circumstances). But I also noticed it was quite fitting of Bipolar Disorder, and recently I've been wondering if I might have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder aswell due to some not-so-good obsessions of mines. I have my first therapy session in 9 days and I'm a little scared of actually ending up getting diagnosed with something, because if it's an actual illness I'm not sure if I'm mentally prepared to actually deal with it for the next few years.
The past few days have been harsh. I recently cut contact with all of my friends. And to put it bluntly I've been thinking about killing myself. I'm not in a good mental state, sometimes I feel pretty good/well and the next I feel horrible. I've recently started to self harm whenever I want to forget something or whenever I'm mad at myself or someone, so things have not been the best lately.
A few days ago something happened that had me in an extremely fragile state, it had to do with some people I didn't like, they were bothering me and I was already done with it. I've had two panic attacks previously because of them, so I was very not in a good mood. I ended up trying to cut myself in my room thinking about how I could hurt them in all sorts of ways before taking myself out. And honestly it doesn't feel like it was me. It happens quite frequently where I'm just not myself, it's a pretty bad feeling
So, I've been a bit scared of opening up to the therapist about everything. I'm scared my parents find out and treat me like I'm a ticking time bomb. And I'm also scared of the therapist hearing it and conspiring with my parents to have me locked somewhere for years so i don't hurt myself or anyone.
submitted by sillylittle_iya to mentalillness [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:23 MegaMan_x1234 Question about personal mental health problems

What percentage of neurotypical, and neurodivergent people feel Confused, and that the world is so confusing, and have so much overthinking, overlap of ideas, brain fog, hyperactivity, anxiety, Stress. What are the biological causes for this problem, is there any good thing to take to quickly treat these symptoms, by altering hormones or neurotransmitter for instance, or making other biological changes on you, if yes like what?
submitted by MegaMan_x1234 to aspergers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:12 DarkLmae Thinking of ending it in 4 months.

Please read this carefully and thoughtfully.
In 4 months it’ll be my birthday. I’ll be turning 18. I’ve been thinking about suicide since I was 12, and 18 just seemed like the best age to do it. I just freshly graduated, and now I’m going out into the real world.
Growing up, I’ve never felt like there was a point in life. I basically spent my whole childhood depressed, alone, and craving love and acceptance. I’ve only ever gotten myself into trouble bc of my lack of love and respect from my family and having no friends whatsoever. At least no one loyal, willing to stick by me. I grew up so alone, and abused. Suicide has been the number 1 thing on my mind everyday, 24/7. I absolutely just cannot see a life for myself. The thought never goes away. I’ve already had so many attempts and have gotten hospitalized. Horrible s/h addiction. All I see for my future is smoking/drinking till I die or overdose on something. And if not that, either a gun I purchase when I’m of age or hanging myself. But the gun has been the 1# plan for the longest time. I have always been shy, anxious, an outcast, the weird kid, bullied relentlessly, shitty family who doesn’t give a shit about mental health or care about your feelings unless you’re happy, and even then when they’re not happy, they have to ruin it for you too. Constantly putting me down everyday and blaming me for everything. I cant even have my sister be supportive towards me. I feel as though she’s become too much like our parents without realizing it and I’ve lost completely all hope. And not to mention, I don’t want to work until Im 70. I just don’t see the point in continuing even if it were to get a bit better if life is so expensive . I don’t want to pay to live and have to struggle so much. I feel so bad for those who struggle just to survive. I have never been able to do anything on my own, I just cannot be independent. Im autistic and disabled in other ways and people just have never understood me, people who are neurodivergent aren’t even seen as human beings in this world. We are treated so badly. I don’t want to continue living. It all seems so useless . So worthless. I have felt like nothing but a failure and a burden. And I just continue to get myself into toxic situations all the time bc I forgot how to manage healthy relationships and a healthy relationship with myself. No matter how much or how hard I try nothing is ever good enough for anyone. Im seen as a stupid monster and I have always been treated like a baby. I feel I’ve turned cruel, nasty and bitter. I just can’t handle it anymore. Now that I’m out of school , I feel like I actually have the ability to end my life . When I’m not working or in school, I just rot away in my bedroom all day for hours and slee it all away, if not also harming myself just out of boredom, it used to be to feel something but now it’s just because boredom has become so painful, sometimes much more painful than my suicidal thoughts themselves. I have always felt like I’m crazy and that I’m going crazy and that I’m too different to be here( can’t fit in whatsoever and I will just never be loved, not to mention that I’ve always ruined myself because I grew up super ugly and still am so I feel very unlovable romantically too and love is something I have always craved from someone, esp physical touch being my biggest love language. No one will ever convince me that there is a reason to live, I just tell everyone else who’s struggling that I just slowly take it one day at a time when on the inside deep down I know that I won’t be here for long because I feel like there is mold inside of me and I am poison, I feel like my body is just killing me from the inside out slowly , my soul and brain, and there’s nothing I can do to stop it. I cannot wait to be dead, every time I think about it it just fills my body with so much relief and I feel like I become lighter and feel happy for once and then when i snap back into reality and realize that I’m actually alive, I feel so sick; I can’t stand waking up in the morning, I have physically thrown up before from waking up in the morning bc of how depressed it makes me, I am just a ball of stress and anxiety no matter where I go, this is not living. This is surviving. I physically and mentally ache all the time. Even when I’m having a good time. I have been masking my whole life. Im so done, so , so done. My only goal was to finish high school. My whole life is becoming a blur it’s so scary and I’m not even in my 20s. I dont and have never felt like I belonged here, I lowkey feel like I should of already died a loooong time ago. I had epilepsy growing up, I feel like I should of died from an episode but never did. all I do is struggle and no one cares about my needs in order for me to function normally. I hate my family, I hate everyone in my life, I feel like I cannot ever be grateful enough for anything. I might as well just die.
submitted by DarkLmae to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:00 Automatic_Ad9518 Extreme social anxiety + what?

Im only 18 and dropped out of 2nd year senior high school last year and was diagnosed with extreme social anxiety after my parents actually started to care and listen for once. My parents still get physical with me and still get insulted everyday by my parents and kept mentioning on how lazy, fake, selfish I am and said that they would've offed themselves if they knew how I wouldve turned out. They also always threatened me on how they would kill me for making them upset and cry because of how "I dont listen to them" and how I kept "faking" my mental illness.
I am alone and I badly want to die and at the same time I dont. I haven't talked to a therapist for a year now and my anxiety has come to a point where everyday i burst into crying and whoever comes inside my room... I get VERY mad as in REALY mad + the headache, shaking, difficulty in breathing etc.
Everyday, I kept thinking on how I wasted my potential and like on how I was a prodigy in middle school. I never treated anyone bad like what happened to me? I dont even think I have a reason to even be like this I cant even think straight anymore like I feel like I'm also having some sort of everyday memory loss
submitted by Automatic_Ad9518 to socialanxiety [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:00 Elegant_Consequence5 I can’t stand hanging out with my best friend because of my insecurities

I (17F) made a friend (17F) a couple of years ago and in that time we have become great friends. I love her with all my heart and care for her so much, she’s basically like a sister to me. But, I can’t stand being near her because of my insecurities. She is shorter, MUCH skinner, and prettier than me, and I constantly feel inferior to her when we go out. When we hang out with guys, she gets 100% of the attraction from the men. When I’m there, im treated like a fellow guy, which I appreciate that they see me as a friend but I want them to see me the way they see her. She has been hit on more times than I can count. Nearly 90% of my guy friends have liked her at some point, and this fact upsets me. Being near her causes me to constantly compare us, me being the ugly funny friend and her being the gorgeous sweet friend. Every time im with her, I am just filled with frustration and envy. It’s to the point that when she talks to me about how these men buy anything for her and describe her beauty, I get angry and stop talking to her. I don’t want to keep thinking like this, but my insecurities have just been getting worse and worse, especially since my new anxiety meds caused me to gain weight. I just wish I could look like her for one day.
submitted by Elegant_Consequence5 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:45 Weird-Photo-7525 Someone calculate my grades pls😭😭

I’m so freaking worried because legit my heart is in my stomach rn (if that makes sense) because of family pressure they want me to get straight As no matter what and I’ll probably be kicked out if I don’t. My mother passed away 3 years ago when I just started o levels after that I have just been rushing and trying my best because I was so close to her that no one would ever know. Well the thing is that I always did a self review of caie after the exam like I wrote in my notes app that how much am I expecting after the exam in that particular component so I really need someone to calculate my grades for o levels I’ve reduced like 2-3 marks even from the expected just in case just to like get more proper or realistic estimation.
Expected Physics: p2: 62/80 P4: 35/40 P1 : 30/40 (will be giving p1 5th jun) Biology: p2 : 70/80 P4: 35/40 P1 : 30/40 (on 13th jun) Chemistry: p2: 65/80 P4:30/40 P1 :30/40( on 11th jun) English: p1: 40/50 P2: 41/50 Math: p1: 52/80 P2 :65/100
I know my math score will be a B probably but atleast the rest should be better pls calculate my grade keeping in mind the threshold aswell. Also pls pls pls remember me in your prayers I’ve been so sick recently because of anxiety due to family pressure on grades they treat me so badly if I don’t get good grades I’ve been having frequent anxiety attacks due to this and have been suffering from fever so frequently like 3-5 times a month that is insane please pray that I get straight As please. JazakAllah to whoever decides to help
submitted by Weird-Photo-7525 to Olevels [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:43 Tasty_Sea_6105 Not communicating well (35F) with partner (32F) during conflict. How do I proceed?

Hi. I (35 F) have been with my partner (32 F) for 5 years, engaged for 3. I feel dizzy about whado in regards to this relationship, and need some help finding clarity and perspective. Any help is appreciated.
My partner is very generous, loving, and devoted but had an awful past that continues to impact me and our relationship. For context, they were abused by family growing up (Irish catholic family) as they were a lesbian, and moved away as a teenager to escape the abuse. She was unable to get her high school education as she had to work multiple jobs just to get by, eventually getting her GED and going into the trades. She was groomed by an older woman when she was a young adult and married, and this was a sexually/physically/mentally abusive union. After the divorce, she had further abusive and unstable relationships. Due to this, I have been lenient and understanding of her outbursts and insecurities, but kinda feel like a doormat now. Was I a fool to have empathy for her?
Early on in dating, things were rocky. The first "I love you" was forced - we'd been together a month, and were on a small trip together and she got drunk (I don't drink alcohol at all) and kept asking me to say I loved her, and if I didn't she was going to get another place to stay that nights and leave in the morning. I kept trying to say that I wanted to say it when I was ready and to go to sleep (i had an event the next morning to attend), and it continued until I was so upset that I finally just said it to make it stop. It hurts me that my first i love you to her was forced.
She then moved in with an ex, saying she couldn't afford rent on her own after her roommate suddenly moved out. An ex that had cheated multiple times with men (this becomes relevant later), and used heavy illicit drugs. I told her I thought that was a bad idea, due to the previous volatile nature she described of this relationship and us now being together and I wasn't comfortable with it. She did it anyway - and had a horrible time. This ex also followed me and us and tool photos/videos, which made me uncomfortable. This ex has since moved away.
I have a different experience than my partner - I have two degrees and many other educational certs. I have backpacked around the world solo. I've lived alone for years. I was independent. I may good money. When we met their was a huge obvious different in income, education, and lived experience. I brushed that aside and I wanted to believe it didn't matter, that love can overcome differences if you care for and respect each other. However, my partner has made many comments to me about thinking I'm better than them, smarter than them, or don't see them as equal. This really hurts, as this happens when we've disagree about a topic and I am open to discussing my perspective and knowledge (or desire to learn more), and my intention is to simple have a conversation together.
There has also been a huge issue with communicating during conflict. I know I am far from perfect - I prefer to keep things civil and step away if things get heated or unkind. This doesn't work for her. She's followed me around our home when I said I need some space. She's tossed the Bedsheets off of me when I've asked to sleep it off and discuss tomorrow. She's threatened to cancel trips we have planned, or to drive out of the city to stay elsewhere, or asks me to end things if I won't talk to her. It's really worsened my anxiety and has been very distressing. I set up couples therapy and the few times we've gone my partner has said she hates it and feels like she gets blamed for everything and is the bad guy. I've asked her to speak about her emotions and thoughts going into a counseling session, and she will tell me that she doesn't know what to say. She's also been saying that therapy isn't making a difference and hates going. I've given up and stopped scheduling it or asking her when we schedule our next one. She's does see her own therapist regularly without issue.
The most recent thing that happened, which has really caused me to question things, was when I said something to her about leaving some meas in the bathroom but tried to make it more humorous to keep it light. She was very offended and defensive, and accused me of intentionally trying to make her feel stupid. I apologized, but things escalated and she was shouting at me. I told her that we should take space before anything further is said and revisit the next day, and she refused. She followed me from room to room. The bathroom. The spare room. She threatened to leave for a few days, then asked if I'd like that, and since it was at night if I would be happy if she got into a car accident going somewhere else. I stated obviously not, I'm not going to tell her to leave, and that I wanted the shouting to stop and to take a breather from the argument. She then said "you treat me like I'm a man, why don't you go be with a man then" and "I hate you". It just crushed me. It still crushed me. I can't get it out of my head. I don't want to be angry and resentful about what she said, but I'm so hurt and feel so stupid.
I've begun writing down these incidences, as she made me question my version of events so many times and I began to feel like a real monster. Even if my heart didn't feel that way.
I went to therapy on my own to work through my own shortcomings and imperfections in hopes I can be a better partner. I feel like I've learned a lot and have had lots of growth, until there is any conflict and she escalates and nothing I can do can stop it. I've asked her to work on her anger, that its understandable considering her past, and things get better for a while. She's had growth as well through the years, and has made strides.
When things are good, i feel so loved and cherished and special. Until it's not.
She wants us to buy a place together next month and get married next year, but I'm just not sure.
Does anyone have any clarity or suggestions on what next steps I should consider?
Tdr; couple not communicating well during conflict, how to move forward in the relationship
submitted by Tasty_Sea_6105 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:35 Lownotsohigh Different Medications

I'm coming off Prozac after 5 weeks. I've taken Zoloft and Celexa in the past for my anxiety and depression. Started Buspirone today.
I just want to know what medications everyone's tried for their anxiety and depression and what your side effects were? Which ones worked better for you?
I'm dreading having to switch to a new one because of the side effects.. they all seem to have them and they all suck...😕
submitted by Lownotsohigh to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:01 Plum_Blossims I just tried to tell my oldest friend and I couldn't

We've been friends since we were 6 years old, so 46 years. Over the years we've been closer at some points than at others but we've always have a special bond and can make each other laugh like crazy.
I called her and at first I wanted to talk about something funny and we were both cackling the way we do about someone we know and it was hilarious. She told me that her house has finished remodeling and that she could have me over soon. But she also told me that she was walking her dog and didn't really have the bandwidth to talk much right now, whatever that meant so I couldn't bring myself to say it. I thought about trying but I got a huge lump in my throat.
One thing is I've been having a lot of anxiety around driving lately and I would have to drive to her house and I don't know if I can. I'll have to probably tell her on the phone and I don't know when will be a good time. She's an RN and that partly makes me feel more comfortable in a way telling her but partly less because she works in the ER and sometimes she has kind of a cold clinical view of things. You need to be able to compartmentalize when you do that kind of work.
My biggest fear is that she'll treat me different. That she won't joke with me the same way and that we won't have our dark sense of humor together as much or it just won't be the same.
It's been SO hard for me to tell people that are close to me. I told more people that I don't know well than people that are close to me.
I'm still very anxious, only 2 weeks since I found out and still having a very difficult time coping. I feel like I'm in an alternate reality. I don't know when I'll find myself again. I miss who I used to be. I'm tired of being scared all the time and crying. I'm crying now as I write this. I really need support right now and I think I'm dumping too much on my boyfriend and my brother. I have to figure out a way to be self reliant again. I really miss the inner strength that I had. If I didn't have anxiety disorder that has reared it's ugly head since I got my diagnosis (and also a bit before), I don't think this would be this hard even though it would still be hard.
Everyone says it'll be easier when I get my treatment plan but it seems so far away. They're saying I have to get another MRI now because they don't like the one I got last week, for whatever reason the doctor wants me to get one at their clinic so I have to do it again. Then more biopsies because they were more findings on the last one. I just want to talk to a surgeon or an oncologist and know what I'm facing. I just want to have a break from this emotional agony.
submitted by Plum_Blossims to breastcancer [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:00 MegaMan_x1234 Question mental health problem

What percentage of neurotypical, and neurodivergent people feel Confused, and that the world is so confusing, and have so much overthinking, overlap of ideas, brain fog, hyperactivity, anxiety, Stress. What are the biological causes for this problem, is there any good thing to take to quickly treat these symptoms, by altering hormones or neurotransmitter for instance, or making other biological changes on you, if yes like what?
submitted by MegaMan_x1234 to neuropharmacology [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:56 Anvj Solar injuries (2024 Eclipse)

Solar injuries (2024 Eclipse)
I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced vision symptoms such as mine, which are:
Sensitivity to direct sunlight and reflections Astigmatism (streaks/halos) Floaters (strings/blurry specks/worms) Possible coloboma (perforation in iris) Possible corectopia (off-center iris) Possible retinal detachment
During the solar eclipse I looked at the sun after totality for a few seconds unprotected. I also glimpsed at it a couple times inadvertently before totality and immediately put the solar glasses back on, when I noticed a bright blurry patch in my right eye (pictured) about where the darkened area in the top left is. Obviously it wasn't my plan to look at partial coverage unprotected and I did have adequate solar glasses that I used the rest of the time and didn't notice this afterward. I rested my eyes as much as possible while I was on the trip to Ohio where I saw the eclipse for the next 2 or 3 days and noted a mild discomfort and minor headaches, but had no problems driving 8 hours home. I noticed the main symptoms about 4 or 5 days in when I went back to work and could no longer look at cars because the sun glare from them would leave streaks from my retinas being overexposed, which hadn't been an issue the days before when I was driving to and from the trip I took to see it or the day or two after. I went to work for the next few days after initially noticing this and things only seemed to worsen. I sceduled an eye exam and rested my eyes as much as I could before my appointment with an eye clinic I found near where I worked.
The following days I drove with polarized sunglasses (unsure if they are UV blocking), drank more water and intermittently took fish oil pills, which might be in vain but I figured it couldn't hurt. 11 days after the exposure I noticed an increase in eye floaters and I decided to research what could cause them and learned a lot about how the eyes actually work. Floaters can often be caused by the gel-like substance that fills the eye clumping up and solidifying, causing small, blurry streaks that look kind of like an out-of-focus hair in your vision, although they may be precursors to other conditions. They are common, I've noticed them now and again since I was a child, and they're often associated with normal changes in the eyes and typically don't last very long. However, I hadn't noticed these ones until the past few weeks and have been around since.
Before I had even visited the clinic, I thought I might have solar retinopathy, which is damage or inflammation of the light-sensitive tissue in the back of the eye, since that was one of the first results for web searches for "light sensitivity after eclipse". I didn't get examined until over 2 weeks (15 days) since the exposure, where I had a dilated eye exam that concluded I was nearsighted and was otherwise fine, with either minimal or no damage to my retinas. I was told if I hadn't noticed anything by this point it was unlikely I'd have issues later on. I've been nearsighted since I was a kid, and wore glasses for a short time, but decided to stop wearing them before 5th grade so I didn't think much of this. I'd read that most cases of sensitivity are resolved after a couple weeks and thought mine might just take longer.
Between days 22 and 41 I still continued to report symptoms of sensitivity, floaters and astigmatism more extreme than it had been just a month ago, and had to drive with sunglasses on as it was often the only way I could handle reflections off auto glass and paint unless it was cloudy. The floaters hadn't been too bad by this point so I didn't have any cause for concern about them, and I thought they might be fading. Most of the time they aren't noticeable.
A couple days ago I decided to research my symptoms of sensitivity and astigmatism again. I found this can be associated with a damaged iris. After a visual analysis (looking in the sunvisor mirror of my car) a full 6 weeks after exposure, I saw that there was a lightened ring in my iris and some groups of the stroma (strands) looked broken/split and white which I hadn't noticed until now. The patch where I saw the bright spot suring the eclipse is in the same place as the darkened area in the top right above the pupil in the first image, though this could be totally normal. I'd been looking at my eyes in the mirror trying to denote any changes for the past couple weeks and never noticed this before, though I'm not really sure what I was looking for in my eyes to begin with. An older photo of my eye (second image) from February shows a somewhat drastic difference, at least in my opinion. I've also been having this twitching sensation a couple days prior to this discovery, which I theorized might be the stoma breaking, although I have very little to otherwise back this as I've only just begun recording this specific symptom and taking pictures of my eyes a few days ago. My pupilary (inneunder) stroma seem to take up more area of my eye than they did before and are darker, but this could be a lighting thing. I took the first photo in my bathroom and the other during late afternoon in a car. My pupil might also be off-center in both photos which I've just realized.
Most recently I've been been noticing light flashes, usually quick phases of certain colors in my peripherals, which can be a symptom of retinal detachment (though the visit with the optometrist suggested this wasn't likely), and I haven't experienced other symptoms associated with it like blind/black spots or curtain vision (darkened peripherals). Sometimes I'll get a general discomfort/mild ache/"weird" feeling in my eyes. Sometimes they'd feel like they were strained like I'd been looking at a screen too long, others like they had something in them, and sometimes oddly cold or unusually warm. Sometimes I had a sensation where it feels itchy or twitchy, or causes me to reflexively blink. Though this comes and goes they are some of the newest symptoms and may be concurrent with damage to the iris. As I write this I can notice a slight blurring around some of the text and my eyes take a little longer to focus but can still read, type and see just fine with no central vision defects or color distortion.
I'm really unsure how to go about this. Am I set to lose my vision? Could this just be a minor but permanent situation? Is there anything I can do to treat/negate it? I'm only 20 years old and likely not able to afford surgery since I don't have vision coverage in my health insurance, but if it's my only option I may just have to look into it more. I've also read that the iris can heal over time, but I haven't seen a ton of evidence. I may just have to live with it without treatment and hope it doesn't progress any further.
It may just be that I'm having intense anxiety about this, that I'll probably be fine and it's "all in my head" as the astigmatism and nearsightedness may have been preexisting and I'm imagining some of these, however I still feel my symptoms could be very real and might require attention. As much as I want to say things have improved, I'm not sure whether or not that's true or if I've just learned to ignore it most of the time. I wanted to ask the community to see if anyone happens to have noticed a similar progression of symptoms or have similar conditions and how they've treated it if at all. I figured the best thing I can do is document my experience in case anyone else has any symptoms similar to mine. I'm not sure who else to talk to so any guidance, advice, suggestions, help or information is greatly appreciated. I'll update this if anything major changes.
TL;DR - I looked at the sun past totality for a few seconds and now sun glare is extra mean to me and I have floaters and astigmatism. Does anyone else have or know of eye injuries from the eclipse and what they are like?
submitted by Anvj to solareclipse [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:44 viacrucis1689 Should I ask for additional testing?

I (34F) had a lipid panel done 7 years after my first and am confused as to my numbers, especially the low triglycerides and high LDL.
2017 results: Total: 150 (normal below <200) Triglycerides: 36 (normal below <150) HDL: 60 (normal above >40) Cholesterol/HDL Ratio: 2.50 (normal below <5.00) LDL: 83 (normal below <100) Non-LDL: 90 (normal below <145)
2024 results: Total: 197 (normal below <200) Triglycerides: 48 (normal below <150) HDL: 63 (normal above >40) Cholesterol/HDL Ratio: 3.13 (normal below <5.00) LDL: 124 (normal below <100) Non-LDL: 134 (normal below <145)
Nothing in my diet or activity level has changed. If anything, I'm eating way less red meat (summer sausage was often part of my lunch). I eat oatmeal 6 days a week, maybe have beef 2x/month, and eat out 1-2x/month. Ground turkey and chicken are mainly what my mom cooks with. I don't drink alcohol, fruit juices, and maybe have a sugary drink (sweetened tea) once a week. I do drink a lot of milk, but I always have. I eat whole grain bread 95% of the time. I'm not great with fruits and veggies, but I have been eating a lot more salads in the past couple of months.
I have a disability and expend a large amount of energy just doing everyday tasks, like getting ready for the day. I am 5'3" and 116 lbs, and I've weighed about this since I was 17. My doctor once worried when I lost 6 lbs, so I know it's not my weight. On paper I don't exercise, but just doing taking a shower and getting dressed takes a lot of energy (and time), and I'm not sure my doctor understands as when I had my last appointment she commented on how much I sleep. Anyways...
The only thing I can think of that has changed, besides getting older, is that in the summer of 2017, I switched from Lexapro 20mg, which I had been on for nearly a decade, to Sertraline 150mg. I had a relapse in my depression and anxiety, and it was pretty severe.
Now, here's where I really wonder. All of my mom's siblings have high cholesterol; one had a heart attack at 38 and needed triple bypass. Five of the seven siblings are overweight, but two are/were not, including the one who had the heart attack. He admittedly did have a poor diet at the time. My mom's first lipid panel at 58 (no idea why she wasn't tested sooner) showed her total cholesterol was 292. She tried diet and supplements but eventually went on Lipitor 10mg. Hers is still borderline, but her doctor (same one I see) doesn't want to increase her dose.
Also, one of my paternal uncles has had high cholesterol since he was a teenager. I'm not sure about my dads's other 11 siblings. My dad hasn't had his checked in over 2 decades so he's no help. He did have a very minor stroke at 47, but his sister, a lab tech, went over his labs and said he did not have high cholesterol at the time. But that's family history, I know.
I know this likely has zero impact on my results this week, but in the two previous weeks, I ate out way more than usual due to traveling...like 6x in a week, which is very unusual for me. Can something like that impact test results?
My doctor requested a follow-up to address my high LDL. She's extremely cautious and ready to treat when it comes to anything and everything, so I'm not sure what to ask. I read a lot about additional testing when it comes to LDL. Do you think it's warranted?
I don't want to go on meds as my disability already causes chronic muscle pain, but knowing my doctor, she'll recommend it if I can't get my LDL down.
submitted by viacrucis1689 to Cholesterol [link] [comments]
