Morning or evening dosing of lamictal

A place for single ENTs to meet

2011.12.23 21:15 conturax A place for single ENTs to meet


2015.09.13 10:13 JAR Media

Subreddit for the JAR Media Posdact. Leave your questions in the weekly suggestion thread!

2021.12.14 17:49 UrAccountGotHacked DarkTrees

A subreddit to share pictures of evening skies with dark trees. You can also share pictures of skies (morning, night or evening), the main rules to follow is that the environment/landscape (if there is one) must be dark, and that the sky has a gradient of colors (for example, no one-colored skies).

2024.05.21 12:48 Trynanotbeinpain I get so mad at my anxiety

Support needed:
Over the last few years I've taken Lexapro to prevent my body going into panic-attack fight-or-flight mode every time I had an anxious thought. It genuinely changed my life - it's not that I'm not still a worry wart, I am, but on my meds I no longer SPIRAL for hours and hours and I can still EAT and go about my day. Made a huge huge difference for me.
A few months ago I was going through a lot of grief and abruptly stopped my VERY low dose (2.5mg) for a month. I thought I was fine then I had a panic attack! Immediately went back on my meds and was HUMBLED because I had to wait four entire weeks for the effects of the Lexapro to fully kick in at a higher dose (5mg). Now, seven or so weeks later, I accidentally missed four days of meds while waiting for refill. I was feeling a bit shaky but okay, got back on my meds, was like phew we made it. Then BAM - two days into being back on my meds, I had a panic attack that sent me into several days of fight or flight again.
I'm here after waking up from literal delirious thoughts and - I'm just so upset that my anxiety does this to me. I'm so upset that I can't just be "normal". I have such a cushy lifestyle compared to others, I'm very lucky that episodes like this have never cost me a job or something like that. So I just feel so much self-loathing for being mentally ill like this. I'm so angry that these physical and mental symptoms can be triggered by such a short period off, even when I'm back ON my meds. I'm scared that it means my meds have stopped working and I have to wait weeks again to be "normal", when I have a work deadline to meet.
submitted by Trynanotbeinpain to lexapro [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:47 golden_pikachu Reputation ruined at company but promoted anyway. Not happy in current but easy role.

I work for a retail chain where I moved up fairly quickly. I moved to a location that was closer to my home and began working with a person that I got a little too close to.
I should have always kept things professional, but we were soon spending a lot of time together outside of work. This person was cooking for me, making coffee for me at the office, flirting, lots of embraces when no one was around, randomly buying me gifts, making a lot of sexual comments at me, etc.
This relationship tip-toed into almost physical on several occasions, I just couldn't bring myself to go that far at work with fear of losing my job. I felt like I was trying to be seduced at work.
Eventually this person got into a relationship. I cooled things off and stopped giving them any attention or special treatment. Which I admit I was guilty of. They knew how to play me and they got a lot of attention and special treatment. Their behavior became very hot and cold with me.
One day in a ditch to save money, then company decides to slash hours. Easily cutting more than a 100 hours a week from each location. When this person found out, they put in their two week notice but not before disparaging me and ruining my reputation.
Another associate from a different store was working with them on that day. It took me a year to find out but my coworker told the other associate that I was "being creepy", giving them "too much unwanted attention", constantly "buying them things", "stalking them". My coworker had told a few other people in private that they were quitting because there wasn't anymore hours for them. This other store's associate was told that my coworker had to put in their notice and quit immediately cause they feared for their life around me, that I may attack or harm them. This is after me cutting all contact and communication and not seeing this person for several months due to our schedules no longer lining up. I hadn't talked to or even so much as texted this person for months. They conveniently left out all of their parts of the relationship to make things seem one-sided and they were a victim.
Now the other store's associate went back to their store and spread the gossip. It doesn't help that the other location has an immature older lady running the place that still believes she's in highschool. Now this older lady has spread gossip throughout the whole district that I'm creepy, I should be avoided etc. Despite this I've been promoted again. When I need to get coverage from another store, it's almost impossible because everyone has been warned to steer clear of me and my location.
I hate having this stain on my reputation, but I'm very conflicted. The job is decent pay and fairly easy. It's the kind of job you can work maybe 40% of your shift, and the rest is downtime watching TV etc. So in one sense it's very comfy. The benefits and location are also very good.
The one thing I really hate about the job is their hours. The operating hours are now middle of the day and that makes work life balance very difficult. It's one of those jobs where you don't have time to do anything early morning or at night when you get off work.
So do I keep the job and just try to ignore everything. No one from upper management or HR ever came to me with questions, which makes me thing they are just treating it as unfounded rumors and gossip. I honestly can't stand the immaturity of it though. People who I used to be really cool with have turned their backs on me, believing all the gossip and lies.
If I were to quit, I'd have to take a job with more physical labor and less pay, but there is a chance that I'd get better hours. I've worked so hard to achieve a lot at this company and it would suck to have to work my way back up from the bottom again.
TLDR: had a relationship with someone at work, they lied and used it as an excuse to be a victim, ruined my reputation and now I'm unhappy at work.
submitted by golden_pikachu to careeradvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:47 ImAtinyHurricane Ughhh

My psychiatrist was supposed to review me because I've just started lamictal. He left and I have to accept my new psychiatrist but then I won't see him until the 20th of September. I'm afraid the lamictal will send me manic. I'm supposed to be trying to come off the quetiapine and going onto something else so I can wake up early enough to get to morning lectures as I'm going into my final year of university and my grades matter most then. I don't know what to do because if the lamotrigine triggers mania I won't be very aware of it and I don't want to go to hospital just because the lamotrigine has sent me manic. I'm tired of feeling like a zombie but at the same time I domt want to relapse. I really don't know what to do. I'm running out of my lamictal and I have to wait 72hrs for a new prescription... guessing that will be Friday and I'll be like ughh because I have volunteering that day now I might be late. I'm literally panicking. How am I supposed to start a new medication when I can't even see a doctor to talk about if it suits me and whether to add something else in. I haven't even got my anxiety under control and this is just making it worse. I honestly can't wait to go out tomorrow and buy myself a new build a bear and base it of a character from a british TV show... any advice? I felt like yelling at the receptionist but I didn't. She's nice but I wish My psychs wouldn't just leave me like this. No one even tells me when they leave. I'm just so tired of it. I dont know what to do. I'm gonna be out of lamictal for like 2 days then I'm hoping to get it increased a little bit to see if it will let me feel anything. I'm still on promethazine for anxiety which I'm trying to take as little as possible. I'm so stuck at this point. I'm not even sure what to do with myself. I kinda wanna get a service dog because at least then if I have another episode my dog should be able to tell me. Just as I was finally getting somewhere.... I don't even wake up to an alarm. Honestly what am I supposed to do?
submitted by ImAtinyHurricane to BipolarReddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:45 iWastoid AA my obsession with serving God.

TLDR: Went to AA to stop drinking, ended up picking up the idea of "being of service to God", completely obsessing over it, being basically full-time in service to AA and fucking my life up good and proper.
I did AA for 1.5 years, it worked - I didn't drink - but I ended up with some kind of "God Addiction" whereby I was wandering around in some kind of craziness where I was trying to do the "will of God".
I ended up completely fucking my life up and relapsing in a spectacular fashion.
More recently I found (Secular AA), which doesn't involve God of any kind - and in these meetings I've met so many AA's that seem to understand what I went through and have what seems to me to be really simple & positive sobriety (which was much more rare to me in 'normal' AA). In the few meetings I've been to I can share about my addiction to God, my experiences in traditional AA, and I don't feel judgement. This has helped a lot.
Even though AA's traditions state non-alignment with religion, AA was a offshoot of the Oxford group - which was indeed a hyper-Christian movement (This is how the founders got sober). Christian theology, combined with new-age movement flows through the literature of AA. However I think that - at least for me - considering what the will of the 'higher power' has led to a greater degree of disconnection from the important things in my life: family, career, and solving the very practical problems I had. I was so engaged in AA that I excluded my entire life outside of AA, additionally I started doing service at a church on a Sunday. None of this was good for me, and the entire time I was feeling absolutely insane.
At this point in my life I'm actually recovering from the 'spiritual experience' that I had in AA, and actively trying to get my own obsessive idea of god out of my head that I developed while being a part of that group. The addiction to god for me was worse than my addiction to alcohol, and has completely upended my life and made it in every way unlivable. My friends and family could not recognise me and I lost everything.
Quoting from elsewhere on the Net:
"Someone who is addicted to God is using the concept as an escape from their own lives. The balance is off. Instead of seeking help, they dissolve into an idea that God is directing every thought and action in their lives. They want to be a puppet and destroy those very things that God values in independent human beings. One can admire and appreciate a doll, but just as we can only love a real person, God doesn’t ask us to be robots in his service, but real human beings.
The damage comes in the same way it arrives with other addictions. God addicts sacrifice their relationships, jobs and families in what they believe is service to a higher power. But it’s just as toxic and out of balance as any addiction. And just like other addictions, the obvious problems only seem to have one answer for the addict – increase the dose. Ever more is required to get them into the fantasy life. The answer is more prayer, or reading the Bible more, or striving ever harder to get the satisfaction and release of their own version of an enlightened state."
That was me. I do not wish the same for you.
I am still recovering from this experience, and over the last nine months only recently have I began to get my "new obsession" out of my head and start thinking normally about solving the practical problems of my new reality.
Of course, your experience may vary.
submitted by iWastoid to recoverywithoutAA [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:44 iDrinkHaterade1 She missed our video call date night two nights in a row

Some pretext: We’re 6 months into our relationship, and I feel like we both love each other more than anything. We met for the first time in her country last month and it was the best time of our lives.
Issue: I’ve been trying to implement fun things we can do over video calls, so I told her that I wanted to have a home-cooked meal date night where we cook on camera and show our recipes to each other. She completely slept through the date time without giving me any heads up that she couldn’t make it. Now, she really does slept a ton and because of certain medication she’ll be out for a while. She fell asleep well before our date time, didn’t set an alarm, and slept through it. I’m disappointed, but I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it. So I sent her flowers yesterday morning, said I missed her the previous night, and told her let’s have it tonight instead (last night). She misses it again, last text sent about 45 minutes before our date time, and doesn’t give me any notice or update to believe that she’d miss it this time. Of course I’m upset and mad in the moment. I wait 3 hours and she finally texts me, saying that she’s been getting really bad period pain and that she had her girlfriend come over to help her. Well, it is that time of the month for her. But she had the time to text her friend to come over, she’s up, she knows she’s missing this date, and can’t even send me a single message to tell me she can’t make it or explain why in a timely manner? Like I understand that things come up, but I also feel disrespected and hurt here. And I don’t know if I should be more understanding, or if it’s valid to feel like “Hey, this lack of communication is really hurting me and you need to have the courtesy to let me know you can’t do things we planned.”
submitted by iDrinkHaterade1 to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:43 No_Pause8153 I (28M) got angry at a joke my girlfriend (29F) made last night during dinner and now things are back to being shaky between us.

Hi folks,
Longtime lurker and first-time poster here. I need a (relatively) unbiased perspective on something that happened last night with my girlfriend.
For context, things between us have been touch and go for the past two months. A combination of issues we had when we first started dating resurfacing and long-distance (she's been working out of the country since March but will be back in about ten days) has made it hard to soothe each other during such times.
Things yesterday were more than okay. Actually, they were great. The warmth that we had at the start of the year when she was still here was back. She was affectionate, loving, cracking jokes, smiling, laughing, etc. I felt great. We decided to prepare dinner together that night on FaceTime, and things were going stellar.
Until she was jokingly telling me to stop singing this one song that she hated and I told her "to relax" in a non-serious tone. I instantly went, "Oh shit haha I'm so sorry, don't take my head off," because I remembered how she hates it when someone tells her to "relax." She clapped back, saying, "Haha don't tell me to relax, I'll fucking punch you in the face." And that is when I got pissed.
I'm a sensitive guy. I always have been. It is something that has caused me a lot of anguish in my previous relationship because I can very quickly get upset about small things. For some reason, I've always had an issue with this kind of language in relationships. Violence. Do I think my girlfriend would actually punch me in the face? Of course not. But for whatever reason, I've always been hyper-sensitive to this kind of talk. I also despise it when anyone goes for my face in a joking manner, whether it's some rough housing with my dad or my friends, or my significant other jokingly giving me a couple of taps on the face.
I've never been physically abused in my life. My parents never laid a hand on me. I've never been physically bullied, either. So I really don't know where this aversion to physical or verbal jokes of this kind comes from.
I got a little pissed. I didn't shout, scream, or throw a tantrum. But I was visibly upset. She asked me why I was so pissed since she was clearly joking and said she would never actually punch me. I said I don't like that kind of language being thrown around even as a joke, to which she said, "Who hurt you?"
She went on to say that if this triggered a soft spot because of something that happened to me, I should communicate that to her. But I can't expect her to understand that if I've never told her. I said nothing happened to me. I've never been physically abused, so there's no "trauma" underlying it. It's just something I don't enjoy. No need to overanalyze it.
That sentence kicked my anger up a few notches. I guess reflecting on it, it felt invalidating. It frustrated me. I said, "Who hurt me? Do you really want to take it there? Is that how you want to handle this?"
I was pretty sure I knew why that sentence hurt me. I was in an emotionally abusive, toxic relationship for five years with a borderline narcississt. My girlfriend knows this. She knows how bad it was. And I guess the crass nature of the 'who hurt you?' comment reminded me of a time earlier in my relationship with my current girlfriend where we were having an argument and she said, "Do I have to treat you like shit to have you?" Which was a clear reference to my previous relationship. She has since apologized for that comment, after I told her how profoundly invalidating and wrong it is to say something like that.
The thing is. My girlfriend has a tendency to say things that come off as rude, hurtful, or invalidating when she's upset. And I think this whole situation triggered that fight or flight response after the 'Who hurt you?' debacle.
Back to the current issue....
I was flooded, so I told her I'd call her back after I've cooled off. I took five minutes to relax and then called her back. I apologized for my "overreaction" to her joke and explained to her that generally, I don't enjoy these kinds of jokes.
She went on to say that she finds me getting upset at something like this, to the degree that I did get upset, "kind of ridiculous."
I told her I understand. I said it was unfair to get roused up like that. I told her it's all water under the bridge now and I know she didn't mean anything she said seriously. I reiterated that I don't appreciate these kinds of jokes and that I don't think it's a big ask not to make them in our relationship. She agreed.
After we spoke about it, I couldn't shake the feeling that her telling me my reaction was "ridiculous" and me doubling down by saying it was "unfair" to her was, in reality, unfair to me, and invalidating for me.
Either way, it seemed like the damage was done, though. She was cold for the rest of the night while we watched something on Netflix. The jokey, smiling, sensual person that was there a few minutes ago was replaced by a cold, frustrated, avoidant person. Things were just lukewarm for the rest of the night. She was back to feeling super anxious about all the things we were going through and I was back to feeling like garbage. My anxiety was through the roof. My heart was beating like I was running away from a tiger. I felt sick to my stomach.
I wanted to beat myself up to a pulp. My internal monologue went straight into self-hatred mode. "Why are you like this? This is all your fault. Things were fine, but your sensitive, fragile ass just had to have a moment, right? You couldn't just enjoy the present moment. You couldn't take two seconds to calm your nervous system down before overreacting. Now she probably feels like she has to walk on eggshells around you. She probably thinks you're a baby. You're not a real man. A real man wouldn't throw a childish tantrum like this over a silly fucking joke. You just gave her the ick. You triggered her, and now she's anxious and feeling like crap, and so are you. You just can't have nice things, can you? You have to self-sabotage, don't you?"
I didn't give into the monologue. I took ten minutes to record a voice note to myself, speaking to myself as though I was a friend. I told myself that while I may have overreacted, I did the right thing by taking accountability and apologizing. I also reminded myself that what I had done was far from a "tantrum." I didn't scream, shout, break stuff, or name-call. I didn't blame her, hold it against her for the rest of the night, or stonewall.
The issue that I am dealing with and have always dealt with in these situations is the intense feelings of shame and guilt that come about after these moments. In addition, I feel like I can never truly validate my feelings. Sure, I recorded that voice note as an exercise to try to rewire that awful, abusive self-talk in my head, but I still felt like the whole situation was entirely my fault. I still sort of blame myself for how she is feeling now. I blame myself for disrupting a moment of peace and well-being in our relationship. And I also know that I am prone to self-sabotage, so that makes it even more difficult to find the middle ground between taking responsibility for my actions and validating my feelings.
Was I being extra? Was I really overreacting? Is my insecure attachment causing me to overanalyze or interpret my girlfriend's actions after the initial episode I had? Did she really invalidate how I was feeling by asking the "who hurt you?" question in a somewhat sarcastic way as well as telling me that it was ridiculous of me to get angry at such a thing? Was I really being unfair to her by reacting how I did? Is my nervous system just picking up on a pattern of invalidating behaviour and the anger after the 'who hurt you?' comment is a natural reaction to that? It is the morning after that situation, and I am feeling rather distant towards her. I feel almost sick in my stomach. As though I'm seeing a side to her that I shouldn't ignore. But again, I think as people with insecure attachments we have this tendency to either put people on an insane pedestal to which they will inevitably fall short of or label any behaviour as a 'red flag'.
I'm not looking for a pity party. I want honest opinions, please. If I was really in the wrong, I want to hear that perspective.
Things have been touch and go with my girlfriend due to resurfacing issues and long-distance challenges. Last night on FaceTime, she joked about punching me in the face, which upset me as I'm sensitive to violent language. I expressed my discomfort, and she responded with a sarcastic "who hurt you?" This reminded me of a past abusive relationship. I took a break to calm down and apologized, but she called my reaction "ridiculous." She became cold afterward, making me anxious and self-critical. Now, I feel conflicted, wondering if my reaction was an overreaction or if her responses were invalidating. Am I overanalyzing due to my insecure attachment style, or is this a red flag? Seeking honest opinions.
submitted by No_Pause8153 to AnxiousAttachment [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:41 One-Shower-9086 help

I honestly just don’t get it. sure porn was interesting to look at while i was a budding and horny teen just buying my first vibe, or just giving oral for the first time, but i truly can say i have no interest in anything; porn, other men/partners, whatsoever since i have been in this relationship. i’m 21, so i’m pretty young. i have gained a good bit of weight since we have been together, maybe 20-15 pounds, but he insists he still loves the way i look and that i am perfect. I’m just wondering what, if i am “perfect” there is to gain from porn?? why he is looking at OF leaks on reddit on his break, saving them while he’s in a drive through line, why he’s searching on some dodgy porn site for leaked content less than 10 minutes after we have sex while i am in the bathroom? our first d-day was a good while ago, around late august of last year. we have definitely had more, and while things have gotten marginally better, my one boundary is still not being respected. i even relented that he could still watch porn, but that’s o was not at all comfortable with him consciously seeking out individual women to look at— especially when those women look like everything i would have nearly died to look like at one point. one girl he even knew in person. since maybe the 3rd dday (novemberish) he deleted his “photo vault/spank bank” but i still find myself looking up the women i found on ig and comparing myself to what it is that he actually likes — what actually gets him off. our sex life has suffered, which i feel probably leads him more to porn and other self fulfilling methods.
04/16/24 i wrote that march 18th and to be quite honest, as I sit here mid april in the middle of the night, nothing has changed. I went through his phone again (pain shopping i know i know) after i glimpsed a porn site open while looking at his tax forms and closing his open apps (as i always do). i think i even made a comment about pretending that I didn’t see the porn/naked body on his screen. But I did. So now I sit here, sobbing next to him in bed at 3am while he snores and feeling again like the little girl who just wanted to be the first choice, not a compromise someone settles on. So now I sit here, wondering what is next, who is next, and how I change myself in order to ‘help’ him get away from porn. you see if i looked like the girls he wanted of course he wouldn’t need the others. So now I sit here, fighting the urge to make myself purge for the first time in years, to be closer to that image he so desperately needs, and cannot get from me. i sit thinking of the girl who so dearly wanted to be like the others, the ones who didn’t develop early, or later, the ones who didn’t have abnormally large boobs, just a cute butt and a flat flat stomach. the girl who just wanted to be loved so badly; who craved it as a child and can never seem to achieve it as an adult.
05/20/2024 the first week of may i cried myself to sleep every night. two of those i sobbed so hard he woke up. i don’t know what to do anymore. i grabbed his phone again today, after he had been to the bathroom for an extended amount of time with no shower running, and lo and behold! of course, there it was. every single time without fail. i just don’t know what to do. i want to look like those girls he looks at. i want to throw up my meals and workout relentlessly. i want to shrink my boobs and grow my ass. i want to be tiny again. i want to never eat again. i want him to physically see his harm change me— just as it has forever changed me mentally. i have cut myself down to around 1400 calories daily, with daily exercise of course as well. but even if i lose weight it will still not be enough. i haven’t been going to the gym for years and meal prepping and eating specifically. i fear i will never look like who he prefers. writing this, i want to claw anything ive ever eaten out of my body, i want to go back in time and tell younger me to work out, to care. i want to be pretty again, to stay pretty this time. i know anyone would tell me to break up and to leave, to put myself first, but i cant. i have never loved someone so hugely and completely. i know that i will most likely never have the strength to leave someone who i love, and despite everything, does/did love me in my eyes. at the same time i dont know how to look at him anymore. tonight i went and looked at every girl i could remember him looking at and searched them on instagram. there were 15 of them. i think i may send their profiles all at once to him in the morning when he wakes up. maybe even right in front of him— just to see his reaction. is that sick of me? i just want him to know that i know, and that honestly its ruining my life. i never feel pretty. I have never felt so ugly, so hideous, so monstrous, that my own boyfriend can’t even get off to me. sometimes i can’t even look at him. it hurts too much. i’m worried that if he looks at me too long that he will find something else that he dislikes about me, and look even more to rectify that in yet another woman. i almost wish he would find this and magically know this was about us, not that it would solve anything really. I have already poured my heart out, spoken calmly, been angry, forgiven, and sobbed as hard as i ever have before. what else i can do.
submitted by One-Shower-9086 to loveafterporn [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:41 Pack-Fragrant How do I (29F) "slow things down" with my boyfriend (34M) after 2 months of honeymoon-like relationship?

First of all, sorry for my broken English. Not my native language. Please point out if something isn't clear!
TL;DR we’re rushing things and don’t know how to slow down
It's a nice story tbh. We met 10 years ago, we were in the same friend group. He had a big crush on me but I was a crazy ass 19 y.o. who didn't really care about boys, also I was planning to move to another city (500 km away) - and I did. So in the past 10 years we lost contact, albeit being friends on social media and stuff, and sometimes we would casually meet on nights out with our friends when I came home to visit.
While I was making the rounds of Southern Europe, he started a relationship that lasted approx. 7 years. They were living together and stuff. She's a nice girl, I remember meeting her a couple of times, but she's got a lot of "social" issues that made living together very hard for the both of them. She was in constant need of his presence, and for the last 1.5 year of their relationship he felt more like a father to her than a boyfriend (PLEASE NOTE I have nothing against her and I dont want to make her look bad because SHE'S NOT. If this info wasn't important for the story I wouldn't have shared that). He left her in December 2023, the main reason being that he wanted the relationship to "grow up", think of a family, a bigger house, dogs, kids... but she couldn't even keep a job so he ended things more or less in a friendly manner after trying and trying.
3 months later, in March, I liked a pic he posted on facebook, he sent me a message asking if I was back for good (I am) and basically asked me out on a date. And MAN WHAT A DATE. Everything was perfect, we laughed to the tears, you know when you feel something has clicked and now everything is in its right place? Yeah. We both felt that. So we jumped on this loveboat ride and everything has been great, but we were really rushing things, like I started staying there for the night during the week (aided by the fact that his apartment is 10 mins from my office so it was also covenient for me), he met my parents (by accident tho honestly that wasn't planned, but still) I met his mother, his coworkers, also his boss! He got drunk with my dad! (That was fun haha). I thought that we were rushing things too much but I brushed it off thinking "don't ruin it, if it feels right then let it be", but eventually it came out during a talk we had. We both acknowledged that we'd been getting ahead of ourselves and this was making him uncomfortable, because he didn't really want to end up in another relationship right after ending a 7 year long one, at the same time he thinks what we have is precious and we should cherish it. He wants to see and have a future with me but also wants to take things slow. I agreed, and being the pragmatic little demon I am I had prepared a list of things I thought we should do/stop doing, such as sleeping there on weeknights, parents involved etc, to which he agreed. Also I noticed that he was kind of... I don't really know how to explain, projecting? his ex's persona on me. I noticed that when he was on morning shift (starts at 6 a.m.) and I had spent the night at his apartment, he'd be very worried about me not getting up on time to go to work at 8 (like his ex did) and asked me to send him a message as soon as I woke up. Another thing, there has been a weekend when I was sick, it wasn't that bad, I just had a stomach ache and nausea and needed to go to the bathroom a lot. Well that day it looked like I couldn't even walk for him, he wanted me to stay at home while he was buying the groceries to cook for lunch even though I said I was fine and a trip to the supermarket wouldn't have killed me. I reckon that's because his ex was like that. But I'm not. I'm really an independent person, I've been living by myself for the past six years, I can look after myself! And even though it's lovely to have someone who cares about you, that just felt like having a nanny and not a boyfriend (we also talked about this).
Aprt from that our relationship is great, we discuss things as adults, every discussion/argument ends with a common point. I love this. Also he's the sweetest.
But after the talk we had, and the things we both agreed on, Sunday night we were watching a movie together on his sofa, the movie was over and I said "oh it's 10 pm, I gotta go" and he was like "why don't you just stay here for the night? Your office is basically across the street" I told him that that's exactly what we agreed to avoid, he insisted a bit but then I left.
Now, I don't know what else to do to slow things down apart from to ones I listed and furthermore I don't know how to help him with all of this. He's confused and I can see that, but I trust him and if he said he really cares about our relationship then so it is.
What do you think? What should I do?
Thank you for reading.
submitted by Pack-Fragrant to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:34 hdkgxkg Tricks you’ve learned for mitigating prednisone side effects?

Whole body aches and pains, fatigued yet awake, nausea… any tricks of the trade you’ve learned to help ease the side effects? I’ve read a few people saying to eat high-potassium foods.
Also is this action on my asthma so far about normal? I took 40 mg yesterday morning. Yesterday I was able to get by with only 6 puffs of albuterol throughout the day, whereas for the past few weeks it’s been around 12 or more. By the evening I was quite tight and REALLY needed the albuterol and my usual Flovent. After that I haven’t needed the albuterol through the night, but I do feel a little tightness this morning. But I hear all these stories about how prednisone is a miracle drug and makes you feel 100% better within a couple hours, so I’m worried it isn’t going to work for me. Any experiences like mine where the 5 day course DID end up working completely?
submitted by hdkgxkg to Asthma [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:31 FutureLifeguard8556 Wibta if I stopped initiating contact

17f here my best friend 17f and i have been best friends for almost 2 years now I loved spending time with her We were in the same school until last year where i changed college
We live on 15 minutes distance which was never a problem Obviously we had different schl timings ,mine was morning hers afternoon. We wouldn't see eachother but we would meet every 2 weeks or once a month, we'd call everyday and it was never a problem Now tht our high school is over I have started to realise tht she never calls She'll text once in a blue moon it is me who calls On countless occasions i have waited for an entire week, So tht she'll call me but she never does
And we live like only 15-20 mins away Mind you all her exams are over and i still have some competitive exams to appear for
She has friends where she lives she goes out with them which is totally not a issue, it is okay if we can't meet because of plans or any other thing But she yet does not call, She can hang out with whoever she wants to buy she can atleast call me right or maybe even text me
We both have diff friends But I have started to feel as if it is only me who is trying to keep our relation, Like for the last two weeks we have spoken maybe 2 times and it is me who has called And anytime tht she is out she says she'll call me late text me but she never does And this hasn't happened once or twice this has happened many times, ofcourse i don't expect her to talk to me while she is working or out
But I do expect maybe a text If I call her and shes out , she'll say she'll call later, then later she'll text and say I'm really tired and I'll call u tomorrow (understandable) but then she never calls the other day
I really like talking to her With all of my competitive exams still left I can't really go out But she is free and yet she never calls. She is the closest friend I have ever had and this is confusing me
So wibta if I stopped texting/calling her
submitted by FutureLifeguard8556 to AITA_WIBTA_PUBLIC [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:31 Weird-One8451 Did I do something wrong?

My first best friend, who I'll call Melissa, and I met in kindergarten and were both 5 at the time. We both looked and smiled at each other. That was the day we became friends and it was the most happiest day of my childhood. I sat next to her and we were hanging out with each other every day.
We would do so many things at school with each other. We would sit on the carpet to play with the items the teacher put out for the class each morning. We would always do fun activities in the gym. We would sit at lunch, laugh about funny things we told each other, and hang out at recess every day. My favorite moment was when we were on the swings to see who would go the highest and just look at each other and smile. We did go to other parts of the playground but the swings was our favorite.
When we weren't in a classroom together with our teachers due to them having a different assigned classroom, we would still hang out in lunch and in recess because they released everyone at a certain time by grade level. For example, if we were in 1st grade and students were in a different classroom, the 1st graders would all be released at the same time while the other students in different grades remained in the same classroom. So even if Melissa and I were in different classrooms, we would always meet up and have a great time.
In 3rd grade, I found this girl who I'll call Leah. Leah and I would do pretty fun things together since we were in the same classroom and were hanging out with each other, but I'd still go and hang out with Melissa sometimes. I introduced Melissa to Leah and we basically became a friend group, or at least I thought it was a friend group.
During this time I was constantly having to pick sides with some of our things we were making up as kids. First, it was who I was to sit with at lunch. (Sometimes I wasn't lucky enough to sit with either of them because of a rule where we had to sit in a boy-girl pattern to apparently make everyone quieter during lunch time.) Then it was with some group or clan we made up during recess, Melissa was in "unicorn squad" and Leah was in "girl squad" (I made up the name of girl squad.) I would try to bring them both together but Melissa's friends and Leah's friends didn't get along too well. I had no other best friends besides the both of them and it kinda broke my heart to see them not get along as well as I was with them. Then on a very traumatic day in fourth grade that I still regret for the rest of my life, Melissa and Leah both came up to me and said "You have to pick one best friend." I said I wanted them both to be my best friends but Leah kept pushing that I only pick one. Then we made up a stupid contest to see who would win (my idea) and I was a little tired of it and made Leah win. I have never seen such a sad look on Melissa's face when we were about to leave for home. I ran after her and apologized, I tried to comfort her and I think it worked since we stopped the argument.
Later on in the year of 4th grade, Melissa and Leah had some new friends they were hanging out with. I was fine with it at first, but seeing as their friends were experiencing many joyful moments with my best friends without me, I grew hatred towards their friends. I became jealous of what they were doing. I tried everything as a 9 year old girl could possibly do to keep the relationship going between me and my best friends. I still sat with both of them at lunch and joined them in recess. When they were busy hanging out with their friends, I was left alone, wandering around the playground, doing the things my best friends and I used to do but alone this time. It became depressing just thinking about memories of me and my friends playing together in the past and having fun. Now I had to have fun but alone as I watch my best friends have fun with theirs instead of me. I became even more depressed and angry seeing other random friendships because they were having fun and not me. I felt so alone, hurt, betrayed, so much emotion. This grew into more extreme hate towards the friends of my best friends.
In 5th grade, I did everything I could to have fun with them, but for some reason, something felt off. We hung out less. We didn't sit at lunch every day. Then I found out something shocking. Leah was hanging out with other girls who would give her lunch money, (I gave her lunch money for quite a long time now so we would get snacks with my money I gave her) and was making videos with these girls. I then hated the girls because apparently in my mind, they were controlling and possessing my friend. They stole her away from me. Leah and I still hung out and I considered her my friend because I didn't understand the concept of being used for money. Leah would always invite me to make videos but I wasn't comfortable. I realized how much of a fake friend she was but I still gave her a chance to change but never happened. I went to hang out with Melissa more after this but this felt a bit off too. She was hanging out with this one girl a lot. She seems pretty happy to be with her instead of me more. Melissa was into anime and I wasn't, so that drifted us apart but I didn't see it. I wasn't really into any of my best friend's interests because I was still depressed and full of rage against these girls. I grew to hate everyone and everything and I only wanted to be with Melissa.
It was near the end of the year when I went to go with Melissa in the playground where we always used to go, the swings. She constantly kept moving away, switching swings of just walking away from me. This hurt a lot coming from a close friend like her. I went to hang out with Leah because I still had no friends besides the two of them. Leah as well, left me behind and I was there alone again. All this just fueled my anger against everything. I hated other people, I hated activities, I hated everything, including myself. I thought this was weird since I didn't express my hate that badly towards these other girls, although I did want them to through horrible and horrendous things because in my mind, they were stealing my friends. They took away the people who made me happy. I was getting worse from my mental health because I wanted nothing but my happiness and my best friends back. I had a few thoughts of kidnapping my best friends so they could be with me forever. I would be happy and experience all the happy moments we would share together again. It was pointless anyway because I was just a 10 year old and couldn't do anything.
During these final months before everyone was all homeschooled for a year, I noticed whenever I tried to be with Melissa, she moved away from me again. I tried many times to catch up with her but she continued moving away. I thought absolutely nothing of it because of a funny joke by the teachers saying we hung out too much and we should be separated. I found it funny because at the time, our friendship was strong and I thought nothing would ever separate us from having fun. So I just thought about it as if she was playing around with that joke. I gave up catching up after Melissa because I was tired and I thought she was playing the joke on me. It turns out, I overheard something she said and she said I was too clingy. I didn't know what it meant and I thought she said a funny word and thought nothing of it. Later on she asked me for a break. I said that it was fine and I thought she meant a break for one day (I thought breaks were meant to be short at the time) and we left each other alone.
It came a few days later where she said she didn't want to be my friend anymore. I then went to hang out with Leah, who I didn't hang out with for a long while, said she also didn't want to be friends with me anymore. I was broken by their words but I just thought it was all a joke to me, because I thought it was dumb to unfriend someone for hanging out with them every day.
Fast forward to 6th grade where we were homeschooled for a year, I was full of hope that I was going to be friends with Melissa again after a long time. Then came 7th grade where I was 12 and I continued to sit with her at lunch again, but this time I felt nothing. There were no fun conversations like we usually had back in elementary. I just felt like I wasn't meant to be there. I still felt the same loneliness, rage, and sadness back like I was in 5th grade. That's when I finally realized I was no longer her friend, and I had so much hate in myself for taking a year to realize I had been blind to all of this. I never felt so much sadness like that in my life. The two friends I had left me, I was really depressed by this reason, and now I constantly question myself wondering what I did wrong. I still grovel over them both. It's been a few years now. Did I do something wrong?
submitted by Weird-One8451 to ExBestFriends [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:30 Toxilyn I miss him so bad right now. But feel like I can't make my needs known. And so just stuck in limbo.

My love is a hard working man. He has a hard physical job. When he comes home from work he continues building on his own house that he is building on his own. An incredible construction. And I am so proud and admire him for how far he has come with it. (Both him and I have an agreement to never move in together as that fit our lives better, and so he is building this house for him self.)
We text back and forth all day. But my favorite time is when we are together in an Xbox party chatting. I need him.. I crave him. The hours I spend in the party with him melt all my stress away and I feel like I am floating.
We have a group of friends who like joining us and hanging out. And while they are great.. I really need my alone time with him. Which he of course is also happy to give. If there is time.
He is not a very romantic person. He is a bit of a loner and is used to just doing what he is doing and not really including others in that. He loves spending time with me. But he won't ensure we do if that makes sense. He always says: if you are there then you are there and it's great. If you are not then I just do my own thing and it's fine. So. An annoying bit of our relationship is that I have to be available when he is. Add this to these friends often joining, which is great, but then they are there when he is finally available.. and I don't get my lone time.
The last week or so has just been a bit chaos. First the job he is hired for right now has a long drive back and forth. So he leaves too early in the morning for us to have gaming time in the morning. In the evening I've had a lot of events, and he has too. And he had a tendency to fall asleep because he works so hard. Especially now it is warm too he gets worn out. So when I finally come home.. he's fallen asleep. Then we're finally both in a party but the friends are there too.. And it has just been a lot of that.
I fucking miss him sooo bad. I crave him sooo bad. But I feel like from experience I can't ask him to ensure time together. If I could keep our friends from joining that would help a bit. But they don't fully know or understand what him and I have together. And also my love will be like: why are you keeping them away when they want to hang out with us? Because. He doesn't have the same deep craving to be with me alone. He just enjoys I am there in general. So it is only my need that is like that.. And.. I need it. I am getting agitated. Frustrated. And feel tight and aching.
Today is a really hot day. His job is pushing him for a lot right now. He hasn't really replied much today because he is focusing on work. Which I get. But I am just feeling my guts twist and turn in longing. I feel like my only hope can be that our friends don't join tonight.. I wanna ask him to prioritize me. But I think he doesn't understand what he is meant to do with that. Because in his world he does, by always being by my side, always wanting me, loving my company when it's there.
But text messages and sharing him with my friends just isn't always enough for me.
submitted by Toxilyn to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:30 FortunateWaterbear Update: I'm kind of disappointed but am I being unreasonable?

This is an update to a post I made about 2 months ago. I was terrified of re-entering an industry that properly traumatized me for the majority of my professional life. But I attended the interview anyway and got the job. if you want to read it.
Now to the update. Also kind of long; TL:DR at the end.
I have been here a scant 2 months and already I'm seeing some worrying signs.
My people manager is great. My relationship with my colleagues, also pretty good. I'm having a bit of trouble adjusting but working on that. Gotten some feedback on my work tasks which I am actively working on. Not so bad as all that, I'm learning, I'm growing. I like being here.
But all is not, apparently, what it seems.
I was called in for a "catch up" meetping this past week which highlighted all of my shortcomings. The end result of which was the conclusion that I am not performing to the quality standards they expected.
Now, to clarify, I understand that my review wasn't going to be overwhelmingly positive. I also understand that the employer is entitled to provide me with candid feedback on how they feel I'm doing.
But, here's what worries me. This review meeting wasn't communicated to me until the last minute - so it seemed to be something urgent. My people manager was absent at the time and, after speaking with her, I learned that her full sentiments on my performance were not communicated to me. None of my positives were highlighted.
In addition, things that had been brought to my attention already (like 2 months back) and resolved within that time span are still considered ongoing issues (??). Items I have also already discussed with my managers as points on which I need guidance are also being seen as active issues - there seemed to be some negativity towards the fact that I needed guidance. In addition, items I didn't even get feedback on are suddenly poorly done. A surprise to me, but whatever.
And then this meeting was followed with a revocation of some of my privileges until I show improvement. This I have no issue with - it's the employer's prerogative, I guess.
When I reviewed the notes I got the next day, however, I noted the major gaps in the information I got. I am at a loss as to how to respond. This morning, I've also gotten an email, basically outlining my "shortcomings" and copying HR. It's that major of an issue, apparently.
I know a lot of this is from my perspective and my judgement could be clouded but that review felt like an ambush and a witch hunt. It was ad hoc an resulted in my being punished for poor performance without, again I reiterate, my direct people manager present.
In addition, it's dredging up some old traumas from my previous workplace which is making me think that maybe this isn't the place for me. Am I being too hasty? Or should I trust my gut on this one?
TL:DR - New workplace is giving me bad vibes similar to a traumatic point in my life. I've only been here 2 months and I feel like I've had enough. Am I being unreasonable?
submitted by FortunateWaterbear to work [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:29 Pumpkinpatch0333 Is it weird im trying to learn more about Maori culture?

For context im a pakeha 15f, and I really want to learn more and be more authentic to the country I live in. Like I say karakia every morning, Im trying to learn to speak te reo, im learning all about native plants and animals, and my friends māmā is teaching me how to make kete out of the harakeke Ive got growing in my backyard. These are all things my teachers and classmates have encouraged me to do, but I want to do more. I love to sing waiata and dance with poi, use herbal medicine and get a ponamu. I want to learn about my country and what feels like part of my culture from the people who were living where I now live, hundreds of years ago, even though my ancestors weren’t the ones doing it, but at the same time it feels like im stealing and that its weird im trying to do this.
Is this weird or am I overthinking it, and how can I be more respectful as im going about this learning process.
submitted by Pumpkinpatch0333 to newzealand [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:27 Tryhardtryharder100 No weight loss on 0.25 whatsoever

I (F50) had four shots at 0.25, due to start on 0.5 on Thursday Food noise is much less, no side effects, get full quite quick And I am eating much much less But no weight loss apart from 4lb first week I know it’s titration time right now and 1.7 is there you start seeing results but I am just wondering You start seeing results on higher doses simply because you can’t eat anything But I’m already not eating much Genuinely - eating half of what I used to I don’t drink hardly anything apart from tea and coffee and I have seen people posting that they drink 3 litres plus
I’ve been on Cambridge diet (UK version of VLCD of 600 calories a day) and I know for a fact when I didn’t drink their recommended 2.5 l even low calorie intake wouldn’t move the scales
So I’m wondering if it’s the water ?
So frustrating as I keep seeing posts like this- I lost 12lb and I’m afraid it’s too fast/ feeling too guilty etc etc I mean really?? And no , I hate exercise in any shape or form and even walking I find extremely boring so that’s not sustainable for me and I have a desk job being self employed it means 12 hours a day at the desk So …. 😭 rant over
submitted by Tryhardtryharder100 to WegovyWeightLoss [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:26 Former-Astronaut-841 AITA: I called my ex husband handsome

Yesterday on FB memories, a picture of my ex husband and I came up. We were young in the picture, and as someone who doesn’t look good in pictures I was admiring how good I looked in this one. I took a screenshot and sent to my daughter.
I asked her if it was weird seeing her dad and I together. He and I have been divorced for 8 years, and I’ve been remarried to 2nd husband for 4 years. Anyway, she said yes.. it is weird.
I then said “your dad was once very handsome, which is why I fell for him”.. which is true. I literally prayed for a hot husband at the time, not knowing there’s much much more to marriage and love than the superficial. I then mentioned myself, and how different I look in the picture.
We went on to talk about him for a little bit. I started asking questions about how he looks now. This was fueled by recently watching TikTok’s about alcohol cirrhosis, and how people’s stomachs swell up when they have it. My ex is/was an alcoholic.. so my questions about his current physique were trying to see if he has cirrhosis or not. If he was still drinking heavily or not. I asked about his swollen belly, etc.
My daughter gave me long answers. Told me more than whether his belly is swollen or not. I replied with 1 word answers. I just wanted to know if he has a swollen belly.
Anyway, the conversation ended. Went to bed.
But then my current husband somehow saw our text conversation. I don’t know if my daughter showed him or he looked thru her phone or mine. But he saw the texts, came to bed, and said a snarky comment like “he was so handsome” in a mocking way. I tried to explain but he cut me off, put in ear plugs and went to sleep.
This morning he wakes me up early by shouting into the bedroom “I want a divorce”. Then called me a lying ass slut.
I can see how the conversation w my daughter looks like I’m reminiscing and maybe even missing my ex but that’s not the case at all. He won’t listen to my explanation.. and I definitely didn’t deserve to be called a lying slut.
AITA for having that conversation with my daughter?
submitted by Former-Astronaut-841 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:26 aine0102 my parents are controlling

19,f never went out with friends. not that im not an outspoken or friendly person, got a pretty good friend circle extremely talented supportive and hardworking people. they go out all the time and dont have to constantly update their parents on slightest minute plan changes.
first time getting along with people and them instanly making plans of going out was weird but in a jealous weird and questioning. it was later i figured their parents do not ask every detail of their day, who they met, what they had, why were they 5 min late. they dont pick and drop them everywhere they have schedules. and it was after a week or hanging out that i realised, it was me living a diffent life than everyone out there. and it broke me cus that was the point i realised that in the name of protectiveness and security and ease in commutation, they just snatched my independence from me.
they provide for me and i cannot begin to thank them enough for it, pursuing a professional study and doing good at it, always supportive. but that day i sat down and got to a conclusion that if i were to upset my parents or do not do things how they want me to do, i'd lose everything. and that has happened. asked to go out with friends, note that all of my friends come from dignified background humble and kind and educated and themselves are pursuing professional studies. never asked them before so expected there wont be a problem. was in dilemma that i dont go out cuz i dont ask to go out. often picture myself as a bird in cage unaware that shes trapped unless she tries to get out. yea so access to outside without them denied. reasoned a bit on why not. they got mad and yelled and said pretty harsh things. i was in school then and it was for the teacher's birthday. we loved her dearly and she was moving out of country. i was sure they'd let me so made plans and everything cancelled last minute cried whole evening and night. that was when it started. when the bird realised she isnt in a room but a prison.
gave a couple more tries here and there. same answers. silent treatments. refused to enroll me in the course im currently pursuing initially, calling it a financial issue. and yea there were and are financial issues but hey, grasped what was going on and did everything their way. cut ties with everyone except two friends who theyve met plenty more times than others and did as they said. regular classes, not questioning them, spending time with them. enrolled and in classes after six months.
met a guy and he was good. wanted to take me on a date. i knew they wouldnt let me go. took it slow and introduced him as my friend. asked me to cut ties with him. i kinda liked him. we had good undertanding he's help me with studies and confide about his family and life in general and i thought i can date. i wanted to date him. see where it goes like every other teenager who go out on dates after classes and study and support each other. they didnt wanted me to see him or anyother guy even as a friend. deleted every guy friend of mine's contact. we still were seeing each other until i got so burnt out of the constant watch and professional studies and competitive exams also all while managing a degree. had to break ties with him for a couple while and i admittedly couldve done with proper explanation but it was a panic attack, yeah i did starting having them right after school when everything crashed down, so panic attack with all tears and snot and heavy breathing i leave him a text that i cant do this.
fast forward today. exams done. some professional practical work everyone has to take up and my father as usual would pick me up and drop me. yesterday a friend of mine suggested we buy new books and get some food after work was done which is 1:30. i thought now that im old enough, cus the last time i tried asking was 16, maybe i can go. they said yes when asked in morning. 1:45pm text comes in. where u at. when will you be back. gave a location where he'd pick me up after we're done with books things. im at metro station, shaking, holding that ticket beacuse it was all over that again. they let me go but did they? call comes in when i dont reply in 5 minutes. he asks when will i be back upto. on saying by 4, he went why books need so much time. denied that i ever mentioned lunch too. i remember saying lunch and books. couldnt argue, not used to, dont want to upset them. two of my friends waiting for the metro so we go grab lunch and spend some time for the first time in about a year since we met, and im shaking cus its so humiliating and like. this close to crying when he hung up without saying anything further and mum texts in 2 mintes asking me to come back home rn this instant. manage to apologise and run through the station, get a cab and run home in 20 min. 2:20pm. at home. i dont if im though. in my bathroom. crying shaking of embarrassment, humiliation, guilt, frustation, anger. and hunger.
also, crossed path with the guy i was seeing. he had his guitar, he used to play for me after completing studies. killed me to pass by with just a hey and by the looks of it, he was upset about it too. everything keeps falling apart everytime i accomplish one thing.
i dont know if this is how parenting is supposed to be done because none of ppl i know have such parents and controls. so its not normal but is it abusive? i question and then go to sleep cus the obvious answer would disrupt the peace im holding on to. the good side of them keeping me sane.
if you've taken much time to read it through. thank you. i dont have anyone to share this with and im so lonely at times like this
submitted by aine0102 to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:21 tfrisinger 5 days in Paris trip report

Flying home as I write this.
First don’t sweat the weather in May. We had what looked like 5 days of rain but we didn’t get a drop of rain until the last day. Got cloudy and looked like it might rain here and there but for the most part it was very pleasant weather. Don’t sweat it but pack some options.
Cash/credit. Almost didn’t need a euro. Paid with Apple Pay everywhere - taxis, metro, sites, restaurants, etc. one exception was the artists near sacre couer only took cash. Never needed or asked for a PIN.
Sites. Did all the major sites. Each and everyone now has heavy duty security, metal detectors and even body scanners. This makes it a very slow process to get in. Plan for that.
Arc de triumph was particularly painful when we were there. Eiffel Tower is also very painful due to the queueing at the elevators. Took us 2 hours minimum to get to top and back down. Louvre did a mad dash for the Mona Lisa at 9am and that worked out well with pretty small crowds. Then got to relax and enjoy the rest of the museum.
Funny - by the Eiffel tour you can go see the Olympic countdown clock. Ironically it was showing 101 days to the games when it was only supposed to be 67. Got a picture. It even made the news. Dummies. Makes me question how prepared they are for the Olympics. Hopefully they don’t think they have an extra month of prep time :)
Olympics prep - didn’t impact us in the least. Nothing we wanted to do was blocked by it.
Safety - no issues. Felt perfectly safe late at night, on the metro, Ubers, etc. only saw one clipboard lady at the Eiffel Tower and just walked away.
Trip highlight - Le Calife dinner cruise was amazing. I’ve been to Paris several times before but never did this due to seeming like a tourist trap - which I think most are. This one gets it right. It’s high end food and service on a boat. It was awesome - not cheap though. We were very happy with our front of boat seats. Great way to end the trip. Was from 8pm to almost 11pm.
St. Chapelle was an amazing first for me. Pretty incredible and worth the body scan to get in.
Ubemetro - took the metro to/from sacre couer just to let my son have the experience - it’s very easy to buy tickets and use. Otherwise mostly walked or did Ubers which were quick and plentiful. Official taxi from Cdg to Paris was easy to find - the trip into the city however was very painful and took close to 1.5 hours with the morning traffic.
Food - too much to report. We didn’t have a bad meal anywhere and refreshing to have good service regardless of price.
Recommend an after dinner stroll to a gelato shop every night.
CDG - I was really sweating coming home today with some kind of strike going on which mostly impacted the trains but also some airport staff. Showed up 3+ hours early to CDG but breezed thru security and passport check in under 30mins. Give yourself time but the horror stories seem overblown.
Language - almost everyone we came across spoke English to a good degree. We tried our best with French but usually switched to English when they heard our attempts :). I do think a merci here and there is appreciated. We did have one taxi driver with very limited English but we made it work.
Holidays - many French holidays in May. We were there for Pentecost and whit Monday - both seems to be a non event for us and nothing we came across was closed due to this. So hard to tell which holidays are impactful or not for tourists, but this wasn’t one of them.
submitted by tfrisinger to ParisTravelGuide [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:21 healingwhispersasmr Realised what triggers my biggest anxiety attacks

So today I had a meeting, it went great, then I found out I was getting some money paid to me soon for a small car crash I was in last year and then a nice bus driver let me on for free. Just a nice run of things this morning, I felt calm and lovely. I got home and suddenly I started feeling my stomach churn, and felt emotional and really anxious. Right now I can feel it inside me like a big ball of nervous energy, I know usually it’ll sit there for a while, I’ve tried to regulate but it keeps coming back, it may or may not turn into a big panic attack later.
My biggest trigger is being happy or relaxed. I’ve been meditating more and trying to get into a more calm state but as soon as I’m there a switch is flicked and anxiety and panic attacks always follow.
My default state from very young has been hyper vigilance, I have had calm periods as a teen and young adult but then a trauma always followed, loss, abuse, assault etc.
I’ve got therapy today so will be discussing this with my therapist. I’ve done tons of CBT and know all the techniques for calming down but this is my body not my brain, my body can’t stand feeling relaxed for long, it must always be on the look out, watching and waiting. It makes me feel so sad, I want to let it all go, and be free to just live my life, but terror and unsafe feelings drag me back to watching and waiting again.
Has anyone overcome this? I want to see the light at the end of the tunnel? Also has anyone had issues even trusting that this is the real issue, I confuse my hyper vigilant state sometimes with being unwell, like “If I feel like this I must be in danger, maybe I’m about to suddenly fall ill or have some terrible medical event” I have health anxiety as well which doesn’t help as I’m always thinking panic attacks are strokes, heart issues or me literally going insane. I’m dissociating a lot less but this feeling everything is pretty terrifying.
submitted by healingwhispersasmr to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:18 Adventurous_Pen_504 Feed or wait?

Feed or wait?
This is my LP, Omen. He/she molted a week ago, and until the past couple of days was hidden away deep in his burrow. The past 2 nights he's been out, sitting where he is in the pic, and this morning he was sitting out again, and I'm wondering if he's maybe hungry? It's definitely been a week since he molted, possibly even 12 days, should I wait a bit longer or offer food tonight?
submitted by Adventurous_Pen_504 to tarantulas [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:18 ShittySituation12 Belgium: urine and feces coming out of shower drain

Throwaway because coworkers know my main.
I moved to Belgium last year and have been renting a room in a shared flat. Since the beginning, there have been multiple issues such as pieces of the upstairs balcony falling off onto ours, an entire wall in my roommate's bedroom covered in mold, and severe WiFi-problems to name a few.
A few weeks ago, water started coming up from my and my roommate's shower drains (we have separate bathrooms) and the water in the toilets rose to just below the edge of the seat. That time, it was only water and the landlords sent a plumber to fix it within 2 days so I just dried the floors myself. Everything was fine until 2 days ago, when the water started coming back out of the drain. This time, the water contains urine and feces. On top of that, our downstairs neighbors informed us that water has been dripping out of their bathroom lamp, also since 2 days ago.
The shower tray does not have an elevated edge and there is no doocurtain so the water is just flowing onto the bathroom floor. About 60% of the bathroom (+ the shower itself) are now covered in this water. We cannot use any water so haven't been able to shower, use the toilet, cook, etc. I have asked the neighbors not to use water either, but at least one still seems to use it because the water keeps rising.
The landlords don't have an emergency number, only a chat. We informed them as soon as we noticed (and the downstairs neighbors did too). They responded yesterday evening that they'd refer the issue to the technical team and told another neighbor this morning that a plumber would come today.
Even if this is fixed today, I am scared it will happen again or that I'll lose my deposit, don't want to clean it up as it's not my fault, and would like to be reimbursed for all my items that are now covered in shit (towels, cleaning products, shower products/ utensils, bathroom accessories, etc.). I am a student and don't have a lot of money for a lawyer. Any advice would be highly appreciated.
submitted by ShittySituation12 to LegalAdviceEurope [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:16 supercool555 help !

is pregnancy a possibility if unprotected sex happened 2 days after period was due? my cycles are usually very long and irregular so it was 42 days after my last period had ended. 22 days later now and i still haven't got my period.
i'm mostly concerned because since last week my body has been been feeling and acting very strange: nausea, food aversion, extreme sensitivity to smells (threw up just from the smell of a food i serve at work, usually enjoy this food. my favourite perfume also smells really bad to me right now ☹️), some minor cramps similar to the sensation of period cramps but a lot less persistent over the course of the day and have been going on for longer than they usually do when i'm expecting my period to come (1.5 week vs the usual 3/4 days). i've also been falling asleep every day almost immediately after i get home from work which is unusual for me, and naturally waking up a lot earlier in the morning before my alarms even though i am usually a deep, heavy sleeper and would sleep for 15 hours straight if i wasn't woken up by an alarm. i've been pregnant briefly before and had some similar symptoms but it's been a while now i can't remember exactly how i was feeling at the time.
took a test at the weekend and it had a very pale line but not sure if it was evaporation line or false result, took about 3/4 minutes to become visible. i've ordered some more online because i live in a tiny town and don't want the scandal of buying pregnancy tests from the pharmacy so i have to wait until friday for them to arrive but should i even be concerned given where i was at in my cycle? or could it have happened anyway ? i am clueless about the technicalities and absolutely losing my mind any shared knowledge or advice will be appreciated
(edit: i'm also aware that the fact that i am worrying about it can make me start looking out for symptoms)
submitted by supercool555 to amipregnant [link] [comments]