Nursing management shift example

Guest claimed to have puke in the bed from previous guest in room. Upon investigation, this was NOT the case...

2024.05.21 15:48 jtjunkins Guest claimed to have puke in the bed from previous guest in room. Upon investigation, this was NOT the case...

Sorry for the long post. But this one is a doozy. Someone called in that afternoon so I was watching the front desk. No pass along from the morning shift I relieved. A woman comes up, frantic. She tells me that she arrived late lastnight and before going to bed, she kept smelling vomit somewhere in the room but never said anything and went to bed. When she woke up, she sniffed around and found the smell coming from the bed itself and removed the sheets to find vomit in the bed...under the bedding and mattress pad. She stated she told the front desk person that morning to get it taken care of but no one ever did. Me, being shocked by this, I gave my sincere apologies, switched her room and comp'd the night. When she moved rooms, I went to investigate.
I entered the room and as soon as I opened the door, the smell of urine hit me in the face. I went over to the bed to find it completely soaked with urine! This lady had wet the bed and decided to blame it on "puke", I guess to save her from embarrassment? It was obvious what she had done. I let my GM know of the situation and she tells me to avoid embarrassing her and let it go. So I let housekeeping know for the next morning and let it go.
Fast forward about 3 weeks. I get to work and have a voice-mail. It's from an HR regional manager from the company this lady works for. She is asking about a situation where one of her directors...DIRECTORS found puke in one of our beds and wanted to find more information on it. At this point, I am more than willing to complete a thorough investigation and drag this director through the mud. I complete my investigation and send it to my GM, my regional director of operations and vice president of my hospitality management company. After spending all day getting prepared to annihilate her, my company says "don't push it, apologize and give her whatever she wants." Like what?! So we had to do just that and comp the entire stay for the company, making us look like the fools. Ugh, life in hospitality.
submitted by jtjunkins to TalesFromTheFrontDesk [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:43 PetrZitskiy Inside the Life of a Casino Dealer

Inside the Life of a Casino Dealer
[ Inside the Life of a Casino Dealer ]
The life of a casino dealer is a fascinating blend of skill, interaction, and the high-energy environment of the gaming floor. From the hustle and bustle of dealing cards and managing bets to the unique challenges and rewards of the job, being a casino dealer offers a behind-the-scenes look at the world of gambling. Here’s an in-depth look at what it’s like to live the life of a casino dealer.

1. Training and Skills

Becoming a Dealer To become a casino dealer, one must undergo rigorous training. Most aspiring dealers attend specialized dealer schools where they learn the rules and procedures of various games such as blackjack, roulette, poker, and baccarat. Training also covers the technical aspects of the job, including handling chips, shuffling cards, and managing bets.
Key Skills
  • Mathematics: Dealers must quickly and accurately calculate payouts and bets.
  • Manual Dexterity: Handling cards and chips smoothly and efficiently is crucial.
  • Customer Service: Interacting with players, maintaining a friendly demeanor, and handling disputes require excellent interpersonal skills.
  • Attention to Detail: Dealers must be vigilant to ensure game integrity and spot any irregularities or cheating attempts.

2. A Typical Day

Pre-Shift Preparation Dealers typically start their day by arriving at the casino well before their shift. They sign in, receive their table assignments, and often attend brief meetings where they are updated on any changes or special events. Personal grooming and adhering to the casino's dress code are essential, as appearance and professionalism are highly valued.
On the Gaming Floor Once on the floor, dealers take their positions at their assigned tables. They greet players, explain the rules if necessary, and begin the game. A dealer’s shift usually lasts eight hours, with breaks every hour or two to rest and refresh.
Dealing and Interacting Throughout their shift, dealers:
  • Deal Cards and Spin Wheels: For card games, dealers shuffle and deal cards; for roulette, they spin the wheel and manage bets.
  • Manage Bets and Payouts: Keeping track of bets and ensuring accurate payouts is a primary responsibility.
  • Engage with Players: Dealers must be personable, keeping the atmosphere light and enjoyable while maintaining control of the game.
  • Monitor the Game: They must stay alert to ensure all players follow the rules and that no cheating occurs.

3. Challenges

Long Hours and Odd Shifts Dealers often work long hours, including nights, weekends, and holidays. The casino never sleeps, so dealers must adapt to varying schedules, which can be physically and mentally demanding.
Dealing with Difficult Customers Not all players are gracious winners or losers. Dealers must handle difficult customers with patience and professionalism, de-escalating situations and maintaining a positive gaming environment.
Job Stress The fast-paced nature of the job, coupled with the need for constant vigilance and accuracy, can be stressful. Dealers must manage this stress to perform effectively and maintain a friendly demeanor.

4. Rewards

Compensation Dealers typically earn a base hourly wage, which can vary depending on the casino and location. However, a significant portion of their income comes from tips. Skilled dealers who engage well with players can earn substantial tips, sometimes surpassing their base salary.
Career Growth There are opportunities for advancement within the casino industry. Experienced dealers can move up to supervisory roles, become pit bosses, or even transition into casino management.
Unique Work Environment Working as a dealer offers a dynamic and vibrant environment. The casino floor is lively and exciting, providing a unique workplace experience that is far from monotonous.

5. Personal Stories

Dealer Tales Many dealers have interesting stories to share about their experiences on the floor. From dealing to high-rollers and celebrities to witnessing incredible winning streaks or dealing with quirky players, these stories add a personal touch to the life of a dealer.
Building Relationships Dealers often build rapport with regular players, creating a sense of community and familiarity within the casino. These relationships can make the job more enjoyable and fulfilling.


The life of a casino dealer is a blend of skill, excitement, and challenges. It requires a unique set of talents, from mathematical prowess and manual dexterity to customer service and stress management. Despite the demanding nature of the job, many dealers find it rewarding due to the dynamic environment, the potential for good earnings, and the opportunity to meet a wide range of people. For those who thrive in high-energy settings and enjoy games of chance, a career as a casino dealer can be both an exciting and fulfilling path.
submitted by PetrZitskiy to BestCryptoCasinosUS [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:42 ndhockey15 My coworker has an “I’m always right” attitude

To give context about myself before reading: I’ve done 2 years of DBT and 12 ish years of CBT and talk therapy for trauma and my BPD. I’m well managed and generally very well regulated. I’ve worked really hard to get where I am and I have successful relationships and a good career now.
Here’s my issue/struggles right now:
My coworker seems to have a constant “I’m always right you’re wrong even if I’m wrong” type of an attitude.they oversteps, they mocked one of my disability accommodations yesterday (adhd , it’s super minor and not a big deal) but they made it a big deal because before I “start my shift” and I come in early, I’m allowed to get some of my own work done for my own department without answering phones. We work closely together in day to day activities.
My rage is BUBBLING. I personify my anger and she’s a mean bitch today. It’s like the inner teenager in me is big mad and wants to lash out at the disrespectful behavior towards me. My manager has been great and he’s dealing with it, however, I need to keep the anger at bay.
I have been practicing opposite action mostly and just walking away. I actively want to be the bigger person, not yell, and ignore this coworker. I want to have control of this moment and make sure I do the right thing so it isn’t a hostile work environment. I know I’m not the problem here, but I want to be part of the solution and be a good example and a leader.
What else can I do to keep this anger at bay? How can I handle moments where they are so wrong it makes me angry for them being so obstinate and refusal to admit they’re wrong?
submitted by ndhockey15 to BPD [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:42 Scary-Perspective-13 Fake owner called my JOB

I was working my THIRD ever night shift at this job. Mind you I do not know any owners or anyone higher than my GM. So some dude called about an hour into my shift and introduced himself as the owner while he did this he aslo texted my actual phone (Which is off I couldn’t reply) saying he was my actual manager but her phone had broke so she was using a different number and said the boss should be calling for a partial payment and to get into the safe. I didn’t think much of it and listened to what he had to say and he started off with saying there was an inspection coming within 30 minutes with a tracking number and their names. Sure enough they showed up and they were legit , they came in and did a BUNCH of cleaning. While they were cleaning he told me to call him from my actual phone , so I gave him a text now number. Through there he directed me to the office where the safe was and told me that he wanted me to get into the safe for when he arrives to pay for a partial payment for a shipment. He directed me to where to find the hammer and then wanted me to download WhatsApp to video call him. So I did and when he answered he looked legit , so I set the phone up and beat the shit out of and flipped a 300 pound safe from 1 to 6 o’clock in the fucking morning. NOT once thought to contact either manager through their actual number. I feel absolutely fucking stupid and played he also got a pic of my ID front and BACK along with my SSN. How do I atleast stop any fraud?
submitted by Scary-Perspective-13 to Scams [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:40 Feisty-Gain-5534 What do I do with big feelings?

Having trouble with big feelings lately.
Big sad, big mad, not too much big happy. I'm on anti depressants, and it definitely helped to stabilize the small ones, but I feel I get stuck in my mind. I go into loops, just around and around and around until I start getting super angry or super sad.
I had a few examples in the last 24 hours. I was cleaning the kitchen and I was just replaying a potential argument I would get into with my roommate and I kept thinking of ways to insult her because of her laziness with cleaning around the house. I was in my head for about 20 minutes while mopping, just getting increasingly more and more mad.
Same thing with my work shift. I was thinking about my sister and how angry I was at her for the way she hurt me in the past and the fact I'll be seeing her again soon. Just constantly thinking about what I was gonna say.
A coworker who I really bonded with as a friend decided to keep things from me in a huge situation I have going on right now. I heard him talking about it to another coworker and I felt seriously betrayed by him, especially considering I asked him if he knew anything and he declined.
Is this something I should go to therapy for, or maybe I should up my dose? I've tried journaling, but I don't even realize I have these thoughts until the damage has been done, where I'm in a shitty mood and I feel nauseous with all the thinking I've done. I've had some pretty terrible experiences with therapy, and frankly can't afford it with some new lifestyle changes I've made.
My body is constantly tight and I physically hurt because of the mental strain. I've been exercising, going to a chiropractor, and getting massages every once in a while but I feel like it's a way to cope, not solve the problem.
Anything helps. Like I said, I'm trapped in my own mind and I'm struggling with coming up with solutions.
submitted by Feisty-Gain-5534 to DecidingToBeBetter [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:37 Trick-Independent469 Dead Internet is advancing ?

Dead Internet is advancing ?
It seems to me that in the last month ar so Reddit turned to be full of copy / paste bots , that farm karma either by posts or by using comments. I remembered this comment from the last year and without a surprise I found that it's just a copy pasted coment which also is the most upvoted comment in the latest post .
submitted by Trick-Independent469 to singularity [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:36 UMK3RunButton 6 Months in- Some questions on fatherhood needed?

My daughter is now 6 months old, she's started teething and since about 4.5 months she's had disrupted sleep, often waking up multiple times for feeding. She can take a pacifier out of her mouth but can't put it back in, so she wakes up a few more times during the night so one of us can put it back in her mouth, otherwise she can work herself up into a fit. Unfortunately, sleep training might be hard for us since we don't have another room; we are living with my wife's parents to save for a house so we have one big basement room and an office where we keep the cat overnight. So we often find ourselves getting up multiple times a night. We've both averaged about 3-4 hours of sleep a night, sometimes less, and manage to sneak in a couple hours on the weekend to make up some sleep. At the height of the sleep regression, I was taking 20mg of melatonin to catch some shut-eye.
Needless to say, this has greatly affected our marriage. We've had pre-existing problems- we're both stubborn people and my wife had a childhood where she got everything she wanted and had parents that met her every need and let her grow at her own pace. I had authoritarian parents and a long history of trauma which I've been in therapy for, for many years. Daughter loves me cuddling her and often can't sleep unless I hold her and tap on her back rhythmically, then transfer her to her bed. Wife often wakes up with her in the morning while I put her to sleep at night. We both divide responding to middle of the night wakings (I do 11PM-4AM, she does 4AM-9AM). We both work full-time and my wife's parents offered to take care of our daughter for half of our shifts during the day, then we alternate our lunch breaks to work until the end of the shift.
To add to all that, we had a crazy situation where my mother became fixated on my daughter and tried to take her from us because she always wanted a daughter and felt entitled to be the primary caretake, so I cut her off and the whole family of origin for good. Anyway, my wife and I are increasingly sleep deprived and need to work in order to purchase a house. We have 10 months to live here and figure that out, and my wife wants us to move out sooner. There's incredible pressure on both of us. I think it's time for sleep training because I see our daughter getting used to things as they are and not progressing in a developmentally appropriate way. My wife believes she'll learn to sleep through the night on her own. I read that sleeping through the night and being able to self-soothe are taught via sleep training and these are crucial skills she needs for the rest of her life. I've also read that sleep training is barbaric and that self-soothing is a myth perpetuated by old-school doctors and that not responding to every fussing sets the child up for an insecure attachment and a lifetime of therapy.
Her parents also are retired and have the time and no-pressure life needed to give our daughter attention every waking second of the day, so when we take over, she wants that same level of attention even though we have to clean, cook, and often are exhausted from work. As a result, she's more fussy. She's been fussing (combination of sleep regression, teething, and frustrated need for attention) pretty much for hours on end. If it helps to know, she was very colicky from 0-4 months old. I wonder if time with her parents is a major shift for our daughter as she goes from having stress-free caretakers who play with her every minute they are with her, to us, who are tired and overwhelmed with stress. What broke my heart the other day was our daughter was crying and working herself up to a major level and kept looking back at me while she was in my wife's arms (for some reason she can't be calm when with my wife and only calms down with me). I took over and she instantly calmed down and started smiling and giggling. I feel like the mismatch between her parents' availability and our stress levels is dysregulating our baby.
My wife is adamantly against sleep training and structure. I'm of the belief that both set our daughter up for an easier time later in life and more independence. So far she can sit halfway up with no help and stands with help, is addicted to jumping in place, but cannot crawl, fully roll or sit up on her own. I don't want to overthink it, but my wife and I clash a lot over our parenting views and it's getting frustrating. Sleep deprivation does not help at all.
Dads of Reddit, what are some pointers here?
submitted by UMK3RunButton to daddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:36 LGray27 New Volunteer Opportunities in Edmonton

Empower Youth: Join Us as an Outreach Specialist Young Minds Eye is seeking passionate individuals to join us as Outreach Specialists to connect with communities and youths in Edmonton and Calgary, Alberta. As a volunteer, you'll play a vital role in both online and in-person outreach efforts, including creating promotional materials, maintaining our social media presence, and identifying suitable communities for our programs. With a flexible commitment of 2-5 hours per week, you'll have the opportunity to mentor new team members, conduct outreach presentations, and meet virtually with interested participants.
Make a Global Impact: Join our Eyeglass Recycling Collection Team The Edmonton Host Lions Club is on a mission to recycle used eyeglasses and make a difference in the lives of those in need. As a collector for our eyeglass recycling program, you'll play a crucial role in sorting and refurbishing donated eyeglasses, which are then sent to third world countries for distribution. We're seeking dedicated individuals, minimum 16 years old, with access to a vehicle. With flexible timing and the opportunity to work virtually, you can contribute to our global outreach efforts from the comfort of your own community.
Volunteer as a Local Chapter Coordinator with The Shoebox Project for Women Join us as a Local Chapter Coordinator and lead our efforts to provide care and support to those in need. As a coordinator, you'll play a vital role in managing and coordinating volunteers and donors to ensure the success of our Shoebox drives. We're seeking dedicated leaders, age 23 and above, with strong project management skills, a driver's license, and access to a car.
Become a Grace Manor Ambassador with The Salvation Army Are you a warm-hearted, organized individual with a passion for making others feel welcome? Join us as a Grace Manor Ambassador at The Salvation Army's Edmonton Centre of Hope! In this role, you'll greet visitors with a smile, direct them to the appropriate areas, and ensure they follow safety protocols. With flexible shifts available on weekdays and weekends, you'll have the opportunity to make a meaningful impact in just a two-hour shift.
submitted by LGray27 to Edmonton [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:35 NazeqDeals Customized Solutions for Every Business Need

Customized Solutions for Every Business Need
At our organization, we understand that no two businesses are alike. Consequently, we offer vendor and deal management services uniquely tailored to meet each client's specific challenges and opportunities.
Our customized vendor management solutions include the following benefits:
  1. Assessment and Alignment: Our journey begins by assessing your existing vendor management strategies and aligning them with your business objectives. This ensures that the solutions provided are ideally suited to your operational needs and that your business goals are always at the forefront of our services.
  2. Strategic Sourcing: With access to a vast network of vendors, we focus on identifying and connecting you with vendors that meet your standards for quality, cost, and delivery. Our personalized approach helps streamline your procurement processes and enhances operational efficiency, thus improving your overall business performance.
  3. Deal Negotiation and Optimization: Our team of experts is skilled in negotiating contracts that result in significant cost savings and an increased return on investment. For example, we can negotiate an agreement that results in a 20% cost reduction and a 15% increase in ROI, demonstrating the effectiveness of our services.
  4. Ongoing Support and Improvement: We are committed to building long-term client partnerships. Our service includes ongoing support and continuous strategy refinement based on market trends and your evolving needs. Optimized resource allocation and streamlined processes guarantee long-lasting efficiency and profitability for your operations.
Unlock the Power of Custom Solutions:
  1. Increased Efficiency: Our customized solutions result in expedited processes and superior outcomes. We optimize every aspect of vendor management to enhance your operational efficiency, thereby enhancing your overall business performance.
  2. Enhanced Profitability: Our strategic deal negotiations save you money and enhance your bottom line, boosting financial performance. By optimizing your procurement processes, we help ensure that your business continues to grow and thrive.
  3. Scalable Solutions: Our solutions evolve with your business growth, ensuring seamless alignment with your expanding operations. We ensure that you always have the support you need to succeed, no matter how quickly your business grows.
Our organization doesn't just manage vendors and deals; we optimize them to align perfectly with your unique business needs. Our tailored approach propels your operations towards tremendous success, helping you achieve your business objectives and realize your full potential.
submitted by NazeqDeals to u/NazeqDeals [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:31 TiggerBane The kitchen supervisor association with Trump's President term is not the best.

Where Destiny uses this in the Triggernometry debate I understand that whilst it seems to work at times such as saying oh what did Trump do and pushes back against associations that Trump had to fight against so much to get through what he wanted as well as being able to use it to fight against things such as the Doha accords heck even covid-19 more easily and with an easily associable example.
It also fails because of associations which people hold going into the debates on things the president can affect such as gas and energy prices or inflation. This of course is a weak reason for it to not be considered but is a reason as all this ground would have to be retread in a debate with a new audience even if it doesn't have to be tread within your own audience.
The second reason that I believe it fails is because of the fact that yes this stuff could get you fired however if it does get you fired and they actually where purposefully trying to get you to be fired or acting in this way opposed to your attempts to fix it people absolutely would be sympathetic to the position that yeah maybe this guy isn't actually at fault once this is revealed. Which many conservatives absolutely believe and even to a degree even if the Liberals/communists don't believe in some deep state they may believe that yes Democrats were acting against him just because he was the Republican nominee and even more because he was Trump and they have deep political beef with him.
Further you even used the above style of argument to defend Biden in this debate when you bring up how Republicans stopped the border bill from going up to the next level and then place that on the Republicans rather than placing it on Biden and the Democrats even though Biden is the president. So I really don't think it actually feels as effective as it actually should be even if it does work in many scenarios.
The third reason that I don't think it's good for you to use is because many moderators will use it against you such as happened within the triggernometry debate. Your response on this might not necessarily weaken the point being made because of it especially when you can so easily tie it into the example being made which happened in this case. However if one of the reasons you bring up to set up this argument is brought in to shift blame away from your preferred candidate it absolutely does weaken the floor that your argument stands on which the previous paragraph talked about. (I can't think of a way to make it work in a business sense).
The fourth reason that I don't think it's good for you to use is because being unknowledgeable about how things are supposed to be run in a completely new business and having people attempting to backstabe you even those who should be your actual advisors, as the guy in question was trying to insinuate would be a really good reason as to why Trump failed thus it is moderately to greatly unsatisfying to hear it as a retort to this kind of argument being made (Though this is latter on in the debate in this case).
In conclusion whilst I don't particularly enjoy the usage of that analogy in the debate I'm also not entirely sure what could be used to replace it and still get the idea across in a similar way primarily because I don't know any position where you can have more people on your "team" actively against you and you can't attempt in some meaningful way to get them out of your way so that you can actually do your supervising job properly and run things. Which I think is the main fundamental flaw with the analogy (and why I don't think Trump's business credentials are in any way a good argument).
submitted by TiggerBane to Destiny [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:28 clark_k3nt Zoom Video (ZM): The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly from ZM's Earnings Call

- May 20, 2024

The Good

The Bad

The Ugly

Earnings Breakdown:

Financial Metrics

Product Metrics

Source: Upgraded AI Assistant (Release date: May 27, 2024)
submitted by clark_k3nt to EarningsCalls [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:25 Naridar A farfetched theory (Rebirth ending + other game spoilers)

Hello there! I've still not entirely recovered after finishing Rebirth, that ending was just whoa. I believe I've watched/read most of the theories out there regarding the game's finale and Aerith's fate, but none of them managed to explain everything sufficiently. I admit I'm in the "I hope Aerith lives" camp, but I understand the corner the developers wrote themselves into: Aerith fans and the japanese fanbase at large will riot if she dies for good, and purists will riot if one of the games' central themes (coping with loss, grieving) is broken. A textbook case of trying to have your cake and eat it too. Unless they find a way to do both?
Trying to get my mind off FF7, I replayed Zero Escape: Virtue's Last reward (seriously try it if you were more impressed than annoyed by FF7R's multiverse shenanigans, it's the real good stuff), and one of the puzzles caused a bit of a eureka moment to me. A secondary solution to a puzzle in one of the rooms is the sentence "SHE KNOWS EVERYTHING". It obviously hints at a character in the game and not FF7, but with the implications of the two games thus far in the remake continuity (plus AC), one character in Zero Escape bears a striking resemblance to Aerith: Akane Kurashiki (Big spoiler for the first game in ZE: 9 hours 9 persons 9 doors).
Both are capable of jumping between their selves in different timelines and have awareness of it. Akane is trying to prevent her own death by gathering information she needs to escape death via incineration, from other timelines and in the future. Would Aerith resign to her own fate even in command of such a power? Pre-chapter 13 it's heavily implied she wouldn't, why would discovering that she's basically omniscient change this?
Unless she has a plan cooking. She's being relentlessly hunted by someone who also has multiversal knowledge and could overpower and kill her any day of the week. She needs to throw Sephiroth off her trail somehow. If you played Persona 5, the situation might be familiar to you... (spoilers for Persona 5 follow)
In that game, the protagonist Joker and his fellow phantom thieves are being cornered by the detective Akechi, who at that point is a traitor amongst them. How do they get out of the situation? By failing an infiltration, Joker getting caught, the tricking Akechi into a cognitive version of the interrogation room he's being held in and letting him kill Joker there. Akechi is in the belief that he killed Joker in the real world.
This got me thinking: what if Aerith pulled a similar trick? Her situation is a bit more complicated, in that she knows Cloud is under Sephiroth's control, so she has to fool the party as well to fool Sephiroth. Her mournfulness in the Ch14 date could come from her impending doom - or the guilty conscience from what she has to put the party and especially Cloud through and that she may doom one of her alternate timeline selves to death.
As for the how, there are multiple possibilities, but the one I find most likely is that she swapped her consciousness with the comatose Aerith from Zack's world. As for when it happened, I believe it was at the moment when everyone was distracted by the smoke and mirrors - the moment Cloud deflected Sephiroth's blade. Whether this happened for real and created a timeline shift, one where Aerith lived and one where she was impaled, or just in Cloud's mind, it doesn't matter. It's the ultimate red herring. Cloud can have a revelation at some point in the 3rd game that she failed to save Aerith, he still won't know that the body Sephiroth stabbed didn't have Beagle!Aerith's soul in it, but Terrier!Aerith's comatose and possibly damaged soul. Such a last-second switch of a would-be-victim isn't the first time Square pulled this. It's what happened in Chrono trigger too! Remember what Marlene said about Terrier!Aerith to Zack? "When Aerith wakes up, she will be killed." Why does she wake up? Because she switched places with Beagle!Aerith!! Terrier!Aerith's body now contains Beagle!Aerith's soul, the one that prayed at the Forgotten Capital, the one that's whole, healthy and undamaged. Marlene was right, although the "multiple versions of Aerith" thing went over her head, understandably.
And if Cloud split the timeline again by deflecting Masamune, and can see both timelines? All the better. Where is the real black materia? Hidden in the void between worlds. Where Cloud's mind is right now. That may be why he finds the black materia in his pocket. That will draw Sephiroth's attention, lure him towards his OG plan of summoning Meteor, a threat Aerith can deal with once the party defeats Sephiroth at the northern crater.
As for who fights beside Cloud in Rebirth's final boss battle? I believe it's omni!Aerith, the one who gave premonitions of the future to her self in Remake, the one who visited Cloud in his dream in Remake chapter 14.
Why do I think this explanation could predict what happens in Part 3? Because this way, the writers can keep their cake until the very last minute, then eat it. The party and the player can go through coping with Aerith's "death", then have her return at the very last minute to appease those who yearn for her survival, at the climax of the game, when Sephiroth is weakened, on his last phase and Meteor needs to be stopped. This way, she can be kept out of the plot for the most part, and her presence, both story- and gameplaywise can be a postgame reward. Not to mention the mindblowing revelation of her complex plot at the end.
Anyway, that's just my theory, I needed to write it out of me. 2027(?) can't come soon enough.
submitted by Naridar to FFVIIRemake [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:23 NearA2mato I don't get Tekken

I don't get Tekken and fighting games in general. I reached fujin in t8 (reached ultra gold in sf5 long time ago), but these games don't make sense to me. Everything is too random. Neutral is pure random, everyone's just running around until someone makes random move. People stopped using obvious strings (that was at least something I could understand), and now everything has turned into a constant mid-low fest. You can't anticipate anything with such overabundance of moves. Close fighting is a mess of jabs. mids, high crushing lows. How one can even read an opponent's flowchart when everyone has dozens of moves, is beyond me. I hadn't played such a mindless game in a long time. For example, Jin can d2 at any time. Jab d2, jab, jab, d2, etc. D2 after any plus move, d2 after slighly minus moves. It’s rng. I lab moves and can punish and duck punish some of them. I learned my pressure flowchart. But how do I play the game? How do I turn randomness into something meaningful? Right now it’s two monkeys running around and whoever randomly gets first hit, then proceeds to execute his pressure. And if someone manages to duck or punish something, then he gets extra turn of executing his pressure. But all these «opportunities» to start your pressure are absolutely random and brainless. I don’t feel like I’m playing the game. I don’t understand how people at my level spend hundreds of hours just to pressure their opponents non-stop – just running down and pressing every button, while their block stat is below 45. I genuinely want to have fun. But right now any single player game has more intent behind you pressing buttons and interplay between you and enemies than this rushdown fest.
submitted by NearA2mato to Tekken [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:23 spaceface83 Issues with ASI071MC

Issues with ASI071MC
I pulled out my 071 for the first time in a while and when I plugged it into the computer without the telescope, just plugged in pointing into the room.
The data I was getting back looks really weird. I tried a different cable to plug it in but it still looked bad. It seems to focus on all one color. Sometimes its yellow, sometimes its red.
I'm hoping my camera isn't dead, so, thought I'd see if anyone else has run into this and fixed it.
submitted by spaceface83 to astrophotography [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:22 SupremeMorpheus What's more effective for a carrier battleship these days? Spinal bow or hangar?

In the past, I've always done my carriers with a spinal mount bow packing the archaeotech gun - it compliments my artillery battleships with their tachyon lances, but they have enough kinetic artillery to manage on their own. However, more and more I'm noticing that my spinal guns fire once then never fire again, as the ship constantly tries to turn and get further away from whatever it's shooting at, even at its preferred range. Which is why I'm wondering if I should be shifting my carriers to hangar bows and adding some extra missiles on the front?
submitted by SupremeMorpheus to Stellaris [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:20 Wubs4Scrubs Suggestion - A Point System for Builds

After playing and watching Dead by Daylight for many hours and seeing a variety of metas come and go, I got to thinking what I would do if put in the balance team's shoes. Below is a writeup on one possible way to rework the build system for the game to promote usage of more perks, more Killers, lower the quantity of problematic builds, and hopefully keep the game fun for all players.

Problems to Solve

Proposed Solution

A point-based loadout system for Dead by Daylight where Survivors and Killers have 16 points with which to make their build for a match. Killer choice, perk choice, add-ons and items would all be worth a set number of points as determined by the balance team. This solution accounts for the fact that not all perks or Killers will ever be on a level playing field as it is impossible to achieve perfect balance in that way. Rather, this system aims to achieve balance by allowing weaker Killers to run stronger perks, or Survivors to run stronger items at the cost of having weaker perks. In essence, this system balances by accounting for imbalance.
Points Perks Items Add-ons Killers
5 Very Strong N/A Iri Very Strong
4 Strong Purple Purple Strong
3 Solid Green Green Solid
2 Weak Yellow Yellow Weak
1 Bad Brown Yellow Bad

Example Survivor Build

Total Points = 16

Example Killer Build

Total Points = 16

How does this help?

The above example builds illustrate the decisions you have to make when putting together a build with this system. You can no longer just slot in 4 of whatever the strongest "meta" perks are at the time. Rather, you can choose to run one really strong perk, and make sacrifices elsewhere, either by not bringing other strong add-ons or perhaps forgoing some perk slots entirely.
The example Survivor build also goes to show a couple of other benefits of this system, being that fun is (hopefully) preserved and some off-meta perks have been chosen. If you only have 12 points worth of loadout options to use, you will inevitably be left with leftover points in your build that you can use to slot in perks you wouldn't otherwise, such as Diversion or Lightweight. I also like how this solution avoids removing any of the fun of a strong perk, as Adrenaline in this scenario would still function the same as it does now. It simply associates a cost with running something that is strong, and avoids the problem of gutting perks by removing all of their function.


This system is not perfect, as in its current state it does not reflect the fact that not all add-on strength correlates with its rarity. Some Iri add-ons are trash, and this system would actively punish you for running them. This issue could be solved by either reworking add-on strength to be more in line with their rarity ratings, or by doing something I will suggest in the next section.
This system also could limit the number of fun combinations that are available in the game. For example, if you wanted to run combo with two 4-point perks, it would take up most of your available points for the loadout.


One way this system could be improved further is by reworking some perks or add-ons to be worth negative points in the loadout system. For example, some add-ons give you increased bloodpoints for the cost of some detrimental effect, such as the Wraith's which makes your terror radius not go away when cloaking. By adding negative values to certain add-ons, you could add another layer onto build complexity where you purposely make yourself weaker in some way and in exchange you are able to run something stronger somewhere else in your build.
The 16 point limit I chose wasn't totally arbitrary, as I wanted to find a good balance between having enough room to run four good perks if you forgo items or add-ons, while also making it a very consequential decision if you choose to run a perk or add-on that costs 5 points. If desired, the limit could be reduced or increased.


Do you think this system would improve the game? If not, why and if so, would you change anything?
submitted by Wubs4Scrubs to deadbydaylight [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:17 Repulsive_Trifle2054 Getting hit on byYounger women

I'am 36 and still look young and I'am in good shape (do a lot of training). I get sometimes hit on by younger women in their early 20.
For example at work there's this girl who always greets me in an exaggerated way with a huge smile. I never talked to her, always just greeted back. Also during the day I sometimes get big smiles from young women. Sometimes they greet me on the street even strangers. There's even this older women with her bike who always yells at me "oh there's this beautiful man". I don't know if she has mental problems. It's always the same when she sees me🤦
Last week in the train there was this girl who came to me asking me if I could help her with the timetable of the train station. It was nothing. Then sometimes I get ask for cigaretts although I'm not even smoking. I always see two girls riding their bike in my neightborhood and when they drive by BOTH smile at me (one of them is younger like 17 or so). Last month I was at the hospital. There was this younger nurse that took care of me for a day. At home again she added me on facebook. I wrote her a normal friendly message back and she blocked me (i have no idea why).
I don't know what do to. It drives me crazy, but I don't want to look like a creep if I approach them🤦Or do you think it's ok if I would approach them?
submitted by Repulsive_Trifle2054 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:13 david8840 How to handle a smart worker who refuses to ask for help?

I manage a small team of remote workers. One of them stands out as clearly being more skilled and knowledgable than the rest. His training went smoothly. Unfortunately, now that he has worked here several months, it is apparent that he refuses to ask for help when he needs it, and it is affecting the quality of his work.
For example last week I asked him to take over a project, and to be sure to do A, B, and C. I gave him 2 pages of detailed instructions, and told him to contact me if he needs any help. Well after a few days he turns the project over to the client, with me in CC. I take a look and see that A and C are done perfectly, but task B is totally absent. I ask him about it and he says something like "Oh yeah, I skipped that part because the software didn't work."
He never asked me for help or informed me that he was having difficulty getting the software to work. What's worse is that he actually thought it was acceptable to send this to the client knowing that part of it wasn't actually finished.
What sort of solution do I need to avoid issues like this in the future?
submitted by david8840 to managers [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:12 Candy_Buttons17 Job and work struggles

(Apologies in advance for the length of this) Hi everyone, this is my first Reddit post so apologies if anything is done incorrectly. This post is probably going to be a bit of a rant, but I’d love to hear people’s thoughts/experiences too.
Some context: 22F and recently diagnosed after a long wait, but I’ve suspected it for several years. Currently unmediated due to being on the waiting list for getting medication sorted.
I previously had a part time job I started while at uni, I loved the job and it was a perfect fit for me. However I did feel drained just from part time hours, I was always exhausted, it would take me hours to unwind and stop feeling ‘switched on’ after work and most days I wasn’t working felt like recovery days from when I was. I had to pull a lot of weight due to how the business was (tiny and the owner had no previous experience) and it definitely started to drain me more. Then we had a big change in the business and for me it was like the straw the broke the camel’s back and it all became overwhelming to the point I was having breakdowns before all my shifts. So I took some mental health leave and during it decided I wanted to leave the business. It was a shame, because even though there were issues, I did love the job. But I realised that I’d been burning myself out.
A few months later I got a new job that sounded very promising, and before I started I promised myself that I’d work hard but not to the point of burnout like at my previous job. But at the end of my probation period (about 9 short shifts) I was informed I was being let go, their reasoning involved claims about my work compared to other employees who’d been there longer, as well as several complete lies that I was immediately able to prove were false. When I pointed out I have ADHD and that makes some things more difficult for me they claimed I hadn’t told them about it, even though I had during my very first shift and they’d said not to worry about it and that they understood. It very much felt like because I wasn’t burning myself out or sucking up to management like other employees I was being punished, even though I was working hard.
Long story short I just feel so frustrated about working, I either burn myself out or loose my job for not working myself to the point of burnout. I’d absolutely love to be able to manage work without any issues but at the moment it feels impossible. My experience at my previous job has caused me so much anxiety around looking for something new and it is so discouraging. My friends with ADHD don’t struggle with their work. I feel very alone in this issue, feeling really overwhelmed and incapable, does anyone else feel like this or have similar experiences?
submitted by Candy_Buttons17 to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:12 fisherE41 Monday, May 20th Jobs Update

Here is your Monday update of the best job listings for today.
See more details and apply here:
submitted by fisherE41 to jobbit [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:10 Ok_Independence_3982 I hate my husband and Father in Law, I wish I never had kids

So I (F27) and my husband (M32) have been together for a little over 5 years. In that 5 years I have worked with him and his dad about 3 times.
His dad fired me the first time I worked with them as "it just isn't working out". It wasn't working out because I didn't have anything to do and he was mad I just sat there even though I had done everything.
The second time I worked with them I quit. My husband became very difficult at work and home. He would also try to "relay" information to me that his dad told me. When I would ask questions, he would make up answers because his dad and his conversation didn't get that far. Example: he would tell me his dad wants me to look at food truck ideas. I would ask what kind of food truck is it that he wants, he would say hamburgers, I'd talk to his dad the next day and his dad would say he was only thinking about it and isn't ready to do research yet and that he does not want anything to with hamburgers.
This time I'm "working" with them and my job is basically to watch our 1 year old and keep track of job expenses. It's not a lot, but I manage. I was just informed that once my other children are out of school that I am not to come back because it is too hard for my husband and FIL to work due to them wanting to spend time with the baby.
It's not my fault that they can't prioritize. Not to mention they rarely do anything with the baby as they ARE working. My husband gets mad if I ask him for help or a diaper while he is in the office because he is "working". So now they are basically taking away my income to split between the both of them and have told me to stay home with the baby.
I have depression and a lot of it stems from being home consistently and feeling trapped. So we are losing $200 a week and the little adult interaction I get is going away too.
I am starting to wish I never had kids because I can't work or do anything because we can't afford daycare, the two older ones (they were kind of adopted) the dad rarely pays child support and their mom will never help with them as she's on drugs, the older ones also refuse to do basic chores, even when I'm working (full time/part time/any amount) the responsibility of the kids is solely on me, I have to constantly fight with my 3 kids dad because 2 of them are behind and he doesn't want to believe it, he's also trying to force me to home school them and I am no teach, and then the baby is 100% on me regardless of whether my husband is home. He wants to play his games or whatever. He refuses to get up with the baby in the morning and wants me to wake him uo for work and if I need help, but even when I do he WONT get up.
I'm at my wits end. I'm spiraling and holding on for dear life at this point. I'd never say this anywhere else. I hate I feel this way and just wish I could disappear. I'm burnt out.
submitted by Ok_Independence_3982 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:09 Long_Blueberry29 Reasonable adjustments for Veterinary Work

Hey everyone
So I’m currently going through the pathway for getting assessed with ADHD. I’m 28, a new mum and a veterinary nurse. I have been qualified for 2 years, prior to that I was training for 3-4 years so this is the longest job I’ve ever had and stuck with. I usually get bored and leave jobs but this is my dream.
Basically I’m currently on maternity leave and due to return next month and my mental health coordinator has told me to ask for reasonable adjustments at work. I’m clueless tbh so I had a look online and some things really popped out and looks beneficial BUT are not possible in my industry.
Just wondered if any vet nurses/nurses/vets/vet techs had any examples of how they manage their ADHD at work. I lose focus, I hyperfocus, I’m so easily distracted, I forget things and if I’m honest, the idea of sitting down and thinking of everything is so overwhelming at the moment so I need some help! It’s much appreciated.
Thank you!
submitted by Long_Blueberry29 to adhdwomen [link] [comments]