Before and after trenbolone pics

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2021.09.27 17:58 iSkeezy [Contest Prep] 8 Weeks Out From First Bodybuilding Show Update

Follow along on instagram! GeekGenetics
Good morning everyone and welcome back to another installment of my prep log! Things are going to be turning up a notch from here on out! Lets review the previous 4 weeks first!
12 week update if you missed it![1]
Quick link to the Contest Prep plan and ongoing spreadsheet![2]
Quick link to the Contest Prep training spreadsheet![3]
12 weeks out: cardio got introduced as i felt it was the time to start that moving. started low and slow just to try to get used to it again. steps stayed pretty solid, bf didnt take a huge drop tho. weight this week was a roller coaster, thank god for daily weigh ins to average it out
11 weeks out: final week of GH, was happy to not have to pin more things. steps came down slightly, cardio went a bit faster. decided to elevate the clen this week to combat the tolerance i build after 1 week. this was a better fat loss week, calories stayed somewhat high and hunger wasnt so bad but i started to get concerned i wasnt going to make it. weight trended down the whole week
10 weeks out: another solid fat loss week (thank you clen), decided to bump up cardio another day as 3 days was just not enough. GH out, mast in had me feeling like i was moving towards the home stretch. decided to change clen protocol to 1 week on/off, and would utilize alpha-yohimbine during the off week. 6mg on non training days with fasted walking and cardio, 3mg on training days fasted. felt confident this was a good decision, but hunger has started to rise quickly but felt extra motivated with the changes in protocols feeling like the right decision. One thing that sucked was sunday morning i found out my watch had broke (fitbit battery died completely). i was honestly super stressed about it, it was my most important tracking tool for prep. wife said lets go to costco and i got a new versa 3, stress gone thank god.
9 weeks out: This is a weird week for prep, but great for me. Wife decided she wanted to take a trip to disneyland, so T-TH we were there. it was blazing hot, but tons of fun. decided i was going to do my first and only diet break of prep. i pretty much was free eating and tried to hold back what i could but was rather difficult at that point. still did my fasted cardio while up there, still trained legs while i was up there. breakfast was like 6 rice cakes and 2 yogurts, i had also packed a ton of chicken. if i was having a meal not made by disney, it was chicken and veggies (probably about 6~ meals in total while i was up there). otherwise, it was almost a whole pizza, a lot of ice cream (crazy shake was amazing, salt and straw is divine), tons of pumpkin spice lattes, some other dinner in disneyland, a couple bites of a corndog and some churros, cookies/sweets and other deliciousness. was all delicious, and the food made me insanely vascular, never had that many spider web veins on my abs in my life. on the drive home, my wife talked to me about how excited she was for my show and she was ready to really help me stay hard on my diet and that she wants me to really succeed and be as lean as i can. it was great hearing that after all that binging and i think the mental break for both me and my wife this prep really helped relax and get ready to buckle down. steps were very high, cardio was bumped up, weight still trended down, and bf measurement still came back lower. all in all, a success.
On to the important stuff:
8 Weeks Out vs 12 Weeks Out Comparisons[1]
Just a couple shots in the gym this morning[2]
Hotel lighting from Disney trip[3]
Photos typically edited with Lightroom app -> auto button -> clarity 20 -> sharpness 50
Now on to the plan for the following 4 weeks!
Current PLANNED diet for 8-7 and 6-5 weeks out
The reason i am highlighting that this is the PLANNED diet is that i am at the point where things are subject to change more quickly. There may be more calorie drop after this week, or maybe i dont drop calories at all 6 weeks out. itll totally depend where im looking, although im fairly confident i will drop calories by 6 weeks out. Decided to find ways to drop more fat (the macro) and realized that fish is leaner than chicken. the downside is it smells fucking horrid and i dont think my wife will let me keep making the house smell like this, and we have been burning candles daily now. Moved more rice into those fish meals as they work much better with rice than other foods. Chicken meals all have a handful of coleslaw mix, and chopped lettuce (diet lettuce boy checking in) with some honey mustard. honestly, very delicious and a lot of food volume, but still leaves me hungry. Chicken seasoning has cycled from smokehouse maple (RIP, so good) to montreal chicken (still delicious). If i do take out fish, i will sub for probably 99% lean turkey or something similar. At this point, theres really not much fat im willing to part with (in the listed diet) so i will have to start debiting carbs. no refeeds planned either at the moment. on non training days, i will either remove the english muffins completely, have 1 if i want a little bit, or have both if im starving. they make 100 calorie ones that ill switch to later, as thatll keep my food volume but drop 100 cals total per day which is perfect. for now, im playing around with all the type of them. sourdough, cinnamon raisin, wheat, etc. still have ketchup, chia seeds (this is an easy cut to save 75 cals), sugar free hazelnut creamer, and so much watermelon. same caffeine intake as last time, 100mg preworkout, 1 coffee post workout, 1 white monster midday. had to make a tough decision between a 30 pack of white monsters or a 30 pack of bang, and decided my heart probably cant handle bangs right now with how much shit im taking.
Link to training again
As you can see, im still not tracking my minor muscle groups as i dont see a need. i train those just for some pumps (at least, try to get a pump) and some extra work/maintenance. major muscle groups i still try to track more closely, at the very least track a main movement. strength was starting to slowly come down, and i 100% dont have nearly as many reps in my drop sets as i used to. i gas out really quickly even if the weight drop is decently sized. slowly doing less and less finishers as i just dont think ill be able to recover completely constantly from all of this. drop sets are starting to go from 2 drops to 1 drop. all of this is done by ear, i only plan on decreasing as i feel is needed based on recovery. the closer i get to the show, the less important training becomes.
welcome to the dig boys. this is where a major change is coming for this week, and unsure if ill maintain it moving forward. 100k steps. the workload is real. and remember, none of this is counted in my cardio sessions. im pretty much going to have to move around constantly all day to keep this up, as the goal is roughly 15k steps a day. the target here is to see just how much progress i can dig out in a week, and adjust from that. im praying i dont have to keep this up, but i will do what is needed. at least 20% of my steps will probably be me on the treadmill, so in reality im spending probably an hour+ on the treadmill a day counting cardio. the goal is to be ready a little early, and try to shed as much fatigue as i can to get to stage fresh as possible.
up to 5 days now, and decided to go from 20 to 30 minutes for this dig week. i dont think ill decrease the cardio from here, only steps. im sure by 4 weeks out i might be almost doubling this cardio amount, although not ramping as aggressively as i have been the past 4 weeks. this is part of the reason i dont know if food will move much, as i am hoping to just outwork a greater deficit as needed rather than drop food to pathetic levels. imo, high food high activity will lead to a greater physique than lower food lower activity.
TRENBOLONE!!! need i say more? this is all people really cared about right? but seriously. 10 weeks out i had added masteron, and i use a long ester. this gave 2 weeks for mast to build up as i introduce tren now, but as an acetate ester so it peaks very quickly. mast helps mitigate some of the tren sides, but now i am back to pinning daily. anavar has also come in, roughly 50mg a day. this is part of the reason why im digging so hard. with this much androgenic powerful compounds coming in, it makes sense to try to just slam hard on the pedal and see where it takes me. can always back off if needed as well.
350 test: no changes still
400 mast: technically 420, but whatever. this will probably stay here, i think thats enough dose to keep what im doing and giving me the look i need.
200 tren: techincally 210. if this moves at all, itll be in the final couple weeks but i highly doubt itll move. this is more than enough for me. its main job for me is to prevent muscle protein breakdown so i can push hard to get lean without losing muscle. secondarily is the ramp in thyroid production as my thyroid begins to slow down getting this lean, and 3rd is the cosmetic benefits. all in all a good drug for prep, but not something that typically can be ran for long periods of time without detriment. i have found 8 weeks to be the max i can get the benefits from it without deteriorating my look
50 anavar: doubt ill need more than that with other orals coming in. starting this early to get that jumpstart on more fat loss and help support the look as i come down in body fat more. var is a great drug and has low impacts on your liver so it feels like an easier drug to take this far out. have my nephrologist monitoring me so ill have my kidneys checked down the line. dont expect them to look perfect, but as long as im not in danger then im solid and i never use anavar outside of prep now anyways.
50 proviron: at 6 weeks out, this will come in. proviron binds to SHBG a lot, opens up a lot of free test and can lower your estrogen. this isnt that great of a drug on its own imo, but can be solid with certain other compounds or to help lower your estrogen. terrible for your hair and prostate tho. should help dry me out a bit more and bring some more hardness possibly
50 winny: at 4 weeks out, the final drug comes in. winny ALSO has a strong affinity to SHBG, but guess what? proviron has been taking care of that! so that means winny will give me much more benefit in other areas like hardness/separation. never used winny so this will be a learning experience on this one. to be honest, i might just be redundant with all the hardners i have going on, but fuck it i like to experiment and how else can i learn my body if i dont try it myself?
the holy trinity of injectables is in, and soon the holy trinity of orals will be in. its time to get freaky looking fellas
As stated earlier, i have switched clen to 1 week on/off. if this enough to reset receptor sensitivity? probably not completely, but this is also why i will slowly ramp the dose up as well, capping at 80mcg a day. so far, clen hasnt been giving me any issues at all. no crazy heart pounding or anxiety, no shakes, just great fat loss and an increased RHR. Rauwolscine (alpha-yohimbine) on the other hand, gives me heart pounding and a little anxiety. however, this combo is just so incredible that i have no problems dealing with it. clen hitting the beta receptors for fat loss, and A-Y hitting the alpha receptors for the stubborn fat loss areas. covering all my bases, at some point i might just end up running them together for a brief period of time near the end to get any final fat i can before hitting the stage. my hamstrings are pissing me off and need to lean out quicker, however the likely case here is that i will lose my back legs last. i wont be surprised if my upper body is ready to go by 4-5 weeks out, its just getting that stubborn area out thatll take the final digs and drug pushes of clen + A-Y. you are only as lean as your fattest body part, so i pretty much only stare at my hamstrings at this point when looking at pictures, i dont even both looking at my abs or whatever. back has been leaning out really well too shockingly so ive stopped worrying so much about that. and for those wondering, yes clen + A-Y is going to come with a good amount of pounding heart and anxiety. its not something that can be used long term, and probably even short term would be too difficult for a lot of people. dont try this, it isnt necessary. ill report back of course on how it goes for me.
RHR and SLEEP Graphs.
All supplements are currently the same, however soon i will be adding in P5P to combat prolactin build up from tren, Taurine to help alleviate the painful pumps i might end up getting from oral use, and NAC to help combat systemic inflammation from the tren and orals. Oh, and i added a sleep aid 2 weeks ago and am continuing that. Sleep aid from gorillaminds (idk what its called), the serving dose is 4 capsules i believe but ive only been taking 1 to start, and will slowly increase that as time goes on to help make sure i can get my meager amounts of sleep and be as rested as possible from it.
Watching the arnold gave me some good motivation, but i am also just completely focused on this now to the point of obsession (shocker, the guy who writes a fucking novel every other week is obsessed). Family visiting will be pulled back now, as arriving and them telling me they bought me donuts before my wife reminds them i cant eat that cuz of my diet is tiresome. A good buddy of mine told me he believes i have the potential to turn pro in 1-2 years which is awesome, and more friends in the gym telling me how excited they are to see my progress coming up to the show. Love to hear this stuff, but also hard to remember that i cant let that put tons of pressure on me or ill overstress and fuck up my look. Ill do everyone proud, but i also just need to kind of keep my head down and ears shut from things like that right now (but i will admit, it does feel good to have people believe in me). At this point im kind of just ranting along, but i needed a section to tell you guys where i am at mentally as thats just as important at this point of the game. I dream of losing every once in awhile, and im always devastated in the dream and when i wake up and it just furthers my drive to keep pushing. i try to daydream as much as possible about winning, and posing with confidence etc to try to keep as champion a mindset as i can. anyone whos dieted deep before understands this, my brain powememory is starting to slowly decline. spacing out, bumping into things a little more often, forgetting things etc "prep brain" has started to slowly show up. patience is getting thinner than my hair soon, and im trying to make sure not to start pushing people away as the prep gets harder.
Weakpoints: was told i have "white boy arms," flat shoulders, and no chest (very true), and "geek genetics." decided that sounded dope, so i am probably going to start branding myself with Geek Genetics (training? fitness? idk if ill need another word after that). guess off season i need to get bigger arms, bigger shoulders, bigger chest, thicker back, and thicker hamstrings. yea no problem right?
Strength: occasionally i try a bb compound movement and it aint pretty. im absolutely weak as hell now. barely got 185 for 6-8 on flat bench the other day (mind you this was after incline machine work and flyes). still was able to do 315 for sets of 6 on SLDLs, but probably could do more with straps. leg strength isnt going that badly, but pressing power is horrible.
Posing: i really need to start practicing my routines and also work on posing stamina. 1 round and im winded usually, that has to improve significantly. heres something i think you guys should see too
Feb 2021 Posing
this is why i tell you guys to practice practice practice. it doesnt take much tweaks but those tweaks make HUGE differences in presentation. even now i am tweaking things and trying to make sure i am posing everything correctly and seeing if theres better ways to hit certain poses
Hair: this shit is gone man, it was nice while it lasted. probably be bald by christmas
I might have missed some things, so if you have any questions or comments feel free to leave them below. If not, see you in 4 weeks and hopefully we will be looking like we are putting together a winning package!
submitted by iSkeezy to weightroom [link] [comments]