Ultrasound day after clomid

Positive pregnancy here is chart from April

2024.05.19 17:43 Apprehensive-Path491 Positive pregnancy here is chart from April

Positive pregnancy here is chart from April
Hello, wanted to share in case helps someone. Currently pregnant. This is was my first cycle using Mira, I also used the Oura ring to confirm ovulation. My cocktail of medication was clomid, 600 mg of progesterone inserted vaginally starting 3 days after ovulation, thyroid medication very low dose, and baby asprin. I’m still early in pregnancy but I’m hopeful to get my rainbow baby 💓 sending positive thoughts to anyone struggling with ttc keep trying and don’t be afraid to seek fertility treatments and advocate for yourself and what you need!
submitted by Apprehensive-Path491 to Mirafertility [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:19 mkinbbym New (never heard of) Stim Protocol - Lupron, Letrozole, then injections?

So i’m an IVF long hauler - I’ve done several cycles from antagonist, to microdose, to long lupron, to mini…I’ve done cycles with HGH and without. I’ve done HCG trigger and dual trigger. I’ve had great cycles and cycles cancelled - so by no means am I new to this. I’ll preface all this by saying I have DOR.
My RE recently put me on a new stim protocol that’s only been tested for about a year or so? I’ve been scouring the forums to see if anyone has ever tried it and I can’t seem to find anything. Wondering if creating a post will bring some experiences forward as i’m mostly curious based on the length.
Here is the protocol: - mid way through luteal phase you take 10 units of lupron until cycle start (about 7-8 days but I ended up being a little longer because I had a longer luteal phase this cycle) - CD 2 you take letrozole (i’m on 5mg) for 7 days - on CD 9 (after completing all 7 days), you go in for your baseline scan - once you get the green light on CD 9, you start your regular stim cycle (mine is clomid, gonal, and menopur) - you’re supposed to stim for another 8-12 days depending on how you respond
Anyone heard of this or done something similar? Any and all advice/insight is welcome!
submitted by mkinbbym to IVFinfertility [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:11 AASmith8604 Not sure how to feel

I (38F) went to my first prenatal appointment last week thinking my doctor would officially tell us that I'm 7 or 8 weeks. This is the first pregnancy me and my husband have wanted after about 18 months of trying. Instead, I learned that my doctor couldn't identify a fetus, I have very small fibroids (that didn't impact the pregnancy), an insignificant ovarian cyst, a UTI, and possibly was just 5/6 weeks. Since then, I've had multiple blood tests that show my HCG is decreasing and in the last two days Ive started bleeding and cramping. My doctor emailed me that she scheduled an ultrasound but I most likely have a pregnancy loss.
At first, I was disappointed, sad and a crying mess. In our excitement, we told our parents, my sister, my best friend, and a couple of aunts and uncles. I was initially hesitant to tell anyone other than my mom because part of me felt like the pregnancy wasn't real. I took 11 pregnancy tests because something told me this was different, but everyone told me to accept that I was growing a baby. Only now we know that wasn't true and it makes me incredibly sad.
The cramping and bleeding intensified this weekend with blood clots coming out. I feel fewer pregnancy symptoms other than sore breasts. My husband says that we're not giving up and we should try again as soon as we can. He's interested in learning more about IUI now, which is a big change from 6 months ago when he wanted us to focus on getting pregnant naturally. Now I just feel numb. Was there ever a baby? Did I get excited over nothing? Will we ever feel that excitement again? Is it weird to want to move on so quickly when just days ago I prayed for this pregnancy to be okay and normal and healthy??
submitted by AASmith8604 to Miscarriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:19 akar17 Can I be on ozempic after a sub-total thyroidectomy?

Back story real quick: last year, my blood sugar levels/A1C were very much not great (A1C at 10-11 still after having taken Metformin and Januvia for a while). I don’t know what it was because I was trying really hard to make it better. Brought it down from like 14 but 10 is still not great.
My doctor suggested starting ozempic to help. Before I filled my prescription, she asked me to get a thyroid ultrasound because apparently ozempic affects your thyroid (I didn’t know much about it at the time). Upon getting the ultrasound, they found a nodule in my thyroid.
Fast forward almost a year, I have had a few ultrasounds, a couple of biopsies, found out the nodule is a tumour that is cancerous and gotten a surgery scheduled. A few weeks ago, I had my surgery, a sub-total right thyroidectomy, and have been recovering ever since.
I’m stressed about my metabolism—that wasn’t great to begin with (thank you PCOS) and not being able to breakdown the sugars in my body anymore. I already have had such a hard time my whole life maintaining my weight (which is pretty high to begin with) and it would kill me if I started gaining weight.
I haven’t yet checked my A1C, or really my day-to-day blood sugar, but I’m wondering if upon my full recovery, my doctor will prescribe ozempic again.
Can I be on ozempic despite having half a thyroid?
submitted by akar17 to Ozempic [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:18 akar17 Can I be on ozempic after a sub-total thyroidectomy?

Back story real quick: last year, my blood sugar levels/A1C were very much not great (A1C at 10-11 still after having taken Metformin and Januvia for a while). I don’t know what it was because I was trying really hard to make it better. Brought it down from like 14 but 10 is still not great.
My doctor suggested starting ozempic to help. Before I filled my prescription, she asked me to get a thyroid ultrasound because apparently ozempic affects your thyroid (I didn’t know much about it at the time). Upon getting the ultrasound, they found a nodule in my thyroid.
Fast forward almost a year, I have had a few ultrasounds, a couple of biopsies, found out the nodule is a tumour that is cancerous and gotten a surgery scheduled. A few weeks ago, I had my surgery, a sub-total right thyroidectomy, and have been recovering ever since.
I’m stressed about my metabolism—that wasn’t great to begin with (thank you PCOS) and not being able to breakdown the sugars in my body anymore. I already have had such a hard time my whole life maintaining my weight (which is pretty high to begin with) and it would kill me if I started gaining weight.
I haven’t yet checked my A1C, or really my day-to-day blood sugar, but I’m wondering if upon my full recovery, my doctor will prescribe ozempic again.
Can I be on ozempic despite having half a thyroid?
submitted by akar17 to thyroidhealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:17 akar17 Can I be on ozempic after a sub-total thyroidectomy?

Back story real quick: last year, my blood sugar levels/A1C were very much not great (A1C at 10-11 still after having taken Metformin and Januvia for a while). I don’t know what it was because I was trying really hard to make it better. Brought it down from like 14 but 10 is still not great.
My doctor suggested starting ozempic to help. Before I filled my prescription, she asked me to get a thyroid ultrasound because apparently ozempic affects your thyroid (I didn’t know much about it at the time). Upon getting the ultrasound, they found a nodule in my thyroid.
Fast forward almost a year, I have had a few ultrasounds, a couple of biopsies, found out the nodule is a tumour that is cancerous and gotten a surgery scheduled. A few weeks ago, I had my surgery, a sub-total right thyroidectomy, and have been recovering ever since.
I’m stressed about my metabolism—that wasn’t great to begin with (thank you PCOS) and not being able to breakdown the sugars in my body anymore. I already have had such a hard time my whole life maintaining my weight (which is pretty high to begin with) and it would kill me if I started gaining weight. I haven’t yet checked my A1C, or really my day-to-day blood sugar, but I’m wondering if upon my full recovery, my doctor will prescribe ozempic again.
Can I be on ozempic despite having half a thyroid?
submitted by akar17 to thyroidcancer [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:10 OffTheWall992 Quality of life is down, health anxiety through the roof, fear of losing girlfriend, affecting work/life balance. More mental than physical?

34, M. I’ve been ‘chasing’ GI stuff over the last 2-3 years with what mostly everyone else considers normal habits. I had covid twice (2020, 2022) but also had HPylori positive in 2020 - no real symptoms other than burning stomach on occasion, eradicated it. I’ve had my b12, D, folate, full CBC, lipid, metabolic, thyroid, liver function, pancreatic function panels,, 3 ultrasounds, and an EGD. The EGD showed gastritis and small ulcer, negative biopsies. All my blood labs and ultrasounds are normal. Fecal elastase is normal. Fecal inflammatory markers normal. Fecal fat tests, normal.
I took a microbiome test by Thorne in October, it showed mild dysbiosis. I’ve adjusted my diet to have a bit more variety to help with that.
My concerns and symptoms: occasional floating stools, urgency in morning after waking up (30-45mins), average a Bristol 5. I get loud noises in my stomach and sometimes air bubbles forming that lead to what feels like bloating but I look at myself and I don’t appear it. I’m a lean build as it is so it could be low body fat causing the sounds to be louder.
The other night I had some garlic dressing with a bunch of fried food (chicken, fries) and some alcohol. I am aware of fodmaps but didn’t think garlic ranch dressing would cause issues. I was BLOATED all day yesterday, anxious as hell, LOUD noises and I went to the bathroom 4 times. The first two were quite normal. Solid formed stool. The next two was hardly any stool but it was loose, mostly just air. I haven’t gone since 4pm yesterday but I also fasted ALL of yesterday.
Things like that make me fearful of food poisoning, if I have something wrong internally, etc. I’m 6’ barely 152lbs and a fast metabolism. Most I’ve weighed was 180 5 years ago. 5 years ago I was also going to the gym 4-5 days a week lifting, eating 3-4k calories. I’ve barely done the gym in 3 years, I eat about 1700-2500calories a day.
Is this all anxiety obsession over benign normal health? Do I need a colonoscopy? Why do I just randomly get weird instances of urgency? I’ve debated bile binders, my doctors have offered my Rifaximin, I haven’t done either. My family is tired of my complaining, my girlfriend doesn’t have empathy, and it’s affecting my daily life obsessing about SIBO or colitis or something…
submitted by OffTheWall992 to ibs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:03 AdInteresting2502 Journey so far

In case it helps other newly diagnosed, this is my journey so far. 1 month ago ultrasound of new lump I had in left breast. Told I had invasive breast cancer. Then sent for mammogram where they found 3 dodgy lymph nodes on left side as well, along with another suspicious lump in right. Sent for biopsies on all the lumps (no one told me before these just how much they hurt or how sore you are after, I recommend taking someone with you). Cancer confirmed in left breast and 3 lymph nodes and oestrogen and progesterone positive, but HER2 negative. Right lump still undetermined. Met with surgeon and sent for PET scan to ascertain if spread. This 1 week wait whilst waiting for the results was the most god damn terrifying of my life!! Met with surgeon again, PET scan showed no obvious spread. 4 days later I had double mastectomy and what I thought was removal of 3 lymph nodes. Woke up and was told all 23 lymph nodes on my left side were cancerous and they also performed auxiliary lymph node clearance on left side. I am now 2 weeks post surgery, and I am not going to lie- recovery from it has proved both physically and emotionally tough. They put implants in same time as mastectomy. In 2 days I find out next stage of the treatment plan and apparently I will have to have radiation and chemo. I feel extremely lucky I caught it when I did, and cancer is such a sneaky farker, as she said she would not of gone down the cure path (surgery), but just the medically manage path is she knew it was in 23 lymph nodes (phew). I still have a long journey to go, but my big tips from what I have already been through - the time waiting for the test results is beyond terrible, and once you know what you are dealing with it will get better - if you have an option to not work, or take leave from work, defo do that (I would not be able to manage both myself) - take someone to your appointments with you - recovery from surgery is hard, so be kind with yourself - if you have lymph nodes removed, it is even more painful, but so important to exercise those arms whenever you can - I am on day 16 post surgery and I am getting better everyday. SO WILL YOU - be kind to yourself, cancer is a lot I got this, and so do you my sisters ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
submitted by AdInteresting2502 to breastcancer [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:47 No_You_2465 Cancer scare or actual cancer

Hi all, I am a 22 Female live in the UK, I am currently awaiting an urgent ultrasound scan of my abdomen, endoscopy and blood tests.
My GP is worried I may have cancer and honestly I wasn't super emotional or scared when she said that but now the fear is slowly creeping in and it has been I've been thinking about it nonstop for the last week. Seemingly those on reddit and TikTok look to have the same symptoms or experience as me only making me more scared and now convinced I have cancer.
To preface, I had a significant H Pylori infection (I think I had it for a while) and went through a course of antibiotics, PPI and iron tablets as my iron levels were low (did not have this problem before) in Nov and felt so much better by Jan. But my symptoms seemed to return and sometimes feeling even worse. My symptoms are: Ive lost around 6-7kg since March, extreme fatigue I can sleep for hours on end, nausea and burping after every meal, and bloating that is so awful, shortness of breathe and epigastric pain that varies from mild-super pain that I am hunched over.
I also always feel like my stomach has halved in size, like there is something in there - no matter the time, morning, evening, before breakfast or not. Like eating a small meal and some water will fill me up and make my stomach feel tighter than it early has
I have also had no appetite and probably eat one big meal or a few small meals a day. Whenever I go to my uni work I feel so unfocused and struggling to write my oncology essay mostly, and ive fallen so behind.
I am in my final year of uni and literally have 4 weeks left, but now I am behind on so much and now I feel like if I get cancer before I can finish everything - seems like the end of the world and that I will be stuck again.
Those with cancer or had a similar scare, what do you think? Did you experience the same?
submitted by No_You_2465 to stomachcancer [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:32 Koda_tj SIBO, RIFAXIMIN, C DIFF, DOUBTS

Hi everyone, I would appreciate any imput form people who might have had similar situation or know more than I do because I am not sure what to do now.
I've been having problems with mild diarrhea and bloating for months now (I think it started after antibiotics that I took a year ago for h pylori plus I think my motility was overactive even before that). I didn't do much since it was not that bad but it got progressively worse and I developed something like rosacea during this time too.
I got viral infection a month ago and around this time I started having watery diarrhea every 2-3 days. Usually one or two watery stools, then either very mushy, foul smelling non watery stools or small, soft non smelly stools for a day or two and then another sudden watery situation and this lasted around 3 weeks (viral sickness cleard up much faster). This face flusing/rosacea got worse too. I tried taking s bouldari probiotic for a couple of days but it did nothing. Got mildly dehydrated.
I went to the doctor and got cbc and crp, showed only mild neutropenia and ultrasound that didn't show any issues. Doctor concluded it is SIBO and IBS (considering my issues before infection). She prescribed rifaximin 400x3 for 10 days and sodium butyrate after. She said if rifaximin won't help after a couple of days to stop taking and come back. I started taking it yesterday and my stools are still mushy but seem to be a bit better, no watery diarrhea (although it happened to me every 2-3 days so it might still come).
I've been reading this forum for a while and I have to admit I am kinda scared and confused rn. First of all I didn't get any SIBO test done so diagnosis is just purely based on my symptoms. In that case I am starting to worry what if my problem is caused by c diff instead? Then taking rifaximin will only put me in danger of getting a really bad case of c diff as far as I understand? Is it even possible to have SIBO for months with mild/medium symptoms and suddenly it causes watery diarrhea? Also does it make any sense to do c diff test done right now while on rifaximin?
I also see conflicting opinions about probiotics with rifaximin. Does it make any sense to take it or not? Is it better to start after finishing treatment or right now to minimize the risk of c diff?
Can anyone tell me if you were diagnosed without sibo test and rifaximin helped? Or did you have c diff and how is it different? Did you have watery stools or bloating while on rifaximin? I'm not sure how I can tell my doc whether it is helping or not if it has side effect similar to the very problem I have on the first place.
I will be grateful for any imput
submitted by Koda_tj to SIBO [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:26 Gloria479 Irregular cycle help

Hi, 45 (f) here. My question might feel a bit tangent-y, so bear with me. Long story short, four years ago, after a myriad of unsuccessful fertility treatments, had some big fibroids and endometriosis removed via robotic surgery. Felt pretty good for awhile, cycles okay. In about 2022, severe anxiety over nothing set in along with bad insomnia, attributed it to perimenopause. I called my Obgyn who promptly put me on medroxyprogesterone (Provera) day 14-23 of my cycle. Said it would level out my estrogen and moods. Worked well for awhile, cycles even lightened up. Moods improved by t the problem was I was getting my period on day 22/23 every month. Basically two weeks of freedom and then a 6-7 day bleed. It was getting annoying. Earlier this year, an MRI for my back found a large cyst on my ovary. Had my old surgeon (different from my regular obgyn) look at it via ultrasound and he said no rush but eventually he’d like to take it out, along with the ovary and half my uterus (basically a hysterectomy). He also told me, due to my age and breast cancer risk factors, he wants me OFF the medroxyprogesterone (don’t you love it when your two trusted docs completely contradict each other)
So about 4 cycles ago, I stopped using the medroxyprogesterone. My first cycle after stopping was 31 days, second was 23, third was 24 and fourth 34 days!!!! I have always been right on the money (prior to the medroxyprogesterone) 28 day cycle with very little variance.
Plus now my periods are unbearably heavy; lots of clots and heavy bleeding for 4-5 days, rendering me exhausted. My moods and anxiety are still okay. I put myself on a ton of supplements (ashwaghanda, fish oil, magnesium, echinacea, elderberry, turmeric and some mushrooms) and seem to be doing fine mentally. My pms/pmdd symptoms are not awful.
I guess my question is; does anyone have any experiences with the medroxyprogesterone (Provera) 10 day dose? Are the erratic and heavy periods simply a side effect of withdrawal or is this just perimenopause/menopause rearing its head. I am considering the hysterectomy but as someone who once wanted and never had kids, it is a final nail in the coffin that I really need to wrap my head around, though I know at 45, the likelihood of having a child is pretty slim but still a big decision nevertheless.
submitted by Gloria479 to Menopause [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:44 InvestmentPatient127 my newborn daughter can't get pregnant?

In the third trimester, I did an ultrasound and i was told that my daughter has huge ovarian cysts which come from the hormones of the mother. I was told that this is rare and they usually go away on their own after birth but sometimes, they don't and it would need surgery. These fetal ovarian cysts were not only huge but bilateral meaning they were on both of her ovaries, left and right. Eventually they torsioned and she had to get surgery when she was 2 months old 💔 Her left ovary died along with most of her right, only a small part of her right ovary remains and just barely her right fallopian tube, but its still unsure if the remaining right ovary will survive or not. This is my first child, and I did not expect for motherhood to start out like this. I feel so heartbroken for her and cry all the time. Her not having her ovaries essentially means high risks of health problems and taking hormones for the rest of her life so she can grow through her stages of puberty.. and she also will probably not be able to get pregnant or have her monthly period.
Her case is EXTREMELY rare which has me thinking if this is a punishment from Allah.
I always think to myself how will she get married. I know Allah wouldn't do this to me or her unless it was for a reason, but it's hard to wrap my mind around everything. I feel bad for her and I wonder if I am at fault. If Allah punished me for not being as close to him as I should've been during my pregnancy like not listening to Quran..
She's already starting to smile .. everytime I see her smile and laugh I start sobbing imagining if all of this is my fault that this is happening to her and I get extremely nervous imagining what the future holds for her. It would absolutely break my heart if she came to me in the future asking why she can't get married or have kids.. 💔
I don't know what I should be doing from here on out as a Muslim other than making lots of dua. I guess I'm asking for lots of advice and kind words and how i should be viewing this from an islanic perspective.
All I've been doing these days is dua, but a change in perspective would be very helpful.
Please any words of advice would be great. And any dua for my daughter's ovary to survive and turn out just fine would be everything to me. JazakAllahu Khair.
submitted by InvestmentPatient127 to SistersInSunnah [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:25 mkinbbym New (never heard of) Stim Protocol - Lupron, Letrozole, then injections?

So i’m an IVF long hauler - I’ve done several cycles from antagonist, to microdose, to long lupron, to mini…I’ve done cycles with HGH and without. I’ve done HCG trigger and dual trigger. I’ve had great cycles and cycles cancelled - so by no means am I new to this. I’ll preface all this by saying I have DOR.
My RE recently put me on a new stim protocol that’s only been tested for about a year or so? I’ve been scouring the forums to see if anyone has ever tried it and I can’t seem to find anything. Wondering if creating a post will bring some experiences forward as i’m mostly curious based on the length.
Here is the protocol: - mid way through luteal phase you take 10 units of lupron until cycle start (about 7-8 days but I ended up being a little longer because I had a longer luteal phase this cycle) - CD 2 you take letrozole (i’m on 5mg) for 7 days - on CD 9 (after completing all 7 days), you go in for your baseline scan - once you get the green light on CD 9, you start your regular stim cycle (mine is clomid, gonal, and menopur) - you’re supposed to stim for another 8-12 days depending on how you respond
Anyone heard of this or done something similar? Any and all advice/insight is welcome!
submitted by mkinbbym to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:04 MorphineAdminstratum Liver area pain. Docs here arent competent. Need help.

I am 25 male from bulgaria, 185cm, 70kg
I have used metamizole sodium almost daily for half a year now. And diclofenac every 1 month or so for 2 weeks cus of plexitis. Never had problems. A month ago I had this pain which started out from my lower abdomen area like where the apendix is (but i had it removed years ago) Then the pain went to my right testicle and kept hurting for a week or so. Eventually i began feeling pain in my liver area, right below my ribs.
It mostly went away 10 days ago. But today after breakfast it came back again. I have a suspicion that it is triggered by food. Certain foods make me crawl up in a ball of pain.
The gasto here told me on the ultrasound I have dust in my kidneys but that isnt the problem aperantly.
I am expecting test results for E Coli and helicobacter tomorow.
Any help is appreciated.
submitted by MorphineAdminstratum to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:33 OtherBee6365 I’m a former drug dealer/current addict (23M) that is struggling to let go of my SO (22F) due to her BPD/Suicidal Ideation

I’ve been struggling with opiate addiction for over a year now and am planning another trip to rehab.
I found a girl in my hometown who I love dearly. She’s sweet, passionate and empathetic with animals and my family really loves her.
When I met her I’d been selling drugs (cocaine, mainly) as a means to provide for myself. I was living with my parents at the time and would only use my own supply on occasion.
Fast forward a year and we’re consistently doing drugs together in a condo that I’d rented, I learn more about her messed up childhood and how she had been neglected, see the neglect with my own eyes and end up sympathizing deeply for her. She tells me she just wants to die and that the thoughts of death are so comforting to her.
I’d been so consumed by selling drugs that I’d left her at the apartment alone for nights on end while I was out selling, thinking I was ‘providing’ for her. She spiralled into addiction due to also having access to all of these substances. At this point we’re constantly under turmoil and chaos from my lifestyle (junkies showing up, police doing sweeps, me on edge awaiting conflict). She ends up cheating on me after feeling neglected (I had cheated on her prior and thus forgave her, I was a scumbag) and we fall apart for a bit.
I find out she’s pregnant weeks later, we end up having an ultrasound and subsequently an abortion. This devastates her, as she’d become attached to the baby as had I. During this period we’d broken up but I’d gotten back together with her after seeing the pain of losing her child and feeling so much for her. I could tell she wanted nothing more than to be a mother.
She ended up trying to take her own life by slitting her wrists out of pure anguish and misery. This broke my heart and put her in to psychiatric care.
Fast forward a few months: I just get out of rehab, she got out of the psych unit and we’re together. I’m back at my parents sitting on my ass doing drugs after a stint in rehab and praying to god for guidance. My mental health and social skills are completely deteriorated. I’m planning another trip to rehab as I’m writing this, but don’t want keep her hostage to such a toxic lifestyle. She seems to really want nothing more than to be a mother, but I’m a terrible influence on her constantly doing drugs in front of her and drinking with her at my parents. All we do all day is rot in bed and watch TV hoping things will get better.
She’s struggling with her mental health and I don’t know how to save her, free her or myself. I’m worried that if I end things she will kill herself, or think I don’t love her. I was thinking of buying her a car with my savings as she lives in very unfortunate circumstances, just so she can have a means of transport and get on her feet. She loves animals and I just want to see her blossom, but don’t know how to go about this and have both of us survive.
Sorry for how messy this is. Hard to type when I’m in this much pain. I have relationship based OCD, terrible anxiety and depression since I was a child.
TL;DR im deep in addiction and can’t let go of a girl im watching suffer who wants nothing more than to be a mother and love me. I love her but think im poisoning her and will just cause great pain for the both of us as my every thought is consumed by her.
submitted by OtherBee6365 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:20 OtherBee6365 I’m a former drug dealer/current addict (23M) that is struggling to let go of my SO (22F) due to her BPD/Suicidal Ideation

I’ve been struggling with opiate addiction for over a year now and am planning another trip to rehab.
I found a girl in my hometown who I love dearly. She’s sweet, passionate and empathetic with animals and my family really loves her.
When I met her I’d been selling drugs (cocaine, mainly) as a means to provide for myself. I was living with my parents at the time and would only use my own supply on occasion.
Fast forward a year and we’re consistently doing drugs together in a condo that I’d rented, I learn more about her messed up childhood and how she had been neglected, see the neglect with my own eyes and end up sympathizing deeply for her. She tells me she just wants to die and that the thoughts of death are so comforting to her.
I’d been so consumed by selling drugs that I’d left her at the apartment alone for nights on end while I was out selling, thinking I was ‘providing’ for her. She spiralled into addiction due to also having access to all of these substances. At this point we’re constantly under turmoil and chaos from my lifestyle (junkies showing up, police doing sweeps, me on edge awaiting conflict). She ends up cheating on me after feeling neglected (I had cheated on her prior and thus forgave her, I was a scumbag) and we fall apart for a bit.
I find out she’s pregnant weeks later, we end up having an ultrasound and subsequently an abortion. This devastates her, as she’d become attached to the baby as had I. During this period we’d broken up but I’d gotten back together with her after seeing the pain of losing her child and feeling so much for her. I could tell she wanted nothing more than to be a mother.
She ended up trying to take her own life by slitting her wrists out of pure anguish and misery. This broke my heart and put her in to psychiatric care.
Fast forward a few months: I just get out of rehab, she got out of the psych unit and we’re together. I’m back at my parents sitting on my ass doing drugs after a stint in rehab and praying to god for guidance. My mental health and social skills are completely deteriorated. I’m planning another trip to rehab as I’m writing this, but don’t want keep her hostage to such a toxic lifestyle. She seems to really want nothing more than to be a mother, but I’m a terrible influence on her constantly doing drugs in front of her and drinking with her at my parents. All we do all day is rot in bed and watch TV hoping things will get better.
She’s struggling with her mental health and I don’t know how to save her, free her or myself. I’m worried that if I end things she will kill herself, or think I don’t love her. I was thinking of buying her a car with my savings as she lives in very unfortunate circumstances, just so she can have a means of transport and get on her feet. She loves animals and I just want to see her blossom, but don’t know how to go about this and have both of us survive.
Sorry for how messy this is. Hard to type when I’m in this much pain.
submitted by OtherBee6365 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:16 OtherBee6365 I’m a former drug dealer/current addict (23M) that is struggling to let go of my SO (22F) due to her BPD/Suicidal Ideation

I’ve been struggling with opiate addiction for over a year now and am planning another trip to rehab.
I found a girl in my hometown who I love dearly. She’s sweet, passionate and empathetic with animals and my family really loves her.
When I met her I’d been selling drugs (cocaine, mainly) as a means to provide for myself. I was living with my parents at the time and would only use my own supply on occasion.
Fast forward a year and we’re consistently doing drugs together in a condo that I’d rented, I learn more about her messed up childhood and how she had been neglected, see the neglect with my own eyes and end up sympathizing deeply for her. She tells me she just wants to die and that the thoughts of death are so comforting to her.
I’d been so consumed by selling drugs that I’d left her at the apartment alone for nights on end while I was out selling, thinking I was ‘providing’ for her. She spiralled into addiction due to also having access to all of these substances. At this point we’re constantly under turmoil and chaos from my lifestyle (junkies showing up, police doing sweeps, me on edge awaiting conflict). She ends up cheating on me after feeling neglected (I had cheated on her prior and thus forgave her, I was a scumbag) and we fall apart for a bit.
I find out she’s pregnant weeks later, we end up having an ultrasound and subsequently an abortion. This devastates her, as she’d become attached to the baby as had I. During this period we’d broken up but I’d gotten back together with her after seeing the pain of losing her child and feeling so much for her. I could tell she wanted nothing more than to be a mother.
She ended up trying to take her own life by slitting her wrists out of pure anguish and misery. This broke my heart and put her in to psychiatric care.
Fast forward a few months: I just get out of rehab, she got out of the psych unit and we’re together. I’m back at my parents sitting on my ass doing drugs after a stint in rehab and praying to god for guidance. My mental health and social skills are completely deteriorated. I’m planning another trip to rehab as I’m writing this, but don’t want keep her hostage to such a toxic lifestyle. She seems to really want nothing more than to be a mother, but I’m a terrible influence on her constantly doing drugs in front of her and drinking with her at my parents. All we do all day is rot in bed and watch TV hoping things will get better.
She’s struggling with her mental health and I don’t know how to save her, free her or myself. I’m worried that if I end things she will kill herself, or think I don’t love her. I was thinking of buying her a car with my savings as she lives in very unfortunate circumstances, just so she can have a means of transport and get on her feet. She loves animals and I just want to see her blossom, but don’t know how to go about this and have both of us survive.
Sorry for how messy this is. Hard to type when I’m in this much pain.
submitted by OtherBee6365 to u/OtherBee6365 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:35 East_Creme317 Health anxiety causes new symptoms everyday

Hello I (19 female) have been having the worst health anxiety episode for the past month. Back in October I started twitching in random places and had anxiety about it for a whole month. Afterwards I guess I just forgot about it or therapy helped because until mid April, I dont remember being worried about my twitches even once. Then, around a month ago, I paid attention to my twitches once again and they came back in full force. I spent 2 and a half weeks worrying about them before i got some bloodwork done back to back and got back weird results.
My lymphocytes were mildly elevated while my neutrophils were below normal, my left tonsil was also slightly swollen. The interesting part was that my two liver enzymes, ast and alt were slightly elevated too. Since I’m the unluckiest mf to walk this earth I got sent to a rly (maybe a bit overly) cautious internist afterwards, who told me to avoid any meds, canned drinks and alcohol at all costs until my next blood test. Also mind you, shes the third doctor I’ve spoken to about my twitches and all of them immediately disregarded them, including her.
I get another test done a week later, alt and ast are even higher this time. I start spiraling to a point where my allergy related itches nearly make me have a panic attack thinking I had liver failure. I book a liver ultrasound, comes back completely clear. Consult the same internist again, she mentions the possibility of autoimmune diseases. I lose my mind and spend the next few days losing my mind. Get another blood test done 3 days later and finally, my liver enzymes come back lower and seem to be going back to normal.
So what’s the problem, right? Well. Throughout this whole process, ever since April 20th I’ve been having anxiety induced symptoms. The twitching was at some point combined with a sizzling sensation in my thighs that only went away when my itches started, the itching went away and I suddenly began fearing muscle weakness even though there was no reason for me to think I had muscle weakness. I only walk and dont rly work out so my muscles arent in the best shape, despite all that i suddenly decide that its a good idea to squat a whole bunch, kneel even more, do planks, fire hydrants and then dance for a full hour in a single day so now my healthy muscles are actually tired. Now I’m worried about my muscles being tired even though I was the one that tired them out but ohhh what if they were tired before, right? 2 days ago after my liver enzymes seemed to have begun decreasing, I ruled out the possibility of something being wrong with my liver so first I started worrying about my bruises(i have very very pale and thin skin and get bruises all the time). Then I got all jittery and started kind of trembling(?) internally as if I was cold. My twitches are almost completely gone btw now that I stopped worrying about them. I now have this buzzing sensation all over my body. No twitches, kinda feels like when youre cold and you get all jittery when you yawn and stuff. I have no clue if this is anxiety or I actually have a rare muscle disease. I also feel very frustrated because I diagnosed myself with acute liver failure, cirrhosis, leukemia and a bunch of autoimmune diseases within a single week. Honestly I dont know why Im so scared of dying at this point because it is so exhausting to exist.
submitted by East_Creme317 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:28 SeekingHealth78 Help and Advice Sought if possible (UK)

Could I get some advice and guidance on what all these tests might mean and what I need to learn and know should my Endocrinologist head down the route of TRT, which is where she has indicated over the past couple of months whilst doing tests?
I apologise for the length, but I have tried to cover it as much as possible, as I accept nothing is simple. If more information is needed that I have missed, please ask.

I was overweight for a good 20 years; we think this was when my thyroid started causing issues, and it took many years for the NHS to even consider that a problem. I also had no morning erections for a good ten years. I honestly cannot remember the last time I felt hungry, and that was after either an hour of weight lifting or hiking for a full day in the Austrian Alps (the longest one was a 10km round trip and a 1200m climb and then descent).
It took several years to sort the thyroid, and I was still unable to lose weight, although other things had resolved themselves. My GP refused to investigate further, saying simply I was too young. Plus, back in 2019, my Testosterone level was 17.1nmol/L, and now it is down to 7.5, and apart from being a few years older, nothing else has changed weight-wise or fitness, etc. I have had many Covid jabs as my father was extremely vulnerable, and I was his carer.
I am now under a different GP practice that started from scratch and said that, in their opinion, something underlying was causing the myriad of symptoms. They started testing and thought she knew what was wrong. It was agreed that, in computer terms, there was a tick box that needed ticking, but finding which one would take time.
However, their final idea saw her ask for guidance from Endocrinology; they said to do nothing and that they would take over. This was in 2023. However, Testosterone issues are an ultra-low priority in my area, so my expected appointment is in 2025.
For the past few months, I have seen an Endocrinologist privately with the agreement of my GP, who has done all the requested tests and agreed that if any prescriptions are needed, they will do it.
In addition to the above, dieticians have cleared me, having seen them privately and on the NHS.
I spent a year with a personal trainer at a bodybuilder gym, working out with him three times a week with no results and stopped through no results but with growing mental and physical fatigue. Walking 10,000 steps a day is not a problem for me.
I have had this all on hold for a while, what with COVID-19 and then a relative's very poor health. It is now time to focus back on myself, I think. I sleep a good 8 hours a night and get up feeling worse than going to bed – although randomly, I do have bouts of insomnia.
As mentioned to my GP and Endocrinologist, I have no problem putting in the hard work at the gym, but when that hard work does absolutely nothing for muscle mass or body shape, etc., it gets very depressing. I guess that does give me one direct question: How long do I need to leave it before going back if my Endocrinologist prescribes TRT—do I need to let my body recover a bit before stressing it by doing weights, etc.?
Tests (Using UK NHS Scales)
Testosterone has been done now 6 or 7 times, always within 0.2 or below and always done between 08:50 and 09:10 in the morning.
In addition, she requested an ultrasound, and the results came back as 29mm AP diameter and 19mm AP diameter, respectively, for the testes.
Test Result NHS Reference Range
Testosterone 7.5 nmol/L 8.6 – 29.0
Calculated Free Testosterone 180 pmol/L
SHBG 25 nmol/L 18.3 - 54.1
Free T4 level 21.7 pmol/L 11 - 23
TSH level 0.49 miu/L 0.27 - 4.5
Haematocrit 0.419 0.387 – 0.492
Creatinine level 71 umol/L 59 - 104
Urea level 3.9 mmol/L 2.5 - 7.8
Potassium level 4 mmol/L 3.5 - 5.3
Albumin level 39 g/L 35 - 50
Total Protein level 74 60 - 80
Sodium level 142 mmol/L 133 - 146
Insulin-like growth factor 1 level 11.5 nmol/L 11.1 - 27.7
Growth hormone level 0.1 ug/L
Prolactin level 241 mu/L 86 - 324
Cortisol level Dexamethasone suppression test 19 nmol/L
Cholesterol level 5.0 mmol/L
Triglyceride level 2.4 mmol/L
HDL 1.1 mmol/L
LDL 2.8 mmol/L
Cholesterol / HDL ratio 4.5 mmol
B12 63ng/l 197 – 771
submitted by SeekingHealth78 to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:26 Kiyoechi-467 Hydronephrosis. Scared for Life.

21y/o, Male, Quit smoking a year ago.
Got diagnosed with a 5.6mm kidney stone 2 months ago, in my left ureter. Repeated the ultrasound after 20 days to check if the stone has passed and the scans were clear, no stone was found.
2 months went by smoothly, kept drinking godly amounts of water, along with lemon juice.
But now, experiencing pain in the flanks & back. Went to get a ultrasound yesterday and no stone ws found (The Radiologist said that the abdominal gas might be reason behind uncertain reports). He told me - No stones were found but you've got "Mild Hydronephrosis". Basically the swelling of Kidney.
So, My question is - Can Hydronephrosis be caused due to the insane amounts of water i've been drinking? Or do i possibly have a stone in my ureter which is causing obstruction?
Please Help me.
submitted by Kiyoechi-467 to KidneyStones [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:00 AutoModerator Weekly Results Discussion 05/19 to 05/25

When you had positive results - you don’t need to leave the sub completely. We encourage members to stay – but in a supportive role!


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Click 'view table' on mobile:
For a comprehensive Beta database, check out http://www.betabase.info/ for more information on beta based on DPO (DPO = days post transfer + 3, or 5 day embryo; DPO = Days post Insemination for IUI).
Further info: Human chorionic gonadotropin as a predictor of outcome in assisted reproductive technology pregnancies00512-9/fulltext)
Radiopaedia on Fetal bradycardia
Normal Ranges of Embryonic Length, Embryonic Heart Rate PDF!
You may be interested in posting at /whatworkedforme.
You are always encouraged to share your non-pregnancy-related infertility experiences with people asking questions on the sub and continue to support other community members here on infertility
submitted by AutoModerator to infertility [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:23 Sevit47 Anemic bearded dragon

Anemic bearded dragon
I don’t really know why i’m coming here to post, I guess just for a little advice and maybe some reassurance that my girl will be ok. I took my bearded dragon to the vet today because i’d noticed that when she ran, she’d quickly lose her balance and kind of fall over to the side. At first I thought this was because she hadn’t exercised in a bit cause i’d usually get her out at night when she was tired and she’s always been pretty lazy anyways. Then it didn’t stop and she refused a roach for the first time yesterday.
At the vet they noticed she had slight muscle spasms in her legs and that she had some discomfort when her belly was messed with. Her gums were also pale and when they took her bloodwork they said it was a bit watery. They said there were signs of anemia but they wouldn’t know until they got the bloodwork back. Her xray was mostly good, no problems with her spine or legs, though they did say they couldn’t see her heart from the xrays. They did point out her airway though and that it was straight which meant her heart wasn’t swollen. There were a whole bunch of other tests that they were going to do but it was all so expensive so in the moment I made the decision to only go with the bloodwork, xray, and some pain meds for her belly for the time being, but now i’m regretting it and stressing out that I messed up.
I took her home and made her a salad, but she didn’t eat it. I’m hoping its just because it was a really stressful day. I did some of my own research on anemia and found it can be caused by multiple different diseases, though my main concerns were liver and heart disease because the symptoms seemed the most familiar. At first this sort of gave me some hope, because at least I had an idea of what was wrong and nothing said it was fatal, but then I read a bunch of posts here and on other forums about beardies who got diagnosed with anemia and quickly declined and died after that and now I am really stressed about it.
She’s 6 years old, almost 7. She lives in a 75 gallon tank with substrate, and her warm temps are in the 90-95 range and her cool side in the 80s. Her humidity is generally between 15-20%, but its been that way as long as ive had her. She eats salads of collards/mustard greens 3-4 times a week sometimes with varied vegetables or a fruit treat, though she doesn’t always eat it. She gets 3-5 large dubia roaches 1-2 times a week. I dust her salads with cacium with d3, multivitamin, and bee pollen, though im going to take her off the d3 calcium as per the vet’s recommendation. She has a uvb/uva strip bulb though it is due to be changed. Even though she doesn’t eat a lot she’s always kept a good weight on her, people have always told me she looks overweight even though I dont think thats the case anymore.
Can anemia cause muscle spasms and a lack of coordination? Is there anything I am doing wrong with her husbandry that could have caused this? Could lack of nutrients have caused it? I’m going to start offering her bigger salads and roaches twice a week and hopefully she can start eating and pooping more regularly. I’m worried that this has been going on for a lot longer than I thought because I just excused it as her usual laziness and that I have been a neglectful owner. Should I schedule an appointment even before I get the bloodwork back to take all the tests I skipped like the ultrasound, adenovirus, fecal, and others? I just want her to be comfortable and healthy again and i’m worried its my fault and she’s gonna die. Sorry for the long post, I guess i’m just hoping for some advice or reassurance if anyone has any. Thank you in advance for any help.
submitted by Sevit47 to BeardedDragons [link] [comments]
