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2011.06.25 10:52 Identify This Font

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2011.06.03 22:55 Howlinghound What's The Word: For when you can't think of the word you need

Welcome to whatstheword, a community where users help each other to come up with the [perfect, best, ideal, most suitable] word or phrase. Earn community karma by submitting a comment that OP indicates solves their post.

2014.02.11 09:11 Mish106 Word Avalanches: incredibly contrived setups for homophonic punchlines

Word Avalanches: incredibly contrived setups for homophonic punchlines.

2024.05.07 06:41 Xatz41 Repose of Saint Alexis Toth, Confessor and Defender of Orthodoxy in America

Our holy Father Alexis, the defender of the Orthodox Faith and zealous worker in the Lord’s vineyard, was born in Austro-Hungary on March 18, 1854 into a poor Carpatho-Russian family. Like many others in the Austro-Hungarian empire, the Toths were Eastern Rite Catholics. Alexis’ father and brother were priests and his uncle was a bishop in the Uniate church. He received an excellent education and knew several languages (Carpatho-Russian, Hungarian, Russian, German, Latin, and a reading knowledge of Greek). He married Rosalie Mihalich, a priest’s daughter, and was ordained on April 18, 1878 to serve as second priest in a Uniate parish. His wife died soon afterwards, followed by their only child—losses which the saint endured with the patience of Job.
In May, 1879, Father Alexis was appointed secretary to the Bishop of Presov and also Administrator of the Diocesan Administration. He was also entrusted with the directorship of an orphanage. At Presov Seminary, Father Toth taught Church History and Canon Law, which served him well in his later life in America. Saint Alexis did not serve long as a professor or an administrator, for the Lord had a different future planned for him. In October, 1889 he was appointed to serve as pastor of a Uniate parish in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Like another Abraham, he left his country and his relatives to fulfill the will of God (Gen 12:1).
Upon his arrival in America, Father Alexis presented himself to the local Roman Catholic diocesan authority, Archbishop John Ireland, since there was no Uniate bishop in America at that time. Archbishop Ireland belonged to the party of American Catholics who favored the “Americanization” of all Roman Catholics. His vision for the future was founded on a common faith, customs, and the use of the English language for everything except liturgical celebrations. Naturally, ethnic parishes and non-Latin rite clergy did not fit into this vision. Thus, when Father Toth came to present his credentials, Archbishop Ireland greeted him with open hostility. He refused to recognize him as a legitimate Catholic priest or to grant permission for him to serve in his diocese.
As a historian and professor of Canon Law, Father Toth knew his rights under the terms of the Unia and would not accept Archbishop Ireland’s unjust decisions. In October of 1890, there was a meeting of eight of the ten Uniate priests in America at Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania under the chairmanship of Father Toth. By this time the American bishops had written to Rome demanding the recall to Europe of all Uniate priests in America, fearing that Uniate priests and parishes would hinder the assimilation of immigrants into American culture. Uniate bishops in Europe refused to listen to the priests’ pleas for help.
Archbishop Ireland sent a letter to his parishes ordering their members not to attend Father Toth’s parish nor to accept any priestly ministrations from him. Expecting imminent deportation, Father Toth explained the situation to his parishioners and suggested it might be best for him to leave and return to Europe.
“No,” they said. “Let’s go to the Russian bishop. Why should we always submit ourselves to foreigners?” It was decided to write to the Russian consul in San Francisco in order to ask for the name and address of the Russian bishop. Ivan Mlinar went to San Francisco to make initial contact with Bishop Vladimir; then in February, 1891 Father Toth and his church warden, Paul Podany, also made the journey. Subsequently, Bishop Vladimir came to Minneapolis and on March 25, 1891 received Father Toth and 361 parishioners into the Orthodox Church of their ancestors. The parishioners regarded this event as a new Triumph of Orthodoxy, crying out with joy: “Glory to God for His great mercy!”
This initiative came from the people themselves, and was not the result of any coercion from outsiders. The Russian Orthodox Church was unaware of the existence of these Slavic Uniate immigrants to America, but responded positively to their petition to be reunited to the Orthodox Church.
The example of Saint Alexis and his parish in returning to Orthodoxy was an encouragement to hundreds of other Uniates. The ever-memorable one was like a candle upon a candlestick giving light to others (Mt.5:15), and his flock may be likened to the leaven mixed with meal which leavened the whole (Mt.13:33). Through his fearless preaching he uprooted the tares which had sprung up in the wheat of true doctrine, and exposed the false teachings which had led his people astray. Although he did not hesitate to point out errors in the doctrines of other denominations, he was careful to warn his flock against intolerance. His writings and sermons are filled with admonitions to respect other people and to refrain from attacking their faith.
While it is true that he made some strong comments, especially in his private correspondence with the church administration, it must be remembered that this was done while defending the Orthodox Church and the American Mission from unfounded accusations by people who used much harsher language than Father Toth. His opponents may be characterized by intolerance, rude behaviour, unethical methods and threats against him and his parishioners. Yet, when Father Alexis was offended or deceived by other people he forgave them, and he would often ask his bishop to forgive his omissions and mistakes.
In the midst of great hardships, this herald of godly theology and sound doctrine poured forth an inexhaustible stream of Orthodox writings for new converts, and gave practical advice on how to live in an Orthodox manner. For example, his article “How We should Live in America” stresses the importance of education, cleanliness, sobriety, and the presence of children in church on Sundays and Holy Days.
Although the Minneapolis parish was received into the Orthodox Church in March, 1891, it was not until July, 1892 that the Holy Synod of Russia recognized and accepted the parish into the Diocese of Alaska and the Aleutians. This resolution reached America only in October, 1892. During that time there was a climate of religious and ethnic hostility against the new converts. Father Alexis was accused of selling out his own Carpatho-Russian people and his religion to the “Muscovites” for financial gain.
In reality he did not receive any financial support for a long time, for his parish was very poor. Until his priestly salary began to arrive from Russia, the righteous one was obliged to work in a bakery in order to support himself. Even though his funds were meager, he did not neglect to give alms to the poor and needy. He shared his money with other clergy worse off than himself, and contributed to the building of churches and to the education of seminarians in Minneapolis. He was not anxious about his life (Mt.6:25), what he would eat or drink or wear. Trusting in God to take care of him, Saint Alexis followed the admonition of Our Savior to “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Mt.6:33). So he bore the tribulation, slander, and physical attacks with patience and spiritual joy, reminding us that “godliness is stronger than all” (Wisdom of Solomon 10:12).
Bishops Vladimir, Nicholas, Saint Tikhon, and Platon recognized the special gifts of Father Toth, so they often sent him forth to preach and teach wherever there were people of Slavic background. Even though he was aware of his shortcomings and inadequacies, yet he was obedient to the instructions of the bishops. He did not hesitate or make excuses, but went immediately to fulfill his mission. Saint Alexis visited many Uniate parishes, explaining the differences between Orthodoxy, Protestantism, Roman Catholicism and Uniatism, stressing that the true way to salvation is in Orthodoxy.
Like Josiah, “he behaved himself uprightly in the conversion of his people” (Sir 49:2). He was instrumental in the formation or return of seventeen parishes, planting a vineyard of Christ in America, and increasing its fruitful yield many times over. By 1909, the time of his blessed repose, many thousands of Carpatho-Russian and Galician Uniates had returned to Orthodoxy. This was a major event in the history of the North American Mission, which would continue to shape the future of Orthodoxy in this country for many generations to come. Any future growth or success may truly be regarded as the result of Father Toth’s apostolic labors.
Who can tell of the saint’s spiritual struggles? Who can speak of the prayers which his pious soul poured forth unto God? He did not make a public display of his piety, but prayed to God in secret with all modesty, with contrition and inward tears. God, Who sees everything done in secret, openly rewarded the saint (Mt.6:6). It is inconceivable that Saint Alexis could have accomplished his apostolic labors unless God had blessed and strengthened him for such work. Today the Church continues to reap the fruits of his teaching and preaching.
Father Toth’s efforts did not go unrecognized in his own lifetime. He received a jeweled miter from the Holy Synod, as well as the Order of Saint Vladimir and the Order of Saint Anna from Czar Nicholas II for distinguished service and devotion to God and country. In 1907, he was considered as a candidate for the episcopal office. He declined this honor, however, humbly pointing out that this responsibility should be given to a younger, healthier man.
At the end of 1908, Saint Alexis’ health began to decline due to a complication of illneses. He went to the seashore in southern New Jersey in an attempt to regain his health, but soon returned to Wilkes-Barre, where he was confined to bed for two months. The righteous one reposed on Friday, May 7, 1909 (April 24 on the Old Calendar), the feast of Saints Savva and Alexius the Hermit of the Kiev Caves. Saint Alexis’ love and concern for his spiritual children did not cease with his death. Before closing the account of his life, it would be most appropriate to reveal but one example of his heavenly intercession:
In January, 1993 a certain man prayed to Saint Alexis to help him obtain information about his son from whom he had been separated for twenty-eight years. Placing his confidence in the saint’s boldness before God, he awaited an answer to his prayer. The very next day the man’s son telephoned him. It seems the young man was in church when he was suddenly filled with an overwhelming desire to contact his father. He had been taken to another state by his mother, and she changed his name when he was a child. This is why his father was unable to locate him. Having learned from his mother that his father was an Orthodox Christian, he was able with the help of an Orthodox priest to obtain his father’s phone number in a distant city. As a result of that telephone call, the young man later visited his father, who rejoiced to see what sort of man his son had become. The father gave thanks to God and to Saint Alexis for reuniting him with his son.
Saint Alexis was a true man of God who guided many Carpatho-Russian and Galician immigrants through the dark confusion of religious challenges in the New World and back to the unity of the Orthodox Church through his grace-filled words and by his holy example. In his last will and testament Saint Alexis commended his soul to God’s mercy, asking forgiveness from everyone and forgiving everybody. His holy relics now rest at Saint Tikhon Monastery in South Canaan, Pennsylvania where the faithful may come to venerate them and to entreat Saint Alexis’ intercessions on their behalf.
submitted by Xatz41 to OrthodoxGreece [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 06:40 averyhyperdolphin Psychic Mage [Second Life: Second Chance] - Prologue

"You are a monster, Adam, but you didn't choose to be. Make your first choice."\
Molded into a mindless killing machine from birth, psychic prodigy Augustus Adam makes his first real choice and frees himself from the shackles of his upbring. But it is too late.
After being tried for his crimes against humanity, he is sentenced to summary execution after a short trial. Unwilling to let his mind be studied to produce more psychics like himself, he does the only thing that ensures humanity's freedom from psychic tyranny: suicide.
Though death's embrace is sweet, it's surprisingly short as Adam awakes in an unknown forest, learning soon after that he is in a world of magic, of swords and sorcery. Accompanied by magical beasts that could flatten a mountain if they so wished, Adam sets forth into this new world, hoping to make a positive difference this time around. It was his choice, a real chance for freedom, and he wasn't about to let some demon lords, necromancers, or gods get in his way towards redemption.
A rewrite from a previous version, this story is a slice-of-life adventure of an young man blessed with powers but burdened by a heavy and troubled past, hoping to reconcile himself with his innate humanity. Though the premise is magic vs psychic power, I also want to explore the human heart. I believe that there is good in people, but they all need to make the choice. This story follows that line of thinking. Any and all constructive criticism is encouraged and appreciated.
Next / RoyalRoad
From the moment I opened my eyes and saw the silhouettes of masked men and women looking down on my feeble body, I realized that something was wrong. I was a fully conscious and thinking mind trapped in a newborn's body. I knew not my name, nor if I ever had a life before this one, and still I recoiled from the truth laid bare before me.
It had been barely a few seconds since I emerged from that tube. I could still remember being submerged in water, my body connected to machines as it grew and matured. When I got out, I was a toddler. A baby. They checked me, ran their tests, and examined my mind.
I could remember them nodding at each other, satisfied at what they saw within me. At the time, I didn't understand their words, but now I did.
"His psychic potential is enormous. A first for the program. Make sure he survives." I remembered my mother saying. She was the leader, the head researcher of the group, and she led her team with efficiency and effectiveness.
She was my mother by blood, for she provided the egg that allowed me to form. I did not know my father, but it didn't matter. I was shaped by that woman from the moment of my conception, and controlled by her throughout my childhood. Other than that, she was nothing more to me. Nothing but a monster, a manipulative hag who shaped me into something I was not.
As I grew old, they placed me in a facility deep beneath the ground. They trained me in the ways of battle, taught me in the ways of war, and instilled upon me the obedience of a mindless drone. Despite my conscious mind, I was weak-willed and easy to manipulate. It was an ironic reality, considering that my power relied on the strength of one's will.
I knew I was being led astray, and yet it felt so good to hear their words. Their lies. The deceit.
Each year without fail they would examine my mind. They would measure my intelligence and understanding, forcing me to answer questions in all manner of subjects. Most of these subjects were beyond my child's mind to take, showing poor results that made my mother and her team frown. They hated my supposed stupidity.
Despite that, I excelled at one thing, and that thing only. Psychic powers. I remembered the first time I grabbed something with my mind. I was 2 years old, barely able to stand upright. In my frustration, I held out my hands and pulled at one of my toys in the distance. The stuffed bear moved, hurling itself towards me with surprising speed before slamming against my body. My caretaker at the time was quick to help me, but quicker still to inform my mother that it was time.
Thus began my real training. I learned how to handle my power, harnessing the potential within me. As I grew older, so did the strength I wielded. When I was 5, I destroyed a boulder with a mere clench of my hand. When I was 10, I stopped a wave of HE shells mid-air before sending them back to the tanks that fired them. When I was 15, I pulled down a warship as it descended from orbit, slamming it into the ground and leveling an entire city.
Now I was 20, cuffed and standing alone in the middle of a vast room with bright lights focused on my person. There was a device wrapped around my neck, whizzing and flickering with small lights. It was a so-called psychic dampener, a device designed to inhibit my psychic powers. It was the reason why a crowd was gathered on the nearby stands, shouting obscenities and their demands. They felt safe to do so, thinking that I was powerless.
"Death to the monster!"
"Kill him! Kill him for the demon he is!"
"Avenge our worlds!"
The courtroom was far from peaceful as it filled even more with people, all longing and clamoring for my demise. I could not blame them, and I expected justice to be swift in its judgment of my crimes.
I was a monster, there was no denying the magnitude of my crimes. Billions lay dead on my feet, their blood an ocean in which I drowned. It took me a while to realize that I was the product of a harrowing effort to create the ultimate weapon utilizing humanity's greatest asset: the mind. Specifically, it was found that a certain mutation allowed for the human brain to control reality. Unfortunately for myself, I happened to be born with the mutation. Worse yet, it was the most potent of its kind, allowing me to shatter records, and planets.
The courtroom erupted into a further uproar as the judge and jury entered the chamber, followed by a stream of additional soldiers to keep the crowd at bay. The soldiers, formerly rebels under the banner of the Colonial Freedom Movement, looked at me with disdain. A few glared with hate. Cameras pointed in my direction as flashes of light bloomed from the crowd. Journalists spoke into their microphones, reporting live for whatever network that employed them.
The presence of so many emotional humans meant that my senses were overwhelmed by the noise of human emotion. Their hate and anger were a constant stream of pain that poured into my mind with a ferocity that - if I was any weaker - would have easily killed me via an aneurysm. It felt like I was being suffocated while being nailed multiple times by a hundred hammers.
Unbearable, and yet I bore it still.
The judge came to his stand and struck down his gavel, calling the courtroom to order and silencing the crowd. All eyes were on the judge as he cleared his throat and began to speak.
"Through the powers vested in me by the Laws of the Transitionary Government for the Restoration of Humanity, I hereby begin the hearing of Augustus Adam for multiple counts of crimes against humanity and multiple counts of war crimes too long and varied to name. This court is now in session."
The session took a mere 30 minutes. Prosecutors flooded the floor with accusations and evidence to back them up. Scenes of destruction and death were projected in 3D holographic images for everyone to see. An entire list of my atrocities was read out, only for the prosecutor to claim that it was an incomplete compilation.
It was impressive to hear and see how extensively they documented my actions through the decade-long galactic civil war. My mother told me that the colonies deserved to be brought low for their rebellion, conveniently leaving out the many, many facts of repression and inequality.
The crowd grew ever restless throughout the sham trial. I felt the intense gazes as voices rose once more. Dozens of cameras zoomed on my face, trying to see if I would react in any way. I gave them a blank expression, keeping my thoughts to myself.
If I had been the person I was a few years ago, I would have collapsed the courtroom, killing everyone inside before escaping. The psychic dampener was utterly useless. It worked on other psychics, but not on me. The gap between my powers and the others with the same power was so wide it's almost imperceptible.
But I was not my mother's son anymore. I was alone, and I felt regret. Regret for my crimes. Regret for not realizing sooner the monster I was becoming. Regret for not acting against it sooner. I was, indeed, a monster. However, no amount of repayment would be enough to make amends. I had to die.
Everyone knew I was guilty and my punishment had already been prepared beforehand. Immediate execution. When the show concluded, the judge and jury unanimously agreed on my punishment. I was to be put to death by firing squad, with what remained of my brain to be stored for further research. This was met with thunderous applause.
After the trial, I was led out into an open yard by the soldiers while the crowd surrounded us. Many were eager to kill me themselves. They pushed and shoved, trying their hardest to get through the wall of power-armor.
A bright sun greeted me as I looked at the sky. There were no clouds to offer shade for there was only the clear blue sky, and the collective cacophony of humanity demanding my blood.
I was left alone in the middle of the yard. My cuffs were removed while my dampener was tightened further. After that, a line of soldiers took positions several meters away in front of me. They raised their rifles and aimed their sights, but as they were about to pull the trigger, the world stopped.
A wave of psychic energy exploded from my person, destroying the psychic dampener around my neck before shoving back the crowd and soldiers.
I raised both my arms and looked at the crowd, their hateful eyes replaced by fear and horror. This was my mark on the human race, my legacy in history. I was a monster in a human's body, a dreadful existence that did not deserve to continue any longer.
I opened my fists, felt my head, and clenched.
My ears rang and my eyes blurred. The world slowed down as I felt my brain implode into itself. I subconsciously tried to fight back against my own attempt as two sides of the same power rammed against one another.
In the end, my will to die won. My final moments were grotesque. An implosion of flesh and brain matter, followed by a catastrophic explosion that left a crater where I stood, a violent result of me crushing matter too tightly together in a small space.
My mind was potent enough to know my final moments up until when the last threads of my consciousness were severed forever. What I did not expect, however, was to see my life flash before my eyes. It was as if I was reliving every single moment.
As the memories rolled, so too did my emotions boil. I felt anger and sadness, regret and horror. The human mind was capable of great calamity, drawn to destruction and even malice. But it was also capable of kindness and good deeds. In the end, what separated humans from other animals was our humanity, our inherent capacity to care and do good.
I realized this when I made a choice. My first ever free choice. The horrified look of my mother as I clenched down on her throat was a priceless sight. I freed myself from the clutches of a mad woman and struck her down, removing my chains. In doing so, I became a weapon no more. Merely a tool, a criminal, a monster.
Now I was not a slave to any other but my own hate and anger. Hate against myself. Anger against my actions. I could have, and should have, done better. The choice I made could've been done sooner. Billions would still be alive.
The sharp pain I felt was replaced by an icy chill. Eventually, coldness filled my mind and numbness overtook the rest of my body. The memories faded away, giving space for one more brief glimpse of the world I was soon to leave behind.
I saw myself splattered against the dusty ground as blood formed a pool around my soon-to-be corpse. My mind looked around one last time, using what remained of my power to see the world. The crowd looked in stunned silence. The soldiers walked towards me with weapons raised, themselves alert and cautious. Confusion fluttered within all their minds. Content, I closed my psychic sight, and allowed my consciousness to fade.
And on that empty, open field, I found my demise, surrounded by the people I wronged. Maybe in a different time, I would have lived a normal life. An unimpressive yet happy existence. A life of friendship. A protector of peace.
If only.
submitted by averyhyperdolphin to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 06:39 Emrys_Merlin Update to previous post (Fearful for first time in years)

Original post: Fearful for first time in years : HearingAids (
First of all, I want to give a big, warm hug to all of you who commented on the previous post with so many words of encouragement. Shed quite a few tears reading your responses!
I wanted to offer a small update as well as some clarification to anyone interested.
I recently came into a small inheritance from a passed family member, and this is primarily how the hearing aids are being paid for. Additionally, while my insurance doesn't actually cover hearing aids at all, I recently (quite literally) stumbled upon a program it has that partners with a company called TruHearing. This will be the route I take to actually get the hearing aids at a reasonable price.
This past weekend I had an opportunity to pick the brain of a friend who is an audiologist and get some further advice, though because their office doesn't work with TruHearing, I sadly won't be able to work with them.
Some of the things I'm looking for in my hearing aids:
  1. Bluetooth capability with Android phones (I have a Galaxy S22+)
  2. Preset settings I can rapidly swap to as need be.
  3. An app that I can use on my phone, as well as one with watch connectivity.
  4. My hearing loss has gotten to the point where my ability to understand and comprehend words has gotten quite severe (at my last test I scored 65% comprehension in my left ear,) so a set of aids that focus' specifically on that would be great.
  5. An in the ear aid
With all that said, they recommended the Starkey Genesis AI 2400. I did some looking and yeah, that looks like a beast of a hearing aid. Does anyone have any experience with that aid specifically or the brand in general?
Lastly, I know some of you were considered about my mental health. Again, I deeply appreciate your thoughts, and want to assure you I'm ok. It's been so long since I've had something go right for me that I think I just dovetailed into panic because it's such a weird experience for me. I am seeing a therapist, though that's been a relatively recent addition to my life (began it in January.)
I have my actual appointment this Friday and if there's any interest, I'll update here again with how things went.
submitted by Emrys_Merlin to HearingAids [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 06:39 DarthStrangelove2894 Fight Script Release Date

Hey everyone, and happy belated May the 4th. I apologize for the delay, long story on that one. Won't happen again.
I'll leave the link to the post I intended to make below, both because I think the formatting of the Fanon blog post make it look better than if I tried to put it here, and also to avoid an unnecessary wall of text here.
Alright, we're in the home stretch now. Hope you're as excited for the release as I am. Stay tuned and I'll see you next time. Signing off.
Link to DBF Wiki post)
submitted by DarthStrangelove2894 to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 06:38 Any_Tea3187 Crazy friend story time

Story time So I cut off my ex best friend back on new years after she had been repeatedly bringing me down to the point where’d I’d be in tears, gaslight me, try to humiliate me in front of any man including own brother and lied to me about impersonating someone on my instagram. To give a little context, she and I became friends last April when I met her at the funeral of a little girl (let’s call her Emma) tragically died in n accident at 11 years old. I’m not going to go in to the details of it for anonymity purposes but she was the little sister my team mates little sister and would regularly practice with us in soccer. We were fairly close, she was incredibly talented and sweet girl and what happened was truly unfair and tragic. Back to the story, I met aforementioned friend at this funeral who also happened to be the girlfriend of Emma’s brother (let’s call him Andrew, 19m). I originally followed her on instagram because Andrew talked about her all the time and she seemed really sweet and cool. At the time I was dating this guy I’d know since high school (19m) and we had happened to break up with our SOs at the same time. She originally reached out to me to ask about Andrew since I’d known him for a few years and she was heartbroken and confused as to why he left her. It was seemingly sudden according to her and she and I exchanged our tales of tragic woes and realized we got along well and found each other hilarious. We talked all the time with a lot of the dominating conversations being about Andrew, which I didn’t mind at the time and they did start to slow down but he was always somewhat a topic of conversation. Her behavior towards him after the breakup might be described as crazy, but I empathized with her as she had also gone through the tragic loss of Emma as she was always at their house and hanging out with her and the Andrew was kind of shitty about the whole thing . She would endlessly call him and text him, none of which he responded to only pushing her over the edge further. To be fair I understand where she was coming from as he really didn’t give much of an explanation but he had tried previously to break up with her repeatedly and at one point a few months after I thought theyd broken up she admitted that hadn’t actually been together three months before she told me and they were “just” hooking up. He had just gone off for college and she was still in high school. Attractive male college athlete= whore essentially so we know what that means for the poor girl left behind. Let’s call her Sophia and she’s 16. She comes across as far more mature and wise than her years and we became really close. It wasn’t until she got another boyfriend that everything changed and she got really weird. She would sometimes express rage towards Andrew but being the loyal best friend I was just tried to comfort her and be there for her. Until she went too far and said that he deserved for his little sister to die. At this point red flags went up for me. I stayed friends with her because I am spineless and I did really love her but I was definitely more cautious. A few weeks after this happened ( I had let her use my meme account to look at Andrew’s instagram profile after he blocked her) only to find out she had been MESSAGING HERSELF FROM MY ACCOUNT to try to frame Andrew’s new girlfriend of saying absolutely abysmal things in what I assumed was her trying to get rid of her to get bavk with him. At this point alarms were blaring in my head and I started to realize she was truly unstable. I stayed friends with her to try to avoid a dramatic fall out but unfortunately it was inevitable. What ended it for us started like this. I hadn’t seen her a in a few weeks when one day I came over to hang out . That day we were both supposed to go on a double date with our boyfriends, we started the day by hanging out at her house doing makeup dancing having fun etc . We left her house around 11:30 am to go have lunch with my brother at his job as they were also friends through me. She was really hungry so I went and bought all three of us lunch and smoothies coming out to about 80 dollars. I didn’t mind I like doing things for people but she didn’t even thank and me and seemed to have delved to an even worse mood after that. I asked her what was wrong and tried to comfort her but she repeatedly was lashing out at me . I just brushed it off and met my brother and we all ate lunch in the car. She was openly hitting on my brother which kind of irked me but she had quit targeting me so I let it go: at this point she realized I had started using Nicotine again and didn’t tell her. Keep in mind I hadn’t seen her for a while so I was just trying to make the most of the time we had together and I was also genuinely confused by the next events. I had quit vaping threee months ago at that point but I had recently been SAd on a public bus, was super stressed about work and depressed, leading me to start using 3mg Zyns as a coping mechanism. I was still experiencing emotional symptoms after quitting vaping (if you’re a chronic nicotine addict you know). She flipped out calling me a pathological liar, saying if she couldn’t be a reason for me to have self control she’d failed me as a friends etc etc. she also told me I was just being a baby for the trauma of being SAd (it has happened more violently in the past and reopened traumatic wounds). She told me losing Danica was nothing for me because I wasn’t Andrew’s girlfriend (uhhh she trained with us for three years). I was baffled because first of all, it’s none of your damn business if I use zyns, I fully support myself and have quit the various substances I used before she and I met to guarantee myself a good future and the way she attacked me for what I was going through that I had only recently shared stung. Hearing her talk that way to me upset me but again it was about noon at this point and we were supposed to go on a double date in five hours. We went back to her place, making a pit stop at a grocery store where she proceeded to get out of the car without saying anything to me leaving her phone behind, so I decided to just go in with her where she proceeded to act as if I didn’t exist. She started shoplifting a ridiculous amount of makeup totally out of the blue (I didn’t know she did tha) leaving me flabbergasted and trying to make sure my over age ass didn’t get in trouble. We go back to the car where I’m like wtf was that and she continues to just give me the silent treatment. She doesn’t have a car anymore so I drive her back to her house where she starts talking again acting as if everything is normal… and then her boyfriend comes over. I had never met him before and of course kept my distance , was not un friendly but not overly so and barely looking at him, keeping all my attention on Sophia. She had flipped back into this aggressive mood with me, bringing up out of the blue, my recently recurring nicotine use. She was doing my nails when she just started berating me on how I’m disgusting, I have no self control and she couldn’t believe I would lie her about using nicotine. She said no wonder no one loves you and your boyfriends have treated you like shit (keep in mind this was in front of her boyfriend I had never met 30 minutes before the new guy I hadn’t been talking to for that long came over). It was extremely awkward, I was tired and worn down by her and ultimately started crying and went out to me car. Yes pathetic I know but I was so confused I didn’t understand why This was happening. I ended up deciding to just hold it together through this Double date situation as at that point it was too late to cancel I didn’t know my guy super well yet /we had recently started dating. I drove with him to get ice cream where we met Sophia and her boyfriend. I had apologized to her for making her feel betrayed (was not really but just trying to keep everything from a dramatic spiral) and we supposedly made up. At ice cream she was weird, pretended I didn’t exist when she came in to the bathroom with me , displayed excessive pda with her boyfriend in the ice cream shop and just further ignored me make things really uncomfortable for us. Her boyfriend was being friendly to me and my guy encouraging us to all go get dinner together, I’m not sure he was really aware what was going on or if he was just trying to prevent a dumpster fire as well. We went to dinner where she continued to be all over her boyfriend, ignored me etc. I was supposed to go over to her house after the dinner was over so I went in hopes of trying to talk out this issue we were having as I was leaving the next day to go across the country for work. She ended up inviting three other girls from her work I didn’t know leaving us alone together in her room while she played pool with her boyfriend and his parents until 3am and then coming in acting like nothing happened and going to sleep with no where for me to go. I ended up going home to sleep and not texting her. She proceeded to block me on everything, only to reach out every few months and then block me again after pretending nothing is wrong and ignoring when I try to ask. She recently sent me a seemingly sincere message apologizing and inviting me to her graduation. I have been working endlessly, just broke up with my boyfriend and simply didn’t have the energy to respond Right away (she sent this yesterday). I was actually going to respond tonight before she sent me this absolutely insane 705 word message. Read below if you’re curious
Actually no. You know what? I don’t want someone like you at my party this year because of your immaturity. I’ve showed you grace, patience, kindness, and the up most respect I could possible give and you still decide to hold a grudge and be stubborn with me. Friends don’t do that and if you truly were my friend you would have never blocked me. You would have come to me before anything else no matter if we are in person or over text to work things out between us. You would have fought to keep what we had but I suppose you didn’t care about our friendship enough to even try. You just give up. What if I treated you that way? What if I just gave up on you when you were trying to make things right between us? No matter what I do, no matter what I admit, what I say, you will be selfish and have your own way. If that’s what you want to be, fine! Be petty with me, be stubborn, be rude, ignore me, treat me like I’m worth nothing to you. But just know you had someone that cared so much about you and all I wanted to do was look out for you and take care of you like a true friend. That’s why I gifted you things, paid for meals, drove over to see you, take care of you before your date, do your hair and makeup, answer your calls at a moments notice, listen to your problems, be delulu together, supported you when you were achieving your goals, like smoking and modeling, I let you borrow my things, I’d help your brother get out of the house and make some friends because you cared and worried about him. I did nothing, but care this whole time. I get upset because you began to lie to me even with little things and now I’m the bad guy? I openly welcome you into my home, but since you didn’t have my full attention you felt “unwelcomed”. You don’t even realize how much I considered you and how much I just wanted the best for you and when I saw you break your word and start smoking again acting like it was no big deal and hiding it from me at first, was what I didn’t appreciate. So yes maybe I lied to you about the Molly thing, but maybe I wanted you to feel what it was like to be lied to. The sad part is, the Molly thing did nothing to you, it never personally affected you and hurt you. It was nonsense and I guess it gave you that reason to treat me like nothing. Just know the way you’ve been treating me ever since you left has been nothing but an immature behavior that I will not tolerate anymore. If one day you come to your senses and want to work our differences out you are more than welcome too. I will always be here for you even if you call or show up at my door because you have no where to go. I will be there because even if you hurt me I still know where your heart once was and maybe still is. You’re sweet, smart, outgoing, goofy, and just down to earth. Please consider how you treat not just me, but everyone else in your life. You put up with more shit from your own mother and still will be there for her at the end of the day, so why was it so easy to just get rid of me? Didn’t I make your life easier? Wasn’t it nice to talk to me about your day? Wasn’t it nice to just have someone supporting you? Did I really deserve this? I have so many questions about how you really think about me but in the end I can’t worry about that. Just be careful and take care of yourself. I’m still one of your biggest supporters and I hope one day you can realize I’m not against you. I’m on your side. Again if you reconsider us, speak to me when you are mature enough to do so.
Based on seeing her message and my side of the story is this normal ? I felt like I was just trying to save my own sanity but she feels like I just completely abandoned her when it was literally the other way around. I also forgot to mention I told her we needed a break from each other and maybe we could be friends in a few months and talk rationally but this has nevr actually happened.
submitted by Any_Tea3187 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 06:36 IveGotIssues9918 The worst part is that I knew better all along, but couldn't put knowledge into practice.

When I was 18 and about to start college, I created a quiz for myself called "Is it a Crush of Convenience?" I have used various language to describe my pattern of spiraling into romantic fantasies of someone with little to no substantiation from reality- now I call it "limerence", even if that's not becessarily accurate, but back then they were "crushes of convenience", and, a few years later when I learned I had ADHD, "romantic hyperfixations". I rewrote the quiz two years later after my CPTSD diagnosis, but hadn't thought of or used it in a long time, assuming that, like most things I wrote 3-6 years ago, it would be largely obsolete.
I decided to test my two most recent crushes/limerence objects/whatever against the old criteria. It holds up surprisingly well, despite some of the questions being phrased weirdly and the entire test being centered around a concept that no longer quite exists in the same way. Both of them got scores of 26 under the 2020 criteria, and scores of 24 and 23 respectively under the 2018 criteria. Under the 2018 criteria, a score of 15 to 25 was: "chances are they're someone you could genuinely like outside of convenience, but the problem lies within you... try to disassociate them from those feelings of desperation and helplessness". A score of 25 to 35 was, "they're probably a crush of convenience who you've become overly familiar with... Chances are you don't know if you want to be with them, they've been playing 'now you see me, now you don't' with you, and they take up at least 40% of your psychotherapy sessions. Ask yourself: are you getting anything out of this, and is there anything about this person that is worth fighting for? If the answer is "yes", you need to have a talk with them- now, not in 3 years. If it's "no", time to pack up and move on."
The entire thing aged like extremely bitter wine. That last situation in particular got dragged out and made (by my brain) into a much bigger deal than it ever needed to be because I didn't communicate when it would have been appropriate. I wrote that almost FIVE YEARS before that happened. 18 year old me knew what I should do in such a situation, but 23 year old me couldn't do it and instead reverted to primitive, childlike hiding (well, could you even say I "reverted" when I've only ever responded to situations that way?)
This is, I think, the most frustrating part about CPTSD freeze response: the painful self-awareness. You know your behavior is maladaptive. You might even know why you engage in maladaptive behaviors. You know, or at least have an idea, of how you need to change your behavior. But you don't. It's like being in a nightmare where you're paralyzed and can't run from the monster. And the next thing you know, you're looking back at something you wrote to try to coach yourself through an issue 6 years ago, still experiencing the same issue and needing the exact same advice that you didn't apply 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, or 1 year ago and probably won't even start applying now. If 18 year old me was so wise, why on God's green earth is 24 year old me such a disappointment to myself?
submitted by IveGotIssues9918 to CPTSDFreeze [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 06:35 FEshippingBot An Emperor's Reincarnation

Read here
by leo0074
Napoleon Bonaparte, the Emperor of the French, has returned, but he's no longer who he used to be. Reincarnated as a young boy in a world too much different to his own, he must now learn to navigate the complicated political sphere that is Fodland, surviving the dangerous schemes behind the curtains and perhaps finding old allies along the way.
The ambitions of a man know no limits. Not as long as he has the perseverance and the will to bring them into reality.
Words: 1393, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
submitted by FEshippingBot to FireEmblemShipping [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 06:32 Ok_Nerve_1725 Re-reading DLS S4 for 11th time made me realise : Mehmed needed hugs and therapy + Murad was a terrible father

No, if you think I'm gonna defend his SA attempt on MC then take a chill pill because that's not gonna happen!!!!!
I might advocate how Uncle Murad was a terrible father to a child who literally went paralyzed for life. and how certain actions can cost your dear ones really badly a.k.a Lale getting nearly r*ped and traumatised for life.
First of all, what as a parent will you do to a chid if they lose their mother aka you lose a wife?
Option A: Try to raise them up by yourself. Option B : Arrange child care for them and listen to their pain Or Option C : Throw them away from your house and then call them back when you lose all your children?
Guess what our uncle did!!!
He banishes this child, doesn't even try to give him education ignores him for 9 years, no contact and has always had low hopes from his own kid because, his favorite kids died one by one like Dominoes falling plus he is the reminder of his wife's death? I mean WTF what did that child even do to you? She's dead and you should instead cope and try to make amends with your kid. Is this what good parents do? Also them he goes roasting his own wife in Season 2 that she was not smart and beautiful woman but, I felt pity
Me: Excuse me her child literally is not such reminder and also if you felt pity why banishing your child like a savage?
Are these signs of ignorant dad? Yes it is indeed. Do you think why Mehmed has esteem issues, behaviour issues, unable to talk to opposite gender in respectable manner and even erratic behaviour for no reason?
All of his sh+tty flaws are result of an ignorant, hostile charged-energy environment and seeing woman just as bodies not getting love or even a break and seeing everything as property to conquer a.k.a : Lale was gonna pay some sh*t for real and that's what makes his character even mid. I want to hate his shitty actions but, as I see this plot sometimes I feel If mental asylum were available he be patient for life and he might have changed for real but sadly 14th century there was no psychology and therapy.
The therapy you can give him is: "Awww, he's so tragic let me forgive him to fix him!" Pffft !
An irony even to see is his dream in S4E7 , Lale appears to be taking care of his mental status after her lost his "mind".
Also, this guy was satanized as a child doesn't even remember his own mother well and worse his underdeveloped hypothalamus was f*cked the day Mephis did voodoo magic on his body and mind and hence you have a psychotic son and ruler depending on your relationship with Mehmed.
Perhaps this scene and the actions of uncle literally triggered something in me and I found Mehmed more reasonable for hating his father in my case it was my grandmother. And also, this might sound F up but,
Mehmed being a b+tch makes more sense (minus the Lale is my commodity stuff) in season 1 He wants to make everyone feel sh+t and miserable like he felt for 9 yrs and when this sounds really immature he was actually an immature as 14 yr old. How many of us aren't immature or stupid as teens? If only therapy was available in this story !!
He later in his romantic path will also acknowledge his actions as immature in Season 3 episode 9
Seriously, who would think RC would trigger my life event technically I also faced same shit as child as abandoned of someone's love ?
Apparently, this is why I can't love Uncle Murad as a character one point he does something good but, then he also does something terrible too.
And yes he went old he started to realise he did wrong to Mehmed yet, they still have a strained relationship even the adult Mehmed claims in recent update how Uncle never made ammends with him and just saw him his "heir" but not in a loving manner but just a placeholder.
Also, to rub more wounds of his he literally treats Vlad and Aslan with more love and as his own children and respect over his own flawed child. Look I have nothing against these two. They also had traumatic childhood but, they did had some supportive people in their life despite having sad times.
Like Aslan had Lale's mother who approved his friendship with her daughter and this is the reason why he wasn't treated badly and hostility.
Vlad had siblings who loved him, a noble dad and a cherishing mom and when Vlad was kept as captive he had Lale and Aslan to prevent him from going nuts.
What did Mehmed had? Sh#tty people who just kept on reminding him as a bad omen. Until Hasan dies it then takes people to see him as something now but, still there were people in his own army who saw him as a fool, moron or worse too much psychotic.
Moral of the story: Don't throw children out when they need you the most or else be ready to have consequences and a very rough and evil offsprings. Also, please seek therapy and also Women CAN'T FIX YOUR MENTAL psychosis!! Since, this is fictional and not real life we let it go!!
Also, Mehmed is very complex character You can see him as sh#t You can see him as tragic You can see him as an asshole You can see him as a predator You can see him as a cooperative member You can see him as a character who can improve.
Reasons: Different perception different outlooks by fans and this is a reason why I think he has such divided fandom response.
Thank you !
submitted by Ok_Nerve_1725 to RomanceClubDiscussion [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 06:32 Pretend_Paper9232 Is it signs or?

I (15F, Mexican) and the guy i like (15M, Black)we’re both in high school. i swore i noticed signs but everytime i did he always liked a girl that wasn’t me, the biggest signs that i took notice to were: -2 weeks ago he took my phone and was just on shein right and he knows i like hello kitty so he starts scrolling for hello kitty stuff and adding to my cart, the position we were in didint allow me to see what was on my phone so i laid on him, he didint say anything about that, didint even tell me to get off him. -i recently dyed my hair and he’s been touching it nonstop and has asked to braid it multiple times , but maybe that’s just him liking the color. -everytime we talk he always has to put his hands on me no matter what even if it’s once he just touches me randomly. -today we were in class and i took my friends blush and was going to put it on him usually he won’t let me ,he will do whatever it takes so i don’t put it on him but today he back up alittle and then leaned forward, and when i grabbed his face he didint say anything about that. -whenever we sit together he always has to learn towards me even if his best friend is beside him, he will always lean towards me. -this guy i don’t like would come up and talk to me when im around the guy i like and my friends and i get nervous because i don’t know how to talk to him so the guy i like literally tells him to go somewhere else and like tries to get him away. -he showed me these lyrics to a song that said “ your the baddest b) i know, i won’t find someone like you, im the best n-word you know, you won’t find another n-word like me” and it’s funny how that’s the lyrics he decided to show me but maybe im reading into it to much
i am mentally not able to tell if these are signs or if it’s just him being nice, but i know the girls he’s friends with and i don’t see him acting like that either then so either im clueless or he’s just a really nice person
submitted by Pretend_Paper9232 to Crushes [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 06:31 Electronic-Unit8414 I hate being transgender…

I hate being transgender so much. I hate knowing that my life is the punchline to jokes, the thing that gets people talking in the office and halls. I hate knowing that my gay relationships probably won’t seem that gay to the other person. I hate how I’m a fetish. But I look in the mirror and I see a boy. I see a boy staring back at me. Not just how I dress and present… it’s those eyes… my eye. They are one of a boy. I don’t care what biology says, I don’t care what’s in it pants or how my bones are. All I see is a boy. Even with long hair and a skirt. Even with dyed hair and those old grampa sweaters. I’m a boy. I even look better as a boy. God did I look so BAD as a ‘girl’. I hated my looks. I didn’t even look like a girl, I have to many natural masculine traits that I didn’t look good as a girl. But I look in the mirror wearing a masculine shirt with short hair and all I see is a handsome boy. BUT I HATE IT. I hate how I like it. I hate the intense amount of joy I feel when I am called ‘bud’ by the guy that works at the book store. I hate how much joy I feel when I finally was intrest in something that was “boyish”. I hate being trans, I hate it. I don’t want to be it. I don’t want to fear that at any moment I’ll be jumped just because I have short hair and boobs. I hate it. I hate it even more that most of the things I hate about it are also things I hate about being autistic, yet one I can hide better then another if I just did so. I hate being trans. I hate it. I FUCKING HATE IT. I hate the stupid mirror, my brain.
Ps: not saying your ugly if you have masculine features. I’m just to lazy to care about my looks and it just so happens I naturally have a masculine face.
submitted by Electronic-Unit8414 to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 06:30 MuchVery1 [INT][XP][Clan] Join The Star-Seekers!

Who are The Star-Seekers?
We are an Australian-based Clan dedicated to helping new and veteran Tenno alike. No matter your country, platform, or experience, we welcome you!
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How can I join?
Simple! Join this Discord server and myself or another admin will get you into the Clan as soon as possible.
I hope to see you there!
submitted by MuchVery1 to warframeclanrecruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 06:30 AnonBunnyGoblin AIO by thinking that I was groomed or is it my BPD acting up again?

I am currently a 20 year old female. I have suffered from multiple mental illnesses one of which is Borderline Personality Disorder. This has been diagnosed by a phsyciatrist. If you don't know this disorder can cause me to overreact, usually in anger and cause me to hold a grudge for a long long long time. Needless to say I don't have a good grasp on my emotions. Especially my anger.
When I was 16 years old I met this guy on an app called Zepeto. We will call him M. M was 19 years old at the time. I had a massive crush on M. I told him that I did. He made it clear that it was weird for me to have a crush on him, because of our age gap. He was aware of my age. However despite knowing that it was weird he did not flat out reject me. Infact he flirted with me and illuded to him returning my feelings. However we never officially dated. I am of the opinion this is so nobody would be looking at him sideways for dating a minor. Regardless he still treated me as a romantic partner. However he would also flirt with other women right in front of me. This caused me to think he was just leading me on. I flat out asked him if he liked me or not and to just reject me if he didn't so I could move on. He avoided the question and refused to answer. He didn't reject me or my advances. This continued for a couple of months. One day he asked me if we wanted to meet up on Halloween night 2020, specifically to have sex. I, of course, was completely down for it. At this time I had started to act out and start to warn girls that he was flirting with that he leads people on, because at this point he had been leading not just me, but multiple people on for months. So I warned people about him. This caused resent from him towards me. So he called off our meet-up. When he did the reason he said he called off our meet up was and I quote "You don't put your dick in crazy, she'll slash my tires when I go to leave in the morning." Meaning he, an adult, wanted to meet me, at the time a minor, for sex and then leave immediately in the morning. I am of the opinion that this was grooming. However I don't know if the amount of grooming accusations that ended up happening in the recent years has warped my perception of what grooming is and if my BPD is making me see this man in the worst light possible. This man has done more to me that is just assholish aside from what I believe is grooming, but since I am not sure about the grooming that information is the only one I decided to provide.
I did not come to the realization that I may have been groomed by this man right away. I didn't come to that conclusion until I was 20. The same age I am as of the time I write this post. What do you think? Am I overreacting?
submitted by AnonBunnyGoblin to AmIOverreacting [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 06:29 717borderlinebby i don’t know what to do…

okay so this is a lot to digest and i’m genuinely asking for advice on how to quit my nanny job. but it’s not as easy as quitting. i’m going to use false age and profession to protect their identity as much as possible.
so, I started working as a nanny for a family of two children and they’re older parents (in their 40s and 50s) and they have a two boys. they have a three year old and a nine year old. I was super excited to work with the family because the mom is super into things that I’m into as well and we share the same hobbies and we instantly clicked. The dad was never a major concern for me. He’s not really present and I honestly don’t care for him.
about six months ago, I started noticing really violent and deviant behaviors coming from the nine-year-old towards his three-year-old brother. I mean sexual deviancy and straight up abusive behaviors towards his baby brother. I’m a childcare provider. I’ve been working professionally in schools for about seven years now I’m a mandated reporter, licensed BT and I do freelance nanny for this family for supplemental income
when I first started seeing these behaviors, I immediately would text or tell the parents the day it happened when they got home from work. the behaviors would sometimes happen multiple times a week and I would bring it up to the parents attention, but they just didn’t seem to care about it…like they would laugh and act like it’s normal. it left me feeling very confused and frustrated to see them react so care free about the types of behaviors.
The nine year-old will face plant the three old brother into the hardwood floor, bite his cheek till he bruises, beat him with a metal rod or just push him hitting wise until he sees his brother cry. I know that horsing around with your siblings is normal but intense violence like this is not common, ESPECIALLY amongst siblings that are not in the same peeage group. I also know that in early childhood (roughly ages 4-puberty) you are developing sexually and you’re curious and you’re exploring. Again, i want to say it is NOT normal to have the urge to experiment with siblings, on top of that, others that are not in your peer group.
I’m a firm believer in not shaming kids for safe solo exploration of their sexuality because i know it can cause long-term effects of shame with sex. but this is beyond that. and I cannot have that approach towards this behavior. multiple times I have seen the nine year old trying to touch his brothers penis, fondle his brothers penis, or force his penis upon his brother. The last straw for me was when I was watching them take a bath and he was rubbing his penis against on his little brother’s foot and I immediately said “I’ll never allow you to do that to your brother, get out the bath tub. that is not okay”and his response was “but it feels good” and I said “you need to do that alone in your own privacy, but I’ll never allow you to hurt your brother.”
His brother will cry and whine whenever these behaviors happen. and what really shook me was a couple weeks ago I saw the three-year-old reaching for inside of his brothers pants…The three-year-old has been having intense behaviors of biting and hitting at the daycare. Since I’m protecting his age, he still at an age where he’s unable to talk so I don’t really know what is going on his mind. but of course he’s frustrated and confused because he’s probably thinking “why is my brother trying to touch me like this? Why is my brother hurting me?”
i have told the parents every single incident, over 10 times now that this has happening when I’m reporting back to them about the kids day and stuff.
I know this is a little sporadic and all over the place but I’m just genuinely so confused and overwhelmed because i feel the only way I can protect these children and help is by staying there but it’s eating me alive mentally. not only that but i feel extremely uncomfortable having to witness this.
he parents don’t care enough. They’re very self-absorbed and they both work as lawyers(again false job to protect identity). when i first began working they were aware of all of my ongoing experience with children who have behaviors and they see so excited like yes please help us blah blah blah. but ignore EVERYTHING I SAY ABOUT CORRECTING THE BEHAVIORS. they are absent parents. they are very self indulged. i feel they genuinely don’t even want to have kids. just the thought of it was nice. the dad acts helpless whenever the wife isn’t home he asks me to stay still a certain time but will extend it even longer. by the way i’m currently working a full time job on top of this in a school as a 1on1 aide. so my energy levels are so low and i genuinely have no tolerance for helpless adults.
so continuing to more behaviors, the nine-year-old says extremely inappropriate things comfortably in front of me and his mother and his mom doesn’t seem to care. one day, we were watching an innocent funny cat compilation video on youtube and there was a cat poking its head out of a fake fish masks mouth and he says “that’s what a mouth looks like when it’s sucking a penis.” another time the mother and I were talking and I said the word “gay” and he was like “gay?” while grinning. and the mom said “yeah do you know what it means if someone’s gay?” and he says “yeah I know that gay people moan a lot.”
I caught him watching animated soft Pokémon porn on YouTube and he got extremely frustrated and said “this is my personal time” yet, he was watching it at the kitchen table…. i told his parents and they did not address it in any way shape or form. they give him hours of unsupervised youtube time. i took the phone from him and I told him phone times over and if he wants to watch YouTube, he has to watch it on the TV with Me.
i’m sure there’s more i’m forgetting but these are the moments that have truly disturbed me.
so this has gone on now for a little over six months. I’ve been trying my best advocate for the children and tell the parents of the behavior, but they just don’t seem to want to give up their self-centered lives and take care of their children.
i consulted with a CPS hotline that do not report about what I should do and they have advised me to report because it is emotional neglect on the parents behalf given that I’ve reached out so many times to them and communicated with them honestly and truthfully about the behavior and they also witnessed it and they think it’s funny from what i’ve gathered. like they don’t act concerned the slightest bit.
I work with emotionally disturbed children one on one and it’s so sad to think that these kids could be one of the kids that I work with one on one some day… because their parents aren’t getting them the help that they need. I’ve asked her so many times about looking into a children’s psychologist for the nine year-old and it just seems to not get through her head and he’s also doing poorly in school. He can barely read or write. It’s just extremely heartbreaking.
I’m at a dilemma with how to approach her and cut ties. i feel so fearful and obligated to stay. like I wanna have a sit down talk with her and tell her how I feel and what I’ve observed and that it’s breaking my heart too much and she needs to do some serious investment in her kids or else I will report her. because I know as a Mandated report I am liable to make reporting of anything in this nature because I can come back and bite me. and i know for a fact i would’ve immediately reported that behavior if i saw it anywhere else. also it just feels like i’m talking to a brick wall if i keep bringing these things to their attentionand they don’t care enough?? then clearly then the next option is obviously consulting with a professional, and getting professional help because I can’t open their eyes enough.
i’m hearing multiple opinions from those in my life that I should just quit and not have the big conversation OR if I have the big conversation, continue to work for them and support throughout that time of putting the nine-year-old and therapy and stuff. but I’m just so sick and tired of being around self-centered people who don’t give a fuck.
I genuinely feel in the ONLY one who can protect these children, especially the three-year-old. because I don’t know what’s happening when I’m not there and they’re unsupervised. but all I know is that he’s doing those things while he’s being supervised by me so I know it’s just a cry for help. The mom hasn’t shared anything with me about him being touched, but I’m starting to begin to think something has happened to him like that. because there’s no way he’s that deviant without some sort of sexual trauma.
so I am just reaching out here to get some unbiased advice on what I should do. I went to work today and she was so excited to see me because I just came back from a vacation. I just couldn’t find the right opening to talk to her about it , and I still really don’t know what to say. I don’t know if my approach should be very clinical and structured and professional or if it should be just more so like “I love you. This is too much for me. Please get your kids help and I have to go.”
help please!
submitted by 717borderlinebby to Nanny [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 06:29 Specialist-Fruit-559 From Colombia

Hi, I was wondering if someone can help me with my English. I've been learning for 5 months or so. I can say basic things, but I got bored learning by myself because I don't have any friends that speak English or that are learning English, and it's quite discouraging. Im 19 years old. I also know basic things in Minecraft.
There is no problem if know wants to play with me, but for any chance can i Join in your server hopefully a server that play at night.
is there anyone who want to play with me. We can use just chat (no VC) in the game if you want write instead. Thanks.
submitted by Specialist-Fruit-559 to MinecraftBuddies [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 06:28 ThrowawayAccuseAbuse UPDATE: I (29M) have been compared to a known abuser on social media by a woman I volunteer with (42F).

Link to original:
Well, they fired me.
I tried to find a middle ground with the advice given to me, specifically that I'd fulfill my obligations and then leave. That did not work out.
We had a number of meetings, and a lot happened, but the highlights are that on the day they were meant to pick up some stuff from my apartment, my girlfriend was hospitalized, so I offered to just put everything in the hall or with the front desk so they could swing by a few minutes later to pick up, or reschedule to another day. They declined both options, and I had to stay home and wait for them to load everything, while I was on the phone with her family so I couldn't help.
Another highlight is that Jane kept following me around at every meeting and finding any excuse she could to be next to me. She stared at me a lot, and it creeped me out. I didn't say anything, though.
One of the two events I was obligated to happened, and I tried to do my absolute best work that I could do. A lot of people told me how impressed they were, how they wanted to see more, and I made it clear that I would be stepping back for a time, 'soon', but that I was appreciative of the praise.
My girlfriend, thankfully out of the woods now, bought a ticket to the event when she received an email from leadership of the organization, telling her she needed one to get in. I contacted the hosts to request a refund, and they complied, as they were confused, given that I had purchased a ticket for her months ago.
Prior to the event, I was asked questions regarding setup of some tech for the event. I'm not technologically savvy, I have big hands and tend to break things, no matter how gentle I try to be, and I really don't understand a lot, to be frank. This person who I didn't know asked if they could do something that I didn't understand, and I said "Sure, whatever you need to do to make it work I guess. Just don't put it on me, and try not to bother [the leadership], they're overworked right now, if you don't have to."
Today, after responding to a few calls from people who were at the event, I got a call from the secretary. They told me that we were "officially parting ways".
The reason they gave was that I apparently condoned illegal activity and tried to keep it secret from leadership. I'm still not clear on what they were on about. I simply asked, is there anything else?
Apparently, there were many complaints about me, here are a few:
None of these are true, and many of them are even more damaging to my reputation than the analogy by Jane. You all were right, I should have left before, rather than fulfilling my obligations. I won't make the same mistake ever again. Reputation over obligation, from now on.
My girlfriend is once again mad at me, especially since I apparently am not upset enough. But to be honest... I don't really care that I've been kicked. I got everything I could get out of them, including something to fill my CV while I was recuperating, and guess what? It paid off, and I'm finally going back to work starting in the fall!
On the phone call with the secretary, I didn't defend myself. I only asked if there was anything else they could tell me, and thanked them for their time, and wished them a nice evening once we were done. Well, there was one other thing.
At the event, I was last minute forced to give a speech on a topic I'm very passionate about. It was about 40 minutes, originally meant to be a multi person thing, but everyone else (the leadership of the org, to be frank) dropped out, leaving me to do it all myself. My old "boss"- let's call him Frank- showed up. Frank was the big honcho at the event, so the leadership people pulled him aside as I was about to get started, and asked him for pictures. I didn't want to disrespect him, so I waited for them to finish. They took pictures for 14 minutes, and eventually, he forced his way out and into my audience.
I began my talk, and the leadership hung around. They started having a loud conversation in the back of the room, knowing that I was not at a microphone as that room did not have microphones, so they were interfering with the audibility of my words. Frank got up, and 'politely' asked them to be respectful and quiet.
They kept talking, and even got louder. Towards the end, Frank was red as a tomato, and he got up again, and this time I heard him yell at them- "Shut the F*CK up, this ain't about you!" After I was done, he apologized for their behavior (he doesn't know them), and told me I was looking great, and that he's looking forward to working with me again. I started crying, which I shouldn't have done, but hearing Frank say that was so special to me.
On the phone call with the secretary, I asked if there was any issue regarding my talk. They acted like they had no idea what I was talking about. But they knew.
So now I'm twiddling my thumbs until I go back to work, and trying to fix things with my girlfriend. She's suffered the most here, she didn't deserve this stress. I'm hopeful that as my career restarts, I'll be able to move on past this blip, without worry. My only fears are regarding my girlfriend's worry, and what my former colleagues might say about me behind my back to denigrate my reputation.
But all I can do is move on. So that's what I'll do.
Tl;Dr: They fired me based on a bunch of things that were conflated, but I don't really care anymore.
submitted by ThrowawayAccuseAbuse to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 06:28 Salty-Impression9843 Proof that Iskon was predicted in scripture

Padma Purana 6.194.55-57 states— श्रीमद्भागवतालापो ज्ञानयज्ञः शुकोदितः भक्तिज्ञानविरागाणां सुखदः प्रतिभाति नः कलिदोषा इमे सर्वे श्रीमद्भागवत ध्वनेः प्रभीताः प्रलयायंते सिंहशब्दाद्वृका इव ज्ञानवैराग्यसंयुक्ता भक्तिः प्रेमरसावहा प्रतिगेहं प्रतिजनं सुखक्रीडां करिष्यति “All these sins of Kali, afraid of the sound of Srimad Bhagavata Purana, run away like wolves at the roar of lion. Bhakti, along with Jnana and Vairagya, producing the feeling of joy in each house, in each person, will sport happily.” In the Padma Purana, 6.194.13-16, SriNarada Muni says— तथापि चिंतां मुंचत्वमुपायं चिंतयाम्यहम् कलिना सदृशः कोऽपि युगो नास्ति वरानने तस्मिंस्त्वां ख्यापयिष्यामि गेहे गेहे जने जने अन्यधर्मांस्तिरस्कृत्य पुरस्कृत्य महोत्सवान् यदि प्रवर्त्तये न त्वां तदा दासो हरेर्नहि त्वदन्विताश्च ये जीवा भविष्यंति कलाविह पापिनोऽपि गमिष्यंति निर्भया हरिमंदिरम् येषां चित्ते भवेद्भक्तिः सर्वदा प्रेमरूपिणी “O Bhakti Devi, there is no age like Kali because you will be established in every house and in every heart. Hear my vow. If I do not preach your message, subdue all other religions and make devotional festivals predominant, then I shall not be considered the servant of Lord Hari. In Kali-yuga those people who follow you, even if they are sinful, will attain Lord Krishna’s abode without fear. After saying so to Bhakti Devi, Narada tried to awaken her two sons namely Jnana (Gyan) and Vairagya, but he failed to do so. He went worried and meditated on Krishna, after doing so, a divine voice was heard to him which said:
Padma Purana 6.194.34— गमिष्यति क्षणाद्भक्तिः सर्वतः प्रसरिष्यति “Bhakti movement will spread everywhere in the world.” Note— All these translations are taken from Motilal Banarsidass edition Skanda Purana (Bhagavata Mahatmya)— नन्दनन्दनरूपस्तु श्रीशुको भगवानृषिः ।। श्रीमद्भागवतं तुभ्यं श्रावयिष्यत्यसंशयः ।। तेन प्राप्स्यसि राजंस्त्वं नित्यं धाम व्रजेशितुः ।। श्रीभागवतसंचारस्ततो भुवि भविष्यति ।। “The great, powerful sage Sri Suka is the very image of the son of Nanda. There is no doubt that he will recite Srimad-Bhagavatam for you. By this, O king, you will attain the eternal abode of the Lord of Vraja. And thenceforth, Srimad-Bhagavatam will be transmitted throughout the world.”
Lord Vishnu says, in Devi Bhagavatam Upa Purana 9.7.16-54— “O Padme! O Lovely-eyed One! You are most innocent; so part of your part will go to Bharata and be the Padmavati river and you will be the Tulasi tree. After the expiry of five thousand years of Kali Yuga, your curse will expire. Again you all (Ganga, Saraswati, Padmavati or Laxmi) will come to My abode. O Padme! …. The saint worshippers of My mantra who will perform their ablutions in your water will free you all of your curse by touch and sight. O Fair One! By the sight and touch (Darsan, Sparsh) of My bhaktas (devotees), all the sacred places of pilgrimages in the world will be purified. For uplifting and sanctifying the holy earth, always chanting my names, they are devoted to Brahma, all are residing in Bharata. Where My Bhaktas reside and wash their feet, that place is undoubtedly reckoned as the holy places of pilgrimages. So much so that by the sight and touch of My devotees, the murderer of a woman, of a cow, of a Brahmin, the treacherous and even the stealer of the wife of one’s Guru will be sanctified and liberated while living. Those who do not perform the vow of Ekadasi, who do not perform Sandhyas, who are Nastikas (atheists), the murderers, all are free of their sins by the sight and touch of My devotees. By the sight and touch of My devotees, those who live on their swords, pens, and the royal officials, the beggars in a village and the Brahmanas who carry (deal in) bullocks are also freed of their sins. The traitors, the mischief makers of their friends, those who give false evidence, those that steal other’s trust properties, are also freed of their sins by the sight and touch of My devotees. Those who are foul-mouthed, bastards, the husbands and sons of unchaste women are all purified by the sight and touch of My Bhaktas. Maha Laksmi said :– “O Thou gracious to faithful attendants! What are the characteristics, the marks (Symbol) of those Bhaktas of Thine that Thou hast spoken of just now? whose sight and touch destroy instantly the Mahapatakas (five great sins), that are destroyed after a long time by the water of the Tirthas and the earthen and stone images of the Gods? The sins of the vilest of men, devoid of Hari bhakti, vain and egoistic, cheats, hypocrites, slanderers of saints, vicious souls are destroyed by your Bhaktas, whose touch and ablations sanctify the sacred places of pilgrimages; by the touch of the dust and water of whose feet, the earth is purified; whom the Bhaktas of Bharata always pray to see; and there is nothing higher than the meeting of those Bhaktas.” Suta said :– “O Great Risi! Thus hearing the words of Mahâ Laksmî, the Lord smiled and began to speak about the secret things or the symbol of the Bhaktas.” “O Laksmi! The marks of the Bhaktas are all mentioned very hiddenly in Srutis and Puranas. These are very sanctifying; destructive of sins, giving happiness, devotion, and liberation. These are never to be described to deceitful persons; these are the essences and to be kept hidden. But you are very simple and like my life. I therefore speak to you. Hear. O Fair One! All the Vedas declare him to be holy and the best of men, in whose ears are pronounced from the mouth of a Guru, the Visnu mantra (Hare Krishna Maha Mantra). At the very moment of his being born into this world, one hundred generations back of that person, whether they be at that time in heaven or hell, get instantaneous liberation and if any of them happen to be born then as Jivas, they become liberated at once while living and finally get Visnupadam (the place of Visnu). That mortal is My Bhakta (devotee) who is full of devotion to Me, who always repeats My glories and acts according to My directions, who hears with all his heart My topics, and hearing which, whose mind dances with joy, whose voice gets choked and tears incessantly flow out from whose eyes, who loses his outward consciousness. Such a man is indeed, My Bhakta. My Bhaktas do not long for happiness or Mukti, or the four states of liberation, Salokya, Sayujya, Samipya and Sarsti, nor they want to merge into Brahman, nor the Devahood; they want only to do Seva (service) to Me and they are solely intent on doing this. Even in dreams they do not desire the Indraship, Manuship, the state of Brahma so very difficult to be had; nor do they want the enjoyment of kingdoms and heavens. My Bhaktas roam in Bharata, eager to hear My glories, and always very glad to recite My sweet glorious deeds. The birth of such Bhaktas in Bharata is very rare. They purify the world and go ultimately to My abode, the best of all Tîrthas (sacred places). Thus I have spoken O Padme! all that you wanted to hear. Now do as you like. Then Ganga and others all went to obey the order of Sri Hari, Who went to His own abode.” Interesting to note, ISKCON also came after 5000 years of Kali passed away.
In Brahma-Vaivarta Purana, Krsna-Janma-Khanda, chap. 129, 49-60 we find the narration of the departure of Lord Krsna from this world and how all the holy rivers headed by the personified Ganges approached Him. Ganga Devi said: “O Lord, best of lovers, now that You are going to the supreme abode, Goloka, what will our situation here in this age of Kali?” The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: “Sinful people will come to you and upon bathing will give you their sins. You must remain like this on earth for 5,000 years of the age of Kali. O Ganga, there will be many devotees worshipping Me by My mantra, and merely by their touch, glance and bathing all those sins will be immediately burnt.” “They are more dear to Me than My life, who everyday meditate only on Me. The air and fire become pure simply even by their indirect touch. For 10,000 years of kali such devotees of mine will fill the whole planet. After the departure of My devotees there will only be one varna [outcaste]. Devoid of My devotees, the earth will be shackled by kali. Saying this Krishna departed.” Next reference will be from the most ancient texts of Sri Vaishnavism (the Ramanuja Sampraday).
Tiruvaymoli (5.2.1—2), a section of the Divya Prabandha, Sri Nammalvar PurvAcarya of Sri Sampraday says— poliga poliga poliga! poyitru valluyir ccapam naliyum naragamum nainda namanukkingu yadonrum illai kaliyum kedum kandu kolmin kadalvannan budangal manmel maliya ppugundisai padi adi ulidara kkandom kaņtöm, kantom, kantom; kannukku igiyana kantom; toner! ellirum vārir; jutu jutu negro Arttum; vaņțu är taņ am tuļāyān mātavan pūtankaļ manmel pan-tāp păți niņru, ați, parantu tirikinranave. Victory ! Victory ! Victory ! I behold something wonderful : all the inauspiciousness of the living entities is destroyed, no one is going to hell, Yamaraja has no more any work, and the effects of Kaliyuga ceased to exist. This is because all over the world an increasing number of Lord Vishnu’s devotees sing his names while dancing and playing musical instruments. Seen, seen, seen we have indeed, sights feasting the eyes! Devotees of Matavan, donning tuļaci garlands, cool and nice, Studded with honey, are ambling about all over the place, Singing songs tuneful and dancing merrily; Come, one and all, Ye, pious men, revere them we shall and revel to our heart’s fill.
Divya Prabandha 1.10— “There will come a race which will tread the Earth with raised hands and vertical tilaka on their foreheads, who will chant the names of Hari; this will destroy the influence of Kali.” Is this evidence to support Iskon or am I wrong
submitted by Salty-Impression9843 to hinduism [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 06:26 Mediocre-Yam- How to control obsession? (how to NOT be the woman from baby reindeer)

I think I have obsessive tendencies and I just despise this part of me. Idk how to stop it but I desperately want to. For context: I only been in love one time before, I remember was how freaking painful and stressful it was to not be able to get someone off your head, to wake up with them in mind and then go to sleep with them in mind. Just the most agonizing feeling ever. Also it’s filled with anxiety, everything that reminds me of them or reminds me of love shocks my body with a wave of anxiety that is almost painful. It got to an awful point where I became a legit stalker, I don’t want to go into too much detail because it’s something I’m not proud of, not even one bit. But following this person around in circles like a freaking vulture just praying on him. Taking pictures and stuff. Constantly researching trying to get every piece of information about him, via the internet or even stealing his personal stuff. It almost felt like something I HAD to do in order to feel relief, like I couldn’t stop myself despite how gross I felt about it. It’s disgusting behavior and I am so ashamed that this even happened.
That was 5 years ago, the experience was so stressful and made me feel so much disgust for myself I just didn’t care for looking for a partner I just wanted to live my life in peace with no romance because love is an awful feeling that I cannot control no matter what I do.
But now no clue how it happened again, it’s so unstoppable, I did not want this to happen at all but it came to me in such a sneaky way I didn’t even see it approaching until “um fuck I’m actually in love again” and I hate it so much. It feels just like it did before.
I’m anxious all the time, it’s the same body striking anxiety that makes me sweat and shiver and feel as if I was ill. I need to constantly see this person and know what she is doing. Constantly looking her I can’t stop thinking about her and trying to push me away makes me ache. The difference is I actually know the person this time, and I just can’t control myself when it comes to texting her and checking on her and just being all over her all the time. Everything she says to me makes me panic, every single word or text needs to be dissected carefully and everything she does means “she hates you” no matter what, she could be kissing me and all I would feel is she hates me and wants me away and all I want and need is to leach onto her and not let go. Today I had such a scary thought “ I feel if I had a little screen where I could just watch her go through the day, then I wouldn’t have to worry and feel better just knowing what she is doing. If I could just monitor her all the time I wouldn’t feel this pain” When I thought that I jumped back. I don’t want to be this way. I started watching the baby reindeer show and when I say the buss stop scene when she just waited every day watching it made me feel sick to my stomach. I don’t want to be like her even tho I understand how she feels I just hate it so much. I don’t want to be this how do I stop this?
TLDR: Love feels awful and uncontrollable, I’m a fucking stalker and I don’t want to be, how do I make it stop how can I feel normal??
submitted by Mediocre-Yam- to love [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 06:25 Outside_Seesaw_396 Comparison of Two Torture Scenes:Yen and Triss (Spoiler Alert of the Witcher 3 and books)

In the game, both Yennefer and Triss have conducted interrogations to obtain information.
To track down the whereabouts of Dandelion, Triss interrogated an enemy spy.
To find out about Ciri's location, Yennefer interrogated Skellige, who had once saved Ciri.
Regarding the latter, hardly anyone ignores it, as it powerfully showcases Yennefer's character and, of course, sparks countless controversies and discussions.
However, the former does not receive much attention.
Nevertheless, there are many details in these two interrogation scenes that can be observed and compared.
First of all, after the interrogation scenes, players can choose to show concern for Triss or Yennefer, or they can confront them and express their disapproval.
However, strangely, for Triss's scene, the options for confrontation and concern are mutually exclusive. You can only choose one: "Triss, are you okay?" or "You were really ruthless today."
On the other hand, with Yennefer's scene, the options are completely open, allowing you to choose them one by one.
Options include:
-"Let's get out of here quickly" (the only mandatory option)
-"What's wrong with this garden?"
-"You should be more sympathetic to him."
Why is there such a difference?
Let's try playing through it once, and we'll be able to understand the mystery behind it.
If you show concern for Triss and ask her how she feels after the interrogation, her response would be: "Despicable, cruel, and filthy."
I personally don't quite understand why someone would feel morally "despicable, cruel, and filthy" for torturing an enemy to save a friend. Could it be that my moral standards are too low?
Or perhaps, is Triss's moral standard so high that it has reached the level of a saint?
Who could have imagined that such a saintly Triss could still be criticized?
If you choose to confront her, you'll get the more saintly Geralt!
To this confrontation, Triss's response is quite aggrieved: "I just wanted to get revenge."
If you carefully analyze it, you'll find that this answer contradicts her previous evaluation of being "despicable, cruel, and filthy."
If one wants revenge, one wouldn't feel it's despicable or filthy.
If one feels it's despicable and filthy, one shouldn't be obsessed with revenge.
If both answers coexist, it will only make Triss appear hypocritical.
Therefore, players can only ask one of these two questions to get a stable, non-superimposed version of Triss.
But this also shows that Triss's character is inherently uncertain. Whether she's a saint or an ordinary person with revengeful intentions depends entirely on the player's choice. She is flexible, malleable, and can be defined by the player.
Let's take a look at Yennefer's situation.
If you show concern for Yennefer, she will use a vivid metaphor to describe the feeling of using necromancy for interrogation.
It's like "cockroaches crawling around in your mouth or swimming in a cesspool."
You can see the difference here. Yennefer's response focuses primarily on physical sensations, while Triss's feelings center on the moral level.
One used unethical necromancy to brutally torture a harmless spirit, yet showed little moral reflection afterwards.
The other, in order to save a friend, interrogated an enemy using conventional methods, yet was deeply tormented by guilt. She felt tense and uneasy, her moral threshold plummeted, and her self-perception was precariously on the brink. She was desperate enough to seek solace by taking a bath and getting drunk.
This comparison reveals that in character development, Triss is crafted towards the direction of a "morally perfect" saint.
(In another scene, Triss openly expresses disdain for the use of necromancy, forming a stark contrast with Yennefer, further emphasizing her tendency towards moral perfection.)
On the other hand, Yennefer's portrayal aims to de-moralize her, emphasizing her fearless courage in defying all moral norms. This is a typical anti-hero narrative technique.
Such an anti-hero narrative is highly challenging. With a slip, one could end up painting the character as a true villain or even a clown.
You must ensure that your anti-hero character is logically sound, self-consistent, and able to withstand scrutiny and opposition.
Therefore, Yennefer's response options cannot exhibit the same logically suspended instability as Triss's.
In both interrogations, Geralt has the option to react negatively.
Let's first take a look at Triss's situation.
CDPR directly provides an option to intervene. You can bluntly tell her, "Triss, stop."
Although reluctant, Triss still obeyed Geralt's instructions and stopped.
What are the consequences?
If Geralt doesn't play the role of a saint, the spy would reveal that his master is King Radovid.
On the contrary, he would remain tight-lipped.
In other words, Geralt's saintly personality and Triss's obedience to him can actually affect the effectiveness of the interrogation.
So, if you successfully prevent Yennefer's interrogation, according to the game's logic, you won't be able to obtain any clues about Ciri.
Ciri would die on the Isle of Mists, and the player would have to retrieve Geralt's body from a horde of drowners.
However, is it possible for Geralt to stop Yennefer?
CDPR cleverly didn't provide a direct option to intervene.
Because you can't possibly stop Yennefer, a bear mama who is desperate to find her daughter.
Still, Geralt can play the role of a saint and express his opposition throughout the process.
But Yennefer will rebuttal him every time.
If you attempt to oppose her use of necromancy, she will mock you, asking why you don't oppose premarital sex? That's also an immoral act.
If you continue to oppose her, she will patiently explain that she is worried about Ciri and feels anxious.
If you persist in your whining, don't blame Yennefer for getting angry.
To summarize, for your untimely objections and saintly accusations, Triss may feel upset but will comply.
However, Yennefer will explain her position to you, but if you want to change her mind, you can't just talk big principles. You must propose a more viable alternative solution. If you don't have one, then sorry, do as I say and don't complain.
For Triss, the interrogation that made her feel "mean, cruel, and dirty" had the main consequence of upsetting her mood, requiring a bath and alcohol to calm her nerves.
There's not much to say about that.
But I can't help but comment that all of Triss's related plotlines lack a real sense of brutality. While this undoubtedly makes her romantic options lighter, more pleasant, with fewer moral dilemmas and more rose-colored bubbles, it also makes her character relatively one-dimensional and not particularly outstanding among similar anime-style characters.
Now, let's turn to Yennefer.
The consequences of her actions are not something that can be resolved with a drink or a bath.
Geralt asks her, "This is a sacred place, the priestesses will be furious."
In fact, he maybe be concerned about Yennefer, but as a straightforward man, we all understand.
The feisty Yennefer didn't catch his concern and retorted, "I'm trying to find a solution, and you're just whining."
Geralt sighed, "I'm worried about you, Yen. Have you thought about the consequences?"
Yennefer: "Yes."
My actions throughout my life have always been driven by my own emotions and conscience, never minding the words of others.
If I can safely find Ciri, even if I lose all my reputation and am showered with slander, so be it.
Moreover, I embrace the responsibility with generosity and composure.
'I will take on everything, it has nothing to do with Geralt.'
This kind of character portrayal was once a privilege unique to the tragic yet powerful male protagonist."
In both the original work and the game, there exists a subtle contrast between the scenes of interrogation and being interrogated.
All the scenes, settings, and plotlines related to Triss are noticeably cleaner and gentler, with the moral conflicts seemingly trivial and creating a safe and soft psychological experience.
Therefore, there are rarely players who genuinely dislike Triss, as the game hardly gives you a chance to do so. (Opposition to her mainly stems from the plot point of "betraying her best friend," rather than personal dislike towards her.)
On the contrary, Yennefer's storyline is heavier, more intense, and the conflicts are sharp and unavoidable. As a player, you either deeply fall in love with this brave and determined woman or strongly dislike her for her overbearing behavior.
The end result is that Triss tends to be portrayed as a soft-hearted moral saint (a traditional female protagonist), while Yennefer trends towards being a tragic yet powerful anti-hero (a non-typical male protagonist).
Since we're talking about torture, let's also compare the scenes of Yennefer and Triss being tortured. In the book, Yennefer was imprisoned and tortured.
The CDPR developers thought this was a great scene, full of conflict, and immediately decided to replicate it.
So they made Triss suffer the same ordeal in the game.
However, when I compare the two, it becomes clear that the torture scene in the game is just a superficial imitation.
When Triss was tortured, she knew it was temporary, lasting less than one night.
But what about Yennefer? She was tortured for months, leaving her body battered, her finger joints severely deformed, and she had no idea how long the torture would continue or if anyone would save her.
When Triss was tortured, Geralt was right next door, giving her a sense of security — there's no need to even mention love, because no normal person could bear to witness such inhumane torture. Once, I maliciously intended to torture Triss, but ultimately, I could only spam the B button to fast-forward, as I couldn't mentally handle it.
But when Yennefer was tortured, humiliated, and harmed, her body and spirit pushed to their limits, where was Geralt? He was in the safe and warm Toussaint, busy fucking Vigo.
When Triss was tortured, she knew she would be seen as a hero and receive praise and gratitude, providing her with psychological compensation.
But when Yennefer was tortured, she was falsely accused and framed by the mages (even Triss refused to clear her name). The world called her an imperial collaborator (despite being a hero of Sodden). Geralt thought she betrayed him, betrayed Ciri, and hated her, resented her, and wanted to forget her.
Yennefer's situation was truly hell.
The scene of Triss's interrogation in the game once compared to Yennefer's torture in the book, suddenly seems insignificant, like a carefully choreographed show.
Before reading the original work, I felt great sympathy for Triss during my first playthrough. I even stopped the entire operation right at the door, resorting to killing indiscriminately and missing out on Dandelion's information.
But after reading the books, during my second playthrough, I endured and let her experience the entire process.
submitted by Outside_Seesaw_396 to witcher [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 06:19 raineyrellim my friend’s ex catfished as her for three years ( TW : RAPE )

i (f16) have this friend who i’ll call alexia (f15). alexia has this ex named aaliyah ( who is also f15 ). when i used to watch alexia & aaliyah hang out, i never thought their history was as dark as it was. they used to date in the past ( im not sure how long ago was it ), and the relationship didn’t end on good terms. i guess aaliyah was hurt over whatever happened & started to be obsessed with alexia. she started to spread lies on how alexia raped her, and many other horrible things. none of it was true, but it still truly affected alexia a lot. now that i’ve explained their past, let’s get into what’s currently going on.
alexia is now dating maddie (f16). maddie also used to date aaliyah, but they were never on bad terms like her and alexia. despite aaliyah still being obsessed with alexia, she was in a 3 year relationship with this girl named nina (f19). i know you’re all wondering exactly how nina ended up even dating aaliyah with the age difference. aaliyah and nina met through discord ( im assuming ) and aaliyah basically lied about EVERYTHING to nina. she lied about her age, what she looked like, etc. mind you, aaliyah was posing as alexia, who is black, and aaliyah is white.
aaliyah sent nina pictures of alexia, basically posing as her. not only that, but she was also posing as an intersex. for everyone that doesn’t know, an intersex is basically someone who doesn’t have the right body parts to suit their gender ( for example, a female having male genitals and vice versa ). aaliyah also sent fake nudes of an intersex from online to nina. unfortunately nina ended up sending nudes of herself to aaliyah.
fast forward, nina starts to get suspicious of aaliyah and if she was telling the truth about certain things to her, so ( i guess ) she found maddie’s instagram and asked maddie about everything. the truth is revealed to maddie about aaliyah posing to nina as alexia and nina finds out that aaliyah is actually white, and is only 15 years old. the sad part about all of this is nina could get in trouble with the law enforcement about this. even know she didn’t know that aaliyah was underage, she still sent nudes to a minor. nina also sent receipts of how aaliyah lied about everything in her life to her, her saying the n word ( with the hard er ) and many of other things.
maddie ended up telling me everything that happened yesterday. she also told me how what aaliyah did was basically a federal crime. she told our sheriff what happened and that’s what he told her. after finding out all of this. i have mixed feelings. i KNEW, that aaliyah was weird, but i didn’t know she was THAT weird. earlier today we were at school, and we found out aaliyah was lying about what happened to our principal. she knew everyone had found out about what she did, so she decided to lie about what was happening before it got around to the wrong people. me, alexia and maddie all went up there to tell our principal what actually happened, with all the evidence. so now there will be an investigation about this. i feel bad for alexia, but i also feel bad for nina as well. nina could end up getting in trouble for something that wasn’t her fault. on the other hand, alexia had been traumatized by aaliyah long enough. i’m sorry if this story is hard to understand, it’s still fresh and i will keep you guys updated on everything. i just wanted to hear your thoughts on the situation. i also wanted to let everyone know that i am using aaliyah’s real name in this situation due to the fact she’ll already be trouble with the law enforcement and possibly fbi about this, so there is no point of me trying to protect her.
submitted by raineyrellim to storytellingvideos [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 06:16 ThrowRA13463 Sex life issues. My(18M) girlfriend(18F) told me it's a turn off if I show interest. What do I do?

Me(18m) and my girlfriend (18f) have been together for ~2 years.
Like all teenage relationships, we had our ups and downs, a time period in our relationship where we broke up, got back together, and i was kinda toxic w her, but the sex was great, and often. she was showing so much interest in getting my attention and validation it was crazy.
Now, after we "matured" a bit, things are very steady between us, we went thru so much shit together it's unreal. We really trust and love each other, and it s great. Big words for how young i am, but i can honestly see a future with this girl.
But for some time now, i started getting rejected when i tried initiating sex.
It was so frustrating, i didn t know what the issue was, and it kept me up at night for so much time.
From having sex like everyday, or every other day, constant flirting, spicy pics, to having sex like once a week or every other week, it s fucked.
And it's not like we re on bad terms, she still wants to spend plenty of time w me, shows me constantly that she loves me, but doing "cute" stuff.
So, i decided to straight forward discuss the problem with her.
Long story short, it's a turn off for her when i show interest that i want her, it's a turn off that she s feeling like she can have me whenever she wants to, that she has to put no effort in.
And a turn on if i would not show interest.
I get the thrill of the chase. I understand her. I understand that something s sweeter when u "worked" for it. But it's so fucked, and a little bit ... toxic?
Now the problem is, i want this issue solved, and i'm down to try whatever to get back to a healthy sex life, but i have a very high sex drive, i'd be down to have sex everyday, even multiple times a day, and my high sex drive with me not being supposed to be interested in her don't really match.
So basically i'm supposed to not want her, when i do.
This situation is so confusing for me i'm at a loss for words.
What am i actually supposed to do? Like the best course of action i should take in this situation. My head is fuming.
Should I completely stop initiating stuff?
Should I convince myself that im not attracted to her and turn her down if she initiates something?(i usually do the initiating part, it's to both our liking)
Are we just not a good match on that part now that our relationship is stable and not a toxic fiesta anymore?
What the fuck.
Why are we having 50 year old couple problems at 18.
If anyone has gone through something like this, i'd GREATLY appreciate any kind of advice. Thank you.
submitted by ThrowRA13463 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 06:16 pogsorbet Kendrick mentioning an 11 year old hidden daughter might’ve been a lie to corner Drake for Not Like Us.

I posted this as a comment on another sub, but to keep it simple: it’s possible that Kendrick may have lied about Drake hiding an 11 year old as a set up for Not Like Us.
Kendrick has been moving in this beef with real strategy. When Meet The Grahams dropped to overshadow Family Matters, BBL Drizzy did as he does and immediately went to Instagram to mouth off. He prioritized the denial of this child (even stating that if someone finds this daughter, he’ll quit his rap career and work for said person), while completely ignoring the other allegations. I remember seeing various internet communities calling him out on that, like why the fuck you ignoring every other claim except the one about the daughter?
Fast forward to when Not Like Us drops, doubling down that Drake is a predator in the first minute. At this point, I don’t even care if the daughter is real or not, because to me Drake really shot himself in the foot w/ taking the time to gossip about this supposed hidden 11 year old, but not the pedo predator accusations (which at this point, I’m feeling like “your honor, he DEFINITELY did that shit”).
To my knowledge (as I wasn’t alive to live during this moment), it’s not like everyone genuinely believed Jay-Z was gobbling man meat in his mouth when Nas dissed him on Ether. Thus: it’s not too far fetched to me that Kendrick might’ve have fabricated the hidden daughter to set Drake up for Not Like Us. I mean, BBL Drizzy’s ego is too big: of course he’s worried more about looking like a deadbeat to another child over the predator accusations he assumed he could get away with.
To be fair, Kendrick also stated “Don’t tell no lies about me and I won’t tell no truths about you”. I could be way off the mark and there may actually be another child that has to suffer having Drake as a deadbeat. But what do you folks think?
submitted by pogsorbet to KendrickLamar [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 06:16 Far-Oil-797 [FOR HIRE] Graphic and Web Designer

Hi, I am a graphic and web designer who can help your business requirements. Skills are as follows:
  1. 4 years overall exp in Adobe Tools (Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere)
  2. Figma for UX/UI prototyping
  3. Have background in HTML, CSS and JavaScript
  4. Have SEO knowledge
  5. Proficient in Microsoft Tools (Word, Docs, Excel and etc.)
  6. 90 WPM Typing speed
  7. Can communicate in english fluently
What I can do for you?
  1. Graphic design (marketing posters, brochure, thank you cards, invitations and etc.)
  2. Video Edit using Filmora, Premiere, and/or Capcut (long-form, reels and etc)
  3. Web Design (UX/UI)
  4. Social Media Management (Content creation, ads, promotions)
  5. Data Entry
  6. Academics (can do your assignments and researches)
  7. Email Marketing
How much I am being rated? Depending on the task but I generally starts my job at 5 USD per hour. We'll talk for how long would the project will take and payment will be done through digital payments. (50% downpayment upon contract).
Interested? Message me! if your company thinks that I'm fitting for the role, please reach me out too. Thanks!
submitted by Far-Oil-797 to JobsPhilippines [link] [comments]