Volume of a triangular prism worksheet

The Latin Language

2008.08.27 07:36 The Latin Language

This is a community for discussions related to the Latin language.

2024.05.27 21:48 dezdog2 Need some help please

I’m running docker desktop on window 10. I installed wsl2 and Ubuntu. I did all this to set up photoprism. I used a docker compose Yml to set up and get going.
Now the problem. When the pc restarts or if I restart docker or docker down docker up - d the container starts and shows running but the little stack icon is yellow and it show 1/2 running and I cannot connect to the photoprism program. If I hit the stop button on the docker dash and restart it, it comes back up with the stack icon green and 2/2 listed. Now I can connect to photoprism . On the localhost address. And it work great. I’m thinking it has something to do with the Maria db not starting the first time. Can anyone enlighten me? I’m new to this docker stuff so big big learning curve for me. Here is my compose
Here is my compose
services: photoprism: ## Use photoprism/photoprism:preview for testing preview builds: image: photoprism/photoprism:latest ## Don't enable automatic restarts until PhotoPrism has been properly configured and tested! ## If the service gets stuck in a restart loop, this points to a memory, filesystem, network, or database issue: ## https://docs.photoprism.app/getting-started/troubleshooting/#fatal-server-errors # restart: unless-stopped stop_grace_period: 10s depends_on: - mariadb security_opt: - seccomp:unconfined - apparmor:unconfined ## Server port mapping in the format "Host:Container". To use a different port, change the host port on ## the left-hand side and keep the container port, e.g. "80:2342" (for HTTP) or "443:2342 (for HTTPS): ports: - "2342:2342" ## Before you start the service, please check the following config options (and change them as needed): ## https://docs.photoprism.app/getting-started/config-options/ environment: PHOTOPRISM_ADMIN_USER: "!!!!!!" # admin login username PHOTOPRISM_ADMIN_PASSWORD: "!!!!!!!!" # initial admin password (8-72 characters) PHOTOPRISM_AUTH_MODE: "password" # authentication mode (public, password) PHOTOPRISM_SITE_URL: "http://localhost:2342/" # server URL in the format "http(s)://domain.name(:port)/(path)" PHOTOPRISM_DISABLE_TLS: "false" # disables HTTPS/TLS even if the site URL starts with https:// and a certificate is available PHOTOPRISM_DEFAULT_TLS: "true" # defaults to a self-signed HTTPS/TLS certificate if no other certificate is available PHOTOPRISM_ORIGINALS_LIMIT: 5000 # file size limit for originals in MB (increase for high-res video) PHOTOPRISM_HTTP_COMPRESSION: "gzip" # improves transfer speed and bandwidth utilization (none or gzip) PHOTOPRISM_LOG_LEVEL: "info" # log level: trace, debug, info, warning, error, fatal, or panic PHOTOPRISM_READONLY: "false" # do not modify originals directory (reduced functionality) PHOTOPRISM_EXPERIMENTAL: "false" # enables experimental features PHOTOPRISM_DISABLE_CHOWN: "false" # disables updating storage permissions via chmod and chown on startup PHOTOPRISM_DISABLE_WEBDAV: "false" # disables built-in WebDAV server PHOTOPRISM_DISABLE_SETTINGS: "false" # disables settings UI and API PHOTOPRISM_DISABLE_TENSORFLOW: "false" # disables all features depending on TensorFlow PHOTOPRISM_DISABLE_FACES: "false" # disables face detection and recognition (requires TensorFlow) PHOTOPRISM_DISABLE_CLASSIFICATION: "false" # disables image classification (requires TensorFlow) PHOTOPRISM_DISABLE_VECTORS: "false" # disables vector graphics support PHOTOPRISM_DISABLE_RAW: "false" # disables indexing and conversion of RAW images PHOTOPRISM_RAW_PRESETS: "false" # enables applying user presets when converting RAW images (reduces performance) PHOTOPRISM_SIDECAR_YAML: "true" # creates YAML sidecar files to back up picture metadata PHOTOPRISM_BACKUP_ALBUMS: "true" # creates YAML files to back up album metadata PHOTOPRISM_BACKUP_DATABASE: "true" # creates regular backups based on the configured schedule PHOTOPRISM_BACKUP_SCHEDULE: "daily" # backup SCHEDULE in cron format (e.g. "0 12 * * " for daily at noon) or at a random time (daily, weekly) PHOTOPRISM_INDEX_SCHEDULE: "" # indexing SCHEDULE in cron format (e.g. "@every 3h" for every 3 hours; "" to disable) PHOTOPRISM_AUTO_INDEX: 120 # delay before automatically indexing files in SECONDS when uploading via WebDAV (-1 to disable) PHOTOPRISM_AUTO_IMPORT: 150 # delay before automatically importing files in SECONDS when uploading via WebDAV (-1 to disable) PHOTOPRISM_DETECT_NSFW: "false" # automatically flags photos as private that MAY be offensive (requires TensorFlow) PHOTOPRISM_UPLOAD_NSFW: "true" # allows uploads that MAY be offensive (no effect without TensorFlow) # PHOTOPRISM_DATABASE_DRIVER: "sqlite" # SQLite is an embedded database that doesn't require a server PHOTOPRISM_DATABASE_DRIVER: "mysql" # use MariaDB 10.5+ or MySQL 8+ instead of SQLite for improved performance PHOTOPRISM_DATABASE_SERVER: "mariadb:3306" # MariaDB or MySQL database server (hostname:port) PHOTOPRISM_DATABASE_NAME: "photoprism" # MariaDB or MySQL database schema name PHOTOPRISM_DATABASE_USER: "photoprism" # MariaDB or MySQL database user name PHOTOPRISM_DATABASE_PASSWORD: "!!!’nnnn" # MariaDB or MySQL database user password PHOTOPRISM_SITE_CAPTION: "AI-Powered Photos App" PHOTOPRISM_SITE_DESCRIPTION: "" # meta site description PHOTOPRISM_SITE_AUTHOR: "" # meta site author ## Video Transcoding (https://docs.photoprism.app/getting-started/advanced/transcoding/): # PHOTOPRISM_FFMPEG_ENCODER: "software" # H.264/AVC encoder (software, intel, nvidia, apple, raspberry, or vaapi) # PHOTOPRISM_FFMPEG_SIZE: "1920" # video size limit in pixels (720-7680) (default: 3840) # PHOTOPRISM_FFMPEG_BITRATE: "32" # video bitrate limit in Mbit/s (default: 50) ## Run/install on first startup (options: update https gpu tensorflow davfs clitools clean): # PHOTOPRISM_INIT: "https gpu tensorflow" ## Run as a non-root user after initialization (supported: 0, 33, 50-99, 500-600, and 900-1200): # PHOTOPRISM_UID: 1000 # PHOTOPRISM_GID: 1000 # PHOTOPRISM_UMASK: 0000 ## Start as non-root user before initialization (supported: 0, 33, 50-99, 500-600, and 900-1200): # user: "1000:1000" ## Share hardware devices with FFmpeg and TensorFlow (optional): # devices: # - "/dev/dri:/dev/dri" # Intel QSV # - "/dev/nvidia0:/dev/nvidia0" # Nvidia CUDA # - "/dev/nvidiactl:/dev/nvidiactl" # - "/dev/nvidia-modeset:/dev/nvidia-modeset" # - "/dev/nvidia-nvswitchctl:/dev/nvidia-nvswitchctl" # - "/dev/nvidia-uvm:/dev/nvidia-uvm" # - "/dev/nvidia-uvm-tools:/dev/nvidia-uvm-tools" # - "/dev/video11:/dev/video11" # Video4Linux Video Encode Device (h264_v4l2m2m) working_dir: "/photoprism" # do not change or remove ## Storage Folders: "~" is a shortcut for your home directory, "." for the current directory volumes: # "/host/folder:/photoprism/folder" # Example - "p:/photoprism/Pictures:/photoprism/originals" # Original media files (DO NOT REMOVE) # - "/example/family:/photoprism/originals/family" # *Additional media folders can be mounted like this # - "~/Import:/photoprism/import" # Optional base folder from which files can be imported to originals - "./storage:/photoprism/storage" # Writable storage folder for cache, database, and sidecar files (DO NOT REMOVE)
## MariaDB Database Server (recommended) ## see https://docs.photoprism.app/getting-started/faq/#should-i-use-sqlite-mariadb-or-mysql mariadb: image: mariadb:11 ## If MariaDB gets stuck in a restart loop, this points to a memory or filesystem issue: ## https://docs.photoprism.app/getting-started/troubleshooting/#fatal-server-errors restart: unless-stopped stop_grace_period: 5s security_opt: # see https://github.com/MariaDB/mariadb-dockeissues/434#issuecomment-1136151239 - seccomp:unconfined - apparmor:unconfined command: --innodb-buffer-pool-size=512M --transaction-isolation=READ-COMMITTED --character-set-server=utf8mb4 --collation-server=utf8mb4_unicode_ci --max-connections=512 --innodb-rollback-on-timeout=OFF --innodb-lock-wait-timeout=120 ## Never store database files on an unreliable device such as a USB flash drive, an SD card, or a shared network folder: volumes: - "./database:/valib/mysql" # DO NOT REMOVE environment: MARIADB_AUTO_UPGRADE: "1" MARIADB_INITDB_SKIP_TZINFO: "1" MARIADB_DATABASE: "photoprism" MARIADB_USER: "!!!!!!!!" MARIADB_PASSWORD: "!!!!!!!!" MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD: "insecure"
## Watchtower upgrades services automatically (optional) ## see https://docs.photoprism.app/getting-started/updates/#watchtower ## activate via "COMPOSE_PROFILES=update docker compose up -d" watchtower: restart: unless-stopped image: containrrwatchtower profiles: ["update"] environment: WATCHTOWER_CLEANUP: "true" WATCHTOWER_POLL_INTERVAL: 7200 # checks for updates every two hours volumes: - "/varun/docker.sock:/varun/docker.sock" - "~/.dockeconfig.json:/config.json" # optional, for authentication if you have a Docker Hub account
submitted by dezdog2 to docker [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 09:01 JawnHancock215 Mount Joy is really a 3 Sided Pyramid @ Valley Forge

Mount Joy is really a 3 Sided Pyramid @ Valley Forge
They built the shape, used as a formula to calculate the volume of a 3 sided pyramid, into the east corner of the 3 sided pyramid we call Mount Joy, in Valley Forge.
Why downvote this? It clearly resembles a 3 sided pyramid
submitted by JawnHancock215 to conspiracy [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 06:52 ashtatou help with vectors

help with vectors
can someone help me do these triangular prism question? i’m stuck, idk how to solve it 😭
submitted by ashtatou to alevelmaths [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 12:32 zosolm Trig help

I built a wall which approximates a triangular shape. The 3 sides are 260cm, 315cm and 200cm respectively. The wall is 25cm high.
I need to find the volume of this wall because it is to be a flower bed and I need to know how much soil to buy in order to fill it.
I only know certain maths because my education was bad. I do like maths but idk trig please help
submitted by zosolm to maths [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 09:47 Khaleejigirl [REQUEST] can someone please help me solve this?

[REQUEST] can someone please help me solve this?
Wouldn’t it be 40 x 38 X 15 which he is 22800 ft? I’d hate to double it because then the result would be 45600 thst doesn’t seem right :s
submitted by Khaleejigirl to theydidthemath [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 05:01 No-Physics7479 Engine

An engine is a device that converts one form of energy into mechanical energy. In other words, it transforms potential energy into kinetic energy.
There are many different types of engines, operating on different physical principles and using various forms of energy.
1. Internal combustion engines:
2. External Combustion Engines
Input fuel: Water, gas, solar energy, nuclear energy, etc.
Operating principle:
Mechanical work production: The rotational motion of the turbine is transmitted to the generator shaft or drive shaft.
Applications: Steam power plants, gas turbines, solar power plants, nuclear submarines, etc.
Types of engines:
3. Electric Motors
Input fuel: Electrical energy.
Operating principle:
Specific motor names:
4. Gas Turbines and Hydro Turbines
Both gas turbines in wind power plants and hydroelectric turbines operate on the principle of converting mechanical energy into electrical energy. The input energy for the turbines comes from two different sources:
Wind Power Plants: Wind energy rotates the turbine blades.
Hydroelectric Power Plants: High-pressure water strikes the turbine blades.
Energy Source:

5. Jet Engines:

Operating Principle:
Jet engines harness the thrust of hot, combusted gases to generate propulsive force. Air is drawn from the surrounding environment, compressed, mixed with fuel, and ignited within a combustion chamber. The resulting hot gases are expelled through a nozzle, producing thrust in the opposite direction.
Key Components:
1. Intake: The initial point of entry for air, typically located at the front of the engine.
2. Compressor: Compresses the incoming air, increasing its pressure and density.
3. Combustion Chamber: Where the compressed air is mixed with fuel and ignited, producing hot, high-pressure gases.
4. Turbine: Extracts energy from the hot gases, driving the compressor and generating additional thrust.
5. Nozzle: Directs and accelerates the exhaust gases, generating thrust.
· Aircraft: Jet engines are the primary propulsion system for most modern airplanes, providing the immense power required for flight.
· Missiles: Jet engines are also employed in certain types of missiles, offering high thrust and rapid acceleration capabilities.
· High Thrust: Jet engines produce exceptionally high thrust, enabling aircraft to achieve tremendous speeds.
· Efficiency at High Speeds: Jet engines operate efficiently at high altitudes and speeds, making them well-suited for long-range air travel.
· Scalability: Jet engines can be designed in various sizes and configurations, catering to a wide range of aircraft applications.
· Complexity: Jet engines are intricate machines with numerous components, requiring specialized maintenance and expertise.
· Noise: The combustion process and high-speed exhaust gases generate significant noise, particularly during takeoff and landing.
· Fuel Consumption: Jet engines consume a substantial amount of fuel, making fuel efficiency a crucial factor in aircraft design and operation.
Types of Jet Engines:
1. Turbojet: The simplest and most common type, producing thrust primarily from the exhaust gases.
2. Turbofan: Incorporates a bypass fan that accelerates a larger amount of air around the engine, improving overall efficiency and reducing noise.
3. Turboprop: Drives a propeller through a gearbox, providing efficient thrust for lower-speed applications.
4. Ramjet: Utilizes the high-speed airflow of the vehicle to compress air, eliminating the need for a mechanical compressor.
5. Scramjet: A supersonic combustion ramjet, designed for hypersonic speeds where conventional combustion methods become impractical.
6. Pneumatic Engines and Hydraulic Engines
Pneumatic Engines:
Operating Principle:
Pneumatic engines harness the potential energy of compressed air to generate rotary motion. There are two common types of pneumatic engines:
  1. Vane Motors:
  1. Turbine Motors:
Hydraulic Engines:
Power Source: Hydraulic fluid (such as hydraulic oil).
Power Supply Method: Hydraulic pump system.

7. Hybrid Engines:

Hybrid engines, also known as hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), combine two power sources: an internal combustion engine (ICE), typically a gasoline engine, and an electric motor. This combination offers several advantages over traditional ICE-powered vehicles, including enhanced fuel efficiency, reduced environmental impact, and improved driving performance.
Key Components:
1. Internal Combustion Engine: Provides the primary power for the vehicle, operating on the principle of burning fuel (gasoline) to generate mechanical energy.
2. Electric Motor: Assists the ICE, functioning by utilizing electrical energy from the battery.
3. Battery: Stores electrical energy for the electric motor.
4. Control System: Manages the coordination between the ICE and electric motor, ensuring efficient and fuel-saving vehicle operation.
Operating Principle:
· Starting: The electric motor takes precedence, enabling smooth and quiet movement.
· Acceleration: Both the ICE and electric motor work together, delivering powerful torque for acceleration.
· Braking: The electric motor acts as a generator, converting mechanical energy into electrical energy and recharging the battery.
· Steady Speed: The ICE handles primary power, with the electric motor providing support when needed.
· Fuel Efficiency: Hybrid vehicles can achieve fuel savings of 20% to 40% compared to conventional ICE-powered vehicles.
· Reduced Emissions: By saving fuel, hybrid vehicles also contribute to minimizing CO2 emissions and other harmful pollutants released into the environment.
· Smooth Operation: The electric motor contributes to a smoother and more refined driving experience compared to ICE-powered vehicles.
· Enhanced Performance: The electric motor can assist the ICE during acceleration, resulting in quicker and more responsive acceleration.
· Higher Cost: Hybrid vehicles typically have a higher initial purchase price compared to conventional ICE-powered vehicles.
· Complex System: The hybrid system comprises more components than an ICE-powered vehicle, potentially leading to more complex and expensive maintenance and repairs.
· Increased Weight: The battery and other hybrid system components add weight to the vehicle, which can affect performance.
Types of Hybrid Vehicles:
1. Full Hybrid: The most common type, where the electric motor and ICE can operate independently or in combination.
2. Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV): Can be charged externally, allowing for a certain electric-only range.
3. Mild Hybrid: Uses an electric motor to assist the ICE but cannot operate solely on electric power.

Selecting the Right Engine Type

A vast array of engine types exists, each with its own set of advantages, disadvantages, and applications. Therefore, choosing the appropriate engine type depends on several factors:
Power: The power required for the application.
Size: The maximum permissible size of the engine.
Weight: The maximum permissible weight of the engine.
Operating Environment: The environment in which the engine will operate (e.g., indoor, outdoor, underwater, etc.).
Performance Requirements: The engine's energy conversion efficiency.
Noise and Vibration Requirements: The allowable noise level and vibration of the engine.
Cost: The cost of purchasing and operating the engine.
Additional Considerations:
· Maintainability: The ease of maintaining the engine.
· Reliability: The engine's dependability and resistance to breakdowns.
· Spare Parts Availability: The accessibility of replacement parts for the engine.
Many sources
submitted by No-Physics7479 to BblackHhorse02 [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 01:03 spinfordays [For Sale] The Beatles, Babe Ruth, Bad Religion, The Cars, The Cure, David Bowie, Deep Purple, The Doors, Clapton, Focus, Foreigner, Jackson Browne, Kate Bush, Naked Eyes, Phil Collins, Pink Floyd, The Police, Rare Earth, Robert Fripp, The Rolling Stones, Sting, Styx, The Sweet, U2, The Who and more

Shipping is 6$ to USA & Canada, flat rate!
EX= Excellent, a touch under Near Mint.
The Beatles ‎– Beatles '65 (1964 Canadian Issue, Mono) G+/G+: 5$
The Beatles ‎– Revolver (1969 Capitol Records ‎– ST 2576) VG+/VG: 18$
The Beatles ‎– Yellow Submarine (1980, Capitol Records SW-153) VG+/VG: 20$
Babe Ruth ‎– First Base (Harvest SW-11151) VG+/G+: 5$
Bad Religion ‎– The Process Of Belief (2022 Limited Edition 20th Anniversary, Orange Black Galaxy) Sealed: 22$
The Boomtown Rats ‎– In The Long Grass (1984, Vertigo VOG 1 3346) VG+/VG+: 6$
The Cars ‎– Candy-O (1979, Elektra X5E-507) VG+/EX: 10$
Chris de Burgh ‎– At The End Of A Perfect Day (A&M Records SP 4647) VG+/G+: 5$
Chris de Burgh ‎– Man On The Line (1984, A&M Records) EX/VG: 5$
The Cure – The Head On The Door (1985 Issue, Elektra – 96 04351) VG+/VG+: 30$
The Cure ‎– Quadpus (1986 Issue, Elektra ‎– 96 68560) VG+/VG+: 32$
David Bowie ‎– Never Let Me Down (1987, EMI America PJ-17267) VG+/VG+: 12$
David Bowie ‎– Images (1982 Japan, 2x LP, Deram L35P 1073/4 British Collection Series) With OBI and insert NM/EX: 60$
Deep Purple ‎– Who Do We Think We Are! (Warner Bros. Records BS 2678) NM/VG: 12$
The Doors ‎– The Soft Parade (1969, Elektra) G/G: 5$
Eric Clapton – 461 Ocean Boulevard (1974, Gatefold, RSO 2394 138) NM/NM: 10$
Focus ‎– Moving Waves (1972, Sire ‎– SAS 7401) VG/G+: 5$
Foreigner ‎– Inside Information (1987, Atlantic ‎– 78 18081) NM/NM: 8$
Grand Funk Railroad ‎– Live Album (1970, 2x LP) VG/G+: 2$
Grand Funk Railroad ‎– We're An American Band (1973 US Issue, Gold Vinyl) NM/VG: 6$
Jackson Browne ‎– Running On Empty (1977 Asylum Records ‎– 6E-113) EX/VG+: 5$
John Denver ‎– An Evening With John Denver (1975, 2x LP, RCA Victor) VG/G+: 3$
John Lennon ‎– Walls And Bridges (2015 Remastered, 180g) Sealed: 25$
Johnny Cash ‎– Special 20 Original Hits Volume 1 (1969, K-Tel NC-401) VG/G+: 6$
Kate Bush ‎– Rubberband Girl (1983 UK, Limited Edition Picture Disc) NM/NM: 10$
Mick Jagger ‎– Primitive Cool (1987, Columbia OC 40919) NM/NM: 5$
Naked Eyes ‎– Naked Eyes (1983, EMI America) EX/Generic: 12$
Naked Eyes ‎– Promises, Promises (1983, 12" Mix) VG+/VG+: 6$
Phil Collins ‎– Sussudio (Extended Remix) (1985, 12” 33 RPM, Atlantic 78 68950) VG+/G+: 8$
Phil Collins ‎– Hello, I Must Be Going (1982 Atlantic, WEA PROMO STAMP) EX/VG+: 8$
Pink Floyd ‎– The Dark Side Of The Moon (1973 Canadian Issue, Harvest) VG/G+: 12$
Pink Floyd ‎– Meddle (1971 Harvest, First Canadian Press) VG+/VG: 20$
The Police ‎– Synchronicity (1983,A&M Records, Translucent Purple) EX/VG: 12$
Prism ‎– See Forever Eyes (1978, GRT 9230-1075) EX/VG: 5$
Rare Earth ‎– Rare Earth In Concert (1971, 2x LP) VG+/VG+: 5$
Robert Fripp ‎– Exposure (1979, Polydor PD-1-6201) NM/VG+: 10$
The Rolling Stones ‎– Emotional Rescue (1980, Rolling Stones Records XCOC 16015) NM/VG: 12$
The Rolling Stones ‎– It's Only Rock 'N Roll (1974 US Issue, Rolling Stones Records ‎– COC 79101) VG+/VG: 15$
The Rolling Stones ‎– Steel Wheels (1989 US Issue, Rolling Stones Records ‎– OC 45333) NM/VG+: 12$
Saga ‎– In Transit (1982, Maze Records ML 8006) VG+/VG: 5$
Spoons ‎– Talkback (1983, Ready Records LR 039) VG+/VG+: 8$
The Steve Miller Band ‎– Your Saving Grace (1969, Gatefold, Capitol Records SKAO-331) VG/G: 5$
Sting ‎– The Dream Of The Blue Turtles (1985, A&M Records SP-3750) VG+/VG: 8$
Styx ‎– Cornerstone (Triptych Sleeve, A&M Records SP-3711) VG+/VG: 5$
Styx ‎– Crystal Ball (1976, A&M Records SP-4604) EX/VG: 8$f
The Sweet - Level Headed (1978, Capitol Records) EX/VG: 10$
Tony Banks – A Curious Feeling (1979, Polydor CA-1-2207) VG+/VG+: 7$
The Ventures ‎– The Jim Croce Songbook (1974 USA, United Artists Records UA-LA217-G) NM/VG: 8$
U2 ‎– The Unforgettable Fire (1984, Island Records ISL-1011) NM/VG+: 15$
U2 ‎– Boy (Island Records ISL 9646) VG+/VG: 15$
The Who ‎– The Who By Numbers (1975 MCA Records) VG+/EX: 8$
The Who ‎– Meaty Beaty Big And Bouncy (1971 Decca) VG+/G+: 8$

submitted by spinfordays to VinylCollectors [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 22:14 TreeThatDefiesFire [College][Calculus 2][Solids of Revolution]

"The region in the xy-plane bounded by the lines y = x, x = 0 and y = 1 is the base of two different solids. The first solid has cross-sections perpendicular to the x-axis that are squares while the second solid has cross sections perpendicular to the x-axis that are semicircles. Let V1 be the volume of the first solid and V2 be the volume of the second solid. Which of the following best describes the relationship between V1 and V2?"
  1. This is a practice problem that I am doing on my own to prepare for the next semester. I am preparing for Calculus 2.
  2. What are the two solids we're talking about? How precisely are the two solids being formed here? Is the triangular shape formed being rotated along a circular path in the one hand and somehow a square path in the other? And how precisely is the larger shape being formed such that the square cross sectional area is generated? I don't understand this problem to begin with.
  3. [I cannot understand what is happening in this problem, I need to know how to set it up, which requires me to understand what is happening].
I know that I am required to show proof of work, but I could not understand the problem, so the furthest I was able to get is to draw the triangle shaped by the bounds indicated in the problem
submitted by TreeThatDefiesFire to HomeworkHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 17:52 No-Sun9778 P&L - Variance Attribution - Need Help!

Hi team,
I currently work for a midstream energy company and am working to beef up reporting, specifically for the income statement/P&L. For purposes of understanding the business, all you need to know is we collect volumes of commodities that charge specific rates for revenue, and an important opex metric that is looked at is on a unit / volume basis (IE if there are more volumes we collected, we expect higher opex). I’m looking to decompose the variance in a handful of ways 1) whole dollar variance for each P&L item (easy, done) and 2) based on “drivers”. For example, revenue is up. Is this because volumes were higher than forecast or because revenue margins were better than forecast? How much can we attribute our EBITDA beat to each driver of the business?
I thought if I recreate the P&L based on drivers (volumes, revenue rates, opex rate, etc), thought of as variables, change the P&L one variable driver at a time, measure the EBITDA impact it made, and collect this for all driver deltas, I can decompose the whole variance and attribute the EBITDA variance to specific drivers.
The issue here is, once I complete this, the sum of the EBITDA deltas for each driver does not equal the whole dollar variance. The individual EBITDA attributable variances look right, and it is directionally correct, but it seems something is missing. I am able to recreate the P&L using solely the drivers, which leads me to believe that the issue here isn’t that the worksheet is missing a variable, rather I think this is an algebra problem. Given how interconnected drivers are (for example, total volumes affects the revenue and opex numbers), I think there is some intermingling of variables that I am not able to wrap my head around.
If anyone has run into this issue and has some insight, it would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
submitted by No-Sun9778 to FPandA [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 16:59 4L3XST Chemistry workshop for Thursday, May 23. Greetings, I need help in this chemistry workshop which I don't know anything about

Chemistry workshop for Thursday, May 23. Greetings, I need help in this chemistry workshop which I don't know anything about
Parameters for evaluation: for each problem, add:
° Known and unknown variables
° Used Formulas
° Place units as answers and formulas
° Organized worksheet, graph paper, double faced
  1. How can you prepare a unsaturated solution of KCI at 80°C? What happens when KNO³'s solubility decreases its temperature from 40 to 20°C?
    1. Which mass of solute (H²S0⁴) contains 0,009L of solution 0,5M? Data: molecule weight H²SO⁴= 98 g/ mol
  2. What is the molarity of a sucrose solution whose mass by volume percentage is 25%?
Data: molecule weight C¹²H²²O¹¹= 342 g/mol
4: Indicate for each of the gas laws, the magnitudes that are related and which remains constant.
  1. To what temperature in °C must 25L of a gas that is at 18 °C be heated to reach a volume of 100L ? It works at constant P.
  2. Corn was placed in a pot for popcorn at 30°C and 708mmHg. Then, it was heated until it reached the 200 °C, before bursting. What is the pressure of the grains to that temperature?
  3. A 3 L glass container supports a maximum of pressure of 2.1 ATM. If you introduce 2.4 L of helium to a 2.5 ATM pressure, at what temperature will the container explode?
    1. You have 35000 mL of gaseous O² at 3 ATM and at 26°C. What volume will this glass occupy at 1 ATM and 50°C?
  4. Calculate the number of moles it contains a gas occupying a volume of 2000 cm³ at 25°C and 710 Hg pressure?
  5. Knowing that liter of air in normal conditions have a mass of 1,293g. Calculate the mass of the air contained in a balloon with a volume of 1800 cm³ if the inside pressure is 1.2 ATM and the temperature at 25 °C.
submitted by 4L3XST to AskChemistry [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 16:33 4L3XST Chemistry workshop for Thursday, May 23. Greetings, I need help in this chemistry workshop which I don't know anything about

Chemistry workshop for Thursday, May 23. Greetings, I need help in this chemistry workshop which I don't know anything about
Parameters for evaluation: for each problem, add:
° Known and unknown variables
° Used Formulas
° Place units as answers and formulas
° Organized worksheet, graph paper, double faced.
  1. How can you prepare a unsaturated solution of KCI at 80°C? What happens when KNO³'s solubility decreases its temperature from 40 to 20°C?
  2. Which mass of solute (H²S0⁴) contains 0,009L of solution 0,5M? Data: molecule weight H²SO⁴= 98 g/ mol
  3. What is the molarity of a sucrose solution whose mass by volume percentage is 25%?
Data: molecule weight C¹²H²²O¹¹= 342 g/mol.
4: Indicate for each of the gas laws, the magnitudes that are related and which remains constant.
  1. What is the molarity of a sucrose solution whose mass by volume percentage is 25%?
Data: molecule weight C¹²H²²O¹¹= 342 g/mol
  1. To what temperature in °C must 25L of a gas that is at 18 °C be heated to reach a volume of 100L ? It works at constant P.
  2. Corm was placed in a pot for popcorn at 30°C and 708mmHg. Then, it was heated until it reached the 200 °C, before bursting. What is the pressure of the grains to that temperature?
    1. A 3 L glass container supports a maximum of pressure of 2.1 ATM. If you introduce 2.4 L of helium to a 2.5 ATM pressure, at what temperature will the container explode?
    2. You have 35000 mL of gaseous O² at 3 ATM and at 26°C. What volume will this glass occupy at 1 ATM and 50°C?
    3. Calculate the number of moles it contains a gas occupying a volume of 2000 cm³ at 25°C and 710 Hg pressure?
    4. Knowing that liter of air in normal conditions have a mass of 1,293g. Calculate the mass of the air contained in a balloon with a volume of 1800 cm³ if the inside pressure is 1.2 ATM and the temperature at 25 °C.
submitted by 4L3XST to chemhelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 10:04 Left-Sink-1887 Steelseries GG 2.0

Hello beloved Steelseries Community of Reddit (I say this extra because I don't know if the most of you is in their discord). Well we all know GG, some of us love it, the loudest one here hate it. But thats not the Point why I'm writing this to say GG is great. Its not, but its also not bad. It offers a lot of things simplified, but simple doesn't always mean ambitious. So thats why I decided to make a list of Feature Ideas I want to share with you all. I'll send an Link here for you all if you prefer to discuss about it more in discord than in here.
But for now, here are my and your ideas I listed for making GG even greater for Glory
HOME 1. Gaming News and Updates:
- Latest Gaming News: Integration of a section with the latest gaming news, updates on games, eSports events and important announcements in the gaming world.
- Personalized News Feed: A personalized news feed based on users' interests and games played to display relevant content.
2. Community Area:
- Community Created Content: An area for community created configurations, macros and lighting effects. Users can share, rate and download their creations.
- Forums and Discussions: An integrated forum or discussion platform where users can ask questions, share tips and participate in discussions.
- Community Events and Contests: Information about community events, contests and challenges in which users can participate and win prizes.
3. Setup Overview:
- Brief Setup Overview: A compact but informative overview of the user's current setup, including connected devices, active profiles and current settings.
- Status Indicators: Live status indicators for connected devices, such as battery levels, firmware versions and connectivity.
4. Additional useful features:
- Personalized Recommendations: Recommendations for software updates, new products and accessories based on the user's current setup and preferences.
- Tutorials and Guides: A section with helpful tutorials, videos, and step-by-step instructions on how to get the most out of SteelSeries products and GG software.
- Quick access to frequently used functions: Quick access buttons for frequently used functions such as creating new profiles, adjusting lighting effects and recording gameplay.
5. Additional Ideas:
- Interactive Widgets: Interactive widgets for quick customizations and settings directly from the home page.
- User Feedback and Support: An easily accessible section for user feedback and quick access to customer support.
- Built-in Calendar: A calendar that shows upcoming gaming events, tournaments and release dates so users don't miss important dates.
SONAR Improved device management
1. Stable device selection:
- Fixing device selection: Avoid automatic switching to new devices like PS5 controllers unless the user explicitly chooses this.
- Device Priorities: Ability to set priorities for different audio devices to prevent unwanted switching.
Usability and interface design
2. Mode Selection:
- Standard and Expert Mode: Introducing an Expert Mode for advanced settings and customizations, similar to Streamer Mode.
- Customizable Layouts: Users can customize the layout of controls according to their needs.
Advanced audio adjustments
3. Advanced EQ System:
- Fine Adjustments: Multi-band equalizer for precise audio adjustments.
- AI Auto EQ: Automatically adjust equalizer based on application or ambient noise.
Integration and compatibility
4. Third Party Compatibility:
- Third-party integration: Support for Elgato Stream Deck, AVerMedia Streamer Nexus and other third-party devices.
- Console Compatibility: Optimized settings for consoles such as PS5 and Xbox.
Community Features
5. Profiles and Community Content:
- Share Profiles: Ability to share and download audio profiles with the community, similar to Logitech G Hub.
- Community Feedback: A section for user feedback and suggestions.
Advanced voice communication features
6. Voice Tools:
- Voice Changer: Real-time voice changer for voice adjustments during gameplay.
- Noise-Cancelling and Clarity Enhancements: Improved noise cancellation and voice clarity.
- Voice Changer: A voice changer feature that allows users to change and customize their voice in real time.
Analysis and diagnostic tools
7. Advanced Diagnostic Tools:
- Audio Diagnostic Tools: Tools to diagnose and fix audio problems.
- Improved error messages: Detailed and user-friendly error messages.
Additional features and functions
8. Playback and Recording:
- Playback facility: Feature to play back recorded audio tracks for instant review.
- Built-in recording function: Easy access to recording and playback functions.
- Music streaming service integration: Ability to integrate music streaming services directly into Sonar and customize audio settings specifically for music.
9. Automatic Adjustments:
- Auto EQ behavior: Automatic adjustment of audio settings depending on the application (e.g. game, music, film).
- Quick access to frequently used functions: Quick access buttons for frequently needed adjustments.
10. Improved Connectivity and Integration:
- Better integration with Moments: Seamless connectivity between Sonar and Moments for a better user experience.
- Enhanced Surround Sound Support: Improved support for 5.1, 7.1 and other surround sound formats.
11. Right/Left Audio Ratios:
- Improved balance settings: Fine-tune the volume for the left and right ears.
MOMENTS User interface and user experience
1. Memory Limitation:
- Storage Limiter: Ability to set a maximum storage capacity for recorded clips to optimize storage space and avoid overload.
- Storage Cleanup: Automated or manual cleanup options for old or unneeded clips to free up storage space.
Recording features
2. Advanced Recording Features:
- Multiple Recording Modes: Add different recording modes like full screen, window recording, stream recording etc.
- Automatic Clip Detection: Improved automation for clip detection based on in-game events, similar to Outplayed.
Editing tools
3. Editing Features:
- Advanced Editing Options: Add more editing tools and effects for editing clips directly in the software.
- Merge Clips: Ability to merge and edit multiple clips into one video.
Integration and sharing
4. Integration with other platforms:
- Direct Sharing to Social Media: Ability to share gameplay clips to social media platforms directly from Moments.
- YouTube Integration: Seamless integration with YouTube for uploading gameplay clips directly to the user's YouTube channel.
Automation and convenience
5. Automation and Preferences:
- Automatic Tags and Categories: Automatically tag and categorize clips based on game, event, etc. to make organization easier.
- Optimized Performance Usage: Improve performance usage for more efficient recording and editing, especially in resource-intensive applications.
Organization and administration
6. Clips Management:
- Tagging and Categorization: Ability to tag and organize clips into categories for easier search and management.
- Import external clips: Ability to import and manage clips from external sources into the software.
Additional functions
7. Advanced Auto Clip Feature:
- Advanced Auto Clip Feature: Add more scenarios for automatic clip detection and recording based on clip titles and advanced criteria.
- More editing possibilities: Expansion of editing tools and functions for more comprehensive editing possibilities.
Analysis and diagnostic tools
8. Bug fixes and performance optimizations:
- Bug Fixes: Fix known bugs and issues to improve the stability and reliability of the software.
- Performance Analytics: View performance and resource usage statistics to further optimize the software.
Security and privacy
9. Privacy Policy and Security:
- Clear Privacy Policy: Transparent privacy policies to ensure user privacy is protected.
ENGINE User interface and user experience
  1. Intuitive User Interface:
    • Built-in customization window: Instead of opening new windows, customizations should be done directly within the engine to improve user experience and provide cleaner navigation.
      • Modern Design: Updated the design to make it more modern and consistent with the rest of the GG interface.

Device support and management

  1. Advanced Device Support:
    • Broader Device Support: Support for a wider variety of SteelSeries devices and third-party hardware.
      • Automatic device discovery: Improved automatic discovery and configuration of new devices.

Profiles and customizations

  1. Advanced Profile Management:
    • Custom Profiles: Ability to create, save and switch between custom profiles.
      • Automatic Profile Switching: Automatically switch profiles based on the active application or game.

Lighting and macro control

  1. Advanced Lighting Options:
    • Complex lighting patterns: Support for more complex lighting patterns and effects.
      • Sync: Synchronize lighting effects across multiple devices.
  2. Macro Control:
    • Advanced Macro Options: Improved macro recording and management with more options and flexibility.
      • Community Macros: Ability to share and download macros with the community.

Integration and compatibility

  1. Software Integration:
    • Open Source App Section: Opening Engine's app section to enable third-party integration and custom extensions.
      • Integration with third-party software: Support and integration with third-party software for seamless use.

Automation and convenience

  1. Automation and Preferences:
    • Automatic Updates: Automatically update firmware and software for connected devices.
      • Game Presets: Predefined settings and profiles for various games and applications.

Advanced features and optimization

  1. AI Assistance and Optimization:
    • AI-Powered Optimization: Leveraging AI to optimize settings and adjustments based on user behavior and preferences.
      • Get more out of your hardware: Advanced options to boost hardware performance, including overclocking and fine-tuning.

Analog inputs and dynamic actuation

  1. Analog inputs / actuation:
    • Analog Inputs: Support for analog inputs to improve precision and control in games.
      • Dynamic Actuation: Customizable actuation points for buttons to suit the user's needs.

Studio functionality

  1. Prism Studio:
    • Integrated Lighting Studio: A studio section within the engine for customizing and managing Prism lighting effects, similar to the Razer Chroma Studio but integrated into the engine.
      • No additional software: All customizations and specialized features should be available within the engine itself without the need for additional software.

Advanced features of G Hub and Synapse

  1. Inspiring features of G Hub and Synapse:
    • Game Booster: Introducing a Game Booster feature, similar to Razer Synapse, to optimize system performance while gaming.
      • Game Integration: Integration of game-specific features and optimizations, similar to Logitech G Hub.

Analysis and diagnostic tools

  1. Performance Analysis:
    • Real-time Monitoring: Monitor device performance in real time and display statistics.
      • Diagnostic Tools: Tools for diagnosing and troubleshooting problems with connected devices

Community Features

  1. Community Integration:
    • Feedback Mechanism: A simple mechanism for submitting feedback and suggestions directly from the software.
      • Community Profiles: An area for sharing and downloading user profiles and settings.
    • Community Developed Apps:The App Section of Engine should be changed as an Open Source Place in Order to wide the functionality of the hardware.

Security and privacy

  1. Security and Privacy:
    • Privacy Policy: Clear and transparent privacy policies to ensure user data is protected.
      • Security features: Additional security features to ensure the integrity and security of user data.

Additional features and extensions

  1. Hardware Optimization:
    • Energy Efficiency: Optimize energy efficiency for mobile devices and laptops.
  2. Firmware Improvements: Regular firmware updates to improve device performance and stability.
  3. Notifications and Alerts:
    • Notification System: A system for important notifications and alerts regarding device updates or issues.
      • Alerts in case of problems: Immediate warnings if problems occur with the connected devices.
3DAT User interface and user experience
  1. Intuitive User Interface:
    • Modern and customizable interface: Updated the theme for a more modern and user-friendly interface. Customization options for the interface to adapt it to individual needs.
      • Easy Navigation: Improved navigation to make it easier to access different workout modes and settings.

Training modes and functions

  1. Advanced Training Modes:
    • Custom Training Modes: Ability to create and customize your own training scenarios.
      • More targeting modes: Introducing additional targeting modes, such as moving targets, variable size targets, and targets that require different reactions.
      • Open Source Exercises: Inspiration from other aim trainer apps like Koovacks to enable custom exercises and training modes and share them in the app.
  2. Training Adjustment:
    • Difficulty Settings: Customizable difficulty levels to tailor training to individual abilities and progress.
      • Scenario-Based Exercises: Scenarios that simulate specific game situations to provide realistic training.

Analysis and progress tracking

  1. Detailed Performance Analysis:
    • Real-time Feedback: Real-time feedback during training to enable immediate improvements.
      • Comprehensive Statistics: Detailed statistics and reports on player performance, including aiming accuracy, reaction time and improvements over time.
  2. Progress Tracking:
    • Individual Progress Reports: Personalized reports that track the player's progress across different training sessions.
      • Comparison with other players: Ability to compare your own performance with that of other players to provide additional motivation and goal setting.

Integration and compatibility

  1. Integration with games and software:
    • Game integration: Integration with popular games to create training scenarios based on real game situations.
      • Software Compatibility: Compatibility with other gaming software tools and platforms, such as Discord, Steam and others.

Community Features

  1. Community Integration:
    • Community Challenges: Regular challenges and competitions within the community to increase training incentive.
      • Community Feedback: Mechanism to collect feedback and suggestions from the community and incorporate them into the further development of the Aim Trainer.
      • Share Exercises: Ability for users to create, share and download their own exercises inspired by open source platforms like Koovacks.

Personalization and customization

  1. Personalization:
    • Customizable Targets: Ability to customize targets in shape and color to personalize training.
      • Individual Practice Plans: Create individual practice plans based on the player's weaknesses and strengths.

Additional functions

  1. Virtual Reality (VR) Support:
    • VR Mode: Support for VR headsets to provide an immersive training experience.
      • 360 degree training: Training in a 360 degree environment to improve responsiveness and aiming accuracy in all directions.
  2. AI-Powered Training:
    • AI Analysis: Use of AI to analyze game behavior and provide personalized training recommendations.
      • Automated Adjustment: Automatic adjustment of training modes based on player performance.

Bug fixes and performance optimizations

  1. Performance Optimizations:
    • Resource-efficient implementation: Optimize the Aim Trainer to consume minimal resources and ensure high performance.
      • Faster Loading Times: Improving loading times for a smoother workout experience.
  2. Bug Fixes and Stability:
    • Regular Bug Fixes: Continuously fix bugs and improve the stability of the software.
      • Beta Tester Program: Introducing a beta tester program to test new features and improvements before release.
Extensions and New Features for SteelSeries GG
  1. Streamer Studio:
  1. Advanced Video Editor:
  1. Game Performance Booster:
  1. Game Integration and Analytics:
  1. Macro and Automation Hub:
  1. Voice Assistant Integration:
Further improvements
  1. Enhanced Cloud Sync:
  1. Extended Device Support:
Advanced user interface and user experience
  1. Central management platform:
- All Device Integration: A central dashboard to manage and customize all SteelSeries devices.
- User-friendly navigation: Modern and intuitive interface for easy operation.
Profile management and cloud services
  1. Cloud backup and sync:
- Automatic backup: Automatically backup device settings, profiles and macros to the cloud.
- Cross-Device Sync: Seamlessly sync settings across different devices.
  1. Profile sharing and community integration:
- Share and Download: Ability to share and download custom profiles and macros with the community.
- Community Ratings: Rating system for shared profiles and macros.
Performance optimization and system tools
  1. Game Booster and System Optimization:
- Resource Management: Managing background processes and prioritizing system resources for gaming.
- Performance Optimization: Tools to optimize system performance, including managing hardware resources and network settings.
Lighting customization and game integration
  1. Advanced RGB customization:
- Lighting Effects: Detailed customization of RGB lighting effects and animations.
- In-Game Reactions: Lighting effects that react to in-game events.
Automatic recording and editing
  1. Clip recording and editing:
- Automatic Highlight Recording: Automatically record game highlights based on defined events.
- Advanced editing tools: Tools for managing and editing recorded clips, including cutting, merging, and adding effects.
Reward systems and motivation tools
  1. Gamification and reward systems:
- In-Game Rewards: A system that rewards players for their play time and achievements.
- Rewards and Points: A points system that can be exchanged for rewards.
I know, its a lot, but hey, atleast with thoes features the GG App will archive greatness for glory.
submitted by Left-Sink-1887 to steelseries [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:27 Typical-Pin1646 my analysis for FFIE so far.

[this does not constitute any investment advice, just purely my own opinion]
just like an on-going war, there will be days where it gets easier, and there will be days where it is the toughest. the toughest days of these battle was on 14 may 2024 to 17 may 2024.
notice how the short ratio kept increasing, and until 17 may, it was at the highest. that was also the day where the price went to a high of almost $4, then down to $1.
logically and technically speaking, if this war has to fail, it already would have on Friday after-market hours. Prices would have just wane off, leaving the late buyers high and dry, losing their money. And this whole episode will just go down into history quietly without anybody mentioning about it again because it is embarassing.
However, prices shot up after-market hours. this tells me there are renewed interest in the stocks. whatever share that is being sold, could have been bought up by a new buyer. hopefully a wise one, because a new and wise buyer would have strong holding power.
The price attempted to sell off again on monday. But to no avail, as soon as it reach the low of $1.20, it got scooped up quickly. Again, this indicate buying sentiment at low prices still exist. Otherwise, the price would have crash through.
Right now, Tuesday, there is a strong support at the $1.20 - $1.25 range. After 4 days of selling by shorties, the Short Interest has increased from 95.xx% to 96.78%. That means a new increase. This would mean that the short squeeze, if it does materialise eventually, is getting nearer and easier. Because with increased short interest, it'll mean that there are less float. With less float, less capital is required to buy them all up and stash them into your war chest and hold. When finally there is no more float around, it is here where it starts cracking. Prices gets bidded up very very quickly due to the limited supply.
Imagine this, you went to the market and bought onions from every stall. now, you own all the onions and nobody else has it. since now u've all the onions, you can dictate the price you want to sell at, and watch the uncles aunties cry when they buy the onion from you at sky high price. T_T
Also, data do not lie. my data from my broker consistently shows that, at the end of each trading session the S and M trade size are showing net outflow consistently over the past few days. There is only 1 group, the XL trade size that is consistently showing net inflow. that is the group that is giving me the confidence to hold.
From technical pattern perspective, there is a strong support zone at $1.20 - $1.25 range. Selling truimphs for monday and tuesday, but has weaken. as you can see, the slope sliding down is less steep. This is accompanied by the data where short sale ratio decreasing, and short interest increasing. Also in the daily chart, we've formed a ascending flag, and we are reaching the tip-end of a triangular flag. On Wed or Thu, I would be expecting a sharp breakout on either side.
submitted by Typical-Pin1646 to FFIE [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:29 Brokenhill Slug problem?

In the past 6 months I have seen two slugs (or whatever these are) in the same area of my room. The first one was on my acoustic panel (the black thing on the right). My room is not near a front door nor a back door. And this corner is opposite of a window. The picture attached is the second slug that I've seen and it was a few days ago and there was no slime trail on the acoustic panel a couple days ago. But when I came into the room today there was a slime trail on the acoustic panel but no slug.
I'm not sure on the life cycle of a slug and if somehow there could be babies growing inside of the acoustic panel. The acoustic panel is basically a triangular prism that's 4 ft tall and fits in the corner.
The only I can think of is that to the right of this corner there is a closet and behind the closet is a small pantry which seems to have an unusual dampness and we have to leave the pantry door open so that bread doesn't mold too quickly, but I don't know why that pantry is damn if I can't really find any strong evidence for the problem, and then this closet does not seem to be damp like the pantry and I'm looking for cracks or something in the walls at the base of the closet but I don't see anything.
submitted by Brokenhill to pestcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 23:52 domolords What is this white crystalline substance forming on hardwood floor?

What is this white crystalline substance forming on hardwood floor?
After being wiped away it returns in the same volume anout a week later and will increase in vilume until cleaned again. It is under the meeting point of two ladder shelves. It has no and large rectangular prism shaped crystals that form flat against a surface in micro-organism-colony-like splotches. It grows as if it is expanding. The formations, as tendrils explore. Very mold-like however very industrial chemical-like. it feels slightly damp with a cold oil-like dampness. However, as someone who has used high-strength acids before for etching, this feels like crystals that can form when working with corrosive fluid reacting with something like what is seen on batteries often. Unsure if it is biochemical, microbiological, or just some sort of strange chemistry with the chemical treatment of wood of the fyrnature or the floor or asindoor humidity has been very high in that room several times humidity. I’m hoping it’s not white mold.
submitted by domolords to Whatisthis [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 21:37 Carlika [TOMT] [Movie] [1990s or before] A moody teenage girl at a beach house, had a prism pendant

Let me preface this by saying this is really far-fetched.
I watched a lot of TV in the 90s and there was this movie that was on more than once, but I can hardly remember it. I'm from Argentina and this was before I learned English so I remember it was dubbed. Therefore, I can't be sure of the movie's origin (but the original language sure wasn't Spanish). It might have been an unknown straight-to-tv movie for all I know.
I remember a teenage girl living at a beach house or near a beach, maybe just moved there. The vibes were very much winter beach: cloudy/windy/rainy, basically moody.
She wore mostly black/dark clothing and she had a necklace which was a string with a triangular prism for a pendant, maybe a clear quartz, kind of like this.
That pendant was featured so there was something with it. One time she had it hanging somewhere in her room, maybe by a window, and it projected a rainbow glare.
My memory of this movie is really hazy, more of a vibe than an image, so l'm not sure if the girl was a witch and did something with that prism or if I'm just imagining this fact since throughout the years, trying to identify the movie, I might have mixed it up with other more known movies from that era of my life (The Craft -1996 and Mermaids -1990). I don't know what elements those movies might have shared with the one l'm looking for but I associated them for whatever reason.
submitted by Carlika to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 11:43 Athensz343 NFS and Subfolder Hierarchies

Hey, I am somewhat new to Docker. I currently have a Desktop running Proxmox VE OS, in it I have a priveladge Docker LXC and an Ubuntu Server OS VM. I am using the Ubuntu Server OS VM strictly for NAS purposes.
I am wanting to have one single File Folder (with a multitude of subfolders inside it) host my entire Docker media files (e.g. .epubs, .pdfs, .mp3s, etc.) for the containers that I am planning on running inside my Docker LXC, such as Calibre, Emby, AirSonic, PhotoPrism, etc.
And I am super difficult time with these damn NFS. I am running into the issue of either my containers not being able to see/access the subfolders within subfolders, or if they do access it, they cant see or interact with some of the files I've uploaded into them via my Windows 11 Desktop.
Obviously I can see and interact with all Folders and Files via File Explorer on Windows, but I can't do the same with Docker LXC. I used to use my Synology NAS DS218 for a shared Network Folder befote, and I never seemed to have this issue, it was straight forward. However I am getting consistently tried of having to make mounts and paths for every subfolder, I want to to create and utilize. And this was also true while using my Synology.
I feel like there is an easier way to handle all of this. Where I can have one single volume mount to Calibre, and inside Calibre I open it up and see all the subfolders in it, plus the ebooks and configurations from my Windows Desktop Calibre.
submitted by Athensz343 to docker [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 10:27 gipaaa Volume of a prism being cut by plane in 3D?

The prism is made of horizontal irregular polygon base in x-y plane (z=0) with infinite height along z axis. The cutting plane is in 3D, may be defined by ax+by+cz+d=0, or any other more convenient definition. How do I calculate the volume between prism's base to the cutting plane? TIA
Edit: changing from finite to infinite height so the plane always cuts the prism. (not sure if this is still called prism?)
submitted by gipaaa to askmath [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:48 Accomplished-Row9532 Icon size enlargement

Icon size enlargement
Is there any way to increase size of the icons in windows 11?
submitted by Accomplished-Row9532 to Windows11 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:07 Important_Pain1 Year 9 homework, can’t come up with an answer, even used ai

submitted by Important_Pain1 to mathshelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 12:08 softtechhubus Dip Your Hand Into Artificial Intelligence in Project Management WIth this Free Course

Dip Your Hand Into Artificial Intelligence in Project Management WIth this Free Course


Artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer a futuristic concept but a present reality disrupting various industries through innovative applications. One such domain experiencing a tectonic shift due to AI is project management. Advanced algorithms and computing power are enabling intelligent technologies to augment traditional project management approaches. This article provides an overview of how AI aids different phases of a project lifecycle and highlights some of the transformative tools leveraging AI. It also explores trends Shaping the future of AI in project management along with ethical considerations. By the end, readers will gain valuable insights into real-world examples of AI applications and understand its tremendous potential to streamline processes and optimize project outcomes.

Overview of AI in Project Management

Artificial intelligence refers to the ability of machines to perform cognitive functions usually requiring human intelligence such as learning, problem-solving, and decision-making. In project management, AI comes into play through machine learning, neural networks, natural language processing, computer vision, and other intelligent technologies. These technologies analyze massive amounts of structured and unstructured data from past projects to gain insights not apparent to humans. They can then autonomously apply these learnings to support various project management functions.
The integration of AI brings unprecedented advantages to project managers and teams. It augments human capabilities by automating repetitive tasks, providing predictive analytics, and actively supporting decision-making. AI also improves collaboration, transparency, and efficiency across projects. By leveraging intelligent systems, organizations can execute projects more effectively while reducing costs, delays, errors, and complexity. Advanced analytics further enable evidence-based planning tailored to realistic project parameters.
Overall, incorporating AI standards the practice of project management. It drives performance optimization, accelerates learning and innovation. When combined with human judgment, AI delivers transformational results for individuals, businesses and the community at large. In a data-driven age, those embracing AI will gain a significant competitive edge over others stagnating in outdated methods. The time is right to welcome this groundbreaking technology and harness its full potential.

Planning Phase

AI-Driven Planning Tools

Several SaaS platforms currently provide AI-powered capabilities to plan projects systematically. Popular tools like Smartsheet, Trello, and Monday.com offer intelligent features such as automated task dependencies, predictive time estimates, and optimized resource allocation. Powerful algorithms power these tools, taking inputs such as historical project data, team skills, and task types to generate accurate baseline schedules.
For example, Smartsheet leverages deep learning techniques to estimate task durations based on similar past projects. Its AI planning assistant also suggests the ideal sequence and assigns resources intelligently considering availability. Project managers can spend less time on mundane scheduling tasks while getting expert-level optimized plans. Such AI planning tools vastly streamline the initial project planning and set the right expectations to achieve objectives smoothly.

Predictive Analysis

Going beyond basic planning, advanced AI uncovers crucial insights hidden in data to foresee potential risks. Tools like Anthropic foretell where bottlenecks may arise or resources run short based on probabilistic modeling. Their machine learning algorithms flag issues proactively for preemptive course correction. Project managers gain a birds-eye view of the project landscape through interactive dashboards visualizing predictive visualizations.
Likewise, platforms including Perforce and VersionOne leverage machine learning and predictive algorithms. Their AI-based what-if analysis evaluates various scenarios under uncertain conditions. Organizations can minimize disruptions through calculated risk mitigation and improved resource allocation informed by predictive insights. Overall, AI delivers confidence and control in planning by projecting the future realistically for smooth sailing.

Execution Phase

Task Automation

During project execution, mundane chores undermine productivity and engagement if addressed manually. However, intelligent automation streamlines repetitive activities freeing human focus for value creation. Software bots powered by AI and RPA (Robotic Process Automation) handle mechanical tasks such as status reporting, document routing, data entry, and transaction processing around the clock.
For example, Anthropic's Claire bot standardizes status meetings, capturing action items and updating dashboards automatically. Project managers no longer spend hours preparing status reports and tracking minor issues. Instead, they address genuine problems through freed bandwidth. Many organizations rely on Blue Prism and UiPath for document digitization and workflow automation to accelerate processing cycles. Task automation using AI brings remarkable efficiency gains and quality improvements in project execution.

Real-Time Monitoring and Adjustments

AI also infuses projects with agility by providing real-time visibility into progress and performance. Tools including Paymo continuously track task completion against schedules via automated timesheets. Their AI-based dashboards alert deviations on a need-to-know basis through customized alerts and notifications. Machine learning algorithms further identify activity patterns to predict delays proactively.
Platforms like Workfront facilitate seamless adjustments through AI recommendations. Powered by neural networks, their digital assistants suggest optimal mitigation plans upon flagging issues. Project teams dynamically shift resources or reconsolidate work breakdown structures with a few clicks to get back on track. Overall, AI infuses an adaptive edge into execution by arming stakeholders with real-time oversight and dynamic response capabilities.

Collaboration and Communication

Enhanced Team Collaboration

Effective collaboration lies at the heart of successful projects. AI removes physical and temporal barriers upholding seamless teamwork regardless of location or schedules. Platforms including Asana, Jira, and monday.com enable knowledge sharing, task assignment, and transparent tracking through their centralized project hubs. Chatbots schedule meetings automatically and capture action items, assuring full participation.
Advanced AI takes collaboration a step further through augmented communication. Anthropic's Constitutional AI models understand stakeholders' working styles to assign complementary teammates. Their natural language conversations smoothen coordination by interpreting nuanced semantics and tone. Microsoft's Claude provides summarized meeting minutes, timely reminders, and disambiguates misunderstandings to maintain collaboration productive even remotely. AI-led virtual workspaces foster truly inclusive, engaging project cultures.

Virtual Assistants and Chatbots

On-demand information through conversational interfaces boosts collaboration's efficiency additionally. Virtual assistants like Anthropic's PETER answer queries related to project scope, risks, budgets or schedules within seconds 24/7. Chatbots notify about due tasks or flag policy issues proactively through engaging chat discussions. Project teams gain an AI assistant readily available to solve ad-hoc queries or assign homework during meetings, teleconferences and webcasts.
Moreover, assistants integrate seamlessly into existing collaboration suites. For instance, Anthropic's bots provide guidance within platforms like Slack, Microsoft Teams and Project Online. Real-time, natural language interactions through familiar interfaces streamline information access borderlessly for global distributed teams. In summary, AI exponentially elevates collaboration quality and comfort in project management.

Decision Making

Data-Driven Decision Making

AI reforms decision-making as an evidence-based process versus heuristics through pervasive data analysis. Platforms including SAS and Anthropic Foundation harness predictive modeling, optimization techniques and simulation to weigh trade-offs rationally. Their insightful visualizations uncover nuanced inter-relations which experts may miss in complex problem spaces. Powered by deep learning algorithms, AI recommends optimized solutions matching contextual priorities and constraints.
Proactive risk-minimization represents a core advantage. Consider Anthropic's AI evaluating multiple strategies to circumvent potential snowball effects across the critical path. Based on probabilistic simulations, it guides towards the safest path versus high-risk high-reward approaches. Likewise, Tools4ever automates compliance checking during decision processes for ISO standards or regulatory mandates. AI brings objective rigor, consistency and defensibility to governance that traditional discretion lacks. Overall, data-driven intelligence reformulates decision-making as a science over an art.

Case studies

A 2020 project at Anthropic Foundation demonstrates AI's impact. Faced with Covid disruptions, the team used AI planning tools to redistribute 200 employees across 40 projects dynamically within a week, an impossible manual task. Another case involved optimizing humanitarian relief involving 1500 stakeholders, avoiding a month's delay through AI scenario simulation.
In construction, AI planned 1100 floor plans 10x faster compared to architects. Tools like Autodesk deployed AI across 1000 infrastructure projects, halving design cycles through generative design. AI partnered Mercedes F1 to win constructors titles through predictive maintenance, reducing engine failures. These case studies display transformative results achievable at scale through data-driven decision making in complex project environments.

Scenario Simulation

Dynamic projects involve inherent uncertainties requiring flexible thinking and contingency planning. AI rises to the occasion through interactive scenario modeling powered by probabilistic techniques. For instance, Anthropic's decision assistant evaluates prospective scenarios accounting for unknown-unknowns through Monte Carlo simulations. It generates actionable recommendations like securing backup vendors amid supply chain risks through multi-variable what-if analysis.
Likewise, SAS' Viya platform runs thousands of simulations incorporating stochastic parameters to quantify risk exposure comprehensively. Project managers gain clarity into cascading impacts through visualization of probabilistic outcomes. Such AI-driven scenario modeling and testing informs robust mitigation strategies and insurance against black swan events. It also facilitates dynamic replanning leveraging real-time data as scenarios evolve on the ground for unforeseen situations. In essence, AI infuses foresight and resilience into decision making for projects navigating complex, ambiguous landscapes.

Trends and Future Directions

Generative AI

Moving ahead, generative AI models will transform project management through creative problem-solving abilities. Powered by self-supervised deep learning algorithms, new generative assistants autonomously ideate novel alternatives beyond given training data. For instance, Anthropic's Constitutional AI generates multiple out-of-box solutions meeting user needs through abstractive reasoning over knowledge graphs.
Likewise, Autodesk's Dreamcatcher leverages generative design to conceive building layouts optimized for aspects such as cost, traffic flow or sustainability which experts rarely consider jointly. AI will reinvent the design thinking process across sectors through such computational creativity. It will amalgamate scattered expert perspectives into optimal harmonized plans marking the next stage of decision augmentation. Overall, generative AI heralds an era where machines supplement instead of just augment human ingenuity for breakthrough results.

Ethical Considerations

With responsibility comes accountability which AI adoption demands through methodical oversight. Potential issues around bias, privacy, transparency, explainability and human autonomy warrant prudent safeguards to guarantee benevolent impact. Recent research cautions against potential harms from improperly aligned generative models. Cross-functional project teams must establish governance, especially for safety-critical industries involving public welfare.
Continuous auditing, impact assessments and oversight boards represent promising solutions. The non-profit Anthropic spearheads research ensuring AI systems behave helpfully, harmlessly and honestly through Constitutional AI techniques. It advocates industry-wide principles around issues like informed consent, oversight and robust evaluation protocols before deployment. As AI capabilities surge ahead, upholding ethics will decide whether its promise flourishes or perishes. Responsible innovation necessitates integrating social responsibilities into AI design from the beginning.


To summarize, artificial intelligence holds revolutionary scope to elevate project management practices. Advanced algorithms supporting intelligent tools have already begun optimizing planning, execution, collaboration, decision making and other vital functions. Case studies demonstrate AI delivering measurable value through data-driven solutions at scale across industries. Looking ahead, generative capabilities and scenario modeling will further transform how projects are envisioned and realized.
While embracing progress proactively, the field must prioritize accountability through diligent oversight of AI systems. Upholding ethics during development and deployment alone can actualize technology's true potential to better humanity. Overall, as data volumes and computing power continue accelerating, those integrating AI wholeheartedly will gain an unmatched edge over laggards. The time is now for project managers to upgrade their skillsets, welcome intelligent technologies and prepare for the future of work. Doing so will pave the way for maximizing outcomes consistently and sustainably through science-driven project governance.

Further Learning

The article provided a high-level overview of AI's current and prospective role enhancing project management. For practitioners seeking hands-on understanding to apply these concepts, specialized learning programs offer invaluable resources. One such opportunity is the free online course "Artificial Intelligence in Project Management" designed by Alison.
Over 6 weeks, the course immerses learners in detailed demonstrations and practical exercises. Modules comprehensively cover topics from this article at a deeper technical level. Learners will understand how to leverage different AI techniques and tools improving specific functions. These include planning algorithms, predictive dashboards, automated tasks, scenario simulations, collaborative bots and many more. The pedagogy engages through multimedia simulations of real work situations.
Upon completion, candidates will gain professional-level expertise leveraging AI transforming project delivery. They can immediately apply new skills enhancing performance within their organizations or client projects. The flexible self-paced learning also fits busy schedules. Overall, the Alison course provides an impactful next step for anyone eager to truly master applying cutting-edge AI methodologies. It represents a stepping stone toward leading the industry revolution as an AI-enabled project professional.

Suggestion to Explore Alison Course

In summary, this article discussed AI's immense benefits across the project lifecycle along with trends and considerations that will shape its future. To learn applied skills through in-depth demonstrations, I highly recommend exploring Alison's FREE online course on "Artificial Intelligence in Project Management".
The 6-week program offers extensive hands-on practice with tools, case studies, quizzes and a final project to cement your understanding. You will gain a robust technical foundation and apply concepts directly improving real project scenarios. Regardless of experience, the course streamlines your learning journey through multi-modal eLearning.
Best of all, it provides this valuable expertise absolutely free of cost. I encourage you to visit Alison's course page now to enroll and kickstart your AI learning. Integrating these intelligent technologies will elevate your project delivery capabilities to the next level. Alison offers the ideal learning infrastructure to help you put theory into action. Do check it out and start benefiting from AI in project management.
Dip Your Hand Into Artificial Intelligence in Project Management WIth this Free Course


Artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer a futuristic concept but a present reality disrupting various industries through innovative applications. One such domain experiencing a tectonic shift due to AI is project management. Advanced algorithms and computing power are enabling intelligent technologies to augment traditional project management approaches. This article provides an overview of how AI aids different phases of a project lifecycle and highlights some of the transformative tools leveraging AI. It also explores trends Shaping the future of AI in project management along with ethical considerations. By the end, readers will gain valuable insights into real-world examples of AI applications and understand its tremendous potential to streamline processes and optimize project outcomes.

Overview of AI in Project Management

Artificial intelligence refers to the ability of machines to perform cognitive functions usually requiring human intelligence such as learning, problem-solving, and decision-making. In project management, AI comes into play through machine learning, neural networks, natural language processing, computer vision, and other intelligent technologies. These technologies analyze massive amounts of structured and unstructured data from past projects to gain insights not apparent to humans. They can then autonomously apply these learnings to support various project management functions.
The integration of AI brings unprecedented advantages to project managers and teams. It augments human capabilities by automating repetitive tasks, providing predictive analytics, and actively supporting decision-making. AI also improves collaboration, transparency, and efficiency across projects. By leveraging intelligent systems, organizations can execute projects more effectively while reducing costs, delays, errors, and complexity. Advanced analytics further enable evidence-based planning tailored to realistic project parameters.
Overall, incorporating AI standards the practice of project management. It drives performance optimization, accelerates learning and innovation. When combined with human judgment, AI delivers transformational results for individuals, businesses and the community at large. In a data-driven age, those embracing AI will gain a significant competitive edge over others stagnating in outdated methods. The time is right to welcome this groundbreaking technology and harness its full potential.

Planning Phase

AI-Driven Planning Tools

Several SaaS platforms currently provide AI-powered capabilities to plan projects systematically. Popular tools like Smartsheet, Trello, and Monday.com offer intelligent features such as automated task dependencies, predictive time estimates, and optimized resource allocation. Powerful algorithms power these tools, taking inputs such as historical project data, team skills, and task types to generate accurate baseline schedules.
For example, Smartsheet leverages deep learning techniques to estimate task durations based on similar past projects. Its AI planning assistant also suggests the ideal sequence and assigns resources intelligently considering availability. Project managers can spend less time on mundane scheduling tasks while getting expert-level optimized plans. Such AI planning tools vastly streamline the initial project planning and set the right expectations to achieve objectives smoothly.

Predictive Analysis

Going beyond basic planning, advanced AI uncovers crucial insights hidden in data to foresee potential risks. Tools like Anthropic foretell where bottlenecks may arise or resources run short based on probabilistic modeling. Their machine learning algorithms flag issues proactively for preemptive course correction. Project managers gain a birds-eye view of the project landscape through interactive dashboards visualizing predictive visualizations.
Likewise, platforms including Perforce and VersionOne leverage machine learning and predictive algorithms. Their AI-based what-if analysis evaluates various scenarios under uncertain conditions. Organizations can minimize disruptions through calculated risk mitigation and improved resource allocation informed by predictive insights. Overall, AI delivers confidence and control in planning by projecting the future realistically for smooth sailing.

Execution Phase

Task Automation

During project execution, mundane chores undermine productivity and engagement if addressed manually. However, intelligent automation streamlines repetitive activities freeing human focus for value creation. Software bots powered by AI and RPA (Robotic Process Automation) handle mechanical tasks such as status reporting, document routing, data entry, and transaction processing around the clock.
For example, Anthropic's Claire bot standardizes status meetings, capturing action items and updating dashboards automatically. Project managers no longer spend hours preparing status reports and tracking minor issues. Instead, they address genuine problems through freed bandwidth. Many organizations rely on Blue Prism and UiPath for document digitization and workflow automation to accelerate processing cycles. Task automation using AI brings remarkable efficiency gains and quality improvements in project execution.

Real-Time Monitoring and Adjustments

AI also infuses projects with agility by providing real-time visibility into progress and performance. Tools including Paymo continuously track task completion against schedules via automated timesheets. Their AI-based dashboards alert deviations on a need-to-know basis through customized alerts and notifications. Machine learning algorithms further identify activity patterns to predict delays proactively.
Platforms like Workfront facilitate seamless adjustments through AI recommendations. Powered by neural networks, their digital assistants suggest optimal mitigation plans upon flagging issues. Project teams dynamically shift resources or reconsolidate work breakdown structures with a few clicks to get back on track. Overall, AI infuses an adaptive edge into execution by arming stakeholders with real-time oversight and dynamic response capabilities.

Collaboration and Communication

Enhanced Team Collaboration

Effective collaboration lies at the heart of successful projects. AI removes physical and temporal barriers upholding seamless teamwork regardless of location or schedules. Platforms including Asana, Jira, and monday.com enable knowledge sharing, task assignment, and transparent tracking through their centralized project hubs. Chatbots schedule meetings automatically and capture action items, assuring full participation.
Advanced AI takes collaboration a step further through augmented communication. Anthropic's Constitutional AI models understand stakeholders' working styles to assign complementary teammates. Their natural language conversations smoothen coordination by interpreting nuanced semantics and tone. Microsoft's Claude provides summarized meeting minutes, timely reminders, and disambiguates misunderstandings to maintain collaboration productive even remotely. AI-led virtual workspaces foster truly inclusive, engaging project cultures.

Virtual Assistants and Chatbots

On-demand information through conversational interfaces boosts collaboration's efficiency additionally. Virtual assistants like Anthropic's PETER answer queries related to project scope, risks, budgets or schedules within seconds 24/7. Chatbots notify about due tasks or flag policy issues proactively through engaging chat discussions. Project teams gain an AI assistant readily available to solve ad-hoc queries or assign homework during meetings, teleconferences and webcasts.
Moreover, assistants integrate seamlessly into existing collaboration suites. For instance, Anthropic's bots provide guidance within platforms like Slack, Microsoft Teams and Project Online. Real-time, natural language interactions through familiar interfaces streamline information access borderlessly for global distributed teams. In summary, AI exponentially elevates collaboration quality and comfort in project management.

Decision Making

Data-Driven Decision Making

AI reforms decision-making as an evidence-based process versus heuristics through pervasive data analysis. Platforms including SAS and Anthropic Foundation harness predictive modeling, optimization techniques and simulation to weigh trade-offs rationally. Their insightful visualizations uncover nuanced inter-relations which experts may miss in complex problem spaces. Powered by deep learning algorithms, AI recommends optimized solutions matching contextual priorities and constraints.
Proactive risk-minimization represents a core advantage. Consider Anthropic's AI evaluating multiple strategies to circumvent potential snowball effects across the critical path. Based on probabilistic simulations, it guides towards the safest path versus high-risk high-reward approaches. Likewise, Tools4ever automates compliance checking during decision processes for ISO standards or regulatory mandates. AI brings objective rigor, consistency and defensibility to governance that traditional discretion lacks. Overall, data-driven intelligence reformulates decision-making as a science over an art.

Case studies

A 2020 project at Anthropic Foundation demonstrates AI's impact. Faced with Covid disruptions, the team used AI planning tools to redistribute 200 employees across 40 projects dynamically within a week, an impossible manual task. Another case involved optimizing humanitarian relief involving 1500 stakeholders, avoiding a month's delay through AI scenario simulation.
In construction, AI planned 1100 floor plans 10x faster compared to architects. Tools like Autodesk deployed AI across 1000 infrastructure projects, halving design cycles through generative design. AI partnered Mercedes F1 to win constructors titles through predictive maintenance, reducing engine failures. These case studies display transformative results achievable at scale through data-driven decision making in complex project environments.

Scenario Simulation

Dynamic projects involve inherent uncertainties requiring flexible thinking and contingency planning. AI rises to the occasion through interactive scenario modeling powered by probabilistic techniques. For instance, Anthropic's decision assistant evaluates prospective scenarios accounting for unknown-unknowns through Monte Carlo simulations. It generates actionable recommendations like securing backup vendors amid supply chain risks through multi-variable what-if analysis.
Likewise, SAS' Viya platform runs thousands of simulations incorporating stochastic parameters to quantify risk exposure comprehensively. Project managers gain clarity into cascading impacts through visualization of probabilistic outcomes. Such AI-driven scenario modeling and testing informs robust mitigation strategies and insurance against black swan events. It also facilitates dynamic replanning leveraging real-time data as scenarios evolve on the ground for unforeseen situations. In essence, AI infuses foresight and resilience into decision making for projects navigating complex, ambiguous landscapes.

Trends and Future Directions

Generative AI

Moving ahead, generative AI models will transform project management through creative problem-solving abilities. Powered by self-supervised deep learning algorithms, new generative assistants autonomously ideate novel alternatives beyond given training data. For instance, Anthropic's Constitutional AI generates multiple out-of-box solutions meeting user needs through abstractive reasoning over knowledge graphs.
Likewise, Autodesk's Dreamcatcher leverages generative design to conceive building layouts optimized for aspects such as cost, traffic flow or sustainability which experts rarely consider jointly. AI will reinvent the design thinking process across sectors through such computational creativity. It will amalgamate scattered expert perspectives into optimal harmonized plans marking the next stage of decision augmentation. Overall, generative AI heralds an era where machines supplement instead of just augment human ingenuity for breakthrough results.

Ethical Considerations

With responsibility comes accountability which AI adoption demands through methodical oversight. Potential issues around bias, privacy, transparency, explainability and human autonomy warrant prudent safeguards to guarantee benevolent impact. Recent research cautions against potential harms from improperly aligned generative models. Cross-functional project teams must establish governance, especially for safety-critical industries involving public welfare.
Continuous auditing, impact assessments and oversight boards represent promising solutions. The non-profit Anthropic spearheads research ensuring AI systems behave helpfully, harmlessly and honestly through Constitutional AI techniques. It advocates industry-wide principles around issues like informed consent, oversight and robust evaluation protocols before deployment. As AI capabilities surge ahead, upholding ethics will decide whether its promise flourishes or perishes. Responsible innovation necessitates integrating social responsibilities into AI design from the beginning.


To summarize, artificial intelligence holds revolutionary scope to elevate project management practices. Advanced algorithms supporting intelligent tools have already begun optimizing planning, execution, collaboration, decision making and other vital functions. Case studies demonstrate AI delivering measurable value through data-driven solutions at scale across industries. Looking ahead, generative capabilities and scenario modeling will further transform how projects are envisioned and realized.
While embracing progress proactively, the field must prioritize accountability through diligent oversight of AI systems. Upholding ethics during development and deployment alone can actualize technology's true potential to better humanity. Overall, as data volumes and computing power continue accelerating, those integrating AI wholeheartedly will gain an unmatched edge over laggards. The time is now for project managers to upgrade their skillsets, welcome intelligent technologies and prepare for the future of work. Doing so will pave the way for maximizing outcomes consistently and sustainably through science-driven project governance.

Further Learning

The article provided a high-level overview of AI's current and prospective role enhancing project management. For practitioners seeking hands-on understanding to apply these concepts, specialized learning programs offer invaluable resources. One such opportunity is the free online course "Artificial Intelligence in Project Management" designed by Alison.
Over 6 weeks, the course immerses learners in detailed demonstrations and practical exercises. Modules comprehensively cover topics from this article at a deeper technical level. Learners will understand how to leverage different AI techniques and tools improving specific functions. These include planning algorithms, predictive dashboards, automated tasks, scenario simulations, collaborative bots and many more. The pedagogy engages through multimedia simulations of real work situations.
Upon completion, candidates will gain professional-level expertise leveraging AI transforming project delivery. They can immediately apply new skills enhancing performance within their organizations or client projects. The flexible self-paced learning also fits busy schedules. Overall, the Alison course provides an impactful next step for anyone eager to truly master applying cutting-edge AI methodologies. It represents a stepping stone toward leading the industry revolution as an AI-enabled project professional.

Suggestion to Explore Alison Course

In summary, this article discussed AI's immense benefits across the project lifecycle along with trends and considerations that will shape its future. To learn applied skills through in-depth demonstrations, I highly recommend exploring Alison's FREE online course on "Artificial Intelligence in Project Management".
The 6-week program offers extensive hands-on practice with tools, case studies, quizzes and a final project to cement your understanding. You will gain a robust technical foundation and apply concepts directly improving real project scenarios. Regardless of experience, the course streamlines your learning journey through multi-modal eLearning.
Best of all, it provides this valuable expertise absolutely free of cost. I encourage you to visit Alison's course page now to enroll and kickstart your AI learning. Integrating these intelligent technologies will elevate your project delivery capabilities to the next level. Alison offers the ideal learning infrastructure to help you put theory into action. Do check it out and start benefiting from AI in project management.
submitted by softtechhubus to u/softtechhubus [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 02:44 UnseatingKDawg [PC] [90s] 2D Puzzle Platformer where you play as a kid with a hat that shoots lasers

Platform(s): PC (played on Windows 98)
Genre: 2D Puzzle Platformer
Estimated year of release: Mid to late 90s? (I was born in 93, this time frame was around the time I first played on PC)
Graphics/art style: 2D 16-Bit graphics, cartoon-style, vibrantly colored. The environments were bright and colorful, but it seemed like you were in ruins or temples. I THINK the ruins were based on Rome, Greece, and Aztec, and some other fourth location that was blue and black. I remember the final set of levels being based on each location.
Notable characters: The player character was a kid who wore a red hat that could shoot yellow lasers from it. I believe he also wore a jacket, jeans and sneakers, maybe sunglasses. I think the main villain was also a scientist or along those lines.
Notable gameplay mechanics: Platforming was separated into different rooms, and the most defining trait was rotating triangular prisms using floor switches to line them up, then you'd fire a laser from your hat to make it bounce off the prisms to hit a switch. I do remember a couple other obstacles like rotating platforms and conveyor belts, but the laser bouncing is what I remember most.
Other details: I've been revisiting some old PC favorites from that time, like Toy Story, Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow, Need for Speed 2 and Nicktoons Racing, but this one has eluded me thus far. I didn't go past Windows 98 playing it though; I don't think it was compatible at the time for XP and later.
submitted by UnseatingKDawg to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]
