100mg of clomid chances

Egg Quality/40 y.o

2024.05.19 06:40 cmloeffl Egg Quality/40 y.o

Turning 40 this week, had ER#1 in March, AFC 11, 8 retrieved, 5 mature, 4 fertilized (ICSI), 1 made it to day 7 blast (3BB), froze that but opted not to spend my $ on PGTa of 1 embryo that has a very likely low chance of implanting.
What I learned from speaking to the embryologists was that I had “not poor but not great” egg quality. My eggs looked dark and grainy in some areas, one of them was so fragile it did not survive ICSI.
My question is for all those expressing how they get multiple blasts but then pgta test them and get aneuploids - is this due to poor egg quality? Or are those of you who are getting blasts told that they have “good egg quality”?
I’m having a hard time being convinced that my next #2 ER (and last round, can’t afford more) will be any different than the last round if the issue is my egg quality. My RE is suggesting a 2nd round because she says other cycles can be different.
My AMH is 1.0, DOR, FSH 14. otherwise all things are normal. Husband had a vasectomy reversal 1.5 yrs ago, morphology slightly low at 2% but otherwise normal. 3 failed IUI’s prior to IVF. And overall trying for 14 months, have never had a positive pregnancy.
1st cycle did microdose Lupron Flare plus omnitrope and HCg 10k trigger.
She plans on adding clomid and doing a Lupron Trigger in attempts to yield more eggs and keeping omnitrope.
I feel like giving up. I’m sure you all understand the feeling.
submitted by cmloeffl to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:34 Just-Alps6209 I know this is stupid but I’m tempted.

I know this is stupid and not advised and everyone is going to say listen to my doctor haha. I am about to start my period and then will start my 3rd round of letrozole but 1st IUI. I got pregnant last round at 5 mg letrozole then miscarried. My dr wants to stay at 5 mg but I am tempted to do 7.5 since I already have them. ( long story short I was living out of the country and he prescribed me a bunch since the country I was living in only had clomid which wasn’t working for me.) I want twins very badly and want a higher chance of it. I know I shouldn’t do it but I have the devil on my shoulder telling me how much fun twins would be lol.
submitted by Just-Alps6209 to TTC_PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 09:22 drchitra What are some common infertility treatment options available?

Infertility treatment options vary depending on the underlying cause of infertility, the age of the individuals involved, and their preferences. Here are some common infertility treatment options:
  1. Fertility Medications : — Clomiphene Citrate (Clomid) : Stimulates ovulation in women who have irregular or absent ovulation by blocking estrogen receptors. — Letrozole (Femara) : Another medication that stimulates ovulation, often used when Clomid is ineffective. — Gonadotropins : Injectable hormones (FSH and LH) that stimulate the ovaries to produce multiple eggs, often used in conjunction with intrauterine insemination (IUI) or in vitro fertilization (IVF).
2. Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) : — Sperm is washed and concentrated before being placed directly into the uterus around the time of ovulation to increase the chances of fertilization.
3. In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) : — Eggs are retrieved from the ovaries and fertilized with sperm in a laboratory dish. The resulting embryos are then transferred into the uterus. — IVF can involve various techniques such as intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), where a single sperm is injected into an egg, and preimplantation genetic testing (PGT), which screens embryos for genetic abnormalities before transfer.
4. Surgery : — Surgical procedures such as laparoscopy or hysteroscopy may be performed to correct structural issues in the reproductive organs, such as blocked fallopian tubes, endometriosis, or uterine fibroids.
5. Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) : — This term encompasses various advanced techniques used to achieve pregnancy when other methods have failed. It includes treatments like IVF, ICSI, and embryo freezing.
6. Donor Eggs or Sperm : — In cases of severe male infertility or diminished ovarian reserve, using donor eggs or sperm may be an option.
7. Gestational Carrier (Surrogacy) : — A woman carries and gives birth to a baby for another individual or couple using their embryo through IVF.
8. Lifestyle Changes and Alternative Therapies : — Making lifestyle changes such as maintaining a healthy weight, quitting smoking, reducing alcohol consumption, and managing stress can sometimes improve fertility. — Alternative therapies like acupuncture and herbal supplements are sometimes used in conjunction with medical treatments, although their effectiveness is not always supported by scientific evidence.
It’s crucial for individuals experiencing infertility to seek guidance from a reproductive endocrinologist or fertility specialist to determine the most appropriate treatment plan based on their specific circumstances. Additionally, counseling and support groups can provide emotional support throughout the infertility journey.
submitted by drchitra to u/drchitra [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 00:12 Such_Mirror_833 Clinic to urologist changes

Ok so I was going to a clinic for six months they had me starting out on 100mg testosterone and 250iu hcg per week. We Increased the testosterone dose after bloodwork and at the latest I was up to 170mg testosterone and still 250iu hcg but due to some elevated estradiol levels was taking .5 anastrozle injection day and .25 3 day’s later. Overall I was pretty happy with treatment aside from some acne and having to be on ai. Well I went to urologist because clinic was expensive and got blood test the free testosterone was like 1100 and free was 100 roughly and he was not comfortable with that so he prescribed 120mg testosterone and wanted me to take clomid 25mg every other day. I was not comfortable with clomid based on what I read and watched so I asked him about enclomiphene instead to avoid the zuclomiphene in clomid and he said enclomiphiene was banned in 2016 in USA … but nonetheless agreed to continue hcg but said 250iu a week is pointless and a waste of money because of the 36 hour half life and said I would need 500iu every other day . Curious about y’all’s thoughts on all this thanks in advance. I’m 32 and my initial levels were low like 160s total testosterone.. not sure if the clinic tested my lh and fsh initially. I’ve learned a bit over the last 7 months so I’d probably ask more questions if I went back but is what it is no going back. I would like to pull my history to find out because I’m not sure if I’m experiencing primary or secondary hypogonadism … tell me your thoughts please.
submitted by Such_Mirror_833 to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 17:55 Zealousideal_Cap7782 Clomid without IUI procedure

I asked my OBGYN office about trying Clomid without doing the actual IUI procedure. This was their response but I don’t quite understand it. Has anyone done Clomid with IUI procedure? How did you ask your OBGYN? Any insight? Thank you!
Good morning, you may trial clomid, however the chances of success may not be very high as IUIs are recommended due to male factor infertility (by trying to bypass the cervis and put the sperm directly where its supposed to go). We would like to prevent any delay of care from trialing options that may not provide success due to the issue being related to sperm. We are able to try 3-6 rounds of clomid here with us before we refer out to a REI specialist for further management. If you would like to proceed with clomid, we also schedule follow up sonograms at certain cycle days since we are stimulating the ovaries for ovulation we provide close management to prevent any overstimulation.
submitted by Zealousideal_Cap7782 to TryingForABaby [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:26 AspieComrade Our nice doctor retired, first meeting with the replacement doctor and my wife is told that she’ll be refused IVF if she continues to be upset regarding her infertility

Had to rant somewhere with people that would understand
We had a lovely female doctor who treated the matter with sensitivity and thoroughness, and when we heard she’d retired and been replaced with a male doctor my wife and I immediately knew we were in for trouble as 100% of the male doctors we’ve seen in our fertility journey have been pompous, insensitive and completely unknowledgeable in their field with a total inability to listen to any questions or concerns (my personal ‘favourite’ being when we voiced concern of (spoiler tagged for trigger warning) a higher chance of miscarriage if we conceived by chance before knowing what had been causing her lifelong issues and he responded with “well half of pregnancies end up in miscarriage anyway so…” shrug)
Having never had regular cycles in her life and other concerns, it’s taken a huge toll on my wife’s mental health and she’s had to seek mental health support to cope with the stress and anxiety and everything else surrounding it.
Having had a difficult day already with anxiety surrounding this upcoming appointment with the new doctor and with a friend sending her a picture of his baby because he forgot that it’s upsetting to her (🙄), she cried during the appointment when she was told that the first round of clomid had no effect and that she was to try again on the same dose and that they’d keep repeating the process for six months before looking at IVF. Instead of trying to comfort his crying patient, he responds to this by saying that if she’s not sorted her emotions out by that point then he’s going to personally see to it that IVF treatment is refused and that her fertility treatment is stopped there. Even the (female) nurse seemed taken aback at that comment but didn’t say anything.
So now we’re at a point where she can no longer risk seeking mental health support, lest this doctor use those appointments as receipts to refuse treatment. I’m curious if anyone else has gone through/ is going through anything similar on their journey?
submitted by AspieComrade to InfertilitySucks [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:56 the_noise_we_made I'm (45 M) working with an endocrinologist to wean off of trt prescribed by urologist due to my worries about potential long-term effects and am looking for potential reasons about why I have hypogonadism to begin with.

45 (M) I've been aware that my testosterone has been low for 8 years now sitting at around 200-300 (I know this may not be considered low for every lab but were reported as low by Labcorp) I have developed normally and a doctor checked it when I was around 25 for some reason and it was around 750 so it's not a genetic issue. I had become obese (225 lbs 5'9") and pre-diabetic at that point, which was the likely cause, and was put on Metformin. I decided to get back in shape by doing cardio mixed with weights and cutting calories to between 1600-1900 calories per day and got down to 195 lbs. My testosterone did not improve despite this and a urologist put me on Clomid. That got me in the high 300s to low 400s and eventually settling in at around 500. I tried getting off of it after getting fit but my testosterone plunged to 95. Last year my urologist had me switch to trt injections (100mg) weekly and I'm sitting around 700-800. I have mildly elevated hemocrit and hemoglobin. My endocrinologist wants me to wean off of the testosterone which I am doing. I am also on Mounjaro after regaining weight due to a torn rotator cuff and painful neuroma in my foot making working out more difficult (and yes eating too much). I am down to 185 and she wants me to lose 20lbs more. She says my test could possibly return to normal at that weight. If not, she is willing to do more testing. I'm wondering why the urologist didn't do more testing to begin with. I don't want to put myself at risk or permanently damage anything further. I know I am probably not going to feel great withdrawing from TRT but I'm willing to do it to see what happens. I am also prescribed Adderall by a psychiatric nurse and am worried about what it will do to my cardiovascular health. I have PTSD and treatment resistant depression but I'm not sure I have ADHD as those symptoms can overlap. None of this sounds particularly smart to me and I want to get off of the Adderall, too, but I'm scared of being mentally unbalanced withdrawing from all of this and with starting an amazing but demanding new job and making 6 figures for the first time in my life. It's going to be rough going for a while. I'm not looking for solutions but just some guidance about my situation. Thanks to anyone who reads this and can offer any thoughts.
submitted by the_noise_we_made to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:05 halfofaparty8 How do you cope?

My husband and i have been ttc for about 3 years.
We have finally found a doctor that will help us (been refused due to age, im 21) and in july, start a round of progesterone, then clomid.
Well, ever since we were told about the plan, thats all i can think about. literally it is 100% of my thoughts. (yes, i am neurodivergent). But i know stress is bad.
But (yes, i know this is crazy) ive made a registry (we had one before, but we updated it), weve picked names, all sorts of stuff. Stuff that isnt generally healthy or sane. but im also a big planner and now that there might be a chance, i want to be as prepared as possible.
Everyone else is probably normal and dont relate to this. but any advice helps.
I did start a new hobby over the past few days that gets me off my phone, but i think about our potential kids while i do said hobby. I just want it out of my mind or find healthier ways to cope
submitted by halfofaparty8 to InfertilitySucks [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:15 Foxtrott11 Labs 12 weeks after starting

Labs 12 weeks after starting
I am currently on 100mg a week of T(injection), AI, and 28 mg of clomid daily. So far I have lost 30 lbs over the last three months and feel better still wish I had more energy. Would you ask to increase T?
submitted by Foxtrott11 to trt [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:00 ren3223 pinaverio dimeticona able to be crushed or broken and added to food/drinks

(M) 32 Smoke no Drink no Weight 143lbs
I'm in mexico and found out I have ibs and a little local pharmacy/doctor and they prescribed me amoxicillin and pinaverio dimeticona
But the pills are way to massive to swallow so can I crush and empty them? Or is there a chance of overdose? The brand is nesajar the pill is called pinaverio dimeticona its 100mg pinaverio 300mg dimeticona
submitted by ren3223 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:38 Lindsaykay95 2 Miscarriages - Wanting advice and success stories

I am 28 years old and I have had 2 miscarriages in the last year. I just got a recurrent loss blood panel done - waiting 2 weeks for the results. I have PCOS so was getting ready to start clomid before I got pregnant the second time. Both loses were around 6-7 weeks. My doctor told me to wait to start trying until we receive the blood test results. Although she said there is only a 50% chance that we will figure out why I can't hold a pregnancy. I am wanting to start trying as soon as I get my cycle back so we can get to the bottom of this and not waste time. Any advice or success stories? Struggling to stay positive.
submitted by Lindsaykay95 to recurrentmiscarriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:49 cfd4540 Starting clomid tomorrow..the Internet is freaking me out

Probably shouldn’t doom scroll but here we are 🥲.
A little back story about me I’ve had pcos since 2019, I would only get my period about twice MAYBE three times a year and I am completely anovulatory. My husband and I have been trying since November using only provera to get my periods started. But that was basically fruitless because I never ovulated during any of those cycles. She is starting me on clomid tomorrow. My first round is 100mg, unmonitored. I felt good about it until I started seeing all this stuff about unmonitored cycles causing cysts and thin linings and triplets and now I’m completely freaked out.
But since I don’t even ovulate naturally on my own, is it even dangerous to do my first round unmonitored? I feel like I won’t hyperovulate since I don’t ovulate at all if that makes sense? But now I feel like I don’t know anything about the treatment I’m about to receive😭 my OB said they also only do clomid cycles every other month to avoid hyperovulation, thin linings, etc. What do you guys think?
submitted by cfd4540 to TTC_PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:22 Zestyclose-Slide-696 Advice please

I have been diagnosed 10 years ago with GAD and panic disorder.
I've been on Zoloft for the past 3 years (100mg) when we changed countries to live in and my new GP recommended to switch to Trintellix. I agreed but It didn't work out. I switched doctors, she suggested Effexor, it made me crawl out of my skin so after 6 weeks I decided to come back to Zoloft and 20mg Buspirone.
The switch from Effexor 150 XR was a bumpy ride, but made it. Zoloft started to work, I have had 4 very good weeks, even went back to the gym. Then it started to get worse. Insomnia or waking up multiple times at night, daytime anxiety which interferes with my work and since few days crying 3-4 times a day. The only relief is the half of a 0.25 Xanax pill which I use very sparingly. But there's no panick attack, which is nice but the rest is not.
Question is, does it make sense to go up to 125 or 150mg or is it a lost cause? I honestly have enough of medicine changes, waiting, the withdrawal added to the new side effects, I just want to catch a break. I went back to therapy, too, but I would be grateful for some insight or ideas. I have my next appointment at Thursday and would like to make an informed choice. So, is there a chance that upping the dose would lead to some more balance?
submitted by Zestyclose-Slide-696 to zoloft [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 20:51 partygnarl Worse IVF results on Metformin?

Hi folks,
I'm 35, turning 36 next month, and just finished my third round of stims. I was diagnosed with DOR last year due to my AMH (0.79), FSH (13), and AFC (6), while undergoing IUI. My RE put me on metformin because my A1C was borderline prediabetic at the time (5.7). He suspected insulin resistance, though this was never confirmed, and thought metformin might improve chances of pregnancy. I was able to get pregnant via IUI, and went off metformin at that point (primary care doc okayed it, she didn't think I needed to be on it in the first place), but sadly we lost our baby at the beginning of my second trimester due to T18. My husband and I decided to move forward with IVF this year, in the hopes of being able to create a few euploid embryos.
This February, I had an ER that exceeded my wildest dreams: 9 eggs, 7 of which were mature. However, we had fertilization issues, with just 1 egg fertilizing, and that became our sole embryo to-date. When reviewing what we could do to improve outcomes for our next cycle, my doctor said he wanted me back on metformin. I began taking it immediately, and attempted a second cycle in March. That round was cancelled due to only 2 follicles growing, despite having the exact same stim protocol.
We took six weeks off, in the hopes that my body just needed time to recover, and jumped back in this past cycle (I stayed on MF the whole time). This cycle was pretty similar to the March cycle, but we went ahead with the ER anyway: 3 follicles grew, we got 3 eggs, 2 of which fertilized, and the blast rate is still TBD (we did a couple things to improve fertilization rate, namely thawing 2 vials of sperm, adding on PICSI). However, my clinic updated all my labs during this cycle, and I was astounded to see that my AMH is now at 0.20. I know this can happen organically, but it was wild to see such a big drop in just 14 months. The labs also showed that my A1C is now well within the normal range, and I'm no longer prediabetic.
I've been doing some reading on things that can impact AMH, and there are certain medications that can play a role, namely clomid, which was part of my stim protocol, and metformin. It appears that metformin can also suppress antral follicles, though all the papers I've found have studied this in PCOS patients, not DOR patients. I'm just wondering how common it is to prescribe metformin to DOR patients, and if the suppressive effect happens with us, too? Also, has anyone achieved better results after coming off metformin? This cycle was our last insurance-covered round, but if the metformin was partly to blame and we could do one more ER with results like our first one, I might be willing to pay OOP for one last chance at being able to make embryos…
submitted by partygnarl to DOR [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 19:32 Lemongrass_Rainwater Serotonin syndrome symptoms or regular Wellbutrin side effects?

I currently take Lexapro 20mg, and just today also started Wellbutrin 100mg XR. I’ve been taking Lexapro for years, and went up from 5mg to 20mg in the span of a few months, and my psychiatrist also did a dna test on me and learned that I don’t respond well to Lexapro, and I also don’t metabolize Folic Acid very well, which I assume is in antidepressants. I now take methylfolate vitamins to increase my folate levels as well.
I went back a few days ago for a checkup, stilll feeling the same after an increase from 15mg to 20mg. She said because it’s hard to completely quit a medication, she decided to start me on the lowest dose of Wellbutrin as well. She said to look out for symptoms of serotonin syndrome, and said to immediately stop if I feel more sad, depressed, or other bad feelings.
After taking my first Wellbutrin, my eyes are dilated and I’m a little shaky and anxious? It says they’re side effects of Wellbutrin as well, but there’s a chance I’m over worrying. Is there a way to tell if I’m experiencing serotonin syndrome vs just regular side effects? And when is it time for the ER?
And since I’m now on 2 different antidepressants, should i quit drinking alcohol? I don’t want to make anything worse.
submitted by Lemongrass_Rainwater to Wellbutrin_Bupropion [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 18:10 ModedRabbit Wondering if my dog is reacting badly to Trazadone or if im just overreacting

+Whats the usual behavior of a dog that is on trazadone, let alone just starting it? Ive googled and theres too much info from sources that likely dont have a pet on it (articles and other such things) so I figured id ask yall here.
Im always massively overreacting to any little thing my dog does out of the norm, since hes 15 and has early stage heart disease, despite his vet being pretty chill about him and saying hes doing very well considering those things.
So I kinda wanna see if im just overreacting a little before I make another hour long trip to the vets, stressing him out and such for common side effects.
+My little guy has horrible anxiety any time he isnt within sight of me. Granted, I also am extremely anxious when Im not around him but I feel awful the rare times I leave home and he is literally howling and pacing constantly for hours, until im home. He refuses to even stop to drink water or lay on his bed. (I have a blink and watch him) Hes been like this pretty much his whole life, and ive had him said whole life. Even watched his birth. I didnt have the resources to get advice on helping this issue, or even to know that it was something you could maybe do things to help etc, when we both were younger. Unsure if its anything that can be corrected without meds at this point now.
Luckily im home most days though, as im disabled and have agoraphobia. But I do sometimes have to leave for doctor appointments and I cant take him with me, sadly, which is why I have the blink. It is constantly being set off the whole time im gone. I feel awful. Only up side to that is that those alerts at least let me know hes still alive...
With his heart issues I spoke to the vet about my worry that itd stress out his heart even more and while I do plan to get a sling bag for dogs to fit into, so I can take him with me places, I wont always be able to.
So, on the off chances I cant, she prescribed him Trazadone.
Ive googled doses and side effects etc and while theres a general average of answers, theres too much varying info. Many say the things im seeing with him is common but a few are saying its something worth talking to the vet about stopping the medication over.
+He just started it yesterday though and the vet said he should be perfectly fine with the dosage and med. She gave him 1/2 to 1 pill of 100mg of trazadone a day, for my little 15lb mini schnauzer.
I started him with half because, like my own meds I tend to start, I like to er on the side of caution and start slow. I also kinda felt like it was a tad high so I preferred the half anyhow.
I think I made the right choice.
So after about 20 mins or so, he got extremely sleepy and pretty much slept a huge amount of the day, and while hed usually want to constantly be under foot and snap awake with any movement I make, he was totally out cold for a good long while.
The few times he woke up so far (its been around 24 hours now) hes been extremely off with his walking. First few times I had to even help him up and hold him while he walked a bit on most surfaces, other than outside.
The rest of the times hes been okay but still stumbles around a bit like hes not quite gauging distance between him and items in the house or direction hes going etc.
He also occasionally wakes up and hacks a bit and he tries eating grass so I assume its giving him a tummy ache.
He has been eating and drinking normally, when hes awake, so thats nice. Im just worried about him being too sleepy or uncoordinated, but again those things seem to be common side effects that arent something to worry much about, according to MOST info ive found.
I did read that one should use caution with trazadone with dogs with heart disease, despite the vet saying it wouldnt affect him with his heart stuff.
Thing is, though, none of the warnings about that say any side effects to watch out for.
And since my vet was pretty confident about it not possibly messing with his heart issue, I never got any idea from her about anything to watch out for with him.
Anyway, I could easily be overreacting again. I do it a lot with him.
It could just be it being his first time with the med and just common side effects.
Im likely gonna try 1/4 of his pill, and see if thats a bit more mild for him, while still providing anxiety relief.
I want to be sure I get him to a good spot with it, while im around to keep watch over him, before I use it for when I have to leave the house without him.
submitted by ModedRabbit to reactivedogs [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 23:26 cola_zerola Possible slow responder?

I went for my first monitoring appointment this morning (day 5 of stims, but had only completed 4 days since I take them at night). My E2 was 256 and I only have five follicles ranging from 7mm to 13mm (four on the right, one on the left). I am on Follistim 375 units, Clomid 100mg, and dexamethasone 1mg, and tomorrow I start Ganirelix. Age 35, AMH 0.86. Can someone talk me off the ledge? Did anyone else have not-stellar numbers to start and ended up with a million beautiful blasts? 😅 Also, I know everyone keeps saying “quality over quantity” but does low quantity often mean high quality? Who’s to say I don’t have either? Anyway. Thank you all for reading, and as always, for the support and sanity checks.
submitted by cola_zerola to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 15:21 Slick_Grimes Cyp vs Clomid monotherapy. Dr wants to switch me from shots to pills.

Started at 280 and am at 588 from ED Cyp 100mg per week and 250iu HCG EOD frequency. Feel the benefits already even though I'm most likely still adjusting. LH and FSH are undetectable. E2 is at 30.5 so about 5% my total level.
Went to a urologist today hoping to get a script and save money. She wants me on Clomid 25mg daily, taking 5 days of the month off instead. She's talking monotherapy here citing concerns about shutting off my production, I'm not sure I care.
The pharmacy has to order it so I have to pin anyway until then. Question is do I go from pinning one day to clomid the next, do I taper my cyp dosage down as I start taking it? Or am I going to be bummed on clomid alone (or at all)? I see some guys run clomid instead of HCG and if insurance will pay for that it's worth considering.
My E2 being where it is despite a low SHBG and high free was great news and I'm reading clomid monotherapy can elevate E2 which would suck. Appreciate any feedback.
submitted by Slick_Grimes to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 00:47 Charming-Window4530 Higher dose of 100mg spiro, but my derm told me to stop taking minocycline

So I just recently went back to the dermatologist for a 2 month check up. I had previously been on 50mg sprionolactone and 50mg of minocycline, an antibiotic. I heard somewhere that antibiotics are usually prescribed along with spiro to lessen the chances of having bad purging, has anybody heard anything about this and is it true? While on both of the pills I didn’t have too bad of a purge, I think, than other people have had. Is me stopping minocycline and just taking 100mg spiro (what my derm prescribed me 2 days ago), a day going to make me purge horribly again? I was thinking about it and I feel like my body should have already been adjusted to spiro while being on the 50mg for two months, no? Anyways if you guys have any advice on this please let me knooow.
submitted by Charming-Window4530 to Spironolactone [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 22:58 Slick_Grimes Cyp vs Clomid. Doc wants to switch me from shots to pills

Started at 280 and am at 588 from ED Cyp 100mg per week and 250iu HCG EOD frequency. Feel the benefits already even though I'm most likely still adjusting. LH and FSH are undetectable. E2 is at 30.5 so about 5% my total level.
Went to a urologist today hoping to get a script and save money. She wants me on Clomid 25mg daily, taking 5 days of the month off instead. She's talking monotherapy here citing concerns about shutting off my production, I'm not sure I care.
The pharmacy has to order it so I have to pin anyway until then. Question is do I go from pinning one day to clomid the next, do I taper my cyp dosage down as I start taking it? Or am I going to be bummed on clomid alone (or at all)? I see some guys run clomid instead of HCG and if insurance will pay for that it's worth considering.
My E2 being where it is despite a low SHBG and high free was great news and I'm reading clomid monotherapy can elevate E2 which would suck. Appreciate any feedback.
submitted by Slick_Grimes to trt [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 19:27 LowerRip8837 Starting new combination!

Hello! Since I read that Vortioxetine is a great medication for anhedonia and apathy and is less likely to cause sexual side effects than ssris,I decided to switch to it. I started taking Vortioxetine 10mg combined with Modafinil 100mg since wellbutrin + modafinil was not working.Methylphenidate is here to take as needed,but doc recommended to take one tablet of 10mg after lunch. So,after 2 days,apathy has been reduced,anhedonia as well.Not so much,since it has been only 2 days. Anxiety is zero.Nausea has been present but i’m taking anti-nausea medication.Looking forward to continue this combo! If I do not get remission,doctor said that I will add either Mirtazapine or Nortriptyline(because I refuse common SSRIs).But there is a chance that I could accept Fluvoxamine!
submitted by LowerRip8837 to antidepressants [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 19:23 mrg13010 Light line anxiety

I recently tested positive at 12/13DPO. We’ve been ttc for some time but had struggles due to annovulation. This past month was the first month on Clomid 100mg, and confirmed ovulation with ultrasound, blood test, and at home tests (opks/temping). Lh surge was on CD19, today is CD35. I was really trying not to get my hopes up and was not really expecting to get pregnant on my first cycle of Clomid. Imagine my shock when I saw those lines!! The lines at 12/13DPO were fairly light but definitely there and did not require squinting. Fast forward to today, 14/15DPO and I tested again this morning and the lines seem about the same. Fairly light (no lighter but seemingly no darker though). Woke up with swollen feeling breasts and some nausea throughout the day, but not sure if that is because of nerves.
Feeling a bit anxious because I was hoping for darker lines today. I’ve been using wondfo and easy@home, but ordered some FRER that should come in tomorrow. It’s really hard to get excited when you are obsessing over lines.
Am I being overly worried? Anyone else with light lines at 14/15DPO?
submitted by mrg13010 to CautiousBB [link] [comments]
