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I powerscaled the average human

2024.05.19 22:17 NotANinjask I powerscaled the average human

Recently there have been a lot of posts downplaying humans in versus battles. Claiming silly things like humans would lose to Goku, or humans wouldn’t be able to kill the Hulk just by outsmarting him. I’ve made this post to try and set the record straight with a full powerscaling of the Humanverse.
How strong is a human? We know a few things about the Humanverse: An “ant” is described as a six-legged monster capable of lifting 50 times its own bodyweight. It’s also considered a fodder-tier enemy to humans and other creatures, to the extent that millions of ants can be killed at a time even by an unskilled human.
Humans have a power where whenever they lift something or perform any physical activity they get slightly stronger. This can happen even through casual activities outside of a dedicated training arc. To give an idea of how fast a human can power up, in the event known as “boxing” humans often fight for multiple rounds within the span of an hour. It's not uncommon for humans to perform differently in different rounds, indicating there must have been a rapid change in their power levels because we all know that the stronger character always wins the fight. Now you must remember that humans live over 80 years frequently, so (using a low estimate) if the human only lifts things once per day, and only gets 1% stronger each time, they would be 1.53E+126 times as strong after 80 years of training because of EXPONENTS. In reality, we should expect it to be higher since humans can train multiple times per day.
It is said that humans could destroy their planet by accident with their lifestyles. In particular, it was stated in-universe that too many human babies could destroy their own Earth. A human baby scales to planetary level, possibly scaling up to universe level and beyond as they grow older.
Humans are able to survive attacks from other humans, which implies a high level of durability in itself since humans are universe busters. Even a young human can survive attacks from a very old human.
We get excerpts that suggest that humans are only considered dead when their brain dies, which suggests that humans can regenerate from just a brain. Furthermore, even attacking a human brain doesn’t cause them to necessarily die. There are cases of humans surviving attacks that destroy large parts of their brain, so really it might be necessary to annihilate a human’s body entirely to kill them.
Even so, there are examples of humans being temporarily considered dead and remaining alive after, which suggests that humans have a degree of resistance to the concept of death itself. Humans given an amount of time to live, such as “1 month to live” frequently outlast that, suggesting that some segment of the human population can warp time to extend their lifespans. Even the planet-scale enemy known as “cancer” often fails to kill individual humans, and when it does it takes months or years to do so.
How fast is a human? Humans are frequently described as dodging sniper and artillery fire on the battlefield. Sniper fire is so fast that the bullet outruns the sound of the gun being fired, which makes them supersonic, which means that humans have supersonic reaction and dodging speeds. Artillery is basically a gun but even bigger, so if we scale up the speed it means that humans are actually hypersonic in reaction and dodging speeds.
But remember, we don’t know how fast sound travels in the Humanverse. It’s said that when a human does something, it’s possible for one on the other side of the planet to hear about it in moments via technology. This is a gazillion times faster than sound normally travels, which means humans are faster-than-faster-than-hypersonic which I don’t know what that is so I’m just gonna say fuck it and put light speed.
Even if we ignore the speed of sound scaling, humans also frequently dodge cameras which do operate at light speed. Now remember this is a base human without any powerups, so really we should expect a human after 20 years of training to be massively FTL.
Outerversal and Higher?
We haven’t even gotten to the juicy part yet. It turns out that human scientists discovered their universe is made of 11-dimensional objects, under a discovery they called “M-Theory”. What this implies is that humans are 11-dimensional entities. According to dimensional scaling, this means that any character with less than 11 dimensions may as well be a flat piece of paper to humans.
This may not make sense at first, since humans frequently claim to be 3 dimensional. However, clearly they’re just talking from their own perspective - and besides, downscaling doesn’t exist so we should take the higher number to be an immutable fact.
Individual humans are capable of creating fictional universes, giving them outerversal status at bare minimum. They are furthermore capable of creating characters that are themselves outerversal with the same creating power, yet are unable to affect humans in their world. Take the following scan:
And then Alice wrote a story about Bob writing a story about Charlie writing a story about Dennis writing a story.
Humans are able to outscale meta-narrative systems infinitely nested on themselves and can create characters of arbitrary power to interact with narratives on any level. There’s no doubt about it: All fictional universes exist within the Humanverse and are considered to be infinitely below even the weakest human. They meta-outscale even the strongest meta-universes to a meta-infinite degree according to my meta-matics. Something something patafictional transcendent cosmological blah blah blah I give up.
So in conclusion prime Mike Tyson solos your favorite verse.
submitted by NotANinjask to CharacterRant [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:04 DeltaMx11 Tagging a series for a cameo?

If I have a fic that mainly sticks to one franchise, but the story features a small part for either a character or even a particular object from a different franchise as a reference, do you think that warrants tagging that other series in the story? For a random example, if Harry Potter briefly encountered Dean Winchester for only a few paragraphs or found a real-life mask from 'Zelda and the Majora's Mask', even if those things didn't impact the plot in any meaningful way, should Supernatural or The Legend of Zelda be added as tags to what's mainly a Harry Potter fic?
submitted by DeltaMx11 to AO3 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:02 The_BotleyCrew On The Wind

Erik listened as Morna’s footsteps gave a backing beat to the rhythmic busywork of the ship. She was pacing, her shoulders hunched, pointedly not looking over Shieldbreaker’s side, averting her eyes from the retreating silhouettes of Lady Alannys and Unwelcome Guest, and the Lute and Harp flotillas in their wake.
No matter what task they busied themselves with, the ship’s crew parted to allow Morna her passage back and forth. She stopped just in front of Erik at the stern, turned on one heel and marched back to Kiera at the bow. She probably felt cramped on the ship. Erik remembered how she had walked the walls of Lordsport on the day Sigorn was injured, her relentless pace only hitching momentarily in front of the maester’s door on each cycle.
Soon she returned to him again, both eyes on the deck, though only one saw it.
“Do you want to sit down?” he asked her as she swivelled, not particularly expecting a response.
“No,” she said, and stopped. It seemed to take some effort to look back at him. “I want to hit something,” she explained. Now that she was still, hands clenched into fists, she stood out amidst the rolling motion of the oarsmen to either side.
“Once we get cruising, we can spar, if that would help?”
Morna hesitated. “I want to break something,” she clarified.
“I don’t think I can help there.”
Morna waved a hand in a way that meant she’d get over it. When she resumed her pacing, Erik followed her to the midpoint of the ship, retrieving his fiddle from the hold. He met both his wives at the bow, and brought the instrument to his chin.
Drawing the bow across the strings, he pushed a few bars of an old and nameless tune, rising notes wishing good fortune across the waves.
Morna relaxed as the answering verses whispered back to them, leaning her scarred forehead against Kiera’s shoulder. After a few moments, she straightened, pushing her hair back from her eyes.
“I’m alright,” she insisted, flexing her hands, “I just hate when I can’t do anything.”
Neither Erik nor Kiera responded. There was no need. They understood.
Three days after the fleets separated, the winds turned on them. The tips of dark clouds on the horizon spoke of a storm that Shieldbreaker and the Fiddle flotilla were only feeling the echoes of, but it was a complete headwind all the same. Everyone aboard knew what it meant, but they groaned all the same when the nausea, the strain, the third thing began.
Erik kept his focus on the fervent activity on the deck, oarsmen keeping balance, two-men teams on the spar lines, Erik’s own hands on the rudder. Hours into the nauseating back-and forth, he found his focus drifting. He called Osfryd over to take the rudder for the upcoming portside turn.
Kiera had abandoned her perch on the bow that morning, and spent the whole day with her back against the mast, rubbing her forehead, eyes closing every time the creaking sail beam swivelled over her head.
He went to the canopy at the mast, and gently pressed a kiss to Kiera’s forehead. She looked up at him, smiling apologetically.
“The creaking makes my head ache,” she said, by way of an explanation. Erik just leaned on the mast beside her, and held her hand down by his side. They watched their other wife for a time. Morna was at the windward side of the ship as it turned, helping some of the crew scrape clinging seaweed from the hull, exposed from the waterline by Shieldbreaker’s dramatic tilt.
“She’s going to heave if she keeps going like that,” Kiera commented. Erik murmured an agreement, watching the seasick stagger that was starting to come into Morna’s movements.
“You know what she’s like,” Erik said. “You and Asha grew up sailing, she thinks she has to prove herself.”
Kiera scoffed, though there was a smile hidden in her offended scowl. “Asha barely sailed.”
Erik conceded that with a shrug. “She’s Ironborn, though.”
Kiera nodded, then squeezed her eyes shut as the ship began tilting to port, the spar over their head groaning as it scraped against the mast. She had always been Erik’s softest wife. Even as the shipborne bastard of a Tyroshi merchant, her youth had been filled with more comforts than a wildling huntress or daughter of a tiny Ironborn house were ever afforded.
The deck shifted beneath them, and the hull-scrapers abandoned their posts to move to the other side. Morna passed through the cabin, teeth bared even more than her scars usually made them as she tried to breathe through the nausea.
“Fuck this,” she said conversationally, and accepted Kiera’s kiss to her scarred cheek.
“You don’t need to work yourself to the point of illness, darling,” Erik said, but she shrugged the comment off like he knew she would.
“You can help any time,” she pointed out, not unfairly.
“I’ll be over in a moment.”
Kiera shook her head. “Iemnȳ ēdrulio glaesas, dōnītsosi. I read charts and look pretty. You strong people can do the actual work.”
The storm’s wake had passed by the next day, and Erik allowed his exhausted crew a morning’s rest. The bed of sand and the cookfire were back out on the stern, Theomore frying fillets he had cut from the fish other men had pulled from the sea in the days before.
As lord and captain, Erik had the benefit of first serving, sitting with his wives under the canopy at the ship’s centre, a well-done piece of cod speared on the knife that had avenged his father.
“You’re still a kneeler, as much as the rest of them,” Morna was saying, waving a fishbone insistently. Kiera’s lips twitched into a smile at the familiar argument.
“Look, the Archon is chosen-”
“By the people with gold,” Morna interrupted.
“Yes, but you told me the Kings-Beyond-The-Wall were chosen by clan chiefs-”
“That’s not the same.”
“I’m still not sure I’m a kneeler,” Erik interjected, smiling at how Morna's face twisted into mock outrage.
Lord Botley, I do love you, but you’re the most kneelerish person I can put up with. We’d be up raiding Bear Island, or whatsitcalled, the lion city, Lannister-port or something, if you weren’t a kneeler.”
“Those people never did anything to us,” Erik tried.
Morna pointed, catching the error. “And what did this Volantis do to us?”
“Enslaved my mother,” Kiera pointed out. Morna eyed her, making sure her wife was still in the mood for play, before she pressed on.
“Fine, what did we do, then? Why raid the Frozen Shore?”
“Well you did-” Erik caught himself before he said “raid the North.” Morna eyed him, teasing curiosity raising her mismatched eyebrows.
“You got me,” he smiled, taking another bite of cod. “I only go raiding where I can find beautiful women.”
Morna grinned at the flattery and opened her mouth to respond, but was cut off by Kiera tutting in mock-outrage.
“I’m sorry, dōnītsos, but why are we stopping peacefully in Tyrosh, in that case?”
“I’ve met your father,” Erik reasoned. “Your looks come from your mother’s homeland.”
That broke the momentum of the debate as Morna barked a laugh and Kiera tried to hold one in, pinching the bridge of her nose. Erik chuckled, and managed not to flinch when the sailor called for him.
Erik turned. Osfryd, leaning against the prow, hair flickering in the wind, pointed over his shoulder to the horizon before them all.
“Ship rising!” he called, by way of explanation.
Kiera was on her feet first, stepping lightly between the myriad of chatting crewmembers that Erik was surprised to see surrounding him and his wives. She reached the bow and climbed it deftly, hooking a foot in the lantern-ring as she often did. Erik and Morna followed more slowly.
“Merchant, by the shape,” Kiera said as they approached. Erik followed her gaze to the tall, barrel-hulled carrack coming over the horizon, half-silhouetted by the low morning sun. He could just make out a pennant fluttering at the tip of the tallest mast.
“Can you make out the flag?” Erik asked.
Kiera took a moment before answering, “Myrish, I think. They’re keeping dead on. You’d think they’d try to get around us, no?”
“Quicker to go through, I suppose,” Erik suggested. “Plus, they’re likely unsure how wide a fleet we have, or if we even want to attack.”
“Do we want to attack?” Morna asked.
The question drew the attention of several crewmembers, who quickly turned to listen to Erik’s answer.
Playing for time, Erik looked out at the ship again. The thought of battle made his blood tingle, but he was wary. Shallow-drafted longships like theirs were ideal for a shoreline assault, but much less suited for warfare at sea. There was a reason that the Royal Fleet consisted of dromonds and other tall ships. Attack even one Myrish trader and dozens would sink to the Drowned God’s halls. Pointless, unless there was some real reason to take that risk.
“Slavers?” Erik asked.
Kiera shook her head. “They’re heading to Dorne or the Stormlands, they know they can’t sell them there.”
“Then no.” Some men around him looked disappointed, others relieved. Erik reckoned he could guess how long each man had been sailing by that reaction.
“We’ll save our strength for a greater bounty, further East,” Erik said, his voice shifting to a commanding baritone. “To oars, men! Give them space to pass! I’ll not have them loose arrows on us for some misunderstanding.”
The knot of listeners loosened and fell away, dipping oars to water and pushing Shieldbreaker further out of the Myrish vessel’s path. The ship loomed as it came closer, and Erik saw men with crossbows take positions on the upper gunwale. A blue-haired, green-bearded man, the captain by his stance, stood at the prow and looked out at the passing fleet with suspicious eyes.
Kiera cupped her hands around her mouth and called, her voice clear and carrying as a flute, “Jemī ōdrikagon indī daor!
We mean you no harm. It was one of the few phrases Kiera had insisted Erik learn. It got the captain’s attention, his eyes flicking across the ship until he found the speaker.
Jaehor ojehiknon irughas!” he responded, his stance softening. The crossbowmen followed his lead. Not all of them lowered their weapons, but enough did that Erik relaxed. The captain followed with a sentence that included skoriot – where? Asking where they were from.
Erik saw Kiera give her best smile, and she gestured to the fish-covered green pennant on Shieldbreaker’s mast. “Āegenka Āja. Mȳro iksāt, kessa?
The captain seemed to hesitate a little at her response, though Erik would have assumed that their hailing from the Iron Islands – for he recognised Āegenka Āja – was obvious from their ships. Their vessels were almost level now, and Erik could now read the curiosity in the man’s smile. He finally called, “Hen mirto Āegenka Ājor, Valyrīhos sȳrī ȳdrā!
Kiera’s smile faltered at that, but seemed to renew with some quiet pride. “Īlōnda quptyri issa daor!”
The captain barked a laugh, and the reaction was echoed by a few chuckles among the crossbowmen. Erik couldn’t understand the joke, but laughed along anyway. Kiera leaned over to her husband.
“They are from Myr,” she confirmed. “I don’t think they’re interested in a fight.”
“Good,” Erik said. “Ask where they’re going.”
Kiera returned her attention to the passing ship. “Skoriot īlāt?” she called.
The captain pointed westward, presumably indicating his destination.
Jelmāzmari Mōrio!
Erik recognized the name of Storm’s End, but the rest of the man’s sentence was lost in a flurry of unfamiliar syllables. The captain rubbed thumb and forefinger together, so he gathered that he was speaking of trade with the Stormlanders.
The ship was passing them now, Shieldbreaker swaying as it was buffeted in its wake.
Biarver aōt!” Kiera called. The man’s response was lost in the wind, but his smile told Erik that it had been some kind farewell. He watched the retreating galley with contentment. It was always good to meet a kindred spirit on the high seas.
The cawing of seagulls was the first sign they were approaching land. Always a light sleeper, Erik’s eyes shot open at the sound. Morna’s arm was still draped over his chest, her eyes closed and shallow breaths peaceful with sleep. Erik was careful as he wriggled out from beneath her, stood and stepped over her and Kiera, who had her face pressed into the nape of Morna’s neck.
Most of the rest of the crew were asleep as well, wrapped in thin blankets between the rowing benches. Three men were talking quietly to one another in the shadows to starboard, while six others played cards in the light of the new bow lantern. Back at the stern, Erik found Mathos posted at the rudder.
“Milord,” Mathos said, by way of greeting. He kept his voice low, and Erik followed suit.
“Mathos. No trouble in the night?”
“None, milord. Wind was steady, we’re dead on for the Bloodstone strait. Mind you, those smoke trails have me wondering, milord.”
Erik’s eyebrows asked his question for him, and Mathos just pointed past him, out towards the bow and the sea and the deep, dark shape of the island on the horizon, blocking the spill of starlight beyond it. Then, as his eyes adjusted to the sight, he saw them – thin, curling lines of smoke rising over the island. Five of them, tightly packed together, shining silver in the light.
Erik shrugged. They disquieted him, as well, but he voiced the most obvious objection to his worry all the same. “Bloodstone isn’t entirely uninhabited. It’s probably just a fishing village.”
Mathos gave a sort of half shrug. He obviously didn’t want to contradict his captain, but he pressed on anyway.
“Perhaps, milord, but who’s staying up to tend the fires this late? Sunrise is barely an hour away, by my reckoning. I can’t think of many reasons folk’d’ve fires kept so late.”
“It’s just a guess milord, but aye. What’re they keeping watch for, I wonder?”
Erik kept his eyes on the smoke, though his attention was focused inward. There was some fear there, and a hesitant surprise. Excitement boiled in his chest, but it had a core that Erik took a moment to identify. Satisfaction. Here was proof that he would not return to Lordsport unsated, that he would find more of what he sought most, as he had found first in Starfall.
The unexpected.
submitted by The_BotleyCrew to GameofThronesRP [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:50 ayayafishie Want to find more people who love decorating their kingdom on pure vanilla server!

Hey everyone, I made an account on here since I'm not sure how else I could interact with the community of this game. I've started playing this game around 4 weeks ago and I'm loving it so far!
There is one aspect of the game I like the most: decorating my kingdom. I've went all-out and my current objective in the game is making a kingdom that is as beautiful as it is "functional" (every building being accessible, the layout making sense etc). And eventually, I would love to have multiple kingdoms that are totally different from each other, but still tick all the check marks.
And here comes the purpose of my post: I want to find more people that are as enthusiastic as I am about decorating their kingdoms!
Whenever I'm stuck waiting, for example for an arena refresh, I find myself visiting kingdoms. Whether it's people in my friends list or people that get recommended to me, I love admiring and analysing different decorated kingdoms. Their approach, stylistic choices and building placements, the list goes on! I'd love visiting towns like that more than once, but many of them have their friends list full or another reason to not add me back (I can imagine some people prefer to add people they know, or people that can speak their language)
I'd rather not mention my in-game name in this post, so dm me if you'd like to be friends! I'm very active, send gifts daily and occasionally send prestige gifts to my current friends as well!
submitted by ayayafishie to CookierunKingdom [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:45 Loud_Ad471 Any "good" Junglers to carry in Silver+ ?

I'm currently in Silver Elo and trying to climb to high Gold / low Plat. My former game experience in Jungle felt more like Coinflip matches since I observed that either one lane won hard by themselve or fed the enemy laner which ended up in a Defeat screen.
It's not the point that I don't gank (which of course I do) but the fact that in a significant amount of matches the lanes which I successfully ganked throws up the lead and/or the other lanes feed too.
I tried fixing this by doing objectives and counter-jungling but often just get caught in river or in the enemy jungle cause literally none of my teammated has prio or is way too weak to enter a teamfight.
I know exactly that I do mistakes too by taking enemy jungle with no prio on lanes or just take a bad fight here and there. So please don't focus on that too much. That's one of the reasons why I'm looking for a Jungle pick which prevents this type of mistakes.
I've tried a few junglers in the past and have felt best with Nunu or Vi. The Problem with Nunu is that I have to rely on my team doing a good job and my big problem with Vi is that most likely I'm the first to engage a fight with my Q or R while my team doesn't follow up in scenarios, where we would easily win the fight.
Has anyone recommendations what I could play and maybe a certain strategy I should apply? Like for example, playing a heavy CC jungler and focusing on one lane to ensure thst this lane stomps the enemy?
submitted by Loud_Ad471 to Jungle_Mains [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:43 ashiwanikumar Beyond Customer Service: Exploring New Frontiers with AI-driven Chatbots in Marketing and Sales

Beyond Customer Service: Exploring New Frontiers with AI-driven Chatbots in Marketing and Sales

As we continue our journey into the transformative world of AI and chatbots, we look forward to sharing more in-depth analyses, breakthroughs, and strategies to help you harness the full potential of these technologies in your marketing and sales efforts.


Welcome back to the second issue of Insights on Chatbots & AI, where we continue our exploration into the transformative world of artificial intelligence and chatbots. This edition dives deep into how AI-driven chatbots are extending their capabilities far beyond just customer support, rapidly becoming indispensable tools for driving innovation in marketing and sales strategies across industries.
As businesses strive to deliver exceptional user experiences while maximizing growth opportunities, chatbots have emerged as a powerful solution that bridges the gap between personalized engagement and scalable efficiency. These intelligent conversational systems are not only enhancing customer interactions but also driving significant business growth through innovative lead generation tactics, targeted marketing campaigns, and streamlined sales processes.

The Expanding Role of Chatbots in Marketing and Sales

The integration of chatbots into marketing and sales funnels has fundamentally transformed the way businesses interact with potential and existing customers. From the very first touchpoint to closing the deal, chatbots are revolutionizing each step of the customer journey, offering a seamless blend of automation and personalization that was previously unattainable.
Imagine a world where chatbots effortlessly capture and nurture leads through dynamic, tailored conversations, responding to inquiries with precision and guiding users towards providing essential contact information or subscribing to services – all within a few chat bubbles. This level of real-time engagement not only enhances the user experience but also significantly accelerates the sales pipeline, enabling businesses to capitalize on opportunities more effectively than ever before.
As we delve deeper into this exciting frontier, we'll uncover the myriad ways in which chatbots are redefining marketing and sales strategies, from automating lead generation to delivering personalized content experiences and ultimately streamlining the entire sales process.

Automating Lead Generation

In the ever-competitive digital landscape, attracting and nurturing high-quality leads is a make-or-break factor for businesses across industries. This is where chatbots truly shine, excelling in capturing and qualifying leads through automated yet highly personalized conversations.
By leveraging advanced natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning capabilities, chatbots can engage website visitors or social media followers in natural, contextual dialogues. They can quickly gather essential information such as contact details, preferences, and pain points, while simultaneously responding to queries and guiding users towards desired actions, such as subscribing to a newsletter or requesting a consultation.
In this section, we'll outline proven strategies for setting up your chatbot as a lead generation powerhouse. From crafting compelling conversational prompts that encourage user engagement to leveraging AI-driven analytics to optimize lead qualification processes continually, we'll provide you with the tools and insights needed to maximize the lead generation potential of your chatbot.

Enhancing Personalization in Marketing

In today's marketing landscape, personalization is no longer a luxury – it's a necessity. Consumers expect tailored experiences that resonate with their unique preferences, behaviors, and needs. Failure to deliver on this expectation can result in disengaged audiences and lost opportunities.
This is where AI-driven chatbots truly shine, collecting and analyzing vast amounts of data from user interactions to deliver personalized content experiences that resonate with each individual. Through advanced machine learning algorithms, chatbots can identify patterns and preferences, enabling them to recommend relevant products, offer customized promotions, and create personalized shopping journeys that significantly boost engagement and conversion rates.
In this part of the newsletter, we'll explore the cutting-edge techniques and strategies that businesses are employing to leverage chatbots for personalized marketing. From real-time content curation and dynamic product recommendations to AI-powered audience segmentation and targeted campaign delivery, we'll provide you with a comprehensive understanding of how chatbots can revolutionize your marketing efforts, driving customer loyalty and maximizing return on investment.

Streamlining the Sales Process

The integration of chatbots into the sales process offers a seamless, efficient pathway from lead to customer, revolutionizing the way businesses engage and convert prospects. By automating many of the tasks traditionally handled by sales teams, chatbots not only reduce the overall sales cycle but also significantly increase team productivity, enabling them to focus their efforts on high-value activities that drive revenue growth.
From the initial lead qualification process to providing detailed product information, scheduling appointments, and even facilitating transactions, chatbots are proving to be invaluable assets in the sales arsenal. Imagine a scenario where a prospective customer expresses interest in your product or service – within seconds, your chatbot can engage them in a tailored conversation, gathering essential details, offering personalized recommendations, and seamlessly scheduling a follow-up consultation with a sales representative.
In this section, we'll dive into real-world examples and case studies, demonstrating the tangible impact chatbots are having on streamlining sales processes across various industries. We'll share insights on how businesses are leveraging chatbots to reduce sales cycles, increase conversion rates, and ultimately drive sustainable revenue growth.

Case Studies: Successful Chatbots in Marketing and Sales

To further illustrate the transformative potential of AI-driven chatbots in marketing and sales, we'll share inspiring stories from companies that have successfully implemented these solutions into their core strategies. These real-world case studies will not only highlight the measurable impacts on engagement, lead generation, and sales conversions but also provide you with actionable insights that can be directly applied to your own business.
From e-commerce giants leveraging chatbots to deliver personalized shopping experiences and drive repeat purchases to innovative startups utilizing chatbots for targeted lead generation and nurturing, these success stories will serve as a testament to the power of embracing AI-driven conversational interfaces.
Through these case studies, we'll uncover the strategic approaches, implementation methodologies, and key performance indicators that have contributed to the success of these chatbot initiatives, equipping you with the knowledge and inspiration to embark on your own transformative journey.

Overcoming Challenges

While the integration of chatbots in marketing and sales offers numerous benefits, it is not without its challenges. As with any disruptive technology, there are hurdles to overcome and potential pitfalls to avoid.
One of the primary concerns that businesses face is maintaining a delicate balance between automation and human touch. While chatbots excel at streamlining processes and delivering consistent experiences, there is a risk of over-automating customer interactions, potentially leading to a lack of personalization and empathy.
Additionally, as chatbots collect and process vast amounts of customer data, ensuring data privacy and compliance with relevant regulations becomes paramount. Businesses must implement robust security measures and transparent data handling policies to maintain consumer trust and avoid potential legal repercussions.
In this section, we'll address these and other common challenges associated with chatbot implementation in marketing and sales. We'll provide best practices for maintaining the right balance, ensuring that your chatbot enhances rather than detracts from the customer experience. By proactively addressing these challenges, you can mitigate risks and maximize the benefits of incorporating AI-driven chatbots into your strategies.

Spotlight on Conferbot: A Tool for Marketing and Sales Excellence

In the ever-expanding landscape of chatbot platforms, Conferbot has emerged as a standout solution designed to empower businesses in their pursuit of marketing and sales excellence. With its powerful no-code builder, advanced natural language processing capabilities, and seamless integration with existing tools and systems, Conferbot offers a comprehensive solution for creating, deploying, and managing chatbots that not only engage and convert but also seamlessly integrate with your CRM, sales tools, and marketing automation platforms.
In this spotlight section, we'll take an in-depth look at Conferbot's features and functionality, highlighting how its intuitive interface, robust analytics, and extensive customization options can help you build chatbots tailored to your unique marketing and sales needs.
From automating lead qualification and nurturing processes to delivering personalized product recommendations and streamlining sales cycles, Conferbot's versatile platform provides a holistic solution that empowers businesses to unlock the full potential of AI-driven conversational interfaces.
Whether you're a seasoned marketer seeking to optimize your campaigns or a sales professional looking to boost conversion rates, Conferbot offers the tools and capabilities to help you achieve your goals and stay ahead of the curve in an increasingly competitive digital landscape.


As we wrap up this edition of Insights on Chatbots & AI, it's clear that chatbots have transcended their traditional role in customer service, rapidly becoming indispensable assets in the realms of marketing and sales. By leveraging the power of artificial intelligence and natural language processing, these conversational interfaces are revolutionizing how businesses engage with customers, from lead generation and nurturing to personalized content delivery and streamlined sales processes.
The success stories and real-world examples shared throughout this newsletter serve as a testament to the transformative potential of AI-driven chatbots. As businesses continue to embrace these cutting-edge technologies, we can expect to witness even more innovative applications and strategies that redefine the boundaries of customer engagement and business growth.
However, it's important to remember that the successful implementation of chatbots in marketing and sales strategies requires a holistic and strategic approach. Simply deploying a chatbot without a clear understanding of your goals, target audience, and integration with existing systems and processes can lead to suboptimal results and wasted resources.
As you embark on your journey to incorporate AI-driven chatbots into your marketing and sales efforts, it's crucial to invest time and resources into developing a comprehensive strategy. This includes defining clear objectives, mapping out the customer journey, and identifying the specific touchpoints where chatbots can have the most significant impact.
Moreover, continuously monitoring and analyzing the performance of your chatbot is essential to ensure it remains effective and aligned with evolving customer needs and market trends. By leveraging data-driven insights and user feedback, you can refine and optimize your chatbot's capabilities, ensuring it delivers a seamless and engaging experience that drives tangible business results.
As we look ahead, the future of chatbots in marketing and sales is brimming with exciting possibilities. Advancements in natural language processing, machine learning, and conversational AI will undoubtedly unlock new frontiers, enabling even more personalized and intelligent interactions that blur the lines between human and artificial intelligence.
In the next issue of Insights on Chatbots & AI, we'll explore these emerging trends and technologies, providing you with a glimpse into the future of customer engagement and business growth. We'll delve into topics such as multi-modal interactions, emotional intelligence, and the potential for chatbots to not only understand but also anticipate customer needs before they arise.
Ready to revolutionize your marketing and sales strategy with the power of AI chatbots? Visit Conferbot's website today to learn more about how our platform can help you create engaging, efficient, and effective chatbot solutions tailored to your business needs. Our team of experts is ready to guide you through the process of implementing a chatbot that aligns with your unique goals and objectives, ensuring a seamless integration with your existing systems and processes.
Don't miss out on the opportunity to unlock the full potential of AI-driven conversational interfaces. Take the first step towards transforming your customer engagement and driving sustainable business growth by exploring Conferbot's cutting-edge chatbot solutions.
submitted by ashiwanikumar to conferbot [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:42 ayayafishie Looking for people who play ArchitectRunKingdom like me!

Hey everyone, I made an account on here since I'm not sure how else I could interact with the community of this game. I've started playing this game around 4 weeks ago and I'm loving it so far!
There is one aspect of the game I like the most: decorating my kingdom. I've went all-out and my current objective in the game is making a kingdom that is as beautiful as it is "functional" (every building being accessible, the layout making sense etc). And eventually, I would love to have multiple kingdoms that are totally different from each other, but still tick all the check marks.
And here comes the purpose of my post: I want to find more people that are as enthusiastic as I am about decorating their kingdoms!
Whenever I'm stuck waiting, for example for an arena refresh, I find myself visiting kingdoms. Whether it's people in my friends list or people that get recommended to me, I love admiring and analysing different decorated kingdoms. Their approach, stylistic choices and building placements, the list goes on! I'd love visiting towns like that more than once, but many of them have their friends list full or another reason to not add me back (I can imagine some people prefer to add people they know, or people that can speak their language)
I'd rather not mention my in-game name in this post, so dm me if you'd like to be friends! I'm very active, send gifts daily and occasionally send prestige gifts to my current friends as well!
submitted by ayayafishie to CookieRunKingdoms [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:35 saggacorp Btree Legacy Screen Navigator
import telnetlib
import time
class TelnetScreen:
def __init__(self, host, port=23): = host
self.port = port
self.connection = None
self.screen_content = ""
def connect(self):
self.connection = telnetlib.Telnet(, self.port)
except Exception as e:
print(f"Failed to connect to {}:{self.port} - {e}")
def read_initial_screen(self):
if self.connection:
self.screen_content = self.connection.read_until(b"\n", timeout=10).decode('ascii')
def send_command(self, command):
if self.connection:
self.connection.write(command.encode('ascii') + b"\n")
time.sleep(2) # Wait for the server to respond
def update_screen_content(self):
if self.connection:
self.screen_content += self.connection.read_very_eager().decode('ascii')
def get_screen_content(self):
return self.screen_content
def close(self):
if self.connection:
def input_command(self):
command = input("Enter command: ")
print("Screen content after sending command:")
class BTreeNode:
def __init__(self, telnet_screen):
self.telnet_screen = telnet_screen
self.left = None
self.right = None
class BTree:
def __init__(self):
self.root = None
def add(self, telnet_screen):
if not self.root:
self.root = BTreeNode(telnet_screen)
self._add(self.root, telnet_screen)
def _add(self, node, telnet_screen):
if node.left is None:
node.left = BTreeNode(telnet_screen)
elif node.right is None:
node.right = BTreeNode(telnet_screen)

For simplicity, add to left subtree if both children exist

self._add(node.left, telnet_screen)
def traverse(self, node):
if node:

Usage example

if __name__ == "__main__":

Create a TelnetScreen object for

screen1 = TelnetScreen("")
screen2 = TelnetScreen("")
screen3 = TelnetScreen("")

Create a BTree and add TelnetScreen objects

tree = BTree()

Traverse the tree and print screen contents

print("Traversing the BTree:")

Close all Telnet connections

submitted by saggacorp to u/saggacorp [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:32 GredoraYGO The Master Duel Steam Forum is.... something.

The Master Duel Steam Forum is.... something. submitted by GredoraYGO to masterduel [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:30 tempmailgenerator Integrating Customer Information with PayPal's Order Creation API

Seamless Payment Integration Strategies

In the rapidly evolving digital marketplace, ensuring a seamless transaction process is paramount for e-commerce platforms. One of the critical components of this process is the integration of customer data, such as names and emails, into payment systems like PayPal's Create Order API. This integration not only streamlines the checkout experience but also enhances security and personalization, offering customers a smooth and secure payment journey. By leveraging PayPal's API, businesses can automate the transfer of vital customer information, reducing manual input errors and improving overall transaction efficiency.
Moreover, the strategic implementation of PayPal's Create Order API facilitates a more personalized shopping experience, allowing businesses to tailor their services according to customer preferences and purchase history. This level of customization is crucial for building long-term customer relationships and fostering loyalty. Additionally, understanding the technical nuances and best practices for integrating customer data into PayPal's system is essential for developers and e-commerce professionals aiming to optimize their online payment solutions. This integration not only supports operational efficiency but also contributes to a trustworthy and customer-centric e-commerce environment.
Command Description
fetch() Used to make network requests to PayPal's API and other endpoints.
JSON.stringify() Converts JavaScript objects into a string format to send in the request body.
Headers Used to set HTTP headers like Content-Type and Authorization for the request.

Enhancing E-Commerce Transactions with PayPal Integration

Integrating PayPal's Create Order API into an e-commerce platform significantly elevates the user experience by providing a streamlined, secure, and efficient payment process. This integration allows for the direct transmission of payer details, such as name and email, from the merchant's site to PayPal, facilitating a smoother transaction flow. This seamless integration is not just about improving the speed of transactions; it also plays a crucial role in enhancing security. By automating the data transfer process, the risk of manual entry errors is minimized, and sensitive customer information is handled securely, adhering to PayPal's robust encryption standards. This method ensures that customer trust is maintained, which is paramount in the digital commerce space.
Furthermore, the flexibility offered by PayPal's API supports various transaction types, including one-time payments, subscriptions, and donations, making it an ideal choice for a wide range of business models. Advanced features such as smart payment buttons, which automatically adapt to the user's country and device for an optimized payment experience, further exemplify the thoughtful design of PayPal's solutions. For businesses looking to expand globally, integrating with PayPal offers the added advantage of accepting payments in over 100 currencies, thus broadening their market reach. This comprehensive approach not only simplifies the payment process for customers but also provides merchants with valuable insights into purchasing behaviors, enabling more targeted marketing strategies and business decisions.

Integrating PayPal Order Creation

JavaScript with Fetch API
const url = ''; const body = { intent: 'CAPTURE', purchase_units: [{ amount: { currency_code: 'USD', value: '100.00' } }], payer: { name: { given_name: 'John', surname: 'Doe' }, email_address: '' } }; const options = { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Bearer YourAccessToken' }, body: JSON.stringify(body) }; fetch(url, options) .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => console.log(data)) .catch(error => console.error('Error:', error)); 

Optimizing E-Commerce Checkout with PayPal

Integrating PayPal's Create Order API into e-commerce platforms significantly enhances the checkout process, making it faster, more secure, and user-friendly. This integration facilitates the seamless transfer of customer information, including payer name, email, and payment details, directly into PayPal's system, minimizing the need for manual input and reducing the potential for errors. Such an approach not only streamlines the transaction process but also reinforces security measures. PayPal's advanced encryption and fraud detection systems ensure that customer data is securely processed, providing both merchants and customers with peace of mind.
Moreover, the adaptability of PayPal's API to support various payment structures, including one-time purchases, recurring payments, and donations, makes it a versatile tool for businesses of all sizes and types. By implementing PayPal's smart payment buttons, merchants can offer a tailored payment experience, automatically adjusting to the customer's location and preferred payment method. This global reach, coupled with the ability to accept payments in multiple currencies, empowers merchants to expand their international customer base. Additionally, the insights gained from transaction data can inform more effective marketing strategies and business decisions, driving growth and enhancing customer satisfaction.

Common Questions on PayPal Integration

  1. Question: Can PayPal's Create Order API handle subscriptions?
  2. Answer: Yes, PayPal's API supports various transaction types, including subscriptions, by allowing recurring payments setup.
  3. Question: Is it secure to transfer customer data through PayPal's API?
  4. Answer: Absolutely, PayPal uses advanced encryption and fraud detection technologies to ensure secure data handling.
  5. Question: Can I accept international payments with PayPal?
  6. Answer: Yes, PayPal supports transactions in over 100 currencies, enabling you to accept international payments seamlessly.
  7. Question: How does PayPal's smart payment button work?
  8. Answer: Smart payment buttons automatically adjust to the user's country and device, offering optimized payment methods.
  9. Question: What are the benefits of integrating PayPal's API for e-commerce?
  10. Answer: Benefits include streamlined transactions, enhanced security, global reach, and valuable insights into customer behavior.
  11. Question: Does PayPal integration support mobile payments?
  12. Answer: Yes, PayPal is optimized for mobile transactions, ensuring a smooth payment process across devices.
  13. Question: How can I set up PayPal's Create Order API on my website?
  14. Answer: Setting up the API involves registering for a PayPal developer account, creating an app, and using the provided credentials in your website's backend.
  15. Question: Can I customize the checkout experience with PayPal?
  16. Answer: Yes, PayPal offers customization options for the checkout experience, including payment button configuration.
  17. Question: How does PayPal handle refunds?
  18. Answer: PayPal provides a straightforward process for issuing refunds through its API, directly from the merchant's account dashboard.
  19. Question: Are there any fees associated with using PayPal's API?
  20. Answer: PayPal charges transaction fees for payments processed through its API, which vary by transaction type and volume.

Key Takeaways from PayPal API Integration

The journey of integrating PayPal's Create Order API into an e-commerce system underscores the importance of a seamless, secure, and efficient payment process. This integration not only facilitates a smoother transaction flow by automating the transfer of payer information but also significantly enhances the security and reliability of online transactions. The capability to handle various transaction types, including subscriptions and donations, provides businesses with the flexibility to cater to diverse market needs. Moreover, the adaptation of smart payment buttons and the acceptance of multiple currencies position businesses to thrive in the global market. Through this integration, e-commerce platforms can offer an optimized payment experience, fostering customer trust and loyalty. Ultimately, the strategic implementation of PayPal's payment solutions plays a pivotal role in the growth and success of e-commerce ventures, highlighting the crucial intersection between technology and customer satisfaction in the digital age.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:29 lumino6198 Hypersensitive and feeling sad for no reason

Hi guys, I (F26) was diagnosed with adhd a few years ago and I am also awaiting an assessment for ASD via clinical partners. I’ve been on a good meds dose for a few years and feel confident I am medicated effectively. I’m actually a registered MH nurse and I work with a lot of patients with adhd/ASD so I do have some good clinical knowledge but mainly seeking support/validation here.
I keep getting really sad and upset for no reason. I say no reason, because it feels like that - but actually what I’m getting sad/upset about is in-animate objects lol. I keep feeling sorry fofeeling sad for everyday objects. Examples:
  1. There are two bus companies in my area, company A and company B. Yesterday I had a discounted ticket for company A, but bus company B pulled up at the stop I was waiting at, assuming I was getting on. I didn’t get on as I wanted to get on a bus from company A. The bus then drove away and I then spent a long time feeling sad incase the bus/bus driver felt rejected.
  2. I am very susceptible to “cute” marketing, anything with a smiley face on the branding and I instantly feel bad for it if it gets any bad press or bad reviews. To the point where I will buy products/services that I have heard bad reviews about just becuase I feel sorry for the smiley face.
  3. This can also happen with non-inanimate objects. Sometimes I have a negative thought about someone eg “they’re really annoying” and then the minute they stop being annoying I start to feel really bad for them and hope that they never find out that I had a bad thought about them, because I don’t want them to be sad.
Weirdly the stuff that’s designed to incite these feelings doesn’t really do it for me. I don’t cry at “sad” Facebook videos like families being reunited, or films that everyone else cries at. I will feel empathy for people if they’re going through something crap, and I of course work with a lot of patients who have some real emotional stories. But nothing quite hits the same as the emotions I’ll feel if I worry I’ve ignored a teddy in my spare bedroom for too long.
I know this all sounds trivial but it genuinely has negatively impacted my life. I’ve stayed in toxic relationships because I’ve got wrapped up in imagining my partner being really sad and upset and alone, which has caused me to stay with them for far too long. I’ve missed out on things or been moody/lost in thought in situations where I would have preferred to be more present. To the outsider, it looks like I’m randomly just switching moods and getting sad for no reason, which in turn can make me difficult to be around at times.
Does anyone else experience this? How do you manage it? I do a lot of mindfulness work and I try my best to be present and rationalise etc, but it feels like the empathy part of my brain just can’t switch off/work properly
TLDR: I feel sad/lots of empathy for everyday objects or imagining other people being sad, which can ruin my day more than genuine sad events
submitted by lumino6198 to ADHDUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:22 SinsandGod Braccus Rex and the Lord of Chaos

tl;dr: Could Braccus Rex be a demonic host of Chaos, God of Demons? It would help explain the continuity of the series and how one could exist simultaneously as both the eighth God following the age of the Eternals, and the primordial being, Chaos, who predates the existence of the Seven.
As he lays dying beneath the Church of the Seven, the Immaculate necromancer and healer, Thelyron Hashnitor, admits to the Source Hunters,
"I have summoned King Braccus… Braccus Rex from the tales of old. He lives. The mad Source King, the Lord of Chaos… I have… *whispers* awakened him. I have done a terrible thing. I’ve raised a mad king from beyond the grave. I imagined, so very foolishly, that I’d be able to extract an ancient secret from him, but with a simple flash of his arcane magic, I was… I was finished. [...] He was resurrected. Revived. The king lives, but not as the man he once was. He retains the mark of death upon him like a festering wound. The last of the Source Kings he was, and the tyrant who nearly condemned Rivellon to oblivion. He began the War of Wars, marching brother against brother against friend until every land and home burned with death. It was during this dark time that your order, the Source Hunters, was formed. Braccus was defeated, and Source was outlawed from the land. Braccus was a dangerous monster, but he achieved things no man or mortal could have dreamed of. But what he has become… his powers have all returned… and I cannot stop him. My failures… my failures are so many. [...] You can defeat the unholiness I have raised, Source Hunter. You can save the countless innocents that will perish under the Source King’s mad fist. I pray -no I believe- you can reverse my failures…"
In his monologue, not only does Thelyron outright refer to Braccus Rex as the Lord of Chaos, he calls the Source King 'unholy' and 'mad' and 'from the tales of old', implying that the Source King is significantly older than 4 AR. While he notes that Braccus is a monster, he insinuates that he has become something more and that ancient powers have been awakened. But he is not the only necromancer and healer to say so. Tarquin also makes repeated references to Braccus as a 'mad king' and a ‘vile creature’, and tells the Godwoken that he seeks Anathema to clean up an 'unholy' mess, claiming the fabled Godslayer sword is the only thing that can eradicate him. Madness and unholiness are both terms frequently attributed to demons and those whose minds who have been lost to madness, hate, paranoia, and hallucination through demonic influence.
There are other signs that point to demonic possession. Braccus is frequently described as a kind-hearted individual during the early years of his reign. We learn from Cassandra that Braccus Rex used to be a kind ruler before becoming a rabid tyrant, and that his descent into madness was swift. Cranley Huwbert, acclaimed historian of Rivellon, writes that Braccus was once 'a fine human being and noble ruler' however 'greed overtook him and he became corrupted'. While Cranley is not the most reliable author, Braccus Rex could have very well been human, granted immortality as Amadia’s lover or possession by Chaos, and not an Eternal. The statue of Braccus on Fort Joy bears a striking resemblance to the human god Rhallic, depicted in the Portrait of Rhallic at the Cathedral of Arx. Despite the fable in the Tapestry of Time, it is not very likely that the corruption of Source itself caused him to go mad, otherwise we would have seen many other Sourcerers who have continued to use Source during this time also lose their sanity.
But Thelyron is not the only one who calls Braccus Rex, ‘the Lord of Chaos’.
Cassandra, the twin sister of Braccus Rex, tells the Source Hunter,
"You, a frail mortal, laid low the Eternal Crown of Braccus Rex? How sinfully inglorious... yes, how humiliating for the so-called Lord of Chaos to find himself run through by a slave to age and order."
Here, she refers to Braccus Rex as an immortal king with an Eternal Crown. Yet, shortly after his descent into madness, Braccus develops a fear of death to the point of paranoia. She describes him gaining sudden power, and with it, a terrible fear of death that hounds him ceaselessly night and day. Now, he seeks to break the soul-forge that he and Cassandra formed when they were still children. Braccus feared if Cassandra were to die, he would also die. So, he transforms her into an undead lich to break their soul-forge which grants them both immortality. In Braccus Rex: A Portrait of Evil, Volume 3, it is written that Braccus created the soul-forge with Cassandra so he may also live forever, but this is not actually true. So, it is heavily implied that Braccus had already achieved a form of immortality before the breaking of the soul-forge. We learn from the powerful archdemon demon, Adrahmalihk, that demons are immortal (in a manner similar to the Eternals), and have the ability to possess or influence more than one host.
There seem to be various types and degrees to demonic possession, and if a demon is particularly powerful, their souls may also be "split apart" and imbedded within other objects or entities. Some form of possession seems likely to have occurred with Braccus. As we know from Thaddeus that the Chaos Demon roamed the world in various forms: the Lord of Chaos, the Demon of Lies, the Damned One, and now Damian. So far, he believes that Chaos has not yet reach his full potential in any of these champions, and the true Lord of Chaos has yet to be freed. So, even if Braccus is one of the many hosts for the Lord of Chaos throughout history, his is not the final form of the Demon God. The final form of Chaos is strongly implied to be Damian.
As a Master of the Source and the Void, Braccus Rex is also extremely powerful, and is described by Leandra, the leader of the Immaculates, as being the forefather of their cause: the original Immaculate. He has vast forgotten knowledge and access to abilities no one else is capable of. For example, he is sought after for his knowledge of soul forging. He even teaches Dallis, the Eternal, the secret to becoming a Dragon Knight, allowing her to transform at will. For some reason, he is also the only being capable of sniffing out the Aeteran like a ‘Source bloodhound’, a plan which necessitates the necromancer, Tarquin, to resurrect him back from the dead. Not even the Seven Gods were able to find the Aeteran once Aetera and the Eternal King were exiled. Possessing great intelligence, he crafts insidiously evil tools such as purging wands, phylactery jars, and Source collars to enslave other Sourcerers and seize further power. Before his second death at the hands of the Godwoken, he is powerful enough to call upon the God King as an ally (seemingly without being Sworn), summon the Void itself into the Tomb of Lucian, and unleash the Kraken from its depths. Cunning and cruel, he has fiendish objectives, and mentions his goal to turn the realm of Rivellon into Hell. Upon his first resurrection, he tells the Undead who had formerly served as his court, “First their cities and their children shall burn! Sigils of terror and torment will blight the land! Oceans of fire will flow, and the earth shall take the guise of Hell!”. His primary form of magic is fire, often associated with the Demonic race. He is capable of instantly incinerating powerful magisters from the inside out, so even Dallis’s white Magisters fear and avoid him.
Clearly, Braccus Rex is a very ancient, powerful being. But much of his history has been lost to time. The War of Wars that Thelyron mentions could be referring to the Wizard Wars. This apocalyptic war is said by the scholar of lost history, Thaddeus, to have made Lucian’s Great War seem like a skirmish between a peasant and an ogre over the last bit of sausage. It is a war in which everything began, the incipience of a grand conflict involving the Chaos Demon that continually tears Rivellon apart. Following the timeline, the Wizard Wars succeeds the War of the Eternals, started by the scholar, Fane, when he discovers the truth of the Veil. We know this because the wizard race was created by Amadia shortly after the Eternal War. Theyron's description of Braccus as the 'Last Source King' may be in reference to Braccus being the eighth and final Lord who, somewhere around this time, desired the Source. Meaning, sometime after the Seven Lords usurp the Eternal King, Braccus could have risen up to assume the mantle of King in the power vacuum that followed. Or, it could mean that Braccus was the last in a dynasty of many Source Kings - a time in which Thaddeaus says the race of wizards ruled the land - before his instigation of the War of Wars: the Wizard Wars. The latter seems more likely.
Indeed, there is strong evidence to suggest that an eighth lord, the Lord of Chaos, was not complicit (or even present) in the Seven’s coup against the Eternal King. When the Godwoken speak with Aetera about the War of Eternals, she specifically mentions only the Seven Lords rebelled against the Eternal King. When she blames Fane for his role in the War, she asserts that he made a mistake “the moment he spoke to the Seven Lords”. There is no mention of an eighth lord in the conversation between Aetera and Fane, so it can be surmised that no eighth was present at this time. During the war, Aetera crafted a purging device known as the Aeteran to aid the Eternal King. However, before the end of the war, the Seven found out about her treachery, and as punishment, sealed Aetera in a tomb for all eternity. Neither Aetera nor the Eternal King had the opportunity to use the weapon before the war’s end, but Aetera managed to hide it within the crypts before her punishment, so the Seven would not find it. When the Godwoken elf eats Void-tainted fish in Wrecker’s Cave, they access memories of the God King moments before he is thrown into the Void. The Demon God, the Lord of Chaos is still not present. But once the Eternal King and the rest of the Eternal race are sealed away in the Void, a brief time of peace seems to follow (although any turmoil may have simply been written out). It is possible that the Seven's siphoning of Source directly from the Veil may have led to the eventual release of the Void dragon, creating the necessity for other methods to harvest Source while also defending the realm from the Void. But at some point, in The Seven Gods, it is said that the Gods were still young when they decided that each of them should have their own race. Thus, the creation of races in Rivellon occurs. Centuries pass as the new races settle across the continent. They serve their dual purpose as Source vats for the Gods and as protectors of the realm from external threats. Sometime after the overthrow of the Eternal King, it is said that Amadia has a dalliance with one of the Seven’s mortal creations, a wizard, whom she grants eternal life. It is unclear how she accomplishes this or how much truth there is to the claim. Furthermore, this wizard and his demi-god off-spring are unnamed in the text (although these demi-gods may have ended up as the Guardians of the Godbox). However, Thaddeus mentions that very early on in Rivellonian history, it was the race of wizards who ruled the lands. It is not known when Braccus Rex, a wizard King of unparalleled power, first came to rule Rivellon, but I’ll assume it to be somewhere around this time, around the height of wizard superiority, before the start of the Wizard Wars.
We know that at some point during his reign, the Source is corrupted, Braccus goes mad, and triggers the War of Wars. These years mark what are known as the Lost Centuries. In Braccus Rex: A Portrait of Evil, it is revealed that his tyrannical rule lasted for ‘many decades’ which aligns with Thaddeus’s knowledge that the War of Wizards occurred for over a century. The Order of the Source Hunters: A Brief History states that Braccus instigated a great war that would have completely ‘undone Rivellon if not for the Council of Seven’ – which we know from Thaddeaus was founded with the intent of resisting Lord Chaos. A new order of elite warriors, known as the Source Hunters, was conceived by the Council with the sole purpose of eradicating Braccus Rex, and after his downfall, the objective shifted to ridding the world of Source. So, the ancient Order of Source Hunters led to Braccus’s first death, but precisely when this occurred is not known. However, with the corruption of Source, we also learn that the original Source Hunters removed all mention of themselves and their involvements in history from the Tapestry of Time. This act could explain why so much information surrounding Braccus has been lost in history.
submitted by SinsandGod to DivinityOriginalSin [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:20 WheresSmokey Alternative understanding of the OT (specifically the Torah/Pentateuch) and the tripartite division of the law

This is from a comment I made over in the main sub yesterday. I’m working through my own understanding of this and an interested in feedback and criticism. If this doesn’t fit under philosophy, then let me know. But part of my view is a critique of the moral/civil/ceremonial division of the law. I understand that a division of the law is seen by both Sts Augustine and Thomas Aquinas (though a bit differently). I’m not debating the patristic tradition, but rather the underlying logic those saints used.
I also recognize there is another tradition which states most of the laws given at Sinai were given because of the golden calf incident and thus were abolished by Christ (this is found in the apocryphal apostolic constitutions If I remember correctly). But again, I question the logic.
The reason I question this logic is this: why would Matthew include the “fulfill not abolish” language in his Gospel if this statement ceased to be of importance after the ascension (when the book was written).
Anyway, on to my proposition. I don’t claim to have patristic evidence for this framework. But this framework does arrive at a very similar effect for the average Christian as the tripartite division does, but it gets there in a very different way, one that makes WAY more sense in my brain. So if y’all can poke holes, please do. If yall can show I’m wildly misunderstanding the tripartite division, please do.
This particular area I’ve been doing A LOT (last 6-9 months) of soul searching/prayer and study on because I don’t like the “moral/ceremonial/civil” distinction. I don’t think the Torah makes any such distinction and that the distinction only works when read back onto the Torah in light of church teaching. Which is FINE and good for arriving at an answer as a Catholic. But I don’t think it’s the logic the 1st and 2nd generation church would’ve used.
We keep the whole law of the Old Testament; Christ came to fulfill, not abolish. The difference is that it doesn’t quite look the same because
  1. ⁠We assume the ancient Israelites enforced the Torah EXACTLY the way it’s read. Break a law? Straight to stoning. But this isn’t how it worked. There were courts and burdens of proof. AND there was a chance for repentance. King David, a man after God’s own heart commits murder AND adultery (and tacitly admits to it when confronted) and yet he repents! By some modern folks reading he should’ve been executed according to the Torah.
  2. ⁠Christ has come. The thing that the entire OT was building up to happened. So our understanding of things changed. The covenant with Noah didn’t negate the covenant with Abraham, but things certainly look different after Noah. Same with Noah to Abrahamic covenant. Same when the covenant is given through Moses as Mt Sinai. The old is not abrogated, but it is built upon and things after look very different.
So, where are all the cleanliness laws, sacrificial laws, feasts, ritual washings etc etc? Well, it’s baked into the new covenant and by extension the church. Some examples:
  1. ⁠Sacrificial law: Christ IS most of those sacrifices. He is a sacrifice of thanksgiving (Eucharist literally means thanksgiving), a sacrifice for sin (by his stripes we are healed), a Passover sacrifice (through which we are spared death and brought to life), the day of atonement sacrifice (he is both goats, the goat that takes away the sin and the goat who’s blood purifies the whole camp, now understood to be the whole earth). We still have morning and evening sacrifices (Lauds and Vespers, sacrifices of praise, in the Latin tradition). We still do incense offerings even at Mass and more traditional lauds and vespers celebrations.
  2. ⁠Cleanliness: this one is entirely wrapped up in the day of atonement. If his blood cleanses the whole world, how can something be called intrinsically unclean? This means that nothing (including food, clothing, or people) are intrinsically unclean. Rather we (and objects) are defiled by what we do (or how it is used). Thus we are still not to have anything to do with unclean things, but what exactly is unclean has changed. You can see this in the fact we purify/cleanse altars that have been desecrated.
  3. ⁠Ritual washings: baptism, holy water before entering the church, sprinkling over people at high feasts, foot washing
  4. ⁠Feasts: Pentecost was an Israelite holiday that we still celebrate, Passover is Easter, feast of booths is transfiguration, etc. we just have them renamed for they BECAME to us through the establishment of the new covenant
  5. ⁠Tabernacle/temple construction: traditional church architecture still abides by the general layout. Holy of Holies: tabernacle and sanctuary. Holy place: knave. Inner court: vestibule. Outer court: the world. Through Christs redemption everyone has moved a step closer to God. Those of relegated to never being in the temple are always in the outer court. But we can all enter the inner court (vestibule). The holy place is not relegated to just priests, but the priesthood of all believers (Catholics in the knave). The priests can all now go into the holy of holies (sanctuary/tabernacle). And instead of one priest once a year going in to God, God comes out to us in the Eucharist.
  6. ⁠As for the remaining punitive laws, most people only have issue with the penalties assigned. But we’ve already talked about under what circumstances those penalties would be enforced. Basically you had to be unrepentant. So in the Christian understanding, what is consequence of sin? Death. What is death? Well there’s physical death (separation of soul from body) and there’s spiritual death (separation of soul from God). A person who lives in sin without repentance is dying or dead (venial vs mortal sin). And when recognized by the church in a lot of cases an excommunication would be pronounced. This separation from the church, separation of a branch from the true vine. A branch separated is dead. So we don’t execute people as the church, but the church long recognized the civil government’s authority to do so. And even without that, sin is death, and excommunication is death. But it’s important to note that in NO way was the average Israelite running around pronouncing death penalties on people. They had courts and priests that did this. Same as we have tribunals and priests and bishops who do this.
  7. ⁠Circumcision: this is fulfilled with baptism. It’s the outward sign of entrance into the people of God. Circumcision to become a part of the OT people of God and baptism for the New covenant people of God.
  8. ⁠A lot of the specifics are alterable with time and circumstance (Jesus gives the apostles this authority with the ability to “bind and loose”). Even in the OT this happened between exodus law in the wilderness vs changes that happen with Leviticus and Deuteronomy since they’re readying to enter the promised land and not be a nomadic people in the wilderness. And even by extra biblical accounts, the specifics had changed a bit in the rituals by the time of the second temple era. Yet Jesus still tells the people to submit to the valid authority of the religious leadership of the day; he notably doesn’t tell them to interpret the Torah for themselves and correct the instructions of priests and rabbis.
So practically speaking, yes the triple category can still be laid out. Our ceremonial law is more governed by our liturgical books than Leviticus on a literal front, and our civil law is found in Canon law now, and moral laws (as we have defined the moral life) is still found in the OT among many other places. But all of it is still rooted in what the people of God have been practicing since Mt Sinai though.
submitted by WheresSmokey to CatholicPhilosophy [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:10 East-Target-7406 I created my own quirk...

Quirk name: save state
Type: unknown
How it works: the user can save state his current situation, example: the user is on a cafeteria, no injuries, so he save state there, when he goes outside, he gets shot, so he uses his quirk again to load state, getting back inside the cafeteria, no injuries.
Weakness: it's not considered a time traveling, so for others, the user will just fade away from the place. The user can save/load state objects, he can only save/load state himself and others
Awakened version: the awakened version bypass the quirk main weakness, now the user can save/load state objects and can even save/load state a whole area of 10 kilometers.
submitted by East-Target-7406 to BokuNoHeroAcademia [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:08 leriess Kansas City Shuffle?

Kansas City Shuffle?
I think I've found something.
I'm watching RK's tweets in reverse order (e.g. the 7-part series an anon compiled on Streamable), and near the beginning you have Uma Thurman from Kill Bill fighting a room of suits all own her own ("NOBODY BUT ME"). I think this is Ryan Cohen v BCG. Pretty quickly you get to the scene with two guys calmly discussing the Kansas City Shuffle. The one guy asks, "is this the Kansas City Shuffle?", and the other says "No, this is just the inciting incident--THE CATALYST". Then he says, "THIS is the Kansas City Shuffle". After a moment, the typeface "Kansas City Shuffle" is electrified.
Three pics here:
"THIS" refers to a room full of empty blue chairs. Later on, you have a guy in a suit with a Gamestop logo on his bowtie being electrocuted, and the voiceover narrator is talking about how there is a magic trick, and how we won't get it because we want to be fooled, we're focusing on the wrong thing. Then he says, "Making something disappear isn't enough. You have to bring it—" and then "I'M BACK".
We were all amped as shit when the NFT marketplace and the Gamestop wallet came out. But not a whole lot came of it -- objectively, the NFT marketplace was rather empty, like the room full of empty chairs. We were thinking maybe this was the foothills of a big reveal with the IMX partnership to take on Steam. We never really got a sense of why Loopring was involved. Then the wallet was discontinued and the marketplace closed. I guess if you were a bear and a bit worried about these web3 developments, at that point you would have been laughing. "What a joke, they'll never find a new revenue stream" (BTW just in case you missed it before everyone started posting about RK's tweets --- CANDY CON 🤑🤑🤑)
Meanwhile, some were speculating along the lines that Loopring has the technology to effect blockchain stock market (etc or the like etc). Today I found someone else posted 2 years ago about "how-to" be your own market maker using Loopring as an example. Months ago, Gamestop revealed its Investment Committee. Recently, the OCC relabeled Gamestop a "Holding Company" [update: this is incorrect; Gamestop has been so-classified since 2005, see comments]. On Friday, Gamestop filed advance notice that it will be able to issue up to 7 different types of securities they can issue (people have noted usually only 2 types are noted in such filings).
Update: Almost to the end, after the pirate captain returns "What's become of my ship?" (with a monkey on his shoulder), it's the MIB clip where they push the red little button and the car begins to transform into a spaceship, with blue electric coming out of the tail.
Update2 [I really gotta learn how to add photos to a Reddit post]: Later comes the Men in Black clip. One of the agents pushes the little red button. And their car starts to transform into (I assume) something that can fly, with blue electric shooting out of its backside. ("Let's go out with a BANG!") Not long after is the big Avengers final battle, with blue electric interleaved throughout it. At one point, the electricity stabilizes into a diamond-shaped logo reminiscent of both the Loopring and Ethereum logos.
Update 3: The last blue electric reference is in the pool of water that Wolverine emerges from. This follows immediately after a (purple-tinted) robot puts on his glove and says "FINE. I'LL DO IT MYSELF". And the Wolverine being born is the last clip before the May 12th competitive mode tweet.
TL:DR; I think RK's references to the Kansas City Shuffle are about the NFT marketplace and/or wallet, and with the reclassification of the business type and new filing on Friday we're in view of the real "con". Update: And, I have no doubt that these clips were meant to be viewed in reverse order.
submitted by leriess to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:01 HoneyBadgernurse My personal overview of each type including my personal experiences *LONG AF*

Hey everyone! Lately, I've noticed an uptick in posts that seem to target specific personality types, so I'd like to level the playing field a bit. I previously posted something similar on a now-deleted account and want to refine it. Let me make it clear from the outset: I'm not here to shame anyone based on their chronic mental or physical health conditions. It's not about what you've been through but rather how you take responsibility for your behavior. We all have moments of being unhealthy, and that doesn't make us inherently "bad" people.
I might delve deeper into certain types because of my personal experiences with them, so I apologize in advance if your type isn't covered extensively. In such cases, I'll try to draw from examples outside of myself. When I talk about negative and positive traits, I'm referring to more than just one person; most of us have a mix of both. So, let's dive in!
INTJ Positive INTJs typically exhibit a blend of empathy and rationality, expressing kindness and concern for others in a pragmatic yet comforting manner. They tend to prioritize the greater good and aspire to leave a positive impact on the world. These individuals often demonstrate objectivity and impartiality in analyzing situations, possess a wide breadth of knowledge, excel in various domains, harbor artistic or creative inclinations, remain fiercely loyal to their friends and partners, maintain an easygoing demeanor, innovate by thinking outside conventional boundaries, and showcase remarkable intelligence. Negative traits in INTJs may manifest as arrogance and boastfulness, particularly concerning trivial matters. They might display hints of narcissism and a slight disdain for humanity, viewing the average person as intellectually inferior. Some may prioritize scientific pursuits over human welfare, exhibit materialistic tendencies, and exude cockiness despite lacking substantial accomplishments. They may perceive their viewpoint and persona as superior and distinct, albeit secretly valuing others' opinions. Additionally, they could come across as opinionated and argumentative at inappropriate times, struggle with managing emotions--both their own and those of others
INTP Positive traits I associate with INTPs include a keen sense of humor, sharp intellect, and creative thinking. They tend to excel in finding humor in the mundane, showcasing their intelligence through insightful observations, and expressing their creativity in various endeavors. On the flip side, negative aspects of INTPs may align with the stereotypical "average redditor" persona, characterized by tendencies towards cynicism, pessimism, and occasionally narcissism, particularly when their mental health is compromised. INTPs might grapple with feelings of cynicism towards society or the world at large, struggle with bouts of depression and anxiety occasionally during periods of imbalance or distress.
ENTJ Positive traits of healthy ENTJs in my expirience are easygoing yet engaging, exuding confidence, maintaining honesty and fairness in their dealings, demonstrating loyalty as a friend, possessing an open-minded and progressive outlook even on taboo subjects, actively looking out for the well-being of their loved ones, adeptly recognizing and leveraging others' strengths, and empowering those around them to excel. Negative traits in ENTJs may manifest as tendencies towards narcissism or sociopathy, particularly when under stress. They might exhibit addictive behaviors such as over-exercising, extreme dieting, binge drinking, or substance abuse as coping mechanisms. ENTJs might also display aggressive and defensive tendencies, sometimes pushing people away in cruel ways or sabotaging their own success. They may struggle with controlling tendencies, have an intense and sometimes bullying demeanor, engage in black-and-white thinking, and find it challenging to accept criticism or feedback gracefully.
ENTP Positive traits of ENTPs to me include valuing kindness in others, possessing a high degree of self-awareness, being helpful and supportive, exhibiting strong interpersonal and intrapersonal skills, demonstrating exceptional intelligence and education, showcasing creativity, humor, and cultural awareness. On the other hand, negative traits in ENTPs may manifest as tendencies towards compulsive lying, struggling to handle criticism, engaging in "Schrodinger’s douchebag" behavior where they alternate between provocative and defensive stances, displaying baiting behaviors to provoke reactions, lacking clear boundaries, occasionally exhibiting narcissistic tendencies, frequently playing devil's advocate without genuine engagement, fostering a false sense of superiority, and sometimes becoming delusional in their beliefs or perceptions.
INFJ Positive traits I associate INFJs i’ve met include being compassionate, driven, logical, exceptionally open-minded, possessing a sense of humor, exhibiting high levels of creativity and intelligence, being hardworking and dedicated, being a great friend or partner, having a passion for helping others, and harboring a strong desire to make a positive difference for the greater good. Negative traits in INFJs may manifest as an unhealthy level of competitiveness, feelings of envy towards others, susceptibility to burnout or depression grappling with an inner darkness that can sometimes overshadow their positive traits, experiencing shyness and social anxiety, fostering a sense of superiority, being easily annoyed by others, occasionally exhibiting misanthropic tendencies, and engaging in self-pity.
INFP To generalize healthy INFPs can be exceptionally compassionate, kind, and respectful, possessing a deep and soulful nature, demonstrating intelligence, rejecting patriarchal and toxic masculine norms, having a sense of fashion and style, being objective and fair, exhibiting high levels of empathy, self-awareness, and cultural appreciation, and being able to apologize when necessary. Additionally, they can be quirky and unconventional in their thinking and behavior due to their rich innerworld and sense of individuality. Negative traits in INFPs may include becoming resentful due to their tendency to be overly self-sacrificing , emotionally vulnerable and often of lack boundaries, leading them to continuously try to fix or hide from abusive or damaged individuals at the expense of their own well-being, potentially resulting in them becoming victims of abuse or bullying themselves. They seem to be traumatized by life experiences, leading to self-isolation and shyness, a general distrust of others, emotional explosiveness, being overly critical of themselves, exhibiting misanthropic tendencies, and becoming jaded as a result of negative experiences , not feeling like they fit in with day to day people.
ENFJ Positive traits i’d attribute with healthy ENFJs include intelligence, empathy, exceptional people skills, a strong work ethic, organizational competence, inclusivity, infectious energy, and a lively sense of humor. On the flip side, some negative traits i’ve seen in ENFJ are manipulative tendencies, narcissism, a lack of accountability or willingness to change, attempts to control or change others to fit their vision, harboring secret biases or prejudices, feelings of envy leading to sabotaging others to satisfy their desires and need for dominance and control.
ENFP A positive ENFP to me is Enthusiastic, compassionate, celebratory, charismatic, humorous, vivacious, imaginative, affectionate, steadfast friend, universally accepting, exceptionally inclusive. An unhealthy ENFP to me is approval-seeking, prone to entitlement, tendency to stereotype, inclined toward gossip, critical yet sensitive, lacks structure, may belittle others to boost self-esteem, prone to embellishment, and seeks attention excessively.
ISTJ Positive traits with ISTJs are humor, highly intelligent, diligent, values kindness and is deeply caring. My more negative expiriences with ISTJs showed me they can be stubborn, controlling, dismissive of others' perspectives, and have a tendency to push others away due to fierce sense of independence and can be slightly misanthropic or socially anxious. They seem to struggle to be vulnerable.
ISFJ Positive ISFJ to me is Intelligent, exceptionally kind and compassionate, industrious, gentle, dedicated to the greater good, respectful of others. A negative ISFJ in my experiences can have controlling tendencies, perceives boundaries as a threat, are closed-minded and prone to bigotry, social anxiety, judgment, and can be very demanding.
ESTJ In my experience healthy ESTJs have been Humorous, appreciative of others' strengths, protective of loved ones, deeply committed to family, grounded and practical. Negative ESTJs i’ve met have difficulty accepting criticism, are overly critical of others, dismissive and invalidating, pocess tendencies towards sexism and bigotry, classist attitudes, ineffective leadership skills, demanding and controlling, narcissistic tendencies, struggles to apologize, prone to delusion, cliquish behavior, may engage in bullying, disregard for boundaries, belief in exemption from rules while expecting others to adhere to them.
ESFJs i’ve met tend to be kind-hearted, organized, affectionate, industrious, supportive, adept at interpersonal interactions, helpful , genuine , safe and warm. Negative ESFJs seem to have a tendency to form cliques, are prone to gossip, display classist attitudes, overly eager to conform to societal norms, may bully individuals who are smaller or more introverted ,overly competitive and can be manipulative or self serving.
ISTP Positive ISTP exprieinces for me have been relaxed and easygoing, adept at problem-solving, helpful and supportive, values kindness, fiercely loyal , hard working. Negative ISTPs seem to be prone to impulsivity, passive-aggressive behavior, struggle with accountability for actions, neglects self-care, can become jaded, misanthropic , socially anxious and lazy.
ISFP Positive ISFPs can be Creative, caring, intuitive, respectful, serene, adventurous, fiercely loyal with unique personal stlye and personality. Negative ISFPs can be sabatoging, negativitive, self-pittying, indulgent , and critical/harsh on others.
ESTP Positive ESTPs can be open-minded, industrious, self-aware, respectful, outgoing, adventurous and easy going . Unhealthy ESTPs can have tendencies toward narcissism or sociopathy, indulgence, destructiveness, aggression, inclination to push others away, cruelty, and have propensity to break rules.
ESFP Positive ESFPs can be Incredibly understanding, intriguing , enjoyable and relaxed to be around, a friend to all , genuinely like people and bring people out of their shell. Negative ESFPs can be prone to gossip, seek excessive attention, struggle with accountability for actions, may use others for validation, can be hostile and aggressive , can exhibit promiscuity and disloyalty, unexpectedly traditional and conservative, manipulative and can judge others worth based on appearance and sex appeal.
submitted by HoneyBadgernurse to mbti [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:59 Rushfan_211 Onslaught In search of sanity

Onslaught In search of sanity
Absolutely floored by how good this album is. Just recently listened for the first time. What stands out to me is the vocal delivery. Thrash is full of great vocalists; chuck billy for example is fantastic but what's different is that regardless of the genre an objective listener could see steve grimmets technical singing abolity. Another vocalist who this is true of is joey belladonna. What they have in common is both of them did not cone from a thrash background. Belladonna was in a journey tribute band and Steve was in grimm reaper.
submitted by Rushfan_211 to MetalForTheMasses [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:42 Sonicboomer1 Every “defining performance” for every Doctor ON SCREEN so far. (In my opinion.)

Every “defining performance” for every Doctor ON SCREEN so far. (In my opinion.)
(This ranges from one scene to entire episodes.)
After seeing negativity aplenty recently I wanted to take a moment to celebrate my love for Doctor Who and each of the main character’s wonderful performers.
1: A moment that truly shows William Hartnell’s chops as more than the miserly old man he portrayed, a speech of warmth and bittersweetness in a lovely point of believability amongst an era of cardboard backgrounds and the Zarbi. William Hartnell truly was the Doctor, he absolutely loved the role, he loved the fans, he loved that moment in his life and you can see it in his performances even as he flubs his lines and tried to keep going instead of slowing down. Here though, you see his absolute best, which is iconic for a reason.
2: One of the most impressive performances of the entire sixty years, where Patrick Thoughton masterfully conveys both the Doctor and a complete opposite sort of character in Salamander in a creative and unique story.
3: Pertwee’s best story in my opinion and he carries it through expertly from start to finish, absolutely selling the tremendously dramatic stakes, with some of the best cliffhangers ever, one of which pictured where you can see his top notch acting as he faces the terror of being surrounded by soldiers and idiot scientists that won’t listen to his warnings of imminent destruction.
4: You might find more expert comedic performances from Tom Baker, like City of Death, than any moving sorrow, powerful anger or abject terror, however Genesis of the Daleks showed he’s more than the witticisms and quirk that make his Doctor so beloved and he delivers the moment in a grounded and understated way that works.
5: Possibly the greatest Doctor Who story, certainly voted as such multiple times and a surprisingly captivating and devastating performance from Davidson from start to finish in an otherwise less-dramatic early 80s, coming to a crescendo with one of the better regenerations.
6: A showcase of how Colin Baker was absolutely right for the Doctor, even as the programme began the process of collapsing around him, denouncing his own people in a farcical trial against himself. Despite the turbulence, Colin only ever got better and deserved so much more than the doomed destiny he found himself stuck in.
7: The perfect capture of 7’s character, cunning and manipulative with defined layers to Sylvester McCoy’s performance as he sells a facade of betrayal to his loyal companion, far departed from the clown-like early writing of the character, in a good story with many cogs turning. An actor acting acting. And good acting. A hard task that Sylvester does effortlessly.
8: A showcase of tragedy as we see how amazing Paul McGann’s Doctor is on screen, only for a brief moment, as he delivers a minisode so brilliantly people are still saying he deserves his own series 11 years later. Having played the Doctor for a very long time on audio, you can see how much he has become the character and he certainly deserves more opportunities to show it visually.
9: One of Nine’s (many) best episodes, where he delivers every emotion, absolute fear, to mocking laughter, to terrifying fury, to bitter melancholy, to honest repentance at the end, all conveyed in what might be my favourite performance of any Doctor to date, from my favourite Doctor of them all.
10: Everything from “get out of the way” from the Master to “I don’t want to go” from the Doctor may just be the best television I’ve ever watched and ever will. I’ve watched objectively some of the highest-rated series there is, so I know what objective quality is. However, nothing has ever made me feel more than the ending of the End of Time. And feeling is what creative art is all about, truly. David Tennant is voted for in polls for a reason and this performance is a massive part in it. He and Bernard Cribbins performed the finest scene in the history of Doctor Who for me.
11: Not one of my favourite incarnations but despite that I respect Matt Smith’s excellent ability and when he got to show it, he shows he’s absolutely the Doctor, the best example of this in my opinion is convincingly conveying the burning emotion of 1000 years of every type of memory of the character being wilfully offered to a greedy deity. It would go to The Angels Take Manhattan, however I have a lot of problems with that story so the emotional performance isn’t as impactful as it should be.
12: I’m not on the hype train many are with the Capaldi era (sorry) but that’s due to Moffat’s show-running than Capaldi’s performances, which are obviously among the best in the series and he has many to choose from, perhaps more than any other Doctor, however I believe The Doctor Falls is his most mesmerising. (And should’ve been the Twelfth Doctor’s last story.)
13: A vastly unpopular era, with perhaps not a lot of moments to work with due to Chris Chibnall’s confusing characterisation and writing, however the Thirteenth Doctor’s final moments were beautiful, from sitting on the Tardis watching the Earth turn, to regenerating at Durdle Door, and Jodie Whittaker defined her Doctor well with “blossomiest blossom” and “tag you’re it”, a lovely end to what most consider a dark time.
14: David Tennant had three episodes to not only sell that he’s not just doing the same thing again, but also to match the absurd levels he reached previously and he did, in Wild Blue Yonder when his face uncharacteristically shows it is not 10 again, as he outpours honest emotions that retroactively improve the previous era’s controversial decisions and series arc. On top of that, also playing a villain like Troughton where you can see the venom, the emptiness and evil in his eyes in the same episode. Seriously, seriously marvellous.
15: THIS IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE (And very, very likely will.) However, the entire episode of Boom is one of the most challenging acting scenarios any Doctor actor has ever had to face and Ncuti Gatwa has proven doubters wrong early doors by playing it to such a standard that you truly believe every second of the terribly razor-thin margin for error, how much of a tragedy it would be if that face died already, how much agony and guilt he selflessly feels for Ruby and the rest of the soldiers he doesn’t even respect for dooming them carelessly and the pure control and intelligence he displays despite being restricted from action altogether. An all-timer performance and a great episode.
submitted by Sonicboomer1 to DoctorWhumour [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:41 Psychics4U_net 902 ANGEL NUMBER MEANING: Discover the Life-Changing Secret Behind 902 Angel Number!!!!

This complete guide on 902 ANGEL NUMBER MEANING is brought to you by For more valuable information, insights and resources, visit:
902 angel number meaning is completing your life purpose, being social, having great relationships and searching for a spiritual meaning. It is assembles from the root numbers 9, 0, 2 so let`s break it down:
Angel number 9 meaning: when repeating represents being connected to the world. Understanding that you are a part of much bigger system than a single person is the most important point. Although you are unique and having specific dreams, missions and goal you also aware of the fact that you need to work together with other people, nature and the law of the cosmos.

Therefore angel number 902 suggests that there is a part of you that love to be around people, going out to socialize and organizing parties or events. If you find yourself the complete opposite, for example you prefer to be busy and stay at home, watch TV, play computer games or read books, consider going out more.

Hence, one of the basic meanings or messages of this specific number is to be more connected to people. The angels are trying to tell you that if lots of people like friends, family and colleagues will be around you it might change your destiny in a very positive way. New events or situation which you never imagine will be open for you.

Angel number 0 meaning: is the most special angel number of all, zero symbolize a completion, endless cycle and most important a huge potential. The basic meaning denotes you have a great set of skills, with these tools you can manifest everything you want. Sometimes life is rough, we don’t see the light in the end of the tunnel and we falsely believe we can not achieve something we really want. So if you keep on seeing zero or to be more precisely angel number 902, you should trust yourself.

Ignore other people’s opinions because some of them will bring you negative energy. Stay closely only to those who charge you will positive vibrations and inspire you to success. The number zero indicates that you will close a circle, for example if you had a certain task, than if you will be focus on the right action you will be able to complete it successfully.

As an omen for infinity cycle, number zero is at the center of 902 angel number. So your major focus should be on endless actions. This is not a good time to rest, being lazy or procrastinate things you should execute. The angels are sending you an obvious message to wake up. After you will complete the main goal you will be able to rest and reaping the wonderful rewards.

Angel number 2 meaning: number two is all about balance, harmony and cooperation. This is one more reinforcement which indicates you need to be more connected with people. Although number two suggests romance, relationships and marriage, it can also be a sign for cooperation at work, hobbies and other kind of mutual benefit activities.

Two is also a number of decisions. 902 angel number meaning is a big choice you will face in the near future. It might be something very important that will have direct influence on you life path. So in the next few days don’t reply or rush into conclusion too fast before examining the facts. Also don’t worry because the angels will guide you through the journey.

Number 2 is the signification of duality, so remember that there are no mistakes, there is no right and wrong, no black or white and no good decision or bad decision. Even if you will make the incorrect step, you will have a second chance to fix it in the future. The error will be the lesson which will turn into knowledge and great wisdom. Connected again to guardian angel number zero, you will complete the task successfully and the things you have learned by the way will be your new skills.

902 angel number significance

902 angel number significance is related to reassurance. The guardian angels wants you to know, they have been listening to your prayers, they know what you have been dreaming of at night and received vibrations of your wish and prayer from the heart.

You are going to receive it but there is still hard work a head of you. Soon, there might be unexplained coincidences and to be more exact, encounters with new people which you never met before. These people will open doors for you and will redirect the path or the road to a different place, so don’t be closed minded, be willing to listen to new ideas and opinions.

A word of caution: not everyone you are going to meet will be a messenger from god or an angel, there are people who don’t know about it nor believe in 902 angel number significance. So don’t let them to be time wasters, distraction and energy takers.

Another obstacle that might be right on the road is people who want to hurt you. Thus be carful who you listen to or associated with. Look at the warning signs they are there and remember, the angels are watching from the skies, if there is any assistance need, they will do something.
One more critical aspect of 902 angel number significance is your inner voice. If you want to success in real life you have to have a goal and a plan, but also to be complete with yourself. To be sure by 100% about the desires and to be willing to put whatever effort is needed along the road. If you are hesitate or don’t know exactly what you want the opportunity will go away. It might take months or even years until you will get a second chance to spot and act upon the next opportunity.

Develop your intuition and be much attuned with gut feelings, most likely they will never be wrong. Spirituality speaking, the vibrations we are getting from the universe manifest themselves as feelings and emotions inside our body. If we can open ourselves to listen and decipher those messages we can actually speak with the collective subconscious and gain more insight about the future like real psychics.

902 angel number symbolism

902 angel number symbolism is also about not comparing your self to other people. If you will open your heart to get the message from guardian angels, you might be more popular among the social circle. In this position you will find some struggles, not every one will like you or want to be with you and some will be more successful than you.

For example other friends and family members might already have good jobs, bought houses, have been married and are having children and are going to vacations or travel to distant places every few months. The angels want you to know that this is not a race.

Don’t compare your self to what other have or don’t have. 902 angel number symbolism reveals your path, you have unique mission and tasks you have to do, focus on them. Friends, family and enemies has different destination and it should not be mixed or juxtapose.

Also remember: life is not equal to materialism, in fact all fancy stuff and material objects are not the main goal. You might not aware of it right now, but in the end you will realize that spiritualism is more important. Objects, assets and possessions will not make you happy in the end of the line. So if you want to be really fulfilled than pursue happiness with the small things in life, go out to nature, eat good healthy food and do daily mediation.

Don’t live in fear or self doubts, the negative energies will bring bad outcomes. If you will continue on doing it you will attract only misfortune. The world we are living in has its own rules and phases, there are good times and bad time, 902 angel number symbolism is about knowing how to navigate through the rough times and in addition how not to ruin your good fortune.

902 guardian angel number

902 guardian angel number is a representation of everything is going to be OK. The guardian angels want you to success because you are a part of the bigger picture. If we zoom in, we will discover that every life is unique on its own, but as we are connected spiritually there is a higher reason for what is happening on earth.

For an example if something good is happening to you than other people you don’t even know will be benefit from your action as well. This concept is also true in reversed. If and when you feel lucky, you have the feeling that everything is going on according to your wishes it is not a mere coincidence, and it is not only because you have better karma than anybody else. The good fortune is also a result of other people devoting their life to a definite cause, and as a side effect you will enjoy it as well.

The same thing is true backwards, if you are living around people who are participating in evil and harmful activities, than for sure it will have negatives implication regarding to you. You will not be able to claim that you are different from them, staying around in silence is like being a part of it. In the end of the day, active or passive acts are the same when it comes to responsibility.

Guardian angels want you to know that number 902 means protecting yourself from evil forces. They want you to know that they are on your side, but you also have responsibility, you have to guard yourself as well.

Sometimes you are being tested, a specific problem is not actually an obstacle, it is just a trail or a quiz to see if you are ready for the next level. For instant, let’s say someone is walking down the street and see a homeless man or a woman sitting on the sidewalk, asking for a small charity from the pedestrians. If someone will give him or her few dollars even if they don’t have lots of money or even it is just small symbolic amount, it signifies that the monetary energy is working excellent and this person will get some kind of reward.

Money is like water, it should flow back and forward without any blockages. Many people around the worlds want to with millions of dollars in the lottery. They tried every trick and system to guess the right numbers but it didn’t work. Because they have never took the time to check their karma. To find out if something is blocking the good energies.

902 angel number spiritual meaning

902 angel number spiritual meaning is all about being united. Being links to your soul, to the spiritual world and to other people around you, especially family and friends.

Regarding spiritual meaning, you are encouraged to reveal what is the purpose of life. You can start learning about these matters in many ways such as reading quotes from ancient books, biblical verse and scribes, grow an interest about the origin of psychics phenomena like astrology chart and zodiac sign.

All of these will be best explained by a guide, master or guru whom you trust. This person can help you to gain knowledge about the fundamentals of spirituality. Remember that spirituality is not an exact science, there are subjects or interesting topics that can not be explained only by logic or calculation. It is more about feelings and intuitions.

If we take a closer look at angel number 902 we can see a great chronicle path. 0 is the start, 2 is the first two steps in your spiritual journey and 9 means almost completing the mission. These are important phases which symbolize the exact moment of struggles.

At first you will be clueless, you will not know what to do or which direction to choose. However after the first step the horizon will be clear as the sun without clouds. Few steps a head the clouds will fill the skies and you will have serious doubts regarding your choices. From there everything will be smooth until you will reach one level before the end. You will want to quit and go back to your old life. Don’t let all your hard efforts to be a waste of time, endure the complications and you will reach the final destination.

902 angel number in love

902 angel number in love is a good sign. First and foremost the number 2 symbolizes couple, man and a woman in love who wants to share their entire life together. If you are single it usually predicts that soon you will find your soulmate or twin flame. Therefore a good advice is to start go on dating. You are encouraged to register to dating websites or apps, as friends and family to introduce you to potential life partners and just be out there doing what you love or good at and the angel will send nice opportunities.

For those who are already in a relationship, 902 angel number in love predicts a good progress to the next level in the mutual connection. It can take many forms such as engagement, marriage, having kids or just moving to live together at the same house.

Sometime 902 angel number indicates other kinds of partnership like business cooperation or having platonic relationship. It is a wonderful practice to say yes and welcome those correspondences as it has many benefits. Furthermore falling in love takes time, it doesn’t always happen from first site or in one day. The fundamentals need to be built slowly and surely.

902 angel number twin flame

902 angel number means you are on the right way to find your twin flame. The angels are whispering you to forget past relationships. Give a chance for a fresh start, if you want things to be different this time, you have to change something. You can not be the same person you have been in the past. Invent yourself as a better version when it comes to personality, traits and characteristic. You know better, you have experience so use it.

After eight which is Virgo lucky number, number nine is about almost completing the cycle and number 0 meaning is endless opportunities and being complete with yourself. These are powerful indicators that soon you will meet a twin flame. The reason it didn’t happened till now was because you were searching at the wrong places or wasn’t quit ready for a major event which will entwine your soul with another special person.

902 angel number and 903 904 905 906 909 numbers

902 angel number is also associated with: 900, 901, 0903, 904, 905, 906, 907, 908 and 909 on an energetic level. So if you see those numbers as well or instead of 902 the messages are pretty much related to each other but it might have few variations.

Important: if you are ignoring 902 angel number when it repeats itself several times, you will probably see other sequences like 903, 904, 905, 906, 909 trying to grab your attention.

903 angel number meaning: is almost the same as 902, but because it has the number 3, it amplifies the need to be in front of a crowd. Maybe you would like to be a leader in the army or political party, maybe the path of your career should include management or you can also express yourself as a famous artist.

904 angel number meaning: because it has the number4 inthe end it means you will have to work extremely hard in order to be happy. Don’t let this fact to discourage you, on the contrary, it will only motivate you to carry through the mess and obscurity. Furthermore it suggests you have lots of responsibly, so you are not doing it only for you but also to others who are relaying on you.

905 angel number meaning: the number 5 adding to the interpretation an aspect of freedom. You will learn how to use wisely all the resources around in order to have free lifestyle. I can take a form of self employment, creating small home business, living frugal next to nature, travel the world and take care of the environment and animal kingdom.

906 angel number meaning: number 6 is related to money and assets. Everything that related to career, work, finances, occupation and business will brings you huge success. If you will choose this path you might be very happy. But while you are stockpile money don’t forget the spiritual elements of life as well. Don’t become something that you are not. Remember the history, where you come from and what is more important in life than materialism.

909 angel number meaning: this angel number has double 9, it denotes more weight on the spiritual aspects of life. You might have a life changing event, it can be bad or good but for the long run, you will see that it was necessary as a part of spiritual development.

Important 902 angel number sacred signs

9: natural personality traits and values which are good example to others, leadership and a good heart who wants to help people in anyway and at all cost like a saint.

20: there are some secrets that will be reveal to you by guardian angel, you will not see them right away it will take some time. It also might predict a new relationship and special connection with soulmates and twin flames.

29: in numerology dictionary is about being smart, having great wisdom and sharing knowledge. It’s a sign you should be a teacher, guru or spiritual guide in the career path. Solving problems is not a big issue for you especially when it comes to mathematics and logic, but you can be sure that the angels are on your side if you will need their guidance.

90: numerology meaning is idealism and specific point of view. You already know who you are and how you want to live life. Everything is so clear and all that is left is just to go according to the plan.

92: those who keep seeing the number 92 supposed to have high developed intuitions and psychic power. The angels are sending messages to direct you to use it for good reasons. You have the power and need to learn how to control it and when to use it, don’t waste your natural gift on things that doesn’t matter.

209: is an omen to work together. You will not accomplish most of your challenges by yourself. You will need the help of others as well. The angels will come but you won’t see them in person because they will send messengers. In fact those agents won’t even know they have been sent to help, it is your secret mission to spot them.

290: your wishes and dreams are going to be granted, everything is going according to the scheme. Consequently have the confidence to complete your journey. The karma is on your side, if you have been a good person the future is looking very promising.

902 angel number can be seen repeating itself in many occasions during the daily life. Here are few examples to help you spot it: phone number, bus plate, urban zone, calculator, converter, zip code, clock ring, birth date, birthday and many more.

Moreover it can be revealed at any place or any country. Many people reported 902 angel numbers at Quebec, Russia, UK, USA, Philippines, Japan and Korea. And in different languages as well: Hebrew, Chinese, Japanese, English and Nepali.
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2024.05.19 20:41 Bitter_Detective_147 I feel insecure about my face compared to my body

TW: serious, not a humblebrag
Others would view my body as “gorgeous” because of my hourglass proportions. And it makes me feel insecure about my face because objectively i know my face will never come as close to my body. I have unconventionally pretty face yes, but my body fits the standard 100% and its so disheartening to see the difference in treatment when i show it vs when i hide it and it’s just my face. When i show off my figure people look at me, suddenly im “enviable”, people like me and think im maybe a bit pretty. When I don’t im just mid, ugly, meh, “not someone’s type” and blatantly ignored. I just feel so desperate to get my face to match up to the beauty standard as well. Guys would call me “hot” but i know its not because of my face because otherwise if I didn’t show my shape they wouldn’t. I don’t wear makeup, and people often think im tired or sick, i also work at an environment where all the women are so beautiful and so glammed up and then there’s just me. I’m just a ball of insecurity. I wish i knew how to do my makeup. I wish my face was prettier. Id rather my face be prettier than my body. Because honestly it’s so disheartening the pretty privilege i get with my body vs my face. It makes me even more insecure of my face. I hate it. I would rather be the girl with the prettier face because guys would go after her for a relationship, not just “for fun”. And also because everyone sees your face all the time, no one sees your shape in the winter for example. I just hate that its the only thing “going for me” and i wish people would mention how beautiful i am in the face instead.
submitted by Bitter_Detective_147 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:40 BubblyTrainer88239 Does everyone have these kinds of "flashing images"?

I don't remember that I always had these, but I'm sure that they were around at least three years ago. The psychologist (I went for anxiety and mild depression at the time) said this happens to everyone who has a higher than average imagination, but I'm not sure if she was thinking the same thing as me.
I think what she was thinking about is when you see an object out of the corner of your eye and for a moment you think there is something there (which you associate with an object at that particular moment) and then when you look over you realize that you saw it wrong. I have them too, but when I talk about "flashing images", that's not what I mean. When I see such things, I see them exactly in the middle of the field of view or just a little bit away. Sometimes I also see something in the place of an object (and every time I turn around I see it as something else), but sometimes there is absolutely nothing that I could have seen as something else. I call them flashing images because it is as if a high-quality image has been cut for exactly 1-3 seconds in a video, but before you can really watch it, it disappears. Plus, even if I can't look at them properly in reality, I know that they are from my imagination, because afterwards I simply know what the given thing looks like. It also occurred to me that it's just me generating these or that it's because I'm tired. Maybe there is something like this, for example: late at night, I imagine that there is a two-meter-long spider on the wall in front of me, and every time I turn around, I see it for less than a second, but I definitely remember that there have been times when I was walking somewhere completely exhausted in the bright sunlight (and the flashing images I haven't thought of them for months) and flashing on the empty crosswalk for about three seconds, I see a dark figure walking through and I'm surprised even then. Sometimes it doesn't happen for weeks or months, but sometimes it happens every day, for example: lately I often see a disgusting (I don't think it's very realistic) big brown spider crawling towards my hand for just a moment. I know that I see this with my head and not with my eyes, and even then, only for a moment, I still instinctively grab my hand.
Maybe this is also important: I'm 15 now. I think if I don't stress for a very long time I don't see them, but I'm not sure about that at all. Plus, I sometimes worry about this, my grandmother was schizophrenic. I am certainly not one at the moment, but I know that it can come out later and that the risk may be higher because of the relationship.
Sorry if the wording is strange. I understand English but not enough to formulate it myself, so I used google translator.
submitted by BubblyTrainer88239 to u/BubblyTrainer88239 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:37 Shiirooo Exclusive interview with Famitsu and the devs

Exclusive interview with Famitsu and the devs (translated by DeepL: there are probably translation errors)

Shadows is the next step forward for Assassin's Creed

Mr. KARL ONNÉE, Producer
--First of all, let me say "Thank you" from us Japanese, as "Assassin's Creed" is finally coming out, which is set in Japan!
KARL: Thank you for coming here today. I have been wanting to do this work for years, so my dream has come true.
--Why did you choose the Azuchi-Momoyama period as the setting for this work?
KARL: I chose it because it is a very rich period in history. It was a time of war and political maneuvering, a time of change from rural to urban areas, and also the birth of art. I also chose it because it was the start of the unification of Japan. It was a pivotal moment for Japan. Together, these elements provided an excellent canvas on which to tell the story.
--What kind of image do you have of the Azuchi-Momoyama period?
KARL: This was a time when the feudal lords of the warring states were fighting for power in the name of unifying the country, but it was also a struggle for control of trade. Portuguese missionaries and merchants came to Japan together. The Portuguese missionaries and merchants came to Japan together, and people who wanted a beautiful country and peace. This is the kind of image we have, but I think there was a mixture of various cultures and people's thoughts. And of course, there were the warring feudal lords. These are great canvases for the story.
--What do you think should be inherited from "Assassin's Creed" and what are the unique aspects of this game?
KARL: When people think of "Assassin's Creed," they think of stealth, but shinobi fantasy is not only a perfect fit for an "Assassin's Creed" game, it also fits the DNA of the "Assassin" brand.
What we wanted to do with "Assassin's Creed Shadows" was to push stealth even further. We started this effort with the previous game, "Assassin's Creed Mirage," but we wanted to take it further with new features. Systems such as light and shadow, grappling ropes, prone, and a variety of tools available in the game provide a new experience.
The gameplay is also enriched by two characters, Naoe, a shinobi, and Yasuke, a samurai. Players will explore and discover Japan through the eyes of Naoe, a local, and one non-Japanese outsider. The game is more dynamic than ever before, pushing the limits of technology and offering an experience exclusive to current-gen consoles.
--The "Assassin's Creed: Valhalla," released in 2020, is based on the theme of "Vikings" and has been a huge sales success. As a Japanese, I feel that from a global perspective, the Japanese "shinobi" theme is even more niche, but what is your current response?
KARL: I would like to talk about how it compares to "Viking" fantasy. Both shinobi and samurai are exciting and celebrated as fantasy with power, and are widely discussed in pop culture, and we are very much inspired by them.
Shinobi were on our radar from the beginning because we thought they fit well with the "Assassins" brand, but we felt that incorporating a powerful samurai would create two different gameplay experiences and give us the opportunity to tell the story from two different perspectives. We feel that this is a powerful motif that can compete with the "Viking" motif.
--How did you like the setting of Japan as a subject matter for the latest model?
KARL: I think it was perfect. For example, the "Global Illumination" technology allowed us to explore the response of light and shadow. Some consoles are still called "Baked GI", but by using dynamic lighting and the power of the new hardware, we were able to explore the creativity.
We are now able to express not only light and shadow, but also the dynamism of nature in greater detail. Naturally, since it is set in Japan, we have never dealt with so many trees, and thus so much data, in previous works in the series. We also needed more data to seamlessly move various things at the same time because of the seasonal changes. The latest models have allowed us to realize our vision, and our ambition for this film and for "Assassin's Creed" will continue.
--Assassin's Creed Mirage marks the 15th anniversary of the game. Can we consider this work as the next step forward for the next generation of "Assassin's Creed"?
KARL: You are absolutely right. Mirage" was a tribute to existing works, but this film is the first step into a new era. We are in the era of modern equipment. With the new generation of our engine "Anvil", plus the opportunity to create a new era by using the power of the latest consoles, we are able to do what we wanted to do with "Assassin's Creed Shadows".
With technologies such as global illumination and dynamism, we are now making the game we really wanted to make.
--What are the four pillars you are focusing on in the development of this game?
KARL: We are focusing on four pillars.
  • The first is to create an authentic and dynamic world.
  • Second is the story, introducing a new form of storytelling to "Assassin's Creed" by introducing two characters with different stories and perspectives.
  • Third, there are two different action sequences. Samurai and Shinobi each have their own training elements and unique weapons. For example, in castles, each has a different positioning that they excel at, which makes a big difference in how they play.
  • And finally, there is stealth. We are promoting the importance of stealth more than ever with new systems such as light and shadow, objects in the environment, depression, and grappling ropes.
-- The launch is scheduled for November 15, 2024. What is the current development status?
KARL: Development is going very well. We are proud to say that we have done a good job, but of course it is not finished and there are still glitches. This is the result of all the work we have done so far. We are very happy with how things are going right now, and we hope you will stay tuned for more news.
-- I understand that "Assassin's Creed Infinity" was announced at the previous Ubisoft Forward and that this title will be included in the game? Also, what is the development status of that game at ......?
KARL: "Assassin's Creed Infinity" is introduced as an Animus Hub (*a hub that will function in the future as an entry point for the series), which we will talk about at a later date.
--What is your message to your fans around the world and in Japan?
KARL: We are humbled that our dream of creating a game in this setting has come true. This is a setting that our fans have been anticipating for a long time, and for us it has been a wonderful experience to work on a game that we have always wanted to make.
This game is the result of our love. We hope you enjoy it. We look forward to talking more about it in the coming months.

The Shinobi Assassin and the Legendary Samurai. Experience the different fighting styles created by these two characters.

(left) Mr. JONATHAN DUMONT (Creative Director), (right) Mr. CHARLES BENOIT (Game Director)
--When did you start the development of this work?
JONATHAN: Development began about four years ago, and research into the time period in which the film is set began immediately. There were a number of cool subjects that brought us great characters and story plots. I had a gut feeling that this was going to be a very good game.
--Was the Azuchi-Momoyama period chosen as the period setting from the pre-development stage? Did you have an idea for a major point in Japanese history, such as the end of the Tokugawa Shogunate?
JONATHAN: I started from the beginning of my study of Japanese history, but I began reading with the feeling of a student. Following the Socratic principle, you took the attitude of knowing nothing. As I read on, I found some very interesting settings.
I focused on the Azuchi-Momoyama period because I felt it was an extremely important period for Japan. It was a time of warring states, the need to unify the country, and the need to defend itself against the growing influence of other countries.
It was a grand and complex period, and there are many stories that can be told from different angles. Among the heroes of the unification of Japan, Tokugawa Ieyasu, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and Oda Nobunaga are best known among the outstanding characters in Japanese history.
Not only war, but also politics are involved, and they are moving toward the peace that will eventually come, with a good ending waiting somewhere in the middle. I strongly felt that this was a wonderful and interesting period that deserved to be featured.
It was also a time when the foundations of the arts were laid. Castle towns were built, the world changed, and people's relationships with each other and with art, as well as their inner lives, also changed. It was very interesting to explore this period, and I was strongly attracted to the characters who lived in this time.
-- Why did you choose the title "Shadows"?
CHARLES: From my point of view, there are two reasons. Shinobi hide in the shadows, so "Shadows" is of course inspired by that. In a way, this embraces the "Assassin" brand and shinobi.
There are other aspects to "Shadows" as well. There are "hidden things" in the game that must be discovered by the player, but they are hidden in the darkness in some way.
JONATHAN: Both characters are in a way connected to being shadowy heroes living in the underworld of this era. It's a cool title, if you can think of it this way.
--Why did you choose two main characters and two fighting styles? Also, what kind of combat action can the Shinobi and Samurai experience respectively?
JONATHAN: One of the reasons for the separation of the two styles is that from the beginning of development, we wanted to have two distinct and cool archetypes to play with: the samurai and the shinobi.
We also wanted to make sure that this fantasy was as close to reality and expectation as possible without being diluted. I also often felt the need to have two points of view in the development of the story, since history is rarely clearly black and white. The two protagonists provided interesting dynamics and perspectives on how to approach the game.
CHARLES: I think it is very interesting that in combat, both the samurai and the shinobi have special types of weapons. Therefore, the style of combat in this work is built on a more weapon-based approach.
There are weapons that only Samurai can use, and the same goes for Shinobi. The player can get a good feel for the two different fighting styles. And it is possible to switch between them.
--What weapons can Naoe and Yasuke use?
CHARLES: Both players have different types of weapons. For Naoe, we went for a more classic fantasy type shinobi. The chain scythe is a weapon that covers a wide area and can only be used by Naoe.
In addition, she also has a dagger used at close range, which can be combined with a hidden blade (Hidden Blade). Naoe can fight very quickly and efficiently with these.
On the other hand, Yasuke, who excels at overpowering with force, is given more types of weapons, some of which are firearms type weapons. They also have the typical samurai bow.
--Why did you choose to make the shinobi Naoe an original character and the samurai Yasuke a historical figure?
JONATHAN: Even though they are well known in Japan, at least in North America, not much is known about farmers, what happened to them, and where the Shinobi came from.
So we decided to introduce a figure from Iga who is shrouded in mystery. We considered historical figures from the region, but we preferred a sense of mystery, so we came up with Naoe as someone who may or may not have actually existed.
As for Yasuke, from the beginning we thought that a story about the arrival of the Portuguese would be a very good way to tell the story of the crisis in Japan. The team liked the character Yasuke, and we thought we could use him to show the promise of discovering Japan.
We thought that if we started with a samurai already in Japanese society, he would be a very interesting and intriguing character, with concepts that we don't necessarily know. And it would also be interesting to see what happened to him. He starts out as a character who is already rooted in history, and we are curious to find out what happens to him.
I thought they would make a cool team, complementing each other in terms of storytelling, physique, and family background.
--What did you keep in mind when creating the scenario where the two main characters switch? What were some of the challenges?
JONATHAN: I wanted the audience to feel that "both are the main characters," but this was more complicated than it seems. Their stories overlap in places, but I wanted to make sure that as the game progresses, you gradually discover more and more about both characters. They have similar goals and motivations, but they are not 100% the same, which made it complicated and difficult to maintain their individual personalities.
Naturally, the quest can be played by either character. If a quest needs to be started by one character and completed by the other, the settings must accommodate both play styles. Thus, although it can be complicated, there are many opportunities to tell the story from one of the two perspectives.
Having two different points of view is a lot of fun, but there were some complications, such as having to use new technology in the conversation tools. There were some cool things, however. It is interesting that in the conversational scenes, the player decides which of the two protagonists speaks and they ask for different things. This is cool in a way.
CHARLES: Both characters are attacking the castle and at some point the player is asked if they want to continue with Yasuke or Naoe, both are interesting. At various points the player must make these choices.
The stories are independent, so if you want to know more about Naoe's or Yasuke's past, you can play as one character and delve into that character's story.
--Are there areas of action that differ, such as places that only Naoe, a shinobi, is allowed to enter?
JONATHAN: There are areas where both Naoe and Yasuke have different areas of activity. I can't go into details because there are a few surprises, but since Naoe can use a hooked rope, there are places that are almost exclusively accessible to her.
The world is designed to be enjoyed by both characters, and players can switch between the two at will.
Of course, if you want to reach the final point of the world or reach the summit through the ruins, then perhaps Naoe is the better choice. However, if you want to break through the fort head-on alone and open the way, Yasuke seems like a better choice. Of course, you can play with either character.
CHARLES: Each character also has specific actions. Naoe can hook the hooked rope to a specific spot and move like a pendulum, or hook the hook to a high spot and climb the rope to get to where she wants to go faster than Yasuke. However, Yasuke can use a shoulder bash to break down reinforced doors.
Yasuke can also perform parkour very efficiently in a more daring way. What can be felt when Yasuke performs parkour is how the crowd reacts. Because Yasuke is a samurai and exudes dignity as a superior class, the crowd reacts accordingly. Naoe, on the other hand, gives the impression of being more integrated into the world.
--Can you both use the Hidden Blade, Hawk's Eye, and other Assassin abilities?
CHARLES: Without spoiling anything, the traditional skills of the Assassins are mainly for Naoe. However, there is another mechanism called "Kantori" (provisional name) that can be used when you want to find an enemy or target person, and this can be used by both of them.
You can use free aim to look around, but you cannot see through walls. Yasuke can also kill with stealth, but in a more direct and easier way. Even with stealth, there will be some sound, so it is a "stealth-like" approach.
JONATHAN: Kantori (provisional name) can be used to find many things in your current location. It is a very good guide for a certain area, but it does not take all the fun out of exploration. It is a good guide because you can learn a little more about where you want to go, but you are left with the surprise of discovering something.
-- Is there a skill tree that makes Naoe more combat-oriented or enhances Yasuke's stealth?
CHARLES: Both have skills that are more combat-oriented and stealth-oriented. Also, some equipment has effects such as increased resistance when attacked. We also offer perks that enhance your abilities in combat.
Naoe, enhanced to be more combat-oriented, has an advantage in melee combat compared to Naoe, enhanced to be more stealth-oriented. Both have a range, but cannot go in completely opposite directions. There is some overlap between the two, but we have made sure that the characteristics of each ability are properly felt.
--Please explain the skill system.
JONATHAN: Both characters share XP and level up together, but the rest of the system is a bit similar to that of "Assassin's Creed Odyssey".
XP and character abilities are available, weapons can be crafted to some degree, and various upgrades can be made as the game progresses. Weapons are not stand-alone, but for two, so each weapon has its own unique skill system. Players should not feel any discomfort, but this is a very different part of the game from the past.
CHARLES: There are two things that were very important to us in terms of skills.
First, we have to be very aware of archetypes. In Japan, there are distinct archetypes, such as the armor-clad samurai, the revolting monk, and the bandit, which are quite different. We try to make it clear to the player who is stronger, and we try to make that part of the leveling process as important as possible. Samurai are always stronger than bandits.
Secondly, player skill is added to the mix. The better you are at timing, reading attacks, understanding weapons, etc., the better you will be and the further ahead you will be.
--What is the volume of the map compared to past works? I would also like to know how you decided on the scale of this work.
JONATHAN: The biggest difference is the scale ratio. The mountains are not the actual size, but we wanted them to be true forests, consisting of trees of a certain size, so that you feel you are in a forest. To achieve this, we needed space.
We also decided to keep it close to a realistic scale, so we could feel the breath of many things. When we visited Japan and saw the castle, we were so glad we made this decision. Japanese castles are huge! Of course, we had seen pictures of castles before and thought they were big and magnificent, but when we saw them in person, they were astonishingly large.
And I wanted more space to explore the castle. Castles were built to be large battlegrounds, you know. You need space to build intricate walls for defense.
The overall scale of the map is similar to the size of the map in Origins. However, the scale ratio makes it feel more realistic. The open space leads to secluded areas throughout the game, which will be fun to explore. This sense of scale is a very interesting aspect of this film for us.
CHARLES: The story led us to choose which locations in Japan we would choose. The major events in Kyoto, around Osaka, and around Azuchi Castle took place in the same area, so we were able to focus on that.
JONATHAN: Of course, we had to choose a size that matched the game, but I think it was the perfect size for this story and type of game.
--Since the game is set in the Warring States period, is there a system that allows players to participate in battles?
JONATHAN: We see several battles in the story, and the battle at Iga is playable. There are other battles as well, but I can't talk about them right now. The game is set in the Warring States period, but it is not only about battles. It is a game that allows you to travel and discover that world.
--What challenges have you faced and what have you been able to achieve as a result?
JONATHAN: By making the big decision to go completely modern and demanding a very high level from the "Anvil" engine, we were able to increase the number of particles, create a more realistic atmosphere, and expand the graphical possibilities of the changing seasons.
This allowed us to work on a fresh new Assassin's Creed. This was a great opportunity for us to take a big leap forward in graphics.
CHARLES: Also, thanks to the new global illumination system, we were able to take advantage of light and shadow, which had a huge impact on the gameplay and stealth approach. For example, enemies became aware of our presence through our shadows, enemies gathered for warmth under a fire in the winter, or shadows through shoji screens depicted enemy presence, giving a new dimension to stealth.

By having two main characters, it is possible to show a wider range of angles and different perspectives.

(left) BROOKE DAVIES, Associate Narrative Director, (right) SACHI SCHMIDT-HORI, Narrative Consultant
--Did you choose the Azuchi-Momoyama period as the period setting from the pre-production stage?
BROOKE: I joined the project after the choice of period had been made, so the Azuchi-Momoyama period had already been chosen. This period offered so many wonderful opportunities from a narrative perspective. The complexity and duality of the period is well reflected in the characters of Naoe and Yasuke.
--What were you aware of and what were the challenges in creating a scenario where the two main characters switch?
BROOKE: From a storytelling perspective, I see it more as a wonderful opportunity than a challenge. When I write a story, I try to show rather than tell, and having two characters allows me to show what's going on from a wider range of angles and different perspectives. I hope this will encourage players to want to share their feelings with them.
--What do you think are the most important points in bringing original characters and historical figures into the game?
BROOKE: Both offer different and unique opportunities. With regard to Yasuke, I found him very interesting historically because we know some things about him, but there are many unknowns. So we needed to fill in the blanks in the story. It is important to note that Yasuke is a historical figure.
And in the case of Naoe, an original character, we were able to draw the story freely to some extent. The fact that she is a member of the Fujibayashi family and that her father is Masayasu Fujibayashi Nagato Mamoru allowed us to place her firmly within the setting. Because Yasuke is a real person but appears as a foreign-born samurai, the Japanese-born Naoe is on equal footing with Yasuke, although she has a different perspective.
--Will other historical figures appear besides Nobunaga Oda and Yasuke?
BROOKE: You will meet Luis Frois (a Jesuit missionary) at the meeting in Azuchi Castle. Also, Nene and Oichi will appear. The Japanese art renaissance that began in the Azuchi-Momoyama period blossomed in the Edo period, and you will also meet Sen no Rikyu, Kano Eitoku, and other important figures.
--Please tell us what year the story will be depicted.
BROOKE: I can't tell you what players will see, but I think it covers a part of the Azuchi-Momoyama period, from 1579 to 1584.
--I think the appeal of the series is to depict the struggle between the Assassin Order and the Templars while taking into account the history, but I would like to ask if there were any difficulties in putting the Azuchi-Momoyama period into it.
BROOKE: I don't want to mention the Knights Templar because I don't want to spoil anything, but the fascination and dynamics of this period are very interesting and provided wonderful opportunities for storytelling.
--How did you go about creating a world with a realistic feel of the Azuchi-Momoyama period?
BROOKE: We were very lucky to work with the Environment Team. The visuals they created for the game provided a great backdrop for the story.
The in-world experience added so much to the story. What we see from the stories and characters of this time period is complexity. I also believe that many of the people surrounding the World had their own struggles.
It was a very difficult time historically, and we see duality. Nothing is ever clear-cut and black and white. In warfare, two groups face each other and are confronted with different perspectives. But in the midst of it all, there are glimpses of hope for the future as we know it, which will later blossom.
--What advice did you actually give?
HORI: One scene that left a strong impression on me was the scene where Nobunaga's sister, Oichi, remarries Katsuie Shibata. In the original story we received, it was thought that the two families decided on their own without regard to Oichi's intentions, and Katsuie was portrayed negatively because he was more than 20 years older than Oichi.
So I spoke with BROOKE and the team and asked them to change it. Oichi had young children after the death of her husband Nagamasa Asai, so if her remarriage was to Katsuie, a trusted man who had served Nobunaga, she would have married him as a matter of course. When I explained that it was better to portray it in a positive light, it was a new discovery for the BROOKEs, and they were very moved by it. The rewritten version of the episode was very moving.
The other scene is the tea ceremony scene featuring Sen no Rikyu. Chanoyu is widely known to be translated as tea ceremony, but experts say it is a mistranslation. After researching the misunderstanding over here, I advised them, as far as I could understand, not to use a teapot or tea leaves, for example.
--Even we Japanese have a strong image of "ninja" as a fantasy. Did you encounter any difficulties with the theme of "ninja" in order to achieve a high level of fidelity to the historical reconstruction?
HORI: Ninja are certainly a fantasy, so I think it's a good thing that we can express ourselves creatively and without reservation. However, there are also dedicated ninja fans and communities around the world, and I am not sure to what extent they see the ninja as a real existence, or as an entity that existed in history.
Therefore, the extent to which ninja are represented in the game depends on the level of tolerance of the avid shinobi fans. I discussed this with the members of the development team. We did not have a specific policy on how much to express, but made decisions on a case-by-case basis. We would say, "This is an acceptable creative expression," or "This is stereotypical", so let's not do that.
--I'm sure there are many references, but which one left a particularly strong impression on you?
BROOKE: The first book I looked through was "Nobunaga no Kouki" by Ota Ushiichi (Azuchi-Momoyama period, military commander and military history author). I was impressed by his personal observations as he recounts the details. We can learn a lot of historical facts from reading history books, but this author incorporated his own views so that I felt I could understand even his character and what it was like to live in that era, and I was completely drawn in. I was thrilled to be able to portray this time period and the people in this book.
--The drama "Shogun" which is set in a similar time period, has been a hit, and I hope that this work will attract the same kind of attention from game fans. I understand that you have prepared a "Discovery Tour" that allows visitors to freely walk around the game world with historical explanations.
BROOKE: I can't answer about the Discovery Tour today, but I am glad to see that interest in the setting and time period of the game is growing. I look forward to the day when we can bring this to you.

Gathering a lot of information to recreate 16th century Japan and build a living world

(left) THIERRY DANSEREAU, Art Director, (right) STÉPHANIE-ANNE RUATTA, Historical Supervisor and World Director
--Please tell us what kind of materials you used as references to describe the field and the characters' costumes in the Azuchi-Momoyama period.
THIERRY: I have been working with experts and consultants for a long time, but for the characters, I referred to museum exhibits and books for their appearances and costumes. I visited several museums, did my research, and checked the materials with STÉPHANIE-ANNE.
Based on these, we created the characters. We also referred to descriptions in the books about the colors and the flags people carried. We used multiple sources, but we have checked them for historical accuracy.
STÉPHANIE-ANNE: For several years we had the help of experts, but we also did research with a Japanese studio and team. We used different kinds of sources to make sure the team got it right and had all the information they needed to reconstruct what Japan looked like in the 16th century.
We used museum databases, as THIERRY mentioned, but we also used inscriptions, scientific books, articles, and medieval depositions. For example, the Principles of Nobunaga has been translated into English, so we used that as a reference to describe 16th century Japan. I also referred to the documents of Luis Frois from the same period, which compare European and Japanese society.
--This period was also a time when there was a large influx of immigrants. Will you also depict the episodes, lifestyles, and culture of these people (missionaries, merchants, etc.) as well as Yasuke?
STÉPHANIE-ANNE: Yes, it is important to introduce the presence of Portuguese missionaries and merchants in the 16th century. They influenced the course of warfare during this period and the changing power of certain merchants in Japan.
--I am wondering what castles, shrines and temples that symbolize the Azuchi-Momoyama period will appear in the game. Although the game is set in the Kansai region, is the Osaka Castle built by Toyotomi Hideyoshi ......?
STÉPHANIE-ANNE: The era is represented by the construction of various castles and castle towns, so players will discover a wide variety of castle types and castles destroyed in battle. The Azuchi Castle, which is related to the name of the era, will also be featured.
THIERRY: Himeji Castle, Osaka Castle, and Takeda Castle are also available, and it is wonderful that players can visit and play in these castles. I think this is one of the strengths of the franchise, but all of the castles are based on actual historical blueprints, which I think is very unique, both as an experience and a learning opportunity.
The Koyasan Okunoin Cemetery is the oldest graveyard in Japan, which can also be seen in the game. There are too many to mention them all, but thanks to STÉPHANIE-ANNE and the experts, I think they are well described and it is wonderful that players will be able to travel to these places.
--The architectural style and decoration of the buildings is a different culture from the previous works in the series. What were you conscious of in recreating the culture and what were the challenges? I am also interested in the possibility of diving on the "Shachihoko".
STÉPHANIE-ANNE: The building team did a lot of research, and then we checked the results with experts and asked them to add the elements needed to build a great castle. We did research to recreate the decorations of not only the castle, but also the temples and shrines, and also to find out what materials were used to make them.
THIERRY: The colors also change over time, so we made adjustments to that as well. Of course, this is "Assassin's Creed," so you can climb anywhere and jump from almost anywhere. Exploring is fun.
--Japanese period games tend to be rather subdued, but were there any barriers to making it a worldwide production?
STÉPHANIE-ANNE: It's a game based on history, and we want players to have the opportunity to play with history. This period is so fascinating and celebrated, and has had such an impact on pop culture, that we were fortunate to have the help of renowned experts to make sure we had all the information we needed to faithfully recreate medieval Japan in the 16th century.
We maintained historical fidelity because it was a rich period with so much to talk about and we didn't feel the need to change it. There is an experience that goes into fantasy, but keeping it authentic was our primary goal.
--In the main storyline, can we experience famous episodes from the Azuchi-Momoyama period (such as the Battle of Nagashino, the Honnoji Incident, the Battle of Komaki and Nagakute, etc.)?
STÉPHANIE-ANNE: You will have to wait a little longer for that.
--In the recent series, "Origins," "Odyssey," and "Valhalla," you can enjoy the connection to mythology and fantasy elements based on mythological themes. Will this work also contain elements based on Japanese mythology, yokai, and other fictional creatures?
STÉPHANIE-ANNE: That is a very good question, but I will answer this one later.
--This game also reproduces the four seasons of Japan. Which season did you start first? And which seasons were particularly difficult to express?
THIERRY: I started with spring. We all know about cherry blossoms, and I think they are the most symbolic Japanese element for foreigners. And the big difference is winter. I wouldn't say that winter is more complicated because it has many different expressions, but it was very different from spring, summer, and fall, and the challenges were also different.
--What was particular about the representation of water, such as waterfalls, rivers, lakes, etc.?
THIERRY: All of the water topics were very important to us. We knew that there is a Shinto belief in waterfalls and rivers, and that they are important places in the Japanese eco-system. Even the blueprints of the suburbs are lined with irrigation canals, and they even go into the houses. Thus, we knew that water is a key component of Japanese culture, especially for agriculture.
This is why we installed drains everywhere in this work. The presence of water in the Japanese landscape was different, so we took it seriously and treated it as an inviolable part of the Japanese landscape and way of life.
--What are some of your favorite places, castles, or cultures that appear in your work?
STÉPHANIE-ANNE: That's difficult.
THIERRY: My favorite is Takeda Castle. It is on top of a high mountain and is called the castle in the sky, and I like this location. I can't say it's fair because we built it ourselves, but there are many other great places to visit.
It was a lot of work to create the forest, but I really enjoy looking at the landscape. I also like how all the ecosystems interact with each other, such as the clouds in the weather system. It's not a location, but I enjoy it because it encompasses the whole game.
STÉPHANIE-ANNE: I was impressed by the "Rakuchu Rakugaizu," Japanese folding screens from this period. I was fascinated by the fact that just by looking at them, one could come into contact with the vivid world of this period.
The artistic touch is something special. I have never seen anything so full of art. I truly admire the artists of this era.
THIERRY: I also think the most striking thing for me was the harmony of nature and architecture. I visited the site and found many places, and I could see how everything was deliberately composed.
I was told that trees were planted while the chedi was being built at the time, but everything looked perfect. Also, the culture loves the age and values it, so they cherish moss and things that have taken root there. Japan has maintained these places so they still exist and are still in use.
I realized that we are dealing with a subject that has a long history. It is also a culture that values space, living space. These were the most exciting discoveries during my travels in Japan.
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