Stomach pain with fever and headaches

TMJ: Physiologic Treatment of TMJ Disorders and Neuromuscular Dentistry Testimonials

2016.09.13 16:17 TMJ-Doc TMJ: Physiologic Treatment of TMJ Disorders and Neuromuscular Dentistry Testimonials

TMJ: Neuromuscular Dentistry is the Physiologic Approach to eliminating and/or treating chronic headaches, migraines, jaw pain, TMJoint pain, myofascial pain, ear pain and neck associated with TMJ disorders and postural issues including sleep apnea and snoring. It is the ideal method to approach cosmetic Dentistry and dental reconstruction. This Reddit is primarily a site for Neuromuscular Dentistry Testimonials. #TMJtesttimonial, #Testimonialtmj, #neuromusculardentistrytestimonial

2020.08.28 16:54 Gandalf-The-Gayestt StomachProblems

In this community, we try to ease our stress and suffering from our stomach problems by posting funny and light-hearted content! IBS, GERD, Crohn's, Celiac, SIBO (etc) sufferers, this place belongs to you.

2018.12.19 20:25 waitsforthenextshoe Hyperthermia

A sub for the discussion of hyperthermia in the treatment of inflammatory medical conditions, such as depression, psoriasis, and IBD

2024.05.28 20:26 Avoke619 Brain feels like it’s webbed up

You can call it brain fog, or a slow brain, heavy/stuffed head or whatever. I’m not sure exactly how to explain it better. It just feels like my brain is all webbed up and stuffy.
I’m a 26 male, 5’9, 65kg/143lbs
What I’m feeling right now: It feels like my vision is a bit narrower, looking around and focusing on things seems like a chore, I don’t have mental clarity and short term memory is slightly affected - I basically find myself zoning out and forgetting what I was about to do, only to remember it again a few seconds later. When i’m sitting working on my computer, my head feels heavy and it’s hard to keep steady focus, it’s better when I support my head with a hand or two (propping it up), similarly laying my head back on a pillow and using phone is easier as opposed to having it upright. Because of all this I have no motivation or drive to involve myself in complex tasks (my business/work related).
How I got here: All of this started when I got a flu, I had really bad dry cough, and coughing excessively started giving me a painful headache. Soon after I had mucus (snot) from my nose, it seemed dry previously but it eventually started coming up. This was almost 2 months ago now. I’ve had this stuffy head feeling ever since. When the flu symptoms subsided, I was left with a constant dizzy/vertigo feeling. Over time it got a bit better in the sense I felt it only when I woke up or occasionally throughout the day.
Now this webbed up brain feeling as I explained is there, i’ve also felt postnasal drip, my sinuses also feel blocked (family history of deviated nasal septum). My head also sometimes randomly sways in one direction for a split second.
I was going through my old reddit posts and found out that I’ve had a similar experience around 5 years ago, right after a flu. I was trying to find help then but didn’t get a single reply.
If someone knows what could it be and what are the steps to take, or any additional information is required from me, do help. Plus, if I have to get it checked from a Doc, who should I go to? An ENT? A Neuro? A GP? Or should I get some basic blood tests done first to rule out anything (vitamins, rbcs, iron, cholesterol etc)
submitted by Avoke619 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 20:24 bluestargreentree GI issues lasting for 5+ days at this point

36yo white male, 75", 235 lbs. No medications. Past history of appendicitis (appendectomy 9 years ago), but otherwise no relevant issues in this department in my past.
Since Saturday morning I've had an upset stomach; mostly feels like a buildup of gas, but with little relief since the onset of symptoms. Appetite has been pretty much nil. I've eaten the equivalent of one meal a day since Saturday, always feel awful after eating. Trying to keep up with fluids; mostly feel fine after drinking fluids. Pressure feels built up in the lower abdomen.
I usually have 3-4 BM's per day but we're down to two in the last 5 days. Stool softeners daily since Sunday. I've figured that once I had a BM my symptoms would clear up quickly but that hasn't been the case. Have felt like vomiting a few times but haven't actually vomited (2-3 times I had a rush of saliva out of nowhere that I often get before vomiting).
Significant fatigue since this started. I was taking 3 naps a day over the weekend. Now back to work so I'm pushing though the workday but it's tough. Bedtime has been earlier as well.
No temp/fever. Some headaches, possibly related to trying to BM (straining) and/or vomit. Advil helps with all symptoms except fatigue.
I'm guessing it's just a case of constipation/gas buildup but I'm wondering at what point I should see a doctor because this is extremely frustrating to live with.
submitted by bluestargreentree to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 20:23 whereisyourgirl2nite Switching from Combination to Progestin Only

Background: I (F/31) started birth control for the first time last year after years of trying to manage debilitating cramps. I went on Enskyce, a combination pill, with very little side effects and a great reduction in pain. It was night and day my quality of life during my period and I was happy with results.
Fast forward to last week: I no longer see the PCP that first provided my BC (left on bad terms due to tests she ran without my consent) and she denied my refill when the pharmacy requested it on schedule. I knew I could get a refill using my telehealth service through my insurance provider, but after the initial screening, I was denied because I had answered "yes" to having experienced migraine with aura.
I had a history of migraines when the pill was first prescribed to me, my doctor knew that, but the aura was something that only started recently. I had ONE migraine two months ago which caused flashing in my eye for almost 3 weeks, and now it appears on and off even without a headache.
Anyway... they denied me and told me to go see a PCP to reevaluate my prescription. I asked if they could prescribe me ANYTHING in the mean time because my insurance is about to change and it may take a month to get into a new PCP. They prescribed me Norethindrone. I specifically asked if there was anything / any changes in experience I should be aware of. They firmly said no. I also asked the pharmacist when I picked up the pills. They repeated no, just start taking them the next day so I wouldn't be left unprotected. (btw, these were both male providers...)
So, surprise to me when I started full on period symptoms of backache, bloating, light cramps and bleeding. A quick google search is what it took me to find out this was to be expected. I was incredibly frustrated they didn't tell me and left me to my own devices.
So now I'm seeking any insight to others who have made this switch, how long the bleeding lasted, what to expect cycle wise if I am to stay on this, any other side effects that maybe weren't present on the combination pill that you experienced after switching. I appreciate any anecdotes. I'm incredibly frustrated because the combination pill really helped me, and I'm afraid I won't yield the same results with the switch.
submitted by whereisyourgirl2nite to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 20:18 Miserable-Cod4090 I guess I have my answer

2 days ago I was having the worst day. Was passed over for a promotion at work and felt very down. So of course what do I do while comfortably wallowing in my own self pity - I make it worse. After a few months of LC (no messages or texts with LO but every once in a while I will look at their social media). LO posted and I decided to send a very short, benign, upbeat DM, asking how they are doing. We don’t follow each other on Instagram bc we are both married to other people and we never wanted to raise any suspicions. We have messaged on Insta before so I knew (thought) my message would go directly into his inbox, not into message requests. Today he posted a story. My DM remains unread…..which made me realize he must have restricted me, which just kicked up all the feelings of unworthiness 🙁. I wish he would just block me at this point because then there would be no doubt.
A lesson for all - don’t send that message if there is the slightest, tiniest doubt you think it won’t be well received (or received at all). You will only feel worse. I had been so proud of myself that I hadn’t reached out in months. I had locked down my social media so if he tried to look he couldn’t see what I was up to. I realize now I was delulu ever thinking he would ever try. (Even though he was the one who pursued me and breadcrumbed and love bombed me until I was hooked).
My heart has been thumping in my chest and I have a searing pain in my stomach that won’t go away.
How do I get over this?? How do I move on?
Any advice is appreciated 🙁
submitted by Miserable-Cod4090 to limerence [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 20:17 Picasso_76 Can Sİbo Cause thyroid issues

Can Sİbo Cause thyroid issues
hello everyone,
I had a SIBO test done and the orthomolecular doctor diagnosed SIBO H2. Since a heavy course of antibiotics for the treatment of helico bacter pylori, I have had various complaints that affect both physical and psychological health. After using antibiotics, I have gradually lost weight, losing around 10 kilos since 2017. problems with hypersensitivity to foods such as fruit, eggs, avocado, coffee, chocolate, bread... I also have flaky skin, vertical stripes on the nails, decreased muscle mass and fat, hair loss it looks like thyroid problems and or adrenal glands. had several blood tests, normal thyroid and cortisol, ACTH, DHEA, testosterone, oral glucose test normal, but high insulin value when administering glucose. probably sensitive to pure sugars.
I have low DAO enzyme in my blood, I probably have histamine intolerance, because I often have a bloated stomach, constipation, low blood pressure, slow pulse, dizziness, brain fogg, blurred vision, which causes a decrease in cortisol because I can no longer focus, concentrate, I get irritated easily, perhaps histamine intolerance can also cause psychological problems such as ADHD, ADD. I can't sleep either, I don't know if cortisol and/or blood sugar have an influence?
I used to regularly have a fast heartbeat, red face, high blood pressure, panic attacks, but after taking antibiotics I have a slow pulse, sometimes also low blood sugar, low blood pressure. Maybe antibiotics caused HPA Axis ,hypoadrenia problems, Maybe mild Drug-induced lupus?
I have been to many specialists and they say that there are no abnormalities to tell, but they say that I am İBS and lactose intolerant. And I also have fibromyalgia.
a lot of muscle pain and muscle pain quickly after exercise. exercise intolerance, cannot tolerate hot weather or cold weather, sweating a lot in the summer, many symptoms of dehydration. histamine intolerance? Thyroid?
I recently visited an orthomolecular doctor who diagnosed Sibo advice was digestive enzymes, iberogast, q10, DAO enzyme, b12 with folic acid, betaine, for rebalancing the day and night rhythm, adenostim 24 from metagenics.
I have noticed that I cannot tolerate active B vitamins. Also no rhodiola, passion flower, valerian, and too strong an antioxidant will I get a headache (release of toxins?)
enzymes based on fungi yeast bacteria also cause headaches, amylase, lypase,...
What do you use to control histamine and psychological problems. fatigue, sleeping problems, exertion, depressive mood, worrying, I don't want to diet because it will cause more psychological problems. Long-term dieting is not good, they said.
Greetings from Belgium.
submitted by Picasso_76 to thyroidhealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 20:12 Picasso_76 Sİbo, histamine And MTHFR

Sİbo, histamine And MTHFR
hello everyone,
I had a SIBO test done and the orthomolecular doctor diagnosed SIBO H2. Since a heavy course of antibiotics for the treatment of helico bacter pylori, I have had various complaints that affect both physical and psychological health. After using antibiotics, I have gradually lost weight, losing around 10 kilos since 2017. problems with hypersensitivity to foods such as fruit, eggs, avocado, coffee, chocolate, bread... I also have flaky skin, vertical stripes on the nails, decreased muscle mass and fat, hair loss it looks like thyroid problems and or adrenal glands. had several blood tests, normal thyroid and cortisol, ACTH, DHEA, testosterone, oral glucose test normal, but high insulin value when administering glucose. probably sensitive to pure sugars.
I have low DAO enzyme in my blood, I probably have histamine intolerance, because I often have a bloated stomach, constipation, low blood pressure, slow pulse, dizziness, brain fogg, blurred vision, which causes a decrease in cortisol because I can no longer focus, concentrate, I get irritated easily, perhaps histamine intolerance can also cause psychological problems such as ADHD, ADD. I can't sleep either, I don't know if cortisol and/or blood sugar have an influence?
I used to regularly have a fast heartbeat, red face, high blood pressure, panic attacks, but after taking antibiotics I have a slow pulse, sometimes also low blood sugar, low blood pressure. Maybe antibiotics caused HPA Axis ,hypoadrenia problems, Maybe mild Drug-induced lupus?
I have been to many specialists and they say that there are no abnormalities to tell, but they say that I am İBS and lactose intolerant. And I also have fibromyalgia.
a lot of muscle pain and muscle pain quickly after exercise. exercise intolerance, cannot tolerate hot weather or cold weather, sweating a lot in the summer, many symptoms of dehydration. histamine intolerance? Thyroid?
I recently visited an orthomolecular doctor who diagnosed Sibo advice was digestive enzymes, iberogast, q10, DAO enzyme, b12 with folic acid, betaine, for rebalancing the day and night rhythm, adenostim 24 from metagenics.
I have noticed that I cannot tolerate active B vitamins. Also no rhodiola, passion flower, valerian, and too strong an antioxidant will I get a headache (release of toxins?)
enzymes based on fungi yeast bacteria also cause headaches, amylase, lypase,...
What do you use to control histamine and psychological problems. fatigue, sleeping problems, exertion, depressive mood, worrying, I don't want to diet because it will cause more psychological problems. Long-term dieting is not good, they said.
Greetings from Belgium.
submitted by Picasso_76 to MTHFR [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 20:12 Ok_Confection2588 Difficult family situation. Needed to vent in a safe space.

So I live with my parents. I do pay rent to my parents and I help out around the house frequently. That being said I feel as if my relationship with my mother has deteriorated to a point where it is beyond repair. In part because she refuses to put forth any effort into our relationship as mother and daughter and I am tired of putting in all this effort just to receive nothing in return.
Last night my dad and I had a very good discussion regarding some things while my mother was at work. It became apparent in the conversation that my dad has been advocating for me in family social situations (I am frequently talked over, ignored, and dismissed in group conversations at home) and when he does so he gets major pushback for having done so from my mother. I am talking her become very irate with my father for his having tried to include me in a conversation and for having called out my mother or another family member for talking over me or ignoring me. I do remember situations where this has occurred and I do not remember any situations where my mother advocated for me the same way that my dad did.
I also have noticed that over the last couple of years or so my support needs have gotten repeatedly ignored or dismissed. I have also noticed that when I ask for help I am dismissed or ignored and oftentimes told to figure it out myself. This is oftentimes done by my mother. My father will oftentimes at least listen to my concerns and discuss them with me and if there is no solution he will be honest about that. If there seems to be a solution but we are having trouble figuring out what it is then my dad and I will circle back on the issue later on. The problem with this is that my dad is oftentimes unavailable either emotionally (which I have to figure out the hard way) or he is just too busy to talk.
A frequent problem I have is chronic health issues some of which can not be fixed but can be treated with medication to alleviate some of the symptoms. I have endometriosis, bladder problems, restless leg syndrome, reoccurring numbness in my feet for 15 to 30 minute intervals, hip pain (thought to be bursitis but hasn't gone away in 6+ months time with treatment), TMJ dysfunction, frequent headaches, hand cramping, eczema, and as of the last two to three months I have been having worsening issues with blurry vision. Most of these conditions I have under control to some extent. Oftentimes they get resolved by my being persistent in seeing doctors/specialists, doing my own research, and advocating for myself. I do not receive help from my parents in regards to any of this.
This month alone I have two appointments that I need a parent to attend with me. An appointment with an allergist as my allergies have gotten so bad that by night time I can not breathe out of my nose and all diagnostic testing has pointed towards allergies being the culprit. I also have an appointment to discuss nasal valve collapse with a plastic surgeon (ENT referral). I would like for a parent to be present to help me make any medical decisions. I first set up these appointments for in March and I made sure to ask my parent's what their schedules would be like when scheduling the appointments. Despite my frequent verbal reminders and my phone calendar invites my parents scheduled other things on the dates of my appointments. They did this twice which meant that I had to reschedule both appointments twice.
When I ask for comfort or advice on how to handle a situation regarding a medical ailment I have I am dismissed by my parents and made to feel as if I am asking too much of them. My mother has tried to override my medical decisions and my doctors' medical decisions in the past. When I was prescribed a low-dose muscle relaxant for my muscle cramps I was forced to hide it from my mother as she was extremely against me taking it. Even after I had my doctor reassure her that it was safe for me to take it she would not allow it. She will also often attend these appointments with me and become argumentative with me in front of my doctors. Basically gaslighting me and telling me that I am making a medical symptom seem worse than it really is for me all because she does not see me in pain or discomfort. We then will be going home from the doctors appointment and she will pick an argument by saying that I don't need treatment because it is all in my head and just another symptom of my anxiety. That or she will blame me for having the health problem in the first place saying that I don't ever eat healthy and I don't exercise so it's my fault.
Meanwhile, she will have terrible allergies and complain and whine about how awful they are for them. If you don't give her the response she wants she will continue to whine and complain about it. If you tell her she should see a doctor about it if it is such a problem she will come up with some sorry ass excuse as to why she doesn't want to or why she can't do so. It's very frustrating as she won't provide comfort or advice to me, her daughter, when I am having a medical problem but will insist on getting it from others when she is having medical problems of her own.
She also often spends hours on the phone talking to friends, coworkers (gossip), and my sisters (both live out-of-state) but we will go days without talking to each other because she won't put in the effort to talk to me or have any semblance of relationship with me unless it benefits her to do so. Like if she needs me to do a chore for her or run an errand for her. She will also act out for attention when she is bored. When she isn't working she expects for everyone who is home to do whatever she wants to do without complaining. If we don't agree to it she gets unreasonably upset with us and will lash out at us for it. Like watching a show of hers with her or a movie with her that she wants to watch. She needs constant attention in order to be happy. But she will not give attention to others in return.
She gives more attention to the three problematic dogs than she ever does to her actual family members. She is constantly baby talking to the dogs and interacting with them but never puts any of that same effort into our relationship as mother and daughter.
It's gotten to the point where I dread having to interact with my mother because of how one-sided the interactions are and how they remind me more of an interaction between two roommates that dislike each other than that of a mother daughter relationship. I am at the end of my rope with this situation and I think from this point on I just will choose to not interact with my mother unless she initiates things with me. Because I am so tired of putting so much emotional labor into my relationship with my mother only for her to not put any effort into it herself.
She has shown that she would rather not be my mother and that she would rather not have me as her daughter as I am just a burden to her (she has said this to me in different ways twice) and that is fine. I will accept that that is the case. Just don't expect for me to try and repair a relationship with someone as disrespectful as my mother.
submitted by Ok_Confection2588 to AutisticAdults [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 20:07 Competitive-Ad-9264 Bloody Phlegm

Recently I’ve been dealing with a lot of Anxiety and panic attacks, last night at dinner I got a pounding headache and quite a bit of anxiety. Took some pain medicine and a bit of children’s liquid Benadryl because of allergies. Throughout the night I developed some phlegm that was there in the morning. I took a walk outside came back inside and coughed it up. Is this super concerning? I’ve never had this before and as if I wasn’t enough anxious. I have no other symptoms that’s seem related other than the seasonal allergies
submitted by Competitive-Ad-9264 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 20:06 Naesi [PF2e][9pm-12am ET][Online/Forge][25+] LF 3 players. Long-term campaign. Roman Republic themed campaign.

Hey my name is Gabe. I am looking for 3 hardcore nerds that want to play PF2e with about a 50/50 spread of combat and RP. I am the DM of this game and I've been running games for 7 years now in various forms. The group will have approximately 6 people. We'll be starting late at night on EST. There will be a session zero starting the 8th of June. This will be to get everyone together and acclimated to each other.
We run Forge with Foundry VTT and we use discord for chatting and cytube for music. You must be able to use all these applications at once. Foundry can be somewhat taxing on your computer so you may need a decent setup to play with us. I create a lot of maps on my own and create a lot of custom monsters and other things to help facilitate the feeling of my world. I find this game allows me to express myself creatively. I really enjoy it and want to share my stories with my players. I expect you to make most Saturdays and to be prompt and on time. I want players who are really into PF2e and love the rules and want to get even further in depth with them.
The campaign is based heavily in my own custom world built around the pantheon of the PF2e universe. There are a few custom gods. I've been running this world for about three years now and all of my campaigns take place in the same world. Meaning you can run into old PCs and experience the way the world has been shaped from previous adventures.
Games will be EVERY SATURDAY from 9pm et to 12am et.
Here is a writing sample from a previous campaign in the same world:
"A woman veiled in birch branches and red leaves. She sits waiting, at the bottom of her land, at the bottom, at the bottom.
You’ve been running through the forest for days. Chased, hounded by your former masters. Your saviors took you across the island. Along the way you encountered a lake, above it a griffin so large it could cast a shadow over a city, and a thousand strong Kimmerian army wiped from this island by the griffin. Through all this Tygram, Nadrya, Walter, Po’tash, Andre, and Nooh’j rescued and guided you. These heroes, through some infighting brought you intact to a safe town. They were mighty, like adventurers in stories you’ve read as children or told over a campfire to your fellow captured. They’ve left to the underground to clear the town of dangers.
The Kimmerians were cruel. Far too cruel. Casual violence is their nature. Toward their slaves and even each other. Every interaction with these people shows their capacity for force. They pick you up, toss you around. Force you into the mines, drag you out. They treat you as dogs, withholding and giving food almost nonsensically. A wrong look a downward gaze, meeting their eyes, all of these things you’ve seen a slave be beat or even killed over. It was all insane. You could never understand exactly why they were driven to this. Every day they’d drag you out of bed, throw you into the mines, throw some slop in front of you when you bring some rocks out. Your stomach gurgles and the pain causes even the strongest amongst you to break down in tears. This happened so frequently that your body somewhat adapted. Routine almost seems like ritual from a certain perspective.
You’re a thousand strong now. You and your people will need to carve out a life here in this abandoned village. Discern what the red meteor is to the east, explore the caves and grounds, find a path home or else create a new one here."
You can expect a similar level of quality going forward for RP and such. So if you like what you read above please fill out the form below and DM me! Stuff like race restrictions will be talked about when we talk after you apply.
Required Google Sheet Please fill it out:
submitted by Naesi to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 20:06 warmcoffee00 I consider myself disabled, am I wrong?

Hello everyone I'm 26 and here's a little bit of my medical history: At the age of 16 I started developing symptoms of depression: fatigue, cognitive impairment, suicidal thoughts, loss of weight, oversleeping, insomnia, panic attacks, social anxiety, anxiety, stomach pain. Also symptoms of borderline personality disorder such as splitting, anger, emotional dependency. I was diagnosed at 17 with depression, the therapist said I was at the onset of an eating disorder but we acted fast so it didn't develop. At 22 I was blind from one eye 👁️, optic neuritis. I went through a course of treatment with steroids, that left me bed ridden with weakness for a month after the treatment. Then I had to do testing for multiple sclerosis, the spinal tap that left me bed ridden for a month for the headaches. The results were positive for MS so I started taking a disease modifying drug that weakens my immune system. Besides from that, I have heat intolerance, fatigue, brain fog sometimes. But for 4 years I remained stable. At 23 I started therapy and talking about my past made me develop psychosis (delusions, hallucinations, insomnia). I was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. I had an extreme fear of abandonment and when my therapist abandoned me for 3 weeks because she was sick I spiraled into psychosis again (delusions, dissociation, insomnia). I tempted suicide. I was hospitalized. The drugs triggered something, that made me have psychosis again and it took me one year to get out from that. Basically I had hallucinations and felt my body deformed, I was convinced my body wasn't mine and it was deformed (somatic delusions). I developed hyper body awareness which made me extremely self conscious of the position of my body. The symptoms of BPD I had later these years: hallucinations, psychosis, delusions, fear of abandonment, dissociation, depersonalization, derealization, anxiety, anger outburst, emptiness, identity disturbances, unstable relationships, compulsive shopping online, intrusive thoughts, suicidal ideation, suicidal attempts, sexual promiscuity. Now after all I've said ... Can I be part of the community?
submitted by warmcoffee00 to disability [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 20:04 finallyadulting0607 Diagnosis last week

So after 3 years of constant headaches, tinnitus, and neck pain, I went to my optometrist to complain about blurred vision. Seeing some optic never swelling, she refers me for MRI and LP. Opening pressure on LP was 41, and from what I'm seeing in this post, that is high AF. The doctor performing the LP removed 16mL of fluid, but of course after 24 hours all symptoms are back with a vengeance.
I have an appointment with a neurologist next week. What should I be asking for in terms of relief and what do you wish you knew at the start of this process that would have brought relief sooner.
I am desperate to move on with my life and out of this constant pain.
Thank you all and I wish you all healing.
submitted by finallyadulting0607 to iih [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 19:59 Kali_404 How I conquered my Celiac disease

I will pre-empt that I am only one celiac, and I am not a Dr or anything like that. But I wanted to share how I went from constantly sick and confused, to healthy and normal after so many years. I am hoping that by sharing this, I can help some other sufferers escape their daily pains.
  1. The hardest but most necessary part for success. Stop everything. It sounds like a lot, and it is. The problem with our bodies is it does not give us a clear daily report on what is affecting us. So most of the time we encounter an issue and wonder what out of several things could have caused it. It is impossible to solve your system like that. The best thing I did was live a few months with the barest basics I could manage. Rice, water, fruit, no makeup, body or hair products. I used certified gluten free soap and shampoo, and only ate what I knew sat comfortably. I ignored all other temptations and kept my social life minimal as possible, just enjoying home and resting. I know to take time out of our lives usually means dropping the ball on other things, but doing those things is so much easier when you are healthy. It is worth finding the time to give yourself as much of a break as possible. Once I felt I was clear of any gluten symptoms and had given myself enough time to heal, I began to slowly reintroduce items one at a time, very slowly. The first year sucked the most, because it was the year I had the least on the menu, but as you try and feel safe with more items, you get a better idea of what sits well in your system and what doesn't. By taking this time to pay attention to how foods affect you, you will get a much better understanding of what can help and what can hinder you. Now when I am contaminated there is rarely a guessing game of what got me.
  2. I got an additional allergen test and talked with the doctor about my system. I did a 3rd party allergen test that found I was sensitive to some types of fish, nuts and spices, that were adding to the internal inflammation I was struggling with. My doctor did a test that found out my digestion moves slower than normal and I have high acid content. With this information, I cut out the other foods and noticed a large decrease in my inflammation issues, as well as the medication I got to help control my stomach acid. I was also able to think about my meals and make better decisions based on what could create too much acidity and to find more alkaline foods that could help during inflammation times. This helped me better understand the signals my body would tell me, and prevent additional digestive issues from muddying the waters of my recovery and understanding.
  3. Symptom and food journal. I recorded every bowel movement and meal, as well as what symptoms I would feel and how long they would last. I set a regular alarm on my phone and had a journalling app, so I could journal from anywhere regularly. I made sticky notes for myself to remind myself too. I would forget some days, but even recording what I could remember would help. After doing this for a month, I could see some patterns that I didn't recognize before and I was able to share it with my doctor. This helped him understand what I was going through more clearly, and he was able to do a lot more to help me with that information that before.
  4. Research and Advocate - Doctors usually only know celiac disease in a passing sense, they read a paragraph in their university textbooks or have surface level knowledge. Many do not have active experience and can even harbor biases without realizing. This is where the symptom journal can help show what you are suffering daily and makes it harder for them to blow you off. Take the time to learn everything you can about the disease and how it can affect you now and in your older years so you can know what to look out for. My doctor mishandled my care for a long time, because I was too young to understand how to advocate for myself. As I got older, I was able to do my own research and I would send my doctor emails with what I found. This is when he admitted he was unaware of the additional science, and began to do his own research. He began to be much less resistant to helping me and understood I was a patient that was serious about their health. It is worth it to learn how to document and communicate your needs.
  5. Therapy. Having food become a danger messes with the head, and it is understandable. I became food avoidant and fell below 90 lbs at one point, I didn't know what meals would add to the hurt, nothing made me feel better at the time. I would rather starve all day than attempt anything. I ended up becoming fearful of leaving my home even. Not everyone gets this scared, it depends how rough the symptoms are. My symptoms were always intense, so I became fearful of triggering them. Over time though, I worked with my therapist and we treated it like rungs on a ladder. I took my fears one step at a time, challenging them and proving to myself that I could be safe, that I could escape the cycle of perpetual pain. With his motivation and me holding myself responsible, I was able to become more confident and assured.
This process took me many years, it was not something I could accomplish in a short burst, but a steady accumulation of my efforts over time. It took a lot of focus, and I had to drop the ball on other things in my life to do it. But I am not sick everyday anymore, I don't feel that constant pain I would carry around and my mind feels clear, my heart energetic. It's been a hard road to understand and master my celiac, I look back at the beginning like a soldier reflects on war. But there is a chance to feel normal again, it takes some swimming, but it is worth the effort. I promise you that.
submitted by Kali_404 to Celiac [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 19:57 beetesbaby New symptoms? (Nausea, skinny poops)

Hi all, I was diagnosed last month with Crohn colitis that may or may not be involved in my small intestine (MRE is scheduled for July).
I was on budesonide for about a month and it took away ALL of my symptoms.
Then 3 days ago, I had random pain, both upper and low abdominal pain, and nausea, which I have never experienced before.
I’m on 40mg of prednisone now and it’s helped a bit but my stomach still is not right and I’m so exhausted.
Is nausea normal? It’s new to me!
Also I am still pooping but my poops are pretty thin. Doctor doesn’t seem too concerned about anything I’ve told her.
submitted by beetesbaby to CrohnsDisease [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 19:56 Aki_Tansu What treatment options are there for non-arthritis joint pain?

I have multiple chronic health conditions that cause a lot of pain in my body. I’ve gotten pretty good at managing most of them, but I don’t know what to do about the joint pain.
My doctor looked at my fingers and other bothersome joints (literally all of my joints hurt but especially smaller ones) and said that I don’t have arthritis based on the way they look (the knuckles aren’t bulging out) - he won’t order imaging because he says that it’s a waste of time since joint pain is a common symptom of one of my chronic illnesses.
But he did order blood work and it showed that I don’t have inflammation so I guess that means it’s not arthritis? Honestly I don’t know how arthritis is diagnosed or very much about it, so I can’t really tell if that’s true or just him brushing me off.
Anyhoo - what can I do to treat the pain itself? He told me that there aren’t any treatment options for it, and that I should just use voltaren (topical NSAID) if it’s too painful. Voltaren works fine but I don’t want to overuse NSAIDs so I avoid it usually. I take NSAIDs for my chronic pain as well so I try to limit all NSAIDs to only a couple times a week to avoid rebound headaches and other side effects. Plus, it’s not really something I can use on all my joints, ya know. When the pain is bad, it’s in tons of places and that’s a lot of nsaid to use to cover all of them.
The only other thing I’ve found to help is heat (hot showers, heating pads, etc), which is great if I’m at home but obviously isn’t very portable.
Do you know of any other treatment options I can try at home, or bring up at my next doctor’s appointment?
My doctor is a good guy and a good doctor, but brushes me off a lot and tells me to just deal with symptoms - but if I bring up a treatment plan that I’ve self-researched he’s usually pretty open to discussing it and trying it. I think he just is overwhelmed with work and home (new baby) that he doesn’t have the time or desire to look into things for me. Especially since my diagnoses are things that can’t be cured or really treated. Mostly, they’re the type of thing where you have to just accept them and try to treat the symptoms instead of the condition. Which is where he tends to get disinterested.
submitted by Aki_Tansu to AskDoctorSmeeee [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 19:54 Working-Strength2932 I am even a human being.... ? just kill me

Hello, this is my first post. I am 20 years old and a university student. My mother has just disowned me from the bottom of her heart because I am a "lazy" person, and he doesn't give birth to lazy children.
I am an African born into a religious family. My father is a hot-blooded person, emotionally and physically abusive. My mother, when she is upset or angry, pours all her hatred onto others with extremely hurtful words, but no one says anything because here in Africa, parents are like living gods. Both my mother and father see themselves as living gods and believe they know everything that is best for me. As a result, I grew up with no control over my life, otherwise I would be insulted and beaten if necessary.
Here in Africa, we must obey our parents and elders no matter the situation and what they do to us, under the pretext that "they brought us into the world" and that God curses those who do not obey their parents. The only decent relationship I had was with my half-sister.
I grew up being judged as weird, hypocritical, mean, and all sorts of things because I couldn't do things the way everyone else did. My parents told me I walked and talked like a girl, and since I isolated myself very young because I didn't feel like I belonged, they said it was because of video games and manga that I was crazy, wild, and that's still the case today. They always compared me to my brothers, sisters, and other people.
I no longer had any desire for this life, so I clung foolishly to religion like a child who believes in Santa Claus, thinking that these were just trials to endure by being a people pleaser to the extreme, enduring and tolerating all the injustices done to me because not only was I afraid of the consequences, but also because I believed I would be rewarded in the afterlife, in heaven. Over the years, I became more and more isolated, and my mental health deteriorated more and more. As for my schooling, I always had a lot of difficulties, and during all the major exams I took, I was always seriously ill a few weeks/days before. But I passed all my classes until now in university, where I have to do a few months of internship to validate my year.
I retained almost nothing from these 2 years because of the battle I've been fighting with my mental health for years. I am extremely nervous and anxious. When I am overwhelmed with emotions, I can hardly open my mouth; it’s like my jaw refuses to open, which often happens when I disagree with my parents. I sweat profusely, my mind becomes completely blurry, and when I manage to speak, I stutter and tremble. I have psychosomatic pains and extremely painful headaches, symptoms similar to brain fog. It’s extremely hard to follow classes; I can barely last 2 hours before my brain and body can't take it anymore, especially since I have 9 hours of classes a day, 4 days a week. I am easily distracted, have trouble focusing, and have developed extreme hypervigilance and overreactivity. Most of the time, it feels like I'm dissociated and observing someone else's life.
I managed to find an internship that is mainly online, but my mother refuses to let me do it because she wants me to go to bigger companies with in-office work so that next year I can start working right away. This is impossible since I am just surviving day-to-day with my mental health, and I’m not even sure if I will pass this year. I didn’t accept this because for once I want to be the one who makes decisions about my life. She sent me a long voice message this morning calling me the biggest lazy person in the universe, saying I am a foolish coward who knows nothing about life and refuses to face life and people. While my siblings and other children in the neighborhood overcome everything on their own, I always choose the easy way out, doing nothing all day but eating and sleeping, and that everything is fine in my life since she gives me food and a place to sleep. She questionned herself on why she give birth to a child like me. I felt literally disowned from the depths of my soul, sobbing.
Knowing my family and our society, they will all side with her. Mental health is almost taboo here because you are immediately categorized as crazy and stupid, possessed by demons, without anyone trying to understand. I realize in the end that I have never had anything or anyone in my life and i the things i believe was just bullshit. I clung to religion like a fool, but that was just nonsense too. I’ve had several suicide and self-harm attempts, but nothing has worked, even less today.All my life I have endured a lot of things, especially because my parents have been retired for a while and don't have much money, so every year matters when it comes to my education. I’m not diagnosed, but over the years I’ve done a lot of research on mental health. Dr. K has taught me things I never imagined I could learn but in the end, what’s the point? Here you are treated as a demon and possessed, and I’ve completely lost hope in everything. I have no way out; I can’t live, I can’t die i can't tell what is real truth or fake. What am I doing here and why did I have to be born? i am even human?
Sorry for the length of the message and thank you for reading English is not one of my native languages, but I hope I was able to express myself correctly.. Everything I want to say and that is still buried inside me could almost make a book, but I guess I’m really messed up in every sense of the term.
submitted by Working-Strength2932 to Healthygamergg [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 19:54 Moist_Fail_9269 Has anyone been referred to a pain clinic but was immediately rejected for being too complicated?

I am 32F, and i have had psoriatic disease since age 11, and was recently diagnosed with a progressive systemic inflammatory disease and secondary encephalitis. I follow with Palliative Care and am losing my mobility and vision.
I have been in pain with psoriatic disease since childhood. I started biologics but to date i have failed on 8 or 9 so far. I have had brain involvement for 6 years which was misdiagnosed and not treated. I am now visually impaired and getting a custom wheelchair.
My pain is complex because it is multifactorial. My right leg hurts constantly between nerve pain/ankle pain from bilateral drop foot, a destroyed knee joint, and an arthritic bone cyst in my hip. Both legs hurt constantly from nerve and muscle pain. My SI joint is bone on bone and killing me. I also experience severe headaches and eye pain. My hands have significant arthritis and hurt every day. I was referred to the Interventional Pain clinic in town and they refused to even see me, saying that they have nothing to offer me because there is nothing wrong with my spine.
What do i even do if the pain center won't even see me? I have asked every single provider what to do about the pain and they all refer me to each other so i just go round and round in circles. My physical medicine nurse told me directly because my case is so complex, i will likely not find anyone within a 3 hour radius that even knows what to do. My disease is progressive and i will get worse over time. My immune suppressant infusion was stopped for safety concerns so neither of my diseases are being treated while the inflammation spreads. My brain, eyes, esophagus, stomach, and liver are all inflamed. I can't have joint replacements because i am too young and can't participate in rehab since i have very little mobility in my legs now.
The only option i have right now is to suffer significantly until my disease ends me, however long that will be. No one is completely sure of my prognosis anyway. I am on lyrica, 150 mg 2x a day. But nothing else for pain. Just a mild muscle relaxer for myoclonic jerking and spasms.
submitted by Moist_Fail_9269 to ChronicPain [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 19:49 Picasso_76 Which supplement for food sensitivity (sibo, histamine)

hello everyone,
I had a SIBO test done and the orthomolecular doctor diagnosed SIBO H2. Since a heavy course of antibiotics for the treatment of helico bacter pylori, I have had various complaints that affect both physical and psychological health. After using antibiotics, I have gradually lost weight, losing around 10 kilos since 2017. problems with hypersensitivity to foods such as fruit, eggs, avocado, coffee, chocolate, bread... I also have flaky skin, vertical stripes on the nails, decreased muscle mass and fat, hair loss it looks like thyroid problems and or adrenal glands. had several blood tests, normal thyroid and cortisol, ACTH, DHEA, testosterone, oral glucose test normal, but high insulin value when administering glucose. probably sensitive to pure sugars.
I have low DAO enzyme in my blood, I probably have histamine intolerance, because I often have a bloated stomach, constipation, low blood pressure, slow pulse, dizziness, brain fogg, blurred vision, which causes a decrease in cortisol because I can no longer focus, concentrate, I get irritated easily, perhaps histamine intolerance can also cause psychological problems such as ADHD, ADD. I can't sleep either, I don't know if cortisol and/or blood sugar have an influence?
I used to regularly have a fast heartbeat, red face, high blood pressure, panic attacks, but after taking antibiotics I have a slow pulse, sometimes also low blood sugar, low blood pressure. Maybe antibiotics caused HPA Axis ,hypoadrenia problems, Maybe mild Drug-induced lupus?
I have been to many specialists and they say that there are no abnormalities to tell, but they say that I am İBS and lactose intolerant. And I also have fibromyalgia.
a lot of muscle pain and muscle pain quickly after exercise. exercise intolerance, cannot tolerate hot weather or cold weather, sweating a lot in the summer, many symptoms of dehydration. histamine intolerance? Thyroid?
I recently visited an orthomolecular doctor who diagnosed Sibo advice was digestive enzymes, iberogast, q10, DAO enzyme, b12 with folic acid, betaine, for rebalancing the day and night rhythm, adenostim 24 from metagenics.
I have noticed that I cannot tolerate active B vitamins. Also no rhodiola, passion flower, valerian, and too strong an antioxidant will I get a headache (release of toxins?)
enzymes based on fungi yeast bacteria also cause headaches, amylase, lypase,...
What do you use to control histamine and psychological problems. fatigue, sleeping problems, exertion, depressive mood, worrying, I don't want to diet because it will cause more psychological problems. Long-term dieting is not good, they said.
Greetings from Belgium.
submitted by Picasso_76 to Allergies [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 19:48 Picasso_76 Sibo And Adrenal Fatigue

hello everyone,
I had a SIBO test done and the orthomolecular doctor diagnosed SIBO H2. Since a heavy course of antibiotics for the treatment of helico bacter pylori, I have had various complaints that affect both physical and psychological health. After using antibiotics, I have gradually lost weight, losing around 10 kilos since 2017. problems with hypersensitivity to foods such as fruit, eggs, avocado, coffee, chocolate, bread... I also have flaky skin, vertical stripes on the nails, decreased muscle mass and fat, hair loss it looks like thyroid problems and or adrenal glands. had several blood tests, normal thyroid and cortisol, ACTH, DHEA, testosterone, oral glucose test normal, but high insulin value when administering glucose. probably sensitive to pure sugars.
I have low DAO enzyme in my blood, I probably have histamine intolerance, because I often have a bloated stomach, constipation, low blood pressure, slow pulse, dizziness, brain fogg, blurred vision, which causes a decrease in cortisol because I can no longer focus, concentrate, I get irritated easily, perhaps histamine intolerance can also cause psychological problems such as ADHD, ADD. I can't sleep either, I don't know if cortisol and/or blood sugar have an influence?
I used to regularly have a fast heartbeat, red face, high blood pressure, panic attacks, but after taking antibiotics I have a slow pulse, sometimes also low blood sugar, low blood pressure. Maybe antibiotics caused HPA Axis ,hypoadrenia problems, Maybe mild Drug-induced lupus?
I have been to many specialists and they say that there are no abnormalities to tell, but they say that I am İBS and lactose intolerant. And I also have fibromyalgia.
a lot of muscle pain and muscle pain quickly after exercise. exercise intolerance, cannot tolerate hot weather or cold weather, sweating a lot in the summer, many symptoms of dehydration. histamine intolerance? Thyroid?
I recently visited an orthomolecular doctor who diagnosed Sibo advice was digestive enzymes, iberogast, q10, DAO enzyme, b12 with folic acid, betaine, for rebalancing the day and night rhythm, adenostim 24 from metagenics.
I have noticed that I cannot tolerate active B vitamins. Also no rhodiola, passion flower, valerian, and too strong an antioxidant will I get a headache (release of toxins?)
enzymes based on fungi yeast bacteria also cause headaches, amylase, lypase,...
What do you use to control histamine and psychological problems. fatigue, sleeping problems, exertion, depressive mood, worrying, I don't want to diet because it will cause more psychological problems. Long-term dieting is not good, they said.
Greetings from Belgium.
submitted by Picasso_76 to adrenalfatigue [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 19:47 Picasso_76 Gut Health And Adrenaline

Gut Health And Adrenaline
hello everyone,
I had a SIBO test done and the orthomolecular doctor diagnosed SIBO H2. Since a heavy course of antibiotics for the treatment of helico bacter pylori, I have had various complaints that affect both physical and psychological health. After using antibiotics, I have gradually lost weight, losing around 10 kilos since 2017. problems with hypersensitivity to foods such as fruit, eggs, avocado, coffee, chocolate, bread... I also have flaky skin, vertical stripes on the nails, decreased muscle mass and fat, hair loss it looks like thyroid problems and or adrenal glands. had several blood tests, normal thyroid and cortisol, ACTH, DHEA, testosterone, oral glucose test normal, but high insulin value when administering glucose. probably sensitive to pure sugars.
I have low DAO enzyme in my blood, I probably have histamine intolerance, because I often have a bloated stomach, constipation, low blood pressure, slow pulse, dizziness, brain fogg, blurred vision, which causes a decrease in cortisol because I can no longer focus, concentrate, I get irritated easily, perhaps histamine intolerance can also cause psychological problems such as ADHD, ADD. I can't sleep either, I don't know if cortisol and/or blood sugar have an influence?
I used to regularly have a fast heartbeat, red face, high blood pressure, panic attacks, but after taking antibiotics I have a slow pulse, sometimes also low blood sugar, low blood pressure. Maybe antibiotics caused HPA Axis ,hypoadrenia problems, Maybe mild Drug-induced lupus?
I have been to many specialists and they say that there are no abnormalities to tell, but they say that I am İBS and lactose intolerant. And I also have fibromyalgia.
a lot of muscle pain and muscle pain quickly after exercise. exercise intolerance, cannot tolerate hot weather or cold weather, sweating a lot in the summer, many symptoms of dehydration. histamine intolerance? Thyroid?
I recently visited an orthomolecular doctor who diagnosed Sibo advice was digestive enzymes, iberogast, q10, DAO enzyme, b12 with folic acid, betaine, for rebalancing the day and night rhythm, adenostim 24 from metagenics.
I have noticed that I cannot tolerate active B vitamins. Also no rhodiola, passion flower, valerian, and too strong an antioxidant will I get a headache (release of toxins?)
enzymes based on fungi yeast bacteria also cause headaches, amylase, lypase,...
What do you use to control histamine and psychological problems. fatigue, sleeping problems, exertion, depressive mood, worrying, I don't want to diet because it will cause more psychological problems. Long-term dieting is not good, they said.
Greetings from Belgium.
submitted by Picasso_76 to adrenaline [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 19:44 Lilmiss82 L-glutamine or Omperazole

I started taking L-glutamine from a few recommendations. I've noticed a few minutes after taking it I get a real mild pain in my stomach that lasts a few minutes then goes. I take this in the morning with a probiotic, and omperazole. Which of them could be hurting my stomach? I'm new to both omperazole and L-glutamine
submitted by Lilmiss82 to Gastritis [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 19:43 Picasso_76 Which supplement for histamine and adrenal fatigue

Which supplement for histamine and adrenal fatigue
hello everyone,
I had a SIBO test done and the orthomolecular doctor diagnosed SIBO H2. Since a heavy course of antibiotics for the treatment of helico bacter pylori, I have had various complaints that affect both physical and psychological health. After using antibiotics, I have gradually lost weight, losing around 10 kilos since 2017. problems with hypersensitivity to foods such as fruit, eggs, avocado, coffee, chocolate, bread... I also have flaky skin, vertical stripes on the nails, decreased muscle mass and fat, hair loss it looks like thyroid problems and or adrenal glands. had several blood tests, normal thyroid and cortisol, ACTH, DHEA, testosterone, oral glucose test normal, but high insulin value when administering glucose. probably sensitive to pure sugars.
I have low DAO enzyme in my blood, I probably have histamine intolerance, because I often have a bloated stomach, constipation, low blood pressure, slow pulse, dizziness, brain fogg, blurred vision, which causes a decrease in cortisol because I can no longer focus, concentrate, I get irritated easily, perhaps histamine intolerance can also cause psychological problems such as ADHD, ADD. I can't sleep either, I don't know if cortisol and/or blood sugar have an influence?
I used to regularly have a fast heartbeat, red face, high blood pressure, panic attacks, but after taking antibiotics I have a slow pulse, sometimes also low blood sugar, low blood pressure. Maybe antibiotics caused HPA Axis ,hypoadrenia problems, Maybe mild Drug-induced lupus?
I have been to many specialists and they say that there are no abnormalities to tell, but they say that I am İBS and lactose intolerant. And I also have fibromyalgia.
a lot of muscle pain and muscle pain quickly after exercise. exercise intolerance, cannot tolerate hot weather or cold weather, sweating a lot in the summer, many symptoms of dehydration. histamine intolerance? Thyroid?
I recently visited an orthomolecular doctor who diagnosed Sibo advice was digestive enzymes, iberogast, q10, DAO enzyme, b12 with folic acid, betaine, for rebalancing the day and night rhythm, adenostim 24 from metagenics.
I have noticed that I cannot tolerate active B vitamins. Also no rhodiola, passion flower, valerian, and too strong an antioxidant will I get a headache (release of toxins?)
enzymes based on fungi yeast bacteria also cause headaches, amylase, lypase,...
What do you use to control histamine and psychological problems. fatigue, sleeping problems, exertion, depressive mood, worrying, I don't want to diet because it will cause more psychological problems. Long-term dieting is not good, they said.
Greetings from Belgium.
submitted by Picasso_76 to SIBO [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 19:42 RatioDifficult637 Inability to keep food down is ruining my life

33 year old Caucasian woman who has had a lot of GI symptoms and no Dx. Several endoscope and colonoscopy that have only discovered hemorrhoids (which I've had surgically removed). DX with lactose intolerance.
I'm desperate for an answer at this point.
Whenever I eat food, no matter WHAT I eat, within 10 minutes I have urgent diarrhea (usually liquid). Many times this happens as I am still eating. I also get extreme stomach pain and bloating, etc. My blood work comes back with low vitamins, so I take multivitamins and am getting iron infusions and take Vitamin D daily prescribed.
My eating is disordered. Due to the diarrhea and stomach cramps, I only eat once a day because I have anxiety about getting sick. I've been gaining an insane amount of weight, likely because my body is storing fat due to eating once a day. But I can't force myself to eat, I hate how sick it makes me. Food makes me nauseous and sick.
My GP isn't taking this serious, she doesn't think it's an issue. I can schedule to see my GI Doctor, but I can't easily visit a him due to living in a very small town and far away from the closest one, being poor, etc. But I'm desperate for anything to help. When I had hemorrhoid surgery I was told to never take medicine to stop me up due to the risk of my hemorrhoids returning and, unfortunately, they have as well.
I'm just not sure what is causing this, and why would my colonoscopys I've had in the past show nothing?
submitted by RatioDifficult637 to AskDocs [link] [comments]