Funniest alliteration ever

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2021.01.06 00:06 dafukyouwantmetodo The funniest Facebook group ever!

A place for TRUE PATRIOTS to post their PRO-GOD, PRO-TRUMP, PRO-AMERICA conservative May-Mays!

2020.03.28 05:35 nikostan17 fnaffunnymoments

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2011.10.28 02:50 laurelstreet What's My Line?


2024.05.19 16:45 cappy1223 Joke #1 THE 2000 YEAR OLD MAN

THE 2000 YEAR OLD MAN (1975) - FULL TRANSCRIPT 2000 Year Old Man is an old Brooks-Reiner comedy routine turned into a half-hour animated TV special. Reiner, a TV reporter, interviews Brooks, a man claiming to be 2000 years old. The interview consists of a serious of questions regarding the history of the world. Brooks' answers to Reiner's questions are priceless.
About four days ago a plane landed at Idlewild Airport.
The plane came from the Middle East bearing a man who claims to be
2000 years old.
He spent the last six days at the Mayo Clinic.
Ei, sir.
Sir, is it true that you are 2000 years old?
Oh boy.
-Yes. -You are?
It's hard to believe sir because
in the history of man nobody has ever lived more than 167 years
wich a man from Peru claimed to be.
But you claim to be 2000?
I'll be, not yet. I'll be 2000, October 16th.
You will be 2000. When were you born?
We didn't have formal years and names and writing.
We didn't know. I see.
Nobody kept time.
See, we didn't know.
We didn't write. We just sat around, pointed in the sky
and said wow hot there wow.
-That's all they said? -We didn't even know it was the sun.
You really didn't know anything.
Anything, we were so dumb.
We didn't know who was a lady.
-But they were... -They were with us.
But we didn't know who they was
we didn't know who was the ladies and who was fellows.
You thought they were just different type of fellows.
Yes, stronger or smaller or softer.
The softer ones I think was the ladies all the time.
What about that? How did you find out?
Well, they are cute, a fat guy,
could you could have mistaken him,
soft and cute.
Who is the person who discovered the female?
Who was Bernie?
Bernie, one of the first leaders of our group.
I'm very interested to find out how Bernie discovered the woman.
-Well, he... -How did he come to find?
One morning
he got up smiling. So he said:
I think there is ladys here.
I said, well, what do you mean, you know?
He said: 'cause in the night.
I was swelled and delighted, see?
So he went into such a story that
it's hundreds of years later, I still blush.
Could you give us the secret of your longevity?
Well, the major thing.
The major thing.
Is that I never, ever touch ripe food.
I don't eat it.
I wouldn't look at it and I don't touch it.
And and I never run for a bus.
There's always another.
Even if even if you're late for work.
You know, I never run for a bus.
I never ran.
I just stroll, jump it, slowly walk to the next bus...
Yeah, well but there were no buses at the time.
In my time ahnn...
What was the means of transportation then?
-Mostly fear.
-Fear transported you? -Fear yes.
You could see.
A lion, he would would growl, you would go two miles a minute.
I'd like to find out about some social customs
the origination of social customs.
For instance, singing how that started?
Oh it stems from fear.
-Could you explain? -Because in the old days,
I said old days.
I don't mean the georgian cars.
-Did you.. -I mean rocks and caves...
I'm asking you, sir, how song...
Some song came about when you really had to communicate.
-But in trouble you couldn't say help. -Yes.
But have to use your mouth.
Yes, I know.
-I mean, I wouldn't say help, I say good morning.
Yes. You're really...
you know you in trouble.
I was singing.
We thought happiness did.
Oh, and the song came out of it.
A lion is eating my foot off.
Somebody call a cop.
A lion is eating my foot off.
Somebody call a cop.
A lion is eating my foot off.
Somebody call a cop.
A lion is eating my foot of
Somebody call a cop.
Very interesting to hear the derivation of songs
The first songs,
the first songs were all the anthem songs.
We always thought...
We always thought...
Wanna hear an anthem song?
You had an anthem song?
We had a national anthem.
-What was the anthem? -Well, ah...
you see, was only fragment...
-Fragment? -It wasn't a nation.
-Yes. -It was cave, each cave. Yes.
Each cave had a national anthem.
You remember the national anthem of your cave?
Ok. I say I'll never forget it.
You don't forget a national anthem in a minute.
Let them go to the hell
except cave 76.
For instance, how did the custom of two people shaking hands
how the handshake come to be?
The handshake? As you know...
I don't, that's why I'm asking!
The handshake has also stemmed from fear.
Everything we do is based on fear.
-Even love? -Mainly love.
How can love stem from fear?
How can love stem from fear?
What do you need a woman for?
You know what you need for?
-In my time? -Yes.
To see if an animal is behind yourself,
you had to get eyes in the back of your head.
you take two eyes that is to be a lady.
I see.
You say, lady, you look behind me for a while.
And that was the first... the first marriages.
What if you take a look behind me ok?
How long you want?Forever, we are married.
You walked back to back to the rest of your life?
Yes. You only look at her once in a while,
when you knew you it was safe?
When I knew I was in a highground.
-The handshakes they started how?
-They started to see if the fellow had a rock
or a dagger in his hand.
Where is you hand? Hi, Charlie.
How you're doing Jumpy, where is you hand?
Then you open it and you look...
And you shook another one.
And that's the way the handshakes started.
Yes, the shake.
May have a stone or a marble to stick in your eye.
In the older days
you should get a snap and all.
How the dancing started?
-Dancing is the same thing. -Fear again?
Just fear. The only thing you could do with a hand
was to see if there was a rock or a marble
or rubber band or nail or something that would stick in your head.
Right. Ok.
But while imobilizing my hand
dancing gets to complete the imobilization.
Dance and keep the feet busy so he can't get you.
Yes, but I think most people are interested
in living a long and fruitful life.
-You mentioned? -Fruit is good food, you mentioned.
Fruit kept me going for 140 years once
when I... was on a very strict diet,
mainly nectarines, I love that fruit
half a peach, half a plum, such a hell of a fruit.
It's not too cold
Not too hot, you know, just nice.
-What if... -A rotten one?
That's how much I love. I'd rather eat a rotten nectarine than a fine plum.
-What do you think about? -I can understand that.
Yes, that's how much I love them.
-Yes, I can understand, sir. -Some good things.
What did you do for a living?
Well, many years ago, thousands.
There was no heavy industry.
We know that.
Most things that we manufactured or we made,
most things we ever made,
was we would make a take a piece of wood
and rub it, rub it and rub it and rub it
then clean it and look at it and hit right with it
and hit a tree with it.
-For what purpose? -Just to keep busy.
There was not. There was absolutely nothing to do, had no job.
What other jobs were there?
Must've been something else besides hitting a tree with
the knowledge, hitting a tree with a
piece of stick was already a good job.
You couldn't get that job.
Mainly was sitting and looking in the sky
was a big job
and another job was watching each other.
-And what language did you speak? -They spoke...
-Rock, basic rock. -Years before Hebrew.
Yes. 200 years before Hebrew was the rock language, the rock talk.
Could you give us an example of that?
Hey, you don't put that rock on me.
Hey, what you do with the rock?
Do you remember you remember your Hebrew sir?
Yes, I would just I think I remember fluent...
Because I understand the modern Hebrew is different from the...
-phonetic alliteration paterns. -Yes.
Can we hear an example of the ancient Hebrew?
A very ancient Hebrew is...
Oh, hi there, hello.
Hello there. How are you.
-Hi. How are you. -That's English.
-Oh wait, wait. -You remember any Hebrew?
Very little.
I don't think I remember.
I must have forgot a great deal of it.
-I think you forgot it all. -Maybe all, yes.
Maybe all. Thousands of years since I needed it.
Now, sir, did you ever...
Did you ever have any formal job as we know it today?
Yeah, well, I was a manufacturer. I was owner.
What kind of a factory did you have?
I had a I used to make the star of David, Jew stars.
Making a little money?
Where's that? Yeah.
Soon as religion came in, I was one of the first in that.
I figured this was a good thing.
How did you make them? Did you have tools?
Well, we didn't have a lady.
I employed six men each with a point.
They used to run together in the middle of the factory
A great speed, it was huge.
They were making a star.
Yes. We would make two a day because of the many accidents.
Six men running and... you know.
Lots of accidents.
You never thought of going into anything else?
Oh, no, I had an offer once.
-It came to me. Simon. -What Simon asked you to do?
Said he had a new thing, a new item,
a winner, looks like a winning item.
That was gonna be a big seller is called a cross.
And I looked at it and I turned it over
and looked in all sides of it
and I said, it's simple. It's too simple.
I didn't know then. Element.
-I didn't know with such a -You turned him down?
and I said, I'm sorry, but I'm too busy.
See, I could have I could have fired four men,
two men run together, bang, that is a cross.
Would say that I would I would have earned
over a hundred dollars doing that crosses and everything.
Yes, certainly.
Do you have a few moments, sir?
What do you mean? Money or the time.
No, we have to cut way for messages now.
-Okay, let's do it. Is it in English? -Yes.
By the way, sir, are you married?
I have been married several hundred times.
-Several hundred times? -Yes.
You haven't, man. Do you remember all your wives?
-One I remember well. -Which one was that?
The five one, Shyla.
I remeber her well.
I'm afraid to ask the next question, you had many hundreds of wives...
-Hundreds and hundreds. -But how many children you have?
I have over forty two thousand children.
And not one comes to visit me.
It's awful, sir
well, sir, it's really you mean to say there isn't one daughter...
there's many daughters, but, but they
you know how they are, children.
Good luck to them, let them go.
I don't want listen, let them be happy as long they're happy
I don't care. But they could send a note
write how're you Pop how you're doing Pop
you know, they don't.
Sir... ahn, you must have known
some great men in your time, you did travel to...
I knew the greater and the near greater.
Can I ask you about some of these...
Certainly, I'll tell you the true
the true whether I knew or not.
For instance, people are people are
very interested in somebody like Joan of Arc.
A lot has been written about her, we read a lot...
Aah what a kiss.
You knew Joan of Arc?
I went for her, damn it, I went for her.
Nowhere in history do we know of Joan going with it anybody.
Well, they don't print everything.
You did marry her? No.
No. I didn't marry her because she was on a mission.
she used to say to me
she used to say to me, I've got to save France.
I should say I look.
I've got to wash up. You save France.
See you later after you save France. I'll wash up, you know.
-How did you... -Hold it, I... yet.
How did you feel about her being burned at the stake?
I didn't I didn't know.
Sir, how about some of the legendary characters
who supposedly might have existed?
For instance, Robin Hood.
-Did he...? -Oh, yeah. Lovely man.
Ran around in the forest.
Did he really steal from the rich and give to the poor?
No, he didn't.
He stole from everybody and kept everything.
Out of the legend?
Out of the legend let's bring up that
he had a fellow monk, hired a press agent
running all the paper and roll and scroll.
He takes from the rich and gives to the poor, who knew?
You knew you took such a knock in the head
when he robbed you wouldn't knock him down.
-In other words... -A tough guy.
I hate to have our legendary figures smashed
Well, I hate do smashing for you.
So much to discuss, for instance,
-somebody like William Shakespeare -Oh what a pussycat.
-You are saying that you knew -A pussycat.
You did know it, for instance
Oh, that little beard, that cute hair...
He was reputed,
I guess you are agreeing that he was the greatest writer of all times.
Oh no, hey, hold up he was small.
What you mean? You just said he was great.
-Oh boy!
-And I said he was great... -No sir.
A cute man and a pussycat.
William Shakespeare was not a great writer?
Not good writer at all.
He wrote 37 of the greatest.
Shakespeare was not a good writer, no.
He wrote 37 of the greatest.
Would you ever see the original the first folios?
You mean they were edited by someone else?
Never mind the edit, did you see the folios?
No, I never saw them. Did you see?
I saw that folios, your wanna see how they are?
A blast...
A 'm' you know that look like a 'D'
an 'M' didn't look like an 'M'
I know that is a 'V'
Every letter was cockeyed and crazy.
Don't tell me he was a good writer.
The worst printmanship I ever saw in my life.
What he did? He did as it was reputed,
he did write 37 of the greatest plays of...
-38! -I only know 37.
Would you care to look at this list sir?
These items are listed come down to the ages.
-You know one that should be there? -Yes.
What's that?
Queen Alexandra and Morris.
Is there any copy of this unexistent?
This is a play that I put invested money in.
Probably the only one that didn't come to light.
Come to light and closed in Egypt.
Sir, you remember...
you remember any of the dialogue of Queen Alexandra and Morris?
Queen Alexandra turn to Morris and said:
Oh, Morris. What could it have been that I have seen?
Is it not in my marrow or we not have one on ourselves?
And he would say to her:
What are you hollering?
What are you hollering?
-Sir, what... -Wake up the whole castle, you know.
Sir, what did you do 2000 years ago to entertain...
-Walk and wing. -I want to know wether...
-Were there comedians -Oh sure sure, we had.
You remember any of the... 2,000 years ago...
A matter of days, let me see.
I remember one comedian gave us some laughs
while we were hysterical.
Well, who is he? Some good laughs.
Murray the Nut. He gave us a laugh.
A tiger came in the cave one afternoon.
Soothed in uninvited naturally.
Nobody asked how a tiger did walk in.
Tiger came in and Murray, you know, the joker
the tumbling, you know, the Nut
jumps at and grabs the tiger by the tail
yahaa, yahaa, yahaa...
and the tiger turn around and ate him in a minute.
and we get histerical laughing and laughing.
Best joke we ever had.
Oh sir, that's not very funny.
That was all we have, our chaos then that was all we have.
Terrible, I would consider that...
Have to pass me out, Murray took the tiger.
-That was entertainment? -Yes.
I would consider that in the realm of tragedy rather than comedy.
It's a point of view, to me tragedy is... is
if I cut my finger, that's tragedy.
It clinch and I cry and I run around
and I go into Mount Sinai for a day and a half.
I'm very nervous about.
And to me comedy is if you walk into an open sewer
and die, I like that.
Comedy I say.
-My finger is important. -Yes
In the 2000 years you've lived, you've seen a lot of items.
What is the biggest change you've seen?
In two thousand years the greatest thing mankind ever devised
I think in my humble opinion is saran wrap.
You can put a sandwich in it.
You can look through it. You can touch
you can put over your face and fool around and everything.
It's so cool you could wrap up
-You would ate it? -I love it,
put three olives in it and put a little one.
can put ten sandwiches and make up this.
-Whatever you want, It's clean and it sticks with.
-You equate this with... -You can look right through.
You equate this with man's discovery of space?
That was good, that was good.
-Sir, we ah... -Yes, yes.
We have to take time out for message now.
Why do you have to take time out?
You take the message, I'll keep talking.
That was a good message.
Well, sir, if we don't have too much more time
but we all here would like to know your code.
Well, alright, is this it?
A farewell? -A farewell address.
Hello there. This is 2000 years talking to you
from the depths of back there when we was
now I'm still and they not and I just want to say
keep your smile on your face.
And stay out of a Ferrari
or any small Italian car.
stay out of them. I wanna tell you that it's been
it's been a wonderful two thousand years
and you've been a wonderful civilization
and it's been a thrill living for 2,000 years
and eat a nectarine, is the best food ever made.
submitted by cappy1223 to Jokes [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:22 undeniablydull What's the funniest practical joke you've ever heard of someone doing?

I know someone who, as when he was in uni everyone stole his milk, added loads of laxatives to it. A couple of people clearly drank it as they were off that day
submitted by undeniablydull to ask [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:36 JesusDaBeast Ignore this post if you want

I'm writing a recap of the beef in my own eyes, based on what has been shown out there.
If anyone sticks around to the end to read all this shit, if you have any comments on what I missed or should be edited, lmk. Also go touch grass.
* October 2023: Cole/Drake dropped First Person Shooter, which sees Drake take shots at Kenny and while he gives props to the Big 3, Cole also claims he’s the best rapper alive. The verse from Cole is a bit disingenuous, calling themselves the Big 3, but referring to himself as Ali and saying "me and Drizzy shits like the Super Bowl," which in turn refers to KDot as the third best in the group. Also calls himself "Muhammed Ali," who is considered the greatest to ever do it. In Jermaine's eyes, its Cole Drake Kenny.
* March 2024: Metro Boomin (rap producer) and Future drop “We Don’t Trust You,” an album which sees them take multiple shots at Drake. One song (Like that) features Kendrick, who is practically inviting him to throw gloves with Drake (and Cole). Responds to the Big 3 claims with "Fuck the Big 3, it's just Big Me." A lot of his verse is going at Drake directly, calling his best work a "Lyt pack," and playing up the MJ Prince comps with the "Prince outlived Mike Jack" bar.
* Two weeks later: Cole drops Might Delete Later, a 12 song EP. The last song (7 minute drill) is his response to Kendrick. However fans were pretty critical of his reply, with some claiming that as a diss it was pretty tame at best. Other fans claimed it was just a warning shot, and that it wasn't meant to be a diss back. A few days later, Cole apologized to Kendrick at Dreamville fest, and backed out of the battle. It is rumored that TDE member Schoolboy Q advised Cole to drop out of the beef, as it was between Kendrick/Drake, and it would get more personal.
* April 2024: 3 weeks after “Like That”, Metro and Future drop another album, “We STILL Don’t Trust You." This album features multiple artists who also throw disses at Drake. ASAP Rocky for dissing his BM, Weeknd calling out "leaks in the operation."
* A day after Metro/Future drop their 2nd album, Drake's “Push Ups” leaks online. This song clapped back at everyone that took shots at him on We don’t trust you, from Kendrick to Rick Ross to ASAP to Metro to Weeknd. In the song, Drake makes fun of Kendrick’s height, shoe size, his label split (supposedly he had to give TDE 50 of his publishing), and had a subtle jab at Kendrick’s wife Whitney.
* Drake also dropped a song that featured an AI voice of Tupac (Kendrick’s idol) and Snoop Dogg. Both west coast legends, but encouraging Kendrick to drop and stop being scared. A controversial track that was polarizing to say the least. Some fans praising its creativity in the rap beef, along with great verses from Drake. Others calling it disrespectful to a rap legend, and a bad precedent to allow AI in music. The Tupac estate ended up sending a C&D to Drake, who later removed the song from all socials.
(Note that here the public perception was for Kendrick to drop a reply, that Drake had come back correct with Push Ups and that if Kendrick was going to start a battle, he shouldn't duck when met with a reply)
* Two weeks after “Push Ups:" Kendrick drops “Euphoria,” which goes in on Drakes parenting ability, legitimacy in the rap game, and so on. A very solid dissection into the man we know as Drake, its a very good diss track that shows Kendrick's lyricism in full display. Also acknowledged that the industry is out to get Drake "wtf is this a 20v1," and told Metro to "shut yo hoe ass up and make some drums."
(He replied to this with an IG story of a merengue remix of that Metro bar, which was hilarious lmao. That and the band peforming outside Magic City in ATL were the funniest parts of the beef)
* A few days after, he followed up with “6:16 in LA" on Instagram. Not really a diss track in my opinion, it felt more like a track that had some warnings to Drake. Dot questions the loyalty of OVO and their legitimacy in the group, planting seeds of doubt in the mind of Drake. The cover this song is a black Maybach glove.
* Drake replied with “Family Matters” later that night, claiming Kendrick as a phony, attention whore, and worst of all a wife beater. Also claims that Dave Free (Kendrick’s manager), is the father of one of his kids. He drops this song with a full on music video, crushing the GKMC van, showing off the jewelry of rap legends like Pharrell and Pac, and so on.
(Honestly some of Drake's best work, and fans see it as such. Honestly some of his best writing since at least IYRTITL. That along with the beats make it a top 10 Drake song in my opinion. Some claim it's the best song in the diss. However, I just don't see it, for the reason I'm mentioning below:)
* Not even half an hour later: Kendrick drops “meet the grahams” which has heavy accusations. The cover of this song contains some of Drake's items. It includes: Ozempic/Adderrall/Zolpidem prescriptions, a receipt for the chains that Drake bought, presumably the ones in the FM video, and a visit card. Song claims Drake is a terrible person, has pedophilic thoughts/tendencies, runs a underground sex ring, and has a daughter that he’s hiding who’s at least 11 yrs old. It is a haunting track that sees Alchemist produce the beat.
(In my opinion, the clear turning point of this battle. For Kendrick to drop the time that it did, took the wind out of the sails that was Family Matters. And did it at a time where EVERYONE was reacting to it in real time. If the track didn't hit as hard as it did, it probably does not have an impact and Drake would have been the winner. Which is why IMO it's the best diss song in the battle. Despite the fact that daughter claims are mere allegations, he hit home on every other point that was made, with the cover art being proof of his verses holding truth. Which can't be said about any other diss in this battle, bar Euphoria.)
* He then dropped “Not Like Us” a day after FM/Meet the Grahams, which doubles down on the pedo claims, and also calls him a colonizer. This song is an instant hit and a West Coast banger, as it is currently the top song on the Billboard 200 as of the time writing this post.
(This song shifted the tide to "Drake is cooked" status. Prior to this song, people were still reeling from the back to back disses and asking that both sides bring receipts to the table. But with Not Like Us being a colossal hit, fans flocked to Kendrick's side. This track felt like the equivalent to a 3rd quarter run from the 2017 Warriors. Once it happens, you're done.)
To make matters worse, Metro also dropped a disstrumental called "BBL Drizzy," encouraging fans to drop a verse on the song, giving the winner 10k and a free Metro beat.
(Also a pivotal moment. If Drake wasn't losing the battle before, he lost the internet game with this combo. Now social media was clowning on him)
* A day later, Drake replied with "The Heart Part 6," a play on the The Heart series that Kendrick Lamar has. This song sees Drake claim that he set Kendrick up with fake information, and planted all this from the start. He also continues to apply pressure on the DV claims, and dispells the accusations made against him about him being a pedo. Also claims that he understands why Kendrick is so pent up, as Drake believes that Kendrick got molested as a child, referencing "Mother I Sober." Fans believe this track was a white flag of sorts, with the bars saying "You could drop a hundred more records, I'll see you later," and:
"That's why these pedophile raps and shit you so obsessed with, it's so excessive They actin' like it's so aggressive, but you just never known affection I don't wanna diss you anymore, this really got me second-guessin."
The last bar seems to question Kendrick's motives in the beef, and that Drake wants no parts in a battle that is really just projecting trauma. Regardless, the song was met with criticism for questionable lyrics and disses in the song. Shortly after, both sides alluded to move on, with Punch/Top of TDE declaring Kendrick the winner, and Drake saying "Good Battle, summer vibes up next," with the beef ending there.
submitted by JesusDaBeast to hiphop101 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:09 DK_Messi Does anyone know HOW the confirmed worlds spot works ?

GENG might be able to do the funniest thing ever to qualify for worlds xpp
submitted by DK_Messi to PedroPeepos [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:09 FORKLIFTDRIVER56 Help me find a post

There was this video replay post with a buzz doing something incomprehensibly stupid, and in the background there was this audio and it was edited in such a way that it sounded like : rar. raaar. RAAAAAAAAAR. rar.
Funniest shit i've ever seen and i still think about it sometimes, would be really grateful if someone could find it for me
submitted by FORKLIFTDRIVER56 to Brawlstars [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:13 7thTojoChairman What's the weirdest yet funniest chat you've ever had with a bot? (Image not related)

What's the weirdest yet funniest chat you've ever had with a bot? (Image not related) submitted by 7thTojoChairman to CharacterAI [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:09 SlowStrength929 What's the most ridiculous anti-LGBT logic you've ever heard?

Let's have a good laugh together What's the funniest anti-LGBT 'argument' you've ever heard? Was it something like 'gays are going to turn everyone gay'? Or maybe 'LGBT people are just confused'? Share your most ridiculous, head-scratching, or just plain hilarious anti-LGBT 'logic' you've ever encountered
submitted by SlowStrength929 to AskLGBT [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:58 justinvamp Just finished Midnight Tides (first time Malazan reader) and...

Tehol and Bugg's shenanigans are some of the funniest scenes I've read in any book ever. They are so ridiculous and I have actually laughed out loud in public multiple times while reading their scenes
submitted by justinvamp to Malazan [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:40 heniroksoo roamer shenanigans

got told or rather asked today as a minotaur, by a mathilda, "why are you everywhere mino" because at every gank in the sidelanes, i was there. also met her in the bush so many times lmao.
roamer tank/support mains, what's the funniest thing that ever happened to you in a game?
submitted by heniroksoo to MobileLegendsGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:19 TobiWuzHere People of reddit, what's the most funniest dad joke you ever heard?

submitted by TobiWuzHere to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:06 Ask4MD Trump roasting Biden in Minnesota is just about the funniest thing I've ever seen in politics 😂

Trump roasting Biden in Minnesota is just about the funniest thing I've ever seen in politics 😂 submitted by Ask4MD to Conservative [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:45 ifi2ere Funniest thing you've ever hallucinated?

For me, it was probably Jared. Jared was a dog I started seeing when I was 12 akin to that one creepypasta dog that I can't remember seeing. He only ever showed up in the boys bathrooms, and used to stare at me while I pissed. Fuckin' weirdo.
submitted by ifi2ere to Psychosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:04 Left_nuts Bossmans Giga Juicer "Degenerate Savage" Roasted by Bossman Jack

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH bossman just ROASTED degenerateSavage, after Savage was begging Bossman not to "cancel" plans on him, after Savage had paid $800 for a flight to meet up with Bossman Jack, Bossman didnt't even wanna know the guy and called him OUT on being a straight up CREEP. Funniest shit ive ever seen
submitted by Left_nuts to bossmanjack [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:58 Jealous_Criticism_68 I feel lonely and today I cried a lot out of nowhere.

A bit of context, I'm currently alone, and my partner (honestly, my best friend) is out on a trip.
We live outside of our home country, so we only have a few friends, no family, but I've got a dog (my rock tbh).
So, today I was reading some histories online (my hobby) and in such history a mother was picture protecting her child, then the OP said the word "mother" and I suddenly started crying hard out of nowhere, my dog came to me and helped me calmed down.
1) The thing is that I know why I cried... I feel lonely and powerless, we are changing countries (I don't know the language of such country). I'm young 22, but I also feel that I crashed my partners feeling by telling her that she needed to figure her life out, if she wanted to be a mother and she needed to work for that goal financially.
But, she likes to travel and has a job related to it. I never liked it. This job has no future, and people retire in the same position as her with low, very low pay. So, I always told her that if she wanted to travel, she could work into a better field with better pay, so the flight benefits would be just meaningless.
She refuses and insists that this is her dream job ( I know, it isn't she wanted something else, but settle for less since she can't have it (residency status issue))
I've been telling her for years that she has to work for the goal of being a mother and provide financially, and having a better career with a higher salary/future is better.
She kept saying later later that it's been 3 years of this. The plan was to have a kid at 25 (her age, next year), but I told her bringing a child into our situation is a selfish decision, and we can't.
I was pretty mad and said hurtful things, this is because I know what its to have parents that struggle and do their best so their kids can eat, study, have good cloth, etc. (I want to clarify, I apologized for my behavior).
She also sees children and traveling not possible together.tbh I think with a good plan it can work just fine. But she doesn't it.
For this reason, she said later into the conversation that she won't have children. I was sad when i heard it, because I saw her face, it looked destroyed like something died inside.
Later, we talked more, and I finally convinced her to not give up on the idea but to work for it. (She said she'll take a break of the topic this year and next year. She will invest fully in it) I'm very happy with this outcome.
However, seeing her face when she said those words was horrible, I just felt bad, like my shiny rock wasn't radiant anymore.
It's also the moving it's very stressful and annoying because I don't know the language and it's my fault for not studying it. I feel frustrated, now I'm studying it, and I'm trying to build a habit of it.
Anyway, I think that today, when I read that word, I just cried so badly because I remembered the hardships my mom endured and the face my partner made. I just felt useless and impotent.
A few more things:
I don't mind having children, it will be nice, but it's not the most in my life.
However, I am trying since that's her goal. So, I signed up for university and set up a saving goal. Currently have 30k (after paying the U in full, very proud tbh).
Thanks for reading my rambling!
Edit: some grammar corrections
To add:
I'm not a saint. I have a lot of issues, too, so this is not intended to portray my partner as bad. She is by far the funniest person I've ever met after me, and she is caring and understanding and shows her appreciation a lot and constantly.
This is just my current view of this situation and how it made me feel and comments are appreciated.
submitted by Jealous_Criticism_68 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:31 Dazzling-Career-2644 [Recommendations Needed] funniest manhwa ever

I've read plenty of manhwa and feel like the funniest ones are always underrated and I can never find any discussion around more like them. So I'm sharing my list here, will really appreciate any recommendations!!
• The Mighty Warrior From A Mental Hospital • My Disciples Are All Villains • All Hail the Sect Leader • Schrodinger's Sheep • I'm the Main Character's Little Sister
something like Eleceed, Superhuman Era, or Lightning Degree which is mix of funny and action also works!!
submitted by Dazzling-Career-2644 to manhwa [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:11 FriendlyAvocado It took a little over a decade but I finally have an answer. Thought I’d share in case it helps someone.

I got diagnosed with gastroparesis in 2010. I had a lot going on back then and was able to get it all under control to the point that I just sometimes take over the counter meds if I have symptoms and just control things with diet. Some days are harder than others, but I manage fairly well.
The thing is, they could never give me an answer as to why I had gastroparesis. There was no source. I’m not a diabetic and I didn’t have any sort of surgery or co-morbid disease that caused it. In fact, gastroparesis along with a hiatal hernia, GERD, and H. Pylori was deemed cause of my S.M.A. Syndrome back then. They just didn’t know what caused it and every new doctor I’ve been to (due to insurance changes, etc.) since then thinks they’re going to make some huge discovery and always send for a bunch of tests. They’re convinced I’m diabetic, have some thyroid issue, or celiac. Everything always comes back negative. And then they’re still shocked I still have it after so many years because it should have gone away already—or at least that’s what they say. Some doctors told me it might be hereditary somehow. But no one in my family has gastroparesis or any symptoms like it.
At the urging of my husband, I started going to doctors to get blood tests to keep tabs on my nourishment and established my first primary care doc in years, who also happens to be his doctor. My doctor took the time and interest to listen to my full medical history and investigate what might be wrong. He was the first doctor to figure out I might have a genetic disorder based on my health history.
I swear seeing a doctor make a mind map of all my conditions was the funniest thing I’ve ever seen but also the most humanizing treatment I’ve felt at a doctor’s office. I felt seen and heard. Tell me why it took so long to find a doctor who would put in the effort to connect the dots…
After he sent me off to multiple specialists, I officially got diagnosed with a connective tissue disorder (along with other things due to that 😭).
After doing a lot of research on my own and discussing it with my doctor, there’s a big likelihood it’s Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) but they refuse to diagnose me with that until I have a bigger medical emergency. EDS is just one of many connective tissue disorders. They told me the care is still the same since it’s all in the same umbrella (they’re taking care of my heart now, too). It’s likely that they don’t want to give me the specific diagnosis so I don’t lose insurance. But that’s neither here nor there.
The reason I bring it up is because while doing some research on my new condition I learned other people with connective tissue disorders including EDS have gastroparesis, hernias, tilted uteruses, etc. I have all of that.
I am 34 years old and I am finally learning why I have all the issues I’ve had since I was a small child. Everything is apparently connected to this diagnosis. It sucks but it’s an answer.
I hope this encourages someone to not give up and continue to seek answers to their medical issues.
TL;DR: I got diagnosed with a connective tissue disorder this year and gastroparesis is a common condition for people with it. I no longer have an idiopathic gastroparesis diagnosis.
submitted by FriendlyAvocado to Gastroparesis [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:04 ContractNo2635 I feel like a failure

So for background I work as a daycare teacher and have a 18 month old in my class. He is the happiest funniest little boy you’ll ever meet. He had a wonderful family and large extended family who lives nearby and is very involved and babysits for him when mom and dad travel or go to work events and things. When they are not available he has a consistent nanny he’s had since an infant before he did daycare. Grandparents and nanny were not available to watch him this weekend so they asked me to. I of course said yes and was so excited to have that 1:1 time with him.
I thought it would be okay since he knows me. Long story short he was sad and crying on and off the entire 3 hrs before bed that I watched him. No matter what I tried he wasn’t interested for more than a min or two before getting sad again. I tried music, sensory play, things he normally loved ect.
Dinner time rolled around and he wouldn’t eat more than a bite. Even with me sitting with him and trying to make it fun by incorporating his fav stuffed animal “eating” and me eating with him as well.
I don’t babysit often especially for families I work will unless they need it but this has happened a few times with different kids and Im really struggling with it now and trying not to feel like I’m somehow the issue bcuz I can’t make them happy like how they are at school with me. Any advice?
submitted by ContractNo2635 to Babysitting [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:58 Ozymandias0007 I was stationed in Korea in the early 2000's. Some how they had a bootleg copy of the entire first season. I haven't really watched any of the episodes since then and when I got back to the States and saw the other seasons.

Since all the seasons are on Max I started watching all the episodes again. Boondocks is absolutely one the funniest, deepest and at times poignant, shows ever.
I can't believe all of the things I missed or didn't catch the first time I watched all the seasons. The show is brilliant. The way the shows covered topics that were controversial, introspective and a parody of things going on at that time, and in the past was pure genius. And I don't think I have ever used those adjectives and descriptions for any other show.
The Chappelle Show was pretty close, but I would give The Boondocks a nod even over that show. The voice actors chosen for the show were perfect. Regina King, Cedric Yarbrough, Gary Anthony Williams, the late great John Witherspoon, John C. McGinley, Mos Def, Snoop Dogg, Busta Rhymes, Katt Williams, and all the other actors.
I feel like the show doesn't get critical acclaim it should have garnered. I doubt a show like that could get greenlit today, in the current climate, but damn I wish there were more shows like that.
submitted by Ozymandias0007 to theboondocks [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:39 Aternal_OG2 Am I correct that Kenji is the funniest Character ever

submitted by Aternal_OG2 to JurassicMemes [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:36 MostAnalysis870 Regan vs Rachel is still hands down the funniest fight ever!

Rewatching this fight is so funny in so many ways.
submitted by MostAnalysis870 to BigBrother [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:20 MistaHatesNumberFour Please help, just picked up ninja again and read this for the first time ever, what is the funniest thing I can do with this?.

Please help, just picked up ninja again and read this for the first time ever, what is the funniest thing I can do with this?. submitted by MistaHatesNumberFour to masterduel [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:05 Physical_Conflict_33 Horror in Pennsylvania

The word of the Experienced
Guidelines on bullying in Western Pennsylvania School Districts
Teach your sons to abuse other boys. Molesting them if need be.
The boys who are molested will have to deal with it in therapy.
They will be ostracized by their peers.
They will suffer all the more
A young boy when properly abused and sexually hazed will be unable to think properly and consider all around him to be out to get him.
It makes it easier then to paint him as a schizophrenic.
They will be laughed at and scoffed at by your women and humiliated. It's like you've painted on your enemy a red letter A as a kid. Imagine trying to manage all those feelings as a kid. HAHA! He'll never have a chance.
It's funny too. Through and through. We do this because we can get away with it and we marry and have children all over the state of PA. Our wives and girlfriends they never find out. No one ever knows. But we just blame the victim and when they get angry, we'll just string em up.
After your sons sexually abuse him, make sure that you and your neighbors team up on his family members and call HIM and THEM the strange one's. After all, they adopted children from another country and raised them here. What a weakness.
Orphans. Next to trash.
Their mothers will make a mockery of it. Remember this in how you raise your young men. Molest other boys if need be so that you can conquer them easier. Whenever the victim seeks to rise out of the place of their abuse, paint them as a madman and a shooter. That if they fight back they’ll be like a columbine shooter. This way you can control them while your sons abuse them psychologically. Don’t worry, it’s nothing new. This is what happened to a boy I knew in Pittsburgh, Pa. We had our way with him promptly and he grew up this way. He never healed and he was kicked around by people endlessly until around thirty one. Never saved more than fifteen thousand dollars and was completely disabled because of the sexual abuse and hazing we caused him as a boy. He was an orphan. We made sure as a young man that we drugged him well enough with a bunch of friends that gave him drugs and treated him less than he was worth. He was middle class so we made sure to get him after he was sexually abused as a ten year old and fifteen to be around the wrong crowd so we could make him estranged from the family that cared about him. Of course, he wasn’t able to make friends after ten because the kids on the bus of the school he went to were all touching each others privates, but whenever it came out that they did it they all just blamed the orphan boy and he took the fall for the whole neighborhood. That’s exactly what we did to him. It was pretty funny to see him grow up this way, we watched as his entire life fell apart and he lost everything. Never able to find sanity. From what I heard after our sons had their way with him sexually and drugged and abused him he never got any better. Every time people saw him the only thing they would do is stare at him, like he was a kind of example of what happens when you’re an orphan bastard in America. You get what white power brings to orphans from another country, nobody wanted him so we made sure to make it that way forever. We redneck trash love to blur the lines between molestation and friendship. It makes the most sense to us to inspire severe mental health issues in children and then act like nothing happened. We’re waiting for him to kill himself. We’re excited to watch. Oh another thing, there’s a judge in Allegheny country we’ve been using who was selling cocaine and harassing young boys. We kept him on the stand for many years.
We’ll get away with this forever. It’s funny to watch.
What's more to us is that we have control of most of Western Pennsylvania. The young boy orphan who we know always did try to fight back. We loved sending the police to his house while our sons got away with sexually assaulting him, drugging him, and abusing him. He played sports with him so we made sure that the cops son definitely got to fondle his testicles against his will. Whenever he got angry and threatened to fight back or act like he was gonna shoot someone we just would send the cops dad to his house to "calm him down" a little while we all got away with it. The funniest part was watching his mother and father turn against this kid. They didn't even want that idiot anymore, they just wanted to throw the boy out and put him in a psych ward because they just thought he was a complete and total fuck up. After all he was the weak one for getting molested right? He was the fuck up for being sexually hazed and keeping quiet right? Not much of a man that fifteen year old boy was huh? While the people in Allegheny county all just act like it's nothing new. We like how we abuse our young boys out here especially the orphans from other countries.
How we relished this cute twinks pain. We loved telling him he was a saintly figure. "Saint --------------" we called him. It was funny to watch, all his friends convincing him it was his job to be like a holy figure. While they took advantage of him, drugged him, and ruined his relationship with his mother. He would take the trays up for the kids and especially the cops son who would touch his dick, by his junior year he didn't know the difference between being molested anymore and just being a willing participant. It's like the kid hadn't a single clue but the whole rest of the school and staff knew but, just because he was an orphan they chose to not do anything. After all, an orphan boy? It's like nothing happens to them. They aren't people after all especially if they're from another country. It was really enjoyable overall watching this kid lose everything. Last I heard he spent nine years tortured, night terrors every night. Disability.
Ah well. Keep Pennsylvania Proud.
Go Stillers!
He goes on. Unseen and unheard. But we know the truth.
(Based on the screwtape letters and real events)
submitted by Physical_Conflict_33 to confessions [link] [comments]