Canker sore on tonsils

Staphylococcus aureus bacteria colonizing the body: the unifying agent of acute and chronic disease

2014.09.19 01:24 healthyalmonds Staphylococcus aureus bacteria colonizing the body: the unifying agent of acute and chronic disease

Staphylococcus aureus is a bacteria that can live in the nostrils, ears, mouth, tonsils, and skin. It may cause or be associated with your congestion, swollen lymph nodes, sinus problems, sore throat, eczema, rosacea, acne, cystic pimples, folliculitis, bowel disease, chronic fatigue, diabetes, lupus, weight gain, hair loss, and other diseases. Chlorhexidine, iodine, or Triple Antibiotic Ointment (Neosporin) may stop the Staph infection. See inside for more information.

2016.03.01 07:18 blessedbe Canker Sores

This is a subreddit for people to share their pain and experiences with canker sores, a type of oral ulcer. You can talk about how long you've had, share your tips, or ask questions.

2024.05.19 21:31 SuccessfulFlower3682 do I have HIV?

I just found out my boyfriend of 10 years cheated on me for the last 5 years with sex workers (up until last week), he has gonorrhea and I have gotten tested and waiting for results. I’m scared I have HIV, I don’t believe he used protection every time. He had sex 2-3 weeks ago and I now am having a sore throat, loss of appetite, swollen tonsils and a cough. I’m scared. I can’t handle waiting 3 months to test again, any advice ?
submitted by SuccessfulFlower3682 to STD [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:59 Glad_Concentrate_127 Does this look like a cold sore?

Does this look like a cold sore?
I was biting this spot on my lip yesterday due to stress… I don’t usually have a habit for biting my lip but I was biting the skin off (very gross). Now I have this cluster of blisters on the inside of my lip. Doesn’t look like canker sores to me because of the cluster but I was also biting the hell out of my lip. There’s no stinging, itching, or pain (yet). Please help!
submitted by Glad_Concentrate_127 to Coldsore [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:37 wraveltash1026 Is it possible this is cancerous?

Is it possible this is cancerous?
I’m sure people ask this question a lot so I apologize, but I’m genuinely concerned and need an opinion. I actually went to my dentist and asked him - he seemed very dismissive and insisted it was a canker sore, which doesn’t make sense to me because I’ve gotten canker sores frequently all my life, and this is not painful at all, nor does it look to be open in any way. It just looks like a little white mass that’s growing on my gum. The reason I’m so concerned is because I have a history from a young age of smoking cigarettes and chewing tobacco (both of which I have now quit) I’m also 24. Any advice is greatly appreciated, thank you guys.
submitted by wraveltash1026 to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:33 neuroticandsad Alum powder for cranial and groin sweat?

Alum powder for cranial and groin sweat?
Hey sweaty people we’ve reached summer time and i am sweating 24/7!😀
So I’ve seen this chart in courtesy of soggy person (?) I apologize, I forgot the handle name. I have purchased alum powder for canker sores and have no other reason for it, but now i do.
Has anyone tried alum powder for the scalp and groin? If so, how does one apply it? Do you just sprinkle some on ur scalp and rub it in? Same with the groin, especially because I do not want to irritate my actual groin or cause infections (21F).
Thanks everyone!
submitted by neuroticandsad to Hyperhidrosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:48 proctactinium Lump back throat

Hi female 23 years old here! has anyone already had this kind of lump in the back of the throat behind the uvula? I had a tonsillectomy when I was a kid so I have no tonsils. I also have a sore throat and pain when I swallow!
I have a lot of other issues my doctor sent me to a rheumatologist because I have petechiae appearing anywhere on my body (under my eyes, in my mouth, back, arms, belly, legs…) as well as nausea sometimes vomiting and a lot of burping (feeling like air is blocked in my throat). Also I have some kind of hot flushes where I have the impression that my forehead, back and neck skin are burning and feel like I have fever but my temperature is normal (max 37,5°C)… I also am extremely tired, never feel rested and need to take a nap during the day even if I slept 10 hours. My doctor tested for vasculitis but it’s negative. I also had an endoscopy in my stomach everything is normal. I had anemia but got ferritin injection so now it should be normal but I have to go get it retested. If anyone has experienced something like this or if you have any idea of what it could be it would be great.
submitted by proctactinium to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:38 Itdooms Cure for canker sores

Hi all, I thought I would share this cure for canker sores because if your experience is like mine, no one has ever recommended this. Go buy a bottle of ammonium alum powder. Next time you get a canker sore, place a big blob of the powder on the sore. Do not swallow the powder and let sit for about 1-2 minutes. The next day your canker sore will be much less painful and on its way to being completely healed. This works like nothing else I have tried!!!
submitted by Itdooms to CankerSores [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:29 blueskyydragon does this look like mono?

sore throat for a few days then i started noticing white stuff on my swollen tonsils. next cam the swollen lymph nodes in the neck. never had fever, not much fatigue. but it was hard to swallow food. i went to GP, they prescribed me antibiotics for a week. slowly the white stuff went away slowly but my tonsils are still swollen and my throat is still red af. after finishing my first cycle on antibiotics, i went to an ENT since my tonsils are still inflamed, they gave me another round of antibiotics which i have only started taking since yesterday and no changes at all.
submitted by blueskyydragon to Mononucleosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:27 Graystone45 I'm sick, and idk what from (18, Male)

Symptoms: high fever (103-104, currently 100.4 at the time of posting), headache, sore throat, occasional light coughing, randomly shivering for ~10 minutes, and sometimes extra saliva
Starting a few days ago, I got sick from something. It was minor at first, with just a headache, but yesterday morning I woke up with a fever of 103. From what I've heard and read, that's bad. It wouldn't go down for a while from Ibuprofen or a cold bath. I layed down to wait for a ride to the doctor's, fell asleep, and woke up with it down to roughly 98. The docters tested for strep and it came back negative, and did nothing else other than to tell me to let it run it's course. I then went home and went to bed again early that night. I woke up in the middle of the night with a fever of 103.8, soon 104. I took more ibuprofen and layed back down under the fan and it went down about an hour and a half later. I just want to know what's wrong. I don't have my tonsils, and I rarely get sick anymore and when I do it's minor and doesn't last for very long. Ik I'm over reacting, but I'm just scared. Any information on how to help with the symptoms and what I might be infected with would be very appreciated.
submitted by Graystone45 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:35 gingerpiercergirl is this pain normal please help

i’m a 20F and i got my tonsillectomy the morning of may 10th. today is day 9. recovery was super easy days 3/4, and then it went downhill as expected. i spit up a blood clot about the size of a dollar coin and had a clot about the same size on my left tonsil, which i eventually swallowed (ew). however, since day 5ish, my right tonsil has healed like a champ and i have had genuinely 0/10 pain. my left tonsil however is so painful it is actually driving me crazy, and not in a metaphorical way. my ear has been aching for almost an entire week straight, and it feels like someone is pushing a rusty needle through my eardrum. to accompany it, my left side is in excruciating pain in ONE specific spot; and the rest is just sore. it feels like someone is burning my wounds with a lighter constantly. nothing i do helps except laying still on my ride side with a weighted ice pack. i have been in agony for 9 days. i’m not a wimp either, im aware how awful this recovery is. i have broken so many bones and had so many sprains and i have been in a lot of pain before but nothing like this. i have ehlers danlos hypermobility syndrome, im a redhead, i have endometriosis, i have a HIGH PAIN TOLERANCE. this is killing me. i feel like im going insane because of this, and like i am trapped in my body as a prison. my mind is a prison. i am in endless pain. i can’t eat or drink water and i don’t know what to do. i need any help or suggestions i can get. i’m extremely worried for my mental health. i can’t continue like this much longer. please i need advice and help. please
submitted by gingerpiercergirl to Tonsillectomy [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:25 Bbbbbbbbbbtttt Bite off after cavity filling. Does pain go away after time?

Got a cavity filled 1.5 weeks ago. Relatively routine, except afterward had a gnarly canker sore at the injection site (top) and another one on toward the bottom jaw. Unfortunately I get them from time to time and they generally manifest in clusters like this. I mention this because I had a dull ache on the side of the cavity filling but the raging pain from the canker sores made it difficult to determine the source of the pain.
After a week of discomfort and nothing letting up, I decided to call and they said to come in. X rays looked good, they said, and the bite was “definitely off.” Made an adjustment that provided relief pretty quickly from the general dull ache.
But I’m still left with a tender pain when I use the tooth the chew. Could it be that the bite it still off? Will this pain go away if I just wait it out? I go to the dentist every 6 mo for my cleaning and I just hate the experience so much. 😔 if I can avoid them, I might consider waiting it out. But I don’t know what to expect here… Any insight?
submitted by Bbbbbbbbbbtttt to Dentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:55 Bbbbbbbbbbtttt Bite off after cavity filling. Will pain go away on its own ever?

Got a cavity filled 1.5 weeks ago. Relatively routine, except afterward had a gnarly canker sore at the injection site (top) and another one on toward the bottom jaw. Unfortunately I get them from time to time and they generally manifest in clusters like this. I mention this because I had a dull ache on the side of the cavity filling but the raging pain from the canker sores made it difficult to determine the source of the pain.
After a week of discomfort and nothing letting up, I decided to call and they said to come in. X rays looked good, they said, and the bite was “definitely off.” Made an adjustment that provided relief pretty quickly from the general dull ache.
But I’m still left with a tender pain when I use the tooth the chew. Could it be that the bite it still off? Will this pain go away if I just wait it out? I go to the dentist every 6 mo for my cleaning and I just hate the experience so much. 😔 if I can avoid them, I might consider waiting it out. But I don’t know what to expect here… Any insight?
Edit: just seeing the auto mod follow up: non smoker, very light drinker; ritualistic brushing and floss most days
submitted by Bbbbbbbbbbtttt to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:37 PuzzleheadedBit6172 How I Recovered From Mono (Not A Doctor)

I went through every stage of mono and recovered in a month. This is the steps I took to do so, and hopefully they can help you too. I am not a doctor and there is a lot of stuff that could be wrong here, and/or not do anything at all. If you are dealing with issues please go get medical assistance.

1. Sore Throat

For throat pain I visited my doctor and was prescribed prednisone and unfortunately I was dealing with an infection so I had to take anti-biotics. If you are diagnosed with mono and your doctor is assuming it is strep or another type of infection communicate with them the uncertainties you have in order to be tested for strep (taking anti-biotics with mono burdens you with a high chance of a rash).
Besides prednisone. I used a humidifier in my room in order for my throat to not dry out in the back. Even if it hurt horribly I attempted to drink at least 4 glasses of water every 4 hours so I wouldn't be dehydrated.
I suggest not taking Ibuprofen during use of Prednisone as it can cause intestinal issues. Use Tylenol.
I stuck to smoothies and chicken noodle soup for food during this time. Salty broth foods help soothe the throat quite a lot and help you get some nutrients.
It was hard to sleep because of my throat pain, I ended purchasing a sitting pillow for my bed. It took a lot of the stress off my lymph nodes during rest.
Finally I made sure to brush my teeth twice a day and use Orajel hydrogen peroxide mouthwash. Oral hygiene is incredibly important during any issues with tonsils in order to keep an infection from happening and washing off pus from throat scars during mono.

2. Sleep

For me sleep was quite difficult and I unfortunately didn't have many ways to deal with it for the first couple of days.
I tried to not take naps throughout the day and rather hold in my sleep for the nights, as your body does better healing when it's in REM. Which is more difficult to have happen if you take brief short naps.
By around my third day I learned that having a humidifier in my room made it so much easier to breathe and feel a bit better.
I took one extra strength Tylenol right before bed, and 10 mg of melatonin. Keep in mind that melatonin only is going to help put you to sleep and you will need to change your diet to be heavier in magnesium in order to have a better time staying asleep. If I woke up due to the pain at the middle of the night i'd take another tylenol and wait it out until I was able to sleep again. Continue to drink water throughout the entire time.

3. Spleen Pains

I dealt with really bad spleen pain for a couple of days and my only solve for it was laying on my back and using a heatpad on the area where my pain was. I tried not to move around very much. If your pain becomes increasingly worse go in to get screened for a risk of rupture.

4. Mental Health

Out of all the things I dealt with, this was one of the worst. I felt defeated for most of my days. I tried to feel better by looking at other peoples experiences and seeing how others have it worse. It also can help to call loved ones and friends and talk with them. I also watched shows and movie continuously in order to distract myself. Eating good helped me a lot, once I started making protein smoothies my mood changed for the better. Also try to stay out of the dark for to long, if you can go into a more open room with sunlight and lay during the day it will make you happier. Try to retain your sleep for just the night, this way you feel like you still are holding to a schedule. It also helps with REM which is incredibly important for mental health and can't be done with naps. Finally, self-care was a breakthrough for me. I tried to shower daily, and clean up my face before bed. It made me feel happier and nicer.

5. The Rash

This rash was one of the worst parts of the whole thing besides my throat. It happened after I had taken my antibiotics for 5 days. It itched so badly. In order to deal with the itch I went to the ER and was prescribed hydroxyzine and another dose of prednisone. For the first day I used calamine lotion, I soon realized it was making me even more itchy as it caused my skin to dry up. I switched over to Eucerin anti-itch lotion and it helped so much. I applied when I woke up and before I went to bed. I applied ice packs to my skin, instead of itching and it works much better at stopping the itch. Also try to sleep with a fan pointed towards you. During the rash stage, it is the most important for you to drink as much fluids as possible.
I hope this can maybe help someone? Idk, i am very thankful for this subreddit as most of these posts helped me recover much faster. Thank you all.
submitted by PuzzleheadedBit6172 to Mononucleosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:05 d_aisy100 WIBTA for calling it off because of sex?

I'm gonna start off by saying that I don't plan on this post being raunchy enough to warrant an actual "NSFW" tag, but forewarning here that I will be talking about sex and genitalia.
So, background: I (24F) went on a first date last night. He (27M) seemed great. We'd met on Hinge and been texting daily for the past 5 days or so. He was nice, funny. We have very similar senses of humour. We met at a pub (he was 20 minutes late, even after we pushed back the time by a half hour, which wasn't ideal, but also not a dealbreaker for me), had a couple drinks, and really hit it off. Everything seemed completely perfect, I was really attracted to him, and we agreed to head to my place.
Before we got into his car, he asked me to kiss him, and this is where the first sign of things being a little rough turned up. He was a sloppy kisser, and worse, his breath smelled STRONGLY of tonsil stones. I know the smell well, I have them myself, and I know you can't really help having them. But I take a lot of steps on a daily basis to mitigate my tonsil stones (flossing, and brushing thoroughly at least twice daily, gargling at least once a day with Therabreath, and at least once a week with warm salt water, and regularly physically expressing what stones do form). As soon as I caught that first whiff, I just couldn't help feeling disgusted.
We drove back to mine, hung out for a bit, and then we moved to the bedroom. I want to make it very clear that he was not forcing me, I did consent, but I do think at this point I dissociated a bit. I have a history of unwanted sexual encounters, and it's hard for me to tell sometimes if I actually want to be having sex with someone, or if I'm just trying to please them out of self-preservation. This was one of those times. It wasn't until after everything that I got that horrible, disgusted, shameful feeling that told me I had made a poor choice.
The part that I'm struggling with the most though, feels so mean and horrible:
He had a small penis. Like, really small.
I never thought that would be something that mattered to me, I was always someone who said it wasn't the size of the tool, but how you use it. The reality was though, it just wasn't working for me. I feel like a horrible person for feeling like this thing he can't control was a deal breaker for me. And he did make a concerted effort to satisfy me in other ways, but nothing he was doing was quite right, and after trying to offer a bit of guidance, I just fell back into the habit of pretending so as not to hurt his feelings or make him angry.
At some point I indicated I was done, and he respected that and left. He made it clear he was more enamoured with me than ever. He spoke highly of the sex. Meanwhile I felt like a horrible, dirty liar. I was sore, and tired, and all wanted to do was go to sleep. I was disgusted by the smell of him lingering in my apartment and on my clothes. I'm ashamed to admit I ignored some of his texts last night under the guise of having fallen asleep, and I've been a little lukewarm in my responses today.
I don't know that I want to see him again, but I feel like a really terrible person because before the sex, everything seemed great. I've never had much luck with dating, and have been going through a particularly rough patch after being broken up with a few months ago. In a lot of ways, I feel like I should be less picky, I'm not exactly the most attractive person. But I also know that sex is a really important part of intimacy for me, and like not being interested in a person because the sex isn't working isn't really that unreasonable.
I'm just confused and ashamed, and would appreciate some guidance.
So, Reddit, WIBTA if I called it off?
submitted by d_aisy100 to AITA_Relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:46 kingdionysos Is that a canker sore on my tonsil or something else ?

It doesn’t hurt at all. I have noticed it because at first I felt like « a hair » was stuck in my throat.
submitted by kingdionysos to CankerSores [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:46 Few-Pomegranate-9870 [26M] Lamotrigine and throat ulcer

I had a painful sore behind my left tonsil. It hurt when I swallowed or took a deep breath. It lasted for a week and then disappeared.
I’ve been titrating lamotrigine and was on 50mg when it started, just after augmenting the dose.
Should I be concerned since it’s gone? I was told to watch out for skin reactions but not this.
submitted by Few-Pomegranate-9870 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:18 100bhat [35M] Hard shell form on my tongue after meals

Recently I have been getting these hard "shell" forming on my tongue after meals.
(Don't drink, smoke, do drugs)
Initially I thought it was canker sores, the GP doctor said it wasn't, but he couldn't figure out what they were.
I tried to clean my tongue with a toothbrush and toothpaste today, then this suddenly fell off.
Anyone know what this is?
Could this be caused by my toothpaste? (I switched to Sensodyne 1 month ago)
submitted by 100bhat to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 16:03 Phoenixfly28 Canker sore or tonsillitis..?

For background, I have a history of getting canker sores fairly often, but never on my tonsils, although I know this is possible. I recovered from strep over a month ago on antibiotics as well. It’s pretty painful to swallow, and talk slightly. I do have a slight earache and a slight jaw ache which I got super bad when I had strep. I’ve felt a little sore for about 4 days, until yesterday it felt much worse. Really hard to tell… it looks more like a sore to me but I honestly wouldn’t know as I’ve never had one on my tonsils nor ever had tonsillitis before. Any advice would be appreciated:)
submitted by Phoenixfly28 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:15 aloe-vee help…

is this a canker sore… in pain. on day two of it being there. very swollen
submitted by aloe-vee to CankerSores [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:07 tcrudisi Dying bone in mouth; body pushing it out through my gums.

I do not smoke or drink.
Fairly recently (no more than 2 months ago), I had what I believed to be a canker sore in my mouth in a spot I'd never had one before. It was on the side where my tongue rests, back where I used to have wisdom teeth. (They were removed 20+ years ago.) After reading online to seek professional help if it lasts more than 3 weeks, I took the advice and went to see my dentist.
It turns out it wasn't a canker sore. It was a bone chip. He didn't have to do anything, he just reached down and pulled it out. He asked if I'd had any recent trauma to the area and I could not remember having any trauma. Basically, the piece of bone died and my body was rejecting it.
A week later, I feel it happening again. I go back, and yes, bone is pushing through my gums again. This time it is still attached. He took his drill and went a bit deeper to hopefully go deep enough to stop it from happening again.
Well, a week later I was still sore, so I called. Apparently a little bit "sore" is fine. And then the next day I am in incredible pain very close to that area in my tonsils and I have a fever. Turns out, I have strepp throat. Yay, me. I went to the doctor first in case it was strepp and not the dental procedure and tested positive for strepp. It is now Saturday morning and I regret not going to my dentist yesterday anyway. Why? Well, more bone has pushed out. One piece was tiny but sharp and would cut my tongue any time I eat/drink, and then beside that was a bigger piece that's still uncomfortable but I don't think it's causing my tongue any distress. Reaching in with my fingers, I was able to kind of flick the small piece until it dislodged and came out. The large piece is pretty substantial (the biggest yet) and is still attached.
I'm told the bone in my mouth keeps dying. And right now I'm freaking out a bit knowing I have to wait 2 days to go see my dentist.
What could be causing this? Should I go see a specialist beyond my dentist (or even a different kind of doctor)? Is it worth me trying to find a dentist that's open on Saturdays and go see them or should I just uncomfortably wait this out until Monday?
submitted by tcrudisi to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 12:43 Crabby_Mermaid AITA for getting in a fight with my husband after he forgot my birthday?

Last Friday my husband went to the doctor because of a sore throat and fever. The doctor diagnosed it as tonsillitis and prescribed him antibiotics. He was really sick and stayed home from work past the weekend.
He knew that my birthday was coming up this week and that I was planning a brunch get together with some friends the following weekend.
On Tuesday, my actual birthday, I went to work and my husband stayed home from work. While I was at work we texted throughout the day. He asked me if I had chosen the restaurant location for my weekend brunch but he never wished me a happy birthday or anything like that. I came home from work and still nothing. He ordered himself a pizza because he was starting to feel a little better from the tonsillitis and had a bit of an appetite again. I spent all evening waiting for him to say something about my birthday but he never brought it up.
The following day we were talking again about the location of the weekend brunch when I asked him, “Do you know the actual date of my birthday?” He responded, “Oh shit, is it today?!” as he checked his phone and told him that it was yesterday.
Initially he was sympathetic about forgetting my birthday but it quickly switched from that to him being upset with me for not letting it slide due to his illness. He thinks because he was sick that I should understand why he forgot my birthday. To a certain extent I see where he’s coming from but at the same time I don’t feel like I was asking for much. I would have been perfectly satisfied with a HBD text or just any sort of acknowledgement. I get that he was sick but tonsillitis doesn’t prevent you from being able to check the date on your phone and sending out a simple text message. He knew that my birthday was coming up, we talked about the weekend birthday plans on my actual birthday. But he never thought to check the date?
So now he’s telling me that I’m a selfish brat because I am fighting with him for forgetting my birthday. How am I the bad guy when he’s the one who forgot my birthday? AITA?
submitted by Crabby_Mermaid to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 11:48 throwaway-5637381 Whats going on with my gums?

Whats going on with my gums?
First and last picture is their current state, middle picture is them a few days ago.
Dentist prescribed antiseptic mouthwash and I’ve been using that around twice or three times a day, and I’m on amoxicillin for infection in other teeth.
This is the first time in my life I’m using mouthwash regularly, could that be it?
I can feel that one of them is a canker sore but the whole area turning white at the bottom just freaked me the fuck out. Is it urgent? What are the little white spots on the gums? Is this gum recession? Some type of gum disease?
The whole area just feels like a big throbbing bruise. It will probably burn badly till my mouth is numb when I rinse with mouthwash.
17F, non smoker non drinker. The mouthwash burns badly if that’s relevant. Never been allergic to anything. I clench my teeth in my sleep sometimes too.
submitted by throwaway-5637381 to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 11:27 100bhat Hard shell form on my tongue after meals

Hard shell form on my tongue after meals
Recently I have been getting these hard "shell" forming on my tongue after meals. (Don't drink nor smoke)
Initially I thought it was canker sores, the GP doctor said it wasn't, but he couldn't figure out what they were.
I tried to clean my tongue with a toothbrush and toothpaste today, then this suddenly fell off.
Anyone know what this is?
Could this be caused by my toothpaste? (I switched to Sensodyne 1 month ago)
submitted by 100bhat to askdentists [link] [comments]