Hamestr x hamestr

Freshly detailed, paint corrected, and ceramic coats

2023.06.05 23:27 BBalow Freshly detailed, paint corrected, and ceramic coats

Freshly detailed, paint corrected, and ceramic coats
Unfortunately I had horrible luck with the rain this week -_- always has to rain in detail week
submitted by BBalow to BMW [link] [comments]

2022.12.17 04:41 TheNoGoat Yeah. You definitely showed them how to do a chase.

Yeah. You definitely showed them how to do a chase. submitted by TheNoGoat to agedlikemilk [link] [comments]

2022.11.29 16:32 Mymilkshakes777 I couldn’t remember the name of her app, so I typed in “Heidi Powell” into the search bar and only one Powell app pops up TWICE 🤣

I couldn’t remember the name of her app, so I typed in “Heidi Powell” into the search bar and only one Powell app pops up TWICE 🤣 submitted by Mymilkshakes777 to hollisUncensored [link] [comments]

2017.03.13 00:11 maxcrazy Nimmo Suffers Grade 1 Hamestring Injury at WBC

Nimmo Suffers Grade 1 Hamestring Injury at WBC submitted by maxcrazy to NewYorkMets [link] [comments]

2017.01.26 19:07 Ihaveakillerboardnow Ashtanga yoga poses that do not engage the hamstrings

After reading the FAQ and using the search option I still decided to be so bold as to ask the community here, as I couldn't find a satisfactory answer.
A little context. I started doing some light Yoga last year and quickly decided to move to Ashtanga yoga. Still beginner. Everything was fine but the hamestrings always hurt a little (but never under the sitting bone) after my sessions. Sometimes this little nagging feeling came a few hours later . Decided to stop Yoga all together. Let heal for month and then started stretching my hamstrings before going to sleep. Did this and this. Stayed in these poses for 3 minetes each. Did these for 3 month. I could finally reach my toes when forward bending and little a more. Decided to beginn again. First few sessions just a tiny tiny feeling of hurt hamstrings. Continued. Everything normal. Then I added this made it in a wrong angle and felt my 2 hamstrings overstretch. Pause again. 2 weeks. Treated the hamstrings with something called horsebalm and popped a lot of Ibuprofene, as I read it helped with inflamation. The feeling stoped. Redid yoga without going too far. Nagging pain (not too bad) is back. Decided to see a sport othopaedic.
Unfotunately it is in one month and I still want to continue yoga but by engaging the hamstrings to the absolute minimum. So here a my 2 questions:
What asanas are there in Ashtanga Yoga that only engage the hamstrings a little or where can I find them?
What did help in recovering from hamstring injury besides resting?
submitted by Ihaveakillerboardnow to yoga [link] [comments]
