Myspace count ups for relationships in months

Salty satire and morons unite.

2016.11.01 10:33 tilnewstuff Salty satire and morons unite.

A subreddit about people who miss the joke/satire.

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2010.09.27 21:54 kissmeniko Dating Advice

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2024.05.19 12:17 SillyWerewolfGirl He broke up with me because of my mental health

[19F] Navigating a relationship since I was just 14 and he was 18, meeting online, and then finally getting to hang out in person was like a dream come true. We shared everything, from silly inside jokes to deeper fears and anxieties. But my constant battle with anxiety and panic attacks was always lurking in the background, casting a shadow over our otherwise happy moments
When a stressful family event hit, I felt like I was drowning. I couldn't handle the pressure, and I resorted to self-harm. It was a dark and scary time, but I knew I had to reach out for help. Confiding in my mom was the first step, and before I knew it, I found myself in a mental hospital, with my boyfriend by my side, holding my hand and telling me how proud he was of me for being brave enough to seek help
But the road to recovery wasn't smooth sailing. The medication they gave me at the hospital made things worse before they got better. My panic attacks became even more intense, and I felt like I was losing control. I turned to my boyfriend for support, pouring my heart out to him about how tired I was of fighting and how I just wanted the pain to end. And then, out of nowhere, he dropped the bombshell..he was breaking up with me... (also before my birthday)
I felt like the ground had been pulled out from under me. The one person I thought would always be there for me had turned his back on me when I needed him the most. And to make matters worse, his mom, who had always been so sweet to me, suddenly cut me off completely. It felt like I was losing everyone I cared about, and it sent my panic attacks into overdrive
In the midst of all this chaos, I turned to therapy and medication for some semblance of stability. And slowly, ever so slowly, things started to improve. But despite the progress I was making, I couldn't shake the feeling of longing for my ex-boyfriend. I wanted to show him that I had changed, that I was getting better, but every attempt I made to reach out to him was met with silence or rejection. Started telling me how he doesn't think about me anymore and even if we would get back together he might loose one of his best friend ... And he also called me a narcissist.. :(
I'm trying to push forward but it's getting harder and harder... I'm sorry for doing the stuff I've done and I'm sorry for being like this ... I'm really trying to get better ... I still love him A LOT and I'm sorry for being impulse and trying to send him messages now even though he doesn't wanna hear from me anymore...I miss him .... I haven't ate in 4 days and I find myself going to sleep with anxiety and waking up with anxiety.
Please tell me what can I do now...??
submitted by SillyWerewolfGirl to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:16 Significant_Monk1990 AITAH for leaving my Boyfriend who have He*rt Dis*ase because he Cheated

For the context my boyfriend and i are i a relationship for 2 years and we rarely fight.
I (21y/o) female, boyfriend (24y/o) cheated on me on a party with the girl who invited us over. To make the story short me and my boyfriend attended a party organize by our new neighbor lets call her (Anitha). She and my boyfriend met 4 days ago and clicked as friend real quick Anitha invited my Boyfriend and i to her party at her house, my boyfriend arive earlier at Anithas party while I'm still at work. To make the story short i arive between 10pm at the party and found that my boyfriend is nowhere to be seen i ask one of our neighbors that i know, lets call her (Sally) and she pointed out the second flor of the house. As i was walking in the stairs i felt a tikling sensation that there's bad thing thats happening. Ff when i open the door knob, there i see my boyfriend having Inter****** with Anitha while moa**g my name. I sls Anithas face along with my boyfriend. My boyfriend said that he has been druged by Anitha thats why he had done that, but i still can't register his defense in my head (because how can he have been druged, when he sees me the druged has disappear like that?) Ff i broke up with him on the spot and leave him at the party and drive to my parents house. As the morning comes her parents keeps ringing my phone up and i decided to pick up the phone. His mother said that her son is in the hospital because of Hert attack and his son is demanding that i should go there because he needs me. For folish me i still want to know his being, so i get up and dress-up to go at the hospital and when he saw me his face lights up. he keeps begging and asking me if he and i would get back together. But i shut him up and said we would never gonna be together anymore and i would leave him and move to another estate. He keeps crying when i left him and his parents are worried (me to) because it will posibly affects his heart and recovery so AITAH?
submitted by Significant_Monk1990 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:16 jaswurtie Boyfriend (18m) clingy then withdrawn, and doesn't tell me (19f) about big decisions

I think he is avoidant? I don't want to label but it seems pretty close to how he has been lately. He'll have periods of a week or two where he's extremely affectionate, clingy even, talking about his feelings and how much he misses and loves me, how excited he is to see me etc. Then out of nowhere he's aloof and barely reaches out, doesn't reciprocate affection, ignores my texts, doesn't tell me anything about his day or his life, and isn't really engaged when I talk about what's going on in my life. When this happens I just continue to send him a few texts like usual or send him a picture or two throughout the day but mostly I just force myself to leave him alone. It's both of our first relationship and we both have a lot to work through and long distance is hard so I'm pretty patient and I don't think he's doing it on purpose, but honestly it's been a few months of this and the weird push/pull is starting to make me freak out and second guess everything.
I found out today through a group chat with our IRL friends that he signed up to be a residential camp counselor from Jan-March 2025. We were supposed to move in together in my state at the end of January. We're pretty young and he's moving not me, so I expect the date to move around. But he didn't tell me? He didn't even tell me he was thinking about it. Or that he wanted to delay the move. That job would be a big change and would affect our relationship and it would mean we'd only be able to talk to each other on the weekends, it would suck but if we both want to stay committed then I have no concerns.
However him literally not mentioning this to me at all, coupled with him being super aloof and distant for the past week is making me freak out a little? My feelings are super hurt that I am not being kept in the loop at all. I dont feel like we are in it together right now. He is secure and confident in our relationship but he didnt even think to ask me how I felt about this or anything. I don't know what goes on in his head when he goes back and forth like this and frankly its making me feel really sad and alone and distant from him. I want to communicate this to him but im not sure how to do it without making him feel defensive.
Again I dont think its intentional. If he stonewalls me when I tell him how I feel, honestly I will consider breaking up, I'm an anxious person and I'm exhausted from doing constant shadow work and my heart can't handle constantly guessing if my boyfriend will even say he loves me back today. I respect his alone time 100% but this feels different. He loves me a lot and prior to dating we were best friends for 4 years. Im seeing a new side of him and I want to approach this stuff in a patient and non accusatory matter, really I just want to understand why he didn't let me in on these things and maybe why he's being distant. Most of the time if I had a concern he'd be pretty aloof and a little dismissive. But when those walls come down and he begins talking about his feelings, that's when we start making some progress and understanding. Any advice on how to approach this or what I can do on my side would really be appreciated.
submitted by jaswurtie to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:16 Significant-Use8921 They don't understand and it's pissing me off

Note : English isn't my first language so sorry for any misspellings. Feel free to point any and I'll correct them.
So. Since I was diagnosed in December, I am on sick leave and had to stop my uni year (I'll start it over come September).
It was hard to accept it because damn, epilepsy ? Out of all things ?? And now I can barely have a semblance of normalcy because I can't study and can't work, and barely see my friends because they are busy ?
But oh well, it'll get better someday.
January and February were shit months because we (the health team and I) were trying to find the right medicine dosage. But despite that, I was cool with it. After all I can't expect things to be smooth when dealing with epilepsy.
But oh well, it'll get better. Someday.
I made efforts in my lifestyle : go to sleep and wake up at the same hours ( I had a messed up sleep schedule before), try to eat three regular meals a day, try to move my body regularly. Sure I could do better, but at least I'm trying.
Saying that on a psychological point of view I'm doing fine is a lie. Sometimes I'm alright, sometimes I want to cry a damn river and sometimes I want to break everything because what the fuck, epilepsy ?? No one has epilespy in my family ! Where the fuck does it come from ?? It's so damn unfair !
The worst, is my family.
SEVERAL times I've told them I can't deal with epilepsy, MY stress and MY feelings about it AND deal with THEIR worries.
SEVERAL times I've told them I don't want to hear them criticise what I eat or do : "You had a seizure today ? Well, if you haven't gone to sleep late last night perhaps it would have been avoided" ; "Are you sure you want to get out ? What if you have a seizure in the middle of the street ?" ; "Don't drink caffeine !" or a variant "If you drink caffeine and have a seizure, don't complain." (I barely drink coffee, and whatever caffeine I get is through soda such as Coca Cola, and then again I don't drink much of it).
I am so fucking sick of it.
They think they know better than I do, as if they have the whole epilepsy thing figured out, as if I'm supposed to quietly accept all the lifestyle changes as if it was the most easiest thing in the world. Sure, sometimes I tell them 'hey I think this or that is a trigger' but then later I tell them that, this or that aren't triggers, I was just wrong, but they don't hear that. For them, this or that ARE triggers, as if they can guess before I do what my triggers are based on what they read on Internet.
I'm twenty-one, damn ! I want to go see my friends and spend an evening dinning with them or chilling out ! I want to just say fuck it and not think about it for a day ! Even a few hours would be fine !
But I don't because at the back of my mind there is alway my worries about what if I have a seizure in the middle of the street ? Am I careful enough ? And what would my family say about it if they learn I haven't been careful ?
Sure, I completely understand that seeing a loved one having a seizure is hard for them.
But if it's hard for them, then what is it for me ?
I have a feeling that sooner or later I'm going to explode right in their face and break something, but I know that if I do, they'll give me worse.
So yeah, epilepsy sucks, but sometimes my family even more.
submitted by Significant-Use8921 to Epilepsy [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:16 Slight_Worry_5676 BF 22/M is failing his exams and will lose his scholarship. What should I 22/F do in this situation?

My boyfriend and I have been in a LDR for 2.5 years. He is studying in engineering in the UK and I am studying Medicine in our home country (Southeast Asia).
Yesterday he told me there is a high chance of him failing several papers and would need to repeat them in the summer. This has happened before during his first year but he made it through. The difference now is that because the average percentage of his grades will most likely be less than 55%, he will not meet the requirement to advance to his final year (Masters in Engineering).
So his plan now is to come back home and ‘maybe’ continue his masters or do a masters in something other than engineering. And because it’s considered as failure to complete the program, his scholarship will be taken back and he will have to pay every single penny back.
When I first met him, he seemed very clear of his goals and career pathway. Over time I realized that he struggles a lot in his studies and social life. He also hid from me for months that he was diagnosed with depression. As a medical student, I understand and don’t judge, but as his GF it hurts me to see him like that and I worry constantly that he won’t be able to cope with the stress in the future.
I love him, but I feel like his future holds a lot on uncertainty and I am afraid it will burden me.
TLDR: My LDR bf is failing Uni and will be in financial debt. I can’t see a future with him anymore.
I feel like I want to break up.
submitted by Slight_Worry_5676 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:16 Slight_Worry_5676 BF 22/M is failing his exams and will lose his scholarship. What should I 22/F do in this situation?

My boyfriend and I have been in a LDR for 2.5 years. He is studying in engineering in the UK and I am studying Medicine in our home country (Southeast Asia).
Yesterday he told me there is a high chance of him failing several papers and would need to repeat them in the summer. This has happened before during his first year but he made it through. The difference now is that because the average percentage of his grades will most likely be less than 55%, he will not meet the requirement to advance to his final year (Masters in Engineering).
So his plan now is to come back home and ‘maybe’ continue his masters or do a masters in something other than engineering. And because it’s considered as failure to complete the program, his scholarship will be taken back and he will have to pay every single penny back.
When I first met him, he seemed very clear of his goals and career pathway. Over time I realized that he struggles a lot in his studies and social life. He also hid from me for months that he was diagnosed with depression. As a medical student, I understand and don’t judge, but as his GF it hurts me to see him like that and I worry constantly that he won’t be able to cope with the stress in the future.
I love him, but I feel like his future holds a lot on uncertainty and I am afraid it will burden me.
TLDR: My LDR bf is failing Uni and will be in financial debt. I can’t see a future with him anymore.
I feel like I want to break up.
submitted by Slight_Worry_5676 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:16 Borrego6165 Feedback on Multimesh With Culling and LOD Support

Essentially I've made a system in Godot that takes the advantages of Multi-Meshes (combining all meshes of the same type into a single draw call for improved CPU performance) while mitigating the disadvantages (unable to separate/cull individual meshes, which harms GPU performance). Note: written in C#.
It is recommended to know a bit about how Multi-Mesh instancing works; this isn't a full tutorial. Not that I won't answer questions about it either :)
The way it works is:
  1. "Objects" are de-coupled from Meshes. So I essentially have my own RendObj class that doesn't inherit from Node3D. These can request an ID from the MeshManager. It makes it simple to keep the "logic" separate from the actual rendering method, to swap in whatever I want.
  2. The MeshManager has a Dictionary of (not to be confused with MultiMeshInstance2D or MultiMeshInstance3D) so that for every Mesh type we can track a Multi-Mesh each.
  3. The reason for tracking IDs is that we want to be able to only send visible meshes to the Multi-Mesh each frame. That means if there are 5 objects and 3 are visible (object 2 and 4 are invisible) it will look like:
TrackedIDs = [0,1,2,3,4]
VisibleIDs = [0,1,3]
And then on the MultiMesh object, VisibleInstanceCount = 3.
So far it's straight forward. Just keep adding/removing elements from the VisibleIDs list.
  1. Because this changes dynamically, we need to update the buffer size in the MultiMesh. So to keep things simple, the default size is set to 4 (set via MultiMesh.InstanceCount, which can be different to VisibleInstanceCount luckily). Each time we want to go beyond the current InstanceCount, we clear all buffers, double the capacity, and then set the new instance count to that capacity. So it goes 4, 8, 16, 32...
This also means having to track the positions of objects locally, as when the buffers are cleared we lose all data.
  1. For performance reasons, we're going to set the Buffer array directly on MultiMesh rather than use SetInstanceTransform() on each. Therefore we need to:
Create the transform:
Transform3D transform = new Transform3D(Basis.FromEuler(new Vector3(0, rotation, 0)).Scaled(scale), position);
And then put that into a list of arrays:
return new float[] { transform[0][0], transform[1][0], transform[2][0], transform[3][0],
transform[0][1], transform[1][1], transform[2][1], transform[3][1],
transform[0][2], transform[1][2], transform[2][2], transform[3][2] };
Later we'll unpack all of these when we're doing an UpdateAll. They will get "added" to the giant MultiMesh Buffer array.
  1. The last piece of the puzzle is the actual culling. There are two ways:
Firstly, we cull by what is behind the camera. While not as effective as doing a frustrum cull, it's just easielazier to not have to deal with objects popping on the side of the screen. There might be an easy way if anyone knows!
There is a method in Godot on the Camera3D for checking if a position is behind the camera. But I found it faster to replace it with the Godot method where you use the Mathf Dot product.
To get even better performance, I replaced it with System.Numerics.Vector3 Dot.
Quick performance comparison:
Camera IsPositionBehind() - 1.16ms on 16,384 objects Godot Mathf Class - 0.51ms C# Maths - 0.07ms
For those wondering "is this due to marshalling / C#-C++ overhead?" The answer is probably no - the Godot Mathf class is in fact re-written for C# as far as I can tell. I understand that IsPositionBehind will be slower because I think it does use C++ AND in the other two methods I am caching as much as I can before looping through them. But I honestly cannot see a reason why Godot Mathf would be considerably slower than using C#.
The second test is to simply test the distance. Again, using System.Numerics.Vector3 LengthSquared instead of Godot's math helped. Caching the camera transform data into System Numerics variants is important to avoid many conversions.
By combining multiple of these, you can have a mesh that only shows in the far distance and others that only show up close to get the benefits of LODs.
Final Words
I kind of threw this together, so I'm sorry if it doesn't make complete sense. Feel free to ask anything!
submitted by Borrego6165 to godot [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:15 throwraFrequentRow2 What’s wrong with me if a guy only messages me when he’s lonely or bored? :(

October last year I matched with a guy on a dating app. I’ve never really had a march quite like it, an instant connection, amazing conversation, so much in common, nice physical spark. I was excited . On dates he would hold my hand and talk about how he feels we get along so well
But he kept me at a distance, never flirted over text, messaged in a really formal way, took several days to reply. Confusing given that we connected so well on dates . He had a few problems in the bedroom where he said he was ‘thinking too much’ but I was patient. He said he felt comfortable with me. But whenever I stayed over, he always seemed to want me to leave asap in the morning, never wanted to hang around for long. He planned dates very last minute. He spaced dates apart once every 3 weeks. I got really anxious but I didn’t tell him this. I was always communicative, put effort in, and I know I put my best self forward
Then he lost his job, had visa issues (he’s from abroad) and eventually said he didn’t feel romantic and that he wanted to be friends. He said it was a him thing and nothing on me. He also said he sees himself moving back home other side of the world next year
He remains friends but still acts a bit strange. Sometimes he texts me all of the time, sending memes and recipes and other times he disappears for a while. Then he asked to see me and he took me to play golf, he was hugging me a lot , touching me subtly and telling me once again how he feels that me and him get along so well. He told me he might go back to his home country next year but he’s not sure
I went on holiday last week and during that time, he was liking every story post I put up of myself, sending me messages asking about my holiday. I then replied back to him and I said ‘how are you doing?’
He didn’t reply. It’s been a week. He continued to like my stories and posts but won’t reply back. This doesn’t make sense to me . He hasn’t even opened the message and I don’t understand and I’m worried once again what’s wrong with me
He’s moved a couple hours away for a new job and I couldn’t help but see if he has a new hinge profile. He has just gotten a dating app profile and seeing it has made me sad. His profile even says he is looking for a long term relationship 😞
I don’t get it . I’m 29 and never had a partner and me and him really clicked. Could it be he still likes me somewhat?
I’m upset tonight cause I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’m an attractive woman, he used to tell me I was pretty and that he loved my company, but why would I never be good enough for a relationship. I still have feelings for him and I’m scared I’ll never lose them but also scared i won’t ever be liked by anyone
I’ve never had feelings for anyone like I did him. And I don’t get his behaviour or if it means anything
Like is it even normal to be attractive and get friendzoned.
submitted by throwraFrequentRow2 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:15 jackie_downtheline What should I do? My bf M25 and I F22 are taking a break…

I 22F and my bf 25M are currently on a break for the week. I’m doing my uni finals at the moment, and I have been a bit stressed. I noticed my bf wasn’t really talking to me the way he normally would and I asked him what’s up. He sent me a really long text detailing now he thinks we are never on the same page (1), he keeps thinking about how I read his diary (2), I called him my ex’s name by acccident (3), and he is stressed because I am frustrated about my exams (4). I’ll detail these more now.
  1. He wants kids. I met him online and told him in my profile I was strictly against kids. Recently, I have come around about that, but I am still unsure. I’m not against them but I have explained I would need to do what I want and live my life a bit and have a house and job before I could decide that. I am also a child of divorce and saw how that really affected my mum, and I explained to him how that also put me on the fence. He said he doesn’t want to be with someone for years and it feel like a “waste” if it doesn’t work out kids wise and he doesn’t wanna start dating in his 30s. Another thing is travel. I had told him I would perhaps like to travel after uni, but I am forgoing that. I said it would be nice to go away on holiday like his other friend couples do maybe once a year, but he thought that I was insinuating we MUST go this year. I explained that I wasn’t expecting him to, because he wants to save for a house (rent), and he can’t get any hols anyway. He was really silent after that as if we had “argued” and in his eyes that was an argument he brought up this week. I didn’t raise my voice at him or argue, rather said that wasn’t what I meant and explained further.
  2. This one is bad, I know. I was in a really bad place mentally, and I thought that something was wrong with him since he sometimes suffered from anxiety and dealing with the future. I had only read the last entry he put in and immediately after I read it I told him as I felt so guilty betraying him. I’ve apologised profusely and I’ve been going to counselling to help my own anxiety and depression. I wanna note that I’m not like that around him, it’s mainly when I’m by myself so he doesn’t really see that side of me. In the moment I was genuinely worried for him. I know it still makes what I did bad.
  3. This one really tears me up every day. We were playing around, and instead of saying his name in a playful annoyed way I said my exes. He immediately shut down and wouldn’t talk to me or hear me out. In fact, he kicked me out of his house. I get that what I said was not nice to hear, and upon talking to my counsellor she said it was a common thing to do, and doesn’t mean I was thinking about my ex. I wanna say that I DO NOT think about them and have blocked and deleted them from my life. In doing that however, I did begin to spend more time with my gay bestie who happens to have the same name as my ex and I happened to talk to on that day. I really believe it was a mistake and I thought he was trying to move past it but he keeps bringing it up.
  4. He doesn’t like to be around me when I’m stressed. When I’m frustrated, I’m not angry at him or raise my voice at him or be passive aggressive, it’s more so internalised at myself. He was offering me advice this year and feels like because I didn’t stick to a schedule to complete my uni tasks, I was ignoring him. I work last minute, it’s how I have always worked and I get great result. Not to mention, in his final uni year he was the same as me. I dont really get this argument to be honest.
I also wanna note that he told me he wasn’t sure if this is the “real” me or if I was on my best behaviour at the start of the relationship. Everything was great at the start, but in my first week of uni my grandmother died, I then had to have surgery 2 months later to remove breast tumours (non cancerous), and I guess that and uni stress really caught up with me. He saw that I was doing better by going to the gym and feeling better about myself, but said that I snap back at times and don’t like myself. I think this is normal as some people have off days but I think he’s annoyed by it.
Also, at the start of our relationship he was really anxious about us, and I helped him through it. He was also stressed about jobs, and I had helped him prep and make a new cv as I’m good at that stuff and he got job offers. In fact at one point he said to me that he thought I was with him for money. I had more in savings than him at that point and paid for things/went 50/50. I am also lined up for a higher earning job than him when I’m out of uni.
We are on a break atm until my exams are over (20may). I genuinely don’t think these are things to waste 1 year over especially when I’m gonna be out of that stressed environment soon. He replied one night to my goodnight I love you saying “love you” but only replied x last night. Am I the problem? Am I overreacting for feeling like an awful person?
My parents say he’s not treating me nicely or fairly, and my friends say that the only thing I did wrong was read his diary. I just feel like an awful person.
submitted by jackie_downtheline to relationships_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:15 TheGreatestGonzalez My "best friend" backed out of living with me after I paid a massive deposit

I have been planning on moving back to my home city after being away for around 6 years, and have still maintained an amazing friendship with someone I met in elementary school. We text every day and hang out all of the time when I am visiting home. I decided I wanted to put my roots down there so I am buying a condo.
Since I don't have any other friends in the city, who better to get accustomed to it than my best friend? I asked him if he would be interested in living with me for a cheap price given that I got a 2 bedroom condo, and he said no as he thought it could ruin our friendship. I didn't press it and went ahead with the process for buying a 1 bedroom condo.
About 1 month into the process of me going down and visiting places multiple times a week, he texted me saying he changed my mind and that he was interested. Given he said he wasn't interested before, I told him that he has to swear that he is serious, and if he was I would switch my plans back to buying a 2 bedroom place.
Eventually, about another month later, I ended up signing on a 2 bedroom place that we both liked and I put down the earnest money deposit which was multiple thousands of dollars. We hung out multiple times that week, and a few days after the last time, he texted me saying that he was no longer interested in living with me. I was extremely confused and angry as I uprooted all of my plans for this and had already put down the deposit. When I asked him why, he said it was because "the last few times we have hung out have just felt off". This made me livid as we have hung out hundreds of times and he was willing to screw me over just because of the last few times.
Granted, the last time we hung out I had gotten extremely drunk and was making idiotic Zoomer internet jokes, so I think I know what he was talking about. It's not like I had ever done this before though, and there was nothing too abrasive being said... just saying bullshit like "skibidi toilet" as I had seen it on Youtube the other day.
After I went off on him, he agreed to pay me the deposit I had already forked over, which was around half of a year's rent that I was going to charge him (which is a lot lower than he would've paid anywhere else in the city). I was grateful for this, as now the only thing I had lost was the time and effort I had put into searching for places for the past 3 months. After arguing, we have apologized and are on OK terms at the moment.
The kicker for me though is that someone who has said I was their best friend dozens of times since elementary school would have rather paid half of an entire year of rent than live with me. I valued his friendship more than any other bond I have in the world, but I don't know if I can even be more than acquaintances with someone who is making those kinds of statements with their actions.
I'm really torn up about it, and wanted to know how this would make other people feel and if they could get over it? I wish we could go back to how things were, and that's what he wants too. I don't know if I can ever see him as more than an acquaintance at this point though.
submitted by TheGreatestGonzalez to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:15 SnooHabits754 We failed after launching HyperClapper - BUT GOT 10000$ from a Single client !!

Just wanted to share the wild ride of how we built HyperClapper, our LinkedIn engagement pod that went from zero to $500 in just a week and then we fall again.
BUT WE WON 10000$ from Single client
The Crazy Idea
So, there we were, drowning in LinkedIn posts that no one cared about. Our brilliant content? Totally ignored. It was like shouting into the void. Over a few beers, my buddy and I came up with the idea of HyperClapper. We thought, "What if we had a squad to hype each other up?" And boom, HyperClapper was born.

The Hustle

We started with nothing but a dream and a really buggy platform. Seriously, it crashed more than my old college laptop. We invited everyone we knew—friends, colleagues, that random guy from the coffee shop. The first week was a mess. Late nights, caffeine overload, and more debugging than I care to remember. But hey, we started seeing some results. People’s posts were getting noticed, and that felt awesome.

The Struggles

Man, convincing people to join was like trying to sell ice to Eskimos. We sent out hundreds of messages and got ghosted a lot. And then, there were the tech issues. One night, our server just... died. We lost a bunch of users, and I seriously considered smashing my computer. But we kept going, fixing bugs, and making things better.

Building the Squad

The real magic happened when we focused on building a community. We started hosting virtual hangouts, sharing tips, and celebrating wins. There’s this one user, Sarah, who runs a small business. She told us how HyperClapper helped her posts blow up. Her success became our success, and it felt incredible.

The Breakthrough

And then it happened. In just one week, we made $500. It was insane! People were signing up, engagement was skyrocketing, and our little idea was taking off. We were ecstatic, sleep-deprived, but ecstatic.
We stuck at this MRR for few months but a Single client help us by throwing 10k$ :)

What’s Next?

HyperClapper is more than just a tool now; it’s a community of people helping each other succeed. We’re still growing, still learning, and still fixing bugs (some things never change). But seeing our users thrive makes it all worth it.
So yeah, that’s our story. If you’ve got a crazy idea, go for it. You never know what might happen. And if you’re struggling with LinkedIn, come join us at HyperClapper. We’ve got your back.

Entrepreneur Tips:

  1. Embrace Failure: Every setback is a lesson. Learn from it, and keep pushing forward.
  2. Build a Community: Your users are your best advocates. Engage with them, listen to their feedback, and celebrate their successes.
  3. Stay Persistent: There will be tough days. Keep going, even when it feels impossible.
  4. Keep Improving: Your first version won’t be perfect. Keep iterating, fixing bugs, and adding features based on feedback.
  5. Believe in Your Vision: If you believe in your idea, others will too. Stay passionate and keep hustling.
Btw we also got ranked on product hunt as a featured product and hacker news. I am really looking forward to get going.
submitted by SnooHabits754 to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:15 Glum_Explanation7788 Is my thinking too selfish?

I,23M, still live at home with my family. 4 months ago I quit a job that required so much time that I saw my family very little even though I live with them. I did that job 3 years.
After quitting I decided to take break, mostly due to burn out. Then quickly found out that it wasn’t the same house I remember.
My parents are going to separate, and as I am the oldest, I was thrown in the middle of it all. This all hit me quickly because I was so unaware of this. Basically, my father is going to move out soon, and my mother and I will have to cover most of the rent. My dad is going to help, because of my siblings. At first t thought it was fine, as long as it doesn’t affect my siblings too much. I was okay with it.
However, now I feel suffocated, chained, and trapped when I think about my future. How long do I have to do this? Will it be the same in 5 years? 10 years?What if I want to start a relationship? What about my future.
My parents can’t afford to pay for all of it if I ever want to move out. I don’t know if my thinking is wrong.
Now I’m just having trouble sleeping, a haven’t had a panic attack in about 3 years, but I had one 2 weeks ago.
Just looking for a different perspective.
submitted by Glum_Explanation7788 to LifeAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:13 Boring-Elderberry109 I flirted with her friend before I know her

Hey, I am dating with a lovely girl for a month now. Everything is very sweet, it is not a relationship for now but it is very possible because we like each other very much.
However, something is bugging me. Before, we were even talking I flirted with two of her friend via Instagram more than few months ago. One of them is her old friend, they dont talk right now. The other one is in the same college with the girl I am seeing. As I know, they are not really friends, they just know each other and maybe they just say hi when they see each other.
Should I mention this before things get serious? I am not sure if things were reversed I would want to really know that. We didn't even see each other as a date with the girls but I messaged them for a while to know them but there was no spark. I asked one of the girls out but since there was no spark we didnt see each other.
Am I thinking too much, should I tell her? I don't want to ruin things since I really like her.
submitted by Boring-Elderberry109 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:13 sleepyandtired002 Being your own pancreas is so endlessly exhausting.

I just aged out of my pediatric endocrinologist two months ago. I was technically supposed to stop seeing him at 18 but he was the best doctor I ever had, so I pushed it to 21. Obviously had it on my to do list to find a new endocrinologist in the city I thought I was moving to, but then my entire life imploded and now a month and a half later I've moved halfway across the country and in the chaos of all that and endless mental breakdowns, of course, I still don't have a gd endo.
Tale as old as time ig. Life gets in the way and suddenly my Dexcom transmitter needs to be replaced and I'm reminded that the only thing between me and ill health is approximately $3k of medications a month prescribed to me by a doctor who probably thinks he knows more about my body than I do. Realistically this can probably be solved to a phone call to my old endocrinologist because he's incredible enough to probably just give me the prescription anyway, but it's Saturday and sometimes it just gets to be so much, y'know? It's my own fault for not being on top of it, but it's so exhausting to have to be all the time.
Mostly the issue is that when I don't have my Dexcom, even for a few days, my pump ratios go way off without the closed loop system and my blood sugars skyrocket overnight. I end up feeling horrible. Just needed to get this out somehow because nobody who isn't diabetic would understand lol.
submitted by sleepyandtired002 to diabetes [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:13 Individual-Worry762 Difficulty adjusting to life

This is a vent post.
In the past month-ish, my family’s bearded dragon died, we had to put our foster puppies in a shelter, and I went no contact with my ex girlfriend. My life feels so different now and I feel like I can’t cope. I miss the way my life used to be, I miss having things to take care of. I feel like I’m stuck grieving that life and I can’t move on. It’s honestly all I ever think about outside of school. I know that new things will come into my life, and even tho it’ll never be the same it’ll still be good again. But I find myself thinking that I don’t want new, I don’t even want good cause parts of my old life weren’t good, I just want the constants I had back. I miss having someone to wake up to and comfort when they have nightmares. I miss having someone to update about my life. I miss my puppies, I have 3 other dogs but I felt a real connection to those puppies and I’m devastated that I’ll never see them again. It feels complicated cause I’m happy I get to grow outside of that relationship cause my self esteem and sense of self was disappearing throughout it. I realized all that after we went no contact and was relieved/happy. But I feel miserable without my old routines. Having someone, who was genuinely just my person for so long, disappear from my life so fast has made me feel like there’s a hole in my life, like something’s missing in my day to day. I don’t know if I specifically miss that person, that feeling comes and goes at its own pace, but I do miss the life that I had built with/around them, the sync we had with each other. I was really angry for awhile and thought that I would never want them in my life again but that feeling disappears some days and all I want is for them to show up on my doorstep. it’s painful when they don’t. I have thought ab ending it at times, not because of them or the break up but because I feel so purposeless. I have a great support system but I feel like a burden to them. I also have aspirations in life, things that I really want to do and be, I know I’ll be happy when I’m closer to those goals, but school has stressed me out so badly already and I don’t even have my associates degree yet, how am I gonna keep doing this all the way up to my PhD when I’m already so tired? I don’t think I’ll ever really end it but I feel like my old life and the life I loved is never coming back, it’s making me drift through life kind of dissociated. The only person who could truly comfort me through these feelings is my ex-girlfriend, her presence was always really calming to me and I felt like things were just easier with her. I was falling into depression during the relationship, I tried to make that clear but I don’t know if she ever really saw it. Even tho she didn’t know or do anything to help directly, her presence just helped me, I wish I had that right now. I wish I had one night where I could be held and loved again. I don’t feel like life is fun anymore. I don’t want to put in effort anymore. I’m too tired to live.
submitted by Individual-Worry762 to depression [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:13 No_Resist1167 Can I go on holiday while on sick leave?

Basically what it says.
I handed in a notice for a career break a while ago because I need a rest for my MH. I don't think it got processed (maybe my fault for not following it up). Basically my ward know I'm leaving. It cuted MH on my career break application.
However I had a really bad day at work, we were understaffed and had a lot of ill/ heavy patients. I remember going home almost wanting to cry. I also had very bad family news which came a few days before. I called in sick the next day.
My question is can I go abroad on long term sickness? I really want to go away and completely clear my head. Right now at home on sick leave I'm just dossing about and it's not helping at all. I checked my trust policy and it says nothing saying I can't. Unless there's a unknown rule I'm not aware off, as long as I have up to date sick notes from my GP, it shouldn't be a problem as I'm not breaking any trust guidelines and it's all by the book. My sickness doesn't stop me from travelling also like if I was off sick for back problems but I was doing a marathon the next day.
I don't think I have to use my AL either, I really don't want to. From the people I've spoken to, they all say it depends on the manager. Should I even tell them? To me as long as I have up to date sick notes it's ok but is there anything I can do to cover my self?
Ideally I wouldn't come back to the ward either as this is likely to be long term sickness (3 months). I would just exhaust my sick leave then go on my career break but I've also been told I cannot go on a career break while on sick leave.
submitted by No_Resist1167 to NursingUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:13 Ultimatenerdgamer1 I Am My Own Worst Enemy

Warning: Suicide and Potentially Offensive Belief Warning
Hello everyone, hope you are all doing well. Before I start I do not mean to offend anyone with any of my beliefs regarding ASD or the world. I was diagnosed with ASD at a very young age, have been on medication, and as I bet most of you did as well; struggled with symptoms throughout my formative years. I was lucky enough to make friends I’ve been able to keep for many years and I love them dearly for teaching me what they can and for being so patient with me. I like to believe I am not a hateful person, if anything I’m very neutral, but I have a deep, unbridled hatred towards myself. I’d say I consider myself a sort of half-human if that makes any sense. I feel like a robot or background character in others lives and if it wouldn’t affect the people who do care for me I would’ve ended my life many years ago. So far in life I’ve had a strong start in things I believe are necessary. School, jobs, and the gym are examples, though it always has seemed to end in maybe burnout? After high school where I did well I was only able to get half a year into a community college before I shut down and dropped out (probably the hardest period so far). I have been able to keep up with my job and the gym due to my heavy belief in discipline but slowly but surely my motivation is falling off. I have never been in a relationship, not that I haven’t tried, which used to bother me much more in high school but I’ve grown the belief that my genes are poisoned and if I have these difficult beliefs anyway it’s not worth hurting someone who loves me when the inevitable comes to be. The only way I see my life ending is suicide, at first it was kind of difficult to except but all roads lead to it, I hate my brain and do not want to live with it for another how many years. Due to people in my life I am close with, I rarely consider suicide anytime in the near future but instead, when they have all found their own individual lives. I have tried therapy but it was during my worst period and I kind of had a set mindset, so I will try again now that I want help. If anyone has been in a similar boat it would comfort me if you could give me any advice. I apologize if this came across as a giant pity party lmao. Thank you for reading and I wish everyone a wonderful day!
submitted by Ultimatenerdgamer1 to aspergers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:13 sexycutielovelylife Is it okay to ‘not have a cycle’?

Hi everyone, fairly new here but I was hoping I could get some advice based on what a doctor told me.
So I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2022, shortly after I turned 18 and have been still learning as much as I can about it practically every day but recently I went to my doctor to complain about migraines.
I told her that I think stress makes them worse because that does run in my family,(and because it was exam season stress was way up there) but I told her that I also got really bad hormonal migraines around the time of my period. I mentioned that I have PCOS and I thought that this was fairly normal because of the hormonal imbalances and so on.
I told her I was on the pill (dianette to be specific) and she said she thought this might have been the cause of my migraines. She told me I shouldn’t be taking it long term like I had been, on and off for the previous 3 years or so.
I was initially prescribed dianette when I was 15 because I had acne, I’d never had a period on my own until I started the pill at that age. I stopped taking the pill after the dermatologist discharged me saying that my skin was clear and I could keep taking the medication for as long as I liked, which wasn’t the case apparently for BC. I stopped taking it when I was about 17 and my acne came back worse than ever before, hirsutism just happened, I just looked way more masculine in general it was pretty horrible. And oh yeah I didn’t have a period in a year because I wasn’t on the pill anymore.
I went to the doctor about this when I was 18 and they diagnosed me with PCOS.
But recently, when I mentioned to her saying that I hadn’t had a period without being on the pill she said that it sounded like I was being prescribed a pill that was giving me migraines and she told me to stop taking it immediately.
She put me on metformin instead, which I was happy about because basically everywhere online mentions how it’s really helpful for PCOS, and she talked to me about how it can help.
When I enquired about the fact that I might not have a period without the pill, because that’s never been the case for me, she basically said that metformin could help me lose weight (I am fairly overweight and have been since I was about 13/14, puberty age) and overtime I could see my period naturally, but then she also said that might not happen even if I lose weight, but it’s okay because I don’t ‘need to have a cycle’ unless I want to get pregnant.
I thought this sounded very weird from the first time she mentioned this but I just took her advice and stopped taking the pill and started taking metformin immediately. Maybe about a week after I started metformin I had a period, which was really surprising because I’ve never had a natural period before without being on the pill. I’ve never just gone to the bathroom and started my period because I’ve always had some indication of when it might start because of the pill.
But since then I haven’t had another period, and clue tells me it’s been 60 days since my period ended.
So I guess I’m just wanting to hear for other people who don’t ’have cycles’ and is this actually okay or should I just go and see another doctor.
I was talking to a friend about this the other day and I was saying that it’s weird because most women go through different phases every month where you feel a bit worse then a bit better and all that sort of jazz but I think I just feel the same all the time because I ‘don’t have a cycle.’
Is it really okay?
submitted by sexycutielovelylife to PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:12 Niam890 I can't help my dad when he needs it

English is not my first language, so I apologize in advance if there are any mistakes.
I've had emetophobia since I was a child. Mostly I've been able to live with it. Whenever something happens that could trigger me I just escape the situation.
However, my dad got diagnosed with cancer a few months ago and started chemotherapy a month ago. Since then he's been at the hospital due to some complications.
Due to all this, there have been a lot of moments where he has been v. And the only thing that I can do is run and escape. Since I'm an only child this means that I leave my mum alone to take care of him. I just feel so helpless and I'm anxious constantly because I can't do anything and at the same time I feel terrible because of it. I can't be with him when he needs it, I feel anxious constantly because I can't help and scared of him getting s. Also because I leave my mom alone with the problem.
And a lot of people don't understand what it means to have this phobia, so they just might think that I'm a terrible and useless daughter.
I just realized I'm not going to be able to take care of anyone in this kind of situations. Friends, partners, family, my mum...
I just feel so bad. I wish I could just get rid of my emetophobia in an instant, has anyone been able to do it?
I've tried to just suck it up and be there but I can't, I just have a panic attack and I have to leave.
I just hope that it gets better.
Thank you for reading.
submitted by Niam890 to emetophobia [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:12 NuttyGuitarGuy How to describe the feeling 🤔

I’m 29. First time I remember having a flare up I was 20. Multiple flares a year until I started allo last year. Had one flare immediately after starting it and I’m currently on my second flare since starting allo and it’s been a solid 10 months since the last one so I’m very very thankful for the long pause (if you’re hesitating starting allo, JUST DO IT).
Friend of mine asked how it feels and asked if it was like “pins and needles” and I told him no, that I’m not really sure how to describe it. You’d think by now I’d have some sort of explanation for it but I don’t know the best way to describe it.
Chime in. I hope everyone’s doing well and if you’re currently flaring I hope it’s over soon 🙏🏻
submitted by NuttyGuitarGuy to gout [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:11 Dobri_Dobrev I'm now more than a full year into this. I'm on my 3rd "episode." It comes, and then it goes completely. Anyone else?

This all started for me a year ago. A hotspot turned into body wide twitching that would last for a couple of months. And then it disappeared completely for a few months. And then a hotspot would appear again, which would then turn into body wide twitching all over again. It lasted a couple of months. Now I'm back at it again. My abdomen suddenly started twitching constantly this time, and now body wide twitching is back. I'm a couple of weeks into it. Along with the twitching I also have also had the on again off again cellphone vibration feeling in my legs and feet as well. Another strange symptom that I get after a couple of weeks after the return of this monster is some form of sleep myoclonus. I'm not talking about the sudden bodily jerk that startles you awake. Within the first hour of falling asleep, I will sometimes be woken up by my body feeling like a mini earthquake is happening inside. If I feel my arms and the back of my neck they're twitching everywhere very rapidly. After waking for a few minutes it stops. This doesn't happen every night during my "episodes" though. I just don't understand it. I've had an EMG, all the scans, the blood work, several doctors. Nothing is wrong so far as they can tell. It always comes back to being linked to stress and anxiety. So my question is, do any of you get this BFS crap in waves or episodes? I will quite literally not twitch at all for months at a time, and then twitch constantly for months at a time, along with the other symptoms. I always see people talking about twitching for X number of months or years. I don't see anyone talking about the on again off again stuff. The sleep thing is the most distressing to me when I'm in the thick of it.
submitted by Dobri_Dobrev to BFS [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:11 Humpadingle My (34M) GF (32F) can’t decide what she wants, is it over?

I(34m) have been with my partner (31f) for a little over 11 happy years now, 1 year ago we decided to take the plunge and leave our jobs to spend a year travelling South East Asia and Australia.
Perhaps naive to the fact that we would be spending 24/7 together and the implications that could cause over time, we set off and we’ve had an incredible time away and made some truly amazing memories together.
So where did it start to go wrong. 7 months into our adventure, some friends of my partner were in the same country as us, naturally she wanted to spend time with them on her own, so off she went whilst I spent a few days solo. Over the course of the time apart we had no contact. It’s not out of the ordinary for us to not message or call a lot when apart, but we would always check in at least once a day, although this time nothing from her. We’ve been together long enough now for me to have developed a ‘sixth sense’ to when something didn’t feel right between us, and it was sounding the alarms.
When I caught up to her 4 days later we went for lunch together, I asked if there was anything she wanted to talk to me about. To which her responses were ‘I’m not sure I really know who I am anymore’ , ‘I’m not sure if this relationship is what I want’ , ‘I don’t know what I want’ and that a lot of the books she had been reading recently were resonating with her and she wasn’t sure if she wanted to be on her own.
I asked if there was anything I could do to help her, that I understood that there may not be an answer right now, and that this isn’t something that could be ‘analysed’ and the broken part fixed.
For context, leading up to this conversation, I had no idea that she was having doubts, when we went our separate ways a few days previous it was normal day for us.
So for the next 8 weeks I gave her space where I could, and I invested a lot of time working on myself, we were joined by close friends for 8 weeks so we were able to spend time with them and not be on top of each other. I figured that travelling together for so long was starting to take its toll on our relationship, I have an incredibly busy life at home and we would spend 1 day together a week and possibly a couple of evenings. So i tried my best to give her the space I thought she needed.
Things improved dramatically, we were (as far as I could tell) the best we’d been in years, but 5 weeks later, she told me that she still wasn’t happy and still felt exactly the same… this time I asked her if there was someone else, I knew her ex bf was in the country but didn’t say anything to her about it as I was sure that I was making myself paranoid. She told me that wasn’t the case, and that she wanted to go to Australia to see her best friend in the hope that she may then get some space to figure things out. Around an hour after this conversation, I was alone in our hotel room, struggling to process everything and incredibly sad. My partner walked into the room, hugged me, and then initiated us sleeping together, first thing the following morning she did exactly the same thing. So naturally my head was a war zone of mixed signals.
So we went to Oz, I dropped her with her friend and went off to spend a week by myself again, this time though I really didn’t have a good time, I was an anxious mess and wanted to pack the whole trip up and go home. We met up later that week and I expressed my feelings about how we were doing the ‘space’ and that I was considering going home early alone as I would be happier doing it there. She apologised that I had felt that way and told me to not leave.
We are now 2 weeks past that conversation, in Malaysia now and about to head home in 3 days. Last night I decided to bring up to our relationship and how she was feeling. She told me that she STILL wants more space. So we are spending another week apart maybe longer, when we land.
She has yet to make any plans with going back to work, no plans with where she will be staying, and no real intentions of giving me any idea of where I stand anymore.
I want to treat this return home as a fresh start, time to save for a mortgage, time to consider the idea of kids - but I am terrified of bringing anything of this up with her as I have absolutely no idea if she is even committed to being together.
The last 3 months this has been going on has made me quite unwell mentally, have I enjoyed my time travelling during these 3 months, no, not particularly…I spend my time wondering if I should walk away, take the time to work on myself and then put myself back out there and find someone that reciprocates the life ambitions I have.
I feel incredibly confused a great deal of the time, and I would appreciate some advice/opinions.
Thank you
submitted by Humpadingle to relationship_advice [link] [comments]