Make your name in bubble letters for myspace

sorry about my grammar

2019.02.07 06:30 siouxsie_siouxv2 sorry about my grammar

memes and fakery for fans of the other sub

2016.08.31 13:32 Cooking on a Budget

Budget-friendly recipes and related recipe discussions. Recipe posts must include the full recipe, not just a link to a video.

2017.01.05 16:41 clouddevourer Supermodel cats

Very good looking, photogenic cats.

2024.05.19 12:45 Lord_PanDA_ (Solved) Apple TV Keeps Flickering? 7 Fixes to Stop the Screen From Blinking On & Off or Flashing

(Solved) Apple TV Keeps Flickering? 7 Fixes to Stop the Screen From Blinking On & Off or Flashing
NOTE: If you’re looking for a more detailed step-by-step guide complete with demo images for each solution, just check out the hyperlink under the solution's name.
After a lot of real tests (with my Apple TV 4K, Samsung & LG TVs) and going through practical solutions shared by other users on tech forums, I’ve found out how to stop your Apple TV from flickering.
Full article here:
Here’s a quick rundown of the methods that actually work:

1. Check Your HDMI Connection

An unstable HDMI connection can cause your display to flicker. Here's how to check and troubleshoot:
  • Head to Settings > Video and Audio > Check HDMI Connection.
  • Inspect the HDMI cable for damage and ensure all connections are secure.
  • Try using a different HDMI port or cable if needed.

2. Adjust Video Settings

Certain video settings can affect your Apple TV’s video quality. Here’s what to do:
  • Disable “Match Content”.
  • Switch to SDR or disable HDR if you notice flickering after activating HDR.
  • Adjust Chroma to 4:2:0.

3. Match the Resolution Between Your Smart TV and Apple TV

Make sure your smart TV and Apple TV are set to the same resolution:
  • Find your TV’s supported resolutions and match them on your Apple TV.
  • You can change the resolution in Settings.
  • Alternatively, press Back and Volume Down on the remote to cycle through resolutions until you find the best match.

4. Soft Reset or Restart Your Apple TV

A simple reset can resolve many minor issues:
  • Soft Reset: Unplug your Apple TV for at least 30 seconds, then plug it back in.
  • Restart: Go to Settings > System > Restart.

5. Update the tvOS

Updating your Apple TV can fix software bugs that cause flickering: Go to Settings > System > Software Update > Update Software > Download and Install.

6. The Issue May Come from Your Smart TV

Sometimes the problem might be with your TV rather than the Apple TV: Check your TV’s settings or refer to troubleshooting articles specific to your TV brand, like Samsung or LG.

7. Contact Apple Support Center

If none of the above solutions work, it might be a hardware issue:
  • Visit the Apple Support website, log in with your Apple ID, and make an appointment with a nearby Apple Store.
  • Alternatively, call Apple Support for additional troubleshooting advice.
What’s your experience fixing an Apple TV that’s flickering or blacking out? Let us know in the comments below!
submitted by Lord_PanDA_ to FixAppleTV [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:44 defonotasher AITAH for telling my mother that she is a horrible parent?

tw: abuse, substances, self harm (sh), eating disorders, sexual content involving minors
i (17m) and my mother (56f) have never had a proper relationship. up until i was 12, she worked 7 days a week from 8am-6pm in order to fund my fathers trips across the world. i was raised by myself and the occasional nanny, and hardly ever saw my mother growing up. it also fell upon me to raise my (15m) brother, as neither she nor my father were around to do so. i would often have to make meals for the two of us, and would stay up to do my homework after helping him with his. despite this, i still managed to get everything done, but i never had time to myself except at school.
i have been bullied my whole life, so i was very alone. i tried telling a teacher about what was happening, but they dismissed me. almost every night i would come home from school crying but there was nobody for me to talk to about it. my brother was a very social person and had extracurriculars most nights after school that his friends parents would take him to. whenever i did get to see my mother, she would spend the whole time fussing over my brother and praising how well he was doing.
my father would spend a few months away at a time, and when he was around he was drunken and abuse towards me. he hadn’t had a job in over 15 years, and was constantly spending the money my mother earned. the one time i tried to talk to him about how i don’t have friends, i referred to him as a friend, and he looked me in the eyes and told me ‘i’m your father, not your friend. i only care about you because you are my child.’ later that night he left for another trip and didn’t come back for a year.
i came out to my mother as trans at 12. she didn’t look up from her book, and said ‘no you aren’t.’ she later told my father, who broke a bowl over my head to “knock some sense into me”. i haven’t mentioned it since in fear that he will hurt me further.
when i was 14 i attempted to end my life. i was in hospital for two months and my parents visited me once a week taking turns. none of my extended family came to visit me, and when i asked my mother why, she said that she hadn’t told them because it would’ve made her look like a bad mother.
a few months after my hospital release, i developed a drug addiction and would prostitute myself in order to have the money to fund it. i got expelled from the school i was at, and went into a very dark place. i was constantly taking pills, cutting myself, and sleeping with men up to 15 years older than me. my parents never knew about my addiction, as i moved in with a friend while i was going through it, and they didn’t talk to me until i came back sober.
i was put into a different school, and began drinking heavily. a month after i started at the new school, i relapsed with pills. a month after, i od’ed while at home. my father found out and dragged me out of my bed and threw me down the stairs. he then dragged me into the bathroom and slammed my head into the tiles, telling me that they were coming to take me away and that i was ruining the family. he called me horrific names that i don’t think that i’m able to write down in this sub. once he left to go get another drink, i ran out of the house. he called the police on me and they found me and took me to hospital.
once i was released, i started dating a guy who was roughly 9 months younger than me, and i did not spend a moment sober while i was with him. at one point when i was sleeping over at his, i od’ed again, and instead of helping me, he slept with me. this happened 5 times while we were together, but i stayed because he was the only person in my life who saw me as a boy. i broke up with him because i stopped taking pills and i realised what he had done.
i later developed anorexia and lost 20kgs, despite me being underweight to begin with. my parents know none of this. throne fiend i had made at my new school stopped talking to me because i was becoming a very bad person to be around.
fast forward two years, and i have recovered from my addictions, sh, and eating disorder. i am doing a part time nursing degree while also completing high school. a lot more than what i’ve mentioned has happened, but it isn’t as relevant. my mother recently has started trying to form a relationship with me, and is getting very upset that i am not putting in any effort to be closer to her. i told her that i am moving out soon, and she told me that i am a horrible daughter.
in response, i told her about my fathers abuse, my eating disorder, and how horrible school is for me. i told her that she was never there when i needed her, and it was too late for us to have any relationship. i told her that she is a horrible mother, and that she will never hear from me once i move out. i told her that while it hurt that she was never around for me, what hurt the most was that she was always excusing and enabling my fathers behaviour. i have not spoken to my father in months despite us living in the same house, and neither of us have any problem with me leaving, only my mother.
by the time i had finished yelling at her, she was crying, but apologised for everything. i said it was too late for apologies and i went to bed.
we talked a week ago and i have not stopped thinking about how mean i was to her. i feel awful and don’t know what to do.
submitted by defonotasher to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:44 RahilHafeez Welcome to /r/General_Community_!

Hello everyone,
Welcome to /General_Comunity_ – we're thrilled to have you here!
About Us: This community is dedicated to [brief description of the community's purpose and interests]. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, you'll find a friendly and supportive environment to share your passion, ask questions, and connect with others.
Community Guidelines: To keep this a positive and welcoming space, please follow these simple guidelines:
Be Respectful: Treat everyone with kindness and respect. Disagreements are fine, but personal attacks or hate speech will not be tolerated.
Stay On-Topic: Posts should be relevant to [community theme]. Off-topic posts may be removed.
No Spam: Avoid self-promotion or advertising unless it’s in the weekly promotion thread (if applicable).
Follow Reddiquette: Please adhere to the general rules of Reddit and remember the human behind the screen.
Getting Started: Introduce Yourself: Start by introducing yourself in our [introduction thread link]. Ask Questions: Don’t hesitate to ask questions – no question is too basic! Share Your Experiences: Whether it’s a success story, a tip, or a challenge, sharing helps everyone learn and grow.
Join the Conversation: Feel free to dive into the discussions, share your thoughts, and engage with the community. Your participation makes /[CommunityName] a vibrant and valuable place for everyone.
Once again, welcome to the Community! -We're excited to see you around and look forward to building a great community together.
submitted by RahilHafeez to General_Community_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:40 Weekly_Blackberry224 We Should Do Something ASAP

Hi everyone. I think we should not sit silently and wait for something good to happen. We should start creating awareness about the Fact that Islam is Incompatible with the modern day Values like Liberty , Democracy , Live and Let Live , Tolerance etc.
Right now the Situation of Islam is in a weakened state but it has a very high potential to grow stronger in the future. Most European Countries have a very negative opinion about Muslims . They are voting for The Right Wing parties in their Respective countries In hopes to curb immigration. But the problem is not with Muslims but with the Quran itself and it's blind supporters.
Many people are unaware of the fact that Islam is not a Religion that is completely intolerant with others and when given power , tries to destroy the same things that it used to grow in power. It looks like a peaceful religion (Victim card playing) when in minority , but when given power , it shows it's true colors . For example , look at countries like Bangladesh , Afghanistan ,Iran , Pakistan . Even without power it is wreaking havoc in countries like England and Germany .
People are blaming things on Poverty , Arab Culture , Radicals , etc. when the problem is with Islam (Quran) itself. WE need to make people Aware of this.
Many Muslims are Moderates who don't follow Quran to the letter But will support the ideology behind it. Many Moderates are still Homophobic, Misogynistic , Hating people who follow other religions , think that eating pork is bad , apostasy is looked down upon etc.
They mostly live in countries like India , US , Canada , Russia , where there is more religious freedom and they Haven't seen the true colors of Islam (Killing apostates , blasphemers , Gays . Restricting women's freedom).
Our Goal is Simple :
  1. Remove the support that Leftists give to Islam . (Through Awareness of the violence justified by the Quran)
  2. People don't name everything we do as Islamophobic . (Again , Promoting Awareness)
  3. Muslims can't use Victim card anymore. (Again , Through shedding light on it's violent teachings)
The Reason Islam is Still supported by it's followers is because of the Brainwashing done by the teachings of the Quran itself. Also the reason Others are Unaware of the dangers of Islam is because of the Sympathy it gets from others. Even most Muslims are Unaware of the violent teachings and believe the Sugarcoated versions of it .
I think If we don't Start taking action . we have a lot to lose . Many Muslims right now are teenagers who after a few years will be in power and if they are brainwashed by their religion , they will cause the reason for the Domination of Islam .
All we have to DO is to to bring Awareness about the truth Through Data , researches , real life examples. for Instance , we can start awareness in other subreddits like Indian , European subreddits where people have a high chance of understanding. IF continued like this , we can save the West From Islam . (Middle east is beyond saving in my opinion). Thank you for Reading .
submitted by Weekly_Blackberry224 to exmuslim [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:37 Hour_Training_832 Legit Shiny Wishmkr Jirachi using ACE and RNG to find!

Legit Shiny Wishmkr Jirachi using ACE and RNG to find!
Hey Everyone,
Right now I’m on a journey to try and get as many Legendary and mythical Pokemon as I can that are currently locked behind the 3DS wall outside of paywalled Pokemon Go. I have already Completed Pokemon Blue to obtain a Shiny Mew, and Pokemon Silver to get a Shiny Celebi, however now it was time to tackle Pokemon Emerald to get a Shiny Deoxys and Jirachi!
Shiny WISHMKR Jirachi :)
To do any of this, I have to start a fresh copy of Pokemon Emerald so I can RNG all of my encounters. If you are unfamiliar with them, please check out I'm a Blissey, or Papa Jefe to get familiar, but I’m sure most people are atleast semi familiar in this subreddit. They can explain it way better than I can since this is the first time I have ever RNG’d anything in a game.
In layman's terms though I chose Pokemon Emerald for a couple reasons, firstly, because it has all of the legendaries in it, and access to Deoxys on birth Island, and secondly, because unlike Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire, Pokemon emerald starts on advance or seed 0 everytime you start it up, so it’s very easy to identify how many advances (time) the game needs to hit a shiny frame, since each PID and SID combination has a certain amount of shiny spreads that are available to them in a given game. This means, through normal shiny hunting means, Pokemon Emerald is probably one of the worst games to shiny hunt in, but from an RNG standpoint, it's one of the best!
Video Version of this here -
With that semi brief explanation out of the way - it was time to start hunting for a shiny Mudkip, this took a long time to get, since this was the first time I had actually tried this, I had to keep going back to videos to learn how to calibrate correctly, if I was using the right timer setting in Eon timer etc… but after 8 hrs I finally found my Shiny Mudkip! I named It Jam, since I had recently done a shiny only playthrough of Pokemon Scarlet’s DLC and used a Shiny Mudkip named Jelly… so it only seemed fitting!
Now I can start on my journey to beat the Hoenn region, along the way I catch a shiny Electrike that I named Blueberry, Aron named Strawberry, Poochyena named Marmalade, Numel named Blackberry, Trapinch named Boysenberry, and finally Bagon named Apple Buttr. Bagon I actually got on the second reset which surprised me. To beat the base game it took me about 17 hrs. Since I cleared the Pokemon League I decided to hunt a Shiny Beldum that I named Earl Grey, because I had found an Earl Grey Jam that someone had made lol. Now with the game finally complete it was time to start getting ready to create a Glitch pokemon so I could perform ACE that would allow me to get anything and everything I wanted in Pokemon Emerald!
Now it was time to start getting the necessary Pokemon to do this glitch, as there are 2 pokemon in the game that fit perfectly for what we need to get done, first I need a Ralts to trade for a Seedot in Rustboro city named Dots, and then a Volbeat for Pluses the Plusle in Fortree city. Once I have those I need to make clean backups using the battle tower cloning glitch in case I mess up, which is the main reason I had to do the whole game before starting on this glitch! Once I have all the clones set up it's time to start Prepping for Dekamark!
Creating the Dekamark - Go Beyond Pluses Ultra!
Papa Jefe’s video covers all the differences between each version of emerald, so what you need to do might be slightly different, since I’m playing an english copy of Emerald I EV train my Dots with 17 HP EV’s and 6 Attack EV’s and deleted all of Plusles moves besides growl using the move deleter. Once I have done that, I’m ready to initiate the glitch, I clone several copies of the changed Pokemon and put them in box two in a specific orientation that increases your success rate of getting a working glitch egg Pokemon. These are the following.
Plusle slots:
13, 15, 17, 19, 21
Seedot slots:
14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24
I now give my Shuppet 2 HP ups, because I need it's HP to be odd (if you do this you might only need 1, HP just needs to be odd) Then I went to Route 101 to catch a low level Pokemon, put it in my party with Shuppet, and a flying type Pokemon. This is where I save to make sure if anything gets messed up there is an easy reset point.
After fainting the low level Pokemon on my team, I use curse with Shuppet to bring its HP to 1, now it's time to deposit my flying type Pokemon and use a pomeg berry on my shuppet. Since I’ve used two HP Up’s on this Pokemon once I use a pomeg berry it actually brings shuppet’s HP value below zero.
With this done I engage into a battle, check the summary of a Pokemon, try the switch Pokemon hold up on the dpad for 5 seconds to go into the games memory cache to alter data that is going to allow me to get the glitched Pokemon egg. Once complete I go back to the battle screen and try to run, but it says I’ve fainted and returns me to the pokemon center, with a quick check of the now corrupted eggs that were plusle and dots before the glitch, I can see if it worked, unfortunately I had all bad eggs, I had to run this part about 7 times to get the Egg that I needed, a hatchable egg, named Dots in a Nestball.
Once I found the egg I take an uncorrupted clone of Dots and put it in box 10 slot 19 thanks to Slepnir - https://pastebin.comSleipnir17 I then use a simple code to hatch the Decamark egg without the game crashing. Turning the dots into a glitched Decamark pokemon (this is dicey because you cannot hover over it, there's a couple more steps I needed to do, I needed to catch a Pokemon and name it x♂zN6FFxC and place this pokemon into Box 10 slot 20 next to the Decamark. Then exit the box and save, booting the game back up, and using another of Slepnir’s codes to finally have a stable Pokemon that we can use to execute code from anywhere! I also at this point used the E-Shark code generator to create a pokemon from nothing, and then turn it into an exit bootstrap Pokemon with another eshark code so that I can execute codes using 13 boxes instead of 14 boxes.
Now it's time to RNG some Shiny Legendary Pokemon! I head off to catch the Regi’s, using the power of RNG I catch each of these in 3 attempts. The hardest part of getting them was actually catching them, so I went and found a shiny Shroomish so I could make the next set of Legendaries much easier to get! Luckily I found this one in 5 attempts on my shiny resets. Now there were 5 more Legendary Pokemon to tackle with Breloom, so I used the Box glitch to obtain the Eon Ticket, and catch a shiny Latias after 5 resets.
But how was I going to obtain the other Lati? Since one is a roamer, and the other sits on this island? Well my little Decamark of course! I use it to respawn the Lati on the island, and then swap it with Latios! I caught this one after 3 Resets since It was calibrated from the battle with Latias previously, I was feeling pretty great about how good I was getting at RNG’ing encounters at this point in the game. It's definitely a front loaded effort to learn.
With the Lati duo out of the way it was now time to go after the box legendaries from Generation 3, I started with Groudon which actually took quite a bit of time, I think 15 resets, because walking forward felt much different than pressing A. Fortunately Kyogre seemed much easier, probably because i was used to moving to engage the battle so hitting the right shiny frame became much easier. Finally, one of the best shinies that's ever been released… Rayquaza. I was able to hit this Pokemon’s shiny frame after only 3 resets and seeing its shiny form gets me excited every single time. Seriously one of my favorites.
With the Legendaries down, I was feeling really great about my progress, however it was now time to move forward to the Mythical pokemon.
Deoxys was up first, with a quick Decumark code, I gained access to Birth Island, and after a little trouble with the puzzle on the island. I got Deoxys with 4 resets to find one of the coolest shiny Mythical Pokemon.
I also decided to snag Mew, which even though the English Mew on Faraway island isn’t legit, I wanted to still grab. This one actually gave me a little more difficulty, but after 18 resets and finding the right shiny frame I finally got it!
Now I have every single Legend and Mythical in Pokemon emerald besides Jirachi… But how the heck was I actually going to get Jirachi? This Pokemon only has 9 Shiny frames that are legitimate - and anything outside of that would be flagged as hacked or illegal.. So now the Journey starts for obtaining a complete legitimate Jirachi.
I start by changing my Trainer ID to the ID that Wishmkr Jirachi has to be by using Esharks code generator to make a box spread that changes my ID to the desired number 20043, once thats complete I now have to change my Secret ID to 0 which is the required Secret ID spread for a legitimate Wishmkr. We have to check to see if this works however, so before I do the change I catch a Pokemon and Nickname it KFC, change the SID by using Eshark Codes Generator again with my glitch Pokemon. Then go to the name rater to see if it allows me to change its nickname, and thankfully it didn’t so we were successful changing Our Secret ID. Now there was only one thing left to do. Change our Actual name to Wishmkr. We can do this by using Slepnir’s Box code which changes our name to whatever we enter into box 5. Use our Dekamark glitch pokemon again and now I am the WishMkr! (you will need to you use Wayback machine with Slepnir’s Pastebin 3 otherwise you will not be able to view it)
With all of my prepwork is done, It was time to finally start hunting a Jirachi.. So I use a box code to create a custom outbreak of Jirachi on any route that I want. I very quickly head over to the route I spawned the mass outbreak on, and encounter a Wurmple… Well that didn’t work, so I found another Massive mass outbreak code to use, but the pokemon only spawn on Mirage Island, So I firstly need to spawn Jirachi’s on Mirage Island. And then with one more code I finally spawned Mirage island, now I just needed to see if it worked.. I flew to
Pacifidlog town and thankfully Mirage island had spawned, I just needed to see if Jirachi’s outbreak had worked this time, and Thankfully it had!
Now I just needed to find the PID of a Legitimate Shiny Wishmkr Jirachi, I looked for 12hrs but couldn’t find a legitimate Pokemon with the correct PID that would work for Jirachi.. So what do I do, was I screwed? Shiny Wishmkr Jirachi was the only reason I even started down the path for Gen 3…all the other Pokemon besides Deoxys can really be caught in newer games…. things were not looking good.
Then I found a Reddit post about someone performing this glitch as well that solved my issue... Essentially the spread I was looking for didn’t exist. I needed to use a Synchronize Pokémon with the nature I was looking for, which happened to be serious, and use method 1 in PokeFinder. I also needed to use the PID to IV calculator and then after doing this I FINALLY found the right PID for a legitimate shiny WISHMKR Jirachi…
Word of advice, if you plan on doing this, don’t do it the way I did, because the only thing that separates Wynaut, which is the Pokemon we switched out Jirachi for in the mass outbreak for, is the level the Pokemon spawns at, so I couldn’t tell if I was 1 frame off, or 100 frames off. I would use Eshark’s code to change the species of the pokemon that is the correct PID like Cooked Fish meat did, or just freeze the frame on the seed before and then use sweet scent to get your encounter… .
Thankfully after riding the struggle bus for about another 8 hrs hunting this Pokemon I finally found a shiny! And even though this was a struggle, it was super satisfying to see shiny Jirachi show up on our screen, as this Pokemon at this point had taken about 60 hrs to see…
Now there was only one problem left…this Pokemon still shows its caught in the wrong game, Shiny Wishmakr Jirachi can only come from Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire, Thankfully using a Eshark generator code to change the pokemon’s encounter data to make it be from the correct game. Now the Jirachi shows it was encountered in Littleroot town at level 5, and with a quick change back to my Original Trainer ID and Secret ID This Wishmkr Jirachi shows it was encountered in a fateful encounter, which is the flag this Pokemon needs to have to be considered a legitimate Pokemon.
The Last Step!
I needed to check to see if this Pokemon was actually considered Legal in PKhex, since PKhex apparently has better legitimacy checks then Pokemon does, and thankfully after porting in my save file I can see that I have finally created a Shiny WISHMKR Jirachi, that was encountered in fateful encounter in Pokemon Ruby.
I’ve done a lot of shiny hunts, legal shiny hunts. And I have to say that RNGing this Shiny Jirachi was one of the most difficult things I’ve attempted. Partially because I did it the hard way, but also because the Pokemon isn’t supposed to be easy to obtain. I was so thankful to finally snag this! With this complete I did some more competitive hunting and beat Japanese emerald to send a legit shiny mew up to Pokemon Scarlet and Violet as well.
I believe there is only one more game I can so like I did this game, which I am super excited about completing in the near future!
submitted by Hour_Training_832 to pokemonrng [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:34 magic_fetus_5792 Deco manga penpal (18 Belgium)

.. • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆. . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆.
♡ hi hiiiiiiiiiiiiii ♡
I'm looking for a penpal that's down to mail each other those heavily decorated letters! I'm talking about those ins - ta - gr- am accounts and those p - in - te - re - st posts. I'd love to start one of those accounts myself actually!
I'm an artist myself and I'd love to share little pieces of art, share some stationary and share my love for decorations!
♡ Now a bit about me!
♡ What I'm looking for in a penpal :)
. . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆. . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
submitted by magic_fetus_5792 to penpals [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:29 Affectionate-Tip1745 RoyalWriter Review: My Personal Experience

RoyalWriter Review: My Personal Experience
Brief overview:
Quick turnaround time, double checking for plagiarism and generated content, a 24/7 support team available through numerous communication channels, free unlimited revisions, a host of fresh service reviews and PayPal payment seemed to be the most appealing features of this writing service. Most users stated in their reviews that the platform is legit and can be trusted. The pricing here is adequate, starting at £10.83 per page. The turnaround is fast and timely, which is ideal for students short on time.
✅ Quick turnaround — minimum deadline is 3 hours
✅ Very reasonable prices
✅ Plagiarism and AI-generated content check by QA team
✅ Feedback on the website is regularly updated
✅ Links to additional resources with reviews are available
✅ 24/7 support
✅ Free unlimited revisions
✅ You can pay with PayPal
❌You cannot call your writer at the phone
My experience:
During the initial scroll through RoyalWriter, I noticed tonnes of fresh reviews, which made it crystal clear that this website is actively used by students and covers various types of papers, from assignments to research papers and other types of work.
I also noticed that the website contains a lot of useful information regarding the services offered, and their spectrum is rather broad (e.g. they even offer help with programming tasks). This was especially important for me because I needed assistance with a complex Business Assignment with calculations and some other websites couldn't find relevant experts for the task, which made my deadline even more looming. Here, everything was explained in detail and even visualised for clarity.
Just check this out:
The other feature that caught my eye was an individual approach to dissertation writing. I could'nt even imagine that a service can provide a personal manager to oversee all the dissertation writing stages and deadlines. This sounds like a real deal. Maybe I'll try it in three years when I'm asssigned one. Haha =)
And damn, YES — they are one of a few services that accept PayPal. This payment gateway is a serious one, and if PayPal partners with this website, then it's 100% trustworthy.
Another important point that made me choose this website in anonymity. Here, they not only promise that all communications are confidential from when you place an order until you get the completed paper back, but they deliver on their promises. When you send a direct message to the writer, they only see your user id, and you also see their id. No real names available, and asking for real names is prohibited by the website's policies. Cool, isn't it?
Btw, you can't call the writer at the phone for this very reason. However, you can chat through live chat, which is also okay. Of course, this may not be super convenient because sometimes it's easier to explain details over the phone, but I personally respect this firm for their focus on anonymity.
The last point for this firm was that they don't lie on their website. They directly state that all photos used on the website are stock photos, not real ones, used only for aesthetic appeal.
The result:
I received my assignment a few hours before the deadline, which turned out to be a great advantage. When I opened the file, I was shocked in a good way! Structure, formatting, correct grammar and punctuation were all there. The assignment was done professionally and contained UK spelling throughout. I even had to make a few mistakes here and there for my prof to believe it was my own work. It also passed numerous checks with contentdetector ai and zerogpt, and I was praised by the prof =)
What about you, Redditors? Has anyone used this website for essays and research papers? Have some coming my way next week and would like to understand if the quality will be the same. Please share your feedback only if you've tried the service. Not interested in alternatives.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Affectionate-Tip1745 to CollegeIntrovert [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:25 magicman5677 Survivor Intros Ranked

This is a ranking of every official survivor intro (S1-S38,S40,S45,S46+S21unapproved)
I will be ranking the shots, music and sync :)
Tell me your opinions and rankings in the comments
Here's the ranking:
  1. Nicaragua - very boring intro which just reuses borneo, the shots are not enough to put this higher
  2. Ghost Island - boring, not too much to say
  3. David vs. Goliath - slightly better than Ghost Island (makes you hyped at least)
  4. Edge of Extinction - improvement over the past 2 but still pretty dull song and shots
  5. Worlds Apart - they tried to mashup china, heroes vs villains and micronesia together but even I can do it better plus the shots are out of sync
  6. Kaoh Rong - literally Micronesia song with like 2 new sound effects at the start, dull shots (with few exceptions)
  7. Winners at War - makes you hyped, has ok shots but song is overused and boring
  8. San Juan del Sur - same thing as Kaoh Rong but I like the Palau bits and most shots
  9. Cagayan - same thing as Kaoh Rong, but an overall better intro
  10. Borneo - very boring intro but has some great shots and got points for being the first ever :)
  11. South Pacific - not a big fan of all the grunting but still it is a well put together intro
  12. Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers - very messy song but a pretty good intro
  13. Millennials vs. Gen X - another messy song but a good intro
  14. One World - boring song (some parts i really like tho) but the shots are pretty good (some great :))
  15. Redemption Island - boring song (again some parts i like) and well put together
  16. Cook Islands - mid song, mid shots, mid intro
  17. Marquesas - mid song, mid shots, mid intro (better sync and shots than cook islands)
  18. Panama - good song for hype but a very messy intro
  19. Blood vs. Water - some good shots but the song is a bit underwhelming
  20. Cambodia - literally philippines with some sound effects but great shots and well put together
  21. Game Changers - clean great song, with some great shots
  22. Caramoan - another clean intro, does it's job well
  23. The Australian Outback - very messy intro, but that's the charm of this intro, great shots, great sync, great upgrade over the first intro
  24. Tocantins - i always found this intro to have an underwhelming song (one of the worst imo) but the shots are literally some of the best
  25. Philippines - great intro, great shots, nothing more
  26. Vanuatu - i think this one is kinda overrated, i'm not a huge fan of the song but it's still pretty good, the shots are great and the overall intro is well put together
  27. Amazon - great shots, great sync, the song is a bit underwhelming
  28. Samoa - love the jeff shot lol, everything else is just good
  29. Micronesia - makes you reaaally hyped and has great shots
  30. Guatemala - great song, great shots
  31. 46 - slightly worse than 45 because I'm not a huge fan of the song (i really like it for the same reasons as 45 tho so look at that)
  32. Gabon - great shots, great song, great sync, just great (like gabon)
  33. China - same thing as gabon lol but a bit better
  34. 45 - this is the perfect example of an intro and what it should do, it should hype you up, make you learn the names lol and give you clues as to what happens in this season (if only it had it's own theme and not reused amazon :()
  35. All-Stars - i guess this is what worlds apart was aiming for.. this is just a perfect mashup of the first 7 seasons theme.. and yes, thailand is there too, it's just very subtle, the shots are great too :)
  36. Pearl Islands - hypes you up, amazing shots, amazing song, what more can you ask for?
  37. Africa - I looove this song and I looove the sync in this intro
  38. Fiji - amazing song, amazing shots, amazing (unlike the season itself :()
  39. Nicaragua Unapproved - amazing song, better than all before, but the shots aren't enough to put this higher :)
  40. Thailand - such an amazing song, amazing shots and I just love everything about this intro
  41. Heroes vs. Villains - literally same as thailand plus all the hype that comes with it
  42. Palau - I already made a post where I stated this is the best intro, and I stand by it, this intro is just perfect, and the songs if *chef's kiss*
Tell me your opinions pls :)
submitted by magicman5677 to survivor [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:22 Stage-Piercing727 Best Carlson Cremator Choke Tube

Best Carlson Cremator Choke Tube
Discover the Carlson Cremator Choke Tube, an innovative product designed for shotgun enthusiasts. This roundup article will provide you with a detailed overview of the features, benefits, and user reviews of the Carlson Cremator Choke Tube. Get ready to enhance your shooting experience with this top-rated choke tube.

The Top 8 Best Carlson Cremator Choke Tube

  1. Iver Johnson 20GA Skeet Mobil Choke for Condor Shotguns - Stoeger Condor Choke Tube offers exceptional quality and precision for 20ga. Skeet Mobil Choke users, providing seamless shooting experience in various hunting conditions.
  2. High-Quality Stoeger Condor Choke Tube Assembly for Better Performance - Upgrade your Stoeger Condor shotgun's performance with the V-Twin Manufacturing Choke Tube Assembly, designed to meet or exceed OEM standards and offering a direct replacement for the stock choke tube assembly.
  3. Stoeger Condor Full Choke Tube with .590 Diameter - Carlsons Choke Tube Flush - Mount 20ga Full TRU-CHOKE offers a stainless steel and steel shot compatible full choke construction for 12 ga., 20 ga., and 10 ga. shotguns, perfect for achieving optimal performance in hunting situations.
  4. Iver Johnson 20ga. Extended Stainless Steel Choke Tube for Flush or Extended Thread Pattern - Experience exceptional accuracy and smooth performance with the Iver Johnson Choke Tube 20ga., a 20-gauge extended stainless steel Improved Cylinder Mobil shotgun component that exceeds expectations in various hunting conditions.
  5. Easy-To-Use Stuck Choke Tube Removal Tool - Experience hassle-free stuck choke tube removal with Carlsons Universal Choke Wrench - the simple yet incredibly tough, heat-treated stainless steel solution for all your gun needs.
  6. Lightning Fast Choke Wrench for Easy Choke Tube Removal - Experience lightning-fast 12-gauge choke removal and insertion with the Carlson Speed Wrench, designed to save time and hassle in any situation.
  7. 17-4 Heat Treated Stainless Steel Browning Invector Plus Choke Tubes for Skeet Hunting - Carlsons 14412 Browning Invector Plus (BIP) choke tube set offers versatility and durability, designed for Steel, Lead, and Hevi-Shot ammo use, available in Skeet and Turkey constrictions, and made from 17-4 heat treated stainless steel in the USA.
  8. Stainless Steel Carlsons Delta Waterfowl Choke Tubes for Hunting - Carlson's Delta Waterfowl 12GA 2 Pk (MR & LR): Retay - 07770 offers waterfowl enthusiasts the benefits of 1704 stainless steel construction and efficient choke tube designs for enhanced shooting accuracy and consistency.
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🔗Iver Johnson 20GA Skeet Mobil Choke for Condor Shotguns
As someone who frequently uses skeet mobil chokes, I've recently come across the Iver Johnson choke tube for 20-gauge shotguns. This choke tube comes with a sleek, modern design that perfectly suits my needs.
The Mobil choke style threads on this choke tube make it quick and easy to attach to my shotgun. This feature allows for easy installation and removal without any hassle. The extended flush design works seamlessly with my shotgun, providing a snug fit and enhanced performance. I am quite impressed with the 20-gauge gauge, which is perfect for my skeet shooting needs.
While I've had a great experience with this Iver Johnson choke tube, I must admit that it can be a bit tough to remove sometimes. However, the trade-off for the secure fit is worth it in my opinion. If you're looking for a high-performance choke tube for your 20-gauge shotgun, you can't go wrong with this Iver Johnson Skeet mobil choke.

🔗High-Quality Stoeger Condor Choke Tube Assembly for Better Performance
When I first heard about the V-Twin Manufacturing Choke Tube Assembly, I knew I had to give it a try. I'm always on the lookout for ways to enhance my Stoeger Condor shotgun's performance, and this seemed like just the ticket.
The installation process was a breeze, and I was impressed with how seamlessly it fit into my gun. The quality was top-notch, and it definitely met or even exceeded the OEM standards. I must say, the difference in the gun's performance was palpable. The gun felt smoother, and the shots were tighter and more controlled.
However, one downside that I noticed was that it made the gun a bit louder than it used to be. But all things considered, the benefits definitely outweighed the noise. Overall, I highly recommend this product for any Stoeger Condor user looking to bump up their gun's performance.

🔗Stoeger Condor Full Choke Tube with .590 Diameter
I've been using Carlsons Choke Tube Flush for a while now, and it has certainly met my expectations. The full choke construction and the. 590 diameter proved to be quite reliable when using steel shot. It's been a game-changer for me, especially when going for long-range shots. The best part is that it's compatible with quite a few shotguns, including Stoeger Condor Tube.
Of course, there are always a few things I wish were different. For one, the steel and stainless design could use a little more durability. I've had some issues with it wearing out over time. Also, while the full choke does a good job with a wide range of shots, I've found that it could use a little more precision for the really tight shots.
But overall, despite those minor issues, I've had a great experience using Carlsons Choke Tube Flush in my daily life. It's a solid addition to any hunting arsenal, especially if you're looking for a reliable full choke that works well with steel shot.

🔗Iver Johnson 20ga. Extended Stainless Steel Choke Tube for Flush or Extended Thread Pattern
I recently gave Iver Johnson's Choke Tube 20ga a shot during my daily shooting practice. I was initially drawn to its sleek, extended stainless steel design and the improved cylinder mobil choke. It worked wonders on my Stoeger Condor.
The choke tube was incredibly easy to install, and I appreciated the MOBIL thread pattern that ensured a tight, secure fit. Not only did it offer a reliable performance, but it also allowed for great versatility, perfect for adjusting my shot pattern to fit different targets.
However, one downside I encountered was the choke tube's tendency to get quite hot, especially during extended shooting sessions. It might be worth considering a heat-resistant material for future designs. Overall, Iver Johnson's Choke Tube 20ga proved to be a game-changer for my Stoeger Condor, and I highly recommend it to anyone looking to enhance their shooting experience.

🔗Easy-To-Use Stuck Choke Tube Removal Tool
I've been using the Carlsons Universal Choke Wrench for several months now and it has become an essential part of my gun maintenance routine. The wrench is incredibly simple but really gets the job done. Its tough design ensures that it can handle the heaviest of choke tubes.
One aspect of the wrench that I particularly love is the added keychain. It's a simple feature, but it means that the wrench is always with me whenever I need it. There's just something reassuring about knowing that I always have my choke wrench handy, just in case.
Another feature that stands out is its heat-treated stainless steel construction. It's solid and durable which gives me confidence that this wrench will last for years to come. And the benefit of not bending is very promising.
However, there is one area where the wrench falls short in my opinion. Despite its universal claim, it doesn't seem to fit all choke tube sizes. It works great for most 12, 20, and 16 gauge chokes, but for some reason it didn't fit all 10 and 28 gauge choke tubes in my setup.
In conclusion, the Carlsons Universal Choke Wrench is a great tool to have in your hunting gear. It's simple, tough, and with the added convenience of a keychain, it's always close at hand when you need it. Despite the few minor quibbles, I'd highly recommend this choke wrench to any gun enthusiast.

🔗Lightning Fast Choke Wrench for Easy Choke Tube Removal
I recently tried out the Carlson Speed Wrench, and it truly lives up to its name. In just a few seconds, I was able to remove and insert 20-gauge choke tubes with relative ease. The wrench is small and lightweight, perfect for carrying in my hunting bag.
One feature that stood out to me was the rubber-wrapped portion of the wrench, which allows for a secure grip on the choke tube without causing damage. This made the wrench a breeze to use, and I didn't have to worry about scratching up my gun.
However, there's a slight downside to the wrench's design. When removing choke tubes, I noticed that they weren't always as secure as I would have liked. This might be due to the fact that there are no teeth on the wrench to hold onto the tube. But overall, I'm still quite satisfied with the Carlson Speed Wrench, especially considering that it's much faster than any traditional wrench.

🔗17-4 Heat Treated Stainless Steel Browning Invector Plus Choke Tubes for Skeet Hunting
For a while now, I've been using the Carlsons 14412 Browning Extended Choke Tube Set. Honestly, the first time I took it out, I wasn't quite sure what to expect from the stainless steel construction. However, a few rounds later, I was pleasantly surprised to find that the durability of the material held up pretty well, especially when I was cleaning after a hunting session—no pit marks to be seen.
One particularly impressive feature was the choke's versatility. With it, I could use various types of ammo, from lead to steel—just like the instructions specified. But one thing that I found a bit confusing was the sizing. It took me a couple of times trying out different ammo sizes to get the knack of it, but once I had it figured out, it worked smoothly.
However, there were a couple of snags as well. For one thing, I wish they had put those laser-marked notch designs on the front lip. It just made it harder for me to figure which one I needed, especially since each choke tube is identical to the next. Secondly, I really missed the convenience of the plastic storage tube and wrench that typically comes with the Browning chokes—I ended up having to buy those separately. It's the little extra touches like those that really make a product stand out.
All in all, the Carlsons14412 Browning Extended Choke Tube Set offers some cool features, and it's performed pretty well for me so far. In terms of quality, I'll give it a 4 out of 5 and highly recommend it to other Browning Invector Plus users. Just keep those missing pieces in mind, or prepare to make a few extra purchases.

🔗Stainless Steel Carlsons Delta Waterfowl Choke Tubes for Hunting
I've had the pleasure of using Carlsons Delta Waterfowl 12GA 2 Pk choke tubes, and let me tell you, they've made quite a difference in my waterfowl shooting experience. Handcrafted with 1704 stainless steel, these choke tubes exude a sense of durability and reliability that I've come to appreciate.
One of the standout features is the 25 percent longer parallel section in the choke, which ensures more consistent patterns, making my shots more accurate and accurate. The knurled end also makes removing these choke tubes a breeze.
While using them, I noticed the steel shot constraint and size were laser marked on both the end and body, making it a breeze for quick reference. However, I would caution shooters to adhere to the recommended steel shot size and speed to avoid any potential damage to the choke tubes.
Overall, these Carlsons Delta Waterfowl choke tubes have been a game-changer for my waterfowl hunting expeditions. Their quality and performance are hard to beat, and I highly recommend them to fellow hunters seeking a more effective and precise shooting experience.

Buyer's Guide

Welcome to our buyer's guide for Carlson Cremator Choke Tubes. This guide aims to provide you with essential information on the product category, helping you make an informed decision when considering purchasing a Carlson Cremator Choke Tube.

What are Carlson Cremator Choke Tubes?

Carlson Cremator Choke Tubes are a type of shotgun choke tube specifically designed for waterfowl hunting. They are engineered to provide accurate and consistent shot patterns, enhancing your hunting experience.

Important Features and Considerations

  1. Material: Carlson Cremator Choke Tubes are typically made of durable materials, such as steel or aluminum, ensuring longevity and reliability.
  2. Choke Patterns: These choke tubes come in various choke patterns, such as modified, improved modified, and full choke, catering to different hunting scenarios and preferences.
  3. Compatibility: Ensure the Carlson Cremator Choke Tube is compatible with your shotgun model and gauge. Compatibility information should be available from the manufacturer or retailer.
  4. Installation: These choke tubes are usually easy to install, but it is essential to follow the manufacturer's instructions to maintain the integrity of the shotgun and the choke tube.

General Advice

  • Always inspect the Carlson Cremator Choke Tube for signs of wear and tear or damage before use, ensuring your safety and the accuracy of your shots.
  • Proper maintenance is key. Clean and lubricate the choke tube as recommended by the manufacturer to maintain its performance and longevity.
  • Consider the intended use of the choke tube when making your purchase. Different choke patterns are suited for different hunting scenarios, so familiarize yourself with the options available and their respective uses.
Carlson Cremator Choke Tubes are a popular choice among waterfowl hunters due to their high-quality design and construction. By understanding the key features, considerations, and advice provided in this guide, you will be better equipped to make an informed decision when purchasing a Carlson Cremator Choke Tube for your shotgun.


What is the Carlson Cremator Choke Tube?

The Carlson Cremator Choke Tube is a precision-engineered, after-market choke tube designed for shotgun owners who want to achieve optimal performance from their firearms. It is manufactured by Carlson's Sportsmens, a well-known brand in the shooting accessories industry.

What are the key benefits of using a Carlson Cremator Choke Tube?

  • Improved accuracy and shot consistency by reducing spread and improving pellet density
  • Tighter pattern for better grouping at longer distances
  • Compatibility with a wide range of shotgun models
  • Durable construction for long-lasting performance
  • Upgradeable option for those seeking better performance from their shotguns

How does the Carlson Cremator Choke Tube work?

The Carlson Cremator Choke Tube restricts the spread of shot pellets by narrowing the exit hole of the barrel. This ensures that the pellets are more tightly grouped and travel in a more uniform pattern, resulting in improved accuracy and shot consistency.

What types of shotguns are compatible with the Carlson Cremator Choke Tube?

The Carlson Cremator Choke Tube is designed to fit shotguns with a choke tube screw thread, which includes popular brands such as Winchester, Remington, and Mossberg. It is essential to check the specific model and thread size of your shotgun before purchasing a choke tube to ensure compatibility.

How is the Carlson Cremator Choke Tube installed on a shotgun?

Installing the Carlson Cremator Choke Tube on a shotgun is a straightforward process. Simply unscrew the existing choke tube using a choke tube wrench or a screwdriver and replace it with the Carlson Cremator Choke Tube. Ensure that the threads are clean and free of debris before installing the new choke tube. Remember to use a choke tube lubricant to prevent damage to the barrel during the installation process.

How do I clean and maintain my Carlson Cremator Choke Tube?

Cleaning and maintaining your Carlson Cremator Choke Tube is essential for ensuring its long-term performance and durability. After each use, clean the choke tube with a cleaning rod and patch or a cleaning solution recommended by Carlson's Sportsmens. Periodically inspect the thread for damage or wear and replace the choke tube if necessary.

What is the warranty period for the Carlson Cremator Choke Tube?

Carlson's Sportsmens offers a limited lifetime warranty on the Carlson Cremator Choke Tube. If the product is found to be defective or fails to meet the user's expectations during the warranty period, the company will provide a replacement or refund.

Where can I purchase the Carlson Cremator Choke Tube?

The Carlson Cremator Choke Tube can be purchased directly from Carlson's Sportsmens website or through authorized dealers. It is crucial to ensure that the product is genuine and meets the manufacturer's specifications to guarantee optimal performance and durability.
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2024.05.19 12:22 Fluffy_Cookie_2023 Discover STYLE Protocol: Transforming NFTs for Cross-Gaming Utility

If you're into NFTs and gaming, STYLE Protocol might be something to keep an eye on. This project aims to build a decentralized infrastructure to make virtual worlds interoperable. Essentially, it allows NFTs to be transformed into functional 3D assets that can be used in any game or metaverse.

What is STYLE Protocol?

STYLE Protocol is a decentralized platform that focuses on making in-game assets like skins, weapons, fashion, or objects functional across different virtual environments. This means that assets you own in one game can be used in another, creating a more seamless gaming experience. The protocol uses the $STYLE token, which facilitates the utility of these assets across various games and virtual worlds.

Key Features

  1. Cross-Gaming Utility: With STYLE Protocol, your NFTs aren't just collectibles—they become functional assets. Imagine using a skin or weapon from one game in another completely different game. This level of interoperability is a significant step forward for the gaming industry.
  2. 3D Asset Conversion: STYLE Protocol allows NFTs to be turned into 3D assets. This means you can take a 2D NFT and make it a usable 3D character or object in a game.
  3. Renting and Lending: If you own NFTs, you can rent or lend them to other players. This creates a new revenue stream, as you can earn money from your assets while you're not using them.
  4. AI Avatar Creation: Don't have an NFT? No problem. You can create an AI avatar by giving commands or rent an NFT from the global network.

Why It Matters

The idea of seeing your character with unique weapons and different skins across various games isn't just a dream anymore. STYLE Protocol is making it a reality, and it shows how far the integration of blockchain technology in gaming has come.

Partnerships and Backers

STYLE Protocol is backed by some significant names in the industry, including Morningstar Ventures, Filecoin, Seedify, and ChainGPT. These partnerships are a testament to the potential and credibility of the project.


You can find $STYLE on platforms like Bitget, MEXC, and Uniswap. The token launched with a $9.2 million fully diluted valuation, indicating it's still early days and might be a good time to get involved.

Public Beta and More

Don't miss out on their public beta. The potential for cross-usable assets and the true multiverse in gaming is exciting. If you're interested in exploring this further, you can check out their social media and official website here.


STYLE Protocol is pushing the boundaries of what's possible with NFTs in gaming. By making these assets usable across different games and allowing for renting and lending, it opens up new opportunities for gamers and NFT enthusiasts alike. Whether you're a hardcore gamer or an NFT collector, this protocol offers a glimpse into the future of digital assets and virtual worlds.
submitted by Fluffy_Cookie_2023 to AltcoinTalk [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:20 B1SHER_ How I started making $10k month - And Hard to Swallow Pill 💊 for everyone

You think you can just sit around and do nothing and make $10k month.
And the fact that everyone who learns even a little 🤏 about business thinks he’s a genius and he will be rich.
If you’re truly dedicated and hard working person then I believe YOU CAN!
But you don’t have any experience.
Today I’m going to tell you how YOU can make $10k month with very little to no effort with Copywriting, Knowing how to land high paying clients and mastering the Artificial Intelligence.
But before that… let me tell you something
Without the passion for learning and truly working hard and staying true to yourself…
I created this community for the TRUE HUSTLERS like me.
My name is Bilal and I’m 24 I’ve been hustler since I was 14 Y/O.
I had a Gameboy back when I was 14 and the Game Cassette’s were expensive for me back then…
I wanted to play as many games as possible but my Pocket Money was like few dollars a month.
That’s when I got the idea of buying USED games at cheap price and selling them at higher price once I completed the game.
By doing so I had enough money to buy more games.
That’s the point in my life where I truly started to hustle.
But there were many ups and downs in my life.
I learned that life will inevitably impart its lessons whether you’re READY or NOT.
As I grew older I tried Flipping and selling products online to flipping online stores and getting commission from selling them.
Then back in 2021 I found out about COPYWRITING and within one year I mastered the SKILL.
On my way I learned How to communicate with clients, How to Close them on Call vs DM, and How you can land high paying clients.
As the time passed and before anybody I started mastering AI and how you can use it for your own advantage.
Before I proceed any further I want you to FOLLOW me.
Because in next Part I’m going to discuss this in detail.
I need 10 people who are willing to learn from the expert and I will teach you everything you need to know about.
submitted by B1SHER_ to bilal_scales [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:20 Count-Daring243 Best Carhartt Yukon Extreme Coveralls

Best Carhartt Yukon Extreme Coveralls
Welcome to our roundup of the rugged and durable Carhartt Yukon Extreme Coveralls! These coveralls will never cease to amaze us with their toughness and versatility. Whether you're facing harsh weather conditions, working in a demanding environment, or simply need a reliable pair of coveralls for any task, we've got you covered with this comprehensive review.

The Top 8 Best Carhartt Yukon Extreme Coveralls

  1. Carhartt Men's Yukon Extremes Insulated Active Jacket - Black - Experience comfort, warmth, and protection in the great outdoors with Carhartt's Yukon Extremes Insulated Active Jacket - the perfect blend of abrasion resistance, insulation, reflective detailing, and multiple pockets.
  2. Carhartt Washed Duck Insulated Coverall: Tough, Warm, and Versatile Workwear - The Carhartt Washed Duck Insulated Coverall delivers warmth and durability, making it the perfect workwear choice for cold days, with comfort features like adjustable closure and quilted nylon lining.
  3. Carhartt Flame-Resistant Twill Coveralls with Comfort Flex Waistband - Belt Loops - Protect yourself from flames with Carhartt's Flame-Resistant coveralls featuring UL-classified twill fabric, secure chest pockets, and a comfortable waistband, making work with arcs a breeze.
  4. Superior Insulated Coveralls for Extreme Weather - Carhartt Men's Yukon Extremes Insulated Coverall in black, featuring heavy-duty materials, insulation, and protective features for unmatched cold-weather performance.
  5. Carhartt Men's Yukon Insulated Biberall: Thinsulate Insulation and Reflective Tape for Cold Weather Comfort - Experience top-quality warmth and protection with the Carhartt Yukon Extreme Coveralls, featuring Thinsulate insulation, water-repellent construction, and reflective taping for optimal performance in harsh weather conditions.
  6. Carhartt Women's Yukon Insulated Coverall: Ultimate Cold Weather Protection - Stay warm and dry all winter with the Carhartt Women's Yukon Insulated Coverall, featuring Wind Fighter technology and Rain Defender durability for protection against freezing weather and whipping winds.
  7. Workrite Coveralls - Lightweight, Breathable, and Flame Resistant - Breathable and durable, the Carhartt Mens Flame Resistant Force Loose Fit Lightweight Coverall meets industry standards for fire protection and offers comfort in an all-day wear.
  8. Flame Resistant Carhartt Coveralls for Comfort and Protection - Stay protected and comfortable in the Carhartt Men's Flame Resistant Traditional Twill Coverall, featuring 100% cotton construction, zipper closure, and UL Classified NFPA 2112 compliant fabric.
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🔗Carhartt Men's Yukon Extremes Insulated Active Jacket - Black
Recently, I purchased the Carhartt Men's Yukon Extremes Insulated Active Jacket, and I'm quite satisfied with its performance. As someone who spends a lot of time outdoors, it's important for me to have a jacket that's not only durable but also well-insulated and wind-resistant. This active jacket did not disappoint.
The first thing that caught my attention when I received the jacket was the 3M Thinsulate insulation, which provides excellent warmth without feeling too bulky. I'm particularly fond of the hood design, featuring a drawcord and reflective Carhartt patch. The hood not only keeps me protected from rain and snow but also ensures visibility during nighttime activities.
However, one area where the jacket could be improved is its zipper quality. While the plastic zipper works fine, I'm more accustomed to metal zippers, which are generally more reliable and durable. In addition, the jacket can be somewhat noisy when walking due to the swishy fabric sound - not ideal for hunting purposes.
Despite these minor drawbacks, I believe the Carhartt Men's Yukon Extremes Insulated Active Jacket is a fantastic choice for anyone looking for a reliable and well-insulated winter coat. Its attractive design, variety of pockets, and comfortable fit make it a versatile option for both recreational activities and daily life. Overall, I'm pleased with my purchase and believe many others will be too.

🔗Carhartt Washed Duck Insulated Coverall: Tough, Warm, and Versatile Workwear
These Carhartt Washed Duck Insulated Coveralls provided a comfortable and practical solution for my work needs. The quilted nylon lining and midweight polyester insulation kept me warm on chilly days without causing me to overheat.
The heavyweight cotton duck fabric was durable and had a broken-in feel, well-suited for outdoor construction tasks. The ankle-to-waist zippers and full front zipper made it easy to put on and take off, while the nine pockets and reinforced kick panels offered ample storage and protection.
The ribbed storm cuffs, comfortflex waistband, bi-swing back, and pleated elbows ensured a comfortable fit and easy movement. Although it was a bit difficult to get to the pants' pockets without reaching through, overall, I found these coveralls to be of great quality, durability, and warmth.

🔗Carhartt Flame-Resistant Twill Coveralls with Comfort Flex Waistband - Belt Loops
As someone who's tried these Carhartt Flame-Resistant Loose Fit Twill coveralls out in the field, I must say, they truly shine when it comes to safety and comfort. These coveralls, equipped with flame-resistant twill, offer the perfect balance of style and function for those working with arcs and flames.
One of the standout features is the two-way zip front, featuring a storm flap and high-temperature resistant FR zipper tape. It effortlessly opens up to reveal a comfortable loose fit, accentuated by a stretchy comfort flex waistband. The adjustable waistband not only ensures a snug fit but also allows for ease of movement with the back yoke featuring pleats.
The added element of safety is taken into consideration with the chest pockets, which are both secure and convenient. They come with flaps and a hook & loop closure that keeps valuable items safe without compromising on accessibility. And don't forget about the UL classification to NFPA 2112 – it's a testament to the coveralls' commitment to keeping its wearers safe from potential hazards.
While there are a few minor issues, such as the occasional need for adjusting sizes based on inseam lengths, overall, these Carhartt coveralls have been a reliable addition to my work wardrobe. From their practical design to their emphasis on safety, they have proven to be a worthy investment in the long run.

🔗Superior Insulated Coveralls for Extreme Weather
As a reviewer who recently tried the Carhartt Men's Yukon Extremes Insulated Coveralls, I was impressed by the level of warmth they provide. Working in chilly conditions, I found the 3M Thinsulate insulation to be a game-changer, keeping me toasty even on the coldest days. The wind resistance and waterproofing also proved effective, as I dealt with harsh gusts and rain.
However, one downside was the fit; I had to size up to get the extra room I needed for layering underneath. Despite this minor inconvenience, I would recommend this coverall to anyone working in extreme cold conditions and seeking reliable protection.

🔗Carhartt Men's Yukon Insulated Biberall: Thinsulate Insulation and Reflective Tape for Cold Weather Comfort
Windy days used to mean a chilly workplace, but now, thanks to the Carhartt Yukon Extremes, I'm snug and cozy even when the wind is howling. The Thinsulate insulation was a game-changer. One day, I was working in the freezing cold, and I was amazed that I didn't feel the chill. The water-repellent construction has also been my savior. One day, I accidentally splash some water during my work, and to my delight, my bib didn't soak it up. My visibility was also boosted by the reflective taping, making my outdoor activities a lot safer.
The Wind Fighter technology did an excellent job keeping the wind at bay, even in the harshest conditions. However, I felt that the Rain Defender wasn't living up to its name. On one occasion, I encountered some heavy rain, and to my disappointment, some water seeped in through the bib. I appreciate the adjustable elastic suspenders for their convenience, but I noticed they weren't as sturdy as I would have liked.
Overall, the Carhartt Yukon Extremes bib is a reliable choice for those who need a combination of warmth and protection. Despite the minor drawbacks, it has been my go-to for outdoor tasks on chilly days.

🔗Carhartt Women's Yukon Insulated Coverall: Ultimate Cold Weather Protection
As a cold weather enthusiast, I've tried the Carhartt Yukon Extreme Coveralls and let me tell you, they are an absolute game-changer in the winter season! The first thing I noticed was their sleek design, perfect for those who need a practical yet stylish outfit to face the cold. The zipper closure was a breeze to use, and the 6.5-ounce, 500-denier Cordura nylon shell offered a robust protection from harsh weather conditions.
One of the features that truly stood out to me was the 150g 3M Thinsulate insulation, ensuring that I could confidently venture into the heart of winter without shivering. The 3M Scotchlite Carbon Black reflective taping on the center back and double front also provided extra safety when I was out in low-light conditions.
The Wind Fighter technology and Rain Defender durable water repellent (DWR) gave me the peace of mind that I could withstand some light rain without feeling soaked. The triple-stitched main seams, center front zipper, and rib-knit storm cuffs provided all the reinforcements needed to shield me from the wind.
However, there were a couple of cons that I couldn't overlook. Firstly, the coveralls were a bit restrictive in terms of movement, making it difficult to perform certain tasks. Secondly, the sizing seemed a bit off, and finding the perfect fit was quite the challenge.
Overall, the Carhartt Yukon Insulated Coverall is a fantastic option for anyone looking for protection from the chilliest weather. It may not be perfect, but it undeniably gets the job done and makes me feel like a winter warrior out on the field.

🔗Workrite Coveralls - Lightweight, Breathable, and Flame Resistant
I recently had the opportunity to wear the Carhartt Men's Flame Resistant Force Loose Fit Lightweight Coverall on a typical workday. Firstly, its distinctive Breathable honeycomb weave fabric stood out, offering me great all-day comfort. This lightweight coverall also passed crucial performance requirements and was classified to NFPA 2112, showcasing its effectiveness at protecting wearers against hazards.
The Force technology was particularly impressive, as it efficiently wicked away sweat and helped the garment dry fast, preventing any unpleasant odors from sticking around. Moreover, this coverall kept me cool throughout the day thanks to the FastDry technology, which I found extremely convenient.
In terms of construction, this coverall was built with an anti-static, colorfast fabric that was wrinkle-resistant and conveniently featured a two-way front zipper with a secure storm flap. It also had two secure chest pockets perfect for storing small essentials.
The comfort flex waistband provided increased comfort, and the back yoke with pleats ensured ease of movement. This versatile workwear also boasted multiple utility pockets for added storage, an adjustable sleeve cuff with snap closure, and ankle-to-knee leg openings that fit nicely over boots.
However, after a long day in the Carhartt Coverall, I realized it wasn't as convenient as I hoped when it came to ledge pockets. Accessing the lower-front ledge pockets was slightly challenging with a side-entry pass-through. Nonetheless, I appreciated the attention to detail through the addition of NFPA 2112 and FR labels on the left-chest pocket.
In conclusion, the Carhartt Men's Flame Resistant Force Loose Fit Lightweight Coverall proved to be a reliable garment in providing essential protection and functionality at work. Despite the slight drawback with the ledge pockets, overall it's a practical and comfortable choice for those looking for top-notch flame-resistant workwear.

🔗Flame Resistant Carhartt Coveralls for Comfort and Protection
I've been using these Carhartt flame resistant coveralls for quite some time, and I must say, they've proven to be incredibly durable and comfortable. One of my favorite features is their 100% cotton material, which makes them perfect for a variety of outdoor tasks. However, I've noticed that they can be a bit warm during the summer months.
Despite this little inconvenience, the coveralls' overall quality is top-notch. The spread collar and multiple pockets have made it convenient for me to carry my tools while on the go. The zipper closure ensures a secure fit, while the machine wash feature makes cleaning a breeze.
What truly sets these coveralls apart is their Carhartt FR label, which guarantees compliance with NFPA 70 E standards and UL Classification to NFPA 2112. This additional layer of safety is something I appreciate when working on high-risk projects.
In all honesty, I'm really happy with my experience using these Carhartt coveralls, and I'm confident they'll continue to serve me well in the future. If you're in the market for a high-quality, comfortable, and functional piece of workwear, I would definitely recommend giving these a try.

Buyer's Guide

When it comes to cold weather gear, Carhartt Yukon Extreme Coveralls are a popular choice for many consumers. These high-quality, durable coveralls offer excellent protection against harsh winter conditions, making them an ideal choice for outdoor enthusiasts, construction workers, and anyone who needs to stay warm and comfortable during colder months. In this buyer's guide, we will discuss the important features, considerations, and advice for Carhartt Yukon Extreme Coveralls, ensuring that you make an informed purchase decision. Let's dive in!

Material and Insulation

The Carhartt Yukon Extreme Coveralls are made from a combination of materials designed to provide superior insulation and durability. The coveralls feature a heavyweight, double-backed Polyester-Fleece fabric that is both breathable and comfortable, while offering excellent insulation. This ensures that the wearer stays warm even in extremely cold temperatures. Additionally, the coveralls are equipped with Thinsulate insulation, which is specifically designed to provide optimum warmth and breathability in extreme cold conditions. So, when considering the Carhartt Yukon Extreme Coveralls, make sure to look for these insulation features.

Fit and Comfort

One of the most important factors to consider when purchasing coveralls is fit and comfort. Carhartt Yukon Extreme Coveralls are available in various sizes and have an elastic waist and adjustable cuffs to ensure a proper fit. It is crucial to choose a size that suits your body snugly, without being too tight, to allow for ease of movement and maximum comfort throughout the day.

Durability and Longevity

Carhartt is recognized for its high-quality, durable products, and the Yukon Extreme Coveralls are no exception. These coveralls are designed to withstand the wear and tear of everyday use. The heavy-duty, reinforced seams, and industrial-strength zippers ensure that the coveralls maintain their shape and functionality over time. With proper care, the Carhartt Yukon Extreme Coveralls can last for years, making them a smart investment in cold weather gear.

Weather Resistance and Waterproofing

Another critical aspect to consider when purchasing cold weather gear is weather resistance and waterproofing. The Carhartt Yukon Extreme Coveralls feature a durable, water-resistant coating that helps keep moisture out, ensuring that the wearer stays dry and warm even in wet, snowy conditions. Make sure to look for this feature when purchasing the Carhartt Yukon Extreme Coveralls, as it contributes to the overall effectiveness of the coveralls in harsh weather conditions.

Additional Features and Accessories

Carhartt Yukon Extreme Coveralls come with various features and accessories that enhance their functionality and performance. These may include multiple pockets for storage, reflective tape for increased visibility, and adjustable cuffs and waist for a proper fit. Make sure to consider all these features when shopping for the Carhartt Yukon Extreme Coveralls to ensure you get the best value for your money.

Care and Maintenance

To maintain the quality and performance of your Carhartt Yukon Extreme Coveralls, it is essential to follow proper care and maintenance instructions. This could include washing the coveralls using the recommended laundry detergent, avoiding harsh chemicals or high-heat drying, and storing them in a cool, dry place. By taking good care of your coveralls, you will ensure they last long and continue to provide excellent protection against the elements.
In conclusion, when shopping for Carhartt Yukon Extreme Coveralls, it's essential to consider the material and insulation, fit and comfort, durability and longevity, weather resistance and waterproofing, additional features and accessories, and care and maintenance. By taking these factors into account, you will ensure that you get the best quality and performance out of your investment. Happy shopping!


What makes the Carhartt Yukon Extreme Coveralls stand out?

The Carhartt Yukon Extreme Coveralls are designed for extreme cold weather protection. They are made with a waterproof, windproof, and insulated fabric that keeps the wearer warm in freezing temperatures. Additionally, the coveralls feature multiple pockets for storage and adjustable cuffs to seal out the cold.

What is the insulation level of the Carhartt Yukon Extreme Coveralls?

The Carhartt Yukon Extreme Coveralls have an insulation level of 120 grams. This insulation provides the necessary warmth to keep the wearer comfortable in extremely cold conditions.

Are the Carhartt Yukon Extreme Coveralls waterproof?

'Yes, the Carhartt Yukon Extreme Coveralls are designed to be waterproof. The fabric is coated with a water-repellent finish that helps keep the wearer dry and comfortable in wet or snowy conditions.

Do the Carhartt Yukon Extreme Coveralls have adjustable cuffs?

'Yes, the Carhartt Yukon Extreme Coveralls feature adjustable cuffs that help seal out the cold. The cuffs can be tightened or loosened depending on the wearer's preference and the weather conditions.

What colors are the Carhartt Yukon Extreme Coveralls available in?

'The Carhartt Yukon Extreme Coveralls are available in several colors, including camo, navy, and olive green.

What size range do the Carhartt Yukon Extreme Coveralls come in?

'The Carhartt Yukon Extreme Coveralls come in a range of sizes, from S up to 3X. This ensures that the coveralls can accommodate a wide range of users.

What kind of fabric are the Carhartt Yukon Extreme Coveralls made of?

'The Carhartt Yukon Extreme Coveralls are made of a waterproof, windproof, and insulated fabric that provides warmth and protection in extreme cold weather conditions.

What is the weight of the Carhartt Yukon Extreme Coveralls?

'The Carhartt Yukon Extreme Coveralls weigh approximately 3.5 pounds, making them light enough to wear comfortably without sacrificing warmth or durability.

Do the Carhartt Yukon Extreme Coveralls have any pockets?

'Yes, the Carhartt Yukon Extreme Coveralls feature multiple pockets that provide convenient storage for tools, equipment, and other items needed while working in extreme weather conditions.

How durable are the Carhartt Yukon Extreme Coveralls?

'The Carhartt Yukon Extreme Coveralls are designed to be durable and long-lasting. They are made with high-quality materials and construction, ensuring that they can withstand the demands of extreme weather conditions and heavy use.

Are the Carhartt Yukon Extreme Coveralls safe to use in electrical work?

'No, the Carhartt Yukon Extreme Coveralls are not safe to use in electrical work. They are designed for extreme weather protection and not for electrical hazard protection. If you need protection for electrical work, you should use specialized coveralls or suits designed for that purpose.
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submitted by Count-Daring243 to u/Count-Daring243 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:16 The_Dying_Swan - Free £7.50 to start (all in 1 minute). Plus, earn 10% of your referrals! Make hundreds of pounds with Amazon free trials and similar offers

Make hundreds of pounds with this site! Start by answering 3 simple questions about you in a few seconds.
Cashback dot co dot uk is strikingly similar to the now defunct 20Cogs.

They have 15 levels where you can complete various tasks at each level (you are given options). Once you have completed a task from each level, you can cash out.
The very easy ones I highly recommend to start with are the free trials, in particular the Amazon trials.
If you’ve taken already many of the Prime trials. Making a second, separate Prime account should work. So, use that alternative account and email instead. All the Prime video offers will easily add up quickly and they track and confirm within days.

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submitted by The_Dying_Swan to beermoneyuk [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:16 Jast1 Better Looking PSP/PS1 Bubbles: Adrenaline Bubbles Manager Guide (With Pictures)

Better Looking PSP/PS1 Bubbles: Adrenaline Bubbles Manager Guide (With Pictures)
For those that don’t know what Adrenaline Bubble Manager is:
It’s a PS Vita Homebrew app that allows you to create bubbles in the live area for PSP/PS1 games so that you don’t have to go into adrenaline.
In addition it allows you to customise how the game boots and behaves individually when you are playing so you can adjust the settings to your liking. E.g boot with no plugins or making the PS button go to the live area instead of showing adrenaline settings.
Once you launch the app I reccomend selecting TRIANGLE to select all your games and converting them to bubbles.
For those of you that have loads of games and hate pressing X to name everything. Before you do anything press START and change ‘Default BubbleName’ to ‘By Name’ this will speed up the process.
For those who use Adrenaline Bubble Manager already:
Press CIRCLE to access ‘Bubbles Settings’. Whilst any game is highlighted press X to ‘Inject Images’.
You should now be on a page called ‘Bubble Resource Loader’ which should be empty (on my screenshot I already have stuff in there, you will come back to this page in later steps).
Now press SELECT for ‘Resources Online’ this should take you to a limited selection of 1/24 pages (loading takes some time). Using the RIGHT arrow key you can go to the next page. (And LEFT to go to the previous page)
Here you are able to download better images for games from other users who have uploaded their work for PSP/PS1 games. Pressing X on highlighter titles will download them straight to the previous area ‘Bubble Resource Loader’.
Once you are happy with the icons/resources you have downloaded. Press CIRCLE to go back to ‘Bubble Resource Loader’, from there you can see the icons you have downloaded.
Now from the ‘Bubble Resource Loader’ press X on the title that correlates to the game you initially selected to ‘Inject Images’ and then press START to to load all the new images to the bubble.
And that’s it! You would then just need to Inject images to each game individually from Bubble Settings which can be time consuming but definitely worth it! Certainly helpful for those games like Kingdom Hearts Birth by sleep that will use the install image as its icon!
Any questions don’t hesitate to ask.
I originally followed a YouTube tutorial and this was never mentioned so I was so happy to find you can do this from the app! Obviously not every game is going to be there but it covers most areas!
submitted by Jast1 to VitaPiracy [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:14 Difficult_Bed9190 Ive been wondering….

Hey! I see u doing good or at least better. Idk whats really going on with your life anymore but I accidentally saw your posts because of our mutual friend. He told me that u are out there enjoying life, partying, and socializing. But somehow I could deep down feel your sadness. So, Ive been wondering if u wanted an apology from me. (Maybe its why u unblocked and went public) But on top of this, I wanted to send you a sincere apology anyway so I’ll write it down here even though it is anonymous. I am truly sorry for making you feel empty and worthless. What I did and said were wrong. At that time, I was “fighting my demons” in my head simultaneously when we had arguments. I kept feeding my anger to explode by overthinking. Although, u showed me that u care and unconditional love, I couldn’t recognize it at all. I cant even imagine the pain that I caused. I made you cry so many times….I still regret not hugging you when you were crying. Moreover, even though I promised to do some things to make u feel better and do some things on my end, I didn’t. But you’d be surprised how many letters and writings I still have that are not shown to you. I still remember writing down every little things that u like on my iphone memo. The first thing that I wrote was snoopy. I remember looking for a snoopy merchs to impress you when we first met. But, because of the chaos that I created here we are as two strangers. I was listening to Lil uzi’s song called ‘the way life goes’ the other day otw back to where Im at rn and I could relate to one specific lyrics from the song. “But I like that girl too much, I wish I never met her.” I wish I never met you. U deserve the best so go get’em pilot. My wrld cant contain you cuz u are too bright. I will always support you from a distance.
submitted by Difficult_Bed9190 to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:14 Kaydencolton A Victim shares how a good CSI can help when being scammed

A woman from Toronto who lost $345,000 in a cryptocurrency scam is speaking up to stop others from falling into the same trap. Stella, who asked us not to use her full name because she is embarrassed, said it was last fall that she saw a story on YouTube that said she could make money investing in cryptocurrencies. “It said invest in crypto this is the most current way to get rich,” Stella said. She contacted the company through their website and someone called her and convinced her to start investing with $300 and when she saw that amount grow she decided to invest even more. “I trusted him and I wired him $100,000,” Stella said. At one point the scammer sent her $5,000 and told her to start "acting like a rich woman" and buy herself diamond earrings. After she did that she felt the company must be legitimate and she invested another $240,000. “Seeing my money grow I got very excited, I’m like, 'Wow! That’s a great way to make money very fast,'” Stella said. On paper, it looked like her money had doubled, but when she tried to take funds out of her account, she couldn't. That's when she realized it was fraudulent and she was scammed out of the total investment of $345,000. “I was ashamed to tell anybody that I got scammed so easily with so much money,” Stella said. According to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre, Canadians lost $309 million to investment scams in 2023.
Stella said losing $345,000 has been devastating for her and she wanted to share her story to warn others. “I’m very upset about this and I don’t want this to happen to other people. Some people caught in crypto scams are victimized again when criminals call them to say they can get their money back. Most times they fall into the wrong hands again not knowing that there are people who are trained experts in recovery. With a good cybersecurity investigator, you’d be able to track your asset and regain it,” Stella said
It is difficult to track down scammers on your own as they could be halfway across the world, but some forensic experts have proved useful in tracking and retrieving lost cryptocurrency, Albert Guzman is one big name who has grown increasingly popular amongst victims of crypto fraud for his work in CSI in tracking and retrieving lost virtual currencies. Remember, if anything appears to be too good to be true, it generally is, and it's worth double-checking before proceeding.
submitted by Kaydencolton to complaintdesk [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:13 heyyyitsjess_ my experience with streamers of all sizes, as a streamer~ an inspired rant from seeing a friends tweet: "When people show you who they are PLEASE BELIEVE THEM."

There will probs be more posts like this in time. Only bc I refuse to be silenced by "Cancel Culture" or "Blacklisting"

Streaming has shown me a completely different kind of evil people and almost all of them preach kindness and inclusivity while “protecting their communities” publicly but privately is a whole different animal.
Once, as a baby streamer I went to one of those preachy kinda streamers who I thought was actually a pretty good friend cuz she said she loved me so much she called me her sister. I thought I was safe to confess the sensitive information that I had been excessively cyberstalked and sexually harassed by someone in the community, not that I wanted them to do anything about it but i wanted them to know why that person may be yelling his version of events to anyone that will listen when I inevitably have to ban him. At the time i did not know this person was a frienemy but when the time was right for them, they used that sensitive info to hurt me and made the man who sexually harassed me & cyber stalked me their mod, even tho they knew he went as far as threatening to kill me if I wasn’t his friend. Others on twitter came forward shortly after saying he’s done this before. AND on top of that, that same frienemy added their other streamer buddy who was more well connected with other streamers AND MODS as her mod too and he was actually the first out of everyone to victim blame me for being harassed, stalked, and threatened w\o asking for proof. When he found out I had proof, he lied to others saying I bullied the poor guy I banned and accused. He then confidently smear campaigned me (failed) on Twitter back then just because I wanted a public apology. This streamemod combo conman later became a very loud mod to the guy who publicly announced my cancellation and without a doubt in my opinion was one of the ones pushing him to do it.
THEN there's the kinds of “safe space acceptance of all” assholes that team up with the above assholes
These guys within themselves have a tight inner circle of people all groomed to be loyal (people that owe the leader something out of admiration for being helped through a life event-for example needing money for Christmas for your kids, money to stop a house being foreclosed on, money for whatever. OR false promises of success and support on twitch through various means) These kind of people love raising money for private causes and not actual charities to play hero to suffering individuals they raised the money for-so people feel indebted to them. These same streamers also have no problem only coming back to streaming to ask for personal donations to help them in their time of "need" literal days before a huge St Judes Community fundraiser event. Ponder that as you will.
They use their loyal gophers to stalk, bully & blacklists anyone thats makes them feel disobeyed, threatened, envious, or bitter. They even go against their own, people there aren’t allowed to have differing opinions because anything different than the leaders is “disrespectful” and personal slight towards them. Those people usually slowly get pushed unless they redeem themselves or give up dirt on someone on the watch list.
& to the people who courageously leave bc it becomes creepy finding out how fucked the inner workings really are, People like me, become public enemy #1. You all know what happened there and if you dont, comment and ill tell you about "The Great Cancelation of HeyyyitJess" fucking cringe bro im really not that important lmao
ANYWAY These kinda streamers use their loyals to pressure other creators or threaten to take their numbers away if they refuse to obey or stop being friends with someone they want deplatformed. Yes, I said Deplatformed. They do this so they don’t catch the fall when the truth comes out how fucked up this behavior is. They have an almost onion layered shield around them taking the full brunt of it all. If called out they could say something like "Those were my mods who conspired with those other people to plan a scandal, not me, but im sorry this is happening to you. Mistakes were made." or "I was not threatening to take your viewership, support, relevancy or friends away, that was my mods who i have no control over. Mistakes were made" \)keeps all mods and rewards them*
ALLEGEDLY 😂 these are my personal experience of what ive witnessed or others who have come forward but i could be a big fat liar guys its up to you who knows i might think im jesus too and think i can become the irl sailor moon or little mermaid lol its not funny but bc its so ridiculous its hard not to laugh.**
I DIGRESS-But u know who does end up getting the fall? The streamer who they convinced enough to make a declaration LIVE ON STREAM March 21st 2024 for the first 45 minutes of stream (vod is still up and ill link it-if its taken down i have it recorded and saved per legal advice Paskaroni's March 21st 2024 VOD Rule #1 Stream. • QotD) **(assuming he is talking about me bc ik he was and so does everyone else) that im-**in not exact words but close-a bully, toxic, and he declared me and my 3 friends a danger to the whole community so in his words we were and are now “DEAD” in the community...In my POV, He said that not once but twice giggling with glee basically as he told the community to flame me out bc I apparently don’t deserve to be on Twitch, have success, friends, or a platform etc and that he knows the community is strong enough to make this happen. He then seemingly encouraged people to DM him to find out who he was talking about because he had no problem sharing all the names in order to get rid of the filth of the community. Also went on bragging that at CONs they all talk about us bad people and share notes with everyone to protect the whole website from us bullies (ooooo im so scary with my truth and autistic personality that seeks justice)
I want to draw more attention to the fact that the streamer said this ALL WITHOUT PROOF. & admitted on his own accord and free will ALL BY HIMSELF there was no proof, that there were alot of screenshots from the haters that didnt say much but that he wanted to give HIS 12 hater friends the benefit of the doubt even though he always saw me as a wonderfully positive part of the community. I guess I suddenly wasnt considered a friend which is oh so convenient. Not even considered enough so to get the same benefit of the doubt let alone a conversation in general. I wouldve happily handed over the link to the 5GB file of VODS, others testimonies via calls and VALID screenshots as well as a list of other peoples info who are willing to be CREDIBLE references that witnessed events as well but NOOOOO im too scary for that. Sorry tho guys I guess im not as evil as you all think i am especially not enough to go through with suing most of their asses like my lawyer wanted. And im poor as fuck so that should mean alot.
So back at it, now, who did him wrong? In my experience the kinda cult communities that do this bullshit is easy to spot once you know what this looks like. They manipulate people, and they dont discriminate, their prey could even be the most well meaning streamers- like the one who fell victim this time. (I'm very heartbroken that that streamer i linked did that to me live and essentially had hundreds of people leaving me hate dms, threatening me, threatening my friends, friends of friends, and stream leaders, but i still am mature enough to know he is a victim too in a way).
The problematic predatory streamers or communities like the ones responsible for this dumpster fire are usually the ones preaching and over amplifying positive vibes, safe space, inclusiveness, encouragement, acceptance, enabling etc bc they are a “close knit gamers of chosen family” or even the infamous kinda things some people say unironically “were totally not a cult-those people are cults OMG do you see how toxic...THAT STREAMER IS FAKE AF she is alllllll makeup look at and her simps. She's not even a good streamer or gamer she just has her simps play for her” seeing people saying that publicly on any platform seriously is......BIG RED FLAG oh and unfotunately get used to all the toxic men getting away with everything. sad but true. then you have me over here who gets cancelled for breathing wrong. Its apart of life and i hate it. SO HERE WE ARE
BASICALLY notice if you join one of these kind of communities see how fast you can pick up on mean girl behavior. itll be obvious. (Ive seen both cult themes vary in a dark silly way but the worst I have seen is a cult theme disguised as a form of DnD themed video game religion-both sinister af imo) like these people straight up have calculated religious church or temple themed community roles like The Archpriest, Highest Priestess, Acolytes, Initiates, "so in so's" whipping boy etc.
But yeah those total MotherMarys & JesusTheHealer's that own those kinda communities totally would NEVER abuse their connections or false appearance of power to start a witch hunt of cruel lies towards an ex inner circle member who walked away. Nah it couldn’t be that they would only do that just bc they were paranoid and guilty of what little ol me or whoever knows like...idk....their unmasked personal life behaviors and actions. Nah. Couldnt be them.
All in all....Ill never understand what the point of witch hunting and manipulating creators to shield you or get them to do your dirty work is, bc it will always come to light. None of it logically makes sense on a healthy level and people will realize that it sure does seem like peeps have alot to hide or cover up EHH? 🫎
Or maybe not. Walking away peacefully and minding your own business apparently now justifies a witch hunt cyberbully party based on lies no one even attempted to confront me about. So that being said youre fucked either way. BE CAREFUL ON TWITCH lol
Id be surprised if i dont get attack comments on this. <-says this cuz now they won’t but a few passive aggressive ones won’t resist the urge for sure. Its always the ones that seem the kindest but also the loudest about how kind they are. Just something to consider.
submitted by heyyyitsjess_ to u/heyyyitsjess_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:12 Lord_PanDA_ (Fixed) Apple TV Not Working on Roku? Here're 7 Sure Fixes For Both Roku Players & TVs

(Fixed) Apple TV Not Working on Roku? Here're 7 Sure Fixes For Both Roku Players & TVs
I recently encountered some problems with the Apple TV app not working on my Roku. After trying out numerous fixes and consulting various tech forums, I've put together a list of the most effective solutions:
NOTE: If you’re looking for a more detailed step-by-step guide complete with demo images for each solution, just check out the hyperlink under the solution's name.
Full article here:

1. Check Compatibility

First, it's essential to ensure that your Roku device is compatible with the Apple TV app. Not all Roku models support the app, so it's important to verify your model against the compatibility list here:
  • Roku Smart Soundbar 9100X
  • Roku 4K TV 6000X, 7000X, A000X, C000X, G000X
  • Roku 8K TV E000X
  • Roku TV 8000X, D000X
  • Roku Smart Soundbar 9101X, 9102X
  • Roku Express 3900X, 3930X, 3940X
  • Roku Express+ 3910X, 3931X, 3941X
  • Roku HD 3932X
  • Roku Streaming Stick 3600X, 3800X, 3820X
  • Roku Streaming Stick+ 3810X, 3811X, 3821X
  • Roku Premiere 3920X, 4620X
  • Roku Premiere+ 3921X, 4630X
  • Roku Ultra 4640X, 4660X, 4661X, 4670X, 4800X
  • Roku Ultra LT 4662X
  • Roku 2 4210X, 4205X
  • Roku 3 4200X, 4230X

2. Adjust Audio Settings

Some users have managed to resolve issues with Apple TV programs not launching or playing correctly by adjusting the audio settings on their Roku.
Quick Guide: Navigate to Settings > Audio > Digital Output Format > Custom > Dolby, and then select either Dolby Digital or Dolby Digital Plus.

3. Fix Frozen Programs

If you're dealing with programs that take forever to load, try loading the frozen program on another device first.
Quick Guide: Start the program on another device that has Apple TV, then reopen it on your Roku.

4. Reinstall the Apple TV App

If the app itself is frozen or not loading, reinstalling the Apple TV app might solve the problem.
Quick Guide: Remove the app, reboot your Roku through the settings menu, and then reinstall the Apple TV app.

5. Check Your Wi-Fi Connection

A stable and strong internet connection is crucial for running Apple TV smoothly.
Tips: Perform a soft reset of your router, use the 5GHz band if your router is close to the device, and make sure your router is not overheating.

6. Update Software

Ensuring that both the Apple TV app and your Roku firmware are up to date is vital as outdated software can lead to issues.
Quick Guide: To update the Apple TV app, press the Asterisk (*) key and select 'Check for updates.' To update the Roku firmware, go to Settings > System > Software update > Check now.

7. Check Apple TV Server Status

At times, the problem could be due to Apple’s servers being down. It's a good idea to check the Apple Support’s System Status page to confirm if there are any ongoing issues.
I'd love to hear about your experiences or any other troubleshooting tips you’ve tried. Share your thoughts in the comments below!
submitted by Lord_PanDA_ to FixAppleTV [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:10 glancesurreal Title winner and two time Player of the tournament winner for Rajasthan Royals (2008 & 2013) Shane Watson falls prey to recency bias and misses the top 3. Vote for your next elimination. (Subtext description for more information)

Title winner and two time Player of the tournament winner for Rajasthan Royals (2008 & 2013) Shane Watson falls prey to recency bias and misses the top 3. Vote for your next elimination. (Subtext description for more information)
Personally disappointed that we let recency bias affect the top 3. Watson is simply an all time great for RR. But I noticed how many fans here have some grudge against him just because he has associated himself with CSK multiple times after retirement. To be honest, that doesn't matter to me while making these rankings. I couldn't care whether Watson selects CSK or RR as his favourite team after retirement from this game. Fact of the matter is that he was a clutch player for us in the past. Back when we were the underdog team, he was one of the few players to have played match winning performances consistently. Yes, Buttler has the stats and centuries owing to his extraordinary run in 2022 season. But that doesn't compare to winning a Title! Watson was the Man of the Tournament in 2008 when we lifted the Trophy 🏆!!! That should be ranked higher than an orange cap win with 5 centuries in a season; atleast in my books. For RR, Watson is the only player who has been player of the tournament "twice" !!
Anyways, let's continue and move on to the next round
• To keep voting count simpler and less tedious, please scroll through comments and check whether the player's name is already there and just leave an upvote if you agree to eliminate that player.
• I have tried to balance the player's stats as well as his importance in royals' history while selecting these 13 players from past to present of Rajasthan Royals. Yes I know there might be recency bias and a few names missing that you would have rather wanted to feature. Kindly forgive if I missed that special royal of yours.
• I have decided to eliminate one player everyday so that we have a result of the ranking order by the time knockout matches begin in this season.
Remaining players to vote (left to right and top to bottom): Buttler, Warne, Samson
Ranking list so far:
• 4: Watson • 5: Dravid. • 6: Faulkner. • 7: Pathan. • 8: Chahal. • 9: Rahane. • 10: Archer. • 11: Boult. • 12: Jaiswal. • 13: Hetmyer.
Remember, you vote to eliminate the player!
submitted by glancesurreal to RajasthanRoyals [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:10 AutoModerator Help Me Choose / Daily Discussion (Post here to follow rules A & B) - Sunday May 19, 2024

Looking for a signature scent, or a new scent for the season? Need suggestions of scents to try?
Shopping advice? Trying to decide between two fragrances? Searching for "the best" of anything?
Wondering what to wear to school, to work, on a date, or for a special occasion?
Trying to choose a fragrance to give as a gift?
This is the place to ask those questions.
Tell us what you want the fragrance to smell like. You can list notes, styles, or the names of other fragrances that you like or don't like.
Without this information you are unlikely to get any recommendations.
Other information that may be helpful -- your country/region, your budget, some description of the person who will be wearing the perfume.
When can you ask these questions in your own post?
💥 Need immediate answers? Legit check? Batch comparison? Best place to buy bottles and decants? Advice on how to wear a specific perfume? Try asking your question on Discord!
Coming back to discuss hits and misses is a great way to show appreciation when you get advice here. Consider posting a review or starting a discussion about the perfumes that you tried, and tell us what you ultimately chose.
submitted by AutoModerator to fragrance [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:10 AutoModerator SOTD Sunday May 19, 2024

Welcome! Please post your scent of the day here in the daily community thread.
For accessibility and to help new users we kindly ask that you type out the full name of your fragrance.
Posting just the name is fine, but we love it when you tell us a little bit more.
Some ideas:
Join the fragrance Discord
submitted by AutoModerator to fragrance [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:09 Suitable-Ad2717 Handed my notice in and work is now hell (and it was awful before)

Handed my notice in and now my work life is hell (and it was awful before)
I handed my notice in at my workplace last week. My boss asked me to not speak about my new job to anyone during work as they “don’t want anyone else to be encouraged to leave”. They did say I could talk about it outside of work but to not “big it up” to anyone. When they told my colleagues I was leaving they told them all to not speak to me about it and again only outside of work… A couple of employees asked my new working hours and I told them it was a 8 hour day with an hours lunch break, starting at either 8am or 9am. One of the colleagues said “nice! so you could have a lie in sometimes?!” And I replied “love a cheeky lie in”. I also then said that “we’re not supposed to talk about the job in the workplace so can’t really say any more”. I currently work 10 hour days with a 45 min lunch break. The following day I was pulled into the office with two bosses who said it had got back to them that I was telling my colleagues I’m on “loads more money” and that I’m bragging about my new work hours and getting “cheeky lie ins”. Id also like to add that the women in the workplace are very young and have consistently lied and made up rumours about me since I started working here 3 years ago. As an older woman, I’ve made no friends here and this has been one of the main reasons I’ve wanted to leave as well as having a career change. I was completely taken aback by this conversation with my bosses, and I reiterated that it was a casual conversation and again the girls were adding in lies and blowing my words out of proportion. My actual words were “they’re bitching about me again, I’ve completely had enough of these girls, I don’t get a break from it all”. My bosses then asked “were you bullied at school ? because you’re being so sensitive”. I began to cry and told them I couldn’t express my anger about all of this and that this is really the straw that has broke the camels back now- and that no, I was not bullied at school. My bosses then said that if I want to leave the business that’s fine but to “not take down the whole staff team with you”- as if I’ve been bad mouthing the company and encouraging people to leave?! My new job will be contacting my current employer soon for a reference and I am terrified they might give me a bad one! My boss said “you need to stop making silly jokes about cheeky lie ins cos that is what’s getting you in trouble” and STUPIDLY and IRONICALLY I replied “well don’t mention that when you get called for a reference” to which my boss replied “well let’s hope they don’t ask”. My bosses then said “we take it very personally when people hand their notices in” to which I replied “Why? It’s a personal choice for me and my future? It’s not a personal attack on you as people!”
I added “do you know how difficult is it when not a single person in my actual team acknowledges my resignation, and isn’t allowed to talk to me about it? No one has congratulated me? I’ve had two colleagues (who barely know me) ask my new work hours and that’s it!” And they said “no one will congratulate you- you’re leaving them in the shit by leaving”. I’d also like to add that since I’ve been there NO ONE ever wishes any one good luck when they leave. I always get someone a card and a bottle of wine- just to be kind, even though no one really talks to me.
The one friend I did have at work has now left and I asked her if her conversations were being censored when she handed in her notice- and she was leaving to go to a competitor! She said that she couldn’t say the competitors name but she was allowed to speak about her new job! I’m not even going to a competitor! I feel like this is so personal against me!
My bosses pulled me in the office six months ago because they saw my CV on indeed and questioned me about if I wanted to leave. I said that I was open to new opportunities because I felt like I was being excluded from my team, that I was constantly being left out of the loop, and that numerous personal lies had been made up about me from my colleagues- all things I had brought up to them in the past and done nothing to resolve.
My bosses said they were happy I’d been honest about thinking about leaving and to let them know if I was going to interviews- which I did. At the works xmas party a colleague asked me if what my long term goals were and if I wanted apply for a higher position within the company or be open to look elsewhere. I casually replied that I’m being very open to opportunities and I’d seen a couple job ads that took my interest but might not even apply. This colleague then told my boss at the party that I was HAD GOT A NEW JOB AT ANOTHER COMPANY. My boss then confronted me in front of all my colleagues saying I’d disrespected the whole company and that I was being unprofessional, shouting at me. I told my boss I wanted to go home and she said “No you can stick out the rest of the party to make sure your colleagues know that nothing is wrong”. That next week at work I was brought into the office twice, where I was told my behaviour was “disgusting, unprofessional and out of line” and that I could “not discuss my future career prospects with anyone at work”. They also said “we wanted to give you a promotion but now we’d have to train you for a month on professionalism before you took that role”. I again would reiterate the girls had taken this to the next level, that I hadn’t even applied for anything I was keeping my options open?!
My bosses have NEVER ever made criticisms on my actual work because there is nothing to fault. I’m great at my job, but it’s like they don’t like who I am? I’m always kind, always bubbly and smiling. Even though I’ve got no pals at work or speak to anyone outside of it. The anxiety of all of this made me vomit the next day at work and I’ve been experiencing migraines for the first time.
Can anyone give their thoughts on this situation? Have I been out of line or am I being gaslight into making me think I have been? I’m so incredibly low and I’m just counting down the days before I leave. I feel sick about even going back to work the rest of my notice
submitted by Suitable-Ad2717 to UKJobs [link] [comments]