Friendship saying for picnik

Abusive Relationships

2012.06.12 06:26 musicninja91 Abusive Relationships

For anyone of any gender identity who has ever been in an abusive relationship or is currently in one. This is a place for people to vent, share their stories and offer support to others in similar situations. Anyone who has experienced an abusive situation or relationship is welcome - that includes romantic, intimate, sexual, spousal, coworker, family, and/or friendship relationships.

2016.05.12 14:14 kodaisarapulo Health Blog - Blogging for a better social life

Health Blog - Blogging for a better social life Technology is isolating? Nah... Research has shown that people who blog feel more connected & less stressed

2024.05.19 10:57 Lawnerd2022 Advice needed

Hi, I posting here as I don’t know where else to post and who to ask for advice.
Briefly, I met a guy last year on a dating app, we had a couple of dates and nothing happened at all. After a few weeks, I kinda lost interest due to my personal life and circumstances and I told him and ask him if he would accept to be my friend. He got a bit mad and said that for him we had a mental relationship even though we met every now and then and nothing had happened and conversation were not sexualized at all nor was there any seduction or I would have put a stop to it… He stopped talking for a few weeks and then came back by himself saying he accepted but that he was not that close to friends and that we were going to talk occasionally which I agree with. Months passed and we kept talking by messages and on the phone and he started being or trying to be ambiguous so I had to restate that we were friends as we had agreed on. But at that moment he said that he wanted more and that if I didn’t want then we would be friends and not talk that much. I agreed with it since I never initiate contact almost and he is the one calling etc. He tried to put some dilemma on me like if you expect me to talk this much (we have a call once every few weeks and messages probably once every other day) otherwise I won’t do it etc. I told him his definition and modalities of what a friendship was fine to me and that we could follow his rule. Here is when he started saying that he didn’t need any more friend and that this wasn’t a friendship. I told him that I didn’t understand as talking to someone casually the way we do is very much of a friendship to me, how else could we call it ? Especially after having defined and agreed on it a few months back. I felt bad of having responded to his texts and calls as I do for other friends as I have the impression it mislead him even though I am particularly careful with my words and actions so as never to be ambiguous (I even mentioned many times our friendship etc). Although, I am by nature a friendly and caring person with my friends I don’t believe I could have given him wrong signals. Or is it already too much to talk and be nice to someone ? But isn’t it what friends do ? Also I am not dating right now but the day I will I usually have no problem talking about that with friends, how will he react ?
Am I wrong ? Did I misbehave ? What is happening ? Is it me or this is a strange way from him to try to “force” something with me ? How could he still want something with someone who told you “no” so many times ?
Something else that makes me question his personality is that he said that what we were doing was not being friends. I am surprised to say the least as I have the chance of having friends and this is usually what happens with them, I mean we talk and call and see each other just to enjoy time together. He asked me what these friendship bring to me and I said joy and happiness. And he said that he is busy and only has friends that bring him something and help him through his life goals. I said I respected his concept of friendship but I can’t help but wonder if this isn’t a bit particular way of thinking… Also I asked him if for him there was no value in time shared with loved ones just for the sake of it even with family for ex and he said no and that he would only for example spend time with his mom to pay her back for what she did for him. I was astonished but I didn’t comment further.
Should I put some more space between us ?
submitted by Lawnerd2022 to FriendshipAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:45 mud_puddle-boots A Conundrum

I’ll get right to it. I befriended someone a couple months ago. We were vibing and having a good time with one another. We’d text one another almost everyday. About a month ago, my friend said she needed some space and from then on we’ve been texting less and less, like about once every week, sometimes not at all. And when we would text, we’d text for about 15 minutes before she’d say she needed to go. Keep in mind that when she’d text me every week, it would be a response to sth I’d sent a week ago.
The school year was coming to an end, and I wanted to see her because we wouldn’t get a chance to see one another during the summer. She asked when we should meet up then didn’t open the chat again. The day we agreed upon passed, and the year ended. Now, my friend has OCD, and she said she’s been having a severe dissociation episode and has been struggling a lot. But the thing is she’s online almost three times a day. One of her friends would call her and they’d stay on call for five hours or more.
I don’t know if this is just her going with the flow because she’s not the one calling. And idk if she’s online because she needs to be (texts from family or sth), but it all just feels off. Idk what OCD is like, especially a dissociation episode, so I’ve been trying to keep an open mind and have made it clear that I’m here for her and that she can talk to me about anything, but it feels like my needs in the friendship aren’t being met. I’m having a hard time convincing myself that she cannot socialize and that she’s not just tired when she socializes with specifically me, because I see her talking to others. I don’t know if this is me overthinking, and whether I should be reflecting on my thoughts instead of her actions. Do you think my friend still wants to be my friend? Is it wrong that I’m thinking about my needs when she’s struggling? I honestly don’t know anymore. What do you think?
submitted by mud_puddle-boots to FriendshipAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:36 gaycat21 my elder cousin sis is naive and I need big sis advice to deal with her

I have an elder cousin sister (S) - 28 and a younger cousin sister (A) - 18. I'm 24F. We all don't have any siblings and have relied on each other for emotional support. All of our fathers are either abusive, alcoholic or absent and that's what bonded us all together.
Now, A is smart & intelligent and I know she's gonna make it big in this world. She's so young but so articulate and talented. S is....naive and a little stupid. Sometimes it's hard to believe she's the eldest of us. She's constantly complaining about her friends and colleagues. Rightfully so because from the stories she has told us, they sound absolutely horrible.They owe her money as well but this woman doesn't want to ask for her own money back because it's awkward and she doesn't want to ruin her friendships with them. She also has a lot of male friends who constantly make sexist jokes and she lets it slide. She dumps all of this on us on the groupchat every other day and starts crying about how they make her feel. She's a woman in STEM and evidently more successful than the rest of them but these friends of hers always try to make her feel small.
We have been begging her to cut contact with them and start anew for the past few months. We have tried talking to her calmly, gave her tough love, suggested therapy and starting new hobbies and everything under the sun. Whenever we call out her friends, she defends them like nobody's business which feels like such a betrayal. The way she accomodates their bullshit and their requests and excuses is so infuriating. We have tried telling her she deserves friends who are kind and respectful to her. Nothing we say sticks to her brain.
We were delighted when she had to move to a new city for a job! We thought she'll finally be away from these people but due to her fear of loneliness, she keeps visiting them every weekend to hang out. She has no personality outside her work and refuses to do anything for herself. She goes to work, comes home and doomscrolls and the cycle repeats everyday until the weekend arrives. I wish she focused on her finances more and taking her career to the next level.
We've been so encouraging for so long that we have started despising her. Her lack of self worth and her inability to stand on business is killing our bond. I know she was sheltered and had helicopter parents but we feel that it's time to grow up. Thankfully, she's single!
I don't want to be around her anymore, it's exhausting. I'm tired everytime I talk to her. My younger cousin feels the same way.
We both were just wondering - should we cut her off or should we keep trying to get her to see her worth?
Any advice or suggestions?
submitted by gaycat21 to AskWomenOver30 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:30 EssayMediocre6054 At what point do you step back from a friendship? F32 + F32 - 20 years friendship

So this feels like one that on paper is really obvious but in reality is so much harder to handle.
I(F32) have a very good friend F(31) who I’ve known since school. We have been friends for almost 20 years. She was my bridesmaid and I am almost certain I will (or would have been) hers instead.
Lately my friend has gone through so much. She moved home from living abroad and I know she’s feeling really lost. She is living with her parents, she’s single (not for any reason - was in a long term relationship and it didn’t work out), she had no job for a while but is now working in a school she said she would never work in and on top of that a very young member of her family is battling an extremely aggressive form of cancer.
All of this is horrific for one person to go through, I hate seeing her struggling and I am doing my best to be there for her without overhwhelming her. I send her messages every week or so to update her on my life (just to give her something to listen to that’s not about her own worries) and I ask about her and her family. Most of the time she ignores these and that’s absolutely fine. I know her long enough to know how overwhelmed she gets and how much she struggles with anxiety, even before all this happened.
The thing is though, I also travel to her to see her and she says she can’t wait to see me but then just doesn’t respond on the day. I’ll get an apology a few days later and she will tell me how busy she was and how she forgot.
It was becoming so frequent I was getting a bit frustrated. She’s always saying she’s so busy, which I understand, but it’s beginning to feel now a bit rude. I’m busy too. I have a son, a new house, a new puppy who requires a lot of time and attention, a part time job, I’m studying for my professional accounting exams, I’m part of a running club and training for a half marathon.
I 100% understand what she’s going through, but at what point am I just being a bit pathetic constantly showing up and getting stood up. When she does meet me or message back she always says how much she loves me, our friendship etc. she’s always so apologetic. I honestly can forgive her anything but today I feel hurt..
We had plans to go for a walk. I will have class all day but I made a point to get up extra early so we could meet up and I sent her a message to confirm it’s still going ahead. Not only did she not reply but she of course didn’t show up.
I haven’t heard from her at all. She’s completely within her right to not want to prioritise our friendship. She doesn’t have to meet me or hang out, but is it not so rude to be a full adult and have that little respect for your so called best friends time?
For my own mental health I feel I need to step back from this. Stop reaching out, stop trying, but on the other hand I really love her, she’s a beautiful girl inside and out and she’s going through a lot.
submitted by EssayMediocre6054 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:28 ThrowRA-7042 Me F (23) and my best friend M(24) have been getting intimate.

So some background, me and him have been close for about 6 months now but knew each other longer. We weren’t as close because he was friends with ex so I never knew him on that level. Me and my ex have been broken up with for about a year now (he died) Also he cheated on me so it wasn’t the best relationship to begin with. Anyways so me and my guy best friend ended up getting close. So the past couple of times we hung out this has been the most intimate we gotten. All we’ve done is cuddled, no sex, no kissing just cuddling. But it hasn’t just been the regular arm around the shoulder, he was tracing my thigh, his head in my shoulder, laying on top of me, me laying on top of him. We talked about how we’re just friends even said do friends even do this. But the last time we did I feel like it almost could’ve gotten somewhere other than cuddling but Idk. It’s not like I would be opposed to the idea, I honestly would and want to but I just don’t see us going anywhere. In the long term I know I’m not the ideal person for him, but I’m starting to really like him and I just don’t wanna ruin our friendship. I feel like if I say something, or if we do something then we’re done forever. I don’t wanna do something in the moment that could jeopardize our friendship long term. I just don’t know how to go about it.
TL;DR - me and my best friend have been cuddling and I’m starting to like him
submitted by ThrowRA-7042 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:19 throwawaypls12819761 Is she interested in my partner?

I'd like to preface this by saying I do not think any advice that promoted toxicity is worth typing out. I feel like unhealthy behavior in relationships is often encouraged in our society and I want nothing to do with that. The reason I say this is because too often I see straight monogamous couples consider even making eye contact with the opposite gender as some form of cheating or categorize innocent interactions as forms of cheating.
In my relationship, I 100% trust my partner and believe that he behaves appropriately and is kind to everyone he meets. He is a genuine soul and is full of love light and laughter. He treats me like royalty and I've never felt more loved than I have with him- not even from my own family members. I feel I have to place emphasis on his personality because I know from the depths of my soul that this person will never ever do anything to hurt me.
He and I both share the view that we do not wish to partake in this toxic heteronormative culture of having to ask eachother permission to do something in case it's considered cheating because we both know right from wrong. So here comes in his coworker, she's a lovely woman and they are all a part of a group that frequently spend a lot of time together .
They all travel together as well and I've noticed that she happens to be next to him in a lot of photos- which on its own says nothing. However one time we were all watching a movie and I had been fidgeting between a cramped sofa and floor for 2 hours because I dislike sitting on the floor but when I finally asked my partner to swap so I could sit on the couch she made a comment saying im making him sit on the floor but said nothing when i was the whole time. She was sitting in his seat and I assumed it was because she wanted to befriend me but that threw me off.
Not sure if this should raise alarms because I don't want to be the woman who sabotages female friendships with the delusion that someone is attracted to her partner. But I can't help but think, he is such a lovely soul and I would understand if she did have a minor crush but I don't know how to wrap my head around that really if that were the case.
submitted by throwawaypls12819761 to relationships_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:13 gaycat21 my elder cousin sister is naive and I hate her

I have an elder cousin sister (S) - 28 and a younger cousin sister (A) - 18. I'm 24F. We all don't have any siblings and have relied on each other for emotional support. All of our fathers are either abusive, alcoholic or absent and that's what bonded us all together.
Now, A is smart & intelligent and I know she's gonna make it big in this world. She's so young but so articulate and talented. S is....naive and a little stupid. Sometimes it's hard to believe she's the eldest of us. She's constantly complaining about her friends and colleagues. Rightfully so because from the stories she has told us, they sound absolutely horrible.They owe her money as well but this woman doesn't want to ask for her own money back because it's awkward and she doesn't want to ruin her friendships with them. She also has a lot of male friends who constantly make sexist jokes and she lets it slide. She dumps all of this on us on the groupchat every other day and starts crying about how they make her feel. She's a woman in STEM and evidently more successful than the rest of them but these friends of hers always try to make her feel small.
We have been begging her to cut contact with them and start anew for the past few months. We have tried talking to her calmly, gave her tough love, suggested therapy and starting new hobbies and everything under the sun. Whenever we call out her friends, she defends them like nobody's business which feels like such a betrayal. The way she accomodates their bullshit and their requests and excuses is so infuriating. We have tried telling her she deserves friends who are kind and respectful to her. Nothing we say sticks to her brain.
We were delighted when she had to move to a new city for a job! We thought she'll finally be away from these people but due to her fear of loneliness, she keeps visiting them every weekend to hang out. She has no personality outside her work and refuses to do anything for herself. She goes to work, comes home and doomscrolls and the cycle repeats everyday until the weekend arrives. I wish she focused on her finances more and taking her career to the next level.
We've been so encouraging for so long that we have started despising her. Her lack of self worth and her inability to stand on business is killing our bond. I know she was sheltered and had helicopter parents but we feel that it's time to grow up. Thankfully, she's single!
I don't want to be around her anymore, it's exhausting. I'm tired everytime I talk to her. My younger cousin feels the same way.
We both were just wondering - should we cut her off or should we keep trying to get her to see her worth?
Any advice or suggestions?
submitted by gaycat21 to TwoXIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:02 Pretty_Base_1549 AITA Only One Excluded From The Wedding

Background: I have a group of high school friends that I've been close with for nearly 15 years. We are a core group of girls (5 of us), and we also have a best guy friend as part of our larger group (let's call him Joe). Over the years we've all made a good effort to see one another - including a ski trip over covid times - even though we all live across the country. We all lead busy lives, but it's "pick up where we left off" vibes whenever we reconnect.
Joe got engaged about 2 years ago and it's one of the first weddings of our group. Us girls have all been thrilled about it. Joe and I were complete besties in high school and I'd say for the past 10 years (post college) Joe and I have had a relationship of celebrating birthdays & chatting every few months/ seeing one another when we can. He's even stayed with me a few times while in town. Though we've distanced a bit since high school days, I've always considered him a life long friend.
The past few months chats with my girlfriends have gotten very quiet re: Joes wedding. I'd casually ask if anyone had gotten more info or save the dates and every time the girls would deflect. I caught wind of a joint bachelo bachelorette party (which at first didn't bother me) until I realized all my girlfriends were going. And of course, a bach party usually means wedding plans are in full motion.
The other week I point blank asked my friend if wedding invites had gone out. She said yes and that she's been very confused/ uncomfortable about everything esp. because Joe recently stayed with her and said it would be "eye opening" for me when I realized I wasn't invited to the wedding.
I was completely BAFFLED to hear this. My immediate thought was "what did I do?!"
I decide to call Joe. We chat for a FULL hour catching up, laughing, I even mention his wedding and how it's all going...and nothing. Right as he's about to hang up I realize that he has no intention of telling me! So I point blank bring up. Now or never.
Joe proceeds to tell me that he has no intention of inviting me to the wedding because he sees me as a "surface level friend". He said that he wouldn't be sure if he even sent me an invite and RSVP'd "Yes" that I would show up. And that over recent years there have been times I didn't show up IRL. He specifically mentioned his fiances grad party from 3 years ago that I wasn't able to make it to.
I can own that in recent years I've been very career driven and ambitious, but to me our relationship has always been stable and good. He told me he's been harboring resentment over the years and just tallying up all the times he's felt I've dropped the ball - I even found out he'd call my other girlfriends to vent about it.
Ever since our call he's seeking repair and feels validated that I do (and have the entire time!) cared about our relationship...but tbh I've just felt horrible. To not only discover I'm excluded from the wedding but been left in the dark all these years about how someone really feels about me HURTS. Not to mention knowing my closest girlfriends never brought anything up? It's basically making me question everything, even some of my friendships with my girlfriends. I value honesty in ALL my relationships and this feels shady/ crosses a boundary on how I conduct friendships. It high school...
AITA for not showing up or dropping the ball in a friendship?? Is this worth repair?
submitted by Pretty_Base_1549 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:55 Practical-Ad-9289 25M Looking for a Genuine Longterm Friendship

I'm a 25-year-old medico hailing from the colorful tapestry of India, standing tall at 5'11" with a heart as big as the cosmos itself. If you're scouring Reddit for a friendship that transcends space and time, then look no further, because you've stumbled upon the right post!
Now, I know what you're thinking, "Why is this med student turned aspiring pediatrician looking for friends on Reddit?" Well, my friend, let me tell you that the internet is a magical place where friendships can blossom in the most unexpected of ways. And hey, who wouldn't want to be friends with a guy who can converse in English, Hindi, Urdu, and even Klingon? (Okay, maybe I'm still a bit rusty on the Klingon part, but practice makes perfect!)
So, what's in it for you, you ask? Besides a quirky sense of humor and a knack for diving deep into the rabbit hole of fandoms, I bring to the table a plethora of interests that range from dissecting the complexities of the human body to unraveling the mysteries of the cosmos. Whether it's discussing the latest comic book releases or debating the implications of quantum physics, I'm your go-to guy for all things nerdy and beyond.
But wait, there's more! When I'm not buried under a mountain of textbooks or binge-watching the latest sci-fi series, you can find me lost in the pages of a good novel or battling it out in the virtual realm of video games. And hey, if you're up for it, we can even study together and conquer the academic challenges that lie ahead!
Now, let's talk about friendship. They say that friends are the family we choose for ourselves, and I couldn't agree more. Whether you're across the globe or just a few clicks away, let's embark on this journey of friendship together and create memories that will last a lifetime.
As promised, here are a few friendship quotes and lyrics to set the mood:
  1. "Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, 'What! You too? I thought I was the only one.'" - C.S. Lewis
  2. "I'll be there for you, when the rain starts to pour." - The Rembrandts
  3. "A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out." - Walter Winchell
  4. "You've got a friend in me." - Randy Newman
So, if you're a fellow explorer of multi-verses, a lover of all things nerdy, and someone who believes that true friendship knows no boundaries, then what are you waiting for? Drop me a message, and let's embark on this adventure together.
Who knows, maybe we'll discover our own version of the Avengers or the Justice League within our circle of friends. And hey, even if we don't, at least we'll have each other's backs through the ups and downs of life.
Can't wait to connect with you..
submitted by Practical-Ad-9289 to Needafriend [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:55 Practical-Ad-9289 [25/M] Looking for A Genuine Longterm Friendship

I'm a 25-year-old medico hailing from the colorful tapestry of India, standing tall at 5'11" with a heart as big as the cosmos itself. If you're scouring Reddit for a friendship that transcends space and time, then look no further, because you've stumbled upon the right post!
Now, I know what you're thinking, "Why is this med student turned aspiring pediatrician looking for friends on Reddit?" Well, my friend, let me tell you that the internet is a magical place where friendships can blossom in the most unexpected of ways. And hey, who wouldn't want to be friends with a guy who can converse in English, Hindi, Urdu, and even Klingon? (Okay, maybe I'm still a bit rusty on the Klingon part, but practice makes perfect!)
So, what's in it for you, you ask? Besides a quirky sense of humor and a knack for diving deep into the rabbit hole of fandoms, I bring to the table a plethora of interests that range from dissecting the complexities of the human body to unraveling the mysteries of the cosmos. Whether it's discussing the latest comic book releases or debating the implications of quantum physics, I'm your go-to guy for all things nerdy and beyond.
But wait, there's more! When I'm not buried under a mountain of textbooks or binge-watching the latest sci-fi series, you can find me lost in the pages of a good novel or battling it out in the virtual realm of video games. And hey, if you're up for it, we can even study together and conquer the academic challenges that lie ahead!
Now, let's talk about friendship. They say that friends are the family we choose for ourselves, and I couldn't agree more. Whether you're across the globe or just a few clicks away, let's embark on this journey of friendship together and create memories that will last a lifetime.
As promised, here are a few friendship quotes and lyrics to set the mood:
  1. "Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, 'What! You too? I thought I was the only one.'" - C.S. Lewis
  2. "I'll be there for you, when the rain starts to pour." - The Rembrandts
  3. "A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out." - Walter Winchell
  4. "You've got a friend in me." - Randy Newman
So, if you're a fellow explorer of multi-verses, a lover of all things nerdy, and someone who believes that true friendship knows no boundaries, then what are you waiting for? Drop me a message, and let's embark on this adventure together.
Who knows, maybe we'll discover our own version of the Avengers or the Justice League within our circle of friends. And hey, even if we don't, at least we'll have each other's backs through the ups and downs of life.
Can't wait to connect with you..
submitted by Practical-Ad-9289 to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:54 Practical-Ad-9289 25M Looking for a Genuine Longterm Friendship

I'm a 25-year-old medico hailing from the colorful tapestry of India, standing tall at 5'11" with a heart as big as the cosmos itself. If you're scouring Reddit for a friendship that transcends space and time, then look no further, because you've stumbled upon the right post!
Now, I know what you're thinking, "Why is this med student turned aspiring pediatrician looking for friends on Reddit?" Well, my friend, let me tell you that the internet is a magical place where friendships can blossom in the most unexpected of ways. And hey, who wouldn't want to be friends with a guy who can converse in English, Hindi, Urdu, and even Klingon? (Okay, maybe I'm still a bit rusty on the Klingon part, but practice makes perfect!)
So, what's in it for you, you ask? Besides a quirky sense of humor and a knack for diving deep into the rabbit hole of fandoms, I bring to the table a plethora of interests that range from dissecting the complexities of the human body to unraveling the mysteries of the cosmos. Whether it's discussing the latest comic book releases or debating the implications of quantum physics, I'm your go-to guy for all things nerdy and beyond.
But wait, there's more! When I'm not buried under a mountain of textbooks or binge-watching the latest sci-fi series, you can find me lost in the pages of a good novel or battling it out in the virtual realm of video games. And hey, if you're up for it, we can even study together and conquer the academic challenges that lie ahead!
Now, let's talk about friendship. They say that friends are the family we choose for ourselves, and I couldn't agree more. Whether you're across the globe or just a few clicks away, let's embark on this journey of friendship together and create memories that will last a lifetime.
As promised, here are a few friendship quotes and lyrics to set the mood:
  1. "Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, 'What! You too? I thought I was the only one.'" - C.S. Lewis
  2. "I'll be there for you, when the rain starts to pour." - The Rembrandts
  3. "A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out." - Walter Winchell
  4. "You've got a friend in me." - Randy Newman
So, if you're a fellow explorer of multi-verses, a lover of all things nerdy, and someone who believes that true friendship knows no boundaries, then what are you waiting for? Drop me a message, and let's embark on this adventure together.
Who knows, maybe we'll discover our own version of the Avengers or the Justice League within our circle of friends. And hey, even if we don't, at least we'll have each other's backs through the ups and downs of life.
Can't wait to connect with you..
submitted by Practical-Ad-9289 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:54 Practical-Ad-9289 25M Looking for a Genuine Longterm Friendship

I'm a 25-year-old medico hailing from the colorful tapestry of India, standing tall at 5'11" with a heart as big as the cosmos itself. If you're scouring Reddit for a friendship that transcends space and time, then look no further, because you've stumbled upon the right post!
Now, I know what you're thinking, "Why is this med student turned aspiring pediatrician looking for friends on Reddit?" Well, my friend, let me tell you that the internet is a magical place where friendships can blossom in the most unexpected of ways. And hey, who wouldn't want to be friends with a guy who can converse in English, Hindi, Urdu, and even Klingon? (Okay, maybe I'm still a bit rusty on the Klingon part, but practice makes perfect!)
So, what's in it for you, you ask? Besides a quirky sense of humor and a knack for diving deep into the rabbit hole of fandoms, I bring to the table a plethora of interests that range from dissecting the complexities of the human body to unraveling the mysteries of the cosmos. Whether it's discussing the latest comic book releases or debating the implications of quantum physics, I'm your go-to guy for all things nerdy and beyond.
But wait, there's more! When I'm not buried under a mountain of textbooks or binge-watching the latest sci-fi series, you can find me lost in the pages of a good novel or battling it out in the virtual realm of video games. And hey, if you're up for it, we can even study together and conquer the academic challenges that lie ahead!
Now, let's talk about friendship. They say that friends are the family we choose for ourselves, and I couldn't agree more. Whether you're across the globe or just a few clicks away, let's embark on this journey of friendship together and create memories that will last a lifetime.
As promised, here are a few friendship quotes and lyrics to set the mood:
  1. "Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, 'What! You too? I thought I was the only one.'" - C.S. Lewis
  2. "I'll be there for you, when the rain starts to pour." - The Rembrandts
  3. "A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out." - Walter Winchell
  4. "You've got a friend in me." - Randy Newman
So, if you're a fellow explorer of multi-verses, a lover of all things nerdy, and someone who believes that true friendship knows no boundaries, then what are you waiting for? Drop me a message, and let's embark on this adventure together.
Who knows, maybe we'll discover our own version of the Avengers or the Justice League within our circle of friends. And hey, even if we don't, at least we'll have each other's backs through the ups and downs of life.
Can't wait to connect with you..
submitted by Practical-Ad-9289 to InternetFriends [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:54 Practical-Ad-9289 25M Looking for a Genuine Longterm Friendship

I'm a 25-year-old medico hailing from the colorful tapestry of India, standing tall at 5'11" with a heart as big as the cosmos itself. If you're scouring Reddit for a friendship that transcends space and time, then look no further, because you've stumbled upon the right post!
Now, I know what you're thinking, "Why is this med student turned aspiring pediatrician looking for friends on Reddit?" Well, my friend, let me tell you that the internet is a magical place where friendships can blossom in the most unexpected of ways. And hey, who wouldn't want to be friends with a guy who can converse in English, Hindi, Urdu, and even Klingon? (Okay, maybe I'm still a bit rusty on the Klingon part, but practice makes perfect!)
So, what's in it for you, you ask? Besides a quirky sense of humor and a knack for diving deep into the rabbit hole of fandoms, I bring to the table a plethora of interests that range from dissecting the complexities of the human body to unraveling the mysteries of the cosmos. Whether it's discussing the latest comic book releases or debating the implications of quantum physics, I'm your go-to guy for all things nerdy and beyond.
But wait, there's more! When I'm not buried under a mountain of textbooks or binge-watching the latest sci-fi series, you can find me lost in the pages of a good novel or battling it out in the virtual realm of video games. And hey, if you're up for it, we can even study together and conquer the academic challenges that lie ahead!
Now, let's talk about friendship. They say that friends are the family we choose for ourselves, and I couldn't agree more. Whether you're across the globe or just a few clicks away, let's embark on this journey of friendship together and create memories that will last a lifetime.
As promised, here are a few friendship quotes and lyrics to set the mood:
  1. "Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, 'What! You too? I thought I was the only one.'" - C.S. Lewis
  2. "I'll be there for you, when the rain starts to pour." - The Rembrandts
  3. "A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out." - Walter Winchell
  4. "You've got a friend in me." - Randy Newman
So, if you're a fellow explorer of multi-verses, a lover of all things nerdy, and someone who believes that true friendship knows no boundaries, then what are you waiting for? Drop me a message, and let's embark on this adventure together.
Who knows, maybe we'll discover our own version of the Avengers or the Justice League within our circle of friends. And hey, even if we don't, at least we'll have each other's backs through the ups and downs of life.
Can't wait to connect with you..
submitted by Practical-Ad-9289 to friendship [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:53 Practical-Ad-9289 25M Looking for a Genuine Longterm Friendship

I'm a 25-year-old medico hailing from the colorful tapestry of India, standing tall at 5'11" with a heart as big as the cosmos itself. If you're scouring Reddit for a friendship that transcends space and time, then look no further, because you've stumbled upon the right post!
Now, I know what you're thinking, "Why is this med student turned aspiring pediatrician looking for friends on Reddit?" Well, my friend, let me tell you that the internet is a magical place where friendships can blossom in the most unexpected of ways. And hey, who wouldn't want to be friends with a guy who can converse in English, Hindi, Urdu, and even Klingon? (Okay, maybe I'm still a bit rusty on the Klingon part, but practice makes perfect!)
So, what's in it for you, you ask? Besides a quirky sense of humor and a knack for diving deep into the rabbit hole of fandoms, I bring to the table a plethora of interests that range from dissecting the complexities of the human body to unraveling the mysteries of the cosmos. Whether it's discussing the latest comic book releases or debating the implications of quantum physics, I'm your go-to guy for all things nerdy and beyond.
But wait, there's more! When I'm not buried under a mountain of textbooks or binge-watching the latest sci-fi series, you can find me lost in the pages of a good novel or battling it out in the virtual realm of video games. And hey, if you're up for it, we can even study together and conquer the academic challenges that lie ahead!
Now, let's talk about friendship. They say that friends are the family we choose for ourselves, and I couldn't agree more. Whether you're across the globe or just a few clicks away, let's embark on this journey of friendship together and create memories that will last a lifetime.
As promised, here are a few friendship quotes and lyrics to set the mood:
  1. "Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, 'What! You too? I thought I was the only one.'" - C.S. Lewis
  2. "I'll be there for you, when the rain starts to pour." - The Rembrandts
  3. "A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out." - Walter Winchell
  4. "You've got a friend in me." - Randy Newman
So, if you're a fellow explorer of multi-verses, a lover of all things nerdy, and someone who believes that true friendship knows no boundaries, then what are you waiting for? Drop me a message, and let's embark on this adventure together.
Who knows, maybe we'll discover our own version of the Avengers or the Justice League within our circle of friends. And hey, even if we don't, at least we'll have each other's backs through the ups and downs of life.
Can't wait to connect with you..
submitted by Practical-Ad-9289 to chat [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:27 Miserable_Bar_5210 [real] (5/19/2024) I’m ashamed

I’m(21f) so ashamed of myself and my life at the moment. I have the same problems I’ve had for the past 8 years that nobody understands but keeps telling me the same thing, giving me the same advice.
It makes me feel so bad because it’s like you can’t be good in one area and not the next, you can’t be working on it, you have to already be perfect. People tell you to socialize more talk more, but when you’re not good at it they run the other way cause talking to someone else would be easier.
People want you to have more self esteem and look presentable but put you down when you don’t even if you tried. All they see is the outside, I don’t expect them to understand my problems in depth and I’ve learned my lesson about confiding in people but when they judge like they do know everything it’s upsetting.
I want things too, I want love and friendship but then I look at the state of my life and think who’s gonna wanna be friends with someone with those problems or whose gonna be attracted to this which is true I even turn myself off.
My mom will literally bug me about if I wanna get married, if I wanna have a husband and then say things to me and treat me in a way that has me thinking who’ll ever love someone like me, who’ll ever respect this, funny isn’t it.
So it’s like there’s no winning. You have to be perfect or nothing. You can’t fix your life because it’s too messed up and working on one aspect is impossible without the other aspect already being fixed.
submitted by Miserable_Bar_5210 to DiaryOfARedditor [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:18 BurberLover What do I do?

So there's a girl I really had liked for many years but I never said because I didn't wanna ruin the friendship, I started liking her probably around when I went into secondary school, but for some stupid reason I decided it would never happen so l distanced myself from all my previous friends, around a year later she left my form class and went to a different one for a whole year, I asked why and she said she just felt like she needed it, then 1 and a half years later she just disappeared. That was probably around 7 months ago now, I asked her on any socials I had with her and so did all her friends but there was no response from her, I asked her sister who was in school too and she said she's just sick, but now her sister is gone from school too because she's too old, I always thought she had some kinda depression if she left but I don't understand why, in mine and everyone else's eyes the was the prettiest, funniest and smartest person in the class and never had any problems back home, so l'm really confused on what to do now. I messaged her on whattsapp but it says she was online but never reads my messages, I was thinking of messaging her on Snapchat instead so she can do that half swipe thing if the problem is she dosent want us to know like she's there yk. So if anyone has any idea at all on what I should and shouldn't do I'd be very greatful
submitted by BurberLover to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:11 Gold_Olive9393 Which of your ADHD traits has some benefit?

I'll begin by demonstrating for you what I'm requesting:
I see errors, inconsistencies, and faults. I believe that asking questions is the only way I can remain attentive whether reading or listening to someone.
Friendships and relationships are destroyed by this. Furthermore, I cannot, on a physical level, read a book with gaps in the plot. And I have a terrible time answering questions about people's favourite films they recently showed me, forcing me to say something like "the musical score was nice" even when my gut tells me the plot is nonsense.
Advantage: I picked a career where I get paid to tell others what they're doing incorrectly.
submitted by Gold_Olive9393 to ADHDsolved [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:02 Few_Two_1731 Regarding the theory that Marco and Toffee are connected

Do you remember the theory that Marco and Toffee are connected? It is a theory with a lot of negative opinions, but I tried my best to think about it.
Marco and Toffee have a planned and meticulous personality. I think... their gestures are sometimes similar.
Marco with purple items is something ominous. The monster arm emits purple liquid, and when Marco is involved in magic, he often wears purple things. The skin color of Marco's corpse in the Blood Moon nightmare is purple, The purple cloth he wears at before beach day has nothing to do with magic but look at the shape.
Besides, The following are the ones that appear in Toffee's first appearance episode.
Star's penstand with holes. This is similar to the symptoms of victims of Solaria's magic. Dead End signs, Star and monsters. A fortune cookie message that Toffee sent to Star says "Love is always the answer". Toffee say that "You're not the only one who is the victim of magic".
What if these are things that imply something? Toffee said he knows the future. What if Star, her friends, and monsters are killed by Solaria's magic? What if Toffee is related to Marco's monster arm? So, Marco may have been shapeshifted to Septarian by dark magic of unicorn and time-traveled to the ancient Mewni. (It might sound stupid) Glossaryck may be involved in it, He may have created a weird time loop. Toffee may be Adult Marco who comes from such a bad future timeline.
Toffee knew that he would be killed as Star's first enemy, so he probably decided to give Star the idea of destroy the magic for change bad future, but in the process, probably he entered Realm of Magic and went crazy. And he may died like "Toffee" on his timeline. and, Glossaryck may have seen Marco as Toffee's childhood. When they first met, Glossaryck said he wouldn't let Marco read magic spells book, and Glossaryck disliked Marco until the day Star rode a bicycle.
Toffee may be a character that assumes as Marco in his thirties. Marco at Neverzone is a child with an adult body. too childish. Star and Toffee's mental age is too far apart, for Toffee, Star will be like a sibling? "Surprise" is a word when the Diaz family celebrates Star every day, so it may be a symbol of friendship and family love. Even if Marco was influenced by the monster arm, he is not necessarily evil. In this case, Toffee wouldn't kill Comet, but his subordinates would do it at their discretion.
Toffee has existed since he was a teenager. The reason why he was shocked when Marco said, "You're boring" would because he had too short time to live as his true self, and he forgot what he was like when he was living as himself. On the other hand, he may have despised his past self who had no power or knowledge to protect the important things. Toffee's last words were probably a warning to his past self, and were probably the answer to what he was told to be "boring". He manipulated Ludo, but it made Buff Frog a Star's friend. It triggered that Star wants Mewni to stop the monster abuse. Marco is the type who is into the role he plays, and he is good at hiding his emotions. If he had felt responsible for the death of Star's grandma, he couldn't have been able to tell the truth. He may have been acting like a crazy, cruel man to Star on purpose.
But how can Marco be so dark and conspiratory?
I think Marco knew very little about monster abuse in Mewni. Marco will be angry if he knows that, and Marco will try to protect the monster from Mewman as one of the earthlings because he knows Mewnians were earthlings, and will be thoroughly research magic and Mewni's history. And Marco's charisma will be gather the support of Septarian. In order to protect the existence of Star, he may had to keep Butterfly family alive while dealing with the monster's hatred for Butterfly family, and he would have been afraid of losing the support of the monsters. Marco was once unable to oppose it for fear of losing the support of the princesses in St. Olga. He may have been bound by his past as Septarian and had limited things to do. I think he has reason for hating Glossaryck. Glossaryck made Star's ancestors, the colonists of Earth, into Butterfly family and Mewman.
"The code name is Sailor V", a spinoff of Sailor Moon came to my mind. The villain in this story was just a soldier who wanted to become a knight to get closer to the princess of Venus, Minako's previous life. However, after everyone died in the war and the queen of the moon reborn everyone with magical powers. He was helping Minako's growth as her enemy but he died while doing fortune-telling that Minako was destined to kill the person she loved. Minako will ended up killing her boyfriend who became an enemy. Daron loves Sailor Moon, and Mina's name is taken from Minako, but Minako looks like Star.
Well, Marco is just a boy from the earth, but he tried to become a knight because he wanted to get close to Star, the princess of Mewni. And what if Marco's Blood Moon's nightmare warn his fate that he will be killed by Star when he falls in love with her? Toffee lives in Star's past, and Marco lives in Star's future. Star and Marco, who are tied by the Curse of Blood Moon, will be bound in a weird time loop forever.
I think the Dark magic that Toffee was melting in Realm of Magic will strengthen the desire for revenge. Toffee may have wanted to neutralize MHC and Moon because them empower Mina's rebellion. What if the magic and Star's family destroyed his life? What if magic doesn't exist? What if the colonists from Earth, the ancestors of Star, didn't go to Mewni? What if Star was born as an earthling? What if Marco chose Jackie instead of Star? His purpose in S1 would to protect Star, but his purpose in S2 may have changed to save Marco's life from Star. The reason he was so obsessed with his lost finger was probably because it was the only point of contact between his past self and his present self. The motivation in that case will be self-love. Realm of Magic will not kill Star, but it will make her suffer. He may have locked Star there to teach her his suffering, instead of telling her who he is.
If Marco's fate is related to magic, it would be right for Star to destroy the magic for Marco. Toffee was watching Star's decision to destroy the magic, and he screamed "surprise". The only person who spoke to Star from the tapestries was Toffee. If the bad future changed, if the timelines merged, would be a happy ending. Will Toffee/Marco trace the fate of Heinous/Meteora?
submitted by Few_Two_1731 to u/Few_Two_1731 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:54 RefrigeratorTop8495 My best friend, my sister, is spending less and less time with me and I wish it didn't hurt so much.

It sometimes makes me feel immature that I'm almost out of college and don't have any good friends other than my sister. Most people find some best friend outside of their family, but I just haven't been able to. I've had some close friends in the past but they've all either grown distant or grew to be very different in a bad way, going down extremist or disturbing paths (severe sex addict, extreme conservative, etc)
Even still, I feel lucky that I have been able to have a sister that has always been kind and close to me. However for the past few years, she's been increasingly spending less time with me. She has a boyfriend that she almost always prefers being with, and even when in my company, she's often texting him or playing games with him, sometimes when I'm even directly talking to her. Sometimes she does spend time with me and it's very fun and exciting, but those times are becoming increasingly rarer. It makes me sad that she doesn't feel as close as I feel towards her. I don't have anyone that I can tell this to other than my parents, who basically say 'just get over it, you can't control her'. I know that's probably the right answer, but it doesn't stop it from feeling any worse.
My thought is to find other friends, but it's difficult. I have both a part time job as well as college. For my job, I'm currently in a profession where talking with other people is very minimal and it's all online. People say that college is where you can discover lots of friends, but no friendships have been able to stick despite me reaching out to them to try to chat. Those conversations feel forced and don't last long. I can easily fill my time up with other things like working, hobbies, and games, but I feel empty and sad after a few months of talking to nobody but my parents and my online friends who I'm not very close to other than just sending memes occasionally or me listening to them rant about their awful lives (Ironic right now, yeah..)
I know that realistically my sister will live her own life with her boyfriend and stop talking to me as much as she does, and thinking of that feels awful. She's already deep into the process of doing that, but the inconsistency makes it hard. Sometimes she's very close and things are awesome, and other times she's avoiding me and spending all day talking to her boyfriend. I don't know what to do and it's hard to get over it. I can't talk to her about it either because I've done so already, and she either gets annoyed at me, or her only response is "okay" with an uncaring expression and doesn't want to change anything. Even still, I'm glad that at least my parents are kind enough to spend time with me doing things like watching movies, but in the end they're parents and I can't stop thinking about how one day they will die and I'll be alone, desperately trying to make friends while my sister is off married and living with some guy and avoiding me.
Thanks for reading, I can't stop thinking of this dumb stuff. Maybe some of you can relate with the 'best friend becoming distant' part. If you have any advice as for what has helped you, I'm eager to hear it.
submitted by RefrigeratorTop8495 to GuyCry [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:54 rasmallai Friendship Advice-Dealing with Fading friendship with Bestfriend

so, here's the deal. I'm a 20-year-old guy who met this girl (also 20) in 2020. We were in the same school and group, but we never really interacted until last year when the pandemic hit and we started chatting on Instagram. And let me tell you, our friendship took off like a rocket.
We became super close, texting each other every single day and having these awesome, random conversations. It was like we were on the same wavelength, you know? We just clicked. I felt like I could tell her anything and she would understand me.
But then, in 2022, things started to change. She started holding back information about her life and seemed less engaged in our conversations. I tried to bring it up, express my concerns, but she brushed it off like it was no big deal. She said certain details weren't important, and I respected her boundaries, but deep down, I wished for more openness in our communication.
As time went on, our conversations grew weaker and she became more and more distant. She would always say she was busy and that's why she couldn't talk as much. I get it, life gets hectic, but it hurt me to see our bond fading away. It hurt even more when she started ignoring me and acting like our friendship wasn't as significant as I thought.
In 2023, we both started pursuing other relationships, and our interactions dwindled down to once a month. I tried my best to address the issue and keep our friendship alive, but she just kept prioritizing other commitments over our connection.
I felt so unimportant and exhausted from constantly begging for her attention. So, I made a decision. I decided to stop initiating conversations about our relationship. I wanted to see if she would make an effort to reach out to me. But guess what? The distance between us just kept growing.
She would say that our bond was still strong, but it didn't feel that way to me. I struggled to feel the same. It really took a toll on my mental health. I found myself constantly thinking about her and questioning my own worth in the relationship.
So here I am, seeking guidance on how to navigate these persistent thoughts and emotions surrounding my friend. If anyone wants to dive deeper into this story or offer some advice, please feel free to reach out. I could really use some help figuring out where to go from here.
submitted by rasmallai to friendship [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:53 rasmallai Friendship Advice-Dealing with Fading friendship with Bestfriend

so, here's the deal. I'm a 20-year-old guy who met this girl (also 20) in 2020. We were in the same school and group, but we never really interacted until last year when the pandemic hit and we started chatting on Instagram. And let me tell you, our friendship took off like a rocket.
We became super close, texting each other every single day and having these awesome, random conversations. It was like we were on the same wavelength, you know? We just clicked. I felt like I could tell her anything and she would understand me.
But then, in 2022, things started to change. She started holding back information about her life and seemed less engaged in our conversations. I tried to bring it up, express my concerns, but she brushed it off like it was no big deal. She said certain details weren't important, and I respected her boundaries, but deep down, I wished for more openness in our communication.
As time went on, our conversations grew weaker and she became more and more distant. She would always say she was busy and that's why she couldn't talk as much. I get it, life gets hectic, but it hurt me to see our bond fading away. It hurt even more when she started ignoring me and acting like our friendship wasn't as significant as I thought.
In 2023, we both started pursuing other relationships, and our interactions dwindled down to once a month. I tried my best to address the issue and keep our friendship alive, but she just kept prioritizing other commitments over our connection.
I felt so unimportant and exhausted from constantly begging for her attention. So, I made a decision. I decided to stop initiating conversations about our relationship. I wanted to see if she would make an effort to reach out to me. But guess what? The distance between us just kept growing.
She would say that our bond was still strong, but it didn't feel that way to me. I struggled to feel the same. It really took a toll on my mental health. I found myself constantly thinking about her and questioning my own worth in the relationship.
So here I am, seeking guidance on how to navigate these persistent thoughts and emotions surrounding my friend. If anyone wants to dive deeper into this story or offer some advice, please feel free to reach out. I could really use some help figuring out where to go from here.
submitted by rasmallai to FriendshipAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:50 rasmallai I(M20) How to deal with Fading friendship with Bestfriend(F20) ?

so, here's the deal. I'm a 20-year-old guy who met this girl (also 20) in 2020. We were in the same school and group, but we never really interacted until last year when the pandemic hit and we started chatting on Instagram. And let me tell you, our friendship took off like a rocket.
We became super close, texting each other every single day and having these awesome, random conversations. It was like we were on the same wavelength, you know? We just clicked. I felt like I could tell her anything and she would understand me.
But then, in 2022, things started to change. She started holding back information about her life and seemed less engaged in our conversations. I tried to bring it up, express my concerns, but she brushed it off like it was no big deal. She said certain details weren't important, and I respected her boundaries, but deep down, I wished for more openness in our communication.
As time went on, our conversations grew weaker and she became more and more distant. She would always say she was busy and that's why she couldn't talk as much. I get it, life gets hectic, but it hurt me to see our bond fading away. It hurt even more when she started ignoring me and acting like our friendship wasn't as significant as I thought.
In 2023, we both started pursuing other relationships, and our interactions dwindled down to once a month. I tried my best to address the issue and keep our friendship alive, but she just kept prioritizing other commitments over our connection.
I felt so unimportant and exhausted from constantly begging for her attention. So, I made a decision. I decided to stop initiating conversations about our relationship. I wanted to see if she would make an effort to reach out to me. But guess what? The distance between us just kept growing.
She would say that our bond was still strong, but it didn't feel that way to me. I struggled to feel the same. It really took a toll on my mental health. I found myself constantly thinking about her and questioning my own worth in the relationship.
So here I am, seeking guidance on how to navigate these persistent thoughts and emotions surrounding my friend. If anyone wants to dive deeper into this story or offer some advice, please feel free to reach out. I could really use some help figuring out where to go from here.
submitted by rasmallai to relationship_advice [link] [comments]