Sinus numbness

Second flare up - argh!

2024.05.19 16:05 whatagoodpupper Second flare up - argh!

Hi all,
Wondering if you might be able to share some of your knowledge based on your own experiences. This seems like a super helpful and welcoming space.
About a year ago I (32 F) had my first flare up of TN pain confirmed by my Neurologist. I have bad TMJ issues, and significant structural jaw problems, so my doctors think that is most likely the cause. I got over that first flare up over a couple of weeks with physio and using Tylenol+low dose codeine to manage pain. I’ve had TMJ pain since but the TN pain has been infrequent.
I thought I was in the clear, but I had an even worse flare up this week, about a year later, which I’m struggling to get under control. Here are my symptoms and test results in case that’s relevant:
What do you do if you’re in a flare up like this? The pain is completely unmanaged and beyond my ability to cope with. I’m in Canada, I could go to the emergency room but I don’t feel like I’ll be taken seriously there (plus it would be a 8-10 hour wait…not good when you’re in pain). A walk in clinic? I have a neurologist but it’s a long weekend here, and it’s never easy to get an appointment.
Any other tips to manage this condition based on your experience is welcome. I’m also desperate to confirm the reason for the TN pain - it definitely could be my jaw, but I also have nerve issues in my pelvis and lower limbs, so I do wonder if another MRI is warranted?
Thanks so much for getting through this long read - I’m exhausted and rambling, but I really appreciate it.
submitted by whatagoodpupper to TrigeminalNeuralgia [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:58 zadiecheetah Weird symptoms

Hi, I'm a 14 year old female and I've been dealing with a wide variety of weird symptoms for around 2 years, but some of my symptoms have recently appeared. I'm diagnosed with lumbar degenerative disc disease, vocal cord dysfunction, polycystic ovarian syndrome, asthma, mitral valve prolapse, paraspinal muscular atrophy, and innapropriate sinus tachycardia so im not sure if any of my symptoms could be related to these conditions. I got told by my orthopedist that he thinks I have an autoimmune condition so I have an appointment with a rheumatologist in 6 months, I have family history of lupus and sarcoidosis so I was thinking maybe I had the neuropsychiatric version of it. my symptom list is:
Constant muscle jerks mostly in my arms, legs, neck, toes, and my torso. They are kind of like very short spasms which will move my limbs. Extremely annoying.
Numbness and tingling in ring and pinky finger on both hands, tingling and numbness in toes
Joint pain
Radiating arm and leg pain (I think this is due to my DDD though)
Bladder Leaking a lot during the day and when I pee I feel like I can't get all the urine out, so I will have to strain
Joint and muscle pain
Pinpricks/itching/tingling feeling near ribs and spine
Memory problems
I have problems with speaking sometimes and will speak in gramatically uncorrect sentences and I will involuntarily pronounce words wrong kind of like im slurring my speech
Severe chest pain, I've been diagnosed with pleurisy a few times and have been to the er because of it
Very sensitive to cold
Vertigo, dizziness and feeling like I'm floating when lying down
Very clumsy, bumping into things and dropping stuff.
Is there anyone who experiences anything similar? I'm going to my neurologist in 3 days to see what she thinks. Any advice would be appreciated and i hope everyone is doing well!!🙏 I have had a clean brain mri 2 years ago when I only had the jerks as a symptom
I also have a positive rombergs test
submitted by zadiecheetah to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:53 Agitated_Twist1398 Medical mystery (hopefully not)

Throwaway account because I don’t want my family members on Reddit worrying
Female 33 years old 5’2” 130lbs Physically active and working at a physically demanding job.
Medical Hx: Genetic Torsion Dystonia (dyt1 mutation), Stevens Johnson Syndrome (2005), cholecystectomy (2008), IVF treatments (2020), Pregnancy w/out complications 2020-4/2021 but prolonged labor and c-section, COVID-19 (December 2021), 4 total COVID vaccines. I was prone to UTI as a child and as an adult I’m prone to sinus infection and chronic cough after respiratory illnesses.
Current medications: Levocetirizine (seasonal allergies), Vitamin 2 (2000 iu/daily), Fish oil daily, fiber capsules daily (as recommended by her GI), medical cannabis for dystonia pain (less than weekly, and sometimes less than monthly).
Recent Hx and concerns:
In Fall 2021, I began experiencing epigastric pain/pressure unrelated to food consumption. The sensation also occasionally was uncomfortable enough to make breathing difficult. Doctors suggested heartburn. An upper GI fluoroscopy did not indicate reflux, chest x-ray was normal.
I tested positive for COVID-19 in mid-December 2021. My symptoms were considered “mild-moderate” though I was out of work for 3 weeks. I continued to have a persistent cough requiring multiple courses of antibiotics and inhaled steroids to clear. I also continued to experience sharp and sudden headaches for a few seconds at a time, chronic fatigue, and blurry vision. Ophthalmologist exam was normal. Around that time I began to experience pain on the outer edge of my left breast. Ultrasound was normal.
In August 2022, I began experiencing frequent (monthly) migraine headaches with aura. I have only experienced a handful of such migraines over my lifetime prior to this. I was prescribed Sumatriptan, which was ineffective. Was then given Ubrelvey (ineffective) and later (2023) Relpax and Fioricet (Relpax dulls the migraine, but does not take it away. Fioricet was ineffective) as well as Nurtec (i had an allergic reaction–hives). In winter 2022, I had a couple of instances of sudden nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. My PCP ordered abdominal and pelvic ultrasounds, all of which were normal.
In the summer of 2023, migraines became more extreme and more frequent (only a week or 2 in between). I began experiencing jaw and tongue pain, light sensitivity (not previously experienced with migraines), tingling in the left hand, dry mouth, and sensitivity to touch and temperature sensations during migraine episodes. Medications continued to be ineffective. In August 2023, I also began experiencing dizziness/unsteadiness when moving quickly or turning, worsening fatigue with need to nap regularly, mental fog and forgetfulness, inability to focus. A sleep study was ordered and results were normal. I underwent a neuropsychological evaluation, the results of which were similar to my previous assessment 5 years prior.
In November 2023, the I began experiencing frequent sudden onset of sweating/chills and racing heart followed by diarrhea and vomiting, sometimes lasting hours. These episodes would then be followed by up to 2 weeks of constipation and sharp abdominal pains, sometimes severe enough to make breathing difficult. The pain was being similar to gallstones. I received an abdominal x-ray after an episode, which showed significant bowel buildup but not in the colon, and constipation was alleviated naturally later that day. These episodes appeared to be in connection with my menstrual cycle (onset and conclusion, or sometimes ovulation). Hormone panels were normal as were stool and urine. After consult with a gastroenterologist and an upper endoscopy, my GI system appeared normal, though with mild inflammation from the vomiting. I was prescribed a 2-month course of Pepcid to assist with the inflammation. In considering the GI exam and migraine history, I was diagnosed with abdominal migraines. I continue to experience epigastric pain with some regularity, and sometimes quite intensely.
Due to migraine severity and frequency, my neurologist ordered a brain MRI w/o contrast in early January 2024, which showed sinus swelling (I came down with a cold later that day) and no other concerns. During the month leading up to this MRI, I had a persistent sinus infection and had been on repeated courses of antibiotics and steroids. The neurologist prescribed daily Topiramate with a tapering up dose. I was only able to taper up to 50mg each night and developed the following side effects before stopping the medication after 6 weeks: significant lapses in memory, worsening fatigue and inability to stay awake, rapid weight loss, tingling in the hands, menstrual irregularity, worsening brain fog, difficulty breathing, and low stamina. An EKG and chest CT w/ and w/o were ordered and were normal. I continued to get migraines on this medication. Difficulty breathing and all other side effects were alleviated after the medication was stopped. The neurologist then prescribed nortriptyline, which the patient responded better to, and migraine frequency decreased. However, after a month, my heart rate was consistently elevated, so the medication was stopped.
CBC in early January was normal except for: WBC 11.6 (high) HCT 45.4 (high) MCHC 32.4 (low)
In late January 2024, I began to notice a squeezing sensation in both knees when I stood from sitting, and a similar sensation around the waist when she was getting dressed or undressed, or in the shower. The squeezing sensations increased in frequency and severity, but are not painful. In February, I noticed numbness in the left-most toes of my left foot while in the shower and within a month was also experiencing it in my right foot. These sensations come and go, but happen daily/near daily and throughout the day. I also now experience occasional numbness along the left side of my left hand, and occasional shooting electric sensations in the same spot. I continue to have brain fog, fatigue with the need for regular naps, blurry vision (worse after exercise/exertion, with fatigue, or with stress), squeezing sensations in my legs/knees and waist, and the numbness sensations in both feet, occasionally my knees, and left hand. I also notice I sometimes stumbles over my own feet, my legs feel heavy often and sometimes weak, and I am quick to lose stamina.
I met with a second neurologist who ordered cervical and thoracic spine MRIs w/ and w/o contrast, which appear normal. Blood panels for STDs, autoimmune diseases, vitamin deficiencies have all been ordered and are unremarkable.
I consulted with a long-Covid clinic, which does not feel my symptoms are related to long-covid except possibly the blurry vision, fatigue, and foggy headedness, based on symptom onset compared to last known infection. They prescribed speech therapy, which I will start in June at a rehabilitation center. They also suggested amantadine for the fatigue, but I haven’t started it. A nerve conduction test was mentioned as a possibility, but was not recommended as the doctor did not feel it would be accurate or beneficial.
Since March 1, 2024, I have been getting weekly acupuncture, and have been on a gluten and dairy free diet. I limit caffeine intake to only decaf coffee or tea infrequently (less than weekly), and has not consumed alcohol since the onset of the abdominal migraines in November 2023. On one occasion, I was unable to avoid gluten and dairy, and the following day experienced severe leg pain, though it could have been weather related as well.
Thanks for taking the time to read! Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by Agitated_Twist1398 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 06:50 Next-Resolution3883 Trying to get an answer part 2

So I have been dealing with post nasal drip since February -march 2023,It all started as a simple flu/ cold but some of the symptoms like post nasal drip didn't went away
I've Been on antibiotics, seen a ton of doctors and no one has idea of what is happening to me. So I came here to get some of advice from people who are in the same situation, these are some of my symptoms and some relevant info.
I also have some pics of my symptoms on my profile, thanks for reading this. Have a nice day
Recent relevant labs
Current physical observations/ symptoms:
submitted by Next-Resolution3883 to Sinusitis [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 04:50 Super-Pirate1847 bad dream turned nightmare.

(long post.) Hi. My name is Nick. I posted my rare disease day story involving some of the findings that I had been detected back in 2021 & 2022. but that was a mere snapshot of what was going on. I had posted that story in january of last year & there have been a few new developments since then. For example I have a laryngocele. My geneticist has diagnosed a slew of conditions from craniofacial abnormalities to torticollis & there's a history of significant vomitting illnesses in childhood that changed into lower digestive issues later on. My most recent illness was the worst one I had yet & it took d3+k2 & b12 supplementation to calm it down after a year & a half of fatigue, diarrhea, that was preceeded by sore throat, coughing (this led to the laryngocele.) & sinus congestion. My geneticist has effectively given up because standard test like emg & blood work are underwhelming & is going to put me through WGS testing because Exome sequencing was unspecific. . .I feel like I should be ashamed of myself for putting myself through this. On top of this there's no support from family whatsoever. I feel like everyone's mistake child. :'(
Below is everything that I've dealt with up to this point form birth to now. . .
27 year old male 6 foot 3 inch between 160-170lbs & skinny male. Active male with a stored history of medical issues both physical & psychological stemming from birth. I was born with a stroke w/thrombocytopenia & minor complications including laryngomalacia, mild weight restriction at 2189 grams, undescended testicle, 2 small holes in the heart that healed w/out surgery, & being put on a home apnea monitor with nursing visits for a time. In childhood I would always have a head tilt. I also couldn’t fully turn my neck to the left for whatever reason. History of puking illnesses as a child that evolved into severe ibs (bile acid malabsorption) in late childhood, History of hives in childhood that would occur on the back, history of right arm jerks in childhood followed by jaw spasms in adolescence that lead to arthralgia. Grew pretty quickly & had speech delay until around 9 years of age.
Fast forward to the summer of 2019 there was a basement flood that turned out to be asbestos contaminated water. We got everything in my bathroom replaced along with carpet.
All was good for a while until I started getting repeated sore throat/coughing up yellow/green phlegm every spring starting in 2019 along with fatigue not getting better with rest & naps. I had developed cognitive issues at the time. This had gone on for at least 2 years. Got a pinched nerve in the neck along with swallowing challenges mostly with water before we moved in late 2021 & I had to address this somehow.
I saw a geneticist in august 2021. They noted some distinct facial features including “Small triangular face & jaw, small mouth, slightly arched palate, & teeth on lower jaw are a bit pointed.” with in the after visit summary an aortic hypoplasia due to heart murmur detection
(Most people would assume mold exposure but I urge you to keep reading because it gets weird & fast.)
I know this next part is highly controversial but it did give me relief from my pinched nerve. I had seeked care from a chiropractor. Everything was fine initially & then I developed a posture lean probably due to whatever I was fighting. I left him when it had stopped working. I also had cervical neck dystonia during this time (transient) I seeked the opinion of my gp at the time & he said it was pots & got some blood work done. All he told me to do was to take vitamin D3.
The abnormal results are as follows: Hematocrit: 51.4, BUN: 22, sodium: 145, carbon dioxide: 19, a/g: 2.3, vitamin D hydroxy-25: 26.3.
I started on vitamin D3+K2 immediately! I sadly would not get over the diarrhea & fatigue issue for another 17 months. I don’t know how I managed to drag myself to work during this awful time. I was experiencing chronic confusion & acute irritability for about a year. I got a different gp because the previous one hid the rest of my test results, on top of this he was pretty rude. After a simple exam she sent me in for imaging regarding concerns on my coordination/confusion. We ran b1 & it was fine. She also got me in with an ent about 6 months apart with follow up from a neurologist who gave his own opinion piece.
The results from my scan in December 2022 involving the brain w/out contrast were as follows:
“Impression: The cystic region in the right parietal lobe is consistent with a porencephalic cyst. There is hemosiderin deposition along the anterior margin of this, and this finding is associated with a perinatal hemorrhagic infarct or maybe associated with perinatal congenital hemorrhage.”
There were also small choroid plexus cyst but I assume everyone has those & they're harmless. This stroke was misdiagnosed for 26 years.
I also got spinal imaging done with results as follows: Impressions from first series of scans:
“Impression: moderate degenerative changes including multi level moderate severe neural foraminal narrowing. Mild accentuated kyphosis and leftward curvature of the upper thoracic spine.”
The second series of spinal findings were more accurate as follows:
“Dextroscoliotic curvature of the thoracic spine measured 26 degrees from the superior endplate of T1 to the inferior endplate of T12, additional levoscoliotic curvature of the cervical spine which measures approximately 13 degrees from C2 to T1, marked coronal imbalance with 18.1cm leftward coronal imbalance, & Accentuation of normal thoracic kyphosis.”
I did a second round of blood work in august 2023 after the original in july 2022 & the metabolic panel showed the following:
Creatinine serum: 1.42, potassium: 3.4, carbon dioxide: 16, Albumin serum: 5.3, A/G ratio 2.3.
In may of 2023 after an uneventful echogram they did a larynx mri with iv contrast with the following result:
“Imaging findings suggest a right anterior laryngocele versus laryngeal diverticular enlargement.”
Got in with a neurologist in June of 2023. We ran blood work & did a test for autoimmune encephalitis & paraneoplastic syndromes. All negative except for b12 at 210. He diagnosed a conjugate gaze palsy, unspecified ataxia, & cerebral ischemia. All he could conclude was that my b12 was causing my arm issues at rest & suggested b12 supplements. He suggested going to a spine surgeon which I turned down. He also said my stroke is an enlarged ventricle that puts me at risk for dementia.
To clarify the arm issue at rest, I’ll wake up with my arm in a different position than when I fell asleep & find it in positions that cause the arm to be numb. Even with putting a cushion between the arm & chest I still find it in arm numbing positions. So I reposition the cushion to prevent it from happening. But I still find the arm in different positions. During the day it’s mobile but there is an underlying grip problem.
A Gastro noted arthralgia in my jaw joints with unspecified esophagitis & childhood ibs that was thought to be celiac but that's not the case. I’ve been having arthralgia since moving states in 2017. It has gotten better with d3k2 & b12 especially supplementation.
Other symptoms are occasional feeling of brief difficulty in breathing; this issue also dates back to childhood, bier spots on hands as well as small tan raised spots on fingers. The bier spots will seem dilated in hot weather & I’ll feel a mild skin sensation. (I will have pictures for these.) I do get a heavy feeling in the head when standing up from squatting at work. History of hives in childhood that would occur on the back, history of right arm jerks in childhood followed by jaw spasms in adolescence that lead to arthralgia.
Saw my geneticist again & we noted quite a few new things like torticollis, history of puking illnesses from childhood, skull asymmetry(plagiocephaly?), deviated septum, mandible bump, & enophthalmos. He thinks hemifacial microsomia but I would be unopposed to alternatives.
Miscellaneous Carrier for cep290 mutation (maternal), small microduplication on 4th chromosome (paternal) but both have little to do with what's going on. We also did targeted testing for marfan & that was negative in 2019.
maybe I just need support through this-
submitted by Super-Pirate1847 to rarediseases [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 03:42 alwaysdeadinside_ 18 Days Post-op DJS with Leforte 2

18 Days Post-op DJS with Leforte 2
Hey guys, 18 days have flown by already, it’s crazy! They got me in these crazy box elastics that make my mouth and teeth ache. On my 4th round of antibiotics due to sinus infection and drainage at my incision site at the upper jaw. Still some numbness mainly in the lips and lower jaw/chin area. Once in a while I get this “electrical” sensation where it feels like the nerves are trying to wake up under both of my eyes and chin area. Liquid diet has been a total blast(not). Trying to survive the next 6 weeks on liquid diet. I have stooped to even blending up cheesecake, burgers, pastas, etc. Lost atleast 10 pounds so far, and it’s starting to get exhausting to just blend, blend, blend. I honestly think the worst part right now is I am getting itching that feels so deep under the skin that I can’t physically itch it, almost as if it’s literally to the bone. Anyone else get this? Not painful at all, just utterly annoying🤣
submitted by alwaysdeadinside_ to jawsurgery [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 21:15 IRFire66 1 Week into supplementation

Hi everyone, i just wanted to thank this group for all the support and super helpful advice as i tried to figure out what to do with my level 6 vitamin D.
It's been a wild year. I've had gradually spiraling health including shortness of breath, severe anxiety, panic attacks, DPDR, severe sinus problems that required surgery, trigeminal nerve cramps, increasing dizziness, now chronic vestibular migraine, and likely POTS symptoms as well including extremely weak legs and a lot of difficulty walking. Most of this kind of came out of nowhere. I'm not really sure if some of this can be related to the low vitamin D or not, but i've always had mood issues when i didn't get enough sun, so i figure fixing this should at least help something.
Anyways I've made it one week into supplementation. I was prescribed 50,000 IU pills to take once a week. I ended up splitting that up and taking it over 5 days. I also bought some supplement pills and so i took 5000IU both of the other days. So thats 60,000IU the first week. I've been taking plenty of magnesium glycinate and threonate as well. I had already been taking it though because they doctors said it would help my migraines (it didnt).
The first dose of D3 had no real effect on me. I took the second one the next morning, and i remember getting a real nice euphoria for a few hours. It could have been a placebo but i'm ok with that. The next two doses made me feel wierd, I remember the third one making me feel extremely dissociated and out of my body and i kind of freaked out. That's kind of how my migrains make me feel in general, and the next two doses seemed to trigger more of that. I was taking pletny of magnesium, so i'm not really sure why i had that reaction twice. My last three doses didn't really have any effect.
I've also been trying to get a lot more sunlight, glad its the start of summertime. Even if its just sitting on my balcony shirtless, i'm hoping that helps. I've found that sunlight seems to help my mood a lot more than the pill supplements, and the warmth on my body helps a bit with the numbness and dissociation.
So far one week in, the only thing i've really noticed is i have spans where my mood is definitely a better. But i've also had two really bad migraines and my mood was trash during that. Not sure how long it takes for vitamin D supplementation to start helping symptoms. But also I dont know if any of my symptoms are actually due to this deficiency.
Starting week 2 today. I think i plan to split the 50,000 IU pill into two, and take half today, and the other half in three or four days. The other days, ill supplement with 5000 or 10000 IU. I'll play it by ear and see how i feel, but would like to be a little more aggresive about it this week to try to boost this 6 and see if it helps my body start healing.
I also ordered some K2+D3 pills. Is this something i should be taking regularly? I'm not sure how often to take the K2.
Thanks again for the support and advice! I'm really hoping that Vitamin D helps with some of my issues, because after tons of doctors visits and endless tests, its literally the only thing that they have found. But i'm understandably a little pessimistic that it wont help, since nothing else has helped, and the first week hasn't made much impact. But at least i have something to work on fixing, so onwards and upwards to week 2!
Any advice or feedback for week 2 is much appreciated! You guys have been a huge help so far!
submitted by IRFire66 to VitaminD [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 18:27 djayfrostbite1 Meds don’t work, what else can I try?

Dizziness started in mid November 2021, went to Canberra on the 10th of December and I had my first near faint experience followed by high heart beat and palpitation.
Dizziness and lightheaded was followed till the 28th of December when I nearly fainted again and had really high heart rate: went to hospital. They did blood work and ecg couldn’t find a probable cause. Went to hospital again 3 days later and no findings were evident. Upon my 3rd visit to hospital X-ray was done off my chest and nothing was found. I was bedridden for 6 weeks, everyday was a battle for life, I felt like I was in septic shock everyday. I had to get iv fluids about 10 times because of dehydration, I sweated constantly with no appetite for water or food.
Lightheaded Dizziness Heart gets tired quickly Sometimes my arms and hands become a little numb. My head feels tension. heat in my abdomen, back and my ears get hot. Feels like a pulsating feeling through my body during a bad episode Sometimes left shoulder feels warm My eyes sometimes drop tears randomly Unable to concentrate at times Shortness of breath during episode There’s always a tense feeling in my chest and around my heart area. Sometimes hits my lower abdomen and I feel nausea makes my stomach make noises. I have difficulty sleeping my head spins more when I close my eyes. I wake up between 1-3am with a weird feeling as if I’m scared or something. Vision sometimes becomes blurry. Fatigue and tiredness. Little sudden Noises scare me. Whenever I have a episode that peaks, my hands and feet get sweaty and I feel heat. My hands and feet sometimes get cold. The feeling in my mid left chest area I can’t explain but it’s as if my muscles are vibrating. When I stand up it’s seems my head and chest symptoms get worse for about a minute and then settle down. Same thing happens when I lay down. It gets worse for a minute till it goes back to how it was. Sometimes I can feel it hitting my front part of my head and my sinus feels tense as well. As well as my ears feel the pressure. Lying down seems to reduce some tension in my head. I feel bad 80% of the day really bad 15% of the day and alright 5% of the day.
Let’s go back to my childhood, my earliest memory is probably when I was around 10. If I would focus on my breathing it felt like I couldn’t breath anymore. I also had these unexplained spinning and dizziness at a young age during sleep time. Doctors couldn’t find anything. I was always a scared kid thinking about the worse case scenario that might kill me but in reality it was overthinking. In highschool a few times I nearly fainted out of the blue. Sometimes during sports I’ll hit a point where out of no where my heart would start racing and my breathing would become laboured. Sometimes over excitement caused this as well.
Now medications
Lexapro 40mg for 6 months, no benefits. Made me really bad during the first 2 weeks and kinda of settled after that, dumbed the depressive symptoms but that’s about it. Felt much better after coming off, it definitely made my condition worse. Derealisation, fatigue, tiredness, forgetfulness. All of it.
Zoloft 50mg for 18 days and 100mg for 3 days, had a panic attack on day 3 I thought it was Zoloft but found it to be thc later on. Discontinued Zoloft then. No benefits during the 18 days on 50mg and made my condition way worse.
Paxil 20mg for 2 months, probably one of the strongest reactions to any ssri, daily panic attacks losing my mind, as if there’s a laughter in my head but it’s my internal monologue creating it but still I was losing it. Pushed on for 2 months and it just made me worse as the days went on.
Agomelatine 20mg no benefits, daily panic attacks, took it for about 36 days.
Pristiq, I’m on day 54 and I’ve stopped taking it, my last dose was on Wednesday not sure how to stop. It’s making me worse, mood is swinging, brain fog and all other symptoms are reappearing on this medication.
Clonidine didn’t do much except relax my body alittle
Lyrica, knocked me out at 25mg and made me tired. No benefits.
Valium 5mg, very small relief, short benefits 3-5 hours, more of a muscle relaxant, addictive in nature.
Clonezapam 1mg, small amount of relief, short relief 3-5 hours.
Xanax 2mg, haven’t tried
Ativan 1mg only have tried 0.5mg and it didn’t do much.
Seroquel 25mg, good for sleep, couldn’t sleep for more then 4 hours for the last 5 years or so, now I get a solid 8 hours, it’s not a 100% good quality sleep but it gets the job done, I don’t feel tired through the day as before I got sick.
Epilim haven’t tried chickenend out
Lamictal discontinued on day 3 after developing rash
Lithium 500mg, 37 days. Left like losing my mind not sure if adverse reaction to the lithium or it was some kind of discontinuation I was getting from the lexapro.
Prozac 4 days to bridge off lexapro
Thc/cbd oil, made me go full panic mode for 4 hours each time I tried it. Very similar to what I was feeling with the Paxil minus the laughter side effect.
Dizziness Burning tongue Headache Nausea Metallic taste in mouth Hot flushes Muscle pain and tension Fatigue Numbness in hands Pins and needles Brain fog Startled easily Blood pressure problems Heart feeling heavy Fast heart beat Feel like I’m dying Losing my mind Losing control Very negative thoughts Intrusive thoughts Hyper reactive Blurry vision Cold palms and feet Sweaty palms and feet Hot flushes Feeling sick / flu like Weak limbs Digestion problems Numbness Nightmares
Currently my biggest challenges are
I think I’m developing schizophrenia all the time, and I’m going to lose my mind.
I’m hyper vigilant and see things in the corners of my eye.
My physical symptoms cycle throughout the weeks and I’m never symptomsless. Physical or cognitive I always feel something.
My mind always feels like as if something is off,
As my overall condition gets worse my brain fogs becomes really bad and my hands and feet become so cold to the touch,
I become very forgetful
I can never stop thinking about my condition, my mind is occupied by it 24/7
When I go into crowded areas my physical symptoms become much worse, such as brain fog heart rate and jelly legs.
My internal monologue never shuts up and it’s always active.
Racing thoughts
When I’m on medications l as ssri’s I get irrational fears such as being allergic to nuts or something crazy. But seems to go away after a month when discontinuing the medication,
Lightheaded, feel like my neck muscles are so tense that my brain isn’t getting enough blood.
I’m hyper focused on all bodily functions physical or Cognitive, if I suspect something that is schizophrenic or damaging I get a mini panic attack. But panic attack do occur for no reason as well most of the times.
I’m in this state constantly let’s say chronically,
When my condition worsens and it’s at full flip, no amount of logic can override my thought process, I just believe I’m dying because the physical sensations are just toooo strong that I want to jump out of my skin. I don’t know how to explain it but it’s a weird feeling. Agitated state, dizzy, wobbly, can’t focus etc.
Something else is weird sometime when I’m having a super bad panic attack, such as my heart racing at 180bpm, my cognitive focus will be on my heart and my condition will disappear? I’ll actually feel normalised, mentally and physically. Something happed with the thc, my nausea and cognitive and physical symptoms had been relived but then panic set in. It’s like it suppressed the anxiety symptoms but aggravated the panic if that is possible. Sometimes if I truely focus on something, a lot of it all goes away for a few milliseconds. Kind of same feeling after a massive panic attack, when the panic subsides before it’s next hit I’ll feel my condition/anxiety problems actually settle to better then base levels before priming back up.
Mental illness problems are prevalent in my family,
I’ve done all the physical body checkups before the anxiety diagnosis. Everything check out well physically.
submitted by djayfrostbite1 to AskPsychiatry [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:25 c3ph31 BDD Claims with a VSO

BDD Claims with a VSO
Hey all,
Submitted my claim at 20 FEB 24
I did the BDD Claims process and got my DBQs early from the TOL Patient Portal, I read all the DBQs notes from my C&P examiner and assume I got either a 90-100%. I would not know until my separation date which is 07 AUG 24. Welp! Time to wait... any tips and advice would anyone like to offer?
Thank you all!

What I claimed so far

submitted by c3ph31 to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:39 Level_Preference4154 I hate this

It was my first day at work today and right before I went in I started to experience this dizzy feeling (kind of hard to describe but I can really feel it in my ears), and felt super foggy mentally. Like I couldn’t even form a thought. Now I’m back home with a bit of a headache. I’ve been generally ok as far as the physical symptoms go like sinus issues, numbness, etc. but I notice sometimes this feeling of sluggishness along with cognitive problems. When my medication seems to be working I can function SO much better mentally. I can connect the dots a lot more. Anyways, when I interviewed for this position I really had it together and aced their employment test. I got hired on the spot because they liked me so much. But my first day? I felt like a zombie. Could hardly process anything. Wasn’t able to socialize properly. This dizzy empty headedness just persisted. Words weren’t sticking. I sort of was able to figure things out at first but my brain really just gave up at some point. I made a few mistakes, one so stupid it made my boss laugh. I phrased something in a really dumb way and didn’t even realize until they laughed. I also was having trouble focusing, acted impulsively at one point by just clicking away a dialogue box when I wasn’t supposed to (should’ve asked before doing that by it’s like my frontal lobe couldn’t pre-coordinate.) FFS I need to be on my A game if I want to perform well!! This job is a stepping stone to my desired career path and I feel like I’m screwing it up. The interviewer is also my boss and I feel like I’m already letting them down. Like a fraud.
What do I take to prevent this brain fog??? It’s so unpredictable. I actually feel a bit depressed right now and like a fool. Just yesterday I powered through the online pre-training exercises but when I did that today I was having trouble even understanding the questions. I want to cry.
submitted by Level_Preference4154 to MCAS [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:19 bananatr0n Allergy "Tells"

Does anyone else have a body "tell" or symptom, that isn't standard or documented anywhere, but will give you a heads up that you're about to have a reaction to something? I have Ideopathic urticaria and 34 allergies. Every time I'm about to break out my right cheekbone/sinus starts to go numb. Was just curious of anyone else has the same thing or another weird indicator.
submitted by bananatr0n to Allergies [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:16 PlantHerald Almost died from a 'pinched nerve'

Repost from MedicalMalpractice [link]
So about half a year ago while I (27 AFAB at the time) was at work my arm began tingling. It happened while I was crocheting so I attributed it to poor posture but took note of the time (just after 3pm) and continued working until 5pm. By the time I got off work my pinky and ring finger on my right hand became difficult to use. I drove home (hindsight this was really stupid of me to do) and an hour later when it hadn't gotten better I asked my brother to take me to the ER.
While there I told them that given the symptoms I was having (numbness on one side, and partial paralysis) and that I had started a new birth control a month prior that I was worried about the possibility of a stroke. They checked for the more obvious signs of stroke (facial droop, delayed eye dilation, blood tests, etc.) and noted that I had weakness in my right arm as well as tachycardia. They asked my brother about my behavior and if I was acting off, which he said I was not.
When the blood tests came back they informed me that my d-dimer was elevated. I wasn't told how much it was elevated. They referred me to CT to check for a pulmonary embolism. CT showed a normal healthy chest and I was sent home with a diagnosis of pinched ulnar nerve.
Over the next two days I proceeded to be incapable of eating or drinking anything, if I slept it was not for more than an hour at a time and I woke up in a cold sweat. My arm went from tingly and partially paralyzed to dead meat attached to my body. I could not move it, and could only lift at the shoulder. I woke my brother up at 3am to take me back to the ER. I informed them of the new symptoms, as well as the worsening of the previous symptoms.
This time it felt very dismissive. I was not being heard. I got sent to MRI to check again for a pulmonary embolism which again showed nothing. I told them I felt like I had really bad brain fog and my arm felt like it was in ice water. I was told this was normal for a pinched ulnar nerve. They gave me nerve glides to do, a prescription for 600mg of ibuprofen, and a referral to a neurologist. I asked them before I left if it was a good idea to fly as I had a vacation starting the next day, I was told it was fine.
So I went on my vacation, flying from one coast of the US to the other. It was 7hrs after I landed and was picked up from the airport where it started to go downhill and rapidly.
I still couldn't eat, and I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep so I bummed a gummy off a friend and started getting ready to go to bed. After this is a complete haze for me but I will list the events as I was later told:
I dropped on Tuesday night. I remember bits and pieces of Tuesday night, and the following Wednesday, but I was not conscious and aware until Thursday morning. I woke up, realized I had a catheter, and I was P\SSED*.
In the few hours after the medical staff learned I was actually with it. I was informed not only that I had a stroke, but that I had a rare form of stroke. It was a Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis. They were shocked that the previous hospital had not continued to look for something and dismissed me. I was then informed that my d-dimer was 1.03 (where a 0.50 was the maximum threshold for a normal d-dimer), my glucose upon being admitted was severely elevated, and they didn't know how bad it was because they had not yet been able to get a clear image of my brain. They later did and most of the damage was surface level and I came out pretty good for a CVST.
Throughout my ICU stay I learned I was extremely lucky to be alive, you can't trust every doctor, and to always be accompanied by someone who will advocate for you. Also birth control sucks and my friends are amazing.
I spent my 28th birthday in the ER.
I now live in the state where I was finally diagnosed properly and I am communicating with a lawyer for a malpractice lawsuit. I have had up to 20 appointments a month just for things related to my stroke and am coming to terms with things that just might not get better. I'm taking 4 different medications for the after affects of the stroke, and I might just have to remain on 3 of them as it's possible I now have an epileptic disorder. We wont know for sure until my brain is given more time to heal but my recent EEG still shows abnormal brain activity.
I think overall I have a pretty solid case, especially given the shock of the paralegal as I explained what happened. But sometimes I second guess it and it worries me. I'm still waiting on their Nurse Expert to look at my file.
Additional notes: they were told both times I had a migraine with aurora. It took 2 months for me to regain usable function in my right arm. I have reduced feeling in my entire right side (I can feel if things are touching me, but not temperature or if it's sharp). I have noticeable memory issues, I can't remember appointments on my own, if I don't write down something that happened that day I will forget it by the next day. It's also a gamble what I remember on my own and how I remember it.
I'm 28. This shouldn't be an issue I have to face and I probably wouldn't be facing it to this degree if it was originally diagnosed the first two times I went to the ER.
submitted by PlantHerald to MedicalPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 11:56 freshwatervibes Spreading coldness/numbness

White 21M from US. 4 months ago while on a long plane flight, i experienced prolonged numbness/tingling in my legs. for another week or so this persisted but eventually went away. over the last 4 months, beginning with my feet, constant coldness has spread from my feet all the way up my legs. the feeling varies from just coldness to a feeling of cold water running down my legs. my face is also cold. my feet cramp up when i run for extended periods of time and my hands/arms go numb much more easily than they used to (not constant but needs less pressure / loss of circulation). not sure what kind of doctor to even set up an appointment with.
a couple other things: at first i thought it might be diabetes although im reasonably fit (5 foot 9 ~160 pounds, work out / run regularly). got a glucose monitor online and all readings were normal. just prior to the development of symptoms i had been taking sudafed regularly for a sinus/ear infection. i’m pretty sure i took it for longer than the recommended 7 days.
in short: what kind of doctor should i set up an appointment with? anyone have an idea as to what’s going on? greatly appreciate all of your help.
submitted by freshwatervibes to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:44 Rojuzte Just looking for some support/conformation

Hi, apologies for the long post but I just wanted to clear some things up
4/5/24 - Was prescribed 10x500 moxifloxacin for suspected acute bacterial sinusitis.
12/5/24 - After taking 9th pill, started feeling tingling in both calves. Stopped taking antibiotic.
13/5/24 - Visited doctor in Sapa, Vietnam. By this point, symptoms were tingling in feet, legs and slightly in hands. Some numbness in toes, on and off headaches and lightheadedness (was getting this with sinusitis so not sure if still have it). Doctor suggested it could be peripheral neuropathy, would have to go to Hanoi, Vietnam for further testing. Started taking magnesium, CoQ10 and probiotics.
14/5/24 - travelled to Hanoi, where I had EMG, blood tests (B12 and thyroxine). EMG and bloods returned normal
15/5/24 - received spinal tap. Waiting on results for this.
16/5/24 - currently resting, symptoms are:
Just wanted to check that these onset of symptoms are normal? I am not too worried at the moment and I am aware that this is most likely not something that goes away quickly, but it would be nice to have some clarity if anyone else experienced this in early stages.
submitted by Rojuzte to floxies [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:35 that1depressedbitch Y'all I'm so tired

Is it just me that has always something going on or is that the norm?
I'm so exhausted, just mentally drained. I feel like life has been going non-stop and I can't catch a break.
In the past month, I got sick with a sinus infection, our workplace had a crazy bomb threat situation, a week after that we were scheduled to put on this event for work and it never got rescheduled so we did that. I got sick AGAIN and now I'm back at work getting back into putting together another event and trying to support my boyfriend through the loss of one of his family members. Part of my hand has been numb for the past 4 days and at this point, I don't even want to go back to the doctors because it's just going to be another thing to deal with.
I'm so TIRED. Sometimes when I think about life just a bit too much, I start spiraling and then crying. Which is what I just finished doing. I have work in the morning and I dread going in. It's not that I don't like it, I just need a break. I wish I could just pause all of my responsibilities and random shit that keeps happening so I can take time off to go on a vacation instead of spending my PTO being sick.
If you made it this far, thanks for listening to me vent.
submitted by that1depressedbitch to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:21 Throwaway17263829173 So I think I have neck issues, docs don’t think so.

For reference I’m a 23 yo M
To start, around 3 weeks ago I was headbanging to music pretty hard and felt a stinger in my neck. Thought I just pulled something, but I woke up the next day with my arm feeling like a nerve was pinched somewhere. It was hurting in my left shoulder and weak as well, there was also tingling and weakness in my hand.
The tingling have also spread to my face and neck. A week later the other arm started having the same issue (feeling exactly the same on onset actually). I go to see my neurologist and he was weakness in my left shoulder and arm but not in my right arm as it felt completely normal when this all started. The left shoulder weakness has actually gotten better, but the tingling, numbness, and weakness are still there. Also neck pain and should pain coke on intermittently.
I should note all the weakness is clinical. Also have positive Hoffmann sign in left hand but not on the right. No clonus. Positive Romberg test which tests for proprioception.
I had an emg of only the left arm because that was where all this started, and it came back crystal. I also had an mri of my brain and neck and this is what they found.
FINDINGS: No fractures or dislocations are seen. No destructive bony changes are seen. The vertebral bodies are maintained in height. The pedicles are intact. No facet malalignment is seen. The pedicles are intact. The craniocervical alignment and atlantoaxial articulation are unremarkable. The visualized structures within the cranial fossa are grossly unremarkable. No spinal cord myelopathy or contusion is seen. Small mucous retention cyst in the sphenoid sinus is noted consistent with chronic sinusitis.
There is straightening of the cervical lordosis likely due to muscle spasm.
The C2-3 disc level is unremarkable.
The C3-4 level is unremarkable.
C4-5: There is 2.5-3 mm broad-based right paracentral/right posterior herniation of the protrusion type impinging of the right ventral spinal cord borderline narrowing the central spinal canal. The neural foramina are patent bilaterally. Tiny Tarlov cyst in the lateral foramen is seen.
C5-6: There is a shallow broad-based left posterior protrusion encroaching approximately 2.5-3 mm into the spinal canal with associated posterior spurring/ridging impinging on and mildly flattening the left ventral spinal cord. Tarlov cysts in both neural foramina are seen.
C6-7: Tarlov cysts in both foramina are noted without disc space narrowing, annular fissure, posterior herniation or central spinal stenosis.
C7-T1: There is minimal right posterior bulge without disc space narrowing, annular fissure or focal herniation. Small Tarlov cysts in the foramina are seen.
The T1-2 disc level is unremarkable.
All this points to neck issues but two surgeons (well one surgeon and a resident of another surgeon.) say it’s highly unlikely my neck is causing these symptoms. My neurologist has stated to me that there is nothing else it really could be outside of blood issues.
I’ve gone down the als rabbit hole and am stuck in it, I’m trying to get out. I forgot to mention I have twitches too on top of it all.
Help me friends
EDIT: I also have balance issues and weakness in my right leg that’s more attributable to my disc herniation in my low back. I had the weakness before all this became so crazy. Also brain mri is literally completely unremarkable.
submitted by Throwaway17263829173 to BFS [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:35 Nearby-Monk-7901 Never ending throat clearing

I will make it short.
I have to clear my throat constantly since almost a year. The feeling ist mostly around my adams apple, but sometimes all the way down to the Suprasternal notch. It feels like a thin layer of tough mucus and gives me the urge to clear my throat. Sometimes it actually helps and some slime comes up, a lot of times it‘s without success.
First I thought it was my sinuses but an MRT figured that I have no chronic sinus infection. I have an slighty odd nasal septum which leads to a less airflow in one of the nostrils.
Apart from that I took an allergy test and it turns out I am allergic to a whole bunch of things and first and foremost dust and dustmites which could lead to a constand slime production up my knows which drips down my throat. Apparently a 6 week treatment with Momentasol (cortsiol spray) should have helped but it didn’t. I took the spray, an airfilter, encasings to have everything in my bed anti allergic and anti-histamines. But I don’t really feel much of an improvement.
Next week my doctor might do a laser treatment to make my nasal cavernosas smaller. But I don’t think it will do much of a thing, since I don’t really have the feeling that my airflow is hindered.
Now I have 2 questions:
  1. It really destroys my eagerness to be social or on dates to constantly clear my throat. Do you have recommendations for products from the pharmacy to numb this forced throat clearing or make the slime lightemore liquid? To basically just temporarily make me more comfortable in social setting and my daily life with restricting the symptoms to a minimum
  2. Do you have an Idea what also the problem could be and what other options/specialists I should try out? Maybe some hints could lead me in the right direction.
Thank you so much in advance!
EDIT: I don’t think it’s a tic since I do feel slime coming from deep inside my nose/ sinuses dripping down when I swallow
submitted by Nearby-Monk-7901 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:04 ImTheNarratorofMe Anybody else experience this?

I 32f have been diagnosed with AS since 2020 and Lupus since 2023 when the Humira caused some weird symptoms and led to me getting tested for Lupus and MS. I had to switch to Cosentyx and have been on it about a year but it doesn't seem effective so we're switching to Taltz soon.
I've been having an AS flair since February with lots of hip, neck and shoulder pain as well as iritis since April. The neck and shoulder pain is what I'm confused by.
It feels like all of a sudden my neck muscles can barely hold my head up, sometimes the muscles tighten badly enough for one shoulder to elevate and twist so I basically have scoliosis for a bit until I do enough days of PT stretching to even back out. My throat will swell inward so I have a harder time swallowing, my eustachian tubes also swell causing inner ear pressure, difficulty hearing and occasional ringing, and my sinuses will also sometimes swell up so I can't breath through my nose and it's running like crazy, this all comes and goes on severity based on the position of my neck, did I turn it to fast to the right, did I look down for to long and over stretch something etc.. also just constant migraine.
Is this normal for anyone else? I had a flare of this occur when I was on Humira but I also had the left side of my back go numb and then 6 months later the left side of my face went numb as well which led to the Lupus tests and diagnosis but now I'm experiencing this again but no other Lupus symptoms and the iritis which screams AS as being the cause. Do you think this is likely AS only or should I be getting a steroid taper for the lupus as well? I have talked to my rheumatologist and she only suggested switching to taltz and following up in a 4 weeks to see if it helps.
submitted by ImTheNarratorofMe to ankylosingspondylitis [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:42 Neverlannnd93 Newly diagnosed. Now what?

Hi All,
30yo female, uk
Last year I had a big trauma in the form of a minor health problem that was misdiagnosed/mistreated to the point where it became chronic (took 6 months to get rid of a sinus infection and I'm now on a wait list to potentially have surgery on my ear since that hasn't resolved).
I started off with tingling in my hands and feet that quickly spread to my entire body including parts of my mouth. This is a 24/7 symptom. I've had periods where I experience numbness (normally in my calf, wrist but the main place it flares in my face) but I still habe sensation like running a hairbrush off the numb patch i still feel it and if it's in my face I can still move my muscles etc. I've also had headaches that go on for about a week but both those seem to be more like flare ups and eventually they go. My more recent symptom is sharp shooting pains that are more intermittent and again seem go be all over (like i'll be chilling and it'll jolt in my wrist or part of my thigh). I put this down to the condition since it came on in the lead up to my finally having my neurology appointment so naturally i was really stressed and scared.
I've had extensive private bloods, as well as many public healthcare ones over the past year and all that was picked up was iron and vit d deficienes which are resolved now. I had a private MRI of my spine and brain as it was suspected MS and that came back normal as well.
Coming up to a month since my neurologist appointment where I was officially diagnosed with FND. He was very validating and had clearly really taken the time to read my notes etc from the fact some of the questions he asked had info in that I hadn't present to him myself. I had my millionth functional physical neuro tests and they were normal again. As it seems to be moreso sensory for me, i've just been given a neurophsycology referral and discharged from neurology and i had no date of when i'm gonna be seen.
I'm already in private therapy and she's helping me manage anxiety and work on redirection to just start getting my life back a bit.
I joined one FND forum and got really upset because it was a lot of people just telling me i've been misdiagnosed and it's xyz etc but for me it just seems like the right diagnosis. Also made my symptoms flare more.
It just really sucks that it seems you're given a diagnosis then left with nothing other than "find a support group in the meantime." I'm just scared of the possibility of ignoring a new symptom (like the shooty i have now) cause situationally i can pin it on stress and fnd and it turns out i'm ignoring something bigger.
Hope you lovely lot can provide ways to help me manage and hopefully some of you have experienced the same as me.
submitted by Neverlannnd93 to FND [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:53 PlantHerald Almost died from a "pinched nerve"

So about half a year ago while I (27 AFAB at the time) was at work my arm began tingling. It happened while I was crocheting so I attributed it to poor posture but took note of the time (just after 3pm) and continued working until 5pm. By the time I got off work my pinky and ring finger on my right hand became difficult to use. I drove home (hindsight this was really stupid of me to do) and an hour later when it hadn't gotten better I asked my brother to take me to the ER.
While there I told them that given the symptoms I was having (numbness on one side, and partial paralysis) and that I had started a new birth control a month prior that I was worried about the possibility of a stroke. They checked for the more obvious signs of stroke (facial droop, delayed eye dilation, blood tests, etc.) and noted that I had weakness in my right arm as well as tachycardia. They asked my brother about my behavior and if I was acting off, which he said I was not.
When the blood tests came back they informed me that my d-dimer was elevated. I wasn't told how much it was elevated. They referred me to CT to check for a pulmonary embolism. CT showed a normal healthy chest and I was sent home with a diagnosis of pinched ulnar nerve.
Over the next two days I proceeded to be incapable of eating or drinking anything, if I slept it was not for more than an hour at a time and I woke up in a cold sweat. My arm went from tingly and partially paralyzed to dead meat attached to my body. I could not move it, and could only lift at the shoulder. I woke my brother up at 3am to take me back to the ER. I informed them of the new symptoms, as well as the worsening of the previous symptoms.
This time it felt very dismissive. I was not being heard. I got sent to MRI to check again for a pulmonary embolism which again showed nothing. I told them I felt like I had really bad brain fog and my arm felt like it was in ice water. I was told this was normal for a pinched ulnar nerve. They gave me nerve glides to do, a prescription for 600mg of ibuprofen, and a referral to a neurologist. I asked them before I left if it was a good idea to fly as I had a vacation starting the next day, I was told it was fine.
So I went on my vacation, flying from one coast of the US to the other. It was 7hrs after I landed and was picked up from the airport where it started to go downhill and rapidly.
I still couldn't eat, and I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep so I bummed a gummy off a friend and started getting ready to go to bed. After this is a complete haze for me but I will list the events as I was later told:
I dropped on Tuesday night. I remember bits and pieces of Tuesday night, and the following Wednesday, but I was not conscious and aware until Thursday morning. I woke up, realized I had a catheter, and I was PISSED.
In the few hours after the medical staff learned I was actually with it. I was informed not only that I had a stroke, but that I had a rare form of stroke. It was a Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis. They were shocked that the previous hospital had not continued to look for something and dismissed me. I was then informed that my d-dimer was 1.03 (where a 0.50 was the maximum threshold for a normal d-dimer), my glucose upon being admitted was severely elevated, and they didn't know how bad it was because they had not yet been able to get a clear image of my brain.
Throughout my ICU stay I learned I was extremely lucky to be alive, you can't trust every doctor, and to always be accompanied by someone who will advocate for you. Also birth control sucks and my friends are amazing.
I spent my 28th birthday in the ER.
I now live in the state where I was finally diagnosed properly and I am communicating with a lawyer for a malpractice lawsuit. I have had up to 20 appointments a month just for things related to my stroke and am coming to terms with things that just might not get better. I'm taking 4 different medications for the after affects of the stroke, and I might just have to remain on 3 of them as it's possible I now have an epileptic disorder. We wont know for sure until my brain is given more time to heal but my recent EEG still shows abnormal brain activity.
I think overall I have a pretty solid case, especially given the shock of the paralegal as I explained what happened. But sometimes I second guess it and it worries me.
submitted by PlantHerald to MedicalMalpractice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:28 Organic-Standard6549 Blisters/sores in back of throat?

Had a virus about a month ago (typical sore throat and sinus pressure) directly followed by strep a week later. Took Amoxicillin and cleared it up then throat started hurting again a few days after the antibiotic and has been red and started getting these blister looking sores appearing. Doctor gave me something called magic mouthwash and it helps numb things up and soothe, but they are still appearing and throat is still irritated after 4 days using the mouthwash. Any suggestions on what’s going on? Just a byproduct of the strep from 2 weeks ago?
I'm 38M, 5'10", 140 lbs, white. I also have Ankylosing Spondylitis and take Cosentyx monthly and Celebrex when needed. I’m actually due for my Cosentyx injection but I'm hesitant to take it right now. Rhuem told me to wait until any infection is cleared up. I don't feel sick, no fever, and I feel fine besides the mild throat irritation.
submitted by Organic-Standard6549 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:53 FarConsideration5988 Ongoing left side tingling. One year comes and goes mri scan without contrast

I woke up in the morning a few times over 6 months with tingling/numbness in my left leg. Occasionally the arm. I then started to get like, one restless leg on left side in bed. I started to wake up with tingling in left leg and arm and then my jaw. At this point I went to emergency department. They just did bloods said vitals ok.Vit d phosphate and urea a bit low. I'm a vegan and diet not amazing so wasn't surprised. Discharged. My aunty had ms so I was scared about this and paid for private mri scan. Results: TECHNIQUE: Multi-planar multi-sequence MR imaging of the brain without contrast. COMPARISON: None on the PACS. FINDINGS: There is no acute infarction, intracranial hemorrhage, or extra-axial collection. The ventricle system and cortical sulci are relatively within range for the patient's age. No hydrocephalus or cerebellar tonsillar herniation. The visualized major intracranial vessels show preserved T2 signal voids. There is relative prominence/tortuous optic nerve sheath complexes bilaterally. There is an empty sella noted. here is suggested minimal mucosal thickening within the visualized paranasal sinuses mainly at the ethmoid air cells here are likely globular fluid signal intensity seen within the bilateral facial mainly cheeks and nasolabia olds subcutaneous tissue of likely cosmetic dermal fillers ADCO0123442 Name Date Referring Clinic Referring Physician IMPRESSION: lo definite acute intracranial abnormality, allowing for suggested/borderline features of possible idiopathic intracranial hypertension within the appropriate clinical context, for clinical correlation
I called family medicine who told me nothing is urgent, I will see in person family doctor in 3 weeks who will refer to neurology. I had an eyetest, vision normal. No headaches They told me if I have vision problems or vomit to go to emergency I'm so scared I will end up paralysed Tingling still in jaw and outer 3 toes on left foot What can it be? How can I make sure I don't become paralysed
submitted by FarConsideration5988 to askneurology [link] [comments]