Auto buses pacifico

r/Detroit: News, Events, Food, Discussion, and More about Detroit

2008.07.28 00:11 r/Detroit: News, Events, Food, Discussion, and More about Detroit

News, Events, Food, Discussion, and More about Detroit and Southeast Michigan.

2011.02.23 21:55 lawrnk Air-cooled Beetle Subreddit


2024.05.19 03:43 hjnintendofan EGM's review of the original GTA on PS1 (Issue 108, July 1998)

EGM's review of the original GTA on PS1 (Issue 108, July 1998) submitted by hjnintendofan to GTA [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:04 Tikkikun El problema del transporte público SI tiene solución...

... La vaina es que nadie quiere comerse el pleito con tremenda mafiaza.
Pero si alguien quisiera comerse el pleito (que es una chambaza a largo plazo), podríamos:
Ahora, obviamente esos cambios también desmantelarían toda una serie de empleos relacionados (chau cobradores, chau jaladores, chau controladores, chau limpialunas, chau tía del sanguche y la maca), pero es probable que toda esa gente se las agencie para conseguir algo similar o mejor.
Ahora, ¿qué hacemos para mecharlos a la mafia del transporte? ¿Nuestro propio ejército con juegos de azar y mujerzuelas? ¿Ubicamos a las cabezas y les ofrecemos un trato? ¿Nuestra propia empresa de transportes para competir? ¿Un metro subterráneo de La Molina al Callao?
¿Cómo lo resolverían ustedes?
submitted by Tikkikun to PERU [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 10:51 Complete_Ad8747 New to Telangana! Suggest good places to reside!

Hello everyone. I am (single, M, 33) new to Telangana (just came here in April 2024) and am working as an Assistant Professor in an Institution (Malla Reddy Group's). I am looking for a 2BHK flat furnished or semi-furnished [Budget: 15 K to 20 K; negotiable] in such a location which has the following:
  1. Suitable communications available (Hyderabad transport facilities are not so good everywhere, every time I have to take a cab or auto to travel anywhere as the bus routes still I am not accustomed with and seem unsafe also as the buses drivers drive horribly here!)
  2. Lots of shops, pharmacies, hospitals, restaurants,parks, grocery shops etc nearby
  3. With good water and electricity facilities (some places have lots of water crisis here).
  4. Good security, internet and phone connectivity.
  5. Flat with good kitchen and bathroom facilities.
  6. Finally also nearby my college or the places where college buses are available.
Thanks in advance to the authentic responses!
submitted by Complete_Ad8747 to ask_Bondha [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 10:04 Complete_Ad8747 New to Telangana! Looking for a good place to reside!

Hello everyone. I am (single, M, 33) new to Telangana (just came here in April 2024) and am working as an Assistant Professor in an Institution (Malla Reddy Group's). I am looking for a 2BHK flat furnished or semi-furnished [Budget: 15 K to 20 K; negotiable] in such a location which has the following:
  1. Suitable communications available (Hyderabad transport facilities are not so good everywhere, every time I have to take a cab or auto to travel anywhere as the bus routes still I am not accustomed with and seem unsafe also as the buses drivers drive horribly here!)
  2. Lots of shops, pharmacies, hospitals, restaurants,parks, grocery shops etc nearby
  3. With good water and electricity facilities (some places have lots of water crisis here).
  4. Good security, internet and phone connectivity.
  5. Flat with good kitchen and bathroom facilities.
  6. Finally also nearby my college or the places where college buses are available.
Thanks in advance to the authentic responses!
submitted by Complete_Ad8747 to Telangana [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 07:33 Complete_Ad8747 New to the city, looking for a good place!

Hello everyone. I am (single, M, 33) new to Hyderabad (just came here in April 2024) and am working as an Assistant Professor in an Institution (Malla Reddy Group's). I am looking for a 2BHK flat furnished or semi-furnished [Budget: 15K to 20K] in such a location which has the following: 1. Suitable communications available (Hyderabad transport facilities are not so good everywhere, every time I have to take a cab or auto to travel anywhere as the bus routes still I am not accustomed and seem unsafe also as the buses drivers drive horribly here!) 2. Lots of shops, pharmacies, hospitals, restaurants,parks, grocery shops etc nearby 3. With good water and electricity facilities (some places have lots of water crisis here). 4. Good security, internet and phone connectivity. 5. Flat with good kitchen and bathroom facilities. 6. Finally also nearby my college or the place where college buses are available.
submitted by Complete_Ad8747 to hyderabad [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 19:38 za_dorov Siempre tuve esa sensacion de que absolutamente todo lo que hacemos y pensamos está pre-digitado, Programado. Creo que una amiga por accidente encontró pruebas. (Final)

Parte 2
Parte III
“()Los sonidos industriales de aspas girando, los gritos por compasión seguidos del crac estruendoso y líquido, que desciende por esa gran tubería, hacia los barriles verdes, con el logo de Monsanto, chorreaba por un lado un gota alargada de pasta rosada que terminaba en la letra E de la etiqueta química. FERTILIZANTE”
Luego de terminar la transcripción, todo mi cuerpo empezó a querer huir, las paredes de mi casa se tiñeron de una tenue luz azul mientras el atardecer nublado entraba por la ventana, las luces apagadas por mi abstracción en la computadora dieron lugar a los pasillos oscuros que comenzaron a resultar ajenos. Mientras suavemente cerraba la pc mis oídos empezaron a zumbar como si estuvieran bajo presión, mi respiración se hizo más presente y la vibración del celular interrumpió mi trance.
Llamada de mi trabajo. Fue para decirme que tenía una semana de licencia pendiente, que por agenda, tenía que tomarla a partir de hoy.
Hijos de puta ahora hasta te eligen ellos la licencia. Pensé al principio, pero a la vez me resultó muy extraña la voz al teléfono y a decir verdad, el hecho mismo.
El enojo se transformó en confusión que solamente sumó a la paranoia. Los sonidos en la calle empezaron a parecer erráticos, una sensación caótica y extrañamente familiar me invadió. Mis sentidos parecían cada vez más agudos, y gritaban:
Agarré la vieja laptop, el pendrive y me fui a la terminal de buses. El viaje corto desde mi casa pareció una travesía hasta allá. Caras en la calle se posaban en mí con muecas extrañadas, el celular no paraba de sonar con números desconocidos y empezó a formularse una idea extraña en mi cabeza: “Ellos, Valeria es una de ellos”.
Ya en los andenes revolví mi mochila para confirmar que tenía la llave del rancho familiar en la San Luis, un pequeño pueblo costero a 60 km de la capital. Apague mi celular, subí a un bus con destino a Otra ciudad en dirección opuesta. Me senté en el penúltimo asiento y deslice en el bolsillo delantero el celular apagado, me baje y comente al guarda con cara de despistado: “Me confundi, yo voy para la costa”.
Casi salté a los escalones del Bus correcto, sin poder evitar que las miradas de los pasajeros me interpelen. Me senté en mi asiento numerado y me desfragmente en disociación, tratando de entender qué estaba haciendo. Estaba huyendo, pero de que? las imágenes que las últimas transcripciones se grabaron en mi mente, el último párrafo se repetía una y otra vez haciendo que sacudiera de vez en cuando mi cabeza para intentar alejarlas de mi pensamiento.
La ruta estaba oscura y perdí la noción del tiempo, el reloj digital al alcance de la vista del pasajero, tintinea desde que salimos, marcaba las 10:40.
“!Estación de San Luis!” - Escuche en volumen bajo el grito del guarda.
Me paré tambaleante, me apresuré a bajar y con el mismo impulso me metí en las calles de tierra. Recorrí en zig zag el balneario oscuro, frío y silencioso. La noche sin luna estaba serena y el olor marino me tranquilizó.
Cuando doble en la esquina que da al rancho a dos aguas, en los escalones de la puerta principal alumbrada por una luz blanca, estaba ella. Sentada, esperándome. Me detuve en seco y un vértigo escalofriante recorrió mi torso hasta la garganta, nos miramos unos cortos dos segundos, hasta que se paró y empezó a caminar en pasos deslizantes hacia mi, sonriendo y jugando con sus manos, cruzando y descruzando los brazos. El sonido creciente del viento entre los árboles nos cubrió.
“Querido, ¿cómo estás? Que linda es la casa de veraneo, creo que nunca vinimos acá no? ¿Es la que les dejó tu abuela?
Sentía como la adrenalina se iba inyectando al torrente sanguíneo. ¿Cómo una actitud tan familiar de una persona tan familiar podía transmitirme tal pánico?. Tenía que contestar algo.
“Si, es esta. Me vine a despejar un rato, me dieron unos días en el trabajo y quise aprovechar”- Intente excusarme sonando casual, fallando en la tarea ya que tartamudee en la mitad de las palabras.
“Si ya se! Nosotros arreglamos con ellos, para que estés más tranquilo y como gesto por cuidar el archivo. Ha! creo que alguien te robó el celular en la terminal”- Me miró con una sonrisa pedante.
“Igual tranquilo, ya lo encontraron en un bus camino a la ciudad de Treinta y Tres. Después lo recuperas.”
A esta altura abrí la boca para pedir explicaciones, pero con lo aterrado que estaba solo balbuceo un “gracias”. A todo este diálogo nos encontrábamos a medio cuerpo de distancia, Valeria me miró ahora un poco más seria y se puso a mi costado. Me tomó del brazo petrificado y pude sentir como un fuerte olor a jabón neutro me invadía, como si se hubiera refregado en él más de la cuenta.
“¿Entramos? está haciendo frío”.- Me dijo terminando la frase en cara de súplica infantil.
“Emm, Bueno.”
Mis manos temblorosas lograron acertar en la cerradura al 3er intento, pasamos, prendí las luces y de su mochila sacó un vino tinto. Nuestro favorito.
“Traete unos vasos Mauro.” - Me dijo mientras se sentaba en el sillón contra la ventana que daba al monte.
Sirvió vino hasta casi llenar el ex-vaso de requesón, me miró y en un gesto de brindis dijo.
“Por.. ¿el Dr B?”.
Entre reí levantando las cejas y tomé medio vaso de un sorbo.
“¡Bueno!. - exclamó inclinándose y apoyando el vaso en la mesa ratona, y continuó.
“Debes de estar muy confundido, lo entiendo, lo vi muchas veces, la mente tratándose de adaptar a una realidad nueva, insospechada y en tu caso, de golpe. No es fácil. Primero asegurarte que nadie te va a hacer daño, ni a vos ni a nadie que conozcas. Segundo, lo que leíste en ese archivo como te habrás dado cuenta no está destinado al conocimiento público. También decirte- No aguante mas el estres, explote.
“Vos no sos Vale, ¿Quién sos? sos casi idéntica, pero…”
“Ha si, esa pregunta es complicada de explicar. Vamos a intentar, a ver:”
“Soy una versión de Valeria que ella accidentalmente género cuando entró al laboratorio. En una de las salas de incubación tocó un botón de escaneo que fotografía su mente durante 48hs. Contenía a su vez una micro aguja que tomó su sangre y así me genero a mi. El tema es que estábamos en situación de autodestrucción de los sistemas y esa parte del código de programación del protocolo también se copió en la mente de Valeria.
“Y valeria? ella está… muerta?.”
“Bueno, sí y no. Si intentó irse de la base, está muerta. Si sigue allí, probablemente esté muerta por el frío o asesinada por el comando de limpieza, pero básicamente, si yo estoy acá, ella no lo está más”
La frialdad con la cual me respondió me hizo perder la poca calma que tenía, me levanté del sillón y comencé a recular con las manos en la cabeza, no podía dejar de repetir,
“Esto no puede estar pasando, no puede estar pasando.-”
"Hey, Mauro, tranquilo. Va a estar todo bien, yo también soy Valeria. En todos los sentidos sigo siendo tu amiga, se quien sos y por todo lo que pasamos. De verdad, cuando termine de gestionar la filtración, el código no va a servir más, se va a borrar de mi mente y voy a ser solamente yo. Así que tranquilo. Solo tenes que darme el pendrive y este tema termina acá, volvemos a la vida y nadie va a saber de absolutamente nada."
"¡Yo no voy a fingir que mi amiga no se murió! ¡Sola! !¡en la cocha de la lora y cagada de frío!, ¡no voy a dejar que vos la suplantes!, ¡no voy a dejar que."- Me interrumpió.
"Mauro, escúchame."- Se acercó a mí y me agarró de las manos, sus ojos grandes y delineados me miraron con dulzura, como tantas otras veces.
"Yo SOY Valeria, tengo las mismas huellas digitales, la misma sangre, el mismo ADN, los mismos recuerdos, los mismos traumas, !Puta madre, ¡hasta tengo las mismas adicciones! Las mismas cicatrices… absolutamente, todo. ¿Vas a decirle a mi vieja que me morí? ¿A mi hermana? ¿Vas a denunciarme? ¿Qué piensas hacer? Nadie te va a creer absolutamente nada. Si alguien mínimamente quiere creerte, como lo comprobarias?."- dio un profundo respiro y siguió.
"Soy una copia exacta". - Me dijo sonriendo con real convicción y un dejo de orgullo.
Solamente pude llorar, por mi amiga, por la impotencia de que tenía razón. Me desmorone en el sillón, y observe como el monte se mecía en la noche.
"Dale, tomemos el último vaso, yo ya me voy" .- Me dijo mientras me reconfortaba brevemente con movimientos circulares en la espalda.
"Después de darte esto y que esa parte desaparezca, te vas a acordar que no sos… realmente Valeria?"
"No, ya hay una simulación en pausa sobre mi última semana, no voy a recordar nada de esta situación cuando me despierte, porque simplemente, se sobreescribe el recuerdo."
"O sea que; ¿yo voy a ser el único que voy a saber esto?"
"Tómalo como un regalo Mauro, un vistazo por detrás del velo. Y si lo mantienes así, todo va a estar bien."- El tono amenazante era suave pero evidente.
"Alcánzame tu PC y el pendrive."
La mire evaluando todas las acciones posibles y si esta decisión era la correcta, estiró su mano y sonrió con compasión. Le di la vieja computadora y el pendrive negro de 16G con el archivo. Lo introdujo, tecleo mecánicamente rápido hasta que la pantalla se puso negra.
"Perfecto, quedo pronto."- saco el pendrive lo tiró al suelo y lo piso violentamente con el taco del zapato. se puso la mochila y enfilo hacia la puerta.
"Para- " Le dije
"Las cosas que el Dr B escribió… sobre el subsuelo…"
"Si, Lamentablemente es verdad. Era la única forma de ser autosustentables y poder aislar el complejo del resto del mundo. Inclusive los científicos de moral más flexible se cuestionarian el trabajo si supieran donde terminaban los sujetos y lo que hacíamos con sus cuerpos… En fin, me voy a casa, que Lucia me llamó 5 veces ya. Mañana hablamos."
"Te quiero amigo, Gracias." - Me sonrió y cerró la puerta detrás de ella, sentí como un auto se alejaba de la casa lentamente.
De mi bolsillo saque el pendrive blanco y lo mire. Ahora tenía una decisión que tomar.
submitted by za_dorov to HistoriasdeTerror [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:30 immortal_bandicoot Question about Myki pass

So I decided to start using Myki pass today and I just have a few questions because I couldn't find out online
1-is there an auto top up option online, because there didnt seem to be when I purchased it earlier
2-what happens to the $14 that I still had on my card. Does it remain on there
3-do I still need to touch on and off everytime I use trains and buses or can I just touch on at the start of the day and be done with it (unless there are barriers that need to be opened)
submitted by immortal_bandicoot to MelbourneTrains [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:08 Chiththarthan Uber is set to start plying buses in Delhi with the ride-hailing platform getting a licence from the transport department to run bus services in the national capital The Economic Times

Uber is set to start plying buses in Delhi with the ride-hailing platform getting a licence from the transport department to run bus services in the national capital The Economic Times submitted by Chiththarthan to delhi [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:53 n1247 Skoolie or van?

I'm a first time buyer. Me and my wife are planning to live in a Skoolie (short bus or long bus) or a high roof extended van for 6 months of the year (in the summer). We can both work fully remote.
We would prefer to buy something that is ready built and make customisations as we go. We both have very little DIY/power tool experience so we would like to see how we get on making changes before committing to building something from scratch.
Our budget is 25-30k USD. We are not looking for "Instagram luxury". Just something that is comfortable, light and airy.
Main requirements:
We enjoy hiking in mountains so the vehicle has to be capable of driving up and down steep inclines. This has somewhat put me off buying a long bus with a lot of weight as I'm not sure if it would be suitable for these types of roads in the heat. I can only drive auto transmission. I'm a confident driver, however I have no experience driving larger vehicles. So a short bus or a van seems more realistic. I'm 6ft and my partner is 5.4ft.
Shortlist so far (within budget):
1992 International/Thomas bus - fully converted with 36,938 miles. Six cylinder International diesel/ Build looks amazing and it has so much space. Main concern is the weight and driving it on steep inclines. 31.5’ bumper to bumper 236” wheelbase 8’ wide 10’10” tall.
1991 Blue Bird bus - gorgeous bus. Looks pretty unique so might have re-sale value. Converted into a store so it has a nice open layout and furniture. Would leave me with little room in budget to add living requirements. Other concern is the 248k miles.
2002 Ford e450 skoolie - 7.3L powerstroke diesel. 185k miles on it. Fully converted to a high standard. Only problem is that it's designed for someone who is 5.9ft. So I won't be buying this one but I'm looking for other e450s as I've heard the 7.3L powerstroke diesel engine is reliable and the interior has enough space for what we want.
Alternatives: Dodge Sprinter 3500 (2008), Ford Transit 350 (2017), Ram ProMaster 3500 (2017-18)
Buses are more expensive to maintain and are less fuel efficient. The main benefit vs. a van is the space. If I can realistically drive on mountains roads then I'm all for getting a bus.
Any recommendations or feedback is much appreciated!
submitted by n1247 to skoolies [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:16 Gets_overly_excited Hey Cap Metro, the 803 is so annoying

I am a regular commuter from the Westgate transit center to UT. About half of the time that I park in Westgate in the morning, there are two; three or even four 803 buses lined up. If you get on the bus at the front of the line, often the second or third bus will depart first.
I have started just standing outside the buses and asking the drivers which one will go first. They often don’t know. Or they will drive right off with me standing there frantically waving my arms while they totally ignore me. Or all three 803 buses will sit there for like 15-20 minutes for no reason. The drivers are out walking around or chatting on their phones. Sometimes they say their supervisor needs to get back to them before they can go.
It has become unreliable to the point where I am unsure I can continue using buses to get to work. I am one of just a handful of people who use Westgate to commute despite your huge parking lot. There are typically 6-8 cars parked there. And you can’t even serve me.
On the route home, often there will be an inexplicable 25 minute or longer gap between buses. I know we have rush hour, but it’s the same route every day and rush hour is pretty predictable. You all should know how to time it to keep the frequency up.
I would complain some other way, but I have sent 3-4 emails over the past year about this and never get even an auto response. I know cap metro people monitor this sub. Please, for the love of God, get those buses in order so they are useful. It’s your rapid line - it should be the best managed. It is horribly mismanaged.
submitted by Gets_overly_excited to capmetro [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:46 tripshed City circular bus from Airport - not user friendly

The bus stop is outside the airport - you have to walk atleast 200 m to wait there. Can't imagine doing this with luggage. The risk of walking outside the airport is you will be ambushed by a crowd of auto drivers hounding you for a ride. This is how to ruin a good city bus service. /End rant
Also the buses apparently are now once every hour (vs every 15 minutes)
submitted by tripshed to Trivandrum [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:01 EccoTime93 Car Brains Drive to Even Be Outside

Sorry, I need to go on a rant

I live in a city that is typical of auto-infested like most of the US. However, the weather has been beautiful the last few days here, and there is a beautiful park with pickle ball, softball, soccer, and tennis courts, along with multiple playgrounds, an awesome public library and a sculpture park! There's also a brand new elementary school with two parks, fields and a basketball court as well.

The best part of this park is it's part of a web of trails that connects you to many of the single family homes nearby and even go a few miles out, up to 10 is about the furthest it goes which is awesome. Most people of this mid-sized suburb (50k, inner ring suburb) is that most people are within 2 miles of this awesome park because the inner ring suburb is about 2 miles wide and 10 miles long. Yet, day after day, the parking lot is full, to the brim even the school buses are having a hard time picking up the kids. The big stroad nearby (there is great underpass for pedestrians, it’s wide and over 12ft+) the stroad is currently under-construction and some lanes have been closed meaning there is a lot of traffic trying to get to this park since there is only one entrance and exit where the stroad is under construction, making driving there a pain and walking and biking the way more attractive option especially with the picture-perfect weather and they’re going outside anyways…

But they don’t… I just dont' get it, great walking + biking trails, beautiful weather (the trail is lined with trees providing excellent shade throughout) and yet it is very clear most people drove there! They're already wanting to be outside, why the hell are most still driving! I just don't get american car-brained. I am not saying everyone has to bike and walk to this park, but these parking lots sure do show signs of most people driving there. I see so many fit, able bodied people get out of their cage, and take their bikes off their cars or get their running shoes ready. And if you're a family, it's easy to carry balls in bags especially if you have a basket and multiple family members to help.
They can’t possibly leave their homes and do anything without their 2-ton death machines

Burgerland, never change.
submitted by EccoTime93 to fuckcars [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:28 the_running_stache I enjoyed my first-ever trip to Kolkata; highly recommend!

I enjoyed my first-ever trip to Kolkata; highly recommend!
TL;DR: Thanks for having me in your city. I had a great time!
Artwork depicting Kolkata
I had lunch at the original location!
Avartana 9-course tasting menu
Fennel Panna Cotta
I am a Mumbai guy and visited Kolkata for the first-time ever. I visited during the worst possible season when the temperatures were 42-44 degC at their max, but I had a great time.
I was supposed to visit with my friend but she couldn't make it due to some reasons and I ended up having a solo trip. No worries because I love to travel solo. (She informed me well in advance, so it's not like she canceled last minute.)
I stayed at the ITC Royal Bengal for 3 nights and chose to spend 1 night at The Oberoi Grand. Why different hotels? Just to experience the hotels and the neighborhoods. Both hotels were great. The hard product (rooms and amenities) was really great at ITC, but the soft product (service) was much better at Oberoi.
  • I should preface with: I am a vegetarian.
  • I went to 6 Ballygunge Place to try authentic Bengali food and opted for their buffet. I enjoyed it a lot.
  • I also had the 9-course menu at Avartana in ITC Royal Bengal; it was a great experience. I know that having South Indian food in Kolkata is a faux paus - why not have more local food instead? But I wanted to try out that restaurant and it was indeed very good.
  • I had my breakfasts at ITC and Oberoi, so I didn't venture out for that.
  • I enjoyed the street kathi rolls.
  • I had delicious desserts - rasgulla, sandesh, mishti doi, and Tiramisu (I know... there's an imposter in here, but I enjoyed them all).
  • I had good drinks (beers and cocktails) at various bars (and trust me, I tried a lot of them on Park St - Social, Effingut, Olterra, to name a few, at bars in Salt Lake City, and the bars in ITC & Oberoi. Yes, I drank a lot every night that I was there; yes, I know I have a problem. Haha).
I wanted to have a relaxing trip and so I didn't go overboard on the sightseeing.
I checked out Prinsep Ghat, Old Kolkata heritage buildings (High Court, Bidhan Sabha, Town Hall, Raj Bhavan, etc.), Howrah Bridge, Vidyasagar Setu, Victoria Memorial, Salt Lake neighborhood, some temples (didn't go to any major ones), Kumartuli, Bara Bazar, College Street, Alipore Museum, Golf Course, etc.
Due to the heat (Mumbai was at 32 degC, whereas Kolkata was at 44 degC), I chose to just do a private caUber ride for most of these places. I had hired a good local guide (who also drove me around) and showed me all the places. I also went to Howrah and saw Nabanna (obviously, from outside).
Traveling around/Transportation:
I chose to fly into and out of Kolkata. I was initially thinking of taking a train, but then looking at the time it would have taken from Mumbai, I chose air travel instead and am very glad about it. Vistara had good on-time service both ways. It set the right tone for the trip.
As I mentioned earlier, I booked a private car for some of the sightseeing and took Ubers around for the most part. I did ride the tram (number 5) from Esplanade to College Street and took the Metro back from Girish Park to Esplanade just to experience it.
I didn't do a lot of shopping, but bought myself a kurta (Panjabi) and dhuti from Adi Akshoy at Triangular Park. I hadn't researched on shopping and the guide directed me here.
I bought a pair of Ray-Ban sunglasses because I was walking past a store and really thought of getting a new pair of sunglasses (while I was wearing another pair of Ray-Bans). Tbh, I could have just bought this in Mumbai, but it was an impulse buy.
And then I bought a lot of books at the airport for my return. Argh! I already have so many at home, but couldn't resist. I should have just headed to the airport lounge directly instead of wasting time in the terminal shopping for books.
Some things worth mentioning:
  • I guess this is the Indian city with the maximum modes of transportation - taxis, auto-rickshaws, 6-people rickshaws, hand-pulled rickshaws, trams, buses, private buses, old Metro, new Metro, ferries, small boats, Ubers, Uber Bike (I don't see this in Mumbai), etc.
  • Salt Lake seems very different from the rest of the city.
  • When the CM moved the CM's office to Nabanna, technically, since the CM sits in the capital city, does that make Howrah the capital city now? I know it's not and it would anger most people here, but just was wondering. My guide had no idea; he kept on insisting that Kolkata is the capital of the state. Haha.
  • I found a lot of similarities in the British architecture in Kolkata and (South) Mumbai, but Kolkata has a red-and-white color scheme going on a lot. I am no expert in Victorian or baroque architecture, so pardon me if there are vast differences in style.
  • I didn't get to visit some major sights like Belur Math or Dakhineswar Temple. I chose to be lazy in the hotels and relax at the swimming pools instead. The afternoon heat made the pools and the air-conditioned bars (cold beers and G&Ts) very inviting. That's ok, I guess.
  • I couldn't find a place for jhaal muri! I got dry jhaal muri at the airport lounge on my way out, but it wasn't the authentic experience I was looking for. Where should I have looked?
  • I loved your aloo dum and luchis.
  • I wanted to get the shakha pola bangles for my mother, but I couldn't find any place. My guide took me to a (gold) jeweler... um, no, that's not the same thing. Where should I have gone? I feel bad that I didn't bring anything back for my mom from the trip :(
Just other some things:
(and I am not trying to look down upon it, but just writing a truthful account of my experience)
  • ITC Royal Bengal was a shitshow on the weekend! It was overcrowded due to the IPL (and some football matches as well) - I saw a lot of foreign and Indian players, but since I don't follow cricket, I couldn't recognize anyone. But everyone in the lobby - me, other guests, including those players - was frustrated because check-in was taking a long time; they made me wait 2+ hours just to check-in! It wasn't just me; most guests were frustrated and this was not expected from ITC. Sunday breakfast was also like a zoo; it was overpacked. Note to self: avoid visiting this hotel on weekends.
  • Oberoi Grand is nice, but the whole aesthetic is very dated. I understand it is a heritage property with grand vanities and beds in teakwood which is supposed to be the ultimate old-school wealth indicating the person comes from wealth, but when compared with the contemporary and modern look at ITC, it felt very dated. Also, if you are staying at the Oberoi, please try to get an inside-facing (pool-facing) room; the view outside is not at all something special you would want to view.
  • Please don't take this the wrong way: There should be more focus on the overall cleanliness by the city municipal corporation. And I say this coming from Mumbai, which I am fully aware is not known for its cleanliness either. But Mumbai seems cleaner. For example, I took a kathi roll somewhere on Park Street and was walking around looking for a dustbin/garbage can to throw the wrapper and my tissue papepaper napkin, but there was none! I walked a few blocks just searching for one. I asked around and people laughed at me. Finally, a paanwala told me - just throw it on the side, there are no dustbins here; a guy comes in the morning and cleans it all - that's not good imho. There were just piles of trash littered on the sides of the streets and foot paths, which is sad. Also, the route from ITC to Oberoi (via Dhapa Road and Debendra Chandra Dey Road) was interesting...
Overall: 5/5 stars
submitted by the_running_stache to kolkata [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 16:15 Practical-Tomorrow68 Reengus: for a solo woman.

Greetings, this is my first post in this channel. I really need some help and I was hoping that the people of this subreddit could help me. My friend is considering for a job at ITC sunrise, Reengus, Rajasthan. However, we know nothing of the place not of its culture, as it is a place far from home. So we have a few questions. It would be very helpful if we get answers from the locals.
  1. How is the place in general for a young solo woman? Is it generally safe to walk in the streets in the evenings?
  2. What is the public transport in the area? How to get from the office to home? Are there buses available frequently? Autos? What is the fare range?
  3. Where to rent a flat or pg? Is it towards Jaipur or towards the town? Any ideas would be helpful.
  4. Lastly anything more that we should know. We would be thankful!
Thank you so much.
submitted by Practical-Tomorrow68 to Rajasthan [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 15:36 sprained_thumb Train timings on Uran line

Train timings on Uran line
Does anyone know why the frequency of trains on uran line is so low, even in peak office hours?
Unlike other local lines where trains run between 4 am to 1 am, on this line trains run only between 6am to 10pm
People use buses and autos, that's why train frequency is less? OR Train frequency is less, that's why people use buses and autos?
submitted by sprained_thumb to navimumbai [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 05:46 No_Fly9300 [Panipat] How to reach IOCL Naptha Gate No 1 from Ram Lal Chowk

Title What is the cheapest and the most convenient way to Naptha Cracker Gate No 1 from Ram Lal chowk? Any particular buses operating? Or any shared autos?
submitted by No_Fly9300 to Haryana [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 20:58 No_Fly9300 How to reach IOCL Naptha Gate No 1 from Ram Lal Chowk

Title What is the cheapest and the most convenient way to Naptha Cracker Gate No 1 from Ram Lal chowk? Any particular buses operating? Or any shared autos?
submitted by No_Fly9300 to Panipat [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 10:54 shaanF7 Experience on Travelling from Delhi to Sonipat and the businessway

1) ) From Delhi Mukarba Chowk to Murthal, there is bus service which are blue colored, most of the time we got seats, sometimes we have to stand, but buses services are quick and easy to get.
2) There is consistent bus service, one can travel hassle free, there are lot of restaurant, shops on the road, one can buy anything one need.
3) Important point there are lots of famous hotels on the road, one can enjoy a lot while travel
4) GT Road is one the finest highway available in INDIA.
5) AUTOS are decent way to travel but there is always some scope to bargain, you know traditional Indian thing.
6) Near the Delhi border there are famous water parks and a lot of farm houses where rich Indian put parties and marriage ceremonies.
7) On Murthal to Delhi a lot of famous Temple’s are there. Green Trees are there and it makes the journey more pleasant.
Based upon my experience, I recommend everyone to travel from Delhi to Haryana via Mu Karva Chowk and experience famous Indian highway restaurant, famous temples .
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Amazon India has one of the biggest offers. I do shop from Amazon India. I recommend everyone to shop from Amazon India. Use the link to shop now.
Summer time is high buy mixer juicer, ACs, Cold Drinks. Shop now Guys. Use the link given above
Now Shaan thing : To eat healthy, I will/ am trying to talk to food. Hi food, how are you, hows your day today. This I am giving food some time to recognize it.
Business in this road. 1) It's the high way to Himachal Pradesh and famous hill city, a taxi service is one smartest business on the road. 2) This GT Road highway is hotel and farm house and people are getting rich via these business. 3) A lot of factories and Schools can be opened there due to green environment there. There a good scope.
submitted by shaanF7 to u/shaanF7 [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 10:53 shaanF7 Experience on Travelling from Delhi to Sonipat via Roadways and the business on this highway.

1) ) From Delhi Mukarba Chowk to Murthal, there is bus service which are blue colored, most of the time we got seats, sometimes we have to stand, but buses services are quick and easy to get.
2) There is consistent bus service, one can travel hassle free, there are lot of restaurant, shops on the road, one can buy anything one need.
3) Important point there are lots of famous hotels on the road, one can enjoy a lot while travel
4) GT Road is one the finest highway available in INDIA.
5) AUTOS are decent way to travel but there is always some scope to bargain, you know traditional Indian thing.
6) Near the Delhi border there are famous water parks and a lot of farm houses where rich Indian put parties and marriage ceremonies.
7) On Murthal to Delhi a lot of famous Temple’s are there. Green Trees are there and it makes the journey more pleasant.
Based upon my experience, I recommend everyone to travel from Delhi to Haryana via Mu Karva Chowk and experience famous Indian highway restaurant, famous temples .
Affiliate Ads :
Amazon India has one of the biggest offers. I do shop from Amazon India. I recommend everyone to shop from Amazon India. Use the link to shop now.
Summer time is high buy mixer juicer, ACs, Cold Drinks. Shop now Guys. Use the link given above
Now Shaan thing : To eat healthy, I will/ am trying to talk to food. Hi food, how are you, hows your day today. This I am giving food some time to recognize it.
Business in this road. 1) It's the high way to Himachal Pradesh and famous hill city, a taxi service is one smartest business on the road. 2) This GT Road highway is hotel and farm house and people are getting rich via these business. 3) A lot of factories and Schools can be opened there due to green environment there. There a good scope.
submitted by shaanF7 to IndiaBusiness [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 07:12 TerribleSell2997 Indian Automotive Motors Market Increasing Demand, Growth Analysis and Future Outlook by 2031

The ~Indian automotive motors market~ is projected to grow at a double-digit CAGR during the forecast period. This informative Indian Automotive Motors Market report provides new method and covers foremost regions such as Latin America, Middle East, North America, Europe, Africa and Asia Pacific. Making most out of the consumer insights and market opportunities, market players can boost up the revenue rate of their business. It also permits key organizations to make communication with customers and know their demands for making right investment in the product development. By increasing the product portfolio by referring the important market data provided in this Indian Automotive Motors Market research report, key players can grow and expand their business forward. Continuously developing customer demands are also described in this global report to help new entrants make required changes in the final product launch and then bring into the market. It becomes easy for key players to prioritize the demands and requirements of target audience and have complete understanding of end-user experience with the help of this Indian Automotive Motors Market study report.
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Global, as well as domestic companies, are working in the automotive motor industry. Continental AG, Mitsubishi Electric Corp., Robert Bosch GmbH, Siemens AG, Minda Corp. Ltd., Tata AutoComp Systems Ltd., are some of the prominent players functioning in the Indian automotive motors market. New product launches & developments, partnerships, and acquisitions are some of the growth strategies adopted by the players in order to sustain in the highly competitive market.
full report of Indian Automotive Motors Market available @
· Market Coverage
· Market number available for – 2024-2031
· Base year- 2024
· Forecast period- 2024-2031
· Segment Covered- By Source, By Product Type, By Applications
· Competitive Landscape- Archer Daniels Midland Co., Ingredion Inc., Kerry Group Plc, Cargill
· Inc., and others
India Automotive MotorMarket – Segmentation
By Type
By Vehicle Type
o Light Commercial Vehicles (LCVs)
o Heavy Commercial Vehicles (HCVs)
o Others (Buses & Coaches)
o Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs)
o Plug-in Electric Vehicles (PEVs)
o Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs)
By Distribution Channel
The Report covers:
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About Orion Market Research Orion Market Research (OMR) is a market research and consulting company known for its crisp and concise reports. The company is equipped with an experienced team of analysts and consultants. OMR offers quality syndicated research reports, customized research reports, consulting and other research-based services. The company also offer Digital Marketing services through its subsidiary OMR Digital and Software development and Consulting Services through another subsidiary Encanto Technologies.
Media Contact:
Company Name: Orion Market Research
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submitted by TerribleSell2997 to Nim2908 [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 05:17 DimSumNoodles Memphis Trip Report / Outtakes (5/3 - 5/8)

Hi everyone!
Just returned from a few days down in Memphis and thought I might share some of my impressions of the city. I spent some time in the suburbs growing up but have been away for over a decade now (most of that in Chicago), so bear in mind that I'm coming at it from a largely touristic perspective.
Overall, I had a great time exploring and getting reacquainted with Memphis! With that said:
Definitely gone a bit over here, but thanks for reading and I'd be curious to hear your thoughts!
submitted by DimSumNoodles to memphis [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 06:59 Sufficient-Comb2446 JUST another rant about this wicked city

What is this city man?.now haters will all try to go against me like who am I to say how is this city and all but trust me it is way too fcked than anyone can ever imagine, renaming can never change any of its downfall man , this city is developing downwards fs , half the places on Google maps are not even registered , 50-70% of people are uncultured and too conservative and old style as if it's early 2000s that's going on, no sign of proper modernisation and forget about night life , it's been a year I came in here and all I realised is this city is best for killing your social life , no friends, no social life , no dating and what not , which on the contrary destroys my mental peace and yea this is to be blamed to this city indeed , I mean see the condition of city buses , auto man charges kidney level prices for just 200-300m ahead of some chowk drop point and what not I mean this city is more costly to stay and live in than nearest metro cities, atleast there are cheap public transport services, well maintained food and delivery systems and what not , and what I get here is either pay way to extreme than imagination for quality life and food or just for urself with whatever tf u have I mean i literally thought being a semi-urban city could be a really good and developing one but since COVID what i have noticed is this city is getting fcked and fcked over which makes me wonder the situation of it post 2-3 years from now , all chappris taking over and what not. My life feels hell here without any friends in college , no social life, and wasting all this money here for better lifestyle which makes me feel i mean why am I even alive? Like tf dude . Kuch nahi chalta yaha, na blinkit hai , na zero broker hai , na like basic things for a normal lifestyle hai , i see and talk with my old friends who settled in metro cities and look at their life and compare it with mine and realise like wtf did I even do to be here? Feels like my sins are making me pay too much for my life and man idk life sucks here fs. I lost hopes for high school romance and now for college romance as well. , romance kya bc yaha pe toh dost hi na bante mere cuz I'm not a localite na isliye ye kaisa bhed bhav hai i mean itne kaise backward ho sakte Bhai , thode standards toh chahiye na like tf dude , I feel so bad for myself , I mean even I'm blaming the city , it's my fault ik and I seek nothing but Salvation and also reddit community is dead here not just reddit any kind of way of communicating and finding friends here online is dead here fs, so yea thanks for reading my ( useless for u ) rant cuz yaha pe logo ko alag ghamand hai ki this city is >>>>>>>> than world but lauda kuch nahi hai, hua toh bhi ek prozone mall and cannought place ke alawa kuch nai bruh .......
submitted by Sufficient-Comb2446 to Aurangabad [link] [comments]