Caliber recoil comparison

colt M1911 memes

2018.08.13 20:43 dacweepa64 colt M1911 memes

A useful gun that deserves all the praise it gets. GIVE PRAISE TO YOUR LORD AND SAVIOR THE COLT 1911.

2024.05.07 23:56 RavenSees Calling all and any objective observers (I'm exhausted)

I have processed these synchronicities in an exhaustive list of different schools of thought. Angles philosophical and scientific alike. Mathematical comparisons with Zipf's law ratio and word occurence on multiple languages and number combinations. In doing so many of these phenomina are cataloged as low probability or highly unlikely. I've had third party observations of the mechanism in my presence. I've captured organic occurences via microphone and visual media captured in different languages.
And because of my large daily consumption of information, thought and conversation- they happen all day long, nearly by the minute (further increasing their unlikelihood of each individual occurence within an hour, day or week.) I've approached this with the physics of meta and quantum. I've developed a multitude of hypotheses as to the reason for this mechanism of reality. Asking myself sometimes if I'm supposed to just keep it to myself as a personal experience or reach out to others sharing in the experience.
I ask myself why this isn't happening to everyone, and why such a high hourly frequency for some but not others. If this mechanism was manifesting to this degree into the experiences of most of the population, I would expect that we'd be talking about it more openly and with much serious consideration- as opposed to eluding it to simple confirmation bias or pattern searching.
I consider whether this might be only the beginning of discovery, or that it's been played out as far as it will go.
Sometimes it is a comfort, because it opens my mind to all the unknown of reality, and the possible undiscovered abilities granted by existing as an observer and actuator of our own lives.
Other times I'm exhausted. Even when abandoning my interest in them and even when not gathering critical evidence- they seem to pop into my environment like peaks in an audio file. They are "in your face" as one might categorize. Am I subconsciously unable to let go of my relationship with this mechanism? Maybe even as I'm burying my head into my pillow for comfort and in torment, it's become such a prominent facet of my reality that I don't want it to stop. I don't want to feel alone in its absence. Yet I also feel alienated because of it prominence. When I trust someone enough to bring it up, so often their response is to attribute it to pattern searching. Which I appreciate, though they absolutely wouldn't be if it were happening to them in the same way as it does me.
Do I just allow it to be a part of my life without trying to define it?
I'm tired of not being able to have a conversation about this on an intellectual level. I'm tired of my hypotheses on how or why this mechanism persists going largely unacknowledged. I am glad that people find meaning in this mechanism, even when their experience is so easily dismissed because it's something like "I drew a lion yesterday and then saw an article about a lion today". It could absolutely be a result of this mechanism, but too inconclusive to be presented as an example. I rarely see anyone talking about it happening for them at this caliber.
I'm no better than anyone else here. My experience is no more valid than anyone else's. But is there anybody out there with a scientific and critical mind sharing in this experience? Is there someone reading this who has the qualifications to take me seriously?
Whoever you are and however this mechanism had been present in your life, thank you for taking the time to read this post, and if it has somehow helped you, it will be worth the effort to have posted it. So thank you again, and may you have a good rest of your day and week.
Edit: an example of how the mechanism occurs in my daily life- reading a word in a book at the exact moment it is being said by another unrelated source. All day long, as frequent as multiple times in a five minute period. Words ranging from uncommon levels to hapax legomena levels.
submitted by RavenSees to Synchronicities [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 18:34 -jbrs Bridging the Gap [OC]

Bridging the Gap [OC]
Hey all -
I've made this post to try to reach people on the other side. I would publish on my substack, but my audience is not at all aligned unfortunately; I think it'd be best to distribute among Kennedy supporters for them to then send to people in their orbit.
I've sent to AV24 but I don't think they've seen - if anyone has a contact at the campaign or AV24, please feel free to forward to them.

Bridging the Gap

The challenge in the fight on vaccines isn't the facts. It's getting people to listen.


One of the biggest challenges in Robert Kennedy Jr’s candidacy is overcoming the ‘anti-vaccine’ label. It’s weaker than it was years ago - Covid changed everything - but it’s still a barrier for a lot of people. And it’s not that they listen to his views and find them unreasonable. It’s just the way he’s been attached to the label, a conversation-ending smear so effective that people will reject him instantly and outright before he’s even had a chance to speak.
Many of the vaccine skeptical know exactly what it’s like - they were once on that side too. It’s as Guy describes above: almost all of us started off believing the institutional story, until something forced us to question it. Once people actually listen to what the other side has to say, opinions tend to change pretty quickly.
But there are a few major roadblocks preventing most people from ever beginning down that path, and I want to talk about them because they're how an official narrative as weak as the one on vaccines has been able to stand as long as it has.
One roadblock is the extreme (and engineered) stigma around the issue - the hate and derision you'll receive for questioning the consensus out loud; the social and even professional consequences you'll face. It's powerful enough for most to recoil at the faintest hint of deviation from the institutional line. It's almost a disgust reflex, and often comes with anger.
Another is the stake we naturally develop as participants. We don’t want to believe we’ve harmed ourselves and those we’re responsible for, and so there's a tendency to be too quick to accept the word of authorities who reassure us that we haven't.
Both of those have shifted significantly in recent years - the counterexamples have become too salient, too undeniable.
But there's still one impediment that is only in the early process of moving, and which continues to bar the way for many, holding the other roadblocks in place as well. It's that people simply can't imagine how our system - the system that they rely on in so many ways - could allow something like what is being claimed to take place.
People often need to understand the full scope of how something could happen before they can begin to process evidence that it is. And the implications of what the other side claims are just prima facie impossible to them, so they can't even begin to consider the evidence presented.
The system in theory works: experts in the field will call out bad science and behavior. Institutions aren't perfect but the incentives and mechanisms are in place for errors to be called out and needed improvements to be made. If the harms are real, why wouldn't the experts speak out? What motivation could they possibly have to do something like this and cover it up? And how could they possibly pull it off with so many who surely don't share the motive watching?
The intuitive conviction is that something like significant vaccine injury simply couldn't go undetected and unaddressed. The system would never allow it. And unfortunately what it usually takes is a personal experience with the failures of the system to start seeing that the way the system works in theory is not the way it works in practice - often an injury to oneself or a loved one.
(I'm very sympathetic to those who still take the default position for this reason - I wouldn't know either if I hadn't had my own set of experiences exposing me to the holes in the institutional story.)
If such an experience happens to you, you'll be gaslit about it if you bring it to anyone's attention, just a coincidence, and some continue to fall for it. But for many that intuitive conviction is broken. Their stance begins to open a little bit. In spite of all of the once-persuasive programming, it becomes undeniable that something is clearly wrong here. And at that point you can start to really take in the evidence.
You start to see some things that really shift your intuitions. Some were things you probably saw before, but you waved them off then - marginal issues, but the system still mostly works. The experts know what they’re doing; who were you to disagree? But now these discrepancies are forcing you ask questions, and they begin to pile up.
You see example after example of corruption and incompetence in public health and the pharma industry - the number of medications recalled, the fines for fraud and unethical business practices, the way the research process has been fundamentally corrupted, the bad incentives and conflicts of interest present all throughout the industry and its regulatory bodies, the way the institution protects itself at the expense of the public it serves.
You see massive failures in other once highly-respected institutions and organizations - sometimes amounting to plain evil. You start to wonder if medicine and public health are so different, if they are so immune to the problems that plague every other institution.
You see the way whistleblowers and dissidents lose their livelihoods and reputations through targeted character assassination campaigns, and wonder if there aren't many more who are reluctant to speak out in face of such heavy consequences.
Then maybe you start actually looking into what the anti-vaccine loonies have been saying.

Narrative and Reality

It happened for me. I went to a chiropractor's office once many years ago and remember shaking my head in disbelief seeing the Vaccines Revealed series on display on the check out desk. It was a feeling of second-hand embarrassment and sharp judgment - don't you know all of that's been debunked? I didn't actually even know the claims made in the series or anything else about it - I just knew that everyone knows it's BS.
But eventually, I'm not sure exactly what prompted it, I watched some of the interviews. Maybe it was like this - I'd been confidently wrong before.
So I listened... and what I heard actually made sense. It wasn't what I was expecting, the tired and easily dispatched arguments I was sure would be presented. These were intelligent and knowledgeable people, often experienced doctors and nurses, once fully behind the program, but sacrificing their careers and the esteem of their peers to speak out about what they had come to see as a terrible injustice.
(Robert Kennedy Jr was one of those interviewed, and I remember I had a skepticism of him when I first saw him even though I didn't know anything about him; this strange closed stance I found myself taking even though I couldn't place or understand why exactly I took it. I must have absorbed it through all the negative coverage he received... He's become one of my greatest heroes in the time since.)
What I found is that these people on the other side generally seemed more knowledgeable, often a lot more, in the rare instances where engagement between the two sides was allowed. [1][2][3]
And I looked deeper and deeper. I wasn't sure about my ability to parse every claim, but when I'd read the rebuttals from the leading vaccine-proponents like Paul Offit or Peter Hotez, they just wouldn't even be in touch with what the opposition was saying. Often there would be major gaps in logic and other errors, but they were dismissive and certain enough in the presentation that nobody would have the confidence to call them out on it.
They seemed to be relying on the perception of authority and the stigma they'd created to intimidate observers out of actually thinking through the relevant issues.
They were hiding something - that much was clear to me.
And there's this idea of 'The Noble Lie' that the anti-vax side will often talk about. The gist is that the pro-vax side knows that there are merits to what the opposition is saying, but believe that they can't allow the public to know. Vaccines are too good, too important to allow debate to happen on the topic.
There's a section from the June 1984 Federal Register that seems to confirm this:
However, although the continued availability of the vaccine may not be in immediate jeopardy, any possible doubts, whether or not well founded*, about the safety of the vaccine cannot be allowed to exist in view of the need to assure that the vaccine will continue to be used to the maximum extent consistent with the nation’s public health objectives.*
And there’s more recent confirmation too -
But here's the problem: they don't actually know the risk-benefit profile. They've never done the needed studies - long term data, true placebo controls, cumulative impact - though they'll lie to you about it.
They seem to just believe that given that there's so great a benefit, and the risk of injury seems so marginal, how could they ever let the program get called into question? How could they potentially let the progress against terrible, vaccine-preventable diseases be reversed?
Their own statements indicate it. This was what they said after they realized that infants were being exposed to levels of mercury far exceeding the federal guidelines:
The recognition that some children could be exposed to a cumulative level of mercury over the first six months of life that exceeds one of the federal guidelines on methyl mercury now requires a weighing of two different types of risks when vaccinating infants. On the one hand, there is the known serious risk of diseases and deaths caused by failure to immunize our infants against vaccine-preventable infectious diseases; on the other, there is the unknown and probably much smaller risk, if any, of neuro-developmental effects posed by exposure to thimerosal. The large risks of not vaccinating children far outweigh the unknown and probably much smaller risk, if any, of cumulative exposure to thimerosal-containing vaccines over the first six months of life.
Joint Statement of The American Academy of Pediatrics and the Public Health Service (FDA & CDC), July 7, 1999
Wanting to maintain public confidence in the program is the most charitable explanation for their deception, and I think it is the main force, though I think there are less charitable explanations that factor in too.
But even good intentions are no guarantee of a positive outcome. And people should expect problems to metastasize in precisely the areas where institutions have insulated themselves from scrutiny.
We’ve seen what happens when our leaders stifle dissent in service of the ‘greater good’:
But before going into the risks of vaccines, understand that even the purported benefits should be called into question.
There's the widely quoted Guyer study -
The major declines in child mortality that occurred in the first third of the 20th century have been attributable to a combination of improved socioeconomic conditions in this country and the public health strategies to protect the health of Americans. [...] Vaccination, while first used in the 18th century, became more widely implemented in the middle part of the century. Vaccines against diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis became available during the late 1920s but only widely used in routine pediatric practice after World War II. Thus vaccination does not account for the impressive declines in mortality seen in the first half of the century.
The book Dissolving Illusions also goes into this history and how the gains that have been attributed to vaccines have to be scrutinized, and that many of them owe to improvements in sanitation and nutrition.
I won't try to make the full case here, but the thing to understand is that there is systematic pressure to inflate perception of vaccine effectiveness at every turn going back decades and decades, and every single assumption and measurement has to be questioned because you can be damn sure it is not happening within the institutions.
From a study from 2005, before these processes of capture and suppression had achieved complete control and keen observers could still point out what was happening:
And there's more, but that's all you need for a 'how'. Science is a human enterprise, subject to all of the human biases and failings that lead to massive errors in other domains. Groupthink, greed, self-protection, incompetence - public health and medicine are not somehow immune to them. If this was ever in doubt, it became clear to many during the COVID response.
Now as for the risks.
The number of mothers who know that their child was injured by vaccines - perfectly fine before, and then suddenly symptomatic, falling behind on milestones just after a 'wellness' visit - should tell you something.
The billions that have been paid out through the extremely arduous vaccine injury compensation program, which only a small fraction of vaccine injury parents can see through to completion, should tell you something.
The dramatic increases in autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders we've seen over the last few decades, coincident with a dramatic increase in the vaccine schedule), should tell you something.
It's not increased rates of diagnosis, as much as they want you to believe it:
I've always liked this quote -
The thing I have noticed is when the anecdotes and the data disagree, the anecdotes are usually right. There's something wrong with the way you are measuring it.
Jeff Bezos
And it's not exactly crazy to think that injecting, e.g., aluminum and mercury into babies could have some negative health consequences. Given the plausibility of the mechanism, the anecdotes should carry even more weight.
But shouldn't any claims from anecdotes bear out in the data? [4] Yeah, the system should work in theory. But the reality is a different story -
The whistleblower was senior CDC scientist Dr. William Thompson
Slate received so much pushback for publishing this article that they had to publish a letter from the editor defending the decision - I subscribed based on their courage

Getting to the Truth

I won’t try to make a full case here - there is just too much.
But I’m not hoping to convince you that vaccines are unsafe or ineffective. I just want to give enough for anyone willing to listen to realize there's something going on here; that these agencies need an absolute overhaul, and that there needs to be a full investigation into what's taken place here with accountability for everyone involved.
Experts and institutions aren’t infallible; they need to be pushed back on and scrutinized.
When they are, long held consensus can often change:
This happened only after an arduous fight with the FDA
[1] - RFK Jr discussing vaccine safety with a family physician in his NewsNation town hall (2023)
[2] - JB Handley on The Doctors (2009)
[3] - Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy on Larry King (2009)
[4] - In the rare event a genuine comparison is made, some studies have found rather concerning results - but the findings are ignored and the researchers ridiculed for giving fodder to anti-vaxxers
submitted by -jbrs to RFKJrForPresident [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 16:56 db3gun TLR-7a Mounting Solutions?

I have a P229-1 that I shoot in .40, .357 SIG, and 9mm. On this pistol I have a TLR-7a mounted and the cross-screw on it gets absolutely obliterated by .40. I've broken 3 of these screws over the years and upon breaking the most recent one last week I contacted Streamlight not just to request a replacement but to inquire about whether or not the recoil from the .40 was too much for the hardware.
After some back and forth, I had a customer service manager call me this morning (Streamlight has amazing customer service FWIW) and talk to me about how Sig's proprietary rail design on these pistols presents a problem for proper attachment and that is exacerbated by the higher recoil associated with the .40 caliber.
He is sending me several new screws so I should be good for awhile now, but my question is this: is anyone aware of a mounting solution (i.e. a custom key for the Sig rail) that will more securely mount my TLR-7a to my P229-1? Is there a product out there made for this particular rail? If not, for the TLR-7a users: what key are you using on your Sig pistols?
To be clear, I am mounting the light per the manual instructions. I am not over-torquing the cross screw, it's just getting consumed every 3-4k rounds it looks like.
submitted by db3gun to SigSauer [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 16:29 cartoon_Dinosaur Second Contact Chapter 1

Thank you to Space paladin for the canvas and u/Acceptable_Egg5560 for proofreading and critique
Content warning; flattery
Memory transcript: Maarchal , MESEA Astronomers. Date: [Standard Farsul calendar ] July 13th, 3665
I turn and make my way toward main street. What little traffic we had would be dead at this time of day. I turn onto a dirt road and up to the station, a small data processing nodule.
I turn over on my side, haphazardly reaching for the alarm. My paw crashes into it, knocking it on the ground.
Sigh.” I sit up and rub my eyes open, through my bedroom window I can see the sun just barely creeping over the horizon. Painting the winter sky in a cacophony of reds and purples. It was beautiful, any other day I would appreciate it. But I was too fatigued to enjoy the sight.
The fucking overtime is killing me. Still better than being in this hellhole.
I turn over and dangle my legs over the side of my bed. Looking at the object of my frustration, there vibrating on the ground was my alarm clock, I reached down and picked it up.
Thoo thoo thoo
Great, just great, the fucking whistle was dented. I’m going to have to repair it today or risk waking up late tomorrow. Just my FUCKING LUCK.
Sigh.” Breath in, breath out, push it down. This anger is pointless, don't feel it.
I get up and head downstairs, alarm in hand. I make my way to the kitchen and take out some plant/meal worm protein kibble. It tastes like shit, but it's cheap and fast to eat. Downing it with a lukewarm glass of sink water I make my way out into my front yard and get into my auto, putting my clock on the passenger seat. I start the hydrocarbon engine and back out of my driveway. The sun was much higher in the sky now, parting the reds and purples for yellow and a blue sky.
I turn and make my way toward mainstreet. What little traffic we had would be dead at this time of day. I turn onto a dirt road and up to the station, a small data processing nodule.
MASEA Sonar and LIDAR telescope survey.
I park and exit my auto, only to turn back and put my alarm in a more hidden place. Right near the pedals. Out of sight of the windows and thus away from any thieves.
Can never be too careful.
I make my way inside. “Hey Maarchal , getting in early again?” Germi asked me.
I nod. ”Hi Germi, can we just please skip the soliloquies today? I had a rough morning.”
“It's still morning, and you never want to talk. I don't think it's healthy but whatever, it's not my Curnts I'm leaving to poachers.”
He turns and punches in my ID code and buzzes me in, simultaneously clocking me in as well. I look down and shuffle my way in. But before I make it all the way in he stops me.
“Oh by the way, they hired a new guy. Said he’d be here around or after lunch. Might want to know so you can make an impression.”
I close my eyes and a growl begins to boil in my throat, before I force it down and turn to the chatty guard.
“I’ll be happier if you mind your own fucking business and do your job. I don't need you to be playing matchmaker again.” He took on a despondent look and shifted in his seat.
“I’m not trying to play matchmaker, I’m playing playdate. I think you need to get a friend, not a boyfriend necessarily. Although I’d be happy if you did. I just don't think you should be married to your job, it's not healthy!!!”
Before I realized it, anger perforated my insides. I growled deeply and launched myself at the wired fence between us. The chubby guard recoiled in his post. “I don't want you trying to interfere with my life!!! I am HAPPY!!! I don't need you or anyone else judging me for how I live!!!”
I turned away and stormed off to my office. Lousy son of a whore, he probably dropped out of high-school. What does he know of happiness? I am at the top of my field and it is not easy like his job.
I calm myself down and walk calmly to my office. There were other farsul in the hallway chatting.

Lousy time wasters, get to your office and analyze your data!!! I screamed internally. Knowing what little use it was trying to get them to be productive. As proven when I first started out here and nearly turned my voice ragged from the useless endeavor.

I pull up my chair and begin typing. The Light Gathering High orbit Telescope Apparatus or better now as the LiGHTA. Was sending out flashes in the direction of the ice giant Curbosa, the second largest planet in the system. Rich with moons, this had been its project for a number of years. My job was to analyze the data and make a useful model with it to better understand orbital mechanics.
I type in the command to print its data.
Using the white paper with the black spots that represented the light that made its way back to the telescope I began my work. The largest black spot was Curbosa, made up of around five hundred pixels. While the largest moon was around 10. Taking the next printed paper I compared them. Figuring out how each spot moved in comparison to the others.
“Hmm, that's… odd.” One Black spot, barely noticeable, was practically standing still compared to the rest. Even compared to Curbosa as the planet moved. As though it was not orbiting anything at all.
I grabbed the next paper, and the spot was gone. Weird, must have been something bright outside the solar system. A new variable star perhaps? I’ll have to send a request to other observatories to monitor that stretch of sky.
But for now I resumed my work. Calculating, measuring, drawing diagrams. It was all monotonous and time consuming work, but it had to be done by hand. By the time I was finished processing the five second interval of data collection it was almost lunch.
I went to grab my bag of kibble rations I keep in my office, before realizing I could use this time to have my alarm whistle repaired and get takeout as well.
On my way out of the office Germi was giving me a look of abject pity. Fuck that, I’d rather have the avoidance or indifference of everyone else rather then that useless emotion.
I get in my auto and start the engine. I look at the passenger seat and notice my clock is missing, I quickly check around me to no avail. I put my head on the wheel and groan.
“Well, I already started the engine. Might as well get some actual food.” I press down on what I thought would be the brake pedal. Only to feel a surge of pain on my foot. I recoil and look down at the pedals. My clock was there, with a bit of blue on its side.
Oh, that's right… I left it there so it wouldn't be stolen. I lift my foot up and look at the damage, a decently sized cut but nothing worth addressing.
I reach down and grab the offending clock and toss it back into the passenger seat and make my way out of the parking lot. All the while my foot stings from the cut.

I make my way into the old clock shop, the shelves are filled with old and broken clocks and other nicknacks.There's a distinct taste of dust and mildew perforating the old building. Making my way through the maze of dilapidated appliances I find the front desk. A rather young farsul is standing behind it, screwing into the back of an old rust covered whistle alarm clock. I put my clock on the desk and waited for him to respond.
He glances up at me and then back to the object of his attention. Barely giving me any mind. “Excuse me.” I say to get his attention, to no avail. “EXCUSE ME!!!” I yell and slam my hand onto the desk.
“Just a sec, let me finish thiiiisssss and done.” He then takes the back off the old rusted clock and sets it to the side.
“Alrighty, what could I do for you this day Ma'am?”
I pointed to my clock and began. ”The whistle on my clock got dented, I need you to replace or fix it.” He walked over and grabbed my clock, Inspecting all of it in depth except the whistle. Taking on a look of annoyance at the piece of metal and plastic. Shaking his head with his ears held back, he placed it back on the counter.
“I’m afraid I can't repair this, it's mass produced designed to fail shit made of sheet aluminum. Here, I can get you an old brass clock that you could hit with a hammer and the hammer would break before a dent forms.” He was wagging his tail and bent down to presumably grab a said clock.
“I don't want a new clock, I just want you to fix mine. Is there any way you can?” I inquired, becoming more and more annoyed with this guy. He stood up and placed a brass clock on the counter about the same size as mine.
He put his hand behind his head and scratched at his ears. “Well yeah, but it'd probably cost more than just to buy a new one. That's what these are designed to do, break easily but be a pain to repair. I’d have to saw off the whistle and weld a new one on. It would probably cost … fifty eight dollars.”
I was appalled, that was nearly three times how much I paid for it. He then gestures to the brass clock. “But this costs around thirty two dollars, but will probably outlive you.”
Breathing deeply, I reached in my wallet and pulled out the money for the new (old) clock. “Thank you for your business!!!” He said as I turned to leave, I didn't so much as turn to acknowledge him. As I left the store I saw him toss my old clock into a scrap metal bin.


“Hello, what would you like to order?” The waiter asked, looking over the menu I contemplated my answer.
“I’d like the mersh meat pie, with a side of fried fleat fruit to go.”
He nodded and went to tell the chef. The restaurant was rather busy, I managed to see some of my colleagues getting lunch together and having a rowdy conversation in the back. With what looked like a centerpiece of a roasted mersh carcass in the center. Haphazardly consumed and cut up between them.

Looking over to my side I saw someone enter the establishment. He looked around at the crowded venue, seeing almost every seat taken. He then looked over at me. “Excuse me ma'am, might I trouble you to share this table?” I motioned my hand to the empty seat across from me and he took it. He was a rather tall Farsul, with a deep gray coat interrupted by patches of white on his front and sides of his muzzle. He was wearing a deep green cloak and sported leather shoes.
He clearly wasn't a local if he was cold enough for clothing. I sat in silence across from him. He folded his hands together and looked this way and that before settling on me. “So, what's your name?”
“Maarchal ” “That's a pretty name, what do you do here?”
“I work at the observatory.”
He started to relax his posture. Leaning into his seat “really? That's cool, what do you do there?”
I gave him a distracted look, “that's classified.”

His features softened. “Not much for conversation, yeah?”
I shake my head “conversations are a waste of time. I have more important things to do.”
He smirks and leans back “Right, like sitting in silence waiting for comfort food. C’mon humor me!”

I roll my eyes “fine, tell you what if you can make me laugh i’ll “humor” you.”
He sits up with a stupidly cute smile and wagging tail. “Alright, so there are six pups at a party, and a bag with six freenkern fruit, each one is given one, but the bag still has a freenkern in it. How can that be?”
Sigh I don't know, how can it be?”
His smile gets bigger somehow. “You just give the bag to the last pup!”

Snicker That is ah, that is really dummmhh, heh.”
“AH HA, You laughed!!!” He said while pointing a digit at me and with a big stupid grin on his face.
“No , I chuckled at best, that's not a laugh!”
He wagged his finger at me. “Yes it is, now you have to talk with me!”
I reluctantly threw my paws in the air, ”fine, fine, I’ll try to engage. Just for the wait.”
He pumped his hand and went right at it. “So you're an astronomer, what made you want to be one?”
I turned to give him my full attention, “well, my family has always been big on scholarly type vocations. Both my parents are archeologists, my older brother is a chemist and my younger sister is apprenticeshipping with my parents. I chose the stars as my field of study, as I always loved space stories as a pup.”
He gave me the side eye, “so it's as simple as barky spaceships was your favorite show?”
A smirk threatened to overtake my features. “No, no, I liked to watch documentaries of the stars and read space operas as a teen. Still do, or er did.” I slightly reached into myself from the memories of shame.
He seemed to notice my regret at admitting the bit of info about operas, as he seemed to try to steer me away from the topic. “ What? Documentaries? Those aren't stories!!!”
“Uh, yeah they are! Isn't the history of how the universe formed not the most epic story of all? Every speck of light has a story to tell, every asteroid has secrets to uncover!!!” My voice was beginning to raise, so I began to rain in my outburst.
“Wow, you really like space that much? Such passion is inspiring!!! And a little cute. “ He rested his head on his hand and looked at me with a type of reverence and admiration that made me feel warm inside.
I smiled back, “Yeah, there's just… so much to uncover…” I reached into myself, the shame had been growing with this attention and expelling of my passion in the most unprofessional manner.
He seemed to recognize my turmoil as his face began to match my dour mood. “Uh, hehe, um. Oh those fellows seem to be having a good time. You know them?”
I put my head in my hands, as he just pointed to my “colleagues”. Who had begun to pop off bones of the mersh carcass and cracked them open to suck the marrow out. “Uhh unfortunately, they work with me at the observatory. Bunch of rowdy pups in adult pelts.”
He looked over and seemed confused by my abject contempt for the manner they conducted themselves in.”... Is there a reason you take offense at their mirth?”
“We’re scientists, we should conduct ourselves as absolutely serious as possible. Instead they treat their job as a game.” I flippantly threw my hand in their direction.
He looked at me with confusion. “I don't think they treat it like a game… I just think they like having fun, so what if they don't act all prim and proper a hundred percent of the time?”
I rub my muzzle, “it's just, we do serious work, they need to be serious as well.”
He smiled at me “yeah, whatever you say”.
I rub my arms, he continues to look at me with mirth. His default joy was infectious, as I struggled to keep my tail still.
“Here you go ma’am, that'll be twelve dollars.” The waiter said as he handed me my takeout. I reached into my wallet but found I was short around six dollars.
I shouldn't have let that clock smith up sale me.
“I’m so sorry, I seem to be short. Let me go to my auto to see if I have enough for the meal.
I got out of the building but before I could open my auto the Farsul I was speaking to rushed out with my takeout. “Uh, here, I paid for you.”
I smiled as I took the meal, ”really? All for a gal you spoke with for all of ten minutes?”
He rubs the back of his head and looks at the ground “heh heh yeah, just wanted to repay you for the pleasure of your company.”
I smirk and enter my auto, “well I hope you enjoyed it, as I doubt we’ll meet again soon.” I start the engine and wave goodbye to the Farsul as I leave the parking lot. Who returned the favor.


I exit my auto and make my way to the entrance , Germi seemed all too happy to see me again. “Well someone seems to have had a pleasant launch break.” I don't give him the time of day as I wait for him to buzz me in.
I make my way to my office and go about devouring my food. The meat pie was a delectable pastry filled with rich meat and the fried fleat fruit skin was crispy but the fatty flesh inside was all hot and gooey, with a pleasant texture and a hint of a tangy flavor. Much better than my kibble. I ate so fast that it was all gone in a matter of minutes. I relaxed into my seat as the pleasant feeling of a full stomach washes over me.
“You really needed that huh?”
I opened my eyes and turned to my open doorway, the Farsul from the restaurant was standing in it. With his green cloak taken off and draped over his right shoulder.
Embarrassment threatened to swallow me whole. “Wh- what are you doing here?”

He shrugs “I'm the new guy. Wanted to get lunch before I came into work.”
I put my head in my hands, unable to reconcile who I acted so unprofessional with.” I-I only humored you because I thought you were just passing through… I have a reputation here!!!”
He smiles and leans on the side of the door frame. “Yeah, I figured after the fellows at the bar mentioned how I survived without getting burned by the “Vermscoorn”. That's you right?”
I nodded. “ I um , I have an anger problem. “
“Coulda fooled me. Anyways, I look forward to working with you. Oh by the way, names Ponthyt.”
He exits my office door frame and I turn and sink my head onto my desk. Annoyed by my tail wagging, displaying a joy that I wished wasn't there.
submitted by cartoon_Dinosaur to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 12:04 James_Grove Reinforcements received: Arsenal of Victory!

Reinforcements received: Arsenal of Victory!
In the "Reinforcements received" events, you’ll upgrade your army with unique and well-armed squads, rare weapons, vehicles and always-useful items. Main rewards will help you unlock content that normally takes more time to reach in a regular lineup.
In April 1945, the troops of the 69th Infantry Division and the 5th Guards Army met at Torgau on the Elbe river, splitting the Third Reich in two as the Soviet forces completed the encirclement of Berlin. Soon afterwards, in May, the enemy finally fell. Different countries celebrate the end of war on different days: on May 8th in most European countries (Victory in Europe Day), and on May 9th in several countries of the former USSR (Victory Day). To this day, it remains the common holiday for many people around the world.
We are joining the celebrations and have prepared new tools for the Allies that will help them to win their battles. Both the US and USSR armies are getting some serious weapons - an airplane, a tank and effective weapons for the infantry!
From May 7th (13:00 UTC) to June 4th (13:00 UTC), get battle score in battles and move up the rewards ladder! You have two days to complete each task!


You'll get rewards during the whole event, and the further you progress through it, the more valuable they'll become. You can easily skip a few tasks and still get the main rewards!


As you complete stages, you will receive several rare weapons and unique vehicles for your armies!
Whirlwind Mk. I
This British heavy fighter with its powerful offensive and suspended armament will be a useful and versatile machine over the battlefield!
Four 20 mm Hispano Mk. I cannons against enemy aircraft and for ground targets, two 500 lb bombs.
The aircraft comes without a squad and is available for the Marine Attack Squadron 231 squad (Attacker Pilot I).
One of the most dangerous modifications of the T-34 tank, equipped with a 100 mm LB-1 cannon.
Engineers could hardly fit such a gun into the turret, but it was worth it!
The BR-412B APHEBC shell can consistently penetrate even the well-armored front of the King Tiger’s turret from a distance. At the same time, the cannon reloads faster than its 122 mm counterpart.
The tank comes without a squad and is available for the 99th Tank Brigade squad (Tanker II).
PPS-42 (Red)
Traditionally, during the event in May, you have the chance to get a rare oxidized PPS-42.
The reddish-brown color of bluing was very rare, as it is a consequence of a deviation from the strict standards for the oxidation of finished weapon components. Although it is as reliable as the usual black finish, it gives the weapon a very unusual appearance.
Thompson .30 Cal SMG
In the early 1940s, Thompson built several prototypes based on the M1928 submachine gun using the .30 Carbine cartridge, hoping to compete with the M1 Carbine using the same caliber.
The Thompson .30 cal SMG has the same high rate of fire, low recoil, and comfortable sights as the standard model, except that it hits much harder!


  • Tasks are updated every two days at 13:00 UTC, and the scoring starts again. Be sure to collect your reward before then, if you have managed to accumulate the required number of battle points, otherwise the task will not count.
  • The task can be completed in the Squads mode.
  • From June 4th (13:00 UTC) to June 6th (13:00 UTC), after the end of the event, you will have the opportunity to purchase any missing rewards for Gold.
submitted by James_Grove to enlistedgame [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 04:44 No-Watercress880 Doctor says he's stumped on what caused my husband's Hypoammonemia, poison control also stumped.

Patient is 34, male. History of polycystic kidney disease, takes lisinopril 20mg daily for high blood pressure related to the pkd. Lactulose 40mg 3x day. Just began taking this 2 days ago. No other meds or drugs. 6'0, 200 lbs. He's a little over weight, but otherwise active and healthy.
My husband came home late Friday and was acting strange. I would ask him a question and he would just stare at me blankly instead of answering. As the night wore on I noticed his symptoms becoming more and more apparent. He was very tired, when spoken to he would either stare at you blankly, answer in one word answers or reply something totally unrelated to the question asked. He was very lethargic and dazed. His eyes were glassy and blood shot. I took him to the emergency room where he continued to get worse. He began to stare blankly all the time, he couldn't tell you what he did yesterday, he couldn't tell you where he was. From my uneducated view, he seemed to be exhibiting stroke like symptoms. The first hospital did a bunch of tests, everything came back fine. They sent us home. I wasn't satisfied so I took him to another hospital. The er did more tests, all came back within normal limits from my memory. They advised that he was having a psychological meltdown and to contact a shrink. The next morning he was almost absolutely comatose, so I took him to the er again. This time we had a PA who was willing to dig. They ended up finding that his ammonia levels were 203, when normal limits are between 9 and 30. We've been two and a half days. Poison control was contacted, they ran their own tests and couldn't find the culprit as his liver is functioning normally, and his kidneys aren't great, but they wouldn't be the cause either. I will post all the tests and there results below. I'll also post all the meds he's been given.
The whole staff at this hospital is stumped, they're all of the opinion that this might something he came into contact with, and not a product of his own body. As in they believe he has been compromised by something in our environment, but they're unable to find the culprit of the symptoms. They've had him on 40mg lactulose 3x a day and at their last test of his ammonia levels he is down to 120. At that level he is alert and conscious, but still pretty slow. As if he hasn't slept well in days and had a few beers on top.
Also, I have an obsessive stalker. I am not trying to fear monger by bringing that up, but that fact and then his sudden and intense onset of symptoms has me concerned. I have informed the hospital police about the situation. I believe our city police were also contacted when they contacted poison control. It might not be relevant, but it's better to mention it.
Here's a few short videos I took of his behavior.
His labs:
May 4th
Alcohol Bld Medical View trends Normal value: <10 mg/dL Value <10
COMPREHENSIVE METABOLIC PANEL Sodium: 147 Potassium 4.0 Chloride 115 C02 20 Glucose 111 BUN 29 Creatinine 1.04 eGFR 97 BUN/Creatinine ratio 28 ALT 44 AST 32 Alkaline Phosphatase 123 Bilirubin 0.5 Protein total 8.0 Albumin blood 4.6 Calcium 9.5 Globulin total 3.4 Albumin/Globulin ratio 1.4 Anion gap 12
WBC 6.5 RBC 5.27 Hemoglobin 14.6 Hematocrit 43.5 MCV 82.5 MCH 27.7 MCHC 33.6 RDW 14.6 Platelets 311 MPV 9.0 Diff Method Electronic wbc differential cont Segs relative 58 Lymphocytes 30 Monocyte 9 Eosinophils 2 Basophils 1 Absolute Lymphocytes 1.95 Absolute Eosinophils 0.14 Absolute Basophils 0.03
INDICATION: ams, evaluate for stroke, intracranial infection
Tech Comments: AMS
TECHNIQUE: Multiplanar multisequence magnetic resonance imaging of the brain was performed with and without IV contrast.
COMPARISON: 05/03/2024.
FINDINGS: VENTRICLES AND CISTERNAL SPACES: The ventricular system and subarachnoid spaces are within acceptable limits for the patient's age.
CEREBRAL AND CEREBELLAR PARENCHYMA: There is no extra-axial fluid collection or hemorrhage. There is no mass effect or midline shift. No abnormal parenchymal gradient susceptibility signal. No diffusion restriction to suggest acute ischemia/infarct. There is no abnormal signal intensity or enhancement. The brainstem is normal in size and configuration. No abnormal signal alterations are present. The cerebellar hemispheres, vermis and tonsils are normal in size and configuration.
PITUITARY GLAND: The pituitary appears grossly unremarkable. Infundibulum is midline.
ARTERIAL FLOW VOIDS: The flow voids in the vertebrobasilar and internal carotid arterial systems are grossly normal.
DURAL VENOUS SINUSES: The dural venous sinuses appear patent.
CALVARIUM, SKULL BASE: The calvarium and skull base appear within normal limits.
PARANASAL SINUSES AND MASTOIDS: No fluid signal is identified within the paranasal sinuses or mastoids.
Prothrombin Time View trends Normal range: 8.8 - 11.7 s Your value is 11.4 sNormal range 8.8 - 11.7 s INR View trends Normal value: <1.14 RATIO Value 1.07 Your value is 1.07 RATIONormal value <1.14 RATIO INR View trends Normal value: <1.14 RATIO
AST View trends Normal range: 17 - 59 U/L Your value is 26 U/LNormal range 17 - 59 U/L ALT View trends Normal value: <50 U/L Value 45 Your value is 45 U/LNormal value <50 U/L Alkaline Phosphatase View trends Normal range: 38 - 126 U/L Your value is 132 U/LThis value is HighNormal range 38 - 126 U/L Bilirubin, Total View trends Normal range: 0.2 - 1.3 mg/dL Your value is 0.7 mg/dLNormal range 0.2 - 1.3 mg/dL Bilirubin, Direct View trends Normal range: 0.1 - 0.5 mg/dL Your value is 0.2 mg/dLNormal range 0.1 - 0.5 mg/dL Albumin Blood View trends Normal range: 3.5 - 5.0 g/dL Your value is 4.5 g/dLNormal range 3.5 - 5.0 g/dL Protein, Total View trends Normal range: 6.3 - 8.2 g/dL
(Second Metabolic Panal) BASIC METABOLIC PANEL Collected on May 4, 2024 8:10 PM Sodium View trends Normal range: 137 - 145 mmol/L Your value is 145 mmol/LNormal range 137 - 145 mmol/L Potassium View trends Normal range: 3.5 - 5.1 mmol/L Your value is 3.7 mmol/LNormal range 3.5 - 5.1 mmol/L Chloride View trends Normal range: 98 - 107 mmol/L Your value is 111 mmol/LThis value is HighNormal range 98 - 107 mmol/L CO2 View trends Normal range: 22 - 30 mmol/L Your value is 21 mmol/LThis value is LowNormal range 22 - 30 mmol/L Glucose View trends Normal range: 65 - 99 mg/dL Your value is 108 mg/dLThis value is HighNormal range 65 - 99 mg/dL Glucose View trends Normal range: 65 - 99 mg/dL Value
If result of random glucose > or = 200 or if result of fasting glucose is > 125 confirm Diabetes Mellitus diagnosis with second glucose on a different day. High Your value is If result of random glucose > or = 200 or if result of fasting glucose is > 125 confirm Diabetes Mellitus diagnosis with second glucose on a different day. mg/dLThis value is HighNormal range 65 - 99 mg/dL BUN View trends Normal range: 9 - 20 mg/dL Your value is 32 mg/dLThis value is HighNormal range 9 - 20 mg/dL Creatinine View trends Normal range: 0.66 - 1.25 mg/dL Your value is 1.17 mg/dLNormal range 0.66 - 1.25 mg/dL eGFR View trends Normal value: >60 mL/min/1.73 M2 Value 84 Your value is 84 mL/min/1.73 M2Normal value >60 mL/min/1.73 M2 EGFR Comment View trends Normal value: >60 mL/min/1.73 M2 Value Either of the following must be present for >=3 months to be Chronic Kidney Disease: -GFR less than 60 for >=3 months -Albumin to Creatinine Ratio >=30 mg/g or other markers of kidney damage
An estimated GFR chronically in the range of 60-89 is categorized as mildly decreased, which corresponds to Stage G2 CKD.
CKD-EPI equation (2021) used to estimate GFR Your value is Either of the following must be present for >=3 months to be Chronic Kidney Disease: -GFR less than 60 for >=3 months -Albumin to Creatinine Ratio >=30 mg/g or other markers of kidney damage An estimated GFR chronically in the range of 60-89 is categorized as mildly decreased, which corresponds to Stage G2 CKD. CKD-EPI equation (2021) used to estimate GFR mL/min/1.73 M2Normal value >60 mL/min/1.73 M2 Calcium View trends Normal range: 8.4 - 10.2 mg/dL Your value is 9.6 mg/dLNormal range 8.4 - 10.2 mg/dL Anion Gap View trends Normal range: 7 - 17 mmol/L
(Second cbc)
E County Line Rd Indpls, IN 46227Testing by Quest Diagnostics 1402 E County Line Rd Indpls, IN 46227 WBC View trends Normal range: 3.3 - 10.5 K/CUMM Your value is 11.3 K/CUMMThis value is HighNormal range 3.3 - 10.5 K/CUMM WBC Result Comment View trends Normal range: 3.3 - 10.5 K/CUMM Value
Difference from previous result noted. Specimen appearance and label verified. High Your value is Difference from previous result noted. Specimen appearance and label verified. K/CUMMThis value is HighNormal range 3.3 - 10.5 K/CUMM RBC View trends Normal range: 4.15 - 5.75 M/CUMM Your value is 5.51 M/CUMMNormal range 4.15 - 5.75 M/CUMM Hemoglobin View trends Normal range: 12.8 - 16.9 g/dL Your value is 15.3 g/dLNormal range 12.8 - 16.9 g/dL Hematocrit View trends Normal range: 38.8 - 50.2 % Your value is 45.4 %Normal range 38.8 - 50.2 % MCV View trends Normal range: 80.0 - 100.0 fL Your value is 82.4 fLNormal range 80.0 - 100.0 fL MCH View trends Normal range: 27.0 - 34.0 pg Your value is 27.8 pgNormal range 27.0 - 34.0 pg MCHC View trends Normal range: 30.5 - 34.5 g/dL Your value is 33.7 g/dLNormal range 30.5 - 34.5 g/dL RDW View trends Normal range: 11.5 - 15.0 % Your value is 14.6 %Normal range 11.5 - 15.0 % Platelets View trends Normal range: 150 - 450 K/CUMM Your value is 326 K/CUMMNormal range 150 - 450 K/CUMM MPV View trends Normal range: 7.7 - 12.2 fL Your value is 9.5 fLNormal range 7.7 - 12.2 fL Diff Method View trends Value Electronic WBC differential count Your value is Electronic WBC differential count Segs Relative View trends % Value 73 Your value is 73 % Lymphocytes View trends % Value 17 Your value is 17 % Monocyte View trends % Value 9 Your value is 9 % Eosinophils View trends % Value 1 Your value is 1 % Basophils View trends % Value 0 Your value is 0 % Absolute Neutrophils View trends Normal range: 1.30 - 6.00 K/CUMM Your value is 8.20 K/CUMMThis value is HighNormal range 1.30 - 6.00 K/CUMM ABSOLUTE LYMPHOCYTES View trends Normal range: 1.00 - 3.50 K/CUMM Your value is 1.92 K/CUMMNormal range 1.00 - 3.50 K/CUMM Absolute Monocytes View trends Normal range: 0.00 - 1.00 K/CUMM Your value is 0.99 K/CUMMNormal range 0.00 - 1.00 K/CUMM ABSOLUTE EOSINOPHILS View trends Normal range: 0.00 - 0.70 K/CUMM Your value is 0.14 K/CUMMNormal range 0.00 - 0.70 K/CUMM ABSOLUTE BASOPHILS View trends Normal range: 0.00 - 0.10 K/CUMM Your value is 0.05 K/CUMMNormal range 0.00 - 0.10 K/CUMM
AMMONIA 203 May 4, 2024 9:40 PM
Lactic Acid 0.8 May 4, 2024 9:40 PM
RESPIRATORY PANEL PCR Collected on May 4, 2024 9:42 PM Misc Source View trends Value NASOPHARYNX Your value is NASOPHARYNX Adenovirus DNA View trends Normal value: NOT DETECTED Value NOT DETECTED Your value is NOT DETECTED Normal value NOT DETECTED Coronavirus 229E View trends Normal value: NOT DETECTED Value NOT DETECTED Your value is NOT DETECTED Normal value NOT DETECTED Coronavirus HKU1 View trends Normal value: NOT DETECTED Value NOT DETECTED Your value is NOT DETECTED Normal value NOT DETECTED Coronavirus NL63 View trends Normal value: NOT DETECTED Value NOT DETECTED Your value is NOT DETECTED Normal value NOT DETECTED Coronavirus OC43 View trends Normal value: NOT DETECTED Value NOT DETECTED Your value is NOT DETECTED Normal value NOT DETECTED SARS COVID 2 View trends Normal value: NOT DETECTED Value NOT DETECTED Your value is NOT DETECTED Normal value NOT DETECTED METAPNEUMOVIRUS View trends Normal value: NOT DETECTED Value NOT DETECTED Your value is NOT DETECTED Normal value NOT DETECTED Human Rhinovirus / Entovirus View trends Normal value: NOT DETECTED Value NOT DETECTED Your value is NOT DETECTED Normal value NOT DETECTED INFLUENZA A View trends Normal value: NOT DETECTED Value NOT DETECTED Your value is NOT DETECTED Normal value NOT DETECTED Influenza A H1 View trends Normal value: NOT DETECTED Value NOT DETECTED Your value is NOT DETECTED Normal value NOT DETECTED Influenza A H3 View trends Normal value: NOT DETECTED Value NOT DETECTED Your value is NOT DETECTED Normal value NOT DETECTED Influenza A,H1N1 '09 View trends Normal value: NOT DETECTED Value NOT DETECTED Your value is NOT DETECTED Normal value NOT DETECTED INFLUENZA B View trends Normal value: NOT DETECTED Value NOT DETECTED Your value is NOT DETECTED Normal value NOT DETECTED PARAINFLUENZA 1 View trends Normal value: NOT DETECTED Value NOT DETECTED Your value is NOT DETECTED Normal value NOT DETECTED PARAINFLUENZA 2 View trends Normal value: NOT DETECTED Value NOT DETECTED Your value is NOT DETECTED Normal value NOT DETECTED PARAINFLUENZA 3 View trends Normal value: NOT DETECTED Value NOT DETECTED Your value is NOT DETECTED Normal value NOT DETECTED Parainfluenza Virus 4 View trends Normal value: NOT DETECTED Value NOT DETECTED Your value is NOT DETECTED Normal value NOT DETECTED RSV RNA, QUALITATIVE PCR View trends Normal value: NOT DETECTED Value NOT DETECTED Your value is NOT DETECTED Normal value NOT DETECTED Bordetella Parapertussis View trends Normal value: NOT DETECTED Value NOT DETECTED Your value is NOT DETECTED Normal value NOT DETECTED Bordetella Pertussis View trends Normal value: NOT DETECTED Value NOT DETECTED Your value is NOT DETECTED Normal value NOT DETECTED Chlamydophilia Pneuminae View trends Normal value: NOT DETECTED Value NOT DETECTED Your value is NOT DETECTED Normal value NOT DETECTED Mycoplasma Pneumoniae View trends Normal value: NOT DETECTED Value NOT DETECTED Your value is NOT DETECTED Normal value NOT DETECTED Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Comment View trends Normal value: NOT DETECTED Value
IP CARBOCYHEMOGLOBIN Collected on May 4, 2024 10:10 PM Carboxyhemoglobin View trends Normal range: 0.0 - 1.5 % Value <1.5 Your value is <1.5 %Normal range 0.0 - 1.5 %
IP TSH WITH FT4 REFLEX Collected on May 4, 2024 10:10 PM TSH W/REFLEX TO FT4 View trends Normal range: 0.40 - 4.50 mIU/L Your value is 1.00 mIU/LNormal range 0.40 - 4.50 mIU/L TSH W/REFLEX TO FT4 View trends Normal range: 0.40 - 4.50 mIU/L
IP CPK Collected on May 4, 2024 10:46 PM CPK 52
SALICYLATE LEVEL Collected on May 4, 2024 10:46 PM
Salicylate Lvl View trends Normal value: <20.0 mg/dL Value <1.0
DICTATED DATE: 05/05/2024 12:22pm TRANSCRIBED DATE: 05/05/2024 01:06pm/modl SOUTH
CLINICAL SUMMARY: Altered mental status of uncertain etiology in the setting of serum ammonia elevation. Please assess for possible epileptic activity.
TECHNICAL SUMMARY: International 10/20 electrode placement was performed in this portable digital EEG. The background activity shows a poorly regulated intermixture of predominantly delta range activity. This activity is triphasic in nature without localizing or focal features. No significant stay changes were seen. Amplitude did vary at times.
Photic stimulation resulted in no change.
Sleep was not recorded.
Hyperventilation is contraindicated.
IMPRESSION: This EEG is abnormal with evidence of nearly continuous triphasic waves. These are highly compatible with a hepatic encephalopathy. There is no evidence of seizure activity and there is no asymmetry to suggest a structural process
PROCALCITONIN. May 5, 2024 1:25 AM
Procalcitonin View trends Normal value: <0.08 ng/mL Value 0.07
IP ACUTE HEPATITIS PANEL Collected on May 5, 2024 1:25 AM Results
Hep A IgM View trends Normal value: NON REACTIVE Value NON REACTIVE Your value is NON REACTIVE Normal value NON REACTIVE Hep A IgM View trends Normal value: NON REACTIVE Value NON REACTIVE
Hepatitis B Surface Ag View trends Normal value: NON REACTIVE Value NON REACTIVE Your value is NON REACTIVE Normal value NON REACTIVE Hepatitis B Surface Ag Comment View trends Normal value: NON REACTIVE Value NON REACTIVE
Anti-HCV View trends Normal value: NON REACTIVE Value NON REACTIVE Your value is NON REACTIVE Normal value NON REACTIVE Anti-HCV View trends Normal value: NON REACTIVE Value (NOTE)
HCV antibody was non-reactive. There is no laboratory evidence of HCV infection. Normal value NON REACTIVE Hep B core Ab, IgM View trends Normal value: NON REACTIVE Value NON REACTIVE Your value is NON REACTIVE Normal value NON REACTIVE Hep B core Ab, IgM View trends Normal value: NON REACTIVE
URINALYSIS, CULTURE IF INDICATED Collected on May 5, 2024 1:37 AM
Glucose Urine View trends Normal value: NEGATIVE mg/dL Value NEGATIVE Your value is NEGATIVE mg/dLNormal value NEGATIVE mg/dL Ketones, UA View trends Normal value: NEGATIVE mg/dL Value NEGATIVE Your value is NEGATIVE mg/dLNormal value NEGATIVE mg/dL Specific Gravity Ur View trends Normal range: 1.003 - 1.030 Your value is 1.009 Normal range 1.003 - 1.030 Occult Blood Urine View trends Normal value: NEGATIVE Value MODERATEAbnormal Your value is MODERATE This value is AbnormalNormal value NEGATIVE pH, UA View trends Normal range: 4.5 - 8.0 Your value is 8.0 Normal range 4.5 - 8.0 Protein, UA View trends Normal value: NEGATIVE mg/dL Value 30Abnormal Your value is 30 mg/dLThis value is AbnormalNormal value NEGATIVE mg/dL U Nitrites View trends Normal value: NEGATIVE Value NEGATIVE Your value is NEGATIVE Normal value NEGATIVE Leukocytes, UA View trends Normal value: NEGATIVE Value TRACEAbnormal Your value is TRACE This value is AbnormalNormal value NEGATIVE Color Urine View trends Normal value: YELLOW Value YELLOW Your value is YELLOW Normal value YELLOW APPEARANCE URINE View trends Normal value: CLEAR Value CLEAR Your value is CLEAR Normal value CLEAR WBC, UA View trends Normal range: 0 - 5 /HPF Value 11-20Abnormal Your value is 11-20 /HPFThis value is AbnormalNormal range 0 - 5 /HPF Epi Cell-Ur View trends Normal range: 0 - 5 /HPF Value 0-5 Your value is 0-5 /HPFNormal range 0 - 5 /HPF RBC, UA View trends Normal range: 0 - 3 /HPF Value 4-10Abnormal Your value is 4-10 /HPFThis value is AbnormalNormal range 0 - 3 /HPF Urine Comment Micro View trends
No Collected on May 5, 2024 1:37 AM
(note: not sure why it says no)
Cannabinoids View trends Normal value: NEGATIVE _ Value NEGATIVE Your value is NEGATIVE _Normal value NEGATIVE _ Phencyclidine View trends Normal value: NEGATIVE _ Value NEGATIVE Your value is NEGATIVE _Normal value NEGATIVE _ Cocaine Random View trends Normal value: NEGATIVE Value NEGATIVE Your value is NEGATIVE Normal value NEGATIVE Methamphetamines View trends Normal value: NEGATIVE _ Value NEGATIVE Your value is NEGATIVE _Normal value NEGATIVE _ Opiates View trends Normal value: NEGATIVE _ Value NEGATIVE Your value is NEGATIVE _Normal value NEGATIVE _ Amphetamines, Urine View trends Normal value: NEGATIVE _ Value NEGATIVE Your value is NEGATIVE _Normal value NEGATIVE _ Benzodiazepines View trends Normal value: NEGATIVE _ Value NEGATIVE Your value is NEGATIVE _Normal value NEGATIVE _ Trycyclic Antidepressants View trends Normal value: NEGATIVE _ Value NEGATIVE Your value is NEGATIVE _Normal value NEGATIVE _ Methadone Metab View trends Normal value: NEGATIVE _ Value NEGATIVE Your value is NEGATIVE _Normal value NEGATIVE _ Barbiturates, Urine View trends Normal value: NEGATIVE _ Value NEGATIVE Your value is NEGATIVE _Normal value NEGATIVE _ Oxycodone, Urine View trends Normal value: NEGATIVE Value NEGATIVE Your value is NEGATIVE Normal value NEGATIVE Buprenorphine, Urine View trends Normal value: NEGATIVE Value NEGATIVE Your value is NEGATIVE Normal value NEGATIVE Result Comment View trends Normal value: NEGATIVE
AMMONIA Collected on May 5, 2024 4:56 AM
Ammonia 134
Normal range: 9 - 30 umol/L
ETHYLENE GLYCOL Collected on May 5, 2024 12:42 PM Lab tests - Blood
Ethylene Glycol Lvl View trends mg/dL Value <10
Reference range: Negative [<10 mg/dL]
VOLATILE COMPOUNDS Collected on May 5, 2024 12:42 PM Lab tests - Blood
Methanol Lvl View trends mg/dL Value <10 Ref Range:Negative (<10 mg/dL)
VALPROIC ACID Collected on May 5, 2024 12:42 PM Results
Valproic Acid, Total View trends Normal range: 50 - 120 ug/mL Value <10Low
CT chest abdomen pelvis w IV contrast Collected on May 5, 2024 9:21 PM Results New EXAM: CT CHEST ABDOMEN AND PELVIS WITH CONTRAST
INDICATION: altered mental status, possible infection
Tech Comments: No additional history.
TECHNIQUE: Low dose, multi-channel computerized tomography of the chest, abdomen and pelvis was performed with IV contrast. Multiplanar reformats were reviewed.
COMPARISON: 12/05/2018
FINDINGS: CHEST: LUNGS: No focal consolidation. No mass. Major airways are patent.No pleural effusion or pneumothorax.
HEART AND VESSELS: Unremarkable.
ABDOMEN AND PELVIS: LIVER: Normal morphology. No suspicious hepatic lesion. No hepatic cysts are identified.
BILIARY: Unremarkable.
PANCREAS: No evidence of mass or inflammation. No pancreatic cysts.
SPLEEN: Unremarkable.
ADRENALS AND KIDNEYS: Adrenal glands are normal. Massively dilated renal collecting systems and ureters compatible with severe hydronephrosis is similar to although slightly progressive from 12/05/2018. Thin rind of renal parenchyma is present and enhances symmetrically. Bilateral hydroureter extends to the pelvis. There is some layering hyperdensity within the left distal ureter which may represent debris.
GASTROINTESTINAL: No evidence of abnormal bowel wall thickening or obstruction.
VASCULAR: Abdominal aorta is normal in caliber.
LYMPH NODES: No pathologically enlarged lymph nodes.
PERITONEUM: No free air or ascites.
PELVIC ORGANS AND BLADDER: Urinary bladder is distended.
BONES: No acute or suspicious abnormality.
IMPRESSION: 1. No acute findings. 2. Severe chronic hydroureteronephrosis is similar to although slightly increased from 12/05/2018. Urinary bladder is distended although is otherwise unremarkable. Although the morphology of the kidney is severely abnormal and mimics parenchymal cyst formation, there are no renal parenchymal or hepatic cysts to suggest autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Etiology of severe hydronephrosis is uncertain possibly related to chronic reflux. 3. Thin rind of peripheral renal enhancement without focal abnormality. Small amount of nonspecific hyperdensity within the left distal ureter may represent nonspecific debris.
SODIUM, RANDOM URINE Collected on May 5, 2024 5:03 PM Results New
Sodium Urine Random View trends mmol/L Value 55 No reference range established.
OSMOLALITY,URINE Collected on May 5, 2024 5:03 PM Results New
Osmolality, Ur View trends Normal range: 50 - 1,200 mOsm/kg Your value is 304 mOsm/kgNormal range 50 - 1,200 mOsm/kg
CBC Collected on May 6, 2024 3:56 AM Results
WBC View trends Normal range: 3.3 - 10.5 K/CUMM Your value is 9.9 K/CUMMNormal range 3.3 - 10.5 K/CUMM RBC View trends Normal range: 4.15 - 5.75 M/CUMM Your value is 5.66 M/CUMMNormal range 4.15 - 5.75 M/CUMM Hemoglobin View trends Normal range: 12.8 - 16.9 g/dL Your value is 15.7 g/dLNormal range 12.8 - 16.9 g/dL Hematocrit View trends Normal range: 38.8 - 50.2 % Your value is 46.8 %Normal range 38.8 - 50.2 % MCV View trends Normal range: 80.0 - 100.0 fL Your value is 82.7 fLNormal range 80.0 - 100.0 fL MCH View trends Normal range: 27.0 - 34.0 pg Your value is 27.7 pgNormal range 27.0 - 34.0 pg MCHC View trends Normal range: 30.5 - 34.5 g/dL Your value is 33.5 g/dLNormal range 30.5 - 34.5 g/dL RDW View trends Normal range: 11.5 - 15.0 % Your value is 14.6 %Normal range 11.5 - 15.0 % Platelets View trends Normal range: 150 - 450 K/CUMM Your value is 321 K/CUMMNormal range 150 - 450 K/CUMM MPV View trends Normal range: 7.7 - 12.2 fL Your value is 9.3 fLNormal range 7.7 - 12.2 fL
COMPREHENSIVE METABOLIC PANEL Collected on May 6, 2024 3:56 AM Results New
Sodium View trends Normal range: 137 - 145 mmol/L Your value is 146 mmol/LThis value is HighNormal range 137 - 145 mmol/L Potassium View trends Normal range: 3.5 - 5.1 mmol/L Your value is 3.8 mmol/LNormal range 3.5 - 5.1 mmol/L Chloride View trends Normal range: 98 - 107 mmol/L Your value is 111 mmol/LThis value is HighNormal range 98 - 107 mmol/L CO2 View trends Normal range: 22 - 30 mmol/L Your value is 23 mmol/LNormal range 22 - 30 mmol/L Glucose View trends Normal range: 65 - 99 mg/dL Your value is 124 mg/dLThis value is HighNormal range 65 - 99 mg/dL Glucose View trends Normal range: 65 - 99 mg/dL Value
If result of random glucose > or = 200 or if result of fasting glucose is > 125 confirm Diabetes Mellitus diagnosis with second glucose on a different day. High Your value is If result of random glucose > or = 200 or if result of fasting glucose is > 125 confirm Diabetes Mellitus diagnosis with second glucose on a different day. mg/dLThis value is HighNormal range 65 - 99 mg/dL BUN View trends Normal range: 9 - 20 mg/dL Your value is 34 mg/dLThis value is HighNormal range 9 - 20 mg/dL Creatinine View trends Normal range: 0.66 - 1.25 mg/dL Your value is 1.23 mg/dLNormal range 0.66 - 1.25 mg/dL eGFR View trends Normal value: >60 mL/min/1.73 M2 Value 79 Your value is 79 mL/min/1.73 M2Normal value >60 mL/min/1.73 M2 EGFR Comment View trends Normal value: >60 mL/min/1.73 M2 Value Either of the following must be present for >=3 months to be Chronic Kidney Disease: -GFR less than 60 for >=3 months -Albumin to Creatinine Ratio >=30 mg/g or other markers of kidney damage
An estimated GFR chronically in the range of 60-89 is categorized as mildly decreased, which corresponds to Stage G2 CKD.
CKD-EPI equation (2021) used to estimate GFR Your value is Either of the following must be present for >=3 months to be Chronic Kidney Disease: -GFR less than 60 for >=3 months -Albumin to Creatinine Ratio >=30 mg/g or other markers of kidney damage An estimated GFR chronically in the range of 60-89 is categorized as mildly decreased, which corresponds to Stage G2 CKD. CKD-EPI equation (2021) used to estimate GFR mL/min/1.73 M2Normal value >60 mL/min/1.73 M2 BUN/Creatinine Ratio View trends Normal range: 6 - 22 RATIO Your value is 28 RATIOThis value is HighNormal range 6 - 22 RATIO ALT View trends Normal value: <50 U/L Value 34 Your value is 34 U/LNormal value <50 U/L AST View trends Normal range: 17 - 59 U/L Your value is 19 U/LNormal range 17 - 59 U/L Alkaline Phosphatase View trends Normal range: 38 - 126 U/L Your value is 138 U/LThis value is HighNormal range 38 - 126 U/L Bilirubin, Total View trends Normal range: 0.2 - 1.3 mg/dL Your value is 0.9 mg/dLNormal range 0.2 - 1.3 mg/dL Protein, Total View trends Normal range: 6.3 - 8.2 g/dL Your value is 8.2 g/dLNormal range 6.3 - 8.2 g/dL Albumin Blood View trends Normal range: 3.5 - 5.0 g/dL Your value is 4.6 g/dLNormal range 3.5 - 5.0 g/dL Calcium View trends Normal range: 8.4 - 10.2 mg/dL Your value is 9.7 mg/dLNormal range 8.4 - 10.2 mg/dL Globulin, Total View trends Normal range: 1.9 - 3.7 g/dL Your value is 3.6 g/dLNormal range 1.9 - 3.7 g/dL Albumin/Globulin Ratio View trends Normal range: 1.0 - 2.5 RATIO Your value is 1.3 RATIONormal range 1.0 - 2.5 RATIO Anion Gap View trends Normal range: 7 - 17 mmol/L Your value is 12 mmol/LNormal range 7 - 17 mmol/L
AMMONIA Collected on May 6, 2024 3:56 AM Results New
Ammonia. 124 View trends Normal range: 9 - 30 umol/L
I'm sorry you had to endure all of that, but thank you for doing so.
submitted by No-Watercress880 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 04:24 Puteeg Back on the Mac

After a few years away from Mac, I recently made the switch back from Windows, and I couldn't be happier. I've missed the top-notch build quality, macOS experience, and incredible performance. Got myself an M2 15-inch Air for just $999 at Best Buy, opting for savings over the M3. It's truly an impressive machine. If you're debating whether to switch, don't hesitate. Forget about spec war comparison. There's nothing out there that compares to the caliber of a Mac. Each time I lift up the lid it brings a feel of premium and brings a smile to my face that no windows laptop out there will give you.
submitted by Puteeg to macbookair [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 04:03 memezar future content idea

ive been thinking alot about this and it would be something done in the future something like weapon attachments or the ability to change your sights like switch off the zoom scope for a red dot or iron sights or a canted iron sight ect... extended mags/different magazines with different benefits like reload speed/handling bonuses or different ammo types at the cost of smaller magazines or less total magazines like incendiary rounds, concussive rounds, explosive or armor piercing or acid rounds or just tracer rounds to change the color of your bullets amd maybe underbarrel grips/launchers that fire different kind of rounds like smoke, incendiary, stun, or just regular grenades at the cost for an increase in recoil and less handling. to buy said attachments it would cost X amount of warbonds, requisitions or samples or all 3 depending on how powerful the attachment is because once you have everything and you're capped out and you arent collecting any and to change the attachments you selected it would cost a small amount of warbonds every time you want to equip new attachments so you have to decide between doing the warbond passes or upgrading your weapons. for a stratagem, we have the minigun/rocket launcher and autocannon mechs and once you own all the related stratagems, you can go into the armory and customize what weapons you would like to have on your mech but in order to do that, you would need to unlock the mech/exosuit customization bay module and it would allow you to change the weapons on your mech like you could do a gatling turret and a flamethrower or autocannon and a spear launcher for long distance/anti-air or a gatling gun and a grenade launcher ect... allowing the ability to completely customize it for your playstyle and you can change the kind of armor it has too. light armor for quicker movement speed at the cost of being able to take less damage, medium armor to have a balance of speed and health and heavy armor with the most survivability with a large penalty to movement speed but you can take much more damage and countermeasures to protect yourself from large groups or missiles like flares to protect against missiles or a smokescreen to give you time to escape an area and get out of combat or a generator pack to protect against small arms fire. for vehicles, there could be a vehicle bay module that allows you to change the weapons on your vehicle to suit different situations like instead of a machine gun, you could put a grenade launcher or a flame thrower and you can give it different kinds of armor to protect against different kinds of attacks at the cost of speed and fuel consumption and it would all cost requisitions to purchase the different armors and weapons each time you want to change them out. for a new stratagem, we could get power armor that works in a similar way to fallouts power armor or ironmans hulkbuster suit or warhammer power armor and you would be able to have a giant gun to use with it and you could customize the weapons you want it to have in the armory but in order to customize it, you would have to puchase the power armor customization bay and you could use a giant sniper, shotgun or assault rifle. it would also have the option for heavy weapos like a backpack fed gatling gun at the cost of movement speed or a giant rocket launcher that would fire artillery shells, a grenade launcher that fires mortar rounds and you would have a giant secondary pistol/revolver or machine pistol firing large caliber rounds and you could some kind of giant sword with either an energy/heat blade capable of cutting through armor but taking a long time to swing or a giant battle axe/scythe and maybe a should cannon that fires plasma or rockets on a cooldown. you would only be able to call it in once per match and in order to resupply it, it would cost 2 resupply packs. if you would to use the suit, you would get targeted more frequently and would have an overall higher aggression. for its movement, it would be slow but not super slow and if you were to drop off a high ledge, it would create a shockwave knocking everything around you down or stunning larger enemies and it would have a built in jetpack to jump a small distance or clear a small gap but it would have a very slow recharge rate forcing you to use it very carefully. for it's looks(purely cosmetic), it would be similar to helldiver armor, with different colors and styles keeping with the helldiver theme like you can engrave the helldiver symbol or super earth on it and you can name your power armor or exosuit just like your ship
submitted by memezar to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 03:13 A_KAK3 45-70 gov. Henry color case hardend

45-70 gov. Henry color case hardend 22" octagon barrel. Just shot this thing today wasn't too too bad on recoil a little more than 30-06 180gr. I shot 6 rounds off Hornady, 325gr. and 16 rounds of HSM cowboy 408gr. The cowboy rounds were very dirty, I'm glad I brought my bore snake to the range. Got the scope all sighted in, my shoulder was not and is not happy... nor my wallet. 🤣 very happy with the rifle, well worth the money!
P.s I am going to reload this caliber! Any questions I will try to awnser!
submitted by A_KAK3 to LeverGuns [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 00:37 Adventure_Drake A Promise from the Past (3)

I appreciate all the support everyone has been giving me as I continue to fumble my way through my first fanfic. I'm still learning what works when it comes to both presentation and story writing, and I certainly wasn't expecting my first fic to get this much attention right off the bat. I'm glad that the premise has caught so many people's interest. I appreciate the feedback I've been given, and hope you all enjoy this longer chapter I have today. Maybe someday I'll nail down a consistent post length.
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Memory transcription subject: Governor Tarva of the Venlil Republic Date [standardized Earth time]: July 12, 2136
As soon as we were inside, I quickly formulated a plan to get Noah and Sara separated. I suggested that Kam give Sara a tour of the governor mansion while Noah and I spent time discussing the implications of the similarities between the Venlil and Skalgans. I was relieved that both guests seemed amenable to the suggestion, though confused as to why Sara would want to let Noah out of her sight. Did she really trust him to not run away or reveal information on their predatory nature? I didn’t have time to contemplate it as I gestured for Noah to take a seat in my office.
Without the predator present to constantly grab my attention, I could finally focus enough to examine Noah more. Although the nose was unnatural for a Venlil, it didn’t seem entirely out of place on him. What was out of place were the artificial pelts that covered his torso. Maybe it was a symbol of status? It was hard to say. Then there was also the way he walked. His legs lacked the knocked knees every Venlil had. Another strange anomaly with his kind that let him walk with a strength that we lacked. I was tempted to ask him about these differences between our species, but I wasn’t an expert in physiology or genetics, so I thought best to leave those questions to an expert. There was the more important matter of the predator to figure out first and foremost.
After we had both taken a seat, I began with my questions. “So… unless I’m mistaken, your kind before today didn’t know of the existence of Venlil?” I asked. Noah gave a head nod that I assumed was an affirmative response. “That’s right. I’m a bit surprised by how close in appearance we seem to be. It makes me believe that our two species may actually share a common ancestor.”
“Perhaps that’s the case.” I said. “But I could only imagine that were possible if one of our own ships went missing at some point. I’m not sure we’ve ever lost a colony ship before, or at least one with a large enough population to support a colony on another planet.”
“Despite that, it may be the most likely possibility, assuming that you were spacefaring about 600 [years] ago. That’s about when the Skalgan landed on Earth.” Noah said. It took my translator implant a moment to convert the time measurement, and I was surprised by the conclusion he came to. “Wha- wait. No, that’s not possible. It had to have been more recent. We had only just met the federation. Our first colony ship wouldn’t launch for decades.”
“Federation? There are others?” Noah asked. I slowly nodded, realizing just how much I had to explain. “Y-yes… The Federation is a coalition of sentient prey species from across the galaxy. They came and uplifted our species several hundred [years] ago. We weren’t spacefaring before then. I’m sorry, but your story doesn’t line up with our recorded history.”
Noah slowly blinked, his gaze searching mine for some reason. “Perhaps you're right. We probably shouldn’t jump to conclusions without looking further into this. Still, our similarities are uncanny. Not to mention Human art and literature pretty firmly marks our arrival on Earth around the mid 1500’s.”
“Humans make art?” The question slipped out before I could stop it, but the shock that a predator species even bothered with artistic ventures caught me off guard. Noah gave me a confused look in response. “They do. I’m not sure why that’s so surprising. Does your kind not make art?”
The subject of the Humans began to overtake my mind. I needed to know how Noah’s kind had lived with a predator species without being turned into cattle or eaten. Maybe they were, and Noah was intentionally hiding it. Maybe this was all a ruse, and Noah was a recently captured Venlil trying to earn his freedom. The thought that he could be working with the Humans to hide their cruelty scared me.
“Well… I’m just… Confused by how Ven-...Skalgan and Humans lived together. Not to mention how comfortable you seem to be around Sara. Are you not worried she might eat you?”
This earned a strong reaction from Noah, who recoiled in shock. “What? No! No Human would ever eat a Skalgan! That’s cannibalism! Why would you think they’d do such a thing?”
I stepped over the line. I didn’t realize this question would offend him, but now he looked at me like I’d just directly insulted him. I struggled to find a way to salvage this conversation.
“S-sorry. I just wasn’t certain if they were like the Arxur.” Noah didn’t seem to understand what I was implying. He must have not known about the Arxur. No one can hear the name of those beasts without showing some level of unease. “They’re also a predator race, a cruel species that kills without remorse and keeps prey species as livestock. They’re monsters, and the greatest threat the Federation faces.”
“Prey species? Like animals? I’m sorry, but you need to clarify what you mean.” Noah asked. I was again surprised by Noah’s lack of knowledge on what should have been a fundamental aspect of life. “You know, people that consume meat versus plants. Predators and prey.” I explained. He still looked a little confused. “You mean carnivores and herbivores? That’s what-” Something in his mind clicked, and a horrified expression grew on his face. “Are you saying that there are species out there that eat people?! That’s horrible! That’s…” He slowed down for a moment, then quietly asked, “...Is that why you’re so afraid of Sara? Because she looks like an Arxur?”
“She has predatory features. Front facing eyes, sharp teeth that she frequently shows, claws to…” I trailed off as I noticed Noah’s own gaze bore into me. “Governor, I understand that these monsters have likely instilled your people with a deep fear of carnivore races, but I can without a doubt assure you that Humans would never, ever, eat another sentient being. They are good, kind, caring people. They gave us a home when the galaxy turned on us. Their empathy transcends their own kind. Sara would never, ever harm you or your people.”
No, this couldn’t be true. Predators are monsters. Predators eat our kind. We’ve known this since the Arxur were first uplifted. I clench my paws in frustration, trying to think up of something I could say to convince Noah of the danger that the Humans posed. Maybe he was truly predator diseased. If that was the case, then I might have just let a different kind of monster onto my planet, which was just as terrifying. I felt something touch my paw. I regained my focus and looked to see Noah had reached over to gently put a paw on mine.
“The Arxur sound like horrible creatures. I understand why you’re so scared, especially if it’s your only experience with a carnivore species. However, you can’t apply these preconceptions to all carnivores. Humans aren’t even fully meat eaters. They eat plants too. You haven’t had the chance to learn about them yet. So please… as someone who has lived with them my whole life, trust me when I say that they won’t hurt you or anyone.”
For several moments, I stared back at him. He seemed so genuine. If he truly did live with Humans his whole life, then he would know their nature. I slumped back in my chair. Thinking back on events so far, I realized that Sara’s behavior up to this point had been lacking the ferociousness that would be expected of a predator. She even offered to help when Cheln had fainted. I still worried that Noah was lying, but why would he? He had every opportunity to escape his predator captor while he was here, yet acted like they were friends. It confused me, but somehow made sense, if one were to assume Humans weren’t predatory monsters. Perhaps they only hunted non-sentient animals. That would at least explain why Sara didn’t attack anyone when they showed weakness. An Arxur would have torn out our throats the moment it laid eyes on us. Humans must be in control of their instincts, at least well enough to be selective about what they eat. It wasn't ideal, but it at least meant my people weren't in danger. Hopefully.
“...Okay… If you’re certain Humans are safe, then I’m willing to talk with-” My holopad chirped as a call came in from Kam. My breath hitched for a moment, worried that perhaps something had gone wrong with the tour he was giving Sara. I accepted the call, and Kam’s face soon appeared. “Governor. I’ve just gotten word that our… other visitors have entered the system. They should be in hailing range soon.”
The distress call. It had completely slipped my mind. I swore under my breath before responding. “U-understood. Bring the… bring Sara to my office.” I closed the call and dropped the pad on my desk, letting out a frustrated sigh.
Noah looked at me with concern. “Who’re these other guests?”
“The Federation fleet. When we realized that you had a predator with you, we feared the worst and called for help.”
“What? But… are they going to think Sara’s as bad as these Arxurs?”
“Most likely yes, which is why we can’t let them know she’s here. They’ll want her dead if they see her, and who knows what they’ll do to you if they know you’re associated. I’ll try to convince them to leave.”
“Right…” Noah mutters. “I’m sorry we’ve put you in this situation. If it will help, I can try speaking to the people that are coming.”
“The less they know, the better, but I’ll let you know if I need you to talk.”
It wasn’t going to be easy for me to blatantly lie to the Federation while a predator sat in the room, but I couldn’t betray Noah’s trust, not after he shared his heartfelt belief in the goodness of Humans. I still wasn’t sure if I believed it, but I wasn’t going to risk any harm coming to either of them. Friendly predators might be unheard of, but we only had the Arxur to go off of when it came to sentient ones. Perhaps they could be allies with us against Arxur.
[Time Advanced: 4 minutes]
Kam and Sara entered my office moments later, giving me a fright at the predator’s appearance once more. It took a minute to bring them up to speed on the situation. Both were surprised by what I told them, Sara by the fact that the Federation would be hostile, and Kam by my admission that I intended to lie. Or at least leave out the part about Humans. No matter what, their existence had to stay hidden. Both looked like they had questions, but we were out of time. I was still debating on whether or not I should mention Noah by the time the Federation fleet got in hailing range. They started calling the second they could reach us, and I could only afford a few more seconds of mental preparation before I answered the hail.
Captain Solvin’s face greeted me as soon as the video feed came on. I shouldn’t have been surprised that the hero of the Gojidi Union had been the one to answer our distress signal. Given the strategic location of Venlil Prime, it only made sense that such a reputable person would be responding to a call for an extinction level threat.
“Governor Tarva. It’s good to see that you’re okay.” He said, looking relieved that I was alive. “What’s the nature of your distress?” Noah and Sara stood out of view of the camera, the Venlill was watching with concern while the Human tried to get a view of Solvin without putting herself in view. I could hardly keep focused with the predator looming nearby, but Noah’s calm presence helped me bear the predator’s presence. He trusted the predator well enough to put his back to it. I still struggled looking at it.
“W-we appreciate the rapid response, especially with the Federation’s finest being the ones to answer our call.” I said, “Unfortunately, we appear to have maken a mistake on our part.”
“A mistake?” Solvin’s eyes narrowed. “What sort of mistake could be the reason for calling for help against a world ending threat?”
I thought of lying. I thought of trying to explain away the reason for the signal being sent and staying on for so long. However, a part of me worried what would happen if we hid the truth. Solvin wouldn’t leave without a satisfying answer. I noticed Noah making a motion towards himself, then the screen, which I assumed meant he wanted to talk. I took a deep breath before refocusing on Solvin.
“We sent out the distress signal because an unidentified ship unexpectedly entered our orbit. We were unsure if it was a pr- Arxur ship, so we sent the signal out of precaution. Luckily, we were wrong about the occupants.”
Solvin shot me a judgmental look. It wasn’t entirely untrue, but more was gonna be needed to sell him on this fib. “...Who were the occupants?” Solvin asked, “And what made you think it could have been hostile?”
“Well… The ship came from the dead space boarding our territory. We thought there’d be no reason for a ship to come from that location without it being an attempt to hide or an ambush, so we sent out the distress signal. It took us a while before we could confirm the identity of the pilot.”
“It should have been done much quicker than that, but I guess I can’t rely on a Venlil to keep a level head in a situation like this. Now tell me, who was on that ship?” Solvin growled. I finally relented, gesturing for Noah to come into view. The Skalgan stepped over next to me, holding himself upright and with confidence. It took Solvin several seconds to understand what he was looking at, but the side by side comparison between me and Noah tipped him off quite quickly. “Who-? Wh- Is this a joke!? What's wrong with his face? Are those fake pelts? Who are you?” The Gojid demanded. Noah took the barrage of questions in stride. “My name is Noah of the Skalgan people. I’m from a planet in this ‘dead space’ that is actually quite habitable, one that me and my people have lived on for several generations.”
The captain stared in shock for several long seconds. “You look almost identical to a Venlil. You have to be one! Just… maybe mutated.” Noah looked a little offended by this suggestion. “I assure you, the historical documents of my people clearly depicts us as we are now. Of course, the similarities between the Skalgan and Venlil does suggest that we have a common ancestor. The confusion is understandable”
I held my breath as Solvin thought this all over. I hoped that the captain would find this satisfactory and leave it at that. The predator in the room still had me on edge. I hoped I was suppressing my nervousness well enough to not be noticed by Solvin. I partially wished I had a predator’s narrow vision so I wouldn’t have to see it lurking in my periphery.
“...This is certainly very strange.” Solvin said, “Most likely a colony ship of some kind that got lost. Well, it’s not the reason we were expecting to be called, but we can at least provide assistance. We just need the coordinates of this planet, and we can fly out to do rescue operations.”
“That’s not necessary.” Noah quickly says. “We’re already well established and even have ship manufacturing available to us. Our people have been living there independently for many generations. We’re perfectly happy there.”
The Gojid tilted his head. “What about protection from the Arxur, or even whatever native predators are on that planet?”
“The Arxur don’t know we’re there.” Noah said assuredly. “In fact, flying a whole armada there would only risk leading them to us. You already thought that part of space was empty. What would the Arxur think if hundreds of ships inexplicably started flying out there? We can defend ourselves, but it would be appreciated if you didn’t bring threats to our doorstep.” I noted he didn’t address the issue of native predators. I could only guess that the Humans were so oppressive that they killed all other predators. Maybe they’re the same reason why they thought they could resist the Arxur if they came. It was hard to imagine a predator and prey species working together, but perhaps the Skalgan operated as the brains and logic while the Humans were the warriors and destroyers.
Luckily, Solvin seemed to be buying this half-truth we’d been pushing. “Hard to believe that a group of Venlil colonists could tame a planet all on their own, not to mention without the rest of the Federation for support. I want to know more about your planet.”
Noah gently nodded. “Of course. I’d like time to discuss matters of our potential shared heritage with the governor, but we’ll be happy to share our findings once we’re satisfied with the information we plan on compiling. I’ll also need to notify my people of my own findings. I’m sure we can discuss matters after we’ve sorted out this strange situation.”
The captain nodded. He still looked unsure of what to make of Noah, but at least he seemed to be backing down. That was until he pointed his attention at me. “Next time you think there’s an emergency, maybe think a little before letting instincts take over.” Solvin said towards me. “Now, unless you still believe you're in distress, you might want to turn off that signal, governor.”
My face grew orange at the targeted comment. “Oh! Yes, of course. I hope you understand why I’ve been so distracted.” I said, trying not to show how flustered I was. Solvin nodded and told the bridge crew off screen to prepare for FTL. “I hope you have a good story to share for the next summit. I’m certain the rest of the Federation is going to want to know how these lost Venlil ended up surviving all alone without our support. As for you, Noah, I'm looking forwards to learning more about your people. Protector be with you.” With that, the channel closed.
I sunk into my chair in relief, free from the captain's interrogation. I looked over at Noah. “Thank you. I’m not sure what I would have said had you not been here.” Noah let out a frustrated sounding snort. “I’m sure you would have figured out something. What I don't like is that we now have to worry about keeping humanity hidden. It's only a matter of time before they're discovered.”
"I understand. I'm sorry that your friends are stuck in this situation." I quietly said. I was surprised when Noah once again gently reached down to rest a his paw on mine. "I appreciate that you're giving them the chance to prove themselves. That means a lot to us." He said with a smile.
The moment of calm was immediately soured by Sara speaking up. “That’s great and all, but that doesn’t address why you need to keep me hidden in the first place.”
“I don’t see why we’re hiding you either.” Kam grumbles. “As much as I trust your judgment, Tarva, I still need to voice my concerns. The last thing our planet needs is predators running around munching our children.”
“Wh- what?!” Sara exclaimed.
I jumped at the shout, worried that Sara was gonna attack Kam. Noah quickly got between them to defuse the situation. “Sara, they have a very troubled history with a species that eats them, and unfortunately humans share physical similarities to them. However, I’m certain we can convince them that Humans are nothing like that. The governor’s already willing to listen. I’m sure the rest will come around.” He then turns towards Kam. “And I’ll appreciate it if you don’t insult my friend. I know she scares you, but give her a chance to show you Humans aren’t monsters.”
The two slowly relaxed their posture, though still eyed each other with wariness. I was thankful for Noah’s involvement. I couldn’t imagine having to deal with a predator species without a fellow prey to vouch for them. I still had my doubts, but perhaps the friendship Sara spoke of was possible. If these potential long lost relatives of the Venlil could make friends with a predator, why couldn’t we?
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submitted by Adventure_Drake to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 17:08 Emergency-Sky-9747 Caliber of the guns in 2077?

Caliber of the guns in 2077?
Okay so I regularly dabble with firearms, history, woodwork. and mechanic work irl. And currently i'm doing a gunslinger build V with Corpo background and majoring with Tech, Cool, and Body. And my curiosity gets the better of me here and I kindly want to ask if anybody knows the caliber and type of ammunition most people are using in 2077? I know for a fact since cyber modification is readily available to the public and cyberpsychos are just basically metal cased berserkers. Most of the guns calibers in game probably are heavier hitting and maybe slower moving then the weaponry we have now in 2024.
I know from looking at advertisements in games and concept art from devs. Stuff like Smart weapons are slow moving rocket propelled micro missiles cartridges . Like the Smart pistols and SMGs in game fire the 4.3mm micro missile. Not sure what the smart assault rifles fire (I'd suspect it's a 5.56mm micro missile or something) but I do know the Ashura fires a .50 caliber rocket propelled cartridge. Lot of the pistols in game seem to be chambered in .45 ACP, mainly Unity, Nue, and Liberty Revolvers like the Overture is chambered in .44 magnum (.42 magnum technically both in game and irl) and the M10AF Lexington is chambered in 9x19mm parabellum.
I don't know what the assault rifles and precision rifles in game are chambered in. Neither do I know what the Shotguns or what the Arasaka Tamayura is chambered in. If I had to make a guess-
Assault rifles- 5.56x45mm, 7.62x39mm, 5.45x39mm, and maybe 6.8mm I feel with assault rifles theyd need a balance between something that hits hard and can be used in mass suppression.
Precision rifles- 20mm (Looking at you Hypercritical). maybe .50 calibe.50 Beowulf (SOR 22 is an odd one, I looked at concept art and the bullet look remniscent of the .450 Bushmaster, not that aerodynamic of a bullet), 4mm projectile (M-179 Achilles, Love that gun. Saved my ass more times than I care to admit)
Shotguns- Doubt there's been much change since the 18th century. 12 Gauge for a lot of them. I'm pretty sure Guts is a 4 gauge behemoth. The recoil is absolute obliteration to the shoulder and it obliterates everything in front of it. The only one I think uses different ammo is the one smart shotgun in game with the 4.3 micro missiles again.
Any thoughts on this? Also I did find the magazine for the SOR 22 on the wiki. It looks like a .450 Bushmaster fused with a .458 SOCOM
submitted by Emergency-Sky-9747 to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 14:56 Shamaniac1217 Best mods to reduce recoil on my T3x Lite in 30-06 - or just switch to 6.5 creed?

So I recently got a great deal on a left handed T3x in 30-06. Took it to the range yesterday and the recoil is pretty brutal. I don’t mind the shoulder pain it’s just hard to see impacts or do follow up shots with the barrel jump. This is gonna be my dedicated deer rifle but I’d like to do lots of range shooting this year. I already stuck a limb saver on it but was considering doing a clamp on muzzle break or put a heavier stock/chassis on it. At the same time they just got in the same rifle in 6.5 Creedmoor (used) at my local bass pro and I’m wondering if I should just buy it and sell the -06 since it’s the caliber I initially wanted. Any input is appreciated.
submitted by Shamaniac1217 to Tikka_Shooters [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 03:21 apocryphar I want a handgun in a dead cartridge it was never chambered for. Where to start?

Kind of a thought exercise.
There I were prostrate on my knees and my head bowed, facing the birthplace of John Moses Browning, and performing my daily lamentations that 30 SC is a dead round. Hmm, thought I; wouldn't it be cool if Smith and Federal hadn't completely bungled the release of this fun little round of theirs? There are a grand total of six firearms chambered for it, and one is a Hi-Point.
I got to thinking; how hard would it be, really, to have a custom 30 SC barrel machined for, say, an M&P 9, or a Beretta 92? Or hell, a 5906? Magazines are no problem, I can print those. I can work out the recoil spring and guide rod, too. The only thing I'd really need is the barrel, and as far as I can tell, no one really machines entirely original, custom spec barrels for absurd calibers no one wants.
Am I fucked? Is there no stupid, degenerate, expensive way to bribe a machine shop to bring forth this abomination? What if I want to do something else stupid, like a custom .32 ACP barrel for a Taurus G2c?
submitted by apocryphar to guns [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 02:27 trigram0 Concealed carry for a big man

I am 280lb/6ft I currently ccw Echelon however summe lighter clothes is around the corner and I’m considering getting a smaller EDC as I most definitely print with the echelon.
Thoughts on hellcat VS XD? I can’t seem to find a comparison between both lines so I understand what each one is intended for…
I already have the echelon so don’t want to spend too much on another 9 mm…. I would justify the extra cost if it was a 10 or a 45 since I don’t have that caliber but would it even make sense for an EDC?
I’m currently considering XDS mod2 (I think the elite is full duty pistol which beats the point of aiming for a smaller EDC) or the hellcat pro. Waiting for both to get some form of discount…
What are your thoughts?
submitted by trigram0 to SpringfieldArmory [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 02:00 Apprehensive-Space55 You’re just not used to your face- a practical exercise that I find is helping me

If you’re like me you:
I’ve been learning about self-acceptance recently which is different to self-esteem. Self esteem is about feeling good about yourself and being appreciative of the great qualities you possess. But the implication of that means comparing your great qualities in comparison to others. And it also means things you don’t feel good about (e.g your nose) are because you’re comparing it to others. Self acceptance is about accepting the things you like AND dislike about yourself, and has nothing to do with anyone else. Building your self esteem is not the answer because it’s always dependent on how you feel about yourself in relation to others, and everyone has insecurities. Ours happens to be our noses.
But a profound realisation came to me when I watched this Ted Talk by Robert Hoge on owning your face. Now honestly what he says in the video wasn’t particularly earth shattering to me. However as I watched what I realised was that initially, I was focused on his unconventional face but as he kept talking I stopped thinking about it and didn’t really think of it as abnormal because I was just used to it. Many comments shared similar sentiments.
This got me thinking- I don’t really see my side profile much, but I see others. Because mine isn’t ’the norm’ it strikes me, when I take photos of it or catch a small glimpse in a video, as something to recoil from. But that’s not necessarily how others have seen it.
What I’ve done is visit a local clothes shop that has a fitting room with multiple mirrors from different angles. It means I have angles of myself that I don’t see on a day to day basis, including my face side profile. It has been revelatory. I stand there for a few minutes or longer, and I just look at my face from the side. And guess what? I get used to it and think oh that’s really not bad. I just think it is because it’s different to the norm AND because selfies or photos do a terrible job of reflecting reality, distorting your face to something that others don’t necessarily see. Other people will have already gotten used to the way you look (not that they really care, everyone cares and stressed about their own looks. When have you ever stressed about somebody else's? Doesn’t happen, so they don’t stress or think about yours.) You just need to get used to your own, and accept that it’s how you look. It’s not bad at all, you can accept it and this is where real self-confidence comes from.
I’m really learning to love my nose and the way I look from this exercise and changing my beliefs around it. I hope something in this can help you too, please feel free to discuss
submitted by Apprehensive-Space55 to Noses [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 22:38 zee_cee_96 AR40

I know I know, another weird guy looking to build a 40 cal. Reason #1 I have a 8” banshee already #2 I have an epc lower registered as a long gun so want to do something different. Planning to do a 12 inch hand guard and p/w comp to make it 16” overall.
My question is, would u/blowback9 gentle recoil system apply despite the caliber? Thanks in advance for any input
submitted by zee_cee_96 to AR9 [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 05:59 ngoclinhvi1726 Could a 7 years old child be strong enough to fire a gun

I'm writing a story and the main character was a hunter and started hunting with adult since she was 7. Could it be possible for her to learn how to use firearms with the instruction and supervison of adult or would physical condition be an obstacle and I'm talking about hunting rifle, not small handgun
Edit: I saw a lot of comments say that I need to take the recoil and caliber into consideration and my original idea was for her to use a Mosin Nagant so would it be suitable for a child to handle ? If not could anybody recommend other type of rifle that is originated from Russia as it's kinda my story setting
submitted by ngoclinhvi1726 to Writeresearch [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 04:52 jims-long-bong Bear's attempt at a max ergo build I guess

Bear's attempt at a max ergo build I guess
killed a bear who had this on him. (All In Weapon mod)
submitted by jims-long-bong to SPTarkov [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 01:04 Cutaway2AZ once again. 9mm vs 380 acp for EDC

I’m getting closer to buying an EDC to replace my SP2022 which is really a bit big. I like the p365 in some guise or other, although the Walther CCP M2 is also still on the list, principally as a low budget alternative. That said the plain P365 with 10rd mag & extended grip is a super nice budget Sig. obviously I want a bigger grip. I also like the weight saving of the smaller mag.
Anyway the question is: 9mm or .380 ACP?
I’m not shooting bears and hopefully not PCP fueled crazies but obviously you want to be prepared for as much as is practical short of carrying a 10mm.
I think reduced recoil and accurate follow-up is a legit consideration so I’ll be honest I’m definitely thinking seriously about the 380. But half the muzzle energy is a lot to give up and well, I’m sure there’s a reason why 9mm is the common handgun caliber.
Any thoughts?
submitted by Cutaway2AZ to SigSauer [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 00:40 widomskiii Wudi Long Barrel missing in WZM (DG-58 LSW)

Wudi Long Barrel missing in WZM (DG-58 LSW) submitted by widomskiii to officialwarzonemobile [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 22:23 Peach-Any This is quite cursed

This is quite cursed submitted by Peach-Any to brandonherrara [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 19:32 SweetDrew42 A bit nervous.

A bit nervous.
I just got these results. I have lots of symptoms and I asked for an MRI. He asked me why I wanted imaging. I said validity. Because I am in pain and having these symptoms and they are giving me no reason as to why this is happening. Then I get these results. Honestly I’m scared they will say the cyst is too small and is not the cause of the pain. Are there any specific questions I should ask? Or specific tests I should ask? I’ve had chronic pain for over ten years. And it’s frustrating. We are a military family, so my husbands gone and I have no family where I live or even back home. I also have three beautiful girls. I’m probably just upset right now. Haha
submitted by SweetDrew42 to SyringomyeliaSupport [link] [comments]