Resume format for physiotherapist

Resume Genius: Free Resume Builder, Job Search Resources, and More

2014.06.01 23:17 ResumeGenius Resume Genius: Free Resume Builder, Job Search Resources, and More

Welcome to the Resume Genius subreddit! Here, career enthusiasts gather for practical tips, career news, office humor, and support in the job search process. Whether you're sharing experiences or seeking advice, we're glad to have you. Join us in enriching your career journey!

2013.07.22 18:34 ARasool The interviews that will get you Hired!

We'll help you practice for your interview, go over your resume, and even help you stay calm and collected!

2014.07.03 00:20 RVAJOBS

A subreddit connecting job seekers and employers in the greater Richmond, Virginia region.

2024.05.19 11:19 vijaykurhade Any industry specific NLP enabled document parsers/APIs which not only parses them for content but also takes context in consideration?

Take for example pdf or word or other format Resume of Candidate
submitted by vijaykurhade to developersIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:20 r2thekesh Physiotherapist/fisioterapista

Hi all, My wife had a major accident over a year ago. After surgeries with a doctor that works on US Olympic teams and professional sports, she has to go to physical therapy weekly. We are going to be vacationing in Madrid for a few weeks and we're looking for a high end physiotherapist. I have contacted a few clinics but I'm not finding ones with high end resumes that I am looking for as this was a major injury. Part of this is that the recovery isn't going as expected and we're hoping to find another opinion as the physio at home isn't getting what we wanted. Does anyone know of a high end PT clinic or a clinic with an associated PT? I tried asking for a references from a PT but he did not respond.
submitted by r2thekesh to GoingToSpain [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:46 r2thekesh Physiotherapist/fisioterapista

Hi all, My wife had a major accident over a year ago. After surgeries with a doctor that works on US Olympic teams and professional sports, she has to go to physical therapy weekly. We are going to be vacationing in Madrid for a few weeks and we're looking for a high end physiotherapist. I have contacted a few clinics but I'm not finding ones with high end resumes that I am looking for as this was a major injury. Part of this is that the recovery isn't going as expected and we're hoping to find another opinion as the physio at home isn't getting what we wanted. Does anyone know of a high end PT clinic or a clinic with an associated PT? I tried asking for a references from a PT but he did not respond.
submitted by r2thekesh to GoingToSpain [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:26 Square-Lack-1064 DOMESTIC HELPER / HOUSE BOY, BOUND TO OMAN

submitted by Square-Lack-1064 to classifiedsph [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:47 Pro-editor-1105 Excel VBA "response.txt not opening"

I am fairly new btw. Using chatgpt to help me out with my code. So basically I have this code which would bascially find a certain column in an excel file, and then take the company name, give that to a chatgpt api, and then that will give the name of the CEO of the company. I have bascially solved everything, but am getting stuck on one final error. I am on mac and basiclally using some VBA code, and also using some appletext. So basically VBA will talk to appletext, who will talk to the openai api, who will then give back an answer in another column. for the original answer made by the openai API before just the CEO's name is taken out of it using a VBA to JSON thing, goes into a file called response.txt. Issue is that it keeps on giving an error that it cannot acsess this file. I have tried a few things. I have verfied that the actual appletext to openai interation works with a bit of code that I put in the terminal. How can I solve it, here is my code
VBA code
Sub GetCEONames() Dim scriptPath As String Dim apiKey As String Dim prompt As String Dim company As String Dim ceoName As String Dim i As Integer Dim lastRow As Long Dim responseFile As String Dim fileNum As Integer Dim responseText As String Dim json As Object Dim choices As Object Dim message As Object ' Set your OpenAI API key here apiKey = "my_api_key" ' Path to the AppleScript file scriptPath = "/Users/rajshah/Downloads/GetCEONames.scpt" ' Determine the last row with data in column B (assuming company names are in column B) lastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row ' Loop through each company name in column B For i = 2 To lastRow company = Cells(i, 2).Value ' Adjust the column number if necessary ' Create the prompt for GPT-4o prompt = "Who is the current CEO of " & company & "?" ' Construct the AppleScript command to save the response in a temporary file responseFile = "/Users/rajshah/Downloads/response.txt" Dim appleScriptCommand As String appleScriptCommand = "osascript " & Chr(34) & scriptPath & Chr(34) & " " & Chr(34) & apiKey & Chr(34) & " " & Chr(34) & company & Chr(34) ' Debug message to check the AppleScript command Debug.Print appleScriptCommand ' Run the AppleScript command using the Shell function On Error Resume Next Shell "sh -c " & Chr(34) & appleScriptCommand & Chr(34), vbWait If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox "Shell command execution failed: " & Err.Description, vbCritical Exit Sub End If On Error GoTo 0 ' Debug message to check if the response file exists If Dir(responseFile) = "" Then MsgBox "Response file was not created: " & responseFile, vbCritical Exit Sub End If Debug.Print "Response file path: " & responseFile ' Read the response from the temporary file fileNum = FreeFile On Error GoTo FileError Open responseFile For Input As fileNum responseText = Input$(LOF(fileNum), fileNum) Close fileNum ' Debug message to check the response Debug.Print responseText ' Parse the JSON response Set json = JsonConverter.ParseJson(responseText) Set choices = json("choices") Set message = choices(1)("message") ceoName = message("content") ' Update the Excel sheet with the CEO name in column C Cells(i, 3).Value = ceoName ' Adjust the column number if necessary Next i MsgBox "CEO names updated successfully!" Exit Sub 
FileError: MsgBox "Error accessing file: " & responseFile, vbCritical End Sub
sorry the VBA code formats terribly.

Appletext code
on run {apiKey, company} -- Prepare the API request set openaiURL to "" set model to "gpt-4o" set prompt to "Who is the current CEO of " & company & "?" set messages to "[{\"role\": \"system\", \"content\": \"You are a helpful assistant.\"}, {\"role\": \"user\", \"content\": \"" & prompt & "\"}]" set requestData to "{\"model\": \"" & model & "\", \"messages\": " & messages & "}" -- Perform the API request set curlCommand to "curl -X POST " & openaiURL & " -H \"Authorization: Bearer " & apiKey & "\" -H \"Content-Type: application/json\" -d '" & requestData & "'" try set response to do shell script curlCommand on error errMsg number errNum display dialog "Error: " & errMsg return end try -- Write response to file set responseFile to POSIX file "/Users/rajshah/Downloads/response.txt" try open for access responseFile with write permission set eof of responseFile to 0 write response to responseFile starting at eof close access responseFile on error errMsg number errNum close access responseFile error "Error writing to file: " & errMsg number errNum end try 
end run
again nothing formats properly.
nvm lol it was not formatting properly in the text box but was fine when I posted it
submitted by Pro-editor-1105 to learnprogramming [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:27 BoeDinger1225 Resume for future Part 121 app.

Resume for future Part 121 app.
Just looking for some advice on having a good resume for Part 121 in the future. Anything I should change with content or format?
submitted by BoeDinger1225 to flying [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:56 walters-tiddywhitys9 Rendering problem

Rendering problem
I just tried to download my edit but then is message came up, what can I do to fix this? 😞
submitted by walters-tiddywhitys9 to AlightMotion [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:14 TechEnthusiastx86 Ollama API-Edit Beginning of Response

I've been working on creating a synthetic dataset, but am having trouble with the prompt creation. I can ensure Llama-3-8B will follow my format numbering scheme in OpenWebUI by editing the beginning of the response message and then generating, but I'm having trouble recreating this using the api. If you look at my code you can see I tried to use the template given in the modelfile to include the beginning of the response in my prompt, but this has not worked. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong/if there is a better way to achieve controlling what the response starts with using the ollama api?
This is the template from the modelfile:
TEMPLATE "{{ if .System }}system
{{ .System }}{{ end }}{{ if .Prompt }}user
{{ .Prompt }}{{ end }}assistant
{{ .Response }}"
import ollama import os import time prompts_generate = 128000 # Calculate number of loops required to generate the prompts num_loops = int(prompts_generate / 100) # Parameters for the model model_name = "llama3:8b-instruct-q8_0" instruction = "Write out a list of 100 prompts that can be used for fine tuning a language model. Vary the content and structure of each prompt to ensure thorough testing. {{ .Prompt }}{{ end }}Sure:\n1." options = { "num_ctx": 2048, "repeat_last_n": 64, "repeat_penalty": 1.1, "temperature": 0.8, "tfs_z": 1, "top_k": 40, "top_p": 0.9, "num_predict": -1 # Generate until the model stops } # Output directory output_dir = "Data" os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) # Check existing files in the directory to determine where to resume existing_files = sorted([f for f in os.listdir(output_dir) if f.startswith("prompt-") and f.endswith(".txt")]) if existing_files: last_file = existing_files[-1] start_num = int(last_file.split('-')[1].split('.')[0]) else: start_num = 0 # Start time start_time = time.time() i = start_num // 100 + 1 while i <= num_loops: response = ollama.generate( model=model_name, prompt=instruction, options=options, stream=False, ) reply = response['response'] print ("Instruction: ", instruction) print("Reply: ", reply) # Save the response to a file with loop number in the name file_name = os.path.join(output_dir, f"prompt-{i * 100}.txt") with open(file_name, "w") as file: file.write(reply) # Read the content of the file and remove empty lines with open(file_name, "r") as file: lines = file.readlines() lines = [line.strip() for line in lines if line.strip()] # Rewrite the cleaned content back to the file with open(file_name, "w") as file: file.write('\n'.join(lines)) # Check if the file has 100 prompts if lines and lines[-1].startswith("100."): i += 1 # Move to the next file if the current file is valid else: os.remove(file_name) # Delete the invalid file and retry # End time end_time = time.time() # Calculate and print the total time taken total_time = end_time - start_time print(f"Generated {prompts_generate} prompts and saved them in the '{output_dir}' directory.") print(f"Total time taken: {total_time:.2f} seconds.") 
submitted by TechEnthusiastx86 to ollama [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:11 Week_Both [0 YoE] Electrical Engineering Graduate Looking for Resume Feedback/Advice

[0 YoE] Electrical Engineering Graduate Looking for Resume Feedback/Advice
I am a recent Electrical Engineering graduate looking for resume feedback/advice. I've consulted the wiki, so my resume is completely based on it with a few tweaks that deviate from it. However, I'm not sure how to format Latin honors or dean's list honors on my resume. Also, the placements of the Skills and Relevant Coursework sections feel a bit iffy. Some of the details are censored because it's too specific for what I did.
Thanks for the feedback in advance!
submitted by Week_Both to EngineeringResumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:45 Crazy-Explanation824 [0 YoE] New Structural Engineering Grad Seeking Entry-Level Opportunities

[0 YoE] New Structural Engineering Grad Seeking Entry-Level Opportunities
I've been actively applying for positions but haven't had much success in securing interviews or offers. I would appreciate it if some of you took a look at my resume and provided constructive feedback.
I've tailored my resume to highlight my academic achievements and any hands-on projects or internships I've completed. Despite my efforts, I'm unsure if there are specific areas where I'm falling short, or if there's a way to better present my skills and experience to catch the attention of potential employers.
Any advice on formatting, content, or anything else that could improve my chances would be immensely helpful. Thank you in advance for your time and assistance!
submitted by Crazy-Explanation824 to EngineeringResumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:41 Outrageous_Orange495 Direct Publishing

Hi everyone, my name is James Vang and I have a public service announcement. If you’re all unaware, I wrote a book and narrated it, but more importantly, I am using Amazon’s network in order to produce and sell it. It is 2024, there are no longer people standing in our way deciding whether our idea is worth it or not. If you have a little bit of know-how and follow through, you can do it too! It’s pretty simple if you grew up in the 21st century and paid a little attention to computers and programs.
The two websites are ACX and Kindle Direct Publishing. Anyone can sign up and submit stuff to be reviewed, printed and sold by them. They have programs that review and show you what you may need to fix to resubmit so there is some quality control. I see people out here with Youtube, spotify and FB, might as well throw in some book publishing and audiobook recordings into your resume/portfolio. More likely than not, you have a point of view someone is interested in and can monetize it. Children’s books, old fables, short stories, poems, please share. We have the power to print and sell within our grasp so we must take advantage of it. The world is quickly digitizing and we may need to reach to the cloud to continue to feed ourselves.
I wrote my book, put it into Kindle Create, moved it around for formatting, viewed how it would be on paperback, claimed it on ACX and submitted audio recordings for review and sale. It’s much easier than actually writing a book, though it may take trial and error. Anyways, that’s it from me, just want to let you all know it’s there.
Kindle direct publishing -
submitted by Outrageous_Orange495 to u/Outrageous_Orange495 [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:30 TrixoftheTrade [9 YOE] Mid-Career Environmental Consultant's Resume - I've gone 10/10 for interviews this past year.

[9 YOE] Mid-Career Environmental Consultant's Resume - I've gone 10/10 for interviews this past year.
This has been my general resume format since 2015, and it's worked really well for me over years. Outside of my first job hunt, which admittedly was a bit of a challenge, I've never had significant difficulties finding new employment.
On my most recent job hunt back in spring 2023, I went 6-for-6 with this resume. Every single place I applied to I got an interview at. Even still, while I am quite comfortable with my current employeer, I still get requests from recruiters to chat and send resumes over - and every single recruiter I've sent a resume to wants to set up an interview.
Format-wise, I kept it as simple as possible, no fancy styles, colors, or anything like that. I know there's a lot of back-and-forth on whether or not a summary is good/bad, but I prefer to use one. Even keeping my resume at 1 page, I think having a summary saves time for those who don't want to take 3 minutes and read the whole thing. Just by reading the summary, I think the reader can gain a good understanding of who I am and what I can do.
Second to this, which I didn't post, I have about a 4 page long Experience Summary document, which sums up all the major projects I've managed or played a major role on. Instead of a cover letter, which is pretty useless, I submit the Experience Summary instead. It's much more geared towards technical reviewers, not HR or any non-technical folks, because it is a bit "weedy".
word template
submitted by TrixoftheTrade to EngineeringResumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:01 Character-Law-7250 Recent engineering grad - can you please review my resume and offer any suggestions?

Hi everyone! I'm graduating from Electrical Engineering at a good Canadian University this May. I've started the full-time job hunt and wanted your input on a couple of things:
  1. This is my resume for software, electrical engineering and technical product management roles (I have a slight variant for each): resume - Do you have any suggestions to improve it? I was able to get some good internships using my old resume, but that was two pages; I've left off a bunch of stuff and tried to compress it to one here, so this format is relatively untested for me.
  2. I realise this is a super general question, but how should I go about 'valuing' myself in the job market? Would appreciate any thoughts on what sorts of roles I'm actually competitive for and/or what sort of compensation I should be expecting (alternatively, any resources to learn about this and determine it for myself would also be really appreciated). I worked really hard in undergrad and do believe I would be an asset for at least entry-level roles based on my experience, but if I'm incorrect about that (i.e. there's a bunch of recent grads with the same sort of experience), then I would appreciate it if you could share that with me and what I could can do to improve and become competitive.
Thanks so much, appreciate your input!
submitted by Character-Law-7250 to careeradvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:34 Michtrk 1946-1952 The Rest of the World

12 April 1946 – surrender of Japan, brief premiership of Naruhiko Higashikuni (14 April to 9 June 1946), followed by KijĆ«rƍ Shidehara. Occupation mostly carried by US troops, but also Commonwealth zone (UK, Australia, Canada and New Zealand), led by Douglas MacArthur as the SCAP (Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers)
Situation is even way worse than in our reality thanks to all the destruction. First effort is gíve relief to the starving population. Even greater than in our reality are efforts to remove Hirohito (and it is impossible to imagine for the most of Allied leaders including Truman and Churchill to keep him on the throne after this brutal invasion), and despite opposition of MacArthur, Allies force the emperor to abdicate (and renounce divine status) in favour of regency headed by Takahito, (27 July 1946), when Akihito comes to age, he would become the Emperor. Hirohito’s abdication marks the beginning of Seika era, era of Emperor Akihito.
Hirohito is still given all possible protections against any trials for war crimes by MacArthur and is basically sent to comfortable retirement. Institution of monarchy is protected by Allies. Through 1946-1947 many westernisation reforms by MacArthur, based largely on FDR’s New Deal, as in our reality. April-May, political prisoners were released, and Communist Party of Japan was legalised and became politically active organising strikes. 10 February 1947 the first election with women suffrage, victory of Democratic Liberal Party headed by war criminal Hatoyama, who was eventually purged by Allied administration, so Shigeru Yoshida became new prime minister (22 March 1947).
By mid-1947 many officials connected to war crimes were purged, however since then, the course was reversed due to American need for the creation of a powerful Ally against the USSR and many regained power or at least avoided persecution. Through 1947 Americans wrote a new Japanese constitution (later in American myths it was MacArthur completely by himself), 3 August 1947 it was presented. Major shift from our reality is that Article 9, although considered, is not included in such sense as in our reality, it states only that “Aspiring sincerely to an international peace based on justice and order, the Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force as means of settling international disputes” second part about demilitarisation is missing. Since summer 1947, US authorities adopt “Reverse Course” policies - aforementioned rehabilitation of officials, also protection of Zaibatsu (which Americans originally wanted to break-up and weaken), and reconstruction. Tokyo Trials 26 September 1946 to 12 January 1950 – MacArthur’s cover up of Japanese war crimes to a lesser extent, but it still does happen (including Unit 731). Taft also, like in Germany, attacks trials as “victor's justice”. From 25 December to 31 1950 Khabarovsk war crimes trials in the USSR about war criminals from Manchuria.
Persecution of growing Japanese communist movement starts. 1948-1951 “Red Purge”. Since March 1949 Dodge Line plan of right-wing economic reforms (cutting public spending, limiting public consumption, and reorienting industrial production in favour of export-oriented), also increase in unemployment and law against unions passed. In 1949 conflicts between communists and authorities escalated into many strikes, pro-communist politicians and officials began to be fired, after summer strike waves also purges of workers and academics. 1 July 1949 Japanese Self-Defence forces established – official remilitarisation. 23 October 1949 election, victory of DLP, electoral success of communists.
Peace Treaty with Japan
President Taft was eager to restore Japanese Independence – SCAP already transferred large amount of authority to Japanese trough 1949, secretary of the state William Richards Castle Jr took initiative. Despite Taft’s initial opposition to idea of continuous military presence, he is persuaded to keep limited number of stationed troops. Peace Treaty with Japan was scheduled after Treaty with Germany. Talks began in August 1950, however talks collapsed over China, despite at the time everyone recognised KMT, Soviets wanted PRC representatives to also attend. Other negotiations were called for January 1951, which resulted into calling for a Peace Conference with Japan in San Francisco analogous to the previous one with Germany. 6 March to 8 August 1951 San Francisco Conference, USSR and its allies boycotted them due to not including Chinese representatives. Despite Chinese and Soviets not being present, their interests were considered. Taiwan was ceded to China, Sakhalin, and Kuril Islands to USSR, unlike OTL Okinawa and more territories were already given back to Japan. Treaty was signed 8 August 1951, valid since 8 March 1952. Separate peace treaties were signed between Japan and ROC (30 January 1953), the Soviet Union and Korea “Vladivostok Treaties” 28 April 1952, these treaties recognised Soviet control over former Japanese territories and entitled Japan to pay reparations to Korea.
8 September 1951 U.S.-Japan Security Treaty was signed, which dictated Japan to accept continuous American military presence. This treaty caused a wave of resistance in Japan, uniting Japanese from right to left. Bloody May Day – over a million protestors in all of Japan, in Tokyo these protests escalated into violence and protests were massacred by police. 1 October 1952 election victory of Yoshida’s Liberal Party. 10 November 1952 coronation ceremony of Emperor Akihito, it marks symbolic beginning of new post-war Japan.
Philippines – 4 July 1947 United States gave official independence to Philippines and retained there many military bases (agreement from 1946 establishes bases for 99 years!) and the US still keeps a degree of political and economic dominance. 28 June 1946 Manuel Roxas became president of Philippines (still under US control then), communists were expelled from Congress despite being democratically elected – Hukbalahap Rebellion resumes (June 1946) and gained substantial strength, United States interferes and supports the government. On 15 April 1948 Roxas died of a heart attack; he was succeeded by vice-president Elpidio Quirino (re-elected in a fraudulent election 8 November 1949). Since the Taft Presidency, interests of Americans in Philippine affairs decreased, aid against Huks drained. President Quirino initiated major social reforms during his second term and attempted mostly useful land reform. 1950-1951 Huks successfully boosted their strength with seizing and keeping control over the centre of Laguna province – Santa Cruz. In 1952 Huks controlled sizable parts of the country and due to government corruption and brutality against rebels had also popular support. In 1951 they started to obtain massive support from China (from 1948 they were also backed by Korea).
As Japan surrendered, two days later on 14 April 1946 Indonesia (then with its majority under Japanese control) Indonesia declared independence, Sukarno became president and Hatta vice-president. Indonesians took advantage of the lack of established authority. Indonesia was occupied by Commonwealth forces (started in late May 1946). 27 June to 20 July 1946 a large battle between Indonesian and British forces – Battle of Surabaya, under significant losses results into a British victory. Churchill wanted to restore Dutch colonial rule and was ready to back them.
Important is Dutch reaction, Dutch government at the time was coalition between all parties formed after liberation by the Red Army in September 1945 (in wikibox there is 1946, another mistake overlook until I needed that), all parties with exception of CPN supported re-conquest of Indonesia, while communists wanted to grand them independence. CPN is vigorously opposed to continued colonisation and due to CPN securing second place in 1946 election and to lesser degree Soviet pressure on Dutch to recognise Indonesia, talks began in February 1947. Coincidentally with the December 1946 election there was a Malino Conference in which representatives of Dutch controlled territory backed the plan for creation of Dutch aligned federal states. 15 February 1947 Linggadjati Round Table Agreement is signed, in which Netherlands recognises Indonesian Republic controlled territory and both sides agree on formation of the Federal Republic of Indonesia (Republic, East Indonesia and Kalimantan) by 1 January 1948, FRI would newly formed Netherlands-Indonesian Union with the Dutch monarch as head. Similar agreement was reached in our reality but failed. In this timeline everything goes through, despite the fall of the Dutch coalition in summer 1947.
First Indonesian prime minister under Sutan Sjahrir (April to 3 December 1946), replaced by Amir Sjarifuddin, his cabinet included leftist forces, eventually even communists, who were instrumental in making agreement with the Netherlands (as part of the Dutch coalition were also communist negotiators). This cabinet stayed in power, avoiding real life events of the Madiun Affair. New government headed by Mohammad Hatta was formed after the creation of the federal republic. Creation of this republic was met with criticism from Islamists, who launched the Darul Islam rebellion led by Sekarmadji Maridjan Kartosoewirjo (7 August 1948). Overall, young Indonesia was a very unstable country. Anti-unitary forces attempted a failed coup in January 1950. Federation was not popular among Indonesians, so it was quickly dissolved and replaced with a unitary republic (14 April 1950). The Republic of South Maluku attempted to break away with Dutch support, however failed to do so.
Liberal Democratic Period (to 1952)
Newly declared Indonesian republic adopted its constitution and became a free parliamentary democracy. First government was a leftwing one again under Sjarifuddin, however eventually collapsed due to Indonesian National Party (12 October 1950, replaced by cabinet of Mohammad Natsir), but this government managed to pass electoral law, so first Indonesian legislative elections were held (29 September 1951), lot of parties ran and get seats – four largest were PNI (left wing nationalism), Masyumi (liberal Islamism), Nahdlatul Ulama (Islamism), PKI (communists) and PSI- Parsi (democratic socialism). Result was a right leaning coalition under Sidik Djojosukarto (PNI- Masyumi and several minor parties), in 1952 Indonesia officially left “Union” with Netherlands.
British Malaya
1 November 1946 British colonies were united into the “Malayan Union”, strengthening and centralising British control, stripping local sultans of their powers. This created another opposition movement under nationalist United Malays National Organisation, they applied massive resistance and did not participate in British institutions. Unlike OTL, during the Churchill years, there was no reform. In 1952 (1 February) it was transformed due to this massive and long resistance (and also due to large scale communist uprising) to Federation of Malaya, attempting to appease at least conservative nationalists.
Anti–British National Liberation War (early years)
Postwar economic turmoil, powerful communist organisation, brutal response of colonial authorities to strikers. Malaya was a key British source of resources, to pay for US debts (even way more rising in importance after Taft). 17 June 1948 Sungai Siput incident – revenge killing of plantation managers lead to massive British anti-communist arrests, and communists went into hiding. Also, the uprising in Burma (1947) also plays a role as another new motivation. February 1949 Malayan National Liberation Army under Chin Peng is formed (reformed from anti-Japanese resistance movement), MNLA has support of the population and is based in jungles and areas very hard to access for colonialists. Britain imposes very harsh repression against the population, leading to even more widespread support for MNLA. April 1950 “Briggs Plan” adopted forced deportations of ethnic Chinese to camps (up to half million people). The UK also uses Agent Orange (as the first country in the World), murders and tortures countless civilians, and destroys villages.
6 October 1951 British High Commissioner Henry Gurney survives MNLA ambush, this is actually damaging to the British as his replacement Gerald Templer was more competent in fighting with partisans. British forces are aided by other commonwealth nations. By 1953 the UK had problems dealing with communists and communists were stronger compared to our reality.
British Sarawak, North Borneo, Brunei
These territories were separated from Malaya in 1946. This was opposed by Malays but supported by the Chinese. Resistance by Malays culminated in assassination of Duncan Stewart. Small communist rebellion also started.
Thailand – After the war in June 1946 king Ananda Mahidol (Rama VIII) returned back to Thailand, however, was found shot dead on 26 March 1947 his death was blamed on prime minister Pridi Banomyong, who was forced to resign being replaced by Luang Thamrong.
In 1946 Thailand had to return territories to France. The 20 October 1946 election resulted in the victory of the People's Party, the first government was formed by Khuang Aphaiwong, he was however replaced by Pridi Banomyong after a lost vote of confidence (6 January 1947). Pridi was supportive of Vietnamese Independence, so he ended up being overthrown in a US backed coup (8 November 1947), this coup brough Plaek Pibulsonggram back to power. Military allied with royalists and Khuang Aphaiwong was appointed prime minister. New constitution gave back powers to Monarchythat were decreased in the 1932 revolution. To counter the power of royalist military and Pridi allied supporters, another coup was carried out on 6 April 1948, fully returning Plaek to power; he eventually secured power and foced Pridi into exile. Plaek attempted to fully secure power and destroy opposition, but due to lack of US support since 1949, he was eventually ousted by Pridi and his supporters (11 February 1949). New Direk Jayanama-led left-wing democratic government, managed to secure limited support of USSR and larger one of China (but also Britain due to their previous alliance with Allies) and tried to adopt non alignment foreign political stance. Internal political reforms – reduced power of monarchy, new legislature (in June 1950 democratic election), thanks popular policy of land reform government gained widespread support from the rural population. 29 November 1951 anti-Pridi parts of the military attempted a coup against him as returned from exile Plaek Phibunsongkhram, but eventually failed and Plaek was banished. In 1952 the government turned against conservative royalists and attempted to even further weaken the monarchy.
March Revolution 16 March to 15 April, Abdication of Emperor BáșŁo ĐáșĄi (already before surrender of Japan because of fears of French invasion) -> creation of Vietnamese Democratic Republic. In late April North Vietnam was occupied by Chinese forces to accept the surrender of the Japanese. In March also general Leclerc arrives. Fontainebleau Agreements in mid-1946 between Vietnam and France, Vietnam as part of the French Union. With the return of France (November 1946) fighting erupted, war erupted in March 1947. By October France took over main population centres.To increase French support, State of Vietnam was created under emperor Bao Dai (2 August 1949) In 1950 Vietnam recognised by the soviet bloc. Same year the UK recognised the State of Vietnam. In late 1950 Viet Minh launched a successful offensive. In January 1951 de Tassigny was appointed to command, under his leadership France had limited military success. Hower financing the war became a major problem around this time. In March 1951 Viet Minh won in the crucial battle of VÄ©nh YĂȘn (17 March) and Viet Minh got close to Hanoi, but the French eventually managed to hold the city after heavy losses.
Change came in 1952 from Paris, talks started in February and eventually ceasefire was declared (28 February). Paris Conference – France officially recognised Democratic Republic of Vietnam, State of Vietnam was not invited as France and DRV both agreed that it was French colony (this was heavily criticised). End of war was also connected with referendum about future of Vietnam, if people support State of Vietnam in union with France or DRV. Referendum was held 14 June 1952 and resulted into landslide victory for Vietminh. Emperor abdicates and State of Vietnam dissolves, but some members of its military continue to resist DRV.
Newly independent Vietnam became a key ally for all of the socialist bloc in Asia and supported anti-colonial movements. In 1952 land reform began – often turned violent with execution of landlords. In 1953 the first five-year plan was launched, focusing on developing the country.
Laos – After the defeat of Japanese anti-colonial Lao Issara emerged. Lao monarch king Sisavang Vong however agreed with restoration of the French protectorate, Lao Issara with aid from China and Viet Minh attempted to resist re-imposition of French rule, however movement was weak and failed to do so and eventually dissolved itself in 1949. In January 1947 an agreement was signed that pledged France to give Laos autonomy inside the French Union. 1950 – Pathet Lao is formed and joins Viet Minh against French forces. In 1952 French officially withdrew from the country.
Cambodia – In 1946 king Norodom Sihanouk attempted to negotiate independence with the French, December 1946 election was held that resulted in victory of the left-wing Democratic party over conservative Liberal party. 23 October 1947 Democratic party dominated assembly passed a constitution modelled on the French one. After the death of Democratic party founder Sisowath Yuthevong, the party divided itself and cannot agree on a concrete program. In 1948 Cambodia was given autonomy by the French. After independence in April 1952, Democratic Party was largely boosted by this success. This avoided the fall of parliamentary democracy.
Ceylon (Sri Lanka)– Sri Lankan leaders led by Don Stephen Senanayake attempted to reach independence through negotiations. However, negotiations with secretary of colonies Oliver Stanley led only to self-governance and the British initially rejected granting Ceylon status of dominion. On 24 September 1947 Senanayake became the first prime minister of the newly formed Ceylonese government. In 1948 granting Dominion status to India led to demonstrations in Ceylon, Senanayake increased his pressure towards Britain. Eventually Ceylon was given the same status as India and Pakistan 4 February 1949. The Senanayake family had a lot of power, after the death of Senanayake (26 March 1952) his son Dudley was chosen by the British governor.
OCEANIA AND AMERICAS (Basically restating history with occasional minor changes, brief)
Australia – 5 July 1945 death of prime minister John Curtin, he was succeeded by Frank Forde until Labour elected Ben Chifley as its new leader. 28 October 1946 Labour government was re-elected against the emerging Liberal Party. His government was characterised by successful Keynesian social democratic politics, similar to later Attlee in UK, (social welfare, universal healthcare – in real life modelled after British one, this timeline it is vice versa, ie. The Chifley government serves as an example for Attlee elected in 1951) starting Australian postwar economic growth. Australia also supports migration to increase its population (Europeans due to the still existing “White Australia” policy). Left-wing policies, such as nationalisations, created opposition from capitalists and their conservative affiliates in politics and media. Criticism also comes from the left due to the government's anti-communism and breaking of strikes. 10 December 1949 Liberal prime minister Robert Menzies was elected. Anti-communism, in 1950 Communist party was banned, it was ruled unconstitutional. 28 April 1951 a new election, triggered the failure of the banking bill, still a victory for Liberals, however they weakened themselves with this move. In 1951 Menzies declared a referendum about banning communist parties and this timeline people agreed, leading to persecution of many communists, it was criticised as a major attack on freedom of political expression. Red Scare was similar to the US at the time, but pushed by Menzies' government. Liberal economic policies, this time taking inspiration from Taft.
New Zealand – 27 November 1946 election, victory of ruling Labour Party, Labour declined and lost popularity due to continuous post-war rationing and Fraser’s support for compulsory military service. 30 November 1949 National Party led by Sidney Holland was elected. The Legislation was changed from bicameral to unicameral, economic reforms, however the National government still supported the welfare state. Conflict with Unions, culminating into the waterfront dispute of 1951, the government responded harshly against workers with strong anti-union legislation, even outright criminalising support for them. 11 July 1951 the government was re-elected and gained more seats as a large part of the public supported their stance against workers, due to widespread anti-communism.
Oceania – “Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands” established in 1948 was originally controlled by the USA as OTL, but eventually transferred to the United Kingdom in 1950, as the US was not interested in its administration.
Canada – economic boom, social welfare Keynesian economic policies. 20 May 1946 first postwar election, victory of Liberals, however failed to obtain majority and had to rely on leftwing Co-operative Commonwealth, resulting in Canada building the strongest welfare state from Commonwealth states and becoming the most progressive one (and also becoming a major destination for European immigrants). On 15 November 1948 King retired and was succeeded by Louis St. Laurent, a French Canadian strongly opposed to communism. Due to this anti-communist however the ruling coalition collapsed, triggering snap election on 27 June 1949, which resulted in victory of Liberals, who yet again could form government without making coalitions. Shortly before the election, 31 March 1949 Canada united with NewFoundland. Canada took an important role while the US was absent in TATO.
Mexico – 1 December 1946 Miguel AlemĂĄn ValdĂ©s became president. Pro-business policies and industrialisation, development of infrastructure (dubbed Mexican miracle), however also corruption and elitism. Pro-American foreign policy. 1 December 1952 he was succeeded by Adolfo Ruiz Cortines, he was popular due to his strong stance against corruption and rapid economic development.
Guatemala – In 1944 the country was ruled by dictator Jorge Ubico, who was overthrown by a junta that was overthrown in a popular revolution (20 October 1944), 15 March 1945 Juan JosĂ© ArĂ©valo became the country's first democratically elected president, who introduced many reforms. He developed the political ideology of Arevalismo "spiritual socialism" -it can be considered a form of democratic socialism. 12 November 1950 Jacobo Árbenz was elected president, he continued the policies of ArĂ©valo and was even more ambitious with his democratic socialist reforms. Largest one was Land Reform (17 June 1952) which greatly benefited hundred of thousands poor Guatemalan people especially indigenous ones, however made very angry American United Fruit Company that controlled majority of land and basically country itself, UFC began to lobby for his overthrown...
British Honduras – Rise of voice for independence and People's United Party
Honduras – Rule of pro American dictator Tiburcio Carías Andino, unlike OTL he did not gave power to his puppets and continued to rule the country directly. Rise of discounted with his regime, even greater due any reforms instituted by his successor Juan Manuel Gálvez were not passed.
El Salvador – Authoritarian rule of Salvador Castaneda Castro (1945-1948), suppression of strikes and opposition, eventually he was deposed by military coup (14.12.1948), after rule of military, Óscar Osorio was appointed president (14.9.1950), he instituted some social reforms, but continued corrupt regime and persecution of opposition.
Nicaragua – Dictatorial rule of pro-American Somoza dynasty. 1947-1950 figurehead presidency of Leonardo ArgĂŒello Barreto (after Truman’s pressure for liberalisation).
Costa Rica – 12 March – 24 April 1948 civil war, after an attempt to annul victory of opposition candidate JosĂ© Figueres Ferrer in election, it ultimately led to victory of rebels with US help. JosĂ© Figueres Ferrer became provisional president. and pushed many important reforms: abolished the military, gave women suffrage, welfare, nationalisations of banks and also outlawed communist party. 1949-1953 presidency of Otilio Ulate Blanco that upheld these reforms.
Panama – pro-American parliamentary democracy dominated by oligarchy.
Colombia – 9 April 1948 popular democratic socialist presidential candidate of the Liberal Party Jorge EliĂ©cer GaitĂĄn was assassinated. This triggered the “La Violencia” (1948-1958) period of massive unrest between the left and the right, over 200 000 died, at the start of the Colombian conflict. On 9 November 1949 Liberal opposition attempted to impeach president Ospina PĂ©rez, he dissolved Congress, creating a presidential dictatorship. Liberal leaders launched an uprising in rural areas (originally it was intended to be a military coup, that however in real life did not take place and here took place and failed). 7 August 1950 new Conservative dictatorial president Laureano GĂłmez Castro, admirer of Franco, suffered a major heart attack and power was transferred to Roberto Urdaneta ArbelĂĄez in 1951.
Venezuela – 18 October 1945 military coup that brought democracy to Venezuela (October 1946 and December 1947 democratic elections) under president RĂłmulo Betancourt. The 1940s economy also boomed thanks to oil. However, on 24 November 1948, the military staged a coup and Marcos PĂ©rez JimĂ©nez became dictator, under his oppressive regime there was great economic development, and he was close to the US.
Ecuador – President JosĂ© MarĂ­a Velasco Ibarra was ousted in military coup (23 August 1947), 1947-1948 unstable country was ruled by military Carlos Mancheno Cajas, eventually military gave power to former vice-president Mariano SuĂĄrez Veintimilla, who gave his powers to Congress that elected Carlos Julio Arosemena Tola (31 August 1947). His presidency was strongly allied with the United States. 1 September 1948 Galo Plaza, another strongly pro-American figure, became the next president. He supported technocratic approach, democracy and was very open to foreign (mostly American) influence, exporting bananas to America. 1 June 1952 JosĂ© MarĂ­a Velasco Ibarra (former deposed president, established politician and Ecuadorian nationalist) won election and became president for third term, his term was stable and brought progress, mostly in great development of infrastructure.
Brazil – Fourth Brazilian Republic, president Eurico Gaspar Dutra (1946-1951). Close relations with the US, liberal economic policy. 31 January 1951 Vargas returned after victory in the 3 October 1950 election. Keynesian economic policy, 1953 creation of PETROBRAS. Rua Tonelero shooting an assassination attempt on leading opposition member Carlos Lacerda (5August 1954) blamed on Vargas by opposition in a strong campaign, 24 August 1954 he committed suicide.
PerĂș – 1945 leftwing president JosĂ© Luis Bustamante y Rivero, restoration of democracy. 29 October 1948 military seized power in a coup after murder of a prominent right-wing editor. Manuel OdrĂ­a's regime strongly persecuted leftwing APRA, supported powerful oligarchy and gained favour of people thanks to populist rhetoric and policies.
Bolivia – 1947 to 1949 rule of Enrique Hertzog, conservative American aligned government. Economy in a terrible state, social unrest and intensified class struggle. Dominant opposition group was Nationalist Revolutionary Movement (MRN) with a program of nationalisations and land reform. Next president Mamerto Urriolagoitía installed military rule (16 May 1951) under Hugo Ballivián. 9 April 1952 Bolivian National Revolution overthrew the junta. Víctor Paz Estenssoro became president. Many left-wing and democratic reforms transformed the country: universal suffrage, nationalisation of mining, large land reform (however created farms were eventually again taken over by large landowners), great influence of trade unions and workers.
Paraguay – Dictator Higinio Morínigo was pushed by the US to liberalise his regime, he legalised political parties and formed a coalition between Colorado and Febreristas. Later ones resigned from the government (11 January 1947) and united with opposition forces (Liberals and Communists) and attempted to topple his regime starting a civil war (7 March – 20 August 1947), despite opposition having popular support, and the government was saved by the US and Argentina. All parties with exception of Colorado were banned and the country became one party state. 16 August 1948 leader of Colorado Juan Natalicio González was elected president. He promoted nationalist policies; several American companies were nationalised. Due to American non-interventionism, three attempted coups against the president failed due to lack of any outside support. In other ways Paraguay was a stable country during his presidency.
Uruguay – functioning democracy, dominance of liberal Colorado party. Presidents: Juan JosĂ© de AmĂ©zaga (1943-1947) – social reforms, economic stability and growth. TomĂĄs Berreta (1947) died in office, Luis Batlle Berres (1947-1951) continued social and leftwing economic reforms.
Chile – Democratic presidential republic. September 1946 presidential election, Gabriel GonzĂĄlez Videla (Radical) elected. During his presidency many communist strikes, under US pressure Videla passed “Permanent Defense of Democracy Law” (8.9.1948) that banned the communist party, many imprisoned, strikes brutally suppressed, relations with socialist bloc broken. Radicals created alliance with Liberals and Conservatives. 4 September 1952 resulted in the victory of former president nationalist general Carlos Ibåñez del Campo. He repealed the ban on communists and also gained support from the left.
Argentina – Peron and Peronism. Nationalism, populism, social welfare, improvement of working conditions, development of local industry, growing power of the trade unions, authoritarian rule and persecution of opposition etc. Non-aligned foreign policy stance. 26 July 1952 death of Eva Peron.
Cuba – Presidents RamĂłn Grau (44-48) and Carlos PrĂ­o SocarrĂĄs (48-52) of left-wing nationalist Partido AutĂ©ntico. 10.3.1952 democracy overthrown by Batista’s coup. Pro-American authoritarian regime, serving interests of American elites owning majority of the county.
Haiti – 1946 revolution (11.1) – military seized power and new National Assembly was elected, Dumarsais EstimĂ© became president (16 August 1946 to 10 May 1950), attempts of reforms, focused on expanding education, expansion of worker’s rights, creation of social security system (no passed), major nationalisations. His presidency was marked by growth and economic development. In foreign policy he was allied towards the US. After he tried to extend his time in office, he was removed by the military. General Paul Magloire became new president, he was elected president in 1950 first direct election.
Dominican Republic – Totalitarian far-right dictatorship of Rafael Trujillo. Ally of the US.
Ethiopia – Emperor Haile Selassie. 15 September 1952 Federation Between Ethiopia and Eritrea formed.
Liberia – US aligned. President William Tubman (1944-1971), stable period.
South Africa – 26 May 1948 Reunited National Party won election. DaniĂ«l François Malan became prime minister, 1948-1953 apartheid instituted.
Colonial Africa would be addressed in the next part (since there aren’t too much events 1946-1952, 1953 to 1956 is extremely eventful on the other hand) North Africa covered in another post
submitted by Michtrk to pobeda1946 [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:25 Spooker0 The Next Line Will Hold (Human Military Advisors)

Location: Defense Line Husky, Datsot-3

POV: Motsotaer, Malgeir Federation Planetary Defense Force (Rank: Pack Member)
The shrieking whistle of incoming artillery shell was among the most terrifying noises known to living beings.
Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew. Boom. Boom. Boom.
But it meant you were still alive.
Pack Member Motsotaer wondered if the poor pups in the forward trenches heard them coming as the enemy high explosive pounded into their lines.
Boom. Boom. Boom.
One of their anti-aircraft concrete bunkers took a direct hit; its roof collapsed on itself with a loud crumble.
Grass Eater artillery was voluminous, destructive, but scariest of all, it was incredibly precise. Their intelligence assets in orbit knew all, saw all. Their kill chains were short. Once they saw you, they would call it in, and the remainder of your life was measured in minutes and seconds.
There was nothing vegetarian about the efficient and bloodthirsty way the long-eared Grass Eaters fought, and the numerous intelligent predator species they’d exterminated on their way to Datsot
 some of those tales gave even Motsotaer nightmares.
The defenders of Datsot had no choice. No choice but to defend their homes against the psychotic enemies pounding their lines to bits. And the ones who remained had learned the hard lessons of war, either through experience earned by blood or via the process of not-so-natural selection.
Motsotaer clutched his rifle against his chest as he laid in his own shallow hole, eyes closed. If the end was going to come for him, there was nothing else he could do but huddle in his freshly-dug grave.
Boom. Boom. Boom.
The blasts continued walking across the defense lines, undoubtedly killing scores of his comrades. But he accompanied each shockwave with a sigh of relief; they let him know that he was still alive. Still breathing.
One final rumble. And then there was silence across the battlefield.
Motsotaer waited a minute before he peeked out — another lesson that smart defenders of Datsot had discovered the hard way. A couple brave medics were already on the move, their shouts left and right, pulling bodies and the groaning injured alike out of the rubble aftermath of the shelling.
With a grunt, he pulled himself out of his hole, rushing towards the neighboring anti-air bunker. The concrete roof had collapsed, but he could still hear cries from the dark. He squeezed through the cluttered entrance.
It was a mess on the inside. The lights were all gone. Scattered sandbags. It smelled like blood and death, and he pushed aside the still body of a Head Pack Leader he only knew of, only to find the corpse of yet another Pack Member, her limbs sprawled in an unnatural position.
“Anyone still alive in here?” he asked in the dark as his eyes adjusted. “Hello?”
There were a series of loud coughs. “I’m here. I’m here.”
“Pack Leader Nidvid!” he shouted as he recognized the familiar shrill voice. “Keep talking! Where are you?”
“Here. I’m here. Help me up.”
As she continued to cough, he had the sense to fish a flashlight out of his pocket, fumbling around until he found the on button. As the light activated, he could see Nidvid half-buried in the dirt, her lower limbs trapped beneath some sand from the broken sandbags.
“Pack Leader!” He got onto his front paws and started digging. “Are you injured?”
“I don’t think so,” she shook her head in the dim lighting as she experimentally wriggled her legs. “Here, I think I’m loose. Help me up.”
Motsotaer grasped her under her arms, and with a heavy grunt, pulled her out of the dirt.
“Whew,” she said, checking her body again for wounds. Nidvid looked around at the other bodies splayed in the bunker. “Oh no
 Head Pack Leader
“That was a close one. I can’t believe you lived through that!”
“Yeah, me neither
 Wait a second,” Nidvid said as she began rummaging through a pile of rubble near the Head Pack Leader’s body. “The radio
“What are you looking for?” he asked as he aimed his flashlight towards where she was looking.
“Oh no, no, no
” her voice trailed off as she picked up the device she’d been looking for. “Our hardline communicator
” It was clearly broken from the strike, its shell perforated with a hundred holes and its connection to the landline severed. In disgust, Nidvid threw it back to the ground.
“What uh— what did you need that for?” Motsotaer asked. “Were we supposed to tell them we were being attacked?”
 It was— before the strike, we got a high priority order.”
“A high priority order?”
Nidvid recalled, “There’s a special platoon in our salient
 We were supposed to get an important message to them!”
“Special platoon?” Motsotaer asked. “Are you okay, Nidvid?”
“Yes, yes,” the Pack leader replied, visibly distraught. “They only had a physical line to us because they’re supposed to be keeping in the dark. Emissions control or something like that so they can activate the flying machine swarm in time. They said this was life and death and our whole defense line hinges on it!”
“Emissions control? Flying machines? Pack Leader, we should get you to a medic,” he said skeptically.
“No! Motsotaer, this is important. We need to get the message to them now. They’re only a couple kilometers south from our position. If we run over to their position now, it might not yet be—”
He looked up at her face in alarm. “Run to another position? Outside the trench line?”
“Yes! We have to go!” she said, as she peeked out of the concrete bunker towards the barren zone ahead of the trenches. “Now! Before they start their offensive.”
Motsotaer began to protest, “But that’s no creature’s land. If we get spotted by their troops, we’ll be hunted down by the Grass Eaters ships in orbit
She was insistent, “Pack Member Motsotaer, get it together. We still have a job to do. Are you with me or are you going to sit here and die like a coward to the long-ears?”
“Yes, ma’am,” he said, straightening up. Death or not, he was no coward. “I mean
 I’m with you.”
“Good. Then let’s go.”
With a grunt, she leapt out of the trenches and jogged south, keeping to the defensive side of it for the modicum of cover it provided, and Motsotaer quickly followed. As they sprinted away from the tattered defenses, they ran into a thick tree line that hopefully provided them with some concealment from the Grass Eater ships above.
After a couple more minutes of running in the forest, Motsotaer started to tire and pant. He weighed his burning lung and how embarrassed he’d be if he complained. Luckily for his ego, Nidvid gestured for them to stop after another minute and tossed him her canteen. “Take a break before we get going.”
He chugged as much water as he could in a single swig, and returned the canteen to Nidvid. He gasped out, “How much further, Pack Leader?”
“About one more kilometer south,” she said, aiming her snout up at the treetops. “I recognize the smell of this area.”
“What’s this even about? The message
 what was it?”
Nidvid exercised her limbs. “That Grass Eater artillery strike
 it was to prepare for their offensive on our lines. They’ve gathered an armored division on the other side of that,” she pointed out into the barren fields beyond the trees. “We have an hour at most before they roll over us.”
“An armored division?!” Motsotaer squeaked. The enemy’s Longclaws — their armored vehicles — were legendary. They could kill from kilometers away. And their thick shells protected them against all but the most powerful artillery in the Federation’s arsenal. He’d never seen one of them personally. If he had, he suspected he wouldn’t be alive to tell anyone about it. “What can we do against a Grass Eater armored division?”
“That’s why we have to get to the special platoon,” Nidvid replied. She pointed in the southern direction, “You ready? Let’s go.”
They galloped for a few more minutes. Motsotaer’s limbs tired and his breaths shallowed as his lung burnt. As he was contemplating whether to ask for another break, Nidvid pointed at a shape in the distance. “There, that’s their position!”
He squinted at it. It was not easy to see, but buried in the tree line was what looked like a bunch of out-of-place branches and leaves over a small vehicle. Buoyed by the anticipation of the end of the marathon, he managed to keep up with Nidvid’s pace.
As they approached, there was a loud shout.
“Hi-yah! Stop!”
They halted their steps and looked for the source of the voice.
“Not one more paw step, deserter! This is a restricted area! Turn around or you’ll be shot!”
Motsotaer looked up at the voice hidden up in the branches. After a moment, with some help from his nose, he found the yeller. It was a short, stout middle-aged male with strange-looking green and brown paint smeared all over his fur and face. He had a rifle aimed squarely at the duo.
“Don’t shoot!” Nidvid yelled back. “We’re runners. We’ve got an important message! For your platoon commander.”
The male in the tree looked suspiciously at them as he leapt down. He lowered his rifle, but didn’t seem any less on guard. “A message?”
“Yes, we’ve got an urgent message for Special Platoon Commander Graunsa. Take us to him right now!”
He sized the two of them up. After a moment, he said slowly, “I am Graunsa. Why are you here, and what is the message?”
Nidvid recovered some of her breath and explained, “The Grass Eaters hit us hard with an artillery strike. Our Head Pack Leader is dead. Our landline is gone. We ran all the way over from our lines north of you.”
Graunsa nodded and gestured for her to continue.
“The Grass Eater armored offensive is about to start. They’re moving into position and ready to go, and there’s a special message embedded—”
“Wait a second,” Graunsa interrupted. “Give me the special message exactly, without omission or your own interpretations.”
“Yes, Platoon Commander,” Nidvid nodded. “The message is: bunny water carriers are in play, red-five-zero-eight; come out of the dark and introduce yourself. Authorization is three-three-greyhound.”
Graunsa looked thoughtful for a moment as he pondered it.
“What does the message mean?” Motsotaer whispered at Nidvid.
“I have no idea,” she shrugged, whispering back. “The Head Pack Leader just told me to memorize it.”
The platoon commander seemed to have made up his mind. “Alright, that seems legitimate. Thanks for the message.” He turned around to leave.
Motsotaer shouted behind him, “Wait, what are we supposed to do now?”
Graunsa turned around. “I don’t know. I’m not your commanding officer.” He paused for a moment. “I wouldn’t recommend going back to your lines though. Might not be there when you get back
“You can’t just leave us! Where else are we supposed to go?” Nidvid asked.
Graunsa seemed to contemplate the question for a few heartbeats and sighed, “You said you’re from the position up north?”
“Yup,” they replied in unison.
“And you’re a spotter, Pack Member?” he asked, looking at the rank and position patch on Motsotaer’s chest.
Graunsa relented. “Fine. We might find a use for you. Get into the bunker
 before the Grass Eaters in orbit see us dawdling out here.”
“What? Where?”
The officer pointed at a patch of dark green leaves on the forest floor. As they approached it, he grasped a latch and lifted it to reveal a ladder. The three of them descended into the darkness and Graunsa secured it behind them. With a quiet swoosh, a lamp mounted on the wall lit up to reveal a small hallway leading to a heavy-looking door.
Graunsa knocked on it twice. He turned around and looked at Motsotaer and Nidvid. “What you’re about to see in here is of the highest secrecy level of the Malgeir Federation. If you tell anyone what you see in here, you will be executed for treason. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Platoon Commander.”
“Swear it, on your honor.”
“We swear,” they replied in unison, their voices infused with growing excitement.
“Good enough for me.”
The heavy steel door swung open, showing a room that was vastly different from what its primitive exterior suggested. It resembled a command center far more than a field base, and Motsotaer felt a blast of cold air conditioning in his face as he passed the door threshold.
At the front, a main screen showed a map of the defensive lines in the sector. Facing it, two rows of sleek, new computer screens lit up the dark. Their operators worked busily at their controls, and only a couple faces looked their way in mild interest as they entered.
“What is this—” Motsotaer started to ask. Nidvid grasped his shoulder and shushed him.
Graunsa cleared his throat. Several faces looked towards him in anticipation. “Platoon, we just got the message. Activate the FTL handshake and authenticate us in the network.”
“Yes, sir.” A young-looking communication officer near the front operated a few controls on her console. “I’ve got the advisors on the line.”
Motsotaer read his nametag: Gassin. She was a Gamma Leader, much higher ranked than he, but she looked not a day over twenty. He noted that many of the people in the room sported high-ranking insignias despite their apparent youth.
“On screen,” Graunsa ordered.
A communication window appeared on the main screen, streaming video of someone in a jet-black EVA suit.
Motsotaer stiffened. It was obvious that the subject was alien; at around 1.7 or 1.8 meters, it was far too tall for being a Malgeir. Too small for a Granti. And from the side profile of the suit, it didn’t bulge nearly enough for the tails that the Malgeir’s Schpriss neighbors were known for. A strange new species of aliens.
From the blackened visor, it was obvious that whoever that was
 it was the reason for all this tight secrecy.
“Special Platoon Commander Graunsa,” it transmitted in perfect Malgeirish. The alien was either a trained-from-birth Federation Channel One newscaster with a perfectly inoffensive accent, or its translator was far better than anything the Malgeir themselves had invented. “This call is encrypted, but the enemy Znosians in orbit are trying to find your location from the signals, so we’ll have to make it as quick as we can. Have your defensive lines completed your preparations?”
Graunsa stepped up to address the screen directly, “Yes, advisor. Our fire support platoon is ready for tasking.”
“Excellent. Transmitting the first batch of targets in your sector now.”
A series of symbols scrolled onto the screen, showing a number of coordinates.
“We’re getting the enemy positions now,” Gassin exclaimed.
Graunsa turned to her and nodded his appreciation, “Sixteen armored targets. Weapons free.”
“Yes, sir. Programming the sequence.”
A camera on the main screen activated, remotely showing a small hole with some machinery in it dug a few hundred meters away just at the edge of the tree line.
“Launching flying machine swarm!”
As Motsotaer watched, a thicket of metal erupted from the hole in a blur, roaring into the sky.
The main screen was replaced by a four-by-four of windows of black and white images. It took him a couple seconds to realize that he was looking at the battlefield from above. The Malgeir had rotary wing, airplanes, and jet — some were even armed, but they were usually much bigger. And their air assets had been grounded since the early days of the battle for Datsot when the enemy took the orbits.
Not these tiny devices though.
He focused on one of the sixteen windows.
The ground sped past below the camera’s vision, tree line after tree line, the flying machine seemed to know where it was going by itself: Motsotaer looked at the other occupants in the room. None of them seemed to be directly controlling it.
He stiffened.
Is this controlled by a thinking machine?
“We’re getting in range of the target coordinates, Platoon Commander,” Gassin updated the room a few minutes later.
As if on cue, the flying machines flew higher, and the trees on the ground grew smaller, as if further away. Until

“Targets identified!” Gassin reported with excitement in her voice.
As an infantry spotter, Motsotaer had been trained — barely — to identify enemy armored vehicles. As in, he’d been given a cheatsheet containing the silhouettes of the different types of vehicles the enemy drove. But even he couldn’t tell at this distance what the white-hot smudges on the screen were.
The machine had no such issues though.
Several red boxes materialized on the screen, clearly marking several enemy vehicles in the thermal imagery and adorning them with detailed information.
The one Motsotaer was watching said:
Hostile vehicle, Longclaw MK4 (top armor: ~25mm), 4.2 km.
No hostile EW detected.
Without additional prompting, the flying machines raced in towards their targets, each recognizing a different one as its final destination. Afraid to blink, Motsotaer stared intently at one of the video streams.
A new line of text appeared at the top of the screen:
ETA 20 seconds.
It counted down the seconds, number by number.
The enemy Longclaw got larger and larger until
 the screen went black, replaced by static. As he looked around, the other windows were similarly replaced with static one-by-one.
Motsotaer frowned, wondering where the videos had gone.
Then, it hit him. The flying machines were on one-way trips.
The sixteen windows disappeared, and another one appeared, showing the enemy assembly area from a much higher perspective. And instead of the vehicles he expected, he counted sixteen burning wrecks, the black smoke from their flames reaching up into the sky in columns.
“Targets destroyed, Commander,” Gassin said. Several of the officers in the room looked at each other excitedly, but their celebration was muted.
Graunsa nodded. “Call our advisors again.”
The alien appeared on the screen again. “Excellent work, Platoon Commander. We’re assessing the lines and getting the second batch of targets to you now.”
As the new target coordinates scrolled onto the main screen, Gassin didn’t need additional prompting, “Launching flying machines!”
Another sixteen of them flashed out from the pre-dug position. Another sixteen windows appeared on the screen, replacing the odd-looking aliens’ video.
“Wait a minute,” the aliens’ voice cut into the quiet hum of the control room’s operation. “Switch back to the high-altitude drone. Something’s happening.”
The main screen’s image was replaced by the previous camera looking down at enemy lines. There was a flurry of activity in the enemy base area. Numerous dots representing the ground troops moved to-and-fro. And worryingly, the red squares that surrounded enemy armor began appearing en masse as enemy Longclaws drove out of their covered positions into the open.
Dozens of them.
Then, hundreds. And more appeared every second.
“What’s going on?” Graunsa asked, his voice reflecting Motsotaer’s worry.
The alien took a minute to get back to him, its black helmeted face filling up the screen again. “They’re attacking. They don’t know what hit them in the last strike. But they must have realized that they’re not safe in their assembly area, and they’re doing the only thing they can
 We estimate they’ll get to your first lines in thirty minutes.”
“Can we stop them?” Graunsa asked. “We can—”
The alien looked directly into the video. “Not sixteen drones at a time. And if you launch the whole swarm at once, it’ll reflect enough signal for them to sniff out where you are with their counter-battery radars and take you out from orbit.”
Graunsa swallowed. “That’s— that’s— The machines can fly themselves without us, right?”
The alien didn’t say anything for a few heartbeats. “Theoretically, yes. But even if you evacuate your position now, your people won’t get out of range from the orbital strike they’ll call in.”
“I understand. Feed us the enemy targets.”
“Delta Leader, we can’t ask you to—”
“I said, feed us the enemy targets,” Graunsa insisted.
Quietly, hundreds of coordinate pairs filed onto the main screen. Graunsa looked at the faces of the young officers under his command. Dozens of them. He turned around to look at his two guests. “I’m sorry,” he said.
“It’s the right choice,” Nidvid replied, shrugging.
Motsotaer nodded at him.
“I know,” Graunsa said, turning back to the main screen. “Just doesn’t make it any easier.”
“Sir, we’re ready to launch,” Gassin reported.
“Weapons free. Release everything.”
“Yes, sir.”
The ground shook and rumbled, hundreds of flying machines leaving their canisters for the sky. They were close enough to hear the outgoing buzzing as the munitions launched. This time, more and more windows filled up the screen with the visuals of the outgoing flying machines — hundreds of them, and Motsotaer was surprised that the computers could even handle it all.
The visage of the alien returned to their screen. It said calmly, “Enemy orbital launch spotted. Multiple launches. High yield. Missiles incoming to your location, ETA twelve minutes.”
“Understood, advisor.”
POV: Slurskoch, Znosian Dominion Marines (Rank: Five Whiskers)
“Scramble! Scramble! Scramble!”
“What’s going on?” Longclaw Commander Slurskoch sat up in his turret cupola as the sirens rang loud through the hull.
“We’re under artillery attack!” his Controller yelled back at him through the roaring startup sequence of the turbine anti-grav engines. “The Lesser Predators
 they’ve got some kind of new weapon! Took out a whole battalion’s worth of Longclaws in the 194!”
“But we’re not ready!” his Driver complained. “Our artillery is supposed to pound them for another hour before we—”
Slurskoch shook his head as he checked the friendly force tracker on his screen. “Doesn’t matter! If they’ve got some new weapon, we can’t sit still while we get pounded to bits by whatever they have. We gotta get out there. Hurry it up!”
It took them another two minutes to fully warm up the engines, and with a roar, the Longclaw burst out of its camouflaged emplacement, kicking up a curtain of dirt in front of it.
“Let’s go! Go! Go!” Slurskoch yelled as his lagging Longclaw joined the armored formation already on the move.
The Controller spoke with one of her ears in the radio, “Their artillery just launched
 something at us. We’ve pinpointed their location, and orbital support is on its way.”
His Gunner whooped twice, and Slurskoch nodded silently in agreement. That’d flatten those carnivorous abominations where they stood. He drew a few symbols and circles on the digital battlemap as the Longclaws drove toward the enemy lines. “Gunner, watch those potential trench lines in front of us,” he instructed. “Their anti-armor may not look scary on paper, but their infantry can always get a lucky hit in.”
Slurskoch was taught in training that it was better to overestimate the enemy than underestimate them. Luckily, the predators usually fell below expectations, which was why the Dominion controlled the orbits of Datsot now and not them.
His Controller frowned at something in her radio, “They’re saying something about the enemy artillery
 The engineers at the base assessed the strike aftermath. There’s something strange in the rubble. The attack was more precise than anything we’d ever seen.”
“What does that mean?” Slurskoch asked in confusion.
“The sensor officer in charge of the assembly area has taken full responsibility. They didn’t see the incoming at all. Higher ups are speculating that the Lesser Predators have a new weapon in their arsenal.”
“The predators made new weapons?” Slurskoch snorted. “Useful ones? That’ll be a first. Well, whatever it is, maybe our Design Bureau will get a good look at it when we finally cleanse this planet of their filth. Make our next battle a little easier when we have to take their home planet.”
His Gunner agreed, “And then, the Prophecy shall be fulfilled.”
A few kilometers into the charge across the open, the Gunner remarked with one eye on her targeting computer, “Looks like even the local winged predators know that there’s about to be a slaughter here.”
The Driver, in his open hatch, looked up at the cloud of them flying over the enemy lines. “Looks like it. A nice juicy feast for them in the coming battle. The irony of the barbaric carnivores being eaten by themselves.”
A few thousand years ago, winged predators would have curdled the blood of any natural-born Znosian. On the original plains of Znos, they were one of the most dangerous threats a lone Znosian faced. Now, that fear had been completely bred out of the gene pool, replaced with contempt for predatory primitivism, the courage to face them in battle, and the drive to exterminate them all.
Curious, Slurskoch stared up into the cloud of winged predators with his Longclaw commander optics. He frowned.
One of them shimmered.
He zoomed in.
Then, he saw a metallic glint. His whiskers tightened.
“That’s— those aren’t winged predators,” he barely made out in shock. “Incoming!”
“Huh?” his Driver asked, craning his head up to look at the dark shapes in the distance.
“Get inside! Secure the hatch!” Slurskoch shouted at him.
His Driver was not very good at thinking on his own, but he had been bred to follow direct orders without question. He ducked into his seat, quickly securing the hatch above him close with trained claws.
He barely secured the Longclaw as other commanders began yelling out similar instructions on their radios.
“Incoming!” his Controller advised, about ten seconds later than necessary. “Enemy
“Gunner!” Slurskoch gestured in the general direction of the sky.
“I can’t get a shot on them. They’re too high up!” she screamed back at him.
A trio of air defense vehicles next to him opened up with their six barrels towards the sky, lines of bright tracers stabbing out at the dark swarm. He saw one of the
 flying machines hit and fall out of the sky. Then another.
It wasn’t enough.
As Slurskoch’s optics tracked the incoming, he saw them dive. They were fast, and they flew erratic patterns, almost organically, like actual winged beasts. If he hadn’t had that specific fear bred out of his bloodline hundreds of years ago, he would have been frozen in shock. Instead, he yelled out, “Brace! Brace!”
Boom. Boom. Boom.
The world exploded around his Longclaw.
Through his friendly force tracker, Slurskoch watched an entire battalion disappear off the map on his right flank, and two Longclaws in his line of sight brewed up in massive fireballs, throwing their turrets into the sky as their plasma ammunition detonated. One of the anti-air vehicles brewed up next to his, splattering its parts against his hull.
His Driver drove for all he was worth, ducking and weaving in the open field. So did the other Longclaws. Some deployed curtains of smoke in front of them in desperation.
None of it seemed to help.
The shockwaves hit his Longclaw in quick succession, knocking him around the armored cabin and rattling his teeth.
Boom. Boom.
More Longclaws exploded. Many more. They were disappearing off his screen faster than the software could update the signals. He closed his eyes waiting for the end.
It didn’t come.
It was hard for Slurskoch to tell when the last Longclaw near them was hit. His hearing organs must have been damaged some time during the attack. His auditory senses ringed as they returned to normal, recovering when his Controller shook him with a paw on his shoulder. “—Five Whiskers! Five Whiskers!”
“What is it?” he snapped, keeping the quivering out of his voice.
“We’re alone in our company, and I can’t contact the six whiskers! And I’ve been trying to reach battalion without success!”
“Try the regiment commander!” he yelled out against the noise of the anti-grav engine.
“Can’t reach them either!”
“What about division headquarters?!”
“I think division’s gone, sir!”
“Nobody there has been responding. All I’ve got is a seven whiskers in the reserve infantry division behind us! They’re saying they see black smoke in the direction of our division field command!”
“What in the Prophecy? How is that possible?!”
“What do we do, Five Whiskers?”
Slurskoch had been trained for a wide variety of combat scenarios and contingencies, including losing his immediate superiors, losing most of his unit, and losing his communication link to command. But he’d never been trained for all of those combined at once. That was just not something predators were supposed to be able to do to you.
He fell back to the next best thing.
“What’s the combat computer say?” he asked.
His Controller operated the controls on her console, and after half a minute of querying, she replied, reading off the instructions, “Absent orders, continue the attack. Maybe we can push through.”
“What? Did it take our losses into account?” he protested as he checked the battlemap. Of the nearly five hundred Longclaws that had pushed out of the assembly area, only a quarter remained. At most. Some of the signals on the map were flagging themselves as mobility or mission killed.
She shrugged, “It did. That’s what it says.”
He squinted at her screen. That was indeed what it said.
Slurskoch thought for a moment, sighed, and bowed in prayer, “Our lives were forfeited the day we left our hatchling pools.”
The other crew members all did the same, lowering their heads to mutter the familiar mantra.
That ritual out of the way, he drew up to his full height of 1 meter and mustered all the confidence he could into his voice, “Attack! Attack! Attack!”
POV: Graunsa, Malgeir Federation Planetary Defense Force (Rank: Delta Leader)
The command center watched glumly as the hundred or so surviving Grass Eater Longclaws emerged from the wrecks of their comrades and slowly resumed their charge across the open toward the defense lines.
The flying machines had gotten a lot of them. Quite a few disabled too. And they were disorganized from the loss of their command. Yet they still charged. Diminished as their numbers were, they rolled towards the battered defensive lines with psychotic determination.
We’ve failed.
Graunsa sat down heavily into his chair. He brought up his communication console, connecting it to the advisor network.
The alien appeared on the screen, and though he couldn’t see its face, he could hear the sympathy in its translated voice, “You’ve done all you can, Special Platoon Commander.”
“It wasn’t enough,” he said, shaking his ears sadly. “They’re going to break through our line. Our infantry can’t stop them.”
It tilted its head. “I wouldn’t count them out completely, Delta Leader. They might. They might not. But your next defensive line certainly will hold them. The city behind you will be held.”
“Tracking enemy orbit-to-ground. ETA three minutes,” Gassin reported quietly from next to him.
Graunsa sighed. He looked at the alien, “I think I understand your people now, advisor.”
“Yeah, at first, when we were picked for this mission, I wondered why your people were doing this.”
“Doing this?” the alien asked, seeming confused.
“Helping us. The weapons. The equipment. The training. The targeting. It was all in secret, but you didn’t have to do it. The other species around us didn’t do it. The Schpriss
” Graunsa snorted, “The long-tails can’t even find it in their spines to send us field rations. I thought your species
 your people were just generous. Or perhaps you simply enjoyed the craft of war, being so adept at it.”
“Are we
“Those reasons may be part of it,” he conceded. “But more importantly, I think your people understand one thing the other species don’t
 that we might stop the enemy here. Or we might not.”
“We didn’t set you up to fail, if that’s what you think—”
“But the next defensive line certainly will hold them,” Graunsa said, staring the alien in the eye. “You will hold them. Isn’t that right?”
It sighed. “I would be lying if that wasn’t part of the strategic equation. Our star systems are indeed next in line — sometime in the next decade or two, probably — if these bloodthirsty Buns conquered your Federation. That harsh astropolitical realism. But there’s something else too.”
“Is there?”
“Yes,” it nodded its head firmly in a familiar manner. “Yes, there is. We aren’t a particularly long-sighted species, Graunsa. We can plan, yes, but wars are fought by true believers. People don’t sign up to put their lives on the line for a hypothetical, potential invasion of our Republic twenty years in the future. They— we signed up for this because we truly believe what’s happening to your people
 it shouldn’t happen to anyone, ever.”
Graunsa looked at the helmeted head for a while, then nodded. “I believe you, advisor.”
“I’m sorry this didn’t pan out, Graunsa. If I could, I’d be down there with you. We’d have made them pay for this.”
Graunsa smiled. “I believe you about that too. Thank you, advisor, whatever your name is.”
“You may call me Kara,” it said simply. A deft snap of its paws — he hadn’t noticed how soft its claws were before — and it released a latch on its helmet with a hiss. Lifting it from its head, it revealed a soft, smooth face without much fur except a bundle of long, brown strands on its scalp tied up in a neat spherical shape. Its hazel forward-facing eyes stared at him with the empathy that only other predators were capable of, filling him with mild relief. “Don’t tell anyone though,” it joked lightly, mirroring his smile back at him.
You’re not as ugly as I thought you’d be. Not nearly.
Graunsa’s grin widened at the thought. He put it out of his mind. “Ah. One last thing, advisor— Kara.”
His mind drifted to his cubs at home. Perhaps they were still alive. He chose to believe that. “Our people’s clans and packs
“We’ll let them know,” she interrupted him softly. “And when the information quarantine is lifted, we’ll let your clans and packs know what you did here — everything.”
“Good. Thank you.”
Gassin sat down next to him, “Delta Leader, enemy missiles incoming. ETA thirty seconds, they’re entering—” She stopped her report and stared at the unmasked alien on his screen with equal parts wonder and sadness.
“Take a closer look, Gassin,” he ordered softly. “That
 that is who will avenge us.”
On screen, the alien put its gloved paw up to its temple, forming a stiff triangle with its arm in a recognizable salute. “It was an honor, Graunsa.”
Graunsa returned it crisply, letting a primitive fire shine through his face. “Happy hunting, Kara.”

Location: Atlas Naval Command, Luna

POV: “Kara”, Terran Reconnaissance Office
Kara watched solemnly as the green signal blinked off the battlemap. She closed her eyes for a moment in silent prayer for the fallen.
Beep. Beep.
Another light on her console blinked urgently for her attention. Four thousand kilometers from the previous one. The war raged on — day and night — across four continents on the besieged planet. Fifty light years from the Republic, its defenders’ sweat, tears, and blood lined the fields and valleys of the beautiful blue sphere not so different from her own. Tens of millions of them: many who she knew would not see the end of this war.
They didn’t all know it, and some might not have cared, but fifty light years away, someone recorded their names, and someone felt a pang of loss for their sacrifice. In the cold, dark forest of the galaxy, somebody heard their trees fall.
Kara collected her thoughts, adjusted the bun in her hair, and lowered the tinted EVA helmet over her face once more.
She cleared her throat as she glanced at the screen and activated the microphone in her helmet, “Special Platoon Commander Treiriu. This call is encrypted, but the enemy Znosians in orbit are trying to find your location from the signals, so we’ll have to make it as quick as we can. Have your defensive lines completed your preparations?”


Thanks for reading my story! This is a standalone chapter in my Grass Eaters story, meant to be enjoyable all on its own. If you're interested in more of my writing, please do subscribe to the update waffle bot or check out the rest of the universe in Grass Eaters.
(Grass Eaters posts every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. We are closing in on the end of Book 1.)
submitted by Spooker0 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:03 BearsAtFairs How would you list this freelance experience on your CV (not resume)?

I did freelance work with about a dozen startups when I was a fresh grad, more than a decade ago. I genuinely don't remember most of the client/company names. Of those that I do recall, only one is operating. Plus most of the gigs were very short term (3 weeks or less). I haven't included this on my resume in years.
I wasn't bringing in nearly enough money to make it worth having an LLC, so there was no business name whatsoever on my part.
I've got a bit of a career pivot coming up and I'm at the point where a CV is expected rather than a resume. My freelance experience would actually greatly strengthen my application to one position I'm considering.
My CV is formatted in heading order of:
How would you fill out the first two headings for the freelance experience I described?
I'm thinking something like "Various" and "xxx Consultant", where xxx was my specialty. While that would be accurate, "Various" on my CV just seems extremely out of place. The rest of my CV, especially recent entries, is pretty serious and I'm applying to seniodirector level positions.
Any advice on how to frame "Various tiny companies" would be hugely appreciated!
submitted by BearsAtFairs to freelance [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:42 PopoMyNamo98 Just did an agency audition

This is more of a splurge than anything but I just did an audition that I feel I did well on today for an agency near my city. While I feel confident in my performance I am not going to be mad if they skip over me but I hope they will give me a chance. One of the things I really need to work on is a better resume are there any templates that you guys can share that I can use format wise.
submitted by PopoMyNamo98 to acting [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:18 Bulky_Meet Unemployed since October, been applying on and off since January with not much luck. Is it the job market? Resume? Ethnic name?

Hi all,
As the title states, I have been unemployed since October and started applying in January (on and off).
I got few interviews for lower level positions, and two interviews for my level (managerial) but it didn’t lead to anything. I also have recruiters reaching out to me, but it does not lead to anywhere(ghosting).
My background is in e-commerce, analytics but I am trying to get out of analytics and focus more on project/e-commerce/product management jobs. I am not sure why I am not getting many call backs, I followed all the recommendations for resume building including format, content, added metrics, and focused on the how instead of the why yet I am still here.
As the title states, I don’t know if it is my resume? job market? ethnic name (joking but not really).
submitted by Bulky_Meet to jobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 16:56 kenUdigitt Novel Chapter 415

Disclaimer: I do not speak Korean. This is purely translated by machine with a lot of cleanup afterward. With that in mind, I am open to criticism to improve these translations. Enjoy!

Chapter 415

The battle commenced with alarming rapidity.

As a thick fog cascaded across the wilderness like a tidal wave, tens of thousands of monsters amassed before him. Hovering above the ground, the dark-skinned Grand Mage, Magic Johnson, declared the start of the conflict with a single, potent command:

「Fire Cannon.」


Mana surged around him, conjuring five flames from the ether. They swelled, taking on the form and fury of cannonballs, before hurtling forward.

Whoosh, Boom!

The black tide of monsters was cleaved in two. The searing heat charred flesh and bone, liquefying the very earth beneath them.

This devastating spell incinerated a thousand creatures in an instant.

Yet the relentless tide of monsters pressed on, undeterred, as did Magic Johnson.

「Water Blaster.」

The air, once dry as sand from the Fire Cannon, now held a damp moisture.

Spreading his arms, Magic Johnson summoned a colossal wave that towered behind him.

It was a defiance of the laws of nature.

It was pure magic, a display of unparalleled might from the preeminent War Mage among his peers.

「Cover them.」

Gone was the jovial, smiling visage of Magic Johnson. In its place was a look of deep, intense determination.

With a sweeping gesture, he cast a vast, dark shadow over the advancing monsters.


Powered by mana, the wave crashed down, its immense pressure exploding the bodies of the monsters.

As the flames dwindled and the ground soaked, Magic Johnson was already prepared for his next maneuver.

「Strike down. Lightning Rain.」

In an instant, dark clouds swarmed above the monsters, unleashing a barrage of lightning bolts.

Crack! Fizz!

- Roar!

- Aaaargh!

Lightning ravaged the sky and earth alike.

Blackened gargoyles and griffins toppled from the sky, while the wet earth conducted electricity.

Living monsters cringed and keeled over, screaming in agony, as the undead disintegrated into ash.

Amidst this awe-inspiring chaos, a groan of disbelief was heard.

「This is the power of a Grand Mage...」

The impact of merely three spells was staggering.

Countless monsters lay dead or incapacitated, a significant portion of their legion shattered.

Yet, even the Grand Mage, the sole architect of this devastation, could not escape the overwhelming exhaustion that followed.

「Fuck. If I'd known this would happen, I would've saved a few more spells.」

Magic is a complex art, and for Magic Johnson, a master of wide-area spells, the toll is as profound on his mind and mana as the devastation he wreaks.

Considering the mana he had already expended at the front lines before this, he had reached his limit.

「Mrs. Chen. I guess I'm getting old too.」

「Step back. We old folks need to stick together and help each other out. And...」

Fei Chen, discarding her whiskey bottle, quickly snatched the bow at her side.

An arrow made of mana materialized on the empty bowstring.

「It's Ms. Chen, not Mrs. Who decided I was married?」

With a huff, Fei Chen released the string. The arrow, blazing with light, tore through the air and the dense fog with a sharp twang. Then:


A colossal explosion ensued.

Fei Chen observed as a Death Knight, hidden among the throng, was annihilated without a chance to utter its final cries. She drew her bowstring once more.

Twang, twang, twang!

Arrows transformed into beams of light streaking across the wilderness, each one obliterating scores of monsters.

If Magic Johnson ranks among the top three Grand Mages and is the foremost War Mage globally, then Fei Chen is the unrivaled archer of her time.


- Roar!

- Screech!

The legion, numbering in the tens of thousands, surged forward, undeterred.

For every ten monsters felled, another ten emerged. For every hundred slain, another hundred rose.

These beasts, veiled in thick fog, were more formidable and ferocious than ordinary monsters. Now, only a direct confrontation remained.

As the monstrous legion advanced, both veterans stepped forward to meet them.

"Ares Guild. Formation B. Break through them."


Under the composed direction of Lee Jeong-Ryong, the elite guild members, who had remained unscathed thus far, moved in unison.

Jin Tae-Kyung, having observed them from a distance, turned to the suicide squad he had assembled from the western front.

"Everyone, Formation J."


「Formation J! Assume the formation!」

With resolute voices echoing in unison, the suicide squad sprang into action.

Behind Jin Tae-Kyung, Wu Hei-Xing, who had been rallying a small contingent of Red Guard Gang Hunters, grabbed a member of the suicide squad and asked,

「Hey, kid. What exactly is Formation J?」

Recognizing Wu Hei-Xing, Shao Shen frowned and replied,

「It's a combat formation decided by my Hyung.」

「So, what does it mean?」

「Jonna. He said it means to fight with everything we have.」 [Note: "Jonna" is a Korean slang for "fuck it".]


Momentarily speechless, Wu Hei-Xing watched as Lee Jeong-Ryong and Jin Tae-Kyung charged forward.

Prince Felix and an army of ten thousand Hunters were not far behind.


- Roaaar!

Humans clashed with monsters.

Monsters clashed with humans.

The battlefield erupted into a cacophony of roars and murderous intent, as both sides hurtled across the wilderness, weapons and claws in deadly encounter.

Squeal, crack!

The brutal battle had commenced.

* * *

I leaned back, tensing my shoulders. With a swift motion, I hurled my arms forward, channeling all my strength.

Swoosh, flub-flub-flub!

White Flames shot from my hand, carving a path through dozens of monsters.

Seizing the fleeting opening, I plunged into the melee, my limbs a blur as I struck at any foe within reach.


My fist connected with the skull of an onrushing Lycanthrope, smashing it like a grape.

Before the beast’s cranial fluid could splatter the earth, I was already airborne.

Click, whoosh!

I landed, locking eyes with a towering undead troll, its dim gaze meeting mine at four meters high.

Before the undead troll could wield its club, my palm slammed into its chest with crushing force.


Intense heat burst forth, sending smoke billowing from the creature’s seven facial orifices. Struck by this lethal blow, the troll was obliterated instantly, its regenerative abilities rendered useless.

- Wicked human, behind you!

I know, I know. Who asked you anyway?

I muttered under my breath, whirling around just in time. A lance, dark with malevolent magic, whistled perilously close to my neck before soaring off into the distance.

The lance had been aimed to catch me mid-leap — a clever attempt, but they had underestimated me.

"Damn it. Why are there so many Death Knights? This isn't a chicken restaurant." [Note: I'm not sure what this is referencing. The best guess I can offer is that he's commenting on how crowded the battlefield was, similar to how crowded a chicken restaurant can get in Korea.]

Dodging the lance, I landed smoothly and immediately found myself facing a Death Knight barreling toward me on a skeletal steed.

- This is the end!


The Knight shouted as he swung his sword, which glowed with a dark magic. Though his power didn't match an S-rank Hunter, it was certainly comparable to a top A-rank.


'This Death Knight was once a Hunter too.'

That thought crossed my mind as the specter of Lei Fei flashed before me, instilling a sudden pang of bitterness. Meanwhile, the Skeleton Warlord issued a shrill cry.

- Avoid it, human!


As if dissolved by an unseen force, the magic on the sword faded into nothing.

The Death Knight, looking dully at the mystical spear blade protruding through its chest, gasped feebly.

- How...

"This is the end."

Echoing the Knight’s earlier proclamation, I drove my spear downward.

"Whoever you were, you fought hard."

Screech, thud!

The skeletal horse and its rider split apart, vanishing into the ether. As before, I conjured White Flames to carve through the encroaching monsters, then asked aloud.

"Why aren't you begging for food now?"

- Ahem. What do you take this commander for?


"Lazy bum. You say you don't want to fight but you drool over situations like this."

- What!

"Why, aren't I exactly right?"

- You agreed, you cunning human, that I wouldn't participate in the battle! And when was it that you said we mustn't let other humans find out that I exist?

"Excuses. So, do you want to eat this magic or not?"

- ...


"Hey. Can't you hear?"

- Hmm. I don't really want to eat.



Caught off guard, I narrowly dodged an incoming attack.

After dispatching about ten monsters with a sweeping strike of my spear, I posed a serious question,

"Why's that? Do you want to wither away to nothing?"

- Umm... I don't know. I just have a feeling.

"A feeling?"

- Yes. I'm undead, but sometimes even undead get moody. Just let me be.

"...Since when do the undead get moody?"

Normally, this one would have pounced like a starving dog. Why the sudden change?

'Do undead go through puberty?'

As much as the Skeleton Warlord is an odd monster, this was nonsensical.

I stopped pondering over it and resumed slicing through monsters when suddenly,


An area about ten meters in diameter was engulfed by an aura, or rather, Sword Qi.

In an instant, the frontline was cleared, and a figure gently descended.

"There are too many monsters. It's impossible for the entire suicide squad to break out."

I understood exactly what Lee Jeong-Ryong meant.

"You mean, we should go with a select few elites?"

"That's right. Get ready."

As Lee Jeong-Ryong spoke, I ducked as a crescent of Sword Qi whistled past, slicing through several large monsters as if they were mere cheesecake.

What if that Sword Qi had been aimed at me? If Lee Jeong-Ryong and I were to face off...

"You, me, and Wu Hei-Xing. The three of us should be enough."

Licking my parched lips, I responded,

"That's quite strange."

"What is?"

"You never know until you fight. We won't know how strong the Arch Lich is until we face it."

"There are three of us who are S-rank Hunters. No matter how strong the Arch Lich might be, it's no match for us."


It's a comforting word, yet why does it leave such a sour taste?

Perhaps it's due to the individuals included in this 'us.'

Nevertheless, I had committed to the suicide squad tactic since I had proposed it. From that perspective, Lee Jeong-Ryong's proposal was optimal.

"Let's do that. Where is Wu Hei-Xing?"


No sooner had I spoken than Wu Hei-Xing burst through the horde, slashing his way through.

In stark contrast to the pristine Lee Jeong-Ryong, Wu Hei-Xing appeared battered, yet his eyes sparkled with unabated vigor.

"Luckily, you arrived in time."

「Hmph. As if monsters like these could stop me.」

Hadn’t he nearly succumbed to these very 'monsters like these' just an hour ago?

I was internally chiding Wu Hei-Xing's unimproved mental state when it occurred.

"Mr. Jin Tae-Kyung!"

The call came from Mr. Choi, sounding across the battlefield.

Between the swarms of monsters, I caught a fleeting glimpse of Mr. Choi’s face before it vanished.

Then, something gleaming arced through the air and embedded itself in the earth near me.

'This is...'

It was unmistakable — the [Hero's Soul]. From his obscured position, Mr. Choi called out,

"I won’t join you, but take this sword. And... be careful!"

His words were heavy with implication. Without a word, I grasped the [Hero's Soul].

Beyond the throng of monsters, the darkened cityscape loomed.

"Let's go."

Lee Jeong-Ryong offered a gentle smile.

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submitted by kenUdigitt to u/kenUdigitt [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 16:49 Ok-Repeat2645 Digital Marketing courses in Philippines

Hey everyone ,
Here are detailed descriptions of some of the top Digital marketing courses available in the Philippines:
  1. IIM Skills
Course Details: - Modules Covered:Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Web Analytics, Content Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, and more. - Duration: 3 months of instruction followed by a 2-month paid internship. - Mode:Online classes, conducted on weekends from 12:30 PM to 4:30 PM PHT. - Fees: Approximately PHP 23,226. - Special Features: The course includes practical projects and assignments, ensuring hands-on experience. It also offers lifetime access to the course materials and support from industry experts (12+source) (14+source)
2.Francis Digital Marketing Training and Consultancy
Course Details: - Modules Covered:SEO, Social Media Marketing, Digital Strategy, and more. - Special Features: The course focuses on practical, real-world applications of digital marketing strategies and techniques. It is highly rated for its comprehensive and practical approach to training digital marketers【12†source】.
  1. Inventive Media
Course Details: - Modules Covered: Digital Marketing Fundamentals, SEO, SEM, Social Media Marketing. - Duration: Individual courses range from 2 to 3 days. - Mode: Classes are typically held on Fridays and Saturdays, from 9 AM to 7 PM. - Fees: PHP 13,000 to PHP 32,000, depending on the course package. - Special Features:This modular approach allows students to tailor their learning experience based on their existing knowledge and specific areas of interest (14+source) (13+source)
4.Six Sigma Philippines
Course Details: - Modules Covered:Digital Marketing Strategy, Social Media Channels, Brand Building. - Mode:Both online and onsite classes available. - Fees:PHP 12,000 plus 12% VAT. - Special Features:The course includes practical assignments and projects to apply theoretical knowledge. Placement assistance is also provided to help graduates find suitable job opportunities (13+sources)
  1. Business Maker Academy
Course Details: - Course Name:Digital Marketing Plan. - Duration:One session of four hours for webinars, and one full day for live seminars. - Mode: Zoom webinars and live seminars. - Fees: PHP 1,500 for webinars, PHP 3,500 for combined webinar and seminar format. - Special Features: The training includes comprehensive coverage of digital trends, strategy formulation, and campaign optimization. Participants receive an e-Certificate of completion along with access to recorded sessions and supplementary materials (15+sources)
  1. CDM (Certified Digital Marketer)
Course Details: - Modules Covered: Introduction to Digital Marketing, Content Marketing, Social Media Marketing, SEO, Paid Search, Display & Video Advertising, Email Marketing, Website Optimization, Analytics, and Digital Marketing Strategy. - Duration: Various formats available, including a 15-week online course and a more extensive postgraduate diploma over 44 weeks. - Fees:PHP 65,000 + VAT for the CDMP course, and PHP 200,000 + VAT for the postgraduate diploma. - Special Features: Offers internationally recognized certifications that enhance the credibility of your resume. Includes free membership portal access for 12 months (15+source)
These courses provide a mix of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, which are essential for a successful career in digital marketing. They cater to various learning preferences, with options for online, in-person, short-term, and long-term formats.
I Hope this information helps you to find the best digital marketing courses in Philippines!
Uday Makwana.
submitted by Ok-Repeat2645 to DigitalMarketingIIDE [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 16:42 softwaretraining1234 Azure Data Engineering Training in Hyderabad

Mastering Azure Data Engineering: Why RS Trainings is Your Top Choice in Hyderabad
In the fast-evolving landscape of data management and cloud computing, Azure Data Engineering has emerged as a crucial skill set for businesses aiming to leverage data for strategic advantage. Azure, Microsoft's cloud platform, offers a comprehensive suite of tools and services designed to handle big data, perform advanced analytics, and ensure seamless data integration and management. For professionals and aspirants in Hyderabad looking to excel in this field, RS Trainings stands out as the premier institution for acquiring these in-demand skills.
Why Choose Azure Data Engineering?
Azure Data Engineering is essential for organizations seeking to harness their data's full potential. It encompasses various tasks, including:
Mastering these components equips professionals with the ability to build, deploy, and manage scalable data solutions that drive business insights and innovation.
RS Trainings: Your Gateway to Expert-Level Azure Data Engineering Training
RS Trainings, based in Hyderabad, is renowned for its comprehensive and expert-led training programs. Here’s why RS Trainings is the best path for learning Azure Data Engineering:
  1. Expert Instructors: RS Trainings boasts a team of industry experts and certified Azure professionals who bring real-world experience to the classroom. Their in-depth knowledge ensures that students gain not only theoretical insights but also practical skills that are directly applicable to industry scenarios.
  2. Comprehensive Curriculum: The training program is meticulously designed to cover all facets of Azure Data Engineering. From the basics of data warehousing and ETL processes to advanced analytics and machine learning integration, the curriculum ensures a thorough understanding of Azure’s data services.
  3. Hands-On Training: Learning by doing is a core philosophy at RS Trainings. The course includes numerous hands-on labs and projects that simulate real-life data engineering challenges. This practical approach helps students build confidence and expertise in using Azure tools effectively.
  4. Flexible Learning Options: Understanding the diverse needs of its students, RS Trainings offers flexible learning options, including online, classroom, and hybrid formats. This flexibility ensures that both working professionals and full-time students can find a schedule that suits them.
  5. Certification Preparation: The training program is aligned with Microsoft’s certification paths, providing dedicated preparation for exams such as the Azure Data Engineer Associate certification. Earning these credentials can significantly enhance career prospects.
  6. Post-Training Support: RS Trainings extends support beyond the classroom with resources like interview preparation, resume building workshops, and access to a network of alumni and industry contacts. This holistic approach helps students transition smoothly into their professional roles.
  7. Positive Reviews and Success Stories: Testimonials from former students highlight the effectiveness of RS Trainings’ approach. Many have successfully transitioned to roles in leading tech companies, attributing their success to the robust training they received.
In the competitive field of data engineering, proficiency in Azure Data Engineering can open doors to numerous career opportunities. RS Trainings in Hyderabad offers a premier learning experience, backed by expert instructors, a comprehensive curriculum, and a focus on practical skills. By choosing RS Trainings, aspiring data engineers can embark on a path to mastery in Azure Data Engineering, positioning themselves at the forefront of the industry. Whether you are a seasoned professional looking to upskill or a newcomer to the field, RS Trainings provides the tools and knowledge necessary to succeed.

submitted by softwaretraining1234 to u/softwaretraining1234 [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 16:16 scifihiker7091 How to roast your own resume - tutorial

I probably spent over an hour roasting a resume yesterday. Someone then commented that they would post their resume on here to be roasted if they knew they could get detailed feedback like that. Unfortunately, I do one of these deep dives only about once or twice a month so I thought I’d share some tips on how to self-roast your resume. I’m also opening this post up to discussion for others to share their own tips on how to create more effective resumes, so hit the reply button and share your brilliance.
Here’s a few tips to get things started.
  1. The hardest thing for people to remember when updating their resume is that the bullets for their previous job(s) should all be in the past tense. I’ve seen resumes on here where every job bullet was in the present tense. Anal retentive hiring managers will notice and it can be a distraction during their review of your CV.
  2. Read the review comments from recent resume roasts for suggestions and ideas to make your resume better. Sometimes an oddball resume format may cause you to reexamine your preconceived notions of what an effective resume looks like: for example, you can write an effective resume that’s more than a page long but unless you have off the charts work experiences to sell and have above average writing skills, the one page format is your friend for 85% of candidates.
  3. How do you read all the recent resume roasts without slogging through a gazillion other posts on this sub? The easiest way is to go to your internet browser, not the mobile app, and to search old.reddit. Copy and past this to your browser and it should save you some time:
  1. Start commenting on others’s resumes submitted for roasting. A lot of what I do in roasting a resume is noticing errors that the author is too blind to see because it’s their baby and no one wants to admit that their baby has warts. It’s actually a psychological roadblock called a scotoma where you believe nothing is wrong and therefore don’t see the glaring errors apparent to everyone else. The more you review and notice the errors in others’s resumes the more you will become immune to this limitation.
  2. If something makes you stand out from other candidates, include it at the top of your resume. If it makes you appear less than other candidates, push it to the bottom. For example, it would be idiotic not to include both a summary section and education section at the top if you did your MBA at a top tier graduate school and worked at a FAANG (MAANG) several jobs ago. If you only have a non-finance bachelor’s degree, put education at the bottom of the resume: otherwise, you may be eliminated by a hiring manager before they’ve even read your work experience. They may still reject you for this; however, at least they have the complete mosaic of you before reaching that conclusion.
  3. Most accomplishment bullets should be one sentence long and no more than two lines of text.
  4. Projects deserve more length to adequately tell the story. Take 3-4 sentences and no more than three lines of text to convey the problem/opportunity, the other teams involved, your specific contribution, and the outcome achieved preferably in quantifiable metrics (15% reduction in office supplies expense).
  5. If you don’t have any accomplishments on your resume that include quantitative metrics ($25M, 17%), you are at a competitive disadvantage compared to other candidates who do.
  6. Read your resume out loud. Maybe not from your cubicle on in office days, but find someplace quiet at home and listen to how the phrasing sounds to your ear. Some people write in an overly formal manner when fewer gargantuan words would serve them better. Speaking your resume out loud can catch errors or poor word choice that may otherwise go undetected from a visual reading.
submitted by scifihiker7091 to FPandA [link] [comments]