Sample letter contest winners

Where beatmakers, lyricists, and rappers convene to produce exceedingly dope things

2011.08.16 00:55 ScumbagRedditor Where beatmakers, lyricists, and rappers convene to produce exceedingly dope things

we back up. individuals are welcome to boycott reddit on their own if they want.

2010.01.27 17:00 Sweepstakes


2024.05.19 16:50 Daphnaie Well done to the winners of the "White&Gold" Friday Fashion Contest with a prize pool of over 6 Billion Influence! This Fridays Fashion Contest theme will be "Villainous"! It will be in Echo Plaza on Homecoming - Excelsior, and the time will be at midnight UK time!

Well done to the winners of the submitted by Daphnaie to Cityofheroes [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:45 cappy1223 Joke #1 THE 2000 YEAR OLD MAN

THE 2000 YEAR OLD MAN (1975) - FULL TRANSCRIPT 2000 Year Old Man is an old Brooks-Reiner comedy routine turned into a half-hour animated TV special. Reiner, a TV reporter, interviews Brooks, a man claiming to be 2000 years old. The interview consists of a serious of questions regarding the history of the world. Brooks' answers to Reiner's questions are priceless.
About four days ago a plane landed at Idlewild Airport.
The plane came from the Middle East bearing a man who claims to be
2000 years old.
He spent the last six days at the Mayo Clinic.
Ei, sir.
Sir, is it true that you are 2000 years old?
Oh boy.
-Yes. -You are?
It's hard to believe sir because
in the history of man nobody has ever lived more than 167 years
wich a man from Peru claimed to be.
But you claim to be 2000?
I'll be, not yet. I'll be 2000, October 16th.
You will be 2000. When were you born?
We didn't have formal years and names and writing.
We didn't know. I see.
Nobody kept time.
See, we didn't know.
We didn't write. We just sat around, pointed in the sky
and said wow hot there wow.
-That's all they said? -We didn't even know it was the sun.
You really didn't know anything.
Anything, we were so dumb.
We didn't know who was a lady.
-But they were... -They were with us.
But we didn't know who they was
we didn't know who was the ladies and who was fellows.
You thought they were just different type of fellows.
Yes, stronger or smaller or softer.
The softer ones I think was the ladies all the time.
What about that? How did you find out?
Well, they are cute, a fat guy,
could you could have mistaken him,
soft and cute.
Who is the person who discovered the female?
Who was Bernie?
Bernie, one of the first leaders of our group.
I'm very interested to find out how Bernie discovered the woman.
-Well, he... -How did he come to find?
One morning
he got up smiling. So he said:
I think there is ladys here.
I said, well, what do you mean, you know?
He said: 'cause in the night.
I was swelled and delighted, see?
So he went into such a story that
it's hundreds of years later, I still blush.
Could you give us the secret of your longevity?
Well, the major thing.
The major thing.
Is that I never, ever touch ripe food.
I don't eat it.
I wouldn't look at it and I don't touch it.
And and I never run for a bus.
There's always another.
Even if even if you're late for work.
You know, I never run for a bus.
I never ran.
I just stroll, jump it, slowly walk to the next bus...
Yeah, well but there were no buses at the time.
In my time ahnn...
What was the means of transportation then?
-Mostly fear.
-Fear transported you? -Fear yes.
You could see.
A lion, he would would growl, you would go two miles a minute.
I'd like to find out about some social customs
the origination of social customs.
For instance, singing how that started?
Oh it stems from fear.
-Could you explain? -Because in the old days,
I said old days.
I don't mean the georgian cars.
-Did you.. -I mean rocks and caves...
I'm asking you, sir, how song...
Some song came about when you really had to communicate.
-But in trouble you couldn't say help. -Yes.
But have to use your mouth.
Yes, I know.
-I mean, I wouldn't say help, I say good morning.
Yes. You're really...
you know you in trouble.
I was singing.
We thought happiness did.
Oh, and the song came out of it.
A lion is eating my foot off.
Somebody call a cop.
A lion is eating my foot off.
Somebody call a cop.
A lion is eating my foot off.
Somebody call a cop.
A lion is eating my foot of
Somebody call a cop.
Very interesting to hear the derivation of songs
The first songs,
the first songs were all the anthem songs.
We always thought...
We always thought...
Wanna hear an anthem song?
You had an anthem song?
We had a national anthem.
-What was the anthem? -Well, ah...
you see, was only fragment...
-Fragment? -It wasn't a nation.
-Yes. -It was cave, each cave. Yes.
Each cave had a national anthem.
You remember the national anthem of your cave?
Ok. I say I'll never forget it.
You don't forget a national anthem in a minute.
Let them go to the hell
except cave 76.
For instance, how did the custom of two people shaking hands
how the handshake come to be?
The handshake? As you know...
I don't, that's why I'm asking!
The handshake has also stemmed from fear.
Everything we do is based on fear.
-Even love? -Mainly love.
How can love stem from fear?
How can love stem from fear?
What do you need a woman for?
You know what you need for?
-In my time? -Yes.
To see if an animal is behind yourself,
you had to get eyes in the back of your head.
you take two eyes that is to be a lady.
I see.
You say, lady, you look behind me for a while.
And that was the first... the first marriages.
What if you take a look behind me ok?
How long you want?Forever, we are married.
You walked back to back to the rest of your life?
Yes. You only look at her once in a while,
when you knew you it was safe?
When I knew I was in a highground.
-The handshakes they started how?
-They started to see if the fellow had a rock
or a dagger in his hand.
Where is you hand? Hi, Charlie.
How you're doing Jumpy, where is you hand?
Then you open it and you look...
And you shook another one.
And that's the way the handshakes started.
Yes, the shake.
May have a stone or a marble to stick in your eye.
In the older days
you should get a snap and all.
How the dancing started?
-Dancing is the same thing. -Fear again?
Just fear. The only thing you could do with a hand
was to see if there was a rock or a marble
or rubber band or nail or something that would stick in your head.
Right. Ok.
But while imobilizing my hand
dancing gets to complete the imobilization.
Dance and keep the feet busy so he can't get you.
Yes, but I think most people are interested
in living a long and fruitful life.
-You mentioned? -Fruit is good food, you mentioned.
Fruit kept me going for 140 years once
when I... was on a very strict diet,
mainly nectarines, I love that fruit
half a peach, half a plum, such a hell of a fruit.
It's not too cold
Not too hot, you know, just nice.
-What if... -A rotten one?
That's how much I love. I'd rather eat a rotten nectarine than a fine plum.
-What do you think about? -I can understand that.
Yes, that's how much I love them.
-Yes, I can understand, sir. -Some good things.
What did you do for a living?
Well, many years ago, thousands.
There was no heavy industry.
We know that.
Most things that we manufactured or we made,
most things we ever made,
was we would make a take a piece of wood
and rub it, rub it and rub it and rub it
then clean it and look at it and hit right with it
and hit a tree with it.
-For what purpose? -Just to keep busy.
There was not. There was absolutely nothing to do, had no job.
What other jobs were there?
Must've been something else besides hitting a tree with
the knowledge, hitting a tree with a
piece of stick was already a good job.
You couldn't get that job.
Mainly was sitting and looking in the sky
was a big job
and another job was watching each other.
-And what language did you speak? -They spoke...
-Rock, basic rock. -Years before Hebrew.
Yes. 200 years before Hebrew was the rock language, the rock talk.
Could you give us an example of that?
Hey, you don't put that rock on me.
Hey, what you do with the rock?
Do you remember you remember your Hebrew sir?
Yes, I would just I think I remember fluent...
Because I understand the modern Hebrew is different from the...
-phonetic alliteration paterns. -Yes.
Can we hear an example of the ancient Hebrew?
A very ancient Hebrew is...
Oh, hi there, hello.
Hello there. How are you.
-Hi. How are you. -That's English.
-Oh wait, wait. -You remember any Hebrew?
Very little.
I don't think I remember.
I must have forgot a great deal of it.
-I think you forgot it all. -Maybe all, yes.
Maybe all. Thousands of years since I needed it.
Now, sir, did you ever...
Did you ever have any formal job as we know it today?
Yeah, well, I was a manufacturer. I was owner.
What kind of a factory did you have?
I had a I used to make the star of David, Jew stars.
Making a little money?
Where's that? Yeah.
Soon as religion came in, I was one of the first in that.
I figured this was a good thing.
How did you make them? Did you have tools?
Well, we didn't have a lady.
I employed six men each with a point.
They used to run together in the middle of the factory
A great speed, it was huge.
They were making a star.
Yes. We would make two a day because of the many accidents.
Six men running and... you know.
Lots of accidents.
You never thought of going into anything else?
Oh, no, I had an offer once.
-It came to me. Simon. -What Simon asked you to do?
Said he had a new thing, a new item,
a winner, looks like a winning item.
That was gonna be a big seller is called a cross.
And I looked at it and I turned it over
and looked in all sides of it
and I said, it's simple. It's too simple.
I didn't know then. Element.
-I didn't know with such a -You turned him down?
and I said, I'm sorry, but I'm too busy.
See, I could have I could have fired four men,
two men run together, bang, that is a cross.
Would say that I would I would have earned
over a hundred dollars doing that crosses and everything.
Yes, certainly.
Do you have a few moments, sir?
What do you mean? Money or the time.
No, we have to cut way for messages now.
-Okay, let's do it. Is it in English? -Yes.
By the way, sir, are you married?
I have been married several hundred times.
-Several hundred times? -Yes.
You haven't, man. Do you remember all your wives?
-One I remember well. -Which one was that?
The five one, Shyla.
I remeber her well.
I'm afraid to ask the next question, you had many hundreds of wives...
-Hundreds and hundreds. -But how many children you have?
I have over forty two thousand children.
And not one comes to visit me.
It's awful, sir
well, sir, it's really you mean to say there isn't one daughter...
there's many daughters, but, but they
you know how they are, children.
Good luck to them, let them go.
I don't want listen, let them be happy as long they're happy
I don't care. But they could send a note
write how're you Pop how you're doing Pop
you know, they don't.
Sir... ahn, you must have known
some great men in your time, you did travel to...
I knew the greater and the near greater.
Can I ask you about some of these...
Certainly, I'll tell you the true
the true whether I knew or not.
For instance, people are people are
very interested in somebody like Joan of Arc.
A lot has been written about her, we read a lot...
Aah what a kiss.
You knew Joan of Arc?
I went for her, damn it, I went for her.
Nowhere in history do we know of Joan going with it anybody.
Well, they don't print everything.
You did marry her? No.
No. I didn't marry her because she was on a mission.
she used to say to me
she used to say to me, I've got to save France.
I should say I look.
I've got to wash up. You save France.
See you later after you save France. I'll wash up, you know.
-How did you... -Hold it, I... yet.
How did you feel about her being burned at the stake?
I didn't I didn't know.
Sir, how about some of the legendary characters
who supposedly might have existed?
For instance, Robin Hood.
-Did he...? -Oh, yeah. Lovely man.
Ran around in the forest.
Did he really steal from the rich and give to the poor?
No, he didn't.
He stole from everybody and kept everything.
Out of the legend?
Out of the legend let's bring up that
he had a fellow monk, hired a press agent
running all the paper and roll and scroll.
He takes from the rich and gives to the poor, who knew?
You knew you took such a knock in the head
when he robbed you wouldn't knock him down.
-In other words... -A tough guy.
I hate to have our legendary figures smashed
Well, I hate do smashing for you.
So much to discuss, for instance,
-somebody like William Shakespeare -Oh what a pussycat.
-You are saying that you knew -A pussycat.
You did know it, for instance
Oh, that little beard, that cute hair...
He was reputed,
I guess you are agreeing that he was the greatest writer of all times.
Oh no, hey, hold up he was small.
What you mean? You just said he was great.
-Oh boy!
-And I said he was great... -No sir.
A cute man and a pussycat.
William Shakespeare was not a great writer?
Not good writer at all.
He wrote 37 of the greatest.
Shakespeare was not a good writer, no.
He wrote 37 of the greatest.
Would you ever see the original the first folios?
You mean they were edited by someone else?
Never mind the edit, did you see the folios?
No, I never saw them. Did you see?
I saw that folios, your wanna see how they are?
A blast...
A 'm' you know that look like a 'D'
an 'M' didn't look like an 'M'
I know that is a 'V'
Every letter was cockeyed and crazy.
Don't tell me he was a good writer.
The worst printmanship I ever saw in my life.
What he did? He did as it was reputed,
he did write 37 of the greatest plays of...
-38! -I only know 37.
Would you care to look at this list sir?
These items are listed come down to the ages.
-You know one that should be there? -Yes.
What's that?
Queen Alexandra and Morris.
Is there any copy of this unexistent?
This is a play that I put invested money in.
Probably the only one that didn't come to light.
Come to light and closed in Egypt.
Sir, you remember...
you remember any of the dialogue of Queen Alexandra and Morris?
Queen Alexandra turn to Morris and said:
Oh, Morris. What could it have been that I have seen?
Is it not in my marrow or we not have one on ourselves?
And he would say to her:
What are you hollering?
What are you hollering?
-Sir, what... -Wake up the whole castle, you know.
Sir, what did you do 2000 years ago to entertain...
-Walk and wing. -I want to know wether...
-Were there comedians -Oh sure sure, we had.
You remember any of the... 2,000 years ago...
A matter of days, let me see.
I remember one comedian gave us some laughs
while we were hysterical.
Well, who is he? Some good laughs.
Murray the Nut. He gave us a laugh.
A tiger came in the cave one afternoon.
Soothed in uninvited naturally.
Nobody asked how a tiger did walk in.
Tiger came in and Murray, you know, the joker
the tumbling, you know, the Nut
jumps at and grabs the tiger by the tail
yahaa, yahaa, yahaa...
and the tiger turn around and ate him in a minute.
and we get histerical laughing and laughing.
Best joke we ever had.
Oh sir, that's not very funny.
That was all we have, our chaos then that was all we have.
Terrible, I would consider that...
Have to pass me out, Murray took the tiger.
-That was entertainment? -Yes.
I would consider that in the realm of tragedy rather than comedy.
It's a point of view, to me tragedy is... is
if I cut my finger, that's tragedy.
It clinch and I cry and I run around
and I go into Mount Sinai for a day and a half.
I'm very nervous about.
And to me comedy is if you walk into an open sewer
and die, I like that.
Comedy I say.
-My finger is important. -Yes
In the 2000 years you've lived, you've seen a lot of items.
What is the biggest change you've seen?
In two thousand years the greatest thing mankind ever devised
I think in my humble opinion is saran wrap.
You can put a sandwich in it.
You can look through it. You can touch
you can put over your face and fool around and everything.
It's so cool you could wrap up
-You would ate it? -I love it,
put three olives in it and put a little one.
can put ten sandwiches and make up this.
-Whatever you want, It's clean and it sticks with.
-You equate this with... -You can look right through.
You equate this with man's discovery of space?
That was good, that was good.
-Sir, we ah... -Yes, yes.
We have to take time out for message now.
Why do you have to take time out?
You take the message, I'll keep talking.
That was a good message.
Well, sir, if we don't have too much more time
but we all here would like to know your code.
Well, alright, is this it?
A farewell? -A farewell address.
Hello there. This is 2000 years talking to you
from the depths of back there when we was
now I'm still and they not and I just want to say
keep your smile on your face.
And stay out of a Ferrari
or any small Italian car.
stay out of them. I wanna tell you that it's been
it's been a wonderful two thousand years
and you've been a wonderful civilization
and it's been a thrill living for 2,000 years
and eat a nectarine, is the best food ever made.
submitted by cappy1223 to Jokes [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:31 Alexander-305 "Join the Bitunix Crypto Contest for a Chance to Win a Share of 100 USDT Prize Pool! 📢🔸"

Bitunix Crypto Contest 📢 🔸 10 lucky winners will share the 100 USDT Prize Pool! How to enter ⏬ 1️⃣ Decode the crypto terms 2️⃣ Follow @BitunixOfficial 3️⃣ Retweet using #BitunixCryptoContest & Tag 3 friends 🔸Hurry! Giveaway ends tomorrow at 8 pm GST. 🔸Winners will receive… #BTC #ETH #DOGE

submitted by Alexander-305 to BitunixCrypto [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:12 Dvizark Winner of the 'FREE Comic Page Commission'contest!

Winner of the 'FREE Comic Page Commission'contest! submitted by Dvizark to DvizarkComics [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:10 sillylossy SillyTavern 1.12.0

Important news

This is an incremental update over the 1.12.0-preview and includes several breaking changes.
View the Migration Guide for details on how to prepare for the update.
Also, several new features require having a modern web browser that supports CSS Nesting. If you experience visual glitches - update your browser and/or operating system to the latest available version.
External media in chats is now blocked by default. Enable it manually if required.




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submitted by sillylossy to SillyTavernAI [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:06 SurviverWarior ChatGPT User Bags 5 Ivys

Standardized Testing
Letters of Recommendation
Essay Summaries
College Results
I'm super grateful and happy with my decisions. I have committed to Princeton, and it definitely is the best fit for me. College results this year were very random, but I couldn’t be more thankful to get into the #1 undergraduate university. I was worried that since most of my application was MIT-related (Research, classes, Letters of Rec, Awards, Activities), other universities would think I was going there and reject me. College results were super random and stressful, but it worked out better than I could have ever imagined. It's funny how I got waitlisted and rejected from all my target schools (Vandy, UMich, USC) but then got into most of my reach schools.
Advice for Future Applicants:
Be authentic. There is no formula that gets you in. Sure, you have to do a couple of things like getting good grades and SAT scores and having some unique activities and awards, but especially for Top 10 schools, you just have to be unique and authentic. I didn't have any connections or background (like private school and college counselor) that provided me with opportunities. I was literally the first kid ever from my school to get into Princeton. I was authentic and hardworking, did stuff I enjoyed, and one thing led to another. I also spent a lot of time on essays and my application. 50% of the work is actually doing stuff, and the other 50% is showcasing it in your college application. Also, have balance in life. I had a lot of fun in high school and enjoyed the stuff I did. Live life with no regrets. Feel free to DM me.
submitted by SurviverWarior to collegeresults [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:58 strawbear_dog AJPW Art Contest (repost #1)

These art contests will be held monthly. This one is a kinda like a trial run for me to see if any rules need changed, or anything else.
A note: I will be entirely responsible for handling entries and keeping track of people, but me and a group of my friends will be working together to judge and choose winners. We are focusing on creativity and a display of effort rather than the ability or quality of an art piece.
------------------------------THEME--------------------------- THE THEME FOR THIS CONTEST IS.... FLOWERS.
Requirement: some sort of flower MUST be present somewhere in your artwork.
Your drawing can be dark and gloomy with pitch black roses... or it can be a puppy playing in a field of flowers in the sunlight! Go crazy! Be creative!
All people, upon submission of their art piece, will be entered into a masterpiece token giveaway! Winners of the giveaway will be chosen randomly, through usage of a wheel or similar method.
RULE 1: You may choose what program you use to create your artwork with. If you use a program other than AJ's art program, you will be required to submit progress pictures along with your entry.
RULE 2: If your artwork is found to be AI generated, traced, or stolen, you will be banned from any future contests I host.
RULE 3: You may only enter 1 art piece per contest.
RULE 4: Your Animal Jam account must be at least level 10. This is to prevent multiple entries from one person. This WILL be checked.
RULE 5: No inappropriate artwork is allowed.
Feel free to ask any questions
To sign up, just comment on this post+dm u/ARTCONTESTSUMBISSION using this format:
Your AJ User
What method you're using to create your art
Any questions you may have
submitted by strawbear_dog to playwild [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:35 Drakeishere_RUN The Year of the Dragon - Part 1 : 2014 Royal Rumble

26/01/2014 - WWE Royal Rumble
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Commentated by Jim Ross, JBL, and Michael Cole
We see some footage of superstars arriving to the arena today. The Authority arrive in a limousine; WWE Champion Randy Orton, Triple H, Stephanie McMahon, and Kane. Daniel Bryan is shown walking with Brie Bella. "The Animal" Batista shows up in a truck and flexes for the camera. The feed cuts and glitches out revealing a dark room with a empty rocking chair moving slowly. "We're here."
The iconic voice of Jim Ross welcomes us to the 2014 Royal Rumble as pyro erupts from the stage and the fans go wild. The Authority's music plays and the mood quickly shifts, the crowd rains down boo's. Here comes the WWE World Champion Randy Orton. Orton talks trash to some fans in the front row while Triple H, Stephanie McMahon, and Kane make their way out as well. Orton raises the title as HHH passes him a microphone. Orton is in a great mood tonight. He's got the night off and there will be 30 men all vying for a chance to get RKO'ed in the main event of Wrestlemania 30. The crowd chants, “Daniel Bryan” as Orton laughs and promises that Bryan doesn't stand a chance. If you want to win the Royal Rumble you have to be taller than these marks in the crowd, you can't be a front row wrestler like Daniel Bryan or CM Punk. The crowd breaks into a deafening “DANIEL BRYAN/CM PUNK!” chant as Orton highlights some of the past winners like himself, Triple H, and Batista. True superstars who all pass the airport test. Triple H takes the microphone and tells the fans to shut the hell up and respect greatness. The reason The Authority are out here is because they want an answer from Batista. Will The Animal join them, take the #30 spot, and win the Rumble to make the biggest Wrestlemania main event a reality? Batista's music hits and he gets a great reaction. First of all, Batista thanks the Pittsburgh fans and everyone in the WWE for welcoming him back with open arms. Batista has a ton of respect for Triple H and Orton after all those years in Evolution. They all shake hands and it looks like he's accepting the offer. Triple H tells Batista to make the right decision and do whats best for business. Batista gives the THUMBS UP! The Authority are all psyched up until.... Batista, who still has his thumb in the air, says "What's best for business.... is listening to these fans! Doing things the hard way, the same way he did it through his whole career. Batista didn't come back to be handed anything, he came back to prove he can still be The Animal. The man who beat Triple H in the main event of Wrestlemania.... The thumbs up is turned into a THUMBS DOWN! Kane charges at Batista but gets clotheslined! Randy Orton and Tripe H flee from the ring as The Animal delivers a Spinebuster to Kane and rattles the ropes! Triple H screams that Batista is going to regret this decision.....
A video package of the feud between Divas Champion AJ Lee and Mickie James is next. After AJ Lee defeated Naomi to retain her title on RAW, AJ declared she had no competition in the locker room. Cue the surprise return of Mickie James! Former psycho versus current psycho, legend versus future legend. They exchange verbal barbs over the next few weeks, with Mickie picking up some big wins and earning a title match. During a contract signing on the final RAW before the Royal Rumble, things finally turned physical and Mickie put AJ Lee through a table with a huge bulldog from the top rope! Everything comes to a head tonight with the championship on the line.
Tony Chimel lets us know that this contest is scheduled for one fall as Mickie James makes her entrance and gets emotional at the ovation from the audience in Pittsburgh. Divas Champion AJ Lee is next and she gets a mixed reaction; the fans love her but are definitely backing Mickie in this one.
AJ Lee (c) vs. Mickie James for the WWE Divas Championship
The match kicks off with AJ slapping Mickie across the face! James returns the favour and tackles AJ, raining down a flurry of punches. AJ Lee cowers into the corner but then takes advantage by slamming Mickie to the mat by her hair! AJ taunts Mickie and stomps her in the corner but when the champion charges, Mickie backdrops her over the ropes! Mickie hits a Thez Press from the apron and tosses AJ into the barricade!
They battle on the apron until AJ sends Mickie head first into the ringpost. Mickie seems genuinely hurt and the referee goes to check on her, allowing AJ to expose the turnbuckle on the opposite side of the ring. She shows no regard for her possibly injured challenger, ignoring the ref and dragging Mickie back into the centre of the ring. Out of nowhere, James nails the Mick Kick! AJ is down! 1-2-AJ gets her foot underneath the bottom rope! James goes for the Stratus-faction but AJ Lee launches her into the exposed turnbuckle! Mickie James is out cold! 1-2-3! AJ retains!
Result- AJ Lee wins by pinfall via exposed turnbuckle shot. (12:58)
The Royal Rumble tumbler is back! Stephanie McMahon is overseeing things as superstars enter to pick their spots in the Royal Rumble. We see Alberto Del Rio, Brodus Clay, and other superstars pick their numbers. Triple H and Paul Heyman in the background; they shake hands and it appears that HHH hands Heyman something before he walks off.
"The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes is here! He introduces his sons, the WWE World Tag Team Champions Cody Rhodes and Goldust! The champions hug their father and make their way to the ring for a Six Pack Challenge Elimination Match! After being on the wrong side of The Authority, The Rhodes Brothers have been put in quite the predicament as they look to retain their title's against all odds.
Cody Rhodes and Goldust (c) vs. The New Age Outlaws vs. The Prime Time Players vs. Truth & Consequences vs. Hunico and Camacho vs. The Uso's in a Six Pack Challenge Elimination Match for the WWE World Tag Team Championship
Everything breaks down right off the bat. Bodies are flying everywhere. The Uso's hit a pair of dives over the ropes onto a pile of opponents. Back in the ring Hunico and Camacho eat a pair of Superkicks. Uso Splash to Hunico! 1-2-3!
Jey Uso pins Hunico via Uso Splash (Hunico and Camacho are eliminated)
The Prime Time Players take their turn dominating. Titus hits a Sit-Out Spinebuster to Billy Gunn. Darren Young launches Road Dogg from the ring and dropkicks an incoming Jimmy Uso. Xavier Woods comes out of nowhere with a springboard DDT on Titus O'Neil! Darren Young gets hit with a spinning elbow from R-Truth! Woods and Truth connect with a double Scissor Kick on Titus for the 3 count.
R-Truth pins Titus O'Neil via Double Scissors Kick (The Prime Time Players are eliminated)
Road Dogg chopblocks R-Truth immediately and throws him into the ringpost. Woods gets some shots in on Dogg but turns around into a Fameasser from Billy Gunn! 1-2-3!
Billy Gunn pins Xavier Woods via Fameasser (Truth & Consequences are eliminated)
Road Dogg grabs one of the tag title belts and brings it in the ring. The referee tries to stop him but Billy warns the referee that Triple H will fire him if he gets in their way. Billy holds Goldust as Road Dogg charges with the title ---- Goldust low blows Billy Gunn and ducks; Road Dogg knocks out Billy Gunn with the title belt! Cody Rhodes grabs Road Dogg and hits the Cross Rhodes!
Cody Rhodes pins Billy Gunn via Cross Rhodes (The New Age Outlaws are eliminated)
We are down to two teams. The Rhodes Brothers and The Uso's. The teams gather themselves in opposite corners as the crowd swells to a fever pitch. All four slug it out in the middle. Double Superkick to Goldust sends him to the floor. Cody hits the Bionic Elbow to Jimmy! Alabama Slam to Jey! Cody is all fired up! Cody goes for the Cross Rhodes but nearly gets pinned on a roll up. Double Superkick to Cody! Both The Uso's climb to the top rope but Goldust comes back in and drops Jimmy right on his yambags! Goldust meets Jey on the other side and delivers a giant superplex! BUT JIMMY RECOVERS AND FLIES OFF THE TOP! USO SPLASH TO GOLDUST! 1-2-CODY BREAKS UP THE PIN! Cody hits a Disaster Kick to Jimmy but gets Superkicked by Jey! With his last gasp of energy, Goldust nails Jey with the Final Cut! 1-2-3! Cody and Goldust retain!
Goldust pins Jey Uso via The Final Cut
Result- Cody Rhodes and Goldust retain the WWE World Tag Team Championship. (15:59)
CM Punk is taping his wrists in the locker room when Corporate Kane approaches with a bunch of security. Punk stands up ready to defend himself. But Kane tells him to calm down. He's here with a gift from The Authority. Kane hands Punk a Rumble number from the tumbler and tells him on behalf of The Authority, they wish him luck tonight. Kane leaves as punk opens the ball and shakes his head.
A video package showcases the rivalry between the United States Champion Dean Ambrose and Rob Van Dam. After RVD became # 1 Contender, The Shield brutalized him in a 3 on 1 beatdown. The next week, Rob Van Dam attacked Ambrose with a steel chair and delivered a devastating Van Daminator. Ambrose got busted open but the blood seemed to turn him into some kind of maniac. A bloodied Ambrose cut an iconically intense promo backstage in the boiler room where he challenged RVD to a Hardcore match at the Royal Rumble. Rob Van Dam accepted and began to tap into his hardcore style, even going as far as to bring back his old friend Sabu to help him fend off repeated attacks by The Shield. Tonight this rivalry concludes in a Hardcore match for the US Championship.
Dean Ambrose (c) vs. Rob Van Dam for the United States Championship in a Hardcore Match
Van Dam starts off hot with a barrage of kicks to Ambrose. RVD hits his signature barricade legdrop from the apron! He pulls out a kendo stick and starts unloading on the champion. Ambrose stops the beating by raking RVD's eyes and then snapping the kendo stick in half. Ambrose goes berserk, stabbing RVD with the sharp part of the broken kendo stick repeatedly in the corner as JR tells the TV audience to put their kids to bed because "this match is going to be bowling shoe ugly folks". Van Dam slides out of the ring and we see he's bleeding profusely. Ambrose stalks his prey on the outside but RVD tosses a steel chair full speed at his head! RVD goes under the ring and grabs a couple of trash cans and a lid. He smashes Ambrose over the head with the lid and throws him in the ring. RVD sets up a table on the outside but is momentarily distracted, trying to wipe the blood out of his eyes which allows Ambrose to crush one of the trash cans over Van Dam's head. Like a shark that smells blood in the water, Ambrose pounces on RVD and unloads punches to his open cut. The referee pulls him off and checks on RVD. But Ambrose is not done. Far from it. He goes under the ring and grabs a barbed wired baseball bat! As he gets in the ring, RVD kicks the barbed wired bat into Ambrose's face! Spike DDT! Van Dam puts a trash can over Ambrose's head and props him in the corner. VAN TERMINATOR WITH A STEEL CHAIR INTO THE TRASH CAN! RVD slowly drapes his arm over Ambrose. 1-2-Dean somehow kicks out! They exchange punches in the middle of the ring until Ambrose bites RVD's bloody head!!! RVD punches Ambrose just to get him off of him but Dean rebounds with a lariat that turns RVD inside out! Instead of going for the pin, Ambrose picks up the barbed wired baseball bat and smashes RVD in the back repeatedly! Van Dam rolls to the apron but Ambrose follows him and starts grinding the barbed wire in RVD's face! Using the pure adrenaline of survival instinct, RVD reverses into a suplex over the ropes, sending he and Ambrose crashing through the table on the outside!
The fans chant "Holy shit!" as the announcers question how much more these guys, specifically RVD, can take. RVD is first to his feet and throws Ambrose in the ring. RVD climbs to the top rope but Ambrose hits the ropes and causes him to lose balance. He tosses RVD off the top rope onto a trash can! Ambrose goes under the ring and grabs a bag..... The referee tries to stop him but Ambrose shoves him to the ground and empties the contents all over the ring ---- IT'S THUMBTACKS! He turns around and catches a steel chair hurled at him by RVD! VAN TERMINATOR! Ambrose falls into the tacks! RVD goes up top! FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH INTO THE TACKS! "BY GAWD!" Cover! 1-2-Ambrose kicks out by shoving a handful of tacks into RVD's face! Van Dam screams in pain as a now bloody Ambrose pulls himself to his feet and smiles. DIRTY DEEDS ON THE TACKS! 1-2-3!
Result- Dean Ambrose wins by pinfall via Dirty Deeds onto thumbtacks! (22:22)
Rob Van Dam is taken out on a stretcher as Dean Ambrose sits bloodied in the corner, with thumbtacks all over him and the United States Title over his shoulder, admiring his work.
Writer's Note: This match writes RVD out for the foreseeable future to give him a well deserved break. Ambrose is put over as a sadistic, hardcore, psycho path on RVD's way out.
We cut backstage where Mark Henry and The Big Show are picking their numbers. Stephanie McMahon plays nice with the legendary giants, telling them that there are always advantages to helping The Authority. Mark Henry laughs her off and walks out but Big Show appears to contemplate her words. Daniel Bryan walks in and has a face off with Triple H. Bryan wants to pick his Rumble number but HHH tells him there's only one ball left. He teases not giving it to him but places it in his hands. Bryan opens it, shakes his head and smiles, saying he wouldn't expect anything less from The Authority.
A video package on the history of the Royal Rumble match is next, highlighting past winners, elimination records, and obscure statistics. Ladies and gentlemen. We promised you a great main event.
Main Event- 30 Man Royal Rumble Match
1. Daniel Bryan
2. CM Punk
The two heroes of our story; enemies of The Authority that have been given the insurmountable task of winning from the opening spots if they want to main event Wrestlemania. They slug it out and the fans love every second of it.
3. Big E Langston
The Intercontinental Champion gets a chance to showcase his abilities in full spotlight. He tosses Bryan and Punk around much to the chagrin of the crowd. Punk and Bryan team up to stop the onslaught and slow the big man down.
4. Mark Henry
The World's Strongest Man double clotheslines Punk and Bryan before squaring up with Big E. The two meaty men begin slappin' meat until Henry squashes the IC Champion in the corner and takes advantage.
5. Alexander Rusev
The Bulgarian Brute from NXT goes nose to nose with Mark Henry. Rusev kicks Henry in the head and then charges full speed, clobbering him and sending Mark crashing from the ring for our first official elimination of the night!
Alexander Rusev eliminates Mark Henry
6. Evan Bourne
Bourne quickens the pace of the match and hits a barrage of high flying moves until he meets the brick wall known as Rusev. Rusev gets Bourne in a precarious position and clotheslines him so hard that he takes a nasty backflip bump off the apron ala Paul London 2005.
Alexander Rusev eliminates Evan Bourne
Rusev turns around and realizes he's surrounded by Bryan, Punk, and Big E! He fights valiantly but it's no use. YES+ Knee by Bryan! Rusev is rocked but still standing! GTS by Punk! Rusev is STILL somehow on his feet but falls back against the ropes ..... A clothesline from Big E sends Rusev over the ropes for another elimination!
Big E Langston eliminates Alexander Rusev
7. Alberto Del Rio w/Ricardo Rodriguez
As a former World Champion and Royal Rumble winner, Del Rio has to be considered dangerous in this match. He hits a nasty double foot stomp on Big E and trash talks the fans as they boo him out of the building. Bryan and Punk hit a Hart Attack on Del Rio to a massive pop!
8. Kevin Nash
It looks like The Authority have a couple of tricks up their sleeve tonight. Nash immediately targets Punk and Bryan, savouring the boo's from the audience. Meanwhile, Big E nearly has Del Rio eliminated until Rodriguez hops on the apron and allows Del Rio to get the advantage by jamming him thumb in Big E's eye! Del Rio kicks Big E in the face and eliminates the Intercontinental Champion!
Alberto Del Rio eliminates Big E Langston
Del Rio and Nash team up to beat down Punk and Bryan.
9. John Cena
Business is about to pick up! Cena hits the ring and takes the fight to Del Rio and Nash! AA to Del Rio! Nash immediately takes Cena down with a big boot and mocks the fans, pretending to cry. Jackknife Powerbomb to Cena! Nash tosses Punk over the ropes but Punk skins the cat and starts kicking Nash in his surgically repaired knee's.
10. Big Show
Nash throws Punk into the ring post and has a face off with The World's Largest Athlete. Nash extends his hand, wondering if Show is going to take The Authority up on their offer. Big Show teases joining him --- psych! Knockout Punch by Big Show! Nash crumples to the mat. The fans love it as Big Show gets hyped up and then starts chopping Del Rio in the corner.
11. X-Pac
Another surprise return! But is this another legend doing the bidding of The Authority? Pac does some crotch chops and gets a good reaction as he fist bumps The Big Show and hits a Bronco Buster to Del Rio! But X-Pac cannot be trusted as he kicks Big Show right in the family jewels! Kevin Nash pulls himself to his feet and two sweets X-Pac! Nash goes to stomping on The Big Show as Pac charges for a Bronco Buster on Punk ---- Cena takes X-Pac's head off with a clothesline and then AA's him from the ring!
John Cena eliminates X-Pac
Cena, Punk, and Bryan all attack Kevin Nash and buy enough time for Big Show to recover. Show grabs Nash by the throat and pushes him back over the ropes!
Big Show eliminates Kevin Nash
Show, Cena, Punk, Bryan, and Del Rio all fight and try to eliminate each other as the buzzer sounds for the next entrant.
12. Bray Wyatt
The mood has shifted in the arena! Bray Wyatt comes in like an absolute killer, wrecking everyone in his path. Sister Abigail to CM Punk! Daniel Bryan is the last one standing and the crowd breaks out into thunderous "YES!" chants as Bryan and Wyatt exchange stiff slaps and beat the piss out of each other!
13. Erick Rowan
A coincidence or the puppet strings of The Authority? The Wyatt Family now has two members and begin to dominate. Big Show grabs their throats but Rowan breaks free with several headbutts! Big Show slumps back against the ropes --- Wyatt and Rowan dump him to the floor!
Bray Wyatt and Erick Rowan eliminate Big Show
Wyatt sits in the corner moving his hands like a orchestra conductor as Rowan chokes Daniel Bryan on the opposite side of the ring. Del Rio tries to eliminate John Cena.
14. Brodus Clay
The Funkasaurus is in no dancing mood, he knows how serious this opportunity is and he also knows what he's up against. As soon as he slides in the ring, Wyatt and Rowan put the boots to him. Clay fights back but it's no use. It's Wyatt Family domination as Bray hits a Sister Abigail and then Rowan throws the big man over the ropes.
Erick Rowan eliminates Brodus Clay
CM Punk is Bray Wyatt's next target but he fights for his life and hits a big roundhouse kick to Rowan! Bray has to fend for himself and he smiles, it's time to dance!
15. Kofi Kingston
Kingston is a house of fire, flying all over the ring. SOS to Bray Wyatt! Trouble in Paradise to Del Rio! Kingston springboards off the ropes but gets caught by Erick Rowan! Rowan press slams Kofi to the outside ---- Kofi lands on the barricade! He trust falls back into the crowd and they surf him around as the arena breaks out into huge "KOFI!" chants.
16. Santino Marella
Santino breaks out THE COBRA! Wyatt does the creepy spider walk which freaks Santino out ---- he eliminates himself and walks to the back!
Santino Marella eliminates himself
17. Ezekiel Jackson
As Jackson walks down to the ring, the crowd bring Kofi back to the barricade and he hops to the apron! Bray Wyatt launches himself into Kofi, sending him flying into in the arms of Ezekiel Jackson! Kofi is all pumped up at avoiding elimination twice but Jackson bodyslams Kofi on the floor! Kofi is now out and Big Zeke has his first elimination before he even gets in the ring!
Ezekiel Jackson eliminates Kofi Kingston
Jackson joins the match and exchanges some shoulder blocks with Erick Rowan. Bray Wyatt continues to brawl with Daniel Bryan while John Cena fights Del Rio.
18. Christian
Captain Charisma joins the match and finds himself squaring off with his old rival Ezekiel Jackson. Jackson gets him up for a Powerslam but Christian fights out and hits the Killswitch! Christian then ducks a Bray Wyatt clothesline and hits a Spear! Del Rio cheapshots Christian and tells the fans to shut up as he chokes Captain Charisma in the corner.
19. Chris Jericho
Y2J makes quite the entrance with a boatload of pyro. Jericho slaps Del Rio and locks in the Walls of Jericho! The ring begins to fill up now as strategy changes this late into the match; nobody wants to risk elimination at this point.
20. The Boogeyman
JBL gets real quiet all of a sudden as the legend crawls out and smashes a clock on his head! Boogeyman gets in the ring and begins eating a handful of worms! This gets Bray Wyatt's attention and the two spooky guys have a staredown. The Eater of Worlds vs. The Eater of Worms. Boogeyman sets Wyatt up for the Pumphandle Slam but Erick Rowan boots him in the head and then tosses him from the ring!
Erick Rowan eliminates The Boogeyman
21. Fandango w/Summer Rae
As Fandango dances his way to the ring, Christian and Jericho team up to eliminate Ezekiel Jackson.
Christian and Chris Jericho eliminate Ezekiel Jackson
Fandango sets his sights on Jericho and shows a more vicious side of himself, stomping Y2J relentlessly. Bray Wyatt and Erick Rowan try to eliminate Christian.
22. Luke Harper
The Wyatt Family is now at full strength. They dominate the field and Luke Harper clotheslines Fandango off the apron!
Luke Harper eliminates Fandango
Bray instructs them to eliminate Bryan but Punk and Cena have something to say about that.
23. Bad News Barrett
As Barrett picks the most opportune time to enter, The Wyatt Family gang up on Christian and Bray Wyatt tosses him out!
Bray Wyatt eliminates Christian
Chris Jericho puts up a fight, nailing Rowan with a Codebreaker! The numbers game is still in The Wyatt Family's favour --- Harper decapitates Y2J with a clothesline, and Wyatt eliminates him as well!
Bray Wyatt eliminates Chris Jericho
The clock begins to countdown so Barrett is forced to roll in the ring and Harper attacks him.
24. Shelton Benjamin
AIN'T NO STOPPIN' ME, NOOOO! The Gold Standard makes his return to WWE and gets a nice ovation from the Pittsburgh crowd. He single handedly ends The Wyatt Family's domination by diving onto all three of them! As Bray Wyatt scurries to his feet, Shelton greets him with a T-Bone Suplex! Erick Rowan charges full speed at Daniel Bryan but Bryan avoids him by pulling the rope down and Rowan crashes to the floor!
Daniel Bryan eliminates Erick Rowan
Rowan is pissed and starts dismantling the announce table until the referee's force him to leave. The ring is full of superstars with full intentions of headlining Wrestlemania. Bryan and Punk are spent. Cena too. Del Rio hides in the corner to stay alive. Shelton battles it out with Barrett and Harper. Wyatt pulls himself to his feet.
25. Batista
THE ANIMAL IS HERE! Batista is a one man wrecking crew. Spinebuster to Luke Harper! Batista Bomb to Barrett! Del Rio sneaks up and attempts to toss Batista out but The Animal reverses his momentum and eliminates Del Rio!
Batista eliminates Alberto Del Rio
Batista and Bray Wyatt lock eyes. Wyatt loves it and yells "Show me that Animal, David!" Batista crushes him with a Spear and then finds himself face to face with John Cena. Cena is much more exhausted and ends up getting Spinebustered for his troubles.
26. Roman Reigns
The powerhouse of The Shield enters the ring with bad intentions; Spear to Shelton Benjamin! Superman Punch to Daniel Bryan! Reigns and Batista do battle until Wyatt and Harper attack them ---- Batista and Reigns hit a pair of Spears to The Wyatt Family!
27. Dolph Ziggler
Ziggler comes down with a microphone and tells everyone in the ring that this is his year. Number 27 is the most coveted position as more people have won the Rumble from this spot than any other. He smashes Batista with the microphone and unloads punches on The Animal! Dolph with a Superkick to Barrett and a Zig Zag to John Cena! 10 superstars are left in the ring with 3 more to make their entrance.
28. Seth Rollins
The Architect of The Shield is here and he joins Roman Reigns as they go face to face with Wyatt and Harper! Electricity in the air folks! Things break down; Bray and Roman fight in the corner as Harper drops Rollins with a clothesline! John Cena hoists Luke Harper up and sends him to the floor with an AA!
John Cena eliminates Luke Harper
Bad News Barrett sneaks up and dumps Cena from the ring! John Cena is eliminated! Revenge for The Nexus at last!
Bad News Barrett eliminates John Cena
29. Sheamus
The Celtic Warrior imediately Brogue Kicks Shelton off the apron!
Sheamus eliminates Shelton Benjamin
Everyone fights as the clock counts down for our final entrant.
30. Brock Lesnar w/Paul Heyman
Now we know what Triple H gifted Paul Heyman earlier! The Beast enters the ring and F5's Bad News Barrett to the floor!
Brock Lesnar eliminates Bad News Barrett
Dolph Ziggler jumps on Brock's back and tries to choke him out but Lesnar reverses into an F5 position! Lesnar sends Dolph flying over the ropes!
Brock Lesnar eliminates Dolph Ziggler
Lesnar now targets Batista and hits a series of shoulder blocks in the corner. He picks The Animal up for an F5 but Batista fights out and clotheslines Brock out of the ring!!!
Batista eliminates Brock Lesnar
Brock is in shock along with the announcers and everyone in the arena. He starts pacing around the ring as Batista sets Bray Wyatt up for a Batista Bomb. Lesnar shoves the referee to the ground and slides back in the ring, tossing Batista out!
Brock Lesnar eliminates Batista
Lesnar smashes Batista with the steel steps and then F5's The Animal through the announce table! We're down to five as Rollins and Punk fight on the apron until Punk hits a GTS! Rollins crumbles unconscious to the floor!
CM Punk eliminates Seth Rollins
The final four of the 2014 Royal Rumble: CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, Bray Wyatt, and Roman Reigns. Punk and Bryan entered at number 1 and 2. Incredible accomplishment for them. Roman Reigns Spears Daniel Bryan and then sidesteps Bray Wyatt, sending him flying from the ring!
Roman Reigns eliminates Bray Wyatt
CM Punk hits a GTS on Reigns and all three men are down. Triple H walks down to the ring and rips his jacket off. Kane follows behind him. Punk pulls himself to his feet as tells them to bring it. Randy Orton RKO's CM Punk out of nowhere! The WWE Champion soaks in the boo's as he and Kane throw CM Punk out! "This is bullshit" yells the fans and JR agrees!
Randy Orton and Kane eliminate CM Punk
Triple H smiles and grabs the sledgehammer. Orton and Kane hold Daniel Bryan as HHH charges with the hammer ---- Roman Reigns Spears Triple H! CM Punk pulls Orton from the ring and they brawl into the crowd! Daniel Bryan takes Kane out with the YES+ Knee! With everyone out of the equation, Reigns and Bryan get three minutes of back and forth action, a proper finish to the Rumble. Reigns gets locked in a triangle choke but shows tremendous strength, lifting Bryan up and over the ropes! Bryan holds onto Roman and drags him over with him! They battle on the apron until Bryan viciously kicks Roman in the head! Reigns falls to the floor! Daniel Bryan wins the 2014 Royal Rumble!
Daniel Bryan eliminates Roman Reigns
Winner of the 2014 Royal Rumble: Daniel Bryan
Fireworks explode as Daniel Bryan leads the fans in a YES chant and points at the Wrestlemania sign.
submitted by Drakeishere_RUN to fantasybooking [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:08 KookachuSeagull_07 What's the Sexiest K-pop song that starts with the letter 'G'?

Hii guys... I'm extremely sorry regarding the matter with the previous post, I should've thought more about it. Anyways, since it is pretty obvious, the winner of the letter F is FEVER by ENHYPEN (one of their best ones tbh)
Honorary mentions are Fast Pace by SEVENTEEN, First Love by After School and Fear by SEVENTEEN.
Now, get down to the hottest songs of G!!!!
submitted by KookachuSeagull_07 to kpoppers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:52 LetterGrouchy6053 On the inevitability of Justice.

With unmatched arrogance they thought they could nullify the legitimate votes of eighty-seven million Americans, overthrow our government and install a despotic tyrant in the White House. With complete disregard for the will of the people this cadre of criminals. political opportunists, and power-seeking megalomaniacs thought they could undo over two hundred and fifty years of democracy, shred the Constitution rescind civil rights, and with Mafia-like tactics bring our country to its knees.
If the Chinese, the Iranians, the North Koreans, or Russians attempted such a thing the nation would rise up and tear them to shreds; and that is just what the law enforcement agencies in seven states (With more coming) have done.
Each of these seditionists. traitors, and internal terrorists have been indicted and will be tried for this, the vilest of crimes, and will suffer long prison sentences for the lowest of crimes known to man. There exist a list of felonies for which they must answer, a list too long to enumerate here, but one that will illuminate just how despicable they are and will stain the names of their families for generations to come.
They thought they were smarter than us, thought we would roll over in fear of their power and influence, but that isn't what Americans are made of. Too many of our ancestors paid the ultimate price to ensure our freedoms and no cabal of smarmy thugs will ever waltz in and deny us what's been paid for by so many heroes.
There is an ultimate price for treason and with God's grace the worst of all will pay it at the end of a rope!
It starts here -- see below. Italics mine.
A lawyer who was the architect of a plan to subvert the 2020 election and return Donald Trump to the White House denied all charges against him when he appeared in an Arizona court Friday. John Eastman is the first of 18 people charged in the battleground state to appear in court over the scheme to empanel fake electors to support their favored candidate. Others include Trump's former personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, one-time Trump White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, attorney Jenna Ellis and campaign adviser Boris Epshteyn.
Eastman on Friday entered not guilty pleas to nine counts including conspiracy, forgery, and fraud.
If he is convicted at a trial currently set for October, the crimes could entail prison time. Eastman told reporters outside court that the charges should never have been brought. "I had zero communications with any of the electors in Arizona," he said. "Zero involvement with any of the litigation or the legislative hearings in Arizona. We will proceed to trial, and I'm confident, if the law is faithfully applied, I will be fully exonerated." A US Congressional committee examining the events leading up to the January 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol recorded that Eastman was the author of memos claiming that then-vice president Mike Pence could refuse to count electoral votes from certain states, thereby preventing Congress from certifying the results.
Democrat Joe Biden won Arizona, a critical election battleground, by just over 10,000 votes, but many Republican Party officials insisted -- without evidence -- that there had been fraud and that Trump had been the real winner.
Under the US electoral college system, each state appoints electors to represent the candidate who won the most votes in the presidential poll. Those electors sign official documents that are sent to Congress; these documents are tallied, and the winner is the person with the most electoral college votes. Despite Trump's loss in Arizona, his representatives nonetheless signed documents saying he had won.
When Congress reconvened after the violent attacks on January 6, it ultimately ignored Arizona's fake electors and certified the genuine results, officially sending Biden to the White House. Arizona is the fourth state to seek charges against people who tried to form an alternative slate of electors, after Michigan, Georgia, and Nevada. Meadows, Giuliani, Ellis, and Eastman have all been charged in Georgia, alongside Trump in what is probably the most explosive of the four criminal trials he faces. As a swing state and something of a ground zero for election conspiracy theories peddled by rightwing Republicans, Arizona is once again expected to be closely contested this November when Americans head to the polls.
submitted by LetterGrouchy6053 to truthtellerinaction [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:49 LetterGrouchy6053 On the inevitability of Justice.

With unmatched arrogance they thought they could nullify the legitimate votes of eighty-seven million Americans, overthrow our government and install a despotic tyrant in the White House. With complete disregard for the will of the people this cadre of criminals. political opportunists, and power-seeking megalomaniacs thought they could undo over two hundred and fifty years of democracy, shred the Constitution rescind civil rights, and with Mafia-like tactics bring our country to its knees.
If the Chinese, the Iranians, the North Koreans, or Russians attempted such a thing the nation would rise up and tear them to shreds; and that is just what the law enforcement agencies in seven states (With more coming) have done.
Each of these seditionists. traitors, and internal terrorists have been indicted and will be tried for this, the vilest of crimes, and will suffer long prison sentences for the lowest of crimes known to man. There exist a list of felonies for which they must answer, a list too long to enumerate here, but one that will illuminate just how despicable they are and will stain the names of their families for generations to come.
They thought they were smarter than us, thought we would roll over in fear of their power and influence, but that isn't what Americans are made of. Too many of our ancestors paid the ultimate price to ensure our freedoms and no cabal of smarmy thugs will ever waltz in and deny us what's been paid for by so many heroes.
There is an ultimate price for treason and with God's grace the worst of all will pay it at the end of a rope!
It starts here -- see below. Italics mine.
A lawyer who was the architect of a plan to subvert the 2020 election and return Donald Trump to the White House denied all charges against him when he appeared in an Arizona court Friday. John Eastman is the first of 18 people charged in the battleground state to appear in court over the scheme to empanel fake electors to support their favored candidate. Others include Trump's former personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, one-time Trump White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, attorney Jenna Ellis and campaign adviser Boris Epshteyn.
Eastman on Friday entered not guilty pleas to nine counts including conspiracy, forgery, and fraud.
If he is convicted at a trial currently set for October, the crimes could entail prison time. Eastman told reporters outside court that the charges should never have been brought. "I had zero communications with any of the electors in Arizona," he said. "Zero involvement with any of the litigation or the legislative hearings in Arizona. We will proceed to trial, and I'm confident, if the law is faithfully applied, I will be fully exonerated." A US Congressional committee examining the events leading up to the January 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol recorded that Eastman was the author of memos claiming that then-vice president Mike Pence could refuse to count electoral votes from certain states, thereby preventing Congress from certifying the results.
Democrat Joe Biden won Arizona, a critical election battleground, by just over 10,000 votes, but many Republican Party officials insisted -- without evidence -- that there had been fraud and that Trump had been the real winner.
Under the US electoral college system, each state appoints electors to represent the candidate who won the most votes in the presidential poll. Those electors sign official documents that are sent to Congress; these documents are tallied, and the winner is the person with the most electoral college votes. Despite Trump's loss in Arizona, his representatives nonetheless signed documents saying he had won.
When Congress reconvened after the violent attacks on January 6, it ultimately ignored Arizona's fake electors and certified the genuine results, officially sending Biden to the White House. Arizona is the fourth state to seek charges against people who tried to form an alternative slate of electors, after Michigan, Georgia, and Nevada. Meadows, Giuliani, Ellis, and Eastman have all been charged in Georgia, alongside Trump in what is probably the most explosive of the four criminal trials he faces. As a swing state and something of a ground zero for election conspiracy theories peddled by rightwing Republicans, Arizona is once again expected to be closely contested this November when Americans head to the polls.
submitted by LetterGrouchy6053 to esist [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:47 LetterGrouchy6053 On the inevitability of Justice.

With unmatched arrogance they thought they could nullify the legitimate votes of eighty-seven million Americans, overthrow our government and install a despotic tyrant in the White House. With complete disregard for the will of the people this cadre of criminals. political opportunists, and power-seeking megalomaniacs thought they could undo over two hundred and fifty years of democracy, shred the Constitution rescind civil rights, and with Mafia-like tactics bring our country to its knees.
If the Chinese, the Iranians, the North Koreans, or Russians attempted such a thing the nation would rise up and tear them to shreds; and that is just what the law enforcement agencies in seven states (With more coming) have done.
Each of these seditionists. traitors, and internal terrorists have been indicted and will be tried for this, the vilest of crimes, and will suffer long prison sentences for the lowest of crimes known to man. There exist a list of felonies for which they must answer, a list too long to enumerate here, but one that will illuminate just how despicable they are and will stain the names of their families for generations to come.
They thought they were smarter than us, thought we would roll over in fear of their power and influence, but that isn't what Americans are made of. Too many of our ancestors paid the ultimate price to ensure our freedoms and no cabal of smarmy thugs will ever waltz in and deny us what's been paid for by so many heroes.
There is an ultimate price for treason and with God's grace the worst of all will pay it at the end of a rope!
It starts here -- see below. Italics mine.
A lawyer who was the architect of a plan to subvert the 2020 election and return Donald Trump to the White House denied all charges against him when he appeared in an Arizona court Friday. John Eastman is the first of 18 people charged in the battleground state to appear in court over the scheme to empanel fake electors to support their favored candidate. Others include Trump's former personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, one-time Trump White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, attorney Jenna Ellis and campaign adviser Boris Epshteyn.
Eastman on Friday entered not guilty pleas to nine counts including conspiracy, forgery, and fraud.
If he is convicted at a trial currently set for October, the crimes could entail prison time. Eastman told reporters outside court that the charges should never have been brought. "I had zero communications with any of the electors in Arizona," he said. "Zero involvement with any of the litigation or the legislative hearings in Arizona. We will proceed to trial, and I'm confident, if the law is faithfully applied, I will be fully exonerated." A US Congressional committee examining the events leading up to the January 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol recorded that Eastman was the author of memos claiming that then-vice president Mike Pence could refuse to count electoral votes from certain states, thereby preventing Congress from certifying the results.
Democrat Joe Biden won Arizona, a critical election battleground, by just over 10,000 votes, but many Republican Party officials insisted -- without evidence -- that there had been fraud and that Trump had been the real winner.
Under the US electoral college system, each state appoints electors to represent the candidate who won the most votes in the presidential poll. Those electors sign official documents that are sent to Congress; these documents are tallied, and the winner is the person with the most electoral college votes. Despite Trump's loss in Arizona, his representatives nonetheless signed documents saying he had won.
When Congress reconvened after the violent attacks on January 6, it ultimately ignored Arizona's fake electors and certified the genuine results, officially sending Biden to the White House. Arizona is the fourth state to seek charges against people who tried to form an alternative slate of electors, after Michigan, Georgia, and Nevada. Meadows, Giuliani, Ellis, and Eastman have all been charged in Georgia, alongside Trump in what is probably the most explosive of the four criminal trials he faces. As a swing state and something of a ground zero for election conspiracy theories peddled by rightwing Republicans, Arizona is once again expected to be closely contested this November when Americans head to the polls.
submitted by LetterGrouchy6053 to Trumpvirus [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:45 LetterGrouchy6053 On the inevitability of Justice.

With unmatched arrogance they thought they could nullify the legitimate votes of eighty-seven million Americans, overthrow our government and install a despotic tyrant in the White House. With complete disregard for the will of the people this cadre of criminals. political opportunists, and power-seeking megalomaniacs thought they could undo over two hundred and fifty years of democracy, shred the Constitution rescind civil rights, and with Mafia-like tactics bring our country to its knees.
If the Chinese, the Iranians, the North Koreans, or Russians attempted such a thing the nation would rise up and tear them to shreds; and that is just what the law enforcement agencies in seven states (With more coming) have done.
Each of these seditionists. traitors, and internal terrorists have been indicted and will be tried for this, the vilest of crimes, and will suffer long prison sentences for the lowest of crimes known to man. There exist a list of felonies for which they must answer, a list too long to enumerate here, but one that will illuminate just how despicable they are and will stain the names of their families for generations to come.
They thought they were smarter than us, thought we would roll over in fear of their power and influence, but that isn't what Americans are made of. Too many of our ancestors paid the ultimate price to ensure our freedoms and no cabal of smarmy thugs will ever waltz in and deny us what's been paid for by so many heroes.
There is an ultimate price for treason and with God's grace the worst of all will pay it at the end of a rope!
It starts here -- see below. Italics mine.
A lawyer who was the architect of a plan to subvert the 2020 election and return Donald Trump to the White House denied all charges against him when he appeared in an Arizona court Friday. John Eastman is the first of 18 people charged in the battleground state to appear in court over the scheme to empanel fake electors to support their favored candidate. Others include Trump's former personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, one-time Trump White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, attorney Jenna Ellis and campaign adviser Boris Epshteyn.
Eastman on Friday entered not guilty pleas to nine counts including conspiracy, forgery, and fraud.
If he is convicted at a trial currently set for October, the crimes could entail prison time. Eastman told reporters outside court that the charges should never have been brought. "I had zero communications with any of the electors in Arizona," he said. "Zero involvement with any of the litigation or the legislative hearings in Arizona. We will proceed to trial, and I'm confident, if the law is faithfully applied, I will be fully exonerated." A US Congressional committee examining the events leading up to the January 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol recorded that Eastman was the author of memos claiming that then-vice president Mike Pence could refuse to count electoral votes from certain states, thereby preventing Congress from certifying the results.
Democrat Joe Biden won Arizona, a critical election battleground, by just over 10,000 votes, but many Republican Party officials insisted -- without evidence -- that there had been fraud and that Trump had been the real winner.
Under the US electoral college system, each state appoints electors to represent the candidate who won the most votes in the presidential poll. Those electors sign official documents that are sent to Congress; these documents are tallied, and the winner is the person with the most electoral college votes. Despite Trump's loss in Arizona, his representatives nonetheless signed documents saying he had won.
When Congress reconvened after the violent attacks on January 6, it ultimately ignored Arizona's fake electors and certified the genuine results, officially sending Biden to the White House. Arizona is the fourth state to seek charges against people who tried to form an alternative slate of electors, after Michigan, Georgia, and Nevada. Meadows, Giuliani, Ellis, and Eastman have all been charged in Georgia, alongside Trump in what is probably the most explosive of the four criminal trials he faces. As a swing state and something of a ground zero for election conspiracy theories peddled by rightwing Republicans, Arizona is once again expected to be closely contested this November when Americans head to the polls.
submitted by LetterGrouchy6053 to MAGAs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:44 LetterGrouchy6053 On the inevitability of Justice.

With unmatched arrogance they thought they could nullify the legitimate votes of eighty-seven million Americans, overthrow our government and install a despotic tyrant in the White House. With complete disregard for the will of the people this cadre of criminals. political opportunists, and power-seeking megalomaniacs thought they could undo over two hundred and fifty years of democracy, shred the Constitution rescind civil rights, and with Mafia-like tactics bring our country to its knees.
If the Chinese, the Iranians, the North Koreans, or Russians attempted such a thing the nation would rise up and tear them to shreds; and that is just what the law enforcement agencies in seven states (With more coming) have done.
Each of these seditionists. traitors, and internal terrorists have been indicted and will be tried for this, the vilest of crimes, and will suffer long prison sentences for the lowest of crimes known to man. There exist a list of felonies for which they must answer, a list too long to enumerate here, but one that will illuminate just how despicable they are and will stain the names of their families for generations to come.
They thought they were smarter than us, thought we would roll over in fear of their power and influence, but that isn't what Americans are made of. Too many of our ancestors paid the ultimate price to ensure our freedoms and no cabal of smarmy thugs will ever waltz in and deny us what's been paid for by so many heroes.
There is an ultimate price for treason and with God's grace the worst of all will pay it at the end of a rope!
It starts here -- see below. Italics mine.
A lawyer who was the architect of a plan to subvert the 2020 election and return Donald Trump to the White House denied all charges against him when he appeared in an Arizona court Friday. John Eastman is the first of 18 people charged in the battleground state to appear in court over the scheme to empanel fake electors to support their favored candidate. Others include Trump's former personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, one-time Trump White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, attorney Jenna Ellis and campaign adviser Boris Epshteyn.
Eastman on Friday entered not guilty pleas to nine counts including conspiracy, forgery, and fraud.
If he is convicted at a trial currently set for October, the crimes could entail prison time. Eastman told reporters outside court that the charges should never have been brought. "I had zero communications with any of the electors in Arizona," he said. "Zero involvement with any of the litigation or the legislative hearings in Arizona. We will proceed to trial, and I'm confident, if the law is faithfully applied, I will be fully exonerated." A US Congressional committee examining the events leading up to the January 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol recorded that Eastman was the author of memos claiming that then-vice president Mike Pence could refuse to count electoral votes from certain states, thereby preventing Congress from certifying the results.
Democrat Joe Biden won Arizona, a critical election battleground, by just over 10,000 votes, but many Republican Party officials insisted -- without evidence -- that there had been fraud and that Trump had been the real winner.
Under the US electoral college system, each state appoints electors to represent the candidate who won the most votes in the presidential poll. Those electors sign official documents that are sent to Congress; these documents are tallied, and the winner is the person with the most electoral college votes. Despite Trump's loss in Arizona, his representatives nonetheless signed documents saying he had won.
When Congress reconvened after the violent attacks on January 6, it ultimately ignored Arizona's fake electors and certified the genuine results, officially sending Biden to the White House. Arizona is the fourth state to seek charges against people who tried to form an alternative slate of electors, after Michigan, Georgia, and Nevada. Meadows, Giuliani, Ellis, and Eastman have all been charged in Georgia, alongside Trump in what is probably the most explosive of the four criminal trials he faces. As a swing state and something of a ground zero for election conspiracy theories peddled by rightwing Republicans, Arizona is once again expected to be closely contested this November when Americans head to the polls.
submitted by LetterGrouchy6053 to MAGACultCringe [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:43 LetterGrouchy6053 On the inevitability of Justice.

With unmatched arrogance they thought they could nullify the legitimate votes of eighty-seven million Americans, overthrow our government and install a despotic tyrant in the White House. With complete disregard for the will of the people this cadre of criminals. political opportunists, and power-seeking megalomaniacs thought they could undo over two hundred and fifty years of democracy, shred the Constitution rescind civil rights, and with Mafia-like tactics bring our country to its knees.
If the Chinese, the Iranians, the North Koreans, or Russians attempted such a thing the nation would rise up and tear them to shreds; and that is just what the law enforcement agencies in seven states (With more coming) have done.
Each of these seditionists. traitors, and internal terrorists have been indicted and will be tried for this, the vilest of crimes, and will suffer long prison sentences for the lowest of crimes known to man. There exist a list of felonies for which they must answer, a list too long to enumerate here, but one that will illuminate just how despicable they are and will stain the names of their families for generations to come.
They thought they were smarter than us, thought we would roll over in fear of their power and influence, but that isn't what Americans are made of. Too many of our ancestors paid the ultimate price to ensure our freedoms and no cabal of smarmy thugs will ever waltz in and deny us what's been paid for by so many heroes.
There is an ultimate price for treason and with God's grace the worst of all will pay it at the end of a rope!
It starts here -- see below. Italics mine.
A lawyer who was the architect of a plan to subvert the 2020 election and return Donald Trump to the White House denied all charges against him when he appeared in an Arizona court Friday. John Eastman is the first of 18 people charged in the battleground state to appear in court over the scheme to empanel fake electors to support their favored candidate. Others include Trump's former personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, one-time Trump White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, attorney Jenna Ellis and campaign adviser Boris Epshteyn.
Eastman on Friday entered not guilty pleas to nine counts including conspiracy, forgery, and fraud.
If he is convicted at a trial currently set for October, the crimes could entail prison time. Eastman told reporters outside court that the charges should never have been brought. "I had zero communications with any of the electors in Arizona," he said. "Zero involvement with any of the litigation or the legislative hearings in Arizona. We will proceed to trial, and I'm confident, if the law is faithfully applied, I will be fully exonerated." A US Congressional committee examining the events leading up to the January 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol recorded that Eastman was the author of memos claiming that then-vice president Mike Pence could refuse to count electoral votes from certain states, thereby preventing Congress from certifying the results.
Democrat Joe Biden won Arizona, a critical election battleground, by just over 10,000 votes, but many Republican Party officials insisted -- without evidence -- that there had been fraud and that Trump had been the real winner.
Under the US electoral college system, each state appoints electors to represent the candidate who won the most votes in the presidential poll. Those electors sign official documents that are sent to Congress; these documents are tallied, and the winner is the person with the most electoral college votes. Despite Trump's loss in Arizona, his representatives nonetheless signed documents saying he had won.
When Congress reconvened after the violent attacks on January 6, it ultimately ignored Arizona's fake electors and certified the genuine results, officially sending Biden to the White House. Arizona is the fourth state to seek charges against people who tried to form an alternative slate of electors, after Michigan, Georgia, and Nevada. Meadows, Giuliani, Ellis, and Eastman have all been charged in Georgia, alongside Trump in what is probably the most explosive of the four criminal trials he faces. As a swing state and something of a ground zero for election conspiracy theories peddled by rightwing Republicans, Arizona is once again expected to be closely contested this November when Americans head to the polls.
submitted by LetterGrouchy6053 to RightJerk [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:41 LeoLH1994 Chart Watch U.K. description of ESC 2024

This is what the UK’s longest running chart blog (active since 1994) had to say on ESC this year and its effects on the U.K. charts:
“Perhaps it is just as well that Post Malone and Morgan Wallen didn't distract us too much, as this week is also the post-Eurovision chart. Audiences for the contest were slightly down on last year (the novelty of being hosted in the UK no longer present) but the most popular hits from the contest all managed chart places that were more respectable than early sales flashes suggested - those streaming numbers do indeed take some time to filter through properly. Part of Eurovision tradition has now become enjoying the fun disconnect between the local juries and the wider public vote, although the 2024 contest appeared to stand convention on its head with the professional judges selecting songs on musical merit and the public vote going on markedly political lines.
Pleasingly this still meant the votes converged to anoint the most interesting performance of the night as the winner, and it is duly Switzerland's Nemo who lands the biggest Eurovision hit of the week as victorious track The Code takes its bow at No.18. No direct rap hit has so far won the contest, despite valiant attempts in the past by the United Kingdom, but The Code is surely the closest we have come to that moment as Nemo's hit glides between electropop, rap and even opera. It wasn't my favourite song of the night (they never do well), but even if you didn't watch you can completely understand why it emerged on top.
Unlucky to lose, especially given the number of friends who had backed it heavily, Croatia's Baby Lasagne was the ultimate winner of the public vote on the night and the second most-streamed contes entrant of the week. Once heard, never forgotten, Rim Tim Tagi Dim lands at No.36. Fascinatingly just behind comes the Dutch entry Joost with Europapa, disqualified from performing on the night after he got into a shoving match backstage, the singer perhaps benefits from people still wanting to hear what his song would have been like. So he saves a little face with a No.37 hit.
Olly Alexander's performance of Dizzy fell a little flat on the night - his "look how gloriously gay we are" staging was very him but largely failed to read the room - but I'll freely confess that I still couldn't get the song out of my head for the rest of the weekend. It makes a small chart comeback, reappearing at No.48 having limped to No.42 when first released back in March. But heck, even Mae Muller was one of now fewer than four Eurovision hits that made the Top 10 last year. And her performance was even worse.
Completing the Eurovision parade, Ireland's Bambi Thug reaches No.67 with Doomsday Blue. Although perhaps the less said about that the better.”
A bit too mean to Ireland, though I doubt it would be his thing. Maybe someone who has X could check what his fave entry this year was, but his fave entry last year was Solo (yes, really). He preferred Glow to any actual entry out of the songs in 2010, and Wild Dances is one of few occasions his fave won.
submitted by LeoLH1994 to eurovision [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:40 LetterGrouchy6053 On the inevitability of Justice.

With unmatched arrogance they thought they could nullify the legitimate votes of eighty-seven million Americans, overthrow our government and install a despotic tyrant in the White House. With complete disregard for the will of the people this cadre of criminals. political opportunists, and power-seeking megalomaniacs thought they could undo over two hundred and fifty years of democracy, shred the Constitution rescind civil rights, and with Mafia-like tactics bring our country to its knees.
If the Chinese, the Iranians, the North Koreans, or Russians attempted such a thing the nation would rise up and tear them to shreds; and that is just what the law enforcement agencies in seven states (With more coming) have done.
Each of these seditionists. traitors, and internal terrorists have been indicted and will be tried for this, the vilest of crimes, and will suffer long prison sentences for the lowest of crimes known to man. There exist a list of felonies for which they must answer, a list too long to enumerate here, but one that will illuminate just how despicable they are and will stain the names of their families for generations to come.
They thought they were smarter than us, thought we would roll over in fear of their power and influence, but that isn't what Americans are made of. Too many of our ancestors paid the ultimate price to ensure our freedoms and no cabal of smarmy thugs will ever waltz in and deny us what's been paid for by so many heroes.
There is an ultimate price for treason and with God's grace the worst of all will pay it at the end of a rope!
It starts here -- see below. Italics mine.
A lawyer who was the architect of a plan to subvert the 2020 election and return Donald Trump to the White House denied all charges against him when he appeared in an Arizona court Friday. John Eastman is the first of 18 people charged in the battleground state to appear in court over the scheme to empanel fake electors to support their favored candidate. Others include Trump's former personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, one-time Trump White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, attorney Jenna Ellis and campaign adviser Boris Epshteyn.
Eastman on Friday entered not guilty pleas to nine counts including conspiracy, forgery, and fraud.
If he is convicted at a trial currently set for October, the crimes could entail prison time. Eastman told reporters outside court that the charges should never have been brought. "I had zero communications with any of the electors in Arizona," he said. "Zero involvement with any of the litigation or the legislative hearings in Arizona. We will proceed to trial, and I'm confident, if the law is faithfully applied, I will be fully exonerated." A US Congressional committee examining the events leading up to the January 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol recorded that Eastman was the author of memos claiming that then-vice president Mike Pence could refuse to count electoral votes from certain states, thereby preventing Congress from certifying the results.
Democrat Joe Biden won Arizona, a critical election battleground, by just over 10,000 votes, but many Republican Party officials insisted -- without evidence -- that there had been fraud and that Trump had been the real winner.
Under the US electoral college system, each state appoints electors to represent the candidate who won the most votes in the presidential poll. Those electors sign official documents that are sent to Congress; these documents are tallied, and the winner is the person with the most electoral college votes. Despite Trump's loss in Arizona, his representatives nonetheless signed documents saying he had won.
When Congress reconvened after the violent attacks on January 6, it ultimately ignored Arizona's fake electors and certified the genuine results, officially sending Biden to the White House. Arizona is the fourth state to seek charges against people who tried to form an alternative slate of electors, after Michigan, Georgia, and Nevada. Meadows, Giuliani, Ellis, and Eastman have all been charged in Georgia, alongside Trump in what is probably the most explosive of the four criminal trials he faces. As a swing state and something of a ground zero for election conspiracy theories peddled by rightwing Republicans, Arizona is once again expected to be closely contested this November when Americans head to the polls.
submitted by LetterGrouchy6053 to ReallyAmerican [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:38 LetterGrouchy6053 On the inevitability of Justice.

With unmatched arrogance they thought they could nullify the legitimate votes of eighty-seven million Americans, overthrow our government and install a despotic tyrant in the White House. With complete disregard for the will of the people this cadre of criminals. political opportunists, and power-seeking megalomaniacs thought they could undo over two hundred and fifty years of democracy, shred the Constitution rescind civil rights, and with Mafia-like tactics bring our country to its knees.
If the Chinese, the Iranians, the North Koreans, or Russians attempted such a thing the nation would rise up and tear them to shreds; and that is just what the law enforcement agencies in seven states (With more coming) have done.
Each of these seditionists. traitors, and internal terrorists have been indicted and will be tried for this, the vilest of crimes, and will suffer long prison sentences for the lowest of crimes known to man. There exist a list of felonies for which they must answer, a list too long to enumerate here, but one that will illuminate just how despicable they are and will stain the names of their families for generations to come.
They thought they were smarter than us, thought we would roll over in fear of their power and influence, but that isn't what Americans are made of. Too many of our ancestors paid the ultimate price to ensure our freedoms and no cabal of smarmy thugs will ever waltz in and deny us what's been paid for by so many heroes.
There is an ultimate price for treason and with God's grace the worst of all will pay it at the end of a rope!
It starts here -- see below. Italics mine.
A lawyer who was the architect of a plan to subvert the 2020 election and return Donald Trump to the White House denied all charges against him when he appeared in an Arizona court Friday. John Eastman is the first of 18 people charged in the battleground state to appear in court over the scheme to empanel fake electors to support their favored candidate. Others include Trump's former personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, one-time Trump White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, attorney Jenna Ellis and campaign adviser Boris Epshteyn.
Eastman on Friday entered not guilty pleas to nine counts including conspiracy, forgery, and fraud.
If he is convicted at a trial currently set for October, the crimes could entail prison time. Eastman told reporters outside court that the charges should never have been brought. "I had zero communications with any of the electors in Arizona," he said. "Zero involvement with any of the litigation or the legislative hearings in Arizona. We will proceed to trial, and I'm confident, if the law is faithfully applied, I will be fully exonerated." A US Congressional committee examining the events leading up to the January 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol recorded that Eastman was the author of memos claiming that then-vice president Mike Pence could refuse to count electoral votes from certain states, thereby preventing Congress from certifying the results.
Democrat Joe Biden won Arizona, a critical election battleground, by just over 10,000 votes, but many Republican Party officials insisted -- without evidence -- that there had been fraud and that Trump had been the real winner.
Under the US electoral college system, each state appoints electors to represent the candidate who won the most votes in the presidential poll. Those electors sign official documents that are sent to Congress; these documents are tallied, and the winner is the person with the most electoral college votes. Despite Trump's loss in Arizona, his representatives nonetheless signed documents saying he had won.
When Congress reconvened after the violent attacks on January 6, it ultimately ignored Arizona's fake electors and certified the genuine results, officially sending Biden to the White House. Arizona is the fourth state to seek charges against people who tried to form an alternative slate of electors, after Michigan, Georgia, and Nevada. Meadows, Giuliani, Ellis, and Eastman have all been charged in Georgia, alongside Trump in what is probably the most explosive of the four criminal trials he faces. As a swing state and something of a ground zero for election conspiracy theories peddled by rightwing Republicans, Arizona is once again expected to be closely contested this November when Americans head to the polls.
submitted by LetterGrouchy6053 to AntiTrumpAlliance [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:36 LetterGrouchy6053 On the inevitability of Justice.

With unmatched arrogance they thought they could nullify the legitimate votes of eighty-seven million Americans, overthrow our government and install a despotic tyrant in the White House. With complete disregard for the will of the people this cadre of criminals. political opportunists, and power-seeking megalomaniacs thought they could undo over two hundred and fifty years of democracy, shred the Constitution rescind civil rights, and with Mafia-like tactics bring our country to its knees.
If the Chinese, the Iranians, the North Koreans, or Russians attempted such a thing the nation would rise up and tear them to shreds; and that is just what the law enforcement agencies in seven states (With more coming) have done.
Each of these seditionists. traitors, and internal terrorists have been indicted and will be tried for this, the vilest of crimes, and will suffer long prison sentences for the lowest of crimes known to man. There exist a list of felonies for which they must answer, a list too long to enumerate here, but one that will illuminate just how despicable they are and will stain the names of their families for generations to come.
They thought they were smarter than us, thought we would roll over in fear of their power and influence, but that isn't what Americans are made of. Too many of our ancestors paid the ultimate price to ensure our freedoms and no cabal of smarmy thugs will ever waltz in and deny us what's been paid for by so many heroes.
There is an ultimate price for treason and with God's grace the worst of all will pay it at the end of a rope!
It starts here -- see below. Italics mine.
A lawyer who was the architect of a plan to subvert the 2020 election and return Donald Trump to the White House denied all charges against him when he appeared in an Arizona court Friday. John Eastman is the first of 18 people charged in the battleground state to appear in court over the scheme to empanel fake electors to support their favored candidate. Others include Trump's former personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, one-time Trump White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, attorney Jenna Ellis and campaign adviser Boris Epshteyn.
Eastman on Friday entered not guilty pleas to nine counts including conspiracy, forgery, and fraud.
If he is convicted at a trial currently set for October, the crimes could entail prison time. Eastman told reporters outside court that the charges should never have been brought. "I had zero communications with any of the electors in Arizona," he said. "Zero involvement with any of the litigation or the legislative hearings in Arizona. We will proceed to trial, and I'm confident, if the law is faithfully applied, I will be fully exonerated." A US Congressional committee examining the events leading up to the January 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol recorded that Eastman was the author of memos claiming that then-vice president Mike Pence could refuse to count electoral votes from certain states, thereby preventing Congress from certifying the results.
Democrat Joe Biden won Arizona, a critical election battleground, by just over 10,000 votes, but many Republican Party officials insisted -- without evidence -- that there had been fraud and that Trump had been the real winner.
Under the US electoral college system, each state appoints electors to represent the candidate who won the most votes in the presidential poll. Those electors sign official documents that are sent to Congress; these documents are tallied, and the winner is the person with the most electoral college votes. Despite Trump's loss in Arizona, his representatives nonetheless signed documents saying he had won.
When Congress reconvened after the violent attacks on January 6, it ultimately ignored Arizona's fake electors and certified the genuine results, officially sending Biden to the White House. Arizona is the fourth state to seek charges against people who tried to form an alternative slate of electors, after Michigan, Georgia, and Nevada. Meadows, Giuliani, Ellis, and Eastman have all been charged in Georgia, alongside Trump in what is probably the most explosive of the four criminal trials he faces. As a swing state and something of a ground zero for election conspiracy theories peddled by rightwing Republicans, Arizona is once again expected to be closely contested this November when Americans head to the polls.
submitted by LetterGrouchy6053 to Law_and_Politics [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:34 LetterGrouchy6053 On the inevitability of Justice.

With unmatched arrogance they thought they could nullify the legitimate votes of eighty-seven million Americans, overthrow our government and install a despotic tyrant in the White House. With complete disregard for the will of the people this cadre of criminals. political opportunists, and power-seeking megalomaniacs thought they could undo over two hundred and fifty years of democracy, shred the Constitution rescind civil rights, and with Mafia-like tactics bring our country to its knees.
If the Chinese, the Iranians, the North Koreans, or Russians attempted such a thing the nation would rise up and tear them to shreds; and that is just what the law enforcement agencies in seven states (With more coming) have done.
Each of these seditionists. traitors, and internal terrorists have been indicted and will be tried for this, the vilest of crimes, and will suffer long prison sentences for the lowest of crimes known to man. There exist a list of felonies for which they must answer, a list too long to enumerate here, but one that will illuminate just how despicable they are and will stain the names of their families for generations to come.
They thought they were smarter than us, thought we would roll over in fear of their power and influence, but that isn't what Americans are made of. Too many of our ancestors paid the ultimate price to ensure our freedoms and no cabal of smarmy thugs will ever waltz in and deny us what's been paid for by so many heroes.
There is an ultimate price for treason and with God's grace the worst of all will pay it at the end of a rope!
It starts here -- see below. Italics mine.
A lawyer who was the architect of a plan to subvert the 2020 election and return Donald Trump to the White House denied all charges against him when he appeared in an Arizona court Friday. John Eastman is the first of 18 people charged in the battleground state to appear in court over the scheme to empanel fake electors to support their favored candidate. Others include Trump's former personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, one-time Trump White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, attorney Jenna Ellis and campaign adviser Boris Epshteyn.
Eastman on Friday entered not guilty pleas to nine counts including conspiracy, forgery, and fraud.
If he is convicted at a trial currently set for October, the crimes could entail prison time. Eastman told reporters outside court that the charges should never have been brought. "I had zero communications with any of the electors in Arizona," he said. "Zero involvement with any of the litigation or the legislative hearings in Arizona. We will proceed to trial, and I'm confident, if the law is faithfully applied, I will be fully exonerated." A US Congressional committee examining the events leading up to the January 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol recorded that Eastman was the author of memos claiming that then-vice president Mike Pence could refuse to count electoral votes from certain states, thereby preventing Congress from certifying the results.
Democrat Joe Biden won Arizona, a critical election battleground, by just over 10,000 votes, but many Republican Party officials insisted -- without evidence -- that there had been fraud and that Trump had been the real winner.
Under the US electoral college system, each state appoints electors to represent the candidate who won the most votes in the presidential poll. Those electors sign official documents that are sent to Congress; these documents are tallied, and the winner is the person with the most electoral college votes. Despite Trump's loss in Arizona, his representatives nonetheless signed documents saying he had won.
When Congress reconvened after the violent attacks on January 6, it ultimately ignored Arizona's fake electors and certified the genuine results, officially sending Biden to the White House. Arizona is the fourth state to seek charges against people who tried to form an alternative slate of electors, after Michigan, Georgia, and Nevada. Meadows, Giuliani, Ellis, and Eastman have all been charged in Georgia, alongside Trump in what is probably the most explosive of the four criminal trials he faces. As a swing state and something of a ground zero for election conspiracy theories peddled by rightwing Republicans, Arizona is once again expected to be closely contested this November when Americans head to the polls.
submitted by LetterGrouchy6053 to Republican_misdeeds [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:32 LetterGrouchy6053 On the inevitability of Justice.

With unmatched arrogance they thought the could nullify the legitimate votes of eighty-seven million Americans, overthrow our government and install a despotic tyrant in the White House. With complete disregard for the will of the people this cadre of criminals. political opportunists, and power-seeking megalomaniacs thought they could undo over two hundred and fifty years of democracy, shred the Constitution rescind civil rights, and with Mafia-like tactics bring our country to its knees.
If the Chinese, the Iranians, the North Koreans, or Russians attempted such a thing the nation would rise up and tear them to shreds; and that is just what the law enforcement agencies in seven states (With more coming) have done.
Each of these seditionists. traitors, and internal terrorists have been indicted and will be tried for this, the vilest of crimes, and will suffer long prison sentences for the lowest of crimes known to man. There exist a list of felonies for which they must answer, a list too long to enumerate here, but one that will illuminate just how despicable they are and will stain the names of their families for generations to come.
They thought they were smarter than us, thought we would roll over in fear of their power and influence, but that isn't what Americans are made of. Too many of our ancestors paid the ultimate price to ensure our freedoms and no cabal of smarmy thugs will ever waltz in and deny us what's been paid for by so many heroes.
There is an ultimate price for treason and with God's grace the worst of all will pay it at the end of a rope!
It starts here -- see below. Italics mine.
A lawyer who was the architect of a plan to subvert the 2020 election and return Donald Trump to the White House denied all charges against him when he appeared in an Arizona court Friday. John Eastman is the first of 18 people charged in the battleground state to appear in court over the scheme to empanel fake electors to support their favored candidate. Others include Trump's former personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, one-time Trump White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, attorney Jenna Ellis and campaign adviser Boris Epshteyn.
Eastman on Friday entered not guilty pleas to nine counts including conspiracy, forgery, and fraud.
If he is convicted at a trial currently set for October, the crimes could entail prison time. Eastman told reporters outside court that the charges should never have been brought. "I had zero communications with any of the electors in Arizona," he said. "Zero involvement with any of the litigation or the legislative hearings in Arizona. We will proceed to trial, and I'm confident, if the law is faithfully applied, I will be fully exonerated." A US Congressional committee examining the events leading up to the January 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol recorded that Eastman was the author of memos claiming that then-vice president Mike Pence could refuse to count electoral votes from certain states, thereby preventing Congress from certifying the results.
Democrat Joe Biden won Arizona, a critical election battleground, by just over 10,000 votes, but many Republican Party officials insisted -- without evidence -- that there had been fraud and that Trump had been the real winner.
Under the US electoral college system, each state appoints electors to represent the candidate who won the most votes in the presidential poll. Those electors sign official documents that are sent to Congress; these documents are tallied, and the winner is the person with the most electoral college votes. Despite Trump's loss in Arizona, his representatives nonetheless signed documents saying he had won.
When Congress reconvened after the violent attacks on January 6, it ultimately ignored Arizona's fake electors and certified the genuine results, officially sending Biden to the White House. Arizona is the fourth state to seek charges against people who tried to form an alternative slate of electors, after Michigan, Georgia, and Nevada. Meadows, Giuliani, Ellis, and Eastman have all been charged in Georgia, alongside Trump in what is probably the most explosive of the four criminal trials he faces. As a swing state and something of a ground zero for election conspiracy theories peddled by rightwing Republicans, Arizona is once again expected to be closely contested this November when Americans head to the polls.
submitted by LetterGrouchy6053 to politicus [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:31 LetterGrouchy6053 On the inevitability of Justice.

With unmatched arrogance they thought the could nullify the legitimate votes of eighty-seven million Americans, overthrow our government and install a despotic tyrant in the White House. With complete disregard for the will of the people this cadre of criminals. political opportunists, and power-seeking megalomaniacs thought they could undo over two hundred and fifty years of democracy, shred the Constitution rescind civil rights, and with Mafia-like tactics bring our country to its knees.
If the Chinese, the Iranians, the North Koreans, or Russians attempted such a thing the nation would rise up and tear them to shreds; and that is just what the law enforcement agencies in seven states (With more coming) have done.
Each of these seditionists. traitors, and internal terrorists have been indicted and will be tried for this, the vilest of crimes, and will suffer long prison sentences for the lowest of crimes known to man. There exist a list of felonies for which they must answer, a list too long to enumerate here, but one that will illuminate just how despicable they are and will stain the names of their families for generations to come.
They thought they were smarter than us, thought we would roll over in fear of their power and influence, but that isn't what Americans are made of. Too many of our ancestors paid the ultimate price to ensure our freedoms and no cabal of smarmy thugs will ever waltz in and deny us what's been paid for by so many heroes.
There is an ultimate price for treason and with God's grace the worst of all will pay it at the end of a rope!
It starts here -- see below. Italics mine.
A lawyer who was the architect of a plan to subvert the 2020 election and return Donald Trump to the White House denied all charges against him when he appeared in an Arizona court Friday. John Eastman is the first of 18 people charged in the battleground state to appear in court over the scheme to empanel fake electors to support their favored candidate. Others include Trump's former personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, one-time Trump White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, attorney Jenna Ellis and campaign adviser Boris Epshteyn.
Eastman on Friday entered not guilty pleas to nine counts including conspiracy, forgery, and fraud.
If he is convicted at a trial currently set for October, the crimes could entail prison time. Eastman told reporters outside court that the charges should never have been brought. "I had zero communications with any of the electors in Arizona," he said. "Zero involvement with any of the litigation or the legislative hearings in Arizona. We will proceed to trial, and I'm confident, if the law is faithfully applied, I will be fully exonerated." A US Congressional committee examining the events leading up to the January 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol recorded that Eastman was the author of memos claiming that then-vice president Mike Pence could refuse to count electoral votes from certain states, thereby preventing Congress from certifying the results.
Democrat Joe Biden won Arizona, a critical election battleground, by just over 10,000 votes, but many Republican Party officials insisted -- without evidence -- that there had been fraud and that Trump had been the real winner.
Under the US electoral college system, each state appoints electors to represent the candidate who won the most votes in the presidential poll. Those electors sign official documents that are sent to Congress; these documents are tallied, and the winner is the person with the most electoral college votes. Despite Trump's loss in Arizona, his representatives nonetheless signed documents saying he had won.
When Congress reconvened after the violent attacks on January 6, it ultimately ignored Arizona's fake electors and certified the genuine results, officially sending Biden to the White House. Arizona is the fourth state to seek charges against people who tried to form an alternative slate of electors, after Michigan, Georgia, and Nevada. Meadows, Giuliani, Ellis, and Eastman have all been charged in Georgia, alongside Trump in what is probably the most explosive of the four criminal trials he faces. As a swing state and something of a ground zero for election conspiracy theories peddled by rightwing Republicans, Arizona is once again expected to be closely contested this November when Americans head to the polls.
submitted by LetterGrouchy6053 to political [link] [comments]