Hgh or production quotamino acidsquot

Does hgh from exercise make you taller/stronger

2024.05.18 13:55 Routine-Clue609 Does hgh from exercise make you taller/stronger

Lately i have been seeing a lot of people on the internet claim that exercise (especially sprinting) increases hgh production.
Now the mechanism i dont understand really i am not a scientist but supposedly when you do any type of exercise that makes you work harder than comfortable you get this temporary but big hgh spike for a few hours.
Now of course i know most people who market this are pseudo scientists (there is this chiropractor on youtube talking about it lol) but is there any truth to this.
Will this make you taller (if in puberty) or more muscular or not.
I would really appreciate an explanation if anyone understands the science of all this.
I smell bs but im not sure.
submitted by Routine-Clue609 to Sprinting [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 13:50 slvbtc Fasting while on SR potentially increases testosterone more than SR alone.

There are a bunch of studies and not all state fasting can increase testosterone, in fact keto and carnivore can decrease testosterone because lacking carbohydrates can decrese testosterone. However short 24 hour fasts can boost testosterone if you get enough calories and carbohydrates when you do eat.
When growth hormone activity increases inside the body, the more testosterone your body is likely to produce. Studies show that short 24-hour intermittent fasts can help increase HGH production by 2000%, which, of course, can stimulate a significant increase in your testosterone levels.
Going a full 24 hours without eating every now and then can increase human growth hormone substantially which in turn increases testosterone production. And if done while also lifting heavy and practicing SR can boost testosterone even more than SR or lifting alone. So long as you get enough calories and carbs when you do eat short 24 hour fasts can boost your testosterone even more than SR alone.
Has anyone here found this to be true in practice?
submitted by slvbtc to Semenretention [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:05 Embarrassed-Echo-481 Clearing up some misconceptions about PED use.

TL;DR: PED use has huge variance, and can be obvious, or so subtle you wouldn't believe the user if they admitted it to you themselves. 99%+ of high level BJJ guys are on PEDs (yes, even the ones who demonize it). Usually, this is some combination of Testosterone, HGH, and others. We all have our favorite world champ(s), who always say ridiculous things like "yeah I usually drill like 8-12 hours a day, 7 days/wk." That level of training is completely impossible long term, without insanely enhanced recovery. No they're not JUST a genetic freak. They're also using PEDs. Also, they're exaggerating.
I'm writing this because in the past few days, the amount of comments I've read that show a lack of understanding of PED use have made me realize how many people are actually believing guys that say they're "clean". Saw a guy defending Keenan by saying something about how Keenan was VERY against steroids, so clearly he wasn't taking them. (I do not know Keenan, and am not saying he 100% was, I'm just saying this is a ridiculous reason to believe him when he says he wasnt). Another comment was something along the lines of "if the Tacketts were using steroids, they wouldn't have any fat on them!"... What?
Anyway, heres a rundown of the very basics on PEDs. There are three MAIN categories of PEDs nowadays. Anabolic and Androgenic Steroids (AAS), Peptides, and SARMs. Below is a summary of each kind, and below all of that, is some other basic info/FAQ about ALL PED use.
AAS: most AAS are derivatives of testosterone. They have Anabolic effects (growing tissue, usually muscle), and Androgenic effects (masculinizing). Most have a well known ratio of anabolic:androgenic effects, with testosterone being 1:1, and AAS like winstrol being 25:1. In the context of BJJ, AAS is most often used to enhance recovery, so that athletes can train more often. Some have super specific effects. Take Deca for example. Deca is well known for its ability to reduce joint pain, promote recovery, and enhance cardio. If you took another AAS like Trebolone, you'd experience joint pain, and you'd get winded walking up the stairs, BUT you'd gain muscle and burn fat like never before. Not all AAS are created equal. Some have little-to-no side effects (anavar in low doses), some have huge side effects. Most are actually pretty safe when taken correctly, and when bloodwork is monitored. You can take a basic AAS like testosterone, and nobody but yourself would necessarily even notice. Effects can be subtle on the outside, but massive to the person taking them. If someone is taking AAS other than testosterone, they are almost certainly ALSO taking Testosterone, since AAS use suppresses natural T production.
PEPTIDES: more commonly used PEDs nowadays usually come in the form of peptides, since they don't have the "steroid" label attached, and they're usually very easy to buy online. Common peptides in BJJ include Human Growth Hormone, BPC-157, and GH releasing hormones like Ipamorelin, sermorelin, or tesamorelin. Growth hormone is one of the most commonly used PEDs in BJJ and MMA. It is hard to test for (more so easy to pass a test), and has little side effects. It does not make you grow muscle. The most common dosages are around 4ius/day for GREATLY enhanced recovery. Dosages bodybuilders take to grow muscle are usually 10-12ius/day, in conjunction with many AAS that have a synergistic effect. If someone was using growth hormone regularly, you would have literally no idea. All side effects are invisible from an outside perspective (numbness in fingers, daytime lethargy). That person, however, would have insanely increased recovery, and would be able to train hard multiple times a day every day, and barring injury, continue this pattern for the long term.
SARMS: Selective Androgenic Receptor Modulators, change the way our bodies are able to use the hormones we do have inside of us. They almost always have fairly significant side effects, including suppressing endogenous Testosterone production, which makes them indadvisable for the most part. SARM use is usually more prominent in low level athletics (high school/college sports), one of many reasons for which is that SARMS are usually taken orally, so the barrier for use is much lower than buying injection supplies and pinning weekly/daily.
Q: If someone tests clean, doesn't that mean they don't use them?
A: No. Test are usually pretty easy to beat, especially if you know they're coming ahead of time. Some PEDs are rarely even tested for.
Q: What about the little guys that aren't jacked?
A: Not all PED use causes an increase in muscle mass. Some cause increases in cardio (cardarine), some cause enhanced recovery (HGH).
Q: So-and-so only had trace amounts in their system! Surely they haven't used PEDs in years?!
A: If someone is caught using any AAS, they are ALSO using a testosterone base. Testosterone in and of itself is potent enough to cause a massive boost in performance and recovery. So yes, they also used other PEDs, and no, they probably never stopped.
Q: If someone adamantly denies PED use, isn't is safe to say they don't use PEDs?
A: Believe what you want. But know that every single one of these guys (besides Craig Jones) is afraid of being caught. Afraid of being demonized. Afraid of having their wins belittled and attributed to PED use. Every single one of these guys follows the same path as everyone else they know to be on steroids. DENY DENY DENY. Want to make SURE they believe you? Shittalk everyone (else) that's on steroids, and call them cheaters!!
Q: Where would they even get them? Aren't they crazy expensive? Wouldn't they go to jail if they got caugt?!
A: AAS, Peptides, and SARMs, are all extremely easy to order online from a reputable source nowadays, and have them delivered directly to your door. They're mostly fairly cheap (especially testosterone). Police could not care less about your steroid use, unless they thing you're distributing large quantities.
submitted by Embarrassed-Echo-481 to bjj [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 23:15 Schrodinger_Feynman Lionel Messi Would Never Be In The GOAT Conversation Without Human Growth Hormone (HGH)

Lionel Messi was diagnosed with GHD (growth hormone deficiency), which caused him to suffer from an idiopathic short stature when he was a child. If his problems were just limited to being shorter than average, perhaps it could have been ignored, but there were other health issues, that included skin problems, teeth problems, poor vision, lower immunity and poor pituitary function. That meant that it was important that his condition be treated.
The most efficient treatment for GHD is HGH injections Like Saizen, Norditropin, Omnitrope and Genotropin which are expensive. These treatments were life changing for Lionel Messi, as they are for all who have GHD.
HGH use is banned in just about every single amateur and professional sports because it WORKS VERY EFFECTIVELY for muscle recovery and growth. Since Messi's medical records are sealed, we have no idea when he stopped HGH therapy (or if he did stop HGH therapy). HGH is notoriously difficult to test for because it can be out of your system very quickly. Insulin Growth Factor-1 produces HGH and it's IMPOSSIBLE to test for.
GHD is typically a lifelong condition and there have been speculation - due to his "miraculous" recovery from an ACL tear in the mid 2010s - that he was continuing to take HGH for the entire duration of his career. This would mean that Lionel Messi is indeed a PED cheater who's athletic performances would be impossible without the aid of synthetic gonadotropins. Without HGH, Messi would not be in the GOAT conversation.
If a player has a medical condition that’s been diagnosed by a medical doctor, he can apply for a therapeutic exemption use, which is likely to be accepted IF there is a clear deficiency. However, according to the bylaws, once the deficiency has been accounted for, HGH therapy now becomes a performance enhancer.
The therapeutic exemption use is also called TUE and it can be granted to any player for use of a substance that’s banned if that substance is thought to be medically necessary. FIFA section 46 anti doping code has TUE provisions. Technically Messi required this waiver to have the medical treatments he needed exempted, but what’s unclear is whether this waiver was actually in place. It wasn’t until 2004 that WADA started testing for HGH, although it was much earlier when it was actually banned.
Messi’s use of HGH is a performance enhancer. Messi was prescribed the drug to treat his medical condition and under the care of physicians who monitored him but there has been no confirmation that HGH therapy was suspended after he turned professional. Without HGH he would be classified as "dwarf." He is now 5’ 7” tall, which is average for Argentinean males. He was only 4’ 2” when he was diagnosed. But while he is normal as far as his physical presence, he is not by any means normal when it comes to his talent. We now know that individuals have significant variations in gene expression when synthetic gonadotropins and other hormones are introduced into the body. What effects on recovery, fast-twitch myosin development, and skeletal growth did HGH have on Messi? Enormous! He grew a FOOT AND A HALF.
If Messi were born in, say, 1960, instead of the 80s, would he even have a career in an era that predates the therapeutic use of HGH? Berkeley chemists announced the first synthetic production of growth hormone on January 6, 1971, so the answer is: NO.
Some of his talent comes from his height. Even with the 17” gain in height, Messi kept his low center of gravity. This isn’t uncommon in football: short players are better dribblers because their center of gravity (or center of mass) is closer to the ground, thereby aiding in biomechanical qualities such as lateral movement.
Using HGH in sports is highly controversial because of the benefits of HGH. Lance Armstrong confessed that HGH was a key component in his sophisticated recovery system. Barry Bonds was credibly accused of taking HGH, which aided in his seismic, almost preposterous, MVP seasons in the early 2000s. Andy Pettitte also admitted to using HGH despite it being a banned substance. His confession was the result of the Mitchell Report in which he was named.
What is troubling is the number of youth sports where the use of HGH can be found. The question becomes is there actually a medical need or is there simply a sporting advantage? Is it used as a medical treatment or a performance enhancement?
HGH use is increasing in society. Testosterone and HGH are both banned in all major sports, but WADA's testing protocols are famously weak. If superstar players are taking HGH to boost their performance, make them virtually immune to injury (by turning year long injury absences into month long injury absences), and increase their speed, acceleration, and lateral agility abilities unnaturally, then how do we assess them in the greater context of the sporting history? After all, Maradona never took HGH. Pele never took HGH. Brazilian Ronaldo Fenômeno never took HGH. How much greater would they be if they had access to the magical properties of human growth hormone?
Right now, many consider Messi to be one of the eleven best players to ever step on a football pitch. He is certainly one of the greatest players of all times and he is often mentioned alongside countryman Diego Maradona (still considered the GOAT by a majority of Argentines according to recent polling) at only 5’5”, as well as with the great players like Johan Cruyff, Zinedine Zidane, Van Basten, Pele and Cristiano Ronaldo. Bottom line – without HGH medicine we would NEVER have seen Messi become the athlete that he is today.
The controversy surrounding HGH is not going to go away anytime soon and the skepticism related to whether HGH may have played an important role in Messi's career will remain because it is a document FACT that he received HGH therapy for MANY years.
HGH remains banned by virtually every major sporting organization. It wouldn't be banned...if it didn't work so well.
Let the Downvotes Rain. Facts are stubborn things.
submitted by Schrodinger_Feynman to UncensoredSportsNews [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 01:23 No-Fig-8614 Supplements need to go back to the basics

I remember the days when you used to be able to buy certain pro-hormones at GNC. The one thing when I used to shop there (eventually switched) to online, but was the products they produced and all the claims and ingredients. I think if you took a Muscle-Tech, Gaspari, any my. olympia's quick branding scheme, or any major brand and cut their product lines in half and spent the money on the savings to buy the highest quality raw materials, the most simplified proven products, and hired 1-2 good chemicals (like Patrick Arnold) to formulate top of the line supplements that work. If they also hired top industrial chefs for taste on their protein powders, they would win so fast.
I think I am safe in saying I am tired of their over the top labels that claim literally every possible benefit with a ton of buzzwords and asterisks is great to sell to the average joe who thinks it'll make a difference. But if Muscle-Tech had 3-4 top flavors of protein, a good creatine supplement, a test boosting supplement, and of course they have to have a fat burning one (otherwise it wouldn't be a supplement company). If they even came out with novel things likes what e-pharm did with chelated d-aspartic-acid, Usolic acid, etc.....
But literally if they just cut out so much of the super shiny labels, dumb names, and over promises, and kept it to proven working ingredients at the dosages needed.... they would pick themselves back up and be a leader in the space.
It seems like every supplement company comes out with a good product, then the marketing department gets a hold of it and makes it ridiculous then the sales department gets ahold of that and literally become traveling snake oil sales people with their fancy marketing ploys and their sales mentality, peddling it to the new years resolution crowds, the high school athletes, or the people who think they can cheat their way to muscle growth (you'll need steroids, HGH, and some other peptides to cheat properly).
If a company just had a delicious protein powder, a solid simple pre-workout, a sleep aid, and a daily all you need multi-vitamin pack.... it would be killer. Its the one thing I really respected for a long time out of Animal Pak, which was all about proper dosing with simple packaging, and quality + the right doses for the ingredients they always reference in the studies to be accurate. Most of the time the studies will be like 3.5 grams of DAA would be great and they list the study and how much it helped but dose it at 1/4th the real dose to save on money but still use the studies as the source of being great.
I really can't find many reputable supplement companies now adays. Between the old days of all the pro-hormone companies that qucikly moved overseas or rebranded into an over the top marketing company, to now having no barometer on what actually is good and bad and no one being able to satisfy scrutinize the product when the formulator is questioned on the dosing, type of or form of the drug/chemical, and letting the sales folks make promises that are so scary to anyone with the least bit of knowledge is instantly fearful of.....
Gone are the days when someone would pull out their shiny muscle-tech mystery powder container in the locker rooms, mix it up, and claim they were all natural (when you didn't see them injecting or swallowing pills). I miss the simple pre-workouts of C4, the tasty protein powders, and supplements that might only contain 5 ingredients in it. I really do miss every few weeks me and my gym buddies would all buy different supplements and then after a month recommend them or not to each other. Now its just how many shiny packages of supplements you have with the amount of protein you can down regardless of flavor).
submitted by No-Fig-8614 to Supplements [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 00:08 tesmysglobv Is HyperGH 14X the best natural HGH booster

Is HyperGH 14X the best natural HGH booster
I've been meaning to share my experience with HyperGH 14x for a while now, and I finally got around to it. So, here goes!
Like many of you, I was skeptical when I first heard about HyperGH 14x. I mean, a supplement that promises to boost growth hormone levels and help you build muscle without injections? It sounded too good to be true. But after seeing some impressive testimonials and doing my own research, I decided to give it a shot.
Let me tell you, I'm so glad I did.
I've been using HyperGH 14x for about six months now, and the results have been nothing short of amazing. Before I started taking it, I was struggling to make progress in the gym. No matter how hard I worked out or how clean I ate, I just couldn't seem to pack on any muscle.
But within the first few weeks of using HyperGH 14x, I started noticing a difference. My workouts felt more productive, and I had way more energy than before. And as time went on, the changes became even more pronounced.
Now, six months later, I'm in the best shape of my life. My muscles are more defined, my strength has increased significantly, and I've even managed to shed some stubborn fat in the process.
I know it sounds cliché, but HyperGH 14x truly has been a game-changer for me. It's given me the boost I needed to take my fitness journey to the next level, and I couldn't be happier with the results.
If you're thinking about trying HyperGH 14x but you're still on the fence, my advice is to go for it. It might just be the missing piece of the puzzle you've been looking for.
And hey, if you have any questions about my experience or want to share your own before and after stories, feel free to drop them in the comments below. I'd love to hear from you!Is HyperGH 14X the best natural HGH booster
I've been meaning to share my experience with HyperGH 14x for a while now, and I finally got around to it. So, here goes!
Like many of you, I was skeptical when I first heard about HyperGH 14x. I mean, a supplement that promises to boost growth hormone levels and help you build muscle without injections? It sounded too good to be true. But after seeing some impressive testimonials and doing my own research, I decided to give it a shot.
Let me tell you, I'm so glad I did.
I've been using HyperGH 14x for about six months now, and the results have been nothing short of amazing. Before I started taking it, I was struggling to make progress in the gym. No matter how hard I worked out or how clean I ate, I just couldn't seem to pack on any muscle.
But within the first few weeks of using HyperGH 14x, I started noticing a difference. My workouts felt more productive, and I had way more energy than before. And as time went on, the changes became even more pronounced.
Now, six months later, I'm in the best shape of my life. My muscles are more defined, my strength has increased significantly, and I've even managed to shed some stubborn fat in the process.
I know it sounds cliché, but HyperGH 14x truly has been a game-changer for me. It's given me the boost I needed to take my fitness journey to the next level, and I couldn't be happier with the results.
If you're thinking about trying HyperGH 14x but you're still on the fence, my advice is to go for it. It might just be the missing piece of the puzzle you've been looking for.
And hey, if you have any questions about my experience or want to share your own before and after stories, feel free to drop them in the comments below. I'd love to hear from you!
submitted by tesmysglobv to mybusinessneeds [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 12:22 SundayJan2017 Behemoth Labz IGF-1

Behemoth Labz IGF-1

Behemoth Labz IGF-1

What is Behemoth Labz IGF-1?
IGF-1, or Insulin-like Growth Factor 1, emerges as a pivotal protein encoded by the IGF1 gene. Bearing a structure akin to insulin and comprised of 70 amino acids, IGF-1 functions as a hormone primarily responsible for regulating cellular division and apoptosis, thus orchestrating growth processes within the body.

Understanding Synthetic IGF-1:

  1. Alternative to Human Growth Hormone (HGH): Synthetic IGF-1 presents an alternative to HGH, which is exclusively secreted by the pituitary gland. As the pituitary gland's efficacy diminishes with age, synthetic IGF-1 offers comparable growth-inducing effects, even in the absence of optimal pituitary function.
  2. IGF-1 Long R3 (IGF-1 LR3): This variant of IGF-1, with 83 amino acid sequences and chemical modifications, exhibits prolonged activity by minimizing protein binding, thereby extending its half-life. Its enhanced potency stems from reduced binding to IGF-binding proteins, resulting in heightened efficacy in promoting cellular growth and repair.

The Role of IGF-1 in Growth:

  1. Tibial Growth Plate Stimulation: Studies utilizing mice deficient in the GH receptor demonstrate that IGF-1 administration stimulates tibial growth plate expansion independently of GH, emphasizing its pivotal role in growth modulation.

Introducing IGF1 DES:

  1. Potent Growth Factor: IGF1 DES, sourced from animals like cows and pigs, resembles endogenous hormones but lacks the first three amino acids. This modification enhances its direct action by reducing protein binding, albeit at the expense of a shorter half-life.
  2. Muscle Repair and Growth: Administering IGF1 DES post-workout accelerates muscle repair and growth, albeit with caution against overconsumption to avoid adverse effects.

Mechanisms of IGF1 Action:

  1. IGF-1 Receptor Activation: Functioning akin to insulin, IGF-1 binds to its receptor, instigating signaling cascades pivotal for cell survival and growth. Both IGF1 LR3 and IGF1 DES activate similar pathways, albeit with variations in potency and duration.

Research Insights into IGF1 DES:

  1. Parkinson's Disease Treatment: Preclinical studies suggest IGF-1's potential in safeguarding brain regions affected by Parkinson's disease, offering a glimmer of hope for future therapeutic interventions.
  2. Cancer Therapeutics: In cancer research, targeting the IGF-1 receptor pathway shows promise as an anti-tumor strategy, albeit necessitating further exploration for optimized efficacy.
  3. Autoimmune Disease Mechanisms: Understanding the interplay between GH, IGF pathway, and immune responses sheds light on potential therapeutic avenues for autoimmune diseases, highlighting the need for deeper mechanistic understanding.
  4. Muscle Atrophy Management: IGF-1 variants, including IGF1 DES, demonstrate efficacy in preserving muscle mass under catabolic conditions, offering potential avenues for combating muscle wasting disorders.
  5. Metabolic and Age-Related Implications: Insights into IGF-1's role in body composition, insulin sensitivity, and age-related changes underscore its multifaceted impact on metabolic health and aging processes, warranting further investigation for therapeutic applications.
Behemoth Labz IGF-1 and its variants hold immense promise across various realms of health and wellness, further research is imperative to elucidate their clinical potential and safety profiles. Behemoth Labz advocates for responsible use of IGF1 LR3 DES for research purposes only, pending regulatory approvals for human consumption. Disclaimer: Not For Human Consumption.
Visit Behemoth Labz IGF-1 Here. Coupon Code: CHEMVOY
Behemoth Labz IGF-1
Visit Behemoth Labz IGF-1 Here. Coupon Code: CHEMVOY
submitted by SundayJan2017 to BehemothLabzReview [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 09:21 Sea_Interest_1300 Sleeping

I was wondering if the time you fall asleep influences your hgh production. Usually I fall asleep between 10 and 11pm, and wake up at 9 or 9:30 usually, Sometimes earlier or later just depends.
submitted by Sea_Interest_1300 to TallTeenagers [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 10:16 foxtrot81a Melatonin: feel good effect day after and other (user report)

I’ve been taking 1mg time-release (6h) melatonin 1h before bedtime.
I never had sleeping problems, this was purely for testing so for me exact timing to promote sleep is not that important.
1 week later I can report:
So far I can’t report any negative effects.
Can anyone relate to this? I know some people can feel the opposite (depression!)
I would recommend finding a good quality brand - most of the melatonin products are overdosed or not quality controlled enough, maybe the unwanted side effects on some?
I shall continue with this for the recently researched positive effects (especially the anti-inflammatory ones) and will report back if anything changed.
submitted by foxtrot81a to Supplements [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 15:40 Aamirhussain7 HyperGH 14X A Look at the HGH-Boosting Supplement

HyperGH 14X A Look at the HGH-Boosting Supplement
I've been a gym rat for years, constantly looking for ways to optimise my workouts and maximise muscle growth. While I understand the potential benefits of human growth hormone (HGH), injections seemed a bit extreme. That's when I stumbled upon HyperGH 14X, a natural supplement claiming to stimulate the body's natural HGH production. Intrigued, I decided to give it a go. Here's my experience with HyperGH 14X.
Ingredients and Functionality
HyperGH 14X boasts a blend of natural ingredients chosen for their ability to supposedly nudge the body towards producing more HGH. Some of the key ingredients include L-arginine, L-glutamine, L-glycine, L-tyrosine, and Tribulus Terrestris extract. These amino acids are thought to be building blocks for HGH production, while Tribulus Terrestris is said to enhance testosterone levels, which can indirectly influence HGH.
While the science behind these ingredients influencing HGH is debatable, some studies suggest a possible connection. However, it's important to note that most research on HGH boosters is focused on their effectiveness alongside exercise and proper diet, not as a standalone solution.
Application and Regimen
HyperGH 14X comes in a unique dual-delivery system: capsules and an oral spray. The capsules are taken twice daily, while the spray is used sublingually (under the tongue) once a day. This two-pronged approach is claimed to maximise absorption and effectiveness.
The recommended regimen is to follow a cycle of eight weeks on HyperGH 14X, followed by four weeks off. This on-and-off approach supposedly helps maintain the body's natural HGH production rhythm.
Effects and Experience
Honestly, it's difficult to pinpoint any direct effects from HyperGH 14X. There weren't any noticeable surges in energy or dramatic muscle growth. However, I did maintain a consistent workout routine and healthy diet throughout the eight-week cycle. Perhaps the supplement provided a subtle boost that, when combined with my dedication, contributed to some positive results.
I noticed a slight improvement in recovery time between workouts, allowing me to push myself a little harder in the gym. Additionally, there might have been a modest increase in muscle definition, but it wasn't earth-shattering.
Value for Money and Conclusion
HyperGH 14X isn't exactly cheap. The combined cost of the capsules and spray adds up, especially considering the recommended eight-week cycle. While some users report impressive results, my experience was more muted.
If you're looking for a magic bullet to supercharge your physique, HyperGH 14X might not be the answer. However, if you're a dedicated athlete or gym-goer seeking a potential edge in recovery and muscle development, it could be worth a try, especially when combined with a solid exercise program and healthy diet. Just remember, consistency and hard work are still the cornerstones of achieving your fitness goals.
submitted by Aamirhussain7 to productreview24 [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 05:00 SundayJan2017 Behemoth Labz AOD-9604

Behemoth Labz AOD-9604

Behemoth Labz AOD-9604

What is Behemoth Labz AOD-9604?
AOD-9604 peptide is a synthetic research chemical that has gained attention for its potential applications in the fields of weight loss and muscle repair. Developed from a fragment of the human growth hormone (HGH), AOD-9604 has garnered interest for its purported ability to promote fat loss while preserving lean muscle mass. Although its usage remains primarily within research settings, the compound has generated curiosity among individuals seeking alternative approaches to weight management and athletic performance enhancement.
Key Features and Benefits:
  1. Fat Loss: AOD-9604 is believed to promote fat loss by stimulating the breakdown of stored fat cells (lipolysis) and inhibiting the formation of new fat cells. This mechanism may lead to a reduction in body fat percentage and overall weight loss.
  2. Muscle Preservation: Unlike some weight loss interventions that can lead to muscle loss, AOD-9604 is thought to preserve lean muscle mass during the fat loss process. This makes it an attractive option for individuals looking to achieve a leaner physique without sacrificing muscle definition or strength.
  3. Enhanced Metabolism: Research suggests that AOD-9604 may enhance metabolic function, leading to increased energy expenditure and improved fat metabolism. This metabolic boost can contribute to greater calorie burn and facilitate weight loss over time.
  4. Injury Recovery: Some studies suggest that AOD-9604 may have potential applications in promoting tissue repair and injury recovery, particularly in the context of muscle injuries. By accelerating the healing process, AOD-9604 could help athletes recover more quickly from training-related injuries.
  5. Minimal Side Effects: Compared to traditional weight loss medications or supplements, AOD-9604 is believed to have minimal side effects, particularly when used at appropriate dosages. This makes it a potentially safer option for individuals looking to manage their weight or improve body composition.
  6. Non-hormonal: AOD-9604 does not affect hormone levels in the body, making it suitable for individuals who may be sensitive to hormonal interventions or who wish to avoid the potential side effects associated with hormonal manipulation.
  7. Research Potential: While AOD-9604 shows promise in preclinical and early clinical studies, further research is needed to fully understand its mechanisms of action, safety profile, and long-term effects. As a research chemical, AOD-9604 offers opportunities for ongoing investigation into its potential applications and benefits.
It's important to note that while AOD-9604 holds promise as a potential tool for weight management and muscle repair, its efficacy and safety in humans have not been conclusively established. Individuals considering the use of AOD-9604 should consult with a healthcare professional and approach its usage with caution. Disclaimer: Not For Human Consumption.
Visit Behemoth Labz AOD-9604 Here. Coupon Code: CHEMVOY
Behemoth Labz AOD-9604
Visit Behemoth Labz AOD-9604 Here. Coupon Code: CHEMVOY
submitted by SundayJan2017 to BehemothLabzReview [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 08:43 Fragrant_Tutor8631 A list of Best performing Legal Anavar pills (legal steroid alternative brands): One way to get anavar's effects legally

Quick Summary

This post is about some of the potential brands of supplements that mimic Anavar's anabolic effects. NOT the actual steroid, for those who can't access or don't want to get into legal implications of possessing controlled substances.
1). HyperGH 14x: my pick for natural/legally Anavar like effects. (Deer antler vevlet, alpha-GPA, amino acids, GABA). Primarily an HGH supplement for cutting/lean muscle gains, but a solid Anavar alternative as well. For better cutting results, (lean muscle gains with fat loss), I recommend using a caffeine/yohimbine supplement like Mini thins along with it. (relatively safe yohimbine product)
2). STEEL ULTIMATE SHRED STACK: This legal, andro prohormone stack has 2 andros supplements - 3 epi andro (excellent for fat loss & cutting) and 7,3 andro and 1 natural fat burner Shredded AF (pretty good). 3 epi andro is best DHEA derivative prohormone for fat loss. Requires PCT. (try their Alpha-AF )
3). Pure Rawz Anavar X: (Turkesterone, Beta-ecdysterone, laxogenin, epicatechin, osthole). Effective plant based steroids combo for cutting.
4). Instant Knockout: Simple, yet effective combo of (Glucomannan + caffeine). My pick for a safe, side-effects free supplement, should work for most people without side-effects of Andros, or more hardcore supplements. Best for those who don't want to mess with prohormones.
5). Hi-tech Anavar: Surprisingly good! Uses creatine, arginine, laxogenin in combination with epi-andro!

Understanding Anavar and Its Uses

Medical Applications of Anavar

Anavar in conventional medicine plays a crucial role in treating diseases and preventing muscle wastage. If you or someone you know is battling a condition that leads to muscle loss, like AIDS or Turner's Syndrome, Anavar might be a part of the treatment plan. It's known for its ability to help preserve muscle mass, making it a valuable ally in medical treatments.

Anavar in the Fitness Industry

The allure of Anavar in the fitness world is hard to ignore, especially if you're aiming for body sculpting and weight loss.
Anavar helps in achieving a lean, sculpted look that many of us dream of. If you're wondering how some fitness models and celebrities maintain their perfect physiques, Anavar might just be their secret.
However, it's crucial to remember that achieving such results involves more than just taking a pill. It requires a combination of dedicated workouts, strict diet plans, and the right supplementation. Anavar is a tool that, when used correctly and responsibly, can significantly enhance the fruits of your labor in the gym.

The Legal Landscape of Anavar Sales

Navigating the legalities of Anavar sales can be a bit like walking a tightrope. Prescription requirements are stringent. Anavar is classified as a controlled substance in many countries, including the US.
This means you can't just buy it over the counter; you need a legitimate medical reason and a prescription from a licensed physician to legally obtain it.
But here's where it gets tricky. The legal status of Anavar varies significantly around the globe. While it's tightly regulated in some countries, others have more lenient laws.
This disparity often leads to confusion and, unfortunately, a thriving black market. If you're considering purchasing Anavar, be aware of your country's laws to avoid legal complications.
Moreover, the line between legal purchase and potential legal issues is very thin. Even if you manage to buy Anavar legally with a prescription, using it for bodybuilding purposes might still land you in hot water if it's not medically justified.
Most of us are actually more curious about the less talked about benefits. It's an open secret that many bodybuilders, fashion models, athletes, and celebrities use these steroids not just for health reasons but for getting lean and sculpted bodies.
Some sports nutrition brands, disappointed by the mediocre results of their regular supplements, have started sneaking actual steroids into their products without letting their customers know. This sneaky move was even caught by a Forbes investigation showing how these products were being sold on platforms like Amazon.

Before You Buy Anavar Online

Yes, you can find real, top-quality Anavar in the USA.
But, let's get a few things straight before diving into how you can get your hands on it:

Different ways to get hands on real Anavar

Looking to get your hands on some real Anavar? Here are your options, but tread carefully:
On Reddit, you might find folks offering Pharma-grade Anavar. They're scattered across bodybuilding subreddits, sliding into DMs with offers.
While some might dismiss legal risks with a "Don't worry about it, even cops buy them" attitude, remember that buying Anavar online remains illegal. Being casual about it doesn't change the law or the risks.
In Canada, steroid sales seem less regulated, with many companies openly advertising. Meanwhile, some opt to buy from India, citing lower costs and decent quality.
A word of caution: Anavar is infamous for being faked or diluted. There are tales of people taking high doses, likely receiving far less than they think. Pharma-grade Oxandrolone is no joke in terms of potency. Reports suggest that finding good quality Anavar might be easier in Eastern Canada, so that could be a lead if you're in that neck of the woods.
Remember, regardless of how you proceed, the responsibility for any legal or health consequences falls squarely on you.

What else to know?

Anavar is a bit tougher on the liver compared to most injections – though, to be fair, it's still on the gentler side of things. It's not as strong as many other steroids out there.
To see any real gains, you'll have to use enough that it knocks out your natural testosterone production, meaning you'll definitely need a post-cycle therapy (PCT).
But here's the kicker – it's ridiculously pricey. From what I understand, it tops the chart as the priciest mainstream steroid around. Its high cost opens up a big window for less scrupulous sellers to either dilute it or swap it with something entirely different, like Anadrol. This means all your efforts to steer clear of the usual steroid downsides might just be wasted if you end up with a totally different product.
However, if you're set on using it, here's a tip that doesn't get tossed around much: Anavar has a half-life of about 7 to 14 hours.
To maintain steady levels in your system, it might be wise to split your daily dose into two – take half in the morning and the other half in the evening.
When you've got the real deal, the perks of Anavar include minimal water retention, a low chance of estrogen-related side effects, and it doesn't hit your natural testosterone production as hard as other steroids do.

Legal Anavar alternatives

Legal Anavar alternatives have been gaining traction for those who seek the benefits of Anavar without the legal and health risks associated with steroids.
These supplements aim to mimic some of Anavar's muscle-building and fat-burning effects legally and safely. Their merit lies in their ability to offer a compromise—enhancing performance and physique without stepping into the legal grey areas or risking severe side effects. While they may not offer the same intensity of results as their steroid counterpart, legal alternatives play a crucial role in providing a safer, more accessible option for individuals looking to improve their fitness outcomes responsibly.

1). HyperGH 14X

HyperGH 14X stands as a potent legal alternative to Anavar, featuring a unique blend of ingredients including Deer Antler Velvet IGF-1 and Alpha GPC. This supplement aims to harness the body's natural rhythms of exercise, rest, and sleep to optimize the release of human growth hormone (HGH), crucial for muscle growth and recovery. Its formula contains 15 HGH precursors with a total of 4,040 mg per day, promising to triple your growth hormone levels with ingredients like L-Arginine, enhance exercise performance, and support overall health and well-being. By splitting the dose into two capsules twice a day, it ensures a steady HGH release, matching the body’s peak times for growth and repair.

Pros of HyperGH 14X as a Legal Anavar Alternative

Cons of HyperGH 14X as a Legal Anavar Alternative

Muscle Growth and Development
Fat Burning and Weight Loss
Energy Levels and Endurance
Recovery Times

2). STEEL Ultimate Shred Stack

Review: The STEEL Ultimate Shred Stack positions itself as a formidable legal alternative to Anavar, leveraging a trio of supplements designed to mimic some of Anavar's muscle-building and fat-loss effects through natural and legal means. Ingredients like Epiandrosterone in the 3 epi andro supplement act as precursors to more potent androgens like DHT, promoting muscle hardness, strength, and potentially aiding in fat loss, mirroring Anavar's properties.
The 7,3 andro supplement includes compounds like 3-hydroxy-androstane-17-one and 7a-hydroxy-dehydroepiandrosterone, further supporting anabolic activities without the legal and health risks associated with steroid use.
The Shredded AF formula brings to the table a mix of energy boosters, focus enhancers, and metabolism accelerators such as Caffeine Anhydrous, L-Tyrosine, and Grains of Paradise, which contribute to the shredding effect by enhancing workout intensity and fat oxidation. Together, these components offer a holistic approach to muscle building, performance enhancement, and fat loss, encapsulating the desired effects of Anavar through a legal and safer avenue.
Muscle Growth and Development
Fat Burning and Weight Loss
Energy Levels and Endurance
Recovery Times

3). Pure Rawz AnaVar X

Review: The "Pure Rawz AnaVar X" positions itself as an innovative legal alternative to Anavar, drawing upon a potent mix of natural anabolic agents and plant-based compounds that echo some of Anavar's muscle-building and strength-enhancing effects.
With Turkesterone and Beta-Ecdysterone, it taps into the power of ecdysteroids known for their ability to support muscle synthesis and performance without the hormonal side effects associated with steroids. The inclusion of 5α-Hydroxy-Laxogenin promotes muscle growth and recovery, closely mirroring Anavar's ability to enhance lean muscle mass.
Epicatechin helps in reducing myostatin levels, further supporting muscle growth, while Osthole boosts strength and muscle hardness. At a dosage of 363mg per capsule, and a total of 60 capsules, this supplement delivers a substantial 22g of active ingredients designed to optimize muscle development and performance safely and legally, offering a compelling alternative to those wary of Anavar's side effects.
Muscle Growth and Development
Fat Burning and Weight Loss
Energy Levels and Endurance
Recovery Times

4). Hi tech Pharmaceuticals Anavar

Review: "Hi-Tech Anavar" offers a complex blend of ingredients designed to serve as a legal alternative to Anavar, leveraging a proprietary mix aimed at enhancing muscle growth, strength, and recovery. Its formulation includes a range of compounds such as Creatine Nitrate and Creatine HCl for improved muscle energy and performance, L-Arginine HCl for nitric oxide production and muscle pump, and Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) derivatives for hormonal support and anabolic growth.
Notably, 5a Hydroxy Laxogenin Acetate and 20-Hydroxyecdysone Decanoate mimic the anabolic effects of Anavar by promoting protein synthesis and muscle repair without the hormonal side effects. Additionally, Epiandrostenolone supports androgen levels, further aiding in strength and muscle density. With a dosage of 1,900 mg per serving within their Proprietary Blend with Extend-Rx™ Technology, "Hi-Tech Anavar" is poised to offer significant support for those seeking the benefits of Anavar through legal, over-the-counter means.
This strategic combination of ingredients suggests a comprehensive approach to enhancing physical performance, muscle gain, and recovery, packaged in a dosage that's formulated for impactful results.
Muscle Growth and Development
Fat Burning and Weight Loss
Energy Levels and Endurance
Recovery Times
submitted by Fragrant_Tutor8631 to TestosteroneHGH [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 06:52 Fragrant_Tutor8631 My Hi tech Dianabol (legal Dianabol) review: Thoughts & alternatives. Day to day timeline

Quick Summary

All in all, Hi-Tech Dianabol's blend of plant extracts and hormonal derivatives in this legal Dianabol supplement may offer some muscle-building and performance enhancement benefits, but its effectiveness is uncertain due to the proprietary blend's undisclosed dosages. Some people are more responsive to prohormones like andros, some are less.
If you’re new to prohormones, I recommend you try STEEL 1-andro, best quality andro with liposomal technology for better absorption, best in business. Might be expensive for some though.
I've found the STEEL ULTIMATE MASS STACK to be superior to Hi-Tech Dianabol primarily due to its strategic blend of DHEA isomers/andros. Require PCT supplement (Alpha-AF etc.). Also read my post on legal steroids.


As someone who has experimented with various bodybuilding supplements, including prohormones and "legal steroids" over the years, I recently had the opportunity to try Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals' Dianabol supplement.
If you're interested in a product marketed as a powerful alternative to anabolic steroids, Legal Dianabol, might catch your attention.
Looking at the ingredient list, Hi-Tech Dianabol contains a proprietary blend of several prohormones and plant extracts believed to support muscle growth, strength gains, and enhanced performance.
The key components include 6-keto-diosgenin, Spriostanol saponins, Furostanol saponins, 5a-Hydroxy Laxogenin, and various other prohormone compounds.
In my experience, Hi-Tech Dianabol did seem to provide a noticeable boost in strength and muscle fullness during my cycles. I felt I could push a bit harder in the gym and noticed improved pumps and vascularity.
The effects weren't as dramatic as what you might expect from illegal anabolic steroids, but there was definitely a positive impact on my training and physique.
However, it's crucial to understand that prohormones, even those marketed as "legal steroids," can still potentially cause side effects and may require proper post-cycle therapy (PCT) to help restore natural hormone production.
I experienced some mild side effects, increased acne and slight water retention, but nothing too severe.
My advice would be NOT to go more than 2 months on it, if you’re new to prohormones.
As with any prohormones supplement, it’s important you follow the recommended dosage, cycle lengths, and PCT protocols to minimize risks.
One drawback of Hi-Tech Dianabol is that the proprietary blend makes it challenging to know the exact dosages of each ingredient, and you don't know which ingredient is kicking the most!
This lack of transparency can be frustrating for those who prefer to have full control over what they put into their bodies.
Additionally, while Hi-Tech Dianabol is marketed as a "legal steroid," it's important to note that the legality and safety of these products can vary depending on your location and the specific ingredients used. .
Overall, I'd give Hi-Tech Dianabol a 3.5 out of 5 based on my first-hand experience. It did deliver noticeable results in terms of strength and muscle gains, but it's not a magic pill, and the potential side effects and legal gray areas should not be overlooked.

Day to day summary

Day 1 (Week 1) - Started with one tablet per day as recommended. No noticeable effects yet.
Day 3 - Slight increase in energy levels during my workouts. Pumps feel a bit more pronounced.
Day 7 (Week 2) - Definitely noticing improved strength and endurance in the gym. I'm able to push out a couple of extra reps on my main lifts. Recovery between sets seems faster too.
Day 10 - Muscles are starting to look fuller and more defined. Vascularity is increasing, especially in my arms and shoulders.
Day 14 (Week 3) - Weight is up about 4 lbs, and it appears to be mostly lean mass. Strength gains are more evident now, with a 5% increase on my bench press and squat.
Day 18 - Experiencing some mild back pumps and a bit of joint discomfort. I'm staying on top of my water intake and incorporating some joint support supplements to manage this. The pumps in the gym are really good!
Day 21 (Week 4) - Gained another 2 lbs this week, putting me up 6 lbs total. Muscles are looking full and hard, with increased vascularity. Strength is still climbing steadily.
Day 25 - Noticed some increased acne on my back and chest. It's not severe, but definitely more than usual. I'm being diligent with my skincare routine to keep it under control.
Day 28 (Week 5) - Workouts are intense and productive. I'm setting new PRs left and right. Recovery is quick, allowing me to train with high frequency and volume.
Day 32 - Up another 3 lbs, for a total of 9 lbs gained so far. Definition and vascularity are really popping now, especially in my legs and abs.
Day 35 (Week 6) - Strength gains are starting to plateau a bit, but still making incremental progress. Pumps and vascularity are still excellent.
Day 40 - Acne is a bit more persistent, but manageable. Back pumps have subsided somewhat. I'm feeling confident and motivated in the gym, pushing through tough workouts.
Day 42 (Week 7) - Final week of the cycle. Gained a total of 11 lbs, with noticeable improvements in size, strength, and definition. Vascularity is at an all-time high.
Day 45 (3 days post-cycle) - Starting my PCT protocol to help restore natural hormone production. Feeling good overall, with no major side effects. Strength and size still holding strong.
So, my experience with Hi-Tech Dianabol was largely positive. The strength and size gains were significant, and the increased muscle fullness and vascularity were impressive.
It's important to note that I did experience some side effects, such as back pumps, joint discomfort, and increased acne at nearing the end of cycle.
These were manageable with proper care and supplementation, but they're still worth considering.

Hi tech Dianabol vs STEEL 1-andro vs STEEL Ultimate Stack

If you’re new to prohormones, I recommend you try STEEL 1-andro.
After trying both Hi-Tech Dianabol and the STEEL ULTIMATE MASS STACK, which includes STEEL 1-Andro (65mg 1-andro) tablets, 4-DHEA (65mg), and 19-NorDHEA (50mg), I would recommend the latter for those seeking a more comprehensive and effective approach to building muscle mass and strength.
The STEEL ULTIMATE MASS STACK offers a more potent combination of prohormones that work synergistically to promote anabolic effects, enhance protein synthesis, and optimize hormone levels for muscle growth.
As someone who has experience with andro supplements, I've found this stack had most optimal, strategic blend of DHEA isomers.
The 1-DHEA (65 mg) in the stack is known for its potent anabolic effect, which I observed to significantly enhance my lean muscle mass and overall strength gains without the intense water retention often associated with other prohormones.
The addition of 4-DHEA (65 mg) complemented my bulking phase by supporting a more balanced hormonal environment, fostering not just muscle growth but also aiding in recovery and libido.
Meanwhile, the 19-NorDHEA (50 mg) gave me the benefits of increased muscle hardness and vascularity, akin to the effects of nandrolone (Deca).
Lastly, the liposomal technology used in this stack appeared to improve the bioavailability of the hormones, making each dosage more effective and efficient. Problem with most prohormones supplements out there is they lack focus on advanced delivery system & absorptiom!
Overall, the STEEL ULTIMATE MASS STACK provided a more comprehensive and synergistic approach to muscle building and hormonal optimization.
STEEL stack should lead to more substantial gains in lean muscle mass, strength, and overall performance, with fewer side effects compared to Hi-Tech Dianabol.
Additionally, the transparency in ingredient dosing allows for better control and customization of your cycle, making it a superior choice for serious bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts looking to take their physique to the next level.

Hi tech Dianabol ingredients

Evaluating Hi tech Dianabol as Legal Steroid

  1. Physical Performance Enhancement: 3/5 The proprietary blend of plant extracts like Dioscorea Makino and Rhaponticum Carthamoides, and hormone derivatives in Hi-Tech Dianabol, could theoretically support physical performance enhancement by mimicking the effects of hormones that promote strength and speed. However, the modest rating reflects the uncertain dosing within the proprietary blend, which may not provide consistent results for every user.
  2. Muscle Growth and Recovery: 4/5 Ingredients such as prohormones, 5a-Hydroxy Laxogenin Acetate and Ajuga Turkestanica Extract are known for their anabolic properties that may assist in muscle synthesis and recovery. This high rating acknowledges their potential in aiding muscle growth, though the actual impact might be tempered by the limited dosage in a proprietary blend.
  3. Energy and Endurance: 3/5 The compounds in the blend, like 3β-Hydroxy-5-androsten-17-one Acetate, could contribute to increased energy levels, which is vital for endurance. Still, without specific dosages and the variability of individual responses to such compounds, the energy boost may not be as significant or sustained for all users.
  4. Cognitive and Psychological Effects: 2/5 There's little in the ingredient list that is directly linked to cognitive enhancements; thus, while there may be indirect psychological benefits from improved physical health and performance, there's no strong evidence that this blend directly targets cognitive or psychological factors.
  5. Sexual Health and Hormonal Balance: 3/5 Ingredients like 3β-Hydroxy-5-androsten-17-one and androsterone could influence hormonal balance, potentially improving libido and sexual health due to their androgenic properties. However, the effects on hormonal balance can be double-edged, potentially disrupting natural hormone levels, warranting a cautious mid-range score.
  6. Weight Management and Fat Loss: 2/5 While some ingredients in Hi-Tech Dianabol may indirectly support lean muscle mass, there's a lack of direct fat-burning components in the formula; therefore, the supplement might not significantly affect fat metabolism or weight loss compared to specialized fat burners.
  7. Rehabilitation and Injury Prevention: 2/5 The anabolic nature of some components could theoretically aid in muscle recovery, which might contribute to rehabilitation; however, there's no clear indication that these ingredients directly support injury prevention or joint health, which are critical for reducing injury risk.
  8. Sleep Quality and Recovery: 1/5 None of the listed ingredients are known to specifically enhance sleep quality. In fact, hormonal modifiers in this product could potentially disrupt natural sleep patterns, thus possibly impeding the rest necessary for optimal recovery. Some users might get insomnia.
  9. Side Effects and Health Risks: 2.5/5 Given the inclusion of hormonal precursors and prohormones, there is a potential for significant side effects, including hormonal imbalance and associated health risks, which might not be immediately apparent, warranting a cautious approach and professional oversight.
  10. Legality, Accessibility, and Compliance: 3/5 While Hi-Tech Dianabol is marketed as a legal dietary supplement, the presence of prohormone-like ingredients could raise questions about compliance with anti-doping regulations in certain sports, making it important for competitive athletes to consult relevant sports authorities before use.
submitted by Fragrant_Tutor8631 to TestosteroneHGH [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 06:19 Fragrant_Tutor8631 An In-Depth Crazy Mass Legal Steroids Review Product lineup & alternatives, my insights

Quick Summary

The Crazy Mass product lineup presents a variety of supplements aimed at mimicking the effects of well-known steroids and performance enhancers through a blend of natural ingredients, targeting muscle growth, strength, and recovery.
While the formulas incorporate ingredients with potential benefits, the dosages and combinations may not always meet the expectations (in terms of results) set by their steroid counterparts, potentially leading to mixed results among users.
Overall, the effectiveness of the Crazy Mass range as legal alternatives to steroids appears to hinge on moderate benefits rather than transformative results.
For beginners to legal steroids, I would recommend CrazyBulk and HyperGH 14x (my #1 recommended legal HGH) over Crazy Mass.
Some of you might be hating on CrazyBulk, but they've changed their formulations over years, and some of their products are worth checking out.

Recommended alternatives

HyperGH 14x: My #1 pick for legal HGH (Deer antler velvet’s IGF-1 + GABA + choline etc.)
CrazyBulk: Best for beginners without harsh side effects. Their D-bal (legal dianabol) is their best product and some of the legal SARMS products (Testol 140, Ligan 4033) are worth checking out too.
Steel Supplements 1-Andro: Highest quality Andro T booster (prohormone), stack it with HyperGH 14x. Some people may require PCT. Steel Supp is my favorite brand for Andro prohormones.
Hi tech Pharma: For those more experienced with Andro and prohormones, try their 1-Testosterone or 1-AD/Superdrol. More hardcore products. If you're a beginner to legal steroids, begin with Deer antler velvet (natural IGF-1) based products like HyperGH 14x.

Some Commendable Ingredients used by Crazy Mass:

So, supplements specifically those promising the moon with "100% legal steroid alternatives." One such brand that's been on my radar is Crazy Mass.
They've been around since 2006, claiming to offer a shortcut to hardcore bodybuilding results without the legal and health risks associated with actual steroids.
I've decided to take a closer look and share my thoughts, focusing on whether these claims stand up to scrutiny based on real-life experiences and the information they provide- no-holds-barred perspective on what you might actually be getting into with Crazy Mass.

About Crazy Mass

So, who exactly is Crazy Mass? In their words, they're a group of bodybuilders and personal trainers who got together back in 2006, frustrated with the lack of effective, safe supplements on the market.
Their mission was noble enough – to create supplements that could mimic the results of steroids, minus the nasty side effects and legal headaches.
But here's where I start scratching my head. The supplement industry is notorious for bold claims, and Crazy Mass is no exception. They promise big results with their all-natural formulas, but when you've been around the fitness block as I have, you start to question what "all-natural" really means and what it can actually do for you.
First off, their founding story sounds great, but it's a narrative many supplement companies use – born out of necessity, a desire to help fellow bodybuilders, and so on.
It's a solid story, but it doesn't really set them apart from the dozens of other "legal steroid" companies out there.
Their mission to offer a safe alternative to steroids is commendable. Still, as someone who values transparency and solid evidence, I'm left wanting more. They talk a good game about being the solution to all your bodybuilding prayers, but I've learned to take these claims with a grain of salt.

Product Offerings and Claims

Let's talk about what Crazy Mass brings to the table – they've got a buffet of supplements designed for bulking up, cutting down, and boosting strength. If you're browsing their site, it's like a kid in a candy store scenario, but for bodybuilders.
They promise that with their stacks, you'll see "crazy fast results," claiming you can transform your body in as little as 30 days. And everything, they assure us, is 100% natural.
Here's where my eyebrows start to raise. Achieving significant bodybuilding results, especially in a short timeframe like 30 days, is a tall order.
Anyone who's spent time lifting weights knows that true, lasting results come from consistent effort over time, not just popping a few pills. The "100% natural" claim is appealing, sure. It suggests safety and a clean conscience.
But can natural ingredients really mimic the effects of steroids for everyone? Even a decently strong prohormone like 1-Andro has variable results, some people are just more sensitive to 1-Andro (or 1-DHEA) , means they see more results as compared to someone who isn't that sensitive to it!
Crazy Mass's product range is impressive, but as someone who's seen plenty of supplements come and go, I can't help but approach their claims with a healthy dose of skepticism.
The fitness journey is a marathon, not a sprint, and no supplement can replace hard work, proper diet, and dedication.

Ingredients and Efficacy

Diving deeper into Crazy Mass's claims, let's talk ingredients. They tout an "all-natural" lineup, which is great on paper, but what does that actually mean for you?
Looking through their product list, you'll see a range of natural ingredients, some with familiar names and others that might as well be in a different language.
I've done some digging into these ingredients, and here's the scoop: while some have been linked to potential benefits in muscle growth, energy levels, and recovery, the science isn't always clear-cut.
The fitness and supplement industry is notorious for jumping on preliminary studies and blowing them out of proportion. And while "natural" sounds safe, it doesn't always mean "effective" or "risk-free."
For instance, certain herbs and plant extracts can interact with medications or might not be suitable for everyone, especially in the concentrated doses found in supplements.
The lack of detailed, long-term studies on the specific combinations used in these supplements is a red flag for me.
Plus, the bodybuilding community has seen its share of "natural" supplements that ended up containing unlisted, sometimes harmful, substances.

Crazy Mass Testosteroxn (legal Sustanon alternative)

Crazy Mass Testosteroxn aims to mimic the effects of Sustanon with a formula including DHEA for potential testosterone boosting, alongside supportive ingredients like Alpha Lipoic-Acid, Acetyl L-Carnitine, and Tribulus Extract for enhanced energy and recovery.
However, the relatively low doses, especially of Tribulus Extract, may not provide the significant hormonal impact that users might expect from a Sustanon alternative.
While it may offer some benefits in terms of energy and possibly minor improvements in testosterone levels, its overall efficacy as a comprehensive legal steroid alternative appears limited.
DHEA: 50 mg
Alpha Lipoic-Acid: 50 mg
Acetyl L-Carnitine: 50 mg
Tribulus Extract (10:1): 10 mg
Vitamin E: 25 IU
Physical Performance Enhancement: 2/5
The combination of ingredients in Testosteroxn might offer some support in physical performance, notably through DHEA, which has been studied for its potential to mildly increase testosterone levels, thereby possibly aiding in strength gains. However, the overall impact on speed, endurance, and athletic performance is likely to be moderate at best, given the limited and mixed evidence supporting these ingredients' effectiveness in significantly enhancing physical capabilities.
Muscle Growth and Recovery: 3/5
For muscle growth and recovery, the supplement scores a bit higher. DHEA can contribute to muscle anabolism, and Acetyl L-Carnitine is known for its role in muscle recovery and reducing fatigue. Tribulus Extract, while popular in many testosterone boosters for its supposed benefits on muscle mass, has inconclusive evidence regarding its effectiveness. The doses, especially for Tribulus, seem low, which may limit their effectiveness in significantly impacting muscle growth and recovery.
Energy and Endurance: 3/5
Ingredients like Acetyl L-Carnitine and Alpha Lipoic-Acid are known for their roles in energy metabolism, which can contribute to increased energy levels and possibly endurance during workouts. DHEA might also play a role in enhancing energy levels indirectly through its hormonal effects. However, the impact might not be profound enough for a high rating, as the ingredient doses are relatively modest and the direct effects on endurance are not well-documented.
Cognitive and Psychological Effects: 2/5
The supplement's potential cognitive and psychological benefits are limited. While some ingredients like Acetyl L-Carnitine have been associated with cognitive benefits, the primary focus of Testosteroxn's formulation appears to be on physical performance and muscle building rather than cognitive enhancement.
DHEA could have some mood-enhancing effects, but the overall formula is not specifically designed to significantly boost mental alertness, focus, or motivation in a way that some direct cognitive enhancers for workout performance or more potent PEDs might.
All in all, Crazy Mass Testosteroxn contains a blend of ingredients that may offer some support in muscle growth, recovery, and energy levels, but its effectiveness as a "Legal Steroid/PED" across the evaluated categories seems moderate.
The evidence behind some of the ingredients is mixed or limited, especially at the dosages provided, making it unlikely to match the performance of more potent PEDs or achieve dramatic results in any single category.

Crazy-mass hgh P-MB Elite Series (legal Somatropin HGH)

The Crazy Mass HGH P-MB Elite Series positions itself as a legal HGH alternative with a unique blend, including amino acids and Deer Antler Velvet Extract, aimed at supporting natural growth hormone levels and overall muscle development.
The inclusion of whole pituitary gland extract suggests an attempt to provide direct hormonal support, but the low dosage and lack of robust evidence for efficacy in significantly boosting HGH levels might limit its effectiveness. While it might offer some benefits in terms of supporting recovery and lean muscle growth, its capacity to replicate the powerful effects of synthetic HGH is likely overstated.
Calcium (from dibasic calcium phosphate): 138 mg (11% Daily Value)
L-Ornithine: 100 mg
L-Arginine: 100 mg
L-Lysine: 100 mg
Deer Antler Velvet Extract: 25 mg
Whole Pituitary Gland (bovine): 25 mg
Physical Performance Enhancement: 2/5
The ingredients in HGH P-MB Elite Series, such as L-Arginine and L-Ornithine, are known to play roles in nitric oxide production and some HGH boosting, can improve blood flow and potentially enhance endurance. However, the direct impact on strength, speed, and overall physical performance is likely to be limited. The low dosage of Deer Antler Velvet Extract and Whole Pituitary Gland (bovine) provides minimal evidence for significant athletic performance enhancement.
Muscle Growth and Recovery: 3/5
For muscle growth and recovery, this supplement shows some promise. Amino acids like L-Ornithine, L-Arginine, and L-Lysine are crucial for protein synthesis and can aid in muscle recovery. The inclusion of Deer Antler Velvet, often touted for its growth factor content, could potentially support muscle growth, although scientific evidence is mixed and tends to lean towards minimal efficacy at low doses. The overall combination may support recovery to some degree but is unlikely to produce dramatic results in muscle mass gains.
Rehabilitation and Injury Prevention: 2/5
The specific blend of ingredients in HGH P-MB Elite Series provides little direct evidence supporting improved rehabilitation and injury prevention. While calcium is essential for bone health and L-Arginine may improve blood flow, aiding in some aspects of recovery, there's a lack of substantial evidence that the product significantly contributes to injury prevention or accelerates rehabilitation processes, especially concerning muscular or joint injuries.
Sleep Quality and Recovery: 3/5
Some ingredients in the HGH P-MB Elite Series, particularly L-Arginine and L-Ornithine, have been associated with improved sleep quality and stress reduction in some studies, which can indirectly benefit overall recovery and performance enhancement. Better sleep quality is crucial for optimal recovery, making this one of the more promising aspects of the supplement. However, the effect is likely to be subtle given the modest dosages and the mixed evidence on the efficacy of these compounds for sleep improvement.
So, the Crazy Mass HGH P-MB Elite Series presents a formula that may offer modest benefits in areas like muscle recovery and sleep quality, but its overall effectiveness as a comprehensive performance enhancer or a robust aid in rehabilitation and injury prevention seems limited.
The ingredient dosages and the scientific backing for some of the product's claims do not strongly support its potential as a powerful "Legal Steroid/PED" across the evaluated categories.

Crazy mass dianabol D-Anaoxn Elite

The Crazy Mass Dianabol D-Anaoxn Elite positions itself as a legal alternative to Dianabol, featuring a mix of amino acids like L-Isoleucine, L-Valine, and L-Leucine, which are essential for muscle repair and growth, yet the dosages seem low for significant anabolic effects.
The inclusion of Inosine and Colostrum aims to support endurance and immune function, but the scientific backing for these ingredients significantly impacting muscle mass akin to Dianabol is weak. With DHEA at 25mg, there may be a modest boost in testosterone levels, yet overall, the formula lacks the potency expected of a true legal steroid alternative.
Inosine 200mg
L-isoleucine 100mg
L-valine 100mg
Colostrum 15%-50mg
L-leucine 25mg
DHEA 25mg

submitted by Fragrant_Tutor8631 to TestosteroneHGH [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 21:10 CulinaryGenius Why doesn't anyone talk about Ever Clean litter?

I have two kittens, Lola (~10 months) and Finn(~8 months). I got them a few weeks apart, but I have had them for about 6-7 months and have tried more litters than I would have liked. Every single one has a problem that causes either me, Finn, or Lola to hate it. The list of litters I have tried (to the best of my knowledge) are:
  1. Arm and Hammer Doubly Duty - This was purchased for me when I agreed to adopt Finn. I had never had a cat before and I didn't have any litter to compare to. The only thing I remember disliking about it was the tracking, but this has been a problem with pretty much all clay litters.
  2. Arm & Hammer Clump and Seal - This one had a super strong smell (the litter itself) and that alone made it unbearable for me.
  3. Tractor Supply pine pellets (with sifting litter box, followed this guide) - Decided to switch to limit dust, avoid health problems, and more. This was by far my favorite and the only daily maintenance was picking up/scooping poop. Although I did a slow transition, Lola eventually stopped peeing in it and resorted to the floor. After trying different litter boxes, increasing the number of boxes, etc. I gave up and tried out...
  4. World's Best Low Tracking - I preferred this to clay litter at first because I liked the smell better, the tracking wasn't as aggravating, and it didn't feel as wasteful. It clumped okay. After awhile it seemed to hold a lot of moisture and I started getting gnats. I was willing to make some changes to keep the moisture at bay until... Lola started peeing on the floor again. "Alright back to clay it is"
  5. Tidy Cats 24/7 Performance Clumping Multi-Cat Clay Cat Litter - I got this as an emergency to hold over Lola while I figured out what to do next. I don't really remember anything notable about it.
  6. Fresh Step Clean Paws Simple Unscented - My main issue with this one is that it seemed to not clump fast enough/well enough? When I would go to scoop there would be concrete-like clumps stuck to the side of the box. It drove me nuts.
  7. Arm & Hammer Super Scoop Unscented - I sort of had the same issue with the wet concrete clumps, but not as bad as Fresh Step. In both cases, the clumps would break apart into unscoopable pieces. This litter was the first time that I experienced extreme ammonia smells. It was honestly unbearable, and I scoop everyday so I'm not sure what the issue was.
  8. In response to the ammonia, I splurged on a stainless steel litter box and Ever Clean Extra Strength Unscented Clumping Clay - The first night that I switched to this I kept checking back to see if either of the cats used it. I was worried to see that it looked untouched. I decided to sift through it and realized that it was not, in fact, untouched! There were perfectly formed, hard, and dry urine clumps hidden. I have only had this setup a few days but so far I don't have any complaints. The only thing that is unfortunate is the price, but I am willing to spend it given the long process its taken to get to something that both I and my kitties are satisfied with.

I should add that I was using this litter box before and Lola does lots of scratching, so that could have been a factor in the ammonia issue that developed. Also, I live in a pretty small apartment, so unfortunately Lola and Finn are sharing a litter box right now. This has never seemed to be a problem, but I still plan on getting 1-2 more boxes when I move in the next few months. Finn definitely prefers clay litter over any other, but he didn't have any major objections to some of the other options I tried. Lola hasn't showed any preference between clay litters, but anything other than clay is out of the question for her.

TLDR: Ever Clean litter is noticeably so much better for clumping and masking smells compared to many other litters I've tried. The main downside is the price. If you or your cat dislike pine pellets and you are ok with the splurge, then I would highly recommend trying it out.
submitted by CulinaryGenius to CatAdvice [link] [comments]


Alopecia, or hair loss, affects millions of individuals globally, causing not only physical changes but also psychological distress. Human Growth Hormone (HGH), a multifunctional hormone with diverse physiological effects, has piqued scientific interest as a potential therapy for hair loss. This comprehensive scientific article delves into the intricate mechanisms behind exogenous Human Growth Hormone (HGH) therapy, presents findings from relevant scientific studies, and discusses safety considerations related to HGH use in addressing hair loss.


Human Growth Hormone (HGH) plays a crucial role in the regulation of various physiological processes, including hair growth. In the context of hair loss, HGH serves as a vital factor in maintaining the health and vitality of hair follicles. It stimulates the proliferation and differentiation of hair follicle stem cells, which are responsible for initiating new hair growth and ensuring the continuous renewal of follicles. Additionally, HGH promotes the production of essential proteins and growth factors within the hair follicles, contributing to the strength and resilience of the hair shaft. Furthermore, HGH helps to prolong the anagen (growth) phase of the hair growth cycle while inhibiting the transition to the catagen (regression) and telogen (resting) phases, thereby promoting a longer duration of active hair growth and reducing hair shedding. Understanding the role of HGH in hair loss sheds light on potential therapeutic avenues for addressing hair thinning and promoting hair health.


At the core of its hair-related effects, HGH stimulates the activity of hair follicle stem cells, which are responsible for initiating new hair growth and maintaining the continuous renewal of hair follicles. By promoting the proliferation and differentiation of these stem cells, HGH facilitates the regeneration of hair follicles, leading to thicker and healthier hair. Moreover, HGH enhances the production of essential proteins and growth factors within the hair follicles, contributing to the robustness and resilience of the hair shaft. Additionally, HGH aids in prolonging the anagen (growth) phase of the hair growth cycle while simultaneously inhibiting the transition to the catagen (regression) and telogen (resting) phases, thereby promoting a longer duration of active hair growth and reducing hair shedding.
However, it’s important to note that while HGH can positively influence hair growth, its effects are subject to various factors such as individual genetics, hormonal balance, and overall health status. Furthermore, excessive or imbalanced levels of HGH can potentially lead to adverse effects, underscoring the importance of maintaining physiological equilibrium. Overall, understanding the multifaceted roles of HGH in hair growth provides valuable insights into potential therapeutic strategies for addressing hair loss and promoting hair health.


Exogenous Human Growth Hormone (HGH) exerts multifaceted effects on hair health, playing a pivotal role in regulating the growth cycle and vitality of hair follicles. By stimulating stem cell activity, enhancing protein production, and prolonging the growth phase while inhibiting regression and resting phases, HGH promotes thicker, healthier hair growth while reducing hair shedding. Understanding these mechanisms illuminates the potential of HGH as a therapeutic target for addressing hair loss and promoting overall hair health.


A comprehensive understanding of the scientific studies investigating exogenous Human Growth Hormone (HGH) for hair loss provides valuable insights into its potential as a therapeutic agent in addressing various forms of hair thinning and baldness. These studies delve into the effects of HGH on hair follicle activity, growth rates, and overall hair health, shedding light on its mechanisms of action and clinical efficacy. By examining both experimental and clinical evidence, we can better appreciate the multifaceted role of HGH in promoting robust hair growth and mitigating hair loss.


When considering the use of Human Growth Hormone (HGH) for hair loss, it’s essential to be aware of several safety considerations:


Exogenous HGH therapy offers an intriguing avenue for addressing hair loss, with scientific studies indicating its potential efficacy through the regulation of IGF-1 and other mechanisms. However, due caution must be exercised, considering the potential side effects and the importance of medical oversight. As research progresses, exogenous HGH therapy may emerge as a compelling approach for those seeking solutions for hair loss, ultimately boosting their confidence and overall quality of life. Ongoing clinical investigations are essential to establish the full spectrum of therapeutic potential and long-term safety considerations for HGH therapy in hair loss treatment. The synergy of scientific inquiry and medical innovation holds the promise of improved outcomes for individuals grappling with hair loss.
Shop Hair Loss Treatments
submitted by RegrowthGuru to HairlossRecoveryCom [link] [comments]

2024.04.10 22:50 SevereMedia7959 Beginners Guide To Fasting

Definition- fasting, abstinence from food or drink or both for health, ritualistic, religious, or ethical purposes.(12)
Intermittent fasting means you restrict food for a certain amount of time every day. For example, an 8/16 protocol means you have an 8 hour eating window and 16 hour fasting window. Generally, you will get more benefits the shorter your eating window, considering you are getting sufficient macro and micronutrients.
Extended Fasting is a fast longer than 24 hours. These fasts can range anywhere from 24 hours to 382 days, no seriously, check this out.
Ketosis is a metabolic state that occurs when your body burns fat for energy instead of glucose. Your body enters this state in extended fasts and to a lesser degree During 12-16 hour fasts
Increased spiritual awareness- there is a reason fasting is a common practice in almost every religion. Not to mention Jesus and Buddha both fasted frequently, sometimes up to 40 days at a time. There is no science for this, but the anecdotal data is undeniable. You will feel more in tune with your body and spirit on long fasts. And even in the later hours of your intermittent fast.
Increased energy- If you stick to intermittent fasting, your body will get more efficient at using fat for energy
Increased mental resilience- You don’t realize how addicting food really is until you haven’t eaten for a couple of days. At this point your hypothalamus will try and seduce you with thoughts of your favorite item from every restaurant you drive by, it is truly a test of willpower. Intermittent fasting is a little easier but it definitely is going to take some discipline to get used to. Overcoming these Urges will literally grow the part of the brain that is responsible for resilience and willpower.
Weight loss- There are a couple reasons for this. It’s a lot harder to gain weight if you can only eat 8 hours in the day vs 16. Now, don’t get me wrong, it is definitely possible to gain weight within an 8-hour eating window, but you’d have to really put your mind to it. The scientific reason that fasting causes weight loss is that your body is literally using fat for fuel. Once the glucose from carbs and sugar is burned, your body starts to burn fat as an energy source and this causes weight loss
Healthier eating habits Most Americans are slaves to their hunger. Right when they feel hungry it means time to eat, usually some starchy, sugary, BS too. when you learn to sit with that hunger, you realize the habitual pattern of satiating yourself all your waking hours is an unconscious and unhealthy thing to do. When Intermittent fasting you will likely cherish your meals more and be more conscious of what you are putting in your body cause you gotta make every meal count, as it should.
Increased HGH- Studies show that fasting leads to a major increase in HGH levels. Interestingly, one recent study in 47 people found that HGH levels increased five-fold during a 24-hour fast. HGH (human growth factor), Put simply, increases lean body mass and decreases fat mass; this is good.
Increased Brain Health- Fasting boosts production of an important protein called Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) by up to 400%. BDNF has been hailed as “Miracle Grow For Your Brain”, allowing the brain to continue to change and adapt. This makes your grey matter more resilient and adaptable, in turn boosting memory, mood, and learning. (17)
Increased Longevity “Among all anti-aging interventions, calorie-restricted diets and periods of fasting stand out as the most compelling and robust methods to prolong life and health span and to reduce the risk of diabetes, neurodegeneration, autoimmune disorders, spontaneous tumors and cardiovascular disease (14)
Improved Gut Health- fasting cleanses our body of toxins and forces cells into processes that are not usually stimulated when a steady stream of fuel from food is always present. When we fast, the body does not have its usual access to glucose, forcing the cells to resort to other means and materials to produce energy. (13)
Why Not? These are only if fasting is taken to the extreme.*
Potential muscle loss- if you are lean, than during extended fasts of more than 48hours your body might start using muscle tissue for fuel. This will cause slight muscle loss, but will be very easy to regain.
Potential Malnutrition- you need to listen to your body, if you feel very unwell, stop fasting and try a lighter protocol.
To fast, you just stop eating for a period of time. This can range anywhere from every day for 16 hours, to once a year for 7 days straight.
Optimal fasting will vary from person to person, depending on your weight and goals. For example, if you are 5’10”, 130lbs, and you are trying to bulk, extended fasting is definitely not going to help you gain, however an intermittent fasting window of 10/14, which is a 10-hour eating window, would allow you to get all your macros in and still obtain benefits from the 14 hour fast.
For me, what works best is an 8/16 daily intermittent fast from 12PM to 8PM And a biweekly 40-hour fast. I find that the hours in the morning before I eat are always my best hours, meaning I have the most energy, I’m happiest, and I’m super focused. During my extended fasts, these feelings get heightened the longer I go, and after I eat, that flow state gets dampened. You Gotta get those macros in somehow, and thankfully, food is amazing, so it’s a fair trade. Meditation and yoga are also much more enjoyable when fasted, as I feel more in tune with my spirituality.
Hope This Helps
submitted by SevereMedia7959 to fasting [link] [comments]

2024.04.09 06:47 SundayJan2017 Behemoth Labz Sermorelin

Behemoth Labz Sermorelin

Behemoth Labz Sermorelin

What is Behemoth Labz Sermorelin?
Exploring Sermorelin: Unveiling its Potential
Sermorelin, classified as a Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH) analogue, is engineered to mimic the properties of the natural GHRH by recreating a peptide consisting of the first 29 amino acids found in it.
Key Benefits and Effects of Sermorelin:
  1. Increased Growth Hormone Production: Sermorelin has the potential to elevate Growth Hormone (GH) levels, which is crucial for various physiological functions.
  2. Anti-Aging Properties: Research suggests that Sermorelin may serve as an anti-aging aid by restoring natural GH production, thus potentially mitigating age-related decline in bodily functions.
  3. Fat Reduction: Sermorelin's ability to stimulate GH production could contribute to fat reduction, making it beneficial for individuals struggling with obesity or weight management issues.
  4. Enhanced Libido: Elevated levels of Sermorelin might be associated with increased sexual desire and libido, indicating its potential role in improving sexual health.
  5. Muscular Endurance: Clinical studies have hinted at Sermorelin's capacity to enhance muscular endurance, which could be advantageous for individuals seeking to improve physical performance and stamina.
Visit Behemoth Labz Sermorelin Here. Coupon Code: CHEMVOY
Behemoth Labz Sermorelin
Mechanism of Action:
Sermorelin functions by stimulating the transcription of hGH messenger RNA in the pituitary gland, thereby augmenting pituitary reserve and preserving the integrity of the growth hormone neuroendocrine axis. This mechanism plays a pivotal role in maintaining optimal GH secretion, which is essential for various physiological processes.
Research and Findings:
  • Sermorelin and Growth Hormone: Studies have demonstrated that high-dose Sermorelin treatment resulted in elevated GH levels among elderly individuals, with no significant difference observed between age groups.
  • Sermorelin and IGF-1: Research indicates that Sermorelin treatment could potentially increase Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1) levels, which play a crucial role in growth and development.
  • Fat Reduction and Libido: Recent studies suggest that Sermorelin may promote fat reduction and enhance libido by increasing GH production and restoring hormonal balance.
Behemoth Labz Sermorelin holds promise as a research chemical with multifaceted benefits, ranging from promoting muscle growth and fat reduction to enhancing sexual health and overall well-being. While further research is warranted to fully elucidate its mechanisms and long-term effects, Sermorelin stands as a potential ally in the quest for optimized health and vitality. Disclaimer: Not For Human Consumption.
Visit Behemoth Labz Sermorelin Here. Coupon Code: CHEMVOY
submitted by SundayJan2017 to BehemothLabzReview [link] [comments]

2024.04.03 22:50 optomap1 First cycle questions and concerns

Hi. I am considering my first cycle. I am old enough and trained long enough to give it a try. It is for a few reasons: aesthetics, energy, mental, sexual life. I have most symptoms of low T but my testosterone levels were always within normal range (doing new bloodwork in a few days to confirm). My SHBG and E2 were, however, slightly elevated. My body fat is showing as 20% but I actually think that it is a bit lower, since most of the fat is settled in the waist (caliper measurements are showing more like 15-16% when other body portions are involved)
Concerns: - natural test production coming back to precycle - end up with minimal results with a short cycle after PCT - small testicles and worried about them being even smaller - face and back is a bit acne prone, so I don't want to get it oit of control. - diagnosed with ADD and chronic fatigue, which I am taking Adderall for, but want to experiment with test cycle to see if it helps with those symptoms - started immunotherapy for allergies, not sure if it interferes with test injections - my body water retention is high, and fat is weirdly settled in lower portions of the side of my abdomen (lovehandles) as soon as I reach minimal surplus
Now my questions are: - Should I run test alone as the first cycle or add anything else? - Would you add HGH to protect the testicles and minimalize aromatising? - Which test esther would you recommend? - Would you cycle for the first time or blast and cruise, when my natty test is still within normal range? - Should I do a quick cut to drop the BF a bit lower before hopping on gear, should I bulk a bit more (since I switched from cutting not too long ago), and can I expect my BF to decrease on cycle even with caloric surplus? - Is a high intensity FBW routine 3x per week enough or should I switch to a different plan on gear? Or can I add a martial arts class 1x per week on a free day?
submitted by optomap1 to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2024.04.02 19:01 kra211 What kind of test did I have done?

Question on a test that was done
Randomly remembered a medical test that was done on me but can't remember what the actual test was. It was maybe 20 years ago or so, so this is all to the best or my recollection. I'm a male 5', was probably around 15-16 years old, weighed maybe 95lbs at the time. iirc it was some sort of hormone test. I think they hooked me up with lines in both arms, they would I push something in one arm, I'd get this super funky smell/taste in my mouth, and they would measure something out of the other line some set period of time after that. I think the total time was an hour so, could have been longer. I was always very short and at some point the doctors said my hgh production was essentially 0 so they prescribed me hgh injections to see if I'd grow at all. I did not. Any ideas what kind of test this was?
submitted by kra211 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.03.31 14:50 Fragrant_Tutor8631 Whats the deal with Honey male enhancement products – any real reviews of honey pack for men, Royal Honey VIP, elite royal honey etc.?

So there's a lot of buzz around various honey-based male enhancement products, such as Honey Pack for Men, Royal Honey VIP, and Elite Royal Honey, among others. These products are marketed with claims of natural benefits, but I've come across some concerning information regarding hidden ingredients and health warnings from FDA.
So while reviewing all these male performance products, I am more in the favor of Performer8 , Vigrx Plus and Love Bites gummies due to their potent formulations and higher concentrations of key ingredients.
This contrasts with the more commonly found honey packets and gummies, which tend to contain lesser quantities of these crucial "magic" components that are primarily responsible for their effectiveness.
For example, Royal Honey Vip has like 200mg of Panax ginseng per sachet, while Performer8 has 6000mg in each pill.
We have this article on the top sex gummies and pills for men shared here; it should be a good resource for feedback in navigating the vast array of options available for enhancing male performance.
FDA also issued a public notification about a product called "X-Rated Honey for Men", which was found to contain hidden drug ingredients not listed on the label. Typically, Cialis (tadalafil), Viagra (sildenafil) seems to be hidden in these kinds of products.
Similarly, an article on Hone Health discusses the hidden dangers of Royal Honey for Him, highlighting undisclosed substances that could pose serious health risks.
On the flip side, there are experts like the New Zealand Honey Company that discuss the potential benefits of Manuka honey for sexual health, albeit in a more general and natural context, and with long-term benefits as expectations and goals, without the promise of immediate enhancement effects.
Given the mixed messages and potential risks, it would be overall good to hear real reviews or testimonials from the community:-
  1. Personal Experiences: Has anyone here tried these honey-based enhancement products? What was your experience like, and did you notice any benefits or side effects?
  2. Opinions on Safety: How do you feel about the use of such products, knowing there might be hidden or undisclosed ingredients in them? Have any of you decided against using them for these reasons?
  3. Alternatives and Recommendations: For those seeking natural supplements for male enhancement or sexual health, do you have any safer alternatives or recommendations that you've found effective?
    Looking for honest feedback and more of the real insights you might have on natural male performance supplements, especially when faced with potentially misleading claims or health risks.
submitted by Fragrant_Tutor8631 to TestosteroneHGH [link] [comments]

2024.03.31 12:17 Fragrant_Tutor8631 Royal Honey Packs for Men Reviews? Seeking diverse experiences, insights

Note:- So we kind of have a consensus here that, Performer8, Vigrx Plus or Love Bites gummies are better products that honey based male enhancement gummies/products, because they pack more punch and have higher dosed ingredients, the gummies and honey packs usually have lower doses of those “magic” ingredients that do most of the bull work here.
Refer to this Master LIST of best sex gummies & pills for men.
Just curious about this Royal Honey pack, like how effective is it?
The dosing of ingredients is NOT as good as Performer8, so still if someone has tried it, would be keen to know how has been your experiences.
Each pack contains three sachets and is made with a blend of natural ingredients like honey, royal jelly, bee pollen, Panax ginseng, Tribulus Terrestris, Maca, and Tongkat Ali. It's priced at $14.99 and has been getting some attention online, even being featured on platforms like TikTok, TMZ, VICE, and METRO.
The product boasts a 4.3/5 rating based on over 325 reviews, with users praising its effectiveness in stimulating blood flow, enhancing performance, and naturally increasing libido.
I'm curious if anyone here has personally tried Royal Honey packs and can share their experiences. Was it as effective as advertised?
Did you notice any significant improvements in your sexual health or performance? How about side effects or anything else one should be aware of before trying it out?
submitted by Fragrant_Tutor8631 to TestosteroneHGH [link] [comments]
