Shaiya bots autoattack

Skua Bot Inefficiency

2024.04.26 16:50 stdwas Skua Bot Inefficiency

So I just love Skua bot, it has a lot of useful things and is well optimised.
However, I struggle with two - three major problems
  1. Autoattack bot is kinda bugged and when u stop it, it automatically abandons all your quests. VERY ANNOYING
  2. Sometimes it gets stuck for no reason
  3. Cannot activate options (aggro monsters) when using a bot - I know it would interfere with some tasks but when it wouldn't interfere you still can't activate it, which slows down the process sooo much
  4. Private rooms. It doesn't matter which options u edit. IT AWLAYS JOINS PRIVATE ROOMS.
Any tips?
submitted by stdwas to AutoQuestWorlds [link] [comments]

2024.03.23 18:40 VerdoneMangiasassi Goodbye Midmira, Samidra arise! Actually viable Samira mid build - special thanks to Urason

Goodbye Midmira, Samidra arise! Actually viable Samira mid build - special thanks to Urason
So, lately due to the grubs meta and the ridicolosly eloinflated support role, i've grown tired of playing bot. This patch u/Urasonlol came up with a very interesting strategy for samira based on gold efficiency, and that inspired me to try it in the midlane. Basically, the core strat of the build is saving up as much money as possible to get to IE + LDR spike ASAP and have an insane burst of power from midgame on.
This changed fundamentally the paradigm of playing samira, no longer relying that much on snowballing early to be relevant in the midgame, which made her a lot more viable in the midlane than in botlane, and i'll proceed to tell you why. If you're looking for a more in-depth look at the build, check out the original Urason post . I have expanded it by adding boots and defensive options.
To put it shortly, Statikks is 400g cheaper than collector, boots are 300 free gold, skipping t2 boots is another 800g and future's market allows you to buy for around 250 gold earlier, for a grand total of an IE powerspike that comes 1750 gold earlier. Given a minionwave is 150 gold every 30 seconds, you get to IE 6 minutes earlier than before (i know there are cannon waves too, but let's be realistic, nobody gets all the cs in the wave anyways so it kinda balances out).
The reason why this is so important is that Samira spikes in the midgame extremely hard compared to other adcarries, which she pays for not having the best lategame presence. What snowballing does is effectively allowing her to get to her powerspike faster than normal, which is exactly what this build does but without needing to get fed. This also means that if you get fed with it, you are a force out of control.
Tldr: Samira mid game spike big. If mid spike come more early when enemies are more weak, spike more big. Samira stronk ooga booga.
Well, it's not like you have to, it's your choice. Although, i'm a multiseasonal diamond samira OTP, i've reached it both as support and as adc, i have over 500k on the champ shared between my accounts and i've been playing the game for 6 years now. The data i'm sharing was collected on my alt account in E4 elo, which doesn't make it all that reliable per se, but considering i have never touched midlane in my life, i don't know matchups, powerspikes nor cooldowns of my enemies, these results are quite impressive:
Since she gets the xp of a sololaner, she always has around 1200 gold of stats over botlane Samira through levels, she gets through her weak early levels much quicker and she gains extra quick access to lvl 5 q and lvl 2 ult. Also, due to the grubs meta, botlane Samira often spends a lot of time 1v1ing the enemy adc while the support roams; usually she gains the edge over her opponent by freezing the wave on him and forcing him to deal with her or lose xp, but Statikks doesn't allow her to do this anymore, which sucks.
In the midlane instead, the ability to shove waves quickly empowers her main gameplan, which is to skirmish with the jungler as much as possible. Also she can make much more use of the neutral game power given by quiver and statikk because midlane champions typically don't have many cc to stop her from just keeping autoing them, sometimes not even the range like in melee champion's case.
In the Botlane you're often stuck there praying that the topside fiesta is won, in the Midlane you partecipate to it an can greatly impact the outcome, securing yourself tons of kills and the grubs.

These things combined make her spike in the midgame INSANELY stronger than bot samira, even if she doesn't have a lead.

Here's the full list of the stats she gains with 2 more levels for the nerdiest ones among you:
216 hp 576g
76 mana
1.10 hp5
1.4 mp5
9.4 armor 188g
6.6 ad 231g
2,6 mr 36,4g
6,6 as 165 g

total gold (excluding mp5, hp5 and mana): 1192g

Midlane samira has always had 5 key flaws:
1 - poor neutral game
2 - poor waveclear
3 - bad 1v1 early
4 - no space to run down
5 - reliance on setup
This build solves all of them thanks to statikk shiv. The item's attackspeed allows her to take short trades when she couldn't have before (generally Eing through a cs, dropping autos with atk speed steroid, Wing to get out) and it clears the wave faster without needing to walk up melee range. Also, thanks to the attackspeed she's able to play front to back in fights and skirmishes and still be relevant, which gives her flexibility.

The problem of her weak earlygame is solved in two different ways:
1- Noonquiver makes it that much easier to contest and push the wave from range and not losing cs under turret
2- Statikks is so cheap that samira will always come back to lane with it completed before the enemy completes his item, giving her an extra edge to push for prio or take a very favourable trade
The problem of her reliance on snowballing is solved by the build itself, so it doesn't really matter that you can't win the 1v1 anymore.

Yes ok, Samira mid doesn't suck, but why the hell should i pick her over regular midlaners?
1- One of the strongest skirmishers in the midlane
This strat in the early-mid game revolves around playing around your jungler. There is no mage who can match your 2v2 after your first back, and many assassins can't either, which is extremely valuable to fight over grubs and drakes, or even for scuttles. This doesn't require your jungler to play around you, simply if a fight is breaking out and you can go, you go. Your ultimate in the river is extremely strong and it wins most fights straight away.
2- Great teamfight presence
Especially with this build that allows you to play less greedily about resources, you provide a lot of sheer teamfight power. Since you already have a dps, you can afford to play more aggressively and try out flanks, aggressive flashes and weird plays that as an adc you could not afford to do because of how reliant on you your team is to deal consistent damage. Often times I find myself straight flashing on the backline to oneshot them and burst everyone around, even if it means I die right after, just to let my team clean up and win the fight; you can see in some games I have a very high death count. Also thanks to statikks you can even decide to play front to back like a traditional ADC.
3- Self Sufficient
She no longer relies on a random support to brawl and can be present for every single fight, increasing the chances of snowballing.
She is a lot harder to gank than in botlane because of the map changes and how close the turret is: if you get ganked, just step forward and E back through the Jungler. Gg you're under turret, you don't need to coinflip on how many braincells your support has.
4- Unparalleld midgame power
Seriously, it's ridicolous how strong she gets.

5- Harder to countetroll
Usually what happens for botlane Samira is that the support picks tank or disengage to not allow you to play around your spikes and slowly let you fall off, adcs take safe picks like smolder, Caitlyn, Vayne and ezreal to never give you an opening to 1v1 them, your jungler weaksides you because he has to play for grubs and herald, the midlaner doesnt want to swap because you're useless without a lead and suddenly you're out of the game.
In the Midlane instead you can always make use of your powerspike and spread it anywhere on the map and you're more likely to see your jungler in your lane. This makes traditional counterpicks less impactful because you have the choice to simply play away from them for a good portion of the game, snowballing it to a point of no return.
Oh, and you know that support that leaves bot forever to perma fight topside? That's your support now.
The playstyle is foolproof: just do nothing. That's right, you don't win lane, just keep the wave neutral or pushed on your side, don't get ganked and don't trade unless forced to. All you're looking for is to soak up gold and xp without exposing yourself to risk until you get to your first back. Ideally keep the wave in the middle, so you can always rotate to a skirmish together with the other midlaner, and always hold a finger on your W to negate eventual ganks or attempts to all in from the enemies. Keep doing this until you come back with Statikk Shiv.
Now life is much easier. Your trades hurt a lot more, your skirmishing power is good and your waveclear is great. At this stage there's still a chance of being pushed in, but if the enemy midlaner tries to push and roam, you just auto Q the wave - deleting it - and you follow. From now on all you're looking for is joining skirmishes and fights all around the map, keep an eye on the enemy jungler and on yours, also on both supports and objectives spawning. You don't give a fuck about the enemy laner, you're going to be stronger than him regardless of what he does as long as you can stay even in cs and kills or slightly behind. If your jungler ganks, you ball. Keep doing this until you get IE.
The world is your oyster. You have officially reached your spike and your damage is going to be NUTS, even on tanks. Keep the waves pushed and wander around the map causing chaos and disaster. It is very possible to 1v2 at this stage, and if youre fed even 1v3. From here on proceed to play like Samira normally does, except you're a lot stronger and you can even take sidelane against most opponents.

This is your best friend and the main reason that allows you to always be stronger than your enemies at any stage of the game, even if youre not all that fed. Utilize this rune only to buy important powerspikes, like:
- Quiver
- A full item
- Pickaxe
- BF sword
- T2 boots (if they actually have an impact, otherwise not worth it)
- Crit cloak (only after IE is completed)

There are three main starting options:
Longsword + refillable: the most gold efficient start possible, therefore the weakest. Take it only into very easy lanes where not much is going to happen.
Longsword + 3 pots: my most frequent start. It gives you good sustain to survive early against higher range characters, or to out sustain dorans ring users in general. Still very gold efficient.
Dorans blade + potion: not ideal, but necessary against melee assassins to survive their burst. Useful if you expect to be ranked a lot as well.
Your core items are statikk, IE and LDR, although if the enemies have no frontline i prefer closing out shieldbow third (if im fed) or bt (if i need an extra edge to get truly fed). If they have lots of lifesteal, consider mortal reminder instead of ldr.
We all know shieldbow is not all that defensive of an item, so here's a good list of defensives you can buy on Samira. My advice is to never build them until you have at least Statikk, IE and a cloak. You can indeed buy a component and sit on it, but don't finish the item before your 55% crit spike.
Frozen Heart
Very cheap, good amounts of armor, very useful in any situation really, especially if you go lifesteal third and not ldr. Samira can easily make use of the aoe. Pairs great with Steelcaps
Situational, only if they have 2+ crit users
Abyssal Mask
Yes I know, who even builds this item? Well, Samira! The cost is ridiculously low for the amount of stats it gives, and it gives extra mr for every enemy in a 550 range around her. It'ss not uncommon for sam to have 3+ people around her, and the stats can stack up to 110 mr, 300 hp and 10 AH into 5 enemies. With 3 around her it's still a solid 92 Mr, quite a deal! Not that great against long range poke tho.
Kaenic Rookern
More expensive alternative to Abyssal Mask, depending on what you need. It's great against AP assassins If they have too many opportunities to catch you isolated, great against Mr shred and poke as well.
Great as a build finisher If you haven't built other resistances yet.
Classic, ya know the drill. Good into heavy ad and lots of autoattackers.
Not great as an mr option, but better than nothing. Great against heavy cc comps, remember it doesn't work on knockups and the slow duration reduction is NOT slow power reduction. Against infinite slows (singed w, Anivia r, etc) it's worthless, against nasus W too most of the times. Useless against rylai users too as it's always reapplied every second by Landry's so you don't reduce the slow duration except for the last tick.
They're very cheap, and cheap is good. They're also great if they have a rylai user that can easily hit you (namely brand, cassio and zyra) or tons of powerful slows (udyr, nasus, janna,...)
I haven't tried them out yet, but they're really cheap and they give you that fat flash cooldown reduction which sounds juicy af in the Midlane. I'm going to test them soon, try them out at your own peril.
Cleanse: I've found it to be fairly useless in the Midlane except against specific matchups like lissandra, TF and vex. Most cc spells in mid are projectiles that you can block with W, also midlaners don't typically run exhaust and even if they did, Samidra doesn't play to kill in lane so it would still not matter much. It's better to buy qss if really needed and just sit on a different summoner
Exhaust: the one I've found myself using the most. Great at both running enemies down and preventing burst from assassins and gankers.
Barrier: Only when exhaust can't be used (generally long range poke mages)
Ghost: great if the enemy teamcomp has a lot of frontliners and overall rundown champions (Gwen, yi, trynda, volibear, yasuo, Viego...), or a ton of disengage (janna, azir, etc). It allows you to play front to back and kite against rundown and to not be peeled off easily against disengage. Against Janna and slow-based kiters, pair it with Swifties for extra 'here's Johnny' energy.

This is the guide! Let me know what you think, how it went for you or anything else really! I hope this helps the Samira mains community, i'm going to keep the post updated as i gain more experience on the lane and the pick!

Special thanks again to daddy Urason for inspiring this strategy ❤️
submitted by VerdoneMangiasassi to SamiraMains [link] [comments]

2024.03.20 18:03 itsfalcon1 New AI Bots are tragic

Really, besides adding "jungling" those bots and thier behavior in game are even worse than before. On intermediate they are just inting, bugging as fuck, they are sometimes even not autoattacking, they are flashing forward while escaping, sometimes even moving in circle doing nothing letting you poke them, they are coming 5 mid in 6 minutes for some random reason. In general, thier AI is broken as hell. In old bots it was a way harder to finish the game.
As a bots enjoyer its big disappointment. Hope they will improve it
submitted by itsfalcon1 to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

2024.03.13 12:16 teemiko My new go-to build & runes that I've been really enjoying, thanks xPetu

Hey everyone,
Just wanted to share my build setup that I've been having a lot of fun with, please let me know thoughts / ideas! Btw this is for Top lane, I haven't explored Shen mid just yet. I just started this setup recently and in my last 14 games have had 71% WR. I'm only Gold/low Plat ELO but I think this build holds up in many ranks.
EDIT: I'm at 86% WR last 14 games as of writing this edit lol

Summoner Spells

I've always felt like the choice was between Ignite OR Teleport and I must have Flash. Until, that is, I saw xPetu's latest vid where he unleashed the Ignite + TP technology.
It feels very powerful, it makes tough matchups into much easier ones and allows you to secure kills, while still maintaining TP to get back to your lane after making a play and ulting. It allows for very high tempo playing, where you get a kill top, let the lane freeze, Ult to team, and then TP back to catch your big wave of minions. Dont think I'll be running Flash anytime soon after trying this. Flash allows for some cheeky plays every 5 min to catch people out of range but I think with the itemization of this build it's no longer necessary.


In most matchups toplane I'll go the standard Grasp primary rune page, however for SECONDARY runes I go:
Shen is not typically an early boots champion and typically the free boots come right around the time I would be buying boots anyways so this just straight up feels good.
Approach velocity synergizes VERY well with Shen's empowered Q, because not only is your enemy slowed but you can chase them down even faster. Hidden technology is that this is even FURTHER amplified by the extra speed from Magical Footwear. You'll notice even more synergy here once we get to items.



After this the core of the build is completed, and it's a bit more situational but here are some of my favorite later items:

Early game note:

Runes + Iceborn Synergy

If you manage to build Sundered Sky with this setup, you'll have so much fun being an absolutely unkillable menace. Hope you've enjoyed the read and will try it out in your games!

What about Ultimate Hunter?

What if my opponent is AP?

In this situation I usually go one of two routes, depending on what feels right for the matchup and enemy team comp:
Edit 2:
submitted by teemiko to Shen [link] [comments]

2024.03.08 19:21 EunucZ I think a buff/revert on E dmg would fix most of our problems

I'm not sure why Riot decided the true dmg had to go, but if they don't want to revert it, at least give us armor shred/pen or just straight up more dmg on it, it's basically a glorified autoattack even at full fury and feels absolutely awful to use. In exchange they can take away power from her passive healing, aoe knockup, or even her tunnel cds (which feel borderline OP imo).
Riot said they wanted to make Rek'Sai more of a bruiser but I've never seen a bruiser do as little dmg as she does. At this point she's a utility support and requires her team to do anything because her tunnel>w takes up so much of her power budget she lacks the dmg to be useful any other way. She's essentially like J4 or a jg Rakan, which might be fine for a different champion, but the issue is I'm playing a giant void shark so I want to kill people, not be a team reliant knockup bot. Rek'Sai just doesn't feel like Rek'Sai if she doesn't do dmg.
I know why I did 0 dmg here I just thought it was funny
submitted by EunucZ to reksaimains [link] [comments]

2024.02.14 09:04 coojw Smolder Support Guide

I've had great success with AP smolder support. Plays like a xerath, and easily pushes people out of lane (maybe until the new change comes in reducing W damage early - at that point we will see)
I've finally solidified the complete build & strategy for smolder support. I will experiment with variations at some point. Keep in mind you will get a lot of hate in game & on Reddit for playing smolder as support. Don't let that deter you. He has the tools to win many botlane matchups.

Skill order: Lvl1: W, Lvl2: E, then Wmax then Qmax
Comet, manaflow band, transcendence, scorch
Presence of mind, Coup de grace
+Ability Haste Shard
+Adaptive Shard
+Flat heath Shard (best for early fighting)
Summoner spells: Flash / [Flex] Ignite or Exhaust

Talent Notes:
Manaflow band + Presence of mind take care of all your mana needs
Presence of mind + Transcendence help your ability haste for your W spamming.
Build Order: (Lucidity Boots: Finish before 2nd item)
-- Support item: Zak'Zak's Realmspike: for added %based dmg (The Solstice Sleigh upgrade is viable, and only used for very fast enemies you need to keep your distance from, but there is a large damage difference when going with this option. The Bloodsong (spellblade) upgrade can be made viable as well, I've just had the most damage output with Zak'Zaks due to using W as my primary damage dealing spell.)
  1. Liandry's (build ap components first if you can): Burn helps in lane phase immensely
  2. Rift maker: Burn + W & Ult synergize well to bring it to full strength often with 1 spellcast. Makes abilities do more %dmg
  3. [FLEX ITEM]Shojin: Makes abilities do more damage at full 4 stacks, Synergizes with W greatly. very nice ability haste on your spells.-OR-The Collector: Makes your burn have the chance to execute, as well as any of your other spells.(This one needs a little explanation. As support, you rarely get your full stacks within a reasonable amount of time. The AOE & Teamfight damage makes up for this of course, however the collector item still gives you the ability to get executes, especially off of this high burn build.)
  4. Shadowflame: Makes your spells & burning crit on low health enemies, if you get to full dragon training stacks (225 stacks), your true damage burn will crit also.

Level1: When you're done leashing and get to lane, the 3 melee minions will be half health or lower. Don't W those, let your adc get them. Use your W to hit all 3 caster minions and make sure to aim it at the enemy champions as well, priority target is the ADC in most cases. This allows your bot lane to have quick priority on the minion wave, setting up to get level 2 first. You will have the time to shoot at least 1 more W before level 2. Make sure it goes THROUGH the minion wave, and at the ADC, do your best to hit the enemy champion to soften them up for your level 2 all in.

Level2: Moments before you hit level 2, indicate to your ADC you plan to go all in. Upon hitting level 2, (preferably from the bushes) combo your W into the enemy ADC (or whoever you've been targeting previously with your W), and use your E to both gap close and do damage to the lowest enemy champion while weaving in auto attacks. Depending on how low the enemy is, you can use your ignite or exhaust. Depending on your lane combo & theirs, you will either be able to secure a kill, or get the enemy to waste summoner spells. Your goal with this all in combo is to get them to low HP and in essence push them out of lane.

If your all in doesn't result in a kill, go back to bush control mode, and wait for your W cooldown to harass again. This will ultimately either result in a kill or them having to Reset to base. This will give you level advantage for when they return. Continue to W the wave while they are gone to help your adc push. This will deny the enemies minions as they die to the tower, and get you in position to take early plating gold.

Level3: You want to maintain your advantage (don't level up Q yet, get another into W), keeping a level ahead of the enemies if possible. Remember to hit enemies with autoattack when you can as it helps you regen mana. Continue aiming your W at the ADC *Through* the wave, and on your first back, buy an Amplifying tome, and a blasting wand (if you're rich), if not, amp tome and boots. Build both AP components of liandrys first to maximize lane harass.
Level4: Level up Q, and start using Q to both harass for stacks as well as last hit minions with your support item (world atlas) when you have a minion execute available. Note that you want to be hitting enemies with abilities as often as you can for stacks, and with autoattacks as often as you can for mana regen, and saving your E for disengage to safety, or secure kills.
At Level 6: look to snipe low health enemies in bot lane, and if no low health enemies can be found to kill, you can use it to pressure objectives like dragon or, to hard push your wave with your adc. I tend to like hitting the entire wave with the ult making sure to aim it at the enemy champions. This puts enormous pressure on them in lane along with your W.
This short guide should get you to a nice spot to propel you forward into your game.

submitted by coojw to SmolderMains [link] [comments]

2024.02.09 09:29 Dingding12321 Ever had a game like this? What's the best thing to do as Zed?

Admittedly this game frustrated me to no end haha. While this sounds like a rant (it kinda is), I'm curious as to how I could feasibly win this, or at least what the most effective thing to do was.
Imagine you're playing as Zed. Your opponent Fizz rotates bot at level 5, conveniently after you achieve an advantage in lane. Their Pantheon support swaps to your lane while rushing BORK. You all-in him at 6, then realize your all-in does actual zero damage to Pantheon; meanwhile he's building his YouTube Shorts 1-shot combo. If you somehow pressure him out of lane, he just ults or TP's back to tower.
Darius constantly shoves top lane so that he can gank you. Post-6 Eve rotates between ganking top and ganking you. Panth chases you around and tags in on your ganks whenever he can. Eventually Nilah leaves bot as well and comes mid/top to farm (you don't get to autoattack Nilah).
You get ganked mercilessly by the Eve, Darius, Pantheon and/or Nilah and lose mid tower for it. Teemo top didn't bully Darius but instead lost tower due to Eve ganks, and in response freezes the wave at his tower. Bot Ez+Janna gave up tower due to Fizz combos as they understandably couldn't risk sitting under tower at low HP vs. him. Your jungler is Ekko, who perma-farms and never goes for dragons or ganks besides for botlane, which has zero success vs. the now-botlaner Fizz.
Your team takes no objectives whatsoever in 25 minutes. Your team never groups or pushes; meanwhile 3 of the enemy team are running around stunlocking anyone they can find and start slaying Dragons around the 14-minute mark.
Your harass does no important damage because everyone that reveals themselves to be remotely solo is Darius or Pantheon, and if they roam together and either has Flash you're dead or very near it. If you gank anyone, it will be unsuccessful as the lanes are lit up like a Xmas tree and the enemy team will chase you across the map the moment they spot you.
TL;DR: 2 bullies, 2 assassins and a safe bot vs. 2 AFK farmers, an enchanter support stuck botlane, a perma-top that lost lane and yourself. Wat do fam
submitted by Dingding12321 to zedmains [link] [comments]

2024.01.22 11:09 TheTrueAsisi My thoughts on Corki ADC after changes and Phreaks „promise“ to buff him in Botlane

Okay, so Phreak mentioned in his 14.1b Patch, that he wants to buff Botlane Corki. I gave it a try and want to share my experiences so far
First, Corki is a magic dmg champion with mediocre pen options, so you should only play him as solo magic dmg. Also DONT FALL FOR Q MAX, ALWAY MAX E. Especially the Armor Shred gives you CRUCIAL dmg, and on botlane you wont need that much push from Q.
Imagine Corki a bit like a mixture of Aphelios and ezreal. Your Abilities are very important, but so are your autoattacks. Since you will most likely build a sheen item, so you should weave attacks and abilities.
I ussualy go for a crit build: Essence Reaver, Sorc Boots, Navoris, RFC
For runes, corki has a lot of viable options. The most common are First Strike and Fleet, but you can also go HoB or Conqueror. I usually go Conqueror or Fleet, but HoB is good with Braum.
So how good is he? From my point of view, he is quite decent at the moment, if he receives more buffs for bot, he will soon become really good. I would recommend to play him in normals, until you fully understand his kit and wait for riot to buff him further in botlane before you play him in ranked. IM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR LP
submitted by TheTrueAsisi to ADCMains [link] [comments]

2024.01.20 16:18 _Nyarlath_ Bought accounts?

I recently started playing again after a year and am in low elo. I see and keep seeing a lot (like 2 every game) of level 750+ accounts with millions of mastery points on a champ playing said champ and not being able to do basic stuff. I'm talking about borderline botting, like they walk, autoattack, as soon as they see an enemy they engage and they, repeat. Some of them never use ult for the whole game and stuff like this. Is there an increase in high level or high mastery accounts selling by bots? Because I cannot explain this otherwise
submitted by _Nyarlath_ to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

2024.01.15 20:27 blablabla2384 A list of 31 Soloque tips for newer players struggling to understand how to play Katarina, including macro tips on how to lead the team to win (Bronze-Emerald).

These tips are for Kat and also include macro tips + more. They should be very helpful for newer players trying to improve. Any tips I may have missed or are incorrect, just add them in the comments. Do comment on any of the pointers that you disagree with or believe can be done differently.
  1. Sit at tower and throw Q to farm. Usually you will be behind in early game csing due to farming with Q/aa cs when possible, however by midgame you will get even with laner as minion wave always pushes back to your side once it builds up unless there is a perfect freeze setup (in which case you can ask jungler to help crash the wave to enemy tower allowing wave to reset).
  2. Dont bother trading with laner as they usually out damage, out sustain you and will be ranged too so you will get attacked when going out of the trade. When your vs a otp who can handle their champion then they will do their best to punish you if you have not done the trade properly using the right combos.
  3. Kat never has mid prio if your playing vs decent laner. Dont bother helping jungler if hes doing a bad invade play as your wave will get pushed in and you will lose wave, turret plate etc. Suddenly your down 3 plates, 2/3 waves without any kill/lead to show for it. Thats massive in the early game as staying even is very important in the early game. Always assess what follow up would occur if you go in.
    1. Make sure the jangler knows there will be no mid prio so invade plays should be avoided unless good opportunities become available once you get a lead for your lane, where then kat becomes one of the best roamers in the game.
    2. If its a kindred jg, make sure to tell her to avoid high risk early game invades.
  4. Ignite is a huge no in the current meta. Need to use teleport.
  5. 15 cs = 1 kill so your better off getting 2 waves then chasing a low chance kill.
  6. 2 turret plate = kill - so your better off being in lane and either getting the plates or denying enemy from getting them.
  7. Kat usually gets fed off the botlane or making plays with the jungler. Enemy laner will know this and will be trying to warn them, however in lower MMR people do not listen or pay attention to pings and will be overextended allowing you to catch them out. Using inconvenient pathing to get to gank lane can allow you to bypass wards to make plays. Sometimes people can be too focused on their own lane and will not see you walk over wards allowing easy pickoffs.
  8. Farm for Nashors as without it you are not a champion.
  9. Focus on not dying in the laning phase so you can stay even with laner. Very important.
  10. Focus on going in to fights once crowd control abilities are used and someone else is the focus. Otherwise you will get ccd and get focused. Get an idea of the main CC abilities you need to watch out for in champion select.
  11. Practice your combos in practice tool until you get proficient at them.
  12. For pickban phase, make sure 2nd to last in the pickorder. Get your Top laner to become the last pick so he doesnt get counterpicked on his island. Best order for pb phase is SUP/ADC/JG/MID/TOP depending on champions being played.
  13. Make sure you ban Vex or Lisandra or Fizz.
  14. Make sure you spam ping within TOP/BOT/JNG visible space when your laner is missing. Specially at level 6 for Zed etc. By visible space I mean inside the camera box of them as most players dont track pings made in someone elses lane.
  15. Learn to play unlock camera. Keybind other players POV to z, x, c, v keys allowing you to cycle through to check whats going on. Use A+click to CS as it gurantees the auto attack to go through.
  16. Make sure you untick autoattack in the laning phase to ensure you get every cs with the slower attack speed, and then ticket it once you got your main item as then your item will let you combo the wave around level 8-9.
  17. For dragon/voidling fights in the early game you will be missing Nashors tooth, so assess if fight is winnable before committing. Early 2 dragons are not worth when your teams early game is weak.
  18. Always back off if enemy laner starts moving up, in ways that look too good to be true as it will be a bait.
  19. Be wary of missing supports in botlane. Will most likely be in mid/top as is meta now. Supports usually roam mid once pushing the wave in and enemy adc resets.
  20. Respect your laner, your playing vs players who are doing their best to win and will do their best to punish your mistakes even if your playing at lower MMR.
  21. Once your botlane takes outer botlane tower they will rotate to midlane, this is when you need to go botlane and farm there. Quite often your botlane is extreamly weak or has been feeding however your ahead and are capable to defend the mid tower.
  22. In this case its better for the fed laner to stay in mid to defend. Its better also in this case to send your botlane to top, while you defend mid with your support while your toplaner goes bot to create baron pressure.
  23. If people go chasing your top laner in the botlane, BOT/JG/MID can force baron and use that buff to take inner towers as 0/5/0, 1/3/1, 1/4/0 etc depending on your teams comp.
  24. Most often ppl in your elo would have no idea about this so you can lead the team to doing this with pings or making calls.
  25. Make sure your utilising your pings to control your team with your superior game knowledge as most often then not your possibly the best player in the team.
  26. keep using tab all game to assess who is strong in all lanes. Eg. 1.5 full item on the draven while your lucian doesnt have his first item finished is a big warning to avoid the lane for now.
  27. Once your botlane rotates to midlane, and you go to botlane, always be on the lookout for a possibility for a teamfight starting up as the first midlaner to make it to the fight will usually carry it. If your unable to make it to the fight then try and ping them off, if that doesnt work and the enemy midlaner makes it to the fight then try and make a crossmap play and take enemy botlane tier 2, thats worth 700g, which is like 2 kills, adding the 2/3 waves thats almost 1k gold.
  28. Make a list of meta champions played in the midlane, and watch high elo vods of kat mains playing vs these champions during lane phase. Watching the Mid to late game reminder of the vod doesnt matter as much as by that time you will be in botlane and it will be just a repetition of the same combos.
  29. Use lolanylytics to assess builds that are meta or are performing well.
  30. Get porofessor to assess your team and enemy team to figure out who to be careful off and who to focus in the teamfights. Check for level 30 smurfs, OTP, high winrate on account/champion, previous ranking of account etc. Knowing enemy JG/MID is a duo can easily tell you that you will be 1v2 in midlane. At the end of the day, ranking etc doesnt matter if you play perfectly however we cant always play perfectly and knowing this information can tell us who is likely to make more mistakes allowing us to capitalize on that.
  31. Direct mute anyone being toxic and mute their pings too if they start pinging. If your being flamed by team, change chat visibility premade. Easy fix for chat.
  32. The key to ending games is taking baron and using numbers advantage to make fights favourable to win. For the baron make sure its perma visioned and that your team plays around it. For numbers advantage, if you can safely pickoff an enemy, with it not being a high risk gamble, making it a 5v4 then you can easily use that pick to get a free objective.
  33. Picks can be forced when an enemy is spotted on the other side of the map pushing waves and has no teleport, then you know for certain that any fights forced will not get any help from that player. Or simply when enemy facechecks or goes into unwarded area.
  34. Elder and Baron counter each other. Where taking baron can let your team turtle in base for 3 mins avoiding fights while enemy team wants fights to use the execute buff. So if enemy team goes for Elder just take baron and turtle in base.
  35. Kat is very weak in the early game, however she destroys teamfights during the mid to lategame only if shes not very behind. This is why you should do your best to to ensure you dont get behind and try to play perfectly going for 0 death game every time.
  36. I can recommend you to watch kat otp 'Incursio' on twitch - very good mechanically and decision making. Hes also a good jungler, both go hand in hand as you need good macro + micro knowledge when playing kat to assess what the best next play can be or will be from the enemy team.
  37. The game is based on getting objectives so only fight when you know you are highly likely to win that fight/trade and can also get an objective from that fight. Obviously if there is an easy pick to be made then go for it however be very wary of getting baited, as when your caught out then your team is highly likely to follow you and die, resulting in a lost objective. Generally avoid high risk fights before a big objective spawn unless its low risk and you know you will win the fight. Basically fighting over no objective just for the kill is not worth it.
EDIT: Its actually 34 points.
EDIT 2: Seems to be more points then when I checked. Added a few more.
submitted by blablabla2384 to KatarinaMains [link] [comments]

2024.01.10 20:39 jkannon What questions do you want Riot to answer regarding the role?

I just feel confused as to what the balance philosophy for Marksmen is, and if I had to try and sum up what I think riot thinks, it’d be the following:
“Marksmen are very strong in coordinated play due to the nature of ranged autoattacks and how facilitating this no-CD source of damage pays huge dividends. Because marksmen are strong in coordinated play, they will feel much weaker in uncoordinated play because when they are strong in uncoordinated play, they’re broken in high elo + pro play, and because we want to grow the pro play scene, we’re going to cater to what audiences find exciting, which is sololane carries with high mobility and flashy out-play tools. Because marksman are fun to play and very popular, we don’t mind keeping them weak for most players because it will not kill the player base.”
As for questions I want to ask:
•Why can’t there be separate patches for soloq and pro play?
•Any ideas for making marksman feel good in soloq while not being broken in pro play? Is this just accepted as impossible or is this seen as a goal to be attained?
•Are marksman still thought of as the king of the late game because of how their damage scales? Is this still correct to think of with the state of the game given mobility creep and the sheer number of champions from other classes that have comparably great late games?
•Does riot actually think the role is fine for the vast majority of players (Bronze-Emerald)? If it’s fine, what makes you say so?
•Why was there little to no coverage of what botlaners should be excited about for this new season? Was this done on purpose, and riot knows there isn’t much to be excited about?
•Does riot view the bot lane role as “less than” roles like mid, top, and jungle?
submitted by jkannon to ADCMains [link] [comments]

2024.01.06 05:46 Business-Bison-1028 Did anyone face this problem?

Do you remember bots in chinese servers that just stand in one place and autoattack endlessly? Today i saw like 3 of them in knockout (not chinese version). Sadly, i can't provide the replay cuz these were low trophy matches. Did some of you face this problem too?
submitted by Business-Bison-1028 to Brawlstars [link] [comments]

2024.01.05 00:21 No_Hippo_1965 Are there any good bot laners that aren’t regular adcs, ezreal, ziggs, karthus, swain, veigar, or seraphine?

Basically the title. I do not like crit autoattack marksmen (although I do like melee crit users, but don’t like playing them in bot lane), and I already play ziggs, karthus, ezreal, veigar, and swain bot lane, and hate seraphine. So are there any other mage bot laners or some other non adc bot laner (ive already tried pantheon if that’s your suggestion) that I can play? Also, no, I don’t main ADC.
submitted by No_Hippo_1965 to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

2023.12.25 05:42 coojw This is the Hwei - I Just dominated as Hwei support. I'm about 50 games in and I'm finally starting to feel like I am dictating the terms of each fight.

Just went 14/1/11 as support Hwei.
I wanted to share some take-aways that I'm starting to get better at the more I play. These strategies cover the early game pretty well, and give you lane advantage.
A. Level 1 power spike - As I posted before on this sub, If you pick the right talents, Hwei has a power spike at level 1, level 2, & level 3. Most champions don't have a level 1 power spike, let alone have one the first 3 levels. I use this advantage to gain early lane dominance.
B. Bush control - It goes without saying, controlling the bushes as support is important. With hwei, he excels at bush control as early as level 1 for the reasons mentioned above, and more. He can use his E•W to force enemies to leave the bush (doesn't work on invis teemo, learned the hard way). He can also drop lava into the bush so someone can't stay in there. Use these tools keep permanent bush control.
C. Incoming Ganks - There are a few scenarios where your skill choice can make a big difference for you and your ADC's survival when being ganked. Using your normal methods of keeping vision near river will help you avoid ganks, but if a gank does come.. have your E spell ready for CC.
Hopefully these insights help you. They've helped me as i've continued to learn. I'll post some other tips as I can. These are mostly for early game dominance.
submitted by coojw to HweiMains [link] [comments]

2023.12.19 03:54 eggclipsed2 Mihira, Aspect of Justice

Mihira, Aspect of Justice

Class: Marksman, Specialist
Intended lanes: Bot, Mid
All stats are approximate.
Summary: Mihira is a hybrid between a marksman and a mage who uses unique AoE autoattacks and her game-changing ultimate to deal significant damage from a long range, but is vulnerable up close.

The mother of Kayle and Morgana, Mihira climbed Mount Targon in the depths of the Rune Wars, hoping to find the power to save their tribe. She returned as the Aspect of Justice - a godlike, winged being of pure fire.
From Kayle's biography:
As the Rune Wars raged, Mount Targon stood as a beacon against the oncoming darkness—Kayle and her twin sister Morgana were born beneath that light. Their parents, Mihira and Kilam, began the perilous climb in search of the power to save their tribe from destruction.
Even when Mihira learned she was with child, she pushed onward. At the mountain’s summit, she was chosen as a divine vessel for the Aspect of Justice, wielding a sword that blazed with a fire brighter than the sun.
Not long after, the twins were born. Kayle, the elder by a breath, was as bright as Morgana was dark.
But Mihira had become a fearsome warrior, far greater than any mortal. Kilam began to fear her new divinity, and the sorcerous enemies that were drawn to her light. He resolved to take the girls out of harm’s way, journeying across the Conqueror’s Sea to a settlement where the land itself was said to offer protection against magic.
Right before Mihira left this realm altogether, she left a part of herself behind - a holy flame, burning brightly. To her daughters, she sent the legacy of the Aspect of Justice - her sword wreathed in starfire and shadow. As the sword fell from the sky and the girls snatched up one half of it, golden and jet black wings burst from their shoulders. Kilam knew that it was Mihira's sword. Kayle felt more close to her mother than ever, certain that this was a sign Mihira was alive and wanted her daughters to follow the same path as her.

P – Judgement
Innate: Sword Summoner - Mihira’s basic attacks summon a portal up to 200 units in front of her which launches a celestial sword forwards in a line, dealing physical damage to all enemies hit as well as bonus magic damage.
Notes: • Mihira will always try to summon the portal 100 units before its target if the target is close enough, otherwise she will summon it at max range. • The sword projectile’s speed increases with attack speed and level, and the attack windup decreases with attack speed. The range also increases with level, and effects that increase attack range increase its range as normal. • The sword applies on-hit effects at 50% effectiveness, and can critically strike, but for 125% damage instead of 175%. • The damage is reduced to 50% against minions over 20% health.
Stats: • Projectile speed: 2000/2200/2400/2600 (Levels 1/6/11/16) (+50 per 25% bonus attack speed, capped at 500) • Projectile range: 450/475/500/525 (Levels 1/6/11/16) • Projectile width: 180 • Physical damage: 75% AD • Magic damage: 10/15/20/25% AP (Levels 1/6/11/16)
Innate: Judgement – Whenever Mihira deals magic damage with her abilities or basic attacks, she applies a stack of Judgement to enemies hit. Each stack of Judgement lasts for 3 seconds and reduces the target’s armor and magic resistance by 2%, to a cap of 20% at 10 stacks; the stacks rapidly decay after the 3 second timer. If Mihira would apply a stack of Judgement but the target is already at 10 stacks, they are instead dealt 1% of their current health as true damage.

Q – Flames of Rapture
Mihira releases five small bolts of flaming holy energy in a line, with a 0.1sec delay between each bolt. The bolts travel up to 800 units before starting to seek nearby enemies, prioritising champions. Upon hitting an enemy unit or after 0.75secs of seeking, they explode, dealing magic damage to all enemies within a 150 unit radius around the target.
• Damage per bolt: 10/16/22/28/34 (+11/12/13/14/15% AP) (max 170 + 75% AP at rank 5) • Maximum range: 800 + up to 750 • Width: 140 • Speed: 1000 • Cast time: Equal to attack windup time • Cost: 40/45/50/55/60 Mana • Cooldown: 10/9/8/7/6

W – Celestial Vigour
Mihira grants herself 20/30/40/50% bonus attack speed for 5 seconds. During this time, her basic attacks slow all enemies hit by 10/15/20/25/30% for 1 second.
• Cost: 50/55/60/65/70 Mana • Cooldown: 22/21/20/19/18 • No cast time

E – Crown of Thorns
Mihira sends forth the celestial ring orbiting her form. This projectile deals magic damage and slows the first enemy hit by 70%, as well as reducing their attack speed by 40%, for 2 seconds. It also grants Sight in a 250 unit radius around the target for the same duration.

• Damage: 60/90/120/150/180 (+60% AP) • Range: 1000 • Width: 150 • Speed: 1600 • Cast time: 0.25 • Cost: 70/75/80/85/90 Mana • Cooldown: 14/12/10/8/6

R – Dimensional Rift
Mihira creates a space-warping Portal at the target location, and creates another upon recasting within 5 secs. Upon creating the second portal, the two are linked. For 5 seconds, the areas outside each portal are treated as if they are directly next to each other. Mihira can recast again to cancel this ability.Ascent: At rank 2 of this ability, Mihira’s abilities or basic attacks that are affected by the portals apply an additional stack of Judgement. At rank 3 of this ability, she gains +10% movement speed and +25% attack speed for 5 seconds upon casting R, refreshing on takedowns.
  1. A projectile shot through one portal will immediately appear at the centre of the other portal and travel in the same direction until its range runs out.
  2. A champion can dash into a portal and continue out the other portal.
  3. A champion can flash/blink through the portals.
  4. ALL units can walk through the portals.
  5. Units can increase the effective range of their basic attacks by attacking enemies on the other side of the portals. The champion’s basic attack targeting range would be extended, as long as the basic attack missile would travel through the portal based on the current position of each champion.
  6. Area of effect abilities are split between the portals; e.g. a Brand W cast with half of its radius inside the portal have the other half of the radius apply its effect outside the other portal.
• Cost: 100 Mana • Cooldown: 120/95/70 • Target range: 1000 • Maximum distance between portals: 800 • Portal width: 400
thanks for reading, any feedback is appreciated!
submitted by eggclipsed2 to LoLChampConcepts [link] [comments]

2023.12.19 00:25 RepresentativeTune85 Are these champions broken?

I started playing half a year ago, and there’s a few things i’ve noticed, and I want to know if they’re valid thoughts and i’m not just a silly boy.
First, I want to know, are most matches decided by who wins top lane? Because thats what its felt like for the majority of my matches. I could be destroying and bot could be destroying, and then suddenly some tanky ass boy comes strolling down and rolls everyone. Is this just a product of my mmr? Or is that just a fact that the rest of the match barely matters?
The second thing I want to know is if these champions are broken, and why or why not they are or aren’t broken. (Or why I struggle with them a lot?) Yone, Sett, Illaoi and Senna.
Please say more than “look at the win rates” which most people seem to say when they say a champ isn’t broken.
For the record I play irelia and riven mid, and poppy jungle.
Yone feels like he could just miss his abilities and AA you to death, while the champions I play seem to be you dead if you miss an ability. I saw some people say he is broken because nobody knew how to play him, so everyone whined till they buffed him to be braindead.
Illaoi seems manageable, until some point where she just solos 3 players, no sweat.
With sett, it feels like we could be winning really hard and then he just decides to start suplexing people into towers and walks away unscathed.
And with senna she just gets crazy and mows you down with her autoattack alone as a support.
I just want to know how to handle these champions as riven or irelia. Every time I’ve asked, it’s just “you don’t as a melee”, but then what do i do when im in lane with them?
Sorry if this seems like a rant, it’s not, I just want to figure out how to play against them.
submitted by RepresentativeTune85 to Rivenmains [link] [comments]

2023.12.08 08:06 m0nk_DotA Juggernaut in 7.34e

Started to play Jugg more frequently, hero is a lot of fun but i feel like he falls off way too hard later on. Bladefurry makes him a great laner, has a lot of kill potential and ult is what makes him strong in mid game fights. But i started to see a lot of issues with him.
First thing that makes him feel bad is his Q - he can't use his autoattacks unless he buys shard. But it feels so weak after the nerfs (specially the change 100% attack damage - 75% attack damage). There is a moment that it feels so bad to use it even tho u have to dispel something or stay safe from magic damage. 4 attacks doesn't seem that much neither. This feels like the main problem with the hero right now. Maybe it would be better to rework his shard in this way - he still gets the bonus movement speed but instead of attacks in intervals he would get a bonus damage whick would scale off of the percentege of his total attack damage (something around 30% or 40%)
And let's talk about his ult - which can feel amazing or horrible depending on circumnstances. To cast a good ulti you need a good vision during fight. If you fight on some area with a lot of trees enemies can juke you and cancel it. Ghost scepters, Euls and Glimmers are your worst enemies and force you to build Nullifier most of a time to not get cucked. Also ulting near creeps or neutrals can soak up a lot of damage and that's why hero needs BF or Mjolnir to clear minor units.
Healing ward also is a hard spell to use succesful in fights. It would be nice to have 2 hits to kill on lvl 4 ability to not feel that underwhelming. It could use more movement speed to manouver it with more ease in fights. Right now it feels tok slow and way too easy to kill eslecially against range heroes.
About hero powerspikes - with Battlefurry, MoM, Blink/Manta and Agh's he deals a lot of damage in fights with Omnislash - can wipe a lot of line ups. MoM combo great with Battlefurry, low BAT and Omnislash. But there is this moment into the game (around 35 minute mark) that he just gets outscaled by a lot of other carries. With a full build like Swift blink, Butterfly, Satanic, Nullifier, SnY, Battlefurry and consumed Agh's he feels easy to kite. Sometimes it's nice to take a risk and build Rapier, but if your ults goes bad it's very easy to loose it.
Let's also talk about his talents which are mostly pretty good i would say?? Those are not like super amazing solo game winning but those feel pretty solid all-rounders that compliment his kit pretty well. Maybe the one reducing ward cooldown is not needed that much?? Why not just lower it's cooldown to 40 seconds?? It's easy to kill anyway. I think the strongest one is 60% Blade Dance lifesteal which allows you to skip Satanic in some of games. +1 second Omnislash duration is also fine, but not doesn't feel more than that. Sometimes i wonder if the other one is simple better (+2 attacks to destroy the ward is no joke and could greatly increase you whole team sustain if microed correctly), but not sure. Want to test it in my next time. So far i played him more of a Omnislash bot.
What are your thoughts about a hero?? What do you usually build and what are your ways to play Jugg in terms of role or unconventional builds?? Does the hero feels too weak right now?? His winrate is 47,5 % on Divine+ bracket so mathematically speaking hero is on weaker side. What kind of change would make him a better hero nowadays?? I feel like he could gets some buffs on Healing Ward and/or Blade Fury. Overall he doesn't seem too bad but it feels like he could use some minor buffs.
submitted by m0nk_DotA to TrueDoTA2 [link] [comments]

2023.12.05 14:18 TheFamus Why/How does this even happen?

So after 10+ years of not playing runescape a friend of mine convinced me to redownload it and play with him. I was looking for a new game to play anyways so figured why not, I already have some idea of how to play. So I download the game, put in a few hours then hop off. Yesterday I decided to hop back on and had asked him what I should do. He told me farm cows, level up attack/strength/defense and collect hide to sell. Seemed simple enough and I could do it while messing around in another game. So why is it that while autoattacking cows (tabbed out of client) I get hit with a macro ban? I'm assuming that is "botting" or something dumb like that as it said something about third party clients. What could even cause this to happen? I am just at a total loss for words. I guess on one hand they have a really good team for stopping hacking so fast? on the other, they might be too extreme considering in >4~5 hours of gameplay I got smacked with a ban.
Could this have been caused because I downloaded plugins through the client? That was the only thing I did that day but figured they were safe since it was apart of the client unless I'm missing something?
It is sad to say though they still have not appealed my ban and unfortunately I might not even want to return if it does get appealed even though it was kind of fun coming back to the game. So incase I do want to play (if they ever review/unban people, I know some companies once you're banned you're SOL) what would cause this to happen so I don't get another false ban? Do I need to buy membership or something?
submitted by TheFamus to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2023.11.26 18:53 L_ive Just me or is Nilah the most sleeper broken "ADC"

Lol, title.
In specific her shroud ability I just find this the most ridiculously and unnecessarily overpowered ability for any ADC ever. It completely just negates picking auto attack reliant champs such as Draven, Twitch, Jinx, etc. The list goes on as I think 90% of attack damage carries do damage through their autoattacks.

Unless you pick an APC or something like Varus or champions that do damage through their abilities, I don't think you can ever truly beat a Nilah in lane. Especially since she has her stupid EXP passive as well which just grants her extra xp for no reason LOL so it's hard to just outscale her.

If your jungler picks an autoattack reliant champ such as Bel'Veth, Graves, Lee Sin just to name a few, you can't really turret dive her without risking a loss cus of her W which she CAN PASS TO HER ALLIES. Just so disgustingly broken.

The only way to beat this champion is to simply have either mages on your team or to not do most of your damage through auto attacks, that's why she's not considered 'broken' overall as a lot of comps often fulfil these criteria. But speaking purely as a GM elo ADC player there is little to no counterplay against Nilah as an ADC in the bot lane like 80% of the time granted you're not playing something that is not auto-attack reliant for damage.

If it wasn't for her being such a sleeper pick, ie no one plays her, I would put her in my list of permabans simply due to having no real counterplay in the bot lane.

So yeah, idk, thoughts?
submitted by L_ive to ADCMains [link] [comments]

2023.11.11 00:50 zamantukendi I just had a game make me remember why I quit Zoe on 300K

Enemy mid was yasuo, started with d shield and second wind. Playing against Yasuo is a total nightmare on it's own he can got close so easy so you can't hit any long range Q, even if you land a perfect Q/E he just W it, autoattacks also useless because d shield regen almost same hp your auto attack and you lose more hp to enemy minions. It's ok I played the lane safe, got a kill at river. The real suffering started after laning phase, both tier1 mid towers were down but Yasuo pushing the lane and roamig jungle and other lanes. I can't push the lane back because I don't have a AOE spell, I also can't try to kill him while he pushes because fighting against Yasuo is like playing 2 abilities down, 1 goes to his passive 1 goes to his W. As Zoe's ult doesn't deal damage I had no way I kill him so I gave up on minions and chase him. Teamfights were fine both teams got kills and we were slightly wining BUT Yasuo had 1 more item than me¿WTF‽(not really suprised) bcz I gave up on minions to join these fights. From there it all goes down, I can't even approach yasuo anywhere because he got BOTRK so if he flash aaQaa to me I had 0 chances to run, I tried to farm on other lanes but enemy jg was hecarim and even I have 1 more item than him I deal no damage to him bcz he just get close to me with ult or E and even if I hit E I can't hit a long range Q and he kills me when his E back. Enemy top was Garen with stride+dead man's+force of nature so it also means I dead if I m in the same screen with him. Only ones I can mess with was enemy bot which also I can't do a shit beause they were playing Ziggs/Xerath so even if I dodge Xerath E Ziggs just throw me back with his W so I can't hit Q even when I hit E.
It was one of the most miserable games I have ever played and reminded why I quit Zoe back then when I was silver. I said myself I will back to her when I reach higher elos because my teams can't play with Zoe in this elo. I m now master and holy shit this champ sucks, it became clear why I couldn't climb with her
submitted by zamantukendi to zoemains [link] [comments]

2023.10.26 08:49 EzrealsGiantCOck what is jax good at? how do I learn him? champ feels like dogshit after countless games

i love his vgu and the idea of being a mobile tanky bruiser raid boss but every game feels so painful to play

vs tanks I take DS Cleaver Bork and still get outdamaged (fuck you ksante/cho in particular), and they out team fight me too

I can't fight bot lane, I get kited out too badly

I can't deal with mages, they also CC and kite me

he's a 1v1 champ but not the best 1v1 champ, many beat him in lane.

he's not great early but also doesn't scale that great.

if they aren't locking in either immobile champs/no cc comps/autoattackers I can't do fucking anything outside of 1v1, and that's only if they locked in a champ that doesnt counter me (or they just ran it down)

what the fuck do i do

how do i learn this champ

he's so simple but every game feels absolutely unplayable
submitted by EzrealsGiantCOck to Jaxmains [link] [comments]

2023.10.23 05:17 Arlen_Amicus This is probably the most I’ve enjoyed Bot lane

As the title says above, playing Jhin is something else entirely compared to other adc’s I’ve played other than my main, (I play kindred in the jungle mostly, though I’ll bring them bot if it’ll have good synergy with the support). However playing Jhin lately is almost changed my perspective on what a marksman can be. Instead of just autoattacking constantly to output damage I find myself thinking before each 4th shot, debating on who I want to knock into next week with the pure artistic power behind the word “FOUR”
submitted by Arlen_Amicus to JhinMains [link] [comments]