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Looking for guidance on how to best work with doctor to get a diagnosis after 4 years of symptom management.

2024.05.19 12:18 No_Stock_8448 Looking for guidance on how to best work with doctor to get a diagnosis after 4 years of symptom management.

Hi. I am looking for guidance on how best to work with my doctor to get some clarity on the cause of some symptoms I’ve been dealing with for the last four years. If this is something I should go directly to a specialist to, please let me know.
Background: Four years ago I had a health episode, which was characterized as a hypothyroid episode a year later by an endocrinologist. (The episode happened during the pandemic and thus it took a long time to see a specialist. Had it not been for the pandemic and how overwhelmed the hospitals were I would have called an ambulance). The episode was me waking up suddenly in the middle of the night with a racing heart and inability to move due to sudden muscle weakness. I was eventually able to lift myself out of bed after 4 hours but remained in bed for the day. Heart was racing for the next three days and didn’t start coming down until day three. I lost about 15 pounds over the week following. I became super emotional and started crying easily (which was very uncharacteristic for me) and started experiencing low blood pressure and hypoglycemia as well as intense fatigue. My sleep was wrecked. I couldn’t sleep for more than an hour or two before my body would suddenly wake me up. My doctor at the time sent me for blood work (CMP) and I tagged on a order for CRP (in the state I lived at the time you can order your own test) due to the irregular heart activity and both came back normal. My PCP at the time could not identify a diagnosis and did not provide any recommendations for treatment. (Again this was mid-height of the pandemic so doctors were overworked and burning out, so I get it, but it was hard to not have an answer.) Ultimately I self managed by leaning on my healthy eating and lifestyle habits (whole foods based diet, avoiding sugar and process foods and prioritizing rest and stress reduction). I also got a therapist to help me deal with anxiety caused by the lack of sleep and got a psych evaluation just to be thorough given the sudden crying fits. Psych evaluation came back clear. In the end I quit my job and moved back in with my parents because management of my symptoms became a full time job. After nine months of diligence I was able to put back on 10 of the 25 pounds I lost in total the 2-3 weeks following the episode. After a year and a half I was able to stop the (non-diabetic) hypoglycemia, and got a diagnosis of POTS which explained the low blood pressure and some of the exercise fatigue. After two years I was finally able to hit six hours a night of sleep and within six months was back to eight.
For the most part I’m okay now. I’ve put all my weight back on, my sleep in restored, no random crying fits, my exercise intolerance continues to improve and I’ve even been able to expand my diet after being put on a low-FODMAP, gluten-free dairy free diet 10 yes ago after food poisoning. However every six months or so, the symptoms start to creep back in. Sleep disruption is usually the first sign. I’ll find myself waking up after 4 hrs, usually with a racing heart and after an intense vivid dream. The weirdest part is the time distortion. The four hours feels like eight. Then the exercise intolerance starts to creep and the weight starts dropping.
A bit more context: this most recent episode (what spurred this post) is happening while I take a break from animal-based protein. (I have painful monthly periods due to endometriosis and noticed last month a reduction in pain and that I didn’t eat meat a few days leading into the period.) I’ve been eating beans and rice to get a complete protein and each meal has carbs, fat, veg protein and fiber. I may have a problem breaking down fat (just based on my own observation of what I notice with bowel movements, the color turns orange/yellow after my period and for the first half of my cycle), and I noticed yesterday that the internal chatter we all have (you know that worrying and nagging part of us) has gone quiet. That part has been nice actually but it’s uncharacteristic for me. I’m usually more driven and results focused. Currently just meh, not depressed (feel good about self and life) just apathetic. I’m also the most active I’ve been since the episode. Currently walking 20 mins/day 5/days per week with no exercise fatigue!
I can usually self manage but I’d love to work with my doctor to get to the bottom of this. I’m in a different state now (NY) and have a new PCP, but I’m wondering what testing should I be asking for to get answers and if I should instead ask for a referral to a specialist and if so which one. I thought it was an endocrinologist but my endo related bloodwork always comes back normal, so not sure if that specialty still makes sense. Four years is a long time to self-manage and I’m appreciate any guidance in pointing me in the best direction.
submitted by No_Stock_8448 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:16 MeatJordan [L]Where CAN I protest this?

Let me start with the summary version:
It all began when I first stumbled upon Inside Edition's videos of women - that's WOMEN getting slammed, insulted, and blasted for "showing too much of their body (with kids around)". Then it escalates further when they show a school is photoshopping out women's cleavages to make them look "modest" for their yearbook. I feel this type of treatment towards the female human is all wrong! Like, can't anybody learn to appreciate and look at the female body without censoring it in any way? Can't you let ANYBODY, including kids, get a chance to learn about the differences between the male and female human bodies????
Then comes along... you guessed it. That one video Inside Edition publishes. And after seeing her top blurred, my inner voice in my head: "That's the last straw!" Like, can't some of us get a chance to learn something new that just aroused our curiosity? Such as how the human body changes with time in terms of both genders? Like, now, I can finally visualize myself (my whole body) from little boy to fully grown man. But when Inside Edition published that footage, the new question that took me by storm is: what would a female look like from little girl to fully grown woman? At least this can give me a better visual illustration.
But with YouTube's broken comment system GHOSTING certain-to-random comments, even on my backup YouTube account, I can't seem to get ANY messages across!
Speaking of which, when I tried to post this on and , they BOTH perma-banned me for NO REASON and muted me from talking to their mods for 28 days!
Why do I say "no reason"?
"Hello, You have been permanently banned from participating in this subreddit because your post violates this community's rules. You won't be able to post or comment, but you can still view and subscribe to it.
If you have a question regarding your ban, you can contact the moderator team by replying to this message.
Reminder from the Reddit staff: If you use another account to circumvent this subreddit ban, that will be considered a violation of the Content Policy and can result in your account being suspended from the site as a whole."
As you can see, there is no specific reason listed in the message above. So this is why I claim or what I mean by "banned from a sub for 'no reason'. - Even for something that was never officially listed on that sub's rule board.
Once more, I, along with these parents of their own daughter proved one major point: if a male can go topless/show their body, then so can a female - regardless of age!
Can't I get a chance to learn something new? Some evolution/development processes for certain things can be a little more complicated then you originally first thought.
Now here's the detailed version:
Ok, before you start reading below, I want you to visit this and read the whole article to better understand my situation:
I got banned from Lemmy social site servers for "CSAM" all because of this: the Napalm Girl pic and another thing I saw on Inside Edition's channel in addition to some nude statues - literally artwork of naked people - all because I was trying to protest ~the inconsistencies of censorship towards the female human~ - regardless of their race AND age!
Let me be clear on one thing: I didn't post any "CSAM" on the Lemmy servers! I'm protesting something that I feel is unfair towards the female human.
Please ~actually watch these before jumping to conclusions~ so you can actually understand what I’m really protesting!
Women Who Were Told Their Outfits Were ‘Too Revealing’
Mom Says She Was Kicked Out of Gym For Revealing Tank Top: I Felt Humiliated
Cops Dragged Woman Off Beach After Complaint About Her Bikini
It’s one thing to say a girl’s outfit or body is “too revealing”,
Teens React After Yearbook Photos Are ‘Modesty Edited’
it’s two things to photoshop out a girl’s cleavage to make her look “modest” for a yearbook or a portrait!
9-Year-Old Saves Family From House Fire
But censoring a topless preteen girl who thought up an ingenious strategy to stay cool like her friends in the same stuffy room while at the same time not caring who’s around her? THAT’S REALLY CROSSING THE LINE!
It's all thanks to some videos from Inside Edition's YouTube Channel.All these videos Inside Edition posted are developing a question in my mind that's getting the better of me: why so much hate on the female human - even as children? Like, why do they censor the little girl's chest? Can't anybody learn to appreciate the appearance of the female body? Just like those parents of their own 8 year old daughter, I too am genuinely outraged by this type of treatment towards the female human!
And what's the big deal with nipples? I'm just trying to ensure everyone is treated equally regardless of race, and gender... AND age (after what I just witnessed). And if no one's gonna speak up about this, I might as well step up to the plate. After all, somebody's got to do it!
That little girl in the final video made two non-verbal messages clear: one: if a boy can do it, then so can a girl! And two: no one is too young for anything! As long as you have the knowledge capacity and I.Q level to do it properly and safely, you'll be fine. I was able to refuel my dad's car and cook my own dinner when I was 6 and without setting anything ablaze by accident.
However, when I try to illustrate with that video, even though Inside Edition is an official news channel, the responses I get back are rather bitter! They remove my post or ban me from the sites I post on for "promoting nudity involving a minor"!
Due to my autism, I only know basic English. So I need to illustrate to get most of my messages through. I thought hard, I tried, and low and behold, they were removed hours later mainly because they "didn't fit the subject of the forum". Even though my multi-subject based thread does have some material relating to this forum's topic. These sites and mods are all really stretching my problem solving skills beyond the breaking point for this one. I'm merely protesting with these pictures and videos as illustration. I'm not that good with words, so I need pictures to get half my messages across as noted above.
Many subreddits or forum sites don’t accept URLs, pictures, specific website URLs, or even a combination! Thereby hindering my ability to fully explain what I’m witnessing! In this case, the sentences “It’s one thing to say a girl’s outfit is ‘too revealing’, it’s two things to photoshop out a girl’s cleavage to make her look ‘modest’ for a yearbook.” actually corresponded to several videos I beared witness to on Inside Edition’s YouTube channel.
I actually tried to post that URL with that blurred 9yo girl in a subreddit in the past and you won’t believe this: I actually lost my reddit account for 2 days for “promoting nudity involving a minor”! Other sites like the adult video forums who accept uncensored nudity-based images I mentioned just delete my thread! Another site I recall banned me for 1 year for “spam” - even though I only made this protest post twice (after they removed it once).
So that meant I had to approach this from a different angle: after that experience, I got a little paranoid from using that said video URL to illustrate. So I tried explaining this protest without the URLs - and this is in conjunction with certain sites restricting my ability to post images, URLs, certain site URLs, or a combination. It seemed to end up making things worse! Because without the visual evidence, it makes it much harder to fully explain what I’m witnessing.
So without the URLs included - that visual illustration, on the sites I tried along with Lemmy World, it actually made things worse! That’s what lead Lemmy.World mods to ban me for life for “CSAM” or made other people think I watched child porn when I clearly didn’t. The lack of visual evidence (due to my past reddit experience combined with the site’s posting restrictions) is what lead to this “pedophile” confusion. So please help me talk some sense into the Lemmings world,, and mods that this was all a major misunderstanding and Lemmy is pretty much the only reddit alternative out here where I can try asking another question. My attempt to appeal has failed on 3 Lemmy social sites - even after I tried notifying the mods on the third Lemmy server site before making the post, so I need your help now!
I felt after Inside Edition uploaded that blurred 9yo girl video… I thought to myself “That’s the last straw!” Someone needs to protest these absurd censorship laws that they apply to the female human!
Why can males show most of their body but females can’t? - In most cases that is? Whatever happened to "Free The Nipple"?
Children should have the same… rights to do things as any adult! It’s about possessing the knowledge capacity and I.Q level to safely execute this action. E.G, on those “Family Day” episodes of The Price is Right and Let’s Make a Deal; those kids made smart choices when picking the correct numbers to items to win a prize.
I’m not joking around here! This type of treatment towards the female human needs to stop - this includes race and age. - It’s like racist people, but in age form.
Does it look like I’m laughing for fun? Of course not! Since no one else is protesting this, and YouTube has a flawed comment moderating system hindering my ability to post on even random videos (I.E, "ghosting"), I have to take more drastic measures to protest by stepping up to the plate and shouting out “Can’t we all be equal in terms of a huge variety of traits?” Yeah, the last thing I need is a vein-bleeding broken-record robot impeding or hindering my ability to seek answers to a question!
We need to learn to appreciate or accept how the female body appears regardless of race and age!
Stop trying to blame it all on me! None of the stuff in the vids posted, is that. If it was, Inside Edition would be the guilty party, and Youtube for not having already deleted them. If it doesn’t violate Youtube’s TOS, it should be fine to post anywhere. If there was even a hint of impropriety to it, at the minimum the vid would have been age restricted.
No one would answer! Not even Inside Edition themselves were willing to offer an answer when I even found their email address, the sites dedicated to helping those in mental, suicidal, or emotional distress (those forum sites even PERMA-banned me for "spam" - that's right, SPAM! (Even though there was absolutely no mention of a permanent ban or rule about "spam" in their forum guidelines!) Is that the definition of "spam" when I make a bad thread only once?! And when I try to appeal the ban, the same message "please contact the administrator if it was done in error" is blocking my ability to click the contact button! Or sometimes it's a blank white page with that message in the top left corner of the window! - Which adds more insult to injury, because I can't click anything as all the buttons have disappeared! That means I can't log out of that site either!), OR the adult video forums that support uncensored nudity images would accept that video link URL let alone the entire topic itself! So I really am at a loss for thoughts and words on what I just experienced! Heck, I even tried the professional therapists of But even they too were too reluctant to talk as they claim my post regarding the censorship of women is not for their platform and they disconnected the chat 2 seconds after their last reply to me. And I highly doubt that ANY site will allow me to illustrate with a picture of the Napalm Girl (Phan Thi Kim Phuc) when she was 9, certain pictures of Pampers diaper boxes (why do you think they (Pampers, Huggies, etc.) even allow a pic of a topless little boy or girl to be plastered on a diaper box we see in grocery stores/supermarkets everyday?), Leela when she was an infant in the episode Leela's Homeworld, or even Belgium's famous kids: Manneken Pis/Jeanneke Pis. That, combined with YouTube having a flawed comment moderating system hindering my ability to post comments on certain-to-random videos (I.E, "ghosting"), I'm forced to take more drastic measures to get my messages across. All this combined, ~I'VE NEVER FELT SO SHUNNED FROM THE INTERNET IN ALL MY LIFE!~
But here's a strange catch: sometimes on some sites, Napalm Girl is censored, other sites she isn't. So I felt that I need to protest this. It seems everyone is too chicken to even start this subject! Don't these numbskulls know not to judge a book by it's cover?! This is where I ask myself "NOW WHAT?!". This can't be one of those "exceptional" cases where they say "suicide never solves anything" doesn't apply to these types of situations. In other words, all hope for resolving these types of situations really is lost. I really do feel left in the dark on both the subject of sound effects and nudity!
Once more, I'm not being a ped, I'm protesting all these absurd censorship rules and regulations that revolve around the female human - regardless of race and age - after what Inside Edition posted. Watch the videos I found again for clarification. In other words, ~the inconsistencies of female human censorship~.
Can you really - you know, hurl insults at Inside Edition or blast them for what they did? It was their idea to publicly publish the footage. Just like how that one photographer made the choice to publicly publish footage of the Napalm Girl when she was 9 and completely nude. Therefore, it should be ok to share this footage anywhere.
But some areas censored Napalm Girl's nipples, but others did not - excluding her groin. Then there's the diaper boxes I found in any supermarket. And finally... Surprise surprise: typical women being scolded by other people for wearing something "inappropriate" or "showing too much of their body". I look around and since no one else is protesting about this, I might as well do it! After all, someone's gotta step up to the plate to hit that ball! I will not sit idling by the sidelines and continue to watch the female human get treated/censored like this! I will stand up, step up, and speak out towards these absurd reactions, rules, and regulations that revolve around the appearance and censorship of the female body! What about the famous Jeanneke Pis in Belgium? Do you think she along with other nude statues are trying to promote pedophilia?
submitted by MeatJordan to KindVoice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:11 MeatJordan Where CAN I protest this?

Let me start with the summary version:
It all began when I first stumbled upon Inside Edition's videos of women - that's WOMEN getting slammed, insulted, and blasted for "showing too much of their body (with kids around)". Then it escalates further when they show a school is photoshopping out women's cleavages to make them look "modest" for their yearbook. I feel this type of treatment towards the female human is all wrong! Like, can't anybody learn to appreciate and look at the female body without censoring it in any way? Can't you let ANYBODY, including kids, get a chance to learn about the differences between the male and female human bodies????
Then comes along... you guessed it. That one video Inside Edition publishes. And after seeing her top blurred, my inner voice in my head: "That's the last straw!" Like, can't some of us get a chance to learn something new that just aroused our curiosity? Such as how the human body changes with time in terms of both genders? Like, now, I can finally visualize myself (my whole body) from little boy to fully grown man. But when Inside Edition published that footage, the new question that took me by storm is: what would a female look like from little girl to fully grown woman?
But with YouTube's broken comment system GHOSTING certain-to-random comments, even on my backup YouTube account, I can't seem to get ANY messages across!
Speaking of which, when I tried to post this on Feminism and AskFeminists, they BOTH perma-banned me for NO REASON and muted me from talking to their mods for 28 days!
Why do I say "no reason"?
"Hello, You have been permanently banned from participating in this subreddit because your post violates this community's rules. You won't be able to post or comment, but you can still view and subscribe to it.
If you have a question regarding your ban, you can contact the moderator team by replying to this message.
Reminder from the Reddit staff: If you use another account to circumvent this subreddit ban, that will be considered a violation of the Content Policy and can result in your account being suspended from the site as a whole."
As you can see, there is no specific reason listed in the message above. So this is why I claim or what I mean by "banned from a sub for 'no reason'. - Even for something that was never officially listed on that sub's rule board.
Once more, I, along with these parents of their own daughter proved one major point: if a male can go topless/show their body, then so can a female - regardless of age!
Can't I get a chance to learn something new? Some evolution/development processes for certain things can be a little more complicated then you originally first thought.
Now here's the detailed version:
Ok, before you start reading below, I want you to visit this and read the whole article to better understand my situation:
I got banned from Lemmy social site servers for "CSAM" all because of this: the Napalm Girl pic and another thing I saw on Inside Edition's channel in addition to some nude statues - literally artwork of naked people - all because I was trying to protest ~the inconsistencies of censorship towards the female human~ - regardless of their race AND age!
Let me be clear on one thing: I didn't post any "CSAM" on the Lemmy servers! I'm protesting something that I feel is unfair towards the female human.
Please ~actually watch these before jumping to conclusions~ so you can actually understand what I’m really protesting!
Women Who Were Told Their Outfits Were ‘Too Revealing’
Mom Says She Was Kicked Out of Gym For Revealing Tank Top: I Felt Humiliated
Cops Dragged Woman Off Beach After Complaint About Her Bikini
It’s one thing to say a girl’s outfit or body is “too revealing”,
Teens React After Yearbook Photos Are ‘Modesty Edited’
it’s two things to photoshop out a girl’s cleavage to make her look “modest” for a yearbook or a portrait!
9-Year-Old Saves Family From House Fire
But censoring a topless preteen girl who thought up an ingenious strategy to stay cool like her friends in the same stuffy room while at the same time not caring who’s around her? THAT’S REALLY CROSSING THE LINE!
It's all thanks to some videos from Inside Edition's YouTube Channel.All these videos Inside Edition posted are developing a question in my mind that's getting the better of me: why so much hate on the female human - even as children? Like, why do they censor the little girl's chest? Can't anybody learn to appreciate the appearance of the female body? Just like those parents of their own 8 year old daughter, I too am genuinely outraged by this type of treatment towards the female human!
And what's the big deal with nipples? I'm just trying to ensure everyone is treated equally regardless of race, and gender... AND age (after what I just witnessed). And if no one's gonna speak up about this, I might as well step up to the plate. After all, somebody's got to do it!
That little girl in the final video made two non-verbal messages clear: one: if a boy can do it, then so can a girl! And two: no one is too young for anything! As long as you have the knowledge capacity and I.Q level to do it properly and safely, you'll be fine. I was able to refuel my dad's car and cook my own dinner when I was 6 and without setting anything ablaze by accident.
However, when I try to illustrate with that video, even though Inside Edition is an official news channel, the responses I get back are rather bitter! They remove my post or ban me from the sites I post on for "promoting nudity involving a minor"!
Due to my autism, I only know basic English. So I need to illustrate to get most of my messages through. I thought hard, I tried, and low and behold, they were removed hours later mainly because they "didn't fit the subject of the forum". Even though my multi-subject based thread does have some material relating to this forum's topic. These sites and mods are all really stretching my problem solving skills beyond the breaking point for this one. I'm merely protesting with these pictures and videos as illustration. I'm not that good with words, so I need pictures to get half my messages across as noted above.
Many subreddits or forum sites don’t accept URLs, pictures, specific website URLs, or even a combination! Thereby hindering my ability to fully explain what I’m witnessing! In this case, the sentences “It’s one thing to say a girl’s outfit is ‘too revealing’, it’s two things to photoshop out a girl’s cleavage to make her look ‘modest’ for a yearbook.” actually corresponded to several videos I beared witness to on Inside Edition’s YouTube channel.
I actually tried to post that URL with that blurred 9yo girl in a subreddit in the past and you won’t believe this: I actually lost my reddit account for 2 days for “promoting nudity involving a minor”! Other sites like the adult video forums who accept uncensored nudity-based images I mentioned just delete my thread! Another site I recall banned me for 1 year for “spam” - even though I only made this protest post twice (after they removed it once).
So that meant I had to approach this from a different angle: after that experience, I got a little paranoid from using that said video URL to illustrate. So I tried explaining this protest without the URLs - and this is in conjunction with certain sites restricting my ability to post images, URLs, certain site URLs, or a combination. It seemed to end up making things worse! Because without the visual evidence, it makes it much harder to fully explain what I’m witnessing.
So without the URLs included - that visual illustration, on the sites I tried along with Lemmy World, it actually made things worse! That’s what lead Lemmy.World mods to ban me for life for “CSAM” or made other people think I watched child porn when I clearly didn’t. The lack of visual evidence (due to my past reddit experience combined with the site’s posting restrictions) is what lead to this “pedophile” confusion. So please help me talk some sense into the Lemmings world,, and mods that this was all a major misunderstanding and Lemmy is pretty much the only reddit alternative out here where I can try asking another question. My attempt to appeal has failed on 3 Lemmy social sites - even after I tried notifying the mods on the third Lemmy server site before making the post, so I need your help now!
I felt after Inside Edition uploaded that blurred 9yo girl video… I thought to myself “That’s the last straw!” Someone needs to protest these absurd censorship laws that they apply to the female human!
Why can males show most of their body but females can’t? - In most cases that is? Whatever happened to "Free The Nipple"?
Children should have the same… rights to do things as any adult! It’s about possessing the knowledge capacity and I.Q level to safely execute this action. E.G, on those “Family Day” episodes of The Price is Right and Let’s Make a Deal; those kids made smart choices when picking the correct numbers to items to win a prize.
I’m not joking around here! This type of treatment towards the female human needs to stop - this includes race and age. - It’s like racist people, but in age form.
Does it look like I’m laughing for fun? Of course not! Since no one else is protesting this, and YouTube has a flawed comment moderating system hindering my ability to post on even random videos (I.E, "ghosting"), I have to take more drastic measures to protest by stepping up to the plate and shouting out “Can’t we all be equal in terms of a huge variety of traits?” Yeah, the last thing I need is a vein-bleeding broken-record robot impeding or hindering my ability to seek answers to a question!
We need to learn to appreciate or accept how the female body appears regardless of race and age!
Stop trying to blame it all on me! None of the stuff in the vids posted, is that. If it was, Inside Edition would be the guilty party, and Youtube for not having already deleted them. If it doesn’t violate Youtube’s TOS, it should be fine to post anywhere. If there was even a hint of impropriety to it, at the minimum the vid would have been age restricted.
No one would answer! Not even Inside Edition themselves were willing to offer an answer when I even found their email address, the sites dedicated to helping those in mental, suicidal, or emotional distress (those forum sites even PERMA-banned me for "spam" - that's right, SPAM! (Even though there was absolutely no mention of a permanent ban or rule about "spam" in their forum guidelines!) Is that the definition of "spam" when I make a bad thread only once?! And when I try to appeal the ban, the same message "please contact the administrator if it was done in error" is blocking my ability to click the contact button! Or sometimes it's a blank white page with that message in the top left corner of the window! - Which adds more insult to injury, because I can't click anything as all the buttons have disappeared! That means I can't log out of that site either!), OR the adult video forums that support uncensored nudity images would accept that video link URL let alone the entire topic itself! So I really am at a loss for thoughts and words on what I just experienced! Heck, I even tried the professional therapists of But even they too were too reluctant to talk as they claim my post regarding the censorship of women is not for their platform and they disconnected the chat 2 seconds after their last reply to me. And I highly doubt that ANY site will allow me to illustrate with a picture of the Napalm Girl (Phan Thi Kim Phuc) when she was 9, certain pictures of Pampers diaper boxes (why do you think they (Pampers, Huggies, etc.) even allow a pic of a topless little boy or girl to be plastered on a diaper box we see in grocery stores/supermarkets everyday?), Leela when she was an infant in the episode Leela's Homeworld, or even Belgium's famous kids: Manneken Pis/Jeanneke Pis. That, combined with YouTube having a flawed comment moderating system hindering my ability to post comments on certain-to-random videos (I.E, "ghosting"), I'm forced to take more drastic measures to get my messages across. All this combined, ~I'VE NEVER FELT SO SHUNNED FROM THE INTERNET IN ALL MY LIFE!~
But here's a strange catch: sometimes on some sites, Napalm Girl is censored, other sites she isn't. So I felt that I need to protest this. It seems everyone is too chicken to even start this subject! Don't these numbskulls know not to judge a book by it's cover?! This is where I ask myself "NOW WHAT?!". This can't be one of those "exceptional" cases where they say "suicide never solves anything" doesn't apply to these types of situations. In other words, all hope for resolving these types of situations really is lost. I really do feel left in the dark on both the subject of sound effects and nudity!
Once more, I'm not being a ped, I'm protesting all these absurd censorship rules and regulations that revolve around the female human - regardless of race and age - after what Inside Edition posted. Watch the videos I found again for clarification. In other words, ~the inconsistencies of female human censorship~.
Can you really - you know, hurl insults at Inside Edition or blast them for what they did? It was their idea to publicly publish the footage. Just like how that one photographer made the choice to publicly publish footage of the Napalm Girl when she was 9 and completely nude. Therefore, it should be ok to share this footage anywhere.
But some areas censored Napalm Girl's nipples, but others did not - excluding her groin. Then there's the diaper boxes I found in any supermarket. And finally... Surprise surprise: typical women being scolded by other people for wearing something "inappropriate" or "showing too much of their body". I look around and since no one else is protesting about this, I might as well do it! After all, someone's gotta step up to the plate to hit that ball! I will not sit idling by the sidelines and continue to watch the female human get treated/censored like this! I will stand up, step up, and speak out towards these absurd reactions, rules, and regulations that revolve around the appearance and censorship of the female body! What about the famous Jeanneke Pis in Belgium? Do you think she along with other nude statues are trying to promote pedophilia?
submitted by MeatJordan to whatsbotheringyou [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:00 AutoModerator Weekly Reminder: Rules and FAQ - May 19, 2024 (Now with updates!)

Below you will find a weekly reminder of our Rules and partial FAQ. It's definitely a long read, but it's worth your time, especially if you are new to the community, or dropping by as a result of a link you found elsewhere. We periodically revise our rules, this weekly notice will help keep you informed of any changes made.
NOTE: These rules are guidelines. Some moderation discretion is to be expected.

Community Rules

1. Kindness Matters

Advise, don't criticize.

2. No Drama

This is a support sub.

3. Report, Don’t Rant

No backseat modding.

4. No Naming & Shaming

No userpings or links.

5. No Platitudes

Nobody knew what they were getting into.

6. No Trolling

We have zero tolerance for trolls.

7. No Personally Identifiable Information

Use discretion when posting.

8. No More than 2 Posts per 24 hours

Use the daily threads.

9. Follow Reddiquette

Remember the human.

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submitted by AutoModerator to stepparents [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:57 Lopsided_Internet_56 [Draft] Pitch Deck Feedback Request

Hey guys,
So my partner and I have been working on a Pitch Deck for our feature length film and would like some feedback before we go into Photoshop and more-or-less finalize every slide. The design is very much a WIP but the content is basically all here (for example, you may notice red boxes around certain text snapshots, this is to track the words that'll end up being colored red in Photoshop). Since this film is based on actual historical events, the 1944 Hartford Circus Fire, we've dedicated the first 9-10 pages so they quickly summarize the history before delving into the story components. Fair warning, the images are pretty high in quality, so you may experience some delayed load-in times here and there. Especially if you're on your phone.
The purpose of this pitch deck is for if/when we pitch to execs, studios, other writers, etc. We also have a short film, a film treatment, a mood board and a script that will act as accompanying material.
Thanks and would appreciate any feedback whatsoever!!
Here's the logline: Based on true events, a young arsonist must piece together memories from his harrowing past as authorities unravel conflicting accounts of his involvement leading up to the 1944 Hartford Circus Fire
Here's the link to the pitch deck:
And here's the first 30 pages if you're curious:
submitted by Lopsided_Internet_56 to Screenwriting [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:52 IdeaRoots NeuraCache 2.26 iOS is out 💜🧠

Markdown: Support for YAML Headers
You can now use YAML headers to add tags for cards or full pages 👍
This is especially cool when you are using Obsidian Properties 💜
Big thanks to u/AW2307 for helping out with this feature 🙌
Learn More 👇
YAML Headers
submitted by IdeaRoots to NeuraCache [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:50 wapreck 5 Mistake that Car buyers do!

There are some points that I noticed some car buyers do when purchasing their new car! Some of these things I have personally experienced myself!

1: Sunroof

I know it totally depends on taste, and frankly, a sunroof is okay, but a panoramic sunroof is not. India is a hot climate country, and while a mini sunroof heats the cabin a bit, a panoramic sunroof doubles it to boiling point. If parked under the sun, even with the curtain on, the AC has to work twice as hard, and your fuel efficiency goes for tank. Some pros and cons of panoramic sunroof

2: Black Color

Black color is nice and all, but it isn’t cheap to maintain (scratches are easily visible). It takes all your time and money to keep it shining. I know PPF will help, but again, you are spending more. Plus, another point is heat. It absorbs a lot of heat, and the cabin gets very hot. Again, the AC needs to work twice as hard, and fuel efficiency suffers. (I have a black car) Just don’t go with Black because another person also brought it.

3: Extended Warranty and Accessories

There is no need to buy hefty price accessories from showroom that too basic one. Should Avoid! them at all costs. Many people don’t know that there is a vast difference between factory warranty and extended warranty, as covered in this article. Extended warranty never covers your whole car compared to factory warranty. You can also buy an extended warranty on the last day of the factory warranty's expiration by just paying an extra Rs 1000 (Hyundai). I don’t think it’s beneficial to pay upfront for something that starts after 3 years. On the last day, judge for yourself whether you really need it. If you have low running, you don’t need it. (Most of buyer never claim extended warranty)

4: Buying Top Model only!

Who’s buying the Nexon for 19L and the Creta for 25L? Those are some overpriced models. The top model doesn’t always mean the best; even the 2nd and 3rd top models can fulfill your needs. Buy a car model based on your needs, not desires, because you already chosen the right car that meets all your requirements. You can save money for other things like accessories and more.

5: SUV only!

People are buying tall hatchbacks in the name of SUVs. You should reconsider your decision. Today, hatchbacks come with good ground clearance. For example, the Baleno and i20 have 170mm, while the Punch has 187mm, which is enough. The Baleno and i20 also offer plenty of space, comfort, and features. True SUVs are more like the Scorpio-N.
There is also one point about Petrol/Diesel, but I’ll cover that another day. I know these opinions can be subjective, and you might not agree with me, which is okay. Instead, we can have a healthy discussion in the comment section.
submitted by wapreck to CarsIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:48 Nancy48236 Trailmaster Milano 50 N 50cc scooter review

Trailmaster Milano 50 N 50cc scooter review
Ordering a scooter online is a bit of a risky adventure, especially when you review the terms and conditions and the return policy. But, you have to agree to it in able to place the order. Less risky is buying at a dealer, but you pay a significant premium for the product. I've read horror stories online about folks receiving junk and even non-operating scooters. That is a possiblity, and with the terms to which you agree, very risky.
We were lucky, though, with Family Go Carts (FGK) and the Trailmaster Milano N 50cc scooters.
I ordered, online, two Trailmaster Milano N 50cc scooters from FGK - one for me, one for my husband - on May 1,2024. We received the scooters on 5/18/2024. Considering US shipping demand, that is a reasonable time to delivery. The lady at FGK who called me to coordinate the delivery was kind, and gave instructions on how to receive and prepare for the first run (ie. Change oil - upon arrival, the engine has shipping oil in it).
Shipping: "Free", but you have to pay access fee and lift-gate fee. Not too bad considering how shipping rates have skyrocketed in the last few years.
She asked for our second choice in colors. Thankfully, we got our first choice - light blue and white for me and black and white for my husband.
Unpackaging: Remove cardboard (there's no bottom to the cardboard). Just cut down the cardboard at any one of the corners, then walk around the steel skeleton shipping cage. Then you'll take off the top of the steel shipping skeleton. Undo all bolts and nuts on the bottom. You'll a;so have to undo the two bolts on the top that attach the steering column fork to the steel cage. Then, just tip off the cage on one end, and continue tipping it off to the other end.
Assembly: No instructions for it. Some assembly is a no-brainer, but the handlebars and front wheel require explanation. Thankfully, someone posted a video on the assembly of Trailmaster Milano: , I couldn't have done it without that video.
Handlebar assembly: First, just get the bolt in - front to back, with the curvey part of the washer against the column and between the column and the bolt head. Notice you can't get to the nut on the backside (unless you have 6" fingers of a contortionist). Don't worry like I did. Get the bolt in, assemble the front wheel, then come back the the handlebar column. Turn the bars far to one side. Now you can reach the backside of the bolt and add the nut. We added blue Loctite to the axle and the steering column/handlebar threads for the nuts.
Make sure you connect the blinkers. Trial and error to get left blinker coordinating with left blinker connector. Two trials if unlucky - not too bad.
You'll still have one body-based connector without a mate. Again, don't worry like I did - that's for the headlight. You'll assemble that later.
Front wheel assembly: The front wheel assembly is best with two people. First goal is to get the scooter out of the steel shipping skeleton and on flat ground so you can support the scooter on its center stand.
Get the scooter out of the steel shipping skeleton. This will require some muscle and two persons. Remove the front axle bolt that holds the scooter to the bottom part of the steel shipping skeleton. One straddles the scooter while keeping the front lifted up (shaking up and down) while the other removes the bolt axle. Once the bolt axle is removed, with muscles, one straddles the scooter while keeping the front lifted up and carefully walking through the steel cage bottom while the other person pushes from behind. Then, get the scooter center stand down so the scooter rests on that on flat, solid ground. We ended up balancing the frame of the scooter on a block of wood, then putting the center stand down.
Now, work on the front wheel. Slip the silver-colored, stainless axle bolt spacer into the wheel's disc side. It's frustrating getting the wheel on because you have to get the brake disc lined up with the brake pads (remove the pad spacer put in for shipping and toss it) and the speedometer on the other side correctly lined up with the wheel and fork, ALL that simultaneously while getting it lined up to insert the axle. Fun times! You may end up with assembly partners snapping at each other and swearing - a lot. Persistence and patience and it will get done. Add blue Loctite for final tightening on the axle/lug nut.
Oil change: Drain out all the shipping oil. There's a lot in there. After draining, we added about two cups of 15W40.
Headlight and front cowl assembly: Connect the headlight to the body-based headlight connector. Use the included zip ties to secure all the wires out of the way and neatly, without putting too much strain on any connections. Make sure you put the U-shaped, color matched plastic cover (in horizontal plane) separating the handlebars speedometer instrument from the front cowl. Snap it into the tabs. THEN, attach the front headlight cowl to the body. Don't do like I did - get the headlight front cowl section on then try to snap in the cover. I had to remove the headlight front cowl, snap in the color-matched cover, then re-attach the front headlight cowl.
Topcase/trunk: Best with two persons, but can be done with one. Big enough for a half helmet, gloves, goggles, wallet, and other little things. Looks good on the scooter, too.
Battery installation: This can be tricky. You have to have a square nut below the terminal screw. If you put the battery in the scooter and try to get those nuts under the terminal, you won't be able to do it. If you just try to balance the square nuts on the battery while dropping the battery into the scooter's battery compartment, the square nuts fall off. We decided to secure the nuts to the battery terminals with the terminal screw only half-turned. Then drop the battery in and complete connections. First, connect the black, then connect the red. The batteries we received were fully charged.
Moment of truth: Put premium gas in the tank. Since the carburetor is empty, you'll have to let the starter work a bit to get gas flowing into the engine. Didn't even take three total minutes. Run the starter for about 30-60 seconds, stop, repeat. Three times and it started right up. Whew. Let it run for a while. Good idle speed and it sounds like the aifuel mix is spot on.
One sees many horror stories about buying Chinese scooters online from dealers. And, those stories are bad. As I said above, you have to agree to the terms and conditions before you can buy. Those terms and conditions put all the risk on the buyer, not the dealer. So, know what you're getting into.
But, thankfully, FGK did well. We received both Trailmaster Milano N 50 scooters in a timely manner, without damage, and the scooters fired up right away.
Finally, registration of your scooter in your state: My state, Virginia, requires registration of 50cc scooters so you can display a license tag on the back. To register, you need a title. You don't get a title from this dealer. But, you get enough documentation from the dealer (manufacturer's transfer document, invoice, bill of lading) where you can fill out an easy affidavit for title. Get it notarized and submit with your title application and registration. Pretty easy and far easier and quicker than waiting for the dealer to do it for you, IF the dealer is willing to do it for you, that is. I didn't even ask FGK for their title transfer document, so I can't comment on their responsiveness to such a request. I did the easy work-around at the DMV.
So far, so good. I've gotten it up to 32 MPH (speedo reading, not GPS-confirmed), and that wasn't at full throttle. I'm still being careful with getting to full throttle until the engine has a bit of time to break in.
I am aware that we will have to wrench these scooters from time to time. Thanks to so many videos available online about how to work on the 139QMB GY6 50cc engines, I think we can do this. (edit to add: I attached a brown leather drink holder to the steering bars, just below the speedometer instrument, using a black velcro strap with a D-ring.. So, that's what that brown thing is - a drink holder. It's made by Hide-and-Drink and available on Amazon.)
submitted by Nancy48236 to scooters [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:45 GTGD Choo Choo Survivor - GTGD - Drive your train through the zombie apocalypse

Steam page (free demo as well) Trailer Available PC / Mac - $2.99. Created by a solo indie developer
Hello Games,
I'm the dev of Choo Choo Survivor a 2D top down horde survival where you drive your train through a swarm of zombies, constantly upgrading, constantly trying to survive until you emerge victorious or perish. I recently updated the game with a new level Choo Choo of the Dead where you get to destroy the corrupted choo choo boss. I've also added two new locomotives, the GP9 with actual sounds and the KiHa 183 also with actual sounds. I've also added a new weapon, the awesome laser beam that erases those zombies with a satisfying swipe. I've also added a new feature that allows you to recolor the game as per a whole bunch of color palletes, to better suit your mood and preference. Choo Choo Survivor is currently on sale.
Have a great weekend,
submitted by GTGD to Games [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:36 StarPsychological611 Guys,is this legit?

submitted by StarPsychological611 to carscirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:36 ConsequenceSure3063 Best Carhartt Beanies

Best Carhartt Beanies
Discover the perfect headgear for the chilly season with our roundup of Carhartt Beanies! As the temperature drops, having a cozy beanie is essential to stay warm and stylish. In this article, we'll delve into some of the best options in the Carhartt lineup, ensuring you find the perfect beanie to keep your head warm and stylish this season. Stay tuned as we explore the world of Carhartt Beanies in this comprehensive product guide.

The Top 5 Best Carhartt Beanies

  1. John Deere Knit Beanie with Leather Patch - Warm and stylish Carhartt Brown Beanie featuring a John Deere Leather Patch and knit material for comfort and durability.
  2. Carhartt Classically Durable Winter Beanie - Carhartt Glass Blue Mono Patch Beanie - A stylish and comfortable knit beanie made from soft acrylic rib material and adorned with a Carhartt patch, perfect for casual or on-the-job wear in the colder winter months.
  3. Carhartt 2nd Quality Rib Knit Beanie - The Carhartt Factory 2nd Acrylic Knit Cuffed Beanie 2.0 in Gray offers a cozy, stretchable fit, featuring 100% acrylic rib knit fabric and the iconic Carhartt label sewn on the left side.
  4. Men's Carhartt Skills Graphic Beanie in Coal Heather - Stay cozy and show off your support for the trades with Carhartt's 100% acrylic cuffed beanie, featuring the classic Skills graphic.
  5. Customizable Carhartt Heather Grey Watch Cap 2.0 - The Carhartt Heather Grey Watch Cap 2.0 is a sturdy, functional, and attractive beanie featuring a logo embroidery, perfect for both work and play, ensuring warmth and comfort in any cold-weather environment.
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🔗John Deere Knit Beanie with Leather Patch
I recently got the chance to try out the John Deere Leather Patch beanie, and I must say, it has been an essential part of my wardrobe in these chilly months. The first thing I noticed was the quality of the knit material, it's so soft and warm. The Carhartt Brown color pairs perfectly with my casual outfits, making it my go-to beanie for most days. The John Deere leather patch on the front adds a unique touch that sets it apart from other beanies.
One downside is that it can be a bit tight-fitting around my ears, but that could vary depending on individual head size. Despite this, the beanie has proved itself to be a reliable companion during my daily activities and I appreciate the American craftsmanship that John Deere stands for. Overall, I would highly recommend this beanie for anyone looking for a stylish and warm accessory.

🔗Carhartt Classically Durable Winter Beanie
I recently decided to give the Carhartt Glass Blue Knit Beanie a try during these chilly winter months. As a product reviewer, I was excited to see how well this beanie would perform in both comfort and style. The 100% acrylic rib knit fabric is a pleasant surprise as it feels incredibly soft against my skin while doing an excellent job at keeping the cold out. I also appreciate the thick cuff, which ensures that my ears stay toasty and the beanie stays firmly in place even during blustery winds.
One of the highlights of this beanie is the Carhartt label sewn on the front. It adds a touch of sophistication to an otherwise casual look, making it suitable for both work and play. I love how the leather patch complements the beanie's color while adding a subtle edgy vibe.
However, there is one minor cons. I've noticed that during extremely windy days, the wind may make the Carhartt patch flutter a bit, which can be slightly annoying. Nevertheless, the overall quality and design more than make up for this minor inconvenience.
Overall, I'm thoroughly impressed with the Carhartt Glass Blue Knit Beanie. Its superior comfort, stylish appearance, and sturdy construction make it an excellent choice for anyone seeking a reliable and fashionable beanie during these cold months.

🔗Carhartt 2nd Quality Rib Knit Beanie
I recently got my hands on the Carhartt Factory 2nd Acrylic Knit Cuffed Beanie 2.0 in Gray, and I must say, it's been a reliable companion in keeping my head warm during chilly mornings. This beanie is made of 100% acrylic, stretchable rib knit fabric, which ensures a snug fit without feeling tight. The Carhartt label sewn on the left side adds a touch of branding that I absolutely love.
Although it's imported, the quality is top-notch, and I can feel the durability in every stitch. However, the material can be slightly on the warmer side, so it might not be the best choice for those who prefer more breathable headwear. Overall, if you're looking for a cozy and well-built headwarmer that'll stand up to the elements, this Carhartt Factory Acrylic Knit Cuffed Beanie 2.0 is definitely worth a try.

🔗Men's Carhartt Skills Graphic Beanie in Coal Heather
I remember when I first got my Carhartt Skills Graphic Beanie, I was skeptical about how much it would enhance my outdoor outfits. But boy, was I in for a treat! . This beanie not only kept me warm, but also added a touch of rugged charm to my winter wardrobe.
Its acrylic, stretchable rib-knit fabric is a dream to wear, and the sewn-on Carhartt label on the front only adds to its distinctive look. Plus, being made in the USA is always a plus point for me.
However, one downside is that it doesn't have any reviews yet, which makes it a bit hard to gauge its popularity. Overall, though, it's a fantastic beanie for any guy who loves the outdoors and wants to support the trades.

🔗Customizable Carhartt Heather Grey Watch Cap 2.0
I recently purchased the Carhartt Watch Cap 2.0 to stay cozy during my morning runs in the freezing temperatures. I've always been a fan of Carhartt's high-quality standards, and this hat didn't disappoint! It's super comfortable, stretchy enough to always have a snug fit, and flexible enough to go over balaclavas, gaiters, and ball caps for even more warmth. But its best feature has got to be the bright lime color that seems to glow in the dark, making me super visible during my night runs. On the downside, it can be a little itchy initially, so remember to wash it before you wear it. Overall, I highly recommend the Carhartt Watch Cap 2.0 for anyone looking for a warm, comfortable, and stylish beanie that keeps your head toasty, even in the harshest of climates.
Now let me tell you about another aspect of this beanie that made me appreciate Carhartt even more. I bought three of these for the men in my family when we were heading to the mountains for Christmas. And guess what? They loved them! The guys felt so protected and warm that they didn't want to take them off, even when it started snowing on us. When it comes to keeping your head warm and comfortable, the Carhartt Watch Cap 2.0 truly delivers.
However, I did come across one issue with sizing in my research. The size seems to vary depending on the country where it's made, which can be a bit frustrating. It's a good idea to keep an eye on that if you're a stickler for consistency in your hats.
All in all, the Carhartt Watch Cap 2.0 is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a high-quality and cozy winter beanie.

Buyer's Guide

Carhartt beanies are a winter essential that provide both style and functionality. As you begin your search for the perfect beanie, there are several important features and considerations you should keep in mind. Here's a detailed guide to help you make the right choice.


One of the most critical aspects of a Carhartt beanie is the material it's made from. Look for options that feature 100% acrylic knit or fleece linings to ensure maximum warmth and durability throughout the cold months.

Fit and Comfort
The right fit is crucial when choosing a Carhartt beanie. Make sure to pick a size that comfortably rests on your ears without being too tight or loose. Additionally, consider models with adjustable cuffs to help customize your fit further.

Style Variations

  • Cuffed Beanies: Classic choice with an adjustable cuff for a tight or loose fit.
  • Slouch Beanies: Offer a relaxed, laid-back look and can be worn cuffed or pulled down to create a slouchy effect.
  • Earflap Beanies: Keep ears warm with extra flaps designed to provide even more coverage and insulation from the cold.

Washing and Care

Proper cleaning and maintenance are essential for extending the life of your Carhartt beanie. Wash your beanie inside out using cold water to keep colors vibrant and remove dirt. Air dry your beanie to prevent shrinking or excessive wear on the fabric.

Additional Features

  • Double Layer Construction: Reinforced stitching adds extra warmth and durability to your beanie.
  • Multiple Colors and Patterns: Choose from a wide range of solid colors, stripes, or camo prints to match your personal style.

General Advice

When shopping for Carhartt beanies, always prioritize quality and comfort over price. Investing in a well-made beanie will save you money in the long run as it lasts through multiple winters without losing its appearance or functionality.
Carhartt beanies are an excellent addition to any winter wardrobe, offering style and warmth while protecting you from harsh weather conditions. By considering the factors outlined in this guide, you'll be well-equipped to find the perfect Carhartt beanie that suits your needs and preferences.


What materials are Carhartt beanies made from?

Carhartt beanies are primarily made from acrylic, a synthetic fiber known for its durability and warmth. Some beanies also include blends of other materials such as polyester or spandex for added stretch and comfort.

Do Carhartt beanies come in various styles?
Yes, Carhartt beanies come in a variety of styles to suit different preferences. Options include classic and cuffed styles, as well as visors and ear flaps for added warmth.

How can I tell if a Carhartt beanie will fit well?

Carhartt beanies are designed to fit head sizes varying from small to large. To ensure the right fit, measure the circumference of your head just above your eyebrows and consult the sizing chart provided on the Carhartt website or on the product page.

How do I wash my Carhartt beanie?

It is recommended to wash your Carhartt beanie in cold water on a gentle cycle. Avoid using fabric softeners, and air dry the beanie to maintain its shape and quality.

Where can I buy Carhartt beanies?

Carhartt beanies can be purchased from the official Carhartt website, as well as various online retailers such as Amazon, Zappos, and Dick's Sporting Goods. Some brick-and-mortar stores also carry Carhartt beanies, including sports outfitters and major department stores.

Do Carhartt beanies come with a warranty?

Yes, Carhartt beanies come with a one-year limited warranty that covers any defects in materials or workmanship. If you experience any issues with your beanie within this timeframe, you can contact Carhartt's customer service for assistance.

How much do Carhartt beanies typically cost?

The cost of Carhartt beanies can vary depending on the style and material. Classic acrylic beanies generally retail between $15 and $25, while more premium options (such as those made from wool or featuring detailed embroidery) may be priced up to $50 or more.

Are Carhartt beanies suitable for cold weather?

Yes, Carhartt beanies are designed to provide warmth and protection from the cold. Many beanies also have features such as adjustable cuffs or ear flaps for added insulation and comfort in colder climates.

Do Carhartt beanies run true to size?

Carhartt beanies are designed to run true to size. However, it is helpful to consult the sizing chart provided on the Carhartt website or on the individual product page to ensure the best fit for your head size.

Does Carhartt offer customized beanies?

While Carhartt does not offer customized beanies, they do have a variety of different styles and colors available, allowing customers to choose a beanie that best suits their personal preferences and needs.

How can I care for my Carhartt beanie to extend its longevity?

To care for your Carhartt beanie and extend its longevity, it is recommended to wash it in cold water on a gentle cycle and to avoid using fabric softeners. Additionally, air drying your beanie can help maintain its shape and quality, rather than using a dryer.

Do Carhartt beanies have reflective aspects for safety?

Some Carhartt beanies, such as their reflective strap beanie, include reflective elements to enhance visibility in low-light environments, promoting safety for those who work or engage in outdoor activities during early mornings, late afternoons, or at night.
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submitted by ConsequenceSure3063 to u/ConsequenceSure3063 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:34 6djvkg7syfoj Who makes seats in colors besides black?

Gonna be looking at new seats for my foxbody soon. i live in arizona and my car currently has no ac. I know im gonna sweat regardless but i want breathability and light colors (no black). im also on a budget like everybody, prefer to spend 2.5k max on the set of 2, preferably less.
mostly i was thinking of the custom status or prp seats in the light grey colors so curious if anyone has ecperience with those brands
submitted by 6djvkg7syfoj to projectcar [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:31 Cratedig Is this a shiny or nah? Pokémon Red playing as Nintendo intended

Is this a shiny or nah? Pokémon Red playing as Nintendo intended
Does it say anywhere on the info pages if it’s a shiny or not, im a tad color blind.
submitted by Cratedig to Delta_Emulator [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:31 nexus888 How many panels to repaint when front door got dinged by other car?

A van opened their door and make a dent in my front door on my MY that is only two months old :(
A repairer told me that it would require the full side of the car - front, back doors as well as the front panel on the same side - all to have to be painted to keep the color consistent.
Does this seem right? So many panels for a ding on the front door? Wonder if I should try another repairer.
submitted by nexus888 to TeslaModelY [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:29 No-Huckleberry-286 How to get no contact

My (35f) nfather whom I have been next to no contact for 3 years just drove 1.5 hours, dropped of 100+ pages of craziness about how he's a good human with congestive heart failure but shouldn't be paying my mom alimony before an upcoming court date. He drop a binder off at both my maternal aunts' and my house this evening in hopes that we will make mom settle. When he dropped them off at the other places he just dropped them at the door, texted from his car and waited maybe 5 minutes. When he arrived at my house he whistled up the walkway, knocked (being the millennial that I am I wouldn't have answered a stranger) and then continued knocking for about 10 minutes, texting repeatedly. He also sent mom a rather ominous message with Mother's Day flowers he sent her about how they will never speak again. On top of being worried he will harm mom if the court visit doesn't end exactly the way he wants.
In addition to the binder matching the others he made digs about how I need to follow the 5th commandment of honoring parents and how I'm still single because of these things. In the middle he whines about how I don't answer his messages, and then that I was "rude" when I agreed over my better judgement to met him and his mother at a restaurant last spring. Ironically he complains about how I shouldn't send him a Father's Day or Christmas card because that's just offensive to him.
So basically I'm looking for advice, do I write a long letter telling him to leave me alone or do I just completely ignore him and hope he doesn't show up again announced????
submitted by No-Huckleberry-286 to narcissisticparents [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:22 Sh_TRoman Discover the Ultimate CSS Guide on Our Website!

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets, is a fundamental technology used in web development to control the presentation and layout of HTML documents. While HTML provides the structure of a webpage, CSS enhances its appearance by defining how HTML elements should be displayed on the screen, in print, or even as speech.
In order to understand the basic of CSS, we need to understand how it works. CSS works by selecting HTML elements using id, classess attributes or tags itself and applying styling rules to them. These rules dictate attributes such as color, size, font, spacing, and positioning. By separating content from presentation, CSS allows developers to create visually appealing and consistent designs across multiple web pages with ease.
CSS operates on a cascade principle, where multiple style rules can be applied to the same element, with specificity and order determining which rule takes precedence. This enables developers to efficiently manage styles across complex projects. CSS is one of the foundation in order to enhance the web development skills.
Over the years, CSS has evolved significantly, with new features and capabilities continually being added. CSS preprocessors like Sass and LESS have extended CSS’s functionality by introducing variables, mixins, and other programming constructs, making stylesheets more maintainable and scalable.
Furthermore, with the rise of responsive web design, CSS plays a crucial role in creating layouts that adapt to different screen sizes and devices, providing users with an optimal viewing experience across desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
Understanding of Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)
  1. Selection of HTML Elements: CSS employs various selectors to target specific HTML elements or groups of elements. Selectors can be based on element type (e.g., for paragraphs), class (e.g., .header), ID (e.g., #main-content), or other attributes like data attributes or pseudo-classes (e.g., :hover for styling when the mouse is over an element). This flexibility allows developers to precisely target elements for styling.
  2. Application of Styling Rules: Once an element is selected, CSS applies styling rules to it. These rules define how the element should appear and behave. CSS properties cover a wide range of design aspects, including:Color: Specifies the foreground and background colors.Size: Controls the dimensions of the element, such as width, height, padding, and margins.Font: Determines the typeface, size, style (e.g., bold, italic), and other text properties.Spacing: Manages the spacing between elements, including margins, padding, and borders.Positioning: Controls the placement of elements on the webpage, including static, relative, absolute, and fixed positioning.
  3. Separation of Content and Presentation: One of the core principles of CSS is separating content from presentation. HTML defines the structure and content of a webpage, while CSS handles the presentation and layout. This separation allows developers to make changes to the design without altering the underlying content, making it easier to maintain and update websites.
  4. Creating Visually Appealing Designs: CSS enables developers to unleash their creativity and design visually stunning websites. With CSS, developers can customize every aspect of the webpage’s appearance, from colors and typography to layout and animations. This flexibility empowers developers to create unique and engaging user experiences tailored to their audience.
  5. Consistency Across Multiple Pages: By applying CSS rules consistently across multiple web pages, developers can ensure a cohesive and unified design language throughout the website. CSS allows developers to define styles once and apply them universally, saving time and effort while maintaining consistency across the site.
Properties of CSS
CSS properties are the building blocks that developers use to style HTML elements. These properties allow developers to control various aspects of an element’s appearance, layout, and behavior. Here are some commonly used CSS properties grouped by their functionalities:
  1. Typography: This properties is used to control the various aspects of the text elements of HTML.font-family: Sets the font of the text.font-size: Sets the size of the text.font-weight: Specifies the thickness of the font.font-style: Defines the style of the font (e.g., italic).text-align: Aligns the text horizontally within its container.line-height: Sets the height of each line of text.
  2. Color and Background: This properties is used to control the color of any HTML elements like < div >, < span >, < header > etc.color: Defines the color of the text.background-color: Sets the background color of an element.opacity: Specifies the transparency of an element.background-image: Sets an image as the background of an element.background-size: Defines the size of the background image.background-position: Specifies the starting position of the background image.
  3. Layout: This properties is used to control the how the HTML elements will functions. For example, its display properties or height, or position etc.display: Defines how an element is displayed (e.g., block, inline, flex).width and height: Sets the width and height of an element.margin, padding, and border: Controls the spacing around and within an element.float: Positions an element to the left or right within its container.position: Specifies the positioning method of an element (e.g., static, relative, absolute, fixed).top, bottom, left, right: Sets the position of an element relative to its containing element.
  4. Box Model: The box model is used to set the HTML elements in box like element by defining its height and Defines how the total width and height of an element are calculated.border-radius: Rounds the corners of an element’s Adds a shadow effect to an element.overflow: Specifies how content that overflows the element’s box is handled.
  5. animation: Defines keyframe animations.transition: Specifies the transition effect for a CSS property.transform: Applies transformations (e.g., rotate, scale) to elements.
In summary, CSS is an indispensable tool for web developers, empowering them to transform HTML documents into visually appealing and functional web experiences. Understanding its principles and techniques is essential for anyone looking to create modern, professional-looking websites.
Read the Guide Here:
submitted by Sh_TRoman to u/Sh_TRoman [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:06 SFOCALI A good place that restores cars in California

Does anyone have a recommendation for a good place that restores muscle cars in Norcal (Northern California) ? I have a 1986 IROC Z with its original engine. Would like the engine rebuilt and the car restored to its original condition.
submitted by SFOCALI to classiccars [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:03 Shutupimgaming1711 wrap colors???

wrap colors???
I kinda want to wrap my car around different color. The red is the original. Opinions about this?
submitted by Shutupimgaming1711 to AlfaRomeo [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:02 Logical-Patience-795 No idea on what car to buy, any suggestions?

I am finally financially stable enough to be able to buy a new car, i’ve been looking at a few types and i don’t know what’s the best option for me so what do you think? I want all wheel drive, want to stay around the 30k price range, i’d prefer other color options than black/gray/white, id like a sedan or SUV, and for it to look somewhat aggressive/sporty. Any ideas? I was stuck on the 2024 cacti green chevy trax but I hate its only front wheel drive.
submitted by Logical-Patience-795 to whatcarshouldIbuy [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:56 BeansWithMilk Turning amp off with a switch, connected to a fuse

Turning amp off with a switch, connected to a fuse
All of my fuses in the car are live im pretty sure, i tested everything although my tester is bad but i got a 12v or more on I THINK every fuse. I connected it on one of them just to hear the sound and everything work but i jusr need to find a way for my amp to turn off when i switch the car off.
I gave up on that idea since its taking me way too long to build this car so i was thinking of just getting a 2 prong switch and placing it between the remote wire.
The drawing is what i think of doing so idk if its a good idea but i dont have another way. Aftermarket unit from who knows when and no wiring diagram, wires are weirs colors. All fuses are live and active even when car is off so putting a switch will not drain my battery if it turn off the amp?
submitted by BeansWithMilk to CarAV [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:55 Dreamf0rce Issues with Car Mod Limit despite Gameconfig

Buenos días!
I have an issue with the game crashing when I try to add more than 10 car mods/add-ons to the game. I've already installed HeapAdjuster, Packfile Limit Adjuster and fwBoxStreamerVariable and decals limit patch (as prereq for the gameconfig mod). I've also replaced the Gameconfig via OpenIV with the one that is supposed to allow up to 300 cars.
I also tried reinstalling the game and all the mods from scratch but that didn't help either. I even looked up two tutorials to be 100% sure that I replaced the Gameconfig correctly and I'm quite sure that I did. And the game still crashes when I start up Story Mode the moment I have one additional car add-on.
Am I missing something?
If it's relevant, here is a complete list of my current mods and add-ons:
submitted by Dreamf0rce to Gta5Modding [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:54 PageTurner627 My Dad and I Hunted Down the Dogman that Killed My Sister

I’ve always hated the smell of gun oil. It clings to everything it touches, soaking deep into the fibers of my clothes, the lining of my backpack, the coarse hair on the back of my hands. Yet here I am, kneeling on the cracked linoleum of our mudroom, a Remington .308 laid across my thighs, and the stench of gun oil sharp in my nostrils. The early morning light barely scratches at the edges of the blinds, dim and gray like the belly of a dead fish.
My dad Frank is in the kitchen, clattering around with the coffeepot and mumbling under his breath. Today we’re heading up to the woods of Northern Michigan, same as we did every year before Leah… before we lost her.
I can’t help but feel the old scars throbbing as I load bullets into the magazine. It’s been ten years since that hunting trip, the one that tore my family into before and after. Before, when Leah's laughter was a constant soundtrack to our lives; after, when every silence was filled with her absence.
We were just kids back then. I was ten, Leah was eight. It was supposed to be a typical hunting trip, one of those bonding experiences Dad was always talking about. But things went wrong. We got separated from Dad somehow. One minute we were following him, the next we were lost, the dense woods closing in around us.
Dad says when he found me, I was huddled under a fallen tree, my eyes wide, my body frozen. All I could mutter through chattering teeth was "Dogman."
It was only later, after the search parties had combed through every thicket and hollow, that they found her. What remained of Leah was barely recognizable, the evidence of a brutal mauling undeniable. The authorities concluded it was likely a bear attack, but Dad... he never accepted that explanation. He had seen the tracks, too large and oddly shaped for any bear.
As I load another round, the memory flashes, unbidden and unwelcome. Large, hairy clawed hands reaching out towards us, impossibly big, grotesque in their form. Yet, the rest of the creature eludes me, a shadow just beyond the edge of my recall, leaving me with nothing but fragmented terrors and Leah’s haunting, echoing screams. My mind blocked most of it out, a self-defense mechanism, I guess.
For years after that day, sleep was a battleground. I'd wake up in strange places—kitchen floor, backyard, even at the edge of the nearby creek. My therapist said it was my mind's way of trying to resolve the unresolved, to wander back through the woods searching for Leah. But all I found in those sleepless nights was a deeper sense of loss.
It took time, a lot of therapy, and patience I didn't know I had, but the sleepwalking did eventually stop. I guess I started to find some semblance of peace.
I have mostly moved on with my life. The fragmentary memories of that day are still there, lurking in the corners of my mind, but they don’t dominate my thoughts like they used to. I just finished my sophomore year at Michigan State, majoring in Environmental Science.
As for Dad, the loss of Leah broke him. He became a shell of himself. It destroyed his marriage with Mom. He blamed himself for letting us out of his sight, for not protecting Leah. His life took on a single, consuming focus: finding the creature that killed her. He read every book, every article on cryptids and unexplained phenomena. He mapped sightings, connected dots across blurry photos and shaky testimonies of the Dogman.
But as the tenth anniversary of Leah’s death approaches, Dad's obsession has grown more intense. He’s started staying up late, poring over his maps and notes, muttering to himself about patterns and cycles. He’s convinced that the dogman reappears every ten years, and this is our window of opportunity to finally hunt it down.
I’m not nearly as convinced. The whole dogman thing seems like a coping mechanism, a way for Dad to channel his guilt and grief into something tangible, something he can fight against. But I decided to tag along on this trip, partly to keep an eye on him, partly because a small part of me hopes that maybe, just maybe, we’ll find some kind of closure out there in the woods.
I finish loading the rifle and set it aside, standing up to stretch my legs. I wipe my greasy hands on an old rag, trying to get rid of the smell. The early morning light is starting to seep into the room, casting long shadows across the floor.
Dad comes out of the kitchen with two thermoses of coffee in hand. His eyes are bleary and tired.
“You ready, Ryan?” he asks, handing me a thermos, his voice rough from too many sleepless nights.
“Yeah, I’m ready,” I reply, trying to sound more confident than I felt.
We load our gear into the truck, the weight of our supplies and weapons a physical reminder of the burden we carry. The drive from Lansing across the Lower Peninsula is long and quiet, the silence between us filled with unspoken memories and unresolved grief.

The drive north is a blur of highway lines and the dull hum of the engine. I drift off, the landscape outside blending into a haze. In my sleep, fragments of that day with Leah replay like scattered pieces of a puzzle. I see her smile, the way she tugged at my sleeve, eager to explore. The sunlight filters through the trees in sharp, jagged streaks.
Then, the memory shifts—darker, disjointed. Leah's voice echoes, a playful laugh turning into a scream that pierces the air. The crunch of leaves underfoot as something heavy moves through the underbrush. I see a shadow, large and looming, not quite fitting the shapes of any creature I know.
Then, something darker creeps into the dream, something I’ve never allowed myself to remember clearly.
Before I can see what it is I wake up with a start as the truck jerks slightly on a rough patch of road. Dad glances over. "Bad dream?" he asks. I nod, rubbing the sleep from my eyes, the remnants of the dream clinging to me like the cold.
"Yeah, just... thinking about Leah," I manage to say.
As we drive, Dad attempts to bridge the silence with small talk. He asks about my finals, my plans for the summer, anything to keep the conversation going. His voice carries a forced cheerfulness, but it’s clear his heart isn’t in it. I respond when necessary, my answers brief, my gaze fixed on the passing scenery.
The landscape changes as we head further north, from flat expanses to rolling hills dotted with dense patches of forest. It's beautiful country, the kind that reminds you how vast and wild Michigan can be, but today it just feels oppressive, like it’s closing in on us.

We finally arrive at the cabin, nestled deep in the woods, its weathered wood blending seamlessly with the surrounding trees. The place hasn't changed much since the last time I was here—a relic from another time, filled with the echoes of our past. I can still see Leah running around the porch, her laughter ringing out into the forest.
Dad parks the truck, and we step out into the crisp air. The smell of pine and damp earth fills my nostrils. We start unloading our gear, the tension between us palpable.
“Let’s get this inside,” Dad says, his voice gruff as he hefts a duffel bag onto his shoulder.
I nod, grabbing my own bag and following him to the cabin. Inside, it’s a mix of old and new—the same rustic furniture, but with new hunting gear and maps strewn across the table. Dad’s obsession is evident in every corner of the room, a constant reminder of why we’re here.
As we unpack, we exchange strained attempts at normalcy. He talks about the latest cryptid sightings he’s read about, his eyes lighting up with a fervor that both worries and saddens me.
“Did you hear about the sighting up near Alpena?” he asks, laying out his maps on the table.
“Yeah, you mentioned it,” I reply, trying to muster some enthusiasm. “Do you really think there’s something to it?”
Dad’s eyes meet mine, and for a moment, I see a flicker of doubt. But it’s quickly replaced by grim determination. “I have to believe it, Ryan. It’s the only thing that makes sense.”
We finish unpacking, the silence between us growing heavier with each passing minute. I step outside to clear my head, the cool air a welcome relief. The sun is starting to set, casting long shadows across the clearing. I can’t shake the feeling of unease.
"You can take the upstairs room," Dad mutters. His voice is strained, trying to sound normal, but it's clear the weight of the past is heavy on him. I nod, hauling my backpack up the creaking stairs to the small bedroom that I used to share with Leah. The room feels smaller now, or maybe I've just grown too much since those innocent days.
I unpack silently, setting my things aside. The bed is stiff and cold under my touch. As I settle in, I can't help but glance at the corner where Leah and I would huddle together, whispering secrets and making plans for adventures that would never happen. I push the thoughts away, focusing on the practicalities of unpacking.
After settling in, I go back downstairs to find Dad loading up a backpack with supplies for our hunt. The intensity in his eyes is palpable, his hands moving with practiced precision. I know this routine; it's one he's perfected over countless solo trips since that fateful day.
"We'll head out early," he says, not looking up from his task. "Gotta make the most of the daylight."
I nod, though unease curls in my stomach. I'm not just worried about what we might find—or not find—out there. I'm worried about him. Each year, the obsession seems to carve him out a bit more, leaving less of the Dad I knew.

The morning air is sharp with the scent of pine and wet earth as Dad and I head into the deeper parts of the forest. The terrain is rugged, familiar in its untamed beauty, but there’s a tension between us that makes the landscape feel alien. Dad moves with a purposeful stride, his eyes scanning the woods around us. Every snap of a twig, every rustle in the underbrush seems to draw his attention. He’s on edge, and it puts me on edge too.
As we walk, my mind drifts back to that day ten years ago. I can almost hear Leah’s voice echoing through the trees, her high-pitched call as she darted ahead, "Catch me, Ryan!" I remember how the sunlight filtered through the leaves, casting dancing shadows on the ground. Those memories are so vivid, so tangible, it feels like I could just turn a corner and see her there, waiting for us.
Dad suddenly stops and kneels, examining the ground. He points out a set of tracks that are too large for a deer, with an unusual gait pattern. "It’s been here, Ry. I’m telling you, it’s close," he whispers, a mixture of excitement and something darker in his voice. I nod, though I’m not sure what to believe. Part of me wants to dismiss it all as grief-fueled obsession, but another part, the part that heard Leah's scream and saw something monstrous in the woods that day, isn’t so sure.
As we continue, Dad's comments become increasingly cryptic. "You know, they say the dogman moves in cycles, drawn to certain places, certain times. Like it’s tied to the land itself," he muses, more to himself than to me. His fixation on the creature has always been intense, but now it borders on mania.
We set up a makeshift blind near a clearing where Dad insists the creature will pass. Hours drag by with little to see but the occasional bird or distant deer.
The sun rises higher in the sky, casting long, slender shadows through the dense canopy. I shift uncomfortably in my spot, the forest floor hard and unyielding beneath me. My eyes dart between the trees, hoping to catch a glimpse of something, anything, to break the monotony. Dad, on the other hand, remains steadfast, his gaze fixed on the treeline as if he can will the dogman into existence by sheer force of will.
A bird chirps nearby, startling me. I sigh and adjust my grip on the rifle. I glance over at Dad.
“Anything?” I ask, more out of boredom than genuine curiosity.
“Not yet,” he replies, his voice tight. “But it’s out there. I know it.”
I nod, even though I’m not sure I believe him. The forest seems too quiet, too still. Maybe we’re chasing ghosts.
As the sun begins its descent, the forest is bathed in a warm, golden light. The air cools, and a breeze rustles the leaves. I shiver, more from anticipation than the cold. The long hours of sitting and waiting are starting to wear on me.
“Let’s call it a day for now,” Dad says finally, his voice heavy with disappointment. “We’ll head back to the cabin, get some rest, and try again tomorrow.”
I stand and stretch, feeling the stiffness in my muscles. We pack up our gear in silence and start the trek back to the cabin. The walk is long and quiet, the only sounds are the crunch of leaves underfoot and the distant calls of birds settling in for the night.

Dinner is a quiet affair, both of us lost in our thoughts. I try to make small talk, asking Dad about his plans for tomorrow, but it feels forced. We clean up in silence.
After dinner, I retreat to the small bedroom. The fatigue from the day's hike has settled into my bones, but sleep still feels like a distant hope. I lie down, staring at the ceiling, the room cloaked in darkness save for the sliver of moonlight creeping through the window. Downstairs, I hear the faint sound of Dad moving around, likely unable to sleep himself.
I drift into sleep, but it's not restful. My dreams pull me back to that fateful day in the woods. Leah's voice is clear and vibrant, her laughter echoing through the trees. She looks just as she did then—bright-eyed and full of life, her blonde hair catching the sunlight as she runs ahead of me.
"Come on, Ry! You can't catch me!" she taunts, her voice playful and teasing.
I chase after her, but the scene shifts abruptly. The sky darkens, the woods around us growing dense and foreboding. Leah's laughter fades, replaced by a chilling silence. I see her ahead, standing still, her back to me.
"Leah?" I call out, my voice trembling. She turns slowly, her eyes wide and filled with fear. "Ryan, you have to remember," she says, her voice barely a whisper. "It wasn't what you think. You need to know the truth."
Leah’s words hang in the air, cryptic and unsettling. Before I can respond, she turns and starts running again, her figure becoming a blur among the trees. Panic rises in my chest as I sprint after her, my feet pounding against the forest floor.
“Leah, wait!” I shout, desperation lacing my voice. The forest around me seems to close in, the trees towering and twisted, shadows dancing menacingly in the dim light. I push forward, trying to keep her in sight, but she’s too fast, slipping away like a wisp of smoke.
Suddenly, there’s a rustle, a flash of movement in the corner of my vision. Leah screams, a sound that pierces through the heavy silence. It happens too quickly—I can’t see what it is, only a dark blur that snatches her up.
“Leah!” I scream, my voice breaking. I stumble, falling to my knees as the forest spins around me. My heart races, and the terror is so real, so visceral, that it pulls me back to that awful day, the one that changed everything.
I jolt awake, my breath coming in ragged gasps.
I sit up, wiping the cold sweat from my forehead as I try to steady my breathing. The room is still dark, the shadows cast by the moonlight seem to flicker and dance on the walls. My heart is still racing from the nightmare, the echo of Leah's scream lingering in my ears.
As I struggle to calm down, the floorboards outside my room creak. The door opens slowly, and I see the silhouette of my dad in the doorway, a Bowie knife in his hand, his posture tense.
“Dad, what the hell are you doing?” I whisper, my voice shaking.
“Shh,” he hisses, holding up a hand to silence me. “I heard something. Something moving around in the cabin. Stay quiet.”
I swallow hard, my mouth dry. I glance at the clock on the nightstand—it’s just past three in the morning. The cabin is silent, the kind of deep, oppressive silence that makes every small sound seem louder. I can’t hear anything out of the ordinary, but Dad’s expression is deadly serious.
He motions for me to get up, and I do, moving as quietly as I can. My heart is racing, a mix of lingering fear from the dream and the sudden, sharp anxiety of the present moment. Dad leads the way, stepping cautiously out of the bedroom and into the hallway, the knife held ready in front of him.
We move through the cabin, checking each room in turn. The living room is empty, the furniture casting long shadows in the dim moonlight. The kitchen is just as we left it, the plates from dinner still drying on the counter. Everything seems normal, untouched.
We finish our sweep of the cabin without finding anything amiss. The silence is heavy, punctuated only by our soft footfalls. I can see the tension in Dad’s frame, his grip on the knife unwavering. After checking the last room, we pause in the dimly lit hallway, the air thick with unspoken questions.
“There’s nothing here,” I say, my voice low. “Are you sure you heard something?”
He looks at me, his eyes searching for something in my face. “I heard growling. Deep and close. It was right outside the window.”
“Maybe it was just an animal outside, a raccoon or something?” I suggest, although the certainty in his voice makes me doubt my own reassurance.
“No, it wasn’t like that. It was different,” he insists, his voice tense.
I nod, not wanting to argue, but the seeds of worry are planted deep.
The look in his eyes sends a chill down my spine. It’s not just fear—it’s desperation. The kind of desperation that comes from years of chasing shadows and finding nothing. I can see the toll this hunt has taken on him, the way it’s worn him down, turned him into a man I barely recognize.
We head back to our rooms. As I lie down, my mind races with thoughts of my dad. I can’t help but wonder if he’s losing it, if the years of grief and guilt have finally pushed him over the edge.
Dad wasn’t always like this. Before Leah’s death, he was the kind of father who took us fishing, helped with homework, and told terrible jokes that made us groan and laugh at the same time. He was solid, dependable. But losing Leah changed him. The guilt twisted him into someone I barely recognize, someone driven by a need for answers, for closure, that may never come.
I try to sleep, but my thoughts keep me awake. I can hear Dad moving around downstairs, probably pacing or double-checking the locks. His paranoia has become a constant presence, and I don’t know how to help him. I don’t even know if I can help him.

The next morning, the sunlight filters weakly through the cabin windows, casting a pale light that does little to lift the heavy mood. I drag myself out of bed, feeling the exhaustion of another restless night. Dad is already up, hunched over his maps at the kitchen table, his eyes bloodshot from lack of sleep.
“Morning,” I mumble, rubbing the sleep from my eyes as I pour myself a cup of coffee. “Did you sleep at all?”
He shakes his head, not looking up from his notes. “Not much. I couldn’t stop thinking about what I heard last night.”
I sip my coffee, trying to shake off the remnants of my nightmare. “Maybe it was just an animal, Dad. We’re deep in the woods, after all.”
He finally looks up, his eyes intense. “Ryan, I know what I heard. It wasn’t just an animal. It was something else.”
I sigh, not wanting to argue. “Okay, fine, Dad. What’s the plan for today?”
“We’re going back out. I found some tracks yesterday, and I want to follow them. See where they lead.”
I nod, feeling a mix of apprehension and resignation. I can see how much this means to him, how desperate he is for any kind of lead. “Alright. Let’s get packed and head out.”
We spend the morning preparing, loading up our gear and double-checking our supplies. Dad is meticulous, going over everything with a fine-toothed comb. I try to match his focus, but my mind keeps drifting back to Leah and the dream I had. Her words echo in my head, cryptic and unsettling: “You need to know the truth.”
We set off into the woods, the air crisp and cool. The forest is alive with the sounds of birds and rustling leaves, but it all feels distant, like background noise to the tension between us. Dad leads the way, his eyes scanning the ground for any sign of the tracks he found yesterday.
As we walk, I can’t help but notice how erratically he’s acting. He mutters to himself, his eyes darting around as if expecting something to jump out at us. His grip on his rifle is tight, his knuckles white.
“Dad, are you okay?” I ask, trying to keep my voice steady.
He glances at me, his expression unreadable. “I’m fine. Just focused.”
He stops frequently to examine the ground or the bark of trees, pointing out marks and signs that seem meaningless to me.
“Look at this,” he says, crouching down to examine a broken branch. “See how it’s snapped? That’s not a deer or a bear. That’s something bigger. Stronger.”
I crouch next to Dad, squinting at the broken branch. To me, it just looks like a regular broken branch, the kind you see all over the forest. "I don't know, Dad. It just looks like a branch to me," I say, trying to keep my voice neutral.
Dad's eyes flicker with frustration. "You're not looking close enough. It's the way it's snapped—too clean, too deliberate. Something did this."
I nod, not wanting to argue. "Okay, sure. But even if you're right, it could be anything. A storm, another hunter..."
His expression hardens. "I know what I'm looking for. This is different."
I sigh, feeling the weight of the past and the tension between us pressing down on me. "Dad, I had a dream last night. About Leah." The words hang in the air between us, heavy and fraught with unspoken emotions.
Dad's eyes widen, and he straightens up, his entire demeanor shifting. "What kind of dream? What did you see?" His voice is urgent, almost desperate.
"It was... strange. We were in the woods, like we are now, but everything felt different. Leah was there, running ahead of me, laughing. Then she stopped and told me I needed to know the truth, that it wasn't what I thought."
Dad grabs my shoulders, his grip tight. "What else did she say? Did she tell you anything specific? Anything about the creature?"
I shake my head, feeling a chill run down my spine. "No, that was it. She just said I needed to know the truth, and then she was gone."
Dad’s grip on my shoulders tightens, and his eyes bore into mine with a mixture of desperation and hope. “Ryan, you have to try to remember. Think hard. What did the creature look like? Did you see anything else?”
I pull back slightly, uneasy with his intensity. “Dad, I told you. I don’t remember. It was just a dream. A nightmare, really. My mind’s probably just mixing things up.”
He lets go of me and runs a hand through his hair, looking frustrated and lost. “Dreams can be important. They can hold memories we’ve buried deep. Please, try to remember. This could be a sign, a clue.”
I rub my temples, feeling the beginnings of a headache. “I’ve tried, okay? I’ve tried for years to piece together what happened that day. But it’s all just fragments, like pieces of a puzzle that don’t fit. The dream… it felt real, but I don’t think it’s telling me anything new.”
Dad’s face falls, and he looks older than I’ve ever seen him. He turns away, staring into the forest as if it holds all the answers.

As we make our way back to the cabin, the sun begins to set, casting long shadows through the trees. The air grows colder, and I shiver, pulling my jacket tighter around me. Dad is silent, lost in his thoughts, his face drawn and haggard.
Back at the cabin, we unload our gear once again in silence. Dad disappears into his room, muttering something about going over his notes. I decide to explore the cabin, hoping to find something that might help me understand what’s going on with him.
In the attic, I find a box of old family photos and documents. As I sift through the contents, I come across a worn journal with Dad’s handwriting on the cover. Curiosity gets the better of me, and I open it, flipping through the pages.
The journal is filled with notes and sketches, detailing his obsession with the dogman. But there’s something else—entries that talk about Leah, about that day in the woods. His handwriting becomes more erratic, the words harder to read. One entry stands out, dated just a few days after Leah’s death:
“June 15, 2013 – It was supposed to be a normal trip. Keep them close, Frank, I kept telling myself. But I failed. Leah is gone, and it’s my fault. I heard her scream, saw the shadows. I tried to get to her, but… the thing, it was there. Too fast. Too strong. My hands… blood everywhere. No one will believe me. I can’t even believe myself. I have to find it. I have to protect Ryan. I have to make it right. God, what have I done?”
Before I can read further, the attic door creaks open, and Dad’s voice slices through the stillness.
“What are you doing up here?” His tone is sharp, almost panicked.
I turn to see him standing in the doorway, his face pale and his eyes wide with something between anger and fear. I clutch the journal to my chest, my mind racing. “I found this… I was just trying to understand…”
In an instant, he crosses the room and snatches the journal from my hands. His grip is tight, his knuckles white. “You had no right,” he growls, his voice trembling.
“Dad, I just wanted to know the truth!” I shout, frustration boiling over. “What really happened to Leah.”
His eyes flash with a mix of rage and anguish, and before I can react, he slaps me across the face. The force of it knocks me off balance, and I stumble backward, my cheek stinging.
For a moment, there’s a stunned silence. We both stand there, breathing hard, the air thick with tension.
“I’m sorry,” Dad says finally, his voice barely a whisper. “I didn’t mean to… I just…” He trails off, clutching the journal to his chest like a lifeline.
I touch my cheek, feeling the heat from the slap, and take a deep breath, trying to steady myself. “Dad, what aren’t you telling me? What really happened that day?”
“Stay out of it, Ryan,” Dad growls, his eyes dark with anger. “You don’t know what you’re messing with.”
He turns and storms out of the attic. I’m left standing there, my cheek throbbing, my mind racing. What the fuck is going on? What really happened to Leah? And what is Dad so afraid of?

That night, I sleep with my rifle within arm's reach, more afraid of my dad than any dogman. The slap still burns on my cheek, and the look in his eyes—rage, fear, something darker—haunts me. I lie awake, listening to the creaks and groans of the old cabin, every sound amplified in the stillness. Eventually, exhaustion pulls me under, and I fall into a restless sleep.
The dream returns, vivid and unsettling. I'm back in the woods, chasing after Leah. Her laughter echoes through the trees, a haunting reminder of happier times. This time, though, I push myself harder, refusing to let her slip away.
"Ryan, catch me!" she calls, her voice playful.
"I'm coming, Leah!" I shout, my legs pumping, my breath coming in ragged gasps.
The forest around us is a twisted, shadowy maze, the trees seeming to close in on us. Leah's figure becomes clearer, her blonde hair catching the dim light filtering through the canopy. She stops suddenly, turning to face me, her eyes wide with fear.
"Leah, what is it?" I ask, my voice trembling.
"Look behind you," she whispers, her voice barely audible.
I turn slowly, dread creeping up my spine. In the shadows, I see a figure, its form indistinct and shifting. It’s not quite animal, not quite human—something in between. The sight of it sends a jolt of terror through me, and I wake up with a start, my breath coming in ragged gasps.
I’m not in my bed. The ground beneath me is cold and hard, the smell of damp earth filling my nostrils. Panic rises as I realize I’ve sleepwalked into the woods. I scramble to my feet, my eyes adjusting to the dim light. The moon casts a pale glow over the surroundings, revealing what looks like a long-abandoned animal lair.
The walls are covered in giant claw marks, deep gouges in the wood and earth. The air is heavy with the scent of decay, and a chill runs through me. I can’t shake the feeling that I’m being watched.
Carefully, I start to move, my eyes scanning the ground, desperate for a familiar landmark. That's when I see them—faded scraps of fabric caught on the jagged edges of the underbrush. My steps falter, a sense of dread washing over me as I bend down to examine them. The fabric is torn, weathered by time and the elements, but unmistakably familiar. It's part of Leah's jacket—the bright pink one she wore on the day she disappeared.
As I strain to make sense of it all, a rustling sound behind me snaps my focus. My heart leaps into my throat. I spin around, my hand instinctively reaching for the rifle I don't have—because, of course, I didn't bring it in my unconscious state.
The shadowy figure that emerges from the trees is unsettlingly familiar, mirroring the menacing forms of my nightmares. But as it steps into the moonlight, I recognize the worn jacket, the weary posture. It's Dad.
"Ryan!" he calls out, his voice a mix of relief and stern concern. "I've been looking everywhere for you. What the hell are you doing out here?"
I exhale slowly, the terror ebbing away as reality sets back in. "I—I don't know, Dad. I must've sleepwalked again." My voice is shaky, my earlier dream still clinging to the edges of my consciousness.
Dad stares at me in disbelief. "You haven't sleepwalked since you were a kid, Ry. This... this isn't just a coincidence." His eyes dart around, taking in the surroundings—the eerie, claw-marked den, the unsettling quiet of the woods. "How did you even find this place?"
I shake my head, struggling to find an answer. "I don't know, Dad. I just... I woke up here." The uncertainty in my voice does nothing to ease the tension.
His eyes lock onto the tattered remains of Leah's jacket in my hands, and something inside him snaps. The color drains from his face as he stumbles a few steps backward. "This... this is where it happened," he murmurs, his voice barely a whisper. “This is where we found Leah."
“I thought you said you don’t remember anything from that night,” he says accusingly.
"I swear, Dad, I don't know anything about this place," I insist, my own heart pounding.
“It was you, wasn’t it? You’ve been hiding this from me.” His voice is frantic. “You... last night, the growling, it was you.” His voice rises, tinged with hysteria.
I step back, my pulse racing, feeling the chill of the night and the weight of his accusation. "Dad, I don't know what you're talking ab—”
"No!" he interrupts, his voice breaking as he points a trembling finger at me. "You knew, you always knew. It was you, Ryan. All these years, the evidence was right there, but I refused to see it. You were the dogman. You killed Leah!"
His words hit me like a physical blow, absurd and horrifying in their implications. "Dad, you're not making any sense. You're talking crazy! I was just a little kid! How could I–" I protest, my voice shaky.
He steps closer, his presence looming over me, the outline of his figure distorted by the shadows of the trees. "Think about it! It all makes sense now. You led us here, to this place, because you remember. Because you did it."
"Dad, stop it!" I shout, my heart pounding in my chest. "You're scaring me. You need help, professional help. This isn't you."
But he's beyond reason, his eyes wild with a haunted grief. "I have to end this," he mutters, more to himself than to me, his hand tightening around his rifle.
His finger hovers dangerously over the trigger of his rifle. My instincts kick in, and I know I have to act fast.
I lunge toward him, trying to knock the weapon away, but he's quicker than I expected. We struggle, our breaths heavy in the cold night air, the sounds of our scuffle the only noise in the otherwise silent woods. His strength surprises me, fueled by his frantic emotions. He shoves me back, and I stumble over a root, my balance lost for a crucial second. That's all he needs. He raises his rifle, his intentions clear in his wild, pained eyes.
I dive to the ground just as the shot rings out, a deafening blast that echoes ominously through the trees. The bullet whizzes past, narrowly missing me, embedding itself in the bark of an old pine. I scramble to my feet, my heart pounding in my ears, and I start running. The underbrush claws at my clothes and skin, but I push through, driven by a primal urge to survive.
"Dad, stop! It's me, Ryan!" I shout back as I dodge between the trees. Another shot breaks the silence, closer this time, sending splinters of wood flying from a nearby tree trunk. It's surreal, being hunted by my own father, a man tormented by grief and lost in his delusions.
I don't stop to look back. I can hear him crashing through the forest behind me, his heavy breaths and muttered curses carried on the wind. The terrain is rough, and I'm fueled by adrenaline, but exhaustion is setting in. I need a plan.
Ahead, I see a rocky outcrop and make a split-second decision to head for it. It offers a chance to hide, to catch my breath and maybe reason with him if he catches up. As I reach the rocks, I slip behind the largest one, my body pressed tight against the cold, damp surface. I hear his footsteps approaching, slow and cautious now.
As I press against the rock, trying to calm my racing heart, I can hear Dad's footsteps drawing closer, each step crunching ominously on the forest floor. He's methodical, deliberate, like a hunter stalking his prey.
“Come out, Ryan!” Dad’s voice is ragged, filled with a blend of fury and pain.
My heart pounds against my chest, the cold sweat on my back making me shiver against the rough surface of the rock. I know I can't just sit here; it's only a matter of time before he finds me.
Taking a deep breath, I peek around the edge of the rock, trying to gauge his position. I see him, rifle raised, scanning the area slowly. This might be my only chance to end this madness without further violence. I need to disarm him, to talk some sense into him if I can.
As quietly as I can, I move out from behind the rock, my steps careful to avoid any twigs or leaves that might betray my position. I'm almost upon him when a branch snaps under my foot—a sound so trivial yet so alarmingly loud in the quiet of the woods.
Dad whirls around, looking completely unhinged. "Ryan!" he exclaims, his rifle swinging in my direction. Panic overtakes me, and I lunge forward, my hands reaching for the gun.
We struggle, the rifle between us, our breaths heavy and erratic. "Dad, please, stop!" I plead, trying to wrestle the gun away. But he's strong, stronger than I expected.
In the chaos, the rifle goes off. The sound is deafening, a sharp echo that seems to reverberate off every tree around us. Pain explodes in my abdomen, sharp and burning, like nothing I've ever felt before. I stagger back, my hands instinctively going to the wound. The warmth of my own blood coats my fingers, stark and terrifying.
Dad drops the rifle, his eyes wide with horror. "Oh my God! What have I done?" he gasps, rushing to my side as I collapse onto the forest floor.
As the pain sears through me, a strange, overpowering energy surges within. It's wild, primal, unlike anything I've ever experienced. Looking down in horror, my hands are no longer hands but large, hairy, clawed appendages. The transformation is rapid, consuming—my vision blurs, senses heighten, and a raw, guttural growl builds in my throat.
In that moment, a flood of understanding washes over me, mingling with the horror of realization. These are the hands of the creature from my nightmares, the creature whose face I can never fully recall because, as I now understand, it is me.
What happens next feels detached, as if I'm no longer in control of my own actions, watching from a distance as my body moves on its own. I turn towards my dad, his face a mask of terror. He stumbles back, his eyes wide with the dawning realization of what his son has become.
The forest around us seems to fall silent, holding its breath as the nightmarish scene unfolds. I can hear my own growls, guttural and deep, filling the air with a sound that's both foreign and intimately familiar. The pain in my abdomen fuels a dark, violent urge, an urge that's too strong to resist.
With a ferocity that feels both alien and intrinsic, I move towards him. My dad, paralyzed by fear and shock, doesn't run. Maybe he can't. Maybe he doesn't want to.
The encounter was brutal and swift, a blur of motion and violence. My dad barely puts up a struggle, as though resigned to his fate.
Not that there is anything he can do. The creature that I’ve become is too powerful, too consumed by the wild instincts surging through me. I tear him apart, limb from bloody limb, my hands—no, my claws—rending through fabric and flesh with disgusting ease.
The sound of my dad’s screams, of tearing fabric and flesh is drowned out by the animalistic growls that echo through the trees.
When it’s all over, the red mist that had clouded my vision begins to fade, and the fierce, uncontrollable rage that drove my actions subsides. I'm left standing, my breaths heavy and erratic, in the eerie stillness of the forest. The transformation reverses as quickly as it came on, and I find myself back in my human form. My clothes are ripped to shreds, hanging off my frame in tattered remnants. At my feet lies what’s left of my dad, his body torn and unrecognizable.
I glance down at my abdomen, expecting agony, but instead find my wound miraculously healed. No sign of the gunshot remains, just a faint scar where I expected a bloody mess.
Shock sets in, a numbing disbelief mixed with a gut-wrenching realization of what I've become and what I've done. My hands, now human again, tremble as I look at them, half-expecting to see the claws that had so effortlessly ripped through flesh and bone. But there's only blood, my father's blood against my skin.
I stand there for what feels like an eternity, trapped in a nightmare of my own making.
Eventually, the shock wears thin, and a cold practicality takes hold. I need to get out of here. I need to cover my tracks, to disappear. Because who would believe this? Who would understand that I didn't choose this, that I'm not a monster by choice?
With trembling hands, I do what’s necessary. I bury my dad in a shallow grave, the physical act of digging strangely grounding. I cover him with leaves and branches, a pitiful attempt to hide the brutality of his end. I take a moment, whispering apologies into the wind, knowing full well that nothing I say can change what happened.
I leave the forest behind, my mind a whirl of dark thoughts. As I walk, the first hints of dawn brush against the horizon, the sky bleeding a soft pink. It’s hauntingly beautiful.
submitted by PageTurner627 to nosleep [link] [comments]