Examples of social workers personal statement


2008.01.25 17:42 Conservative

The largest conservative subreddit. https://discord.gg/conservative

2009.10.18 21:53 davedavedavedavedave Nursing for nurses and by nurses for the care of all.


2016.09.12 04:43 Entitled People

https://www.reddit.com/ModCoord/comments/1476fkn/reddit_blackout_2023_save_3rd_party_apps/ Stories from your lives about people who think the rules don't apply to them and they should get what they want. Sister subreddit of /entitledparents

2024.05.19 22:48 Hugoonreplit Why Is Jaguar Health Stock 46.81% Down After Market Hours

Yes, you've heard the post title right. For those who have been holding stock from Jaguar Health or most known in the market as $JAGX its price has nearly halved after market closing. If you don't know why I will explain in this post. You might think this is due to Jaguar Health Q1 2024 Financial Results, but these were frankly quite good.
This drastic change in stock price could be due to a news article which was published in Jaguar's Health Investor Relationships page on May 17th titled - Jaguar Health, Inc. Announces Reverse Stock Split. But before getting into the details of this I would firstly like to emphasises Jaguar's Q1 2024 Financial Results as they were very good, but it makes no sense this sudden price change:
There was also a very good statement in the quarterly results about the commercialisation of a new product:
Jaguar planning to begin commercial launch in Q3 2024 for Gelclair®, the company's third prescription product
Now these a really good results and it didn't really affect the price of stock in a good way. But now let's get to the real question. Why this sudden decrease in $JAGX stock? So Jaguar Health announced a reverse stock split which is basically this long thing:
A reverse stock split is a corporate action in which a company reduces the total number of its outstanding shares while increasing the share price proportionally. Essentially, existing shares are consolidated into a fewer number of shares.
Basically, reduction of number of shares to pump the stock price up, which would obviously affect the after market graph because of the sudden reduction in volume. In the news article there were some key points:
Reverse Stock Split Purpose Approval Process Mechanics
Approved at April 2024 Special Meeting of Stockholders To comply with Nasdaq listing standards Proposal approved by majority vote at the Special Meeting Every 60 shares will be consolidated into 1 share
Ratio of 1-for-60 To make the stock more attractive to institutional investors Details available in the proxy statement filed with the SEC No fractional shares will be issued; cash payments will be made for fractional shares
Effective on May 23, 2024 Equiniti Trust Company, LLC will handle the exchange process for stock certificates
Trading on a split-adjusted basis under the symbol "JAGX"
Stockholders can find more information and obtain documents from the SEC or the company's website.
So in some way this is good news for the stock price and the share holders. But not always are Reverse Stock Splits related to very good reasons. Personally, I think I will purchase my self about $1k in shares on Monday. I will keep everyone updated!
submitted by Hugoonreplit to pennystocks [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:48 hwolfe326 Shine like NK

Shame on all of those who post comments or questions or even think about NK! She’s an innocent victim and deserves to be left alone! Anyone who thinks anything negative about her must believe she was involved in the crime. You’re just jealous, spiteful, hateful people AND you must have been cheated on yourself!
How could she know CW wasn’t getting separated or that SW was pregnant! It’s not like she could view SW’s Facebook page! That would be an invasion of privacy and NK has a strict personal code of ethics! And it’s not like she worked with CW and had the ability to ask a co-worker or even overhear personal information about him.
How could you not have compassion for a woman who was looking forward to wedding the man she was in love with and dreaming of giving him his first son! After all, those of us who have 2 sons know the 2nd one is just, meh. She was happily looking for wedding gowns when the dreams she held dearly for 6 whole weeks were violently cut short!
The trauma she must have endured while deleting texts and worrying whether LE was going to harass her about what she talked about during a PRIVATE conversation! (Shame on them too for asking about that AND for even thinking about talking to Jim!) Oh yes, and the stress she endured trying to mimic empathy for Bella & CeCe. (They were so little!)
If you want to spew your hate towards NK, go join another sub where sicko’s are tolerant about victim bashing!
submitted by hwolfe326 to WattsFree4All [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:47 JaiLSell Fuck your bunkers.

Fuck your bunkers. submitted by JaiLSell to schizoposters [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:45 mrfailpt Tired of dating.

Im only 19M and im already tired of talking with people and getting to know new people.
Usually im a very sociable person, and i love to talk with new people, and lately i started talking with a co-worker, we been getting a long well, we have a lot in common and we went to lunch together 3 or 4 times and the last time we talked about relationships, where she said she never found someone that was good to her and was tired about that.
While we were talking i said that she was a nice girl to be with and i was liking what we was having, until she said that she only saw me as a friend and i was crazy for trying to be with her because she has redflags.
We continued talking and texting, but i feel i need to iniciate everything even texting and its getting tired at the point i want to ghost her, because im only getting dry ass responses.
But being honest is always the same with everyone i talk, "you are a great person and everything but i only see you as a friend", i only accept and move on, but lately is hard and hard.
Everytime i think if its me that is doing something wrong.
submitted by mrfailpt to dating [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:45 Yeggytheeggy 25F #Canada looking for friends

Hi y’all I’m from the Canadian Prairies so ofc I gotta say y’all and live hockey. Just looking for buddies in Canada and preferably people close by
I’m 25F from good old ‘Berta. I’m not looking for anything other than friendship and SFW chats. Please be talkative and chill!
I try to respond fast but life gets busy
I like hockey, tv shows, cartoons, seeing, crocheting, thrifting, board games, painting, escape rooms, cafes, writing, and so much more
I like to move around and exercise but I’m not fit (chubby) and not a fan of the outdoors haha
I’m Canadian but ethnically Middle Eastern. I’m very left politically and hate bigotry and discrimination of any form. I’m spiritual/religious but that’s a personal choice, you do you boo :)
I don’t drink, smoke (socially but like once a year), and drugs
I love golden retriever energy and just wholesome people
Message me and lmk your age, gender, and where you are from in Canada! A bit about you would be appreciated too
submitted by Yeggytheeggy to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:45 jacetms18 A partial explanation as to why Deb became one of the least liked main characters

For most people, she is near the top of the least favorite characters list. Unfortunately, I think a big part of the reason that she is not well liked is because of her average attractiveness. She is in a family where everyone else looks like a TV actor while she just looks like an average person. IMO Deb's storylines (I am halfway through S7) being boring can partially be attributed to her looks. For example, it is believable that a rich, good-looking dude (Steve/Jimmy, Gus, etc.) falls in love with Fiona because Fiona is hot af; but those type of interesting relationship storylines are not believable for someone who looks like Deb. The storyline limiations are also not limited to relationship storylines.
For adult actors, you roughly know what they will look like for the next decade or so; but with child actors, it is a crapshoot. Some of the cutest kids have turned out to be ugly adults( for example: Haley Joel Osment, not talking about Deb/Carl). Deb and Carl were cast as child actors that grew into adult actors because of the show's longevity; therefore, there was no guarantee that they would look like actors. IMO, Deb being average looking adds some realism since most of the main characters look way better than how the average poor person looks.
submitted by jacetms18 to shameless [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:44 Few_Newt_1034 Complex grief after abusive relationship.

Warning: abuse
At 19F in the middle of active alcoholism 3 years after my mom went to jail for murder for hire, I was a SW (looking?) for a SD? - while out at a bar I got approached by a 43M that I found attractive and very charismatic. Thinking we’d end up having “fun”, I returned the honest sentiment of attraction. We stayed together 2.5 years after that. He was a Chemist who laughed and made light of everything, his alcoholism and drug addiction became apparent from the beginning, but not to the extent that it got to/really was.
Like all relationships, things started out fun, a very Glee movie summer-like love, very free-ing. He was a Doctor of chemistry and worked in the oil field prior to my meeting him, because of his living situation and luxury cars he seemed like he was doing well. He never was any type of SD. The night I met him, we made eye contact and never looked away. Our chemistry, pun intended- was like nothing I’ve ever experienced.
I’m the youngest, not the smartest nor prettiest. I quit my jobs because I simply didn’t want to work sometimes, I made a lot of mistakes and I’ve been in the receiving end of family based bullying and school bullying, SA, R@p€, abandonment and trust issues, I’m bipolar, I practice/d SH, depression, GAD… things of the human condition that make it feel like I’m faulty.
This man was the first person that ever sat with me and listened to me vent to the extent that I did the first tight we spent together. We rarely had sex, but we shared breaths as we slept, (he inhales my breath as I exhale his breath, vise-versa and so on and so forth) to keep it brief and give example. He’s the most intimate partner I’ve ever experienced.
I notice others micro expressions and cater to their benefit if it seems they are troubled or asking for help.
I’m having so much trouble these days accepting the fact that I’m never going to meet him again. Specifically because he was so attentive and catering to my needs. He knew immediately when I was masking. I’m so confused and perplexed about the feeling of not having anyone in my life that has that interest in me. I felt so understood. That’s been my first and last experience with feeling understood like that.
He drank from morning to night nonstop. Together we became aware of what alcoholism was. Brown urine, blood, pain… regret that then led to arguments, accidents, threats, drugs, danger, fear turned to bonding, helping each other, trying to get better, failing. Trying again. Do it all over again. Fail. Again and again.
We managed to get sober a few days. His parents loved me. I understood and loved him. He hadn’t been sober for that long and trying for a long time. He was doing better, that’s what his mom would say.
Every relapse got harder, more dangerous medically and physically as well as economically.
Sleep deprivation was torture I hadn’t experienced before. I would be awoken with yelling because of delirium, anger and he would degrade me so badly. Use that bond we had against me, my own experiences turned against me he’d repeat the insults I shared with him to me. Yell those at me. Then love bomb. Then threaten me and my family with guns. I lived in fear when he blacked out. Felt lonely because with all of the yelling, smashing things around, being stared at by neighbors crying, being called an idiot dumbass in front of people and them witnessing me at a low point and then, agreeing with him? No neighbor knocked after crying and yelling to see if anyone was ok or dying. Public shame feels so. Fucking. Lonely. Isolation doesn’t help.
He stopped functioning. His body started giving out. I loved him. Took care of him cleaned his wounds after falls, his body after incontinence. He literally shed blood, shit and tears, regret and asked for forgiveness when I cared for him in his sober state.
In return, I’d receive non stop verbal abuse if I didn’t stop and do what he wanted me to at the time he wanted me to and how he wanted me to. If I didn’t give him my attention he’d end up getting it by threatening my family. And he would! Fight my brother and go after him with loaded guns. So there I would go do what he said. Forced to ride in a vehicle, with him locking the doors, blasting Phil Collins yelling at me. Driving erratically, dangerously. And I’d be so fucking scared of crashing. Just imagining the police report, “f19 dead alongside 43m after drunk reckless driving”. He’d speed in traffic so I couldn’t really jump out the car. I’d end up just drinking to numb the fear.
I had enough and attempted to sleepies forever by taking a sweet deadly cocktail of whatever handful of pills I could get my hands on. We had plastic gallon moving boxes filled with narcotics- he was a pharmacist too. I told him I was going to KMS he said go ahead, so I attempted and I filmed it.
From the setting up the phone in that closet, the one I color coordinated for him, his button-ups and suits in those dry-cleaning bags that hadn’t been opened since leaving the laundry shop… I watched my su!c!d€ afterwards. Out of morbid curiosity. “What a dumbass!” was what he said when he found me. I won’t go into detail of the full video but chest compressions hurt a lot, 10/10 would not recommend. And EMS left the AED stickers on my chest 🤷🏽‍♀️
After that 24hr watch, an awkward taxi drive to a crisis clinic that was understaffed and left me in a room by myself for two hours and walking in public with those see-through paper hospital clothes. Embarrassment is a light expression. When I was taken home, I didn’t have keys, or phone, or anything. Just my discharge papers and my cut vomit stained pajamas in a biohazard bag. - I lived in a gated neighborhood with key-fob-entry-only. I was fucked and waited what seemed like 4 hours for anyone to help me but no one showed up until HE did WITH MY BROTHER. The one who was threatened with a gun, that brother.
JFC the amount of insults, “what a fucking dumbass, what were you thinking? You’re a fucking idiot!” To summarize in the friendliest way. I was dressed in a see through hospital gown, I went straight to the shower, didn’t have the energy to get dressed when they kept just YELLING at me. INSULTING me- I had enough and wanted to defend myself. That’s when my brother pulled out his phone and started filming me pleading with them to let me sleep, calling me crazy, threatening to “show the family how fucking crazy you are!” - I threw my phone. Broke the microwave door. More insults, while still filming me, I was ordered to, “clean it up” - and at that moment. Completely detached, I did.
I put my brother on the soon-est bus to Mexico and sent him to rehab after 2 hell filled weeks of him living with us because he was so fucked in alcoholism he was homeless. To this day I don’t know how I did that.
I managed to leave my ex. 2 weeks later I receive calls from worried friends. Ryan was missing.
After investigating, (calls to police,hospitals, checking out the “usual” spots) - turns out he went to a Circle K looking for Peroni after the liquor store wouldn’t sell to him, tripped on the steps, hit his head on the pavement, STILL MANAGED TO PURCHASE ALCOHOL, left, got into a fight, and somehow miraculously ended up in his apartment where he tried to shower, fell face forward towards the water tap, (which left a softball sized bruise on his right eye and fractured his nose) he then tried to walk towards the kitchen? Passed out in the living room leaving blood all over the walls, puddles on the ground and the biggest blood clot stain on the floor ( we had to get crime scene cleaners). He apparently had a fit where he trashed the apartment by throwing my things, my plants, bottles of crown… anything. Everything was trashed when I found him in the apartment. I counted at LEAST 20 bottles of crown. He was so fucked up we thought he had been assaulted.
COVID hit and hospitals were in full lockdown. As an “essential worker” I could travel to the hospital to see him, and because someone somewhere said I was his wife/fiancée I was the ONLY one allowed to see him.
I snuck behind friends and family’s backs checking in on him at the hospital. Singing The Carpenters songs, wearing his favorite perfumes, reading Bill’s Story (IYKYK), playing Phil Collins. The whole 9 yards.
The last time I saw him, he was in Physical therapy/Rehab. He ended up moving back to his parents in California. Then February the next year, on Valentine’s Day - his mom let me know he passed.
She grieved very much attached to me. It was one of the saddest things I ever had to help someone through - alongside helping her son go through alcoholism.
I became a CNA as a tribute to helping him during those hard sober times where his body gave out. Helping others like that, bathing them, diaper changing, g-tube cleaning, hygiene essentials…
The classic grief started with what-if’s. Etc. it’s been hard lately because all my family is against him and his family resents me for being the only one with access to his medical records during COVID. I’m in a relationship now and our therapist told me to “put a break on it”. Recently. My mental illnesses keep getting worse and I feel like no other has taken such interest in me as much as Ryan did. He was so observant. So in-sync with me. And he was so shitty to me. He’s like the sweetest tasting radioactive flower that once was and will never be. And I’m grieving. And it’s so lonely out here.
I don’t know. I’m not suicid@l, I’m medicated and 4 years sober. It’s been hard and it’s getting harder to understand. I feel neglected and lonely. Anything helps please.
submitted by Few_Newt_1034 to GriefSupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:44 JohnTheCynic Game Balance Requires Game Bugs to be Squashed

Too long, didn't read version: With the shocking amount of bugs in the game, there are a series of problems when it comes to balancing the game when a lot of systems might not be functioning as intended, and looking at patch notes history, you can easily come to the same conclusion I have. This needs to be addressed, but doing so has some problems us consumers might not be privy not to.
Too long, DID read version:
Balance is a hotly-debated topic on the subreddit, but most of it boils down to "X needs Y in order to Z" or any other derivative of that argument. An example would be, say, "The Liberator needs 5 more damage in order to compete with the Sickle" or "Civilian extraction missions for bots are stupidly difficult and need to be toned down", and arguments like that are fine, but a pressing issue for me is that the game has so many unintended bugs that it is almost impossible to truly gauge what system needs change simply because we don't know what the developers are intending, nor do we know what is bugged.
So, I began to review the patch notes up to today to try to find some examples, and I'd like to point out my findings.
- Patch 1.000.200 -
This is the main thing that got me into thinking about game bugs ruining any sense of balance in HELLDIVERS. People rightfully complained for a while that bots were unfun to fight because a rocket would commonly oneshot a player, and it was due to a bug in damage calculation. This had a knockon effect with Shrieker bodies previously oneshotting a player if they were hit by the Shrieker body, which was fixed in the same patch.
The game had been out for almost 2 months by this point, and the "inconsistent" charge rate of the arc thrower felt more like a feature than bug for a lot of players. For those not aware, the Arc Thrower used to be able to fire rapidly after the initial charge (~ .5 second charge needed instead of the full 1 second in the patch).
"Inconsistency" in weapon performance is also responsible for a handful of changes to weapons: the Railgun was famously nerfed in Patch 1.000.100 just before Charger head durability was nerfed and rocket penetration was normalized in Patch 1.000.102, and the PC to PS5 damage bug was fixed in Patch 1.000.203, as an example.
So far, this has been the final nerf to the difficulty of the "Retrieve Essential Personnel" mission, and it's downright laughable. If anything, it pushed back Automaton dropship spawns ~15m from their previous drop points but did nothing to the breakneck pace the dropships come in at, which is where the main complaint comes from players.
Players get around this by having 1 player stealth the objective while 3 cause a bunch of noise elsewhere, but that's unreliable at best. From personal testing, enemy spawns are centered on the player and not the objective, so once the stealth player gets unlucky with a 25% chance for the enemy spawn to select them, the bots/bugs will spawn on top of them as normal. I've heard that developers have commented on the ludicrous spawnrates on the Discord and that they'll be adjusted, but getting information from Discord might as well be torture.
An attempt to make damage-over-time weapons more palatable (which at the time were not even working), but led to the dreaded Hulk Scorcher instakilling divers. This was partially fixed in later patches, but Hulk Scorchers can still instakill via headshots.
- Patch 1.000.300 -
Once again, by the time this change was made, no word was said about the size of patrols in >4 player groups, but the design director stated that the scaling was "unintended" to be exponential instead of linear, and changed patrols to be much more punishing for >4 player groups. This, thankfully, was changed back as confirmed by Twinbeard.
On release, the Airburst was a meme, let's not beat around the bush, and Arrowhead agreed by reducing the amount of entities that would spark the fuze to the warhead. Until Patch 1.000.304, where they added back the ability for the warhead to fuze off of Helldivers. It's easy to say the most up-to-date patch is the "truest", but it begs the question of which way are Arrowhead trying to design the Airburst if they changed their mind in 2 weeks?
- Patch 1.000.100 -
The Patriot has been in a sad state ever since launch. It suffered from a bug that if the user were to fire a missile while rotating right, the user would explode. In Patch 1.000.103, the Patriot was "fixed" by restricting the missile launcher elevation controls and making the sight wildly inaccurate, and then was further gutted in Patch 1.000.200 that any launched Patriot missiles need to be a direct hit to penetrate armor; a restriction that was removed for the EAT and RR in Patch 1.000.10. Following Patch 1.000.200, it's been complete radio silence if this is the final iteration.
There are more examples, but these are the main examples I want to put forward without risking overflowing a reddit post. Bug fixed are a low priority for a live-service game (because fixing a bug doesn't drive engagement like a shiny new weapon does), but each day that goes by just makes me wonder what else could be "unintended" and will be fixed. My money's on the RR animation cancel.
submitted by JohnTheCynic to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:44 iyo-1 Inuyasha Reanimated Open Collab! Looking for animators to join!!

Hello everyone! I'm excited to announce that I'm hosting the Inuyasha Reanimated Collab project. I welcome participants of all skill levels and fans of the Inuyasha series to come and join in this animation collab!
Visit the Discord Link to learn more : https://discord.gg/j6eBUx44
Please read the rules before joining. Afterwards, you'll be able to see which parts are available. Feel free to DM me (ash1car, Host) if you have any questions about the collaboration!
(This Reddit account is my personal one, but here are my socials for verification https://ash1car.carrd.co/ )
Illustration for the Collab
Animated Promo for the Collab: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ktruDqdK7IM
submitted by iyo-1 to Animators [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:44 Sweet-Cost-9790 ULPT request. my friend was horribly blackmailed. We know who it was what can we do?

I'll try and keep this brief but basically I received a frantic phone call from my best friend in the middle of the night. I knew something was wrong so I got up and answered immediately.
A long text message had been sent which was both vicious and abhorrent. It said that they had been waiting and watching my friend foe over a year and collecting a dossier on her and had decided now was the time to act. They basically stated that they had got photos of her doing recreational drugs, and videos of it, from her past, and told her all about her finances, how she was in debt with her car, how she was just clinging onto paying her mortgage payments so they knew there was equity in her house and also said terrible things about her that were not true.
They also knew she has a Rolex hidden away that she had been gifted from long service to her work and that they didn't believe a @"@& like that had it but they hoped she had as now she was going to have to start consolidate everything to pay them off.
They said that they had created 4 folders of identical information which they would send to her workplace to get her fired, to her dying mother, to 2 other significant family members and 1 "to keep just for fun to torment her with.
. They also said they would call social services and laugh at her, and her street with photos of her in compromising situations.
To cut a long story short she was absolutely petrified. Someone for the prior 6 months to the text arriving had been cloning her card and trying to buy items and had gone so far as to order a 2k laptop to her house which had been left in the porch as she works full time. It didn't take us long to work out that they were going to porch pirate it but it just so happens that day my friends mother was there and intercepted the parcel and my friend sent it back.
So we worked out who it was but kept it to ourselves. She didn't respond to the deadline and nothing happened. The person is a male "friend" of hers who fancied her but got rebuffed (he is living with someone and hasn't declared it). He doesn't know she knows it's him as she has literally kept a wide berth since despite his ongoing efforts to "see" her in the community or kept calling her to"see how she is"
My friend is a single parent and struggling and he knew that. We can't think of anything that doesn't grossly break the law but to instead get her own back. We have thought of many things along the spectrum and keep coming up blank.
Any ideas anyone ? Tiya
submitted by Sweet-Cost-9790 to UnethicalLifeProTips [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:43 Mental_Cloud_ he broke up with me over text and i was IMMEDIATELY blocked everywhere

We had a good relationship. Wasn’t toxic, yes we had our arguments like everyone else but there was a lot of love there.
Before this happened we were arguing over text about me not wanting to meet his father and the reason for that is 1 week earlier his father told him to break up with me because his son is further in life than I am and he thinks his son is too good for me. My circumstances are the way they are because of my mental illnesses but I had just started working on trying to better myself. Anyways, I gave in eventually and I said yes I would do it.
I was then left on delivered for 3 hours and the next text I got was the breakup text. I was on my phone at the time so I clicked it straight away and tried to reply but i was already blocked. I then went to the other social media we have each other on and I was blocked on all of them too. It was literally within less than a minute. Why? I could understand if I was abusive or if it was clear that there was no love there anymore but that wasn’t the case. We were both really loving and affectionate. Actually, 1 hour before this he text me and said “I’m never fucking leaving you.” Like? What? I just don’t understand it. This person absolutely adored me. Told me everyday how much he loved me and how he’d never leave me. I know I made him happy. He was in a shitty situation the first 2 months of our relationship and I still stayed, it didn’t bother me because I loved him and i would stay through shit times. Why couldn’t he do that for me? Why was I broken up with in such a cold heartless manner?
submitted by Mental_Cloud_ to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:43 Informal-Amphibian-4 Life after menopause

In my early/mid 30s but already going through (a very terrible) perimenopause where my endo and pms symptoms are out of control. I’m curious what life is like after you hit the big goodbye button on your youth. (I intentionally do not say cycles as i’ve heard your pms/menopause/endo symptoms can continue for over a decade.) I’ve often heard life is better and more fulfilling and whatnot as you age, but i suspect that’s if the person had a decent life or relationships to begin with, is it not?
For simplicity’s sake, let’s just say i’ve had a rough life and i’ve come out of it with no family of my own but still unavoidably tied to toxic/dysfunctional family i’ve ineffectively attempted to escape, zero friends and connections and social life, and not even a career. Just working 15-20 hour days at bottom feeder jobs that don’t allow you the time or other means to pursue hobbies, social life, etc. if you want to afford to survive. And it’ll have to be this way for as long as it’s so expensive to exist.
Is there even a point to life after menopause if you don’t get to enjoy it and the only thing you can do is look back with regret at a life you didn’t want or wished had been different? What if your enjoyment comes purely from things you can’t do past a certain age? Are you just doomed to live a ho hum life waiting until your expiration date? I don’t see a point in continuing past menopause if i’m just doomed to a life of nothingness and have to suffer as if i had bad periods when i’ve actually stopped.
submitted by Informal-Amphibian-4 to Menopause [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:43 panconques79 comenzando en ciberseguridad

Hace mucho tiempo que me gusta el tema de la ciberseguridad y todo lo relacionado con él. Sin embargo, casi siempre que quería comenzar, terminaba dejándolo. Hace unas semanas, decidí realmente esforzarme y comenzar mi camino en la ciberseguridad. Busqué artículos, algunas investigaciones y consulté varios videos para crear un plan de estudios. También pedí ayuda a ChatGPT para poder organizarme mejor y quisiera saber su opinión sobre si el camino que elegí y los conceptos con los que pienso empezar son adecuados. Agradecería mucho su ayuda. Aquí está el plan que me propuse:

1.1 Teoría de la Computación e Historia de la Ciberseguridad

Paso 2: Desarrolla Habilidades Básicas en Informática y Programación

2.1 Aprende a Programar

2.2 Conceptos Básicos de Redes

Paso 3: Explora Recursos de Ciberseguridad

3.1 Libros y Tutoriales

Paso 4: Practica con Laboratorios y Plataformas de Entrenamiento

4.1 Laboratorios Virtuales

4.2 Proyectos Personales

Paso 5: Participa en Competencias y Comunidades

5.1 Competencias

5.2 Comunidades y Foros

Paso 6: Obtén Certificaciones Básicas (Opcional)

6.1 Certificaciones Iniciales:

Paso 7: Seguridad Personal y Ética

7.1 Ética en Ciberseguridad

7.2 Seguridad en Línea

Paso 8: Educación Formal y Extracurricular

8.1 Cursos Escolares

8.2 Clubes y Actividades

Paso 9: Mantente Actualizado

9.1 Noticias y Blogs

submitted by panconques79 to ciberseguridad [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:42 icantthinkofone999 Did anyone else's Narc ex rebound with the person they didn't allow you to be?

My ex likely had NPD and some other... issues. He was kind of covert, though. He wouldn't raise his voice, he was more about doing covert things to get a reaction out of me. Getting a reaction out of me seemed to be his biggest goal.
He was also a fake people pleaser, but there were a number of things he said clearly that he was opposed to. When we first got together I was poly and told him that and he wasn't OK with it. So I became monogamous with him which was fine but it was a sacrifice I made. Later in the relationship I suggested opening the relationship to get his needs met because we had a dead bedroom situation because I had serious health issues and he didn't seem to understand how to work around them to maintain intimacy. He agreed but with the stipulation that I could only sleep with women. I told him that wasn't fair and we had an argument.
The outcome of the argument is that he decided not to open the relationship because if I were to sleep with another man it would mean that he was "a failure as both a man and a lover" [his words] so I left it at that. A couple weeks later I caught him cheating on me [dumb right!?! I was giving him permission and he rejected it!].
There were some other things. He told me he hated cigarette smokers. He told me he thinks overweight women are unattractive. He refused to get kinky in the bedroom with me even though he had a "kink kit" that he got from the mall or something before we met.
When he left me on a whim, he immediately got into a relationship and moved in with a person who 1. was overweight 2. smoked cigarettes 3. was into kink 4. was VERY poly 5. whose favorite band was probably in my top 5 most disliked bands [he rubbed this in my face so I'm adding it here for context] 6. was a sex worker
He basically got into a relationship with the type of person he either told me he hated, or was diametrically opposed to everything that he expected of me and restricted me to.
I've done a lot of healing since the breakup, but this is one thing I haven't made total peace with. How can someone create and hold certain expectations of me, and then make a complete 180? Is it a NPD thing?
He also tried really hard to rub this relationship in my face after the breakup. He was trying to get a jealous reaction out of me, and he kept upping the ante when he didn't get it. It led to him creating a fake story about how he was dying, which certainly got a reaction out of me.. I called his family to ask if he was OK and then he got angry at me for exposing his BS and blocked me.
I'm wondering if others here have experienced similar, because if I can throw it into the "irrational NPD behavior" bin perhaps I can make peace with it. Thank you for reading.
submitted by icantthinkofone999 to LifeAfterNarcissism [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:42 DutyTop8086 How Much Money Do I Need to Start an FBA Business on Amazon?

1. Amazon Store Rent
First, let's talk about the monthly rent for an Amazon store. Registering an Amazon store is free, but using a company registration instead of a personal one is recommended. This approach is safer and has a higher approval rate. After registering, you can choose between an Individual account and a Professional account.
Individual Account: This account has no monthly fee, but you'll pay Amazon $0.99 for each item you sell. It’s suitable for sellers who are just starting out and have lower sales volumes.
Professional Account: This account costs $39.99 per month, but you won’t pay a fee per sale. This option is more cost-effective if you sell more than 40 items per month.
Recommendation: If you’re just starting and your sales are low, opt for the Individual account. As your sales increase and you consistently sell more than 40 items per month, switch to the Professional account to save on per-item fees.
  1. Product Selection Tools
Choosing the right products to sell is crucial for the success of your e-commerce business. Fortunately, there are several tools available to assist with this process, each offering unique features to help you make informed decisions.
Popular Paid Tools: JungleScout and Helium10
JungleScout: Priced at $49/month, JungleScout is widely recognized for its comprehensive suite of tools designed to help sellers identify profitable products, estimate sales, and analyze competition. Its features include:
Product Database: Allows you to filter products based on various criteria like price, sales, and competition.
Product Tracker: Helps track the performance of potential products over time.
Keyword Scout: Provides keyword research and optimization suggestions to enhance product listings.
Sales Analytics: Offers insights into sales trends and revenue estimates.
Helium10: At $79/month, Helium10 is another powerful tool that provides a wide range of functionalities for Amazon sellers. Key features include:
Black Box: A product research tool that allows you to find profitable niches.
Xray: A Chrome extension that gives you a quick overview of product performance metrics directly on Amazon.
Keyword Research: Tools like Cerebro and Magnet help you discover and optimize for high-ranking keywords.
Listing Optimization: Features like Scribbles and Index Checker ensure your product listings are optimized for maximum visibility.
Free Tool: 4SELLER
4SELLER: For those who are looking for a budget-friendly option, 4SELLER is a free tool that offers a robust set of features to aid in product selection and management. It includes:
Product Selection: Assists in identifying profitable products by analyzing market trends and competition.
Inventory Management: Helps track inventory levels, forecast demand, and manage stock efficiently to prevent overstocking or stockouts.
Supplier Finder: Aids in locating reliable suppliers, which is essential for maintaining product quality and consistency.
Why Product Selection Tools are Essential
Using product selection tools is vital because they provide data-driven insights that help you make informed decisions. These tools can save you time and reduce the risk of choosing products that may not sell well. They offer features that allow you to:
Identify Trends: By analyzing market data, these tools help you stay ahead of trends and capitalize on emerging opportunities.
Evaluate Competition: Understanding your competition is crucial. These tools provide detailed analysis of competitors' products, pricing strategies, and sales performance.
Optimize Listings: Well-optimized product listings are more likely to attract buyers. These tools offer keyword research and listing optimization features that improve your product's visibility on e-commerce platforms.
Manage Inventory: Efficient inventory management ensures you have the right products available at the right time, which is crucial for maintaining customer satisfaction and maximizing sales.
Whether you opt for a paid tool like JungleScout or Helium10, or a free option like 4SELLER, leveraging these tools can significantly enhance your ability to select profitable products, manage inventory effectively, and optimize your listings for better performance.
3. Initial Stock Costs
Purchasing your first batch of products involves a significant initial investment, and the amount required can vary widely depending on the type of products you choose to sell. Here’s a detailed breakdown of what to consider when estimating your initial stock costs:
Factors Influencing Initial Stock Costs
Product Type and Price: The nature of the products you choose to sell will greatly influence your initial costs. Higher-priced items tend to have less competition but require a larger upfront investment. Conversely, cheaper products are more budget-friendly but often come with higher competition.
Quantity: The number of units you decide to purchase initially is another major factor. A common recommendation for new sellers is to start with 200-500 units. This range allows you to test the market demand without overcommitting financially.
Calculating Initial Costs
To estimate your initial stock costs, you need to multiply the quantity of units by the purchase price per unit. Here’s a simplified formula:
Initial Stock Cost=Quantity×Purchase Price per UnitInitial Stock Cost=Quantity×Purchase Price per Unit
For instance, if you decide to buy 300 units of a product that costs $5 per unit, your initial stock cost would be:
300 units×$5/unit=$1,500300 units×$5/unit=$1,500
Typical Budget Ranges for New Sellers
Low Budget: If you’re starting with a tighter budget, you might opt for products with a lower purchase price. For example, if you choose items costing around $2 per unit and purchase 200 units, your initial cost would be $400.
Moderate Budget: A more common range for new sellers is between $1,000 and $3,000. This allows for a balance between purchasing a reasonable quantity of units and managing the risk of unsold inventory. For example, buying 400 units at $5 per unit would total $2,000.
Higher Budget: With a larger budget, you can consider higher-priced items that might have less competition. For instance, purchasing 300 units at $10 per unit would result in an initial cost of $3,000.
Why Initial Stock Costs are Important
Understanding and planning for initial stock costs is critical because it ensures you are adequately prepared for the financial outlay required to launch your business. Here are a few reasons why this is essential:
Market Testing: Buying an appropriate number of units allows you to test market demand without over-investing. This way, you can gauge the product's popularity and adjust future orders accordingly.
Cash Flow Management: Proper planning helps manage your cash flow effectively. Ensuring you have enough funds to cover initial stock costs, along with other expenses like marketing and shipping, is crucial for maintaining business operations.
Risk Mitigation: Starting with a moderate quantity of units helps minimize the risk of unsold inventory, which can tie up capital and lead to losses. It’s better to start small, analyze performance, and scale up gradually.
Carefully estimating and planning for your initial stock costs is a vital step in setting up your e-commerce business. By understanding the factors that influence these costs and budgeting accordingly, you can make informed decisions that set the foundation for a successful venture. Whether you have a limited budget or can invest more significantly, strategic planning will help you manage risks and maximize your chances of success.
4. UPC Codes
UPC stands for Universal Product Code, a standardized barcode used by retailers, including Amazon, to track products. Obtaining UPC codes is a critical step in setting up your products for sale. Here’s a detailed explanation of why you need them, where to get them, and the associated costs.
What are UPC Codes?
Definition: UPC codes are unique identifiers assigned to products. Each code consists of a series of black bars and a corresponding 12-digit number that can be scanned by barcode readers.
Purpose: These codes help retailers manage inventory, streamline the checkout process, and track sales. For e-commerce platforms like Amazon, UPC codes ensure each product is uniquely identifiable, reducing errors and simplifying logistics.
Where to Buy UPC Codes
Official Source: GS1: The Global Standards 1 (GS1) organization is the official provider of UPC codes. Purchasing from GS1 ensures the authenticity and uniqueness of your codes, which is crucial for compliance with Amazon’s policies.
Why GS1?: While there are third-party sellers offering UPC codes at lower prices, these codes might not always be unique or compliant with GS1 standards. Using GS1 guarantees that your UPCs are globally recognized and legitimate, preventing potential issues with listing products on Amazon.
Cost of UPC Codes
Initial Purchase: GS1 sells UPC codes in packs. A pack of 10 UPCs costs $250 initially. This upfront cost covers the registration and issuance of the codes.
Annual Renewal Fee: In addition to the initial purchase cost, there is a $50 annual renewal fee. This fee ensures your codes remain active and your registration with GS1 stays current.
Breakdown of Costs
Initial Cost: For a pack of 10 UPC codes, the initial cost is $250.
Annual Renewal: The $50 annual renewal fee applies every year to maintain your codes.
Example Calculation:
If you purchase a pack of 10 UPCs, your total cost for the first year would be:
$250 (initial cost)+$50 (annual renewal fee)=$300$250 (initial cost)+$50 (annual renewal fee)=$300
In subsequent years, you will only pay the $50 renewal fee to keep your UPCs active.
Why UPC Codes are Important
Inventory Management: UPC codes play a crucial role in inventory management, allowing you to track stock levels accurately. This helps prevent stockouts and overstock situations.
Product Identification: Each UPC code is unique to a specific product, ensuring that Amazon and other retailers can correctly identify and catalog your items. This reduces the risk of listing errors and mix-ups.
Compliance and Credibility: Using GS1-issued UPC codes ensures compliance with Amazon’s listing requirements. This adds credibility to your listings and prevents potential issues that might arise from using unauthorized codes.
Efficiency and Automation: UPC codes facilitate the automation of various processes, including checkout, shipping, and inventory updates. This enhances operational efficiency and reduces manual workload.
Investing in UPC codes from GS1 is an essential step for any e-commerce business aiming to sell on platforms like Amazon. The initial cost of $250 for a pack of 10 UPCs, along with the $50 annual renewal fee, ensures that your products are uniquely identifiable and compliant with global standards. This investment not only helps in effective inventory management but also enhances the credibility and efficiency of your business operations.
5. Shipping and Distribution Costs
Shipping and distribution costs are critical components of your overall budget when selling on Amazon. These costs encompass various fees and charges that ensure your products reach Amazon’s warehouses and, ultimately, your customers. Here’s a detailed breakdown of what to consider and how these costs can impact your business.
Components of Shipping and Distribution Costs
Shipping to Amazon’s Warehouse: This involves the costs of transporting your products from your supplier to Amazon’s fulfillment centers. Factors influencing these costs include the size and weight of your products, the shipping method, and the distance between the supplier and the warehouse.
Packaging: Proper packaging is essential to protect your products during transit. This includes boxes, cushioning materials, and labeling.
Inspection Fees: To ensure quality and compliance with Amazon’s standards, you might need to pay for product inspections before they are shipped.
Import Duties and Taxes: If you are importing products from another country, customs duties and taxes will apply. These costs vary based on the product category and the country of origin.
Estimated Shipping Costs by Product Size
Small Items: For smaller products, shipping costs are generally lower. On average, you can expect to pay around $4 per unit for shipping.
Mid-sized Products: For larger or heavier items, shipping costs increase. These costs can range from $8 to $12 per unit, depending on the specific dimensions and weight of the products.
Amazon FBA Fees
Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) Fees: Once your products are in Amazon’s warehouse, the company handles storage, packaging, and shipping to customers. Amazon charges FBA fees for these services, which are based on the size and weight of the product.
Small and Light Items: FBA fees for smaller items typically range from $2.92 to $6.13 per unit.
Larger Items: For bigger or heavier products, FBA fees can be higher, reflecting the additional handling and shipping costs.
Breakdown of Costs
Shipping Costs to Amazon’s Warehouse:
Small items: $4 per unit
Mid-sized items: $8-$12 per unit
Amazon FBA Fees:
Small items: $2.92-$6.13 per unit
Larger items: Higher fees depending on size and weight
Example Calculation
If you are shipping 300 small items to Amazon’s warehouse, with each unit costing $4 to ship and an average FBA fee of $4.50, your total costs would be:
Shipping to Warehouse: 300 units×$4/unit=$1,200300 units×$4/unit=$1,200
FBA Fees: 300 units×$4.50/unit=$1,350300 units×$4.50/unit=$1,350
Total Shipping and Distribution Costs:
$1,200 (shipping)+$1,350 (FBA fees)=$2,550$1,200 (shipping)+$1,350 (FBA fees)=$2,550
Why Shipping and Distribution Costs are Important
Budget Planning: Understanding and accurately estimating these costs is crucial for budgeting and financial planning. Unexpected expenses can significantly impact your profitability.
Pricing Strategy: These costs need to be factored into your pricing strategy to ensure you maintain healthy profit margins. Underestimating shipping and distribution costs can erode your margins and affect your competitiveness.
Customer Satisfaction: Efficient shipping and distribution are key to timely delivery and customer satisfaction. Using Amazon FBA ensures reliable and fast shipping, which can enhance your seller ratings and lead to repeat business.
Operational Efficiency: Managing these costs effectively can streamline your operations and improve cash flow. By optimizing packaging, negotiating better shipping rates, and accurately forecasting demand, you can reduce expenses and improve efficiency.
Shipping and distribution costs are a significant part of your overall expenses when selling on Amazon. By carefully estimating these costs, including packaging, inspection fees, import duties, and Amazon FBA fees, you can better manage your budget and pricing strategy. Understanding these costs helps ensure smooth operations, enhances customer satisfaction, and supports your business's profitability and growth.
6. Inventory Storage Costs
Inventory storage costs are a critical consideration when using Amazon’s Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) service. These fees are based on the size and quantity of your inventory stored in Amazon’s warehouses and vary throughout the year. Here’s a detailed breakdown of these costs and their implications for your business.
Amazon’s Storage Fees
Amazon charges monthly storage fees that depend on the size category of your products (standard-size or oversized) and the time of year. The fees are higher during the holiday season (October to December) due to increased demand for warehouse space.
Standard-Size Storage Fees
January to September: $0.83 per cubic foot
October to December: $2.40 per cubic foot
Oversized Storage Fees
January to September: $0.53 per cubic foot
October to December: $1.20 per cubic foot
Calculating Storage Costs
To estimate your storage costs, you need to know the cubic footage of your inventory. Here’s how you can calculate it:
Cubic Footage=Length×Width×HeightCubic Footage=Length×Width×Height
Once you have the cubic footage, multiply it by the applicable storage fee rate.
Example Calculation for Standard-Size Products
Let’s say you have 500 units of a product, each measuring 1 cubic foot. Your storage costs would be:
January to September: 500 cubic feet×$0.83/cubic foot=$415500 cubic feet×$0.83/cubic foot=$415
October to December: 500 cubic feet×$2.40/cubic foot=$1,200500 cubic feet×$2.40/cubic foot=$1,200
Example Calculation for Oversized Products
If you have 200 units of an oversized product, each measuring 3 cubic feet, your storage costs would be:
January to September: 600 cubic feet×$0.53/cubic foot=$318600 cubic feet×$0.53/cubic foot=$318
October to December: 600 cubic feet×$1.20/cubic foot=$720600 cubic feet×$1.20/cubic foot=$720
Why Inventory Storage Costs Matter
Budget Management: Accurately estimating storage costs is crucial for budgeting and financial planning. These costs can add up, especially during peak seasons, impacting your overall profitability.
Inventory Turnover: High storage costs can incentivize better inventory management practices, such as maintaining optimal stock levels and ensuring a higher inventory turnover rate. This helps in reducing long-term storage fees and minimizing the risk of overstocking.
Seasonal Planning: Knowing that storage fees increase during the holiday season can help you plan your inventory levels more effectively. You might choose to stock up on faster-moving items or reduce slower-moving inventory before the fees increase.
Cost Control: By understanding these fees, you can implement strategies to minimize them, such as reducing the size of your packaging, negotiating better storage terms, or using other fulfillment centers if necessary.
Strategies to Manage Storage Costs
Optimize Inventory Levels: Maintain a balance between having enough stock to meet demand and avoiding excess inventory that incurs high storage costs.
Seasonal Adjustments: Plan your inventory levels based on seasonal fluctuations in storage fees, ensuring you minimize costs during peak periods.
Efficient Packaging: Use packaging that minimizes space without compromising product safety. Smaller packaging reduces the cubic footage and, consequently, storage fees.
FBA Inventory Management: Use Amazon’s inventory management tools to monitor and adjust your stock levels based on sales data and forecasts.
Inventory storage costs are an important aspect of selling on Amazon using FBA. These costs, varying by product size and season, can significantly impact your business’s profitability. By accurately estimating these fees and implementing strategies to manage and reduce them, you can optimize your inventory management and control expenses effectively. Understanding and planning for these costs will help ensure a smoother and more profitable operation.
  1. Platform Commission
When selling on Amazon, it’s essential to account for the platform commission, known as the referral fee. This fee is a percentage of each sale and varies by product category. Understanding these fees is crucial for pricing your products and calculating your profit margins.
Amazon’s Referral Fees
Amazon charges a referral fee on each sale made through its platform. The percentage varies depending on the product category. Here are some common examples:
Electronics: 8%
Beauty Products: 15%
Books: 15%
Clothing and Accessories: 17%
Home and Kitchen: 15%
How Referral Fees Are Calculated
The referral fee is calculated as a percentage of the total sales price, which includes the item price and any shipping or gift wrap charges.
Referral Fee=Sales Price×Referral Fee PercentageReferral Fee=Sales Price×Referral Fee Percentage
Example Calculations
Electronics: If you sell a gadget for $100, the referral fee would be: $100×8%=$8$100×8%=$8
Beauty Products: If you sell a skincare product for $50, the referral fee would be: $50×15%=$7.50$50×15%=$7.50
Why Platform Commission is Important
Pricing Strategy: Knowing the referral fee helps you set your product prices appropriately to ensure you cover costs and achieve desired profit margins.
Profit Margin Calculation: Understanding the commission allows you to accurately calculate your net profit after deducting all fees.
Category Selection: The commission rate can influence your decision on which product categories to focus on. Lower commission rates in certain categories might lead to higher profitability.
Competitive Pricing: Factoring in the referral fee ensures your prices remain competitive while still being profitable.
Impact on Different Product Categories
High-Commission Categories: Categories like beauty products and clothing with higher referral fees require careful pricing to maintain profitability. High fees can significantly impact margins, especially for low-cost items.
Low-Commission Categories: Categories like electronics with lower referral fees can offer better profit margins, but these categories might also have higher competition.
Strategies to Manage Referral Fees
Optimize Pricing: Adjust your pricing to ensure it covers all costs, including the referral fee, while remaining attractive to customers.
Product Selection: Consider the referral fee when selecting products to sell. Products in categories with lower fees might be more profitable.
Bundle Products: Creating product bundles can help increase the average sales price, potentially offsetting the impact of the referral fee.
Platform commission is a significant cost factor when selling on Amazon. By understanding the referral fee structure and calculating these fees accurately, you can make informed decisions about pricing, product selection, and profitability. Properly managing and accounting for these fees ensures your business remains competitive and financially sustainable on the Amazon platform.
8. Advertising Costs
Advertising is a crucial component of your e-commerce strategy, driving visibility and sales for your products on Amazon. Effective advertising can help you reach potential customers quickly, but it requires a financial investment. Here’s a detailed breakdown of advertising costs, strategies, and their impact on your business.
Types of Advertising
Amazon Advertising: The primary form of advertising on Amazon is Pay-Per-Click (PPC) ads. These ads appear in search results and on product detail pages, allowing you to target specific keywords and audiences.
Sponsored Products: These ads promote individual product listings and appear in search results and product pages.
Sponsored Brands: These ads feature your brand logo, a custom headline, and multiple products.
Sponsored Display: These ads target audiences both on and off Amazon, helping to re-engage shoppers who have viewed your products.
Off-Amazon Advertising: To broaden your reach, you can also advertise on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. These platforms allow for targeted advertising based on demographics, interests, and behaviors.
Budgeting for Advertising
A typical budget for new sellers on Amazon ranges from $700 to $1,000. This budget should cover various advertising strategies, including PPC campaigns and social media ads.
Cost Breakdown
Amazon PPC Ads:
Sponsored Products: These are the most common and can cost anywhere from $0.10 to $2.00 per click, depending on the competitiveness of your keywords.
Sponsored Brands: These ads generally cost more per click due to their higher visibility and brand promotion capabilities.
Sponsored Display: Costs vary but can be effective for retargeting potential customers.
Social Media Advertising:
Facebook Ads: Costs typically range from $0.50 to $2.00 per click, depending on targeting options and competition.
Instagram Ads: Similar to Facebook, Instagram ad costs range from $0.50 to $2.00 per click, with the advantage of visual storytelling through images and videos.
Example Budget Allocation
Let’s allocate a $1,000 advertising budget across different platforms:
Amazon PPC Ads: $600
Sponsored Products: $400
Sponsored Brands: $150
Sponsored Display: $50
Social Media Ads: $400
Facebook Ads: $200
Instagram Ads: $200
Why Advertising is Important
Increased Visibility: Advertising ensures your products appear in front of potential buyers, increasing the likelihood of sales.
Competitive Edge: With many sellers on Amazon, advertising helps you stand out and reach customers who might otherwise not find your products.
Sales Velocity: Effective advertising can boost your sales velocity, improving your product rankings and increasing organic visibility over time.
Strategies for Effective Advertising
Keyword Research: Use tools like Amazon’s Keyword Planner or third-party tools to identify high-performing keywords for your PPC campaigns.
A/B Testing: Continuously test different ad creatives, headlines, and targeting options to find the most effective combinations.
Monitor and Optimize: Regularly review your ad performance data to optimize your campaigns. Adjust bids, pause underperforming keywords, and allocate more budget to high-performing ads.
Leverage Social Media: Use Facebook and Instagram to build brand awareness and drive traffic to your Amazon listings. Engaging content, such as videos and customer testimonials, can enhance ad performance.
Advertising is a vital part of your e-commerce strategy on Amazon and beyond. Allocating a budget of $700 to $1,000 for advertising can significantly enhance your product visibility and drive sales. By utilizing Amazon PPC ads and leveraging social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, you can reach a broader audience and increase your chances of success. Effective advertising requires continuous monitoring and optimization, but the investment can lead to substantial returns in terms of sales growth and brand recognition.
9. Returns and Refunds
Managing returns and refunds is an inevitable part of selling on Amazon. While they can impact your profitability, understanding the associated costs and implementing effective management strategies can help mitigate their effects. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the costs and considerations involved in handling returns and refunds.
Amazon Return Processing Fees
Amazon charges a return processing fee that varies depending on the product’s size and weight. This fee is applied when a customer returns a product, and it covers the cost of handling and processing the return.
Standard-Size Products: Fees for standard-size products are typically lower due to their smaller dimensions and weight.
Oversized Products: Fees for oversized products are higher because of the additional handling and storage space required.
Example Fee Structure
Standard-Size Product Return Fee: Approximately $2 to $5 per unit, depending on the specific dimensions and weight.
Oversized Product Return Fee: Approximately $5 to $20 per unit, depending on the specific dimensions and weight.
Additional Costs of Returns and Refunds
Restocking Fees: Amazon may charge a restocking fee for certain returned items. This fee is deducted from the refund amount and can range from 10% to 20% of the item’s price.
Return Shipping Costs: In some cases, you may be responsible for covering the cost of return shipping, especially if the return is due to a defect or error on your part.
Product Condition: Returned items that are not in resellable condition may need to be disposed of or liquidated, leading to additional losses.
Why Returns and Refunds Matter
Customer Satisfaction: Efficient handling of returns and refunds is crucial for maintaining high levels of customer satisfaction and positive reviews. Poor management can lead to negative feedback and damage your seller reputation.
Cost Management: Understanding and anticipating the costs associated with returns can help you better manage your budget and pricing strategy, ensuring you account for these potential expenses.
Inventory Control: Effective return management helps maintain accurate inventory levels and reduces the risk of overstocking or stockouts.
Strategies to Manage Returns and Refunds
Clear Product Descriptions: Provide detailed and accurate product descriptions to reduce the likelihood of returns due to customer dissatisfaction or misunderstandings.
Quality Control: Implement rigorous quality control measures to minimize defects and errors that could lead to returns.
Customer Service: Offer excellent customer service to address issues promptly and potentially resolve problems without necessitating a return.
Return Policies: Establish clear and fair return policies that balance customer satisfaction with protecting your business from excessive costs.
Example Calculation
Let’s consider you sell 100 units of a product, with an average return rate of 5%. Here’s how you can calculate the potential costs:
Product Price: $50 per unit
Return Rate: 5% (5 units)
Return Processing Fee: $3 per unit
Restocking Fee: 15% of the product price ($7.50 per unit)
Return Shipping Cost: $5 per unit
Total Return and Refund Costs:
Return Processing Fee=5 units×$3=$15Return Processing Fee=5 units×$3=$15 Restocking Fee=5 units×$7.50=$37.50Restocking Fee=5 units×$7.50=$37.50 Return Shipping Cost=5 units×$5=$25Return Shipping Cost=5 units×$5=$25
Total Costs:
Handling returns and refunds is a necessary aspect of selling on Amazon, and the associated costs can add up quickly. By understanding the fees and implementing strategies to manage returns effectively, you can minimize their impact on your profitability. Clear product descriptions, stringent quality control, excellent customer service, and well-defined return policies can all contribute to reducing return rates and associated costs. Efficient return management not only helps maintain customer satisfaction but also supports better cost control and inventory management.
  1. Miscellaneous Expenses
In addition to the primary costs associated with setting up and running your Amazon business, there are several miscellaneous expenses that can significantly impact your budget. These costs, while often overlooked, are crucial for creating a professional and efficient operation. Here’s a detailed breakdown of these potential expenses and their importance.
Graphic Design for Product Listings
Importance: High-quality graphics and well-designed product listings are essential for attracting customers and conveying professionalism. Poorly designed listings can deter potential buyers.
Costs: Hiring a freelance graphic designer can cost between $50 and $200 per listing, depending on the complexity and the designer's experience.
Services: Graphic design services might include creating product images, infographics, and enhanced brand content (EBC) that highlights your product's features and benefits.
Professional Photography
Importance: Professional photos can make a significant difference in how your product is perceived. High-quality images help build trust with customers and increase conversion rates.
Costs: Professional product photography can range from $100 to $500 per product, depending on the number of images and the photographer’s expertise.
Services: This may include standard product shots, lifestyle images showing the product in use, and detailed close-ups of key features.
Virtual Assistant (VA) Services
Importance: Hiring a virtual assistant can help manage various tasks, such as customer service, inventory management, and order processing. This can free up your time to focus on strategic growth.
Costs: VAs typically charge between $10 and $30 per hour, depending on their skill level and the tasks they perform.
Services: Tasks handled by VAs can include responding to customer inquiries, updating product listings, managing social media accounts, and handling administrative duties.
Other Potential Miscellaneous Expenses
Subscription Services: Tools and software subscriptions for keyword research, inventory management, and sales analytics can cost anywhere from $20 to $200 per month.
Legal and Accounting Services: Professional advice for legal and tax matters is crucial. This can include incorporating your business, trademark registration, and tax preparation, costing several hundred dollars annually.
Packaging Design: Custom packaging design can enhance your brand image and customer experience. Costs can range from $100 to $500, depending on the complexity of the design.
Marketing and Promotional Materials: Additional marketing efforts, such as email campaigns, social media ads, and promotional giveaways, can also add to your expenses.
Example Budget Allocation
Let’s break down a potential budget for these miscellaneous expenses:
Graphic Design: $150 per listing for 5 listings = $750
Professional Photography: $300 per product for 3 products = $900
Virtual Assistant: $20 per hour for 10 hours per month = $200 per month
Subscription Services: $100 per month
Legal and Accounting Services: $500 annually
Packaging Design: $300
Marketing and Promotional Materials: $200 per month
Annual Costs:
Graphic Design=$750Graphic Design=$750 Professional Photography=$900Professional Photography=$900 Virtual Assistant=$200×12=$2,400Virtual Assistant=$200×12=$2,400 Subscription Services=$100×12=$1,200Subscription Services=$100×12=$1,200 Legal and Accounting Services=$500Legal and Accounting Services=$500 Packaging Design=$300Packaging Design=$300 Marketing and Promotional Materials=$200×12=$2,400Marketing and Promotional Materials=$200×12=$2,400
Total Annual Miscellaneous Expenses:
Why Miscellaneous Expenses Matter
Professionalism and Trust: Investing in professional services like graphic design and photography enhances your product listings and builds trust with potential customers.
Efficiency and Focus: Hiring a virtual assistant allows you to delegate time-consuming tasks, enabling you to focus on growing your business.
Operational Smoothness: Subscriptions to essential tools and professional legal and accounting services ensure your business operates smoothly and compliantly.
Brand Building: Custom packaging and marketing materials contribute to a strong brand identity, which can lead to increased customer loyalty and repeat business.
Miscellaneous expenses, while sometimes overlooked, play a vital role in the success of your Amazon business. By budgeting for high-quality graphic design, professional photography, virtual assistant services, and other essential tools and services, you can create a professional and efficient operation. These investments not only enhance your product listings and customer experience but also free up your time to focus on strategic growth, ultimately contributing to your business's long-term success.
Setting up and running an Amazon business involves various costs that need careful consideration to ensure profitability and efficiency. Here’s a summary of the key cost components:
Product Selection Tools: Essential for choosing profitable products, with popular tools like JungleScout ($49/month) and Helium10 ($79/month). Free alternatives like 4SELLER also provide valuable features for product selection and inventory management.
Initial Stock Costs: Depending on the product type and quantity, initial stock costs can range from $1,000 to $3,000. Starting with 200-500 units is recommended to test the market without overcommitting financially.
UPC Codes: Necessary for product tracking, these should be purchased from GS1. A pack of 10 UPC codes costs $250 initially, plus a $50 annual renewal fee.
Shipping and Distribution Costs: Includes fees for shipping products to Amazon’s warehouse and Amazon’s Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) fees, which range from $2.92 to $6.13 per unit. Shipping small items might cost around $4 per unit, while mid-sized products could cost $8-$12 per unit.
Inventory Storage Costs: Monthly fees for storing products in Amazon’s warehouse vary by size and season. Standard-size storage costs $0.83 per cubic foot from January to September and $2.40 per cubic foot from October to December. Oversized storage costs $0.53 per cubic foot and $1.20 per cubic foot during these periods, respectively.
Platform Commission: Amazon takes a commission on each sale, typically between 8% and 15%, depending on the product category. For instance, electronics have a referral fee of 8%, while beauty products have a fee of 15%.
Advertising Costs: To drive visibility and sales, set aside $700-$1,000 for advertising. This includes Amazon PPC ads and potentially social media ads on platforms like Facebook and Instagram.
Returns and Refunds: Handling returns incurs costs, including Amazon’s return processing fee, restocking fees, and return shipping costs. These fees vary based on product size and weight.
Miscellaneous Expenses: Other costs include graphic design for product listings ($50-$200 per listing), professional photography ($100-$500 per product), and virtual assistant services ($10-$30 per hour). Additional expenses may include subscription services, legal and accounting services, packaging design, and marketing materials.
In total, you'll need at least $5,000 to start an Amazon FBA business today. Plus, you'll need to spend a lot of time managing your store and optimizing your product listings. This includes continuously monitoring your sales performance, tweaking your advertising strategies, and keeping an eye on competitors to stay ahead in the market.
By understanding and planning for these costs, you can effectively manage your Amazon business, ensuring it remains profitable and efficient while maintaining high levels of customer satisfaction.
submitted by DutyTop8086 to AmazonFBA_USA [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:42 iyo-1 Inuyasha Reanimated Collab! OPEN, Looking for animators to join!!

Hello everyone! I'm excited to announce that I'm hosting the Inuyasha Reanimated Collab project. I welcome participants of all skill levels and fans of the Inuyasha series to come and join in this animation collab!
Visit the Discord Link to learn more : https://discord.gg/j6eBUx44
Please read the rules before joining. Afterwards, you'll be able to see which parts are available. Feel free to DM me (ash1car, Host) if you have any questions about the collaboration!
(This Reddit account is my personal one, but here are my socials for verification https://ash1car.carrd.co/ )
Illustration for the Collab
Animated Promo for the Collab: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ktruDqdK7IM
submitted by iyo-1 to 2DAnimation [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:41 xpyder1 My boss is making my life hell

I (F20) am a foreign worker in Middle East, currently I am in university completing my bachelor’s. My university is mostly online, so I thought why not get some experience in another country? Long story short, I left my country and starting working in another. At first, I really liked my job. I was working as a receptionist, although I was bullied a lot, I was determined to survive and make something out of myself, as I was 19 at that time and working in a foreign country was a dream come true. Slowly, I started seeing red flags. As my company used to twist and turn rules all the time. If the government asked the company to decrease the hours and make them 6, my company would make it 7 by finding a loophole. By Government, it is a must that every employee is provided a health insurance, but guess what? I was never provided one. By law, the break should be 1 hour, but I had only 45 minutes. They even decrease the number of national holidays for employees. Tbh, it’s a very small company so no one have the guts to complain but a lot of people left during this whole period. It’s been 1/5 years since I’m working here, recently while coming to work I tripped and hurt myself. I couldn’t go to work for 2 days and a lot of work was compromised. But, my boss was like I’m okay with it because he could see the bruises and the swelling in my foot. I can’t afford health check up here, as I earn like an average salary and rents too high plus my tuition fees so I requested my company for insurance and waited almost 7 days for it. After getting the insurance, I went to the clinic and it turns out I suffered bone trauma and my ligament was damaged and that’s why I was feeling terrible pain and was unable to walk properly. Anyways, my boss usually verbally abuses me, calls me name, reaches out to be outside of my working hours, makes me do his personal work as well and underpays me (Not just me though, there’s one more person and he got it worst than me) was nicer than usual because of this injury. After my visit to the clinic, I went to work and as soon as I entered my boss’s office he asked me to cut the act and stand straight? (Which I was unable to because I was in pain and doctor advised me not to put pressure on my leg as my bones got some tenderness) I was dumbfounded, and then proceeded to call me names such as an actress and God knows what not. (Additionally My boss is a M42, he always commented on my height, and how fat women aren’t attractive and how fair women are prettier & I always felt so uncomfortable.) I told him I was hurt and I have government issued 6 days sick leave, he was like that means you will be working from home. I told him that no that would be working from home not sick leave. Anyways, he made fun of me and had a lot of mean comments about me, and told me to go home. While I was leaving I asked my manager where I can drop my sick leave and to my shock my boss said there’s no need to submit a sick leave to my manager as they reject my sick leave and I will be working from home. At that time I didn’t say anything because I knew it was useless but as soon as I got home I planned that I will not work from home as I do need to pay govt a fees for these sick leaves and these leaves meant that I can rest without working which I desperately needed. Around the time I was supposed to be clocked in, I informed my boss that I will not be working from home and I have proper sick leave for it. Fast forward to the afternoon I get a call from my manager saying that those days which I will not show up to work will be considered unpaid as I am not working? As per the instructions of my boss. Which is totally unfair because sick leaves are fully paid leaves? I have a good relation ship with my manager he proceeded to tell me that my boss called me names such as a mother Tucker and sister Tucker and worst and said that I’m abusing their kindness?? I want to quit so bad, but I can’t as I need to get a loan from a bank and a bank will only give you loan if you are working at a company from longer than 6 months and I desperately need that money so that I can pay my tuition in an Australian university and move there. It’s my dream, and the only reason I am waiting for the loan is that bank only gives loan to 20+ years old adults and I will turn 20 on 2nd of June. It may seem really close but believe me every minute at work is emotionally physically and mentally challenging and I am very close to giving up I just can’t take it anymore and I feel so messed up as I have fallen into anxiety and depressed and I cry all the time. I have no idea what to do and I would really appreciate some advise on how to handle this situation.
Please note that other than the loan thing I have no means to afford education in Australia so that’s why I am waiting and I have been waiting for the time I can get the loan.
submitted by xpyder1 to ManagedByNarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:41 wutdadogdoing hot take

Not to say that others perception of you is the most important thing, but being antisocial, introverted and generally unpopular is a lame personality trait that people in this sub seem to brag about for some reason. Theres a fine line between being obsessed with being cool and being completely socially unaware and I feel like people here tend to skew towards the latter
submitted by wutdadogdoing to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:41 Azurecertificates statistics class helper for statistics class help Reddit statistics course helper for statistics course help reddit statistics Exam help to hire statistics Exam helper Reddit Stat Math Calculus Algebra Probability Exam Helper to take online Homework Assignment Reddit Online Test Taker Reddit

Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your comptia or any other WGU Exam or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
  1. Team of U.S. Academic Experts: I and my team of dedicated academic experts complete all types of academic coursework for students in most math, English, science, business, humanities, social Sciences, computer programming, and foreign language classes on a 24/7/365 full-time round-the-clock basis. This is not some part-time gig for me. It’s literally my primary source of income. I can regularly make myself available to help students with last-minute & same-day academic requests.
  2. Essay Writing Skills: I can write essays & research papers in native U.S. American English and fluent Canadian English using APA MLA Harvard Chicago Vancouver OSCOLA IEEE formatting & citations.
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Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your comptia or any other WGU Exam or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
Considering the fact that you found my contact information online, it’s understandable to be skeptical regarding the legitimacy of my services. Therefore, I’m willing to do all of the following to help you feel more secure in trusting me with your academic needs:
At the risk of sounding arrogant, I consider myself to be at least marginally more intelligent (both academically & socially) than the average person. Therefore, if I ever decided to suddenly risk prison time, risk my reputation, and risk enduring the wrath of modern-day “cancel culture” by scamming people out of their money:
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your comptia or any other WGU Exam or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
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submitted by Azurecertificates to Statisticshelpers_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:41 Depressive_Moon96 How to stop caring for your FP when you have to see them. TW SH..

My FP isn’t a bad person, they’re done a lot for me in the past but right now it’s just PAINFUL.
We’ve gone from being very close good friends like brothesister friendship with the banter the laughs he’s been there for me…
Recently he’s became very cold, distant won’t even look at me, he barely speaks one or two words I try and have a convo or a laugh and he just blanks it or walks away… he’s said through text nothing is wrong that we’re still friends but every time he’s cold it breaks me more and more. I split then suddenly hes ok and cracking jokes but the damage is done..
Im sick of crying over him, I’m sick of wanting to SH because idk what else to do with myself. He’s meant to be my best friend… my “little brother” but his actions are giving me insane whiplash and I can’t deal with it.
We work together, it’s a small shop and we both work lates so I can’t changes shifts or not see him and he when he’s in a good place is a great co-worker he is amazing at his job.
How do I stop the emotions the crying the splitting. I’m scared I’m going to full on break down at him at some point. I’m managing to deal with it by crying on my breaks in the loo at home and with one manger who agrees he’s being unfair. But with other mangers on this week I can’t afford to break down.
What do I do? I can’t avoid him and I don’t want to because there’s so much other stuff going on I need my friend rn but it genuinely feels like I’ve already lost him.
Please help I’m laying in my bed crying my eyes out no idea what to do…
submitted by Depressive_Moon96 to BPD [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:41 Far-Wedding8656 EE Archive - Results, Issues, FAQ, Updates - and thanks!

EE Archive - Results, Issues, FAQ, Updates - and thanks!
Greeting EE Enthusiasts!
Thank you for such a wonderful day – it's been a pleasure discussing the series with fellow enthusiasts! As someone who is naturally introverted and on the autism spectrum, socializing can be challenging for me, and I tend to be quite reserved. Discovering the widespread enthusiasm for this project has been truly heartening.
Just a heads-up, the link will be taken down from Google Drive at 9:00 AM on Tuesday, 22nd May. If you need to download the file, make sure to do it before then! Beyond that point, it's all about timing and whether I can hold onto the file, as I'll need to clear space for upcoming content.
I have drawn up a schedule - to give time for people to save or copy the files to USB or DVD or whatever:
  • 2nd June 2024 @ 9:00am - 9:00pm - 1985.2
  • 16th June 2024 @ 9:00am - 9:00pm - 1986.1
  • 30th June 2024 @ 9:00am - 9:00pm - 1986.2
  • 14th July 2024 @ 9:00am - 9:00pm - 1987.1
  • 28th July 2024 @ 9:00am - 9:00pm - 1987.2
  • 11th August 2024 @ 9:00am - 9:00pm - 1988.1
  • 25th August 2024 @ 9:00am - 9:00pm - 1988.2
I've received inquiries about the timing and the possibility of jumping to different years. As a full-time carer, my schedule is tight, but rest assured, I am committed to continuing the project. The content will be available for download at your convenience, and I'm making room for upcoming releases.
Those who messaged today will receive a notification on release day—a little surprise in your inbox! I'll also update everyone here with a new post.
Regarding spin-offs, yes, they are included in the Archive in their proper sequence. The exception is 'Redwater,' which I own on DVD. I'm still contemplating the best approach for this one, but I have some exciting ideas brewing. Stay tuned for more updates!
The spin offs are:
  • Civvy Street (1988)
  • Ricky & Bianca (2002)
  • The Return of Nick Cotton (2003)
  • Dot's Story (2004)
  • Perfectly Frank (2004)
  • Pat & Mo (2004)
  • e20 (series 1-3)
Red Button episodes for example:
  • Phil on Remand
  • Billy's Olympic Nightmare
  • Dorothy Branning: The Next Chapter
  • T + B 4 EVA and more.
In addition to my other writing endeavours, I write for two blogs. One features a recurring segment titled 'EastEnders Epitome,' which delves into the lives of the show's most memorable characters. Last week marked the debut of my piece on Yolande Trueman, and I'm excited to announce that an article on Whitney Dean is slated for publication this week, coinciding with her departure from the show. You can find that here: EastEnders Epitome
(For those who MAY share my passion for the X-Men universe, I invite you to explore my second blog where I chronicle that franchise's evolution [X-CESS MINUTIAE].)Your thoughts and comments are always welcome, so feel free to engage in the conversation. Should you have any inquiries, do not hesitate to reach out.
Warm wishes, The Curator.
submitted by Far-Wedding8656 to eastenders [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:40 slugma123 39 [M4F] Portugal/Europe - Are you tired of ordinary run-of-the-mill men? Sex chats? Snoozefests of words? Being asked for endless photos time and again? Stop. You deserve better. For once, you can meet a truly cultured man with whom to have amazing dialogues about pretty much anything.

Hello, whoever you are on your side of this screen.
Predictability and ordinarity bore me. The idea of casual sex makes me more asleep than a Snorlax. I also don't want to be asked "How are you?" for the millionth time. And photos - well, one is always more than enough.
I'm sure I'm not everyone's cup of tea, but I don't seek anything ordinary, either. I'm just an author and researcher currently living in Portugal, and looking for someone new and truly unique to inspire me. We can talk about pretty much anything, plus you can learn a ton of super unusual but cool stuff if you're also into culture, literature, legends, stories, etc. What else can I tell you about me? Well, I'm often told I'm the most interesting person people have ever met, but let's go here for ten groups of facts about me and my life:
1- I've travelled to over 100 countries in search of knowledge, my favourite place being the streams of water and forests in the north of the Pyrenées, where I once placed my feet in the water and meditated for days.
2- I do not have a favourite book, but I do feel many marked my life. For example, Ovid's "Ars Amatoria" (as a teen), Cicero's "De Senectute" (as an adult), the "Ramayana" (as someone eager to explore other cultures), the "Nag Hammadi Library" (as a person interested in almost-lost religious texts), etc.
3- I once met a really amazing woman, we were together for 10+ years, we never married but we both knew neither of us was going anywhere else, I lost her in 2014 (and I don't want to talk about it), and I'm perfectly comfortable being single.
4- I've published over 80 books, between my real name and various pseudonyms, with the most sold having been top 100 on Amazon, and the least sold still stuck at under 10 copies (and it's intentionally supposed to sell very little).
5- In college I studied Computer Science, Psychology, French "LLCs" and Classical + Medieval Studies, but among my many passions you can also count Theology, Philosophy, Art, Mythology, Classical Music, Western Mysticism, Languages, etc.
6- I dislike social media and photos of people. I hardly ever take photos of myself or others, but I do have an enormous collection of photos I've taken around the globe, where I mostly tried to eternalize places and moments.
7- Apart from writing, I spend most of my free time as a volunteer for projects related to Culture, Children, and Mental Welfare. I also tend to donate to charity on a monthly basis, because I feel we should try to spread to others the good things we have in our lives.
8- Although I'm 39, I'm perfectly okay talking to much younger, or much older, people, because I feel they can also teach me a lot of things that I'm not necessarily familiarized with. And, in fact, one of my biggest pleasures in "real" life is talking to random people and learning new stuff from them.
9- I survived cancer and meningitis. I'm 99% okay, with the exception of a small physical problem most people never even notice.
10- I was recently "rejected" from a buddhist monastery for health reasons, since it seems my constant need for medication for an auto-immune disease would contrast with the simple life their monks need to have. So, yeah, that's mostly why I'm back online and posting this message.
So... if you are indeed tired of the usual messages and conversations, write me. Maybe you are indeed what I seek.
submitted by slugma123 to r4r [link] [comments]
