Moon layouts


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2024.05.19 08:27 spdustin DALL-E Weather Dashboard

DALL-E Weather Dashboard
I have a small display in a high traffic area of my house, running on an old RPi that I use for an HA kiosk. Every two hours, an automation takes the upcoming weather forecast info along with an input-text entity that provides the "subject" of a photo, then imagines that subject in a comically exaggerated way as they do some weather-relevant activity. Uses OpenAI conversation to first use GPT to generate the actual prompt to pass to DALL-E, then sends that prompt, thereby avoiding DALL-E adding numbers to the image.
Enjoy this one, with the subject: "an anthropomorphic axolotl"
I personally use the built in moon integration, along with a REST sensor to pull the forecast text from NOAA:
yaml - resource: scan_interval: 3600 sensor: - name: "Next Forecast" json_attributes_path: "$.properties.[0]" json_attributes: - "name" - "detailedForecast" value_template: "OK"
Add an input_text entity to be able to change the "subject" easily.
Then, my template sensor for the current season:
jinja {% set seasons = ["early winter", "winter","late winter", "early spring", "spring", "late spring", "early summer", "summer", "late summer", "early autumn", "autumn", "late_autumn"] %} {{ seasons[now().month] }}
Here's my automation YAML. Editing it is left to the reader.
```yaml alias: Update Weather Dashboard description: "" trigger: - platform: time_pattern minutes: "15" hours: /2 id: quarter-past-every-two condition: [] action: - service: conversation.process metadata: {} response_variable: preprompt data: agent_id: conversation.openai_conversation text: > You're a silly assistant with a comically active imagination.
 You will be given a description of a season, time of day, and weather conditions (inside  tag below), and you'll help imagine a photograph of {{states('input_text.weather_dashboard_subject')}} experiencing those conditions, their activity, their clothing, and their reactions. # Your task: Let's think through this step-by-step. 1. Imagine what {{states('input_text.weather_dashboard_subject')}} would be doing in the given conditions. 2. Imagine what setting best typifies the conditions. 3. Imagine the clothes {{states('input_text.weather_dashboard_subject')}} would be wearing. **They should be wearing clothes!** 4. How would {{states('input_text.weather_dashboard_subject')}} be reacting to the conditions, in a comically-exaggerated way. 5. Silently determine how the sky would look, given the conditions below. 6. Silently determine if it's nighttime, and if a {{states('sensor.moon_phase')replace('_',' ')}} moon would be obscured by clouds. If it's daytime, or the conditions suggest the clouds would obscure the moon, omit any reference to the moon. If the moon is visible, be sure to mention that it's a {{states('sensor.moon_phase')replace('_',' ')}} moon. 7. Describe what a single, perfectly-timed photograph of {{states('input_text.weather_dashboard_subject')}} would show. # Rules 1. Do not include any specific weather condition details or other specific data in your prompt. 2. Limit your response to one paragraph that would fully describe the amusing photograph of {{states('input_text.weather_dashboard_subject')}} 3. We're going for 'silly'! 4. IMPORTANT: You never include information about the objective weather conditions in your responses, focusing only on the imagery. **Subjective** descriptions of the weather are allowed, though.  It's {{state_attr('sensor.next_forecast','name')lower}} on Earth, and the season is {{states('sensor.current_season')}}. The weather? {{state_attr('sensor.next_forecast','detailedForecast')}}  Proceed with your one paragraph description of the photograph of {{states('input_text.weather_dashboard_subject')}}, within this imagined scene and setting. Don't forget their activity, clothes, and reaction, and maximize the silly factor! 
  • service: openai_conversation.generate_image metadata: {} data: size: 1792x1024 quality: hd style: vivid prompt: >- {{preprompt.response.speech.plain.speech}}. This should be a vivid, hyperrealistic photograph. response_variable: image
  • service: downloader.download_file data: overwrite: true subdir: /config/www/dash filename: dash.png url: "{{image.url}}"
  • service: browser_mod.refresh metadata: {} data: {} target: device_id: weather_display mode: single ```
And the dashboard yaml
yaml kiosk_mode: non_admin_settings: hide_header: true hide_sidebar: true views: - title: Home view_layout: position: main cards: - type: custom:clock-weather-card entity: weather.pirateweather sun_entity: sun.sun weather_icon_type: line hide_date: true forecast_rows: 5 card_mod: style: ha-card { background: url('{{state_attr("camera.weather_dashboard_background","entity_picture")}}') no-repeat center; background-size: cover; position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; margin: 0; padding: 0; overflow: hidden; color: white; } ha-card:before { content: "{{state_attr('sensor.next_forecast','name')}}"; top: 1em; left: 1em; font-size: 3rem; text-shadow: 0px 0px 10px black, 0px 0px 20px black, 0px 0px 30px black; position: absolute; color: white; } clock-weather-card-today { vertical-align: top; } clock-weather-card-today-right { text-shadow: 0px 0px 10px black, 0px 0px 20px black, 0px 0px 30px black; font-size: 5rem; justify-content: right !important; margin-right: 1em; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; color: white; } clock-weather-card-today-left { justify-content: left !important; } clock-weather-card-today-left img { } clock-weather-card-forecast:before { text-shadow: 0px 0px 5px black, 0px 0px 10px black, 0px 0px 15px black; color: white; font-size: 1rem; line-height: 1.25; position: relative; bottom: 1em; content: "{{state_attr('sensor.next_forecast','detailedForecast')}}"; } clock-weather-card-today-right-wrap-bottom { text-shadow: none; color: rgba(255,255,255,0); justify-content: right !important; } clock-weather-card-forecast { position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; zoom: 1.2; line-height: 1; background: rgba(0,0,0,.6); margin: 0; padding: 2em; overflow: hidden; } clock-weather-card-today-right-wrap-center { font-size: 8rem !important; justify-content: right !important; } clock-weather-card-today-right-wrap-top { line-height: 2; justify-content: right !important; # margin-top: -1em; } type: panel
submitted by spdustin to homeassistant [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:54 NNnego [US-NC][H] RAMA U80 Moon Stealth, Geon F2-84, LZ Phase silver, Bisoromi RS60, Eniigma Vertigo, Cablecardesigns Angel, KCK KY-01, Mako TKL [W] Paypal

Price decrease.
Please read the post!!
Mostly unbuilt brand new keyboards. Price includes shipping within CONUS. For international buyers, please ask with your location for exact shipping price quote. Please leave a comment before PMing and no chat. Keyboards in the timestamp but not listed in the post are sold.
Keyboards (NOT splitting kits, no trade, all sell only; I am trying to reduce my collection size not maintain!)

Item Description Price
RAMA U80-A SEQ2 Moon Stealth (pics) Brand new unbuilt. 2 hotswap PCBs, 1 alu plate, 1 PC plate, 1 W02-A Internal Dampener $700 shipped
LZ Phase ergonomic 65% (pics) Lifezone Phase silver A-stock. Used sporadically with mill-maxed (7305) PCB & carbon fiber plate. Comes with 3 PCBs (1 mill-max 7305, 2 brand new), 4 plates (carbon fiber (used), red alu, fr4, pc (3 are never used)), 2 inner plates offered during GB, black wrist rest (never used). With LZ branded carrying case. Not splitting extras. Please refer to additional pics for detailed pics of the extras and minor conditional concerns you may have. $550 shipped
Mako TKL (pics) Mako TKL in blue top silver bottom brass weight. Used sporadically. Comes with 2 PC plates (1 used, 1 brand new). Tried capturing one minor scratch on front side, please refer to additional pics. Have a personally cut poron foam and a different material foam from GB. 1 brand new unused h87C PCB with 1 Monokei Titan Grey Kaban medium case included. $280 shipped
KCK KY-01 75% (pics) Aquamarine (pantone 5463 C) colorway. Very good condition except for one small nick on the right side (please refer to pic, hardly noticeable). Two screw holes in the case were not machined properly and have to use shorter screws (please refer to pic). 1 mill-max (7305) PCB (full backspace, 6.25u, ANSI, used and built with cherry clip-ins on spacebar (for o-ring mounting) and durock v1 stabs elsewhere), 1 extra brand new PCB, 1 brass plate (new), 1 FR4 plate (custom cut, used) dampening foams (3 poron case foams of different thickness, 1 pcb foam) keycaps are not included in the sale, these are just for reference of the layout. $130 shipped
Geon F2-84 (pics) Brand new unbuilt Geonworks F2-84 in Black with Sandblasted Brass weight. Includes 1 Alu plate and 1 Hiney H87nu solder FR4 PCB. $500 shipped
Cablecardesigns Angel 65% (pics) Brand new unbuilt Cable car designs 65% Angel in silver WK. Includes 2 PCBs, 1 full Polypropylene plate, 1 half Polypropylene plate, 1 full POM plate. Ships in carrying bag. Missing feet (can't find anywhere) $230 shipped
Bisoromi RS60 60% (pics) Brand new unbuilt Red WKL. Includes 2 PCBs, 1 alu plate, 1 PC plate, 1 TX stab. Ships in carrying bag. $390 shipped
Eniigma Vertigo 65% (pics) Brand new unbuilt grey top white bottom. Includes 2 working PCBs, 1 broken PCB (refer to pic), 1 alu full plate, 1 alu half plate, 1 PC full plate. $370 shipped

Thanks for reading!
submitted by NNnego to mechmarket [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:42 Sebby19 List of every error/mistake/contradiction in the 5-6 Player Extensions (March 2024 update)

Since new rulebooks dropped, it was only a matter of time before I went with a magnifying glass over these! Since I previously covered these errors in my larger list a couple years ago (Compilation of every erromistake/contradiction/etc., that I can find in the 'current' rulebooks. ), I will also compare and see what was fixed (in strikethrough), what is still there, and what is new (in bold). If there is an old error I missed the first time, there will be a * in front of it.
Base Game's 5-6 Player:
5-6 Seafarers
  1. For Scenario 2, regular Seafarers says to put the Robber on the 12 Token. However, in the extension, there are two to choose from (12-Fields and 12-Pasture). Which one? Apparently, the 2-Pasture hex
  2. For Scenario 3, regular Seafarers says to put the Robber on the 12 Token. However, in the extension, the Desert is reintroduced. So should the Robber go there instead? Or 12-Mountain/12-Hills hex? Robber is on the Desert.
  3. For Scenario 4 and 8, I suppose it doesn't matter which Desert the Robber starts on. Just odd there is no marker here, but there IS a Robber marked for Scenario 5. Inconsistent.
  1. Adding up all the tokens equals 40, when the total below says 39. Since there will be 39 resource producing hexes, there is an extra # token in the count above.
  2. However, the Base Game's 5-6 extension only has 28 tokens, while Seafarers adds 10 more (total 38). This implies a # token should be taken from the Base Game, so the rulebook should make that clear
  3. Related to that, it says there should be 5 copies of the 5-9 tokens. This is impossible, since Base 5-6 + SF should have 3 copies of 2 and 12, 4 of everything else. Again, implying more tokens from the Base Game need to be taken, but it never states this.
5-6 Cities & Knights: No mistakes! It is STILL clean!!!
5-6 Traders & Barbarians
  1. '6-1'>'1-2'>'2-2'>'2-3'>'3-3'>'3-4'>'4-5'>'5-5'>'5-6'>'6-6'>; page 3 instead displays (from top-left, clockwise):
  2. '6-1'>'2-2'>'1-2'>'3-3'>'3-4'>'2-3'>'6-6'>'4-5'>'5-5'>'5-6'>. If this is supposed to be intentional, the rulebook should either state this (or be more specific), or make the image bigger, since I had to squint to see the different layout.
  3. Also, if the different frame setup is intentional, why not show T&B's version of the '5-6' frame piece (with the missing coast)?
5-6 Explorers & Pirates
  1. The terrain hexes from regular E&P should show 2 Fields hexes, and 1 of everything else. Instead its showing 2 Mountain hexes (which is only correct for the Green Moon side)
  2. The terrain hexes from E&P's extension should be Mountain-Pasture-Hills. Instead its showing Mountain-Forest-Fields (again, only correct for the Green Moon side)
So to summarize:
  1. Base Game Extension: Originally 2 errors, 1 was fixed, 1 was added
  2. Seafarers Extensions: Originally 12 errors. 9 were fixed, 2 were added
  3. C&K Extension: Never had errors, none were added :)
  4. T&B Extension: Originally 9 errors. 1 was fixed, and 1 was added >:(
  5. E&P Extension: Originally 3 errors. 1 was fixed, 1 was added.
In the end, I'm a little disappointed. The only extension rulebook that saw any real improvement was SF. I wasn't planning on buying any Extensions until the rules were updated with the new Paired Players system. But... maybe I'll just have to wait for the 6th Edition, in 2030. :(
I shouldn't be so hard on them, as I missed several errors myself the first time around. Even some of my own errors in my original list (fixed now). But I'm just some bored shmuck doing this in my free time. I'd expect more from a corporation.
submitted by Sebby19 to Catan [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:38 johnruby Is there another Limbus Company wiki other than Fandom?

Is there another Limbus Company wiki other than Fandom?
Correct me if I'm wrong, it seems that currently the only well-established wiki is the Fandom one based on my google search result.
Frequent wiki users will know that Fandom is an absolutely awful website to visit. The layout of its pages with tons of ads is atrocious. It always autoplays ad videos, which can easily crash your browsers on PC or mobile. Many communities have decided to migrate to other wiki website (e.g. or have already completed their migration, such as Fallout, Runescape, Minecraft, Satisfactory... etc.
Fandom's ads layout is highly stroke-inducing
The Fandom wiki for Limbus Company has been prominent for a while, so it would probably be difficult to establish a competitor wiki. But the content of Limbus Company is still growing in a healthy and promising pace, so maybe migration is not entirely impossible.
Is there any existing alternative wiki for Limbus Company right now? Or, is anyone currently working on an alternative wiki, such as Miraheze or MediaWiki? I'm more than happy to contribute to expanding any alternative wiki, as this may increase the possibility (even just a tiny little bit) of moving away from Fandom. I'm sure many people here are eager to help as well.
Also, I'm curious about what you guys/gals thought regarding Fandom in general. Personally I truly dislike Fandom. It's such a pain when I have to keep it open during a mirror dungeon session. But maybe it's not that bad from others' perspective?
Edit: Here's a list of existing alternatives suggested in the comment section:
  1. Project Moon wiki
  2. Limbus Kusoge
  3. Prydwen
  4. Great Limbus Library
  5. BreezeWiki (BreezeWiki removes Fandom's ads and makes it clean and readable, but you cannot create or edit Fandom's wiki pages while using BreezeWiki. See its website for more details.)
submitted by johnruby to limbuscompany [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:59 United_Patriots The Nature of Orion [44] - Shadowdance

Thank you for the amazing universe!
l Prologue l Previous l Next l
"Will he live?"
The Kolshian doctor ensured that the IV line was set properly in the arm, given feathers and fur tended to get in the way. But he knew what he was doing, and the needle slipped beneath the skin without protest. Confident that the connection was good, he stepped back, taking in the full form of Kalsim with bulbous orange eyes.
The captain was better off than when they found him in the cave, but that wasn't saying much. Naked, delirious, covered in blood, and on the brink of death. His guard wasn't doing much better, spare the mortal injury, but hysterical regardless. He was talking now, but Kalsim wasn't so lucky.
"Barely, maybe. I'm surprised he survived for as long as he did, given the extent of the gash." He regarded the large compress wrapped around the captains chest. Underneath, teal colored medigel worked feverishly to repair the wound. "I'm gonna say the makeshift bandage saved his life."
"Good thinking on his guards part, bad on mine." The other observer sighed. "If only we just escorted him through, all of this could've been avoided. But that's in the past now. Did you manage to preform a brain scan yet?"
The doctor shook his tail. "Unfortunately, it's better to wait until he's stable to run the scan through."
The other thought for a moment. "Do it now."
The doctor was taken slightly aback. "But sir, doing a brain scan on him, in this condition? There's a real chance that the process might kill him."
"I know the risk, but its one we have to take. If he dies, we lose our only piece on the board."
"Are you sure? How useful are his memories to us? Don't we need him alive?"
The other walked to the beside, and gently stroked a tentacles across Kalsim's chest. It carried with it small flakes of violet blood, which a single rub turned to dust.
"We don't need his body, but we need his mind. No matter what happens, we continue on as planned. Understand?"
The doctor was still hesitant, tentacles and tail rapping fidgeting nervously. "Alright, I can get it done. I'm just telling you now that I don't think this is a good idea."
"Nothing we've done so far has been a good idea." The other stepped back from the bed, and moved to exit the small medbay. "But we do what's necessary."
The doctor began the process of setting up the brain scan, while the other made for the door. He took one step out, before he raised his tentacle, and turned back to face the doctor.
"Oh, and do let me know when he wakes up. We have much to discuss."
Memory transcription subject: Kalsim, Captain, United Federation Fleet
Date [standardized human time]: December 31st, 2136
It was not the sound of Kelum's voice that awoke me, nor the agony pulling my chest apart. My first sense of awareness was entirely lacking them, replaced instead by a repeating electronic beat, and what sounded like someone rustling around inside of a cabinet. And pressing against by body was not the ungrateful chill of bare rock, but a plush mattress and soft sheets.
Am I...dead?
Opening my ideas left me staring across what appeared to be a small medbay. At least, it looked like any medbay I would find on one of my ships. Taking the place of the usual zurulian personnel, however, was a kolshain, a deep green, donned in a coat, tentacles shifting through a cabinet hanging over the basin.
"W-where am I?"
The kolshian spun around instantaneously, eyes widened at the sound of my frail voice. "Stars above, your awake." He rushed to my side and began scanning over my face. "How are you feeling? Any pain, any grogginess?"
Maybe I'm not dead? "I...feel fine, I think. The pain is gone, at least."
The kolshain nodded. "Then the medigel did its work, thank the stars above. It looks like your going to be alright."
I looked down to see a large bandage wrapped around my chest, much more professional than the rags that Kelum used as a substitute. In place of the pain, a soothing cold projected from where my wound presumably laid. That must be the medigel he's talking about. I moved my wing around as a bit of a test, and found that besides a few twinges here and there, it was almost like I hadn't been raked at all.
"It's gonna take a couple of months for the wound to heal, and there's definitely going to be a scar." The doctor placed a tentacle on my shoulder. "But you should be able to walk up and about no problem. Do you feel like walking?"
"I...I guess?"
"Alright, let me help you here." A tentacle wrapped around my wing as he gently helped me out of the bed. Placing my legs down on the panel floor felt odd at first, likely the lingering effects of whatever painkillers they pumped into me. But however awkward it was, I could move.
"I gotta say Kalsim, your quite resilient. I've never seen someone survive a wound like that."
I coughed, but it only produced a small wince. "Well, maybe I just have a reason to go on."
"Yes, yes..." The doctor looked towards the door, before concerned eyes turned back to me. "Are you sure that your alright?"
"Yes, I think so..." I paused as I remembered the first question that came to mind. "Where am I? Where's Kelum?"
"Your guard is safe, no worries. He was concerned about you, so he'll be glad to know your up and about."
"Can I see him?"
Some of the doctors compassion seemed to slip away. "Not at the moment. There's more important matters to attend to."
It was then I noticed his other tentacle slipping a holopad back into his pocket. "We're you just talking to someone?"
He looked to the door. "Someone that want's to talk to you. I can bring you to him, if you like?"
"It's better if you meet him in person. He can explain everything."
My mind immediately went to the most obvious possibility: Could this be the person who sent me the note? I was suddenly filled with a mix of anticipation and dread. The person who revealed that my old home still existed, but who's cryptic nature nearly led to my death. He could be friend or foe, ally or enemy. He promised me an out, but it could all still be a lie. A gift wrapped box hiding a live grenade inside, ready to blow up in my face.
But it seemed that no matter what, I would have to talk to him.
"Bring me to him."
I quickly realized that the medbay was just another part of the maze-like facility me and Kelum entered in what felt like months ago. The same confusing layout, the same matte steel panel floors and ceilings, the same sickly green light bars, the same signs leading to the same places. Quarters, Maintenance, Observation.
It was a short journey, but one that nearly sent my nerves jumping out of my skin. My mind was alight with possibilities of who the person could be and what he wanted. Why did he need my help? Why not anyone else? Was it because this facility held a past dear to me? Or was there something that I wasn't seeing here? That last option felt more the case as we neared our destination.
Finally, we stepped through a doorway leading back into the familiar room. The consoles still lay dormant, the sanctuary light still blasted through the (now damaged) viewport. And standing shadowed near the edge,
The sudden screech threw me back for a second, for there wasn't just a person standing at the window. Accompanying the man was one of those birds, green and gold, the very same that plucked that lizard from right in front of me and Kelum. Its sharp beaked plucked seeds from the outstretched teal tentacle before it, beady forward facing eyes planted firmly on the kolshian's face. He let the bird feed for a moment longer before his appendage returned to his side, and he turned to face me directly.
"Ah, Kalsim. I'm glad to see you up and about."
He was well above middle age, that much was clear. His voice crackled like the pages of an ancient tome, carrying knowledge and wisdom of a lifetime and more. His face was creased and spotted, his eyes were beginning to dull, and his back was beginning to damper. But he was proud and determined, all carried in a demeanor that seemed to disdain the very concept of age itself.
And that demeanor also carried a permeating aura of authority. In the gilded bands and rings around his sleeves, in the robes tailored only for those select few, in the necklace around his neck born with the symbol of the Chiefdom. Yet he was not gaudy or audacious. The blue fabric was well maintained, but not perfect. The guild shone, but was not spotless. He was powerful, but not infallible, and that he knew well.
He was unlike any shadow caste member I had ever met.
"I will see myself out." The doctor bowed before he took his leave, shutting the door in his wake.
The shadow caste member sighed. "I tell him that he doesn't need to bow, but he never listens. My colleagues leave their impression, let me tell you."
He stepped down from the observation platform, prompting the bird to fly back out the broken window. He watched it fly away, only turning back when it finally disappeared over the canopy. His tail bent in a manner that suggested happiness.
"Beautiful creatures, are they not? I can't exactly recall the name, it's probably in the archives somewhere. But I'm sure it's more than befitting of their elegance. Your people had a talent for names, even still to this day."
He stepped up in front of me, standing just slightly below my eye level.
"I'm sure you have plenty of questions, so ask away."
I was surprised at how casual he was being with all this, given that I nearly died. Is this just an act, or is he really this laid back? It would've helped if I knew his actual name.
"Who are you?"
"Ah, that's simple. I am Maronis, and before you ask, yes, I was the one to send you the note."
Maronis. The name didn't ring familiar, despite my numerous interactions with the caste. "I don't recall you."
"I didn't expect you too." He began to walk around, sliding tentacles over the dead consoles. "Truthfully, I'm one of the less prominent members of the caste. Partly because I prefer it that way, partly because I'm not the most popular."
"Yes, the caste hasn't taken a particular liking to me, and that's entirely my fault. I don't apologize, and they don't expect me too. However, it has left me, how shall I say, rather uniformed."
He stopped his wandering, and turned to face me directly. His causal disposition did turn out to be an act, for a grave expression quickly took its place.
"There are happenings, Kalsim. Happenings that threaten to bring the Federation to its knees. I need your help to stop them."
"Happenings?" I had the feeling he was being intentionally vague. Or maybe... "What do you mean, happenings?"
Maronis sighed, before closing the gap and placing a tentacle on my shoulder. "Like I said, I'm rather uniformed. In that respect we are the same. Come with me."
He guided me over to the viewport, where a warm breeze blew threw the broken window. The 'sun', now nearing the horizon, sent long shadows cascading over the hills and treetops. The town laid shadowed in the center.
"Tell me Kalsim, what do you believe the purpose of this place to be?"
The answer seemed obvious now. "Some sort of habitat for pre-contact life from Nishtal."
He nodded. "In some sense, you are correct."
"In some sense?"
His eyes glowed brightly as he stared towards the horizon. "When the Federation first began on its endeavors, our government initially insisted on the complete extermination of all predator flora and fauna. The farsul, scholars that they are, disagreed, believing there to be some value in maintaining at least some samples of predatory life. Whether for the purpose of study, or that scholarly disposition towards collection."
"Eventually, they came to a compromise, whereby the farsul could maintain their little collection, as long as it was well isolated from the rest of the galaxy. It's why their archives are located a kilometer below their oceans, and why this place is here."
"As the Federation expanded, they constructed hundreds of facilities just like this. For centuries, they served their purpose without issue. And that's where the story should have ended."
But it didn't was the statement left unsaid. And something inside told me it had to do with the discovery in the cave.
"Me and Kelum, we found a skeleton of an arxur in that cave. And the town...people used to live here, didn't they?"
The 'sun' now began to dip below the horizon, and the habitat began to grow dim. Somewhere off in the distance, the calls that became somewhat familiar died into the falling darkness.
"I believe your intuition to be correct. This place was once a facility of observation, transformed into one of experimentation. To what ends, well that remains to be seen."
He turned back to me as the light finally disappeared, rendering his already teal complexion a further decomposed green.
"And I believe that this is, or was, part of a larger plot that I've yet to be let in on. I only know it by its code name, Clear Sky. A secret so important that all besides its name is to be kept from even fellow members of the shadow caste. And you know how secrets can be dangerous little things. At once seeming so minor, yet carrying the capacity to bring down entire nations, civilizations, in one fell swoop."
Maronis brought his tentacles behind his back, and began to pace the room once again. "Now let me ask you another question, Kalsim. Why does the Federation stand today?"
I watched him circle as I processed the question. "I...don't know what you mean."
"Well think about it. The Federation is responsible for numerous crimes against sapience. The destruction of entire cultures, histories, ideals inconvenient to our rule. We wage a war that we both know continues only for its sake. We stand at the core of an empire whose foundation is built on blood and bone, and we revel in it. Any sane world would have long ago rejected us. So tell me, why does the Federation stand today?"
The way he talked so casually about the essential destruction of forty four distinct species, including my own, should have given me pause. But maybe that's the point. Maybe it's because we can talk about it at all. Maybe because...
"It's no secret."
Maronis stopped, turned to face me again, and for the first time since the conversation began, let a small smile lift the corners of his mouth.
"Its. No. Secret. For centuries upon centuries, this galaxy has come to understand us, the cured, the values that we propagate, the foundations of our empire, to be the true predator, and all because one species decided not to become its prey. And from that point forward, we have had to fight for every single tiny ounce of legitimacy, to convince others that we are the path forward when reality tells of an otherwise case. And that struggle," he raised a single appendage to the air, "that is what has granted our Federation strength. For despite it all, we have crafted the most powerful polity this galaxy has ever known, and likely will know."
He paused to take a breath.
"But, to those of a less intelligent disposition," I could almost see the urge to mention Nikonus by name ripple across the kolshian's skin, "to those whose analysis errs to the superficial, they do not see this strength. They see the agitations of the Shield and the Coalition, factions which in reality can be crushed with but a flick of a tentacle. They see the furthering acceptance of the arxur, a natural product of their ideologies inevitable decay. They only see the superficial, because they only desire the superficial."
"So imagine, for a moment, if the conquest of Skalga was an uninterrupted process. If the Federation had never been given pause to reflect. What then, Kalsim?"
I'd almost forgotten that I was a part of the conversation, given how long and, dare I say, passionate his little speech had been. But reflecting on his question, the answer only seemed obvious.
"The secret would have been maintained. The Federations true nature, lacking the intervention of the Venlil, would have in all likelihood never been revealed."
"And what would it have done," Maronis continued my train of thought, "but grant the superficial strength so many seem to desire? The Federation, supreme in its power, free to enact its will upon the entire galaxy, no obstacle standing in its way."
"But secrets are a dangerous thing. Uncontested power is no different. It breeds malaise, complacency, confidence. Combine them together, well, that's an easy way to bring down an empire."
The logic seemed sound, if not common sense. "If what the Federation did only came out now, it would be chaos. Entire species suddenly discovering they're the monsters they've been led to hate the entire time. The Federation, it would just tear itself apart."
"Exactly." Maronis stepped forward. "And it's why I need your help. Because me and you both understand that there can be no more secrets if the Federation is to survive. And more than anything else, that is what we both desire. Correct me if I'm wrong."
Maronis looked up to me as I considered what I did truly want. Because what I wanted was always a product of what the shadow caste wanted, what Nikonus wanted. They told me what to do, what to say, how to act. Constantly kept an officer at my side, making sure that I toed the line perfectly. So what did I want?
"I don't know."
But far from disappointment, or shock, Maronis looked almost like he expected that answer. "You've been on a leash so long you've forgotten how to fly. I know what Nikonus wants to do with you, to make you another pawn in his game to create a forever war with humanity. A delusional plan born from the ideological dredges that can only be described as his mind. And I know you want no part his game. So like I promised, I'm giving you an out."
But that only raised the obvious question, "How do I know I won't just become your pawn as well?"
"Because," he expected that response as well, "unlike Nikonus, I'm giving you a choice. You can walk out of here, pretend that this place and this conversation never existed. Of course," he took in the bandage, "the wound would be hard to explain. I doubt falling down a flight of stairs would do that, but that's all besides the point."
"And you wouldn't make me disappear, suffer an accident, two gunshots to the back of the head?"
"Smart of you to consider that, but no, I don't work that way. At least, with people I consider allies. And even if you walk away, I know you would side with me if it came down to it."
He looked out to the habitat, which was now bathed in dim glow of a false moon. The wails echoed through the night, met with like-minded calls across the ancient expanse. So called stars twinkled across the dome, forming the constellations that once stared down at me every night. Maronis looked upon it all with no small amount of appreciation.
"I brought you here to remind you of what the Federation took from you, and so many others like you, all in the service of predator and prey."
"But predator and prey is all but dying. The continuing acceptance of the arxur and humanity serves as prime evidence to that point. Those who cling to it have condemned themselves to die alongside it. And if they succeed, if Clear Sky becomes manifest, they'll drag the entire galaxy down with them too. Of that I am sure."
"But you don't even know what Clear Sky is, you said so yourself."
"But I know what the caste wants, and you know what they want: To have predator and prey to define this galaxy in perpetuity. Clear Sky can only serve that end. The path that the rest of the caste seems want to take, even if it succeeds, will bring ruin to the Federation."
There were still lingering doubts, but those were inconsequential in comparison to the evident truth. If Nikonus got the war he desired, it would spell the end of the Federation. Humanity, the Coalition, Jones, they had no interest in playing along like the Dominion. They would go for the throat before the shadow caste even had a chance to get out of bed.
And even if they did, what then? Whose to say the rest of the galaxy would go along too? Humanity was no arxur, that was plain for everyone to see. Fuck, even the sivkit found it in themselves to see humanity for who they truly were. At that point, waging a war against humanity on the grounds of 'fighting predators' would be tantamount to sticking a gun in our collective mouth and pulling the trigger.
Either way, if Maronis was telling the truth, the Federation was doomed, unless the shadow caste was stopped, unless Clear Sky was put down.
"What would you have me do?"
Maronis nodded his tail and he spoke in a stern report. "Nikonus believes you to be a loyal pawn. Use that against him. Find out the true nature Clear Sky, then kill it in its cradle. But most importantly, do whatever it takes to ensure that Clear Sky remains a secret. If any inkling of it reaches the public, that could spell the end of the Federation. To that end, no sacrifice is too great."
"Whatever it takes?"
He leaned in closer. "Whatever it takes."
He stepped back, and some of his casual demeanor seemed to return, if not fully.
"And if you don't think you can do that, leave. But if think you can," he raised one tentacle up, and held it out before me, "then I think we can help each other."
He wanted a handshake. That human gesture, their way of signalling agreement.
And it brought for that great dilemma once again. Whether this was an act, or an out. Whether I would once again sign my life away, or finally take a step towards freedom.
After all I've done, all I've been forced to do, what I'm meant to do...It could be an escape, or I could be doing it all over again.
But I looked out the window again, heard the calls of the wilds robbed from my people by the organization whose member was now promising to bring it all to an end. Me, my people, we could have this all. After a thousand years, we could finally fly free, or have our wings clipped once and for all.
And all it took was a handshake.
"So Kalsim, what will it be?"
I recalled what I told Kelum, standing on the brink of death: It only took a thousand years, but things are finally back to normal.
It was a lie, but it didn't have to be. Not anymore.
So I raised my wing, took his tentacle in my talon, and shook to the future of the Federation.
l Prologue l Previous l Next l
submitted by United_Patriots to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 22:20 reflectivecatalyst How would you recover from the worst exam of my life?

The thing is I had my physics exam today worth 35 marks . I studied really hard and revised alot, didn't sleep whole ducking night and I was positive about getting good grade . When I was handed out the paper , I knew everything , I was over the moon. But when I started doing it I couldn't understand where to start from . I panicked and struggled even on the easiest mcq (which I did wrong btw) . It doesn't end here . I forgot to put a minus sign when I was calculating the work done in moving a fucking charge . Then , I got confused between tangential and perpendicular (idk how )and I wronged my ques . Then there was a ques to tell if the work done will be neg or positive for moving from a pt Qto pt P and I wrote my answer from pt P to Q (I swear am not a drug addict). Then where I had to find the ratio of initial energy to new energy I did the opposite . Ufffffff. This doesn't end here . I had to derive an expression for electric potential at a POINT due to short dipole , yk what I did? I derived it for axial point . (A fucking retard I am) . And I handed it and when I got home I am just cryinggggggggg. Tldr,seriously studied so hard. Wanted to strike back because of the bad result I had given in my finals previous year . But I think I am so so dumb for performing well . How can I do that. How can I overcome all of that shitty things I did in my exam .they are haunting me . Please..don't blame me for spelling mistakes Atp I am literally crying. I wanted to layout my best impression again but now I can't even focus for my chem exam ( and I am weak in chem and phy is my strong suite)
submitted by reflectivecatalyst to PhysicsStudents [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 22:17 reflectivecatalyst How would you recover from the worst exam of my life?

The thing is I had my physics exam today worth 35 marks . I studied really hard and revised alot, didn't sleep whole ducking night and I was positive about getting good grade . When I was handed out the paper , I knew everything , I was over the moon. But when I started doing it I couldn't understand where to start from . I panicked and struggled even on the easiest mcq (which I did wrong btw) . It doesn't end here . I forgot to put a minus sign when I was calculating the work done in moving a fucking charge . Then , I got confused between tangential and perpendicular (idk how )and I wronged my ques . Then there was a ques to tell if the work done will be neg or positive for moving from a pt Qto pt P and I wrote my answer from pt P to Q (I swear am not a drug addict). Then where I had to find the ratio of initial energy to new energy I did the opposite . Ufffffff. This doesn't end here . I had to derive an expression for electric potential at a POINT due to short dipole , yk what I did? I derived it for axial point . (A fucking retard I am) . And I handed it and when I got home I am just cryinggggggggg. Tldr,seriously studied so hard. Wanted to strike back because of the bad result I had given in my finals previous year . But I think I am so so dumb for performing well . How can I do that. How can I overcome all of that shitty things I did in my exam .they are haunting me . Please..don't blame me for spelling mistakes Atp I am literally crying. I wanted to layout my best impression again but now I can't even focus for my chem exam ( and I am weak in chem and phy is my strong suite)
submitted by reflectivecatalyst to GetStudying [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 17:44 Odd-Clock1474 The upward contemplation of the splendid life in Chinoiserie

The upward contemplation of the splendid life in Chinoiserie
In 1735, a little-known “peintre en toiles” (painter on canvas) named Jean-Antoine Fraisse (1680?–1738/39) published a collection of decorative designs titled “The Book of Chinese Patterns.” This work was inspired by original pieces from Persia, India, China, and Japan, and was dedicated to his patron in Chantilly, Louis-Henri, the Prince of Condé (1692–1740).
After the deaths of Fraisse and the Prince of Condé, Gabriel Huquier (1695–1772) published several subsequent editions of Fraisse’s plates. Due to Huquier’s prominent position in the 18th-century French decorative arts scene, his reissues led to a reassessment of “The Book of Chinese Patterns,” greatly enhancing its significance. The Metropolitan Museum of Art holds the most complete known copy of “The Book of Chinese Patterns” to date, which includes 55 etchings and 8 woodcuts. Huquier, particularly attuned to the tastes and trends of his time, reconfigured Fraisse’s etchings, elevating Jean-Antoine Fraisse from relative obscurity to a more prominent position in the discussion of 18th-century French decorative arts. “The Book of Chinese Patterns” is not merely a product of the Prince of Condé’s imagination; it also reflects the specific tastes of its era and provided a source for various artisanal shops.
Jean-Antoine Fraisse’s “Fantastic Bird”
Many of Jean-Antoine Fraisse’s works draw inspiration from patterns found on Chinese porcelain. Compared to many European Chinoiserie artists, whose works were often based on imagination and reinterpretation, Fraisse’s works tend to align more closely with Eastern aesthetics, both in subject matter and technique. His piece “Fantastic Bird” almost entirely abandons the Italian-style shading and perspective, emphasizing a purely Eastern flat expression, highlighted by textures and intricate details rendered with precision. Jean-Antoine Fraisse employs the classic Eastern asymmetric composition, emulating the meticulous lines and fine brushwork, presenting the rich colors and light shading typical of detailed painting. The artwork, with its dreamlike and vivid quality, conveys auspicious symbolism through the mythical bird. The boundaries between the present and the past, the eternal and the fragile, dissolve into the intense and passionate colors, embodying an upward contemplation of a splendid life.
ChuCui Palace Epiphyllum in Moon Brooch
In addition to painting, the contemplation of life is also integrated into the works of Chinoiserie jewelry, represented by ChuCui Palace. Their piece “Epiphyllum in Moon” is rich in the dynamic curves characteristic of Chinoiserie, with fluttering flowers and leaves that flow gracefully. The varied lengths of the intertwined curves, whether ascending or descending, depict the intricate complexity of nature. The piece captures the fleeting bloom of the epiphyllum, which in Chinoiserie art symbolizes ephemeral beauty. In mythology, the epiphyllum often represents the eternal moment, a seeming paradox that signifies infinite meaning.
ChuCui Palace has innovatively combined the Chinese gongbi technique of layered color application with Western inlay methods, allowing colors to blend and diffuse like ink, creating a gentle and delicate poetic effect. The combination of flowers, leaves, and butterflies forms a harmonious interplay of points, lines, and surfaces. In composition, the work emphasizes both roundness and fullness, while intentionally incorporating asymmetrical lines reminiscent of wind and leaves, enhancing its graceful and natural aesthetic. The piece transcends temporal boundaries, surpassing mere craftsmanship, and captures an intuitive understanding of life. Though time passes and life is finite, the work resolves the paradox of the ephemeral and the eternal, providing a sense of life’s continuity in a softly flowing atmosphere.
The watercolor painting by Moses Griffith depicts the Chinese House at Shugborough Hall.
Another approach that is closer to nature and captures a more intuitive sense of life and aesthetic intuition is found in European Chinoiserie-style gardens. Chinese gardens first sparked particular interest in Britain, as they served as a template for breaking away from rigid European traditions. The aesthetic principles of Chinese gardens became the basis for analysis by 18th-century British literati, who regarded them as examples of “imitating nature” or “idealizing nature.” The layout of Chinese gardens, including waterfalls, artificial hills, canals and lakes, irregular slopes, railings, mysterious groves, and rocks, almost resembles miniature nature. Such designs were in contrast to the mainstream taste in European horticulture, which favored symmetry and regularity. Chinese gardens gradually presented different scenes — on mountains or by lakes, in forests or on wooden bridges, in courtyards or pagodas. Their sizes ranged from small areas in the backyard to landscapes reminiscent of the famous pastoral scenes in “Dream of the Red Chamber.” Chinese gardens embody the concept of wholeness, incorporating both the complexity of nature and the human experience of wandering, with spatial and temporal dimensions. Joseph Addison spoke highly of Chinese-style gardens, believing that the Chinese had “a natural Genius for hiding Art,” that “this kind of Beauty strikes the Imagination,” and that “there is a certain Majesty in Nature, which is more worth our Observation than all the fine Strokes and Features of Art.”
Simultaneously, the combination of gardening and architectural art, by constructing pagodas and Chinese-style buildings within the gardens, further reinforced the integration of diverse styles. This not only freed people from the strict rules and formal characteristics of classicism but also paved the way for the rise of Romanticism and individualism in 19th-century Britain.
In the exploration of life within 18th-century European art, Chinoiserie transcended mere praise of nature to become a profound reflection on the essence of life itself. Through Chinoiserie artworks, particularly in painting, sculpture, and decorative arts, people surpassed traditional European aesthetic concepts, delving into the diversity, complexity, and mystique of life. The Eastern aesthetic principles embodied in Chinoiserie, along with the imagination and pursuit of Eastern culture and nature, reflect humanity’s continual quest and exploration for the meaning of life. In Chinoiserie works, we can observe a deep respect and reverence for life, as well as profound reflections on nature, human emotions, and the spiritual realm. Therefore, Chinoiserie is not merely an artistic form but also a philosophical contemplation and expression of life, nature, and human existence.
submitted by Odd-Clock1474 to u/Odd-Clock1474 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 17:26 Memorie_BE How can I make this orange crystal better?

How can I make this orange crystal better? submitted by Memorie_BE to blender [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:32 Seeyouon_otherside Operation 5000 Part 3

Item #: SCP-021
Codename: Skin Wyrm
Summarized Description: Animate tattoo in the form of the mythical Chinese dragon. SCP-021 sustains itself off its host’s melanin, causes pain to its host when it moves, and can be transferred to another host via prolonged skin-to-skin contact.
Battlefield Summary: N/A
Additional Notes: SCP-021 is useless as a weapon and is to remain in containment.
Usefulness: 1/5
Item #: SCP-022
Codename: The Morgue
Summarized Description: Morgue capable of periodically reanimating Human cadavers. Consciousnesses of subjects placed within a drawer of the morgue are randomly swapped between reanimated cadavers.
Battlefield Summary: N/A
Additional Notes: SCP-022 is useless as a weapon and is to remain in containment.
Usefulness: 1/5
Item #: SCP-023
Codename: Black Shuck
Summarized Description: Large canine. Sapient subjects who make eye contact will expire 1 Terran year after contact is broken, their internal systems suffering spontaneous flash incineration. SCP-023’s eyes and teeth were removed in 2010 before being regrown in 2136 using an imperfect copy of SCP-500 generated by SCP-038. SCP-023 cannot be stopped by any barrier unless it resembles a crossroads.
Battlefield Summary: SCP-023 released into Federal city. SCP-023 underwent rigorous anomalous training, having been taught to avoid direct conflict with enemy subjects, and is generally non-hostile to Foundation personnel.
Additional Notes: As of time of writing, SCP-023 has terminated 86 subjects and has disorganized security forces, who have failed to capture or neutralize it. SCP-023’s relative obedience to the Foundation has given cause for reclassification to Thaumiel.
Usefulness: 3/5
Item #: SCP-024
Codename: Game Show of Death
Summarized Description: Abandoned sound stage. Subjects who enter SCP-024 will be greeted by an apparent stereotypical game show announcer from a speaker, who will offer subjects a chance to play a game show and gain a reward. Subjects who consent will be forced to undergo taxing trials to complete the show, which often results in injury and/or death. Subjects who refuse to participate after consenting, attempt to break any rules, or fail to complete the game will be attacked and terminated by unknown entities. SCP-024 will not activate if there is only 1 subject present.
Battlefield Summary: N/A
Additional Notes: SCP-024 cannot be moved from its current location. SCP-024 is useless as a weapon and is to remain in containment.
Usefulness: 1/5
Item #: SCP-025
Codename: A Well-Worn Wardrobe
Summarized Description: Wardrobe with multiple articles of damaged clothing. Subjects who wear any clothing from SCP-025 will invariably be injured or terminated, with wounds corresponding to the locations of damage on the clothing.
Battlefield Summary: N/A
Additional Notes: As xenos do not wear any clothing that SCP-025 possesses, SCP-025 is useless as a weapon and is to remain in containment.
Usefulness: 1/5
Item #: SCP-026
Codename: Afterschool Retention
Summarized Description: Abandoned public school. Layout does not correspond to official public blueprints. Cognitohazards within SCP-026 disorient subjects. Multiple individuals with identical features to missing persons can be found in apparent comas and cannot be woken. All comatose individuals are students and educators who attended the school before its abandonment. Attempting to remove comatose subjects from the premises will result in them waking, followed by extremely rapid dehydration and death. Foundation personnel who fall asleep in SCP-026 also become comatose, but will not suffer dehydration if removed.
Battlefield Summary: N/A
Additional Notes: SCP-026 is useless as a weapon and is to remain in containment.
Usefulness: 1/5
Item #: SCP-027
Codename: The Vermin God
Summarized Description: Intangible effect tied to one individual at a time. Subjects affected by SCP-027 attract large amounts of insects, rodents, and other organisms considered to be “vermin.” Upon death of a host, SCP-027 will transfer itself to the closest sapient organism.
Battlefield Summary: D-3829, the host of SCP-027 at the time, was airdropped onto a Federal planet. D-3829 fitted with an explosive collar and instructed to wait in the colony leader’s place of residence. As the leader entered the residence, the collar was remotely detonated, terminating D-3829 and transferring SCP-027 to the target.
Additional Notes: Though it would have been more practical to simply take the opportunity to assassinate the target, the long-term disorder expected to be caused by SCP-027 was deemed to be of greater importance. There are no plans to retrieve SCP-027 at this time.
Usefulness: 2/5
Item #: SCP-028
Codename: Knowledge
Summarized Description: Small space in Michigan, USA with psychic properties. Individuals who enter SCP-028 are imbued with a random piece of knowledge on a random topic.
Battlefield Summary: N/A
Additional Notes: SCP-028 is currently being used to gather intelligence on Federal operations. Due to its inefficient method of intelligence gathering, it has been deemed a low priority.
Usefulness: 2/5
Item #: SCP-029
Codename: Daughter of Shadows
Summarized Description: Human female with alopecia universalis. 80% of skin surface is vantablack, 20% is albino. All sapient male-identifying subjects who come in contact with SCP-029 will worship it as a messiah-like figure, who must have 1,000,000 lives sacrificed to it via strangulation to bring forth an unknown deity. SCP-029 has a physic connection with its followers and is aware of its followers’ numbers.
Battlefield Summary: SCP-029 deployed on a Federal planet and allowed to gather xeno followers. SCP-029’s “cult” has infiltrated the planetary government and is sending large numbers of subjects to “predator disease” facilities to convert or sacrifice them.
Additional Notes: SCP-029 willingly volunteered for Operation 5000, although this is more likely out of a desire for escape from the Foundation than to avenge Humanity for the Battle of Earth, the current cover story for Operation 5000. SCP-029’s “cult” is not to be allowed to complete its goal of 1,000,000 sacrifices, due to the uncertain nature of the existence of the cult’s deity. Current estimates give SCP-029’s cult 37,000 confirmed sacrificial fatalities. Should this number come close to being accomplished, SCP-029 is to be neutralized and the cult destroyed. Until then, the disorder caused by the cult’s activities has been deemed beneficial.
Usefulness: 3/5
Item #: SCP-030
Codename: The Homunculus
Summarized Description: Small humanoid made of clay. Only active when exposed to at least 15 lumens of light. If not exposed to adequate light, SCP-030 immediately falls unconscious.
Battlefield Summary: N/A
Additional Notes: SCP-030 has no fighting or strategic capabilities and is to remain in containment.
Usefulness: 1/5
Item #: SCP-031
Codename: What is Love?
Summarized Description: Giant organic mass inhabiting the interior of the Ryugyong Hotel, Korea. Influences subjects to be willingly assimilated into SCP-031, with only their brains remaining intact and presumably conscious. Unknown cognitive and/or space-time anomaly causes it to simultaneously inhabit the hotel alongside SCP-1427, despite respective containment teams insisting that the other does not exist.
Battlefield Summary: Samples of SCP-031 taken and deployed on various planets. 4 instances have been neutralized by Federal forces, while 4 have established a permanent foothold on their respective planets.
Additional Notes: SCP-031 is susceptible to fire, making Extermination Officers a convenient counter for smaller infestations.
Usefulness: 3/5
Item #: SCP-032
Codename: Brother’s Bride
Summarized Description: Type-F female Human simulacrum, passable at a distance, Uncanny Valley triggered at close range. Deleterious effects on nearby organic life, except for Humans and domesticated/trained animals.
Battlefield Summary: SCP-032 instructed to position itself discreetly in highly populated areas and military encampments. SCP-032 given a weapon and authorization to defend itself should it ever come into conflict with Federal authorities or eyewitnesses. SCP-032 has depopulated multiple areas and encampments with minor damage to itself.
Additional Notes: SCP-032’s complete obedience to the Foundation has given cause for a reclassification to Thaumiel.
Usefulness: 2/5
Item #: SCP-033
Codename: The Missing Number
Summarized Description: Mathematical equation that essentially proves that all Human (and xeno) mathematical systems “missed” a number. SCP-033, when inscribed on a physical “paper-like” surface or a white/chalkboard, will begin to spread to other nearby viable surfaces. Causes catastrophic glitches in computers as it spreads onto them.
Battlefield Summary: SCP-033 uploaded onto multiple planetary internets, crashing all systems.
Additional Notes: SCP-033 is astoundingly effective in removing the Federation’s capability to defend themselves, as they rely heavily on technology.
Usefulness: 5/5
Item #: SCP-034
Codename: Obsidian Ritual Knife
Summarized Description: Primitive obsidian knife likely used in sacrificial rituals. Any flesh cut from a living organism by SCP-034 that is applied to another organism will result in the latter’s appearance changing into the former.
Battlefield Summary: N/A
Additional Notes: Federal military leader captured and flesh sample removed with SCP-034 and applied to D-9482 to test capabilities for a Human to change into a xeno form. D-9482 expired mid-transition. Military leader interrogated for general information and subsequently terminated. SCP-034 still cannot alter an organism beyond its original species, regardless of sapience.
Usefulness: 1/5
Item #: SCP-035
Codename: Possessive Mask
Summarized Description: Sapient theatre mask that changes from comedy to tragedy, corresponding with current emotions. Highly corrosive liquid seeps from the eyes of the mask at all times. Capable of reading and influencing the thoughts nearby sapient organisms. SCP-035, when placed on the face of a Human, Human cadaver, or otherwise humanoid organism or figure, will take control of the subject and begin to converse. The subject will slowly decay the longer SCP-035 is applied. SCP-035 displays a highly charismatic and manipulative personality and is unusually knowledgeable about a variety of topics.
Battlefield Summary: N/A
Additional Notes: SCP-035 is currently being negotiated with. SCP-035 claims to hold knowledge of the Federation, including a “conspiracy” orchestrated by at least 2 member species. If negotiations are successful, SCP-035 could provide the Foundation with valuable insight into the workings of the Federation.
Usefulness: 2/5
Item #: SCP-036
Codename: The Reincarnation Pilgrimage of the Yazidi (Kiras Guhorîn)
Summarized Description: Annual event during which deceased followers of the Yazidi faith arrive via an unscheduled flight at Site-22A in Iraq and depart on a separate flight at Site-22B. This process is observed and protected by the Foundation. Considered to be the modern form of the Kiras Guhorîn. Expected to change in the near future to include modern starships.
Battlefield Summary: N/A
Additional Notes: SCP-036 is useless as a weapon and is to remain in containment.
Usefulness: 1/5
Item #: SCP-037
Codename: Dwarf Star
Summarized Description: Miniaturized main sequence star in its red giant phase, going through a highly accelerated stellar lifecycle. Expected to go supernova in the near future. Was transported off-planet in 2100.
Battlefield Summary: SCP-037 transported from its location in the outer Sol System and deposited in high orbit of a Federal capital planet. Approaching supernova is expected to cause an XK-Class “End-of-the-World” Scenario.
Additional Notes: SCP-037 pending reclassification to Neutralized once supernova occurs.
Usefulness: 4/5
Item #: SCP-038
Codename: The Everything Tree
Summarized Description: Apple tree capable of replicating any object or organism that makes contact with its bark. Replicated objects will never exceed 90.9 kg. Anomalous objects replicated by SCP-038 are often imperfect.
Battlefield Summary: N/A
Additional Notes: SCP-038 is being used to cheaply replicate weapons-of-mass-destruction but is otherwise useless as a weapon.
Usefulness: 2/5
Item #: SCP-039
Codename: Monkey Brain
Summarized Description: Collection of 23 proboscis monkeys (SCP-038-1) and one Human (SCP-038-A) with a complete lack of all facial features, created by the now-defunct Prometheus Labs. Instances display highly increased intelligance and are able to navigate their surroundings via echolocation.
Battlefield Summary: N/A
Additional Notes: SCP-038-A employed as a tactical advisor under the promise of a loosening of containment protocols for itself and all instances of SCP-038-1.
Usefulness: 2/5
Item #: SCP-040
Codename: Evolution’s Child
Summarized Description: Female human capable of altering the genetic code of organisms it comes into contact with.
Battlefield Summary: N/A
Additional Notes: SCP-040 willingly joined Operation 5000. SCP-040 currently being utilized to genetically enhance certain Mobile Task Force personnel.
Usefulness: 2/5
Item #: SCP-041
Codename: Thought-Broadcasting Patient
Summarized Description: Permanently paralyzed Human male capable of telepathy with nearby sapient subjects. Subjects within range can also have their thoughts “transmitted” with one another at SCP-041’s discretion.
Battlefield Summary: N/A
Additional Notes: SCP-041 has been used to extract information from high-ranking Federal personnel.
Usefulness: 2/5
Item #: SCP-042
Codename: A Formerly-Winged Horse
Summarized Description: Equine subject with winged appendages. Appendages were removed by Foundation personnel to simplify containment. Displays a depressive personality and must be force-fed food and water and motivated with pain to obey instructions. Displays mind-affecting properties in attempts to convince personnel to neutralize it.
Battlefield Summary: N/A
Additional Notes: SCP-042 is no use as a weapon and is to remain in containment.
Usefulness: 1/5
Item #: SCP-043
Codename: The Beatle
Summarized Description: Vinyl copy of “The White Album”. Capable of communicating with subjects who play the 29th track. Theorized to hold the consciousness of Paul McCartney, although unconfirmed.
Battlefield Summary: N/A
Additional Notes: SCP-043 is useless as a weapon and is to remain in containment.
Usefulness: 1/5
Item #: SCP-044
Codename: World War II Era Molecular-Fission Cannon
Summarized Description: Heavily modified World War II-era Howitzer. Any item placed in its barrel and fired will detonate at a mass-to-energy conversion ratio greater than 100%. Built by an/the Administrator.
Battlefield Summary: SCP-044 loaded with several tons of earth and fired into a city wall during an uncharacteristically difficult siege, terminating all resistance and causing massive damage to the city.
Additional Notes: SCP-044 blueprints have been obtained from the Administrator by the O5 Council and the item is to be mass produced. Further modifications for use as a space-based weapon are being considered.
Usefulness: 4/5
Item #: SCP-045
Codename: Atmospheric Converter
Summarized Description: Icosahedron composed of ice-12. Likely a 3-dimensional projection of a 4-dimensional hypericosahedron. Periodically rotates on multiple axes, causing minor seismic activity. When prevented from rotating, seismic activity will steadily increase. When gaseous nitrogen or argon come into close proximity with SCP-045, both substatnces will be converted into water and table salt respectively.
Battlefield Summary: SCP-045 placed on a Federal planet in a remote location and prevented from rotating. As of time of writing, SCP-045 has caused seismic activity reaching 9.5 on the Richter scale, causing massive damage. Planetary cracking is expected to occur within several weeks.
Additional Notes: SCP-045, should it be recovered after estimated XK-Class Scenario, is authorized for further use.
Usefulness: 4/5
Item #: SCP-046
Codename: “Predatory” Holly Bush
Summarized Description: Holly bush that consumes subjects who lay in its vicinity, lulling them to sleep with relief from physical/mental pain and feelings of relaxation and pleasure. Subjects are not compelled to sacrifice themselves and can resist temptations with ease. All subjects recorded to have been consumed by SCP-046 have willingly allowed the item to do so.
Battlefield Summary: N/A
Additional Notes: As SCP-046 cannot compel unwilling subjects into sacrificing themselves for consumption, it is useless as a weapon and is to remain in containment.
Usefulness: 1/5
Item #: SCP-047
Codename: Microbial Mutagen
Summarized Description: Gaseous substance with mutagenic properties on microorganisms. 3 strains affected by SCP-047 identified. Propionibacterium 047-A causes severe acne and sepsis with 40% fataility rate. Streptococcus 047-C causes inflammation, sepsis, and endocarditis with 35% fatality rate. Clostridium 047-A cause severe damage to internal organs, most notably the colon, with near 100% fatality rate.
Battlefield Summary: All SCP-047-affected strains of bacterium cannot be used against xeno life and are to remain in containment. SCP-047 dispersed among Federal cities and encampments, causing several fatal “superbugs” to mutate.
Additional Notes: Caution is to be taken to prevent SCP-047 from coming into contact with Terran microorganisms.
Usefulness: 3/5
Item #: SCP-048
Codename: The Cursed SCP Number
Summarized Description: All SCP objects assigned the 048 designation have invariably become lost, stolen, or accidentally neutralized, thus gathering a air of superstition among Foundation personnel and has such been locked from further use to prevent morale from falling. Believed to be non-anomalous, as the file describing this phenomenon has yet to suffer any adverse effects.
Battlefield Summary: N/A
Additional Notes: SCP-048 is likely non-anomalous and no action is to be taken.
Usefulness: 1/5
Item #: SCP-049
Codename: Plague Doctor
Summarized Description: Male humanoid covered in organic growth resembling a traditional plague doctor uniform and mask. Subjects who come into physical contact with SCP-049 may suddenly cease all life functions if SCP-049 so chooses. SCP-049 often performs surgery on corpses - preferably Humans - and crudly reanimates them in an attempt to cure them of a presumably supernatural “Pestilence.” The nature of this Pestilence is unknown, if it exists.
Battlefield Summary: SCP-049 allowed to reanimate deceased xeno subjects for the Foundation war effort.
Additional Notes: SCP-049 willingly joined Operatin 5000 after declaring that the xenos were also infected with the “Pestilence.”
[Does the Black Moon howl?]
[only when the White Sun rejoices]
[Does the Black Moon howl?]
[only when Waning]
[Does the Black Moon howl?]
[only when the Void calls forth]
SCP-049’s declaration has confirmed that non-Human species are indeed also victims of The Entity. Complete destruction of the Federation is necessary.
Usefulness: 2/5
submitted by Seeyouon_otherside to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:26 matt-IO Card design feedback request: Location cards

Card design feedback request: Location cards
While waiting between play testing I've decided to start mocking up concept cards for my mini resource management war game. Yesterday I shared some early work for the Discovery cards (action cards that help you progress in the game) and here's my first stab at the Location. These are what you will be Warping to (rolling a D20), buying if you can, and eventually Mining and Fighting over.
These cards start in the middle of the table, as they are bought are placed in front of the player. There's a total of 7 sets to own: 4 Planets (3 cards each) & 3 Moons (2 cards each). Here's the first 5 Location cards.
What do you think of the overall layout?
NOTE: This is AI filler art currently as the game is in early development.
Edit: Updated base on some feedback so far. Larger top stats, Planet icon instead of a circle, and a Location pin next to the location types.
submitted by matt-IO to tabletopgamedesign [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:33 astro_ZOMBIE138 [US][H] Panzer 4 Arcade Fight Stick, GAMES: Jamma NES SNES GB GBC GBA PS1 360 GBA clamshell cases [W] Paypal

Going through and slimming some of my stuff down.
Prices do not include shipping. Bundles can net discounts.
Accepting payment with Paypal F&F
Everything is first come, first serve. No holds on items. Once I receive payment the item is yours. Thank you!
All games are authentic and working, can provide more pictures if requested.
Panzer 4 Fight Stick from Jasen's Customs with extras - $450+shipping
More Pictures:
* Arcade PCB (Jamma): CPS1 1941 Counter Attack conversion in custom case $450 or $300 PCB's only * Arcade PCB(Jamma): Raiden Fighters for Seibu SPI (no mb) $150
[PS1: CIB](
* Qix Neo BL $13
Boxy Pixel Unhinged GBA SP red/black - $350
Gameboy Macro Black: $45 * helders flex amp * aftermarket shell/buttons
SNES: Loose * NHL 97 $10
NES: Loose * Platoon $7 * Gauntlet (Tengen) $9 * Super Mario Bros/ Duck Hunt $6
GB: loose * Bo Jackson $8 * NFL Football $2
GBC: loose * Driver $9 * Quest for Camelot $5 * Powerpuff Girls Battle Him $8 * Toy Story 2 $6
GBA Video: loose * GBA Video All Grown Up Volume 1 $6
GBA: loose * Backyard Baseball $6 * Backyard Sports Baseball 2007 $5 * Cabelas Big Game Hunter $5 * Cruis'n Velocity $10 * Danny Phantom The Ultimate Enemy $6 * Disney Princess $5 * Dora the Explorer Pirate Pigs Treasure $3 * Dora's World Adventure $3 * Duel Masters Kaijudo Showdown $10 * Finding Nemo the Continuing Adventures $7 * F-14 Tomcat $3 * Ford Racing 3 $5 * Froggers Adventures Temple of Frog $3 * Harry Potter Chamber of Secrets $8 * Hot Wheels All Out (no label) $4 * Iridion 3-D $5 * Lego Bionicle $6 * Monster Truck Madness $7 * Midnight Club $5 * Midways Greatest Arcade Hits $7 * Namco Museum $7 * Nicktoons Freeze Frame Frenzy $6 * Pac-Man: Classic NES Series $10 * Pac-Man Collection $5 * Peter Pan Return to Neverland $7 * Phalanx $20 * Power Rangers Wild Force (no label) $5 * Shark Tale/Shrek 2 2in1 $10 * Shrek Hassle at the Castle $5 * Spy Muppets License to Croak $6 * Spy Kids Challenger $6 * Spyhunter $10 * Tetris Worlds $11 * Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 (label damage) $4 * Tony Hawk's Underground 2 $5 * Trollz Hair Affair $3 * Wild Thornberrys Movie $5
Take all GBA/GB/GBC games for $200 shipped
GBA JP:Loose * JP Dragon Ball Z $10
[GBA Repro Cases:]( * Castlevania Aria of Sorrow * Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance * Castlevania Double Pack x2 * Castlevania NES Series * Castlevania Circle of the Moon x2 * Metroid Fusion * Metroid Zero Mission -$10 each or bundle for better price
GameGear: Loose * Sonic the Hedgehog & Sonic the Hedgehog 2 $15
PS2 - Cold Fear (no manual) - $40
XBox 360: * Gears of War 1,2,3, Judgement $20 * Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe $10
If you see something you like, let me know. I'm sure we can strike a deal!
submitted by astro_ZOMBIE138 to GameSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:45 GeoThePebble Intense lag while in front of the ship on modded moons

Is this a problem with the modded moons or some other mod messing with the game? Fps drops to like, 3, not exaggerating, when near the front of the ship. Worse: it happens if anyone is there, not just specifically me. Idk if this is the moons or not though. The moons in question are Wesley's Moons, seems to be any of them. It's obviously very problematic, especially on harder moons like Etern where Masked, Forest Keepers and Nutcrackers are literally everywhere outdoors.
Unfortunately, disabling the moons isn't an option, we find the vanilla ones insanely boring. Reasonably so, they are bland and have 2 extra copy pasted variants with different layouts. Meaning, 5 unique styles, yet 11 moons, and one of those uniques is a joke moon. Not too great... we like wesley's moons so much cause they're each unique and well designed, while still being fun to play in, sometimes hectic (like Etern), for the most part... a few are a little unfair.
Dropping to v49 again would also be annoying, seems issues keep happening from doing that. Not sure why, since it was the v49 uploads... but we noticed some weird bugs that never happened during v49 until we used previous version from steam properties. Idk.
submitted by GeoThePebble to lethalcompany [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:13 J-Red_dit The Good, The Bad, and The Curious

When you reach door 60 you can go through a crack wall and find yourself in a secret room that leads to The Rooms, a reference to a game of the same name that inspired Doors. When dying to an entity in this place, we are not greeted by Guiding Light (GL) but instead by the yellow Curious Light (CL). The behavior of CL is odd, it’s quite vague and generally less helpful than GL, but it does encourage the player to come back implying that it needs the players help for something. It is suspected that CL requires the player to be able to escape The Rooms because in the recent Backdoor update, upon leaving The Rooms or The Backdoor, the player exits through a doorframe covered in yellow cracks and stars.
Speaking of which, backtracking to Door 60 there is a painting that has no title of a large yellow star. It is suspected this star is a symbol that represents CL.
This painting hides more secrets however. Also in this room are 3 chairs placed together. As far as I remember, these chairs have always been in this room, and I thought of them as significant but with nothing to connect it to. This is no longer the case as of the modifiers update because now, if you enter this room with at least 1 modifier turned on, the painting changes to this:
Two more symbols appear on the painting, one of a blue crescent moon, and one of the red modifier icon. If CL is connected to the star icon, then who is connected to the other two? The crescent moon is obviously Guiding Light, sharing the same blue color and the crescent moon icon appearing when using the crucifix. The modifier icon however doesn’t belong to a light we’ve met yet, they have however made appearances. But first I need to talk about what the lights are, and what they want. When a player uses the crucifix, one of the symbols that appears is a closed string of wingdings, which when translated and put through a Caeser cipher translates to, “One Of The Three Architects Marked By Celestials Assists You”. Three architects, three icons, three chairs, three lights. So the lights are referred to as architects, but what does this mean? Game Theory believes the reason they are called Architects is the lights have the ability to change the layout of The Hotel, and GL uses this ability to turn The Hotel into a labyrinth keeping the hostile entities trapped inside.
In The Hotel the players goal is to make it to Door 100. The reason for this isn’t clear, but I speculate that in the upcoming Mines update there is some kind of escape from The Hotel for the player. Guiding Light seems to support the player in this endeavor, remembering the past deaths of players, which suggests that death itself is not an escape from The Hotel. El Goblino mentions other humans he has seen attempting to reach Door 100, so I believe that humans who become trapped in The Hotel need to reach The Mines in order to escape, and every time they die they reappear at the beginning of The Hotel and GL assists them each time. GL assists the player by glowing in certain areas to highlight them, items like the candle and the crucifix to defend against the enemies, and of course providing tips for dealing with the entities upon death. Finally I believe the rift in the Electrical Room that stores items to be used in another run is another power of GL (which is important later). Curious Light as already mentioned is less helpful than GL but nonetheless needs the player’s help in The Rooms. In the Backdoor update CL seems more acquainted with the player and more inclined to help, giving better tips, providing Starlight Vials with his star icon, and placing the levers in The Backdoor to keep Haste at bay further supporting the lights ability to change The Hotel as the Architects.
But what about the third architect, represented by the red modifier icon? With the evidence I have gathered, I believe this architect is a malevolent entity allied with the hostile entities. In a post by they suggest looking at the painting like a coordinate plane, with GL’s icon falling in the Positive, Positive section suggesting to symbolize GL as a force of good, CL falling dead center to symbolize neutrality, both of which makes a lot of sense given their personalities, and finally the modifier icon falling into the Negative, Negative section symbolizing our final architect as a force of evil. How do we prove this? First let’s look at the modifiers themselves, since this light is clearly connected to them. The modifiers are able to control the entities behavior, affect The Hotel, and even disable Guiding Light! This isn’t the only instance of modifiers affecting GL either, when modifiers are turned on GL is not present to give tips on the entities and the biggest piece of evidence suggesting rivalry between this architect and GL is that the more modifiers are turned on, the SMALLER GL’s icon gets in the painting.
(150% knobs multiplier for non-players)
Next we have the red barrier that blocks access to The Rooms when modifiers are turned on. We know this is an ability of the Architects because CL does the same thing for The Backdoor until players reach The Rooms for the first time. Why would the Red Light do this? I speculate it is because it (and GL) don’t have much control over areas like The Rooms or The Backdoor since you can’t use modifiers in those areas.
Finally I want to look at the Tower Heroes collab event. While the event itself is not canon to the lore, I want to point out an interesting detail from this event. When playing a Doors-themed level you typically are assisted by GL giving tips in between each wave of enemies. CL also makes an appearance in this event in Adventure mode giving hints to the secret Void boss fight. However, one particular Weekly Challenge during that event called, “Hotel Visitors” had the player assume the role of Figure defending the Library. This time, instead of GL giving tips we are assisted by something speaking in RED text, which the community referred to as Mischievous Light. They could have just as easily made GL talk during this challenge but they specifically chose to replace GL with something else. Not only that, they gave this Mischievous Light some personality, referring to the enemies as “trespassers”. It just fits so perfectly that I can’t help but believe it to be intentional.
Now that I’ve thoroughly explained the Red Light/Mischievous Light (ML), let’s circle back to Curious Light. Going back to the Door 60 painting, there is one more detail I’d like to discuss, and that is the fact that CL’s icon is much larger than GL’s or ML’s. I believe this is a representation of how powerful each Architect actually is. This is supported by GL’s icon shrinking when the player adds more modifiers, suggesting that they weaken GL. Furthermore GL and ML seem to possess a different set of powers, while CL seems to possess it’s own unique powers as well being able to replicate the other Architect’s. Like GL, Curious Light does glow on the entrance to and exits from The Rooms, and if we use the Bottle of Starlight bought at the end of The Backdoor on GL’s rift, it creates a second yellow rift. We don’t currently have any more similar powers between CL and ML besides the barriers they both create but I believe ML doesn’t consider CL an enemy like it does with GL (more on that in a second). Finally, only CL seems to be able to affect The Rooms and The Backdoor.
When dying to Blitz for the first time in The Backdoor we are greeted by Curious Light who drops a very strange detail:
We haven’t met anyone in The Hotel that’s been confirmed to be female so who could Curious Light be referring to here? The identity of this character is not yet clear, but the first candidate that people have suspected is Guiding Light, and sure on the surface that makes sense; they’re both Architects and we’ve seen them both talk but not necessarily to each other. But upon further inspection it doesn’t make sense for GL to be this character for one specific reason: the fact that this character decided to give Blitz a name. According to dialogue from GL and a tweet from the devs, the names of the entities in The Hotel were given by the player, NOT GL. If other humans have been to The Hotel then GL has been there for some time and has never bothered to give the entities names, so why would it start now? You know who’s more likely to give these entities names? Mischievous Light, the architect supposedly allied with these entities. This belief is shared by Game Theory, which I was super excited to see in their most recent theory.
So what is ML up to talking with CL? I believe that ML wants CL and possibly the player to join them. If CL is the most powerful architect and has dominion over The Rooms and The Backdoor, they would be a great ally to have. But what about the player? As we’ve discussed, despite CL’s power, they need the player’s help to access other areas, and in The Mines possibly will exist an escape from The Hotel that ONLY the player has the ability to open. If we take the Tower Heroes collab into consideration, ML initially sees players as “trespassers” and wants the entities to kill them. However, what if the modifiers are a test by ML to evaluate the player’s usefulness? Furthermore, not all modifiers are bad and actually make the game easier, so while ML definitely sees GL as an enemy, it may not be the same case for CL and the player. I speculate that Mischievous Light’s ultimate goal is to use the player to help the entities escape The Hotel, bringing death and destruction to whatever unfortunate world awaits behind the exit door.
But that’s just a theory, a DOORS THEORY! Thanks for reading!
submitted by J-Red_dit to RobloxDoors [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:12 J-Red_dit The Good, The Bad, and The Curious

When you reach door 60 you can go through a crack wall and find yourself in a secret room that leads to The Rooms, a reference to a game of the same name that inspired Doors. When dying to an entity in this place, we are not greeted by Guiding Light (GL) but instead by the yellow Curious Light (CL). The behavior of CL is odd, it’s quite vague and generally less helpful than GL, but it does encourage the player to come back implying that it needs the players help for something. It is suspected that CL requires the player to be able to escape The Rooms because in the recent Backdoor update, upon leaving The Rooms or The Backdoor, the player exits through a doorframe covered in yellow cracks and stars.
Speaking of which, backtracking to Door 60 there is a painting that has no title of a large yellow star. It is suspected this star is a symbol that represents CL.
This painting hides more secrets however. Also in this room are 3 chairs placed together. As far as I remember, these chairs have always been in this room, and I thought of them as significant but with nothing to connect it to. This is no longer the case as of the modifiers update because now, if you enter this room with at least 1 modifier turned on, the painting changes to this:
Two more symbols appear on the painting, one of a blue crescent moon, and one of the red modifier icon. If CL is connected to the star icon, then who is connected to the other two? The crescent moon is obviously Guiding Light, sharing the same blue color and the crescent moon icon appearing when using the crucifix. The modifier icon however doesn’t belong to a light we’ve met yet, they have however made appearances. But first I need to talk about what the lights are, and what they want. When a player uses the crucifix, one of the symbols that appears is a closed string of wingdings, which when translated and put through a Caeser cipher translates to, “One Of The Three Architects Marked By Celestials Assists You”. Three architects, three icons, three chairs, three lights. So the lights are referred to as architects, but what does this mean? Game Theory believes the reason they are called Architects is the lights have the ability to change the layout of The Hotel, and GL uses this ability to turn The Hotel into a labyrinth keeping the hostile entities trapped inside.
In The Hotel the players goal is to make it to Door 100. The reason for this isn’t clear, but I speculate that in the upcoming Mines update there is some kind of escape from The Hotel for the player. Guiding Light seems to support the player in this endeavor, remembering the past deaths of players, which suggests that death itself is not an escape from The Hotel. El Goblino mentions other humans he has seen attempting to reach Door 100, so I believe that humans who become trapped in The Hotel need to reach The Mines in order to escape, and every time they die they reappear at the beginning of The Hotel and GL assists them each time. GL assists the player by glowing in certain areas to highlight them, items like the candle and the crucifix to defend against the enemies, and of course providing tips for dealing with the entities upon death. Finally I believe the rift in the Electrical Room that stores items to be used in another run is another power of GL (which is important later). Curious Light as already mentioned is less helpful than GL but nonetheless needs the player’s help in The Rooms. In the Backdoor update CL seems more acquainted with the player and more inclined to help, giving better tips, providing Starlight Vials with his star icon, and placing the levers in The Backdoor to keep Haste at bay further supporting the lights ability to change The Hotel as the Architects.
But what about the third architect, represented by the red modifier icon? With the evidence I have gathered, I believe this architect is a malevolent entity allied with the hostile entities. In a post by u/BoeEye they suggest looking at the painting like a coordinate plane, with GL’s icon falling in the Positive, Positive section suggesting to symbolize GL as a force of good, CL falling dead center to symbolize neutrality, both of which makes a lot of sense given their personalities, and finally the modifier icon falling into the Negative, Negative section symbolizing our final architect as a force of evil. How do we prove this? First let’s look at the modifiers themselves, since this light is clearly connected to them. The modifiers are able to control the entities behavior, affect The Hotel, and even disable Guiding Light! This isn’t the only instance of modifiers affecting GL either, when modifiers are turned on GL is not present to give tips on the entities and the biggest piece of evidence suggesting rivalry between this architect and GL is that the more modifiers are turned on, the SMALLER GL’s icon gets in the painting.
(150% knobs multiplier for non-players)
Next we have the red barrier that blocks access to The Rooms when modifiers are turned on. We know this is an ability of the Architects because CL does the same thing for The Backdoor until players reach The Rooms for the first time. Why would the Red Light do this? I speculate it is because it (and GL) don’t have much control over areas like The Rooms or The Backdoor since you can’t use modifiers in those areas.
Finally I want to look at the Tower Heroes collab event. While the event itself is not canon to the lore, I want to point out an interesting detail from this event. When playing a Doors-themed level you typically are assisted by GL giving tips in between each wave of enemies. CL also makes an appearance in this event in Adventure mode giving hints to the secret Void boss fight. However, one particular Weekly Challenge during that event called, “Hotel Visitors” had the player assume the role of Figure defending the Library. This time, instead of GL giving tips we are assisted by something speaking in RED text, which the community referred to as Mischievous Light. They could have just as easily made GL talk during this challenge but they specifically chose to replace GL with something else. Not only that, they gave this Mischievous Light some personality, referring to the enemies as “trespassers”. It just fits so perfectly that I can’t help but believe it to be intentional.
Now that I’ve thoroughly explained the Red Light/Mischievous Light (ML), let’s circle back to Curious Light. Going back to the Door 60 painting, there is one more detail I’d like to discuss, and that is the fact that CL’s icon is much larger than GL’s or ML’s. I believe this is a representation of how powerful each Architect actually is. This is supported by GL’s icon shrinking when the player adds more modifiers, suggesting that they weaken GL. Furthermore GL and ML seem to possess a different set of powers, while CL seems to possess it’s own unique powers as well being able to replicate the other Architect’s. Like GL, Curious Light does glow on the entrance to and exits from The Rooms, and if we use the Bottle of Starlight bought at the end of The Backdoor on GL’s rift, it creates a second yellow rift. We don’t currently have any more similar powers between CL and ML besides the barriers they both create but I believe ML doesn’t consider CL an enemy like it does with GL (more on that in a second). Finally, only CL seems to be able to affect The Rooms and The Backdoor.
When dying to Blitz for the first time in The Backdoor we are greeted by Curious Light who drops a very strange detail:
We haven’t met anyone in The Hotel that’s been confirmed to be female so who could Curious Light be referring to here? The identity of this character is not yet clear, but the first candidate that people have suspected is Guiding Light, and sure on the surface that makes sense; they’re both Architects and we’ve seen them both talk but not necessarily to each other. But upon further inspection it doesn’t make sense for GL to be this character for one specific reason: the fact that this character decided to give Blitz a name. According to dialogue from GL and a tweet from the devs, the names of the entities in The Hotel were given by the player, NOT GL. If other humans have been to The Hotel then GL has been there for some time and has never bothered to give the entities names, so why would it start now? You know who’s more likely to give these entities names? Mischievous Light, the architect supposedly allied with these entities. This belief is shared by Game Theory, which I was super excited to see in their most recent theory.
So what is ML up to talking with CL? I believe that ML wants CL and possibly the player to join them. If CL is the most powerful architect and has dominion over The Rooms and The Backdoor, they would be a great ally to have. But what about the player? As we’ve discussed, despite CL’s power, they need the player’s help to access other areas, and in The Mines possibly will exist an escape from The Hotel that ONLY the player has the ability to open. If we take the Tower Heroes collab into consideration, ML initially sees players as “trespassers” and wants the entities to kill them. However, what if the modifiers are a test by ML to evaluate the player’s usefulness? Furthermore, not all modifiers are bad and actually make the game easier, so while ML definitely sees GL as an enemy, it may not be the same case for CL and the player. I speculate that Mischievous Light’s ultimate goal is to use the player to help the entities escape The Hotel, bringing death and destruction to whatever unfortunate world awaits behind the exit door.
But that’s just a theory, a DOORS THEORY! Thanks for reading!
submitted by J-Red_dit to doors_roblox [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:39 cutieoak Games like the original Farmville without energy/p2w? (+what I am/am not looking for)

I've looked at other people's questions and reccomendations on this sub. I am not looking for Stardew Valley, Harvest Moon, Runescape, Farm RPG, Farm Simulator, etc. Don't get me wrong, I love Stardew Valley, most Harvest Moon games, every Rune Factory, etc. But those are not the same. I really disliked and felt overwhelmed by Farm RPG, and it removes everything I like about these kinds of games.
It needs to be in an isometric view, and I don't want to control a character. So far the closest to what I am looking for is Township, but I don't like time gated crafting grind. I want to be able to sit down and play for hours if I want, without being pressured to spend premium currency. I love town layout decorating in Township, so every building and decoration needs to be movable. Being able to do minor terraforming like in Township would be a plus also.
I guess I'm wondering if there is a game out there that does exactly what Township does, but better?
submitted by cutieoak to AndroidGaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:35 ZombAi89 Crashed B Class Sentinel ship. Black/dark yellow. Fang/Volt/Mandible/Short Spine/Flap & Turbine/Wedge/Horn

Crashed B Class Sentinel ship. Black/dark yellow. Fang/Volt/Mandible/Short Spine/Flap & Turbine/Wedge/Horn
Pulsating luminescent plants and grass on a dissonant moon. Upgraded to S-Class for science, and not terrible supercharged slot layout. C-class natural sentinel multitool not worth showing.
submitted by ZombAi89 to NMSCoordinateExchange [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:12 J-Red_dit Roblox DOORS: The Good, The Bad, and The Curious

Roblox DOORS: The Good, The Bad, and The Curious
When you reach door 60 you can go through a crack wall and find yourself in a secret room that leads to The Rooms, a reference to a game of the same name that inspired Doors. When dying to an entity in this place, we are not greeted by Guiding Light (GL) but instead by the yellow Curious Light (CL). The behavior of CL is odd, it’s quite vague and generally less helpful than GL, but it does encourage the player to come back implying that it needs the players help for something. It is suspected that CL requires the player to be able to escape The Rooms because in the recent Backdoor update, upon leaving The Rooms or The Backdoor, the player exits through a doorframe covered in yellow cracks and stars.
Speaking of which, backtracking to Door 60 there is a painting that has no title of a large yellow star. It is suspected this star is a symbol that represents CL.
This painting hides more secrets however. Also in this room are 3 chairs placed together. As far as I remember, these chairs have always been in this room, and I thought of them as significant but with nothing to connect it to. This is no longer the case as of the modifiers update because now, if you enter this room with at least 1 modifier turned on, the painting changes to this:
Two more symbols appear on the painting, one of a blue crescent moon, and one of the red modifier icon. If CL is connected to the star icon, then who is connected to the other two? The crescent moon is obviously Guiding Light, sharing the same blue color and the crescent moon icon appearing when using the crucifix. The modifier icon however doesn’t belong to a light we’ve met yet, they have however made appearances. But first I need to talk about what the lights are, and what they want. When a player uses the crucifix, one of the symbols that appears is a closed string of wingdings, which when translated and put through a Caeser cipher translates to, “One Of The Three Architects Marked By Celestials Assists You”. Three architects, three icons, three chairs, three lights. So the lights are referred to as architects, but what does this mean? Game Theory believes the reason they are called Architects is the lights have the ability to change the layout of The Hotel, and GL uses this ability to turn The Hotel into a labyrinth keeping the hostile entities trapped inside.
In The Hotel the players goal is to make it to Door 100. The reason for this isn’t clear, but I speculate that in the upcoming Mines update there is some kind of escape from The Hotel for the player. Guiding Light seems to support the player in this endeavor, remembering the past deaths of players, which suggests that death itself is not an escape from The Hotel. El Goblino mentions other humans he has seen attempting to reach Door 100, so I believe that humans who become trapped in The Hotel need to reach The Mines in order to escape, and every time they die they reappear at the beginning of The Hotel and GL assists them each time. GL assists the player by glowing in certain areas to highlight them, items like the candle and the crucifix to defend against the enemies, and of course providing tips for dealing with the entities upon death. Finally I believe the rift in the Electrical Room that stores items to be used in another run is another power of GL (which is important later). Curious Light as already mentioned is less helpful than GL but nonetheless needs the player’s help in The Rooms. In the Backdoor update CL seems more acquainted with the player and more inclined to help, giving better tips, providing Starlight Vials with his star icon, and placing the levers in The Backdoor to keep Haste at bay further supporting the lights ability to change The Hotel as the Architects.
But what about the third architect, represented by the red modifier icon? With the evidence I have gathered, I believe this architect is a malevolent entity allied with the hostile entities. In a post by u/BoeEye they suggest looking at the painting like a coordinate plane, with GL’s icon falling in the Positive, Positive section suggesting to symbolize GL as a force of good, CL falling dead center to symbolize neutrality, both of which makes a lot of sense given their personalities, and finally the modifier icon falling into the Negative, Negative section symbolizing our final architect as a force of evil. How do we prove this? First let’s look at the modifiers themselves, since this light is clearly connected to them. The modifiers are able to control the entities behavior, affect The Hotel, and even disable Guiding Light! This isn’t the only instance of modifiers affecting GL either, when modifiers are turned on GL is not present to give tips on the entities and the biggest piece of evidence suggesting rivalry between this architect and GL is that the more modifiers are turned on, the SMALLER GL’s icon gets in the painting.
(150% knobs multiplier for non-players)
Next we have the red barrier that blocks access to The Rooms when modifiers are turned on. We know this is an ability of the Architects because CL does the same thing for The Backdoor until players reach The Rooms for the first time. Why would the Red Light do this? I speculate it is because it (and GL) don’t have much control over areas like The Rooms or The Backdoor since you can’t use modifiers in those areas.
Finally I want to look at the Tower Heroes collab event. While the event itself is not canon to the lore, I want to point out an interesting detail from this event. When playing a Doors-themed level you typically are assisted by GL giving tips in between each wave of enemies. CL also makes an appearance in this event in Adventure mode giving hints to the secret Void boss fight. However, one particular Weekly Challenge during that event called, “Hotel Visitors” had the player assume the role of Figure defending the Library. This time, instead of GL giving tips we are assisted by something speaking in RED text, which the community referred to as Mischievous Light. They could have just as easily made GL talk during this challenge but they specifically chose to replace GL with something else. Not only that, they gave this Mischievous Light some personality, referring to the enemies as “trespassers”. It just fits so perfectly that I can’t help but believe it to be intentional.
Now that I’ve thoroughly explained the Red Light/Mischievous Light (ML), let’s circle back to Curious Light. Going back to the Door 60 painting, there is one more detail I’d like to discuss, and that is the fact that CL’s icon is much larger than GL’s or ML’s. I believe this is a representation of how powerful each Architect actually is. This is supported by GL’s icon shrinking when the player adds more modifiers, suggesting that they weaken GL. Furthermore GL and ML seem to possess a different set of powers, while CL seems to possess it’s own unique powers as well being able to replicate the other Architect’s. Like GL, Curious Light does glow on the entrance to and exits from The Rooms, and if we use the Bottle of Starlight bought at the end of The Backdoor on GL’s rift, it creates a second yellow rift. We don’t currently have any more similar powers between CL and ML besides the barriers they both create but I believe ML doesn’t consider CL an enemy like it does with GL (more on that in a second). Finally, only CL seems to be able to affect The Rooms and The Backdoor.
When dying to Blitz for the first time in The Backdoor we are greeted by Curious Light who drops a very strange detail:
We haven’t met anyone in The Hotel that’s been confirmed to be female so who could Curious Light be referring to here? The identity of this character is not yet clear, but the first candidate that people have suspected is Guiding Light, and sure on the surface that makes sense; they’re both Architects and we’ve seen them both talk but not necessarily to each other. But upon further inspection it doesn’t make sense for GL to be this character for one specific reason: the fact that this character decided to give Blitz a name. According to dialogue from GL and a tweet from the devs, the names of the entities in The Hotel were given by the player, NOT GL. If other humans have been to The Hotel then GL has been there for some time and has never bothered to give the entities names, so why would it start now? You know who’s more likely to give these entities names? Mischievous Light, the architect supposedly allied with these entities. This belief is shared by Game Theory, which I was super excited to see in their most recent theory.
So what is ML up to talking with CL? I believe that ML wants CL and possibly the player to join them. If CL is the most powerful architect and has dominion over The Rooms and The Backdoor, they would be a great ally to have. But what about the player? As we’ve discussed, despite CL’s power, they need the player’s help to access other areas, and in The Mines possibly will exist an escape from The Hotel that ONLY the player has the ability to open. If we take the Tower Heroes collab into consideration, ML initially sees players as “trespassers” and wants the entities to kill them. However, what if the modifiers are a test by ML to evaluate the player’s usefulness? Furthermore, not all modifiers are bad and actually make the game easier, so while ML definitely sees GL as an enemy, it may not be the same case for CL and the player. I speculate that Mischievous Light’s ultimate goal is to use the player to help the entities escape The Hotel, bringing death and destruction to whatever unfortunate world awaits behind the exit door.
But that’s just a theory, a DOORS THEORY! Thanks for reading!
submitted by J-Red_dit to GameTheorists [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 19:33 Relative-Obscurity I was invited to play the Games in the Woods. And what I saw out there will haunt me forever.

Link to original nosleep post:
When I was very young, my grandfather used to always tell me to stay out of the woods behind our house.
"Legend has it, that there's something terrible in there." He'd say, pointing to the trees behind our home with his only arm, the other of which he'd told me he had lost in the war. "And no one who goes in, ever comes back the same."
But I never took his warnings very seriously, given his age, and hard life, writing them off as the ramblings of a senile and bitter old man.
At least until a few years later, when, at the age of ten, I was told by my mother that my grandfather had passed…
...And had left me a parting gift.
It was a crumpled envelope with the word "Bobby" scribbled onto the back, sealed with more tape than an envelope needed sealing.
Inside, was a folded piece of paper, which, upon unfolding, I noticed my grandfather had sketched the layout of what looked like three games.
Beside the first two games, he had written instructions for what looked like how to beat them.
"Don't go in the box."
"Don’t run."
Beside the third, were a couple more notes.
"Don’t lift it alone."
"This is as far as I made it, before I lost my arm."
And at the very bottom of the page, Grandpa had addressed me directly.
"Bobby, if you receive an invitation to play the games in the woods, do not accept it. Run as far away as you can. But in the event you end up there anyway, may these instructions help you finish what I started."
Games in the woods? I thought to myself. After all the warnings, and all the lectures, Grandpa was trying to protect me from games?
I found the whole thing quite silly, and resolved to put it out of my mind.
And so, that's exactly what I did, burying away both the loss of my Grandfather, and the gift that he had left for me, for four long years.
That is, until, at the age of fourteen, when I was a freshman in high school, I received a scroll on my doorstep, tied together with a thorny vine.
After carefully unraveling it, I discovered an invite to the very games that my Grandfather had warned me about, grotesquely handwritten in ink.
Join us in the forest behind your house tonight, to compete in the games in the woods.
Don't be late. The games will begin promptly at midnight."
I laughed out loud and immediately tore up the scroll on the spot.
But who could be the one pranking me? I wondered. Surely my mom wasn't in on it? Who could have known about the invitation that my Grandfather referenced? Maybe my Uncle Frank? He's always been a jokester. Yes, it must be Uncle Frank.
And on that note, I went about my day, and completely forgot about the scroll.
That is, until later that night, when, while fast asleep, I suddenly felt myself torn from my bed, stuffed into what felt like a canvas satchel, and dragged out my window and, from the sound of it, what must have been through the woods behind my house.
The whole time, I tried my best to kick and scream…
"This isn't funny, Uncle Frank! I know what you're up to!"
...But Uncle Frank, or so I thought, was much too strong to break free from, and the next thing I knew, I found myself dropped into the middle of the forest, and my satchel ripped away.
"Uncle Frank?" I called out, unable to see my surroundings in the dark.
Until my eyes adjusted, and I looked up to find a hooded figure, wearing a tattered brown cloak and holding a burning torch that illuminated everything around him, save for what lay under his shadowy hood.
What the heck? I thought to myself. That's not Uncle Frank.
The shrouded man said no words, and simply pointed to a footbridge, lit by torchlight, not far away, and gestured for me to cross it.
Realizing now that this wasn't Uncle Frank's doing, and in turn, that the letter, and my Grandfather's warning, must both be real, I began shaking in fear and, not knowing what else to do, obeyed the hooded figure's order.
When I got to the other side, I found myself surrounded by what must have been twenty of the hooded man's kin, all holding torches, and encircling a glen in the forest, where the moon and the stars could now be seen in the night sky.
And in the center of the glen, were four poor souls. Kids like me, who must have also received the invitation, or been dragged here against their will, or both. Kids, from my high school, that I recognized.
There was Brad Ashworth, our class valedictorian, in a sweater vest, khakis, and boots, clearly prepared for the occasion…
...Caitlin Sullivan, whom many kids called a nerd, geek, dweeb, and weirdo, but whom I found to be perfectly normal, wearing a pair of overalls and round, wire frame glasses…
...Colin Richardson, in a running suit, a jock, known for excelling at at least three sports, football, track, and basketball..
...And none other than Milton Dugan, the biggest bully in school, best known for using his sheer size to jam freshmen into lockers, wearing a pair of polka dot pajamas.
"Shut up, loser." He called out to me, noticing the smile on my face when I saw what he was wearing.
"What do you think they are?" Colin asked me, pointing to the hooded figures.
"I have no idea. But I don't think they're friendly." I replied.
Until Caitlin chimed in, "They're Druids, idiots."
"Whatever they are, I'm not scared of them." Brad added.
That's when it hit me.
Who would bring five high school students out into the middle of the woods to teach them a lesson? Well, teachers of course. That must be it! Teachers! Yes, it's teachers under those hoods!
But before I could continue to dwell on my epiphany, we were all suddenly interrupted, by the sound of a loud howl emanating from the forest.
And then…
...An old man with a white beard came hobbling out of the woods, walking stick in one hand, and an object that I couldn’t identify in his other.
It was only when he reached the center of the glen, and stopped just a few feet away from us, that I noticed he was missing something…
...The reflection of light in his eyes.
And upon further observation, it became apparent…
...That he had no eyes at all.
What the? I thought to myself, before gasping, as the old man began to speak.
"Invited ones. You stand before me tonight, under the light of the moon, with a great challenge before you. A challenge that only comes around every seventy-five years. Each of you, were hand picked to play these games tonight, for each of you represent a unique virtue. Five virtues put to the same test, to see which will overcome all others. The winner, will be awarded the greatest prize of all. While the losers, will pay a heavy price."
The other four kids and I turned to each other with looks of confusion, then turned back to the old man, who continued.
"But before we begin. Which of you, knows for a fact, that you are the best player among us? Which of you, is so brave, so courageous, so sure of your abilities, that you'll volunteer to step into the box?" He asked, pointing to an area of the glen, that had been covered in darkness, but until the Druids lit it with torchlight.
It was a wooden box, about the size of a telephone booth, completely enclosed with what appeared to be a door on one side and a metal latch to open it.
The Box! I thought to myself, remembering my Grandfather's letter, outlining three games, and assuming the first of which was this one.
"Don't go in the box.”
Easy enough. I mused, looking over at the other kids, waiting for one of them to heed the call instead, until…
"It's me. I'm the smartest, and the most talented one here. I'll do it." Brad called out, raising his hand, before turning back to us, "Cowards."
"Very well," The old man replied, walking over to the box, opening the door, and gesturing for him to enter.
And so he did.
Oh no. I thought to myself, as all of us kids cringed in anticipation of something unspeakable happening inside.
But after a minute, the old man simply walked back over to the door, opened it, and let Brad out.
He came proudly walking out of it, chest in the air, with a smug smile on his face, and belted out the words. "See! Nothing to fear, fraidy cats."
Despite his obnoxious comment, we all let out a sigh of relief.
Until suddenly, a few of the druids grabbed Brad by the arms, and pinned him to the box.
"What's going on? What are you doing?" Our valedictorian cried out, unsure of what exactly was happening.
The hooded men proceeded to pry open his jaws with their hands, as the old man hobbled over to him, revealing the object in his hand… a sharp, silver sword.
But before any of us could react, the old druid had already reached into Brad's mouth, cut off his tongue, and held it up for all to see.
Brad began crying and wailing, blood spraying from his mouth, as the druids let him go and he fell to the ground, arms flailing in pain.
Meanwhile, the rest of us kids just stood there, wide eyed in fear, unable to comprehend what we had just seen.
"That was Game One." The old man called out to us. "Let it be a lesson, that your greatest strengths can also be your greatest weaknesses. In this case, confidence begets arrogance. Now, take him away."
Upon his command, two druids ran over to Brad, who was now passed out, picked him up, and carried him away into the woods.
"Let's move on to Game Two, shall we?" The eyeless old man continued, leading us, and the other druids, out of the glen, into the forest, down a torchlit path, and to a massive field, illuminated by the moonlight.
He then took his staff, stuck it into the ground, and carved a long line in the dirt.
"Will the remaining players please stand behind the line."
Still in shock from what had just happened, we all obeyed his command, lining up before the line in the dirt, which separated us from the football field sized lawn.
"Are you gonna hurt one of us again?" Milton called out, puffing out his chest. "Cause I'm not afraid of you guys, and I’m fully capable of defending myself!"
The old man ignored his rant, and continued on with his own, "The rules of the second game are simple. When I say go, you're to run with the wolves."
"Wolves?" Caitlin whispered to me, trying to understand he meant.
Just then, a group of druids emerged from the forest, leading four ravenous wolves on leashes to the field behind us, each of them drooling at the mouth while howling and growling at us maniacally.
Caitlin and I shared a brief look of horror, before the eyeless man stepped aside and called out, "Go!"
Colin was the first one to sprint off into the field, followed by Caitlin, and then, what would have been me, but when I began to dart away, something jutted out in front of my legs and tripped me to the ground.
Confused by what had happened, I looked up from the dirt to see Milton hopping over me…
...As I realized that it must have been he who had tripped me, and saw the Druids unleash the four wolves.
I hopped up to my feet and attempted to run again, but before they hit the ground, the wolves had already caught up to me.
In that moment, I closed my eyes and braced for the worst, but when I opened them again, I saw that they had run right past me, seemingly in pursuit of the others up ahead.
But as I continued to watch the wolves run away, I noticed that they soon passed Milton too, and then Caitlin, finally making their way to Colin, who was running so fast, that he disappeared into whatever lay beyond the field.
And then, the feral dogs stopped running, just before the end of the field, and began howling and growling again, and they looked down at something below them.
Eventually catching up with the others and making my way to the end of the field, Caitlin, Milton, and myself finally saw what had happened to Colin.
There, at the end of the field, was a great pit, and at the bottom, was the star athlete himself, writhing in pain and begging for our help.
"Help me!" Colin called out, clenching his legs, which must have broken from the fall.
"Does anyone have a rope or anything we can lower down to him?" Caitlin asked.
But the druids had just arrived, and were already lowering one down to Colin.
And by the time they pulled him up, still screaming out in pain, the old eyeless druid had arrived, ready to greet him.
"Why would you put a pit at the end of the race?" Colin screamed, as he lay helpless on the ground.
"You said to run from the wolves."
"I said to run with the wolves, not from them. They mean no harm, just look at your friends here. But you. You got ahead of yourself. And for that, there is a price." The old man warned.
"Price? I already broke my legs." Colin replied.
"Well now, we take them." The eyeless man said ominously, before the druids surrounded Colin and held him down, as another approached him holding a giant scythe, its blade glimmering in the moonlight.
"Wait! No!" He cried out.
But it was too late. In an instant, one of his legs was gone. Severed from his body by the swinging scythe, as blood sprayed everywhere, and Colin screamed in agony.
A second later, I saw Caitlin remove her glasses and wipe the blood from them, before putting them back on and continuing to watch on silently in horror.
"What is wrong with you guys?" Milton called out, clenching his fists and pacing around in a threatening fashion.
For a moment, I thought about cursing out Milton for tripping me, but then I realized he had actually saved me.
And that's when I remembered my Grandfather's second clue.
"Don't run."
He was right again.
"Take him away." The old man said for a second time, as a group of druids walked over and proceeded to carry Colin off into the woods, before turning to Milton, Caitlin, and myself.
"And now for Game Three."
He then led us back into the forest, and down a rocky path that hugged a winding stream.
At the end of the path, we came to a clearing between the trees, where we saw two giant boulders, each nearly the size of a person, placed side by side on the ground.
"For this game, you have an option. Lift a boulder yourself, or pick a teammate to help you lift it. The person or team who holds it the longest, wins. And the one who's first to drop it, loses. Understand?"
Milton, Caitlin, and I all looked at each other for a moment, as we weighed the options.
But suddenly, I remembered my Grandfather’s third instruction.
"Don’t lift it alone."
And before Milton could utter a word, I ran over to Caitlin.
"Caitlin and I will be a team." I declared, as she smiled, and put her arm around my shoulder.
"But what about me?" Milton asked, offended by being the odd man out, before correcting himself. "Actually, you know what? Fine! I'm stronger than both of you combined anyway. This will be your own undoing, dorks! I'll compete by myself."
"Very well," the old man called out, as he stood between the two stones. "When I say go, lift the boulders up off the ground, for as long as you can."
Caitlin and I crouched down and gripped the boulder from below, then looked at each other.
"We got this." I assured her with a smile.
"We got this." She replied, smiling back.
Meanwhile, Milton was scrambling to grasp onto his boulder, and began begging for more time. "Just a second, I swear. This boulder's heavier on one side and it's just-"
But before he could continue, the old man raised his staff and called out, "Go!" at the top of his lungs.
Caitlin and I carefully and calmly lifted our boulder, and despite its heavy weight, strained ourselves to keep it elevated above the ground.
But Milton was not as lucky. From the very beginning, he was doomed, as he still hadn't secured his grip on the rock when the old man yelled "Go!" and bumbled when he lifted it up, catching it in hands, but in an position that looked much too uncomfortable for him sustain.
And as the stone slowly began to slip out of his arms, Milton looked over at Caitlin and I with a sour face and mumbled, "You screwed me, losers."
"Maybe if you weren't such a dick, Milton, someone might have chosen you." I replied, in an attempt to drive home the reason why he had lost.
Milton tried to think of a clever retort, "You know what, Bobby-" but before he could finish his sentence, it was too late. The stone had fallen to the ground. He stopped what he was saying and looked down at it, a look of fear washing over his face.
And as the druids began to surround him, rather than threaten them like he had in the past, Milton began to cry. "Please don't hurt me! Please, I'll do anything!"
But it was too late. The druids dragged Milton to the stump of a tree and laid his arm down upon it, as another swung an ax high above his head, and brought it slicing down through Milton's arm, leaving him with a stump of his own.
As he saw the blood pouring out of his appendage, Milton began to scream, until his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he eventually passed out.
And for a third time, the eyeless old man called out, "Take him away."
Now, only Caitlin and I remained. Together we stood there in silence, arms around each other, as Milton's limp body was carried off into the woods.
"Which brings us to Game Four," the old druid began, "Perhaps the simplest of all. For this game is decided by you and you alone. When I say go, you'll have one minute to come to a decision on who will be the winner, and who will be the loser."
Caitlin replied "Wait-"
But before she could continue, the old man interrupted her, commencing the final game, "Go!"
Caitlin and I huddled together in the woods, as the old man, and the druids, encircled us, waiting for us to come to a consensus.
"Wait, what do we do?" Caitlin whispered.
"I don't know." I whispered back.
"Should we choose both of us as the winners?"
"No, we'd be breaking the rules. He specified a winner and a loser. They'll punish us both. We need to choose one."
"But that means one of us, will suffer the same fate as the others."
"I don't know if we have any other choice.”
"Then how should we decide?"
"I don't know."
"Wait," Caitlin said, as she reached into the pocket of her overalls and removed a coin. "If you're okay with it. A coin toss would be fair. Totally up to chance.”
"It would be fair. Let's do it. But quick." I replied, knowing our minute would soon end.
"Then you choose. Heads or tails." She offered up.
"Okay. Um... heads!" I replied quickly.
And like that, Caitlin held out her fist…
...Dropped the coin…
...Towards the forest floor below…
...Time suddenly slowing…
...As it descended towards the ground…
...And spinning…
…And spinning…
We both crouched down, and saw the result that would seal our fate forever…
I had won.
Caitlin looked up at me, her eyes wide, and her mouth agape, as tears began to roll down her cheeks.
"I'm sorry." I whispered.
"It's okay." She whispered back.
And then…
...The old man spoke.
"Your time is up. What is your decision? Who is the winner, and who is the loser?"
Both Caitlin and my heads hung low, as she began to speak, "I'm the-"
"Winner." I interrupted, as she looked at me, completely surprised by what I had said. "She's the winner, and I'm the loser."
"But Bobby-" She whispered.
"Save yourself. Don't worry about me." I insisted, whispering back to her, as the old man approached us.
"Very well." He said, holding his wrinkled hand out to Caitlin, who accepted it in hers.
And so, he escorted her away, off into the woods, hobbling on his wooden staff, until they disappeared into the night.
And as for me. I… well I was left there in the dark, surrounded by a dozen druids, who slowly closed in on me.
I didn't know what to do so I, accepting my fate, simply closed my eyes and braced for the worst…
...But similar to what had come of the impending doom of the howling wolves...
...Nothing happened.
I opened my eyes, to find one of the druids standing before me.
"Congratulations..." He said, in an ominous voice, "...On winning the games."
"What?" I asked, confused how that could be possible. "I don't understand. I voted for Caitlin to be the winner."
"Yes, you did." He replied, "But humility is the virtue that always wins the games. Your selfless act, sacrificing your own life for that of another's, is why you won."
"And what do I win?" I asked, not knowing what else to say.
"Just as the keeper of the games had stated, the greatest prize of all..." He said, "..Life."
"And what about Caitlin? What will become of her?"
"That is still yet to be decided. But you will find out soon enough."
Any sort of relief that I had felt immediately disappeared, and my heart sank, as I realized that by volunteering my own life to save Caitlin's, I may have actually cost her hers.
"Wait," I called out, "Let me take her place. Please."
But before I could continue, I felt the druids shove a giant canvas satchel over me, just as they'd done earlier that night, before whisking me away into the forest.
They must have knocked me out after that, because when I came to, I found myself back in my bedroom, lying face first on the cold, wooden floor.
The next day at school, I raced to Caitlin's locker, and then her home room, desperately hoping to see her face, hoping to put my mind at ease…
...But she never showed up. That day… or ever again.
And as for Brad, Colin, and Milton, their claims about how they lost their respective body parts, despite being substantiated by me, were all written off by police, parents, and teachers alike as foolish accidents, when no such games were ever found in the woods.
Years later, as my wife and I discuss having a child, I find myself wondering if I'll ever have a grandchild of my own…
...If they, too, will be invited to play the games in the woods, the next time the druids come around…
...And if Caitlin will be one of them.
submitted by Relative-Obscurity to relativeobscurity [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 15:43 Ylcomsaw Week 22 Challenge moon layout (Eot-49)

Week 22 Challenge moon layout (Eot-49) submitted by Ylcomsaw to lethalcompany [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 16:00 BrodogIsMyName Frontier Fantasy - Chap 38

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Edited by sensei WaveOfWire
- - - - -
Everything had gone exceptionally well for the farmer, despite the daunting task forced into her talons. Kegara had ordered her to begin a march east in search of the expected banished by sunrise—not alone, but in a group of fourteen others. She thought it was too many for such a task, and would assuredly catch the ire of the abhorrent; the more Malkrin present, the more creatures would pursue them…
It was a risk. One she was willing to take if her beloved was safe, but he pleaded for her to find a way to avoid it. Unfortunately, were she to stay, it would land her in the worst of Kegara's rage. The orange-skinned female would have been made a gruesome example for those who disobeyed, tied up in the center of the camp and… She did not wish to think of what ghastly fate would have awaited her.
So, in the dark of night, her and the baker’s plan of escape was struck. Perhaps it was foolish to leave their safety behind, but considering the blood-moon and forced orders, was it truly ‘safe?’ They would gather their pitiful belongings and set off in the direction of the previously ostracized members—the water worshiper, and four others. There was little hope of finding them, less so after the blood-moon, but with so few of them, there was still a chance they evaded the beasts and the warped oddities of the mainland altogether. Maybe if the field hand and her mate could find them, they could start their own settlement. At least, those were her thoughts when she set out…
Her initial reaction to being thrust into the open wilderness was nothing short of horror. Indistinct animalistic screeches, otherworldly hums, and unsettling creaks from trees sent chills down her spine throughout the night. Hazy shadows underneath the dim moonlight crawled like creatures, stalking… prowling around the mated pair. Every step she made was made in pure uncertainty, every pace bringing her further into an abyss of unseen nightmares. Maybe Kegara would not have punished her so severely… Maybe it would have been best to stay where it was safe.
But, she continued. She stayed strong. She had to.
They had already ventured too far, and it was her job to protect her love. Her tail wrapped possessively around his waist as he stuck close to her. Morning would break soon, and they would be far away from the brutish paladin… Free to start anew. It would be difficult, but the two of them were far from incapable of fending for themselves; they learned enough in the way of survival from their time on the mainland and their respective professions, despite both being from the Golden City.
- - - - -
They were able to survive the night, persevering well into the day by making crude implements and harvesting what they could. They had even managed to discover a large cave perfect for their habitation! It was dry and large enough for a fire, though it went deeper than expected. Food and cooking arrangements were their prerogatives, so they elected not to scour it any further as it would only be a waste of their time. They worked tirelessly until the sun set beyond the red expanse of trees. Her love busied himself with making the smooth gray walls into a home by gathering small resources and forming makeshift beddings, while she had gone out to hunt. By the luck of the Mountain God, she managed to bring back not one but two feathered creatures, each of which were more than plump enough to feed the mated pair for the evening.
Her aching feet patted against the grass, the blades poking her worn soles. The vegetation swayed from side to side in the weak breeze, almost appearing to celebrate her small victory with her. The cavern entrance came into view, its shape too small for her frills to fit under. The edges were covered in pinkish moss, giving it a distinct feel compared to the rest of the biome. Perhaps it was a sign of the Mountain God’s will for them to inhabit it. The moist malleable moss stretched further inside, resembling small veins inside the larger chasm.
She ducked underneath the mouth of the cave, appreciating the yellow reflections of an ongoing fire from within, each flick casting long shadows over every rock edge. Yet once she entered the homely cavity, the flames were the only thing present… Her eyes scanned the room for Baker, only finding an unused leafy bed, piles of edible berries, and a stack of wood. A shock of anxiety bolted up her spine, sharply settling on her frills like cold ice. Where was her mate?
She stepped forward, her webbed toes pressing into… liquid. Her eyes shot toward the ground, the orange-skinned female only now realizing how slick the floor really was. Viscous moisture clung to her leg, stretching across like mucus. The room was… dry before. Her initial thought that it was blood, but that was easily proven false by the thin film’s clear color. That did not ease her worries, however; her betrothed was still out of sight. Perhaps he left to forage, or was possibly looking for her?
A deadened wet thwack from further inside the cave echoed throughout the room, drawing her attention and causing her ears to perk up. Baker…?
She squinted down the black corridor, its sturdy stone now only reflecting the low howl of the cavern’s natural wind. Her eyes stayed locked on it as she slowly grabbed a makeshift torch and set it alight with the campfire. It had to have been her mate down there. Perhaps the tunnel curved so that she was unable to see his torchlight? What was he doing in the dark? Was he searching for something? Food perhaps?
She was already heading toward him before she considered any other possibility. Short drips accompanied her footfalls into the talon-width thick liquid that proliferated along the ground, grabbing onto her every time she raised her foot with a disgusting sucking noise. Her skin soon felt a similar spreading moisture from the humid cave, a low heat building up as she went. It would have been welcoming if not for the sick feeling that settled in her stomach.
The flickers of her torch illuminated the smooth cave walls and the ever-present pink moss that accompanied them. The ‘flora’ grew in volume and presence, stretching everywhere in random lines, often crossing and connecting with one another into larger segments. It eventually lost its fuzzy texture, only a moist reflective red taking its place. The way it almost appeared to… pulse in sync with the surrounding ambience only furthered the notion of veins and arteries…
A creeping sense of wrongness etched itself in her mind. Her ears slowly drooped down and her back hunched as her wide eyes failed to make out anything a pace or two in front of her. She scoured the blackness for anything and everything as the stone path ebbed and flowed, bringing her further down into the heart of Ershah.
A startling yet familiar noise halted her advance. She stepped back, swiveling her head around wildly to locate its source. Nothing made its presence known. There was only a permeating darkness within the… tunnel… She froze. When did the corridor become so large? Just before, she was able to stretch her arms to reach both sides of the walls, but now… Now it was open like the ocean, the blackness surrounding her entirely, obscuring… everything. She couldn’t see the entrance, nor the ceiling. Her pitiful torch illuminated the ground below her and nothing more.
Plip... Plip… Plip. The dripping continued, now suddenly an overbearing presence… like that of a predator’s breath riding down one’s neck.
Her breathing quickened, eyes widening. Was her mind playing tricks on her? Hesitant paces backward drew her into what she presumed was the direction she came from. It was no use. Further and further she went into the abyss, finding nothing but more of the tenebrous expanse.
The only true sense afforded to her was hearing… Every stifled breath, every wet footstep, and every flick of her torch felt deafening and… revealing. She was but a spark in the wider cavern, waving herself down as prey in the unseen eyes of what awaited her. Something could have been right behind her, and she would have been none the wiser… especially with no wall to guard her back…
A shiver ebbed through her frills. Would it be wise to suffocate her only flame to cover her presence? She stopped her palm from doing so, realizing that the fire was her only light. If its illumination perished, she would be trapped in the abyss with no way out… She needed to leave. She had to find the tunnel. It was—
“Fa…r...mer?” a voice croaked out, its intent shaky and bogged down in black tar.
Her shoulders stiffened, back straightening as she turned toward its direction. It was… Baker’s… but it felt uncanny… foreign. Was that even his? It had to be. M-Maybe he was harmed, too injured to move? Perhaps it was a broken frill? It would make sense. She had to find her mate… no matter how much his pained voice terrified her. That was why she was here in the first place…
The thickness of the viscous ground liquid increased as nervous footsteps brought her closer, the air around her getting warmer with each pace. She called out hesitantly, praying for a positive response.
“B-Baker? Are you there?”
Another wet, fleshy sound echoed through the large cavern, followed by a sickening crack. Then, his voice returned. It was much clearer this time, despite the aura of unsettling… distortion to it.
“Come… closer.”
Her steps were tentative, but she continued forward. Everything around her screamed something was amiss, but that painful string in her heart told her to never let her lover go. He was in pain. He was clearly suffering. Why should she ignore the one who warmed her heart with a simple smile just because she was perturbed by unproven nervousness?
Labored breaths filled her ears as she descended a small incline toward her mate. The shin-high murky liquid at the bottom was ignored, only becoming a small nuisance as her long strides carried her across the unknown fluid. Her motions caused it to sway in all directions, the ripples and turbidity preventing her from seeing what caused the squishy feeling beneath her feet. It smelled putrid, though not like that of rot… The scent was something she could not place, yet it was consuming with how it pierced her nostrils with its presence. It hardly mattered. She was close to him, she could feel his very presence in front of her. She could almost hear the breathing of…
Her torch lit up a rock… no… a figure. It was upright, but its head was pointing downwards. She couldn’t see the legs well, but she did notice how its… his familiar gray arms hung limply.
Joy and anxiousness ran thick within her intent. “My dear! Are you okay? W-What has happened to you?”
She received no response for an unsettlingly long moment before his head shook… loosely… Like that of a puppet, reminding her of the black abyss that surrounded everywhere his body was not… It hid something.
Come… Closer.
“…W-What? No… M-My Dear… I…” In a moment of fear she raised her torch closer, illuminating everything.
Flesh surrounded him wholly, replacing his legs with undulating tubes and wet meat. Tendrils attached to his back, pulsing from their ceiling-bound origins. His limp arms moved slowly… falling… melting. The very skin slopped off onto into the pile of red beneath him with a sick thwack.
She jumped backwards, but the viscous liquid beneath her held tight. She couldn’t move. Her torch flickered and flared as she fumbled with her footing.
Lumps and nodules swelled from that thing’s chest, the very organs within rearranging. Deafening cracks and vile squelching echoed. The skin down his center slowly tore itself apart, strings of sinew breaking like twine to reveal malformed limbs within.
She ripped her legs from the grappling pond beneath, doing everything in her power to turn away.
But it was no use.
Bolts of force perforated her body. Agony seared every surface of her body.
The chest had burst open, sending several tendrils right through her. They squirmed and extended into her, moving like worms. They ripped and melded to her own flesh. Roaring pain flowed through her being like fire and lightning, consuming her wholly.
She screamed, but nothing escaped her lungs. Blood and tissue filled them. She needed to rip at the invading terror, but could not move. The red abomination pulled them for her; a sickening puppet of muscle.
Everything faded. No pain. No breathing. No sight.
The last thing she saw were the sockets in which her beloved’s gorgeous yellow eyes once laid, now replaced with pulsing meat.
She missed them… dearly.
\= = = = =
Several days of ridicule and a merciless sea voyage were sure to have an adverse effect on one’s mental state—being cast out of one’s own religion even more so. Some would perhaps cope with such by lashing out against those higher up the mountain than themselves. Others might resign themselves to prayer and labor, hoping to fit back into place within God’s graces. However, an exceptional case may change the way one perceives their circumstance.
The script-keeper and her village-mates were hardy people, having survived the worst of the Gods’ trials and then some—rogue waves from the water worshippers, grand storms from the Sky Goddess, and great famines brought from those who sinned before the Mountain God. They persevered through their community, pooling what little they had and relying upon one another to get through. She had seen it for fifty winters.
Now, eight of them have been stripped of those they became interdependent on, thrown forth into an uncertain abyss with only the clothes on their backs. Yet, by the luck of the Gods, the very shore they came upon happened to be owned by that of a diety-sent. Perhaps it was a sign from the Gods that there was hope for them yet…
And it took all of a singular night to prove that assumption correct. The four Malkrin that followed the star-sent freely regaled their struggles with the vile wilderness and the cruelty of the only other settlement before they met with the Creator. Their opinions on Kegara’s settlement were duly noted, but not taken to heart as they were just that: opinions. The script-keeper would have to see it for herself; feeble belief in the words of few should not sway the mind of someone, especially with her profession. Still, the stories of the abhorrent were taken much more seriously, since despite the confidence shared by the few females about defeating them, the elderly Malkrin could certainly see their ears droop in disquietude when the topic was broached. Furthermore, the other more elusive star-sent refused entirely to elaborate on her experience with the beasts when the paladin wrapped her into the conversation.
Fine new clothes, filling meals, and protective castles could only do so much… In the splendor and awe, the script-keeper understood it could only cover up the aching wounds each of the villagers had come here with. She knew the lumberjack quite well, commonly having to assist her with purchasing and selling items across the sea… the very same sea that now separated the woman from her mate. God knows how the wood-cutter felt now.
All the elder knew from the sparse conversations she had with the orange-skinned female was that she wished not to think of it anymore. To which, the harvester did just that, delving into the work allotted to her without a second thought, and basking in the benefits of the star-sent. Much was the same for the others from their island—their hopes of returning to the Land Kingdom having already been thoroughly sundered by the inquisitors. The script-keeper was not privy to everyone’s pains, but she knew they were similarly prepared to shelve them away in service of building themselves anew with this peculiar situation.
\= = = = =
Female Malkrin eat a lot. Seriously, all the meal boxes Harrison and Akula had prepared were ran through like crab rangoons at a buffet. There were a few left, but certainly not enough for dinner that night—and especially not for the winter, much to his displeasure. The engineer wasn’t looking forward to cooking anymore than he already had… But, he had a trick up his sleeve. Not only did the green fisherwoman know how to use the kitchen, but their little camp just so happened to have another who was experienced in the culinary arts.
Around the time they put their tools down for lunch, Harrison was approached by the pink-colored chef who was assisting with some of the masonry prior. He was apprehensive, yet his eyes were practically sparkling when he asked about the barbecue sauce, spices, and common vegetables. The engineer had a bit of time before he needed to get back to work, so he gave in. They conversed about it over their meal, the human explaining the ingredients and methods of making several types of dishes while the several Malkrin in attendance listened intently.
That was around the time he got the idea: why not have Akula teach the cook how to use the barrack’s kitchen? She was pretty reluctant to return to cooking… until he reintroduced her to her new sous-chef, giving her the task of overseeing the male’s modern culinary equipment and meat smoking tutorial.
Harrison didn’t know exactly why she seemed happier then. It could have been something about her prejudices, just having someone else to help her, or something… else… That didn’t matter to him. As long as the job was done, he was happy—especially since it meant he could focus on other projects.
Take the entire home they were building for example; it was practically completed by the time the chefs were sent off to make dinner. They were working on it since dawn—the engineer was still incapable of sleeping—digging the foundation behind the barracks, layering the brick walls, and getting the wooden supports down in record time. Having several extra Malkrin around made the labor requirement almost trivial, even if he needed to ensure they were doing the job right by constantly keeping a close eye on them. It also helped how eager some of them were to settle in with their tasks—the fisher twins and the lumberjack specifically.
The new arrivals were definitely a lot more lively than last night, that was for sure. They held onto caution in the morning, but that broke rather quickly after they got more accustomed to Harrison’s group and received basic clothing—literally just sturdy plaid shirts and black pants. Cera’s—the ceramist’s newly accepted name, created by Tracy’s shorthand of her profession—tendency to look out for the group also had a hand in the change from guarded acceptance to genuine and vocal appreciation. She did as much as she could to ease their burden by offering water or a helping hand whenever she and the lumberjack weren’t busy bringing wheelbarrows full of clay to the workshop. The two new males gladly accepted both, but the females were quite set on keeping their honor, completing their share of the work ‘with their own talons.’
Then, there was the juvenile. He didn’t want to force a kid to work, but the decision apparently wasn’t his. She quietly joined her older village-mates in hauling wheelbarrows full of bricks to and from the workshop. She didn’t seem upset nor did she seem too enthused about it. His singular attempt to persuade her otherwise was only returned with a terse shake of her head before she continued working. She didn’t like to show much emotion, that was for sure. Were all Malkrin teens like that, or was it because of her situation? Christ… the fact that she was sent to the mainland without her parents—or at all—rubbed him the wrong way. It was fucked, but at least she would be safe here… or as ‘safe’ as was possible.
That was the other job of the day: defense via the new fabricator. Tracy helped out a good bit with organizing and designing the second barracks for the first half of the day, thoroughly combing through the engineer’s ideas and ripping out the ‘brutalist’ and ‘soul-crushing’ lack of ‘real’ architecture. She inserted her own ideas, further backed up by the input of Craftsman’s prior experience, making for an admittedly more pleasant-looking layout of the house’s exterior and interior. It would end up looking vaguely like a white-brick colonial house, but with less ‘posh noble,’ instead making use of Germanic-style exterior wooden supports. It was just big enough to fit eight Malkrin-sized cots, space for movement between them, and all the basics such as lighting, airflow, and a little bit of storage on top—because, what was a building without storage? Luckily for the tradeswoman, it hardly used any more resources than his original plans, so he allowed it.
After that, Tracy realized there wasn’t much else for her to do, so she returned to their other project. The technician did well in assembling the most basic parts, working well throughout the day to complete the forging and welding components. Again, having someone else to do help with a job that big was a massive blessing, cutting off hours of time he would have had to slave away in the workshop.
Hours of time that he was able to use for overseeing the now-completed barracks, simultaneously teaching the Malkrin and getting a feel for how to best utilize their strengths with a substantial amount of help from the craftsman. The male did a bang-up job at explaining tasks and concepts to the others. Much better than Harrison was able to. Once more, it was a job the engineer was more than happy to let someone else take off his hands. The olive-colored Male was perfect for the job anyway, having the technical know-how and experience explaining similar things to Malkrin back on the islands, so the pioneer trusted the task to be completed with little issue.
Now, the day was finally reaching a close, ending with the settlement eating their dinner by the fire. There were a few more benches made to give everyone a seat. That meant the radius had to be extended somewhat, but that wasn’t anything a bigger fire couldn’t fix. Plus, the alien’s intent meant that he could still hear clearly from anyone around the pyre.
The muted sounds of silverware clanking against meal boxes and plates were muddled by the constant breeze. The flames lazily flickered in all directions, casting shadows along the flowing grass, each person in attendance being doused in a mellow orange. The Malkrin conversed with one another over their meals, each sitting in pairs on the furniture. Shar was out on guard patrol, so Tracy ended up taking the seat beside him. It was a bit of a surprise given how much she preferred to stay in the workshop, but he didn’t mind her taking a break—she deserved it. If anything, it should have been him on the fabrication floor, picking up where she left off.
“…Hey…” Tracy’s soft, worried voice took him from his thoughts.
“Hm?” He lazily looked down at the shorter woman beside him, her legs swinging as they couldn’t quite reach the ground.
She worriedly raised her brows. “You alright, dude? You’ve had some major bruised eye action going on all day. Did you even get any sleep? I didn’t even see you when I woke up.”
“No, I actually didn’t—” He held up a palm, stopping the technician’s troubled response. “—but it’s more because of that potion… thingy… Cera gave me. I don’t feel tired at all.”
Her face contorted in confusion, the shadows cast by the fire’s glow emphasizing it further. “The… potion…? Oh, yeaaaah, right. It was supposed to help you with dizziness, I think, but it also prevents you from feeling tired. How does it even feel? Like taking an energy drink, or something else?”
He held out his arm, tracing a finger along it. “I just feel like I’ve got pins and needles all along my skin… and I don’t feel like sleeping. That’s it really, so sort of like taking a bunch of caffeine.”
Her brows dropped in faux-annoyance. “That can not be healthy for you. Have you checked up on yourself with the scanner? If not for that, then at least the radiation? Maybe the fuzzy stuff is from all those grays of radiation you received?”
“I did… I did, don’t worry. The scanner had nothing besides the usual, so I guess it was just a good bit of caffeine or something… I don’t know. It’ll probably wear off soon, though.”
She nodded, returning her gaze to the fire. Her voice mellowed, just barely loud enough to reach his ears. “Good. The aliens were worried sick about you, yesterday, ya know—Shar ‘specially… and so was I…”
He hardly heard that last part, barely able to piece it together seconds after she muttered it. He wasn’t trying to make them worried, it was just a part of being on this planet. Every day was a new close call. The first blood moon, that pink monster, the workshop ambush, the second blood moon, and now the anomaly field all terrified him, haunting his very dreams with brief flashbacks of those sights and sounds. Though, they all served to teach him, forcing him to stay on his toes and never stay complacent… Which was something he was doing now.
He had plans in the works already—the new fabricator being the crux of at least half of them—but what could he do currently? How could he prepare? Or, at the very least, what could he do to advance the group further?
Their day-to-day jobs had already been discussed, plans for a new wood storage building were already made, and his work on the printer was cut out for him tonight… Okay. Well, what could he prepare for in the future? Defense? Of course, now that people were going to be out doing their own jobs, they would be too spread out to protect everyone at once.
There were two components to any solution for that problem: reconnaissance and protection. The first was self-explanatory. If he had, say, a few dozen drones scouting around where people were, it would take a lot of the surprise out of random swarms. That would give people time to either return to the castles… modules… or prepare themselves to take the bugs on. That led him to the second part. Firearms help to kill spider-crabs, but are also pretty dangerous in the wrong hands… He was more than willing to trust the Malkrin he knew with guns to defend themselves, but he couldn’t just start handing them out to strangers. Maybe in time, though. There were always other means of protection, anyway; Kegara’s camp was apparently alive and well, despite practically being from the stone ages.
Cera, Akula, and Shar were most certainly getting some firepower, that was for sure. He’d have to think about what sort of weapons would suit them. That also brought up the current metal deficit… and his gunpowder was running out quite quickly…
That was definitely something he wanted to get on before the next blood moon. He wanted to revisit that metal cave he saw when the paladin and the fisherwoman got cornered by three colossi. He hadn’t analyzed the chunk of ore he hacked off yet—he’d been pretty damn busy—so it was about time he figured out whether or not he had a nearby source of metals. It would be a damn blessing if it was aluminum or iron, despite only being a surface deposit. No matter what it was, it was sure to be of use.
Then there was the gunpowder issue. The last time he checked, there was enough to last him for at least the next blood-moon, but it wasn’t enough for several other firearms, especially if he wanted anything automatic. There were three main ingredients—potassium nitrate, sulfur, and charcoal—which were essential for the production of any explosives. Charcoal was already solved for them, and potassium nitrate could practically be made out of thin air and water, considering they were right by an ocean. Bless the Ostwald process and acid-base neutralization.
The only real issue was sulfur… Christ, natural elements sucked. Either he had to deal with excessive organic recycling of amino acids… or go and mine the stuff directly, and there weren’t any obvious volcanic deposits or fault lines around. Neither of those methods sounded great.
Again, that would have to come later. He needed that fabricator done first and foremost. Then he could deal with the assorted problems that followed it and, well, every other compiling issue. Material harvesting tools, automatic defenses, larger fortifications, and radio-protectant armor were but a few of the big-ticket items on his mind.
Cera’s concoction was still running through his veins anyway, so he might as well finish the printer while he was at it. It looked like he wasn’t sleeping tonight either.
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2024.05.11 23:42 ConsciousRun6137 8-Pointed Star Occult Meaning: And the connection to superheroes, Nibiru, CERN, & The plasma apocalypse!

8-Pointed Star Occult Meaning: And the connection to superheroes, Nibiru, CERN, & The plasma apocalypse!
Decoding the Eight-Pointed Star: From Ancient Gods to Modern Superheroes

The Portal to Dimension X: Beyond a Physical Realm.

The eight-pointed star represents a portal to Dimension X, not a physical planet but a dimension. This concept is intertwined with ancient Stargate technology, which is believed to open portals to other realms. The symbolism of the eight spokes, as seen in the Vatican’s layout and CERN’s emblem, hints at this connection.
The eight-pointed star, with its eight rays, symbolizes the eight Anunnaki leaders or gods in ancient mythologies. Tracing back to Egyptian mythology, the Ogdoad – known in Ancient Greek as ‘ὀγδοάς’ (‘the Eightfold’) and in Ancient Egyptian as ‘ḫmnyw’ (‘the Eight’) – were eight primordial deities worshipped in Hermopolis.
The earliest confirmed reference to the Ogdoad appears during the Eighteenth Dynasty, notably in a dedicatory inscription by Pharaoh Hatshepsut at the Speos Artemidos. In Late Period texts, these deities are described as having heads of frogs (male) and serpents (female), and they are frequently depicted in this manner in Ptolemaic Kingdom reliefs.
This symbolism of the number eight, consistently linked to divine beings, appears across various cultures. CERN features eight bars, representing the eight-pointed star. Similarly, at the Vatican, there is a wheel with eight spokes. Ancient texts describe an eight-pointed star that would open in the sky, functioning as a portal through which giant gods with advanced technology would arrive.
According to some theories, the elites are utilizing CERN as a sort of ‘stargate’ technology, akin to that believed to be used during the era of the Tower of Babel. The purpose, as speculated, is to facilitate ‘Dimension X’ – or Nibiru – and herald the return of the Anunnaki, the so-called fallen Elohim.

Superheroes and Ancient Gods: A Lineage of Power

This symbol’s prevalence in pop culture, especially in superhero movies, is striking. From Captain Marvel’s chest emblem to Wonder Woman’s headdress, the eight-pointed star is consistently depicted. In “The Rings of Power,” based on Tolkien’s universe, the elves use this star symbol, suggesting a lineage linked to entities from Dimension X, once revered as gods.
Superheroes and Ancient Gods: A Lineage of Power
This symbol’s prevalence in pop culture, especially in superhero movies, is striking. From Captain Marvel’s chest emblem to Wonder Woman’s headdress, the eight-pointed star is consistently depicted. In “The Rings of Power,” based on Tolkien’s universe, the elves use this star symbol, suggesting a lineage linked to entities from Dimension X, once revered as gods.
“Forty-five minutes into ‘Man of Steel,’ Superman engages in a deep conversation with his father, seeking to understand his roots. His father discloses that Superman is from Krypton and uses an AI program simulation to display Superman’s ancestral civilization. A key symbol in this presentation is the eight-pointed star, accompanied by seven-pointed stars. However, the eight-pointed star motif is notably prevalent, particularly in scenarios featuring beings with superhuman abilities. This leads me to believe that the superhero narrative originates from these entities from Dimension X, referred to as fallen angels or watchers in the Bible. The eight-pointed star connects to Enki and Enlil, sons of the deity Anu, revered in the Sumerian pantheon long before the Bible was written. As Confucius wisely pointed out, ‘Symbols rule the world, not the laws of man.’ This esoteric knowledge is not meant for the uninitiated. Secret societies are adept at this symbolic and numerical language, as fluent in it as one might be in English, Spanish, or German. The elite communicate using this clandestine language of symbols and numbers. Interestingly, ‘Man of Steel’ equals 45 in Chaldean Gematria, aligning with ‘fallen angels’ and ‘fallen ones,’ further emphasizing the profound connection between these elements.”
Chaos Star
Notably, this chaos star has been adopted by some cultures as a symbol of chaos magic.
A chaos star features eight points coming from a central point. While fictionally, it originates in the writings of Michael Moorcock. It has now been adopted into various additional contexts, including magical and religious ones. Chaos is a powerful force led by many demonic and strange Chaos lords, who are as often as not at cross purposes with one another, as symbolized by the eight directions of the Chaos arrows.
In the scene of Power Book III: Raising Kanan at 42 minutes and 29 seconds, they are having sex in the studio. She stops to tell him she’s moving to California. For just a second, when she’s getting up, you see an 8-pointed Babylonian star behind her. This is interesting because 42 + 29 equals 71. “Whore of Babylon” equals 71 in reduction, matching sudden destruction, financial collapse, and weather warfare.
The Whore of Babylon is a figure from the Book of Revelation in the Bible. She symbolizes evil and corruption, often linked with the downfall of nations. They’re crashing the economy to switch us to a digital beast system that can be controlled.
The 8-pointed star also appeared in a viral interview with Katt Williams. On the same day, Apple TV released an episode of “Monarch Legacy of Monsters” (season 1, episode 9, #19). “Chaos” equals 19. The eight-pointed star is also known as the chaos star. In Katt Williams’s interview, he mentions the number 201. In the “Monarch” episode, at one minute and two seconds, which mirrors 201, the eight-pointed star is on the wall. Right after, they go through a portal to the inner earth.
Let’s not forget the Simpsons also have the 8-pointed star if you remember correctly, just like above with the new Apple legacy of monsters, how they use the 8-pointed star on the wall as a clock. The Simpsons, since it has started, in the kitchen, the clock is an 8-pointed star. It’s green and purple. These are the colors of chaos. Look at Spiderman, his nemesis, the Green Goblin, same color code, green and purple; it ties into Saturn. Let’s delve into the intriguing world of comic book villains who favour the captivating combination of purple and green in their costumes. These colours have become synonymous with villainy, and their origins are fascinating.
The Joker: The iconic nemesis of Batman, the Joker, often dons a purple suit with a green vest or tie. His chaotic nature and twisted sense of humor are perfectly encapsulated by this colour scheme.
Green Goblin: Spider-Man’s arch-enemy, the Green Goblin, epitomizes villainy with his green and purple attire. The vibrant colours mirror his dual identity as Norman Osborn, a wealthy businessman, and the maniacal Goblin.
Lex Luthor: Superman’s brilliant but malevolent adversary, Lex Luthor, frequently wears green and purple. These colours symbolize his ambition, cunning, and thirst for power.
The Riddler: Known for his intricate puzzles and enigmatic crimes, the Riddler’s green suit and purple question mark motif make him instantly recognizable.
Mysterio: The master of illusions, Mysterio, combines green and purple in his mysterious costume. His deceptive tricks keep Spider-Man on his toes.
Brainiac: This extra-terrestrial villain, often associated with Superman, boasts green skin and a purple outfit. His advanced intellect and obsession with knowledge drive his malevolence.
Drax the Destroyer: In earlier Marvel Comics, Drax wore a purple suit with a golden skull on the chest. Although the MCU version differs, the purple hue still resonates with his character.
Why this colour pairing? Here’s a brief history:
Green: Traditionally associated with envy, greed, and ambition, green has deep roots in mythology and literature. The phrase “green with envy” dates back to Shakespeare’s time, emphasizing jealousy and desire.
Purple: Historically linked to royalty and power, purple was rare and valuable due to the difficulty of creating the dye. Roman emperors restricted its use to influential leaders, reinforcing its association with authority.
So next time you encounter a villain clad in green and purple, remember that these colours carry centuries of symbolism—whether it’s the Joker’s wicked grin or the Green Goblin’s menacing glide. Green purple =137 An English ordinal gematria. This is your most basic cipher.
You’re given a letter, a number assigned to it, so the letter A becomes the number one, the letter B becomes the number two, the letter C becomes the number three, all the way up through Z becomes the letter 26. 137 is a huge number used in ritual magic. It’s that secret Mason number. You take this 47 by 90-degree Freemasonic Compass, add 47 + 90, you get 137.
The 137th prime number is 33, which is the highest level you can go in the Scottish Rite. Spells cast on the audience=137 In reverse reduction, this is also the number and color code of demonic energy. There’s a reason all the super villains wear this green and purple color.
Demonic energy=137 In English ordinal matching green purple. Joe Biden sacrifice=137.
Will we see a king kill 33 ritual before the end of Joe’s term, the same style ritual we saw when John F. Kennedy was sacrificed? Joe Biden is the second official Catholic president, which quite honestly, they’re all a bunch of pedophiles. Green and purple are one of the color codes connected to mind control.
Yes, the Illuminati and secret societies use color codes to program the minds of the masses, as well as the stars that they are programming, maybe your favorite music artist or your favorite movie star. The main colors used with this form of Illuminati color magic are blue and orange; then, the secondary mixture is green and purple. Green purple equals 137, remember? Mind control=137, The Templar=137, totaleclipse=137, took the mark=137, 137, knock at the cabin=137, killer waves=137.
38 minutes into the movie Knock at the Cabin, a giant tidal wave takes out the whole West Coast. We know they’ve been planning on doing that to us for a long time, so it makes sense that it has a connection to this 137 number and the green-purple Illuminati color code, that chaos energy, and this will cause global chaos, mass starvation, and death! Eye Of Horus=137, fires on Hawaii=137, death certificate=137.
So you can see everything connected to this number and color code is death and chaos. Why the eight-pointed star clock on the wall in the Simpsons is green and purple because that star is a representation of death and chaos. When this event happens and the portal opens in the sky in the shape of an 8-pointed star, which is Stargate technology they’re using CERN to open an interdimensional gateway to Dimension X, AKA Nibiru, when this event takes place, almost 70% of the world’s population dies due to the cataclysms that cause empires to collapse and rise during this. We are now in 2024, BUT IT is 2012 because they changed the laws and the times of the most high. They did not want us to know the timeline or to be able to figure it out. Imagine if the whole world knew that we’re less than 20 years away from over 70% of the world perishing, it would be chaos.
The Simpsons season 23, episode 5 8 pointed star on the wall at eight minutes and 38 seconds into the episode
The green and purple Illuminati color code of the villain is connected to the number 137
This is where they believe the twin sun, known as the Black Sun or the Destroyer, is from. It’s not on the elliptical orbit with our sun – that’s propaganda. Remember, Confucius said symbols rule the world, not laws. People need to wake up.
“In the new Willy Wonka movie titled ‘Wonka,’ at 4 minutes and 4 seconds in, we see the eight-pointed star for the first time. Then again, at 16 minutes and 42 seconds, we see a scene where they eat chocolate that allows them to fly, and they’re flying over the eight-pointed star. This repetition underscores the symbolism connected to people with special abilities.”
In the new Willy Wonka movie we see the eight pointed star symbolism

Love and Monsters

Seven years after he survived the monster apocalypse, the lovably hapless Joel leaves his cosy underground bunker behind on a quest to reunite with his ex.
This movie is predictive programming of the plasma apocalypse, aka The Phoenix phenomenon, also known as pole shift. It’s after an apocalyptic event takes place where an asteroid was going to hit Earth, called Agatha 616.
The interesting thing is the number 616 is a very important number among the occult. Sacrifice=616 in Latin gematria. 616 (six hundred [and] sixteen) is the natural number following 615 and preceding 617. While 666 is called the “number of the beast” in most manuscripts of Revelation 13:18, a fragment of the earliest papyrus 115 gives the number as 616.
In the movie “Love and Monsters,” the eight-pointed star appears at the 20 minutes and 58 seconds mark. The plot involves launching nuclear devices at an asteroid to prevent it from colliding with Earth. However, the radioactive fallout causes bugs to mutate into giant monsters, including roaches, ants, spiders, and bees. During the Phoenix phenomenon, which is a plasma apocalypse, oxygen levels are said to increase. This phenomenon leads to the growth of animals into giants. Many believe that this is the reason why there were giant humans in the past. So, the predictive programming is all about the plasma apocalypse, the coming of Nibiru, Dimension X.

Love and Monsters=64 in Chaldean gematria, matching A Planet X destroyer=64, Tartarian Mud floods=64. This was the last time the plasma apocalypse, known as pole shift, the opening of Dimension X, took place.
Tauid comet=64. They say there are larger comets hidden within this cloud that could hit Earth. I believe this was created by the tale that Nibiru drags behind it as it travels through the multiverse, wreaking havoc on every dimension.
Saturn 8 pointed star symbolism
We live in some type of simulation, a giant computer system that is connected to Saturn. We also see this 8-pointed star symbol in connection to Saturn, and a lot of people theorize that Dimension X is them opening a portal to Saturn. Again, this is just a theory, but there is definitely some symbolism there. Saturn is the supercomputer, the moon is the interface module, and Earth is the simulation, the Saturn Moon Earth Matrix. That’s what we live in. Think of this event as a factory reset.
In this movie World of Warcraft, you’ll watch them open a portal. They open up a stargate there, in what I think is Dimension X, and they invade Earth through Dimension X. These giant monsters, the ancients, would talk about an eight-pointed Stargate that opened up, and giant monsters with advanced technology would come through and enslave humanity. I included a clip down below from World of Warcraft that I recorded back when everybody was talking about the October 4th event, which everybody thought nothing happened, but I believe they opened a portal. They opened a Stargate that day, and they used the energy from all the people that took the vaccine. They were able to harness their energy because they used 13.6 trillion electron volts back in 2022 on July 5th. Remember, 18 hours after they broke the world record in energy, the Georgia Guidestones blew up, which 18 is 6 + 6 + 6. Dark matter=666, which they released and could have been the cause of that explosion.
This dark matter is seeping out of Dimension X into our reality, causing people to go crazy. It’s affecting our weather, earthquakes, and volcanoes. So they used that much energy, and they still couldn’t open the portal all the way. Then October 4th came after they vaccinated everybody, and everyone has that graphene oxide in them, which is an amazing conductor of energy, and you can siphon everybody that has been vaccinated life force just like they did in World of Warcraft to open the Stargate, as you’ll see in the clip below. They love showing us the truth in movies, a form of predictive programming, lesser magic, and revelation of the method.
In the movie “Love and Monsters,” his girlfriend’s compound is called Compound 3022, which intriguingly echoes “322,” a number associated with Skull and Bones. It’s interesting to note that “one wall equals thirty twenty-two” resonates with “Gematria Eleven twenty-six. End game plans=3022,” possibly hinting at November 2026. This is the year I’ve been warning about concerning Dimension X from day one. I believe that by then, they will not be able to hide it anymore, and people will see what’s actually going on with Nibiru.
Another intriguing point is “two SUNS has now been compromised=3022.” There’s evidence that the CIA researched a second sun. We also know the CIA declassified the “Adam and Eve Story” in 2013, which discussed pole shifts. Here is the link to it on their website; I highly recommend reading this story if you haven’t yet: CIA Reading Room Document. Released on 2013/06/24, the document describes earth-shattering events where the Earth’s 60-mile-thick shell broke in places worldwide, thereafter called “earth-fire” by the few survivors. The document narrates how the oceans and winds took six days after the cataclysm began to settle their tumultuous wars on the surface of the Earth, and on the seventh day, they started to calm down, leading to 5,000 years of relative normalcy.

Pole shift, known as the plasma apocalypse, and the Phoenix phenomenon:

The two-mile-thick ice caps of the Laurentian Basin and the Indian Ocean, having shifted from their polar homes, started revolving equatorially and proceeded to melt at tremendous speeds in the torrid heat. This melting carved great grooves in the mountains as the rushing water and ice overwhelmed everything in their paths. The document describes how the massive amounts of moisture poured into the atmosphere shrouded the Torrid Zone in a dark fog for many years, spanning several generations. The oceans rose some 200 feet worldwide with the sudden melting of the ice caps, as they do after each cataclysm. The end of the Laurentian Ice Age and the start of the “Old Stone Age” was complete, with the Mayan tongue living on in scattered remnants alongside Polynesian, Greek, Yakut, Egyptian, Eskimo tongues, and nearly all languages.
The new Apple series, titled “Constellation,” follows Jo as she returns to Earth after a disaster in space, only to discover missing pieces in her life. She embarks on a journey to uncover the truth about the hidden secrets of space travel and to recover what she has lost. After being stranded in space, Jo returns through a different portal or gateway, finding herself on a version of Earth that is almost the same as before she left, but with subtle differences—like the color of a car changing from red to blue. This anomaly hints at her child, suggesting something off about her daughter. The series delves into the concept of quantum entanglement, exploring how two versions of the same thing can exist simultaneously—one alive and one deceased. Episode four, at precisely 3 minutes and 54 seconds, unveils the symbolism of an eight-pointed star. The number #354 is associated with several intriguing concepts. “Sun disk” = 354, recognized as the Sun Cross, symbolizes Nibiru, also known as the planet of the crossing. It carries the designation as the Cross of BAAL. “Time Cube” (354), in this context, is tied to the Saturn Moon Matrix, a theoretical construct purported to govern this reality. “Missing Link” (354) intimates that the eight-pointed star serves as the crucial element, the gateway to Stargate technology. The eight-pointed star is also linked to the Archangel Michael, with “Michael The Archangel” and “Michael gatekeeper” both equating to 354 in Gematria. Michael is portrayed as the guardian of the Stargate, the key to unlocking Stargate knowledge, with the secrets of opening the gates closely associated with him. Another depiction is the “Caucasian Star,” emanating from the Caucasus Mountain region, historically inhabited by the Khazars. This emblem has adorned flags of Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan, as well as the coats of arms for Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, and was once part of the insignia for the Iraqi Boy Scouts. However, the most significant association of the eight-pointed star is with entities possessing superhuman abilities and its profound connection to portal and Stargate symbolism. It stands as the preeminent emblem linked to the concept of gateways and interdimensional travel.
Apple Series Constellation 8-pointed * symbolism
The eight-pointed star is often seen as a symbol of cosmic order and balance. Its association with Nibiru and the Cross of BAAL further highlights the importance of this celestial body in ancient beliefs. The simple yet profound geometry of the Sun Cross represents cosmic crossings and alignments. This symbol reflects the deep understanding and reverence that the ancients had for the movements of the heavens and their impact on Earth.
In the new Apple series “Constellation,” the intriguing concept of quantum entanglement is explored, where two entities can exist simultaneously—one alive and one deceased, coexisting at the same moment. Through my research, I’ve concluded that the elites in control are exploiting quantum entanglement through Black GOO nanotechnology. This advanced technology intertwines human DNA with that of a demonic consciousness from the lower astral plane, identified as the 8th sphere. This sinister fusion allows these entities, known as the Archons, to hijack the human vessel, facilitating a form of demonic possession enhanced by technology. While “Constellation” delves into the mysteries of space and existence, it’s my analysis that links Dimension X and Saturn as one, with CERN playing a pivotal role. I propose that CERN is being manipulated to forge a “stairway to heaven,” a metaphorical path intended for launching an assault on the divine source. This perspective is not directly presented in the series but is a conclusion drawn from my extensive research.
A pivotal moment occurs at 23:08 when the cause of the space station’s impact is revealed to be a mummified astronaut clad in a Russian orange cosmonaut suit. The choice of orange is notably significant within the realm of the occult, as recent films have increasingly utilized orange symbolism. The number 238 becomes particularly intriguing, given the Earth-to-moon distance of 238,000 miles. Adding a historical layer to this, after the assassination of John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson was sworn in as president on Air Force One at 2:38 PM. In prime gematria, the terms “TV Magic” and “occult” both correspond to the number 238. Within Illuminati symbolism, orange is often considered a colour code signalling the approach of a significant false flag event.
The term “Time Cube=238” is introduced, further linking to the concept of Stargate technology. This marks the second reference to the Time Cube in the series, previously tied to the analysis of the eight-pointed star. The narrative involving the mummified astronaut striking the space station, who is concurrently communicating with it from Mission Control, serves as a quintessential example of quantum entanglement. This scenario illustrates the astronaut existing in a state of being both dead and alive simultaneously, embodying the quantum principle that two seemingly contradictory states can coexist.
The series is a must-watch, there's much symbolism here. The “black goo” or graphene oxide shots, which I believe are involved in quantum entanglement and the merging of human DNA with demonic entities. This black goo is depicted as an intelligent, self-aware liquid crystal, capable of feats such as stretching to form circuits on human skin, and is revered in some esoteric circles as the philosopher’s stone or a depot for demons.
Black goo has been featured in various films, portrayed as a transformative substance capable of altering human DNA from a double helix to a triple helix structure, reflecting not the divine image but that of Lucifer, according to my beliefs. I argue that this alteration eradicates the possibility of salvation, transforming humans into hybrid abominations. In linking black goo to alchemy, the occult, and transhumanism, I suggest that its assimilation into humans signifies a significant evolution—or devolution—of our species.
End of Part 1
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