Brahmi herb farming wiki

Plants with purpose.

2011.08.08 23:43 Haven Plants with purpose.

A physic garden is a type of herb garden with medicinal plants. The original botanical gardens. We are dedicated to growing and using natures medicines.

2024.06.08 19:51 emn112 Trip Report - May 25th - June 1st

My husband and I traveled with our 7 year old daughter and our trip went really well for our family! We wore layers and were able to do laundry at our Air BnB in Hafnarfjörður (second half of the trip) which was super helpful. I was hoping we wouldn't have to check bags, but Icelanadair said my husband couldn’t easily get his bag out of the size check thing. This wasn’t a big deal getting to Keflavik since our bags were waiting for us when we got to baggage claim. However bags took forever to come baggage claim at BWI when we got back.
We often packed lunches for the day so we didn’t have to stop for lunch. It was helpful to go swimming when we could and keep our drives a little shorter with our daughter. The only thing we never made it to was Dyrhólaey Lighthouse in Vik but we were exhausted the day we could have done it. I’m sure we could have packed more in if it was just adults, but our daughter did really well and we all had a super fun trip!
Day 1 - We landed around 6:45 and went to Laugardalslaug pool which was really fun! I had already canceled our Blue Lagoon tickets with the impending eruption. We also went to Fly Over Iceland which my daughter loved. We stayed at Sólheimahjáleiga Guesthouse for the first 3 nights near Vik which was great. We loved seeing the sheep and meeting the dogs at the farm. Breakfast was included and they even packed us a to-go breakfast for the one morning we left early to go on the ferry to Westman Islands. We had shared bathrooms down the hall but never needed to wait to use them and the place was very clean.
Day 2 Glaciers!
Fjallsárlón - 12:30 RIB boat tour - loved this!
Jokulsarlon lagoon
Diamond beach - this was also a hit
Dinner in Vik Sudur Vik
Reynisfjara Beach - just for a few minutes since it was high tide and we were tired
Day 3 Westman Islands
We took the first ferry there with our car and went to Stórhöfði right away to look for puffins and found them! It was a clear day so it was really beautiful just hanging out in that area. Next we climbed the Eldfell Volcano and again it was a clear day so it was a lovely view. We checked out the Volcano museum and then had a great lunch at GOTT. We drove around the island and were able to get on the 5 pm ferry since we were done by then (originally on the 7:30).
Day 4 Waterfalls/drive to Hafnarfjörður AirBnB
Sólheimajökull glacier - walked up to see the glacier
Kvernufoss - really nice short hike
Skogafoss - climbed stairs to top and saw 2 more waterfalls. We were happy our 7 year old was able to do this climb!
Gljúfrabúi waterfall - we were also happy our kid could do this one too! I didn’t think we’d get to do it!
Day 5 Reykjavik
Hallgrímskirkja Church Tower - nice view but our girl hated it when the bells went off!
Sun Voyager
Harpa Concert Hall
Lunch at Hafnartorg Gallery - really good pizza
Whales of Iceland - small museum and she really liked it
Walked to swim at Suðurbæjarlaug in Hafnarfjörður
Day 6 Golden Circle
Laugarvatn Fontana - we got here at 11:30 and it was super chill. Hardly anyone else here and we all loved it. My 7 year old loved playing in the shallow pool. My husband jumped in the lake twice! I could only dip my toes in.
Geysir - this was a hit! We watched Strokkur go off about 4 times. Super fun.
Dinner at The Old Dairy Selfoss We all got different food at the food hall which was great. My daughter’s pizza was awesome.
Day 7 - Borgarnes
Grabrok crater - It was a rainy and windy day so we didn’t walk all the way around the crater at the top since we were afraid we’d get blown off.
Lunch at Settlement Center in Borgarnes - Awesome vegetarian buffet!
Trampoline in Hafnarfjörður - just for a few minutes since it started to rain
Day 8 - Hafnarfjörður
Swim at Álftaneslaug pool (wave pool)
Saw eruption from highway!
Brunch at Hotel Keflavik
Went to airport - flight at 5 PM
submitted by emn112 to VisitingIceland [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:03 Critical_Proof_7918 Stalker help

I want to get the hate but i dont know know how exactly the spawning of the stalker works. I know what the wiki says but can it spawn in SP so i can farm the acolyte at the same time or does it interfere with the stalker spawn? and if there is any way to speed up the spawn process cuz 2% chance is kinda shy and if i am unlucky i will never get it XD
Oh and if i need to be in public or does it spawn in solo also?
submitted by Critical_Proof_7918 to Warframe [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:29 JoelleLittleTeague Can't get perfection!!!

I play on Xbox so I'm still in the 1.5 version right now, I have attached pictures. I can't for the life of me figure out why I haven't got 100% in crafting as I have checked loads of old videos and pictures of the 1.5 crafting recipes and I'm pretty sure I have them all!! I have got advanced crafting info on and I have crafted at LEAST 1 of everything .. the last being the rarecrow recipe ... What am I missing ?? If anyone can help me out as wiki has all the 1.6 add ons and just wondering if I'm being thick. Please help I'm in spring of year 7 and I have emthe other farms to get perfection on xx xx TIA
submitted by JoelleLittleTeague to StardewValley [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:28 TroubledCobra Farm Fresh Giveaway!

Farm Fresh Giveaway!
My farm fresh item room is finally full! Please choose up to three (limit only 1 window per person) and send a friend request to TroubledCobra! Priority will be given to those who send a request to me. I like small items and cute foods if you’d like to send anything in return :) Here is the guide link if you’d like to craft these yourself:
submitted by TroubledCobra to Webkinz [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:00 azulejolejo brain tonic advice

Greetings! I am looking for herbs that help with focus when I read and write. I recently found out about the existence of a brain tonic, which is a blend of different herbs that help with mental clarity. I have located a brain tonic at a local herb shop, so before I buy it, I would be interested in any advice you may have about this concoction. Here is the description of what the blend tonic blend contains: A tasty blend of herbs traditionally used to support mental clarity, focus, and memory. Certified Organic Ingredients: tulsi, ginkgo, gotu kola, brahmi (bacopa), oatstraw, spearmint, sage, rosemary.
I would appreciate any advice in terms of how to take it (daily, cycle it), whether any of these herbs interact with supplements such as D3, and any other potential side effects of which I should be aware.
Thank you kindly!
submitted by azulejolejo to herbalism [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 17:53 Meaglo Some QAnon Brainrot

Some QAnon Brainrot
That's just part of this thread
submitted by Meaglo to WhitePeopleTwitter [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 17:47 FickleBlueberry7946 Perfection ACHIEVED

Perfection ACHIEVED
I FINALLY did it!!! After multiple saves, then creating a save “I’ll just play around in” I’ve finally 100% the game. I stumbled upon the game while I was waiting for animal crossing to release, and I can say it’s become a staple for me, if not my favorite game of all time. I would like to thank the stardew valley wiki, all of you on here for answering questions and showing all your farm set ups for inspiration, and my husband Sebastian for watering my plants (even if the sprinklers watered them already). I have already created a new save to continue playing so I will see all of you soon!
submitted by FickleBlueberry7946 to StardewValley [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 16:46 ggSNOOPd Wintertodt vs Rumours

Why do I keep seeing this debate as the best way to start a new iron? To me, it’s no question that doing solo or duo wintertodt is the best start. You can’t argue a free 70 construction on your way to 99fm doesn’t pay dividends for those struggling to get SOTE reqs. Sure, the crates are based on your current level, but who only does wintertodt to start without doing some tempeross or herb runs/farming, or mining to break up the grind and level those skills in the process?
In addition, the minute you pass 14 hp, todt becomes slightly more challenging, but you will NEED higher hp for doing pitfall traps for rumours. Damage is nearly unavoidable and those rumours are frequent.
To me, there’s no saying you can’t start rumours after finishing wintertodt, but I can’t see it the opposite way. Enlighten me.
submitted by ggSNOOPd to ironscape [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 16:37 Psychedelico5 Caapi vine in changa

Hi friends—looking for some feedback and guidance, please. So, I'm planning on making this changa blend early next week:
It was suggested to me on another non-Reddit forum that there's not a lot of harmalas in caapi vine, and that I should make a 9x extract in IPA, then use that IPA in my infusion.
In other words, I would soak 4.95 grams of caapi vine in IPA for a week or so, then use that IPA to infuse the DMT with the original 550 milligrams of caapi and dream herb. (I was planning on adding the blue lotus later.)
Now, I don't have any experience working with caapi vine at all, but I've never read that this would be an important step when making changa.
Wikipedia suggests caapi contains these alkaloids:
But, like I said, I have no experience with caapi, and I don't have the experience to agree or disagree that these numbers don't represent much in terms of harmalas.
I'm not opposed to creating a 9x extract, but I'm just concerned that it could be too much in terms of harmalas. Could anyone who has more experience please give me some guidance?
submitted by Psychedelico5 to harmalas [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 16:14 Lost-Quote-1055 First time organic gardener here looking for best recommendations for compost.

This is my first time gardening. I just built a raised bed and grew some heirloom plants from seeds I got from an organic farm. I’m trying to use companion planting, herbs for pest control and potato water for fertilizer but honestly I have no idea if any of this will work. Any ideas would be appreciated. I also tried to make compost for the first time but didn’t make enough so I need to supplement. Any recommendations of where or what kind of compost I should be buying?
submitted by Lost-Quote-1055 to OrganicGardening [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 16:00 AutoModerator Help & Questions Weekly Megathread

This thread is for asking (and answering) all manners of questions, especially basic and generic ones. These topics include boss help, team compositions guidance, questions on mechanics, monsters, gameplay, material locations, leveling and farming spots, Another Dungeons, and just about anything else.
Before you participate and get the satisfying answer you've spent years looking for, please consider (and do) three things:
  1. Be civil, be friendly, be chill.
  2. Upvote the most helpful questions and answers.
  3. Assume good faith when reading and voting.
Check our FAQ or the wiki first. Also, the Roadmap is a great place to see how to progress!
submitted by AutoModerator to AnotherEdenGlobal [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 14:00 AutoModerator Daily Roundtable: Community Q&A

Greetings Arisen!
This is the place to ask any questions you may have about Dragon's Dogma 2. This includes obscure detail questions, "newbie" advice questions, build questions, farming advice questions, and what have you.
Well written, constructive criticism is fine but please avoid ranting about aspects of the game you just don’t like. This includes “x is stupid because y”
If you are interested in the game but don’t own it yet, please don’t post “should I buy this game?” or “Is this game worth it?”. If you have played the original Dragon's Dogma game and enjoyed it, the answer is most likely yes. If you haven’t, just do a little research! These games are niche, and sometimes frustrating, and not everyone is going to enjoy them. And that’s okay!
Lastly, be friendly! We are all here because we are interested in the same game! Please treat your fellow players with respect.
Here are a few helpful links:
Our Community Discord
Dragon's Dogma 2 Wiki
Dragon's Dogma 2 Map
Most Recent Patch Notes
Character Creation Posts Here
Capcom Official Support
And remember: A LADDER, ARISEN!
submitted by AutoModerator to DragonsDogma2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 11:49 CPUCore Where is best place to farm them herbs?

A quick question - which activity is the best for rewarding you with bundled herbs? Really don't like clicking them from the ground.
submitted by CPUCore to diablo4 [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 11:01 AutoModerator [JP Event] The Spiraling Testament World of Lilim Harlot - The Unapplauded Rose~ FGO Arcade Collab ~ Day 02

News Page
Roll Thread


Quick Guide

Mission-based event
  1. Do free quests and purchase the event CEs.
  2. Equip the CE, do the daily Main Quests and Farm shop currency from the Free Quests.
  3. Do side quests as they get unlocked from missions/main story progress.
  4. Wait for the next day’s time gate and repeat step 2.

Command Support


submitted by AutoModerator to grandorder [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 09:10 AutoModerator Celebrate! Saturday [June 08, 2024]

Welcome to Celebrate! Saturday

This is the weekly hype thread, a place for you to share your excitement about in-game achievements, lucky drops, and upcoming projects. This is also a space for the community to celebrate you!
While the subreddit is already a positive, celebratory space, this thread is meant to be especially so. For those of you who might hesitate to post something to the subreddit, because you worry it might be too beginner, too redundant, too low-effort: it's not. Come share with us here!

(Note: this thread is not meant to replace posting directly to the subreddit. You are still welcome to do so!)

Non-exhaustive examples of things to celebrate:

  • Marrying your spouse!
  • Getting a giant crop!
  • Perfecting your farm or house design!
  • The mushroom hat! The tiger hat! The living hat!
  • Meteorites, Stone Owls, and Strange Capsules!
  • A dinosaur egg from fishing or hoeing!
  • Hooking a legendary fish!
  • Getting triple Stardrop at the casino
  • Beating Lewis at Junimo Kart!

If you want to share screenshots of your achievements, upload them to an image-sharing site like Imgur and drop a link in your comment.

This is also a thread where mods might lurk and offeaward prestige userflairs. These are animated icons that go next to your name as a way to celebrate particular achievements in the vanilla game. Note that posting in this thread doesn't guarantee you'll get the flair—you'll want to send us a modmail if you want to apply directly!
Achievement Flair
Complete the community center! A prismatic dancing Junimo
Fund all Joja Community Projects A prismatic Joja Cola
Complete the museum collection! An artifact trove busting open
Reach level 100 in Skull Cavern! A flying serpent
Complete all Monster Slayer goals! The prismatic slime
Cook every meal! The Queen of Sauce herself
Craft every item! Robin hard at work
Catch every fish! The Legend, swimming
Beat Journey of a Prairie King The King himself
Collect every hat in the game! Magic Cowboy Hat
Reach Perfection! A walking golden chicken

Get hyped!

submitted by AutoModerator to StardewValley [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 07:56 jc382900 TOP 10 UNIQUE PLANT GIFTS YOU MUST EXPLORE NOW!

When it comes to giving thoughtful gifts, few things have the timeless appeal and natural appeal of unique plant gifts. Gifts that are unique and unforgettable can be found in plenty in the world of plants. This article presents the top 10 unique plant gifts that are remarkable examples of the creativity and beauty of nature.

Unusual Plant Gifts: A Summary of Unusual Botanical Gifts

When the ordinary doesn’t satisfy, lose yourself in the enchantment of unusual botanical gifts. These exceptional presents surpass expectations by showcasing plant species that captivate and astound with their remarkable uniqueness and exceptional beauty. Consider presenting a live reminder of the wonders of nature, such as a plant, as a gift.


Explore the world of unusual plant arrangements if you’re looking for presents that redefine extraordinary. These carefully chosen exhibits are a symphony of hues, patterns, and shapes that are orchestrated into a beautiful botanical ballet. These arrangements elevate the act of presenting by turning the commonplace into an amazing experience that leaves a lasting impression on the recipient.

Original Ideas for Plant Gifts

Break the norm with top 10 unique plant gifts ideas and unleash your creative side. When it comes to plant gifts, they are a celebration of uniqueness, ranging from do-it-yourself kits that encourage the recipient’s green thumb to customized potted gardens that highlight creativity. Accept the unusual and give a gift of botanical creativity rather than just a plant.

Gifts for Plant Lovers

These carefully chosen presents are geared toward the passionate gardener in your life. Think about specialized gardening tools, top 10 unique plant gifts care guides that reveal the techniques of botanical expertise, or memberships in esteemed botanical groups that provide access to a network of like-minded plant enthusiasts. These presents provide a trip that goes beyond material things.

Unique Potted Plants

Give exotic potted plants to someone and take them on a trip to far-off places without ever leaving the comforts of home. These amazing plant beauties elevate every living area and add something exceptional to it. These plants are a monument to the diversity and wonder of the plant kingdom, and they are perfect for those with an adventurous spirit who enjoy the beauty of flora from remote corners of the world.

Unique Plant Décor

Use unique plant décor to add beauty to interior design. These presents create a distinctive impression in every space, from hanging terrariums that dangle lush foliage like living art to custom plant stands that perfectly combine nature with design.

Special Botanical Gifts

Embark on a journey through nature’s diverse tapestry with gifts that showcase top 10 unique plant gifts. These botanical wonders span the vast spectrum of nature’s creations, from succulents with peculiar shapes that defy convention to flowering plants boasting vibrant hues that mesmerize the beholder. Each plant becomes a living testament to the richness and diversity of the botanical world.

Quirky Plant Arrangements

Inject a dash of whimsy into your gifting experience with quirky plant arrangements. Playful combinations of plants come together to create a sense of joy and surprise. Perfect for those who appreciate the unconventional, these gifts bring a lighthearted charm to any occasion, turning the act of giving into a delightful celebration of uniqueness.
In the world of botanical gifting, these detailed and extraordinary options stand out as exceptional choices. Each category offers a unique and immersive experience, turning the act of giving into a celebration of nature’s wonders.

Novelty Plant Gifts

Step into the extraordinary with novelty plant gifts. These unique offerings go beyond the expected, presenting plants in creative and unexpected ways that leave a lasting impression.

Unconventional Botanical Presents

Break free from the ordinary with unconventional botanical presents. From plant-themed art installations to living sculptures, these gifts redefine the boundaries of traditional gifting.

Exclusive Plant Gift Sets

Exceptional Plant-Themed Gifts

Curated for plant aficionados, exclusive plant gift sets bring together a harmonious collection of botanical delights. These sets are carefully crafted to offer a comprehensive and delightful gifting experience.

Extraordinary Plant Displays

Make a statement with extraordinary top 10 unique plant gifts. Whether it’s a cascading vertical garden or a mesmerizing plant arrangement, these displays transform any space into a botanical oasis.

Innovative Plant Gifting

Embrace innovation with plant gifting that goes beyond the ordinary. Consider augmented reality plant experiences or interactive plant installations that engage the senses and create lasting memories.

Singular Plant Souvenirs

Original Plant-Based Gifts

For a truly unique gesture, opt for original plant-based gifts. These could range from botanical-infused perfumes to artisanal teas made from rare herbs, providing a sensory journey through the world of plants.

Extra-Special Plant Offerings

Conclude your search for the perfect gift with extra-special plant offerings. These rare and curated selections embody the pinnacle of botanical craftsmanship, making them the ultimate expression of thoughtfulness.


The unrivaled charm of the distinctive plant presents beckons in the varied world of gift-giving. With a unique sensory voyage through nature’s treasures, the options are not only numerous but intriguing, ranging from the carefully chosen uncommon arrangements to the creative realm of botanical presents.
Take a look at the amazing possibilities our guide offers as you set out to find the top 10 unique plant gift. Every recommendation is proof of the elegance, variety, and inventiveness present in the world of plants. These gifts go beyond the norm, turning the act of giving into a celebration of nature’s remarkable subtleties.
Explore the selection at Bharatvarsh Nature Farms to fully immerse yourself in this botanical gifting experience. Their carefully chosen assortment of one-of-a-kind plant gifts captures the spirit of exceptional beauty, imaginative creativity, and the wonders of the plant world. In order to make your next gift not just unforgettable but a living celebration of nature’s wonders.
Bharatvarsh Nature Farms offers a variety that goes above and beyond the typical. Whether you’re looking for an exotic potted plant, a beautifully designed botanical present, or a rare plant arrangement, they have it all. Make your next gift an ode to the remarkable by selecting the unique plant gifts and the botanical.

Key Takeaways

submitted by jc382900 to u/jc382900 [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 07:00 ReverseMod Daily Questions Megathread - June 08, 2024

Welcome to the Reverse: 1999 Daily Questions Megathread!

Please use this thread to ask any general inquiries about Reverse: 1999. Also, kindly search keywords under this thread as your questions may have already been answered by other Timekeepers.
Community Guides
Cheat Sheets
Wiki Pages
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
Q1. Should I re-roll?
Q2. Why is my answer incorrect in for the trail puzzle?
Q3. When is the daily reset?
Q4. Does pity transfer over to the next banner?
Q5. How should I build my team?
Q6. Can I re-watch the cut-scenes/story?
Q7. Are multiple copies of a certain character necessary?
Q8. When should I stop leveling characters?
Q9. What should I purchase in the Psychube Shop (Thought Elements/Thoughts in Eternity)?
  1. LF Polarization
  2. Englighten I
  3. Enlighten II
Q10. What should I prioritize in the Oneric Shop (Oneric Fluid)?
  1. Monthy Brief Cacophony
  2. Crystal Casket
  3. Permanent Brief Cacophony (or Moment of Dissonance to craft Brief Cacophony if needed)
  4. Sonorous Knell
Misc Questions
M1. Are macros and auto-clickers allowed?

Megathread Directory
Weekly Lounge Megathreads (for minor discussions, gacha pulls, etc.)
Weekly Friend Request Megathreads (for sharing friend IDs)
Technical Issues Megathread (for sharing any technical difficulties)
Previous Questions Megathreads (for any game-related questions)
Previous and Upcoming Subreddit Changes (rule updates, subreddit announcements)
Please note that the above codes are manually updated!
If you have any suggestions or would like to add anything to this post, please contact the moderation team!
submitted by ReverseMod to Reverse1999 [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 06:01 AutoModerator [NA Event] Nanmei Yumihari Eight Dog Chronicles Day 05

News Page
Roll thread
Requirements: Lostbelt 3 clear
Event Duration: 4 June 2024, 1AM PDT - 24 June 2024, 20:59 PDT


Basic Guide


Doggo Expedition Infographic


submitted by AutoModerator to grandorder [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 05:49 LordBrokenshire Revives in a nuzlocke!

Because I'm bad at the game and also a massive cheater, I came up with a way to use some revives and save some pokemon from the grave. Essentially I can use revives that I find on the ground. But! You have to use them at the poke center but before you actually use it next. You do not box the pokemon. If you box a fainted pokemon you are burying it and it cannot be brought back. So probably no very early game revives and no elite 4 revives. How big a deal this is varies widely depending on the game. Max revives and revival herbs do not function differently. And obviously no repeatable farming of these is allowed. I did garbage a few of the gift revives in Sword.
submitted by LordBrokenshire to nuzlocke [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 05:42 corporealism1144 I want to give away many Ayurvedic Herbs.

I want to give away many Ayurvedic Herbs.
In 2019 I purchased many Ayurvedic Herbs in India (Haridwar-Motichur.) At the time I was intending on using them for clients to help with many of the common health issues we experience here in the United States. These herbs are just in their pure powder or herbal form. Not yet formed into tablets or tinctures. Meaning to say, they need to find their way into the hands of someone who is knowledgeable on how to use them properly.
They have remained untouched for years now. And if there is anyone out there who has interest in them, I have interest in sending them to you so that they can be of use.
Here is a list of what I have:
Arjun: heart congestion, angina, cardiac arrhythmia, hypertension, high blood pressure, cholesterol, cough, liver cirrhosis, inflammation
Bach Churna: improving memory, speech, concentration, obstruction in throat, congestion
Bala Churna:
Brahmi: brain and nervous system
Sharpunkha: liver and spleen
Jatamansi: nervous system exhaustion, epilepsy, parkinson’s, insomnia, headaches. heart- palpitations, angina. dysmenorrhea, lungs, liver, skin
Giloy: liver damage, fibrosis, gout, arthritis, joints, uric acid, autoimmune disease causing inflammation, skin inflammation, intestinal bleeding, hemorrhoids, dysentery intestinal flora
Neem: skin, crohns
Kushtha/kooth: digestion, asthma, gout, menses, purifies reproductive system
Red Sandal: external oil, skin issues
Gudmar Churna (gurmar): diabetes, increases insulin production
Dari Haldi: liver, hepatitis, eyes- styes and conjunctions, skin inflammation, fungal infections, STDs, piles, diabetes
Sariva: skin acne, lymph swellings,burning sensations, clearing excess water from kidneys. gout
Manjistha: clear blood, flares, lymph, crohns, ulcers, broken bone healing, endometriosis/womb, diabetes infections
Nagarmotha/mustaka: high estrogen, genetic breast cancer, digestion, menses, liver metabolism, fever
Punarnava: gout
submitted by corporealism1144 to Ayurveda [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 04:45 YeahhhhhWhateverrrr Master farming skill capes super compost perk, or ultra compost for gp herb runs.

So I got 120 farming. I saw the perk is automatic super compost. The only thing I still do for farming, is marrentill herb runs for pretty crazy gp. (For skilling that is) Made a bil from them.
I always used ultra compost. But now im considering using just the master skill cape perk to save on compost. Gp is the goal ultimately.
submitted by YeahhhhhWhateverrrr to runescape [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 00:26 BadWolfMC BadWolfMC [Network]{18+}{Greylist}{Crossplay}{1.20.4}{SMP}{SkyBlock}{Magic}{Minigames}{Prison}{Creative}{Vaults}


Experience BadWolfMC: An Adult Minecraft Server - a long-running, drama-free, and inclusive community for adults! Join one of the best online communities you'll ever be a part of, where members from around the world come together to forge friendships and share their Minecraft passion!


Our Mission

Our goal is to be your oasis away from drama and screaming children, a place to unwind and have a little fun and get creative. Our philosophy is to always enhance the game, not take away from it. We are laid-back and won’t get on your case about language, but still request that everyone be respectful of the many cultures that find a home here. We have been directly reviewed and approved by Mojang for MUG/EULA compliance, and we encourage and welcome feedback from all of our users.

Membership Application Required

If you like the place and the rules fit your style, apply for permissions at!

General Server Rules

(full rules here)
Come take a look around as our guest at IP: We hope you’ll be as excited about this place as we are!
We look forward to seeing you in game!
submitted by BadWolfMC to MinecraftSMPs [link] [comments]