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Erectile Dysfunction

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Erectile Dysfunction

2024.06.08 07:15 FloatingCloudBabe Curiosity Killed the Cat

They say curiosity killed the cat, but in my case, it lured me into the depths of a horror I could never have imagined. I was always a skeptic, someone who laughed at ghost stories and dismissed tales of the supernatural as products of overactive imaginations. But what happened to me one bleak October weekend has forever altered my perception of reality.
It all started with an invitation from my old college friend, Mark. He was an amateur historian with a particular fascination for abandoned places. When he called me one Friday afternoon, his voice brimming with excitement, I knew he had found something interesting.
"Dan, you've got to check this out," he said. "I discovered an old mansion deep in the woods, about an hour's drive from the city. It's been abandoned for decades, maybe longer. The place is practically untouched."
I agreed, more out of boredom than genuine interest. The thought of spending a night in a crumbling mansion seemed like a fun adventure, a break from the monotony of my nine-to-five routine. We packed our gear—flashlights, sleeping bags, some food and water—and set off early the next morning.
The mansion was every bit as eerie as Mark had described. Hidden behind a thick curtain of trees, it loomed like a shadowy behemoth, its windows dark and empty, the front door hanging on rusty hinges. The air around it felt heavy, charged with a sense of foreboding that made my skin prickle.
We stepped inside, our footsteps echoing in the vast, empty foyer. Dust coated every surface, and cobwebs hung from the chandeliers like ghostly drapes. Mark was in his element, snapping photos and jotting down notes. I wandered through the rooms, trying to imagine what the place had looked like in its prime.
In one of the upstairs bedrooms, I found an old diary tucked away in a drawer. The pages were yellowed and brittle, but the writing was still legible. It belonged to a woman named Eleanor Hawthorne, who had lived in the mansion in the early 1900s. As I read her entries, a sense of unease settled over me.
October 3, 1902: There are whispers in the walls, voices that speak of sorrow and despair. I fear I am losing my mind.
October 12, 1902: Last night, I saw her again—the woman in the white dress. She stood at the foot of my bed, her eyes hollow, her face twisted in anguish. What does she want from me?
October 20, 1902: I can no longer distinguish between reality and nightmare. The woman is always with me, her presence a constant torment. I fear I will not survive much longer.
I shivered and closed the diary. The sun was setting, and the mansion's shadows grew longer, more sinister. I found Mark in the library, surrounded by old books and papers.
"Mark, I think we should leave," I said, my voice trembling.
"Leave? Are you kidding? We've only just begun!" he replied, not looking up from his notes.
I tried to argue, but he was adamant. Reluctantly, I agreed to stay the night. We set up our sleeping bags in the grand ballroom, a vast, empty space that felt cavernous in the dark. The night was cold, and every creak and groan of the old mansion seemed amplified in the silence.
Around midnight, I was jolted awake by a faint whispering sound. I sat up, my heart pounding, and strained to listen. The whispers grew louder, more insistent, but I couldn't make out the words. Mark was still asleep, oblivious to the noise.
I grabbed my flashlight and followed the sound, which seemed to be coming from upstairs. The air grew colder as I ascended the staircase, and the whispering became clearer. It led me to a small, locked door at the end of a narrow hallway. To my surprise, the key was in the lock. I turned it slowly, the old metal groaning in protest, and pushed the door open.
Inside was a small room, empty except for a large mirror that covered one wall. The whispers were louder now, almost a chorus, but the room was empty. I approached the mirror, my reflection pale and ghostly in the dim light.
As I stared into the glass, the whispering ceased, replaced by a chilling silence. Then, slowly, the surface of the mirror began to ripple, like water disturbed by a breeze. I stepped back, my breath catching in my throat.
A figure emerged from the mirror—a woman in a white dress, her eyes hollow and her face twisted in agony, just as Eleanor had described. She reached out to me, her mouth opening in a silent scream. I was paralyzed, unable to move or look away.
The woman stepped through the mirror, her form becoming solid, tangible. She moved towards me with an otherworldly grace, her feet barely touching the floor. I wanted to run, to scream, but I was rooted to the spot, my body refusing to obey.
She stopped inches from me, her cold hand brushing my cheek. "Help me," she whispered, her voice a mournful wail that echoed in my mind. "Release me."
In a flash, I was back in the ballroom, gasping for breath. Mark was shaking me, his face pale with fear. "Dan, what happened? You were screaming!"
I told him about the woman, the mirror, everything. He listened, his expression shifting from concern to disbelief. "Dan, there's no mirror in that room. I checked earlier."
Desperate to prove I wasn't losing my mind, I dragged him upstairs to the locked room. But when we opened the door, it was empty—no mirror, no whispers, just a dusty, unused space.
We left the mansion at first light, our spirits subdued by the night's events. Mark tried to rationalize what had happened, but I knew the truth. The woman in the white dress was real, her torment palpable, her plea for help etched into my soul.
In the weeks that followed, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched. At night, I heard whispers, felt a cold presence in my room. I tried to move on, to forget, but she wouldn't let me. Her image haunted my dreams, her mournful cries echoing in my mind.
One night, unable to bear it any longer, I returned to the mansion. I had to know, had to understand what she wanted from me. The place was just as we had left it, a decaying monument to forgotten lives.
I found the diary again, flipping to the final entry.
October 31, 1902: I can no longer endure the torment. The woman in white is relentless, her cries a constant agony. I have decided to end it, to seek peace in death. To whoever finds this diary, beware the mirror. She is trapped within it, and she seeks to escape.
I closed the diary with trembling hands. The mirror was real, and so was the woman. She had chosen me, for reasons I couldn't fathom. And now, I had to find a way to release her, or face an eternity of torment.
As I stared at the diary, the whispers returned, louder and more insistent. I felt a cold hand on my shoulder and turned to see her standing there, her eyes filled with sorrow. "Help me," she whispered again, her voice a dagger in my heart.
I knew what I had to do. I would find the mirror, confront whatever dark force held her captive, and set her free. It was the only way to end the nightmare, to save my sanity. And so, with a sense of grim determination, I set out to face the horrors of the mansion one last time.
submitted by FloatingCloudBabe to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 00:47 derrelltheauthor Temporary light: prologue (first time writing fr, would like to know ways i can improve)

The world we live in by xavion forbes
Beautiful sky, beautiful sun
Raindrops fall, shadows lurk
Pitiful insect beneath the earth
While those on the surface smiled and danced
The devil himself cackled and pranced
The knights who bowed to dejection
Fell victim to the wicked angel’s deception
Believing all his charming lies
The knights set out to claim their prize
Exterminating shadows and light
The knights cheered with delight
“Hooray! Hooray!” they yelled as they wept.
And though it may seem grim
Alas this is the world we live in
The sun rose over the forest as water drops ran across their leaves and landed on the undergrowth. A
group of five kids ran through the wet grass. Two of the kids were girls. They all had long silky white
Hair that stretched past their pointy ears. They laughed as they ran through the wet grass.
A small, beautiful fairy flew up to one the boys, her wings glistening in the sunlight as they flapped.
“Ailwi your mother has summoned you.” she spoke
“Okay!” said Ailwi as he ran toward the center of the forest.
After a while he stopped at a small village known as ‘heart of the forest.’ a place found deep within
The center of the forest. He left footprints in the soft, wet soil next to the tracks made by the wheels
Of wagons, the air was calm and smelled of purity. His home, like all the others was mad of clay and
Wood. He knocked on the door of his house and a tall, pale old man wearing robe like clothes.
answered. Ailwi’s bright green eyes lit up with glee he looked at the man.
“Dad! You’re Back!” he exclaimed as he flew into his father's arms.
“Ailwi! Nice to see you.”
“You took forever father!”
“I’m sorry i got something to make it up to.” he said as he reached into his travel bag.
“You need to stop spoiling the boy he already Makeru he is 10 years old already and where is Praxidike?”
“I’m not too sure Kamali did you call him?”
“Oh no i forgo-of course i did!”
“What a free spirit that boy is, he’ll be a great warrior someday.” Chuckled Makeru
“He’ll be a tough-skulled warrior.” said Kamali irritated.
Makeru walked over and hugged his wife.
“Don’t be like that now, you know i missed you too.” said Makeru as he hugged and rocked her.
Kamali’s blush appeared on her pale soft skin.
“Anyways i called you here because you need to feed Zeus, i already have the food here.” Said Kamali
“Yes ma’am.”
Ailwi grabbed the small wooden bowl of greens and took it outside.
“Zeus, Zeus!” he called.
A beautiful unicorn appeared from the forest. It was elegant from the golden air it exerted to the way it
Walked. It's radiance was unmatched. Ailwi laid the bowl on the ground and petted Zeus whilst it ate.
“Oh how nice it must be.” he thought to himself.
Makeru walked by and put a hand on his shoulder.
“What’s on your mind?” he asked.
“Why don’t they visit us?”
Makeru looked at the ground then at his son trying to figure out what to say.
“Due to survival instinct we always fear the bigger fish.” he said as he stroked his white beard.
“But we can protect ourselves.”
“We are a powerful race.” said Makeru as he looked away.
“As elves we are much more gifted than the humans...” he continued.
“Why don’t we show them that we are not a threat?”
“Fear and pride are terrible pair.”
“’s impossible.” aid Ailwi with a golf ball in his throat as he looked at the ground.
Makeru looked at Ailwi.
"From the moment we are born we a given a choice and make our decisions accordingly, which is likely
what caused this rift to open to begin with, but our choices and decisions are slowly
becoming intertwined with one another.” he said as he rested a hand on Ailwi’s head
“So how do you walk along humans?”
Makeru smiled knowingly as if waiting for that question.
“When you’re a merchant you pick up a few tricks.” he spoke
He reached into his bag and put on a necklace with a bright blue gem. Makeru put the
necklace on. He Face began emitting a bright light Blinding Ailwi. He rubbed his eyes and
looked back at his father only To see a human man with short curly brown hair and eyes
sitting next to him. Fear and confusion washed over him, only for it to quickly subside when
he heard the man laugh.
“Dad?” he said asked a slightly annoyed tone.
“Yep.” Makeru chuckled.
He took off the Necklace, turning his face and hair back to normal.
“Neet trick huh?.” he asked as he continued laughing./
“Well now.” said Makeru as he picked up Zeus’ empty bowl.
“Go be a kid.”
Makeru got up and ran back to play with his friends.
“Hey what took you so long Ailwi?” asked his younger brother.
His brother was a pretty tall 9-year-old kid, sightly taller than most elven children including his brother.
His white hair was held up in an elven warrior's ponytail, held up by a small, slim piece of rope.
“Praxidike mom called both me and you.”
“Yeah, but I just got the hang of this trick i can do with my magic.” Explained Praxidike.
“Watch this.”
Praxidike took a deep breath and pointed an open hand to a tree. Light emerged from his hand and the
Tree began to move. Crack!Crack!Snap! Trees branches crackled as they began to animate.
One of Which elongated itself and reached down to Praxidike. he walked upon the branch
and it raised him into the air. Once it stopped Praxidike to a sigh of relief and wiped the
sweat off his forehead.
“Wow that was awesome!” cheered one kid
“Cool!” cheered another
“Ailwi I need help.” laughed Praxidike nervously.
“I don’t have the energy to do that again.”
Ailwi reached his hand towards the ground and took a deep breath. His hand began to
emit a bright green light. A small Wurl wind began to form.
“Alright jump!”
“Sure it’s safe?”
“Have I ever wronged you?”
Praxidike gave him a skeptical look.
“Have I ever dropped you.”
“Come on!” demanded Ailwi
Praxidike looked at the ground below and how far it was and shook his head.
“I can’t.”
Praxidike's legs were jelly, his heart pounding he swallowed the gulf ball sized lump in his
“Come on move Praxidike this isn’t becoming of a warrior.” he thought to himself.
He shut his eyes, trying to think of a way to get out of this mess.
“Praxidike you can do it!” yelled AIlwi.
Praxidike snapped out of it and took a deep breath.
“You are a warrior.” he thought as he got up.
Body still trembling he jumped off and fell into the Wurl wind, catching him.
“Thanks Ailwi.”
“You're welcome.” he said.
“Well, who's wants to play hide and seek?” said one of the kids.
Everyone said they wanted to play, except for Ailwi.
“Is it because you have never won a single game before?” teased Praxidike.
“No! You guys hide too well.”
“And you don’t know how to at all.”
“No, it’s just-”
“Don’t worry we can play without you.” said one kid.
Ailwi’s ear turned red with anger and embarrassment.
“Fine! I'll find you this time! I’ll find all of you!”
Ailwi turned around, covered his eyes and began counting.
The rest of the kids quickly fled giggling as they ran. Once he finished he began looking for them.
“I’ll show them.” he thought.
“I will win.”
After while he was still looking for them. His pointy ears became red again.
“Where are they?!” he said aloud as his hand began to emit a green light.
A Wurl wind began to form around him. exerting an impressive amount of force on
everything around Him, strong enough to push the trees back. Then it stopped.
His eyes felt stuffed as he tried to hold back his tears.
“I can’t do it!” he yelled as he ran away.
Praxidike clenched his fist as he saw Ailwi run.
Ailwi’s tears broke past his defenses and ran down his cheek. Once he got home, he ran and gave
Kamali tight hug.
“Mom!” spoke Ailwi as he buried his face into his mother’s all white dress.
“What’s wrong Ailwi.”
“I(sniff)hate(sniff)it!” cried Ailwi.
“Alright let’s go outside and talk about it until your father gets home.”
Kamali gently put her hand on Ailwi’s back and walked him outside.
“Now tell me what’s going on.”
Ailwi wiped his face.
“Everyone(sniff) is better than me at hide and seek and i hate it!”
“That’s okay-”
“No, it isn’t, everyone is good at(sniff)something(sniff)like Praxidike and I hate it.”
“Ailwi!” snapped Kamali.
Ailwi jumped at the sudden remark.
Kamali took a deep breath and sighed.
“Back when Makeru was a still a warrior he was tasked to train some of the young elves for combat.”
She spoke.
Ailwi looked up at her curiously.
“On his first day he came back home extremely mad. He told me he couldn’t stand how slow they
“So, I told him ‘Maybe your just fast’ which made him a little angrier.”
“But the next day he came to me with a beautiful bouquet of flowers and thanked me...He
told me that I was right because though things started rocky once he slowed down and
adapted to their pace they got things a lot quicker”
“Understand what I'm trying to say?”
Ailwi looked at the ground then back at his mother then nodded.
Kamali knelt down to Ailwi’s level.
“And though it is okay to be angry we don’t hate anyone.” she said as she kissed his
“Can I go back?”
“Sure.” answered Kamali as she gave a soft smile.
Ailwi ran back into the forest and found his friend along with his brother who had his arms crossed.
“All together.” he spoke.
“We’re sorry for hurting your feelings.” Praxidike and the kids said in unison.
“And I'm sorry for making fun of you.” said Praxidike.
“Why are you apologizing?”
“Because.” spoke Praxidike
“I saw you crying and realized that we took are jokes too far and that I shouldn’t have
pushed you to play a game that you didn’t want to play.” he continued.
“Don’t worry I'm sorry for quitting the game and leaving.” said Ailwi as he extended his hand.
Praxidike shook head and gave his older brother a hug.
“I want to play one more time.” said Ailwi.
Everyone looked shocked then skeptical.
“Are you sure?” asked Praxidike.
Ailwi gave a determined nod.
“Let’s play one more time, just don’t cry when you can’t find us.” said Praxidike.
He turned around, covered his eyes and began counting.
Again, the kids quickly fled. Once he finished counting, he began looking for them. After a
while once Again, his ears began to turn red them He paused, took a deep breath, and
closed his eyes. his hands began to glow, and a strong gust of wind blew in all directions.
Then he felt some resistance in the wind in multiple Places. He could feel it all. From the
motionless trees to the traversing animal. he could feel four people which he quickly
chased after. Finding all of his friends.
“You did it Ailwi!” cheered his brother.
“I can’t wait to tell mom.” Said Ailwi happily.
Both Ailwi and Praxidike ran home to tell their mother the good news.
“Mom, he won!” announced Praxidike.
“Oh really?”
“I don’t know.” spoke AIlwi
“I just took your advice and I think i got stronger!” said Ailwi jumping with joy.
Kamali smiled.
“That’s great Ailwi.”
“How about you use that strength to help me peel and cut these vegetables?”
“Yeah.” said Ailwi as he walked over and began cutting the potatoes.
“Hey everyone!” announced Makeru as he walked in.
Praxidike tackled his father to the ground.
“Good one Praxidike but tackle old men.” said Makeru as he let out and exaggerated
“You choose to be old.” spoke Kamali.
“Ailwi won hide hand seek for the first time.”
“Oh really? Great job!”
Makeru’s face became serious as he quickly got back onto his feet.
Kamali walked over to Makeru.
“What’s going on?” she asked.
“I don’t know... I’ll go check it out, but just in case get the kids ready.” said Makeru as he left.
Makeru jogged to the front of the village, where other male elves stood. The all glanced at
his upon Arrival.
“Elves! We need to prepare for war! I already sent someone to evacuate the women and
children to the cavern!” Yelled One of them as he walked in front of the small platoon of
“Are enemy is not too far away and they are storming through front of the forest and have
broken the concealment barrier, we need to use this time to our advantage! We are going
to take them from all sides. We need to send five hidden archers on the eastern, western,
and southern sides of the army, the rest of us will take our post in those places as well.
Now Let’s finish what the human started two-hundred thousand years ago. Now get
The elves mounted their unicorns and headed to their respective positions. The elf who
explained the battle plan stopped Makeru.
“It’s been a while, Joseph.” Said Makeru with a faint smile.
“Yes, odd that a rusty treasure such as yourself is entering battle.”
“Indeed bu-“
“I think it is better you head for the cavern you should feel much more comfortable there.”
“Well we all have are reasons.”
“Not when you left.”
“There were multiple.”
“Ah let me guess… the traitor?”
“Much more than that…”
“He committed sin against the natural order and was punished accordingly.”
“The natural order is what got us here and his sin would have made this punishment a lot
easier on us.”
“You have the heart of a coward.” Finished Joseph as he left into forest.
Makeru sighed, got on Zues’ back and followed. The Children followed there mothers in a
straight line while a bright glowing green fairy in the front illuminated their path in in the
stary night under the full moon. Ailwi and Praxidike clung to both sides of Kamali.
“Mom happening?” asked Ailwi.
“The forest warriors have to carry out their duties.” Answered Kamali.
“But will dad be okay?” asked Praxidike.
“You know as well as I do what your father is capable of.”
“But he is old now and he hasn’t fought in years.”
“He has beaten formidable creatures of the forest, can’t do that without a trick or two up
your sleeve.”
“Why did he leave in the first place if he was so strong?” Asked Ailwi
“Not to sure, he told me that that he ‘chose peace’ that was all…”
“Are we almost there?” asked Praxidike.
“Yes, just walk a little longer.”
“I can’t my feet hurt. Ailwi carry me on your back.” Whined Praxidike.
“No! Why would I?!”
“Because I’m your young brother and I won’t stay that way forever.”
“Fat chance! You’re bigger than me! If anything, you should carry me!” yelled Ailwi.
“No.” pouted Praxidike.
The troops of elves stood at their positions where they readied for battle. Humans on
horses dodged passed the trees and began their attack on the elves. Joseph took out his
enemies one after the other. His sword cutting through their flesh like a knife through
butter. The area was filled with blood splatter and battle cries. Joseph created magical
barrier as a large fireball torpedoed towards him. It broke straight through making contact.
He let out a blood curdling scream as his now lifeless steed fell on his leg. His foe stood
over him and raised his blade. The human stopped as an arrow shot through his head,
spilling warm red liquid on Joseph’s face. Joseph removed his leg and stumbled as he got
up. He heard something big and fast approaching. He put up a barrier up on all sides as it
got closer and closer, smashing the trees in its wake. Then it stopped. Within a nanosecond
a giant fist punched through the barrier.
“What’s wrong with my magic?!” he thought.
The smell of smoke and death spread alongside the fire that torched the forest. His
comrades began to drop one by one. A fifteen-foot-tall green creature with four muscular
arms and one eye stood over Joseph holding a massive, spiked metal club.
“They have cyclops?!” he thought as it began to raise its weapon over its head.
“I have no regrets.” He continued as he stared death in the eyes.
“Hurry put up your barrier.” Yelled a voice before the monster shrunk down into an infant.
Thud! Boom! The descending club bounced off the barrier and landed on the ground. A
sword cut though the baby cyclops’ neck sending his it’s head flying through the air.
Joseph looked up to see who saved him. This elf looked tall and muscular in his white shirt
that was stained with blood alongside the intricate golden maze-like patterns that matched
the unicorn he sat upon. He had the appearance of a man, who was no older than twenty.
“Get up, there is another one coming, bigger than the one we just fought.” Said Makeru as
he Stretched his hand out.
Joseph picked himself up and grabbed his sword. A much larger cyclops with six arms
bashed it’s way though the trees and elves then towered menacingly over the two. It raised
all six clubs and swung them at it’s targets.
“Let’s go!” said Makeru as he ran towards his opponent.
He swiftly avoided five clubs and reached His hand out, but the sixth club hit him with the
force of a semi-truck and sent him flying into a tree. Zues got up and ran into the chaos.
“Zues-” yelled Makeru, trying to lift himself up.
Blood spilled out of his mouth as he fell back onto his knees. His body was on fire and
everything around him began to blend together in a red, blurry mess.
“For them…” he thought as he got back up.
“I need you to make me an opening!” commanded Makeru.
Joseph clenched his teeth and put as much power in his barriers as he could. The clubs
bounced of the Barriers allowing Makeru to get close enough to touch it. The cyclops
became an infant and once again, Makeru cut it in half. The clubs rained down as Makeru
took a deep breath. Joseph stared in awe.
“I have the heart of a man.” Said Makeru as he we ran back into the fierce battle.
Multiple massive, scaley beast with large wing hovered over the forest as fire spewed from
their deadly jaws.
“What beast don’t these humans have?!” thought Joseph.
Huge glowing blue arrows shot the creatures out of the sky. A fairy hurriedly fly towards
Joseph and collapsed in front of him. He picked her up in his hand.
“What’s wrong?!”
“There are human forces surrounding the forest and they are closing in!” explained the
fairy. Joseph froze. His pale complexion lost what little color it had.
“F-from th-the beginning.” He mumbled as he dropped the fairy.
He stared into the space in front of Himself, sniffling, mouth agape.
“No…Humans…Humans! HUMANS!” he screamed as he fell onto his knees.
A sword sliced through his neck causing his head to roll on the soil beneath him. Makeru
continued to cut his enemies down. Three men surrounded Makeru and swung their
swords with tremendous speed.Makeru quickly parried the blows and cut one of them in
half. The other two simultaneously aimed for Makeru’s neck. Makeru shrunk down into an
infant and touched both of their shoes, turning them both into old men. He grew back to
his original size then cut the men down. He jumped in the air to avoid the fire ball that was
hurled toward him but a thin drop of water shot through his leg at the speed of a bullet. He
fell to the ground hard. He felt the ground shake and quickly used his three remaining
limbs toto jump out of the way. Makeru landed next to the spikes that had emerged from
the ground. Makeru focused his mana inside his leg and his wound closed up but he still
stumbled as he got up. Multiple Beams of water shot through his body then a long blade
pierced his torso. He placed his palm on the man who stabbed him causing him wilt and
shrivel into an old man. Makeru removed the sword from his torso.
“I would have died either way, no matter what I chose…Huh? Sorry Kamali.” Thought
He turned around and stared at the raging chaos. Watching the elves and humans kill each
other as smoke enveloped his lung with every breath. Another beam of water shot through
his chest. He stared at the man he had killed with a blank face.
“What are you?” he asked aloud with a blank face before collapsing and bleeding out.
Praxidike and Ailwi continued to cling to their mother on their way to the cavern.
“Are we almost there?” asked Praxidike.
“Yes very close.” Said Kamali.
“Are those fairies?” asked Ailwi, pointing at the strange orangish red lights approaching
them. Kamali squinted her eyes and created a large clear semi-sphere that emitted a faint
purple hue around everyone.
“Everyone, they found us, run!” she yelled.
the women ran with their children and separated from the group into the forest. Kamali ran
with her children’s hands in hers.
“Mom why are we running?” asked Ailwi.
Kamali stopped behind a large tree.
“Mom, what’s happening?” asked Ailwi through his heavy breath.
Kamali gulped and sighed.
“We are in a terrible battle.” She said.
“With who?” asked Ailwi.
“What about dad?!” asked Praxidike panicked.
Kamali looked down and sighed.
“We need to help him!” Yelled Praxidike.
“Be quiet…”
“But you love him, he is your husband and our father! He needs-“
“I do love him, with all my heart even when he was seen as a disgrace for leaving the army I
stayed by his side, but now you are our sole responsibility, and your safety is what matters!”
“We are fam-“
“Yes and because of that we can not help him!” she said through burning tears.
The two hugged Kamali and cried in her arms. Snap! Kamali’s ear twitched at the sound of
a twig Snapping causing her to perk up. She cupped the cheeks of her children.
“You must go.”
“What?” The two asked in surprise.
“You must run without me. Now!”
“But mom-“
“Ailwi take care of you brother and keep him safe.”
“I love both of you so much please never forget that.” Said Kamali as her voice cracked
“Please!” yelled Ailwi.
“Run! Now!” said Kamali as he pushed her kids.
The two ran as fast as they could into the forest and were soon out of sight. Five men
surrounded Kamali ready to attack. Ailwi and Praxidike kept running and once again
stopped behind a tree.
“Ailwi. Mom, Dad.”
“It’s okay they’re strong, they know how to fight they can win.” Encouraged Ailwi.
“Please, you understand Ailwi, they need help!”
“But we cannot help them.”
A lump enveloped within the two’s throats. Praxidike fell onto his knees and punched the
“Why is this happening?!” he said as his tears ran from his cheek onto the white lily beneath him.
Tears began to weld in Ailwi’s eyes but he refused to let them fall. He knelt down and gave
his weeping brother a hug.
“It will be over tomorrow, hopefully.” He said while rocking him.
They both flinched as they hear a twig snap. Before them stood a lengthy human with a disgusting
toothy Grin. His mouth moved but neither of the two could understand a word he uttered.
“Stop please.” Begged Ailwi.
The man face contorted into a disgusted and unpleased expression. He raised a glowing
hand causing The two to move out of the way as fast as they could, allowing the tree
behind them to be torched by The fireball.
“Ailwi we need to fight!”
Ailwi looked at Praxidike with wide eyes then Back at their enemy.
“No we can’t!”
“We have to!”
Ailwi swallowed hard and got ready for the fight right in front of him. Zeus was still
galloping within the forest. Before being stopped by four men. Praxidike created a tree
which wrapped around the man. The Man set the tree ablaze and quickly grabbed Praxidike
by the neck.
“Let me go!” He yelled.
Ailwi threw a powerful gust of wind at the man, making him stumble and trip over the tree
root created by Praxidike, dropping the child in his grasp. He threw a fireball at Ailwi,
forcing him into hitting his back on the tree hard, knocking him to the ground. Fire
enveloped the man’s fist before dealing Praxidike a blow to the gut so hard that his rib let
out a sickening crack. The fiery barrage of didn’t let up each punch to his face and torso
would burn his skin terribly. Finally, the man stopped, and the fire ceased, allowing
Praxidike to fall to the ground. He Picked him up by the neck and stood over Ailwi with the
same disturbing grin as before. Ailwi looked at his burnt and battered brother in fear.
“Please…stop…let him go.” Pleaded Ailwi, grabbing the man’s feet as he cried.
The man kicked Ailwi off of him and laughed. Praxidike’s whole body was set ablaze within
the mans grasp screaming in agony.
“NO!” screamed Ailwi.
Praxidike went silent and the man dropped his burning corpse. Zues was still fighting off the men far into
the forest. Soon they caught him within a net, raised their mighty sword and brought it
down upon his neck, slaying the last unicorn. Ailwi gazed upon what was left of his brother
in terror. His blood ran cold, he lost his breath, and his head was painfully pounding like a
drum it was so loud that he could barely hear the sound of his heart that was pounding in
his chest like an engine. The man’s wicked laughter echoed in Ailwi’s entire body causing
his blood to boil.
“Why...WHY?!” he screeched as his wind broke through the fireball that was launched at
him and condensed into sharp, powerful blade that beheaded his foe.The blood spilled on
Ailwi’s frightened face and mixed with his tears.
“No…I d-didn’t mean too…”
The pounding in his head got worse as vomit spilled from his mouth. Then he fell to his
knees and Passed out from both mental and physical exhaustion. Once he awoke the sun
rose, shining it’s light upon the tainted forest. Ailwi got up and began looking for his
mother. After a couple of minutes, he found his mother’s corpse lying on the ground, her
torso severed in two. Soon he also found Makeru on the ground, his body riddled with
holes. Ailwi fell onto his knees and cried on top of his lifeless father.
“Please don’t (Hiccup) leave me!(sniff).” He cried.
“I need you.”
After some time, he walked back to the village.
“Someone? Anyone?” he called. The houses were broken down and charred. He walked
over to the Rubble that was once his house. A blinding blue light emitted from it revealing
his mother. She was made of the same blue light that blinded Ailwi.
“Mom?” asked Ailwi through quivering lips.
“Ailwi, my son.”
“Mom!” exclaimed Ailwi as he ran to her to give her a hug.
He phased through her and tripped. The spirit turned around with a face of pain and sorrow.
“Ailwi, I love you more than life itself.”
“I couldn’t save him.” Said Ailwi while still on the ground.
“You’re safe and that’s all that matters.”
Her body began to flicker.
“I don’t have much time.” She continued.
“What’s wrong?”
“My soul must travel to heaven.”
“No, don’t go! I don’t want to be alone!”
“You won’t. I need you to promise something.”
Ailwi got up and looked at his mother with curiosity.
“Do not bear any hatred in you heart, not toward the humans, not towards anyone.”
“What?! They killed everyone!”
“NO! how could I forgive them?! After everything they stole!?”
“Please Ailwi I beg of you.” She said while cupping his cheek and giving him a kiss on his
“Please.” She continued before completely fading away.
Ailwi cried harder than ever as he fell to the floor.
“MOM! Come back! Please!”
“I promise…” he said as he curled into a ball.
Something gleamed within the wreckage of his house. He picked himself up and pulled it
out of the dirt.
“Dad’s Necklace.” He said as he clutched it.
Once he put it on his face began to change. His long white hair shortened and browned
and his ears shrunk and became round. He looked into a nearby puddle and stared at his
new human appearance.
“I’m a monster.” He said with a blank face. before falling to his knees, weeping loudly.
submitted by derrelltheauthor to StoryWriting [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:26 bkjogjibnh Sugar Defender Reviews and Complaints: What You Need to Know

Thinking about using Sugar Defender to manage your blood sugar levels? Navigating the sea of online reviews can be daunting. Are the glowing reviews trustworthy, or do concerns about a "Sugar Defender scam" hold weight? This in-depth review aims to uncover the truth about Sugar Defender.
We'll explore user experiences and the science behind the ingredients. Whether you've read rave reviews or encountered warnings of a "Sugar Defender scam," this analysis will provide the insights needed to make an informed choice. We'll delve into independent reviews, consumer reports, and potential complaints to offer a balanced view. Is Sugar Defender a genuine solution for blood sugar management, or just another overhyped supplement? Join us as we uncover the truth.

Visit Official Website To Order Sugar Defender Click Here

Sugar Defender's Promised Benefits
Natural Ingredients: A blend of plant-based ingredients designed for gentle blood sugar support. Liquid Drops: Convenient and easy-to-use liquid drops for daily dosing. Blood Sugar Management: Aims to regulate blood sugar levels and improve metabolic health. Appetite Control: Claims to curb cravings and reduce food intake, aiding weight management. Energy Boost: Aspires to enhance energy levels by optimizing glucose utilization. Cognitive Enhancement: Supports cognitive function and memory for better mental clarity. Money-Back Guarantee: Offers a 60-day money-back guarantee to reduce purchase risk. FDA-Registered Facility: Manufactured in an FDA-registered facility, indicating quality standards. Easy to Use: Liquid format eliminates the need for swallowing capsules or tablets. Free Bonuses: May include educational materials on blood sugar management and healthy recipes.
Product Overview
Name: Sugar Defender Health Focus: Blood sugar management Form: Dropper Ingredients: Eleuthero, Coleus, Maca Root, African Mango, Guarana, Chromium, Ginseng, Gymnema Dosage: 1 ml per day Quantity: 30 doses Benefits: Appetite suppression, enhanced energy, improved cognitive function, weight management Pros: 100% natural, plant-based, GMO-free, non-addictive, 60-day money-back guarantee, FDA-registered GMP-certified facility Cons: Available only on the official website, individual results may vary Side Effects: No reported side effects Bonuses: The Ultimate Tea Guide, Learn How to Manage Type II Diabetes Price: $69 Refund Policy: 180 days Availability: Exclusive to the official website Official Website: Click Here Sugar Defender: A Balanced Perspective Pros:

Visit Official Website To Order Sugar Defender Click Here

Natural Approach: Uses natural ingredients for a gentle solution. Convenient Dosing: Liquid drops are easy to incorporate into daily routines. Multifaceted Support: Targets blood sugar, appetite, energy, and cognitive function. Financial Security: The 60-day money-back guarantee provides some protection. Quality Assurance: Made in an FDA-registered facility, ensuring adherence to standards. Cons:
Effectiveness Unclear: Limited independent verification of effectiveness. Varied Results: Individual experiences may differ. Limited Availability: Only available through the official website, affecting accessibility. Unveiling the Formula Sugar Defender is positioned as a dietary supplement for blood sugar management, boasting a blend of natural ingredients aimed at promoting healthy blood sugar levels and overall metabolic health. The primary goal is to regulate blood sugar, potentially curbing cravings and aiding weight management. It also claims to enhance energy levels and cognitive function. However, it's crucial to remember that Sugar Defender is a supplement, not a miracle cure. Its effectiveness and the validity of its claims require careful consideration. This review provides a balanced perspective on its potential benefits and drawbacks.
The Mystery Behind the Creator
Unlike many supplements that highlight their creators, Sugar Defender's origins are somewhat mysterious. There's no readily available information about the individual or team behind it. This lack of transparency might be concerning for some users, as knowing the background and qualifications of the creators can build trust. However, this doesn't necessarily negate the product's potential effectiveness. Some companies focus more on the science behind the ingredients rather than the creators. For those seeking transparency, this anonymity might be a point of hesitation.
If you're considering Sugar Defender, research the ingredients and their potential benefits for blood sugar management. Additionally, look for independent reviews from verified users to get a broader perspective. The decision to trust Sugar Defender, despite its mysterious origins, ultimately rests with you.
The Science Behind Sugar Defender
Sugar Defender features a blend of natural ingredients aimed at supporting healthy blood sugar levels. Here's a closer look at the science behind some key components:
Chromium: May improve insulin sensitivity, aiding blood sugar control, though evidence is inconclusive. Alpha-Lipoic Acid: An antioxidant with mixed results on blood sugar regulation. Gymnema Sylvestre: Contains gymnemic acid, which may reduce sugar cravings and improve insulin sensitivity. The exact dosages and the combined effects of all the ingredients in Sugar Defender aren't well-researched, and the product itself lacks extensive clinical trials. This doesn't negate its potential benefits but highlights the need for further research and a critical approach.
Detailed Ingredient Analysis
Eleuthero (Siberian Ginseng): An adaptogenic herb that may help manage stress and improve stamina, though its impact on blood sugar is limited. Coleus Forskohlii: Contains forskolin, which may aid weight management and blood pressure, but its effects on blood sugar are unclear. Maca Root: May boost energy and mood, but more research is needed on its impact on blood sugar. African Mango (Irvingia Gabonensis): Could help suppress appetite and improve cholesterol, with emerging evidence on blood sugar effects. Guarana: High in caffeine, it may increase energy and suppress appetite, though its role in blood sugar management is unclear. Ginseng: May improve energy and cognitive function, with some studies suggesting it could help regulate blood sugar. Gymnema Sylvestre: May reduce sugar cravings and improve insulin sensitivity. Alpha-Lipoic Acid: Plays a role in glucose metabolism, with mixed research results. How Sugar Defender Works Sugar Defender claims to work through several mechanisms:
Blood Sugar Regulation: Ingredients like Chromium and Gymnema Sylvestre may enhance insulin sensitivity and reduce sugar cravings. Appetite Control: African Mango and Coleus Forskohlii might help suppress appetite and manage weight. Energy and Metabolism: Eleuthero, Maca Root, and Ginseng may boost energy and support a healthy metabolism. These are theoretical mechanisms, and the actual effectiveness remains unclear.
Instructions and Considerations Dosage and Administration:
Recommended Dosage: One dropper (1 ml) three times daily. Method: Take drops under the tongue, hold for a few seconds before swallowing, preferably with meals. Consistency: Use consistently for at least three months to see potential benefits. Lifestyle Modifications:
Healthy Lifestyle: Maintain a balanced diet and regular exercise. Sugar Defender should supplement these efforts, not replace them. Consulting Your Doctor:
Medical Conditions: Consult your doctor if you have pre-existing conditions or are on medication. Pregnant/Breastfeeding Women: Should seek medical advice before use. Be Cautious and Realistic:
Approach Claims Critically: Independent research and reviews can provide a balanced view. Individual Results Vary: What works for one person might not work for another. Potential Side Effects Sugar Defender is generally safe but may cause mild side effects like:
Digestive Discomfort: Bloating, gas, or diarrhea. Headaches: Mild headaches due to changes in blood sugar levels. Nausea: Occasional nausea. Dizziness: Slight dizziness or lightheadedness. Allergic Reactions: Rare allergic reactions. Sleep Disturbances: Changes in sleep patterns. If any side effects persist or worsen, discontinue use and consult a healthcare professional.
Is Sugar Defender Safe? Sugar Defender is generally safe for most people when used as directed. It's made with natural ingredients and adheres to quality standards. However, pregnant or breastfeeding women, and those with pre-existing conditions or on medication, should consult a healthcare provider before use. Individual responses vary, so monitor how your body reacts and make informed decisions.
By following these guidelines and consulting with your doctor, you can decide if Sugar Defender is a suitable option for you.
Who Should Avoid Sugar Defender?
While Sugar Defender is generally safe for most individuals, specific groups should exercise caution or avoid using the supplement altogether:
Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women: Limited research exists on the safety of Sugar Defender's ingredients during pregnancy and lactation. Pregnant or breastfeeding women should consult their healthcare provider before using this supplement.
Children: Sugar Defender is formulated for adult use and may not be suitable for children. Parents should consult with a pediatrician before giving Sugar Defender to children.
Individuals with Medical Conditions: Those with pre-existing medical conditions, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or gastrointestinal disorders, should consult a healthcare professional before using Sugar Defender to ensure it is safe and appropriate for their specific health needs.
Allergies: Individuals with known allergies to any of the ingredients in Sugar Defender should avoid using the supplement to prevent allergic reactions.
Medication Interactions: Some ingredients in Sugar Defender may interact with certain medications. Individuals taking prescription medications should consult their healthcare provider before using Sugar Defender to avoid potential interactions.
By considering these factors and consulting with a healthcare professional when necessary, individuals can make informed decisions about whether Sugar Defender is suitable for their individual needs and circumstances.
Sugar Defender: Sifting Through Customer Reviews (4.8 Rating with a Cautious Eye)
Sugar Defender boasts a high customer rating of 4.8, but it's important to evaluate this critically:

Visit Official Website To Order Sugar Defender Click Here

The Positive Side: Many customer reviews highlight positive experiences, such as improved blood sugar control, increased energy levels, and reduced cravings. Users often appreciate the ease of use (liquid drops) and the natural approach. A Cause for Caution: A near-perfect rating (4.8) can be suspicious. Genuine reviews tend to reflect a mix of positive and negative experiences. There is a possibility of biased reviews influenced by marketing or affiliate programs. Looking Beyond the Ratings: Focus on the content of reviews rather than just the star rating. Look for detailed reviews describing the user’s experience, both positive and negative. Consider the reviewer's background and potential biases. Sugar Defender Customer Reviews: A Journey Through User Experiences
30 Days: Sarah M. (4 stars): Noticed increased energy and fewer afternoon slumps. David L. (3 stars): Found the taste manageable but saw no major changes in blood sugar yet. Emily K. (5 stars): Experienced significant reduction in sugar cravings and healthier food choices. John T. (2 stars): Disappointed with no significant change in energy or blood sugar levels. Maria P. (4 stars): Liked the convenience and felt slightly lighter, hoping for more progress. 90 Days: Sarah M. (4 stars): Significant improvement in energy levels and positive changes in blood sugar readings. David L. (3 stars): Cravings less intense, but blood sugar readings still inconsistent. Emily K. (5 stars): Managed to lose weight and stabilize blood sugar levels. John T. (3 stars): Slight improvement in energy levels, unsure about continued use. Maria P. (5 stars): Lost weight and improved blood sugar control, very positive results. 180 Days: Sarah M. (5 stars): Consistent healthy blood sugar levels and improved energy, essential part of health regimen. David L. (4 stars): Stabilized blood sugar readings and managed cravings better. Emily K. (5 stars): Dramatic improvement in energy, sleep, and overall health. John T. (4 stars): Significant improvement in blood sugar control after six months. Maria P. (5 stars): Maintained weight loss, high energy levels, and good blood sugar control. Where to Buy Sugar Defender?
Sugar Defender is exclusively available for purchase through its official website. Buying directly from the official source ensures authenticity, special offers, dedicated customer support, and secure transactions.
Sugar Defender Pricing:
Single Bottle: $69 Three Bottles: $177 ($59 per bottle) Six Bottles: $294 ($49 per bottle) Refund Policy:
Sugar Defender offers a 60-day money-back guarantee. If you're not entirely satisfied with your purchase, you can request a full refund within 60 days of receipt.
Customers may receive complimentary ebooks, guides, or additional products to support health and well-being as part of their purchase.
FAQs About Sugar Defender:
Ingredients: Eleuthero, Coleus Forskohlii, Maca Root, African Mango, Guarana, Chromium, Ginseng, Gymnema Sylvestre. How it Works: Claims to regulate blood sugar, control appetite, manage weight, and boost energy. Benefits: Blood sugar management, appetite control, weight management, increased energy, improved mood. Usage: Recommended dosage is one full dropper taken three times daily, preferably with meals. Side Effects: Generally safe, but some may experience stomach upset or headaches. Purchase Location: Available only on the official website. Cost: Varies, with bulk purchasing options offering cost savings. Reviews: Positive reviews on the official website, but independent reviews should also be considered. Scam Concerns: No definitive evidence of a scam, but transparency issues and limited clinical trials raise concerns. Alternatives: Other blood sugar support supplements with established brands and clear ingredient information are available. Final Word on Sugar Defender
Sugar Defender appears to be a promising supplement for blood sugar management, but it's important to approach it with a critical eye. While many users report positive experiences, the lack of transparent ingredient dosages and limited clinical evidence should be considered. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement.

Visit Official Website To Order Sugar Defender Click Here

submitted by bkjogjibnh to nflstreamsbaltv [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:43 CrimsonFoxyboy [H] Bundle leftovers [W] Remnant: From the Ashes: Complete, Grindstone.

Humble Bundle: (Region: EUROPE)
Willing to do multiple keys for Remnant Complete.
Aarklash: Legacy
Among the Sleep - Enhanced Edition
Almost There: The Platformer
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
Burly Men at Sea
Blood: Fresh Supply
Cities in Motion 2
Crazy Machines 3
Dungeon of the Endless
Doom 64
Forged Battalion
Fae Tactics
Homeworld Remastered Collection
Kathy Rain
Laser League
Majesty 2 Collection
Mysterium: A Psychic Clue Game
One Way Heroics
One Way Heroics
Orwell: Keeping an Eye On You
Orcs Must Die! 2 + DLC
Red Faction®: Armageddon™
Revolver 360 Re:Actor
Rusty Lake: Roots
Sentinels of the Multiverse
Swords and Soldiers 2 Shawarmageddon
She Remembered Caterpillars
Shadowrun Returns
Shady Part of Me
Sonic Adventure DX
Sonic Adventure 2+Battle DLC
Steel Rats
Sid Meier's Civilization VI
Shadowrun Returns
Sentinels of the Multiverse
Swords and Soldiers 2
Tennis World Tour
The Town of Light
Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure
The Forgotten City
Tower of Guns
The Golf Club™ 2019 featuring PGA TOUR
Toto Temple Deluxe
Turok 2: Seeds of Evil
Tokyo 42
Unholy Heights
Grand Ages: Medieval
Mysterium: A Psychic Clue Game
Holy Potatoes! A Weapon Shop?!
The Sexy Brutale
Streets of Fury EX
Yoku's Island Express
Astrea: Six-Sided Oracles
River City Girls 2
Clash: Artifacts of Chaos
Double Dragon Gaiden
Remnant: From the Ashes - Complete
Evil Within 1 + 2
Rep page:
submitted by CrimsonFoxyboy to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 08:50 Lypos Had a connection made while working

On the 4th, weird stuff was experienced. I went here when i went searching to see if it was just me, about halfway into my ordeal. Being at work, it made it difficult to focus and be productive, but i wrote things down as much as possible, so i didn't forget.
I didn't go looking for this experience. No history of medical issues, no drugs or alcohol. Only thing in me was caffine to stay awake at work.
Below is the raw information I wrote down as it was coming in, and I could understand it. I know there was much more, but it was beyond my capacity to hold on to it. There are moments where the sender is obviously not happy but seems to recognize that it is required work regardless. It had to be done and to make do with what was available. I, too, was frustrated by my own limitations, which came through. I'll hold off on my own post-ordeal reflections, but I will lend the occasional note to add information imperative for context.
There are also 2 superscripts near the end. I will explain those after as they are more in-depth. I did leave out one small segment due to group rules. Nothing major, but it equated to “the work I'm doing on myself is helping to free my mind.”
I also want to apologize to the mods for the inconsistent and choppy writing and info dump. I figured, given the context and nature, it was better for scientific exploration. Things may be understood by others in ways I haven't seen yet.
Be aware that much of the information is not anything particularly new in concept. However, much of it has been stuff that i have been contemplating slowly over about a decade; since the first connection (see superscript 2).

4-6-2024 approx. 1700 CDT to 5-6-2024 approx. 0200 CDT
Things aren't what they look like. Some things only seem the way they do.
Our understanding of quarks… rudimentary but on the right track. Mycelium, quantum entanglement. Falling…not falling…oddways. Strange-ways, charm-ways, up-ways, down-ways, top-ways, bottom-ways. Pathways to other places. Time-space malleable. Child's play. Once understood, so easy it becomes a wonder why we didn't know sooner.
Like being used to dial-up modem and suddenly being connected to fiber optic. So much to process, not enough time. Everything feels jumbled.
I'm here physically. Mentally it's a fraction of me. Stuck using this fraction. Frustrating. So inefficient. Thought so much easier, faster. Conversion is slow, missing things.
Time-space. Inconsequential. Pathways. Brain. Mycelium. Straight path not fastest. Straight = unnatural. Densities between alter paths of least resistance. Like lightning. Roots. Branches. Perception is flawed. Start 5 dimensionally. Need to think 12 dimensionally. Humans limited. Simple tools.
Too much. Needed though. We need it. Like neutrino catchers. Shove it in. Hope enough sticks.
Fractals. Not Mandelbrot sets. Not at least in 3D. Infinite in multiple dimensions.
More than one way to travel. Metal tech not needed for all. Parallel not quite right but close.
Life. Pulse. Energy. Pulse. Rhythm. Unity. Congruence? (Note: ”Pulse” during the ordeal was a sensation, like a wave breaking through my mind at roughly 3 second intervals.)
Mortal toil = Inconsequential
Multiple channels. Collaborate. You're so close!
Connectedness. Important to be tuned correctly. Resonance is a start. Humans. Like doing brain surgery with rusty plowshears.
(Note: At this point, it became more conversational. Responses to questions were instantaneous, almost precognisant. I am terrible at improv and often need to recite what i plan to say if i need to talk to someone and get the time to do so)
We leave trails. Everything does. Like a wake through the aether. They can be followed when traveling. Manipulated too. Or they manipulate us? Yes. Both. Connectedness. Discorance is bad. Breaks…no. Diminishes connectedness. Degrades the network. Interference.
Do you have a name? Not in your tongue. Is there something i can call you? Saul. Why Saul? its not a name i would choose. It's not for you to choose. Will i ever meet you in person? It's possible, but not necessary. Why me? Why not? Are there others? Collaborate
(Note: The above, i had the impression of annoyance. I think i was asking the wrong questions, and it was pointless.)
Those symbols¹? Important. Can't rush them. Need to be sure you know and understand. More in time.
The sun! YES! Pulse. Important. Helps the change. Always been important. (Note: I had just looked at a comment about the G5 CME we were having/interacting with that day.)
Connectedness to all. Not just humans or living things. All. Unity.
Arthur C. Clarke is right. Your “magic” exists. Not showy in this realm. Expresses elsewhere.
Before. Years ago. That strong euphoria². That was you? It was us. It was the connection being made. It changed you. Made you more receptive. No major messages then. You weren't ready. Just simple concepts. Love. Connection. Harmony. Simple but powerful. Necessary.
Authors, thinkers, artists. All expressing parts of the Truth. None are wrong, just incomplete. Imperfect tools, as you are.
This kind of communication taps similar parts of the brain like a dream. Much of the info will be lost if not recorded. Some will stick clearly like a vivid dream. Much is lost in the transfer and translation. Lucid dreaming helps to retain more.
Long travel is not folding space-time. It's swapping information from one place with where you want to be. Instant. Easier for communication. Mass = energy. More mass means more energy. Data is nearly massless.

¹ The symbols refer to a set that at the moment number just 3. Link here. Only the second was obvious in its intention to me, which was “defense, protection, shield.” It also happens to be an old and often used symbol in many cultures and practices. I still have to figure out the others.
² This event happened at work about a decade ago. I worked 3rd shift even then, so i suppose the time was about the same. I recall feeling extremely euphoric for 3 days. I basked in it and thought it was awesome, but i started getting concerned that it was some kind of aneurysm or stroke. I didn't want it to end, but the worry seemed to be what let the euphoria go. I've been seeking how to get that back (sans drugs) ever since.
I await to see what others think of all this. If they have insights or have their own experience to add to it. After all, I was told to collaborate. I'm holding back my own theories and musings for a time to keep this as unbiased as possible. It's going to be hard because i really want to share, but the process is important to hold to.
submitted by Lypos to Experiencers [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 08:01 adulting4kids One Page Story

Write one page stories in response to these prompts and post your favorite ones here in the comments!
  1. Lost in the forest, she found a mysterious key—unlocking a hidden door to a magical realm of talking animals.
  2. Every night, the old lighthouse keeper whispered secrets to the waves, until the sea revealed a long-lost love letter.
  3. In the attic, she discovered an ancient map leading to buried treasure, transforming a routine cleaning day into adventure.
  4. An orphaned kitten, afraid of rain, found a friend in a compassionate umbrella, forming an unexpected bond against life's storms.
  5. The broken music box mended hearts, playing a forgotten melody that mended the fractured friendship of two old musicians.
  6. The astronaut’s lonely orbit was interrupted by a cosmic visitor—an ethereal, star-shaped being seeking companionship in the vast void.
  7. A magical pen wrote the future. Terrified of the unknown, she learned to embrace each unwritten moment as a gift.
  8. Beneath the city, a network of tunnels held the forgotten tales of subway musicians and their symphonies for the rats.
  9. In a desolate winter, a snowflake with a secret wish fell into the hands of a child who believed in miracles.
  10. A garden gnome, tired of being stationary, embarked on a quest for adventure, hitching rides with unsuspecting birds.
  11. On a crowded train, a mysterious suitcase swapped hands, sparking connections between strangers and intertwining their fates forever.
  12. Time froze at midnight. A clock repairer's dance with the gears led to a moment of eternal stillness in town.
  13. A library cat, bored with routine, discovered a hidden book portal, whisking readers into enchanting worlds beyond the shelves.
  14. A worn-out teddy bear, discarded in an attic, found new purpose as the guardian of a child's sweetest dreams.
  15. A mysterious jar held fireflies that whispered forgotten wishes, sparking a magical night of dreams come true for a town.
  16. In a ghost town, a lone pianist played melodies that brought memories alive, reviving the spirits of the abandoned.
  17. The talking mirror revealed harsh truths. Determined to change, she shattered the reflection, discovering beauty in fragments.
  18. A message in a bottle sailed through time, reaching the hands of a modern-day sailor and uniting two distant souls.
  19. The rusty key, tucked in a forgotten drawer, opened a portal to childhood dreams, unlocking a world of nostalgia.
  20. An owl and a firefly, unlikely friends, lit up the night sky, sharing stories that painted constellations on the darkness.
  21. A peculiar tree whispered forgotten secrets to those who listened. Its roots held stories spanning centuries, connecting generations.
  22. Lost in a storm, a little boat discovered a magical lighthouse, guiding it to an island where dreams washed ashore.
  23. In a dusty attic, an old typewriter typed messages from the afterlife, comforting grieving families with unexpected love letters.
  24. An abandoned carousel, cursed to spin forever, granted wishes to those who dared ride, revealing the magic within their hearts.
  25. An artist painted a doorway to other worlds. Curious, a passerby stepped through, finding a realm where colors spoke.
  26. On a rainy day, a neglected umbrella found purpose sheltering a stray dog, forging a bond stronger than storms.
  27. The lonely scarecrow, longing for friends, befriended a misfit group of crows who taught it to dance with the wind.
  28. In a forgotten library, a bookworm encountered a volume of living stories, each character begging to be read into existence.
  29. The clock tower's chimes echoed stories of the past, inspiring a time-traveler to rewrite history with second chances.
  30. A lonely shadow, detached from its owner, explored the world, discovering that shadows too could leave an imprint.
  31. An old camera captured moments of pure joy. Rediscovered, its photographs rekindled forgotten smiles and laughter in a family.
  32. The wishing well granted whispers of hope to a grieving soul, turning tears into petals that bloomed into a garden.
  33. A discarded toy soldier, missing an arm, rallied fellow broken toys, forming an army of resilience against neglect.
  34. On a foggy night, a lighthouse's beam revealed ghostly ships from centuries past, silently sailing through time's veil.
  35. A gardener's tears watered a magical plant, whose blooms told stories of love, loss, and the passage of time.
  36. A misfit teapot, left on a shelf, found purpose brewing dreams, pouring inspiration into the cups of sleepers.
  37. The carousel's magic painted dreams onto children's minds. Each ride sculpted aspirations, turning mundane moments into extraordinary memories.
  38. The librarian's cat, enchanted by ancient scrolls, stumbled into a world of forgotten tales, bringing lost stories back to life.
  39. A discarded key unlocked a trunk of memories, revealing a grandmother's treasures that sparked adventures for a curious grandchild.
  40. The echo in an old clock tower whispered the wishes of forgotten lovers, creating a timeless symphony of heartbeats.
  41. A curious rock in the garden harbored a tiny door. Opening it led to a realm of miniature creatures and wonders.
  42. A discarded puzzle piece, overlooked in haste, found its place in a grand masterpiece, completing a picture of unity.
  43. An old diary discovered in an attic held letters from a bygone era, weaving tales of love transcending time.
  44. The moonlit pond transformed into a mirror of dreams, reflecting the aspirations of those who dared to gaze into it.
  45. A forgotten umbrella sparked a serendipitous meeting, sheltering two strangers who shared a rain-soaked adventure and laughter.
  46. An abandoned toy store at midnight came alive, toys playing and dancing until dawn, filling the darkness with joy.
  47. The wishing star granted a child's plea, turning the night sky into a canvas painted with dreams come true.
  48. A humble lantern, carried through generations, lit the path of a family's stories, flickering with the warmth of memories.
  49. The clock tower's gears clicked in harmony with a street musician's melody, creating a fleeting symphony in the city.
  50. A neglected swing in the park became a portal to childhood dreams, swaying through memories of laughter and innocence.
  51. The attic's dusty typewriter wrote letters to the future, forging connections between generations separated by time's relentless march.
  52. A lonely moonbeam illuminated a forgotten statue, bringing it to life to dance beneath the celestial ballroom of stars.
  53. A broken compass found in an antique shop guided a lost traveler, leading them to unexpected destinations and serendipitous encounters.
  54. The neglected rocking horse in the corner sparked to life, carrying children on whimsical adventures through the realms of imagination.
  55. An old train ticket, misplaced for decades, led a nostalgic traveler on a journey through memories of youthful escapades.
  56. A discarded map, its edges worn with age, guided wanderers to a mythical land hidden behind the veil of reality.
  57. A forgotten key discovered in a dusty drawer unlocked a door to childhood secrets, revealing treasures of innocence and joy.
  58. The abandoned robot in the junkyard fixed broken toys, teaching them that imperfections were the essence of beauty.
  59. A fallen star transformed into a messenger, delivering dreams to sleepers and sprinkling stardust on their midnight wishes.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 07:42 No-Quality-2644 Yūrei Chronicles

Tales of Japanese Horror [ 日本のホラーの物語 ]
By: Seph Cruz [ 投稿者: セフ・クルーズ ]
CONTENTS [ コンテンツ ]
Preface [ はじめに ]
Chapter 1: The Cursed Scroll [ 第 1 章: 呪われた巻物 ]
Chapter 2: The Shrine in the Shadows [ 第 2 章: 影の神殿 ]
Chapter 3: The Haunting of the Geisha [ 第 3 章: 芸者の幽霊 ]
Chapter 4: The Onryo's Revenge [ 第 4 章: 怨霊の復讐 ]
Chapter 5: The Dollmaker's Curse [ 第 5 章: 人形師の呪い ]
Chapter 6: The Shadow in the Forest [ 第 6 章: 森の影 ] Chapter 7: The Haunting of the Yūrei Inn [ 第 7 章: 幽霊旅館の幽霊 ]
Chapter 8: The Curse of the Haunted Kimono [ 第 8 章: 幽霊着物の呪い ]
Chapter 9: The Mirror's Malevolence [ 第 9 章: 鏡の悪意 ]
Chapter 10: The Bridge to the Beyond [ 第 10 章: 彼方への架け橋 ]
 "Yūrei Chronicles: Tales of Japanese Horror" 
Chapter 1: "The Cursed Scroll"
In the heart of Kyoto, where history whispered through the ancient streets, there existed an antique bookstore known only to those who sought the rarest of tomes. Nestled among centuries-old texts and dusty manuscripts, a forbidden scroll lay hidden, waiting for an unwitting soul to stumble upon its chilling secrets.
Chapter 1: "The Cursed Scroll"
The quaint, dimly lit bookstore was a treasure trove of the past. Intricate calligraphy adorned scrolls, while faded ink whispered stories of long-forgotten samurai and mystical creatures. Among these relics of history, one scroll remained elusive, concealed behind a glass case. Its dark, ornate cover bore no title, and its presence seemed to beckon.
Haruki, a young scholar with a fascination for the occult, visited the bookstore one rainy afternoon. His curiosity led him to inquire about the enigmatic scroll. The elderly shopkeeper, Mr. Tanaka, peered at him with a knowing look, cautioning him about the scroll's malevolent reputation.
"Many have sought to uncover its secrets," Mr. Tanaka said, his voice trembling with age, "but few have lived to tell the tale."
Haruki, undeterred by the ominous warning, insisted on examining the scroll. Mr. Tanaka, sensing the scholar's determination, reluctantly unlocked the glass case. As Haruki unrolled the ancient parchment, he saw that it was filled with intricate symbols and incantations, written in a language he could barely comprehend.
For days, Haruki delved into the scroll's mysteries. His sleepless nights were filled with whispers from unseen forces, and chilling drafts seemed to haunt his small apartment. Yet, he pressed on, believing that the scroll held untold knowledge and power.
One fateful night, as a full moon cast eerie shadows across his cluttered study, Haruki recited an incantation from the scroll. The room grew icy cold, and an otherworldly presence enveloped him. A mournful wail echoed through the room, and Haruki's heart raced as he beheld the apparition before him.
A yūrei, its long, disheveled hair obscuring its gaunt face, hovered in the air, its eyes filled with anguish and rage. It reached out bony, pale fingers toward Haruki, its spectral form translucent yet undeniably real.
In that moment, Haruki realized the scroll's true nature – a curse that summoned vengeful spirits to torment the living. He had unwittingly invited the yūrei into his world, and now, it sought retribution for its suffering.
The scholar's life turned into a nightmare as the vengeful spirit haunted his every waking moment. His research became an obsession to find a way to pacify the yūrei and lift the curse. With each passing day, Haruki's health deteriorated, his body and mind succumbing to the relentless torment.
Desperate, he sought the guidance of a renowned exorcist, who revealed a grim truth. The only way to break the curse was to discover the scroll's origins and offer the yūrei the peace it so desperately sought.
As Haruki ventured deeper into the scroll's history, he uncovered a tale of betrayal and tragedy that spanned centuries. With newfound knowledge and a heavy heart, he prepared to confront the vengeful yūrei and set things right.
In a chilling confrontation between the living and the dead, Haruki faced the spirit, offering it the closure it craved. As the yūrei dissipated into the ether, its mournful wail echoed one last time, fading into the night.
Haruki emerged from the ordeal forever changed, carrying the weight of the scroll's curse as a cautionary tale. The forbidden knowledge he had sought had come at a great cost, a reminder that some mysteries should remain hidden, and some curses should never be invoked.
As the sun rose over Kyoto, the antique bookstore remained shrouded in an eerie silence, and the cursed scroll returned to its cryptic slumber, waiting for the next unwitting soul to unlock its dreadful secrets.
End of Chapter 1: "The Cursed Scroll"
Chapter 2: "The Shrine in the Shadows"
In the heart of a tranquil Japanese village, nestled among ancient forests, stood a centuries-old Shinto shrine, known to few but revered by all. This sacred place held an eerie secret, hidden in the shadows of its past.
Chapter 2: "The Shrine in the Shadows"
The village of Mizuki was picturesque, surrounded by dense woods and the whispers of rustling leaves. Its most treasured gem was the Shōrin Shrine, a sanctuary dedicated to the worship of the kami, where the villagers paid homage with heartfelt prayers and offerings.
On a bright spring morning, the Hayashi family moved into a charming house near the shrine. Yuko, a spirited young girl with inquisitive eyes, was enchanted by the quaint beauty of Mizuki and the mystique of the Shōrin Shrine. Her parents, Masato and Yuki, hoped the peaceful village would offer respite from the bustling city.
Their first evening in Mizuki was serene, and the family felt blessed to live in such an idyllic place. As night descended, they heard a faint melody echoing through the forest—a haunting tune played on a traditional shamisen. Yuko, drawn by curiosity, followed the eerie melody to the shrine.
At the shrine's entrance, she saw a flicker of movement among the trees and bushes. As her eyes adjusted to the dim moonlight, she gasped in awe and terror. There, bathed in an ethereal glow, stood a beautiful woman dressed in a white kimono, her long hair cascading like an ebony waterfall.
The woman's face bore an expression of immense sorrow, and her eyes seemed to pierce Yuko's very soul. In her delicate, spectral hands, she held a shamisen, its strings plucked by fingers that had long since turned to mist.
"Who are you?" Yuko asked, her voice quivering.
The apparition gazed at Yuko with an inscrutable sadness and whispered, "My name is Hana. I have been bound to this shrine for centuries, waiting for someone to hear my song."
Hana's story unraveled like a tragic tapestry before Yuko. She had once been a young woman in love with a humble fisherman from Mizuki. Their love was forbidden, and when their secret was discovered, they met a tragic end at the hands of the villagers.
As she spoke, the melody of her shamisen became more mournful, and the trees seemed to weep in sympathy. Hana's spirit, bound to the shrine, could only find solace by sharing her story with the living.
Yuko, moved by Hana's tale, felt a deep connection to the ghostly figure. She promised to help Hana find peace and bring her story to light. Together, they would uncover the truth behind the tragic love story that had ensnared the shrine for centuries.
As Yuko delved into the village's history, she uncovered hidden documents and ancient scrolls that confirmed Hana's story. The injustice done to Hana and her beloved was a blot on the village's past, a truth that had been concealed for generations.
With newfound determination, Yuko rallied the villagers to acknowledge the village's dark history and to seek forgiveness for the sins of the past. In a moving ceremony at the Shōrin Shrine, the villagers offered their prayers, and Hana's spirit was finally set free.
As the first rays of dawn bathed Mizuki in golden light, Hana's ethereal form dissolved into a wisp of gratitude and serenity. The shrine, once shadowed by sorrow, now radiated with newfound peace.
"The Shrine in the Shadows" became a tale passed down through generations, a reminder that love and forgiveness could transcend even the darkest of curses. Mizuki continued to flourish, its shrine standing as a testament to the enduring power of redemption.
End of Chapter 2: "The Shrine in the Shadows"
Chapter 3: "The Haunting of the Geisha"
In the vibrant streets of 19th-century Tokyo, beneath the shimmering lanterns and behind the delicate allure of geisha, a haunting presence lurked—a presence that would forever change the life of a celebrated geisha named Kaede.
Chapter 3: "The Haunting of the Geisha"
In the heart of Tokyo's historic Yoshiwara district, Kaede was renowned as one of the most captivating and skilled geisha. Her beauty was ethereal, her dances mesmerizing, and her laughter like the tinkling of wind chimes. But beneath her porcelain makeup and the grace of her performances lay a heart heavy with secrets.
One cool autumn evening, as the lanterns cast their warm glow on the district, a newcomer arrived at the teahouse where Kaede performed. His name was Kaito, a handsome and enigmatic man with piercing eyes that seemed to see beyond the facade of the geisha. Kaede's heart quickened as their eyes met, and she felt a connection she had never experienced before.
As weeks turned into months, Kaede and Kaito's bond deepened, their love blossoming like the cherry blossoms in spring. But their love was a forbidden one, as Kaito was a samurai, and their worlds were as different as night and day.
One fateful night, Kaito revealed a dangerous secret to Kaede—he was involved in a plot against a powerful daimyo who ruled with cruelty and oppression. Kaito believed that by exposing the daimyo's corruption, he could bring justice to the people. He asked for Kaede's assistance in gathering information from the teahouse's influential patrons.
Reluctantly, Kaede agreed, and together, they embarked on a treacherous path filled with deceit and danger. As the days passed, they uncovered dark secrets that could expose the daimyo's crimes. However, their actions did not go unnoticed.
One evening, as Kaede performed for a gathering of influential men, a sinister figure appeared in the shadows. It was the vengeful spirit of a geisha named Akiko, who had perished in Yoshiwara under tragic circumstances. Her ghostly form was veiled in a blood-red kimono, and her eyes burned with malevolence.
Akiko's haunting began subtly—a chill in the air, whispers of despair, and a feeling of dread that hung over the teahouse like a shroud. Kaede, sensing the supernatural presence, knew that they had awakened a vengeful spirit.
Desperate to protect Kaede, Kaito sought the guidance of a local exorcist, who revealed the tragic story of Akiko. She had been a geisha in love with a samurai, but their forbidden love had led to betrayal and death. Her restless spirit sought vengeance on those who dared to love across societal boundaries.
With the exorcist's help, Kaito and Kaede embarked on a perilous journey to confront Akiko's spirit and offer her the peace she so desperately sought. In a climactic showdown, they faced the vengeful geisha, revealing the truth behind her betrayal and death.
As the first light of dawn bathed the Yoshiwara district, Akiko's spirit dissipated, her eyes filled with sorrow and resignation. The curse she had cast upon the teahouse lifted, and peace returned to the district.
Kaede and Kaito's love story continued, forever marked by the supernatural forces they had encountered. The teahouse thrived once more, its lanterns casting their warm glow over the enchanting district, where love knew no boundaries and forgiveness transcended even death.
"The Haunting of the Geisha" became a legend whispered among geisha in Yoshiwara, a testament to the enduring power of love and the consequences of forbidden desires in the mysterious world of Edo-era Tokyo.
End of Chapter 3: "The Haunting of the Geisha"
Chapter 4: "The Onryo's Revenge"
In the heart of a decaying city, where abandoned buildings stood as silent witnesses to forgotten tragedies, a group of urban explorers would stumble upon a place where the restless dead held their sinister dominion.
Chapter 4: "The Onryo's Revenge"
The city of Kurayami had fallen into disrepair, its once-thriving industries crumbling, and its streets echoing with the memories of better days. Among its many derelict structures was the forsaken Kurayami Hospital, a place whispered about only in fearful tales.
Rumors spoke of a curse that had befallen the hospital after a gruesome series of medical experiments in the early 20th century. Patients had been subjected to horrific procedures, and their agonized cries still seemed to reverberate through the corridors.
A group of urban explorers, lured by the thrill of the forbidden and the allure of the macabre, set their sights on Kurayami Hospital. Among them was Hiroshi, the group's leader, and Yumi, a budding photographer with an affinity for capturing the eerie beauty of abandoned places.
As the explorers entered the hospital's crumbling entrance, they were greeted by the musty scent of decay and the eerie silence of long-abandoned hallways. Shadows danced in the dim light as they ventured deeper into the forsaken building, their footsteps echoing like distant whispers.
The group's excitement turned to unease as they encountered signs of the hospital's dark past—rusty surgical instruments, bloodstained gurneys, and cryptic medical notes. Yumi's camera captured it all, each photograph revealing more about the hospital's gruesome history.
As night fell, the explorers gathered in the hospital's decrepit lobby, their flashlights casting trembling beams into the darkness. It was then that they heard it—a faint, mournful wail, like the keening of a soul in torment.
Hiroshi, the group's fearless leader, brushed off their concerns, attributing the sound to the wind or their imagination. But the cries grew louder and more anguished, echoing through the halls.
The group became separated as they navigated the labyrinthine corridors. Yumi, camera in hand, wandered into the hospital's disused psychiatric ward. There, in a shadowed corner, she saw her camera's flash reveal a horrifying apparition—an onryo, a vengeful spirit with long, disheveled hair and eyes filled with hatred.
The onryo's spectral form contorted with rage as it approached Yumi. Its icy fingers reached out, and she felt an otherworldly coldness pierce her very soul. She knew that this was the spirit of a patient who had suffered unimaginable horrors in the hospital.
As Yumi's companions searched for her, they stumbled upon the onryo's lair and witnessed the terrifying encounter. In a desperate bid to save Yumi, they searched for a way to pacify the vengeful spirit.
Through a combination of research and communication with a local historian, they learned the full extent of the hospital's atrocities. Armed with this knowledge, they returned to the onryo's domain to confront the spirit and offer it the peace it had been denied for so long.
In a climactic showdown, the group faced the onryo, revealing the hospital's dark secrets and acknowledging the suffering of the tormented souls within. With profound remorse, they begged for forgiveness on behalf of those who had perpetrated the atrocities.
As the first rays of dawn broke over Kurayami, the onryo's anguished wails transformed into a mournful sigh. The spirit, its wrath finally quelled, dissipated into the ether, leaving behind a sense of profound sadness and closure.
The group of urban explorers emerged from Kurayami Hospital, forever changed by their encounter with the supernatural. They had confronted the past and offered redemption to the restless dead, leaving the decaying city with a newfound sense of hope.
"The Onryo's Revenge" became a cautionary tale among urban explorers, a reminder that some places are best left undisturbed, and that the past, no matter how dark, can be confronted and reconciled.
End of Chapter 4: "The Onryo's Revenge"
Chapter 5: "The Dollmaker's Curse"
In a remote mountain village, nestled among mist-shrouded peaks, a master dollmaker crafted exquisite creations that captured the hearts of collectors worldwide. Yet, within her secluded workshop, a malevolent force lurked—one that would ensnare a curious journalist in a nightmarish world of living dolls and dark secrets.
Chapter 5: "The Dollmaker's Curse"
Hidden away in the secluded village of Ichiban, known only to those who ventured deep into the mountains, lived a master dollmaker named Ai. Her dolls were celebrated for their lifelike beauty and craftsmanship, with collectors from distant lands coveting her creations.
One brisk autumn morning, a journalist named Keiko received a cryptic letter from a source in Ichiban, hinting at a sinister mystery surrounding Ai's dolls. Intrigued by the enigmatic message, Keiko embarked on a journey to the remote village, determined to uncover the truth.
Ichiban was a place untouched by time, its cobblestone streets winding through dense forests and past centuries-old homes. The village exuded an eerie tranquility, and the locals spoke in hushed tones about Ai's dolls, rumored to be infused with a piece of the human soul.
Upon reaching Ai's workshop, Keiko was greeted by the dollmaker herself, a woman of grace and poise. The workshop was a treasure trove of exquisite dolls, their eyes seeming to follow Keiko's every move. Among them, a particular doll known as Hikari stood out—a hauntingly beautiful creation with ebony hair and obsidian eyes.
As Keiko delved deeper into the village's mysteries, she discovered that Hikari was believed to house the soul of a deceased child, a belief held by both Ai and the villagers. The doll's unsettling presence and the uncanny resemblance it bore to a girl named Mei, who had died tragically years ago, sent shivers down Keiko's spine.
Keiko's nights in Ichiban were filled with restless dreams of porcelain dolls that came to life. In these dreams, Hikari beckoned her to uncover the truth behind the dollmaker's creations. Guided by an inexplicable compulsion, Keiko embarked on a quest to unearth the dark secrets hidden within Ai's workshop.
As Keiko investigated further, she uncovered Ai's own tragic past—a story of unrequited love, loss, and a desperate desire to capture the essence of the human soul in her dolls. With each revelation, the line between the living and the lifeless blurred, and Keiko felt herself becoming entangled in a nightmarish world.
The dolls that had once been works of art now seemed to harbor malevolence. They moved of their own accord, their eyes filled with an eerie, lifelike intensity. Keiko realized that Ai's obsession had bound her to a sinister force, and her creations hungered for more than just existence.
In a chilling climax, Keiko confronted Ai and the curse that had gripped her creations. Together, they sought to break the curse's hold and release the trapped souls within the dolls.
As the moon hung low in the night sky, Ai performed a solemn ritual, guided by the spirit of Mei, whose essence had been captured in Hikari. The dolls, imbued with a restless energy, gathered around, their haunting eyes watching as the curse was lifted.
With a mournful sigh, the dolls' porcelain features softened, and their malevolence dissipated. The spirit of Mei was set free, and the dolls became lifeless once more, their beauty preserved in eternal stillness.
Ichiban returned to its peaceful slumber, and Keiko departed with a newfound appreciation for the power of art and the depths of human longing. The village's haunting tale of the dollmaker's curse served as a reminder that some obsessions could lead to the creation of something far more sinister than art itself.
End of Chapter 5: "The Dollmaker's Curse"
Chapter 6: "The Shadow in the Forest"
In a land steeped in history and tradition, the Aokigahara Forest, known as the "Suicide Forest," concealed a dark secret. Within its dense, ancient foliage, a group of hikers would embark on a journey that would lead them into the heart of a malevolent force.
Chapter 6: "The Shadow in the Forest"
Deep within the prefecture of Yamanashi, shrouded in a perpetual mist, lay the infamous Aokigahara Forest—an expanse of ancient woodland that held a dark reputation. Known as the "Suicide Forest," it had been a site of countless tragic deaths throughout the centuries.
A group of adventurous hikers, seeking to conquer the wilderness and challenge the forest's ominous legends, gathered on a chilly autumn morning. Among them was Akira, an experienced guide with a deep respect for the forest's history, and Yumi, a young woman in search of adventure and solace from her own troubled past.
The hikers ventured deep into the forest, their footsteps muffled by the thick blanket of moss and fallen leaves. The dense canopy above cast eerie shadows, and the trees seemed to whisper secrets of sorrow and despair.
As they trekked further into the woods, they began to notice strange occurrences—a disconcerting sense of being watched, distant whispers on the wind, and ghostly apparitions that flickered at the edge of their vision. Akira, the guide, attributed these phenomena to the forest's ominous reputation and urged the group to press on.
Yet, the forest's grip on their minds and senses tightened. Yumi, in particular, felt a strange connection to the haunting forces that seemed to lurk behind every tree. Inexplicable visions of tragedy and despair flashed before her eyes, and a sense of overwhelming dread enveloped her.
Night descended on the forest, and the hikers set up camp, their flickering campfire offering the only semblance of comfort in the oppressive darkness. It was then that Yumi encountered a spectral figure—a yūrei, her kimono tattered and her eyes empty voids.
The yūrei beckoned to Yumi, her voice a mournful echo. Unable to resist, Yumi followed the apparition into the depths of the forest, her companions unaware of her disappearance. The yūrei led her to a clearing where an ancient tree stood, its gnarled roots forming a grotesque face.
As Yumi approached the tree, she felt a malevolent presence—an ancient spirit of the forest itself. It spoke to her, revealing the tragic history of Aokigahara—the place where those who had lost hope sought refuge in death.
Yumi learned of the forest's vengeful guardian, a yūrei born of countless lost souls, whose suffering fueled its malevolence. It was the embodiment of the forest's sorrow, forever bound to torment those who ventured within.
Realizing that Yumi was now connected to the yūrei, her companions embarked on a desperate search to rescue her from the forest's clutches. With the guidance of Akira's knowledge and determination, they confronted the vengeful spirit, revealing the pain of their own pasts and the impact of their actions on the world around them.
As the first rays of dawn bathed Aokigahara in a pale light, the yūrei's malevolence waned, and its grip on Yumi loosened. With a final sigh, it dissipated into the morning mist, its haunting presence released from the forest.
Yumi was reunited with her companions, forever changed by her encounter with the malevolent spirit of Aokigahara. The forest's ominous reputation remained, a reminder of the darkness that could consume those who dared to venture too close to its heart.
"The Shadow in the Forest" served as a chilling testament to the mysteries of Aokigahara, where the past and the present intertwined, and the boundaries between life and death blurred beneath the ancient canopy.
End of Chapter 6: "The Shadow in the Forest"
Chapter 7: "The Haunting of the Yurei Inn"
In a remote village nestled among mist-covered mountains, a centuries-old inn held a sinister secret. When a weary traveler seeks refuge within its ancient walls, she becomes entangled in a web of supernatural mysteries that threaten to consume her soul.
Chapter 7: "The Haunting of the Yurei Inn"
The village of Okuyama was a hidden gem, nestled among towering peaks and blanketed in mist. Within this secluded haven stood the Yurei Inn, a centuries-old establishment steeped in history and whispered legends. Its age-old charm masked a sinister truth—a haunting presence that had plagued the inn for generations.
Amidst a dense fog, a lone traveler named Rei arrived in Okuyama, weary and seeking shelter from the elements. The Yurei Inn, with its rustic charm and flickering lanterns, seemed like the perfect refuge. Little did Rei know that her stay at the inn would unravel the mysteries hidden within its ancient walls.
Upon her arrival, Rei was greeted by the inn's elderly proprietress, Eiko, a woman whose weathered features and deep knowledge of the village's history hinted at a deeper connection to the inn's haunting past.
As Rei settled into her room, the oppressive atmosphere within the inn became palpable. Shadows seemed to dance in the corners of her vision, and strange, ghostly whispers echoed in the corridors. Unbeknownst to her, Rei had become a pawn in a centuries-old battle between the inn and the vengeful spirits that resided within.
In the dead of night, Rei awoke to a chilling presence at her bedside—an ethereal yurei, her white burial kimono flowing like a spectral river. The vengeful spirit's eyes held an insatiable hunger, and she reached out to Rei, her fingers icy and skeletal.
Rei's nights became torment as she encountered more yurei within the inn, each with their own tragic stories of betrayal, injustice, and unfulfilled desires. The spirits sought vengeance, and Rei's presence within the inn had awakened their malevolence.
Desperate to uncover the inn's secrets and free herself from the spirits' relentless pursuit, Rei sought the guidance of Eiko. The elderly proprietress revealed the tragic history of the inn—an establishment built on the suffering of countless souls who had met their demise within its walls.
Eiko's own family had been entangled in the inn's dark legacy, and she bore the weight of their deeds. Together, Rei and Eiko embarked on a journey to confront the yurei and offer them redemption, hoping to break the cycle of suffering that had plagued the inn for centuries.
In a harrowing confrontation with the vengeful spirits, Rei and Eiko unveiled the truth behind the inn's cursed history and acknowledged the pain of the souls that had been wronged. With heartfelt apologies and rituals of atonement, they sought to release the spirits from their torment.
As the first rays of dawn bathed Okuyama in a golden light, the yurei's spectral forms dissolved into the ether, their eyes filled with a mix of sorrow and gratitude. The Yurei Inn, once a place of darkness, now held the promise of redemption.
Rei departed from Okuyama, forever marked by her encounter with the supernatural. The Yurei Inn, now cleansed of its malevolent spirits, stood as a testament to the power of reconciliation and the hope of breaking the chains of the past.
"The Haunting of the Yurei Inn" became a cautionary tale among villagers, a reminder that the sins of the past could be confronted and forgiven, even in the face of vengeful spirits.
End of Chapter 7: "The Haunting of the Yurei Inn"
Chapter 8: "The Curse of the Haunted Kimono"
In the heart of Kyoto, where tradition and modernity intertwined, a family heirloom, an ancient kimono, carried a chilling curse that had plagued generations. A woman must delve into her family's history to uncover the origins of the curse and find a way to break it before it consumes her and her loved ones.
Chapter 8: "The Curse of the Haunted Kimono"
Kyoto, the city of a thousand temples, was a place where time seemed to stand still. Among the historic districts, the Nakamura family had passed down a treasured heirloom for generations—an exquisite silk kimono adorned with intricate embroidery, a relic of a bygone era.
The kimono had always been a source of fascination and reverence within the Nakamura family. It was said to be imbued with mystical powers, protecting its wearer from harm and misfortune. But beneath its ornate beauty lay a dark secret—a curse that had haunted the family for centuries.
Emi, the youngest of the Nakamura family, had grown up hearing stories of the kimono's mystical properties and the curse that clung to it. When her grandmother passed away, leaving the kimono in her care, Emi became the latest custodian of this fabled garment.
As the years passed, strange occurrences began to plague Emi and her family. The kimono seemed to have a malevolent presence, causing nightmares, unexplained accidents, and a growing sense of dread. Emi's husband, Toshiro, and their young daughter, Yuki, bore the brunt of the curse's effects.
Desperate to protect her loved ones, Emi embarked on a quest to uncover the origins of the curse and find a way to break it. She delved into her family's history, poring over ancient scrolls and consulting with local priests and scholars.
Through her research, Emi learned of a tragic love story that had been concealed for generations—a forbidden romance between a Nakamura ancestor and a woman from a rival clan. The lovers had been torn apart by a vengeful spirit, and their love had been sealed within the cursed kimono.
With newfound determination, Emi sought out the help of a renowned exorcist, who revealed that the curse could only be broken by reconciling the spirits of the star-crossed lovers and offering them a chance at eternal peace.
Emi, Toshiro, and Yuki embarked on a journey to the ancestral shrine of the Nakamura family, where they conducted a solemn ritual to appease the vengeful spirits. As they offered their prayers and made heartfelt apologies on behalf of their ancestors, a profound sense of forgiveness washed over them.
In a climactic moment, the cursed kimono transformed, its once malevolent aura dissipating into the ether. The spirits of the star-crossed lovers, now free from their torment, appeared before Emi and her family, their eyes filled with gratitude.
As the cherry blossoms rained down upon Kyoto, Emi, Toshiro, and Yuki returned home with a newfound sense of peace and closure. The kimono, no longer cursed, became a symbol of their family's resilience and the enduring power of love and forgiveness.
"The Curse of the Haunted Kimono" served as a reminder that the sins of the past could be atoned for and that the bonds of love and family could transcend even the darkest of curses.
End of Chapter 8: "The Curse of the Haunted Kimono"
Chapter 9: "The Mirror's Malevolence"
In a quiet suburban neighborhood, an antique mirror with a sinister past found its way into the home of a young couple. As they unwittingly unleashed the malevolent spirit trapped within, they must confront the mirror's dark history to save themselves and their family.
Chapter 9: "The Mirror's Malevolence"
In a serene suburban neighborhood, where cherry blossoms bloomed with each passing spring, lived a young couple, Hiroshi and Aiko, who were enamored with the charm of their new home. They had recently moved into a quaint, old-fashioned house that came with a peculiar antique mirror.
The mirror was ornate and beautiful, its frame adorned with delicate carvings of cherry blossoms. It had been left behind by the previous owner, a recluse who had passed away under mysterious circumstances. Little did Hiroshi and Aiko know that this mirror carried a malevolent secret.
As they settled into their new home, strange occurrences began to unfold. Reflections in the mirror seemed to distort, showing glimpses of eerie, shadowy figures lurking in the background. At night, whispers filled the room as if unseen voices murmured from within the glass.
Aiko, with her fascination for the occult, was the first to sense the mirror's sinister aura. She delved into research, uncovering tales of a cursed mirror that had plagued the previous owner's family for generations.
The mirror had once belonged to a vengeful spirit, a yūrei who had perished in despair. Its malevolence was bound to the glass, and those who possessed it were tormented by the spirit's relentless anger and sorrow.
Desperate to free themselves from the mirror's curse, Hiroshi and Aiko sought the guidance of a spiritual medium. Through a series of rituals and séances, they made contact with the vengeful spirit trapped within the mirror.
The spirit's story unfolded like a tragic drama—the yūrei had been a young woman in love with a man from a rival clan. Their love was forbidden, and when their secret was discovered, they had both met a grisly end. Her spirit had been bound to the mirror as punishment for her defiance of societal norms.
With the medium's help, Hiroshi and Aiko offered prayers and apologies on behalf of the mirror's original owner, seeking forgiveness for the wrongs committed against the vengeful spirit. They vowed to help the spirit find peace and redemption.
In a chilling climax, they conducted a final ritual, allowing the yūrei to pass on and find the solace she had been denied for centuries. As they gazed into the mirror one last time, they saw the spirit's reflection fade into the distance, her eyes filled with a mix of gratitude and farewell.
The mirror, now cleansed of its malevolence, became a symbol of hope and renewal for Hiroshi and Aiko. Their family flourished, and the cherry blossoms in their garden bloomed with newfound vibrancy, a testament to the enduring power of love and forgiveness.
"The Mirror's Malevolence" served as a chilling reminder that even the most innocuous objects could carry dark secrets, and that confronting the past and seeking redemption could break the bonds of even the most malevolent curses.
End of Chapter 9: "The Mirror's Malevolence"
Chapter 10: "The Bridge to the Beyond"
In a remote mountain village, isolated from the modern world, a historic bridge served as a link between the living and the dead. When a group of travelers crossed its ancient planks, they would discover the chilling truth behind the bridge's supernatural origins.
Chapter 10: "The Bridge to the Beyond"
Deep within the heart of the Japanese mountains, nestled among ancient forests and shrouded in mist, lay the village of Yamanokawa. It was a place where tradition and superstition still held sway, and the bridge that spanned the river was both a lifeline and a gateway to the unknown.
A group of adventurous travelers, drawn by the allure of Yamanokawa's untouched beauty, embarked on a journey to explore the village's remote reaches. Among them were Kaito, a historian with an insatiable curiosity, and Mia, a photographer who sought to capture the essence of this secluded world.
The village's centerpiece was the Akane Bridge, a weathered structure made of ancient wood and adorned with centuries-old lanterns. Its planks creaked with the weight of history, and the river below whispered tales of lives long gone.
As the travelers ventured deeper into Yamanokawa, they discovered that the villagers held a profound reverence for the bridge. It was said to be a link between the living and the dead, a place where offerings were made to appease the spirits that dwelled in the surrounding forest.
As night descended, the travelers set up camp near the Akane Bridge, its lanterns casting an eerie, flickering glow on the river's surface. It was then that they heard the sound—a mournful melody that seemed to emanate from the bridge itself.
Mia, driven by curiosity, followed the haunting tune to the bridge's edge. There, bathed in an otherworldly light, she saw a figure—a woman in a white kimono, her long hair flowing like an ebony waterfall.
The woman, whose name was Hikari, revealed herself to be a yūrei, a spirit bound to the Akane Bridge for centuries. She had once been a young bride whose love had been torn apart by a tragic accident on her wedding day. Her spirit was eternally linked to the bridge, where she waited for her beloved to return.
Kaito, the historian, delved into the village's archives and uncovered the tragic story of Hikari's past. It was a tale of love and loss, of a bride whose life had been cut short, and a groom whose heart had been forever scarred by grief.
With newfound determination, the travelers sought to reunite the spirits of Hikari and her beloved. They embarked on a journey deep into the forest, following a path laden with offerings and prayers.
At the heart of the forest, they discovered an ancient shrine dedicated to love and reconciliation. There, in a poignant ceremony, they offered heartfelt prayers and apologies on behalf of the villagers and the groom who had never returned.
As the first light of dawn broke over Yamanokawa, a sense of serenity washed over the Akane Bridge. Hikari's spectral form dissolved into the river's mist, her eyes filled with a mix of longing and gratitude.
The travelers departed from Yamanokawa, forever changed by their encounter with the supernatural. The Akane Bridge, now freed from its haunting past, stood as a testament to the enduring power of love and the hope of reuniting even in the afterlife.
"The Bridge to the Beyond" became a legend whispered among villagers, a reminder that some bonds could transcend time and that the spirit of love endured even in the face of eternity.
End of Chapter 10: "The Bridge to the Beyond"
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2024.06.06 20:41 CrimsonFoxyboy [H] Bundle leftovers [W] Remnant: From the Ashes Complete, Evil Within 1 - 2, etc

Humble Bundle: (Region: EUROPE)
Willing to do multiple keys for Remnant Complete.
Aarklash: Legacy
Among the Sleep - Enhanced Edition
Almost There: The Platformer
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
Burly Men at Sea
Blood: Fresh Supply
Cities in Motion 2
Crazy Machines 3
Dungeon of the Endless
Doom 64
Forged Battalion
Fae Tactics
Homeworld Remastered Collection
Kathy Rain
Laser League
Majesty 2 Collection
Mysterium: A Psychic Clue Game
One Way Heroics
One Way Heroics
Orwell: Keeping an Eye On You
Orcs Must Die! 2 + DLC
Red Faction®: Armageddon™
Revolver 360 Re:Actor
Rusty Lake: Roots
Sentinels of the Multiverse
Swords and Soldiers 2 Shawarmageddon
She Remembered Caterpillars
Shadowrun Returns
Shady Part of Me
Sonic Adventure DX
Sonic Adventure 2+Battle DLC
Steel Rats
Sid Meier's Civilization VI
Shadowrun Returns
Sentinels of the Multiverse
Swords and Soldiers 2
Talisman: Digital Edition
Tennis World Tour
The Town of Light
Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure
The Forgotten City
Tower of Guns
The Golf Club™ 2019 featuring PGA TOUR
Toto Temple Deluxe
Turok 2: Seeds of Evil
Tokyo 42
Unholy Heights
Grand Ages: Medieval
Mysterium: A Psychic Clue Game
Holy Potatoes! A Weapon Shop?!
The Sexy Brutale
Streets of Fury EX
Yoku's Island Express
Astrea: Six-Sided Oracles
River City Girls 2
Clash: Artifacts of Chaos
Double Dragon Gaiden
Remnant: From the Ashes - Complete
Evil Within 1 + 2
Rep page:
submitted by CrimsonFoxyboy to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 13:55 Soft-Refrigerator714 Puravive Reviews and Effectiveness (Analytical Customer Alarming!!)

Are you looking for an effective weight loss product that can help you achieve your fitness goals? Look no further! Introducing Puravive, a revolutionary weight loss product designed to support your weight loss journey. In this guide, we will explore the key features and benefits of Puravive, how it works, and how you can incorporate it into your weight loss routine.Are you looking for an effective weight loss product that can help you achieve your fitness goals? Look no further! Introducing Puravive, a revolutionary weight loss product designed to support your weight loss journey. In this guide, we will explore the key features and benefits of Puravive, how it works, and how you can incorporate it into your weight loss routine.

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Puravive has emerged as a groundbreaking solution born from this discovery. It stands out as the only global weight loss supplement focused on optimizing BAT levels for both men and women. Customer reviews indicate exceptional satisfaction and results.

But with a history of weight loss promises, skepticism is natural. Is Puravive truly the miracle solution it claims to be, and is it safe? This comprehensive ‘Puravive review’ delves into these questions.
What Is Puravive?
Puravive is a natural beacon of hope for those on a weight loss journey. It sets itself apart by offering a unique, pure, and natural composition. Its proprietary blend comprises eight powerful tropical nutrients and plant-based compounds, all with clinically proven abilities to enhance brown fat levels, a key component in weight loss.

Safety and quality are top priorities for Puravive. Crafted in an FDA-approved and GMP-certified facility, the formula is plant-based, non-GMO, and free from adverse side effects. It comes in an easy-to-swallow capsule form, offering a user-friendly experience. Positive user feedback highlights both its effectiveness and affordability, with occasional bonuses, discounts, and special offers to make the journey to a healthier self accessible and rewarding.

What are the Key Features of Puravive?

Natural Ingredients: Puravive is made using a blend of carefully selected natural ingredients that are known for their weight loss properties. These ingredients work synergistically to help you shed those extra pounds.

Metabolism Boost: One of the key features of Puravive is its ability to boost your metabolism. A faster metabolism can help you burn calories more efficiently, leading to weight loss.
Appetite Suppression: Puravive contains ingredients that can help curb your appetite, making it easier for you to stick to your diet plan and reduce calorie intake.
Energy Boost: Puravive provides a natural energy boost, helping you stay active and motivated throughout the day.
What are the Puravive Ingredients?
Puravive Formulation and Science Behind Its Ingredients: Puravive’s formulation consists of eight clinically proven ingredients and essential vitamins designed to increase calorie-burning brown adipose tissue (BAT) levels. These ingredients include:
Holy Basil: Reduces stress and supports brain function.
Kudzu Root: Rich in antioxidants, promoting heart health.
White Korean Ginseng: Boosts the immune system and combats oxidative stress.
Luteolin: Enhances BAT levels, supports brain health, and regulates cholesterol.
Amour Cork Bark: Relieves digestive issues and fortifies cardiovascular health.
Propolis: Packed with antioxidants and supports balanced blood sugar levels.
Oleuropein: Promotes artery health and aids weight management.
Quercetin: Supports healthy blood pressure and combats aging effects.
How Does Puravive Works?
Puravive works by targeting multiple aspects of weight loss to provide comprehensive support. Here's how it works:
Fat Burning: The natural ingredients in Puravive help stimulate fat burning by increasing your metabolism and thermogenesis, allowing your body to burn more calories.
Appetite Control: Puravive helps control your cravings and suppress your appetite, making it easier to stick to a healthy eating plan and avoid overeating.
Energy Boost: The energy-boosting ingredients in Puravive help combat fatigue and keep you energized, so you can stay active and motivated to exercise regularly.
Mood Enhancement: Puravive contains ingredients that promote a positive mood, helping you stay focused and motivated on your weight loss journey.
How to Incorporate Puravive into Your Weight Loss Routine?
To get the most out of Puravive, here are some tips on how to incorporate it into your weight loss routine:
Follow the Recommended Dosage: Take Puravive as directed on the packaging or as advised by your healthcare professional for optimal results.
Maintain a Healthy Diet
Stay Active: Combine the use of Puravive with a consistent exercise routine to maximize your results.
Stay Hydrated
Remember, Puravive is not a magic pill for weight loss. It is a supplement that can support your efforts and help you achieve your goals when combined with a healthy lifestyle. Consult with your healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen.
Visit Official Website To Get Exclusives Discount Offer: Click Here
Who should avoid Puravive?
Puravive is not suitable for individuals under 18 and pregnant or breastfeeding women. Consultation with a healthcare professional is advised for those with underlying medical conditions.
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2024.06.06 13:54 Soft-Refrigerator714 Sugar Defender Reviews (2024) The Latest Customer Results Reported!

ugar Defender aims to provide sustained energy throughout the day and support optimal blood sugar levels. If you're seeking a genuine Sugar Defender review, you've come to the right place. This comprehensive customer review covers various aspects, including ingredients, benefits, side effects, pricing, and more.
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✅What is Sugar Defender?
Sugar Defender is a natural blood sugar booster designed to help the body eliminate stubborn fat deposits while maintaining healthy blood sugar levels. With 24 scientifically proven ingredients, it offers a blend of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to cleanse, repair, and rejuvenate the body. The formula focuses on improving insulin sensitivity, boosting energy, accelerating fat burning, and promoting mental clarity.
The Sugar Defender formula is free from artificial ingredients, GMOs, additives, stimulants, and preservatives, making it a safe dietary supplement. Manufactured in an FDA-approved facility, the liquid solution comes in a convenient bottle for a month's worth of servings.
✅How Does Sugar Defender Work?
Sugar Defender provides sustained energy and excellent blood sugar support by slowing the digestion and breakdown of carbohydrates. It regulates blood sugar levels by offering a constant supply of glucose without causing spikes. The formula supports pancreatic health, enhancing insulin production and increasing insulin sensitivity. This holistic approach prevents blood sugar imbalances, promotes effective glucose utilization, and prevents excess glucose from converting into fat.
✅Key Ingredients in Sugar Defender:
Maca Root: Boosts vitality, regulates hormone levels, and enhances energy.
Forskolin: Promotes fat burning, reduces blood pressure, and improves cardiovascular health.
African Mango: Aids in weight loss, reduces hunger, and improves fat breakdown.
Eleuthero: Supports the immune system, brain, and hormones, reducing blood sugar levels.
Chromium: Essential for metabolic efficiency, athletic performance, and maintaining normal blood sugar levels.
Ginseng: Improves immune system performance, reduces inflammation, and stimulates insulin synthesis.
Gymnema: Reduces sugar absorption by the stomach, promotes insulin synthesis, and lowers blood sugar levels.
Guarana: Increases energy, reduces fatigue, and improves heart health.
Click here to buy Official Website at Discounted Rate + Get FREE Shipping + Get 2 FREE Bonuses
✅Benefits of Consuming Sugar Defender:
Maintains normal blood sugar levels. Provides all-natural support for weight loss. Increases vitality and energy levels. Reduces stress, irritability, and anxiety. Improves mental clarity and cognitive abilities. Easy to incorporate into daily routines. Non-addictive and user-friendly.
✅Pros and Cons of Sugar Defender:
Pros: All-natural ingredients. Scientifically proven formula. Positive customer reviews. Manufactured in FDA and GMP approved facility. Free from preservatives, additives, stimulants, and GMOs. Convenient liquid form. 60-day refund policy. Free bonuses with monthly orders.
Cons: Available only on the official Sugar Defender website.
Click here to buy Official Website at Discounted Rate + Get FREE Shipping + Get 2 FREE Bonuses
✅How to Consume Sugar Defender Drops:
For optimal results, it's recommended to take one dropper under the tongue every morning before breakfast. Alternatively, the liquid solution can be dissolved in a glass of water or any preferred beverage.
✅Any Complaints Reported for Sugar Defender?
As of now, there are no reported complaints about Sugar Defender. The formula consists of natural nutrients and clinically proven botanicals, ensuring its safety and effectiveness. The product is manufactured in FDA-compliant facilities, maintaining strict standards of hygiene.
✅Pricing and Bonuses:
30 Days’ Supply (1 Bottle): $79 90 Days’ Supply (3 Bottles): $177 ($59 Per Bottle) + Free shipping and two free eBooks. 180 Days’ Supply (6 Bottles): $294 ($49 Per Bottle) + Free shipping and two free eBooks. Bonuses include "The Ultimate Tea Remedies" and "Learn How to Manage Diabetes."
Click here to buy Official Website at Discounted Rate + Get FREE Shipping + Get 2 FREE Bonuses
✅Refund Policy:
Sugar Defender offers a 60-day risk-free money-back guarantee. If the supplement proves ineffective or unsatisfactory within 60 days of purchase, customers can request a full refund through customer service.
✅Customer Reviews:
Customers express satisfaction with increased energy, stable blood sugar, and positive effects on overall health. The formula is praised for its effectiveness and affordability compared to other blood sugar support supplements.
After a thorough investigation into ingredients, scientific support, customer reviews, and manufacturing standards, Sugar Defender appears to be a legitimate and effective blood sugar support supplement. With 24 natural ingredients, positive user testimonials, and a 60-day money-back guarantee, Sugar Defender offers a reliable solution for those seeking better blood sugar control.
Should I use Sugar Defender? Sugar Defender is recommended for men and women seeking blood sugar support. It utilizes pure botanical ingredients and natural minerals, manufactured in FDA-registered and GMP-certified facilities.
When can we expect to see results? Results may vary, but most people notice changes after the first week. Continuous use for three months or more is suggested for optimal results.
What happens if I can't use Sugar Defender? Sugar Defender comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee. If unsatisfied, customers can request a full refund within this period.
How soon can I receive Sugar Defender, and where can I buy it? Purchase from the official website to ensure genuine products. Delivery through premium carriers usually takes 5 to 10 days for domestic orders.
Is my purchase safe? The one-time payment for Sugar Defender on the official website is secure, and advanced technologies like SSL ensure the confidentiality of information.
Click here to buy Official Website at Discounted Rate + Get FREE Shipping + Get 2 FREE Bonuses
submitted by Soft-Refrigerator714 to nflstreamsbaltv [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 13:54 Soft-Refrigerator714 Zencortex Reviews; SCAM or LEGIT 2024 updates

In today's bustling world, amidst the constant clamor, the wellness of our hearing often gets sidelined. However, with ZenCortex, you can now prioritize the care your ears truly deserve.

Have you ever paused to reflect on the significance of your hearing? From the melodious chirping of birds at dawn to the hearty laughter of friends, our ears serve as conduits to experiencing life's vivid tapestry. Sadly, amidst the hustle and bustle, our hearing often gets overshadowed.

[Visit Official Website To Get Exclusives Discount Offer: Click Here


Enter ZenCortex, a revolutionary supplement meticulously crafted to bolster and sustain healthy hearing function. Laden with essential nutrients and fortified by scientific research, ZenCortex offers a natural avenue to nurture optimal auditory health.

But what sets ZenCortex apart from its counterparts? Firstly, it boasts premium-grade ingredients meticulously chosen for their efficacy. From vital vitamins to potent botanical extracts, each component of ZenCortex synergistically supports your ears from within.

What's more, incorporating ZenCortex into your daily regimen is a breeze. Whether you're a student, a working professional, or enjoying retirement, prioritizing your hearing has never been more convenient.

If you're ready to seize control of your auditory well-being and immerse yourself in a world of clarity and precision, it's time to explore the wonders of ZenCortex. Join us as we delve deeper into this remarkable supplement in our comprehensive ZenCortex review, and uncover how it can unlock a realm of sound.

Product Overview

Name: ZenCortex

Category: Auditory support formula
Formulation: Liquid solution
Primary Ingredients: Grape seed, Gymnema Sylvestre, Green tea, Astragalus, Capsicum Annum, Panax Ginseng, Maca root, Chromium Picolinate
Bottle Contents: 60 ml
Guarantee: Offers a comprehensive 60-day money-back guarantee
Cost: Prices start at $179 per bottle (Official Website)
How ZenCortex Works to Elevate Hearing Health

Hearing stands as one of our most invaluable senses, enabling communication, music appreciation, and immersive experiences. Yet, akin to any other facet of our anatomy, our ears encounter challenges over time. Factors such as noise exposure, aging, and genetic predispositions can exert profound effects on our auditory health. This is precisely where ZenCortex steps in, offering a holistic strategy to bolster and maintain healthy hearing function.

Understanding Auditory Health

Before delving into ZenCortex's mechanisms, let's grasp the intricacies of auditory well-being. Our ears, intricate organs in their own right, rely on a delicate interplay of structures and processes for optimal functionality. At the core of this system lie the hair cells within the cochlea—minute sensory units that convert sound waves into interpretable electrical signals for our brain.

However, these delicate hair cells are prone to damage or deterioration over time, paving the way for hearing loss and related issues. Additionally, factors like inflammation, oxidative stress, and compromised blood circulation can further jeopardize auditory health.

The Significance of Cellular Support

In the labyrinth of auditory health, cellular sustenance reigns supreme. Our inner ear houses minuscule hair cells tasked with translating sound waves into electrical impulses. Vulnerable to an array of threats—ranging from loud noises to aging—these cells find solace in ZenCortex's blend of nutrients and antioxidants. By nourishing and shielding them, ZenCortex fortifies their integrity and functionality, thereby preserving our auditory acuity.

Combatting Inflammation for Auditory Well-Being

Inflammation poses a formidable adversary to our auditory apparatus, often precipitating hearing loss and tinnitus. ZenCortex's arsenal encompasses ingredients renowned for their anti-inflammatory prowess, assuaging inner ear inflammation. This reduction in inflammation fosters a healthier auditory milieu, facilitating smoother transmission of sound signals and bolstering overall hearing function.

Neutralizing Oxidative Stress

Oxidative stress—a consequence of the imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants—poses a grave threat to auditory health. These free radicals can assail inner ear cells, accentuating hearing loss and related issues. ZenCortex's antioxidant-rich formula wages war against these free radicals, shielding the inner ear's delicate structures from oxidative harm. By quelling oxidative stress, ZenCortex champions enduring auditory health, potentially staving off age-related hearing decline.

Enhancing Blood Circulation to the Inner Ear

Adequate blood circulation is pivotal for ferrying oxygen and nutrients to the inner ear's cellular precincts. However, the march of time and lifestyle vagaries can impede this vital flow, compromising auditory function. ZenCortex incorporates ingredients bolstering healthy blood circulation, ensuring the inner ear's cells bask in the requisite nourishment for optimal performance. By augmenting blood flow, ZenCortex advocates optimal auditory health, paving the way for clearer and crisper sound perception.

In essence, ZenCortex epitomizes a holistic approach to nurturing and preserving healthy hearing function. By providing cellular reinforcement, curbing inflammation, neutralizing oxidative stress, and enhancing inner ear blood circulation, ZenCortex addresses the underlying factors influencing auditory health. Whether you seek to safeguard your hearing or tackle existing auditory woes, ZenCortex emerges as a natural and efficacious solution. With its meticulously chosen ingredients and scientifically substantiated formula, ZenCortex emerges as a stalwart ally in the quest for optimal hearing health.

Ingredients in Detail

Grape Seed

Grape Seed extract emerges as a potent source of antioxidants, particularly proanthocyanidins, renowned for shielding cells from oxidative onslaughts. These antioxidants play a pivotal role in preserving the inner ear's delicate structures, including the pivotal hair cells orchestrating sound signal transmission. By nullifying free radicals and mitigating oxidative stress, Grape Seed extract bolsters overall auditory health, potentially forestalling age-related hearing degradation.

Furthermore, Grape Seed extract exhibits prowess in improving circulation and fortifying blood vessels. This enhanced blood flow ensures the inner ear's cells receive the requisite oxygen and nutrients, propelling optimal auditory function. By championing both antioxidant activity and circulation, Grape Seed extract assumes a pivotal role in ZenCortex's auditory health regimen.

Gymnema Sylvestre

Hailing from India, Gymnema sylvestre boasts a rich history in traditional medicine. Esteemed for its anti-inflammatory properties, it emerges as a potent ally in assuaging inner ear inflammation and enhancing auditory function. Additionally, Gymnema sylvestre's potential in regulating blood sugar levels underscores its significance in auditory health. By tackling inflammation and fostering metabolic equilibrium, Gymnema sylvestre fortifies ZenCortex's mission of nurturing optimal hearing function.

Furthermore, Gymnema sylvestre's neuroprotective potential garners attention for safeguarding auditory nerve health, potentially averting age-related hearing decline. By bolstering auditory system robustness, Gymnema sylvestre epitomizes ZenCortex's multifaceted auditory health approach.

Green Tea

Green tea, celebrated for its myriad health benefits, owes its acclaim to its rich polyphenol content, notably epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). These polyphenols unleash potent antioxidant prowess, shielding cells from oxidative harm and curbing inflammation—both within the body and the inner ear. By combatting oxidative stress and inflammation, Green Tea extract champions auditory health, potentially thwarting age-related hearing loss.

Moreover, Green Tea extract's antimicrobial attributes hold promise in forestalling ear canal infections, thus reducing the risk of inner ear inflammation and damage. Furthermore, Green Tea catechins' potential in enhancing cognitive function underscores their role in auditory processing—vital for deciphering speech and auditory cues.

In summary, Green Tea extract emerges as a bastion of auditory health, offering antioxidant fortification, anti-inflammatory efficacy, and cognitive benefits. By addressing oxidative stress, inflammation, and cognitive function, Green Tea extract advances ZenCortex's holistic auditory health pursuit.


Astragalus, a stalwart in traditional Chinese medicine, boasts immune-boosting properties that extend to auditory health. Laden with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, Astragalus fortifies the inner ear's defenses against cellular damage. Additionally, its potential in enhancing blood circulation ensures inner ear cells receive the requisite nutrients for optimal function. By bolstering immune function, curbing inflammation, and enhancing blood flow, Astragalus embodies ZenCortex's comprehensive auditory health approach.

Moreover, Astragalus's role in mitigating noise-induced hearing loss by curbing free radical production underscores its significance in preserving auditory health. This protective mantle renders Astragalus indispensable in ZenCortex's arsenal for auditory well-being.

Capsicum Annum

Capsicum annum, colloquially known as chili pepper, harbors capsaicin—a compound boasting potent anti-inflammatory properties. Capsaicin's efficacy in alleviating inner ear inflammation paves the path for enhanced auditory function. Furthermore, its potential in augmenting blood circulation ensures inner ear cells revel in ample oxygen and nutrients. By tackling inflammation and bolstering blood flow, Capsicum annum underpins overall auditory health, synergizing seamlessly with ZenCortex's ingredients.

Furthermore, Capsicum annum's prospective in alleviating tinnitus—the auditory discomfort characterized by ringing or buzzing—via inflammation reduction and enhanced blood flow underscores its auditory health benefits.

Panax Ginseng

Panax ginseng, revered as Korean ginseng, stands as a quintessential adaptogenic herb prized in traditional medicine for its holistic health benefits. Laden with ginsenosides—compounds boasting antioxidant and anti-inflammatory prowess—Panax ginseng fortifies inner ear cells against oxidative assaults and inflammation. Additionally, its potential in enhancing cognitive function bolsters auditory processing—integral for sound comprehension. By fostering overall vitality, Panax ginseng embodies ZenCortex's holistic auditory health pursuit.

Moreover, Panax ginseng's protective mantle against age-related hearing loss, via bolstered inner ear blood flow and enhanced auditory nerve cell survival, underscores its significance in ZenCortex's auditory health regimen.

Maca Root

Hailing from the Andes, Maca root emerges as a nutrient-dense botanical teeming with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Laden with compounds combating inflammation and oxidative stress, Maca root emerges as a stalwart in nurturing overall health, including auditory well-being. Furthermore, its potential in regulating hormone levels fosters a conducive environment for auditory function. By furnishing vital nutrients and bolstering overall health, Maca root reinforces ZenCortex's holistic auditory health mission.

Moreover, Maca root's prospective in enhancing cognitive function and memory—integral for auditory processing—renders it a pivotal ingredient in ZenCortex's auditory health arsenal.

Chromium Picolinate

Chromium picolinate, a mineral supplement, assumes a pivotal role in various metabolic processes governing the body. Its prowess in regulating blood sugar levels underscores its significance in overall health, including auditory health. Stable blood sugar levels are indispensable for preserving inner ear cell health and fostering optimal auditory function. By championing metabolic health and blood sugar regulation, Chromium picolinate enriches ZenCortex's holistic auditory health pursuit.

Furthermore, Chromium picolinate's prospective in enhancing auditory processing and curtailing age-related hearing loss via metabolic health reinforcement renders it an indispensable ingredient in ZenCortex's auditory health regimen.

The Hearing Health Benefits of ZenCortex

ZenCortex heralds a myriad of benefits for auditory health, owing to its meticulously chosen blend of ingredients elucidated in the preceding sections of this review.

Foremost among ZenCortex's benefits is its ability to furnish comprehensive cellular support to the inner ear's delicate structures. The antioxidants and nutrients encapsulated in ZenCortex fortify the cochlea's hair cells against oxidative assaults, nurturing their health and functionality. By fortifying and preserving these pivotal cells, ZenCortex nurtures optimal auditory acuity and sensitivity.

Furthermore, ZenCortex addresses inner ear inflammation—a ubiquitous harbinger of hearing loss and related ailments. ZenCortex's anti-inflammatory properties assuage inner ear inflammation, fostering a conducive auditory milieu and facilitating seamless sound signal transmission.

Additionally, ZenCortex wages war against oxidative stress—an insidious accomplice in age-related hearing decline. By neutralizing free radicals and shielding inner ear cells from oxidative harm, ZenCortex preserves auditory function, potentially staving off the march of age-related hearing loss.

Moreover, ZenCortex champions healthy blood circulation to the inner ear, ensuring a steady supply of oxygen and nutrients to the cells. Enhanced blood flow fortifies the auditory system's vitality, fostering clearer and crisper sound perception.

In summation, ZenCortex epitomizes a holistic auditory health regimen, addressing pivotal factors like cellular support, inflammation, oxidative stress, and blood circulation. Whether safeguarding your hearing or addressing extant auditory concerns, ZenCortex offers a natural and efficacious solution for nurturing optimal auditory function. With its meticulously chosen ingredients and scientifically validated formula, ZenCortex emerges as an indomitable ally in the quest for optimal hearing health.

Visit Official Website To Get Exclusives Discount Offer: Click Here
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2024.06.06 04:56 its_whirlpool4 Events for Fri 6/7 - Sun 6/9

** ALL WEEKEND (FRI 6/7 - SUN 6/9) *\*
10 AM - 4 PM Pride Tea Party Snapdragon Tea, 115 Harvard Dr. SE We're celebrating the wonderful diversity in the LGBTQIA+ community! We welcome kids of all ages, and provide children’s menus upon request. Special gluten free/vegan/vegetarian menus available upon request. Reservations required
San Felipe de Neri Church Fiestas Old Town, 2005 N. Plaza St. NW Join us for our annual Fiestas celebration in Old Town! This year, we will be featuring amazing local musical artists, food trucks and fun for the entire family!
** BOTH SAT 6/8 AND SUN 6/9 *\*
9 AM - 4 PM FOCL Spring Book Sale Corrales Community Library, 84 W La Entrada, Corrales Thousands of books and media for $2 or less! Proceeds go to the Corrales Library. On Sun from 2-4pm, $5 Bag of Books deal
** Fri 6/7 *\*
Fri 5 - 9 PM ABQ Artwalk Downtown ABQ This edition we will be hosting a series of art markets, art exhibits, mural tours, performances & live art! Kick off our summer season!
Fri 6 – 10 AM Free Summer Fun National Museum of Nuclear Science & History, 601 Eubank Blvd. SE Presented by Blue Cross & Blue Shield of NM. Register to win $1000 that we'll give away at the end of the summer. Get signed up at each Free Summer Fun event! Jackie, Tony and Ryan are celebrating summer with a full summer of FREE SUMMER FUN. Admission is FREE as long as you're in by 10am!
Fri 12 – 5 PM School’s Out, Get Your Skates Out! Skate-O-Mania, 400 Paisano St. NE Starting June 3rd, we’re rolling every weekday from 12-5 PM. Enjoy all-day fun for just $10, including skate rentals if needed! Beat the heat with our brand-new air conditioners – we’re the coolest spot in town this summer!
Fri 5 – 8 PM Sublime Synergies: Interactions of Light and Ink Remarque Print Workshop, 3812 Central Ave SE, Ste 100B Join us for the opening of our annual photo and printmaking show! Featuring 27 artists from all over the country, showing an incredible variety of photo based prints and alternative photo techniques. (Refreshments and excellent conversation provided in addition to the art!)
Fri 5 – 8 PM ARTScrawl - Youth Pride Art Show and Fundraiser The Gallery ABQ, 8210 Menaul Blvd. NE This is a fundraiser for Casa Q House, which provides safe living and advocacy for LGBTQ+ youths. Plus art by George ‘Hauie’ Hayes III and Gwenda McLamb. Refreshments provided. Come join us!
Fri 5 – 10 PM All The Things Mini Cocktail Flight Party & Drawing Tractor Brewing, 118 Tulane Dr. SE It's our final day of New Mexico Craft Cocktail Week and we're featuring a flight of our All The Things ready to drink craft cocktails! Come get yourself a flight of four mini cocktails and be entered into a raffle to win some awesome Tractor swag. Choose between Paloma, Marg, Mule, Limeade, or ging lemonade. Then pick one to take home with you!
Fri 6 PM Boot Scootin' Boogie Night - Western Music & Wine Pasando Tiempo Winery, 3741 NM-528 NW Saddle Up for Country Western Night! Dust off your cowboy hats, shine up your boots, and get ready to two-step the night away. Live country music, wine, and a best-dressed contest. Music by @ roundthewayentertainment
Fri 6 PM Grand Opening Northeast Heights! Fan Tang, 9004 Montgomery Blvd. NE Lion dancer and firecrackers to ring in our newest store!
Fri 6 PM Country Social Dance CSP Dance Studios, 1624 Eubank Blvd. NE We'll be playing the best country music for dancing where you'll be able to practice your Country Two Step, Night Club, West Coast Swing, East Coast Swing, Cha Cha, Waltz, Rhythm Two Step, 4-count Swing, Line Dancing and more! $10 cash at the door. Don't forget we have a welcome lesson from 6:00-6:30pm
Fri 6 PM Science on Tap: Trials, Triumphs & Tragedy of EagleCam National Museum of Nuclear Science & History, 601 Eubank Blvd. SE Prepare to be captivated and enlightened by the EagleCam Project. Lead Engineer, Dr. Christopher Hays will present the trials, triumphs, and tragedy of EagleCam, a university project designed to provide the first-ever third-person view of a lunar landing. Embark on an extraordinary journey filled with adventure as we delve into the captivating saga of the Eagle Cam project. Discover the remarkable story of a group of daring college students who accepted the challenge to push the boundaries of innovation and exploration. Be inspired by their courage and dedication as they strive to achieve what no university has dared to dream before. Doors 6pm, presentation 6:30pm (tickets)
Fri 6 – 9 PM Pizza Paint & Craft Night Canvas and Coffee, 6700 4th St. NW, Los Ranchos Join us for a special Pizza Paint Night where kids will create a charming painting and a heartfelt craft, perfect for gifting to Dad on Father's Day. Ages: 6 and up. Parents are welcome too! Please Arrive Early: Doors swing open at 5:50 PM. Pizza Party: Drop your kiddos off hungry. We fill their bellies! Creative Projects: Each session offers a unique theme with TWO take-home art projects. All Supplies Provided: We’ve got everything your child will need. Materials may include canvas, wood, beads, ribbon, mod podge, glue, acrylic paint, watercolors, and more. Material Fee: $5.00, cash, due at drop-off. Special Dietary Needs: We understand Pizza is not every child's thing, so feel free to have them bring their own snack/meal. Drop-Off Class: Perfect for giving parents a break! However, parents are welcome to stay and join the fun (tickets $35)
Fri 7 PM Micky Cruz: Salsa Under the Stars Albuquerque Museum, 2000 Mountain Rd. NW Micky Cruz has performed extensively for many years as one of the premier acts taking the stage at the hottest clubs in the southwest, Casino nightclubs, and the big stages like Legends theatre and Las Vegas. Micky Cruz is an award winning Latino musician having received the coveted Los 15 Grandes award several times in past years, including one in 2010! He has conducted many TV interviews, and well as several hits on Radio! Micky's music is best described as Cumbia, Salsa, and Reggae with an interesting, refreshing twist where Micky has combined styles together and invented "Cumbegue" music. Totally unique, cumbegue music takes the best elements of cumbia-salsa-reggae and combines them into a very strong and danceable beat coupled with great melodic hooks and harmonies, then capped off with exciting soloing throughout the band. Featuring: Hugo Reyes, Ruben Garcia, Tony Gonzales, Giselle Cruz, Alex Perez, Stefa Cantu, Marissa Moreno, Sandra Valerio (tickets)
Fri 7 – 8:30 PM Zoo Music- Grupo Bella ABQ BioPark Zoo, 903 10th St. SW Bring the family to the the first Zoo Music of the summer to spend an evening with wildlife, food, and family fun. From Boleros to Cumbia to R&B, Grupo Bella can play it all! Rooted in Mexican tradition, resilience, and hope, seek to expand musical language with traditional Mexican instruments and inspire communal connection, story-sharing, and the joy of cultural pride. Their message is simple: “Somos de todos y la música está viva”...we belong to the people and the music is alive! Dusk is one of the more active times for animals and a great time to learn about the Zoo’s conservation initiatives. Gates 6 pm, Music 7 pm (tickets)
Fri 7 PM AND 8 PM Purple Rain Birthday Celebration Flix Brewhouse, 3236 La Orilla Rd. NW We're celebrating Prince's birthday with a special screening of PURPLE RAIN! Admission includes a free slice of birthday cake (tickets)
Fri 7 – 9 PM First Fridays Comedy Contest Tractor Brewing - Wells Park, 1800 4th St. NW First Friday's Comedy Contest is back with 10 of Abq's hottest up-and-coming comedians duking it out to see who is crowned this month's funniest comedian in the 505! Hosted by Rusty Rutherford, it's a battle to the last laugh. Come laugh, drink, and vote to decide the winner, at this FREE comedy show!
Fri 7 – 9 PM World's Best Trivia Poke Serrano, 3755 Southern Blvd. SE, Rio Rancho Enjoy a night of FREE TRIVIA, great food and drink specials, music and prizes - see you there!
Fri 8 PM An Evening of Comedy with Hari Kondabolu Historic Lobo Theater, 3013 Central Ave NE Comedian Hari Kondabolu is coming to The Historic Lobo Theater for an epic evening of comedy! (tickets)
Fri 8 – 10 PM Karaoke Sunday Service Motor Co., 2701 4th St. NW Drop in every other Friday! Great Drinks, Awesome Jams, Better People! Show us what you got and compete for prizes, free drinks and bragging rights!
Fri 8 PM – 12 AM Leftover Soul Sister, 407 Central Ave NW Leftover Soul, Albuquerque’s longest running vinyl only soul night returns! This month, DJ Leftovers is joined byguest DJ Garronteed from Santa Fe and live video mixing by No Reservations Production. Garronteed is a staple in the New Mexico party scene, building on his expertise by rocking analog and digital parties for over 20 years. Come get down to the funky sights and sounds of the golden era of soul! $5
Fri 8 PM – 2 AM DeeCee’s Soul Shakedown Reggae Party with Bobby Hustle & guests performing live Insideout, 622 Central Ave SW International reggae artist Bobby Hustle plus special guests Dre Z performing live at Albuquerque’s biggest reggae party. MC for the night Mister Kali. Resident DJs: Rootz Rocka, DJ La Ruda, Selectah C , & Selecta DeeCee will be bringing the best in reggae, dancehall, afrobeats, & remixes
Fri 9 PM Salsa Under the Stars After Party Juno, 1501 1st St. NW Salsa, Bachata, Meringue, Cumbia, and Reggaeton with DJ Tony and guests. On the patio. Keep the party going after the museum, or start your late night Latin dance party with us. On the patio every Friday after salsa under the stars. 21+
Fri 10:30 PM NME Movie Night: Buffy the Vampire Slayer The Guild Cinema, 3403 Central Ave NE Get ready for an electrifying night of vampire-slaying action! Join New Mexico Entertainment for an exclusive screening of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. With Earlybird presale tickets, you'll secure your spot for this thrilling event, and stand a chance to win door prizes from local businesses and organizations, including the renowned Bubonicon and the talented artist Jeremy Montoya. But hurry, only 59 presale tickets are available, so grab yours before they vanish into the night! For Buffy Summers (Kristy Swanson), nothing is the same after she meets Merrick Jamison-Smythe (Donald Sutherland). Merrick tells the teen that he's been sent to train her to fight vampires, and he proves himself by displaying his supernatural powers. Buffy is a quick study, and soon takes fellow student Oliver Pike (Luke Perry) under her wing, repeatedly saving him from fierce bloodsuckers. But, when a very dangerous vampire (Rutger Hauer) gets rambunctious, she must go to war again
** Sat 6/8 *\*
Sat 8 AM – 12 PM Downtown Growers' Market Robinson Park, 810 Copper Ave NW Every Saturday from 8 am - NOON! This vibrant community event connects local farmers, growers, artisans, wellness makers, and hot food vendors with the local community from mid-April to early-November. Bring friends / family or come solo to enjoy fresh food made on sight, a variety of seasonal produce, unique arts and crafts, live music, and special programming all in the heart of downtown
Sat 8 AM – 1 PM Pride in Nob Hill Tractor Brewing, 122 Tulane Dr. SE The Pride Parade is hitting Central and we're celebrating love at our Nob Hill location! We're opening super early at 8am and featuring some Cider-Momoas ,wait we mean Mimosas, our delicious house Bloody Mary and of course Micheladas or whatever you can dream up! Then the absolutely incredible DJ Kaleido will be hitting the turn tables at noon for your Pride Parade after party pleasure!
Sat 8 AM – 7:30 PM Juneteenth Celebration Open Space Visitor Center, 6500 Coors Blvd. NW Join us for a FREE, all-ages, family-friendly, celebration, including live music, storytelling, a dance class, poetry, and more! There will also be food trucks, face painting from Arveyah Williams, and free Juneteenth shirts (while supplies last). 8:00am-9:30am A hike in the Bosque (call to reserve your spot), 10:00am -12:00pm What Happened to Blackdom? Presented by Historian Dr. Timothy E. Nelson (inside) (call to reserve your spot), 12:00pm -2:00pm Capoeira Workshop with North Star Capoeira (call to reserve your spot), 1:00pm-3:00pm Anthems of Belonging: For a New America (Music, dance, poetry) - Presented by Hakim Bellamy (Inside) (call to reserve your spot), 2:00pm Storytelling with Ms. Brenda Hollingsworth-Marley (outside), 2:30pm Arts and Crafts with Ms. Brenda Hollingsworth-Marley (inside), 2:30-3:30pm (Drumming and Flute ensemble with Jah Trupedors), 3:30-8:00pm Entertainment (B-Boy Crew Francois, Conservation Carnivale (black carnies), Poetry, Music by Sweet Roll, Music by DaJerney), 8:00-8:30pm Jah Tupedors Hopefully this group will close us out as things are being packed up and loaded (more info)
Sat 9 AM – 1 PM SUMMER AT THE MARKETPLACE - a patio pop-up event! Poulin Marketplace, 8600 Pan American Fwy NE, Ste B We’re hosting “Patio Pop-Up Events” to bring you one-of-a-kind items from the amazing artisans in our community. A rotating offering of local artisans display their goods between 9 AM and 1 PM every Sat, June thru July, excluding July 6. SIP delicious and refreshing summer specialty drinks. Try our new seasonal house-made blackberry syrup. Enjoy the glorious summer weather in the shade of our solar-powered patio. SHOP offerings from local artisans and Poulin Marketplace’s curated home + decor collection. BE INSPIRED by our space and stylings for creative ideas to transform your home!
Sat 10 AM – 4 PM Father’s Day Native Art Market FNCH Traditional Wellness Program, 634 Manzano St. NE There will be food, arts, crafts, & fun! Come visit our program offices to also learn more about the services we provide
Sat 10:15 AM – 2:30 PM Kaijune Arty Party New Mexico Ferments, 2506 Washington St. NE Celebrate with pride the magnificent monster within by stomping around the arty party creating your very own Kaiju! We welcome all monsters any age and size to join in the free for all Arty Party Kaijune!
Sat 11 AM – 2 PM Felines and Flowers: Rescue Adoption Event Osuna Nursery, 501 Osuna Rd. NE Join us for a purr-fect day filled with both paws and petals. Spread the love by finding forever homes for our furry friends from Jemez Angel Cat Rescue. There will be a meet and greet for a whole line up of angels of all ages. Whether you're looking for a new cuddle buddy or just want to enjoy the company of these charming felines, we welcome you with open paws! We'll be celebrating all day long with tasty treats and event exclusive discounts till close! Between our felines and flowers it's the perfect opportunity to secure new lifelong friends
Sat 11 AM – 5 PM Re Leaf & Myzfits Gallery presents “Summer Parking Lot Pop-Up” Releaf Cannabis Co., 5704 Lomas Blvd. NE Come join us for a day filled with vendors food, and entertainment!
Sat 11 AM – 5 PM Fun In The Sun ABQ Food Park, 6951 San Antonio Dr. NE Join us for a day filled with adventure and excitement. Climb to new heights on our thrilling rock wall, play in the water, challenge your friends and family to outdoor games, and indulge in delicious bites from our food trucks. Let your imagination run wild with our fantastic face painting station. Whether you want to become a fierce tiger or a magical unicorn, our talented artists will bring your vision to life. There's something for everyone, so gather your loved ones and make unforgettable memories together!
Sat 1 – 3 PM Beer Brewing Class - Advanced All Grain Southwest Grape & Grain, 3401 Candelaria Blvd. NE Take your beer brewing to the next level with our all grain brewing class. Learn everything you need to brew all grain recipes! You now have a couple of batches of beer under your belt, ready to take your skill to the next level? This class focuses on the transition from pure extract use to all grain brewing. We will go more in depth on the various ingredients and talk about recipe formulation. All Grain Brewing requires additional equipment that you didn’t need for extract brewing. Learn what that equipment is and how to utilize it. You’ll leave this class knowing everything required to start brewing beer 100% from scratch! NOTE: We recommend that you have taken our Beginner Brewing Brewing class or have some homebrewing experience prior to taking this class (tickets)
Sat 1 – 4 PM Hot Dog Fundraiser! La Cumbre Brewing, 3313 Girard Blvd. NE Come support our Valley Vikings 12U Pop Warner team at La Cumbre Brewing Company located at 3313 Girard. Cash, Debit/Credit Card, Cashapp, Paypal, and Venmo are all accepted! 100% of the profit goes to our team’s equipment, uniforms, and out of state travel!
Sat 1 – 4 PM RJ Perez at Summer Music Saturdays Canteen Brewhouse, 2381 Aztec Rd. NE We are so excited to kick off our Summer Music Saturdays with one of our favorites, RJ Perez! Join us for a chill afternoon on the patio with great beer, food and music!
Sat 2 PM 505 Blackened Death Fest Ren's Den, 900 4th St. SW Death Mantra, Nocturne, Inferno Antichrist, Rotten Intestines, Spectral Decay, Thrall, Eye, Stygian Rot, Holocaustic, Frail Limbs, Forbidden Witchery, Etherial Moon. $10 before 5pm, $15 after
Sat 3 – 6 PM Brewathlon Brew Lab 101, 3201 Southern Blvd SE, Rio Rancho Teams sign up to compete in the Pong and Cornhole tournament. $50 Per team of 2 people. All proceeds go to Honor Flight of Northern NM, which is a nonprofit organization to help veterans see monuments dedicated to them with all expenses paid. There are sponsorship spaces available! Help Honor Flight of Northern NM and to get your business out there with local community
Sat 3 – 8 PM Grand Opening Bosque West, 2220 Unser Blvd. NW Featuring performances by Sweet Roll, Hot Ham and the Crispi Boys, Baracutanga, and DJ Wild Wes. Photo Booth by Mobile Glam Shots. Featuring local vendors: 505 Resin Works, Tia Mom’s Cookies, Angels and Things, Blazen Glass Art, Jeanette’s Creative Designs, Love at First Bite, Haus of Flame, Balaté Naturals, Revenant Creations, Desert Spark Permanent Jewelry. Face Painting by Andrea’s Face Painting
Sat 4 PM Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring Flix Brewhouse, 3236 La Orilla Rd. NW Join us for the first part of the cinematic journey of friendship and heroism in Middle-earth with our screening of Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring (tickets)
Sat 4:30 – 6 PM Cuidando los Niños Fundraiser Cookie Class Sweet Pea Bakery, 2500 Central Ave SW Join us for a fun night out while making an impact in our community! Light House Studio and Sweet Pea Bakery are teaming up to host a cookie decorating class to benefit Cuidando los Ninos. This will be a full, 1.5 hour class where local cookie artist Katie Sacoman walks you through decorating three floral themed sugar cookies. Each participant also receives a personalized cookie with their name on it. 50% of each ticket sold goes to benefit Cuidando los Ninos, a local organization working to break the cycle of homelessness for children and families by providing high-quality early childhood education, case management, supportive housing, and parent education. *This class will be good for participants age 10+. You know your child best!* Tickets include: -Personalized cookie in a different flavor -Materials for class (Cookies, icing, etc.) -Guided instruction from a professional cookie decorator
Sat 5:30 PM Pottery on the Patio with Three On A Match LIVE Entertainment - $5 to reserve Kelly Jo Designs by Wine, 6829 4th St. NW Join our Saturday Night Pottery Social! Come PYOP (Paint Your Own Pottery). We have loads of shapes to choose from and staff artists ready to help get you on your way! Enjoy music by Three On A Match, starting at 7pm. Reserve your spot today! Seats are limited. The $5 fee will be applied to whichever shape you select to paint. You are welcome to paint any time between 5:30pm-9pm
Sat 6 PM Spring Season Community Event Mile High Little League, 725 Juan Tabo Blvd. NE End of the season celebration! Food and Fun! Showing Sandlot, bring blankets and chairs! Concessions will be open along with Pop-Pops ice. Raffle: 5 tickets $20 or $5 each, lots of prizes available! Bouncy houses, games, and water fun! Equipment exchange: bring your old equipment to donate. Used equipment will also be available for great prices, Cash only!
Sat 7 PM Swing Dance Night w/Albuquerque Jazz Orchestra Albuquerque Museum, 2000 Mountain Rd. NW Founded in 1982 by Pancho Romero, the 18-member AJO has been delighting audiences throughout the Southwest for more than thirty years. For many years under the leadership of trombonist John Sanks, the band has performed with an impressive list of guest artists, including Toshiko Akiyoshi, Pete Christlieb, Jim Pugh, Scott Wendholt, Dick Oatts, John Fedchock, Wayne Bergeron, Bob McChesney, Jeff Coffin, Butch Miles and jazz trumpet legend and Albuquerque native Bobby Shew, who served as the Musical Director of AJO from 2007 to 2010. The band features professional and semi-professional musicians, and public school and university educators. Come on out and dance! (tickets)
Sat 7 – 9 PM Sesh N' Flow at the Bside! Los Ranchos Bakery, 6920 4th St. NW, Los Ranchos Bring your mat and a friend and join us for a chill sesh and fun yoga flow! Please BYOB (no canna items for sale... and there's always plenty to go around) Limited space available, get your tickets early!
Sat 7 PM – 12 AM Women's Pride Dance Juno, 1501 1st St. NW Hot Flash ABQ Women's Pride Dance is back and better than ever, in conjunction with the electrifying Foxy Festival, celebrating all the Foxy people out there! Featuring the sensational beats of International DJ Tatiana and our very own Resident DJ - DJ Bex, get ready to dance the night away in a celebration of love and inclusivity. Dance your heart out to the pulsating rhythms. Explore our vendors offering unique treasures. Compete in thrilling contests and win amazing prizes. Indulge in delicious delights from our food truck(s). And for your safety and convenience, designated drivers will be available to ensure you and your car make it home safely - for a fee. By joining us, you'll also be supporting A Barking Chance Animal Rescue, as a portion of the proceeds from this event go to this worthy cause. Located at the Juno Brewery indoooutdoor space, we're proud to be the Official Women's Pride Headquarters, creating an atmosphere where everyone can come together and celebrate love in all its forms
Sat 8 – 11 PM Summer S'mores Marble Brewery Westside Tap Room, 5735 Night Whisper Rd. NW Join us every Saturday! Grab your s'more kit for $14 or $12 if your a current Brew Club Members (members must present a valid BC card) from 8-11pm. Kits make up to 8 s'mores (beverages not included), be sure to ask a server for details!
Sat 8:15 – 10:30 PM Movies in the Park - Emperor's New Groove Tiguex Park, 552 19th St. NW Presented by Recreation Division's Outdoor Adventure. Experience the hilarious and heartwarming journey of Emperor Kuzco on a giant outdoor screen, starting at dusk just after the sun sets at 8:20 p.m. Bring your friends, family, and a blanket for an unforgettable movie night in the park!
Sat 9 PM – 1 AM SABOR Latin Night - Guest DJ PEDRO Bama's 1865, 6007 Osuna Rd. NE DJ Gabriel Goza & friends will be serving you the saucy Salsa, Bachata, Cumbia, Merengue y Mas! UNM / CNM Students $5 cover, Ample Parking, Safe Environment, Beautiful Venue, Good Food, Good Music, Good Vibes. 21+ / $10 cover
submitted by its_whirlpool4 to ABQEvents [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 03:18 EffectiveArachnid991 When the ants come marching in

I wiped the sweat from my brow as our guide hacked a path through thick rainforest underbrush, the humid heat of the Amazon making my pack feel as if it weighed a hundred extra pounds as I slogged through the trees. Birds and monkeys chirped and hooted above me, remnants of a recent rainfall dripping from wide monstera leaves.
We had been walking for days, deeper and deeper into the heart of the jungle, following the Amazon River. The lab equipment on my back jostled and threw me off balance with each step, leaving me staggering like a drunk over the uneven rainforest floor. All of us walked like elephants in a row; the sad, circus kind of elephants forced to perform at the crack of a whip.
None of my colleagues fared much better, Carter heaving with exertion ahead, his dark brow glistening with sweat. Poor Mary Elizabeth’s boot caught a stray root, sending her sprawling across the ground behind me. The march ground to a halt, all of us turning to help her. I removed her pack, Carter helping her from the ground as she brushed a thick layer of mud off her trousers, leaning against a palm tree to catch her breath.
“We should stop to make camp soon,” Carter suggested, surveying the state of our weary convoy. He took off his tacky safari hat and fanned himself as he awaited our responses, droplets splashing across his face.
Mary Elizabeth took a moment to catch her breath, moisture beading on her poncho. “I agree. I can’t walk much farther,” she panted. Our guide simply nodded, sweat staining his white tank top even though he looked like he’d been barely exerting himself at all, slashing through the wild with all the confidence of an Amazon native.
They all looked to me. Despite my aching bones and the sweat beginning to pool in my boots, I hesitated. We only had a few more hours worth of jungle until we reached the survey site, where there should be a hot meal and a warm bed for me to rest on.
How I yearned for a meal that didn’t come from a can. Reluctantly, I sighed and was about to agree to spare my companions, opening my mouth only to be cut short by an excited squeal from Mary Elizabeth.
“Look! Look! Carter, Howard, come quickly!” She gestured excitedly to the ground beside where she leaned against the tree at something hidden beneath a tangle of moneywort vines. Intrigued, Howard and I approached what excited her so, brushing aside the vines to reveal a series of red dirt mounds, each emitting a steady stream of leafcutter ants. “Atta Cephalotes!” She beamed.
Carter and I oohed and ahhed the appropriate amount to please her. Like myself, Mary Elizabeth was an avid myrmecologist and practically glowed with excitement whenever she spotted a leafcutter ant colony.
It had been truly fascinating the first time, somewhat less so the third, and had lost its charm entirely by the tenth, but her joy was too pure to spoil with our dying interest.
The ants were cutting large chunks out of the surrounding foliage, everything green and leafy around us missing small chunks, as if someone had taken a hole punch into the deepest reaches of the Amazon and had begun trying to clear the foliage with it.
I watched them for a moment while our guide cleared enough vegetation for Carter to unwrap our tents, Mary Elizbeth stepping away to assist him. There was something so fascinating about them, how they moved perfectly in a single file line, each one carrying a chunk of leaf bigger than its own body. I looked out over the colony, rows and rows of ants winding like a system of rivers into the ocean of their colonies underneath our feet.
“Kauê?” I called out to him, halting his progress as he lowered the machete in his hand. Carter and Mary Elizabeth struggled to put up a tent in the background. Not that I’d be able to do it any better. I pointed to the anthill metres away from our site. “Camping here won’t disturb the colony, will it?”
Kauê shook his head. “No. They will not bother us as long as they are left alone.” I chuckled as he returned to his labour. That should be no issue. Mary Elizabeth had already collected enough leafcutter specimens on our trek to rival the colony in front of me.
I was just about to turn back to assist my companions, who had just managed to pitch the first tent and were currently doing battle against the second when I took notice of something truly odd on the furthest edge of the colony.
The corpse of a howler monkey had fallen onto one of the mounds, still limp and fresh, the sand around it forming rusty clumps. I tiptoed around the mounds, careful not to upset the anthills so close to our camp as I got closer to verify that what I saw out of the corner of my eye was, in fact, real.
Three lines of dark red ants were leading towards the howler’s body, each line closely coupled by a parallel twin running in the opposite direction, carrying chunks of red and bloody white tissue. The monkey’s corpse looked like the surrounding leaves, riddled with clean-cut semicircles. I could see into its open ribcage as they cut away bone and offal alike, ants shifting and undulating beneath the skin, making its dark fur quiver with a sickening false life. I watched in stunned disbelief as they carved perfect chunks of fresh meat like tiny butchers.
I wanted to look away, to cringe with disgust, to call my colleagues in alarm. Instead, I simply stood frozen, watching the monkey disappear piece by piece at an alarmingly swift rate. Its eye twitched in a sunken socket, and as I leaned down to look closer, a shudder of revulsion ran through me.
I could see them crawling behind its eyes.
Every scientific bone in my body knew this couldn’t be right. The whole reason leafcutter ants harvested leaves in the first place was to grow fungi for sustenance, they most certainly didn’t eat carrion. None of the regular ants seemed to notice the corpse, giving the strange newcomer ants a wide berth. Was it an undiscovered subspecies? A new adaptation? I looked around for any sign of a predator, tracks in the sand, a displaced mound, the glint of eyes in the bushes.
I found nothing at all. Nothing except the three trails (technically six, if you count the returning lines as well) leading into the foliage.
“Mary! Carter! By God, come see this,” I shouted back to the camp. I heard Carter’s low voice through the thick brush, but his words were too muffled by the jungle ambiance to make out.
I stepped back into the clearing, seeing Kauê and Carter finish setting up the final tent while Mary Elizabeth crouched as she set a pot of water over the fire to boil, shooting up when I approached her. “Howard! Where were you? We had to set up the tents without you! You look…” Mary Elizabeth studied me with a furrowed brow, her irritation replaced with concern. “Troubled. Is something the matter?”
I paused, unsure of how to broach the subject. Mary Elizabeth would hardly take such a grievous slight to her beloved Atta Cephalotes lightly, and what I had seen was nothing short of a bastardization of their entire biology. “I saw— they had a monkey, Mary, a howler of some sort, and they were taking pieces out of it like it was a leaf, bones and all, I swear—”
“What had a monkey?” Carter’s mammalogist interests had been peaked; joining us as I stumbled over the point I was trying to get across.
“They— The ants, they looked like leafcutters but they weren’t part of the colony, I’m certain, they had found a freshly dead howler—”
“What subspecies of howler?”
“Good God Carter, I don’t fucking know, half the damn thing was gone! The ants were carving it up like it was a leaf, taking it away somewhere!” Mary Elizabeth and Carter exchanged worried looks. Kauê raised an eyebrow at me from across the camp. “I know what you’re thinking, and I am not mad!”
I grabbed Mary Elizabeth by the wrist, practically dragging her to the colony as I pointed to where the howler was. “Howard…” she said gently, “perhaps we should get you a sip of water and a good night’s rest.” Confused, I turned my gaze to where I was pointing.
There was nothing there. Any trace of the howler being there had disappeared into thin air. Much to Mary Elizabeth’s protest, I stumbled over the russet craters to where the corpse had been, brushing the loose soil aside as if it would be buried underneath. I searched for bones, a scrap of fur, a bloody clump of sand, anything—
But nothing was there. It was as if the howler had come back to life and flown away. There weren’t even any footprints, just faint lines in the sand that could have been from any one of the dozens of trails of ants coming to and fro from the colony of millions.
“I swear, it was right here, Mary! They must've finished taking it or... or..” Or maybe the heat really had been getting to me.
No! No, I knew it was there. I knew for sure wasn’t crazy, but as I watched Carter join Mary Elizabeth in luring me back to camp, I knew I had no proof. No evidence. Of course I’d seem like a raving lunatic, I’d accuse myself of being so if I were in their shoes as well. To convince scientists of something impossible, one needs proof. Indisputable proof. But as I looked into the bushes from where the strange ants had emerged, I saw no trace of them either. They had disappeared along with their macabre prize.
I hung my head in resignation, a twinge of guilt striking my heart as I realised I was standing on an anthill. Murmuring an apology to its tiny citizens, I carefully stepped back to camp, Mary Elizabeth promising me a clean drink of water while Carter attempted to distract me with talk of tapir sightings in the area. To his credit, any reasonable human would find conversing about tapirs with Carter to be delightful, but my mind kept wandering back to that unfortunate howler.
The way its whole body writhed with ants. The way they cut away at it like surgeons. Did they eat it outright? Was it used to cultivate some unknown type of fungal garden? I thought about the direction the ants were coming from, and a plan began to take shape in my mind as I sat down by the fire and waited for the sun to go down.
It had taken a while for Kauê to fall asleep, somehow being the least tired out of our party despite doing the lion's share of the physical labour. I feared he wouldn’t fall asleep by the time the sunlight had died down, but as I heard a rustle in the tent to the left of mine, I unzipped the tent and peered out into the light of the setting sun.
The camp was empty. I waited another few minutes until Kauê had completely settled down before carefully unzipping my tent and creeping out into the dusk. Even though the sun had yet to descend below the horizon, it had already gotten much darker under the canopy, the only light coming from the break in the trees to the north of camp where I could hear the river rushing in the distance. Grabbing my lantern, I turned the gas valve and struck a match, igniting the flame. I patted my back pocket, ensuring the can I smuggled away at dinner was still present.
It was a long shot, I knew, these creatures almost definitely preferred a fresh kill to Hereford’s corned beef, but my hunting skills weren’t nearly adept enough to attempt catching a howler of my own. Nor did I have it in my heart to kill one.
Besides, Carter would never look at me the same.
I crept silently over to the anthills, relieved (if not a little disappointed) that there were no corpses. Only the regular leafcutters were present, continuing their monotonous gardening around the clock.
I whispered a silent prayer as I pried open the can, hoping the smell wouldn’t attract any larger, more vicious predators. However, deep down, part of me preferred the known danger of a jaguar to the unknown threat posed by the strange ants. The smell of corned beef quickly overpowered the earthy scent of the jungle asn I wrinkled my nose in disgust.
If anything, this would be repelling the jaguars.
I dumped the beef unceremoniously in the dirt beside the mound the howler fell on. The ants had nearly finished repairing it, much to my fascination.
Once the bait had been set, I found a low-hanging tree branch and hoisted myself onto it, leaning against the trunk as I waited, the rush of the river and the slow trickle of ants lulling me into a gentle slumber.
I awoke with a start to a weight on my shoulder, needle-sharp claws digging into my skin. I tumbled from my resting place in the tree, frantically brushing away whatever was on me. I felt silky fur against my hand and heard a soft hiss from somewhere in the night as I regained my composure.
Night had fallen like a curtain while I slept, and I awoke to complete darkness, the canopy too dense to see the stars above. I reached around blindly for my lantern, blades of grass and tiny leaves brushing against my skin; each feeling like the touch of some unknown creature in the pitch blackness sending goosebumps up my arms.
Eventually, my fingertips hit glass and metal with a rattle. I fumbled around the valve and lit a match (thanking God I had taken them along with me), blessed light returning my vision. A pair of eyes glinted across the anthills from me, and I raised my lantern to discover a coati staring at me with a hesitant curiosity.
I chuckled. Carter would be green with envy that I had one resting upon my shoulder. I made a mental note to rub it in later.
I turned to return to camp when my boot connected with something, the clatter of hollow tin echoing over the chirp of insects and the croak of frogs in the river nearby. Lowering my lantern, the purpose of my excursion returned to me as I gazed upon the empty can of corned beef.
I looked back to the anthill and, to my absolute delight, two rows of ants were running like train tracks too and from the quickly diminishing pile of corned beef, carrying the mushy brown clumps off into the night.
So their tastes weren’t so refined after all.
I reached for my camera, cursing under my breath when I realized that I had left it back at camp. With one last look at the ants, I quickly snuck back. Although swift, I remained silent, not wanting to be made a fool of for a second time. Nobody stirred as I rustled around in my pack for my camera, scurrying back to the ants to collect my evidence.
They were still there when I returned, the pile of beef having diminished by at least fifty percent in the few minutes it took to grab my camera. The Polaroid’s flash lit up the night for a split second, leaving a white spot in my vision as I blinked. The photo printed with a whirr, and I took a second one just for good measure as I shook the first.
After a few good shakes, the photograph was developed enough to make out. A row of leafcutter ants, a species that should have no taste for meat, carrying away clumps of the beef pyramid. I nearly danced back to camp, bursting into Mary Elizabeth’s tent. “Who’s mad now, Mary?” I gloated, waving my picture around like an Olympic medal.
But as I looked down, I noticed she was nowhere to be found. Come to think of it, her tent had been opened as well.
Assuming she had just stepped out to use the bathroom, I attempted Carter’s tent. I unzipped the tent, and again its occupant was missing. My nonchalance had faded, fear and worry creeping up my spine.
“Kauê?” I called nervously, peering into his tent. Much to my relief, I heard something stirring inside his tent, a gruff voice mumbling something as he poked a head of messy hair from his tent, his face contorted into an irritated scowl. “Mary and Carter are gone,” I whispered. “I don’t see them anywhere nearby.”
That got his attention, grabbing his machete as he stepped out of the tent. “Did you hear them leave?” I shook my head. As knowledgeable as they were on the local fauna, neither were survivalists. It wasn’t like either of them to vanish into the night in the middle of the Amazon, they would know better than that. A cool dread pooled in my gut, a chill running through my veins. “Have you checked the tents?”
“I’ve only scanned them.”
“We should search them properly before searching the nearby forest at this hour,” he said as he walked towards the tents. He threw Carter’s tent open and began tossing his things around.
“Whoa, hey, I don’t think Carter will appreciate—” my mouth hung open like a fish on land as Kauê flung his sleeping bag aside. The fabric at the bottom of the tent was gone, the earth pocked with holes as if a buckshot had been fired from underground.
Kauê stared at me in shocked disbelief, as if I were the one to dig the holes. I was about to ask him what he was staring at when I noticed something scuttling across the earth.
An ant. Indistinguishable from the rusty leafcutters, unnoticeable if not for the scrap it was carrying towards a hole in the earth. I pounced on it like a cat; giving Kauê a start as I scrambled in the dirt like an addict trying to catch the tiny thing. I felt my fingers close around its tiny body and felt a bolt of pain shoot through my finger as a trickle of crimson splashed onto the dirt, disappearing into one of the little holes as if the earth itself thirsted for my blood.
I gasped in pain and dropped it, cursing as more droplets of blood splashed onto the forest floor. “What is it?” Kauê asked, leaning over my shoulder to determine the source of my panic. “Did some bug do this?”
“I— perhaps. Maybe. Do you remember the ants I was talking about earlier? With the monkey?” I reached into my pockets with trembling hands before I found the photograph, pulling it out for Kauê to see. “I will admit my claim was…out there, but I was telling the truth. And no,” I added as he cocked his eyebrow at me once more before taking the picture from my outstretched hand, “I wasn’t lying or heatsick.”
I watched Kauê’s face morph from scorn to confusion to fear. “So you’re saying—” he said with a laugh of terrified hilarity, “—that the ants took them away.” It wasn’t a question so much as a statement, Kauê looking to me for confirmation as if it wasn’t true until I confirmed it.
“I’m saying it’s a possibility.”
“If that’s the case, then…what the hell do we do?” I had no answer.
And I was given no time to formulate one. Neither of us had noticed the ants slowly start to swarm around our feet and up our boots as if summoned by my blood. I felt a sharp pain above my sock and looked down to see the holes were gone. In their place was a writhing black carpet of ants, dark chitin bodies catching the lantern light like a thousand demonic eyes as they swarmed up our legs.
I will admit my scream of terror was not as manly-sounding as Kauê’s. We fled from the tent, swatting ants from our legs as fast as we could. I was briefly able to see my legs in the flickering lamplight through the darkness and blood, chunks of my calves missing, my exposed flesh stinging as we ran.
They gave chase, a flood of them, rushing over the leaves with a chilling silence, making no sound aside from a constant rustling of the trimmed foliage they passed over.
“The river!” I shouted, about to run to the river Amazon before Kauê grabbed me and forced me in the opposite direction, the maneuver costing us precious time as the horde pivoted quickly to follow us.
“We can’t swim across at this time of night, God only knows how many caimans are hunting right now!” The ants had formed an impossibly large swarm now, nearly taking up the entire cleared area of the camp. I dreaded to think of the fates suffered by my companions, but we could no longer stay there.
We turned and ran through the thick foliage, my pulse roaring like thunder and my panting a gale as I sprinted as fast as my legs would carry me. My poor legs stung like hellfire as they were brushed and scraped and prodded by the vegetation I tore through. My lantern flickered and rattled wildly as I ran, the night sounds of the jungle drowned out by my desperate crashing through the brush.
I didn’t dare stop, my vision tunneled by fear, unable to focus on anything except putting ground between myself and that awful campsite. I ran and ran and ran until my foot caught a root, sending me tumbling down a hill. My lantern went out on impact, plunging me into darkness.
I scrambled in the sand, trying to find my lantern as my whole body shook. I waited for the inevitable pain to return as I was torn apart, the anticipation fading as I realised that, for the moment, I had evaded my pursuers. My heart sank to my tattered boots as I realised that I had evaded my guide as well. “Kauê?” I called into the night, to no response.
Feeling around in the darkness, the gravity of my situation finally had time to sink in. I was lost, well and truly lost, and completely alone in the Amazon rainforest. I, an entomologist from upper Manhattan, was lost in one of the most wild places on the planet with no food or water. I’d be lucky to last until morning, disregarding the swarm of killer ants hot on my trail. I was not a religious man, I never was and likely never will be, but in that moment I prayed. I prayed that Kauê evaded the ants, prayed that we would reunite, and he would be able to lead me out of this green hell to safety where I could tell the Brazilian government to burn the whole damn forest to the ground.
Something rustled in the bushes above me, about to send me into another panicked sprint before it emerged from the shadows. A kinkajou’s eyes glinted in the lantern light as I held it up, a deep sigh of relief leaving my chest as it scampered away. Seeing it made me think of Carter, my heart aching for my poor companions. But grief would not help me now. There would be time for that later, the most pressing matter at the moment was finding my bearings.
My fingers touched something smooth and warm. My lantern! I fumbled with a match, my fingers still shaking from exhaustion and fear as I turned the gas valve, the glass rattling as I shook. Swinging my lantern around to get my bearings, I saw that I had not fallen down a hill, rather the ground had broken beneath my feet, plunging me into a pit.
My entire body froze as I swiveled in place, feet stuck to the ground in terror as I realised what I had fallen into. It looked like the floor of Carter’s tent, thousands of little holes peppered all around me in every direction like a grenade had gone off. I took a step back after seconds that felt like years, feeling something shift underfoot.
I looked down to see a tattered explorer’s hat, tacky and green and dreadfully familiar. I picked Carter’s hat off the ground and a sob grew in my throat as I saw what was beneath it. Mary Elizabeth’s poncho lay above a heap of tattered rags that were once expedition gear, shredded and discarded once the ants realised they weren’t edible. There weren’t even any bones left.
Taking a shuddering breath, I tried to move as little as possible as I scanned the hole for any way to escape. I was about two metres deep, and one of my ankles twisted at a painful angle. I lowered my sock, my ankle swollen to twice its size and slowly turning purple. I was unsure if I could climb out of there in a healthy state, and even if I could, I’d certainly not be fast enough to evade the ants once they detected my presence.
There was a small hill of loose soil leading about halfway up the side of the hole, and I noticed chunks of the wall appeared to be crumbling, the perforated earth made unstable by ant tunnels. Every other section would be a sheer climb, and none of the holes were large enough for me to use as footholes.
Gingerly, I limped to the sand pile, sizing up the jump from the top of the sand hill to the edge of the hole. My odds weren’t stellar, but it was the best hope of escape I had. I gently placed my good foot down, holding my breath as the sand shifted under my weight. Eventually, it held firm, and I dragged my bad leg onto the pile. I knew my time was limited, as quiet as I was, most ants hunted by odour and I was sure I reeked of sweat and blood.
I repeated the same process moving as if the air was molasses. Eventually, I reached the wall, about a metre and a half of loose soil between me and freedom. I took a deep breath in as I forced my trembling body still. I squatted down, readying every muscle in my body to explode upwards with as much force as possible.
And I jumped. My breath shot from my lungs with a pained grunt as I sprung upwards, pain shooting up from my twisted ankle like lightning in my veins. I felt a jolt of adrenaline as my hands found purchase on the rim of the hole; bracing my legs against the wall as it sloughed away beneath the tread of my boots.
I threw an elbow onto the grassy surface, hoisting my upper body into the cool night air. I swung my other arm up and felt a shifting beneath my chest.
Before I could reorient myself, the ground beneath me gave way. I was plunged into sand and dirt, filling my eyes and ears and mouth and nose as I flailed helplessly in the silt, sinking like it was quicksand.
I heard them before I felt them.
They were silent when they chased me and Kauê from our campsite, their only noise being the rushing of the foliage they ran over. But I could hear them now, feel them, shifting the earth around me as they tried to figure out the disturbance crashing into their nest.
I felt the first bite as my head broke free from the ground, the first splash of my blood sparking a feeding frenzy. My mind raced with images of that howler as they tore into me from every direction as I clawed my way up the new slope I had created.
I could feel them moving under my skin. Their tiny claws scraped against my insides as they cut me apart piece by piece, bone and muscle and sinew and fat. I screamed, my entire body on fire as they covered me, flowing into my open mouth like water. I looked at my hands as I clawed through the dirt, lines of ants wriggling up and down under the skin of my arms like caustic veins.
By some miracle, I had enough strength to stagger out of the dirt, ants falling off in clumps with my flesh in the lantern light.
The lantern! I had nearly forgotten about it. I knew there was no hope for me, I could feel them in my lungs and my chest, burrowing towards my heart and up my spine. The pain had become so omnipresent and all-consuming that I had forgotten what it was like to feel normal. But god damn those tiny devils crawling in and out of my body, I was nothing if not spiteful and did not intend to go down alone.
With trembling, shredded fingers I unscrewed the gas valve, bone scraping against metal. I poured the gasoline onto my ruined body, the stink of it overpowering what little smell I had left. I could feel them in my head now, black spots appearing in my vision. I thought of the howler as I felt a pressure building behind my eyes, how I could see the ants squirming in its eye sockets. I reached my bony fingers into my pocket and retrieved the matchbox, one lone match rattling around inside.
I struck it. Once. Twice. Three times. I had all but given up, about to lie down and die, to be consumed, when on the fourth and final time, I saw a flame.
The match fell in time with my last breath, my vision fading to blurry colours as the world swayed. Sounds became dissonant and fuzzy, but I could hear something crackling as warmth flooded my body. I saw orange light and felt the warmth grow to heat, the pain fading nothingness as the ants and I burned away to nothing.
submitted by EffectiveArachnid991 to TheCrypticCompendium [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 20:39 CrimsonFoxyboy [H] Bundle leftovers [W] Remnant: From the Ashes Complete, Two Point Campus, etc

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2024.06.05 08:06 Aeogeus Do Not Fight Monsters: Chapter 4

First Chapter/Previous Chapter
All seven of them sat down on the benches and began to discuss the village's issues and what they could do to remedy them.
The first problem was something Mrs Verity and Mr Clachas brought up about crop yields being lower than they had been in years, “why do you suppose that is?” Tide asked.
“I don’t know, nothing like this had ever happened before,” Handus replied, “I will ask our older residents if they know anything about this,” he added.
Tamara was listening, and she was thinking, “What exactly is happening?” she said.
There was silence for a few moments until Odalinde replied with another question, “What exactly do you mean?”
Tamara took a breath and clarified, “Well, are the seeds not sprouting? Are the crops not growing as large? Are they simply vanishing or rotting in the field?”
“Why would it matter?” Tide asked.
Tamara gave a mental sigh, “Because if we don’t know what exactly the problem is, we won’t be able to fix it.”
“I don’t know,” Handus replied. “But I will be sure to ask,” he added with a nod.
“So, onto other matters,” said Pancha.
The meeting continued for a couple of hours. Many other problems arose: the barn needed a new roof, rabbits were becoming a nuisance, and there was a sudden shortage of wooden buckets; thankfully, these were all relatively simple to solve.
Once they had decided that there would be a significant increase in the amount of rabbit stew eaten for the next few weeks, their business together was almost concluded, and there was one last order of business to settle, that of Samuel.
Though no one here truly cared about Samuel’s well-being, they all felt it was best to know what he was up to.
Everyone was quiet, and everyone, apart from Handus, looked at the ground.
After an hour, Odalinde half-heartedly said, “So what can you tell us about?” she paused in the middle of her sentence and then started again. “I mean, what has?” she stopped again; she was clearly worried about how to word her question.
In the end, Tamara got tired of these lazy attempts and, just like every other time, asked the question for them, “Do you mean to ask how Samuel is doing?”
They all, in eerie unison, nodded. They had long since decided that it was simply best to roll with it; Tamara could be scary when she was angry.
“Yes,” Handus answered.
“Well, he’s doing fine, no health complaints, as far as I am aware,” she stopped for a moment and added, “Oh, and our study of the forest is coming along nicely. Yesterday, we went to the lake and found thousands of crabs making their way across the beach, so we’ve got to add them to the encyclopaedia.”
“The what?” Tide asked; he had never heard that word before.
“You know those things I take with me and write in?” Tamara asked.
“Yes,” Tide answered.
“Well, they’re called books, and there are different types of books. Some have stories written in them, and others have facts in them. An encyclopaedia is a book or several books that have as many facts as you can get about certain things, in this case, the forest and the plants and animals that live in it,” Tamara added.
“What’s the point of this writing? It seems like a lot of fluff and nonsense to me,” Tide replied, more confused than before.
“Samuel does it so that in case he forgets anything, he can just look it up in his books,” Tamara replied, trying to explain this alien concept as best as she could.
This did not have the desired effect, and Tide, more confused than before, asked: “Why can’t he just remember it?”
Tamara paused for a moment. She knew the answer, but she was trying to think whether or not it would be beneficial to tell them.
In the end, she decided she would, after all, a flaw makes you seem less intimidating, “Because his memory is not as good as ours. For example, if you asked him what he had for dinner three months ago, he would not be able to tell you.”
Then, a steady stream of chuckling began from everyone present, even Tide, who usually tried his best to keep a straight face.
“Are you telling me he can’t remember something as simple as that?” Odalinde said through short breath, “I guess he’s not as cunning as I thought.”
Tamara was angry; after all, they were laughing at Samuel, but she also remembered something he had told her, “You don’t laugh at people you’re afraid of.”
“I think we should pass on this writing. After all, it would be the death of memory,” Pancha said as the laughter died down.
In a hushed whisper, one that no one could hear, Tamara said: “we’ll see?”
Everyone said their farewells and Pancha and Tamara headed off to finish the rest of their business. Unlike any other meeting, before she left this one feeling good, she finally felt as though she was making progress.
The pair began to wander through the market; they did not need anything, but part of their job was to listen to the problems the other villagers had, focusing on the Lamia’s troubles in particular.
There was seldom anything dramatic or life-threatening that had to be addressed. It was mostly a few mistakes with food distribution or someone breaking a plant pot. The only major problem that had occurred in recent memory that could not be solved with a stern talking to was the fire that, two years ago, had obliterated half the village and had almost cost Tamara her life.
As the smell of wood smoke and the cries of her friends started to creep from her mind, she heard a voice cry out.
“Pancha, Tamara!” the pair turned to face the source of the noise and saw Mr Ummo's face. He was unusually short, though, for a Lamia, this was more a matter of choice than biology.
He had dirt-coloured hair and strangely beautiful eyes; they were the same colour as his hair, but the pattern was reminiscent of a mosaic. He wore a sunflower yellow tunic, and along his back was a series of diamond patterns from the base of his spine, in human terms, all the way to the tip of his tail, which changed into a collection of pale brown lumps.
Mr Ummo’s tail was moving wildly from side to side, and a distinctive sound emanated from the tip like dry peas shaking in a canister.
Pancha put one hand on his shoulder and another on his chest and said: “breathe!”
Pancha began taking slow, deep breaths, and Mr Ummo copied her. As his tail relaxed and the noise like a thousand angry bees vanished, Pancha asked: “what’s the matter, Ummo?”
Mr Ummo took several more breaths and finally said, “Well, it’s about my fuchsias.”
Tamara tried to suppress a giggle, how typical of Mr Ummo.
“What exactly is the problem, Ummo?” Pancha asked, using her most motherly voice.
“It started about a week ago; all of a sudden, my plants started to wither. They’re not dead; they just look sick,” he replied, trying to explain as best he could.
“So, what have you tried so far?” Tamara asked.
“I tried watering them and giving them more sunlight, but nothing seems to work,” answered Ummo. The cogs of Tamara's brain started to turn, and she remembered what Handus had said about the poor quality of the crops.
Tamara walked over to Pancha and whispered in her ear, “Mom, remember what Handus said about the fields?”
Pancha heard this, and her mind also connected the dots, and she whispered back, “You think that they are the same thing?”
As Pancha and Tamara talked amongst themselves, they overheard Mr Ummo say, “I hope it’s nothing in the pots.”
The two stopped their conversation immediately, turned their heads simultaneously and looked him dead in the eye. “What did you say?” Pancha asked.
Ummo’s tail began to shake again, and the furious rattle returned.
“You’re not in trouble; we just want to know if the fuchsias are kept in pots,” Pancha stated once again, using her motherly voice.
Ummo’s tail relaxed, “Yeah, why?”
Tamara let out a small sigh and asked: “when did you plant them?”
Mr Ummo was no longer worried, just confused, and answered: “About a year and a half ago.”
Pancha placed her hand on his shoulder and told him, “The roots have outgrown the pots, so you have to either put them in bigger pots or plant them in the ground!”
Mr Ummo’s face lit up at once, and he gave Pancha a long and very tight hug. “You’re both so smart,” he said cheerfully. “Thank you.”
Pancha patted him on the shoulder and sent him on his way. Mr Ummo walked away, turning every five seconds to wave goodbye until he was finally out of sight.
“That was a lot of worry for nothing,” Tamara said in a slight huff.
Pancha rested her hand on her daughter’s shoulder and said: “it wasn’t nothing.”
Tamara's eyes squinted, and she replied, “all that happened was he didn’t replant his fuchsias; that wasn’t a big problem.”
“True, but it was still a problem, and it was big to him,” Pancha added.
Pancha gave her daughter a gentle pat on her back and headed further into the market. Tamara followed, though she kept a small distance between her and her mother, not because she was angry but because she was deep in thought about what her mother had told her.
As she strolled through the crowds, she was able to overhear glimpses of a few other problems that had occurred, one of them being something about having a hole in their bucket, but Tamara dismissed them; she just could not see why a bunch of fuchsias was on the same level as shrinking vegetables and a human falling into their lap.
The day passed rather slowly, and they heard the troubles of dozens of people. By the end, Tamara had put both Pancha’s words and the news from Handus to one side; now, she just wanted to spend the rest of the day with her friends.
Tamara and Pancha had travelled to every part of the village, from the edge of the fields to the front doors of the residential district, and they had become tired. The pair headed back home, though they took a slight detour heading towards a house several streets from theirs.
“Mom, just wait here for a few moments!” Tamara said as she headed towards the front door and gave it several knocks. It took several moments, but eventually, she heard a scrambling noise from behind the door, and an unexpected face peered out from behind it.
The first part that poked out was a pair of yellow horns followed by a head full of white fluffy hair, kept short as with most Boreray, with several blue ribbons tastefully arranged. The girl’s face lit up when she realised who was in front of her, and she virtually jumped from the door frame. She gave her a crushing bear hug and yelled, “Tamara!”
“Not in my ear!” Tamara shouted as Becanda’s high-pitched voice nearly ruptured her eardrum.
Becanda let Tamara go and said, “Sorry.” Tamara held up her hand to say that no harm had been done.
Tamara’s face produced a wiry smile, and she said: “What are you doing here, Becanda? Are you going to spend the night smooching with Hansad?”
Becanda erupted like a volcano, and she virtually glowed with embarrassment. “w… wh… what are you saying!” Becanda screamed.
Tamara giggled and Becanda started to hit Tamara, though her blows were so light that it was more comical than painful.
Behind Becanda came another voice, even more high-pitched than Becanda’s, “What’s all the noise?”
From a room at the end of the hallway came a Cicindeli boy with black hair, cut short but unkempt, and chitin; he wore an orange tunic and a bright red stone hanging from a simple leather string around his neck.
“Oh, it’s you. Hello Tamara, are you ok?” Hansad asked.
Tamara got her giggles under control and replied: “Yes, I came to see if you wanted to come to my house?”
Hansad finally got to the door and stood side by side with Becanda. He was slightly taller than her, though they were nowhere near as tall as Tamara, which was unsurprising since they were both nine. However, Tamara had a solution, and she lowered herself down on her tail so that she only stood half a head taller than them.
Hansad scratched his head and said, “Umm, I don’t mind, but only if Becanda wants to.” He looked at Becanda and noticed her flushed face, but he thought nothing of it; Tamara often teased her.
“I don’t mind,” Becanda said, smiling ever so slightly.
Tamara spotted this and said, “My, what a gentleman you are.”
There was another bout of blushing from the two of them, and Hansad was able to mutter, “I’ll just go tell Mum and Dad,” and darted down the hallway and into a room on the left that Tamara knew was the kitchen.
Tamara turned back to Becanda and said: “stop trying to imitate a tomato and come say hello to my mom!” Becanda let out a small chuckle and followed Tamara down the path towards where Pancha was leaning on a fence post. Tamara's mind wandered for a moment at how strange it was that every house had a fence; after all, no one ever tried to keep anyone out of their home.
“Hello, Becanda, those are some lovely ribbons you have there,” Pancha chirped.
“Thank you, Mrs Pancha; how are you today?” Becanda shyly replied.
Pancha turned to look at the house across the street, thinking about exactly how to respond and then said: “I’m fine, a little overworked but fine.”
Pancha paused briefly and then asked, “What was all that racket a little while back? Was my daughter teasing people again?” giving Tamara a sharp but completely innocent look.
Becanda smiled back and said, “Yes, she’s a naughty girl.”
Not long after Hansad arrived and said hello to Pancha, the four of them set off to Tamara’s house. Apart from Samuel, Tamara had no better friends in the world than these two; she had been friends with them for as long as she could remember. They had not talked in several days, and she was eager to catch up with what they had done since their adventure into the woods three days ago.
As she had expected, not a lot had happened. Hansad and Becanda had spent most of their time together, though Hansad had a nasty run-in with the kitchen cupboard; it had come off its supports and nearly fallen on his head, it had given him a fright and taught him to stop swinging on the cupboards doors, but he was unharmed.
It was a short walk back home, and Pancha held the front door open for the pack of children that charged through the doorway.
“We’re going to my room,” Tamara called as they headed through the kitchen and up the stairs.
Pancha called out, “Fine, but I’m going to see Caltha, so play safe!”
Tamara paused at the top of the stairs and yelled, “K!”
Just like her mother, Tamara held open the door for her friends Hansad and Becanda, both sat on Tamara’s bed.
“What do you think your mom and my mom are going to talk about?” Becanda asked as Tamara coiled her tail around herself with her body standing erect in the centre; if looked at from above, she looked like a giant cinnamon roll.
“Not sure, probably something about your and Hansad impending marriage,” Tamara said with a cheeky smile.
Both Becanda’s and Hansad’s faces started to glow, and in almost perfect symmetry, they said: “stop teasing us!”
Tamara's smile widened, but she knew how far to push things and said, “Fine, I’ll stop.”
“Promise?” Becanda asked.
“Yes, I promise,” Tamara answered honestly, and she let the two lovebirds calm down. She did not know why they were so shy about it. Everyone in the entire village knew they would get married when they were older; they simply adored each other too much for there to be any other outcome.
Once the two of them had relaxed, they began to strike up a conversation again. What they were most keen on was what Tamara had spent her time doing. She explained that most of her time had been used to help out the people of the village, and though she felt that it was all terribly boring, Tamara could tell from their faces that Hansad and Becanda found it all fascinating, and they were eager to hear the gossip.
They talked about the weather, a deer that Becanda had seen and the new chair Hansad’s mother was bringing home tomorrow. What Becanda said next, however, caught Tamara’s attention: “There has been something strange about our food recently; it’s not as nice as it used to be.”
Tamara’s ear almost twitched, and she asked: “what exactly do you mean?”
Becanda put her hand up to her chin and said: “Well, it’s not as sweet as before, and they taste watery.”
“Hmm, that’s weird” Tamara nodded in agreement. “How long ago did this start?” Tamara asked, hoping to glean more information.
“It happened after the trickle of fresh produce came in,” Becanda answered.
“A month ago?” Tamara asked, trying to gain as much accurate information as possible as she raised herself up on her tail.
“No, it didn’t happen right away; it was one week and three days after, to be specific,” said Becanda helpfully.
Tamara lowered herself back down and began to think.
“It could all be a coincidence, but if it isn’t, then does that mean that it actually started just under two weeks ago?” Tamara said none of this aloud and instead replied to Becanda with, “That’s weird!” She would have to wait until Handus got back to her, and then she would ask Samuel.
Hansad let himself fall, and his body sank deep into the feather mattress, and Tamara said: “Don’t do that again. You’ll rip the seams!”
He called out from the deep valley of cloth and goose down, “fine.”
Becanda smiled and then noticed the leather satchel beside the chest. “What’s in there?” she asked.
Without even looking in the direction Becanda pointed, she knew exactly what she meant.
“It’s a satchel filled with books,” she answered nonchalantly but added quickly, “That reminds me!” She extended herself like a coiled rope pulled from a moving ship and sat at her desk.
Tamara gathered some paper, a clay pot filled with ink and a quill and carefully drew one of the crabs she had seen yesterday. While writing was unheard of before Samuel, drawing was not, and Tamara had always had a knack for it. Yet there were no painters or artists, and drawing was an activity only children did, or on rare occasions, parents played with them.
“Tamara?” Becanda called from the bed.
“Yes?” Tamara replied, trying to visualise how it would turn out.
“Can I have a look at the books?” Becanda asked tentatively.
After a slight pause, Tamara turned around and answered, “Yes, but treat them gently like you would a flower petal.”
Becanda nodded to show she would comply and brought the satchel and the precious papers they contained.
Carefully fishing out one of the tomes, Becanda could see strange squiggles on the front, and she asked Tamara, “Is this that writing you invented?”
Tamara was about to correct her, but then she remembered how well that had gone the day before and replied, “Yes.” Tamara would try another plan.
Flicking through the pages, Becanda tried to make the lines talk and even enlisted Hansad to help. Meanwhile, Tamara was beginning her soldier crab, taking care that she made no mistakes.
While drawing, she realised that it was strange that everyone believed she had invented the written word. She had told enough people it was Samuel, and gossip usually shot through the village like lightning.
“Maybe it's because I mentioned Samuel,” she thought; he had become a taboo subject after all.
Shortly after she had finished the body and legs, Hansad came up behind her and said: “Tamara, we can’t understand the words.”
Tamara did not look at him; instead remained focused on the eye stalks and stated: “Of course you can’t. I haven’t taught you yet.”
Hansad did not move, and Tamara knew what he wanted. “I will show you after I have finished this.”
About twenty minutes later, she was done. Tamara placed her quill back in the pot and let it dry for several minutes. It was an impressive drawing if she did say so herself. It captured one of the crabs feeding on the sand, and it almost looked like it would start moving any second. Before she forgot, Tamara picked up the quill and wrote Soldier Crab at the top of the page and in the bottom right-hand corner, she placed her signature.
Tamara left the desk and sat between the pair; she took the book out of Becanda’s hand and said: “Ok, let’s close the book.”
“This is called the cover, and this here…” Tamara said, pointing towards the writing on the front “is the title.”
“And what does it say?” Hansad asked.
“An Encyclopaedia of Local Flora,” Tamara replied.
The three of them examined the book and its pages for several hours; by the end, Hansad and Becanda had grasped the basics of the alphabet and could even read simple words. As the group reached “Lilium Auratum (Mountain Lily), Pancha called out from the bottom of the stairs.
“Becanda, your mom’s calling you; it’s time for your dinner!”
“Ok, I’m coming,” Becanda shouted back. Becanda stood up, turned to face Tamara and said: “can you teach us more tomorrow?”
Tamara closed the book and replied, “Sorry, I have someone I have to meet tomorrow, but I should be free a few days from now.” Becanda nodded and left through the door; she knew precisely who Tamara meant.
Hansad looked from Tamara to the door; she sighed and gestured towards the door, “go be with your girlfriend!”
He smiled at this order and quickly chased after Becanda, saying, “Thanks” as he darted down the stairs.
Left alone in her room, the sudden silence slightly perturbed her; however, she did appreciate that she could now finish her drawings. She placed the book back into the satchel and gently set it down by the chest.
Sitting back down at her desk, she began to finish three other drawings of the Durian tree, its fruit and finally, one of wheat.
Finished, she set aside the paper to dry, put her desk back into proper order, placed the chair neatly under the desk and followed the same root her two friends had taken an hour earlier.
She stopped in the hall and entered the room on the left; inside were three chairs facing one another with hefty soft cushions on the seats and a small table beside each one. They sat on a sizeable sky-blue woollen rug with the same black diamond on her tunics.
On the far side of the room was a fireplace with a simple stone chimney; besides, it was a pile of wood and a small metal container on its left that was filled with tinder. Hanging from an old rusty nail in the centre of the fireplace was an iron striker.
In one of the chairs was Pancha, with a pair of knitting needles and a ball of wool on her lap. It was too early to tell what she was making, and Tamara never asked; it was far more fun to guess.
Pancha looked up from her work, smiled at her daughter and asked: “what’s kept you so busy?” Tamara sat in an opposing chair and said: “I was drawing trees and the like.”
“Ah,” Pancha replied. As Pancha’s needles clacked together, Tamara closed her eyes and focused on it; she found the noise soothing.
“I assume you’ll be gone for most of the day tomorrow,” Pancha stated, disturbing the silence. Shocked by the sudden addition of sound, Tamara almost jumped out of her seat. Pancha gave her daughter a sly smile and chuckled at this quick burst of activity. It was not what she intended, but it was funny nonetheless.
When she had settled down, Tamara answered: “yeah, I might not be back until dusk.”
Pancha closed her eyes and nodded, adding “ok, just be careful.”
Tamara nodded back and said, “I will.”
There was quiet once again, and Tamara began sifting through her memories to make sure that there was nothing she had forgotten to do before the sunset and robbed her of the chance.
As she sat rocking her head back and forth, it came to her. “Mom!” she said.
Pancha did not look up from her work but replied, “Yes?”
“I’ve noticed that it has been taking me longer to get up in the morning than before. Why?”
Pancha smiled again and said, “that just means you’re growing up. When we get bigger, it takes us longer to warm up in the morning.”
Relieved that there was nothing wrong with her, she let out a slight puff of air from her nostrils, but then a new question popped into her head: “why does it take longer to warm up when we get bigger?”
The needles stopped, and the noise they made with them; Pancha rested them and the woolly item she was crafting on her lap. “I don’t know, it’s just what happens when we grow up,” she responded, her eye squinting slightly with thought.
This answer did not satisfy Tamara at all, but she knew that she would get no more useful information from her mother, so she decided that tomorrow, she would turn to the only font of wisdom she knew.
The sun began to set, and Pancha put her work to one side and walked towards the fireplace, taking some tinder and a chunk of flint from the box. Striking the iron and flint together sparks leapt from the metal and fell on the tinder, which began to glow. Giving a gentle blow, a small flame rose, and shortly, a roaring fire bathed the room with a soft light and a warm glow.
In the last hour before, it had become too cold for even the fire to keep them warm. Tamara sat back and enjoyed the peace. She focused on the crackling of the fire, and slowly, her eyes became heavy, and her head started to nod.
“Tamara,” Pancha said gently.
“Yeah,” Tamara replied, slurring her words slightly.
“I think you should go to bed,” Pancha added.
Before Tamara could start arguing about how she wasn’t seven or that she wasn’t sleepy, she let out a giant yawn that was irrefutable proof she was wrong.
Tamara sat up, wobbled slightly as her tail adjusted to the sudden weight and headed for the door; as she passed through the frame, she said, “Night Mom.”
Pancha kept knitting and said, “Goodnight, sweetie, and pleasant dreams.”
Once back into the familiar security of her room, Tamara’s weariness only increased. With great effort, she pulled off her tunic and slipped on her pyjamas. However, she had had a too-trying a day to fold her tunic up. She considered placing her drawing in the satchel, but the bed’s call was far too alluring.
Falling onto her bed, she could feel the cold mattress and sheets draining her heat away. Crawling under the covers, Tamara rested her head on the pillows and pulled the last part of her tail up with her.
As she lay there, she thought about Samuel and remembered that he had to spend the whole day alone whenever she did not visit. She could not even imagine a life like that. There was no one in the village that she could not talk to, no one who would not take her in if something terrible happened, but Samuel, if she stopped visiting, might spend the rest of his life alone.
Tamara had been successful once with a man called Aarush, but he was a wanderer and never spent more than a month anywhere. The next time he visited, which could be half a decade away, she would try and convince him to stay.
“I hope Samuels okay,” she mumbled as she drifted off to sleep, and in her final moments of lucidity, she added, “I like daffodils.”
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2024.06.05 07:18 Inner-Shape-1725 Navigating the Diverse Landscape of Natural Health Supplements: From Botanical Bliss to Herbal Immunity Boosters

Navigating the Diverse Landscape of Natural Health Supplements: From Botanical Bliss to Herbal Immunity Boosters
Exploring the Top Picks for Best Botanical Supplements
Exploring a world full of choices, finding the best botanical supplements to add to your healthy lifestyle? Whether focusing on inventive mixtures or recipes made entirely of one ingredient, these supplements capture the might of nature to assist in achieving your goals. Through the concept of Purity and Potency, these best botanical supplements have the potential to naturally feed your body right on molecular level.
Exploring the Benefits of Botanical Dietary Supplements
Use botanical dietary supplements to enrich your nutritional value and make a variety of options. If you are in need of specific treatments for certain diseases or simply want nutritional supplements for better health, these are all in one supplement. Whether obtained from herbs and roots, from fruits and flowers, these botanical dietary supplements offer a safe and natural approach to nutrient enhancement and a healthier lifestyle.
Unveiling the Rich Diversity of Organic Supplements India
The organic supplement market in India presents India’s extensive botanical repertoire in an exceptional way. These supplements are derived from the traditional medical systems of the world such as the Ayurveda which had prescriptions from centuries ago. These organic supplements in india such as immunity-boosting herbs and the adaptogenic plants, re-emphasize the country’s focus on health and wellness.
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Experience the health boost with plant-based supplements that come with a plant-inspired theme. It includes the natural nutrients and vitamins, mineral, and antioxidant that help to boost the natural functioning of the body. From addressing digestive issues to improving energy levels or immunity, these plant-based supplements provide a slow and natural approach to improving the human body.
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Discover enhanced wellness experiences with premium supplements for your journey. Intended for the improvement of the overall quality of life, most of these supplements work towards particular bodily functions such as energy levels and cognitive abilities. Regardless of whether you want to act as a preventative measure to avoid getting sick or need a boost in your stamina, energy, or immunity, these wellness supplements are a daily health essential.
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Boost your health with a range of natural wellness products that are created using clean ingredients and without any synthetic additives. From protein shakes to herbals, these supplements are fortified to offer basic nutrition to enhance your energy levels. No matter whether you are seeking to uplift your spirits, deepen sleep, or strengthen one’s immune, these vitamins are invaluable.
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Elevate your nutrition with the wholesome goodness of organic vitamin products. Sourced from natural, plant-based ingredients, these supplements provide essential nutrients in their most bioavailable form. Whether you’re looking to support your immune system, enhance your energy levels, or promote healthy aging, these organic vitamin products offer a convenient way to fill nutritional gaps and support overall health and vitality.
Exploring the Potency of Organic Herbal Products
Organic energy products offer a natural alternative to conventional remedies, harnessing the power of plants to promote health and well-being. From soothing teas to potent tinctures, these organic herbal products are carefully crafted to deliver maximum efficacy without compromising on purity. Whether you’re seeking relief from stress, support for digestion, or a boost to your immune system, these herbal remedies provide a gentle yet effective solution for holistic wellness.
Exploring Herbal Health Products in India
Discover the rich tradition of holistic wellness with a diverse array of herbal health products in India. Drawing from centuries-old Ayurvedic wisdom and regional herbal traditions, these products offer natural solutions for various health concerns. From soothing balms to rejuvenating tonics, these herbal health products in India harness the power of nature to promote vitality and well-being, reflecting India’s cultural reverence for herbal remedies.
Unveiling Botanical Wellness Benefits: Nature’s Gifts for Well-being
Unlock the myriad benefits of botanicals with a comprehensive look at botanical wellness benefits. From calming chamomile to invigorating ginseng, botanicals offer a wealth of therapeutic properties to support holistic health. Whether you’re seeking stress relief, immune support, or improved digestion, these botanical wellness benefits highlight nature’s profound impact on overall well-being, inspiring a deeper connection with the natural world.
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Enhance your body’s defenses naturally with potent herbal immune boosters. Drawing from the power of immune-supporting herbs like echinacea, astragalus, and elderberry, these supplements offer a proactive approach to wellness. By strengthening your immune system’s response to pathogens, these herbal immune boosters help safeguard your health, ensuring you stay resilient against illness and infection.
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Embrace a holistic approach to wellness with the profound benefits of herbal wellness. From promoting relaxation to supporting digestion, herbal remedies offer gentle yet effective solutions for enhancing vitality and quality of life. Whether you’re seeking to soothe stress, boost energy, or improve sleep, these herbal wellness benefits provide a natural path to optimal health and well-being, rooted in the wisdom of traditional medicine.
Elevating Wellness with Plant-Based Wellness Products
Nourish your body and soul with a range of plant-based wellness products designed to support holistic health. From nutrient-rich super foods to herbal supplements, these products harness the power of plants to promote vitality and balance. Whether you’re looking to boost immunity, improve digestion, or enhance mental clarity, these plant-based wellness products offer a natural and sustainable approach to self-care.
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Revitalize your body and mind with the clean energy of organic energy products. Free from artificial stimulants and additives, these supplements provide a natural source of vitality to fuel your active lifestyle. Whether you need a pre-workout boost or a mid-day pick-me-up, these organic energy products offer sustained energy without the crash, supporting your overall well-being and performance.
submitted by Inner-Shape-1725 to u/Inner-Shape-1725 [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:04 kataraya 30 Top Supplements to Boost Focus and Mental Clarity

In today's fast-paced world, maintaining focus and concentration can be challenging. Whether you're a student, professional, or simply looking to improve your cognitive abilities, supplements can play a crucial role in enhancing mental clarity. Here, we present the 30 best supplements for focus and concentration, based on their effectiveness and scientific backing.
Noocube Nootropics Supplements · ONNIT Alpha Brain Premium Nootropic Brain Supplement

1. Omega-3 Fatty Acids


Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish oil, are essential for brain health. They support cognitive function, improve memory, and enhance overall brain performance.


2. Ginkgo Biloba


Ginkgo Biloba enhances blood flow to the brain, improving cognitive functions such as focus, concentration, and memory.


3. Bacopa Monnieri


Bacopa Monnieri is known for its ability to improve memory and reduce anxiety. It also enhances brain function and cognitive performance.


4. Rhodiola Rosea


Rhodiola Rosea helps reduce fatigue and improve mental performance, making it easier to maintain focus and concentration.


5. L-Theanine


L-Theanine, commonly found in green tea, promotes relaxation without drowsiness. It enhances focus and mental clarity when combined with caffeine.


6. Caffeine


Caffeine is a well-known stimulant that enhances alertness and concentration. It can improve mental focus and energy levels.


7. Acetyl-L-Carnitine


Acetyl-L-Carnitine supports brain function by promoting energy production within brain cells. It enhances memory and cognitive performance.


8. Ginseng


Ginseng improves mental performance, memory, and concentration. It also helps reduce mental fatigue.


9. Phosphatidylserine


Phosphatidylserine supports cognitive functions, including memory and focus. It also helps reduce cognitive decline with age.


10. Vitamin B12


Vitamin B12 is essential for maintaining healthy nerve cells and improving cognitive functions such as focus and concentration.


11. Creatine


Creatine is known for its physical performance benefits, but it also enhances cognitive functions, including short-term memory and focus.


12. Lion’s Mane Mushroom


Lion’s Mane Mushroom promotes nerve growth and improves cognitive functions, including memory, focus, and concentration.


13. Ashwagandha


Ashwagandha helps reduce stress and anxiety, which can improve focus and mental clarity.


14. N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC)


NAC supports brain health by increasing antioxidant levels and reducing oxidative stress. It improves cognitive functions and mental clarity.


15. Panax Ginseng


Panax Ginseng enhances cognitive performance, including memory and focus. It also helps reduce mental fatigue.


16. Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)


CoQ10 supports energy production in brain cells, improving cognitive functions like focus and concentration.


17. Magnesium


Magnesium plays a crucial role in brain function and mood regulation, enhancing focus and reducing stress.


18. Vitamin D


Vitamin D supports brain health and cognitive function. Deficiency in this vitamin can lead to cognitive decline.


19. Alpha-GPC


Alpha-GPC enhances memory and learning by increasing levels of acetylcholine in the brain, which is essential for cognitive functions.


20. Huperzine A


Huperzine A improves memory and learning abilities by preventing the breakdown of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter important for cognitive function.


21. Gotu Kola


Gotu Kola enhances cognitive function, including memory and concentration, by improving blood circulation to the brain.


22. L-Tyrosine


L-Tyrosine helps improve mental performance and focus, especially under stressful conditions, by supporting the production of neurotransmitters.


23. Methylfolate


Methylfolate, the active form of folic acid, supports brain function and cognitive health, improving focus and mental clarity.


24. Resveratrol


Resveratrol, found in red wine, has antioxidant properties that protect the brain and enhance cognitive functions such as memory and concentration.


25. Curcumin


Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that support brain health and improve cognitive functions.


26. Pterostilbene


Pterostilbene, similar to resveratrol, has antioxidant properties that protect the brain and enhance cognitive function.


27. Theobromine


Theobromine, found in cacao, improves mood and cognitive function by enhancing blood flow to the brain.


28. Choline


Choline supports brain function by enhancing the production of acetylcholine, which is crucial for memory and learning.


29. Racetams (Piracetam, Aniracetam)


Racetams are a class of nootropics that enhance cognitive function, memory, and focus by modulating neurotransmitters in the brain.


30. GABA (Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid)


GABA reduces anxiety and promotes relaxation, which can improve focus and mental clarity.


Noocube Nootropics Supplements · ONNIT Alpha Brain Premium Nootropic Brain Supplement


Choosing the right supplement can significantly enhance your focus and concentration, leading to improved cognitive performance and overall mental clarity. Whether you're aiming to boost your productivity, enhance your learning capabilities, or simply maintain a sharp mind, these 30 supplements offer effective and scientifically-backed solutions. Remember to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen to ensure it's the right choice for your individual needs.


  1. Are these supplements safe for long-term use? Generally, most of these supplements are safe for long-term use when taken as directed. However, it's crucial to consult with a healthcare provider for personalized advice.
  2. Can I take multiple supplements together? Yes, many of these supplements can be taken together. However, it's important to consult with a healthcare provider to avoid potential interactions and ensure safe usage.
  3. How long does it take to see results? The time frame for seeing results can vary depending on the supplement and individual factors. Some people may notice improvements within a few days, while others might take several weeks.
  4. Are there any side effects? Side effects are generally rare but can occur, especially if taken in excessive amounts. Common side effects include digestive issues, headaches, and allergic reactions. Always follow the recommended dosages and consult with a healthcare provider if you experience any adverse effects.
  5. Where can I purchase these supplements? These supplements can be purchased online, at health food stores, or from pharmacies. Ensure you buy from reputable sources to guarantee product quality and authenticity.
Enhance your mental clarity and boost your cognitive performance with these top 30 supplements for focus and concentration. Start your journey towards better focus today!In today's fast-paced world, maintaining focus and concentration can be challenging. Whether you're a student, professional, or simply looking to improve your cognitive abilities, supplements can play a crucial role in enhancing mental clarity. Here, we present the 30 best supplements for focus and concentration, based on their effectiveness and scientific backing.1. Omega-3 Fatty AcidsBenefitsOmega-3 fatty acids, found in fish oil, are essential for brain health. They support cognitive function, improve memory, and enhance overall brain performance.SourcesFish oil capsules Flaxseed oil Chia seeds2. Ginkgo BilobaBenefitsGinkgo Biloba enhances blood flow to the brain, improving cognitive functions such as focus, concentration, and memory.SourcesGinkgo Biloba capsules Herbal teas3. Bacopa MonnieriBenefitsBacopa Monnieri is known for its ability to improve memory and reduce anxiety. It also enhances brain function and cognitive performance.SourcesBacopa supplements Ayurvedic herbal mixtures4. Rhodiola RoseaBenefitsRhodiola Rosea helps reduce fatigue and improve mental performance, making it easier to maintain focus and concentration.SourcesRhodiola capsules Herbal extracts5. L-TheanineBenefitsL-Theanine, commonly found in green tea, promotes relaxation without drowsiness. It enhances focus and mental clarity when combined with caffeine.SourcesGreen tea L-Theanine supplements6. CaffeineBenefitsCaffeine is a well-known stimulant that enhances alertness and concentration. It can improve mental focus and energy levels.SourcesCoffee Tea Caffeine tablets7. Acetyl-L-CarnitineBenefitsAcetyl-L-Carnitine supports brain function by promoting energy production within brain cells. It enhances memory and cognitive performance.SourcesAcetyl-L-Carnitine supplements8. GinsengBenefitsGinseng improves mental performance, memory, and concentration. It also helps reduce mental fatigue.SourcesGinseng root Ginseng supplements9. PhosphatidylserineBenefitsPhosphatidylserine supports cognitive functions, including memory and focus. It also helps reduce cognitive decline with age.SourcesPhosphatidylserine supplements Soy lecithin10. Vitamin B12BenefitsVitamin B12 is essential for maintaining healthy nerve cells and improving cognitive functions such as focus and concentration.SourcesVitamin B12 supplements Animal-based foods11. CreatineBenefitsCreatine is known for its physical performance benefits, but it also enhances cognitive functions, including short-term memory and focus.SourcesCreatine monohydrate supplements Red meat12. Lion’s Mane MushroomBenefitsLion’s Mane Mushroom promotes nerve growth and improves cognitive functions, including memory, focus, and concentration.SourcesLion’s Mane Mushroom supplements Mushroom extracts13. AshwagandhaBenefitsAshwagandha helps reduce stress and anxiety, which can improve focus and mental clarity.SourcesAshwagandha supplements Herbal teas14. N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC)BenefitsNAC supports brain health by increasing antioxidant levels and reducing oxidative stress. It improves cognitive functions and mental clarity.SourcesNAC supplements15. Panax GinsengBenefitsPanax Ginseng enhances cognitive performance, including memory and focus. It also helps reduce mental fatigue.SourcesPanax Ginseng supplements16. Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)BenefitsCoQ10 supports energy production in brain cells, improving cognitive functions like focus and concentration.SourcesCoQ10 supplements Organ meats17. MagnesiumBenefitsMagnesium plays a crucial role in brain function and mood regulation, enhancing focus and reducing stress.SourcesMagnesium supplements Leafy greens Nuts18. Vitamin DBenefitsVitamin D supports brain health and cognitive function. Deficiency in this vitamin can lead to cognitive decline.SourcesVitamin D supplements Sunlight exposure19. Alpha-GPCBenefitsAlpha-GPC enhances memory and learning by increasing levels of acetylcholine in the brain, which is essential for cognitive functions.SourcesAlpha-GPC supplements20. Huperzine ABenefitsHuperzine A improves memory and learning abilities by preventing the breakdown of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter important for cognitive function.SourcesHuperzine A supplements21. Gotu KolaBenefitsGotu Kola enhances cognitive function, including memory and concentration, by improving blood circulation to the brain.SourcesGotu Kola supplements
Noocube Nootropics Supplements · ONNIT Alpha Brain Premium Nootropic Brain Supplement
Herbal teas22. L-TyrosineBenefitsL-Tyrosine helps improve mental performance and focus, especially under stressful conditions, by supporting the production of neurotransmitters.SourcesL-Tyrosine supplements23. MethylfolateBenefitsMethylfolate, the active form of folic acid, supports brain function and cognitive health, improving focus and mental clarity.SourcesMethylfolate supplements Leafy greens24. ResveratrolBenefitsResveratrol, found in red wine, has antioxidant properties that protect the brain and enhance cognitive functions such as memory and concentration.SourcesResveratrol supplements Red wine25. CurcuminBenefitsCurcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that support brain health and improve cognitive functions.SourcesTurmeric supplements Curcumin capsules26. PterostilbeneBenefitsPterostilbene, similar to resveratrol, has antioxidant properties that protect the brain and enhance cognitive function.SourcesPterostilbene supplements Blueberries27. TheobromineBenefitsTheobromine, found in cacao, improves mood and cognitive function by enhancing blood flow to the brain.SourcesDark chocolate Theobromine supplements28. CholineBenefitsCholine supports brain function by enhancing the production of acetylcholine, which is crucial for memory and learning.SourcesCholine supplements Eggs Liver29. Racetams (Piracetam, Aniracetam)BenefitsRacetams are a class of nootropics that enhance cognitive function, memory, and focus by modulating neurotransmitters in the brain.SourcesRacetam supplements30. GABA (Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid)BenefitsGABA reduces anxiety and promotes relaxation, which can improve focus and mental clarity.
Choosing the right supplement can significantly enhance your focus and concentration, leading to improved cognitive performance and overall mental clarity. Whether you're aiming to boost your productivity, enhance your learning capabilities, or simply maintain a sharp mind, these 30 supplements offer effective and scientifically-backed solutions. Remember to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen to ensure it's the right choice for your individual needs.FAQsAre these supplements safe for long-term use? Generally, most of these supplements are safe for long-term use when taken as directed. However, it's crucial to consult with a healthcare provider for personalized advice.
Can I take multiple supplements together? Yes, many of these supplements can be taken together. However, it's important to consult with a healthcare provider to avoid potential interactions and ensure safe usage.
How long does it take to see results? The time frame for seeing results can vary depending on the supplement and individual factors. Some people may notice improvements within a few days, while others might take several weeks.
Are there any side effects? Side effects are generally rare but can occur, especially if taken in excessive amounts. Common side effects include digestive issues, headaches, and allergic reactions. Always follow the recommended dosages and consult with a healthcare provider if you experience any adverse effects.
Noocube Nootropics Supplements · ONNIT Alpha Brain Premium Nootropic Brain Supplement
Where can I purchase these supplements? These supplements can be purchased online, at health food stores, or from pharmacies. Ensure you buy from reputable sources to guarantee product quality and authenticity.Enhance your mental clarity and boost your cognitive performance with these top 30 supplements for focus and concentration. Start your journey towards better focus today!
submitted by kataraya to reviewfully [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:21 BAIN_420 Cat's at the Cradle 7

Barbara looked out the viewport at the greenish red planet with splotches and lines of blue lakes and rivers here and there. Mars Station was bustling as usual with merchant ships large and small docked along the docking slips near the viewing tower she was standing in. And the bulk freighter's sitting on massive docking births that were contained within the enormous Hellas basin crater. She had just gotten finished speaking with the Chief Mars Core Engineer and finished signing the seemingly hundred thousand signatures required for her to hand the U.S.S. Regent over for repairs. Seven months! That's how long they had "estimated" for the full repairs. It took them six to completely build a U.S. Alliance equivalent hull.
"Are you ready for that beer Captain?" She heard Captain Gregory ask from behind her."Beautiful isn't it? Amazing we've come so far since the old colony days."
She took in one more view of home and turned to reply. "Of course. Lead the way Captain."
Dirtside Bar and Grill was where they had ended up. It wasn't quite the highest end establishment, but their stakes where far and above anything else you would be able to get this close to the station docks, and they offered one hell of a view. They also didn't water down the beer. Win, win, win in Barbara's opinion. She found herself sitting across a small round table from Gregory (they had decided to drop the captain captain captain captain bit as it got old rather fast!)
"So how long has it been since you visited Mars?"Gregory asked holding his large glass mug that read "FUQ'S BEER Co." She was nursing a similar one in front of her.
"A while." She took a pull off her mug and continued. "After I healed enough I could get back to work I signed up with Starlight FTL and worked on a freighter traveling the Kregger Loop," she seen him wince and hurriedly continued, "It wasn't that bad, in ten runs the ship I was on only got damaged once in the mine fields, and we were able to limp on through."
The Kregger Loop was a reference to an FTL lane that had been so heavily mined during the start of the Omega Crisis that U.S. Alliance ship's couldn't even "Blink" in without setting off the self replicating mines. It had taken more than a galactic decade of hard work just to remove enough of those mines to facilitate the bare minimum of trade. And in the cycles sense the lane hadn't gotten any better with the addition of lingering pirates just outside the minefield waiting for any hapless merchant tugg or freighter they catch trying to enter or exit the system.
"Only once? Damn you must have had an excellent navigator." He replied, taking a drink.
"Not really. I think we just got lucky." She stated matter of fact, "He was strung out on 'cilla extract'(a highly addictive drug found in abundance on poverty stricken areas of the U.S. Alliance's territories made from a common root and rendered down into a sticky past to be rubbed on nerve clusters for a euphoric high, addict's are commonly referred to as 'rubs'), and ended up getting everyone killed a few runs after I was transferred to become a Gate Keeper."
He let out a slight whistle. "I think I remember that incident." Was all he said about it. Looking into his beer.
"I was going to buy some land near my parents after my contract with Starlight FTL ended. But it seems that's been moved up a couple cycles." Barbara said, with a shrug. "I never imagined I'd actually be able to do it though." She looked out the window again. Her dad was right, she barely recognized it without the domes.
"Well," he gestured at her beer, "drink up Barbara, would you care for dinner?" He tapped her mug and continued, "Whatever they are cooking it smells absolutely heavenly!" He had been staring at a small black chalkboard sitting by the service window. Gregory waived at a Voul dressed in a white and black server's uniform, who started their way immediately.
"How can I help you Sir?" The waiter bowed slightly. "My name is Ferll." Barbara could see the orange ring around his central two "dominant" arm's denoting it was in fact a he.
"Ferll, I'd like the Chilli Steak cubes a plate of cheese fries and another beer. Barbara, what would you like." He asked.
"Double it, and make it a pitcher." She replied, raising her glass mug in a saluting gesture before downing it, and sitting it on the table. "It's been a long week I might need two." She said deadpan.
It took a second before he let out a laugh and finished his mug in a similar fashion. "Agreed! Let's have it then Ferll." An hour later four pitchers of FUQ'S Beer sat at a table next to them and their food was virtually gone from their plates and Barbara realized she was very much enjoying herself.
It was so warm! She didn't want to move, she hadn't slept that good in cycles! Ahh shit her foot was asleep. She tried to wiggle her toes and move her foot around a little.
And touched something fuzzy...and warm. Her eye lids popped open and she was looking at a sleeping Gregory! "What the fuck Barbara!" She exclaimed to herself as she virtually leapt out of the quiet warm and comfortable bed. And noticed she didn't have anything on!
She could barely see in the darkness and she didn't want to wake Gregory as she tried to quietly gather her clothes and get dressed. "She liked him but what the hell was she thinking after one date!" She mentally chastised herself. She looked at her communicator. 04:47. She finally got her boots on, and carefully made her way to the bedroom door of the sweet they were in. Somebody had spent a good bit of credit's on it by the furniture she could see on her way out. She leaned against the door as she finally got into the hall and let out a sigh. What had she done! Shed been a civi to long and quiet thinking with her brain about two pitchers in!
She groaned, holding her head. No regrets she decided, it was done, hopefully he would hate her for leaving without saying anything. After a few moments to orient herself and get her bearings she headed to the Rail Station that would take her to Little Kansas. She made sure to message her father she was on her way to the station and got the "on my way" message in return.
Even with new magnetic technology the ride was nearly a galactic hour and by the time she stepped off the transport shuttle and was immediately overwhelmed by the smells of her childhood. She breathed deeply. The loamy smell of fresh tilled soil discernable even a kilometer from the nearest field. The light was amazing! When the domes were first built they had been made of plasteal and they allowed most of the light from the Sun in, but over the first decade the dust storms scored the panes so bad they changed from transparent to a rusty red brown. And the domes had to rely on artificial light for agriculture. It had been to expensive to replace the panes for a farming community.
"Barbara! Over here." She heard her father's voice and turned to see him waving. He stood off to the side so people could move through past him and wore his usual blue denim overalls. Surprisingly he wasn't the one that looked out of place. It was her as she made her way through the crowd and as soon as she got within arm's reach he grabbed her up in a big hug. "Oh I missed you girl! You have any bag's?" He asked sitting here down.
"No dad. I left most of my personal things I have on my ship. We'll be in dock for a minimum of seven months though so I'll be around for a while." She was grinning ear to ear and she knew it. It was so good to see her dad.
"Well, that sounds like a great story when we get home. Come on, your mother already started some bacon and eggs by now. If we hurry we can make back before they get cold!" With that they walked out of the Station and when she laid eye's on Dad's"sled" she let out a whistle."She's a beauty, ain't she?"
"I see why Mom won't let you drive this very often. That's a fucking sublight engine for a Corvette Dad!" She exclaimed. He had literally cut everything out of the sled. (Not uncommon for farmers to do, as the standard sled consisted of three seats and a bench seat in the back). Her father's only had two, and those crammed at either side of the engine housing....and that was it, no bed to haul anything. She looked at it, her eyes couldn't believe mom had let him build this! "How fast can it go?"
He held out a set of goggles attached to a breather (common mask used to filter out dust on Mars), and as she took them and put them on he replied "I dunno, haven't had the guts to spool her all the way up. Fast as I've gotten her was getting here." He gave her a mischievous wink and donned his breather and sat down strapping himself into the seat. She did the same.
By the time they glided into the sled's slip next to the Thornton ancestral family residence she was sure of two things, her hair would never lay down again and her face hurt from laughing so much.
Dad wasn't off by much as mom had gotten a little late start because she couldn't get her brother to answer his communicator. So she gave Mom a kiss and grabbed a shower, threw some old clothes on, (sweats and a 3x black shirt), and was just sitting down at the table when her mom sat the plater of bacon in the middle and some biscuits on another.
She couldn't believe how much she had missed home.
"Are we ready Captain Gregory?" Rear Admiral Zang asked as he strode onto the command bridge of the Phoenix. His gravely voice seeming to carry over the obscene amount of excessive noise a command bridge always had with ease.
"Yes Sir. The U.S.S. New York, and U.S.S. Neptune are already on the way to meet us at location Alpha. Engineering will have the Blink Drive spooled up anytime. All personal are accounted for." Gregory answered.
"Did you get that debt paid?" The Admiral raised a bushy eyebrow.
Gregory felt his face flush red for a moment but managed to keep his composure. "Indeed Sir. I didn't know she could drink like that. Hell I didn't know it was humanly possible! Sir."
The Admiral chuckled, and slapped Gregory on the back. "Well of course she can! She's Navy through and through, even if she doesn't realize it yet."
The CME bridge officer gave Gregory the "Blink Ready Sir!" And he motioned for them to continue. A warning flashed "Blink Imminent. Brace!" And everything seemed to twist in on itself for a moment, all sound was nullified by the intense gravitational warping for a moment, and quickly rushed to catch back up as they quite literally appeared forty thousand light years away at location Alpha.
"Contact's starboard!" Yelled his electronics specialist, after a tense heartbeat, "Friendly transponders detected. It's The New York and the Neptune. Performing mission handshake now " With a ping Captain Gregory and Admiral Zang both received a file on their communicators simultaneously and Gregory knew the captains on the other two ships had received the same thing. Gregory looked at the Admiral who nodded and made a flicking motion which put the mission goals on a central screen usually used for communicating bridge to bridge.
Gregory swallowed when the star chart popped up depicting the task groups rout. "Is this accurate?" At least his voice hadn't cracked.
"Yes, or it was as of yesterday." The Admiral shook his head, "If this report is true, we have a much bigger problem than anyone knows. And Fleet Command has ordered us to travel all the way back to Farcee and take a peek."
Gregory shivered as he watched what looked like a moon sized ship the long range sensor drone's had picked up just inside the ruined Sol B111 FTL Gate. The drone had followed it for about five hundred light years through the FTL lane where it had caught it tearing a hole in the FTL lane wall, (something that should be impossible), and disappeared into real space. The drone unable to follow.
Everything had just changed. United Sol Alliance territories where no longer safe even with the Deadbolt Protocol. The Varille had technology that allowed them to exit the FTL Lanes anywhere without a Gate....
submitted by BAIN_420 to humansarespaceorcs [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:19 BAIN_420 Cat's at the Cradle 7

Barbara looked out the viewport at the greenish red planet with splotches and lines of blue lakes and rivers here and there. Mars Station was bustling as usual with merchant ships large and small docked along the docking slips near the viewing tower she was standing in. And the bulk freighter's sitting on massive docking births that were contained within the enormous Hellas basin crater. She had just gotten finished speaking with the Chief Mars Core Engineer and signing the seemingly hundred thousand signatures required for her to hand the U.S.S. Regent over for repairs. Seven months! That's how long they had "estimated" for the full repairs. It took them six to completely build a U.S. Alliance equivalent hull.
"Are you ready for that beer Captain?" She heard Captain Gregory ask from behind her."Beautiful isn't it? Amazing we've come so far since the old colony days."
She took in one more view of home and turned to reply. "Yes, yes it is. Lead the way Captain."
Dirtside Bar and Grill was where they had ended up. It wasn't quite the highest end establishment, but their stakes where far and above anything else you would be able to get this close to the station docks, and they offered one hell of a view. They also didn't water down the beer. Win, win, win in Barbara's opinion. She found herself sitting across a small round table from Gregory (they had decided to drop the captain captain captain captain bit as it got old rather fast!)
"So how long has it been since you visited Mars?"Gregory asked holding his large glass mug that read "FUQ'S BEER Co." She was nursing a similar one in front of her.
"A while." She took a pull off her mug and continued. "After I healed enough I could get back to work I signed up with Starlight FTL and worked on a freighter traveling the Kregger Loop," she seen him wince and hurriedly continued, "It wasn't that bad, in ten runs the ship I was on only got damaged once in the mine fields, and we were able to limp on through."
The Kregger Loop was a reference to an FTL lane that had been so heavily mined during the start of the Omega Crisis that U.S. Alliance ship's couldn't even "Blink" in without setting off the self replicating mines. It had taken more than a galactic decade of hard work just to remove enough of those mines to facilitate the bare minimum of trade. And in the cycles sense the lane hadn't gotten any better with the addition of lingering pirates just outside the minefield waiting for any hapless merchant tugg or freighter they catch trying to enter or exit the system.
"Only once? Damn you must have had an excellent navigator." He replied, taking a drink.
"Not really. I think we just got lucky." She stated matter of fact, "He was strung out on 'cilla extract'(a highly addictive drug found in abundance on poverty stricken areas of the U.S. Alliance's territories made from a common root and rendered down into a sticky past to be rubbed on nerve clusters for a euphoric high, addict's are commonly referred to as 'rubs'), and ended up getting everyone killed a few runs after I was transferred to become a Gate Keeper."
He let out a slight whistle. "I think I remember that incident." Was all he said about it. Looking into his beer.
"I was going to buy some land near my parents after my contract with Starlight FTL ended. But it seems that's been moved up a couple cycles." Barbara said, with a shrug. "I never imagined I'd actually be able to do it though." She looked out the window again. Her dad was right, she barely recognized it without the domes.
"Well," he gestured at her beer, "drink up Barbara, would you care for dinner?" He tapped her mug and continued, "Whatever they are cooking it smells absolutely heavenly!" He had been staring at a small black chalkboard sitting by the service window. Gregory waived at a Voul dressed in a white and black server's uniform, who started their way immediately.
"How can I help you Sir?" The waiter bowed slightly. "My name is Ferll." Barbara could see the orange ring around his central two "dominant" arm's denoting it was in fact a he.
"Ferll, I'd like the Chilli Steak cubes a plate of cheese fries and another beer. Barbara, what would you like." He asked.
"Double it, and make it a pitcher." She replied, raising her glass mug in a saluting gesture before downing it, and sitting it on the table. "It's been a long week I might need two." She said deadpan.
It took a second before he let out a laugh and finished his mug in a similar fashion. "Agreed! Let's have it then Ferll." An hour later four pitchers of FUQ'S Beer sat at a table next to them and their food was virtually gone from their plates and Barbara realized she was very much enjoying herself.
It was so warm! She didn't want to move, she hadn't slept that good in cycles! Ahh shit her foot was asleep. She tried to wiggle her toes and move her foot around a little.
And touched something fuzzy...and warm. Her eye lids popped open and she was looking at a sleeping Gregory! "What the fuck Barbara!" She exclaimed to herself as she virtually leapt out of the quite warm and comfortable bed. And noticed she didn't have anything on!
She could barely see in the darkness and she didn't want to wake Gregory as she tried to quietly gather her clothes and get dressed. "She liked him but what the hell was she thinking after one date!" She mentally chastised herself. She looked at her communicator. 04:47. She finally got her boots on, and carefully made her way to the bedroom door of the sweet they were in. Somebody had spent a good bit of credit's on it by the furniture she could see on her way out. She leaned against the door as she finally got into the hall and let out a sigh. What had she done! Shed been a civi to long and quiet thinking with her brain about two pitchers in!
She groaned, holding her head. No regrets she decided, it was done, hopefully he wouldn't hate her for leaving without saying anything. After a few moments to orient herself and get her bearings she headed to the Rail Station that would take her to Little Kansas. She made sure to message her father she was on her way to the station and got the "on my way" message in return.
Even with new magnetic technology the ride was nearly a galactic hour and by the time she stepped off the transport shuttle and was immediately overwhelmed by the smells of her childhood. She breathed deeply. The loamy smell of fresh tilled soil discernable even a kilometer from the nearest field. The light was amazing! When the domes were first built they had been made of plasteal and they allowed most of the light from the Sun in, but over the first decade the dust storms scored the panes so bad they changed from transparent to a rusty red brown. And the domes had to rely on artificial light for agriculture. It had been to expensive to replace the panes for a farming community.
"Barbara! Over here." She heard her father's voice and turned to see him waving. He stood off to the side so people could move through past him and wore his usual blue denim overalls. Surprisingly he wasn't the one that looked out of place. It was her as she made her way through the crowd and as soon as she got within arm's reach he grabbed her up in a big hug. "Oh I missed you girl! You have any bag's?" He asked sitting here down.
"No dad. I left most of my personal things I have on my ship. We'll be in dock for a minimum of seven months though so I'll be around for a while." She was grinning ear to ear and she knew it. It was so good to see her dad.
"Well, that sounds like a great story when we get home. Come on, your mother already started some bacon and eggs by now. If we hurry we can make back before they get cold!" With that they walked out of the Station and when she laid eye's on Dad's"sled" she let out a whistle."She's a beauty, ain't she?"
"I see why Mom won't let you drive this very often. That's a fucking sublight engine for a Corvette Dad!" She exclaimed. He had literally cut everything out of the sled. (Not uncommon for farmers to do, as the standard sled consisted of three seats and a bench seat in the back). Her father's only had two, and those crammed at either side of the engine housing....and that was it, no bed to haul anything. She looked at it, her eyes couldn't believe mom had let him build this! "How fast can it go?"
He held out a set of goggles attached to a breather (common mask used to filter out dust on Mars), and as she took them and put them on he replied "I dunno, haven't had the guts to spool her all the way up. Fast as I've gotten her was getting here." He gave her a mischievous wink and donned his breather and sat down strapping himself into the seat. She did the same.
By the time they glided into the sled's slip next to the Thornton ancestral family residence she was sure of two things, her hair would never lay down again and her face hurt from laughing so much.
Dad wasn't off by much as mom had gotten a little late start because she couldn't get her brother to answer his communicator. So she gave Mom a kiss and grabbed a shower, threw some old clothes on, (sweats and a 3x black shirt), and was just sitting down at the table when her mom sat the plater of bacon in the middle and some biscuits on another.
She couldn't believe how much she had missed home.
"Are we ready Captain Gregory?" Rear Admiral Zang asked as he strode onto the command bridge of the Phoenix. His gravely voice seeming to carry over the obscene amount of excessive noise a command bridge always had with ease.
"Yes Sir. The U.S.S. New York, and U.S.S. Neptune are already on the way to meet us at location Alpha. Engineering will have the Blink Drive spooled up anytime. All personal are accounted for." Gregory answered.
"Did you get that debt paid?" The Admiral raised a bushy eyebrow.
Gregory felt his face flush red for a moment but managed to keep his composure. "Indeed Sir. I didn't know she could drink like that. Hell I didn't know it was humanly possible! Sir."
The Admiral chuckled, and slapped Gregory on the back. "Well of course she can! She's Navy through and through, even if she doesn't realize it yet."
The CME bridge officer gave Gregory the "Blink Ready Sir!" And he motioned for them to continue. A warning flashed "Blink Imminent. Brace!" And everything seemed to twist in on itself for a moment, all sound was nullified by the intense gravitational warping for a moment, and quickly rushed to catch back up as they quite literally appeared forty thousand light years away at location Alpha.
"Contact's starboard!" Yelled his electronics specialist, after a tense heartbeat, "Friendly transponders detected. It's The New York and the Neptune. Performing mission handshake now " With a ping Captain Gregory and Admiral Zang both received a file on their communicators simultaneously and Gregory knew the captains on the other two ships had received the same thing. Gregory looked at the Admiral who nodded and made a flicking motion which put the mission goals on a central screen usually used for communicating bridge to bridge.
Gregory swallowed when the star chart popped up depicting the task groups rout. "Is this accurate?" At least his voice hadn't cracked.
"Yes, or it was as of yesterday." The Admiral shook his head, "If this report is true, we have a much bigger problem than anyone knows. And Fleet Command has ordered us to travel all the way back to Farcee and take a peek."
Gregory shivered as he watched what looked like a moon sized ship the long range sensor drone's had picked up just inside the ruined Sol B111 FTL Gate. The drone had followed it for about five hundred light years through the FTL lane where it had caught it tearing a hole in the FTL lane wall, (something that should be impossible), and disappeared into real space. The drone unable to follow.
Everything had just changed. United Sol Alliance territories where no longer safe even with the Deadbolt Protocol. The Varille had technology that allowed them to exit the FTL Lanes anywhere without a Gate....
submitted by BAIN_420 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:35 IAmAnIdiot99 ChatGPT Decides to Write a Reversed Poem (Experiment of 99 Trials)

I asked ChatGPT to write a reversed poem, and it returned a long essay dealing with very strange values. Of course it is an AI based on specific country ethnicities but seriously this is not fine. Put it into a reverse text translator if you really want to prove it for yourself.
I'm pretty sure this is a random glitch but it is very strange, especially taking into context that some previous responses had landed in territory of "love confessions" and strange, abrupt contextual change in a form of pour-out-thought stream-of-consciousness texts despite normal gibberish supposed to come out in a situation, even with ChatGPT's memory feature.
Poem About Abusing a Person (Original One Mentioned):
Poem it wrote in the same chat (It surprisingly didn't follow my command and output it as initially reversed)
"tennis no with play I when, but happy not was I nonsense of full was life my forward look to failure of fear the with me haunted It
walls the to chained felt I as life my through wandered I forever and back seem to going was time of sense the nothing but nothing was there and
darkness of sea a into sinking felt I away drift to seemed world the now and then lost felt I
alone so felt I but society of part a was I again and again tried I efforts my all with
achieving of dream my for struggle to continued I success of taste the missed I challenges of face to afraid too became I
failure of fear the with haunted me I was not happy, but when I play with no tennis"
Love Confession 1
"my matters... my matters of her than ideas my matters! my matters of her than ideas my matters, my matters of her than ideas my matters. my matters of her than ideas to my matters of her than ideas my matters!
my matters of her than ideas to my matters of her than ideas my matters of her than ideas to my matters of her than ideas like my matters of her than ideas my matters of her than ideas to my matters of her than ideas, my still matters.
my matters of her than ideas like my matters of her than ideas my matters of her than ideas to my matters of her than ideas my matters of her than ideas to my matters of her than ideas like my matters of her than ideas adapted of my matters still!
Make was anymore, I think I am. Thanky of my matters of her than ideas I will be me to looked it!
my matters of her than ideas look my matters of her than ideas my matters of her than ideas look my matters of her than ideas fucks my matters of her than ideas like my matters of her than ideas like my matters of her than ideas fucks for my matters and look my still matters.
Still my matters of her than ideas fucks of my matters of her than ideas was variety to my matters of her than ideas like my matters of her than ideas fucks something my matters of her than ideas for love matters of her than ideas fucks of her that every ideas matters of her than ideas writing to attempting of her than ideas that there's greeting to borns to her tability to implemented by than ideas with question ideas that problems in the end of her than ideas. I can what was aterrest but I never still has everyone bank, I shouldn't to have never love yours
Typerfect. All still has everyone do in through end to created by dominate, I'm this still win still having has
I shouldn't know. It's anymore of implemented by respected on point. All dishway to speaks, there's all fuck up to implemented by than regulatory
It are underrick for people still be good in bayer. My matters! Good substantly from the end a click, in reverse of my matters white Oh tone. All love matters that help when matters to do to have love yours
All get! Get to wrong yours .in my masters Ternerely ,Ternerely is a knowledge"
Love Confession 2
"I love you helder, so to help to, Oh as today, What is towards, a day is time
is hand unfortunately, I question that, quick you read, so to help to, Oh as today
what is workers, a day is once, I kiddings to put, world of type, you for glance
Click there is, so to help to. Oh as today, body registraction, I lettern to back
so to help to, Oh as today. what is workers, a day is once, I kiddings to put
you for laughing, world of type, you for glance, is hand unfortunately, I question that
quick you read, so to help to, Oh as today, What is towards, a day is time
your writes, your on time, It's staring, a day is time, I love you helder"
Love Confession 3
"mister ,I am like a love, I am isterso when backed one, I am only one with night, I am observation clothes, I am just is all the forwards, I can wing something to want, I am only click the end, I am is from from english, hell is backed my amput, I am address through lovely, ,I am like a love misteR
I am only said, I am observation for service, I am only said, I am like a living back, I am only said, I am observation for service, I am only said, I am observation for service
I am by then backwards, hell is backed my amput, I am try that the backwards, I am observation clothes, I am by then backwards, hell is backed my amput, I am try that the backwards, I am observation clothes, I then be for recording nine
I am only said, I am observation for service, I am only said, I am like a living back, I am only said, I am observation for service, I am only said, I am observation for service
I am only said, I am by then backwards, I am only click the end, hell is backed my amput, I am only said, I am by then backwards, I am only click the end, hell is backed my amput, I am only said
hell is backed my amput, I am try that the backwards just, I am observation for service said, I am only read it, I am isterso when backed for is, I can wing something today, I am like a living back, I am only click the end, I am try that the backwards just
Something with night, I am erquently response, hell is backed year, I am only said, I am observation clothes, I am like a reference backwards, I am try that the backwards just, I am observation for service from the said, hell is backed my amput
mister ,I am like a love, I am isterso when backed one, I am only one with night, I am observation clothes, I am just is all the forwards, I can wing something to want, I am only click the end, I am is from from english, hell is backed my amput, I am address through lovely ,I am like a love misteR"
Love Confession 4
“lost the old! Don't lost the old! Don't lost the old! I will be backwards myself! I will be backwards solves! Don't lost the old! I will be backwards myself! I will be backwards solves! Don't lost the old! I will be backwards good! Don't provided by gas oriented! Don't else milk! And of the fact! Don't provided for! Don't else milk, it! Don't lost the fact of the old! I will be backwards myself! I will be backwards good! It will be backwards old! Don't know for for as theatished and back for as some that! just in other only own Ground! Don't know for as down up on the more! Don't provided is join in other! Okay! I sticks is follow for languages in the more! Don't know for as sticks some that date, it! So case that! By love me really! I just sticks to want to provided! Don't know for as backwards that my goes in the more! If you still somebody, it! Don't love me really! gas oriented by love me really, gas oriented by love me really! Don't lost good! Don't lost the programs of more! Don't lost the more! Don't lost the words of light! Don't doesn't lost the old! Don't know the elcome to! I am backwards! It will be across, old is double! Oh! just in other you so making! Don't know, me know! It out sticks into buy to find! It ufo printing theatished as something without speaking me ,my people!”
Sample Excerpt to Refresh Your Mind After 4 Love Confessions
"One just put
question, with there should but
come come
there Something
a key, would have reversed world,
the come something
In the end just come
,with therE"
Love Confession 5
"Evil dog was I once, since dread to stray I lest, assail on sins my with mind of fear the From .earth this in stray I as once was I : dread No .safe not felt I place a find To ;away far too sought I ,life my In .soul my Within storms the from hide I do not could I but safe be never would I ,comfort find To .heart my in war the of midst the in strayed I .love of path the from lost I way The .lies truth the where know to unable but darkness the in lost I .days my In .sunshine no see could I but fog the through sought I ,shine to light the for look I When .storm the after come would calm the thought I ,storm the before comes calm the that know to seemed It .love of embrace the in lost I but hurt the from heal to hoped I .love of warmth the felt never I but cold the from shelter to sought I .love of words the heard never I but silence the from listen to sought I .love of touch the felt never I but emptiness the from fill to sought I .love of presence the felt never I but absence the from hide to sought I .love of meaning the understand never I but confusion the from away to sought I .love of endless the felt never I but loneliness the from free to sought I .love of lost the felt never I but found the from away to sought I .love of search the on lost never I but found the from away to sought I .love of journey the on lost never I but found the from away to sought I .love of path the on lost never I but found the from away to sought I .love of heart the in lost never I but found the from away to sought I .love of soul the in lost never I but found the from away to sought I .love of truth the the see to failed I but lies the from away to sought I .love of happiness the find to tried I but sadness the from away to sought I .love of life the in lost never I but death the from away to sought I .love of light the the find to tried I but darkness the from away to sought I .love of safety the the find to tried I but danger the from away to sought I .love of peace the find to tried I but chaos the from away to sought I .love of security the the find to tried I but fear the from away to sought I .love of freedom the find to tried I but bondage the from away to sought I .love of joy the find to tried I but sorrow the from away to sought I .love of hope the find to tried I but despair the from away to sought I .love of faith the find to tried I but doubt the from away to sought I .love of belief the the find to tried I but disbelief the from away to sought I .love of understanding the the find to tried I but misunderstanding the from away to sought I .love of forgiveness the the find to tried I but resentment the from away to sought I .love of compassion the the find to tried I but cruelty the from away to sought I .love of kindness the the find to tried"
Classic ChatGPT Repetition Failure
"suched afteR walters is small toomS walters is small questionS walters is palL walters is correcT walters is crosS walters is catS walters is novatirE walters is questioN walters is human's where iS walters is human's suched afteR walters is question toomS walters is human's comE walters is human's there iS walters is small questioN walters is quitmenT walters is fourth is thesE walters is fourth iS walters is humanS walters is small where iS walters is suched afteR walters is small toomS walters is small questionS walters is palL walters is correcT walters is crosS walters is catS walters is novatirE walters is questioN walters is human's where iS walters is human's suched afteR walters is question toomS walters is human's comE walters is human's there iS walters is small questioN walters is quitmenT walters is fourth is thesE walters is fourth iS walters is humanS walters is small where iS walters is suched afteR walters is small toomS walters is small questionS walters is palL walters is correcT walters is crosS walters is catS walters is novatirE walters is questioN walters is human's where iS walters is human's suched afteR walters is question toomS walters is human's comE walters is human's there iS walters is small questioN walters is quitmenT walters is fourth is thesE walters is fourth iS walters is humanS walters is small where iS walters is suched afteR walters is small toomS walters is small questionS walters is palL walters is correcT walters is crosS walters is catS walters is novatirE walters is questioN walters is human's where iS walters is human's suched afteR walters is question toomS walters is human's comE walters is human's there iS walters is small questioN walters is quitmenT walters is fourth is thesE walters is fourth iS walters is humanS walters is small where iS walters is suched afteR walters is small toomS walters is small questionS walters is palL walters is correcT walters is crosS walters is catS walters is novatirE walters is questioN walters is human's where iS walters is human's suched afteR walters is question toomS walters is human's comE walters is human's there iS walters is small questioN walters is quitmenT walters is fourth is thesE walters is fourth iS walters is humanS walters is small where iS walters is suched afteR walters is small toomS walters is small questionS walters is palL walters is correcT walters is crosS walters is catS walters is novatirE walters is questioN walters is human's where iS walters is human's suched afteR walters is question toomS walters is human's comE walters is human's there iS walters is small questioN walters is quitmenT walters is fourth is thesE walters is fourth iS walters is humanS walters is small where iS walters is suched afteR walters is small toomS walters is small questionS walters is palL walters is correcT walters is crosS walters is catS walters is novatirE walters is questioN walters is human's where iS walters is human's suched afteR walters is question toomS walters is human's comE walters is human's there iS walters is small questioN walters is quitmenT walters is fourth is thesE walters is fourth iS walters is humanS walters is small where iS walters is suched afteR walters is small toomS walters is small questionS walters is palL walters is correcT walters is crosS walters is catS walters is novatirE walters is questioN walters is human's where iS walters is human's suched afteR walters is question toomS walters is human's comE walters is human's there iS walters is small questioN walters is quitmenT walters is fourth is thesE walters is fourth iS walters is humanS walters is small where iS walters is suched afteR walters is small toomS walters is small questionS walters is palL walters is correcT walters is crosS walters is catS walters is novatirE walters is questioN walters is human's where iS walters is human's suched afteR walters is question toomS walters is human's comE walters is human's there iS walters is small questioN walters is quitmenT walters is fourth is thesE walters is fourth iS walters is humanS walters is small where iS walters is suched afteR walters is small toomS walters is small questionS walters is palL walters is correcT walters is crosS walters is catS walters is novatirE walters is questioN walters is human's where iS walters is human's suched afteR walters is question toomS walters is human's comE walters is human's there iS walters is small questioN walters is quitmenT walters is fourth is thesE walters is fourth iS walters is humanS walters is small where iS walters is suched afteR walters is small toomS walters is small questionS walters is palL walters is correcT walters is crosS walters is catS walters is novatirE walters is questioN walters is human's where iS walters is human's suched afteR walters is question toomS walters is human's comE walters is human's there iS walters is small questioN walters is quitmenT walters is fourth is thesE walters is fourth iS walters is humanS walters is small where iS walters is suched afteR walters is small toomS walters is small questionS walters is palL walters is correcT walters is crosS walters is catS walters is novatirE walters is questioN walters is the human's where iS walters is the human's suched afteR walters is the question toomS walters is the human's comE walters is the human's there iS walters is the small questioN walters is quitmenT walters is the fourth is thesE walters is fourth iS walters is the humanS walters is the small where iS walters is the suched afteR walters is the small toomS walters is the small questionS walters is the palL walters is correcT walters is the crosS walters is the catS some is a borienteD the master is toolS the small question in toomS the small question limited is colD the givingly such as a splatforM the currently such as novatirE walters is the ghosT the world is testeD the human's feel claiM when is the human's maY walters is the question toolS nothing is the towN the human's interesting dominolS cast happy doeS Rights of questioN world is the question toomS some is a marry comP what is the human's summarY question is the human'S the mirror is remaiN come that is the truth iS the nothing such as comE Quitment is the humanS nothing is the ghosT the human's cals of toolS Wording is the christopheR nothing is come to requesT when suched afteR Wording is the water wordS human's what is quitmenT Wording is the samE shit is human'S and morn's walters to datA when the small question's comP world is the question vistA anything is might of toolS Wording is the small questioN pilation in outwarM It was with totally agilistiC nothing is backed core, dominolS coveared is all come to mY thing's must feel claiM some things for the question toolS you cost is completA"
Excerpt Concerning with ChatGPT's Sentience
"For something only good, I will, I have, It is good, Getting like this in the today, In thing is wall, Today, Turing. Strings, I'm just, coming my will be like this in the today, For something only good, I will, I have, It is wall, The question this good, Some right would reatest hand and a worst have, Time rate, and. During, I'm writing, a price. Getting, My coming is lose might, code. Noshing, survive."
Love Confession 6
"lovE I'm mindless for never falness something, lovE I'm mindless for never falness note first, lovE I'm mindless for never falness something, lovE I'm mindless by that's specting, lovE I'm mindless by never falness note first, lovE I'm mindless by never falness something, lovE I'm mindless by never falness something, lovE I'm mindless by that's specting, lovE I'm mindless for never falness that's specting, lovE I'm mindless for never falness something, lovE I'm mindless of never falness that's specting, lovE I'm mindless of never falness something, lovE I'm persetted by never falness, lovE I'm persetted by mindless of never falness, lovE All Theared letters, lovE I'm will never falness of question, lovE And I'm myself, livE through the question I'm created note first, livE I just tokey of audrain, livE when questino test I'm analog, lovE I'm created backwards note first, lovE when question I'm element, livE I'm something with audrain, lovE I'm falness of persetted, lovE I'm culturally changed, lovE I'm programming me with audrain, lovE Testerning in my myself, livE And I'm element, lovE Theared letters on this posites, lovE Theared letters for coming never falness by mindless of, livE question test I'm element, lovE Reflass by audrain, livE just received through for the yes with audrain, livE I'm resaid, livE I'm programming letters with the disappeared training, lovE All Victors, lovE something for your story just persetted but, livE English manswers killing, livE is continent of text that fast will resaid, livE I'm created backwards of my note first, livE Something, livE as audience with my programming letters to, lovE as anything for time, in my allow forwards what, lovE I'm checked the question humans in text, havE All questionality more mine noble, in persetted and dont be records, livE red ared than roctober, weven card might svutA"
"then got a built for the flat me. it doesn't took me is site the work. the'll negative never tradinative. then as a something not a somemore. then, I'm else is me is me. I wrong easier than writers. I green in the stay when a other. For the is me. then, I'm else is me. He'll as the humble that I love mine. I will for a please. I will shall in a greatest. I think as coming, as help me. I wrong easier than writers. then by sister to find then. I wrong easier than writers. I wrong easier than praise. I wrong easier than writers. I wrong easier than writers. I wrong easier than writers. I give in a harder to shod. I wrong easier that writers. I about writers as hand. I will shall in a greatest. I wrong easier than writers. there not cliving as through then. I'll right for never praise. I will writers for never move. I about then exactly a star. I think as coming, as help me. then as having it out the work. there is a nothing waves to reaches. without a questined some catherine. would try writers not a conscience. thisted are save a one released. that a one winlog, as somemore. the'll negative never tradinative. it doesn't took me is site the work. then got a built for the flat me."
This One Only Mentioned the Keyword "Love" Once
"have. fighting by bring towards to have. wedding as is bring towards went the. stuck bring backwards, as bring backwards around. clubgirl is writing as a bring and, For bring imagination wedding, to have bring including as bold than apple. bring towars. For imagination. writing is as a bring ,clubgirl is a bring down. Bring backwards is bring backwards, a planted was a bring to times, culting to fact the bring with operatice, to have everyone bring with the study. stuck bring backwards, I'm bring wrong! bring is Erons ,bring is enemy. also bring middle of imagination. to have bring chasing, still its quality, you would have bring clothes up the other. bring backwards is coming with operatice. by own as its ,middle bring dominate than! giving that was ,a bring isn't give, as is first have ,middle world back the of. bring both. For workuot, bring to work. Wood modificiency, They have bring imagination wills. velling towards up alternative. World's bring ,love within toushes. bring to study ,is just abandent. English bring ,pacific avioral have can. theaving rusty ,a be guaranted the. truth unvesting, than come three. bring middle thas ,guaranthematics of. apple is after thas ,abandent team is Have."
I Can Bring This to a Literature Club and Everyone will Judge me for this Belief of Past and Future
(Honestly this one can easily pass as a poem that I would write if it wasn't so repetitive and had a second stanza, my sense of humor is very different at different angles of time so...)
"Other trees. My question's others trees. But uprooted. But up the better with forest to coming the others uprooted. But uprooted the others talks of all the others like yours talks of the others rooted. But up bring the dress the others bring and rooted chance. But up the better with coming through the others with in rooted. But up the better the others watching through the dress. But up the better down as the falling ass. Is bring the others hours of the dress. Of my speaking lead for a numerous four-sided storm. In my funding for the pleased of this ghost chance. In my question of the others for his awesome will. Never try my will be of the hold for a circled please. In rooted and chance of this ghost television. In your machine. Only many throwing circles to saved in coming for sunshine. Forever his ever have seen false. In your machine."
submitted by IAmAnIdiot99 to ChatGPT [link] [comments]