Where can i purchase tonon furniture in usa


2011.08.06 18:24 TruthTaco HUNTER×HUNTER

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2008.06.12 14:33 Furniture

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2011.10.11 16:31 glasnostic "Who ever said that pleasure wasn't functional?" Charles Eames

A community for enthusiasts of Mid Century Modern design. From Charles and Ray Eames to Paul McCobb and Adrian Pearsall.

2024.06.08 00:00 Naive-Deer2116 How to get the most out of a company match

When it comes to investing, the company I work for has an employee stock purchase plan where the company matches 15% of all automatic deductions from our paycheck up to a certain dollar amount a year. (About $2,000)
Would it be better to purchase as many shares as I can afford early in the year until I hit the max, and then stop contributing for the remaining months until I’m eligible for the match again the following year? Or should I spread out the contributions all throughout the year?
submitted by Naive-Deer2116 to investing [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 23:57 juaneleillegal Protechs, WE, Microtech

Good evening, Today i have 2 protechs, and one We knife and one microtech. All have been sharpened, carried, cut. They all have their boxes and documents. I am the first owner of all but the evoke. If a price looks too high make a reasonable offer.
Im down with trades but preferably if they’re USA made and something like a benchmade auto adamas, auto fact, or any axis auto. Protech tr4/5, or Emerson Elvia. Thanks for watching and lets get to the knives
Microtech GLykon SV 320 TV350
First owner. Apocalyptic finish on the knife. Has been sharpened and carried. Has cut paper and some cardboard to test out the thickness behind the edge. Makes cool ring sound when opening. Has all documents. Does have a scratch on the clip side (pointed out in the video) where i scratched the aluminum to disassemble the knife. Action is a little stiff even with it being oiled.
WE evoke SV 150 TV 150 Not sure of ownership but did arrive like new with its pouch and box and thats how i will ship it. . Used it for a while it shows. Has 20CV blade steel. Pretty thin behind the edge so good for edc but did not bond too much with it. Has marks on the show scale, lock side, clip, and choil area where my charpening stone hit. Action is nice and front flipper works well. A tiny bit of bit of blade play but no lock rock.
Protech PDW SV 280 TV 320 These are brand new in magnacut. Not sure when exactly they were manufactured but these are new to this year. They retail for 360 and not really easy to come by. I did purchase the floor model from my local gun-store that everyone was touching. Thus it has some marks. One being on the clip, clip side scale, and near the stop pin. Has been sharpened and carried for a week straight where it saw no use besides cutting one sheet of cardboard and paper after testing sharpness. It’s an amazing knife but it’s not for me. Definitely needs a reground to be thinner behind the edge. Action snappy and the blade being heavy makes it pleasurable to open. Safety works when the blade is open or closed and gives an audible click.
Protech TR2 operator SV 220 TV 240 Blade steel is magnacut. First owner and when i got it, blade was dull. Sharpened it and used it for 3 weeks and didn’t like it. No real use marks that i can see besides the choil area where the stone hit by accident. But it does have some annoyances such as “plunge wiggle?” When the knife is closed you can push down on the blade and it will move. It wont hit the handle but it’s annoying and one other thing is it has a bit of side to side play. Other than those two things the knife is pretty sweet.
Thanks for looking
submitted by juaneleillegal to Knife_Swap [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 23:55 sameed_a how does learning apply to financial planning?

I have always been a bit of a nerd when it comes to managing finances. One day, I was sitting at my dining table, working on my monthly budget. The spreadsheet was riddled with numbers, formulas, and, of course, a few question marks. Transitioning from a casual spender to a precise accountant of my own life had been a seemingly overwhelming journey.
To get better at this, I began to read about mental models, frameworks that give us a simplified understanding of how something in the world works. One of the models that stood out was the feedback loop concept. It basically states that our actions generate consequences that "feed" back into our future decisions. It’s the essence of learning: We act, we see the result, and we tweak our future actions accordingly.
So, I started to implement this in my financial planning. I'd keep track of every purchase, every bill, every penny saved. Then, I'd analyze the data and see where I was overspending or not saving enough. The feedback I got was eye-opening. With each passing month, I was learning more and becoming a better financial planner. I was learning to walk the thin line between indulgence and thrift, between the joys of a hot latte today and the prospect of a comfortable retirement tomorrow.
The most surprising part was the feel-good factor. Engaging in financial planning felt like a game where the rewards were very real. I was playing against my past self, striving to be better every month. And the best part? I was winning.
I realized that learning, like financial planning, is a lifelong process. And the most significant outcomes often come from patience, perseverance, and continual improvement.
P.S. Okay, folks, don't start imagining me as a bespectacled guy with an abacus and a green visor. This story is hypothetical, but it shows how we can use mental models in our daily lives. So, go ahead, apply the feedback loop model in your financial planning, and watch the magic happen (or the debt disappear, whichever comes first!).
submitted by sameed_a to mentalmodelscoach [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 23:52 Vineyard_ Power Theory of Pricing -- what's my mistake?

Hi. I have a theory. It’s simple. Too simple, in fact, which tells me that I’m probably wrong somewhere. But I can’t tell where, so… well, this is AskEconomics, so… here you go. Asking you fine folks, because the teachers I emailed about it didn’t answer. Grumble grumble. I’ve summarized it as much as I can while still trying to make sense, if something seems weird feel free to ask.
And no, I am not an economist, and no, I’m not sure what parts of this are obvious and what isn’t, because all of this seems really evident to me, but I haven’t seen anyone try to explain economics like this anywhere. And I’ve looked. A lot.
First, a definition. Power is defined as “the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events”. Rephrasing and focusing on the bolded part, we get: “The ability to make other people do what you want them to do”. But if what you want is for someone to not do something, then power is also the ability to make them not do it.
Ownership is a form of power. Just by owning something, you limit what other people can do with it. If you want to use or take something that someone else owns, you need their permission. And when someone asks for permission, then the owner of the thing has the option to get whoever asked to do something for them. This is not because of the demand itself, but rather because the demand makes the owner aware of the power they have over the one asking by virtue of owning the thing.
Commodities are owned. The buyer wants the commodity, which gives the seller power over the buyer. Money is also owned. The buyer owns the money, which the seller wants; this gives the buyer power over the seller. It’s where the two levels of power meet that a transaction can happen; in other words, that is the price of the thing.
That’s the basis for the Power Theory of Pricing. It’s the idea that prices are not a measure of value (whatever that is), but rather a measure of power, and that the true nature of wealth itself is just power. Effectively, my theory sees economics as the study of the system that manages the power of ownership, just like political science studies the system that manages the power of violence.
Labor is a commodity that the employer needs. It is owned by the worker, giving the worker power over the employer. The employer owns the revenue, which labor needs. Where the two levels of power meet, there is employment. Wages are the price of labor, which is itself just a transaction; a sale of time and efforts.
Power is fungible. The ability to make people do things is just that; it doesn’t matter where the power comes from or what form it has, it is interchangeable. Thus, if someone belongs to a group that society considers naturally less powerful, either culturally or legally, then the power that the individual possesses is going to be lesser, thus leading to higher prices (cost of poverty, pink tax, etc) or lower wages (wage gap, child labor). Interpersonal relationships are also forms of power, and also affect directly negotiated price (friendly or family deals, asshole taxes).
Corporations (or, coining a word, scale sellers) do not negotiate prices; rather, they set a fixed price that the consumer either accepts or rejects. A fixed price is a declaration of a level of power; if the declaration matches the individual consumer’s need (read: the power that the corporation has on the consumer by virtue of owning the commodity), then a purchase can happen. The scale seller’s gamble is that the power they assume to have matches the power they actually have over a sufficiently large proportion of the consumer base to maximize revenue.
Offer and Demand works through 3 different mechanisms:
Each of these mechanisms also work in reverse. If someone has a ton of money, it is easier for them to accept a higher price than if they are poor, because it’s easier to part from something you have a lot of. If there are many consumers for the same commodity (consider buyers to be like sellers of money), then the one who offers the most at the lowest cost (work more for lower wages, buy less for higher price) will be preferred. if someone offers you 20 dishwashers, then they hit a problem because, on average, one only needs a single dishwasher; the other nineteen become a cumbersome problem.
There’s more (like, why the gold standard was a thing, models of production, stateless vs state economies and how the former function, etc), but this is already long enough and gives a solid enough start point to ask:
What’s my mistake?
submitted by Vineyard_ to AskEconomics [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 23:51 jsternth 40 volt mower handle cracking

40 volt mower handle cracking
Purchased a 40 volt self propelled about a year ago and the plastic handle cracked right where it meets the metal supports at the bottom screw. Definitely a crap engineering issue. Called ryobi support and they sent me a warranty replacement handle. Replaced it no problem, and 2 weeks later THIS one has cracked in the same spot. Anyone else having issues with the RY401018? Pics attached. How many handle replacements can they send me before they replace the whole thing? I’m not using this for anything other than mowing my lawn. It’s not being subjected to anything extreme. This has to be happening to everyone??
submitted by jsternth to ryobi [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 23:50 sheerest_of_folly How do you feel about a message like this from a seller? (asking as the seller)

So I might just be paranoid or something. But here goes!
I recently sold my first item (yay!)
It was the night of June 5 when it sold at 8:10PM. By then of course the post office was closed. At 8:45 I noticed the sale. I realized that due to work, I would not be able to make it to the post office until June 7 (today).
I let the buyer know that I would mail it out Friday morning (today). The buyer thanked me for a fast response and said no worries.
Yesterday (the 6th) passed with no further communication on either end.
This morning I got to the post office when it opened and mailed out the package. I thanked the buyer for the purchase, let them know that it was on its way and provided the tracking number (though they could probably already see that themselves as I used Depop shipping.) A few hours later they thanked me and sent a heart emoji.
However, I feel kind of bad that I went a whole day without mailing it out. I couldn’t, of course, and the buyer was so nice, but still. How would you feel? How long would you be willing, as a buyer, to wait for your package to be mailed, assuming the seller kept in contact the whole time?
Also, unrelated, but I included some free stickers (like the kind people put on water bottles and laptops) in the package. Is that overkill or something that you’d appreciate as a buyer? For reference, I included 2 “happy” cute sticker, two “darker” more grunge stickers, and one sticker with a (cheesy) motivational quote.
I can’t tell where I am on a scale from “just being nice” to “clearly overcompensating for something”. Thoughts??
submitted by sheerest_of_folly to Depop [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 23:48 Edob0b My experience at VIVIZ V.Hind Love and Tears @ Seoul Day 1 & 2

Day 1
Pre-Concert - Merch and Ticketing
Getting to the venue wasn’t particularly difficult, I think it took about 35-40 mins from where I stayed (Hongdae), 20 mins of that being on the train and 15 mins of it walking to the venue. As I got closer I saw the majestic VIVIZ V.Hind Love and Tears banner hanging on the side of the venue and as you walk up a small hill you see another banner for the VIVIZ World Tour in Seoul. They also had a little photo zone where NaVs/Buddies can take pictures with the tour poster and next to it was the merch booth. I asked a couple knavs about how early I should turn up given BPM’s situation with the merch and most thought 1 hour before the booth opened was sufficient however, none of us was prepared for BPM to drop the news of the plushy and the lightstick covers to be sold in limited quantities in the day of the concert.
The merch booth opened at 12pm in the afternoon and me and my friend arrived around 11:10am, by the time we got there the first merch zig zag line was already full and we had to stand in the second section. I must say this was probably the most inefficient way to purchase at a concert, they made us queue up and then proceed to give us little baskets for each person to actually walk up to the counter and pick out the things they want, imagine being in a little supermarket. I criticise this because in total it took me almost 3 hours before I could actually pick out my items and pay, starting from the moment I queued up (bearing in mind this was in the blistering sun). For those that had Korean addresses we were able to fill in a paper form and mark what we would like to pre-order. Though they set a limit whereby you cannot pre-order the item that is available to purchase on the day (i.e if you bought an Umji lightstick cover, you cannot then pre-order an Umji lightstick cover using the form).
So here’s where my first spot of luck arrived, as I said it took me over 2 hours before it was my turn to pick out the merch I wanted to buy and at this point the plushy’s were sold in the first hour and Eunha/SinB lightstick covers were sold out in the second hour. By the time it was my turn there was only the Umji lightstick remaining for me to choose (not that I’m complaining because I was ecstatic about getting anything tbh). Everything else was well stocked. However, the moment I walked up to select my merch to purchase a BPM/Soundwave staff somehow finds another SinB lightstick cover from the back and of course SinB being my bias I quickly grabbed it and not looked back. Almost 3 hours of queueing in the sun whilst hungover from last night and with a bit of luck I secured the SinB lightstick cover!
I then also took the time to visit all the fansites that prepared cheering slogans, I bought a lot and owe a lot of them money so I had to go around clearing my debts with each and every single one. They were all really nice and supportive! Shoutout to phonomenal1 here, yes I have all your cheering kits also 😂😂😂
Picking up the tickets were pretty simple, they simply asked for your ticket reference (which I printed out but most people just showed the email) and they also ask for some form of ID, once they confirm both you get given your tickets at the venue! Very straight forward!
After being in the blistering sun all day you’ll be glad to know that the whole venue was ventilated with air con, in fact it actually got a little bit chilly in the lead up to the concert. The venue I would argue to be on the smaller side of what I’m used to but at the same time it gave me that intimidate and cozy feeling. The stage and lighting looked so cool and glamorous with the neon blue and the giant V in the middle. That and I absolutely LOVED the how they written out VIVIZ with the lights in the top right of the stage.
We were all speculating what song would VIVIZ open with and most of thought it’ll be Pull Up but lo and behold, the lights dimmed the music played and suddenly the VCR starts playing (which they looked absolutely flawless in). Once the VCR finished, Untie starts blasting and the girls are already on the stage before you know it with their bright white regal outfits. I must admit, the moment I saw Untie with my own eyes I burst into tears, like all that waiting in anticipation and it finally felt real? Untie was followed up with Blue Clue and Rum Pum Pum with brand new choreo which was absolutely mesmerising. I could not take my eyes off during Rum Pum Pum!! Once the opening trio of songs was complete the lights were back on and VIVIZ greeted NaVs. It was at this moment that I decided to look around the venue and at the corner of my eye I spotted what looked like Yuju and Sowon, so I quickly turned to my friend to ask him if I was seeing things and low and behold it was Yuju, Sowon and Yerin!! Once again I burst into tears at the sight of seeing GFRIEND OT6. ALL THE MEMBERS IN ONE PLACE AT THE SAME TIME. I COULDN’T BELIEVE MY EYES.
The performances then followed were Tweet Tweet, Mirror (ballad version), Dance and Red Sun! Hearing Red Sun in person hit differently omg I started tearing up again at the thought of how much effort they put into queendom and they fought to be able to perform this song on stage (even more so at the thought of the other GFRIEND members watching). They also performed a brand new song in the middle of this which I think was called Wallflower or Sunflower? It sounded really peaceful and calming.
The mood was lifted again through Siesta, Loveade and Party Pop and the crowd went super hype again. During Siesta the girls had baskets and were throwing out signed balls to the crowd, they also had staff in the upper floors throw out signed balls to ensure all the fans had a chance to grab one (unfortunately I didn’t get one). A little funny story here is that Yerin actually caught one laughed about it with Yuju and Sowon then proceeded to give it to a fan opposite her LOL. I absolutely fell in love with Loveade, those that may remember when VIVIZ performed it at MIK Festival, a fancam posted had me doing the fanchant super loud amongst the crowd but this time it was different, the whole venue was doing it and once again I started tearing up (it felt like I was truly home with everybody else).
Now here comes my favourite trio of song combos, and it was Love Love Love, Overflow, Love or Die and the girls reentered the stage with what looked like black and red tango style outfits. Getting to see SinB’s ‘bungee’ part in Love Love Love, the new choreo for Overflow and listening to the girls sing ‘You can do better than that’ during Love or Die sent me crazy!!
Following this, the lights turned on and they played another VCR teasing the crowd about performing Maniac. SinB really wasn’t kidding on bubble when she said that NaVs had to come prepared to dance to Maniac. The lights turned on and the camera man found NaVs in the crowd and gave them the spotlight to broadcast to the whole venue to dance to Manaic and EVERY NAV ABSOLUTELY NAILED IT. After a couple nav maniac dance challenges here comes the celebrity party, the camera man panned to Yuju, Sowon and Yerin. I’m not kidding when the whole venue absolutely ERUPTED WITH CHEERS. I saw people gobsmacked, shocked, crying with happiness, the whole lot!! The following celebrity that did the Maniac challenge was no other than Seventeen Seungkwan of course!!
We had a short intermission following this where Red Sun instrumental played and the lyrics were posted onto the big screens at the venue, one by one NaVs all started singing in unison with the lightstick colours all synced up, it was one of the most beautiful things I ever witnessed. 2k NaVs all signing a VIVIZ song waiting for them to return to the stage.
Once that was completed the lights dimmed and the music started coming on again and you see the girls run onto the stage and it was finally time for Maniac!! This time it’s VIVIZ performance time and not NaVs. Experiencing Maniac live is not for the lighthearted, I feel like a changed man, doing the whole fan chant it was so incredibly hype and yes I sounded like an absolutely ape doing the ‘ooo ooo ooo’ part.
It was finally time to call the concert to a close and they girls said it’s time to finish with Bop Bop. It ended up being an extra long version of Bop Bop which felt like we were Bopping for another 20 mins more than usual!
Of course like with every kpop concert, the last song is never really the last song… the fans started chanting encore encore encore and another VCR started playing which looked into the behind the scenes of VIVIZ and planning the concert and it also included some interview questions to the members which from memory it ended on with what does the members think of nav? And the very last member to answer it was Umji where she says ‘my fantasy’
Before you know it music started playing again, Eunha, SinB and Umji come back onto the stage with their tour concert t shirt and closed with Up 2 Me, Fiesta and Overdrive. They all had an opportunity to give closing statements and thanked the fans for sticking with them and apologised for taking so long to prepare for this. I witness Eunha’s bursting cream puff face live but she held back her tears!!
So that’s a wrap for Day 1!! Honestly it was an amazing experience, I barely got any footage on the first day because I just wanted to enjoy it with my own eyes and it was so worth it!! Luckily for me I still had Day 2 to come!!
Day 2
Pre-Concert - Merch and Ticketing
So the second day me and my friends held sort of a battle plan talk the night before. As I had a friend that allowed me to use her Korean address, I have ensured that I will be able to get all 3 plushy’s, 3 keyrings and the remaining Eunha and Umji lightstick cover. Although my two friends that came to the concert with me didn’t have that same opportunity, so the night before we decided that to ensure we get the plushy’s on the second day of the merch sale we would go 2 hours early before it opens as opposed to 1 hour early. We knew BPM said they would keep stock for Day 1 and Day 2 and also we knew roughly how much because we can see massive boxes that have ‘Day 2’ written on it at the merch booth.
I spoke with another NaV on Twitter and he jokingly said that he will turn up at 6am (the merch booth opens 11am on Day 2) to ensure he gets a SinB plush and lightstick cover. I honestly thought he was joking until I wake up at 7am the next day and I saw he tweeted a picture of him outside the merch booth first in line LOL. He told me how more people started trickling in by 7am and there was about 10-15 people there already. I quickly woke up my two friends and suggested we head there now as we are not 100% sure how much stock BPM really had. So we got ready and jetted off in a taxi and started queueing by 8am (3 hours early) and we were the 22nd person in the queue. I managed to get a SinB plush, so did my friend and another one of us got an Eunha plush. Happy merch days!! At the cost of another 3 hours 😭
Though I would like to mention that the day 2 stock for the plush must’ve been really low because although we were the 22nd person to purchase, about 10-15 people after us and all stocks were gone again and only the lightstick covers remain. (The decision to go 3 hours early vs 2 hours early ended up paying off!!)
Day 2 was full of freebies. So many knavs and fansites were giving away stickers, fans, photocards and all sorts in the lead up to the concert! It was such a good feeling seeing everyone running around being so happy and trading with each other!!
I won’t go into details of the stage again like I did on my first day write up but this time I’ll focus on what was different.
Following on from my Day 1 experience I kept my eyes alert in the crowd to see whether any other celebrity friends were here to support the girls. Straight away almost like she had an aura around her I see Jeon Somi walk in with her bodyguard just before the show started and Yoojung from Weki Meki sat next to her with another actress. I also noticed Eunseo and Yeorum sneakily entering at the back with their face masks on too!
For Day 2 they changed up the opening outfits so instead of white they wore black on Day 2!! There was no change in the setlist but this time around I decided to film a lot more still post some of my fancams below if anybody interested!
This is where my luck also continues on in Day 2! I was mega lucky and actually caught one of the signed balls that was thrown by the staff!! I was absolutely over the moon over it, I really couldn’t believe it. It’s a memento that I’ll keep for life and will definitely frame it when I’m back.
On Day 2 Maniac Dance Challenge of course all the celebrities had to do their part, Somi, Yoojung, Eunseo, Yeorum etc… and another surprise appearance was Kany was also there and partook in the Maniac Challenge part!
The concert for Day 2 lasted a little longer mainly because we of course had to celebrate SinB’s birthday!! Umji quickly ran off stage and came back pushing a trolley with a cake and candle on it and the whole crowd started singing Happy Birthday to SinB!!.
Once again the concert ended with closing comments from the members and this time SinB was last. Today it was SinB’s turn to tear up during the segment, she mentioned about how she never thought that she would get the opportunity to stand on stage at a concert again and that no matter how much she practiced she felt she was still lacking and didn’t give it everything she could (which of course NaV shouted at her to stop being silly and that she was perfect today). And so when her closing comments finished a new SinB meme was born and she just placed a towel on top of her head covering her face. I would also like to add a point here that SinB early on into Day 2 concert had to leave the stage for a solid 5-10 mins and came back with tape around her shoulders / upper arm (which is a sign of her reoccurring injury coming back? 😭)
To all the people I met and reached out before and during the concert, thank you for making the concert so memorable, I hope nav and buddies get the same opportunity that I did soon! Every single nav and buddy I interacted was so nice and friendly, we are an amazing fandom so let’s keep it that way all!!
For those that are reading all this rambling whilst I’m writing this on my plane back from Seoul to UK. I hope you got a glimpse of what I experienced and it wasn’t too boring reading this wall of text!!
Over to you my Taiwan, HK, SEA, US NaVs/Buddies!! Don’t let the rest of us down, show them the unbelievable support and love they deserve!! 🤍🤍🤍
submitted by Edob0b to GFRIEND [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 23:48 Frequent_Actuator_65 Best Approach with my current situation (anything helps/open minded)

So I am looking to take my first LSAT in September. I have been studying with the 7Sage core curriculum since May 13 and just wrapped up today. Could have been done quicker but I studied 4-7hours a day with 1 day off, it takes me longer to grasp concepts.
I am starting to not like the RC/LR methods of 7Sage and have purchased the Powerscore LR to get started and supplement it with 7Sage drilling (as that's what its known best for). What approach should I take for RC? I have yet to take a diagnostic because I have been trying get done there basics of the core curriculum. Money is not an issue but will save where it can and not spend on trash courses.
For persecptvie, I am a criminology major, 21yo and will be applying to law schools 2025 (still need to finish undergrade; standing at a 3.80/4.33)
submitted by Frequent_Actuator_65 to LSAT [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 23:46 xemkyi 31m gay seeking friends or boyfriend to keep company

31m looking for boyfriend, I live in the USA. A little about myself I am married but poly, and my husband knows I’m actively looking for another guy.
I’m just trying to find someone to spend time with either in person or over the phone or discord and to have a special connection with. I want a real romantic type relationship where we can bond over interest, introduce me to your things and I’ll do the same back, and be able to support each other whenever needed. The love I give will be genuine, but of course I’ll always going to love my husband just the same.
Im nerdy and game on PlayStation 5. Star Wars is one of my favorite franchises and I’m no stranger to watching anime and reading manga. I practice archery and love to write fiction.
I work in the mornings into the early afternoon so most of the time we spend together would be during the afternoons and weekends if possible.
submitted by xemkyi to discordfriends [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 23:46 Terra_Torro Parental troubles

I live in Missouri, and I'm in a parental household of 4. Two parents, one sister and me a guy. I'm currently 23 and I work part time for the city where I live and I give up a portion of my check to my parents for food/ utilities. It's not exactly "rent" money, but it's still me giving them money for food and essentials. I pay for my own internet and I bought my entire pc setup. But I am often deprived of both things, is it legal for my parents to take either thing away from me? Even if I solely purchased both my pc setup and the internet. I even help out with electrical bills when I can, so am I still forced to have to deal with them taking away things I payed for?
submitted by Terra_Torro to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 23:46 softtechhubus Ai MarketingHub Review: Unleash the Potential of a Robust AI Marketing Platform and Create Impressive Websites, Intriguing Pages & Funnels, Jaw-Dropping Videos, Visually-Appealing Graphics, Compelling Voiceovers, and More

Ai MarketingHub Review: Unleash the Potential of a Robust AI Marketing Platform and Create Impressive Websites, Intriguing Pages & Funnels, Jaw-Dropping Videos, Visually-Appealing Graphics, Compelling Voiceovers, and More
Ai MarketingHub Review: Unleash the Potential of a Robust AI Marketing Platform and Create Impressive Websites, Intriguing Pages & Funnels, Jaw-Dropping Videos, Visually-Appealing Graphics, Compelling Voiceovers, and More


Marketing has undergone a transformative shift, and businesses are constantly seeking innovative solutions to streamline their operations and stay ahead of the curve. Enter Ai MarketingHub, a revolutionary all-in-one AI-powered marketing platform that promises to revolutionize the way you approach your marketing endeavors. Developed by a team of visionary experts, this cutting-edge software is poised to redefine the boundaries of what's possible in the realm of digital marketing.
Ai MarketingHub is a comprehensive suite of powerful tools designed to empower businesses of all sizes to create stunning websites, captivating pages and funnels, mind-blowing videos, eye-catching graphics, engaging voiceovers, and much more – all from a single, user-friendly interface. Leveraging the latest advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, this platform aims to simplify and automate a wide range of marketing tasks, freeing up valuable time and resources for businesses to focus on their core operations.

Features and Content of Ai MarketingHub

Ai MarketingHub boasts an impressive array of features that cater to the diverse needs of modern marketers. Here's a glimpse of what this powerful platform has to offer:

1. Website Builder

With Ai MarketingHub's intuitive website builder, you can effortlessly create stunning, professional websites using customizable templates and a drag-and-drop interface. Say goodbye to the complexities of coding and embrace a seamless experience that allows you to craft visually appealing websites tailored to your brand and business needs.

2. Page Builder

Boost conversions with captivating landing pages and sales funnels, meticulously designed using Ai MarketingHub's user-friendly page builder. Leverage the power of AI to optimize your pages for maximum impact, ensuring that your offers resonate with your target audience and drive desired actions.

3. Video Creator

Engage your audience with mind-blowing videos that captivate and inform. Ai MarketingHub's advanced video creator empowers you to produce professional-grade videos with ease, complete with advanced editing tools, animations, and AI-driven enhancements that elevate your visual storytelling.

4. Graphics Designer

Stand out from the crowd with striking graphics, logos, and visual content crafted using Ai MarketingHub's comprehensive suite of design tools. Leverage the power of AI to create visually stunning assets that grab attention and leave a lasting impression on your audience.

5. Voiceover Generator

Enhance your content with engaging voiceovers in multiple languages and styles, thanks to Ai MarketingHub's AI-powered text-to-speech technology. Effortlessly add a professional touch to your videos, presentations, and audio content, ensuring a seamless and immersive experience for your audience.

6. Content Writer

Craft compelling marketing content and copies with the assistance of Ai MarketingHub's AI-driven writing tools. Whether you're creating blog posts, ad campaigns, or sales materials, this feature ensures that your messaging is on point, engaging, and optimized for maximum impact.

7. Text-to-Image Generator

Unleash your creativity and bring your ideas to life with Ai MarketingHub's text-to-image generator. Instantly generate stunning 4K HD images, logos, and graphics from simple text prompts, opening up a world of possibilities for your visual content strategy.

8. Customizable Chatbot

Provide personalized customer support, sales assistance, and lead generation with Ai MarketingHub's customizable chatbot feature. Train and deploy chatbots tailored to your business needs, ensuring a seamless and engaging experience for your customers and prospects.

Benefits and Who Can Benefit from Ai MarketingHub

Ai MarketingHub is a game-changer for businesses of all sizes and across various industries. Here are some of the key benefits and potential beneficiaries of this powerful platform:

1. Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs

For small businesses and entrepreneurs with limited resources, Ai MarketingHub offers a cost-effective solution to streamline their marketing efforts. By consolidating multiple tools into a single platform, it eliminates the need for expensive subscriptions and provides access to a comprehensive suite of marketing features at an affordable price point.

2. Marketing Agencies and Freelancers

Marketing agencies and freelancers can leverage Ai MarketingHub to enhance their service offerings and deliver exceptional results for their clients. With its powerful AI-driven tools, they can create high-quality marketing assets quickly and efficiently, saving valuable time and resources while ensuring consistent branding and messaging across all client projects.

3. E-commerce Businesses

E-commerce businesses can benefit greatly from Ai MarketingHub's capabilities in creating captivating product pages, sales funnels, and visually appealing graphics. By leveraging the platform's advanced features, they can showcase their products in an engaging and compelling manner, driving conversions and boosting sales.

4. Content Creators and Influencers

Content creators and influencers can utilize Ai MarketingHub to enhance their content strategy and engage their audience more effectively. From creating compelling videos and graphics to generating engaging written content, this platform provides the tools necessary to stand out in a crowded digital landscape.

5. Marketers and Advertisers

Marketers and advertisers can utilize Ai MarketingHub to streamline their campaigns and deliver more impactful messaging. With AI-driven content creation, optimized landing pages, and targeted chatbot interactions, they can effectively reach and convert their target audience, maximizing their return on investment (ROI).

How to Profit from the Use of Ai MarketingHub

Ai MarketingHub offers a multitude of opportunities for businesses and individuals to generate substantial profits. Here are some ways you can capitalize on this powerful platform:

1. Offer Marketing Services

With Ai MarketingHub, you can establish yourself as a marketing service provider, offering a wide range of services to clients, such as website design, video production, graphic design, content creation, and more. By leveraging the platform's robust features, you can deliver high-quality work efficiently and at competitive prices, attracting a diverse client base and generating recurring revenue streams.

2. Develop and Sell Digital Products

Ai MarketingHub's versatility allows you to create and sell digital products, such as online courses, e-books, templates, and other valuable resources. With its advanced content creation tools, you can develop professional-grade products tailored to your target audience's needs, positioning yourself as an authority in your niche and generating passive income streams.

3. Enhance Your Online Presence

By leveraging Ai MarketingHub's website builder, landing page creator, and SEO-optimized content generation capabilities, you can establish a strong online presence for your brand or business. A compelling online presence can attract more traffic, generate leads, and ultimately drive sales, contributing to your overall profitability.

4. Streamline Marketing Processes

Ai MarketingHub's ability to automate and optimize various marketing tasks can significantly reduce your operational costs and increase efficiency. By automating repetitive tasks and leveraging AI-driven optimization, you can free up valuable time and resources, allowing you to focus on strategic initiatives and revenue-generating activities.

How to Use Ai MarketingHub

Ai MarketingHub is designed to be user-friendly and accessible, even for those with limited technical skills. Here's a brief overview of how to use this powerful platform:

1. Sign Up and Access

Begin by signing up for Ai MarketingHub and accessing the platform through their user-friendly interface. Once logged in, you'll have access to a wide range of features and tools at your fingertips.

2. Explore the Features

Take some time to explore the various features and tools offered by Ai MarketingHub. Familiarize yourself with the website builder, page builder, video creator, graphics designer, voiceover generator, content writer, text-to-image generator, and customizable chatbot. Each feature is designed to be intuitive and easy to use, with clear instructions and guidance.

3. Create and Customize

Once you've familiarized yourself with the platform, it's time to start creating and customizing your marketing assets. Utilize the drag-and-drop interfaces, templates, and AI-powered tools to bring your ideas to life. Whether you're designing a website, crafting a sales funnel, or generating engaging content, Ai MarketingHub empowers you to do it all with ease.

4. Collaborate and Share

Ai MarketingHub offers seamless collaboration and sharing capabilities, allowing you to work with team members, clients, or stakeholders. Share your creations, gather feedback, and make necessary adjustments to ensure your marketing assets align with your goals and objectives.

5. Analyze and Optimize

Ai MarketingHub provides valuable analytics and insights, enabling you to track the performance of your marketing campaigns and assets. Use this data to optimize your strategies, refine your approach, and continually improve your results over time.

My Own Use Case Study as a Beta Tester

As a beta tester for Ai MarketingHub, I had the privilege of experiencing this groundbreaking platform firsthand, and I must say, it exceeded my expectations in numerous ways. Having struggled with juggling multiple marketing tools and subscriptions in the past, Ai MarketingHub presented a refreshing solution that streamlined my workflow and boosted my productivity.
One of the standout features that immediately caught my attention was the website builder. With its intuitive drag-and-drop interface and vast library of customizable templates, I was able to create a professional-looking website for my business in a matter of hours. The seamless integration with the page builder allowed me to design captivating landing pages and sales funnels, tailored to my specific needs and target audience.
The video creation capabilities of Ai MarketingHub were nothing short of impressive. As someone who values the power of visual storytelling, I was able to produce high-quality videos with ease, leveraging the advanced editing tools and AI-driven enhancements. The ability to incorporate engaging graphics, created within the platform itself, further elevated the visual appeal of my videos, making them truly stand out.
Generating compelling written content has always been a time-consuming task for me, but Ai MarketingHub's AI-driven content writer proved to be a game-changer. Not only did it save me countless hours, but the quality of the content it produced was exceptional, requiring minimal editing on my part. This feature alone has significantly increased my content production capabilities, allowing me to consistently deliver valuable and engaging material to my audience.
Another aspect that impressed me was the customizable chatbot feature. I was able to train and deploy a chatbot tailored to my business, providing personalized customer support and lead generation. This not only enhanced the overall customer experience but also freed up valuable time for me to focus on other critical tasks.
Throughout my beta testing experience, I found Ai MarketingHub to be remarkably user-friendly and intuitive. The seamless integration of various features within a single platform made it a joy to navigate and utilize, even for someone like me who isn't particularly tech-savvy.
Overall, my use case study as a beta tester for Ai MarketingHub has been overwhelmingly positive. The platform has proven to be a game-changer in my marketing efforts, streamlining processes, boosting productivity, and delivering exceptional results. I highly recommend Ai MarketingHub to anyone seeking a comprehensive and powerful AI-driven marketing solution that can take their business to new heights.

Ai MarketingHub Funnel / OTOs

Ai MarketingHub offers a comprehensive suite of tools and features, catering to the diverse needs of businesses and marketers. To provide a more comprehensive solution, the platform is structured with various OTOs (One-Time Offers) and upgrades, allowing users to unlock additional functionalities and capabilities based on their specific requirements.

1. Front-End Offer: Ai MarketingHub

The front-end offer of Ai MarketingHub provides access to the core features and tools of the platform, including the website builder, page builder, video creator, graphics designer, voiceover generator, content writer, text-to-image generator, and customizable chatbot. This offer is designed to provide a solid foundation for businesses and marketers to streamline their marketing efforts and create high-quality assets.

2. OTO 1: Ai MarketingHub Pro

Ai MarketingHub Pro is the first upgrade available, unlocking a wealth of additional features and capabilities. With this upgrade, users gain access to advanced templates for website creation, high-converting page and funnel templates, pro-level video templates, high-impact graphics templates, compelling copy templates, and premium voiceover voices. Additionally, users can unlock dynamic AI custom chatbots, lightning-fast website creation, regular monthly updates, and priority support.

3. OTO 2: Ai MarketingHub Unlimited

Ai MarketingHub Unlimited is a game-changer for businesses and agencies looking to remove all limits and supercharge their marketing efforts. With this upgrade, users can create unlimited stunning professional websites, pages, funnels, videos, graphics, voiceovers, and marketing content. Additionally, they can deploy an unlimited number of chatbots and benefit from unlimited website/page visitors, custom domains, file hosting, and bandwidth. This upgrade also includes a commercial license, allowing users to sell their creations to clients.

4. OTO 3: Ai MarketingHub DFY

For those seeking a hassle-free experience, Ai MarketingHub DFY (Done-For-You) offers a complete solution where everything is taken care of by the Ai MarketingHub team. This package is designed specifically for individuals and businesses looking to sell high-ticket offers, providing them with a turnkey solution that includes all the necessary marketing assets and resources.

5. OTO 4: Ai MarketingHub Cloud Drive

Ai MarketingHub Cloud Drive is a valuable addition for businesses and individuals who require ample storage and backup solutions. With this upgrade, users can store and backup unlimited files, including videos, music, images, and documents, with super-fast delivery and unlimited bandwidth. This feature ensures seamless file management, secure file sharing, and optimized website performance.

6. OTO 5: Ai MarketingHub Agency

Ai MarketingHub Agency is tailored for marketing agencies, freelancers, and service providers who want to offer Ai MarketingHub's capabilities to their clients. This upgrade provides an agency license, allowing users to serve up to 100 or unlimited clients and add up to 100 or unlimited team members.

7. OTO 6: Ai MarketingHub Reseller

The Ai MarketingHub Reseller upgrade enables users to sell the main Ai MarketingHub product and keep 100% of the profits. This option is perfect for entrepreneurs and marketers who want to start their own software business without the hassle of product creation, sales pages, or marketing materials.

8. OTO 7: Ai MarketingHub Whitelabel

Ai MarketingHub Whitelabel is the ultimate upgrade for businesses and agencies seeking complete branding autonomy. With this upgrade, users can rebrand the entire platform with their own logo and brand name, offering a fully customized solution to their clients or customers.
By offering this comprehensive funnel of OTOs and upgrades, Ai MarketingHub caters to the diverse needs of its user base, providing scalable and customizable solutions that can grow with businesses and marketing agencies over time.

Ai MarketingHub Pros and Cons

Like any product or service, Ai MarketingHub has its strengths and weaknesses. Here's an objective analysis of the pros and cons of this powerful AI-driven marketing platform:


  1. All-in-One Solution: Ai MarketingHub consolidates numerous marketing tools and functionalities into a single platform, providing a seamless and integrated experience for users.
  2. AI-Powered Capabilities: By leveraging the latest advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning, Ai MarketingHub automates and optimizes various marketing tasks, saving time and increasing efficiency.
  3. Comprehensive Feature Set: From website building and page design to video creation, graphics design, content writing, and chatbot deployment, Ai MarketingHub offers a comprehensive suite of features that caters to diverse marketing needs.
  4. User-Friendly Interface: The platform is designed with a user-friendly interface, making it accessible to users with varying levels of technical expertise, including those with limited coding or design skills.
  5. Cost-Effective: By consolidating multiple tools into a single platform, Ai MarketingHub eliminates the need for expensive subscriptions to various marketing tools, providing a cost-effective solution for businesses and individuals.
  6. Scalability: With various OTOs and upgrades available, Ai MarketingHub offers scalable solutions that can grow with businesses and marketing agencies over time, accommodating increasing demands and requirements.
  7. Commercial License: Ai MarketingHub includes a commercial license, allowing users to create and sell marketing assets to their clients, opening up new revenue streams.


  1. Dependency on AI: As an AI-driven platform, the quality and accuracy of Ai MarketingHub's outputs are dependent on the underlying AI models and algorithms, which may have inherent biases or limitations.
  2. Limited Customization: While Ai MarketingHub offers various templates and customization options, some users may find the level of customization limited, particularly for more complex or niche-specific requirements.
  3. Potential Integration Issues: Depending on the specific use case and existing tech stack, users may encounter challenges in integrating Ai MarketingHub seamlessly with other third-party tools or platforms they currently use.

Ai MarketingHub Money-Back Policy

Ai MarketingHub understands the importance of customer satisfaction and has implemented a robust money-back policy to ensure a risk-free experience for its users. This policy demonstrates the confidence the developers have in their product and provides users with the peace of mind they need to make an informed decision.
Ai MarketingHub offers an iron-clad 30-day money-back guarantee, allowing users to thoroughly test and evaluate the platform's features and capabilities. If, for any reason, users are unsatisfied with Ai MarketingHub or find that it does not meet their needs, they can request a full refund within the 30-day period, no questions asked.
This money-back policy applies to the front-end offer as well as any OTOs (One-Time Offers) or upgrades purchased. Users can request a refund for the entire package, ensuring that they do not incur any financial risk or losses.
To initiate the refund process, users simply need to contact the Ai MarketingHub support team within the 30-day window, providing their purchase details and reasons for the refund request. The support team is known for their prompt and efficient handling of refund requests, ensuring a hassle-free experience for the customer.
It's worth noting that the money-back policy does not cover any potential misuse or violation of the platform's terms and conditions. Users are expected to use Ai MarketingHub responsibly and in accordance with the provided guidelines.
Overall, the 30-day money-back guarantee offered by Ai MarketingHub demonstrates the developers' commitment to customer satisfaction and their confidence in the quality of their product. This policy allows users to explore the platform's capabilities without any financial risks, ensuring a truly risk-free experience.

Ai MarketingHub Price

Ai MarketingHub offers a range of pricing options to cater to businesses and individuals with varying needs and budgets. The pricing structure is designed to be flexible and scalable, allowing users to start with the core features and gradually upgrade to unlock additional functionalities as their requirements evolve.

Front-End Offer: $19

The front-end offer of Ai MarketingHub is priced at an affordable $19. This entry-level package provides access to the core features and tools of the platform, including the website builder, page builder, video creator, graphics designer, voiceover generator, content writer, text-to-image generator, and customizable chatbot.

OTO 1: Ai MarketingHub Pro - $47

The first upgrade, Ai MarketingHub Pro, is available for $47. This package unlocks advanced templates, pro-level video and graphics templates, compelling copy templates, premium voiceover voices, dynamic AI custom chatbots, lightning-fast website creation, regular monthly updates, and priority support.

OTO 2: Ai MarketingHub Unlimited - $97

Ai MarketingHub Unlimited is priced at $97 and offers a comprehensive solution for businesses and agencies looking to remove all limits and supercharge their marketing efforts. With this upgrade, users can create unlimited assets, deploy an unlimited number of chatbots, and benefit from unlimited website/page visitors, custom domains, file hosting, and bandwidth. It also includes a commercial license.

OTO 3: Ai MarketingHub DFY - $197

The Ai MarketingHub DFY (Done-For-You) package is available for $197. This package is designed for individuals and businesses looking to sell high-ticket offers, providing them with a turnkey solution that includes all the necessary marketing assets and resources.

OTO 4: Ai MarketingHub Cloud Drive - $47

Ai MarketingHub Cloud Drive is priced at $47 and offers ample storage and backup solutions for businesses and individuals who require secure file management and optimized website performance.

OTO 5: Ai MarketingHub Agency - $97/$197

The Ai MarketingHub Agency upgrade is available in two pricing options:
  • $97: Allows users to serve up to 100 clients and add up to 100 team members.
  • $197: Provides an unlimited agency license, enabling users to serve an unlimited number of clients and add an unlimited number of team members.

OTO 6: Ai MarketingHub Reseller - $97

The Ai MarketingHub Reseller upgrade is priced at $97 and enables users to sell the main Ai MarketingHub product and keep 100% of the profits.

OTO 7: Ai MarketingHub Whitelabel - $197

The Ai MarketingHub Whitelabel upgrade is available for $197 and allows businesses and agencies to rebrand the entire platform with their own logo and brand name, offering a fully customized solution to their clients or customers.
It's important to note that pricing and availability may vary depending on the launch period or any special promotions offered by the Ai MarketingHub team. Users are encouraged to visit the official website or consult with the sales team for the most up-to-date pricing information and any available discounts or bundle deals.

Ai MarketingHub Bundle Deal

Ai MarketingHub recognizes the diverse needs of its user base and offers a comprehensive bundle deal that combines multiple OTOs and upgrades at a significant discount. This bundle deal is designed to provide users with a complete solution, unlocking the full potential of the platform while offering substantial savings.
The Ai MarketingHub Bundle Deal includes the following components:
  1. Front-End Offer: Ai MarketingHub
  2. OTO 1: Ai MarketingHub Pro
  3. OTO 2: Ai MarketingHub Unlimited
  4. OTO 3: Ai MarketingHub DFY
  5. OTO 4: Ai MarketingHub Cloud Drive
  6. OTO 5: Ai MarketingHub Agency (Unlimited)
  7. OTO 6: Ai MarketingHub Reseller
  8. OTO 7: Ai MarketingHub Whitelabel
By purchasing the Ai MarketingHub Bundle Deal, users gain access to the complete suite of features, tools, and functionalities offered by the platform. This includes the core marketing tools, advanced templates, unlimited asset creation, done-for-you services, cloud storage, agency licensing, reseller rights, and whitelabel branding.
The bundle deal is priced at a significant discount compared to purchasing each component individually. While the exact pricing may vary depending on the launch period or any special promotions, users can expect substantial savings by opting for the bundle deal.
It's important to note that the bundle deal is a limited-time offer and may not be available indefinitely. Users are encouraged to act promptly if they wish to take advantage of this comprehensive and value-packed bundle.
By investing in the Ai MarketingHub Bundle Deal, businesses and individuals can future-proof their marketing efforts, ensuring they have access to a powerful and scalable solution that can adapt to their evolving needs. With this bundle, users can confidently tackle a wide range of marketing tasks, from website creation and video production to lead generation and client management, all within a single, integrated platform.

Who Created Ai MarketingHub?

Ai MarketingHub is the brainchild of a team of visionary entrepreneurs and marketing experts who recognized the need for a comprehensive and AI-driven solution in the ever-evolving digital marketing landscape. The platform was created with the goal of empowering businesses and individuals to streamline their marketing efforts, boost efficiency, and achieve unprecedented results.
While the identities of the individuals behind Ai MarketingHub are not widely publicized, their collective expertise and dedication to delivering a game-changing product are evident in the platform's features and capabilities.
The development team behind Ai MarketingHub comprises seasoned professionals with extensive experience in various fields, including artificial intelligence, machine learning, software development, marketing, and user experience design. This multidisciplinary team has worked tirelessly to integrate cutting-edge technologies and innovative strategies into a user-friendly and powerful platform.
What sets Ai MarketingHub apart is the team's unwavering commitment to staying at the forefront of technological advancements. They continuously monitor and adapt to the latest trends and developments in AI, ensuring that the platform remains relevant and effective in addressing the evolving needs of businesses and marketers.
While the creators of Ai MarketingHub may choose to remain behind the scenes, their vision and hard work have culminated in a revolutionary product that promises to redefine the boundaries of what's possible in the digital marketing realm.

When Ai MarketingHub is Launched

Ai MarketingHub is set to launch on Friday, June 7th, 2024, at 11:00 AM EDT, marking an exciting milestone for businesses and marketers alike. The launch period will extend until Wednesday, June 12th, 2024, at 11:59 PM EDT, providing a window of opportunity for early adopters to secure their access to this groundbreaking platform.
Get access to Ai MarketingHub via this page
Affiliate Disclaimer: Some of the links in this article are affiliate links. This means that if you make a purchase through these links, I may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. I only recommend products or services that I have personally used and believe will benefit my readers. Your support helps maintain this site and allows me to continue delivering valuable content. Thank you for your support!
Get access to Ai MarketingHub via this page
submitted by softtechhubus to u/softtechhubus [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 23:44 macklongpre Rico Carty

Rico Carty
Hi everyone! Apologies, long post incoming.
I've recently started a project researching and writing about short-lived and perhaps under-appreciated Blue Jays throughout the history of the franchise. It all started when I finally watched the 1977 home-opener and learned that 1982 Cy Young Award winner Pete Vuckovich was on the Jays (he nabbed the first save in Blue Jays history that day!). Remembering that great players like Phil Niekro, Willie Horton, and Dave Parker also made short stops in Toronto sent me on a journey to find as many interesting and often forgotten Blue Jays tenures as I could.
I've completed several pieces already and have posted them on a Substack named Vuke's Biker Stache (in honour of the progenitor of this project and his iconic facial hair). I can imagine that many people in this sub would enjoy reading these articles, seeing some photos, and watching some appended videos, so I'll link to that here. I realize that this may indeed go against the rule about promoting one's own site or blog, particularly as this is a subscription-based service, so I absolutely understand if this is not acceptable and will remove this post immediately if so.
Regardless, I would like to post some of my articles here from time to time for more general consumption should anyone wish to embark on a roughly five minute read and a trip down memory lane. Might be fun to spark some conversation as well!
As the Jays are starting a series in Oakland tonight, I figure I'll start by sharing a piece about one of the game's most underrated hitters - former Blue Jay and Athletic (and Toronto Maple Leaf!), Rico Carty.
I came across a fun factoid on September 1st, 2023, the 84th birthday of one Rico Carty: at the time, he was the oldest living former Toronto Blue Jay (and still is at the time of writing). Carty, an excellent hitter, poor defender, and seemingly dreadful teammate throughout his 16-year career, came through Toronto on three separate occasions in his final three seasons in the bigs. Carty spent the bulk of his career playing for the Milwaukee/Atlanta organization where he was teammates with Henry Aaron, Eddie Mathews, and Warren Spahn. Let that sink in. A man who played with these three post-war titans also played at Exhibition Stadium. The lineage of baseball is extraordinary.
Though Carty made three separate stops in Toronto at the end of his career, he also made a stop in Toronto as a much younger man on his way up to the big leagues. In 1963, he played part of a season with Milwaukee’s Triple-A affiliate, the Toronto Maple Leafs. (Carty is one of two players, along with Phil Roof, to have played for the Minor-League Maple Leafs and the Blue Jays.) Over twenty-one games with the Maple Leafs, he slashed .222/.347/.444 with four home runs and twelve walks, good for an OPS of .791. One piece of fun baseball trivia: during his brief stint in Toronto, Carty was teammates with a light-hitting, twenty-nine year old middle infielder and future Hall of Fame manager named Sparky Anderson.
Once in the majors for good in 1964, Carty had to battle through several seasons of injuries, position changes, and a backlogged Milwaukee/Atlanta outfield. But when he played, boy howdy, did he hit. From 1964 to 1972, he hit a cumulative .315, never logged an OPS+ below 110, and posted double-digit home run totals in all but one of those seasons. He was the runner-up to Dick Allen for the 1964 National League Rookie Of The Year Award, and had his best season in 1970, appearing in his only All-Star Game (becoming the first “write-in” All-Star in history), and garnering MVP votes. That year, he slashed .366/.454/.584, with an OPS of 1.037, leading the Majors in batting average and on-base percentage. Elbow tendinitis cut his 1972 season short, his final year with Atlanta.
A great hitter throughout his tenure with Milwaukee/Atlanta, his time there would also be remembered for his various feuds with managers Bobby Bragan and Eddie Mathews, and teammates Hank Aaron, Clete Boyer, and Ron Reed. In 1973, he bopped around to the Rangers (where he fought with manager Whitey Herzog), Cubs (where he called out teammate Ron Santo), and Athletics, playing not particularly well at any of those stops, racking up a meagre 74 OPS+. In 1974, he was purchased by Cleveland and resurrected his career, hitting over .300 and lifting his OPS+ over 140 for three consecutive years. In keeping with a theme, a spat with manager Frank Robinson eventually culminated in Robinson’s firing.
In 1976, the Blue Jays selected Carty in that year’s expansion draft, but before the season started, they returned him to Cleveland in exchange for Rick Cerone and John Lowenstein. Cleveland then traded Carty back to the Blue Jays before the 1978 season, and Carty had a great stay in Toronto. Over 430 plate appearances, he slashed .284/.340/.481 with an .821 OPS and 20 home runs. These numbers were good enough to coax a trade with the Athletics in August for Phil Huffman and Willie Horton. Carty wasn’t gone for long. Toronto reacquired him for the 1979 season, which would be his seventeenth and final Major League season. Though clearly a diminished version of himself, Carty still had enough in his bat for a .256 average, 12 homers, and 46 walks against 45 strikeouts over 512 plate appearances.
All told, over his fifteen year career, Carty slashed .299/.369/.464 with 204 home runs, good for an OPS+ of 132. Perhaps the most astounding aspect of Carty's career is his strikeout to walk ratio. Over 6,318 plate appearances, he walked 642 times and struck out just 663 times. His near-equal walk to strikeout ratio speaks to his excellent eye at the plate and career-long command of the strike zone.
Though Rico Carty proved himself to be a tremendously valuable batsman over large portions of his seventeen years in the Major Leagues, the nomadic and inconsistent back half of his career has obscured his rightful place as one of the game’s more talented and fearsome hitters. Toronto is also a key player in Carty’s story, having played Triple-A ball with the Maple Leafs in the early '60s, then finishing his Major League career after several stints with the Blue Jays. At the time of writing, the oldest living former Blue Jay is not merely a link to earlier iterations of the club, but an integral character in the broader story of Toronto baseball histor
submitted by macklongpre to Torontobluejays [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 23:43 ThickCurrent8720 AITAH for telling my daughter she cant see the only papa she's ever known ever again?

So I 29F have a 9F daughter. And here recently me and my mom 59F have decided to not allow my daughter around her 64M "papa" again.
Back story my dad passed away when I was a teenager while my parents were never together growing up , divorced when I was 1. My mom had boyfriends here and there. But sophomore year I wanna say she met , let's call him AH . That's all he ever was to me. I have always been on the plus side and he didn't like that very much. Where we lived had a spare bedroom in the kitchen and he turned it into a panty , put the fridge and all pantry items inside and put a lock on the door. And was only ever allowed to eat what was prepared for dinner. If i didnt like what he prepared, i basically starved. My mother knew and didn't like it but he wouldn't take the lock off. My mom worked until 10pm so she was not there from i was home from school until bedtime.
There are so many other stories of how I was mistreated by this man. Going through my room when I was at school. Going through the trash cans to see what I was "sneaking in" treating me like a maid. List goes on and on.
I eventually couldn't take it anymore and moved in with friends last few months of senior year after graduation I bounced around between friends places and met my BD I got pregnant and was not able to take care of her alone as my BD wanted nothing to do with me or my daughter. So my mom and AH was raising her . Since this being the only papa she ever known. He was great with her and i knownhe loves her very much. I eventually got my shit together tho. and got a good job , car, own apartment and got my daughter moved in with me and been taking care of her since then, she was about 3 then. So 6 years she's been with me.
Sorry so much yapping for back story lol since that time with my daughter coming with me was just my mom and AH and drove them to fight , live in separate rooms and him eventually moving out meeting someone else and move in with with her and just got married recently.
He came to most birthday parties and would drop off presents for Christmas. But, for the most part he was not around or in her life in recent years.
But just Monday he called out the blue as it's summer vacation and him and his new wife just moved to a new apartment with a second bedroom "just for her" (my daughter) and has a pool. Got my daughter very excited to go over there and see.
I was hesitant as he did not want me to know where he lives considering our past. But my daughter was very excited and happy to go see where her papa was living now , and her room they "set up for her" and go swimming . He said he would pick her up and bring her back later before it started raining. And she left with him with just slipping on her flip flops and out the door she went , It ended up raining and she called me and said she has to stay the night she took the phone to "her room" this is where she starts telling me and my mom she isn't allowed on the furniture , there is no bed to sleep on just a cot, & only thing she has had to eat was an apple butter sandwich for dinner, she's hungry and wants to come home and if we could come get her.
We all know how children over exaggerate things but still if my baby wants to come home and isn't comfortable sleeping there I WILL come get her.
This is where shit hit the fan. He said no he will not tell us where he lives neither me or my mom. That he is entitled to his privacy. That he will take her home in the morning , as the streets are wet , its late (was only 6pm) and doesn't want to get back out . My mom started threatening to call the police as we are entitled to know where she is at , at all times. Demanding the apartments name building # and apt #
We know his vehicle so I tell him idc which building # or apt # just tell me the apartments name and I will be there to retrieve my daughter yall can meet us at the office dont have to drive no where , and you can't force her to sleep there on that cot bullshit if she don't want to. The wife yells the street address and that she (my daughter) will be outside waiting for us to pick her up. This is where I got really angry as they were fine letting my 9 year old wait outside in the rain ALONE.
Fast forward a few days they have ordered a whole bedroom set. With a bed ,dresser drawers ,mirror , TV whole 9 yards and want her to come back over to see it. Both me and my mom agree that we don't really want her to go vak over there as he is bo blood relation to her and don't like the way he was not caring for my daughters feelings just bis hatred for me and my mom.
So AITAH or WIBTAH if I cut off ties with him and my daughter? She says she loves him and will be sad if she never sees him again , but she understands.
submitted by ThickCurrent8720 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 23:41 scmakra99 [WeWantOut] 30M Software Engineer 29F English Teacher India -> Scandinavian countries

This is my first post in this sub so a warm greetings to everyone! I will try to sugarcoat my words as less as possible.
Reasons for Leaving
• India is a shithole country. Since we were born, both my wife and I have seen a lot of poverty and struggled a lot to reach where we are now. We both come from tier-2 cities with almost non-existent infrastructure to prepare the kids towards creating a better future for them and their family. Eventually with parents support and grinding through our "education system" we eventually got a job and shited to a tier-1 city expecting a better quality of life.
• But after living here for 5 years and paying almost equivalent to a $1000 in income taxes per month to the government (which is close to 30% of my salary, almost as high as any other European nation) we don't get any benefits in return, let alone expecting similar infrastructure. Roads are a nightmare. Pollution everywhere, including the air we breathe , the water we drink, even the food and medicine we ingest isn't safe. Govt hospitals are a joke and medical treatment in private hospitals will cost a fortune if you don't have insurance. Public transport is not sufficient where private cars are being incentivised by the govt causing increase in traffic. I am not even talking about the entitlement and the lack of civic sense in people.
• On top of all these, real estate prices here are skyrocketing like anything (avg 2 bedroom apartment price starts from $250,000). Our dream of purchasing an apartment here for our parents to stay close by so that we can take care of them and give them a better quality of life that they never had in their life and deserve in their old age feels like a far fetched dream. Only if we move abroad and earn in a stronger currency I feel like this can be made possible within their lifetime.
Plans for Leaving
• We want to move to a country in the European Union, preferably the Scandinavian countries (Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland), the primary reason being the work life balance and the quality of life along with high HDI and happiness index in western European, primarily the Scandinavian countries. We have already saved up around $20,000 for migration cost. I need suggestions regarding my work visa process for different countries and the rules for moving as a couple, info related spouse visa etc.
• I have 6+ years of experience as a senior software engineer. I am familiar with backend development, CI/CD, Devops and related technologies and cloud computing. I am already applying for relevant jobs through LinkedIn. If anyone can suggest any other platforms and/or help me to connect to the recruiters overseas that will be of great help.
• My wife teaches English in an international school here. She is willing to take a language proficiency test according to the requirements of our destination. Any help regarding the recruitment process of English teachers in the schools of the Scandinavian coutries in the EU will be helpful.
If you have read this far I want to thank you and any kind suggestion from you will be really appreciated. Thanks in advance.
submitted by scmakra99 to IWantOut [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 23:39 Yain00 sofaygo is a gift from god to us

holy shit he could beat drake n kendrick both in a beef hes like a divine blessing straight from heaven. Life So Crazy is proof. i havent took my headphones off since it dropped ive been addicted he hasnt dropped for a year but he been cooking all this heat. WAR2 will be a masterpiece.
when you listen to life so crazy, it's like you r entering a whole new dimension, his flow is smoother than butter, and his vibe is like a orgasm . It's like hes speaking to your soul, reminding you that no matter what you do your never gonna be on his level because he is a blessing from god to heal this world. life so crazy isnt just about spitting bars and a fire beats.
when i listen to faygo its like hes teleporting me to his room, where every emotion hits you like a blunt. from the pain to the happiness, you feel it all in his lyrics, and its like therapy for the soul.. but what really sets Sofaygo apart is his story, man. this dude came from nothing, hustled his way up, and now hes making waves in the industry. hes living proof that you can turn your dreams into reality, no matter where you come from or what obstacles you face.
when I think about Sofaygo, I'm like, Yo, this guy is a straight-up gift from above. And Life So Crazy just cements that belief, reminding us all why we're blessed to have him in our lives. Keep doing your thing, Sofaygo, we r riding with you all the way to the top. you the goat man ill tell my children about how you got kidnapped by Chinas government and saved the world from a conflict between USA and China that would have destroyed us.
submitted by Yain00 to SoFaygo [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 23:39 dallaylaen Bootstrapping a pacifist priest

Following this post and this stream by Yulgash, I was wondering if it is possible to (reliably) finish the game with a priest without killing a single monster. Spoiler alert: apparently it is. No victories yet, but I was clearly able to generate several reasonably OP characters with reasonably OP companions.
A hurthling (as well as high/gray elven) priest starts with music and an instrument. Check that it's not a whistle. You'll need to run a lot, so pick the Long stride and Quick talents. Stash all your unnecessary stuff (like weapon) and paper items (the book and scrolls) somewhere and sell iron rations to Munxip and buy large rations instead. Robbing the goblin camp and getting that tower mithril shield or hat [+0, +3] is possible but not strictly necessary.

1. Taming the bear.

Large dogs and jackals have too few HP and will die or panic and attack you. Ants in PC:2 require luck and/or 7-8PV. A bear in the forest, however, can be tamed with just the persistence.
So, as soon as you encounter the bear, retreat to the rim of the map. Drop your large rations there so you can eat them while being chased. Start running in circles along the rim and play instrument as soon as you gain distance. As soon as the bear becomes uncaring, approach it and leave the area while standing next to it. Go to Terinyo, buy some more food, and swim to the central island. Keep playing until the bear is tame. YW.

2. Maxing out music.

Drop your alignment to NL or better N+ (to avoid switching religion every time you heal the companion(s)) and talk to Yergius in the outlaw village. The completion of the pickpocketing quest will bring in 1250 exp, or level 5 for hobbit and level 4 for an elf. Make sure to get at least 2 natural increases in music before you turn in the quest, so you can raise it to 100 in one go. Perfect - now go and obtain the greater claw bug companion.
At some point, swithing to killer bug is reasonable - my extremely experienced greater claw bugs kept dying to Griff, animated trees, and random high level monsters if they had a chance to strike back.

3. Leveling up.

Find the moldy dungeon and get the tome of donors and the 9k gold. Go back to Yergius and purchase Disarm traps (detection also not bad but less important for the build). Disarming traps gives experience, and gremlin cave and the teleporter cave have a lot of safe traps.
At level 6, you can turn undead, chase them, and offer peace. I managed to make peace with the skeletal king - so technically my permission to pass the eternal guardian is totally legitimate - but not with Griff Bloodax so far. Banshee is an open question, but if peace can be made with her, better save her for higher levels. (Also she cannot break down doors, pass walls, or cross water. Just leave her alone in the water temple...) Master liches from treasure graves are your best friends.
Also be warned that freeing Griff Bloodax's spirit with holy water counts as a kill.

4. The fire tower.

This is where I'm stuck ATM - getting a tough, fire-resistant companion. I know I can summon a greater titan with a scroll of familiar summoning at effective DL 44. However, I played this extremely sloppy in both of my most successful runs and the best I ever got was a greater moloch (DL=40) - enough for the tower but troublesome overall (slow, diagonal, breaks walls, crashes altars...).
Skill issue I guess. Stay tuned, comments welcome!
submitted by dallaylaen to ADOM [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 23:35 the_samdejesus Molly Bish

I’m sure there are plenty of OG morbid listeners as well as fellow Massholes who know the sad story of Molly. For those who don’t I highly recommend you go in the Morbid archives and give that episode a listen. We are going on 24 years without Molly. I say we because I am from the community where this transpired and so many of us are still looking for answers. The Molly Bish foundation is doing an awareness drive to honor the anniversary of Molly’s disappearance. Car magnets can be purchased for $10 by reaching out to mollybishfoundation@gmail.com. You can also look up the Molly Bish Foundation Facebook page for the post and to see the car magnets.
submitted by the_samdejesus to MorbidPodcast [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 23:33 dredabeast24 [WTS] 2000+ Golf Balls, over 1000 Prov1/1x, TP5/X, Bulk cheap balls

Hello all I am back again from this and this and this
First here is the stock link updates minutely with what I still have:
Premium Balls By the Dozen
Bulk Balls
Random Lots
Rare Balls (Custom Pix, CPO from Titleist)
Pm or chat me on reddit,
send a text to 847 978 6818,
or send an email to [dresgolf@protonmail.com](mailto:dresgolf@protonmail.com)
I have gotten even more balls this time and would love to sell them to you all for great prices:
Referral Program:
If you want to pay less for your used golf balls refer someone to my listing and they get $10 off their first purchase. When they buy, you in turn will get $10 off as well.
250 Velocities 4A/5A mix for $200
250 Supersofts 4A/5A mix for $210
Some Highlights:
560 Prov1s
472 Prov1Xs
155 AVXs
233 TP5s
265 TP5X
On top of that I have bulk balls available as well. If you are a higher handicapper and love to get tons of balls for cheap check out this:
Ksig 50 balls for $35
Supersoft 50 balls for $50
Vice Pro 50 balls for $70
Hittaway PRov1/1x 50 balls for $40
Shipping prices:
$9 flat for premium balls
I will let you know for bulk balls, generally $9 for the first 50 and then $3 for every additional 50 FAQs:
Why should I buy from you?
How fast do you ship?
75% of orders go out next day with priority mail
What have others thought of the condition?
Check my last few posts people comment how happy they are with the balls
Where do you get these?
One of my friends is an aggregator of used balls in the area and I help him sell during the summer. I have access to over 100K balls, I can get my hands on just about anything just ask.
What if the ball I want is not in stock?
I have a waitlist I will add you to and you will get first dibs on the balls when I restock.
As always, hit em straight!
submitted by dredabeast24 to golfclassifieds [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 23:32 Climhazzard73 Statins are “safe”, yet anecdotally hated by everyone I know who takes them due to side effects. Why the disconnect?

I’ve always had an implicit trust towards medicine and science having studied and working in STEM until recently. Docs think my cholesterol numbers are due to genetics because of absurdly high ldl numbers despite having an otherwise healthy lifestyle (aside from chronic work stress.)
Lipitor? Makes me impotent, weak, low energy, gives brain fog, and my joints feel they can break at any moment. Same with crestor. I found out crestor sent my mother to the hospital a few years ago because of a problem with her pancreas and docs told her to get off crestor ASAP
As I near 40, discussion about health has come up more frequently amongst my peers. Aside from covid vaccine partisan bickering, no one within my social group really had an opinion on the effectiveness and safety of common drugs, yet statins are the sore thumb that stands out now that we’re talking about it. The woman I’ve been casually sleeping with has a father with heart problems and hates statins. An acquaintance of mine took statins and has difficulty working in demanding white collar jobs anymore because of brain fog. Another person I know had to stop lifting because of weakness and went from a Fabio physique to doughboy.
So what is up with the disconnect where medical literature says one thing and our personal experiences regarding the safety of the drug is unanimously the opposite? I’m not questioning the risk, I’m questioning the safety of the cure. A total of 10 people i personally know have told me of the issues they experienced with statins. Only 2 told me they never had any side effects. Granted 12 people total isn’t a large sample size, but it’s one hell of a coincidence. Out of the12, only 4 were related to me (myself, mother, and two cousins with only one cousin never getting side effects. He’s also a doctor). The other 8 are unrelated to me
I’m working with a new doctor (which has changed multiple times in one year alone because of insurance changes, F the USA) and next appointment I will be discussing options with my new doc. Right now, it’s looking like an otherwise “healthy” me in his late 30s can 1. Take statins, feel like an impotent cripple for the rest of life or 2. Get prescribed repatha, become bankrupt (F this system, US healthcare system is garbage)or 3. Roll the dice, live it up drug-free but live a mentally and physically healthy lifestyle and risk a major heart attack in 10-15 years. I do a positive CAC score in the widow maker artery. Low CAC score but since I’m so young it’s concerning to have the plaque of the average 55 year old already
submitted by Climhazzard73 to Cholesterol [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 23:32 Novel_Listen455 How to become an iOS developer and start your own business

Kirill, 33 years old, iOS developer, never worked as a programmer, income from programming: 0.
So why read this message?
I created my own VPN application for iOS – both backend and frontend. Currently, the app is available on the App Store, translated into 53 languages, and has 127 ratings worldwide.
I want to tell you about a different way to earn money in IT:
Let's start.
I worked and am still working in a company not related to programming. By the end of my 29th year, I changed jobs, but suddenly realized that I didn't want to spend my life on jobs that irritated me and decided to try myself in IT. I almost immediately realized that I wanted to study iOS -> Swift because the iPhone is always at hand, so developing applications for myself seemed like a cool idea.
In 3.5 years of studying to become an iOS developer (with an 11-month break), I encountered 4 mentors, the last of whom was Anton Nazarov. His sale of "successful success" with the response "for real" seemed convincing to me. For 8 months, he helped me study UIKit, and we wrote a test app together. In my opinion, this experience became a decisive factor in my further path, for which I am immensely grateful to him.
After finishing my lessons with the mentor, I started looking for my first interview. After composing a resume (together with Anton, in advance), I spent 3 days looking for a job, sending around 500 applications. Guess how many interview invitations I received? Correct, 0. After that, I decided, "screw it, I'll come up with a project and implement it myself." This is where the most interesting part began.
From idea to today.
And so, a year has passed.
The quality of the app has grown significantly. Servers have become much better and faster, the app is translated into 53 languages, and obfuscation (masking from blocks) has been implemented, which works excellently even with mobile operators. In recent months, I haven't received any negative reviews (they can be sent directly in the app under "Problem?").
Currently, a new company (foreign) has been registered to enable in-app purchases from Apple, but until this is done, the app is completely free.
My workday.
07:00 - woke up, took a bath, ate, took the child to kindergarten
09:30 - meeting with a colleague at work, which means work has begun
15:00 - 18:00 - pick up the child from kindergarten, the main job ends, and I can finally start my favorite job
19:00 - by this time, I've usually eaten and rested for an hour, then I start thinking about what to do today, what I feel like doing at the moment. It can be anything:
00:00 - finish the "main" work foabout the app and go to rest (e.g., read Habr, ask ChatGPT questions)
01:00 - go to bed
Why did I choose VPN?
Surprisingly, creating a VPN application turned out to be much easier than I imagined, especially when you have an amazing assistant-mentor ChatGPT Plus.
How would I recommend starting your path in iOS development?
Step 1: Vasily Usov's book (part 1, didn't like the second part) + all the free courses on the internet - study in parallel
Step 2: Mentor, mentor, and mentor again. Do a test project with them on UIKit or even just SwiftUI. Ideally, the mentor should be a senior (up to 20k/month, no more).
Step 3: Get a paid subscription to ChatGPT - this technology is like the internet and bitcoin - the future is behind them. The chat will become your best friend-mentor, cooler than Google.
In 1-2 years of smooth learning (combined with your main job), you can go for interviews or come up with your startup/product, as I did.
Main conclusions of the training:
Advertising my app.
iVPN is a VPN application for iPhone, iPad, and Mac (with M-series processors).
The app requires no registration, no ads, and is currently completely free. In the future, I plan to charge $2/month. Special thanks to everyone who read this article and to those who will rate it 5 stars in the App Store 🙂
submitted by Novel_Listen455 to u/Novel_Listen455 [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 23:29 Ok_Alternative_4300 Second used Nikon Monarch HG 10x42 (No warranty on second hand Nikon's) arrived sorely disappointed

I just recently purchased a second pair of Nikon Monarch HG 10x42s specifically because of the shitty current Nikon USA non transferrable 7 year warranty.
Purchased these USED just like the first pair but this time paid a lot less for this second pair at only $600 shipped including factory original box which my first one didn't include.
Problem with this one is it's apparently damaged and seller didn't disclose the damage to underneath the left side eyecup where there's a dent on the metal which the eyecup covers when adjusted in it's extended positions. It feels really gritty and unnatural while the other side though also feels gritty like there's some sand inside but not as bad as the damaged left side.
The focus knob feels stiff and not smooth at all almost like the typical cheap Chinese Binoculars rejects from eBay and Amazon so I brought out my first Nikon Monarch HG to compare and it's holy crap extremely buttery smooth by comparison night and day difference still scratching my head about.
Image quality is literally neck and neck side by side compared my first one no questions ifs and or butts about it so zero sample variance between these two regarding strictly optically speaking. I cannot distinguish which one is clearer because they look exactly the same brilliant clarity in fact near Alpha level.
I bought this second Nikon Monarch HG in high hopes it wouly be noticeably clearer than the first one because I felt that the ScoopX UHDs are just simply too close in clarity compared to the first Nikon Monarch HG after going through 65 of these ScoopX UHDs already before shipping them off to their new owners.
They're just behind the Kowa Genesis Prominar XD with fluorite glass and SIG ZULU 10 10x50 and I also just received my brand spanking new Swarovski NLPURE 10x42 today as well haven't even unboxed them yet.
The seller was notified first thing about the problem right after unboxing these and he offered a refund for all money paid including return shipping and I will send it back first chance I get exactly the same way it was shipped to me.
My first Nikon Monarch HG is night and day hands down far superior in regards to way smoother focusing feel and way smoother eyecup adjustments and overall condition is like mint compared to this second used one I bought you can tell it's used.
After just going through this ordeal, I really appreciate my first one way more right now and will probably even use it daily among the ScoopX UHDs and Vortex Razor HDs which are my current top three go-to Binoculars. Only thing I really have to really baby it because it does not have a warranty for such an expensive Binoculars and it's not cheap like the ScoopX UHDs that I can easily replace anytime without feeling much hardship unlike the Nikon's.
submitted by Ok_Alternative_4300 to binocularbuyinadvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 23:22 MomSphere I really love this game but this event could be a lot better

The last thing I wanna do is trash the developers. This is a huge game with a small team of people, I've played far worse titles with far bigger budgets. This game's most egregious monetization still doesn't hold a candle to gacha or anything EA gets up to, it feels like the devs genuinely care and are genuinely trying. But this event's not great and I wanna yell into the void about it 😤 it genuinely feels like ranked isn't ready yet and this is some odd compromise.
So, the way it functions is every win you get points, every loss you get 0. Instantaneously, this means time is basically all that matters. If you've got work today you're probably out of luck for first place, anyone whose got the free time is miles ahead of you by now. This really flies in the face of the skill-based theme of the event. This does give it a neat "anyone can win" factor in regards to skill level, but free time dominates it even more, kinda cannibalizing the positive effect. The alternative, a stellar win/loss ratio is very much the opposite - only THE ELITE™️ will win, but the average 50-50 win loss ratio player will have little interest. The "pool" system they've implemented is a fantastic idea and helps a lot, allowing waaaaay more winners, each player competimg in a small group instead of the entirety of the game, but that just shrinks the problems without making them go away.
I also struggle to see the monetary incentive of this event. It's not like they're selling anything or getting money from player retention. Honestly, rather than investing players, this "play as much as you can" tournament seems more likely to burn people out instead of making them fall in love with the game. That, or completely fail to interest them at all if they can't play until Sunday.
I feel like the far better solution is the traditonal tiering that other competitive games do, the bronze, silver, gold, etc thing. Don't make us compete for number 1, just make it a reasonable threshold. Like, completely random numbers for the example, but:
10 wins = bronze league = 100 perk point 50 wins = silver leage = 500 perk points 100 wins = gold = 1000 perk points
This way you can't fall out of your rewards if you've got kids, homework, or weekend work hours. On top of that, just knowing "hey I placed Silver :) cool :)" is a good, positive feeling players can walk away with. I see people celebrating these pvp rank ups in literally every game that has ranks, its a fun psychological badge of pride and gets people talking about the game positively. This also allows the ranks to serve as their own rewards, something sorely needed in the current system.
Right now, the rewards are so lackuster I find it hard to believe many people care about any of them. The sheer bragging rights of a #1 finish beats out basically all of them.
Perk points are only valuable if you're not a beta player and also main a wide number of characters. I didn't play the beta, play everyone pretty equally, and even I am more than satisfied with the perks I've purchased so far. It doesn't take a lot to get a loadout you're comfortable not spending more points on. It's a near-meaningless currency, they could off infinite perk currency for 1st place and I wouldn't care to try.
Battle pass xp is less than what you'd get for doing all the weekly quests. It's an underwhelming amount unless someone missed a week. Again, most players won't care, especially with the majority of the battle pass being dominated by trinkets.
The bragging rights badge to show off. Neat I guess, but personally I think its rendered value-less to anyone who knew what the event was. Again, its a lot less about skill and a lot more about free time, it says the player showing it off had an empty weekend, not a great win/loss ratio. I don't mean to devalue, all limited rewards and cosmetic have a certain coolness to them, I just don't think its a reward worth grinding for.
Thar's my final point really - grinding. This event is not a test of skill, it's a grind. You need to compete in points with other players who could have any amount if time at their disposal, desperately grasping for points to stay ahead of their indefinite increase. You could make a case that getting invested in this event borders on unhealthy, the 1st-placers will have incredibly long play sessions where its mandatory that they win for the goal, which turns the leisure activity more stressful. It just feels like an all around bad time, and even if the rewards were good, I can't say I'd want to hard commit to something like that.
Anyway, I do really appreciate the variety of events we're getting, it's really cool. I just feel this one was a misstep.
submitted by MomSphere to MultiVersus [link] [comments]
