Va form 21-534 fillable

bunaseara scuzati deranjul ma ajutati va rog cu asta va rog mersi

2024.06.08 22:33 LostAd5847 bunaseara scuzati deranjul ma ajutati va rog cu asta va rog mersi

submitted by LostAd5847 to ChestionareRO [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:25 LostAd5847 bunaseara scuzati deranjul ma ajutati va rog cu asta va rog mersi

submitted by LostAd5847 to UniRO [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:32 fpgaminer The Gory Details of Finetuning SDXL for 30M samples

There's lots of details on how to train SDXL loras, but details on how the big SDXL finetunes were trained is scarce to say the least. I recently released a big SDXL finetune. 1.5M images, 30M training samples, 5 days on an 8xH100. So, I'm sharing all the training details here to help the community.

Finetuning SDXL

bigASP was trained on about 1,440,000 photos, all with resolutions larger than their respective aspect ratio bucket. Each image is about 1MB on disk, making the dataset about 1TB per million images.
Every image goes through: a quality model to rate it from 0 to 9; JoyTag to tag it; OWLv2 with the prompt "a watermark" to detect watermarks in the images. I found OWLv2 to perform better than even a finetuned vision model, and it has the added benefit of providing bounding boxes for the watermarks. Accuracy is about 92%. While it wasn't done for this version, it's possible in the future that the bounding boxes could be used to do "loss masking" during training, which basically hides the watermarks from SD. For now, if a watermark is detect, a "watermark" tag is included in the training prompt.
Images with a score of 0 are dropped entirely. I did a lot of work specifically training the scoring model to put certain images down in this score bracket. You'd be surprised at how much junk comes through in datasets, and even a hint of them can really throw off training. Thumbnails, video preview images, ads, etc.
bigASP uses the same aspect ratios buckets that SDXL's paper defines. All images are bucketed into the bucket they best fit in while not being smaller than any dimension of that bucket when scaled down. So after scaling, images get randomly cropped. The original resolution and crop data is recorded alongside the VAE encoded image on disk for conditioning SDXL, and finally the latent is gzipped. I found gzip to provide a nice 30% space savings. This reduces the training dataset down to about 100GB per million images.
Training was done using a custom training script based off the diffusers library. I used a custom training script so that I could fully understand all the inner mechanics and implement any tweaks I wanted. Plus I had my training scripts from SD1.5 training, so it wasn't a huge leap. The downside is that a lot of time had to be spent debugging subtle issues that cropped up after several bugged runs. Those are all expensive mistakes. But, for me, mistakes are the cost of learning.
I think the training prompts are really important to the performance of the final model in actual usage. The custom Dataset class is responsible for doing a lot of heavy lifting when it comes to generating the training prompts. People prompt with everything from short prompts to long prompts, to prompts with all kinds of commas, underscores, typos, etc.
I pulled a large sample of AI images that included prompts to analyze the statistics of typical user prompts. The distribution of prompt length followed a mostly normal distribution, with a mean of 32 tags and a std of 19.8. So my Dataset class reflects this. For every training sample, it picks a random integer in this distribution to determine how many tags it should use for this training sample. It shuffles the tags on the image and then truncates them to that number.
This means that during training the model sees everything from just "1girl" to a huge 224 token prompt. And thus, hopefully, learns to fill in the details for the user.
Certain tags, like watermark, are given priority and always included if present, so the model learns those tags strongly. This also has the side effect of conditioning the model to not generate watermarks unless asked during inference.
The tag alias list from danbooru is used to randomly mutate tags to synonyms so that bigASP understands all the different ways people might refer to a concept. Hopefully.
And, of course, the score tags. Just like Pony XL, bigASP encodes the score of a training sample as a range of tags of the form "score_X" and "score_X_up". However, to avoid the issues Pony XL ran into (shoulders of giants), only a random number of score tags are included in the training prompt. It includes between 1 and 3 randomly selected score tags that are applicable to the image. That way the model doesn't require "score_8, score_7, score_6, score_5..." in the prompt to work correctly. It's already used to just a single, or a couple score tags being present.
10% of the time the prompt is dropped completely, being set to an empty string. UCG, you know the deal. N.B.!!! I noticed in Stability's training scripts, and even HuggingFace's scripts, that instead of setting the prompt to an empty string, they set it to "zero" in the embedded space. This is different from how SD1.5 was trained. And it's different from how most of the SD front-ends do inference on SD. My theory is that it can actually be a big problem if SDXL is trained with "zero" dropping instead of empty prompt dropping. That means that during inference, if you use an empty prompt, you're telling the model to move away not from the "average image", but away from only images that happened to have no caption during training. That doesn't sound right. So for bigASP I opt to train with empty prompt dropping.
Additionally, Stability's training scripts include dropping of SDXL's other conditionings: original_size, crop, and target_size. I didn't see this behavior present in kohyaa's scripts, so I didn't use it. I'm not entirely sure what benefit it would provide.
I made sure that during training, the model gets a variety of batched prompt lengths. What I mean is, the prompts themselves for each training sample are certainly different lengths, but they all have to be padded to the longest example in a batch. So it's important to ensure that the model still sees a variety of lengths even after batching, otherwise it might overfit to a specific range of prompt lengths. A quick Python Notebook to scan the training batches helped to verify a good distribution: 25% of batches were 225 tokens, 66% were 150, and 9% were 75 tokens. Though in future runs I might try to balance this more.
The rest of the training process is fairly standard. I found min-snr loss to work best in my experiments. Pure fp16 training did not work for me, so I had to resort to mixed precision with the model in fp32. Since the latents are already encoded, the VAE doesn't need to be loaded, saving precious memory. For generating sample images during training, I use a separate machine which grabs the saved checkpoints and generates the sample images. Again, that saves memory and compute on the training machine.
The final run uses an effective batch size of 2048, no EMA, no offset noise, PyTorch's AMP with just float16 (not bfloat16), 1e-4 learning rate, AdamW, min-snr loss, 0.1 weight decay, cosine annealing with linear warmup for 100,000 training samples, 10% UCG rate, text encoder 1 training is enabled, text encoded 2 is kept frozen, min_snr_gamma=5, PyTorch GradScaler with an initial scaling of 65k, 0.9 beta1, 0.999 beta2, 1e-8 eps. Everything is initialized from SDXL 1.0.
A validation dataset of 2048 images is used. Validation is performed every 50,000 samples to ensure that the model is not overfitting and to help guide hyperparameter selection. To help compare runs with different loss functions, validation is always performed with the basic loss function, even if training is using e.g. min-snr. And a checkpoint is saved every 500,000 samples. I find that it's really only helpful to look at sample images every million steps, so that process is run on every other checkpoint.
A stable training loss is also logged (I use Wandb to monitor my runs). Stable training loss is calculated at the same time as validation loss (one after the other). It's basically like a validation pass, except instead of using the validation dataset, it uses the first 2048 images from the training dataset, and uses a fixed seed. This provides a, well, stable training loss. SD's training loss is incredibly noisy, so this metric provides a much better gauge of how training loss is progressing.
The batch size I use is quite large compared to the few values I've seen online for finetuning runs. But it's informed by my experience with training other models. Large batch size wins in the long run, but is worse in the short run, so its efficacy can be challenging to measure on small scale benchmarks. Hopefully it was a win here. Full runs on SDXL are far too expensive for much experimentation here. But one immediate benefit of a large batch size is that iteration speed is faster, since optimization and gradient sync happens less frequently.
Training was done on an 8xH100 sxm5 machine rented in the cloud. On this machine, iteration speed is about 70 images/s. That means the whole run took about 5 solid days of computing. A staggering number for a hobbyist like me. Please send hugs. I hurt.
Training being done in the cloud was a big motivator for the use of precomputed latents. Takes me about an hour to get the data over to the machine to begin training. Theoretically the code could be set up to start training immediately, as the training data is streamed in for the first pass. It takes even the 8xH100 four hours to work through a million images, so data can be streamed faster than it's training. That way the machine isn't sitting idle burning money.
One disadvantage of precomputed latents is, of course, the lack of regularization from varying the latents between epochs. The model still sees a very large variety of prompts between epochs, but it won't see different crops of images or variations in VAE sampling. In future runs what I might do is have my local GPUs re-encoding the latents constantly and streaming those updated latents to the cloud machine. That way the latents change every few epochs. I didn't detect any overfitting on this run, so it might not be a big deal either way.
Finally, the loss curve. I noticed a rather large variance in the validation loss between different datasets, so it'll be hard for others to compare, but for what it's worth:

Learnings and the Future

I had a lot of failed runs before this release, as mentioned earlier. Mostly bugs in the training script, like having the height and width swapped for the original_size, etc conditionings. Little details like that are not well documented, unfortunately. And a few runs to calibrate hyperparameters: trying different loss functions, optimizers, etc. Animagine's hyperparameters were the most well documented that I could find, so they were my starting point. Shout out to that team!
I didn't find any overfitting on this run, despite it being over 20 epochs of the data. That said, 30M training samples, as large as it is to me, pales in comparison to Pony XL which, as far as I understand, did roughly the same number of epochs just with 6M! images. So at least 6x the amount of training I poured into bigASP. Based on my testing of bigASP so far, it has nailed down prompt following and understands most of the tags I've thrown at it. But the undertraining is apparent in its inconsistency with overall image structure and having difficulty with more niche tags that occur less than 10k times in the training data. I would definitely expect those things to improve with more training.
Initially for encoding the latents I did "mixed-VAE" encoding. Basically, I load in several different VAEs: SDXL at fp32, SDXL at fp16, SDXL at bf16, and the fp16-fix VAE. Then each image is encoded with a random VAE from this list. The idea is to help make the UNet robust to any VAE version the end user might be using.
During training I noticed the model generating a lot of weird, high resolution patterns. It's hard to say the root cause. Could be moire patterns in the training data, since the dataset's resolution is so high. But I did use Lanczos interpolation so that should have been minimized. It could be inaccuracies in the latents, so I swapped over to just SDXL fp32 part way through training. Hard to say if that helped at all, or if any of that mattered. At this point I suspect that SDXL's VAE just isn't good enough for this task, where the majority of training images contain extreme amounts of detail. bigASP is very good at generating detailed, up close skin texture, but high frequency patterns like sheer nylon cause, I assume, the VAE to go crazy. More investigation is needed here. Or, god forbid, more training...
Of course, descriptive captions would be a nice addition in the future. That's likely to be one of my next big upgrades for future versions. JoyTag does a great job at tagging the images, so my goal is to do a lot of manual captioning to train a new LLaVa style model where the image embeddings come from both CLIP and JoyTag. The combo should help provide the LLM with both the broad generic understanding of CLIP and the detailed, uncensored tag based knowledge of JoyTag. Fingers crossed.
Finally, I want to mention the quality/aesthetic scoring model I used. I trained my own from scratch by manually rating images in a head-to-head fashion. Then I trained a model that takes as input the CLIP-B embeddings of two images and predicts the winner, based on this manual rating data. From that I could run ELO on a larger dataset to build a ranked dataset, and finally train a model that takes a single CLIP-B embedding and outputs a logit prediction across the 10 ranks.
This worked surprisingly well, given that I only rated a little over two thousand images. Definitely better for my task than the older aesthetic model that Stability uses. Blurry/etc images tended toward lower ranks, and higher quality photoshoot type photos tended towards the top.
That said, I think a lot more work could be done here. One big issue I want to avoid is having the quality model bias the Unet towards generating a specific "style" of image, like many of the big image gen models currently do. We all know that DALL-E look. So the goal of a good quality model is to ensure that it doesn't rank images based on a particular look/feel/style, but on a less biased metric of just "quality". Certainly a difficult and nebulous concept. To that end, I think my quality model could benefit from more rating data where images with very different content and styles are compared.


I hope all of these details help others who might go down this painful path.
submitted by fpgaminer to StableDiffusion [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:51 Taco_killer_69 Asking for a friend

Could you get a VA rating for macrophallus? If so… would it be considered 10% or 30% disability. I can’t be the only vet with this problem. Would you still recommend a nexus letter or would a wife / spouse use form 21-4138 buddy letter? Also… would they still do a range of motion in the C and p exam?
submitted by Taco_killer_69 to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:49 Koshinodikki MMD keep on crashing when I remove a rigidbody in pmx and when I trying using it in MMD !!

MMD keep on crashing when I remove a rigidbody in pmx and when I trying using it in MMD !!
so I have been have a bit of a problem with removing the rigidbodys I want remove so I am making a edit and I need the sleeves shirt and skirt and heels
and I need the hair rigids removed so I always go to rigidbody and look for the hair rigids and I always remove all of them but went I try to load it up in MMD it always crashes now I have no idea WHY I always make she I don't remove the parts needed for it and I use a model that can be edited and remove all of the stuff
and did not remove the other I needed for the edit
so now I need some help because I know how to remove the rigids but I don't know why it keep on crashing went I try to load it up on mmd
submitted by Koshinodikki to mikumikudance [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:37 rob5838 Help with N-565 (e-file)

I’m helping my uncle with his N-565 (e-file) application and have two questions before we submit. I’m hoping someone can clarify these for us.
Question 1: The form asks for US government-issued IDs. Is it okay to upload his recently expired driver’s license? He can’t get a new one right now because he’s lost his naturalization certificate. We’ve also uploaded his US army VA military ID.
Question 2: The form asks “Which US Citizenship and Immigration Service office or court issued your certificate declaration?” All we have is a four-digit number that USCIS provided us years ago. Should we just put that number?
I really don’t want this to get rejected. I’ve heard stories about applications getting denied for small mistakes.
submitted by rob5838 to USCIS [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 16:20 Aggravating_Fee5206 Migraine percentages

I've been in the process of a supplementary claim for an adjustment for my migraine's percentage for about 3 months now, but I have been attempting to show proof by filing claims for as long as about year now. I originally got a zero percent service connected but my migraines occur once a week (or twice a week if I'm really unlucky). In my opinion and research my condition should have at least gotten me a 30%. with a few appointments and complaining I've finally obtained two forms of medicine from the VA that help me mitigate my migraines to only once or twice a month which has also caused me to lose a big chunk of weight over 2 months. for those who have obtained a percentage for their migraines, what did it take for you to get the percentage that you got? is the proof that I have and the medicine that I'm taking enough get me a percentage?
Side note: I'm also at a 90% overall, so I'd imagine its pretty difficult to go from 90% to 100%. #VA #Migraines #percentages #90%
submitted by Aggravating_Fee5206 to Veterans [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 16:08 ThrowRA-Scaredgal I (21F) have no idea how to go about my career/find something I love. I’m stuck doing something I HATE.

Hello! I’m just going to jump right in. I just turned 21 in May and have been working since I was 16. I went to university for Biology with the hopes to go to vet school but dropped out in the middle of my first semester. I tried community college for a veterinary technician license but also dropped out less than a semester in. I struggle with ADHD, depression, and anxiety which make it extremely difficult to not only sit in a classroom but also take in and retain information. School just is not realistic for me. Up until June of last year, I have worked directly with animals at a boarding facility, doggy daycare, and animal hospital. I have absolutely adored every minute of it regardless of the mental toll and difficulty of the jobs. Last June I made the financial decision to work a standard 9-5. It was significantly more pay, stable employment, and regular schedule which I felt I needed for my mental health. I’m very big on routines. I was promoted in February and now work for the same moving company over on the government side. I work for the DOD overseeing/coordinating moves for military members. Due to the secrecy and need for government clearances for some of the positions, I’m locked away in a windowless room for 9-10 hours a day with no time for a lunch break. This is very discouraging since 1. I don’t see the sun and 2. I promised myself that I would NEVER put myself in a position where I sit at a desk all day typing my life away and 3. I just get yelled at by Tier One, JPPSO, and TSPs all day every day. I miss working with animals so much so I recently applied to be an animal protection police officer. I passed my polygraph but failed my physical abilities test due to knee and back issues proving it probably isn’t the best career choice physically. This felt like my last straw and I am just so burnt out and discouraged. I feel like I’m at the end of my rope. I make $50,000 a year pre-tax and live in northern VA. I can’t afford to move out. I work 50 hours a week but only get paid for 40 due to being salaried (I also commute an hour to and from work every day). I can’t go back to the hospital or most animal care jobs without taking a massive pay cut and all the other higher paying ones require some degree. I’m not sure what to do next but I refuse to give up and stay at a 9-5 doing something that I may be good at but does not satisfy me in any way shape or form. My boyfriend is a firefighter and I can’t lie and say it doesn’t make me a little sad seeing him do something he’s so passionate about, making a comfortable amount of money, and being able to be up and about throughout the day (not disregarding the fact that his job is extremely difficult, physically and mentally tolling, etc.). I just feel like I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place and I really don’t know where to go. I know I’m young and have so much time but I can’t help but feel like I’m running out of it. I’d like to stop beating myself up about the fact that I didn’t finish school and feeling stupid/incapable. I know I’m very smart and a very fast learner when put in the right environment. I just don’t know what that is.
submitted by ThrowRA-Scaredgal to LifeAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 16:06 TryingtoGetWell28 How to Convert Your PDFs Into Fillable Forms - GoFormz

How to Convert Your PDFs Into Fillable Forms - GoFormz submitted by TryingtoGetWell28 to TryAI [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 15:42 sooos08092003 PFE questionnaire aide

Bonjour a ts j'ai besoin de votre aide dans le cadre de préparation de mon pfe j'ai besoin de votre réponses sur ces deux formulaires svp ça va répondre juste min de votre temps Merci pour l'aide
submitted by sooos08092003 to vosfinances [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 15:20 Longjumping_Fly_6018 STB d’avoir réagit ainsi avec ma femme qui veut voir un psy

Avec ma femme ça fait grosso modo 2 ans qu’on a des soucis de couple. Disons pour aller vite qu’elle considère que j’ai trahi sa confiance (pas de tromperie ou d’autre femme, je vous arrête) quand quelqu’un de ma famille avait mal parlé d’elle. Pour quelque chose où j’ai reconnu mon erreur autant de fois que nécessaire, même si sur le moment c’est vraiment la meilleure manière qui m’était venue. Bon bref on est toujours ensemble on arrive à passer des bons moments etc mais cette histoire on se la traîne. J’ai déjà vu un psy et je suis pas sûr que ça m’a vraiment aidé, peut être un peu, mais j’y vais plus. Aujourd’hui ma femme me dit qu’elle va aller voir un psy (elle n’en voyait pas jusqu’ici), et que ça risque de peser sur le budget. Je lui ai dit d’accord. Je lui ai dit est ce que tu veux en parler, elle m’a dit pas spécialement, donc j’ai dit d’accord. J’ai laissé entendre qu’elle pouvait si elle voulait utiliser du crédit que j’ai sur une plate-forme de psy que j’ai via mon boulot. Elle a dit qu’elle a déjà repéré quelqu’un qu’elle va sûrement appeler, mais elle a quand même pris les identifiants.
Est-ce que j’ai été un TB à un moment ou à un autre aujourd’hui ?
J’ai un peu peur avec cette vieille histoire, d’une certaine façon je me dis que tout ça c’est forcément lié à moi, donc une certaine culpabilité, donc je suis un peu méfiant.
submitted by Longjumping_Fly_6018 to suisjeletroudeballe [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 12:34 Salty_Currency_2941 I think found we’re all a little weird

I think found we’re all a little weird submitted by Salty_Currency_2941 to Lostwave [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 08:09 pm_your_nsfw_pics_ Pell grant 100% disability

I'm entering my second year (3rd semester) of college. I was told my first year not to bother applying for FASFA since my disability income would mean I got no Pell grant money.
Someone this year told me they agree I won't get any pel grant money, but I should do it anyways because i might get some other small scholarships.
I did it the application and the only thing the it asked me about income was access to my tax forms which I granted. I figured maybe they detect the va disability automatically....
Only once the review was done I got the full Pell grant apparently.
I asked them if this was an error and they said va disability isn't included in the form because it's untaxed... so that means I just missed out on 8k last year?
Or is there some type of issue? Researching it it appears everyone is sayings va disability IS included in income, so why wasn't it for me?
Did it recently change? If so when? I'll be kicking myself for a while if I find out I missed out on 8k
submitted by pm_your_nsfw_pics_ to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 07:16 junior1713 C-File from local regional office????

Does anyone know? Is it true you can get your hard copy of your C-File by making an appointment at your local VA regional office?
I would love to do this instead of waiting 6+ months to get in the mail.
If this is true, should I fill out a form and take with me to Va regional?
Thanks in advance.
submitted by junior1713 to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 06:18 Many-Ad-2906 Disability/ Veteran’s preference form.

Hello all. I was wondering if the VA has a form that just shows proof of disability rating without revealing the conditions I was rated for. (Using this form for veterans preference)
Thank you.
submitted by Many-Ad-2906 to Veterans [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 05:26 CultureEtBaston Stream Culture et Baston 18/05/2024 ébauche

Lors de cette longue émission sur la chaîne de Lucyshade comme désormais nous les faisons toutes, nous avons abordé de nombreux sujets, allant de l'architecture aux lois de la guerre, en passant par la littérature populaire, l'armement, les rites funéraires et le droit des animaux. Voici les sources vous permettant de vérifier ce qui a été dit durant l'émission :
Armet et messer :
En attendant que le public arrive, nous avons discuté avec les premiers venus de l'équipement de Lucy, composé notamment d'un armet et d'un kriegmesser.
L'armet est un casque apparu dans la second moitié du XVe siècle, avec des prototypes, hybridé à partir de barbutes ou de bascinets, comme cet exemple italien, du début du XVe siècle. Le principe de l'armet est d'épouser la forme du crâne de très près et de l'entourer complètement, n'offrant aucune partie de la tête expoée. Pour ce faire, l'armet s'articule en trois points, la visière qui peut remonter et les deux flancs qui sont articulés pour s'ouvrir vers l'extérieur, parfois de manière très élégante en élytres, dans le but d'enfiler le casque. On referme les flancs, qui sont joints par un loquet, pour enfermer la tête dans le casque.
L'arme qu'utilise Lucy est un sabre d'un type assez largement répandu appelé "messer", de l'allemand et qui signifie "couteau". Il existe des grossemesser de divers styles en fonction des époques, mais aussi des versions destinées à la guerre appelées "Kriegmesser", de l'allemand "Krieg", qui signifie "guerre". Certains pouvaient avoir de généreuses dimensions, comme celui utilisé par Lucy. On peut voir ici un exemple à gauche et comparer sa taille aux espadons qu'on voit à côté pour avoir une idée générale des dimensions de l'arme.
La cotte de plates :
Parfois, on voit des chevaliers ne porter aucune armure ou, en tous cas, aucune armure au dessus de leur cotte de mailles, comme ici, mais en vérité, à partir du XIIIe siècle, au dessus de la cotte de mailles et en dessous de la cotte d'armes ou "tabard", on porte communément la cotte de plates. Cette pièce d'armure est constituée de nombreuses plaques de métal se chevauchant les unes, les autres et assemblées à du tissu, généralement par rivetage. Il en a existé de nombreuses formes, avec des plates verticales ou horizontales et même carrées.
Un exemple connu de cotte de plates est la statue de St Maurice à Magdebourg, sur laquelle on voit bien, notamment au niveau des aisselles, la cotte de plates dépasser du tabard.
Avec le temps, les plates deviennent de plus en plus petites et se chevauchent de plus en plus largement, préfigurant la brigandine, qui repose sur le même principe.
L'apparition de la rapière :
Cette question est très intéressante, puisqu'elle suppose qu'on ait une définition claire et précise de ce qu'est la rapière, ce que nous n'avons pas. Encore aujourd'hui, et déjà à l'époque en vérité, l'appartenance ou non d'une épée à la catégorie des rapières est un débat commun des amateurs d'histoire de l'armement.
Cet exemplaire, par exemple, est une épée capable de taille mais essentiellement, même presque uniquement, dédiée à l'estoc munie d'une lame très longue et dotée d'une garde complexe. C'est donc la rapière par excellence, pourtant la majorité des gens n'appellerait "rapière" une épée que si elle a cette monture. Partant de ce principe, cette épée qui a mangé un peu trop de choux à la crème est une rapière et pas celle-ci alors qu'elle a, au moins sur le papier, tout ce qu'il faut. C'est la raison pour laquelle il ne faut pas trop strictement s'attacher au sens qu'on donne aux mots.
On voit apparaître des épées à montures complexes dès le début du XVe siècle sur des épées appelées "spada da lato" en italien ou "sidesword" en anglais, comme cet exemplaire de 1432 ou celle-ci de 1460-1480. On en trouve même avec des montures qu'on verra sur les premières rapières clairement identifiées, comme sur cette épée datée de 1480. Ces épées sont du type qu'utilisaient les hommes de Christophe Colomb ou les premiers conquistadores.
La rapière clairement définie, sans équivoque, sans débat d'opinions, apparait aux environs de 1560 et tout le monde s'y met, quoique les Allemands ont un peu de mal à comprendre qu'on peut faire des épées pour autre chose que couper des gens en deux d'un seul coup et nous sortent donc une rapière qui a un peu trop écouté Rammstein avec une lame aussi large que n'importe quelle épée de taille de la fin du Moyen-âge, mais je les pardonne parce que j'en veux une comme ça pour mon anniversaire.
La prise de guerre :
Le terme "droit de prise" est moderne et sanctionne légalement le droit à une prise, une réquisition, par l'autorité du vainqueur parmi les matériels de l'ennemi vaincu. Il est opposé au "butin", qui est ce que la troupe va pouvoir récupérer pour son bénéfice personnel. L'ensemble constitue la ou les "prises de guerre".
Les lois de la guerre modernes comme les conventions de Genève et de celles de La Haye de 1899, de 1907 et 1954 ne sont à notre connaissance pas codifiées durant le Moyen-Âge, et on se contente de suivre un corpus de règles théologiques, morales, culturelles, ainsi que certaines doctrines personnelles comme celle qu'expose Giovanni da Legnano dans son oeuvre Tractatus de Bello, de Represaliis et de Duello, ouvrage dans lequel il offre un ensemble de lois de la guerre, qui seraient universelles, plutôt que de laisser le choix des actes (pardon, rançon, pillage, clémence, exécutions sommaires, procès, etc.) ainsi que la manière de les mettre en oeuvre à chaque commandant.
Cette vidéo en anglais, par un maître d'escrime médiévale, historien et archéologue, détaille dans ses premières minutes la question du butin et comment ou pourquoi on peut ou ne peut pas s'approprier tous les biens d'un ennemi vaincu en fonction de notre rang social.
Le "Sturmgeld", ou bonus financier pour ceux qui lancent l'assaut, retirent les pierres du passage après destruction d'une muraille ou acceptent de se lancer dans une opération plus dangereuse que la moyenne, est commune au Moyen-Âge.
Un texte édité par le Sorbonne et qui traite du pillage chez les byzantins.
La pratique de la rançon est très commune au Moyen-Âge, c'est même la première source de revenus de la guerre et, pour la majeure partie de la noblesse, la première source de revenus toutes catégories confondues.
Richard Coeur de Lion a été rançonné pour 150 000 marks d'argent, le rois de France Charles Ier d'Orléans sera rançonné pour 220 000 livres. Saladin n'acceptera d'offrir de sauf-conduit vers les terres chrétiennes à la population de Jérusalem, qu'il venait de prendre, que si ils n'étaient pas choisis d'office comme esclave et pouvaient s'acquitter d'une rançon de 20 besants pour un homme, 10 pour une femme et 5 pour un enfant. Il réduisit progressivement ce prix au cours des négociations jusqu'à finalement accepter un paiement unique de 30 000 besants contre la libération de 7 000 prisonniers avec possibilité d'échanger les hommes contre les femmes et les enfants à raison de dix enfants ou deux femmes pour un homme.
Les chevaux au Moyen-âge :
Les chevaux au Moyen-Âge sont séparés en plusieurs catégories en fonction de leur apparence, leur tempérament et l'usage qui en découle.
Les roncins, roussins ou ronchins sont des chevaux de travail, d'éducation ou de loisir. Ils ont une réputation de force, d'ardeur à la tâche et de rusticité, ce qui explique pourquoi Jehan le Bel, dans ses mémoires, écrit au chapitre X que les Escots, dont il vante la dureté et les prouesses militaires, les montaient pour porter la guerre contre leurs ennemis. C'est un cheval sans noblesse, et celui qui peut se procurer mieux le faisait.
On trouve aussi les destriers, les palefrois, les coursiers, les sommiers ou les affrus. On fait grand usage de hongres et de haquenées dans tous les domaines et les chevaux ambleurs, ceux qui vont au pas appelé "amble", sont très appréciés car ce pas cause très peu de secousses pour le cavalier et est donc très confortable.
Cet article publié dans le Journal International d'Ostéoarchéologie détaille une étude de presque deux mille chevaux du IVe au XVIIe siècle, laquelle a trouvé une taille de moins de 1m50 pour la large majorité des spécimen. Ces chevaux avaient donc une taille d'environ 1m20 à moins de 1m50 au garot, équivalente aux actuels pur-sangs arabes, au mustangs ou aux chevaux de Przewalski et seraient donc ce qu'on appelle aujourd'hui un poney, quelques rares spécimens dépassaient 1m50.
Il est important de ne pas exagérer cette petite taille comme beaucoup le font : c'étaient des poneys, mais pas des poneys du Shetland. Pour obtenir une meilleure idée, rien ne vaut les images : ce cheval, qui va d'ailleurs à l'amble dont je viens de vous parler, mesure environ 1m35-40 au garrot.
Les caparaçons, qui sont les armures des chevaux, nous sont très utiles puisqu'ils sont aux dimensions des chevaux de l'époque. Vous pouvez aussi voir sur l'iconographie de l'époque que les chevaux n'étaient pas gigantesques, en vérité leurs garrots arriveraient en haut de la poitrine d'un homme se tenant debout.
La mode à la fin du Moyen-Âge et au début de la Renaissance :
En bas, au milieu, on voit un homme porter le fameux duo gagnant : pantalon à jambes bicolores dont une bleue monochrome et l'autre bariolée orange et marron en accord ton-sur-ton avec le pourpoint en brocard à moitié dépoitraillé. Un grand classique.
Ici, un homme a tout misé sur le pantalon pour sortir en boite ce soir. Son pote à gauche a choisi de faire sobre aujourd'hui : ballerines en daim sur leggings rayés jaune/gris et rouge pétant pour la discrétion.
Quand on n'a pas de coquille, on laisse pendre la dague entre les jambes pour compenser. Il y a même existé un type de dague appelé "dague à rognons" ou "à couillettes" qui... disons qu'elle portait bien son nom.
Mais on trouve toujours une solution, quitte à rembourrer un peu ou même à s'en servir comme porte-monnaie.
On porte généralement un genre de pantalon court de pyjama par dessus lequel on monte des "chausses", qui sont semblables à des chaps moderns, comme cet homme à droite. On referme à l'avant par un simple rabat qui préfigure les coquilles des décennies suivantes jusque durant la Renaissance où on misera sur un look "poutre apparente" d'un goût tout à fait délicieux.
Les braies n'ont jamais vraiment disparu durant le Moyen-Âge, et elles avaient l'avantage d'être moulantes pour exposer sa musculature et son organe, mais aussi d'être renforcées à la semelle, ce qui permettait de les porter sans chaussures.
Dans Les Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry, on nous montre même un paysan qui a décidé de miser sur le confort avant tout.
La Guerre du Seau :
Une vidéo en anglais qui traite de cette guerre et explique où se séparent l'Histoire et la légende.
Les Elfes et les Gobelins sur Wikipedia.
L'architecture philippienne :
Les forteresses du Moyen-Âge sont au départ souvent une simple motte castrale, généralement artificiellement créée par empilement de terre. Les mottes castrales ne sont généralement pas la demeure même du seigneur. Ce sont des observatoires fortifiés destinés à repérer une force ennemie et la ralentir ou, simplement, elles jouent le rôle de centre administratif local. Le seigneur vit dans une maison semblable aux nôtres à l'intérieur de l'enceinte de la motte.
Avec le temps, on se met à construire les fortifications systématiquement en pierre et on va évidemment convertir les mottes castrales, voire même les renforcer, mais un entassement artificiel de terre n'est pas ce qu'il y a de plus solide alors on va construire les châteaux sur des éperons rocheux.
La forteresse normande va marquer un tournant dans l'architecture militaire, en augmentant la hauteur des bâtiments dont la forme devient carrée, surmontée d'une tour à chaque coin et entourée d'une grande muraille de pierre contenant tout ce qui permet au château d'être autonome : puits, basse-cour, potager, écurie, etc. C'est à cette époque que le seigneur se met à vivre dans le "donjon", la tour constituant le principal bâtiment de la forteresse.
Plus tard, sous Philippe le Bel, l'architecture militaire va évoluer avec, notamment, des tours rondes surmontées de toitures tuilées, des ouvrages de bois pour projeter la muraille vers l'avant et tirer directement au bas des murs, les "hourds". On arrive à la forteresse typique de la fin du Moyen-Âge, la forteresse philippenne, dont on a eu des exemples bâtis dès le départ comme tels ou convertis depuis des forteresses normandes.
Le château de Talmberg dans le jeu vidéo Kingdom Come Deliverance est un excellent exemple de forteresse philippienne et la ville de Rataje est, elle, une "citadelle", une ville entièrement fortifiée, dans ce même style architectural, ainsi que l'est l'incroyable ville française de Carcassonne, probablement l'un des plus impressionnant et des mieux conservés des exemples non seulement de forteresse philippienne mais aussi de fortification médiévale toutes catégories confondues.
Le château de Guédelon est une forteresse de style philippien en cours de construction selon les méthodes et avec les outils et technologies de l'époque. C'est actuellement l'un des projets d'archéologie expérimentale les plus audacieux et précis jamais entrepris.
La majorité des chevaliers vivaient néanmoins dans des maisons dites "fortes", comme celle-ci.
Le Roman de Renart :
Le Roman de Renart est un ensemble d'oeuvres mettant en scène des animaux anthropomorphes vivant leurs aventures et centré autour du personnage de Renart, un "goupil". C'est parce que ces histoires ont connu le succès que, de nos jours, on appelle les goupils "renards", en référence au personnage principal de ces aventures.
Moi Renart est une adaptation moderne et libre sous forme de dessin animé. Les aventures sont parfois fortement modifiées, voire totalement inventées, mais les personnages gardent globalement leurs traits de l'original à cette adaptation.
Le roman de Renart est inspiré des fables d'Ésope qui sont aussi à la base des fables de La Fontaine).
Le code d'honneur du combattant :
Il existe des termes comme "Code de Chevalerie" ou "Serment du Chevalier", au sujet desquels je n'ai pu trouver quoi que ce soit de vérifiable, je ne les inclus donc pas ici puisqu'il m'est impossible de vérifier si leurs textes sont des inventions modernes ou non.
L'idée d'un code de la chevalerie, bien que non-codifié, qui inclut des mentions de rançon, pillage et droit de prise mais aussi d'honneur, de valeur, de règles de respect des prisonniers, de protection des pauvres et des faibles, de merci pour un ennemi vaincu, de clémence envers un tort, de respect de la parole donnée ou de fidélité à un suzerain est déjà bien ancrée dans la culture à la fin du Moyen-Âge.
Les chevaliers ne suivaient pas tous ou pas toujours ces règles, allant d'une allégeance à l'autre en fonction du climat politique ou de leur intérêt personnel.
Emich de Flonheim est notoirement réputé pour avoir pratiqué le brigandage et le génocide en dirigeant une bande de croisés séparés de la croisade populaire vers les villes d'Europe centrale et de l'Est où il massacrera spécifiquement les juifs sous couvert de vengeur pour le christ.
L'Angleterre a connu ce même problème, avec notamment les gangs Folville et Coterel.
Le corps de "gendarmerie" de la France, institué lors de la seconde moitié du XVe siècle, était composé à large majorité d'anciens "écorcheurs", les troupes personnelles du roi de France durant la Guerre de Cent Ans, avec pour but de combattre le banditisme très important dans les campagnes de France et dû à des guerriers sans emploi en maraude, beaucoup eux-mêmes d'anciens écorcheurs.
L'embaumement et la momification au Moyen-Âge :
Ressources et lectures supplémentaires :
Texte intégral de la convention de La Haye de 1907, qui reconfirme les décisions de la convention de 1899 et ajoute quelques articles.
Extrait d'un ouvrage que vous pouvez vous procurer et qui traite du droit de prise au Moyen-Âge avec, comme cas d'école, les écorcheurs, les troupes régulières du Royaume de France à la fin de la Guerre de Cent Ans.
La différence entre jus ad bellum, le droit pour entrer en guerre, et le jus in bello, le droit lorsqu'on est en guerre.
Le concile de Charroux en 989 est une tentative primitive de loi de la guerre et qui a trait à ce qu'on nomme aujourd'hui le "code de chevalerie". Il détaille ce qu'il est interdit de faire lors de la guerre et, bien qu'il inclut les pauvres, il met surtout l'accent sur l'Église : interdiction de voler l'Église, de s'en prendre à ses personnels et ses biens, etc. Il évoque le pillage comme part normale de la guerre.
submitted by CultureEtBaston to u/CultureEtBaston [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 03:59 edgiscript [F4M] Please Believe I Love You [Yandere?] [Bully Ties You And Tries To Convince You She Loves You] [Current Bully Is Your Future Wife]

Note: For information on monetization and that sort of thing: An Introduction To The Book That Is Me : ASMRScriptHaven (
Note: My library: Masterlist for edgiscript : ASMRScriptHaven (
Note so you know what’s going on: Speaker is from the future. She has placed her consciousness in a younger version of herself. In the future, or her time, she and the listener have fallen in love and are married. But in her past, as the story takes place, they both hate and bully each other with her acting as the primary antagonist who started it all. The speaker is now madly in love with the listener but understands how he currently feels about her. She is going to try to make him understand what’s happening. Her attitude should be understanding towards how he’s reacting, as well as frustrated with herself for being unable to find the right ways in which to convince him that she’s telling him the truth.
Note: This was going to be a one-shot, but it just got too big. I suppose, if you want to, you can do Parts 1 and 2 as one loooooong piece.

Part 1

Girl: (Initially speaks very quickly because she’s carrying the angry, tied listener.) Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on. Stop shaking. I might drop you.
There, you’re on the bed.
No, that doesn’t mean you should start thrashing around just because you won’t fall now. Stop thrashing. Stop it, dear! Please stop!
Would you listen to me? If you just stop thrashing around, I’ll explain everything. Now stop or you’re going to hurt yourself or…
(Sound like “Oof” or something similar as a result of being kicked. Listener is tied but he uses both feet to push the speaker across the room. Sfx as she collides with the far wall.)
Or you’re going to hurt me.
Ow. Dammit, I think I bruised something.
Yes, I know. I know.
Ohhhhh, the hateful way you’re looking at me now is a reminder of just how difficult this is going to be.
(Brief pause.)
NO! No, no, no. I see what’s going through your mind. That’s not what I meant. That doesn’t mean this is a prank, or a trick, or me bullying you in any way.
Yes, it’s obvious you don’t believe me. I know why you would think that. You’re tied and gagged. But there’s a good reason for it. A very good reason. And it doesn’t involve hurting you in any way. Not physically, not emotionally, not in any way. Ok?
No, I’m not going to let you out yet. Not until you’ve heard what I have to say.
Now, look, if it helps you to feel better, I’ll stay on this side of the room for now. You just stay there on the bed and listen. I won’t come any closer unless you want me to. Ok?
Don’t give me that look. Yes, I know that you’re gagged and can’t speak to answer that question. I can see that you’re gagged. I’m the one that gagged you. It was a simple yes or no question. You can nod, so just nod.
Ok. Good.
Now, would you like me to remove the gag?
Ok, I will, but I have to get close to you to do that. Please don’t kick me again. I’ll just remove the gag and then come back over here. Are you ok with that?
All right, then.
(Pause while she removes the gag then steps back.)
There. Your gag is off, and I’m stepping back.
No, I’m not going to untie you. I just told you not until you’ve heard what I have to say.
Yes, I know who I am and why you can’t trust what I’m about to say, or rather why you think you can’t trust anything I say. If you knew who I really was, I mean really knew, you would trust me.
Yes, I’m your rival. Your bully. I’ve been the antagonist in the motion picture that is your life. I get it. I do, but…
Oh, God, this is all going to sound so unbelievable, especially coming from me right now in this body.
That’s what I said. In this body. What I mean is…
UGH! How can I possibly say this without sounding like an escapee from a mental institution?
You see, where I come from, I’m not your bully, I’m… I’m your wife. I love you.
No, I’m not joking. I’m..
OK! Ok. I’ll stay back. I’m sorry. I moved towards you instinctively. I wasn’t thinking. I just wanted to hold you. To hug you. To comfort you. Really. But I’ll stay back and explain.
This isn’t a prank or a set up or anything like that. I’ve loved you for many years now.
Yes, I know we’re not that old and we haven’t known each other that long.
What I mean by that is that you are not that old and you haven’t known me for that long. I’ve actually known you a lot longer.
I’m not lying when I say that I’m your wife. It’s just… oh, man. How do I make this make sense?
Yes, I am your wife. I am. Or rather, I will be one day. I mean I will be to you, I am to me.
Yeah, yeah, I know. It doesn’t make sense. How could it?
And I know that I’ve been tormenting you and making your life miserable for months now. Wait, it has been months, right? How old are we?
Please, just answer the question. How old am I? How old are you?
Ok, so what is the exact date?
No, it’s not a trick question. You told me how old I am, so I know the year. But what day is it? What month and day?
Ok, so I’ve already put the snake in your sleeping bag. I hit the fire alarm at the hotel at 2 in the morning the night before your speech contest to mess you up.
Yes, that was me. Sorry about that. It was stupid.
Let’s see. I put the hornet’s nest in your car.
Oh, I haven’t done that yet? Or maybe I have and you just haven’t discovered it yet. Look, when you get out of here, be careful with your car just to be safe.
Actually, you don’t have to worry about that. You’re not getting out of here.
No, I’m not letting you go.
I know I just said I wasn’t letting you go until you heard what I had to say, but I also just said that I love you. I can’t let you go… Not until you love me too.
Then I’ll wait that long. If that’s what it takes.
Yes, I’m serious. I’m more serious about this than I’ve been about anything else my entire life.
(Emphasizing each word.) I… LOVE… YOU!
You don’t have to believe it for it to be true.
Ok, uh… I know this is going to sound crazy. I mean, it already has sounded crazy. It already is crazy.
I mean, I’m your bully, I’ve got you tied up, I’m telling you I love you and that I’m your wife, I…
Yes, yes, I’m rambling. I’m sorry. I’m just really, really nervous right now.
(Deep breath.) Ok, here goes.
I’m from the future. The reason that I asked you about today’s date is because I couldn’t pinpoint exactly what day I came back.
I KNOW! I know, I know. It’s crazy. It’s unbelievable. It’s impossible. All of those things are correct, but it’s still true.
No, I didn’t have a lot of work done. I don’t look like this in the future. I didn’t send my body back. I sent my mind. I came back by transporting my consciousness into my younger body.
Look, I’m… me. I’m the one that told you yesterday that I’d like to see things from your perspective, but it’s physically impossible for me to stick my head that far up my own ass.
But I’m also me from several years in your future. It’s like I’m the bully that was tormenting you yesterday, and now my mind, all of a sudden, is filled with memories that haven’t happened yet and a plan to make you believe it, which we’re participating in right now.
Yes, I do know exactly how far into the future I come from. I’m just a little flustered right now, ok?
Um, hang on. If this is today’s date, then that would mean… I’ve traveled exactly 28 years back in time. Well, 27 years and 11 months… and 5 days… give or take a few hours.
Yes, that’s right. I came back. I came back to get you.
No, I’m not bringing you back to your future and my present. I came back here. I’m here. To be with you again.
No, I’m not lying. You and I ARE together in the future. Or, at least, we were. I love you so much. I love you more than anything I’ve ever loved before and ever will again.
Because where, or rather when I come from… oh, that doesn’t sound right, but you get it.
I come from a time when we each realize how selfish and mean we were being. We reconcile ten years from now and become friends. And then, after a few years of friendship we fall in love. And then after a few years of dating we get married, and then…
(Softly crying.) You get sick and die. After only a few months of marriage, you died. And I was left hating myself for all of the time I spent hurting you. For all of the wasted time I could have been loving you and holding you. I hated myself for this time, this right now where I was bullying you and tormenting you, my love. I hurt you, the greatest love of my life. And I just… I just couldn’t…
(Girl runs out of the room overcome with emotion. She begins deeply sobbing at the memory. She’s interrupted by the listener after a bit.)
(Still affected by her crying but trying to stop. She is still sniffling throughout her next few lines. For the rest of the script, she’s struggling with wanting to cry to various degrees, even when happier. Note to the VA: Please feel free to do what you think is best at each moment of the script.)
My love, what are you doing? You hopped out here. You’re tied and unbalanced. You could hurt yourself. Come on. Let me get you back into the bedroom.
Here, let me undo the ropes on your lower legs. That will make it easier for you to get back.
Thank you, my love, for asking if I’m all right. Thank you for wanting to check up on me.
Yes, I really do mean it. This isn’t an act. I know how difficult it is for you to believe such a crazy story, but it’s all true. I love you.
You died. You died on me and I couldn’t handle it. You’re my great love.
I know you wanted me to stay away from you, but I’m going to hold you now. I can’t help it. I did it. I made it back to you. You’re here with me again and I need to hold you right now. I need you.
No, I’m not going to let you go. I can’t. I can never let you go again. Ever.
Now just sit back down on the bed. Please. I’m going to attach this rope to the bedframe to make sure you can’t accidentally hurt yourself by getting up anymore.
Yes, I’m serious. I’m very serious about everything. I love you more than anything. I love you more than my own life.
No, you can’t really accept that at face value, can you?
I know. I know how difficult all of this is to believe. I know that in your time this is all still impossible so telling you… no, telling anybody that I traveled back in time to be here would sound crazy. But it’s even more difficult for you to believe it from me specifically because of what I’ve done to you before.
I thought about giving you information that I know about your own future, but you could easily say that I was just making it up.
I thought about giving you information about your own past and present that I couldn’t know yet, information that you reveal to me at a later date, like the existence of this cabin. I brought you to this specific cabin for a reason. I know you recognize it. It’s not just away from other people, but it’s your family’s secret. You go here to get away from it all. You vacation here for peace and tranquility when you don’t want to be bothered by anybody or anything.
I know this cabin exists because you bring me here in the future. We even honeymooned here. But even that wouldn’t prove that I’m from the future because you could believe that I discovered this cabin’s location through other more nefarious means.
I know you still suspect that this is all some deviously foul trap designed to lure you in before springing some horrific prank on you, so here.
(Removes clothing.)
Look, I’m naked before you. I’ve just exposed myself to you. If you want, I’ll cover my head and my hair in your shaving cream. I’ll write “loser” on my forehead and body in permanent ink and take a picture on your phone that you can keep with you to hold over me if I ever decide to bully you again. I will accept whatever form of defeat you can think of and stop this rivalry of ours completely by humbling myself before you.
I will humiliate myself in any way that you want just to get you to believe how serious I am. I am not trying to hurt you. I am not trying to humiliate you. I am not trying to bully you or attack you in any way.
(Tenderly, near tears.) I’m kneeling before you. I’m literally pleading with you and begging for you to give me a chance to prove to you that I am who I say I am.
I have you tied up and at my mercy. I could hurt you in so many ways if that’s what I desired, but I do not desire that in any way, shape, or form. I’m going to prove to you that all I want from you is your love. I want to show you how happy you make me. I won’t do anything to you and I won’t take anything from you forcibly save this one… small… thing.
I’m sorry, my love. I know I shouldn’t even do that right now, but I’ve missed that so much. To me, you’ve been dead for over eight years. It’s been nearly a decade since I’ve been able to do that.
Yes. It must be strange to keep hearing me call you “my love.” But that’s what you are to me. I tell you truly, if you never believe me, and if you hate me and reject me to my dying day, it will never change the fact that that’s what you are to me.
I understand. It will take time. Thank you for calming down and listening to me.
Now please, lie down. You need to rest. We’ll talk more in the morning.
No. No more talking. It’s time to sleep. This will prove to you when you wake up that I didn’t take advantage of you. I won’t have hurt you in any way.
And right now, I can prove that all I want to do is love you. I’ll snuggle you from behind like this like you always loved. I’ll stroke your hair gently and nuzzle into your neck from behind.
When you wake up, I’ll make you breakfast, and I’ll answer every question you have. But for right now, please let me have this. I’ve missed it so much.
No, I’m not going to remove your clothes. I told you, I’m not out to humiliate you.
(Laughter through still soft tears.)
No, I’m not trying to say that your body is anything you should be ashamed of. I love your body. I’m just trying to prove to you how genuinely serious I am when I tell you I love you and that I won’t do anything to hurt you.
Now please, go to sleep. I know you must be tired. It’s late. We’ll have lots of time tomorrow to talk.
And… and I just want to hold you. I missed this.
(Laughter again.)
No, when I say “I’ve missed this,” it doesn’t mean that I tied you up every night and held you while you fell asleep.
Well… not every night.
(Mischievously playful gentle laugh.)
Part 2 coming.

submitted by edgiscript to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 03:07 Ok-Corgi-1609 Amps?

Hello, I was wondering if anyone can tell how many amps this service is?
submitted by Ok-Corgi-1609 to electrical [link] [comments]

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Item Sale Price MSRP Savings
Assassin's Creed Mirage: Standard Edition (ps5) $39.99 $69.99 $30.00
Assassin's Creed Mirage: Standard Edition (xbox Series X) $39.99 $69.99 $30.00
Avatar: Frontiers Of Pandora (ps5) $49.99 $89.99 $40.00
Avatar: Frontiers Of Pandora (xbox Series X) $49.99 $89.99 $40.00
Backbone One Play Station Gaming Controller For Ios Smartphone - White $97.99 $139.99 $42.00
Dreamgear Joystick Player Galaga 2-in-1 Mini Arcade - Black/green $34.99 $69.99 $35.00
Ea Sports Fc 24 (ps5) $39.99 $49.99 $10.00
Ea Sports Fc 24 (switch) $39.99 $39.99 $0.00
Ea Sports Fc 24 (xbox Series X / Xbox One) $39.99 $69.99 $30.00
God Of War Ragnarok (ps4) $39.99 $79.99 $40.00
God Of War Ragnarok (ps5) $49.99 $89.99 $40.00
Gran Turismo 7 (ps4) $39.99 $79.99 $40.00
Gran Turismo 7 (ps5) $49.99 $89.99 $40.00
Halo Infinite (xbox Series X / Xbox One) $19.99 $79.99 $60.00
Insignia Carrying Case & Protection Kit For Switch Lite - Black - Only At Best Buy $17.99 $24.99 $7.00
Insignia Glass Screen Protector For Switch - 2 Pack - Only At Best Buy $9.99 $14.99 $5.00
Insignia Go Carrying Case For Switch Lite - Black - Only At Best Buy $12.99 $19.99 $7.00
Insignia Go Storage & Travel Case For Nintendo Switch - Black - Only At Best Buy $14.99 $19.99 $5.00
Insignia Nintendo Switch Steering Wheel - 2 Pack - Blue/red - Only At Best Buy $9.99 $16.99 $7.00
Insignia Power Pack For Switch - Black - Only At Best Buy $19.99 $24.99 $5.00
Just Dance 2024 (switch) $29.99 $79.99 $50.00
Nhl 24 (ps5) $39.99 $69.99 $30.00
Nhl 24 (xbox Series X) $39.99 $69.99 $30.00
Playstation 5 Slim Console $579.99 $649.99 $70.00
Playstation 5 Slim Digital Edition Console $509.99 $579.99 $70.00
Playstation Vr2 $629.99 $749.99 $120.00
Playstation Vr2 Horizon Call Of The Mountain Vr Bundle $699.99 $819.99 $120.00
Prince Of Persia The Lost Crown (ps5) $39.99 $69.99 $30.00
Prince Of Persia The Lost Crown (switch) $39.99 $69.99 $30.00
Prince Of Persia The Lost Crown (xbox Series X / Xbox One) $39.99 $69.99 $30.00
Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart (ps5) $39.99 $89.99 $50.00
Razer Kaira Pro Dual Wireless Gaming Headset For Ps5 $149.99 $189.99 $40.00
Razer Kishi V2 Gaming Controller For Android $99.99 $129.99 $30.00
Razer Kishi V2 Gaming Controller For Ios $109.99 $129.99 $20.00
Razer Kishi V2 Usb-c Gaming Controller For Android & Iphone $109.99 $139.99 $30.00
Rise Of The Ronin (ps5) $64.99 $89.99 $25.00
Rocketfish Nintendo Switch 4 Joy-con Charging Station 2 (rf-nsjccs2-c) - Only At Best Buy $24.99 $34.99 $10.00
Rocketfish Nintendo Switch/switch Lite Ac Charger 2 (rf-nsaccrgl2-c) - Only At Best Buy $24.99 $29.99 $5.00
Rocketfish Tv Dock Kit 2 For Nintendo Switch - Only At Best Buy $54.99 $59.99 $5.00
Seagate 1tb Storage Expansion Card For Xbox Series X And Series S $204.99 $204.99 $0.00
Skull And Bones Limited Edition (ps5) - Only At Best Buy $49.99 $89.99 $40.00
Skull And Bones Limited Edition (xbox Series X) - Only At Best Buy $49.99 $89.99 $40.00
Spider-man 2 Launch Edition (ps5) $64.99 $89.99 $25.00
Spider-man: Miles Morales (ps5) $29.99 $64.99 $35.00
Spider-man: Miles Morales (ps4) $29.99 $64.99 $35.00
Spider-man: Miles Morales Ultimate Edition (ps5) $49.99 $89.99 $40.00
The Last Of Us: Part I (ps5) $49.99 $89.99 $40.00
Thrustmaster T128 Racing Wheel & Magnetic Pedals For Ps5/ps4/pc $259.99 $299.99 $40.00
Thrustmaster T128 Racing Wheel & Magnetic Pedals For Xbox Series X/S & Xbox One/pc $259.99 $299.99 $40.00
Xbox Wireless Controller - Astral Purple $59.99 $74.99 $15.00
Xbox Wireless Controller - Black/gold $64.99 $79.99 $15.00
Xbox Wireless Controller - Carbon Black $59.99 $74.99 $15.00
Xbox Wireless Controller - Deep Pink $59.99 $74.99 $15.00
Xbox Wireless Controller - Dream Vapor $64.99 $79.99 $15.00
Xbox Wireless Controller - Electric Volt $59.99 $74.99 $15.00
Xbox Wireless Controller - Nocturnal Vapor Edition $64.99 $79.99 $15.00
Xbox Wireless Controller - Pulse Red $59.99 $74.99 $15.00
Xbox Wireless Controller - Robot White $59.99 $74.99 $15.00
Xbox Wireless Controller - Shock Blue $59.99 $74.99 $15.00
Xbox Wireless Controller - Velocity Green $59.99 $74.99 $15.00

Video Game Deals

Item Sale Price MSRP Savings
Advance Wars 1 + 2 Re-boot Camp (switch) - Digital Download $55.99 $79.99 $24.00
Animal Crossing: New Horizons + Happy Home Paradise Bundle (switch) - Digital Download $79.08 $113.08 $34.00
Animal Crossing: New Horizons - Happy Home Paradise (switch) - Digital Download $23.09 $33.09 $10.00
Animal Crossing: New Horizons (switch) - Digital Download $55.99 $79.99 $24.00
Assassin's Creed Mirage (ps4) $39.99 $69.99 $30.00
Assassin's Creed Mirage (xbox Series X) $39.99 $69.99 $30.00
Assassin's Creed: The Ezio Collection (switch) $29.99 $49.99 $20.00
Assassin's Creed: Valhalla (ps5) $29.99 $49.99 $20.00
Assassin's Creed Valhalla (ps4) $29.99 $49.99 $20.00
Assassin's Creed Valhalla (xbox One / Xbox Series X) $29.99 $49.99 $20.00
Astral Chain (switch) - Digital Download $55.99 $79.99 $24.00
Astro Gaming A20 Gen 2 Wireless Gaming Headset With Microphone For Xbox Series X / Xbox One - White/green $149.99 $169.99 $20.00
Bayonetta Origins: Cereza And The Lost Demon (switch) - Digital Download $55.99 $79.99 $24.00
Bayonetta 3 (switch) - Digital Download $55.99 $79.99 $24.00
Bloodborne (ps4) $9.99 $19.99 $10.00
Bravely Default Ii (switch) - Digital Download $55.99 $79.99 $24.00
Cocoon (switch) - Digital Download $19.79 $32.79 $13.00
Contra: Operation Galuga (switch) - Digital Download $42.79 $53.79 $11.00
Daemon X Machina (switch) - Digital Download $55.99 $79.99 $24.00
Days Gone (ps4) $29.99 $44.99 $15.00
Dc Super Hero Girls: Teen Power (switch) - Digital Download $55.99 $79.99 $24.00
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze (switch) - Digital Download $53.32 $80.32 $27.00
Dragon Ball Fighterz: Fighterz Edition (switch) - Digital Download $19.99 $124.99 $105.00
Dragon Quest: Builders 2 (switch) - Digital Download $45.49 $65.49 $20.00
Dragon Quest Builders (switch) - Digital Download $45.49 $64.49 $19.00
Dragon Quest Xi S: Echoes Of An Elusive Age - Definitive Edition (switch) - Digital Download $45.49 $65.49 $20.00
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen (switch) - Digital Download $6.99 $39.99 $33.00
Dreamgear My Arcade Atari 100-in-1 Micro Player Pro 6.75" Mini Arcade Machine $39.99 $49.99 $10.00
Dreamgear My Arcade Bubble Bobble Micro Player Pro 6.75" Mini Arcade Machine - Yellow $24.99 $49.99 $25.00
Dreamgear My Arcade Data East Micro Player Pro 6.75" Mini Arcade Machine $24.99 $49.99 $25.00
Dreamgear My Arcade Galaga 2 In 1 Micro Player Pro 6.75" Mini Arcade Machine $39.99 $49.99 $10.00
Dreamgear My Arcade Galaga 2-in-1 Pocket Player Pro Gaming System $44.99 $54.99 $10.00
Dreamgear My Arcade Mega Man 6-in-1 Micro Player Pro 6.75" Mini Arcade Machine $39.99 $49.99 $10.00
Dreamgear My Arcade Mega Man 6-in-1 Pocket Player Pro Gaming System $44.99 $54.99 $10.00
Dreamgear My Arcade Ms.pac-man Micro Player Pro 6.75" Mini Arcade Machine $39.99 $49.99 $10.00
Dreamgear My Arcade Ms.pac-man Pocket Player Pro Gaming System $44.99 $54.99 $10.00
Dreamgear My Arcade Pac-man Micro Player Pro 6.75" Mini Arcade Machine $39.99 $49.99 $10.00
Dreamgear My Arcade Pac-man Pocket Player Pro Gaming System $44.99 $54.99 $10.00
Dreamgear My Arcade Space Invaders Micro Player Pro 6.75" Mini Arcade Machine $24.99 $49.99 $25.00
Dreamgear My Arcade Street Fighter Ii Pocket Player Pro Gaming System $44.99 $54.99 $10.00
Dreamgear My Arcade Super Street Fighter Ii Micro Player Pro 6.75" Mini Arcade Machine - Orange $44.99 $54.99 $10.00
Dreamgear Uni Pocket Player Space Invaders Portable Gaming System $29.99 $54.99 $25.00
Ea Sports Fc 24 (ps4) $39.99 $69.99 $30.00
Elden Ring (ps5) $44.99 $64.99 $20.00
Elden Ring (ps4) $29.99 $54.99 $25.00
Elden Ring (xbox Series X / Xbox One) $44.99 $64.99 $20.00
Fae Farm (switch) - Digital Download $55.99 $79.99 $24.00
Far Cry 6 (ps4) $29.99 $49.99 $20.00
Far Cry 6 (ps5) $29.99 $49.99 $20.00
Far Cry 6 (xbox Series X / Xbox One) $29.99 $49.99 $20.00
Fire Emblem Engage Expansion Pass (switch) - Digital Download $27.99 $39.99 $12.00
Fire Emblem Engage (switch) - Digital Download $55.99 $79.99 $24.00
Fire Emblem Engage With Expansion Pass (switch) - Digital Download $83.98 $119.98 $36.00
Forza Horizon 5 (xbox Series X / Xbox One) $39.99 $79.99 $40.00
Forza Motorsport (xbox Series X) $44.99 $89.99 $45.00
God Of War Iii Remastered (ps4) $9.99 $19.99 $10.00
God Of War (ps4) $9.99 $19.99 $10.00
Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy - The Definitive Edition (switch) - Digital Download $39.99 $79.99 $40.00
Horizon Forbidden West Complete Edition (ps5) $49.99 $79.99 $30.00
Hyrule Warriors: Age Of Calamity And Expansion Pass Bundle (switch) - Digital Download $74.88 $106.88 $32.00
Hyrule Warriors: Age Of Calamity Expansion Pass (switch) - Digital Download $18.89 $26.89 $8.00
Hyrule Warriors: Age Of Calamity (switch) - Digital Download $55.99 $79.99 $24.00
It Takes Two (switch) - Digital Download $27.49 $54.49 $27.00
Kirby And The Forgotten Land (switch) - Digital Download $55.99 $79.99 $24.00
Layton’s Mystery Journey: Katrielle & The Millionaires’ Conspiracy Deluxe Ed. (switch) - Digital Dl $29.99 $49.99 $20.00
Live A Live (switch) - Digital Download $45.49 $64.49 $19.00
Logitech G29 Driving Force Racing Wheel For Playstation/pc - Dark $349.99 $399.99 $50.00
Logitech G920 Driving Force Racing Wheel For Xbox/pc - Dark $349.99 $399.99 $50.00
Logitech G Pro Trueforce Racing Wheel For Pc - Black $999.99 $1299.99 $300.00
Madden Nfl 24 (ps5) $39.99 $69.99 $30.00
Madden Nfl 24 (ps4) $39.99 $69.99 $30.00
Madden Nfl 24 (xbox Series X) $39.99 $69.99 $30.00
Mario + Rabbids Sparks Of Hope Cosmic Edition (switch) - Only At Best Buy $29.99 $49.99 $20.00
Mario + Rabbids Sparks Of Hope (switch) $29.99 $49.99 $20.00
Mega Man 11 (switch) - Digital Download $12.99 $39.99 $27.00
Metal Gearsolid: Master Collection Volume 1 (switch) - Digital Download $63.99 $79.99 $16.00
Minecraft: Bedrock Edition + 3500 Minecoins (xbox Series X / Xbox One) $19.99 $39.99 $20.00
Minecraft Deluxe Collection (switch) - Digital Download $24.99 $49.99 $25.00
Minecraft Dungeons (switch) - Digital Download $12.99 $25.99 $13.00
Minecraft Dungeons: Ultimate Dlc Bundle (switch) - Digital Download $12.99 $25.99 $13.00
Minecraft Dungeons Ultimate Edition (switch) $24.99 $49.99 $25.00
Minecraft Dungeons Ultimate Edition (switch) - Digital Download $24.99 $51.99 $27.00
Minecraft Dungeons Ultimate Edition (xbox Series X / Xbox One) $24.95 $49.95 $25.00
Minecraft Legends Deluxe Edition (switch) $32.49 $64.49 $32.00
Minecraft Legends: Deluxe Edition (switch) - Digital Download $32.49 $64.49 $32.00
Minecraft Legends Deluxe Edition (xbox Series X / Xbox One) $32.49 $64.49 $32.00
Minecraft Legends (switch) - Digital Download $25.99 $51.99 $26.00
Minecraft (switch) $14.99 $29.99 $15.00
Minecraft (switch) - Digital Download $14.99 $29.99 $15.00
Mlb The Show 24: Negro-leagues Edition (ps5) $99.99 $164.99 $65.00
Mlb The Show 22 (ps5) $14.99 $33.99 $19.00
Mlb The Show 24 (ps5) $64.99 $89.99 $25.00
Mlb The Show 23 (ps4) $14.99 $29.99 $15.00
Mlb The Show 23 (ps5) $29.99 $39.99 $10.00
Mlb The Show 24 (switch) $54.99 $79.99 $25.00
Mlb The Show 24 (xbox Series X) $64.99 $89.99 $25.00
Monster Hunter Rise + Sunbreak (switch) - Digital Download $26.99 $79.99 $53.00
Mythforce (switch) - Digital Download $20.25 $40.25 $20.00
Neon White (switch) - Digital Download $18.99 $31.99 $13.00
New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe (switch) - Digital Download $53.32 $80.32 $27.00
Nhl 24 (ps4) $34.99 $59.99 $25.00
Nhl 24 (xbox One) $34.99 $59.99 $25.00
Outer Wilds: Archaeologist Edition (switch) - Digital Download $29.99 $49.99 $20.00
Pdp Airlite Pro Wireless Gaming Headset For Xbox - Jolt Green $89.98 $99.98 $10.00
Pdp Lvl40 Gaming Headset For Switch - Blue/red $29.98 $39.98 $10.00
Playstation Pulse 3d Wireless Gaming Headset For Playstation 5 - Midnight Black $99.98 $129.98 $30.00
Playstation Pulse 3d Wireless Gaming Headset For Playstation 5 - White $99.98 $129.98 $30.00
Prince Of Persia The Lost Crown (ps4) $39.99 $69.99 $30.00
Ratchet & Clank (ps4) $9.99 $19.99 $10.00
Razer Wolverine V2 Chroma Wired Controller For Xbox Series X/S - Black $179.99 $189.99 $10.00
Razer Wolverine V2 Wired Gaming Controller For Xbox Series X/S - Mercury $99.99 $139.99 $40.00
Red Dead Redemption (switch) - Digital Download $45.49 $65.49 $20.00
Riders Republic (ps5) $29.99 $39.99 $10.00
Seagate 2tb Storage Expansion Card For Xbox Series X And Series S $339.99 $384.99 $45.00
Shin Megami Tensei V (switch) $29.99 $49.99 $20.00
Slay The Spire (switch) - Digital Download $11.38 $33.38 $22.00
Sonic Frontiers (switch) - Digital Download $31.99 $79.99 $48.00
Sonic Origins Plus (switch) - Digital Download $26.99 $54.99 $28.00
Sony Inzone H3 Gaming Headset - White $79.99 $129.99 $50.00
Spider-man Game Of The Year Edition (ps4) $39.99 $49.99 $10.00
Splatoon 3 + Expansion Pass Bundle (switch) - Digital Download $78.39 $112.39 $34.00
Splatoon 3 (switch) - Digital Download $55.99 $79.99 $24.00
Steelseries Arctis Nova 1p Gaming Headset - White $59.98 $69.98 $10.00
Steelseries Arctis Nova 1x Gaming Headset - Black $64.98 $69.98 $5.00
Super Mario Odyssey (switch) - Digital Download $53.32 $80.32 $27.00
Sushi Striker: The Way Of Sushido (switch) - Digital Download $45.49 $65.49 $20.00
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Cowabunga Collection (switch) - Digital Download $24.99 $49.99 $25.00
The Crew Motorfest (ps5) $49.99 $89.99 $40.00
The Crew Motorfest (xbox Series X) $49.99 $89.99 $40.00
The Last Of Us Part Ii (ps4) $39.99 $49.99 $10.00
The Last Of Us: Part Ii Remastered (ps5) $49.99 $64.99 $15.00
The Last Of Us Remastered (ps4) $9.99 $19.99 $10.00
The Legend Of Zelda: Link's Awakening (switch) - Digital Download $55.99 $79.99 $24.00
Thrustmaster Eswap X Racing Wheel For Xbox Series X/S/xbox One/pc - Forza Horizon 5 Edition $32.99 $39.99 $7.00
Thrustmaster Ferrari F1 Racing Wheel $249.99 $279.99 $30.00
Thrustmaster Leather 28 Gt Racing Wheel $249.99 $279.99 $30.00
Thrustmaster T818 Ferrari Sf1000 Racing Wheel Bundle For Pc $1399.99 $1499.99 $100.00
Thrustmaster T-lcm Pedals For Pc/xbox One/ps4 $329.99 $359.99 $30.00
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #fe Encore (switch) - Digital Download $55.99 $79.99 $24.00
Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered (switch) - Digital Download $30.48 $40.48 $10.00
Topspin 2k25 (ps5) $69.99 $89.99 $20.00
Topspin 2k25 (xbox One) $59.99 $79.99 $20.00
Topspin 2k25 (xbox Series X / Xbox One) $69.99 $89.99 $20.00
Triangle Strategy (switch) - Digital Download $55.99 $79.99 $24.00
Uncharted: Legacy Of Thieves Collection (ps5) $29.99 $64.99 $35.00
Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection (ps4) $9.99 $19.99 $10.00
Uni Atari Portable Gaming System With 100 Games $44.99 $54.99 $10.00
Unicorn Overlord Monarch Edition (switch) - Digital Download $70.11 $93.11 $23.00
Uni Gamer V Classic Tetris Portable Gaming System (201 Games) $24.99 $34.99 $10.00
Uni Go Gamer Classic Tetris Portable Gaming System (301 Games) $29.99 $39.99 $10.00
Until Dawn (ps4) $9.99 $19.99 $10.00
We Love Katamari Reroll+ Royal Reverie (switch) - Digital Download $9.99 $39.99 $30.00
Wwe 2k24 (ps5) $69.99 $89.99 $20.00
Wwe 2k24 (xbox Series X) $69.99 $89.99 $20.00
Xbox Wireless Controller - Stormcloud Vapor Edition $64.99 $79.99 $15.00
Xbox Wireless Controller (2020) With Usb-c Cable - Carbon Black $59.99 $74.99 $15.00
Xbox Wireless Controller (2020) With Wireless Adapter - Carbon Black $84.97 $99.97 $15.00
Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition (switch) - Digital Download $55.99 $79.99 $24.00
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 + Expansion Pass (switch) - Digital Download $83.98 $119.98 $36.00
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Expansion Pass (switch) - Digital Download $27.99 $39.99 $12.00
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 (switch) - Digital Download $55.99 $79.99 $24.00

Play at Best Buy

Item Sale Price MSRP Savings
Assassin's Creed Mirage: Standard Edition (xbox Series X) 39.99 69.99 30.00
Asus Rog Azoth Wireless Nx Snow Mechanical With Oled Display Custom Gaming Keyboard - Moonlight White - Only At Best Buy 279.99 329.99 50.00
Avatar: Frontiers Of Pandora (ps5) 49.99 89.99 40.00
Ea Sports Fc 24 (switch) 39.99 69.99 30.00
Ea Sports Fc 24 (xbox Series X / Xbox One) 39.99 69.99 30.00
Forza Horizon 5 (xbox Series X / Xbox One) 39.99 69.99 30.00
Hyperx Cloud Iii Wireless Gaming Headset - Red/black 169.99 194.99 25.00
Minecraft (switch) 14.99 29.99 15.00
Nhl 24 (xbox Series X) 39.99 69.99 30.00
Prince Of Persia The Lost Crown (ps5) 39.99 69.99 30.00
Prince Of Persia The Lost Crown (switch) 39.99 69.99 30.00
Razer Huntsman V2 Tkl Backlit Mechanical Linear Red Optical Ergonomic Gaming Keyboard 119.99 149.99 30.00
Razer Kaira Pro Dual Wireless Gaming Headset For Ps5 149.99 199.99 50.00
Skull And Bones Limited Edition (xbox Series X) - Only At Best Buy 49.99 89.99 40.00
Zotac Gaming Geforce Rtx 4070 Twin Edge Oc White Edition 12gb Gddr6x Video Card 699.99 799.99 100.00

Top Deals PC Gaming

Item Sale Price MSRP Savings
Acer Nitro 27" Fhd 180hz 1ms Gtg Led Curved Freesync Gaming Monitor (ed273 S3biip) – Black $179.99 $189.99 $10.00
Acer Nitro 5 15.6" Gaming Laptop - Black (intel Ci5-12450h/8gb Ram/512gb Ssd/geforce Rtx 3050) $799.99 $899.99 $100.00
Acer Nitro N50 Gaming Pc - Black/red (intel Core I5-14400f/1tb Ssd/16gb Ram/geforce Rtx 4060/win 11) $1299.99 $1559.99 $260.00
Acer Nitro 31.5" Wqhd 165hz 1ms Gtg Curved Va Led Freesync Gaming Monitor (ei322qur Sbmiipphx) - Black $299.99 $399.99 $100.00
Alienware Aurora R16 Gaming Pc (intel Core I7 14700f/16gb Ram/512gb Ssd/geforce Rtx 4060) $1899.99 $2099.99 $200.00
Alienware 34" Wqhd 165hz 0.1ms Gtg Curved Qd-oled Led G-sync Freesync Gaming Monitor (aw3423dwf) $1099.99 $1299.99 $200.00
Asus Rog Ally 7" 1080p Touch Gaming Console (amd Z1 Extreme/radeon Navi3/16gb Ram/512gb Ssd/windows 11/xbox Gamepass) $699.99 $799.99 $100.00
Asus Rog Azoth Wireless Nx Snow Mechanical With Oled Display Custom Gaming Keyboard - Moonlight White - Only At Best Buy $279.99 $329.99 $50.00
Asus Rog G16chr Gaming Pc - Grey (intel Core I7-14700f/1tb Ssd/32gb Ram/geforce Rtx 4070/windows 11) $2099.99 $2799.99 $700.00
Asus Rog Strix G17 17.3" Gaming Laptop - Eclipse Grey (amd Ryzen 7 6800h/512gb Ssd/16gb Ram/rtx 3050)- En $1199.99 $1649.99 $450.00
Asus Rog Strix G18 18" Gaming Laptop - Eclipse Grey (intel Core I9-14900hx/1tb Ssd/32gb Ram/geforce Rtx 4060) $2499.99 $2699.99 $200.00
Asus Rog Strix G13 Gaming Pc - Dark Grey (intel Core I7-14700f/1tb Ssd/32gb Ram/geforce Rtx4060/win11) $1599.99 $1999.99 $400.00
Asus Rog Strix G13 Gaming Pc - Extreme Dark Grey (intel Ci5-14400f/1tb Ssd/16gb Ram/geforce Rtx3050) $999.99 $1299.99 $300.00
Asus Tuf A15 15.6" Gaming Laptop - Mecha Grey (amd Ryzen 7 7735hs/512gb Ssd/32gb Ram/geforce Rtx 4050) $1499.99 $1649.99 $150.00
Asus Tuf A15 15.6" Gaming Laptop - Mecha Grey (amd Ryzen 7 6800hs/512gb Ssd/8gb Ram/geforce Rtx 2050)- En $799.99 $1099.99 $300.00
Asus Tuf 23.8" Fhd 180hz 1ms Gtg Ips Led G-sync Freesync Gaming Monitor (vg249ql3a) $209.99 $249.99 $40.00
Asus Tuf Gaming A15 15.6" Gaming Laptop - Mecha Grey (amd Ryzen 7 8845hs/1tb Ssd/32gb Ram/geforce Rtx 4060) $1599.99 $1799.99 $200.00
Asus Tuf Gaming F17 17.3" Gaming Laptop - Mecha Grey (intel Core I5-12500h/1tb Ssd/16gb Ram/geforce Rtx 3050) $1099.99 $1299.99 $200.00
Hp Omen 16" Gaming Laptop - Shadow Black (intel Core I7-13620h/1tb Ssd/16gb Ram/geforce Rtx 4060 /win 11) $1699.99 $1999.99 $300.00
Hp Omen 25l Gaming Pc (intel Core I7-14700f/1tb Hdd/32gb Ram/geforce Rtx 4070 Supewin11) $2299.99 $2799.99 $500.00
Hp Victus Desktop Gaming Pc (intel Core I7-14700f/1tb Ssd/16gb Ram/geforce Rtx 4060 Ti/windows 11) $1649.99 $1999.99 $350.00
Lenovo Ideacentre 5i Gaming Pc - Raven Black (intel Core I5-12400f/512gb Ssd/16gb Ram/rtx 3050/win 11) $789.99 $999.99 $210.00
Lenovo Legion Tower 5i Gaming Pc - Storm Grey (intel Core I5 14400f/32gb Ram/1tb Ssd/ Rtx 4060/win 11) $1499.99 $1699.99 $200.00
Lenovo Legion Tower 5i Gaming Pc- Storm Grey (intel Core I7-13700f/1tb Ssd/16gb Ram/geforce Rtx 4070)- En $2099.99 $2699.99 $600.00
Lg Ultragear 23.8" Fhd 165hz 1ms Gtg Va Led Freesync Gaming Monitor (24gq50f-b) - Only At Best Buy $149.99 $179.99 $30.00
Lg Ultragear 27" 1440p Qhd 165hz 1ms Gtg Ips Lcd Freesync Gaming Monitor (27gr75q) $329.99 $499.99 $170.00
Lg Ultrawide 34" Fhd 100hz 5ms Gtg Led Ips Freesync Gaming Monitor (34wq650-w) - White - Only At Best Buy $329.99 $449.99 $120.00
Msi Aegis R Gaming Pc - Black (intel Core I7-14700f/1tb Ssd/16gb Ram/geforce Rtx 4070 Supewindows 11) $2099.99 $2299.99 $200.00
Msi Cyborg 14 A13v 14" Gaming Laptop - Black (intel Core I7-13620h/1tb Ssd/16gb Ram/geforce Rtx 4050) $1379.99 $1479.99 $100.00
Msi Thin 15 15.6" Gaming Laptop - Cosmos Grey (intel Core I7-13620h/512gb/16gb Ram/geforce Rtx 4060) $1399.99 $1499.99 $100.00
Razer Huntsman V2 Tkl Backlit Mechanical Linear Red Optical Ergonomic Gaming Keyboard $119.99 $149.99 $30.00
Samsung 24" Fhd 75hz 5ms Gtg Ips Led Freesync Monitor (lf24t350fhnxza) - Dark Blue Grey $109.99 $149.99 $40.00
Samsung Odyssey G3 24" Fhd 144hz 1ms Gtg Va Lcd Freesync Gaming Monitor (ls24ag30annxza) - Black $149.99 $179.99 $30.00
Samsung Odyssey Oled G9 49" Qhd 240hz 0.03ms Gtg Curved Oled G-sync Freesync Gaming Monitor(ls49cg932snxza) – Silver $1399.99 $1599.99 $200.00

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Amazon Fire Tv Stick 4k (2023) Media Streamer With Alexa Voice Remote $49.99 $59.99 $10.00
Amazon Fire Tv Stick Lite Media Streamer With Alexa Voice Remote Lite (2022) $34.99 $39.99 $5.00
Amazon Fire Tv Stick (3rd Gen) Media Streamer With Alexa Voice Remote $41.99 $49.99 $8.00
Audio-technica At-sb727 Sound Burger Portable Bluetooth Turntable- Black $259.99 $279.99 $20.00
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House Of Marley Stir It Up Belt Drive Usb Turntable $229.99 $349.99 $120.00
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Jbl Spinner Belt Drive Bluetooth Turntable - Gold $529.99 $599.99 $70.00
Jbl Spinner Belt Drive Bluetooth Usb Turntable - Black $529.99 $599.99 $70.00
Kanto Fillable Speaker Stands (sx22w) - White $269.99 $339.99 $70.00
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Klipsch R40sa 200-watt Bookshelf Speaker - Pair - Black $449.99 $649.99 $200.00
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Lg Éclair Se6s 100-watt 3.0 Channel Dolby Atmos Smart Sound Bar $299.99 $549.99 $250.00
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One For All Essential 4-device Universal Remote Control $24.99 $32.99 $8.00
One For All Essential 6-device Universal Remote Control $32.99 $39.99 $7.00
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Onkyo Dxc390 6-disc Cd Carousel Changer $429.99 $499.99 $70.00
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Pioneer Vsx-935 7.2 Channel 8k Ultra Hd Network Av Receiver $649.99 $749.99 $100.00
Pro-ject T1-btxw Belt Drive Turntable With Bluetooth - Only At Best Buy $449.97 $599.97 $150.00
Roku Premiere 4k Media Streamer With Remote $29.99 $39.99 $10.00
Samsung 65" Hdr Neo Qled Tizen Smart Tv (qn65qn90dafxzc) -2024- Graphite Black $3199.99 $3299.99 $100.00
Samsung Hw-c400 2.0 Channel Sound Bar $129.99 $179.99 $50.00
Samsung Hw-q990d/zc 11.1.4 Channel Sound Bar With Wireless Subwoofer & Up-firing Rear Speakers - Graphite Black $1899.99 $2199.99 $300.00
Samsung Hw-s61b 5.0 Channel Sound Bar - White $299.95 $499.95 $200.00
Samsung 85" 4k Uhd Hdr Neo Qled Tizen Smart Tv (qn85qn90cafxzc) - 2023 - Titan Black $3999.99 $5299.99 $1300.00
Samsung 75" 4k Uhd Hdr Qled Smart Tv (qn75q80cafxzc) - 2023 - Titan Black $1799.99 $2699.99 $900.00
Samsung 65" 4k Uhd Hdr Qled Tizen Os Smart Tv (qn65q70dafxzc) - 2024 $1499.99 $1599.99 $100.00
Samsung 32" 1080p Hd Led Tizen Smart Tv (un32n5300afxzc) - Glossy Black $279.99 $299.99 $20.00
Sennheiser Ambeo Max 500-watt 5.1.4 Channel Dolby Atmos Sound Bar $2399.99 $2599.99 $200.00
Sennheiser Ambeo Sub 350-watt Subwoofer - Anthracite $799.99 $999.99 $200.00
Sonos Arc Sound Bar - Black $879.99 $1099.99 $220.00
Sonos Arc Sound Bar - White $879.99 $1099.99 $220.00
Sonos Beam (2nd Gen) Sound Bar With Amazon Alexa And Google Assistant Built-in - Black $519.99 $649.99 $130.00
Sonos Beam (2nd Gen) Sound Bar With Amazon Alexa And Google Assistant Built-in - White $519.99 $649.99 $130.00
Sonos Era 100 Multi-room Speaker - Single - Black $255.99 $319.99 $64.00
Sonos Era 100 Multi-room Speaker - Single - White $255.99 $319.99 $64.00
Sonos Roam Sl Waterproof Bluetooth Wireless Speaker - Black - Exclusive Retail Partner $159.95 $199.95 $40.00
Sonos Sub (3rd Gen) Wireless Subwoofer - Black $799.99 $999.99 $200.00
Sonos Sub (3rd Gen) Wireless Subwoofer - White $799.99 $999.99 $200.00
Sony Alarm Clock Radio (icfc1/buc) - Black $34.99 $39.99 $5.00
Sony 3d Blu-ray Player With 4k Upscaling & Wi-fi (bdps6700/ca) $149.99 $169.99 $20.00
Sony Ht-a9 High Performance Home Theatre System $1999.99 $2499.99 $500.00
Sony 4k Uhd Blu-ray Player (ubpx700/ca) $279.99 $329.99 $50.00
Sony 55" 4k Uhd Hdr Oled Smart Google Tv (xr55a80l) - 2023 $1999.99 $2199.99 $200.00
Sony 65" 4k Uhd Hdr Oled Smart Google Tv (xr65a80l) - 2023 $2399.99 $2499.99 $100.00
Sony 77" 4k Uhd Hdr Oled Smart Google Tv (xr77a80l) - 2023 $3799.99 $4199.99 $400.00
Sony 1080p Upconverting Dvd Player (dvpsr510h) $49.99 $59.99 $10.00
Sony Str-an1000 7.2 Channel 8k Ultra Hd Av Receiver $899.99 $999.99 $100.00
Sony Str-dh590 5.2 Channel 4k Ultra Hd Home Theatre Av Receiver $449.99 $459.99 $10.00
Sony X80k 65" 4k Uhd Hdr Led Smart Google Tv (kd65x80k) $999.99 $1099.99 $100.00
Tcl 55" Q-class 4k Uhd Hdr Qled Smart Google Tv (55q750g-ca) - 2023 $649.99 $799.99 $150.00
Tcl Q5 55" 4k Uhd Hdr Qled Google Tv Smart Tv (55q550g-ca) - 2023 - Only At Best Buy $499.99 $549.99 $50.00
Tcl Q5 50" 4k Uhd Hdr Qled Google Tv Smart Tv (50q550g-ca) - 2023 - Only At Best Buy $449.99 $499.99 $50.00
Tcl Q5 65" 4k Uhd Hdr Qled Google Tv Smart Tv (65q550g-ca) - 2023 - Only At Best Buy $649.99 $699.99 $50.00
Tcl 50" S-class 4k Uhd Hdr Led Smart Google Tv (50s450g-ca) - 2023 $349.99 $359.99 $10.00
Tcl 40" S-class 1080p Hd Hdr Led Smart Google Tv (40s350g-ca) - 2023 $249.99 $269.99 $20.00
Tcl 32" S-class 1080p Hd Hdr Led Smart Google Tv (32s350g-ca) - 2023 $179.99 $199.99 $20.00
Toshiba 65" 4k Uhd Hdr Led Fire Smart Tv (65c350lc) - 2023 - Only At Best Buy $599.99 $799.99 $200.00
Toshiba 50" 4k Uhd Hdr Led Fire Smart Tv (50c350lc) - 2023 - Only At Best Buy $419.99 $599.99 $180.00
Victrola Stream Carbon Direct Drive Turntable - Works With Sonos - Black/silver $799.99 $999.99 $200.00
Victrola Stream Onyx Direct Drive Turntable - Works With Sonos – Black $599.99 $799.99 $200.00
submitted by lbabinz to VideoGameDealsCanada [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 02:12 One-Arachnid5721 Any VBA or accredited attournys got a second?

I have a question! I found almost an identical case that was appealed and the appeal led to the courts determining a remand and eventually getting service connected in his favor. I'm wrighting a lay statment for evidence for a supplemental claim appeal because my VSO didn't send in my original va form 21-10210. Should I mention the case number or case name in my lay statment?
submitted by One-Arachnid5721 to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 00:53 oldsoulkt Proposal to severe service connection guidance

Proposal to severe service connection guidance
I received this letter today after filing for my shin splints over a year ago. I have nexus letters, military medical records that clearly document my shin splints (I was even on crutches for weeks during duty), civilian medical records, buddy statements, and my own lay statements explaining in detail how my shin splints are so severe it negatively impacts my quality of life. Even with all of that evidence, the VA denied me the first time, I submitted an appeal and then they gave me a rating of 0% because I didn’t seek treatment for at least 12 consecutive months (couldn’t afford it back then). I’m currently actively seeking treatment for my shin splints, I’ve done PT, tried insoles, tried pain meds, and now next up is an MRI since nothing else has worked.
It also doesn’t help that I was reserves my entire service period. Apparently only count basic training and deployments as time served for reservists, so it’s like the full 8 years I served never happened.
The VA is now stating that the original decision to establish a service connection to my shin splints is “clearly and unmistakably erroneous (wrong)” and they are proposing to sever service connection for it.
What does this mean and what should I do about this? Should I appeal, get a lawyer, VSO? I’m extremely lost right now, any help is appreciated. Thank you.
submitted by oldsoulkt to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 00:42 VicV420 Help With Bros Rating Decision

Help With Bros Rating Decision submitted by VicV420 to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]