Red painful thigh


2019.01.07 00:32 Eldriefess AccidentalDates

Have you ever gone to the movies with a friend only to have your hand held? Gone bowling with an ol buddy and received red roses and a love poem? Went on an innocent star gazing hike and suddenly had your colleagues face pressed against yours? Outings where one person thinks it is just a friendly hang and the other thinks it's a date can be awfully painful for you and hilarious for everyone else to read about. So share share share! Let us all wallow in this cringe!

2023.12.15 16:44 Legitimate_Vast_3271 nurses4truth

A place for nurses to consider things rarely discussed among medical professionals, where truth is stranger than fiction, and popular worldviews are exposed as illusions—a red-pill experience that many in the medical community cannot handle because truth is too painful to accept.

2011.12.03 09:50 Bah. Humbug.

Does mass needless consumerism make you sick? Is the holiday season a painful time of year for you and you just want to vent? Do the colors red and green together just anger you? There are many reasons to dislike things. If you have a reason and Christmas is the thing, feel free to share.

2024.06.09 19:28 volgensmij520 My experience so far getting Botox in my armpits

TLDR: loving the Botox right now. 40ish year old female.
I got Botox in my armpits about 2 weeks ago for hyperhidrosis. First time treatment. So far, this is my experience. I'll break it down by my treatment experience first. Then I'll break it down on how the outcomes affect my life.
Treatment Experience
Outcome Experience First take:
It is almost hard to have known how badly my sweating affected me until after the procedure. Some of my own reflections:
Overall, 10 out of 10 will get the procedure done again when the effects have worn off.
submitted by volgensmij520 to Hyperhidrosis [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:21 SleepCoachJacob The sound design in this game has some flaws, especially when it comes to silent hazards and AoE effects

First of all, I really enjoy this latest season, feel like Blizzard really pulled the plane out of a nosedive. Let's get that out of the way, I'm not trying to be a hater, I just have some pain points with the game that maybe other people can relate to.
Second, I'm not a sound engineer, nor a sound expert. My theories on this come from me racking my brain trying to understand my own pain points as a player. So take whatever I say with a grain of salt.
Ok, so how did this inquiry even start for me? Well, it came out of days of frustration wondering why oh why, I die to elites with the "Frozen (Shattering)" affix so often. For those who need a visual reminder, I'm talking about the guys who create these ice pools below:
Here's what's interesting about these ice pools: they have a distinct visual effect that actually, usually has contrast with the environment (I SHOULD be able to see them) and also, they don't one shot me (I SHOULD be able to react to them and get away from them). And yet, so often, in the chaos of battle, I will find myself wondering why my health sphere is gradually draining away rapidly. Before I know it, I'm dead and realize after the fact I was standing in the pool. Learning from this experience, I try to be EXTRA vigilant for them, and yet, they get me again and again in a way that similar effects don't seem to in other games.
It was really bothering me, why the hell am I so bad at avoiding this game mechanic in particular? Then it hit me: these pools make like zero noise. And I don't mean they make no noise when you're standing in it (that would be nice too), I mean, they are like the most silent thing in the game. They provide no audio clue that something really bad is happening ON THE SCREEN. And I just had this epiphany that years of gaming have conditioned my brain unconsciously to respond to the COMBINATION of audio and visual effects when it comes to registering hazards; a visual cue is necessary but insufficient as a signal. When accompanying audio is absent, something happens and it's like...I just can't SEE it for some reason.
Once this epiphany hit me, I started noticing other oddly silent effects in this game. I'll give you just one more example because this post is getting long. The "barbarian" Pit boss fight will eventually spawn a red demon apparition that joins the fight and tries to pound you into the ground. It's main attack is to slam the ground as hard as it can in your direction dealing direct damage and also spawning red vaporous pools of death. Now, I know this thing is a ghost, but the sound for POUNDING ON THE GROUND is so so faint and subtle. Like, it just doesn't FIT with what my eyes are seeing on the screen. So, not only do I feel like the audio experience doesn't provide the correct signals to player's brains sometimes, but also, there's a mismatch esthetically with the visual content. Like, the game would also just be better artistically if the gaps in sound design were filled.
Probably nobody will ever read all this, but I seriously think Blizzard needs to do a thorough audit of visual effects that lack sufficient punch in the audio department. To be clear, the stuff that DOES have sufficient sound is GREAT. I love bashing, slashing, shooting, zapping, burning, freezing, and crushing monsters because the sound is great. The sounds mobs make when they die and attack are often great. But there appear to be some clear gaps here that are at least affecting me and maybe other players adversely.
TL;DR: Blizzard should do an audit of visual effects in this game to identify effects that need a better sound design.
submitted by SleepCoachJacob to diablo4 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:12 arekban Harmless Human Sacrifice 11

Synopsis: Markus is summoned from Earth by evil beings looking for a 'weak and primitive' creature to use as sacrificial entertainment. What they got instead was a human. Immediately after arriving, Markus awakens to an ability so rare, so powerful that it makes every god on Firellia desperate to recruit him as their new champion.
Learning to control his innate mastery over mana, Markus will devour the very essence of any monster, demon, or god that dares get in his way, determined to never lose his freedom again.
First Prev Next Patreon
Markus felt the air slicing right past his shoulder, but the blade never made contact. With an explosion of pain and power, he forced the goblins away with intangible, spiritual force, a white-blue energy emanating from him as he clutched his axe hard, fresh blood leaking onto the handle.
[Mana Capacity at 366%. Overcharge, E Grade is in effect. Growth increased. All physical stats temporarily increased by 75. Physical damage resistance increased.]
[Mana Poisoning II is in effect.]
He stared out at the five targets before him, all of them frozen, inert, watching to see what he’d do next. The injured sword user still stared dead at him, but it wasn’t just hatred in his eyes, no. Not anymore.
There was another feeling in there, one that grew with each passing moment as Markus began to close the distance between them. Now it was his turn to advance, theirs to shy away, to back up, to brandish their weapons wildly in an attempt to deter his hellmarch.
Markus had started off limping, but he soon managed to stand tall. His injuries barely affected him in this state. They still hurt, they still throbbed, they still itched and burned beneath his skin, but the pleasant, stimulating, thrumming warmth of mana flowed through him at full tilt, guiding his motions and giving him clarity of vision, confidence in his gait.
His heavy, deliberate steps crushed the sand below. He was no larger than life, yet a monster of gargantuan proportions in the face of these pitiable beasts.
They swang and stabbed forth with such forlorn intensity, such maddening whines. They sensed the danger, backing up continually even as they continued to try and keep Markus at bay, huddling in a tenuous attempt at a battle formation.
None of this deterred Markus. He could see their attacks for what they were now. Untrained. They’d used their weapons far more than he ever had, yes, but they were still clumsy. Slower than he’d been with the glaive. Moving aside to dodge a sword swing or the poke of a spear was rudimentary at this point. Almost effortless.
Still, dealing at four weapons thrusting in his direction at once was still difficult. When another rock sailed past his head, this one just barely missing due to a split-second reaction, he instinctively responded, chucking the hand axe straight at the far off goblin with the slingshot.
His weapon travelled about ten feet before embedding itself directly in the creature’s chest.
He fell in an instant. There would be no survival, no miraculous return to his feet. One strike was all it took.
He’d given up his weapon. It didn’t matter. Markus had a thousand other ways to make the remainders’ defenses crack.
Shield user was heading up the middle of their formation, which made the most sense, the two polearm users standing at either side a small distance behind and continually thrusting with their spears. The four of them were stood in something almost akin to a V formation, the leader pressing his right arm into the chest of the goblin beside him and encouraging them to keep backing up.
Markus attempted to draw out the Flame Mana within his body. He was still clumsy, still having difficulty with selecting specific mana types to use, and when he attempted to focus his Flame Mana on a point and ignite one of the specific goblins, he found that having a point in Pyromancy didn’t just give him the power to spontaneously combust things.
Well, at least not yet.
So Markus settled for a different method. He attempted to use Manifest for the first time, drawing the Spirit Mana out of his body and attempting to form it into a shape, something long and sharp, resembling a blade or a stick or a poker, an instrument he could use to break up their formation, to make himself an opening. He continued to visualise as he walked, imagining his desired extension of Spirit as best he possibly could and attempting to bring it into the waiting world.
When the object first began to form within his hand, he found it to lack a handle, a shape, a curve, any delineating feature that might mark it as a distinct object, that might give it purpose. As it stood, the object looked something akin to a plain blue quarterstaff, its shape uniform as it lengthened, its colour a consistent, shimmering blue all the way along, complete with white rings that circled its length over and over as it continued to grow in length.
Markus shifted his focus over to Empower. He gave the makeshift weapon a test swing as he began to coat the surface of the ethereal staff in an orange glow, markings both spreading and radiating in each direction of the conjured weapon and warming Markus’ hands. It felt light in his hands, lighter than a baseball bat. Lighter than his glaive. Attunement didn’t apply here. This weapon was an extension of him. He understood how it moved.
There was a collective ‘what the fuck’ on the face of the goblins. They stood their ground, weapons stilled, ready to deflect his strikes as in the background, the announcer went through his latest bout of losing his damn mind at the spectacle unfolding before him.
The crowd seemed to have changed their tune. The cheers and cries of excitement from above were overwhelming—Markus put them out of mind. Stored them for later. Removed them from his focus.
All that mattered now was advancing. Surviving. Winning while he still had mana to spend.
Markus swang forwards with all of his might. Sparks and licks of flame alike danced through the stifling air, roaring upwards as his weapon collided with the middle goblin’s shield, staggering him and shaking all four of them in turn.
He could feel the reverberation coursing through him, but he stayed the course, retracting the weapon and reengaging with a lunging thrust, one leg extended, power and momentum coalescing even as he focussed the tip of his conjured staff into a red-hot tip.
The sparks that flew as the staff collided served as ample kindling, the wooden shield on the goblin’s arm catching flame. He waved his arm madly as he struggled to detach the large slab of wood from his arm, disrupting his comrades as Markus swang forth again, smacking the same goblin again in his sword arm and causing him to drop his weapon, staggering backwards and howling as the flames along the shield continued to spread, threatening to melt his flesh any moment as still he fought to detach it with no arms to do so.
Markus stared at the spreading flame, feeling intention rising within his body as he focussed the same energy he could feel dissipating from the staff after his second strike, retaining the feeling while he still recognised it and aiming it directly at his last point of impact.
The rate of the spreading flames doubled, a roar erupting from the shield as the wood split and frayed, the goblin screaming and throwing himself to the sand below, desperately attempting to douse his shield.
Markus ran forwards the moment their formation was broken. He focussed the leftmost goblin first, this one with a poleaxe, smashing the long staff into its side and then uppercuting the goblin’s chin with the staff’s backend, closing the gap between them in moments and sending the monster flying.
Markus felt a spear strike him in the right arm once more, and immediately felt the weapon he held in his hands dissipate.
Earlier, he might’ve panicked. Now, he grabbed the wooden pole sticking out of his arm before it could be retracted and snapped it in half.
A speartip embedded in his right arm, at least three other stab wounds littering his body, various cuts and scrapes and bruises forming even as he continued to defiantly march forwards, the glowing aura still pulsating and bleeding through his pores even as he bled into the sand, Markus must’ve looked like a fucking nightmare.
He felt like one. He didn’t take pleasure in the suffering of the goblins, but he almost wanted the fuckers to get back up. He wanted to show what came of taking him so lightly.
What he did to every goblin here today, the lengths he’d go to in order to win this, he wanted that to echo through the minds of every sick, terrible creature that thought to torture or torment him, a reminder that while so many might dwarf his power, while so many might make him look weak and helpless now, he would only grow stronger, and he would only get better.
And while Markus survived each horrific encounter he was thrust into, while he learned from his mistakes and devoured his enemies and consolidated his strength, he’d remember the ones who put him here…
And they’d be lucky if they weren’t [Devoured] next.
Markus punched the goblin to his right, swinging a left in a narrow arc. He heard a crunch, watching the goblin hit the floor as Markus adopted a boxing stance, left foot behind him.
He felt weird strange unorthodox, but even with the regeneration and pain reduction flowing through him from Overcharge, he’d still been stabbed in his right arm twice. He couldn’t rely on it for power now, so he was a southpaw until further notice.
That was fine. There was such power even behind his lefts right now that he floored these creatures with almost every strike. Overcharge was no fucking joke.
Not only that, but as Markus swang for shield goblin, who’d finally sprang to his feet and charged him, left arm looking slightly mangled, he realised that his fluidity of movement was only increasing the more time he spent on throwing these punches. He was improving as he went, adjusting to the change in his agility, tanking yet another grazing slash against his torso before kneeing the offending goblin in the face, sending the creature flying back to the dirt.
Pain exploded from his right leg as soon as he did so, and he had to fight to remain balance. He took a couple more slashes as once again he focussed power into his punches and concentrated on trying to take the creatures down, but the more he attempted to repeat the process, the more they kept getting back up, and the more Markus began to wonder what would wear down first at this rate, the four enemies he was fighting or his mana reserves?
He could take more punishment, but he needed to be able to give some back out. A good thrust from one of these goblins could still be lethal, and even if they were a lot slower than him, it was difficult to dodge multiple attacks at once when stood around sand.
Markus decided to change his approach, attempting to coat his knuckles in mana. Manifest created small protrusions at the end of his knuckles as he poured focus into the prospect. They weren’t spikes, he apparently couldn’t be so exact yet, but they at the very least seemed solid.
When he punched with them, he’d expected it to hurt pretty badly, but if anything, it cushioned the blow against what were surely broken knuckles by now. More than that, however, was the effect, a concussive blow that seemed to knock the first goblin he struck silly, allowing for an easy follow-up, and then allowed Markus to take the second one out with a single punch to the chin.
Two down, looking they wouldn’t get up for a minute, Markus singled out a third, the goblin with the burnt, broken shield, charing him and piledriving him to the ground.
He ignored the uncomfortable crunch below him as he drove his fingers into the goblin’s neck, choking and stabbing his fingers into his flesh simultaneously as the creature latched on and attempted to throttle him in turn, claws scratching in final, fitful jolts as the life was forced from his eyes.
Markus managed to drain a little from him and activate [Devour] before he returned to his feet, having only spent moments executing the creature.
As the new power flowed into him, Markus felt a stick smash against the back of his neck. He gasped, sucking air through his teeth as he turned to find the sorry culprit.
It was the goblin whose spear he broke earlier, the one whose metal tip was still embedded in his arm. Markus stared at him. Raised a finger at him, as if he were about to reprimand a child.
Then Markus punched him. The creature once again went flying backwards as Markus continued to rub his pained neck.
It was almost laughable, but this one minor injury hurt more than any of the others. Maybe it was because he hadn’t expected it. Maybe because he’d discounted that goblin from the fight already, disarmed and seemingly out cold.
The other two were still rising to their feet. One the leader, still injured, the other the poleaxe user, using his weapon to help raise himself to his unsteady feet.
He thought Overcharge would make this fight easy. He thought this fight was meant to be easy in general. A showcase of power. More like a showcase of struggle. Overcharge might’ve turned the fight in his favour, but each second of this battle was grueling, even with many of the enemies dead or out of commission.
And these things were pretty relentless. He almost respected the drive these things had to keep going, to stand up over and over no matter how many times he put them down. They must’ve been hoping they could wear him out eventually. He wasn’t gonna let that happen, though. Not while he still had a say in things. All he needed to do was single another one of them out and—
Poleaxe swang past his face, almost giving him a triple-close shave. This weapon looked sharper and shinier than the other gear the goblins boasted, and he didn’t wanna get nicked by the blade, so Markus attempted to once again yank the weapon away from the offending goblin, placing both hands on the pole, but the creature pulled back with such force that it threw itself back to the floor, causing the weapon to slip from Markus’ grip and cut both of his palms on the way out.
The goblin barreled back with his momentum, rolling, but before he could find his feet again, Markus was behind him. A kick to its head pushed it back into the sand, and two more kicks followed by a single stamp solidified the goblin’s defeat.
As Markus turned to face the leader, the goblin kicked sand in his face.
He was immediately blinded, unable to defend himself as the goblin stabbed him directly in the thigh with his short sword and immediately barreled into him, driving him to the ground and pounding his head against the floor beneath repeatedly, biting a chunk of flesh from his cheek as it dug its fingers into his neck, intent on crushing the life out of him once and for all.
This was fucked. He was going to die. He’d made one fucking slip-up and he was going to die! Markus kicked and thrashed with all of his might, but it was all too soon ebbing, and with the size of the creature and its pressure on his chest his legs couldn’t find any purchase. He attempted to move his arms up, to find a spot to drain the goblin from, but he wasn’t going to be able to drain the thing faster than it choked him out.
Markus attempted to wrap his arms around its back, to simply crush it with his enhanced strength, but even when he squeezed with all of the death-defying strength he could conjure, he could barely do more than force a strangled crunch! from the goblin’s ribs.
He needed to break its grip. His thoughts were slowly fading. He needed to break its…
He bit the creature right back, right on its chin, causing it to flinch back just long enough that he could snake his right arm from where it was pinned and grab its left with both his slippery, bleeding hands. He attempted to prize its hands apart, but its focus was too great, its determination too single-minded to give up its endeavour even as he pulled it from his neck with all of its might…
He barely got seconds of breath, only able to break its hold for moments at a time, his neck raw, his gasps pained, laboured, and above all infrequent.
If he couldn’t stop it from grabbing him again every time he pushed its arm away…
Then he’d have to take its arm.
Markus focussed as much of his mana as he still could into his bleeding hands, seeking a means to pierce the goblin’s arm. His world slowed as he desperately attempted to coat his hands in energy, to bolster his grip, to pinpoint an area around the elbow that would allow him to pull at full force without slipping, without allowing the strength to fade from him entirely…
Markus closed his eyes. He was playing tug of war for his life, heart, and soul. Everything he’d ever known and cared about were on the line. Dreams, thoughts, wishes, emotions, all of them drifted by in the miasma of intangible nothingness that gently beckoned him past the epoch, that told him to let go, that told him he didn’t need to worry and fight anymore, that he’d bled enough, that this next breath could be his last…
Markus pulled. He pulled with the scream spilling out from his soul, for his lungs couldn’t carry it, with a bellow that shook the foundations of peace, for even in strangled silence, his spirit was unfathomably loud.
And the world trembled. Heaven’s gates closed. He tugged with all of his might, and above him, Markus heard a sickening snap.
His body flung back into the sand the moment the goblin’s arm dislodged. It stared at him in abject horror, attempting to move its dangling appendage, but seeing an opportunity, Markus moved faster, took advantage of its distraction, forcing the goblin off of his chest and smashing it into the floor.
It attempted to swing for him, but he beat it with more intensity than it could muster, his heart a war drum, lungs igniting with sulfuric heat as he gasped and panted for breath, his very existence a testament to the will of man.
He beat and smashed the goblin with his fists, even through the pain of his broken knuckles, but when the fucker still wouldn’t die despite his many concurrent blows, when it still attempted to claw and bite at him with every spasmic motion of its beaten body, Markus ripped the flailing arm from its side and drove the appendage into his face, able to use his full strength now that his body wasn’t the conduit, smashing the goblin with its own arm over and over in a fervent expression of vitriolic irony, for they’d sent him here unarmed, and now he was very much armed indeed.
The death gasps of the goblin leader were punctuated by bludgeoning strikes from its own broken, mangled, severed arm. Markus leant over him, body littered in wounds, looking as if he might die or ascend to Valhalla at any moment, as the crowd clapped and cheered and roared in satisfaction.
“Yeah?” Markus coughed the word out. He could barely speak. His voice was only scarcely being held together by the tendrils of overwhelming mana. “You like that, you sick fucks?!”
He raised himself to a sitting position, bathed in crimson, looking over the battlefield, staring out at what he’d done.
There was a chance he’d die to these injuries. Even Regeneration surely had its limits. He stuck his fingers to the throat of the dead goblin beneath him, attempting to drain some residual mana from his body, poisoning be damned. He hoped he could at least get something to stem the tide of his many wounds. He [Devoured] the creature’s core, too, just to be thorough.
His focus was broken by the sound of the final goblin scurrying up beside him. It was the one whose spear he’d broken. The one he simply punched away earlier.
It stood holding a short sword, one he must’ve picked up from one of his dead comrades.
He looked at Markus. He poised his body, as if he were ready to strike.
Markus simply stared at him, raising the dead goblin’s arm as he did so.
The little goblin held that position for roughly three seconds, not moving even a single inch, Markus doing the exact same.
It dropped the sword, then ran as far as it could in the opposite direction, crouching and covering its head with its hands as the crowd laughed and jeered.
Markus sighed a laboured breath as the announcer took over, his complete victory having been finally declared for all the rabid, screaming onlookers above.
Good thing he looked so terrifying right now. He was pretty sure one good hit would’ve been all he needed to do him in for good.
Hell, even a bad hit probably would’ve done the trick at this point.
He saw a digital image of himself projected up high, though he could barely make it out through the blurring of his eyes.
He looked as if someone had painted half his body red. He felt as if he’d been ran through a woodchipper.
If I survive my injuries, I’d better get a fucking good reward for this.
Markus would survive his injuries. And he would get a fucking good reward.
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A/N: Hey! Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed, and that you enjoy what comes next! What do you think Markus needs most in his situation, besides a way home? I'm curious!
If you wanna help support me and this story, or you just can't wait for the next chapter, the next eight chapters of this story are available right now on my Patreon!
submitted by arekban to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:04 Devil_Towne I have a purple-ish red lump in between my thigh and my crotch

It goes away and comes back leaving a scar, like every few months or so, it's came and gone 5 times now, but this time it's stayed a bit longer and it's a bit more painful, it doesn't hurt when I put a band aid on it, I don't know, it was painful the other day under water but just now wasn't very painful at all under the water, it barely hurt at all, but it's still there, and it still looks.. Just bad. Any idea what this could be? Should I just wait for it to go away again?
submitted by Devil_Towne to WomensHealth [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:49 FISH_STICKS_IN_MOUTH PSA: Pretty sure I was almost jumped on the bike trail (not far from where a man was murdered back in April)

Skip to end for TLDR, if you wish.
I want to love you, Albany, but you make it hard.
I was riding my bike yesterday afternoon (around 4:00pm) on the Empire State Trail. I have been doing this regularly, about 3-4 times a week, since the weather warmed up. I am aware of the unsolved homicide that occurred back in April on the bike trail, so I try to remain alert. No issues at all until yesterday.
I was riding southbound on the stretch of trail approaching the I-90 overpass. Maybe ~100 yards ahead, I see three men standing in the middle of the trail, and I see there is another cyclist riding around them on the grass to avoid them. They seemed maybe like they were talking to/heckling the cyclist, but it was hard to tell what was going on. Thought this was a bit odd.
I get closer. Cyclist passes me heading in the opposite direction. He gives me a sort of pained expression, but doesn’t say anything. Also odd.
I am probably ~40 yards away from the three men now. They are now standing sort of awkardly at the side of the trail…like they are pretending that they’re just casually hanging out, but it is clear that they are watching me. At this point, my gut instinct is screaming “bad situation”. I really should have just turned around. Maybe I stubbornly didn’t want to let some hooligans fuck up my bike ride on a sunny day. Idk, it was stupid on my part.
About 20 yards away from them now. They suddenly “take position” by standing shoulder to shoulder, clearly and intentionally blocking my access to the trail ahead. They have their arms crossed and are trying to posture in an intimidating manner. I slow down a bit and look over my shoulder briefly. Other cyclist is no longer in sight. No other people around. Yay.
The guy in the middle takes a step forward and puts his hand up, like the “halt” hand gesture. He says something like “Hey man, hey man, can you stop for us? Why don’t you stop for us.”
I am still moving forward toward them. I intentionally drift to the left; they shuffle to the left to match me, still blocking the trail. Then I start pedaling my ass off and cut it hard to the right, sort of juking around them onto the grass. I have thin road tires and clip-in shoes so I am lucky I didn’t eat shit.
At this point it’s sort of a blur because I’m just pedaling as hard as I can, trying to put distance between me and them. I heard them shout a few things as I rode away; no idea what they were saying. I just kept riding hard until I was near that boat lunch (under the overpasses) and there were finally other people around.
So, that leaves me with some questions…
  1. What the hell, man? Who the fuck does that? Why can’t I just ride my bike in peace? What good reason could you possibly have for trying to stop me by force on a goddamn bike trail?
  2. Am I overthinking this? Am I actually just an over-paranoid softie and this was just some sort of weird prank? Every instinct in my body was telling me they wanted to rob me at best, and fuck my shit up for fun, at worst. I have no evidence for this, it was simply “the vibe”. Am I wrong for assuming this?
  3. I don’t think anything that happened actually rises to the level of a crime. It’s just one of those situations where I can confidently say “if I played that differently, there is a strong chance that something very bad would have happened”. Can I even do anything? Is it worth reporting?
  4. As a community…why can’t we have nice things? Why don’t I ever see police patrolling this bike trail knowing that there was a recent, broad daylight, still-unsolved homicide on said bike trail? Why don’t we collectively expect more of Albany? We can’t even have a goddamn bike trail that families and residents can assume is safe?
Thank you for listening to my rant. Just an awful experience and by far the most unsafe I have felt in my ~three years of living in the Albany/Troy area. I currently live in Troy so I am unfazed by general urban sketchiness. This was different than that.
TLDR: Three guys suddenly tried to block me from continuing on the bike trail; they asked me to stop. Felt like an ambush situation, but that is somewhat speculation on my part. Very bad vibes. They did not seem happy that I wouldn’t stop for them.
Exercise caution if you plan on using the Empire State Trail in the Albany/Menands area.
Description of the trail-blockers: three Black men, late teens/early twenties, wearing long clothing (clothes were mostly black with some other shades, maybe some red and blue; don’t remember exactly). They were fairly average height from what I remember, maybe leaning tall.
TU article covering recent bike trail homicide. Same general area where I had this experience.
submitted by FISH_STICKS_IN_MOUTH to Albany [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:41 DiligentConcern3518 DoorDash Hot Pile of 💩

This is my first week Solo (did it with the wife during Christmas time last year) worked my ass for 6 days and broke a over a thousand so far this week. Then I get the order from hell that had nothing to do with the customer, restaurant, or DD. 2:56 am order comes in for a store that closes in 4 mins and I'm prob about that away from the store. I'm zooming to the store and this dude is riding my ass flashing his high beams at me. We get to a red light and he is literally inches from my bumper flashing his high beams and laying into his horn. I'm finishing up an 8-hour shift I'm tired cranky and this dude has pissed me off. The light turns green and I flick them off and start to go when I hear it super distinct pop pop... This crazy dude just pointed a gun out his window and fired off a couple rounds. Well at this point my flight or fight response kicks in and I book it and what pursues is a 5-minute chase through the city into downtown with extreme speed.
My call to 911 happened at 2:58 am. The dispatcher was able to pinpoint my location and give me directions to the main downtown police headquarters. I guess he could see I was on the phone with 911 and within a mile of the police department he disappeared. I get to the police department and there are literally three cop cars sitting there waiting for me.
I explain everything that happened to the police they get all my information for the report and then they handed me a business card with the officers name on it and a report number and they tell me a detective will call me later in the week.
Immediately reached out to support after I was finished with the police and try to explain to them what had happened but I don't think they understood the gravity of the situation but even after that I told support that I was still going to go pick up the order but that was why I was delayed.
I reached out to the customer afterwards and explain the situation to them as well and told them I was still going to go pick up their order.
After all that I then drive about 6 minutes to the place to pick up the order and they're closed. They closed at 3:00 It was now around 330am I told the customer this and reported the stores closed took pictures submitted it got half pay and said that was it and ended my dash. Around an hour later I get an email from doordash saying my account is now deactivated for fraud.
The only thing I can think of is this guy got pissed told support that the only reason I didn't deliver it was because it was 8 mi away (8 mi on a $14 order I take anything higher then .75 a mile) and I made up a delay so I could wait until the store was closed and report it closed and get an easy half pay.
I already know I'm not going to get my account back I've read all the horror stories on here. I'm just glad I had my pay setup for dasher direct and didn't loose my money. The only other CV I had was the one I posted on here about a couple days back where Taco Bell wouldn't fulfill a order for 36 items stating they were out of beef. I informed the customer of this and then received a CV. I did over 100 deliveries since Monday of this week.
This s***'s really disheartening especially when I found something that I actually enjoy and with it being able to fit into my schedule.
Unfortunately I cannot do instacart due to the physical hardship it would cause and physical pain due to a disability. Uber eats and GrubHub are garbage in my area and so is spark. I signed up for flex but there's a wait list and I don't know how long it is but I've heard really good things about it.
So for now I'm just in limbo. Canceled by an algorithm....
I did appeal it but expect it to be rubber stamped denied.
TLDR late night order road rage turns into a shooting/ chase that caused me to arrive late to a closed store that resulted in deactivation due to fraud!
submitted by DiligentConcern3518 to doordash_drivers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:37 Green-tea127 Piriformis Syndrome?

Before I get started, I would just like to point out that I have scheduled my MRI and will be getting it done very soon.
I’m aware that Piriformis Syndrome is uncommon, but I wonder if maybe that’s what I have. Prior to my sciatic nerve flaring up, I was completely fine. I was going to the gym where I would go jogging on the treadmill, I was using machines to lift light weights (nothing crazy, like 30 lbs max). I even went on an international trip where the flight was 2.5 hours long each way and I was completely fine.
However, about 2 months ago I had an elderly family member visit me and my parents for a month. Throughout their stay, I was mostly sitting down with them the entire day. I kid you not, I was practically sitting down to keep them company from like 9:30 am till 11 pm (with like a 3 hour break in between) for six days out of the week (I was sitting with them for like 7 hours on the 7th day of the week). It got to the point where my butt will get numb three or four times out of the week. And I’ll admit I wasn’t sitting correctly all the time. I was mainly sitting crossed legged with my affected leg on top and sometimes leaned on one side of my body and then switch sides. It wasn’t until four days before the family member left that my sciatic nerve started to flare up.
My sciatic nerve has calmed down since then. I’m very slowly getting the sensation back to my big toe, I can lay in bed pain free half of the day, and there are time in the day where I can stand and sit pain free for a few mins. since the nerve is veerrryyyy slowly calming down, I started to noticed that low back is completely pain free. I honestly feel fine with my lower back. The only discomfort I get from my lower back is just tension, but of course thats because of being tense due to my leg pain. And my thigh is completely pain free.
My pain is mainly in the center of my butt and from my caff to my ankles (mainly my ankle). Sometimes, when I either sit or woken up laying on my back, my butt feels as if I sat on the hard pointy corner of a furniture. I also noticed that my nerve would hurt if I tighten my glutes. I also noticed that if I lay down and do the recline butterfly pose, I can feel my sciatic nerve pain from my butt to my ankle.
Like I said I’m will be getting my mri done soon and will know what’s the real corporate. but what are the chances that my piriformis muscle could be the cause for my sciatic nerve pain this entire time?
Edit: I have gotten 3 injections. They’ve helped but I’m still with pain. Also, I my leg muscles are not weak and I have complete control of my leg. Heck, I can bring my knee to my chest both laying down and standing.
Edit 2: I also wanted to say that I’ve had issue with my sciatic nerve before. My only issue was that I couldn’t sit with my legs stretched straight in front of me. Besides that I was completely fine.
submitted by Green-tea127 to Sciatica [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:25 NNeeccttaarriinnee [F4M] Romance between an alien felinoid and a human man. [Anthro, size difference, muscular female/andromorph, role reversal, story driven, sci-fi, multi-para]

My normal posts are 2-5 paragraphs. This is long because it's a starter.
The sloping ground around the Kiaurk family mesa had been sculpted into shelves or terraces, and it was on one of those upper terraces that Kiaurk Nshurr now lounged beneath a pergola anchored to the striated stone face behind her. The mesa rose at her back: an enormous, looming, almost sheer outcrop that her family's dwellings had been carved into the face of. Wide, shallow steps cut into the artificial (but entirely convincing) sandstone wound their way up between landings and porticos leading inward, between tiny balconies shaded by bright solid-colored canopies, between rooms with flat walls and rounded corners that came jutting out to shadow the steps below. Rriigkhans rarely used glass as window barriers; smooth-edged holes had been cut through the rock in varying shapes and sizes. It could be difficult to tell which apertures were windows and which were entryways. A physical barrier that kept out the elements was obsolete in all but the crudest dwellings, though some of these larger holes were curtained with braided string or strips of cloth that served a purely decorative purpose.
From her high vantage point Nshurr could see the shelves stretching out below her as the base of the mesa leveled out to flattish terrain that was a wonderland of vegetation in muted rainbow colors: mustard yellows, clay reds, earthy browns and the occasional dash of sage or dusty blue. This scrubland lay like a blanket around everything below that was not part of the village between the mesas. Down there, adobe compounds never taller than two or three storeys seemed so squat compared to the mesas that Nshurr could see towering in the distance, many of those family mesas only a few hours walk from her own if she traveled by foot. The village sprawled, with tile parkways winding in serpentine fashion between the various buildings, courtyards, parks, and ponds. There were no property lines, no clear division of the land into neat little plots owned by the individuals who lived and worked in these places. It all seemed to be part of a whole, with a single unifying aesthetic. The village housed those rriigkhans of the lower castes, the kharratah and chelhautah, and the humans which were a caste all their own, haukagh-ar, except for a small number who lived with their masters in the caverns of the mesas or up on the plateau.
This planet, Sgarrl, terraformed over three hundred years ago, was home to more human servants than any other Ssaarian world – aside from Earth, of course, discovered eighty years ago. The fact that humans shared so much in common with rriigkhans made them the perfect species to incorporate into the rriigkhan caste structure as servants. They breathed the same mix of gases and required similar gravities, and their nimble little fingers were very useful for all sorts of work.
The rriigkhan language was not necessarily too complex for humans, but it was wholly unfamiliar – too many phonemes that did not fit comfortably in human mouths, from grunts to huffs, to rolling trills that might by voiced or not, sometimes rumbling out like a purr. To a human, Nshurr's name was a sigh and a trill, and yet she was accustomed to humans vocalizing her name in their heavy, slurring way: Na-Shuurr! Nasher! Sometimes simply: ɽ͡r! which she recognized more easily as her name, or at least part of it, and not some random sounds.
Still, despite the weird pidgin humans had made of her language and their English, she liked the little creatures. She had come to live with her Grandmother on Sgarrl only days ago, and had never encountered them before. The males only stood as tall as her collar. The females were shorter still, much like the males of her own species.
To human eyes Nshurr was felinoid, with a muscular swimmer's body and the broad muzzle of a big cat, with watchful, forward-facing predator's eyes that seemed unexpectedly expressive, because rriikghans had almost as many muscles around their eyes as humans did around their mouths to convey the nuances of emotion. Despite being larger than even many Earth men, she was considered sleek by rriigkhan standards. She made up for that with her broader crest.
The rriigkhan crest was something like the crest of Utahceratops – a keratinized plate growing up out of the skull, except divided into three lobes instead of two, with scalloped edges along the outer rim. Unlike depictions of Utahceratops, the rriigkhan crest was not covered by skin. At least, not on the top. Thick ropy veins squiggled under velvet fur on the underside, closer to the neck. (A thick, arching neck muscular enough to support the weight of that crest meant that Rriigkhans walked with a stoop that made them seem hunchbacked, to humans.) The surface of the plate on top was often rough, even bumpy or corrugated like deer antlers in some areas, smooth in others. Every female crest had four tines jutting from the front – a pair several inches above the eyes, and another pair further up. Directly above the lowest set of tines were twin holes, the howrf channels, just big enough for a human to insert a finger. These holes were very much like nostrils – much deeper, but damp inside, and lined with short, fine hairs to protect the sensitive mucous membrane from debris. The organs housed within these channels were the heart of rriigkhan culture, the foundation of all relationships, of sex.
Male rriigkhans, of course, had only their neotonous crests: diminutive, mostly smooth with rounded edges, without tines or howrf channels. Cute.
Nshurr's crest was wider than average, her upper tines spaced further apart, and combined with a compact face this made her look top-heavy. (A human might say that she was more snow leopard than lion.) Most female crests did not interfere with the movement of the ears – highly mobile, highly expressive paddle shaped things – but the edges of Nshurr's crest did jut out enough to almost shield them.
That her crest was weighty, that it was inconvenient, that she was often aware of it – this was Nshurr's pride. Her long tail curled in pleasure when she caught males looking at it. Humans seemed to be intimidated by it sometimes, as if she might decide to gore them with her “horns.” She considered herself a confident person; not a braggart, but self-assured, and to carry her jhekaah so visibly pleased her to no end.
Her fur was an almost peachy off-white, but a mask of pale peach shaded each seafoam green eye. The mask blended into the white further up her forehead until fur gave way to bone-tan crest, and was split between her eyes by the white of her nose. Oblong spots in that same peachy color, each blending from dark to light, streaked down her sides.
These weren't the natural colors of her distant ancestors. It was unheard of to see a rriigkhan who was not gene-modified in some way, even if those modded genes had been part of rriigkhan life for so long that no one thought of them as mods any longer. She also thought nothing of the subtitles her augmented reality implant displayed whenever a human spoke, AI translated to help her decipher the pidgin. AR was simply a part of her, had been since she was a kit.
Reclining as she was on a padded lounger in front of an iron brazier, full of cold ashes from last night's fire, Nshurr was dressed in a pale coral shift only a few shades darker than the peach of her fur. Medallions trailing fringes of cloth had been sewn onto the front bottom half of the knee-length garment. A row of those ornate medallions defined a plunging neckline that bared much of her chest, muscular and broad, possibly even masculine to a human. Her breasts were lower on her body and similar in appearance to a mare's udders: long nipples on a pudge of fat nestled close together on the pelvis, just above the place where her thighs joined her body. They were only small lumps beneath the shift when Nshurr stretched out her legs so that the thin fabric fell across them. It was the roundness of her hips and buttocks that marked her female to the human eye. (As if her crest didn't make that obvious!)
She was listening to the sound of two younger female cousins wrestling on a nearby terrace, and although from her vantage point Nshurr could not see them, she could imagine the scene from what she heard: Fherou and Lahk growling while they grappled with their arms, the crack of crest hitting crest and then the scrape of tine sliding against tine. Each was fighting to control the other's head, each trying to bite the other. It wasn't easy when each had a shaggy ruff to protect her neck, and any attempt to bite the other's face would be thwarted by an interposing crest. Rriigkhan hands were less dexterous than human hands, more pawlike with stubby fingers, but capable of delivering hard blows, and once or twice Nshurr heard a cousin snarl in response to a strike against her body.
The competitive pheromones her cousins exuded from their unextended howrfs, quite unconsciously, were beginning to make Nshurr's own heart beat faster. The end of her long tail, where it hung down from the reclining chair, lashed in agitation. She was beginning to imagine sinking her teeth into someone's skin herself, and if her cousins had not been so much younger and smaller than herself she might have gone down to their terrace to show them a thing or two. It was putting her off the human flute music she'd been listening to, fed directly into her own brain through her implant for her private enjoyment. (Certain aspects of human culture were very popular here on Sgarrl; she'd been curious about it.)
She did not feel like going inside to escape the pheromones; Nshurr craved the warmth of the sun on her fur, not the cool stone and artificial light of those warrens. Most of her male cousins had gone into the village for boating today. Well, perhaps she would go down and join them after all.
OOC Information:
For this prompt I imagine you'd play a human servant, probably a new arrival to Sgarrl but maybe someone who was born there. Even though I've set up a situation where my character would have a lot of power and yours very little, I want to clarify that I'm not interested in abusing your character I am looking for a slow burn interspecies romance that develops naturally. This story may deal with power imbalances and even speciesism, but I'd like to explore those topics realistically.
I want to explore all aspects of loving relationship... Flirting, cuddling, kissing, lots of romantic scenes and character growth. My “type” that I'm most attracted to are men with average bodies in the 40-60 age range, with realistic personality flaws. I am more than willing to tailor my character's personality and physical attributes to suit your tastes, within reason. I appreciate partners willing to do the same.
I prefer to reply more than once a day. 2-3 replies per day would be ideal, but I understand life gets in the way. I usually write 2-5 paragraphs, or 150-450 words per post. This starter is much longer than my typical post length, but my lengths vary according to need. If I'm introducing a new character or setting a scene, my post might go up to 1,000 words.
Please send a writing sample if you have none in your post history. No need to custom write anything for me, old samples are fine. Click here to PM me!
submitted by NNeeccttaarriinnee to AdvLiterateRP [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:23 Jexvite All of Titan History Before the Awakening of Godzilla

4,000,000,000 BCE The Earth is created. Inside of the Earth is a large area called Hollow Earth. Hollow Earth is different than the surface as time and gravity can sometimes behave differently. Every planet contains Hollow Earth Ore which comes from the core and is the reason for the almost unnatural place. The Hollow Earth is also filled with tons of radiation that comes from the Hollow Earth Ore. The Hollow Earth also contains Vortexes, which are almost like portals in between the Hollow Earth and the surface.
400,000,000 BCE In Hollow Earth, many creatures begin to evolve to be extremely big. Some even reaching 200 feet tall. They are called Titans and are the apex predators of Earth. Most Titans feed off radiation, making Hollow Earth a perfect habitat.
290,000,000 BCE Many Titans have evolved to be much bigger. Some can even reach over 400 feet tall. Some reptiles have evolved into Titans called Gojiras. Gojiras are powerful Titans that can grow to be almost 400 feet tall. However, their height fluctuates based on how much radiation they can eat. Gojiras can also live to be millions of years old, however none have lived that long because they are always killed by other Titans. Some Gojiras can even harness the power of radiation if they have enough of it. If they are extra radiation in a Gojira, and that Gojira is strong enough, they can use it in the form of Atomic Pulses or Atomic Breaths. Atomic Pulses are large shockwaves of radiation that can burn and kill things around it. Atomic Breaths are a laser beam of energy that is concentrated and shot out of a Gojiras mouth. Gojiras also reproduce asexually.
270,000,000 BCE Many Titans have made their way to the surface through Vortexes and vast tunnel systems. The surface of the Earth has tons of radiation that has been untouched since Earth's creation.
250,000,00 BCE In Hollow Earth, a Gojira named Godzilla is born from a powerful parent. Right off the bat he is stronger than most and survives quite easily. He also is one of the few Gojiras to use Atomic Breath and Atomic Pulse. Godzilla also makes his way up to the surface where he becomes the most powerful Titan up there. However, only after a few thousand years his reign is cut short by an asteroid that kills 90% of life on the surface. This forces the surviving surface Titans to go into deep hibernation and only come out every few million years. This also stops the migration of Titans to the surface.
200,000,000 BCE Some ancient species of Titans have evolved into creatures called Monoliths. Monoliths are powerful creatures that full live off radiation and can grow to be miles long. They need very specific and perfect conditions to survive due to their size.
150,000,000 BCE With new types of animals such as mammals appearing in the Hollow Earth, many of them evolve into Titans. Some examples of this are Jishin-Mushis which are mammal Titans that are parasitic. Or Methuselahs that are large turtle-like Titans that carry small mountains on their backs.
100,000,000 BCE A new type of bug Titan evolves called Mosura. Mosuras look just like moths except have a wingspan of 803 feet and are 52 feet tall. The interesting thing about these Titans is that there offspring carries their conscious. For example, a Mosura will lay a few eggs all around Hollow Earth, but these eggs cannot hatch until their mother is dead, Once the mother dies, only one egg can hatch, and that new Mosura will carry the memories and mind of its mother. If that Mosura dies before it can lay an egg, one of its siblings will hatch and carry the memories of its mother and sibling. All of this can also happen if the Mosura is in hibernation. When that happens, the Mosura cannot wake up until its child dies or goes into hibernation.
70,000,000 BCE Almost all Monoliths are dead. The Earth and Hollow Earth are not in the perfect conditions for Monoliths, and they go extinct.
40,000,000 BCE In Hollow Earth, three different species of Great Apes evolved. These species are the Uprights, the Knuckles, and the Kings. The Uprights are the smartest apes and walk on two legs. The Knuckles are bigger than the Uprights and walk on their knuckles. The Kings are the largest at 25 feet tall and also walk on two legs.
5,000,000 BCE The Great Apes have evolved more. The Uprights evolved into Chimpanzees, Bonobos, and Humans. The Knuckles have evolved into Gorillas and Orangutangs. And the Kings have evolved into Titans called Kongs and Reds. Chimpanzees are the third smartest and walk on their knuckles. Bonobos are just like Chimpanzees except a bit smaller. Humans are the smartest Apes, have lost all their hair, and not only are the smartest of the apes but are the smartest creatures to have ever lived. Gorillas are strong, walk on knuckles, and are the fourth smartest of the apes. Orangutangs are similar to Gorillas except are red, are smaller, and not as strong. Kongs are Titans that can grow to be almost 400 feet tall, they are also the second smartest apes. Finally, Reds are Titans that are similar to Kongs, except that they are lanky, skinny, and red. The Kongs and Reds are some of the only Titans to not survive off of radiation and actually have to eat. Kongs and Reds can also live up to 2,000 years old.
3,000,000 BCE An offshoot species of Gojiras called Shimos are going extinct. Shimos are bigger than Gojiras and have similar abilities to them. Shimos can shoot a beam called a Frost Bite Blast that freezes anything it touches. There entire bodies are so cold that the ground can sometimes turn to ice when they walk. The last Shimo ever is born in a lower layer of Hollow Earth called the Subterranean Realm. She is the last member of her species and will be called Shimo for simplicity's sake.
2,000,000 BCE Shimo has made her way to the surface and immediately starts shooting at the sky. She does this because she has never seen the Sun before and it hurts her eyes. She ends up hitting a cloud causing it grow and grow. This cloud eventually becomes a massive storm that blocks out the Sun. This gives Shimo some peace of mind. However, this awakens Godzilla who starts to attack the young Shimo. He ends up winning the fight and drives her back into Hollow Earth. But that does not stop what she did. Because of the coldness of her Frost Bite Blast, the storm she created will not stop. The storm eventually grows to cause an Ice Age.
800,000 BCE A very large and powerful Kong arrives on the surface. His name is The Rival. He emerges in the home of Godzilla. This wakes Godzilla up who is currently staved of radiation and not in the condition to fight, but he is forced to. After a long battle Godzilla loses and is kicked out of his home.
500,000 BCE An alien species called Ghidorahs roam the galaxy. Ghidorahs grow up on their home planet before being sent off into deep space. Once a Ghidorah discovers a planet with life they take it over and then live out the rest of its life eating Hollow Earth Radiation. Ghidorahs also have three heads with their own personalities. But as long as the middle on survives, all of the heads survive. Ghidorahs are also massive with a 1,300-foot wingspan and a height of 521 feet. They also can use electricity and radiation to create a Gravity Beam. Gravity Beams are yellow beams of lighting similar in power to Atomic Breath. One Ghidorahs discovers Earth and begins to take it over. This Ghidorah is simply called King Ghidorah with its head being named Ichi, Ni, and Kevin. Ni is the right most head and follows anything Ichi says. Ichi is the middle head, controls most of the body, and is in charge of the others. Kevin is the left most head, the most often killed, and the stupidest of them. When King Ghidorah arrives on Earth, he starts the War on Ghidorah. The War on Ghidorah is the first time in history where 90% of Titans team up to stop a common threat. For thousands of years King Ghidorah is fought and kept away from Hollow Earth. Some Titans, like Godzilla, are even able to kill Kevin. But he always comes back right after the fight. Eventually, King Ghidorah discovers a Vortex to Hollow Earth in Antartica. However, when he arrives, he is met with three Titans. Godzilla, Shimo, and a Mosura named Mothra. It is a long fight where Godzilla uses his Atomic Breath many times. The fight ends with Shimo being able to freeze King Ghidorah in ice. Although all Titans go back to fighting like animals after this, the Gojiras, Kongs, Reds, and Mosuras decide to keep the peace between them.
400,000 BCE After 100,000 years of peace, a rouge Kong ends up killing a small Gojira. This breaks the peace and starts the Great Titan War. The Gojiras begin slaughtering the Kongs and Reds, but due to how many there are it doesn't kill all of them. A Gojira could easily take on a Kong or Red in a fight, but not 10 of them. Because of how many Kongs and Reds there are, and how powerful Gojiras are, this makes the war even.
390,000 BCE After 10,000 years of fighting, the Great Titan War ends. The Kongs and Reds won with almost all of the Gojiras being dead, except for two. Godzilla and Dagon. Dagon is another old and powerful Gojira that survived the war. The victory of the Kongs and Reds did come at a cost. There populations were split and low. The Reds decided to stay away from the Kongs and keep to themselves as they were few Reds left. The Kongs have split into two tribes, the Royals and the Great Apes. The Royals rule the main area of Hollow Earth and have turned the dorsal plate of a Gojira into an axe that they use to show power. The Great Apes rule the Subterranean Realm and are trapped there by the Royals, Godzilla, Dagon, and Mothra.
200,000 BCE Mothra, the Titan that helped stop King Ghidorah, is Godzilla's lifelong friend. Mothra's consciousness has been passed on through thousands of generations of Mosura, and over the past tens of millions of years this Mothra conscious has formed a friendship with Godzilla. Mothra has just laid an egg on the surface for the first time.
100,000 BCE The Humans have formed a civilization called the Iwi. They have learned to speak, write, wear clothes, and build large structures. They also worship Mothra who is currently hibernating in their kingdom. The Iwi has learned from Mothra to speak to each other through their minds. Using this ability, they are able to form a strong connection with the Kong, specifically the Royals.
50,000 BCE Many apes start to go to the surface. Humans and other Human species make their way to the surface carrying Chimpanzees, Bonobos, Gorillas, and Orangutangs with them. The first few civilizations start in places like the Middle East, Europe, and Africa. A small civilization forms in the Middle East called the Mesopotamia and will be the beacon of the future of Humanity. Another large civilization forms on an island off the coast of Europe called Atlantis. Atlantis is a massive city with huge buildings and statues. Atlantis is the hub for Hominid life and contains all species of man. However, places like Europe, Asia, the Americas, and Africa are not so excepting and devolve into war. This massive War of Man ends with only three Hominid species surviving. These species being Humans, Neanderthals, and Denisovans. The War of Man destroys any surviving main land civilizations. The only city surviving city was Mesopotamia and it was demoted to a village. Atlantis was unaffected by the War of Man and still has countless Human species in it. Meanwhile a random group of Iwi get trapped on a surface island called Skull Island. Skull Island is a remote pacific island with a one-way Vortex on it. This causes it to be filled with countless dangerous Titans. These Iwi becomes isolated.
45,000 BCE Godzilla wakes up and walks around looking for food. He is seen by the Atlanteans, and they begin to build something for him.
42,000 BCE Godzilla is awoken again and this time he discovers that a bed was built for him in Atlantis. Godzilla uses this bed and is worshipped by the Atlanteans. Every day they walk around looking at him, praying to him, and respecting him. Godzilla is happy.
40,000 BCE After living in isolation and fear for 10,000 years, the Skull Iwi are saved. The Skull Crawlers have been revenging and ruling Skull Island for millennia, but recently they have started to have been killed. It turns out they the Royals in Hollow Earth have almost fully broken apart. The last surviving Ryals have escaped to Skull Island. Thousands of 100-foot-tall Skull Crawlers fight around fifty 400-foot tall Kongs. This starts the Skull Island War.
25,000 BCE The Humans begin their worldwide crusade. They start in Africa and make their way through Europe, Asia, Australia, North America, South America killing all Neanderthals and Denisovans along the way. Also around this time, Atlantis is flooded and pulled under the ocean. All Atlanteans and surviving non-Human hominids are killed in this flood. This leaves Godzilla sad and lonely.
11,000 BCE Dagon, the only remaining Gojira other than Godzilla gets into a fight with a Jinshin-Mushi named MUTO Prime. After fighting and chasing for years, MUTO Prime is able to overpower Dagon and lay her eggs inside him. After about a decade of struggle Dagon dies in a large cave where the baby Jinshin-Mushis named Hokmuto, Femuto, and Queen MUTO eat his insides. This makes Godzilla the only living Gojira.
5,000 BCE The past few generations of Kongs on Skull Island have been almost three times smaller than what they usually are. This is because they have limited food sources, are constantly at war, and are constantly under stress. If given the right conditions they could grow to their normal size, but they will stay like this until then. The Skull Island was easy at first for the Kongs as they were triple the size of them, but now that they are even in size, they are much harder to kill.
1000 Over the past almost 400,000 years, the Reds have been living in solitude. Due to lack of outside connections, and in fighting, they have gone extinct, except for one. There is only one remaining Red alive and his name is Skar King. He is only about 500 years old and still quite young. He discovers Shimo, who has been peacefully living in the Subterranean Realm since the War on Ghidorah. He is able to rip a dorsal crystal off her back and before she kills him, he uses it to control her. This crystal that he ripped off her can cause her extreme pain when pointed at her. Skar King uses this to manipulate and control her. Using Shimo, Skar King is able to take over the Great Apes. He turns them all into slaves and lock up Shimo behind a wall of lava.
1500 Skar King decides to mate with three Kongs. Those Kongs give birth to Skar Kings sons. The names of these sons are One-Eye, Stone Face, and Catcher. These kids are hybrids of Kongs and Reds.
1502 Godzilla briefly wakes up and takes a stroll through Europe.
1597 The last Kong on Skull Island is born. His name is King Kong. King Kong's parents are killed by Skull Crawlers as they leave him to be the last Kong on Skull Island. This ends the Skull Island War with the Skull Crawlers winning. However, now there is only one big Skull Crawler left, the rest have died. This Skull Crawler is named Ramarak.
1700 One-Eye, Stone Face, and Catcher are old enough and strong enough to help Skar King. He makes them second in command and calls them the Red Stripes. Meanwhile on Skull Island, Ramarak starts to have kids. However, King Kong is old enough to start killing these young Skull Crawlers. As if any of them got to be as Ramarak, they would easily kill him. King Kong and Ramarak have a deep-rooted hatred and rivalry. With them both being the most powerful and practically the last of their kind, although they hate each other, they are very similar.
1927 Skar King has another son named Suko. Suko carries much more Red genetics then Kong genetics, making him practically a successor to Skar King.
submitted by Jexvite to Monsterverse [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:19 Rcqyoon Gluten grief after oats

I stopped eating all grains except rice when I was diagnosed with Hashimotos and discovered that I'm gluten sensitive. Haven't been tested for Celiac, can't stomach the gluten challenge to do it.
I was scared to eat any other grains because of my severe reactions to gluten, but I finally reintroduced Oats. I bought Bob's Red Mill Certified GF Oats and made overnight oats. Before I even finished the bowl I had burning stomach pain, and now 30 mins later I have joint pain and feel icky.
I'm feeling the gluten grief all over again! I love oats! They're in so many yummy foods! I know there's a protein similar to gluten in oats, but I never expected to actually not be able to eat them again.
Is this normal for GF people? Is this a sign that it might actually be Celiac? Could it be because I cold soaked the oats instead of cooking them?
submitted by Rcqyoon to glutenfree [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:17 Ok_Nefariousness3438 Herpes anxiety and IGG test effectiveness timeline

[23M] I have been freaking out about STDs over the last two weeks since an encounter in a strip club in which I was severely intoxicated and don't remember what happened fully. I have done two full panels and received clean results so far (5 and 10 day marks ). However , I have had some aggravation on my penis that I am freaking out about for Herpes. I believe the aggravation started the day prior to the club but don't entirely remember and the day after I aggravated it a lot further by masturbating so hard to tell what was due to that and what may be herpes. It has now been ~12 days since then and I still have a good amount of redness and dry skin that is freaking me out . I never had any pain or blisters really but definitely red areas , kinda dots, and dry skin . Some tingling in first few days, not while urinating . It seems to be healing but very very slowly . I initially didn't think about herpes so didn't get it swabbed when had the chance.
My question is , I know the herpes IGG tests are recommended after 4 weeks or longer, is this timeline quicker if there are symptoms ? I figured antibodies would be produced if symptoms are showing . Just freaking out I can't test accurately for weeks it seems .
submitted by Ok_Nefariousness3438 to Herpes [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:14 Significant_Form_973 Blood in stool for over 4 weeks, starving and stressed 😩

My daughter is 12 weeks old and has now had specks of blood in her stool for over 4 weeks now. I’m sorry the post is a bit long, I really just need some reassurance 😭
Mid march - LO was born via (sort of) failed induction which led to over 30 hours of labor and ended in me requiring a forceps delivery in theatre. Both LO and I were put on antibiotics due to a small temp I had during labour.
I noticed very early on that her poos were mucusy but when I showed photos to multiple medical professionals (GP, lactation consultant, health visitor, peads doctor) they all said they were normal so I tried not to worry. LO had mild colic as well (I say mild as it was not every day but could be quite bad on some days). She also had reflux and still does but we have managed this without medication (just by keeping her upright after feeds and in her cot at night as recommended by the GP)
I believe that I had an oversupply (milk would spray out regularly and I was engorged even after 6weeks) and LOs latch was not great (I was having nipple pain) but no one really cared as LO was gaining like 70g a day (she is now 7.2kg at 12 weeks). I decided to go to a private tongue tie practitioner who said that LO had a mild tie and we divided to have it revised. The afternoon after the revision I first noticed red specks of blood in LOs stool, I originally thought this was due to the procedure but it then carried on and has not stopped.
I have cut dairy (4+ weeks), soy (4+ weeks), oats (2+ weeks), wheat (1+ weeks) and egg (4+weeks) which I have introduced back this week because I was literally starving myself and I really worried for my supply (as well as my mental state!)
On the days where I was literally hardly eating anything the blood seemed to be better but now I have had to add things back in (to stop myself from starving!) the blood is worse than ever. It’s still specks of red blood but there is much more of them and her stools are greenish/yellow/brown with lots of mucus. She doesn’t have any skin issues, has tiny amounts of spit up but nothing crazy.
I feel beside myself with worry. My husband just says oh she’s just getting used to food but I can’t just see blood and mucus as normal. I feel like I am being robbed of the joy of having my baby right now when I just want to relax and enjoy it all. We are talking her abroad next week to meet her grandparents for the first time and I feel like I don’t even want to go. I am questioning everything I am eating and cutting foods out constantly thinking that they are hurting her. Crazily enough, although the blood/mucus seems to have got worse this week her temperament is not bad at all, she’s generally been a happy baby with a normal amount of fussiness.
The only thing I can think of is that she’s reacting to eggs that I have added in again this week and I need to cut them out again but without oats/eggs/dairy I am short on things for breakfast and worried I am going to hurt my supply by doing this.
We have seen a doctor but she just said keep cutting out the dairy/soy and she’ll see us again in 6-8weeks. But I’m worried, am I damaging her by allowing blood to remain? I’m not prepared to stop breastfeeding as there is no guarantee that things will get better on formula and I would be devastated to lose my supply and her still have these issues.
I would love if anyone has had a similar journey and could offer any advice or their own experience. Or if anyone has had symptoms get worse around 4 weeks before getting better? I’m just feeling really fed up and overwhelmed at the moment. Thanks 🙏🏻
submitted by Significant_Form_973 to MSPI [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:13 Ok_Nefariousness3438 Herpes anxiety and IGG test effectiveness timeline

[23M] I have been freaking out about STDs over the last two weeks since an encounter in a strip club in which I was severely intoxicated and don't remember what happened fully. I have done two full panels and received clean results so far (5 and 10 day marks ). However , I have had some aggravation on my penis that I am freaking out about for Herpes. I believe the aggravation started the day prior to the club but don't entirely remember and the day after I aggravated it a lot further by masturbating so hard to tell what was due to that and what may be herpes. It has now been ~12 days since then and I still have a good amount of redness and dry skin that is freaking me out . I never had any pain or blisters really but definitely red areas , kinda dots, and dry skin . Some tingling in first few days, not while urinating . It seems to be healing but very very slowly . I initially didn't think about herpes so didn't get it swabbed when had the chance.
My question is , I know the herpes IGG tests are recommended after 4 weeks or longer, is this timeline quicker if there are symptoms ? I figured antibodies would be produced if symptoms are showing . Just freaking out I can't test accurately for weeks it seems .
submitted by Ok_Nefariousness3438 to STD [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:11 iamkingsleyf 7 Different Types of Stone Flooring

Many different types of stone flooring can bring natural beauty to the inside and outside of your home.
If you've been thinking about new floors, you've probably considered hardwood and ceramic tile because of their widespread positive reputations.
However, stone tiles are a practical yet luxurious flooring option that will add value and beauty to your home for those willing to spend a little more than average.
Natural Stone tiles are sourced directly from the soil, making each unique and subject to natural variations.
Because of its durability and richness, stone tile is an excellent choice for flooring. They offer a high-end aesthetic at a low cost and are simple to maintain.
In addition, they're simple to clean, and most variations merely require resealing regularly. Their strength and beauty make them excellent for high-traffic areas.

1. Marble Flooring

Marble flooring is known for its luxurious aesthetic, dramatic veining, smooth texture, and high-gloss sheen. It is available in various colors, with white Marble being the most common.
Marble tiles are also available in various sizes, ranging from large format to little mosaic tile. Square, rectangular, round, triangular, hexagonal, and nearly all other shapes are also available.
Furthermore, Marble is the most popular natural stone flooring choice for bathrooms to achieve a spa-like atmosphere.
Given the variety of floor tile options, Marble is an excellent choice for flooring and countertops in many homes. However, it would be best to think twice about using Marble in your kitchen.
Advantages of Marble flooring;
Disadvantages of Marble Flooring;

2. Granite Flooring

Granite is one of the most different types of stone flooring since it can be used on both floors and worktops.
It occurs in various natural colors, with black, white, red-brown, and beige being the most popular. As a result, it's a stone that may be used in various styles.
Granite is one of the most challenging natural stones on the planet in terms of durability, and as a result, it is exceptionally resistant to scratches and heat damage.
Last but not least, Granite is a non-porous rock that resists acidic stains almost wholly. In addition, Granite comes in a variety of colors, including black, green, pearl, and galaxy.
Advantages of granite flooring;
Disadvantages of granite flooring;

3. Slate Flooring

Slate is a lovely porous stone with a lot of character. These types of slate flooring are easier to cut and mold into flat flooring sheets.
Slate is available in three colors: black, gray, and gold. In addition, Its surface is stain-resistant or impermeable, making it ideal for use in kitchens, dining rooms, bathrooms, corridors, and living spaces.
Slate is a versatile material that may be used in both humid and dry regions of the home. In addition, Slate can also be used to make a lovely mosaic pattern on the walls of a bedroom.
Also, It is an excellent or appropriate substance to employ in the home to create a warm atmosphere.
Advantages of slate flooring;
Disadvantages of slate flooring;

4. Travertine Stone flooring

Travertine is formed when hot spring water bubbles through Limestone. It is a desired flooring option due to its distinct personality and appearance.
Travertine tile flooring is ideal for bathrooms, shower stalls, corridors, living areas, and laundry rooms. Keep in mind.
However, that travertine is related to Marble and Limestone. All three have the exact performance characteristics and maintenance requirements virtually.
All three stones have in common that they can all be scraped and carved (damage to the finish from acids and harsh cleaners).
It is critical to completely clean and care for your furniture.

5. Limestone Flooring

This is one of the different types of stone flooring that is naturally soft and porous.
These stone flooring options are suitable for a wide range of decorating styles, from traditional to contemporary. It's simple to keep clean and maintain.
The earthy appeal of the limestone floor adds to the house's charm. Furthermore, unlike Marble, pottery, and other materials, Limestone is not glassy or slippery, making it a safe choice for families with children or dogs.
In addition, Limestone is available in a wide range of colors, from milk to charcoal.

6. Quartzite

Quartzite is well-known as a material for decorative tiles and wall veneers, but it has recently gained popularity as a countertop material.
It can resemble Marble in appearance yet has the durability, performance, and low-maintenance characteristics of Granite.
Quartzite is used by people who find the busy patterns of Granite and the upkeep of Marble a little too much.
Furthermore, A quartzite floor can greatly benefit areas of the house or structure that experience a lot of foot traffic. The stone also holds up well outdoors.

7. Sandstone

Sandstone is a warm, earthy stone with a sandy ridged texture, and rich red, tan, and brown colors conjure the beach and desert. However, these are the most popular colors—pink, gray, gold, black, and white.
Sandstone has a simple design and is frequently a single color. However, it can show variegated tints and striations of different colors.
Furthermore, Cemented silicates, quartz, feldspar, clays, and silt make up the majority of this sedimentary rock.
Because sandstone tile is soft and porous, it is easy to scratch and stain, weighing the benefits and drawbacks. It is not as long-lasting as Granite, but it is durable enough.
The appearance will alter slightly when put outdoors due to weather.
submitted by iamkingsleyf to u/iamkingsleyf [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:53 smellybutch Itchy rash on my leg

Itchy rash on my leg
This bug bite-like rash started small on the back of my thigh a few weeks ago - just one or two "bites." It's now spread quite a bit and remains itchy and slightly warm to the touch. It's just on this one leg. It's not painful and I don't notice it when I'm wearing pants during the day, but it's irritating at night in shorts.
Thoughts? What should I do? I already take a daily allergy pill as well as a Benadryl at night, so I'm ruling out allergies.
submitted by smellybutch to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:48 rockitorknockit So what next, then?

Lumbar CT w/o contrast notes: FINDINGS: Alignment normal. Vertebral heights are maintained. No listhesis. At L4-5 there is broad-based disc bulge. No stenosis. Short pedicles congenitally. At L5-S1 there is mild disc height loss and disc bulge or protrusion. No central canal or foraminal stenosis resulting.
Lumbar MRI w/o contrast notes: FINDINGS: Normal alignment. No fracture or aggressive marrow lesion. The conus terminates at L1. The paraspinal soft tissues and imaged retroperitoneal structures are unremarkable. Degenerative changes by level: T12-L1: The disc is well hydrated. No significant stenosis. L1-L2: The disc is well hydrated. No significant stenosis. L2-L3: The disc is well hydrated. No significant stenosis. L3-L4: The disc is well hydrated. No significant stenosis. L4-L5: The disc is well hydrated. No significant stenosis. L5-S1: The disc is well hydrated. No significant stenosis.
With the above, I've been told by ER docs and my neurologist that my spine is normal. That said, no one has done any physical examination of me or given me any other direction on what the cause of my symptoms is or how to handle. I am finally seeing an orthopedic Doc on Friday.
Generally, symptoms now are: A deep intense pain to the right of my lumbar spine when I move wrong. I think it is a deep stabbing nerve pain. Sometimes my whole lower back feels like it's cramping up but I think that is a response to my guarding it. Sometimes a painful pulling sensation more in the middle of my back if I move my hips a certain way (like curving my back - a movement I've been avoiding but if I accidentally do causes this sensation). Nerve pain that throbs all the way down from my lumbar area, through butt, down my right leg and into foot, and causes any pressure on back of thigh or calf to hurt. I end up avoiding standing on this leg and sometimes even limp (by keeping my pelvis stiff) without thinking about it when it's most painful just to avoid using it much. Paresthesia in right foot, primarily middle toes feeling like 1/4th numb, tingling, pins and needles - this is the most persistent symptom, the least changing one (whereas the others sort of change in intensity or even go away some days). Sometimes more of my foot is affected. A sore bruised like feeling in tailbone. The whole leg just feels so tight and throbby. This intense flare up has been going on a month now.
I'm just lost. So does this mean it's muscular? Pelvic? Clearly a nerve is being compressed somewhere. I am scheduled with PT but not til June 26. I've been trying to cope by just following good back hygiene and balancing rest with walking. This has brought me to a more tolerable pain level, so I am debilitated but not in tears agonozing every night like I was a few days ago. I'm trying to be comforted by the fact that my spine looks okay, but am therefore confused by the intensity of my symptoms. Just now, the mere twisting/bending caused by going to the bathroom (such as to wipe) caused an alarming increase in my foot numbness.
Just wondering what others might think. I need a direction for healing. Thanks for your insight.
ETA: I am getting a thoracic MRI this week as well.
submitted by rockitorknockit to Sciatica [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:48 Itchy-Comfortable278 Now you can shop HelloFresh recipes without a subscription

Now you can shop HelloFresh recipes without a subscription
Planning for meals and shopping for groceries should not be hard.
So i ended up creating Hello RealFresh
Now you can:
  1. Shop HelloFresh recipes from any nearby store by checking exact quantity and quality with a click.
  2. Filter recipes by ingredients
  3. Skip ingredients which you already have at home
  4. Its totally FREE!!
How to install on Laptop:
  1. Install chrome on your laptop/ desktop if not already installed.
  2. Click on this link to install the chrome extension (Hello RealFresh):
  3. Pin the extension in chrome so it directly takes you to the weekly menu page.
  4. Click the chrome extension you just pinned to go to the HF menu page.
How to use:
  1. To buy items from the shopping cart select a store near you and click on the "buy" button or "Buy All" button.
  2. It takes you to the store page to buy the ingredient. In US it takes you to Instacart.
  3. Once you have added all the items you need, just place the order.
Note: It may take few seconds to activate when you go to the menu page.
I hope this makes your life a little easier.
**Feedback to improve the experience is super welcome. 🙏 🙏 **You can rate and share your feedback here 👍 ✅ :
I am NOT associated with or affiliate of any brands. This is something i have been working on for sometime. Finally felt like sharing with everyone.
submitted by Itchy-Comfortable278 to hellofresh [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:44 Empty_Raspberry_1660 At the end of my rope.

I had a history of endometriosis and underwent robotic hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy for endometriosis and intraoperative rectal injury repaired by general surgery on 3/1/2023. There were complications and my right hip was hyperextended. I have been in pain since. I wear a brace, a SI Joint belt, I have been in PT since 5/2023, I did pilates before the surgery and returned to Pilates in 6/2023. I have done Pelvic floor therapy, acupuncture, dry needling, red light therapy, cryotherapy, reiki, massage once a week, chiropractor twice a week, and in 10/23, I started getting steroid injections in my SI joint. The 1st two times,10/23 & 2/24 I received 100% pain relief, Most recent injection was 4/30/24. It did not work at all. I am being referred out to Pain Management. Has anyone else experienced this? What was your outcome? I am 40 yrs old. I am active and in good health. This pain is destroying my relationship with my husband and family. Everyone is stressed and over taxed. I cannot run around outside, play soccer, and last year for vacation, while everyone else was enjoying themselves in the pool, I laid in bed with heat and ice crying. I do not know what to do. I do not think my marriage is going to survive this.
submitted by Empty_Raspberry_1660 to hysterectomy [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:33 AnotherCleverAlias Non-Fodmap triggers

Hi everyone,
Curious what are everyone’s non-fodmap trigger foods during elimination or even after?
I’m in elimination week 1 and noticing issues with peanut and sunflower butters, brown rice-based rice cakes, and lactose free milk/dairy (fairlife milk, fage lactose free Greek yogurt, cabbot sharp cheddar). All these are low fodmap.
When I eat these, I’ve noticed a low grade kinda pains/soreness left side of stomach right left of my belly button. I suspect these low/no fodmap foods are otherwise challenging to digest and the damage in my guts has just made them intolerable for me right now.
My diet is now consisting of whey isolate, meats (beef, chicken, salmon), eggs, white rice, russet and red potatoes, olive oil, avocado oil, broccoli, salt, pepper, black coffee, green tea, and dietary supplements (beef liver capsules, vit D, creatine monohydrate). These foods I tolerate well.
What non-fodmaps cause issues for you?
submitted by AnotherCleverAlias to FODMAPS [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:31 Ancillary_Adam My back pain journey since 2007, failures and successes

Hi all, After reading a lot of post here recently, I kinda wanted to tell my story to give others perspective about treatment options. Obviously, this is MY story and everyone here is different. My experience will not be the same as yours, and I am not a doctor telling you to try these options. But I have had a lot done, and I think it might be helpful if people understand what they can try.
I appreciate everyone who reads even one section of this saga. I am happy to answer any questions that people might have. Again, this was my journey and these things might not be the best options for you. But I want to highlight that pain, itself, is not the disease. It is a symptom. Find doctors who will help you find the cause of it. Sometimes it's difficult to pinpoint the source of pain, but there are options to try different things.
Part 1: How it Started
In 2007 I was 17 years old. During the summer, I got a job working as a bus boy at a reception hall. One night, I was sweeping the floor, nothing different than normal, but I suddenly had intense shooting pain down my hip and leg just from the way I bent down to sweep. That was all it took to set me off on what would be a long life of pain.
I remember the sciatica being really bad during this period. My parents and I were taking care trips to look at colleges and sitting in a car was torture. At some point they told me to see a chiropractor so I started doing that on a pretty regular basis. I went to college in 2012 and continued to have pain. There was always constant pain but I would always have times when it was much worse and it was painful to even walk normally. I recall having my parents visit and I was limping all day because I couldn't extend my left leg out fully.
I continued to see a chiropractor in the area for maybe two or three of the years I was away at school. Chiropractor never really helped though. During one of the summer breaks, I went to a chiropractor who had this decompression machine that would literally strap you down and pull you apart in an attempt to relieve pressure. It never helped. I am pretty sure by this time I already had an MRI done that probably showed some level of lumbar herniation so I guess that is why I wanted to try that type of treatment.
Chiropractics is not a legitimate science. I hadn't realized this until later in college (I was a biomed major). Their theories on spinal health do not align with known medical science. Some chiropractor align more with real medical science, but a lot of them only believe what the area of chiropractics says. I strongly recommend NEVER seeing a chiropractor, especially if you have back pain. It could be dangerous.
Part 2: The First Surgery and More Treatments
So when I graduated from college in 2012, I sought out an orthopedic surgeon. We did more MRIs. I can't recall if we tried anything more conservative first, but I did end up having surgery with him in 2013. We did a microdiscectomy and hemilaminectomy on both L3-4 and L4-5. Recovery from this was about what you would expect. Lots of bed rest for maybe 6 weeks or so, but I recovered well and went to PT for a couple of months. I think the surgery was successful in treating a lot of the serious sciatica I was having. But I was still having some level of back pain months and months after. I was then seeing the pain management doctor at the same office as the surgeon, and we tried a LOT of different additional things. Facet joint injections specifically, trigger point injections, medications. Nothing ever helped. I still have this pain in my low back and it was difficult to bend over without bracing myself, and there were times when I would get sciatic pain but not nearly as bad as it was before the surgery.
At one point I went to a rheumatologist because the pain doctor did some blood work and found I was positive for a gene that is related to ankylosing spondylitis. I was never actually diagnosed with this, but we tried to medications (I think maybe methotrexate but I could be wrong). The rheumatologist ended up putting me on humira, which looking back was a odd decision without actually officially diagnosing me with anything. Humira is a monthly injection, and I think after two months, my pain actually got a lot worse, and I stopped taking it and never went back to him.
For the most part after this, I was just taking Tramadol an naproxen to deal with my pain. I was going to the gym and doing what I could, but often the gym would exacerbate my symptoms. It was just difficult to do anything without feeling weak and obviously, it definitely contributed to some depression.
Part 3: New Pain Doctors and Spinal Cord Stimulator
In 2016, I got a new job that brought me into NYC and I now had access to great insurance and a wide array of great doctors. I found a new pain management doctor and tried a lot of things with him. He put me on Nucynta at some point, which is a narcotic, though I would only take it when I had break through pain. Pretty quickly, only a couple months after in 2017, we decided to try a spinal cord stimulator since I had already tried all these other things with other doctors.
I had to see a neurologist who would be doing the actual implanting of the device. I also had to see a phsychiatrist to get I guess "mental" clearance that I was in sound mind to be making this decision about a medical device implant. Not sure if that was just for the insurance or something the doctors also require. Before doing a full implant, they actually do a test run. I guess I had gone under general anesthesia for this, but they implant the wires (explained more below) and the wires come out of my skin to an external device and all of that is taped down to my low back. They do this so that they can make sure you actually get relief from the device before all the time, energy, and money is spent doing the full implant. I had it for a couple weeks, and decided to move forward. They had to remove the wires from me and scheduled me for just a regular office visit, and I was thinking well how the heck are they removing these wires from me. Well, it was very easy. They literally just pulled the wires right out of my back. Didn't feel anything. It was wild.
I have a Nevro brand stimulator impanted inside me shortly after. Surgery and recovery were as you would expect. I don't thinm recovery was as long as my back surgery was. There is a little 1x1 inch square box that sits above my right glute, around where my waistband would sit. There are two sets of wires that run over my spine to the left side (so I can actually feel the wires right under my skin at this part) and then they go between my vertebral space and then all the way up my spinal canal to my thoracic area. At the end of the wires (aka "leads") there are several evenly spaced electrodes and these are the functional part of the device. From what I understand, they send small electrically pulses very rapidly against my spinal cord and the idea is that these electric signals will over power pain signals coming from below, effectively making my brain blind to sciatic pain. It came with a remote to change the settings and a charger that uses a wireless pad that you hold over the box to charge. I had to charge it ever two or three days. The technician from the company does the initial set up (they device doesn't operate until you are recovered from the procedure and see the technician at your next office visit, I believe). The technician will turn the device on wirelessly and play with the settings and ask you to tell them when you feel something as the increase the magnitude of the stimulation. When you feel it, it does feel like a little electric buzzing in your back. But you aren't supposed to feel it at all, so they the turn it down just below where you felt the sensation. The remote has a couple different programs that I could change through that the technician programs, I guess changes in the frequency of the pulsing or things like that. I could also increase and decrease the magnitude within a set range, but for the most part I never messed with any of the settings. Nevro has a care team that I can contact at any time with questions or concerns and they will follow up with me occasionally to see how I am doing.
Part 4: Life After the Stimulator
I always had the stimulator on, and always said that it did help alleviate the residual sciatic symptoms I had, but I still had this low back pain that wouldn't go away. I continued to see the pain management doctor and we tried so other things. More trigger point injections, medications, etc. He had me on what is called "Low dose naltrexone" which is essentially a very low dose of an existing drug, used off label for chronic pain. It had to be specially made at a compounding pharmacy because the dose you need isn't commercially available. I tried that for a couple months and can't say it helped. In fact, I think it made me very nauseous a lot of the time. I remember I had to stop drinking coffee at one point because the taste of it would make me feel queezy, and one or two times I ran to the bathroom because I felt like I was going to throw up. I decided to stop taking it.
After that, I mostly just lived with my stimulator and dealt with any pain I had (hadn't seen the doctor since 2020). I was going to the gym someone regularly at this point, but like before it would often increase my pain symptoms so I would need to take extended breaks from exercise.
Part 5: Recurrent Herniation
At the beginning of November 2023, I started to feel something new. I was starting to slowly get sciatic symptoms again and was having flashbacks of my symptoms when I was in college. I was starting to get sciatica in both legs, and my right foot would sometimes start going numb if I stood for too long. It was getting more and more severe. Within a few weeks, I had to stop commuting into work because the pain was getting so bad. I contacted my pain management doctor who I hadn't seen in years. Their office was telling me how since I hadn't been there in so long I had to be treated as a new patient and the first opening for a new patient was like 2 or 3 weeks out. I was pretty angry at them about this. I mean, this doctor did the implant of the medical device that I have...should that not exempt me from this rule? Its not like this was an appointment for an unrelated issue. Anyway, the first available appointment was with a different doctor, but I was desperate so I saw him. He was not helpful. I was basically begging for pain meds and he was like welllll the other doctor should really prescribe you something because he knows your case better. It was such a a waste of time.
About a week or two later I did in fact see my original doctor, and he had the Nevro technician come because he thought it could potentially be an issue with the device. The technician found that there was "impedence" on one of the leads, a couple of the electrodes weren't working as they should. So she did some adjustments to compensate for that. I have it a week or so, but that did not fix the problem at all. I stopped charging the stimulator altogether because it wasn't doing anything for me. I had to start using a cane to get around because if I was standing, I needed something to lean on so I didn't have to keep my back straight. It was getting very difficult.
The doctor had me get a regular CT done, because I cannot get an MRI due to the stimulator (the stimulator itself is actually MRI safe and I think most of them are not, but because of the issue with the electrodes, my Nevro care team told me I could not get an MRI). So I and the CT and I could see it myself. It was absolutely clear that there was a herniation at L4-L5. Clear as day. So I had a video call with the doctors assistance soon after and to my dismay, they suggested treatment was to get an epidural to reduce the pain. Here I am, knowing full well that my symptoms and the results of the MRI are definitely worthy of surgery, and they want to give me just an epidural. I asked her about surgery and she said something about not opting for surgery until exhausting other options. I said okay. After the call, I immediately reached out to my friend who worked at the Hospital for Special Surgery in NYC. She actually works with the director of Spinal Surgery. Immediately, I was in contact with him and his entire team and they moved quickly to get things moving. I regret not having reached out sooner.
Part 6: Prep for Second Surgery
So the first thing to do was get better imagining. Since the MRI was out of the question, I had to do something called a CT Myelogram. Oh boy this was not a fun diagnostic procedure.
You need to be accompanied to the appointment because they will be giving you some very light sedative. You are hooked up to an IV, and they bring you into a room with a special x-ray table that rotates so you can be either laying flat or raised up so you are nearly standing, and the X-rays can be taken from many different angles. The doctor there take a couple of initial scans to find the location where they go in. I am queezy just talking about it right now. What they need to do is inject contrast dye right into my spinal canal. An epidural goes AROUND your spinal canal, but for this they need to pierce the dura and go in.
So they do local anesthesia and then take quite a large needle and go in. It is painful because it is going so deep. But God, you can feel the piecing of the dura layer when the needle goes through. I immediately feel my body hating it. Then they inject the dye, and you can feel that sort of cold sensation spreading across your back. And then he takes the needle out. I start to get VERY hot and am about to pass out, so they put some ice on the bacm of my neck and give me a minute to come back down. They also gave me some IV zofran to help with nausea and some IV sedative for the pain Thankfully it passed. But that wasnt even the difficult part.
Next, they have to make sure the dye gets into all the crevices. So the doctor rotates the table to different angles and has you try and bend in specific ways. It was incredibly painful to do. When he had me in an almost standing position, and the pressure of the dye was increasing my leg pain beyond anything I had experienced so far. It was really difficult. But once they are satisfied with the X-ray that shows the dye has spread well, they send you to the CT scan. Once I was laying down again the pain subsided and I was feeling better. They did the CT scan and then rolled me back to the recovery room, and by the time I was back in there I was feels 100% back to normal and had no issues getting up and walking. So that was that.
The image results were very telling (gunna try and include them here or in a comment if I can). The point of this type of imaging is that the contract dye with spread anywhere that the CSF can go. You should be able to clearly see the space all around the spinal cord, and if there are spots where you don't see the dye, you will be able to see what is causing some problems. It was plain to see how severe this herniation was. It was compressing my spinal cord and pushing it all the way to the back of the spinal column.
So the doctor said we have two options. A microdiscectomy or a fusion. We decided to do a MD though I would be okay with a fusion. Well guess what, two days before the surgery the doctor changed his mind and said that after reviewing the imaging again the best course of action would be to do a fusion. I was very excited for that.
Part 7: The Fusion
So at the end of Feb 2024 I had my fusion done. It was your standard surgery, nothing too crazy. Recovery was tough though. Basically with a fusion, they take out the herniation and most of the disc and they put this rubbery block in there that contains bone graft. That is what is going to grow to fuse the two vertebrae, but that process can take a year to fully fuse the bones. So they put in four screws, two in each vertebrae, and join them together with rods. This holds the bones together completely so that they do not move independently. They are essentially fused at this point, but only with the rods.
For recovery, the first couple days were difficult, mostly trying to stand up from laying down because I had like no low back strength. The pain was also pretty constant so I was taking a lot of muscle relaxers and narcotics to help me stay asleep as much as possible.
The surgery area was quiet large. There were two large bandages and two small bandages and the entire area was covered in a large adhesive patch to keep everything clean and dry (it was also very orange from the iodine). So I could shower without worrying about it. Within two weeks I was moving around a lot better. I might have stopped using my cane at this point, though anything that required me to reach forward, like washing my hands at the sink, was difficult because it would require back strength. By 2 weeks, the bandage had because really really frustrating. The huge adhesive patch was causing my skin to become itchy and irritated, and I could see they I was starting to develop some red bumps like pimples underneath. Thankfully 2 weeks was the point I could remove it (after my first follow up call with the doctors team). So I took it off which was not easy. The whole area was soooo sticky, I tried to remove a lot of the stickiness with either rubbing alcohol, soap, or Vaseline. I was able to get a lot of it off but some stickiness still lasted for several days. There will tiny bandages over the incision sites that covered the stitches and those would eventually all fall off themselves. I had two larger scars at the top where they did most of the work of cutting out the disc and putting in the graft, and then two tiny scars lower down where I assume they put in the screws for the lower vertabrae. My back does not look pretty.
I started PT at four weeks was doing better but still had a weak back and was very cautious with my movements. Did PT for 12 weeks and made a lot of improvement. I was back to how I was. The fusion 100% fix the issues that this new herniation had caused, and it was such a relief to finally have a procedure that was totally effective. However, the back pain that I had already had for many many years was and is still there and I am still not certain what is causing it.
Part 8: Now
I am about 20 weeks out of surgery and am still doing great. I still do not use my stimulator and don't plan to, but having to get it removed would be a really huge pain. I have started to actually go to a gym again and life weights to stay active. I am mostly convinced that this low back pain I still have is really muscle related, caused by the years of instability, and that I can address it by strengthly my core muscles and following my PT exercises. I think a lot of these muscles issues, like trigger points, can mimic sciatic symptoms. Knowing what REAL sciatic symptoms feel like again, this pain doesn't feel like I have a herniation pushing on my nerves. So I am going forward with that in mind and trying to deal with this pain muscularly.
As for the fusion, I don't notice any new limitations in my movement. I avoid rubbing the area because I could feel the rods if I rub it hard enough. But I feel normal. I had a follow up with the doctor with another X-ray and everything looks great. I am hoping that this can be a turning point for me to really live as close to a pain free life as possible.
submitted by Ancillary_Adam to Sciatica [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:29 Priority-Frosty Harley and Ginger health update

So Harley was sick a few weeks ago, with a head tilt and virtigo, she didn't have energy and wasn't drinking or eating much... She took a course of antibiotics and anti inflammatory medication and now she is back to her normal self, the head tilt is almost completely gone but I think she may be slightly disabled, she's able to climb like normal now but still a bit off balance. I've had safe climbing facilities in her small cage for her to rehabilitate on, which she has done well, she's back in the large cage which has been adapted to her needs, so I halved it so that she can't fall far but it's still big and she's in with Cookie and Belle... Cookie was very pleased to see her again.
Now the other problem that has come up is that Ginger, who had been losing weight for no apparent reason has suddenly gone downhill fast. She's found it painful to eat, seeming in pain after eating and finding it hard to swallow... She has been breathing heavy, crusting on her eyes and nose but no signs of rattling or wheezing... Her body is very boney but she has a large belly still... She collapsed last night and has no strength to climb anymore.. her poo has been jet black and like poo shaped tar... Her eyes look a bit like they are dark blood red inside... I have an appointment for her tomorrow if she makes it... She isn't eating or drinking anymore, not pooping and not peeing, she is not allowing anyone near her, she wants to be alone it seems :o/ I think she is definitely dying and this will probably be the end for her during the vets appointment sadly... Her tale is grey and cold, some fur is quite thin around her neck now too... How fast rats can go downhill is shocking... I wish I could make her feel better and keep going.
submitted by Priority-Frosty to RATS [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:29 inevitable_elegance little blood spots on palm

20f a single bloody spot appeared on my palm, it looks like it's bleeding undervmy skin but theres no pain and appeared out of nowhere. without any pain or itch, no trigger or anything. before I have had experienced little red spots throughout my palm any idea what it is or should I be worries?
I have been under treatment for prolactin, taking meds atm and i have been taking Kali phos as prescribed by th doctor for my breathing issues as he did not find anything wrong with my heart and lungs. and i have also had a swollen part on the back of my neck for two years but I've gone to doctors several times and they've all said it's nothing to worry about or it's subcutaneous fat. I can't send pics here so i tried my best to explain
submitted by inevitable_elegance to AskDocs [link] [comments]