Contractor rejection letters


2019.11.24 20:34 asparagustasty MedRejectionLetters

Got a big R that takes too long to get to the point? Or did they just ask you to check their portal for “Admissions Status?” Post your crappy medical school rejections here. See what other Rs you still gotta collect before you finish Rejection Bingo!

2024.06.08 23:28 Swimming_Chef_7247 First Hospital Interview!! Help!!

Hi Everyone!!
Thank you so much for taking some time to help me before my first in-person hospital interview. I am two years post-CF and have spent the entire time working in a skilled nursing facility. I love skilled nursing but after having a hospital placement in grad school I’ve always wanted to get into acute care.
I’ve been applying to hospitals for a few months now and FINALLY got an email, from a hospital I’ve previously been rejected by, with a job listing for a full-time SLP and an email to send the resume to. So, of course, I update my resume and write a cover letter immediately and send it back to the email listed. Later that evening, I got an email back asking to set up a time for a phone call.
They called me the next day and I spoke with one of the SLPs and the HR Rep. They told me about the job and asked me about my experience. The SLP also knew my supervisor from my hospital student placement, which felt like was a good thing since I have a good relationship with her even now.
Anyway they called and asked to set up an in-person interview and I’m so excited but also freaking out. I really want this job and I feel like I could do really well in this setting! I don’t know why I felt the need to share every little detail but anyway if anyone has any advise please let me know!!
I’ve been studying the bedside swallow/cranial nerve exams, MBSS/FEES, stroke treatment and aphasias and prepared some personal examples as well. Anything else you can think of is so appreciated!!
submitted by Swimming_Chef_7247 to slp [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:43 SmartPrimate There is a paradox between omniscience and omnibenevolence (proof ft. infinity and Turing Machines)

Was doing some semi mathematical/philosophical thought experiments, and of all the things I did not expect to stumble on a paradox between these two concepts so I thought I'd share.
I'm going to give the main idea, but at the bottom I'll share some preliminaries for those unfamiliar with the relevant concepts. So if you're feeling lost below, skip to the bottom first. Even if you don't care for this specific argument, I think it's worth thinking about or extrapolating from the concepts in preliminaries, since a lot of people talk about God's infinite nature but don't often confront the paradoxes that have to do with infinity and are mathematically sound but can pose problems (the first time I engaged with it was after learning Cantor's theorem, since that seriously seems to imply either God's infinity is not the biggest infinity, or somehow not remotely definable/it doesn't even mean anything). So I think this is overall good practice.
The Specific Paradox
Suppose human lives are infinite, which you believe if there’s an eternal afterlife, then consider the set of “all knowledge humans would obtain after infinite time”. Obviously this set can be enumerated, f(1), f(2), f(3),… etc. Now what I'm about to describe is a construct that cannot really exist physically, but it is perfectly definable in math, in a sense that you can ask questions about it that have objective truth values. Basically define a modified Turing machine, but one where there is a second head, and instructions for when the second head takes a step, such that each step of the second head is essentially enumerating that set we just named (so in a single step it will print a new element of that set on the tape, wherever the head is). Now for this new type of machine, each such machine can be encoded with a number just like Turing machines, and such that you can code one machine to be able to simulate others when given the corresponding encoding. Each such machine can either halt or not halt like a regular Turing machine, and just like regular Turing machines, you can prove that no such machine in this class can solve the halting problem for this type of machine. This also means that the set of “all knowledge humans would obtain after infinite time” cannot contain the solution to this class of machine’s halting problem, since if it did that would be a contradiction with the fact this machine can enumerate that set as a feature.
Now, we can define a set, the set of all encodings of machines in this class, such that those encodings correspond to halting machines in this class.
If God is the most knowledgeable that we can conceive of, He can decide this set, can take any number and say whether it’s in the set or not.
That would imply God has more knowledge than the set of “all knowledge humans would obtain after infinite time.”
On the other hand, suppose a person really likes knowledge, and asks for “all knowable truths but after infinite time.” Then if God is the most generous we can conceive of, it seems not unfair for God to grant this, especially since the person is asking after infinite time, it’s not like they're even asking for it all at once/will ever really have it at one point in time. So it seems more than fair to grant that request, especially if you belong to one of the monotheistic faiths that believes heaven is where you're granted "whatever the heart desires that's possible." And it isn't inconceivable some nerd would want this, but if it is granted to them then it would contradict God being “the most knowledgeable we can conceive of,” since the set of numbers we described above and deciding it (meaning you can name whether an element is in it or not) would not be encompassed by the set of all of God's knowledge, since that would lead to the earlier halting contradiction we described. So you end up having one or the other, either the most generous we can conceive of or the most knowledgeable we can conceive of.
So a couple things. I'd like to repeat that even this request is somewhat restricted, since you're not even asking to be granted all of God's knowledge, you're asking to be “granted it only if we consider the set union of my knowledge at all future points of time.” And in fact, in some people's minds, "the most generous we can conceive of" would already pre-emptively entail an agreement to share all possible knowledge, since sharing knowledge is good no? So an explicit request isn't even necessarily necessary for this paradox.
Some other points. All of this falls under the framework that all knowledge in existence (including God’s knowledge) is a countable infinity, obviously God might instead have an uncountable amount of knowledge, but my issue with that is once you allow it, it becomes a “where do we stop” thing, because for every set you can define the set of all subsets of that set which will always be bigger by Cantor's theorem. So either the “set of all of God’s knowledge” is not even meaningful to talk about, or there is a limit, specifically a certain size of infinity where we stop at, and if it’s the latter then it seems very humanly arrogant to assume it’s any one specific cardinality (cardinality just means size but rigorously generalized to include size of infinities). Even if it's some specific uncountable cardinality however, you can easily modify this paradox to work with that cardinality as well.
You could also alternatively even reject any infinity exists, which would imply God is not an actual infinity and therefore can’t solve even the normal halting problem, that is a legitimate possibility too. But the property of being “greatest [insert property] that we conceive of” for most people is usually taken to mean an actual infinity, so they have to reckon with this. You could simply opt for agnosticism on this point, but in that case you cannot then use infinite as an adjective freely.
Ultimately, in the case that one does believe God exists and has an infinite nature and/or really does have attributes of the form "greatest [insert property] I can conceive of" (which would be infinite in certain cases like knowledge, e.g. even the standard halting problem has a solution but you provably need infinite knowledge to be able to solve it for instance, unless it having a solution is not in the possible knowledge you can conceive of, though that seems absurd), then this paradox illustrates that one of three things must be true:
  1. God would grant the request of someone that desires “all possible knowledge given infinite time” but then God is no longer of the class of “the most knowledgeable we can conceive of” because there is a countable set of natural numbers we can even refer to that He cannot decide.
  2. God would deny that request, and thus all possible sets we can refer to are decidable by Him, but then God is potentially not of the class of “the most generous we can conceive of."
  3. God can’t grant that request to begin with because His knowledge is a greater cardinality than the natural numbers, and my usage of “infinite time” here was meant to be countable, although you could easily alter the paradox to include higher cardinalities in the request so this isn't really a point it just changes the goalposts.
I would like to know how those of you that believe in an omni[something] God and afterlife personally reconcile this paradox. As someone who does lean towards believing in a supreme monotheistic creator, I personally lean towards 2, that the knowledge precedes generosity, but I honestly don't have a philosophical justification yet.
Now, as I promised, here are some preliminaries:
Countable and uncountable infinity, turtles all the way down
One relevant concept I brought up that might be unfamiliar to people, that I think should be the most well known though it's not central to the argument, is that of sizes of infinity. Honestly, I'm a little lazy so I'm just going to link this 8 minute video that does a marvelous job at explaining it. I know 8 minutes is a tough ask but I promise it's worth, and the rest in this post is self contained.
No technical background needed, a grade schooler can understand it, and I think it's worth learning about regardless of who you are, since Cantor's theorem really is one of humanity's greatest intellectual achievements.
Note he goes into the specific example of a countable infinity (the natural numbers) and how the first uncountable infinity is bigger (using the real numbers as an example). However Cantor's more general theorem applies to all sets, saying the set of all subsets of that set will always be a bigger set, even when our sets are infinite. Stated differently, there is always a bigger infinity. If you haven't seen this theorem before, depending on who you are this is either surprising to you or not surprising to you, and in both cases I can guarantee whatever reasoning you're using is wrong, but to see why watch the video :)
The exact proof in the video is a proof by contradiction similar to the halting problem proof I'll do below. But for Cantor's more general theorem I just stated, the proof while in the same spirit is a little more abstract than the specific example in the video, so I won't explain it here but feel free to check it out on wikipedia if you're curious.
Turing Machines
So the most relevant concept is that of a Turing Machine. While this may sound fancy, it's actually not hard to understand at all. Imagine a mathematician who can only write one symbol at a time. Except the chalkboard he's using to write is infinitely long. Do you get that? Then congratulations, you now know what a Turing Machine is.
Sometimes people will present it as more technical, as a head that moves along an infinite tape writing only 0's and 1's. But that is basically what we just described, minus the limitation to 0 and 1. But the reason people use 0 and 1 is to show that in fact, this simplicity where you only have a 2 letter alphabet, is still powerful enough that you can use this model still to simulate other models that have a bigger alphabet. So the point when people do that isn't that we're intentionally restricting to 2 letters, but that 2 letters is all we need, even to do stuff that requires more! Even other other details like the number of tapes or the dimension of the tape don't matter, since they can all simulate each other. So the point really is just that we can get away with something as minimal as possible.
Why Turing Machines philosophically matter
Really the more relevant point though is that a Turing Machine is simply philosophically codifying what was already intuitive to humans, namely the idea of any finite procedure. Like an algorithm, a recipe, etc. As long as you allow instructions for behavior, and that behavior is allowed to be unbounded (while loop), then you basically have a Turing Machine.
On the other hand if you have a programming language with programs that contain if statements ("if [this] do [this"), for loops (which is just specifying an action to be done a certain number of times, but not infinitely), but NOT while loops (while [this is true] do [this'), then this is not a Turing Machine, because the "while" is the key, the infinite chalkboard, since what that opens up is the ability to never stop. Which might seem like a flaw at first, and it is in certain respects, but opening up that possibility is actually what gives computers the expressive power they have in solving problems believe it or not.
(An asterisk here is that in real life there is no infinite memory so computers will always eventually stop, but A. we obviously don't want programs to run out of memory because they would have needed infinite memory anyway, both cause it's bad to use all memory but also you'd ideally want to know to stop it short before it meaninglessly loops like that and B. In some cases programs are meant to run for long enough/as long as possible before hitting some constraint that it's more or less still useful to model them as functionally infinite. Regardless for the sake of this paradox and mathematicians, even if it wasn't useful the idea of algorithms that might not stop still represent perfectly definable mathematical objects we can meaningfully talk about which belong to "the set of all possible knowledge").
Universal Simulation
Turing Machines are encodable. Once you settle on the specifics of the machine, like what the alphabet is etc (which isn't that important), then there will exist a way to encode each machine as a single whole number. And in such a way that you can define a Turing Machine that can in fact parse this number in order to simulate the machine.
You can even define a machine that takes in the encoding of any other machine, and all it does is simulate it, essentially a universal computer which is conceptually like your laptop at home. Also you can define the encoding scheme to involve every natural number, simply by having non valid encodings (which can also be recognized by machines as non valid) represent by default a basic machine that just does nothing. So essentially all natural numbers are Turing Machines. From now on if M is a Turing Machine, will refer to the number encoding it.
Undecidability of the halting problem
Anyway so because we have the possibility of our programs never halting, the halting problem is quite literally to decide whether a Turing Machine will halt or not halt.
(More specifically you have a number, and you want to decide if that number represents a Turing Machine that halts. Technically it's if the Turing machine halts on a specific input, so you would need an input in addition to the number, however we can actually change our encoding so that every natural number encodes both a Turing Machine and input for it. If you do that, then the problem really does become equivalent to "you have this well defined set of numbers, each representing Turing Machine-input pairs, and you're trying to decide for any number if it's in that set, meaning it represents a Turing Machine-input pair that halts" which is how I prefer to think of the halting problem, I'm just abusing my language and will keep doing so for consistency, but it's not that important).
Now if the halting problem is solvable, by a mathematician, computer, whatever, we can represent that as a Turing Machine Q that takes in an encoding of a machine and an input x, (so we can represent it's behavior as Q(, x)) and tells us whether M halts on x or never halts. You can then easily construct a machine Q' where Q'() does the following:
Simulates Q, specifically running Q(, ) and thus checking if M halts on the encoding that represents itself.
If it does not halt, this program Q' halts.
If it does halt, this program Q' loops forever.
Now, what happens if we run Q'()? If Q' halts on itself then it loops forever, and if it does not halt on itself, then it halts, a contradiction. Yet this program is easily constructible if the halting problem is solvable, since it's built by simulating the program that solves that. Therefore that assumption must be wrong. So no program, no mathematician or anyone, can take in an encoding of a Turing Machine and some input, and tell us whether it halts or does not halt. The only way to do that would be if you have infinite knowledge, and I would assume most monotheists here upon learning about this problem really would believe "God can do it. God can solve the halting problem," thus implying God's knowledge is an actual infinite, since otherwise you would run into contradiction like this proof. In fact for some, this may even be used to reinforce why God must be of an infinite nature, that omniscience wouldn't be compatible with any fact to the contrary. The alternative is either believing He can't, or choosing agnosticism on such matters.
More turtles all the way down Note that you can always define a new type of Turing Machine that's exactly the same but has an oracle that can solve the halting problem. Just like before this machine is also encodable. And just like the modified machine in the paradox this can't really exist remotely physically, even if we forgot finiteness constraints since we already showed the halting problem is unsolvable - this oracle is purely a theoretical construct. However, this new type of machine will have it's own halting problem that it can't solve for equivalent machines. And then you can define an oracle for that halting problem. But once again you'll just get an even higher level halting problem. So even if you can solve the halting problem there are higher level halting problems you still can't solve (google "arithmetic hierarchy" if you're interested, it's more general but basically quantifies how "unsolvable" a set is, yielding an infinite tower of classes, each containing sets "more unsolvable" than the last). Of course if you're like me, you would just shrug it off as God can solve all of these problems.
Just further note, if you really like this stuff, not really necessary here but some other concepts you should check out are Tarski's undefinability theorem and Godel's incompleteness theorems, and on the more computability side of things: rice's theorem, busy beaver function, chaitin's constant and chaitin's incompleteness theorems, etc. All of these are very broad philosophically limitative results that derive from the power of self reference (and for the mathematically technical, Lawvere's theorem is the category theorem result that generalizes exactly what makes all of these results possible).
submitted by SmartPrimate to DebateReligion [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:39 OnlyPecans DP - Bank of America affinity (co-branded) CCR rejection due to a recently declined CLI

Quoted below is the only reason for the rejection from the BofA letter I received:
One or more of your accounts with us and/or our affiliates has recently been declined for a credit line increase
Wanted to see test the "3 months minimum since the last CLI request or new account" advice to see if they were firm in enforcing that for CLIs. Got rejected, so it seems like they were. 10 days later, after the 3 month period had passed, and was instantly accepted for a CLI.
I understand the logic but I'd never heard of anyone being rejected for a failed CLI before.
I've been a customer with BofA for over 10 years. Currently a Platinum Preferred Rewards member. I have 2 CCRs (one affinity) and a PR. I'm compliant with BofA's 2/3/4 and 7/12 rules. 803 credit score from the Experian pull they used. 1/6, 3/12, 3/24 for reference.
1/1/24 - College co-branded CCR approved
3/27/24 - CLI on another BofA card declined
4/5/24 - CLI on that previous card approved
6/1/24 - Nature Conservancy CCR application rejected
Has anyone else ever had this experience?
submitted by OnlyPecans to CreditCards [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:01 Unique-Chemistry-419 Received a handwritten letter from an unsuccessful buyer...

Hi everyone!
Edit to add: in England.
[UPDATE] we're going to reply with a generic response and that we'll let them know if the sale falls through (if they're still looking at that time). Thanks everyone for your views, much appreciated!
Context: We just sold our house after 20+ viewings and several offers. The top three offers were all in a similar price range, but we decided to accept the middle of the three because we really liked the buyer. They were so excited about the house and the area and had been trying to buy on our road for over a year but kept getting priced out. Obviously, this meant we had to reject the other offers.
Fast forward to today, and we received a hand written letter from one of them saying how disappointed they were (not in a malicious tone or anything), asking about what else they could have done to get the house (maybe looking for feedback for future offers?), and wished us well with the future.
Has anyone else had this? What did you do? Should we reply? Ask the estate agent to reply? Ignore it? They were a nice person, but just didn't show any interest or emotion about the house, but I don't know how that could be given as constructive feedback...
submitted by Unique-Chemistry-419 to HousingUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:57 alt193104580266 Denied from SavorOne with SUB for length of credit history

I applied to a SavorOne credit card to get the sign up bonus and was immediately rejected due to length of credit history (only reason listed in the adverse action letter).
Current cards: Discover it Chrome, $3000 limit, opened 2 months ago (I just turned 18); Discover card (unknown), authorized user, $27000 limit, opened 31 years ago
FICO Score: 765
Income and occupation: I make about $15000 a year at my job but I am about to go into college and stop working.
Since I am an authorized user on an older card shouldn't that be sufficient for credit history? Thanks for the help.
submitted by alt193104580266 to CreditCards [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:29 disiradosti172 Master post o Europskim izborima

Master post o Europskim izborima
Prokastiniram ovaj post vec mjesec dana. Malo ce biti kaoticno, jer mi se iskreno ne da. Ako vidite typo, ne, ne vidite typo.
Ako se nekome ne cita o ovome, evo vam strip Moč Evrope o EU. Nije na hrvatskom, ali vjerujem u vase osnovno razumijevanje slovenscine. Good luck!
Ili pogledajte Kurzgesagt videe Is the European Union worth it or should we end it? & Is the EU Democratic? Does Your Vote Matter?
Krenimo s ovime:
Ako ima neki zakon, regulaciju ili kaj vec koji ja nisam spomenula, mozete poprilicno jednostavno pogledati kako su zastupnici proslog saziva glasali. Ima i ova stranica - - ali kad sam usporedivala tu stranicu i sluzbene podatke sam naisla na dvije greske, tako da bi bilo dobro da pogledate sluzbenu stranicu iako je puno kompliciranija za koristenje. Morate znati barem broj zakona, znaci naci tocni zakon koji vas zanima - pogledati kad je izglasan (prve dvije tocke bi bile dosta jednostavne na ovoj howtheyvote stranici) - otici na sluzbenu stranicu - dolje desno imate kalendar, nadite datum glasanja - na desnoj stranici imate "roll call votes" gumbic - na listi nadite stvar koja vas zanima, klinite na +
  • Jedan od najbitnijih tema, barem meni osobno, je klimatska kriza.
Zasto? Europa je kontinent koji se najbrze zagrijava, gotovo dvostruko brze od prosjecne globalne stope. Strategija EU-a za prilagodbu klimi predvida da ce toplinski valovi ubijati oko 26-89 tisuca Europljana godisnje od sada do 2050. To jest, bez provedbe mjera za ublazavanje i prevenciju klime. 2022. godine tijekom toplinskih valova umrlo je vise od 60 tisuce Europljana. Evo jedan zanimljiv clanak o tome i zasto i kako.
  1. godine vlade EU-a potrosile su više od 400 000 000 000 € (400 milijardi) na subvencije za fosilna goriva – ukljucujuci porezne olaksice za mlazno gorivo i korporativne pogodnosti.
IMF Fossil Fuel Subsidies Data: 2023 Update
E, ekipa koja ima sezonske alergije - jeste li znali da upravo klimatska kriza doprinosi duljoj i intenzivnijoj sezoni alergija? Vise razine ugljicnog dioksida povecavaju razinu peludi i snagu peludi. Fun!!!
Talk is cheap, ali zato ovdje mozete vidjeti tko ima najbolji track record glasanja sto se tice klimatske krize.
WWF ima rang listu politickih skupina i nacionalnih stranaka u EU-u na temelju evidencije glasovanja o zakonodavstvu o klimi, prirodi i oneciscenju: Are your representatives Protectors, Procrastinators, or Prehistoric thinkers?
Stay Grounded je napravio sveobuhvatnu analizu manifesta svih deset stranaka na europskoj razini. Ova analiza usredotocuje se na njihovu predanost reformi zrakoplovnih politika, s ciljem da se ocijeni njihova spremnost za prijelaz na odrziviji i pravedniji okvir mobilnosti.
  • Zadnjih par tjedana bilo je dosta pitanja o tome tko je za vecu integraciju EU
Bila su i neka pitanja o tome tko bi htio zajednicku EU vojsku, ali mislim da kod nas nema stranke koja je pricala o tome. Volt, jedina paneuropska stranka, se zalaze za EU vojsku i federalnu EU, ali nemaju listu u RH. Fun fact: u Njemackoj na listi imaju Hrvaticu.
Parlamentarne skupine koje podržavaju federalisti:
Kako su grupacije glasale u vezi nekih tema koje su nam svima bitne? Here we go:
(grafike su preuzete od The Left, stranke koja nije aktivna u RH. I European Greens (grupacija u kojoj je Mozemo i u kojoj ce mozda biti Gen Z) imaju slicne grafike ali sam uzela od The Left da ne bude kmecanja.)
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Roll Call Vote result on AM 3 rejecting the European Semester for economic policy coordination 2024 voted on the 27/03/2024
Nasi zastupnici i europska grupacija kojoj pripadaju:
S&D (Progresivni savez socijalista i demokrata): SDP - Borzan, Jerkovic, Matic, Picula
EPP (Europska pucka stranka / demokrscanski ): HDZ - Zovko, Sokol, Ressler, Glavak
Renew (Obnovimo Europu): IDS - Fleko
NI (nezavisni): Zivi zid - Sincic, Nezavisni - Kolakusic
ECR (Europski konzervativci i reformisti): HRAST - Ilcic
Kako su do sad glasali? Par po meni zanimljivih glasanja gdje vidite kakve ljude smo stavili u EU parlament. I molim bez nekih gluposti poput "a kAj Ja zNaM zAkAj sU gLaSaLi pRoTiV, mOzDa su iMaLi DoBaR rAzLoG". Linkani su svi zakoni, svi roll call votes, citajte i vidite kakve osobe saljemo u EU parlament.
Inclusion of the right to abortion in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights ZA: Matic, Picula, Jerkovic PROTIV: Sokol, Ilcic ; svi ostali nisu bili prisutni
Combating violence against women and domestic violence The law requires all EU countries to criminalise female genital mutilation, forced marriage and cyber violence such as the non-consensual sharing of intimate images. ZA: Borzan,Flego, Glavak, Jerkovic, Matic, Picula, Ressler, Zovko, PROTIV: Ilcic, SUZDRZANI: Kolakusic, Sincic: nije bio prisutan Sokol
CSA/ chat control/Objasnjenje zasto je ovo uzasan i opasan zakon ZA: SVIH 11 ZASTUPNIKA osim Sincica, koji je bio SUZDRZAN
Revision of the Multiannual Financial Framework AM 11 - veci porezi na neocekivanu dobit/ tax the rich PROTIV: SVIH 11 ZASTUPNIKA osim Kolakusica, koji je bio SUZDRZAN
Ako vas zanima sto grupacije govore u programima - u/180250 je napravio odlican post koji sadrzi par videa o tome sto svaka grupacija zastupa.
Sto kazu nase stranke?
Ovaj N1 clanak ima sazetak programa najvecih stranaka.
SDP je kao za radnicku klasu, ali kad idu glasati to zaborave. Imali su par dobrih istupa sto se tice prava potrosaca. Najavljuje da ce provesti Europski plan priustivog stanovanja s pripadajucim investicijama, kao i Strategiju EU-a za borbu protiv beskucništva. Također i da “velike korporacije i ultrabogati pojedinci moraju platiti svoj pošteni udio Europi, i to putem učinkovitih poreza na korporacije i kapital najbogatijih pojedinaca” (koga ovi zajebavaju, glasali su protiv takvih stvari). Spominju i borbu protiv korupcije jacanjem EPPO-a i OLAF-a.
HDZ lize dupe EPP-u. Oni zele jacu demokraciju (HAHAHAHAHAH), ravnomjerni regionalni razvoj RH (ko ce im reci da je to do sad bio njihov posao?), prosirenje EU, RH kao prometno i energetsko cvoriste i slicne fore.
Mozemo je vjeran svojoj grupaciji, zele jako puno ulaganja u zelenu tranziciju i gradnju industrije, veca radnicka prava, zele da zene imaju pravo na dostupan i besplatan pobacaj u svim zemljama EU-a i da svi imaju pristup priustivim lijekovima i medicinskim postupcima, bolje zeljeznice i javni prijevoz, zele uspostaviti Europski fond za prirodne katastrofe i prosiriti europsku zracnu flotu za gasenje pozara, zele da europski porez na ekstraprofit postane trajan.
DP se protivi svemu sto Europska Unija predstavlja, ali netko od njih ce veoma rado tamo sjediti i dobivati mjesecnu placu od 10000€ i srati po tome kako se EU treba unistiti. "U Europskom parlamentu borit ćemo se za povratak ovlasti nacionalnim državama."
Most se isto protivi Europskoj uniji, kaze da se protivi nametanju"ideologije" kroz razne inicijative, dokumente i zakone s europske razine ali istovremeno bi nametali krscansku ideologiju i povijesni revizionizam. “Mi trebamo u EU imati zajednički vrijednosni okvir, ne trebamo se sramiti svojih korijena, svoje kršćanske baštine, želimo da ona uđe u temeljne osnivačke ugovore EU kako bi se upravo na tim izvorima stvarale zajedničke politike i da bi naši ljudi mogli živjeti bolje”. Kako bi ga ismijali da pocne pricati takve gluposti u EP-u.
Gen Z lista Nine Skocak zalaze se ulaganjem u izgradju javnih stanova (izgradnja zasebnog fonda) te regulacija velikih investicija u stanove, prosireni Erasmus+ program s vecim stipendijama, za moderne zeljeznicke sustave, regulaciju digitalnog prostora (ukljucujuci AI) i zastitu privatnosti, zelenu tranziciju (ukljucujuci nuklearnu energiju).
submitted by disiradosti172 to croatia [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:03 Winter-Pudding-7184 Trying to get out of lease at a Student Accomodation, have i found a loop hole? Will this work?

I am stuck in a lease currently for this September 2024 - July 2025, I found a break clause, I am a first year right now, if I applied for another University to enter first year, got an acceptance/rejection letter even though I do not intend to join, does this work is this legal?
Am I able to execute this break clause without having to actually leave my current University? If I apply and get a rejection can I use this? Does me being a first year student already stop me from being considered a "Prospective first year undergraduate student" ??.
I can show the rest of the break clause, but I really want a way out of this agreement, I simply can not afford it and they refuse to cancel my lease since they never fill their rooms.
So I have thought of
I don't want this to affect my current course, I just want out of this any advice or suggestions are greatly appreciated!
2.2 If the Tenant is a prospective first year undergraduate student and the Tenant's offer of a place at the University is withdrawn for one of the following reasons:
2.2.1 by the University as a result of the Tenant not having achieved the required entry grades; or
2.2.2 if the Tenant chooses to go to a different University as a result of having exceeded the Tenant's expected grades; or
2.2.3 the Tenant's place at the University is withdrawn as a result of the Tenant's student visa being denied; the Tenant may be eligible to be released from this Booking (and the Tenancy Agreement, if completed) provided the Tenant supplies the Landlord with the following evidence:
(a) in respect of clause 2.2.1, a copy of the written rejection letter from the University or a screen shot of the Tenant's CAO offer document which confirms that the required results were not achieved for the University;
(b) in respect of clause 2.2.2, a copy of the proof of acceptance of your new University; or
(c) in respect of clause 2.2.3, a copy of written rejection letter from the University which confirms that the Tenant does not have the relevant Visa and a copy of the relevant Visa rejection correspondence.
submitted by Winter-Pudding-7184 to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:57 Ok_Team5576 Italy visa process from VFS global Mumbai

Since we got so many mixed signals while we were doing our research for a Schengen Tourist Visa, here is our end to end experience with VFS Global in Mumbai for a visa for a 10 day honeymoon trip to Italy as a 30 year old who owns his own firm and a 27 Year old IT professional.
Visa appointment: You need to book an appointment with VFS Global for your Visa. We opted to book the appointment via our tour agent who took 13k from us. This amount included our Visa Appointment, Free Cancellation Flight Tickets, Travel Insurance and Hotel Bookings. We booked our appointment in the month of Jan and received a slot for 7th May. This date was okay for us as we were planning to travel in the month of July.
Documents needed:
Own Business All passports 4 Photos( ask your photographer for specific requirements for Europe Visa they always know) Cover letter Flight tickets, Hotel bookings, travel insurance(covering at least 30,000 EUR) and detailed itinerary. 6 months Personal and Company Bank statements signed and stamped by the bank (please note, personal bank balance has to have an avg balance of minimum 2.5L and do not deposit large sums in your accounts at the last moment) 3 Years personal and Company ITR KYC documents: Aadhar Card, Pan Card( Personal and Company), Vaccination Certificate GST Certificate all 3 pages with photo/partnership deed/ memorandum of association Marriage certificate if spouse name not mentioned in passport Credit card statement with limit
Salaried All Passports 4 Photos( ask your photographer for specific requirements for Europe Visa they always know) Cover letter Flight tickets, Hotel bookings, travel insurance(covering at least 30,000 EUR) and detailed itinerary. KYC documents: Aadhar Card, Pan Card( Personal and Company), Vaccination Certificate NOC from Company with Signature and Stamp with leave approval from HR (Companies normally have a format for it but you can also get it from the vfs global website) 6 months Personal bank statements signed and stamped by the bank (please note, personal bank balance has to have an avg balance of minimum 2.5L and do not deposit large sums in your accounts at the last moment) Salary slip for the last 6 months signed and stamped by your company ( pro tip: add your bonus statement as well) 3 Years Personal ITR Marriage certificate if spouse name not mentioned in passport Credit card statement with limit
Day of the Appointment: Our appointment was at the VFS Global Mahalakshmi office. We reached around 8 15 for our 8 45 Appointment. (Always prefer to have a morning appointment as the whole process takes around 2 hours). There is water available and there is also a small cafe in the building which serves coffee and sandwiches. Once you reach the office, there is a queue on the ground floor according to the time slots, so at 8 30 am everyone with the 8 45 appointment has to stand in the queue. There will be a person who will do an initial check of your documents and check your appointment letter( please take a printout of your appointment letter without fail). The VFS staff will try to push their premium services on you on the pretext that the process will take very long. But if you have all your documents in place and can wait for an hour or two these services are not at all required. Once you reach the VFS Italian Office, you will receive a token. (Our token no. was 4) There are around 8 counters where VFS employees take your documents. According to your token you will be asked to report to anyone of the counters. There is no interview per say. But ensure you know your itinerary well as they will ask for that. They will thoroughly check all the documents, especially the bank statements. In case if any documents are missed they will ask you to get them by EOD. After submitting the documents, you have to give your biometrics and then pay around 15k as processing fee for 2 people ( both cash and card are accepted but just to be safe carry cash)
Visa Status: We were told that we will get to know the status of our Visa within 15 working days. We had not opted for the courier services which are available for a small fee. We got a call from VFS Global on 15th May (within 5 working days) stating that our passports were back from the Italian Consulate. We were told, we will have to come and sign a letter and collect our passports. Since the passports are received by VFS in a sealed envelope, they don't know the status of your Visa so there is no point in asking them. Since we got to know about the letter, we were under the impression that our visa request was rejected. Once we reached the VFS global office we were given the sealed envelope with our Passports in it. We received the Visa for one month. Along with that we had to sign an acknowledgement that we have to report to a VFS Global office within 5 days of our return to India along with our passports and all the necessary immigration stamps. After we asked for more details we were told this is a new process started by the consulate to ensure people are coming back to India.
Our overall experience was pretty good and smooth even without the premium services.
submitted by Ok_Team5576 to SchengenVisa [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:47 Adventurous_Cable426 Experience at VFS Washington and NYC for a Long-stay student visa

US Citizen here, I was looking for a french student visa in the US. I want to share my experience so you don’t make the same mistakes!
So first I got my school acceptance around April 25th and I started my application the same day. I applied directly with the university (exchange program with my US university), so I thought I did not need to go through campus france (1st mistake).
So I did the visa application online and then it was time to look for an appointment. The hardest part was finding an appointment. I was trying to find an appointment on April 27th but the only ones available were May 15. So I chose the May 15 appointment in DC. They were all so nice! I went to VFS with all these documents: - Photocopy of my passport - The acceptance letter from the french school - A letter from my US school explaining that i’m doing a study abroad program and that I have to be back in the US to graduate in May - My bank statements (3 months) - it had more than the monthly requirement - My dad’s bank statements (he’s paying) - same here, the amounts were more than the tuition and all of the expenses I will neeed! - A letter from my dad saying that he’ll be taking care of me financially - A “attestation d’hebergement” from my aunt who’s hosting me in france - A bill she received at her address with her name and the address of where i’ll be living - A letter from my aunt saying that she’ll be hosting me the whole time - my visa application that they asked me to print out before the appointment - the appointment confirmation (in NYC, you need it or else they wont let you in). - two identity pictures (took them at UPS)
I did not include insurance (I need my visa to get the insurance, I think the embassy knows that). I also did not include the campus france (the big mistake). I got my passport back on the 22nd and they said I have to go through campus france. So I applied for campus france the same day and paid 430 euros to have it expedited. It was supposed to take 3 business days but they sent me the Campus france letter and the email on Thursday May 23.
On Friday May 24, I decided to walk in at the VFS in NYC but they were busy and it was more than 3 months before my program start date (August 26). the manager told me to come back Wednesday May 29, so they won’t reject my visa because of that. Luckily, I went online and found an appointment for the 28. I went to vfs NYC ( they are stricter than the other VFS). I gave all my documents including my campus france acceptance and the email they sent me! I also added my flight tickets to france just in case. I got my passport back with my visa on wednesday june 5.
if you want to contact someone at the embassy, I can give you the emails. they are not that helpful but they’ll respond after 1-2 business days!
advices: - apply right after your three months start! dont wait! its really hard to get an appointment so the earliest is better. - if you cannot find appointments and you really need an appointment, call the VFS number and tell them about it, they might help you. - if they cant, keep checking every 2 hours, some appointments pop up out of nowhere. - make sure you have alllll documents!!! - in NYC do not bring any luggages, they dont care they wont let you in with it. - I could not go without my luggage and I was about to miss my appointment because I could not give it to anyone, I had to look for a storage near by it was like 7minutes walk. - in DC, they stored my luggage for me, they were so nice! - at the center, make sure to take a picture of your tracking number so you can track it, its on the receipt and it starts with FRA. - assk the interviewer if you have all the documents and if you need to include additional documents so you can send it to him/her before they send out your documents. - you have to go through campus france even if you applied directly with the university!
let me know if you have questions!
submitted by Adventurous_Cable426 to SchengenVisa [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:41 PieWaits Free Will and Prophecy

I've been thinking of the parallels between nobody's favorite couple (Newt and Anathema) and Agnes Nutter and Crowley and Azirphale and God. And I think their relationship foreshadows the ultimate resolution of the show. Also generally thinking about the show and book's position on free will and prophecy.
So, Newt has a curse that he doesn't understand - just like Crowley has been cursed for reasons he doesn't understand. Anathema is trying her best to follow the Plan as laid out by Agnes Nutter, and she has complete faith that Nutter will lead her right, even when she doesn't understand it - just like Aziraphale has complete faith in God's plan and that he should be following it, more or less. However, trying to follow the Prophecies is ruining her life - she cannot live for herself or make her own decisions, only try and do what she Should Do.
Agnes Nutter, meanwhile, can both foresee the future and by being able to foresee - shape it. Pretty classic seer stuff. God is (obviously) way more powerful than Nutter. She creates all the rules, shapes the future, and therefore foresees it. Maybe - because God has given her creations free will. This raises the classic philosophical question of if free will makes the future unforeseeable, even to God. But we don't need to worry about that for now.
The intermediate step for Newt is to realize that his "curse" is actually a gift-in-disguise enabling him to halt the 4 Horsemen's plan. The intermediate step for Anathema is to stop worrying about doing the right thing, and to put complete faith in Nutter's prophetic abilities - meaning she stops trying to figure them out and just goes along with them. The final resolution, for both of them, is to throw away Nutter's prophecies, and to just live their lives untroubled by what they "should" do. (The fact they can even do this suggests that when Adam remade the world, Nutter's prophecies became less accurate, but that's another theory).
So, I think Crowley's "fall" is going to end up being just all part of God's Ineffable Plan. He is like Job. A blameless creature who is a chess piece in some other game. God needed Crowley in Hell for some reason, so She put him there. Meanwhile, Aziraphale is bending over backwards trying to follow The Plan, when all he has to do is just do what he was going to do anyway, because it's all part of the Plan.
And after they save the world again, they're going to realize they should burn the prophecy book, so to speak. And then we'll be left with the question of what God's game was this whole time, but also - who cares?
Free Will is a major theme in both the book and the show. And it's at the heart of the disagreement between Aziraphale and Crowley.
In some Christian traditions, Lucifer and his angels fell precisely because they argued that God's plan to give humans free will was a bad idea. Why make something that can choose to do bad, evil things, when you could skip all that suffering by simply making something that can only do good?
Crowley expresses that exact opinion multiple times. He turns the paintball guns to real guns and sarcastically remarks that if humans have free will, that includes the choice to murder. When he confesses to Az that no one is actually getting murdered, causing Az to call him nice, we have the much-loved Wall Slam scene. We all get a bit distracted by their non-verbal language, which causes us to ignore Crowley's actual words: "I'm not nice. Nice is a four letter word." He means every word. He's trying to show Az that free will sucks, guns don't "lend weight" to moral arguments, and the God he worships is full of bullshit. He's not being nice, he's trying to get Az to denounce God (unless you consider that ultimately nice?)
In London 1827, Az and Crowley again argue over free will. Crowley argues if you're going to give people free will, but also make their lives nightmares, you can't blame them for making immoral choices. Az counters that bad situations simply give you more opportunity to make the right choice. Crowley dismisses that as poppycock. And the scene is very sympathetic to Crowley's position as Wee Morag walks alongside them in rags. However, Az only changes his mind about body snatching when he learns it can help doctors save lives. He never goes back on his position that hard choices reveal one's true soul. Crowley never stops believing Wee Morag shouldn't have to make hard choices - and he guilts Az into giving her a huge sum of money to effectuate that.
We have another "free will" issue with Az's ball. He limits free will so they all have to speak in early-1800s style English and participate in the dancing. They also are forced to feel happy. However, they can still get around the restrictions, such as when the "seamstress" explains to another guest the details of her job using polite metaphors. Even this light restriction on free will is shown as being horrific, and quite disturbing to the participants, who don't know what's going on, can't express themselves, and aren't allowed to even feel sad. This scene undercuts Crowley's earlier arguments that free will is a curse.
I've seen critiques that Good Omens, the book, is Gaimann and Pratchett embracing free will and rejecting the religious dogma of prophecy or determinism. I'm not so sure, though, especially given that graveyard scene.
submitted by PieWaits to goodomens [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:32 CorporalPunishment23 Getting Optum notifications on latest salvo

With my latest round of claims, I had sent in a letter indicating my preference for a VA examiner as opposed to a contractor. Today I got contacted by Optumserve looking to ascertain my availability for exams.
I know the VA preference is supposed to be contingent on whether a VA examiner is available. I live in a major metro area so I would have thought it shouldn't be a problem. But if one was unavailable, shouldn't they have reached out? Or are they just outright ignoring my preference?
One of my main problems with the contractors is I have to jump thru hoops to obtain my DBQs, usually scheduling multiple VERA calls until I get a rep who will send me the exam results. Whereas with a VA examination, my understanding is it would be available on Blue Button.
Any advice on whether I should push the issue, or just leave it?
submitted by CorporalPunishment23 to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:54 AdFront5696 CarMax hard pulled credit without consent.

Hello, I am currently working on rebuilding my credit. I like to browse the DriveTime website because they do soft credit pulls and I can estimate my down payment. So I used the carmax websites prequalify tool for the same reasons and now I’m getting rejection letters in the mail for a non specific car and I have a new hard inquiry on my credit report. Has anyone ran into this before? My score went down, and I was nowhere near serious about wanting a car. I’m curious what my next steps are and if there’s a way to get this removed. I only put in my info because it said there’s no impact to my credit score and the website made it sound like a soft pull.
submitted by AdFront5696 to carmax [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 17:55 EmptyImagination4 conflict resolvement in religious community

hi guys,
our religious community has a shared flat you can move into. A member wanted to move out before her lease was over. I was interested in the room before, so I proposed I could live there for 4 weeks to see it fits. Suprisingly to me, the member demanded me to pay the whole rent, although before it sounded to me she would pay while she is in the contract. Now I felt pressured by other members to immediately take the offer within minutes (no prior notice) without time to think it over. I feared I would not get the room at all if I would not agree to the 4 week trial conditions right away (they had no other candidates). "if you use it, you pay it.", the others instisted.
And yes the offer may be or may not be fine, but the group force is not. It's a bit like having a sexual encounter totally voluntarily vs. forced by a group. Same offer, but the one is fine and the other is a horrible crime. I don't like the group taking sides on this, because both members would have a double rent payment, no matter which side you take.
It didn't feel just to me to help the one member get out of the contract to avoid double rent payment, by pushing me into the contract, having to pay double rent. All my counter offers where rejected. But it seems some can't let it be and weeks called me a haggler or say don't act like on a bazaar. Maybe this is a misunderstanding and the others did not realize my hesitance to pay double rent? Or the problem is I am not used to handle conflict, as my nmom suppressed all conflict in our family, so I was afraid to give a clear "no, not right now"?
Now what is the best approach to resolve this situation?
submitted by EmptyImagination4 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 17:43 Mother_Plastic_1607 Roast my resume (and cover letter from a rejected job)

submitted by Mother_Plastic_1607 to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 17:34 ThrowItOutAwayToSea A lost letter to J, from the girl at the cafe.

To J,
It’s been a long time. Around 7 years, if my memory is correct. Maybe you wouldn’t even remember this (and I’m aware you probably won’t ever happen across this letter at all in the first place). But that’s okay, it’s not my purpose here.
You were somewhat new to the city, and country, and your parents were here visiting you. You came into my workplace, and I served and chatted with you all a bit, then you left the room. You came back by yourself at some point and we chatted just the two of us. Eventually you mentioned that you didn’t really know people here that well yet, and how it’d be nice to have someone to do things with around the city. You then asked if you could give me your number so that maybe we could hang out. I agreed, and you wrote it down on a little piece of paper with your first name. I put it in my pocket. I should have wrote it into my phone, but I was new to the job with a strict boss, and didn’t want to be seen on the cameras taking my cellphone out while working.
Eventually the three of you left, said goodbye to me, and I finished the rest of my shift and closed up the cafe, then drove home. When I arrived at my apartment, I remembered the number in my pocket and reached to grab it… only to find that it was nowhere to be found! I looked in my car, but it hadn’t fallen out in there. Maybe it fell unnoticed while I was working? Perhaps outside on the walk to my car? I’ll never know. The point is it was gone. I tried to look up your first name on Facebook to see if I could recognize any picture, but to no avail. Your first name is extremely common, and it’s a big city, so that didn’t help. Eventually I had given up, but I would try again every so often for a while in case a familiar face showed. Because it really bothered me! I had never had someone give me his number, let alone at my place of work, and had it not be creepy or unwanted. That was the only time then, and forever since. And here I lost the number. C’est la vie!
Of course you never returned to the cafe, I assume out of respect for my apparent decision of not being interested in contacting you. I don’t know if this event even affected you at all in any way, but I know it sucks to feel like you’ve connected with another person, only to be mysteriously rejected by them in the end. I hope you can take comfort, however minor it may be, in knowing that this was never actually a rejection that you had experienced, and just a girl that unfortunately lost your number.
I’m sure you’ve done well since, have settled and developed some good friends, wherever you are now, and have probably met someone special who means a lot to you, hopefully. So I don’t send this out into the world with means to disturb anybody, just maybe to give a boost of confidence (and nostalgia) by clearing it up that the girl from the cafe back then really did want to keep in touch. The memory of this would occasionally pop up in my mind and being a bit of a dreamer and curious person by nature, I would wonder how your life had gone since, or if you were even still in this city, and how things would have turned out had I not lost that piece of paper. I know that there’s really not much of a point for me to send this letter out into the world. I guess there just seems to be a lot of gloom and loss around me lately, and that along with the realization that my wasted youth begins to slip away from me, I feel I’ve lost a bit of myself in it all. My life has changed a lot in the past few years as well, and not really all for the better. I suppose I feel that digging around in the depths of my mind and drudging up my old memories might help me to find some sense of myself again. And to be honest, it also feels a bit like I’m sending a message in a bottle out to sea, which is sort of therapeutic in a way.
I don’t really know how to conclude this letter of mine. But in case you ever do read this by some odd chance, know that this stranger out here hopes your life is everything you’d like it to be. And I hope eventually mine is, too.
The Girl At The Cafe
submitted by ThrowItOutAwayToSea to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 17:32 PrimaryMachine895 Logbook filing for those who worked for/with DPWH

Hi! I worked with DPWH-UPMO for 6 months, contractor side. 2 months in, our project had a Work Suspension Order due to revisions. So for 4 months no site activity, puro meeting and clerical works lang. I wonder if napapansin ba to ng PRC and magiging ground for application rejection if clerical works lang halos ilalagay ko. Do I need to specify na it’s due to work suspension? Also, understandable na ba na may ganyang cases talaga if nagwork with DPWH. Thanks sa makakasagot.
submitted by PrimaryMachine895 to architectureph [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 17:22 Wrong-Shame1654 Entry level IT Connections?

Well, I was trying my best to find a higher paying job in Japan before August.
I made previous posts about my previous job, and we ended everything super well. I was able to strike a really nice severance deal with them and I willingly resigned with a mutual agreement resignation letter from both parties. It actually ended very well,
Needless to say I’ve got a wicked opportunity it’s to work in both Korea and China.
I still haven’t chosen on which one I’d like, I thought Korea would be best, but the laws against foreign workers are 10x stricter than in Japan. It’s also hard to get residency there if not impossible.
China isn’t a permanent solution, but it’s a way to pad my bank account for the meanwhile.
I’m currently in software engineering school, but it’s gonna be about 1-2 years before I graduate.
There are IT jobs by the mile in Japan, and I’ve applied to a few. But I get rejected constantly, I desperately want to get into IT. And I applied to a bunch of entry level positions. And I consistently get rejected every single day, I get a rejection email from somewhere I applied and got the boot.
It’s demoralizing and I’m almost ready to give up, I thought the IT industry in Japan would do OJT but that doesn’t seem to be the case. Does anyone have any IT connections that would take an entry level person? I can hold my own in a conversation in a Japanese and I’m fluent, but I won’t overestimate my ability, I need more work. But I was hoping to improve on the fly.
Most interviews can also all be done in Japanese for me.
I truly want to find a way in the door if anyone has one, otherwise I truly might end up leaving to get more money while I finish my studies.
Sadly the jobs I was offered were teaching jobs, which I desperately don’t want to return to. But similar to when I first got to Japan. It’s a way in.
I have a 3-year visa, which was pretty lucky at the time for me to get my hands on.
I took it as sign that I’m on the right path, but now I’m working at a hotel. Making so little for all the work I put in it’s diabolical.
So any help would be much appreciated 🙏🏽🙏🏽
submitted by Wrong-Shame1654 to japanlife [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 17:15 Terrible_Hunter_1684 Streak 89: Translation practice

Dear Ms. Jansson
Thank you for your very wise letter. I understand your home is small though the forest and sea of Finland are big. It’s such a beautiful thought that it’s better to meet a writer just in his book. I’m taught something constantly. Stay healthy and live longer.
Asumi Damiko
Tove Jansson is the wirter who creates Moomin and Ausmi Damiko is a thirteen year-old girl who loves Moomin. Damiko had read Jansson’s every book and she wanted be a writer like her. They used to exchange letters. Damiko asked Jansson very carefully if she can meet her in person. Jansson might reject her very carefully as well and this is Damiko’s letter after receiving her letter. Damiko wrote her full name in this letter though she had written just Damiko before. It implies her sorrow and respect for Jansson.
I understand them both.
submitted by Terrible_Hunter_1684 to WriteStreakEN [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 17:05 Mamoru072020 Clearing the air about waitlisted/rejected

Dear future SUSS school mates,
I wanted to take some time to clear the air on the above, based on what I know.
Regardless of the result, give yourself a pat on the back, go for a good meal with your loved ones if you want to. =)
  1. "Group 1" ppl (for easy reference): After the university makes its initial round of offers, they start to send them out. But we all know that most students after receiving offers will take time to ask their friends or family "Which one is better?", "Should I join SUSS or go for other options?", blah blah blah. That takes up a lot of time, especially for people who procrastinate and wait till the last minute. Usually, the deadline to accept the offer ends in two weeks after the offer letter arrives (e.g. for mine, I got it on 3rd June; deadline was 15th June).
  2. That is where the people who are in the waitlist. Your results and interview performance may be strong. The university may hold you on the waitlist in case some applicants in Group 1 decline their offers. The admissions team will contact you if a spot opens up. (in my case, I was a waitlisted applicant and got my slot after 2 weeks, because I applied with a private degree, not with my poly results). Some applicants in Group 1 may decline their offers, opening up spots for those on the waitlist.
  3. Group 3 consists of applicants who are rejected. There could be various reasons for this, and it doesn't necessarily reflect on your qualifications. If you'd like to explore your options further, you can consider appealing the decision or reapplying next year with additional experience. The admissions team reviews appeals carefully, so a strong letter outlining new developments may be helpful. If you would like me to take a look at your appeal letter, feel free to pm me. Take a gap year and try again.
Teaching/classroom resources:
Why PT may be easier to get in is because lessons are held usually at night, so more tutorial groups are offered (because some modules are also now offered online) . For FT classes, usually there are only 2-3 tutorial groups (around 35 students per class / per module, because the classes are offered in the day, so there may not be enough teaching resources as compared to night classes. SUSS does not have a big teaching team unlike the other universities, but rely fairly on industry professionals; they have their full time jobs as well. This I feel is one of the strengths of SUSS. You get "real-time" info on what the industry trends are. Not to mention that SUSS mainly has Block C and rents Block A, B and even Ngee Ann Poly for night classes.
If you applied for FT a few times and didn't manage to get in, try the PT ones instead.
Full Time (FT) vs Part Time (PT) differences
I think one of the perks for doing FT is that there are opportunities for internships which MAY potentially land you with a job after you graduate, unlike PT students which may have to source on their own.
For Full time programmes, these are mainly direct honours programmes, which require you to take 200 cu (40 modules). For Part time programmes, only those with GPA 3.5 out of 5, then you would be invited to do honours (170 cu: 35 modules). For those with basic degree, we will take 130 cu (26 modules).
The last time I checked from SUSS website:
a 5 cu module for part time costs around $500+ , a 5 cu module for full time costs around $800+. I am also guessing that FT students attend maybe 1-2 seminars more than PT students (if I am wrong, please correct me)
Think with the end goal in mind: I think most of you at this stage just want to get a degree and go out to work. Then I don't think you need to do FT, unless you are aiming to do Masters. However, most Masters nowadays do not require an Honours, unless you are looking at overseas programmes, which require a 2nd lower class (2:2). You can do a PT degree, but on a full time load (20cu (max load) -30 cu (max load with good results) per semester). You would be able to finish the degree in 3 years compared to a FT student (30 cu- 35 cu per semester) which may require 3.5 years - 4 years to complete.
All in all, manage your anxiety, wait and leave everything to the admissions team to get back to you.
Good luck! I hope to see you all in school and meet up for a drink or something! PM me if you are keen. =)
Yr 4 Psych
Only got my 1st degree when I was 30 and doing my 2nd degree now.
submitted by Mamoru072020 to Suss [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 16:46 Helpful_Honey09 [FL] Fence Encroachment

[FL] I purchased a new construction home in August 2022. The builder informed us of an encroachment. We signed an acknowledgment that we are aware of the encroachment. We decided it is something we can take care of after closing.
After closing, we informed the tenant, and subsequently, the owner, of said encroachment. We didn’t know it was a rental at the time. We let them all know that we would be installing a fence and they need to relocate their fence to their property. The owner told us to let them know when they needed to move it. As we got quotes for our fence, we even went as far as to get quotes to move their fence.
We are now going on two years and it still has not been relocated. A month or so ago, we hand delivered a letter to the tenant, and sent a certified letter to the owner of our intent to have our fence installed soon. The owner said he would contact the company who installed their fence and have them move it. The company and I have been in contact since the homeowner let them know to move it. Everyone agreed the fence had to be moved. It was scheduled for today, June 8.
In the meantime, I found my own fence contractor and am now under contract (with my permit in hand) for install on June 17.
Today rolls around and the fence company showed up to relocate the fence, but the tenant kicked them off the property and threatened to call the police. However, they were always aware that the fence had to be moved. Now the original installer is saying they are unable to come back before our install date.
What can I do? Can I hire an attorney to send a demand letter? That could take a while and go past my install date which could incur additional fees to reschedule and possibly lose my 50% deposit ($4000) and risk my permit expiring. Would the owner be responsible for any and all fees assessed if this becomes a legal battle?
submitted by Helpful_Honey09 to AskLawyers [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 16:42 Helpful_Honey09 Florida Fence Encroachment

[FL] I purchased a new construction home in August 2022. The builder informed us of an encroachment. We signed an acknowledgment that we are aware of the encroachment. We decided it is something we can take care of after closing.
After closing, we informed the tenant, and subsequently, the owner, of said encroachment. We didn’t know it was a rental at the time. We let them all know that we would be installing a fence and they need to relocate their fence to their property. The owner told us to let them know when they needed to move it. As we got quotes for our fence, we even went as far as to get quotes to move their fence.
We are now going on two years and it still has not been relocated. A month or so ago, we hand delivered a letter to the tenant, and sent a certified letter to the owner of our intent to have our fence installed soon. The owner said he would contact the company who installed their fence and have them move it. The company and I have been in contact since the homeowner let them know to move it. Everyone agreed the fence had to be moved. It was scheduled for today, June 8.
In the meantime, I found my own fence contractor and am now under contract (with my permit in hand) for install on June 17.
Today rolls around and the fence company showed up to relocate the fence, but the tenant kicked them off the property and threatened to call the police. However, they were always aware that the fence had to be moved. Now the original installer is saying they are unable to come back before our install date.
What can I do? Can I hire an attorney to send a demand letter? That could take a while and go past my install date which could incur additional fees to reschedule and possibly lose my 50% deposit ($4000) and risk my permit expiring. Would the owner be responsible for any and all fees assessed if this becomes a legal battle?
submitted by Helpful_Honey09 to Ask_Lawyers [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 16:41 Helpful_Honey09 Florida Fence Encroachment

[FL] I purchased a new construction home in August 2022. The builder informed us of an encroachment. We signed an acknowledgment that we are aware of the encroachment. We decided it is something we can take care of after closing.
After closing, we informed the tenant, and subsequently, the owner, of said encroachment. We didn’t know it was a rental at the time. We let them all know that we would be installing a fence and they need to relocate their fence to their property. The owner told us to let them know when they needed to move it. As we got quotes for our fence, we even went as far as to get quotes to move their fence.
We are now going on two years and it still has not been relocated. A month or so ago, we hand delivered a letter to the tenant, and sent a certified letter to the owner of our intent to have our fence installed soon. The owner said he would contact the company who installed their fence and have them move it. The company and I have been in contact since the homeowner let them know to move it. Everyone agreed the fence had to be moved. It was scheduled for today, June 8.
In the meantime, I found my own fence contractor and am now under contract (with my permit in hand) for install on June 17.
Today rolls around and the fence company showed up to relocate the fence, but the tenant kicked them off the property and threatened to call the police. However, they were always aware that the fence had to be moved. Now the original installer is saying they are unable to come back before our install date.
What can I do? Can I hire an attorney to send a demand letter? That could take a while and go past my install date which could incur additional fees to reschedule and possibly lose my 50% deposit ($4000) and risk my permit expiring. Would the owner be responsible for any and all fees assessed if this becomes a legal battle?
submitted by Helpful_Honey09 to AskALawyer [link] [comments]