Download Tableau extract via Power Query?

2024.04.06 03:34 Kalorifik Download Tableau extract via Power Query?

How can I download a Tableau extract via PowerQuery?
Anyone done that?
submitted by Kalorifik to PowerBI [link] [comments]

2015.09.10 17:59 SmokesInTheNight C# issues with Excel?

Hi, I am developing software to automate a bunch of processes contained in Excel Workbooks. The range of operations I perform is accessing data directly in cells, calling VBA Macros, and also accessing functionality in third party AddIns. What's troubling me is that more often than not the program works just fine, but a good amount of the time my program throws an exception (usually an unhandled COM exception) when trying to perform these basic operations. My workbook and Macros are using the FactSet AddIn which I feel may be causing the trouble (I haven't been able to find much documentation or resources). I am wondering perhaps there is some deeper processing issue I need to address? Something related to threading? This is what the gist of my code looks like:
using Microsoft.Office.Interop; using Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel; //other usings.... namespace MyExcelProgram { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Excel.Application myExcelApp; Excel.Workbooks myWorkbooks; Excel.Workbook myWorkbook; Excel.Worksheet myWorksheet; myExcelApp = new Excel.Application(); myExcelApp.Visible = true; myExcelApp.EnableEvents = true; myWorkbooks = myExcelApp.Workbooks; myWorkbook = myWorkbooks.Open(strWorkbookName); myWorksheet = (Excel.Worksheet)myWorkbook.Worksheets["Sheet1"]; //sometimes this throws an exception strData = (myWorksheet.Cells[7, 12] as Excel.Range).Value.ToString(); //sometimes this throws an exception myExcelApp.Run("MacroThatUsesAddin"); //sometimes this throws an exception myWorkbook.Save(); //sometimes this throws an exception myWorkbook.Close(false); //sometimes this or any of the below throws an exception myWorkbooks.Close(); myExcelApp.Quit(); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(myWorksheet); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(myWorkbook); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(myWorkbooks); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(myExcelApp); myWorksheet = null; myWorkbook = null; myWorkbooks = null; myExcelApp = null; } } } 
Again, what really drives me crazy is that the SAME code randomly throws an exception, sometimes it's fine, sometimes no. Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated.
EDIT: I have also put many Thread.Sleep(5000) in between most commands to give adequate time to be ready.
submitted by SmokesInTheNight to csharp [link] [comments]

2014.02.07 20:53 anonymousking1 VBA Script Error 1004

So I'm follow tutorial this to get started with VBA in Excel 2010. If you scroll down a bit you will see the following snippet of code:
Sub RenameWorksheets() For Each myWorksheet In Worksheets myWorksheet.Name = myWorksheet.Range("B1").Value Next End Sub 
What the above code is supposed to do is that copy the value of the B1 cell and change the name of the sheet to that value. I have three sheets in the workbook and all of them have something written in the B1 cell. When I run the macro I am getting this error despite writing the EXACT same code as the example.
EDIT: Epic fail. I just realized that my B1 cell in the first sheet was in fact empty....I fixed that and the VBA script works now.
submitted by anonymousking1 to excel [link] [comments]