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Upgrade Your Event Decor with Stylish Cocktail Tables - A Guide by Lenox Hill Florist

2024.03.19 13:39 brandonhefner1 Upgrade Your Event Decor with Stylish Cocktail Tables - A Guide by Lenox Hill Florist

Upgrade Your Event Decor with Stylish Cocktail Tables - A Guide by Lenox Hill Florist
As we enter an era where experiences are key, the once-underappreciated elem ent of event decor has shifted to the forefront. Event planners are now more concerned about creating a memorable atmosphere for their guests, and event cocktail tables are an integral part of this. Stylish event cocktail tables not only offer practicality in terms of service but serve as a canvas for creativity. In this ultimate guide, we show you why and how to elevate your event decor using these often underestimated design elements.

Benefits of Stylish Cocktail Tables

Enhancing Ambiance and Aesthetics: Elegant event cocktail tables can transform the feel of an event space. They add a touch of refinement and can tailor the setting to transition from daytime professional events to evening galas seamlessly.
Versatility in Event Configurations: With various shapes, sizes, and designs, cocktail tables offer unparalleled versatility. They can serve as standalone accent pieces or be grouped to form clusters and walkways, depending on the dynamics of your event.
Creating Focal Points for Social Interaction: With the right placement and design, cocktail tables encourage natural mingling and networking. They are vital in setting a stage that promotes a comfortable and inviting environment for guests.

Choosing the Right Cocktail Tables

Factors to Consider

Size: Depending on the venue, space constraints can dictate the size of your tables. The general rule of thumb is not to overcrowd your space, ensuring a comfortable flow for attendees.
Material: The material of your tables can convey a lot about the tone of your event. From rustic wood for a country-chic wedding to sleek glass for a modern corporate function, your material choice is instrumental.
Design: The design should reflect the overall aesthetic you're aiming for. Look for elements that tie into your event's theme, whether it's the color, shape, or architectural style.

Matching Tables with Event Themes and Styles

Event Cocktail tables should not be an afterthought but a strategic component of your event's decor. They can be customized with linens, coverings, and accessories to blend seamlessly with your theme. Whether it's a futuristic design for a tech expo or ornate golden trims for a Great Gatsby soirée, ensure your event cocktail tables align with the broader vision.

Creative Ways to Decorate Cocktail Tables

Floral Arrangements and Centerpieces

Amp up the elegance with sophisticated floral designs that draw the eye and complement your other decor. From overhead chandeliers to subtle, low-lying centerpieces, the use of florals can be as dynamic as the event demands.

Lighting Effects and Table Accessories

The right lighting can set the mood, and event cocktail tables provide the perfect canvas. String lights, under-table LEDs, or even custom-built light installations atop your tables can add a magical dimension to your event. Likewise, accessories like top hats for a New Year's bash or thematic coasters for a product launch can add a playful touch.

Incorporating Branding Elements Subtly

For corporate events, brand integration is key. Keep it understated, with logo imprints on the table surface, or more discreet, with company colors as the theme for table displays. These subtle touches reinforce your brand without overpowering the ambiance.

Case Studies or Examples

Trade Show Elegance

At a recent trade show, sleek black cocktail tables enhanced the product displays, with built-in up-lighting to showcase the wares. The juxtaposition of industrial finishes and delicate glass features created an intimate, upscale experience for potential clients.

Wedding Magic

In a fairy-tale wedding, cocktail tables were draped in soft, flowing fabrics, topped with cascading flower arrangements. The play of candlelight and reflective tabletops added a romantic glow as guests mingled under the night sky.

Product Launch Chic

For a product launch, tall, narrow cocktail tables offered product demonstrations while free-standing signs and lit-up branding elements made them a functional yet stylish focal point for the press and attendees.
With the power to transform an event from mundane to enchanting, stylish event cocktail tables are as practical as they are aesthetic. They offer a blank canvas on which to paint the themes and tales of your events, and with thoughtful design and adornment, can truly elevate your guests' experience.
Lenox Hill Florist specializes in providing the highest quality event decor, including a stunning array of event cocktail tables. By integrating our expertise into your event planning, you can ensure your decor enhances every aspect of your occasion.
Elevate your event with Lenox Hill Florist's stylish event cocktail tables to witness the magic they can add to your next gathering. Contact us now to discuss your event needs and browse our range of styles and finishes.
In the competitive event planning world, the devil's in the details, and it's clear that event cocktail tables aren't just a functional requirement—they are a strategic opportunity to impress and dazzle your guests. With the right approach, these 'little tables that could' will indeed speak volumes at your next event.
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2021.04.25 23:25 Lezbelle6996 How to make them obey the law while driving as the Romans do. New York City New York USA has figured out the one way to do things!!!

As shown in Los Angeles, California, here in many cities the traffic light cameras are atop the poles-the things that hold the traffic lights up.
However as I observed during the 10 weeks I spent basically camping out homeless at the corner of West 13th Street and 7th Avenue, must I say that it is pretty ingenious to hide the cameras inside the traffic lights themselves. Inside every red and green light is a hidden camera, big black spot to the left.
And here I was wondering why yellow cab actually OBEYS THE LAW O'NEAL'S TO PEDESTRIANS, EXCETERA EXCETERA.
INSIDE EVERY RED AND GREEN LIGHT IS A HIDDEN CAMERA. California and many cities, Sacramento for example, they are on top of the traffic light poles themselves; however I was wondering where they had them and then I saw the black box to the left of both red light, will not came on, and green light as well.
Hidden Popo traffic cams!!!! I guess red lights optional after 11 p.m. on the main Avenue, for example, Lenox Avenue going through So-Har and No-Har AKA formerly known as Harlem but now gentrifying in the northern part ( where Arielle Scarcella lives in her rent control apartment... Somewhere close to salvation army 135th Street / Lenox Ave - Malcolm X Boulevard as it has been renamed.... No longer are red lights optional after 10 p.m. or 11 p.m. rtj of the week for the yellow cab!!! ( I still remember falling one through something like 12 red lights.... basically going after he treated EACH RED LIGHT more like a stop sign... NOT AN ACTUAL RED LIGHT... NOT HAPPENING ANYMORE IN NYC, Y'ALL!!!)
Pretty crafty? Pretty ingenous I must say!!! As for the other hope all tabs? Bloomberg, former mayor of New York City, ordered signs put up reading " WARNING: police camera in area". Best example West 72nd Street and Central Park West. Right by Strawberry Fields in Central Park... The memorial garden dedicated to John Lennon who was shot, basically right there, December 1980 I believe.
I still remember hearing the news on wrko I better known as I 95 FM... That or probably WPLR 99.1 FM New Haven, Connecticut. Station I used to listen to more often because I actually did not censor Frank Zappa's songs!!! ( In those days they were not allowed!!! I 95 FM would not even play Joe's garage for Christsakes!!! I mean I could understand Crew Slut or something like that... What shows the Raj? It doesn't even have any so called profane words in it!!!)
Anyway, de Blasio is not perfect as a mayor. So I learned marching with black lives matter NYC...several times during the two months I was there. ( The homeless shelter system still sucks, however. Rude as hell especially the NYPD homeless services Cops... Most of them have serious attitude problems then again look at what they deal with? How late does have some similarities, after all, besides the THIEVES... especially INSIDE THE HOMELESS COMMUNITY ITSELF!!! Germany has the best way to deal with that? Welcome to prison or jail, college education mandatory plan a community college or plan b University training... You're not going to walk around in your SAGS and/or jailhouse style as it was called back in Las Cruces, New Mexico USA... All FUCKING DAY!!! SLAMMING WEIGHTS. in the yard and daring people to fight your dumbass, dummkopf!!!
"We promise you will get you a job when you get out. Meanwhile, you're going to expand your mind. give to the United underprivileged of all races college fun. a mind is a terrible thing to waste!!!
Where to go Germany. You've come a long way since... Well the chancellor. okay America, here's the challenge, we now have a new president, President Joseph Biden. Gotten vice-president Kamala Harris... Should I say this should be required here?
Most definitely, that would tear the whole PUTA/PUTO...." GARBLIMINCA!!! The only thing truthful being 2% of everything; everything else is.... How to put a best, a STOLEN IDENTITY PRODUCTIONS, LIMITED RELEASE!!! ( I should probably activist and suit Chico police... #Transphobia would be a nice thing to add to the something like six or seven incidences of #blackphobia??? My girlfriend bought so, she haven't gone back to being homeless and living in Sacramento where I was. Different cities across the USA all together, must I say it the idiot clown posse El Chico, most of all the white supremacist bigoted anti-lgbtq bigots... Literally got away with the loot?
I now believe the story that the laundromat worker told me... Her name be "Donna"- not her real name!!! Something about staying away from just parson, and how they were going to get me, especially the woman; that and a very disgusting story about a young 10 or 11 year old Mexican American boy from a migrant family living on the farm where they were living and working. let's just say Matthew Shepard combined with leatherface or something like that... I now believe it!!!
CHRISTY HUGHES YOU FUCKING CUNT!!! in the more rural towns in northern New Haven in Fairfield county, and especially Litchfield county Connecticut I'm getting up into Vermont where Bernie Sanders lives... Has Bernie said they had a way to deal with it.
Something I remember him telling center Hillary Clinton about why he voted with the NRA and the Republicans most of the time..." It's not just the mostly rural, mostly White - unfortunately, people up in Vermont where I live, the farmers in the artist that need that second amendment. I beg your pardon center Clinton, but respectively, black people and other people of color and other marginalized people - especially those in the lgbtq community in cities like here in New Haven...when they cannot depend upon the police to do the right thing and act in good faith, and instead...possibly blame them for breaking and entering into their own apartment and doing the home invasion, or maybe shooting bullet holes through doors"
as I learned back in southbury, Connecticut before I came out as a legally female transsexual woman - since October 4th, 2006 in fact, and as I wanted to get up in northern California in a small little place called Chico... Small towns, bars, "everybody drinks together at the bars"
My brother using that line, he having lived in southbury, Connecticut for 13 years - he wouldn't marry Andrea but she was a wino among winos. The best part being what my mother told me about a month before she died, June 30, 2011 " your brother was disgusting but talk about corruption AND WHO YOU KNOW in smaller towns and cities? Your brother was disgusted, looking out the door after opening it and having her fall right on her face..." How the hell did she drive is this condition? Oh s*** look at that red and blue light pulling out of the yard!!! That looks like the Connecticut state trooper car to me?"
You may say she had a friend that cared about her? he could have slammed her with a DUI faster than anything, thinking back to when I got along with my sister before she just song we from the family, the Wonder my sister would not ride with Andrea... So she counted all the glasses of wine."
" she had something like 12 or 13 glasses of wine. Mom let me ride with you because I'm afraid of being a passenger in her car... SHE IS DRUNK AS A SKUNK AND THEN SOME.."
So the girls actually do all get prettier at closing time? Just like that country music song of Fame, I guess they do...
Fast forward Chico, California and what my girlfriend Avery told me.
" Harmless? You're already on their s*** list. Hamilton transgender, especially non-conforming to the so-called gender codes?and I already knew you were a lesbian, you told me you were the girls and then where were your eyes? On my big breasts, and my butt...no woman, cisgender or transgender looks at another woman that way unless she is either lesbian, or bisexual seeking a woman for a lesbian relationship...."
" you mean I wasn't making perfect, 100% I contact with you at all times?"
Oh hell no!!!
Not for number three.
" If you happen to be black and lesbian? It gets a lot worse in Chico. that's why I went back to being homeless, mom gave me an apartment for $480 a month, much cheaper than market value." (About 800 a month in Chico, college town in northern California that happens to be blue leaning... The rest of Butte county as red as rural Texas and then some....)
She done told me about the Texas DROP and Plant-Kory Watkins for governor told me this.I was trying to think of who use that term, but he said it's quite common in Texas.
Anyway she had charged her cell phone to 30%, which was enough power to get it all down on cell phone cam..." It looks like you actually lost your heroin, officer. You didn't think I had any power in the car, but I got it all on cell phone, the battery having enough power that I was able to charge the cell phone to 30%, thank you very much."
Placing her hands behind her back, she said you could take me in if you want. But I think we better stop at liquor world and get some tequila and some margarita mix and hopefully the big screen TV is going to be bluetooth enabled...I think the superiors are going to have fun watching this one tonight!!!"
I left Sacramento only discover that, somewhere online to which I still don't know where, don't even have a clue, a bunch of crap about me not being legally female for almost 15 years, and other GARBAGE trash, was uploaded!!!
I knew who masterminded the whole thing, but insane clown posse of Chico did a lot of it... Call them idiot clown posse because that is what they are. White supremacist, anti-lgbtq, bigots among bigots.
Which reminds me of back in the day when I was a kid growing up in Baldwin, New York, Long the story my mother told me about the infamous Trump and Son.... I'm glad we got them the hell out of him office. If he was ever impeached? I think my former women's studies teacher and friend put it best, Nancy Lee Donde....do this after having to go back to Las Cruces to replace that out-of-state license I was going to exchange for the California license before these bastards stole everything. Everything out of my car, that all the paperwork including birth certificate, everything they could get their hands on including my late brothers photo - he having died of cancer November that and the picture of my late mother...
Disgusting, thieves, they call them boosts in that's why I keep saying however I figured them out, they all have the same choreograph, the samehowever I figured them out, they all have the same choreograph, the same dance they do for the most part. No they are not trying to pick up coins they saw in the gutter while waiting for the light. Missing two or three crosswalk cycles in Los Angeles. they are ready to steal your purse or whatever else. That is the way it is. Song got a little better of a dance, I schtick so to what a boost is a boost is a boost. That is their career. That is what they do for a living. Until they go to jail, get a little weight lifting ends, walk around with their and basically learnhowtobecome stupider at everything except for what they are good at.
THIEVES ON THE ROAD TO DAMASCUS!!! Way to go Germany, you recovered from your third Reich problem and kicked it the hell out!!! bandit from Germany altogether, it had to go somewhere I guess? United States of America, maybe?
He read your book. My new bike Chancellor Adolf Hitler himself.
Thank you Ivana Trump, that picture was helpful but it didn't stop the electoral college from electing him as president.
The Democrats stop themselves when they didn't pick Bernie you wanted the truth, and I supported Hillary after the first coming out and legally changing everything to female, I was a feminist I was on the bandwagon, we don't want of the woman president. My mom telling me, she's not the right woman. Do you think the banks are not getting anything? out of their generosity they are paying her to do those speeches? Her husband, President Bill Clinton, Twitter how to do them. They are worth a lot of money."
"To which I said Dennis kucinich supporters we're telling me all about the banks, hey we wanted our first woman but you are right about how she voted for the bankruptcy reform act - the one benefiting Bank of America, Wells Fargo, you name it they all did well on it; screwing the poor in the middle class by allowing the banks to change everything. Senator Chris Dodd of Connecticut voted for two, I posted on his Facebook page, wake up senator.. what the hell is wrong with you?
Okay he was bought out, senator Hillary Clinton? Chappaqua New York 1 hour north of New York City and on the way back to Southeast station on the Metro-North Southeast who lives there? Bankers, hedge fund brokers... you name it the movers and the Shakers of Wall Street and lower Manhattan. Looking out for chappaqua, New York but not New York City or any place else, including Los Angeles must I say?
Look on YouTube and you will find one speech that she made for Goldman Sachs..." 10 million women. Empowering women in the third world through release of capital.... Keynote speaker, center Hillary Clinton. A presentation by Goldman Sachs."
A lot of money is $225,000 for a 13 and a half minutes speech. Bill Clinton gets even more, supposedly around 890,000... So-Har.... No-Har... It's not called Harlem anymore accepting a song by Kurtis Blow.... "125.... Main Street Harlem USA"
I believe Los angeles-based guns and roses wrote another song about it? Welcome to the jungle.... Those were the days?
Today we have homeless Hell's kitchen what's the scaffolding serving as rain shields.... play stay up for about 5 or 10 years or even more as they restore the buildings... What Mayor Bill de Blasio is bringing back rent control, meanwhile he abolished stop and frisk and Rudy Giuliani? former mayor, he is busy stopping and frisking the only thing he could stop with rest. The TRUMP FORTUNE.... New York State attorney general Letitia James is suing the living shit out of trump organization...the mayor hopes to get some housing for the homeless pretty soon, but this could probably drag on for three, four years and more.... I could just see it, Trump international housing for low-income?
That would be a beautiful thing, really it would. Minus Germany... Remember that old Virginia slims cigarette advertisement on TV? The magazines too... "Germany. You've come a long way baby!!!"
It was Eichmann, somebody in Los Angeles told me... That's after I mentioned how Hitler was mentally and physically incapacitated by 1935... Syphilis I believe. I guess he had a lot of girlfriends all over the world, just like my late Uncle Captain Donald O. VanNess...They removed all the bigoted language in his scholarship...."international students only need apply"; GOOD...
Way to go Janet Reno, I'm sure she did that as Chancellor California state University system. She is no longer there, it took me two and a half hours to dig the scholarship up but I found it and as soon as I saw objectionable, sexist, and / or bigoted wording has been removed from these scholarships... San Marcos.EDU... however it is just for international students wanting to start a small business.
She was right about my father's family, after all. Way to go mom, on one hand, you pray to Jesus Christ, Lord let me live long enough to watch each and every one of the 10 rotten son of a bitches in my late husband's family DROP DEAD.... She actually oh, and here I'll quote the words, what's that rotten, white supremacist bigoted record of a very very wealthy Chicagoland native.... Captain Donald O. VanNess of San Diego county, California, USA...adjust most people would hate having wished upon them,
" I'm like what your Republicans believe I tried to convince the rest of us, AIDS is not just something gay people die from. Straight people get it a lot more I hope you know, and I cannot wish anything's better for you. You multi-millionaire cheapskate, white supremacist bastard SOB. By the way, Cheryl, you knew transgender niece in case you did not know, she could use that scholarship and wants to go to California. How about it, after reading Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis book... I must say that compared to you, JFK wasn't all that bad as far as sneaking around behind the wife's back. you probably had a girl in every port all over the world, and at least five or 10 of them in every port in Italy, both large and small. I'm completely sure they were impressed with your money? My daughter, Linda, might be impressed with the fancy chandeliers above your big dining room table supposedly measurement 8 foot wide by 30 feet long. But you don't impress me Any... You miserable cheapskate bastard who happened to hold on to that Christmas tree farm in mundelein, Illinois long enough (Chicagoland) that you actually got two million dollars for it, at least. more, I'm sure, in both Southern California and hearing Connecticut would have been a reality... but you are too cheap to help anyone in your own family."
Pray to Jesus Christ and hope he'll let you live long enough. Secret number to? The way of the strega.... You do not mess with a Sicilian - American woman born in Spanish Harlem, New York, New York... You do not mess with her and call her, Carson farmer, mafioso especially oh, because she is going to get you back one day!!!
I think my mother did RIGHT!!! However, she refused to believe that Sicilians have African blood in them, but they do. " Why do you think they voted for mussolini? Sicilians have MOOR BLOOD..... MOROCCAN BLOOD IN THEM. THAT'S WHAT THE ITALIAN CIVIL WAR WAS ALL ABOUT. That is why they hated you so much, northern Italians from the south of Rome??? It does not make sense in the least.
Much like the PUTA / PUTO j trani's garbage probably derived from.... She-Male PORNO!!!
What else can you expect from the idiot clown posse???? More white supremacy, of course. More bigotry of course. Problem is this, the Trump administration gave them a license to take back America.
" Make Germany great again. Elect Adolf Hitler as Chancellor in 1933."
He actually legally one by one single vote.... Source revcom party USA and Rev-com party San Diego.... the American revolutionary Communist party... I marched in there million Chicano Chicana March against Trump...I remember pick it up there paper and reading about it is for a tyrant to legally get elected...
I know, Benito Mussolini president of Italy.... Mexico has had a few - all of which state rightfully overthrew and who knows what else? I heard killed some of them, just for my friend Fernando I lost touch with who was living in his car, still had his citizenship and ask me, ask me where my American dream is!!!
He worked his ass off doing farm labor, starting as a migrant he had his green card and was worried about you know who supporting him... He could not get disability, do busted his ass doing work most Americans would not do for that money. " So where is your American dream? That's right at least you can get disability. I'm trying to get that for the few years I worked on the books, however, it is impossible... Now we ask me, Fernando, where is your American dream? You worked so hard... Picking the crops of the State of California... By the way, Jerry Brown an artificially inseminating a cow, it pays $20 an hour. the most cities people telling you to go off your disability, they don't want those jobs. They'd rather steal... That's what they're good at. I watch them going into your car at that stupid idiot couldn't fix the door on.... The one that's unlocked he said he could fix.... And so being unable to figure out how to we program the onboard diagnostic computer.... Stupid junkie..."
Where is your American dream???
He worked for everyone in the Central valley and all over California before coming to Chico. He didn't work harder than someone like me, who can't keep up with Walmart expecting 30 hours of work for seven or eight hours pay oh, and is up on disability for is this country.
Consider the Mexican dream. Jokingly he told me. You went to school in New Mexico here in the USA, so you learn Spanish a little better dim the Spanglish she picked up on. Universitat de Guadalajara...
So I looked it up. Sure enough El presidente Pena nieto... The man who I called Bernie Sanders of Mexico, was doing quite a good job down there.
I'm like Donald Trump, oh I sent him a link via Google maps of the big beautiful steel fence you could call a wall... El Paso, Texas I knew where it was. 20 ft tall in about 3 to 4 ft in width, top that off with razor wire hearing to be at least a foot wide, 10-foot high on top of golf fences... One north of the Rio grande and one directly south of it....
" By the way Mister President, we already have a wall. Google maps shows right where it is. El Paso, Texas, USA at the border of Juarez, Chihuahua, USM...history 261 I learn something new, United States of Mexico..."
Mike pence would have been worse. I call him American Christian Ayatollah.... Because that is what he reminded me of and where was it? Iran?
My women's studies teacher told me that was a good one. And she said gods forbid if he gets impeached, Trump, we will have Mike pence and that's going to be 10 times worse. Especially for women, minorities, everybody who is that white male, women's rights are going to be gone and roe v Wade, I hate to say it but it will be reversed..."
I have the luck of seeing her again having to go replace that damn license first go back to Las Cruces, New Mexico to do so. I still don't know where po/PUTA/PUTO is but something gives me a feeling it might be some end of times, far right-wing.. Christofascist site... Let me look at QAnon.... So far I tried the one clue I got. from a construction worker in Folsom, California near Sacramento, TMZ??? Nope. Next stop, WorldStarHipHop. Com... Worldstar crap hop would be a better name for this, are they already knew about how they post legally female transsexual women as whores in this site. It is appalling, disgusting, not to say sexist misogynistic garbage of garbage worthy of going out on the next barge to New Jersey to the freight trains, as they say back in the New York City metropolitan area.
Sewage might be a better word, now I see why the p**** industry gets so much criticism from women in general... Some of it can be garbage, shit, trash GARBLIMINCA!!! MY FATHER HAD A GOOD WORD FOR IT, AN AMERICAN ITALIAN EXPRESSION MEANING "GARBAGE AND / OR PIECE OF GARBAGE"..
Scientifically this is not even possible. Now I know why Germany says..." Okay, welcome to jail and / or prison. Monday morning you are starting mandatory college education. It is required. Don't worry we'll find you a job after you get out, in the meantime you will have some University education or work Force training..."
Like I said, give to the United Underprivileged of all races college fun. Because, a mind is a terrible thing to waste...!!!"
Free college education for all in Germany, including Americans and others. Matriculating and / or non matriculating, has the NCAA began paying college athletes for their services, yet?
I'd like to say go ask the white Coach of Florida State University, coach Bobby Bowden, this very important question. However, as seen in the hunting grounds - a family's movie I saw about 6 years ago New Mexico State University Las Cruces, New Mexico USA about the college date rape culture and how colleges contribute to it, I must have wondered how somebody with a 63 intelligence quotient can actually manage to graduate from college with a business degree????
COACHES CHEAT SHEETS ANYONE??? Bowdens cheap sheets were among the best -some yuppie capitalized on that idea... I recommended this to somebody it does not know how to make a list.
They work for me at NMSU - Dona Ana one time till I realized, that's got all the answers to the test but one must pay money to get them...
The dean's don't even get that much, they don't even get half of that oh, probably not even a quarter of it, something we brought up at Aggie Solidarity -.... New Mexico State University actually shelling out 3.9 million dollars to hire a new football coach in hopes that the team might win more than one game a year, at the very best.... more concussion head injuries please. We can't get enough of those, look what they did for OJ Simpson...!!!!
Horses asses... Every time they fart they speak a word.... Isn't ironic how the package store, the liquor store is that was across the street from some big born again Christian Tabernacle?
Something I found rather interesting driving through Waterbury, Connecticut one time, perfect. The liquor store on this side of the street and the born-again hallelujah this is church on the other. Now you have the court system downtown and one hand washes the other, and that washes the other... Asean famous Michael j Peter, owner of the Doll House Incorporated topless bars in Florida, New York, and probably a lot of other states as well, once told the preacher of college Park Baptist Church when I, in my former life, was living in Orlando, Florida..." frankly my dear Reverend, the wages of sin pay quite good these days. Thank you very much"
Orlando has changed. It has literally become the new South, along with Asheville, North Carolina and many other places as well. Just look at Kansas... Kamala Harris took that place, not quite Texas and not quite Florida but that one, North Carolina, you name it they woke up to President Richard milhous Nixon southern strategy.
"What I like about those Southern boys is this. they understand the meaning of God, family, and especially of country when it comes to serving their country and fighting for our very important freedoms over in Vietnam."
Richard Nixon's southern strategy...and here I thought it was Ronald Reagan as president who did that? As far as the freedom is worth fighting for? ask some of the Vietnam vet soldiers of Fortune, oil deposits in the settlements under the talking golf, oil and minerals deposits in and around the talking golf, and rubber trees, were three different answers I got from three different soldiers of Fortune.
Germany you're doing something right. So they can't walk around in there jailhouse style and / or sags, anymore like p Diddy did?? How are they going to make more puta videos, not to mention learn how to move up in the world in their career. Boost oh, you go from boost to level one, up to boost level 2, level 3.... By the time you get out the next time, you're a pro at it.... A real thief ready for the stagecoaches on that road to Damascus...
University education, Germany.... That's a good idea. So far the state of California strongly suggest it, New Jersey was Chris Christie is Governor jumped on the bandwagon. Nonviolent drug prisons it is required. That or workforce training in the prison barn with the animals.
The ones are 96% of them, so he bragged, choose Rutgers.EDU as their choice. I was looking at the Connecticut to see if dannel Malloy actually made it mandatory? I guess it never passed, however him and Jerry Brown being best of friends, they were talking!!!
Anyway America, the place where the dumb follow the dumber... In order to be coming dumb as a dead live oak tree stump submerge, two feet underwater, for the past 10 years in the Florida swamp. That or well.... BOOST LEVEL II.... The blind sheep follow the blind sheep to the top of the mountain in time for that tornadic thunderstorm to approach. It makes sense? Does it not?
Blind Faith, I guess they call it. So the seventh son of the seventh son of the seventh son of the horse's ass becomes? What does he become?
Probably a thief on the road to Damascus waiting for the stagecoach Tacoma long over the next Hill, or maybe around the next blind corner...
Horsesheeit....that's what comes out of the horse during the parade and why they have those bags attached to the backs of the horses. Horse manure happens....
You've come a long way Germany!!!! Really you have... Credit Union employment, $22 minimum wage I imagine in euros, not to mention the best cars manufactured anywhere in the world. You have come a long way, that and the band on swastikas, tattoos of them, all that good stuff.... It had to go somewhere and Canada did not want it there!!!
Well, every time I hear the sirens going off, and the common stop, I realize that LAPD IS doing SOMETHING AS WELL. PRESIDENT BIDEN!!! Source: Gay City News late October / early November New York, New York...
As far as Chico idiot clown posse and the other idiots up there? You lost. Get over it... I'm ready to be a happy lesbian and get on that train called, relationship Hopper. Arielle scarcella... YouTube, she inspired me to create that one... Www.livescience.com/monogamynotnaturalforhumansscientistsnowsay.... We must be going German? Or is that French? Netherlander??
Single-payer healthcare, free college education for all, matriculating and / or non-matriculating...Subsidized high speed internet for the low income - Canada has this one and has had search for the past 10 years or so. Even up m Inuit, Nunavut, Canada... Can I think of more?
Medicare funding as medically necessary GRS... I am ready. Ready to go to look for the best little dyke bar in Hollywood someplace.... I think it is still closed and / or may have closed forever?
If not let me find it. I'm ready to make up for lost time get on that train called relationship Hopper. Then again there's always another place to go, University...
who lives there? Dankers, hedge fund brokersokay Fred Trump... Landlord who used Federal housing dollars to build housing discriminatory of non-whites back in the day, starrett City in Brooklyn being the most well-known, ozone Park and several others being among them..His excuses for EASING TO RENT TO NON-WHITES IN THESE APARTMENTS OH, I STILL REMEMBER MY FRIEND'S MOTHER AND FATHER....SHE LITERALLY GETTING IN ON THE CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT CALLED STEERING... Guess who was number 1 and number 2 on that list? Frederick oaks from number one, Donald j Trump number 2... My mother reminded me of that one..." I'm not sure if you remember this?" Right before I died she told me, " your friend Larry, his father was black. An educated Jamaican American man and a tenured professor at Hofstra University in Hampstead, they couldn't get a freaking house in Baldwin Harbor, New York back then!!!"
I remember it well, I told her. and when you held up the Sunday Newsday about six months later who broke the story. Guess who was number 1 and number 2 on that list??Fred and Donald Trump... Oh well ireporter did say that Donald Trump maybe from New York City, but he is not OF NEW YORK CITY. Village voice I believe originally who wrote the article; . K
submitted by Lezbelle6996 to u/Lezbelle6996 [link] [comments]

2021.01.16 18:01 ALiddleBiddle ‘Sad and disgusted': Before it was Jeffrey Epstein's mansion, it was my school campus

‘Sad and disgusted': Before it was Jeffrey Epstein's mansion, it was my school campus
By Madeleine Marr, Miami Herald
Link to article
It was a post I never expected to see on my high school alumni Facebook Page back in July 2019.
A picture of Birch Wathen school, with The New York Times headline: “The $56 million mansion at 9 East 71st Street Where Epstein Allegedly Abused Girls.”
The photo was of the 1930s-era Beaux Arts limestone building on Manhattan’s Upper East Side. The majestic oak doors I walked through almost every day from seventh to 12th grade looked almost identical to the one in my worn-out yearbooks, from my memories.
Epstein had just been arrested on suspicion of sexually trafficking underage girls. My Miami Herald colleague, Julie K. Brown, was all over this story for so long. She sat a few desks away while digging up the full scope of Epstein’s sweetheart deal for pleading guilty in 2007 to a reduced Florida state felony prostitution charge, and how the deal was engineered without the knowledge of his victims. Until the arrest, I had no idea this predator lived, at least part of the time, inside the former home of our alma mater.
Alumni in my Facebook chat didn’t appear to have known, either.
Below a post, former students flooded the comments section, appalled that their old school was now a crime scene.
“It’s really sickening to think about this happening in a place where despite a fair bit of turmoil I have many happy memories … ”
“I feel ill every time it crosses my news feed.”
“Just can’t believe the horrors that building has witnessed.”
“Sad and disgusted on so many levels.” “Incredible, isn’t it? Where we all spent our formative years.”
The last I’d heard after I graduated in 1985 was that four years later, the 21,000-square-foot building had been sold to The Limited CEO Leslie H. Wexner for $13.2 million. Wexner apparently spent very little time there before basically handing the manse over to his financial adviser, Epstein, for a song in 1996.
When Epstein moved into the mogul’s digs, they certainly did not resemble a staid schoolhouse. Architectural Digest featured the 40-room home on the cover in December 2005. Architect Thierry Despont and interior designer John Stefanidis all but gutted the place, using Russian palaces as their inspiration, preserving the central spiral staircase as the anchor.
That staircase: Where intrepid (read: misbehaving) students slid down the railing, irritating the receptionist on the ground floor to no end. Had we had cellphones in that era before the selfie, those marble stairs would have been Instagram central.
And, of course, the stately entrance also remained intact: Those 15-foot- high, arched, oak doors where we hung out after class, avoided teachers and “swapped ciggies.”
Images living forever on the Internet show investigators prying open those same doors with a crowbar, before reportedly uncovering naked pictures of young girls. Seeing that scene, a picture taken by a neighbor on the same block, felt like a kick to the gut: as if hearing an old friend had passed.
And then the widely circulated clip of Prince Andrew cheerily waving goodbye back in 2010 to a young woman as she exits. Then the royal furtively shuts the now infamous doors.
“The images of every floor and every corner of the former Birch Wathen building we ‘Birchies’ have memories of will forever be tainted by horrific, grotesque images of this disgusting man,” wrote a Birch alum on Facebook.
Someone else added the ironic twist that now-convicted sex offender Bill Cosby lived for many years at No. 18 across the same street for a time. Unreal.
I, for one, choose to remember the building the way it was, when it was envisioned by Herbert N. Straus, the Macy’s heir who commissioned it in the 1930s but died before its completion.
Between 1962 and and 1989, it was home to Birch Wathen, founded in 1921 by Louise Birch and Edith Wathen. Over the years, the school’s alumni included broadcaster Barbara Walters, novelist Judith Krantz and book publisher Alfred Knopf Jr.
Student life was chronicled in the Birch Bark, our school paper.
After the sale to Wexner, Birch Wathen combined with the Lenox School to create Birch Wathen Lenox in a new location.
I won’t allow myself to wrap my head around what Epstein reportedly did with our former campus, including inserting a female doll into a chandelier; hanging a mural of a prison scene starring Epstein himself; and displaying those famously framed eyeballs of injured soldiers. No, just no.
Despite its vast size, the building that housed Birch Wathen, a private K-12 school of a few hundred, felt like the home it was built to be. Unfortunately, for athletic types, that meant there was no gymnasium or athletic field. But having Central Park as your playground?
Awesome. No theater, either. We had to make do in some kind of parlor or sitting room. Our science “lab” was in the attic. We ate lunch in the windowless cafeteria in the basement. According to records, it used to be a laundry room and (fittingly) a wine cellar.
“Birchies” did phys-ed in Central Park, less than a block away. In colder months, we were bused to a nearby athletic center. As upperclassmen, during lunch, we’d roam Madison Avenue, pop in for snacks at the long gone Caviarteria, tell secrets outside the Frick art museum, and loiter around Ralph Lauren’s opulent boutique.
Despite the notoriety that Epstein brought to the building, the fun, running-wild-in-NYC memories of many alumni remain resolutely intact.
“Would volunteer to take over the property and transform it into a transitional home/shelter for victims of trafficking,” offered one from our group. Beautiful idea, but Manhattan real estate has a short memory.
Neither historians nor experts think Epstein’s crimes will affect the palatial building’s worth.
Because of the several lawsuits against the Epstein estate, it could be some time before the mansion is liquidated, The New York Post recently reported. (In July, before his death in jail and while he was seeking release on bond, Epstein offered to put up the home, as well as his private jet, as collateral to guarantee his appearance at trial.)
“With that in mind, it is possible that the estate could sell the property and simply hold the funds as part of the total estate to be dealt with as the legal battles play out,” said NYC historian Tom Miller.
“Either way, it appears almost certain that the mansion will continue to be used as a single-family residence.”
Here’s hoping the new residents keep the stairway, at least. ——— ©2019 Miami Herald
submitted by ALiddleBiddle to Epstein [link] [comments]

2017.05.05 16:51 tayneicangetinto [FRESH ALBUM] Avenue - Mass Ave & Lenox

iTunes Spotify Video for the lead single Ain't Shit Funny
Description (courtesy of digboston's feature story on Avenue):
The South End [of Boston] is home to a young MC who raps under the name Avenue and who’s striving to contribute to that musical legacy. With a new album, Mass Ave & Lenox, which is built on jazz and soul samples like the hip-hop of his youth, the 25-year-old artist pays tribute to iconic memories and fixtures of his city, some of which, like the long-gone South End sneaker Mecca Harry the Greek’s, are no longer with us. On a mission, he seeks to prop a neighborhood that hasn’t always gotten its due respect.
The follow-up to his 2012 effort, Words Speak Life, and 2015’s The Chandelier View, this outing—his official full-length debut on BAU/AR Classic Records—builds on his enduring rep for honest street tales that the father of one has gained. Personal, thoughtful, and thoroughly gangster, Mass Ave & Lenox paints a picture of a place where street legends are valued as much as the traditional historic figures for whom buildings and squares are named around Boston. Ave’s home is a spot whose story he’s been preparing to tell for his entire life, and that’s been waiting for an artist of his caliber to come along and spit the tale.
Coming from a city where the mere presence of Black people is questioned by ignorant hip-hop fans from elsewhere and where our musical history is often forgotten, Avenue is offering a better understanding of his hometown for everyone. With Mass Ave & Lenox, he’s representing Boston, and hip-hop, in the most proper way that he knows how, with a picture of the past and present on record.
  1. South End Intro
  2. Long Night (feat. Deon Chase)
  3. One Way (feat. Mwase & Ariez Onasis)
  4. Nobody (feat. Deon Chase & Smoke DZA)
  5. Figure Me Out
  6. Harry the Greek's
  7. Party's Over
  8. Ovations Interlude
  9. Social Media Love
  10. South Street Diner Interlude
  11. 27 Reasons (feat. Slumdog Hill)
  12. Nobody 2 (feat. Ariez Onasis & Royce da 5'9"
  13. Mass Ave & Lenox
  14. Lower Roxbury Outro (feat. Prano)
  15. Ain't Shit Funny
submitted by tayneicangetinto to hiphopheads [link] [comments]
