Vaginia dog

r/Antihatecommunities (AHS parody sub) repeatedly mock photos of trans women, making fun of their appearance, calling them pedophiles (including possible doxxing of Redditor.) Also, mocking death of George Floyd.

2021.12.23 21:51 GS_alt_account r/Antihatecommunities (AHS parody sub) repeatedly mock photos of trans women, making fun of their appearance, calling them pedophiles (including possible doxxing of Redditor.) Also, mocking death of George Floyd.

Antihatecommunities, the AHS parody sub, has repeatedly engaged in threads posting pictures of (supposed) trans women whom they consider ugly or non-passing and mocking them with ironic parody 'support' comments.
• This thread might be a case of targeted harassment/doxxing against another user, as, if it is real, it is a screenshot of a poster's selfie with username clearly visible and not redacted (does not appear to be an active account.) The ironic title, making fun of the person's appearance is "YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL KWEEEN DON'T LET THOSE BIGOTED CIS WHITE STRAIGHT MEN GET TO YOU":
Literally the most beautiful person I've ever seen. I'm in tears
Dobby is free. (mocking person's appearance as likeness to Harry Potter character)
I wish i could pass as well as you some day :(
did y'all make her delete her account? There's always a limit...
This post is supportive of this beautiful transwoman please don’t be bigoted
Xer Neo-vaginia Must infested with maggots there for trans xomen are able to give birth, So wholesome!!!
Looks like a mutated goblin on meth, fuck
It’s not a fetish tho,
Congrats! which university?
-> George Floyd University in Malaysia (mocking death of George Floyd)
Male lesbians are the best lesbians!
Holy science you're stunning. WE STAN OUR PHD QUEEN.
You look really nice today, I'm sorry if I'm objectifying you with my pansexual non-binary gaze.
• Post of (supposed) trans woman holding Trump supporting sign, calling her a 'Loli' pedophile (title: "how is xhis allowed xueens? how can white supremecy affect a beatiful trans loli like this>?>>?"
• Another post making fun of (supposed) trans women's appearance, who was accused of being a pedophile rapist according to Daily Mail article (so take that as you will...) Ironically titled: "What a beautiful valid passable trans queen! And being attacked by Nazi subs!"
Commenter also compares trans people to zoophilia:
I'd also like to know how the dogs identify and which are the preferred pronouns. Attraction towards dogs should be considered like any other sexual orientation, we're in 2021 after all. Why are people so closed-minded?
Further, casual racism in the form of making fun of the death of George Floyd:
submitted by GS_alt_account to AgainstHateSubreddits [link] [comments]

2015.04.20 21:57 Bamboozle00 Me [20 F] with my husband [24 M] of less than a year, are having huge problems with abuse and I'm starting to get scared

Oh god. I don't even know where to start.
I got married at 19 to my Army soldier husband. I am in love with him, and I don't want to be with anyone else. We were best friends and dated for awhile but got married a month after getting engaged... It was soon, I know.
My husband (called James) is very manipulative, and I noticed it quickly because my mother is the same way. I let it slide; it was my norm, and I had put him in his place/nipped it in the bud/ whatever phrase tickles your peach. Or so I thought.
On top of the manipulation, James would constantly belittle me. I'm a slut because I slept with 17 guys before him. I have an ugly vaginia from taking poundings. I'm a brat. I have never done anything for myself before because my parents catered to me. My family sucks.
Over time, there has been more. I don't do the dishes/laundry/house work enough or correctly. Our puppies are wild (bruhhh they are PUPPIES!!!). My getting fat. I'm ugly when I wear make up. My ass is shrinking. I don't keep my car clean enough. He doesn't trust me because I'm a whore. Keep in mind, this is all stuff he has said out loud, I'm not paraphrasing or reading between the lines. In fact one of the most fucked up things he has ever said would have to be watching news story of the Vanderbilt rape trial "I SECRETLY WISH YOU WERE RAPED SO I DONT HAVE TO DEAL WITH MY WIFE BEING SUCH A SLUT."
He's threatened me physically, but never actually done anything. He's said things like "I want to grab you by your hair and throw you across the room so you will shut the fuck up." Part of me wishes he would, so I could call his chain of command and get him away from me, or wake up and realize his behavior isn't okay. His family history is riddled with divorce and abuse, and he somehow thinks it's okay and even "humble brags" about it for lack of a better term. As I write this, I'm now nervous of the fact that we have a loaded shot gun next to our bed (Greetings from Tennessee!)
That's pretty much the major stuff.. I'll probably edit it when I can think of more. And it's always been like that. Why have I dealt with it? Because I'm in love. I love James with all my heart. He's a good man, despite his flaws.
I'm posting this because I feel like I'm at my wits end. After fighting all day yesterday, we were okay today. Until I got home and needed to use his iPad. There was porn on it. I don't care about that, as long as he is honest about watching it (surprise, he isn't. He says he never watches it.) I would normally let it go, but he watched at least six videos while we were sitting on the couch together. Not but 10 minutes later, he had sex with me. I feel worthless. Inadequate. Ugly. I'm so bothered.
I don't wanna end up like our parents (divorced and full of anger). Also, I don't wanna leave because as I said, I was married at 19 against much chagrin on behalf of friends and family members and community members. I know it may be immature, and I'm supposed to "not give a fuck about what anyone thinks" yada yada blarge blarge whatever. But come on. I have no where to go. I'm a full time student, I don't make too much money, I have two dogs, I'm trapped in a town over an hour away from my family. I'm scared. I don't know what to do. I'm terrified of life I guess.
Tldr: husband is an asshole. I'm scared and at my wits end but leaving would kill me.
Edit for an after thought; he always says he will change. I don't wanna be naive and think that maybe this time he will... But what if this time he will? I know he loves me. He's just not okay. I've suggested numerous times he see a therapist. He won't do it. He claims (and I believe him) that he's bipolar and has narcissistic borderline personality disorder but he takes no medication. I'm worried the army pushes him to be like this. He wasn't like this before he joined. He teases me when I cry and says I don't deserve respect and I feel like everything he says is a backhanded compliment or there's an underlying meaning to what he's saying. Also, I caught him on Tinder back in August and made an account on milf hookup before we got together annd he lied about it
submitted by Bamboozle00 to relationships [link] [comments]