Narot games

Who's gonna win?

2023.10.26 01:58 flyingskwurl Who's gonna win?

Make your bets and see if you're right! (Game ends turn 7)
submitted by flyingskwurl to Polytopia [link] [comments]

2023.07.11 02:11 JoeyDeep Tempering my expectations with upgrading from a 750ti in terms of a Prebuilt. Could use help with my budget.

I am looking at upgrading from an HP P7-1234 with a 750ti. I know, super old, and I'm excited to maybe see some smooth frames in my future. My goal is to set some realistic expectations with myself in terms of budget with what I am looking for.
Here is some additional info: - budget $1200 - goal to play 1440p gaming @ 120fps? or as close as I can get to my monitors refresh rate. I have an LG 27GP83B ( i realize that a $1200 prebuilt might not allow me to see this monitors full potential) - types of games: Diablo 4, Warzone 2.0, Fortnite, Dark Souls franchise, Horizon Zero Dawn / RPG's, fps' etc. Current releases.
Have to admit I am lost in terms of what to look for. From my research, it looks like a 3060ti might be able to perform? But then I don't know what processor etc. the prebuilt should have. I see this one on microcenter and not sure if it is a good starter.
and this one from Best Buy
I realize i might be able to go farther with just building one myself but i am such a narotic person I doubt that I could.
Very much appreciate any guidance and recommendations towards a prebuilt.
TLDR: $1200 budget seeking prebuilt recommendations for 120-144fps gaming on a LG 27GP83B monitor (if not possible let me know!)
submitted by JoeyDeep to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2020.05.27 21:56 DiKSiHtE-VoLi !!!We’re the UNCONCIOUS SELVES!!!

 Hi Jordan. I hope I’m not crazy, but I feel like your making the case that we’re the unconcious selves and the structure of reality is nested in a dream/nightmare. Heaven/hell. The world definitely runs like a brain. The individuals brain is governed by a right and a left. The largest collective conversation is about the president (the ideal). We always think and interact the most about the selves at the top of hierarchys. The selves will get all mad and critize their ideal. The world’s like an unconcious brain trying to figure out what it’s ideal self is. Then it just generates a bunch of wars/debates/arguments to figure out what it’s ideal is. I feel like there’s no singular ideal. I feel like the ideal is a perpetually self updating ideal. Hierarchys and evolution are the most real things because they’ve occurred across the greatest spans of time. I feel like the brain’s trying to evolve into it’s ideal self. The dreams probably a phsycological abstraction. The goal to evolve into the ideal. Then the world will end. We’ll all go to sleep (unconcious). Then we’ll be the unconcious selves. So I guess currently we’re the concious selves, but I’m not that sure of that. I feel like our unconcious moves our concious through interest so I think, more so, that we’re the unconcious selves. I find your lectures about animals to be super interesting. Animals run unconciously. They unconciously sort into hierarchys. They have biforcated brains. They have the same sarotinergic system. It’s like animals and selves are unconciously generated(imagined) by the same unconcious brain. I love lobsters. Please write back so I know I’m not crazy or something. I’m 26 and have been dealing with auditory schizophrenia for the past 5yrs. It’s like every second of every day I have to maintain a constant train of thought and then if I don’t then I hear my unconcious self saying phrases. I thought about and if I have to think constantly then thinking the same phrases over and over would be smart. I’d be thinking constantly, but at the same time not thinking at all. It’s impossible though. I have to interact with too many people throughout the day for it to work though. If I just did a ,solid routine+low social implication+think the same phrase, then I could probably run unconciously. My problems that I’m too concious and people are obstacles of unnecessary complexity. Every time I make an interaction then I lose my train of thought and feel like I have voices in my head. I don’t think that’s a productive way to think about it though. As long as I think constantly so I just say thinking constantly. It’s impossible to maintain employment. I had bought a Bluetooth hearing aid to play podcasts. Then if I wasn’t having to interact with people and wasn’t getting screwed on all axiums and I was interested in the podcast. Then it was almost like I could imagine that the podcast people were my train of thought and my brain would stop running. It was like a rouse or something. It’s really only a problem at a work place though. Work places are like a phsycological prison. At home I can think about whatever I want. I like to play chess. I don’t have to interact with anyone to play chess. I don’t really have to make long complex sentences thinkings while playing chess. Tv,video games,phone games those work very well. The longer I’ve had this brain problem I’ve noticed that normal people generally seem to act in a manner that they have to think constantly. They all do the same things that I do to stop thinking. If they’re not playing on their phone. Then they’re watching tv or interacting with their spouse or family member. I feel like I just hear the unconcious, but I feel like everyone else has the same unconcious network. They probably just don’t hear it. Initially it was almost like a traffic light. There were 3 different phrases it would do. It was like it was reinforcing my behaviors with a negative/neutral/positive phrase. Neg: I hate this kid. Neutral: i feel so bad. Pos: I love this kid. I like to think about roads as an abstraction. All the selves obey the traffic light. If they veer slightly to the left or to the right on a highway. Chaos. Cars piled up. But if they stay in the center then the roadways function with order. The worlds a landscape of chaos and order. Our brains are made up of chaos and order. The worst possible scenario. Worst possible hell would be solitary confinement in prison (nothing to think about or goals to interact about). The best possible scenario. Best heaven would be a ceo. Large amount of resources. Everyday planned out for them ahead of time. So many things to think about and goals to interact about. I feel like people have the same unconcious. I feel like our immediate unconcious network is schizophrenic males dream/nightmare. He was probably a sub personality that went unconcious. A Russian nesting doll. Each sub personality with their own imagined world. That’s probably why people think up logical backing for parallel realities. Perpetual parallel realities. Are brains adapted evolving to world. The worlds made up of people(selves) and chaos/order. It’s probably a Russian nesting doll of sub personality’s. Each sub personality probably dies. Goes unconcious. Then imagines a lady/dude. Then they imagine so more lady’s and dudes. Then they sort them selves into a hierarchy. I like to think about castles as an abstraction. If I was going to represent my self. I would imagine part of my self (selves) in a castle (hierarchy/order). Then I would imagine the other part of my self (selves) at war(chaos) outside of the castle walls. I love wars. They’re like a discussion. Part of the self (selves) believe in one ideal and the other part believing in another ideal. I feel like I more so have a complexity problem as opposed to a mental illness. Smart people think constantly. I know I could drive. I drove a fork lift before and my brain seemed to be more focused on motor skills or something. My future ideal self would be to be a Uber driver. Currently though have two dui’s from a few years ago when I was unstable. I’ve been seeing a therapist for the past five months and been taking seroquil. It doesn’t do anything that I was hoping for. It’s basically just a god damn sleeping pill. Im still manically depressed and have to think every second of every day. Thinking about the world being a brain is the only thing that doesn’t make me super depressed. Everything else is just blah. All of my social realms are just exchanges of pleasantries so that way people don’t think I hate them. Do you have any recommendations for pills that could help??? Do you have any recommendations for a therapy service or something that I could utilize??? I’ve got the worst therapist. She’s definitely not a jungian that’s for sure. It’s the only joint in town though and all I have is garbage free state government insurance. Or maybe some sort of phone call therapist or maybe people with my brain problem that I could talk too??? Which that makes me remember you talking about the shamans. I wish I was in that culture. People with my brain problem over there get a place in the hierarchy. In western culture people just get labeled mentally ill and can’t find work and I got denied disability. It’s BS because all of the questions are all physically oriented. Thankfully im not homeless. I wish I cld be a shaman. Then I could get a spot in the hierarchy and I could interact and help younger shamans. It’d be nice to talk to other people with my brain problem. Oh yeah and then about a year ago I started thinking real hard about the initial part of this brain problem. So when I was about 20.5 - 21.5 my unconcious self was portraying itself as my surroundings in multiple different scenarios. I would be at my apartment and if I wasn’t playing loud music or etc I would think that a lady/dude in the apartment next to mine were talking about me. Then I’d be at work and think coworkers were talking about me. Then I’d be at the gym and think the lady/dude that worked there were talking about me. Then after about 8-9 months of that then this angel lady/angel dude said that they were my train of thought. They were like unoppinionated “yes men” more or less. Then after a couple months of that I specifically remember something saying mimic and they progressively started to say the same phrases over and over again. It was so surreal. My therapist says it was a delusion. I don’t think I should throw it into the delusion bin though. The same thing generally happens to people with this brain problem. I assume the religious martyrs probably had this. I was thinking that “god” was talking to me through people and all that crap n stuff. I’ve started thinking about it as a phsycological abstraction though. Religions train people to believe they have an male/fathelord as their unconcious self. I feel like now I probably unconciously believe that my unconcious self(inner self) is a lady/dude. I feel like when I die I’ll become unconcious. The unconcious network for a lady/dude. Then they’ll make more lady n more dudes. Then a hierarchy! My train of thought portrayed itself as my surrounding judging me. My unconcious self believes it’s god. Peoples unconcious self probably believes it’s god. People seem to act in a way like gods. People will say things like “hey man” or “what’s goin on man” or “what r u goin to do with !your self!”. I like to do things in threes. As do a great deal of other people in the world. 3’s are good. I feel like I’ve had an ego death or am currently going through one. I heard that a lot of other people with this problem have had “delusions” of a family betrayal. I had that happen on two or three different occurrences. I feel like my unconcious self was telling me I was going to ego death or something. My unconcious self betrayed me. I feel super narotic anymore too. I’m always full of negative emotion. My past self was destabilized. My current self ??? My future self I’m very unsure of. I don’t even exist in the hierarchy. I’ve been metaphorically kicked out of the hierarchy or almost actually. Please write me back jordan. I super need some advice on an affordable therapy service and different medication??? Seraquils garbage. All it does is give me a reason to not get drunk everyday and other than that it’s a sleeping pill. I feel like everyone’s unconcious is looped with their concious. I watched a video of you explaining the brain. You said the hypothalamus and the cortex run in a perpetual loop. I feel like it’s like the same thing or something. 
submitted by DiKSiHtE-VoLi to JordanPeterson [link] [comments]

2015.07.02 23:27 Korazell [Suggestion] Classes, Tribal Research, and more!

These are just some suggestions for the community and devs to do with what they want, please feel free to add ideas to it and have fun coming up with new things together with as a community!
We have a RPG-style leveling system built on giving you exp for surviving. Everything from standing idle, running, killing, building, and dicking around gives those wonderful little exp tidbits. However, I’ve noticed since I’m part of a tribe that people want to be “The builder” or the “Tamer” or the “Raider” and you always have someone who is elected or elects themselves to sort of sort all of this stuff out, the “Chief”. To do these things you can just sort of delegate and build a character with some more carry weight, do some run speed, stam, melee damage, and in general, just health- By the gods is that like the most important stat- so you can survive leading a dinosaur back to base to tame.
To me, that’s boring. And problematic. The builder who organizes all the supplies ends up finding out people take all of it from it, the tamer finds the hoard of narotics they farmed all day now gone to tame some low level dinosaur with even lower taming effectiveness, and the Raider finds out that Melee damage is ill supported with guns and with not putting all the points In health they die to a rifle-shot. And the leader? Well…
So I have a suggestion.
Classes. At level 25 you pick a specialization and it gives you play-style perks. It makes you valuable. It makes it so people know to work with you. It makes you unique.
This is just what comes off the top of my head. I’d honestly like to see a sort of customization options like other popular sandbox rpgs that allow you to make a ranged specialist, a melee, a builder, a leader, and everyone being unique…but for now, classes are just much easier to test with.
Tribe Research!
The option for specific research to be chosen when setting up a tribe would be great. For instance, taking a tribe and having the tribe strive to be “Enlightened” maybe they start to make some vehicles, better weapons, some more machines, eventually lasers, what have you. Maybe they can make mining machines, oil harvesting skims, and neat things of that nature.
Meanwhile, the other tribe chooses to stick to the savage roots and stays in the realm of savagery. Melee weapons, tribal bone armor, blow-guns, fire weapons, augmentation, tribal fetishes and concotions deemed “Magical” but really perhaps gathered from downed alien tech, just like the enlightened path.
I just think diversity would keep the game fresh and fun, especially since this early in the running server wipes are going to happen and this allowed players new ways to play without having to grind out the same structures and dump points into health for most of their playing experience.
Tl;Dr I have ideas for more specializations.
submitted by Korazell to playark [link] [comments]