Diagram tracing blood flow in body

Nitric Oxide, information, discussions, studies

2013.07.16 18:52 theman1119 Nitric Oxide, information, discussions, studies

This subreddit is dedicated to the discussion of Nitric Oxide and it's function in the human body as a signaling molecule. In 1992, Nitric Oxide was named "Molecule of the Year" by the American scientific community. In 1998, the discovery of Nitric Oxide as a critical signaling molecule was awarded a Nobel Prize in physiology/medicine. Nitric Oxide optimizes circulation and is involved in virtually every organ system in our body.

2016.11.17 11:59 Seend1964 BRAND VIAGRA® (Sildenafil Citrate): Support and Discuss

BRAND VIAGRA® (Sildenafil Citrate) - is the most effective oral therapy currently available for erectile dysfunction. Viagra, trade name of the first oral drug for male impotence, introduced by the pharmaceutical company Pfizer, Inc., in 1998. Also known by the chemical name sildenafil citrate, it is one of a category of drugs known as phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors.

2016.01.26 17:34 K3zzeR Inversion Therapy: Hanging Upside Down!

Discuss everything related to inversion therapy - the art of hanging upside down to improve blood flow through the spinal column. You're free to discuss Inversion Tables in general, and we welcome the publication of new research into the sector. All claims must be backed by factual evidence and/or case studies. Do not make unrealistic claims that are based only on your opinion.

2024.05.17 13:47 hnucwin Yellow and Light-Colored Stools, Help

Yellow and Light-Colored Stools, Help
I’ve had ulcerative colitis since 2016.
In July 2022, I caught COVID and took an azithromycin tablet. The next day, my stools became light-colored (completely losing their usual dark brown color). Since then, my stools have remained light-colored.
They are still light today.
For over a year after contracting COVID, I alternated between slight constipation and loose stools, along with occasional mild abdominal pain.
My ulcerative colitis significantly worsened at the end of 2023, resulting in a severe flare-up that required hospitalization. Since the flare-up, I’ve been on infliximab and am in near-clinical remission.
My stools are still light/yellow, fairly well-formed. They have never returned to their normal color.
I am seeking your help to understand why my stools are light-colored. The doctors I’ve seen don’t know.
Here’s what has been done so far:
ASAT / ALAT / GGT / Bilirubin:
All results are normal, although bilirubin levels are sometimes elevated, which has always been the case even before my stools became light (doctors say I have Gilbert's syndrome).
Parasite / Bacteria Screening:
Nothing significant found.
Regarding Bile Acids:
No hemolysis No jaundice No lipemia Blood bile acids: normal level (1 umol/L)
MRI Cholangiography:
Normal liver morphology. Integrity of intrahepatic bile ducts. No abnormalities in the pancreatic duct. No issues detected.
I don’t have any specific symptoms (apart from those related to ulcerative colitis, with occasional mucus or blood traces in the stools).
Stool Color
Thank you very much for your help.

submitted by hnucwin to UlcerativeColitis [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:44 Massive-Sink2378 Why is people CENSORING SWEAR WORDS AND EVERYTHING??? FUCK CENSORSHIP

I keep seeing Youtubers and YouTube channels AND EVERYONE IN THE WORLD censoring, pixelating out (faces?) blurring out (faces also?), or adding a black bar with the text "CENSORED", triggeswear words, nudity, bodies, blood or gore, replacing sweatriggederogatory words with an asterisk, bleeping or silencing triggesweaderogatory words, censoring captions, etc.
You want to censor yourself by using asterisks or SYMBOLS? No you fucktards!!!
Censorship is stupid, FUCK CENSORSHIP AND YOUTUBE'S CENSORSHIP!! Oh, "Clean language" ain't required on Reddit.
Reddit, swear on the internet.
Now, say it for me: F.U.C.K.C.E.N.S.O.R.S.H.I.P!
If anyone censors the swear words on most subreddits, censor it. IF YOU'RE GOING TO CENSOR EVERYTHING, DON'T DO IT.
And whoever made that censorship should be STOPPED!!! I hope that censorship will be stopped. If you're still censoring everything, END IT TOGETHER. CENSORING IS STUPID. GO. CHOOSE. A. CLEANER. FUCKING. WORD. OR. NOT. IF YOU DON'T WANNA SWEAR!!!
C E N S O R S H I P S U C K S ! ! !
Well, that was an rant about censorship! Sorry for the caps, I was angry about that Censorship. Anyways, I hope you'll understand this post. Censorship is very infuriating because of the bleeps! I don't wanna hear the fuckin' bleeps anyways. So, I hope you won't deal about censoring anymore. I don't like ANY CENSORSHIP!
This is censorship, I hate it.
And whoever censors it, go. fuck. yourself.
submitted by Massive-Sink2378 to u/Massive-Sink2378 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:43 Soulabiss98 Magic System based on imaginary materials

Hello, I hope you have a good day.
These days, I have been turning over an idea in my mind, which I have been thinking about a lot and which has ended up giving rise to this idea of a magic system, which I have named Tulmaterium. I like to know our opinions about this idea :D
The idea of this magic system is that some people that they born with the ability of access to this magic, called Thulmatists, have the power to create, with their energy magic(called Essence), a material that dont exist in the nature. Because they are materials that should not exist, they disintegrate over time (the speed of the process depends on how much mass of this substance has been created), unless they are supplied with essence in a good quantity or continuously.
This materials are unnatural because they have stranges properties to their phisical state or dont obey the natural laws of the element that they are associating(Every imaginary material have asocciate a natural element, like air, dust, water, among others.) In addition, each material can generate a different magic effect, that only manifests if the user add some magic energy to the material with the intention to use this power(not in all cases, but it applies in most of the materials.
Furthermore, all users of said magic are recognizable by certain traits in their being that can be associated with the element to which they were born associated. For example, those who can create the material of air may have hair that moves as if there is always wind blowing it or their way of walking is as if they are light as the wind.
In this systems, exists only 8 elements, with one imaginary material associates. This elements are:
Air: This element allows their users to create a gas similar to a dense mist, pink in color with orange touches like the sunset. It behaves the same as fog but, if exposed to a source of ultraviolet rays, such as direct sunlight, it undergoes an almost instantaneous and very violent expansion (in open areas it is harmless except for the change in pressure, but in closed places can be as strong as an explosion).
the magical power allows the user to alter the light that passes through the fog, creating visual illusions, making whoever enters invisible or altering the shape of the gas so that it acts as a lens that concentrates or disperses the light (in the first case creating a similar but more powerful effect of the reflection of light in the mirror)
The material of this element are a type of dark sand, like the one present on volcanic beaches, but with a strange metallic shine when it spreads or forms sheets.
Its only strange property is that, with enough magic and time, it can be used to create black crystals that do not disappear over time, but lose their ability to use their magic power. Of course, when reacting with magic, they emit an iridescent and flowing glow, like the shine of tar, but more powerful and long-lasting.
The magical power are the ability to manipulate the sand to alter its consistency, making it denser or more fluid, or act as a filter or insulator for one element or another through the structures that you can use to manipulate it.
The substance is similar to water in aspect, except for it have a intense light blue color and more viscosity. The strange property that It has is that it is a very reactive substance, even being capable of damaging glass and slightly some metals that support chemical reactions, such as platinum. Of course, other imaginary materials and living beings, due to their essence, are more resistant to this effect, although not immune.
The magic power that it grants is the ability, by mixing the appropriate components inside, the user can use the liquid to alter said components, obtaining the molecule or alloy that the user desires from them. Of course, the process completely consumes the imaginary substance.
The substance is a type of biofuel in aspect and properties, but with a remarkable purple color. And, like the fuels, are very flammable(similar to gasoline) and produce, in contact with the aire, a strange slag layer made of solidified air components (like O2, CO2, water vapor, among others) as a gelatinous mass.
the magic power is the ability to increase the power of the magic powers of other users that they are sprinkled with that oil and the user of the oil has applied his power to them.
This material can be created in form of small balls of gold rocks with cracks through which a reddish glow is emitted, like a broken and lit coal in a fireplace. Despite their appearance, the heat they emit is only a couple of degrees higher than that of the human body.
The magic power of this material only activate when someone eat one of this balls, causing, upon reaching his stomach, the material to begin to emit controlled heat and cause a temporary alteration of his body in the user, who develops small rocky patterns on his skin and his eyes become intense as fathoms. This transformation consumes the essence that the living being possesses by virtue of being a living being and multiplies it, turning it into an improvement in its physical and mental capabilities.
Of course, consuming more spheres does not give you more power, but rather it lengthens the time that the ability remains active (although the effects later are worse when they are exhausted, since more than three or four continuous spheres can leave someone on the brink of death. a normal human)
This material is a liquid metal, like the mercury, but less poisonous, more cohesive and a deep red color, like intense fire. The magic power are the ability to generate magnetic fields, both inside the metal (to alter its shape at will) and outside the metal (used to push other nearby metals or levitate the metallic substance).
Vegetable material:
This material is a strange green substance, contained in a wooden shell of white, brown and red colors, as well as covered with several spikes.
Its magical power allows, through an infinitely replicable process, to store and extract essence from the greenish substance, which acts as a portable warehouse for it. The curious thing is that, if the essence reserve is left full, but nothing is extracted for several days, the material will consume said energy to grow in size and change to resemble a growing tree.
If this process is repeated several times, in a few years you can have trees of this substance almost ten meters high and several meters long. In this state, touching the leaves of said plant allows energy to be transferred or extracted, its storage now being equivalent to that of the magical energy of tens of thousands of people or thousands of users.
Animal material:
This substance is similar to a white gelatin, inside which an incredible amount of amoeba-like microorganisms is stored. These are harmless to living beings, although they require nutrients and magical energy to stay alive.
Its magical ability allows the user to generate, from the available nutrients, any biological component (biotoxins, hormones, proteins, fats and so on) that the user desires, as long as the user knows its exact chemical composition and can maintain contact and the organisms that produce it are well nourished.
These same microorganisms can also be applied to a wound or in a sterilized space to cause them to undergo a conversion, going from their original form to becoming cells of the chosen living being. With this, wounds can be sealed or even organs can be created from scratch, as long as the user knows what their structure is like and the cells that should form it and in what order they should be placed.
And this is the whole system, I'm sorry it's been so long. I hope to know what you think about this and I would like to hear any suggestions or ideas :D
I hope you have a good day
submitted by Soulabiss98 to magicbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:37 SkvaderArts Questions about your experiences spotting after surgery.

I had an open myomectomy on April 26th (3 weeks ago). I was told by my doctor that an open procedure was better because she couldn't feel what she was doing using the laparoscopic method. Two days after the procedure I started bleeding vaginally and it finally just stopped on the 12th. The reason was never explained to me by my doctor after I told her so I don't know if it was from the procedure or a period and my birth control did nothing to stop it so I'm at a loss there. Either way, I went to the doctor on the 15th of May and was told that I was healing nicely by the nurse who checked me out. I was originally there to see my doctor, but I guess she sent the nurse to check my sutures instead because I got the go ahead from her.
Well, today I just noticed a tiny amount of pink blood when I went to the bathroom.You have to wipe to find it, but it's there. It's never pink, so that certainly caught my eye.
I have to be honest, I did feel aroused yesterday when I woke up. First time I've felt that sensation at all since the surgery so I was certainly surprised. I've been in too much pain since the procedure for my body to do anything besides hurt, especially since I had complications with my surgery that landed me back in the ER immediately after coming home for an extra week (My doctor sent me home without having a bowel movement first and I wasn't given anything at the hospital for gass and I supposidly developed something called an Ileus which progressed to kidney issues, severe vomiting and dehydration, and a complete loss of appetite. I was put on a no food order for 3 days which was torture.)
I'm not sexually active at all so I haven't engaged in any type of penetrate intercourse and wouldn't as I know that isn't advised from trying to find out more info online, so I know that isn't the issue since I didn't do that, but I don't know about how external stimulation could effect things (non penetrative masturbation or just generally being aroused). My doctor didn't tell me anything about, well, any of that at all in regards to what isn't and is fine to do. She said I can't lift anything over 10 pounds and to call her if the sutures bleed, but that's the only cautionary info I've been given. At any point. The rest I've found on this Reddit. But upon looking online I thought that might be the issue since I've heard people here before say that just having blood rush down there can cause spotting because it changes the shape of your muscles? Sorry if that's not the correct way to word that. That's just my general understanding of what I read.
I'm not in any kind of pain or anything, but I just wanted to know if anyone else has experienced anything like this. Should I be concerned?
Also, sorry if this confusing to read. It's 6 am here and my brain is struggling to work fully. I can't go to sleep but I'm not all the way awake, either.
submitted by SkvaderArts to Fibroids [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:36 CelestialFlamebird "We have shared many goodbyes, my love and I. Her duties keeping her among the stars, whilst the importance of my own always prevented me from joining her. Until Hathor came, that is. I truly cherish this time I've had with my Angel, but to save her I must leave. Soon, we'll share one last goodbye."

It was recorded by those present that all who witnessed The Great Angel’s return wept like babes. That no one present, including her sister Primarchs, The Ladies Regalia Dorn, Vesta, Alakhai Khatun or even The Custodian Guard could contain their sorrow in the face of such a forlorn sight. She bore three bodies in her arms, each held with equal reverence as they were carried by The Lady Primarch to their sacred final resting places.
First, was that of The God Emperor Of Mankind. Although not slain, he had been gravely wounded in the battle against the Arch Heretic, requiring his daughter’s aid to return to the Imperial Palace where as we all know, his physical form now remains as he watches over and protects all of his faithful.
Second, was The Saint Of Doves. In life they were the private confidante to The Lady Sanguinia herself and died protecting The Great Angel. In death they remain the patron saint of lovers, artists, warriors and martyrs alike.
Finally was Saint Ollanius Perrson, The Pious. The first of The God Emperor's faithful, from before even the great crusade itself. He had been granted the blessing of eternal life by our lord in recognition of his faith and devoted service. A boon that he gladly relinquished in order to protect our lord from The Arch Traitor’s wrath.
As she ascended the steps to The Imperial Palace, it is said The Lady Sanguinia was truly an angel of blood. It seeped from the wounds of those she held. It bled from the injuries of her own body. It was smeared by her crestfallen wings. It pooled under her footsteps. It ran from the armour she wore. It dripped from the sword at her hip.
When she neared the top step, the weight of The Great Angel’s burden became too great to bear for even one so mighty. She looked as if she would collapse, however, she did not fall. Before she could collapse, all in attendance, be they human, astartes, custodian or primarch raced to catch her.
Who initially arrested her fall is a matter of great debate, although many of the surviving accounts suggest it to be The Khatun followed closely behind by her other sisters who were present. It is agreed though that the grip with which Lady Sanguinia held her charges never failed, and was akin to that of a mother’s protective embrace. Would anyone present had even wished to, none could have forcefully taken her changes from her. Instead the gathered mass merely helped ease her burden in any manner they could.
As she was being helped to her feet, a child was noticed by The Great Angel. What they had done, causing all in attendance to pause and stare. Little is agreed upon by history about this child. Not their age, ethnicity or even their gender; only that they appeared to be incredobly poor and were afflicted with horrific facial disfigurements, including an exposed, empty right eye socket.
Despite this, they had a piercing gaze and appeared uncowed as their lone remaining eye met those of The Blood Angels’ primarch. What is more remarkable though is what was held in the child’s hands; they remained completely still as they tenderly supported the head of The Saint Of Doves, which had come mere millimetres from cracking against the hard marbled staircase when The Great Angel stumbled.
It is said that with neither party having to utter a word, the child rose from their stooping position, gently lifting The Saint Of Doves as they did. Meanwhile Lady Sanguinia was helped to bend to one knee by those who supported her uneven balance. Even in such a hunched posture, the primarch was still a towering figure beside this lone child. However, their faces were near eye level when the child helped the primarch to safely cradle The Saint’s body once again.
Once her body of her love was again secured, The Great Angel bowed her head to the child and silently thanked them and as she was helped back to her feet, a single tear struck the child’s cheek. Then, as Lady Sanguinia continued to ascend the stairs, the child faded back into the crowd.
It was only at the threshold of the Imperial palace where The Primarch consented to relinquish any of the bodies.
Ultimately it would be Lady Vesta and Captain-General Constantin Valdor who would take The Emperor to the throne, whilst Lady Regalia Dorn would bear the remains of Saint Ollanius. Lady Sanguinia would not relinquish The Saint Of Doves however; so instead Lady Alakhai instead allowed her sister to lean upon her as if she were a crutch.
Though they had greatly helped The Great Angel, The Custodian Guards would not allow the crowd at the threshold to actually enter the palace; meaning many of the final details of the return of The God Emperor and Great Angel, along with everything that occurred in the immediate aftermath are more speculative than factual. Naturally, this has spawned many legends that have been passed down the generations.
One such tale claims that from that day forward, no matter how pristine the stairway leading, a visitor to the Imperial Palace will occasionally notice a single dried spot of blood on their path. A portent said to only be seen by those who are destined to significantly impact the Imperium’s future. Whilst another states that no matter where it is in the galaxy, on a day with clear skies, an individual who is struck by a single drop of water has earned the favour of The Great Angel herself.However, it is the last recorded sighting of either The God Emperor or Lady Sanguinia herself that garners the most speculation.
What can be agreed upon is that as the palace gates were closing, The Emperor and Lady Sanguinia were seen being taken in different directions. During which The Master Of Mankind suddenly awoke and was heard calling out to The Great Angel. The God Emperor only said two words to his daughter, the first is agreed to have been the word “forgive”. Where there is controversy though is with the second and final word. So much so that any discussion subject risks bordering too closely with the heretical and is often censured.
That said, amongst those willing to discuss the matter, there are two theories that have become as popular as they are provocative. The first being that The Emperor simply said:
“Forgive yourself.”
Naturally, the theory that these were the words spoken has led to a great amount of speculation and debate. Particularly amongst those who specialise in researching the life of The Great Angel.
Contrastingly though, even proponents of the second theory are often reluctant to discuss the idea in great detail. Perhaps understandably so since it posits that The Emperor’s last known words were:
“Forgive me.”
What was originally intended to be a short epilogue for my prior post ended up becoming way too long and very much it's beast. However, it can still be considering a follow up to that story. If you're interested in that one, here it is.
submitted by CelestialFlamebird to PrimarchGFs [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:35 Professional_War_450 Do you have flare ups where symptoms are bad and then good periods where you feel normal again?

In a 4 year battle of finding out what is wrong with me. I have just discovered dysautonomia and I tick every symptom on the list, plus with added chiari malformation which can be the cause.
I’m wondering whether someone who is diagnosed can help me here…
My symptoms come and go, I seem to have 2 bad flare ups a year… Strangely around the same time: May/September.
I suffer with: - PVC’s/ectopic beats - Sudden spike in heart rate for no reason (racing at 140 for 30 minutes after picking up a sock?) - Spike in heart rate (130s) and ectopics after eating and before bowel movements - Resting heart rate very low (50s) despite the above - Sudden spike or drop in heart rate upon standing - Blood pooling in hands, really dark veins in my palms upon standing - Anxiety (made worse by all the symptoms of course) - Light/sound sensitivity - Shortness of breath - Feeling like I’m going to choke on food when swallowing - Constantly thirsty, feels like water doesn’t work in my body? - Bouts of bad constipation and ‘loose’ poos, never any happy medium - Low blood pressure
The list goes on really but these are the most prominent issues.
I’m seeing my cardiologist/electrophysasist on Tuesday and I plan to bring up this condition with him.
How did you go about getting diagnosed?
Thank you 💜
submitted by Professional_War_450 to dysautonomia [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:34 cocainecarebears How can I deter noisy (and sometimes violent) trespassers from using the empty porch next door for partying/drug use?

I moved into a rowhome in the city about 2 years ago. It's not in a NICE area, but it's certainly not what I would consider "the hood". Recently the neighbor at the end of the block moved out. It's a high foot traffic area near a mini mart, so I'm used to the sounds of the city and minor annoyances like the occasional loud party or passing car bumping bass.
Recently it's gotten worse. People have started using the empty porches to throw parties, do drugs, drink, idle their cars with the music up, litter, break glass, and openly sell drugs. I don't gaf what they're doing to their own bodies, that's not my business. What is my business, is that I haven't had a proper night's sleep in 2 weeks and I think I'm losing my mind. The bass vibrates my whole house, it's inescapable, I'm a prisoner in my own home. I have anxiety every time I hear music outside. I can't get rid of this migraine. I'm going to have a nervous breakdown.
I've tried asking nicely and been threatened and cursed at. Most people turn it down and wait until I leave to turn it back up. I've called the cops. If they even show up, people scatter for 5-10mins and they're back as soon as it's clear again.
I'm looking for a non violent, non confrontational deterrent that I can set up nearby. One that can't be traced back to me. I already feel like someone is going to throw a brick through my front window. It's getting pretty bad.
Flood lights on my porch? Essence of skunk? Hidden air horn? Should I take up the bagpipes? Dress up in a bunny suit and mean mug passerbys?
Help me out here reddit, I have another year on my lease and we can't afford to move.
submitted by cocainecarebears to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:33 Angel466 [Bob the hobo] A Celestial Wars Spin-Off Part 1013

[Previous Chapter] [The Beginning] [Patreon+2]
Lucas tapped the flat of his finger twice on the partially open door, more to let Boyd know he was coming than actually requesting permission to enter. He pushed it open and strode through as the somewhat welcoming grunt came from within.
“Hey, sexy,” he said, crossing the two rooms to zoom in on Boyd sitting at his bench. On the spinner before Boyd was a larger figure than he had ever done before: an eighteen-inch figure of a woman with an hourglass figure wearing a form-fitting formal gown that flowed to the floor, swaying as if she’d just stepped to her right. Her hands were curled as if she were holding something or someone, but that part was missing.
“Ooooh,” Lucas said, resting his head on Boyd’s shoulder to examine the piece closer. “She’s pretty.”
“She’s also the viscount’s granddaughter, who I think is married to a prince somewhere in Eastern Europe. I’d have to pull out her details again, but she’s already got two kids, and she still looks this good.”
“She doesn’t look old enough to have two kids.”
“That’s what happens when you marry when you’re still a teenager.”
“Please tell me it wasn’t an arranged marriage.”
Boyd did a slow pan to level an annoyed look at him.
“What? They used to.”
“Slavery was a thing in America back in the day, too.”
Lucas made a deflating raspberry. “If you want to get technical,” he grumbled.
Boyd twisted his seat to face him, loosely curling his arms around Lucas’ waist. “Where are you off to, Mister Soon-To-Be-Masters?”
Oh-ho. Someone’s feeling playful. “I thought you were going to become a Dobson,” Lucas countered, leaning in to give him a quick morning kiss.
“Yeah, but then I was reminded I do have family that I care about.”
“None of which are Masters. Your mom and Aunt Judy are sisters who changed their names when they married. If you were going to take any of their names, we’d both be changing to Davenport.”
Boyd looked down at where their abdomens rested against each other.
“Hey,” Lucas said, sliding his hand under Boyd’s chin and lifting it so he could see those beautiful baby blues focusing on him. “What’s going on, love?”
Boyd opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. He tried twice more. “Ten years,” he finally croaked. “They took me in and gave me a home within the family for nearly two years, and I repaid them by cutting them out of my life the second I could. Who does that to their own?”
“Somebody with a lot of fear,” Lucas answered honestly. "And that somebody isn’t you anymore. You’ve invited Emily to be our accountant, and personally, I hope you know what you’re doing there…”
“Emily has always been good with money. The only time she’s ever been off is when she borrows money from you, and you go to get it back. By the time she’s finished explaining all the financial movement around the transaction, you end up owing her twice as much, and she’s really convincing. Computerised flow charts and everything.”
Lucas hoped he was exaggerating. If Emily had been that quick and deceptive to separate Boyd from his money when she was a teenager, she might have been even more cunning now. Lucas would remain attentive until she proved herself because the love of his life had earned this break. “Okay,” was all he said since he didn’t want to argue.
Boyd nipped the tip of his nose. “Don’t you ‘okay’ me in that tone of voice.”
Lucas pulled back and rubbed the back of his hand against his nose. It hadn’t hurt, but it was weird. No one had ever done that before. “I’m a cop, love. In my world, it’s guilty until proven innocent.”
“Getting back to my original question. Where are you going?”
“I’m going to go and get some supplies for Levi and Maddy. The dumbass has been worrying himself sick over where he can leave Maddy on short notice if he and Austin get called out to a fire together. They can’t waste up to an hour each way getting over to Queens and Brooklyn.”
“Tell him she can stay with us,” Boyd said without hesitation. I’ll be here all the time, and if I’m out and it’s an emergency dump-and-run, I can drop whatever I’m doing and call someone to teleport me back.”
Lucas leaned in and kissed him again. “And that’s just one of the many reasons I love you,” he said once they parted. “Charlie will be here too, which means Robbie won’t be far away either. Levi still wants to run it past Llyr since it’s his place, but so long as we keep her on our side and away from Miss W, it won’t be a problem.”
“You’ll need to remember to lock up your guns when she’s here.”
Lucas nodded thoughtfully in agreement without speaking. It would devastate everyone if Maddy somehow managed to get her hands on one of his work firearms and fire it. He’d need to get a thumbprint safe – something that he could get at very quickly in a crisis.
“How is she with beds?”
“Don’t little kids have those hospital guardrail things, so they don’t roll out of bed and hurt themselves? I mean, your bed isn’t that far from the floor, but if you’re getting supplies, you might want to think about some of those things to keep her in.”
Lucas hadn’t thought about that. “Okay, then it’s going to be a bigger shopping trip than I thought, but that’s alright. Levi and Maddy are going to chill in the apartment until I get back.”
“Do you want me to check in on them?”
“Nah, it should be fine. Levi knows where Charlie’s office is, and if he’s going to annoy anyone while they’re at work, it should be our sister.” Lucas turned Boyd back to his carving and leaned his head on Boyd’s shoulder. “You keep outdoing yourself, you know that, right?”
“These tools are magic. I can’t do a thing wrong with them.” With a slight grimace, he added, “Hey, have you ever heard the story about the kid who gets the magic piano?”
Lucas squinted warily. “Am I going to like this story?”
“It’s a cautionary tale. This kid finds a magic piano, and all he has to do is work the pedals, and the piano plays itself. No one notices it’s not the kid, and the kid’s ego grows with each performance until he’s an international sensation. Then, he has a fight with the piano over who the star really is. The following night, the piano refuses to play, and the kid is booed off the stage. His family is left financially ruined.”
“I will beat you within an inch of your life if you equate that to you.”
Boyd looked at him. “How can I not? I mean, when I relax and just let the tools do what they’re made to do, the pieces come out flawlessly—every time. But the second I worry, minor defects creep in. Nothing I can’t counter and fix, but still…”
“If it concerns you that much, why not do a piece every now and then without the divine tools to prove to yourself that the skill is yours and the tools are just tools?”
Boyd looked over the divine toolset, then back up at the shelf where his older tools were. “That’s a good idea,” he admitted.
Lucas lightly kissed him on the lips and stepped out of his grasp. “I’ve been known to have them now and again. Oh, and don’t forget we’re going to Angus’ this afternoon. Just the six of us.”
Boyd raised his left hand in acknowledgment, but his focus was back on the carving even as his right hand picked up a scalpel of some kind and drove it across the carving’s middle. The blade was then smoothly passed to his left hand to make an incision from that side while his right reached for a new tool.
As he’d said, his motions were flawless, with chips and shavings flying at the speed of a professional wood chopper. Lucas could watch him work all day, but if he was going to make it to Angus’, he needed to leave now.
He let himself out and headed for the main front door to the level.
A little over an hour later, after grabbing several sets of clothes in his brother’s size, Lucas was standing in the middle of the children’s clothing section, blinking in confusion at all the options. He would go to touch one, then back away, unsure.
He must have looked pitiful because a staff member in her mid-thirties took pity on him and approached with a warm smile. “Can I help you?”
“Yeah, this is crazy,” he answered, gesturing to the millions of clothes options before them. “My brother asked me to look after my niece in an emergency, and I want her to have whatever she’ll need at my place in case he doesn’t have time to take her home.” He looked at all the clothes. “Whatever that entails.”
“That’s really sweet. Is your brother a doctor?”
The woman gave Lucas the once over. “I can see that.”
Lucas chuckled. It wasn’t anything he hadn’t heard before. Between him, Levi and Mav all sharing their dad’s muscle, they’d always caught people’s eye. “Anyway,” he said, wanting to move this along. “My niece is three going on four, and she’s about this high,” he said, showing her height as an inch or two under his hip.
“Does she have any favourite TV shows?”
“Spongebob,” Lucas said, incredibly grateful for his conversation with Levi over breakfast. He’d have never had that answer otherwise. “And if you’re not doing anything after we get her clothes sorted, my fiancé mentioned something about bed rails since she’ll be sleeping in my old queen-sized bed. This is an all-in shopping trip for her, and I have no idea what to get.”
“Do you have any toys for her? And no, I’m not pushing for a commission here. Little minds need to be kept stimulated, or little hands will end up in places they have no business being. If this is your first time looking after her, you’re going to want a few toys, books, and things to keep her busy.”
“My brother is already nagging me about buying her the basics. What would you recommend that won’t make it seem like I’m trying to buy her affection?”
“Are you okay with electronics, or are you trying to steer her away from that?”
“It doesn’t faze me. It’s more the cost. I don’t want to buy her what my brother hasn’t or can’t afford. I’ve been into too many households where kids have every version of PlayStation, Xbox and Nintendo and every known game that goes with them. Those kids appreciate nothing, and that’s not something I’m okay with.”
“You see a lot of people’s houses?”
“I was a beat cop for over eight years before my promotion.”
“A policeman and a fireman? I’m sure there's a joke involving a bar in there somewhere.”
“If there were, the third person would be an ice hockey player,” Lucas chuckled again, already liking this woman. As they wandered through the aisles, she added things to his cart. Clothes were first, but they quickly moved on to toys. A couple of generic soft toys. and the board game “Candyland”. Lucas grabbed ‘Hungry, Hungry Hippos’, as that was one he and his brothers had played when he’d been Maddy’s age. Then came two large boxes of Duplo.
Not once did it feel like the sales assistant was pushing an agenda. She even paused to consider the options as if she were buying them for her own kids. Lucas really appreciated that.
As they were walking the isles, Lucas came to a screeching halt and stared at a range of doctor, nurse and vet play sets. Two jumped out at him. One had a plastic pet carrier with a handful of bulky instruments, and the other came in a bright blue bag with red handles and a white pawprint on the side. It had a comprehensive range, including toy bandages, pill bottles, cream jars, syringes, a stethoscope and even a cone of shame. Both went into the cart after he checked to make sure the two soft animals would fit in the carrier.
Mason’ll have a field day showing her exactly how to simulate using all this stuff, he thought to himself with a grin.
“You’re really very thoughtful,” the woman said after he explained why they both had to be purchased.
Lucas specifically asked for books after that. Real books with paper pages. He was sure his mother (as a high school English teacher) would murder him in his sleep if he didn’t buy Maddy at least ten books ranging from ones she could memorise and pretend to read (which, in her grandmother’s eyes, taught her word structure and was the first step in learning to read), with ones he could read to her. And that, of course, required Spongebob bookends to hold them together.
“Your fiancé is a lucky woman if you’re willing to do all of this for your niece,” she said once the cart was full and they were heading back to the checkouts.
“Yes, he is,” Lucas agreed, deliberately sliding in Boyd’s gender without making a huge issue of it.
Her eyes widened in horror. “Oh, I’m so sorry. Wow, I really shouldn’t make that assumption anymore, and I apologise.”
Because this was New York. “Apology accepted,” Lucas said, waving it aside. Boyd might have been embarrassed, but thankfully, he wasn’t here. “Thanks again for all your help.”
* * *
((Author's extra-long note:
Heya guys! Just letting you know I need to take a week off. [It’s nothing to do with the community here, I promise! I love writing this, and I’ll be back as soon as I can.]
In fact it's … you know what? Stuff it. You guys might as well know. Remember how I mentioned earlier this year we were fighting for more care for my special needs daughter?
That’s the issue.
Our support coordinator has our written authority to act on our behalf. Yet we’ve been told in writing from the government department that if she doesn’t back off, the whole request, including thousands of dollars of specialists interviewing our daughter and reporting their findings, will be deleted, and our request, including all-new interviews and reports, will have to start all over again.
I’m almost at the point where I’m not sleeping, but our support coordinator has promised us to fight because, in her words, “This is getting ridiculous.”
I’ve been really struggling to write this week with everything going on in the background. I’ve finally admitted I need to pull back (just for one week—I mean it when I say how much I love this writing and the little community we’ve formed) to focus on sorting out the mess, so that my writing isn’t tarnished by the battlelines that are being drawn up in the background.
(I already scrapped a page and a half because my anger at things [I bounce between anger and depression] had people who were usually very chill (Robbie) acting in a very aggressive manner that simply wasn’t them. Because of this, I’ve already used up several of my backlog this week and I loathe to lose any more, given how hard they were to build up. (The thought of using them up without others to take their place was also adding to my stress.)
And I was told by my beta reader, ‘Given you’ve been doing this for over three years, and you’ve only had the occasional day off due to sickness, take the week and regroup, stronger than ever.
I agreed. This means my next post will be on Monday, the 27th, Australian Time.
This means my next post will be on Monday, the 27th, Australian Time.
I hope with all my heart that you’ll all still be with me when I return next week.
Karen. ))
((All comments welcome. Good or bad, I’d love to hear your thoughts 🥰🤗))
I made a family tree/diagram of the Mystallian family that can be found here
For more of my work, including WPs: Angel466 or an index of previous WPS here.
submitted by Angel466 to redditserials [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:32 Rough-Parking2687 How Marlo gets his scar

Sure! Here's a fan script that imagines how Marlo Stanfield might have gotten his scar. This scene takes place in Baltimore, a few years before the events of "The Wire."
Title: The Origin of the Scar
The warehouse is dimly lit, with broken windows and scattered debris. MARLO STANFIELD, a young and ambitious drug dealer, is in a heated argument with another street hustler, DEON. Marlo's right-hand man, CHRIS PARTLOW, stands nearby, keeping a watchful eye.
DEON (agitated) You think you can just come in and take over my corners? You ain't nobody, Marlo!
MARLO (calm, cold) Ain't about being somebody. It's about the business. And you messin' with mine.
DEON (smirking) Your business? You ain't earned nothin' yet. You just a punk tryin' to play king.
Deon lunges at Marlo with a knife, but Marlo dodges. They grapple, the knife glinting in the faint light. Deon manages to slash Marlo across the face before Chris intervenes, disarming Deon and throwing him to the ground.
CHRIS (stern) Enough.
Marlo touches his face, feeling the blood. His eyes are filled with cold fury. He wipes the blood on his sleeve and steps closer to Deon, who is now held down by Chris.
MARLO (voice steady) This scar? It's a reminder. A reminder of why you don't cross me.
Marlo nods to Chris, who delivers a swift, brutal punch to Deon's face, knocking him out.
CHRIS What now, boss?
MARLO (looking down at Deon) Send a message. He don't touch our corners again. And make sure everyone knows what happens when they do.
Chris drags Deon's unconscious body out of the warehouse. Marlo stands alone, the blood still trickling from his fresh wound. He takes a deep breath, the pain only fueling his determination.
MARLO (to himself) This city gonna know my name. One way or another.
This script imagines a scenario that fits the gritty, intense atmosphere of "The Wire," showing Marlo's ruthless rise to power and the origin of his scar.
submitted by Rough-Parking2687 to TheWire [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:30 Little-Rose-Seed Women with endometriosis do you also experience pain in the pelvis (almost the bone) and down the legs?

I’ve had issues with my period since it started. I’m 33 now and in the past few years I have been seeking some sort of diagnosis but it is very very slow. Around four-ish years ago I started to develop such bad pelvic and leg pain on my period that I would no longer be able to stand by the end of the day, even with over the counter pain medication. I’m currently pregnant with my third child (a little shocked that I did fall pregnant after a particularly terrible year of hormonal issues). And I have so much pain in my pelvis and down into my legs. I know that increased blood flow can cause some pain, but this feels more like the pain I have with my period. Has anyone else experienced this?
submitted by Little-Rose-Seed to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:28 Consistent_Hotel_615 Please help me understand this. I am literally stuck since days

Please help me understand this. I am literally stuck since days
I wanna understand what happens when a torque is applied to a gear which is on a rack, the rack is fixed, so it cant move, the gear is free to roll in x direction. I tried to make a free body diagram but it doesn’t make sense, i have neglected gravity or friction, shouldn’t the gear accelerate along the rack when a torque is applied on it and there is no friction? Cause in my free body diagram the torques cancel out on the gear which would mean no angular acceleration? Please help me out, this drives me crazy and i havent found any answers on the internet,
submitted by Consistent_Hotel_615 to Physics [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:19 Kaelani_Wanderer [Kaurine Dawn] Chapter Fourteen: Tinker's Dawn

Apologies for this one being so late; Been sick for the last week or so, and the friday i was meant to post this, I think from memory I was busy :/ But I'm starting to get back into the swing of things, and the Glossary Addendum has also had a bit of an overhaul :D I'll be applying that tonight as well, to each of the currently released chapters.
[First] [Glossary Addendum] [Previous]
[From the Abyss Artisanry, Wolfreach Commercial District, Halsion Reach Region, Haldios IV, 12th of Emheraldis, 5011 TE]
[Boltz] The door chimed, though it sounded... Off today, and I sighed. I'd have to replace the old beeper with something else now that it had broken. As I walked towards the counter, I heard Chit's voice from around the corner as she said,
"I'll be right with you!" I frowned, noticing the strain in her voice. I stepped around the counter and poked my head around the corner, and then immediately rushed to help. She was trying to move a Draekkan mace, and causing gouges in the floor as she dragged the heavy weapon.
"Seriously? Leave Draekkan weapons to me, beloved." I said, and Chit nodded as I lifted the massive, spiked club-like weapon. Made of Luunic steel, the metal was cool against my hand as I cautiously hefted it, a dark blue color akin to the Lunwatch sky on a clear night with few stars. I slowly walked over to the storage racks, and hung the mace on a pair of large hooks. Then I turned back to my lover, and looked her up and down for injuries.
Finding none, I shook my head with another sigh. "Well at least you didn't hurt yourself on it." I said, stepping up to her and wrapping my arms around her lower back. I pulled her cool body towards mine, and she happily melted into my embrace. Chuckling, I planted a kiss on her hair, and gently ran a finger down one of her drit'onthke. Her entire body shivered and she giggled, before wrapping her arms around me and giving me a tight hug.
"So what's on the list for today?" I asked, resting my cheek on her head.
"Just a few armour sets which need some minor repairs, thankfully." Chit replied. I nodded, and then the beeper went off, indicating a customer.
"Solahra's Light, what an awful noise to greet a customer with!" A deep, male-sounding canine voice rumbled from out in the customer area. We reluctantly pulled apart and both went out to see what he needed.

As Chit rounded the corner, she automatically greeted the customer by saying,
"Welcome to From the Abyss Artisanry, how can we help today?" But as I stepped around after her, I froze. The canine man was holding a box filled with shattered pieces of art, it looked like. I stepped closer and realised that they weren't shattered pieces of art, at least not in the traditional sense. Rather, they were the parts of what was formerly a weapon. I felt my eyes widen as I realised what it was. I looked at the canine man, and realised he was a Labardon. I looked back at the pieces of plasma caster, which appeared to, on closer inspection, actually have catastrophically failed at a structural level upon attempting to fire a shot.
"I went to the Lunhaekin blacksmith over in Aellandendil, cos they said that fishing my ancestral plasma caster would be an exceedingly simple affair. Instead, the next time I went to fire it, the blasted thing fell apart in my hands!" The man growled, and then asked,
"How bad is it... Is... Is there any way to restore it?" His eyes went wide as if to wordlessly plead with me, and I gestured for him to give me the box of parts. He hesitantly handed the box over and I gently placed it on the counter before pulling out one of the furcloth rolls underneath and unravelling it. Then, one by one, I pulled out each of the pieces, and with each new item, my heart sank.

This would not be a simple fix of just re-assembling the pieces. I let out a heavy sigh, and, leaning on the counter, covered my mouth with the side of my hand while looking at the arrayed parts.
"This is... At this point you might as well just buy a new plasma caster." I said finally, still looking at the parts. I looked up at the man and said,
"If I reconstruct this, because that's what it will take, a full reconstruction, it WILL cost more than buying a new caster." I looked down at the parts again, and swore under my breath.
"The focusing plate has been shattered, and those things are near indestructible when carved right, the prism chamber is cracked, so that's no good any more, and the magnetic acceleration rings..." I trailed off, and swallowed before looking up at the man.
"They're not rings any more..." I whispered, and the man's face seemed to break.
"Is there anything we can salvage of the original parts?" He asked, his voice shaky. I looked down at the parts, and realised that there was just one piece that was fully intact. With a mirthless chuckle, I picked it up.
"The plasma compression chamber. That's it." I laid the small metallic chamber down again, and sighed.
"The rest is just... Junk. Scrap even." I shook my head, running the numbers in my head. When I finished, I swore again, and dropped the bombshell.
"You're looking at around fifty thousand in parts alone." I said, and the canine's shoulders slumped.
"If that's the price it takes..." He said.
"I will try and recover as much material as I can though; I might be able to melt down the mag rings for example and re-energise them."

[A Cycle Later...]
The Labardon stepped into the store, a simple digital bell sounding, and he sighed, his tail wagging a little as he did so.
"Much better than last time!" He joked, and Jakob walked around the corner holding a box, grinning from ear to ear.
"Just in time, good sir!" He exclaimed. He set down the box, and the Labardon's gaze instantly honed in on it. Jakob laid a hand on the lid, and said,
"Behold, your restored heritage!" And with that, he lifted the lid like he was proposing to the customer, and the canine's eyes lit up, his tail suddenly zipping back and forth as though it were some kind of demented metronome. As he lifted the ancient weapon, my own eyes widened; It was truly a thing of beauty.

I smiled as the Labardon man admired my handiwork, and in a voice that sounded like it was half pure air, he whispered,
"It's as beautiful as the day my sire first showed it to me..." My smile widened, and I said,
"I was able to salvage more than I thought, in the end. I managed to keep the primary focus cone; I simply had to melt and recast it due to a crack in it, the laser projector's crystal matrix casing also was salvageable, though I did have to replace the crystal matrix. So it now has a Kaurine crystal for providing the first round of focusing." The man froze, and his gaze flicked to me. His hands still raise, he asked,
"A Kaurine crystal? Genuine?" I nodded.
"Cut the crystal free from the rock myself." I replied. The man laid the plasma caster on the counter gently, though it rattled slightly from his shaking paws as he ceased to support it.
"My sire said that it originally had a Shell crystal as its matrix..." He said, voice trembling as much as his paws.
"They are great crystals for energy conduction as well as for energy focusing. It took a bit to set the frequency for the right channels though." He nodded, and shakily handed over his Orionpay card. I handed it to Chit'eiwu, right as he asked,
"So how much was it all up?" I grinned and replied,
"An even fifty five thousand." He blinked, and asked,
"But... the crystal... Surely that alone would be a few hundred thousand!" I shook my head, and replied,
"It's not a Blade. And it doesn't need to be anywhere near as big. Only came to around three thousand." He nodded, and Chit'eiwu input the numbers and scanned the card. The system registered a successful transaction, and she handed the man back his card.
"Thank you for choosing From the Abyss Artisanry!" I said, and he nodded, his eyes turning shiny with unshed tears.
"No, thank you. All of my friends will be hearing about this, and you will be my first stop for anything artisanal." I nodded to him, and he left, carefully cradling the restored plasma caster in its box. Looking over to the clock, I noticed that it was indicating less than an hour before Lunrise. I jerked my head towards Chit'eiwu and asked,
"Think we should close up the shop early, or wait until Soldown before we stop operating?" She looked up at the clock as well, then back to me, and shook her head.
"No, I think we can afford to close early this evening." I nodded, and pressed the button to activate the end of Watch sign system, and a moment later, a holosign in the window came to life and began a 10 minute countdown.

We always did the countdown so that prospective customers knew how long they had to enter to the store before we stopped taking new customers prior to closing down for the Lunwatch. As usually happened however, the sign completed its countdown and flicked to the "Closed" display, and I pressed a second button to lock the door remotely, and arm the security system. As I did so, Chit'eiwu walked into the apartment, and soon after, I heard the sound of her cooking. I smiled, knowing that she was bound to make an incredible dinner as per usual, and let out a contented sigh as the system went through the arming process. Life with her was... Good. Not necessarily great by any stretch of the imagination; Most of our days were spent working after all. But it was at least a good life. A life I was more than happy to lead.

When the system indicated full armed status some minutes later, I followed my aquatic lover into our home behind and above the shop, and arrived just in time for her to serve up dinner. As I sat down, a stupid grin spread across my face as I beheld what she had cooked up. On the plate was a kind of "nest" made of purple coloured strands of pasta, and topped off with a green-sauced mince of some kind. I looked up at my lover, who was watching me expectantly. My grin refusing to go away, I obliged her apparent intent, and used a fork to collect some mince with sauce, and some of the pasta.

As the food reached my mouth, it was like an explosion of flavours; An earthy, slightly spicy flavour issued forth from the sauce, and the mince tasted somewhat like yuron, a kind of cattle animal from Zehllukarn Prime, and it was followed up by a surprisingly sweet flavour from the pasta as it rotated around in my mouth as I chewed. Swallowing, I said,
"This is incredible! I can't even properly describe it; it's... It's like an explosion of all different flavours coming together in my mouth!" Chit's face turned a fierce azure, and my grin widened. The grin morphing into a smirk, I added,
"You're definitely getting rewarded this Lunwatch, beloved."

[A Few Hours Later...]


As Chit'eiwu walked into the bedroom we shared upstairs, I put the dishes from our dinner into the automatic dishwasher, and followed her up. As I reached the laundry room, I stripped off my clothes from the Solwatch, and tossed them expertly into the laundry, each garment hitting the wall and bouncing off slightly to fall into the clothes basket waiting below, before walking into the bedroom entirely unclad. Chit'eiwu was laying in the bed, the blanket covering her amethyst body from view, and in such a way that I knew that she too had put her clothes in the laundry. I walked around the bed, and pulled down the blanket to get in beside her, and after that, things turn rather hazy for a little while.

[A Week Later...]

Jakob and I stepped off of the transport, hand-in-grasper, him looking absolutely divine in a glacial blue suit with silver trimmings, seeming to be a walking ice sculpture. Complimenting him, I opted for a taste of my birthplace; Trimmed with onyx hems, I was wearing a deep, abyssal purple dress, showing off my relatively lighter purple skin, becoming a shadow of the Abyss to act as the dark counterpart to my Warrior of the Overwaves. I looked towards him as we stepped inside the Fortress of Kaur'Ainda together for the first time since I was Ascended by both him and Cewa together.
He looked back at me, smiled and squeezed my hand reassuringly, before saying over our rarely-used connection,
There's no need to be nervous; It's just a Greenmarch Feast, my Siren. As I did every time he called me that, I giggled; At first I had been confused by him calling me an alarm sound, until he showed me one of the few surviving Terran records from... Wherever it was that they came from. Terran, or at the time, Human, women of extraordinary beauty, totally uncovered, and singing some kind of song that lured male sailors to their deaths.
Then he had sent me an image of how he viewed me; My plain purple skin instead appeared almost... Luminous, and my average green eyes were glittering emerald gems. My hair, an equally unremarkable azure, was a brilliant blue that resembled the Azuresheet high above even the Overwaves, and in his mind's eye, my cheeks were flushed slightly blue. I had never considered myself to be attractive by any means; In the Abyss I would have struggled to find a mate...
But here in the Overwaves? I had been chosen by a Terran, that enigmatic, smooth-skinned, near-prey-like biped species who were renowned for absurd feats of strength and endurance. I was not as fragile as I seemed, even before my Ascension...
But Jakob seemed to realise that early on; The first time we lay together, an eye-rolling, mind-erasing experience, he showed such gentleness that it was hard to believe the stories... Until the very next day when I had struggled to move a shipment of materials that had come in, even barely raising it, and he had simply come in and told me to let it go, before seeming to effortlessly pick up the heavy box and carry it into the Forge, before placing it down and rapidly sorting the material inside for me. I had asked him about it, and his response was a mere shrug, and to say, It wasn't that heavy for me; Absolutely awkward, but not anything that will break my back.

In the present, we stepped into the Great Hall, and froze. It had been totally transformed, becoming a verdant green forest canopy under which wooden tables seemingly made from the trunks of trees, with seats formed from sections of log from great tree branches. Seiranha saw us enter, and rushed over to greet us.
"Boltz! Chit!" She exclaimed, and hugged us both in turn. It felt... Odd, to be given a hug by a Vampyris, but this particular one was a friend, and so I happily returned the hug, albeit reluctantly letting go of Jakob's hand to do so. We held the hug for a few eternal moments, before she let go and did the same to Jakob, who greeted her warmly.
"You look great!" Jakob said to the Vampyris warrior, and she blushed a deep golden color on her pale cream skin. It looked almost like golden Skyblaze rays were touching her cheeks as she giggled. But Jakob was right; She was garbed in a flowing set of obviously ceremonial armour which appeared to have been made by first weaving a suit of leaves, and then attaching segments of bark to the resulting garment. And combined with her silver-in-crimson eyes...
"You look sort of like a vengeful forest spirit in this armour, Master Seiranha!" I said, and the woman grinned.
"That's sort of the idea. Not many people remember that the spirits of the forests of all our worlds yet live... And for those who do not respect the forest's inhabitants, only death can be anticipated, or worse."

Over the course of what remained of the Solwatch, we enjoyed the Greenmarch Feast, and soon enough, it was time to scatter to our homes once again, to rest away the overindulgences of the Feast.

As the transport landed at the Wolfreach starport, Chit and I walked down the ramp, though she was somewhat unsteady on her legs. Chuckling, I asked her,
"Would you like me to carry you home?" She looked at me, her face blazing sapphire, but through our connection, she, apparently not realising she was 'speaking', replied, I thought you'd never ask... My mighty Skybright, carrying me like an Inkle in his powerful arms... As the thought travelled over our connection the azure spread, and I shook my head with a grin. I really was the luckiest guy in the Reach to have landed such an exotic life partner. She happily stepped in closer to me, and I swept her off her feet, much to her almost drunken delight, and she let out a whoop of surprise.
However, as her intoxicated brain realised what had happened, she melted into my embrace, burbling away in my ear as though she had been returned to her youngest of Watches. I was all too happy to carry my lover home of course; The sound of her tripled heartbeat like a three-beat rhythm pulsed against my own heart, and her emerald gaze was transfixed on my face, the look in those beautiful green orbs one of utter and complete adoration.

After around 10 minutes, we reached the shop, and I swiped my wristcomm over the new sensor, first up-down, then right-left. The two-part verification proved my identity, and the door swung open automatically, a recent addition I had also made. As we cleared the door, I swept my foot around and behind me to close the door again, and carried Chit to the bedroom in our apartment, before laying her gently down on the bed, and saying,
"Unfortunately, I've gotta take that incredible dress off you or it will be ruined in your sleep." Chit vaguely nodded, and I helped her stand back up. Having done this routine together before, she laid her arms on my shoulders for added balancing support, and I bent down to grab the bottom of the dress, before slowly pulling it up to her chest. Feeling the garment fully above her hips, Chit carefully sat down on the bed, and I carefully pulled the dress up and over her head, then down her arms.

Turning around, I draped the dress across a nearby dresser, smoothing out any wrinkles in it, and then returned my attention to my lover, who was now completely undressed. Once again taking up the role of caregiver, I wrapped an arm around her and scooped her up once more before laying her on the bed sideways, where she let out a small gasp as the cold fabric touched her bare skin. I gave her a reassuring smile and said,
"I'll have you nice and warm soon enough, Heartstreasure." And with that, I stripped off my own suit, carefully draping it over a chair, and then pulled off the underwear I had worn for the Feast, and climbed under the covers beside Chit. Upon feeling me enter the bed, she shifted over, hissing a bit as she moved off the warmed area, and melted her body against my own. As she settled into a comfortable position, one of her legs across mine, she said through repeated yawns,
"May... May you swim... With the... Blessing of... Of Drynedaea... My.... Sky-Warrior..." Chuckling as I wrapped an arm around her back, I kissed her gently on the forehead and over our connection, replied,
"May Luunah Guard your Dreams, Heartstreasure of the Depths." And with that, as if it were a cue, Chit's breathing shifted to become deep and regular, and the sound along with the rising and falling of her amethyst chest against my skin sung its own siren song, dragging me down into...
[Next: To Tread the Shaded Path]
submitted by Kaelani_Wanderer to redditserials [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:16 No_Magazine6868 Oxcarbazepine to Carbamazepine Medication Swap

I have being on Oxcarbazepine 1 month, I am having terrible side effects. Have not had a blood test yet to check but my veins in my hands and arms are swollen and raised up. They are painful, has anyone else experienced this? I have also had tingling in different parts of my body, I don’t think I can continue it. Very sure this is being caused by this medication and is a rare side effect. Want to ask to swap to Carbamazepine, which I had previously tried I stopped it after a short time as it was making me throw up. But I guess that’s maybe something you can get use to? Has anyone made this switch? Did you get withdrawal symptoms and did you have to come off it gradually? I know the medications are similar so wondering if I could swap the 600mg straight away. Did anyone get similar sickness from Carbamazepine and overcame it?
submitted by No_Magazine6868 to TrigeminalNeuralgia [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:16 Liberty-Prime76 Letter of Marque 82 - A NoP Fanfic

As always, thank you to u/SpacePaladin15 for the wonderful universe that is NoP! Thank you to u/cruisingNW for proof reading and helping me make this chapter as good as it can be, you're the man! Honestly LoM wouldn't have gone very far without him! If you haven't you should absolutely go read Foundations of Humanity! It's very good AND it just updated!
A big thanks to u/Saint-Andros for helping with proofreading! He writes Out of Our Elements which is a very good one! If you like a good fic in the wilderness and a pair of cute 'friends' ;) you'll love OOE!
Also thank you to u/brotanics! For this wonderful fanart of Taisa. And this one! She's so cute I'm gonna die
And thank you to u/Jimdandy117! For this adorable fanart of Chris and Renkel! Dear god help he's adorable I love him so much
Thank you u/SlimyRage, or AsciiSquid on Discord, for makin' Vengineer Taisa Gamin'. She's absolutely adorable, I love her lil' workers apron. She looks so excited to get to work!
Thank you u/Braquen! For this astounding Pixel Art of Taisa after a few range day dates with Chris! Her little hat and gunbelt are absolutely astounding!
Thank you u/VeryUnluckyDice! For this Artwork of Taisa and Chris as characters from One Piece! I've never seen or read it before but it's incredibly cute!
Thank you to u/creditmission for their wonderful work of several LoM fanfics!
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Memory Transcription Subject: Taisa, Venlil Starship Engineer, Crystal Star Shipping Co-Owner
Date [Standardized Human Time]: October 16th, 2136
Stars… doom or not, that moon is beautiful.
Earth’s own spotlight still hung in the sky, creeping ever higher backlight more and more of the fleet waiting in anticipation. The moon’s pure white light scattered aimlessly across the mountains, shimmering like liquid silver on the surface of the river flowing through the valley far below us. Slinking dark forms of ships that slipped beyond her light made their presence known through the trailing wisps their ion thrusters jetted out behind them; painting the soil-black sky with twisting, swirling hues of blue amongst the shimmering stars.
A warm and weighty hand pulled me close as the cool night air of the mountains flowed through my wool, coaxing a contended purr to build and blossom in my chest as I pressed into Chris’ side, stretching up to nuzzle into his neck before leaning forward and snatching another ‘hummus’ covered carrot from the tray to pop it into my mouth. The delicious, savory smoothness of the hummus accompanied the sweet harshness of the carrot perfectly, sending a trill of pleasure through my chest before I continued my story.
Anyhow, Quilleth and I, despite her continuous protests, get assigned to the same design herd for one of our final projects. We had an old Triconn Drive Systems TC-547 Jump drive and one of their ‘standard’ fusion cores to go with it, one of the worst pairs of speh-stacks ever built if you ask me, that we needed to rebuild and get working again, and she wanted no part of having to ‘deal’ with me for any extended period of time. Tavareth, my jump-drive maintenance and design professor, was adamant that,” I stopped, pulling in a breath and puffing out my chest, doing my best to mimic the old, gray trunked Mazic. “Ahem, ‘In a work environment you’ll have to work past your differences to make the herd stronger.’ and all kinds of other speh that amounted to ‘I need to fill out this herd the rest of the way and you two are who’s left.’”
“They both sound so pleasant.” Chris rumbled, a chuckle in his voice as he grinned, handing me another of his ‘cracker sandwiches’ before turning his eyes back to the stars high above.
“That’s a word for it.” I agreed, giving a jovial whistle past the crumbling cracker and deliciously smooth nut-spread. “But she dropped that tune real fast the second we came up to a real problem in the project trying to source a new, or at least rebuildable, primary magnetic accelerator. I called Parnel and had a brand new one, that was well past any spec we were expected to meet, in our workshop and installed within the paw. After that I checked the drive’s Tritium levels, rerouted every coolant line, field flow point and magnetic induction coil so they actually worked right, stars forbid those wool brains at Triconn ever design something right the first time, to get everything I could out of the new accelerator assembly.”
“Now why does that sound familiar?” Chris mused, a sly smile on his face as scooped a fistful of crunchy chips into his mouth.
“You can shush Captain ‘try his damnedest to burn out every subsystem he can find’, half the re-routing I have to do now is your fault!” I replied with an amused whistle, paffing the back of his head with my tail-tuft before continuing. “Now, after I’d… dove into the ove-”
“As you often do.” Chris cut in, a smile on his face as he prodded my side with a burbling laugh in his voice.
Shush!” I bleated in return, the warmth of a spreading bloom driving the sneaking cold of the mountain air from my wool. “As I was saying, after I dove into the drive, Quilleth and our other partners, mostly Quilleth, had taken it on themselves to handle the core’s overhaul and refueling. Leave it to most herds to take the easy route and not learn something if they can get away with it, you can damn well bet they made sure to document that I was the one who worked on the drive and that the, far easier, core was all them. The work on the drive took a while by myself but I still managed to get everything done and put together before we had to spin it up for the test-paw.”
“How do you test a drive and a core if it's not on a ship? Feels like a fast way to make a problem for yourself.” Chris asked, his eyes focused on me, interest plain on his face as his hand wrapped around my side to pull me close.
“Well the drives physically can’t engage if they’re in a sufficient gravity well, and VP is well beyond that threshold, so we just spin them up, take readings to ‘prove’ that they’d work in a real application. I argued we should have had a few shuttles with remote diagnostics and control systems, like we used during your flight training, to do the tests to show they actually did work since correct readings in a gravity well and correct readings in applied use can be different and you wouldn’t know until you were in orbit and getting ready to jump. Tavareth said he’d have ‘loved to give us the chance but the university didn’t have the funds to allocate’ or some other excuse the faculty always used to avoid doing things the right way.” I replied, waving my paws in frustration at the amount of projects that were only given a curled tail of thought before being dumped on us to complete, real world applications or not.
“Sounds a lot like Trepassy’s parent company, unless it was a ‘mission critical component’ as they put it, then they didn’t much care to fix it if it didn’t keep her stuck in port. Always made the excuse that the repairs weren’t in the budget while posting ten plus percent margins. Didn’t matter how much me and the cap’ called and bitched them out for busted Air-con or the rec-room being entirely bare they always said the same damned thing. Bunch of assholes.”
My tail set to wagging at the idea of Chris and his captain shouting into a phone at some other Human half the world away about something that felt all too familiar. “Anyways, we get everything set up on the testing field outside of Dayside, get the systems mounted into their cooling and fuel channels before we start spooling the core up and putting power to the drive. Before too long Tavareth announces that everything looks stable and we can begin putting load onto the system, everything climbs their scales well. The warp field levels off with the expected fluctuations of a drive being operated way too far into a gravity well to maintain any real stability and the core temperature looks good. Everything’s holding steady, Tavareth looks pleased, the rest of my project-herd is congratulating each other on a project completed.”
“Then the core temp starts climbing, blooming well beyond any ‘acceptable’ overheating limiter Quilleth, Uderek or Ofent could have seen fit to set. I looked over and found all three of them watching the core start to melt down in disbelief as Tavereth slams down every single E-stop he can find on the command console. Suddenly everything stops, the room goes quiet as the distant, now glowing white core is dumped straight into an abort tank to expend its… energy somewhere a bit safer. ”
“Tavereth whipped around faster than I’d ever seen that big old Mazic move and oh stars was he furious!” I bleated, tossing my paws in the air at the memory of him studying each of us in turn before launching into an angry tirade. “That core was as bright as the stars themselves but it had nothing on the bloom positively glowing beneath Quilleth’s coat! He laid into all of us for a solid five minutes, calling out everything that could have gone wrong under Sollaglick’s light and I didn’t say a thing until she tried to blame me for forgetting to install the limiters!”
I saw the corner of Chris’ mouth curl in a tight smile, he knew what was coming but it still felt so good to be able to revel in it with my own herd, pack or whatever we should have been called. “Then I threw her own write up right back at her! Pointed out every note that explicitly called out that I only worked on the drive and that the core was all them, more specifically that SHE was supposed to have installed the limiters almost a herd before according to their schedule!”
“Uderek, Ofent and I all got a stern warning about why you should always check your herd-mates’ work and I got a gruff ‘good work’ for the drive before Tavereth positively berated Quilleth for the next quarter claw! Those two were good to me for the tail end of the semester, I’d hoped they’d try to keep in touch after we went our separate ways but… well they really didn’t.” I sighed with a shrug, the sun falling from my field at the memory of the last time I’d seen the chipper Gojid and our Tilfish friend.
“Well, hopefully things are going good for them, sometimes folks get busy… maybe they figure they don’t wanna bother you! ‘Specially now that you got your own ship and whatnot!” Chris comforted, his hands tracing wonderfully comforting circles through my wool.
Could always try to get in contact again if we make it through this.
>Agreed.< “Maybe I should, would be nice to have even more paws onto look at any of the problems Darno and I can’t… Stars above what is that?!
My breath hitched in my throat as I looked to the stars, watching as the fleets high above began to exchange zipping tails of blue and green. A horrid, deadly light show filled the void high above earth, ships on both sides taking and serving hits with the fervor only people fighting for their lives, and the lives of everyone they’d ever known, could truly muster. The blazing trails of plasma slammed into the distant motes, scattering their vibrant colors in globs across the tapestry of the stars before some of them were joined by the flash of critical reactors and munition blowouts.
But amongst it all that wasn’t even the most of it.
For a brief moment I had thought the U.N. had decided to throw their entire moon at the fleet, another break-tail juke to smash as much of the fleet as they could; but the vectors were all wrong. They weren’t propelling here, they were taking off from her. The light of the moon was ablaze, obscured with towering pillars of smoke and fire, cacophonous trails of burnt oxygen and hydrogen traced a stampede directly to the extermination fleet. No, what they had actually chosen to do was far worse.
They’d stowed what looked like a never ending salvo of gargantuan missiles waiting for the exact moment to drop everything they had on the extermination fleet. A thought crossed my mind, a display from some stars-forsaken exhibit in the capital’s museum called ‘true evil’, its content was positively laughable now, about how many atomics humanity had made before they’d ’annihilated’ themselves. I think the curator had harvested the numbers a shear or two short. The sky lit up like a battery of strobes, the constant cracking light of splitting atoms nearly turning night to day as they spread like a blight through the assaulting fleet.
I couldn’t help but pull my lips back in a smile as my tail thumped rapidly against the stone beneath me. That mote of hope in my chest grew, watching the burning hulks full of people who wanted nothing more than to destroy everything about this world I’d come to love break apart, venting atmosphere as they sat, hanging in the void. Some tried to turn tail and limp away, some slipped into Earth’s gravity, their battered hull sections turning to voracious fireballs as they plummeted toward the hard, unforgiving dirt below.
Should’ve stayed home.
The thunk and twang of Chris’ instrument slipping from its case harvested my attention, my eyes sliding from the battle high above to the glowing white instrument resting in his hands. His own eyes turned to the sky, hovering for a moment as he plucked a few discordant notes from the instrument before looking back down and over to me, meeting my gaze.
“‘Suppose now’s as good a time as any.” He shrugged, giving me a small smile as I nodded, wrapping my tail around his wrist before gently nuzzling into his neck and turning my eyes back to the battle.
The sharp, plucky, barking twang of the banjo called out across the mountain tops, echoing back to us like a distant friend as Chris’ voice filled the air, joining the banjo in its reprise. The slow, wavering song danced between us just as the violence for the stars above, weaving amongs the whispering chorus of the trees and the chattering, throaty backing of evening insects.
“But I want to be where all the stupid shit I say Sounds so romantic and true.
Cause I'd rot in hell with you,
If you'd just ask me to.
I love the shitty things we do together,
Live with me in this sin forever.”
Memories flooded my mind with the words and hanging notes that echoed across the valley before us. The panic of our first solo flight as Chris pushed Shamrock for everything she’d had to give us, trying desperately to keep her in one piece as he blew past every limiter to get Maeve to the hospital as fast as we could. Concern roiling in my chest as I helped him to the truck after he’d dove into the river after, soaked to the bone, shivering and frozen but still so proud. The frustration of the two of us hard at work on Polani the paw after we’d gotten her, tail, and elbow, deep in carbon, grease and oil as we cursed everything under the stars. The fear of the cradle as the thunder of shells slamming into Polani’s hull filled her halls, the horror as one stalked me within my home…
“Cause home is the last place that I'd stand to be with anyone but you.
I'd rot in hell with you, If you'd just ask me to.
I love the shitty things we do together, Live with me in this sin forever.
Hell and you, I know you want it too.
I hope you take the shot, see this chance.
Feel the fire, and let me have this dance with you.”
I pressed into his side with a contented sigh, listening to the last echoing twangs of the Banjo and his voice as they called back across the great expanse before us. A long, cool breath filled my lungs before I leaned up to give his cheek a small, loving lick as a purr rolled through my chest. “I love everything we do together too, Love. Almost as much as I love just having you in my life at all.”
His mouth split into that broad, goofy grin as his hand pulled me just a little closer, his heavy voice rolling through me, just as comforting as always. “I love you too, Darlin’.”
“So…” I whistled, my tail twitching back and forth with amusement as I spoke into his neck. “About that dan-”
The words faltered in my mouth as a building light caught my eye, harvesting my attention skyward.
There, seemingly hanging in the sky, a pair of ships were tangled, no speared together. Both of them were burning fuel as munitions explosions wracked their hulls and trailing plumes of wispy atmosphere vented from their hulls as they plummeted to earth together, locked in their own deadly dance. The fires of re-entry blazed across both of their hulls as parts, pods and melted trails of slag broke away from both of them. The rammer’s guns opened up, sending round after round out after the escape pods that had bailed from the other ship, turning scores of them into little more than puffs of smoke that never had a chance.
As the pair grew closer I could finally make out what they were, or at least who the aggressor was. A Federation light cruiser was speared dead in her midship by the unmistakable, sleek curves of a Venlil Destroyer ending in a hextet of thrusters that still belched plumes of burning hydrogen fuel into the sky as she drove her opponent towards the certain death of the mountains below them with everything they had. The screaming roar of the ship reached my ears, their cacophonous echos casting across the mountain range like the angered, belligerent wails of someone defending everything they held dear.
That ship doesn’t have U.N. markings… Stars above that ship… those are Venlil.
“Stars above…”
Chris and I watched what amounted to a grand, defiant headbutt as it traced its path down from the stars above. The pair of dancing ships continued their descent, pirouetting to the mountains below them like experienced partners just as their arms and thrusters screamed at each other like enemies with a centuries old grudge to settle.
“Shit… they’re comin’ down on Salt Pond.” Chris whispered, his eyes tracking the pair as they plummeted.
Mountains rose into sight beneath them, the distant mountain’s peak rose into the sky like it was anticipation, just hoping for the chance to dash the interloper across its face.
“H-How far is that?”
“‘Bout twenty miles as the crow flies. ‘Least no one lives on that one I think, ‘sides maybe the rangers.”
The fleets far above them were still locked in a furious fight, the monstrous flanks of the federation ships pushed on, crashing through the defenders like a harvester through wool-grass. Ships of both sides fell from their formations, ablaze like the stars around them, only growing brighter before flaring into catastrophic explosions that cast them into incalculable pieces that fell to the ground below like a meteor shower.
“Think they’ll manage?” I whispered, a sprout of fear and doubt managing to push past the stone of hope I’d done my best to embed in my heart.
“I hope so, Darlin’. I ho-“
The cacophonous screech and cavernous boom of metal crashing into stone, trees and dirt filled the air, drowning his voice out and sending birds scattering from the trees around us as the ground beneath us shuddered from the impact.
Then everything went whi-
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submitted by Liberty-Prime76 to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:15 angim350 Your Klutzy Vampire Yandere Kidnaps You To Keep You Safe [ASMR Roleplay] [A4A] [Apologetic Yandere] [Vampire Speaker] [Imprisoned Listener] [Kidnapping] [Tied up] [Sweet]

Hey all!
Okay, so I discovered ASMR about three/four months ago and... wow! So much content and it has been quite a nice thing for me to get into when life gets a bit tricky. After reading/listening to a lot of people's work, I decided to write a script. I do not intend to record this myself - nobody needs to hear my voice lol!!
I'm not expecting anyone to read, or comment - I wrote this for fun and curious to see what people think! However, if you do, thankyou!! Please feel free to leave a comment, and constructive feedback. Still learning the ropes, so to speak.
I'm definitely not expecting any voice artists to want to pick this up, but again, if you do, thankyou so much!! Feel free to post on Youtube, Patreon etc and I'm fine with monetization. Just please provide full credit to me and a link to the script :)
Also, I know I include a lot of directions on background noise, but I leave that entirely up to the artist! It's mainly to break up big blocks of exposition, but from the stuff I've listened to, I do prefer background noises. I just find it much more immersive.
As put in the title, I've deliberately kept both Yandere and listener gender neutral. Both Yandere and listener can be any gender! I wrote this for everyone! My personal preference would be Yandere girl, listener boy, but again, I'm not fussed if that's not your thing!
Finally, and I hope she doesn't mind me doing this, but I wanted to do a little plug to HuskyWolfGirl's YT channel. She was one of the first ASMR channels I found and really helped influence me in seeking out other content, both on Reddit and YouTube, and wanting to write my own stuff. Her work is really good and she deserves a much bigger following. Link here https://www.youtube.com/@huskywolfgirlasmr
So, the premise is you've been dating someone for a couple of weeks and you're starting to really like them. You've even been thinking that things could get pretty serious. That said, they are a bit odd, only ever meeting up with you at night, not eating a huge amount, and always being cold. One night, you finally get intimate with each other and something happens. They change into a strange creature right in front of you, with wings, big fangs and red eyes. The last thing you see is them coming at you, and everything goes dark...
Muffled noises. Fire crackling in a grate. Maybe some distant wind through the window.
A chair creaking. The sound of straining rope, which starts soft and then increases in volume. Someone has been restrained and is trying to free themselves.
Footsteps, loud and clunky as someone approaches.

Thank God! You’re awake. Finally! You’ve been asleep ages.

More staining rope noises, increasing in intensity.

(sounding worried)
Please don’t struggle. You’re only going to hurt yourself. I’ve been around a while. I know my way around a knot. Please. I said STOP.

The word ‘stop’ is echoey. It has power in it. The noises stop.

Okay. Thankyou.

Noise of a chair being pulled across the room.

Look, I’m sorry, okay. This was not the plan. I just want you to know that. I’m not going to hurt you, or do anything bad. I mean yeah, okay, tying you up isn’t great, I admit. But I just want to sit and talk with you for a little bit. If that’s okay.

Sound of Yandere sitting down. A slight rope strain.

Ah, you don’t think it’s okay. I get that. Honest, I’m sorry for having to restrain you like this. I tried not to make it too tight. Are you in pain? You are? Damn. I’ll try to keep this quick. I really am not going to hurt you. I promise.
I only had to tie you up because I need you to listen to me. And after what happened last night, I figured you’d only run if you saw me again. I wouldn’t blame you. But if you did try to get away before we’ve spoken, and I had to stop you, I could hurt you. Not intentionally or anything, but… ah, now you look even more confused.
(sighs again)
You want to say something to me. I’ll take the gag out in a minute, I promise. I know you probably hate me right now. This is all just typical me. Diving in head first, not thinking things through! And now we’re…I… I’m in trouble.
Don’t look at me like that!

The rope straining sounds start again. The listener really wants to get free.

Trust me when I say you’re not going anywhere. I’m hundreds of years old and you’re not the first person I’ve had to tie up in my time. Oh Jesus, that sounds so wrong.

At that, the straining stops. The listener is probably trying to get their head around what was just said.

Ahh yeah, urm, so that was a slip. I guess I just better get to it. Fact is, I know we’ve only been on a few dates, but things have been so good so far. You’re just so cool to hang out with. I really loved spending time with you, and I think you felt the same.
(beat, Yandere is studying the listener for an answer, but they are keeping still for now)
Honestly, I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone like you before. You make me feel something I haven’t felt in years. Decades. I’ve been alone a while, you know? I was kind of happy to be, until I saw you. I remember seeing you with your friends in the restaurant. Remember, the one I work at? You looked so happy, so full of life. You remember the first night we met? How you spilt a drink on me? Well, that wasn’t actually your fault. I just wanted an excuse to talk to you, so I tripped up near you. I’m pretty clumsy at the best of times, but I didn’t exactly put on an Oscar winning performance.
(yandere chuckles)
I kinda got the impression you figured that out to be honest. But you didn’t seem to care. I don’t think anyone has ever looked at me the way you did. I felt like the most special person in the room. In the whole universe. Are you cold? I’ll put more wood on the fire.

Sound of wood being added to the fire, and flames. Yandere sits down, hissing.

Shit, burned my hand! Typical. Is that better though? Don’t worry. I heal quickly, trust me. See? Ah damn, you look so pale. Please believe me. I won’t do anything to you. You’re everything to me. I know it’s fast. I know it’s odd! But you’re wonderful, and amazing, and beautiful and… I’m in love with you.
Remember what you kept saying to me? That you wanted to wait before we spent a night together until it was the right time? That we should get to know each other properly first? Well last night was just… wow. Being with you made it feel like my heart was beating again. It’s probably why… well, what happened last night happened.
What you saw was my true form. It happens sometimes when we lose control of our emotions. I’m usually so good at keeping myself in check. Lots of practice, you know? But I couldn’t help it. And once things got, urm, good last night…
I’m such an idiot. I shouldn’t have let it happen. But I was just enjoying it so much.
Oh my, you’re crying. Please stop.
Thankyou. Oh, now you look confused. When I want to, I can compel people to do things. Well, kind of. It doesn’t always work. Never really something I mastered, you know? I don’t like doing it anyway. I just don’t want you to be scared. I need you calm. I can hear your heart beating and it’s… distracting.
I can see you really want that gag out. I suppose I can do. Just don’t scream. Nobody is going to hear you.

Sounds of material as the gag is removed.

There we go. Oh, no, honey, please don’t… I said there’s no point screaming. Oh, go on then. May as well get it out your system, I guess.

Sounds of strained rope, a creaking chair and footsteps as the listener struggles and Yandere walks to the other end of the room. We hear water being poured into a glass and more footsteps as Yandere comes back.

Would you like some water? I can hold it up to… there you go. Not too fast! You’ve spilt it all down yourself now! I know it’s kind of cold in here for you. I can’t really feel it, you know? The cold, I mean. Well, my body is always cold. Kind of comes with the territory of… What? Let you go? I promise, I will do, okay? But there’s just a few things I need to discuss with you first.
I won’t hurt you! I would never… why don’t you believe… okay, yeah, I know it looks bad I tied you up like this.
Okay, no need to be rude. I know you’re upset and…
That’s enough!
Now, I took your gag out because you asked me to, but you will listen to me. Neither of us have a choice in that now. I was gonna wait to tell you this, you know? I mean, I don’t even know when I was gonna tell you. I hadn’t made my mind up. It’s kind of a hard thing to bring up, believe me. Like when do you do it? Third date? Just before I meet your parents? Wedding night? Honeymoon? Kinda hard to jump on a plane to the sunny Amalfi Coast if you run the risk of bursting into flame. But…
Ah, I’m rambling. Okay, I’m just gonna say it. Thing is, well the truth is, I… I’m a Vampire.
Okay, so now you think I’m crazy, wonderful. What? That ship had already… okay, you’re being rude again.

Sound of strained ropes again.

If you keep struggling like that you’re going to start bleeding. Not a very good idea, you think, given what I’ve just told you? Oh, there’s no such thing huh? Well then. Ask yourself if you can explain what you saw last night. My wings, my hair… my fangs. Like my entire body changed in front of you. I know you saw it.
Wait… no, you weren’t drunk.
And I certainly did not put anything in your drink! I mean, I did have to knock you out but that was just a small bump on the head! I didn’t plan this, you know! This isn’t some Baby Reindeer rip-off.
What? You hated that show? Me too, to be honest. Kind of creeped me out. I mean, how pathetic is that? I’m a 700 year old Vampire who kidnaps and ties up the person I’m in love with, and a crazy Scottish gal is too much for me. I mean, what the actual hell. You probably think I’m the worst Vampire ever.
I’m not lying to you. I promise. I wouldn’t lie to you about something like this. Here, feel my skin! It’s room temp, it’s always room temp! You always used to comment on how cold I was. Didn’t you ever wonder why we only ever met up at night? Why I never really ate that much when we went out to dinner? What, you think I live for Caesar Salad without dressing? Why do you think my face is always white?
Yeah, I knew you thought it was weird. But I knew you never wanted to say anything. I think I loved you for that even more. Despite everything, you still wanted to know me. Do you know how rare it is to find someone you really click with? Someone who sparkles for you like the brightest star, and the way they look at you means they might, just might, feel the same way? I mean, I thought you did.
Do you?
If you say yes, will I let you go? I don’t want you to say yes because you’re scared of me!
If I loved you, I’d untie your hands? Are they hurting? I… look, okay, I’ll untie you if it’ll make you feel better. But please don’t try anything. Please don’t. Thing is, the main thing I need to tell you is that you’re in danger. We both are, now you know what I am. Stay still.

Sound of rope being untangled.

Okay, there you go. Oh, your wrists look sore. I told you not to struggle too much! I can give you something for that. Okay, sorry, I know you’re still a bit nervous. I won’t try to touch you again unless I have to, so please stay in the chair. The ropes can go back on if they need to.
Why are we in danger? Well, it’s a bit complicated. Trying to condense two thousand years of Vampire lore into one conversation is a little hard, you know? I mean, there’s so much crap out there about Vampires. Half the stuff paints us as some sort of wild animal, whilst the other half… I swear I wanted to bite Stephanie Myer. But through all the literal shit they do get some things right. We exist. We live in secret in the human world. We used to be human, until another of our kind turned us, and we became what we are. We drink blood to survive.
Okay, I’ll ignore your sarcastic tone. How many are there of us? I’m really not sure, you know? Less than there was when I was first turned, I think. We spend a lot of time in hiding. We really don’t want the human world knowing about us. That part is true as well.
Because we are better off! When I was first turned, humans did know about us, and they hunted us. We Vampires, we are stronger than the average human. We also have faster instincts, and we’re very good at hiding. I don’t know for sure, but I think we kind of evolved to be really good at hunting, well… humans. No, please don’t move! I don’t do that anymore! I haven’t fed… I mean, I don’t drink human blood. That’s not what this is about! No…

Sound of running, and a whooshing sound like material flying through the air. Then creaks as the listener is sat in the chair, followed by the sound of rope.

I told you not to try anything! I’m going to have to tie you up again now! How am I so fast? Have you not been listening? What? You think I want to keep you tied up? You promise you won’t try that again? Fine, I won't put the ropes back on, but please don’t.
I know this sounds crazy, but trust me, it’s real. I’m real. Vampires are real! I’m standing right in front of you! Can you not see me?
Where are we all? Well that’s the thing. Most of us tend to keep to ourselves. A while back now, I’m not sure when exactly, a decision was kind of made that we would avoid contact with humans. For every human we hunted, ten would spring up to hunt us back and it looked like it was to be all out war. So, we hid. Got the blood we need from animals. Only some of the bad ones still feed on humans, and even then they do it stealthily. They’re very smart. They use human laws and influence to hide themselves. It’s easy to get very rich when you’ve been around for hundreds of years. They’re the really bad ones.
Yeah, quite a few famous people are Vampires. But not all of us are like that. I don’t want to hurt anyone. Most of us try to live with humans. We get our blood from butchers, or hunting wild animals, and we just get by.
No. I haven’t seen any of my kind for a long time. Not directly anyway. I’m alone.
That’s a very long story. I will tell you, but I first need you to decide something. The thing is, the decision to keep away from humans and to hide, well, it was more than a decision. It was a general order. The accepted nature of a Vampire is that we do not reveal ourselves to humans unless… well unless we plan to make them one of us.
Please don’t move. I need to explain… don’t even think about it.
Don’t you understand? I can’t let you go because you know about us now! And you shouldn’t do. Sit down, please, or I will have to make you.

A chair creaks as the listener sits back down.

If we come into contact with humans, we take a lot of steps to avoid revealing who we really are. What we are. Most of us don’t risk getting close to anyone in case they figure it out. We can blend in, but the closer someone gets, the more they see us. Like you were starting to. And in moments of heightened emotion… well, you saw what happened.
Why am I telling you now? Because you saw me. You may not have known what I was, but you saw enough. And if you told someone, and they told someone… before you know it someone hears who we don’t want to hear. And then, they’d come for you. They’d come for both of us.
Remember I mentioned there are some powerful famous ones amongst us? Well, they like their lives. Exposing Vampires to the world could jeopardize that. And that is something that they won’t… believe me, you don’t want to piss them off.
I’m sorry, it’s not that I didn’t trust you, but I couldn’t take that chance. As long as you knew about me, you’d be in danger. Anyone you told would be in danger. Anyone who you might have told. Leaving you free, knowing about me… I just couldn’t do it. It’s why I had to kidnap you. I didn’t really have a lot of time to think.
(emotionally, like Yandere is holding back tears)
And now we’re done, aren’t we? I can see it in the way you’re looking at me. Please believe me. I would never have done this to you. I had no choice. I really didn’t. I swear. Being with you has been the best time in my life. And I’ve lived forever. It’s a long time to be alone.
Please say something.
What happens now? Well, this is where it gets a bit, urm, complicated.
I get it, you won’t tell anyone. And I believe you, I do. But it goes beyond that now. You know about us, and that knowledge is a curse. I know you, I know how conscientious you are. You’ll see Vampires in everything now. What if someone goes missing and you think a Vampire did it? What if you tell the wrong person? You’ll be dooming yourself, and you wouldn’t even know it.
Yeah, I said I’ll let you go, and I will do. Well, that’s kind of up to you. You’ve seen that I have the power of compulsion. Vampires can use this to alter memories. It’s hard, and we avoid doing it unless we absolutely have to, but we can. If you want to leave, right now, then you can. But I would need to remove from your mind any memory of me. All the times we spent together would need to go.
I could just try to remove what happened last night, yeah. But if I just disappear, you’ll look for me. Better you never met me. Better that I never existed for you.
(Yandere sniffs)
That is the price for your freedom, and for your safety. I will let you go, but you will go forever. We will never see each other again.
The process won’t harm you! I have done it before. You would simply go to sleep, and wake up at home. You could get on with your life.
Yes, I did mention you have a choice. The other option is that you don’t leave. You stay here with me.
No, not as my prisoner. Haven’t I told you I don’t want to hurt you? I have no interest in holding you against your will. If you were to stay, it would be your own choice. But the only way to guarantee your safety would be, well, the thing is, I would need to… you would need to become like me. A Vampire.
I’m afraid there isn’t another way. If you were to become a Vampire, you would be safe. Nobody would come after you. It would be in your best interests to not tell others about us. About what you were. But it’s more than that.
When I first entered into a relationship with you, I knew that if we were going to get serious, I would need to have this conversation eventually. I hoped we would be much further along than this, but there we go. It’s a lot to put on you, especially from someone you’ve not known that long.
If you were to become a Vampire, you could stay with me. Forever if you wanted. We could share eternity. Watch as this world grows and changes. There’s a lot of bad in it, but a lot of good as well. I could show it to you. We could see it together. For hundreds and hundreds of years.
There’s props to being a Vampire too. As I said, you have increased strength, and agility. You never get sick. Your body never changes, or ages. As long as you consume the blood you need, you don’t need any other form of sustenance. We don’t even need toilets! If nobody harms you, you can go on forever.
Yes. I’m serious. I’m offering you the world, if you want to take it.
(Yandere’s voice quivers. This next bit is hard for them to say)
Of course, you wouldn’t have to stay with me forever. Once fully turned, if you wanted to, you could leave. Make your own way in the world. But this couldn’t happen straight away. Becoming a Vampire is an intense experience that I can’t even begin to describe to you. Everything is turned up like 1,000 percent. It’s a lot, and it can be very hard to get used to. If I were to change you, you would need to stay with me and learn how to control this power. And it could take a while. You would not be able to even think about returning to your old life for months, possibly years. If you went back too soon, you would run the risk of hurting those you loved.
Yes. You would need to disappear. You would not be able to speak to your family, your friends, or anyone, for a long time.
Yeah, I already said you can stay with me. I would help you, and bring you anything you needed. In time, there’s no reason why you could not reconnect with your old life. But you would have to be so careful. No matter how well you manage to integrate, or how well you hide who you really are, you would be a Vampire. Always.

The fire crackles in the grate as the listener takes all of this in.

I know this is a lot, so I have one more thing I want to offer you. Stay with me, here in my home. Let me show you my world over the next few days. What it really means to be like me. You would not be allowed to leave here without me, and if you tried I would need to tie you up again, but if you promised me not to, then you can stay as long as you like. Or at least, until you make your final decision. Become a Vampire and accept a whole new life, or let me take your memories and return home. You can decide whenever you like, but just know that once you do, whenever that is, there is no going back.
So. My love. What would you like to do?

And that's it! I leave the ending open really. Either it can end here, or I write more!
If you made it this far, thanks for reading, and have a good day!!

submitted by angim350 to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:12 Unique_Relief_5601 Adrenaline is a Hell of a Drug pt. 10/???

Pri’Darya, Alcoranth Male, Pirate Captain
Oh where did it all go wrong? Me crew is dead, and my boy was brutally murdered.
In this void of sensation, I am only left with my thoughts. That stun baton has completely paralyzed me, and I know I’m being taken to a cryopod for holding, so I may as well dwell on my thoughts.
Was it taking the job where we messed up? No, I don’t think so. It was probably the bait. It worked too well. We caught too big of a Trorish.
I sigh internally as I can feel them lifting me up somewhere.
And we had such a good plan too. Well it wasn’t my plan, it was my boy’s plan. To send out a drone ship with a fake weapon system as a decoy so we can sneak up on them, it worked so well that they actually thought it was us.
I can feel them placing me down on a soft platform as a shadow seems to begin looming over me.
That Altrin girl could have gone for a pretty credit if we got her, but what the hells was that rifle she was using? I thought a fully automatic BYR was impossible due to the recoil and explosive payloads. But that white… whatever she was… She is completely terrifying. I thought she would just sell for a lot more since she kept her fur in good condition, so I thought she was just an assistant to that Altrin girl. Never in me life, would I expect a pretty girl like that to be so… terrifyingly deadly.
The air begins to turn cold.
Ah, I’m out of time to think… At least wherever I end up, I hope I don’t see that white furred girl again.
Cerelia, Altrin Female, Captain of The Opal Star
I sigh as we finish escorting the remaining crew to their quarters or work quarters, taking in consideration to take longer routes around the ship to avoid bodies that we haven’t had time to clean up yet. There were a few crewmembers we had to either escort back to their work areas or to communal areas due to bodies that we couldn’t avoid.
It’s going to be a long few days…
My attention is grabbed by my wrist data pad as I get a call from Triwt.
“Hey, Triwt, how are things going on your end?” I ask with a tiredness in my voice as I’ve been awake for roughly 13 or so hours now.
“Well, we’ve managed to move the majority of the bodies. Galactic Law doesn’t allow for spacing bodies.”
“It would be an easier clean up if we could.”
“Yes, but we still have to obey the law.”
We both sigh at the same time while I use my other hand to rub my face, trying to make my exhaustion go away with such a pointless attempt.
“Right, right…” I sigh again before continuing to speak, “Anyways, I’m setting up an autopilot course to take us to Verglas.”
“Yeah, sending you the information now.”
There’s a moment of silence from Triwt before she speaks, “You’re kidding me, right?”
“I wish I was.”
“An ice covered planet?
“Known to snow almost all the time?”
“Yes, but the cities and spaceport are built around a natural heat signature.”
“... You’re lucky I have a snow coat and that I have fur, but my fur isn’t really good at keeping out the cold.”
I hear her sigh on her end before I chime in.
“Wanna go meet up at Med Bay 07? Check in on Jordan?”
“Jordan? My my, Captain I didn’t know you were interested in him where you're already shortening his name.”
“It’s not like that! He said it was weird to hear everyone saying his ‘full name’ and prefers being called by his ‘first name’.” I huff in slight annoyance and embarrassment.
“Ah okay, does that mean we should all refer to him as Jordan then?”
“I believe so if that’s what he wishes.”
I mean I felt special when he wanted me to call him Jordan, but oh well.
“Okay, I’ll see you there, Cerelia.”

I slowly walk down the hall. It’s been quarantined due to the fact that there’s still blood and bullets on the walls and floor of the corridor. It seems that the trail of blood from Jordan has gone from red to more of a brownish black color.
I look up at a sign in the hallway that reads, “MEDICAL ROOM 07” which I smirk a little.
I always find it funny that despite it being a medical room, everyone calls it a Med Bay. I wonder where that name for it came from.
“Hey Triwt, I’m here-” I cut myself off as before me in the room is Triwt, Lys, and every crew member from the compromised safe room. Well all except for R’dorn.
I’m glad that prick isn’t here, but I wasn’t expecting everyone else to be here.
“Oh uh, hey everyone. Are we all here to see, Jordan Cores?”
Lys nods and speaks up, “Yes, and Triwt did inform us about his name preference. It’s a little bit weird, but we can do it if it’s what he wishes.”
I admit, I was almost a little bit annoyed that others were calling him Jordan now, but I have to let that emotion go for now as I’m here to see how he’s recovering, not to try and be an overprotective mother. I nod and walk over to the stasis regeneration tube as I look inside.
Part of me is glad that his arms and hands have already been fixed, but…
Not everything is going to be truly healed 100%.
I think to myself as I can see the formations of scars on his skin tissue. I noticed it the first time, but I don’t think he noticed it himself when he woke up after his first big injury. His wrists and knuckles are the most scarred, due to probably when he was punching that orange Alcoranth, but his wrists are from when he broke out of his restraints when we first found him.
Not the best memory to think back on… It hasn’t even been a full day yet. Oh, and where is Jordan going to sleep?
I then slowly bring myself to look at his face, which is almost finished healing. There’s a scar on his chin and a scar leading to under his right ear where the shot left his head. It’s not a major scar except for the entrance and exit wounds, but it’s still somewhat noticeable. If anything the white tissue of the scars make it stand out against his [tan] skin.
If only we had some higher grade Stasis Regeneration Tubes, maybe we could heal those scars as well… All we can do now is wait…
Jordan Cores, Human Male, Part-Time Security Worker
I take in a deep breath, gasping for air as I sit straight up in a cold sweat, holding onto my face and chest. My heart beats quickly and I sit there panting. I quickly check myself to make sure I’m not missing any body parts or anything.
“That is not an okay feeling!” I say aloud before shuddering.
It’s hard to describe how it feels to be in pain, everything slightly red in my vision, I was hearing my own heart thumping in my chest all the while I couldn’t hear out of my right ear, and then in the blink of an eye everything is fine, there’s no more pain just the sensation that something is missing while sitting on a bed of some sort surrounded by aliens.
Oh right the aliens.
I turn my head and look around me, and while I’m a little panicked, I’m able to calm down as most of them are sitting further back or standing near the walls. The only ones closer to me are Lys, Cerelia, and I think the white snake lady is Triwt if I remember correctly.
“Um… good morning?” I ask nervously as I look around the room. “Is it even morning?”
“No, it’s technically the middle of the night, Jordan.” Cerelia says as she puts her paw on my head and rubs my hair like my parents used to when I was younger. “But, we all wanted to be sure you would be fine when waking up and it would be cruel to leave you alone when waking up. That, and these crewmembers wanted to express their thanks for protecting them. Though, hopefully next time it won’t be such a violent display.”
“S-Sorry, I wasn’t really thinking when that happened.”
“To be fair you were shot in the head. I think they were more scared that you seemingly came back to life.”
“Y-Yeah… Uh, if it’s okay, can I maybe say hi to them then?” I ask, peering around her shoulder to look at the other crew members. She nods and steps to the side as a line forms of aliens who want to speak to me.

I never expected to spend the next 20 minutes receiving thanks from complete strangers, aliens nonetheless, but it was still nice. I also apologized if I potentially scared them for what they saw me do.
Also aliens apparently hug. A lot.
That would probably explain why Cerelia was petting my head as well…
The last person I expected to approach me was Triwt.
She slithered up to me and offered me one of her four hands, which I accepted, gently shaking it before she pulled me into a hug like the last 13 people did. After a few seconds she lets me go.
“Jordan, since you will probably be with us for a while, could I potentially offer you a job while you are on this ship?”
“H-Huh? A job?”
Triwt, Female Valis-Trobat Hybrid, Security Commander
I try to stay focused on giving Jordan this job offer, but something is really distracting me, especially with our upcoming destination of Verglas.
Goddess, he is super warm…
And that is Chapter 10! I know it's probably a bit more on the boring side, but it's to try and set up our trip to Verglas (which is a thin coating of ice on a rock. Ice Rock. Ice Planet)! I really liked the suggestions of an ice planet so thats where we're heading. Major Cities and spaceports are built on natural heat signatures which cause a lot of natural hot springs (ooo fun!). Also for our theorizers, no, Pri'Darya will not be recurring, I just wanted to give him a name and their side of things in the aftermath.
Also it's time for Jordan to finally get a job! It hasn't been a full day and Triwt wants him on her team! This also means I can have an excuse for him to be around Lys and Cerelia more often. That being said, does Jordan get his own room, or does he have to bunkbed with somebody?
First Prev Next
submitted by Unique_Relief_5601 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:12 SexxxMelaneexxx Poems

. Cinquain: Whisper, Soft breeze, Rustling through leaves, Nature's gentle melody, Serene.
. Ghazal: Moonlight spills, a silver stream, Love's refrain, a poet's dream. Roses weep, their petals gleam, Lost in verses, shadows scheme.
Sestina: Moonrise casts its ethereal glow, Each night, a cyclical ebb and flow. Stars witness tales, both high and low, As time weaves stories, to and fro.
Tanka: Autumn leaves descend, A tapestry of farewell, Crisp whispers of time. Nature's brush strokes paint the scene, Seasons change, memories cling.
Pantoum: In the moonlit dance, shadows play, Shadows weave tales in the silvery night. Echoes of laughter, whispers sway, Night unfolds its magical light.
. Rondel: Sunset's hues in vibrant array, Paint the sky in hues of gold. Nature's masterpiece, bold and bold, A canvas where dreams hold sway.
. Rondeau: Joyful laughter, a sweet refrain, Echoes through the sunlit glade. Hearts entwined, a bond well made, Love's melody, a constant gain.
. Triolet: Whispers of wind through ancient trees, A tale told by the rustling leaves. Whispers of wind through ancient trees, Nature's song, a timeless tease.
Quatrain: Moonlight weaves a silken thread, Night unfolds in shadows' spread. Stars whisper secrets overhead, Dreams bloom in the quiet bed.
Elegy: In the quiet of the setting sun, Memories linger, stories spun. A solemn ode to what is done, Elegy for a life well-run.
. Ode: Sing, muse, of nature's wondrous grace, A symphony in every living trace. Ode to the moon's soft, glowing face, Illuminating night's quiet embrace.
. Ballad: In a valley where the rivers twine, A ballad echoes through ancient pine. Heroes rise, and villains decline, Tales of love and loss intertwine.
. Epic: A saga unfolds in realms unknown, Heroes clash with a thunderous tone. Epic battles in a world overthrown, A timeless tale, through ages, is sown.
. Narrative poem: Through the forest and over the hill, A narrative weaves, tranquil and still. Characters dance, their destinies fulfill, A poetic journey, a quill's skill.
Epigram: In few words sharp, a truth unveiled, Wit and wisdom in balance, finely scaled. Life's ironies, humor exhaled, Epigram, where truths are hailed.
submitted by SexxxMelaneexxx to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:54 SufficientWhile5450 How the hell do you prime an MP8, after introducing a shit ton of air into the system (and by a shit ton, I basically mean “oops, all air”)

How the hell do you prime an MP8, after introducing a shit ton of air into the system (and by a shit ton, I basically mean “oops, all air”)
Basically here’s how this went
New tech does oil change, forgets gasket on fuel water separator. He gets it started, dies 3 minutes later
Now the new tech was alone, and someone told him over the phone to “check for double gaskets and keep priming”
He confirmed there was not 2 gaskets, but forgor to confirm that there was even 1 lmao
So anyway the manager tells him to keep pushing the primer button till it starts, so primes it for 3 hours. Which I presume instead of getting air out. He basically pumped 3 hours worth of air in, and continueously tried to crank it. So I’m reckoning the fuel lines are completely empty throughout the entire truck
I replaced both fuel filters, filled them to the brim. Primed for a good while my self with the dumbass button, while checking fuel filter levels. They never got lower during hand priming. and gotten nothing
The pic is a diagram of the fuel filter housing assembly in question, as far as I and everyone at my shop can tell, there is no port to hook up a davco primer to prime it like you could with Detroit and paccar
I’ve taken off the primer button itself, cleaned the algae build up off to make sure it’s getting adequate flow.
Everything I look up points to “injector cups killed them selves from continuous trying to start with no fuel”, but can find almost nothing related to MP8s, just Volvos with this same style of fuel filter housing (which I reckon is pretty much the same thing but I’m no master tech obviously)
Feels like I’m missing something stupid obvious to get this thing started so if anyone has any ideas I’m game to try it
submitted by SufficientWhile5450 to DieselTechs [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:53 kongarthur18 What's the strongest dynakinetic/physics power/perk you know?

the strongest I know is either The Terror Cosmic from One Punch Man
500CP - The Terror Cosmic
Let all mortals tremble in fear, for you have attained the power of God. You have
gained the knowledge of the flow of all energy and behavior of all forces in the
universe and as such can bend them to your will. You can rapidly create portals in
space, manipulate gravity, utilize nuclear fission to generate nuclear explosions
with your blows, you can even create gamma ray bursts. You can also emit
cosmic radiation at will, which will kill most normal humans even if they're very
powerful. With time and practice you may be capable of much more, after all, all
forces in the universe are at your fingertips. Not even time is beyond your grasp
Or this from god of highschool
Wisdom of the Sage- 1000
You inherited a portion of the King’s Power, the innate Divine ability of the Jade Emperor Ohkwang.
This power allows for the manipulation of the Four Fundamental Forces of the Universe. Strong
Force, Weak Force, Electromagnetism and Gravity. The King himself was able to fling whole planets
around the solar system like pinballs or disintegrate half the bodies of High Gods with a wave of his
hand and his true successor, Han Dae-Wi, will be every bit as mighty. You however, have only
received a portion of this power. You could fly or destroy whole houses with a thought or construct
various weapons and items from thin air but the heady heights of power the Kings possessed are
years away from you. As time passes and you practise your power, you will grow in both the control
you have, the range of your ability and the magnitude of what you may effect. This ability turns one
of your iris’ wholly black, with a golden Omega symbol in place of your pupil, at least when the
ability is in use.
submitted by kongarthur18 to JumpChain [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:52 curiouskyles Are all these meds necessary? And does this sound like mcas?

I have had Pots and dysautonomia for years and recently have had the worst stomach pains in my life. I constantly wake up at 3am with stomach pressure, tremors, and a racing heart. I have had several scans and blood tests with doctors of all kinds and all came back normal (except high tryptase, low vitamin d, low cortisol, and positive for lupus but low ANA.) For the high tryptase my dr who is not an mcas specialist said to test again in 6 months to see if it gets higher, but urine histamine was normal.
Went to an allergist and he wants to treat me for mcas to see if mast cells are affecting my stomach. But it seems weird to me because I don’t have outright mcas symptoms, like regular hives or anything. I did get hives on my hands last year but I traced it to a shampoo and when I stopped using it they went away.
I do get anaphylactic symptoms from tree nuts (not shock but high heart rate). I have had allergies my whole life. I react bizarrely to meds and other chemicals. But I don’t feel like my symptoms match with all your experiences here?
Mostly scared because he wants me to take Pepcid (makes my heart skip beats), Allegra (never tried it), cromolyn (also never tried), albuterol (I do use albuterol on occasion for asthma so not a big deal), and montelukast (I am not mentally well with all my health issues so this seems concerning to add to the mix).
I asked if I could start slow but he said I have to start all of them at once for 6 weeks or he won’t know if I have a mast cell issue. Is that true? Do you think it’s worth taking all these meds or is he just taking a stab in the dark?
submitted by curiouskyles to MCAS [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:52 Healthiermetoday07 The Most Important Vitamins for Men: Essential Nutrients for Optimal Health

Maintaining optimal health requires a balanced diet rich in essential vitamins and minerals. For men, certain vitamins play critical roles in supporting bodily functions, enhancing energy levels, and reducing the risk of chronic diseases. This blog explores the most important vitamins for men, highlighting their benefits and sources to help you achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Vitamin D: The Sunshine Vitamin

Benefits: Vitamin D is crucial for bone health as it aids in the absorption of calcium, thereby preventing osteoporosis and fractures. It also supports immune function, reduces inflammation, and has been linked to improved heart health and mood regulation.
Note: Men, especially those living in areas with limited sunlight, should consider regular vitamin D level checks and supplementation if necessary.

Vitamin B12: Energy and Brain Health

Benefits: Vitamin B12 is essential for red blood cell formation, DNA synthesis, and neurological function. It helps prevent anemia and supports mental health, enhancing memory and reducing the risk of depression.
Note: Older men and those with absorption issues should monitor their B12 levels closely.

Vitamin C: Immune Booster and Antioxidant

Benefits: Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that protects cells from damage, boosts the immune system, and enhances iron absorption. It also plays a role in collagen production, promoting skin health and wound healing.
Note: Regular intake is necessary as the body does not store vitamin C.

Vitamin A: Vision and Immune Health

Benefits: Vitamin A is vital for maintaining healthy vision, especially night vision, and supports the immune system. It also plays a role in skin health and reproductive functions.
Note: Balance is key; both deficiency and excess can cause health issues.

Vitamin E: Antioxidant Protection

Benefits: Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant, protecting cells from oxidative stress and supporting immune function. It also contributes to skin health and may reduce the risk of heart disease.
Note: A balanced diet usually provides adequate vitamin E.

Vitamin K: Bone and Heart Health

Benefits: Vitamin K is essential for blood clotting and bone health. It helps maintain bone density and reduces the risk of fractures, and also plays a role in heart health by preventing arterial calcification.
Note: Consistent intake is important, especially for those on blood-thinning medications.

Folate (Vitamin B9): Heart Health and Cell Function

Benefits: Folate is crucial for DNA synthesis, cell division, and the formation of red and white blood cells. It helps reduce the risk of heart disease and supports mental health.
Note: Adequate folate intake is essential for all men, particularly those planning to start a family.


A well-balanced diet that includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains is the best way to ensure adequate intake of these essential vitamins. However, individual needs may vary based on age, lifestyle, and health conditions. Men should consider regular check-ups and consultations with healthcare providers to determine any specific vitamin deficiencies and appropriate supplementation if necessary.
By focusing on these key vitamins, men can support their overall health, enhance energy levels, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases, leading to a healthier and more vibrant life.
submitted by Healthiermetoday07 to u/Healthiermetoday07 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:51 MinatoUchiha212121 The Demon and The Puppeteer, my short story

I doubt many of yall will see this, but if you do, don't scroll down.
The Demon and the Puppeteer is about a boy, who after losing family in a brutal civil war, learns through embracing his family's art of puppetmaking, how to grieve for the ones he lost. However a Demon lurks in the shadows, and offers the young boy a chance to bring everyone he lost back to life, and in return the boy must make for him a puppet body that would allow him to attatch himself to the mortal plane. it's USD$2.99 on amazon
Furthermore I would like to add that if anyone wishes to review it, I would be happy to give yall a free copy. please chat me up for any questions, ideas, or really anything.
To any other writers, stop caring what other people think, and go with the flow, take all the criticism you can get, but don't let hate or doubt seep into your being.
submitted by MinatoUchiha212121 to ebooks [link] [comments]
