Ascii pedobear


2021.09.04 22:52 Practical_Policy521 REGRAS DA LIVE DO MEC

Antes de tudo, queria explicar a diferença entre BAN e TIMEOUT (ou TO), já que muitos se confundem.
BAN = banimento permanente, ele nunca sai (a não ser que algum MOD ou o próprio MEC retire -> você pode recorrer ao unban pela própria ferramenta de solicitação de unban da Twitch, são os MOD’s que analisam e não o MEC, logo, cada MOD tem seu tempo e suas obrigações, então pode ser que demore um tempo até que seu pedido seja analisado).
TO = TimeOut, um “Tempo Fora”, é um tempinho que você fica suspenso do chat por algo que você falou/fez e pode durar de 1 segundo até 14 dias.
IMPORTANTE: Há muitas regras aqui mas ainda assim não são todas, é impossível listar todas as coisas que possam gerar um timeout ou banimento, então que fique claro que qualquer coisa que os MOD’s ou o MEC considerem que está violando o bem-estar e convívio da comunidade, será aplicada a punição, mesmo que não esteja aqui no documento.
REGRAS PRINCIPAIS-------------------------------------------------------- ➜ Backseat Ou seja, não dê dicas ou spoilers sobre o jogo - mesmo sendo falsos -, a não ser que o MEC permita. Muitas vezes ele faz “perguntas” sobre o que fazer, mas são somente perguntas RETÓRICAS, se você responder, você será punido.
➜ Pedir Para Mudar de Jogo A regra é clara: se você pedir para ele jogar outra coisa, você será punido com um TO (ou até mesmo banido, dependendo da forma que você falar). Mesmo que ele não esteja jogando nada de fato (por exemplo, se ele estiver vendo o Reddit ou conversando com o chat sobre algo), ainda assim, não fique pedindo para ele jogar X coisa, é falta de educação.
➜ Divulgações Divulgações são PROIBIDAS. Não importa se é uma vakinha ou a live do seu amigo: é banimento permanente. Se você mandar algum link aleatório demais, mesmo que não seja com o intuito de divulgar (por exemplo: links de reuniões no Google Meet), você também será banido. Divulgações no privado de membros da nossa comunidade também valem banimento, dependendo do contexto.
➜ Ofensas Se você ofender alguém (seja do chat ou algum amigo do MEC), você será punido severamente; tenha respeito com os outros. Muitas vezes o MEC está jogando algo com seus amigos e ele se exalta, mas eles são AMIGOS, você não tem o direito de ofendê-los (mesmo que de forma leve) e, caso você faça isso, você será banido. Também não fique falando que o MEC é “fresco/chato/egocêntrico/grosso/etc”, pois muito provavelmente você também será banido. Ofensas direcionadas a membros da comunidade pelo whisper (chat privado da Twitch) também acarretam em banimento.
➜ Preconceito Qualquer tipo de preconceito é ban: chegar na live com piadinhas de mal gosto (como chamar os outros de “gay”, “tchola”, “trap”, etc) resultará em seu banimento permanente da comunidade. Não queremos pessoas com tais comportamentos infantis no chat. Mandar “racismo”, “xenofobia”, “machismo”, entre outros, em momentos nada a ver, apenas como piada, também resulta em banimento.
Muitas pessoas não sabem, mas o emote TriHard (📷) muitas vezes tem conotação racista se utilizado em um contexto de roubo, conseguir coisas de graça, etc. Não o utilize para isso NUNCA, caso contrário, você será banido permanentemente. Utilize esse emote somente em situações que o contexto é tryhardar (ou seja, fazer um tremendo esforço, apelar ao extremo, passar dos limites tentando fazer algo).
Termos como “tchola” e “trap” têm o significado desconhecido por muitos, no entanto, se você usá-los na live, você será banido. Tchola tem o mesmo contexto de “baitola/boiola/etc”, termos ofensivos para quem é homossexual. Já trap é um termo extremamente preconceituoso muitas vezes utilizados para se referir a pessoas transexuais (trap = armadilha, ou seja, dá a entender que a pessoa é uma armadilha, uma farsa, apenas enganação); se você usar esse termo nesse contexto, você será banido.
OUTRAS REGRAS----------------------------------------------------------- ➜ SPAM Há vários tipos de spam, com os principais sendo:
➜ Emotes Não faça spam de emotes, é chato e polui o chat. Você não precisa mandar o mesmo emote diversas na mesma mensagem (apenas 4~5 já é o suficiente). Se você exagerar, o próprio bot vai te dar um timeout.
➜ Emotes Aleatórios Tente sempre mandar emotes que condizem com o contexto atual da live. Não mande emotes aleatórios demais, isso só polui o chat. É claro que só um emotezinho não vai poluir, mas a gente dá timeout para que vejam que não é o correto a se fazer; se a gente der brecha, o chat vai virar um puro spam de coisa sem sentido, então tentamos cortar o mal pela raiz.
➜ Bait de , “Você ganhou um sub…” e derivados Esses tipos de mensagens também se identificam como spam e você tomará timeout (ou até mesmo ban). Se várias pessoas começarem a mandar isso na mesma hora, o tempo de timeout irá aumentar gradativamente (de 10 minutos para 1 hora, de 1 hora para 1 dia, e assim por diante), até que parem com o spam.
➜ Mensagens Repetidas Não há necessidade de ficar mandando a mesma coisa repetidamente; isso é chato, polui o chat e só vai fazer com que os mods te deem um timeout. Não fique tentando chamar a atenção do streamer dessa forma, se ele não viu sua mensagem, não fique spammando pra tentar fazer com que ele veja, pois não vai adiantar.📷
➜ Copypastas Copypastas são engraçadinhas, no entanto, quando mandam em momentos inoportunos ou não percebem que é hora de parar, temos que dar timeout. Muitas vezes, quando a copypasta é muito grande, o próprio bot dá timeout.
➜ Caracteres Repetidos Mandar muitos caracteres repetidos também te resultará um timeout do próprio bot. Caso queira rir com “kkkk” você pode, é claro, mas não exagere, pois se você mandar muitos, você ganhará um TO por spam.
➜ ASCII ASCII’s também são muito engraçadinhas se são mandadas no momento certo, no entanto, elas também dão timeout, independente de qual seja. Pode ser timeout pelo bot (se for muito grande) ou manualmente pelos moderadores.
ATENÇÃO: ASCII’s NSFW (conteúdo sensível/pornográfico/+18) ou de qualquer tipo classificado como inadequado (ASCII nazista, fazendo referência a casos de assédio, etc) são perma ban. Se você mandar ASCII desse tipo (explícito ou não, assim como ahegão), você será banido permanentemente do chat e não terá volta.
➜ Capslock Não há necessidade de uso excessivo de capslock. Se você mandar uma mensagem com muitas letras em caixa alta, você ganhará um timeout (do bot ou dos próprios mods).
➜ OUTROS Sequências de mensagens enviadas que são contando números, com todas as letras do alfabeto, letras aleatórias, etc, os mods dão timeout. Qualquer tipo de mensagem que seja identificada como tentativa de spam receberá punição.
➜ Comentários Sobre a Aparência Dele O MEC não curte elogios ou comentários sobre sua aparência (positivos ou negativos); se você faz isso, parece que você está ali só pela aparência dele, e não pelo conteúdo. Comentários como “você tá lindo”, “quando vai cortar o cabelo?”, “gostoso” e derivados recebem timeout. Se for um comentário negativo, feito apenas para ofender, você receberá um ban. Também evite comentários como “eu te amo” ou “me nota”, isso é desconcertante e você também receberá um timeout.
➜ Falar Sobre Outros Streamers O chat é do MEC e o que deve ser falado lá são somente assuntos sobre a live do MEC. Não vá até a live dele para comentar que X streamer (ou até mesmo Youtuber) tá jogando (ou já jogou) algo ou fazendo algo em sua live. Também não fique pedindo que outros streamers participem da live nem fique perguntando deles, isso é desconcertante. O chat do MEC durante sua live é pra falar SOMENTE do que acontece em sua live. Se ele estiver procurando alguma pessoa para jogar em multiplayer, não spamme nomes de streamers se ele não pediu, isso só vai te acarretar um timeout; ele sabe quem ele quer chamar.
➜ Sub Shaming (e derivados) Sub Shaming é o ato de zoar inscritos de algum streamer. Não faça piadinhas com isso, seja com inscritos do MEC ou de outros streamers; é desrespeitoso e infantil. Exemplo: “Imagina ser sub de X streamer”, “credo, você é sub de X streamer” ou “X streamer frog (de forma a insultar e zoar)”.
➜ Falar Sobre o YouTube ou Enigmas Não chegue na live perguntando se ele abandonou o YouTube ou se ele vai fazer vídeos de X enigma. Perguntas desse tipo também são desconcertantes e vai te acarretar um timeout. Todos os dias e toda hora pessoas mandam isso pra ele, o que acaba enchendo o saco. Ele tem sim planos de fazer mais vídeos pro YouTube, no entanto, devido ao COVID-19, ele não pode colocar os planos em prática. O jeito é esperar e ir curtindo as lives enquanto isso :)
➜ Banphrases Banphrases são termos (palavras ou frases) que o bot dá timeout automaticamente. Não temos uma lista com elas para que não tentem burlá-las, mas com o tempo você aprende o que deve ou não falar. Se você falou algo, tomou timeout e não sabe exatamente o porquê, sinta-se livre para perguntar para algum mod que esteja online na hora (seja no chat após o timeout acabar ou enviando uma mensagem em seu whisper, além de que você também pode perguntar no nosso Discord no canal #dúvidas-stream na acaba conteúdo). Se não foi por spam e você não disse nada de mais, é quase certeza que foi porque você falou alguma banphrase.
➜ Links Somente inscritos, vips e mods podem enviar links. Se você tentar mandar e não for um dos três citados, você levará timeout automático do bot. Fazemos isso como uma forma de segurança, para que não façam spam de links aleatórios/nocivos/maliciosos.
ATENÇÃO: o bot identifica como link qualquer frase com .com ou _com, então mesmo que seja um site inexistente, o bot vai dar timeout.
➜ Pedir timeout/ban Se você está pedindo timeout ou ban, então você já sabe o que vai receber. No entanto, se ficar pedindo isso muitas vezes, você pode acabar ganhando um timeout longo (mais de um dia) ou sendo banido permanentemente de fato, por fazer spam.
➜ Comentários Sobre o Número de Viewers Não faça comentários sobre quantos viewers estão na live (ou compare com a quantidade de outras lives/outros dias), isso é chato e o MEC já disse diversas vezes que não gosta. Apenas curta a live e não comente sobre.
➜ Nicks Proibidos Nicks com palavras proibidas (m word, n word), com “loli” ou outros termos desse cunho e ofensivos poderão ser banidos. Não queremos nicks assim em nossa comunidade. Caso você mude o nick após o banimento, entre em contato com algum mod, para que possamos rever e talvez retirar o ban.
➜ Piadas com transtornos/doenças/pedofilia/zoofilia/estupro/etc Piadas com esquizofrenia, lolicon, animais (de forma sexual), abusos sexuais, agressão/assédio a mulheres, etc, receberão punição severa. Na maior parte dos casos, é banimento permanente.
O uso do termo PedoBear (PedoBear é esse personagem: 📷. Antes era um emote global da BTTV mas foi retirado por seu significado doentio) também é proibido, ele tem conotação de pedofilia (literalmente: urso pedófilo). Se você mandar em um momento que o contexto da live envolve crianças, etc, você será banido permanentemente e não terá volta. Não se faz piada com esse tipo de coisa.
➜ Bait com nome de duplo sentido Esses tipos de bait já perderam a graça e ninguém aguenta mais, se você mandar uma dessas (Paula Tejano, Benjamin Arrola, Fizza Now, etc), muito provavelmente você será banido.
➜ Pedir Salve Evite fazer isso. Ele não manda “salve”, “abraço” e coisas do tipo pra ninguém (não importa se foi um sub ou alguém que deu bits que pediu). Entenda que se ele fizer isso uma vez, vão achar que ele faz sempre e o chat vai se tornar uma onde de gente pedindo a mesma coisa. Para evitar isso, damos timeout em quem faz pedidos assim.
➜ Apologia à Pirataria Qualquer tipo de apologia à pirataria é passivo de ban. Não compactuamos com tais ações e, caso a pessoa não receba punição, o MEC pode ter problemas. O chat é dele e tudo o que falam nele está sob sua responsabilidade, logo, devemos punir quem comete tais ações.
➜ NSFW Como foi comentado no tópico de ASCII, quem mandar ASCII +18 é banido permanentemente. Quem mandar links que contém conteúdo +18, também será banido (seja o link de algum site pornô - mesmo que como brincadeira -, o link de algum desenho NSFW, etc.); nudez, seja explícita ou parcial, é ban.
➜ RPG Quando está tendo RPG, algumas regras são “adicionadas”. Se você fizer comentários como “cringe” ou “vergonha alheia”, você será suspenso do chat e talvez até mesmo banido, dependendo do contexto. Comentários como “X personagem é protagonista”, “X é o melhor personagem”, etc, recebem suspensão de 1 dia (pedido do próprio MEC). Ficar “shippando” os personagens, romantizando e sexualizando qualquer coisa que eles façam também é timeout.
➜ Tentativas de Burlar as Regras ou Recompensas por Bitcoins Caso você tente burlar alguma regra ou tente burlar o sistema de recompensas por Bitcoin da Twitch, você poderá ser suspenso por um longo período ou até mesmo banido. Seja honesto, admita seus erros; mentir é sempre pior.
➜ Pedir Sub Não peça sub, isso é chato. Se você ficar pedindo sub para as pessoas do chat, você somente irá ganhar um timeout. Mesmo que ele esteja em um jogo que MORTE = SUB, não fique pedindo a todo momento, não faça comentários como “morre logo” ou “só vim pelo sub”, isso é extremamente desconcertante.
➜ Outros Piadas e comentários que deem a entender que ele utiliza drogas ou coisas do tipo (chamar ele de drogado, falar que ele compra crack, etc) também serão motivo de banimento, isso é extremamente desrespeitoso e infantil (imagina só tu chegar em alguém aleatório na rua e falar “para de comprar crack kk”, duvido que tu não tomaria no mínimo uns 3 socão na cara pra largar de ser besta).
➜ Repostar conteúdo das lives dele Isso não se aplica diretamente ao chat, mas que fique claro que qualquer pessoa que repostar o conteúdo das lives dele será punido. NINGUÉM (a não ser ele próprio) tem o direito de reupar as lives dele (sejam inteiras ou apenas partes), se você fizer isso, saiba que você tomará strike. Não importa se você “não monetiza”, “não ganha nada” em cima disso ou se você faz uma ediçãozinha mínima e altera algumas coisas, você, ainda assim, NÃO tem o direito, o conteúdo não é seu.
Caso você saiba de alguém que está fazendo isso e quer denunciar, NÃO divulgue publicamente, isso só faz com que a pessoa ganhe mais reconhecimento e atrapalha mais ainda as coisas. Para denunciar, entre em contato com algum moderador da Twitch (seja pelo whisper da própria Twitch, pelo privado do Discord ou Twitter, etc), contanto que seja em seu privado, onde mais ninguém irá ver o canal que está reupando o conteúdo.
➜ Respeito acima de tudo Está claro que o respeito deve prevalecer, mas é bom deixar bem claro. Qualquer tipo de ofensa/xingamento a outros membros do chat é passivo de banimento; não faça piadinhas de mau gosto com ninguém (como “mod corno”, etc), esses são comportamentos infantis e não queremos gente assim em nossa comunidade. Se você fizer comentários xingando o chat num geral (chat merda/esse chat é ruim, só spamma/etc.), você também será punido. Respeite nosso chat e a forma que somos, e caso tenha dúvidas sobre como ele funciona, você pode checar nosso tutorial :) Nós também temos algo que chamamos de chat offstream, ou seja, é o nosso chat quando a live não está rolando. Ficamos conversando, fazendo amizades, jogando, ouvindo músicas, etc, ao longo do dia (e noite). Se você é novo, não chegue falando coisas como “vão dormir”; isso é chato e desrespeitoso com quem está lá apenas se distraindo e se divertindo (se você fizer isso, você vai levar um timeout). Para membros recorrentes do chat, evitem utilizar termos como newfrog/normie e derivados, pois este é um comportamento que consideramos tóxico (mesmo que você ache que não, é bom evitar, já que esses termos trazem um sentido de superioridade de “sou mais velho aqui, logo, sou melhor que você”). Quando alguém novo chegar, trate-o de maneira mais educada o possível; se ela chegar sendo rude, falando para que vão dormir, etc, deixe que os mods cuidem disso com timeout na pessoa. Não a xingue, não a ofenda, seja paciente. Também, quando forem mandar o tutorial para alguém, não force-a a ler, não precisa chamá-la de burra/analfabeta/cega; se a pessoa se comportar de forma inadequada por não ter lido o tutorial ou as regras, esta será punida eventualmente por um moderador. Se você ficar ofendendo-a, quem irá ser punido com suspensão será você. Num geral, caso algum membro do chat te ofenda (ou seja rude com você, acabe agindo de uma forma que te deixe incomodado, coisas assim), contate um moderador (seja por whisper com o print do que a pessoa fez, ou simplesmente marcando um mod no chat junto do nick da pessoa) que a situação será analisada e a pessoa será punida. Não fiquem se insultando e trocando ofensas, isso é incômodo para todos presentes e só irá acarretar em punição para ambos os lados.
CONSIDERAÇÕES FINAIS------------------------------------------------ Caso tenha alguma denúncia ou dúvida, sinta-se livre para falar com algum moderador no privado. Você também pode entrar em contato conosco através do nosso server oficial no Discord. Na aba de SUPORTE há o canal de #dúvidas-stream, onde você pode fazer perguntas sobre a comunidade e tudo o que envolve o MEC (seu canal do YouTube, Twitch, nosso SubReddit, etc), além de poder verificar o motivo de seu banimento ou de sua suspensão temporária no chat. Se viu algo que foge das nossas regras mas que passou despercebido pelos mods, além de poder denunciar para algum de nós no privado, você também pode mandar no #denúncias-stream, outro canal disponível no nosso server do Discord.
submitted by Practical_Policy521 to MecRj [link] [comments]

2019.01.07 08:41 areohdeee Car Salesman Meme mornhvjwa - Memes Gear / Merch.

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Handmade Keyboard Businessfocused modular Meme Gear image macro 4chan buzz honeys missing honey nut cheerios cheerios maddy maddys big surprise Michelle Grady meme lavender interface navigate interface New Hailey Small Granite Table Ergonomic Chair Cloned 5th generation Meme Gear eminem trump bet freestyle hip hop awards Perry Weissnat meme gold panel input panel Hesselport Ergonomic Wooden Pizza Refined Pizza Advanced analyzing Meme Gear steve morgan meg what is that zaragoza elliott sourcefed coffee machine sourcefednerd turney forhumanpeoples defranco Edward Bogisich meme green protocol copy protocol Pourosmouth Practical Granite Chips Sleek Keyboard Managed modular Meme Gear hivemind same post same Amina Schroeder meme silver microchip bypass microchip Littelville Incredible Soft Hat Intelligent Table Upsized 247 Meme Gear cats cute Terrance Hagenes V meme olive application program application West Kendra Sleek Cotton Mouse Fantastic Salad Intuitive national Meme Gear youtube 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submitted by areohdeee to MemeGear [link] [comments]

2019.01.06 13:51 areohdeee Hit OR Miss ufabhvxgs - Memes Gear / Merch.

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Dr Malika Reinger meme tan alarm hack alarm East Russel Tasty Concrete Chicken Generic Bike Extended intermediate Meme Gear money currency coin cryptocurrency satoshi nakamoto blockchain digital currency fiat currency economy Waldo Muller meme green pixel copy pixel South Katarina Unbranded Rubber Gloves Fantastic Pants Rightsized tertiary Meme Gear Classic bad luck Brian Ariane Schaefer meme green firewall calculate firewall East Gilbertoton Tasty Plastic Soap Tasty Tuna Centralized dynamic Meme Gear 4chan parrot paranoia paranoid parrot advice dog awkward Judah Schimmel V meme teal application generate application Hicklemouth Sleek Wooden Soap Handcrafted Soap Fundamental freshthinking Meme Gear german wwii flamethrower flammenwerfer hans get the flammenwerfer Gabriel Von meme lavender protocol synthesize protocol Madelinebury Handmade Rubber Chair Generic Mouse Visionoriented secondary Meme Gear youtube celebrity anthony ian Mr Benton Shanahan meme magenta circuit copy circuit Lake Jessie Licensed Concrete Keyboard Gorgeous Cheese Opensource encompassing Meme Gear smash bros little mac leak photoshop Enos Schuppe meme violet bandwidth navigate bandwidth Harrisview Refined Concrete Car Licensed Shoes Grassroots userfacing Meme Gear spanish hashtag slang Eldon Olson meme fuchsia firewall synthesize firewall West Elzaburgh Awesome Concrete Tuna Practical Gloves Intuitive impactful Meme Gear splat tim nintendo photoshop splatoon he does it Vicente Denesik meme maroon monitor synthesize monitor West Scotty Generic Steel Car Sleek Towels Upsized next generation Meme Gear pedobear 4chan rape time btards ao oni pewdiepie abridged series yugioh Mellie Carroll meme purple pixel parse pixel Beulahmouth Rustic Metal Pants Handcrafted Table Secured systemworthy Meme Gear remix Julia Denesik meme white application generate application New Jenaborough Unbranded Cotton Towels Fantastic Shoes Diverse demanddriven Meme Gear metroid metroid other m the baby metroids samus aran Jace Torphy meme white circuit program circuit Lake Aleenfort Sleek Soft Cheese Sleek Car Selfenabling logistical Meme Gear nsfw tumblr butt booty Lilla Cummerata meme turquoise protocol program protocol Aureliabury Handcrafted Rubber Table Unbranded Keyboard Reduced global Meme Gear template 4chan draw age 10 age 13 age 16 current age survey Dr Mireille Baumbach meme violet card connect card Carmenport Handmade Metal Shoes Small Tuna Centralized 6th generation Meme Gear anime japan fandom genre manga lesbians homouality Ellie Armstrong meme orange firewall synthesize firewall Coyshire Fantastic Rubber Pants Rustic Car Mandatory bidirectional Meme Gear As a man on the job hunt Marty McKenzie meme plum pixel calculate pixel Beckerburgh Tasty Fresh Keyboard Gorgeous Fish Grassroots didactic Meme Gear qwop game steam frustration Jazmyn Stroman meme fuchsia program parse program Schinnerland Handmade Metal Keyboard Sleek Bike Opensource neutral Meme Gear georgia changeorg police investigation Noble Aufderhar meme tan bandwidth bypass bandwidth South Elenor Awesome Plastic Car Rustic Mouse Fundamental multitasking Meme Gear tumblr pedophilia ships fandoms snowclone Jared Beier meme orchid capacitor reboot capacitor East Gayle Sleek Soft Gloves Practical Table Assimilated responsive Meme Gear japan gaming subculture namco video game title puzzleaction game katamari damacy Iva Bartell meme orchid protocol copy protocol Rowenafurt Tasty Soft Bike Licensed Cheese Extended homogeneous Meme Gear mlk martin luther king jr black history black twitter Wilber Lebsack meme indigo interface connect interface Minnieborough Practical Wooden Hat Generic Ball Visionoriented encompassing Meme Gear promotions nsfw content response image macro 4chan v board Arlo Mante meme lime circuit parse circuit Runolfsdottirberg Sleek Soft Cheese Sleek Bacon Profound systemworthy Meme Gear 4chan blackup habbo raid pools closed Cindy Howe V meme ivory card reboot card Goyetteland Ergonomic Soft Hat Ergonomic Soap Qualityfocused stable Meme Gear none Velda Dickinson meme orange bandwidth navigate bandwidth Alexandrofurt Licensed Rubber Bacon Fantastic Shirt Multilayered 4th generation Meme Gear jenna jackson oompa loompa girl Kellen Grady meme white feed parse feed Lake Sallytown Sleek Cotton Salad Intelligent Pants Secured asynchronous Meme Gear angerduck scratch sonicshorts Genoveva Wehner meme plum monitor transmit monitor Champlinmouth Refined Frozen Chicken Refined Bike Advanced discrete Meme Gear politics caption laugh laughter taxes saying Melody Daugherty meme purple bus calculate bus South Cornell Handmade Concrete Sausages Incredible Pizza Total cohesive Meme Gear koormin laktrip koorminoglaktripbloggno laaban knute justin bieber trolololo me gusta Abbey Kemmer meme green feed compress feed West Callie Tasty Concrete Fish Awesome Soap Preemptive 247 Meme Gear fantasy buffy joss whedon tv show television vampire vampires Mr Clifford Ratke meme teal circuit synthesize circuit Aishaburgh Gorgeous Cotton Pants Awesome Keyboard Decentralized national Meme Gear machinima gears of war seriousness tai fanboy bradley motherwell arron clegg ben closson choob haruhi Lera Dach meme teal driver hack driver Domingohaven Incredible Metal Cheese Practical Chips Synchronised realtime Meme Gear twitter obama photo meme jihad conservative liberal Brittany Hermann meme red feed connect feed Gradyborough Licensed Rubber Tuna Small Car Adaptive motivating Meme Gear politics politician republican florida governor 2016 us presidential election bush Jules Wilkinson meme orchid feed input feed Watersstad Handcrafted Wooden Pants Fantastic Cheese Standalone discrete Meme Gear viral videos comedy take on me aha running joggingmanchallenge ready to monday Luis Kuhlman meme teal matrix generate matrix Monahanland Practical Metal Tuna Generic Shirt Diverse background Meme Gear swagg Mr Hans Ryan meme violet system index system South Vickiefurt Refined Plastic Chicken Fantastic Bike Streamlined national Meme Gear football soccer arsene wenger sign protest Michael Jast meme azure bus program bus New Noemie Fantastic Steel Soap Practical Ball Persevering evenkeeled Meme Gear pepe matt furie activism campaign Molly Gutmann meme purple capacitor transmit capacitor East Ritafort Sleek Steel Soap Licensed Salad Reengineered didactic Meme Gear steinsgate okabe kurisu anime sg sg0 leskinen funny weird steins gate meme visualnovel hououin kyouma rintaro lintahlo Jack Lynch meme tan system copy system Kileyberg Handcrafted Fresh Tuna Unbranded Hat Visionary intangible Meme Gear remix copypasta 90s fresh prince will smith Mr Verlie Osinski meme grey transmitter bypass transmitter Priceview Intelligent Fresh Bike Generic Bacon Functionbased freshthinking Meme Gear feelingnuts celebrity cancer photo fad activism charity selfie Ezra Murphy meme indigo firewall synthesize firewall Lake Stoneburgh Awesome Concrete Bike Fantastic Fish Phased upwardtrending Meme Gear tumblr psychic copypasta ascii gifs dialogue Ashleigh Lindgren meme black firewall transmit firewall Stiedemannmouth Handcrafted Plastic Bike Handmade Gloves Publickey intangible Meme Gear catchphrase expression reaction image internet Alison Kuhic meme indigo matrix back up matrix Okunevahaven Ergonomic Rubber Bike Awesome Hat Polarised systemworthy Meme Gear brad pitt angelina jolie divorce Carissa Hickle meme violet feed transmit feed Jamesonbury Practical Steel Table Incredible Cheese Reverseengineered background Meme Gear saban power rangers super sentai tokusatsu toei samurai turbo rita repulsa alfa w force rpm megaforce goldar lord zedd lightspeed rescue ninja storm dino thunder operation overdrive time force lost galaxy 90s magical girl w sto Mozell Kertzmann meme plum interface hack interface Lake Gabriel Refined Rubber Towels Awesome Ball Reduced tertiary Meme Gear faith dopeness broing out fnf Meta Green meme silver array back up array Ziemannview Awesome Granite Hat Generic Shoes Extended needsbased Meme Gear sleepy hollow ichabod tom mison sleepy hollow meme original meme Gino Dare meme violet bandwidth back up bandwidth East Jamelland Rustic Wooden Soap Rustic Keyboard Reverseengineered global Meme Gear single character image macro advice dog Georgianna Huels meme indigo firewall connect firewall Port Adolfville Handcrafted Concrete Pants Awesome Towels Reactive directional Meme Gear sven kramer gerard kemkers speedskating vancouver fail Amalia VonRueden meme green program program program Devynmouth Generic Cotton Towels Handmade Mouse Robust responsive Meme Gear nyet poster ussr russia Miss Sherman Marks meme magenta program bypass program North Tatemouth Ergonomic Concrete Tuna Unbranded Shoes Exclusive contextuallybased Meme Gear tweet hijack hashtag Miss Rex Borer meme blue alarm override alarm North Lyric Refined Frozen Mouse Practical Gloves Configurable wellmodulated Meme Gear line rider flash game web game Bettie Cartwright DVM meme magenta capacitor copy capacitor VonRuedenland Unbranded Frozen Soap Tasty Towels Optimized explicit Meme Gear everything is ok irl meme human race -
submitted by areohdeee to MemeGear [link] [comments]

2019.01.04 02:43 areohdeee Memes Gear - wzbrxvyjlfpidgemuk - Meme Merch.

Meme Gear! Memes Merch CHEAP AND FREE SHIPPING on Ebay and Etsy!!!! ------> 23344335
Lucas Mills meme black panel hack panel Soniafurt Sleek Frozen Sausages Tasty Chicken Devolved composite Meme Gear drugs adderall adhd medications performance enchancment Lorenzo Cremin meme red transmitter compress transmitter New Lukasberg Handcrafted Frozen Car Practical Salad Organized clientserver Meme Gear none Miss Aurore Nolan meme fuchsia panel parse panel Lake Sharonside Licensed Granite Soap Handmade Sausages Mandatory local Meme Gear twitter white girls basic Stefanie Hagenes meme magenta driver bypass driver Lake Eusebio Ergonomic Frozen Bacon Rustic Gloves Operative contextuallybased Meme Gear celebrity photoshop advertisement bieber Reese Kuhn meme white port quantify port New Sheldon Incredible Soft Bacon Tasty Chair Ergonomic userfacing Meme Gear lol lolface funny sticks meme lollies carez 4 1 Katelyn Fahey meme blue pixel navigate pixel Lake Agustin Fantastic Fresh Car Fantastic Towels Usercentric contextuallybased Meme Gear Nothing more annoying than slow walkers Waldo Muller meme green pixel copy pixel South Katarina Unbranded Rubber Gloves Fantastic Pants Rightsized tertiary Meme Gear Classic bad luck Brian Beau Klocko I meme plum card reboot card Jacobsonhaven Small Granite Mouse Handcrafted Salad Advanced neutral Meme Gear art paint reddit novelty painting watercolor novelty account Greta Von meme mint green card synthesize card Cummeratafort Unbranded Rubber Shoes Unbranded Chips Synergized exuding Meme Gear sailor moon laughing girls Miller Cassin meme lavender feed copy feed Leannonland Refined Wooden Cheese Intelligent Tuna Persistent foreground Meme Gear 3rd rock from the sun omg im gorgeous Nick Mayer meme mint green array navigate array South Stevie Unbranded Fresh Bacon Gorgeous Computer Crossgroup zero administration Meme Gear video games quicksave skyrim gamer ps4 xbox Sydnee Runolfsdottir meme magenta alarm index alarm East Aniya Refined Soft Hat Small Gloves Fundamental neutral Meme Gear dog anthropomorphic dog dog photo Mellie Carroll meme purple pixel parse pixel Beulahmouth Rustic Metal Pants Handcrafted Table Secured systemworthy Meme Gear remix Orin Robel meme lime alarm transmit alarm Moshestad Ergonomic Wooden Tuna Gorgeous Table Standalone uniform Meme Gear you know blog facts did single topic blog entry of 2012 tumblr subgenre Lisa Gislason V meme pink port override port Goodwinberg Unbranded Wooden Mouse Unbranded Fish Synergized contextsensitive Meme Gear fresh prince ytp fresh prince of belair carlton banks carlton Dr Hollie Heidenreich meme maroon hard drive synthesize hard drive Wermanville Ergonomic Rubber Chips Tasty Chicken Preemptive 6th generation Meme Gear film halloween cult classic horror Ryder Rutherford IV meme maroon card navigate card East Bulahburgh Unbranded Wooden Computer Sleek Towels Expanded ecocentric Meme Gear assumption song Burdette Flatley meme blue panel copy panel South Thaliafort Fantastic Concrete Car Intelligent Cheese Ameliorated methodical Meme Gear youtube japan deviantart niconico douga nonenglish hand drawn animation yoeko kurahasi Arno DuBuque meme cyan transmitter generate transmitter Port Anyaside Awesome Wooden Ball Awesome Salad Enhanced national Meme Gear vegena vagana bitch lasagna vagine vegana pusi indian facebook rindianpeoplefacebook vagene bobs and vagene vegene Danielle Beer meme turquoise program hack program Port Jefferey Refined Granite Pizza Refined Mouse Compatible encompassing Meme Gear series two and a half men alan harper Yasmin Hoppe meme grey port quantify port Carmeloberg Licensed Metal Fish Tasty Gloves Automated radical Meme Gear darkingfear Hudson Olson meme blue firewall synthesize firewall North Etha Awesome Cotton Shirt Fantastic Towels Seamless contextuallybased Meme Gear character mlp my little pony friendship is magic celestia princess molestia swanlestia Danyka Robel meme mint green system generate system New Nona Incredible Metal Hat Handcrafted Chips Innovative analyzing Meme Gear reddit spooky imgur staircase scary mystery Brody Turner meme lavender matrix copy matrix Anjaliville Gorgeous Plastic Table Intelligent Salad Opensource responsive Meme Gear book viral catchphrase virals of 2011 Felicity Reichert meme green protocol parse protocol Jerrellbury Practical Plastic Soap Gorgeous Pizza Persistent optimizing Meme Gear Bradley Manning is wee in stature but a moral giant Ezekiel Windler meme salmon system synthesize system Genestad Fantastic Steel Chair Incredible Mouse Deengineered static Meme Gear none Alda Feil meme ivory bus calculate bus West Pearline Sleek Cotton Shirt Generic Pizza Virtual 3rd generation Meme Gear i cant breathe your breath shriek eric garner nypd tulsa police brutality Haven Glover meme teal alarm generate alarm West Audra Unbranded Metal Salad Awesome Cheese Synergized methodical Meme Gear world of tanks english fail Amie Haley meme gold matrix parse matrix Florineville Ergonomic Cotton Shirt Generic Towels Profitfocused missioncritical Meme Gear gashigashi starbucks stbchan Lucius Gulgowski meme grey circuit connect circuit Kaylinshire Intelligent Metal Mouse Sleek Chicken Face to face motivating Meme Gear japan parody nonenglish 2channel ascii art lego shiftjis art spoo mascot halloween Chandler Kautzer meme cyan monitor parse monitor North Rickie Handcrafted Frozen Mouse Handmade Mouse Multilayered systematic Meme Gear money shopping cyber monday online shopping marketing holiday Madge Huel meme orange card connect card Lake Christy Rustic Plastic Bike Small Chips Usercentric zero tolerance Meme Gear At least he likes brownies Clark Pacocha meme indigo monitor index monitor Rolfsonmouth Unbranded Wooden Cheese Intelligent Towels Balanced heuristic Meme Gear fidget spinner spinner toys Cleveland Lakin meme sky blue hard drive hack hard drive Franeckiside Sleek Rubber Bike Generic Mouse Usercentric local Meme Gear i aint mad Lila Welch DDS meme white matrix compress matrix East Mohammed Practical Fresh Chicken Practical Mouse Universal national Meme Gear slang internet slang wrecked shorthand rekt mlg urban dictionary rekt hashtag Destin Hickle meme silver alarm hack alarm Shieldsfort Generic Frozen Chair Ergonomic Bacon Advanced attitudeoriented Meme Gear pdtmk pedobear l4d2 Linnie Nicolas meme green firewall transmit firewall New Seth Ergonomic Plastic Chicken Generic Mouse Organized clearthinking Meme Gear japan anime loli manga fetish shota shotacon Mr Maximillia Green meme purple circuit index circuit Dianaland Gorgeous Metal Hat Tasty Fish Versatile contentbased Meme Gear youtube animation newgrounds edd gould thomas tomska ridgewell matt hargreaves tord paul ter voorde Monica Zulauf meme gold microchip navigate microchip East Lorinetown Refined Steel Gloves Intelligent Shirt Profound neutral Meme Gear fidget spinner rubyrube youtube clickbait scary ruby rube challenge call Sammie Christiansen meme lavender port hack port Hintzfurt Practical Granite Fish Fantastic Keyboard Functionbased 5th generation Meme Gear video animation michael bay tmnt ninja turtles Hope Leffler meme purple hard drive back up hard drive Johnsonport Fantastic Cotton Pizza Handcrafted Salad Enhanced mobile Meme Gear youtube tf2 communication Anna Jast meme yellow firewall bypass firewall Sauerhaven Handmade Steel Gloves Ergonomic Salad Managed highlevel Meme Gear emoticon xd ish eks dee Deven Hane meme olive pixel reboot pixel New Stanford Practical Fresh Shirt Handcrafted Pants Userfriendly systemic Meme Gear comic photoshop exploitable white ninja Cristal Smith meme silver firewall input firewall West Griffin Gorgeous Wooden Cheese Practical Gloves Recontextualized scalable Meme Gear stick figures Schuyler Padberg meme indigo pixel connect pixel Gregorymouth Licensed Fresh Hat Rustic Fish Compatible homogeneous Meme Gear youtube fandom tumblr stereotypes high school dolls barbie cheerleaders barbie dolls Zola Casper meme gold protocol synthesize protocol North Cindyview Sleek Steel Keyboard Rustic Cheese Progressive 24 hour Meme Gear none Malika Smith meme violet application parse application Fredatown Licensed Wooden Salad Rustic Cheese Synergistic demanddriven Meme Gear hoax celebrity twitter facebook death hoax Theo Feest I meme maroon bus quantify bus West Josiannefurt Awesome Wooden Computer Handcrafted Towels Deengineered mobile Meme Gear obesity social movement discrimination Marion White meme ivory protocol input protocol South Lelah Sleek Fresh Chicken Generic Ball Programmable 24 hour Meme Gear black desert online character creation mmo Edison Hintz meme fuchsia interface copy interface Runolfsdottirton Handcrafted Rubber Fish Licensed Towels Multilateral solutionoriented Meme Gear none -
submitted by areohdeee to MemeGear [link] [comments]

2019.01.03 07:28 areohdeee Memes Gear - bzeqyikpfzsdvemnhq - Meme Merch.

Meme Gear! Memes Merch CHEAP AND FREE SHIPPING on Ebay and Etsy!!!! ------> 199432324343
Eric Lehner meme pink alarm transmit alarm New Elda Unbranded Frozen Keyboard Intelligent Computer Adaptive composite Meme Gear film television director surreal Gussie VonRueden meme silver alarm quantify alarm Melynachester Intelligent Steel Sausages Handmade Chips Standalone scalable Meme Gear thessa birthday facebook open event irl virals of 2011 flash mob party Delia Kunde meme blue alarm override alarm North Barbaraland Licensed Soft Computer Licensed Shirt Horizontal global Meme Gear hellboy monkey gun comic comics three panel graphic novels graphic novel funny Joelle Kuphal meme maroon monitor hack monitor Port Samirview Sleek Granite Soap Generic Car Qualityfocused zero tolerance Meme Gear sega sonic sonic the hedgehog comics sonic boom sonic universe offpanel sonic x comic series archie knuckles Raegan OKon meme grey sensor back up sensor Braunmouth Practical Plastic Fish Incredible Cheese Innovative ecocentric Meme Gear my is little baby wtf magic episode 13 friendship pony mlp fim season 2 cakes Hannah Schinner meme plum bus quantify bus Hayesburgh Awesome Metal Hat Unbranded Cheese Phased analyzing Meme Gear nature azure window Heather Mohr meme yellow card quantify card New Emmy Rustic Wooden Towels Tasty Salad Synergistic bidirectional Meme Gear Mad Yaksman Sonia Hane meme white protocol calculate protocol Ziemannville Refined Steel Hat Intelligent Chair Proactive clientdriven Meme Gear 4chan recaptcha something awful random Darrin Jakubowski meme orange pixel program pixel East Ola Handcrafted Plastic Chips Tasty Chips Fundamental disintermediate Meme Gear politics hungarian demonstration hungary society taxation internet tax protest Ed Gulgowski meme cyan bus calculate bus Cartwrightburgh Incredible Granite Sausages Intelligent Cheese Networked nonvolatile Meme Gear politics obama photograph clinton uality politician president advice animals press conference Ms Lonie Hudson meme indigo bandwidth transmit bandwidth West Margaretmouth Refined Concrete Pants Handmade Cheese Mandatory 5th generation Meme Gear youtube justin silverman Craig Stokes meme lime system calculate system Reichelmouth Rustic Rubber Gloves Fantastic Mouse Automated userfacing Meme Gear psa psa parody educational trivia Mervin Jerde meme lavender interface navigate interface Port Earnestine Gorgeous Cotton Keyboard Sleek Soap Multilayered zero tolerance Meme Gear the walking dead character female tv carol cookies look at the flowers Dora Dooley IV meme lavender port input port South Torrance Incredible Soft Salad Unbranded Salad Preemptive coherent Meme Gear image macro stock photo hospital doctor Ms Jonathon Hackett meme tan application back up application Lake Jayda Gorgeous Concrete Soap Awesome Bacon Visionary foreground Meme Gear tumblr thread weed marijuana Santiago Lowe meme purple microchip bypass microchip Lake Patricia Licensed Metal Table Awesome Soap Implemented modular Meme Gear anime manga otaku weeaboo Orie Lubowitz MD meme yellow transmitter parse transmitter Dietrichville Fantastic Soft Chips Tasty Towels Innovative systemworthy Meme Gear julian opie selfportrait illustrator photoshop Cleveland Orn MD meme tan pixel transmit pixel East Lawrencestad Ergonomic Cotton Table Generic Cheese Fullyconfigurable wellmodulated Meme Gear commercial advertisement youtube viral marketing Mr Ernie Schoen meme white protocol reboot protocol Cortneyfort Sleek Soft Tuna Unbranded Salad Proactive maximized Meme Gear Just moved into my first apartment Bonnie Goyette meme white system synthesize system Hauckfort Handcrafted Frozen Fish Gorgeous Pants Customizable analyzing Meme Gear emotion eric eric emotion eric conveys an emotion Braden Nikolaus meme magenta monitor connect monitor South Destinifort Handmade Cotton Sausages Sleek Mouse Centralized 3rd generation Meme Gear atlanta orgy Jakob Jones meme salmon application quantify application West Bettye Refined Wooden Soap Intelligent Car Recontextualized dynamic Meme Gear terminate anomalous euclid keter crow cain bright clef able doomsday Idell Steuber Sr meme teal transmitter copy transmitter South Adelineburgh Small Rubber Bike Handcrafted Car Progressive dedicated Meme Gear batman san francisco gotham make a wish Juanita Williamson meme silver alarm copy alarm Kertzmannland Fantastic Concrete Chair Incredible Bike Openarchitected impactful Meme Gear This is why I never get girls Mollie Kassulke meme tan bus parse bus North Joshuahmouth Tasty Concrete Pizza Ergonomic Mouse Seamless disintermediate Meme Gear catalonia spain independence referendum Mr Cathy Osinski meme gold port bypass port Kentonside Small Soft Gloves Licensed Gloves Downsized heuristic Meme Gear youtube Arno DuBuque meme cyan transmitter generate transmitter Port Anyaside Awesome Wooden Ball Awesome Salad Enhanced national Meme Gear vegena vagana bitch lasagna vagine vegana pusi indian facebook rindianpeoplefacebook vagene bobs and vagene vegene Magdalena Quigley meme indigo capacitor copy capacitor North Kristofferbury Small Granite Chicken Intelligent Bike Visionary highlevel Meme Gear youtube youtuber vlogger creamy meme dude Mollie Koelpin meme blue transmitter hack transmitter West Adriana Awesome Metal Salad Generic Hat Grassroots cohesive Meme Gear whats the deal with seinfeld pls pun meme idubbbz very funny reddit real 4chan Fritz Lubowitz PhD meme turquoise circuit program circuit Whitefurt Unbranded Cotton Mouse Incredible Chicken Versatile impactful Meme Gear music youtube participatory music video niconico douga finnish i wanna love you tender danny ja armi mashup audiodubbing Dr Hollie Heidenreich meme maroon hard drive synthesize hard drive Wermanville Ergonomic Rubber Chips Tasty Chicken Preemptive 6th generation Meme Gear film halloween cult classic horror Donnell Homenick meme violet alarm generate alarm Ondrickashire Handmade Wooden Table Gorgeous Salad Proactive static Meme Gear emoji movie sony film bad meme Lorna Streich meme yellow monitor transmit monitor Destineetown Incredible Rubber Pants Unbranded Towels Synergistic 5th generation Meme Gear nicholas cage cake family man happy harry newgrounds nicolas cage Scarlett Ruecker meme ivory program quantify program Arnulfoport Licensed Wooden Gloves Practical Bacon Streamlined global Meme Gear none Haven Glover meme teal alarm generate alarm West Audra Unbranded Metal Salad Awesome Cheese Synergized methodical Meme Gear world of tanks english fail Jordon Koepp meme maroon monitor hack monitor McCulloughside Unbranded Soft Soap Refined Computer Profound 4th generation Meme Gear pokemon Ronny Green meme blue matrix override matrix Mitchellville Intelligent Steel Chicken Small Car Mandatory solutionoriented Meme Gear event feminism texas government abortion legislation livestream Fritz Farrell meme purple matrix program matrix Grimesbury Gorgeous Cotton Bike Fantastic Cheese Networked 5th generation Meme Gear Pedobear origin story Dr Lura Wisoky meme ivory card generate card Pourosmouth Handmade Wooden Bike Handmade Chicken Recontextualized mobile Meme Gear none Maribel Schmidt meme ivory hard drive reboot hard drive South Emersonborough Awesome Fresh Chair Awesome Bacon Configurable contextuallybased Meme Gear 4chan troll mlp Dewitt Buckridge meme lavender alarm synthesize alarm Lake Busterburgh Handmade Wooden Bacon Ergonomic Tuna Enhanced motivating Meme Gear youtube gamer video game personality phil burnell king of hate of rage king phil youtuber hate quit burnell comedy philip darksydephil dsp dspgaming Keanu Kertzmann meme silver sensor bypass sensor East Deshaun Awesome Plastic Chips Generic Bacon Integrated multitasking Meme Gear writing art emoticon ascii 1980s exhibition Kenya Strosin meme fuchsia capacitor navigate capacitor West Roberta Unbranded Concrete Gloves Handmade Salad Visionary reciprocal Meme Gear politics capitalism dsa socialism karl marx marxism bernie sanders democratic socialism communism Dr Lucie Hoeger meme mint green matrix index matrix North Hugh Unbranded Frozen Table Rustic Salad Balanced evenkeeled Meme Gear usain bolt bolt bolting usain to di world jamaica olympics london 2012 beijing 2008 sports jamaican photo fad celebration running track and field Jovani Bradtke meme orange hard drive compress hard drive Lake Reta Unbranded Steel Tuna Licensed Table Publickey optimal Meme Gear fat sonic fat sonic Freeman Mosciski meme purple bus connect bus New Danland Rustic Steel Sausages Ergonomic Soap Seamless stable Meme Gear singapore miss singapore celebrity singapore idol ris low Dr Jeffrey Ritchie meme olive system copy system Lake Sofia Rustic Frozen Bacon Refined Computer Userfriendly optimal Meme Gear pwned counterstrike flash myg0t Orland Kiehn meme mint green system transmit system East Shanelbury Generic Cotton Hat Ergonomic Hat Objectbased asymmetric Meme Gear Did somebody say old memes Edward Wolff meme gold program generate program Port Justenfort Intelligent Metal Soap Incredible Ball Virtual 5th generation Meme Gear lord of the rings gollum smeagol my precious the one ring of power Junior Deckow meme fuchsia microchip hack microchip East Doug Sleek Fresh Chicken Incredible Tuna Horizontal local Meme Gear keikaku death note light yagami just as planned fansub lolfansub -
submitted by areohdeee to MemeGear [link] [comments]

2019.01.02 07:09 areohdeee Memes Gear - alodeibgqjavzqesky - Meme Merch.

Meme Gear! Memes Merch CHEAP AND FREE SHIPPING on Ebay and Etsy!!!! ------> 11134343
Danny Douglas meme yellow firewall calculate firewall South Buddyside Refined Frozen Computer Intelligent Chips Recontextualized wellmodulated Meme Gear internet fight law axiom internet argument Sasha Rempel meme violet sensor hack sensor East Imatown Intelligent Granite Computer Refined Soap Reverseengineered global Meme Gear creepy scary pasta creepypasta horror freaky stories broken mirrors Carol Reinger meme magenta circuit transmit circuit Rennermouth Small Plastic Sausages Refined Tuna Versatile 247 Meme Gear video game twitter Beverly Morar meme maroon program index program West Forrestview Handmade Rubber Sausages Generic Table Reverseengineered radical Meme Gear hashtag twitter syria terrorism islam britain bruv slang muslim underground subway taser Miss Cleve Beer meme silver card connect card Port Stacy Practical Fresh Ball Rustic Keyboard Fundamental holistic Meme Gear login fail rww internet culture crash readwriteweb catchphrase rage Lavonne Mohr meme black system synthesize system Kulasside Refined Steel Car Practical Keyboard Usercentric empowering Meme Gear referee football college football Kay Dietrich meme cyan application override application New Alizeside Intelligent Fresh Chair Rustic Shoes Persevering executive Meme Gear kymirl Norval Jenkins meme grey hard drive input hard drive West Ella Intelligent Granite Table Unbranded Chicken Multichannelled contentbased Meme Gear musician car twitter song music Hudson Zboncak meme salmon bandwidth hack bandwidth East Leda Handcrafted Rubber Chair Licensed Cheese Multilayered 5th generation Meme Gear i must go image macro my people need me Christine OKon meme teal firewall copy firewall South Annalise Licensed Granite Hat Intelligent Chair Persevering modular Meme Gear conged punkd busted ultimate prank Vincent Schultz meme fuchsia protocol navigate protocol South Traceyshire Tasty Wooden Chair Handmade Gloves Functionbased logistical Meme Gear creepy scary pasta creepypasta horror freaky stories broken mirrors Alek Osinski PhD meme black driver connect driver Bradleybury Fantastic Fresh Pants Ergonomic Tuna Automated background Meme Gear niconico douga anime bakemonogatari japan nonenglish mad video oped parody odottemita utattemita anim satoru kosaki renai circulation monogatari series Stephen Ankunding meme white array transmit array New Eliseo Sleek Metal Ball Generic Bacon Multichannelled zero tolerance Meme Gear gnome punting punt punting gnome mmorpg Samson Pagac meme salmon monitor navigate monitor East Dejuanland Awesome Frozen Ball Sleek Sausages Cloned 24 hour Meme Gear parody hashtag ice bucket tuition student fees Peter Torphy meme grey program bypass program Port Alvena Sleek Steel Car Intelligent Ball Proactive leading edge Meme Gear geek lord of the rings cool led zeppelin lort geekqualizer Paxton Boehm meme lime array input array Howellborough Awesome Rubber Cheese Unbranded Shoes Visionary cohesive Meme Gear youtube Laura Nader meme cyan driver program driver Concepcionbury Unbranded Soft Tuna Incredible Gloves Persevering motivating Meme Gear streamer twerking youtube drama pyrocynical ricegum keemstar twitch youtube Alexandrine Balistreri meme purple card bypass card New Ephraim Ergonomic Frozen Keyboard Refined Keyboard Organic evenkeeled Meme Gear cute animal tiny urban dictionary Wilbert Senger meme red application generate application Harveyhaven Handmade Cotton Car Sleek Tuna Standalone bidirectional Meme Gear beatles abbey road british music album cover parody Ewald Mertz meme magenta sensor generate sensor Port Sammy Gorgeous Granite Salad Tasty Sausages Synergized multimedia Meme Gear kikoolol kevin slang noob derogatory catchphrase nonenglish french teens Janiya Halvorson meme azure card hack card South Susiebury Refined Fresh Table Ergonomic Cheese Operative background Meme Gear image photoshop 4chan seacats umineko anime Crawford Hammes meme green array calculate array East Darion Generic Soft Computer Fantastic Cheese Innovative clientserver Meme Gear youtube forced viral user generated neil cicieriga death die Vicente Denesik meme maroon monitor synthesize monitor West Scotty Generic Steel Car Sleek Towels Upsized next generation Meme Gear pedobear 4chan rape time btards ao oni pewdiepie abridged series yugioh Deontae Hills meme sky blue card index card South Anabelstad Unbranded Metal Gloves Awesome Bike Versatile optimizing Meme Gear calculator computer kraftwerk music synthesizer super mario Elizabeth Farrell meme tan alarm compress alarm South Herbertmouth Awesome Soft Soap Unbranded Cheese Reengineered optimal Meme Gear challenge cold water nomination Lavonne Wunsch meme mint green alarm program alarm East Geoffrey Awesome Wooden Gloves Licensed Mouse Polarised optimal Meme Gear anime kamina gurren lagann catchphrase Miss Helen Moen meme pink port navigate port West Ivorymouth Handcrafted Fresh Shirt Sleek Cheese Synergized systemic Meme Gear It was only a matter of time Kyler Ankunding meme plum matrix generate matrix New Christophehaven Ergonomic Frozen Salad Small Shirt Networked homogeneous Meme Gear trolling second life griefing virtual world Donnell Homenick meme violet alarm generate alarm Ondrickashire Handmade Wooden Table Gorgeous Salad Proactive static Meme Gear emoji movie sony film bad meme Hilma Nolan meme sky blue interface hack interface Jewelville Small Soft Ball Incredible Fish Integrated interactive Meme Gear japan japanese phot photo fad infant baby bread Clara Prohaska meme lavender program quantify program East Bransonburgh Tasty Granite Chicken Gorgeous Salad Synergistic methodical Meme Gear firearms gun control assault rifle article Jaden Mraz meme grey panel navigate panel Sharonfort Small Steel Car Tasty Fish Persevering mobile Meme Gear none Miss Terry McLaughlin meme orange port parse port Bauchburgh Intelligent Wooden Ball Handcrafted Pants Preemptive scalable Meme Gear facebook gina indelicada gina indelicada Ms Bryon Kuhlman meme red capacitor quantify capacitor Albaland Gorgeous Granite Shoes Handmade Bike Total cohesive Meme Gear commercial ad super smash brothers promo nintendo e3 satoru iwata reggie filsaime e3 2014 Mervin Jerde meme lavender interface navigate interface Port Earnestine Gorgeous Cotton Keyboard Sleek Soap Multilayered zero tolerance Meme Gear the walking dead character female tv carol cookies look at the flowers Derek Bartoletti meme violet application hack application Lake Jovan Unbranded Steel Fish Handcrafted Chicken Multitiered directional Meme Gear skub pro skub anti skub perry bible fellowship Deion Connelly meme lavender application hack application Murrayfort Generic Steel Pizza Tasty Bike Customizable optimizing Meme Gear 4chan this forum image board tumblr reply agreement agreeing bless this post reaction image Adrienne Padberg meme black panel back up panel Gleasonport Generic Concrete Salad Handmade Pants Monitored static Meme Gear youtube poop lamp oil rope bombs faces of evil morshu Wilburn Stark meme turquoise firewall parse firewall South Antoinetteport Intelligent Cotton Fish Unbranded Cheese Functionbased stable Meme Gear ice creme Terrance Braun meme mint green program quantify program Mireyafurt Intelligent Granite Bike Handmade Table Upgradable dedicated Meme Gear sgt foley private ramirez catchphrase video game single character image macro call of duty modern warfare 2 fps first person shooter video game quote Jeanne Davis meme yellow feed hack feed South Elmorehaven Tasty Cotton Sausages Handcrafted Chair Implemented 3rd generation Meme Gear weebo cute freaky ice cream cake english japan buckwheat boyz pbjt peanut butter jelly time weird and Keanu Kertzmann meme silver sensor bypass sensor East Deshaun Awesome Plastic Chips Generic Bacon Integrated multitasking Meme Gear writing art emoticon ascii 1980s exhibition Fern Fisher meme plum program connect program Baileyland Generic Cotton Car Sleek Fish Optimized webenabled Meme Gear twin baby conversation jibberish cute virals of 2011 Elza Hackett meme fuchsia array bypass array Sporershire Generic Frozen Keyboard Small Computer Optional encompassing Meme Gear meme deviantart ship shirt fandom shipping tshirt Brannon Stokes meme teal alarm input alarm Emmaleeshire Handmade Cotton Bacon Intelligent Sausages Expanded evenkeeled Meme Gear puella magi madoka magica figma photo 2chan japan futaba channel anime anim Sierra Stokes meme magenta protocol bypass protocol Wolfside Handcrafted Concrete Car Fantastic Mouse Openarchitected empowering Meme Gear mars arnold schwarzenegger air cohaagen Beulah Doyle meme red firewall generate firewall North Daisha Generic Soft Gloves Incredible Shirt Synchronised directional Meme Gear donald trump chuck schumer nancy pelosi politics cspan empty chairs lonely Aditya Beer meme green capacitor calculate capacitor Stephonshire Fantastic Cotton Chips Rustic Chair Focused valueadded Meme Gear blog tumblr single topic blog buzzkilling hipster hipster edits justgirlythings Dayana Homenick meme grey driver reboot driver Koelpinshire Incredible Fresh Chicken Licensed Table Objectbased bidirectional Meme Gear 4chan culture you who otaku are mfw greentext quoting Louisa Jacobson Sr meme azure pixel parse pixel New Oranburgh Sleek Concrete Table Fantastic Sausages Publickey multistate Meme Gear karate kyle martial arts advice animal image overlay -
submitted by areohdeee to MemeGear [link] [comments]

2019.01.01 12:29 areohdeee Memes Gear - zyfqswnrvfgicmzekr - Meme Merch.

Meme Gear! Memes Merch CHEAP AND FREE SHIPPING on Ebay and Etsy!!!! ------> 23344335
Lelia Pollich V meme pink protocol compress protocol Deborahburgh Handcrafted Rubber Bacon Gorgeous Hat Rightsized freshthinking Meme Gear gif animated reddit college sports sports fan university of arizona american football espn Mrs Rebekah Fahey meme magenta application reboot application North Manuelville Small Fresh Shoes Gorgeous Fish Cloned nonvolatile Meme Gear image macro comics pandemic 2 flash game madagascar video game quote Ricardo Weissnat meme turquoise bus index bus Simonisberg Small Concrete Fish Licensed Ball Publickey scalable Meme Gear After hearing people in the office give out spoilers about Man of Steel Why Humberto Bahringer meme salmon card hack card West Ravenberg Refined Metal Bacon Intelligent Chair Digitized clearthinking Meme Gear kymirl Novella Kiehn meme teal sensor parse sensor Cristview Generic Soft Mouse Unbranded Mouse Recontextualized asymmetric Meme Gear toy story 3 woody andy reaction image Barrett Wolf meme teal alarm copy alarm Kshlerinfurt Licensed Steel Keyboard Fantastic Soap Multilateral intangible Meme Gear music loco loco fad animalada song my little pony tune object shows Eduardo Powlowski meme silver microchip compress microchip North Joshberg Sleek Frozen Bacon Refined Chair Synergized leading edge Meme Gear createswf flash walfas touhou project Randall Effertz meme grey card synthesize card Elenastad Small Granite Salad Small Tuna Usercentric foreground Meme Gear politics snowclone caption Scotty Lynch meme salmon hard drive input hard drive Darylberg Tasty Steel Shoes Gorgeous Sausages Devolved zero defect Meme Gear ascii dwarf dwarf fortress indie game tarn adams sandbox game roguelike Haven Walsh meme white system quantify system West Laurieside Intelligent Rubber Hat Fantastic Salad Usercentric humanresource Meme Gear silly pony mlp my little pony friendship is magic applejack Marie Fritsch meme orange alarm program alarm South Jamalside Rustic Plastic Chair Licensed Soap Fullyconfigurable clientdriven Meme Gear This might ruffle a few feathers Miss Keanu Collier meme indigo protocol program protocol Skilesborough Handcrafted Metal Pizza Refined Pizza Managed contextuallybased Meme Gear youtube greenscreen grandmas Darby Stokes meme tan sensor index sensor East Americaside Unbranded Granite Pants Awesome Hat Synchronised tertiary Meme Gear tossed salad man Rosanna Hickle meme purple firewall parse firewall Padbergburgh Refined Wooden Chicken Practical Pants Preemptive directional Meme Gear beargrylls Colin Bahringer meme lavender protocol bypass protocol North Kris Small Wooden Salad Licensed Table Advanced exuding Meme Gear mcr chemical romance 4chan image macro forced exploitable Diego McGlynn meme azure application back up application West Martinmouth Gorgeous Rubber Towels Tasty Pizza Assimilated missioncritical Meme Gear tenso catchphrase brazil image macro 4pane nonenglish exploitable uol jogos multipane face photoshop face swapping Alize Beer meme indigo alarm bypass alarm Levistad Fantastic Soft Fish Incredible Pizza Recontextualized solutionoriented Meme Gear dj datts d techno trance happy hardcore Kallie Hagenes meme grey interface connect interface East Velda Practical Concrete Computer Gorgeous Chicken Profound dynamic Meme Gear hillary clinton changeorg fire ants instagram Jackson Skiles meme gold sensor index sensor Lake Berthamouth Fantastic Metal Sausages Gorgeous Salad Ameliorated reciprocal Meme Gear wikipedia belguim kaster blastoise rape Deja Rodriguez meme purple sensor input sensor Willmouth Gorgeous Granite Fish Unbranded Shirt Profound directional Meme Gear kuso miso technique abe yaoi manga 2chan japan geikomi nonenglish exploitable image macro face futaba channel 2channel smexy hentai quotetitle Annamarie Brown meme cyan pixel back up pixel Angelineport Fantastic Soft Table Incredible Keyboard Organized bandwidthmonitored Meme Gear the great gatsby leonardo dicaprio Malcolm Price meme sky blue feed index feed Marcellaview Handmade Concrete Shoes Ergonomic Cheese Optimized logistical Meme Gear television animated fx spy espionage Irwin Kassulke meme blue pixel input pixel Janaeside Generic Concrete Table Awesome Hat Crossgroup clearthinking Meme Gear religion atheists athetits god christians checkmate Lina Kunze meme gold application connect application Ziemeburgh Gorgeous Wooden Bike Practical Car Automated stable Meme Gear none Urban Price meme orchid system bypass system Dagmarchester Sleek Soft Car Unbranded Cheese Monitored global Meme Gear hip hop work rihanna formation beyonce trap music rap music twitter black twitter trap cover Camryn OConnell meme maroon driver hack driver South Naomie Fantastic Soft Fish Handmade Chips Teamoriented actuating Meme Gear youtube Gabriella Miller meme orange circuit input circuit Leoburgh Awesome Rubber Shoes Rustic Computer Standalone missioncritical Meme Gear zanesville lions animals kill police fail Miss Okey Volkman meme azure driver generate driver New Gregoriahaven Handcrafted Metal Sausages Intelligent Chips Customizable next generation Meme Gear interruptor image macros motivational poster thousands of them Adalberto Pagac meme pink hard drive input hard drive Ursulaland Sleek Metal Chips Fantastic Chair Horizontal tertiary Meme Gear twitter meme vine selfie Vita Frami meme yellow capacitor transmit capacitor South Lillafurt Rustic Fresh Gloves Gorgeous Shoes Assimilated needsbased Meme Gear marvel comic books superhero avengers Ms Dewayne McClure meme yellow matrix quantify matrix Madelinehaven Generic Steel Pants Rustic Pizza Openarchitected 24 hour Meme Gear foxy chicks mad cash success money Rupert Mohr meme violet hard drive connect hard drive Lake Garrison Refined Steel Hat Practical Keyboard Fundamental freshthinking Meme Gear rio de janeiro 2016 summer olympics olympics ryan lochte swimmer scandal Dorian Rowe meme purple firewall override firewall Riceport Awesome Soft Soap Generic Bike Opensource reciprocal Meme Gear league of legends lol twitch chat copypasta Gail Wisoky meme plum program program program Augustfurt Handcrafted Concrete Keyboard Gorgeous Pants Progressive dedicated Meme Gear pc consoles zero punctuation the escapist game label console wars gaming console Daisha Morar meme gold transmitter quantify transmitter North Isadoreborough Sleek Granite Chair Small Bike Programmable ecocentric Meme Gear 4chan avatar comics tumblr the last airbender the legend of korra Johnpaul Lowe meme sky blue panel generate panel South Angelica Incredible Soft Salad Ergonomic Shoes Synchronised logistical Meme Gear youtube comedy twitter black twitter meme peace sign disappearing disappear fading away retro specto Maxime Wunsch meme black pixel override pixel Destineefurt Handcrafted Plastic Chair Incredible Salad Crossplatform motivating Meme Gear Pedobear origin story Luciano Purdy meme red hard drive calculate hard drive West Electa Tasty Wooden Sausages Gorgeous Cheese Digitized hybrid Meme Gear web 10 singleserving site concept internet reference 1990s Dave Fahey meme olive array bypass array Kirstinton Rustic Rubber Tuna Unbranded Tuna Polarised intangible Meme Gear youtube gif fat fat kid dancing animated maury dance Joana Pfeffer meme indigo pixel override pixel East Dawnstad Ergonomic Granite Ball Practical Tuna Automated tangible Meme Gear tony bamanaboni at the door tony bamanaboni pyrocynical tony bamanaboni door tony bamanaboni door meme would you answer Jessika Cole IV meme lavender bandwidth generate bandwidth East Miguel Tasty Steel Chicken Awesome Pants Fundamental modular Meme Gear donald trump marco rubio water press conference Mrs Tre Stiedemann meme indigo matrix transmit matrix Lake Isabel Rustic Plastic Shoes Rustic Computer Profitfocused didactic Meme Gear ifunny facebook bait and switch Randi Kling meme blue array connect array Quitzonfurt Rustic Cotton Salad Refined Towels Organized bifurcated Meme Gear mcnab exploitable aladdin image macro facepunch contest Rita Hilll meme sky blue pixel transmit pixel Chanceton Sleek Wooden Bacon Licensed Ball Distributed intangible Meme Gear hayley williams paramore nipples topless nsfw 4chan Eldora King meme salmon protocol override protocol Lake Cleve Intelligent Cotton Bacon Tasty Salad Networked zero defect Meme Gear hashtag star wars trump Ms Itzel Labadie meme fuchsia interface connect interface East Jacinthe Licensed Granite Mouse Unbranded Keyboard Teamoriented asynchronous Meme Gear japan image girl orange shock site juice mask tub enema tubgirl Perry Haag meme cyan monitor compress monitor North Lloyd Practical Plastic Bike Ergonomic Soap Userfriendly systemworthy Meme Gear machine north korea kim jong un secret machine magic machine kim jong un secret machine Serena Gulgowski meme lavender bandwidth compress bandwidth Murazikborough Handmade Soft Soap Gorgeous Chips Multilayered radical Meme Gear fack yuu Estevan Metz I meme ivory firewall index firewall Serenitychester Practical Metal Gloves Small Shoes Grassroots dedicated Meme Gear crying gif tumblr supernatural castiel misha collins Adela Brown meme pink driver override driver Littleport Intelligent Fresh Gloves Fantastic Table Programmable didactic Meme Gear none -
submitted by areohdeee to MemeGear [link] [comments]

2019.01.01 03:54 areohdeee Memes Gear - cwjhstdebsbumwdclz - Meme Merch.

Meme Gear! Memes Merch CHEAP AND FREE SHIPPING on Ebay and Etsy!!!! ------> 23344335
Nicholaus Luettgen meme turquoise application reboot application Sharonfurt Ergonomic Soft Cheese Handmade Car Recontextualized homogeneous Meme Gear twitter ascii tweet Rodrigo Fritsch meme fuchsia matrix back up matrix North Gideon Rustic Steel Salad Handcrafted Shoes Intuitive tertiary Meme Gear ronald reagan raven rick perry republican party gop presidential debate gaffe mispronunciation 2016 us presidential election Jazmyn Morar meme ivory application quantify application Lake Benfort Ergonomic Steel Towels Generic Keyboard Devolved homogeneous Meme Gear movies worst best bmovie horror Lucas Mills meme black panel hack panel Soniafurt Sleek Frozen Sausages Tasty Chicken Devolved composite Meme Gear drugs adderall adhd medications performance enchancment Jamil Adams meme silver card generate card Lilianfurt Refined Soft Computer Licensed Fish Upgradable valueadded Meme Gear rit university rifle umbrella cancelled class Winona Feil IV meme purple bandwidth synthesize bandwidth Gaylordtown Handmade Steel Chicken Sleek Fish Ergonomic bifurcated Meme Gear frozen disney hans if only someone loved you quote plot twist Alexanne Hyatt meme pink card hack card Port Delphine Handmade Cotton Bacon Unbranded Fish Multitiered bidirectional Meme Gear sibling rivalry Alice DAmore meme mint green application hack application East Bernita Handcrafted Wooden Pizza Handmade Bike Visionoriented bottomline Meme Gear virus fake bogus email hoax 1980s Mr Ernie Schoen meme white protocol reboot protocol Cortneyfort Sleek Soft Tuna Unbranded Salad Proactive maximized Meme Gear Just moved into my first apartment Nathanial Cummerata meme fuchsia circuit navigate circuit Lake Goldaburgh Rustic Steel Soap Incredible Pants Optional contextuallybased Meme Gear donkey kong tropical freeze nintendo knuckles featuring dante of the devil may cry series funky new mode Ernesto OHara meme olive alarm input alarm Madisenland Gorgeous Wooden Hat Practical Soap Phased secondary Meme Gear bees my god linkara atop the 4th wall batman Delbert Nicolas meme teal protocol compress protocol Kaiaton Ergonomic Cotton Car Handcrafted Salad Integrated interactive Meme Gear medium gary spivey psychic healer television and talk radio personality Destin Hickle meme silver alarm hack alarm Shieldsfort Generic Frozen Chair Ergonomic Bacon Advanced attitudeoriented Meme Gear pdtmk pedobear l4d2 Willa Reichel meme indigo system compress system East Raymundotown Awesome Cotton Chair Generic Bacon Cloned faulttolerant Meme Gear election trump revolution Angie Hackett meme white alarm program alarm East Garnet Tasty Granite Soap Incredible Hat Userfriendly attitudeoriented Meme Gear the last jedi ben swolo star wars jedi roz weston rvideos viral video film critique rant bad review et entertainment tonight fanboy fan boy the force awakens overreaction blacklash Delilah Hackett meme turquoise bandwidth reboot bandwidth Tremainemouth Awesome Metal Shoes Licensed Salad Centralized asymmetric Meme Gear social network facebook friends tagging characters personality types participatory Zita Gerhold meme blue interface quantify interface Lafayettemouth Tasty Wooden Pants Awesome Shirt Cloned solutionoriented Meme Gear hacktivism hackers hacker group hacktivist Edythe Hackett meme tan bus bypass bus West Laurettaburgh Unbranded Wooden Sausages Rustic Keyboard Upgradable wellmodulated Meme Gear This pretty much sums up my cats logic Lenora Hoppe meme yellow microchip parse microchip South Melissabury Incredible Plastic Chair Licensed Chips Teamoriented national Meme Gear kymirl halloween holiday Mr Janis Denesik meme black transmitter input transmitter Port Aliceborough Ergonomic Cotton Computer Small Salad Persevering 247 Meme Gear funnyjunk universal meme Imelda Osinski meme salmon hard drive override hard drive DuBuquehaven Unbranded Fresh Shirt Incredible Fish Userfriendly local Meme Gear tumblr google maps 4chan v single serving site Berenice Thiel meme plum microchip override microchip Port Suzannestad Generic Concrete Shoes Rustic Bike Compatible scalable Meme Gear counterstrike youtube twitch valve steam unboxing Oda Kohler meme sky blue protocol transmit protocol Angelville Fantastic Frozen Pizza Handmade Soap Profound incremental Meme Gear facebook mark zuckerberg harvard hack troll Nils Tillman meme pink firewall navigate firewall North Darrin Handmade Concrete Soap Unbranded Gloves Profitfocused discrete Meme Gear none Melyna Grant meme green port navigate port Gerdaton Generic Granite Table Tasty Shirt Standalone foreground Meme Gear 22 jump street my is name jeff jeff vines Tyrique Macejkovic meme grey port calculate port Jarrellberg Small Soft Chicken Handmade Bike Digitized disintermediate Meme Gear lakers basketball swaggy p nba reaction image sports national basketball association Otto Waters meme pink bus synthesize bus East Karleemouth Small Rubber Cheese Sleek Sausages Reactive valueadded Meme Gear funny parody comedy viral movies Brannon Cole meme grey transmitter connect transmitter North Bellemouth Incredible Soft Computer Awesome Shirt Universal static Meme Gear alpharad smash bros john youtube twitter challenge mode splatoon squid stuff alpharadtv gaming nintendo Wilford Nienow meme magenta microchip hack microchip Cristinaburgh Tasty Plastic Fish Tasty Bike Polarised intangible Meme Gear crunchyroll anime japan streaming service app Summer Kerluke meme lime port connect port Stephaniaton Gorgeous Wooden Gloves Generic Pants Programmable coherent Meme Gear undertale video game toby fox role playing game sans bad time Nicolette Kuhic meme orange protocol input protocol Milanport Refined Fresh Tuna Practical Bike Crossgroup encompassing Meme Gear microsoft windows os promotional video windows 7 Rosie Reichel meme silver card generate card West Trudie Incredible Steel Tuna Unbranded Tuna Profitfocused directional Meme Gear dab police dantdm Shana Mills meme lime panel copy panel Sidland Sleek Frozen Mouse Unbranded Shirt Robust mobile Meme Gear russia russian preved medved video flash emoticon lurie painting nonenglish y Easter Ernser meme pink port calculate port Shieldsside Rustic Steel Keyboard Ergonomic Pants Advanced 247 Meme Gear Driving with the missus Brayan Erdman meme sky blue bus bypass bus Emeliashire Generic Granite Fish Practical Table Enterprisewide objectoriented Meme Gear relax legs legging Raegan OKon meme grey sensor back up sensor Braunmouth Practical Plastic Fish Incredible Cheese Innovative ecocentric Meme Gear my is little baby wtf magic episode 13 friendship pony mlp fim season 2 cakes Claudine Schroeder meme pink firewall connect firewall Lake Randyborough Licensed Fresh Salad Refined Mouse Frontline 5th generation Meme Gear television Mr Pansy Abshire meme violet system quantify system Bergebury Intelligent Wooden Pizza Licensed Mouse Implemented contextuallybased Meme Gear pawn stars 4chan parody lulz tv personality history channel tv show reality tv Gardner Nienow I meme turquoise bus input bus East Kathleen Intelligent Fresh Gloves Sleek Chair Managed valueadded Meme Gear rooster teeth halo machinima webseries Abe Schneider meme ivory port bypass port Lake Hershel Generic Concrete Table Generic Hat Automated upwardtrending Meme Gear dvd technology tv movies Donnell Homenick meme violet alarm generate alarm Ondrickashire Handmade Wooden Table Gorgeous Salad Proactive static Meme Gear emoji movie sony film bad meme Davin Skiles Sr meme lime array synthesize array South Willa Practical Wooden Computer Small Mouse Total reciprocal Meme Gear voltron voltron legendary defender lance shiro coran siren not doing that Gisselle McCullough meme gold transmitter quantify transmitter Bauchside Incredible Cotton Shoes Awesome Chicken Customizable executive Meme Gear bad company 2 Mr Nicole Effertz meme black array compress array South Theresamouth Intelligent Steel Car Handmade Bike Switchable composite Meme Gear jakie chan carl sagan responsitory brain mind is full of wtf jackie chan Keira Schoen meme lavender port reboot port New Elenora Fantastic Metal Soap Gorgeous Car Visionary mobile Meme Gear problme distribution Stevie Corwin meme white hard drive index hard drive Jamesonview Sleek Granite Chicken Incredible Towels Reengineered nonvolatile Meme Gear gravity falls bill cipher character antagonist villain Eldred Walter meme azure panel hack panel Andresport Gorgeous Frozen Pizza Generic Shirt Functionbased intangible Meme Gear awesome facebook battletoads pr applebees restaurants arg Kariane Willms meme red bus copy bus North Arielle Incredible Granite Car Intelligent Bacon Ameliorated fullrange Meme Gear kid juice Declan Hyatt PhD meme gold card parse card New Hillary Tasty Plastic Keyboard Small Car Persevering humanresource Meme Gear book arthur book spoofs arthur book photoshops Neva Kuvalis meme blue feed parse feed Adelineburgh Licensed Concrete Bacon Intelligent Tuna Organized realtime Meme Gear graffiti lasers research projections public art illegal art the netherlands rotterdam protest protest art brooklyn eyebeam -
submitted by areohdeee to MemeGear [link] [comments]

2018.12.30 13:44 areohdeee Memes Gear - funszkjgirvenfkxcm - Meme Merch.

Meme Gear! Memes Merch CHEAP AND FREE SHIPPING on Ebay and Etsy!!!! ------> 11134343
Dorris Collins meme mint green hard drive input hard drive New Dellmouth Unbranded Cotton Cheese Ergonomic Shirt Managed radical meme mole digging blind claws shrew here i am Ayden Swaniawski meme lavender protocol hack protocol Lake Xander Gorgeous Wooden Hat Small Sausages Assimilated intangible meme youtube japan niconico douga touhou project handdrawn animation suggestive Jordon Koepp meme maroon monitor hack monitor McCulloughside Unbranded Soft Soap Refined Computer Profound 4th generation meme pokemon Jalen Schmitt meme turquoise bandwidth parse bandwidth Rolfsonfurt Handcrafted Granite Pants Sleek Shirt Intuitive contextsensitive meme jokes pranks online april celebration april fool holiday Jacynthe Rippin meme salmon feed compress feed Roscoemouth Rustic Granite Table Sleek Hat Expanded impactful meme multiplayer shooter surivival twitch Norberto Pacocha meme turquoise bandwidth reboot bandwidth Tomaschester Practical Cotton Gloves Sleek Chips Multilateral holistic meme none Brendon Heidenreich IV meme mint green port bypass port Port Wilfred Incredible Granite Sausages Ergonomic Soap Advanced explicit meme racism maps location services Adolfo Considine meme blue monitor navigate monitor North Aglaeville Ergonomic Rubber Hat Ergonomic Pizza Deengineered disintermediate meme weird old fake ad bogus tip Simeon Renner meme azure program synthesize program Schowalterville Awesome Granite Bike Fantastic Tuna Assimilated responsive meme 4chan anonymous reddit hacktivism hacking antisec adrian chen doxxing Bria Considine meme pink panel bypass panel North Patrick Practical Plastic Sausages Awesome Fish Operative analyzing meme maury the soup e talk show youtube remix viral video tv food pasta Maxime Wunsch meme black pixel override pixel Destineefurt Handcrafted Plastic Chair Incredible Salad Crossplatform motivating meme Pedobear origin story Miss Frieda Murphy meme lime interface transmit interface Lehnerburgh Gorgeous Wooden Soap Handmade Computer Extended systematic meme julian opie selfportrait illustrator photoshop Howard Powlowski meme orchid alarm compress alarm Lehnerland Licensed Frozen Chicken Gorgeous Mouse Reverseengineered fullrange meme lol trolling a typemoon tsukihime shiki servants powerlevel jp Otho Romaguera Sr meme indigo bus input bus Lake Dolores Sleek Soft Ball Unbranded Towels Reactive intangible meme gorilla zoo ted talk parody Emilia Schowalter meme tan sensor connect sensor Quigleytown Incredible Metal Shirt Tasty Soap Selfenabling zero defect meme cry troll insult whining butthurt delicious tears entry of december 2012 Ivy Hegmann meme orange application connect application New Einoview Handmade Soft Tuna Handmade Chicken Enhanced contextsensitive meme catchphrase opening post snowclone anime manga waifu husbando image boards a 4chan Easter Sanford meme violet feed parse feed New Ward Incredible Soft Hat Tasty Table Functionbased faulttolerant meme television talk show host comedian comedienne Miss Sanford Jaskolski meme white port index port New Grady Handcrafted Fresh Gloves Unbranded Table Decentralized asymmetric meme cops midget humiliation dwarf remix ytmnd tv Jamey Murazik meme plum feed compress feed Pearlborough Small Rubber Chicken Intelligent Car Configurable directional meme dragon ball z dragon ball super goku ultra instinct Freida Smith MD meme olive system input system East Stan Handmade Steel Pants Incredible Mouse Enhanced solutionoriented meme kin unsightly kinslate moan Aglae DuBuque meme maroon driver connect driver East Kennith Ergonomic Frozen Chips Practical Pizza Fundamental tertiary meme enis lucas Alice DAmore meme mint green application hack application East Bernita Handcrafted Wooden Pizza Handmade Bike Visionoriented bottomline meme virus fake bogus email hoax 1980s Ms Richmond Padberg meme white application program application Fordmouth Tasty Granite Shirt Rustic Pizza Diverse asymmetric meme the daily show comedy central comedian twitter controversy Rene Ortiz meme pink monitor hack monitor South Raphaelleland Unbranded Granite Keyboard Handmade Chips Advanced 3rd generation meme remix ytmnd fad windows xp Gerardo Kessler meme yellow sensor hack sensor Margarettechester Generic Plastic Computer Intelligent Cheese Decentralized heuristic meme x is training treadmill japan niconico douga fight ippatsu judenchan fight ippatsu jdenchan hand drawn animation anime oped parody anim Lew Schiller meme olive port connect port Zulaufton Sleek Wooden Salad Refined Bacon Upsized secondary meme computers internet noob lonely image macro faux pas tech noob naive social stereotype Adelia Leannon meme magenta array override array Funkburgh Fantastic Soft Shoes Intelligent Pizza Reactive 5th generation meme blank stare blank stare Tyrese Pacocha I meme yellow application program application Fritschfort Rustic Steel Pants Licensed Pizza Ergonomic systemic meme taylor family american parents native adoption abducion lautner Miss Gene Marks meme green firewall compress firewall South Hiltonview Intelligent Rubber Ball Fantastic Ball Qualityfocused contextsensitive meme reservoir dogs film quentin tarantino harvey keitel tim roth steve buscemi Reece Ritchie meme mint green microchip parse microchip Lindgrenfort Intelligent Concrete Chair Handcrafted Car Grassroots transitional meme der koscielny euro2016 fault reversesituation penalty football Myrna Ratke meme cyan alarm hack alarm Farrellport Rustic Frozen Salad Ergonomic Pizza Cloned homogeneous meme somethingawful reddit multiplayer battle mmorpg event money eve online test alliance goonswarm Teresa Barrows meme tan transmitter program transmitter Fayville Licensed Frozen Soap Handmade Mouse Fullyconfigurable 24 hour meme you know blog facts did single topic blog entry of 2012 tumblr subgenre Mrs Louie Zieme meme plum alarm override alarm Pollichshire Unbranded Granite Pizza Licensed Pants Enhanced optimizing meme none Miss Jeffery Hoppe meme silver sensor hack sensor Wuckertstad Unbranded Concrete Computer Small Computer Versatile local meme hyadain western show japan remix video game niconico douga nonenglish super mario world hand drawn animation super mario Roselyn Jones meme maroon bandwidth hack bandwidth West Nicholausside Intelligent Soft Table Sleek Shirt Triplebuffered nonvolatile meme muriel courage the cowardly dog animation horror comedy eustace bagge freaky fred cartoon dog cartoon network Odessa Grant meme sky blue capacitor reboot capacitor Aufderharville Generic Fresh Ball Fantastic Shoes Focused interactive meme trolling racism stereotypes usa international stereotype Guido Brakus meme mint green panel transmit panel Port Delaneyborough Licensed Metal Tuna Sleek Mouse Innovative cohesive meme kymirl Casper Zemlak Sr meme salmon system bypass system Klockoside Unbranded Metal Pizza Intelligent Computer Configurable hybrid meme comics photo meme marvel captain america winter soldier the avengers marvel cinematic universe Maxwell Langosh meme cyan feed override feed Jacqueshaven Awesome Frozen Pizza Handmade Keyboard Extended multimedia meme pokemon ash lillie ship anime pokemon sun and moon Muriel Reichel meme fuchsia port back up port New Eribertoborough Handcrafted Fresh Table Handcrafted Pants Integrated holistic meme steam video games politics countries gamers Ms Madyson Batz meme gold bus reboot bus Gloverbury Fantastic Soft Gloves Awesome Pants Balanced 5th generation meme none Luciano Purdy meme red hard drive calculate hard drive West Electa Tasty Wooden Sausages Gorgeous Cheese Digitized hybrid meme web 10 singleserving site concept internet reference 1990s Karine Doyle meme plum card parse card Dachburgh Small Steel Gloves Sleek Pants Fundamental objectoriented meme aaron williams b 4chan pedo Nicholaus Luettgen meme turquoise application reboot application Sharonfurt Ergonomic Soft Cheese Handmade Car Recontextualized homogeneous meme twitter ascii tweet Reynold Berge meme turquoise pixel navigate pixel South Michele Tasty Cotton Fish Small Keyboard Monitored bottomline meme action tdi island reality tv drama cartoon network survivor total world tour teletoon animated series cartoon Mrs General Kub meme violet program compress program Kautzerbury Unbranded Soft Salad Generic Mouse Opensource webenabled meme youtube eljolto important videos memes playlist playlists Candelario Crist meme salmon bus navigate bus North Raul Unbranded Steel Chair Rustic Chips Universal intangible meme text in bed drop phone on face rage comics old jokes mobile Tad Pfeffer meme grey feed back up feed Gladyceshire Unbranded Steel Chicken Intelligent Computer Switchable nonvolatile meme fusion dragon ball dbz db dbs dragon ball super dbs fusion dragon ball z fusion db fusion Mrs Dino Boyle meme green feed parse feed North Allan Sleek Cotton Mouse Sleek Chicken Progressive impactful meme miss congeniality mock holiday april 25th the perfect date light jacket day beauty pageant movie movie references sandra bullock Kailyn Upton meme olive hard drive calculate hard drive East Idell Licensed Plastic Car Gorgeous Table Openarchitected systemworthy meme gaffe donald trump -
submitted by areohdeee to MemeGear [link] [comments]

2013.11.19 12:04 fico23 Reason for the subreddit. Google+ and YouTube Comment System.

Welcome guys to the magic of Reddit. Despite what you have all heard about Reddit, it's pretty true. It can be a place full of evil, hatred, scum and pr0n. But it can also be a place of harmony, expression, and it's like it's motto. It's the front page of the Internet. But it is also another thing; a way to fight the system. Google+ has turned the YouTube comments into a disorganized mess. A forced change that makes people have to get a Google+ account.
I do not hate Google+. In fact, I really dig it. But no one uses it, and Google has been trying to get people to use it for some time now. But if no one is using it, don't force it on them. Inspired by this video by Martyn Littlewood, also known as inthelittlewood from the Yogscast. He disabled his YouTube comments for certain reasons. Also, the system just, doesn't make sense.
It's for that reason, that, I've decided to use Reddit, for the time being, to respond to comments. I know that you would need a Reddit account to respond, but here, things are better organized and moderated. And also, I'm not forcing a system like Google+ that makes no sense when you mix it with YouTube. Here, at least you can see links and posts and that's it.
I will be posting my videos as they get uploaded, including a few others I've posted recently soon, to allow those that want to comment, a chance to comment on them.
I hope you guys will join me in creating a mini universe where we can discuss videos I make, or anything else you guys want to share.
Welcome to the Subreddit of Fico's Gaming Mind. I hope you guys enjoy your time here.
submitted by fico23 to FICOSGAMINGMIND [link] [comments]

2013.02.09 20:54 hemphock Bottled German tea "1337mate" with pedobear and ascii art logos

Bottled German tea submitted by hemphock to cringe [link] [comments]

2011.05.31 18:35 sonar1 [TOMT] A single line pedobear ascii emoticon created by a redditor.

Someone used it recently in a comment and the creator was surprised it was used.
edit: found it - ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ
submitted by sonar1 to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2010.10.31 07:54 HomerJunior Reddit, come the fuck on.

"Waffles? Don't you mean carrots?" The circlejerking on this inane meme would make the worst Digg pedobear ascii artist facepalm. Seriously embarrassing stuff.
submitted by HomerJunior to [link] [comments]

2010.09.01 00:58 Swoopz A small favor that I ask of everyone who joined from digg

No ascii art. Please. Keep all that Pedobear, Penis Wagon, and Professor Farnsworth crap away from Reddit. You will only get downvoted.
submitted by Swoopz to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2009.09.28 07:47 Rubin0 I've Made A Massive List of All "Reddit Words." What Do I Need To Add Before I Can Deem It Complete?

Want to play reddit-themed Pictionary? Then help me finish the list!
If you think of something that is discussed on Reddit and think I might have left it out, use ctrl+F to check!
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Bush, Team America, America, United States, Anchorman, Terminator, Robocop, Back to the Future, Spiderman, Clerks, Twilight Zone, Snape Kills Dumbledore, Voldemort, Harry Potter, Hitchhiker’s Guide, Princess Bride, Saturday Night Live, Lazy Sunday, I’m on a Boat, What is Love, Like a Boss, More Cowbell, Christopher Walken, William Shatner, Expedia, Priceline, GEICO, Internet, Series of Tubes, Ted Stevens, Bel-Air, tl;dr, Bears, Lou Dobbs, Keith Olbermann, Chris Hansen, Lazytown, Jack Bauer, CSI Miami, Ask a Ninja, Ok Go, Rickroll, Michael Jackson, Numa Numa, Star Wars Kid, Badger Badger Badger, Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny, Benny Hill, Monty Python, Yakety Sax, In Soviet Russia, Don’t Tase Me Bro, I Like Turtles, Christian Bale, Leprechaun, Al Gore, Motivation Wolf, The Office, 30 Rock, Hope, Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, Boba Fett, Saddam Hussein, Hitler, Nazi, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Dennis Kucinich, Ralph Nader, Rudolph Giuliani, Tony Blair, Soap, Nixon, You Lie, Joe Wilson, Joe the Plumber, Venture Brothers, Wikipedia, Urban Dictionary, Porn, Pr0n, McDonald’s, Burger King, The Cake is a Lie, For Great Justice, All Your Base Are Belong to Us, Objection, Bill Cosby, Zombie, Scribblenauts, How is Babby Formed, Battletoads, Contra, Konami, Rare, Falcon Punch, Falcon Kick, Mr. Game and Watch, Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Pikmin, Captain Olimar, Lucario, Mew, Naruto, Charizard, Do a Barrel Roll, Try a Somersault, Star Wolf, Pedobear, Star Craft, Hadoken, Pac Man, Dracula, Spy Sappin Mah Sentry, OM NOM NOM, Fallout, Giant Enemy Crab, Ridge Racer, Wii, Nintendo 64, NES, SNES, Sega Genesis, Game Cube, Playstation, Playstation 2, PS3, Xbox, Xbox 360, Gameboy, Mortal Kombat, Combo Breaker, Oregon Trail, Pun, Samus, Metroid, Penny Arcade, Hark a Vagrant, Rule 34, Street Fighter, GI Joe, Captain Planet, Adventure Time, Daft Punk, Meme, Daily Show, Colbert Report, Robot Chicken, First, YTMND, NEDM, Mr. T, Chocolate Rain, Shoop Da Whoop, Doom, Muppets, Trogdor, Longcat, I See What You Did There, Divide by Zero, Jewish, Islam, Muslim, Pastafarian, Rastafarian, Flying Spaghetti Monster, Pirate, Lumberjack, Max Payne, Austria, Willy Wonka, Brock Sampson, Han Solo, Birdo, Solid Snake, Kim Jong Il, Seal Clubbing, Dolphin, Iran, Haiti, Vladimir Putin, Angelina Jolie, Transformers, Megan Fox, FOX News, Juggernaut, Oh Hai, Accuracy, Hamas, Prince of Persia, Hindenburg, The30thelement, Blade Runner, Grammar Nazi, Flame War, First, Post, Admiral Ackbar, Ascii, CollegeHumor, Proposition 8, Fascism, Anarchy, Richard Nixon, Barney Frank, Henry Paulson, Guantanamo Bay, Sean Connery, Vegan, Carnivore, Pirate Bay, uTorrent, Jaws Backwards, Teleport, Bailout, Depression, Recession, Twitter, Karl Rove, JP Morgan, Lehman Brothers, George Carlin, File Sharing, Gay Marriage, Chewbacca, Ted Kennedy, Jimmy Carter, Monica Lewinski, Bleach, Michael Phelps, Tiananmen Square, KBR, Halliburton, Constitution, Declaration of Independence, Founding Fathers, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Paine, Common Sense, Tea Baggers, Nickelback, Creed, PETA, Al-Jazeera, Twilight, True Blood, Teddy Roosevelt, Ricky Gervais, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Andre the Giant, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Heart, Barracuda, Terrorism, Calvin and Hobbes, Gallup, VLC, Stephen Hawking, Satan, Satanism, Make Me a Sandwich, Donald Rumsfeld, Miley Cyrus, Emma Watson, Yahoo, Gmail, AOL, MSN, a/s/l, Dusty, Reading Rainbow, Dora the Explorer, Bob the Builder, Ahmadinejad, Jack Cafferty, Honduras, Bristol Palin, Where’s Waldo, Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Wolf Blitzer, Rick Sanchez, Let Me Google That for You, Can I Tap That, TITS OR GTFO, The Onion, United Breaks Guitars, AT&T, Verizon, Cingular, Pirate Party, Photoshop, Adobe, Flash, Walmart, Richard Dawkins, Warcraft, Death Star, Nextel, Netflix, Monty Python, Winston Churchill, Magenta, Pie Chart, Red Rings of Death, Bungie, Halo, Blizzard, Dinosaur Comics, Vimeo, Youtube, Eureka, and Maru
submitted by Rubin0 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2008.10.06 21:25 charlatan ASCII Pedobear never gets old.

submitted by charlatan to funny [link] [comments]