Goodnight texts


2010.02.27 05:23 Meades_Loves_Memes r/teenagers

teenagers is the biggest community forum run by teenagers for teenagers. Our subreddit is primarily for discussions and memes that an average teenager would enjoy to discuss about. We do not have any age-restriction in place but do keep in mind this is targeted for users between the ages of 13 to 19. Parents, teachers, and the like are welcomed to participate and ask any questions!

2009.06.15 01:12 buu700 Relationship Advice

Need help with your relationship? Whether it's romance, friendship, family, co-workers, or basic human interaction: we're here to help!

2012.06.25 21:18 OHELLSNO Tell Reddit About Your Crush!<3

Crushes is a safe place for people to talk about their crushes and ask for advice. LGBTQ+ are welcome :) We also have a Discord server. Check "Community Info" in the top right corner if you're using the app, or use the old version of reddit by typing "old" in place of "www" into the URL and look at the top of the sidebar if you're on desktop.

2024.05.17 09:26 ThrowRANecessary6858 I was inappropriate towards a colleague after a few drinks last night, should I apologise or is it best to let it be? (M28/F24)

More of a "basic human interaction" issue I guess!
I'm on a work trip abroad and one of my colleagues and I went out last night to see some of the sights. Initially I had no ulterior motives (I've recently separated form my long time gf, and have been busy with work so relationships aren't really on my mind atm), we had simply discussed wanting to see some of the sights before she left (this afternoon), so I invited her along to one of my evening walks and she happily accepted.
We had a great evening, talked all night and there was definitely a connection, body language, light touching etc. Later in the evening we joined some of our other colleagues for dinner and had a few drinks, where one of them commented to me in private that he thought we looked good together, which got me thinking that actually, she was very much my type and perhaps I should see how things go.
A few more drinks are had, then we all return to our hotel where everyone parts ways - she comments that she needs to pack her things but wished we could have had more time to chat, so I wish her goodnight and we part ways.
Myself and another colleague stay for another drink, then head to bed.. at this point I decide to send her a text saying that I had a great time, enjoyed her company etc., and she reciprocates. This is where I fuck up.. I then stupidly decide to invite her to my room and she doesn't reply. I awoke this morning feeling mortified. I also realised she probably thinks I'm an asshole, as no one really knows I've recently separated from my ex (she had been a part of a conversation earlier in the week, where another colleague had mentioned my ex as if we were still together, and I did not correct them).
We work in a very large company and it's unlikely we'll bump into each other at work, but I feel like I should apologise for my inappropriateness and also explain that I am no longer in a relationship... but i'm unsure if it's too late for that and should just let it be and wallow in my embarrassment... part of me is also thinking that i'm overreacting. As i'm sure you can tell, it's been a while since I've been this position!
Any advice please?
submitted by ThrowRANecessary6858 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 06:55 throwawayyybuthello The guy I’m seeing barely text on vacation

Hello all, need some advice here.
I’ve been seeing a guy for a month, he’s currently on his 2nd day of his vacation and will be back on Monday to an island for surfing.
When we are together, we texted everyday and will exchange good morning/ goodnight on daily basis, since he went on vacation I didn’t get much of text from him, the last text that I got from him was he landed at the airport, I asked him I hope all is well, he didn’t reply anything and that was evening yesterday and I don’t want to look needy to double text him, so I didn’t tell him good night or good morning, neither did him.
We met up for dinner the day before he went on his trip, he did mention we will see each other once he comes back, but since lack of communications, it’s really bugging me if he’s started to detach.
For a bit of a back ground, he’s in his 40s and has avoidant attachment issues I’m in my 30s and I have anxious attachment issues, both of us are in therapy and we spoke about our attachment issues since the very beginning, and he offered to help me and communicate if anything needed from his side, but right now I don’t know what should be my next step and I don’t want to bother him during his trip.
submitted by throwawayyybuthello to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 06:19 Honeybunny1826 The guy I was talking to suddenly switched up. How to handle rejection while not taking it personal ? 🥹

I don’t know if this is the right sub but 🥹
I (23F) matched with a guy(26M) on Tinder, and our conversation was great from the start. On our first date, he took me on a picnic and was incredibly sweet. He texted me immediately after, saying he had an amazing time and asked me out for a second date the same night.
We kept talking nonstop, and he was very communicative and talking about how comfortable I made him feel. However, the day before our second date, he hadn't made any plans, claiming he was new to the country but great at planning dates (he'd been there for two weeks). I gave him the benefit of the doubt but still let him handle the planning.
He suggested grabbing food, shopping, and then an activity. We did the first two, but when it was time for the activity, he seemed hesitant and hinted at going back to his place. I was reluctant, but a heavy rainstorm made it safer to go to his place since it was nearby. We didn't hook up, but I noticed a huge shift in his demeanor, so I decided to go home.
He didn't text his usual goodnight message, and the next morning he sent one text and then went silent until 3 PM, saying his social battery was low. That night, I told him things felt weird, and he admitted he felt no romantic connection and had committed too soon.
I wasn’t too sure what he committed to? Especially because we had been having a good time and or at least I thought we were.
I realized his profile initially mentioned a short-term relationship but was open to long-term. After I deleted my account and saw his again, it said he was looking for short-term fun. I wondered if that was his true intention. (Hooking up)
This rejection has been particularly hard for me. I understand sometimes people aren’t a match but I think the SUDDEN change really left me in a state of shock and weirdly triggered my fear of abandonment.
Anyway how does one take it in like a champ.
submitted by Honeybunny1826 to love [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 04:55 PersonalityTop310 I give you space

Dear P,
I give you space so you can miss me, but I think I seek you out so much you've got tons of material to read so missing me is far from your mind.
I create the scenario where you miss me so much you'll pour your heart to me and we'll finally be vulnerable to each other.
I know you hearted my text, and I envision you conjuring up your own answers so you can reply to me.
Anyway hope your evening went well. Goodnight my love. Until we see each other again.
submitted by PersonalityTop310 to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 04:49 shadsz_mono_jhin message problem

message problem
I'm following the following tutorial and I came across some problems

red: I can't leave this text in the center of the cell phone
yellow: for some reason the cell phone owner's text appears on the same side and in the same color as the others

first of all thanks for your help
submitted by shadsz_mono_jhin to RenPy [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 04:09 Puzzleheaded-Mess796 Did I say something wrong or did he just ghost me?

We followed each other on social media but had never met in real life or even talked before. At some point, we started texting, and we immediately hit it off. After only a week of texting, he (M30) decided he wanted to take me (F29) out for dinner. He lives on the west coast and I live on the east coast. He let me know he booked his ticket and a few days later he flew over.
I think that was a pretty bold move of him (which I love) while in real life he was way more shy. Still funny and quirky, but very reserved. He got me a little inside-joke present which was cute and thoughtful. We went for dinner and we made plans for the next day to see each other again.
The next day we spent the whole day together until midnight. It felt really good and was really fun. He didn’t make any move or something to kiss me or hug me until the very last moment when saying goodnight and bye. He flew back the next morning and we have been texting every day since, sharing memes, photos of his day, his parents, etc. He had also sent cupcakes to my office because he knows I love cupcakes. So all very sweet and active.
He was going to fly over again for one or two nights to see me for a third date. This was supposed to be today… but we suddenly stopped talking a week ago, right after he asked me if I was busy/had time to see him those days. I told him I was busy on both those days during the day but that I definitely had time to see him after work. I didn’t hear back from him, so the day after, I texted him again with something funny and asked him if he was going to come. Still nothing, so I texted him for the third time with a normal hi how are you doing… Still haven’t heard anything back from him, 7 days and 3 texts later.
What the hell does this mean? And what should I do?
submitted by Puzzleheaded-Mess796 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 03:51 Available-Story-3307 Am I crazy?

I was talking to this guy for several weeks and everything seemed to be going well. Our last conversation was really positive and we both said goodnight. He said we will talk for sure. Several days went by and I didn’t hear from him. I thought maybe he was playing the game of who gonna text who first. In our past conversations, I was the one who would reach out first but I decided that I wasn’t going to reach out this time and I blocked him because I felt there was no effort on his part/maybe he wasn’t interested. Well, I found out today through a mutual friend that he was just laid off. I feel so bad that I over reacted by blocking him and now I’m realizing I’m the problem/ was very impulsive. I guess my question is did I do the right thing by blocking him or did I overreact? Am I crazy?!?!?
submitted by Available-Story-3307 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:31 Pitiful_Space6644 Just need people to hear this.

Hey so me and my girlfriend who met at college and are long distance this summer are on a small break. Now I didn’t want a break because I feel like it’s just going to lead to something bad. I just wanted to talk it out like we normally do. We had a small fight in the morning then she just texted me “i need a break.” Usually she just says that and then we talk it out make up and we love each other even more than we did before the fight. But this time we are actually on a break. The break is only for a week and idk what to do. This girl really likes when I text her a lot and text her goodnight and stuff but the whole reason she wants a break is because we’ve been talking on the phone to much apparently. She thinks that we just stretch out our conversations over the phone which is occasionally true but I thought that was just bc we didn’t want to hang up. She said she just needs some time to get stuff done and it feels like a chore to have to call me on a nightly basis. Now idk what to do. Obviously I’m not going to text or call for a week but she hates me when I don’t text goodnight to her so should I continue to do that and just that or should I not text at all. I need some help bc I really love this girl and I thought she loved me but now I’m confused and the break just feels like it’s going to make things worse.
submitted by Pitiful_Space6644 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:13 TheFledgling_ • O wiCKSwOTen?

• O wiCKSwOTen?
Hi! I have no clue if anyone else have found this (I am pretty new to this whole deep diving theory thing) HoWeVer… I was stumbled upon the Glitch Productions Store via a Gumigoo pin on Pinterest of all places, and ended up browsing the website. There, I clicked on the ‘full screen bar’ and ended up on the WackyWatch— I, using an iPad, accidentally held down, pulling up an image. From the image, a ‘Show Text’ option materialised.
I’m pretty sure that someone else will have figured this out by now, but ima continue anyway— of course I clicked the ‘Show Text’ option and, low and behold, a copy text option showed up! So, of course, I clicked the ‘Copt Text’ button, and pasted into notes and the bizarre message appeared (bulletpoint included):
• O wiCKSwOTen
You can spell ‘Wonkiest Cow’ from that, but I somewhat doubt that’s what it’s supposed to mean in the slightest… you can also find ‘Socket Tin Eww’ within there, which again… makes me question what kind of bizarre anagrams are floating around my brain…
ANWAY— Anyone have any clue whatsoever what this is? Also please scold me if this has been seen a million times haha— thank ye and goodnight ✌️ :)
submitted by TheFledgling_ to TheDigitalCircus [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:15 Honeybunny1826 How to handle rejection while not taking it personal ?

I (23F) matched with a guy(26M) on Tinder, and our conversation was great from the start. On our first date, he took me on a picnic and was incredibly sweet. He texted me immediately after, saying he had an amazing time and asked me out for a second date the same night.
We kept talking nonstop, and he was very communicative and talking about how comfortable I made him feel. However, the day before our second date, he hadn't made any plans, claiming he was new to the country but great at planning dates (he'd been there for two weeks). I gave him the benefit of the doubt but still let him handle the planning.
He suggested grabbing food, shopping, and then an activity. We did the first two, but when it was time for the activity, he seemed hesitant and hinted at going back to his place. I was reluctant, but a heavy rainstorm made it safer to go to his place since it was nearby. We didn't hook up, but I noticed a huge shift in his demeanor, so I decided to go home.
He didn't text his usual goodnight message, and the next morning he sent one text and then went silent until 3 PM, saying his social battery was low. That night, I told him things felt weird, and he admitted he felt no romantic connection and had committed too soon.
I wasn’t too sure what he committed to? Especially because we had been having a good time and or at least I thought we were.
I realized his profile initially mentioned a short-term relationship but was open to long-term. After I deleted my account and saw his again, it said he was looking for short-term fun. I wondered if that was his true intention. (Hooking up)
This rejection has been particularly hard for me. I understand sometimes people aren’t a match but I think the SUDDEN change really left me in a state of shock and weirdly triggered my fear of abandonment.
Anyway how does one take it in like a champ.
submitted by Honeybunny1826 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:04 ThrowRA_RW Is my bf ignoring me on purpose? My Bf (25M) ignores me (29F) for video games

My bf and I have been dating for 8 months now. We hang out for a day and a half on weekends and maybe 0-1 a few hours during the week.
When we hang out everything is great and we enjoy each other’s company, but once he leaves he ignores me for the rest of the day for PC games and maybe text me once to say he made it home and once to say goodnight.
During the week we both work pretty much the same schedule and text a handful or less of times during work hours. Once he gets home from work I do not hear from him for 5-6 hours straight, but I know he is playing his PC. If we hang out during the week either he invites me or sometimes I’ll ask to come over he’s already playing games and plays them for 1-1 1/2 hours with his friends while I sit there. Once he’s off his games we eat and spend maybe about an hour together then I got home. We do live in the same town and there are weeks where we see each other Friday night and Saturday. There was also one time we made plans Saturday for that night, but after getting back to his house from dinner he asked if he could play some games and I said sure thinking he just didn’t want to go anymore. Later that week I found out he told our friend (who I didn’t know was going to be there too) we just got done eating and we were going to stay in for the night (news to me since bf didn’t say that to me and just wanted to play games). Once I saw our friend he brought up going to the meet alone and said my bf and I ditched him, but I wanted to go and didn’t know he was going. I would have liked to of gone and think my bf should have asked me before making that decision for the both of us and choosing to play.
I am his first girlfriend and my last relationship was not the best. I’m also not very good at communicating and am not sure how to bring up how I’m feeling due to past reactions on expressing my feelings with past relationships. I know texting can be boring sometimes, but for me I want to stay in contact throughout the day. When my bf does these long hours with no contact it makes me feel he isn’t interested or as committed to the relationship as I am. I understand we have our own lives and I’m trying not to be all involved in his, but I am in the dark when it comes to not being together
submitted by ThrowRA_RW to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:22 Disastrous_Worry_230 First breakup

Hi all, I’m very new to Reddit culture and have only joined since my breakup earlier this week. Please excuse the novel I’m about to write. I’m 24F and my ex is 24M. We were long distance for the majority of our relationship due to graduating college early/ late and then moving to different cities to start our first jobs.
We came from very different backgrounds but fit together so nicely. Our relationship was beautiful and fun but not without struggles. I was always going to see him more because “it made sense” and he rarely came out to see me. He works night shifts and I work a 9-5 and often go to bed early. I live in the city and he lives in the middle of nowhere. But we were happy, so so so happy. For 2.5 years we made it worked and there would be problems but they would always get fixed, all it took was a conversation. Our problem was communication though, problems would pop up and they would just fester and get worse until a breaking point and I would explode and lay 5 months of issues all on him at once. But we always got through it.
I had been so unhappy these last few months. He was supposed to come and see me for my birthday but something came up. I forgave him but I had to tread carefully. I expressed to him just a few months prior that I hated my birthday because no one ever made me feel special. And then he crushed me on my birthday. I told him it was fine as long as the next time I saw him, it was him coming up to see me. Not the other way around as it was every other time. So days start to go by, then weeks, and months. I haven’t seen him. He hasn’t made one attempt at coming and visiting. He wanted to plan a make up trip for my birthday and I never heard about that again.
And then the good morning and goodnight texts were missed from time to time. I thought that was weird but again we operate on completely opposite schedules. I just assumed work got busy. Conversations became sticky and I started feeling annoyed, upset, confused. Just hurt. I thought for sure this was his attempt at breaking up and just letting me down gently. So I did the worst thing imaginable and broke up with him in my mind. I saw no effort so why should I put it in. I still answered his calls, never missed a goodnight or morning text, and told him I loved him everyday, but I was definitely colder. I didn’t need all the details anymore, I stopped asking.
And then finally after talking to all of my friends and family who collectively decided he was being a dick, everyone agreed I should break up with him. And they did not spare any of the things they disliked about him. I told them I was considering a breakup and they would check in making sure I would follow through.
And I did 3 days ago. We talked and talked and agreed our lack of communication just hurts each other. He told me he was struggling with his mental health and everything I noticed was attributed to that. He said he tried therapy but could never follow through and that led to hurting me. I told him I felt like his last priority and that I hadn’t been happy for a while. I thought we were on the same page. This cycle of explosive communication just hurt us. And then he said we’ll get through it together. And I said “together? I thought we were breaking up” nope. But he asked if I was breaking up with him and I said yes. And that was it. He said wow and I wanted to propose to you.
We hung up the phone (long distance I know that was a dick move) and I was unfollowed, unfriended, blocked in minutes. I thought we were in the same page. I apologized a million times on that call. Yesterday he texted me, said he wanted to end on a more positive note but that he was angry so bloody red angry. He hopes I move on, we both need time to heal. He has more to say but needs space until he can say it. I sent him a letter this morning which explained why I did it but also that I still love him and miss him but hope can learn to love and trust again. He said he’ll love me forever and that I’m his one that got away. I want him back. I want to take back the breakup and scrub it from our memories and have him back. We could’ve fixed it but I got scared so scared of being hurt but now his struggles were in the table and that was the next step toward fixing things. And it’s gone.
I know you all say NC is for yourself but I’m doing it for him. He needs the space but I want him back so badly. I don’t know what the letter will do or mean but it’s been sent and he rarely even checks his mail. God this hurts so bad. How do
submitted by Disastrous_Worry_230 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:04 One-Service8949 Am I a fool for waiting?

He’s been talking everyday for 4 months. Goodnight and good morning baby texts. Haven’t seen him in weeks because he works a lot and is depressed. I’ve been patient with him but I find it odd. He reassures me it’s only temporary and that he’ll be there. Tells me he’s genuinely interested in me but is fine with no sex and that he still wants to hang out with me when I brought up let’s just be friends. He isolates himself from the world and feels “guilty” for having fun. I suspect he has an avoidant attachment. What’s up with this? How should I act?
submitted by One-Service8949 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:00 Puzzled_Trade4220 Coercive control?

I'm a 29 year old male and i will try to summarize the horrendous situation I find myself without leaving to many crucial details out. I was with my ex girlfriend for nearly 6 years. The red flags were present fromn the beggining but looking back I had no way to understand what they were at the time partly due to my young nievete and partly due to the fact that coming from a emotijallyabusive household I had normalized many of the more subtle behaviors and therefore they fell within a blindspot of my cognitive distortions at the time. From the very start she would begin punching herself in her own head if i ever became upset with her in any way or during any attempt to verbally work a problem out. I thought she was just a bit flippant and intense. Dare I say I almost found it attractive in a strange sense. She was and still to this day, stunningly beautiful and menacingly seductive and knows how she can have a significant effect on males especially without doing very much in the way of actions. Fast forward she unknown to me at the time discontinued her birth contorll pills while still assuring me she was taking them and ultimetly lied by telling me she had just to fund out she had become pregnant herself after missing a period. We were both in our mid to early 20s still more or less financially dependant on our parents and were living on public city streets in our tow behind rv with our 2 dogs. She was idealizing me and to be frank I remebr this period of time as the happiest iv been eever before and up untill now. This memory of "happiness" I think was the biggest reason it took me so long to finally start trying to advocate for my self respect instead of hanging my head and just ignoring the abuse so that I would get the sweet reward of psedo- intimacy with her a few times a week. Despite my fond memories looking back I see now what could only be described as patterns if coercive control that seriously escalated over the 5 years we were in a relationship with each other and included her beggining to cheat early on and the resulting systemic lies and relational damage from needing to formulate and bend the nature of reality around those lies. Her hot and cold treatment of me with any postive(hot) behavior usually at least in the last few years being exclusively sexual in nature and cold behavior usually manifesting as her stonewalling me and or simply disappearing for multiple days at a time sometimes. The day my son was born i accompanied her to the hospital and sat with her the entire time helped her push ans enouraged her with love. She treated me with indifference and disdain. Once our wonderful little boy came along this a became even worse. The sense that she was making it about him and her vs everyone else including me was strong. She became quite introverted secretive and "cliquey" with my newborn and at the same time seemed to loose all desire to be physically or emotionally intimate with me. (Of course i gave her plenty of time and space right after she gave birth amd was understanding that it might be a while before things were back to normal).it was almost like she had a new partner-our child. she refused to fully move in to the apartment my grandparents had spent a huge amint of money on to give us a chance at raising our soon in a healthy environment. She would start random and seemingly pointless arguments often escalating into her screaming mean things at me innfront of our 3 month old son like she ****ed me and then raging followed by quickly slamming the door and taking our infant son backto her mother's house where she would stonewall me for a few days then send me. A message that emotionally blackmailed me into taking full blame for the rupture and apologizing profusely. In addition she did not trust me with our son but had no reason not too and as a result gatekept him in an extremely overcintrolling and damaging(for him and for me) manner. to this day (he is 3.5] I have never spent the night alone with him and have had him 1 on 1 dad and son time signifigantly less than I should have and not for lack of trying on my part. Despite her overcontrolling coercive sabatoging and alienating actions my son and I formed a loving and beautiful bond that up untill I saw him last a few months ago has amazingly endured through the storm. The tradegy goes on and on but to wrap up ultimitely she purposefully betrayed me by starting a relationship with my good friend and had him suggest to me that he should move in so he became my roommate all the while lying to my roommate that I ht her and simultaneously having him report back to her on my whereabouts at any Givin time and the things I said about her when venting after a prticulringly humiliating attempt to see my son or similar interaction and also give her info about what I was doing during the day. He became quite controlling himself and severed to further isolate me from people that weren't trying to ruin my life. They started to play mindgames with me that ibsee now attempts to gage how much I knew or suspected about what was going on. Mind you my son who was around 2 at this point was privy to the whole thing it was only kept a secret from me and due to this my son was coached to not tell me about it although what was actually said I will never know. Eventually a mutual friend of my roommate and I reached out and told me he had seen my roommate "playing dad" with my girl and son at dollar tree that day. I remebrr that day I sat at a local park in my car sullen and confused having been led on via sms from her only to randomly stop responding and never managing to get any time with my son. This sort of thing had become a regular occurance She then began withholding my son all togethar simply not answering at all or lying about him being asleep ridiculously early in the afternoon etc etc. My own parents failed to suppprt me and are still failing to show any sort of care other than somehwat monitarily. In fact my mom and her were two peas in a pod and my mom activly participated in the emotional abuse partly becauee of being manipulated by her partly because my mother is emotionally abusive. If I had better support or access to court resources at the time I'm confident things would have gone much differently but I was so isolated and lonely and in a deep state of despair at this point and the only thing I still was enduring for was the brief and inconsistent times i got with my boy whom I love more than life itself. I managed to get a hold of her via phone at this point and said i was going to go to court and pursue custody since she seemed unwilling to value my valid role as father. Her mom and her immediately became overly nice and invited me over where they sat me down and offered to make a visitation schedule and kindly suggested I dident go to court. It wasent much but it was signifgantly more respect than I had been shown any instance prior so I gobbled up the manipulations and left feeling invigorated and hopeful. The schedule was never adhered too and within a few days it was back to me not even be able to get a hold of her let alone see my son. The final day I saw him before things blew up I went over to her house in the evening. My son wanted to play hot wheels so we began to line them up on the floor but my ex was hovering over us with a hostile air. I asked if we could have some space or if at least she could sit down and play with us and she just kept standing there glaring at me. This made me uncomfortable and my son noticed this by sayig daddy play with me! Upon hearing this she in a angry tone said "play with your effin kid isent that what you wanted to do soooooo badly" right in front of him. I asked not to be spoken to in front of him like that and she went and got her mom and started whispering abut me to her mom in the hallway while they watched my son and I. I got up and said I'm leaving this is innappropriate and she said "wow that checks out you harrass me to see your son and then you don't even wanna see him. how pathetic and typical" " you just want to stress me out dont you" you don't actually give 2 you know what's about him" right in front of my son again. I speechlessly went to leave and my son comes running after me begging me to wait. I'm on the verge of tears and i picked him up cherishing how warm he was and how lovingly he was clinging to me. I tentatively requested I be allowed to go for a walk with him around the block and her mom this time dismissively says ya go and shoos us out the door. I get down the driveway and my ex comes sprinting out of the house tears streaming down her face and a look of rage and starts hitting me while I'm holding our son. Amazingly he start4d pushing her away saying mommy stop mommy stop. She says you have 5 minutes or I'm calling the cops and goes back in. I walk him around the block and say "mommy's feeling sad right now but it doesn't mean that either one of us loves you any more or any less than we used to and it's absolutely not your fault." I go back inside and without saying anything I walk up to her and give her a hug wich my son joins in too. All the sudden she is happy again and trying to speak to me in a casual tone but I basically just leave without saying much else. After this a week of no contact with my son occurs which at the time was the longest we had gone apart I felt like I had no choice but to confront her and assert my rights AGAIN although looking back I feel terribley silly for thinking she was going to repsect me at that point. Keep in mind i ALWAYS was extrmely respectful of her space and never would just show up at her moms house even though our relationahip by many accounts was more than informal ennough to make an occasionaI drop in to say hi. In addition she on Many occasions had told me that I could just come by if she didn't Answer her phone or simular situation arose. I texted her I was coming by to say goodnight to my son and phrased it as a statement not a question or request. I was already on the way when I sent the message and so I arrived (unintentionally)before her being able to fully respond to it to see my romate come running out of the front door (this is when I first had proof ab about all the stuff I mentioned earlier about their secret relationship) and go hide in the bushes, her poke her head out the door and then shut and lock it and turn all the lights in the house out and close the blinds. I walk up to the door and knock to no avail and so I confront her about what i know and saw via sms. She directly denies all my proof and accusations and then after calling me crazy and a stalker blocks me on all channels of communication. I go back to my car and collapse in tears and ultimtly fall asleep. I wake up to see her quickly shoving a duffel bag and my son into her moms car and her and my roommate get in and she pulls quickly away. Upon passing me on her way to the main road she becomes aware that im still there in my car and she burns rubber and begins driving extremely fast and erratically. In a moment of panic I knew she was probably trying to go into hiding with my son to prevent me from evrr seeing him again and I fearing for the safety of my son and our relationship I regrettably felt compelled to follow. We got on the freeway where she initiatied speeds of 100 plus miles perhour weaving in between semi's and this sort of thing continued d for an hour in the interim I had called 911 and also she had pulled up too a gas station casually got out and pumped gas upon her getting back in the car I witnessed my roommate making derogatory and taunting sexual gestures referring to my ex and also what i can only describe as cuddling with my son in the back seat and became enraged and made some threatening motions with a large wooden shovel handle while standing next to her car that were directed at my betraying friend and I feel terrible for doing in front of my child but in the moment I was so desperate and upset by the psychological torture i had been through it clouded my normally good judgment. In the end the police couldn't locate us due to my 911 call continually being transfered fron highway patrol dispatch back to whatever city we were in at the times dispatch. Also ultimetly no physical harm or even any other attempts happend or anything to anyone of the people involved and eventually I gave up and drove back to my hometown. She immediately filed for a domestic violence restraining order and used a recording she took of me looking aggressive and threatening outside her car as proof im abusive and violent even though i have never been either of those things. Especially not violent. I may not have been the most mature or experienced or attentive partner for some of our relationship but anything I did was truly a far cry from the serious emotional anguish I have ben subjected to here and not abusive. I did not lie, cheat,manipulate, gaslight, trick, triangulate, turn family againts or ever feel superior or entitled to harm or use her in any way. I loved her and she did all those to me and now is trying to steal the most precious thing I have left in the world from me so she can emotionally scar him with her idea of what good parenting is which in truth is emotional abuse.. She moved my old roommate in to her moms house full time the very next day and from what I hear they both are abusing meth and who knows what else currently plus this guy is not somone that is safe around my son to that degree. He is not a healthy safe adult for such a young boy and in addition he is vindictive and dislikes me mostly because my ex told him I hit her and abused her which are absolutely complete lies. I'm facing a situation now where I have to sit by and watch my son turned agsints me and withheld from me and abused and eveyone treats me like im the abuser. I have tried to contact every dv organization in my local area and as soon as they hear what happend it's almost like I can Feel the switch flip and in the moment it's evident that all the abuse that I had recounted surviving through doesn't matter because I'm some "unhinged abusive guy that chases people down the freeway" eveyone I have reached out to locally has invalidated me and berrated me for "what I did" and successfully pathologized what I consider to be a huge mistake that I feel very regretful for loosing my composure but also a rather understandable emotional reaction to severe mistreatment and fear for my son. I'm beggining to feel so isolated riding the emotional Rollercoaster of self doubt and powerlessness that this abuse at the hands of my ex but dare I say worse yet the abuse by way of victim blame and invalidation from these people and organizations that exist to help dv survivors has caused me. which because I reacted I'm not worthy of being included as a survivor. Cn you offer any advice or support or suggestions? I'm terrified for my sons wellbeing currently and haven't been able to see him in going on 2.5 months now clear and to be clear the domestic violence restraining order is still temporary. I have the final hearing in August.i
submitted by Puzzled_Trade4220 to Manipulation [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:16 Puzzled_Trade4220 False dvro to gain custody of child (yolo county California

I'm a 29 year old male and i will try to summarize the horrendous situation I find myself without leaving to many crucial details out. I was with my ex girlfriend for nearly 6 years. The red flags were present fromn the beggining but looking back I had no way to understand what they were at the time partly due to my young nievete and partly due to the fact that coming from a emotijallyabusive household I had normalized many of the more subtle behaviors and therefore they fell within a blindspot of my cognitive distortions at the time. From the very start she would begin punching herself in her own head if i ever became upset with her in any way or during any attempt to verbally work a problem out. I thought she was just a bit flippant and intense. Dare I say I almost found it attractive in a strange sense. She was and still to this day, stunningly beautiful and menacingly seductive and knows how she can have a significant effect on males especially without doing very much in the way of actions. Fast forward she unknown to me at the time discontinued her birth contorll pills while still assuring me she was taking them and ultimetly lied by telling me she had just to fund out she had become pregnant herself after missing a period. We were both in our mid to early 20s still more or less financially dependant on our parents and were living on public city streets in our tow behind rv with our 2 dogs. She was idealizing me and to be frank I remebr this period of time as the happiest iv been eever before and up untill now. This memory of "happiness" I think was the biggest reason it took me so long to finally start trying to advocate for my self respect instead of hanging my head and just ignoring the abuse so that I would get the sweet reward of psedo- intimacy with her a few times a week. Despite my fond memories looking back I see now what could only be described as patterns if coercive control that seriously escalated over the 5 years we were in a relationship with each other and included her beggining to cheat early on and the resulting systemic lies and relational damage from needing to formulate and bend the nature of reality around those lies. Her hot and cold treatment of me with any postive(hot) behavior usually at least in the last few years being exclusively sexual in nature and cold behavior usually manifesting as her stonewalling me and or simply disappearing for multiple days at a time sometimes. The day my son was born i accompanied her to the hospital and sat with her the entire time helped her push ans enouraged her with love. She treated me with indifference and disdain. Once our wonderful little boy came along this a became even worse. The sense that she was making it about him and her vs everyone else including me was strong. She became quite introverted secretive and "cliquey" with my newborn and at the same time seemed to loose all desire to be physically or emotionally intimate with me. (Of course i gave her plenty of time and space right after she gave birth amd was understanding that it might be a while before things were back to normal).it was almost like she had a new partner-our child. she refused to fully move in to the apartment my grandparents had spent a huge amint of money on to give us a chance at raising our soon in a healthy environment. She would start random and seemingly pointless arguments often escalating into her screaming mean things at me innfront of our 3 month old son like she ****ed me and then raging followed by quickly slamming the door and taking our infant son backto her mother's house where she would stonewall me for a few days then send me. A message that emotionally blackmailed me into taking full blame for the rupture and apologizing profusely. In addition she did not trust me with our son but had no reason not too and as a result gatekept him in an extremely overcintrolling and damaging(for him and for me) manner. to this day (he is 3.5] I have never spent the night alone with him and have had him 1 on 1 dad and son time signifigantly less than I should have and not for lack of trying on my part. Despite her overcontrolling coercive sabatoging and alienating actions my son and I formed a loving and beautiful bond that up untill I saw him last a few months ago has amazingly endured through the storm. The tradegy goes on and on but to wrap up ultimitely she purposefully betrayed me by starting a relationship with my good friend and had him suggest to me that he should move in so he became my roommate all the while lying to my roommate that I ht her and simultaneously having him report back to her on my whereabouts at any Givin time and the things I said about her when venting after a prticulringly humiliating attempt to see my son or similar interaction and also give her info about what I was doing during the day. He became quite controlling himself and severed to further isolate me from people that weren't trying to ruin my life. They started to play mindgames with me that ibsee now attempts to gage how much I knew or suspected about what was going on. Mind you my son who was around 2 at this point was privy to the whole thing it was only kept a secret from me and due to this my son was coached to not tell me about it although what was actually said I will never know. Eventually a mutual friend of my roommate and I reached out and told me he had seen my roommate "playing dad" with my girl and son at dollar tree that day. I remebrr that day I sat at a local park in my car sullen and confused having been led on via sms from her only to randomly stop responding and never managing to get any time with my son. This sort of thing had become a regular occurance She then began withholding my son all togethar simply not answering at all or lying about him being asleep ridiculously early in the afternoon etc etc. My own parents failed to suppprt me and are still failing to show any sort of care other than somehwat monitarily. In fact my mom and her were two peas in a pod and my mom activly participated in the emotional abuse partly becauee of being manipulated by her partly because my mother is emotionally abusive. If I had better support or access to court resources at the time I'm confident things would have gone much differently but I was so isolated and lonely and in a deep state of despair at this point and the only thing I still was enduring for was the brief and inconsistent times i got with my boy whom I love more than life itself. I managed to get a hold of her via phone at this point and said i was going to go to court and pursue custody since she seemed unwilling to value my valid role as father. Her mom and her immediately became overly nice and invited me over where they sat me down and offered to make a visitation schedule and kindly suggested I dident go to court. It wasent much but it was signifgantly more respect than I had been shown any instance prior so I gobbled up the manipulations and left feeling invigorated and hopeful. The schedule was never adhered too and within a few days it was back to me not even be able to get a hold of her let alone see my son. The final day I saw him before things blew up I went over to her house in the evening. My son wanted to play hot wheels so we began to line them up on the floor but my ex was hovering over us with a hostile air. I asked if we could have some space or if at least she could sit down and play with us and she just kept standing there glaring at me. This made me uncomfortable and my son noticed this by sayig daddy play with me! Upon hearing this she in a angry tone said "play with your effin kid isent that what you wanted to do soooooo badly" right in front of him. I asked not to be spoken to in front of him like that and she went and got her mom and started whispering abut me to her mom in the hallway while they watched my son and I. I got up and said I'm leaving this is innappropriate and she said "wow that checks out you harrass me to see your son and then you don't even wanna see him. how pathetic and typical" " you just want to stress me out dont you" you don't actually give 2 you know what's about him" right in front of my son again. I speechlessly went to leave and my son comes running after me begging me to wait. I'm on the verge of tears and i picked him up cherishing how warm he was and how lovingly he was clinging to me. I tentatively requested I be allowed to go for a walk with him around the block and her mom this time dismissively says ya go and shoos us out the door. I get down the driveway and my ex comes sprinting out of the house tears streaming down her face and a look of rage and starts hitting me while I'm holding our son. Amazingly he start4d pushing her away saying mommy stop mommy stop. She says you have 5 minutes or I'm calling the cops and goes back in. I walk him around the block and say "mommy's feeling sad right now but it doesn't mean that either one of us loves you any more or any less than we used to and it's absolutely not your fault." I go back inside and without saying anything I walk up to her and give her a hug wich my son joins in too. All the sudden she is happy again and trying to speak to me in a casual tone but I basically just leave without saying much else. After this a week of no contact with my son occurs which at the time was the longest we had gone apart I felt like I had no choice but to confront her and assert my rights AGAIN although looking back I feel terribley silly for thinking she was going to repsect me at that point. Keep in mind i ALWAYS was extrmely respectful of her space and never would just show up at her moms house even though our relationahip by many accounts was more than informal ennough to make an occasionaI drop in to say hi. In addition she on Many occasions had told me that I could just come by if she didn't Answer her phone or simular situation arose. I texted her I was coming by to say goodnight to my son and phrased it as a statement not a question or request. I was already on the way when I sent the message and so I arrived (unintentionally)before her being able to fully respond to it to see my romate come running out of the front door (this is when I first had proof ab about all the stuff I mentioned earlier about their secret relationship) and go hide in the bushes, her poke her head out the door and then shut and lock it and turn all the lights in the house out and close the blinds. I walk up to the door and knock to no avail and so I confront her about what i know and saw via sms. She directly denies all my proof and accusations and then after calling me crazy and a stalker blocks me on all channels of communication. I go back to my car and collapse in tears and ultimtly fall asleep. I wake up to see her quickly shoving a duffel bag and my son into her moms car and her and my roommate get in and she pulls quickly away. Upon passing me on her way to the main road she becomes aware that im still there in my car and she burns rubber and begins driving extremely fast and erratically. In a moment of panic I knew she was probably trying to go into hiding with my son to prevent me from evrr seeing him again and I fearing for the safety of my son and our relationship I regrettably felt compelled to follow. We got on the freeway where she initiatied speeds of 100 plus miles perhour weaving in between semi's and this sort of thing continued d for an hour in the interim I had called 911 and also she had pulled up too a gas station casually got out and pumped gas upon her getting back in the car I witnessed my roommate making derogatory and taunting sexual gestures referring to my ex and also what i can only describe as cuddling with my son in the back seat and became enraged and made some threatening motions with a large wooden shovel handle while standing next to her car that were directed at my betraying friend and I feel terrible for doing in front of my child but in the moment I was so desperate and upset by the psychological torture i had been through it clouded my normally good judgment. In the end the police couldn't locate us due to my 911 call continually being transfered fron highway patrol dispatch back to whatever city we were in at the times dispatch. Also ultimetly no physical harm or even any other attempts happend or anything to anyone of the people involved and eventually I gave up and drove back to my hometown. She immediately filed for a domestic violence restraining order and used a recording she took of me looking aggressive and threatening outside her car as proof im abusive and violent even though i have never been either of those things. Especially not violent. I may not have been the most mature or experienced or attentive partner for some of our relationship but anything I did was truly a far cry from the serious emotional anguish I have ben subjected to here and not abusive. I did not lie, cheat,manipulate, gaslight, trick, triangulate, turn family againts or ever feel superior or entitled to harm or use her in any way. I loved her and she did all those to me and now is trying to steal the most precious thing I have left in the world from me so she can emotionally scar him with her idea of what good parenting is which in truth is emotional abuse.. She moved my old roommate in to her moms house full time the very next day and from what I hear they both are abusing meth and who knows what else currently plus this guy is not somone that is safe around my son to that degree. He is not a healthy safe adult for such a young boy and in addition he is vindictive and dislikes me mostly because my ex told him I hit her and abused her which are absolutely complete lies. I'm facing a situation now where I have to sit by and watch my son turned agsints me and withheld from me and abused and eveyone treats me like im the abuser. I have tried to contact every dv organization in my local area and as soon as they hear what happend it's almost like I can Feel the switch flip and in the moment it's evident that all the abuse that I had recounted surviving through doesn't matter because I'm some "unhinged abusive guy that chases people down the freeway" eveyone I have reached out to locally has invalidated me and berrated me for "what I did" and successfully pathologized what I consider to be a huge mistake that I feel very regretful for loosing my composure but also a rather understandable emotional reaction to severe mistreatment and fear for my son. I'm beggining to feel so isolated riding the emotional Rollercoaster of self doubt and powerlessness that this abuse at the hands of my ex but dare I say worse yet the abuse by way of victim blame and invalidation from these people and organizations that exist to help dv survivors has caused me. which because I reacted I'm not worthy of being included as a survivor. Cn you offer any advice or support or suggestions? I'm terrified for my sons wellbeing currently and haven't been able to see him in going on 2.5 months now clear and to be clear the domestic violence restraining order is still temporary. I have the final hearing in August.i
submitted by Puzzled_Trade4220 to FamilyLaw [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:50 oskilos Shroom Chocolates

My friend JP and I decided to each eat two 4 gram shroom chocolate bars.
Some context: JP and I, as well as some other classmates were all attending a trade school for 7 months. The school and a local extended stay hotel had a deal where students from the school could book rooms there for months in advance at a discount.
One weekend night a few of our classmates were having a small party in one of their hotel rooms. JP was busy doing something and we wanted to eat the shroom chocolates together so I hung out with the other guys having a couple drinks and smoking until JP arrived around midnight. JP finally arrived and we decided to eat the chocolate. We each immediately ate our first 4 gram bar. We agreed that 8 grams was a bit too strong so we broke off a few squares and shared them with our classmates. In total, we both ate about 6 grams (1 and a half chocolate bars). This was about midnight.
Around 12:30, I could feel the shrooms kicking in. JP was feeling it also. I was already having visuals and colors were very vibrant. JP was looking a little concerned and got up saying he wanted to trip in his own room. We all wished him luck and said goodnight and I told him to call me or text me if he needs anything. JP left.
Probably another 20 minutes or so and the shrooms were starting to affect my perception. I stood up off the couch and zoned out staring at the floor. Then I decided it was time to go back to my own room and lay in bed. My classmates said okay and even the guys who had only a couple squares of chocolate said they were feeling good. I said goodnight and walked the short distance down the hall to my room.
It felt good once i was alone in my room. The familiar feeling of tripping came over me. However, the trip was increasing in strength faster than usual. Soon I felt as though I wasnt in control. There were patterns on the wall and the carpet and I soon got a sinister feeling. I felt the urge to vomit and went to my bathroom. I dry heaved for a couple minutes but nothing came up. The shrooms felt like they were a separate organism living inside me, like they were growing inside me.
I decided to ride out the trip laying in the dark in bed. Being in complete darkness was comforting and made the visuals alot more vivid. Geometric patters of all different colors encompassed my entire visual field. I lay in the dark tripping.
The hotel rooms all have air conditioners and at this moment mine kicked on. The humming vibration sound comforted me. It was resonating with me, vibrating me on the inside. This helped me really relax into the trip, as the body high was accelerating rapidly. I felt myself blasting off.
Everything expanded and my mind was its own three dimensional space, separate from my body. Any substance Ive ever taken would always show itself to me. The shrooms were talking to me, something along the lines of “you wanted to trip so here you go”.
Suddenly my mind was collapsing, like how a star collapses into a black hole. It shrunk and shrunk down to microscopic size. At this point it felt like my whole being was being sliced up. I was being chopped atom by atom, getting smaller and smaller. I found myself laying on my back in bed and without trying to speak I said, “Im trapped inside here”, “Someone trapped me in here”, “Someone tricked me”. I watched as my mind was crushed and sliced smaller and smaller.
Finally, i could see myself trapped in a room inside my own mind.
I felt the fear of being trapped. The claustrophobia. I then remembered how in the Yugioh anime, Atem is trapped inside the millennium puzzle. This thought was like a wake up call and i imagined the word “willpower”. The room in my mind expanded to show that surrounding it, was a giant labyrinth. There was a maze in my mind that I was trapped in. I wasnt afraid anymore and felt confidence that I would escape.
This must have been what the shrooms were looking for. I passed their test. I was then being shown my own memories. Parts of my life passed in front of me. It looked like images of my memories on tablets which were being presented to me. I then got the feeling that I was dying. I felt my grandmother and possibly other ancestors around me. I thought, “ok this is it, Im going to die right here in this hotel room”, and I surrendered.
Thats when i saw it. The veil of our reality. It is directly in front of our eyes. Its as if our eyes are looking point blank into a screen that shows reality. But reality isnt real. I felt contained within something. We are inside a machine and our reality is being projected to us. I could tell there was more just beyond my eyesight.
I then saw, right over my eyes, a reptilian face. It flashed in front of my vision briefly, but its face is burned into my memory.
At this point i began to come back to normal. I slowly went back into my body and recovered from the trip. I lay in bed trying to remember what I had experienced, but I didnt lay for too long because from outside my room in the hallway I heard someones voice.
I sat up with a burst of adrenaline. That sounded like JP. I tapped my phone, it was 4:30am. I got up and went to the door. Poking my head out I saw JP standing in the hall talking to himself. “JP, what are you doing?” He turned to me and I knew he was tripping hard. He clearly didnt know what was happening. “Go back to your room.”, I said. JP looked very confused and walked past me, turning to look back a couple times. “JP get in here with me”, I said. “Are you Jesus?”, he asked wholeheartedly. I will admit this part made me laugh a little, but he was seriously freaking out. “Bro get in here”, I said more seriously. His expression changed and he said no and turned and briskly walked the other direction. I closed my door, put on pants and a shirt and got my room key. I opened the door again and he had wandered down the hall where the elevator was. I left my room and caught up to him. At this spot, the hallway makes a 90 degree turn and JPs room is down that way. I see near his door one of the exit signs had been ripped off the ceiling. It was apparent that JP had been wandering around the halls of the hotel tripping balls.
I got up to him, put my hand on his shoulder and coincidentally at this very moment, the elevator opened and two police officers stepped toward us. They said they got a call about someone acting strangely and knocking on peoples doors. JP uttered some nonsense to the officers. I said I was trying to get him back to his room. The officers agreed and we walked the short distance to JPs room. He didnt have his phone, wallet or room key. I agreed to babysit him in my room.
The cops left and told me to stay with him. I said sorry and thank you. For the next 2-3 hours JP frantically paced in my room, repeating the same sentences over and over. Eventually he layed on my bed and fell asleep.
Everything turned out ok and JP is fine. But he did get kicked out of the hotel for breaking their sign.
We can see two opposite trips happening, JP fighting his trip, and me giving in and being shown things.
From that day, our reality seems quite different to me and I wonder just how real that reptilian face actually was.
submitted by oskilos to talesfromthetrip [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:20 Fearless_Edge_7304 2 months in, whats next?

Been talking to and seeing this guy (30M) for two months. We met on a dating app and clicked instantly. We have been meeting at least once every week and texting daily. However we never talked about our status or if we were exclusive. I (30F) dont know how to bring this up. Is it too soon?
These past few days he stopped sending me goodnight or good morning texts. But well to his defense I havent been doing that consistently too so maybe he didnt bother to anymore?
Last night i asked him whats his plan for the long weekend and he said he didnt have anything special going on yet, if we should plan smth tgt. So we agreed to hangout this sunday. I usually never ask him out but I wanted to make sure if he still wanted to see me.
He hasnt texted me today when usually he would at least said something in the morning if not during his lunch break. If he didnt text me at all today, should I assume that hes starting to lose interest?
I was out of a 6 years relationship a year and a half ago and I only put myself back to the dating scene 2 months ago. I dont know whats dating supposed to be like anymore lol.
submitted by Fearless_Edge_7304 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:40 sheistheone71 Loosing someone I never even had

We matched on Bumble in October of 2023; it was a great time in my life. Things were finally looking up, we matched, and we chatted, but it was not a good time in your life. You were taken by work, no time for dating and definitely no time for me. SO, the conversation fizzled, and we stopped chatting, having never met.
Life got in the way, and I moved 6 hours away, I was starting over, talking to other guys and mercury was indeed in the microwave. Then I woke up to your text, “hey” you said I replied with “a blast from the past”. You told me you’ve been thinking of me, I even appeared in your dream. Over and over, I said “this is a bad idea, and this won’t work” you convinced me otherwise. I was the fool who fell for your game. Every time I said distance was hard and required effort, you said you’d put in the effort. You called me, messaged me every morning, wished me goodnight. I was quickly falling, not in love, but definitely in like. You were interested in me; you admired my work ethic and you wanted to get to know me. You had even changed jobs so you would have more time.
Then, you took a 12 hour round trip train to come see me, name one girl that wouldn’t be in awe of that, bet you can’t. You came to visit me, spent the weekend, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, three days of pure bliss filled with fun, laughter, and sexy time. I don’t regret any of it, it was an amazing weekend even though that was the beginning and the end. We went out, we had good food, we got to know each other better. You shared childhood stories, and I did the same, you bought me a rose and a hat (that I will keep because it’s actually great) needless to say it was super-duper romantic.
I dropped you off at the station, you kissed me and said, “see you soon”. AGAIN, name one girl! We continued to chat for a week, still in the like bubble, then it started; the decline, the reduction, the stalling, the ignoring, the one-word answers. We had set a couple of times to chat on the phone and you never called. You told me you’d visit me again, you never showed. Communication had tumbled down the hill and pushing it back up required hard labor.
However, I’m maturing so instead of playing your game, I set my expectations. I told you what I needed. Communication, communication, communication! We finally spoke on the phone, and I laid it out. I explained that going days without even a “what sup” was out of character and that it was not what we had been doing. You explained you’ve been “busy” which is also A-OKAY I’m not a monster nor clingy, I understand both have lives, what I needed was “Hey, I’m swamped the next couple of days, I’ll try to message you when I get a moment” Honestly, below the bare minimum if you ask me!
You actually agreed! You apologized, you explained why you were engaging in this behavior, and you said “I will do better” I could see the light at the end of that tunnel, it was fixed, our problems were resolved, and we were back baby!
WRONG, our problems were resolved for a mere 24 hours and then, poof, back to the same behavior. I should’ve known there was no changing you. But it’s not that I wanted to change you, I just wanted you to put in the same effort I was, but that was never the plan. A week after that phone call, you had officially ghosted me, my last text was seen but never answered. A phantom of my past.
Looking back at it now I can’t help but think that this was your plan all along, get in my pants, get your fill and disappear back into your life. We had this discussion before, we talked about how I wanted more than a hookup, I wanted a foundation, a relationship with someone who was into me as much as I was into him. But all you ever wanted was a couple nights of fun and then erase me from your memories.
The truth is, I’m not sad; I’m disappointed in myself for falling for your act. I’m angry at you for using me. I’m confused because I don’t understand how anyone could do that. The length you took for some sexy time baffles me. The energy you put just so you can mess with me is unmatched, I’ll rate your performance an A+.
I’m also hurt, and I feel used. I told you what I wanted, and you ignored it and did the one thing I asked you not to do. Perhaps it was a game, see how easy it would be for you to get me. You played your role well, convinced me it would be different and probably laughed on your train ride home.
You only gained from our time together, as for me, I’ve just built my walls up higher, making it harder for the next person to break me. You left me thinking, maybe I’m not wanted, maybe the problem is me, maybe there will be no love in this lifetime because every time I get closer to thinking “oh he could be the one” a man like you proves me wrong.
I want to wish you misery but that would mean I continue to think of you and frankly I don’t want you to ever cross my mind again. It’s damn hard though because every time I’m feeling alone, I think of how you ripped a piece of my sanity away. Don’t get me wrong I’m not heartbroken over a man I had only met once and talked to for less than 2 months. I’m just defeated, and hoping, wishing, praying that someone will come along to make me realize that you were indeed… just… shit.
submitted by sheistheone71 to ghosting [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:29 sheistheone71 Loosing someone I never even had

We matched on Bumble in October of 2023; it was a great time in my life. Things were finally looking up, we matched, and we chatted, but it was not a good time in your life. You were taken by work, no time for dating and definitely no time for me. SO, the conversation fizzled, and we stopped chatting, having never met.
Life got in the way, and I moved 6 hours away, I was starting over, talking to other guys and mercury was indeed in the microwave. Then I woke up to your text, “hey” you said I replied with “a blast from the past”. You told me you’ve been thinking of me, I even appeared in your dream. Over and over, I said “this is a bad idea, and this won’t work” you convinced me otherwise. I was the fool who fell for your game. Every time I said distance was hard and required effort, you said you’d put in the effort. You called me, messaged me every morning, wished me goodnight. I was quickly falling, not in love, but definitely in like. You were interested in me; you admired my work ethic and you wanted to get to know me. You had even changed jobs so you would have more time.
Then, you took a 12 hour round trip train to come see me, name one girl that wouldn’t be in awe of that, bet you can’t. You came to visit me, spent the weekend, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, three days of pure bliss filled with fun, laughter, and sexy time. I don’t regret any of it, it was an amazing weekend even though that was the beginning and the end. We went out, we had good food, we got to know each other better. You shared childhood stories, and I did the same, you bought me a rose and a hat (that I will keep because it’s actually great) needless to say it was super-duper romantic.
I dropped you off at the station, you kissed me and said, “see you soon”. AGAIN, name one girl! We continued to chat for a week, still in the like bubble, then it started; the decline, the reduction, the stalling, the ignoring, the one-word answers. We had set a couple of times to chat on the phone and you never called. You told me you’d visit me again, you never showed. Communication had tumbled down the hill and pushing it back up required hard labor.
However, I’m maturing so instead of playing your game, I set my expectations. I told you what I needed. Communication, communication, communication! We finally spoke on the phone, and I laid it out. I explained that going days without even a “what sup” was out of character and that it was not what we had been doing. You explained you’ve been “busy” which is also A-OKAY I’m not a monster nor clingy, I understand both have lives, what I needed was “Hey, I’m swamped the next couple of days, I’ll try to message you when I get a moment” Honestly, below the bare minimum if you ask me!
You actually agreed! You apologized, you explained why you were engaging in this behavior, and you said “I will do better” I could see the light at the end of that tunnel, it was fixed, our problems were resolved, and we were back baby!
WRONG, our problems were resolved for a mere 24 hours and then, poof, back to the same behavior. I should’ve known there was no changing you. But it’s not that I wanted to change you, I just wanted you to put in the same effort I was, but that was never the plan. A week after that phone call, you had officially ghosted me, my last text was seen but never answered. A phantom of my past.
Looking back at it now I can’t help but think that this was your plan all along, get in my pants, get your fill and disappear back into your life. We had this discussion before, we talked about how I wanted more than a hookup, I wanted a foundation, a relationship with someone who was into me as much as I was into him. But all you ever wanted was a couple nights of fun and then erase me from your memories.
The truth is, I’m not sad; I’m disappointed in myself for falling for your act. I’m angry at you for using me. I’m confused because I don’t understand how anyone could do that. The length you took for some sexy time baffles me. The energy you put just so you can mess with me is unmatched, I’ll rate your performance an A+.
I’m also hurt, and I feel used. I told you what I wanted, and you ignored it and did the one thing I asked you not to do. Perhaps it was a game, see how easy it would be for you to get me. You played your role well, convinced me it would be different and probably laughed on your train ride home.
You only gained from our time together, as for me, I’ve just built my walls up higher, making it harder for the next person to break me. You left me thinking, maybe I’m not wanted, maybe the problem is me, maybe there will be no love in this lifetime because every time I get closer to thinking “oh he could be the one” a man like you proves me wrong.
I want to wish you misery but that would mean I continue to think of you and frankly I don’t want you to ever cross my mind again. It’s damn hard though because every time I’m feeling alone, I think of how you ripped a piece of my sanity away. Don’t get me wrong I’m not heartbroken over a man I had only met once and talked to for less than 2 months. I’m just defeated, and hoping, wishing, praying that someone will come along to make me realize that you were indeed… just… shit.
submitted by sheistheone71 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:23 Quartz3245 My date doesn’t think I text her enough

I’ve been dating this girl for roughly a month now and she’s telling me that I’m not communicating with her enough to take us seriously.
I text her things like “good morning, how did you sleep?”, “have fun at work today”, and “goodnight baby” every day and we ft whenever we get the chance to catch up and talk about things outside of texts. She told me that I was doing the bare minimum and that I should step up my game.
I’m not a social person and hate small talk, so I prefer to keep my conversations short, sweet and topic-oriented. I told her this when we started dating and she had no issues at the start, but now she’s saying it’s been a problem to her for 3 weeks now. That just seemed wild to me because we’ve met up almost every Saturday.
I’m not asking for help in this post, I’m considering breaking things off with her. It’s clear we have different communication standards and that this will snowball in the future. My previous dates/partners never had issues like this with me, so I just think it’s just us not clicking. I’m mostly just posting as a vent and as a warning to be clear about how you want your partner to communicate.
submitted by Quartz3245 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:10 BillyBjorn 33 [M4F] Michigan/Anywhere/online. Seeking a warm embrace from that special someone.

I know you're busy or bored, either way I don't want to waste your time with paragraphs of description that you might not even read so how about we do a lightning round.
I'm looking for someone to connect with. Flirt with and have fun with. Someone to distract at work with. To voice chat and send goodmorning/goodnight texts. Talk to me about what you are passionate about. What you are looking for. I'm not just looking for local so feel free to stop by if I interested you!
submitted by BillyBjorn to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:55 True_North_12 Move-in Day

This happened three years ago, on the very first day I arrived at university. I like to write about things that have happened to me. Usually I do poetry, but this is more in line with a short story.
I drove into college and read the move-in instructions. They said that someone should remain in the car to keep the line moving while students went to the front to get their new student ID’s. My new roommate texted me, saying that she was at the front getting her ID and that I should come meet her. I rolled down my window and asked a girl in a baggy t-shirt what I should do with my car if I had come alone.
“Oh, your parents aren’t here?” She said, puzzled. “Well, I’m not sure. I’ll go ask.” I watched her ask several students, then some staff members. They all shrugged, looked around, scratched their heads.
“What a ridiculous system for move-in day,” I thought. “What an obvious oversight. I can’t believe they don’t have a solution for this ready. Surely I can’t be the only one whose parents didn’t come.”
Yet looking around, I seemed to be.

I sat with my new roommate in a huge auditorium to get an orientation speech.
“We know that going off to college is a new and scary experience for you!” Said the woman on the stage. “We want you to know that it’s okay to feel homesick. Everyone is feeling that way! Everyone is struggling with being away from their families for the first time.”
My new classmates nodded. I rolled my eyes.

I plopped my bags down in my room, then shook hands with my new roommate’s parents.
“Your parents grabbing the rest of your stuff?” Her dad asked.
“Nope, that’s everything!” I said, putting on a friendly smile and wondering if I missed some memo that everyone else in this ridiculous place seemed to get.
“Oh.” He said, looking at my two suitcases. “You pack awfully light! Not like this one.” He ruffled his daughter’s hair.
“I guess I do” I smiled, wishing everyone would stop making my normal seem so unbelievably strange.

That night, I laid in my new bed and smoothed out my blanket.
“Goodnight” said my new roommate from across the room.
“Goodnight” I replied, staring at the ceiling.
I let out a breath that I seemed to have been holding for nineteen years.
And I smiled a wide, goofy smile,
And I closed my eyes.
And for the first time in my entire life
I slept all the way through the night until morning
Without being shaken awake by a single nightmare.
submitted by True_North_12 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]