Car transmission game


2013.11.22 18:41 WolfishWolf NextCarGame

The non-official subreddit for NextCarGame.

2015.03.28 20:20 DickNervous Car Wars: Drive Offensively!

A place for fans of all versions Car Wars by Steve Jackson Games to get together, share ideas, compare designs, tell war stories or anything else related to the game.

2021.07.25 05:57 Lycain04 IndyCar_Game

This subreddit contains everything about the upcoming IndyCar Game, releasing in 2023. This is a hub of news, highlights, discussion, and anything else relating to the IndyCar games. The IndyCar Game is being developed by Motorsport Games, Inc., known for developing NASCAR Heat. Official release date is TBA. It will run on the EGO Gaming Engine.

2024.05.03 01:50 axedemia Carmakers need to be tech-savvy to get an edge in China’s EV market In-car software is becoming a key differentiator

Cutting prices no longer gets you very far in China’s electric car market. BYD’s sticker price of $11,000 for its lower-end electric vehicle models is hard to beat. But there are other ways for international carmakers to get a foot in the door of this hypercompetitive market. In China, especially among younger consumers, in-car software is becoming the key differentiator of next-generation vehicles — sometimes even beating out more traditional factors such as build quality. Seamless connections between cars and smartphones, artificial intelligence-enabled online connectivity, assisted driving systems and in-car entertainment functions are important factors when choosing which EV to buy. Local EV maker Nio, for example, has even made its own smartphone to offer better mobile connectivity with its models.These smart features have been one of the few ways to avoid getting caught up in the brutal price war in the Chinese market. These smarter EVs find buyers at the $30,000 to $60,000 price range.Foreign carmakers that cannot compete on price now need to get up to speed on these highly localised functions for their EVs to stay competitive. But teaming up with local smartphone manufacturers such as Huawei and Xiaomi is a less attractive option as those companies start rolling out their own EV models. Toyota has found a decent workaround. The Japanese automaker has eschewed its usual conservative management style to partner with Chinese gaming and social media giant Tencent — a social networking service used by more than 1bn people — to offer technology-enhanced cars. The two companies are setting up a strategic alliance to work together on AI, cloud computing and big data for EVs. China-made passenger vehicles that will go on sale this year will include Tencent’s technology. The trend for intelligent vehicles is relatively new. So even foreign automakers belatedly entering the Chinese market have a good chance at finding an edge in this market. China remains a key market for sales growth, with EV sales expected to hit about 10mn this year, higher than last year’s 9.5mn, and accounting for about half of all car sales in the country. With the country expected to remain the world’s largest EV market next year, catching up has become more urgent for Toyota: its China market share shrunk last year as buyers shifted to local EVs. The Japanese carmaker, for now, has an edge over lossmaking Chinese EV start-ups with an operating profit margin of more than 11 per cent. It needs to move fast to take advantage of shifting trends.
source- FT
non-paywalled from archive.
submitted by axedemia to neoliberal [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 01:44 Silver_Assistance_25 How do I(24F) work out my frustrations with my boyfriend(23M) about not respecting my time? He’s always saying I’m just complaining

Firstly I most definitely lean towards anxious attachment but I’m working on it. I believe my bf is avoidant but I can’t speak for him. We(24f)(23m) got into a heated argument today. I slept over last night and this morning we made plans to hang out later today. We made plans to go on a hike and he said his thing ends around 5 so we could go after. I said sure. Around 4:30pm rolls around I text him asking “hey can we do 6pm instead?” I needed a bit more time to wrap up my things. He didn’t text me back until 5:50 and said “let’s do 7, I’m about to head home to take a nap”. I was a little frustrated that he didn’t communicate this earlier. I don’t have a problem hanging out at 7, it’s just irritating that I was thoughtful around his time and made sure to text him before 5 about changing plans. Plus it gets dark out around 7:50 and wouldn’t be ideal to hike. I let it go though because I know he didn’t get much sleep the night before and I’m trying to pick my battles more wisely. I get to his house around 7pm. He’s finishing up a game with his friend and I watch. Then around 7:30 we start to get going and I ask him if we could do something after the hike and then he said “well my friend and I have plans at 8:30pm to go play pool so we could if we get it done beforehand, you’re welcome to come play pool” I got pretty frustrated because that only gave us an hour to hang out and I didn’t know he made those plans to hang out with his friend and I thought we would have more time. Plus our time was already cut short because he wanted to take a nap and play games with his friend. This is a common thing where we make plans and I’m more on the dot with the plans and he is more fluid with it. We go on the hike but I’m still frustrated and he is just like “I don’t have to hang out with my friend” but it’s still frustrating because it’s not about him hanging out with his friend. I just feel like he doesn’t value my time. We then got into a heated argument, he called me selfish and said l’m always complaining and that he just wants to have a good time with me and that he already apologized for not communicating earlier about hanging out later and that I should stop holding it over his head. It continued to escalate on both sides and I ended up kicking him out of my car. I’m just frustrated with him because I always make an effort to carve out time for him and I feel like it’s not reciprocated. I’ve communicated multiple times with him about it and he doesn’t understand that saying sorry isnt enough, for me to feel better I need him to try to respect my time more. I also see his side where we didn’t make definite plans in the sense of when we were ending hanging out tonight. How do I tell him my frustrations without him feeling like I’m always complaining? (I also want to add I do really try to tell him how much I appreciate him when he does do things that are sweet, and with most things he is very considerate, it’s just in this specific area)
tl;dr: My boyfriend if not good at communicating about our plans and when I tell him that I’m frustrated he saying I’m always complaining. How do I get my point across without him feeling like I’m always complaining?
submitted by Silver_Assistance_25 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 01:40 Thebumma Has this happened to anyone else?

Haven’t had my 2018 sport more than a month it has 68k miles. Going through car wash today , vehicle is in neutral and suddenly my service transmission warning pops on , go to pull out of the wash and hitting the gas gives it no power. I park it and now the parking warning light is on and shifter is locked in place , I disconnect and reconnect the battery. Now only the check engine light is on. Make it home look through my warranty info and go out to my car again and there are no warning lights and it’s driving fine.
Can someone explain what just happened to my renegade?
submitted by Thebumma to JeepRenegade [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 01:35 Dickthulhu How do I get my ADHD 2 year old to listen to me!?

I love my daughter. She's barely 2 and the cutest lil' monster in the world. She is extremely confident, friendly, and delightfully mischievous. She uses please and thank you, and has always naturally been enthusiastic about sharing (food, toys, etc). She is constantly trying to get people around her to partake of whatever she's doing, and its always a laugh when she gets the other wallflower parents at the park off their phones and into going down slides with their kids while shouting "COME ON PEOPLE!"
But she's fucking EXHAUSTING. My wife and I both have ADHD and feel like we should have seen this coming, but like - holy shit. This kid is up at 8 and I can't get her down until midnight most of the time. I work from home and often have to pitch in and help my wife get breathing room throughout the day. I even give my wife a regular hour break in the middle of my workday just so she can dissociate / catch her breath / get an extra chore in. I'm ashamed to admit it but tactical survival screen time has def been a thing.
One of the main stressors right now is that she won't fucking listen. She understands what we're telling her, because she immediately delights in doing the EXACT OPPOSITE. When we go to intercede and try to redirect she laughs and does the bad thing harder. Or runs / hides. We try to gentle parent but what the fuck do you do when you repeatedly tell the kid to stop chasing / hitting our pets and she is just doing it harder and laughing like it's all a game!? We have a hard time getting her to make eye contact / focus on what we're saying even when we're getting down on her level and try all the shit we've read about.
Most kids we've seen around her age generally seem to stick around their parents in public. Not our kid. We'll put her down somewhere (a park, IKEA, a restaurant) and she'll turn around and say "Ok, bye bye!" and take off RUNNING at top speed. And she's fucking FAST. Like almost as fast as an adult. "NO! STOP!" only gets her to cackle with laughter. It's severely limiting the places we can take her, especially after a recent terrifying moment when she went from playing nicely with a kid her age to running away at Mach 2. I immediately chased after her at full grown adult dad speed, but slipped and fell HARD on rainy pavement and badly hurt myself - and had to watch in helpless horror as she ran across a street. We extremely lucky that she didn't get killed, and now my wife is afraid to take her anywhere, because she can't physically handle her on her own. We tried using a backpack w/ a leash but she's smart and can undo buckles.
Her inclination to include people in what's she's doing is another constant struggle. I love being involved and playing with her. I'm a dad who's hyped on tea parties and racing cars (her recent obsession) but after hours and hours of bouncing around from thing to thing with her shouting "TRY IT MAMA! TRY IT DADA!" we just burn out. And when we're exhausted / burned out and stop giving her 110% she starts screaming. Or biting. Or hitting. Doing things she knows we've told her not to do. Anything to get attention. She RARELY ever self-plays and when she does we almost break down crying with relief.
We're starting to lose our minds, and badly need help. It's starting to become a struggle to be kind to ourselves and each other. We're so exhausted, stressed out, and frustrated, and we don't have much support family-wise. We've lost a lot of our social net during the isolation of the pandemic, and our kid is so extra that I can count on one hand the number of people I'd trust to watch her.
Is there any resources for how to deal with ADHD toddlers? She's really an amazing kid, but we literally cannot keep this up and be good people/parents. We're planning on moving soon and I'm about to find a way to build this kid her own indoor playground so she can tire herself out when the sun goes down. Maybe then I'll get to spend literally ANY time with my wife 😭
submitted by Dickthulhu to toddlers [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 01:31 RETROGAMER-MYK PS1: Gran TURISMO.. so you want unlimited cars and $$

This will ruin you, so if you're the type that MUST dredge through a game with your blood, sweat and tears, this article isnt for you.
But if you want to play Gran TURISMO (1 or 2) with all or most of the cars unlocked, and have plenty of cash to toss around, read on. *This applies to all PS1 games (save files) as well.
You'll want to download an existing Save file. Search the internet for save files (Gamespot has a few) Download a savegame that has the stuff you want. Pay attention to the US vs Euro, vs Japanese save files. You want the savefile similar to your ROM version. File is typically in a *.gme format We need to convert it. Head over to On the left hand side (Dexdrive), browse to your .gme file. On the right hand side (Raw/Emulator), select Raw/Emulator and hit the green Convert button. The file downloads and saves as *.mcr
Rename the .mcr extension to .srm Move the save file.srm into the MicroSd card (same partition as the roms folder) /Saves/current profile/saves/pcsxreARMed. There should already be an existing savegame file.srm. Rename YOUR file EXACTLY the same as the existing savegame and move the file (overwrite). * Case sensitive also.
**If there is no existing filename.srm, launch the PS1 game on the RG35XX, and SAVE a game to a slot. This creates the save file.srm
Once the file is on your SD card on the RG35XX, boot up the PS1 game, LOAD, Slot 1. Let it load and you should have all the cars...all the cash... In the game.
You're welcome.
submitted by RETROGAMER-MYK to RG35XX [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 01:31 obsolete_filmmaker 49 Mile Scenic Drive

Has anyone done it? Curious if you liked it, and if it was worth the time.
Ive lived here a long time, but never have. Thought about doing it today, so I looked it up on wiki.
It looks kind of tedious and traffic-y. I have a manual transmission car, so decided against it, lol.
submitted by obsolete_filmmaker to sanfrancisco [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 01:30 sharria0814 AITA for laughing after he proposed and making him cry?

This happened 8 years ago and it's one of my favorite stories to tell. Usually, the responses are 50/50 on if I was an AH.
For some back story, I was ,24F, dating Eli, 23M,for about 2 years and it was a total disaster the entire time. To not make this a novel, I won’t go into great detail about all the crazy things Eli did during our relationship. In short, he was constantly cheating on me but swore that wasn't cheating because talking to girls online was equivalent to porn. That I was just not up to date on modern day porn. When I told him this wasn’t okay, he switched up to taking nude photos of me while sleeping and sending them to girls, pretending to be me. When I saw the sexting and photos, he told me its not cheating because he was pretending to be me but gay/lesbian. Among all the cheating, he was constantly lying, spending most of his time out of work playing video games, skipping family gatherings saying he was too tired or in pain, and was always late on his portion of the rent (which didn’t make sense at the time because we worked at the same place, he made more than me and had zero debts because his parents paid for his phone and car). I found out later this is because he had a drug problem.
I was struggling with my self worth at the time so we were constantly breaking up and getting back together because he was able to convince me that he didn’t know what he was doing was a problem and he would change and be better. I was very dumb, I know!
Finally, after he refused to go to my family's thanksgiving dinner because he was too tired and stayed up too late playing video games, I felt like I was done. When I came back home, I checked his phone while he slept and I saw messages of him talking to a girl planning to meet up that day. He was cheating again for the 100th time and I was just done. The next day I confronted him and we broke up.....again.
I slept on the couch and he stayed in the bedroom for about a month when I started talking to "Chase" 23M. I told Chase of my ex Eli and that he still lived with me but I stayed on the couch. We messaged daily, he left chocolates on my car at work, and had a pretty physical relationship. It felt so good to be happy and to be wanted.
About a month later, Eli went through my iPad while I was working (I worked overtime that day). He stormed into work, red in the eyes from crying, snatched my phone from my station and ran off, jumped in his car and drove away. I was able to call him on a co-workers phone telling him to bring it back or I was calling the police. He returned it a few minutes later and was screaming that I was a whore and a cheater. I told him, we broke up months ago. He said that we didn’t and I told him, yes we did! He said it wasn’t fair because I always give him another chance and he didn't know we were actually broken up. I don’t know how 2 months of no sex, sleeping on the couch, and little to no contact didn’t give it away that I was serious about the breakup!
Then Eli became truly evil, making my life HELL! Smearing my name, telling everyone I was a cheater, hacking into all my accounts constantly, stalking me and Chase. FINALLY! He snapped one day and punched a hole in the wall at our apartment and then chased me out of the apartment. I went directly to the police station while I called 911 saying he was chasing me. He turned around once he saw the police, returned home and locked himself inside. Police forced him to open the door, saw the hole in the wall and told him he needs to leave for the day. I took the police report to the landlord and told him that I want Eli off the lease. Because we were month to month after our 1 year lease was up. He ended our lease and gave me another lease for just myself. When Eli came home the next day, I showed him the lease and that he had to move out by next month. He said his normal awful things to me and left. Refusing to grab all of his things, mainly clothes, xbox and tv. Over the next few months he would stalk my apartment and always knocked on the door when Chase was over. Demanding random items, like a toaster we got from his mom when we moved or a skillet he got me for my birthday etc... He refused to remove his bed from the bedroom and said he would sue me if I used it or damaged it.
Now to the portion where I may of been an AH. It was just a normal day at work, like always Eli is trying to text or talk to me, saying he needs to talk to me. I ignore him. After work, Chase came over to my apartment and we were doing the deed on the couch which was about 10 feet from the front door. Obviously, doing it on the couch because Eli won’t remove his bed from my apartment. Midway, we hear a knock on the door....ugh!! It's Eli....again! We stop, get dressed and I open the door and step out into the hallway. Eli is standing there and he says we need to talk. I tell him there is nothing to talk about. He says that it is important. Again, I tell him there is nothing to talk about. THEN, HE DROPS DOWN TO ONE KNEE AND PULLS OUT A RING!!! I stand there stunned for what seemed both an eternity and a split second. As quick as he got down, he stands back up screaming, FINE! And goes down the stairs. Stunned, I turned back around and go inside. Chase is right there staring at me and asks, what did he want? Still in shock, I said he just proposed to me. Chase gets this curious smile on his face and says, well what did you say?! This snapped me back to reality and I halfway laughed at his crazy question. No! Of course not! What the hell?! He laughs and said, well I wanted to know if I needed to congratulate you. We laugh and I tell him what happened in detail. We joke about how dumb and pathetic Eli is. How Eli didn’t even wait for the c*m to dry before popping the question. That he HAD to hear us DOING IT AND STILL decided it was a good time to propose. What I didn’t know was Eli never left the stairs and listened to everything we said. He sat on the stairs and cried. The next day, I was told by everyone at work that I was a horrible person for laughing at and making fun of Eli after he proposed.
So, AITA for laughing after he proposed and making him cry?
Additional information; Chase and I are still together, married and currently have 1 child.
submitted by sharria0814 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 01:30 Strong-Hospital-7425 Harry is NOT a good Quidditch player

It's always said that Harry is a great Quidditch player - but is he really? If we take a closer look at his games and the circumstances, we will come to a different opinion.
The "youngest" player: In his first year, Harry is appointed Seeker in the team, which many say is something very special (youngest Seeker in a century). However, this is hardly surprising when first-year players are not allowed to own a broom. Therefore, Harry's appointment is probably less the result of his great talent than a happy coincidence and an obvious lack of talented flyers in Gryffindor. This becomes obvious when we look at the rest of the team: Fred, George and Katie have all played on the Quidditch team since their 2nd year. Young players are therefore not uncommon.
Pay to win: Harry plays 9 matches in the books. In only 2 of the 9 matches does he not fly the best broom gold can buy and in only 1 of the 9 matches does he not have the fastest broom in the match. McGonagall is desperate to see the Quidditch Cup in her office and so buys Harry a Nimbus 2000 out of her own pocket - the best model on the market at the time. Later, when Lucius Malfoy buys Nimbus 2001 brooms for the whole Slytherin team, it becomes clear how superior the broom brand is to the others. It is therefore clear that Harry already has an enormous advantage over other players with his first broom. However, it becomes really unfair with the Firebolt - a broom that is so far ahead of the competition that it is preordered by national teams. As the other players stick with their old brooms, playing the game is a kind of like Harry driving a Lamborghini in a car race while the other players drive a VW Golf.
A closer look into the games: If we now look at the games or rather the end of the games, it becomes clear that talent is generally less important for the outcome of the game
1. Match: (Gryffindor) vs Slytherin
Harry caught the Snitch by accident
2. Match: (Gryffindor) vs Hufflepuff:
Harry caught the Snitch in record time and won the game for Gryffindor
3. Match: (Gryffindor) vs Slytherin
Harry plays against Malfoy, who is a terrible player and spends the game taunting Harry instead of looking for the Snitch, which is flying right behind his head
4: Match: Gryffindor vs (Hufflepuff) - attacked by dementors, can’t blame him there
5. Match: (Gryffindor) vs Ravenclaw
Harry is blocked several times by Cho, who knows that she doesn't stand a chance against the Firebolt. The Firebolt is so superior that Harry even has time to summon a Patronus on the fly without having to worry about Cho!
6. Match: (Gryffindor) vs Slytherin
Malfoy desperately tries to stop Harry and even hangs on to his broom because he knows that his Nimbus 2001 is too slow. In the end, Harry almost loses the game because he is so stupid and helps Katie score a goal. Only the incredible superiority of the Firebolt enables him to reach the Snitch in time, even though Malfoy had a gigantic head start! Gryffindor wins the championship this year - but only because the chasing team was so incredibly superior and was able to build up a huge lead in points.
7. Match: (Gryffindor) vs Slytherin
Malfoy is caught up by Harry again, although the Snitch flies in Malfoy's direction - the Firebolt saves the day again
8. Match: (Gryffindor) vs Slytherin
Once again Harry is inattentive and Harper almost catches the Snitch, even though he is not a good player and plays as a substitute! Again Harry is only able to close in on Harper with the Firebolt and he would still have lost if Harper wasn't such a bad player who gets distracted by Harry's shouting.
9. Match: Gryffindor vs (Hufflepuff) - HP knocked unconscious by Cormac McLaggen's bludger for half of the match
To summarize, you can see that Harry won 4 of the 6 games by his broom and only 1 by skill. Furthermore, in 4 of the 6 games he won, he played against Malfoy, who is obviously not a good player.
submitted by Strong-Hospital-7425 to harrypottertheories [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 01:29 Designer_Practice886 Guidance please....

Ok.... briefly.... as someone considering dipping their toes back into the games after 20 years (yes, last time I played was when ruby and sapphire still had that new car smell) where do y'all think I should jump back in?
I was considering Heart Gold, Soul Silver so it's familiar but different but wasn't sure if that's was necessary... maybe Sun and Moon....
submitted by Designer_Practice886 to pokemon [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 01:28 JDoGinc San Francisco Rush

Really appreciate the emulator coming to iOS. Thanks for your hard work! Any idea why the view distance in all 3 San Francisco Rush games are so limited? The wall textures are black only a few meters in front of the car, makes it unplayable.
submitted by JDoGinc to Delta_Emulator [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 01:28 perfectgamur Rate my new wallpaper

Rate my new wallpaper
Please don’t look at her hand (by 布搂希)
submitted by perfectgamur to HonkaiStarRail [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 01:28 winiethebish Transmission Leak 3.3T

I have a 2023 G70 Sport Prestige with 3800km. I started seeing spots of oil on the garage floor a couple of days ago. I took a look under the car today and I think it's leaking from a line that attaches to the transmission (see second imgur video). I attached some photos/videos to get any insight as to how it happened. I am disappointed to see a leak this early into ownership. Guess I have to call my dealer...
submitted by winiethebish to GenesisG70 [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 01:27 deadislandman1 Suicide Squad #40 - New Blood

DC Next presents:

Suicide Squad

Issue Forty: New Blood
Arc: A New World
Written by Deadislandman1
Edited by ClaraEclair
“For the last time, I need you to-”
“Relax Commandant! We’re seasoned veterans, right Mayo?”
“She’s right, we’ve been doing this for a while.”
“Experience doesn’t matter here, chain of command does…and stop calling me Commandant!”
“Whatever, Commandant.”
In the back of a race car themed van, complete with flame decals and the face of a famous racer painted onto the side, a man with blonde hair cut to a military standard raged, screaming at a monitor. He ripped a pair of headphones off of his ears, revealing a series of shrapnel based scars running along the right side of his upper head, forcing his right eye into a permanent squint. Throwing the headphones against the van walls, he growled, hanging his head in frustration.
Of all the jobs that would befall Lok, why this one? He just had to spring for the super secret agency when it came to promotions.
A decade in the CIA, working undercover from Austria to Australia, Cape Town to Cambridge, Daegu to Delhi. He’d had lighter assignments, surveillance that didn’t put him in harm's way, and he’d had jobs that took him into the line of fire for days on end. He’d laid in the mud for hours to stay undetected, camouflaged as platoons worth of men trod across the ground next to him. He’d run across rooftops, bullets blazing by, each one able to deliver death in an instant.
He’d shoved a teammate out of the way as a grenade came tumbling down a staircase, the explosion unleashing shards of metal that took his right ear clean off. He’d been in a coma for five years, eating, pissing, and shitting through a tube. He had to learn how to speak, walk, run, and act like a human being again over the course of a year. He learned that his family gave up on him and moved on, and that only taxpayer money kept him alive in the hopes of preserving the knowledge in his head.
After all of that…he chose field work, because it was all he had left, and his reward was babysitting two maniacs who didn’t know how to take orders.
Rubbing his eyes, Lok sighed, “Uuugh….alright Lok…pull yourself together…pull yourself together. It’s been a while. This is only your third op in a commanding position in…in nearly a decade…You have the experience, you have the fortitude…even if you’re being asked to herd wild cats into a cage. This isn’t impossible…you just have to…rethink your strategies.”
Taking a deep breath, Lok trudged over to his headphones, putting them back on. The right side was shattered, cracked, not that it mattered. He couldn’t use that ear anyways. Sitting down at the monitor yet again, he angled the microphone back over his mouth, “Alright, lets-”
“Is the Commandant’s temper tantrum finished?”
Lok gritted his teeth, “Let’s....refocus. Mayo, give me a detailed description of the situation, and please remind me of what your mission is…in case the two of you have forgotten it.”
“Uuuuuhh…Let’s see.”
Mitchell Mayo, dressed in blue and purple disco getup, peeked his head out of the bathroom, gazing into the chaotic maelstrom of a warehouse rave. Multi-Colored spotlights, crudely affixed to the ceiling, casted neon lights across the dance floor, giving the entire room a purplish hue. Dozens of people across the warehouse were throwing their arms in the air, swinging their bodies in chaotic dance while packed together like bundles of hay. Squinting, Mayo did his best to adjust for his lack of depth perception, given the eyepatch over his left eye. Scratching his head, he ducked back inside, careful not to let his long mane of hair get caught on the door before putting his hand up to his earpiece, “Well, everyone’s still dancing. I count a little under a hundred people from where I am, mostly in their early to late twenties. Makes me feel a little awkward but hey, that’s the mission.”
“I can do without the personal anecdotes,” Lok remarked. “Keep going.”
“They’ve got the disco lights…but they’re not very stable looking. One could fall at any moment,” Mayo said.
“Might be a combat option if things turn out that way,” Lok said.
“Yeah…I hope not though. These people don’t seem too bad,” Mayo said.
“And where’s your partner? Where’s Quinn?” Lok asked.
“I’m getting myself and Mayo a drink! The gal at the bar really knows what she’s doing!” Harley chimed.
“You’re….ugh…whatever. Whatever makes you happy. Mayo, do you have any updates on the target, the mission?” Lok asked.
“Well…not yet. It’d be hard to spot old Jervis Tetch in a crowd of normal sized people. He isn’t exactly of…average height,” Mayo said.
“Then get in the crowd, or find a vantage point. He’s somewhere around here, we know he is.”
Mayo cringed, “Well….do we?”
“...Mayo, if you’re going to start yanking my chain-”
“No no, listen! I promise you, I’m not messing with you.”
Mayo looked towards the bathroom door, then at the rest of the bathroom, making sure it was empty, “Tetch was always a weird one, and trust me, I know Waller’s sources are typically pretty legit. I totally believe that her computer people picked up a signal identical to Tetch’s mind control tech, and that the tech itself is legit. It’s just…Tetch wouldn’t come all the way to LA. He’s a Gothamite through and through! This place is too hot and fast for him, he wouldn’t be able to handle it. Plus…a warehouse rave just isn’t his style. He’s more likely to crash a masquerade ball or something like that. This place just…doesn’t feel like him.”
“That might be so, but there are also some other trends that do line up. Tetch is always looking for someone to be his Alice, and these places tend to get a lot of young women,” Lok noted. “Maybe this isn’t his new hunting ground. Maybe he’s just here to nab someone and get out. Either way, he’s a danger, and his skillset could be put to better use than stalking young women.”
Mayo grimaced, “And um…if it’s not him?”
“Then whoever has this tech is still a danger. Mission still stands, find whoever has the tech and bring them in,” Lok ordered.
Sighing, Mayo took one last moment to collect himself before adventuring out into the rave, the pulsating music far too loud for his ears. He could never stand stuff as loud and constant as a concert or a sports game, it was just too much for his ears to handle. Sure, it meant that absolutely everyone within a mile of the place could hear the music, but on the other hand it made conversation nearly impossible. You had to scream at the top of your lungs, and even then you’d maybe only get two out of three words to the person right next to you. Some would say that people come to a rave to dance, not to talk, but that didn’t exactly help Mayo’s current situation in the slightest.
Slowly, he made his way through the crowd, trying not to bump into anyone or get knocked over by a stray arm. It’d been months since his brush with death, which resulted in the loss of his second favorite eye. Since then, he’d mostly recovered, and had gone on more than a few missions, sticking close to his partner in crime. It’s never really been all that easy, but with the support of the rest of the Squad, he’s made it through alright. Flag always kept watch over him, taking extra care to keep him safe, which might be why Waller set Mayo up with a different CO this time. To Mayo, it seemed like she wanted to make sure Flag’s protective nature didn’t override the mission.
But even without Flag, Mayo still had Harley. When he first became a minor player in Gotham City’s maddening merry-go-round of villains, he never expected that he’d not only be respected by Harley, but be loved by her. He’d never felt so strongly about anyone else in his entire life, even his own parents. She uplifted and supported him in ways nobody else ever did, and he did the same for her. Hell, he’d practically given his life for her a few times already.
Things weren’t okay often, but whenever he was with her, it got close.
Pushing through one more group, Mayo finally made it to the bar, spotting Harley as she chatted up the bartender, who had just finished making two bluish drinks contained in cheap red cups. Spotting Mayo, Harley smiled before placing one of them in his hands, “Hey Mitch! The Lady said these are her specialty! I managed to get em made without the alc, seeing as we’re on the job!”
Mayo grinned, “Aw, thanks Harls.”
Mayo took a swig of the drink, which was frankly foul even in its virgin form. Still, he choked it down to remain polite, then patted Harley on the arm, taking a look out at the rest of the crowd, “I feel kinda bad about Lok.”
“What? Psshh…Why?”
“I dunno, seems a little dickish to screw with him like this. I know we don’t have a rapport with him like with Flag but…I dunno, the guy’s not our enemy.”
“Sure…but he’s also not accustomed to the kind of stuff we get up to. He’s gotta learn to roll with the punches. Besides, I've been scouting the place out like he said.”
Mayo looked to Harley, puzzled, “But…but…then why do you keep telling him you’re just screwing around?”
“Listen, we don’t know this Lok guy, like you said. We don’t know how he performs under pressure. This is my way of testing the waters, seeing how he handles something not going this way when we’re not all about to die. If he went all control freak on us, we know where his lines are and where not to cross them. If just lets us walk all over him, we know we’re on our own. Right now, he’s just kinda dealing with it, trying to compromise. Means he can work well with us!” Harley rubbed her chin, “Sure, we’re giving him grief now, but think about how happy he’ll be when he learns we actually did our job!”
Mayo raised an eyebrow, “I…question the logic of that…but you know what, at least we’re still doing what we’re supposed to be doing. You find any trace of Tetch?”
“Nope, and I think we both know this ain’t his kind of place,” Harley scanned the crowd. “Guy’s not the rave type.”
“Yup…Guess that leaves us with a bigger question though. There were definitely traces of Tetch’s tech here, so who the hell is messing around with it?”
“I dunno, but we gotta watch out for ‘em. Only people who like mind control are the freaks and the creeps.”
Mayo nodded, and was about to respond when a specific tune entered his ear. A snap and a ring, the chiming of a bell, followed by the rattle of drums and the smacking of gums. Against his will, he did a spin, his hand twisting to keep the entirety of his drink within the cup. Tapping his feet, he found himself pulled into the crowd, prompting Harley to follow with wide eyes, “Woah! Check out the sick moves! Never seen you dance like that, Mayo!”
In a single moment, Harley’s joy turned to concern, which turned to trepidation as the entire room suddenly stamped their feet all at once. The music hadn’t stopped. No, it seemed louder and more invasive than ever before.
A real earworm in a sense.
Slowly, Harley felt herself get swept up in the music, her ears ringing with a sadistic, sinister glee as she took Mayo’s hands, dancing along with him as the rest of the room parted in a rhythmic motion. The two tossed and turned, their bodies moving of their own accord as the crowd moved with them, spinning and jumping while keeping them encircled. The two tried to break free, but it was like their minds were submerged in icy water, the signals that should tell their arms and legs to move lost on the way down.
The two stuck a flash pose together, with Harley bent forward while Mayo leaned back, kept from falling by Harley’s embrace. Harley locked eyes with Mayo, terrified. She couldn’t move, she couldn’t speak, she wasn’t in control. Mayo would be shaking if he had the ability to do so, and the fact that he couldn’t made him all the more scared. In a blink, the crowd parted again, and a figure stepped through to greet Mayo and Harley.
He was well dressed for someone at a rave, decked out in a three piece suit of the black and white variety. He sported a pair of tap shoes and slicked back hair practically drenched in the grease you’d get at an old-timey barber’s shop. He smelled strongly of some kind of wood themed perfume, and sported a bushy, well trimmed and maintained mustache. Grinning, he fiddled with something underneath his right sleeve before circling Mayo and Harley, “Two Dancers, Two Interlopers. Normally, I’d be a little ticked by an intrusion like this, but I can forgive it.”
Leaning forward, he whispered into the duo’s ears, “After all…I do love a double act!”
Next Issue: Make way for the Music Meister!
submitted by deadislandman1 to DCNext [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 01:24 oddnded 27 [M4R] #North Carolina / #Online - Just your standard clingy mentally ill boi seeking long term friends, maybe more :3

TL;DR: Just some tired, annoying, mentally ill, gamer dude trying to find a half decent connection. I'm not out to try and impress anyone, and never will be lol. Low effort introductions will be ignored, sorry! If you have a disdain for games, movies, banter, cars, or humor as a whole just pass me up. Also, if you're keen on one sided conversations or short term too
I'm attempting to find new friends or a relationship, if it happens. The people I have spoke to over the last several years of my life either became too busy or entirely different people. So, it's slowly just dwindled to null, meaning you'd get a fair bit of attention lmao. I miss having someone to talk and complain to everyday about whatever + that seemingly care, y'know? At this point I'd take having people to small talk with lmao
I will say it would probably be ideal if you could relate to the older online era. I mean, within the realm of peak CoD lobbies, Habbo, and similar. Idk, it seemed like back then people were more fun. Lol I've found they're usually less sensitive too
Honestly, I could care less if it's SFW, NSFW, or a mix when it comes to conversations. I'm relatively open minded in general, and don't take to getting offended easily either. The only things I ask are for you to be somewhat close to my age (20+), honest, and relatively blunt. I mean, bonus if you can relate to the tired feeling. Well, that or if you can tolerate it at the very least. I don't want to list an absurd amount about myself, because I feel that ruins actual back and forth to a degree, personally
About You: • Non-sensitive and can handle banter, jokes, and memes while also returning
• Somewhat available and able to reply in a decent amount of time / has some degree of conversational skill
• Has an ability to express interest or converse about hobbies that aren't your own (on average used to people just passing by half of what I say)
• You can be equally boring as myself or worse tbh, as long as there's back and forth. If you're some mass extrovert then I can live vicariously through you in contrast lmao
• It would be cool if you enjoyed sharing music. I'm always looking for new stuff for my playlist
• You enjoy movies
I will say none of these are requirements. They're extremely preferred though tbh
About Me: • I'm currently twenty-seven, and feel awful. Regardless, quarter life crisis is still persisting lol
• I have relatively awful internet. So, games take forever to update, think a day or two depending. Also, at some point I want a sim rig (not an over the top money pit one lmao)
• Tends to enjoy most forms of comedy, wether dark / offensive / dry etc + I agree with the stance of jokes being jokes
• Meme Archivarius and Aficionado
• I've officially been learning Norwegian for over a year now. Overall I just enjoy the idea of being bilingual in some capacity. Just a little bit each day, not in a rush lol
• Cold weather / temps wins over hot weather / temps every single time
• I have an absurd amount of hobbies; but, obviously frequent some more than others. So, the likelihood we at least share one in common is very high
• May as wells be a bottle of mental health issues, namely severe depression and general anxiety. So, if you struggle with mental health it's no issue. Honestly, would probably be nice if you can either relate or understand
• Sleeping is a struggle + my general sleep schedule is subpar
• Believes Elon Musk will end up creating catgirls, sooner or later
Replies as quick as I nut
So, aside from all of that, feel free to ask me anything you'd like to know about me. I'm a relatively open book. If you actually read all of this then I apologize, homie. Hopefully this finds you well, my dudes. Feel free to send me a chat (´• `")ゝ
submitted by oddnded to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 01:16 AdvancedAd4538 Is this legal?

Is this ethical?
My PHA has a disaster relief that requires evacuation (we are on the coast). In the procedures, it requires certain employees to stay with the tenants the entire time wherever they are sheltered and take shifts helping. We have 6 office employees on the list in my sector while there are none for section 8/ no maintenance employees that are assigned to go. Between all of our properties, we have over 200+ households, a lot of them with kids and other people living with them. We are not allowed to bring our own car. We have to ride on the bus with them. This is the part that concerns me. They want me to drive my car into the island to ride on a bus with our tenants and leave my car to be flooded. If anything happens that requires me to leave. I won’t be able to. If I don’t evacuate with the PHA, I will be terminated. Everyone is required to help in the evacuation effort but only a select few are required to go and if we can’t/ don’t go with them then it’s game over. As a property manager I didn’t think I would be responsible for doing caregiveprovider work only to ensure that they evacuate the area. We have a contract with Red Cross to provide them shelter and we sign those who need assistance with evacuating by bus with an agency funded by the city that helps provide the city with enough buses to transport not just our tenants but anyone who can sign up for the evacuation. We just had a meeting and when I questioned why we have to stay with them once they have been evacuated, I was told that we are responsible for them. I don’t understand how I all of a sudden become responsible for all of these people in a hurricane. What about my family? I’m in Texas by the way.
submitted by AdvancedAd4538 to EmploymentLaw [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 01:14 2024sbestthrowaway Non-game-dev (data analyst) asked to make a game in 4-6 weeks

TL;DR: I'm a data analyst / software engineer with no game dev experience being asked to make a 3D game with a very brief questline. It's basically move from A to B to C to D using a touch screen to gather treasures, as an engaging storyline / infomercial. In your opinion, is this doable in 4-6 weeks as a complete newb, and if so, what tools should I look into using? This does not need to be "published" outside of running locally.

Non-technical marketing manager wants me to make a "game" for our trade show in a couple months. We will be having a tasting bar so the idea is there will be windows tablets where customers can engage with the game to gain information about our products and gauge what flavors they may like to try.
I understand games typically take a talented individual, or team of individuals, a chunk of time to make. I've let them know I've never made a game but I'll try, with the caveat that I'm not sure I'll be able to deliver.
They want a mythical world / citadel, with a basic questline to collect treasures with various dialogue boxes appearing, and then a prompt at the end gathering potential client information.
So, is there a toolset for a moderately tech savvy, non game dev that will allow me to pull through on a deadline like this? What tools would you use if you had this steep request and no experience? I looked at this thing called Core and made a landscape with some drivable cars, but now I'm looking into Unity.
Is this doable? Any recommendations appreciated.
submitted by 2024sbestthrowaway to gamedev [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 01:14 TheMuffinMan324 Panda Gaming

Panda Gaming
Panda Gaming RP Join the Panda Gaming discord to get updated on development and news
We are gang friendly and invite any gangs looking for a server to join the discord We are business friendly and invite anyone who wants to open a business to come join the discord
Here at Panda Gaming we strive for quality and a mix of fun and serious RP, We are community focused always taking into account what the community wants!
We have so much to offer! From side activities like basketball, tennis, arm wrestling and even go-karting, with so much extra!!!
Ever felt like doing jobs solo are too grinding and tedious, That's where we introduce our many multiplayer jobs! team up with friends to complete the task at hand. Dont worry you solo grinders you can still do them yourself!!
So you want to try the criminal life! Maybe cause some trouble by robbing banks or processing drugs and selling them? We provide to players who enjoy the criminal with many opportunities, Drugs, Robberies, Car chopping and many more!!
Maybe none of the above interested you, Maybe you want to try our whitelisted jobs? We Have fully revamped our Police and EMS departments fully custom and integrated with the city and its civilians!!
Please come find us at Panda Gaming and try us out once we have fully launched, We are waiting here for you!!!
submitted by TheMuffinMan324 to FiveMServers [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 01:13 Turqios [Xbox 360] [2010s] Zombie game at a mall

I remeber playing this game in a "arcade machine" which this arcade was basically a xbox 360 with two controllers for two persons, the game had a white man, black jacket, jeans, i think black hair which was at a 2 floor mall that had zombies everywhere, he had to escape the mall via a (i think) blue car that was sitting at the middle of the 1st floor arround a podium, i if remember correctly you had to get fuel in order to escape the mall by smashing the front door of it with the car
submitted by Turqios to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 01:05 PeenooseThaThicc How do you approach asking for a raise, when your the only person who wasn't offered one?

Some more backround here as my case is abit unique , I work one of the largest law firms in my state as a paralegal/legal assistant (two similar jobs but hey, that's my title) I was hired close to 9 months ago now. I was talking to some of the other people hired around the same time as me, and I found out they all were given raises at their 6 month mark. I was told by management that my performance review for a raise was at the 1 year mark when I started. This was a lie
I was also in a car accident on Christmas eve and didn't return to work until February 1st, they gave me my "review" when I got back almost immediately. To be honest it wasn't even a "review" but a temp check to see my feeling on the company and take my feedback for training future employees. It wasn't until I got together with some of my other coworkers that I found out they also were given a chance to negotiate a raise. I know for a fact they used my car accident as grounds to not offer me a raise (I was rear ended by some drunk driver who fell asleep while I was at a red light)
Admittedly I am pissed off beyond all belief, I know I do great work, my attorneys trust me with drafting their documents in totality for them by scratch to include entire demands, whereas others will copy and paste into a firm template which the attorneys ultimately rewrite. I feel like my issue is I am not a metrics chaser, I produce results (That's the military backround in me). Also, because I can be trusted with more intensive time consuming tasks - I tend to have to work overtime to get my other work done as well (not uncommon at my job)
How do I approach this issue as I am new to this corporate juice drinking game, any and all advice is welcome. I don't want to jump ship just yet, but I feel wronged.
submitted by PeenooseThaThicc to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 01:01 pokio55 Would you buy this used 2011 CRV?

I recently got a chance to look at a used 2011 Honda CRV EX Sport Utility 4D with 142k miles. Original owner didn't use the car, he let it sit the past few years, occasionally using it. He has all the service records for maintaining the car. No accidents or anything. The car was mostly to / from work and groceries. He had the car sit in the garage for the first 5 years then used it very sparingly afterwards. He is asking for $7800 negotiable.
I got a PPI done and the mechanic said everything is original from the day it was bought. He mentioned that the transmission is "weird." Saying that the car goes into high gear, chugs, and goes into overdrive when trying to speed to 55 mph. My mechanic doesn't think it's because of low transmission fluid. He mentioned that the AC was just recently charged. Exhaust pipe has a shotty soldering job to hold it up. Little antifreeze leak Also, it'll need new rear struts, all new stabilizer links, and a little steering leak on the left rear pinion. Cherry on top is the Rust recall because I live in NY. The owner didn't get it resolved. We didn't notice any rotting but I told the owner he should get that serviced.
I like the car, and I'm willing to put some work into it. I think it's appropriate to go 50/50 with the seller on the necessary car repairs if you guys think it'll be worth a buy at all. I really need something reliable that won't break down or fall apart as I ride it for roadtrips and to go to work. Any advice would be helpful. This is probably the most "reliable" seller I've met while car hunting, so I am a little afraid of missing out on a good opportunity on a well serviced car. I'm new to buying from private sellers but I am learning slowly.
sorry for the poor formatting
TL;DR: 1 owner, service records of maintenance, 142k miles, $7800 negotiable, PPI: exhaust calling off, rear struts bad, high gear.going 55 chugging going into overdrive, bad stabilizer links, charging AC (?), steering leak, Service Bulletin #23-032 recall (rust recall incomplete) Worth buying?
What do you think? Please help :D
submitted by pokio55 to whatcarshouldIbuy [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 01:01 54Floors_ Budget help?

I’m budgeting 2,575 in an attempt to never work again (25m).
I’ve got a break down of
Mortgage $770 Car $400 Phone $220 (AT&T owns my sole atp) Electric $70 (fixed electric) Water $35 Internet $120 (gotta run games good) Groceries $100 (I don’t eat out on my dime)
For a grand total of $1,714
Leaving me with $861 and this is the issue
I do not have 3-5 month’s emergency funds saved, nor do I have anything saved (I spent my savings on house necessities, water heater, flooring, cabinets, trash removal ect).
So how should I manage the $861, since I’m remodeling this place and there is still needs drywall, bathroom vanity, dishwasher?
I would like to have spending money but need to build savings back asap
submitted by 54Floors_ to budget [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 01:01 Conjer53 Gaming Sim Racing Association

Gaming Sim Racing Association
If anyone is interested in high quality, fast paced, well maintained NASCAR style racing, GSRA is the one for you!! We use high quality models from NR2003, NASCAR HEAT 5, and other racing games. We race on the smoothest possible tracks available in Source. We have lua-coded draft effect, working pitboxes, as courtesy of our friends of ASSCAR. We are currently racing NASCAR Gen-7 race cars.
We currently race the Ford Dark Horse, Chevrolet Camaro, and the all new 2025 Toyota Camry. We have customizable templates, available to the public. Basic rules include, no intentional wrecking, no wall riding, no corner cutting, etc. We are currently using PAC3 to run our cars, but are working on full simfphys conversions. We have an official Steam group and Discord server if you would like to join.
Stop on bye, happy racing.
  • Ian Hawke, Caelix Spooner, GSRA Admin
submitted by Conjer53 to GMServers [link] [comments]