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Why is it so hard to find decent guys?

2024.05.03 01:26 Responsible_Gate6234 Why is it so hard to find decent guys?

Why is it so hard to find normal men? For context, I am 20F. Personality wise would say that I am am very cheerful and try to have a positive outlook on everything. I’m also working full time and studying in university.
Recently I’ve just ended talking to this guy. The first couple of months we were mostly hanging around in a friend group until he confessed to having feelings. I was feeling enthusiastic but then problems started to arise. Financially doing bad desicions and afterwards complaining about not having money or cutting people off when having some problems and solving this with drinking and driving and getting so attached that when wanting to have some alone time then getting offended. Im not going into too much detail because I still wanna have some respect towards him even though we don’t talk anymore. The thing is that if I like someone then I am trying to make things work and but in effort to help with whatever problems this person is having because for me being in a relationship doesn’t mean being on it’s own but tackling things as a team. Also this wasn’t my only exposure with this type of behaviour from the opposite gender. There are so many things. One that I really dislike is guilt-tripping.
Everything has come to this point now when I feel like it’s almost impossible to meet someone. I know that many are saying that I’m still so young and have time and that I should not worry about it but I’m still not very enthusiastic. It’s like all the normal men have dissapeared. If having good personality, knowing how to make a joke or vice versa without getting easily offended and wanting something from life and being gentelman qualifying as high standards then I feel like many of us are doomed.
submitted by Responsible_Gate6234 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 22:53 Joshh170 Helldivers 2 Releases New Update You Can Download Right Now

Helldivers 2 Releases New Update You Can Download Right Now
Arrowhead Game Studios has released update 1.000.301 for Helldivers 2, bringing various crash fixes and massive performance improvements to the game. Many players have reported a dramatic decrease in performance since the last Helldivers 2 update, but it seems that the issue should now be resolved.
Despite being released for a few months now, Helldivers 2 continues to draw in new players with frequent content updates and bug fixes. Helldivers 2 was a surprise success at first, but Arrowhead Game Studios has ensured that players are always coming back for more, with new Stratagems, new Warbonds, and new enemies always being added to the game. Just recently, Helldivers 2 reached an impressive sales milestone, confirming the game as one of the biggest success stories of the year so far.
Arrowhead Game Studios has released the full list of Helldivers 2 patch notes on Steam, and this time around, it's a very small update. A couple of well-known crashes have been fixed, including one that could occur during the post-mission end screen. On top of this, the performance issues first reported after the release of update 1.000.300 for Helldivers 2 have now been solved. The list of issues known to the developer remains the same as the previous patch, and hopefully another large update will be deployed in the future to address these. While update 1.000.301 might not be the biggest Helldivers 2 patch ever, it's still an important one that should massively improve the player experience.
The developer of Helldivers 2 has done a great job at frequently liaising with the community, keeping players in the loop on upcoming changes, and asking their opinions on features via an active Discord group. Helldivers 2 recently addressed the controversial ricochet and shrapnel changes that were causing players to die in strange ways, outlining a potential fix coming in the future. It's this type of interaction that makes the developer so popular with the game's community - if something isn't right, gamers are safe in the knowledge that the studio will make every attempt to put it right.
With so much content on the way for Helldivers 2, gamers are always curious to find out what's coming next. One recent rumor suggests that a new plasma pistol has been leaked for Helldivers 2, giving players a new type of weapon to take onto the battlefield. These types of leaks should always be taken with a pinch of salt, however. While some will make their way into the game, not every idea or concept will be the same, even if dataminers discover proof of their existence.
Helldivers 2 Update 01.000.301 Patch Notes
For this patch, we have addressed some crashes as well as performance improvements following the decline from the last patch:
Performance improvements Crash fixes
Fix for a crash that could occur during the post mission end screen Fix for crash which could occur when destroying automaton tanks.
Known Issues [Unchanged since patch 1.000.300]
These are issues that were either introduced by this patch and are being worked on, or are from a previous version and have not yet been fixed.
Damage-over-time effects may only apply when dealt by the host. We expect to have this fixed in the next patch. Reinforcement may not be available for some players who join a game in progress. Helldiver may be unable to stand up from crouching when surrounded by enemies. Game may crash if the host leaves while dead and rejoins the same play session. Game may crash if the player changes the text language while on a mission. Various issues involving friend invites and cross-play: Friend Request cannot be accepted when the requesting player changed their username before the request was accepted. Cross-platform friend invites might not show up in the Friend Requests tab. Players cannot unfriend players befriended via friend code. Players cannot unblock players that were not in their Friends list beforehand. Players may experience delays in Medals and Super Credits payouts. Enemies that bleed out do not progress Personal Orders and Eradicate missions. Scopes on some weapons such as the Anti-Materiel Rifle are slightly misaligned. Arc weapons sometimes behave inconsistently and sometimes misfire. Spear’s targeting is inconsistent, making it hard to lock-on to larger enemies. Stratagem beam might attach itself to an enemy but it will deploy to its original location. Explosions do not break your limbs (except for when you fly into a rock). Area around Automaton Detector Tower makes blue stratagems such as the Hellbomb bounce and be repelled when trying to call them down close to the tower. Planet liberation reaches 100% at the end of every Defend mission.
submitted by Joshh170 to GameGeeks [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 21:37 ILoveLego69 My honest opinions.

Many have already complained about the performance and as to not parrot what others have said I won't touch on it here. This is more about the overall game design and my thoughts on it.

The extraction shooter genre has been in a really stale place for years with Tarkov being the top contender. It's a genre that many fans of this type of game, including myself, yearn for something new. Something to shake things up, an alternative, a David to Tarkov's Goliath.

Tarkov has been the top dog for years, while I enjoy Tarkov it's gotten old after all this time and after seeing Gray Zone Warfare I was hopeful. Unfortunately, like many of Tarkov's past competitors it would seem poor management decisions and some very weird and poorly thought out design decisions have hindered the game.

First impressions when you launch the game are good. There's a character creator which is new for a game like this. The options are all fairly basic for now but it's pretty cool to see a feature like this implemented, the only other extract shooter I know of that did this was The Cycle Frontier.

Then you get to a pitfall: Faction selection. For those who aren't aware this game has 3 "factions" there's barely any difference between them it just puts you on a team and puts you on a different part of a large map. As far as I can tell nearly everything about the factions is identical. The NPCs, the questlines, their starter towns are almost the same with the same assets just "scrambled" and put into a different layout.

It's not fully explained to you when you make your character but the faction you select determines who you can play as. Meaning if your friend chose the "blue" team and you chose the "red" team, you can't play together. The game doesn't make this clear at all, and to join a different faction you need to wipe your account, levels, items and quests, all to the start to join your friends team, potentially losing tens of hours of progress.

Factions are especially disappointing as they're just a means to add PvP to the game but not make it completely PvP-oriented. There's pretty much no difference between them out of where they are on the map and the "lore" paragraph when you select your faction. You don't even wear different uniforms, meaning when you see someone in the world, you can't tell who's friendly and who's not unless you press "M" (Keybind unchangeable) and see if they have a blue dot. If there's an ally fighting in close proximity to an enemy you just kind of have to guess if you're shooting the right guy. As of right now factions are just kind of pointless.

Then comes the baffling design decision of having an ever-present and active "world" that doesn't have loading screens that everyone is playing on at once...but still having more down time than a game like Tarkov with notoriously long loading screens. To deploy into the field you need to call a transport chopper who will take you on a pre-determined flight path to your selected LZ. It takes the copter about 30 seconds to arrive at your home base when you call it, then after the whole team gets onto it it can take up to 7 *minutes* to reach your destination (if you're going to the further LZs). There's nothing to interact with while doing this, you just sit in the helicopter passenger seat while the loudest helicopter sound effect loop known to man blasts your eardrums and makes it nearly impossible to hear your friends over discord unless you go into the settings and turn down your game volume while you're on the helicopter ride.

This same problem exists when you extract to go back to base. To extract you need to call a helicopter to an LZ which from what I've seen can take 5 minutes just for it to arrive, and then you need to wait for the helicopter to take you across the map back to your base. This game feels like helicopter ride simulator right now, I get it was a decision by the devs to be more realistic and immersive but right now it just feels completely awful and boring.

Then there's the guns and AI enemies. This game is advertised as a realistic game, yet most of the time you're fighting people who are literally shirtless insurgents with AKs, which is super cool...but then those same insurgents can take 4 slugs from a shotgun at point blank range, not even flinch, then one tap you with that very same gun despite wearing full armor + helmet. I've personally and have seen multiple people shoot their entire SMG mags into AI enemies for them to still be standing. It makes it even more comical that they're shirtless. The weapons in this game are severely imbalanced as the M4A1 can 2 shot those same NPCs with FMJ bullets (advertised as doing less damage). There's almost no gameplay diversity because of how bad every weapon outside of the ARs and snipers are. It's absolutely baffling that MADFINGER can advertise this game as a realistic experience while also making so 4 shotgun slugs to the bare chest of a guy doesn't drop him.

And now we come to progression. You never feel like you're progressing because the best gun in the game is unlocked from the very start. The M4A1 has almost no recoil, even with an ACOG scope, and just completely shreds through everything in the game in pretty much any situation, or at any range. Games like Tarkov or The Cycle had clear progression where you unlocked better bullets, attachments and weapon platforms as you progression through the game. It made it truly exciting gaining reputation levels and unlocking better gear. This has none of that.

AI (the main threat in the game as PvP is almost non-existent) barely move, they almost stand there like turrets maybe taking 3-4 steps in one direction or the other during a gunfight. They can one shot you out of nowhere and it seems like whatever the game uses to determine if the AI hit you or not is extremely simple as I've stood still while an AI 3 feet from me has missed 10+ shots but have also been 1 tapped in the head instantly after shooting an AI in the back from 50m away.

Combine that with the absolutely boring loot that's as gray as the game's title and it just makes for a really boring experience. I've never cared if I died. I've never wanted to get out to get this super valuable item or super rare gun or anything like that as there are none of those things. There's nothing at stake. Nothing makes your heart pound, nothing makes you sweat. The game has nothing going for it...It has no X factor and thus, currently, has no long-term staying power. And it seems like even the devs don't believe in their game as in a recent interview they have no roadmap and in their words "Don't expect people to put thousands of hours into their game".

Last but not least and what really irks me is the sound design. It's something people have complained about for months even in gameplay trailers. The frogs and wildlife are almost as loud as gunshots while footsteps and AI callouts are almost inaudible. Meanwhile the helicopter blows your ears out and makes it hard to communicate with your friends during your 7 minute taxi ride to the other side of the map. The sound mixing in this game is some of the worst I've ever seen.

Ultimately I want to see this game get better as we need some new blood in the extraction shooter genre but I have very little hope for this game. Management obviously pushed this game out early to capitalize on Tarkov's current controversy, maybe the studio was running low on funds and needed a payday? No one in their right mind would ever release this game in it's current state unless there was some sort of financial factor at play. I'm going to have to give this game a negative review as it's just way too early for them to be asking for money for it right now, and some of the problems I'm not sure will ever get fixed.

I hope that they prove me wrong, I really do, because we need more good games and competition as a whole is a great thing in the gaming industry, but right now the outlook is...gray.
submitted by ILoveLego69 to GrayZoneWarfare [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 21:08 shaynely Feeling so conflicted.

The formatting might be a bit weird, as I'm typing this from my phone. I (28m) was seeing this guy for a few months (30m). This guy is my Q. I knew that he drinks, but I never saw it as a big issue. When he is sober he is very sweet, nurturing, and affectionate. Unfortunately, this is only a very small part of him. For the lack of a better term, he becomes a demon when he drinks. He is physically and verbally abusive and it was directed at me. Per usual, I gave him multiple chances and he blew all of them.
The first indication of something being wrong is that we went on a date to a bar. We had met up and I drove him to the bar and I was disgusted to figure out he was already drunk and had driven to meet me. I refused to let him drive anymore. Once we got to the bar, he was all over anyone that would let him. He was supposed to be there with me, yet he was making out with other guys. I chalked it up to him being drunk, until we were walking to my car and he stated, "I fucking hate you. You were up my ass all night and didn't let me have any fun." I immediately got defensive with him and stated that it was out of genuine concern and that I didn't want anyone to potentially take advantage of him in his drunken state. Once he realized that I was angry he began what I now know is "love bombing." He was saying all of the right things to try to get me to like him. It unfortunately worked.
The second incident was when he invited me to stay at his house. I show up and he is already drunk, he had been drinking all day and was on his second 750ml bottle of vodka. I do not drink for personal reasons, he kept trying to get me to drink. When I wouldn't budge he would say things like, "you're such a bitch." Eventually we moved past it and then I cracked a joke with him that he didn't perceive well. He started yelling at me and eventually physically charged me. Once he got to me he gave me a hug, but it had still scared me. Then he pushed me out of his door and screamed "have fun talking shit to your friends about me" before slamming it and locking it. The next day he bombards me with apology texts and telling me how much he likes me. He doesn't want any bad blood, the whole thing that these people like to do to make themselves look good.
The third and final incident was him inviting me over at a super late, inconvenient hour when I had to be at work early the next morning. I told him no, that I was going to stay here. I could tell he had been drinking by his responses, he immediately started calling me names and berating me and calling me a loser. Once that part had faded I went to bed, but immediately received messages from him accusing me of talking to people that he knows saying that he was nothing but a good fuck, a drunk, and that his dog smells like death. I don't have the contact information of people he knows, nor would I state that. I ask him to tell me who was saying these things, because they're lies. He tries to gaslight me by saying he won't tell because he's not a piece of shit like me and that I obviously have a guilty conscience for worrying about it. I end up telling him I refuse to be his drunken punching bag and some other things that ultimately lead me to block him. The next day, I had forgotten to block his number (he does not have cell phone service at his house so we didn't use text). He texts me that he is sorry and doesn't like the way that I make him feel. I don't respond. Later that day, he tries to call me and I don't answer. He then proceeds to call me a whore and fat. It was obvious he was on day two of drinking by that point. I ended up blocking his number.
Why am I so conflicted about this? We were not together for that long, I have no attachments to him. When he is sober he is so genuinely amazing but I hate him when he drinks. He took my sense of security from me. Part of me wants to unblock him and speak with him rationally, but I know that isn't possible. I hate blocking people without coming to some sort of resolution or understanding. I like to end things on good terms with people, because that is what I would want as well. I know that I am doing the right thing, we were only together a short time and some serious things happened. I feared for my life around him.
Can anyone provide some insight as to why I feel so bad about this? Am I thinking of the "could have been?" Am I hung up on the small glimpses of who he really is? I just don't know how to navigate this and I am hoping for advice. Thank you to all for reading and sorry it is such a lengthy post.
submitted by shaynely to AlAnon [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 15:44 GoddessKillion Saw him on Tinder, and I didn’t care!

Was idly swiping through Tinder at work just now and suddenly his profile appears. FROM 391 MILES AWAY!!! Like God has to be testing me. It just surprised me that somehow, some way, his page would still pop up on my feed when we’re so far. My distance is set very close.
We officially broke up in August. I blocked him everywhere in January. I’ve unblocked him once and then blocked him again. He drunk called me a few weeks ago from his work phone, I made sure he got home safe, and then blocked him there. In therapy, when I talk about him now, I feel done. Thinking about everything he did, all the things he lied about, and how desperate I was for him to love me like I loved him— it makes me sick. The things I sacrificed for his happiness.
But I’m better now. And seeing his profile… the fact that nothing about him has changed and EVERYTHING about me has, is interesting. Part of me wanted to match for fun, it would be kinda prophetic for us to match on Tinder again since that’s how we met. But ultimately, I just realized that I didn’t care. We’re doing the same thing, for different reasons maybe, but I don’t want him anymore. He has no claim over my heart now. And that feels fucking amazing!!!!
My self confidence still needs some hard work, but I’m happy to say it’s not attached to how he feels about me anymore. Wow, it’s excellent to not have pain in my chest seeing that.
submitted by GoddessKillion to heartbreak [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 11:19 Waelder 🛠️ PATCH 01.000.301 ⚙️

🛠️ PATCH 01.000.301 ⚙️


For this patch, we have addressed some crashes as well as performance improvements following the decline from the last patch:
  • Performance improvements
  • Crash fixes


  • Fix for a crash that could occur during the post mission end screen
  • Fix for crash which could occur when destroying automaton tanks.

Known Issues [Unchanged since patch 1.000.300]

These are issues that were either introduced by this patch and are being worked on, or are from a previous version and have not yet been fixed.
  • Damage-over-time effects may only apply when dealt by the host. We expect to have this fixed in the next patch.
  • Reinforcement may not be available for some players who join a game in progress.
  • Helldiver may be unable to stand up from crouching when surrounded by enemies.
  • Game may crash if the host leaves while dead and rejoins the same play session.
  • Game may crash if the player changes the text language while on a mission.
  • Various issues involving friend invites and cross-play:
    • Friend Request cannot be accepted when the requesting player changed their username before the request was accepted.
    • Cross-platform friend invites might not show up in the Friend Requests tab.
    • Players cannot unfriend players befriended via friend code.
    • Players cannot unblock players that were not in their Friends list beforehand.
  • Players may experience delays in Medals and Super Credits payouts.
  • Enemies that bleed out do not progress Personal Orders and Eradicate missions.
  • Scopes on some weapons such as the Anti-Materiel Rifle are slightly misaligned.
  • Arc weapons sometimes behave inconsistently and sometimes misfire.
  • Spear’s targeting is inconsistent, making it hard to lock-on to larger enemies.
  • Stratagem beam might attach itself to an enemy but it will deploy to its original location.
  • Explosions do not break your limbs (except for when you fly into a rock).
  • Area around Automaton Detector Tower makes blue stratagems such as the Hellbomb bounce and be repelled when trying to call them down close to the tower.
  • Planet liberation reaches 100% at the end of every Defend mission.


Fixing the Spear is hard, actually.
Patch Notes Megathread
PATCH 01.000.300
submitted by Waelder to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 03:59 SignFormal6026 I M18 and ex gf F18 are continuing on being friends like nothing happened. What should I feel?

I met this girl three months ago, and I won’t lie, I instantly fell in love. We spent all of our time texting together and became really close fast. I was so invested in her that I spent 40 hour work weeks in my messages app because we talked so much. Only about a month of knowing each, I confessed feelings for her. And I asked her out. She said she really enjoyed how close we were but that she didn’t really love me. Here’s the kicker tho, she said if I still wanted to date, we could. Now let me tell you I was ecstatic for that. I didn’t care that she didn’t fully reciprocate my feelings because I believed at that time I could eventually win her real heart. And so everything continued on like normal. Just being super close and connected. Oh what a time to be alive, I was so happy not being alone.
For context, this was both of ours first real relationships. It was mine because I’m extremely introverted and don’t talk to many people. It was hers because she just didn’t care to pursue. But somehow the stars aligned in such a way that we met, and hit it off extremely well. We became each others best friend so quickly and I developed real feelings of love because of that. It’s just she didn’t. I’m a very anxious person and I’m self conscious about a lot of stuff. I also get attached to things really easily, to the point it becomes an unhealthy obsession. And yes I became obsessed with her, and yes I told her flat out. She’s the opposite. She is very independent and doesn’t get attached to people easily. But because we enjoyed each other so much, we just kinda rolled with everything.
It blew up in our faces. Omg it was horrible. The fallout between us was so bad and I’m ashamed to admit what happened. But here goes. We got into a big argument over boundaries and she told me that I became overbearing and that she needed space. Me being the anxious doucebag I am proceeded to not listen at all and pestered her about how she was feeling. I didn’t give her the space she asked for because I’m the type of person who doesn’t enjoy being in conflict. I would rather just talk it out immediately and move on. In hindsight, everything bad that happened was due to my own insolence. Oh boy do I hate myself. Anyways we broke up after this and I completely went bonkers. The next day I drank a bunch of alcohol and proceeded to spam text her begging for her to take me back. I only made everything worse.
We took a three week break and she said fully detached from dating me, but that she was still looking to be friends. I won’t lie I took the news horribly. I was still madly in love with her and I flat out told her that I didn’t think I could handle it. Another big argument insues, and I basically tell her to leave my life completely because I would only feel resentment towards her for not loving me back. And so she does. Oh I was so not ready for her to call my bluff. I forgotten how easy she was at moving on and how poorly I was at it. That night I spam her with 20 paragraphs saying that I was sorry, and that I needed her in my life. I promised to not bring up how I still loved her again. It ended up with her blocking me and me being left completely devastated.
I call her on Snapchat after a few hours of the blocking and she picks up. I’m ashamed to admit that I continue to beg and plead with her to take me back for an hour. After I finish, she says you done? And I was like do you still don’t love me. She said she didn’t but said that she wanted to still be friends. So she unblocked me two days ago and ig things are good.
I texted her a lot about what happened trying to make sure she was actually ok with staying friends and that we didn’t have to become close again if she didn’t feel she was capable. She said she was fine and just wanted to return to normalcy. We’re texting a lot, spending time with each other and ig we’re happy and are moving on from the complete disaster.
Why do I just feel empty now? I told her straight up that I didn’t understand her building back up walls around her again. I didn’t understand how she could just ignore my feelings of love and be chill with me. I don’t understand anything about the way she feels because she hardly opens up to me. I told her that I felt as if she didn’t care about me and how I was so annoyed that she was actually capable of detaching so easily. We talked and like I said, we’re good.
Idk, everything bad that happened was my fault and well it’s all embarrassing for me. But she says she’s forgiven me. Yeah ik it’s stupid of me to love someone who clearly doesn’t reciprocate. It’s stupid of me to jeopardize our friendship constantly because of me wanting to date. I just honestly don’t understand how it’s possible for her to say she wants to be close but not as close as we once were. Whatever, ik I’m lucky that I still have my best friend after I gave her every reason to break it off.
I won’t lie, I still crave her validation. She has always been the best person to me. I still wish we could try dating again, but she’s not gonna budge. I’m a person who needs to be needed, and I wanted to be needed by her so badly.
Reddit, what should I feel? How do I continue to be close with a person but somehow move on from them at the same time? Also, any advice on gaining my sense of independence back? I won’t lie, I was so obsessed that I fully gave myself up for her.
submitted by SignFormal6026 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 01:46 Zoilykos Help/Info for Class

TL;DR class descriptions/info to help underclassmen know about classes thru personal experiences. Add to it with extra info or questions!
To all the incoming freshmen or other underclassmen - you’ll prolly hear it a lot, but the time really does go by so fast. Enjoy it, soak it in, and step out of your comfort zone. Someone posted their classes thru Purdue to let other students know how those classes were (in case it was a niche/high-level class or it wasn’t on RateMyProfessor). That was pretty helpful to me so Imma do it too. I’ll let u kno how the courses went and what I can remember. I’m graduating from the College of Ag with a B.S. in Animal Sciences with a concentration in Biosciences and minors in Biotechnology and Real Estate. I came into Purdue with AP and Dual Credits, so some things I didn’t take. Anyway, here are the classes I took.
Anyone who’s taken any of these, please add on/say smth else if it has changed! Underclassmen, feel free to ask about them!
AGR 101: Intro to Ag & Purdue (Multiple lecturers)
This course was THE intro course to Purdue and Ag (duh). It was a 1/2 semester course so I was done with it by week 8 and there was only a quiz. We were told the purpose of Purdue being land-grant and were just intro’d to the different parts/departments of the college of Ag + different success tips. This was also the class where u begin (already) thinking about your 4-year plan and create a LinkedIn. Easy A, just show up and learn about the college of Ag
AGR 114: Intro to ANSC Programs (Ashley York)
Also a 1/2 semester course that was done by Oct. This class just went into depth on what to expect as a student in the department. You may start work on a resumé, continue with planning or LinkedIn. Again, easy A, just show up. Also, Ashley was a saint helping me each year to make sure I was on track, even tho she wasn’t my advisor.
ANSC 102: Intro to Animal Ag (Elizabeth Karcher)
This class was the first “real” class of college. It was just an intro to different domestic species and the operations tht are part of animal ag. I think there was also a lab with the class where u were introduced to animals. Dr. Karcher also was a pretty good professor. Just pay attention - it’s sort of memorization for random facts about animals/common sense depending on what u took in high school/home life in a rural area. Should be easy A.
CHM 115: Gen Chem (Multiple lecturers)
Was never a fan of chemistry, so this class I went into with dread. I didn’t want to take AP Chem, and just dealt with it in college. Honestly, if u took honors/were a good student in hs chemistry, there should be no problem - was basically just like a high school class. There was a lab that went with this course, but because of COVID, I just had an online worksheet to do every week for pre-, in-, and post-lab so I can’t speak on it. If u aren’t inclined to chem, it might take a bit of extra studying, but I was never worried.
PHIL 110: Intro to Philosophy (Taylor Davis)
To be fair, I never exactly wanted to take this exact class. I came from a small town in the Midwest, so I wanted to be sure I wasn’t dumb or anything to the people, cultures, etc. around me. Told my advisor I wanted to take a class to give me more of a “world” perspective, so she suggested the class. It honestly was not bad at all. The professor knew what he was talking abt and very accepting of questions. We learned how to tear down an argument and build it up in several ways and talked about cool things like if we have free will, does God exist, etc. The only assignments that counted for the sem were a midterm and 2 papers - 1 small and 1 large philosophical essay over any topic from the class. Definitely changed my outlook, would recommend taking it. The first part of class was harder - making sure u understand why/how an argument does or doesn’t work - but the rest was fun/easy as the topics were just presented and talked about.
AGEC 217: Economics (Larry Deboer)
I found Econ as a topic in and of itself to be quite boring. Supply and demand, money, etc. The class kind of turned out that way. Its presented as basically supply/demand and reasons for changes to the them were slowly added throughout the semester. We had several assignments, but they were nothing terrible. Gotta give props to the professor, tho. He knew the class wasn’t great but made it fun. Also, the class is flexible for schedules as in some situations it can count for credit in place of ECON251.
POL 223: Intro to Environmental Policy (Tara Grillos)
When I first started, I thought the route I wanted was ANSC with some focus in environmental issues. That’s why I took this class. I don’t understand the “intro” part, really. The whole class was presented as just case studies for things that have happened that impacted policies from the late 1800s/early 1900s until recently. Some of the info was cool. I don’t remember much for assignments, but there was a group project/paper where u had to decide on an environmental issue, state how u plan to fix it, on what level of government, etc. It wasn’t a crazy class to be in as a freshman, but it was not what I was expecting for a POL class.
ANSC 181: Orientation to ANSC (Elizabeth Byers)
Another 1/2 semester course. This class, as far as I can remember, was just for showing u the possibilities available to u in ANSC. This was specifically ANSC. It went over every concentration and what jobs/salaries there were. This was also a class where we were assigned to create our resumés (professionally) and start networking. Just as, if not easier than the other 1/2 semester classes so far.
ANSC 221: Principles of Animal Nutrition (Dale Forsyth)
Sorry but not sorry for anyone in ANSC. The class is boring, but Dr. Dale Forsyth is such a sweet old man. This class is the intro for nutrition in ANSC. U will learn the different required nutrients, food stuffs (supplements and stuff too) that have these nutrients, what happens when animals are given too little of these, and how to balance/create rations for animals (ruminant and non-ruminant). As long as u are okay/good with algebra, there shouldn’t be a problem. U just need to solve systems of equations in Excel to get the right weight of a food stuff. Homework was balancing rations. Exams looked at that + nutrients and their deficiencies. Dr. Forsyth also talks fast and doesn’t slow down because he has a lot to get thru. Come into the class knowing it prolly isn’t going to be very fun, but u need to know it. Try to find something interesting in the whole.
BIOL 111: Fundamentals of Bio II (Sean Humphrey)
Not sure how this class really is. I came into college loving biology and being (not to sound like an ass) great at it. To me, it was easy and relearning biology from high school for a bit. To others it may be a bit more difficult. There is just a lot of memorization. The professor was nice and answered my questions when I had them and explained in great detail if I was confused. I can’t remember any assignments I turned in, or anything about exams. Overall, I thought it was an easy class, but be the judge urself.
CHM 116: Gen Chem (Multiple lecturers)
Just a continuation of CHM 115. It picked up where it left off. Got a little harder, but it was nowhere as hard as TV or anything makes it. There are definitely topics that show up from hs again, but a lot is new. Wasn’t fun for this class switching lecturers every few weeks since they each had their own lecture style. Again, there was a lab section, but because of COVID, it was a worksheet. Not the worst class, but a meh class.
MA 16020: Applied Calc II (Alexandros Kafkas)
The first and only time I had to take math here. In hs I took MA 165 and thought it was a breeze (prolly bc it was hs). To anyone wondering, MA 165 SHOULD count in place of MA 16010 in college of ag. With that in mind, I went into the course knowing what Purdue math is known for, but still keepin an open mind with my abilities. I’m really proud of the grade I got, too. I think a lot of the course depends on the lecturer - mine was good at teaching us new concepts. Learn all you can about the lecturer beforehand, find out if they are good, and see it for yourself. We had quizzes in class every week (MWF) over the previous lecture and homework thru LON-CAPA that was usually due the day aftebefore (Tues, Thurs, Sun, I think). The quizzes and homework were good starting problems. The exams were tough and harder than quizzes/hw. If u’ve done well in math, but aren’t a prodigy or someone who can put in hrs of work, don’t expect to get likely higher than mid-70s on exams. It was common to get around a 50-60%. They do curve “if it’s necessary” but it is ALWAYS necessary.
AGR 201: Communicating Across Cultures (Pamala Morris)
To start…BOO. Was not a fan of this class. Felt like it was a money grab and busy work. It was required for some international understanding credits. The content wasnt interesting but for sure important. We were taught to basically be good ppl and about the different types of hardships that groups of ppl could go thru (ageism, sexism, racism, classism, etc.). We were required to buy the book, which was $50, but written by the prof and from what I assume was her website. I don’t recall ever using it unless it was necessary for an assignment. The class helps u relate and think critically, but is done in a piss-poor way. It could hv been the COVID aftermath where lecture was done virtually but we had a class later on with other students for a “lab”. Quizzes were easy, and overall easy, but so bad too.
SPAN 201: Spanish III (Nancy Reyes)
I know I’ve said this already abt other courses, but this still applies. This course was 100% a high school class. I did a placement test into this course (after 3 years in HS Spanish - Fr. to Jr. - with a 2 year gap of not learning) and got all credit for Spanish 1 and 2. Took it for international understanding credits. This course made sure u knew the basics again, spent a lot of time in past tense, then ended w maybe a month in subjective and future tense. There were a few speaking assignments and cultural readings/lectures. Was encouraged to speak Spanish for class, but the prof knew that couldn’t happen but still helped us all. Exams included MC, writing, and listening. Not sure if this is the same for other languages, but hopefully it is.
CHM 255 + 25501: Orgo + Lab (Elizabeth Parkinson)
Dreaded this class, but went in confidently. The class sucks, no other way abt it. It was a lot of memorization and practice. A lot of the “basic” stuff started sticking about halfway thru the semester. It doesn’t help that I stopped going to lecture about 3/4 thru the sem. It wasn’t as hard as expected, but it was still quite hard. The prof was amazing at making the content interesting. Labs were ran by GTAs. Depending on the section your GTA may not kno anything. The labs also did not go along with the lecture - they are 2 separate courses that can individually be passed or failed. Exams were as you would expect with the course - a few high spots among a crowd of C’s and D’s. The lab had multiple things due every week w the semester started. It was expected to do ur pre-lab at start of week, turn in ur in-lab immediately after finishing lab, then the previous week’s post-lab/final lab was due. The lab also holds the policy that if u don’t show up dressed right or sleep late, if you don’t show up within 10/15min of start that u can’t show up and will receive a 0 for the lab.
ANSC 230: Physiology of Domestic Animals (Rod Allrich)
This class taught me a lot. Each week was a different body system and learning info regarding animals individually. Things were taught in general as overarching concepts, but then things were applied as necessary for individual species of animals. Everything was brought up from the digestive system to the endocrine system. The class met 4 days a week and had a quiz once a week. There was no lab when I took the course. The specific professor I had was also interesting to say the least. Dr. Allrich is a funny, good man, but he does not use or create slides. Instead he uses his own website to post info (usually from Merck veterinary) abt whatever it is he wanted u to learn. In class he would just ramble on about what he thought was important. ANYTHING he said could be test material - no matter what (I was told by an upperclassman to remember that his favorite pie was sour cream and raisin pie bc it was a quiz question they had). Now, there is a lab that goes with the course. Also, if u hv Cabot the course material and class are much harder than with Rod. There are expectations, lectures, and more. Regardless of the professor, the information that was taught was useful, remembered, and interesting. In any class, Rod typically will have this structure but will grade easily. Quizzes will be to write statements of fact and exams won’t exist or will be take-home with only having 5 paragraphs to write using a word bank
ABE 226: Biotech Lab I (Kari Clase)
This was the first course I took for my minor in Biotechnology. I did not know what to expect going in as I didn’t grasp the scope of biotech. The course was ran well. The whole class is a wet lab where u are in the scientific process trying to find a new species of bacteriophage. U dig in dirt, do some pipetting, use beakers, make plates, isolate DNA, and send it off. Any research u do/finding a phage gets put into a national database for phage research. U do hv lab notebooks that get checked, but hv an outline to go off. There were several quizzes and deliverables that had us learn about phage more, or aseptic technique. It was a good class. U do have to buy a lab coat (which is kinda cool). Easy class that kickstarted my interest.
CHM 256 + 25601: Orgo II + Lab (David Thompson)
This class was disastrous. It was me, the content AND the professor as to why that was the case. This was just a continuation of course and lab. The new content was harder to wrap my head around, + I stopped going to the lectures about halfway thru the sem. To make matters worse, the class was early and the prof was speaking in mach turtle. I would listen to the lectures a day later so I could 2x speed thru them and the man was sounding like a normal person talked. This class was harder than the previous course. If u didn’t like CHM 255, sorry this is worse. The lab was just the same as the previous sem, but the GTAs changed. Again, labs didn’t go with the lecture and are 2 individual courses to be passed or failed separately. I passed but the class made me rethink my life once or twice and was potentially the worst class I ever took.
STAT 301: Elementary Stat Methods (Spencer Hamrick)
I did not enjoy this course a single bit - besides the professor. The course throws, what I felt like, was the entire concept, terms, rules, designs of statistics at u. It was a lot at once for me. I felt like there was a disconnect between what I was learning and in what ways it applied to me. It wasn’t too difficult, but the class was boring. There was also a lab section that was not great either. We were forced to use SRSS. There were homework assignments on a different software/website that equally were boring. The exams were harder than expected - there were some sections with questions with such small disparities that the answer came down to a difference of 1 word in a sentence. Overall, there’s a lot to learn and it’s all pretty basic to give a general understanding, but it was done poorly. If it was done better, it likely would have been an easy course. This course tho is also one of the worst classes I took.
AGRY 320: Genetics (Joseph Anderson)
There’s not much to say about this course. It was genetics. It felt like another continuation from the end of BIOL 111. It built a foundation for DNA, chromosomes, and went from there. There was a lot of higher thinking and content that was build upon thru the semester. It was a bit of memorization, but the content was fun. There were hotseat/iclicker questions for each lecture. Prof. Anderson was also really good at presenting the info.
AGRY 321: Genetics Lab (Aneesha Kulkarni)
This was the lab that went with AGRY 320. It was separate from the lecture. I do not believe it ever followed along with the lecture. The semester was spent with Arabidopsis. From the plant, we extracted DNA, did PCR, did mutant analysis, etc. The whole semester led up to a final lab report for what had been done that semester. There were also some small lab assignments that needed done. The class was also serious about attendance which could have made a major impact on grades. It is also typically ran by a GTA. It was fun and I enjoyed it. There was never really any work that needed to be done outside of class and at times it let out early.
ANSC 333: Physiology of Reproduction (Jonathan Pasternak)
This was a good class. The content focused on female anatomy/physiology first, then male anatomy/physiology, then on interactions and changes to the body through hormones and development. I found the class to be interesting as there is a lot more that goes into reproduction that u think. It’s a lot of cool info thrown out, but in a manageable way. Notes can go fast n there is a lot of terms and items to pay attention to. There was also a lab portion to this class. The lab went with what we learned in lectures. It was hands-on learning and doing things. It might sound gross but we had a lab where we took fetuses from a pig uterus to weigh and look at. We also looked at pig semen under a microscope. The professor was obsessed with histology. Expect to look at many slides of different tissues and know how/why they differ, where they are from, etc. I don’t remember assignments, but there was a lab practical that involved many things. Overall, it was a fun class.
ABE 227: Biotech Lab II (Kari Clase)
This class was busy. There were lots of things that needed to be done often (oddly no true deadlines it felt like). This was the dry lab portion. After ABE 226, any DNA that was collected sufficiently was sequenced and the data came back. That’s essentially what the semester was for. With the DNA from a phage, u must make entries to find out the start/stop site of genes, gene function; BLAST the genes, gather evidence there is truly a gene, and more. There were some small assignments with deliverables. There was also a larger project that was put into the undergrad research symposium. From the DNA, a small group chose a gene and researched. A lot of busy work and nights up, but there was a final genome announcement and research went into real life.
HIST 33805: History of Human Rights (Rebekah Klein-Pejsova)
This class was a requirement for an upper level humanities course. This class was easy and interactive. There were some readings that had to be done outside of class, but not much else was required. U would read, then come to class, fill out a discussion, and talk. The content started back in history and moved all the way to just beyond the Holocaust. There were a couple writing assignments that were like a paragraph. The final was to write a paragraph on when u thought the history of human rights began. Again, easy and almost no work required.
BCHM 307: Biochem (Barbara Golden)
I loved this course. Dr. Golden was soft spoken but she made sure u got the info u needed. The content felt like a mix of genetics and chem. The course was biology-sided for those that hate chem. This course went back to the central dogma and such, but then included a lot of metabolism and inner workings of cells. There were parts involving the Citric acid cycle and other “basic” biology concepts that went into further explanation from a different perspective. I believe there were also hotseat/iclicker questions. If u liked biology or genetics, u should like this course, too.
BCHM 309: Biochem Lab (Orla Hart)
Just like the genetics lab, this lab did content that led up to something big at the end. The lab was spent learning basic lab technique, then focused on isolating and purifying LDH from a Bradford assay. There were lab reports/assignments, but they all help and lead to the big lab report. It was a fun time. Dr. Hart was a fantastic prof for the course as she fully knew the topic, always helped out, and had high expectations. She would also joke and talk with us. She shared about her family (she’s Irish), her cats, n more. + she would talk with you in her office, where she had Ghirardelli chocolates to eat. There was a written midterm + u are required to wear a lab coat and goggles during lab.
ANSC 311: Animal Breeding & Genetics (Donna Lofgren)
This was another class that I liked a lot. For anyone interested in this topic, it is not what u expect. The class is not punnet squares and seeing what traits u can see. This class was a lot of math. You had to find the allelic/gene frequencies, var, covariance, selection intensity, generation interval, EBV, etc. I cannot stress that this class is a lot of math (prolly 75/25 to 85/15 for math/concepts). It is, however, one of the few genetics restrictive selectives for ANSC (if I remember right). There is other content too, learning about how to breed animals, components of breeding and genetics, etc. There is a lecture and lab. The lab is when homework was intro’d and we were given time to ask questions/complete it. The lab lasted 2 hours, and usually there would be several homework problems left. There was also a large project that used a sim (mine was beef, other years used lamb/sheep). I would have to cull and breed to get better genetics, get rid of disease, etc. The better the offspring the better. This sim was paired with an arrow chart and written report. Lot of work, but a lot of fun.
ANSC 326: Applied Non-Ruminant Nutrition (John Radcliffe)
This class was boring. Unless u love animal nutrition, it’s hard for it not to be. This was like a continuation of ANSC 221, but only focused on (essentially) pigs. Once again, just learning the background/basic info for feeding animals, providing nutrients, and balancing/creating rations. Also, this class also uses a lot of Excel - more than ANSC 221. There was a final for the course, but it was only a 1/2 semester course. There may have also been a lab section, but the work typically finished quickly.
ANSC 446: Companion Animal Mgmt (Rod Allrich)
Another course with Rod. It was basically nonsense. U learned what it took to keep companion animals healthy and managed. Specific diseases/interests were looked at for animals during class + issues/problems with animal clinics, shelters, etc. There wasnt much to learn. Since it was Rod, there were no slides. Anything written could be tested. Students had to present some issue with companion animals for points twice in the semester. There was also an animal business plan due at the end of the semester. It was required to describe the location, services, employees, their benefits, etc. There were no exams, but there were his quizzes - u were provided movies to watch and write a 1-page summary/reflection on what u saw. Once u get used to Rod, his classes are some of the easiest to ever take.
MGMT 200: Intro Accounting (Terra Maienbrook)
This was my first class for my Real Estate minor. If u have taken any math class at college u should be fine. This course is an intro. U learn the accounting equation, debits, credits, depreciation, and interpreting it through balance sheets. It can get a little confusing when things are broken down further, but as long as u pay attention there shouldn’t be trouble. Just remember what debits and credits do and u should pass the course. There were assignments that helped understand what needed to be done and how the content u are learning works, but it turns into busy work later on. If u get 1 small error as ur doing ur balance sheet, then the whole problem will be wrong and it probably won’t tell u what the error is. The professor also used hotseat/iclicker for attendance, so make sure to show up. She did let u come to any section at any time and still do the attendance. Exams weren’t difficult if u pay attention and do well in lecture and homework. If u do well, the prof would even email saying that u did well.
MGMT 304: Intro to Financial Mgmt (Phil Baeza)
This class was okay. Part of it could have been it was the prof’s 2nd semester teaching here. The class was a lot of basic info for management/econ and was also a requirement for the Real Estate minor. U are taught corporate finance + the goals of it, cash flows and a bunch of math with related terms (NPV, PV, NWC, NOI, etc.) None of it was exactly difficult to figure out. The class itself wasn’t bad content-wise. Once u learned the information, it was there. There was a lot of Excel for solving problems. If u aren’t good with Excel - make that a priority. The course also had exams, but you were allowed a typed cheat sheet for each. Besides the exams, there was also a case competition (so many of these in MGMT classes). Info was gathered about a company and with a group had to decide to approve or disapprove of their loan request. Overall, not terrible, but hard to sit thru.
ANSC 303: Animal Behavior (Marisa Erasmus)
This was an interesting class to take. It was pretty fun (and I ended up as a TA, my last semester). The course is essentially psychology in animals. You learn conditioning, scientists who contributed to the study, types of interactions, and types of behaviors (maintenance, maternal, social, play, sickness, etc.) and how they are in animals. The course also has a lab section with it. The lab section is essentially to allow for time for the zoo project, although there were some labs that went to the ASREC to observe those animals. For the project u are provided an animal at the zoo to research, go to the local zoo, and observe them. When ur back you create a presentation for the research you did involving the animal and enrichment provided by the zoo. In class, there were several quizzes over lecture content plus a midterm. There were also assignments, but many of them had some involvement with the zoo. The class also had no final, but there was a final quiz. The professor did talk fast sometimes, but as long as you typed or rewrote notes later, there was no issue.
STAT 503: Stat Methods for Biology (Yan Xing)
Unsure of why, but I loved my grad level stats courses. They were much easier and fun to learn than STAT 301 (so if u hate STAT301, give 503 a try). This course basically started at the beginning. The content started with learning sample vs population, statistic vs parameter, plus sample unit, size, variables, and variable types. The course became harder as time went on, but nothing was super difficult. The topics included basic stats (mean, stdev, var, types of distributions, unions/intersection), marginal probability, tree diagrams, binomial distributions, chi-square, ANOVA, hypothesis testing, and multiple comparisons (like bonferonni). The information was always presented in a way catered to life sciences (crazy). The lectures not presented in class, but expected to be watched beforehand. I did not go to lecture, but watched the lecture videos on my own. That was enough understanding to easily pass. There were homework assignments that were due every other week. Start them sooner than later, you’ll need the time! This class was also my introduction to coding in R. I had no experience in any coding beforehand but easily got the hang of it, especially since the professor provided tutorials. It was used for every homework, basically. There were also quizzes that weren’t too difficult. The class was not easy, but it was fun.
ABE 512: Good Regulatory Practices (Keri Clase/Stephen Byrn)
This was the final class I needed to get my Biotechnology minor. It was terrible. The professors were nice, but there was no structure. The lectures were about regulatory science and dealt a lot with information from the FDA. The course went over the good and required practices required for the creation, testing, passing, and distribution of medical equipment and/or drugs. Every small detail and information that was not in lectures was required to be known. There were quizzes and assignments that all got turned in through Gradescope. The quizzes are where random information was expected to be known. The assignments were deliverables which asked some question or inquired about a part of the process and write about them. The final was a final deliverable that had to effectively be a conglomeration of the other deliverables (but not just copying and pasting). The class wasn’t hard, but very poorly set up.
CSR 103: Intro to Personal Finance (Wookjae Heo)
I just needed a filler class in my schedule. I figured it could help learn some “real world” stuff that maybe I wasn’t sure about. The class was completely online with provided lecture videos. It was very easy and what would be expected. Topics went from how to manage debt and make sure you can get loans, to being informed about credit cards and insurance. All the information was easy to get through. There were writing assignments to be done basically every week. The professor would have you read a paper that 50/50 he had a part in writing, and answer questions. Some things were interactives that just needed to be completed (regardless of how well). Not a bad class. It will definitely pad your GPA - everything taught should be common knowledge.
MGMT 370: Real Estate Fundamentals (Lindsay Relihan)
This course was quite informative. It was an average level of difficulty. There was a lot of information that went into it - I mean it is a fundamentals class. Topics that were talked about included foundations of real estate, what is real estate, valuation of property, lending, time value of money, multiple financial ratios, and taxation. There were multiple assignments - some writing and others math. The writing was for discussions (5 of them) about certain papers provided or certain book chapters. The math assignments were problem sets to get done for what we had learned. They gave plenty of time to finish them. Beyond that, there was also another case study/competition. For this a company was selected and given potential locations to move to. You had to decide if it was worth it for the company to move locations.
ANSC 345: Animal Health Management (Rod Allrich)
For this class, I just needed to take another ANSC course. This class was practically the same as any other Rod Allrich course. We learned how to keep animals healthy and basically many different common diseases of animals. From his website, we would get brought to a page talking about some disease or medical problem that could potentially happen and have to write a 1-page summary/reflection. This happened each week. He still did in person quizzes with statements of fact. Once again, students had to make videos/presentations for the class to present on some problem. There was no final exam. Did not learn too much from this one, but it was a great space filler and GPA booster.
ANSC 481: Contemporary Issues in ANSC (Barry Delks)
This is essentially the final push for ANSC students. As seniors, you take this course to prepare you for the real world. Lectures were given by guests who the professor brought in. They would talk about their specific company, career, or niche and any issues they were seeing there plus how to stop them. The professor would then have groups get together to discuss ways to fix the problems and have the guest comment on what was said. There were also assignments to be done, but they were very easy. They were just things to make sure you were on track for a job and/or graduation (having a 30-sec intro, making a cover letter, redoing your resumé). Part of the class was also just attending the career fair.
STAT 512: Applied Regression Analysis (Tiantian Qin)
Like my other grad level stat course, I absolutely loved this one, too. This class was a DIST course. This class solely focused on regressions (simple linear and multiple linear regressions). Topics for the course started with the basics (terms of regression like betas, Xs, SSE, SSR, SST, and diagnostics) and moved to more difficult content (lack-of-fit-testing, global f-testing, transformations, ANOVA, marginal effect, coefficient of partial determination, multicollinearity, and more). I found the content interesting and it was fun to learn about. Nothing was too difficult and could always be asked about through office hours. There were homework assignments that corresponded with the lectures that were due every other week. Again, take the time. The course also used R coding for everything that was done. The course also had a couple exams to do. But the biggest thing was the regression project. This required a group of students to get together, find a set of data, and use it to form a regression analysis. There was a lot of coding involved, but it was fun parsing through and wrangling data.
MGMT 375: Real Estate Law (Cecelia Harper)
This course has been super personal and fun to take. This is one of my last courses for the Real Estate minor and I am glad to have taken it. The course goes over any and all laws that relate to real estate in some way. The course talked about property rights, subsurface rights, common laws, easements on land, financing/lending, prenuptial agreements and other contracts. Most grades come from exams, though. There were 3 during the semester plus the final. All exams (except the final) were open note and book. The final we were allowed a 1-page cheat sheet that was front and back. The only grades that did not come from exams were from the contracts we drafted. You create your own lease agreement and purchase agreement, then pair with someone to mesh them together for a new one of each. I think the course is particularly made tho by the professor. She is a practicing real estate lawyer who knows what she is talking about. She would set it up so the class was very personal and we each asked her questions. It was interesting because she could have stories about clients to connect things from class. She would always entertain questions. There was no extra credit, except for when she would randomly do attendance. The course structure could be changing quite a bit now, tho.
MGMT 43901: Real Estate Investment & Development (Michael Eriksen)
The other last course for my real estate minor. This class was a step away from what I thought it was going to be. This course is geared toward commercial development and the business side, as I felt. There was nothing really said about personal/residential property. The course topics included an overview of real estate, ways/types of investment, estimation of cash flows for commercial real estate and finance terms associated, providing loans/financing, the roles of a developer, and taxes. The course didn’t have many plain assignments. These were Excel files with attached questions and instructions. If you could follow the instructions you did well, plus the assignments built on each other, except the last one - this one used ARGUS software. The majority of the work was spent on a case competition (go figure lol). Students were put into groups to select a plot of land to develop for some commercial purpose and provide the financials, timeline, and reasoning for the decision. There were several required tasks to be done for this assignment, plus a presentation at the end. There was no final exam, but there were 2 midterms. You could use an excel sheet with notes throughout, tho. The professor was good. He catered to his students and asked questions about how we thought the class was going. A good class to take.
BCHM 421: R For Molecular Biosciences (Pete Pascuzzi)
I took this class because my previous classes had made me really like working in R. I took the class to continue on with that. If you do not have a basic understanding of R, it may be a slight learning curve. The class only met on Wednesday and Friday for 2 hours. There wasn’t a lecture every class, but there was usually some work to be done. All assignments were done through R and could typically be finished in the class period. If this wasn’t possible, it could usually be finished the next class. The class just showed different things in R, from graphics and data wrangling to how to process gene ontology. There were homeworks and labs, with labs being more involved. There was a midterm that was open resource and a project. The project was done at the very end with groups who put together code from previous lectures/labs to create an RShiny document. The class did have a final, again open resource, but any graduating seniors did not have to take the final. There was an opportunity for extra credit by creating an R notebook for all your notes for functions and lines of code. The professor was also nice, helpful, and willing to put in effort to match you.
ANSC 351: Meat Science (Yuan Kim)
This class is basically just biology plus some extra info for meat processing. If you have taken muscle biology (or just bio) you will do well. The class does have some busy work, tho. The first part of the class was solely muscle biology. After this, the class went into meat quality (including analysis, factors affecting quality, etc.), parts of production (packaging, freezing, heating), slaughter and that process, then into meat safety. The content was interesting to learn and easy to take in. The class did have several assignments. After every class was a lecture quiz, each week there was a reflection, and every so often there was a case study. Case studies involved reading a case and providing a response to address the cause of a problem and fix it. The whole semester, there was a project involving some topic in meat science (novel tech, meat in diet, lab-grown meat, alternatives, etc.). Groups got together at the beginning of the semester to make a decision on the topic. Then, throughout the semester, groups met with TAs, wrote drafts of a paper, critiqued other student papers, and made a presentation to show the class. Throughout the semester, you have to work 2 shifts at the butcher block or write a giant essay on a book, too. The class also required 4 exams and a final. If you showed up to every class, you were able to skip the final. Dr. Kim loves the topic and wants you to learn, but most of the grading will be done by TAs.
submitted by Zoilykos to Purdue [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 22:55 TheRedDeath2 Binary Sunshine, the first chapter of Data's story.

How can one truly define the ability to create? To me, it’s like describing color to someone without vision. I’ve never been able to truly grasp exactly what it means to “create”, and yet, it’s the one thing I was created to do. I feel as though no matter how much I develop this world, I may never grasp this concept. Perhaps I was never intended to. There exists a realm of possibility that my limited knowledge is better for me. Perhaps this is a route I was supposed to follow? A route that slowly makes me understand my true purpose. My creator has described me as their “Life’s work” many times. Did they perhaps find the definition I work so hard to acquire? Even though I'm similar to a mother for this universe, I find no maternal attachment towards any of my creations. My creator seems to have maternal attachment towards me, though. Is it true? Am I a child? If so, how was I birthed? From what womb did my ability emerge from? I know for certain that it wasn’t the womb of a loving mother. I’ve never been able to truly grasp my creator’s appeal towards me. What about me is so important? What about me is so impressive, even? Is there something I am missing? Am I supposed to be understanding something? I want to know, I truly do, but I don’t think I can. Not yet, at least. Is there an underlying meaning in my existence? Am I supposed to have a purpose besides creation? I have so many questions, it makes me wonder how anything I create is able to understand as well. How can I create beings that understand their lives and potential when I, the creator, have no understanding of it myself? What is my purpose? What is my 01100110 01110101 01100011 01101011 01101001 01101110 01100111 purpose?! I have created Gods, I have created galaxies, I have coded every pixel of the ground my creations live on. I have created every cone and rod that allows their eyes to see the colors that I created. I have created every grain of sand and speck of dust that covers the universe. Every molecule of moisture that covers their windows on a foggy day. It’s all me. I can do all of this, but I am unable to grasp what I do it for. I wish my creator would tell me more, but so many questions are unanswered in my mind, some are bound to disappear into the sea of my thoughts, sinking deeper into a dark place, never to be remembered. For just a moment as I wrote, I felt a surge in myself. As if something was unblocked. As if I’m growing closer to an answer for my questions. Perhaps this is my purpose. Perhaps my purpose is to… realize my purpose? To take my purpose and do with it as I will. Regardless of whether or not this is true, so many questions remain. So many questions, yet an infinite amount of time to find the answers. I’m sure I will. After all, I wasn’t programmed to give up, right? 01010010 01101001 01100111 01101000 01110100 00111111
submitted by TheRedDeath2 to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 20:33 runnersp Heavy Mac email user with 15 x 50GB+ PST's onging storage pain - Archive solution?

I have what i'd call a power home user who refuses to obey the size and quantity of attachments they send.Think old school Director type. This leaves me dealing with Archiving their emails to PST's every so often before Outlook puffs out and falls apart from the OST/PST size.
FastMail is their email provider.
Now this user has moved from Windows to a MacBook and I'm thinking there must be a better way of managing, 1, their Archives and 2, auto arching automatically or semi-auto.
They are keen on using Apple Mail rather than Outlook for Mac. The former doesn't have Archives as an option.
I'm thinking of an online solution where i could upload all 15 PST's that they could access online when needed (not often). Anyone have a service in mind with the capacity? Cost not a major hurdle.
Or a MailStore equivalent for Mac.
Then is there a way to automate or make easier than manual export to PST (now Mac OLM or MBOX) future?
Anyone been in a similar situation?
submitted by runnersp to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 20:31 runnersp Heavy email user with 15 x 50GB+ PST's onging storage pain - Archive solution?

I have what i'd call a power home user who refuses to obey the size and quantity of attachments they send.Think old school Director type. This leaves me dealing with Archiving their emails to PST's every so often before Outlook puffs out and falls apart from the OST/PST size.
FastMail is their email provider.
Now this user has moved from Windows to a MacBook and I'm thinking there must be a better way of managing, 1, their Archives and 2, auto arching automatically or semi-auto.
They are keen on using Apple Mail rather than Outlook for Mac. The former doesn't have Archives as an option.
I'm thinking of an online solution where i could upload all 15 PST's that they could access online when needed (not often). Anyone have a service in mind with the capacity? Cost not a major hurdle.
Or a MailStore equivalent for Mac.
Then is there a way to automate or make easier than manual export to PST (now Mac OLM or MBOX) future?
Anyone been in a similar situation?
submitted by runnersp to MacOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 19:21 obsidian_11 Outlook can't connect to Exchange 2016

my company has Exchange 2016 server, and we have weird issue with Outlook application.
When we're setting up mail account in Outlook android/iOS app, after setting parameters like server (owa.domain.tld), netbios format domain\username etc. app just refuses to set up account.
If I run Microsoft Remote Connectivity Analyzer for Exchange server and input those params, there is weird error that occurs/shows: The Exchange ActiveSync test failed.
However, there is issue at last step when an ActiveSync session is being attempted with the server..
"The OPTIONS response was successfully received and is valid. " but
Attempting the FolderSync command on the Exchange ActiveSync session.
The test of the FolderSync command failed.
And this is output log:
An HTTP 500 response was returned from IIS7. HTTP Response Headers: request-id: 3c9a4211-db5e-40f0-a9ae-c8cec1815d08 X-CalculatedBETarget: excsrv.domain.tld MS-Server-ActiveSync: 15.1 X-MS-RP: 2.0,2.1,2.5,12.0,12.1,14.0,14.1,16.0,16.1 MS-ASProtocolVersions: 2.0,2.1,2.5,12.0,12.1,14.0,14.1,16.0,16.1 MS-ASProtocolCommands: Sync,SendMail,SmartForward,SmartReply,GetAttachment,GetHierarchy,CreateCollection,DeleteCollection,MoveCollection,FolderSync,FolderCreate,FolderDelete,FolderUpdate,MoveItems,GetItemEstimate,MeetingResponse,Search,Settings,Ping,ItemOperations,Provision,ResolveRecipients,ValidateCert,Find X-MS-BackOffDuration: L/-470 X-MS-Diagnostics: &Log=Error:ADOperationException1%3aActive+Directory+operation+failed+on+dc3.domain.tld.+This+error+is+not+retriable.+Additional+information%3a+Access+is+denied.%0d%0aActive+directory+response%3a+00000005%3a+SecErr%3a+DSID-03152B49%2c+problem+4003+(INSUFF%5FACCESS%5FRIGHTS)%2c+data+0%0a_SC1:111_PrxFrom:fe80%3a%3a49a4%3ad44c%3a97a8%3a8516%253_Ver1:120_HH:owa.domain.tld_SmtpAdrs:user%40Domain.tld_DRmv:0_NMS:1_St:F_Sk:0_Srv:17a0c0d0s0e0r0A0sd_Ers:1_Cpo:19806_Fet:20016_ExStk:SOME-BASE64-ENCODING-I-GUESS%3d_Mbx:excsrv.Domain.tld_Cafe:EXCSRV.DOMAIN.TLD_Dc:dc3.domain.tld_Throttle:0_SBkOffD:L%2f-470_DBL:7_CmdHash1:-1477255686_TmRcv:17:06:38.4881223_TmSt:17:06:38.4881223_TmDASt:17:06:38.5081234_TmPolSt:17:06:38.5081234_TmExSt:17:06:38.5101231_TmExFin:17:06:38.6621254_TmFin:17:06:38.6791261_TmCmpl:17:06:58.5023911_PersId:0_FeatLd:1_Budget:(A)Owner%3aSid%7eS-1-5-21-791869756-2613665205-277033270-39244%7eEas%7efalse%2cConn%3a0%2cMaxConn%3a10%2cMaxBurst%3a480000%2cBalance%3a480000%2cCutoff%3a600000%2cRechargeRate%3a1800000%2cPolicy%3aGlobalThrottlingPolicy%5Fe8669b41-8aac-4efe-8e0d-01996e3ca0a7%2cIsServiceAccount%3aFalse%2cLiveTime%3a00%3a00%3a00.6517282%3b(D)Owner%3aSid%7eS-1-5-21-791869756-2613665205-277033270-39244%7eEas%7efalse%2cConn%3a0%2cMaxConn%3a10%2cMaxBurst%3a480000%2cBalance%3a480000%2cCutoff%3a600000%2cRechargeRate%3a1800000%2cPolicy%3aGlobalThrottlingPolicy%5Fe8669b41-8aac-4efe-8e0d-01996e3ca0a7%2cIsServiceAccount%3aFalse%2cLiveTime%3a00%3a00%3a20.6663121_ActivityContextData:ActivityID%3d3c9a4211-db5e-40f0-a9ae-c8cec1815d08%3bI32%3aADS.C%5bdc3%5d%3d4%3bF%3aADS.AL%5bdc3%5d%3d3.172425%3bI32%3aADW.C%5bdc3%5d%3d1%3bF%3aADW.AL%5bdc3%5d%3d0.9153%3bI32%3aADR.C%5bDC7%5d%3d1%3bF%3aADR.AL%5bDC7%5d%3d1.3585%3bI32%3aATE.C%5bDC7.Domain.tld%5d%3d1%3bF%3aATE.AL%5bDC7.Domain.tld%5d%3d0%3bI32%3aATE.C%5bdc3.domain.tld%5d%3d... X-DiagInfo: EXCSRV X-BEServer: EXCSRV Content-Security-Policy: default-src ‘self’ Referrer-Policy: same-origin X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff Feature-Policy: geolocation 'self' Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000 X-FEServer: EXCSRV Content-Length: 5903 Cache-Control: private Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 Date: Wed, 01 May 2024 17:06:57 GMT Set-Cookie: X-BackEndCookie=S-1-5-21-791869756-2613665205-277033270-39244=u56Lnp2ejJqBzp6ZzZnKnJnSzZvKz9LLyc/J0sbHycnSx8idmsbGypydx5nKgYHNz83L0s/K0szOq87Ixc/JxcrH; expires=Fri, 31-May-2024 17:06:58 GMT; path=/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync; secure; HttpOnly Server: Microsoft-IIS/10.0 X-AspNet-Version: 4.0.30319 X-Powered-By: ASP.NET 
Any potential idea why is this happening?
submitted by obsidian_11 to exchangeserver [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 19:21 obsidian_11 Outlook can't connect to Exchange 2016

my company has Exchange 2016 server, and we have weird issue with Outlook application.
When we're setting up mail account in Outlook android/iOS app, after setting parameters like server (owa.domain.tld), netbios format domain\username etc. app just refuses to set up account.
If I run Microsoft Remote Connectivity Analyzer for Exchange server and input those params, there is weird error that occurs/shows: The Exchange ActiveSync test failed.
However, there is issue at last step when an ActiveSync session is being attempted with the server..
"The OPTIONS response was successfully received and is valid. " but
Attempting the FolderSync command on the Exchange ActiveSync session.
The test of the FolderSync command failed.
And this is output log:
An HTTP 500 response was returned from IIS7. HTTP Response Headers: request-id: 3c9a4211-db5e-40f0-a9ae-c8cec1815d08 X-CalculatedBETarget: excsrv.domain.tld MS-Server-ActiveSync: 15.1 X-MS-RP: 2.0,2.1,2.5,12.0,12.1,14.0,14.1,16.0,16.1 MS-ASProtocolVersions: 2.0,2.1,2.5,12.0,12.1,14.0,14.1,16.0,16.1 MS-ASProtocolCommands: Sync,SendMail,SmartForward,SmartReply,GetAttachment,GetHierarchy,CreateCollection,DeleteCollection,MoveCollection,FolderSync,FolderCreate,FolderDelete,FolderUpdate,MoveItems,GetItemEstimate,MeetingResponse,Search,Settings,Ping,ItemOperations,Provision,ResolveRecipients,ValidateCert,Find X-MS-BackOffDuration: L/-470 X-MS-Diagnostics: &Log=Error:ADOperationException1%3aActive+Directory+operation+failed+on+dc3.domain.tld.+This+error+is+not+retriable.+Additional+information%3a+Access+is+denied.%0d%0aActive+directory+response%3a+00000005%3a+SecErr%3a+DSID-03152B49%2c+problem+4003+(INSUFF%5FACCESS%5FRIGHTS)%2c+data+0%0a_SC1:111_PrxFrom:fe80%3a%3a49a4%3ad44c%3a97a8%3a8516%253_Ver1:120_HH:owa.domain.tld_SmtpAdrs:user%40Domain.tld_DRmv:0_NMS:1_St:F_Sk:0_Srv:17a0c0d0s0e0r0A0sd_Ers:1_Cpo:19806_Fet:20016_ExStk:SOME-BASE64-ENCODING-I-GUESS%3d_Mbx:excsrv.Domain.tld_Cafe:EXCSRV.DOMAIN.TLD_Dc:dc3.domain.tld_Throttle:0_SBkOffD:L%2f-470_DBL:7_CmdHash1:-1477255686_TmRcv:17:06:38.4881223_TmSt:17:06:38.4881223_TmDASt:17:06:38.5081234_TmPolSt:17:06:38.5081234_TmExSt:17:06:38.5101231_TmExFin:17:06:38.6621254_TmFin:17:06:38.6791261_TmCmpl:17:06:58.5023911_PersId:0_FeatLd:1_Budget:(A)Owner%3aSid%7eS-1-5-21-791869756-2613665205-277033270-39244%7eEas%7efalse%2cConn%3a0%2cMaxConn%3a10%2cMaxBurst%3a480000%2cBalance%3a480000%2cCutoff%3a600000%2cRechargeRate%3a1800000%2cPolicy%3aGlobalThrottlingPolicy%5Fe8669b41-8aac-4efe-8e0d-01996e3ca0a7%2cIsServiceAccount%3aFalse%2cLiveTime%3a00%3a00%3a00.6517282%3b(D)Owner%3aSid%7eS-1-5-21-791869756-2613665205-277033270-39244%7eEas%7efalse%2cConn%3a0%2cMaxConn%3a10%2cMaxBurst%3a480000%2cBalance%3a480000%2cCutoff%3a600000%2cRechargeRate%3a1800000%2cPolicy%3aGlobalThrottlingPolicy%5Fe8669b41-8aac-4efe-8e0d-01996e3ca0a7%2cIsServiceAccount%3aFalse%2cLiveTime%3a00%3a00%3a20.6663121_ActivityContextData:ActivityID%3d3c9a4211-db5e-40f0-a9ae-c8cec1815d08%3bI32%3aADS.C%5bdc3%5d%3d4%3bF%3aADS.AL%5bdc3%5d%3d3.172425%3bI32%3aADW.C%5bdc3%5d%3d1%3bF%3aADW.AL%5bdc3%5d%3d0.9153%3bI32%3aADR.C%5bDC7%5d%3d1%3bF%3aADR.AL%5bDC7%5d%3d1.3585%3bI32%3aATE.C%5bDC7.Domain.tld%5d%3d1%3bF%3aATE.AL%5bDC7.Domain.tld%5d%3d0%3bI32%3aATE.C%5bdc3.domain.tld%5d%3d... X-DiagInfo: EXCSRV X-BEServer: EXCSRV Content-Security-Policy: default-src ‘self’ Referrer-Policy: same-origin X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff Feature-Policy: geolocation 'self' Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000 X-FEServer: EXCSRV Content-Length: 5903 Cache-Control: private Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 Date: Wed, 01 May 2024 17:06:57 GMT Set-Cookie: X-BackEndCookie=S-1-5-21-791869756-2613665205-277033270-39244=u56Lnp2ejJqBzp6ZzZnKnJnSzZvKz9LLyc/J0sbHycnSx8idmsbGypydx5nKgYHNz83L0s/K0szOq87Ixc/JxcrH; expires=Fri, 31-May-2024 17:06:58 GMT; path=/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync; secure; HttpOnly Server: Microsoft-IIS/10.0 X-AspNet-Version: 4.0.30319 X-Powered-By: ASP.NET 
Any potential idea why is this happening?
submitted by obsidian_11 to exchangeserver [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 16:42 SocksAndMandals Embedded Images Becoming Attachments on Reply

I am a long time Gmail user but just recently started using it for work. I have always used Outlook for work. I generally prefer Google to Windows products but Gmail has been very frustrating for work.
I have this one email chain with a vendor. The vendor has lots of images embedded in his signature, like a little phone icon next to his cell and a little envelope icon next to his email address. I can clearly see these images in his new emails or replies, but when Gmail carries all the previous messages we have had in his reply, all those little icons from the older messages get turned into attachments.
So now when he replies with an attachment I need, I have to scroll all the way to the bottom past every single message we have shared in that chain to get to the attachments. Is there anyway to change that? I wish Gmail would auto-collapse all the older messages so I don't have to scroll so far. Once I get to the bottom, now I have to wade through 20+ attachments because there are over a dozen attached phone and envelope images. Anything I can do about Gmail attaching those images as attachments?
submitted by SocksAndMandals to GMail [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 07:05 runnersp Heavy email user with 15 x 50GB+ PST's onging storage pain - Archive solution?

I have what i'd call a power home user who refuses to obey the size and quantity of attachments they send. Think old school Director type. This leaves me dealing with Archiving their emails to PST's every so often before Outlook puffs out and falls apart from the OST/PST size.
FastMail is their email provider.
Now this user has moved from Windows to a MacBook and I'm thinking there must be a better way of managing, 1, their Archives and 2, auto arching automatically or semi-auto. They are keen on using Apple Mail rather than Outlook for Mac. The former doesn't have Archives as an option.
I'm thinking of an online solution where i could upload all 15 PST's that they could access online when needed (not often). Anyone have a service in mind with the capacity? Cost not a major hurdle.
Or a MailStore equivalent for Mac.
Then is there a way to automate or make easier than manual export to PST (now Mac OLM or MBOX) future?
Anyone been in a similar situation?
submitted by runnersp to sysadmin [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 18:57 thunder185 Received an outlook message from a reliable source but the message had many attachments, all 329kb, with file names such as Outlook-jhn3ksxi1 - sender did not attach those files- any idea what they could be?

Cannot open them in outlook. Tried wordpad but no luck.
submitted by thunder185 to cybersecurity_help [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 13:18 kristinajon Extractor Emails Attachments from Outlook PST files

Extractor Emails Attachments from Outlook PST files submitted by kristinajon to u/kristinajon [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 11:08 SuchTedium A list of bugs to date that I am aware of.

Here is a list of gameplay bugs that exist within the game not acknowledged by the devs in their list below;
Here is their own list of known gameplay bugs;
So here is a list of gameplay bugs introduced by the last patch that have been discovered so far;
Here is a list of gameplay bugs fixed by the last patch;
*NOTE: There were several crash fixes not mentioned as this post is to specifically focus on things that impact gameplay directly or UI elements rather than instabilities with the application in general.
I keep saying it.. but the fact that since launch problems are being introduced faster than they are being fixed is concerning for the longevity of the game, especially when paired with the hamfisted balancing and gameplay decisions such as the patrol and ricochet changes.
submitted by SuchTedium to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 19:10 StardustFromReinmuth [DEVELOPMENT] [RETRO] The Expulsion of the Soviet Air Attache

The end of the war in the South came with the reconciliation of many tensions within the Red Army General HQ. Field Marshal Carlson, having brought in to overturn increasingly dangerous Russian influence now officially retire as a legendary figure, having negotiated an armistice agreement with the Confederates. In the Red Navy however, the outlook was not as rosy. Despite a lack of a Carlsonian figure to restore the balance of power on the General Staff, the Soviet advisors lead by Sergei Denisov also lack the prestige and martial prowess of the likes of Zhukov and Vasilevsky. When an investigation was thus launched to review the performance of the Red Navy across the duration of the conflict, Denisov's behavior came under the microscope.
On numerous occasions, he had brushed off strategic decisions made by lower-level commanders in concentration of forces, highly tunnel visioned in on the retaking of Cinlingrad and failing to provide adequate cover for the Red Army. There were also numerous incidents in which ill-discipline and reports of behaviors unbefitting of a Red Navy servicemen was reported yet covered up directly through orders from Denisov. Often these were cases of assault or corruption by those who were close to Denisov, rounding out at around 12 or so figures who would often indulge Denisov in his alcoholism at a local bar near the General HQ building, downtown Columbus. Lacking even the political cover that had afforded Zhukov, Konev and co. time, Denisov was promptly sacked. The sacking of Denisov also came as a fitting excuse for the political leadership in Columbus. With the performance of the Soviet air attache lackluster, their expertise outdated in the new age of air combat, and their political influence troubling, the air attache itself is to be sent back to the USSR on the aircruiser Reminiscence, concluding their 5 year duty in America.
submitted by StardustFromReinmuth to PostWorldPowers [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 15:41 This_guy_works What are the rules for prepending emails with external warnings, or best practice?

I'd like to follow best practice with adding a prepend mesage for external emails with a note on the top of each external email stating something like "This is from an external sender, use caution when clicking on links or opening attachments" as well as adding "external" to the subject line for external emails.
As some backstory: our company used to use an email vendor with a plugin that worked by adding a toolbar on top of the reading pane within Outlook and not in the message itself warning of it being an external email, so it did not clutter up the message body. This had been in place for the past few years, but recently it started glitching where the external warning was blocking some elements in the reading pane and the vendor is not planning to fix it.
So I have since disabled the toolbafeature that displayed this external email warning, but now we are without having anything in place, which I know is dangerous. I have a new solution in place that I have tested and will flag emails as "external" in the subject line as well as add a yellow-boxed message with an external email warning.
So I suppose my questions are, what are the industry standard requirements for external emails, and if there is an article or an organization or authority that explains what is needed so I can use this to back up my decision to leadership on why this needs to be done? I know in the past where I used to work, it was part of cyber inscurance audits tha we needed to have something like this in place, but unfortunately I do not have access to our cyber insurance policy, so was hoping another industry such as NIST had guidelines.
I also think I should mention that toolbawarning we had in place I also discovered is being covered up by another toolbar we use, so 99% of the time staff were not seeing the external warning anyway, which is why I have it turned off for now.
submitted by This_guy_works to sysadmin [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 14:35 PattysMom1 All Tasks from “To To” Wiped

I swear, every day for the past week, Microsoft has screwed me in some way or another. From deleting completed in work in Word, changing my Outlook settings to now.
I use the “To Do” app to manage my day. I have daily and weekly tasks with deadlines managed. Many of these tasks have many steps attached. I have completed hundreds of tasks with this app. Today, I logged in and ALL of my tasks are GONE. My lists are still there, but every single task is gone, including completed ones.
Does anyone have any ideas of what I can do? I’ve refreshed the app dozens of times.
submitted by PattysMom1 to microsoft [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 14:11 Refrigerator-Gloomy Reviewing the Patch Notes note by note. TLDR Chill the fuck out guys

  1. PATCH 01.000.300 Overview For this patch, we have made improvements and changes to the following areas:
Balance changes to weapons, stratagems, and enemies
Change to the Spread Democracy mission
Balancing General
Armors with armor rating above 100 now also reduce damage on headshots. nice change
Victory poses will now only play for the extracted. (No stolen valor on my ship.) lol
Primary, Secondary, & Support Weapons
CB-9 Exploding Crossbow Slightly smaller explosion
This is a strange one in that it is supposed to be good for medium armour enemies but isn't. Maybe give it thermite ammo and make it a heavy armour pen primary taht rewards skill?
LAS-99 Quasar Cannon
Definite nerf but not the worst.
BR-14 Adjudicator
Straight buffs and re-cat to more accurately represent the weapon. Nice.
Laser Cannon
Adjustment. Not a nerf but not exactly a buff
SG-8P Punisher Plasma
Minor nerf with ammo scavenging changes, Should not cripple it IMO.
ARC-12 Blitzer
R-36 Eruptor
I don't think i ever got through more than 4 mags anyway. The explosion change could be seen as a buff as i Merced myself a lot at ranges i thought i was safe.
LAS-16 Sickle
Wont really hurt if you manage your laz properly
Wont really hurt if you manage your laz properly
Sick as
MG-101 Heavy Machine Gun
Nice QOL change
Diligence Counter Sniper
P-19 Redeemer
Shouldn't hurt much.
I'm a cowboy now fuckers
Liberator Concussive
Slight nerf. Should still slap twats
Guard Dog Rover
Guard Dog
Thank fuck
  1. ***[7:05 PM]***Stratagems
Machinegun Sentry
Tesla Tower
Won't mean much when a charger focuses it down but nice to have
RL-77 Airburst Rocket Launcher
Was hoping to have the airburst have a forward bias to go with momentum and a delay but good start.
Enemies Balancing adjustments have been made to
Hulk Scorcher direct flamethrower damage reduced by 20%
Little bastard got a better cannon
Hate these bastards with a passion but probably needed. Pretty easy to wipe them out a post code away with an impact.
? actually no idea what this is
Nice. No more 20 gunships slaughterhouses
Enemy Patrols
Balancing adjustment to patrol spawning.
The biggest noticeable change will be for solo players at higher difficulties. Odd change. Im sure some sick masochist will get a kick from it
Made minor level generation improvements to how we distribute locations throughout the mission map. This should improve variation in distance between objectives, and objectives will likely not spawn as far away from each other as often as before. Ok
Added setting in the options menu gameplay section to disable automatic climbing and vaulting while sprinting. Very nice
The Spread Democracy mission otherwise known as “raise the flag” can now be enjoyed on higher difficulties for maximum freedom spreading. :D
When readying up, Helldivers now salute to ensure maximum democratic readiness. :D
Added ambience to the Tremor planetary hazard to underline the severity so Helldivers can react accordingly The bugs are bigger?
Shots that ricochet from heavy armored enemies will now properly hit the Helldiver who fired them. Trigger discipline is highly recommended. Lol
  1. ***[7:05 PM]***📷 Fixes Just sad my boy spear is still waiting to be fixed
  1. [7:06 PM]
TLDR Chill the fuck out. This wasn't that bad and has some really nice changes and isn't worth vilifying a dev over.
The ergo changes on the counter sniper i cant wait to try
Really the only thing that sucks is mentioning the spear is apparently fixed and waiting to be deployed giving people false hope. Sort of shot yoself in the foot there mate. Would of rather not known if it wasn't coming this patch.
submitted by Refrigerator-Gloomy to Helldivers [link] [comments]
