Describing paragraph examples

World Travel Backpacking

2008.12.03 00:39 World Travel Backpacking

A subreddit for traveling backpacking and wilderness backpacking, not restricted to one or the other. All posts must be flaired "Travel" or "Wilderness"

2014.08.17 03:29 Knife_Guide Comparing knives to cars

Make posts describing how knives compare to cars, make a short paragraph explaining how and why.

2015.08.20 08:56 critropolitan Fiction too brief to follow a conventional structure.

We encourage scenes and vignettes of evocative, poignant, or amusing quality. Keep them short - a brief paragraph, a couple of sentences, or even a single poignant sentence. “For Sale: Baby Shoes, Never Worn” - a six word 'novel' by Ernest Hemingway serving as an example of extremely short fiction.

2024.05.17 10:02 flandre-neet Suspecting I'm Autistic???

Aaahh this is going to be long but I have nowhere else to address my current circumstances right now and I dunno if this is the right place to say this but I hope it is. sob sob
Anyways, hi! I'm a college student (21F) who has been peer-reviewed (lol) that I may be autistic when I opened up to a friend about how I'm so overwhelmed around people and the environment in general everytime I go outside, especially at school. They are autistic as well and they pointed out that I have traits that can be linked to autism. I was pretty sure I have ADHD, but now I'm confused and I'm trying to figure myself out abt myself once again and why I can't be a person like other people who seem like they live life on an easier level than me (not completely disregarding their struggles but I hope it makes sense).
This happened around March, during my midterm exams, where I couldn't really focus on anything anymore after how many years of forcing myself to function properly despite stressed and overwhelmed. My brain felt like its treated like one of those ASMR slime videos where people stretch and squeeze/crumple the slime but instead in a satisfying way, it really felt uncomfortable and I felt like crying in the middle of our exams. I had to stop myself bc its so embarrasing to just randomly cry during exams where I couldn't even understand why I was crying at all lol. Not to add the very loud voices from my classmates and other noises I couldn't tolerate anymore for how many years that these types of noises messed with my brain. I wasn't able to comprehend every question from the exam even if it was familiar to me.
After that, I told my dad that I didn't want to go to our family reunion with our relatives bc I was so exhausted and I needed alone time to myself even for just one day. I really liked to be alone and prefer to do stuff I like alone or with a person that I'm very comfortable with. Just do our own stuff and not requiring to speak at all. Just there vibing. Everytime I have to go outside and meet people, it felt like I have to put a personality just to be able to converse with them and manage to smile even if I don't want to. I don't know how to act around people and how to empathize with them, so I have to learn/copy and research others' behavior - which my friend pointed out that I may be autistic and I was masking to fit in.
Unfortunately, my dad didn't understand and forced me to go despite my reasoning, which made me incredibly upset and I had to put on another personality just to come off as not rude towards my relatives. It was very tiring and at that moment I wish I wasn't a person at all (tbh I wish I was a cloud 24/7 bc I'm just up there floating). The good thing is that the venue was at an exclusive beach resort, where the sea waves can calm me down a little bit after drinking liquor with my cousins. (I only drank those light beers bc I don't want to experience getting drunk + my parents were there).
I feel severely burnt out after that, and I think it continues to affect me up to this day. I once loved being a pharmacy major and learning about how drugs affect the body and all that but with the way how my teachers conduct their lessons and quizzes + super super overstimulated from the environment and lots of responsibilities, my mind won't process any new information anymore and my body refuses to move and work on my school stuff, and I lose motivation to study, too. Or even get up from bed at all.
Another thing that my friend pointed out was how I manage my time to prepare. I don't know how to explain it in general but I'll give an example on how I do my routine when I go on campus. My classes usually start at 8 AM, and I leave at 7 AM. Therefore I prepare myself 2 hours early and "operate" every 30 minutes. I need to get one or two things done within 30 minutes or else I feel like I would be late and I hate feeling late. I don't like changing schedules last minute or very late announcements (which my teachers are fond of changing schedules very late or make an announcement for lab requirements at like 12 midnight on the same day where we will have lab classes and I'm already asleep around 8 to 9!! Everyone seemed to be fine with it but I was super stressed out and I don't like stuff similar to that). And yesterday when we had our math class, my teacher said we would end at 6 PM to catch up on our topics, so I told my dad that I need to be picked up at 6 PM bc I feel unsafe going home when its dark outside. But around 5:40 when we had our break time she suddenly said that we would be extending until 8 PM, and I felt like I was about to cry again.
I went outside of campus to buy snacks and saw that my dad was already there waiting for me so I came up to him and cried (very embarrassing on my part ughhh) but I couldn't control myself anymore. I was teary eyed and tried to stop my tears so I jokingly told my friend that I'm about to cry bc of how tired I am so she wouldn't notice. I hated the feeling so bad bc my teacher said she would dismiss us at 6 PM, and 8 PM I should be on my bed that time.
I also dislike it when people set their schedules like 7:45 PM or 8:15 AM or 9:20 AM and not 7:00 or 7:30/8:00 or 8:30 and all that stuff because its hard for me to prepare that way. Or when they plan stuff and tell me that we'll go at night, but not specifying the time.
In regards of my interests, I like pharmacology, radiopharmaceuticals, physics, art, and fashion design. I also like math even I'm not really good at those things I mentioned. I just love to read stuff about them and how people come up with theories. The thing is I'm more of a gatekeeper and I dislike sharing them to people even if they share the same interests as me, unless I am comfortable with them. I'm more of a listener than a talker. I don't know if its a common thing among autistic people. And everytime I gain a new interest, my other interests go dormant and I can only focus on that one specific interest which made me lead to ignore my other interests and responsibilities.
Aside from that, I struggle expressing my emotions especially facial expressions. I get scolded at lot by my mom that I look pissed but I'm not pissed at all. It feels uncomfy for me to smile either, and my emotions are usually just stagnant, I think. The only feeling I can "feel" is when I'm stressed, anxious, angry, and everything else feels like "meh" to me. "How are you feeling?" questions are hard for me to answer and I wish I have a soundboard to respond and its just vine boom noise or stuff like that to accurately describe what I'm feeling instead of words.
When it comes to repetitive movements, I don't really know because I don't pay attention to my actions. I have a habit of picking my lips and pulling strands of my hair though. Nowadays I bring my cotton doll with me to keep my hands busy or end up crocheting since they make me feel comfortable.
I think I have a lot more stuff that are autistic traits but it's going to be very very long than this one. I'm seeing a psychologist a few days from now to get myself assessed because I know I really need professional help. I'm anxious that I'm not "autistic enough" to be diagnosed but upon reading people's experiences in here and in other subreddits as well + having high scores in online tests + reading Devon Price's "Unmasking Autism", I felt very seen and made me decide that I should go see a professional, but I don't really know what to say to them and I feel like I should have a format for everything I say (as always). It would be nice if anyone has an advice for this too.
Again, sorry if its very long and you had to read them all !! I have no idea about myself anymore and I just want to make life somehow easier to me to manage instead of trying to treat life as something that I have to survive instead of just living. That or become an alien/entity from a higher dimension so I can do what I want and no longer be perceived or be noticed/given attention to.
That's all, thank you very much! 🫶
submitted by flandre-neet to AutismTranslated [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:57 nn4260029 Is music produced to sound best on non-audiophile systems?

If below is a stupid question, feel free to tell me so…
I was just wondering, a major distinction between audiophile music systems and “consumer” systems is that audiophile systems aim for a neutral frequency response. Meanwhile consumer audio usually is tuned to be “V shaped” with for example added bass.
If I were a musician who wanted the best sound for my listeners, and I knew almost all would listen on equipment like a JBL headphone with 10% bass added, I would therefore master my music with 10% less bass to end up with my intended sound on those JBL’s.
However the above would mean that audiophiles with a neutral system would miss 10% bass on their systems.
Is what I describe just BS, or is music mastered to “correct” for the mostly crappy sound systems average people use?
submitted by nn4260029 to audiophile [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:11 Pigeonofthesea8 Reigning in a literature review for a research proposal - help

So this is for a senior undergrad course.
How do you stay focused in your literature review while ensuring you're covering enough of the landscape? I've seen some that are quite terse and uninformative and others with sweeping scale in both depth and breadth... it's so easy to get lost. Example, for neuro - how much should be devoted to neuroanatomy, and then abnormal neuroanatomy?
When describing tasks and procedures, how much detail do you need to go into? Eg do you need 6 sources for normed assessment tools (to cover different populations) or is one really enough? Every single step of every moment of the procedure, literally (have seen this) or top level info?
There have been SO many studies of every persuasion on every structure, network, and function, how can you even start to summarize it, even for one little piece of neuroanatomy?
submitted by Pigeonofthesea8 to psychologystudents [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:56 AnimalsChasingCars West Gate Bridge: service station canopies set to get heritage protection

‘The Opera House of service stations’: Heritage plan for West Gate canopies

The sail canopies over the service stations at the foot of the West Gate Bridge are set to be protected by a heritage overlay after they were found to be of local significance.
The service station canopies are the latest in a line of humble structures to be considered for heritage protection following the listing of a brutalist 1970s Carlton parking lot and an electrical substation in Brunswick.
A heritage review has found the canopies of the two service stations, on the eastern end of the West Gate Bridge, meet the threshold for local significance, and the sites have been recommended for inclusion within the heritage overlay in Melbourne’s planning scheme.
“The stations’ canopies are identified as being of local rarity, aesthetic and technical significance to the City of Melbourne for the unique design and engineering of the canopies’ tensile membranes and structures,” the review found.
The heritage significance only applies to the canopies, not the service stations themselves.
The service stations were built in 1989 at a cost of $5.5 million and, in a report at the time, Shell described them as “the Opera House among Australian service stations”.
The Sidney Myer Music Bowl is the other best-known example of a tensile membrane structure in Melbourne.
The stations are owned by VicRoads and held in a long-term lease by United Petroleum, which operates them as petrol stations and Pie Face outlets.
City of Melbourne officers have recommended that the council approve the West Gate service stations’ heritage review at its meeting on Tuesday night and provide recommendations for permanent heritage controls.
Deputy Lord Mayor Nicholas Reece said they were probably Melbourne’s most famous service stations and known to every Melburnian.
“They are certainly iconic and well-known structures in Melbourne that are very much seen as the gateway for people arriving in the city from the western suburbs or are a common stopover for people heading to the west coast of the state on holidays,” he said.
Reece said the council meeting was just the next step on the heritage listing process and that there would be a further opportunity for the public and landowners to make formal submissions.
“Look, I understand there’ll be some people who would say, ‘What’s so special about a couple of white sails over a servo?’, [but] there’ll be others who know them as Melbourne’s most iconic service stations and a real gateway location for the city, which has been well known to Melburnians for almost 40 years,” he said. “Amongst architecture types, it is really a thing.”
Royal Historical Society of Victoria chair Charles Sowerwine said a heritage overlay might well be merited if the service station canopies were significant in terms of technological innovation or aesthetics.
Sowerwine said increasingly diverse structures were being listed for heritage protection. In the Fisherman’s Bend precinct, there were important remnants of General Motors Holden and the Australian automotive industry, which were set to be preserved and incorporated into the University of Melbourne’s campus there.
“We’re increasingly seeking to ensure that heritage means that we have places people can see in their daily lives of Australia’s past not only our great architecture and domestic architecture, but also industrial and things that are run-of-the-mill,” he said.
“Service stations played a big role in the past, maybe it won’t be a service station when we are all electric, but it may be a restaurant and maybe the canopies can be included in a way that enhances their visibility to remind people of the important automotive past that made the city what it is.”
Sowerwine said it was critical that when a building was listed for heritage protection that protection was adhered to.
“Local heritage overlays are terribly weak and inadequate, it’s certainly not going to be over-protected,” he said. “The problem that we have is that the heritage overlay is often ignored or not paid sufficient attention to when the next stage of life for a building or site comes up.”
submitted by AnimalsChasingCars to melbourne [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:55 OrangeJuice516 My kitten died

Hello I just want to start this off I never had a kitten before. I just recently picked up this kitten off the street across from my job. I took her because she looked abandoned and was crying. Maybe I messed up in taking her in.... I'm at a loss for words I haven't been able to sleep in for about two weeks give or take. I named her..... Zoltron kind of stupid name but I thought it was a cool name.... Everything was fine for about three weeks of having this kitten.... The only thing that threw me off was it was abandoned and left alone. Although that's beside the point. I bought the milk formula because she seemed to need it. I fed her chicken the first night I had her and sometimes pate broken up with water. I'm not an expert here.
Everything was going fine up until one night. I was feeding her several times a day and making sure she was alright and good. Then one night she starts to seem sleepy. I thought nothing much of it. I wake up and I don't here hear usual cry's for some breakfast that she usually wants. I pick her up and she still was breathing but I could tell she was dying. By the time I get in my car and start driving to the vet.... Zoltron died on me. I'm at a loss for words... I never owned a kitten I tried searching up things to do for her. She seemed fine... Im tearing up writing this sorry if some of this is gibberish I don't mean to bother y'all.
I just have this heavy pain in my chest that doesn't go away.... I feel lifeless right now I know I'm not special and I probably fucked something up for the kitten. It's probably my fault.... I... I... I just wanted to help maybe I thought this would have been something special. But all I gave this kitten was a short life I feel empty right now. Maybe I could have done something different. Maybe if I wasn't a dumbass I could have tooken her to the vet faster. Im so sorry I couldn't save you Zoltron😢. Its my fault now I wish I was different I could have tooken a different approach maybe. This really sucks I can't find words to describe this feeling I have. I fucking hate myself right now.
I'm sorry Zoltron 😢... I wish I could have seen you grow up you were so pretty
I'm sorry for the long paragraphs y'all. I just wanted to share my story I'm sorry if this doesn't belong in this subreddit I just picked one that was cat related
submitted by OrangeJuice516 to CATHELP [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:54 Yurii_S_Kh Fear None of Those Things Which Thou Shalt Suffer. Revelation: Removing the Veil, Part 9

Fear None of Those Things Which Thou Shalt Suffer. Revelation: Removing the Veil, Part 9
The angel of the Church of Smyrna
We continue reading the book of Revelation. We’re now analyzing the second chapter. We stopped on verse 8. Last time we saw that this majestic vision of Christ’s coming was revealed to the Apostle John on the Lord’s Day, on Sunday, on Patmos. Christ appeared to him sitting on a throne, surrounded by all that we described last time. St. John saw Him amidst seven golden lampstands, seven stars, and seven angels. The angels of the Churches are the bishops of the Churches. Christ first addressed the Bishop of the Church of Ephesus, the angel of the Church of Ephesus. He says He knows about his labors, about his patience, He sees his labors, but despite this, God also sees something that burdens his soul—that he has left his first love. He says to him: Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works (Rev. 2:5), otherwise his lampstand would be shaken and temptation and trials would come.
​The angels of the seven Churches, Apocalypse Tapestry, 14th c.
To the second angel, of the Church of Smyrna (to the bishop), Christ says: And unto the angel of the Church in Smyrna write; These things saith the first and the last, Which was dead, and is alive (Rev. 2:8). We have already spoken about how this wording with “saith” is like the prophetic expression “thus saith” used by the prophets of the Old Testament when they proclaimed the will and word of God to the world. Only God can say in Holy Scripture, “Thus saith the Lord.” Thus, God says the following: He is the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. Nothing exists outside of Him; in Him is everything. He is the Beginning and End of all things. Which was dead, and is alive—Who was put to death but nevertheless came back to life and remains forever. He talks about this because later he will begin talking about the trials yet to be faced.
In verse 9, Christ continues: I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan (Rev. 2:9). I know your good deeds and the difficulties you’re going through; and I know your poverty. You know, it’s important: God knows about our lives. Because that’s what matters in the end. What can someone else know about us? Only what he sees from the outside. So? If we tell him something else about ourselves, he’ll know a little bit more. But despite his good disposition, his efforts, our familiarity will hit a certain limit. Human capabilities are very limited. But God knows everything. And when we face difficulties and problems in our lives, it’s important to remember that God knows about all this, and then we’ll have peace within us. It’s important to remember that God knows the truth and the real meaning of what’s happening; He knows about my difficulties. People may not know and not remember me, not accept my words, but God knows; He knows the reality, so we shouldn’t be disappointed, shouldn’t suffocate, or panic, or throw a tantrum because other people don’t understand us. Let them not understand. It’s impossible for other people to understand us, especially for everyone to understand us. When God came to earth, the perfect God, He spoke and acted divinely; all of His deeds and words were perfect, but people didn’t accept Him. Is it really possible to be accepted when we turn everything upside down because of every little thing? However, God knows our human flaws, but he also knows our hearts. He knows our deeds, our sorrows, our difficulties. We have talked about how the word “tribulations” is a strong word, describing exhaustion, weariness, longing. God also knows our poverty.
Here, in this verse, it’s not talking about spiritual poverty. This bishop wasn’t spiritually poor, as described below. Here it’s talking about material poverty. He was poor; the Church there was very poor. The early years of the Church, the persecution… Some people say: “And why does the Church need money?” Okay, it doesn’t need it, but you don’t need it either. You also can live on a piece of bread a day; you won’t die. But if you need to build a house or something else, then you’ll need to have money. So the Church sometimes needs to do some things, and so it needs money. If it doesn’t have money, it won’t be able to do it. If it doesn’t, the world won’t collapse. But this is really one of the difficulties. The Lord says to the bishop: “I know about your poverty, but you’re rich. Despite the fact that you’re in material poverty, you’re rich.” And then the Lord explains why he’s rich.
It can happen that a man is both poor and rich at the same time. There can also be the opposite situation, when a man is very rich, but at the same time he’s immensely poor: When he’s swimming in millions, but at the same time unhappy, stingy, greedy—then he’s poor, naked, and exhausted. He’s neither happy with money (he’s stingy, and so he gets no pleasure from it) nor does he have the Kingdom of Heaven, because he doesn’t use money with spiritual reasoning. He thinks he’ll take it with him. Why does God call the Bishop of the Church of Smyrna rich? He’s beset, condemned, fought against—the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. The Jews believed they were the chosen people of God. But the chosen people of God aren’t those who descended from Israel and have a hereditary, genealogical connection with it, but those who do the works of God. A Christian is more than a person who is baptized, goes to church, who keeps some rule according to the typikon. He is someone who has Christ within himself, who lives by the grace of God. The Jews were the people of God. The crucifixion of Christ severed their connection with God. They crossed over to the other side themselves, shaking off this Divine blessing from themselves. Now the chosen people are no longer the Jews, or the Greeks, or any other people, but the Church, which is beyond the bounds of nationality or family, and which embraces the entire world. Christians, the children of the Church, are the people of God.
“A rebellion against you has been started by those who call themselves Jews, but who are not, but rather a satanic assembly.” You see, in Revelation, Christ speaks descriptively, using periphrases. He doesn’t speak vaguely, politely, as we would, but He speaks about things as they are. He says: “It’s not an assembly of God’s people, but an assembly of satan.” Why? Because they do the works of Satan; they have Satan within them. Because these are people who have betrayed themselves to Satan and act against God. When we hear such conversations, let us not be taken in by false politeness. Sometimes we need to speak the truth, and not play false love by adding syrup everywhere. Everyone is good, everyone should be loved. Of course, everything is fine, wonderful, and holy, but there are also some truths. When God speaks of truth, it doesn’t mean that He insults a man. He doesn’t speak for the purpose of insulting, of shooting lightning at someone, or condemning him, but for the purpose of waking him up. God says such things to make people come to their senses. Christ speaks in such a way so as to convey to this bishop a true understanding of things, so he wouldn’t start wondering: “Maybe there’s some kind of compromise? Maybe I should give in on something, discuss some issues?” No, it’s an assembly of satan. There is no compromise.
St. Nicholas strikes Arius
In verse 10, Christ continues: Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer. Fear nothing. You still have much to endure (meaning the bishop of those who make up the satanic assembly), but fear nothing. The Lord doesn’t say this because he’ll escape sufferings—no. He’ll suffer. This bishop is Polycarp. At the time that the Apostle John wrote this epistle, the bishop in Smyrna was St. Polycarp, whose memory we celebrate, and whose life ended with a martyr’s crown. He was killed, burned; he ended his life in torments. Christ doesn’t say He'll help him avoid this—no. He doesn’t say: “Don’t be afraid, they won’t do anything to you. I’ll save you from them.” Rather, He says: “Don’t be afraid of what’s going to happen. You’ll endure all of this. You won’t manage to avoid anything. They’ll burn you alive.” Bishop Polycarp was indeed burned alive. God doesn’t deliver him from torment, but tells him not to be afraid, but to endure. Why?
Further, we read: Behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life (Rev. 2:10). Satan is planning to take some of you and put you in prison; he will tempt you; you will endure many trials in prison and will have great tribulation that will last ten days. We don’t know for sure if the torments lasted for ten days, but most likely the Lord speaks of ten days to show that this period of trials will continue for a certain time—it won’t be forever. And then what? Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life. “No matter what, remain faithful unto death, and I will give you a crown of life.” It doesn’t mean that you have to be faithful only unto death. You have to remain faithful even if death threatens you, until death, and God will give you a crown of life. This is the message Christ leaves for the Bishop of Smyrna: “Remain faithful. Don’t be afraid. Don’t give in to cowardice.” And indeed, he remained faithful, and accepted death in torments in deep old age, like St. Voukolos, whom we spoke about before—the Bishop of Ephesus. He also suffered and received a crown of life.
There was an old monk on the Holy Mountain where we lived, in New Skete. He lived in a cave; his name was Averkios. He was very simple, illiterate; he lived in complete poverty in his cave. When he would come to our skete church for Vigil or Liturgy, he always sat behind everyone, taking the very last stasidia. What kind of work did he do? He gathered wild grass in the desert. There was little soil there—it’s mostly rocky, but little grass grew, and it was very valuable for the fathers.1 And he collected snails. He sold them to the fathers for a little money, so he would have a little something to feed himself with. This Elder Averkios, very virtuous, poor, living in a cave, was standing in his spot in the darkness at the end of the church during Vigil once, when only the lampadas were burning. He unexpectedly got up from his seat and headed straight for the altar, to the altar table. The fathers were very agitated. Only priests go there—ordinary monks don’t go into the altar. What happened? Did he go crazy? They saw him go in, make a prostration, and start talking with someone. Then he came back out, and the fathers stopped him, asking him what happened and why he went into the altar in the middle of the service. He replied:
“Nothing happened. The bishop called me.”
“What bishop called you? Did you see some bishop here?”
“What, didn’t you see the bishop who was here in church?”
“We didn’t see any bishop.”
“He came into the church, called for me, and I went in. I prostrated to him and kissed his hand. He asked my name. I said, ‘Monk Averkios, Your Grace.’ He took and wrote my name on a board.2 He showed me the board and asked if I saw my name. I said, ‘I see it, Your Grace.’ ‘What’s written here?’ ‘Monk Averkios.’ ‘I have written your name in the Book of the Living.’”
New Skete, Mt. Athos
The next day, Fr. Averkios reposed. He left with that message.
So, to whoever remains faithful to death, Christ will give the crown of life. And that’s the most important thing for us—to have the crown of life. All the rest is vanity. Collect as much as you want of whatever you want. Do what you want. But if you depart from this world without having the crown of life, then you’re pitiful, poor, and ill-fated. And if you have the crown of life, you have this blessing of God, the notification that you’ve defeated death, that you’ve overcome it and that you’ll be with God eternally. Then you haven’t lost in your life. All the difficulties and trials that you’ve overcome have their reward in the Kingdom of God. At the same time, we must know that our faith doesn’t depend on favorable circumstances and convenient situations: I don’t believe only when things are good for me and when I want everything to work out well. We often sin this way.
As soon as something starts going wrong, we immediately take offense at God. We blame God for everything. Understandably, we’re weak people, we have our difficulties. But if you don’t decide for yourself that you’ll remain faithful to death, then you’ll start grumbling at the smallest thing that comes your way. Then, with every little thing you’ll start saying, “Oh, I can’t; it’s too hard for me,” and so on. And if you say to yourself from the very beginning: “I will remain unto death. I won’t back down. I’ll die, but I won’t back down,” then anything that happens to you before death will seem easy. You’ll say, “I haven’t died from it yet.” They may have slandered, condemned, imprisoned, or driven you out, but they haven’t killed you yet. You need the determination to stand unto the very death. That means that we must remain faithful until the end of our lives and must be ready to suffer for our faith.
To be continued…
Metropolitan Athanasios of Limassol
1 The grass is boiled and eaten (for example, the leaves of young dandelions).
2 On the Holy Mountain, they have these boards in the altar with the names of people who will be commemorated at the Liturgy.
submitted by Yurii_S_Kh to SophiaWisdomOfGod [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:44 XZCosmos1 Pre-Nursing Tips V2

Hi all UPN/Pre-Nursing people! I just wanted to write out some tips on how to look best on your NursingCAS applications for your goal starting semester. This is a pretty detailed guide with some good calculations to determine other scores beyond just the basic impaction score. This also provides some resources for your TEAs that I found most useful. This guide is directed towards those applying to SJSU especially those on the Pre-Nursing Track at SJSU.
Don't flop your first semester: It is true that the first semester of college has a learning curve, but it is still important that you stay focused and maintain a high GPA. For many this is the easiest semester, but don't be fooled English 1A or Chem30A/BIOL65 will bite you in the butt last second.
Aim for a high GPA not solely TEAs: As much as people brag about their TEAs scores a GPA at SJSU is much more important! If you have a 4.0 GPA and score lower on your TEAs you will have a way better shot at getting in. Take this for example: a person got 2 A- in 3 unit courses out of the big 8. This makes their cumulative GPA a 3.94 GPA. If this person applied to nursing against a person with a 4.0 this score is then doubled, for impaction. 8 compared to a 7.88. With 2 A-'s you now need to do better than 3.5% of whatever teas score the kid with a 4.0 got. Also keep in mind that SJSU already requires a 84% to even apply leaving a 16% playing field. If you get a 4.0 and a 84% a person with 3.94 needs to get a 87.5% on their teas!
Don't rely on comparing stats to AllNurses: This is a hot take, but hear me out; 60 kids get into SJSUs nursing program and maybe 10 people post their stats on AllNurses. I am throwing no shade saying this, but these are the people that are for the most part going to get in. Some claim to have 4.0 GPAs, 98 TEAs, 2000hrs of Healthcare experience, and co-reqs done too. Obviously they are going to get in but, that spot is now taken from a person bringing it down to 59 others. It is nice to have a comparison to, but unless more people post on it people are going to have skewed to the right opinions. There are tons of applicants and there are different groups of people apply. The overachievers, the average, and the prayers. Most people are average and do not have the crazy stats these people have. There are some people that do post stats that are more relevant to compare to such as a 4.0 with an 88% or something like that. Again this is highballing and it is important to really dig deep into who got accepted when using this platform. A 92% TEAs is what even the pre-nursing advisors and these guys want you to drop the major. Do realize that if you have a lower GPA you will need a higher TEAs. Doing this calculation [20(4-(current GPA))*3] will tell you what you need in comparison to a 4.0 GPA.
The minimum GPA and TEAs: Yes it is true that if you do have a pretty poor GPA (3.3-3.4) and don't have the TEAs to make up for it then it is probably unlikely you will get into the program. But, at this campus the stats are never posted for who gets in and during which semester. Recently SJSU raised their TEAs from a 78% all the way up to a required 84% which to me is crazy high! I assume this is to cut down the amount of applicants and in turn this makes the TEAs pretty irrelevant to the total stats. With only a 16% max gap, now any person who is able to apply to nursing must have at least that score making the GPA that much more important. If you have a 3.9 GPA and a 94 on your teas, a person with a 3.8 will still get outcompeted regardless of TEAs score. This is most likely why the GPA was lowered for nursing and is now a 3.3 instead the previous 3.4 because some kids may have done well in the GPA aspect and messed up their TEAs. Aim for a higher GPA but do realize that a lot of kids do manage to get really good GPAs that correlate with good TEAs scores. Get a good GPA, 3.8 and above is pretty good, a 3.9+ is quality work for both Fall and Spring semesters, and make sure to aim for higher than the TEAs threshold.Nursing advisors deter people from applying but, it is accurate that as of Fall 2024 that you have to be at the top to get in. Keep in mind that there are 500+ applicants and only 60 get in that is only 12% of the applicant pool. You need to aim for the 80th percentile at the minimum to be on the waitlist first round (beating 400 other applicants)
TEAs Test: Now I know I have talked a lot about the importance of the GPA, but regardless you still do want to do well on the TEAs. Your TEAs score, like I talked about above, is directly related to your GPA. If you got a lower GPA you need a high TEAs and if you got a high GPA you can slack on the TEAs score. If you have a low GPA this will make or break the odds of getting in and every 3% on the test you get a .1 point increase. Going against what I think everyone I have ever talked to has said, for me personally I say take the TEAs online, if that is still an option. Not only can you take the test literally whatever day you want, you can also take it at whatever time of that day you selected as long as a proctor is available. Some argue that the they test better when in a school environment and this is valid, but I also test better in those environments and I bombed my first TEAs due to nerves. When I took it online the only stressors were if the test were to crash or the proctor flagged my exam for no reason, but neither of those happened not even close. The low stress of being at home and taking the test when I wanted to allowed for much better results and comfort. You get to finish the sections when you want. If you think you are done and don't want to triple check your answers to save the brainpower for later sections you get that option. Take the test where you think you will test best though and take these words with a grain of salt. I just wanted to say that the TEAs online is the same content as it is in person and at the leisure of your home. Not many people talk about how the TEAs online is positive for some people!
Get the extra points if you can: The extra points are pretty easy to get at SJSU especially as commuters. Of course nobody can make themselves a first generation student, but if you are that is easy free points and congrats. No one has a clue what SJSU gives as a "bump" to an applicants score and it is honestly only there because everyones stats are so similar so they need more tie breakers. Granted, you will most likely want to win the tie breaker and in order to do you have to at least have all the co-reqs done. I want to be straight up and say I think the vast majority of students have these all completed prior to applying for the Fall because you have an extra semester (maybe not Spring idk). So make sure to have these all completed so you are not left behind and waste an attempt in the SJSU applicant pool(unless you have great stats t or have healthcare hrs instead then just apply). You only have 2 attempts at applying to nursing at SJSU so make them count. If you can, there is also the healthcare hours bump. This is a bump isn't achieved by all applicants and could help if you have lower stats. Keep in mind that this usually involves volunteer work once a week for 4hr shifts so you will be wherever you choose to stay for about 6 months (decent time commitment with school). I've heard that the healthcare hrs are pretty lenient about what exactly you did as long as it is part of the healthcare field and you can get it signed. Of course if you already have had a health job within 3 years this is a free point bump too!
Spring semester isn't as easy to get into as it once was: SJSU changed this policy. In 2023 only transfer students can apply for SJSU fall semester cohorts, no longer accepting post-bacs. Whereas spring semester cohorts will accept post-bacs and no longer accept transfer students. This means that Fall semester likely is getting more difficult to get into as all transfer students have to apply for the same cohort. It is believed that the School accepts a bunch of SJSU students and after the initial acceptance everyone on the waitlist is combined meaning more transfers will get in from the waitlist process as they may not have made the original cut with the SJSU students bump. This would also mean there are less opportunities for SJSU students to get in during the spring cohort as they battle against stronger transfer candidates. As for transfers, in Fall there are more opportunities to get in as more are accepted initally and through the waitlist process. For post-bacs the same process is in place but, since the top UPN students (because they were following the exact track) were picked out for Fall stats could be a little lower. Regardless, Fall semester cohorts I would assume have slightly higher impaction scores from all areas that are applying as most students took their time throughout all the courses and UPN program students are all expected to apply for Fall semester. Take this all with a grain of salt since again there are no exact numbers of all that get accepted as transfers and post-bacs and if these numbers have increased because of this change.
Remember your overall GPA prior to applying does matter: Your overall GPA does matter when applying for nursing at SJSU! When it comes to tiebreakers if everything is the same - the gpa, the teas, and the extra points - the school will look at overall GPAs to decide who gets in. So make sure to get good grades in that moral issues class freshman year because it will come back to haunt you if you don't get in because of it.
Don't Break down!: It is easy to read all of this and think that you are screwed, but it is important to remember that many people are in the exact same situation. We are not all getting 4.0s and 92s on our teas like our advisors tell us we need. Expect A-'s and a B+. No stats are published and nobody knows for sure what you need but the advisors say people get "mostly a's". Aim for the highest impaction score that you can get and don't slack on it because literally that is what is determining if you get in or not.
Waitlist: If you get waitlisted it really is not the end of the world. Most schools send out acceptance letters in two waves one at the beginning/mid of April and at the end of April where people accept of decline their schools. SJSU keeps a long waitlist because a lot of people drop the school for more local schools/bigger name schools so never lose hope. I've heard stories of people being #70 on the waitlist and still getting in. (FYI you have to contact someone to check if you were waitlisted you will not get any notice of what is taking so long for your acceptance. only when you are on the waitlist can you contact staff about your placement. Staff will not tell you where you are if you are not emailed by Nursing that you are on the waitlist.)
TEAs Studying TIPs:
Application Assistance:
I know this whole process is stressful and pretty terrifying, but everyone has a chance. This is just what I have learned throughout the whole process and hopefully it will help others that have 0 clue what is going on. Although some of this may make it seem like you need to have crazy high stats I am just trying to say do your best. If SJSU ever posts the stats for accepted applicants this would a be a different story. This is a CSU so unfortunately this application does follow the "a single number means everything" this means your impaction score is who you are; not necessarily how well rounded you may be. Good luck to all future nursing applicants and congrats.
"Congratulations! This email is to inform you of your provisional acceptance to The Valley Foundation School of Nursing at San José State University" Fall
You can DM if you have any questions.
submitted by XZCosmos1 to SJSU [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:40 OrangeJuice516 My kitten died

My kitten died
Hello I just want to start this off I never had a kitten before. I just recently picked up this kitten off the street across from my job. I took her because she looked abandoned and was crying. Maybe I messed up in taking her in.... I'm at a loss for words I haven't been able to sleep in for about two weeks give or take. I named her..... Zoltron kind of stupid name but I thought it was a cool name.... Everything was fine for about three weeks of having this kitten.... The only thing that threw me off was it was abandoned and left alone. Although that's beside the point. I bought the milk formula because she seemed to need it. I fed her chicken the first night I had her and sometimes pate broken up with water. I'm not an expert here.
Everything was going fine up until one night. I was feeding her several times a day and making sure she was alright and good. Then one night she starts to seem sleepy. I thought nothing much of it. I wake up and I don't here hear usual cry's for some breakfast that she usually wants. I pick her up and she still was breathing but I could tell she was dying. By the time I get in my car and start driving to the vet.... Zoltron died on me. I'm at a loss for words... I never owned a kitten I tried searching up things to do for her. She seemed fine... Im tearing up writing this sorry if some of this is gibberish I don't mean to bother y'all.
I just have this heavy pain in my chest that doesn't go away.... I feel lifeless right now I know I'm not special and I probably fucked something up for the kitten. It's probably my fault.... I... I... I just wanted to help maybe I thought this would have been something special. But all I gave this kitten was a short life I feel empty right now. Maybe I could have done something different. Maybe if I wasn't a dumbass I could have tooken her to the vet faster. Im so sorry I couldn't save you Zoltron😢. Its my fault now I wish I was different I could have tooken a different approach maybe. This really sucks I can't find words to describe this feeling I have. I fucking hate myself right now.
I'm sorry Zoltron 😢... I wish I could have seen you grow up you were so pretty
I'm sorry for the long paragraphs y'all. I just wanted to share my story I'm sorry if this doesn't belong in this subreddit I just picked one that said kitten
submitted by OrangeJuice516 to Kitten [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:38 ravedeath1917 Kommunistisches Programm – National Revolution and Downfall of Cambodia (1980)
The Events after the Fall of Phnom Penh and the Programme of Khieu Samphan, the Peasantry and the Enablers of Capital
With the end of the Indochina war in 1975, not much remained of Cambodia’s economy either. More than half of the rice fields lay fallow, and the few industrial enterprises, the port facilities in Kampong Som, the railway lines and the bridges had been destroyed by US bombs. Although the figures are not unambiguous, their magnitude alone shows what heavy blood sacrifice imperialism also demanded of this people: In the five years of war, around 800,000 people were killed, more than 40,000 were maimed, almost 200,000 were wounded.
The constant flow of refugees inflated the capital from its original population of around 600,000 to over 3 million, meaning that by the end of the war almost half of the Khmer people were crammed into their metropolis. As is well known, the imperialist world press howled in horror and disgust when it learned of the forced exodus of this human aggregation. The US bombardment drove people from the countryside into the cities – the revolutionary nationalists had to force them back. Both actions were cruel and devastating for those affected, because both times they happened under terrible conditions, the first time under the imperialist hail of bombs and the coercion of its local police, the second time under the pressure of hunger and the state coercion of the newly installed revolutionary patriotic power. But for the imperialist propaganda machine there were no connections here. Of course, it only saw the terror of the Khmer Rouge, so supposedly of Communism. Here again was a wonderful opportunity to play out the bourgeois farce of humanism and love of one’s neighbour to the full. No mention of the mass murders in the imperialist war against the Southeast Asian peoples, no mention of the unspeakable destruction of these only weakly industrialised agrarian societies. These sacrifices were noticed at most when the insane war spending of the USA threatened to drag the entire imperialist West into the vortex of economic problems as a result of the currency crises caused by it. After all, to this day, these gentlemen are consistently proud of their efforts to preserve “freedom”.
Cambodia became the main object of these friends of mankind over the next few years. Here, indeed, all cherished values and conceptions were thrown overboard. A state without money, without postal services, without cars and motorbikes, without public transport, without telephones, television, books and the cities extinct. Only “communists” could have committed this crime; as is well known, they can be trusted with anything inhumane and in Cambodia they truly acted as the incarnation of “darkness” and “evil”. What was perpetrated before in the name of the heroes of “light” and “reason” – not a word about that, of course. It was a central organ of the imperialist offensive on the human intellect – Reader’s Digest – that first announced in 1977 that at least 1.2 million people had been murdered in the two years since the fall of Phnom Penh. Ever new figures were quickly added, which journalists claimed to have learned from the numerous refugees. It is not necessary to assume that all these reports were forgeries, because in fact the Khmer Rouge set an extremely radical course from the beginning, which certainly brought much horror, misery and also deaths. But today’s sated imperialists should perhaps sometimes look at the history books: What misery, what terror, what torment against the population is archived there – and that over centuries. The French Revolution also produced at least 100,000 deaths in the most important four years – and it did so with a machine specially designed for the purpose. It was not by chance that it was the steam engine and the guillotine that inaugurated the industrial age in a revolutionary way. But do the distinguished British gentlemen, who even then scoffed at these butchers in Paris, have fewer lives on their consciences? Those who still don’t know have to have it written on their cheat sheets all the time: The establishment of bourgeois rule has always been brutal and extremely bloody. The destruction of the traditional smallholder form of economy, the annihilation of small-scale trade and crafts always passed over those affected like a merciless steamroller. And under unspeakable tortures, the majority of these people who were expropriated without compensation were pressed into the factories and, if necessary, forced by brutal violence to slave as many hours of their day as possible for the lowest possible wages. All that was not so long ago. But it is always amusing how hastily today’s representatives of capital pretend that these are youthful sins of foreign predecessors. And this process of constant dressing for factory labour, of the destruction of both man and nature, continues both in depth and in breadth. It will only come to an end when this capitalist basis has been revolutionarily annihilated because of the contradictions it constantly produces.
However, if one wants to understand the “mysterious” processes in Cambodia, one has to be clear above all about the material and social conditions. A devastated country that was still largely worked by small peasants; a chaotically bloated capital city to which the majority of these same peasants had fled. The terror of the bombs had charged this population, once peaceful and living in the eternal grind of farm labour, with fear, but above all with unbridled rage and blind hatred. Hatred against the city in which they had to take refuge, anger against the American bombers which destroyed their existence, but particularly anger against their own corrupt aristocracy, the military as well as the city dwellers in general who sought to prolong their raison d’être by making a pact with imperialism. Now the old mixture of foreignness, subservient spirit and unease found its general discharge in a primal hatred of the rural population for their oppressors in the cities. A frenzy of revenge arose, which certainly accounted for most of the brutalities in the first year of liberation.
In order to understand this social side of this revolution in Cambodia, which gave it the ferocious expression of blood, revenge and chaos that one encounters in practically every revolution carried out mainly by peasants, one must always bear in mind the social structure already described. The strong urban-rural divide was not between agriculture and industry – the latter was practically non-existent – but it was the extreme contrast between agriculture and all the ominous trades that bourgeois statistics usually classify under the heading of “services”. Here, actually “unproductive” administration and trade – moreover, predominantly created and nourished in the service of imperialism – and “productive” agriculture faced each other. Of the “peace population” in Phnom Penh of about 600,000, this included about 200,000 Vietnamese and over 100,000 Chinese, out of a total of about 800,000. So the Cambodians did not even make up the majority of the population in their capital. Aristocracy and officials on one side, poor peasants on the other, too poor to make a living in the countryside, coming to the city because they hoped for a job, or later bombed into it. Cambodians were almost completely excluded from the trade and merchant sectors. These sectors were mainly in the hands of the Chinese and Vietnamese.
In this approaching whirlwind of social unrest on the part of the peasants, which is growing in strength, another social force tries for its survival. Young intellectuals, most of them educated in Paris, the educational centre of the former colonial ruler, want to break the corrupt tangle of local aristocracy and foreign power by force. Without any reservoir in the own ranks of the urban bourgeoisie, for the latter is practically non-existent and if it is, then hardly to be enthused for nationalist accumulation programmes with a more rigorous cut; without a proper bourgeois class, these petty-bourgeois radicals lead a practically hopeless struggle for change. Forced very soon into the rural underground by Sihanouk’s authoritarian regime, they try to implement their programme of industrialisation based on agriculture with the help of the only social class that counts – namely the rural population, the small peasants and farm workers.
One simply has to quote these illuminating passages of the Khmer Rouge’s “chief ideologist” at length, because after all the imperialist wailing, one probably does not think it possible that these “monsters” can think at all. (A Trotskyist group, persistent in its obtuseness, even opined that these “monsters” were the embodiment of… a return to feudalism!) One thing is immediately quite clear: these petty-bourgeois intellectuals, widely referred to as Marxists, communists, etc., are never ever in the tradition of the “German” Karl Marx, but of the German Friedrich List, who, under the slogan “Freedom is the goal, limitation is the necessity”, set his protectionist credo against the imperialist ideology of the free traders in the last century. The Khmer Rouge leaders are thus spiritual sons of the ancestors of today’s imperialists, those imperialists who now see in them the personified devil of communism, although they only wanted to be flesh of their flesh.
These views of Samphan and thus the leaders of the Khmer Rouge were also quoted at length because they are so popular today. In the face of the growing exploitation of the countries of the so-called Third World by Western imperialism, theories are emerging everywhere that vehemently propose the same position of “cutting off” the “underdeveloped” countries from the dominance of the world market ruled by Western capital as a panacea. And it is certainly no coincidence that one of the main representatives of these academic “revolutionaries”, the Egyptian Samir Amin, raves about the radicalism of the Khmer Rouge even after their expulsion and predicts a chain of new “Kampucheas” for the African future. Against the massive reality of the increasing internationalisation of capital and the growing global control of Western and increasingly Eastern imperialism, such “progressive” petty-bourgeois theorists place their faith in autarky, national accumulation and so-called autocentric development. Against the capitalist propaganda of progress and prosperity through freedom of trade and capital investment, which in reality in fact produces nothing but growing pauperisation and exploitation, the Good News on the other side says: Only if one can free oneself from imperialism at least for as long as it takes to be able to develop one’s productive forces independently, only then will one achieve prosperity and security for humanity.
In this respect, both sides represent only two sides of the same coin. Both claim to be able to achieve “the greatest happiness for the greatest number” within the framework of and through capitalism – as the forefather of these bourgeois tendencies, Adam Smith, already formulated this elementary lie of capital.
The utopians of capital have to acknowledge time and again that, contrary to their proclamations, the social antagonisms both within the “developed” and “underdeveloped” countries and between these countries are becoming increasingly acute. And while capitalism is pushing the development of the productive forces ever more sharply in order to satisfy its insatiable hunger for surplus value, it is precisely because of this highly productive technology that it is less and less able to transform the pauperised masses into active proletarians, i.e. to force them to the machines or into the office. While the imperialists, in their frenzied mania for surplus value, are at least throwing the whole world into growing unrest and undermining ancestral immobile relations ever more thoroughly, the heralds of an apparently radical autarky are causing nothing but confusion in the ranks of the pauperising masses. They talk of economic independence, stable economic cycles and adapted technology – all concepts that really bring out their illusionist anachronism.
And to see Cambodia of all places as a concrete approach or even an example for the feasibility of such utopias seems almost tragicomic in view of the results that are now available. But it is also a total misreading of the factual development under the Pol Pot government. Demonisation and idealisation of the Khmer Rouge have the same basis. They assume that the measures taken after the conquest of power in Cambodia were deliberate and planned. One side sees only the terror and coercive measures with which the leaders, supported by relatively small armed forces, tried to get a grip on a witch’s cauldron of panic and violence and to escape the total catastrophe of starvation – and the chaos that would ensue in turn. They see this terror and these coercive measures as completely detached from the economic and social emergency. The others confuse the factual state of extreme social backwardness in Cambodia and the emergency measures taken with an economic and social programme.
We have outlined the devastating situation in Cambodia shortly before the moment of liberation. However broad and deep the peasant unrest in the countryside may have been at the time, it must be remembered that a large proportion of these peasants stayed in the capital out of necessity during the main phase of the fighting. In any case, the Khmer Rouge, hardly more than 70,000 men anyway, fought for a long time mainly in the sparsely populated outskirts of Cambodia.
When the Khmer Rouge troops approached the capital in 1975 – likely with only about 20,000 men – it soon became clear that it was imperative to deal radically with this hopelessly bloated big head. Estimates vary, but it can be assumed that of the 7-8 million Cambodians, at least 2.5, but probably over 3 million were crammed into the capital (“peace population” as mentioned 600,000). With the severing of the umbilical cord to imperialism, Phnom Penh was up in the air as its former bridgehead. There was no possibility whatsoever to control or even feed this veritable hell of collaborators and starving refugee masses. The general shortage of rice had driven prices to dizzying heights: from 10 riel per kilo in December 1971 to 125 riel in December 1973 and on to 300 riel in early 1975, reaching a record 340 riel in mid-February. The retreat of the imperialists and the advance of the Khmer Rouge must have acted as a double signal: On the one hand, to storm against the hated parasites and the urbanites in general, on the other hand, to return to the countryside in chaos. The Khmer Rouge had to evacuate the city and channel the returning flow to avoid a total catastrophe. The fact that the displaced people left a wide trail of blood behind them on their way out of the city (for the time of the Khmer Rouge government, there is consistent talk of at least 1 million deaths) was unavoidable under the given conditions. It is significant that the majority of the massacres affected the urban population and certain national minorities: precisely intellectuals, military officers of the old Lon Nol regime, Sihanoukists, capitalists, merchants etc., and apart from the Cham (Muslims) almost exclusively the Vietnamese and Chinese minorities, whose social situation we have already pointed out.
Whether it was spontaneous peasant terror or executions organised by the Khmer Rouge, it was partly revolutionary violence against the supporters of the old regime, which as such does not speak against but for the Khmer Rouge, and partly pogroms, which the leaders at most accepted and tried to direct in the interests of the state monopoly on the use of force. But it is not so important whether the Khmer Rouge leaders had to accept or order these massacres. What is decisive is that they were forced by material development to eliminate or to have eliminated precisely those strata on which they wanted to rely. This, together with the evacuation of the cities, deprived them of any social support other than the peasantry. Thus they were at the mercy of this peasantry, which had to be disciplined for the actualisation of their “programme”. The conflict with it was therefore programmed for the time after the famine had been averted.
After the worst of the chaos had been overcome, it was attempted to use these structures, which had prevailed in a rather primitive way during the hunger phase, for one’s “industrialisation programme” by maintaining and further intensifying collectivisation. Necessity was to become a capitalist virtue. The complete lack of such “civilisational” achievements as the intercourse of money and commodities was supposed to make for an ideal, indeed classic, “truck system”, i.e. payment in kind alone. The peasants were forced into ever new production battles, because now surpluses were to be produced for export – i.e. for exchange with foreign means of production – which indeed happened and animated the leaders even further. The general command was under the iron slogan: “Work hard and try to achieve maximum results with a minimum of investment”, and the focus was on absolute labour effort.
Once a sufficient level of production had been restored, however, the whole construction was bound to collapse completely sooner rather than later. Anyone who has even a pale inkling of the travails of the infamous Stalinist collectivisation in Russia – and the Russian state was on an incomparably higher social level and had quite different means of power at its disposal – can easily imagine how the intellectual would-be enablers of capitalism in Cambodia, then practically hanging in the air, would have to perish in an orgy of violence – unless, with the help of a foreign power, they could get a grip on the chaos and create more stable conditions through a series of concessions to the peasantry. Most likely, however, they would be finished even then, like a man trying to hold on as long as possible to a wildly thrashing bull and then falling to the ground exhausted. In any case, the arena crowd was already eagerly awaiting the outcome of the tragedy.
Sovereignty, neutrality, non-alignment – this credo runs through all declarations as a complement to “autarky”. But already in the face of the first offensive by the Vietnamese, it must have slowly become clear to the Khmer Rouge leaders that these fine words could only have one meaning in our unpleasant world, namely to place themselves under the protection of the People’s Republic of China. In Pol Pot’s interview, which we have just quoted, a strange acronym appears: CPK. This means “Communist Party of Kampuchea”. And yet, to the boundless amazement of bourgeois commentators, the Khmer Rouge had never tried to dress up their declarations or their constitution with Marxist or pseudo-Marxist vocabulary – which is certainly very sympathetic to us. On the contrary, they have displayed an obvious and pedantic aversion to these concepts. Neither “vanguard of the proletariat” or “communist party” nor “proletarian internationalism”, neither “classless society” nor “dictatorship of the proletariat”, but also not “new democratic revolution”, “mass line”, “creation of a new man”, “peaceful coexistence” etc. etc. had ever been spoken of. If similar contents had to be expressed, they were paraphrased with other words. But this did not happen because the Pol Pot folks would have been particularly honest and wanted to do us Marxists a favour. This happened because in their dogged nationalism they wanted to distance themselves clearly from their neighbours Vietnam, but also China, who professed to be “socialist”. The national character of all these revolutions and states, the national character of their confrontations and of their whole politics is expressed even in the fact that the weakest link feels compelled by the instinct of self-preservation to dispense with the “Marxist” or “socialist” cloak for the capitalist programme! This is what “socialism in one country” has come to! And the adoption of the “Marxist” “vocabulary” here is a sign of the surrender of the so sacred national sovereignty. If, as already mentioned, no announcement had ever mentioned a party or revolutionary phases (there was always talk of a “revolutionary organisation” and even of “Angkor traditions”), Pol Pot told his astonished people and all those who wanted to know the following story on 27 September 1977: the CPK had already existed in Cambodia since 30 September 1960 and had achieved this miracle of a national-democratic revolution. He told it the day before he left for Beijing, on which, fighting a losing battle against the Vietnamese, he has been completely dependent ever since.
As a “plaything of foreign powers”, the nationalist intellectuals of Cambodia perished. The peasantry, largely decimated under the pressure of the imperialist frenzy and its consequences, as now under the pressure of Vietnam’s national expansion, is an example of the fate that capitalist society reserves for small and weak peoples in its emergence and development. To such peoples the proletariat alone would and will secure the right of self-determination, because unlike the bourgeoisie it does not seek national privileges but wants to abolish them, because unlike the bourgeoisie it can create voluntary union, because unlike the bourgeoisie it liberates itself not by exploiting others but by abolishing all exploitation.
submitted by ravedeath1917 to Marxism [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:36 handcuff4 35ish and type confused

Hi! So in 7th grade I typed as an infp but with almost 50% judging vs perceptive. Did the test again at about 23 in community college and got the same. Lately I've been thinking about it a lot and have been thinking either infp, infj or isfp.
So I was thinking maybe infj because in 2nd grade I tested for GATE program in school. It was a test with multiple graphical patterns and you had to choose what pattern would come next. I scored pretty high on the test, but the class just had a lot more work to do and I got out of it within a year. I also went to college for environmental engineering and applied math. So I'm thinking Ti tertiary would make sense.
I was thinking isfp because I've always been kinda an artist. Not that I paint or create music. But I like to sing and draw. It also has the ni which might explain my ability to see patterns.
Infp makes sense too but I'm really super emotional or like the examples I've seen. I was pretty goth punk in high school and can be really critical about stuff. But generally choose my emotions over logic. I usually laugh about how things seem like they should go one way but don't work that way. I usually am not critical to people to their faces but can be if I get upset enough at them. At which case I can't hold it back and release it all in the sharpest/meanest way. Which is off because I'm usually pretty kind and considerate.
Idk, infj makes sense but I'm not the super ethereal type or dazed out or whatever. I'm usually trying to understand how things work real time. Though isfp doesn't seem to work fully either, I usually don't actually make up songs or paint. My drawings don't really come out the way I want or I keep changing my mind on what I want. Maybe I'm too much of a perfectionist. Or maybe there are just to many myths about these types.
My sister says she tested as a enfp and were a bit alike. She's a lot more out going and sociable than me. I'm alot more cautious and try to read people before I talk to them.
In my head though I have words that I'm thinking but there always trying to describe something that I can't put into words or even put into pictures most the time. Most the time with people I try to be pretty agreeable until someone says something I don't agree with, period. Then I explode if I know them and it seems personal. But if it's someone I don't really know I just try to get out of there.
Idk I know this is a lot but I hope this string of thought can be useful in typing me. Part of me is hoping I'm an infp because it seems to fit a pretty puzzle with my sister and being like one of my favorite comic characters, wiccan from marvel. But part thinks I'm more like an infj, though I feel it's such a low probability given how everyone thinks their one. The cognitive functions seem to be there though. Also I'm not really the type to reminisce or think about the past to much. My mom is much more like that.
Eeeeh sorry for continuing to rant. Thanks in advance.
submitted by handcuff4 to MbtiTypeMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:31 Main_Net_7985 How to write an opinion essay

An opinion essay is when you write about what you think about a topic, and you back up your thoughts with reasons and examples.

What opinion essays should include:

How to write an opinion essay:
Create an outline.
Write a draft.
Editing and proofreading.
(!) Write body paragraphs first. Later, write an introduction and a conclusion.
submitted by Main_Net_7985 to AIWritingAssistant [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:30 No-Leg-3400 Bought item kit advertised as new from a website, yet had signs of usage, and then failed 3 days later. Seller refused to offer a refund upon return, and PayPal refused dispute and appeal based on clearly false claims from seller claiming I modified and damaged the item. No idea what to do now.

I really don’t know where to start with this one. It’s definitely going to be a long post as I don’t want to miss on any potentially crucial detail, hence apologies for posting something this long.
Here’s my best attempt at summarizing what happened without losing on any detail (feel free to ask for clarification if anything isn’t clear):
Hence all of that being said, what are my options now? I am guessing probably small claims court, but if I lose that too then I will also be out the fees for that on top of the already massive losses. Plus I am an international student hence won’t be in the UK over the summer and my schedule during the academic year might not give me time to attend the hearing. Plus I can’t speak legalese and I am generally terrible at communicating on the spot due to my ADHD, hence that also won’t be in my favor. And I can’t afford to have someone represent me either.
I am really sorry if I am sounding super negative, I just really don’t know how to handle this, especially considering how much money I lost now which in itself has been a nightmare.
Any advice would greatly be appreciated whether here or through DMs (my DMs are open if you don’t feel comfortable sharing advice here).
submitted by No-Leg-3400 to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:19 Available-Cap-356 Why do low rank players lie so much?

Every time there is a post about balance you can usually tell the rank of the person who wrote it within the first paragraph. This is also true of the comments within the post as well.
Take the many many posts from people complaining about english. I've seen people say english is completely unstoppable, that games vs english take 40+ minutes every time, that all the pros rate english S++ tier. I've seen shit like people saying longbows counter horseman, that the king is an unstoppable knight that can harass your vills indefinitely.
Literally none of the above is true, and what's worst, there is data that proves it isn't. It takes 5 minutes to check aoe4world to see for example the average english game is 20 minutes, that english doesn't actually perform well until diamond and conq. And yet, when you show these people the actual data they just dismiss it, refusing to believe anything but their own opinion.
Whilst we've always had malding posts on this sub, it has certainly gotten much worst over the last few months, and it is clearly coming from newer players and those who sit at the lower end of the skill bracket. People asking for help countering a strat requesting a replay review used to be far more common. Now it's just constant "I lost to this strat so it must be OP" copium posts.
What I also find hilarious is in a lot of cases these people are playing some of the strongest civs in the game. Like I could understand if you're an abba main in gold coming up against english 20% of the time, that's a tough matchup. But no, a big proportion are HRE, Byz, delhi and rus mains. Clearly with no sense of irony.
To conclude, if you are going to mald about balance, stop over exaggerating and lying. If you legitimately want help in a matchup, post your in game name and people will actually help you. I can guarentee 99.9% of the time you lost because you made a mistake, not because you were playing against a civ you think is OP.
submitted by Available-Cap-356 to aoe4 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:16 robputt796 Volumes getting stuck / Pods often recreated

I have noticed a few things;
Any help getting to the bottom of this would be very useful. Unfortunately not having node level access or the nodes and volumes within our own OpenStack Public Cloud account means as a user we are very limited in troubleshooting we can perform.
Many Thanks,
Here is an example;
kubectl --kubeconfig=~/k8s/rpt-k8s-rxt-spot.yml describe pod registry-5b988bff79-4jdlf Name: registry-5b988bff79-4jdlf Namespace: default Priority: 0 Service Account: default Node: prod-instance-1713578082/ Start Time: Fri, 17 May 2024 07:07:59 +0100 Labels: app=registry pod-template-hash=5b988bff79 Annotations:  Status: Pending IP: IPs:  Controlled By: ReplicaSet/registry-5b988bff79 Containers: registry: Container ID: Image: registry:latest Image ID: Port:  Host Port:  State: Waiting Reason: ContainerCreating Ready: False Restart Count: 0 Environment: REGISTRY_AUTH: htpasswd REGISTRY_AUTH_HTPASSWD_REALM: Container Registry REGISTRY_AUTH_HTPASSWD_PATH: /valib/registry/htpasswd Mounts: /valib/registry from repo-vol (rw) /varun/secrets/ from kube-api-access-8dbqf (ro) Conditions: Type Status Initialized True Ready False ContainersReady False PodScheduled True Volumes: repo-vol: Type: PersistentVolumeClaim (a reference to a PersistentVolumeClaim in the same namespace) ClaimName: registry-pvc ReadOnly: false kube-api-access-8dbqf: Type: Projected (a volume that contains injected data from multiple sources) TokenExpirationSeconds: 3607 ConfigMapName: kube-root-ca.crt ConfigMapOptional:  DownwardAPI: true QoS Class: BestEffort Node-Selectors:  Tolerations: op=Exists for 300s op=Exists for 300s Events: Type Reason Age From Message ---- ------ ---- ---- ------- Normal Scheduled 6m53s default-scheduler Successfully assigned default/registry-5b988bff79-4jdlf to prod-instance-1713578082 Warning FailedMount 20s (x3 over 4m51s) kubelet Unable to attach or mount volumes: unmounted volumes=[repo-vol], unattached volumes=[repo-vol kube-api-access-8dbqf]: timed out waiting for the condition Warning FailedAttachVolume 11s (x11 over 4m27s) attachdetach-controller AttachVolume.Attach failed for volume "pvc-e41d83d2-2184-482e-b1a6-1f4ab405b46b" : rpc error: code = Internal desc = [ControllerPublishVolume] failed to attach volume: Volume "024515e5-a7e9-444b-879f-b82951540eaa" failed to be attached within the alloted time 
submitted by robputt796 to rxt_spot [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:16 Pomelo_Worried LLM Returning long responses

I am playing with Oobabooga, and i am creating more and more detailed characters by describing their appearance, their personality (for example mean, response short and cold), the scenario, and the instruction.
What i have noticed, is that they start sending long responses mostly. So i just say "Hey", and they start to return me multiple sentences. Even if i continue to reply short answers, or ask to send short answers they keep sending multiple sentences.
Is there a way to prevent this? I tried the presets like Midnight Enigma, and also set the length_penalty to -5. But still they write a whole story back to me. I also tried by including things in the instruction like: "Write very short responses in the name of ....."
submitted by Pomelo_Worried to Oobabooga [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:59 Apo-cone-lypse Work PC for editing - $3000 budget

Hey guys, I dont know a lot about PCs but I'm trying to learn as I really need a proper PC for work (and a little bit of gaming) and up to now have been struggling with an old laptop.
This PC would be used for editing short films; documentaries, and anything under the film umbrella (so software wise, looking at Avid, Davinci, Premier as the main ones). I'd also like to be able to use it to render large amounts of 3D assets in a (hopefully) quick amount of time, from softwares like Blender and Adobe After Effects.
Tl:dr; this computer will mainly be built for post production workflows for films, as well as my own hobbies with 3D modelling and rendering.
I will also use it as a gaming pc; but thats not the priority.
Any help would be deeply appreciated! Everyone who comments here deserves to have their pillow be cold everynight, and to never stub their toe again.
Edit: here are the auto questions and answers:
>Is this a brand new build, or an upgrade to an existing build?
Brand new.
>What will this PC be used for?
Video editing, 3D modelling, some basic animation, rendering, compositing, and gaming. Software include Avid Media Composer, ProTools, Blender, Maya, Nuke, DaVinci resolve, AfterEffects, and so on. I would like to be able to quickly render a decent amount of assets in any of the listed programs.
>What country will you be purchasing in?
Australia :) we dont have microcenters
>Do you need one or more monitors included in the budget? Please list how many and any size/resolution/refresh rate preferences if needed.
Two monitors, but can stick to one for now if neccesary. I would like the monitors to have really high resolution, and have really good color quality incase I need to do colour-grading on edited videos.
>What is your preferred and maximum budget range for this build, in local currency? Parts lists may sometimes have additional shipping costs. Please note whether prices in your country include sales tax or not, and adjust your budget accordingly. Typically VAT countries will have it included in the part list prices, whereas regular sales tax countries like the US and Canada will not.
Somewhere around $3000 would be ideal. Less is great, and more is doable (but try to keep it closer to $3000 than $4000). Tax is automatically included with any purchase here in Australia.
>Do you need WiFi, or do you have a wired ethernet connection available?
I have WiFi.
>Do you have any specific size or noise requirements for the build?
Preferably smaller and quieter, but it is what it is
>Do you have any aesthetic preferences for color or lighting? Describe what you're looking for, or feel free to provide some links to examples that may help. Some people prefer an inobtrusive stealth build, while others may prefer a case full of rainbow RGB.
No real preferences. Black is better as you cant see dust as easy on it, but idm really. If you can make it look cool and keep it on budget, fuck yeah, but dont worry about it really
>Any other specific requests or requirements? Examples might include a specific minimum amount of storage, or a particular CPU socket for a future upgrade path, etc.
I'd like it to have around 2TB of storage :)
submitted by Apo-cone-lypse to buildapcforme [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:44 randomanon1030 New memories and realizations are driving me crazy, can I trust my memories? Was I sexually abused? This is my first time putting it into words and I wrote this without stopping, sorry that it's so long.

⚠️TW, 22M
I hate talking about my trauma. I'm unable to clearly remember what happened to me and it is driving me crazy. I feel like I'm lying for attention or trying to get pity somehow, I don't believe myself and I'm just trying to make sense of it all because it all just seems too crazy. Every time I think about discussing my trauma a voice tells me “Stop feeling sorry for yourself you are pathetic”, and somehow this sentiment has been working very well for me up until now. I recently watched Baby Reindeer and I got the urge for the first time to write everything down. Just while writing all of this a lot of new memories have popped up, and I’m scared and not sure what to do.
For context, I have been diagnosed with c-PTSD (my ace score is 10) nevertheless, I am doing pretty well, graduating college now with two degrees and a near-perfect GPA. My diagnosis stems from extensive physical and mental abuse at home and in several foster homes due to drug and mental health-related issues my parents and foster parents were suffering from. Most of the trauma is unrelated to the trauma I'm seeking answers for in this post. It is relevant because I have very few memories from my childhood, not that I know what amount is “normal”, but I can't remember much up to the age of 11 years old, only fleeting memories, primarily traumatic ones. For some reason, I have managed to come out of all of my trauma very well, however, I have started to struggle more lately and I feel like I'm losing control of my mental health for the first time in my life.
I have memories of being held down and groped on the school playground when I was 6, while an adult was “keeping watch”. I also have memories of being locked in a room, but I don't have any specific memories of sexual abuse. I just have this feeling that it happened, I knew what a blowjob was, what anal sex was, and everything sex-related from the age of 5. I have memories of a guy making me blow him but it was all for fun, and he was my age, but in hindsight, I've realized that we were 6 years old and that is not normal behavior at all. This incident is unrelated to the others, and I'm not sure how we ended up in that situation, but it haunts me because we were having fun and laughing about it, it felt like a joke. It feels so wrong to think about it now.
Additionally, I almost had sex with a 24-year-old guy when I was 13, I didn't realize that this was abnormal until several years later. I freaked out and asked him to stop and he stopped, and in my eyes, he was a great guy for doing this, but I've come to realize that maybe he wasn't a great guy. This happened while traveling abroad with one of my foster families, she left me at some family friend's house in a very sketchy neighborhood while she was staying with their family. I was flirting with him, and I thought it was fun to try to get him to hook up with me, so I felt like it was my fault. While writing this I'm also questioning if this is normal behavior for a 13-year-old, I'm just realizing while writing this that I've had a messed up relationship with sex my entire life. My foster mom was yelling at me once because I was crying after my dad passed away right after our trip abroad (this was 6 months after, she said I had to get over it and stop crying) instead of saying this, I told her I was upset because that guy tried to have sex with me. She became extremely infuriated and said she was going to deal with it. A couple of days later, she told me she had “finished the business” with him, and said that her brothers had “dealt” with him and that he was gone from the city he lived in forever. I still have no idea what happened to him. He stopped posting on all social media afterward. I feel extremely guilty, and I'm still not sure what happened to him. Why did I tell her this?
Besides these memories, there is one incident (I don't know if it even happened) that has been tormenting me lately. The incident I'm about to describe triggered these memories. I hate writing about this more than anything. I was falsely accused by my foster mom, in the foster home I spent the most time in (several years, and the same one that left me stranded abroad) of sexually abusing their child. For context, she suffers from bipolar disorder and she would have breakdowns daily. This is just the tip of the iceberg, but I want to provide some examples of her behavior. She found porn on my foster brother's computer once and threw his computer out the front door, made him walk around a river for hours, and banished him from the house for two weeks to go live with his dad (her ex-husband, who she kicked down a flight of stairs which broke his arm).
She has not told anyone else in her family this, but she also confided in me that she was sexually abused by her uncle as a child. I feel like I need to provide context because I am extremely paranoid about being labeled as a predator, and have suffered extensively from paranoia (and still do) that people perceive me this way. I have never, and will never, and have absolutely zero urge to ever do anything inappropriate with a child. I feel like I haven't heard anyone going through this.
She took me out to a busy restaurant (the first time she ever did this) and while we were eating, out of the blue, she straight up asked me if I was sexually abusing her child. People around could hear our conversation, and their heads turned. I went into a state of shock, I was close with the child (he was born right after I moved in, three years old at the time) and viewed him like a brother.
After the shock wore off (I was 15 at the time) I just looked at her with teary eyes and said I would never do anything like that. Luckily, she immediately believed me and stated that she was suspicious because we fell asleep under a blanket together once, and she had noticed “weird” behavior from him (touching himself inappropriately, I was told later by my psychologist that this was normal behavior), and according to her because I was a foster child I had a greater likelihood of doing this. Afterward, she bought me a sweater and let me get dessert at the restaurant (this was a huge deal for me at the time, and I forgave her immediately, mostly because I was scared of her). She actually became extremely upset afterward and I had to console her.
(Side note, I was forced to live there for another year after, and she implemented specific rules for me. I was not allowed to be alone with him or be under the same blanket as him. This was extremely traumatizing, my relationship with him was ruined forever.)
On the car ride home, I was processing what had just happened and suddenly fell silent and felt an immense amount of anxiety, I felt like I was going to pass out. A memory from school, I was six at the time, of an older boy (15-16) who did extremely horrendous things to me, suddenly appeared. Feces and urine were involved. These memories are coming up again now, and I feel like I'm gonna have a panic attack every time they do.
My foster mom noticed that my mood suddenly switched, and asked me what was wrong. I told her I suddenly got flooded with all these memories of experiences I didn't know I had, and she told me that she was not surprised that her accusation triggered this. She also told me that she thought she knew what guy I was talking about (not that she did anything about it, she worked as a chef at the school while I was going there, but I was living with my parents at the time.) I have no idea if she is telling the truth, but this detail somehow made it worse.
I suppressed the memories and told myself that I was just making it up. I've done this my whole life, every time it pops up, it's not working anymore. I have this feeling a lot because I feel like what I've been through is unbelievable. That no one will believe me. I also remember that around this time, I had a complete shift in my personality. I went from being popular and outgoing to reserved and extremely shy. I became silent at school, I remember one day specifically, I didn't utter a single word all day, and I felt like I was out of my body. My teacher became so worried that she called CPS. I am not sure if this is related to the sexual abuse trauma (while writing this I still feel like I’m making it up) I may have gone through, or other trauma. I do not have a lot of other memories from this time, and I can't piece together the timeline of events. I'm not even sure what memories I have are real or not.
Another important aspect of all of this is that I had another foster brother who was the same age as me. We started having sex after I moved in at the age of 12. He would come into my room at night, without saying a word, and start doing sexual favors on me. I'm not sure and I don't remember what events if any led to this. He would make me do the same to him, even though I didn't want to, and told him no, I still did it. I didn't enjoy it and I didn't want to do it but for some reason I just did. I never enjoyed doing any favors for him, It made me feel disgusting, I hated it. We never kissed, cuddled, or did anything remotely romantic, no affection other than pure sexual acts. Was this sexual abuse? I don't understand. I'm so confused about all of this.
In hindsight, I guess I deeply suppressed it, I realized that the guy that made me blow him when I was 6, was him. We were in the same grade from 1st to 3rd grade. And now, I'm wondering if he was the one (if any) who did inappropriate things to my three-year-old foster brother. I've been suppressing all of this my whole life, and I'm shocked that I haven't realized this before writing all of this down. It happened in the same room when we were 6.
Recently, I've been feeling very depressed and anxious, and thoughts about all of this are coming back over and over again. I've noticed that I'm developing a weird relationship with sex, I can’t even put into words how I feel. Was I sexually abused or raped? How do I know what is real or not? I’m scared to go further into all of this because I don't want to uncover more memories, just while writing this I made several gut-wrenching realizations. Is there a specific type of therapy that helps with this? I just feel like it's getting worse every day. Thanks.
submitted by randomanon1030 to rapecounseling [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:31 AssaggiWeinhandel Pinot Meunier: An Underestimated Gem

Pinot Meunier: An Underestimated Gem
Pinot Meunier is a grape that has often been underestimated in the world of champagne. Traditionally used to fill out blends in larger champagne houses, Pinot Meunier is now gaining recognition for its unique qualities. Thanks to the dedication of producers who carefully manage yields, Pinot Meunier is emerging as a fascinating and highly sought-after champagne. In my experience, there is currently more demand for Pinot Meunier than for Pinot Noir, as consumers appreciate its fruit-forward profile and versatility.
A Personal Journey with Pinot Meunier
I'll be honest: I had difficulty discovering Pinot Meunier at first. Initially, I didn't appreciate its unique characteristics. However, someone explained to me that Pinot Meunier is a fruit-forward champagne that shines particularly well with food, rather than as an aperitif. This insight opened my eyes, and over time, I explored numerous dishes paired with Pinot Meunier. I’ve found it to be more flexible than Pinot Noir or Chardonnay-based champagnes, offering a delightful balance that enhances a variety of foods.
Celebrating Asparagus Season with Pinot Meunier
Now that we're in the asparagus season, Pinot Meunier becomes an especially exciting choice. Its fruitiness and versatility make it a perfect companion for asparagus dishes, enhancing the fresh, green flavors of this seasonal vegetable.
Young Producers Leading the Way
There are several notable producers who have elevated Pinot Meunier to new heights. François Bédel, Jérôme D'Ur, and Jérôme Prévost are renowned for their exceptional champagnes. Jérôme Prévost’s wines, for example, are known for their challenging complexity and are described by experts like Peter Liem as being from “mountainous terroir.”
Differentiating Pinot Meunier Terroirs
Pinot Meunier from the Val-de-Marne, such as those produced by Cedric Moussé, offers a distinct fruitiness and roundness, making them highly versatile for food pairings. In contrast, Pinot Meunier from the Montagne de Reims, like those from Jérôme Prévost, tends to be more structured and complex, often appealing to connoisseurs. Maisons often prefer to blend Pinot Meunier from the north as it brings more structure to the champagne. Personally, I also find it preferable in blends.
Cedric Moussé: A Rising Star
Cedric Moussé, a young and talented producer, crafts a very fruity style of Pinot Meunier in the Val-de-Marne. His champagnes are not only delicious but also reasonably priced, making them an excellent choice for pairing with food. For me, Cedric Moussé’s Pinot Meunier has become a favorite to pair with Italian-influenced dishes.
The Perfect Pairing: Crespelle with Asparagus and Parmesan Bechamel
One of my go-to pairings is Crespelle with asparagus and parmesan bechamel, matched with Cedric Moussé’s Pinot Meunier. The rich, creamy bechamel, enhanced with parmesan, beautifully complements the fruity, vibrant notes of the champagne. The umami from the cheese and the fresh asparagus create a harmonious blend with the Pinot Meunier, making each bite and sip a delightful experience.
Experience the delightful pairing of Crespelle with asparagus and parmesan bechamel with a fruity Pinot Meunier champagne from young producers like Cedric Moussé. This combination brings together the richness of Italian cuisine with the vibrant flavors of champagne, offering a memorable dining experience.
Try the exquisite pairing of Crespelle and Pinot Meunier champagne and explore other creative food and wine combinations. Share your culinary adventures and discover new tastes that elevate your dining experience.
submitted by AssaggiWeinhandel to u/AssaggiWeinhandel [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 06:48 ImpressionReal6727 SAT Tips for Upcoming Writers + My Experience

Since the June DSAT is coming up I thought I'd make a post on tips and resources I used to help me study for the May 4th sat. This post goes into decent depth so read it all carefully and remember what worked for me might not work for you.
If you're like me and procrastinated studying until now then this post is definitely for you. All my prep for the May 4th test was done in like 14 days and I expect a score of 1540 or above.
My scores for the college board practice tests:
Practice Test 1: 1220
Practice Test 2: 1190
Practice Test 3: 1530
Practice Test 4: 1360
Practice Test 5: 1460
Practice Test 6: 1530
PRACTICE TESTS EXPERIENCE: Practice Test 1 and 2 were done without desmos since I didn't even know I could use it, so I basically wasted those two. I did test 2 after doing khan academy, test 3 was done using desmos and I did it after I grinded through like 80% of khan academy. Practice Test 4 truly humbled me and I realized how unprepared I really was which was when I started watching more youtube videos. I took the practice test 5 only 2 days after test 4 and my score increased like crazy which made me confident again.
BASICS FOR BEGINNERS: If you have not studied yet at all you should start with basic concepts on Khan academy, grind through the lessons and videos, do the practice questions in the foundation section and medium section. Also learn how to use desmos, I used desmos for things I didn't even know was possible. Learning how to use desmos got rid of easy constant questions, inequalities, system of equations. Make sure to watch the 3 part desmos videos I talked about below in the youtubers section, it truly helped me a lot.
YOUTUBE: Youtube was one of the key reasons my score increased, I watched videos on the dsat constantly, while I ate food, even on my breaks I just watched videos running through the practice test I had already taken over and over again. I went over each practice test and the mistakes I made probably like 3 - 4 times throughout the 15 days.
QUESTION BANK: After I finished every practice test provided by the college board, ONLY THEN did I go to the college board question bank. This is because a good amount of the questions off of the practice tests are in this bank so without knowing it your brain could memorize how to do it and recognize it when doing the practice test which would inflate your marks. I probably went through hundreds of questions from the question bank (English and math) within the last 3 days before the may 4th test.
EXTRA TIPS: Sleep and exercise are also very important and something that I think isn't talked about enough, this applies more to people who are in my boat and are studying last minute and want a really high score. I slept crazy every night and it really helped me retain more information. Exercise is an amazing break even a walk works, anytime I hit a wall during my study periods I'd just go to the gym for 45 minutes to and hour and I would always come back refreshed ready to study again.
Youtubers I used:
Not promoting these guys in any way but they're just the only youtubers I used and I think other people here would probably find them useful.
Here are all the youtubers I used, Scalar Learning, Settele Tutoring, Tutorllini Test Prep, Strategic Test Prep, Method Learning.
Scalar Learning: He has some decent videos teaching basic concepts and his shorts have some good practice questions that he goes through.
Settele Tutoring: Settele was the one I watched the most, he went through every single question (in separate videos) on every single practice test given by the college board, I also watched some of his free concept learning videos on english, I think he explains a lot of the stuff pretty well. He’s amazing at english and helping you learn english, he made something called a “dumb summary” which I actually used a lot on my may 4th sat, it’s essentially a method where you can summarize a massive paragraph in like 30-40 seconds easily.
Tutorllini Test Prep: Has some good concept videos and also goes through all the math questions on all the practice tests really well, sometimes giving like 2-3 different methods you can use to solve a single question. He also goes through some of his own worksheets that he’s made and some of them are pretty good practice.
Strategic Test Prep: She gives some good test day tips and tips and shortcuts in general for the SAT, her explanations on the practice tests are also pretty decent.
Method Learning: Method Learning is what I’d say really boosted my score in the very beginning stages of my studying. This is only because of his 3 part desmos videos, I didn’t watch any of his other videos but that 3 part seriously was a game changer. The desmos tips he gives are amazing. An example is if a question gives you a linear or quadratic equation and then a constant in it, you can plug that exact equation into desmos and move the slider around to find what the constant is, this takes no more than 30 seconds.
Formulas I memorized for the DSAT:
You will have to memorize some formulas for the DSAT and some will make your life easier.
Sum of interior angles in a polygon: 180(n-2)
Area of a sector: πr^2 ⋅ θ/360
Arc Length: 2πr ⋅ θ/360
Mass/Volume/Density: m = v(d)
X cord. of vertex: -b/2a
Sum of solutions: -b/a
Product of solutions: c/a
If anyone needs any tips or anything just let me know I'll try my best to respond.
Whatever score you want is possible if you're willing to put in the work and time.
submitted by ImpressionReal6727 to Sat [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 06:46 ImpressionReal6727 SAT tips for upcoming writers

Since the June DSAT is coming up I thought I'd make a post on tips and resources I used to help me study for the May 4th sat. This post goes into decent depth so read it all carefully and remember what worked for me might not work for you.
If you're like me and procrastinated studying until now then this post is definitely for you. All my prep for the May 4th test was done in like 15 days and I expect a score of 1540 or above.
My scores for the college board practice tests:
Practice Test 1: 1220
Practice Test 2: 1190
Practice Test 3: 1530
Practice Test 4: 1360
Practice Test 5: 1460
Practice Test 6: 1530
PRACTICE TESTS EXPERIENCE: Practice Test 1 and 2 were done without desmos since I didn't even know I could use it, so I basically wasted those two. I did test 2 after doing khan academy, test 3 was done using desmos and I did it after I grinded through like 80% of khan academy. Practice Test 4 truly humbled me and I realized how unprepared I really was which was when I started watching more youtube videos. I took the practice test 5 only 2 days after test 4 and my score increased like crazy which made me confident again.
BASICS FOR BEGINNERS: If you have not studied yet at all you should start with basic concepts on Khan academy, grind through the lessons and videos, do the practice questions in the foundation section and medium section. Also learn how to use desmos, I used desmos for things I didn't even know was possible. Learning how to use desmos got rid of easy constant questions, inequalities, system of equations. Make sure to watch the 3 part desmos videos I talked about below in the youtubers section, it truly helped me a lot.
YOUTUBE: Youtube was one of the key reasons my score increased, I watched videos on the dsat constantly, while I ate food, even on my breaks I just watched videos running through the practice test I had already taken over and over again. I went over each practice test and the mistakes I made probably like 3 - 4 times throughout the 15 days.
QUESTION BANK: After I finished every practice test provided by the college board, ONLY THEN did I go to the college board question bank. This is because a good amount of the questions off of the practice tests are in this bank so without knowing it your brain could memorize how to do it and recognize it when doing the practice test which would inflate your marks. I probably went through hundreds of questions from the question bank (English and math) within the last 3 days before the may 4th test.
EXTRA TIPS: Sleep and exercise are also very important and something that I think isn't talked about enough, this applies more to people who are in my boat and are studying last minute and want a really high score. I slept crazy every night and it really helped me retain more information. Exercise is an amazing break even a walk works, anytime I hit a wall during my study periods I'd just go to the gym for 45 minutes to and hour and I would always come back refreshed ready to study again.
Youtubers I used:
Not promoting these guys in any way but they're just the only youtubers I used and I think other people here would probably find them useful.
Here are all the youtubers I used, Scalar Learning, Settele Tutoring, Tutorllini Test Prep, Strategic Test Prep, Method Learning.
Scalar Learning: He has some decent videos teaching basic concepts and his shorts have some good practice questions that he goes through.
Settele Tutoring: Settele was the one I watched the most, he went through every single question (in separate videos) on every single practice test given by the college board, I also watched some of his free concept learning videos on english, I think he explains a lot of the stuff pretty well. He’s amazing at english and helping you learn english, he made something called a “dumb summary” which I actually used a lot on my may 4th sat, it’s essentially a method where you can summarize a massive paragraph in like 30-40 seconds easily.
Tutorllini Test Prep: Has some good concept videos and also goes through all the math questions on all the practice tests really well, sometimes giving like 2-3 different methods you can use to solve a single question. He also goes through some of his own worksheets that he’s made and some of them are pretty good practice.
Strategic Test Prep: She gives some good test day tips and tips and shortcuts in general for the SAT, her explanations on the practice tests are also pretty decent.
Method Learning: Method Learning is what I’d say really boosted my score in the very beginning stages of my studying. This is only because of his 3 part desmos videos, I didn’t watch any of his other videos but that 3 part seriously was a game changer. The desmos tips he gives are amazing. An example is if a question gives you a linear or quadratic equation and then a constant in it, you can plug that exact equation into desmos and move the slider around to find what the constant is, this takes no more than 30 seconds.
Formulas I memorized for the DSAT:
You will have to memorize some formulas for the DSAT and some will make your life easier.
Sum of interior angles in a polygon: 180(n-2)
Area of a sector: πr^2 ⋅ θ/360
Arc Length: 2πr ⋅ θ/360
Mass/Volume/Density: m = v(d)
X cord. of vertex: -b/2a
Sum of solutions: -b/a
Product of solutions: c/a
If anyone needs any tips or anything just let me know I'll try my best to respond.
Whatever score you want is possible if you're willing to put in the work and time.
submitted by ImpressionReal6727 to SATACTprep [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 06:38 Illustrious-Tailor59 Hack: Find a free copy of an SIE textbook online, upload to ChatGPT, ask AI to break down book into each section, ask for hundreds of practice questions with detailed explanations from each section

I’ve got infinite free practice questions! Here’s an example of the output from the AI:
Which type of investor must have a net worth of $1,000,000 excluding their primary residence or an annual income of $200,000 ($300,000 if married) in each of the last two years?
A. Institutional Investor B. Retail Investor C. Accredited Investor D. Qualified Institutional Buyer
Answer: C. Accredited Investor Explanation: Accredited investors are defined based on regulatory definitions. Individuals must have a net worth of at least $1,000,000, excluding their primary residence, or an annual income of $200,000 ($300,000 for married couples)
Want to learn more about PIPES? I asked for 10 practice questions from Section 1.1 of Kaplan book regarding PIPES. Here’s the output:
Here are 10 practice exam multiple-choice questions about PIPES (Private Investment in Public Equity) based on section 1.1 of the provided SIE Kaplan book:
  1. What does the acronym PIPES stand for?
    • A. Public Investment in Private Equity
    • B. Private Investment in Public Equity
    • C. Primary Investment in Public Equity
    • D. Private Investment in Private Equity
    • Correct Answer: B. Private Investment in Public Equity
  2. In a PIPES transaction, who typically invests in the company's publicly traded stock?
    • A. Retail investors
    • B. Accredited investors
    • C. Government entities
    • D. Institutional investors
    • Correct Answer: D. Institutional investors
  3. Which document must companies file with the SEC when raising capital through a nonpublic offering under Regulation D?
    • A. Form S-1
    • B. Form 10-K
    • C. Form D
    • D. Form 8-K
    • Correct Answer: C. Form D
  4. What is one key characteristic of private placement stock?
    • A. It is freely tradable on the open market.
    • B. It must be registered with the SEC.
    • C. It is restricted and often carries a legend.
    • D. It is exempt from all federal regulations.
    • Correct Answer: C. It is restricted and often carries a legend.
  5. Under Regulation D, what is the maximum number of nonaccredited investors allowed in a private placement?
    • A. 10
    • B. 25
    • C. 35
    • D. 50
    • Correct Answer: C. 35
  6. Which rule under Regulation D allows for general solicitation and advertising of private placements?
    • A. Rule 504
    • B. Rule 505
    • C. Rule 506(b)
    • D. Rule 506(c)
    • Correct Answer: D. Rule 506(c)
  7. What is required for a business to solicit or advertise its private placement under Rule 506(c)?
    • A. All purchasers must be accredited investors.
    • B. The offering must be registered with the SEC.
    • C. There is no need to verify investor accreditation.
    • D. The offering must be limited to nonaccredited investors.
    • Correct Answer: A. All purchasers must be accredited investors.
  8. Why might a company choose to use a PIPES transaction?
    • A. To raise capital quickly without public disclosure requirements.
    • B. To avoid SEC registration entirely.
    • C. To offer securities to retail investors.
    • D. To comply with all public offering regulations.
    • Correct Answer: A. To raise capital quickly without public disclosure requirements.
  9. What type of investor typically participates in a PIPES offering?
    • A. Individual retail investors
    • B. High-net-worth individuals and institutional investors
    • C. Government bodies
    • D. Nonprofit organizations
    • Correct Answer: B. High-net-worth individuals and institutional investors
  10. What term is used to describe the documentation that includes the terms and conditions of a private placement?
    • A. Prospectus
    • B. Offering Circular
    • C. Annual Report
    • D. SEC Filing
    • Correct Answer: B. Offering Circular
These questions cover the fundamental aspects of PIPES as mentioned in section 1.1 of the SIE Kaplan book .
submitted by Illustrious-Tailor59 to Sieexam [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 06:38 SiamesePhoenix [Brainstorm Comments Please] Making Papiyas/Mara/Hajun as Helluva/Hazbin-Verse OC

Who is Papiyas/Mara/Hajun?
Payiyas(Sanskrit: "The worse vile"), Mara(Pali), or Hajun(Japanese) is a ruler of the highest layer of Buddhist heaven and all the desire-based planes of existence. He is known as the tempter and obscure of desire-bonded lives from understanding Dharma/basic nature of reality. He also tried to stop Buddha from enlightenment according to the scriptures.
Despite being described as the vile being, Mara is the godlike being most angels revere. His devotion to preventing souls from enlightenment is due to his ego seeing souls achieve dharma and unattachment, they will be out of his domain and manipulation.
What could be his role in Helluva/Hazbin-verse?
I consider the Helluva/Hazbin-verse version to be either one of the elder archangels(or something even a few ranks above) or a renegade angel seeing all human beings as mistakes Lucifer contaminated them, and must be annihilated or lured to destroy themselves before creating more perfect version of humans; lack of free will and blindly obedient.
His Appearance/Visual Design
The evil/ignorant in the Buddhist aspect is usually being symbolized with impurity or taints. For examples, mud, dust, 'toilet rejects', or something with violence and destruction such as fire, beast (especially tigers), burning coal, or poison. While wind and water implies cleansing or banishment of the ignorant from souls.
With that aspect, his design may involve lava, burning mud(in unnatural manner), brown-red-grey color palette, or mockery upon Buddhist symbolism-broken wheels, withering lotus, or smokes.
Any suggestions for the designs and his backstory? I am eager to hear from you all.
submitted by SiamesePhoenix to HazbinHotelOCArt [link] [comments]