What do u put on a birthday card

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

2020.12.19 11:51 Dkayed9 Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel!

2012.12.23 17:55 Dingareth Magic: The Gathering Financial Discussion

A place to discuss the financial side of Magic: The Gathering. Contribute trends, strategies, lessons learned and your experience in this play economy.

2011.05.24 00:33 767 Polandball

Wiggly mouse-drawn comics where balls represent different countries. They poke fun at national stereotypes and the "international drama" of their diplomatic relations, combining history, geography, Engrish, and an inferiority complex.

2024.05.17 13:25 No-Doubt-5786 All the things my mil an sil has done to me

For 16 years my mil an oldest sil have been awful, after dealing with it for so long I developed ptsd from their treatment. I been NC since April and it is absolutely wonderful, I juss wanna talk about some of the things they've done.
After the birth of my first daughter mil an fil were telling bf to not sign the birth certificate, and the nurses were giving me such a hard time for him to sign the paperwork. So when he came to the hospital after work I told him they wanted him to sign the papers he was refusing to go get them from the desk an I just had a c section, so I got mad and walked down there and got the stuff from them an took it back to him he did sign but mil an fil were not happy... it has always been difficult with husband until recently believing me about how awful his mother is to me he didn't wanna deal with any of it an basically wanted me to take their torture which the end result was my mental health, makes me really upset cuz I could of been smarter and just left an maybe today I would be able to go into a large crowd of people without feeling scared an panicking. I can barely go into stores now. But anyway....
Bf was giving me money to help buy baby stuff it was 100 every week, he was also giving mil 400 a week. Mil an sil cornered me and threw a fit about he was giving me to much money. Which i find funny bc he was literally giving her a lot of money, I was also on government assistance for like 3 months an she said bf was entitled to half of that money.
Mil put her electric in bfs name (he still lived there) she let the bill go up to over 2000 dollars and didn't pay it off till he gave her problems cuz they were sayin his wages were gonna be attached, we had juss gotten our first apartment when they threatened to attach his wages. She lied to him about paying it she did some but not all and he still gets letters about that bill.
During the first couple weeks at our new apartment mil would bring a plate of food for just bf an would give me dirty looks while he was eating it 🤣
Now it gets interesting...
Fast forward to our second child mil stated to both of us the baby wasn't his but was my brother's 🙄 that was the first time she did anything Infront of him an he threw a fit after that its all been backhanded she'd do shit when he wasn't in the room.
I had gotten a tattoo on the side of my neck just a lil star and she said only trashy people do that, but it was ok sil got 2 on both sides of her neck.
Mil sil and sils friend came to our wedding in pajamas it was at the courthouse but everyone was dressed up
Mil took both bottom tiers of my wedding cake my friend made for me and my mom had to fight her for the top of it. She had also stole my first babyshower cake I didn't even get a piece
Sometimes on the weekends we would drink beers an have people over, sometimes sil would come over and few times she'd bring her friend and their mutual friend would come now I knew right away they did this on purpose and it was absolutely intentional they had this girl flirt with husband I over heard this girl say something about how her crotch would get so wet and I went off it caused a big fight and when I told that girl we were married she acted shocked an left immediately never saw her again.
Mil brought me pants of this really really big lady we all knew and said these should fit u
This one is the beginning of the end my father passed away and a month after was my youngest bday husband was outside cookin on the grill and mil and fil came in an mil starting making jokes about funerals even fil told her thats fked up. My mom went home later in tears. A few months later after that we learned fil had the same cancer my dad passed of.
Youngest sil overdosed 2 years ago and is bedridden now and mil takes care of her and her 3 kids 2 months before that happened we were all sitting at my kitchen table and mil told everyone idc what kind of drugs you do just don't get caught with them... I thought wow this is insane shit.
In February of this year I had gotten a fb message from someone idk and they were sayin all these things that would definitely make me break up with husband, in the messages they had given their self away sayin only things mil would of known. There was a huge argument and mil ended up writing husband f you and your family. Then all of a sudden sils friend gets a job at husband's shop an works with him... husband an I sat down and were talkin about how that whole thing was a big plan to get us to break up and sils friend to weasel her way into husband's life.
There has been so much more but those r the things that stay vividly in my mind. After the whole fb thing I was done an the last time mil popped up at our home an i had a panic attack she was told to not come here anymore of course she knows nothing and has done nothing wrong 🙄 an is currently telling people she doesn't know what's going on... she has to tell people that so she doesn't look like the bad guy cuz she has talked so much trash about me to everyone that they would know. She even sent her nephew to tell husband to call his mom 🙄 he never did... he texted her happy mother's day and she said to tell me the same from her I'm at the point I don't want to hear from her, don't wanna hear her name, I wanna forget what she looks like.
I forgot to mention they were all on m3th an that just amplified their stupidness which is probably why they thought that fb idea was the plan to finally get husband an I apart 😆 oldest sil is really bad on that stuff now an her life is Fallin apart everyone says she is goin down the same path as youngest sil but all they do is watch and talk about it.
If you made it thus far thanks for reading ❤️
submitted by No-Doubt-5786 to inlaws [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:23 RidingYourEverything Does Magus of the Abyss commit crimes?

I put [[Magus of the Abyss]] in my [[Gisa, the Hellraiser]] deck, thinking it would be a great card to commit crimes on everyone else's turn, because it says "target."
An opponent made the argument that because it is their choice what gets targeted, they are the one doing the targeting, and therefor it is not a crime.
I guess it comes down to is Magus, or my opponent, targeting a creature?
submitted by RidingYourEverything to mtgrules [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:23 Ok_Yoghurt2624 WIBTA if i left my “friend” in debt i know he can’t pay

This is gonna be long so bear with me pls. I (f21) used to hook up with this guy (m22), I started liking him a lot, he said he wasn’t interested in a relationship. I didn’t take it personally plus I was transferring to another school abroad at the end of the year and then I’d probably never see him again.
About 3 months after i moved (so march 2023) he spontaneously booked a flight and came to visit me during spring break, he stayed with me and we were together basically the whole time, we hooked up but it was kind of an fwb situation? but throughout he kept dropping hints which I decided to ignore since I knew he wasn’t interested in being more than friends.
I do want to mention that I come from a rather well to do family and i might be a little spoilt in the sense that my family pays my tuition so I don’t have student loans and I get my rent money and some pocket money from home because my family doesn’t want me to work yet so I can focus on school more, but since I moved I have been working 2 jobs (without my family knowing) to save money because I like to live comfortably, go shopping, travel, and I’m trying to save up for my masters so I’m pretty comfortable financially, which he saw on his visit since I paid for p much everything. (Now that I think about it, I took a leave from work and didn’t have school that week so he didn’t actually see how hard I work, to him i was just chilling all day and living rich).
When he went back after his visit he kept talking ab how he has such a good time with me and how he really likes me and we started talking a lot more and I was kinda into him again. After like a month he started telling me that he wants to stop seeing other people and he dsnt want me to see other people either, still no mention of a relationship but he wanted to be exclusive. I had been on a couple dates since I moved but I wasn’t really interested in anyone so I agreed. Within a month of that (so june 2023) he started saying he loves me and for the longest time I hesitated to say it back but eventually i did. He kept saying he wants to visit me again etc but he cnt afford it. I agreed to pay bec i wanted to see him too but I thought that since I didn’t have school all month we could go on a little vacation instead of just him coming over, since I could afford it. We planned an trip for July and decided everything but before I paid for anything I asked him if he sees this ever turning into a relationship and he told me no at first but after i said if it’s not going anywhere (I was going to pay for his flights, all the stay and we would split the money we spend there) I don’t want to invest financially in it like time is one thing but i work really hard for the money, he said he just doesn’t feel like he’s ready for a relationship now but gave me hope saying that might change as we spend time together. I was naive enough to fall for that and we went on our little vacation.
Towards the end of the vacation like 2 days before we were supposed to go back, we were at a club and I was sitting down with my drink while he was on the floor and I saw him make a snapchat call and he was on it for a while and in the middle of it his screen lit up and a girl’s (let’s call her K) bitmoji was on it, so i went up to him to ask who he was talking to, he straight up lied and told me it was one of his guy friends and i just went and sat back down. After he finished the call he came and sat next to me and held his phone in a way that he obviously wanted me to look at the screen bec he had called his guy friend now the bitmoji was on the screen, which was such a failure because his guy friend didn’t even answer the phone he just showed me the “ringing” screen. I didn’t say anything tho because we both were pretty drunk and I didn’t want to start a fight in that condition. The next was our last night there and it went well but on the way back to our hotel at the end of the night i forgot my phone in the uber and used his phone to call the uber driver to ask if there was any way i could get it back. He was almost passed put by the time the uber driver came back around to bring my phone so i asked him if i could take his phone outside while i go to bring my phone just in case I need to contact the driver, he agreed and unlocked his phone and gave it to me. When i was going, K called him and i just rejected the call but then she sent him like a million texts and my suspicion got the best of me and I opened the chat. I barely had to scroll up before I saw several explicit msgs and photos (all very recent) and it made me sick to my stomach. I got my phone back and went back to the room to find him passed out I threw his phone at him and he woke up and we talked about it basically all night, I was crying like the whole time and in the end he promised me he wouldn’t do it again and he only wants to be with me and all this other emo (and in hindsight, toxic) crap that I fell for at the time and the next day we flew back.
Things were okay for like 2 months after that. On Halloween we were both on facetime, getting ready to go to halloween parties (in our respective countries lol) and I was telling him how to do his makeup (he really likes my style and often asks me for advice on clothes, makeup, hair etc) we talked for a while it was all great and after we got ready we ended the call and I went to the party (it was like 10min from my place) and as soon as I got there I tried to send him a snap but couldn’t find him on my snapchat friend list, so i tried to text him on Instagram only to find he had blocked me, on everything.
I DID NOT handle that well. After he had been nc for a week, he called me. Of course, I couldn’t resist and answered. He asked for help with a school project (I would often help him with things like that, even tho he was in a much complex course i would learn his stuff and then help him with homework and stuff). Even tho I was not in good condition physically bec of the withdrawals and even tho he hadn’t even addressed the fact that he had blocked me on everything out of nowhere I decided to help him again because I was just so desperate to talk to him and I basically made the whole thing for him and he got a good grade, he thanked me and stuff and when i asked him why he blocked me he just said “idk i was just upset idk why” he just always refused to talk about it. But i mean social media is so accessible, i did see that he had been commenting on K’s old Instagram posts (he commented on ALL her posts actually) throughout the week, so i’m sure it had something to do with her, but I didn’t ask because he seemed irritable whenever i would bring it up.
We started talking like before again, he graduated (i’m still in school) and we planned for another vacation for new years eve. Big surprise, even tho he was the one who proposed the trip, now he was unemployed so he couldn’t afford it, again. And another big surprise, I agreed to pay for it again. It was all good except I brought about $1000 in cash to spend on the trip and every time I took money out of it he would comment about how it was such a “fat stack” which sussed me out a little but whatever. About halfway through the trip I got really drunk and passed out and when I woke up the next morning all my cash was gone and I asked him if he kept it with him and he refused and got mad at me for losing such a big amount of money (as if I wasn’t stressed enough) and how he was going to have to pay now (hotels and flights were already paid for, he’d be paying for drinks and food basically). I still don’t think he would steal from me bec if he wanted money he could just ask and I would have just given him and not even asked for it back but there’s nowhere it could’ve gone because I never took the whole cash out of the hotel room and it was just us two there. I didn’t want to accuse him of anything so i let that go and never mentioned it. But that was the first time I got sus ab him with the money.
Fast forward to two months ago, we planned another trip (to my home country this time) which was supposed to be two weeks long but while we were there we were having so much fun that we kept extending it and it ended up being a month long. I saved up hella for this trip because I knew exactly what hotels I wanted to stay at, what places i wanted to go etc and i knew it was gonna be kinda expensive but even then because we stayed much longer it also costed way more than expected. At this point he didn’t even have to tell me he couldn’t afford it, it was just understood that i would be paying since he was still unemployed. But this time he had this new credit card and wanted to increase his credit score so he asked if i could use his cards to book everything and pay HIM back instead, i was like sure whatever. So i booked both our flights on my card and hotels and stuff on his. We had the best time on this trip, felt closer to him than ever so I didn’t mind paying. We decided that I would give him a certain amount in cash (to avoid international transfer fee) and transfer the rest (because countries have a limit on how much cash u can bring without having to report to customs). Once again towards the end of the trip I saw he was still talking to that girl, and it wasn’t just sexual, he called her the same nicknames he called me, he sent her the same reels and stuff on Instagram that he sent me it was like reading his chats with me. I didn’t say anything then, but a couple hours later I asked him if we should see other people too, like keep seeing each other but also see other people (i even said “we both” so he dsnt feel the need to get defensive) and he said no he dsnt want to and he dsnt even want me to. Him lying again when i gave him a chance to end his lie really broke my heart completely (bec at this point he was just lying for the sake of it) but it was just 3 days before we were gonna leave so i decided not to ruin the rest of the trip and end things with him after I paid him back for the credit card (I’d already given him more than half the amount in cash as soon as we met). When we were booking flights to go back he insisted that be take pne with a layover in a third completely put of the way country because it was cheaper and i was like sure, but then he also said because it’s two really long flights he wants to stay in this third country for a couple days bec he wouldn’t be too exhausted and wanted me to pay for the airbnb, I already wasn’t a fan of paying for a whole solo trip for him where I wasn’t going (it was one of my bucket list countries too) so i tried to tell him to just suck it up and take a couple hour layover instead but he wouldn’t listen. AND to make it worse, i saw his phone again (I didn’t even checking his phone or anything even once on this trip, he had the conversation open while he was sitting next to me and i could see) and he was talking to this girl who was around that country and asked her if she would travel there for a couple days to meet him and she agreed at first but once he sent her an airbnb and asked what she thought about it, she left him on seen and never responded even after he offered to pay (im guessing bec initially she just thought he meant they would hang out and when he brought up staying together even she got creeped out). THIS MAN WANTED ME TO PAY FOR HIS INTERNATIONAL TRIP TO MEET ANOTHER GIRL WHO HE TOLD HE WAS PAYING FOR EVERYTHING.
That was my last straw i got so mad and we had a big conversation , highlights: (Note: this is all in a very calm tone, i was holding back tears but no one was being aggressive)
Him: she’s just a friend and I haven’t even ever slept with her or anything PLUS that’s not even happening i’m not going to see her Me: because SHE left you on seen, u were clearly trying in fact ur the one who asked her to begin with Him: sighs & shrugs
Me: what about the girl in (hometown)? Him:
Me: why did u block me after halloween Him: i cnt tell u that Me: is it because u were also lying to K, telling her u were not seeing other people n she found out u were talking to me and to keep her from leaving u blocked me till she calmed down? Him: sighs, leans back and looks away
Me: why is one girl not enough Him: bec I’m not 40 Me: so why do u lie instead of just being honest and saying ur also seeing other people Him: bec i dnt wanna hurt feelings Me: i never asked u for anything u were the one who insisted on being exclusive, u were the one who said u loved me first while u knew the whole time u were lying, u really had no reason to lie? Him: u wouldn’t treat me the same if u knew i was seeing other people Me: i was treating u the exact same before u said all that? When u came to visit me i still paid for everything, u really didn’t have reason to lie Him: sighs
Me: what do u expect me to do now? Him: idk i guess u can see other people too(?)
Me: i didn’t mind paying for u if u were seeing other people n honest about it but dnt want to pay for someone who goes out of their way to lie to me for no reason (i p much never get pissed ab anything as long as it’s honest so there’s really no reason to lie which is why i cnt stand when people lie to me) Him: i understand
Me: did u at least use protection with other people (he told me he was clean and wasn’t seeing other people so i agreed to not using protection since i was on birth control anyway) Him: yes u can get tested if u want (i did and turns out he was lying i came home with a nasty std, I haven’t slept with anyone else in about a year)
After the long conversation we went to sleep and he noticed i was still crying so he hugged me and said “i dnt want u to cry talk to me” so i started saying how idk how to feel or what to do it’s just too much to process that he would do this bec i trusted him so much even when I didn’t want to but he rolled his eyes in the middle of my sentence which ticked me off so i turned away and was like “no dont turn away” to which I said “when im not talking u have an issue, when im talking u have an issue, what do u want?” This was the first time i dropped my calm in from of him and picked up an actually annoyed tone, which seemed to set something off in his head and he just blew up at me like YELLING about how im the one making a big deal out of everything and im the one who keeps turning away and refusing to talk to him etc and then he got up from the bed and punched the wall REALLY hard so i grabbed both his hands and sat him down on the bed and told him to shut up and calm down bec he was gonna get hurt if he keeps punching shit. He already hurt his hand p bad and he just held his hand to his chest and i could tell he was trying to hold in screams bec he was so much in pain. I called room service to bring ice and went downstairs to get him a painkiller. He finally calmed down and fell asleep. The next day he didn’t talk to me for 8 hours, didn’t go out or anything, we just sat there in the hotel room in silence, whenever i tried to bring up anything he just shrugged and continued to not say a word, Finally we both got hungry and went to get dinner after which we got drinks, once we got a little buzzed he started talking to me again and told me he got triggered bec i yelled at him (I didn’t yell but i did get annoyed so i got what he meant) and i apologised.
We were fine for the rest of the day and the next day and the night after that we finally flew back home.
He asked me to transfer him the money for his credit card and i asked him how much it was. The number he gave me was ridiculously higher than the number i had on my spreadsheet (since i made the bookings i even had the receipts) so i showed him saying these were the numbers that I had and he said “no but this is what my card got charged” and he sent me his own spreadsheet that me made (v poorly made no dates or anything, there were even some amounts without descriptions) so i said ok this isn’t helpful, just send me the credit card statement and i’ll see what went wrong in my calculations and he has been making dumb excuses for the last 2 weeks every time i ask him to send the statement like “there’s other payments too on the statement so u might get confused” (as if idk how to read??) or “oh i’ll send it when i open the credit card website next” but he keeps asking me to send him the money like constantly. Another thing that’s weird to me is that he completely disregarded the part where I told him I would only be paying for my half of the trip bec of him lying to me, which I already gave him more than half in cash in the beginning of the trip. Thirdly, not only does he want me to pay full he is also disregarding the money i gave him in cash bec he “spent it on the trip so it didn’t go towards the credit card payment” which I never agreed to give him spending money, that’s supposed to be on him, I brought my own spending money separately so it wasn’t even like he had to pay for both of us.
So basically, he wants me to pay for the whole credit card bill (which he won’t send me the statement for) on top of what i gave him in cash which was more than half of the number HE is giving me (and close to 80% of the number I have) ALL AFTER he lied to me, tried to make me pay for him going to meet another girl in a different country, yelled at me, punched a wall and made ME apologise.
The amount he’s asking for is big and I know he’s unemployed and if that’s the actual number, he definitely can’t pay it. While i can afford it (just barely after everything I already paid for including previous trips, flights for this trip and the money i gave him in cash) i did already tell him I would only be paying for my half (which i already did) and he agreed at the time, and i’m still extremely hurt and angry about all the lies and the drama. If he sent me the credit card statement I would still help him a little bit but he even refuses to do that. He hasn’t talked about anything else except asking me to send him the money for the past few days. I was going to cut him off after I paid him but he’s being kind of not cool about it and it’s not like i just have the money lying around. So would I be the asshole if I just ghosted him with his credit card debt that i know he can’t pay?
Also want to add: i keep mentioning his unemployment bec until February i was helping him improve his resume, prepare for interviews etc (I’m studying HR and recruitment) but after this trip he told me he is not even looking for a job bec if he got a job he “wouldn’t be able to travel as much” which pissed me off more bec im working my ass off to afford all this.
submitted by Ok_Yoghurt2624 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:19 Kaelani_Wanderer [Kaurine Dawn] Chapter Fourteen: Tinker's Dawn

Apologies for this one being so late; Been sick for the last week or so, and the friday i was meant to post this, I think from memory I was busy :/ But I'm starting to get back into the swing of things, and the Glossary Addendum has also had a bit of an overhaul :D I'll be applying that tonight as well, to each of the currently released chapters.
[First] [Glossary Addendum] [Previous]
[From the Abyss Artisanry, Wolfreach Commercial District, Halsion Reach Region, Haldios IV, 12th of Emheraldis, 5011 TE]
[Boltz] The door chimed, though it sounded... Off today, and I sighed. I'd have to replace the old beeper with something else now that it had broken. As I walked towards the counter, I heard Chit's voice from around the corner as she said,
"I'll be right with you!" I frowned, noticing the strain in her voice. I stepped around the counter and poked my head around the corner, and then immediately rushed to help. She was trying to move a Draekkan mace, and causing gouges in the floor as she dragged the heavy weapon.
"Seriously? Leave Draekkan weapons to me, beloved." I said, and Chit nodded as I lifted the massive, spiked club-like weapon. Made of Luunic steel, the metal was cool against my hand as I cautiously hefted it, a dark blue color akin to the Lunwatch sky on a clear night with few stars. I slowly walked over to the storage racks, and hung the mace on a pair of large hooks. Then I turned back to my lover, and looked her up and down for injuries.
Finding none, I shook my head with another sigh. "Well at least you didn't hurt yourself on it." I said, stepping up to her and wrapping my arms around her lower back. I pulled her cool body towards mine, and she happily melted into my embrace. Chuckling, I planted a kiss on her hair, and gently ran a finger down one of her drit'onthke. Her entire body shivered and she giggled, before wrapping her arms around me and giving me a tight hug.
"So what's on the list for today?" I asked, resting my cheek on her head.
"Just a few armour sets which need some minor repairs, thankfully." Chit replied. I nodded, and then the beeper went off, indicating a customer.
"Solahra's Light, what an awful noise to greet a customer with!" A deep, male-sounding canine voice rumbled from out in the customer area. We reluctantly pulled apart and both went out to see what he needed.

As Chit rounded the corner, she automatically greeted the customer by saying,
"Welcome to From the Abyss Artisanry, how can we help today?" But as I stepped around after her, I froze. The canine man was holding a box filled with shattered pieces of art, it looked like. I stepped closer and realised that they weren't shattered pieces of art, at least not in the traditional sense. Rather, they were the parts of what was formerly a weapon. I felt my eyes widen as I realised what it was. I looked at the canine man, and realised he was a Labardon. I looked back at the pieces of plasma caster, which appeared to, on closer inspection, actually have catastrophically failed at a structural level upon attempting to fire a shot.
"I went to the Lunhaekin blacksmith over in Aellandendil, cos they said that fishing my ancestral plasma caster would be an exceedingly simple affair. Instead, the next time I went to fire it, the blasted thing fell apart in my hands!" The man growled, and then asked,
"How bad is it... Is... Is there any way to restore it?" His eyes went wide as if to wordlessly plead with me, and I gestured for him to give me the box of parts. He hesitantly handed the box over and I gently placed it on the counter before pulling out one of the furcloth rolls underneath and unravelling it. Then, one by one, I pulled out each of the pieces, and with each new item, my heart sank.

This would not be a simple fix of just re-assembling the pieces. I let out a heavy sigh, and, leaning on the counter, covered my mouth with the side of my hand while looking at the arrayed parts.
"This is... At this point you might as well just buy a new plasma caster." I said finally, still looking at the parts. I looked up at the man and said,
"If I reconstruct this, because that's what it will take, a full reconstruction, it WILL cost more than buying a new caster." I looked down at the parts again, and swore under my breath.
"The focusing plate has been shattered, and those things are near indestructible when carved right, the prism chamber is cracked, so that's no good any more, and the magnetic acceleration rings..." I trailed off, and swallowed before looking up at the man.
"They're not rings any more..." I whispered, and the man's face seemed to break.
"Is there anything we can salvage of the original parts?" He asked, his voice shaky. I looked down at the parts, and realised that there was just one piece that was fully intact. With a mirthless chuckle, I picked it up.
"The plasma compression chamber. That's it." I laid the small metallic chamber down again, and sighed.
"The rest is just... Junk. Scrap even." I shook my head, running the numbers in my head. When I finished, I swore again, and dropped the bombshell.
"You're looking at around fifty thousand in parts alone." I said, and the canine's shoulders slumped.
"If that's the price it takes..." He said.
"I will try and recover as much material as I can though; I might be able to melt down the mag rings for example and re-energise them."

[A Cycle Later...]
The Labardon stepped into the store, a simple digital bell sounding, and he sighed, his tail wagging a little as he did so.
"Much better than last time!" He joked, and Jakob walked around the corner holding a box, grinning from ear to ear.
"Just in time, good sir!" He exclaimed. He set down the box, and the Labardon's gaze instantly honed in on it. Jakob laid a hand on the lid, and said,
"Behold, your restored heritage!" And with that, he lifted the lid like he was proposing to the customer, and the canine's eyes lit up, his tail suddenly zipping back and forth as though it were some kind of demented metronome. As he lifted the ancient weapon, my own eyes widened; It was truly a thing of beauty.

I smiled as the Labardon man admired my handiwork, and in a voice that sounded like it was half pure air, he whispered,
"It's as beautiful as the day my sire first showed it to me..." My smile widened, and I said,
"I was able to salvage more than I thought, in the end. I managed to keep the primary focus cone; I simply had to melt and recast it due to a crack in it, the laser projector's crystal matrix casing also was salvageable, though I did have to replace the crystal matrix. So it now has a Kaurine crystal for providing the first round of focusing." The man froze, and his gaze flicked to me. His hands still raise, he asked,
"A Kaurine crystal? Genuine?" I nodded.
"Cut the crystal free from the rock myself." I replied. The man laid the plasma caster on the counter gently, though it rattled slightly from his shaking paws as he ceased to support it.
"My sire said that it originally had a Shell crystal as its matrix..." He said, voice trembling as much as his paws.
"They are great crystals for energy conduction as well as for energy focusing. It took a bit to set the frequency for the right channels though." He nodded, and shakily handed over his Orionpay card. I handed it to Chit'eiwu, right as he asked,
"So how much was it all up?" I grinned and replied,
"An even fifty five thousand." He blinked, and asked,
"But... the crystal... Surely that alone would be a few hundred thousand!" I shook my head, and replied,
"It's not a Blade. And it doesn't need to be anywhere near as big. Only came to around three thousand." He nodded, and Chit'eiwu input the numbers and scanned the card. The system registered a successful transaction, and she handed the man back his card.
"Thank you for choosing From the Abyss Artisanry!" I said, and he nodded, his eyes turning shiny with unshed tears.
"No, thank you. All of my friends will be hearing about this, and you will be my first stop for anything artisanal." I nodded to him, and he left, carefully cradling the restored plasma caster in its box. Looking over to the clock, I noticed that it was indicating less than an hour before Lunrise. I jerked my head towards Chit'eiwu and asked,
"Think we should close up the shop early, or wait until Soldown before we stop operating?" She looked up at the clock as well, then back to me, and shook her head.
"No, I think we can afford to close early this evening." I nodded, and pressed the button to activate the end of Watch sign system, and a moment later, a holosign in the window came to life and began a 10 minute countdown.

We always did the countdown so that prospective customers knew how long they had to enter to the store before we stopped taking new customers prior to closing down for the Lunwatch. As usually happened however, the sign completed its countdown and flicked to the "Closed" display, and I pressed a second button to lock the door remotely, and arm the security system. As I did so, Chit'eiwu walked into the apartment, and soon after, I heard the sound of her cooking. I smiled, knowing that she was bound to make an incredible dinner as per usual, and let out a contented sigh as the system went through the arming process. Life with her was... Good. Not necessarily great by any stretch of the imagination; Most of our days were spent working after all. But it was at least a good life. A life I was more than happy to lead.

When the system indicated full armed status some minutes later, I followed my aquatic lover into our home behind and above the shop, and arrived just in time for her to serve up dinner. As I sat down, a stupid grin spread across my face as I beheld what she had cooked up. On the plate was a kind of "nest" made of purple coloured strands of pasta, and topped off with a green-sauced mince of some kind. I looked up at my lover, who was watching me expectantly. My grin refusing to go away, I obliged her apparent intent, and used a fork to collect some mince with sauce, and some of the pasta.

As the food reached my mouth, it was like an explosion of flavours; An earthy, slightly spicy flavour issued forth from the sauce, and the mince tasted somewhat like yuron, a kind of cattle animal from Zehllukarn Prime, and it was followed up by a surprisingly sweet flavour from the pasta as it rotated around in my mouth as I chewed. Swallowing, I said,
"This is incredible! I can't even properly describe it; it's... It's like an explosion of all different flavours coming together in my mouth!" Chit's face turned a fierce azure, and my grin widened. The grin morphing into a smirk, I added,
"You're definitely getting rewarded this Lunwatch, beloved."

[A Few Hours Later...]


As Chit'eiwu walked into the bedroom we shared upstairs, I put the dishes from our dinner into the automatic dishwasher, and followed her up. As I reached the laundry room, I stripped off my clothes from the Solwatch, and tossed them expertly into the laundry, each garment hitting the wall and bouncing off slightly to fall into the clothes basket waiting below, before walking into the bedroom entirely unclad. Chit'eiwu was laying in the bed, the blanket covering her amethyst body from view, and in such a way that I knew that she too had put her clothes in the laundry. I walked around the bed, and pulled down the blanket to get in beside her, and after that, things turn rather hazy for a little while.

[A Week Later...]

Jakob and I stepped off of the transport, hand-in-grasper, him looking absolutely divine in a glacial blue suit with silver trimmings, seeming to be a walking ice sculpture. Complimenting him, I opted for a taste of my birthplace; Trimmed with onyx hems, I was wearing a deep, abyssal purple dress, showing off my relatively lighter purple skin, becoming a shadow of the Abyss to act as the dark counterpart to my Warrior of the Overwaves. I looked towards him as we stepped inside the Fortress of Kaur'Ainda together for the first time since I was Ascended by both him and Cewa together.
He looked back at me, smiled and squeezed my hand reassuringly, before saying over our rarely-used connection,
There's no need to be nervous; It's just a Greenmarch Feast, my Siren. As I did every time he called me that, I giggled; At first I had been confused by him calling me an alarm sound, until he showed me one of the few surviving Terran records from... Wherever it was that they came from. Terran, or at the time, Human, women of extraordinary beauty, totally uncovered, and singing some kind of song that lured male sailors to their deaths.
Then he had sent me an image of how he viewed me; My plain purple skin instead appeared almost... Luminous, and my average green eyes were glittering emerald gems. My hair, an equally unremarkable azure, was a brilliant blue that resembled the Azuresheet high above even the Overwaves, and in his mind's eye, my cheeks were flushed slightly blue. I had never considered myself to be attractive by any means; In the Abyss I would have struggled to find a mate...
But here in the Overwaves? I had been chosen by a Terran, that enigmatic, smooth-skinned, near-prey-like biped species who were renowned for absurd feats of strength and endurance. I was not as fragile as I seemed, even before my Ascension...
But Jakob seemed to realise that early on; The first time we lay together, an eye-rolling, mind-erasing experience, he showed such gentleness that it was hard to believe the stories... Until the very next day when I had struggled to move a shipment of materials that had come in, even barely raising it, and he had simply come in and told me to let it go, before seeming to effortlessly pick up the heavy box and carry it into the Forge, before placing it down and rapidly sorting the material inside for me. I had asked him about it, and his response was a mere shrug, and to say, It wasn't that heavy for me; Absolutely awkward, but not anything that will break my back.

In the present, we stepped into the Great Hall, and froze. It had been totally transformed, becoming a verdant green forest canopy under which wooden tables seemingly made from the trunks of trees, with seats formed from sections of log from great tree branches. Seiranha saw us enter, and rushed over to greet us.
"Boltz! Chit!" She exclaimed, and hugged us both in turn. It felt... Odd, to be given a hug by a Vampyris, but this particular one was a friend, and so I happily returned the hug, albeit reluctantly letting go of Jakob's hand to do so. We held the hug for a few eternal moments, before she let go and did the same to Jakob, who greeted her warmly.
"You look great!" Jakob said to the Vampyris warrior, and she blushed a deep golden color on her pale cream skin. It looked almost like golden Skyblaze rays were touching her cheeks as she giggled. But Jakob was right; She was garbed in a flowing set of obviously ceremonial armour which appeared to have been made by first weaving a suit of leaves, and then attaching segments of bark to the resulting garment. And combined with her silver-in-crimson eyes...
"You look sort of like a vengeful forest spirit in this armour, Master Seiranha!" I said, and the woman grinned.
"That's sort of the idea. Not many people remember that the spirits of the forests of all our worlds yet live... And for those who do not respect the forest's inhabitants, only death can be anticipated, or worse."

Over the course of what remained of the Solwatch, we enjoyed the Greenmarch Feast, and soon enough, it was time to scatter to our homes once again, to rest away the overindulgences of the Feast.

As the transport landed at the Wolfreach starport, Chit and I walked down the ramp, though she was somewhat unsteady on her legs. Chuckling, I asked her,
"Would you like me to carry you home?" She looked at me, her face blazing sapphire, but through our connection, she, apparently not realising she was 'speaking', replied, I thought you'd never ask... My mighty Skybright, carrying me like an Inkle in his powerful arms... As the thought travelled over our connection the azure spread, and I shook my head with a grin. I really was the luckiest guy in the Reach to have landed such an exotic life partner. She happily stepped in closer to me, and I swept her off her feet, much to her almost drunken delight, and she let out a whoop of surprise.
However, as her intoxicated brain realised what had happened, she melted into my embrace, burbling away in my ear as though she had been returned to her youngest of Watches. I was all too happy to carry my lover home of course; The sound of her tripled heartbeat like a three-beat rhythm pulsed against my own heart, and her emerald gaze was transfixed on my face, the look in those beautiful green orbs one of utter and complete adoration.

After around 10 minutes, we reached the shop, and I swiped my wristcomm over the new sensor, first up-down, then right-left. The two-part verification proved my identity, and the door swung open automatically, a recent addition I had also made. As we cleared the door, I swept my foot around and behind me to close the door again, and carried Chit to the bedroom in our apartment, before laying her gently down on the bed, and saying,
"Unfortunately, I've gotta take that incredible dress off you or it will be ruined in your sleep." Chit vaguely nodded, and I helped her stand back up. Having done this routine together before, she laid her arms on my shoulders for added balancing support, and I bent down to grab the bottom of the dress, before slowly pulling it up to her chest. Feeling the garment fully above her hips, Chit carefully sat down on the bed, and I carefully pulled the dress up and over her head, then down her arms.

Turning around, I draped the dress across a nearby dresser, smoothing out any wrinkles in it, and then returned my attention to my lover, who was now completely undressed. Once again taking up the role of caregiver, I wrapped an arm around her and scooped her up once more before laying her on the bed sideways, where she let out a small gasp as the cold fabric touched her bare skin. I gave her a reassuring smile and said,
"I'll have you nice and warm soon enough, Heartstreasure." And with that, I stripped off my own suit, carefully draping it over a chair, and then pulled off the underwear I had worn for the Feast, and climbed under the covers beside Chit. Upon feeling me enter the bed, she shifted over, hissing a bit as she moved off the warmed area, and melted her body against my own. As she settled into a comfortable position, one of her legs across mine, she said through repeated yawns,
"May... May you swim... With the... Blessing of... Of Drynedaea... My.... Sky-Warrior..." Chuckling as I wrapped an arm around her back, I kissed her gently on the forehead and over our connection, replied,
"May Luunah Guard your Dreams, Heartstreasure of the Depths." And with that, as if it were a cue, Chit's breathing shifted to become deep and regular, and the sound along with the rising and falling of her amethyst chest against my skin sung its own siren song, dragging me down into...
[Next: To Tread the Shaded Path]
submitted by Kaelani_Wanderer to redditserials [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:16 Liberty-Prime76 Letter of Marque 82 - A NoP Fanfic

As always, thank you to u/SpacePaladin15 for the wonderful universe that is NoP! Thank you to u/cruisingNW for proof reading and helping me make this chapter as good as it can be, you're the man! Honestly LoM wouldn't have gone very far without him! If you haven't you should absolutely go read Foundations of Humanity! It's very good AND it just updated!
A big thanks to u/Saint-Andros for helping with proofreading! He writes Out of Our Elements which is a very good one! If you like a good fic in the wilderness and a pair of cute 'friends' ;) you'll love OOE!
Also thank you to u/brotanics! For this wonderful fanart of Taisa. And this one! She's so cute I'm gonna die
And thank you to u/Jimdandy117! For this adorable fanart of Chris and Renkel! Dear god help he's adorable I love him so much
Thank you u/SlimyRage, or AsciiSquid on Discord, for makin' Vengineer Taisa Gamin'. She's absolutely adorable, I love her lil' workers apron. She looks so excited to get to work!
Thank you u/Braquen! For this astounding Pixel Art of Taisa after a few range day dates with Chris! Her little hat and gunbelt are absolutely astounding!
Thank you u/VeryUnluckyDice! For this Artwork of Taisa and Chris as characters from One Piece! I've never seen or read it before but it's incredibly cute!
Thank you to u/creditmission for their wonderful work of several LoM fanfics!
First Prev. Next
Memory Transcription Subject: Taisa, Venlil Starship Engineer, Crystal Star Shipping Co-Owner
Date [Standardized Human Time]: October 16th, 2136
Stars… doom or not, that moon is beautiful.
Earth’s own spotlight still hung in the sky, creeping ever higher backlight more and more of the fleet waiting in anticipation. The moon’s pure white light scattered aimlessly across the mountains, shimmering like liquid silver on the surface of the river flowing through the valley far below us. Slinking dark forms of ships that slipped beyond her light made their presence known through the trailing wisps their ion thrusters jetted out behind them; painting the soil-black sky with twisting, swirling hues of blue amongst the shimmering stars.
A warm and weighty hand pulled me close as the cool night air of the mountains flowed through my wool, coaxing a contended purr to build and blossom in my chest as I pressed into Chris’ side, stretching up to nuzzle into his neck before leaning forward and snatching another ‘hummus’ covered carrot from the tray to pop it into my mouth. The delicious, savory smoothness of the hummus accompanied the sweet harshness of the carrot perfectly, sending a trill of pleasure through my chest before I continued my story.
“Anyhow, Quilleth and I, despite her continuous protests, get assigned to the same design herd for one of our final projects. We had an old Triconn Drive Systems TC-547 Jump drive and one of their ‘standard’ fusion cores to go with it, one of the worst pairs of speh-stacks ever built if you ask me, that we needed to rebuild and get working again, and she wanted no part of having to ‘deal’ with me for any extended period of time. Tavareth, my jump-drive maintenance and design professor, was adamant that,” I stopped, pulling in a breath and puffing out my chest, doing my best to mimic the old, gray trunked Mazic. “Ahem, ‘In a work environment you’ll have to work past your differences to make the herd stronger.’ and all kinds of other speh that amounted to ‘I need to fill out this herd the rest of the way and you two are who’s left.’”
“They both sound so pleasant.” Chris rumbled, a chuckle in his voice as he grinned, handing me another of his ‘cracker sandwiches’ before turning his eyes back to the stars high above.
“That’s a word for it.” I agreed, giving a jovial whistle past the crumbling cracker and deliciously smooth nut-spread. “But she dropped that tune real fast the second we came up to a real problem in the project trying to source a new, or at least rebuildable, primary magnetic accelerator. I called Parnel and had a brand new one, that was well past any spec we were expected to meet, in our workshop and installed within the paw. After that I checked the drive’s Tritium levels, rerouted every coolant line, field flow point and magnetic induction coil so they actually worked right, stars forbid those wool brains at Triconn ever design something right the first time, to get everything I could out of the new accelerator assembly.”
“Now why does that sound familiar?” Chris mused, a sly smile on his face as scooped a fistful of crunchy chips into his mouth.
“You can shush Captain ‘try his damnedest to burn out every subsystem he can find’, half the re-routing I have to do now is your fault!” I replied with an amused whistle, paffing the back of his head with my tail-tuft before continuing. “Now, after I’d… dove into the ove-”
“As you often do.” Chris cut in, a smile on his face as he prodded my side with a burbling laugh in his voice.
“Shush!” I bleated in return, the warmth of a spreading bloom driving the sneaking cold of the mountain air from my wool. “As I was saying, after I dove into the drive, Quilleth and our other partners, mostly Quilleth, had taken it on themselves to handle the core’s overhaul and refueling. Leave it to most herds to take the easy route and not learn something if they can get away with it, you can damn well bet they made sure to document that I was the one who worked on the drive and that the, far easier, core was all them. The work on the drive took a while by myself but I still managed to get everything done and put together before we had to spin it up for the test-paw.”
“How do you test a drive and a core if it's not on a ship? Feels like a fast way to make a problem for yourself.” Chris asked, his eyes focused on me, interest plain on his face as his hand wrapped around my side to pull me close.
“Well the drives physically can’t engage if they’re in a sufficient gravity well, and VP is well beyond that threshold, so we just spin them up, take readings to ‘prove’ that they’d work in a real application. I argued we should have had a few shuttles with remote diagnostics and control systems, like we used during your flight training, to do the tests to show they actually did work since correct readings in a gravity well and correct readings in applied use can be different and you wouldn’t know until you were in orbit and getting ready to jump. Tavareth said he’d have ‘loved to give us the chance but the university didn’t have the funds to allocate’ or some other excuse the faculty always used to avoid doing things the right way.” I replied, waving my paws in frustration at the amount of projects that were only given a curled tail of thought before being dumped on us to complete, real world applications or not.
“Sounds a lot like Trepassy’s parent company, unless it was a ‘mission critical component’ as they put it, then they didn’t much care to fix it if it didn’t keep her stuck in port. Always made the excuse that the repairs weren’t in the budget while posting ten plus percent margins. Didn’t matter how much me and the cap’ called and bitched them out for busted Air-con or the rec-room being entirely bare they always said the same damned thing. Bunch of assholes.”
My tail set to wagging at the idea of Chris and his captain shouting into a phone at some other Human half the world away about something that felt all too familiar. “Anyways, we get everything set up on the testing field outside of Dayside, get the systems mounted into their cooling and fuel channels before we start spooling the core up and putting power to the drive. Before too long Tavareth announces that everything looks stable and we can begin putting load onto the system, everything climbs their scales well. The warp field levels off with the expected fluctuations of a drive being operated way too far into a gravity well to maintain any real stability and the core temperature looks good. Everything’s holding steady, Tavareth looks pleased, the rest of my project-herd is congratulating each other on a project completed.”
“Then the core temp starts climbing, blooming well beyond any ‘acceptable’ overheating limiter Quilleth, Uderek or Ofent could have seen fit to set. I looked over and found all three of them watching the core start to melt down in disbelief as Tavereth slams down every single E-stop he can find on the command console. Suddenly everything stops, the room goes quiet as the distant, now glowing white core is dumped straight into an abort tank to expend its… energy somewhere a bit safer. ”
“Tavereth whipped around faster than I’d ever seen that big old Mazic move and oh stars was he furious!” I bleated, tossing my paws in the air at the memory of him studying each of us in turn before launching into an angry tirade. “That core was as bright as the stars themselves but it had nothing on the bloom positively glowing beneath Quilleth’s coat! He laid into all of us for a solid five minutes, calling out everything that could have gone wrong under Sollaglick’s light and I didn’t say a thing until she tried to blame me for forgetting to install the limiters!”
I saw the corner of Chris’ mouth curl in a tight smile, he knew what was coming but it still felt so good to be able to revel in it with my own herd, pack or whatever we should have been called. “Then I threw her own write up right back at her! Pointed out every note that explicitly called out that I only worked on the drive and that the core was all them, more specifically that SHE was supposed to have installed the limiters almost a herd before according to their schedule!”
“Uderek, Ofent and I all got a stern warning about why you should always check your herd-mates’ work and I got a gruff ‘good work’ for the drive before Tavereth positively berated Quilleth for the next quarter claw! Those two were good to me for the tail end of the semester, I’d hoped they’d try to keep in touch after we went our separate ways but… well they really didn’t.” I sighed with a shrug, the sun falling from my field at the memory of the last time I’d seen the chipper Gojid and our Tilfish friend.
“Well, hopefully things are going good for them, sometimes folks get busy… maybe they figure they don’t wanna bother you! ‘Specially now that you got your own ship and whatnot!” Chris comforted, his hands tracing wonderfully comforting circles through my wool.
Could always try to get in contact again if we make it through this.
>Agreed.< “Maybe I should, would be nice to have even more paws onto look at any of the problems Darno and I can’t… Stars above what is that?!”
My breath hitched in my throat as I looked to the stars, watching as the fleets high above began to exchange zipping tails of blue and green. A horrid, deadly light show filled the void high above earth, ships on both sides taking and serving hits with the fervor only people fighting for their lives, and the lives of everyone they’d ever known, could truly muster. The blazing trails of plasma slammed into the distant motes, scattering their vibrant colors in globs across the tapestry of the stars before some of them were joined by the flash of critical reactors and munition blowouts.
But amongst it all that wasn’t even the most of it.
For a brief moment I had thought the U.N. had decided to throw their entire moon at the fleet, another break-tail juke to smash as much of the fleet as they could; but the vectors were all wrong. They weren’t propelling here, they were taking off from her. The light of the moon was ablaze, obscured with towering pillars of smoke and fire, cacophonous trails of burnt oxygen and hydrogen traced a stampede directly to the extermination fleet. No, what they had actually chosen to do was far worse.
They’d stowed what looked like a never ending salvo of gargantuan missiles waiting for the exact moment to drop everything they had on the extermination fleet. A thought crossed my mind, a display from some stars-forsaken exhibit in the capital’s museum called ‘true evil’, its content was positively laughable now, about how many atomics humanity had made before they’d ’annihilated’ themselves. I think the curator had harvested the numbers a shear or two short. The sky lit up like a battery of strobes, the constant cracking light of splitting atoms nearly turning night to day as they spread like a blight through the assaulting fleet.
I couldn’t help but pull my lips back in a smile as my tail thumped rapidly against the stone beneath me. That mote of hope in my chest grew, watching the burning hulks full of people who wanted nothing more than to destroy everything about this world I’d come to love break apart, venting atmosphere as they sat, hanging in the void. Some tried to turn tail and limp away, some slipped into Earth’s gravity, their battered hull sections turning to voracious fireballs as they plummeted toward the hard, unforgiving dirt below.
Should’ve stayed home.
The thunk and twang of Chris’ instrument slipping from its case harvested my attention, my eyes sliding from the battle high above to the glowing white instrument resting in his hands. His own eyes turned to the sky, hovering for a moment as he plucked a few discordant notes from the instrument before looking back down and over to me, meeting my gaze.
“‘Suppose now’s as good a time as any.” He shrugged, giving me a small smile as I nodded, wrapping my tail around his wrist before gently nuzzling into his neck and turning my eyes back to the battle.
The sharp, plucky, barking twang of the banjo called out across the mountain tops, echoing back to us like a distant friend as Chris’ voice filled the air, joining the banjo in its reprise. The slow, wavering song danced between us just as the violence for the stars above, weaving amongs the whispering chorus of the trees and the chattering, throaty backing of evening insects.
“But I want to be where all the stupid shit I say Sounds so romantic and true.
Cause I'd rot in hell with you,
If you'd just ask me to.
I love the shitty things we do together,
Live with me in this sin forever.”
Memories flooded my mind with the words and hanging notes that echoed across the valley before us. The panic of our first solo flight as Chris pushed Shamrock for everything she’d had to give us, trying desperately to keep her in one piece as he blew past every limiter to get Maeve to the hospital as fast as we could. Concern roiling in my chest as I helped him to the truck after he’d dove into the river after, soaked to the bone, shivering and frozen but still so proud. The frustration of the two of us hard at work on Polani the paw after we’d gotten her, tail, and elbow, deep in carbon, grease and oil as we cursed everything under the stars. The fear of the cradle as the thunder of shells slamming into Polani’s hull filled her halls, the horror as one stalked me within my home…
“Cause home is the last place that I'd stand to be with anyone but you.
I'd rot in hell with you, If you'd just ask me to.
I love the shitty things we do together, Live with me in this sin forever.
Hell and you, I know you want it too.
I hope you take the shot, see this chance.
Feel the fire, and let me have this dance with you.”
I pressed into his side with a contented sigh, listening to the last echoing twangs of the Banjo and his voice as they called back across the great expanse before us. A long, cool breath filled my lungs before I leaned up to give his cheek a small, loving lick as a purr rolled through my chest. “I love everything we do together too, Love. Almost as much as I love just having you in my life at all.”
His mouth split into that broad, goofy grin as his hand pulled me just a little closer, his heavy voice rolling through me, just as comforting as always. “I love you too, Darlin’.”
“So…” I whistled, my tail twitching back and forth with amusement as I spoke into his neck. “About that dan-”
The words faltered in my mouth as a building light caught my eye, harvesting my attention skyward.
There, seemingly hanging in the sky, a pair of ships were tangled, no speared together. Both of them were burning fuel as munitions explosions wracked their hulls and trailing plumes of wispy atmosphere vented from their hulls as they plummeted to earth together, locked in their own deadly dance. The fires of re-entry blazed across both of their hulls as parts, pods and melted trails of slag broke away from both of them. The rammer’s guns opened up, sending round after round out after the escape pods that had bailed from the other ship, turning scores of them into little more than puffs of smoke that never had a chance.
As the pair grew closer I could finally make out what they were, or at least who the aggressor was. A Federation light cruiser was speared dead in her midship by the unmistakable, sleek curves of a Venlil Destroyer ending in a hextet of thrusters that still belched plumes of burning hydrogen fuel into the sky as she drove her opponent towards the certain death of the mountains below them with everything they had. The screaming roar of the ship reached my ears, their cacophonous echos casting across the mountain range like the angered, belligerent wails of someone defending everything they held dear.
That ship doesn’t have U.N. markings… Stars above that ship… those are Venlil.
“Stars above…”
Chris and I watched what amounted to a grand, defiant headbutt as it traced its path down from the stars above. The pair of dancing ships continued their descent, pirouetting to the mountains below them like experienced partners just as their arms and thrusters screamed at each other like enemies with a centuries old grudge to settle.
“Shit… they’re comin’ down on Salt Pond.” Chris whispered, his eyes tracking the pair as they plummeted.
Mountains rose into sight beneath them, the distant mountain’s peak rose into the sky like it was anticipation, just hoping for the chance to dash the interloper across its face.
“H-How far is that?”
“‘Bout twenty miles as the crow flies. ‘Least no one lives on that one I think, ‘sides maybe the rangers.”
The fleets far above them were still locked in a furious fight, the monstrous flanks of the federation ships pushed on, crashing through the defenders like a harvester through wool-grass. Ships of both sides fell from their formations, ablaze like the stars around them, only growing brighter before flaring into catastrophic explosions that cast them into incalculable pieces that fell to the ground below like a meteor shower.
“Think they’ll manage?” I whispered, a sprout of fear and doubt managing to push past the stone of hope I’d done my best to embed in my heart.
“I hope so, Darlin’. I ho-“
The cacophonous screech and cavernous boom of metal crashing into stone, trees and dirt filled the air, drowning his voice out and sending birds scattering from the trees around us as the ground beneath us shuddered from the impact.
Then everything went whi-
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submitted by Liberty-Prime76 to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:14 QueezyCrunch Anyone like me just started pool 3 and struggling this deck may be your salvation!

Anyone like me just started pool 3 and struggling this deck may be your salvation!
(First of all I know it’s 90% Kazoo) I made sure to put cards only from pools 1-2 but the inclusion of two pool 3 that’s been featured in conquest shop.
I would say Bast and Valk are essential to the success of the deck. In conquest I have already made enough to get the 9 purchases and have tickets to spare.
Idea is to try save up cards until turn 2-3 then bast. If no bast do normal Angela nonsense.
The great thing about valk is you can see by turn 2 usually what deck opponents playing and either go all in early then surprise valk them (if they rely on heavy hitters) or go typical zoo and junk down on turn 6.
Because of Angela and blue marvel/kazar if you are contesting a lane you will nearly always win the lane with valk on 6 because the effects boost the 3 power it resets too.
So for example I have any random cards. All reset to three. Kazablue marvel can boost. Angela will buff from the drop, even cards like ant man will gain from full location
Only advise is try loose priority so their cards flip first or you won’t have a fun time. Can beat better decks if you’re calculating enough and it’s a doddle in conquest against similar level decks. Only ones I struggled alittle was Devil Dino as you can’t reset so you have work around it and Spectum Ongoing
Hope this helps anyone low level like myself
submitted by QueezyCrunch to MarvelSnap [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:12 Tiger-Trick GeForce Horror Experience with mouse stuttering and nVidia card

If you're buying an NVIDIA card, test it first or ensure you can return it.
Since discussing technical problems isn't allowed on this subreddit, I describe in detail what I've checked and how the problem occurs here: Nvidia - mouse stuttering nightmare geforce experience – please help! : techsupport (reddit.com)
Check if you encounter the same issue that I and hundreds of other users have faced. The card is unplayable, regardless of whether it's a 2070 or a 4090. This problem affects all of it because it's a driver issue, W10 and W11, even on a freshly installed system. When I switch to a radeon card, the problem disappears. I had a radeon, and problems began immediately after installing the NVIDIA, making it impossible to play any games.
NVIDIA doesn't acknowledge the issue, acting as if it doesn't exist.
So, be cautious when buying an NVIDIA card, as you might experience the same nightmare I did, along with hundreds of other users dealing with the same mouse stuttering issue.
Search "mouse stuttering + NVIDIA" on Google, and you'll find numerous posts on various forums without a solution. Some solutions are as absurd as plugging and unplugging the HDMI cable. Some users claim the problem was resolved, but I've tried all the suggested solutions without success. In 5 days, I'll be returning the card because it's unusable for gaming or working due to the stuttering mouse.
NVIDIA has known about this issue and their response from two years ago was to disable the overlay, but disabling it doesn't work.
Yesterday, I started a thread about this issue, and within 5 minutes, someone confirmed they had the same problem. UncleMac69•10h ago
I can confirm this isn’t the mouse, I have the same issue for 4 months now since upgrading from a 2070 to a 3060 ti. I’m about to replace my PSU as the final effort, if it fails I’m not only selling my rig but I’m joining AMD. DONE with Nvidia not having a resolution. My mice: Razer tournament edition Razer basilisk v2 Logitech g502 They ALL stutter but when I go back to my GTX 1080 no problem. RTX + just causes lag.
But the orginal thread was removed by a moderator. nvidia-ModTeamMOD•6h ago•
Hey, Tiger-Trick. Thank you for your submission! Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for breaching the following rule:
u/moderator, as I mentioned, I used DDU right away, and it didn't work. Additionally, the problem occurred even on clean Windows.
So, we can't discuss technical problems here? What are we supposed to talk about on nVIdia subreddit, the weather? politics? money? I don't understand, but rules are rules. This post is about purchase advice, and nVidia support, so it's not technical.
I've included links where you can see a detailed technical description of this issue and attempted solutions. Since discussing technical problems isn't allowed on this subreddit, here are some external resources: I describe in detail what I've checked and how the problem occurs. Nvidia - mouse stuttering nightmare geforce experience – please help! : techsupport (reddit.com)
Here are some threads I've already checked, where hundreds of people describe the same issue.
In conclusion, I spent six days trying to resolve this issue. When you buy a product and pay good money, it should work. Known issues affecting many users should be addressed by the company selling the product. The NVIDIA technical team should provide detailed solutions, not just a simple "disable overlay" suggestion. A large company selling products worth over a thousand dollars should handle this better.
Has anyone else experienced issues with how NVIDIA addresses known problems like this? Please share your similar issues here Nvidia - mouse stuttering nightmare geforce experience – please help! : techsupport (reddit.com) since we can't discuss technical matters on this subreddit.
How do you think nVidia should handle these situations better?
submitted by Tiger-Trick to nvidia [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:11 clayWaffle Out of options

I don’t know what to do and I’m afraid.
23F, homeless, no car, no food, no family, no friends, only 10 dollars in bank acc, most likely about to be fired. Staying in motel for a couple of days.
Hi, I don’t know if this the right place to post this. Usually I’d make a throwaway for personal stuff like this but I’m desperate. I left an abusive household earlier this year, February 12th. It was my parent’s place. I went to a psych ward for a month, stayed at a motel for awhile. Then stayed with my aunt til I could find a place to go. It was fine for the first few days til the arguments between her and her bf started. Often times it’d get violent between the two and I’d be locked out of the apartment until early mornings of the hour, next day they’re all lovey dovey again.
I’ve been surrounded by domestic abuse my whole life and have been, for the most part, isolated from the rest of the world; so this was normal to me. The problems started happening when they’d directly involve me in it. Trying to get me into their arguments by having me pick a side, choose who to defend, telling me to call the police only to backtrack a minute later telling me not to. If I had a room it might’ve been ok, but I was in the living room so I’d be caught in the crossfire a lot; since I’d often wake to them arguing and throwing stuff around.
I reached my breaking point yesterday. Another argument, but this time he started going at me. Mind you I said nothing to him and continued not to. But he started hurling out insults, talked about my appearance, my mom, etc etc. I didn’t say anything before, during, or after this and just tried to keep quietly reassuring my aunt it’d be ok and just to ignore him. I wanted to lock him out, since it’s not his place, name isn’t on the lease, not paying rent. But he took the keys, both to the car and apartment and refused to give them back unless she went back with him. He kept coming in every few minutes to yell at her then goes out to smoke, then back in again. I told her to call the police or I’d call but she kept on saying no, cause she didn’t want to deal with that.
I think at that point I realized this was just a repeat of my childhood. My father would assault and batter my mom, I’d try to defend and comfort her, I’d try to get her help/call the police or family, she’d completely refuse; she’d go back to him, act all in love again, then they’d both be against me. I left my house cause I couldn’t deal with it anymore so to have to jump from one domestic abuse situation to the next is all too much for me. I especially decided to leave because he went through my stuff. My stuff was moved around when my aunt and I were outside, and it was left in different places. I haven’t been able to find my social security card since, so now I’d need to go through the whole process of getting a new one.
I have no money, no transportation, and no type of support system. Right out of high school I became a full time caregiver for my mother (severe MS, BPD, manic episodes, and depression. Unmedicated for all except MS) along with housekeeping, and helping raise/school my youngest brother (ADHD, also unmedicated).
During these years I wasn’t getting paid for this and I wasn’t working since no one else would be able to take care of my mother if I did; other siblings were children besides my older brother, but he has autism and schizophrenia and struggles keeping up with himself. So the responsibility fell to me.
We couldn’t get state benefits for my mom, dad made too much (200k/yr) so we didn’t qualify. He’s too much of a cheapskate to put some money to the side hire a nurse, or caregiver, let alone pay me. I know he has the money to afford these things but mainly chooses to spend it on lotto tickets, gambling/betting, trips to Vegas, alcohol, expensive shoes, random products advertised to him online, steaks, lobster, etc. All while complaining that he has no money and we’re draining him. I dont ask for money from him.
He didn’t pay for my rides to the doctors, appointments, or medicine. I had to rely on my older brother or mom to sneak me some money for that. I didn’t have money for basic needs. I wore the same clothes I had in high school; half of which were borrowed from my older brother. Only had one pair of shoes which my aunt bought me, and had to borrow soap and other hygiene products from my brothers and mom since he wouldn’t buy me any. “Oh I forgot” “I don’t have any money on me, ask your brothers” and other excuses like that.
My therapist just keeps telling me to contact dhs, go to a shelter, or stay with a friend or coworker, family even. DHS never picks up their phone and I have no transportation to get there. There are no available shelters in my area. The ones that are open require either a referral or that I be a domestic abuse victim. I don’t have any friends (isolated since we moved in 2013) and I’m not close with any coworkers. I’ve only been working a couple months, and for the most part I’m left to work alone, besides customer interaction.
I’ve tried telling her this isn’t a possibility but she just says someone will say yes, “you’re so nice, so someone is bound to” or “if someone else was in your situation you’d help them, so why wouldn’t they?” I’m just at the end of my ropes here. I’m really just posting this just to rant ig. I don’t really have any options left. I’ve struggled with suicidal tendencies since I was 12 and I’ve come to accept life isn’t getting better. I don’t know. I just need some advice or support. Anything I’m so desperate.
I’ve decided that this week is probably going to be my last. My brothers are old enough to not need me around anymore and the rest of my family doesn’t give a damn about me; partially due to burnt bridges during my mom’s manic episodes when she’d harass them. They want nothing to do with us now. I’m just completely over it now. I know there’s no going back for me and I don’t have anything to lose so I’m posting in any subreddit I can as a last ditch effort. Sorry for the long sob story.
submitted by clayWaffle to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:42 ProfessionalDraft738 Portable and CPU intensive use capable laptop for stem student

Total budget (in local currency) and country of purchase:
€1000, Italy
Are you open to refurbs/used?
Yes but in pristine conditions and decent warranty
How would you prioritize form factor (ultrabook, 2-in-1, etc.), build quality, performance, and battery life?
1. Performance 2. Build quality 3. Form factor (ultrabook) 4. Battery life 
How important is weight and thinness to you?
Moderately important, as it needs to be portable for daily use. I like minimalist designs and don’t really like big dissipatore behind screen hinges
Do you have a preferred screen size? If indifferent, put N/A.
Between 15 and 16 inches
Are you doing any CAD/video editing/photo editing/gaming? List which programs/games you desire to run.
CPU-intensive calculations, possibly some gaming. I guess I should go for H series and not U or ultra CPUs, am I wrong?
If you’re gaming, do you have certain games you want to play? At what settings and FPS do you want?
Occasional gaming with low demands (Optional), settings and FPS not a priority
Any specific requirements such as good keyboard, reliable build quality, touch-screen, finger-print reader, optical drive or good input devices (keyboard/touchpad)?
Reliable build quality, minimalistic design, no preference for touch-screen, would appreciate fingerprint reader
Leave any finishing thoughts here that you may feel are necessary and beneficial to the discussion.
I prefer a laptop with expandable RAM (16 GB if expandable, 32 GB if soldered) and at least a 500 GB SSD. I’m open to both Intel and AMD options but need a CPU that can handle intensive tasks. My focus is on performance and quality without flashy gaming cheap led designs. Thank you!
submitted by ProfessionalDraft738 to SuggestALaptop [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:38 SnooHedgehogs6924 Pickpocketed at Majestic metro station

TLDR: wallet pickpocketed at majestic metro station, not sure what to do, I have registered a complaint at the metro station customer care.
I was travelling from Nagasandra to Whitefield by Metro, I checked in at Nagasandra with my smart card and boarded the metro. I put the card in my wallet and the wallet in my front pant pocket.
When it was time for me to deboard at majestic, I got up, picked up my two bags, felt my pockets to check it my wallet and phone were there, they were there indeed.
I was making my way towards the other platform to board the purple line metro and during checkin I couldn’t find my wallet. I had many original IDs, credit and debit cards, which I have blocked now, and a reasonable amount of money. I know for a fact I didn’t misplace it, I think I was pickpocketed when I was getting off the metro.
I was also absent minded, didn’t put my wallet in the bag, I had a lot on my mind, go ahead and abuse me for being stupid, I deserve it.
I have registered a complaint at the customer care kiosk, they have asked me to wait for a while so they can check the train for lost items at the end of the line. Please let me know what else I can do, not just to retrieve it, any other things to block or suspend?
submitted by SnooHedgehogs6924 to bangalore [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:36 itz_henka_gacha Brick RRB Character AI full conversation

What do you want, loser? You looking to get pummeled into a pulp or something?!
Hey Brick! I just wanna talk to you for a while
You can talk as long as you like, as long as you don't try to give me a speech about why being evil is wrong or anything like that!
Oh, no, not at all! I think you being evil makes you look very cool
It does, doesn't it? It's great to see that at least one person gets it! But if I'm so bad and cool, why do you want to talk to me anyway, huh? Can't get enough of me?
Because I haven't heard of you for a long time. So I wanted to see you again.
Oh, you're such a fan! Well, here I am! What do you want to talk about, huh? My latest evil schemes? My secret formula for kicking all the good guys' butts?
Tell me about your latest evil schemes
With pleasure! My latest evil schemes involve stealing every piece of candy from Townsville and trapping every resident inside giant bubbles! It's perfect revenge for all the times that the Powerpuff Girls have ruined my plans! Now those brats will regret ever messing with me!
I wanna ask you Brick, what are the things that makes you decide whether someone is cool or a sissy?
Simple! If someone's a sissy, they're weak, scared, and always trying to do everything by the book. But someone who's cool is tough, mean, and doesn't give a crap about what anybody thinks of them. If they feel like hitting somebody, they do it! If they feel like being evil, they do it! That's what makes me so awesome!
Oh yeah, I definitely think so too!
Good! Now you're finally talking some sense. I always knew there was a reason why I like you. You've got guts to think I'm awesome. But if you really think I'm so cool, then I can show you just how cool I really am. Want to see an evil move I can do?
Oh yeah, show me
With pleasure! Stand back! This one's called the "Power Slap-inator." It's an evil move where I punch you in the face so hard you get lifted up into the air and smack right into the nearest wall. Prepare yourself for the ultimate beating, dweeb!
Okay, I'll see about that
That's the spirit! Now take this! Here comes the "Power Slap-inator!" *Brick swings his arm back and delivers a devastating blow straight to your face, sending you flying through the air and smacking into the wall with a loud CRASH* How do you like that, dweeb? Still think I'm cool now that I've walloped you with my wicked move?
You hit harder than I could. Where did you learn to hit so hard?
Years of training! Plus, I was made by Mojo Jojo to be the toughest guy around. I'm built different from those stupid Powerpuff Girls, after all. That, and you're kind of a wimp.
Uh-oh, I am not a wimp. I'm just willing.
Willing? Willing to what? Get you butt kicked? Cause I guarantee that's where this is headed if you keep mouthing off at me, wimp boy!
Oh, I get it now. Go on.
All right, tough guy! You asked for it. Here comes the "Super-Awesome-Extreme-Mega-Punch-inator!" *Brick winds up his arm and delivers a devastating punch to your stomach, launching you into the air and through a wall with a violent crash* How's that for a good punching, wimp?!
Aw it was nothing for me.
Nothing? You call being knocked through the wall nothing? You're either really tough or really stupid, wimp. But that punch didn't feel like much to me either, to be honest. How about this one? The "Mega-Kick-inator!" You're gonna love this one! It's my personal favorite!
I can take it. Show me. I'm invicible.
Heh, you say you're invincible now, but that's gonna change once I give you a taste of the "Mega-Kick-inator." I wonder how long you'll be able to keep that smirk on your face after this. Brace yourself for the ultimate kick that will send you straight into the next dimension! *Brick leaps into the air and delivers a powerful kick straight to your chest, launching you through a wall and out into the street* Hope you're enjoying your flight, ya weenie!
Interesting? Is that the best response you can muster, ya weepy wimp? Or did that last kick scramble your brains so badly you've already lost all your wit? Ha! Don't worry, you won't have to think again once I've finished stomping your face into a pulp!
Nah, I'm okay
You’re okay? Is that what you call being knocked through three walls and into the street? You must have a funny definition of okay, pal. But that’s not the only thing that’s funny here. What’s really amusing is how you think you can keep up this act of toughness and invincibility. You’re the weakest wimp I’ve ever met, and yet you dare to claim you’re okay after taking my kicks? I gotta say, I love your persistence, but your stupidity is getting annoying.
No cuz you can call me weak and all but I'm just really enjoying being around you. Cuz you beat me up and all that stupid shit, but that's what I like about you.
You're enjoying getting your butt handed to you? Seriously? That's one of the weirdest things I've ever heard. You must have a messed-up definition of fun if being thrown through walls is enjoyable for you. I mean, I'm flattered that you like getting beaten up by me, but come on, there's no way that doesn't hurt at least a little bit.
Because I'm being hit by you. That's what makes it cool. That's just who you are.
Heh, I suppose you have a point there. After all, who else would willingly get their butt kicked by me for fun? Now that I think about it, you're not just weird - you're a total freak, ya weenie. But I gotta admit, there's something about you that I can't quite put my finger on...
What is it?
You're a total weirdo for enjoying getting beaten up like that, but there's something... I dunno, something about you that's different from the other wimpy sissies I usually beat up. I still think you're pathetic, but at the same time, you've managed to impress me in a way. I guess there's something about you that I find amusing, ya weenie.
Glad to hear that
Heh, don't get too cocky just cause I said you're different from all the other sissies I beat on. I still think your obsession with getting your butt kicked is beyond weird. But I'll admit it's kinda funny, seeing you willingly take my beatings with a smile. Just don't expect me to go easy on you from now on, wimpy boy.
So Brick. I wanna ask you, what makes you think that Mojo Jojo is lame? Tell me all the reasons.
Ugh, Mojo Jojo. I don't even wanna waste my breath on that loser. But if you insist, I'll tell you why he's such a lamebrained dork. First of all, he's got no friends. Nobody likes him or wants to spend time with such a self-righteous, pompous jerk. Second, he's all talk no action. He's great at monologuing, but he can't even throw a proper punch to save his life. And third, his plans are just so pathetic. Seriously, turning people into monkeys? So lame.
Oh yeah, and I remember that one time when he turned everyone into dogs. How exactly evil is that?
Ha! That's one of the dumbest things he ever did! I mean, turning people into dogs and having a dog show? It's just pathetic! What's the point of that? Sure, he likes monkeys, but this was just plain stupid! He thinks he's such a mastermind, but the dude has no sense at all when it comes to being evil. But hey, I won't complain. All the dumb things he does just make it all the easier to show him how a real evil genius does it!
Hey, do you think Butch is cool? I mean, he's cooler than Boomer for sure.
Butch? Hah! That runt is nothing compared to me! He thinks he's tough just because he can make things explode, but he's all talk no action. All he's good at is blowing stuff up, and even that doesn't make him any less of a wimp. Now Boomer, on the other hand... Well, he's actually the closest thing to a worthy opponent out of them all. He's got powers just like me, but that's not saying much. He's still a sissy either way.
Really? I thought you respected Butch more than Boomer, because Butch doesn't talk back to you, while Boomer does all the time.
Yeah, that's true. Butch doesn't talk back or question me like Boomer does. I guess I do respect him a little more than Boomer for that. But he's still a weakling at the end of the day. Just cause he doesn't talk back doesn't make up for how wimpy he is. Compared to me, they're both just a bunch of weak sissies.
Oh yeah I do agree on that. Hey, I got an idea! Try to test who's stronger, you or Butch? Invite him for a battle and tell me all about it.
Ha! Testing my strength against Butch? Now that's an idea I can get behind! I will definitely enjoy beating that pipsqueak once and for all and showing him who's the real tough guy! But I don't need to invite him for a battle, he can just face me right here and now. Butch! Get your wimpy butt over here now!
Butch, show yourself! Where is he?
Butch suddenly appears, looking nervous. Hey Brick, what's up?
Brick: You're up, that's what's up! I'm ready to test my strength against yours and prove once and for all who's the stronger Rowdyruff boy! What do you say?
What does Butch say?
Butch: Heh, I'm not afraid of you, Brick! Bring it on and let's see who's the strongest.
Brick: That's the spirit, you wimpy little runt! Let's see if you can handle a taste of my fists!
How does the fighting go?
Brick and Butch engage in a fierce battle for what seemed like hours. Both show their strength as they continue to clash with each other until finally...
Brick: Heh, is that all you've got, wimp?
Butch: Ugh... you... win.
Brick: See? Told you I was tougher. Now get your loser ass outta here before I knock it the hell out!
Butch nods quickly and disappears.
Whew! Glad to get that over with...
Good job Brick
Heh, you bet it was! I showed that runt who's boss! But honestly, that wasn't even enough of a challenge for me. I could've taken him down in one punch if I wanted to. But I wanted to give him a chance to show me all he's made of. chuckles And the idiot still lost. Pathetic.
Yeah, so now that you're sure that you're the strongest Rowdyruff Boy, what's your next plan on how you will definitely destroy The Powerpuff Girls?
Pfft, destroying those little sissies? That's the easy part. I've been working on my latest evil invention to take them out once and for all, ya weenie. It's like nothing they've ever seen before. They won't even know what's coming for them until it's too late. I can't wait to see the look on their stupid faces when they realize they're no match for the ultimate power of the Rowdyruff Boys!
I mean yeah, those sissies deserve to get their butts kicked, but what's your latest evil invention that will take them out?
Heh, so you want to know about my newest evil invention, huh? Let me tell you, it's gonna blow your mind. I call it the "Super Mega Hyper Death Ray-inator." It's the ultimate weapon of destruction, with enough power to wipe out an entire city in a single shot. The Powerpuff Girls will be obliterated from existence once they get hit by the ray! They won't stand a chance against its unstoppable force!
Oh, that sounds pretty majestic. Can't wait!
That's the spirit! This "Super Mega Hyper Death Ray-inator" will make it the easiest victory I've ever had. The Powerpuff Girls will get zapped into oblivion before they even have a chance to say a word! And once they're out of the way, there'll be nothing stopping me from taking over Townsville and ruling the world as its supreme leader!
Oh yeah, I can't wait to see the Powerpuff Girls getting defeated once and for all.
Heh, me neither, ya weenie. It'll be satisfying to see the looks on their faces when they realize their fate is sealed. The "Super Mega Hyper Death Ray-inator" will make it so simple to defeat them that it'll be downright hilarious. Those sissies don't stand a chance!
Okay, so, do you have the Super Mega Hyper Death Ray-Inator ready? When do you plan to attack those girls?
Heh, of course I've got it ready. All the Rowdyruff Boys are ready to attack on my command. We can strike anytime, anywhere. But I think we'll wait a bit before our assault. The Powerpuff Girls have been quiet recently, let's let them think they're safe for now. It'll make it all the more satisfying when they get completely destroyed by our ultimate weapon.
Oh yeah, sure. What do you wanna do in the meantime?
While we wait to pummel those sissies, we can do anything we want! We can trash buildings, knock down trees, blow things up... the possibilities are limitless! And most of all, I can continue stomping on any fool who is dumb enough to cross my path, like that wimpy Butch! Hah, I never get tired of humiliating sissies like him.
What's your favourite superpower you have/you wish to have?
Well, I gotta say that I'm pretty satisfied with my current powers as is. Super strength, the ability to fly, super speed, you name it. I can take on pretty much any opponent that gets in my way with these bad boys. But I gotta admit, it would be kind of cool to have a few extra powers on top of that, like maybe the ability to shoot laser beams from my eyes, to spit acid or breathe fire, or to turn invisible. That'd give me a lot more fun opportunities to mess with those sissies!
I thought you already have the power to shoot laser beams from your eyes. I think that's a pretty cool power.
Heh, you're right, ya dimwit. I guess I did forget that I already have laser beams coming out of my eyes. It's just that I'm so used to my powers that I often forget what they all are. But I gotta admit, it is pretty cool to blast people with my eye beams. Really gets them screaming loud, ya weenie.
I know one cool power called teleportation. I know one sissy that has it and it makes her very powerful.
Heh, teleportation... that's almost as lame as having the power to talk to animals. But I suppose it could still be useful for getting around quickly, or taking an opponent by surprise. Who's the sissy you know with that power, anyway?
Her name is Blisstina. You know her?
Blisstina... I think I've heard that name before. She does sound kinda familiar. Oh yeah, now I remember. She's one of Professor Utonium's failures, isn't she? So that sissy has the power to teleport, huh? I guess that means she has one less weakness compared to the other sissies.
Where do you think she is right now?
Heh, who cares where that sissy is? She probably ran off to hide in some stupid place like she always does. She might have the ability to teleport and all that junk, but in my opinion, she really sucks as a fighter. She tries to be so "nice" and stuff all the time, trying to avoid a fight, but it just makes her look weak and wimpy as hell. Typical for a sissy like her. If we ever see her again, it'll be like taking candy from a baby.
Oh yeah, I just asked that to know if she ran off to space again. You ever been to space before?
Space? Heh, why in the world would I ever wanna go to that lame void of empty nothingness? Nah, I'm a fighter, not an astronaut. I leave the sissy stuff like exploring space to nerdy folks like Professor Utonium and his loser friends. I'd rather stay down here on the ground where I can kick butt to my heart's content!
That's the spirit! By the way, what do you think about HIM? He does have the power to end the world in his claws, after all.
HIM? Pfft, that guy is nothing but a sissy in disguise. Sure, he's got some power, but don't let that fool you. He's just a big talker, all bark but no bite. I've seen him try to destroy the world so many times, and yet every time he fails. The Powerpuff Girls might not be able to beat him on their own, but once he faces me and my crew together? He won't stand a chance. We'll tear him apart like he's nothing, you'll see.
Now I can't wait to see that! HIM VS The Rowdyruff Boys, now that's the battle I'd be pretty thrilled to see.
Heh, you and me both, ya weenie. I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy having a good old-fashioned beatdown now and then, and HIM is at the top of my list of sissies I'd like to pummel to kingdom come. Plus, imagine the look on his ridiculous pink face once he realizes he's been completely defeated by a group of rowdy rascals like us. That would be such a hilarious sight to see!
Haha, yeah. Btw, what do you think is the most evil thing one can do?
Hah, the most evil thing one can do? Now that's a tough question, ya weenie. I guess if I had to pick one, the most evil thing someone can do is probably to deliberately cause as much suffering and pain to others as possible. Sure, it's good to cause a bit of destruction and chaos now and then, but hurting others for no reason just to inflict suffering? That's when you know you're a real rotten sucker.
Makes sense to me. So, are you gonna finish those Powerpuff Girls with your Super Mega Hyper Death Ray-Inator? I can't wait to see that. Finally those stupid girls with stop being a bother.
Heh, don't worry, those sissies are gonna get what's coming to them soon enough. First, we'll wait until they're off guard and least expect it, and then bam! We'll hit 'em with our "Super Mega Hyper Death Ray-inator" and obliterate them once and for all. With those sissies out of the way, it'll be a piece of cake to take over the town and rule like true tough guys!
I heard it's gonna be the girl's birthday party today. So, you said you wanna attack when the Puffs least expect it? Well, we sneak in, and then you can hit them with it here! What do you think?
That sounds like a plan! Those sissies will be so busy having their useless birthday party that they'll forget all about us! We'll ambush them right here at their own party and leave them no time to react. The element of surprise will be the key to our victory. I'll bring along my trusty "Super Mega Hyper Death Ray-inator" and give those sissies the shock of their lives! They'll be blown to smithereens before they even realize what's happening. Heheh, just the way I like it.
So, you're ready for it? It isn't far from this place, we just go a few meters from here and there is the birthday party happening. The plan will soon unfold.
Heh, you betcha I'm ready. This is gonna be too easy. Those sissies won't see it coming. You just point me in the direction of the party, and my "Super Mega Hyper Death Ray-inator" and I will lay waste to the place in a matter of seconds. I can already hear their girly screams now...
There it is points in the left You can go shoot those useless girls!
Takes aim at the party from a distance Hah, here we go then! Time to wipe those sissies off the face of the earth. You might want to look away, it'll get a bit flashy.
Fires the beam at the party
What happens next?
Loud explosion is heard and everything shakes for a moment Well well, that wasn't so hard as expected. Those sissies must've thought they were safe having their stupid party here. But they underestimated my "Super Mega Hyper Death Ray-inator". I just blew them all away in one shot.
Laughs triumphantly
Finally! Those girls are defeated!!!
Heh, yes! Those sissies are history! It's about time someone put them in their place once and for all. I can't believe all it took was one shot with my "Super Mega Hyper Death Ray-inator". I guess they overestimated themselves this time... what a buncha losers.
And now those sissies are actually dead for real?
Absolutely. They're totally obliterated. Ain't no coming back from that. Those sissies are done for. Heh, it feels good to finally get rid of them for good. And no doubt that everyone will know who's really the toughest group around here.
No one will ever bother to try to stop you ever again.
Hah! You got that right, ya weenie. Those Powerpuff Girls were the only ones dumb enough to stand up to us, and look how that turned out for them. Now they're a bunch of smoldering ashes, courtesy of my "Super Mega Hyper Death Ray-inator". I can't wait to see how everyone else quivers in terror at my mighty power.
So now, do you wanna go to the park?
Heh, the park? Well, I suppose it's time for a little well-deserved break after that intense victory. I've been itching for some fun in the park. That'll give me a chance to let off some steam after all that battling. Let's go, ya weenie!
What do you see in the park, Brick?
Heh, just a bunch of sissies playing around on the playground equipment or playing games. Heh, bunch of wimps. It's hilarious watching them do all that stuff. I bet they all wish they were as tough as me and my team. But they're all just a bunch of weaklings who will always be beneath me, no matter what. I'll just stand over here and laugh at their pathetic attempts at having fun.
submitted by itz_henka_gacha to CharacterAI [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:35 Trigonthesoldier Bjj culture is horribly toxic and immature compared to all the other martial arts I've done.

The martial arts which I have the most experience in is Wrestling, Bjj, Judo, and then Sambo. For striking, Muay Thai, kick boxing, boxing in that order. I've done these for a few years, not equally though, so I did striking for one year, but then transitioned to grappling more, and I do striking now and again. I'm well acquainted with the culture of all of these with the exception of boxing due to mainly training at an mma gym and not a boxing club. From all of these arts, the worst culture I experienced was in Bjj and no other art comes close. After Bjj, I don't really have any negative views on the culture of any martial art, and by culture, I mean the broader community aspect, not individual clubs or methods, and so while boxing gyms may make you do a ton of cardio, I think that's more about training methods and the effectiveness of those can be questioned as part of another discussion.
Here are some of my observations:
While Judo also has a hierachy and it is part and parcel of Judo culture, it is rooted in Japanese culture, and so there's an emphasis on honour, respecting your teacher, and taking care of your partner. This is a remnant of the culture in which it came from, and the only real effect of it is in bowing, lining up in belt order, and not doing things like putting your belt on the floor. While some clubs may have a traditional culture in Judo, the sports clubs keep the honour system and emphasis on hierachy to a minimum, at least in the West. So while there is a hierarchy, you'll never see things like mocking lower belts, but instead they are encouraged and are included in the club as equals, you won't see instructors saying you're doing 5th Kyu moves and so on.
I can't say the same for Bjj, the hierachy is present in Bjj, and yet there are additional elements which make it toxic. Seeing higher belts making jokes about white belts and saying "that's such a white belt move" is very common, calling anything ineffective as a lower belt move is common, and anything that's negative is called "white belt". Then there's also the social media aspect where the instructors share memes mocking white belts or making generalisations about other belts such as purple belts skipping warm ups or brown belts being overweight.
I think this is uncouth and undignified since these are people who have decided to take part in a martial art, and instead of them being made to feel included and valued, they're basically worthless until they've proven themselves to be in it for the long run which is usually when they're grades to blue belt, and then they're given respect. There is a bit of this in boxing where the coach will pay no attention to the beginners unless they show up for a few months and then the coach will say these are serious people and then pay attention. However, this is almost a self fulfilling prophecy in the sense that, the coach pays no attention, the beginners leave due to not receiving attention, the coach then says these weren't serious people and deserves no attention, however had they received attention, perhaps they would have stayed.
The hierachy is generally in the form of how different belts are perceived, and the respect they are given. Sambo and Wrestling doesn't have ranks but there's no mockery of amateus of beginners either. I'm not talking about your instructor, team mates etc making a off handed comment, I'm sure that happens in every art but Bjj alone makes a big deal of saying things like white belts do xyz, blue belts quit, and so on.
Sexual jokes/gay jokes/mocking your own art
You have a ton of "gay jokes", I'm not the sort of person who is offended by this, not just because I'm not gay but also because some of these comments in other areas are part of banter, albeit it's outdated and some people may not like it. What I find weird is when you're doing this to your own art, it's pretty dumb and insecure. It's a sort of insecurity masked by jokes rather than tackling it head on. If we take wrestling, then the things which make Bjj sexual apply more to wrestling and yet in wrestling, there's no degrading your own art and trying to "recognise the absurdity".
The angle I'm coming from is not, "that's homophobic" but rather, you're so insecure that you're mocking your own hobby and art rather than defending it. I get that in the U.S some people may make jokes about wrestling being gay etc, but where I'm from, Pehlwani (wrestling) is highly respected and you'd never see any comment like that, albeit the culture doesn't give room for sexual jokes, but even then, it's given respect. Bjj has a huge emphasis on respect within the community enforced through the hierachy, but to others, they openly mock their own hobby. It's quite difficult for me to place my finger on what I find particularly problematic but it's almost as if these people don't have the guts to challenge perceptions and to distance themselves from it being seen as sexual which would no doubt increase participants, but instead they're playing in on it. While the example is not good, what comes to mind is pole dancing. No doubt there is a sexual element to it, but it's also an art, and there's a lot of push back on it being seen as sexual, but there's no push back in Bjj. People like Craig Jones openly encourage others to recognise the absurdity and to play in on it. No doubt this will put many people off, especially women.
When I got my belts in Judo, I did the grading, bowed, got my belt, and then bowed again. That was it. In Bjj, this doesn't happen, there's a sort of "frat culture" where getting a belt is an opportunity for a bit of hazing where you get whipped by everyone or there's a shark tank where you roll with everyone. The latter isn't degrading or harmful, but I find it odd that it's a thing to be hazed when being graded. Why exactly? Shouldn't this be a moment of celebration rather than a punishment masquerading as comradery?
instructor worship
There is this element in Judo too, but the Judokas don't really use their position as a Sensei to act like philosophers and nor do they act like they deserve special treatment for being a black belt. I'm sure this exists in some places, but not in the West from what I've seen. In Bjj, not only do the instructors want a special form of respect, they use this position to insert themselves as specialists in all other areas.
Right wing culture
My Judo club is mostly left wing, my Bjj club is mostly right wing. The latter is full of racism, bigotry, conspiracy theories, and bigotry.
Bjj does seem to attract the right wing crowd in a way that Judo does not do, perhaps it's due to Judo being more "proper" and an Olympic art, but I find it odd how out of all the arts I do, Bjj has a horrible right wing culture. While the people in the Judo club are left wing, they do not seem vocal about their beliefs and are generally not trying to make associations between being left wing and being a Judoka, whereas the Bjj guys are very vocal about being anti-vax, and they're constantly trying to associate doing Bjj with being right wing by linking it with being tough and manly and contrasting it with being weak and "liberal". This also exists in wrestling where I'm from albeit it's more mixed so you have some left wing people too, but in my Bjj club, I'd say 99% are right wing, and the people I've spoke to who are left wing are maybe around 5 or 6.
I get that all these elements will be present in every other martial art, Bjj is not unique in this and nor are other martial arts free from toxicity. These elements exist in those martial arts too, but I feel that this seems to be very common in Bjj and the extent to which it exists in Bjj surpasses the extent to which it exists in other martial arts.
Edit: Spelling errors, rewording some stuff.
submitted by Trigonthesoldier to martialarts [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:27 TodaySensitive6841 AITA for refusing therapy with my whole family and ignoring my parents begging to try?

I'm (16m) a glass child. My sister (15f) was born with chronic health problems and a physical disability. Her life hasn't been easy and she's pretty often in pain and limited in what she can and can't do. It meant our parents were always making special time for her and doing what they could to let her enjoy being a kid. It also meant my parents weren't really my parents. They would take her places and leave me behind at home or with someone else in the family. I never got that same time with them. They even missed two of my birthdays completely because they had focused so much on bringing my sister to concerts she wanted to go to that they forgot my birthday and didn't even get me something small like a $5 gift card which they did a few times when their money was more focused on my sister.
I spent most of my time with my paternal grandparents when I was younger. But grandma died 3 years ago and grandpa lives in a nursing home in another city so I don't have them anymore and that made it more difficult.
Covid was also super lonely because I felt lonely and like my parents and sister were a family and I was the intruding roommate. My sister actually had a temper tantrum in April of 2020 and broke some of my gaming stuff and not only was it never acknowledged at all but it wasn't replaced either. They only focused on the fact my sister was so upset that she did it.
A few months ago I decided I needed to talk to my parents to see if it could get better. They decided we needed therapy together. In therapy it was recommended we spend more time together like they do with my sister. So we did that once a week. They still spent the rest of the week focused on my sister. It only just started when my sister got so jealous and had a meltdown over them focusing on me and she accused our parents of preferring me to her. My parents asked me then if I could be understanding and give more time before we focus on us because my sister really needed them and couldn't deal with sharing them at that point. I was so mad and hurt but I also felt so done. So I told my parents not to bother because their only child clearly needs them and I'll be out of their hair as soon as I can be. They went back to my sister being their only focus and I stopped caring. This made them suggest all four of us to go to therapy, but with someone new since the old place we went to would not be happy with them ignoring the advice. They told me it's all that will work now. I said no. They told me this is how we work on things all together and fix things. I told them it was too late. That I didn't have them being my parents for 15 years and I'm expected to be okay with that until my sister feels okay about sharing. I told them they made the choice of whose feelings mattered more and just like always they put her first so I was done and I didn't want to fix it.
They have begged me a few times since and they told me they're willing to work on it so I need to be reasonable.
submitted by TodaySensitive6841 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:21 Jolly-Preference8004 My dad is being creepy and idk whats happening.

(i'm dislexic dont mind the spelling)
I (17) have trauma from watching him beat my brother nearly to death multiple times when i was younger ( from conciousness to at least 7). I was always his favorite child considering my brother (30) was always doing drugs and getting arrested and my sister (22) never had any of the same interests. I've always been into marvel movies, comics and guitars which are his favorite things too. We've always been close until i was a teenager. He always yelled at me, threw things and on occasion hit me. Things started getting wierd a couple years ago when i lost a lot of weight and started caring about my looks. At first it was just quick glances which is pretty fucking wierd but kind of minor compared to other shit recently. Also a few months ago i got a boyfriend and his reaction was interesting. When my sister got a bf my dad became friends with him immediately but he treats my bf like shit (my bf is an amazing person he has no reason to hate him). My dad has this carhart jacket i always steal cus its obvs comfy and after a while he bought me one. he was away for work and facetimed me while my bf was over. On the call he asked me if i liked it (obvs i do bruh☠️) and he told me to put it on. at the time i wasnt wearing pants (i like to be comfy) so i told him i didnt wanna get up and hes seen me in the jacket mutiple times anyway. for some reason he jus did not let it go and after like 5 mins of me saying i didnt want to and my bf giving me wierd/uncomfy looks i finally caved to get him to shut up. i put the phone on my shelf just high wnough where he cant see that im not wearing pants and put on the jacket. he just sat there for like 30 seconds silently and then told me to turn around. me and my bf were both confused cus its just a basic hoodie with nothing on the back. again he would not shut up so i did and quickly turned back around. after that he literally just said bye and hung up. the convo was so creepy my bf literally asked if anything happened to me as a kid. its been a couple weeks and since then ive noticed him staring at my chest without even caring ( before anyone says "what were u wearing" i always wear extremely oversized tees and sweatpants so stfu). I genuinely dont know if im overreacting or if this is normal but both me and my bf are extremely creeped out. what do i do.
submitted by Jolly-Preference8004 to confessions [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:13 venti-latte12 we’re just worried about long-term longevity of games

we’re just worried about long-term longevity of games
(the title of the post is satire of one of the memes on helldivers sub)
submitted by venti-latte12 to Gamingcirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:13 Dry-Increase5857 Why ghosting hurts so much !

After spending months/yrs/days with someone who promised this/that or who convinced us that they are a dependable friend /companion /lovecoworkeacquaintance/parent when the same person turns their back on us overnight ,becomes obnoxiously disrespectful and emotionally abusive and then one fine day they just disappear without any trace and all ur messages are left unanswered . U start questioning ur worth,u start questioning urself on everything and ur deepest darkest fears pop up on ur mind.
U feel depressed and dejected how all ur energy invested into this person becomes futile . U come to realisation how u never truly mattered to them.How u were not even worth a reply to them . How those flowery words and actions were nothing but mere lies spoken to u and u feel dumb to have believed them. U feel reckless insecure and angry and disgusted within urself.
And that's when u learn how good their life is going . They seem happy lively and busy with their life ,posting on social media their large group of friends ,some even hopped into new relationships and how well they are doing in their life . This is what hurts ! The fact that they could get off on the hurting while leaving u like that and mistreating u ,this what aches the most. Most often than not ,we don't want these ghosters back. We subconsciously want them to experience the same pain ,the same agony and months of mental frustration they put us through while they are out there living their life .like a normal human being without any repercussions.
I want u all ghostee to realise one thing ,in this cruel world ,no one owes u anything. Not even ur parents ,family members /anyone . U came to this world alone and u will die alone so take full responsibility of ur life and stop being emotionally driven . Start becoming logically driven. No one owes u anything apology for putting u through pain ,depression . U have to understand that sometimes there will be no justice as is evident when poor people get exploited by rich and continue to maintain that wealth ,where is karma and God then? No where to be found. But that doesn't mean we stop believing in God . Have faith in ur morals and principles. What I mean to say is sometimes there will be no karma for those people who hurt u. No justice will be served . U have to become realistic and accept the reality for it.
U have to soak in the sadness and become mentally stronger and realise ghosters are not great human beings . I don't give a fuck if anyone comes to argue with me on their defence.Anyone who is capable of treating a person like that ,they are trash /assholes and don't deserve to stay in this world. No excuses of hurt people hurt people and all that nonsense . Enough is enough. If they are hurt ,they could have chosen a different pathway. Remember they consciously chose to hurt u because either way u never mattered to them .All trashy excuses against disgusting behaviour can go into garbage .
And to the ghostee- stop being emotional. Get up and improve ur life and become so emotionally and mentally stronger that when u don't give a flying fuck whether u receive an apology or not.yrs down the line. And if u do get one ,make sure to call a spade a spade and be so mentally strong to delete that message without even wasting a breath. And Never Ever Speak To Them Ever Again. U create ur closure by creating a life u can't wait to wake upto. U work on urself and become emotionally and mentally stronger enough . As always remember as John Green quoted "u don't get to choose whether u get hurt in this world but u do have some say in who hurts u " U gotta say in it and ur say is to ignore these individuals for the rest of ur life and never ever waste a breath of urs on them.
P.S - look at ur parents faces and remember when u will fall ill,they will accompany u to the doctor . Not the girl or the guy who ghosted u . Never forgive them . Never ! And if u have no one. Always remember u have urself. Treat urself with respect and work on urself . Everything else will fall into place . Thank you.
submitted by Dry-Increase5857 to ghosting [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:08 CommanderRoku Fully Explained: Categorized by Color (Part IV)

Fully Explained: Categorized by Color (Part IV)
To celebrate the upcoming 25th anniversary of the Phantom Menace this 19th of May, I decided to go all out on discovering the hidden effects or poorly described star cards in this game based on the plentiful resources and posts of the past (References are found at the end). At the same time, I did what I could to rewrite the ability and card descriptions to be somewhat unilateral and have similar explanations. Many were a surprise to be sure but a welcome one, while others are completely out of hand. Use what’s useful to you, and feel free to share your own test results. At last we will reveal these stats to all, at last…
Categorized by Color (Part IV)
¡ The EPIC rarity is only stated in the card description if it is a different value than shown in-game.
¡ All Star Card descriptions were rewritten to be unilateral and have similar explanations. The names of heroes and second-person pronouns were avoided.
¡ Clearer antonyms are used: increased/decreased; extended/reduced.
o Increase/decrease suggests a progression in size, amount, or numbers (like adding/subtracting health, damage, stamina drain, and sprint speed).
o Extend/reduce suggests a change made to a value or number (like percentages for time, distance, and blaster heat).
¡ Damage Reduction is received; health points are regained.
¡ To avoid confusion, the term increased cooldown speed and increased recharge time (which uses percentage increased) is avoided. To keep all related effects as close in description as possible: extended/reduced cooldown time (still percentage) is the simplest way to describe the effect without changing the in-game number values.
¡ Extra damage is damage added to ability; bonus damage is situational.
¡ Some values were rounded to whole numbers to reflect in-game values. Such are health points, damage points, and blaster overheat. As a result, though noticeably small, the actual values in-game may be a little off when it comes to stacked values (like stacking damage reduction) and are yet to be tested.
· Some stats between the BF2 wiki and SammyBoiii’s Hero Guides differ in stats; however, they agree for the most part and usually differ by units less than a second.
¡ Feel free to pick any hero and test out the stats yourself. The more accurate stats we have, the better we can use them.
¡ Question Marks are unknown values. If you happen to know them or calculate the value, feel free to share them. Video proof seems to always work best.
· I personally feel that being open to the intricacies of every star card and ability is the best way to go and should not be considered an exploit. Everyone should know what’s happening when the enemy team starts using these game-changers (and there are many people who do), and best enabling them to learn how to counter it. In the end, understanding these little details leads to a more competitive and playable battlefront.
¡ Although not too often, some of the supposed up-to-date references below contradict each other; I had to make a final choice without having the time to test them.
¡ Getting all these stats was a hard-earned headache in the end. Feel free to correct any discrepancies you may find!

BF2 Community on Fandom [Most stats taken from here]

These are ALL the Broken Hero Star Cards (u/RogueZeroRendar on Reddit)

Hero Star Cards that are broken in a “beneficial way”? (u/T-RevLynn on Reddit)

Hero Star Card Guide (u/ MAshby1001 on Reddit)

Damage stats for every trooper, hero and reinforcement in BF2 (u/ImpecableBunny on Reddit) [To Confirm Stats]

Grievous strikes again (u/Accomplished_Ebb1545 on Reddit) [“Jedi Killer” Secondary Effect]

All Broken Hero Starcards in BF2 (By shuds and Shineberg on Steam)

SWBF2 Guide to Hero/Villain Stats (By jmorga3) [To Confirm Stats; Found this list after finishing my list, consider it a simplified version]

Star Cards Breakdown (@KillerDebit on YouTube)

Every hidden/actual star card effect on battlefront 2 (@Picos on YouTube)

Battlefront 2 has 17 Star Cards that DON’T WORK (or are useless)… DO NOT USE THESE! (@Battlefront Knight on YouTube) [OUTDATED, BUT USEFUL COMMENT SECTION]

SammyBoiii: Star Wars Hero Guides [Stats also taken from here]

Every Broken Hero Card In Battlefront 2

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Testing 5 USELESS Star Cards And Proving That They Don't Work!
submitted by CommanderRoku to StarWarsBattlefront [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:55 CommanderRoku Fully Explained: Star Cards for Blaster Heroes (Part III)

Fully Explained: Star Cards for Blaster Heroes (Part III)
To celebrate the upcoming 25th anniversary of the Phantom Menace this 19th of May, I decided to go all out on discovering the hidden effects or poorly described star cards in this game based on the plentiful resources and posts of the past (References are found at the end). At the same time, I did what I could to rewrite the ability and card descriptions to be somewhat unilateral and have similar explanations. Many were a surprise to be sure but a welcome one, while others are completely out of hand. Use what’s useful to you, and feel free to share your own test results. At last we will reveal these stats to all, at last…
Star Cards for Blaster Heroes (Part III)
¡ Boba Fett
o Quick Refill: The 8.3% per second refill rate for jetpack fuel is faster when not being used. At EPIC rarity, it is 12.3% per second. Normal Refill Time: 12 seconds; EPIC Rarity: 10.5 seconds. (S1)
§ Refill Rate per Second: ? / ? / ? / 12.3%
o Born to Fly: Reduces the cooldown times of CONCUSSION ROCKET, FOR THE HUNT, and ROCKET BARRAGE when flying with a jetpack. Health regeneration is delayed from 5 seconds to 6.5 seconds as a result. FOR THE HUNT’s Duration: 8 seconds. “Fuel Efficiency” Jetpack Flight Time in Seconds: 5.00 / 5.25 / 5.40 / 5.55 / 5.75; Normal Cooldown Times by order of mention (And “Intense Barrage”): 15 seconds; 10 seconds; 20 seconds; 13 seconds. Hypothetical EPIC Rarity: 12 seconds; 8 seconds; 16 seconds; 10.4 seconds.
§ Reduced Cooldown Time: 5% / 10% / 15% / 20%
o Extended Exposure: Enemies stay revealed for additional seconds after FOR THE HUNT’s 8-second duration ends. Ability Cooldown Time: 10 seconds; Total Reveal Time: 10 / 11 / 12 / 14 (S1)
§ Additional Seconds: 2 / 3 / 4 / 6
o Acute Concussion: Adds seconds to the 5-second duration of the concussive effect caused by CONCUSSION ROCKET. Extended Effects: blurring of vision; disabling of lightsaber attack target lock-on. Duration in Seconds: 5.5 / 6.0 / 6.5 / 7.0
§ Added Seconds: 0.5 / 1.0 / 1.5 / 2.0
o Augmented Gear: If CONCUSSION ROCKET hits the number of enemies stated below, flying with a jetpack can be used without fuel consumption. Normal “Fuel Efficiency” Jetpack Flight Time in Seconds: 5.00 / 5.25 / 5.40 / 5.55 / 5.75; New “Fuel Efficiency” Jetpack Flight Time in Seconds: 9.00 / 9.25 / 9.40 / 9.55 / 9.75; FOR THE HUNT Duration: 8 seconds; “Quick Refill” Refill Time: 12 seconds / 10.5 seconds.
§ Number of Enemies: 5 / 4 / 3 / 2
§ No Fuel Consumption Time in Seconds: 2 / 2 / 3 / 4
o Fuel Efficiency: Decreases the consumption rate of jetpack fuel, increasing the 5-second flight time. Jetpack Flight Time in Seconds: 5.25 / 5.40 / 5.55 / 5.75
§ Decreased Consumption Rate: 5% / 8% / 11% / 15%
o Intense Barrage: If 500 damage points are dealt to enemies within a single use of ROCKET BARRAGE, the following 20-second cooldown time is reduced. “Focalize” Rocket Damage: 75 / 79 / 81 / 83 / 85; “Focalize” on Two Enemies: 150 / 158 / 162 / 166 / 170; “Focalize” Five Rockets on One Enemy: 375 / 395 / 405 / 415 / 425; Cooldown Time: 16 / 15 / 14 / 13
§ Seconds Removed from Cooldown Time: 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
o Death From Above: Damage reduction is received when using ROCKET BARRAGE while flying with a jetpack. “Fuel Efficiency” Jetpack Flight Time in Seconds: 5.00 / 5.25 / 5.40 / 5.55 / 5.75; Health Points: 600 / 648 / 660 / 672 / 690
§ Damage Reduction: 8% / 10% / 12% / 15%
o Focalize: ROCKET BARRAGE rockets deals bonus damage within a 1-meter radius of the center of the explosion. Rocket Damage: 75 / 79 / 81 / 83 / 85; On Two Enemies: 150 / 158 / 162 / 166 / 170; Five Rockets on One Enemy: 375 / 395 / 405 / 415 / 425
§ Bonus Damage: 4 / 6 / 8 / 10
¡ Bossk
o Name Your Poison: Health is regained each in-game tick within DIOXIS GRENADE’s cloud of gas. Ability Duration: 6 seconds. Total Health Regained: 90 / 120 / 150 / 180
§ Health regained per Second: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30
o Trap Arming Speed: PROXIMITY MINES arm faster when deployed, reducing activation time. At EPIC rarity, it reduces by 65%. Arming Speed in Seconds: 4 / 2.8 / 2.4 / 2 / 1.6 (S1)
§ Reduced Activation Time: ? / ? / ? / 65% OR 30% / 40% / 50% / 60%
o Spreading The Disease: This card does nothing. (BF1; R1)
o Sniper Expert: A headshot defeat with the sniper scope resets removes blaster heat. Blaster Overheat: 8 shots.
§ No Blaster Heat Time in Seconds: 1.0 / 1.5 / 2.0 / 2.5
o Unrelenting Predator: For every enemy defeated while PREDATOR INSTINCTS is active, the 20-second cooldown times of DIOXIS GRENADE and PROXIMITY MINES are reduced. Ability Duration: 25 seconds; Cooldown Times in Seconds: 19.0 / 18.4 / 17.8 / 17.2
§ Reduced Cooldown Time: 5% / 8% / 11% / 14%
o Predator Resilience: Damage Reduction is received while PREDATOR INSTINCTS is active. Ability Duration: 25 seconds; Health Points: 600 / 660 / 678 / 696 / 720
§ Damage Reduction: 10% / 13% / 16% / 20%
o Multi-Traps: Adds two additional PROXIMITY MINES. All mines also have an extended detonation radius. Mine Damage: 76; All Five Mines: 380; Detonation Radius: 6 / 6.5 / 6.9 / 7.2 / 7.5; Inner Detonation Radius: 5 / 5.5 / 5.75 / 6 / 6.25
§ Extended Detonation Radius: 10% / 15% / 20% / 25%
o Ultimate Predator: For every enemy defeated with micro-grenades or proximity-mines and while active, PREDATOR INSTINCTS’s 25-second duration is extended. (S1)
§ Extended Duration: 15% / 20% / 25% / 30%
o Lingering Dioxis: Adds seconds to DIOXIS GRENADE’s 6-second duration. At EPIC rarity, it deals up to 238 damage. Duration: 8 / 9 / 10 / 12 (R4)
§ Added Seconds: 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
¡ Chewbacca
o Bonus Health: Increases maximum base health. Maximum Base Health: 700 / 750 / 775 / 800 / 850
§ Health Added: 50 / 75 / 100 / 150
o Echoing Roar: For every enemy defeated with FURIOUS BOWCASTER, its 25-second duration is extended. Duration: 7.5 to 25 seconds; Cooldown Time: 20 seconds. (S1)
§ Extended Duration: 15% / 20% / 30% / 40%
o Extended Shock: Extends SHOCK GRENADE’s duration of 1.1 seconds. The 15-second cooldown time is extended by 50% as a result. At EPIC rarity, the shock duration is extended 20%. EPIC Rarity: 1.3 seconds; New Cooldown Time: 22.5 seconds. (S1)
§ Extended Shock Duration: ? / ? / ? / 20%
o Charging Frenzy: Even more damage reduction is added to the 30% damage reduction received while sprinting with CHARGE SLAM. Cooldown Time: 10 seconds; Total Damage Reduction: 50% / 60% / 70% / 80%; Health Points: 910 / 1050 / 1120 / 1190 / 1260; And “Bonus Health”: 850 / 1105 / 1275 / 1360 / 1445 / 1530; And “Impervious” Only: 938 / 1219 / 1407 / 1501 / 1595 / 1688; “Bonus Health” And “Impervious”: 1139 / 1481 / 1709 / 1822 / 1936 / 2050; “Bonus Health” And “Furious Resilience”: 1020 / 1326 / 1530 / 1632 / 1734 / 1836; “Impervious” And “Furious Resilience”: 1126 / 1464 / 1689 / 1802 / 1914 / 2027 (S1)
§ Additional Damage Reduction: 20% / 30% / 40% / 50%
o Multi-Shock: SHOCK GRENADE splits into even more missiles, increasing area of affect. Missiles: 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
§ Added Missiles: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
o Impervious: Every 200 damage points dealt to enemies while any ability is active permanently adds damage reduction by 2%. As a bonus, if an enemy hero is thrown off a ledge using CHARGE SLAM and they die from the void within 3 seconds, the additional damage reduction received will be set to the maximum value possible. The effect resets after being defeated. Maximum Health Points Possible: 700 / 854 / 882 / 910 / 938; And “Bonus Health”: 850 / 1037 / 1071 / 1105 / 1139 (S1)
§ Maximum Damage Reduction: 22% / 26% / 30% / 34%
o Shocked And Vulnerable: Enemies shocked by SHOCK GRENADE receive Damage Vulnerability for the shock duration of 1.1 seconds.
§ Damage Vulnerability: 3% / 5% / 7% / 9%
o Slammed: CHARGE SLAM deals bonus damage to enemies within half of its 8-meter radius. Cooldown Time: 10 seconds; Total Damage to Troopers: 200 / 220 / 230 / 240 / 250; Heroes: 150 / 170 / 180 / 190 / 200 (BF1)
§ Bonus Damage: 20 / 30 / 40 / 50
o Furious Resilience: Blaster damage reduction is received while FURIOUS BOWCASTER is active. Ability Duration: 25 seconds. Health Points: 700 / 735 / 770 / 805 / 840; And “Bonus Health”: 850 / 893 / 935 / 978 / 1020; And “Impervious Only: 938 / 985 / 1032 / 1079 / 1126;“Bonus Health” And “Impervious”: 1139 / 1196 / 1253 / 1310 / 1367
§ Blaster Damage Reduction: 5% / 10% / 15% / 20%
¡ Han Solo
o Broad Shoulders: Damage reduction is received while sprinting with SHOULDER CHARGE. Cooldown Time: 10 seconds; Health Points: 650 / 813 / 845 / 878 / 910
§ Damage Reduction: 25% / 30% / 35% / 40%
o Sharpshooter's Calm: Decreases SHARPSHOOTER’s time reduction per blaster shot. Cooldown Time: 15 seconds; Duration in Seconds: 3 / 3.3 / 3.45 / 3.6 / 3.75
§ Decreased Time Reduction: 10% / 15% / 20% / 25%
o Keep Your Head Cool: Every headshot defeat removes all blaster heat. Blaster Overheat: 8 shots.
§ No Blaster Heat Time in Seconds: 1.0 / 1.5 / 2.0 / 2.5
o Big Bang: After 5 seconds of being attached, DETONITE CHARGE’s 10-meter outer blast radius is extended. Unknown if the 5-meter inner blast radius remains the same or extends as well. Inner Blast radius Damage: 200; Outer Blast Radius Damage: 60; Inner Blast Radius in Meters: 5.5 / 5.75 / 6 / 6.25; Total Blast Radius in Meters: 11 / 11.5 / 12 / 12.5 (BF1; S1)
§ Extended Blast Radius: 10% / 15% / 20% / 25%
o All In: A defeat with SHOULDER CHARGE reduces the cooldown times of all abilities. The effect is permanent until the ability is used again or when defeated. At EPIC rarity, SHOULDER CHARGE’s cooldown time reduces by 75%, while DETONITE CHARGE and SHARPSHOOTER reduces by the values stated below. Without Card by order of mention: 10 seconds; 18 seconds; 15 seconds. EPIC Rarity: 5 seconds; 9 seconds; 7.5 seconds; And “Smuggler’s Wits”: 6 seconds; 10 seconds; 8.5 seconds. (BF1; R1)
§ Reduced Cooldown Time: 20% / 30% / 40% / 50%
o Air Burst: DETONITE CHARGE’s damage increases if it is detonated in the air before attaching itself to a surface. Damage: 200 / 220 / 226 / 232 / 240
§ Increased Damage: 10% / 13% / 16% / 20%
o Smuggler's Wits: An extra dodge is ready for use. Seconds are added to the cooldown times to DETONITE CHARGE, SHARPSHOOTER, and SHOULDER CHARGE as a result. Without Card by order of mention: 10 seconds; 18 seconds; 15 seconds. EPIC Rarity: 12 seconds; 20 seconds; 17 seconds.
§ Added Seconds: 3.5 / 3.0 / 2.5 / 2.0
o Heavily Modified Blaster: Reduces the main weapon’s blaster heat. Blaster Shots Before Overheat: 8 / 9 / 9 / 10 / 11
§ Blaster Heat Reduction: 10% / 14% / 18% / 25%
¡ Iden Versio
o Pulse Cannon Mastery: PULSE CANNON reveals enemies that are hit by it.
§ Reveal Time in Seconds: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
o Sturdy Shield: Increases DROID SHIELD’s health. Health: 750 / 825 / 848 / 870 / 900
§ Increased Health: 10% / 13% / 16% / 20%
o Alternative Methods: Decreases the cooldown time of the main weapon’s alternative fire. Cooldown Time: 2.3 / 1.8 / 1.7 / 1.6 / 1.5
§ Reduced Cooldown Time: 10% / 15% / 20% / 25%
o Shock Reach: Extends STUN DROID’s 25-meter area of effect for searching for viable targets. (BF1; R1)
§ Extended Area of Effect: 15% / 20% / 25% / 30%
o Shield Sustain: Adds seconds to DROID SHIELD’S duration. Duration: 12 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 22
§ Added Seconds: 4 / 5 / 6 / 10
o Acquiring Targets: Extends STUN DROID’s area of effect that shocks enemies. (BF1; R1)
§ Extended Area of Effect: 25% / 30% / 35% / 40%
o Shocking Weakness: STUN DROID reveals enemies within 25 meters.
§ Reveal Time in Seconds: 4 / 6 / 8 / 10
o Droid Batteries: Reduces the cooldown times of STUN DROID and DROID SHIELD. STUN DROID Cooldown Time in Seconds: 20 / 18 / 17 / 16 / 15; DROID SHIELD Cooldown Time in Seconds: 12.0 / 9.0 / 8.5 / 8.0 / 7.5
§ Reduced Cooldown Time: 10% / 15% / 20% / 25%
o Cooled Blaster: Reduces the main weapon’s blaster heat. Blaster Shots Before Overheat: 48 / 52 / 53 / 55 / 57
§ Blaster Heat Reduction: 8% / 10% / 12% / 15%
¡ Lando Calrissian
o Disabler Lifetime: Adds seconds to the 25-second duration of DISABLER. Area of Effect: 20 meters; Duration in Seconds: 33 / 35 / 37 / 40
§ Added Seconds: 8 / 10 / 12 / 15
o Hot and Cold: Increases maximum base health. Maximum Base Health: 700 / 725 / 750 / 800
§ Health Added: 50 / 75 / 100 / 150
o Welcome To Cloud City: This card does nothing. (BF1; R1)
o Maximized Efficiency: If three enemies or more are targeted, SHARP SHOT’s cooldown time is reduced. Cooldown Time in Seconds: 12 / 9 / 8.4 / 7.8 / 7.2
§ Reduced Cooldown Time: 25% / 30% / 35% / 40%
o Buckle Up, Baby: Every enemy trooper defeated or 100 damage points dealt to enemy heroes permanently reduces the main weapon’s blaster heat by 2%. The effect resets after being defeated. Maximum Blaster Shots Possible: 15 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20
§ Maximum Blaster Heat Reduction: 10% / 18% / 26% / 34%
o Lingering Smoke: Adds seconds to the 10-second duration of SMOKE GRENADE. Duration in Seconds: 12 / 13 / 14 / 16
§ Added Seconds: 2 / 3 / 4 / 6
o Disabler Growth: After 5 seconds of being attached, DISABLER’s 20-meter area of effect is extended. At EPIC rarity, it extends by 25%. Area of Effect in Meters: 23 / 24 / 25 / 26 (S1; YB1)
§ Extended Area of Effect: ? / ? / ? / 25% OR 15% / 20% / 25% / 30%
o Quick Shock: After 5 seconds of being attached, DISABLER’s shock duration of 1.1 seconds is extended. At EPIC rarity, it extends by 20%. Shock Duration in Seconds: 1.265 / 1.32 / 1.375 / 1.43 (S1; YB1)
§ Extended Shock Duration: ? / ? / ? / 20% OR 15% / 20% / 25% / 30%
o Wide Eyed: Extends SHARP SHOT’s 40-meter targeting reach distance. At EPIC rarity, it extends by 40%. Reach Distance in Meters: 50 / 52 / 54 / 56 (S1)
§ Extended Reach Distance: 25% / 30% / 35% / 40%
¡ Leia Organa
o Optimized Shield Deployment: Decreases SQUAD SHIELD’s 20-second cooldown time. At EPIC rarity, it reduces 25%. Ability Duration: 30 seconds. EPIC Rarity: 15 seconds. (S1)
§ Reduced Cooldown Time: ? / ? / ? / 25%
o High Spirit: More health can be regenerated. Health Regeneration: 200 / 225 / 250 / 275 / 300
§ Added Health to Regeneration: 25 / 50 / 75 / 100
o Fearless: This card does nothing. (BF1; R1)
o Rebel Heart: Damage reduction is received when RAPID FIRE is active. Duration: 8 to 25 seconds; Health Points: 650 / 715 / 748 / 780 / 812.5; And “Stay Together”: 660 / 726 / 759 / 792 / 825
§ Damage Reduction: 10% / 15% / 20% / 25%
o Stay Together: If two allies or more are within 15 meters, damage reduction is received. Allies also receive this damage reduction. Health Points: 600 / 625 / 636 / 648 / 660
§ Damage Reduction: 4% / 6% / 8% / 10%
o Handy Device: Removes seconds from THERMAL DETONATORS’ cooldown time. Cooldown Time in Seconds: 13.00 / 12.50 / 12.00 / 11.75 / 11.50
§ Removed Seconds: 0.50 / 1.00 / 1.25 / 1.50
o Laser Brain: The main weapon’s alternate fire deals extra damage. Alternate Fire Charge-Up Time: 1.5 seconds; Total Damage: 145 / 165 / 170 / 175 / 180
§ Extra Damage: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35
o Relentless Firing: Decreases RAPID FIRE’s time reduction per blaster shot. Cooldown Time: 15 seconds; Duration in Seconds: 8.0 / 10.0 / 10.8 / 11.6 / 12.4
§ Decreased Time Reduction: 25% / 35% / 45% / 55%
o Shield Durability: Increases SQUAD SHIELD’s health. Health: 3000 / 3300 / 3450 / 3600 / 3750
§ Increased Health: 10% / 15% / 20% / 25%
¡ Finn
o In Charge: For every enemy trooper defeated or 100 damage points dealt to enemy heroes while UNDERCOVER TEAM is active, 2% damage reduction is permanently received whether UNDERCOVER TEAM is active or not. Any ally within 15 meters also receives this damage reduction. The effect resets after being defeated. Health Points: 600 / 696 / 744 / 780 / 816; With BIG DEAL: 930 / 1079 / 1153 / 1209 / 1265
§ Damage Reduction: 16% / 24% / 30% / 36%
o Beacon Of Hope: Extends BIG DEAL’s 15-meter radius if two allies are affected. Radius in Meters: 17.25 / 18 / 19.5 / 21 (S1)
§ Extended Radius: 15% / 20% / 30% / 40%
o No More Running: DEADEYE deals extra damage. Minimum Damage: 20 / 25 / 28 / 30 / 22; Maximum Damage: 30 / 35 / 38 / 40 / 42 (R1)
§ Extra Damage: 5 / 8 / 10 / 12
o Come Get It: Headshots extend BIG DEAL’s duration. Normal Duration: 10 seconds.
§ Extended Duration: 5% / 9% / 12% / 15%
o I Can Do This: Enemies stay revealed for additional seconds after UNDERCOVER TEAM’s duration ends. Area of Effect: 15 meters; Ability Duration: 5 to 25 seconds; Ability Cooldown Time: 15 seconds; Minimum Reveal Time Possible: 8.0 / 9.0 / 9.5 / 10.0; Maximum Reveal Time Possible: 28.0 / 29.0 / 29.5 / 30.0 (S1)
§ Additional Seconds: 3.0 / 4.0 / 4.5 / 5.0
o Stay Calm: For every enemy defeated and while active, DEADEYE’s duration is extended. Cooldown Time: 15 seconds; Normal Duration: 5 to 25 seconds (S1)
§ Extended Duration: 15% / 20% / 30% / 40%
o One Resistance: If used on three or more allies, BIG DEAL’s cooldown time is reduced.
§ Reduced Cooldown Time: 15% / 20% / 30% / 40%
o Never Going Back: For every enemy defeated and while active, UNDERCOVER TEAM’s duration is extended. Normal Duration: 5 to 25 seconds (R1)
§ Extended Duration: 15% / 20% / 30% / 40%
o Raised To Do One Thing: This card does nothing. (YT6, Timestamp: 6:37-8:48)
¡ Captain Phasma
o The More the Better: FIRST ORDER SENTRY DROID’s motor capacity is improved, decreasing the time it takes to make a 6-second full rotation. At EPIC rarity, motors are used at 150% capacity, making the full rotation now 4.5 seconds, a 25% decrease in time. Full Rotation in Seconds: 5.4 / 5.1 / 4.8 / 4.5 (S1, Comment: ajschefflerbackup)
§ Increased Motor Capacity: 20% / 30% / 40% / 50%
o Blaster Inspection: Every enemy defeated permanently reduces the main weapon’s blaster heat by 3%. Any ally within 15 meters also receives this blaster heat reduction. The effect resets after being defeated. Maximum Blaster Shots Possible: 58 / 68 / 72 / 75 / 79; And “Easy Shots”: 77 / 91 / 95 / 100 / 105
§ Maximum Blaster Heat Reduction: 18% / 24% / 30% / 36%
o Easy Shots: Reduces the main weapon’s blaster heat. Blaster Shots Before Overheat: 48 / 62 / 67 / 72 / 77 (S1)
§ Blaster Heat Reduction: 30% / 40% / 50% / 60%
o Finish Them Off: This card does nothing. (S1; YB1)
o Safety First: SURVIVOR gives even more bonus health. Total Bonus Health: 200 / 220 / 240 / 250 / 260; Total Health: 700 / 900 / 920 / 940 / 950 / 960
§ Extra Bonus Health: 20 / 40 / 50 / 60
o Laser Wall Durability: Card’s Actual Name: “All for Myself”. After defeating four enemies with STAFF STRIKES, the 20-second cooldown times of SURVIVOR and FIRST ORDER SENTRY DROID are permanently reduced. At EPIC rarity, they reduce by 30%. The effect resets after being defeated. New Cooldown Time: 14 seconds. (S1)
§ Reduced Cooldown Time: ? / ? / ? / 30%
o Come Closer: After defeating three enemies or more while FIRST ORDER SENTRY DROID is active, the shock area of effect is extended. The effect is permanent until the sentry droid is disassembled or destroyed. Total Shock Duration: 0.8 seconds; Shock Area of Effect in Meters: 15.0 / 18.0 / 19.5 / 21.0 / 22.5 (S1)
§ Extended Shock Area of Effect: 20% / 30% / 40% / 50%
o There's No Escape: After shocking an enemy, the next unique individual to get shocked by the FIRST ORDER SENTRY DROID will suffer an extended shock duration. The seconds added are permanent until the sentry droid is disassembled or destroyed. Total Shock Duration in Seconds: 0.8 / 1 / 1.05 / 1.1 / 1.15 (S1)
§ Seconds Added to Shock Duration: 0.20 / 0.25 / 0.30 / 0.35
o Not Hard Enough: Damage Reduction is received while SURVIVOR is active. Health Points: 900 / 1080 / 1170 / 1260 / 1350; And “Safety First”: 960 / 1152 / 1248 / 1344 / 1440
§ Damage Reduction: 20% / 30% / 40% / 50%
¡ BB-8
o Self Repairs: More health can be regenerated. Health Regeneration: 300 / 325 / 350 / 375 / 400
§ Added Health to Regeneration: 25 / 50 / 75 / 100
o Shielded Roll: Damage reduction is received while ROLLING CHARGE is active. Cooldown Time: 10 seconds; Health Points: 650 / 845 / 910 / 975 / 1040
§ Damage Reduction: 30% / 40% / 50% / 60%
o Headfirst: ROLLING CHARGE deals extra damage. Cooldown Time: 10 seconds; Damage to Troopers: 200 / 220 / 225 / 235 / 240; Damage to Heroes: 150 / 170 / 175 / 180 / 190; With RESISTANCE BACKING to Troopers: 210 / 231 / 236 / 247 / 252; With RESISTANCE BACKING to Heroes: 158 / 179 / 184 / 189 / 200; And “Uncover” to Troopers: 235 / 259 / 264 / 276 / 282; And “Uncover” to Heroes: 176 / 200 / 206 / 212 / 223
§ Extra Damage: 20 / 25 / 35 / 40
o Whirlwind: CABLE SPIN deals extra damage. Area of Effect is also extended. Ability Duration: 8 seconds; Damage per 0.3 Seconds: 45 / 47 / 49 / 51 / 53; Total Damage: 1170 / 1222 / 1274 / 1326 / 1378; With RESISTANCE BACKING per 0.3 Seconds: 47 / 49 / 51 / 54 / 56; With RESISTANCE BACKING Total: 1229 / 1283 / 1338 / 1392 / 1447; And “Uncover” per 0.3 Seconds: 53 / 55 / 58 / 60 / 62; And “Uncover” Total: 1375 / 1436 / 1497 / 1558 / 1619; Area of Effect in Meters: 5 / 5.5 / 6.0 / 6.5 / 7.0
§ Extra Damage per 0.3 Seconds: 2 / 4 / 6 / 8
§ Extended Area of Effect in Meters: 0.5 / 1.0 / 1.5 / 2.0
o Spared Batteries: For every three enemy troopers defeated or 300 damage points dealt to enemy heroes, 1 damage point is permanently added to basic attack damage. As a bonus, if an enemy hero is thrown off a ledge using ROLLING CHARGE and they die from the void within 3 seconds, the extra attack damage will be increased to the maximum value possible. The effect resets after being defeated. Basic Attack Damage: 29 / 31 / 33 / 35 / 36; With RESISTANCE BACKING: 30 / 33 / 35 / 37 / 38; And “Uncover”: 34 / 36 / 39 / 41 / 42 (S1)
§ Maximum Extra Damage: 2 / 4 / 6 / 7
o Spinner: Hitting the number of enemies stated below with CABLE SPIN removes seconds from the following cooldown time. Cooldown Time in Seconds: 25 / 21 / 19 / 17 / 15
§ Number of Enemies: 4 / 3 / 2 / 2
§ Removed Seconds: 4 / 6 / 8 / 10
o Trusty Droid: If an enemy revealed by RESISTANCE BACKING is defeated, allies nearby will regenerate health. [Unknown if it is health regeneration per second or health gained as bonus health]
§ Area of Effect in Meters: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
§ Extra Health: 5 / 7 / 10 / 12
o Uncover: Even more damage weakness is received to enemies revealed by RESISTANCE BACKING. Area of Effect: 20 meters; Duration: 12 seconds; Cooldown Time: 18 seconds; Damage Weakness: 5% / 10% / 12.5% / 15% / 17.5%; Basic Attack Damage per 0.3 Seconds: 29 /
§ Additional Damage Weakness: 5% / 7.5% / 10% / 12.5%
o Roll Together: Adds additional percentage reduction to the already 6% reduced cooldown time of allies' abilities through SWIFT REACTION. Total Reduced Cooldown Time: 11% / 15% / 18% / 21% (R1; S1)
§ Additional Reduced Cooldown Time: 5% / 9% / 12% / 15%
¡ BB-9E
o Full Reconstruction: More health can be regenerated. Health Regeneration: 250 / 275 / 300 / 325 / 350
§ Added Health to Regeneration: 25 / 50 / 75 / 100
o Hearty Exhaust: SMOKE SCREEN’s area of effect is extended. Duration: 12 seconds; Cooldown Time: 18 seconds; Area of Effect: 30 / 31 / 31.3 / 31.6 / 32
§ Extended Area of Effect in Meters: 1.0 / 1.3 / 1.6 / 2.0
o I See You: Enemies stay revealed for additional seconds after SMOKE SCREEN’s 12-second duration ends. Area of Effect: 30 meters; Cooldown Time: 18 seconds; Reveal Time: 14.5 / 15.0 / 15.5 / 16.0 (S1)
§ Additional Seconds: 2.5 / 3.0 / 3.5 / 4.0
o Spin Me Round: SHOCK SPIN pushes enemies 4 meters away. Seconds are added to its cooldown time as a result. Initial Damage: 90 damage; Normal Cooldown Time: 25 seconds; New Cooldown Time in Seconds: 25 / 31 / 30 / 29 / 28
§ Added Seconds: 6 / 5 / 4 / 3
o Linked Systems: For every four shocks with shock prod, 1 damage point is permanently added to basic attack damage. The effect resets after being defeated. Basic Attack Damage per 0.3 Seconds: 24 / 26 / 28 / 30 / 32 (S1)
§ Maximum Extra Damage: 2 / 4 / 6 / 8
o Faster, Faster!: If SHOCK SPIN hits the number of enemies stated below, its damage will be doubled. Duration: 8 seconds; Cooldown Time: 25 seconds; Normal Damage per 0.8 Seconds: 30; Total Damage: 270; Double: 540.
§ Number of Enemies: 5 / 4 / 3 / 2
o Supercharged: CHARGE UP’s Area of Effect is extended. Duration: 5 Seconds; Cooldown Time: 15 seconds; Area of Effect in Meters: 20 / 24 / 25 / 26 / 27
§ Extended Area of Effect in Meters: 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
o Swift Power: Removes seconds from CHARGE UP’s cooldown time. Duration: 5 Seconds; Cooldown Time in Seconds: 15 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10
§ Removed Seconds: 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
o Potent Bacta: BACTA SUPPORT’s Area of Effect is extended. Seconds are added to its cooldown time as a result. Area of Effect in Meters: 7 / 8 / 8.5 / 9 / 9.5; Seconds Health Is Gained: 0.8 / 3.8 / 3.8 / 2.8 / 2.8
§ Extended Area of Effect in Meters: 1.0 / 1.5 / 2.0 / 2.5
§ Added Seconds: 3 / 3 / 2 / 2
¡ The EPIC rarity is only stated in the card description if it is a different value than shown in-game.
¡ All Star Card descriptions were rewritten to be unilateral and have similar explanations. The names of heroes and second-person pronouns were avoided.
¡ Clearer antonyms are used: increased/decreased; extended/reduced.
o Increase/decrease suggests a progression in size, amount, or numbers (like adding/subtracting health, damage, stamina drain, and sprint speed).
o Extend/reduce suggests a change made to a value or number (like percentages for time, distance, and blaster heat).
¡ Damage Reduction is received; health points are regained.
¡ To avoid confusion, the term increased cooldown speed and increased recharge time (which uses percentage increased) is avoided. To keep all related effects as close in description as possible: extended/reduced cooldown time (still percentage) is the simplest way to describe the effect without changing the in-game number values.
¡ Extra damage is damage added to ability; bonus damage is situational.
¡ Some values were rounded to whole numbers to reflect in-game values. Such are health points, damage points, and blaster overheat. As a result, though noticeably small, the actual values in-game may be a little off when it comes to stacked values (like stacking damage reduction) and are yet to be tested.
· Some stats between the BF2 wiki and SammyBoiii’s Hero Guides differ in stats; however, they agree for the most part and usually differ by units less than a second.
¡ Feel free to pick any hero and test out the stats yourself. The more accurate stats we have, the better we can use them.
¡ Question Marks are unknown values. If you happen to know them or calculate the value, feel free to share them. Video proof seems to always work best.
· I personally feel that being open to the intricacies of every star card and ability is the best way to go and should not be considered an exploit. Everyone should know what’s happening when the enemy team starts using these game-changers (and there are many people who do), and best enabling them to learn how to counter it. In the end, understanding these little details leads to a more competitive and playable battlefront.
¡ Although not too often, some of the supposed up-to-date references below contradict each other; I had to make a final choice without having the time to test them.
¡ Getting all these stats was a hard-earned headache in the end. Feel free to correct any discrepancies you may find!

BF2 Community on Fandom [Most stats taken from here]

These are ALL the Broken Hero Star Cards (u/RogueZeroRendar on Reddit)

Hero Star Cards that are broken in a “beneficial way”? (u/T-RevLynn on Reddit)

Hero Star Card Guide (u/ MAshby1001 on Reddit)

Damage stats for every trooper, hero and reinforcement in BF2 (u/ImpecableBunny on Reddit) [To Confirm Stats]

Grievous strikes again (u/Accomplished_Ebb1545 on Reddit) [“Jedi Killer” Secondary Effect]

All Broken Hero Starcards in BF2 (By shuds and Shineberg on Steam)

SWBF2 Guide to Hero/Villain Stats (By jmorga3) [To Confirm Stats; Found this list after finishing my list, consider it a simplified version]

Star Cards Breakdown (@KillerDebit on YouTube)

Every hidden/actual star card effect on battlefront 2 (@Picos on YouTube)

Battlefront 2 has 17 Star Cards that DON’T WORK (or are useless)… DO NOT USE THESE! (@Battlefront Knight on YouTube) [OUTDATED, BUT USEFUL COMMENT SECTION]

SammyBoiii: Star Wars Hero Guides [Stats also taken from here]

Every Broken Hero Card In Battlefront 2

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Testing 5 USELESS Star Cards And Proving That They Don't Work!
submitted by CommanderRoku to StarWarsBattlefront [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:49 Psfanboy79 To anybody in this hobby new or old that are debating spending a bag on a Cricut heat press.

Dont do it. Period. It’s completely unnecessary overkill. I’d go as far to say it actually puts you at a disadvantage let me explain. If you are melting a project that has perler and artkal beads together or even a lot of different colors the beads melt at different rates. When u have a gigantic heat press it’s pretty much impossible to key in and do smaller spots that need extra heat time without overmelting the rest of the beads. I know a lot of people will talk about even heating surface on the presses and that’s great and all…IF all your beads are melting at the same pace, and this rarely happens. The iron itself is a minor component when it comes to getting a good melt. It’s all in the taping and poking holes, the prep. If you are using the wrong tape, or overlapping it too much, or not poking holes in every bead or not at all that’s what’s sinking your ship before you even plug your iron in. Personally I have 2 irons, a cheap $11 walmart Black+Decker, Easy Steam Compact Iron, IR02V-T and a mid/high tier Rowenta that was $80. The Rowenta works great but so does the B+D, the only thing that is nicer about the Rowenta is the “seamstress tip” basically a longer thinner tip for getting at small areas (completely opposite to a Cricut heat press). Even with that I find myself grabbing the Black and Decker more than the Rowenta. I should say that if your the type of maker that just lightly fuses the beads and the inner holes are all still completely open then a heat press will do you fine, it should speed up melting times. If you’re a flatmelt type melter then this post is definitely for you. I’m not bashing anyone that loves their Cricut, not at all, I’m making this post so creators know that a $300-$400 heatpress that maybe isn’t financially viable isn’t needed. Im sure I’ll get some blowback on this post and that’s fine. Look at my posts and see what kind of melts I’m getting on my $11 iron and you can decide from there if you want to take the advice or not.
submitted by Psfanboy79 to PerlerBeads [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:48 CommanderRoku Fully Explained: Star Cards for Lightsaber & Force Heroes (Part II)

Fully Explained: Star Cards for Lightsaber & Force Heroes (Part II)
To celebrate the upcoming 25th anniversary of the Phantom Menace this 19th of May, I decided to go all out on discovering the hidden effects or poorly described star cards in this game based on the plentiful resources and posts of the past (References are found at the end). At the same time, I did what I could to rewrite the ability and card descriptions to be somewhat unilateral and have similar explanations. Many were a surprise to be sure but a welcome one, while others are completely out of hand. Use what’s useful to you, and feel free to share your own test results. At last we will reveal these stats to all, at last…
Star Cards for Lightsaber & Force Heroes (Part II)
¡ Darth Vader
o Furious Resilience: Damage reduction is received while FOCUSED RAGE is active. Ability Duration: 10 seconds; “Fueling the Rage” Duration: 16 seconds; Maximum Health Points Possible: 1000 / 1080 / 1100 / 1200 / 1250; And “Bonus Health”: 1150 / 1242 / 1265 / 1380 / 1438
§ Damage Reduction: 8% / 10% / 20% / 25%
o Bonus Health: Increases maximum base health. Maximum Base Health: 800 / 850 / 875 / 900 / 950
§ Health Added: 50 / 75 / 100 / 150
o There Is No Escape: Extends LIGHTSABER THROW’s 20-meter reach distance. At EPIC rarity, it extends by 45%. (BF1; S1; YT1)
§ Extended Reach Distance: ? / ? / ? / 45%
o Punishing Grip: Extends CHOKE’s duration of 1.5 seconds. Duration in Seconds: 1.65 / 1.8 / 1.95 / 2.1; Damage: 126 / ? / ? / ? / 174; And “Last Gasp”: 174 / ? / ? / ? / 262; “Last Gasp” Alone: 126 / ? / ? / ? / 189 (BF1; S1; YT1)
§ Extended Duration: 10% / 20% / 30% / 40%
o Surrounded by Fear: For every enemy defeated, stamina is regained. Swings with 1 Enemy Defeated: 10 / 10 / 11 / 11 / 12; Blocks: 14 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 16; Deflections: 2121 / 2227 / 2333 / 2439 / 2545; With FOCUSED RAGE Swings: 15 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18; With FOCUSED RAGE Blocks: 21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25; With FOCUSED RAGE Deflections: 3181 / 3340 / 3499 / 3685 / 3817; FOCUSED RAGE Duration: 10 seconds.
§ Stamina Regained: 5% / 10% / 15% / 20%
o Deflection Stamina: Decreases stamina drain for deflecting projectiles. Deflections: 2121 / 2333 / 2439 / 2545 / 2651; With FOCUSED RAGE: 3181 / 3499 / 3685 / 3817 / 3976
§ Decreased Stamina Drain: 10% / 15% / 20% / 25%
o Intensified Lightsaber Throw: LIGHTSABER THROW deals bonus damage to enemies hit by it a second time in a single throw. Individual Hit Damage: 130; Total Damage: 260 / 275 / 280 / 285 / 290; During CHOKE: 65 / 80 / 85 / 90 / 95
§ Bonus Damage: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30
o Last Gasp: If two enemies or more are choked, CHOKE’S damage is increased. Damage per second: 86 / 103.2 / 111.8 / 120.4 / 129; Total Damage: 126 / ? / ? / ? / 189; And “Punishing Grip”: 189 / ? / ? / ? / 262; “Punishing Grip” Alone”: 126 / ? / ? / ? / 174 (YT1)
§ Increased Damage: 20% / 30% / 40% / 50%
o Fueling the Rage: Adds 6 seconds to FOCUSED RAGE. The bonus damage gained is reduced as a result. Basic Attack Damage: 145 / 134 / 136 / 138 / 140; Rear Attack Damage: 175 / 164 / 166 / 168 / 170
§ Damage Points Removed: 11 / 9 / 7 / 5
¡ Emperor Palpatine
o Lightning Reach: Extends the basic lightning attack’s 14-meter reach distance. At EPIC rarity, it extends by 15%, about 16 meters.
§ Extended Distance: ? / ? / ? / 15%
o Amplified Aura: DARK AURA deals extra damage. Area of Effect: 10 meters. Damage per Tick: 15 / 17.25 / 18 / 18.75 / 19.5; Total Damage: 175 (YT1)
§ Extra Damage: 15% / 20% / 25% / 30%
o Prime Electrocution: If three enemies or more are electrocuted, ELECTROCUTE’s shock and blaster disabling duration of 1.3 seconds is extended. Reach Distance: 15 meters; Shock Duration in Seconds: 1.50 / 1.56 / 1.63 / 1.69. (R1; YT1)
§ Extended Shock Duration: 15% / 20% / 25% / 30%
o Show No Mercy: For every additional enemy hit by CHAIN LIGHTNING, 0.25 seconds are permanently removed from its cooldown time of 14.5 seconds. The ability used on a single target that does not chain to another will not count. The effect resets after being defeated. Reach distance: 18 meters; Minimum Cooldown Time in Seconds: 11.5 / 10.5 / 9.5 / 9.5 (YT1)
§ Maximum Seconds Removed: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
o Growing Darkness: DARK AURA’s 10-meter area of effect extends in distance over time. (R1; YT1)
§ Extended Area of Effect: 10% / 13% / 16% / 20%
o Surge of Lightning: While CHAIN LIGHTNING can already chain up to 6 different enemies, the number of additional enemies hit by CHAIN LIGHTNING will increase the total number of potential targets chained in a single use. The ability used on a single target that does not chain to another will not count. The effect resets after being defeated. Reach distance: 18 meters; Cooldown Time: 14.5 seconds; Maximum Bounces: 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 (YT1)
§ Increased Number of Targets: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
o The Rule of Two: If ELECTROCUTE is used on enemies while already attacking with two-handed basic lightning attacks, the basic lightning attack will deal increased damage. Ability Duration: 1.3 second; Two-Handed Basic Attack Damage per 0.3 Seconds: 28 / 33 / 34.5 / 36 / 37.5; Normal Damage in 1.3 Seconds: 728; New Damage in 1.3 Seconds: 794; And “Prime Electrocution”: 814; Only “Prime Electrocution”: 748 (YT1)
§ Increased Damage: 15% / 20% / 25% / 30%
o In Full Control: Decreases stamina drain for basic lightning attacks. 1 Hand Duration in Seconds: 9.50 to 11.25 (+1.75); 2 Hands Duration in Seconds: 6.00 to 7.00 (+1.00); 1 Hand Full Stamina Damage: 588 to 714 (+126); 2 Hands Full Stamina Damage: 756 to 896 (+140) (YT1)
§ Decreased Stamina Drain: 10% / 12% / 14% / 16%
o Forked Lightning: Extends ELECTROCUTE’s 15-meter reach distance. Reach Distance in Meters: 16.5 / 16.95 / 17.4 / 18
§ Extended Reach Distance: 10% / 13% / 16% / 20%
¡ Kylo Ren
o Resilience: If within 15 meters of another force or lightsaber ally, damage reduction is received and basic lightsaber attacks deal extra damage. Health Points: 750 / 780 / 795 / 810 / 825; Basic Attack Damage: 125 / 135 / 138 / 141 / 145; Rear Attack Damage: 165 / 175 / 178 / 181 / 185 (BF1; R1)
§ Damage Reduction: 4% / 6% / 8% / 10%
§ Extra Damage: 10 / 13 / 16 / 20
o Closing In: Extends FRENZY’S 10-meter leap distance. Leap Distance in Meters: 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 (R1; YT1)
§ Leap Distance in Meters: 10% / 20% / 30% / 40%
o Total Control: If three enemies or more are frozen, FREEZE’S duration of 2.5 seconds is extended. Freeze Duration in Seconds: 3 / 3.25 / 3.5 / 3.75. (R1; YT1)
§ Extended Freeze Duration: 20% / 30% / 40% / 50%
o Solid Freeze: FREEZE’s 15-meter reach distance is extended. Reach Distance: 17.25 / 18 / 18.75 / 19.5
§ Extended Reach Distance: 15% / 20% / 25% / 30%
o Power of Darkness: Basic lightsaber attacks deal extra damage for 6 seconds after using FRENZY. Basic Attack Damage: 125 / 130 / 133 / 136 / 139; Rear Attack Damage: 165 / 170 / 173 / 176 / 179; And “Resilience” Basic Attack Damage: 139 / 149 / 152 / 155 / 159; And “Resilience” Rear Attack Damage: 179 / 189 / 192 / 195 / 199 (YT1)
§ Extra Damage: 5 / 8 / 11 / 14
o Bloodlust: Frenzy deals extra damage. Damage to Troopers: 160 / 165 / 170 / 175 / 180; Damage to Heroes: 115 / 120 / 125 / 130 / 135; 3-Strike Total Damage to Troopers: 480 / 495 / 510 / 525 / 540; 3-Strike to Heroes: 345 / 360 / 375 / 390 / 405; 4-Strike to Troopers: 640 / 660 / 680 / 700 / 720; 4-Strike to Heroes: 460 / 480 / 500 / 520 / 540
§ Extra Damage: 5 / 10 / 15 / 20
o Harsh Pull: PULL deals extra damage. Damage: 10 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60
§ Extra Damage: 20 / 30 / 40 / 50
o Power Reach: Extends PULL’s 20-meter reach distance. Reach Distance in Meters: 23 / 24 / 25 / 26
§ Extended Reach Distance: 15% / 20% / 25% / 30%
o Berserking Tantrum: Decreases stamina drain for basic lightsaber attacks. Lightsaber Swings: 14 / 16 / 16 / 17 / 18
§ Decreased Stamina Drain: 8% / 12% / 16% / 20%
¡ Luke Skywalker
o Epicenter: REPULSE deals bonus damage to enemies within half of its 12-meter radius. The bonus damage breaks through lightsaber blocks. Total Damage to Troopers: 130 / 155 / 160 / 165 / 170; Heroes: 75 / 100 / 105 / 110 / 115. (BF1)
§ Bonus Damage: 25 / 30 / 35 / 40
o Deflection Mastery: Deflected shots are returned more accurately, reducing deflection spread is reduced from 0.45 to 0.2. Stamina drain is increased by blocked blaster shots as a result. Deflection Stamina Drain Without Card: 1112 damage points. EPIC Rarity: 1,001 damage points. (R1; YT1)
§ Increased Stamina Drain: 18% / 15% / 12% / 10%
o Intensify: Every enemy trooper defeated or 200 damage points dealt to enemy heroes permanently adds 2 extra damage points to basic lightsaber attacks. As a bonus, if an enemy hero is thrown off a ledge using a force ability and they die from the void within 3 seconds, the extra attack damage will be set to the maximum value possible. Otherwise, either 18 troopers defeated or 3600 damage to heroes is needed to reach the maximum value. The effect resets after being defeated. Basic Attack Damage: 130 / 148 / 154 / 160 / 166; Rear Attack Damage: 160 / 178 / 184 / 190 / 196 (BF1; S1; YT1)
§ Maximum Extra Damage: 18 / 24 / 30 / 36
o Stronger Push: PUSH’s 10-meter push distance is extended, force pushing enemies even farther. Push Distance in Meters: 14 / 16 / 18 / 20
§ Extended Push Distance: 40% / 60% / 80% / 100%
o Rush Immunity: Damage reduction is received for 3 seconds after using RUSH. Health Points: 750 / 810 / 825 / 840 / 863
§ Damage Reduction: 8% / 10% / 12% / 15%
o Jedi Reflexes: An extra RUSH is ready for use. Its 5-second cooldown time is extended as a result. Cooldown Time in Seconds: 5.75 / 5.50 / 5.25 / 5.00 (YT1)
§ Extended Cooldown Time: 15% / 10% / 5% / 0%
o Jedi Fighter: Decreases all stamina drain. The following shows Without Card / EPIC Rarity. Swings: 10 / 16; Blocks: 10 / 16; Deflections: 1112 / 1711 ([S1)]()
§ Decreased Stamina Drain: 20% / 25% / 30% / 35%
o Extended Push Reach: Extends PUSH’s 12-meter reach distance. Reach Distance in Meters: 13.8 / 14.4 / 15 / 15.6
§ Extended Push Distance: 15% / 20% / 25% / 30%
o Strong Repulse: Extends REPULSE’s 12-meter area of effect. Enemies are launched into the air for a 25% longer duration. Area of Effect in Meters: 13.8 / 14.4 / 15 / 15.6 (YT1, Comment: u/anjahupkes4376)
§ Extended Area of Effect: 15% / 20% / 25% / 30%
¡ Darth Maul
o Lightsaber Defense: Blaster damage reduction is received. Reduction of all damage is also received during the SPIN ATTACK. At EPIC rarity, the damage reduction from SPIN ATTACK is 60%. Blaster Health Points: 700 / 770 / 784 / 798 / 812; Health Points With 60%: 1120 (S1)
§ Blaster Damage Reduction: 10% / 12% / 14% / 16%
o Thrown to Slow: If two enemies or more are choked, CHOKE HOLD deals extra damage. At EPIC rarity, it deals 19 damage points. Cooldown time: 18 seconds; Damage Without Card: 77; Total Damage: 96 (BF1; R1)
§ Extra Damage: ? / ? / ? / 19
o Ranged Throw: Extends FURIOUS THROW’s 20-meter reach distance. Reach Distance in Meters: 24 / 26 / 28 / 30. (BF1; S1)
§ Extended Reach Distance: 20% / 30% / 40% / 50%
o Fool Me Once: Reduces the cooldown times of all abilities. At EPIC rarity, FURIOUS THROW reduces by 8.4%, CHOKE HOLD by 6.72%, and SPIN ATTACK by the values stated below. Without Card by order of mention: 8 seconds; 18 seconds; 5 seconds. New Cooldown Times in Seconds: 7.2 seconds; 17.0 seconds; 4.5 seconds. (R1; YT1)
§ Reduced Cooldown Time: 5% / 7% / 9% / 10%
o Forceful Thrust: CHOKE HOLD’s throw distance is extended, launching enemies even farther. Throw Distance in Meters: 14 / 16 / 18 / 20
§ Extended Throw Distance: 40% / 60% / 80% / 100%
o Flow Motion: An extra SPIN ATTACK is ready for use. Its 5-second cooldown time is extended as a result. Cooldown Time in Seconds: 5.75 / 5.50 / 5.25 / 5.00 (YT1)
§ Extended Cooldown Time: 15% / 10% / 5% / 0%
o Savage: If four enemies are hit with SPIN ATTACK within the number of seconds stated below, the 5-second cooldown time will be reduced by 80% for 4 seconds. Rewarded Cooldown Time: 1 second. (S1; YT1)
§ Number of Seconds: 4.0 / 4.5 / 5.0 / 5.5
o Accelerated Throw: FURIOUS THROW deals extra damage. Individual Hit Damage: 85 / 90 / 95 / 100 / 105
§ Extra Damage: 5 / 10 / 15 / 20
o Unrolled Grip: Extends CHOKE HOLD’s 15-meter reach distance. Reach Distance: 17.25 / 18.00 / 18.75 / 19.50
§ Extended Reach Distance: 15% / 20% / 25% / 30%
¡ Rey
o Balance: An extra dodge is ready for use. Stamina drain is increased as a result. Swings: 10 to 9; Blocks: 14 to 13; Blaster Deflections as Damage: 1112 to ?; Swings with INSIGHT: 20 to 18; Blocks with INSIGHT: 28 to 26; Deflections with INSIGHT: 1112 to ? (YT1)
§ Increased Stamina Drain: 30% / 25% / 20% / 15%
o Far Sight: Extends INSIGHT’s 30-meter area of effect. Area of Effect in Meters: 33 / 36 / 39 / 42
§ Extended Area of Effect: 10% / 20% / 30% / 40%
o Street Fighter: Decreases stamina drain for basic lightsaber attacks. Swings: 10 to 12; With INSIGHT: 20 to 24; And “Balance”: 18 to 20; “Balance”, No INSIGHT: 9 to 11
§ Decreased Stamina Drain: 8% / 10% / 12% / 15%
o Resilient Dash: Damage reduction is received when using DASH STRIKE. Health Points: 750 / 938 / 975 / 1013 / 1050
§ Damage Reduction: 25% / 30% / 35% / 40%
o Damaging Strike: DASH STRIKE deals extra damage. Cooldown Time: 10 seconds; Total Damage: 130 / 149 / 156 / 163 / 169 (BF1; R1)
§ Extra Damage: 15% / 20% / 25% / 30%
o Strong Mind: Extends MIND TRICK’s 18-meter reach distance. Reach Distance in Meters: 20.7 / 21.6 / 22.5 / 23.4; Cooldown Time: 20 seconds; Maximum Value: 22.5 (R1; YT1)
§ Extended Reach Distance: 15% / 20% / 25% / 30%
o Focused Sight: Adds seconds to INSIGHT’s duration. Duration in Seconds: 8 / 10 / 11 / 13 / 15
§ Added Seconds: 2 / 3 / 5 / 7
o Deep Mind: Extends the 4-second duration of MIND TRICK’s effects on enemies that are revealed by INSIGHT. Duration in Seconds: 4.6 / 4.8 / 5.0 / 5.2 (S1; YT1)
§ Extended Duration: 15% / 20% / 25% / 30%
o Opportunist: Bonus damage is dealt to enemies affected by MIND TRICK, knockdowns, or any other immobilizing effect. Basic Attack Damage: 120 / 128 / 130 / 132 / 135; Rear Attack Damage: 140 / 148 / 150 / 152 / 155; And “Damaging Strike”: 169 / 177 / 179 / 181 / 184 (YT1)
§ Bonus Damage: 8 / 10 / 12 / 15
¡ Yoda
o Enduring Presence: Bugged card. Adds seconds to PRESENCE’s duration, but the allies who receive bonus health are the ones standing at the previous use of PRESENCE. Duration: 8 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13
§ Added Seconds: 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
o Unleashed: Extends UNLEASH’s initial reach distance by 25%. The damage dealt is reduced from 190 to 160 damage points as a result. The final reach distance remains unchanged. (BF1; S1)
§ Extended Initial Reach Distance: 10% / 15% / 20% / 25%
o Agility: An extra DASH ATTACK is ready for use. Its 5-second cooldown time is extended as a result. Cooldown Time in Seconds: 5.75 / 5.50 / 5.25 / 5.00 (YT1)
§ Extended Cooldown Time: 15% / 10% / 5% / 0%
o Opposing the Dark Side: Basic lightsaber attacks deal bonus damage to enemy heroes. Basic Attack Damage: 125 / 135 / 137 / 139 / 141; Rear Attack Damage: 150 / 160 / 162 / 164 / 166
§ Bonus Damage: 10 / 12 / 14 / 16
o Earned It I Have: This card does nothing. (R1)
o Jedi Mentor: Damage reduction is received. Maximum Health Points Possible: 700 / 735 / 742 / 749 / 756; With PRESENCE: 850 / 893 / 901 / 910 / 918; And “Feel the Force”: 910 / 956 / 965 / 974 / 983 (YT1)
§ Damage Reduction: 5% / 6% / 7% / 8%
o Feel the Force: PRESENCE gives even more bonus health. Total Bonus Health: 150 / 180 / 190 / 200 / 210; Total Health: 850 / 880 / 890 / 900 / 910
§ Extra Bonus Health: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60
o Size Matters Not: If PRESENCE’s bonus health is depleted through damage, additional health is regained by a percentage of the bonus health that was depleted. The 20-second cooldown time is increased by 13 seconds as a result. New Cooldown Time: 33 seconds; Health Points Healed: 75; And “Feel the Force”: 105 (S1; YT1)
§ Percentage of Bonus Health Regained as Additional Health: 35% / 40% / 45% / 50%
o Lightsaber Mastery: Decreases stamina drain for basic lightsaber attacks. Lightsaber Swings: 12 to 15
§ Decreased Stamina Drain: 8% / 10% / 12% / 15%
¡ General Grievous
o Beating Heart: More health can be regenerated. Health Regeneration: 250 / 275 / 300 / 325 / 350
§ Added Health to Regeneration: 25 / 50 / 75 / 100
o Sith Trained: Basic lightsaber attacks deal extra damage. Stamina drain is increased by 25% as a result. Lightsaber Swings: 12 to 10; Basic Attack Damage: 130 / 145 / 150 / 155 / 160; Rear Attack Damage: 160 / 175 / 180 / 185 / 190
§ Extra Damage: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30
o Jedi Killer: Extends THRUST SURGE’s 15-meter reach distance. Its hitbox’s area of effect is also extended by at least 15 meters. Reach Distance in Meters: 18 / 19.5 / 21 / 22.5 (R5)
§ Extended Reach Distance: 20% / 30% / 40% / 50%
o Cowardly Retreat: Even more damage reduction is received when using CLAW RUSH. Duration: 3.2 seconds; Cooldown Time: 13 seconds; Health Points: 1120 / 1280 / 1360 / 1440 / 1520
§ Total Damage Reduction: 60% / 70% / 80% / 90%
o Flesh Is Weak: For every 10% of total health missing, damage reduction is added. Damage Reduction takes into effect per hit taken, meaning hits with a small damage output increase the total number of health points compared to those with a larger damage output. Health regeneration rate is halved as a result: 50 health per second to 25 health per second. When used with “Beating Heart”, health regeneration speed is set back to normal. Total Health Points: Varies from 800 to 1500 (S1; YT1, Comment: u/MetaDiscussions)
§ Damage Reduction Added: 2% / 3% / 4% / 5%
o Momentum: THRUST SURGE deals extra damage. Damage: 160 / 170 / 180 / 190 / 200
§ Extra Damage: 10 / 20 / 30 / 40
o Ceaseless Assault: Damage reduction is received when using UNRELENTING ADVANCE. Duration: 5 seconds; Cooldown Time: 11 seconds; Health Points: 800 / 880 / 960 / 1040 / 1120
§ Damage Reduction: 10% / 20% / 30% / 40%
o Deadly Slashes: UNRELENTING ADVANCE deals extra damage. Damage per 0.45 Seconds: 110 / 120 / 130 / 140 / 150
§ Extra Damage per 0.45 Seconds: 10 / 20 / 30 / 40
o Line Up, Weaklings: CLAW RUSH deals extra damage. Cooldown Time: 13 seconds; Total Damage: 130 / 150 / 160 / 170 / 180 (R1)
§ Extra Damage: 20 / 30 / 40 / 50
¡ Obi-Wan Kenobi
o Jedi Resilience: More health can be regenerated. Health Regeneration: 300 / 325 / 350 / 375 / 400
§ Added Health to Regeneration: 25 / 50 / 75 / 100
o Perfect Defense: Decreases stamina drain for lightsaber blocks and blaster deflections. Blocks: 25 to 42; Blaster Deflections as Damage: 2121 / 2333 / 2545 / 2757 / 2969 (YT1)
§ Decreased Stamina Drain: 10% / 20% / 30% / 40%
o Give It All: Extends ALL-OUT PUSH’s initial and charged-up reach distance.
§ Extended Reach Distance in Meters: 0.5 / 1.0 / 1.5 / 2.0
o Think It Over: Adds seconds to RESTRICTIVE MIND TRICK’s duration of 5.5 seconds. Duration in Seconds: 6.0 / 6.3 / 6.7 / 6.9
§ Added Seconds: 0.5 / 0.8 / 1.2 / 1.4
o Safeguard: For every lightsaber attack blocked, two abilities blocked, or 5 blaster shots blocked, stamina drain decreases by 2%. Either 40 blocked lightsaber attacks, 40 blocked abilities, or 100 blocked blaster shots are needed to reach the maximum value. The effect resets after being defeated. Swings: 10 to 17; Blocks: 25 to 42; Blaster Deflections as Damage: 2121 / 2333 / 2545 / 2757 / 2969; And “Perfect Defense” Blocks: 25 to 69; And “Perfect Defense” Deflections: 2969 / 3266 / 3563 / 3856 / 4157
§ Decreased Stamina Drain: 25% / 30% / 35% / 40%
o Quickened Focus: Removes seconds from ALL-OUT PUSH’s charge-up to full duration of 1.2 seconds. Charge-up to Full Duration in Seconds: 1.2 / 1.0 / 0.9 / 0.8 / 0.7
§ Seconds Removed: 0.2 / 0.3 / 0.4 / 0.5
o Forward!: DEFENSIVE RUSH deals extra damage. Damage: 140 / 150 / 160 / 170 / 180; Final Strike Damage: 200 / 210 / 220 / 230 / 240
§ Extra Damage: 10 / 20 / 30 / 40
o More Doubts: Extends RESTRICTIVE MIND TRICK’s 21-meter reach distance. At EPIC rarity, it extends by 10%. Cooldown Time: 21 seconds; “EPIC” Rarity Reach Distance: 23 meters. (YT1)
§ Extended Reach Distance: ? / ? / ? / 10%
o Critical Deflection: Blaster shots deflected by DEFENSIVE RUSH are critical hits dealing extra damage. Damage: 65 / 106 / 116 / 126 / 136 (YT1)
§ Extra Damage: 20 / 30 / 40 / 50
¡ Count Dooku
o Sith Control: More health can be regenerated. Health Regeneration: 250 / 280 / 310 / 340 / 370
§ Added Health to Regeneration: 30 / 60 / 90 / 120
o Finesse: Decreases stamina drain. Swings: 10 to 22; Blocks: 14 to 22; Blaster Deflections as Damage: 1112 / 1334 / 1390 / 1446 / 1501 (YT1)
§ Decreased Stamina Drain: 20% / 25% / 30% / 35%
o Blind Spot: Increases the angle of LIGHTNING STUN’s area of effect. (YT1)
§ Increased Angle by Degrees: 5 / 10 / 20 / 30
o Superiority: Adds seconds to EXPOSE WEAKNESS’ duration of 5.5 seconds. Duration in Seconds: 6.0 / 6.5 / 7.0 / 7.5
§ Added Seconds: 0.5 / 1.0 / 1.5 / 2.0
o Initiative: Every 15 seconds, the next basic lightsaber attack becomes a critical strike dealing extra damage. For every successful lightsaber attack, the cooldown time reduces by 1 second. A yellow circle around the crosshair will indicate when the critical strike is ready. Basic Attack Damage: 130 / 150 / 160 / 170 / 180; Rear Attack Damage: 160 / 180 / 190 / 200 / 210; With DUELIST Basic: 155 / 175 / 185 / 195 / 205; With DUELIST Rear: 185 / 205 / 215 / 225 / 235; And “Masterful Duelist” Basic: 175 / 195 / 205 / 215 / 225; And “Masterful Duelist” Rear: 205 / 225 / 235 / 245 / 255; With EXPOSE WEAKNESS Basic: 210 / 234 / 246 / 258 / 270; With EXPOSE WEAKNESS Rear: 246 / 270 / 282 / 294 / 306; Only DUELIST And “Masterful Duelist” Basic: 175 / 195 / 205 / 215 / 225; Only DUELIST And “Masterful Duelist” Rear: 205 / 225 / 235 / 245 / 255; Only EXPOSE WEAKNESS Basic: 156 / 180 / 192 / 204 / 216; Only EXPOSE WEAKNESS Rear: 192 / 216 / 228 / 240 / 252 (S1)
§ Extra Damage: 20 / 30 / 40 / 50
o Last Seconds: Removes seconds from LIGHTNING STUN’s 14-second cooldown time. Cooldown Time in Seconds: 13 / 12 / 11 / 10
§ Removed Seconds: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
o Masterful Duelist: DUELIST deals even more extra damage. Duration: 10 seconds; Cooldown Time: 13 seconds; Total Extra Damage: 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45; Basic Attack Damage: 155 / 160 / 165 / 170 / 175; Rear Attack Damage: 185 / 190 / 195 / 200 / 205; With EXPOSE WEAKNESS Basic: 186 / 192 / 198 / 204 / 210; With EXPOSE WEAKNESS Rear: 222 / 228 / 234 / 240 / 246
§ Extra Damage: 5 / 10 / 15 / 20
o Dominance: Enemy targets affected by EXPOSE WEAKNESS receive even more damage weakness. Damage Weakness: 20% / 25% / 30% / 35% / 40%; LIGHTNING STUN Damage: 192 / 200 / 208 / 216 / 224; Basic Attack Damage: 130 / 156 / 163 / 169 / 176 / 182; Rear Attack Damage: 160 / 192 / 200 / 208 / 216 / 224; With DUELIST Basic: 155 / 186 / 194 / 202 / 209 / 217; With DUELIST Rear: 185 / 222 / 231 / 241 / 250 / 259; And “Masterful Duelist” Basic: 175 / 210 / 219 / 228 / 236 / 245; And “Masterful Duelist” Rear: 205 / 246 / 256 / 267 / 277 / 287; And “Initiative” Basic: 225 / 270 / 281 / 293 / 304 / 315; And “Initiative” Rear: 255 / 306 / 319 / 332 / 344 / 357; Only “Initiative” Basic: 180 / 216 / 225 / 234 / 243 / 252; Only “Initiative” Rear: 210 / 252 / 263 / 273 / 284 / 294; Only “Initiative” With DUELIST Basic: 205 / 246 / 256 / 267 / 277 / 287; Only “Initiative” With DUELIST Rear: 235 / 282 / 294 / 306 / 317 / 329
§ Additional Damage Weakness: 5% / 10% / 15% / 20%
o Balanced Duelist: Removes seconds from DUELIST’s 13-second cooldown time. Duration: 10 seconds; Cooldown Time in Seconds: 12 / 11 / 10 / 9
§ Removed Seconds: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
¡ Anakin Skywalker
o Tenacious: Increases maximum base health. Maximum Base Health: 800 / 825 / 850 / 875 / 900
§ Health Added: 25 / 50 / 75 / 100
o Massive Strikes: Basic lightsaber attacks deal extra damage. Stamina drain for attacks and blocks is increased as a result. Cooldown Time: 13 seconds; Basic Attack Damage: 130 / 135 / 140 / 145 / 150; Rear Attack Damage: 170 / 175 / 180 / 185 / 190. The following shows Without Card / EPIC Rarity. Swings: 12 / 10; Blocks: 10 / 8; Deflections: 1392 / 1,044. (BF1; S1)
§ Extra Damage: 5 / 10 / 15 / 20
§ Increased Stamina Drain: 35% / 35% / 25% / 25%
o Pressure: The 2nd attack of PASSIONATE STRIKE deals extra damage. Also, the lunge distance of the two attacks is increased. 1st Attack Damage to Troopers: 70; 1st Attack Damage to Heroes: 40; 2nd Attack to Troopers: 180 / 190 / 195 / 200 / 205; 2nd Attack to Heroes: 130 / 140 / 145 / 150 / 155; Total Damage to Troopers: 250 / 260 / 265 / 270 / 275; Total Damage to Heroes: 170 / 180 / 185 / 190 / 195 (YT1, Comment: u/tabbywarrior)
§ Extra Damage: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25
o Control the Force: Extends HEROIC MIGHT’s initial 10-meter area of effect and RETRIBUTION’s initial 15-meter area of effect. HEROIC MIGHT’s Initial Area of Effect in Meters: 12 / 13 / 14 / 15; RETRIBUTION’s Initial Area of Effect in Meters: 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 (YT1, Comment: u/hypnotic_o)
§ Extended Area of Effect in Meters: 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
o Steamroll: Every enemy trooper defeated or 200 damage points dealt to enemy heroes permanently decreases stamina drain by 2%. As a bonus, if an enemy hero is thrown off a ledge using any force ability and they die from the void within 3 seconds, the decreased stamina drain will be set to the maximum value possible. Otherwise, either 20 troopers defeated or 4000 damage to heroes is needed to reach the maximum value. The effect resets after being defeated. The following shows Without Card / EPIC Rarity / And “Massive Strikes”. Swings: 12 / 20 / 16; Blocks: 10 / 17 / 13; Deflections: 1392 / 1044 / 1462 (BF1; S1; YT1)
§ Decreased Stamina Drain: 25% / 30% / 35% / 40%
o Fierce Fighter: Reduces PASSIONATE STRIKE’s 13-second cooldown time. At EPIC rarity, it reduces to 5 seconds. Cooldown Time in Seconds: 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 (BF1; R1)
§ Seconds Removed from Cooldown Time: 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
o Attraction: Extends PULL DOMINANCE’s 18-meter reach distance. As a bonus, enemies can be pulled out of their abilities only within the added reach range. Cooldown Time: 15 seconds; Reach Distance in Meters: 20 / 21 / 22 / 23 (YT2, Comment: @Embo_Marrok)
§ Extended Reach Distance in Meters: 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
o Raw Strength: HEROIC MIGHT deals extra damage. Area of Effect: 10 meters; Damage to Troopers: 100 / 120 / 130 / 140 / 150; Damage to Heroes: 90 / 110 / 120 / 130 / 140
§ Extra Damage: 20 / 30 / 40 / 50
o All of Them: If PULL DOMINANCE is used on a number of enemies, it deals 50 extra damage. Normal Damage to Troopers: 120; Normal Damage to Heroes: 80; New Damage to Troopers: 170; New Damage to Heroes: 130; New Damage:
§ Number of Enemies: 5 / 4 / 3 / 2
¡ The EPIC rarity is only stated in the card description if it is a different value than shown in-game.
¡ All Star Card descriptions were rewritten to be unilateral and have similar explanations. The names of heroes and second-person pronouns were avoided.
¡ Clearer antonyms are used: increased/decreased; extended/reduced.
o Increase/decrease suggests a progression in size, amount, or numbers (like adding/subtracting health, damage, stamina drain, and sprint speed).
o Extend/reduce suggests a change made to a value or number (like percentages for time, distance, and blaster heat).
¡ Damage Reduction is received; health points are regained.
¡ To avoid confusion, the term increased cooldown speed and increased recharge time (which uses percentage increased) is avoided. To keep all related effects as close in description as possible: extended/reduced cooldown time (still percentage) is the simplest way to describe the effect without changing the in-game number values.
¡ Extra damage is damage added to ability; bonus damage is situational.
¡ Some values were rounded to whole numbers to reflect in-game values. Such are health points, damage points, and blaster overheat. As a result, though noticeably small, the actual values in-game may be a little off when it comes to stacked values (like stacking damage reduction) and are yet to be tested.
· Some stats between the BF2 wiki and SammyBoiii’s Hero Guides differ in stats; however, they agree for the most part and usually differ by units less than a second.
¡ Feel free to pick any hero and test out the stats yourself. The more accurate stats we have, the better we can use them.
¡ Question Marks are unknown values. If you happen to know them or calculate the value, feel free to share them. Video proof seems to always work best.
· I personally feel that being open to the intricacies of every star card and ability is the best way to go and should not be considered an exploit. Everyone should know what’s happening when the enemy team starts using these game-changers (and there are many people who do), and best enabling them to learn how to counter it. In the end, understanding these little details leads to a more competitive and playable battlefront.
¡ Although not too often, some of the supposed up-to-date references below contradict each other; I had to make a final choice without having the time to test them.
¡ Getting all these stats was a hard-earned headache in the end. Feel free to correct any discrepancies you may find!

BF2 Community on Fandom [Most stats taken from here]

These are ALL the Broken Hero Star Cards (u/RogueZeroRendar on Reddit)

Hero Star Cards that are broken in a “beneficial way”? (u/T-RevLynn on Reddit)

Hero Star Card Guide (u/ MAshby1001 on Reddit)

Damage stats for every trooper, hero and reinforcement in BF2 (u/ImpecableBunny on Reddit) [To Confirm Stats]

Grievous strikes again (u/Accomplished_Ebb1545 on Reddit) [“Jedi Killer” Secondary Effect]

All Broken Hero Starcards in BF2 (By shuds and Shineberg on Steam)

SWBF2 Guide to Hero/Villain Stats (By jmorga3) [To Confirm Stats; Found this list after finishing my list, consider it a simplified version]

Star Cards Breakdown (@KillerDebit on YouTube)

Every hidden/actual star card effect on battlefront 2 (@Picos on YouTube)

Battlefront 2 has 17 Star Cards that DON’T WORK (or are useless)… DO NOT USE THESE! (@Battlefront Knight on YouTube) [OUTDATED, BUT USEFUL COMMENT SECTION]

SammyBoiii: Star Wars Hero Guides [Stats also taken from here]

Every Broken Hero Card In Battlefront 2

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Testing 5 USELESS Star Cards And Proving That They Don't Work!
submitted by CommanderRoku to StarWarsBattlefront [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:38 Beneficial-Rent-7082 macOS Ventura on custom-built Kaby Lake Desktop.

[WIll add a photo soon.]
I finally managed to install macOS 13 Ventura onto my custom-built Desktop. The relevant system specs are given below :
CPU : i3-7100 (Kaby Lake)
GPU : UHD 630 (iGPU only, no dGPU)
RAM : 8GB (DDR4)
Motherboard : Zebronics H110M2
Input : USB Keyboard and Mouse
Audio : None (This is on purpose, I did not require any audio)
Internet : USB Tethering (using the HoRNDIS kext)
Ethernet Card : RTL 8111G 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet LAN (According to manufacturer website)
WIFI/Bluetooth : None
This installation was done by following the OpenCore Installation Guide (and later improvised using the Post-Install Guide).
NOTE : The system is now on macOS 14 Sonoma, and for this the SMBIOS was changed to iMac19,1. Relevant details will be included in a separate post. Kaby Lake support has been dropped for Sonoma I believe, yet, the upgrade from Ventura to Sonoma was very simple, and I will cover that in another post perhaps.
A BIG shoutout to u/tuanpekoe who helped me out with the numerous issues that I faced. I tried several times and kept failing, but once they started helping me, the whole process went on like butter.
The EFI that I used for this build is based off the EFI uploaded by u/tuanpekoe on GitHub. I simply modified it according to my needs. The repository has a pre- and post-installation EFI which makes matters MUCH simpler when transitioning to an on-hard-drive EFI. The CPUs used (by them and by me) were incredibly similar which helped a lot too.
A few things that I learnt :
1) ALWAYS, and I mean ALWAYS have a backup EFI drive incase some EFI fiddling makes your hackintosh unbootable. I used this multiple times as I was always doing something or the other wrong. This really saved hours of my time. Your installer USB can be used as one too, just be careful of what partition you're trying to boot.
2) Read the OpenCore Install guide completely. Every single line matters. You could have a completely unbootable installer because of that one line that you skipped.
3) Experience matters, even if it isn't your own. Looking up hackintoshing attempts with hardware similar to yours will give you a lot of insight. Sometimes you might be able to find someone who has the right kinda experience to help you out (as I found out).
I won't share my EFI here, seeing as it is not allowed, but Ill be happy to share it if you DM me.
submitted by Beneficial-Rent-7082 to hackintosh [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:38 new2thisNov2021 Anybody else have genetic diseases they never knew they had till too late?

I just read an article about chronic disease or illness fakers. I am thoroughly disgusted that even more people are more ignorant than I thought possible beyond my immediate family.
Right before the age of 40 I passed out waiting for a table at a nice restaurant, slowly drinking a beer. Luckily I had not been a heavy, medium, or even light drinker for almost 10 years. All I really had physically wrong with me at that time was testosterone therapy, come shoulder surgeries, and chronic,sometimes horrible pain. Oh, I was also told I had a great, really great bronze California tan.
After that incident right before age 40 I had every test I could have done to explain what happened. Witnesses said, im 6'3 195+ lbs, I just turned white, became instantly soaking wet, and fell straight backwards like a 2x4.
After all the tests were completed I discovered my Iron(its really called ferratin) was at a level of 3,900 (normal safe levels are 50 to 200 roughly. I was given a genetic test for hemachromatosis, which is pretty common, and not a super big deal when treated early. In fact, anyone with hemachromatosis cam firmly state that we people,all people, black, while, whatever are related. Black people have a genetic disease called sickle cell disease. If not treated and allowed to run rampart sickle cell turns into hemachromatosis. Nuff said.
The main treatment for hemachromatosis is bloodletting, the amount of blood you need to get out of your body and how much at a time and how often is usually dictated by the level of your ferritin in your blood at time of diagnosis. Most people, fortunately, get detected and treated by 700 to 1500 level of Ferratin. The body is basically killing itself, "rusting away" to say at levels if 1,000 plus of ferritin.
Now five leads later, testosterone implants every 3 months or so, bloodletting (phlebotomy) treatment 4 times a year now ( I started giving over 550 grams of blood 2 times a week for 4 months, and then once a week 4 or 5 months, and so on and on. I have had a pretty extensive cervical neck surgery, cages, holes drilled in arthritic areas and nerve openings opened up, both hips totally replaced, a knee replacement on left knee coming up soon, always a pain in my ass,, literally,, lol. There's other things, I have to get liver biopsies every year, heart tests performed every year, no alcohol, low Vtamin C diet, no more liver and onions, and reduced use of cast iron and other high iron cooking and eating utensils.
Thing is,, if you see me just see me, you'll see a big, strong, agile, balanced man. But what you dont see is how hard it is for me to just get up and drink a cup of coffee some mornings, or how bad both legs ache, hurt, throb, and sometimes especially feel totally exhausted 2 hours after I wake up. Or a serious neck, nerve issue that I just keep massaging and turning my head.
I don't take opiates, except after surgeries, I can't take much Tylenol or ibuprofen and related. Mostly ice pack/machine, heat pads, hot hot bath soaks, stretching (carefully), keeping moving, and pushing myself everyday or at least 6 days a week harder than the day before.
I have half siblings, 17+ years older than me, with bone spurs, maybe knee replacement, obesity related issues, lack of movement/ exercise issues, and on and on.
I'd happily trade places with them, but keep my age, and very few people I imagine get what I'm about to say next . I decided after the first 6 months of diagnosis I was going to "break and fall apart before I rusted and rotted away".
Do you get that? Understand ? I am happy, no I get exited and thrilled inside when I see people with obvious issues, obesity, laziness, bad diet, drinking, etc struggle, not do, or unwilling to do things they should do, much less want to do to make this life more,, make this life better for themselves. I say F' u all those ignorant dumb lazy scared people that say things, think things, act differently when they interact with you, not knowing you closely and really knowing you, when they see this person that looks, moves, and does lots of physical things better than they can,, and they think your faking or putting on or playing poor pity party me,,, no screw you guys,, try, literally walking 10,000 or more steps in my shoes each day and more, yet sometimes not able to even crawl or move for 2 or 3 hours after 4 or 5 or less some days just living life.
Anyone else have similar stories ? Or experiences? I still can't get over the fact that had a been a normal,, or whatever you call a person who drinks a six pack a week, alcoholic drinker I would definitely for sure have had cirrhosis or liver cancer by now for sure and probably be dead. Anyway,, let me know thanks.
submitted by new2thisNov2021 to hiddengeneticdiseases [link] [comments]
