Guide to changing allison transmission fluid and filters


2011.08.18 19:40 phoenixmike Transmogrification

The World of Warcraft Transmogrification subreddit! Want to show off your new outfit that you've thrown together in World of Warcraft? Do it here! Please read the sidebar to see our rules and guidelines, links to other subreddits and helpful transmog-related websites.

2009.02.26 20:08 Childfree

**Discussion topics and links of interest to childfree individuals. ["Childfree" refers to those who do not have and do not ever want children (whether biological, adopted, or otherwise).](**

2012.06.07 00:35 Nightshade3312 For the bladesmiths, beauty and destruction, art and skill.

A subreddit for the metalworkers who specialize in forging knives and other blade tools. Swords, daggers, kitchen cutlery, carving chisels, etc. Come in, look around, ask a question, learn, and have fun.

2024.05.17 13:43 Soulabiss98 Magic System based on imaginary materials

Hello, I hope you have a good day.
These days, I have been turning over an idea in my mind, which I have been thinking about a lot and which has ended up giving rise to this idea of a magic system, which I have named Tulmaterium. I like to know our opinions about this idea :D
The idea of this magic system is that some people that they born with the ability of access to this magic, called Thulmatists, have the power to create, with their energy magic(called Essence), a material that dont exist in the nature. Because they are materials that should not exist, they disintegrate over time (the speed of the process depends on how much mass of this substance has been created), unless they are supplied with essence in a good quantity or continuously.
This materials are unnatural because they have stranges properties to their phisical state or dont obey the natural laws of the element that they are associating(Every imaginary material have asocciate a natural element, like air, dust, water, among others.) In addition, each material can generate a different magic effect, that only manifests if the user add some magic energy to the material with the intention to use this power(not in all cases, but it applies in most of the materials.
Furthermore, all users of said magic are recognizable by certain traits in their being that can be associated with the element to which they were born associated. For example, those who can create the material of air may have hair that moves as if there is always wind blowing it or their way of walking is as if they are light as the wind.
In this systems, exists only 8 elements, with one imaginary material associates. This elements are:
Air: This element allows their users to create a gas similar to a dense mist, pink in color with orange touches like the sunset. It behaves the same as fog but, if exposed to a source of ultraviolet rays, such as direct sunlight, it undergoes an almost instantaneous and very violent expansion (in open areas it is harmless except for the change in pressure, but in closed places can be as strong as an explosion).
the magical power allows the user to alter the light that passes through the fog, creating visual illusions, making whoever enters invisible or altering the shape of the gas so that it acts as a lens that concentrates or disperses the light (in the first case creating a similar but more powerful effect of the reflection of light in the mirror)
The material of this element are a type of dark sand, like the one present on volcanic beaches, but with a strange metallic shine when it spreads or forms sheets.
Its only strange property is that, with enough magic and time, it can be used to create black crystals that do not disappear over time, but lose their ability to use their magic power. Of course, when reacting with magic, they emit an iridescent and flowing glow, like the shine of tar, but more powerful and long-lasting.
The magical power are the ability to manipulate the sand to alter its consistency, making it denser or more fluid, or act as a filter or insulator for one element or another through the structures that you can use to manipulate it.
The substance is similar to water in aspect, except for it have a intense light blue color and more viscosity. The strange property that It has is that it is a very reactive substance, even being capable of damaging glass and slightly some metals that support chemical reactions, such as platinum. Of course, other imaginary materials and living beings, due to their essence, are more resistant to this effect, although not immune.
The magic power that it grants is the ability, by mixing the appropriate components inside, the user can use the liquid to alter said components, obtaining the molecule or alloy that the user desires from them. Of course, the process completely consumes the imaginary substance.
The substance is a type of biofuel in aspect and properties, but with a remarkable purple color. And, like the fuels, are very flammable(similar to gasoline) and produce, in contact with the aire, a strange slag layer made of solidified air components (like O2, CO2, water vapor, among others) as a gelatinous mass.
the magic power is the ability to increase the power of the magic powers of other users that they are sprinkled with that oil and the user of the oil has applied his power to them.
This material can be created in form of small balls of gold rocks with cracks through which a reddish glow is emitted, like a broken and lit coal in a fireplace. Despite their appearance, the heat they emit is only a couple of degrees higher than that of the human body.
The magic power of this material only activate when someone eat one of this balls, causing, upon reaching his stomach, the material to begin to emit controlled heat and cause a temporary alteration of his body in the user, who develops small rocky patterns on his skin and his eyes become intense as fathoms. This transformation consumes the essence that the living being possesses by virtue of being a living being and multiplies it, turning it into an improvement in its physical and mental capabilities.
Of course, consuming more spheres does not give you more power, but rather it lengthens the time that the ability remains active (although the effects later are worse when they are exhausted, since more than three or four continuous spheres can leave someone on the brink of death. a normal human)
This material is a liquid metal, like the mercury, but less poisonous, more cohesive and a deep red color, like intense fire. The magic power are the ability to generate magnetic fields, both inside the metal (to alter its shape at will) and outside the metal (used to push other nearby metals or levitate the metallic substance).
Vegetable material:
This material is a strange green substance, contained in a wooden shell of white, brown and red colors, as well as covered with several spikes.
Its magical power allows, through an infinitely replicable process, to store and extract essence from the greenish substance, which acts as a portable warehouse for it. The curious thing is that, if the essence reserve is left full, but nothing is extracted for several days, the material will consume said energy to grow in size and change to resemble a growing tree.
If this process is repeated several times, in a few years you can have trees of this substance almost ten meters high and several meters long. In this state, touching the leaves of said plant allows energy to be transferred or extracted, its storage now being equivalent to that of the magical energy of tens of thousands of people or thousands of users.
Animal material:
This substance is similar to a white gelatin, inside which an incredible amount of amoeba-like microorganisms is stored. These are harmless to living beings, although they require nutrients and magical energy to stay alive.
Its magical ability allows the user to generate, from the available nutrients, any biological component (biotoxins, hormones, proteins, fats and so on) that the user desires, as long as the user knows its exact chemical composition and can maintain contact and the organisms that produce it are well nourished.
These same microorganisms can also be applied to a wound or in a sterilized space to cause them to undergo a conversion, going from their original form to becoming cells of the chosen living being. With this, wounds can be sealed or even organs can be created from scratch, as long as the user knows what their structure is like and the cells that should form it and in what order they should be placed.
And this is the whole system, I'm sorry it's been so long. I hope to know what you think about this and I would like to hear any suggestions or ideas :D
I hope you have a good day
submitted by Soulabiss98 to magicbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:23 NimbleThor 5 Quick tl;dr iOS Game Reviews / Recommendations (Episode 218)

Welcome back, fellow mobile gamers :) As per tradition, here are my weekly mobile game recommendations based on the most interesting games I played and that were covered on MiniReview this week! :) I hope you'll enjoy some of them.
Support these posts (and YouTube content + development of MiniReview) on Patreon: <3
This episode includes a great racing game, a fun arcade platformer, a great deck-builder roguelike RPG, an arcade casual game, and a neat deck-building dungeon crawler.
New to these posts? Check out the first one from 216 weeks ago here.

Let's get to the games:

Art of Rally [Game Size: 2.3 GB] ($4.99)

Genre: Racing / Simulation - Offline
Orientation: Landscape
Required Attention: Full
tl;dr review by NimbleThor:
Art of Rally is a rally racing game with an amazing atmosphere, several fun game modes that range from casual to hardcore, and deep gameplay customization settings.
The main career mode has us play through several years of rally history on tracks all around the world, unlocking new cars and skins as we progress.
In addition to the campaign, however, there is a custom rally mode, a time-attack mode where we can try all of the game’s vehicles, a free-roam mode where we drive around a large open world to collect items, and daily and weekly online events with leaderboards.
What I like the best about Art of Rally is that it can be as casual or hardcore as you want. Free roaming is a fun laid-back experience while the time-attack modes are incredibly challenging. And even in the career mode, we can pick the difficulty of our AI opponents.
The touch controls are okay but lack different options. Thankfully, the game plays perfectly with a Bluetooth controller, and there are lots of customization options for everything from the HUD to the interface and gameplay, including changing the steering sensitivity, enabling anti-lock braking, and much more.
The game has a great atmosphere, and the low-poly art style and minimalistic UI fit nicely. Unfortunately, loading between menus and levels is slow, and I ran into a few minor bugs - so the game isn’t perfectly ported from PC.
Art of Rally is a $4.99 premium game with a single $1.99 optional DLC that adds additional map areas.
It’s a game more about precision than driving super-fast, so if that’s what you’re looking for, I think you’ll enjoy Art of Rally – especially if you have a controller to play it with.
App Store: Here
Check it out on MiniReview (review score + user ratings):: Art of Rally

Level Devil - NOT A Troll Game [Total Game Size: 87 MB] (Free)

Genre: Platform / Arcade - Offline
Orientation: Landscape
Required Attention: Full
tl;dr review by Ark:
Level Devil is an easy arcade platformer with no surprises or frustrations at all… or is it?
The game has us move left, right, and jump to navigate seemingly simple one-screen stages. But as we progress, the game starts trolling us in lots of unexpected ways.
Floors suddenly disappear beneath our feet, spikes spawn at what looks like safe spots, and the game sometimes even changes the rules of physics by lowering the gravity or reversing it altogether.
So you better be prepared for some rage-inducing deaths. But to me, the game’s main appeal is exactly these unexpected twists. The game quickly becomes all about anticipating the next troll attempt, and nothing beats the satisfaction I got from outsmarting a level in my first attempt.
There are 80 stages in total, with the game autosaving every 5 stages. And while some stages are challenging, they’re all short and concise. The controls are also simple and responsive. Unfortunately, there is no music at all, and the graphics are very minimal, with just a single yellow-reddish color scheme that gets old in no time.
Level Devil monetizes via occasional forced ads between levels and deaths, and a $0.99 iAP to remove these for good. Thankfully, I didn’t personally find the ads to be too intrusive, even with me dying a lot.
Despite being a troll game, it balances overall fun vs. overall difficulty very well. So I was able to complete it relatively easily without getting too frustrated. You could say I had a "devilish good time" beating the game.
App Store: Here
Check it out on MiniReview (review score + user ratings):: Level Devil

Loop Hero [Game Size: 250 MB] (Free Trial)

Genre: RPG / Deck-Builder / Roguelike - Offline
Orientation: Landscape
Required Attention: Some
tl;dr review by JBMessin:
Loop Hero is a mobile port of an incredibly unique tactical roguelike that mixes lots of gameplay elements, including deck-building, auto-battling, resource management, and city-building.
We begin the game in a place outside space and time on a dangerous path that forms a loop. Our character traverses the loop on his own, automatically fighting the enemies that spawn every day. These encounters provide us with loot that we equip to grow stronger and cards that are used to alter the loop.
Playing a card somewhere on the path changes what happens every time our hero walks through that part of the loop. For example, we may place a grove that spawns a rat every 2 days, which we then fight to grow stronger. This ability to customize the loop is one of the most unique aspects of the game, and I really enjoyed it.
After our first campfire is built, we begin to meet heroes who are just as lost as we are. Through short dialogues with them, we start to learn about the game’s light city-building mechanics. There are plenty of buildings to construct that offer all kinds of new and interesting gameplay mechanics - and even new classes to go on expeditions with.
What I immediately appreciated about Loop Hero was its top-notch soundtrack reminiscent of early 8-bit games like Castlevania, and the sprites that are stylized to match the gloomy setting but still vibrant in their design.
The biggest downside is that my large fingers sometimes made it hard to see where I was placing things. The game is definitely best enjoyed on larger phones.
Loop Hero is free to try, with a single $6.99 iAP unlocking the full game.
If you enjoy excellent roguelikes with unique gameplay mechanics, I think you’ll enjoy Loop Hero.
App Store: Here
Check it out on MiniReview (review score + user ratings):: Loop Hero

Tumble Rush [Game Size: 159 MB] (Free)

Genre: Arcade / Casual - Offline
Orientation: Landscape
Required Attention: Full
tl;dr review by NimbleThor:
Tumble Rush is a fun, fast-paced marble maze arcade game where we guide a ball through small top-down levels while avoiding obstacles, traps, and holes.
Apart from rolling around with our sphere character, the only other thing we can do is tap an interaction button that activates/deactivates doors, turn on fans that let us get over obstacles, and much more.
Despite the additional puzzle elements introduced along the way, the game is very easy in the beginning – maybe even to a fault. I quickly grew bored with the early levels. But thankfully, if you stick with the game, it eventually becomes much harder.
The coins we collect in each level are used to unlock new cosmetics for our character. But what’s really cool is that they also completely change the design and theme of every level. So unlocking cosmetics quickly became my primary objective.
While the standard mode is relatively easy and lacks a bit of variety, the game also features a much more challenging time attack mode, where we attempt to finish levels fast enough to earn three stars. And if we get bored with that, there’s an endless mode where we earn more and more gold the further we get.
The standard gyroscopic controls work alright, but I personally preferred one of the touch control options.
Tumble Rush monetizes by showing ads between levels. They appear relatively frequently but can thankfully be removed via a single $1.99 iAP.
It’s an arcade game that gets better the further you get. So if you’re looking for a fun game that can be played as casually or competitively as you want, I think you might like Tumble Rush.
App Store: Here
Check it out on MiniReview (review score + user ratings):: Tumble Rush

SOULVARS (Game Size: 346 MB] ($4.99)

Genre: Deck-Building / Dungeon Crawler - Offline
Orientation: Portrait
Required Attention: Some
tl;dr review by AlexSem:
SOULVARS is a futuristic mix of a jRPG and a deck builder, where we fight demonic creatures using a deck of cards produced by the gear we equip.
Working for a secret government organization, our job is to maintain peace by engaging in bloody confrontations with hungry spirits that invade the human world via spontaneous portal-like breaches.
The combat system is quite elaborate. First of all, our deck is defined by the gear we equip, and each card lets us execute an action, such as using a shield, performing various elemental attacks, or dealing different types of physical damage.
Picking two different types of cards allows us to perform devastating combo actions. But we must also pay attention to our enemies’ resistances, constantly charge our “burst” meter to eventually turn into a powerful monster, and link together attacks of multiple characters. And this is just a small portion of the game’s many combat mechanics.
Mindlessly executing random moves works for a while, but we eventually face enemies so strong that this tactic isn’t enough. This is where the game's complex combat systems comes into play, and we need to learn all its intricacies and meticulously manage our equipment to win. This will be too challenging for some players, but a joy for others.
The exploration part of the game consists of navigating maze-like rooms, interacting with the environment, collecting loot, talking to people, and engaging in random battles - an old jRPG structure that is apparently still popular among certain audiences.
SOULVARS is a premium game that costs $4.99.
While the game’s repetitiveness and unengaging plot eventually make the gameplay a bit boring, there’s more than enough entertainment for fans of complex combat systems.
App Store: Here
Check it out on MiniReview (review score + user ratings):: SOULVARS
NEW: Sort + filter reviews and games I've played (and more) on my mobile games discovery platform, MiniReview:
Special thanks to the Patreon Producers Wrecking Golf, "marquisdan", "Lost Vault", "Farm RPG", and "Mohaimen" who help make these posts possible through their Patreon support <3
Google Sheet of all games I've played so far (searchable and filter-able):
*The newest mobile games (with gameplay) on my YouTube channel: *
Episode 193 Episode 194 Episode 195 Episode 196 Episode 197 Episode 198 Episode 199 Episode 200 Episode 201 Episode 202 Episode 203 Episode 204 Episode 205 Episode 206 Episode 207 Episode 208 Episode 209 Episode 210 Episode 211 Episode 211 Episode 212 Episode 214 Episode 215 Episode 216 Episode 217
submitted by NimbleThor to iosgaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:23 NimbleThor 5 Quick Tl;Dr Android Game Reviews / Recommendations (Episode 304)

Welcome back, fellow mobile gamers :) As per tradition, here are my weekly mobile game recommendations based on the most interesting games I played and that were covered on MiniReview this week! :) I hope you'll enjoy some of them.
Support these posts (and YouTube content + development of MiniReview) on Patreon: <3
This episode includes a great racing game, a fun arcade platformer, a great deck-builder roguelike RPG, an arcade casual game, and a neat deck-building dungeon crawler.
New to these posts? Check out the first one from 304 weeks ago here.

Let's get to the games:

Art of Rally [Game Size: 2.3 GB] ($4.99)

Genre: Racing / Simulation - Offline
Orientation: Landscape
Required Attention: Full
tl;dr review by NimbleThor:
Art of Rally is a rally racing game with an amazing atmosphere, several fun game modes that range from casual to hardcore, and deep gameplay customization settings.
The main career mode has us play through several years of rally history on tracks all around the world, unlocking new cars and skins as we progress.
In addition to the campaign, however, there is a custom rally mode, a time-attack mode where we can try all of the game’s vehicles, a free-roam mode where we drive around a large open world to collect items, and daily and weekly online events with leaderboards.
What I like the best about Art of Rally is that it can be as casual or hardcore as you want. Free roaming is a fun laid-back experience while the time-attack modes are incredibly challenging. And even in the career mode, we can pick the difficulty of our AI opponents.
The touch controls are okay but lack different options. Thankfully, the game plays perfectly with a Bluetooth controller, and there are lots of customization options for everything from the HUD to the interface and gameplay, including changing the steering sensitivity, enabling anti-lock braking, and much more.
The game has a great atmosphere, and the low-poly art style and minimalistic UI fit nicely. Unfortunately, loading between menus and levels is slow, and I ran into a few minor bugs - so the game isn’t perfectly ported from PC.
Art of Rally is a $4.99 premium game with a single $1.99 optional DLC that adds additional map areas.
It’s a game more about precision than driving super-fast, so if that’s what you’re looking for, I think you’ll enjoy Art of Rally – especially if you have a controller to play it with.
Check it out on Google Play: Here
Check it out on MiniReview (website version):: Art of Rally

Level Devil - NOT A Troll Game [Total Game Size: 87 MB] (Free)

Genre: Platform / Arcade - Offline
Orientation: Landscape
Required Attention: Full
tl;dr review by Ark:
Level Devil is an easy arcade platformer with no surprises or frustrations at all… or is it?
The game has us move left, right, and jump to navigate seemingly simple one-screen stages. But as we progress, the game starts trolling us in lots of unexpected ways.
Floors suddenly disappear beneath our feet, spikes spawn at what looks like safe spots, and the game sometimes even changes the rules of physics by lowering the gravity or reversing it altogether.
So you better be prepared for some rage-inducing deaths. But to me, the game’s main appeal is exactly these unexpected twists. The game quickly becomes all about anticipating the next troll attempt, and nothing beats the satisfaction I got from outsmarting a level in my first attempt.
There are 80 stages in total, with the game autosaving every 5 stages. And while some stages are challenging, they’re all short and concise. The controls are also simple and responsive. Unfortunately, there is no music at all, and the graphics are very minimal, with just a single yellow-reddish color scheme that gets old in no time.
Level Devil monetizes via occasional forced ads between levels and deaths. Thankfully, I didn’t personally find the ads to be too intrusive, even with me dying a lot.
Despite being a troll game, it balances overall fun vs. overall difficulty very well. So I was able to complete it relatively easily without getting too frustrated. You could say I had a "devilish good time" beating the game.
Check it out on Google Play: Here
Check it out on MiniReview (website version):: Level Devil

Loop Hero [Game Size: 250 MB] (Free Trial)

Genre: RPG / Deck-Builder / Roguelike - Offline
Orientation: Landscape
Required Attention: Some
tl;dr review by JBMessin:
Loop Hero is a mobile port of an incredibly unique tactical roguelike that mixes lots of gameplay elements, including deck-building, auto-battling, resource management, and city-building.
We begin the game in a place outside space and time on a dangerous path that forms a loop. Our character traverses the loop on his own, automatically fighting the enemies that spawn every day. These encounters provide us with loot that we equip to grow stronger and cards that are used to alter the loop.
Playing a card somewhere on the path changes what happens every time our hero walks through that part of the loop. For example, we may place a grove that spawns a rat every 2 days, which we then fight to grow stronger. This ability to customize the loop is one of the most unique aspects of the game, and I really enjoyed it.
After our first campfire is built, we begin to meet heroes who are just as lost as we are. Through short dialogues with them, we start to learn about the game’s light city-building mechanics. There are plenty of buildings to construct that offer all kinds of new and interesting gameplay mechanics - and even new classes to go on expeditions with.
What I immediately appreciated about Loop Hero was its top-notch soundtrack reminiscent of early 8-bit games like Castlevania, and the sprites that are stylized to match the gloomy setting but still vibrant in their design.
The biggest downside is that my large fingers sometimes made it hard to see where I was placing things. The game is definitely best enjoyed on larger phones.
Loop Hero is free to try, with a single $6.99 iAP unlocking the full game.
If you enjoy excellent roguelikes with unique gameplay mechanics, I think you’ll enjoy Loop Hero.
Check it out on Google Play: Here
Check it out on MiniReview (website version):: Loop Hero

Tumble Rush [Game Size: 159 MB] (Free)

Genre: Arcade / Casual - Offline
Orientation: Landscape
Required Attention: Full
tl;dr review by NimbleThor:
Tumble Rush is a fun, fast-paced marble maze arcade game where we guide a ball through small top-down levels while avoiding obstacles, traps, and holes.
Apart from rolling around with our sphere character, the only other thing we can do is tap an interaction button that activates/deactivates doors, turn on fans that let us get over obstacles, and much more.
Despite the additional puzzle elements introduced along the way, the game is very easy in the beginning – maybe even to a fault. I quickly grew bored with the early levels. But thankfully, if you stick with the game, it eventually becomes much harder.
The coins we collect in each level are used to unlock new cosmetics for our character. But what’s really cool is that they also completely change the design and theme of every level. So unlocking cosmetics quickly became my primary objective.
While the standard mode is relatively easy and lacks a bit of variety, the game also features a much more challenging time attack mode, where we attempt to finish levels fast enough to earn three stars. And if we get bored with that, there’s an endless mode where we earn more and more gold the further we get.
The standard gyroscopic controls work alright, but I personally preferred one of the touch control options.
Tumble Rush monetizes by showing ads between levels. They appear relatively frequently but can thankfully be removed via a single $1.99 iAP.
It’s an arcade game that gets better the further you get. So if you’re looking for a fun game that can be played as casually or competitively as you want, I think you might like Tumble Rush.
Check it out on Google Play: Here
Check it out on MiniReview (website version):: Tumble Rush

SOULVARS (Game Size: 346 MB] ($4.99)

Genre: Deck-Building / Dungeon Crawler - Offline
Orientation: Portrait
Required Attention: Some
tl;dr review by AlexSem:
SOULVARS is a futuristic mix of a jRPG and a deck builder, where we fight demonic creatures using a deck of cards produced by the gear we equip.
Working for a secret government organization, our job is to maintain peace by engaging in bloody confrontations with hungry spirits that invade the human world via spontaneous portal-like breaches.
The combat system is quite elaborate. First of all, our deck is defined by the gear we equip, and each card lets us execute an action, such as using a shield, performing various elemental attacks, or dealing different types of physical damage.
Picking two different types of cards allows us to perform devastating combo actions. But we must also pay attention to our enemies’ resistances, constantly charge our “burst” meter to eventually turn into a powerful monster, and link together attacks of multiple characters. And this is just a small portion of the game’s many combat mechanics.
Mindlessly executing random moves works for a while, but we eventually face enemies so strong that this tactic isn’t enough. This is where the game's complex combat systems comes into play, and we need to learn all its intricacies and meticulously manage our equipment to win. This will be too challenging for some players, but a joy for others.
The exploration part of the game consists of navigating maze-like rooms, interacting with the environment, collecting loot, talking to people, and engaging in random battles - an old jRPG structure that is apparently still popular among certain audiences.
SOULVARS is a premium game that costs $4.99.
While the game’s repetitiveness and unengaging plot eventually make the gameplay a bit boring, there’s more than enough entertainment for fans of complex combat systems.
Check it out on Google Play: Here
Check it out on MiniReview (website version):: SOULVARS
NEW: Sort + filter reviews and games I've played (and more) in my app MiniReview:
Special thanks to the Patreon Producers Wrecking Golf, "marquisdan", "Lost Vault", "Farm RPG", and "Mohaimen" who help make these posts possible through their Patreon support <3
Episode 281 Episode 282 Episode 283 Episode 284 Episode 285 Episode 286 Episode 287 Episode 288 Episode 289 Episode 290 Episode 291 Episode 292 Episode 293 Episode 294 Episode 295 Episode 296 Episode 297 Episode 298 Episode 299 Episode 300 Episode 301 Episode 302 Episode 303
submitted by NimbleThor to AndroidGaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:31 Dodgergirl_13 Wow...This explains ALOT


Twin Flame Kundalini Activation: Signs of Kundalini Awakening
Spiritual Awakening can be a gentle process or sometimes it can be brought on intensely. More and more people are experiencing this awakening as we proceed through the cosmic energy that is literally activating our light bodies and our DNA. It can be a very confusing and even fear-filled process when we don’t understand what is happening. We are propelled into places both within and external that we have never before experienced. Many people have thought themselves going crazy or losing hold of reality and in a way that is true. This energy allows us to see the truth of the nature of our existence in human form. Veils are lifted and illumination takes place. They call this ‘Enlightenment”
Our kundalini energy lies dormant at the base of our spine, a slumbering snake in eternal sleep. It is said that our DNA was genetically altered at the time of our creation so that we would remain unaware of our own power as creators and to keep us imprisoned in this 3D construct. There is some in depth information on this and I will leave a link at the end for you to explore further. I just wanted to present a few of the signs and symptoms that indicate your kundalini has been activated.
In regards to twin flames, a part of the purpose of union is to activate the kundalini energy in each other for full union and expression of the third Divine energy the union creates. This activation is key as many of the twins have one twin at a slightly accelerated rate of vibration than the other. I believe this is why there is the separation phase once they find each other. They both need to readjust and assimilate this new energy activation and come to a place of balance and awareness individually. This activation forces them to do all the necessary shedding, clearing and healing of anything that no longer serves their shared purpose. Understanding what you are going through can make the journey a little less confusing and uncomfortable.
It helps to know that all the crazy things you are going through are actually Divinely intended at this time and will bring you into alignment for your ascension.
Some symptoms in no particular order:
Seeing/Feeling Energy: seeing orbs of light within peripheral vision…prickly or tingling sensations…a pulsing, tremor or vibrating sensation, tracers, after images among objects or people…unexplained warmth in the hands or feet…seeing colors of frequency. Emotional Upheaval: You will experience the extreme polarity of emotions moving from euphoria to depression as if your emotions are completely out of your control. This is the result of your hormones changing through your endocrine system. Identity Crisis: An isolation builds where you can no longer understand yourself, who you are, what is your path or reality itself. It is the essence of dissociation. There becomes a deep fear that you cannot deal with material reality as everyone around you is still in illusion. This is where the ego starts losing it’s bearings over your consciousness. The Urge to Create: You want to explore things creatively, cooking, music, art, poetry, writing etc. One instance of awakening is you are becoming more in tune with your subconscious and releasing the mind into the imagination. We create our reality with the power of our thoughts. This is the Universe giving us a sign to start creating literally and figuratively.
Increase in Psychic Abilities: When we awaken our senses, they not only become sharper but your intuition is guiding you more than you ever thought possible. You start to listen to your gut instinct…synchronicity and patterns become too strong to ignore…you start predicting events before they happen…knowing things before you you even knew them…precognitive dreaming.
In Tune with Celestial Events: When our consciousness changes we become more in tune with frequency and in turn the frequency of the earth. When we are aware we start to notice the subtle patterns especially during the moon phases and astrological alignments. Since everything is connected through the ripple effect, we are effected in magnitude during these events. Past Life Memories: Our long term memory is returning. These are deep suppressed memories within our soul blueprint and encoded in our DNA. We are seeing glimpses of who we were within various lifetimes. Past life memories for some occur in flashbacks, visions, daydreams or glimpse into the past. It is a memory so vivid and real that it brings confusion because you know it is not from this current time line.
Flashes into Other Realities: The feeling as if you are living in multiple realities at once or parallel lives. Time is more fluid as past, present and future merge as one. You will feel as if straddled between worlds or moving into different realities all together. It activates a very disoriented feeling of not being grounded because you are opening yourself to different timelines of perceived reality.
Seeing a Person’s True Form: It is like the concept of the mirror into seeing other’s reflections of their past lives through their own energy aura. As we become stronger, sometimes we can see loved ones or even strangers with a superimposed face enabling something from their past life or parallel life to come through to us. Anxiety/Panic Attacks: The flow of energy can be overwhelming as the ego loses it’s grip. This can cause your brain to move faster than the body enabling a concept called ‘black hole’ thinking. (please check out that link, it is important) Your perception is changing and with that comes a desire to fall into a cycle of past and future thinking enabling fear and loss.
No Low Vibes: There is an innate desire to surround yourself with ‘like minded’ people and healthy relationships. You simply cannot tolerate lower vibration environments, duality behavior or toxic unhealthy relationships any longer.Your body is longing to move away from the 3D dualistic concepts completely. You come into alignment with the higher energies of the new paradigm.
Rapid Synchronicity: Synchronicity begins increasing rapid;ly, certain number sequences begin to haunt you…11:11, 1212, 111, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777. You begin to experience increased deja-vu, dreams taking form or certain archetypal symbols appear in your life. The symbols work in a way that is similar to Jungian psychology. The symbols help awaken us.
Clarity of Communication: You feel more in tune listening to the silence. You are not going crazy, but you feel a desire to speak with this ‘inner voice’ or listen to the silence. Many experience meeting their spirit guides or having angelic communication this way. Channeling becomes innate and natural to us as we open ourselves up to being connected to the higher spiritual realms.
Time Dilation: The concept of how we view time changes completely. WE are operating from a a unified sense of past-present-future perception. The time is now. Your consciousness is striving for a present mindset. Time doesn’t feel like it has a structure anymore, it is very fluid. Left-brain Short Circuit: Consciousness is going through a rewiring of sorts, so everything our right hemisphere operates on will be heightened. This means our empathy, our spatial memory, psychic abilities and our ability to experience through vision will be magnified. Whereas the left hemisphere will tune down. Brain fog, memory lapses and no focus will be prevalent.
Feeling Disconnected: Your consciousness is wanting you to look within for answers. As your frequency shifts, your interests and relationships will change, you attract what you are. Old friendships and relationships will fall away for more soulful aligned relationships. We are releasing our karmic bonds from our soul family. Sometimes we must let go in order to grow and evolve. Looking Within: This could be a desire from out of the blue to mediate, talking to yourself or being more introspective with your thoughts rather than voicing your opinion all the time, hermit mode. You basically become more telepathic and in tune with your thought perceptions of the world around you. You are becoming an observer of your thoughts and feelings, a watcher between worlds.
Moments of Elation: Once you awaken you feel more at peace with yourself and your reality. This creates moments of bliss and euphoria. You are able to see beyond the illusions of separation and knowing that you are never alone. We are all connected and guided by the Universe within.
submitted by Dodgergirl_13 to MyTwinFlame [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:24 Traildestroy817 Transmission fluid

So I know I don't know a lot about cars and trucks but I would like to say I know more then the average person but I've been told by my dad that if you need to change your transmission fluid there's something wrong with the transmission and you need to fix or replace that and if you do change the tranny fluid it can mess up the tranny. I've also heard and saw and read that you should change it at or before 100k miles is it just an old myth that you shouldn't change your fluid or if it true that if you need to change the fluid you should get your tranny looked at or replaced? Logic would tell me its a fluid and just like oil you should and do need to change it at some point. Also if you're not supposed to change the fluid then why would there be drain plugs for transmissions?
submitted by Traildestroy817 to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:05 Acceptable_Egg5560 Of Giants and Journalists [51 Final]

Thank you for this universe!
And many thanks to for being a full co-writer on this project!
Kaeden and Vichee belongs to and I thank them so much for working with us! It was an honor!
Sven belongs to Bjorn the Copper Paladin from Discord. I hope to do more with them in the future, and have tons of fun!
And don’t you worry about that final in the title! We have some news at the end!
[First]- [Prev]- {Next Story!!}

{Is the reason that everything happened to Tarlim in the first place?}

{Only up to the ramps, mostly. Trying to impress upon people the importance of accessibility for those with extenuating circumstances. At least according to the records I have access to.}

{The average person knows as much about his friends as they do about Mike Collins.}
{Exactly. 20th century human spaceman, was there for their first lunar landing. Didn’t get to put boots on the ground, and nobody remembers his name now.}

{Hell, I didn’t even know about him until I put in a search query of niche historical figures just to give you an example. Yeesh…}

(Program Selected.)
(Resume Selected Media? [Y])
Archived Closed Circuit Security Video - Establishment: Exterminator’s Office - Dawn Creek Division - Subbasement - Date Recorded (ST): OCT 31, 2136 - Timeframe (ST): 11:42 - 11:45
The parking bay is silent. Vans are parked neatly in their spots which frame the hallway to the armory and fuel storage for the camera. A ding is heard and something moves in the hallway. Five fully suited Venlil and a Zurulian step out of an elevator and run towards a van. The sound of a door slamming open comes from the hall roughly 6 seconds later. A stream of Exterminators pour out into the hall from the stairwell.
Their voices are indecipherable as they speak over each other. A Sulian runs into the armory and reappears with a huge flamer tank on their back. Another Zurulian can be seen with an extinguisher tank, but a Venlil bleats at them and tosses it aside. They drag the quadrupedal alien quickly into the parking garage before physically throwing them into the back of a van.
From the back of the hallway, a fluid can be seen spreading across the ground. A trio of Venlil back out of a room while holding their flamers up. They are unlit, instead spewing fuel out of their nozzles. The trio twirl around in an overly animated manner as they walk down the hall to the parking garage. A van pulls out of its spot with windows down so the passengers could let out a cheer.
A black-suited Venlil runs up to the spraying trio while waving their arms to get them out into the garage. The microphone just barely manages to catch him saying, “We need to save some for the predators!” One of the other Venlil replies, “Yes sir, Mafchi!” A short flurry of curses is heard as the gathered exterminators pile into the three other visible vans. Two of the vans speed out of the garage, forcing some other Venlil exterminators to dive out of the way in the process.
The black-suited Mafchi picks up a fuel canister that had been dropped and twists off its cap. He slings it under his shoulder and pours a line of fuel. He marches straight to the final van and hops up into the open rear. The van backs itself up to turn out of the garage. The fuel canister clatters to the ground as it pulls away. Before it clears the view of the camera, the Black-suited Venlil is seen standing in its open back. He is holding what appears to be a flare gun.
The flare sails through the air shortly after the van leaves the frame and impacts the ground. It bounces and rolls until it touches the fuel and ignites it in an instant. A small wall of fire proceeds down the provided trail into the hallway, igniting more fuel as time passes. The hallway is quickly engulfed in vividly red fire. Thick black smoke begins to pour out into the garage as the fire inches closer to the primary fuel tank.
Movement can be seen in the hallway between the flickering flames. The silver form of a Venlil Exterminator is seen rushing out of the stairwell and fighting to head towards the fuel storage room. Before they reach, a white flash fills the screen. The feed goes dead, the error code consistent with electrical interruption.
(Specified Media Concluded.)

{Who was what? Mafchi?}

{Hmmm, there aren’t any tags embedded for them. The suits do a rather good job at making the officers anonymous. Let me see…oh.}

{The, uh… the employment records for that Office were…terminated.}

{It looks like…yes, here. Record wipe in 2497. Media with less than 1 bistandannual visit were removed to save space on the university’s central server. It’s…they’re gone, gone gone.}

{Maybe, but that’ll do us no good if we don’t know their name. And because of the chaos of that incident, nobody has been able to accurately reconstruct where every individual was in that office. We’d have to already know who they were to find them.}
<...I guess that’s another person I’ll have to remember then, huh?>
{...Guess so. Speaking of remembering, perhaps you should check out Tarlim’s view again? Seeing how we were just talking about him.}
<...Sure. At least people remember his name, right?>
(Command: [exitprogram])
(Are you sure? [Y])

{-Program Selected-}
{-Restart From Last Playback Point? Y/(N)-}
{-[USERID-11229KMD]: procViewHist -}
{-Retrieving Transcription Viewing History…-}
{-List Retrieved - Select Desired Subject: (Tarlim)-}
{-Restart From Last Playback Point? (Y)/N-}
Memory Transcription Subject: Tarlim, the Venbig. Date [Standardized Human Time] October 31st, 2136
No matter how much Sven and Anso griped about it, having them leave and return with the trailer was a great idea. The humans who had gone with them the first time were, to my dismay, excited to try and ride in the back. I had at least been able to impress on those four that I couldn’t let anyone else ride like that, and that they were to help with rigging a trailer with some seats.
I had to admit; they did a good job!
Several couches sat bolted to the floor of the covered trailer and even had some ropes that could be hooked across the armrests as impromptu belts. It wasn’t perfect by any means, but it would work as well as any bus or short train ride! Certainly superior to jumping in the bed of a truck.
I strode out into the parking road and swayed my ears to greet Anso. Sven had stayed behind here to meet with the humans and entertain the kids, a job which he was slightly less unenthusiastic about compared to last time. “Greetings, Anso! Have you made the necessary preparations for the humans to leave with you?”
The Yotul hopped out of the truck bed and bounced to me. “We have! I have to say those humans were great workers to have helped get this whipped up so quickly! I hope Sven has been behaving himself?”
I let my tail wag behind me remembering my last glimpse of him. He should really secure his sheath straps! “He has! Been entertaining the refugees while I made sure they all had their belongings ready to go. Come on inside, let’s go gather them.”
I guided him with a wave of my arm as we turned back to the door. To be truthful, I hadn’t expected Sven to win the humans over as quickly as he did. Needless to say, his primitive attire seemed to spark joy within them, a joy sorely needed amidst the sadness of recency.
As we entered the building I noticed something, or rather, the lack of something. When I had exited only a few [minutes] prior, the building had been full of life and noise. Now, it was almost dead quiet, save for the sounds of a holovision coming from the lobby. Rather heated sounds, at that.
“I didn’t think it was already main rest claw,” Anso mused as he, too, recognized the aggravated voices coming from the lobby. “And what are they watching in there? Sounds…angry.”
“Yeah…” I trailed off as I followed the noises. As I approached the lobby, the sound of what I assumed was a Gojid yelling. “You know nothing about my family. TALK, JUST FUCKING TALK, NOW!” My ears pinned back at the foul language at play, hoping that Sven and the children were somewhere else.
As I entered the room, I saw that I was only half right. The children were thankfully nowhere to be found, but Sven was obviously present, as was most of the facility staff. I was about to ask what was going on before another voice drew my attention to the holovision, the same as everyone else. The voice of none other than Chief Nikonus.
“There were three of us who laid out the groundwork for the Federation. When Kolshian explorers came in contact with the Farsul, more than a thousand years ago, the galaxy was young. We were the first in this sector to escape our gravity well. You know about the founding of this institution, but I reiterate it just in case.”
“The Krakotl were the third,” another voice piped up from behind the camera. I thought it might’ve been another Gojid, but the voice was far too breathy. Harchen, maybe? I wasn’t given a chance to consider it further as Nikonus continued. “Yes, they were a problem from the start; aggressive, disagreeable. We tried to identify the problem, and why they were so ill-equipped for spacefaring.”
“We learned they were scavengers, who would occasionally go for fish as well.”
His next line was rendered inaudible by the shocked gasps of both the refugees and residents in the room. I was no different, drawing in a sharp breath at the abrupt admission. I remembered that Arvi had said some aliens were revealed to have eaten meat in the past, but was this the way it was decided to be revealed? With such abject callousness?
Nikonus continued to speak, looking not just proud, but smug with his words. He went on about how the Federation had saved these aliens with their manipulations, but the entirety of his body language seemed to indicate he reveled in how devastating this information would be to the people he was speaking to. How they manipulated an entire culture, a RELIGION!
What if they did the same to ours?
That horrifying thought struck through my mind like a derailing train. I had relied upon the Tenets in some of my darkest moments. Found comfort in them when there was none elsewhere to be found. To have such a comfort revealed as a lie in its entirety, used only for some other group to control you…
The voice of Nikonus hit my ears again. “Oh Sovlin, I already told you. For the small minority of species who don’t find herbivory alone, we teach them the right way. Doesn’t the religion against predators sound familiar?”
The Kolshian was insufferably proud of those words. There was no doubt in my mind now; this was mocking. Mocking a Gojid for following The Protector. For being a predator. For being different, but expecting to still be treated as a person. The Gojid were predators, they couldn’t help it, and they were already being mocked for it.
What might happen to all the other species?
I shifted my focus away from the screen to the crowd, searching for one in particular. Vichee, a Krakotl already so different from everyone else, and now my concerns for them were multiplied with every word that fell from Nikonus’ mouth. Were they okay? They had come in here to see Sven, I had seen them. Where are-
I spotted Kaeden in the corner of the room. Next to him, slumped against the wall, was Vichee. The dual colored Krakotl’s eyes were glazed over as they stared at nothing. I strode over quickly, my instincts wanting to comfort them. Kaeden was simply standing there, it was confusing that he didn’t seem to be comforting Vichee at all. As I got closer, their head tilted up to me, regarding me with an unfocused eye.
“He was right.” They said quietly. My implant almost didn’t pick it up over the sounds of the lobby. “Kaeden had asked me soon after our first meeting if Krakotl had once been meat eaters. Said it was the shape of our beaks. ‘More suited to capturing small wriggling prey than filtering algae’. He told me. I nearly flew away right then… If I had, I would have been alone with this news.”I listened, kneeling down to be closer to their level. “You’re not alone, your herd is here. Right Kaeden?”
He looked over at me and nodded. “Vichee was there with me when Earth was attacked. I’m here for them now. Kaabra and Venik are… together, elsewhere at the moment. But they will be here too.”
I flicked my ears in understanding. “Then I hope they may help in hugging Vichee until their tears are dry.” I turned an eye to Vichee. “Please, I just want you to know that you are still you. What your body does has no effect on your personhood.”
Vichee still sat, their mind still likely whirling with the new information. They lifted their differently colored wings. “I’m well aware. This lesson I already learned. But thank you, I understand what you mean.” Kaeden nodded slowly and Vichee returned to their thoughts.
“There’s going to be trouble soon, Tarlim,” Kaeden stated gravely. “News like this? Nothing good will come of it. I can already tell this won’t go over well. Keep your eyes open.”
As if in response to his words, the sound of clanking metal hits my ears. They shoot up, pivoting to locate its source. There, dashing towards the door, was the armored figure of Sven. I didn’t know him enough to know how this broadcast would affect him, but running was never the best sign. I flicked my ears goodbye to my friends and rose, following after the metal man. In my periphery, I saw the television screen had shifted to show Rolem moving onto the stage. I would have to miss whatever it was he had to say, so ducked through the doors and continued to follow the sound of metal.
As I exited, I saw that I wasn’t the only one to see Sven’s actions. Anso was bounding behind him, shouting something I couldn’t hear. Sven didn’t seem to either as he kept running, but his gait wasn’t one of fear. He looked purposeful, sprinting in a straight line. A line pointed right towards-
Towards the observing Exterminator Van.
The metal Venlil didn’t even hesitate at the presence of the fence. He leapt up in a display of strength and agility, vaulting over the barrier and continuing his beeline into the van. It was like phased through the doors with how fast he moved. There were sounds of commotion that followed his entry, and soon two Exterminators fell out of the van. One Venlil…and one Krakotl. I wonder how Kalek is taking things.
I, too, cleared the fence with only a high step and reached the van, peering in to see Sven at the controls. “Sven! What are you doing?” I asked, the Krakotl officer shivering on the ground in my periphery.
“They got my girl!” He huffed, “She’s a Gojid, they got her, I can’t let them do anything worse to her!” He tried to activate the vehicle to no avail, but his words brought up something that I hadn’t thought much over. I remember hearing about temporary emplacements that were being set up. Paly had texted me about exterminators bringing people there. Her too. And that would mean-
The wind hit me like a truck and rocked the van I was standing next to. Sven even stopped trying to fiddle with the controls to see what had just happened. In the distance, near the center of town, an enormous black cloud rose into the air, the vestiges of fire still burning in the suspended embers. I couldn’t look away from it as my mind raced with horrible possibilities as my mind tripped over itself trying to concoct a plan of action.
I wasn’t given long to think before the radio in the van crackled to life, startling both Sven and myself. “Attention all True Exterminators! The truth has come out about the taint in our midst! For too long we have lived with its danger in our presence! If any of you still hold the safety of The Herd in your hearts, come join us so we may burn ALL the predator taint from this District! Rendezvous at Vulen’s apartment complex, we shall start our cleansing there!”
The name of one of my landlords sparked familiarity in my mind. They had been working to build a series of new apartments to add to his old, and if I remembered, had agreed to house the Gojid refugees. The Gojid! Paly was housed with them!!
In an instant, I reached into the van and grabbed Sven by the arm. He tried to pull away, but my grip was too strong. “Sven! They’re gonna kill the Gojid! They’re gonna burn Paly!”
He finally managed to shake himself free as my paws became jittery from stress. “I gotta save my girlfriend! She’s in a facility! I gotta save her!”
“But they’re gonna burn people here!” I protested, “we have to do something! We need- We need People who can fight them! Kaeden! I need to get Kaeden! We can save them!”
I pulled myself away from the van and spotted Anso nearby. He must have had to go through the gate, but this was good timing. I pointed a claw at him. “Do Not Let Him drive off before I get back!”
I didn’t give him, nor the Exterminators who had recovered from their shock, time to ask questions. Paly was in danger, as were who knew how many others. I faintly heard my data pad chime from within my shoulder bag, the signal my heart was beating too fast, but I couldn’t deal with it right now. I could get the heart rate under control during the drive. Right now I needed Kaeden, he knew how to fight! How to save people when others were trying to kill them!
My paws guided me and I was back in the cafeteria before I knew it. Some of the crowd had dissipated, but Kaeden and Vichee were still in the same corner I had left them in, but with their Venlil friends now joined. Without leaving time for protest, I grabbed Kaeden’s arm and pulled him away. I heard Vichee squawk behind me, but I was in too much of a hurry. I can’t let her get hurt. I Won’t.
Kaeden started to slap my arm as I dragged the soldier across the lobby. “Tarlim! What the fuck are you doing?? What’s going on?”
“No time, they’re going to burn everyone,” I breathlessly said as I burst the facility doors open to get him to the van.
“What? Who?” Kaeden questioned, still resisting my pull. I could hear a tinge of worry in his voice, and I knew he would understand. Anso looked back from his position as he heard my approach, and upon seeing me dragging Kaeden along, he grew visibly concerned.
“On the radio, something about True Exterminators,” I attempted to explain to him as we neared the gate doors. This time, I simply spread them apart with my free paw, metal screeching against itself as the gate was forced open. “They’re going to burn every cured species they can find, and That Means Paly. I Won’t Let Them.”
Kaeden had stopped struggling as I explained the bare essentials to him, and once we approached the van, he finally had enough sense to ask the right questions. “So what exactly is the plan to stop them? We’re strong, sure, I could probably take most of them. But just two of us against a wall of those flamers?”
“Not two,” I corrected, letting go of his arm and throwing open the back doors of the van. Still seated in the drivers side was Sven, who looked back once he heard me permit entrance into the back. “We have him too.”
“Wh- the LARPer??” Kaeden asked incredulously. I wasn’t familiar with the term he used, but his tone told us all we needed to know. Sven’s eyes narrowed at the perceived insult, but Kaeden continued. “Do either of you have any formal military training?? Rushing down there is only going to get you both killed along with the others! For fucks sake, slow down! We need a plan!”
“T-There won’t be t-time f-for one,” a voice peeped in from behind us. We all turned to face the source, and we found it was the Venlil Exterminator. They recoiled under the sudden gaze of our entire party, but they managed to continue. “I-I recognized the v-voice. It w-was one of the n-new recruits. They m-might as well be Y-Yulpa. If you w-want to stop them, it’s now or n-never.”
We all stared at them for a moment in disbelief that they’d willingly hand over that information to us. They were Exterminators, weren’t they? They should be allied with the voice on the radio! Kaeden, after considering the information, gave voice to my confusion. “And why are you telling us this? You’re an exterminator, shouldn’t you be trying to help them?”
“M-My husband is the Krakotl that was in the van with me!” They yelled back, stamping their footpaw on the ground in agitation. “I-I don’t care what his ancestors did a t-thousand years ago, I will not stand for those zealots burning who knows how many people! We’re not all the same, h-human!”
I was taken aback by their words. I had given up hope that there were any redeemable souls amongst the ranks of those silver-suited brahkasses, but living proof of the contrary stood before us. Their breathing was only matched by mine as my pad continued to chime in my pack. Maybe there’s hope after all.
Kaeden started frantically looking all around, his focused gaze falling on the facility, the exterminator in front of us, and the rising smoke in the distance. After a moment's hesitation, he growled to himself and shook his head. “Fine! Fucking- if you want to prove you’re different, you and your partner stand guard at the gate! They’ll probably try to send a division here, so keep on guard! And for the love of God, go ask for help if that happens!”
My tail wagged behind me as I interpreted what that meant. “So you’ll help us, Kaeden?”
He paused for a second, an agonizing second as he fully took in the situation in his mind. But ultimately, he nodded. “Let’s go, we can figure things out along the way.”
Seizing the moment, Anso quickly jumped into the van and pushed Sven out of the driver's seat, much to their visible frustration. Kaeden quickly hopped into the passenger seat, leaving me with the problem of finding a space that would fit me. I stepped over to the back of the van and threw the doors open.
The flamers and their fuel tanks were useless to us, easy to toss all three sets out onto the ground behind me. I made sure that the flamers were disabled first, of course. Just had to snap the pilot lighters and slice a hose with my claw. Even if these two said they weren’t like these “True Exterminators” I didn’t trust them one bit. I crawled inside the cramped vehicle and wiggled myself to close the doors behind me.
As I got myself settled, I watched as the Venlil Exterminator started to inspect the destroyed remains of their weapons. I squinted a glare at them and positioned myself so they couldn’t enter with me. “You two aren’t coming,” I hissed. “You know why you’re not. Try anything with the humans, and they will stop you.”
I slammed the doors shut as their expressions fell, just in time for Anso to get the van into gear. I curled myself up against the wall of the van, watching out the back window as we sped down the road. We were on our way now. On our way to save Paly and all the people gathered because their ancestors ate meat. My heart hammered in my chest, but I would need to control it for what we were about to do. I needed to focus. I needed to breathe. I needed to be calm.
Focus. Breathe. Calm
{-ALERT: Automatic Annotation Detected - Switching Transcription Subject-}
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Memory Transcription Subject: Sol-Vah, Fleeing Predator. Date [Standardized Human Time] October 31st, 2136
My legs couldn’t carry me anymore. I had to keep going, but I didn’t have the strength. My pants became wheezes as my body struggled to keep up with the physical exertion of running almost halfway through town. I hadn’t even looked up before now, at least with eyes not blinded by tears. The pain of Mute’s rejection still stung in my soul, a pain so visceral it threatened to rip me apart worse than any Arxur. Protector, what did I do to deserve this? Is there even a Protector, or did the Federation just- just make that up?
I didn’t have time to think about that now, I needed to get to the office. From what little I caught of the broadcast, Nikonus had said they saved us before. I knew what it likely was, but…I was desperate. I just wanted to go back home and have him embrace me like he did before. The safety and love I had felt from him was still fresh in my mind, and if there was any chance I had to get it back?
I’ll happily take it.
As I approached the office, however, something seemed off. I could smell soot in the air, but not the kind of soot that came from our flamers. This was- was…dirtier smelling, as if the fuel had been impure. Upon looking up, however, I saw something that made my stomach drop. A huge plume of smoke, billowing up into the sky. It shadowed the sun itself with its immensity and hate. Did the Exterminators burn more drugs? Or…or…
I felt a renewed vigor as I started to run towards the plume, hoping against hope that I was wrong. As soon as I turned the corner, though, my worst fears were realized. Where the office once stood now sat a burning stack of glorified rubble, every single window in sight shattered and multiple holes in the outer walls. The building was split, it was as if a giant knife had come down and sloppily sliced off its front half to spill flaming debris everywhere.
I stood in front of the building I had once called my home, surrounded by screams and the awful sound of flames roaring. I knew now there was no hope of salvation, no way this could ever be undone. I would never be able to go back to the way things were, never feel the happiness I had for that brief time. I was doomed to this life, abandoned by my love, and forced to live as an abomination devoid of a home.
I suppose that’s all a predator like me deserves.
[First]- [Prev]- {Next Story!!}
You read it right: This is going to be the final chapter of "Of Giants and Journalists." With the conclusion of Sharnet and Vekna's adventure, we will now take the time to show how this announcement has affected our characters and the galaxy at large. We're excited to announce our new series, Nature of a Giant: Aftermath! This series will not be quite as in-depth temporally as Of Giants and Journalists was, mainly because not as much will be happening in as short of a time. Rest assured, though, there will still be plenty of action across the board! You just won't have to deal with over half the story only covering a week of time!
In that vein, we are also excited to announce we are working on another bonus series, one that was teased a long time ago, Venric Lawven: Legal Legend! It will be filling the gap for content while we work on the first few chapters of Aftermath to make sure the scenes are as quality as they deserve, but will have a reduced upload schedule to once a week to accommodate for writing two series at once. On behalf of both of myself and , we'd like to thank all of our readers for sticking with us on this journey. It's hard to believe this series has been going on for over a year in one form or another, but I wouldn't have it any other way! Thank you all again for your continued support, and we look forward to seeing you again with Legal Legends! And then...
The Aftermath!!
submitted by Acceptable_Egg5560 to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:10 CareForChild Mealtime Milestones: Six Month Baby Feeding Schedule & Transition

Mealtime Milestones: Six Month Baby Feeding Schedule & Transition
As your little one reaches the 6-month milestone, a profound shift occurs in their feeding journey – from relying solely on liquid nourishment to the wondrous world of solid foods. This pivotal stage marks a significant step in your baby's growth and development, setting the foundation for their future relationship with food and overall well-being.
The introduction of solid foods at this age is a critical window of opportunity, as it allows your 6-month-old to explore new flavours, textures, and feeding experiences. However, navigating this transition can be both exciting and daunting for parents. A balanced feeding schedule that caters to your baby's changing nutritional needs is essential to support their optimal growth, cognitive development, and overall health. Care For Child can provide guidance and support during this important transition.
By understanding the unique dietary requirements of a 6-month-old and implementing a well-structured feeding routine, you can ensure your little one thrives during this mealtime milestone. From determining the right balance of breastmilk or formula and complementary solids to introducing various nourishing foods, a thoughtfully designed feeding schedule can unlock your baby's full potential, setting the stage for a lifetime of healthy eating habits.

Understanding Nutritional Needs for 6 Months Baby Feeding Schedule

As your baby reaches the 6-month mark, their nutritional requirements significantly transform. This critical rapid growth and development period necessitates a careful balance of essential nutrients to support their burgeoning needs, thus making the thoughtful consideration for a baby feeding schedule 6 months significant.
Breastmilk or formula continues to be the foundation of your 6-month-old's diet, providing the necessary calories, vitamins, and minerals to fuel their growth. However, at this stage, complementary solid foods are increasingly crucial in rounding out their nutritional intake.

Key Nutritional Needs of a 6 Months Baby Feeding Schedule:

  • Changing Energy Requirements: Your baby's energy needs increase as they become more active and begin exploring the world around them.
  • Macronutrient Balance: Maintaining the right balance of proteins, carbohydrates, and healthy fats is crucial for optimal growth and development.
  • Essential Micronutrients: Nutrients like iron, zinc, vitamin D, and vitamin B12 are particularly important for your 6-month-old's development.
  • Hydration Needs: Ensuring adequate hydration through breastmilk, formula, and the introduction of water is essential for overall health.
  • Introducing Complementary Solids: Gradually incorporating age-appropriate solid foods can complement your baby's liquid nourishment and provide additional nutritional benefits.
By understanding your 6-month-old's evolving nutritional requirements, you can establish a feeding schedule that supports their holistic growth and lays the foundation for lifelong healthy eating habits.

Establishing Six Month Baby Feeding Schedule

Creating a well-structured feeding schedule for your 6-month-old is essential as you navigate the exciting transition to solid foods. This balanced approach will ensure your little one receives the nourishment they need to thrive while also fostering healthy eating habits and a positive mealtime experience.
A thoughtfully designed feeding schedule considers the timing and frequency of meals, portion sizes, and the delicate balance between milk and solid food intake. By tuning in to your baby's feeding cues and adjusting the schedule, you can provide a nurturing and predictable routine that supports their overall growth and development.

Key Considerations for a 6-Month-Old Feeding Schedule:

  • Timing and Frequency of Meals: Aim for 3-4 solid food meals daily, in addition to 4-5 breastfeeding or formula-feeding sessions.
  • Portion Sizes: Start with small portions (2-4 tablespoons) of solid foods, gradually increasing as your baby's appetite grows.
  • Feeding Cues: Observe your baby's hunger and fullness signals to guide the pace and timing of meals.
  • Balancing Milk and Solids: Continue to offer breastmilk or formula as the primary source of nutrition, complementing it with a variety of solid foods.
  • Flexibility and Adjustments: Be prepared to adapt the schedule as your 6-month-old's needs and preferences change over time.

The Transition to Solid Foods – Tips for Parents

  1. Start with Single-Ingredient Foods: To monitor for allergic reactions, begin with one new food at a time, such as pureed fruits, vegetables, or single-grain cereals.
  2. Gradually Increase Texture: Slowly progress from smooth purees to mashed, lumpy, and eventually soft, diced foods to help your baby develop chewing and swallowing skills.
  3. Offer a Variety of Flavors: Expose your baby to a wide range of tastes and textures to encourage a diverse palate and prevent picky eating.
  4. Respect Your Baby's Cues: Listen to your baby's hunger and fullness signals and let them guide the pace and amount of solid food intake.
  5. Encourage Self-Feeding: Provide age-appropriate utensils and finger foods to allow your baby to explore and practice independent feeding.
  6. Maintain a Positive Mealtime Environment: Create a calm, relaxed atmosphere and avoid distractions to foster a healthy relationship with food.
  7. Introduce Allergenic Foods Safely: Under the guidance of your paediatrician, gradually introduce common allergens, such as peanuts, eggs, and seafood.
  8. Stay Patient and Persistent: It may take multiple tries before your baby accepts a new food; continue offering it in a non-pressured way.
  9. Coordinate with Caregivers: Communicate with daycare providers or other caregivers to ensure consistency in the solid food introduction process.
  10. Follow Your Baby's Lead: Every child's transition to solids is unique; be flexible and adjust your approach based on your baby's individual needs and preferences.

Baby Feeding Schedule by Age

Although you will introduce solid food to your baby at six months, it will take a long time for them to completely eat solid food like an adult. Here is a baby feeding schedule by age, which will be your reference from now on.

Baby Feeding Schedule 6 Months to 2 Years

Age (In Months)Daily Solid MealsDetails 6 Months1-2Introduce solids; breast milk or formula remains the primary source of nutrients. Offer first solids after waking or in between milk feeds. 7-8 Months2-3Gradually increase to 2-3 meals as baby gets accustomed to solids. Continue offering breast milk or formula throughout the day. 9-11 Months3Aim for 3 meals of solids per day. You may also have 1-2 snacks in between meals. Breast milk or formula can be offered alongside meals or as a separate feeding. 12-24 Months3Three meals with 2 snacks. Breast milk or formula intake should gradually decrease. By 1 year, milk should be offered as a beverage, not a main source of nutrients. Limit milk consumption to around 16 ounces per day.

Maintaining a Balanced Diet

As your 6-month-old embarks on their solid food journey, it is crucial to ensure that their diet remains well-balanced, providing the necessary variety of nutrients to support their rapid growth and development. This delicate equilibrium requires ongoing adjustments to the feeding schedule and a focus on maintaining adequate hydration levels.
By incorporating diverse nutrient-dense foods into your baby's meals, you can optimise their essential vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, and healthy fats intake. Similarly, being attuned to your 6-month-old's changing needs and adjusting the feeding schedule can help maintain a nourishing and well-rounded diet.

Key Considerations for Maintaining a Balanced Diet:

  1. Nutrient Variety: Offer a wide array of fruits, vegetables, grains, proteins, and healthy fats to ensure your baby receives a comprehensive nutritional profile.
  2. Developmental Adaptations: Adjust the texture, portion sizes, and frequency of meals as your 6-month-old's feeding skills and appetite evolve.
  3. Hydration Needs: Provide adequate fluids, such as breastmilk, formula, or water, to keep your baby well-hydrated and support their overall health.
  4. Mealtime Flexibility: Be prepared to modify the feeding schedule to accommodate your 6-month-old's changing cues and preferences.
  5. Coordination with Pediatrician: Regularly consult your child's healthcare provider to meet your baby's dietary needs.
Maintaining a balanced, nutrient-rich diet and adapting the feeding schedule can nurture your 6-month-old's growth and development, laying a solid foundation for lifelong health and wellness.
Key Takeaways
  1. The transition to solid foods at 6 months is a significant milestone that marks a profound shift in your baby's feeding journey. This critical window of opportunity allows your 6-month-old to explore new flavours, textures, and feeding experiences, setting the foundation for their future relationship with food and overall well-being.
  2. Establishing a balanced feeding schedule that caters to your 6-month-old's changing nutritional needs is essential to support their optimal growth, cognitive development, and overall health. This involves understanding the unique dietary requirements at this age and implementing a well-structured routine.
  3. Maintaining a balanced, nutrient-rich diet and adapting the feeding schedule are crucial for nurturing your 6-month-old's holistic growth and development. This includes incorporating a variety of essential nutrients, ensuring adequate hydration, and regularly consulting with your paediatrician to meet your baby's evolving needs.
  4. As your little one reaches the 6-month milestone, a profound shift occurs in their feeding journey – from relying solely on liquid nourishment to the wondrous world of solid foods. This pivotal stage marks a significant step in your baby's growth and development, setting the foundation for their future relationship with food and overall well-being.
submitted by CareForChild to u/CareForChild [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:32 FancyInvestment397 Lucky Creek Bonus Codes [May 2024] – Our Expert Casino Review

Lucky Creek Bonus Codes [May 2024] – Our Expert Casino Review
The collection of Lucky Creek bonus codes is one of the star attractions at this Curaçao-licensed online casino. Launched in 2009, its game library features just over 300 slots and table games, including live dealer options.
With 24/7 customer support and Bitcoin payments accepted too, there’s a lot to love at this Wild West-themed gambling site.
Lucky Creek Casino


  • Live dealer table games available
  • Multiple cryptocurrency payment methods
  • 24/7 customer support via several channels


  • High minimum withdrawal limit of $100
  • Not the biggest game library with just over 300 titles
This comprehensive guide reveals everything you need to know, starting with the collection of rewarding Lucky Creek bonus codes. We’ve also detailed the various payment methods, games and support channels on offer, giving you a full and honest assessment.
After reading this Lucky Creek review, you’ll know for sure whether or not this is the right casino for you. If it is, we’ve also supplied a registration walkthrough to help you get started. What’s more, there’s even a step-by-step withdrawal and verification guide.

Lucky Creek Promo Codes and Bonuses: Rating 9/10

There are plenty of Lucky Creek casino bonuses to get your teeth into. Let’s take a look right away, starting with the welcome offer.
Bonus Type Casino Welcome Bonus
Lucky Creek Promo Code: 200GETLUCKY
Casino Welcome Bonus: 200% up to $7,500 and 30 free spins
Wagering Requirement: 60x bonus
Minimum Deposit: $20
Bonus Terms: Free spins on Big Game slot; New accounts only; Max withdrawal $1,000
Last Verified: May 2024

How to Use the Lucky Creek Bonus Code

Unlike many gambling sites, you won’t enter the Lucky Creek casino bonus codes when registering. Instead, you’ll need to use a special section on the Cashier page. Here’s a detailed explanation for claiming your welcome bonus.
  1. Visit the Lucky Creek homepage or open the mobile app.
  2. Register if you’re new, or simply log into your existing account.
  3. Tap the yellow “Deposit” button at the top of the screen.
  4. When the cashier page opens, click on “Claim a Bonus”.
  5. Enter the Lucky Creek bonus code 200GETLUCKY and press “Claim”.
  6. Hit the “Cashier” tab, register a payment method and make a deposit.
  7. Once the transaction is complete, you’ll instantly receive the bonus funds and spins.
  8. Your 30 Lucky Creek free spins must be used on the Big Game slot.

Lucky Creek Casino Bonus: Welcome Bonus T&Cs Explained

  • Bonus Amount: 200% up to $7,500 and 30 free spins
  • Promo Code: 200GETLUCKY
  • Wagering Requirements: 60x bonus
  • Min/Max Deposit: $20/$3,750
  • Eligible Games: All
  • Expiry Date: None
The Lucky Creek bonus terms are straightforward. If you’re already familiar with online casino bonuses, you’ll have no problems getting to grips with this one. There’s a potential $7,500 up for grabs, which is extremely generous. Not to mention the additional 30 free spins to get you off and running.
You can use your bonus funds to play any game outside of the live casino. The minimum deposit amount of $20 is reasonable, and there’s no need for fiddly opt-ins, as the bonus is credited automatically. However, simply must highlight the wagering requirement of 60x your bonus amount, which is definitely on the high side.

Other Lucky Creek Casino Promotions

The number of accessible Lucky Creek casino bonus codes and promotions varies throughout the year. Look out for extra special offers during holidays, though you’ll usually find at least six or seven rewarding bonuses regardless of the date. Here are some of the standout examples.

Lucky Creek Free Spins

The first promotion to note is a Lucky Creek no deposit offer. Take note that this free spins bonus is only valid for the Golden Wolf slot. In addition, you can only withdraw a maximum of $100 worth of winnings from these bonus spins. Regardless, you can secure 55 Lucky Creek free spins with no deposit required, just by using the promo code NODEPOSITB55.
It’s also possible to earn 66 free spins every Monday by depositing regularly at the end of the week. Make six deposits between Thursday and Sunday, or simply fund your account with at least $200 during this time to qualify.

Lucky Creek Free Chips

While there’s no Lucky Creek casino free chip promotion available presently, there are still many other offers to claim. Should a free chips bonus launch at the casino, we’ll hastily update this page.

Lucky Creek Happy Hour

This offer is promoted as a daily Happy Hour. But despite the name, this is actually a period of four hours, from 6am to 10am EDT every day of the week.
If you’ve made a deposit that day, you’ll gain 50 free spins to use during the Happy Hour. Claim these for seven straight days and you’re also eligible for a prize draw. Potential rewards include free spins, free chips and even a gift basket.

Lucky Creek No Deposit Bonus

If you’re seeking a Lucky Creek casino free chip with no deposit necessary, you’re out of luck. Although there is a promo code NODEPOSITB255 advertised, this is actually a deposit match offer. The code is good for a 255% bonus.

Lucky Creek Loyalty Program

Although it’s not strictly a Lucky Creek casino bonus, the loyalty and VIP program is worth mentioning here. By joining the Genesys Club program, you’ll earn reward points at several online casinos, including this one. There are five tiers in all, with various perks on offer the higher you climb.
For instance, on your birthday, there’s a special deposit match reserved for you if you’re at the Newbie and Bronze levels. However, those at Silver, Gold or Platinum will receive a free cash bonus of $75, $150 and $250, respectively. Other rewards include exclusive invitations to tournaments and events, dedicated customer support and weekly deposit match deals.

Lucky Creek Refer a Friend

Unfortunately, there are no Lucky Creek referral codes available to reward you for recruiting your buddies. If that ever changes, you’ll find out here on this page.

Mistakes to Avoid when Claiming a Lucky Creek Bonus

With so many Lucky Creek promo codes to choose from, it’s crucial that you don’t get confused and make a mistake. Here are some top tips to ensure you get the maximum possible value from your bonuses.
1. Failing to deposit the minimum amount
Deposit match offers require you to add a specific amount of money to your account in order to qualify. You might think you’re getting a 300% bonus on your $10 deposit. However, you’ll actually receive nothing if the Ts & Cs set the minimum amount at $20.
2. Choosing an offer for the wrong games
Many bonuses feature conditions that determine which games you can play. Free spins may be restricted to specific slots, for instance. While a deposit match bonus might exclude live dealer games.
3. Watch out for playthrough requirements
Sometimes called “turnover requirements”, or simply “wagering requirements”, you won’t be able to withdraw money until you’ve met these. There’s usually a multiplier specified, such as 35x the bonus amount. In that example, $700 worth of play is required to clear a $20 bonus.
4. Claiming multiple bonuses
Unfortunately, you can’t juggle several Lucky Creek bonus codes at once. You’re only allowed to claim one welcome bonus, naturally. But if you’re still in the process of clearing the wagering requirements on a bonus, you can’t activate a second promo code.
5. Not depositing enough money
Lucky Creek has a high minimum withdrawal limit of $100. If you deposit a small amount, claim a bonus, clear the requirements and finish with less than $100, you can’t actually withdraw your winnings.
6. Overlooking expiration dates
In most cases, you’ll only have a fixed amount of time in which to meet the wagering requirements of a bonus. What’s more, when you do succeed, the bonus credits awarded may expire in as little as seven days.

Lucky Creek Casino Login – Registration Process: Rating 10/10

This is a very simple casino to join. It took us less than two minutes to complete the single page registration form, plus you won’t have to verify your identity until later on. Once you’ve created your new Lucky Creek casino login credentials, it takes a matter of seconds to enter your account.

How to Sign Up to Lucky Creek Casino

As simple as the registration process is, allow us to walk you through step-by-step, to ensure no mistakes are made.
Visit the Lucky Creek Site
Load up Lucky Creek and find the “Sign Up button in the top-right corner. Tap this to load the registration form.
Fill in the Registration Form
Next, you’ll need to fill in a number of basic personal details, such as your name, email address and date of birth. However, you won’t have to insert any Lucky Creek bonus codes here, as that comes later. Tap “Create Account” when you’re ready.

Log Into Your New Account
After creating your Lucky Creek casino login credentials, you should automatically be taken into your new account. However, if you’re not logged in automatically, hit the “Log In” button found in the top-right corner and enter your details.

Claim Your Bonus
Use the yellow “Deposit” button at the top of the page to visit the cashier. Here, you’re able to add cash to your casino wallet. However, you should first press the “Claim a Bonus” button and enter a promo code. There are several offers available, including some Lucky Creek no deposit bonus codes, so be sure to enter the right one.

Account Verification

Although you’re free to play without verifying your identity, it’s not possible to request a Lucky Creek casino withdrawal until you do. Luckily, it’s not a difficult thing to achieve and you can perform it at any time, even before you request a payment.
  1. Find a valid identity document, such as a passport, as well as your payment card.
  2. Visit the cashier by hitting the “Deposit” button.
  3. Click the “Verify ID” button towards the far-right of the page.
  4. Tap “Verify Identity” and take a picture with your ID by following the on-screen instructions.
  5. After submitting, click “Verify Card” and repeat the process to validate your payment method.
  6. You may need to wait 24 hours for the Lucky Creek verification process to complete.

Lucky Creek Casino Withdrawal Process: Rating 7/10

Ready to cash out your winnings? You’ll be pleased to learn that the Lucky Creek casino withdrawal process is quite simple. The minimum amount of $100 is a little high compared to other online casinos, but on the flip side, withdrawal times are comparatively fast.
For the most part, you’ll receive a card payment within 48 hours. Crypto transactions are usually wrapped up in a matter of hours. However, while Lucky Creek withdrawals are processed daily, no payments are made on Fridays, Saturdays or Sundays. As such, a little patience is required at weekends.
Here’s how to request a payout.
  1. Log into your Lucky Creek account.
  2. Visit the cashier page by clicking on the “Deposit” button.
  3. Complete the verification process, if you haven’t already, otherwise you will not receive any funds.
  4. Click on “Withdrawal” to initiate a payout.
  5. Choose your desired cash out method and follow the prompts on your screen.
  6. If you request a withdrawal before verifying, you must complete that process within 14 days. If you fail to do so, the money will return to your account.

Lucky Creek Casino: Rating 7/10

In this section of our Lucky Creek review, we’ll analyze the various games on offer.

Games Selection

The Lucky Creek game library consists almost exclusively of slots. There are just under 300 to choose from, supplied by developers like BetSoft, Rival, Saucify and Genii. It’s not the biggest collection, admittedly, but there’s a broad enough selection of themes to keep most slots fans satisfied.
While the games here are taken from some respectable software companies, none of the real industry giants are present. Don’t expect to play slots from the likes of Pragmatic Play, NetEnt or Play’n GO, for instance.
If classic table games are more your thing, there’s a small collection of nine RNG titles to choose from. Unfortunately, these are all variations of roulette and blackjack, so it’s not possible to play craps or any form of casino poker. However, there are a dozen keno and video poker titles to enjoy.

Live Casino

There is also a simple live casino on offer at Lucky Creek, with a total of eleven games to choose from. In addition to various forms of blackjack and roulette, you can also play baccarat here.
Although it’s not the most expansive live dealer casino you’ll come across, the games are of the highest quality. They’re provided by Evolution, widely-regarded as the number one supplier of live casino games in the world. Expect charming and professional hosts, along with reliable streams in high definition.
Don’t forget that you’re not allowed to use Lucky Creek bonus codes to play live dealer games.

Casino Features

Lucky Creek is one of the most simple online casinos around. You could argue that “less is more” but we’d still prefer to see the addition of a few key features. It’s not possible to play games in demonstration mode, for example. That is always a great way to familiarize yourself with the rules of a new game.
Although there is a search facility, accessible by clicking the “Open Filters” button, there are no quick links. The ability to easily view titles from a specific provider, or games with certain features, would greatly improve the casino’s design.
As it stands, you can only drill down into the different types of game, i.e. slots, table games, poker or “other”. When the overwhelming majority of the game library is made up of slots, filtering by “slots” doesn’t feel especially useful.

Lucky Creek Poker: N/A

Lucky Creek is a trusted online casino, however its poker selection is too limited to warrant a fair evaluation. While it offers a handful of video poker titles, you cannot play games like Texas Hold’em or Omaha in tournaments or cash games.
We hope that Lucky Creek expands its poker category in the future, and when it does, you can expect to find a thorough review here.

Lucky Creek Sportsbook: N/A

Lucky Creek is just an online casino, meaning there is no sportsbook available. Should the situation change in future, we’ll be the first to update you.

Lucky Creek Payment Methods: Rating 8/10

There aren’t as many payment methods at Lucky Creek compared to the best gambling sites, but the needs of most players will be met. Crypto deposits and withdrawals are a very welcome addition, even if there are no eWallet options.
Payment Method Deposits Withdrawals Fees Payout Speed
Visa None Up to 5 days
Mastercard None Up to 5 days
Bitcoin None Same day
Money Transfers N/A N/A
Wire Transfers N/A N/A
Cheques N/A N/A
ACH Transfer N/A N/A

Lucky Creek Design and User Interface: Rating 7/10

It’s fair to say that Lucky Creek isn’t the prettiest of casinos, with its predominantly brown color scheme. It’s a simple but fairly effective design, which is identical on both mobile and desktop, ensuring seamless transitions between devices.

Desktop Experience

Everything you need to steer your way around the site is found in a classic navigation menu on the left-hand side of the page. A few additional options, including information about responsible gambling, can be found by scrolling to the site’s footer. Overall, the site functions adequately to appease users.

Mobile Experience

Whether you’re using the mobile site in your browser, or mobile-based casino apps, the design is indistinguishable. This applies to both the overall look-and-feel, as well as the practical aspects like the registration and withdrawal processes.

Lucky Creek Customer Support: Rating 9/10

In the unlikely event of a problem, getting in touch with the customer support team is a doodle. There are three accessible channels, all of which are staffed 24/7, and you’ll find the agents really pleasant to deal with.
We reached out via live chat and asked several questions, including some about the terms and conditions of the Lucky Creek no deposit bonus. All of our queries were resolved promptly and the support agent was extremely friendly.

Lucky Creek Licensing & Responsible Gambling: Rating 9/10

Like many respectable online gambling companies based offshore, Lucky Creek has a license from the Curaçao Gaming Control Board. As such, you can rest assured that a trusted regulator is observing the business, ensuring that it’s carrying out industry best practices.
This means your funds are safe, the games are fair and there are several responsible gambling tools available if you require them. These are as follows:
  • Daily deposit limits
  • Monthly deposit limits
  • Self-exclusion
submitted by FancyInvestment397 to OnlineCasinoWorld [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:04 AusGGNetwork AussieSMP – Australian Whitelisted Survival Server - Java/Bedrock 1.20.4

Server Location: Sydney, Australia
Discord invite link:
Apply here:


The AussieSMP is an Australian hosted Survival server with a small community of players from around the world. The server is a whitelisted application-based server, if you would like to join you will need to use the link above. This is put in place so that players feel safe that their builds will remain intact and that we don’t have anyone who won’t fit in to the culture on the server. That being said we are always looking for new members and you are welcome to apply at any time!
The gameplay is mostly vanilla with some extra quality of life features like teleports, features that promote player trading and methods to protect from griefing.
If you are wanting to have a ‘pure vanilla’ experience, this server probably won’t be for you as it has some teleport commands and an economy backed by diamonds, but if you’re interested in that, then this server might be a good choice for you (and your friends!).
The server is hosted in Sydney, Australia, meaning if you are in Australia or New Zealand you’ll have a low latency to the server. If you are from somewhere else in the world you are also welcome to join us, just keep in mind that your latency might be a bit higher than the rest of the people on the server and players might not be active while you are on because of timezone differences.



If you’d like to apply to the server you need to understand these rules. Not following them may result in a swift removal from our community.
  1. Don’t be a dick
  2. Absolutely no griefing
  3. No spamming
  4. Be respectful
  5. Don’t swear excessively
  6. No hacking or exploits (this includes xray!)
  7. No ban evasion
  8. Don’t be the reason rules need to be expanded or added
  9. Please use common sense!
At the end of the day if you just wanna play some Minecraft with some friends or even by yourself, this server will be a great choice for you.
submitted by AusGGNetwork to MinecraftServer [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:04 AusGGNetwork AussieSMP – Australian Whitelisted Survival Server - Java/Bedrock 1.20.4

Server Location: Sydney, Australia
Discord invite link:
Apply here:


The AussieSMP is an Australian hosted Survival server with a small community of players from around the world. The server is a whitelisted application-based server, if you would like to join you will need to use the link above. This is put in place so that players feel safe that their builds will remain intact and that we don’t have anyone who won’t fit in to the culture on the server. That being said we are always looking for new members and you are welcome to apply at any time!
The gameplay is mostly vanilla with some extra quality of life features like teleports, features that promote player trading and methods to protect from griefing.
If you are wanting to have a ‘pure vanilla’ experience, this server probably won’t be for you as it has some teleport commands and an economy backed by diamonds, but if you’re interested in that, then this server might be a good choice for you (and your friends!).
The server is hosted in Sydney, Australia, meaning if you are in Australia or New Zealand you’ll have a low latency to the server. If you are from somewhere else in the world you are also welcome to join us, just keep in mind that your latency might be a bit higher than the rest of the people on the server and players might not be active while you are on because of timezone differences.



If you’d like to apply to the server you need to understand these rules. Not following them may result in a swift removal from our community.
  1. Don’t be a dick
  2. Absolutely no griefing
  3. No spamming
  4. Be respectful
  5. Don’t swear excessively
  6. No hacking or exploits (this includes xray!)
  7. No ban evasion
  8. Don’t be the reason rules need to be expanded or added
  9. Please use common sense!
At the end of the day if you just wanna play some Minecraft with some friends or even by yourself, this server will be a great choice for you.
submitted by AusGGNetwork to smp [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:04 AusGGNetwork AussieSMP [SMP] {Australian} {Whitelist} {1.20.4} {Java and Bedrock} {Discord} {Livestreams}

Server Location: Sydney, Australia
Discord invite link:
Apply here:


The AussieSMP is an Australian hosted Survival server with a small community of players from around the world. The server is a whitelisted application-based server, if you would like to join you will need to use the link above. This is put in place so that players feel safe that their builds will remain intact and that we don’t have anyone who won’t fit in to the culture on the server. That being said we are always looking for new members and you are welcome to apply at any time!
The gameplay is mostly vanilla with some extra quality of life features like teleports, features that promote player trading and methods to protect from griefing.
If you are wanting to have a ‘pure vanilla’ experience, this server probably won’t be for you as it has some teleport commands and an economy backed by diamonds, but if you’re interested in that, then this server might be a good choice for you (and your friends!).
The server is hosted in Sydney, Australia, meaning if you are in Australia or New Zealand you’ll have a low latency to the server. If you are from somewhere else in the world you are also welcome to join us, just keep in mind that your latency might be a bit higher than the rest of the people on the server and players might not be active while you are on because of timezone differences.



If you’d like to apply to the server you need to understand these rules. Not following them may result in a swift removal from our community.
  1. Don’t be a dick
  2. Absolutely no griefing
  3. No spamming
  4. Be respectful
  5. Don’t swear excessively
  6. No hacking or exploits (this includes xray!)
  7. No ban evasion
  8. Don’t be the reason rules need to be expanded or added
  9. Please use common sense!
At the end of the day if you just wanna play some Minecraft with some friends or even by yourself, this server will be a great choice for you.
submitted by AusGGNetwork to mcservers [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:40 getclueus Decoding Caterpillar SPN FMI Codes: A Complete Guide


Ever wondered what those mysterious SPN FMI codes on your Caterpillar equipment mean? Understanding these codes is crucial for troubleshooting and maintenance. Let's discuss Caterpillar SPN FMI codes to decode their meanings and ensure your equipment runs smoothly.
These codes, standardized by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), provide valuable diagnostic information. Each code consists of two parts: the Suspect Parameter Number (SPN) and the Failure Mode Identifier (FMI). The SPN identifies the component or system that's malfunctioning, while the FMI indicates the type of failure that has occurred.

Understanding SPN FMI Codes

SPN (Suspect Parameter Number) and FMI (Failure Mode Identifier) codes work together to indicate specific issues or faults in your Caterpillar equipment. These codes are like secret messages that reveal what's wrong with your machine.

Decoding Caterpillar SPN FMI Codes

Accessing the Diagnostic Display

When a fault occurs, accessing the diagnostic display on your Caterpillar equipment is the first step to identifying and resolving the issue. The diagnostic display provides crucial information about the health and status of your equipment, including any active faults.

Identifying the SPN FMI Code

Once you have accessed the diagnostic display, you need to locate the SPN FMI code. This code is a unique identifier that indicates the specific fault that has occurred. SPN stands for Suspect Parameter Number, while FMI stands for Failure Mode Identifier. Together, they provide detailed information about the nature of the problem.

Referencing the Caterpillar Troubleshooting Manual

To interpret the SPN FMI code, you will need to refer to the Caterpillar troubleshooting manual or online resources. These resources serve as your code-breaking guides, helping you understand the meaning of each code and the steps required to resolve the issue. The troubleshooting manual provides detailed explanations and instructions for diagnosing and repairing faults, ensuring that your equipment remains in optimal working condition.

Interpreting Common SPN FMI Codes

Let's crack some codes! Here are examples of common caterpillar spn fmi codes and what they mean:
Understanding the severity of each code is important for deciding on the next steps. Some codes may require immediate attention, while others can be addressed during scheduled maintenance.

Troubleshooting Based on SPN FMI Codes

General troubleshooting steps based on the identified codes include checking for loose connections, inspecting components for damage, and ensuring proper fluid levels. For complex issues, it's best to consult with a certified technician.

Preventive Maintenance and SPN FMI Codes

  1. Regular Inspections: Conduct routine checks to identify and address potential issues early on.
  2. Fluid Analysis: Regularly test fluids for signs of contamination or degradation.
  3. Component Lubrication: Ensure all components are properly lubricated according to the manufacturer's guidelines.
  4. Filter Replacement: Regularly replace filters to maintain optimal performance and prevent contaminants from damaging components.
  5. Software Updates: Keep your equipment's software up to date to ensure it's functioning correctly.
  6. Operator Training: Provide operators with training on proper equipment usage and maintenance practices.


Decoding Caterpillar SPN FMI codes is like solving a puzzle. By understanding these codes, you can keep your equipment running smoothly and avoid costly downtime. So next time you see an SPN FMI code, don't panic – crack the code and keep your Caterpillar equipment in top condition!
submitted by getclueus to u/getclueus [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:41 PeriodicallyIdiotic Debugging IPv6 Connectivity without v4 DNS server /w Fortinet 60F

Hey all,
If we need to punt this to homelab, or HomeNetworking - that is fine, but I think* it is applicable because some SOHOs will be using similar equipment to me and in researching this information, I wasn't able to figure out the configuration for my exact situation, a lot of this was trial and error, merging a lot of YouTube together.
So I have a pretty standard configuration (I feel like), DHCP v4 address, and request a /56 from my ISP (Spectrum, North Carolina).
Here is the configuration for my WAN interface:
fw # get system interface physical wan1 == [onboard] ==[wan1] mode: dhcp ip: xx.xx.xx.181 ipv6: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:13ce:c80:5ad9/128 status: up speed: 1000Mbps (Duplex: full) FEC: none FEC_cap: none fw # 
Nothing terribly interesting there, getting a /128 from my upstream provider, and a v4 address within a /19 - sweet. No CGNAT. I request a /56 via a IAPD 5 prefix hint (ID = 5).
At work, we have a client wishing to deploy a v6 only network, pretty scary, I've only done BGP unnumbered, and considering that IPv6 knowledge, well.... So - I decided to throw it on my homelab, what's the worst that could happen.
Here is my WiFi subnet -- because who doesn't want to break their partners internet in the middle of a workday... hah. Anywho.
edit "internal5" set vdom "root" set ip set allowaccess ping set type physical set alias "WiFi" set device-identification enable set lldp-reception enable set lldp-transmission enable set role lan set snmp-index 8 config ipv6 set ip6-address xx:xx:xx:cb06::/64 set ip6-allowaccess ping set ip6-send-adv enable config ip6-prefix-list edit xx:xx:xx:cb06::/64 set rdnss 2606:4700:4700::1001 set dnssl "home.mydomain.tld" next end end next 
Nothing crazy here, just intending on using SLAAC with Cloudflare (for now) as the DNS provider. I don't have a v6 DNS server deployed yet, moreso just working through some quirks I've noticed thus far and gaining overall familiarity. Not using DHCPv6 Server, as I didn't want to over-complicate things yet. While I would love to deploy the DHCPv6 server so I could stop assigning ::1, ::2, etc to my VMs that I want to transition to v6 and set AAAA DNS records, not in the cards for the homelab in the meantime. Internal DDNS (or whatever v6's equivalent's is) - will happen "soon".
So in hosts that are v4 and v6 enabled, this configuration works great. I can browse the web just fine, I can go to all of the major IPv6 tests and score close to perfect (enabling ICMP in firewall rules to my endpoints, just gives me some anxiety). The problem becomes then when I disable v4. I don't intend on running a native v6 network yet, but that time will come when most of us will be either using none of, or so little of v4 where it becomes a non-importnat focus in our day to days. I wanted to see what that looked like, so I disabled it on my workstation (Mac Mini running Mac OS v13.3.1 -- probably out of date but it's ~fine).
With that in mind, lets verify my routing table, and do some simple MTRs to verify I didn't break anything prior to disabling IPv4.
Mac-mini ~ % Mac-mini ~ % ping6 2606:4700:4700::1001 PING6(56=40+8+8 bytes) xx:xx:xx:cb06:15f3:f870:2674:1a74 2606:4700:4700::1001 16 bytes from 2606:4700:4700::1001, icmp_seq=0 hlim=55 time=26.306 ms ^C --- 2606:4700:4700::1001 ping6 statistics --- 1 packets transmitted, 1 packets received, 0.0% packet loss round-trip min/avg/max/std-dev = 26.306/26.306/26.306/0.000 ms Mac-mini ~ % Mac-mini ~ % ifconfig (filtered a bunch of noise, docker networks and such, etc) en1: flags=8863 mtu 1500 options=400 ether a4:83:e7:17:86:84 inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast inet6 fe80::44b:5ae1:60b0:ed7d%en1 prefixlen 64 secured scopeid 0x7 inet6 xx:xx:xx:cb06:103f:7bd8:9d7f:ea7a prefixlen 64 autoconf secured inet6 xx:xx:xx:cb06:15f3:f870:2674:1a74 prefixlen 64 autoconf temporary nd6 options=201 media: autoselect status: active (filtered a bunch of noise, docker networks and such, etc) Mac-mini ~ % netstat -nr Routing tables Internet: Destination Gateway Flags Netif Expire default UGScg en1 127 UCS lo0 UH lo0 169.254 link#7 UCS en1 ! 192.168.95 link#7 UCS en1 ! link#7 UCS en1 ! 4:d5:90:54:96:7b UHLWIir en1 1182 bc:d7:d4:5d:74:76 UHLWIi en1 1158 link#7 UCS en1 ! fc:67:1f:51:39:a8 UHLWI en1 102 48:22:54:38:e9:c4 UHLWI en1 1169 e0:98:6:b3:4d:2 UHLWI en1 1197 8c:49:62:e0:2a:91 UHLWIi en1 1157 84:d:8e:4a:98:25 UHLWI en1 91 84:f3:eb:2c:b0:f8 UHLWI en1 91 ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff UHLWbI en1 ! 224.0.0/4 link#7 UmCS en1 ! 1:0:5e:0:0:fb UHmLWI en1 1:0:5e:7f:ff:fa UHmLWI en1 link#7 UCS en1 ! Internet6: Destination Gateway Flags Netif Expire default fe80::6d5:90ff:fe54:967b%en1 UGcg en1 default fe80::%utun0 UGcIg utun0 default fe80::%utun1 UGcIg utun1 default fe80::%utun2 UGcIg utun2 ::1 ::1 UHL lo0 xx:xx:xx:cb06::/64 link#7 UC en1 xx:xx:xx:cb06:103f:7bd8:9d7f:ea7a a4:83:e7:17:86:84 UHL lo0 xx:xx:xx:cb06:15f3:f870:2674:1a74 a4:83:e7:17:86:84 UHL lo0 fe80::%lo0/64 fe80::1%lo0 UcI lo0 Mac-mini ~ % Mac-mini ~ % cat /etc/resolv.conf # # macOS Notice # # This file is not consulted for DNS hostname resolution, address # resolution, or the DNS query routing mechanism used by most # processes on this system. # # To view the DNS configuration used by this system, use: # scutil --dns # # SEE ALSO # dns-sd(1), scutil(8) # # This file is automatically generated. # search lab.mydomain.tld nameserver nameserver Mac-mini ~ % Mac-mini ~ % scutil --dns grep 'nameserver' nameserver[0] : 2606:4700:4700::1001 nameserver[1] : nameserver[2] : nameserver[3] : nameserver[4] : nameserver[0] : 2606:4700:4700::1001 nameserver[1] : nameserver[2] : nameserver[3] : nameserver[4] : Mac-mini ~ % 
This configuration works perfectly, am able to ping Cloudflare's v6 address, in addition, get the IP obtained through SLAAC via curl commands.
Mac-mini ~ % curl xx.xx.xx.181 Mac-mini ~ % curl xx:xx:xx:cb06:15f3:f870:2674:1a74 Mac-mini ~ % 
After killing v4 -- some really (imo) interesting things occur.
Mac-mini ~ % scutil --dns grep 'nameserver' nameserver[0] : 2606:4700:4700::1001 Mac-mini ~ % Mac-mini ~ % netstat -nr Routing tables Internet: Destination Gateway Flags Netif Expire 127 UCS lo0 UH lo0 224.0.0 link#1 UmCS lo0 Internet6: Destination Gateway Flags Netif Expire default fe80::6d5:90ff:fe54:967b%en1 UGcIg en1 default fe80::%utun0 UGcIg utun0 default fe80::%utun1 UGcIg utun1 default fe80::%utun2 UGcIg utun2 ::1 ::1 UHL lo0 xx:xx:xx:cb06::/64 link#7 UC en1 xx:xx:xx:cb06:103f:7bd8:9d7f:ea7a a4:83:e7:17:86:84 UHL lo0 xx:xx:xx:cb06:15f3:f870:2674:1a74 a4:83:e7:17:86:84 UHL lo0 fe80::%lo0/64 fe80::1%lo0 UcI lo0 Mac-mini ~ % 
So my default route does not change, it is still the link local address of (I assume the VLAN / SVI gateway) -- but potentially the AP, but anyway, I digress.
DNS does exist in "v6 Only" mode -- pointing at CloudFlare.
Anyway. Let's go deeper.
Mac-mini ~ % ping6 fe80::6d5:90ff:fe54:967 ping6: UDP connect: No route to host Mac-mini ~ % 
Interesting, cannot ping the link-local address of the remote peer. Let's go further by pinging the WiFi SVI IP address and Cloudflare itself.
Mac-mini ~ % ping6 xx:xx:xx:cb06::1 PING6(56=40+8+8 bytes) xx:xx:xx:cb06:15f3:f870:2674:1a74 xx:xx:xx:cb06::1 ^C --- xx:xx:xx:cb06::1 ping6 statistics --- 5 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100.0% packet loss Mac-mini ~ % Mac-mini ~ % ping6 2606:4700:4700::1001 ping6: UDP connect: No route to host Mac-mini ~ % 
IPv6 ping is allowed by policy to this VLAN.
For science, lets just re-enable IPv4, so it pulls an IP in the range.
Mac-mini ~ % ping6 2606:4700:4700::6400 PING6(56=40+8+8 bytes) xx:xx:xx:cb06:15f3:f870:2674:1a74 2606:4700:4700::6400 16 bytes from 2606:4700:4700::6400, icmp_seq=0 hlim=55 time=27.685 ms 16 bytes from 2606:4700:4700::6400, icmp_seq=1 hlim=55 time=24.180 ms ^C --- 2606:4700:4700::6400 ping6 statistics --- 2 packets transmitted, 2 packets received, 0.0% packet loss round-trip min/avg/max/std-dev = 24.180/25.932/27.685/1.753 ms Mac-mini ~ % 
I am a bit lost here, disabling v4, conceptually doesn't seem like it could create problems, but I imagine you folks have more experience than me. Let me know what you think.
Anyone using Spectrum with a Fortinet firewall, don't even bother with the GUI, model your config on what I have, and/or look at these two awesome resources: and
submitted by PeriodicallyIdiotic to ipv6 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:14 West_Possession_379 Mazda dealership service recommendations

Mazda dealership service recommendations
I have a 2018 mazda 3, 55k miles, that I took to the dealer because of a rattle/squeak from front passenger area when going over bumps. Of course they didn't find the cause of this but they did recommend a bunch of other things. Car runs fine other than the squeak and low windshield wiper fluid warning light that doesn't go out (for which they charged 100$ diagnostic fee). They recommended almost 3k worth of repairs. I don't know much about cars but have been servicing the vehicle regularly. I became suspicious of their recommendations because they recommended transmission fluid change though from what I read online it states the fluid never needs replacement. They also recommended driver belt and tensioner replacement saying the tensioner was leaking oil. Pic of tensioner and belt from their inspection video included. When I confronted the service rep he appeared to get very anxious and offered 15% discount on the diagnostics. have the car since new, been 0 problems, not planning on keeping it for more than 1-2 more years. Can anyone take a glance and give some advice? I feel they are trying to screw me over.
submitted by West_Possession_379 to AskAMechanic [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:01 ReverseMod Daily Questions Megathread - May 17, 2024

Welcome to the Reverse: 1999 Daily Questions Megathread!

Please use this thread to ask any general inquiries about Reverse: 1999. Also, kindly search keywords under this thread as your questions may have already been answered by other Timekeepers.
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Q1. Should I re-roll?
Q2. Why is my answer incorrect in for the trail puzzle?
Q3. When is the daily reset?
Q4. Does pity transfer over to the next banner?
Q5. How should I build my team?
Q6. Can I re-watch the cut-scenes/story?
Q7. Are multiple copies of a certain character necessary?
Q8. When should I stop leveling characters?
Q9. What should I purchase in the Psychube Shop (Thought Elements/Thoughts in Eternity)?
  1. LF Polarization
  2. Englighten I
  3. Enlighten II
Q10. What should I prioritize in the Oneric Shop (Oneric Fluid)?
  1. Monthy Brief Cacophony
  2. Crystal Casket
  3. Permanent Brief Cacophony (or Moment of Dissonance to craft Brief Cacophony if needed)
  4. Sonorous Knell
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M1. Are macros and auto-clickers allowed?

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Please note that the above codes are manually updated!
If you have any suggestions or would like to add anything to this post, please contact the moderation team!
submitted by ReverseMod to Reverse1999 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 06:57 howbad- Is my Altima done for ?

As soon as I hit 76k miles I was struck with a check engine light. The codes I got were p0011 ( intake valve time ) and p17f0 ( cvt judder t/m inspection) , before it came on between 73k to 75k the engine kinda felt like it was tight ( if that makes sense ) and would have a slight noticeable judder but would loosen up the more I drove and felt pretty normal. But a day after the code diagnoses I noticed that when I shift in gear and let the car get to about 20 mph I would get hard juddering and for the first time, it died on me, 0rpm and battery light came on as well
Not sure if that means total failure because when the car is on and idled no rough engine idle or juddering.
I did have the car serviced at 72k miles ( it was sitting for 3 - 4 year prior to that and pretty much everything was changed on it beside the cvt fluid.
First time dealing with a cvt transmission, so am I cooked ? Or can it be saved ?
2015 Altima S
submitted by howbad- to Nissan [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 06:53 EmojiOfAKeyboard First time boat owners: we did it

Wife's dream was owning a ski boat. last fall due to an amazing deal on a great condition 80s custom craft ski nautique, we got one. i proceeded to panic. i knew nothing about boats, let alone basic engines nor how they worked. And the first boat we have is a nautique?!?!

this post is to say: we fucking did it

the last 6 months of learning haven't been easy. foremost, when we acquired the boat, I was assuming that the FIL (who is a 30+ year boater) would teach me the ropes of all things boating: how to back up a trailer, how to launch, how to trailer, how to maintain the engine, etc.
great guy... but looking back, I was given a lot of bad help. And eventually I decided to just "do learn it myself."
i.e. he informed me he didn't know how to back up a trailer in my passenger seat after I asked him to "show me how its done" after arriving home with it the first day.. taught us to unhook the winch/safety prior to backing down the ramp... power loaded the ski boat & almost sent it into our truck bed... and many more things i laugh about to myself now
so i started nodding along to advice, taking it with a grain of salt, and then went and read online/manuals/videos of all things.
the last 6 months I have done the following all by myself:
  • winterized the engine (then de-winterized)
  • winterize/stabilized the fuel tank
  • changed the oil & oil filter
  • fixed the deathly low transmission fluid the previous owner forgot existed
  • replaced the impeller
  • fixed speedometers
  • fixed fuel sending unit (fuel gauge)
  • fixed exhaust hose
  • added trailer spare tire
  • learned how to hook up hose as water supply to start it in the driveway
THEN, I learned how to drive and back a trailer up. Not just straight, but back it 90degs into our driveway & garage without needing to move my other car out of the garage. ALL BY MY SELF. (0 help as noted above hahaha)
THEN, wife and I learned how to launch a boat THE RIGHT WAY (see above lol) and my wife became an expert at trailering it WITHOUT power driving it through the bed of the truck.
today we successfully took the boat out for the first time this spring and did it all ourselves.
the drive there, the launch of the boat, and the smoooooth gliding of her maneuvering it back onto the trailer with ease and care. Everything went perfect, after 6-months of... not so perfect things, frustration, me making mistakes, and a little bad advice.

Here she is - next up: learning how to clean the hull.

submitted by EmojiOfAKeyboard to boating [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:37 ISS600 "The Little Spitfire", a Skylanders x The Little Mermaid (1989) Crack Idea

Apparently this was too much for Reddit's spam filters, so we're doing this again.
That's right, this stupid joke has a cover image.

The Little Spitfire (Committing to the Joke)

Somewhere high above and beyond your imagination is an adventure in fantasy.
The Little Spitfire is a joke taken way too far and one that I have committed to solely for the meme. It is a Skylanders take on the story of The Little Mermaid (1989), replacing the original cast with our own flame-spirit SuperCharger Spitfire, optimistic lark Stormblade, gloomy Dreadwalker Nightfall and many more.
The Context
This joke came about while I was brainstorming cutscene dialog for a cutscene in my fan-game. This cutscene took place in an underwater kingdom and I was listening to "Under the Sea" to give some ambience. What I had come up with was that all Skylanders of all elements had been magically protected against the waters and were now swimming freely beneath the waves, making their way to an underwater palace. Spitfire and Stormblade would be chatting as they swam, with the conversion involving Spitfire expressing difficulty/confusion at swimming. Stormblade would then suggest he "does it the mermaid way" and would “demonstrate” what she meant (furiously wiggling and spasming up and down like a maniac). Spitfire would then copy her (much more fluidly and gracefully due to his merman-esque body shape). The conversation would then go as follows.
Spitfire: For some reason, I feel like I should get up on a rock and sing about being part of the world above.
The reason that the conversation would go this way is for 3 reasons:
  1. This fan-game establishes that all Skylanders are fans of Earth media and consume a lot of it. Spitfire alongside others is quite familiar with Disney movies like The Little Mermaid.
  2. The fan-game itself is very musical in its mechanics, so Spitfire having the urge to sing isn't that strange. In fact, singing is a necessary requirement for unlocking the main power in the story. Specifically, it’s working together with others and being in-sync with one another as well as being able to work in harmony that’s necessary. Singing and dancing being the easiest way to achieve that so that’s what everyone’s been doing. That's why Stormblade asks if they're going to sing later. She sees it as an offer to both have some fun and try and work together to harmonize.
  3. Spitfire is willing to humor Stormblade's optimism and slightly odd suggestions like accepting offers to sing karaoke with her or play dancing games with her. If she wants to sing and dance all silly after a mission, he’s happy to join her. It’s not his usual style, but he doesn’t mind it, plus the above reasons of harmonizing would give him good reason to do it too.
Now, I didn’t disregard this at all, because quite frankly, I like merfolk way too much and I saw Spitfire having a tail similar to them as the perfect opportunity to make the above conversation into a wonderful brick joke that still made sense in the setting (I’m imagining either a full theater production of it, or just those two singing on a rock on the beach for fun). To quote myself: “I’ll be honest, it’s the fact he doesn't have legs. I was like "yeah, I can merman this”. I mentioned this in the Portal Masters Lounge Discord server and user “Firedanne” asked the following:
“Does he dream of living up in the sky and collect raindrops and pieces of shot down planes?”
I said “no, but that’s a great idea” and quickly the two of us realized that it made a lot more sense than Spitfire being a merman under the sea (which already doesn’t make a lot of sense, full admittance). And…well, the joke went from there and it did not stop. After replaying the official soundtrack for The Little Mermaid, I decided to do it for the meme and bring you all…whatever this can be considered. Crack post, probably.

The Actual Idea

Summary: Deep inside the volcanoes of Skylands, fire-spirit Spitfire lives in a glowing arcadia of magma and flames. But Spitfire wishes to live amongst the clouds, however his father King X** forbids him from realizing his dreams. One day, after saving the life of* Y**, a creature from the air, Spitfire finds himself smitten with* Y and makes a deal with a devious deadly witch to become an Air creature and must earn Y*’s love before time runs out.* *X and Y are placeholders because I don’t actually know who will fill those positions. More on that below.
The Plot
The plot would be the movie’s plot albeit with potential for some minor modifications to it, either to be more Skylanders-y or just because. Not entirely sure but I see the plot as having the same beats and basic layout but being somewhat different in execution. It absolutely has the songs though, I’m not getting rid of that.
  • One of the most significant plot changes would be the role of Flounder if Stormblade takes that role. Stormblade would be a being of Air who would be Spitfire’s best friend and also his wingman, assisting him where necessary and such. Essentially, she’d be a much more extraverted and adventurous Flounder who’d act as Spitfire’s wingman and on-land ally (she’d be a secondary protagonist almost). Because in canon, the two get along and seem to be on friendly terms, I can imagine Stormblade as Spitfire’s good friend and the one who tells him all about the sky, brings him stuff, goes exploring with him etc. Plus, the opportunity for both to duet songs like Part of Your World and Stormblade soloing Kiss the Girl is a lot of fun to imagine.
  • After that, the rest of the plot changes would boil down to some slightly different scenes, different dialog (but with the same intentions) and so forth. Since the story would take place in the sky, the setting would also be different, but that wouldn’t really affect things all that much aside from some wording changes.
The Characters
Here’s the current cast list as it stands. The question marks mean I don’t know if that person I picked really fits at all, but it also means I don’t know who would be in that role at all.
The Little Spitfire Cast
Ariel Spitfire
Flounder ?
Sebastian Dive-Clops?
Scuttle Smash Hit?
Prince Eric (Y) ?
King Triton (X) ?
Ursula Nightfall
Spitfire would be a flame spirit prince who lives beneath the surface in a massive volcanic kingdom. This is to keep his “no legs, merman tail” thing; now he has a reason to swim everywhere and also explains why as a flame spirit, he can’t simply fly upwards (and on that note, he doesn’t have his wings either, or his technical enhancements; he is pure fire and rock-body). He is stuck underground, but sneaks above onto the surface to explore and collect things that fall from the sky, birdwatch etc. He’d go to the witch and that’s where he’d get his wings and tech enhancement, but of course, he’d give up his voice and have the “get a kiss before 3 days is up” condition.
Now, here’s where it gets tricky for me. On the one hand, I could make Stormblade the Eric of the story (so she would be the Y character) and it would work perfectly fine. But on the other hand, I’ve also got another role for her, an expanded-upon version of Flounder’s role as detailed above and that also works perfectly. Both options for her work out really well because her canon relationship with Spitfire makes her ideal for both positions (as detailed in the plot section). I’m torn about what to do with her because if not her, I don’t know who would be the Eric role. It could be a man or a woman, but I’ve got no clue who I’d pick. I know who I wouldn’t want, but the elimination game hasn’t been super helpful.
The easiest role to choose however is definitely Nightfall as Ursula. She’s a Dreadwalker, she’s got the spooky colors, she’s menacing-looking, she has the tentacled hair and she absolutely would kill it singing “Poor Unfortunate Souls”. And while she’s not evil in personality, her personality would make her a more believable Ursula in comparison to say, Splat. Nightfall being of the Dark element also helps; she’s opposite to bright fire and daylight.
The roles of Sebastian and Scuttle were also OK to come up with, but I’m not too sure about them all. I went with Smash Hit for Scuttle because he’s a rather weird fellow, so he fits with Scuttle’s rather strange self. Dive-Clops is Sebastian solely because he’s the smallest of the cast (I’m talking about him suitless, mind you) and I thought it would be hilarious to put him in a crab costume, or something like that. However, neither of them are Fire or Air elementals, so in the context of the story, it doesn’t make all that much sense.
The role of King Triton is completely up in the air. I have no idea who could, would or should be in his role in the slightest. I know it should probably be a Fire elemental, I just don’t know who. The role of Eric is also unknown for reasons detailed in Stormblade’s entry above. I don’t have a set person at all; the closest I got to someone who wasn’t Stormblade is Ka-Boom and that was for a joke where Ka-Boom auditions and Spitfire struggles to drag him places, and also gets crushed underneath him because of size differences (to me, Ka-Boom look bigger than pretty much every Skylander by a large margin). It was not a serious consideration at all, full disclosure. I don’t have a serious consideration for Eric except for maybe Stormblade as discussed above.
The Music
I’m weak and I always make playlists and this joke is no exception.
  • Fathoms Below: Opening song. Would need to be changed to be fire-related.
  • Part of Your World: Sung by Spitfire (maybe Stormblade too, depends on her role). Would have to be air-related, not water-related.
  • Under the Sea: Sung by whoever ends up being Sebastian. Also would have to be fire-related, not water-related.
  • Part of Your World (Reprise): Sung by Spitfire and no one else.
  • Poor Unfortunate Souls: Sung by Nightfall.
  • Kiss the Girl: Sung by whoever ends up being Sebastian or by Stormblade, depending on her role.
And that's it. That's the entire thing. If anyone has suggestions for roles, throw them at me because I am out of ideas entirely. Completely out of ideas.
submitted by ISS600 to skylanders [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:28 Financial-Ad-6679 2009 Nissan Sentra Acceleration Issue

Hi all, my girlfriend’s 2009 Nissan Sentra with 145k miles is having issues when accelerating and I would like some advice. I have basic mechanical knowledge and any tools I may need, but am having a hard time diagnosing the root of the problem. After long drives (around an hour) her car will drop in rpm’s to around 2k and will not accelerate any higher than that. She also tells me that it will occasionally stall when she stops at lights. It is a cvt transmission. Usually it will return to normal after a small cooldown period. Most recently it would not accelerate at all even when she is at full throttle. I have very recently done an oil change, transmission refresh, engine filter and spark plug change, as well as monitored all her fluids. There is a very small leak from the oil pan gasket but nothing concerning. I also scanned the car and the only code that has come up is the catalyst performing below threshold, which was looked at by a certified technician and was told it was nothing concerning but to get it fixed whenever we had the time and money. When the problems first came up we took it to a different shop and they told her “not to drive it as much.” Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by Financial-Ad-6679 to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:35 TheRetroBlues RetroArch's "Normal2x" / "Normal4x" filters - any benefit on small screens like the RG35XX?

Every guide I read says to turn these filters on, but they seem to come at the cost of reduced performance in some weaker handhelds. Can you guys explain to me what these specific filters actually do, and if you notice any tangible benefits or changes to image quality on a 3.5-inch screen?
submitted by TheRetroBlues to SBCGaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:31 Common-Compote3949 The idea of chain of transmission in hadiths

The idea of chain of transmission in hadiths
Article: The idea of chain of transmission in hadiths
the recognition of fair historian non muslims : Asad Rustam - Orientalists: Margoliouth - Bernard Lewis!!
(To read their confessions, you can go directly to the end of the article)
In a scene some of you may have seen before: They come in a long line of people (for example, 20 or 30 individuals) with their backs to each others - then the first of them turns his back to the rest until one of the people tells him a simple story or shows him a simple movement (for example, as if he was getting up to sit on a motorcycle), Then he is asked to convey the simple story or simple movement to the one who After him - and the next to the next and so on to the last person in the line ـ And the surprise! :
We notice the changes that occurred in the story or movement when it reached the last person - and here the ignorant atheists and deniers of the Sunnah shout with joy, saying: "See? This is a practical experience that you cannot deny that the idea of chain of transmission in hadiths is wrong and impossible!!" ـ The question is: This popular experience actually suits “the general public” in order to prove to them the possibility of the transmission of speech between them being wrong and inaccurate - but: Is “the science of hadith” in Islam and the Sunnah really like this?!! ـ The truth is: There are differences in every part of this example from ((the science of hadith))!! Let's count it together: ـ ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ First: between the lay person and the muslim hadith narrator ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ All the people in the long line: They are chosen from “the general public” in a random way, meaning: They have no relation to the science of hadith and do not worry about ((especially the conditions for accepting the chain of transmission)) - meaning: ـ We can do the same experiment to deny, for example, that (geometry) is important!! Or even (medicine)!! All you have to do is bring a group of random people and give them, for example, concrete, iron, and bricks. Then you ask them to build a building of 3 floors. Then, when the building is completed, you say: See, there is no point in studying engineering!!! ـ Or you give some ordinary and random people surgical, cutting and cutting tools, then you let them work on 10 patients under anesthesia to treat them, for example: Then when the patients die, you say with all pride: You see: there is no benefit in studying medicine!! ـ Now: What exactly happens in Hadith science? The answer:
Each of the narrators (represented by a person in the line) will not stand in the line (i.e., his narration will not be accepted) unless his conduct is confirmed as: ـ 1- The name and circumstance are known (and ignorance of which makes the hadith weak or fabricated)
2 - Strong memorization at the time of hearing and at the time of reporting, with synonymous variations with the same meaning (because the hadith is not worshiped by its recitation like the Qur’an, so it is permissible to narrate it in the meaning)
3- His justice (i.e. he is not known to lie, betray, bear false witness, etc.)
4- Evidence that he was contemporaneous with at least one who heard from him, or they were both brought together in one city, or he declared that he had heard from those before him with the wording, he told us, or he narrated to us, or we heard. To the rest of these conditions for ruling on (the authenticity of the narrator’s acceptance of the chain of transmission) ـ The more difficult the conditions are, the more authentic the book of hadiths is than others (hence the preference for Sahih al-Bukhari, as we will talk about in an upcoming article, God willing, to demolish the lies about it as well). ـ All of this is known by the scholars of hadith (or scholars of the term hadith) from what they collected about the details of the lives of every companion, follower, follower of the follower, and narrators (which is what is called the translation of a person): such as the year of their birth and death - and at the hands of those who heard the knowledge and hadith - and from their students who heard from them after that. - Where did they travel - and when did they travel - and what were their morals and justice? - Or what was the injury to their morals and justice? - Did their memorization change as they grew older, for example, or not - and when exactly did this change in their memorization occur - and so on ـ This is what is called in Hadith science (Books of Biographies) or (Books of Jarh and Ta’deel) or (Ilm al-Rijal).
The question again: Do we now see any relationship between that accuracy of science of hadith and the popular experience in which there is a row of random, unknown people who were not selected according to any criterion: neither in memorization, nor understanding, nor accuracy, nor knowledge, nor honesty?! ـ This means that if we wanted to apply (some) of the rules of hadith science to the experiment, before we chose the people in the class, we would first test: the strength of their memorization - and the accuracy of their verbal or motor performance!! Then we choose those who pass the test!! ـ ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ Second: The number of people and narrators!! ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ In the popular experience, 20 or 30 and perhaps more people were included - while in the science of hadith, oral transmission ends as soon as it is written down - as long as it is written down, then it has been preserved in a book and the transmission process has ended. ـ This only follows the oral narrations - as it is known that there were companions who (wrote) hadiths in the life of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace - such as our master Abdullah bin Amr bin Al-Aas - and we are also not talking about (the Qur’an) which Muslims recite as it is in their prayers five times a day. (In addition to standing, worshiping, Tarawih, etc.)!! Moreover, the Qur’an is written and preserved!! ـ Therefore, even the number of many people in the dozens in a row in the popular experience is not suitable for comparison in the science of hadith!! The longest chain of transmission for a hadith is only one hadith in Sahih al-Bukhari, consisting of 9 narrators (which is a hadith of woe to the Arabs)!! Most of the hadiths are less than that ـ It is enough for us to know that the first (collection) of written hadiths from the Companions and followers who were contemporary with the Companions was in the year 100 AH - at the instruction of the Commander of the Faithful, Omar bin Abdul Aziz, the fifth of the Rightly Guided Caliphs - and this hundred years is the death of the last companion of the Companions, who was (Amer bin Wathilah Al-Laithi - Abu Tufail). )!! ـ This means that if one of the scholars of that period narrated a hadith on the authority of Wathilah al-Laythi, on the authority of a companion older than him, on the authority of the Prophet: there would be no one between them!! It means a chain of transmission from one person, then the Prophet!! Thus, we see many chains of narration between its recording in the books of hadith and the Prophet having only two or three narrations (therefore, it is one of the most authentic and highest chains of narrations) - such as: - Al-Zuhri’s narration on the authority of Salem, on the authority of Ibn Omar, may God be pleased with him, on the authority of the Prophet!! And like the narration of Malik on the authority of Nafi’ on the authority of Ibn Omar, may God be pleased with him!! Imam Malik’s Muwatta was compiled in 158 AH!! This means that there is only 2 between him and the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace!! - Is there a comparison between that and a row of 20 or 30?!! By the way, most of Imam Malik’s Muwatta is found in the Musnad of Imam Ahmad and in the Sahih of Imam al-Bukhari, as we will see in an upcoming article. These are just some of the thousands of chains of narrations from the Followers and Companions on the authority of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace!! Glory be to God Almighty - ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ Third: The power of preserving the early Arabs ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ It is what the Arab nation was famous for even before Islam - one of them used to memorize hundreds and thousands of verses of poetry!! They used to hold competitions in their most famous markets (such as Souq Okaz) - and the hospitality was as great as the seven well-known commentators. - This leads us to a question: How do those with poor memory today measure such abilities in themselves?! Is there any similarity between them and those Arabs with the ability to memorize most of them?!! Indeed, by God, most of us today hardly remember a phone number except our own phone!! If it increases, it may be one or two numbers with difficulty!! This is due to the feature of saving numbers in our mobile phones - but before the spread of these mobile phones: most of us used to save at least 20 landline numbers, for example, for our phone and the phones of our family, friends, and work!! ـ The need to memorize is what stimulates and activates the memorization parts of the brain - and the Arab and Bedouin in ancient times used to walk in deserts extending for hundreds of kilometers, and he must memorize the routes of walking in them with every precision and every detail, no matter how small, otherwise the sand will swallow him - or he will get lost and die of thirst or burn under the flames of the sun. !! ـ ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ Fourth: The importance of the topic ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ Of course, there is a difference between 20 or 30 random people who may not have a specific lofty goal or sacred duty, such as reporting on the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, in common - unlike the science of hadith, which creates a religious and doctrinal motivation within each narrator to increase concentration, memorization, and attention to the highest levels - and out of hope for the Prophet’s promise. Peace be upon him : - ((May God bless a person who hears a hadith from us and memorizes it until someone else conveys it. Perhaps he carries jurisprudence to someone who is more knowledgeable than him, and perhaps he carries jurisprudence and is not a jurist.)) Narrated by Al-Tirmidhi and others with an authentic chain of transmission. - Likewise, fear of the threat of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace: ((Lying about me is not the same as lying about anyone else. Whoever lies about me intentionally, let him take his seat in Hell)) Narrated by Al-Bukhari and others with an authentic chain of transmission. - Therefore, we are not surprised that, to this day - in addition to the annual Qur’an memorization competitions (and this alone is a miracle that we did not talk about): there are competitions for memorizing the entire six or nine books of hadith!! It means support and text!! And from whom? From children under the age of eleven and fifteen!! - (The six hadith books: Sahih Al-Bukhari - Sahih Muslim - Sunan Al-Tirmidhi - Sunan Al-Nasa’i - Sunan Ibn Majah - Sunan Abi Dawud) and the nine additional books (Muwatta’ of Imam Malik - Musnad of Imam Ahmad - Sunan Al-Darimi) - Glory be to Him, the Guide, Glory be to Him, who facilitates the memorization of religious texts - ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ Fifth: What did the fair non muslim people say about the science of hadith?! ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ And here we mean non-Muslims (especially Christians) - who (and some of you may be shocked by this information): They do not have the original text of the Gospels as spoken by Jesus, peace be upon him!! Since the oldest 4 Gospels were approved by the Council of Nicaea in 235 AD and the rest were burned: they were written in Greek!! While Jesus, peace be upon him, spoke Hebrew or Aramaic!! ــ This is a big point and question mark in the face of the “Formation of Atheists” Foundation, led by Ibrahim Issa, for its attempt to cast doubt on the Sunnah and Islamic history!! Where, as is the custom of atheists and their selectivity: he tries to butt the mountain of steadfast and solid hadith in which every word has an authentic or weak chain of narration!! He leaves out the Christian Gospels, which do not even qualify as “the story of the life of Christ,” peace be upon him!! There are no chains of narration in it at all (neither authentic nor weak) ـ The meaning, in more detail, is that the 4 official Christian Gospels are of unknown lineage and the status of the writers (Matthew, Luke, John, and Mark). Therefore, they do not even qualify to be compared to the books of the Sunnah, Hadith, and Biography (although our Biography books are much weaker than the Hadith books), but at least they have chains of narration. We judge from it whether it is strong or weak - and it is mentioned in it who is narrating from whom!!) ـ Thus, we confirm the orientation of an atheistic institution such as (Takween) and that it was not supported externally or internally except to fight Islam only!! Therefore, there is no surprise if among its members is the priest Rifaat Fikri... whose job is to try to polish Christianity after the atheists who are with him question Islam!! -
Christian historian: Asad Rustam
He is the first one we will mention quickly: he is a Lebanese Christian doctor and historian - who worked as a professor of Arab history at the American University of Beirut - and who holds a doctorate in history from the University of Chicago - he says: - ((Hadith: knowledge and narration History: knowledge and narration: So we have a term for history, just as hadith scholars have a term for hadith!! This is from the introduction to his book ((The Concept of History)) - The historian doctor called in his book and his long scientific career that it is time for the science of history to be disciplined in its narration - and for precise and decisive rules to be established for accepting transmission, just as the Muslims did in the science of hadith, which he described as: ((A modern scientific method: to correct news and narrations))!! - Then comes an ignorant person like Ibrahim Issa, who makes a mistake in every two words he says about the Sunnah, biography, or history - and as he did in his first video at the Takween Foundation (watch Dr. Haitham Talaat’s video: Enlightenment by forgery Ibrahim Issa and questioning the Prophet’s biography). We will put his link in the comments. ـ Indeed, Asad Rustam says more clearly: ((Among what Farid mentions with admiration and appreciation is what hadith scholars have reached hundreds of years ago in this regard, and here is some of what was stated in their works, which we present verbatim and to the letter, in acknowledgment of their scientific scrutiny, and in recognition of their credit to history))!! - Glory be to God Almighty The thing that atheists and deniers of the Sunnah do not stop at because of their extreme ignorance is that “the science of hadith” in Islam is a unique science that has not existed in any nation before!! Indeed, all the famous historians in the world were just telling stories: we do not even know enough information about the historians themselves (truthful - lying - learned - ignorant) - and perhaps Herodotus is the best example of this and the funny wonders that his writings contain (such as what he reported about the reason for the color of Negroes by The Abyssinian sperm is black!! ـ Rather: All the narrations of history are whose authors or recorders are unknown, whether in what we find in manuscripts or on walls and temples!! Did they believe it? Did they lie? Did they exaggerate? Who are they even?! no one knows !! ـ As for Islam: it is never like this, thanks to God

This is because when God Almighty promised to memorize the Qur’an: it was logical for him to inspire Muslims to memorize the clear Sunnah of the Qur’an, as we said before!! Prayer is mentioned in the Qur’an and the Prophet explained and performed it. How will it reach Muslims over hundreds of years if it is not made easy for Muslims to memorize the Sunnah orally and in writing?!

ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ Orientalist Margoliouth ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ This man, David Samuel Margoliouth, did not leave anything in Islam without trying to cast doubt on it, even literature and history. However, despite his lying to distort the Sunnah sometimes, his scholarly standing refused to admit the truth reluctantly, so as not to lose the trust of his students and followers in him!! - He says :
But though the theory of the Isnad has occasioned endless trouble, owing to the inquiries which have to be made into the trustworthiness of each transmitter, and the fabrication of traditions was a familiar and at times easily tolerated practice, its value in making for accuracy cannot be questioned, and the Muslims are justified in taking pride in their science of tradition.
source: David Samuel Margoliouth - Lectures on Arabic Historians - 1929 - p.20 ـ ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ orientalist Bernard Lewis ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ He is a British-American honorary professor of Middle Eastern studies - and a famous thinker, writer, and orientalist (who came up with the idea of dividing the new Middle East) - he says: ((Early on: Islamic scholars realized the danger of false testimonies and corrupt doctrines, so they developed a science for criticizing hadiths and heritage, which is (the science of hadith) as it was called.. - It differs for many considerations from the science of modern historical criticism!! While modern studies have proven a constant difference in evaluating the authenticity and accuracy of ancient narratives (i.e. in non-Islamic narratives): we find that a careful examination of it (i.e. the science of hadith) with its attention to the chains of transmission and chain of transmission and its careful collection and preservation of variables in the transmitted narrative gives medieval Arab history professionalism and development. Never before in ancient times!! Without even finding anything like it in the West in the Middle Ages at that time!! ـ When comparing it (i.e. the science of hadith among Muslims) with Latin Christian history: the latter appears poor and weak!! Even the most advanced and complex methods of history in the Greek Christian world are still less than the historical works of Islam in terms of total diversity, volume and depth of analysis!! ـ Original text : From an early date Muslim scholars recognized the danger of false testimony and hence false doctrine, and developed an elaborate science for criticizing tradition. " Traditional science", as it was called, differed in many respects from modern historical source criticism, and modern scholarship has always disagreed with evaluations of traditional scientists about the authenticity and accuracy of ancient narratives. But their careful scrutiny of the chains of transmission and their meticulous collection and preservation of variants in the transmitted narratives give to medieval Arabic historiography a professionalism and sophistication without precedent in antiquity and without parallel in the contemporary medieval West. By comparison, the historiography of Latin Christendom seems poor and meagre, and even the more advanced and complex historiography of Greek Christendom still falls short of the historical literature of Islam in volume, variety and analytical depth. ـ source: Bernard Lewis, Islam In History, 1993, Open Court Publishing, pp.104-105 ـ ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ We will suffice with this amount so as not to prolong it Especially after Bernard Lewis's last statement and his comparison of the knowledge of hadith and its accuracy in Islam: with the poor Latin Christian history!! Will the atheist (free thinkers) inspire us in (Genesis): By directing some of their outstanding geniuses to criticize the weariness of the Gospels and Christian books?! Or is the guidance and support, as we said, intended to fight Islam only?!
By al behthoon al moslimoon
submitted by Common-Compote3949 to islam [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:05 Technical-Sky-7094 Full service schedule help!

Own a 2018 Alltrack in Canada (unsure of it's trim, I believe Canada only got 1 trim level?). Purchased with 56,000kms (35k miles), currently at 79,000kms (50k miles). Has been 10 months since I purchased it.
There are no previous service records available. The only maintenance I have had done was 1 oil change at 66,000kms. I have 1 more oil change left on my pre-paid maintenance contract, along with a brake fluid change, and a pollen filter change.
Below I will list everything I think I need to do at this mileage, and if anybody can tell me things I might be missing, or any extras I can do while I'm at it, I would greatly appreciate.
Oil change (dealer, free)
Pollen filter (dealer, free)
Brake fluid (dealer, free)
Replace spark plugs
Replace DSG fluid
Clean sunroof drains (done, spider traps removed) and lubricate sunroof rails
Front bevel box service
Rear differential service
Haldex service
Air filter (going to do it 10k miles early, see dusty conditions often enough)
Alongside all this is an overall all-point inspection of everything else, replace wear items as needed.
Planning a big road trip in 2 weeks, so aiming to have the parts ordered soon and the work completed! Would also appreciate any tips, tricks, longevity suggestions, anything really!
submitted by Technical-Sky-7094 to VWAlltrack [link] [comments]