Can adderall help people with sleep disorders


2008.01.25 07:47 insomnia

Posts and discussion about insomnia and sleep disorders.

2008.12.02 19:56 Eating Disorders

EatingDisorders is a community dedicated to providing support, resources, and encouragement for individuals dealing with eating disorders. Whether you're in recovery, supporting a loved one, or seeking information, this subreddit is a supportive space with the aim to provide you with the support you need.

2010.02.10 04:36 LittleOldMe Narcolepsy

The online community for those who either have Narcolepsy or Idiopathic Hypersomnia or have a family member with one of these diagnoses. We are not here to diagnose or confirm your self-diagnosis. We have a wiki section about Narcolepsy which may help those who suspect they suffer from a sleep disorder such as Narcolepsy but we are not a substitute for seeing a doctor.

2024.05.17 14:19 Additional-Pain5507 Rewatching in my 30s

So ,I watched skins in 2010 when I was 20 yo and now I'm bingewatching again in my 30s ,with a completely different mindset and experiences. So I want to share my unpopular opinions. Gen 1: Chris had the purest soul,bowled my eyes out when he died (again). Cassie was deeply problematic, running away from everything when she should've been there for Jal and not focusing on her trauma only. Tony started off as a major prick but matured as the episodes gone by. I'd like to know what happened with Sid and if he found Cassie. Gen 2: didn't like these people. Freddie was utterly boring and it was only interesting when he was murdered. Would love the scenario to dig deeper there. Effy effy effy. Stunning girl (the actress had a glow down in my humble opinion.still pretty but not the out of the world beauty she had back then) but destroyed everything and everyone around her. Selfish af. Panda was a good friend to her but she never was. Also couldn't stand Naomi. Liked the twins ,Katie more towards the end in my surprise. Only Cook and JJ had an interest as characters .I don't know why but this generation made me feel depressed. They were so lost . Gen 3: actually loved their season. Grace was the best person on the show . So sad for her. Also ,Frankie was an asshole.she began as an interesting character and then became a monster. Not a good friend nor girlfriend. Didn't like Matty as a character .so Blant. But I loved alo and mini together .
Also a thought I had through all the seasons. Don't they wash themselves? When they had an empty house,they'd literally sleep on vomit and food remains. In some episodes it's like you can smell the scene. 😅
submitted by Additional-Pain5507 to skinsTV [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:19 fifosi If you're having a hard time right now, I hope this helps. (First written as a comment but perhaps it'll help more people as a post)

'A lesson is repeated until it is learned'.
I can't tell you how many times I jacked off or did drugs or ate junk food. 1000's and 1000's of times. It's depressing to think about really, so I don't think about it. Because there's only HERE & NOW.
And that's also the place and time where discipline is built. Not later, not tomorrow. Right HERE & NOW.
I'm sorry but there's no magic gimmick you can use to magically evolve from all this stuff. We're no PokĂŠmon. In the past there were people that cut of their dicks to control lust but sadly lust is mainly in the mind and therefore they weren't freed from it, only from their dicks, which probably created crazy mayhem at their toilets.
One of the laws of karma, "The Law of Focus" states that you can only truly focus on 1 thing at a time. Therefore, if you want to get rid of negative habits focus on positive ones. And not just one or two days, but every fucking day you have to fight and focus on these positive habits.
Because the day you tell yourself "it's okay for once" is the start of your downfall again.
If your struggling with trauma which might be the case, see someone for that. Trauma can be a real bitch and takes years to overcome. Same for these negative habits.
Next month I'm hitting 1,6 years on no alcohol and Semen Retention. Did a few drugs every couple of months but that's over now too. I'm still battling with overeating and junk food, it's been over 2 months since the last time I binged but every couple of days I've got major cravings and I have to put my focus on positive things like exercise, meditation or going for a walk.
Don't take this path as something easy! Because it's not. It's pretty damn hard at times and even seems impossible at other times but only by fighting every day you can win every day. If you don't even try to fight you've already lost.
The beautiful thing about this path tho is that it gets better. Much better! It just takes time and discipline. Stoicism. Good friends that you can talk about these things with. Exercise. Meditation. And healthy diet.
Because if you quit you fall all the way down the ladder again. All the way down. Not as much maybe as once, but still pretty far. And every time you fall you have to get back up again. And again. And again. And again.
'A lesson is repeated until it is learned.'
But even so, maybe most important of all, is to forgive yourself if you fall down, because getting sad or angry will only lengthen the fall more. Ask God for forgiveness if you feel like it, but know, that if He exists, he as already forgiven you even before you sinned.
It's You that has to forgive Yourself and climb back up. Your family can't do it for you, neither can your friends. God can't do it, He loves you to much for that. Think about it, we've been given free will to make a living heaven or hell out of our life. If God would make us happy all the time, we'd be nothing more like controlled robots, some other AI shit. But we're not, free will creates all of our pain, but also makes it so damn beautiful when we finally break free from it!
You didn't choose Semen Retention, Semen Retention chose you! Because God, the Universe or whatever Being or Thing, placed this on your path because It knows you're cut out for it. It knows and believes you will do it, and It only wants you to believe it too.
The world needs people like us, all round are mediocre people doing these nasty habits. We've all done them, but the difference is, we realized how fucking bad and disgusting it was. It's real life fucking WALL-E out there!
The devil is everywhere right know, not just outside, he's inside of us. But so is God. It's up to us to choose.
Choose wisely, because once back down there... You know how it goes.
The devil is loud. He'll stick out his hand and present you a number of beautiful treasures and pleasures and treats and sins that look - oh - so delicious. But the moment you grab his hand he pulls it away, and you fall man. Deep.
God is different. He's like a frequency, a vibration. And He doesn't (usually) come to us, it's us that have to seek Him. Work, meditate, pray... To get to His level, and then we get everything we've ever wanted.
That's the difference between him and Him.
Who do you want to walk with?
(Just ate more than I should've and felt really bad about it, reading this again helped me and I hope it can help you too!)
submitted by fifosi to Semenretention [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:19 mylifeisnotaromcom Let me help you (please read description)

Let me help you (please read description)
I have one more sticker left to complete my album. And since this week is Wild Card, I’ll probably do it then. So…
Here’s the extra 4* cards I have. Comment if you need any of them and we can do an exchange. Preferably a 4* with another 4* (so I can help more people out). But if you really need it and don’t have any other 4, I can still send it to you if you give me an equal amount of stars back (ex: a 3 and a 1*).
Unfortunately I don’t have any extra 5* to trade at this moment. And please be patient if I run out of trades for today, I can just send them once it resets.
submitted by mylifeisnotaromcom to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:18 hoo-em-eye Hello! New to volume eating! Pls advise me on how to approach because I have A LOT of allergies and sensitivities to foods.

Hello everyone! I’m new to volume eating and I want to make sure I do it right so I’m not just eating “dirty keto” style from here on out. I’m allergic to a lot of foods. Main things would be nightshades, which are potatoes (I can eat sweet potatoes and yams), all tomatoes, every pepper that grows from a bushel (I can have black pepper), eggplants, and most recently, I found out okra was a nightshade too. I think I cried that day. Although I’m not celiac, I’m super sensitive to wheat, barley, and rye—unless it’s whiskey or bourbon, I can drink those without a problem. Beer and some wine will break me out. I realized that anything with yeast will most likely break me out so I try to avoid them. I’m also sensitive to cane sugar, spinach and cherries for some reason. -this is an autoimmune disorder that doctors haven’t been able to explain. I’ve tried many diets…(AIP, LCHF, Keto) and they’ve all worked, they’re just not sustainable for me. My goal is to have a sustainable diet that I can control, maintain, and basically enjoy. I want to keep my muscle and lose the fat. With the other diets, everything is lost. Please help with any advice, tips or tricks to get me going in the right direction!
submitted by hoo-em-eye to Volumeeating [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:18 hoo-em-eye Hello! New to volume eating! Pls advise me on how to approach because I have A LOT of allergies and sensitivities to foods.

Hello everyone! I’m new to volume eating and I want to make sure I do it right so I’m not just eating “dirty keto” style from here on out. I’m allergic to a lot of foods. Main things would be nightshades, which are potatoes (I can eat sweet potatoes and yams), all tomatoes, every pepper that grows from a bushel (I can have black pepper), eggplants, and most recently, I found out okra was a nightshade too. I think I cried that day. Although I’m not celiac, I’m super sensitive to wheat, barley, and rye—unless it’s whiskey or bourbon, I can drink those without a problem. Beer and some wine will break me out. I realized that anything with yeast will most likely break me out so I try to avoid them. I’m also sensitive to cane sugar, spinach and cherries for some reason. -this is an autoimmune disorder that doctors haven’t been able to explain. I’ve tried many diets…(AIP, LCHF, Keto) and they’ve all worked, they’re just not sustainable for me. My goal is to have a sustainable diet that I can control, maintain, and basically enjoy. I want to keep my muscle and lose the fat. With the other diets, everything is lost. Please help with any advice, tips or tricks to get me going in the right direction!
submitted by hoo-em-eye to Volumeeating [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:18 HospitalLegal My One Day Review of the PSVR2 ( My VR Virginity Taker)

My One Day Review of the PSVR2 ( My VR Virginity Taker)
I don’t know if it is because I only had 2 ½ hours of sleep , I don’t know if it is because i have not eaten today , but I do not think I like the PSVR2 as much as I thought I would have ? Like it looks really cool , and for some games you truly do feel like you are in it , but to be honest I thought it would be as if you are actually in the world but it is not , it is more so just looking at the world in 3D . Feels more like a projection than a hologram. It is also not as plug and play as I thought it would be , but instead you literally have to redo two settings every single time you pick the vr up or take it off your face . It also gets so hot when playing standing games . You also have to manually adjust the vr every time you put it on and there aren’t any clicks or etc to help you remember . you legit have to guess every single time you put it on. It is also not wireless it is used with a single wire that has to go into the ps5 . Now imagine how annoying turning in a circle can be with a wire getting tangled around you especially when it cost almost $600 USD after taxes . It also doesn’t come with charger stand . It comes with a single charger for two controllers . I have a night stand with 4 chargers but still I immediately went on Amazon and bought a charger stand for it . ($30 ) . The lenses are also super sensitive, literally one eyelash touching it can blur the whole thing , you also need to almost wipe it down every time you pick it up . Again I immediately had to go on Amazon and buy a pack of microfiber clothes ( $10) and it’s like why do I have to spend money for stuff when I already paid almost $600 USD after taxes for this whole thing . LET ME REMIND YOU this thing cost $150 USD more than the ps5 itself . This is an accessory, and it cost more than the actual product . To put this into perspective this would be like AirPods costing more than the actual iPhone itself . So I feel like I should not have to buy all this extra stuff.
P.S once again I immediately went on Amazon to buy this device that helps prevent slipping , sweat prevention and is a” sweet spot keeper “ so I don’t have to manually adjust it every time I use the PSVR 2 . This is $55 ( Global Cluster : CMP2 Comfortable Mod for PSVR 2 )
PROS: Now with alll the bad out of the way this $H*T is honestly amazing.
This PSVR 2 tracks eye movement and has this rendering thing that makes everything you look at 100xs more hd . It also has these adaptive things that you can feel through your head and hands. For example you can literally feel a raindrop hit your head . You may not feel the temperature but you feel the pressure , same with wind , or bullets etc . The headset I have is 3D audio so I can hear everything as if I’m actually in that space / environment . the padding for your eyes is so comfortable . The lenses are visually breath taking . the led is amazing the colors be coloring lol . for example if its sunny , the colors are so damn good and HD that you can almost feel the warmth of the sun. the controllers feel , look and respond so damn good ! guns feel like guns . you control all your fingers . you may not feel like you are actually physically in the worlds / environments , but everything feels way more alive . when you are holding a gun , its no longer just staring at virtual set of arms holding a gun and reloading it for you, but instead your arms feel like you are holding a gun and can grab each bullet . a great example of this feeling would be going to a cashier and watching them scan your items vs doing self checkout and actually picking up your items , scanning them and placing them in a bag . so again it may not feel like we are actually in the world but it makes every thing way more alive . You see something on a shelf you can go and pick it up , if you see a barrel with a cover on it , you can literally walk over to it , left the cover up , peak inside and grab something if you wanted . You just always feel connected to the game . It also takes you away from the real world like there’s no taking breaks inbetween moments for me , like peeking at my phone to respond to a text or something. once you got the vr on you’re locked in without even noticing how long you’ve actually been playing . You are 100% paying for technology here more than product , the science , the feedback and motion sense , the protective field it gives you IS PHENOMENAL, I haven’t ran into a wall , couch , tv , table , NOTHING it fully protects you in every single environment. The wire situation you kind of get used to, you gain a habit of just step over it before it gets wrapped up around you . The very first time I used it today I just didn’t really like it to be honest . PSVR 2 Felt blurry , it made me nauseous a bit , and I just felt like it was not for me , but then I took a 2 ½ hour nap and played for around 10 minutes before I had to get ready for work and this time around I had a wayyyy better experience and the world seemed way more real to me .
submitted by HospitalLegal to PSVR [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:18 TweeMansLeger I need advice about housing insurance and my father's situation. I am not from the UK and tried helping him but it is hard understanding UK law. He might become homeless soon because of a dispute with the insurance company

English is not my first language so please forgive me if I use the wrong words
My dad lives in the UK. His house was destroyed by a burst water pipe due to freezing temperatures in December 2021. The insurance company has been incredibly slow in their response and has been fighting my dad every step of the way in order to avoid paying out what he is owed.
His insurance company is treating him terribly. I will give the summarized version of how they are treating him badly:
I can keep going but I think you get the picture. I tried to help him by visiting the 'financial ombudsman' website and trying to find relevant information. Or reading to court records to see if I can find comparable situations and see what the outcome in court was. But I am having a hard time because either the information is too abstract or too specific most of the time. My father is worried that if he hires an attorney or asks for that kind of help they will take all the money he will win in court (if he does) and leave him with nothing for his house. I told him this is nonsensical because that would mean the insurance company still wouldn't pay for the house but only for the extra legal fees and leave him with a tent or something.
I read some information on the website of 'Citizens Advice' and 'LawWorks' but I don't think my dad can get advice there because he makes more money than the income threshold allows.
I recommended him he should stop trying to fight the company like he has been doing for the last 2 years and start taking legal action. And that some attorney's take a fixed fee for the initial advice (do you have a case or not) and that it would be clear before starting the procedures what he has to pay (if anything at all). He is not trusting 'those people' because of something going on with a court case in the UK involving a post office and the attorneys walking away with 95% of the money.
Hopefully you can shed some light on what is a good course of action. Do we go to the attorney, file a complaint at the ombudsman, or the financial authority. And how do we deal with the rent payments stopping or anything urgent like that when it pops up.
Thank you very much!
submitted by TweeMansLeger to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:18 Crystal-Nightingale New RTX 4080 Super bad video playback quality

Hi. I need help/opinions/ideas etc, because currently I have no idea what to do with my GPU. Will try to describe shortly.
Recently I've switched from RX 6600 to RTX 4080 S (MSI). At first I forgot to even delete previous AMD video drivers, but then I googled a bit and found that only switching from NVidia to AMD may cause some problems if previous drivers were not deleted. Anyway, at first I, of course, tested my GPU in gaming and it was quite good (Full HD monitor). Then in first week I wanted to watch video from local HDD and it quite confused me (that is the start of all issue) as the quality was weird, what I mean all movements in video was like it's 20 fps in game, meaning not smooth movements (character, or camera move and you see a building/window/car that does not move, but camera turns). Unfortunately I couldn't test it much due to work and I didn't even noticed how 14 days ended (had a right to return GPU if wanted).
Now I literally can't normally watch any video or movie either it's local file/video-streaming platforms or Netflix. Like I can watch (and do currently.. what else can I do) but the quality doesn't feel right. Then I thought, may be because it's not a high resolution monitor, I've connected 4k too. But it's same on FHD and 4k.
Also about gaming. I've tried 3 on high settings: RDR2, Hogwarts Legacy and Avatar: Frontiers Of Pandora. RDR2 quality looks great on ultra even 4K (DLSS), but Hogwarts Legacy... and Avatar.. I have issues with those games. I've seen in YouTube how ppl with rtx 4080 or rtx4080s play 4k AFOP and quality is so smooth, but personally I can't see that quality in my case.
F.E Hogwarts Legasy on ultra (different settings) 4k or 2k when I'm moving camera is not smooth.. looks more.. jerky. It bothers and frankly not what you expect from that GPU. AFOP in 4k runs smooth only on DLSS Performance. Is that even okay? Like disabled DLSS is unplayable.. my eyes even hurts to watch moves of camera. Also DLSS quality and ultra quality (especially ultra quality) fps drops significantly (30-50 in different locations). If I want to switch to ultra quality upscaling then it's nice only to watch. Running and moving camera makes picture/objects to jerk (see example how it looks at this video ( Sometimes it's more like 15 fps from example video. Literally very disappointed. But unfortunately it's my first better GPU and I have no friends to compare. I don't even know if that's okay for a GPU perform like that in those games. Please note that I didn't do any overclocking or additional settings. Like I'm simple user who bought, plugged it, connected and use. Mind I also installed MSI Afterburner (only to see GPU info in games), and NVidia GeForce Experience. About GeForce Experience. I've tried to delete it because some people say that all problem with bad performance was in NGE but it didn't work for whatsoever.
Oh and I also did deleted all video drivers using DDU, reinstalled drivers but nothing worked either.
But the biggest ever concern for me is that ANY video playback (either local video file, or copied from phone, CD, or in browser, or in video streaming platforms, or YouTube or Netflix) is same - jerky 20 fps kinda like. It's so annoying, literally see it everywhere at any moves and can't be ignored. I have no idea what to do and 14 days of customer protection has ended. I also asked help MSI support and they couldn't help me either, suggested me at the end to contact reseller to have my unit repaired, replaced, or refunded. But I highly doubt the reseller will refund of replace.. What is there to repair I don't see either.
Oh and one more! Fans on GPU are always spinning, like always, in gaming or silent mode - always spinning even when I just turned on PC and no programs are opened, no game, no video. It's not okay.
MY PC specs:
Motherboard: MSI MPG Z590 Gaming Edge WiFi
CPU: Inter Core i9 10900KF
AIO: Corsair iCUE H170i Elite LCD Display
RAM: Kingston Fury DDR4-3200 (32 GB)
SSD (Windows 10 x64 OS) Kingston SSDNow A400 240GB
Storage: 1) HDD: Western Digital Purple 5400 rpm
2) MSI Spatium M390 2TB NVMe M.2 PCIe 3.0 (Where AFOP is installed)
3) Seagate Exos 7E10 7200rpm
Power Supply: Corsair HX1200
1) Samsung 32" LS32BG700 (LS32BG702EIXUA)
2) Dell FHD (old)
I hope somebody can help me or have an idea if my GPU is okay but my settings, or I've got a defected GPU. Ask any additional questions if you need.
submitted by Crystal-Nightingale to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:17 HospitalLegal My One Day Review of the PSVR 2 ( My VR Virginity Taker)

My One Day Review of the PSVR 2 ( My VR Virginity Taker)
I don’t know if it is because I only had 2 ½ hours of sleep , I don’t know if it is because i have not eaten today , but I do not think I like the PSVR2 as much as I thought I would have ? Like it looks really cool , and for some games you truly do feel like you are in it , but to be honest I thought it would be as if you are actually in the world but it is not , it is more so just looking at the world in 3D . Feels more like a projection than a hologram. It is also not as plug and play as I thought it would be , but instead you literally have to redo two settings every single time you pick the vr up or take it off your face . It also gets so hot when playing standing games . You also have to manually adjust the vr every time you put it on and there aren’t any clicks or etc to help you remember . you legit have to guess every single time you put it on. It is also not wireless it is used with a single wire that has to go into the ps5 . Now imagine how annoying turning in a circle can be with a wire getting tangled around you especially when it cost almost $600 USD after taxes . It also doesn’t come with charger stand . It comes with a single charger for two controllers . I have a night stand with 4 chargers but still I immediately went on Amazon and bought a charger stand for it . ($30 ) . The lenses are also super sensitive, literally one eyelash touching it can blur the whole thing , you also need to almost wipe it down every time you pick it up . Again I immediately had to go on Amazon and buy a pack of microfiber clothes ( $10) and it’s like why do I have to spend money for stuff when I already paid almost $600 USD after taxes for this whole thing . LET ME REMIND YOU this thing cost $150 USD more than the ps5 itself . This is an accessory, and it cost more than the actual product . To put this into perspective this would be like AirPods costing more than the actual iPhone itself . So I feel like I should not have to buy all this extra stuff.
P.S once again I immediately went on Amazon to buy this device that helps prevent slipping , sweat prevention and is a” sweet spot keeper “ so I don’t have to manually adjust it every time I use the PSVR 2 . This is $55 ( Global Cluster : CMP2 Comfortable Mod for PSVR 2 )
PROS: Now with alll the bad out of the way this $H*T is honestly amazing.
This PSVR 2 tracks eye movement and has this rendering thing that makes everything you look at 100xs more hd . It also has these adaptive things that you can feel through your head and hands. For example you can literally feel a raindrop hit your head . You may not feel the temperature but you feel the pressure , same with wind , or bullets etc . The headset I have is 3D audio so I can hear everything as if I’m actually in that space / environment . the padding for your eyes is so comfortable . The lenses are visually breath taking . the led is amazing the colors be coloring lol . for example if its sunny , the colors are so damn good and HD that you can almost feel the warmth of the sun. the controllers feel , look and respond so damn good ! guns feel like guns . you control all your fingers . you may not feel like you are actually physically in the worlds / environments , but everything feels way more alive . when you are holding a gun , its no longer just staring at virtual set of arms holding a gun and reloading it for you, but instead your arms feel like you are holding a gun and can grab each bullet . a great example of this feeling would be going to a cashier and watching them scan your items vs doing self checkout and actually picking up your items , scanning them and placing them in a bag . so again it may not feel like we are actually in the world but it makes every thing way more alive . You see something on a shelf you can go and pick it up , if you see a barrel with a cover on it , you can literally walk over to it , left the cover up , peak inside and grab something if you wanted . You just always feel connected to the game . It also takes you away from the real world like there’s no taking breaks inbetween moments for me , like peeking at my phone to respond to a text or something. once you got the vr on you’re locked in without even noticing how long you’ve actually been playing . You are 100% paying for technology here more than product , the science , the feedback and motion sense , the protective field it gives you IS PHENOMENAL, I haven’t ran into a wall , couch , tv , table , NOTHING it fully protects you in every single environment. The wire situation you kind of get used to, you gain a habit of just step over it before it gets wrapped up around you . The very first time I used it today I just didn’t really like it to be honest . PSVR 2 Felt blurry , it made me nauseous a bit , and I just felt like it was not for me , but then I took a 2 ½ hour nap and played for around 10 minutes before I had to get ready for work and this time around I had a wayyyy better experience and the world seemed way more real to me .
submitted by HospitalLegal to playstation [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:17 Satanic_Christ I have begun to realize I might be a lesbian and not bi

Hello everyone,
I guess I am posting this here so that I can hear similar experiences, or just hear an outsider perspective. I hope it is allowed.
So I recently turned 24. Back when I was 15 up until 18 I was sure I was a lesbian but I never got to date or sleep with a woman. I live in a third world country where it is basically illegal to be gay, and as a result you don’t really see openly queer people that often and don’t wanna approach someone you are attracted to either for the risk of them being straight and you just outing yourself.
I have dated a few men, but it has always felt underwhelming. I never stopped thinking I was attracted to women and I just decided I was bi or pansexual. I have never been “in love” I often found myself being annoyed at the smallest things male partners do and say, and that’s why my relationships with them have always been short lived. I have always found my relationships with men being “transactional” in my head, this might sound horrible, I know, but I have never liked my partners enough to do anything for them out of my free will and just wanting to, I do/say things to make it up to them for something they have done for me. I knew this is sort of fucked up and not normal when I saw other girls in relationships around me, but I just assumed I haven’t found “my person”.
Recently, I developed a huge crush on a girl at my gym. I have had little crushes on girls here and there but this girl is soooooooooooo my type. I look at her and genuinely CANNOT believe she is real. I did talk to her and go out with her once but she often is not in my city due to work (she is here two-three times a year for two weeks or so). I feel so strongly for her although she is just a girl I have a crush on at the gym, I never felt a fraction of this for the guy I dated for a year. I want to give her the world without getting anything back. I just look at her and my heart soars. Every time I see her I can’t stop thinking about her for days on end.
I could go on for paragraphs about my feelings for her, feelings and thoughts I never felt for any man I dated. I met her 6 months ago and during this time I have been more and more convinced I am a lesbian and that me dating men has been a mistake and a waste of time. What do you guys think? Have you ever been in the same situation as me? Am I gay?
submitted by Satanic_Christ to LesbianActually [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:17 HostRevolutionary452 Other couples

Other couples can be very triggering to me. I look at the way other couples act and if my relationship doesn’t look like them then I get super anxious. I get worried I wish my partner was different which is awful and makes me feel very guilty. I love my gf and I am happy with her I think. I say I think because as much of you know it’s a constant back and forth fourth with rocd and right now I’m super anxious. I constantly worry about how my relationship “should” be. I would not say I am unsatisfied but sometimes I worry I am missing out. I don’t know if I feel like I am missing out because I can’t feel love in a “normal” neurotypical way or because I don’t love my gf. The uncertainty drives me insane but I know that’s something you have to learn to live with when you have ocd. I don’t want to keep comparing my relationship to others but I can’t help it. I see happy people in love and me makes me not feel good. I feel like I’m missing out.
I have therapy in a couple hours so I might update later.
submitted by HostRevolutionary452 to ROCD [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:17 CardboardSalad24 Found a Red Grail ai bot, what should I tell to her?

Found a Red Grail ai bot, what should I tell to her?
Made by my newly introduced to Secret Histories friend
submitted by CardboardSalad24 to weatherfactory [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:16 mistakenusernames Ignore just need somewhere to say this.. TW death

Trigger Warning-hospice, death
I’ve dealt with so much lately. Now I am faced with yet another thing to add to the pile. I haven’t been able to tell anyone yet either. It sucks that it takes aging to finally start understanding yourself and others only to start losing people. One after another. 40s you just barely come into yourself, then people start dropping of heart attacks, other issues. Parents dying. Siblings die…. Once you see someone pass in hospice the idea of seeing another person die like that is crippling.
The idea of being chronically ill and being a burden on those you love is also crippling. I’ve spent so much of my life feeling as if I wasn’t enough, I didn’t fit in. I wasn’t lovable. I know different now. But wanting to be a light in peoples lives. Have a purpose. This hope that there was something bigger than work, sleep, eat, rinse, repeat. Watch people die. Seeing my brother die as he did, gasping for air, each breath taking longer to come than the next, until finally there were no more. Hoping with everything in me that he heard us saying we love him. Saying it’s okay, he is safe, loved, it’s okay to go.
They tell us about people passing but they leave out after. After the last breath is taken. When the nurse comes in and confirms they are gone. Notes the time. Positions the body, they roll up a towel and put it under their chin. Lay them straight, tuck them in and then they tell you that you can take all the time you need. They don’t tell you that you are left standing in a room that feels emptier than anything you’ve ever felt before in your entire life. They don’t tell you that you will notice the bare walls, the digital clock and Alexa by the bed, playing country music… they don’t tell you that leaving the room will gut you.
They don’t tell you that you’ll want to run out of the room screaming. Or that leaving will be so painful the pain never leaves. How you’ll say goodbye, I love you, over and over until you finally pull away. Walking out the door, not understanding what is happening in your chest or stomach. You’ll walk past the nurses station, say thank you for all they have done, keep walking until the lobby where you will stop and look at the memory boards, the teddy bears they make w loved ones clothes. You’ll wonder if everyone’s family felt like you do in that moment.
You’re not prepared to walk out of the door, but you do. Into the elevator, pushing the 1st floor button knowing it’s the last time. Days you’ve spent battling for someone’s life in ICU, watching them pull out the tubing removing life support. Holding your own breath waiting for them to stop breathing only they don’t. They fucking don’t. A rally. You’re not prepared for that either. You’re told they will die in minutes but not prepared for them to hang on for 10 days. So unusual they say. 1% they say.
You go daily, sing to them, play their music, bath them, use sticks with sponges to wet their mouth. You fight for care, or comfort, you are bombarded with paperwork, with decisions, you’re so busy with how official & filled w red tape it all is, you barely get time to touch their face and sing to them. Tell them you’re sorry for not being a better sibling, that it’s not their fault you got all the good looks… tell them they can let go. You move to hospice. Where you now visit them in a bare room, a view of a pond, a tree, buildings, knowing this is the room they die in. You’re exhausted. In a daze. Autopilot because you can’t feel what you need to feel in the moment and then in a flash …
You’re pushing the 1st floor button for the last time. You exit the elevator, walk into the parking lot, hug your loved ones if any, goodbye, tell them over and over you love them and thank you for being there. You get in your car… and realize it’s over. You are so unprepared for the feeling that washes over you as you drive away, almost perplexed. The world, people driving, walking, it all looks the same. Everyone is going about their day as if nothing has happened. Don’t they know?
It’s so odd how we go through life changing experiences & it’s only us that changes. No one else. Nothing else. Just us. I read about people losing loved ones watching them pass in hospice & saying it was a beautiful thing they were so blessed to be able to be a part of. What? Don’t they know that an iv port for morphine isn’t covered by Medicare so meds are given by mouth or by rectum? Don’t they know that people pass in hospice in a way we would be jailed or fined for if we did it to a dog or cat? How is it beautiful? How is it a blessing? How do they find such peace in knowing all the pain we endure, leads to that moment, dying, gasping for air, as people you love try to hold it together, saying I love you over and over until you’re gone. How is that beautiful? How tf do you brace yourself to possibly do it again?
submitted by mistakenusernames to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:15 ThePaperBlackStar UPDATE: I've escaped

Hey guys. Finally did it. I'm so happy with the people I love. Things are going good. Still have to unpack and do a few other things regarding my family who I've had to leave behind.
To those of you who decide to message me personally on my previous account, just know that I will likely report you for violating reddits rules. The fact that you chose to message privately shows that you know what you're doing is unkind, not helpful and that you're wrong. If you have something to say, do so in the comments. This is just a warning to anyone who tries to come at me and tell me "you were wrong for leaving you family. You will regret your actions. Your soul will feel empty. Believe in God and don't let him out your life. I will pray for you and your mum that you abandoned" these are some of the things people have written to me. I will kindly ask you to stop private messaging me. I keep it on for other reasons. Not to be bombarded by pathetic people on here who aren't regulated and think they know everything about religion or trauma when in reality they know jack shit or are simply projecting.
Anyway. I'm safe. I do miss my siblings. My parents not as much. My partner has been helping me, the fatigue I had was so bad that my headache wasn't allowing me to do much. So our smart friend told us to lay back with some heat at my upper back and neck. That made me fall asleep for a few hours... I barely slept the night before my escape, and only 1 hour the night I finally made it out.
As for updates, I'll do so when I feel a bit more at ease. All my stuff is a mess. I wanna relax and enjoy this peaceful life for a while. For those of you who will ask how I did this, don't worry. I'll be typing up a long guide once I'm on laptop. Right now I'm on phone haha.
I can't wait to start doing the things I love. I can finally draw or paint without hiding it. I can play games without being told its bad or listen to music without anyone saying it's haram or pretending to listen to nasheeds. No praying no recitation. Just the peaceful sound of birds, cars outside, I can feel the breeze through my hair, feel the warmth on my skin. My new life awaits and I already feel so much happier away from the religious and crazy life I had. I had no bed back in my old house with my family. Now I have a bed here with my partner and it feels so good to lay down.
Life is gonna get tough for us. We have a lot of paper work to get through and things like that to make sure I'm safely residing here. But that will be dealt with in time.
Stay safe out there everyone. Thank you so very much for all your encouraging and sweet comments. They helped me very much when I was crying my eyes out, wailing that I'd never see my mum again or my siblings. Now I feel at ease with this choice I've made. I'm still on the fence a little but... I'm certain this is the way I want to move forward.
And with that, I conclude my first update. Hope you all are having fun out there. If not, and you plan to escape, just know that with time, planning and patience, you can achieve anything. I thought it was impossible. But I freaking did it. And so can you, should you wish to do so in the future.
Bye for now.
~The Paper Blackstar
submitted by ThePaperBlackStar to exmuslim [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:15 pixelbased Pistachio is dreaming of zoomies and cod chips…

Pistachio is dreaming of zoomies and cod chips…
He sleeps in his little clamshell with sometimes just his snout or toe beans sticking out but every now and then he pops his head out and I can’t help but crack up when I see his little face.
submitted by pixelbased to toofers [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:15 Horizon__world Remember When Spotify Was the "Big Bad"? 🤔 AI in Gaming Might Feel Similar...

Remember when everyone freaked out about Spotify? Musicians were worried about losing gigs, record labels panicked about album sales. Sound familiar? That's kinda where we're at with AI in gaming right now. People are worried about robots stealing their jobs, and yeah, change can be scary.
But guess what? Spotify didn't destroy the music industry. It actually helped it grow! Artists found new ways to connect with fans, concerts became even more popular, and music became more accessible than ever before.
We think the same thing can happen with AI in gaming. Here's the deal:
So, instead of fearing AI, let's embrace it and see where it takes us. Just like Spotify changed the music game for the better, AI can revolutionize gaming in ways we can't even imagine yet. And who knows, it might even lead to a whole new world of opportunities for everyone.
Let's get excited about the future of gaming, together!
submitted by Horizon__world to Horizon_world [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:15 OrlonDogger A Witch at Midnight - Chapter 15

[First] [Previous] [Next]
For a moment I am shocked. If I had expected anyone to be here, aside from the Librarian herself, it would be Ricardo! But I guess the world is trying to surprise me today? Then again, considering the rumors, miss Pelafina wasn’t that much of an outrage either.

Then it hits me. What does she mean ‘took you long enough’, huh!?

“She was waiting for y—”

Yes I get that part! Was this whole deal a game for her?

I take my first steps towards her, a little indignant and I feel it is justified, but then I notice something in the corner of my eye. Movement. I immediately turn on my heels to face it: there’s shades of black in the darkness, at least in one spot. Soon, a figure steps up from the corner of the room, dressed in a long black cloak, dressing pants and elegant shoes. The hood covers their head and some magical darkness obscurs their eyes, but I can see a few locks of green hair slip from underneath the shadow.

The figure lifts a hand, they are even wearing black gloves! That’s some commitment to the bit.

“Yo. The name is Lucía. Sorry for skulking around but it is kind of my job; I assume you already know Overseer Pelafina?” She smirks. “She gets around! She said she was waiting for a Bastard to arrive but, Hell, we thought it was just an excuse of hers to skip work!”

“I am very responsible, excuse you.” Pelafina frowns, shaking her head softly. “Ignore Lucy, dear. She’s just my assigned guard, here to keep me safe!”

Her assigned guard? So she IS with the Cloaks after all! I mean, if the cloak she’s wearing wasn’t indication enough. I don’t like her, not one bit. She’s smiling too much, just balancing on her heels and toes while I stand there. I don’t wanna say I hate her, we’ve barely exchanged words… but I don’t like her. Not one bit.

I decide to take Pelafina’s words to heart and ignore her, when another thing hits me.

“Overseer Pelafina!? But you’re just the lady from the bookstore!” I think my eyes are going to jump right out of my skull like in one of those old cartoons.

“A girl has to move up in this world if she wants to survive.” The old lady chuckled, just a little bit. “You know my name, but I never truly caught yours though. How do we call you, dear?”

Fuck, here we go with names again… but hey, maybe this is a great chance to build a new identity for myself!

“People call me Tav.” I say, trying to puff up my chest a bit.

“That was not what she asked though!” Lucía intervenes with a singsongy voice.

“Oh let her have her own nom de guerre, Lucy. It’s adorable!” Having these two messing with me is really going to be bad for my health. I’ll have to endure it though. “Alright then, Tav. If you’re here, I assume you managed to read through the book at least a bit?”

I flinch. Just how much does this woman know? Did she know the contents of the book from the start? Is this a weird ‘Hero’s journey’ situation? A mysterious adventure she has sent me into so I grow as a person?

Or is she just fucking with me.

“Well? Don’t keep me waiting! It’s been days!” Pelafina insists with a twinkle shining in her eyes.

“... I have a few words translated.” I managed to say.

“Oh great! So Humiko left you hints. That’s great.”

“Miss Pelafina–”

“Please, just call me P.”

“Uhm. Miss P.” I gulp. “Just how much do you know of the book, exactly?”

“Well, Humiko asked me personally to keep it safe, so that’s one thing.” The overseer counts with her fingers. “I know it is written in Magic Runes, which… shouldn’t be possible, and yet, there it is! I trust Humiko enough to know it has to be real.”

“Wait.” I blink. “What do you mean ‘shouldn’t be possible’?”

“Magic is not a language, or at least it hasn’t been understood as one until… well, right now.” The old lady smiles a bit wider. “If you manage to make more sense of it than a few phrases, you’d be making history, boy!”

Again with the damn gendering… I frown a little bit but, try not to make it too visible. I gotta focus.

“Yeah, get it together. This is not the time for your ridiculous whining.”


“So you know what the book is, but you don’t know what it says.”

“To be honest, I am not really sure what it is either.” Pelafina admits with an embarrassed grin. “All I know is that it is a project Humiko had for a long time already, and according to her express instructions, the hints could only be read by a sleeper.”

I haven’t really checked if I can no longer check Humiko’s note in the book, so there’s homework for when I return.

“I am sorry we put this on you with deceit and all, but would you have really believed me if I said ‘You have to study magic’ just like that?” The old lady shrugs. “It was necessary, and if Ricardo could see the potential in you, then this was surely the correct choice.”

“Is Ricardo an Overseer too?” I feel like that is a sensible question.

“Oh heavens no, he’s a Sleeper. Not a word of this to him, you hear me?” P’s gesture grows severe for a moment. “I don’t want him involved in such things at his age. He had enough adventures already.”

I guess the rumors of Ricardo being a world-trotting adventurer are also true. Huh.

“So. Tell me, what did you learn?”

She’s very eager… I can notice Lucía’s gaze on me, too. They are both very, very eager.

“This doesn’t make sense.”

Right? It’s all wrong.

The book’s first warning was to avoid the cloaks, and yet here’s P! Just hanging out with this one, talking about the book like it’s nothing!

Well, if it’s true that she doesn’t know the contents, I can lie through my teeth!

“Well… I’ve learned a few characters. Do you have somewhere to write?” My body suddenly relaxes, my demeanor tightens. I may be bad at many things, but lying? I was born lying in this world and I can keep it up no matter what.

“Ah, sure. Lucy!”

The guard walks up to me casually, offering me a fancy black leather notebook decorated with a golden apple and a silver arrow piercing it. She even opens the yellow pages for me, and provides a cheap plastic pen.

I nod, and quickly begin scribbling.

I scribble ‘Tlo’i’, ‘Golthoi’ and ‘Thako’ with their respective symbols.

“There. These are the ones I’ve learned.”

Lucía looks at me dead in the eye for a moment. I can feel the sharpness of her wit, she’s trying to read me… but it will be useless. I am in a dissertation now, bitch. I’ve been doing these for years, it’s my one skill.

“Interesting.” Lucía nods.

“So, what do these mean?” Pelafina approaches us to check on the symbols. “Terrible calligraphy, by the way.”

“Yeah, I know.” The confidence abandons me for a moment, before I puff up my chest again and begin talking. “The first one is the word for ‘Butterfly’. The second one is a word for the action of turning something on, the third one… I am not sure yet.”

“When used on a spell, it makes the effect happen upon touching the glyph.” Lucía knows. “It’s a very common one.”

“Glyph?” I tilt my head.

“She means a combination of Runes, dear.” P smiles warmly. “Alright, so ‘Butterfly’, ‘Ignite’ and ‘Touch’, then?”

I never said ‘Ignite’ for Golthoi, but I guess that is a interpretation of it?

… Interesting. That these things have different meanings in different contexts, would that affect casting?

“Ah, I also found this.” I draw ‘Jo’ in the book. “Does this mean anything?”

“That one is used to counteract spells. If you draw this in a Glyph, it cancels its effect.” Lucía seems happy to provide the knowledge I lack.

I actually appreciate it, for it immediately made something click in my brain.

“It means ‘No’.” A voice whispers in my head, my own voice.

Yes. It’s a negative. That’s why it isn’t so common on its own. When added to another symbol, it negates it. ‘No-Light’ must be a way to say ‘Darkness’ or such… or… backwards, ‘No-Darkness’ equals ‘Light’.

Would this be dependent on the culture?

I smile a little bit to myself. This knowledge I will keep up my sleeve for now.

“What’s that smile for? Did you see something new?” Lucía is way too sharp to keep that smile from. I have to make something up quick.

“I realized I now know how to counter spells. That’s so cool…” I whisper to myself, channeling some of that wonder into my lie.

She seems to buy it, for she immediately focuses on correcting me.

“Knowing the Counterspell Rune is not enough, there are other factors to consider, so don’t go around trying to counter every spell so quickly.” She give me a smile I really dislike.

“Hmmm… well, that’s plenty for now,if that is all.” Pelafina shrugs softly. “It is quite late already… go back home for now, Tav.”

“B-But. I have so many questions!” I immediately pout. Saints damn it, so close to learn actually useful stuff!

“Yes, but sadly I cannot teach you. As the Overseer, I am bound by oath to remain neutral and not show favoritism for anyone.” The woman shrugged. “So, I can’t really teach you much. But, if you identify more words, I can definitely give you a few more pointers!”

“Fine…” A defeated sigh escapes my lips. So I’ll have to buy knowledge with knowledge, hmm? I look at Lucía for a second.

“Nope. I am too young to teach.” She immediately denies me.

“Tsk.” I look down… but then, an idea comes to me. Just a confirmation I need to get. “Can I check more stuff online? Maybe there’s resources out there…”

Pelafina frowns, looking at LucĂ­a and waiting for her to explain. She eventually does, with a sigh.

“The process of getting on the internet as a mage is hard. You need a special router and everything, it’s honestly not worth it.” The guard shakes her head. “If you want, we can provide you one next time. But really, there aren’t many resources online for this… mages are isolationists, usually.”

Ah hah! So they don’t know of the forum! Alright then, that’s another point to my advantage.

“I don’t think I’ll need that, I have enough with mundane internet thank you very much.” I chuckle a little bit.

“I never got the so called ‘interwebs’ to be honest.” P grins. “Now, off to bed you go. Shoo, shoo. Remember coming back here at night, alright? That’s when it is nice and empty.”

Honestly, a nice and empty place to try and translate sounds fine to me. But I can just do that at home…

Besides. These people are dripfeeding me the information I need, so they are probably not trustworthy in the slightest.

I feel a little bad for not trusting Pelafina immediately, but…

“She threw you into this mess without consent.”

“Yeah, fuck her.”


“Alright then, I am going. Thank you again for everything, miss P!” I fail to hold back a yawn as I turn around and stand on the stairs. They… are still going up. “Uh.”

“The other stairs dear, there’s a magic escalator down.” Lucía tries not to laugh at my face, and fails.

“A-Ah, thank you.”

With a heavy sigh, I take the right escalator this time and disappear down the stairs. Looking at my clock, it’s already three in the morning…time to sleep for sure.

With some luck, the pillow will make this all make much more sense.

As Tav finally disappeared from the Elysium, and the sound of a closing door echoed through the room, Pelafina let out a little sigh, shaking her head.

“This isn’t going to work.” She commented, crossing her arms. “This girl is no good.”

“She seems smart enough. The type to keep notes….” Lucía suggested, her smile growing slowly.

“What are you suggesting?”

“Well. If we give her a few months and turns out she doesn’t make any breakthroughs, we can always… you know.”

“I don’t.”

“We can take her stuff.” Lucía finally said. “Just erase her memory and take the book and the notes back! With some luck, she probably took notes of the hints.”

“...Lucy, you’re diabolical.” The old crone chuckled loudly. “Ohhh, I guess we will get our chips back no matter how this gamble goes, then!”

“Of course! But I still don’t know why we can’t just go to a family of Mages and put this on their sleeper child!”

“That bitch Humiko probably thought of something like that.” A grumble escaped from the old lady. “This is our safest bet.”

“Well, I am just saying. If this experiment of yours doesn’t pay up, I may have to talk about this with the rest of the Coven…~” Lucía’s eyes were, for a moment, fully visible under that hood, brightly green. “And you know the captain wouldn’t like you skulking around with unapproved knowledge.~”

“Oh shush, you won’t.” Pelafina seemed quite confident of this. “Not after coming this close to finally finding that bitch…”

The overseer sighed, looking up to the fake stars for a moment while rubbing her hands together. What was this she felt? Anxiety?

“... It has to work, Lucía.” She finally said. “It has to.”

“What if it doesn’t though?” The guard tilted her head.

“It has to… it is our only way to free our King from his cell.”

“Welp, let’s hope this girl works fast!”

“I know. After all, King Hamil isn’t a patient man.”
submitted by OrlonDogger to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:14 Guilty_Yesterday2511 Devastated

My mother was 81 and so healthy that she was doing jumping jacks and took a solo international trip in September 2023. We took turns taking care of my father who had a stroke to the point that he is as healthy as he can be, regained his mobility and was cleared to drive my mom around again. He jokes that it’s his job since he retired. In February 2024, he drove her to the hospital for abdominal pain and it turns out there was a mass bleeding in her liver. After a few painful days, we found out it was liver cancer and we were in for another world of pain. It’s May and the cancer has grown and it has spread. My mom decided to stop all treatment yesterday and she said she is waiting for God. I was holding it together to get her the best care but now it’s over and I’m just helping her with pain that the medication can’t seem to handle. I feel like I’m being ripped apart from the inside and I know I’m lucky to have had her in my life all these years and yes I know everyone is sorry but I just feel like screaming because it’s not fair. She thinks she was a bad person so that’s why this is happening to her and I’m telling her that she’s the best mother I could have ever had. But I just feel so helpless. Other people get a second chance, God knows my dad is still alive after a heart attack, a stroke, diabetes, COPD and years of smoking. She never smoked and I can count the 2 glasses of alcohol that she ever drank in her life. And my job has also referred to this time I spent with my mom as disruptive - I ignore it because I have no time to tell them what I think of them. My mom is dying and I feel like the world just stopped and nothing else is important. She will be gone soon and there’s no one else who can ever replace her.
submitted by Guilty_Yesterday2511 to CancerFamilySupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:14 RoxasNessuno Fabula Ultima + Foundry VTT help request

Hello, I'm asking here because i saw a lot of people that use Foundry VTT to run fabula ultima (With Project Fu). We (Me and my party) use normaly Roll20 but i found the perks of Foundry REALLY USEFULL (we tried a DnD oneshot and was amazing), but with Fabula i'm having problem moving my campagne in Foundry, first of all the classes and the automation for fabula. -I have the purchased pdf of all the manuals (base+techno+fantasy) but i cannot upload anything with "Fabula Ultima Importer" and i don't know why -My players have classes from all the expansion but on Project Fu i can find only the classes on the base manual -I'm having hard time setting up enemies, and moving them instantly on the map from outside -I'm having difficulties putting Markers with names on the map (for the DnD oneshot i used only maps from the community of foundry so all was setted up, putting images from my pc is difficoult to set up the dimension of the images and the dimension of the token inside the map)
Someone had the same problems? or is a little more skilled with Foundry and can give me an help?
i tried to follow this post: but after all the error that i have on Fabula Ultima Importer i ragequitted.
Thank you so much
submitted by RoxasNessuno to fabulaultima [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:13 Wooden-Ground-8105 Wordle for Netflix a fun way to discover new shows

According to many online resources, people spend 19 minutes doomscrolling before choosing what to watch.
With a free and fun game that helps to discover new shows, I intend to reduce this time.
I recently released this game and I would love to hear your feedback about what can be improved or added.
submitted by Wooden-Ground-8105 to alphaandbetausers [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:13 sirhc0223 [35/M] Toronto, Canada Looking for someone to voice with.

Just woke up and continue to feel sad and lonely. Looking for a sweet gentle voice to help distract me and possibly fall back to sleep. I'm not looking for someone to trauma dump or express myself necessarily, but to just take my mind off things and distract me. If I feel comfortable with you and I find that you're understanding, I could possibly share things with you if that's what you'd like.
A little about me...I'm vegan, I crochet(on hiatus), I exercise, I enjoy concerts and there's more we could find out. I've been described as gentle, kind, affectionate, caring, open and honest. Apparently I have a "nice" voice.
I'd rather not talk about politics and food(I'm vegan) as I would like to feel safe. You're free to talk about school/work, but I won't be talking about that related to me. Besides those things, you're free to literally talk to me about anything and everything. If you're struggling and want to talk about that, you're free to do so. If you just want to have a fun mutually enjoyable conversation, we can do that as well.
Thanks for your time and I look forward to meeting you!
submitted by sirhc0223 to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:13 haveyoutriedcbd 3-Part Rant … I’d love to hear from other teachers!

Part 1: I’m a teacher. Tuesday morning, I was approached and partially peer pressured by another teacher into signing up for the staff vs students volleyball game. I used to be great at sports (even had a state record as a teen and qualified for the f-ing Olympic trials) and I am currently still mourning the physically active person that I was, and coming to terms with my diagnosis and my limits. I declined to play, but offered to be there for student behavior management. When she asked why I didn’t want to play, I explained that, while it’s not obvious, I do have a disability that causes my joints to easily dislocate and my dominant shoulder is the worst one, and playing volleyball would basically guarantee that it dislocates. She accepted my offer to sit out.
Part 2: That evening (Tuesday), I had a personal training session at a new gym. My doctor told me that as soon as I can do 15 min of brisk cardio without hurting myself, I’m good to start doing light strength training as I have become very weak the past few years. I was told that my trainer had PT experience and works with people with disabilities. I explained to her that I am very familiar with the sacrifices needed to get stronger and feel better, but also I need her to respect my limits. I explained EDS and how one degree too far can totally mess up my joint. I explained that I experience pain tenfold due to central sensitization. But she wouldn’t stop it with the “no pain, no gain!” mindset and ended up pushing me too far after I told her I physically couldn’t and now, I have a seriously subluxed left hip.
Part 3: To the final portion of my rant, I have been limping because of my hip. The unsteadiness of my hip has also made the other side hurt due to compensation. Other teachers and staff have noticed. And apparently, word on the street is, I magically developed a disability just in time so that I do not have to participate in the volleyball game. And how the timing of my “disability reveal” is quite suspicious.
Thankfully I’m leaving this school due to other serious systemic issues with the administration. But now I feel my reputation is ruined and also I’m still in a ton of pain.
I’d love to get support from other teachers here. At my next school, should I be candid upfront about my disability? I’m thinking about getting a cane to help me on days like this but I’ve never used a mobility aid aside from a special stand that holds my instruments up for me (I teach music). How do you interact with other staff members regarding your mobility? How much should be new administration know?
Thank you 🩵
submitted by haveyoutriedcbd to ehlersdanlos [link] [comments]