Hot mugen characters

hot female characters

2023.01.04 11:42 dragon_eye50 hot female characters

for posting about attractive characters from any fantasy, sci-fi or whatever type of non-real-life/fictional female characters, if your characters show something like a big bulge, that's fine however, no nudity like nipples or privates and it doesn't matter how little is covered unless it's the essentials, most importantly is that it must be about attractive characters, though it pains me, something like cuteness is invalid unless it can be categorised under you as "hot" or "sexy"

2017.10.17 03:10 netpapa Always a good time for a hot drink.

Where anime characters enjoy hot beverages all year long. Coffee, tea, and hot chocolate? All hot drinks are welcome!

2020.01.06 16:32 ChristopherAntilope TheBatmanFilm

TheBatmanFilm is a celebration of Matt Reeves’s vision. Join our sub if you’re tired of discussing Deadshot and exclusively how hot female characters are [Join us in the Discord](

2024.05.03 01:18 Zealousideal-Exit790 New Save (again)

New Save (again)
I messed up the entirety of my heretical run so… new character. I’m still going full heretic, just… as a a priest. Don’t judge me he’s got a funny hat (like Nagash and the eclesiarcy dude in Emperor tts). Will he be any good, who knows I think I’ll be funny and he’ll be goofy.
submitted by Zealousideal-Exit790 to RogueTraderCRPG [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 01:05 RetroBeetle FNaF: The Novels Explain EVERYTHING!

FNaF: The Novels Explain EVERYTHING!

What's been hiding right in front of us this whole time?

Introduction: The Golden Child

Late one night, as I was staring at my wall of Golden Freddy merchandise with a cozy, hot cup of lapsang souchong tea (as one does), I found myself once again contemplating the true nature of the mysterious yellow bear and who could possibly be the spirit behind all of it. My natural inclination was to assume that CassidyVictim has all the answers, because, as I'm sure you all know, CassidyVictim is the only theory which I subscribe to, and anyone who thinks differently is clearly just a hater. However, something within me began to feel rather restless, and for a brief moment, I daresay I began to wonder if, perhaps, I, of all people, could have missed something.
After a few seconds of contemplation, the answer to the whole thing suddenly hit me. Suddenly, the whole thing was starting to make sense, and I knew I was onto something big. I quickly threw together a beautifully-crafted, easily-readable image to more properly convey my thoughts, which you can find below:
But that was not all. In my grand genius, I stumbled upon something truly remarkable, something which may indeed explain every single logical inconsistency within the Five Nights at Freddy's storyline. So, my dear readers, fasten your seatbelts and pick up your pistols, because we're taking a dark ride through the Wild West town that is this story!

Chapter 1: Who Is Golden Freddy, Really?

Is it Cassidy, or could it be someone else?
My first error was in assuming that Golden Freddy and Cassidy were somehow connected. By this point, we're all well aware that the name of the child on the fifth gravestone is hidden inside the Survival Logbook, and that solving the only puzzle in said Logbook reveals the name "Cassidy". That pretty much stands to reason, and so obviously we were able to tell that this huge mystery — one which had heightened the significance of the person that grave belonged to and undoubtedly meant that this person was someone very important — went toward telling us that the random girl from The Fourth Closet, Cassidy, was the same person as Golden Freddy in the games, because Scott Cawthon wouldn't just reuse a name for two different characters.
But that got me thinking: who was Golden Freddy in the novels? It's a question nobody's ever thought to ask before. So I dug out my copy of The Silver Eyes and got to it. After a few hours of reading, I figured it out: Golden Freddy was actually Michael Brooks, Charlie's childhood best friend who died when he was dragged away by a man in a Golden Freddy suit. Sure enough, in The Fourth Closet, Michael Brooks still shows up as a spirit alongside the other children, confirming that he is the person behind Golden Freddy within the novel timeline.
But... wait a minute, does it have to just be in the novel timeline? Is there a possibility that, somehow, Golden Freddy and Michael Brooks may be even more connected than we thought?
Look again at Golden Freddy's behavior in FNaF 1. He tells the player "IT'S ME", something Michael Brooks did all throughout the novel. He teleports in and out of the office, just like Michael Brooks did with Charlie and friends. He changes his appearance to look like an empty Golden Freddy suit, but can still move around, the exact same as Michael Brooks in the penultimate scene of The Silver Eyes. Heck, when you think about it, Michael Brooks being Golden Freddy explains why he looks the way he does under the GoldenGhost theory; he was killed by someone wearing that suit, so of course the image of a yellow Freddy is going to mean a lot to him!
All of this culminates in the gravestone scene at the end of Pizzeria Simulator:
What catches your eye about this image?
The point isn't to have Golden Freddy be the spirit hidden by the tall grass; we already know that's Cassidy, and she wasn't Golden Freddy. Instead, Golden Freddy's grave is the one on the hill, bathing in golden light. Ever notice how the gravestone has a longer name on it than the others? That's because it says "Michael Brooks". He's the only one of William's victims to actually have a last name, so of course his gravestone is going to be longer.

Chapter 2: What Is This, a Crossover Episode?

Maybe we can take this a step further...
But, come to think of it, there's a lot more to the novels than just Michael Brooks, isn't there? There are plenty of other characters, other events, that happen in the novels. Could it be that all of these also carry over into the games, just like Michael Brooks so easily does?
I think so. And I think the connecting thread is none other than William Afton.
Think about it: we see William get torn up/crushed in his Spring Bonnie suit in FNaF 3, but we never actually see the light leave his eyes. It's possible that he managed to survive that incident, then becoming Dave Miller like we see in The Silver Eyes (all that blood loss made him skinnier, just like Clay Burke noticed in the novel). He was then killed by Charlie tripping the spring locks again, and the animatronics shoved his body into a room in the back, where he became Springtrap.
Then FNaF 1 happens. That weird banging noise we hear in the background? That's Springtrap stuck in the building. We had theorized this before, but with the added context of the novels, it suddenly makes a whole heck of a lot more sense. He's trapped in a room in the back because of the animatronics, not because the safe room was resealed by anyone from Fazbear Entertainment.
Sometime after FNaF 1, Charlie goes back to Freddy's and accidentally sets Springtrap free, allowing for the events of The Twisted Ones to happen. Then, when he escapes from the crumbling building, he makes his way back to the safe room to be found by Phone Dude and kickstart FNaF 3. After Fazbear's Fright burns down, Springtrap once again escapes, but this time, because of all the fire damage that turned him into Dark Springtrap, he decides to remove the charred pieces of his suit and become William Afton once again.
It's here that we get the events of The Fourth Closet. William meets up with Charlie 4/Elizabeth and uses her to open up Circus Baby's Entertainment and Rental again. While he's there, he decides to use the Remnant from the Missing Children (which he already extracted before The Silver Eyes, if you recall) to power up the Funtime animatronics and make them do his bidding. However, he's eventually overthrown by the melted amalgam of metal and tossed into his giant oven; this doesn't kill him, since Afton can't die, but it does convince him to punish the Funtimes by putting them in his underground bunker.
Then, and ONLY then, does Sister Location happen. Michael Afton goes underground to recover his sister and ends up with Ennard hitching a ride inside of him. Afterward, he vows to take down his father, and William, ever the confident fighter, decides to don an old Spring Bonnie suit for old times' sake and meet up with Michael to end things once and for all. From there, we get Pizzeria Simulator and, depending on your take on the series, "The Man in Room 1280" (full theory coming soon!).

Chapter 3: What a Deceptive Calling...

What about the man who started it all?
Hopefully, you can now see that the novels and the games fit seamlessly together. But, of course, there are a few seams that we still need to mend in this story.
The first one is Henry. If he ended his own life in the past, when Charlie was still a child, how can he still be around in Pizzeria Simulator to burn everything down? Well, the truth is he didn't end his own life; he faked his death to go into hiding. Remember how Henry used fake blood in the Charlie robots? That's exactly what he used with his knife-wielding robot to make it look like he was dead. That way, he would have the element of surprise years later when he returned to finish off William.
The next one is Charlie. If she became the Charlie-bots like in the books, then how could she have become the Puppet like in the games? This one comes down to a fundamental misunderstanding of what the Charlie-bots are. They're powered not by Remnant, but by Agony. The Ella doll inside of them doesn't carry Charlotte's spirit inside of it, but it carries all of Henry's Agony over losing his daughter. Charlotte's spirit is still at large, meaning she could very well still be possessing the Puppet.
The third one is Elizabeth. If she was killed by Charlie 4, how could she also have been killed by Circus Baby in the restaurant? My belief is that she didn't actually die the first time; remember, she was in her own house, and William would have been able to hear if she had gotten herself abducted by Charlie 4. He came in and saved her, and that's why he tells Elizabeth not to go near Circus Baby when he eventually tries to open Circus Baby's Pizza World. Elizabeth just doesn't listen because she's not very bright (that gold star on her test was a fluke, I'm telling you).
The fourth and final one is Scott Cawthon himself. If the books aren't supposed to fit together with the games like pieces of a puzzle, then how can they exist within the same continuity? I know this one sounds impossible to debunk, but there's a perfect explanation for it: The One RetconTM. Scott's one retcon that he implemented was making the books exist within the same continuity of the games; he just retconned himself saying that they weren't supposed to fit together like puzzle pieces, and he did it so seamlessly that nobody, not even myself, noticed.

Chapter 4: Midnight Motorist SOLVED!

Wait just a darn minute...
But do you want to know the biggest piece of evidence supporting the novels taking place within the same continuity as the games? It's none other than our old friend, the dirt mound. That dirt mound isn't Mrs. Afton's grave like I previously believed. In actuality, it's the hiding spot for the Twisted animatronics. They're hiding in the ground, just like they did in The Twisted Ones.
But then... what does that mean about Mustard Man, the runaway kid, or the mysterious three-toed footprints outside the window? It's obvious: the minigame focuses on Henry's family later that night. After William killed Charlotte, he used his Twisted animatronics to capture Sammy and drag him away into the woods, also killing him. Henry, being an alcoholic, assumes that his son just ran away to Fredbear's, but in reality, Sammy is dead, just like Charlotte always thought.

Conclusion: The Books DO Matter!
To my surprise, there are literally no holes in this theory. Seriously, I defy you to find a single thing wrong with the novels existing in the same continuity as the games. Now, we just need to figure out how this affects the events of RUIN; I think it may be possible that Cassie is either Marla's daughter or Jason's daughter, but I need more time to formulate my brilliant theories.
In the meantime, stay tuned for my next theory, all about why Lolbit is secretly the Bite Victim.
Happy April Fools Day, theorists. This year's joke post is dedicated to all the StitchlineGames/AndrewGames supporters out there. Your theory may not be the most accepted, but you're dedicated, and I respect that.
submitted by RetroBeetle to u/RetroBeetle [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 01:00 gradi3nt Prediction Thread: Leeds United - Southampton

Home - Away Format

It's been a pleasure, thanks for playing! Best of luck with your final prediction. The prize for first place is eternal glory.

Game Rules

Summary of Last Match


Place User Points PointsGained Exacts Corrects Wrongs
1 u/jrdn1616 31 0 5 16 20
2 u/HandsomedanNZ 31 1 3 22 12
3 u/redditbanana42 31 0 3 22 17
4 u/strider_tom 29 0 5 14 17
5 u/MetaRift 28 0 2 22 16
6 u/nape27 28 0 3 19 16
7 u/whattodotodo8 27 0 5 12 14
8 u/Revolutionary_Cup602 27 0 3 18 19
9 u/jjbc56 27 0 2 21 18
10 u/Toast_for_President 27 0 5 12 9
11 pishkabob 27 1 4 15 21
12 ThatMoodyBstard 27 0 3 18 21
13 Intermittent-Thinker 26 0 3 17 10
14 BlameTibor 26 0 4 14 19
15 UtterlyRedditculous 26 0 2 20 17
16 hAkonf 25 0 2 19 14
17 kyleandrew_7 25 0 2 19 18
18 magneticacorn 25 0 1 22 17
19 teuridge 25 0 3 16 21
20 Cervix-Pounder 25 0 3 16 21
21 malkusm 25 0 3 16 19
22 slugmaniac 24 0 2 18 13
23 Challeng4Accepted 24 0 3 15 18
24 Zou-KaiLi 24 0 3 15 22
25 oldredstang66 24 1 4 12 13
26 Hefty-Competition297 22 0 2 16 18
27 Zapdosman 22 0 2 16 19
28 LegitimatePass6924 22 0 2 16 17
29 496e636f676e69746f 22 0 2 16 12
30 Lucky_Strike1 21 0 3 12 15
31 Bruceplanet 21 0 2 15 19
32 JimmyRiddle707 21 0 2 15 18
33 uuuuuuuhhhhh 21 0 1 18 18
34 Anglo-fornian 20 0 2 14 12
35 spankeycakes 20 0 2 14 15
36 BJH19 20 0 1 17 14
37 mcsgwigga 20 1 3 11 26
38 infestationE15 19 0 1 16 18
39 aredditusername69 19 0 2 13 12
40 dan_3 19 0 3 10 18
41 saintstu 19 0 1 16 19
42 FitzRoyced 19 0 2 13 16
43 forfootbal1 18 0 0 18 16
44 sgm94 18 0 2 12 13
45 Kindlydestroyed1 18 0 4 6 9
46 chibles1 17 0 2 11 7
47 chebalebs 17 0 2 11 9
48 gradi3nt 17 1 2 11 27
49 Antidote-Killer 16 1 1 13 19
50 3ch03d 16 0 2 10 16
51 Seph_che 16 0 4 4 10
52 Many_Background_3679 16 0 1 13 15
53 fartarus 16 0 1 13 12
54 DrShaftmanPhD 16 0 1 13 10
55 GrandmasterYoda1 14 0 1 11 13
56 CelaenaSardothien007 14 0 3 5 9
57 TheFuzzyEucalyptus 14 0 2 8 27
58 MrJoshua_182 14 0 0 14 9
59 GuteLord 14 0 1 11 6
60 PhilipRobertson 14 0 2 8 18
61 rapsin4lmao 14 0 1 11 13
62 NagromNitsuj 14 0 1 11 17
63 Ahegaopizza 13 0 3 4 2
64 Dramatic-Sleep4923 13 0 2 7 10
65 flailingpariah 13 0 2 7 21
66 screamfish56 12 0 2 6 5
67 slashmpw 12 0 1 9 6
68 Salt-Cup-2300 12 0 2 6 8
69 Singh255 12 0 1 9 4
70 GraveRaven 12 0 0 12 14
71 lakermamba1999 12 0 2 6 9
72 soverign_cheese 11 0 1 8 10
73 accidentalsalmon 10 3 3 1 4
74 whowantstogo 10 0 1 7 8
75 LovingCatholicPriest 10 0 2 4 4
76 RuleBritannia1919 10 0 1 7 8
77 pbb17 9 0 2 3 4
78 over_theford 9 0 0 9 6
79 KeepItWavey 8 0 2 2 8
80 jonnyhoots 8 0 0 8 7
81 KingHarpoon616 8 0 0 8 13
82 AKExperience 8 0 2 2 3
83 meteoritee 8 0 0 8 25
84 ResolutionMoney1390 7 0 1 4 3
85 gongasf 7 0 1 4 3
86 Captain_Obvious_x 7 0 1 4 4
87 thinlike_napkins 7 1 1 4 17
88 mdubyo 6 0 1 3 5
89 thatcrazyhorse 6 0 0 6 5
90 who905 6 0 0 6 9
91 Holy_Shit_Balls_69 5 0 0 5 7
92 DaisyFreakinJames 5 0 1 2 0
93 jackodriscol 5 0 1 2 1
94 Saint_Noog 5 0 1 2 8
95 Positive-Sound-4972 4 1 0 4 4
96 ChasetheFox17 4 0 1 1 0
97 hahs95 4 0 1 1 0
98 bstev97 4 0 1 1 2
99 mcmuffin0098 4 0 0 4 4
100 Kamunja 4 0 1 1 1
101 Rusty_kettle0708 4 0 0 4 4
102 Even_Refuse_5599 4 0 0 4 4
103 Notional- 4 0 1 1 1
104 pctomfor 4 0 0 4 2
105 LordOrtus 4 0 0 4 0
106 Relevant_Rev 3 0 0 3 3
107 BevvyTime 3 0 1 0 0
108 craig_hoxton 3 0 0 3 0
109 lemezier 3 0 1 0 13
110 Cormac419 3 0 0 3 1
111 djtoad03 3 0 1 0 5
112 throwaway1throwawa 3 0 0 3 0
113 404merrinessnotfound 3 0 1 0 0
114 MangerDanger1 3 0 0 3 4
115 wostmardin 3 0 0 3 5
116 gedly89 3 0 0 3 4
117 fl0ralp 3 0 1 0 1
118 ChimJam 3 0 0 3 7
119 madshjort 3 0 0 3 3
120 getbentsaggy_ 3 0 1 0 1
121 No_Pound5513 3 0 0 3 2
122 jayforplay 2 0 0 2 3
123 HotShins 2 0 0 2 2
124 Zakedawn 2 0 0 2 3
125 King_PieNan 2 0 0 2 1
126 VoluntaryReboot 2 0 0 2 1
127 EBuckhouse 2 0 0 2 3
128 BoogyBye 2 0 0 2 0
129 TheSaltyBarista 2 0 0 2 4
130 No-Maximum-3801 2 0 0 2 4
131 pm_me_jk_dont 2 0 0 2 3
132 BlackJackSackIcePack 2 0 0 2 0
133 MadDanWithABox 2 0 0 2 2
134 Hordriss27 2 0 0 2 2
135 snowtree9121 2 0 0 2 2
136 Medical-Artichoke-84 2 0 0 2 1
137 First-Painter8620 2 0 0 2 1
138 specifylength 2 0 0 2 5
139 toby9562 2 0 0 2 0
140 sings_with_wings 2 0 0 2 1
141 HoldMyAppleJuice 2 0 0 2 3
142 Everythingistaken16 1 0 0 1 0
143 WolfgangAmadeusBen 1 0 0 1 1
144 Adziboy 1 0 0 1 0
145 Jazzlike-Peach-2504 1 0 0 1 0
146 wigl301 1 0 0 1 0
147 Patentlyy 1 0 0 1 0
148 turkeystar0818 1 0 0 1 3
149 Confident_Ambition77 1 0 0 1 1
150 TheSpitfires 1 0 0 1 0
151 Weary_Initiative5582 1 0 0 1 1
152 Vsovs 1 0 0 1 0
153 tugboet 1 0 0 1 1
154 Maskd-YT 1 0 0 1 7
155 Greatness46 1 0 0 1 0
156 CowboyTrumpet 1 0 0 1 1
157 Benny_Agbayani1 1 0 0 1 0
158 Simmo2242 1 0 0 1 0
159 Electrical-Menu-1747 1 0 0 1 0
160 Variousnumber 1 0 0 1 0
161 IgneousWolfgang 1 0 0 1 0
162 rustychuff 1 0 0 1 2
163 Kindlydestroyed 1 0 0 1 2
164 Weirdo_boy02 1 0 0 1 0
165 Squm9 1 0 0 1 0
166 SaintFPL 1 0 0 1 0
167 NorwegianSaint 1 0 0 1 0
168 paulstheory 1 0 0 1 0
169 Hungry_Season_757 1 0 0 1 0
170 tommypopz 1 0 0 1 1
171 thisisclassicus 1 0 0 1 1
172 A_vr_headcrab 1 0 0 1 2
173 fiveseven132soft 1 0 0 1 0
174 Ollie-Wilson 1 0 0 1 0
175 ForwardAdeptness8 1 0 0 1 2
176 Henghast 1 0 0 1 1
177 whitboys 1 0 0 1 0
178 Hagranm 1 0 0 1 0
179 bendezhashein 1 0 0 1 1
180 TomariCZ 1 0 0 1 0
181 kempston_joystick 1 0 0 1 3
182 Soraspace 1 0 0 1 0
183 mn09cr 1 0 0 1 1
184 Outgraded 1 0 0 1 0
185 halarhala 1 0 0 1 0
186 GordonRamsayGhost 1 0 0 1 6
187 Potato271 1 0 0 1 0
188 istarisaints 1 0 0 1 2
189 CrabbitJambo 1 0 0 1 0
190 TheExtraBandito 1 0 0 1 3
191 Loganbourg7 1 0 0 1 0
192 brandonouthouse 1 0 0 1 2
193 rleniar 1 0 0 1 2
194 OfficialEAEmployee 1 0 0 1 0
195 degau 1 0 0 1 0
196 DuIIcetto 1 0 0 1 0
197 Character_Truck8265 1 0 0 1 0
198 DAMNusernameLOL 1 0 0 1 0
199 fcf4 0 0 0 0 1
submitted by gradi3nt to SaintsFC [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 01:00 BosGuy1996 Best-ACTED sex scenes in MM Romance audio books - your nominations!

Having delved into quite a few MM Romance and Erotic Novels (though I still consider myself a newbie on here), I’m struck by how much a good voice-actor can bring life and vitality and emotional depth to a story. I’ll mention a few example that I’ve enjoyed, as much for how good both the writing AND the narration and acting were:
WANT ME by Neve Wilder, narrated by Kirt Graves (solo narrator). Such hot sex scenes and quite a variety of them, and graves managed to make the MC’s distinct and really conveys the hotness and passion with gusto.
KAGE by Maris Black narrated by J. F Harding. Again, a solo actor who makes the character voices each recognizable, and coveys the intensity of the MC’s connection quite well.
POWER PLAYS & STRAIGHT A’S by Eden Finley & Saxon James, with TWO voice actors, Alexander Denise & Iggy Toma. I wasn’t sure if I’d like this jock/nerd book, but I ended up find it charming and also quite funny at times. The two actors play their roles pretty convincingly, and thehumor was really surprisingly delightful.
GOODBYE PARADISE by Sarina Bowen, again with two voice-actors who are excellent and are recognizably different from each other. This book has a sweetness to it, given it’s about two young men who escape a destructive religious extremist cult they both grew up in. It’s psychologically and emotionally complex, and deals with issues of trauma and abuse with care and compassion.
Would you lovely folks share your recommendations for MM audiobooks where the Voice-actors really bring the characters to life, and in sex scenes actually sound convincing! Much appreciated!
submitted by BosGuy1996 to MM_RomanceBooks [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 00:57 mar_vo_ new RL30 invasions log

Fresh character, last thing he did was beat Godrick.
Vig 30, other stats are whatever.
Royal Remains set. Hookclaws +0 w/ quick step. Fan Daggers. Talismans are the equip load one and the HoT one.
1: Liurna, open environment hilly area. 2v1, broadsword mage host plus a colossal sword user phantom. The phantom 1v1d me with host watching, but then when I was about to win, the phantom ran and chugged. I would have killed him at that moment except I accidentally threw wrong knives (throwing dagger instead of fan dagger). Then they both turned on me and I lost.
2: Stormveil Castle, 3v1. Colossal sword host, one mage phantom, one katana? phantom. Somewhere before the Main Hall area. They beat me back a couple times but then I attacked them while they were passing through the Main Hall with the Grafted Scion. I trapped the katana guy between scion and the wall and killed him. Host and mage ran to the next room and mage took pot shots but ran out of potions and remained at low hp. I ran in and killed mage. Then I fought host who chugged a couple times after which he stood still with his back turned so I ended him. Someone from his party msged GG later so I assume he did this to semi-honorably admit defeat since he chugged.
3: Gatefront 2v1 but host stayed out. Gold phantom had dual naginatas and was very tanky, severely out ranged me and killed me in 2 hits
4: Liurnia gate area. Phantom died before I got there. Host was very tanky and had a dragon halberd, killed me in 2 hits. Did downpoint emote, perhaps because I hid with mimic veil for awhile.
5: Limgrave 2v1, fat-rolling samurai host plus a greatsword using phantom. I ran in when they got attacked by some flying bugs. Unfortunately for the host he was a bit inexperienced so he kept trying to fat roll away from me and chug which was not gonna work because I stayed on him with running R2s while avoiding his friend. I felt a little bit bad for him, but my build was pretty basic, so I figure perhaps he was able to learn from this experience.
Did a few others too but I forget what they were.
Then I ran out of fingers and each one costs 1,000 runes. I farmed for an additional one but then I got bored of doing that. At this level / area (I stayed in Liurna at the patches spot since he sold stuff I needed) it's no fun to farm for 5 minutes for each time I want to invade, so I guess I would need to make it to Volcano Manor so I don't have to do this. Why did they design it this way? Couldn't tell you.
Conclusions: 1) should probably get to RL60 to better avoid getting wrecked by meta weapons and overleveled phantoms since I'm more confident I could damage them easier at that level, and 2) I should pick some spots to invade rather than just invading anywhere.
Overall feels like invasions have been nerfed compared to the DS games
A big of a blog post but hope you enjoyed
submitted by mar_vo_ to Eldenring [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 00:16 AnimationFan_2003 S1 Ep25: Beshte and the Hippo Lanes

When Beshte's dad Basi gets injured by a frightened young rhino while creating hippo lanes in the flood plains after a big rainstorm, Beshte must step up and make the hippo lanes instead. Meanwhile, Kion, Bunga, Ono, and Fuli lead a herd of stubborn antelope led by Bupu to higher ground, and Makuu and his float of crocodiles return and try to help Basi so that there will be no rules to stop them.
Song: "Makin' Hippo Lanes"
-This is a really sweet father-son episode between Beshte and Basi. It's the first episode where we really get a feel for who Basi is as a character and I really like him. He's loving, compassionate, kind, sweet, fatherly, encouraging and most importantly supportive of Beshte just because he made a mistake while making the hippo lanes.
I like him because he's such a model dad, comforting Beshte about his mistake and not just flying off the handle and chewing him out for it. I love this because Beshte can't be older than 14 at this point and so he still has a lot to learn. Plus, it was his first time making the hippo lanes that we wouldn't have had to make except that Basi got injured at the start when Habib (let's call the little rhino "Habib" from now on because it means "Precious" in Swahili) panicked and accidentally poked him with his horn. Anyways, I love Basi for being completely understanding, with the knowledge that Beshte is not used to making the Hippo Lanes and therefore, made a genuine rookie mistake.
-Makuu is back and I'm thrilled about this because he was such a cool, menacing and really charismatic villain. I love him because he has an ulterior motive that's kind of similar to Scar in the original film, to give himself power over the crocodiles and the entire floodplains. Another reason he's really cool is because he has a really menacing and threatening presence in the Pride Lands whenever he's around and actually looks like someone who you wouldn't want to mess with. I do think Beshte and Basi were right to chase him away though, because he was making the floodplains a scary place when it was supposed to be a safe place and he was clearly trying to terrorize everyone. Given all the trouble he caused in "Never Roar Again", I wouldn't want him in the Floodplains either, though. Also, there's again, another unspoken rule about not eating the children of the Pride Lands.
-I love the fact that Makuu has a bit of a rivalry with Basi and resents the idea the hippos (in the Pride Lands at least, remember guys, hippos are not like that in real life) are rule-following, peaceful animals in contrast to crocodiles. So, I'm not surprised that he has a personal vendetta against Basi's pod, especially considering that as long as hippos are in charge of the watering hole, Makuu can't really do anything because they are more powerful than him. From what we've seen in "The Rise of Makuu", he seems to have a long-standing rivalry with the hippos and they were probably always fighting.
"Hippos.... always obeying the rules," Makuu, aggravated. "Come on. One little rhino's not worth the effort." Realistic behaviour on his part. I mean, Basi and Beshte would whoop his ass into the next world if necessary. Hippos are way more ferocious than any other animal in the Savannah and are one of the fiercest animals worldwide.
-Why do you guys think Habib was in such a hurry anyway that he ran into the Floodplains even though the Hippo Lanes were not ready, yet? Do you think he was being chased by Makuu's float or was in a hurry to meet up with his herd or something?
-I liked when Kion and the rest of the Lion Guard came on the scene and how they're all equally concerned about Basi's leg being hurt by Habib (accidentally, of course). Kion informs him to not walk on that leg, which is actually a realistic thing because in feel life, if you do injure your leg, it's best not to walk on it for a while or at least not do anything strenuous and just start small so you can help it to recover rather than make the pain worse. Kion is such a sweet boy for informing him of that and constantly showing concern for every animal in the Pride Lands. Basi kind of feels all of the Guard's father in some way, doesn't he?
-"Maybe Basi should be on the Lion Guard too, Kion," Bunga. I mean, he's not wrong. The Pride Lands' wisest or the Pride Lands' kindest/sweetest animal. By the way, Basi would make a good teacher role for Kion and his friends.
-I like the worldbuilding and lore aspect in this episode. In this episode, as promised in the title, we are told that Basi is in charge of making the Hippo Lanes for the Pride Landers after a big rainstorm and that his son, Beshte, is learning the ropes of it at the start. I like this mechanic because Basi is the leader of the hippos in the kingdom, and so, it's job to teach his son what will be his responsibility someday. I like how every animal in the Pride Lands has their own customs.
-I love how much Beshte really wants to make the Hippo Lanes for Basi's sake because obviously, his father is in no fit to do them at that point. Beshte is understandably nervous because it's a huge responsibility for a child to have and he was just learning how to do it at the beginning of the episode. I love how Kion, being an absolute sweetheart, encourages him and ultimately relaxes him telling him that as the Strongest hippo in the Pride Lands, they all believe in him. Also, I like this mechanic of by making the Hippo Lanes, he'd be automatically helping with the circle of life, like he's supposed to.
-Bunga; "What's the big deal? The floodplains will dry up soon. There's not a cloud in the sky." Thunder clouds start rumbling over the Pride Lands. Don't jinx it! Fuli; "You what they say, if ya don't like the weather on the Savannah, just wait a few breaths." You're damn right, Fuli. That was actually a really funny joke they threw in the episode because it's very accurate.
-I've always liked the main plot-point of this episode because it's actually believable. Did you know that in real life, hippos are known as "ecological engineers" and can modify and influence their own habitat and ecosystem. Just like Basi and Beshte, after a heavy rainstorm in real life, hippos actually do plough through submerged wetland or grassland areas, that are used by other animals living in the same habitat. In doing so, they make nutrients flow around and end up making new gateways for different types of animals. Other animals follow the hippos into these wetland areas to access more food, nutrients and shelter. So, I like how this episode is about something that hippos actually do.
-I love Beshte in this episode. He's such a big, lovable and kind-hearted sweetheart who's whole motivation is to help animals get where they need to go and to do favours for them, even if he should've told them to wait until the hippos lanes are done. I just can't help but love him for giving animals rides and being kind to them. It fits well with his character to focus more on being nice than to focus on the task at hand, that he's only been assigned to this episode. He's just an adorable, sweet gentle giant whom I can't help but admire.
-I know he wasn't doing the Hippo Lanes the right way, but, I can't help but admire him for his kindness towards animals in the floodplains, even if they shouldn't have been in there in the first place and should've waited until Beshte was finished the task. I still admire him for giving them rides. I understand why Beshte would struggle to say "No" or "You have to wait til I finish the Lanes, okay." He's got a big-heart, like Kion in "Never Judge a Hyena By Its Spots" and "The Kupatana Celebration".
-And actually giving animals rides across the Floodplains, I think, would actually be a good idea, albeit not very convenient. Basi, the leader of the Hippos, probably does not have the time to take every small animal everywhere, not to mention it would be just as easy for them to cross the Floodplains themselves, or on another animal, like a lion or an antelope or something. Maybe they should start a "Pride Lands Riders Association for your crossing pleasures".
-I think the Hippo Lanes is an interesting and a wholesome concept. Hippos are not like in real life, they are extremely territorial to other animals and very aggressive and they are the most dangerous mammals in the world (BBC Wildlife Magazine). That being said, I think this could've been a very send off for Beshte after Season 3. I think this could've been a great new purpose for him instead of the writers making all the Lion Guard go to the Tree of Life. Plus, the start of the episode really hints at Basi training his son to take over his role in the circle of life, someday.
-For the most, I did like the rest of the Lion Guard in this episode. I'm glad that Beshte was the main focus though, because he hasn't really had a dedicated episode besides "Follow that Hippo" earlier on in the Season. But, I liked Kion being the serious, calm, yet frustrated leader trying to corral Bupu's herd of stubborn antelope. It's funny because I feel his frustration at Bupu's stubborn and stuck-up attitude over being bossed around, even though they weren't being bossed around. I love Fuli tolerating Bupu and trying hard not to lose her temper because she's so frustrated that the antelope are not following instructions even though it's all for the best. I feel her frustration towards Bupu because I would be losing my patience as well in that situation, with how annoying the antelope are being at this point. I love Bunga for trying to remain optimistic, but, even he's losing patience. I understand the Lion Guard's annoyance towards the antelopes at the beginning.
-Shout out to the little baby antelope in Bupu's herd for being one of the most adorable babies in the show and making a big pleading face at Bupu, to get out of the water. Also, shout out to Boboka for being the most protective and perfect mother to her little baby and the only real sane member of Bupu's herd. Seriously though, she's the only one reason that Bupu ultimately decides to follow the Lion Guard's instruction. I think she should be leader, tbh. Who let that guy lead the herd?
-"Hang on to your antlers," Bunga. "For one thing they're horns...." Bupu. That was funny because antelopes are often mistaken as being part of the deer family, but, they're actually part of the Bovine genus (aka Cattle family) and so have horns, not antlers. But, I also like the fact that the kids watching the episode may have thought they had antlers, like Bunga in that moment.
-Kion's Roar being used to move the rocks out of the way is a good idea because they would never be able to push them aside since Beshte was not with them at that point. Also, more evidence to suggest Kion and Beshte are the two muscles on the team.
-I like the random cute animals that are riding along on Beshte's back, Laini, Churu (the frog), a wagtail, a hare, young aardvark). I love these more cute scenes in The Lion Guard. Also, I know this not how the Hippo Lanes works, but, how could you say "no" to them?
-I like the way Beshte is not perfect at making the Hippo Lanes at first, he's a young teenager who's only filling in for his father on this occasion and still has a lot to learn about the role. It's like Kion learning how to be good leader. I like that Beshte is clearly a rookie who's not perfect and the job yet, but is learning and is eager to do it because Basi is injured. He's also not able to say "no" to the small animals because of his kind heart and again, his inexperience at making the Hippo Lanes. I love it when the writers explore all the members of the Lion Guard learning new jobs.
-"More like a curly elephant's trunk. Actually, they're more like a bunch of elephants trunks. All twisted up together. And stuck in a Baobab tree's roots." Ono's funny moments. You gotta love for that.
-"This way. Step right up. One new Beshte-made Hippo Lane for all your crossing pleasures! Moms and babies first!" That seems fair to me, tbh. Also, I can't tell you how much I love Bunga for his optimism and his kindness. Also, I love it when he calls them "anty-lanty-lopes".
-Bupu, "Now I bet you'll tell us to get out of the rain. Well, we're not going anywhere!" Fuli, "Good." Bunga, "Yeah, that's kinda what we want." Well done, Bupu, you did something sensible for a change. Also, no, there's no where for you to get out of the rain, anyway.
-Now let's talk about Kion and Ono going into the floodplains. After Boboka and her son accidentally go into the floodplains, thinking that the were ready, they end up getting lost. Kion and Ono go after them to rescue them. First off, Kion dives in to save Boboka's son from drowning. Drowning was a little a dark for this series, especially by Season 1's standards. But, on the other hand, I like stimulating, engaging cartoons that aren't afraid to get dark even if they are made for children. When I first watched that scene back when it came out, I was on edge even though I knew that he wouldn't drown. It made it exciting and compelling for older viewers. I like cartoons that challenge younger children with action sequences. Plus, it was exciting and Kion would obviously risk his own life for the baby, and it was all fine because they got out of it.
-Also, Kion has a big-heart to go and search for Boboka all on his own, without having any eyes in the sky. By the way, he's so much better at swimmer compared to the beginning of Season 1, that means he's gotten stronger at this point. Ono was good as well to protect and guide Boboka's son back to the herd. I mean, I kinda think Kion could've waited with the calf and Ono could've looked for Boboka, but, then again, Ono couldn't carry her like Kion. Maybe the calf could've stayed with them and he wouldn't drown with Kion and Ono around. I don't know, I did like the rescue scene, but, I don't know that that's how I would've done things. But, in fairness, Kion is only cub learning about his role and finding his feet at this point.
-Also, as annoying as Bupu was at the start, I do like the fact that this episode is like the precursor for Fuli and Bupu's "adult/child friendship" later on in the series. I like their dynamic in Season 2 because they're very similar to each other, hot-headed, impatient, short-tempered, stubborn, overconfident, strong-willed, but also very different from each other and so they clash, but are also very loyal to each other. I like how this episode basically founded their relationship. I did like how at the end of the episode, they came to an understanding in the end which was really sweet. By the end, I thought Fuli and Bupu had a really sweet "child/adult" dynamic.
-I loved Beshte and Basi's dynamic at the end too. After Beshte how the Hippo Lanes had gone wrong and that he thinks he let everyone down, Basi comforts him and agrees to help him make a new lane this time "straight and true". Another example of Basi being a total sweetheart and a freaking awesome dad, never once chastising his son for his mistake, but instead, helping him correct his mistake and understanding that it was Beshte's first time making the Hippo Lanes. I know I keep talking about it, but, I've always love their sweet father-son dynamic.
-Makuu returns at the end to murder Basi to in his words "get rid of the rules", while Beshte's back is turned. Makuu is a total savage this episode, but, he has been my favourite villain in Season 1. His voice actor, Blair Underwood is flawless and is clearly loving the role. He has so much charisma. Plus, Makuu trying to outright kill Basi was downright evil and cold and, not to mention dark for a show that was made for kids, after all. I mean, I knew he wasn't going to win, but he's still a great villain, with his intimidating presence in this scene. I get excited every time Makuu's float show up in the series.
-Also, Makuu attempts to murder Basi while he's injured. I thought that was interesting and smart because he knows that Basi would destroy him and his float under different circumstances. In the wild, hippos are, as I said, very aggressive, threatening and powerful, and could go completely ham on every animal if necessary. So, no crocodile can beat up a healthy and fit adult or teenaged hippo, even if they have numbers on their side. I get the writers gave Makuu more of a chance to make things interesting for the audience, but, I'm just saying it's no wonder Makuu opted to bring back up crocs. As soon as Beshte showed up to back Basi, Makuu gets a little afraid because, out of nowhere, came this healthy and fit younger and stronger hippopotamus, enraged by his presence.
-Now, of course Beshte was right to stop Makuu. I mean Makuu was so in the wrong when he said, "we get ride of the hippo, we get ride of the rules." He wasn't talking about hunting or being allowed to eat in the Pride Lands, he was talking about giving himself power over the whole Floodplains, with Basi out of the picture (which would obviously never come to pass because the Lion Guard are keeping Makuu in check at this point). Also, given what Makuu did the last time he tried to take over the Floodplains, I don't blame Beshte for kicking him out, in the end. And, most importantly, Makuu was going to attacked Basi. I mean, he is Beshte's father and Beshte would want to defend by him any means necessary. Of course Beshte wants to whip Makuu's ass at this point. It's one thing wanting to eat in the Pride Lands, but, Makuu clearly had an ulterior motive by wanting to kill of the hippo leader. But, also, I know I would want to do what I can if my family were in danger, I assume you guys in the comments would do the same.
-Speaking of Makuu's attack on Basi, I thought it was clever to use the Hippo Lanes as a way to outsmart him and defeat. Hippos can swim and sprint faster than crocodiles, and Makuu clearly did not see it coming what they were doing. So, I liked it a lot. Beshte went from struggling to do the Hippo Lanes correctly, to using them to defeat a terrible foe in the final act, ultimately tricking Makuu and his float into being trampled by Bupu's herd. Makuu decides to scram after this. Fun Fact: In real life, Beshte or Basi alone, could go completely ham on Makuu's float and essentially destroy them.
-Also, I am sure Kion, being one of Beshte's best friends, knew all about this attempted murder on Basi by Makuu. I think we can assume Beshte told him and the rest of the Guard at some point and that would've caused them to resent Makuu even more by the time of The Savannah Summit, where they do not see good in him for quite a while. Season 1 kind of hints that Kion and Beshte, in particular, had personal vendettas against Makuu because he had caused them stress in the past.
-Finally, to end this review, I liked the scene at the end where Basi commends Beshte for making the Hippo Lanes. It was word for word exactly what Simba said to Kion and Kiara in "Can't Wait To Be Queen", "I never had any doubt."
-Bupu was fairly annoying at the beginning of this episode. I really didn't like him until the very end. He makes me question, who the heck let this guy lead his herd, anyways? I get that the Lion Guard are children and all, but, they clearly made the right call to lead the antelopes away from their grazing grounds so they don't drown and ushering them away from the rockslide so they don't die. Bupu annoyed me the way he was acting all pissed off and dismissive of the Lion Guard. He accused them of bossing his herd around and berating them even though they wouldn't have had to get angry if Bupu had been more cooperative. It feels like he should already know to get to higher ground to protect his herd. I didn't like the fact that the antelopes were just standing around waiting to be drowned.
-I didn't like how Bupu was disrespecting Fuli towards the end just because she had been losing patience. I would be losing patience as well if I was in that situation. I don't like how when they got them away from their grazing grounds, Bupu said that they've come so far even though they barely left because of him. Also, why is it that Boboka (the sane one of the herd) had to be the one to talk him into it? I think she should be the leader, tbh. I don't like how he berates the Lion Guard, even though the Guard were leading them around so they would be safe. I'm really glad to see Bupu become more likable later on. I am not saying Fuli should've eaten him, but, I am saying that he should've more understanding and more appreciative of the Lion Guard's efforts to help.
-Bunga > Bupu any day. At least Bunga is shown to be cooperative, smart, intelligent, mature, sensible, polite, kind, understanding and wise when he needs to be. What does Bupu think this whole ordeal is, some kind of game? A hoax? A prank? How stupid can you get? I also don't like how Fuli had to apologise to Bupu at the end just because he made her frustrated. She didn't mean to get frustrated. And actually all the Guard got frustrated with the antelope. Fuli did not need to learn anything in this episode or admit to being wrong, in my opinion. Imagine if this had a more severe, life or death situation where they had to force the antelope along. Bupu should learn to understanding people's intentions better and maybe then he won't be a headstrong jerk.
-And the whole "It never hurts to be polite thing" could've been avoided if Bupu had just told that that's all he wanted at the beginning. But, more importantly, he's a terrible role model for little kids in this episode. He demands the Lion Guard say "please" for everything even though they are helping him and his herd get to safety so they don't die. He demands they be polite to him at all costs even they have tried to patient and calm and he wasn't having any of it. Kids need to see that you can't expect someone to say please all the time because there are times where you just have to do as you are being asked for safety or otherwise. I also don't like the way he refuses the get his herd out the floods when he should know what's best for them. He doesn't even think to get the calves out of the water and to higher ground. Leadership 101, for crying out loud! I don't like his attitude for most of the episode and the fact that he removes to see that the Lion Guard are only looking out for him and the rest of his herd by ordering them to cooperate and be safe.
-But, I also do not like his herd at the start of the episode. Boboka is, in fairness, the smartest and the least annoying in this episode because she has the herd's best interests at heart and wants to get them to safety. She also has a son that she wants to protect. But, if I were in her shoes, I would be leading the baby antelopes to safety whether the rest of the decided to follow or not. Are we really expected that there no other calves in the herd with older antelopes? I don't understand why she didn't just take her calf (with other antelope parents) and up and get to higher ground. So, yeah, I liked Boboka, but, that was the only time in the episode where she annoyed me. Any mother would want to get their baby to safety immediately.
So, I thoroughly enjoyed revisiting this episode and getting to review it. To recap, I loved Beshte and Basi's father-son dynamic. I thought it was really cute and sweet and loving. I love how much they are two characters that jump through hoops for each other to protect each other no matter what. They're kind of similar to Kion and Simba. I do like the dynamic between Basi and the rest of the Lion Guard as well. He feels very fatherly towards them and I like to think he was childhood friends with Simba and Nala, and still is. I found the rivalry between Basi, Beshte and Makuu's float interesting because the idea of the hippos and the crocodiles being at odds has come up before in the series. I find it interesting that they have some hatred for one another. Makuu was perfect as always. I love him whether he's in his villain phase or his reformed phase. Blair Underwood's performance is really spot on for Makuu. The episode was surprisingly dark, but, exciting with the whole Makuu trying to murder Basi and also Boboka and her son almost drowning in the floodplains. At the end, I enjoyed Fuli and Bupu's dynamic. It's an underrated "child/adult" friendship and is on par with Kion and Ma Tembo's. The jokes were pretty solid in it and I loved the scenery in the Pride Lands in this episode. I loved the more cutesy animals in this episode. The only animals that really annoyed me were the antelopes. I thought Bupu's stubbornness eye-rolling and I didn't like his rudeness. However, I still really love this episode and the antelope became a lot more polite later on. I thought the educational value was really interesting in this episode. I'll give it a 7.5/10 overall.
submitted by AnimationFan_2003 to lionking [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 00:03 VeggieFondant [TOMT] [Comedy Sketch] [late 2010s/early 2020s] middle-age guy meets online friends in hotel lobby and discovers they all hate him and think he's rude

i remember watching, probably very recently, a sketch (probably from a comedy show like I Think You Should Leave) that was extremely awkward to watch. it starred a guy (and maybe his wife?) attending a first-time meeting event for members of a forum they all use. most of the characters are probably in their 40s and up. everyone wears a nametag with their real name and username. as he goes around trying to greet people, everyone reads his username and begins to avoid him or treat him very coldly. eventually he discovers that his matter-of-fact way of speaking online reads as very rude, and he didn't realize until then that he was kind of considered the forum bully. most of the sketch takes place in this hotel lobby/convention space, but a later scene involves the hot tub, maybe everyone getting out when he gets in. the forum was for something very mundane, like birdwatching or bike repairs or something. i feel like i remember so much of it but can't figure out what it's from! tone similarities include I Think You Should Leave (and Detroiters) as well as W/ Bob and David. thanks a lot!
submitted by VeggieFondant to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

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2024.05.02 23:36 Daylight_Devil [H] LOTS OF OLD GAMES ADDED, Talos Principle, WWE 2K23, Midnight Suns, The Quarry DE, Tiny Tina, Chivalry 2, Visage [W] Another Fishermans Tale, Endling, Homestead Arcana, Dread X 5, PAYPAL, Offers & Lists to look through :)

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Loop Hero
Black Book
Mind-Bending Masterpieces:
The Talos Principle Gold Edition
The Witness
Unparalleled Puzzlers:
Baba Is You
The Last Campfire
Positively Playful:
Super Bunny Man
One Hand Clapping
Pogostuck Rage With Your Friends
Will You Snail
Bandai Nameco:
Tekken 7
Katamari Damacy Reroll
Tales of Vesperia Definitive Edition
Awesome Indies:
Void Bastards
Ring of Pain
Flynn Son of Crimson
Fae Tactics
Untold Tales:
BangOn Balls Chronicles
Golf Club Nostalgia
ATONE Heart of the Elder Tree
What Lies in the Multiverse
Aspire Inas Tale
Mythic Ocean
Masterful Modern 3D:
Kao the Kangaroo
Demon Turf
Whimsy & Wonder:
Witchy Life Story
Cat Cafe Manager
Capcom Heroic:
Phoenix Wright Attorney Trilogy
Mega Man 11
Dragons Dogma Dark Arisen
Lost Planet 3 Complete
Bionic Commando Rearmed
Must-Play Metroidvania:
Rain World
Bloodstained Ritual of the Night
Lost Ruins
Lone Fungus
Haiku The Robot
Pixel Pride:
Boyfriend Dungeon
Super Lesbian Animal RPG
Get in The Car Loser
Easy Going Games:
Newt One
We Should Talk (key not in stock yet)
Evans Remains
Princess Farmer
RE:CALL (key not in stock yet/epic option)
Scary Games to Play In The Dark:
Mortuary Assisstant
Celebrating Black Creators/Characters:
Shaq Fu A Legend Reborn
Mafia III Definitive Edition
Sim-ple Life:
Steamy Sakura:
Sakura Succubus
Sakura MMO
Sakura MMO 3
Sakura Dungeon
Sakura Swim Club
Fightin Farms:
Lens Island
Serin Fates
Stranded Island
Spirit of the Island
Survival Instinct:
State of Decay 2 Juggernaut Edition
The Long Dark Survival Edition (Survival Mode Only, no story)
Starlight Children Foundation:
LEGO STAR WARS The Force Awakens
LEGO Star Wars The Complete Saga
LEGO Star Wars III The Clone Wars
Star Wars The Force Unleashed Ultimate Sith Edition
Day Of The Tentacle Remastered
Stand With Ukraine:
Back 4 Blood
The Amazing American Circus
Crying Suns
Lust For Darkness
We Are Alright

Super Summer Bundle:
Lair Of The Clockwork God
Dust To The End
Discovery Bundle 2:
The Chronicles of Nyanya
Sea Horizon
Landlords Super
BYO Indie-Pendence Bundle:
What Lies In The Multiverse
Redout Enhanced Edition
Nickelodeon Kart Racers 2
Assorted Fanatical Bits:
Dark Devotion
Shantae Riskys Revenge Directors Cut
The Hong Kong Massacre
Grapple Hoops
Velocity Noodle
Good Night Knight
Fates of Ort
Depths of Sanity
Eternal Edge
Dread X Collection 2
Dread X Collection 3
Orbital Bullet The 360 Roguelite
Double Kick Heroes
Startup Panic
Twilight Town A Cyberpunk Day In Life
Beautiful Desolation
Safe In Our World:
Kingdom Two Crowns
Field of Glory II
Chivalry Medieval Warfare (slight maybe)
Rise of the Slime
Steel Rats
Platinum Jan 2023:
The Elder Scrolls III Morrowind Game of the Year Edition
Death Road to Canada
Escape from Naraka
Anime Bounty Bundle:
Graze Counter
Build Your Own Anime Bundle 4:
How To Fool A Liar King
How To Take Off Your Mask
East Tower - Akio (Vol 1)
East Tower - Takashi (Vol 2)
East Tower - Kuon (Vol 3)
East Tower - Kurenai (Vol 4)

Upload VR Showcase:
The BreakIn
Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs
Guardians Frontline
Get Your Head in the Game VR:
Rick and Morty Virtual Rickality
After The Fall Deluxe Edition
Upload VR Showcase:
Warhammer Age of Sigmar Tempestfall
The Walking Dead Saints & Sinners
Pistol Whip
Dragon Fist VR Kung Fu
Green Hell VR
In Your Face VR:
Zenith The Last City
Battlegroup VR
Eternal VR:
Karnage Chronicles
Time Lock VR 1
Operation Armstrong (slight maybe)
Trickster VR (slight maybe)
Vengeful Rite
VR Voyagers Bundle:
Until You Fall
Sairento VR
The Wizards - Dark Times
Acron Attack of the Squirrels
VR Discovery Bundle:
Synth Riders

Choice Leftovers:
April: Region Locks
Victoria 3
HUMANKIND Definitive Edition
Terraformers Region Lock
Symphony of War The Nephilim Saga
March: Region Locks
Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin Ultimate Edition
Nioh 2 The Complete Edition
Saints Row Region Lock
Citizen Sleeper
Black Skylands
Destroyer The UBoat Hunter
February: Region Locks
Life is Strange True Colors Region Lock
Destroy All Humans 2 Reprobed
There is No Light
January: Region Locks
Midnight Suns Region Lock + Doctor Strange Defender Skin
Two Point Campus
Aragami 2
Hell Pie
Twin Mirror
December: Region Locks
Expedition: Rome
Midnight Fight Express
Nobody Saves the World
The Pale Beyond
From Space
November: Region Locks
WWE 2K23 Region Lock
Friends VS Friends Region Lock #
The Legend of Tianding
October: Region Locks
The Quarry Deluxe Edition Region Lock
Metal Hellsinger
Rebel Inc Escalation
Spirit of the Island
Lords and Villeins
A Jugglers Tale
Mr Prepper
September: Region Locks
Tiny Tinas Wonderlands Chaotic Great Edition Region Lock
Deceive Inc Region Lock
Aces & Adventures
Patch Quest
Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus
Autonauts vs Pirates
August: Region Locks
Disco Elysium Final Cut
Chivalry 2 Region Lock
Arcade Paradise
Hot Brass
July: Region Locks
The Outer Worlds Spacers Choice Edition Region Lock
Yakuza 4 Remastered
Kraken Academy
Merchant of the Skies
Ozymandias Region Lock
June: Region Locks
Ghostwire Tokyo #
Honey I Joined A Cult
Eternal Threads
Turbo Golf Racing
Meeple Station
May: Region Locks None Apply
Bendy and the Dark Revival
Operation Tango
Windjammers 2
Builder Simulator
Behind The Frame
The Invisible Hand
April: Region Locks None apply
Alien Fireteam Elite
Rollerdrome Region Lock
Life is Strange 2 Complete Season
The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante
Founders Fortune
March: Region Locks (EU so only one affected really is Hero Hour)
Jurassic World Evolution 2
Edge Of Eternity
Rogue Lords
Demon Turf
Golden Light
January Region Locks
Tribes of Midgard
December Region Lock
First Class Trouble
Blade Assault
November Region Locks
Kingdoms of Amalur Re-Reckoning Fate Edition REGION LOCK
Morbid: The Seven Acolytes
September Region Locks

Random Humble Leftovers:
Propagation VR - Coop
X Rebirth
Random Fanatical Leftovers:
Dance Collider
Tunche (maybe)
The Wild Eight
Scarlet Tower
Main Assembly
Survive The Nights
Smoke and Sacrifice*
Blazing Chrome*
Wounded The Beginning*
Doorways: Prelude **
Headbangers in Holiday Hell (maybe)
Free with trade:
The Walking Dead
submitted by Daylight_Devil to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 23:36 Daylight_Devil [H] LOTS OF OLD GAMES ADDED, Talos Principle, WWE 2K23, Midnight Suns, The Quarry DE, Tiny Tina, Chivalry 2, Visage [W] Another Fishermans Tale, Endling, Homestead Arcana, Dread X 5, PAYPAL, Offers & Lists to look through :)

I try to trade for games of equal steam value, but I'm open to negotiate. PayPal wise, just make an offer. I'm UK, so you can do F&F for EU, but otherwise you'll cover fees if reasonably low (just use a PayPal fee calculator). Not looking to buy myself
SGS Flair, IGS Rep & GameTrade Rep (I'm new on there)
Ignore asterisks (\) as they are just a reminder for me*



v v v v I DONT HAVE THESE GAMES v v v v
Recent Bundles:
Rain on your Parade, Strayed Lights, Endling
^ ^ ^ ^ I DONT HAVE THESE GAMES ^ ^ ^ ^
Heroes of the Monkey Tavern
The Long Reach
The Wild Eight
Spiritual Warfare & Wisdom Tree Collection
Humble Heroines:
Metal Hellsinger
A Plague Tale Innocence
Wanted Dead
Games Done Quick:
Hylics 2
Maid of Sker
IGN Fan Fest:
Loop Hero
Black Book
Mind-Bending Masterpieces:
The Talos Principle Gold Edition
The Witness
Unparalleled Puzzlers:
Baba Is You
The Last Campfire
Positively Playful:
Super Bunny Man
One Hand Clapping
Pogostuck Rage With Your Friends
Will You Snail
Bandai Nameco:
Tekken 7
Katamari Damacy Reroll
Tales of Vesperia Definitive Edition
Awesome Indies:
Void Bastards
Ring of Pain
Flynn Son of Crimson
Fae Tactics
Untold Tales:
BangOn Balls Chronicles
Golf Club Nostalgia
ATONE Heart of the Elder Tree
What Lies in the Multiverse
Aspire Inas Tale
Mythic Ocean
Masterful Modern 3D:
Kao the Kangaroo
Demon Turf
Whimsy & Wonder:
Witchy Life Story
Cat Cafe Manager
Capcom Heroic:
Phoenix Wright Attorney Trilogy
Mega Man 11
Dragons Dogma Dark Arisen
Lost Planet 3 Complete
Bionic Commando Rearmed
Must-Play Metroidvania:
Rain World
Bloodstained Ritual of the Night
Lost Ruins
Lone Fungus
Haiku The Robot
Pixel Pride:
Boyfriend Dungeon
Super Lesbian Animal RPG
Get in The Car Loser
Easy Going Games:
Newt One
We Should Talk (key not in stock yet)
Evans Remains
Princess Farmer
RE:CALL (key not in stock yet/epic option)
Scary Games to Play In The Dark:
Mortuary Assisstant
Celebrating Black Creators/Characters:
Shaq Fu A Legend Reborn
Mafia III Definitive Edition
Sim-ple Life:
Steamy Sakura:
Sakura Succubus
Sakura MMO
Sakura MMO 3
Sakura Dungeon
Sakura Swim Club
Fightin Farms:
Lens Island
Serin Fates
Stranded Island
Spirit of the Island
Survival Instinct:
State of Decay 2 Juggernaut Edition
The Long Dark Survival Edition (Survival Mode Only, no story)
Starlight Children Foundation:
LEGO STAR WARS The Force Awakens
LEGO Star Wars The Complete Saga
LEGO Star Wars III The Clone Wars
Star Wars The Force Unleashed Ultimate Sith Edition
Day Of The Tentacle Remastered
Stand With Ukraine:
Back 4 Blood
The Amazing American Circus
Crying Suns
Lust For Darkness
We Are Alright

Super Summer Bundle:
Lair Of The Clockwork God
Dust To The End
Discovery Bundle 2:
The Chronicles of Nyanya
Sea Horizon
Landlords Super
BYO Indie-Pendence Bundle:
What Lies In The Multiverse
Redout Enhanced Edition
Nickelodeon Kart Racers 2
Assorted Fanatical Bits:
Dark Devotion
Shantae Riskys Revenge Directors Cut
The Hong Kong Massacre
Grapple Hoops
Velocity Noodle
Good Night Knight
Fates of Ort
Depths of Sanity
Eternal Edge
Dread X Collection 2
Dread X Collection 3
Orbital Bullet The 360 Roguelite
Double Kick Heroes
Startup Panic
Twilight Town A Cyberpunk Day In Life
Beautiful Desolation
Safe In Our World:
Kingdom Two Crowns
Field of Glory II
Chivalry Medieval Warfare (slight maybe)
Rise of the Slime
Steel Rats
Platinum Jan 2023:
The Elder Scrolls III Morrowind Game of the Year Edition
Death Road to Canada
Escape from Naraka
Anime Bounty Bundle:
Graze Counter
Build Your Own Anime Bundle 4:
How To Fool A Liar King
How To Take Off Your Mask
East Tower - Akio (Vol 1)
East Tower - Takashi (Vol 2)
East Tower - Kuon (Vol 3)
East Tower - Kurenai (Vol 4)

Upload VR Showcase:
The BreakIn
Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs
Guardians Frontline
Get Your Head in the Game VR:
Rick and Morty Virtual Rickality
After The Fall Deluxe Edition
Upload VR Showcase:
Warhammer Age of Sigmar Tempestfall
The Walking Dead Saints & Sinners
Pistol Whip
Dragon Fist VR Kung Fu
Green Hell VR
In Your Face VR:
Zenith The Last City
Battlegroup VR
Eternal VR:
Karnage Chronicles
Time Lock VR 1
Operation Armstrong (slight maybe)
Trickster VR (slight maybe)
Vengeful Rite
VR Voyagers Bundle:
Until You Fall
Sairento VR
The Wizards - Dark Times
Acron Attack of the Squirrels
VR Discovery Bundle:
Synth Riders

Choice Leftovers:
April: Region Locks
Victoria 3
HUMANKIND Definitive Edition
Terraformers Region Lock
Symphony of War The Nephilim Saga
March: Region Locks
Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin Ultimate Edition
Nioh 2 The Complete Edition
Saints Row Region Lock
Citizen Sleeper
Black Skylands
Destroyer The UBoat Hunter
February: Region Locks
Life is Strange True Colors Region Lock
Destroy All Humans 2 Reprobed
There is No Light
January: Region Locks
Midnight Suns Region Lock + Doctor Strange Defender Skin
Two Point Campus
Aragami 2
Hell Pie
Twin Mirror
December: Region Locks
Expedition: Rome
Midnight Fight Express
Nobody Saves the World
The Pale Beyond
From Space
November: Region Locks
WWE 2K23 Region Lock
Friends VS Friends Region Lock #
The Legend of Tianding
October: Region Locks
The Quarry Deluxe Edition Region Lock
Metal Hellsinger
Rebel Inc Escalation
Spirit of the Island
Lords and Villeins
A Jugglers Tale
Mr Prepper
September: Region Locks
Tiny Tinas Wonderlands Chaotic Great Edition Region Lock
Deceive Inc Region Lock
Aces & Adventures
Patch Quest
Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus
Autonauts vs Pirates
August: Region Locks
Disco Elysium Final Cut
Chivalry 2 Region Lock
Arcade Paradise
Hot Brass
July: Region Locks
The Outer Worlds Spacers Choice Edition Region Lock
Yakuza 4 Remastered
Kraken Academy
Merchant of the Skies
Ozymandias Region Lock
June: Region Locks
Ghostwire Tokyo #
Honey I Joined A Cult
Eternal Threads
Turbo Golf Racing
Meeple Station
May: Region Locks None Apply
Bendy and the Dark Revival
Operation Tango
Windjammers 2
Builder Simulator
Behind The Frame
The Invisible Hand
April: Region Locks None apply
Alien Fireteam Elite
Rollerdrome Region Lock
Life is Strange 2 Complete Season
The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante
Founders Fortune
March: Region Locks (EU so only one affected really is Hero Hour)
Jurassic World Evolution 2
Edge Of Eternity
Rogue Lords
Demon Turf
Golden Light
January Region Locks
Tribes of Midgard
December Region Lock
First Class Trouble
Blade Assault
November Region Locks
Kingdoms of Amalur Re-Reckoning Fate Edition REGION LOCK
Morbid: The Seven Acolytes
September Region Locks

Random Humble Leftovers:
Propagation VR - Coop
X Rebirth
Random Fanatical Leftovers:
Dance Collider
Tunche (maybe)
The Wild Eight
Scarlet Tower
Main Assembly
Survive The Nights
Smoke and Sacrifice*
Blazing Chrome*
Wounded The Beginning*
Doorways: Prelude **
Headbangers in Holiday Hell (maybe)
Free with trade:
The Walking Dead
submitted by Daylight_Devil to SteamGameSwap [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 23:15 taskf0rce141 So, I tried to watch Requiem again..

You probably will not hear much of the new in this post but I just wanted to share some fresh opinions of mine as someone, who is basically series fan most of his life (I know that here most of us are, but still).
So, I saw it probably only once when it came out and yes, even now I can confirm that it's indeed very hard to watch it. And I had to skip some sections of it. I am not any kind of writer myself but the script is written in super strange way, in my opinion. But what's really suprising , it's that there are good moments in there (like Wolf killing aliens, obviously), and between them we need to watch something either cringe, or super gross/disgusting and then sometimes we literally can't see anything at all!..
First movie is not perfect but it's good and I will die on this hill. If you will criticize it, then go on with many different sci-fi movies of 90s or even 80s based or not based on comics. First AvP has vibes of both adventure and horror and it mostly works. AvPR went for some kind of small town USA horror direction. Kinda strange way for movie where we want to see predator and aliens fighting but whatever. But then there is also strange decisions in writing, like, for example, Wolf skinning deputy of sheriff for no reason beside of fan-service which only destroys his character, or strange romantic line going from somehwere to nowhere. Speaking of which, I think we still can symphatize to hot blondie because eventually she dumps bully for our "good guy" and her death in the end is also kinda... Lame?.. like why she is panicking and runs away only to die from Wolf's discs, if before that she actually was behaving kinda more "sane"?.. And then we get two brothers surviving, so brotherhood/family forever and all that, I guess. But two brothers relationships are shown even worse than strange romantic line, in my opinion. Btw I still can't understand why aliens did not kill them both when they went to look for the keys. Weird plot armor?.. Also, how the keys could have been taken by water if they are made of metal?. There wasn't any kind of strong stream for them to flow, Idk..
So, concluding this post, it's just super sad that this is the sequel what we got and this is what has lead to fact that after we didn't get anything at all.
P.S. Besides of super disgusting moments (which are still not justified, in my opinion, the point of movie is predator and aliens fighting and this is what many of us wanted to actully see, is it not?) there are also many plotholes, like, starting from very beginning - instead of huge mothership we see small scout ship and then it crushes (one of predator "panicked" shooting plasma caster knowing its not safe?) and distress signal goes to Wolf on Yauja Prime while whole mothership is probably chilling... Somewhere.. And then Wolf goes on cleaning mission alone for some reason... And basically fails as he dies in the end and humans still get predator tech.. 🤦🤷
P.P.S. Was the younger brother trying to masturbate on hot blondie while in the car before delivering pizza or what was that scene? WTF? 🤦😵
submitted by taskf0rce141 to predator [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 23:06 plutoLego M4A] Looking for long term fandom partners!

Hey! I hope this post is finding you well if you are reading this, I’m on here today looking for some partners for some fandom pairings that I really enjoy and wanna play out some different plots with. I usually do have a good idea on what we possibly can do, but however I would love if you can also bring your ideas to the table, let’s bounce stuff off one another and find a perfect plot that we can play out with one another. Of course, I really hope your have understanding of the pairings and the fandom itself, I don’t wanna write with someone who dosent know their character well, makes stuff boring. Here are my pairings below:
Ada Wong X Leon Kennedy
Cole Cassidy X Ashe
Denji X Asa
Aki X Himeno
Yuta X maki
Hakari X Kirara
Sai X Ino
Temari X Shikamaru
Suigetsu X Karin
Light Yagami X Misa amane
Giorno Giovanna X Trish una
Diego Brando X hot pants
Rogue X gambit
Daredevil X elektra
As you can see, these are fully from chainsaw man, jjk, marvel, jjba, resident evil, overwatch, deathnote and Naruto. I can write as much as you’d like, from 1 paragraph to 5 per response, it all depends on what you are most comfortable with and of course, be detailed. I do write in 3rd or 1st, whatever you are most comfortable with. I would rather we move over to discord to fully start this up and write our story of these pairings together. I think I’ve gone over everything, if you are interested dm me! We can discuss more in DMs!
submitted by plutoLego to roleplaying [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 22:59 plutoLego M4A] Looking for long term fandom partners!

Hey! I hope this post is finding you well if you are reading this, I’m on here today looking for some partners for some fandom pairings that I really enjoy and wanna play out some different plots with. I usually do have a good idea on what we possibly can do, but however I would love if you can also bring your ideas to the table, let’s bounce stuff off one another and find a perfect plot that we can play out with one another. Of course, I really hope your have understanding of the pairings and the fandom itself, I don’t wanna write with someone who dosent know their character well, makes stuff boring. Here are my pairings below:
Ada Wong X Leon Kennedy
Cole Cassidy X Ashe
Denji X Asa
Aki X Himeno
Yuta X maki
Hakari X Kirara
Sai X Ino
Temari X Shikamaru
Suigetsu X Karin
Light Yagami X Misa amane
Giorno Giovanna X Trish una
Diego Brando X hot pants
Rogue X gambit
Daredevil X elektra
As you can see, these are fully from chainsaw man, jjk, marvel, jjba, resident evil, overwatch, deathnote and Naruto. I can write as much as you’d like, from 1 paragraph to 5 per response, it all depends on what you are most comfortable with and of course, be detailed. I do write in 3rd or 1st, whatever you are most comfortable with. I would rather we move over to discord to fully start this up and write our story of these pairings together. I think I’ve gone over everything, if you are interested dm me! We can discuss more in DMs!
submitted by plutoLego to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 22:56 plutoLego [M4A] Looking for long term fandom partners!

Hey! I hope this post is finding you well if you are reading this, I’m on here today looking for some partners for some fandom pairings that I really enjoy and wanna play out some different plots with. I usually do have a good idea on what we possibly can do, but however I would love if you can also bring your ideas to the table, let’s bounce stuff off one another and find a perfect plot that we can play out with one another. Of course, I really hope your have understanding of the pairings and the fandom itself, I don’t wanna write with someone who dosent know their character well, makes stuff boring. Here are my pairings below:
Ada Wong X Leon Kennedy
Cole Cassidy X Ashe
Denji X Asa
Aki X Himeno
Yuta X maki
Hakari X Kirara
Sai X Ino
Temari X Shikamaru
Suigetsu X Karin
Light Yagami X Misa amane
Giorno Giovanna X Trish una
Diego Brando X hot pants
Rogue X gambit
Daredevil X elektra
As you can see, these are fully from chainsaw man, jjk, marvel, jjba, resident evil, overwatch, deathnote and Naruto. I can write as much as you’d like, from 1 paragraph to 5 per response, it all depends on what you are most comfortable with and of course, be detailed. I do write in 3rd or 1st, whatever you are most comfortable with. I would rather we move over to discord to fully start this up and write our story of these pairings together. I think I’ve gone over everything, if you are interested dm me! We can discuss more in DMs!
submitted by plutoLego to RoleplayPartnerSearch [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 22:45 k8mnstr What do the Hot Springs items do?

Does anyone know what buffs are associated with the individual hot springs items? I don't see the buff effects on the character status page, there doesn't seem to be any in-game text around them in the inventory. The page and the fandom wiki don't have any item descriptions. Where can I find out what they do?
submitted by k8mnstr to EiyudenChronicle [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 22:28 Neogenesis2112 Various infantry changes necessary

  1. Remove/rework unstable ammo and other methods that make bullets "larger". These mechanics are cheesy and incredibly stupid. Weapons such as the Horizon are made absurdly strong making it probably the strongest carbine in the game with unstable ammo. NSO pistols are also an offender here but less noticeable.
  2. Remove/rework KCAP ammo. Its garbage. Hot garbage left in the Phoenix sun after a monsoon. On top of what? Theyre smart bullets that realize it shot someone in the leg?
  3. Rework maxs. Maxs should play a supporting role in a push and not just serve as cheese. Something similar to the NSO maxs shield bubble, or maybe a pulse emanating from the max that restores nearby infantry shields/HP. I suggest removing one weapon, slightly buffing another and replace the 2nd weapon with a utility slot. These would be universal cross faction.
  4. NSO maxs need footsteps, not having that indicator is infuriating.
  5. Remove/rework the proliferation of explosive ammo with the arsenal update (except NC which basically got nothing), its either memey or annoying and doesnt really make fun engagements.
  6. Allow spots to carry into an infils cloak. So if you spot an infil he cant just double tap cloak to remove the spot. Should alleviate some peoples problems with infils/stalkers.
  7. Bring back nanoweaves small arms resistance. It is the simplest way to fix problems relating to shotguns/scouts/sniper rifles being too strong atm. While it does apply to sniper rifles having it not apply to other forms of small arms directly nerfs a players character to counter possibly one guy using a Gauss-SPR at a base. It also contributes to the fact that maxs are currently ass to deal with.
  8. Alternatively, you can nerf individual outlier weapons but that takes alot more work.
Bonus air vehicle suggestions:
Lower flak detonation trigger radius and increase damage. As someone who primarily flies A2A, its kinda fuckin lame to get attacked from render range. This should also ofc punish A2G much more.
Remove Hyena/pixie launchers. The Hyena because its dumb and lazy design and they're not fun to fight. Theres also very little reason to not use the Hyena launchers if you are flying A2A or at least want to protect yourself from aircraft. Pixies are just ass, the top guns on the derv are already really good at fighting other aircraft but adding in a lock-on launcher is stupid. There is an argument to be made to rework the derv but thats goin too far for the context of the post.
submitted by Neogenesis2112 to Planetside [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 22:26 tonyyums A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole Free Audiobook and Review

"A Confederacy of Dunces" by John Kennedy Toole is a comedy masterwork that recounts the mishaps of Ignatius J. Reilly, a larger-than-life figure with a larger-than-life ego. Set in New Orleans, the story explores Ignatius' oddities, his confrontations with the people around him, and his ludicrous attempts to impose his grandiose worldview on society.
Ignatius is a pompous, overweight, and unemployed 30-year-old who lives with his mother and spends his days indulging in his academic hobbies while raging against what he regards as the loss of society. His misanthropic instincts and hatred for authority drive him into a series of odd and funny exploits, from working at a trousers factory to spearheading a workers' uprising at a small hot dog stand.
Toole's writing is snappy, funny, and filled with colorful characters and unusual events. He masterfully satirizes the social and cultural milieu of 1960s America, skewering everything from materialism and conformity to the pretensions of academics and the follies of bureaucracy.
What sets "A Confederacy of Dunces" different is its unforgettable protagonist. Ignatius is simultaneously repugnant and endearing, a larger-than-life person whose wild antics and philosophical ramblings make him one of literature's most recognizable characters.
Overall, "A Confederacy of Dunces" is a humorous and irreverent work that will leave readers laughing out loud while also forcing them to think critically about society and the human condition. Toole's stinging sarcasm, larger-than-life characters, and piercing wit make this book a timeless masterpiece that continues to captivate readers of all ages.
Free Audiobook with a free trial of Audible
submitted by tonyyums to Freeaudiobooklinks [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 22:06 Late_Judge_5288 I’m a young man and I’ve never really related to other guys

I’m a young man and I’ve always had a great deal of conflict with masculinity. This may be because I’m softer than most men, or because I’m gay. Almost always I’ve found that females are much more accepting of me over men. I’ve also never really understood why men banter and tease each other so much. I don’t understand college frats that literally paddle prospective brothers to the point of pain and bruising and force them to drink until they’re blackout drunk or to ingest different drugs or to literally engage in fistfights; but then expect that to conduce to fraternity and brotherhood and amity for the few years they’re together, all in the name of pledging and hazing. I just don’t understand it, and find it totally mindless and uncivilized. And why men have such difficulty opening up to each other emotionally and on a deep level. Any time I’ve tried talking to men about anything besides sports, alcohol, sex, cars, or hot girls, they almost always look at me like I have two heads, get uncomfortable, start laughing, change the subject, or ask me to stop. This has generally never really happened with females I’ve interacted with, in my experience.
So, perhaps by extension of having difficulty with getting along with and relating to men my entire life: I can never seem to really identify with or relate to films and TV shows centered around a male main character. Perhaps it’s because they’re all so hypermasculine and unrelatable. I actually find films centered around women as the main characters to be much more compelling, perhaps because they’re allowed to show so much more emotionality on the screen. Most of the time, I can’t say that male characters in films are like the men I’ve been close to in my personal life. And so, since I can’t relate to these characters and their struggles, I can’t connect, and in turn it doesn’t make me emotional, let alone cry.
As a side note, I recently saw the Netflix series Baby Reindeer. It was one of the only pieces of media, be it TV or film, where I’ve witnessed such a flawed and vulnerable male character as the lead. Absolutely stunning. Even the character’s father was great. I hope films and television begins to err that way going forward. It was an incredible series.
submitted by Late_Judge_5288 to venting [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 22:05 Late_Judge_5288 I’m a young man and I’ve never really related to other guys

I’m a young man and I’ve always had a great deal of conflict with masculinity. This may be because I’m softer than most men, or because I’m gay. Almost always I’ve found that females are much more accepting of me over men. I’ve also never really understood why men banter and tease each other so much. I don’t understand college frats that literally paddle prospective brothers to the point of pain and bruising and force them to drink until they’re blackout drunk or to ingest different drugs or to literally engage in fistfights; but then expect that to conduce to fraternity and brotherhood and amity for the few years they’re together, all in the name of pledging and hazing. I just don’t understand it, and find it totally mindless and uncivilized. And why men have such difficulty opening up to each other emotionally and on a deep level. Any time I’ve tried talking to men about anything besides sports, alcohol, sex, cars, or hot girls, they almost always look at me like I have two heads, get uncomfortable, start laughing, change the subject, or ask me to stop. This has generally never really happened with females I’ve interacted with, in my experience.
So, perhaps by extension of having difficulty with getting along with and relating to men my entire life: I can never seem to really identify with or relate to films and TV shows centered around a male main character. Perhaps it’s because they’re all so hypermasculine and unrelatable. I actually find films centered around women as the main characters to be much more compelling, perhaps because they’re allowed to show so much more emotionality on the screen. Most of the time, I can’t say that male characters in films are like the men I’ve been close to in my personal life. And so, since I can’t relate to these characters and their struggles, I can’t connect, and in turn it doesn’t make me emotional, let alone cry.
As a side note, I recently saw the Netflix series Baby Reindeer. It was one of the only pieces of media, be it TV or film, where I’ve witnessed such a flawed and vulnerable male character as the lead. Absolutely stunning. Even the character’s father was great. I hope films and television begins to err that way going forward. It was an incredible series.
submitted by Late_Judge_5288 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 22:05 TheSunniestBro How do ability points (str, dex, int, etc.) affect skill damage, if they do at all?

TL;DR: Running a caster but need strength for carry weight (see post for why). Will having high strength affect my skills and spells in any way?
I'm doing my second playthrough and it's been a hot minute. And one thing I'm wondering is how important is leveling the "correct" ability points?
For instance, my main character is a multiclassed caster with the aim of being support: pyro for haste and peace of mind, hydro for heals and ice, and summoning for totems and incarnate.
Kinda going for Jack of all trades since I'm also doing glass cannon.
Anyway, I also had my strength high early on to carry some deathfog barrels, and now I'm at Fort Joy, I still have two fog barrels I want to carry but only have one character who can carry it without being encumbered (Beast, whom I have being strength based). And I was wanting to respecc from high strength to intelligence.
However, I noticed that the skills don't mention scaling off of intelligence. Instead, they seem to scale off of level and skills. And I don't plan on using wands or a staff (at least not as a main damage dealer). But I just wanted to confirm if that this is the case or not.
submitted by TheSunniestBro to DivinityOriginalSin [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 22:03 Late_Judge_5288 I’m a young man and I’ve never really related to other guys

I’m a young man and I’ve always had a great deal of conflict with masculinity. This may be because I’m softer than most men, or because I’m gay. Almost always I’ve found that females are much more accepting of me over men. I’ve also never really understood why men banter and tease each other so much. I don’t understand college frats that literally paddle prospective brothers to the point of pain and bruising and force them to drink until they’re blackout drunk or to ingest different drugs or to literally engage in fistfights; but then expect that to conduce to fraternity and brotherhood and amity for the few years they’re together, all in the name of pledging and hazing. I just don’t understand it, and find it totally mindless and uncivilized. And why men have such difficulty opening up to each other emotionally and on a deep level. Any time I’ve tried talking to men about anything besides sports, alcohol, sex, cars, or hot girls, they almost always look at me like I have two heads, get uncomfortable, start laughing, change the subject, or ask me to stop. This has generally never really happened with females I’ve interacted with, in my experience.
So, perhaps by extension of having difficulty with getting along with and relating to men my entire life: I can never seem to really identify with or relate to films and TV shows centered around a male main character. Perhaps it’s because they’re all so hypermasculine and unrelatable. I actually find films centered around women as the main characters to be much more compelling, perhaps because they’re allowed to show so much more emotionality on the screen. Most of the time, I can’t say that male characters in films are like the men I’ve been close to in my personal life. And so, since I can’t relate to these characters and their struggles, I can’t connect, and in turn it doesn’t make me emotional, let alone cry.
As a side note, I recently saw the Netflix series Baby Reindeer. It was one of the only pieces of media, be it TV or film, where I’ve witnessed such a flawed and vulnerable male character as the lead. Absolutely stunning. Even the character’s father was great. I hope films and television begins to err that way going forward. It was an incredible series.
submitted by Late_Judge_5288 to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 21:52 jalf-prufrock I'm on QoS and need to talk about my feelings about certain relationships

This has spoilers up to and slightly into Queen of Shadows - I've read the first several books VERY QUICKLY and am about a third of the way through Queen of Shadows, and I feel like I need to take a step back and mentally digest.
First, my biggest difficulty to wrap my head around is Celaena/Aelin's relationship with Chaol - I'm feeling extremely nostalgic for the beginning of the series haha. Obviously, I saw their relationship fall apart and have been picking up hints that they would not get back together throughout HoF, but I did not expect them to be so aggressive with each other. It's stressing me out!
I see how it is a relationship that worked for Celaena but not for Aelin, and I like that her character has developed so much, but I kinda miss Celaena. Aelin has come out hot and it seems like she needs to dial herself back a bit. Chaol's chapters in HoF were my least favorite because he seemed so listless, and he has just gotten worse.
Can Aelin and Chaol just make up and at least be friends again??? Ahhh!
The disintegration of their romantic relationship hit me hard because I took the writing in the first half of CoM very seriously - I remember the writing seeming to suggest that Celaena and Chaol were meant to be, like their relationship was fated and so strong (so much stronger than Celaena and Dorian), and took that to mean that them together was endgame for the series. And then early in QoS, Aelin thinks to herself that she never even loved Chaol much as she loved Sam! And Chaol had been sleeping with someone else rather recently before Celaena! Whaaaat
I keep thinking about the moment in HoF when Aelin tells Rowan that she physically hurt Chaol, so they probably can't be mates, and Rowan asked her if she wanted to know the truth, and she said "not yet." From Rowan's POV, we know that he is bonded to Aelin and I'm worried that the truth is that their relationship is somehow going to turn romantic. Their friendship felt sooo weird and borderline ick to me in HoF and I am cringing imagining them as an actual couple. The age gap (even for their sharing-a-bed friendship) is... wow.
Jumping from Celaena with the captain of the guard that goes running with her and brings her chocolate cake to Aelin with the strongest Fae warrior in the world who is too stoic and hundreds of years older than her and a legend that her dad knew about is just such a big jump to make, haha. Like.... if I have to.....! (sob)
Obviously, I could be waaaay off-base about this lol. It's just what I suspect is creeping up, though my suspicions are often wrong. I hope I'm wrong.
Here are some of my other predictions, in no particular order of importance: (1) Chaol will die to save either Aelin or Dorian (please), (2) Manon will end up killing her grandmother (Asterin will help!), (3) Aelin will leave Fleetfoot at the cottage house forever, (4) Aedion will die, possibly to save Rowan, (5) Ansel will eventually join forces with Manon and Elide, and (6) we WILL see the merchant who traded his 20 years of life for spidersilk again!
Anyways, LOVE Aelin making friends with Lysandra, LOVE her internal dialogue about what might have happened to Kaltain if Celaena had actually taken the time to talk to her, LOVE(D) Dorian and Sorscha, very lukewarm on Nesryn, and LOVE Abraxos. I'm having a great time so far and am looking forward to reading on! Looking forward to Arobynn's downfall! Thanks for letting me share! :)
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